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The Staff Marita Kuhlmann Editor-in-chief
Nancy Krouse Robin Roth Layout Editors
Linda Borst Copy Editor
Art Blanchette Art Editor
Doris Burnham Typing Editor
Jack Curtis Photography
Judy Wynn Business Manager
Kaye Riokards June Rusk Stephanie Brennan Assistant Managers
Theodore Walter Editorial Advisor George Thomas Business Advisor
Scenes as Old as SHS Itself Will
Remember how passes were checked with monotonous regularity by teachers strategically located in the halls? . 0 0"
". . . The bulletin board in the lobby was a favorite meeting spot to go over last night's happenings and to find out the latest events. "
On occasion (not too often) we'd sneak into the lunchroom for a tidbit to tide us over 5th period .. We were always treated warmly (?) ..." 0
. Last winter many scenes like this one caused us to look out the windows and dream of the Prom. .Springtime and graduation .. 0
Ever Remind Us of Days Gone By
". . . The school store was a favorite place just after lunch . . . Here many diets were fractured ..."
. Yakity yak plus loud music (?) made the lunch room rock from 4th through 6th periods . . ."
" ... Then, with tummies filled, we shuffled off to 7th period ... and a good siesta ..."
" .. Finally, we got together as one big, happy family to cheer our team . . . even while the faculty argued ..."
Empty Your Purse Into Your Head and
Mr. Thomas' Industrial Arts classes afford an excellent op¡ portunity to those seeking ca¡
Mrs. Green's senior English section Tales, Chaucer, et al.
Mr. Wentz's motto: "Keep 'em busy!" seems to be paying handsome dividends here as his junior woodshop section completes its several projects.
The value of the dollar, its purchasing power, and future worth are good discussion points for Miss Emery's Economics class.
"If you're going to do it at all
No One Can Steal It From You
reers in all phases of engineering.
-B. Franklin
Members of Mrs. Doyle's Office Practice class get the finest training possible on the most modem equipment available.
Before these eager students get a chance to blow the lab apart, Mr. Bay takes good care to see that they know the ABC's of Chemistry.
boys, do it right."-A. 1. Wentz
"Les heures heureuses!" Mr. Beaudoin's French class drills on French fundamentals.
"You mean you want MY opinion???"
"... being a thinking man ...
"Well, the way I feel ...
i FOREWORD The spmt oj the class of '61 is henceforth personified in the form of KOOGIE KOUGAR. KOOGIE, a staunch ivy¡leaguer from the tip of his ivy-league cap to the hole in his roomy ivy shoes, appears to be a solid Springfieldite, yet he retains an air of nonchalance in regard to everyday problems. His presence is felt in chemistry classes, activities, assemblies and sports - and frequently in Mr. Morgan's pink slip emporium. Throughout this yearbook, on both divider and leaf, we feel that KOOGIE denotes both the spirit and humor of the graduating class of nineteen-hundred and sixty-one.
". . . I'd suggest you find a comfortable chair and look over the next 172 pages of the 1961 SCRIVENER ..."
page 10
CONTENTS _ - - - - - - - page 24
Administration and Faculty
_ - - - - - - - page 104
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Experienced Board Members Direct Our Schools
SCHOOL BOARD-Elizabeth Pusey, David Wolstenholme, Dr. William Geigle, Leslie Taylor, Morton Potter, John Spahr, William Jones, Donald Lehrkinder.
SCHOOL BOARD Having served a total of 62 years, the seven members of our Springfield School Board have devoted much time to the township. School Board members represent the people who own and support the schools. They form a grass roots organization which is close to the people. They establish the basic policies, employ teachers, levy taxes, decide what subjects are to be taught, spend the local taxpayers' money, and are responsible to their neighbors for their actions. In short, the Board Members are trustees of a great public responsibility. Our present school program and modern school plan serve as evidence of the time, thought, and service given by our local School Board members.
Mr. John C. Spahr, president of the Board, confers with Dr. Halderman on matters of school business.
