0/ 1954
Editor-in-Chief Nancy Hawonh
Business ~anager Dottie Breeser
Theodore R. Walter Editorial Advisor
George D. Thomas Business Advisor
SEATED AROUND TABLE. LEFT TO RIGHT: Dr. J. Leonard Halderman, Superintendent; Leslie L. Taylor, Treasurer; Roben B. Greer, Solicitor; Russell E. Hoohl, President; Elizabeth S. Pusey, Secretary; John C. Spahr, William H. Jones. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: David C. Wolstenholme, Francis Harrigan.
The Springfield Township School Board has had ,'In unusually active year. We have been able to see the completion of a nine room addition to the Scenic Hills Elementary School. We have seen the start and considerable progress made in the construction of a new high schoo'!. The Board has also started planning of an additional elementary school to be located in the Southwestern portion of the' community. The Board has followed with keen interest the educational growth of the school population. While you are increasing in numbers to the point where it was necessary to inaugurate double sessions in.the secondary school this year, we are pleased to observe that this ' has,worked no apparent hardship academically. We are extremely proud of our Senior Class and take this opportunity to wish them every possible success. "'~ Best wishes, . Russell E~ Hoehl, President
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To our high school, in token of the good times we have found here, we dedicate the 1954 Scrivener. Soon, this bUilding will be overshadowed by the new school now being constructed. But we shall always remember this, our Alma Mater, because we know that old friends are best. The Class of '54
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When enough men and women throughout the world learn to live well together, ways can and will be found to move away from the brink of disaster created by our present scientific and atomic knowledge. Each of you should get clearly in mind the importance of your life in this confused world. Perhaps these lines will help you understand the message I wish to convey: Is anyone happier because you passed their way? Is anyone glad because you lived today? Your high school days are over, preparation time is through, Will others be benefitted, or will it be only you? As you go through the years, will they be well or poorly spent? Will you be remembered for your kindness, or for discontent? And when you close your final books to move onto God's stage Will people say, "There was a man big enough for the Atomic Age!" Best wishes for your success and happiness,
J. Leonard Halderman Superintendent
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Richard K. Smith, principal E. Thompson Richardson, assistant principal
WILLIAM J. NUNAN Administrative Assistant
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ROSEANNA ACINAPURA "Rosie" Business Girls' Chorus. pres. 2; Dramatic Club. 2; Choir 3,4; Student Council. 3; Scrivener; Spri-Hian 4; Senior play, usher. "Where's it hurt?" Sweet and cute••• the Dutch-ess••• would like to take notes in the altitudes••• known by her long blonde hair: Ambition: To raise a Track Team.
E. ALBERT ADLER, JR. "Bert" Academic Orchestra 2.3,4; Football 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Baseball 2; Intramural Bowling 3. 4; Inter-scholastic Bowling 4; Varsity Club 4; Senior Play, lighting. "A basic concept, idealisticly speaking. " Heard before seen••• plays violin in orchestra.•• never seen with an empty car••• real nice guy. Ambition: Engineering.
MARGARETTA LOUISE AIKMAN "Lu Lu" Business Dramatic Club 2; Girls Chorus 2; Hockey 2.3.4; Basketball 2.3. co-captain. 4; Baseball Intramurals 203; Choir 2.3; Tennis 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Senior Play, programs; Scrivener; Spri-Hian.
4· "Have you seen Carol anyplace?" Plenty of spunk•.• whiz on the basketball court•.• loves (?) shorthand••• always smiling. Ambition: To be five foot tall.
HERTHA JANE ADLER "Hertha" Academic Orchestra 2,3,4; Spanish Club 2.4; Band 3. 4; District Orchestra 3,4; Senior Play, tickets; Spri-Hian 3.4. "Good morning I " Fiddles a mean bow••• has a friendly smile for everyone••. future custodian of the chalk and erasers. Ambition: Elementary teacher.
BEVERLY ANN BEACHER "Bev" Academic "I daresn'tl" Blonde bombshell from upstate••• lost without Diane••• always in a dither•.• receives letters from the wrong party ••• keen dresser••. and wowll those eyes. Ambition: To be on time for the school bus just once1
HORACE WADE BEDWELL "Rebel" Academic Track 2. "Yo-lo-se-rodol" Science is his meat•.• strict Democrat••• fights for the Confederacy... loves to argue with "The Chief" ... seen but not heard. Ambition: To move down to that good old Southern soil •
FRANK CHARLES BEHRLE "Dutch" General Band 2,3; Orchestra 2.3; Track 2,3; Bowling 2, 3,4; Cross Country 3. "Oh. what a riotll" Dig that car••• has an interest on Parham Road••• seen often with Bruce••• terrific with that sax. Ambition: To go to California in a model "A" Ford
JOHN JAMES BELL "Jack" Academic Baseball 2.3.4; Band 2,3; Football 3; Monitor 4; Senior Play, tickets. "I guess that's the way it goes." Great addition to the baseball team••• quiet till you get to know him••• will miss a sophomore in June. Ambition: To be on time for dates.
HELEN LENORE BELL "Lenore" Academic Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Tri -Hi- Y 4; Scrivener. editorial. "I'm leaving!" Interested in Marple••• drives a broken down Buick••• likes to wrestle••• gorgeous blonde (1) hair.
FRANCIS JOSEPH BLOOMINGDALE "Frank" Academic Track 2. 3,4; Dramatic Club 2.3,4; Operators Club 3.4; Spri -Hian 3.4; Press Club 4; Rifle Club 4. "Remember Charlie I " Always seen snapping the camera••• never long in one place ••• always alive (?) in class••• seen hitchhiking to Clifton. Ambition: Electronics.
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HARRY HUBBS BORGARD "Bud" Academic Cross Country 2. 3; Bowling 3.4; Basketball Intramurals. Ronnie's pal••• his Friday nights are taken up at "The Well"••• always having troubles with the girls.
DOROTHY ANN BREESER "Dottie" Academic Spri -Hian 2.4; Band 3.4; F. T. A. 4; Senior Play. usher; Scrivener. Business Manager; Tennis intramurals. "Oh. MotherJ" Capable business manager of the Scrivener••• loves Albright••• always. good for a laugh. Ambition: Lady barber.
RONALD JOHN BOSBYSHELL "Ron" General Football 2; Operators Club 203.4; Bowling 203.4; Dramatic Club 2; Track 3.4; Monitor 4. "No jokes." Has an attraction in the typing room••• one of the big four••• has a knack for getting black eyes. Ambition: To do anything.
ANNA MAE BRICKA "Elaine" General Bus. Girls' Chorus 2; Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Thespian Society 3.4; Senior Play. cast; Scrivener; Spri-Hian 4. "See what I mean. Jelly Bean?" Cute blonde... seen in the commerical office daily••• great actress with personality plus • •• most of her heart troubles out-of-state. Ambition: To make my home in Indiana.
JEANNETTE THERESA BRISTOW "Jeannie" Academic Girls' Chorus 3; Library Assistant 3.4; Choir 4; Senior PIa y. usher. "Hello. dear" Friendly to everyone••• lends her soprano voice to the choir••• would make a good librarian••• love that naturally curly hair. Ambition: Comptometer operator at Piaseki.
SHARON LEE BROWN "Sherry" Academic Choir 2,3.4; Inuamural Baseball 2.3.4; Bowling 3.4; Twirler. sergeant 3.4; Press Club 4; F. LA. 4; Scrivener; Student Council 4; Rifle Club 4; National Honor Society
ANTHONY THOMAS CAMEROTE "Tony" General Track 2; Football 3,4. "Oh. Yeah?" Great with the football••• embarrassing moments in P. A. D••••• always (?) studying. Ambition: Be a bookie and get rich quick.
"Be good" Valuable to the twirlers••• looks swell in her uniform••• always seen with Helen••• natural blonde. Ambition: ' Elementary teacher.
4· "See that fight (or game) last night?" A real wit••. lends his voice to the choir••. can take a joke as well as give one.
ANGELA IRMA DESIDERIO "Johriny" Business Girls' Chorus '2; Dramatic Club 2.3; SpriHian 4. "I'M tired" Always laughing••• plenty of spunk.•• seen with Joan••• short and cute••• will do anything for a friend••• has personality plus. Ambition: Secretary
MARTIN EUGENE DELL "Marty" Academ{c Baseball 203.4; Dramatic Club 2; Choir 3. 4; Basketball Inuamurals 3; Student Council vice president 4; Basketball manager 2. 3,4; Quartete 3,4; National Honor Society
LORRAINE DiLACQUA "Laurie" Business Girls' Chorus 2; Scrivener. Spri-Hian 4; Senior Play, make-up. "What time does the bell ring?" One of those quiet ones••• sweet and nice••• immaculate dresser••• seen with Angie••• whiz in the sl).orthand. Ambition: To be a private secretary. '
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R BETTE ALICE DENICE "Bet- Bet" Academic Varsity Hockey 2.3 • Captain 4; Band 2.3. treasurer 4; Orchestra 2.3, treasurer 4; Varsity Club 2.3. Vice-president 4; SpriHian 2,3. Sports Editor 4; Basketball 2.3. 4; Baseball intra murals 2.3.4; Bowling 2.3; Scott's-Hi-Q 3,4; National Honor Society 3.4; Tennis 3,4; Scrivener. business; Senior Play. usher; F. T. A. 4. "What's ja say? " Ohl so short and sweet.•. makes the hockey team "click" .•• always wearing a smile. Ambition': To be six-feet tall.
DONALD JOSEPH DlRREN "Don" Academic Football 2.3.4; Baseball 2; Student CounCil2.3; Choir 2.3.4; Operators Club 2.3, secretary 4; Varsity Club 3.4; Class Officer. Vice-president 4; Senior Play. cast. "Is that right? " Great addition to the Football team.•. likes the weekends at the shore with Don and? ? ? ..• liked to "Stretch" out in the play.
LOUIS DOMINICK DeSANTIS "Lou" Academic Dramatic Club 2; Choir 2; Boys' Quartet 3. 4; Senior Play. property. "You're all shook up." Seen with Bill..• adds his voice to the quartet••• likes (?) solid..• Oh that black wavy hair. Ambition: To earn ,enough money to buy the "Chief" some DDT.
THEODORE JOHN DRABCZYK "Ted" Academic Football 2.3.4; Baseball 2.3.4; Track 4. "Wha t do you do, live over there now? " Seen with Tony and Don.•• practices the "Half-Nelson·s"•.• Terrific half-back on the big eleven. Ambition: To keep away from the girls 'cross town. '
FREDRICK CLEMENT DREYER JR. "Rick" General Business Operators Club 2. 3. 4; Track 2.4; Orchestra 2; Band 2; Cross Country 2.3.4; Dramatic <:lub 2.3. president 4; Thespian Society 3. 4; Senior Play. cast; Monitor. Student Council. officer 4; Scrivener. business. "When are ya' getten married? " Big operator in more ways than one ... OHI those eyes... big man with the drums ..• visits Shellburne Road constantly. Ambition: To get the hot" 39" on the toad again 1I and to marry Sandy I
GORDON MERLE EBERLY "Gordon" General Business Basketball 2,4; Service Club 4; Track 4. "No Kidding" Tall, light and lanky••• won't give the girls a chance••• agile with the basketball••• one of the big four. Ambition: To get married early.
JOAN CATHERlNE ECKMAN "Joanie" Business Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3,4; Dramatic Club 2; Scrivener, Business; Spri-Hian, Business,
"Terrific." Just a peanut••• whizz with shorthand••• adores (?) P.A.D ••• always in a dither••• free from problems of the heart••• always with Joanie. Ambition: To be a secretary.
General "Don" Basketball 2; Track 3,40 "Who wants to play pool?" Snappy dresser ••• one of the "Big 0) Three"••• drives a snazzy "40 Ford"••• wolf on the loose. Ambition: Own and drive a racing car at Indianapolis.
MYRLE VESEY E1KNER "Biddie" Academic Choir 2,3,"4; Softball Intramurals 203; TriHi-Y 3.4; BOWling 3,4; Senior Play, publicity. "I don't know." Likes 0) old cars and boys named Frank••• seen with Mary Ann at "Royalaire" practice••• classy clothes••• fun to know. Ambition: To learn how to drive to please Mr. Madeira.
THOMAS ANDREWS EYERLY, JR. "Tom" Academic Band 2,3, president 4; Brass Choir 203,4; Senior Play, cast; Monitor; Thespian Society 4; "My Mother says" Dick's standby•.• seen behind a trombone••. a crackerjack••• salesman of grass sead. Ambition: Engineering Salesman.
DA VID JEROME ELLIOTT "Jerry" Academic Track 2.3. co-caprain 4; Bowling 2.3; Choir 2.3.4; Operator's Club 2.3. treasurer 4; Football 2.3. manager 4; Cross Country 4; Senior Play. cast; Varsity Club 4; Ath~ Ie tic Council 4. "oh well. that's the way the ball bounces." Tall. blond and good-looking... lends his merits to the track team..• a"lways has a smile... wonderful actor.
CAROL ANNE FAIRLAMB "Carol" Academic Hockey 2.3.4. manager; Dramatic Club 2. 4; Bowling 2.3.4; Libraty Assisrant 2.3.4; Baseball Intramurals 2.3; Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; Varsity Club 4; Tennis 3; Scrivener; SpriHian 4; Senior ?lay. property committee; Rifle Club. executive officer 4. "What a panic ... Tall. dark and georgeous ... easy to see in the role of .. Private Secretary" ..• enjoys managing the hockey team .•. wonderful gal. Ambition: Not to blush at evetything.
MARGARET ANN EVANS "Peggy" Academic Tri-Hi- Y 2.3. treasurer 4; Baseball Intramurals 2.3; Choir 2.3.4; Spri-Hian 3. business; Tennis 3; Scrivener. business; Senior Play. usher; Basketball Intermurals 4; Bowling 3.4. "Wait a second... Favorite sport is hiccoughing.•. "Giggles" is her middle name... bubbling personality..• a future Florence Nightingale.•. short and cu'te. Ambition: To marry a nice. cute intern at University of Pennsylvania. JOHN RICHARD FITCH "Jack" Academic Band vice-president 3. student director 4; Orchestra 2.3.4; District Band 2.3.4; District Orchestra 203.4; Track 2.3; Intramural Bowling 3.4; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Honor Society 3.4. '·Oh. I say there! .. Quiet until you get to know hlm... master ralent to the band and orchestra. Ambition: To be president of a girls' college.
AUDREY DORIS GERBER Business "Aud" Choir 2.3.4; Senior play. usher; Spri-Hian 4. typing. "Hello there... Seen with Jeanne•.. always laughing... speed demon at a typewriter..• enjoys choir and half sessions..• nice to be with. Ambition: To live at Grove Point with? II?
