1960 Scrivener

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¡ Springfield High School Springfield, Pennsylvania

EDWARD S. HOTTENSTEIN May 8, 1905 July 14, 1959 Springfield High School suffered a great loss on July 14, 1959, when Edward S. Hottenstein passed away. He had taught at our school for seventeen years. In his years at Springfield, Mr. Hottenstein won the friendship and the respect of the students, faculty, and the administration alike. Mr. Hottenstein received his Bachelor of Science Degree from West Chester State Teachers' College in 1938. He was granted his Master of Arts by Villanova University in 1957 and was a graduate of the Temple School of Pharmacy. Before Mr. Hottenstein came to Springfield in 1942, he taught in the Department of Science at Girard College for ten years. The 1960 Scrivener wishes to pay tribute to Mr. Hottenstein, who in his years at Springfield has left us with many unforgettable memories.

In Memoriam

FRANK H. HARTZELL January 9,1960 July 9, 1908 Mr. Hartzell's sudden death on January 9, 1960, brought sadness to those who had known him. Though he had taught at Springfield High School for only two years, his unmatched sincerity and friendliness won for him the respect of teachers and students alike . Mr. Hartzell was graduated from Muhlenburg College in 1930, when he received his Bachelor of Science Degree. Prior to his coming to Springfield in 1956, he served ten years as principal at Collingdale High School and spent thirteen years with Westinghouse Electric Company. Even though Mr. Hartzell's presence is no longer with us, we shall, nevertheless, always remember him as the real friend he really was.


Contents In Menl0riam Administration and Faculty


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Staff Editor-in-chief

Kitty Bassett

Layout Editor

Sandi Steele

Copy Editor

Patti Solma

Art Editor Typing Editor Photography Editor

Betty Lou Kelican Emmy Lou Hottenstein H. Armstrong Roberts

Business Manager

Marion Flohr

Assistant Manager

Sally Stalker

Advisors Editorial

Theodore R. Walter


George D. Thomas



Superintendent DR. J. LEONARD HALDERMAN Superintendent of Schools

DISTRICT SECRETARIES Dorris Dalton Elsie Erbeau Helen Walker

MESSAGE TO SENIORS Congratulations on your achievement of standards, which entitles you to join the growing numbers of Springfield graduates. During your stay here, you have, by your deeds and actions, added to the prestige of your school. We ask that you continue to bring honor to your parents, school and nation, as you leave to face new experiences in business, industry and higher institutions of learning. You are living in a world entangled in differences of opinion. As free men and women, you have the responsibility of making basic decisions. You must help decide the role of government. Should it be limited to those functions which private individuals cannot perform as well, or do you desire a government that assumes all our individual responsibilities and provides questionable shelter and security? Is it necessary to forsake freedom and ideals for materialism, or will it be possible to achieve social and economic peace and still hold to the priceless values free men enjoy? These are but two of the problems of your generation. Best wishes to each and everyone as you shoulder the responsibilities of free men and women.




SENIOR HIGH SECRETARIES Marge Clarke Ruth Haenle Peg Samuels Marguerite Roberts

CLASS OF 1960 As you join the ranks of Springfield graduates, you carry with you a proud heritage. Throughout our land, in business, in industry, and in the Armed Forces, and in many colleges and universities, Springfield graduates are seeking and achieving their goals in a manner which is bringing honor to their parents and to our school. F~om your performance here at Springfield High School, we have every reason to believe that most of you have much to contribute in whatever field of effort that you have chosen and that you will add much to this fine record _of Springfield graduates. Those of us in education have little upon which to judge the effectiveness and worthwhileness of our efforts beyond the way that our graduates turn out. We have reason to be proud of our efforts so far and know that we will continue to be just as proud of you in the future as we have been during your years here. RICHARD K. SMITH


BRUCE B. MORGAN Administrative Assistant to the Principal

ELWOOD S. MILLER Administrative Assistant to the Principal

Every high school needs a framework around which it can develop. The Ad·· ministration of Springfield High School ably fits this requirement as our officials perform the functional, every day tasks which keep our school running smoothly. . They devote much time to improving Springfield and seeing that it has the necessary equipment to carryon its task of education. The Administration is also responsible for maintaining the high quality and .standards of Springfield through the years. It is the work of the Administration that has made the Springfield High School of today. These men are now hard at work for the Springfield High School of tomorrow. Each member is indispensable to the functioning of the schooi as an efficient edu· cational unit.

O. GRANT GOODEN Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent


GEORGE D. THOMAS Director of Summer School

EDWARD T. RICHARDSON Assistant Principal in charge of Junior High


JAYNE CRAIG Assistant Secretary

: ,_LJ.~·:i.'-·fW1iIIIlDZ:L _1

ELBERT S. SOLT Administrative Assistant to the Principal


Left to right: Leslie Taylor, treasurer; David Wolstenholme, Raymond Cannon, Elizabeth Pusey, secretary; John Spahr, president; Morton Potter, William Jones, vicepresident; Donald Lehrkinder, solicitor.

School Board

Mr. John Spahr, president


There is always great attention brought to the administrative groups which are working to make Springfield the effective school it is. There is very little attention brought to another organization which sees to it that our school is running smoothly. This group of men and women comprise the School Board. The Board makes sure that the school is functioning in the right way. It does all the long-range planning of buildings and oversees the general welfare of the school system. This group spends a great number of valuable hours to make certain we have a more efficient working system for our community. The board keeps the student body and the ever-growing needs of the school in mind when it does its planning for new teachers to be hired each year. When new and more advanced facilities are to be installed, it is certain that the Board members have checked every detail before giving their approval. The academic life of the school could not function without the able assistance of our School Board.


Senior High Deans Thomas Gartside Elsie Denice

Mrs. Denice has served as Dean of Girls in the Seniol' High School for two years and previous to that three years as Junior High Dean. Her many duties are widely varied. She counsels the girls on personal and scholastic problems, aids in course selection, and discipline problems. Mrs. Denice also acts as a college guidance director for the entire school, arranging for visits of admissions directors and college nights. She also assists in college board and' Drexel test interviews. The duties of Mr. Gartside parallel those of Mrs. Denice in most instances. In addition, he acts as vocational guidance director for the secondary school, arranging for outside speakers and career conferences. He also assists in interviews on college board tests. Mr. Gartside has served as our Boys' Dean for two years. He previously taught histo~'y,


JUNIOR HIGH The Junior High School deans, Miss Dorothy Gore and Mr. Harry LeFever, have two main responsibilities: First to help the students better understand themselves, their abilities and limitations. Second to provide valuable information for the students in social, educational, and 'vocational activities. These goals are accomplished through the combined efforts of this capable team.

Junior High Deans Harry LeFever Dorothy Gore












11. , j

, !

Faculty English Department Head-Edith Bigelow Barbara Cheris George Ege Judith Elliott Edith Gettys Nancy Keiper Margaret Lamb

Karl Merbreier James Milne Suzanne Osborne Nicholas Spennato James Trumbower Theodore Walter

Margaret Green (on leave)

Mathematics Department Head-James Weaver Louise Angier Arnold Estis Betty Desjardin Dale Fry George Irvin William Mackrides

Joan Mattia Rena Robbins William Steele Roy Wentz Mary Louise Witting

Science Department Head-Dean T. Stephens Nelson Adams Mildred Bankert John Bay Richard BQccelli David Burger William Campbell Charles Foltz (on leave)

Jay Frey Harry Lemmon Glenn Long Sylvia Marin Nicholas Ossman Malachi Pancoast Graydon Wood

Reading Supervisor and Specialist-Elizabeth Anders Nurse-Margaret Sharer

Driver Education-Joseph Cannon

Dental-Verne Witchey

Librarians-Margaret Graham Margaret Austin

16 _ _ _tIDL..-


Faculty Social Studies Department Head-Albert Jones

Angela Corbin Virginia Emrey Robert Filson Walter Hall James Hornaday

Elyse Pade Elvira Sanbe Karl Schaefer Joseph Stumpf

Language Department Head- Hazel Neely

Edith Gettys Susan Gibble Carolyn Hooper

Alia Kuhlmann Mary Ann Burns Muriel Santmyers

Core Department Head-Calvin Allison

Frances Balis Eleanor Civatella Joan Constable Elizabeth Anders

Thomas Gallagher Beatrice Hampf Georgette Hickman

Physical Education Department Head- Wilbur Schopf

Harry Bell Jane Brusch Gladys Hart

Nada McBrearty Richardson Shoemaker


Faculty and Departmental Activities

Music Department Luca DelNegro Paul Douglas Harry Mitchell Thelma Richards

Home Economics Department Mabel MacGregor Patricia Moran Ada Peel

Art Department Estelle Conver Jane Shuster Kathleen Small


...... -



DORIS NEWMAN Director of Cafeterias



A. Bell, A. Marinaro, B. K lin g e r, N. Bailey, A. Thomas, cafeteria manager; D. Maker, E. Marsh.

.t. I

,' -......,

, I


J. Wilson, W. Gilday, D. Richardson. Second Row: E. Johnson, G. Esposito, A. Gibbons, W. Bissex. Third Row: W. Beddall.

Bus Drivers


D. Rhoads, R. Greenfield, C. Johnson, G. Taylor.



Senior Class Officers





Bill Lee

Andy Logan

Ollie Burt

Cindy Jacoby

Student Council Officers

.", I

SECRETARY . Nancy Hartmann 22




Nick Nastasi

Bob Hovey

Jim Scotti

CHARLES BRIAN ADLER Bud College Preparatory Sports Gub 2; Bowling 3, 4; Operators' Club 3, 4 President; Golf 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Spri-Hian Photographer 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

LEONORE MARIA ALBER Lore College Preparatory Tri路Hi路Y 2; Lacrosse Manager 2, 3, 4; Leather Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

"I tell )'ou!"

"If that don't beat all?"

STEPHEN SHELBY APPLEGATE . Garth College Preparatory Track 2, 3, 4; T.A.B. Club 2; Philosophy Club 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4 Captain; Rifle Team 4; Spri路Hian 4; Na路 tional Honor Society 4.

ANDREW RALPH ARCARO Andy Industrial Arts Football 2.

"What do you got to eat?"

"Don't work too hard!"

CLARK HOLMES BACH Chic College Preparatory Radio Club 3.

DOMINICK RALPH ARCARO Industrial Arts Dominick Football 2; Student Council 2. .

"You worry too much!"

"Two hearts are better than one."

BEVERLY ANN BAKER Bev Business F.B.L.A. 2; Gymnastics Club 2, 3; Hockey 2; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2.

"Get up, Merril! Merril! It's. 8 o'clock."

JOHN PETE BALLAS Jay College Preparatory Dramatic Club 2; Drill Club 4.

"Always stay a bachelor!"

KATHERINE M. BASSETT Kitty College Preparatory Tri-Hi-Y 2, Treasurer 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3; Hockey 2; Basketball 2, 3; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Student Council 3; Scrivener Editor-inChief 4; Senior Play Commit· tee 4; Quill & Scroll 4; National Honor Society ,4.

JOAN LOUISE BARR Joanie College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; -Basketball 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Shop Club 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4 President; Archery Club 4; Sen· ior Play Committee 4.


"e' est uf vie."

BARBARA RUTH BEST Barb General Academic Dramatic Club 2, 4; Nurse's Aid 4; Bowling 4; Library Assistant 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

GEORGE CHARLES BEST George College Preparatory Tennis 2, 3, 4; Drill Club 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Student Council 4.

"Her, Bo?, Boo- after those

"That's show bizz."





_ _ _ .__..---_...-J _

CAROLYN LOUISE BOON Carolyn College Preparatory F.N.A. 2 President, 3; Opel'.ators' Club 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian B~siness Staff 4; Tri·Hi·Y 4; .Library Assistant 4; Bowling 4; Senior Play COITnrtittee 4; May 'Queen Nominee 4; Quill &- Scroll 4.

JAMES HACKETT BOOTH Boothy General Academic ArchelY Club 2; Wrestling 3; Mechanics Club 3; I.B.A. 3.

"Ain't it a pity?"

,"Really!? !"

SANDRA A. BORISHEK Sandy College Preparatory F.N.A. 3, 4. "Yep"

JOAN KATHRYN BOYER Joan College Preparatory Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3; F.T.A. 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3; Library Assist. ant 4; Scrivener Bus i n e s s Staff 4; Senior Play Commit· tee Chairman 4; Dramatic Club 4.

"I wish I were in Miami!"

LOIS JEAN BOYER Loie Business Dramatic Club 2; Bowling 2; Swimming 2; Girls' Chorus 2, 3.

HARRY CHARLES BOYLE Hany General Academic Mechanics Club 3.

"Why not?"

"Am I late?"

THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BOYLE Tom College Preparatory Camera Club 3,

"Oh, great!"

JACQUELINE CAROL BREWSTER Jackie College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3,. 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3;. Swimming 2, 3; Tennis 3, 4; Press Club ' 3, 4; F.N.A. 4.

"That's ridiculous!"


RICHARD CLINTON BROOKS Brooksie Industrial Arts Baseball 2; I.B.A. 3, 4. "Hey Wick, I'm out of gas!"

CAROLE ANN BROOMALL Broom College Preparatory , Dramatics Club 2, 3; Tennis 2. "Can't wait 'til Friday I"



CHARLES BROSS JR. Charlie College Preparatory

Bob College Bowling 2, 3; Checkers Club 2; 3; Senior Play Chairman 4.

Radio Club 2; Bas e ball Manager 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

Preparatory Chess and Radio Club Committee I


"Where's Margaretp"


PAMELA ELIZABETH BROWN Pam College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Band Man· agel' 2, 3, 4; Tl'i-Hi·Y 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 4; Dramatics Club 2, 3; Student Council 3; Russian Club 4.

ROBERT EMMETT BROWJ Brown-e Industrial Art Football Manager 2, 3, 4; Baseball Manager 2, 3, 4 ; I.B.A. Parliamentarian 4; Senior Play Committee 4.


"Hi Sally, when are we chugging out to Denver?"

"Not too quick!"

PATRICIA ANNE BUCHHALTER Pat Business F.B.L.A. 2, 3; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3; Library Assistant 2; Tri-Hi·Y 4; Op· erators' Club 4; Scrivener Edi torial Staff 4.

DIANE ELIZABETH BURClN Diane Business Library Assistant 2; Tri·Hi·Y 4; F.B.L.A. 4; F.N.A. Sec· retary 4. "Whoa!"

"Oh no, not another quiz!! I"


DOROTHY PATRICIA BURKHART Pat College Preparatory Bowling 2, 3, 4; Tl:i-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4;, Spanish, Club 4; Girls' Chorus ' 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, Sec· retary-Treasurer 4; Sen i 0 r Play Committee 4; National Honor Society 4. "I can't wait


ROBERT RONALD BURNLEY Bob College Preparatory Boys' Glee Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Bowling 4; F.T.A. 4. "Can't win them all ..."

n til next

year . .."

COLE OLIVER BURT III Ollie College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4 Captain; Track 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Student Council 3; Choir 3, 4, President; Service Club 3, 4 Treasurer; Class Officer, Vice-President 3, 4; National Honor Society 4.

JOHN LINTON BUTLER John College Preparatory Print Club 2; Hi-Y 4; Rifle Club 4.

"Eenie meenie-"

DAVlD ALAN BYERS Dave College Preparatory Student Council 2; Baseball 2; Basketball 2; Op· erators' Club 2; Archery Club President 3, 4; Golf 3, 4.

JACQUELINE R. BUTTERWORTH Jackie College Preparatory Bowling 2,. 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Library Assistant 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4; National Honor Society 4.

"Something is GROSS"

"Good Grief! ! !"

EDNA MARTHA CAMPBELL Bobbie Business . Band 2,. Manager 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, Librarian 4 ; F.B.L.A. 4; Swinging Strings 3.

"Why not???"

LINDA JEAN CARPENTER Reds . College PreparatQry Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Band 2, Secretary 3; Orchestra 2, 3, Secretary 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; National Honor Society 4. "Clod!! !"

STUART G. CARSLAW Stu College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4 Captain; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4 Captain; Service Club 2, 3, 4 Secretary; Sports Club 2, . 3, 4.

SALVATORE JOSEPH CASELLA Sonny Industrial Arts Band 2, 3; Orchestra 2, 3; I.B.A. 2, 3 Parliamentarian. "Play it cool."

"Cool it!!"

JOHN ALRICH CHURCHMAN Mouse College Preparatory Wrestling 2; Track 3, 4.



General Academic I.B.A. 3, 4.

"I don't know . .."

MERRILY ELAINE CLAUSEN MeITH Business "I just can't do it . . ."

WILLIAM HOWARD CLELAND Bill Industrial Arts Chess & C h e c k e I' s 2, 4; I.B.A. 3, 4. "N~t me!"

WESLEY VERNON CLEVENGER Vern College Preparatory Senior Play Committee 4; Chess & Checkers 3; Chefs' Club 2. "Do it ' in study hall!" .


WILLIAM JOSEPH COCHRAN Bill College Preparatory "Eh1 11"

JANE CORWIN Jane College Preparatory Swimming 2 Manager; Band 2, 3,. 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4 Librarian 4; F.N.A. 3, 4 .Pl·esi. dent; Bowling 4; Scrivener Business Staff ·4; National Honor Society 4.

BARBARA ANNE COYLE Barb Business Tri·Hi-Y 2, Secretary 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4. "That's life, you're out your mind." .


"Good night!!"

JOHN CLINTON CRESCI Johnny College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Baseball 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Boys' Glee Club 2; Sports Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; National Honor Society 4.

RONALD MICHAEL CRESTA Ronnie General Academic "Play it cool!!!"

"Let's roll'em!"

CAROL W. CREWDSON Carol College Preparatory Bowling 2; F.N.A. 2, 3; Nurses Assistant 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3; Tri·Hi-Y . 3, 4; Library Assistant 4; Spri. Hian 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "Did you study?"

AMEDEO J. D'ALESSANDRO Al Industrial Arts I.B.A. 3, 4; .Chef's Club 3; Mechanics Gub 4. "Swingin' "

CHARLOTTE P. CURLETT Char Business Tri-Hi-Y 2; Bowling . 4; F.B.L.A. 4; F.N.A. 4 VicePresident; Spri.Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4. "No problem here except the kangaroos !"

FAYE D'ALONZO Faye College Preparatory Library Assistant 2; Civics Club 2; Tri·Hi-Y 3 Treasurer, 4 President; Bowling 3, 4; Operators' Club 3, 4 Secretary; Nurses' Assist· ant 4. "One

0/ these days-POW!"



III Ed College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4 Co·Captain; Boys' Glee Club 2; Choir 3, 4 Vice· President; Service Club 3, 4 Vice·President.

ARLEEN MARYANN DASCOLA Arleen College Preparatory Dramatic Club 2; Bo,~ling 2,' 3; Tri·Hi·Y 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

"Oh my!"

"Think so?"

VIRGINIA LOUISE DAVIDHEISER Ginny College Preparatory Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4 Vice-President; Spri.Hian Business Staff 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Tri·Hi·Y Secretary 4; District Chorus 4; Regional Chorus 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; May Queen's Court 4; National Honor Society 4.

JEANNETTE MARY DAVID Jeannette College Preparatory Tri-Hi-Y 2 President, 4 Vice-President; Spri-Hian 2, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Bowling 3; Cheerleader 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; National Honor Society 4.



RUSSELL DIETRICH DIERS Russ College Preparatory Gass Officer, Treasurer 2; Student Council 2; 'Football 2, 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Sports Gub 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Boys' Glee Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Wrestling 3.

LINDA MARCELLINA DIAMOND Lisette General Academic Ellis Dramatic Club 2; Tennis Club 2; Dramatic Club 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Art Club 4; Thespian Society 4.

"Yogi Bear and Boo Boo!"

"Think so?"


DILLIO Dill Industrial Arts Dramatic Club 2, 4; Camera Club 3; I.B.A. 4.


ROBERT VINCENT DOLENTE Dole Industrial Arts LB.A. 3, 4.

"Don't worry about it."

JOHN DORNAN John General Academic Chefs' Club 2; I.B.A. 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

RALPH LOUIS DOUROS "AIby" College Preparatory Wrestling 2, 3; Sports Club 2, 3; Wrestling Club 2, 3.

"Hey killer!"

"The pig."

PATRICIA ANNE DRESSER Pat College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3 Vice-Presi· dent, 4; Tri.Hi·Y 3, 4 President; F.T.A. 3,4; Bowling 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

JAMES PATRICK DUFFY Jim Industrial Arts I.B.A. 3; Sports Club 4.

"Oh, M!"

"Oh yea?"

ELIZABETH ANN DUNBRACK Bootsie College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, '4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Varsity' Club 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2 Secretary, 3 Li· brarian, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4.

SALLY ANN DURHAM Sally General Academic

"A/ter tlw.t test, I know I'm dropping Frenchf"

JOHN RICHARD EARLEY Dick College Preparatory Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3; Sports Club 2, 3; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Scott's Hi-Q 3, 4.

JOAN MARIE EGEE Joan College Preparatory Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 3, 4; Nurse's Aid 2, 3, 4; Archery 4; Spanish 4; Sen i 0 r Play Committee 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4.



CAROL GLADYS ETHERINGTON Carol College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A:I 2; F.T.A. 3, 4; F.N.A. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4.

Wayne College Preparatory Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Scott's Hi-Q 2, 3, 4; Philosophy Club 3, 4; Boys' Glee Club 2; Math Club 2; National Honor Society 3, 4.

"Now to doomsville (chemistry) !"

"The Cheshire Cat breathes sulfur and brimstone."

ELAINE C. FANELLI Nunc Business Girls' Shop Club 2; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; Spri.Hian Editorial Staff 4; Girls' Leather Club 4.

"Now wait!"

JOHN THOMAS FAULKNER Jasper Industrial Arls Service Club 2, 3, 4; Football Manager 2; Print Club 2, 3; Chefs' Club 2, 3; I.B.A. 3 Treasurer, 4 President; Hi·Y 2; Student Council 4; Spri. Hian Technical Advisor 4.