Efficient Hands Hold School Reins
DR. J. LEONARD HALDERMAN Superintendent of Schools Dr. Halderman has served at Springfield High School for ten years. Previously he served as superintendent of Doylestown and Dover Schools, and as supervising principal of North Coventry School District. Our superintendent received his early schooling at Pottstown High S,chool. He obtained his B.S., M.A., and Doctorate degrees at Penn State, the University of Pennsylvania, and Temple University, respectively. In spite of a demanding schedule, Dr. Halderman finds time for many outside activities. He serves as deacon in the Church of the Brethren; he is a member of the Pennsylvania Schoolmen's Club, the NEA and the PSEA. He is a former lieutenant of the Kiwanis. Sports, fishing, reading, farming, travel, and dramatics occupy his leisure time. The ability with which he handles his job makes it difficult to realize how demanding it is. 13 - - . -...- .
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It's Not the School; Ifs the Principals For twenty-five years Mr. Smith has de· votedly served Springfield High School. He is a native of Colu,mbus, Ohio, and a graduate of West Philadelphia High School. Mr. Smith earned his B.S. in Economics and his M.S. in Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Springfield, he taught at Collingdale High School. In his spare time, which we can imagine is greatly limited, Mr. Smith can be found either fishing, playing golf, or reading. He is also engaged in various church positions, service clubs, and professional organizations. Our principal is truly a leader who merits a wave of ap· plause from the student body.
RICHARD K. SMITH, Senior High Principal.
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GEORGE "''''''''''I~ .I.clricol
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As 1961 draws to a close, Mr. Richard· son will have served twenty-one years as assistant principal of the junior high school. He prepared for teaching at West Chester State Teachers' College, University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, Penn State University, and New York University. During World War II, Mr. Richardson served in the Air Force for five years. After hours he devotes his time to the Lions Club, Springfield Library Board, and the Methodist Men's Club. Gardening, sports; a"nd his four children consume remaining hours. Mr. Richardson displays his pride in Springfield High School through the. irreplaceable services he renders.
EDWARD T. RICHARDSON, Junior High Principal. Nine years ago Mr. Morgan began teaching at Springfield High School. Today he has progressed to one of the school's administrative assistants. Having graduated from Springfield, Mr. Morgan furthered his education at West Chester State Teachers College and Temple University. He obtainedhis B.S. and M.A. in Education. In his spare time he enjoys boating and is a member. of both Board of Directors Alumni Association and the Benchwarmers. Mr. Morgan has a job that few people would envy, but as he handles everything else, he manages this in a capable, efficient manner.
BRUCE B. MORGAN, Assistant Principal.
Able Assistants Plus Dedication Equals Progress
ELWOOD MILLER, Administrative Assistant to the Principal.
O. GRANT GOODEN, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent.
Mr. Miller obtained his B.S. degree while attending classes at Moravian College, Muhlenburg College, New York University, and Villanova University. He is remembered as a former director of the Springfield Band and Orchestra.
Mr. Gooden comes to us from the West. He attended Colorado State College and Villanova University to receive his B.A. in Business and Economics. Besides his varied duties in -the district office, he finds time to enjoy music.
ELBERT SOLT, Administrative Assistant to the Principal. Mr. Solt maintains order in the Junior High School. He obtained his B.S. at West Chester State Teachers' College and his M.S. at Temple University. In his spare time, he enjoys many sports.
GEORGE THOMAS, Director of Summer School. Besides directing summer school, Mr. Thomas teaches Mechanical Drawing during regular school sessions. He has attended the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, and Millersville State Teachers' College. Mr. Thomas enjoys his vacation at his cottage at Lake Wallenpaupak. 15
Our Counselors OPEN Doors - WE Must Enter
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Thomas Gartside, dean of senior high boys counsels Robin Roth in personal and scholastic problems.
Elsie Denice, dean of sen· ior high girls, advises Ma· rita Kuhlmann about pos· sible post-educational vo· cations.