PATRICIA RUTH HILL "Pat" Business Dramatic Club 2; Choir 3.4; Girls Chorus 2; Scrivener. business; Spri-Hian 4; Senior play. usher."Oh, croak!" A girl with a sparkling personality is bound to be a big success as dancer sharp dresser. Ambition: To be a dancer.
WILLIAM JEROME HOLSCHER "Dutch" Academic Choir 2.3. president 4; Track 2.3. co.captain 4; Varsity Club 2.3.4; Quartette 3.4; Senior Play. stage crew; Monitor; Football 2; Basketball 2; Cross-Country 4; F. T. A. 4; Student Counci14. "Where's Roseanna ? " Partial to blondes.•. hard to beat in the mile..• always has a smile for everyone. Ambition: To run in the Olympics.
MARTHA ALIDA JOHNSON "Martie" Business Choit 203.4; "Guess what? " One of the few with long naturally blonde hair••• blends her soprano voice in the choir..• blessed with plenty of spunk. . Ambition: To be able to cook Newt's favo- : rite dishes.
MORRIS CHRISTIAN HOVEN "Morrie" Academic Football 2.3. co-captain 4; Varsity Club 2. 3.4; Band 2.3.4; Orchestra 2.3.4; Brass Choir 2.3.4; Bowling 3.4; Baseball 3.4; Class Treasurer 2; Class President 3.4; Monitor 4; National Honor Society 3.4. "Gees-o-flip. " Capable president..• possessor of a talented toe... toots a mean trumpet•.. keeps the girls guessing••. terrific guy. Ambition: To be a big business executive. CAROL LYNNE JONES "Jonesy" Academic Band 2; Softball Intramurals 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3. vice-president 4; F. T. A. 3. secretary 4; Dramatic Club 3. vice president 3. treasurer 4; Tennis 3; Bowling 3; Spri-Hian 3.4; Spanish Club 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play. usher•• "Now where's Lu Lu? " Short and sweet.•• has s smile for everyone•.• enjoys decreasing the Bachelor Club's membership. Ambition: To teach second graders the art of "short-changing. "
RICHARD LA THAM HOWELL "Motts" General Football 3,4; Varsity Club 3.4. "Wow". Short but strong.•• football star••• seen with the boys••• hasn't given the girls a break yet••• liked by all. Ambition: To be a football player.
MARY ELIZABETH HUNSICKER "Beth" Academic Basketball Intramurals 2; Softball Intramurals 2,3; Student Council 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Bowling 4; National Rifie Association 4; Senior Play. make-up. "Oh. you bird)" Newcomer to Springfield this year••• sweet and sincere••• likes to bowl••• loves (1) physics class••• Springfield's gain. Allentown's loss. Ambition: Return to S.H. S. as a teacher and pass all girls taking physics.
JOYCE ELIZABETH KEDERIS "Joycebo" Business Spri-Hian. business 4; Softball 1ntramurals 3,4: "Whata yuh say 1" Blonde and pretty••• loves shorthand (1) ••• has all the answers in English class (1)••• will write the letters B-1-L-L in her sleep. Ambition: To marry Bill.
CAROL ANN KLAMT "Carol" Academic J. V. Basketball 3: Varsity Basketball 4; Scrivener. business; Spri-Hia!l 4: Bowling
4· "Has anybody seen Herthal" An asset to the basketball team••• Hertha's shadow••• Neat dresser••• never (1) talks in English. Ambition: To teach second grade.
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DONALD CHARLES KRESGE "Pip" Business Football 2, 3.4; Basketball 2.3.4; Baseball 203. co-captain 4; Varsity Club 4. ''Now don't get smart." Terrific on basketball court••• one of the big four••• a real comic••• tall, lean and keen. Ambition: To live the rest of my life.
DOROTHY JANE LANDIS "Dott" Academic Bowling 2.3,4; Dramatic Club 203.4; TriHi-Y 3.4; Library Assistant 2.3,4; Senior Play, cast; Thespian Society 4; Scrivener, editorial. "Where's Marce 1" Seen sporting around in that blue convertible••• likes her fifth peri0d Spanish••• will make a doting mother.•• always on the go. Ambition: To get through College.
DEBORAH HAZELL LAPPIN "Deb" Academic Basketball 2;, Softball Inuamurals 2; Band 2.3; Choir 203,4; Disuict Chorus 4; TriHi-Y 4; Spri-Hian 4; Scrivener 4. "Don't get all shook." Tall and pretty••• enjoys those visits to National Park••• fast short order cook. '•• swell kid••• had fun at Disuict Chorus. Ambition: To learn to be a good housewife.
JOAN ELAINE MARCHESON "Marbo" Academic Girls' Chorus 2; Softball Inuamurals 2.3,4; BOWling 2,3; Spri-Hian, editorial 2.3,4; Choir 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, secretary 4; Tennis 3; Scrivener, An Editor; Class Officer, secretary 3; F. T.A. 3. president 4; Senior Play, cast; Thespian Society 4; National Honor Society 4. "C'm.on you guys" ••• short. and sweet interested in P. M. C.... always seen with Nan••• smart dresser••• capable president of the F. T.A. Ambition: To replace "Our Miss Brooks".
NANCY JANE LYNCH "Nan" Business Dramatic Club 203; Girls' Chorus 2; Softball Inuamurals 2,3,4; Tennis 3,4; Basketball Inuamurals 4; Scrivener, Copy Editor; Spri-Hian, business 4; '~Whw-whwl Packard Clipper just went byl " Reminds you of a dizzy blonde••• cute and tall... helped make the Scrivener a big success••• just loves (1) shorthand••• a swell girl with a smile for everyone. Ambition: To keep the curse word shorthand out of my vocabulary.
FRANK JOSEPH MARCONE "Sonny" Academic "Hi, Fredl" Always has a different car••• a real brain (l)... hot rod happy... enjoyed initiation•••.loves (?) chemistry class. Ambition: To graduate.
LILLIAN JEAN MacCAIN "Lillian" Business "What I mean is.... " Sweet and blonde ..• enjoys third period English, es pecially "Silly Words"•.. has interests out of town•• wonderful seamstress .•. guards them well in basketball... everyone enjoys her cheerful personality, friendship and gleaming smile. Ambition: To have a life of my own.
BART McCOURT "Bart" Genetal Stage cre~13, 4; I Repair crew 3. Favorite subject is shop..• seen with Ronny ..•. aspires to be on the Honor Roll more than once..• drives a Chevie .•. always has a earful. Ambition: To make enough money to buy a new car.
MARCIA MALZ "Marce" Academic Tri-Hi- Y 2,3,4; Dramatic Club 2,3,4: Bowling 2,3,4; Softball Intramurals 3; Scrivener. "I.have the carl" Nice and quiet..• always makes a good "strike" •.. partial to blue cars••• historically minded. Ambition: To hook a millionaire.
JANET CLAIRE McNEIL' "Jan" Business Girls Chorus 2; Dramatic Club 2,3, secretary 4: Tri-Hi-Y 3,4; Softball Intramurals 2; Sctivener, business; Spri-Hian 4; Thespian Society 3,4. "What-a-ya got? A caVity in your cranium. " A teeny tiny size straw-berry blonde ••. always handy, with a joke•.. shorthands wonder girl. •. seen in a varsity sweater with the letter "W". Ambition: To fly on my trapeze with the greatest of ease.
ANITA JOAN MELCHIORRE "Chicken" Business Spri-Hian, business 4; Baseball Intramurals
4· "Oh .well, that's the way it goesl " Always wearing a smile•.•. shorthand is her favotite (1) subject.•. makes profitable visits to Florida ..• has interests out of town. Ambition: To be a secretary.
IRENE RICA MILLER "Mil" Academic Tri-Hi-Y 203,4; BoWling 2.j.4; Dramatic Club 2,3.4; Scrivener. Editorial. "Oh.Deart ..... Quiet and mild-mannered ••• wonderful actress••• has that enviable naturally curly hairt Ambition: To reach Juniata.
SANDRA CAROLYN MOLIN "Sandy" Academic Girls' Chorus 2; Bowling 2; Dramatic Club 2; Hockey 2.3.4; Softball Intramurals 2.3; Library Asst•• 2.3.4; Choir 3.4; Student· Council. Secretary 3.4; Spri-Hian. Editorial 3.4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Varsity Club 4; Scrivener. Business 4; Senior Play. Publicity. Property; Honor Society 4. "C'mon. let's go. you kidst "••• Full of vigor and determination•.• always lending a helping hand••• Cutet ••• and terrificl ••• Minute-keeper of Student Council. Ambition: To carry on a French conversa-. tion with Judy.
RODMAN GLENN NORTH "Rod" Academic Footba,ll 2,3; Intramurals 3; Rifle Club. President 4. "Hi Yal ". " Quite the drummer••• always bumming cigarettes••• seems to like Soph0more girls••• loves (?) to do homework. Ambition: To be a mechanic.
RICHARD LEE MOSSMAN "Peter" Business Football 2,3.4; Varsity Club 4; "Right behind youl" Can be seen making the rounds at Aronomink••• a menace to pedestrians••• makes frequent visits to the corner of Powell and Saxer.
WILLIAM PARKER "Bill" "Academic Cross Country 3. co-captain 4; Choir 2.3.4; Track. 2.3.4; Student Council 4; Service Club 4; Varsity Club 4; Athletic Council. 4; Monitor. 4. "Hey. Harryl ..... Always smiling... definitely a Democrat••• liked by all••• Ex-member of the Bachelors' Club.
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BRUCE MUELLER "Kuna" Academic Band 2; Dance Band 3.4; Orchestra 2.3.4; Baseball 2.3.4; Bowling 3.4; Senior Play. tickets. "How do \" Quick with the answers.•. second Jerry Lewis seen with Rod and Frank .•• loves them all toots a crazy horn. Ambition: "To carve my name in the "Chief's desk".
DONALD RALPH PASQUELLA General "Don" Football 2.3.4; Track 4. "Got my work done--thanks buddy" A football hero•.. one of the "Three Muskeeters" .• . seen rolling logs down to Mr. Madeira's house .•• drives (? ) a Buick. Ambition: To pass Mr. Madeira's English class.
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RICHARD WOLFORD NICHOLS "Nick" Academic Bowling 2; Intramural 3.4; Operator's Club 2.3.4; Track 2.3.4; Dramatic Club 2.3; Cross Country 3.4; Basketball 2; Varsity Club 3.4; Choir 4; Monitor 4; Senior Play. Cast; Baseball 4; Thespian Society 4. Likes the girls•.. played his part as the big lover well. .. wears those white (?) bucks ... seen often at the "Well". Ambition: To be a jet pilot.
VICTORIA ELIZABETH PFLIEGER "Vicky" Business Dramatic Club 2; Cheerleader 2.3. co-captain 4; Library Assistant 2.3.4; Softball Intram urals 2; Choir 3.4; Spri-Hian. editorial 3.4; Varsity Club 4; Scrivener. business. "C'mere. I got som'thing t' tell you. " Keeps the cheerleaders stepping... partial to tall people with blond hair•.. cute with a capital C... Oh. those dimples. Ambition: To invent a system for Mr. Nunan.
SHIRLEY ANN PIGAGE "Spook" Business Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3.4; Dramatic Club 2,3.
"l'm-a-see you please." Aspires to be a model. .. hobby is letter writing••• has a wonderful voice which she adds to choir. Ambition: To be a model.
RICHARD ALAN PLOTTS "Dick" General Business Dramatic Club. 2; Choir. 3.4; Track. 3.4. "If you first don't succeed try. try again... Likes the girls••• adds his tenor voice to the choir••• a real good spon••. real friendly ••• quite a joker••• authority on world affairs. Ambition: To be a 30-year man in the army.
ELAINE JOSEPHINE POESCHL "Reds" Bus~ness Library Asst•• 2.3.4; Spri-Hian. Typing. 4; Senior Play. Usher. "Oh, boyt ..... Is it really red? loves (?) typing••• seen with Audrey••• has a good sense of humor. Ambition: To stay out of trouble.
JOHN RUGGIERIO "John" Business Operators' Club 2.3.4; Band 2; Senior Play. stage crew. "Do you want a good car? ..... Quiet and nice••• can be seen driving a "Chevie••• always willing to help. and does a good job••• leve that wavy hair. Ambition: To graduate.
WALLACE EDWARD POPE "Wally" Academic Hails from Upper Darby••• sports a Frat jacket••• "Mighty Mouse ..... shon and snappy••• brilliant (?) chemist••• liked by all.
CHARMAINE ANN RYDER "Hopper" Business Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3. 4. "Wadda ya say. Spook? ..... blends her soPrano voice to the choir••• keeps sJeady company with Del••• natural blonde. Ambition: Secretary (??)
MARILY RUTH PUGSLEY "Mel" Academic Color Guard 2.3.4; Softball Intramurals 2; Class Secretary 2; Bowling 3; Spri-Hian. business 3; Senior Play. cast; Scrivener. Assistant Business Manager; National Honor Society 4. "I believe it" Miss Melody.•. weilds a mean. rifle at those football game.•. knows (?) people at PMC••• Ohl that hula. Ambition: Not to be an old maid in a few
JOYCE ANNE SALLADA "Joyce" Business Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Color Guard 2.3.4; Bowling 2.3; Girls' Chorus 2; Spri-Hian 3; Scrivener. Business; Senior Play. usher. "That's terrific" Short and sweet... walking fashion plate... cute marcher.•. never on time••. always in a dither. Ambj.tion: To be a receptionist in a hospital.
ANGELINA RUGGIERIO "Angie" Business Spri,.Hian typing 2.4; Girls' Chorus 2; TriHi-Y 3,4; Scrivener, Business; Senior Play. property. "Don't be latel" A medical secretary someday she'll be... quiet and very nice to know . .. love those beautiful black curls. Ambition: To be a medical secretary.
SARAH ELIZABETH SANDFORD "Bobbie" Academic Girls' Chorus 2; Softball Intramurals 2; Dramatic Club 2; Scrivener. business; SpriHian. editorial 4; Class Officer. secretaty
"Got your money? " Sweet as can be ..• courage is one thing she'll never lack... never stops for a breath•.. interested in Penn State in more ways than one. Ambition: To make up my mind.
JUDITH LYNNE SCHAUB "Judy" Academic Basketball 2,3. co-captain 4; Orchestra 2. 3.4; String Ensemble 2; Hockey 2.3.4; Bowling 2.3;4 Softball Intramurals 2.3; Senior Play. usher; Library Assistant 2.3. 4; Tennis 3.4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, secretary 3. president 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Dramatic Club 3; Varsity Club 2.3. treasurer 4; Spri-Hian 2,3. Assistant Editor 4; . Scrivener. editorial; F. T. A. Vice president
3· "Get off it, will ya I" AS good scholastically as she is in sports... "All-American" gal ..• likes college men. .• always busy helping.