"Take it easy!"

CAROL ANN FEERRAR Carol College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Dramatic Club 2, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4· Scr~vener Business Staff TWIrler 3, 4.


JOSEPH ANTHONY FERRANTE Joel College Preparatory Foo'tball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Service Club 2,- 3, 4; Boys' Gle~ Club 2; Math Club 2; ChoIr 3, 4.

"Yea, sure!"

DAVID WAYNE FEUSTAL Dave College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Sports' Club 2, 3; Service Club 4. '

NANCY JOAN FITCH Joanie 'General Academic F.N.A. 2; Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3 Chaplain, 4; Nurses' Aid 2; Bowl· ing 2, 3, 4; Library Assist· ant 4.


"Oh great!"


I\ ..-



.. ..-..i'n--........._


A _ ._ _


MARION CAROLYN FLOHR Mar College Preparatory Dramatic Club 2, 4 Secretari · Treasurer; Senior Play Com; mittee 4; F.T.A. 4; Scrivener Business Manager 4; Quill & Scroll 4. "It's all in the· game!"

. ROGER LEE GASSLEIN Rog College Preparatory Dramatic Club 2; Chefs' Club : 2; Bridge Club 3, 4. "I'll never tell!"

EDWARD ALBERT FOEHL Mole College Preparatory Baseball 2; Basketball 2, 3, 4 Captain; Band 2, 3, 4 Treasurer; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; Service Club 4. "Sure you did."

SUSAN ANNETTE .GEESEY Sue College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4 Captain; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Tri-Hi·Y 2, 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Bo.wl. ing 4; F.T.A. 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri.Hian Editorial Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4; May Queen Nominee 4; National Honor Society 4. "They'll never know, they, Trina?"




LINDA JEAN GENGENBACH Linda ·General Academic Dramatics 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; Thespian Society 2, 3, 4. "Who? What? When?"

BARBARA LYNNE GETTYS Barb College Preparatory F.N.A. 2, 3; F.T.A. 2; Bowling 2, 3, 4; National ' Honor Society 3, 4; Spri-Hian '3, 4 Associate Editor; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4 Treasurer; Library Assistant 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Quill & Scroll 4. "Nonsense /"


LYNN GODMILOW Sport College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Girls' C h 0 r u s 2; Swimming 2; Dramatics Club 3, 4; Thespian Society 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4.

ROBERT K. GODSHALL Bob General Academic Mechanics Club 4. "What??"

"But I don't h a v e any money! !"

SHARON ESTEL GOLDSMITH Sharon College Preparatory F.N.A. 2, 3, 4; Nurse's As· sistant 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4; SpriHian Business Staff 4.

RICHARD PETER GOOTEE . Pete College Preparatory · Track 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Basketball 3. "Quack!"

"Really now ..."

LOTHAR GREUNKE Lotus College Preparatory Football 4; Wrestling 4; Track 4; Service Club 4; Student Council 4.

"Nice guy . . ."

CARROLL FRANK GRUWELL Cal Gral College Preparatoly Student Council 2; Dramatic Club .' 2, 3 Vice-President; Glee Club 2; Wrestling 2, 4; Thespian Society 2, 3, 4; Wre~tling Oub 3. "What . . . me worry???"

.- .



JULIAN HAGUE Jules General Academic Automotive Club 3; Camera Club 4 Sergeant·at·arms.


THEODORE CAMPBELL HALL Ted College Preparatory Tennis 2, 3, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Bowling 4. "That's terrible!"

JAMES EDWARD HAMERSTONE Stien College Preparatory Glee Oub 2; Radio Club 2; Sports Club "2, 3; Bowling 3,4; Hi·Y 4.

WILLIAM ANDREW HALLER Bill College Preparatory Choir 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 4. "Fabulous"

"Not so far today"

SALLY JANE HANCOCK Sally College Preparatory Color Guard 2, 3 Captain; Chorus 2; Play Productions 2, 3; School Newspaper 2; Make·up Club 3; Nurses' Aid 4; Tri·Hi·Y 4; Senior Play Cast 4.

FRANK KENNETH HANCOCK Ken Industrial Arts Band 2, 3; I.B.A. 3, 4. "Why not?"


LYNNE CAROL HARDEN Linnie Business Bridge Club 4. "Not really!"

NANCY GAY HARTMANN Hopin College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4 Secretary; F.N.A. 2; Girls' Chorus 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Varsity Oub 4; May Queen's Court 4. "Sure, right away! !"

WILLIAM DAVID HASLETT Industrial Arts Bill I.B.A. 3, 4; C h e s sand Checkers 3, 4.

NANCY RUTH HELLMAN Nance Business Girls' Chorus 2; Arc her y Club 3; Library Assistant 3; TAB. Book Club 4.

"Just call me Bill."

"0 murder!"

DONALD ROBERT HENDERSON Monk General Academic Boys' Chorus 2; I.B.A. 3; Basketball 2; Mechanics Club 2; Tl'ack 3, 4; Student Council 4.

CAROLYN MAE HERRING Carolyn Business Bowling 2, 3; Tri·Hi-Y 2, 4; Twirling 2, 3, 4 Majorette. "I never mind r e c e i v i n g 'bills'."

"You're not too quick, Ed."


"Oh, my yes!!!"

ROBERT EARL HINDLE Bob College Preparatory Operators' C I u b 2, 3, 4 Track 2, 3, 4; Cross-country 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Philoso· phy Club 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Rifle Club 4; Student Council4.

"Good grief! !"

KENNETH ALBERT HOLSTEIN Ken College Preparatory Baseball 3, 4; Hi·Y 4.

"Not too quick . . ."


EMMY LOU HOTTENSTEIN Lou College Preparatory Bowling 3, 4; Tri·Hi·Y 3, 4; Scrivener Typing Editor 4; Quill & Scroll 4. '

"Horse hockey"

LINDA JANE HUTCHINSON Hutch College Preparatory Cheerleader 2, 3, 4 Co·captain; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Senior Play Committee; Spri.Hian 2, 3, 4 Circulation Manager; Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3 Vice-President, 4 President; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4 Secretary; Quill & Scroll 4; National Honor Society 4.

ROBERT JOHN HOVEY Hovey College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Wrestling Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Class Officer. Vice-Pres· ident 2; Student Council 2, 3, 4 Vice-President; Service Club.

"Cali/J down! !"

"Hi there, cutie pie!"

CAROL JANE IRWIN Ernsie . College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4 Vice-Presid~nt; Thespian So· ciety 3, 4; Color Guard 3, 4; Student Council 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4.

SANDRA RUTH ISENBERG Berg College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Chorus '1, 3 Secretary; Basketball 3; Band 3, 4; Bowling 4; Or. chestra 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4.

"Not too quick"

"Way to go, Irwin!!"

MARGARET ADELE JACKSON Peggy College Preparatory Orchestra 2; Spri-Hian 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; District Chorus 3, 4; Regional Chorus 4; National Chorus 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

"How much does a thistle tube cost, Mr. Pancoast?"

CYNTHIA SUE JACOBY Cin College Prepariltory Tennis 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Bowling 2, 3; Tri-Hi·Y 2, 3 Secretary; . Student Council 2, 3; Library Assistant 2; F.N.A. 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Class Officer Secretary 4; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; National Honor Society 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

"Not too quick!!!"


College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi·Y 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Scrivener Edi~ torial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Advertising Staff 3; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; Na· tional Honor Society 4.

MARGARET M. JOHNSON Peggy General Academic Color Guard 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Sen i 0 r Play Cast 4.

"Be good!"

"Now hang on yo u guys . .."



ELIZABETH L. KELICAN Betty Lou College Preparatory Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; FTA 2, 3, 4; Tennis Manager 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Scrivener Art Editor 4; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; Varsity Club 4; Press Club 3; Quill & Scroll 4.

ROBERT JOSEPH KELLER Moose General Academic Baseball 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3; Football 2; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 3, 4; Track 4. "Censored"

"I mean it. I'm serious!"

ANN DOROTHY KLEIN Stinky College Preparatol'y Orchestra 2, 3 Vice-Pl:esident, Student Conductor 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3; Press Club 2; Band 2; District Orchestra 2, 3; Swinging Strings 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; F.T.A. 4; Scrivener Busi· ness Staff 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Thespian Society 4.

WILLIAM J. KLAGHOLZ Bill Industrial Arts Boys' Glee Gub 2; Hi-Y 2; I.B.A. 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4.

"Really??? Holy Cow!!!"

MARGARET KRAATZ Margaret College Preparato t,~···1 Bowling 2, 3, 4 Secretary; " Girls' Chorus 2; Choir Accompanist 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Tri-Hi·Y 4; Operators' Club 4; Student Council 4; Scriv· ener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

GAIL KNAPP Gail College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Tri-Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; Bowling 4; Senior Play Committee 4. ' "Gad!"

"Oh noo -

PATRICIA ANN KRUG Pat Business Library Assistant 2, 4; T.A.B. Club 3; Bowling 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Shop Club 4.

DONALD ALBERT KYLE D. K. Industrial Arts Band 2; Football 3; Track 3, 4; I.B.A. 3, 4 Secretary; Senior Play Committee 4.

"Not really!"

"This is ridiculous!"




oh no!"

LESLIE FREEMAN LANDAU Les College Preparatory Track 2, 4; Basketball 2 3' Student Council 2, 3, 4 'Ser: " geant-at-arms; Boys' G lee Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Service Club 3, 4.

KENNETH AL LANE Nighttrain College Preparatory Sports Club 2; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; T.A.B. Book Club 3; Hi-Y 4. "You only live once."

"I couldn't care less!"

JUDITH ELIZABETH LANGE Judy College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2· Choir 3 4· Bowling 2, 3, F.T.A. 2, 3', 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Scrivene'r Editorial Staff 4; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; Varsity Club 4.

CAROLYN LeCALSEY Carolyn College Preparatory Orchestra 2; Band 2, 3, 4 Librarian; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Gym Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

"What's that mean?"

"What a riot!"




WILLIAM C. LEE Bill College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4 Captain; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Class Officer President 3, 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Thespian Society 4.

JUDITH ANN LIKENS Judy Business Girls' Chorus 2, 3; F.B:L.A. 2, 3, 4. "That's tough!"

"All right!"

LUCRETIA KATHRYN LINSALATA Lucretia College Preparatory Girls' Leather Club 2, ·3, 4. "I can't help it"

MARY GUIDA LIPPMAN Mary College Preparatory Thespian Society 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; F .N.A. 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4; Cheerleader 2 Captain 3; Owl 2, 3; Junior Play Cast 3. "I

flunked it; flunked it."




ANDREW HANCE LOGAN Hance College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Boys' Club 2; Stu den t Council 2, 3, 4; ·Service Club 2, 3, 4 President; Class Officer Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 4.

. JOSEPH MICHEAL LOPEZ Kid Lopez College Preparatory Metal Oub 4. "You must of been a beautiful baby."

"Il'l einie, Moe"

TAMARA PAULINE MAKER Tam College Preparatory Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 2, 3; Nurse's Aid 2, 3; Russian Club 4. "Do you want a piece of gum?"

MARGARET ANNE MARK Maude College Preparatory. Spri-Hian 2; 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Band 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Varsity CliIb 4; F.T.A. 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "Howdy!"


RICHARD ALLEN MARSH Rich College Preparatory Band 2, 3 Vice-President, 4 President; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Brass Choir 2, 3, 4; District Band 2; State Band 2; Operators' Club 2; Golf 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Service Oub 3, 4; Bowling 4.

WALTER G. MARKER King College Preparatory Football 2, 3; Student Council 2; Sports Club 2, 3, 4; Boys' Glee Oub 2; Service Club 3, 4. "FollollJ me!"

"Oh yeah!"

JUDITH KAY MARTIN Judy General Academic Student Council 2; Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Scrivener Bus i n e s s Staff 4; May Queen's Court 4. "What's the problem there, Char?"

MICHAEL JOHN MATHEWS Caveman College Preparatory Track 2, 3, 4; Drill Club 2; Cross Country 3, 4; Hi·Y 3, 4 Chaplain; Rifle Team Captain 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Thespian Society 4. "Oh for gosh sakes!"

ROCHELLI SANDRA MAUSKOF 5helli College Preparatory Choir 2; Art Club 2, 3, 4; Theatrical Make·up Club 2, 3; Girls' Chorus 3; Sock and Buskin Dramatic Club 3. "Got any chewing gum?"

SANDRA FRANCES McCADDEN Sandy College Preparatory Library Assistant 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Thespian Society 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Stu· dent Council 2; Dramatic Oub 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4 Vice-President; Choir 3, 4; Spri·Hian 3, 4 Managing Editor; Quill & Scroll 4; Bowling 4; Varsity Club 4; May Queen Nominee 4; National Honor Society 4. "Out! Out!"

VIVIAN KREIDER McCOY Viv College Preparatory F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Lacrosse 2; Library As· sistant 3, 4; Scrivener Busi· ness Staff 4. "And all that jazz"

RICHARD PATTERSON McELROY Mac College Preparatory Service Club 2, 3, 4; Boys' Glee Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Class Officer President 2; Stlldent Council 2, 3; Sports Club 2. "1 didn't do it, honest."


ALICE ELIZABETH McGUIGAN Alicia McGoogan College Preparatory Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4 Treasurer; Bowling 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2; Library Assistant 3; Tri· Hi-Y 4; District Chorus 4; Regional Chorus 4; Senior Play Committee 4; F.B.L.A. 4. . "Cindy!? !"

RALPH DAVInSON MEGEE Mag College Preparatory Band 2, 3, 4 Vice-President; Football 2, 3 Manager; Basketball 2, 3, 4 Manager; Baseball 2, Manager; Sports Club 2; Operators' Club 2, 3; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Track 3, 4; Hi-Y 3 Chaplain; Cross Country 4; Philosophy Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4; National Honor Society 4; District. Band 4. "Not too mercurial!"

JUDITH ANN MESSINA Judy Business Girls' Chorus 2; Intramurals Club 2; Bowling Club 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4.

PHYLLIS ROBERTA MEYERS Bobbie Business Dramatic Club 2, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4. "Oh, fine!"

"Gosh, you're crazy!"

CHARLES ARTHUR MILLER Charlie College Preparatory Band 2, 3, 4 Student Director; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Brass Choir 2, 3, 4; Golf 3, 4.

RONALD GEORGE MILLAY Ron Industrial Arts I.B.A. 3, 4; Sports Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

"Why not!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

DIANA MARIE MILLER Dil College Preparatory Orchestra 2, 3; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Cheerleader 2, 4; J.V. Cheerleader 3 Cap· tain; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4 Treasurer; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Swimming 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Student Coun· cil 4; May Queen 4. "Golly!"

HOWARD AVERY MILLIGAN Cup Cake General Academic Football 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Sports Gub 3, 4; Wrestling 4; I.B.A. 4; Student Council 4; Rifle Club 4; Service Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "Not too quick!"

SUE ANN MILLIKEN Sue College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3; F.T.A. 4; Dramatic Club 2, 4; Bowlin""b 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2 3, 4; Senior Play Comm.itte~ 4.

JOAN ELAINE MOORE Joan College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Bowl· ing 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 2; F.T.A. 4; Tri·Hi-Y 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Scrivener Busi. ness Staff 4. "Wow!"

LYNNE JANET MOUSLEY Mouse ,College Preparatory Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3, 4 Secretary; Basketball Manager 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Spri.Hian Business Staff 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Varsity Club 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

MARY ELLEN MORRISON Happy College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3; F.N.A. 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4. "I don't know!"

"Don't worry about it." 1

KATHLEEN ANN MURPHY Kitty College Preparatory F.T.A. 2, 3, 4 President; Dramatic Club 2, President 3,4; Library Assistant 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Thespian Society 3, 4; Press Club 3; Spri.Hian 4; Student Council 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Tennis 3.

JAMES MALCOLM MURPHY JR. Jim College Preparatory Operators' Club 2, 3, 4 Vice· President; Choir 3, 4; Bowling 3 Treasurer, 4 President; Philosophy Club 3, 4; Na· tional Honor Society 3, 4; Li· brary Assistant 4; Student Council 4.

"I forgot -my locker key-


"How can you be sure?"

EDWARD DAVID MYERS Ed College Preparatory Tennis 2, 3, 4; Basketball Manager 3; Hi·Y 3, 4 Secre. tary; Bowling 4. "Yea nlan!"

VIRGINIA ESTHER MYERS Ginny Business Girls' Chorus 2, 3; T.A.B. Book Club 2; Orchestra 4; Swinging Strings 4; F.B.L.A. 4 Treasurer.

"Well, now."




· NICHOLAS JOSEPH NASTASI Nick College Preparatory Dramatics · Club 2.; Operators' Club 2, 3; Football 2; . Boys' Glee Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Philosophy Club President 3, ,1;; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3; Track 3, 4; Student · Council President 4; National Honor Society 4.

"What is your philosophy?"

DONALD JOHN NEELY Don College Preparatory Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2; Track 3, 4; Philosophy Club Secretary 3, 4; Hi-Y 3; Cross Country 4; Choir 4; Senior Play Committee 4; National Honor Society 4. .


"Ach de lieber!"


JOHN ALEXANDER NEVIN II Nev Industrial Arts I.B.A. 3, 4; Art Club 4.

GRETA INGRID NEWKIRK Greta College Preparatory National Honor Society 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 4; F.T.A. 4.

"You're kidding!"

JOAN SUSANNE NOCELLA Joni Business Choral Club 2; F.B.L.A. 4.

DAVID ANDERSON NORDBLOM · Dave College Preparatory Hi-Y 3, 4; Bowling 4.

"What won't they think oj next?"

"French, ugh!! !"

ALBERT WILLIAM · NOVINO . Mole General Academic Football 2, 3, 4; Boys' · Glee Club President 2; Basketball 2; Sports' Club 2, 3, 4; Service Club 4; Wrestling 4.

CHARLES BRUCE NORTON Bruce General Academic Automotive Club 2; I.B.A. 3; Mechanics 3.

"That's the breaks!"

"No, follow me!"



-. .


MARGARET MARY O'HARA Peggy Business F.B.L.A. 4; Bridge Club 4.

THEODORE CHARLES O'NEILL Nail College Preparatory Dramatic Club 2 President 4; Thespian Society 2, 3, 4.; Service Club 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3; Wrestling Club 3; Bowling 2, 3.

"What did you say?"

"Quid-Me Vexari?"

ANDREW JOHN OTTOSSON Andy Industrial Arts Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; I.B.A. 3, 4.

JERRY WESLEY PALMA The Stomach College Preparatory

"I mean like I know!"

"Who me?"

MARJORIE ANN PARK Pid College Preparatory Class Officer Secretary 2; Dramatic Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3 President, 4 Treasurer; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; School Store Managel'; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3; Press Club 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Bowling 4; Scrivener Business Staff · 4; Senior Play Student Director 4; May Queen Nominee 4; Thespian Society 4.

RICHARD EDWIN PARKER Dick College Preparatory Wrestling 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Philosophy Club 4; Thespian Society 4.

"Suppose nobody cares!"

"Don't worry!"

STEPHEN LEE PARSONS Steverino College Preparatory Intramural SpQrts 2; Camera Club 3.

"What, me worry?"

JOANNE EDITH PAUL Joanne Business Bowling 2; Dramatic Club 2; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4.

"You're late again!"


KAREN SUE PEARSON Pearie Business Shop Club 2, 4; F.B.L.A. 4. "Oh, well!"

DAVID SHANNON PECK Dave College Preparatory Cross Country 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Sports Club 3 Secretary; Class Officer 2 President, 3 Vice·President. "Later /"

NATALIE SUE PEIKIN Gnat College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3; T.A.B. 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 3, 4; Bowling 4.

NANCY SUE PENNINGTON Maximost College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; T.A.B. 2 Secretary-Treasmer; F.N.A.4.

"Like wow!"

"Oh! You're so dumb!"

JACQUELINE LOUISE PETERS Jackie Business Tri-Hi-Y 2 Vice-President, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 4; F.T.A. 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Nurse's Aid.

DONNA LEE PETERSON Pete Business Girls' Chorus 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4 Chaplain; News Reporter 2; F.H.A. 2; G.A.A. 2; Basketball 2; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4.

"Oh my yes!"


POLLY ANNA PLATT Polly General Academic F.N.A. 2, 4; Nurse's Aid 2; Bowling 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.T.A. 4. "Nothin' !"

ROSE CONCETTA POLOGRUTO Rose College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2,3,4; F.B.L.A. 2; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, .4; F.T.A. 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; Nurse's Aid 4; Bowling 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "Coming, Sally!"





_ _ _ _4IIIk


JUDITH LEE POWERS Judi College Preparatory Tri路Hi-Y 2, '3, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4 Secretary; District Chorus 2, 3, 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Press Club 2, 3, 4; SpriHian Editorial Staff 3, 4 News Editor; F.T.A. 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Regional Chorus 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

PATRICA VANICE POULOS Pat College Preparatory :rri-Hi.Y 2, 3; Spri-Hian Edi. torial Staff 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Operators' Club 3, 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "Is this a test or quiz?"

"Ie ne comprends pas!"

BARBARA LEE RAUSCH Shorty Business F.B.L.A. 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Nurse's Aid 4.

KAREN SUE REED Karney Business Senior Play Committee 4; Shop Club 3; Spri路Hian Editorial Staff 4; Tri路Hi路Y 4; F.B.L.A. 4.


"Oh my yes!"

EILEEN FRANCES REEVES Eileen Business Basketball 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4 Chaplain; Spanish Club 2; F.B.L.A. Secretary 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

HOMER R. REESE JR. Homer College Preparatory Track 2, 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Brass Choir 2; Sports Club 3; Golf 4; Orchestra 4.


J. JANEE RHODES Janee Babe Business F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4 Captain; Varsity Club 3, 4; Bowling 4; Archery Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

JONATHAN IRA REUBEN Jonny College Preparatwy Football 2, 3, 4; Archery Club 2; Basketball 3; Sports Club 3, 4. "Touche!"