Junior High Deans: Dor· othy Gore, Harry Lefever.
Type, Talk, Or Total-They Serve Us Well
DISTRICT SECRETARIES Dorris Dalton Marie Walter Helen Walker SEATED: Elsie Eibeau
SENIOR HIGH SECRETARIES Ruth Haenle Marguerite Roberts Margaret Samuels Margaret Clarke
Fifty-three Men, Fifty-three Women Teach at SHS
First Row: Margaret Green, Nancy Keiper, Edith Bigelow, Sheila Dardik, Louise Young. Second Row: Theodore Walter, Sharon Goebel, James Milne; Karl Merbreier, Nicholas Spennato, James Trumbower_
First Row: Eva Sheppard, Rena Robbins, Marcia Murray, James Weaver, Louise Angier, Joan Mattia, Madeleine Hunsicker. Second Row: Richard Dietrich, William Speakman, George Irvin, Roy Wentz, Arnold Estis, William Mackrides, William Steele.
First Row: Mary Jones, Virginia Emrey, Albert Jones, Angela Corbin, Elvira Sanbe. Second Row: Harold Taussig, Robert Filson, John Stinson, Karl Schaefer.
Our Faculty Boasts 45 Master<s Degrees
SCIENCE DEPARTMENT First Row: Nelson Adams, William Campbell, Nada McBrearty, Dean Stephens, Marilyn Kenison, Sylvia Marin, Janet Maule. Second Row: Frank Ryba, Nicholas Ossman, David Burger, Neil McFadden, Harry Lemmon, Glenn Long, John Bay, Graydon Wood.
LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT First Row: Kathryn Guinan, Susan Gibble, Edith Gettys, Hazel Nee I y, AlIa Kuhlmann (not shown). Second Row: Harold Gotwols, Lucille Balukjian, Muriel Santmyers, Margaret Fenimore, John Beaudoin.
CORE DEPARTMENT First Row: Alta Peterson, Eleanor Civatella, Calvin Allison, Beatrice Hampf, Frances Balis. Second Row: James Hornaday, Thomas Galagher, Margaret Aus· tin, George Ege, Joan Thompson, Joan Constable, Suzanne Burger, Joseph Stumpf, Irwin Schmuckler.
We Are Fortunate
MUSIC First Row: Luca DelNegro, Joseph Salatino, Harry Mitchell, Thelma Richards.
ART First Row: Kathleen Small, Estelle Conver, Jane Shuster.
HOME ECONOMICS Ada Peel, Mabel MacGregor, Patricia Parmalee.
Number Ln Our Ranks
Those Who Possess High Professional Skills
DRIVER EDUCATION: Joseph Cannon, William Campbell, Richardson Shoemaker.
Sharer, Nurse; Verne Witchey, Dental Hygienist.
LIBRARIANS: Margaret Austin, Florence Gallagher, Margaret Graham.
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Our Teachers Help Develop Mental & Physical Skills
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT First Row: Nancy Keiper, Marjorie Doyle, Jack Meiss, Second Row: Judith Gramiak, Nancy Rhoads.
INDUSTRIAL ARTS First Row: William Morgan, Charles. McCoy, Albert Wentz, Robert McCoach, George Thomas, Rudolph Miller.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION First Row: Jane Brusch, Patricia Goodale, Wilbur Schopf, Gladys Hart. Second Row: Rich· ard Shoemaker, Joseph Cannon, Harry Bell.
For Their Services-Our Deep Appreciation
First Row: Helen Heller, Emelia Manera, Anna Thomas, Alma Bell, Dorothy Maker, Mary Kapp. Second Row: Anna Marinaro, Elsie Marsh, Elva McClain, Lillian Baker, Sarah Bailey. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘
director of cafeteria.
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Arthur Richardson, Arch Gibbons, James Wilson, William Dracup, Stanley Pasternak, Walter Beddall, Augustine Esposito.