SHIRLEY MARION SHEID "Shirl" Business Dramatic Club 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3.
4· "That's for the birdsl" Aspires to be an artist••• neat dresser••• tries to answer English questions••• lends her ability to the choir••• out of town interests. Ambition: To go into Art illustration.
CAROL ANN SCHOPF "Schopfie" Academic Hockey 2,3.4; Softball Intramurals 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3.4; Dramatic Club 3; Basketball Intramurals 4; Varsity Club 4; Scrivener 4; F. T.A. 4. "Honest to Johnl" Real terrific kid••• love that wonderful laugh••• real help to the hockey team••.• handy with a joke••• plans a teaching career. Ambition: To teach at West Point.
AUDREY LEE SLOAT "Audge" Academic Dramatic Club 2.3.4; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4; Bowling 3,4; Scrivener; Senior Play. prompter; Basketball Intramurals 4. "What do you think this is. Christmas~" Quiet and sweet••• dependable••• enjoys her summers in Maine••• gives the inside dope on P. M. C•••• worked hard on those Christmas cards. Ambition: To replace "Sitting Bull. "
CAROLE ANN SCIPIONE "Skippy" Academic Dramatic Club 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3. 4; Scrivener. Editorial; Basketball Intramurals 4; Spanish Club 4; Thespian Society 4; Senior Play. cast; F. T.A. 3; Librarian 4; National Honor Society 4. "Oh, my heartll" Friend to all••• loves (~) those three hour phone calls••• really livens up the choir••• enjoys those letters ftom out of town••• partial to the Poconos. Ambition: To graduate from college with my "MRS. " degree I
CHARLES EDWARD SONGSTER "Charlie" Academic Football, manager. 2.3.4; Cross Country 4; Track 3.4; Choir 3. secretary 4; Monitor; Senior Play. property. ''How about thatl" Minute man for the Choir••• traffic always runs (and we mean ~) smoothly at his monitors post••• Ohl that curly hair. Ambition: To work in aT. V. Station.
f n I
WILLIAM WILSON SHEFFER "Bill" Academic Operators Club 2.3.4. "You guys" Quiet man••• big operator (club that is )••• seen in the darkroom or behind a projector••• friend to all. Ambition: To be an electrician.
ROBERT DAVID SORENSON "Bob" Academic Football 2.3.4; Track 2.3.4; Monitor 4; National Honor Society 4. "And then what happened?" Can be seen but not heard. (except in classes)••• quite witty••• gives the teachers a rough time••• future politician.
ROY ALBERT SINGLEY "Roy" Academic Track 2.3; Football 3.4; BOWling 3.4; Tennis 3; Baseball 4. ''Heyak'' Loves (?) school••• football ace••• can be seen dashing around comers in a green Buick••• one of the boys.
WILLIAM FRANCIS SPECKMAN "Saint" Academic Latin Club 2; Spanish Club 3. "You're a good kid. but who likes goats?" Hails from West Chester••• good friend of the "Chief" ••• says his piece in class••• seen with the boys. Ambition: To work for my father.
o R S
JAMES BERNARD STRAIN 3d. "Jim" General Football 2,3.4; Choir 2.3; Student Council 2: Library Assistants 2,3; Varsity Club 3.4; Service Club 4. president; Class Officer. treasurer 4. "Rick. Guess what? I got troubles." Just a Poor Bachelor••• Mr. Advisor on all problems ••• Senior class money-bags••• greatest of pals to everyone... full of jokes and fun.
CAROLE ANN SULLIVAN "Carole" Academic Dramatic Club 2,3,4; Tennis Club; Scrivener, editorial; Senior Play, property; Rifle Club 4; F. T. A. 4: Basketball Intramurals. "Oh Crumbl "Quiet until you get to know her... love.s those visits to Williamson••• always has a carfull. .. will be a great teacher. Ambition: To get horne from school early.
ROBERT ARTHUR SYLVESTER "Bobbo" Academic Operator's Club 2,3,4; Monitor 4. "Meet you up at the station" Tall, dark and .handsome... seen speeding through Springfield••• has out of town interests.•• terrific dresser. Ambition: Marry Ginny and raise a happy family.
NANCY ANN von GLAHN "Nan" Academic Hockey 2,3,4; Twirler 2,3, Majorette 4; Spri-Hian 3,4; Orchestra 2,3, president 4; Library lissisrant 2; Softball Intr.amurals 2, 3; Tennis 3,4; F. T. A. 4; Senior Play, cast; National Honor Society 4. "Golly, that's oddly'" Catch that southern drawl. .• snappy as a majorette••. gives the boys a tough time••. terrific inner on the hockey team. Ambition: To join the Aquacade at Cypress Gardens.
STEPHEN PAUL SZEMES "Steve" Academic Football 2; Baseball 2; Rod and Gun Club 2; Dramatic Club 3,4; Baseball 4; Service Club 4. "Let's have a gash call, gang" Love that crew cut••• partial to underclassmen (B. G.) ••. just loves bookkeeping.•• dig that crazy car. Ambition: Get a full race roadster, and marry Betty.
LIDWINE MAY WALTERS "Windy" Academic Dramatic Club 2,4; Library Assisrant 2,3, 4; Bowling 2,3; Softball Intramurals 2,3,4; Spri- ilian, editorial; Rifle Club 4; Senior Play. tickets, Property. "You comin to club tonight? " Short and snappy.... heard before seen••. French (?) is her subject..• plans a nursing career•.. a lot of fun. Ambition: To get her mix unralked.
n I DONALD LLOYD TAYLOR "Don" Academic Football 2.3,4; Basketba1l2,J,4; Choir 2, 3,4; Varsity Club 2,3,4; Student Council, Treasurer 4. "Forget it." Excels in spons••• loves those week-ends in Ocean City••• Ph. those shoulders••• has a hard time making up his mind••• keeps those gills guessing. Ambition: To graduate with honors.
MARGUERITE WARNOCK ''Mug'' Business Girls' Chorus 2. "Oh. I don °t believe you" Shon and sweet • • • full of pep••• keeps her friends laughing ••• seen with a certain artist from Nether Providence. Ambition: Bookkeeper.
WILLIAM FAlRLAMB TOLLENGER "Bill" Academic Choir 4; Rifle Club 4. "Gripes" On the quiet side... enjoys singing bass in the choir••• Lou's shadow... likes discussing things with Mr. Madeira••• "Whistler and his dogl ". Ambition: Engineering.
GEORGE RICHARD WELLS "Dick" Academic BOWling 3. 4, Dramatic Club 3. 4; Operators Club 4. Monitor 4. "Step into my private office" Quiet until you know him••• mathematical wizard ,(?) ••• other interests beside his work at Food Fair••• One of the boys. Ambition: Electrical Engineer.
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PETER VAN HOUTEN WIEST "Pete" Academic Baseball 2; Dramatic Club 3; Intramurals 3; BOWling 3.4; Operators Club 4; Monitor; Senior Play. cast. Springfield's gain, Yeadon's loss... Always being quizzed by Mr. Maderia (knows the answers. tool )...seen at Playtown Park... always ready to help... has a big hello for all. Ambition: To be a lawyer.
DEBORAH ANNE WILKINSON "Debbo" . Business Girls' Chorus 2; Dramatic Club 3; SpriHian, 4. "Know what I mean, Jelly ~ean?" Cute and snazzy••• love those clothes••• likes her men from out of town••• dig the crazy suedes. Ambition: Further education.
IRENE ANNE WILSON "Rene" Business Color Guard 2,3. co-captain 4; BOWling 3, 4; Scrivener, Layout Editor; Rifle Club 4; Senior Play, cast. "Don't be nasty" Tall and lovely••• smart dresser••• oh, that smile••• a wonderful color-guard••• likes the shore••• full of fun. Ambition: To be a Powers model.
DA VID ALFRED WOODRUFF "Woody" Academic Football 2.3. co-captain 4; Baseball 2,3, co-captain 4; Basketball 2,3. captain 4; Choir 2,3,4; BOWling 2; Class Officer. Vice Pres. 2.3; Student Council 3. president 4; Monitor 4. "Let's not get carried away." Ably runs our Student Council... Mr. Touchdown, U. S. A. • •• a born leader... excels in sports••• love that red convertible. Ambition: To get through college. JOAN WRIGHT "Joanie" Business Student Council 2,3.4; Girls' Chorus 2; Dramatic Club Secretary-Treasurer, 2; BOWling 203; Library Assistant 2.3; Choir 3,4; Spri-Hian. Business 3,4; Scrivener. Business 4; National Honor Society 3.4. "Birds" Short and cute••• can be seen talking to a monitor outside of room 19••• ably manages the Spri-Hian Business Staff••• her hobby is giggling. Ambition: To take a cruise on the U. S. S. Midway.
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S FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Morris Hoven, President; Donald Dirren, Vice-President; Sarah Sandford, Secretary; James Strain, Treasurer.
Mr. James W. Weaver and Miss Margaret G. Graham, Advisers.
"Our deepest appreciation, always, for your guidance and help during our stay at Springfield High School. . . . . Class of '54
REMEMBER WHEN we had our first class meeting? It was on October 4, 1951. First we had to practice on "How to Conduct a Meeting", then we elected Larry Sault as President; Dave Woodruff, Vice-President; Marilyn Pugsley, Secretary; and Morrie Hoven. Treasurer. THE FIRST big event we undertook was our Soph Hop. On March ~ we held a meeting to get the plans underway. Our theme was "Sakura Toki", or Cherry Blossom Time. Our gym on May 2, 1952, was in its glory, dressed in blush pink and nile green. We had a genuine, sparkling goldfish pond and a Japanese pagoda garnished with fresh flowers. We all thought our Soph Hop was the best. Of course we had the usual Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Turnabout Dances. THEN REMEMBER our Junior year, when we elected Morrie Hoven. President; Dave Woodruff, Vice-President; Joan Marcheson, Secretary; and Herbie Kerns, Treasurer? WE TOOK in $2469.36 on the annual magazine sale. The highest salesman was Judy Schaub, and she was awarded a radio. Then Student Council sponsored the Thanksgiving Dance, ancl the Christmas Dance. which we all will remember as our last one in this school. Of course, we shall always remember our Turnabout Dance, and the girls' mad rush for the guys. Then we started planning the Junior-Senior Prom. It was held at the Bala Golf Club, Bala Cynwood, on June 5. 1953. That night we sentimentally looked forward to our Senior Year. THEN CAME the realization that at last we were Seniorsl With our new, thrilling half-sessions, we enjoyed coming to school. Morrie Hoven came back as our able President, and Don Dirren was our Vice-President; Secretary was Sarah Sandford. and Treasurer, Jimmy Strain.
_'!Ie elected officers again;
WE ALL immensly enjoyed our trip to New York on November 16th. We were divided into three groups and had three buses~ We visited the United Nations Buildings, Radio City, and N.B.C. Radio and TV Station. Remember "Heart of My Heart" and our melodious voices blended in harmonyl? The parts we remembered most were those beautiful U. N. bUildings and our conducted tour throughout those nationally known modern structures. We cooperated with Mr. Hall fairly well, and appreciated the careful planning and the trouble he went through to make our trip successful. Our Christmas Card Sale was also successful, with Mr. Weaver taking the responsibility. THEN ON December 29th we had our first class party, which turned into an evening of fun and friendships. OUR LAST Soph Hop and the choosing of the May Queen came so quickly after that. OF COURSE on May 20th and 21st we took our long-awaited trip to Washington D.C. We sawall the interesting sights and enjoyed ourselves so much that we hated to leave. Horne and back to those dreaded final examsl But they were soon forgotten when we were the -guests of the Class of '55 at the Junior-Senior Prom on June 4th. On June 6 we had bacclaureate, then we went to our Senior Dinner-Dance. and ended our fun at commencement on June 9th. WHENEVER we look back on our years at Springfield High School. we still see work and tears, play and fun. We will always remember the friendship and cooperation of our teachers, and their guiding light.
MOST POPULAR Bette Denice Dave Woodruff
Cougar j .~
,..,. ..
â&#x20AC;¢. ...