"Why not?"





RUTH ANN RICHARDS Rowdy Ruth College Preparatory Choir 2, 3, 4; Dis t ric t Choms 2, · 3, 4; Regional Choms 4; National Chorus 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "I was only" kidding!"


WILLIAM S. SACCOMANDI Industrial Arts Bowling 3, 4. "Take it easy I"

BEVERLEY ANN RIDGWAY Bevey College Preparatory· Girls' Shop 2; Dramatic Club 3; Senior Play Cast 4; TriHi·Y 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Spanish Club 4. "Where's 'The Terror'?"

JANE ELLEN SAMUELS Sam College Preparatory Girls' Choms 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3 4; Tri·Hi·Y 2 Chaplain, 3; J:V. Cheerleader 3; · Senior Play Committee 4; Spri·Hian Editorial Staff 4. "Think so, Char?"


CAROLYN ANN SAYRES Cas College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; TriHi·Y 3, 4 Chaplain; Scott's Hi-Q 3, 4; Spri-Hian Edi' torial Staff 3, 4 Editor-inChief; ' Press Club 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Student Council 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4.; May Queen Nominee 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

MARIE ADELE SANTANGINI Mary Business Gym Club 2; Dramatic Club 2, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.B.L.A. 4. "So what's new-like?"

"Attenqance is compulsory."

VERNON EARLE SCHAEFER Schaef College Preparatory 'Tennis 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2. '. . '.'Oh, I don't know." ".


GEORGE WAYNE SCHAFFER Wayne College Preparatory Choir 2; Sports Club 4; Basketball 2. "You don't show me much-Don."





Industrial 'Arts ..Carr '. . . Automotive Club 2; I.B.A. 3,4: .. ·" Why not? /"

JAMES PAUL SCOTTI Jim Jam Industrial . Arts Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Service Club 2, 3, 4;· l.BA 2, 3 Vice-President; Student Council 3, 4 Treasurer. "Ah, come on!"

JANET MARIE SEPTOR J an Business Girls' Chon,W:,g, .:3; Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3, 4 Secrei~fy';:.: Swimming 2; Spri·Hian · Btiifriess Staff 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3; Student Council 3; Scrivener Editorial . Staff 4; Senior Play Commit· tee 4; May Queen's Court 4.

BRUCE EDGAR SHEELY Sheel General Academic I.B.A. 3, 4; Sports Club 4. "Go Home"

"Art's my favorite subject."


KENNETH PHILIP SHEFSKA Ken College Preparatory Radio Club 2, 3; Sports Club 4.

GEORGE EDWARD SHIPPS George General Academic Tennis 3, 4; Wrestling Club 3; Bowling 3; I.B.A. 3, 4. "None."

BARBARA JANE SMITH Barb College Preparatory Tri·Hi-Y 2; F.T.A. 3, 4; Girls' Shop Club 3; Scrive· ner Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Art Oub 4.

MARGARET JEAN SMITH Maggie Business Girls' Chorus 2; Bowling 3, ' 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Tri·Hi-Y 4. "Tough beans!"


MARY ELIZABETH SMITH Beth Business Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 2, 3 Vice.President, 4 President; Nurses' Aid 4; Archery Club 2.

PATRICIA MAY SMITH Pat Business F.B.L.A. 2, 3 Secretary; Dra· matic Club 2; Girls' Chorus 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Bowling 4; Tri·Hi·Y Treasurer 4.

"You best believe it."

THEODORE JAMES SOHN Ted College Preparatory Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Science Club 2; Sports Club 3, 4. "Let's be bull!"




PATRICIA LOUISE SOLMA Patti College Preparatory:.; I .• Girls' Chorus President 1, 2; .' F.T.A. 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4 Co-Captain; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3 Sec· retary, 4 Vice·P res ide n t; Choir 3, 4; Student Council 3; Scrivener Copy Editor 4; Sertior Play 'Committee 4; Quill & Scroll 4; ' May Queen Nominee 4. "What seems to be the pro b· lem?"

DOROTHY JEAN SPAHR Dottie College Preparatory Hockey 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3,4; Basketba,ll 2, 3; Tri-Hi·Y 3, 4 Treasurer; Swimming 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Senior Play Committee 4; Varsity C I u b 4; National Honor Society 4.

JACK SALVATORE SPALLONE Jack College Preparatory Football 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross 'Country 3, 4; Philoso· phy Club Treasurer 3, 4; Hi·Y Vice-President 4. "There's still time, Brother."

"Don't worry about it!"

SANDRA ELIZABETH STEELE Sandi College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Swimming 2; Color Guard 2; Tri·Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; SpriHian Business S t a ££ 3; F.N.A. President 4; Scrivener Layout Editor 4;' Senior Play Committee 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

SALLY MAY STALKER Sally College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Tri·Hi·Y 2; F.T.A. 3, 4; Spri·Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivener Assistant Business Manager 4. "Hurry!"

"Let's crop it!"

DAVID MALCOLM STEWART Dave College Preparatory Football 2; Choir 2, 3, 4; District Chorus 2, 3, 4; State Chorus 2, 3; Regional Chorus 4; Eastern National Chorus 4; Baseball Manager 3, 4.

HARRIET JESSICA STEVENS Harr Business Art Club 4. "For Pete's sake!"

"Good, another medalf"

WILLIAM M. STITELER Bill College Preparatory Math Club 4. "I wouldn't kid ya!"

MARTHA MARIE STOFFREGEN Merth Business Tri-Hi-Y 2; Nurses' Aid 4. "Take-gas."

BETTE CAROL STONE Bette General Academic F.N.A. 2, 3, 4; Nurse's Aid 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2; Tri·Hi·Y 3, 4; Bowling 4; Dramatic Club 4. "Oh, good grief!"

HOPE CAROL STONE Esperanza College Preparatory Dramatic C I u b 2; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; F.T.A. 3, 4; Press Club 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spanish Club 4; Office Aid 4; Homemaker of Tomorrow 4; Senior Play Committee 4; National Honor Society 4.

"Shall we sal ?"

IRENE SUSAN . . .' THALHEIMER Irene College Preparatory Dramatic C I u b 2, 3, 4 ; F.T.A. 3, 4. "Oh, fudge!"

RONALD CHARLES THOMAS Butch Industrial Arts Camera Club 2; I.B.A. 3.

"Don't sweat it."


ELLEN ELIZABETH THOMPSON Ellen College Preparatory Chorus 2, 3; Swimming 2; F.N.A. 3; Spri·Hian Business Staff 3; F.B.L.A. 4; F.T.A. 4; Tri·Hi·Y Vice;President 4; Bowling 4.

KATHRYN CYNTHIA THOMPSON Cindy College Preparatory Tri·Hi·Y 2; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; F.B.L.A.4.

"It sure is!"


CAROL LORRAINE TYSON Carol Business F.N.A. 2; Bond 2, 3, 4; Tri· Hi·Y 3, 4 President; F.B.L.A. 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4. "I got a letter today!"

DENNIS E. VANCE Denny College Preparatory Track 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2; Choir "3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Philosophy 3, 4; Senior Play Conunittee 4; Operators' Club 4; Rifle Team 4; National Honor Society 4.. "Huh?"

MARILYN ANN VAN SCOTER Marilyn College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Art Club 2; Sports Club 2; Varsity Club 4; Senior Play Committee 4.

CLEMENT GEORGE VIGLOTTI Clem College Preparatory Wrestling 3, 4.

"Certainly not!"

"Toot's life and life is cruel!"

KATRINA ANNE WANGE Trina College Preparatory Student Council 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Spri·Hian Business Staff 2, 3, 4 Advertising Manager; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Tri·Hi·Y 3, 4; Senior Play Committee 4; May Queen's COUl't 4; Quill & Scroll 4; National Honor Society 4.

MITCHELL C. WAPEN Mitch College Preparatory Student Council 2; Spri·Hian 2, 3, 4 Sports Editor; Boys' Glee Club 2; Choir 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3,4; Dramatic Club 2; Quill & Scroll 4; National Honor Society 4.

"Walking is for clods."

"They'll never know, tvill they, Sue?"

GEORGE EDWARD WARDROP Jorge College Preparatory Track 2, 4; Dramatic dub 2, 3, 4; Football 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Thespian So· ciety 4.

MARGARET DALE WARD Dale College Preparatory Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Class Officer, s.ecretary 3; Bowling 4; May Queen'~ Court 4.

"Not too swift!"

"Not too quick!"

DAVID EDWARD WARNOCK Dooval College Preparatory Chess Club 2; Wrestling 3, 4; Christmas Card Committee Chairman 4.

"Take it easy."



ROBERT TERRY WATSON Terry College Preparatory Track 2; Drill Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2.

"We won't hold toot against you!"

NATHAN WILLIAM WEEKS Nate Industrial Arts Mechanics Club 3,4. "Be good!"

CONRAD JOHN WEILER Conrad College Preparatory Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Boys' Glee Qub 2; Choir 3, 4; Scott's Hi.Q 3, 4; Philosophical Society 3, 4; Cross Country 4; National Honor Society 4. "How are things in Delphi, Don?"

STANLEY EDWARDS WHITEWAY Stan College Preparatory Boy~' Glee Club 2; DramatIc Club 2, 3; Cross Country 3; Thespian Society 3, 4; Operators' Club 4; Senior Play Stage Manager 4; Track 4.

STEPHEN MARK WEISS Steve College Preparatory Baseball 2; Boys' Glee Club 2; Bowling 4; Sports Club 4. "That's cool!"

"Don't work too hard."

CAROL ELIZABETH WIERCINSKA Carol College Preparatory F.N.A. 2, 3; Nurse's Aid 3; Press Club 4; Russian Club 4.

DAVID EDGIE WILBUR Del College Preparatory Boys' Glee Club 2; Sports Club 2, 3; Class Officer, Treasurer 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Service Qub 4.

"Light of my life-I"

"Dry up!"

MILTON BURNET WILCOX Burnie College Preparatory Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 2, 4; Choir 2, Librarian 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Tennis 2; District Chorus 3, 4; Regional Chorus 4; Bowling 4.

GLENDA BELLE WILCOX Willy General Academic Twirler 2, 3, 4 F eat u r e Twirler.

"Put some more drag on that reel! !"

... .

. CAROLE ANN WISNIEWSKI Carol College Preparatory Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Spri.Hian .Editorial Staff 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Senior Play Com· mittee 4; National Honor Society 4; Quill & Scroll 4.

CAROLE ANN WRIGHT Writie Business Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Tri-Hi·Y 2; Art Club 4. "Not too quick!"

"Ok, well!"

RICHARD BRINGE WRIGHT Dick College Preparatory Latin Club 2; Driver's Club 3; Math Club 4.

DIANE D. YETTER Diane College Preparatory Bowling 4; F.T.A. 4; Senior Play Committee 4. "Ok, no!"

"Ok, no!"

Alma Mater Our Springfield High School, Thou, noble one and true, To Thee we sing again of our gold and blue, Hearts proudly loyal in song, here unite, To spread abroad the fame of thy great power and might May thy sons be faithful,to thy dear memory, Hail our Alma Mater, we ere will sing of thee. Time ever flowing, now bids us all to go, High lot or lowly weal or woe, Life's duties call us what ere befall, Love, honor, praise and glory thou wilt hear from all, and Ever sweetly ringing the name we hold so dear, Voices shoot in mem'ry and echo far and near. When we depart from thy protection here, We'll oft look behind us with all affection dear, Boldly we launch out upon life's stormy main, and Live our bright high-school days all over again, how Often we will ponder on scenes of our siudent life And we'll smile and murmur the name of Springfield High.

I:· 56

Our Class Advisors

Angela Corbin

The Class of 1960, being the largest to graduate from Springfield High School, presented many problems to our class advisors. Because of the great help and guidance of Mrs. Angela Corbin and Mr. Malachi Pancoast, we have had a very successful class. They helped to pull us up when we were falling down on the job and eventually led us to our goal. Without their aid, we could not have prospered in our magazine and Christmas card sales. They also spent a great amount of valuable time to make our trips .to Gettysburg and to New York and Washington great successes. : They were always around when we were in need of them. They were willing to give their time and talents to better the Class of 1960. Looking back over the years we must not forget our Sophomore year when Mr. James Weaver and Mrs. Angela Corbin were our class advisors. They both have been invaluable in our success and activities since then. They aided in making the Soph Hop the wonderful time it was. We can never thank ¡ these teachers enough for their efforts and we can only hope that we, the Class of 1960, have lived up to their expectations.

Malachi Pancoast

J ames Weaver


Senior MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Bill Lee Janet Fohs

TYPICAL SENIORS Andy Logan Ginny Davidhieser

BEST DRESSED Patti Solma Walt Marker

MOST VERSATILE Ollie Burt Peggy Jackson

Spotlite QUIETEST John Nevin Virginia Myers

MOST DIGNIFIED Dick Parker Carol Feerrar

BEST PERSONALITY Don Kyle .Sandy Isenberg

CLASS CLOWNS Charlotte Curlett Don Henderson

Senior BEST LOOKING Nancy Hartmann Les Landau


BEST LEADERS Kitty Murphy Margie Park Nick Nastasi

FRIENDLIEST Janet Septor Stanley Whiteway


MOST STUDIOUS Carolyn Sayres Wayne Ellis

MOST TALKATIVE Judy Lange Roger Gasslein

MOST TALENTED Judi Powers Sonny Casella

BEST ATHLETES Peggy Jackson Stu Carslaw

Rehearsals found Diane Root and Mike Mathews busily practicing their lines.

Linda Diamond, Bill Lee, and Diane Root befriend "Harvey."

"Harvey" The Class of 1960 presented the play Harvey, a hilarious comedy. Harvey, a figure of the imagination, is a six foot one and one-half inch white rabbit who brought excitement and confusion into the lives of everyone with whom he came into contact. The co-operation of the entire Senior Class served to produce a well-organized and enjoyable presentation. Mr. Karl Merbreier again directed the Senior Play. Without his criticisms, corrections, and time, the play could not have been the success it was.

CAST- Front ROlli: B. Keller, G. Wardrop. ROlli: C. Irwin, M. Mathews, P. Johnson.

Second "Oh, Harvey, I've been looking all over for you."


COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN- Front Row: B. Adler, D. Kyle, B. Brown. Second Row: B. Kelican, J. Lange, J. Jardine, M. Park, D. Yetter, L. Robson, C. Jacoby, E. Fanelli, M. Lippman, B. Stone.

Senior Play

CAST-Frollt Row: L. Diamond, B. Lee, D. Root. Second Row: D. Parker, K. Murphy, D. Vance.


63 _ A



May Queen The evening of Saturday, May 7, 1960, is one that will live forever in the mind of a lovely senior girl, Miss Diana Miller . . . for on this night of all nights, she was chosen as Queen of the May . .. an honor so fervently sought after by many, many lovely classmates of hers. Diana, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller of 316 Lynbrook Rd., reached her coveted goal only after becoming one of seven selected from a field of 15 beauties who were entered in the cante# way back in February. The Class of '60 wishes you the best of everything, Diana. May you wear your crown in the highest Springfield tradition.

MAY QUEEN, 1960 Marie Miller


Front Row: Carolyn Sayres, Margie Park, Sue Geesey, Bunny Mainwaring, Patti Solma, Judy Martin, Janet Septol. Second Row: Beth Tl'acy, Ginny Davidheiser, Carolyn Boon, Trina Wange, Diana Miller, Sandy McCadden, Nancy Hartmann, Dale Ward.






... ...

65 _


__ A












OLLIE BURT Wrestling














JOAN BARR Lacrosse







Front Row: S. Spears, B. Edgar, B. Shane, B. Sudell, B. Hollywood, B. Aiken, A. Kirkman, B. Bierly, J. Herman, S. Reeves, D. Reger, J. Viglotti. Second Row: J. Reuben; G. Wardrop, O. Burt, H. Milligan, A. Logan, D. Fuestal, R. Diers, D. McElroy, S. Carslaw, J., Ferrante, L. Landau, B. MacAdams, B. Lee, B. Hovey, B. Novino. Third Row: Mr. Mach-ides, Mr. Bell, D. Lane, R. Sword', C. Messick, H. Ritsert, B. Brewster, V. Lebosky, E. Dannaker, J. Cresci, Mr. Stumpf, Mr. Boccelli. Fourth Row: D. Stettler, R. Brown, D. Pawlewicz, B. Bollinger, M. Kayser, B. Lorraine, P. Ebel, L. Gruenke, B. Casto, D. Nichols, F. Stenz, J. DiCicco, G. Plank, P. Walker, B. Neidermeyer, P. Nordblom.

Left to right: D. Feustel, B. MacAdams D. McElroy, K. Lane, G. Wardrop E. Dannaker, L. Gruenke J. Reuben R. Diers

70 II.







The Cougar gridders began their climb for another good season by rolling. over Lower Merion with a convincing score of 21-13 in their home opener. The next four consecutive wiI).s were sparked with good aerial defense, good ball handling, and driving runs. Although the Cougars lacked a heavy line, they combatted this problem with speed, hanging up an inspiring 6-3¡1 record. Their only losses were to undefeated Ridley Township, Haverford, and that ever popular rival, Marple Newtown. The Cougar gridders battled to a 1212 tie with Plymouth-Whitemarsh. Springfield will miss nineteen diploma-bound seniors in 1960. Despite this loss, the Cougars will be blessed with plenty of experienced talent returning next year.

Left to right: B. Lee, R. Sword, B. Hovey J. Cresci, O. Burt, S. Carslaw B. Novino, A. Logan L. Landau, H. Milligan Kneeling: J. Ferrante

71 ~ --




J. Stumpf, H. Bell, W. Mackrides, R. Boccelli. ---~--~J

The Junior Varsity gridders, despite the lack of experience, stayed on the heels of a very successful season with each game. Most important thing about the team was not its record, but the indomitable spirit exhibited by the players at many crises '~uring the course of the season which made .each victory a satisfying and well-deserved reward. The most significant contribution of the team's members was their praiseworthy showing as representatives of Springfield High School. With several first-line reserves in the sophomore and junior classes, Springfield's football stock should maintain a high level lor years to come.


Coach Mackrides paces the sidelines during a tense moment in the M-N game.

Good blocking by S.H.S. as Stu Carslaw carries the ball against U.D.




SHS ..21. 12 7 20 14

o 6 6


OPP. Lower Merion Plymouth·Whitemarsh Upper Darby Han-iton Upper Merion Haverford Penncrest : Ridley Township Marple .Newtown

13 12 0 0 0 19 0 ..45 39

McElroy, Viglotti and Diers, sense a fumble in Marple·Newtown game.

John Cresci builds up steam on an end run against Marple.

We won the Upper Darby game on good running plays like this one.



Front Row: S. Glass, L. Poli, J. Lockhart, P. Egan, D. Greenwood. Second Row: M. Park, J. Lange, D. Miller, P. Solma, L. Hutchinson, G. Davidheiser, S. Me· Cadden.

' 0.' ''-../ -~;J'. I Ig,,:' •







I ·

Co·captains- L. Hutchinson, P. Solma.

Cheerleaders clap and stamp at the pep rally.



Front Row: P. Solma, L. Hutchinson. Second Row: M. Park, J. Lange, D. Miller, G. Davidheiser, S. McCadden.


From left : G. Scotti, M. Greenfield, J. Zafis, J. Menard, L. Reese, J. Gillingham, M. Wicks, M. Graff, S. Ethridge.

JUNIOR HIGH CHEERLEADERS-From left: R. Gillingham, C. Niles, L. Gambol, M. Daugherty, E. Shwartz, J. Hickman, C. Mainwaring, B. DeHaven, J. Weniger, J. Williams. Advisor: Miss Constable.

We want victory!


Cross Country

Front Row: D. Neely, D. Vance, B. Aldred, C. Hoover, J. King, S. Applegate, D. Beacher, J. Spallone, T. McDermott, J. Behrle. Second Row: J. Britt, A. Dell, T. Black, C. Weiler, D. Megee, E. Kayser, R. Ritter, A. Spears, S. Frederick, R. Rivell. Third Row: J. Criste, R. Hindle, D. Bruce, J. Bohl, B. Dornan, S. Fischer, S. Milkowski, J. Lawlar, B. Crecelius, B. Buhlmann, B. Huffman, M. Matthews.

Our cross-t:ountry team was chosen as the Team of the Year of Delaware County, while the coach, Mr. Dale Fry, was named Coach of the Year. This was the climax to SHS's most successful season in many years. The Cougars placed seventh in the District Meet at Cobb's Creek. The first interclass meet was held this year in which the juniors placed first, the sophomores second, and last but not least, the s¡eniors. Cross-country participators must have a great deal of energy in reserve to endure and successfully compete in their two and one half mile races. \-


~ Bill Aldred watches as Charles Hoover and John King cross the finish line. SEASON'S RECORD SHS

24 22 15 40 23 32 22 35 Coach Dale Fry goes over team records with managers, B. Haller, C. Flash¡ barth, N. Vance.



Harrington . Media ..._..... Penncrest .. Marple Newtown Ridley Township __.. Plymouth Whitemarsh Ridley Park __.. Upper Da.by

. __ .__ .._.._ ...... .. ..__.._........ .._ ..

34 .....37 ._46 ..17 ..__33 .. 23 .._.. 39 .._20


E. Foehl, D. Byers, B. Adler, B. Gates, C. Miller, H. Reese, D. Marsh, R. Ciarocchi.

Golf The 1960 spring season was the first in which Springfield's golf team participated in interscholastic competition. The team was organized dS a non-league competitor. This year twelve matches were played, six of which were at home at the Rolling Green Country Club. Golf is growing in popularity as a competitive sport. In the future we hope to see more participation in this sport. The team also needs our loyal support.

Winner of last year's L. Henry leBaron trophy was Dick Marsh, team's number one man. Mr. Jones gives pointers to Bud Adler as duffer 'friends lend aid.

77 _ ~ ~ _ , -

--A_ _•


"-_ 'A,,,--.-, _ _




_ _.....