Ira Schott, Bob Greenfield, Calvin Johnson, David Brooks, Jack Athey.
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Organization and Leadership Helped
Senior Class Advisors
WALTER J. HALL B.S. Bucknell U.
ROBERT B. FILSON M.Ed., Temple D.; B.S. West Chester State College ELSIE A. DENICE A.B. Barnard; M.Ed. Temple D.
Us Steer a Straight Course to Success
PRESIDENT Jim Roosevelt VICE PRESIDENT Bob Sarkisian SECRETARY Betsy Frazer
Senior Class Officers
ROBERT MORRIS AIKEN "Aik" College Prep. Favorite saying: "Tough" Prized Possession: gym pants Student Council 1; Service Gub 1, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, Sec. 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Track 2, 3, 4; Sports Gub 4.
WILLIAM ALDRED "Bill" College Prep. Remembered for: deep base voice Hobby: imitating celebrities Cross Country 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Basketball Announcer 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Sports Staff 4; Choir 3, 4; Sports Club 1; Senior Play Cast 4.
JODY FAlX AMWAKE "Jody" College Prep. Always seen: in a daze Secret Ambition: to marry a millionaire Student Council 1; May Queen Nominee 4; Hockey 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Spri-Hian Circulation 2, 3, Manager 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3, Treasurer 4; F.T.A. 2, 3,4; Art Gub 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Tri-Hi-Y 1, 2; Bowling 4; Thespians 4.
JOHN PELHAM AUNGST "Jack" College Prep_ Fondest Recollection: Sop h Hop, 1960 Favorite saying: "OK" Baseball 2, 3; Cross Country 4; Track 4; Bridge Gub 4; Sports Club 2, 3.
RESA HELEN AXELROD "Resa" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Look at the world through olive drab glasses with a new nose Bowling 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Dental Gub 2, 3; Drama Club 1, 2; Nurse's Aid 3.
LUCINDA BAILY "Cindy" Business Career: Secreta.ry Hobby: Art Band Manager 4; Library Assistant 4; Leathercrafts 1, 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 4.
ALLAN BAYLIES BAKER "AI" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Math, any kind Favorite saying: "Poco a po-
VIRGINIA GAIL BARBOUR "Gail" College Prep. Secret Ambition: to get married Prized Possession: diploma Chorus 1; F.T.A. 3, 4; Dramatics Oub 1, 2; Tri-Hi-Y 4.
Student Council 1; Camera Gub 4.
CLYDE DONALD BEERS "Clyde" College Prep. Remembered for: Bowties Pet Peeves: House and Marin as Democrats Student Council 3; Class Treas. 4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Track 1; SpriHian 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Service Club 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Bridge Club 4.
JOAN BEREZNY "Jay Bee" Business Hobby: Sewing Secret Ambition: To fly in an airplane F.N.A. 1, 2; F.B.L.A. 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Executive Council 3; Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Business Manager 4; Scrivener Business 4; Quill and Scroll 4.
JEAN BARBARA BELL "Ding" Business Career: Dental Assistant Always seen: At Fres's in Darby Tri-Hi-Y 2; Dental Assistant Club 2; Pres. 4; Leather Club 3; Chain Club 1.
JOAN ELAINE BELL "Dong" Business Career: Dental Assistant Fondest Recollection: Graduation Student Council 1; Dental Club 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Charm Club' 1; Leather Club 3.
JOHN LUCAS BENN "Benny" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Sell Khrushchev a Slenderella plan Bridge Club 2, 3; Tennis 1, 2; Golf 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Cheerleading 4; Stu den t Council 2.
KARL ROLAND BERGNER "Ro-Iand" College Prep. Remembered for: Student Director Band Favorite saying: "That's all
KENNETH BIERLY "Bill" College Prep. Always seen: Talking to someone Pet Peeve: Crowded halls Football 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1; Choir 4; Service Club 1, 2, 3, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Class Pres. 3; Student Council 3; Bowling 3, Pres. 4; Senior Play Cast; Executive Council 3; Hi-Y 2.