BEST DRESSED Marilyn \,ugsley Bob Sylvester
BEST WOKING Roseanne Acinapura Dave Woodruff
MOST ATHLETIC Judy Schaub Dave Woodruff
MOST T ALKA TIVE Lidwine Walters Amand Hahn
MOST DIGNIFIED Beth Hunsicker Jack Fitch
MOST FLIRTATIOUS Sharon Brown Fred Dreyer
MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Christine Herrmann Jack Fitch
FRIENDLIEST Carol Jones Jim Strain
CUTEST Bene Denice Don Pasquella
CLASS CLOWNS Anna Mae Bricka Bruce Mueller
TYPICAL SENIORS Joan Marcheson Jim Strain
BEST LEADERS Christine Herrmann Morrie Hoven
QUIETEST Lorraine Di Lacqua Don Harley
WE, THE GRADUATING CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOUR, of Springfield High School, Township of Springfield" County of Delaware, State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare these to be our Famous Last Words, hereby revoking any word or words heretofore said by us. I, ROSEANNA ACINAPURA, leave my first place in roll-call to Barbara Wright. t, BERT ADLER, leave my seat in Mr. Madeira's Deacon's row to any other sophomore lucky enough to have English in room I for three years. I, HERTHA ADLER, will to my sister Maryann my love of fiddling in orchestra. I, PEGGIE lDU AIKMAN, will best of luck in Shorthand II to anyone who is brave enough to take it. I, BEV BEACHER, will my ability to get along with English teachers to Diane Howard. I, HORACE BEDWELL, will the presidency of the YO-W-SE-TODO to anyone in the Junior Class living up to the standards set forth in the YO-LO-SE-TODO code. I, FRANK BEHRLE, will my love for Model-A Fords to anyone that can push them home from football games. I, HELEN BELL, bequeath to my cousin, Bob Johnson, my seat in Deacon's row in Mr. Madeira's English Class. I, JACK BELL, will to George "Romeo" St-arzman my ability to go steady. I, FRANK BWOMINGDALE, will to Elwood Peters my ability to pass P.A.D. without working and one-fifth of bonded & blended (pepsi-Cola?? ). I, HARRY BORGARD, bequeath my ability to get along well with my (teachers especially Mrs. Neely?) to Jim Stroud. I, RONNY BOSBYSHELL, will my privilege to call Mr. Nunan "Willie" to George Towers. I, DOTTIE BREESER, bequeath to Jimmy Samuels what's left of my strength (?) to carry the bass druml I, ANNA MAE BRICKA, leave my love (n for Mr. Gooden to anyone who has a heart big enough to accept it. I, JEANNIE BRISTOW, will my lunchtime walk with Audrey and Elaine to Elinor Poeschl if she learns to wink and smile. I, SHERRY BROWN, will to Lois Piercy the friendship and co-operation I had with my twirlers. I, TONY CAMEROTE, will my stool at Charlie's to Jay Charlesworth. I, MARTY DELL, bequeath my bass voice to Jack Barranger and tenor voice to Frank Coe. I, BETTE DENICE, bequeath my "hole-y" hockey socks to next year's Varsity; may they have a blistering season. I, lDU DeSANTIS, will my appreciation of the name "Sheldon" to anyone who needs an "A". I, ANGELA DESIDERIO, bequeath my room in Norristown to anyone who takes Shorthand II. I, WRRAINE DILACQUA, bequeath to my sister, Joan, my United Nations booklet from Mr. Hall's P.A.D. class. I, DON DIRREN, will leave. I, TED DRABCZYK, will my stool at Charlie's to Paul Robertson. I, FRED DREYER, will my stool at Charlie's to Bill Carpenter. I, GORDON EBERLY, will to Dick Neff the ability to get through the senior year. I, JOAN ECKMAN, will my Shorthand books to any Junior who wants them. I, MYRLE EIKNER, will to my sister, Sallie, my ability to go to summer school for Math. I, JERRY ELUOTT will my math ability to Bev Tuckwood. I, PEGGY ANN EVANS, will to my brother, Eddie, the ability to get out of class with the hiccups. I, DON EVONS, will the right to race on State Road at lunchtime to Paul Robertson. I, TOM EVERLY, will my ability to forget important things to Larry Parris. I, CAROL FAIRLAMB, will my ability to blush in English class to an unsuspecting Junior who is unlucky enough to be teased by Mr. Madeira. I, JACK FITCH, will to Dick Miller my presidency of the Bachelors Club. I, AUDREY GERBER, will my typing ability to anyone who needs it. I, DICK GERNHART, will to my sister my good marks (?) in solid. I, GLENNA GILGER, will to Karen Hoven my bottle of "Moonsheen" and my ability to use it so that no one knows the difference 0) I, RONNIE GOEBEL, will my luck? in chemistry to anyone who needs and wants it. I, AMAND HAHN, will to Dave Richards my ability to find my shorts after Cross Country practice. I, TOM HAPGOOD, will my posters, lettering, and Miss Heiss to Margie Angstadt. I, DON HARLEY, will my ability to keep my big mouth shut to Tom Fanelli and Jay Charlesworth. I, NAN HAWORTH, will the editorship of this wonderfUl book to the next victim. I, BETSY HELLER, will my ability to get out of English and chemistry classes to Nan Harrigan. I, CHRISTINE HERRMANN, will my "natural blonde" hair to Kate Corsby. I, PATTY HILL, will my dancing shoes to Sue Kierstead. I, JOHN C. HINRICHSEN, do hereby will Jigs to any Junior who can get the story out of Mr. Madeira. I, JERRY HOLSCHER, will my natural curly hair to Bill Carpenter. I, CARL W. HOLT, will my Presidency to the I. W. W, Society to Larry Marroni. I, MORRIE HOVEN, will to my sister, Karen, my rubber football teeth. She"ll need them in that goalie cage. I, DICK HOWELL, will my football shoes to Bob Small. I, BETH HUNSICKER, will to any Ike fan my Republican P. A. D. views. I, MARTHA JOHNSON, will my Shorthand, and ability to do it to my sister Alice. I, CAROL JONES, will my ability to bend glass tubes in chemistry class to Lee Willets. I, JOYCE KEDERIS, will my "love" for school to my brother, John. I, CAROL KLAMT, will my ability to talk at the wrong time in English class to my sister, Barbara. I, DON KRESGE, will my ability to break collar bones to anyone who wants them.
1954 I, DOTTI LANDIS, will my ability to stay in good with Mr. Madeira to Joe Finn; He'll need it. I, DEBBIE LAPPIN, will my yearning for "far away places" and the ring of the telephone to any Junior girl who dosen't mind waiting. I, NANCY LYNCH. will my ability to stay awake all night at P.J. parties to Kathy Aldinger. I, ULUAN J. MacCAIN. will my ability to get along with the teachers to anyone who desires the same. I, MARCIA MAlZ. will my ability to keep out of trouble in my senior year to Joe Finn. I, JOAN MARCHESON. will my ability to have a ring but not go steady to my sister, Adrienne. I, FRANK MARCONE, will all my chemistry homework to anyone who likes it. I. BART McCOURT. will my narmw parking space to any under class men who can get his car into it. I, JANET McNEIL. will my big (1) size 3 footsies to anyone who likes to shop in the "Kiddie Department". I, ANITA MELCHIORRE, will my typewriter in Office Practice to my sister, Carol. I, IRENE MILLER, will my love for the senior year to evety underclassman. I, SANDRA MOUN. will my love (1) for hockey practjce to Roxy Greene. I, JACKIE MOORE, will leave for Mississippi. I, RICHARD LEE MOSSMAN. will to my little brother the troubles Don willed to me. I, BRUCE MUELLER. will my 20 volumes of English notes to Mr. Madeira. I, DICK NICHOLS, will to "Sitting Bull" a feather for his bonnet. I, ROD NORTH, will my Model-A and all the parts, to anybody who wants them. I, BILL PARKER. will my pink sweat suit to Bob Holley. I, DON PASQUELLA. will my stool in Charlie's to Tom Fanelli. I, VICKY PFLIEGER, will my captain letter to Roxy Green. I, SHIRLEY PIGAGE, will my sneakers in gym class to Glenna Rice, because she never has any to wear. I, RICHARD PIDTTS, will my love for Choir to Joanne Robinson. I, ElJAINE POESCHL, will my ability to get along with the U. S. Army to my sister, Elinor. I, WALLY POPE, will my ability to have fun in the back of the bus to anyone who wants it. I, MARILYN PUGSIEY. will my love for P.M.C. to any Junior girl lucky enough to have an interest there. I, ANGIE RUGGIERIO, will all my books to anyone who is ambitious enough to ,?pen them. I, JOHN RUGGIERIO, will my privilege to park in front of the school to anyone who can squeeze into it. I, CHARMAINE RYDER, will my love for schOOl and my good marks (?) to Glenna Rice. (She'll need them). I, JOYCE SALLADA. will to Mary Jo Phillips the ability to get along with Mr. Miller and all the fun to a future color guard. I, SARAH SANFORD. will my position as Secretary of the Senior Class to Nan Harrigan. I, JUDY SCHAUB, will my love for m.usie and Mr. Miller to Kate Crosby. I, BILL SHEFFER, will to Mr. Madeira all the D's he gave me while studying Macbeth. I, SHIRLEY SCHEID. will my art board to Pat Downes. I, CAROL SCHOPF, will my hockey tunic to anyone who wants to hem it. I, CAROIE SClRIONE. will my "chlorine cough", broken test tubes. and worn out chemistry apron to my little brother (1) Johnny Waller. I, AUDREY SLOAT, will my job with the Christmas cards to anyone lucky (?) enough to get it. I, ROY SINGLEY. will my speed shoes to P.R. and hope that he will return them. I, CHARLES SONGSTER, will my great knowledge of Macbeth to any of the Juniors who will need it next year. I, BOB SORENSEN, will the Pogo Button. willed to me by Ernie Karger, to his brother, Bob Karger. I, JAMES B. STRAIN III, will my girl friend. Frances Walton, to George Starzman. I, CAROLE SULUVAN.â&#x20AC;¢ will my ability to get along with Mr. Madeira to my brother, Donald. I, BOB SYLVESTER,. will to my brothers my love and passing marks (n in physics and chemistry. I, STEVE SZEMES. will my one and only class ring to Betty Green. I, DON TAYWR. will my defensive and position to Jerry Mason. I, WILLIAM TOLIENGER. will to anyone in the "55" Senior Class, my presidency of Mr. Madeira's Walking Club. I, NAN vonGLAHN. will my bent baton and broken hockey stick to any Junior needing a weapon to fight his way out of chemistry Lab. I, UDWINE WALTERS, will my ability to get along with Mr. Hottenstein to my siste'r, Judy--if she's crazy enough to take chemistry. I, MARGUERITE WARNOCK, will my seat in Mr. Madeira's room to my brother, Buddy. I. PETE WIEST, will my ability to sit on Alexander Sheard's head in gym to anybody who gets tired while playing basketball and who needs to sit down and rest for a few minutes. I. DEBBY WILKINSON, will my ability to work the candy machine at 9:30 in the morning. to anyone who doesn't eat breakfast! I, IRENE WILSON. will my seat on the schOOl "bus" to Jerry Wenke!. I. DAVE WOODRUFF. will my ability to get past B-6 in mechanical drawing to Dick Shutt. I. JOAN WRIGHT, will my art ability (1) to Barbara Yochum. In witness thereof. we. the graduating class of nineteen hundred and fifty-four have set our hand and seal hereto this ninth day of June.
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1. Lorraine DeLacqua 2. Bill Parker 3. Carol Jones 4. Vicky pflieger 5. Marilyn Pugsley 6. Angie. John Ruggierio 7. Marcia Malz 8. Joyce Kederis 9. Don Kresge 10. Bill Tollenger 11. Bob Sorensen 12. Bill Sheffer--Sherry Brown 13. Frank Marcone 14. Dave Woodruff IS. Myrle Eikner 16. Irene Wilson 17. Horace Bedwell 18. Jerry Holscher 19. Bette I?enice 20. Nancy Haworth 21. Carole Scipione 22. Hertha Adler 23. Joyce Sallada 24. Fred Dreyer 25. Charles Songster 26. Jack Bell 27. Joan Eckman 28. Anna Mae Bricka 29. Irene Miller 30. Gordon Eberly 3 I. Beverly Beacher 32. Glenna Gilger 33. Bruce Mueller 34. Joan Wright 35. Lillian McCain 36. Charmaine Ryder 37. Jeannie Bristow 38. Don Taylor 39. Marguerite Warnock 40. Mary Beth Hunsicker 41. Debby Wilkinson 42. Don Evons 43. Steve Szemes 44. Rod North 45. Lenore Bell-Jerry Ellion 46. D~bby Lappin 47. Carol Schopf 48. Roseanna Acinapura
1. Ronnie Goebel--Tony Camerote 2. Shirley Pigage 3. Peggy Ann Evans 4. Sandy Molin 5. Jack Fitch 6. Elaine Poeschl 7. Lee Mossman 8. Janet McNeil 9. Morrie Hoven 10. Shirley Schied 11. Nancy Lynch 12. Carol Fairlamb 13. Martha Johnson 4. Marty Dell 15. Lidwine Walters 16. Dick Nichols 17. Bill Speckman 18. Dick Plotts 19. Dick Gernhart 20. Louis DeSantis--Ronnie Bosbyshell 21. Carol Klamt 22. Dick Wells 23. John Hinrichsen 24. Nancy VonGlahn 25. Judy Schaub 26. Sarah Sandford 27. Chris Herrmann 28. Dottie Breeser 29. Pat Hill 30. Betsy Heller 31. Carole Sullivan 32. Anita Melchiorre 33. Pete Wiest 34. Frank Bloomingdale 35. Tom Hapgood 36. Dottie Landis 37. Don Dirren 38. Angela Desiderio 39. Frank Behrle 40. Audrey Gerber 41. Audrey Sloat 42. Peggy Lou Aikman 43. Bob Sylvester
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Station Good evening friends, this is Comelius J. CO\lgar, your roving reponer, with this week's edition of "Rolling Stone". This week I visited the town of Springfield where the 1954 class of Springfield High School held its tenth annual reunion banquet. The banquet committee consisted of graduates LIDWINE WALTERS, nationally known parakeet uainer; ANITA MELCHIORRE, model for Charles Antell: JACK BELL, local uuant officer; TOM EVERLEY, author of "How to Charm Girls"; and MYRLE EIKNER, lion tamer. The committee was headed by SARAH SANFORD, presidem of Springfield's Women's Club. The chef, STEVE SZEMES, drew "ohs" and "ahs" from the group with his stylish preparation of JEAN BRISTOW'S famous potato salad, and NANCY LYNCH'S "never fail" chocolate cake which she plans to put on the market along with her other cake mixes. Taking tickets at the door were DON KRESGE, keeper at the Philadelphia Zoo, DON TAYLOR, captain of Ocean City's Beach Pauol, aI!.d BETSY HELLER, editor of "Limping Love" magazine. SHIRLEY PIGAGE, up and coming young vocalist, was accompanied by the well-known Royalaires, several of whom were graduates who returned to play with their former group for the occassion. These were MORRIE HOVEN, vice-president of the Dupont Company; FRANK BEHRLE, designer of "Beautiful Homes"; JACK FITCH, general in the Foreign Legion; and ROD NORTH, general manager of The American Tobacco Company. The band was led by BRUCE MUELLER, popular saxophonist. Among those present from the world of sports were DAVE WOODRUFF, agile third baseman for the New York Yankees; JERRY HOLSCHER, new olympic uack champion; Tom Hapgood, recent winner of the Davis Cup; and DICK "The Crusher" HOWELL, wrestling champ of Rainbow Arena. HORACE BEDWELL, United States Delegate to the United Nations. arrived with his competent secretary MARGUERITE WARJ.\10CK. Also accompanying them were BETH HUNSICKER, United States Ambassador to Tahiti and JIMMY STRAIN, Secretary of AgriCUlture. Discussing world problems with these distinguished guests were NANCY VON GLAHN, first woman explorer of the Antarctic; FRANK MARCONI, who now resides in Hawaii as a toboggan salesman; and JUDY SCHAUB, just returned from Africa where she was teaching pygmies how to bowl. Representing the Armed Forces were DICK NICHOLS, captain in the Air Force, and HARRY BORGARD, famous jet pilot who soon plans to fly to the moon in the space ship recently designed by JERRY ELLIOT. They were seen discussing aero-dynamics with the famous woman jet ace, AUDREY SLOAT. Accompanying her were PEGGIE LOU AIKMAN, popular young Wac, whose chief pleasure is teaching soldiers how to play girls' basketball and IRENE WILSON who arrived modeling the new Spars outfit, which she helped to design. The brilliant criminologist, LENORE BELL, was seen discussing her latest case, that of shadOWing the notorious TONY CAMEROTE, with LEE MOSSMAN, well-known private eye; and BILL SPECKMAN, Springfield's Chief of Police. Present from the entenainment world was the great Hollywood producer RONNie GOEBEL, with DICK WELLS, director of his newest movie, "Drag Your Own Net" which stars FRED DREYER and ANNA MAE BRICKA. GORDON EBERLY, master of ceremonies at the Super Circus, was accompanied by ROSEANNA ACINAPURA, Mary Hartline's replacement. PATSY HILL, star acrobat; CHARLES SONGSTER, one of the hilarious clowns; and WALLY POPE, who reported that his peanut concession is doing a booming business there. Taking pictures at the banquet was FRANK BLOMINGDALE, assisted by GLENNA GILGER, society editor of the New York Times. Other representatives of this paper were VICKY PFLIEGER, writer of the "Advice to the Lovelorn" column; DEBBIE WILKINSON, society editor; and NAGELA DESIDERIO, secretary to the editor-in-chief.