~_ - - -


o 5 3 6 3

Harriton Upper Merion Penncrest Nether Providence Marple Newtown Lansdowne-Alden Ridley Township Radnor


Front Row: L. Carpenter, N. Hartmann, S. Geesey, B. Jones, B. Helmic. Second Row: J. Barr, D. Frazer, B. Mainwaring; D. Spahr, J. Brewster, M. Smith, L. Godmilow, Miss Brusch, coach.

Muddy fields proved to be an asset to the varsity hockey team this year as they completed the season with a 7-1 record, being defeated only by Nether Providence. Springfield scored 31 points in eight games, while their opponents managed to tally only four. Sue Geesey captained the team, which was composed primarily of seniors, of which eight were returning Varsity me m be r s. Jackie Brewster was high scorer with 13 goals. With a few letter winners returning and a talented Junior Varsity squad moving up next year, the hockey future at Springfield indeed looks toward an undefeated season in the year to come.

OPP. 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0



Let's get that ball.

Bacle Row: V. Smith, B. Duffy, T. Widdowson, S. Evans, B. Chestnut, P. Shannon, B. Fornwalt, B. Burt, J. Godmilow, V. Sloan, G. Stretton, Miss Hart. Front Row: M. Schmitt, K. Krouse, J. Noyes, S. Neagley, C. MacAllister, D. McConnell, J. Sinnamon, M. Elwell.


Harriton Upper Merion Penncrest Nether Providence Marple Newtown Lansdowne-Alden Ridley Township Radnor


5 1 4

2 2 1




6 Lost- O Tied-2

OPP. 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0



P. MARK, Manager




N. Hartmann and team attack goal.







The junior varsity hockey team showed a promising future by finish· ing its season with 6 wins and 2 ties with Harriton and Ridley Township. Having only 4 points scored against them, the girls tallied a score of 18 points for the season's record. Miss Gladys Hart coached the team while a different team member was chosen to act as captain for each game. With good team spirit and equal ability, the girls show much enthuSIasm for a promising season next year. MISS BRUSCH, Coach




Front Row: J. Butterworth, J. Fohs, A. McGuigan, 1. Rhodes, P. Johnson, B. Coyle, J. Messina, M. Smith, P. Smith, D. Peterson, B. Rausch, S. Geesey, S. Isenberg, D. Yetter, 1. Lange, B. Stone. Second Row : N. Peiken, J. Behrle, C. Boon, M. Park, M. Kraatz, "P. Solma, 1. Murphy, E. Myers, B. MacAdam, C. Adler, G. Knapp, C. Sayres, S. McCadden. Third Row: C. Thompson, J. MacLennan, J. Corwin, B. Gettys, E. Hottenstein, J. Egee, B. Burnley, D. Nordblom, P. Krug, D. Ward, C. Curlett, V. Tavani, S. Weiss, T. Sohn, T. Hall, J. Hammerstone, B. Hindle. Fourth Row: J. Fitch, S. Goldsmith, P. McFaul, J. Moore, P. Burkhart, P. Dresser, E. Tomlinson, D. Marsh, B. Saccomandi, D. Parker, G. Best, S. Steele, A. Klein, B. Best, J. Tucci, S. Milliken, E. Thompson.

Strikes and spares are the common words frequently heard among the members of the Intramural Bowling League which is under the supervision of Mr. Walter Hall. This year the league is bigger than ever, with twenty-four teams participating. Therefore, the group has been divided into two leagues, the National and the American. At the close of the¡ competition, th~ winning team in each league engaged in a play-off, which determined the winners of the bowling trophy. OFFICERS Front Row: J. Murphy, M. Park. Second Row: P. Solma, M. Kraatz.

Mr. Hall, advisor

~rr, 1

Front Row: P. Marcutuono, S. Parks, L. Turner, L. Poli, E. Scotese, T. Plousis, P. Scalone, B. Bradley, D. Wilson, C. Feiner, B. J. Goldsmith, B. Hazen, J. Berezny, J. Smith, L. Lutz, J. Hanson, L. Lyons, N. Murphy. Second Row: C. Felts, C. Butcher, M. McKay, S. Kraatz, G. Judd, B. Morrison, G. Pennington, N. Lampe, F. Kierstead, J. Benn, D. Stettler, D. Carter, C. Nellis, D. Campanaro. Third Row: E. Spangler, P. Joffe, N. Krouse, E. Woolston, B. Smith, G. Swain, D. Keen, G. Lampe, V. Reiffer, F. Haenle, B. Bierly, T. Black, D. Milkowski, D. Reese, P. Fuhs, L. Gattey, F. Avery, G. Gaffga, B. Ossmann, J. Doyle. Fourth Row: M. Marinjelly, F. Nardi, G. Black, C. Mitchel, M. Meeks, P. Joseph, J. Noonan, A. Billingsley, L. Cowley, S. Skinner, B. Freas, D. Hall, B. Rust, K. HoffaI'd, J. Rock, F. Haberle, D. Fine. .



....... -

Front Row: J. Lockhart, N. Krause, J. Barr, B. Dunbrack, S. Isenberg, N. Hartmann, P. Jackson, C. LeCalsey, 1. Carpenter, 1. Robson. Second Row: D. Hall, J. Cooper, T. Widdowson, S. Dash, J. Tittelbaum, C. McAlister, N. Owens, V. Smith, N. Gilbert. Third Row: 1. Poli, 1. Reese, 1. Gattey, P. Egan, J. Gillingham, B. Burritt, D. McConnell, J. Sinnamon, C. Lutz, K. Krouse.

Lacrosse This is the fourth year that our girls have been able to participate in another spring sport, Lacrosse. Practice begins early in the spring and continues almost to the end of the school year. Our varsity season this year numbered twelve seniors and many juniors and sophomores from the lV. Object of the game is to get the ball across the opponents' end line. This is accomplished by keeping the ball in the crosse by cradling or by passing it to the other team members. The game originated with the American Indians and was adopted . by the Canadians and is now becoming a popular sport in America. Judy Gramiak and Gladys Hart, coaches.

Front Row: N. Hartmann, ¡t . .LeCalsey, P. Jackson, . S. Isenberg, J. Barr, 1. Robson, 1. Carpenter, B. Du~brack, L. Alber.





VARSITY-Front Row: B. Crecelius, B. Hollywood, J. Ferrante, B. Sudell. Second Row: P. Bretherick, D. Earley, S. Carslaw, D. Reger, E. Foehl, B. Shane, A. Logan, S. Cole, H. Bell, coach.

Basketball J.V.- Front Row: H. McKnett, J. Rowan, B. Sarkisian, R. Miller, F. Hougendobler, B. Reeder, A. Dell. Second Row: H. Messick, J. Dayton, A. Fuller, R. Schiller, J. Gardener, J. Lawler, W. Hall, coach.

82 --.


__ __


E. FOEHL, Captain


Basketball Earley tries for two more.

As head basketball coach, Harry Bell led the Springfield Cougars to a successful season. Although the Cougars dropped their first six games, th~y bounced back from defeat by winning the next four games. Only five lettermen returned to the squad this year: Stu Carslaw, Joe Ferrante, Ed Foehl, Andy Logan, and Dick Earley. These boys proved their allround basketball ability by making a large number of points scored. Although the season's record was not too impressive, the Cougars never lacked team or school spirit.


Mr. Hall and Mr. Bell, coaches


SHS 41 43 39 46 53 55 68 68 69 52 38 69 54 58 76 59 42 59

OPP. Lower Merion -.-----A5 Ridley Park ----- ----------_ 51 Haverford ------ ---..------_ 61 Ridley Township ------55 Upper Darby --.--..-----------_ ._.59 Plymouth-Whitemarsh --_ 57 Harriton ..--------- -------__.. 57 Upper Merion --- --------__... 39 Marple-Newtown ..-----__._. .__. 54 Penncrest -.-----.---...-------...--.. .47 Ridley Township ---------------..-63 Upper Darby --..-..-----.. 75 Plymouth-Whitemarsh --..._.. 58 Harriton -.-------- ------.-. ._..__..__..48 Upper Merion --- __.. .._._.__._71 Marple-Newtown .-. . 58 Penncrest ------.-...------- . . 59 Ridley Township .--. .__. .._._. 62 Won-7

D. MEGEE, Manager











Girls' Basketball In a trying schedule, the Girls' Varsity Basketball team produced a good record for the 1959 season. The team listed ten veteran varsity members and the remainder was made up of sophomore and junior members. The competition was rough, but the girls always came out on top of every contest, sparked by a lot of school spirit and enthusiasm.

COACHES-Miss Brusch and Miss Hart

VARSITY-Front Row: J. Brewster, B. Dunbrack, P. Jackson, S. Geesey, B. Mainwaring, B. Helmig, C. LeCalsey, J. Rhodes, B. Jones, B. Chestnut, B. Liveright, M. Smith, L. Carpenter, J. Barr.

84 ......wl.__





Captain J . RHODES



SHS 41 63 44 52 44 51 40 40

OPP. Harriton ...._.._.__ __._ Upper Merion _ Penncrest __. . Nether Providence Marple Newtown . Ridley Township Radnor . Lansdowne

SHS 52 66 34 41 40 28 32 41

_.42 _.19 ._59 .40 28 .48 38 54

Won-5 Lost-3


Harriton 21 Upper Merion 19 Penncrest 35 ·Nether Providence ._ 23 Marple Newtown ._27 Ridley Township _._.._..21 Radnor . . . ._._. 32 Lansdowne . 31

Won- 6 Lost- 1 Tied- 1

1. Mousley, B. Duffy, B. Dempster, managers.

FT(lnt Row: J. Noyes, J: Sinnamon, J. Tittlebaum, B. Fornwalt, K. Krouse. Second Row: T. Widdowson, D. MacConnell, B. Burt, S. Evans, C. Mahood, B. Frazer, S. Hotchkin, D. Lear, -5. Skinner, M. Gaunt.


Front Row: D. Beecher, D. Warnock, J. Snyder, C. Ristine, 1. Cleland, C. BeerS', Mr. Shoemaker. Second Row: H. Hal!, J. Viglotti, O. Burt, S. Reeves, J. Scotti, B. Edgar, A. Mitterling, C. Gruwell, R. RiveIl. Third Row: J. Maxwell, R. Pitney, N. Mann, P. Ebel, A. Gaul, R. Wardell, B. Hovey, B. Schwarz, C. Viglotti, H. Milligan.

Wrestling A very experienced wrestling squad under Coach Richarllson Shoemaker found its season a successful one by defeating ~osi of their competitive schools. The grapplers looked very impressive in their first few matches and could not have been underestimated because they showed a great deal of spirit and work which brought them to the t<?p of the victory ladder. Led by captain Ollie Burt, a 165 pound veteran, the squad was composed primarily of juniors and seniors. With a promising band of new talent becoming eligible for the varsity team next season, Coach Shoemaker is hopeful that the squad will have as fine a record as the one presented this year.

Mr. Shoemaker and Ollie Burt, captain.


Burt gets advantage on L-M grappler.


SHS 40 28 29 67 37 23 11 30 26 47 29 29

West Chester Cheltenham Abington Penncrest Conestoga Haverford Upper Darby Harriton Haverford Lower Merion Lansdowne Norristown


OPP. 11 17 27 0 14 24 31 18 17 7 8 16

L05t- 2

Wrestling Front Row: J. Scotti, D. Warnock, C. Gruwell, L. Greunke. Second Row : B. Hovey, R. Sword, -O. Burt, C. Viglotti, H. Milligan. J.V. SCORES

SHS 42 40

46 44 18 11 30 36 42 28 24

West Chester Cheltenham Abington Penncrest Haverford Upper Darby Harriton Haverford Lower Merion Lansdowne Norristown


OPP. 15 13 14 0 36 40 24 17 7 2 5

DUANE BEACHER District Champion

L05t- 2

That's it, now -riri him, Clem.

B. Haller and B. Baxter, managers.


Front Row: W. Truscott, C. Messick, N. Nastasi, D. Neely, S. Applegate, R. Aiken, S. Rives, Parker, H. Milligan. Second Row: N. Vance, S. Wright, D. Vance, M. Tantaros, D. Megee, Spallone, R. Sword, A. Kirkman, W. Shopf, E. Dannaker, W."'Lee. Third Row: F. Haberly, Larson, J. Roosevelt, G. Gaffa, L. Lawton, J. Churchman, J. Dyal, M. Kayser, F. Kiersted, Fischer, W. Schwarz, R. Dornan. Fourth Row: W. McElroy, J. Girard, J. Davies, J. King, Gardner, D. Milkowski, J. Snyder, T. Black, S. Frederick, D. Bruce, H. Messick.


Coaches W. Schopf and D. Fry check on team standing.




P. S.


Front Row: O. Burt, M. Mathews, R. Smith, G. Wardrop, L. Greunke, J. Palmer, C. Frick, C. Thomas, J. Bent, D. Wright, J. BoW. Second Row: B. Edgar, J. Dayton, K. Lane, C. Hoover, L. Landau, J. Dornan, D. Kyle, W. Klagholz, R. Hindle, R. Holtby, Mr. Shopf, coach. Third Row: B. Lorraine, D. Martine, A. Spears, R. Snyder, E. Kayser, R. Hall, P. Gootee, T. McDermott, R. Keller, P. Green, Mr. Fry. Fourth Row: J. Flynn, J. Lawler, J. Owens, H. Ritsert, R. Septor, R. Bergner, T. Liveright, R. DeCicco, T. Wilks, M. Devito, V. Laboski, L. Connelly, J. Girard, D. Matter.

Track This sport, coached by "Gov" Schopf and Mr. Dale Fry, is one of the up.and.coming sports here at Springfield. Of the several fields of entry for each meet, the most prominent were the hurdles, high jump, disc throwing, and pole vault. One of the highlights of the season was the interclass meets. The boys also worked hard to be entered in the Penn Relays with all the other schools of Pennsylvania.

Bill Lee and Ed Dannaker work on their sprints.

MANAGERS: Neil Vance, C. Flashbarth.


Front Row : R. Boccelli, assistant coach; D. McElroy, D. Wilbur, J. Cresci, D. -Feustal, J. Ferrante, S. Carslaw, R. Diers, B. MacAdams, T. Sohn, A. Logan, H. Bell, coach. Second Row: Ii. Pichaski, J. Stuart, R. Wylie, C. Lafey, S. Spears, B. Aldred, B. Sudell, J. Maxwell, W. Hackman. Third Row: C. Bross, B. -Brown, B. Neidermyer, B. McGurk, B. Sarkisian, J. Rowan, M. Petrelli, H. Jester, C. Wikete.

Baseball The familiar call of the umpire rings in our ears, "Play Ball." The pitcher is on the mound, gets his signal hom the catcher. There's the windup, the pitch, a called strike, and the 1960 baseball season is underway for the Cougar nine. Looking into the bullpen, we recognize ten returning seniors, along with some new faces who are the hopefuls of this year. Springfield's baseball team was in a fine position to improve on their record of last year because of the increased depth and experience of the squad. The pitching was strong and the infield fast.

Charley Bross and Bob Brown senior managers

Spears and Carslaw pitch strikes for Mr. Boccelli.



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Russ Diers singles against M-N. DAVE WILBUR









Front Row: M. Schmitt, L. Hotchkin, B. Frazer, C. Jacoby, S. Geesey, B. Helmig, M. Lippman. Second Row: S. Evans, M. Markel, D. Murray, S. Rhodes, J. Lillotson, S. Neagley, B. Jones. Third Row: M. Coste, C. Faulkner, B. Chestnut, B. Fornwalt.




SENIORS: S. Geesey, K. Bassett, C. Jacoby, M. Lippman, B. Kelican, manager.


Front Row: P. Perricone, G. Best, B. Johnson, F. Haenle, M. Wapen, V. Schaeffer, P. Walker, T. Hall, E. Myers. Second Row: T. Bortman, D. Reese, J. Cleland, T. Hocking, D. Beacher, D. Barnum, A. Billingsly, R. Corson, C. Beers, A. Millerling, Mr. Shoemaker. Third Row: F. Avery, R. Schiller, N. Mann, B. Davidson, J. Snyder, B. Sharer, M. Marin.

Boys' Tennis RICHARD SHOEMAKER, coach

SENIORS: M. Wapen, T. Hall, E. Myers, G. Best, V. Schaeffer.


Junior High Sports


Front Row: G. Landau, T. Crary, E. Johnson, W. Jensen, D. Regar, T. Frazer, W. Betts, T. Carbinaro, J. Starzmann, R. Spallone, J. Millay, R. Messick, R. Murphy, D. Bean, D. Dresser, G. Harris, W. Horn, A. Joffe. Second Row: R. Stuart, D. Duffey, C. Yurauage, J. Hedl, M. McCormick, S. Hill, J. Hall, E. Mason, B. Bechtold, H. Chek¡ mian, J. Dascola, M. Kirkpatrick, M. Tyson, D. Lorrie, M. Pollock, R. MegmegaI, M. ,Praeger, J. Dubalino, G. Seeley. Third Row: Mr. McCoach, T. Manley, J. Morgan, C. Batlips, J. Crecelius, B. Olsen, M. Knapp, T. Sibbald, J. Featherston, J. Thorp, J . Carrol, J. McFaul, C. Steel, N. Horrocks, J. Morrison, E. Fry, Mr. Shoemaker, coach.


Front Row: C. Kern, L. Peters, C. Mainwaring, B. Pierce, J. 'Hickman, A. Weiss, S. McKay, B. Macau, L. Colio. Second Row: Mrs. McBrady, J. Bryon, J. Lee, L. Rhoads, J. Ferrante, A. Hoover, N. Harvey, Do, Anderson, P. Smith, B. Huston, F. Hovey, C. Faulkner, B. Jackson, Mrs. Keiper, coach.


Front Row: P. Brown, G. Landau, T. Crary, R. Spallone, D. Nussy, T. Frazer. Second Row: B. Hotckins, D. Bean,

J. Hedl, M. Praeger, J. Watson, B. Tyson, J. Murphy, J. Featherstone, Mr. Schaefer, coach.



Front Row: P. Smith, N. Harvey, C. Faulkner, A. Hoover, J. Fenante, S. McKay. Second Row: Miss Maran, L. Richards, P. Benn, B. Swartz, L. Peters, S. Williams, S. Amet, B. McCall, A. Weiss, J. Stein, B. Hulston, P. Freas, Miss McBrearty.


First Row: L. Johnson, L. Mously, B. Checkel'man, R. Hill, B. Edwards, D. Hill, 1. Aver, B. Hartman, B. Jackson, R. Munay, P. Cuchouski, S. Zering. Second Row: J. Britt, P. Krepp, B. Ha11man, B. Songmore, R. Scott, B. Tavani, B. Best, D. Soul, S. Kelly, B. Satersweight, N. Krauss, G. Widdinas, W. Wilcox, K. Gardner, J. Hollibaugh, S. Douros. Third Row: J. Morrison, N. Nolax, R. Handland, H. Chederman, S. Hill, G. Kline, B. Betts, S. Wilks, G. Molay, B. Jenson, D. Reger, G. Harris, B. Lawlar. Fourth Row: S. List, D. Laboski, B. McCoy, T. Subil, B. Thompson, K. Ar· thur, R. Dairs, .G. Knapp, E. Johnson, M. Hirshock, B. Lyman, J. Regin. Fifth Row: D. Beecher, K. Bruno, D. Frick, K. Dilks, D. Costa, B. Schurie, D. fi'Petro, R. McQueen, D. Dresser, B. Olson, D. Wolstenholme, J. McFaul.


Front Row: D. Taylor, B. McDermott, T. Rocap, D. McCady, T. Stewart, T. Murphy, T. Kelly, N. Roosevelt, .B. Peterman, D. Beecher, R. Arthur, B. Kelly, B. Miller, M. Peterson. Second Row: J. Lacork, F. Price, B. Huggins, D. Borst, T. Flocco, R. McClellan, L. Wilks, M. Kirkpatrick, J. Thorp, B. Klinger, B. Bechtold, R. McQueen, B. Bamti, G. Weidman, B. Klagholz, D. Soyres, E. Cassidy, J. McMenamin, D. Paxton. Third Row: M. McCormick, H. Bin· nendijk, M. Ellis, E. Mason, R. Dudley, B. Omlor, B. Truman. B. Aungust, D. Laboski, B. Jenkins, F. Sounder, T. Hibbard, F. Mathews, B. Coburn, 1. Zehring, L. Johnson, T. McFaul, Mr. Stumpf (coach). Fourth Row: M. Knapp, P. Hancork, J. Bulfin, J. Kurka; P. Coste, D. Jameson, C. Lindauer, B. Satterthwaite, G. Stassen, D. Soule, B. Rowe, B. Schwier, R. Wilbur, J. Fraley, B. Hartmann, R. Scott, B. Reese, K. Gueran, N. Krause, F. Walker, B. Spahr.


, LAYOUT STAFF- J. Septor, S. Steele, editor; C. Jacoby, J. , Lange.

K.Bassett, editor-in-chief, and Mr. T. Walter, editorial advisor.

But it's GOT to be this way!

COPY STAFF-C. Wisniewski, P . Solma, editor, C. Boon.

S. Stalker, assistant business 'm anager, Mr. Thomas, business advisor, Marion Flohr, business manager.

Time out from a busy session.

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TYPING STAFF-E. Hottenstein, editor; P. Buchhalter, H. Stone.

ART STAFF-J. Jardine, B. Kelican, editor.

B. Roberts photographer



Every spring the group of Seniors-to-be with a sincere interest in the yearbook are chosen to constitute its Editorial Staff. Their goal is to provide a yearbook which records, as accurately as possible, every phase of student life. This staff is composed of copy, layout, and art departments, a photographer, and typists, all of whom are responsible to our capable Editor-in-Chief, Kitty Bassett. It is through the com. b ined efforts of these people that the Scrivener serves as a written memory of our high school years.