PAUL JOSEPH BITTNER "Paul" College Prep. Always seen: Studying 'English Career: Draftsman Camera Club 1, 2, 3; Science Club 4.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Director; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Brass Choir 3, 4; Dance Band 4; Track 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Operators Club 4.
EDITH MAY BIXBY "Edie" General Always seen: Rushing around Remembered for: Being nervous Dental Club 2, 4; Metal Club 3.
THOMAS BLACK "Tom" College Prep. Hobby: Flirting Secret ambition: To be a playboy Executive Council 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Bowling 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3, 4; Bridge Club 2, 3, President.
ARTHUR BLANCHETTE "Art" College Prep. Favorite saying: "Darby not Upper Darby" Fondest recollection: Cross Country races Student Council 1; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 4; "The Ram" 3; Scrivener Editorial 4, Art Editor; "Blue and White" 3; Choir 1, 2, 3; Art Club 1, 2, 3; Senior Play Cast 4;. Dramatics Club 2, 3; Quill and Scroll 4; Thespians 4.
SALLY ANN BLOODWELL "F. C." College Prep. Hobby: Reading horoscopes Remembered for: Blonde hair Choir 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2, 3; F.T.A. 4; Scrivener Editorial 4; Spri-Hian 3; Quill and Scroll 4.
LINDA JOAN BORST "Linda" College Prep. Remembered for: Tunafish sandwiches Favorite saying: "T 0 u gh beans" Scrivener Editorial 4, Copy Editor; Girls' Chorus 3; Choir 4; F.T.A. 4; F.N.A. 3; TriHi-Y 3; Nurse's Aid 3; Quill and Scroll 4; National Honor Society 4.
HARRISON BORTMAN "Butch" College Prep. Secret ambition: To m a k e clothes for Bayer aspirin Student Council 1; Wrestling 1, 2; Photography Club 4; Radio Club 1, 2.
STEPHANIE BRENNAN "Steff" College Prep. Remembered for: Green 9 passenger station-wagon Favorite saying: "Car? What
ARTHUR BRETHERICK "Brownie" General Basketball 1, 3.
Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; District Tii-HiY 4, Secretary; Scrivener Business Manager 4; Bowling 4; Girls' Chorus 4; Orchestra 1; Nurse's Aid 3, 4; Library Assistant 3; Dramatic Club 1.
BARBARA BROOMALL "Barb" Business Hobby: Bowling Career: Stenographer Bowling 4; Dramatics Club 4.
JEFF LANCE BROWN "J. B." College Prep. Prized Possession: Polka-dot football Fondest Recollection: Mrs. Lane's English class Bowling 4; Science Club 1, 3 President; Archery Club 2; Philosophy Club 4.
ROBERT BUHLMANN "Bob" College Prep. Remembered jor: Being first out of choir Fondest Recollection: Valence quizzes Cross-Country 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Hi-Y 4, Sergeantat-Arms; Wrestling Club 2, 3; Choir 4.
DORIS EMILY BURNHAM "Doris" Business Secret Ambition: Model "after 5: 00 fashions." Favorite Saying: "Don't worry about it!" Student Council 1; Choir 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Quill and Scroll 4; F.B.L.A. 3; Dramatics Club 1, 2; Scrivener Typing Editor 4; Executive Council 3.
BARRY TYSON BURNITE "Barry" Industrial Arts Always Seen: Chewing gum Hobby: Music I.B.A. 3, 4; Baseball 2.
CAROLE BUTCHER "Carole" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "I'm not excited" Always Seen: At Stoney Creek, Bowling Alley Spri-Hian 1,2; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3; Girls' Basketball 1, Manager; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Scrivener 4.