Seeking the help of the famous business administrator, DON DIRREN, were DOTTIE BRESSER, lady barber; DON HARLEY, antique dealer; JOYCE KEDERIS and JACKIE MOORE, co-owners of the Rendezvous Club; CHARMAINE RYDER, manager of Elite Dress Shoppe; and SHERRY BROWN, owner of the Sherry French Perfume concern. Quite a reunion took place among the former members of the F. T. A. who are now at work in various fields of education. HERTHA ADLER, first grade teacher at Scenic Hills was busy discussing with CAROL SCHOPF, director of grade school atheletics, their problem child, DON EVONS, Jr. who seems to have taken after his father. CHRISTINE HERRMANN, principal of Oakdale, was surrounded by ]'v1ARlLYN PUGSLEY, P. T. A. president; JOAN ECKMAN, secretary of the group; and LILLIAN MacCAIN and LORRAINE DiLA'tJQA, committee chairmen. BETTE DENICE, first woman to teach calculus at West Point, was seen with CAROL JONES, who now lives in Australia where she is teaching kangaroos to walk tight-ropes. CAROLE SCIPIONE, who is sailing next Week for Jap.an, where she will teach French and Spanish to the emperor's children, and JOAN MARCHESON, who is now starring in the television show "Our Miss Brooks", told the rest of the teachers that CAROLE SULLIVAN, who could not make the reunion, was now teaching in a one-room schoolhouse in the Ozark Mountains. pICK GERNHART, along with his foreman ROY SINGLEY, flew in from his cattle ranch in California with BILL SHEFFER, Marilyn Monroe's press agent. Their trip was a fine one provided by their gracious T. W.A. hostess, JOAN WRIGHT, and the pilot, RONNIE BOSBYSHELL. On the plane they met BOB SYLVESTER, Fuller Brush man, and TED DRABCZYK who boarded the plane at Milwaukee where he is the owner of a prosperous haberdashery.
NANCY HA WORTH, head nurse of Timbuktoo General Hospital, came with her assistant PEGGY ANN EVANS, and CAROL KLAMT, secretary of the famous plastic surgeon, JOHN HINRICHSEN. The Bachelors' Club of America was weIr represented by the appearance of its recently elected president, CARL HOLT. He was accompanied by BILL TOLLENGER, chairman of the local "Be Kind To Dogs" week, and LOUIS DeSANTIS, local veterinarian. SHIRLEY SCHIED, designer for Jacques Fath, was seated with her assistant ELAINE POESCHEL and her secretary AUDREY GERBER, former speed typing champion of the world. Also seated at this table were MARCIA MALZ, interpreter at the United Nations, DEBBIE LAPPIN, noted authority on etiquette, and CAROL FAIRLAMB, secretary of PETE WEIST, president of Prudential Life Insurance Company. BART McCOURT, dexterous magician, arriving with MARTHA JOHNSON, talented young opera singer, told of their exciting ride in a taxi cab driven' by BEVERLY BEACHER. JOHN RUGGERIO, who runs the "Tunnel of Love" at RICHARD PLOTTS' amusement park, said that his sister ANGIE could not attend the reunion because she was busy at home caring for her young quintuplets. JANET McNEIL, who is a trapeze artist with Barnum & Bailey Circus, talking with DOT LANDIS, owner of a used car lot and IRENE MILLER who is now writing birthday greetings for Hallmark Cards. SANDY MOLIN, head of Young Life, found that she had predicted correctly when JOYCE SALLADA arrived late, as usual, still trying to catch up with Father Time. Master-of-ceremonies, MARTY DELL, recent replacement for Red Buttons, called on DON PASQUELLA, prosperous diamond dealer, to propose the toast. Also seated at the speaker'S table were BERT ADLER, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry; AMAND HAHN, who now heads the Einstein Laboratories; and BILL PARKER, head of the Investigating Committee on Mink Coats in Washington, D. C. The enjoyable evening was climaxed by a brilliant speech delivered by BOB SORENSON, Pennsylvania's distinguished senator, So friends, this is your rOVing reporter, Cornelius J. Cougar, signing off with that .old saying: "Always face-the future with a smile". You will be well. rewarded.
Joan Marcheson
Peter Wiest
Dorothy Landis
Irene Wilson
Jerry Elliot Fred Dreyer
MAKE-UP COMMITTEE: Helen Bell, Lorraine DiLacqua, Beth Hunsicker, Glenna Gilger. PROMPTERS: Audrey Sloat, Christine Herrmann, Nancy Haworth.
Tom Eyerly, Dick Nichols.
Marilyn Pugsley, Anna Mae Bricka.
Bruce Butler, FRED DREYER_ A ladies' man, suave as he can be.
1{athy Richards, IRENE SON - GOOd-loOking, ClUb instructor, POised, sensible. Jenllifer A.bbey, CAROLE SCI_ PIONE; - Melody's 'best friend, over~helpful, imPUlsive and talka_ tive.
Father, John JOlles, PETE WEIST -American. Early forties, likeable, tYpically
Carole Scipione. Don Dirren, Nancy von Glahn.
Stretch A.PPleby, DON DIRREN -Long, lean, droll, gOod lOOking, not impressed With girls. Frallcie Wilks, NAN VON GLAIIN - From deep South, all frothgiggle. and chatter, with a like
It is a Very delightful Play, por_ traYed by people Who really tit the parts.
Committee RIGHT: LEFT TO . Carole Angie Ruggeno, . hairman, SUllivan, c. Louis d Molin. San ra Adler . Bert â&#x20AC;¢ Carol DeSantis, h Hinrichsen, Jo n L'dwine Fairlamb, 1 Walters.
CALVIN G;" 'ALLISON B. S. West Chester State Teachers' College
MARGARET K. AUSTIN B.A. Bethany College, B.S. in L. S. Western Reserve University
JOHN W. BAY B. S., M. S. Bucknell University
EDITH A. BIGELOW M.A. University of Pennsylvania
JANE E. BRUSCH " B. S. Ursinus College
OPHELIA BUEHLER B. S. Drexel Institute of Technology
MARY ANN BURNS B. A. Rosemont College, M. A. University of Pennsylvania
WILLIAM A. CAMPBELL B. S. Stroudsburg State Teachers' College, Temple University
WINAFRED B. COOK B. S. Temple University
T y
WILLIAM McCLELLAN COST B. S. Pennsylvania Military College, M. S. Temple University
JOHN M. DEGLER B. S. Millersville State Teachers' College
f A C
U L JANE J. DOWNES B. S. Ohio State University
MARGARET G. GRAHAM B. S. Bloomsburg State Teachers' College, B. S. in L. S., Drexel Institute
MAJORIE K. DOYLE B. S. New York State College for Teachers'
MARGARET H. GREEN B.A. Hood College, M. S. University of Pennsylvania
O. GRANT GOODEN B.A. Colorado State College of Education
WALTER J. HALL B.S. Bucknell University-
BERJ A. HAROOTUNIAN B. S., M. S., University of Pennsylvania
ESTELLE A. HEISS Philadelphia Museum School of An, University of Pennsylvania, Penn State
EDWARD S. HOTTENSTEIN B. S., West Chester State Teachers' College
ALBERT M. JONES B.S. Gettysburg, M. Ed., Penn State
EVAN G. KOONS B. S., M. S., University of Illinois
HELEN KOUTRAS B.S., M.S., Temple University
SHELDON S. R, MADEIRA M. S., A.B., Pennsylvania State College
HULDA SUDER MARK A.B., M.A., West Virginia University
MARGARET H. MARKLEY B. S., Ursinus College
F A & U L
MARGARET M. MC MICHAEL B.A., University of Pennsylvania
ELWOOD S. MILLER B. 5., Moravian; Elementary Degree, Muhlenberg
BRUCE B. MORGAN B.S •• West Chester
F A C U L HAZEL B. NEELY A. B., Otterbein College
ADA M. PEEL B.S., Rutgers University. M.A •• T.C. Columbia University
E. WARREN ROHRER B.S., Madison College
ELVIRA H. SANBE B. 5•• University af Pennsylvania
WILBUR R. SCHOPF B.S., West Chester
CHARLES C. SCHMIDT B. 5., Temple University
KA THRYN N. SHRIVER B.S., Temple University M. S., University of Pennsylvania
DEAN T. STEPHENS B. S., Lafayette; M. S. , Penn State College
GEORGE D. THOMAS B.S., University of Pennsylvania, M. S., University of Pennsylvania
FLORENCE T. TRIBIT R.N., Methodist Episcopal Hospital
THEODORE R. WALTER B. S., Temple University
JAMES W. WEAVER B. S., Grove City, M. S. , Penn State College
L T y
A.J. WENTZ B. S., M. S•• University of Pennsylvania
JUdith Koetzle
Miss Ann Burnley, Mrs. Marian Tyson, Mrs. Alma Bell
William Gilday
Edward Standring Theodore Green, Supt. of Building and'Grounds. ,
FIRST ROW: N. Lynch, Copy Editor: I. Wilson, Layout Editor: N. Haworth, Ed. in Chief: J. Marcheson, Art Editor; Mr. Walter, Advisor. SECOND ROW: L. Walters, C. Jones, J. Schaub, L. Bell, C. Scipione, C. Schopf. THIRD ROW: C. Sullivan, C. Fairlamb, D. Lappin, C. Klampt, G. Gilger. FOURTH ROW: M. Malz, S. Brown, I. Miller, A. Adler, A. Sloat, N. von Glahn, D. Landis.
Scrivener FIRST ROW: Mr. Thomas, Advisor; B. Heller, D. Breeser, Business Manager; M. Pugslet, Asst. Business Manager; p. Evans. SECOND ROW: J. Sallada, V. Pflieger, L. DiLaqua, S. Sandford, S. Molin, B. Denice. THIRD ROW: A. Bricka, C. Herrmann, p. Aikman, A. Ruggerio, p. Hill FOURTH ROW: J. Eckman, J. Wright, J. McNeil, R. Acinapura.
FIRST ROW: Mr. Madeira, Advisor; B. Denice, B. Heller, J. Schaub, H. Adler. SECOND ROW: N. Haworth, S. Molin, V. Pflieger, J. Marcheson, J. Urian. K. Crosby. THIRD ROW: J. Eckert, G. Gilger, K. Hoven, J. Bauman, N. Harrigan. FOURTH ROW: S. Poindexter, S. Sandford, C. Jones, D. Breeser, M. Rost, L. Murphy.
Mr. Madeira, Advisor; B. Green, N. Lynch, J. Wright, N. Spahr, J. Lotter, p. Herb. SECOND ROW: J. Eckman, A. Melchiorre, M. Eckman. A. Desiderio, A. Bricka, L. Walters, R. Acinapura, J. McNeil. THIRD ROW: C. Klamt, C. Fairlamb, p. Downes, E. Poeschl, p. Aikman. D. Lappin, A. Gerber. FOURTH ROW: B. Tuckwood, J. Kederis, K. Irving, C. Herrmann. N. Rhoades, p. Hill, A. Ruggerio, L. DiLacqua. FIFTH ROW: D. Wilkinson, V. Bellini, E. Wagner, B. Smith.
Senior FIRST ROW: B. Karger. K. Hoven, M. Dell, D. Woodruff, D. Taylor, S. Molin, Mr. Madeira. advisor. SECOND ROW; J. Wright, B. Tuckwood, p. Rohrer, S. Brown, C. Herrmann, J. Eckert, S. Palmer. M. Light. THIRD ROW; B. Parker, D. Richards, R. McDonald, G. Starman. K. Cowley, T. Thessieres, J. Holscher. FOURTH ROW: R. NOYes, B. Green, J. Hagele, R. Campanero, N. Spahr, D. How:ard, B. Dreyer.
FIRST ROW; Mr. Morgan, advisor, B. Hoopman, S. Morgan, vice-president: R. Woodruff. president; J. Madison, secretary: R. Fancher, treasurer; J. Hobensack. SECOND ROW: R. Osborne, p. Klagholz, P. Gocapy, C. Patterson, V. Wilson, A. Del Colliano, A. Marcheson, R. Schroder. THIRD ROW: A. Karpinski, M. Fosburg, R. Smith, J. Mason, H. Danner, C. Yocum. L. Geigler. FOURTH ROW: A. Hoffecker, J. Orr, J. Blert, S. Torbit, B. Hamilton, S. Kimmel. B. Burruss.
FIRST ROW: Miss Bigelow, M. Pugsley, F. Dreyer, A. Bricka, Mr. Nunan. SECOND ROW: J. Hinrichsen, J. Eckert, C. Scipione, J. Marcheson, D. Landis, P. Wiest. THIRD ROW: D. Richards, T. Eyerly, L New, D. Nichols, J. Elliott.
FIRST ROW: J. Fitch, M. Hunsicker, C. Herrmann. B. Denice. J. Wright, J. Schaub, M. Hoven. SECOND ROW: Mr. Nunan, M. Pugsley, J. Eckert, C. Scipione, N. von Glahn, J. Marcheson S. Molin, Mr. Weaver. THIRD ROW: J. Elliott, L. Hobbs, D. Chalupa, D. Richards, D. Woodruff, B. Sorenson. FOURTH ROW: J. Bauman, H. Adler, M. Dell, J. Hagele, J. Lotter, S. Brown.
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FIRST ROW: Mr. Walter, Advisor; B. Denice, L. Hobbs. SECOND ROW: R. Sorensen, L. Shirey, C. Herrmann, J. Fitch. FIRST ROW: Mrs. McMichael, Advisor; G. Gilger, S. Brown. SECOND ROW: B. Howard, L. Murphy, K. Irving, J. Urian. THIRD ROW: S. Fullerton, W. Schlegel.