The responsibility of financing the yearbook lies with the Business Staff. Money is obtained through several sources. Each _year the Senior Class contrib¡ utes a generous sum. A cake sale, dance, and advertisements from local merchants also raise a considerable amount of money. This staff lays out the ad pages and is in charge of its distribution in June. The Editorial and Business Staffs are run altogether separately. However, without the co-operation of each of them the yearbook c<;mld not be published successfully.

BUSINESS STAFF-Front Row: V. McCoy, D. Miller, J. Convin, L. Teetsel B. Smith J. Messina, S. Friez, L. Mousley, J. Boyer, C. Sayres, G. Davidheiser, J. Paul, A.' Klein. Sedond Row: D. Root, B. Best, M. Kraatz, C. Curlett, M. Park, S. Stalker, M. Flohr, P. Smith, M. Smith, C. T~son, J. Egee, 1. Thalheimer. Third Row: M. Morrison, J. Moore, P. Dresser, B. Coyle, J. Martm, S. Isenberg, S. Geesey, D. Spahr, C. Invin, K. Wange, B. Mainwaring, M. Lippman, P. Mark.



EDITORIAL STAFF-Front Row: S. Austin, J . Buttenvorth, L. Teetsal, R, Pologruto, M . Smith, 1. Lange, A. Klein, D. Root, . P. Mark, C. Crewdson, B. Kelican, S. Applegate, S. Bloodwell, L. Lutz. Second Row: N. Fetterman, L. Mousley; P. Poulos, B. Gettys, 1. Po,vers, J. Fohs, C. Sayres, S. McCadden, M. Wapen, J. Faulkner, C. Wisniewski, A. Dascola. Third Row: M. Kuhlmann, V. Lingg, N. Mulholland, J. Cooper, P. Fohs, L. Hotchkin, M. Coste, B. Dempster, C. Mahood, S. McCullough, C. Felts, M. Schaub, B. Drennan, Miss Gibble. Fourth Row: P. Joffe, M. Schmitt, L. Reese, R. Sarkisian, T. Liveright, R. Rauth, J . House, T. Black, E. McEllroy, D. Milkowski, C. Beers, N. Fischer, L. Glover.

CAROLYN SAYRES, editor-in-chief

J . Powers, news editor; M. Wa.(len, sports editor; J. fohs, feature editor.

Editors rush to meet next deadline.


B. Gettys, associate editor; C. Adler, photographer; S. McCadden, managing editor.

Front Row: K. Murphy, C. Boon, M. Lippman, D. Miller, J. Samuels, C. Curlett, S. Geesey, J. Paul, B. Tracy, J. David, P. Smith, D. Peterson, V. Davidheiser, J. Septor, S. Stalker, Mrs. Hooper. Second Row: J. Lochart, M. DeLeo, M. Elwell, B. Haussman, J. Amwake, B. Whiteman, P. Whipple. Third Row: J. Peters, K. Parris, D. Lear, E. Woolston, K. Krouse, N. Fischer, J. Cooper, L. Hotchkin, G. Scotti, P. Rocap, M. Graf, E. Schmid, S. Reeps, K. Whitfield, D. Wange, E. Spangler, M. Meeks, P. Egan. Fourth Row: M. Greenfield, M. Marrongelli, T. Plousis, D. Campanaro, J. Menard, B. Helmig, B. Miller, J. DeForest, 1. Cowley, S. Skinner, M. Marmar.

Spri-Hian Extra! Extra! Read all about it! These words could be heard every three weeks announcing the Spri.Hian, the official student publication of the high school. It was operated by the students under the supervision of Carolyn Sayres, Editor路in-Chief, and under the 路sponsorship of Miss Susan Gibble and Mrs. Caro. lyn Hooper. . The editors were selected by the editor-in-chief on the basis of ability and dependability. These editors in turn, selected memb~rs of their staffs from a list of those applying for positions. The business staff helped to make the publication possible by arranging for the advertising in the paper, for the collection and payment of bills, and for the keeping of accurate financial ac路 counts 路of the Spri.Hian fund. The various staffs combined efforts made the Spri-Hian the informative student publication that it is today.

Advisors Miss Gibble and Mrs. Hooper

T. Wange-advertising manager; J. Tucci-business manager; B. Haussman-typing manager; 1. Hutchinson-eirculation manager.



Student Council

Front ROlli: J. MW'pl{y, K. Murphy, M. Park, D. Miller, M. Kraatz, J. Fohs, C. Sayres, B. Lee, S. Whiteway, H. Milligan, L. Gruenke, G. Best, R. Sword, B. Hindle. Second ROlli: Mrs. Denice, D. Ward, 1. Tucci, C. Irwin, L. Landau, N. Hartmann, N. Nastasi, B. Hovey, J. Scotti, D. Kyle, D. Henderson, A. Logan, J. Faulkner, Mr. Miller. Third ROlli: S. Cole, P. Coggeshall, K. Kabakjian, D. Lear, S. Reeps, B. Fornwalt, J. Berezny, D. Wilson, G. Black, S. McCullough, J. Shoemaker, J. Cooper, 1. Zafis, B. Dempster, M. Greenfield, L. Reese, B. Helmig, J. Roosevelt. Fourth ROlli: B. Shane, C. Messick, B. Reeder, B. Suedell, B. Edgar, 1. King, B. Black, J. Maxwell, E. McElroy, C. Beers, B. Bierly, J. Snyder, 1. Girard, J. DiCicco, 1. Vaules.

Exchange Student Lothar Greunke, the best goodwill ambassador West Berlin has ever had, is our exchange student from Germany. Last year in his own school as a Sophomore he had twelve subjects among which were German, algebra, English, Latin, physics, chemistry, and history. Here he must find his five Senior majors very little in comparison. In addition, however, he participates in a sport each season which takes up most of his spare time. Lothar's American home is with Ollie Burt and his family at 462 Lynnbrooke Road. Lothar will culminate his visit with ' a few weeks' tour of the United States before returning home later this summer.

Mr. Burt and Ollie help explain the American way of life to Lothar.

102 too.


Student Council

JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL--Front Row: L. Warner, D. Burk, S. Hunt, N. Steele, C. Bosi, D. Reger, S: McKay, B. Betts, J. Starzman, J. Wicks, J. Ferrante, J. Lee, P. Simpson, C. Mecouch. Second Row: B. Flohr, D. Capus, R. Cato, J. Rhodes, T. Hilt, J. Crecilius, W. Wiggins, P . Coste, R. Gibson, C. Churchman, C. Marker. Third Row: J. Hollenback, T. Sibbald, B. Wapen, 1. Sperrow, B. Barber, D. Hine, L. Della Penna, J. Quail, D. Dietsch, D. NU!l.sey, T. Manley, M. Ellis, B. Olsen, J. Beattie, J. Hunt, Mr. LeFever.

Advisors Mr. Miller and Mrs. Denice

Nick Nastasi presided over many busy meetings.

The Student Council is the governing organism of the entire student body. It consists of an elected boy and girl from each senior high home room. The four officers are elected each May by the students. The functions of the Student Council are many and varied. Each September the athletic association drive is promoted. In addition to sponsoring the Sadie Hawkins Dance, the Fall Formal, ¡and the Turnabout Dance, the council works in conjunction with the Sophomore Class to present the May Queen and her Court at the Soph Hop. They also supervise all important student elections, and the exchange student program. Council takes time out for a picture.


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Operators' Club

Front Row: B. Wilcox, W. Ellis, R. Hindle, S. Whiteway, C. Boon, M. Kraatz, P. Poulos, J. Powers, P. Buchhalter, A. Roberts, D. Vance, A. Addison. Second Row: R. Sweisfurth, 'F. Haenle, R. Osmond, J. Behrle, F. D'Alonzo, C. Adler, J. Murphy, H. Jester, M. Walter, J. Stewart, B. HoI· stein, T. Thorpe. Third Row: Mr. Bay, T. Wilks, D. Carter, D. Davidheiser, R. Gates, F. Avery; M. DeLeo, L. Gattey, M. Fuhs, B. Haussman, J. Cooper, W. Cleland, B. Kerr, S. Wright.


J. Behrle, C. Adler, F. D'Alonzo, J. Murphy.

The membership of the Operators' Club is composed of all those students who are in· terested in Audio-Visual Aids. Students wish· ing to become members must apply for memo bership after which the club votes upon them .according to their qualifications. The club spon~ors two annual movie dances as fund-raising projects. They also sell milkshakes in the school cafeteria every· day at lunch. The profits are used to pur· chase new equipment. The Operators serve the school .b y run· ning all equipment during assemblies, dances, and films for classroom use. The more ex· perienced members are paid to operate for activities at the school that are put on by outside organizations. Service with a smile.




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First Row: K. Holstein, M. Tantaros', J. Butler, M. 'Mathews, J. Behrle, E. Myers, B. MacAdams, J. Spallone, C. Adler, A. Roberts, R. Sword. Second Row: Mr. Hall, T. Wilks, F. Marmelo, S. Fischer, J. H.ammerstone, D. Reese, D. Pierucci. '

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OFFICERS Front Row: J. Spallone,.1. Behrle. Second Row: E. Myers, M. Mathews, B. ,MacAdams.

The Hi-Y Club of Springfield High School, sponsored by the Community Y of Eastern DelawareCo'llllty, is now five years old. This club is Op~I). to any boy in the tenth, eleventh or twelfth 'grade who strives to live up to the purpose of'the club, which is to create, maintain and extend throughout the school and community, high standards of Christian character, in other words, clean speech, scholarship, sportsmanship and living. The club discusses many problems of interest to the boys, and to help in their discussions, they have movies, panels, and guest speakers. The club is also 'active in , many services and sdcial activities around school as well as outside of school.

MR. HALL, advisor



Future Teachers of America

Front Row: J. Butterworth, M. Kraatz, J. Powers, P. Poulos, N. Hartmann, L. Hutchinson, 1. Lange, B. Mainwaring, J. Barr, D. Spahr, S. Geesey, S. Isenberg, B. Dunbrack, P. Jackson, N. Pieken. Second Row: R. Richards, J. Moore, P. Dresser, G. Knapp, B. Smith, K. Murphy, K. Wange, G. Davidheiser, 1. Fohs, C. Sayres, S. McCadden, D. Yetter. Third Row: E. Thompson, R. Pologruto, L. Mousley, J. Boyer, M. Flohr, J . Samuels, C. LeCalsey, P. Burkhart, L. Gengenback, C. Wisniewski, H. Stone, P. Platt, G. Newkirk, J. Tucci.

MR. MORGAN Advisor

OFFICERS P. Burkhart B. Mainwaring K. Murphy _


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Front Row: S. Stalker, L. Teetsel, J. Peters, S. Milliken, A. Klein, C. Irwin, M. Park, D. Miller, A. McGuigan, C. Jacoby, M. Lippman, M. Mark, D. Root, K. Bassett, B. Kelican. Second Row: P. Mercantuono, B. Dempster, A. Dascola, M. Fuhs, B. Frazer, C. Nellis, M. Schmitt, J. Zafis, J. Lochart, B. Helmig, J. ,Amwake, L. Schroth. Third Row: N. Krouse, M. Coste, M. Kuhlmann, J. Wynn, S. ChibataI', M. Hotchkin, C. Butcher, G. Barbour, V. McCoy, C. Etherington, 1. Thalheimer, J. Godmilow, M. Greenfield, L. Gattey, J. Cooper, M. Smith. Fourth Row: B. Burt, D. Wange, B. Locilento, C. Horner, S. Innis, N. Gilbert, V. Stretton, N. Fischer, G. Scotti, P. Rocap, M. Graf, S. Bone.


Future Business Leaders of America

Front Row: J. Martin, E. Campbell, D. Peterson, H. Stone, J. Lange, C. Curlett, J". Messina, A. McGuigan, B. Tracy, J. Paul, J. Rhodes, P. Krug, K. Reed, M. Santangini, J. Peters, C. Thompson. Second Row: J . Nocello, T. Plousis, J. Greenland, B. Coyle, E. Reeves, S. Lashe, B. Smith, G. Schnieder, V. Meyers, S. Parks, E. Thompson, B. Thorpe, P. Waller, J. Higgins. Third Row: M. Khelghatian, J. Berezny, J. Valentine, C. Orr, E. Scotese, B. Morrison, B. Freas, M. O'Hara, K. P eterman, R. Paylor, J. Rusk, B. Miller, L. Jensen, S. Rhodes, M. Dolhancey, M. Marrongelli. -

The Future Business Leaders of America, composed of students who are interested in entering the business world after graduation, is one of the many active clubs in Springfield High School. The main qualification needed to join the club is that the student be taking at least one commercial subject and that he be interested in learning the ways of better business practices. These students will be preparing themselves for the problems and needs which will arise in their future work. The club meets after school usually once a month and is active on state-wide and national levels. FBLA is a national youth organization sponsored by the United States Business Association.

MRS. DOYLE, sponsor

OFFICERS Front Row: E. Reeves, V~ Myers, S. Woodward, B. Smith. Second Row: Mrs. Doyle, S. Lashe.


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Varsity Club

Front Row: M. YanScoter, P. Jackson, S. Isenberg, B. Dunbrack, P. Solma, D. Spahr, S. Geesey, B. Mainwaring, K. Bassett, P. Mark, J. David, N. Hartmann, L. Godmilow. Second Row: Miss Jane Brusch, B. Frazer, J. Lochart, L. Poli, J. Menard, D. Miller, G. Davidheiser, J. Barr, L. Hutchinson, B. Helmig, M. Schmitt, L. Reese, M. Smith. Third Row : E. Hotchkin, C. LeCalsey, J. Rhoades, J. Brewster, B. Jones.

Girls who have earned one or more Varsity letters are eligible for m~mbership in the Girls' Varsity Club. At the end of each sports season, a formal initiation 'is held inducting all new letter winners into the club. The club sponsors a basketball game between the men's faculty and the girls' basketball team every year. The club also sponsors the annual sock dance and a bake sale. Proceeds received from these activities are used to help send girls to the Mount Pocono Hockey Camp and to provide for an award given to the senior girl who has maintained the highest average in health and physical education in high school. The aim of the club is to promote high standards of leadership, character, sportsmanship, and scholarship in all phases of athletics. MISS BRUSCH, advisor

OFFICERS-D. Miller, G. Davidheiser,.J. Barr,L. Hutchinson.


Club members practice basketball skills. .


Service Club The Service Club is comprised of fiftyone select members this year. They are easily recognized by th~ir white jackets with the cougar on the front. These boys are expected to set an example by their own behavior for the rest of the student body. The club lives up to its name by performing many and varied duties around Springfield High School. The members sell tickets at all home athletic events, serve as guides for visitors, straighten up the lunchroom each day, and park cars on parent's night. Their motto is a summary of the goals they wish to reach as a club: "Service to school, community, and nation."

A Logan, E. Dannaker, S. Carslaw, O. Burt.

.BRUCE MORGAN, advisor

Front Row: E. Foehl, J. Cresci, J. Reuben, J. Scotti, D. Megee, J. Ferrante, R. Diers, L. Greunke, L. Landau, J. Faulkner, D. Earley, H. Milligan, D. Feustal. Second Row: D. Wilbur, T. Liveright, J. King, S. Rives, B. Bierly, O. Burt, S. Carslaw, A. Logan, E. Dannaker, B. Lee, D. Reger, B. Suedell, R. Smith, P. Nordblom, B. Hermann. Third Row: W. Marker, G. Gaffga, J. Snyder, B. Hollywood, C. Viglotti, C. Beers, D. Marsh, A. Kirkman, B. Aiken, V. Labosky, D. Pawlewicz, J. DiCicco, 1. Cleland, D. Stettler, S. Spears, B. Casto, J. Vaules, B. :Kerr, B. Novino.


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ALPHA-Front Row: P. Burkhart, C. Etherington, C. Herring, B. Buchhalter, G. Knapp, A. Dascola, E. Hottenstein, J. Fitch. Second Row: G. Rimato, 1. Cowley, C. Nellis, N: Murphy, C. Tyson, C. Thompson, D. Peterson, P. Smith, 1. Septor, M. Marmar, S. Skinner. Third Row: J. Miller, E. Wyatt, G. Thomas, E. Woolston, P. McFaul, S. Rhoads, S. Reid, M. McKay, M. Clegg, C. Butcher, S. Thompson.

The Tri-Hi-Y is composed of a group of high school girls that are sponsored by the YMCA. Our Springfield club haS' four chapters named after the Greek letters Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma. Through their combined efforts they perform many services to our school and community. They willingly check coats and act as hoste'sses for the school whenever called upon. The members are always on hand to help with charity drives and each year

donate to the YMCA Overseas Fund. At Christmas they send packages to a near-by orphanage while at Easter, packages are sent to the Valley Forge Hospital for veterans. The services of the Tri-Hi·Y show that they truly live their motto day by day. ."To create, maintain, and extend through· out the home and community high stand· ards of Christian living."

BETA-Front Row: C. Crewdson, J. Martin, C. Boon, M. Smith, B. Rausch, B. Tracy, J. Peters, K. Reed. Second Row: M. Khelghatian, K. Ebling, D. Wange, M. Park, J. Samuels, F. D'Alonzo, E. Reeves, J. David, K. Whitfield, B. Whiteman, 1. Bamford. Third Row: G. Scotti, S. Bone, P. Rocap, J. Goldsmith, B. Buck, E. Spangler, K. Peterman, S. Brennan, S. Lashe, E. Hotchkin, G. Schroth, M. Coste.


I GAMMA-First Row: L. Robson, A. Klein, R. Richards, L. Teetsel, B. Stone, D. MacLennan, K. Wange, A. McGuigan, J. Butterworth, C. Wisniewski, J. Powers, S. Hancock. Second Row: B. Haussman, J. Menard, S. Embon, B. Gettys, S. McCadden, L. Hutchinson, V. Davidheiser, P. Marcantuono, C. Greenacre. P. DeLeo, L. Shroth. Third Row: C. Mitchel, K. Kabakjian, J. Schaefer.

Tri-Hi-Y TRI·HI-Y ADVISORS: Mrs. Neely, Mrs. Peel, and Mrs. Santmyers.

Front Row: C. Tyson, D. Spahr. Second Row: F. D'Alonzo, L. Hutchinson, P. Dresser.

DELTA-Front Row: S. Steele, V. Myers, J. Moore, R. Pologruto, P. Johnson, B. Ridgeway, M. Kraatz, M. Lippman, C. LeCalsey, B. Coyle, J. Paul, B. Kelican. Second Row: V. Lingg, M. Quedenfeld, P. Dresser, J. Wynn, L. Mousely, K. Bassett, C. Sayres, D. Spahr, P. Fuhs, N. Fischer, E. Scotese. Third Row: D. Nolan, D. Dercal, J. Klineburger, L. Borst, A. Hull, M. Graf, E. Schmid.



F.N.A. and Dental Clubs - Nurses Aids I

DENTAL AND NURSES' CLUB-Front Row: Mrs. Sharer, D. Nolan, L. -Teetsel, M. Mathews, C. Cresci, B. Gallantino, M. King, G. Schrumpf, R. Axlerod, J. Klineburger, Miss Witchey. Second Row: R. Pologruto, S. Goldsmith, T. Maker, J. Egee, C. Crewdson, S. Steele, B. Stone, J. Brewster, J. Corwin, M. Heffie. Third Row: S. Pelland, F. D'Alanzo, S. Hancock, M. Stoffregen, E. Schmidt, B. Rausch, C. Curlett, C. Jacoby, S. Brennan, 1. Conforti. .

OFFICERS: Mrs. Sharer, sponsor; S. Steele, J. Corwin.

Examination time is here again.

FNA-Frollt Row: B. Hazen, D. Nolan, C. Crew, J. Conforti, T. Maker, P. Platt, C. Jacoby, J. Corwin, R. Pologruto, P. Beatty, B. Stone, 1. Brewster, Mrs. Sharer. Second Row: N. Penning. ton, S. Goldsmith, J. Egee, D. Burcin, J. Higgins, C. Curlett, S. Steele, E. Tucker, S. Felts, P. Shannon, M. Heffie, C. Mahood. Third Row: M. King, J. Turner, E. Schmidt, K. Dehn, S. Pelland, L. Lafey, B. Lever.




Front Row: B. Cleland, A. Ottosson, B. Brown, R. Millay, R. Smith, 1. Faulkner, J. Scotti, D. Kyle, K. Hancock, J. Dornan, H. Milligan, C. Sweikle. Second Row: B. Haslett, G. Davidson, B. McClintock, R. Vantini, B. Schwartz, C. ,Wikete, B. Stegmerten, J. Schriver, J. Romani, M. Kayser, B. Holstein,R. Wylie.

OFFICERS D. Kyle, B. Brown, F. Berek, R. Smith, J. Faulkner, J. Scotti.,

The Industrial Boys of ,America IS one of the newest organizations in the school. It was established to fill a need of the industrial boys for taking a more active role as a group and as individuals in the life of the school. The club was under the able direction of John Faulkner and the sponsorship of Mr. McCoy, MI:. Gartside, and Mr. Thomas. The membership this year consisted of 45 boys. For membership, an applicant had to have the approval of two sponsors, three members, plus the consent of 75 per cent of the voting members. The I.B.A. exists to give service to the school, to supplement the industrial arts program through field trips and other co curricular activities, and to give the boys a better opportunity to develop leadership and to experience satisfaction derived from giving service. The boys worked very hard this year to promote and carry out all the aims of the club.

ADVISORS Mr. Gartside, Mr. Thomas, Mr. McCoy.


Press Club

Front Row: J. Meredith, E. Tucker, J. Powers, C. Sayres, M. Park, D. Root. Second Row: M. Gaunt, G. Judd, J . Ivins, C. Mount, D. Greenwood.