DOLORES CAMPANARO "Pogo" Business Remembered jor: Chewing
DONALD MOORE CARTER "Don" College Prep. Prized Possession: Guitar Secret Ambition: To replace Duane Eddy Bowling 3, 4; Sports Club 2; Camera Club 1; Archery Oub 3; AtWetic Club 4.
Always Seen: Riding in Caggie's Mere. Bowling 3; F.B.L.A. 3; Dramatics Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Spri-Hian 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4_
NANCY 1. CHIBATAR "Nance" College Prep. Remembered jor: Long hair Career: Artist F.T.A. 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Spri-Hian 3, 4.
PETER CLARK "Pete" General Fondest Recollection: None Prized Possession: Locker key
JOSEPH MILTON CLELAND "Joe" College Prep. Remembered jor: Wrestling jacket Secret Ambition: It wouldn't be a secret if you knew. Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Track 4.
WALTER COLE, JR: "Dipper" General Favorite Saying: "The great shore trips to 52nd Street." Student Council 3, 4; Executive Council 3, 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Baseball 1, 2; Choir 1; Sports Club 4; Hi-Y 4.
JOSEPHINE CONFORTI "Jo" General Favorite Saying: "Why not?" Career: Office worker. Nurses Club 1, 2, 3; ental <::rub 4; Gym Aid 3; Nurse's Aid 3.
LAWRENCE C. CONNOLLY "Larry" - College Prep. Secret Ambition: W 0 rid's Chess Champ Hobby: Fixin' stuff Track 3,4.
JUDITH MARION COOPER "Cudy" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Oh, fluff it! " Pet Peeve: Freckles Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; National Honor Society 3, Secretary 4; Operators' Club 3, 4; Executive Council 3; Student Council 3; Dramatic C I u b 2; National Merit Finalist 4; May Queen Nominee 4; Philosophy Club 4; F.T.A. 3.
LYNNE MARIE COWLEY "Lynnie-Cow" College Prep. Prized Possession: The scar on my leg. Career: Airline stewardess. Executive Council 3; SpriHian 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3,4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 3,4.
WILLIAM CRECELIUS "Will" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "No stuff!" Always Seen: With my satchel Class Vice President 2; Stu· dent Council 4; Football 1, 2; Baseball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 3; Choir 3, 4, Secretary; SpriHian 4; Service Club 4.
JOHN EDWIN CURTIS "Jack" College .Prep. Hobby: Eating fattening foods Remembered for: Being the only photographer Student Council 3; Baseball 1, 2; Sports Club 2, 3; Bowling 4, Vice President; SpriHian Photographer; Scriven· er Photographer 4; Basketball 1, 2; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Thespians 4.
JOHN NICHOLAS DAVIES "Nick" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Rule the world Favorite Saying: "How many days 'til graduation?" Cross-Country 3, 4; Track 3.
JAMES DAYTON "Jim" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Waps!" Pet Peeve: Sharing a locker with Jack Aungst. Football 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 2, 3, 4; Chef's Club 1.
SALLY ANN DEAL "Sally" College Prep. Career: Teaching F.T.A. 4; Library Assistant 3, 4; Library Club 4.
JACQUELINE DEFOREST "Jackie" Business Favorite Saying: "Guess what I heard?" F.B.L.A. 3; Tri-Hi·Y 2; Spri. Hian 3; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4.
MARGARET ANN DELEO "Peggy" College Prep. Remembered for: Her smile Career: Biologist Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3, 4; Operators' Club 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Art Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3.
BLAKELYN DEMPSTER "Blake" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Candlelight Service Student Council 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Basketball Manager 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; SpriHian 2, 3, Feature Editor 4; Scrivener Business 4; Varsity Club 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; TriHi-Y 2; Dramatic Club 4; Quill and Scroll.
DOLORES RITA DERCOLE "D" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Valley Forge, Oct. 14 Pet Peeve: Chemistry class Bowling 1; Spri.Hian Typing 4; Science Club 1; Latin Club 2; Tri-Hi·Y 3; Nurse's Aid 4.