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FIRST ROW: J. Robinson, P. Aikman, N. vonGlahn, B. Denice, J. Schaub. SECOND ROW: C. Herrmann, J. Speyer, E. Wagner, S. Molin, C. Schopf, K. Irving. THIRD ROW: K. Aldinger, C. Fairlamb, J. Lotter.
U,.jif'J Clutj FIRST ROW: J. Strain, J. Elliott, D. Taylor, J. Holscher, Mr. Jones, Advisor. SECOND ROW: 1. Charlesworth, R. Parker, D. Woodruff, A. Adler, R. Johnston, A. Hahn. THIRD ROW: R. Chalupa, G. Starzman, W. Carpenter, R. Shutt, R. M:Donald. FOURTH ROW: O. Walter, D. Schaub, L. Hobbs.
Opel'alol'j STANDING: J. Strain, President. FIRST ROW: E. Peters, J. Elliott, D. Dirren, W. Sheffer. SECOND ROW: D. Howard, R. Bosbyshell, F. Coe, R. Noyes. THIRD ROW: Mr. Bay, Advisor; K. Cowley, R. Sylvester, R. Nichols, O. Robinson. FOURTH ROW: p. Lutz, J. Ruggerio, F. Dreyer, R. Harris, R. Miller. FIRST ROW: T. Eyerly, M. Hoven, J. Holscher, D. Woodruff, Mr. Hottenstein, Advisor. SECOND ROW: F. Behrle, J. Bell, F. Dreyer, C. Songster. THIRD ROW: W. Parker, D. Dirren, R. Sylvester, R. Nichols, D. Taylor. FOURTH ROW: B. Mueller, R. Bosbyshell, R. Gemhart, R. Goebel.
FIRST ROW: Miss Graham, J. Schaub, J. Hull, B. Green, E. Peters, M. Martin, Mrs. Austin. SECOND ROW: G. Phipps, S. Molin, B. Heller, J. Mascher. L. Murphy, V. Pflieger, L. Walters, S. Jester. THIRD ROW: D. McCrea, N. Williams, C. Fairlamb, E. Poeschl, R. Archambault, p. Lynahan, D. New, S. Szemes, G. Gilger. FOURTH ROW: p. Rohrer, D. Landis, S. Turner, B. Behrle, J. Falkenburg, F. Figarola, C. Herrmann, N. Harrigan.
FIRST ROW: Mrs. Neely, C. Jones, B. Green, J. Schaub, J. Marcheson. P. Evans, D. Landis. SECOND ROW: C. Schopf, S. Molin, M. Rost, C. Scipione, L. Murphy, V. Bellini, N. Haworth, J. McNeil. THIRD ROW: C. Sullivan, D. McCrea, M. Eikner, p. Aikman, D. Lappin, C. Fairlamb, A. Sloat. FOURTH ROW: B. Behrle, M. Martin, W. Ford, M. Malz, J. Bauman, J. Lotter, M. Hill, I. Miller. FIFTH ROW: N. Harrigan. L. Bell, A. Ruggerio, C. Herrmann, M. Green, J. Oldham.
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FIRST ROW: B. Vishnesky, B. Parker, J. Strain, pres., G. Eberly, Mr. Nunan, Advisor. SECOND ROW: S. Szemes, K. Cowley, W. Schlegel, O. Robinson, D. Harley.
FIRST ROW: Miss Bigelow, Advisor; C. Sullivan, C. Jones, F. Dreyer, J. McNeil, E. Wagner, A. Sloat. SECOND ROW: J. Sallada, E. Kerns, N. Harrigan, M. Henry, J. Eckert, H. Bell, A. Bricka, L. Walters. THIRD ROW: C. Fairlamb, R. Wells, D. Richards, J. Gengenbach, J. Hinrichsen, I. New. FOURTH ROW: P. Rohrer, D. Landis, I. Miller, M. MaIz, C. Herrmann, J Bauman.
'FIRST ROW: B. Worthington, I. Schwan, I. Hagele. p. Stine, N. Piercy. S. Hoffman, L. Blake, E. Eyerly. SECOND ROW: p. McKelvey. T. Baker. S. Knowles. G. Habicet. S. Spangler, B. Miller, P. Iackson. S. Morgan, L. Davis. C. Wagner, B. Starzman. THIRD ROW: C. Bradshaw, J. Madison, E. Thesen. B. Dougherty, B. Shannon, M. Shane. A. Hoffecker, S. Shirey, M. Carter, G. Potter, p. Meisel, T. Rankin, I. Lambert, C. Crowder, B. Neely, R. Fancher. B. Hamilton, S. Foehl. FOURTH ROW: E. Baker, M. Murphy, M. Baker. A. Karpinski. P. Hoehl, Mr. Miller, Director; I. DeHaven, I. Madison, N. Hoehl.
FIRST ROW: N. von Glahn, I. Schaub, M. Crowell. B. Tuckwood, p. Shaeffer, K. Hoven, A. Adler. H. Adler. SECOND ROW: W. Hughes. B. Worthington, R. Householder. K. Crosby. S. Poindexter. I. Liley. B. Mueller, N. Phillips, I. Urian, I. Schroder, N. Piercy. L. Piercy. B. Denice, K. Irving. THIRD ROW: R. Miller, M. Hoven, G. Starzman. A. Diamond. K. Schweitzer. R. Wison, K. Aldinger, J. Fitch. I. Eckert. Mr. Miller, Director; S. Davis. L. Willits, ~ L. Shirey, N. Rhoadesr W. Schlegel. W. Roach, B. Hamilton. IN FRONT: I.
I It-
Hagele, M. Light.
FIRST ROW: Miss Shriver. Director; P. Jamgochian, L. Greene. M. Crowell. P. Lynahan, S. Kierstead, R. Robbins. S. Rittenhouse, F. Figarola. SECOND ROW: D. Johnston, M. Rost, E. Kerns, I. Blum. S. Swing. L. Harrington. P. Schaeffer. V. 'Raker. THIRD ROW: B. Behrle. J. Rossiter. B. Hauf, C. Harvey. D. McCrea. D. Branning. N. Williams D. White, D. Ramsey. FOURTH ROW: J. Kohut, C. Frederick. M. Martin, C. Billingsley, V. Bellini. B. Green, P. Herb, S. Palmer, J. Mascher.
FIRST ROW: Miss Shriver. Director; A. Gerber. D. Nichols. C. Songster. P. Aikman, J. Holscher. N. Haworth, D. Woodruff, B. Parker. J. Lotter. S. Brownâ&#x20AC;¢. SECOND ROW: J. Eckman, R. Acinapura. J. Johnston, J. Speyer. D. Gernhatt. V. Pflieger. S. Molin, M. Evans, J. Marcheson, J. Wright. THIRD ROW: J. Elliott, V. Gerson, G. Gilger. J. Puliti. D. Lappin, P. Downes, M. Eikner, J. Dunbrack, S. Szemes. N. Spahr. D. Dirren, FOURTH ROW: G. Horrocks, B. Evangelista, J. Leach. L. Simpson, S. Scheid, M. Johnson. S. Pigage. J. Robinson, C. Ryder, P. Hm. C. Scipione. L. Murphy. FIFTH ROW: P. Lutz, B. Johnston, W. Tollinger, L. DeSantis, D. Taylor. T. Hapgood. M. Dell. R. Plotts, F. Coe. B. Heller. SIXTH ROW: B. Walter, R. Sauer, J. Barranger, R. Chalupa, S. Fullerton, K, Cowley. ~I
Kneeling L to R: N. Phillips, 1. Lotter, L. Claire, H. Malloy Standing L to R: W. Ford, C. Herrman,V. pflieger, B. Heller
Kneeling L to R: N. Piercy, R. Greene Standing L to R: C. Crosby, S. Knowles, B. Schwan, P. Frazier
This newly organized group was formed in September 1953. The band consists of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students, who because they must attend afternoon sessions, have a difficult time meeting their practice schedule. The students have taken advantage of the small portion of time they do have, and have produced wonderful results. Their first big event was the Band Concert, which was a great success.
KNEELING: M. Light, S. Davis, N. vonGlohn, Majorette; S. Brown, Sergent; L. Piercy. FIRST ROW: J. Sallada, J. Phipps, S. Jester, S. Schaub, K. Crosby, B. Starzmann, J. Urian, J. Hedl, A. Remaley, I. Lindley, S. Nagle, M. Gardner, Mr. Miller, Director. SECOND ROW: J. Hagele, E. Wagner, B. Smith, E. Baker, L. Simpson, S. Poindexter, T. Rankin, N. Rhoades, N. Piercy, B. Bell, D. Breeser, p. Jackson, M. Pugsley. THIRD ROW: J. Lambert, J. Glover, B. Howard, S. Morgan, B. Murray, K. Hoven, S. Sxemes, S. Shirey, L. Shirey, R. Wilson, B. Neely, L. Willits. FOURTH ROW: E. Marsh, B. Denice, K. Rice, J. Fitch, I. Lilley, M. Hoven, ~ G. Starzmann, W. Roach, W. Schlegel, J. Barranger, B. Gattey, E. Eyerly, I. Wilson. _ FIFTH ROW: H. Adler, G. Sotter, A. Hoffecker, D. Miller, B. Mueller, J. Schroder, H. Danner, J. Samuels. p. Lutz, O. Crowder.
J. Sallada, I. Wilson, Co-captain; J.
E. Willits, E. Marsh, M. Pugsley, co-captain.
FRONT ROW: N. vonGlahn, majorette; FIRST ROW: M. Gardner K. Schweizer, S. Brown, sergeant; M. Light. SECOND ROW; L. Piercy, S. Davis.
FIRST ROW: Mrs. Green, Advisor; C. Jones, J. Marcheson, J. Lotter, C. Scipione. SECOND ROW: P. Rohrer, S. Brown, E. Wagner, L. Murphy, N. von Glahn, D. Bresser.
THIRD ROW: K. Aldinger, J. Hagele, G. Gilger, J. Holscher, P. Downes, 1. New, L. Willits. FOURTH ROW: C. Schopf, C. Herrmann, H. Adler, N. Spahr, C. Sullivan, 1. Schaub, B. Denice.
L. Mossman, R. Singley, D. Taylor, M. Hoven, Co-Captain: D. Woodruff, Co-Captain: D. Kresge, D. Dirren, D. Harley. SECOND ROW: Mr. Koons, Head Coach: R. Shutt, Manager: R. Howell, A. Camerote, J. Strain, D. Pasquella, B. Adler, T. Drabczyk, C. Songster, Manager: Mr. Jones, Asst. Coach. THIRD ROW: T. Thesieies, F. Montgomery, G. Starzman, W. Carpenter, R. MacDonald, R. Chalupa, O. Walters. FOURTH ROW: F. Ruddy., G. Rostron, R. Walker, P. Robertson, J. Charlesworth B. Vishnesky, D. Bedwell, R. Yarnell, A. Whittaker, M. McBride. FIFTH ROW: J. Stroud, R. Small, W. Dreyer, J. Camerote, F. Coe, R. Zafis, R. Campanero, R. Miller, Manager.
Morrie Hoven
Don Taylor
Lee Mossman
Don Dirren
Jim Strain
Dick Howell
Roy Singley
Don Harley
Bert Adler
Don Pasquella
Don Kresge
Dave Woodruff
JR. lllGH SQUAD -- 1953 FIRST ROW: T. Houck, H. Holland, 1. Diluzio, L. Sentman, G. Basvishneski, K. North, C. Risley, T. Watson, E. Blum, S. Kimmel, D. Carberry, R. McDonald. SECOND ROW: D. Troist, C. Schwabe, J. Smith, R. Poli, B. Duncan, J. Mason, R. Woodruff, R. Turner, H. Danner, J. Way, A. Guckes. TlllRD ROW: Mr. Schopf, B. Gerson, D. Beecher, G. Warner, J. Malloy, W. Wood, M. Didden, J. Wilcox, B. Bird, B. Burrus, T. Gitt, F. Fowler, R. Britz, 'N. Hedrick.' FOURTH ROW; B. Harootunian, L. Logan, R. Fairlamb, R. Stewart, D. Salopek, P. Holt, J. Mellodion, K. Rice, D. Smith, J. Sylvester, B. Coppernoll, W. Campbell. FIFTH ROW: M. Black, D. Deriovan, W. Temple, J. Kederis, 1. Mossman, D. Downes, D. Coo, H. Guckes, R. Lownes, R. Salopek, J. Drybzck, R. Nussey, D. Gurby, J. Jarzyna. SIXTH ROW: L. Palmroy, A. Williams, A. Sandell, K. Steele, B. Roman, M. Fosburg, 1. Bellini, J. Hiddeman.
FIRST ROW: B. Denice, Captain, Miss Brosch, Coach, C. Herrmann, J. Robinson, K. Irving, N. von Glahn, J. Schaub. SECOND ROW: J. Lotter, K. Aldinger, p. Aikman. THIRD ROW: S. Molin, J. Speyer, E. Wagner, C. Schopf, C. Fairlamb, Manager; E. Willits, Manager.
FIRST ROW: L. TO R.: N. Spahr, W. Ford, L. Clair, 1\1. Green, N. Harrigan. SECOND ROW: P. Schaffer, G. Warner, C. Lane, /'.:. Rhoades, B. Tuckwood, J. Oldham. THIRD ROW: L. Piercy, J. Dunbrack, p. Downes, E. Marsh, K. Hoven, S. FeIl, manager.
Hockey Team, 1953 ~
A familiar sight at Scenic Hills School thls~year was the hockey team. In the beginning of the season 45 girls appeared to tryout icir- i0eam but after about two weeks the squad was cut down to 29,13 on the Varsity and:::f6'"....on-the Junior Varsity. Every afternoon after school at two-thirty the girls would trudg-e over to Scenic Hills for their daily practice session. .Bruised legs and sore muscles were"">c:ommon'ailments during the first few weeks of practice, but the reward was greater th~n the pJ;is.e_ paid. Our final record was 7 wins and 1 defeat. '(.._ ..::::::; Before the opening of the season, wernad three hard fought scrimmages which resulted in victories for the team. However, in our Op~tVng'game, the team bowed to Swarthmore 2-1 for the only defeat of the season. Undaunted, we bounced back to defeat Nether Providence 4-1; Prospect Park 1-0; and RldlerPark 1-0. The next game scheduled fOT the team was with undefeated Media. This game W'as supposed to be the hardest on our schedule but we swept over them with a score of 5-1. Raring to go, we went on to beat Marple Newtown 3-0; Clifton 7-2; and Yeadon 5-0. One can not mention the hockey team without mentioning Miss Brusch who coached the team to a victorious season with only four lettermen returning from last year. Congratulations to a fine team with a fine coach.