MRS. HOOPER advisor

Library Assistants

Front Row: J. Meredith, S. Deal, M. Coste, S. Austin, J. Turner, J. Lawrence, S. Brennen, B. Tracy, B. Best, J. Boyer, J. Fitch, P. McFaul, D. Camhi. Second Row: N. Peiken, V. McCoy, T. Maker, S. Milliken, M. Park, J . Murphy, K. Murphy, S. Lash, B. Miller, C. Butcher, P. Shannon, B. Gettys. Third Row: N. Stewart, M. Sampson, S. McKay, C. Smith, F. Berek, T. Wilks, M. Walter, S. Skinner, 1. Cowley, J. Wynn, J . Klineburger, E. Scott, C. Crewdson, C. Boon, J . Egee.

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Scott's Hi-Q Springfield High School was again one of the twenty-one schools to compete against one another in a contest spon¡ sored by the Scott Paper Company of Chester. This year four seniors consti¡ tuted our team and four juniors acted as substitutes. Not only were participants required to have a general knowledge of current events, American and world history, literature, mathematics, Shakespeare, science and music, but they also had to be able to think quickly and correctly under pressure.

Front Row: W. Ellis, D. Weiler, C. Sayres, D. Earley. Second Row: J. House,

J. Roosevelt, G. Thomas, K. Norman.

MISS BURNS, advisor

Philosophy Club " Plato is their sponsor, and he is in the picture in spirit. Who is to say where one belongs?"

Front Row: B. Hindle, J. Murphy, D. Vance, D. Neeley, N. Nastasi, J. Spallone, D. Megee, S. Applegate. Second Row: M. Mathews, W. Ellis, C. Weiler, D. Parker.


Quill and Scroll Society

Front Row: J. Tucci, B. Kelican, S. McCadden, C. Sayres, K. Bassett, P. Solma, P. Steele, J. Fohs. Second Row: C. Wisniewski, E. Hottenstein, S. Friez, M. Flohr, L. Mousley, S. Stalker, J. Powers, B. Gettys. Third Row: B. Adler, B. Haussman, C. Boon, L. Hutchinson, M. Wapen, C. Jacoby; T. Wange, B. Roberts.

Thespian Society

Front Row: T. O'Neill, L. Gengenbach, S. McCadden, S. White,vay, L. Godmilow, K. Murphy, C. Irwin, C. Gruwell. Second Row: A. Billingsley, J. Gruwell, B. Lee, G. Wardrop, R. Ritter, M. Mathews, D. Parker, Miss Bigelow. Third Row: Mr. Smith, B. Gillingham, L. Diamond, D. Root, M. Lippman, M. Park, A. Klein, C. Felts, J. King.


Dramatic Club is open to students in grades 10 to 12 who are interested in learning the art of acting, directing, stage managing, and make-up. Each year the clubs produce plays for assembly. Club period is used for the study of dramatic art and for play rehearsals. Through work in these productions and in the senior play students qualify for membership in the National Thespian Society: These two pictures were taken during the tenth and eleventh grade productions which were presented to the student body in the assemblies. In February we were trea'ted to a' one¡act mystery play staged by the Sophomore Dramatic Club and entitled "High Window." Mr. Trumbower was the director. Pictured here is the cast. .' Sitti;rg: C. Felts. Standing: B. Billingsly, E. Gillingham, F. Sarafian, J. King.

Dramatic Clubs The Junior Dramatics Club's presentation in January was "Comin' Round the Mountain," a hilarious spoof of backwoods life in the Kentucky Hills. All ended well as the sheriff got her man. Mr. Merbreier directed.

Front Row: ' J. Huey, R. Fry, P. Mingis, B. Thorpe. . Second Row: R. Disasio, C. Fulford, C. Harper, B. Holt, J. Lawrence. Third Row: E. Dillio, B. Dolente, D. Paxton, G. Lampe.


Front Row: Mr. Weaver, C. Boon, D. Marsh, P. Jackson, B. Gettys, K. Murphy, W. Ellis, G. Newkirk. Second Row: E. McElroy, C. Beers, J. House, S. Applegate, O. Burt, K. Neely, C. Weiler, N. Nastasi, D. Megee, A. Logan, M. Wapen, K. Vance. Third Row: J. Berezny, L. Gattey, G. Thomas, L. Hotchkin, J. Corwin, C. Jacoby, P. Burkhart, J. Butterworth, C. Wisniewski, C. Davidheiser.

National Honor Society

Front Row: M. Park, J. Murphy, J. Powers, B. Dunbrack, C. Sayres, B. Lee, M. Kraatz, J. Fohs, Mr. Miller. Second Row: J. Roosevelt, S. Reeves, J . Viglotti, H. Stone, L. Carpenter, J. Cresci, D. Spahr, K. Bassett, J. Jardine. Third Row: B. Frazer, B. Dempster, J. Cooper, L. Hutchinson, S. McCadden, T. Wange, S. Geesey, J. David, M. Kuhlman.


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Mr. Ralph Anderson, dean of boys at Upper Darby High School was our guest speaker. Here, Mr. Weaver and Mr. Miller greet him as Honor Society advisors.

New members take their places on the stage.

National Honor Society The National Honor Society is a scholastic honorary society who~e membership is limited to fifteen per cent of the senior class and five per cent of the junior class. Membership is contingent upon ' achievement in three areas: scholarship, leadership, and character. In order to be considered for membership the student must ~tand in the upper one-third of his class scholastically. The faculty, after being supplied with a list of extracurricular activities of each member of the upper onethird of the two classes and the numerical scholastic average of each, choose by ballot those who they feel de~ erve the high honor of membership.

Parents congratulate members of the society at a tea held after the assembly.

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Front Row: P. Jackson, L. Turner, D. Miller, S. McCadden, J. Jardine, G. Davidheiser, R. Richards. Second Row: Miss Richards, P. Fuhs, B. Sorensen, B. Liveright, B. Frazer, M. HeHe, G. Stretton, M. VanScoter, N. Fisher. Third Row: J. Powers, J. Fohs, D. Burnham, B. Gillingham, N. Chibater, L. Teetsel, B. Haussman, J. Cooper, J. Klineburger. Fourth Row: D. Stewart, M. Wapen, T. Hall, N. Nastasi, B. Burnley, J. Lawler, D. Parker. Fifth Row: B. Wilcox, B. Hovey, S. Reeves, J. Owens, B. Suedell, G. Gafga, J . Murphy, B. Shane.




CHOIR OFFICERS: O. Burt, M. Kraatz, J. Powers, A. McGuigan, E. Dannaker.

Front Row: T. Wange, N. Hartmann, M. Fitzgerald, N. Pennington, D. Ward, P. Solma, M. Kraatz. Second Row: A. McGuigan, D. Spahr, J. Lange, 1. Godmillow, J. Butterworth, K. Bassett, C. Sayl'es, M. Smith. Third Row: B. Dempster, M. Kuhlman, P. Mark, D. Neeley, C. Hoover, D. McElroy, R. Diers, C. Beers. Fourth Row: B. Crecelius, D. Pichaske, J. Roosevelt, C. Flashbarth, B. Edgar, C. Weiler, O. Burt. Fifth Row: J. House, B. Hindle, D. Hoopman, D. Vance, B. Aldrid, L. Landau, J. Ferrante, E. Dannaker.


DISTRICT CHORUS MEMBERS: G. Davidheiser (sealed), J. Powers, M. VanScoter, A. McGuigan, B. Wilcox, G. Gafga.

NATIONAL CHORUS MEMBERS: P. Jackson, D. Siewart, R. Richards.

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DISTRICT MEMBERS- K. Hamilton, W. Kulek, N. Krouse, L. Lutz.

Ann Klein, student director, Mr. Mitchell, director.


Front Row: A. Klein, N. Krouse, L. Robson. Second Row: S. Kraatz, H. Boyer, F. Hanley, C. Milne, D. Marsh, C. Weiss. Third Row: D. Budko, M. Marin, S. Isenberg, F. Hampf, J. Mitchell, D. Hall. Fourth Row: J. Hanson, R. AikeIl, L. Lutz, B. Mainwaring.

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OFFICERS-Front Row: E. Campbell, J. Corwin, A. Klein, L. Robson. Second Row: B. Mainwaring,- B. Gates, E. Foehl, B. Aiken.

L. Carpenter, C. Lutz, V. Myers, P. Waller, S. Nobbs, L. Gattey, E. Campbell, B. Dunbrack, L. Liebhauser, K. Krouse, B. Kelican, S. Geesey, M. Sampson, D. Matter, H. Reese, R. Gates, C. Eichenburg, R. Bergner, C. Miller, M. Coste, R. Baxter, W. Black, K. Hamilton, Mr. Mitchell.






OFFICERS- Front Row: E. Campbell, D. Hall, C. Milne, M. Costa. Second Row: E. Foehl, D. Marsh, D. Megee, C. Miller, C. Weiss.

Band C. Miller, student direct~r


Front Row: C. Miller, E. Kayser, B. Sharer, E. Foehl, R. Bergner, C. Webber. Second Row: J . Behrle, L. Liebhauser, B. Dunbrack, B. Meranda, M. Coste. C. Eichenberg. Third Row : K. Hamilton, Eo Baxter, B. Black, S. Isenberg, P. Mark, S. Richards. Fourth Row: 1. Mitchell, C. Milne, D. Matter, E. McEll'OY, H. Reese, R. Marsh. Fifth Row: R. Sword, J. Tierney, P. Jackson, D. Blissaid, C. Weiss, C. Tywn. Sixth Row: D. Megee, D. Hall, E. Campbell, S. Gaffga. Seventh Row: Mr. Mitchell, A. Ottosson .



J. Huey, G. Slretton, C. Herring, G. Wilcox, C. Mahood, C. Feerrar, S. Yarrington.

G. Judd, P. Johnson, C. Irwin, J. Hanson, B. Mainwaring, M. Boyle.

Color Guard and Majorettes




Front Row: B. Drennen, 1. Reese, 1. Poli, P. Waller, R. Virgillio, M. Sampson, J. Sinnamon, N. Krouse, S. Kraatz. Second Row: D. McConnell, N. Owens, M. Eggart, C. Mount, J. Noyes, M. Schmitt, S. Reeps, B. Black, H. Boyer. Third Row: P. Joseph, N. Gilbert, C. Etherington, D. Quail, D. Wange, B. Locilento, B. Fornwalt, S. Hobbs, 1. Jensen. Fourth Row: 1. Walker, E. Tucker, 1. Borst, S. Bloodwell, S. Brennen, S. Lashe, J. Amwake, S. Dash.

V. FREDD accompanist

GIRLS' CHORUS OFFICERS: P. Egan, K. Krause, J. Noyes, J. Amwake.


Girls' Chorus

Front Row : C. Lutz, D. Davies, B. Gallantino, E. Lockhart, M. Marongelli, J. Turner, P. Egan, A. Handler, B. Earle. Second Row: K. Krouse, S. Austin, V. Fredd, G. Shrumpf, S. Etheridge, V. Smith, C. Feiner, D. Greenwood, J. Shoemaker,- R. Moser. Third Row: R. Pologruto, J. Lochhart, B. Helmig, B. Buck, J. -Moore, K. Whitfield, P. Whipple, N. Halloway, M. Gaunt. Fourth Row: G. Newkirk, S. Evans, 1. Hall, M. Wicks, N. Mullholland, 1. Bamford, M. .Hershler, J. Brewster, 1. Laffe, E. Scott.


·Seniors ·1;n .Action

Sailms sing up a storm.

Play it cool, Sonny!

What seems to be on your mind?

Remember when!





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Class Officers

Class of 1961

D. Reger, B. Helmig, B. Bierly, J. Roosevelt

Class of 1962

R. Riven, S. Reeps; J. King, D. Beecher

Student Council Officers

Junior High

.. P. Simp,son, B. Betts, S. McKay; J. Starzma~n, D. Reger 130




Junior Class HOMEROOM 104 Front Row: J. Shoemaker, F. Nardi, N. -Murphy, B. Liveright, J. Klineburger, R. Paylor; C. Orr. Second Row: M. Wardell, A. Baker, G. Swain, C. Messick, T. Black, W. Me· -Ellroy, D. Stettler. Thir.d Row: C. Lafey, S. Spears, J. Dayton, S. Yarrington. Fourth Row : N. Krouse, B. Durham, B. D_ornan, R. Stiteler, P. Bittner, M. Elwell, L; Baily, E. Bixby. Fifth Row: J. Cleland, -B. Strawley, H. Fraley, P. Walker, J. Morris, H. Lee.

HOMEROOM 157 Front- Row: J. Lochart, P. Ortley, C. Luby, S. Brennan, S. Rhodes, B. Broomall, S. Wood· ward. Second Row: J. Phelps, D. Pierucci, R. Bergner, S. Cole, E. Fulford, D. Milkowski, P. Nordblom. Third Row: - J. Huey, D. Malloy, J. Zafis, B. Finn, N. Fischer, L. Glacken, T. Plousis, L. Galantino. Fourth Row: R. Ryan, R. Buhlmann, R. Fantini, R. Sweisfurth.

HOMEROOM 159 Front Row: D. Hall, M. Smith, R. Axelrod, L. Lyons, K. Ockers, D. Campanaro, D. Bmnharn. Second Row: C. Wikete, K. Gates, H. Tranchitella, F. Berek, R. DiStasio, F. Marmelo, K. Norman. Third Row: S. Friez, P. Marcantuono, J. Menard, D. McCue, J. Schaefer, J. Goldsmith. Fourth Row: J. Doyle, B. -Aiken, R. Regimato, R. Hall; _D. Me· Gurk. Fifth Row: L. Gattey, L. Poli, G. Barbour, M. Rose, J. Berezny. -

HOMEROOM 156 Front Row: B. Gillingham, E. Hotchkin, S. Blood· well, J. Hanson, B. Hackman, L. Cowley, P. Fuhs. Second Row: V. ReiHer, R. Hoopman, R. Fahn· - stock, A. Kirkman, E. Read, S. Riv,es, C. Flach· harth. Third -Row: M. Fitzgerald, K. Rennard, M. Nolan, S. Parks, V. Stretton, B. Helmig. Fourth Row: D. Walker, D. Paxton, J. Heimann, B. Hollywood, B. Edgar, J. Falker, L. Connolly. Fifth Row: W. Reid, L. Turner, M. Schmitt, C. Mitchell, L Higgins, B. Bierly.


Junior Class HOMEROOM 154 Front ROlli: J. Rusk, K. Merk, M. Heffie, B. Freas, M. Woodcock, M. Shannon, C. Ellis. Second ROlli: S. Fisher, J . Lawlar, B. Shane, D. Reger, P. Bretherick, J. Schriver, W. Holt. Third ROlli: C. Hoover, H. Ritzer, C. Smith, R. Roth, P. Metire, C. Ristine. Fourth ROlli: B. Galantino, R. Rubolin, R. Howard, R. Garson, T. Wilkes, G. Lampe, D. Warner. Fifth ROlli: C. Butcher, P. Deleo, J. Cooper, B. Haussman, P. Scallone, B. Hazen.

HOMEROOM 103 Front ROlli: B. Sorensen, E. Scott, B. Dempster, J . Lawrence, J . Greenland, J . Amwake, J. Godmilow. Second ROlli: R. Pitney, F. Haenle, J. House, J. Stewart, T. Makowski, R. Sarkisian, J. Roosevelt, J. McGill. Third ROlli: G. Penning· ton, E. Woolston, B. Huffman, H. Lee, S. Lawler, S. Deal, D. Dercole. Fourth ROlli: B. Schwartz, T. Kral, J. Anks, D. Dykhouse.

HOMEROOM 100 Front ROlli: J . Bell, L. J ensen, N. Chibatar, L. Lutz, S. Skinner, B. Frazer, G. Thomas. Second ROlli: B. Aldred, R. Holtby, B. Sudell, B. Stegemerten, R. Smith, N. Mann, D. Car· ter. Third ROlli: J. MacDowell, B. L. Harris, J. Conforti, B. Thorpe, R. Fry, P. Joffe. Fourth ROlli: B. Pellegrini, P. Perricone, B. Johnson, L. Reece, J . Maxwell, T. Rosfeld, J . Benn.

HOMEROOM 101 Front ROlli: L. Boris, P. Cross, J. Wynn, N, Lampe, B. Miller, J. DeForest, V. Lange. Second ROlli: R. Thompson, W. Crecelius, R. McDermott, J. Thmpe, R. Green, H. Bortman, P. Clark. Third ROlli: R. Keen, R. Osmond, M. Marin, D. Pichaske, J. Viglotti, A. Mansell. · Fourth ROlli: P. Mingis, J. Smith, G. Schneider, C. Biers, B. Morrison, M. Greenfield, S. Taylor. Fifth ROlli: M. King, P. Egan, K. Kabajian, M. Marongelli.


Sophomore Class HOMEROOM 128 Front Row: D. Cambi, V. Black, J. Applegate, L. Bamford, M. Boyle, L. Borishek, B. Bradley. Second Row: S. Wright, B. Baxter, W. Black, W. Bollinger, J. Bohl, F. Avery, J. Bent. Third Row: M. Figlll'ola, E. Adair, W. Albright, A. Billingsley, S. Bone, M. Bixby. Fourth Row: R. Bird, D. Beacher, K. Beck, T. Bortman, R. Barnum.

HOMEROOM 255 Front Row: lVI. Coste, C. Cresci, A. Coburn, S. Bucks, B. Chestnut, P. Coggeshall, H. Boyer. Second Row: R. Chiarrocchi, B. Cluff, B. Brewster, G. Davidson, K. Clarke, J. Davids, J. Mitchell. Third Row: B. Burritt, B. Burt, R. Books, G. Buckley, B. Buck. Fourth Row: B. Casto, A. Dell, D. Bruce, R. Corson, R. DavidheiseI'. Fifth Row: R. Curren, lVI. Bubelis, lVI. Clegg.

HOMEROOM 254 Front Row: M. Eggart, B. Earle, S. Ethridge, C. Felts, M. Evans, S. Feiner, B. Duffy. Second Row: S. Fredericks, P. Ebel, J. Guyer, M. DeVito, J. Dial, J. Flynn, C. Frick. Third Row: T. DelMonte, C. Donaghue, S. Evans, D. Davies, K. Ebling, R. Lloyd. Fourth Row: T. Hocking, B. Criste, M. Dolhancey, J. Dietsch, B. Davidson. Fifth Row: D. Fine, D. Detwiler, C. Eickenberg.

HOMEROOM 257 Front Row: M. Gaunt, S. Glass, B. Gilling. ham, S. Griffith, J. Gerson, L. Hayes, N. Gilbert. Second Row: J. Girard, J. Haberle, G. Gaffga, J. Gardner, A. Fuller, K. Hamilton, J. Gobel. Third Row: B. Hallowell, S. Embon, B. Fornwalt, D. Greenwood, M. Graf, .C. Greenacre. Fourth Row: F. Hampf, P. Hays, B. Haslett, W. Backman, V. Fredd, L. Glover.

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Sophomore Class HOMEROOM 256 First Row: J. Ivins, B. Katz, S. Hobbs, C. Horner, V. Judd, R. Hellman, R. Jones. Second Row: J. King, M. Kayser, E. Johnson, J. Kederis, D. Hibbs, B. Kerr, B. Innis. Third Row: T. Hendricks, R. Kabajian, S. Innis, B.. K e vis, M. Hirschler, F. Hougendobler. Fourth Row: B. Holstein, J. Howard, J. Mascher, R. Hufford.

HOMEROOM 258 .Front' Row: B. Locilento, L. Liebhauser, M. Kowalczyk, · B. Layne, D. Lear, J. MacLennan, L. Lafey. Second Row: R. McAllister, P. Larson, T. , Liveright, W. McClintock, D. Matter, J. Masher, F. Klagholz. Third Row: D. MacConnell, J. , Lockbaum, E. Lockhart, S. Kraatz, C. Lutz, K. Krouse. Fourth Row: B. Lever, J. Maxwell, J. Langsford, H. MeKnelt, F. Legaz.

HOMEROOM 253 Front ROIV: M. Meeks, S. McCullough, S. Neagley, N. Mulholland, C. Mahood, M. Mathews, J. Mere· dith. Second Row: M. Petrelli, B. Morrando, J. Noonan, H. ' Greene, H. Messick, R. Miller, D. Pawlewicz. Thifd R0!9: V. Milliken, J. Miller, C. Milne, C. McCallister, C. Mount, D. Moretti. Fourth Row: J. Qyler, A. Mennig, A. Mitterling, J. Noyes, P. Novick, .B. Dalrymple.

HOMEROOM 251 Front Row: D. Quail, M. Quendenfeld, S. Reed, K. Parriss, K. Peterman, S. Pellin, G. Srouth. Second Row: D. Reece, R. Rivell, J. Rose, S. Richards, B. Sharer, B. Rucier, H. Ritcher. Third Row: B. Pacen, M. Sampson, M. Owens, P. Rocap, I. Schmidt, S. ' Reeps: Fourth Row: G. Plank, O. Rust, J. Roch, B. Robenson, G. Romani. Fifth Row: G. Shrump, D. Park, G. Rimono, J . . Turner·



Sophomore Class HOMEROOM 202 Front Row: T. Widdowson, B. Whiteman, L. Walker, M. Wicks, P. Whipple, K. Whitfield, J. Wagenseller. Second Row: F. Wren, G. Carnicum, J. Warner, M. Walter, R. Wylie, C. Weiss, G. Todd. Third Row: R. Virgilio, S. Yarrington, N. Way, V. VanOrmer, D. Zeiger, D. Wange, D. Wilson, S. Wood. Fourth Row: T. Tretiak, S. Wilson, N. Vance, C. Weeber, E. Wyatt.

HOMEROOM 206 Front Row: E. Spangler, V. Smith, N. Metz, M. Spangler, E. Tusker, A. Sprey, L. Hall. Second Row: B. Smith, D. Snyder, G. Thomas, F. Stenz, D. Clemmens, A. Spears, M. Todak. Third Row: E. Scotese, G. Scotti, F. Saraphin, J. Sinnamon, K. Smith, E. Spina. Fourth Row: S. Stefani, S. Thompson, J. Turner, B. Spangler, G. Dykhouse.

Mr. Mitchell steps up enthusiasm for the pep rally on Thanksgiving Eve.