RONALD J. DiSTASIO "Ron" General Career: Musician Favorite Saying: "Shut UP!" Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4.
ROBERT A. DORNA "Mouse" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To have a cooed gym class Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Wrestling 1, 2; Spri.Hian 4.
JOHN EDWARD DOYLE "Jed" College Prep. Prized Possession: My orange rabbit foot Hobby: Jazz records Cross-Country 4; Baseball 3, 4; Bowling 3; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4.
BARBARA JOYCE DURHAM "Barb" Business Remembered for: Long blonde hair Fondest Recollection: Gradua· tion Leather Club 2, 4; Nursi~g Club 3; Taxidermy Club 1.
JOHN DUSSLING "Jack" College Prep. Remembered for: Sports Favorite Saying: "Not quite!" Class Treasurer 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Varsity Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
PAUL K. DYKHOUSE "Dyke" Industrial Arts Remembered for: Tatoo Favorite Saying: "Censored"
ROBERT WILLIAM EDGAR "Bob" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: "TD" in Lower Merion game Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; ChOir 3, 4; Boys' Chorus 1; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain.
PATRICIA AILEEN EGAN "Patti" College Prep. Secret Ambition: An 0 the r chance for the 24th. Prized Possession: A certain gold ring. May Queen Court 4; LaCrosse 2; Cheerleading 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3, 4; Chorus 2, V. Pres. 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Executive Council 3.
CHARLES ROBERT ELLIS "Charlie" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Kennedy. Favorite Saying: "Swell!" Baseball 1, 2; Wrestling Club 1, 2, 3; Bowling 2, 4.
MEREDITH J ANE ELWELL "Merrie" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: April 25th Pet Peeve: Being called "Greta T." Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3, Advertising Manager 4; Student Council 2; Executive Council 3; F.T.A. 4; Varsity Club 4; Tri·Hi-Y 2; May Queen Nominee 4; Scrivener Editorial 4; Quill and Scroll 4; National Honor Society 4.
JOHN FAHNESTOCK "Bob" College Prep. Remembered for: Sky b I u e scooter. Always seen: Wearing a crash helmet. Dramatics Club 3; Art Club 4; Archery Club 2.
RONALD ALBERT FANTINI "Crow" Industrial Arts Pet Peeve: Too much home. work. Career: Hairdresser. I.B.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess and Checkers 2, 3, 4.
BETTY ANN FINN "Guzzler" Business Fondest Recollection: Four day suspension Favorite Saying: "Yea"
NANCY ALLENE FISCHER "Nance" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To be the world's foremost romance patcher. Remembered for: Having an odd cousin (Steve) Spri-Hian 2, 3, Typing Man· ager 4; F.T.A. 4; Bowling 3, 4; Scrivener Business; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; TriHi-Y 3, 4; Operators' Club 4; Quill and Scroll 4; National Honor Society 4.
STEPHEN FISCHER "Fish" College Prep. Pet Peeve: My cousin, Nancy. Fondest Recollection: Wearing my PJ.'s to Canteen. Hi·Y Club 4, V. Pres.; Track 1, 3; ~ntramural Basketball 3, 4; 9,pri-Hian 4; Service Club 1; Sports Club 2; Cheerleading 4.
MARY FITZGERALD "Mary" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "My Soul" Always Seen: With Oem Executive Council 4; Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; Dental Club 4; F.T.A. 4; Bowling 4.
BARBARA JANE FREAS "Barby" Business Pet Peeve: The new report cards Hobby: Water skiing Executive Council 3; Bowling 3,4; F.B.L.A. 2, 3; Scrivener Business 4; Tri路Hi-Y 4; Invitation Committee Chairman 3.
CHARLESFLACHBARTH "Flash" College Prep. Always Seen: With an urn路 brella. Remembered for: Los i n g glasses and keys. Track Manager 3, 4; CrossCountry 3, Manager; Choir 3, 4; Spri-Hian Sports 4; Bridge Club 2.