Mr. Smith presents to Coach. Albert Jones and Captain Dave Woodruff trophy awarded to last year's Suburban 4 title winners.
FIRST ROW: D. Schaub, D. Chalupa, G. Starzmann, O. Robinson. SECOND ROW: R. Parker, D. Taylor, D. Woodruff, L. Hobbs, D. Marin. THIRD ROW: Mr. Jones, Coach, W. Carpenter, G. Eberly, J. Barranger, D. Kresge, M. Dell.
Don Taylor
Don Kresge
Dave Woodruff
Bob Parker
Bill Carpenter
FIRST ROW: R. Clair, R. Miller, R. Karger. SECOND ROW: P. Lutz, W. Faulkner, R. Aldinger, G. Rostron, Mr. Morgan, Coach. THIRD ROW: W. Kerr, W. Sylvester, T. Thesieres, p. Kennedy.
Varsity SHS
49 30 38 44
32 50 39 49 43 42 47 43 47 41 47 4째 5째
OPP. Ridley Park Swanhmore Upper Darby Alumni Eddystone Marple Newtown Clifton Sharon Hill Nether Providence Upper Chichester Sharon Hill Marple Newtown Cheltenham Clifton Radnor Nether Providence Lansdowne Upper Chichester
Junior Varsity SHS
,23 28 25 38 28 49 28 39 26 37 20 36 38 4째 35 35 36 46
66 42 73 36 45 25 53 58 37 49 49 38 66 37 42 52 66 38
20 24 38 24 29 28 20 4째 23 29 38 16 39 41 43 31 38 23
Ridley Park Swarthinore' Upper Darby Alumni Eddystone Marple Newtown Clifton Sharon Hill N~ther Providence Upper Chichester Sharon Hill Marple Newtown Cheltenham Clifton Radnor Nether' Providence Lansdowne Upper Chichester
George Starzman
Gordon Eberly
Varsity Basketball Team
'f,l,~r~1" 4
I'.~~ ~
FIRST ROW: N. Harrigan, manager, J. Lotter, J. Schaub (co-captain), C. Lane, K. Crosby, manager, SECOND ROW; E. Wagner, J. Robinson, P. Aikman (co-captain) K. Irving, B. Denice, Miss Brusch, Coach, THIRD ROW; C. Klamt, K. Aldinger, P. Downes, J. White
Bette Denice
Peggie Lou Aikman
Judy Schaub
Carol Klamt
Elmira Wagner
Kate Crosby
Patricia Downes
Kathleen Irving
If you saw the lights burning late in the gym this winter, it was probably the girls' basketball teams working out. In spite of the confusion and tight practice schedule, the girls worked hard and came through with a very fine season. About sixty girls competed in trying out for the teams. From this number thirty were chosen to be on the varsity, which was composed of twelve girls, and the J. V.â&#x20AC;˘ which numbered eighteen. The girls should be commended for their fine showing of sportsmanship, hard work, and fine team spirit. To Miss Brusch goes our commendation for a successful season and a job well done.
Carolyn Lane
FIRST ROW: S. Torbit, Manager; N. Rhoades, L. Clair, N. Piercy, M. Crowell, K. Hoven, Mfnager. SECOND ROW: J. Oldham, M. Light, R. Cottrill, N. Spahr, M. Green, G. Warner, H. Malloy, THIRD ROW: L. Piercy, S. Eikner, P. Hoehl; E. Marsh, M. Stearns, B. Behrle.
FIRST ROW: T. Camerote, B. Yarnall, D. Marin, C. Songster, J. Elliott, "J. Holscher, T. Hapgood, J. Giacoponello, D. Harley, D. Howell, SECOND ROW: Mr. Schopf, coach, R. Bosbyshell, W. Dreyer, B. Johnson, R. Sorensen, R. Plotts, B. Holley, A. Hahn, A. Firlein, W. Fatz, R. Miller, manager. THIRD ROW: R. Sauer, B. Vishnesky, D. Schaub, G. Starzman, W. Carpenter, J. Barranger, G. Eberly, R. MacDonald, G. Corsones, D. Evons. FOURTH ROW: B. Parker, J. Charlesworth, A. Whittaker, L. Mossman, B. Parker, W. Kerr, D. Richards, S. Fullerton.
THE SCORE YELL Dribble down the sidelines, Shoot it from the floor; Come on, Springfield, Scorel Scorel Sccrel
DYNAMO, DYNAMITE Dynamo, Let's go Dynamite, Let's fight Dynamo, Dynamite Let's go, Let's fight111
SET 'EM UP, KNOCK 'EM DOWNI End, Tackle, Center, Guard Hit 'em high, Hit 'em hard Set 'em up, knock 'em down Come on, Springfield, go to townllill
FIRST ROW: R. Nichols, C. Songster, D. Richards. SECOND ROW: R. Holly, R. Miller, W. Parker, A. Hahn, T. Rankin. THIRD ROW: R. Sauer, J. Holscher, S. Fullerton, Mr. Nunan, Advisor.
FIRST ROW: W. Faulkner, F. Montgomery, D. Kresge, co-captain; D. Woodruff, co-captain; M. Hoven,
J. Bell. SECOND ROW: R. Small, M. Dell, R. Clair, J. Hartz, M. Kazio, THIRD ROW: Mr. Bell, coach; Donald Sullivan, R. Nichols, managers. FOURTH ROW: R. Singley, R. Burns, R. Aldinger, L. Hobbs, S. Szemes, M. Me Bride.
B b aJe a
FIRST ROW: R. Fancher. R. Turner. T. Snyder. SECOND ROW: J. Hiddeman, J. Lambert. B. Nussey. T. Hickman. THIRD ROW: T. Hauck. S. Calia. R. Duncan. K. Steele. A. Sandell. Mr. Campbell. FOURTH ROW: B. Gezon. R. Polio J. Sylvester. J. Burham. Coppermall. C. Schwab.
o R
FIRST ROW: P. Janes, K. Crosby, 1. Dilacqua, M. Eckman, M. Angstadt; SECOND ROW: L. Clair, J. Barton, V. Bellini, C. Davidson. E. Evangelista. C. Billingsley; THIRD ROW: Mr. Hall, F. Coe, K. Clay, R. Rhoades, B. DiDonato, E. Anderson, R. Britz; FOURTH ROW: J. Charlesworth, R. Burns" W. Carpenter. R. Chalupa, K. Cowley, R. Archambault; FIFTH ROW: 1. Eckert, J. Bauman, P. Downes, 1. Dunbrack, K. Aldinger
FIRST ROW: G. Freas, N. Harrigan. G. Horrocks, D. Gernhan. B. Gaul; SECOND ROW: B. Green. W. Ford. B. McKenna, V. Gerson. P. Herb, M. Hill: THIRD ROW: Mr. Waltet. C. Frederick, P. Robertson, A. Ferrell, T. Fanelli, N. Klaskin, E. Gottshall. P. Dougherty, 1. Finn, J. Durham: FOURTH ROW: 1. Hiddeman. J. Hagele. L. Greene
o R FIRST ROW; E. Kerns, L. Kimmel, H. McCormick, L. Ridgeway, J. Johnston; SECOND ROW: D. Howard, J. Karl, B. Howard, L. Murphy, 1. Leach, M. Martin; THIRD ROW: R. McDonald, L. Marroni, R. Ferrell, C. Miller, D. Marin, B. Madison, F. Montgomery; FOURTH ROW: J. Lotter, K. Mulheim, D. McCrea
FIRST ROW: G. Rice, B. Shirley, M. Rost, D. Rennie, J. Oldham; SECOND ROW: L. Shirey, S. Sherwood, G. Rushton, J. Puliti, J. Robinson, P. Rohrer; THIRD ROW: Mr. Gooden, D. Schaum, B. Robbi, W.Robson, 1. New, B. Parker, F. Ruddy; FOURTH ROW: D. Richards, J. Barranger, R. Sauer, W. Schlegel; FIFTH ROW; E. Sentmen, E. Peters, D. Noble
I o R
S FIRST ROW: N. Spahr, B. Wright, L. Simpson, E. Wagner, 1. Speyer; SECOND ROW: T. Udaken, L. Webberking, S. Szemes. E. Willi rs , H. Wanner, R. Neff; THIRD ROW: Mr. Hottenstein, A. Simpson, R. Yarnell, A. Whittaker, E. Troischt; FOURTH ROW: R. Shutt, G~Starzmann, O. Walter
\ .
s o P
FIRST ROW: F. Figarola, S. Fell, K. Irving, L. Harrington, M. Gardner; SECOND ROW: M. Henry, M. Kazio, W. Hughes, R. Karger, J. Glover, M. Green; THIRD ROW: Miss Bigelow, V. Hoffman, C. Humphreys, B. Hauf, J. Hoffman, C. Fredericks, R. Johnson; FOURTH ROW: R. Householder, W. Flood, S. Fullerton, P. Schaum, R. Harris, T. Kemp; FIFTH ROW: p. Fitzpatrick, J. Giacoponello, J. Gengenbach, C. Harvey, K. Hoven, J. Heap, R. Holley, A. Firlein
FIRST ROW: M. Light, D. Johnston, H. Malloy, E. Marsh, P.Lynahan; SECOND ROW: A.Johnson, P. Jamgochian, C. Lane, S. Jester, J. Kohut, S. Kierstead; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Doyle, J. Mickey, P. Lutz, B. Mansell, D. McBride, B. Campanero, E. McKee; FOURTH ROW: B. Martin, R. Mark, B. Kerr, R. Lappin, J. McCafferty, P. Kennedy; FIFTH ROW: F. Mainwaring, J. Livezey, 1. Lilley, G. Lawton, W. Diggins.
s o P
FIRST ROW; S. Palmer, N. Phillips, A. Norman, G. Phipps, V. Raker: SECOND ROW; J. Mascher, L. Piercy, D. Ramsey, 1. Rossiter, N. Rhoades, S. Poindexter: THIRD ROW; Mr. Schmidt, W. Shankweiler, L. Parris, R. Noyes, R. Schopf, D. Rubolin, C. Lundgren: FOURTH ROW: E. Reiffer, M. McBride, R. Miller, G. Rostron: FIFTH ROW; R. Bennett, G. Ortlip, A. Martin, S. Rittenhouse, R. Robbins, J. Schroder.
S FIRST ROW; Williams, J. Warnock, D. A. Wells, E.
B. Smith, S. Swing, J. Urian, P. Schaffer, K. Schweizer: SECOND ROW; M. Wardeil, B. Tuckwood, N. White, E. Warner, G. Warner, THIRD ROW; Mrs. McMichael, P. Wilding, J. Straud, N. Thesen, L. Sullivan, R. Small: FOURTH ROW; C. Stackhouse, W. Sylvester, T. Thesieres, G. Sotter, R. Walker, Walch, R. Zafes, R. Sweeney, R. Wilson, E. Woodward.
s o P H
FIRST ROW: C. Bauer, L. Drew, L. Coulson, D. Etherington, M. Crowell; SECOND ROW: S. Wasek, B. Behrle, S. Davis, D. Brannan, K. Albrecht, J. DiLuzio; THIRD ROW: Mr. Stephens, W. Dreyer, R. Clair, R. Davies, B. Faulkner, 1. Camorte, B. Ferrell; FOURTH ROW: R. Aldinger, G. Corsones, D. Burke, B. "/isbnesky, G. Bower,. D. Bedwell
f R
s H
m f n FIRST ROW: J. Dascola, B. Shannon, E. Telgheider, R. CotUill, J. Kyle; SECOND ROW: J. Hobensack, K. Curry, R. Quinn, C. Knowles, R. Taylor, D. Conlin; THIRD ROW: Miss Sambe, B. Ellis, P. Lambert, K. Allen, S. Larson, P. Tegtmeier, K. Lownes; FOURTH ROW: D. Salopek, J. Snyder, L. Tutt, C. Andrews; FIFTH ROW: R. Neely, R. Murray, D. DePalma, J. Mossman, R. Hutchinson, C. Pruitt
FIRST ROW: J. King, N. Rushton,!. Josaphs, B. Dougherty, S. Jones; SECOND ROW: J. Orr, E. Graeber, R. Greene, R. Ortlip, J. Levis; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Peel, D. Nevin, R. McCandles, A. DelColliano, P. Anderson, G. Wenkel, D. Fabrizio; FOURTH ROW: M. Phillips, J. Smith, FIFTH ROW: R. Ferrell, P. Fredd, F. Walton, M. Liberati, L. Sonsini, C. Vishnesky, E. Eyerly
f R
f S H
m f n FIRST RUW: W. Temple, H. Etherington, J. Jarzyna, R. Dell, J. McKee; SECOND ROW: Mr. Morgan, A. Denk, J. Kederis, J. Gregory; THIRD ROW: W. Phoenix, M. Marker, J. Meliodon, R. Masho
FIRST ROW: C. Wright, B. Klamt, P. Hoehl, P. Jackson, M. Neff; SECOND ROW: H. Darby, J. Billbrough, R. Troischt. D. McKelvey, L. LeCalsey, E. Evans; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Austin, C. Howell, J. Shapiro, S. Morgan, M. Boettge, G. Beam, I. Ebling: FOURTH ROW: H. Guckes, D. Coe, J. Walker, J. Mason, H. House, K. Rice, R. Smith, R. Koch; FIFTH ROW: J. Bellini, F. Butz, B. Worthington, R. Strain, A. Guckes, M. Steams, B. Bramwell, D. Beaucar, L. Davis.
FIRST ROW: P. Bair, P. Connet, J. Hartmann, N. Karger, L. Blake; SECOND ROW: P. Meisel, G. Gaul, T.Rankin, J. Wolfe, E. Hottenstein, B. Zang; THIRD ROW; Mrs. Markley, C. Degler, P. Koltun, J. Platt, G. Septer, L. ·Minch, M. Griffiths; FOURTH ROW; J. Atz, D. Downes, L. Logan, R. Woodfuff, Bo Bouskowski, H. Danner, L. Caldwell, P. Capus; FIFTH ROW; J. Drabczyk, B. Toyer, N. Piercy, S. Knowles, S. Eikner, C. Kelly, B. Yochum; J. Schwan, D. Gorby, J. Miller
H C R FIRST ROW: N. Strain, S. Udakini, E Thomas, J. Thomas, N. Valentine; SECOND ROW; G. Warner, A. Warnock, L. Tatem, W. Wood, A. Ware; THIRD ROW: Mr. Campbell. M. Stahmer, A. Sprey, J. Smith, K. Steele, P. Stine, J. Sylvester; FOURTH ROW: L. Shutt, R. Turner. 1. Van Winkle, L. White. L. Snyder, P. Zebley; FIFTH ROW: C. Tisom, N. Wellerton, C. Kaley, B. Schwatt
FIRST ROW: C. Moore, A. Klein, B. Ellis, A. Marcheson. K. Melville; SECOND ROW: W. Nickerson, J. Malloy, 1. McLaughlin, K. North, A. Kleiner, 1. Liebskind; THlRD ROW: Mrs. Cook, R. Thomas. R. Nussey, G. Myers, J. Madison, P. McAllister, J. Lownes, A. Manbeck, R. Kincaid, H. Lutzich. FOURTH ROW: K. Matter. S. McNairn, E. Long. L. Mensinger.
o E
o l
FIRST ROW: V. New, S. Schaub, Salopek, A. Sandell. A. Remaly. Richter, B. Roma. K. Schuabe, J. Neagley. S. Rose, E. Poeschl. A.