SECTION 9-1 Front ROll!: W. Kuleck, D. Santella, B. Jensen, S. Henry, M. Prager, K. McDowell, E. Johnson. Second ROll!: P. MOlton, G. Pugsley, T. Arrington, P. Coale, J. Gilbert, C. Kern, R. Spallone. Third Row: J. Sperow, S. Williams, J. Hickman, J. Hogendobler, G. Vicoli, N. Schwarz. Fourth ROll!: B. Swift, T. Frazer.

SECTION 9路2 Front Row: D. Killen, G. Smith, F. Buchholz, R. Torbit, T. Sylvester, P. Smith, J. Watson. Second Row: 1. McCormick, J. Harper, J. Stein, S. Hill, M. Eltz, J. Hedl, J. Kapp. Third Row: E. Busch, W. Brubaker, P. Chaveas, A. Makowski, B. Wapen, S. McKay. Fourth Row: M. Haller, T. Daiello, A. Weiss, J. Tillotson, D. Gunther.

SECTION 9-3 Front ROll!: D. Yoder, B. Convin, L. Knapp, E. Pollet, F. Hovey, J. Peck, B. Byers. Second Row: J. Starzman, S. Lyons, J. Milliken, M. Hershock, K. Schmitt, L. Peters, R. Zell路 ner. Third Row: B. Miller, A. Invin, D.

Killian, B. Alfano, D. Bean, G. Phillips. Fourth Row: R. Garson, C. Lank, C. Adams, P. Benn, B. McGirk. Fifth . Row: A. Wright, C. Lee, N. HOlTacks, R. Fanno, R. Bone.

SECTION 9路4 Front Row: P. Brown, A. Martin, W. Betts,

P. Hite, W. McCalley, B. Nocella, D. Dresser. Second Row: N. Lewis, D. Borst, P. Wiercinski, D. Lawrie, N. Kline, M. Simpson, L. Rhodes. Third Row: W. Coates, A. Hall, D. Frick, D. Gross, C. Steel, G. Deal. Fourth Row: R. Bond, M. Gatto, W. Rushton, C. Wickland, J. Dascola. Fifth Row: J. Meyers, R. Cambi, P. Freas, R. Garzarelli, R. Wild路 ing. Sixth ROll!: J. Waters, W. Lever, T. Flocco.



.- '



SECTION 9-5 Front Row: S. Martin, P. Chrostowski, S. Pratt, D. Thomas, D. Anderson, G. Landau, J. Robin~on . S econd Row: S. Millard, J. Korenko, K. Arthur, L. Richards, G. Contompasis, D. Raymond. Third Row: D. MUlTay, D. Murphy, M. Thwaites, T. Sibbald, M. Markle. Fourth Row: M. Hal], R. Erwin, S. Hill, B. Crewdson.

SECTION 9-6 Front Row: B. Klin ger, M. Kirkpatrick, W. Young, D. McGowan, B. Kotanchik, B. Barbar, H. Chekemian. Second Row: C. Elser, B. Huston, S. Anders, 1. Thorpe, S. DerAvedesian, T. Gribb. Third Row : N. Elliott, R. Davis, B. Jackson, J. Hamerstone, J. Featherstone, J. Britt. Fourth Row: B. Pearce, L. Colio, P. O'Malley, S. DiBello, B. Gordy.

SECTION 9-7 Front Row: A. Hoover, W. Beam, C. Chandler, P. Parsons, A. Holgate, M. Hank, N. Harvy. Second Row: S. Arnett, J. DiLucia, E. Gosser, B. Macaw, M. Clanahan, T. Fitz. gerald, S. Drew. Third Row: J. Ferrante, N. Stewart, D. Boon, V. Wells, E. Schwan, J. Gruwell. Fourth Row: E. Haimowitz, A. Naylor, R. Rees, C. Durfor.

SECTION 9-8 Front Row: B. Horne, T. Crary, A. Bubelis, B. Tyson, B. Hersker, D. Reger, R. MacQueen. Second Row: B. Horne, R. Wolstenholme, L. McCallister, J . Hall, G. Dalonzo, B. Henderson, D. Duffey. Third Row: C. Shoustal, K. Dilks, J. Krauss, J. Paylor, B. Clark, J. Rupp. Fourth Row: R. McClellan, J. Morrison, C. Herb, J. Dughie, L. Wilks. Fifth Row: G. Kline, T. Butterworth, B. Franck, D. Hoffman, D. Vaughan, B. Thompson.


SECTION 9-9 Front Row: B. Bectole, S. Hindle, G. Harris, T. Davis, K. Nichol, C. Mainwaring, P. Tyler. Second Row: G. Irby, M. Wyse, R. MeGonicle, J. Murphy, L. P eters, C. Uravage, J . Bryant. Third Row: W. Doyle, E. Fry, J. Widner, J. Jeckle, M. Butler, G. Myers. Fourth. Row: R. Pennington, E. Till, B. Crosby, R. Shrader, S. Dorous. Fifth. Row : P. Messinger, R. Hill, B. Stewart, T. Abdel.

SECTION 9-10 Front Row : R. Burcin, J. Irey, T. Manley, C. Hudson, M. Holland, N. Drew, B. Webb. Second Row: D. Natali, B. Falcone, B. Keen, J. Schubert, B. J axheimer, S. Chmielewski, C. Kershaw. Third Row: B. Lawler, T. Behmke, B. Beall, J. Merk, C. Kane.

SECTION 9-11 Front Row: W. Hinton, C. Faulkner, B. Hilbeck, S. Bucher, B. Drennen, S. Kerr, R. Messick. Second Row: R. Maniscalco, D. DePietrio, S. Cato, E. Fidein, J. Dan naker, M. Dou ~herty, J. Edwards. Third Row: D. Norton, D. McGarvey, J. Hee, G. Gardner, H. Potter, M. Gilliland, J . Millay.

SECTION 9-12 Front Row: J. Dubalino, L. Peters, J. Burcin, N. Lowrey, A. Baker. Second Row: D. Urban, H. Kemp, P. Simpson, L. Gardner, D. Metava. Third Row : D. Tantaros, T. Joyce, K. Kershaw.

138 --'- .

SECTION 8-1 Front Row: P. Coste, D. Schneider, D. Yoder, N. Ebel, P . Harvey, M. Northington, S. Arrington. Second Row: 1. Miller, B. Moser, P. Stalker, J . Kielman, N. Krouse, D. Soule, 1. Joseph, H. Mullenaun. Third Row: C. Fleisher, B. Williams, 1. Kelley, W. Walp, B. Hotchkin, D. Walker, P . Sieke. Fourth Row: E. CalToll, B. McMaster, N. Federman, R. Miller, F. Bracanano.

SECTION 8-2 Front Row: S. Kirkman, D. Hoffecker, J. Williams, J. Naulty, B. Moore, B. Spahr, F. Walker. Second Row: J. D'Angelo, A. Smith, S. Hollibaugh, A. Cordes, R. Schlosser, H. Bennendijk, J. Klinka. Third Row: M. Myers, F. Berdan, S. Bennett, D. Strehlaw, A. Wicks, P. Gluchowski, L. McLeester. Fourth Row : J. Weniger, P. Patton, P. Krape, R. Phillips, R. Schaum, 1. Bernstein. Fifth Row : N. Weldy, B. Titus, N. Irving, C. Churohman.

SECTION 8-3 Front Row: K. Guerin, B. Best, G. Rivell, A. Kennedy, D. Babb, J. Morgan, B. Doyle. Second Row: R. Murray, G. Simpson, B. Moll, R. Logan, E. Hagen, M. Ellis, 1. Miller. Third Row: M. Raymond, J. Wright, B. Swift, C. Schaub, C. Rusek, B. DeHaven. Fo urth Row: J. Carlton, K. Hamilton, B. Stone, P. VanKummer, P. Wilcox, P . Walker. Fifth Row: R. Winters, D. Smith, C. Berger, 1. Kennedy, P. Pennington.

SECTION 8-4 Front Row: R. Walters, L. Frick, J. Fraley, B. Conner, N. Johnson, S. Renshaw, A. Hall. Second Row: S. Oppenheim, M. Ogburn, C. Murphy, P : Mullaney, B. Eyerly, C. Linsalata, A. Berry. Third Row: L. DellaPenna, E. -Ezekian, J. Sangiorgio, J. Metz, R. Mitterling. Fourth. Row: N. Salla, B. Shannon, E. Taylor, C. Niles, R. Tranoff.


SECTION 8-5 Front Row : J. Lobley, R. Freimuth, R. Haring, 1. Ernest, R. Knudson, W. Reese, B. Merklee. Second Row: 1. Gallagher, A. Smith, M. Wicks, A. Haas, B. Betts, N. Siegfried, T. Thomson. Third Row: D. Chekemian, K. Buck, S. Wehmeyer, N. Hill, C. Donnell, I. Geesey. Fourth Row: . .c. Hackman, P. Bone, K. Lange, C. Bent, D. Haney, Fifth Row : B. Jackson, B. Hall, J . Hunt.

SECTION 8-6 Front Row: D. Bowman, S. Wilcox, T. Carbonaro, P. Hancock, J. Bulfin, S. Hague, D. Klein. Second Row: J. Liebhauser, M. Simpson, B. Alexander, T. Brougher, T. Barber, B. Hauf, N. Hanson. Third Row: D. Avrey, C. Marker, T. Burton, J . Carroll, I. Beatty, H. Applegate. Fourth Row : W. Wilson, B. Palmer, J. Whitfield, K. McLaughlin, 1. Boccelli, D. Cafferty, P. · Anderson. Fifth Row : B. Hartmann, G. Mark, 1. Gambol, J. Barbor, M. Adair, E. Pologruto, S. Allen .

SECTION 8-7 Front Row : S. Williams, C. Deal, D. F elts , B. Simon, J . Bornman, S. Brown, M. Laycock. Second Row: A. DeMarco, B. Yeager, G. Stasen, A. Belt, M. Brewster, T. DeVito, L. Brophy. Third Row :' E. Gottwig, A. Newkirk, S. Hutton, J . Averill, C. Morton, J. Earle. Fourth Row: J. Beattie, B. Rowe, B. Brophy, T. Cleary, J . Boyle. Fifth Row: M. Ezzie, J . Damia.

SECTION 8-8 Front Row: J. DelColiiano, N. Chandler, B. Dempsey, A. Bruckner, B. Craig, D. Hartig, L. Weeks. Second Row: S. Edgeworth, D. Hoefner, R. Haussman, J. Curtis, B. DeVuono, D. Dietsch D. Hilleary, J. Butler, J. Harden. Third Row : P. Stroup, B. Falkenburg, I. Cowperthwait, R. Custer, B. Avery, R. Burnley. Fourth Row: G. Tracy, V. Foresta, A. Budko, K. Cleland, R. Crowe, C. Sylanski.


. ..


SECTION 8-9 Front Row: B. Ewen, M. Knapp, S. Emme, D. Jamieson, C. Graham, B. Hudgins, B. Risten. Second Row: K. Molony, B. Earley, K. Hinrichsen, A. Geddis, H. Franklin, T. Fromme, G. Davis. Third Row: B. Klagholz, E. Hidell, R. Gibson, M. Gaskill, J . Keiser, J . Elbert. Fourth Row: S. Hoff, S. Gale, J. Fraser, J. Kinden, B. McCoy.

SECTION 8-10 Front Row: E. Mason, N. Paine, C. Lindauer, K. Harkins, R. Lutz, A. Gilmore, W. Lyman. Second Row: B. Lynch, J. Hollenbach, N. Hilbeck, J . Lacock, K. Kilbane, R. McCoy, J. Lawlar. Third Row: B. Hess, C. Isenberg, B. Schweikle, ' D. Simpson, B. Lange, M. Parker. Fourth Row: A. Joffe, P. Kurlish, T. Lingg, J. Horner, J. Kinden, L. Lisk.

SECfION 8-11 Front Row: W. Olsen, J. McFaul, J . McCunney, J. Walch, S. Stetson, W. Muller, R. Petolicchio. Second Row. A. MacAdams, P. Smith, J. Fein, S. Snyder, B. Way, E. Mitchell, B. Woodcock. Third Row: T. Tripp, H. Zak, J. Miller, V. Smith, V. VanScoter, E. Vucelich. FoU;rth Row: P. Turner, B. Longmore, L. Mousley, B. Phreaner, L. Small. Fifth Row: W. Muir, J. Nagle, R. Petrelli.

SECfION 8-12 Front Row: D. Brougher, G. Seeley, R. Richards, B. Ready, B. Satterthwaite, R. Sentman, B. Schwier. Second Row: V. Teise, S. Toon, B. Mahood, C. Jaxheimer, S. Ray, C. Roberts, J. Quail. Third Row: R. Scott, R. Hanlon, F. Price, R. Sheehan, B. Bateman, R. Snyder. Fourth Row: C. Mattei, G. Rhodes, S. Siple, S. ' Morrison, M. Medbery, J . Megonigle, M. Samyan.

14 1

SECTION 8·13 Front Row: S. Wilkenson, B. Tavani, G. Wiedman, I. Kelly, A. Williams, D. Millard, R. Wilbur. Second Row: C. Bosi, P. Schroeder, L. Barrett, J. Matthews, M. Stewart, S. Butter, S. Fl!lconer. Third Row: T. Zuber, M. Vaughan, W. Towle, B. Woolley, T. Stegemerten, W. Stevens, C. Wilken. Fourth Row: R. Wylie, A. Sweisfurth, N. King, D. Ward, B. Smith, J. Stewa11.

SECTION 7-1 Front Row: M. Tuc!ker, F. Souder, E. Downes, R. Patton, M. McConeghey, D. McCready, P. Brown. Second Row: A. Juechter, M. East· man, B. Heller, C. Kabajian, D. Coggeshall, D. Capus, W. Maxwell. Third Row: K. Wal· lace, B. Hartman, K. Lehman, T. Black, C. Palmer, B. Peterman. Fourth row: J. Moss, T. Bradshaw, P. Bugbee, T. Moore, B. Storm, L. Kutz. Fifth Row: D. Frazer, R. Fischer, S. Rabb, L. Quinn.

SECTION 7-2 Front Row: B. Flohr, B. Ritter, H. Aldred, G. DelColliano, L. Thornhill, J. McIlroy. Second Row: B. Reese, D. Brown, S. Nelson, E. Lebon, N. Hobdell, T. Alloway, T. Stewart. Third Row: S. Boyd, J. Williams, S. Patton, K. Lawley, M. Samuels, R. Robinson. Fourth Row: D. Leightley, R. Howard, B. Moore, V. Boccelli, B. Cale, M. Mascher.

SECTION 7-3 Front Row: J. Wallin, D. Labosky, D. Dempsey, P. Leinbach, M. Ebel, A. Openshaw, S. McAllister. Second Row: T. Hibberd, L. Schlegel, H. Pressell, R. Kelly, M. Bruning, R. Dudley, N. Steel. Third Row: A. Durbano, L. Chase, J. Clement, L. Innes, D~ Bulfin, K. Brown. Fourth Row: J . Aisenbrey, L. Jacoby, J. Gattinella, S. Harrison, R. Judd. Fifth Row: S. Fisher, P. Morrison, L. Cresta, M. Bressler.


SECTION 7-4 Front Row: T. Hilt, L. Atkins, B. Watkin, B. Bloodwell, B. Cook, P. Findlay, B. Arthur. Second Row : C. Helmig, S. Colucci, M. L. Teise, J. Dupuy, J. Philips, R. Hill, K. Wid· dowson. Third Row: J. Pinder, K. Widdowson, D. Beacher, A. Horrocks, D. HoItby, N. Cliff. FOlLrth Row: J. Hicks, L. Mariano, S. Peikin, B. Cadge, B. Leman, E. Koch, W. Stalker. Fifth Row: S. McCausland, A. Cos· tanzo, M. Dalrymple, B. Braybrooks, D. Mayer.

SECTION 7-5 Front Row: G. Hockman, D. Titus, D. Witter, B. Levens, W. Aungst, S. Sauer, T. Rocap. Second Row: B. McDermott, L. DiCicco, J. Contompasis, B. Kuhn, J. McFaul, K. Schwartz, R. Cato. Third Roiv: L. Montague, S. Shoemaker, M. Stevens, D., Krauss, J. McMenamin, A. Smith. FOlLrth Row: D. Lee, J. Phillips, J. MacInnis, J. Lyman, S. Hartz, W. Miller, T .' Bean. Fifth Row: R. Ma'gee, C. Kepner, H. Sinkinson, J. Bleuitt.

SECTION 7-6 Front Row: G. Best, K. Malinoski, R. McDonald, R. Matthews, L. Mintzlaff, L. Valz, D. Harrison. Second Row: , B. Wilhelm, I. Kayser, N. Kassebohm, S. Doherty, E. Garzarelli, C. Faircloth, L. Ezzie. Third Row: C. Loughran, N. Brightwell, S. Jump, D. Beers, J. Diamond, R. Parts. FOlLrth Row: G. Tapp, J. Kulp, J. Reynolds, F. Shealria, K. Buckhalter, J. Rhodes, D. Keirs. Fifth Row: J. Richards, ' H. Raymond, G. Rupp, D. Oark, W. Walker, L. Osmand.

SECTION 7·7 Front Row: D. Berek, D. Woods, M. McCoy, M. Shelow, L. Feathers, J. Cooper, J. Craig. Second Row: D. Rementer, B. Durham, D. Boileau, M. Koons, D. Cunningham, J. Kelican, M. Peterson. Third Row: P. Kowalczyk, D. LeCalsey; D. Flynn, G. Harbaugh, D. Speyer, W. Neidermyer. FOlLrth Row: T. Kelley, B. Renninger, B. Rose, S. Morris, B. Coburn, N. Roosevelt, J. Zehring. Fifth Row: R. Donaghue, M. Davis, A. DiRenzo, J. Simon, S. McCue.


SECTION 7路8 Front Row: J. Crecelius, L. Cheek, T. McConeghey, D. McKinley, G. Knoll, J . Matthews, S. Lacock. Second Row : F. Burda, C. Boggs, J . Deforest, G. Wyatt, T. Marine, C. Martin, J. DeRose. Third Row : E. Omlor, L. Johnson, R. Detskas, D. VonBargen, J. Robinson, W. Reeves. Fourth Row: R. Aiken, C. Walker, K. Barnum, D. MarMar, G. Isherwood. Fifth Row : J. Masson, K. Kinden, R. Leisenring, P. Zaffiri. Sixth Row: E. Cassidy, N. Menan, C. Wrigley, W. Morris.

SECTION 7-9 Front Row: W. Wiggins, R. Jenkins, J. Clark, H. Bakow, W. Chandler, S. Anderson, D. Messinger. Second Row: M. Roscoe, R. Gillingham, G. Flash, S. Roberts, J. Frigstad, A. Micciantuono, J. Eggart. Third Row: E. Scott, N. Davidson, R. Mattes, E. Corson, D. Hill, R. Taylor. Fourth Row: T. Mur路 phy, T. Zellner, L. J ervis, F. Ciarlo, D. Sohaney. Fifth Row : S. Doyle, R Spangler, J . Carlin, S. Miller, C. LaPreste, J. Richards, N. Tillotson.

SECTION 7-10 Front Row : R. Edwards, L. Boyer, T. Seth, P. Gardner, R. Simpson, S. Hudson, J. Photos. Second Row: P . Wise, V. Paradise, B. Bel" gamann, L. Rosenberger, V. Warner, C. Hay路 slip, T. Mohr. Third Row: M. Fraley, R. Plum, A. Fulton, D. Paxton, T. Mann, B. Miller. Fourth Row: R. Nolan, A. Nixon, B. Morrow, K. Loveman, D. Sayres, H. Huber. Fifth Row : L. Ayres, R. Tayloi', S. Hunt, L. Montogue, L. Lang.

SECTION 7-11 Front Row: B. Wolsfield, D. Kiel, C. Krey, C. VanderMaaten, B. Palma, L. Warner, K. Mancini. Second Row : P. Smedley, S. Corwin, S. Beisel, R. Weidner, B. Hanzel, P . Greenwood, M. Jones, C. Krug. Third Row: R. Balsey; K. Gomlan, N. Gruwell, R. Khelg路 hatian, J. Clark, H. Miller. Fourth Row: J . Schmid, J. Burnite, L. Trout, R. Vucelich, M. Stewart, K. Hoover, C. Pugsley, M. Tretiak.


SECTION 7-12 Front Row: B. Shoemaker, F. Mathews, W. Reiffer, D. Frey, C. MacFarland, T. Seifert, D. Harvey. Second Row: H. Milligan, P. Single, D. Moore, A. Johnson, D. Dukes, S. Perrine, C. Larson, C. Ford. Third Row: L. Barbeur, D. Heffron, J. Bishop, J. Limchak, S. Mongiello, J. Todd. Fourth Row: D. Hedl, K. Eickenberg, L. Fuhs, J. Wicks, V, Hendricks.

SECTION 7-13 Front Row: F. Sykes, P. Mershon, D. Stephens, C. Egee, P. Shields, B. Truman, C. Batipps. Second Row: C. Colasimo, J. Hoch, K. Kayser, J. Gargulo, R. Dubolino, L. Sharp, C. Lehneis, B. Lawrence, S. McHenry. Third Row: B. Nagle, B. Edgeworth, C. Piselli, D. Mullikin, D. Fisher, D. Hine.

Mr.Boccelli whips up pre-game fervor during a Friday afternoon pep rally.



Congratulations to the Class of 1960 From



801 Clifton Avenue. Collingdale. Pa.

The Red and White Trucks Are Always In Your Community

SPECIALISTS IN Oil Burner Service Burner and Automatic Heating Installation Vaccum Cleaning

LUdlow 3-5200 or MAdison 6-1300




1 j;~

BON MARCHE Women's Apparel Springfield Shopping Center SPRINGFIELD

KI 4·4944


SPRINGFIELD BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTING CO. 608 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. DON EASTMAN, Prop.

CURL'S ESSO SERVICE State and Sproul Roads Springfield, Del. Co., Pa. Klngswood 3·9640

GREENBERG Prescriptionist

In Business for Your

Health Springfield's Oldest Drug Store FREE DELIVERY

KI 3-1066

~ Mobilgas


WORLD HARDWARE 150 Saxer Avenue

IIcetf'f "'MoCU""

Springfield, Pa.

KI 3- 1454 Springfield and Brookside Rds. Springfield, Pa,

KI 3-9833


KI 3-9687


Best Wishes

General Repairs-Tune Up Brakes Relined~Lubrication

to the Senior Class

Baltimore Pike and Chester Road SPRINGFIELD

KI 3·9709

KI 3-9698




Pilgrim G'arden Shopping Center

State and Sproul Roads SPRINGFIELD, PA.



13 Brookside Road SPRINGFIELD, PA.

Springfield Shopping Center

KI 3·9354

TWIN KISS DRIVE-IN Steaks Hamburgers


Hoagies Ice Cream


Springfield and Sproul Roads K14·181


REESE Rambler


Township Line Near Burmont Road



Compliments of

Pilgrim Gardens Shopping Center Drexel Hill, Pa.

HALL AND CRAWTHER Butter. Eggs and Cheese

1017 Pontiac Rd.

Lingerie- Dresses-Hosiery HILLTOP 6-4246



Congratulations Class of '60

361 Baltimore Pike SPRINGFIELD, PA.


For the Utmost in Hair Design "Consistently Clean"



186 Saxer Avenue

1929 Pointbreele Avenue

HO 8·7272

EDDIE'S BEVERAGES 7 Brookside Road

Springfield, Pa. KI 3-3379

KI 3·2470


~~ 0






Best Wishes to the Senior Class THE SERVICE CLUB

Cong ratulations

Klngswood 1-2403

to the


Class of '60

Outfitters for the Family 152 Saxer Ave. Springfield, Pa.


BOYER'S ESSO ARTESIAN WELL DRILLING CO. Wells, Pumps Complete Water Service Devon, Pa.

Aramingo and Girard Ave. Philadelphia. Pa. REgent 9-1318

VIKING INN Luncheon-Dinner-Smorgasbord E. Lancaster Ave. and Church Rd. ARDMORE, PA. Midway 2路9539-Restaurant Midway 2路9411-Smorg Midway 2路4360-0ffice

Good Luck, Class of '60



New and Used Homes


General Insurance Notary Public 24 EAST SPRINGFIELD ROAD KI 4路3240

SPANO SPANO SpANO SPANO FOR REAL ESTATE Drexeline Shopping Center CI 9-8300

The Style Closet

HAWK'S FLOWER GARDEN AND GIFT SHOP Cut Flowers, Plants Funeral Sprays, Corsages Baltimore Pike at Lehann Circle SPRINGFIELD, PA. KI 3-1600


* * * Dresses -. Sportswear

Expert Auto Repairs and Lubrication Wheel Balancing

413 N. Springfield Road CLIFTON HEIGHTS, PA.

. Baltimore Pike and Norwinden Dr: SPRINGFIELD, PA.

MA 3-9640

KI 4-4898

MARRA'S FAMILY RESTAURANT AND PIZZERIA Ravioli and Spaghetti-Our Specialty Also Serving Luncheons Complete Carry Out Dept. Banquet Facilities KI 3-1202 .

Open II A.M. to 1 A.M. Friday and Saturday Until 2 A.M. 313 BALTIMORE PIKE

CONGRATULATIONS to the Class of 1960


Alpha, Beta Delta, and Gamma Tri-Hi-Y's l

Best Wishes and Congratulations to the Class of 1960

Margaret G. Pine Realtor 316 Ballymore Rd. (At Woodland) KI 4·3656

Thomas F. Irwin and Associates



WALTER K. JONES Flying "A" Service KI 3-9682

kl 4-0567

Best Wishes to the Class of 160

LO 8·0535


1919 Penn Center Plaza PHILADELPHIA 2, PA.

255 E. Woodland Ave. SPRINGFIELD, PA. KI 3·1017

Fresh From the Country Dairy Products Everyone uses dairy products, milk, eggs, butter, ice cream, etc ... With prices being equal ... why not use the best? If you are not already a customer ... treat your family


Call us today! GENERAL OFFICES Wawa, Delaware Co., Pa. LOwell 6-6500 PHILADELPHIA OFFICE 1327 Marstan Street POplar 5-3710

A Phone Call Will Bring Delivery to You

Buy and Sell


KI 3-3434


326 Baltimore Pike Specializing in Gowns

For Pick Up and Delivery Phone: KI 4·2300

MENARD, Realtors State and Burmont Roads Drexel Hill, Pa. SU 9-6100

DREXELINE DELICATESSEN Drexeline Shopping Center

For Expert Prescription Service



154 Saxer Avenue Free Delivery


Springfield Shopping Center

Ladies' Apparel

KJ 4-4944

KI 3-3355



, J/ze Westminster Press o


249-51 N, 52nd Street · PhiladelphIa 39

with this well-known label

"For Quality'· and the

"Touch of the Unusual"

Call - SHerwood 7.7961 Evening - Klngswood 3-6882 ROBBIE NANCY STEVE LEE


of of of of

'b5 'bl 'bl '52




The Most in Dry Cleaning SHIRTS LAUNDERED-TAILORING 42b N. Springfield Rd. CLIFTON HEIGHTS MA b-8731



PHONE: TR 2-5317



gifts for all occasions

Television-Radios Home Appliances


Ki 4-1133

MILDRED'S FABRIC CENTER All Fabrics of Quality Sewing Accessories Simplicity Patterns 408 N. SPRINGFIELD RD. CI 9-8742


Ki 3-7111


Compliments of



Builder and Developer of "Dream Valley Farms"

Current Interest Rate on Savings Accounts 3%



Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

----ATLANTIC -----


14 South Wycombe Avenue






Free Pick Up and Delivery Service

24 Hour Service Lansdowne, Penna. CLearbrook 9·6164

SUnset 9-9965 State Road and Township Line DREXEL HILL, PA.

MEDFORD'S QUALITY MEATS For Disti nc tive Flavor






.;. ~.




E. J. KORVETTE, INC. State and Sproul Rd.


SPRINGFIELD SUPPLY COMPANY Lumber-Millwork Building Materials K13-3024


P.O. Box 308

Bait Pike at WOODLAND AVE.



SHEA'S PHARMACY of Springfield K13-0812


Nottingham, Pennsylvania

FRANK P. McGONIGLE DRUGS Garret Rd. and Shadeland Ave. CL9-1233 CL9-1234 State Road and Township Line CL9-2323 CL9-2324

Phila., 6, Pa.

Saxer and Ballymore Rd.



JESSIE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Hair Styling-Permanent Waving 415 N. Springfield Rd.





Westbrook Park Motor Service

Ice Cream-Whipped cream cakes Wedding and Party Cakes Fine Pastries 118 W. Baltimore Pike Springfield

Springfield Ave. and Westbrook Dr. Clifton Heights, Pa. MA3-9773


CHES-PEN DO-NUT CO. 800 MacDade Boulevard, Folsom, Pennsylvania LE 2-7405 2213 W. 9th Street, Chester, Pennsylvania CH 2-8849 609 Welsh Street, Chester, Pennsylvania CH 3-7628

Best in Do-Nuts

Class Directory Adler, Charles . ._.__.__ 466 Lynbrooke Road Alber, Leonore . . .__. 6 Windsor Circle .. .__.. .__ 522 Maplewood Avenue Applegate, Stephen . Arcaro, Andrew .________________________________ 499 E. Springfield Rd. 499 E. Springfield Rd. Arcaro, Dominic . . ._. Bach, Clark . . . .. 30 Server Lane Baker, Beverly . . 246 Ballymore Road Ballas, John _.._. . 216 N. Rolling Road Barr, Joan __.. . . . 28 W. Leamy Avenue .._..__. .. . 401 N. Rolling Road Bassett, Katherine Beall, Robert . . . ._ 42 S. Shelburne Road Beatty, Patricia . . . 1017 North Avenue Behrle, John __. . .. 119 Old State Road . .__. 125 N. Rolling Road Bent, Robert _.__. Best, Barbara . . 135 Schuyler Road Best, George _. . . ._ 797 Parker Lane Boon, Carolyn . . 466 Fox Lane Booth, James . .__.__. . ._ 218 Ballymore Road .. .__.. . .. .. ._ 966 West Avenue Borishek, Sandra Boyer, Joan . 121 N. Norwinden Drive .. . 417 Fairview Road Boyer, Lois . ...__. Boyle, Harry . 17 Schuyler Road ._. 50 North State Road Boyle, Thomas Brewster, Jacqueline 424 Hawarden Drive Brooks, Richard .__ ._ 452 Prospect Road Broomall, Carole .__. .__________________________________ 555 Evans Road . ._____ 129 Longview Drive Bross, Charles . . Brown, Pamela . 400 E. Springfield Rd. .__________________________ 340 Sedgewood Road Brown, Robert Brown, Robert J. 258 BaUymore Road 366 Gleaves Road Buchhalter, Patricia .________ 688 Dutton Circle Burch, Antoinette .._.. .__._..__. ... 124 Parkview Drive Burcin, Diane .__... Burkhart, Patricia . . . 255 Franklin Avenue Burnley, Robert . . . ._._._.__ 415 Harwicke Road Burt, Oliver . .____________________ 462 Lynbrooke Road Butler', John .. ... .._. 464 Alliston Road Butterworth, Jacqueline . 49 Barbara Drive Byers, David ._.__. . ._____ 173 Hillview .Drive .. .__. ....__. 277 Orchard Road Campbell, Edna Carpenter, Linda ._. . 300 Harwarden Drive .. ....__. . 212 Sedgewood Road Carslaw, Stuart _. .... Casella, Sonny .__. ._. .. .__. ._.____ 928 Edgewood Drive Churchman, John . . 20 S. Britton Road Clark, Charles . . .. . ... 21 Congress Avenue Clausen, Merrily . 638 W. Springfield Rd. Cleland, William __.__. . 412 Yale Avenue Clevenger, Wesley __. 212 E. Leamy Avenue ._ 479 Wesley Road Cochran, William .. ... .. .__. . .. ...__. ._ 43 Locust Avenue Corwin, J ane . Coyle, Barbara __._.. . . . .. 417 Foster Circle Cresci, John .__._. . . .. ._ 907 Westfield Road Cresta, Ronald • . ...__. . 410 Harwicke Road 79 S. Shelborne Road Crewdson, Carol Curlett, Charlotte .___________ 301 Pinecrest Road D'AIessandro, AI . ... . 250 Welsh Drive . .__. . 335 Harwicke Road D'AIonzo, Faye ... .__.. .._._.. ... 18 Wildwood Avenue Dannaker, Edward _. Dascola, Arleen _. ... . . .. 71 N. Norwinden Drive . 968 Springhaven Road David, Jeannette .__.. .. . . ._._ 74 S. Hillcrest Road Davidheiser, Virginia Diamond, Linda . . . . ..__..__..._ 973 West Avenue Diers, Russ . . .. 127 Locust Avenue 627 Cambridge Road Dillio, Edward . .__. ._._.__._._.__.__.__.. 670 Vernon Road Dolente, Robert ... .._. 301 N. Norwinden Drive Dornan, John __.__..

Douros, Ralph . . 249 N. Norwinden Drive . . 56 Colonial Park D~ive Dresser, Patricia _. Duffy, James __... ._. ._. . .__..._. 356 Powell Road Dunbrack, Betsy .__.__.. . . .__.__.____ 133 School Lane Durham, Sally . . . . . ._.._ 253 Maple Avenue .__. . 225 Saxer Avenue Earley, Richard __._. Egee, J oan ._. ... . ._ 119 Gleaves Road Ellis, Wayne . 145 Scenic Road Etherington, Carol _.. ._._. . 983 Providence Road Fanelli, Elaine .. ._. . . 218 Powell Road . . .__. 333 Ballymore Road Faulkner, John .__._._.. . .__ 1204 Providence Road Feerrar, Carol .. Ferrante, Joseph . .. . .._.__ 552 Andrew Road Feustel, David __.. ._. 990 Stony Brook Drive Fitch, J oan . . . 117 N. Norwinden l)rive Flohr, Marion . 42 West Leamy Avenue Foehl, Edward ..__.. . ._ ... .. 443 Lynbr'ooke Road Fohs, Janet ..._.. . .. ._. 314 Spring Valley Road .. . 480 Pinecrest Road Frawley, Geraldine Frick, Carol .. .. .. .___ 300 Sedgewood Road . . . 148 S chuyl er Road Gasslein, Roger _.__. Geesey, Susan . 323 Ashwood Road Gengenbach, Linda . .._.________ 936 Greenbriar Lane 317 Ballymore Road Gerson, Ellyn . . . Cettys, Barbara _.__. . .._. . . 736 Parker Lane Godmilow, Lynn .__...._.__.__. 41 Schuyler Road Godshall, Robert .. ..... 250 Ridgewood Road ._. . .__. .____ 419 Yale Avenue Goldsmith, Sharon . .. .__. .__. ..._. . ._ 543 Sherman Road Gootee, Peter . Greunke, Lothar . ._ 462 Lynbrooke Road Gruwell, Carroll . 91 Mansion Road ..._._.__. ._._..__..._...__.__ 512 Baltimore Avenue Hague, Julian .. .._. . 858 Springhaven Drive Hall, Ted _.__. ._..._._._...__ 33 Waverly Avenue Haller, William . .__... .__. Hamerstone, James __. .. 1019 Edgewood Drive Hancock, Kenneth ..__.. . ..._._. . 955 Church Road Hancock, Sally . . .._. . 720 Evans Road Harden, Lynne . .__.._. 638 W. Springfield Rd. Hartmann, Nancy .._. 218 Claremont Road Haslett, William ._._.__.. ._. ._._ 230 Ballymore Road Hellman, Nancy . . .. ._. ._ 140 Scenic Road Henderson, Don ..__. .__..__.._._.._. 306 Franklin Avenue Herring, Carolyn . ._. ._. 1089 West Avenue Hinchcliffe, Betty _.__. . ._.__. . 248 Powell RQad Hindle, Robert ._...._.__. 543 Sheffield Drive Holstein, Kenneth 29 Waverly Road .. . 21 Forest Road Hottenstein, Emmy Lou Hovey, Robert . . .__ 101 N: Rolling Road ._. .. . 270 S. Norwinden Drive Hutchinson, Linda Invin, Carol . . . . .. 318 Kent Road Isenberg, Sandra . . . 434 Larchwood Road Jackson, Margaret ..._. . ._. 518 ClaremQnt Road Jacoby, Cynthia ._.. . 919 Stoneybrooke Drive Jardine, Judith ._.. . . 149 S. Rolling Road Johnson, Margaret _. .__.__. . 370 E. Springfield Road .__. . 239 Lynbrooke Road Kelican, Betty Lou __. . ._. ._... ._.__. 12 Saxer Avenue Klagholz, William __. . Klein, Ann _..__._._. ._..._.. ._._._. . ._ 466 Thatcher Road Knapp, Gail .__.__________________ 129 Overhill Road Kraatz, Margaret . . . 1000 Lincoln Avenue Krug, Patricia .. . 440 Glendale Circle . . .. . . 217 Franklin Avenue Kyle, Donald Landau, Les __. . . . 324 Yale Avenue .. 101 Wyndmoor Road Lane, Ken .. ..._._.__. La.nge, Judith _._._. ._. . . .__... 426 Larchwood Road


LeCalsey, Carolyn 452 GTanite Terrace Lee, William 163 Morton Road 725 Buttonwood Drive Likens, Judy Linsalata, Lucretia .__ 410 Maddock Road Lippman, Mary 149 Cascade Road Logan, Andrew 25 Locust Avenue Lopez, J oseph 100 Hillview Drive MacAdam, Robert 448 Granite Terrace MacIntire, Ellen 315 S. Rolling Road MacLennan, Dorothy 606 W. Rolling Road Mainwaring, Barbara . . ' 134 Scenic Road Maker, Tamara 440 Thatcher Road Mark, Margaret . y . 236 Hillview Drive Marker, Walter 119 Parkview Drive Marsh, Richard 355 Orchard Road Martin, Judy 130 Kent Road Matthews, Michael 122 Fairview Road Mauskof, Rochelle 488 Prospect Road McCadden, Sandra ._. 236 Rambling Way McCoy, Vivian 669 Cheyney Road McElroy, Richard .. 77 Hillview Drive McGuigan, Alice .__ 641 Cheyney Road Megee, David 344 Orchard Road 306 Alliston Road Messina, Judith Meyers, Phylis . 314 Holt Lane Millay, Ronald . 747 W. Springfield Road Miller, Charles .__ 254 Kent Road Miller, Diana . 316 Lynbrooke Road 52 Plymouth Road Milligan, Howard Millikin, Susan 422 Kerr Lane 415 Wayne Avenue Moore, Joan Morrison, Mary "732 Hilltop Road Mousley, Lynne 542 Evans Road 307 Fairview Road Murphy, James .__ .. 950 Stony Brook Drive Murphy, Kathleen . Myers, Edward 428 Lynbrooke Road Myers, Virginia . 536 Prospect Road Nastasi, Nicholas 811 Coppock Lane Neely, Donald 231 Lewis Road Nevin, John 104 E. Springfield Road 447 Kerr Lane Newkirk, Greta . . Nocella, Joan 101 Greenhill Road 38 Wayfield Road Nordblom, David Norton, Bruce 445 Harwicke Road Novino, Bert 107 Greenhill Road O'Hara, Margaret 14 S. Hillcrest Road O'Neill, Ted . 967 Rocklyn.il Road Ottosson, Andrew 614 W. Woodland Avenue Palma, Jerry 517 Sharpless Road Park, Marjorie . 1020 Edgewood Drive Parker, Richard 743 Hilltop Road Parsons, Steve 566 E. Scenic Road ~ 419 Hawarden Drive Paul, Joanne Pearson, Karen 444 W. Lea~y Avenue Peck, David 529 Vernon Road Peikin, Natalie 132 Congress Avenue 259 Worrell Drive Pennington, Nancy Peters, Jacqueline 913 Greenbriar Lane Peterson, Donna 51 Server Lane Platt, Polly 1001 North Avenue Pologruto, Rose 648 Andrew Rdad 711 Dunwoody Drive Poulos, Patricia 612 W. Springfield Road Powers, Judy Rausch, Barbara 129 Eagle Road Reed, Karen 785 Bl'adford Terra~e Reese, Homer , 440 Maris Road ~_______ 433 Briarhill Road Reeves, Eileen ,_____ 421 Maddock Road Reuben, John . 0__ '


Rhodes, Janee Richards, Ruth Ann Ridgway, Beverly Ritter, Ray

217 W. Woodland Avenue 416 Valley View Road 336 Valley View Road 31 Thornridge Road

.------,---------------------- 521 Williamson Lane Roberts, Armstrong Robson, Leslie __.______________________________________________ 101 Hillview Drive Root, Diane 448 Colonial Park Drive Saccomandi, "WiUiam .___________________________ 119 Harned Drive Samuels, Jane . 324 Pinecrest Road Santangini, Marie 24 . Wayfield Road 367 Harwicke Road Sayres, Carolyn Schaefer, Vernon . 406 Harwicke Road Schaffer, Wayne 263 Beechwood Avenue Schweikle, Carl 587 Sheffield Drive Scotti, James 260 Ballymore Road 269 Sunnybrooke Road Septor, Janet Sheeley, Bruce . . 252 Pancoast Avenue Shefska, Kenneth 105 Parkview Drive Shipps, George 300 Collins Drive Smith, Barbara 215 Avon Road 235 Saxer Avenue Smith, Margaret Smith, Mary Beth 614 Saxer Avenue Smith, Patricia 426 Thatcher Road Sohn, Ted 925 Westfield Road Solma, Patricia 422 Larchwood Road Spallone, Jack 325 Gibbons Road Spahr, Dorothy 121 S. Forest Road Stalker, Sally 540 Hempstead Road 476 Maplewood Road Steele, Sandra Stevens, Harriet ._____________________________________________ 34 Yale Square Stewart, David 296 Orchard Road 51 Saxer Avenue Stiteler, William Stoffregen, Martha 327 Kent Road 4<J8 Maddock Road Stone, Bette Stone, Hope 443 Foster Drive Sword, Randall 52 Saxer Avenue Tantaros, Mike. 831 Rhoads Drive Tavani, Vincent 967 Westfield Road Teetsel, Linda 330 Fairview Road 556 Vernon Road Thalheimer, Irene Thompson, Cynthia 443 Southcroft Road Thompson, Ellen 426 Parham Road Tomlinson, Ed 549 Hempstead Road Tracy, Beth 566 W. Woodland Avenue Truscott, Wayne 109 Colonial Park Drive 729 .Rhoads Drive Tucci, J udy Tyson, Carol . 219 Franklin Avenue Vance, Dennis 345 Lester Road 22 Yale Square Van Scoter, Marilyn Viglotti, Clement 531 Williamson Lane 231 School Lane Wange, Katrina Wapen, Mitchel 474 Pinecrest Road Ward, Dale 15 School Lane Wardrop, George 907 Greenbriar Lane Warnock, David 236 Pancoast Avenue Watson, Terry , 101 Wayne Avenue 292 Avon Road Weeks, Nate . Weiler, Conrad 257 S. Highland Road Weiss, Stephen 308 Lewis Road 621 S. Chester Road Whiteway, Stanley Wiercinski, Carol c 4D7 Madison Road Wilbur, David ' 134 Longview Drive Wilcox, BW'net 433 Larchwood Road ' Wilcox, Glenda 433 Glendale Circle Wisniewski, Carol 252 N. Norwinden Drive Wright, Carole , 509 Wheatsheaf Road : 456 Glendale Circle Wright, Richard Yetter, Diane --- 484 Kerr Lane

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