E. Renshaw. B. Park. L. Rohrer; SECOND ROW: I. Peterson. A. ObIon, R. D. Oldham; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Buehler. V. Wilson, R. Polio R. Richards, B. Pomeroy, K. Peters; FOURTH ROW: J. Samuels, S. Nagle. M. Patton, E. Schriver.
FIRST ROW: J. Craig, E. Csircsu. M. Adler, H. Berezney. C. Boyer. SECOND ROW: W. Byrd, R. Bell, C. Bauer, E. Baker, G. DeHart, M. Baker; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Denice, B. Berryman. S. Batdorf. M. Buckman, M. Criswell, E. Bryan, J. Camillo FOURTH ROW: J. Apple. L. Altman, B. Coppernoll, D. Claffey. S. Corsones, R. Black; FIFTH ROW: S. Colio, C. Crowder, J. Adams. M. Black
C R FIRST ROW: M. Douros. M. Durham. J. Crowder. V. Dalrymple, P. Fraser; SECOND ROW: B. Fanelli, R. Ganey, J. Gaunt, D. Fentzlaff, J. DiLuzio, L. Fatz; THIRD ROW: Mr. Harootunian, M. Drennan, B. Duncan, D. Dunbrack, D. Fredd, H. Didin. C. Douros; FOURTH ROW: B. Stewart. R. Fairlamb; FIFTH ROW: L. Geigle, R. Eyler, R Fancher. M. Fosburg, M. Fuller.
FIRST ROW: P. Hull, H. Hill, N. Hoehl, G. Habicht, C. Heller. SECOND ROW: F. Hepburn, B. Hall, B. Hickman. T. Houck. J. Hiddeman, J. Hagele; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Mark. R. Kazio. J. Robertson, B. Ruder, A. Karpinski, S. Eyler. B. Gezon. FOURTH ROW: D. Burnham, G. Kelly
o E
o E
FIRST ROW: Howard, L. Wagner, B. Yocum, K.
C. Stokes, M. Hickman, J. Fabrizio, J. Smedley, T. Sheldon; SECOND ROW: G. Palma, N. Stetson, R. Edwards, L. Clark, F. McKee; THIRD ROW: T. Baker, D. Holley, J. DeHaven, C. Price, M. Conner, G. DiCicco; FOURTH ROW: Mr. Allison, S. Lingham, J. Robinson, C. Crew; FIFTH ROW: M. Culbertson. L. Lawton, A. Wolstenholme, N. Hedrick, L. Moses.
FIRST ROW: M. Connet, M. Niedermyer, L. Williams, L. Clegg, M. Campanaro; SECOND ROW: F. Fowler, D. Cooper, R. Matia, M. Didn't, B. Burriss, E. Stenz, THIRD ROW: J. Rusek, P. Jacobe, D. Ciarrocchi, C. Falkenburg, S. Chibatar, P. Dolhancey, L. Herring; FOURTH ROW: Mr. Cost, S. Stockdale, B. Hempkeys, J. Reeder, L. Pomery, G. Lynch, D. Lennox.
, ~ .S
l N
T H G FIRST ROW: J. Kohut, S, Freas, T. Harvey, J. Simpkins, C. Crosby, SECOND ROW: D. Beacher, J. Tuzza, B. Haller, B. Dayton, C. 'Carter, B. Osborne, THIRD ROW: G. Bennett, J. McClimans, L. Riveo, C. Valentine, J. Morris, A. Brune, FOURTH ROW: R. Watson, C. Patterson, M. Carter, R. Batdorf, K. Eyster, D. Drennon. FIFTH ROW: C. Risley, L. Sentman, J. Vishneskey, N. Holland, R. McDonald.
FIRST ROW: H. Acker, J. Tracy, C. Bradshaw, C. Drew, W. Niles. SECOND ROW: J. Nickerson, M. Minatellis, T. Trego, B. Shaurn, G. Potter, J. Dixon, THIRD ROW: R. Cowley, R. Thomas, E. Trennan, J. Innis, C. Smith, D. Carberry, FOURTH ROW: G. Caranaigh, E. Lickums, T. Gardner, C. Shaum. FIFTH ROW: R. Aldinger, J. Wittig, B. Elser, L. Freimuth, P. Baker, C. Mitchelt, R. Amwake A. Hoffecker.
o l
WILSON COAL AND SUPPLY CO. "Since 1926" Wallingford, Pa.
Dealers for . Frigidaire Products of General Motors
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36 East Woodland Ave. Phone SWarthmore 6-3578 Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. 240 Ballymore Road SWarthmore 6-8300 Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.
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Cold beer to take out Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. Keg beer available at all times Unusual Corsages 7 Brookside Road
Springfie ld, Pa.
LAMB TAVERN Established 1808 Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. Famous for over a century for fine food. SWarthmore 6-2611 SWarthmore 6-9662
DILUZIO & SONS Florists Cut Flowers Corsages Telegraph Service 650 Baltimore Pike Springfield, DeL Co., Pa.
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YEAGERS PASTRY SHOP 427 North Springfield Road Clifton Heights, Pa. HOWARD JOHNSON'S MAdison 6-2694
Media, Penna.
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,SWarthInore 6-3592
EstiInates Given
NUNCY FANELLI Painter and Decorator WorkInanship Guaranteed 218 Powell Road ~pringfield,
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146 Saxer Avenue
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Full Dress - Tuxedos Cutaways and Shoes for hire Summer Formal Outfits A Specialty Outfit Your Entire Group For
Weddings, Parochial Graduations, Etc.
326 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Pa.
6 Hour Service cash & carry
IRVIN STERN 108 West State Street Media, Pa. Me d ia 6 - 0 3 10 Established 1900 Open Evenings
For prompt pick-up .& delivery Phone: SWarthmore 6-3366 MEdia 6-0981 ROBERT'S INC. 205 West State Street, Media, Pa. Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry Sterling Club Plan Available Charge & Budget Accounts Invited No interest or carrying charges
THE NANCY SHOPPE 152 Saxer Avenue Springfield, Del. Co., Pa SWarthmore 6-2403
Compliments of
Meats - Groceries - Produce 15 Brookside Road
Phone: Frosted Foods SWarthmore 6-1209 Springfield, Pa.
Springfield, Pennsylvania 17-19 E. State Street Media, Pa.
MEdia 6-1323
MEDIA UPHOLSTERY CO. Custom Upholstering Awnings Window Shades Bamboo Drapes
Shoe Repair Doubles The Wear FAMOUS SHOE SERVICE 182 Saxer Ave. Frank Ruggierio
Springfield, Pa. SWarthmore 6-4530
Draperies Slip Covers
Venetian Blinds Carpet and rugs Drapery Hardware
DIRECT CLEANERS DRIVE-IN 3 hour Dry Cleaning Launderers Springfield, Pa. SWarthmore 6-8444
WEST'S SUNOCO SERVICE SUTTON'S ESSO SERVICENTER Baltimore Pike & Chester Rd. Baltimore Pike & Sproul Rd. Springfield, Pa. Springfield, Pa. Phone SWarthmore 6-9618 Phone SWarthmore 6-9671 ERNEST MUEHLMATT FRANK'S CITY SERVICE STATION
Baltimore Pike & Woodland Ave. RD #1 Media
SWarthmore 6-2630
For Children Childrens Wear-- Toys 9 Brookside Rd. Springfield, Pa., SWarthmore 6-3421
Baltimore Pike & Delmar Road Clifton Heights, Pa. MAdison 3-9604
OAK CREST PHARMACY 429 Springfield Road WESTBROOK LUNCHEONETTE Clifton Heights, Pa. MAdison 3-2200
14.8-50 Saxer Ave. Springfield, Pa.
Your Dodge--Plymouth Dealer. Service--All Makes
:SWathmore 6-1454 Yellow Trading Stamps
Woodland & Powell SWarthmore 6-3607
HIlltop 6-4246
State and Sproul Roads Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.
SWarthmore 6-9640 PILGRIM HARDWARE CO. Electrical Appliances-liouseware Pa int-Gla s s -Ha rd ware -Sporting Good s We Deliver 1041 Pontiac Rd. Drexell Hill Pa. Hilltop 6 -8448 Compliments of LIBERTY FOOD MARKEl' State & Sproul Roads Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. SWarthmore 6-9648 Open Sunday Evenings
Pilgrim Gardens Shopping Center 1037 Pontiac Road Drexel Hill, Pa.
HIlltop 6-0816 TUCKER'S SHOE LAND 1033 Pontiac Rd. Pilgrim Gardens Drexel Hill, Pa. Shopping Center
IDLE HOUR SERVICE CENT~R A. Davidson - ESSO - R. Pender' DEALER State Road and Township Line
321 Prospect Road
Springfield, Del. Co., Pennsylvania
LEET'S FLOWER SHOPPE 4822 Drexelbrook Drive Wedding & Funeral Designs Corsages & Decorations CLearbrook 9-9332
VILLAGE VARIETY STORE Complete Houseware Toy--Stationery 4806 Drexelbrook Drive CLearbrook 9-0800
HELEN THERESE GIFTS 4808 Drexelbrook Drive Jewerly--Greeting Cards--Chi'na CLearbrook 9-1888
DREXELBROOK CLEANERS Apparel for Men 4804 Drexelbrook Drive CLearbrook 9-1332
DREXELBROOK SHOPPING CENTER DREXELBROOK PHARMACY 4800 Drexelbrook Drive, Drexel Hill, Pa. Prompt Delivery--Prescriptions CLearbrook 9-2334
EARLE'S HAIRDRESSING Paramount Call for Appointments CLearbrook 9-3671
CLearbrook 9-2406 AGNES ADAMS, INC. Dresses Ladies' Apparel 4818 Drexelbrook Drive
MAR-DEE SHOP Women's & Children's Apparel
Truck Lettering Insurance
Neon Signs
Member of De laware County Plastic-Wood Metal Letters
Real-Estate Board 192 Saxer Avenue Springfield, Del. Co., Pennsylvania
415 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Penna. SWartlunore 6-6105
Organized 1864
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
WILLIAM S. PANCOAST Electrical Construction SWartlunore 6-1414 Springfield, Pac
ALEX'S BARBER SHOP Air Conditioned 29 East Woodland Ave.
MAdison 3-2082 GRanite 2-2431 BERM STUDIOS, INCORPORATED Signs - Displays - Exhibits 404 E. Baltimore Pike, Fernwood Lansdowne, Pac
GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Authorized Dealer 186 Saxer Avenue Springfield, Pac S. Levin SWartlunore 6-2470
STEELE'S CHEVROLET, INC. Clifton Heights, Pac
Compliments of BILL KNODEL
SPRINGFIELD SUPPLY CO. Lumber and Millwork William P. Sprenge 1 William J. Sprenge 1 5Wartlunore 6-3690 SWartlunore 6-3024
M. F. WILLIAMS FUNERAL SERVICE The keynote of our Funeral Home is Restfulnes.s and Privacy. Every physical comfort has been provided, including year-round air conditioning and ample parking facilities.
MAdison 6-2110
Clifton Heights, Pac
Saratoga 9-0581 WOODLAND UPHOLSTERING COMPANY Custom Built Furniture and Reuphols te ring 6429 Woodland Avenue Philadelphia 42, Pa.
FIGLIO DR UGS 162 Saxer Ave., Springfield, Pa. SWarthmore 6-0812
Compliments to the CLASS OF '54
WALTER A. WIMME-R Butter - Eggs - Poultry Perkasie, Penna.
Storm Windows Insulation HOME REMODELING Suburban Horne Sales Co. 642 Baltimore Pike SWarthmore 6-8600
SWarthmore 6-8601
CASSELL MODERN DECORATORS GENERAL CONTRACTOR Painting - Alterations New Construction Concrete Work SWarthmore 6-1537
LOWNES FOR FLOWERS Corsages a Speciality -' Gifthings Cut Flowers - Plants Telegraph Service - Delivery 225 East Woodland Ave. SWarthmore 6-1017
FIELDING & POMEROY Realtors - Insurance Mortgages Woodland Avenue at Trolley Station SWarthmore 6-3434
BLAIR JONES Cabinets - Carpentry - Alterations SWarthmore 6-1291 Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.
CROWE Printers & Publishers, Inc. Office SuppliesPrinting 192 Saxer Avenue SWarthmore 6-2084 Publishers of the SPRINGFIELD PRESS
Case Beer, Ale, Porter Cold Case Beer Carbonated Beverages Free Delivery
Sales - Service South Chester Road
608 Baltimore Pike (near Saxer Ave.)
Swarthmore, Pa.
Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.
Swarthmore 6-6130
Don Eastman, Proprietor Swarthmore 6-3500
Henry J. Rohne r Wholesale Groceries Imported and Domestic Cheeses
Distributors of Min Aquawater and Ginger Ale 62 North Front Street Philadelphia, Pa. Phones: Market 7-3142 7-3143
Brookhaven Road
Brookhaven, Pa.
Batteries MADISON MOBIL SERVICE Baltimore Pike and Sproul Rds. Mobilub rication Repairs Towing
CHARLIE'S HAMBURGERS They've made their way By the way they're made Baltimore Pike and Woodla.nd Ave.
Compliments of PORK'S TAVERN Media, Penna.
Formal photography by CAMERA MASTERS STUDIOS
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruggierio
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barranger
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Haworth
Mr. and Mrs. John Hinrichsen, and Karen Mr. and Mrs. D. DeSantis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dunbrack
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Hoven
Mrs. Oliver Wright
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thiel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. MacCain
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thiel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Warnock
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Eckman
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pflieger
Mr. Dale Moyes
Mr. and Mrs. Willaim E. Lappin
Miss Joan Eckman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson
Sir Marris Dannee-Boy
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Lynch
Mrs. Thora A. Gilger
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Daft
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Denice
Mr. and Mrs. Arch C. Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. William Geigle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCrea
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Breeser, Jr.