HARRY W. FRALEY "Har" College Prep. Hobby: Sports Football 1; Baseball 1, 2; Track 4; Sports Club 1, 2, 3,4.
ELIZABETH ANN FRAZER "Bet" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Oh, Great!" Fondest Recollection: Rainy days during hockey season Class Secretary 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2; Girls' Varsity Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, Captain 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, Captain, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4.
RUTH H. FRY "Desiree" College Prep. Remembered for: Long fingernails Career: Bi-lingual secretary Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary; School Paper 1, Editor; Chorus 1; Thespians 4.
MARGARET FUHS "Peggi" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Heavens" Fondest Recollection: Student路 teaching 4th grade at Sabold Student Council 2; Choir 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Bowling 3; Spri-Hian 2, 3; Dramatics Club 2, 4; Operators Club 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4, Treasurer; Tri路Hi-Y 3; Nurses Aid 3; Scrivener Business 4; Thespians 4; National Honor Society 4.
Favorite Say i n g: "Nasty boys!" Prized Possession: Joe's ring Dramatic Club 2, 4.
CHARLES FULFORD "Chas" Industrial Arts Career: Acting Pet Peeve: The person who leaves his galoshes in my gym locker. Thespians 4.
CHESTER G. FULFORD "Chet" College Prep. Hobby: Coin collecting Secret Ambition: To run the country. Soccer 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 4; Camera Club 4, President; Visual Aids 1, President.
LAURETTE GALANTINO "Popsie" Business Always Seen: Fixing my hair in class. Hobby: Dancing Student Council 1; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Cheerleading 1, 3; Leather Club 4.
ROBERT 1. GARSON "Ace" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Surprise quizzes in Trig.
Secret Ambition: To become a success Wrestling 3; Bowling 4; Base· ball 3, 4; Dental Oub 3 ; Philosophy 4; Sports Club 1, 2.
CHARLES HENRY FULKER "Charlie" Industrial Arts Always Seen: Riding in a black Buick. Prized Possession: My bank book. Football 2; Sports Club 4; I.B.A. 1, 2, 3, 4.
ROBERT M. GATES "Gatesy" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Parking situation Secret Ambition: Watch "M.M." teach Track 1; Golf 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Orchestra 1, 2, V. Pres. 3, 4; Operators' Club 2, 3; Cheerleading 4; Junior Engineers 1, 2, 3, 4; Librarian.
BARBARA GALANTINO "Bobbie" Business Career: To be a housewife. Prized Possession: His ring. Chorus 1, 2, 3; Leather Chib' 2;. Dental Club 3, 4.
LINDA ANN GATTEY "Gab" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Yuh!" Remembered for: Green Rambler. . Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial 4; Spri-Hian 4; Band 1, 2, Secretary 3; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Operators' Club 3, Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 3, Vice President 4; F.T.A. 2, 3.
ELLYN SUZANNE GERSON "Susan" Business Always Seen: Talking Remembered for: Crazy hair styles
ANNETTE GOLDSMITH "Judy" College Prep. Always Seen: Cranuning Pet Peeve: Taking showers after gym Scrivener Business Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4.
BARBARA GILLINGHAM "Jenks" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Be serious!" Career: Teaching Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1; Cheerleading 3; Scrivener Editorial 4; Girls' Chorus 1, President 2; Choir 3, 4 Treasurer; Leather Club 1; Library Assistant 1; Bowling 4, Secretary; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Senior Play Conunittee.
MARLENE GREENFIELD "Dodie" College Prep. Remembered for: My stupid nickname Always seen: Making faces Student Council 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian .3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Bri9ge Oub 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Dramatics Club 1.
LINDA C. GLACKEN "Linda" Business Secret Ambition: To marry a millionaire Career: Secretary
JOAN GODMILOW "Joan" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Party at my house I never attended. Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Tennis 1, 2; Spri·Hian 4; Scrivener Business 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Tri-Hi·Y 1, 2; Varsity Club 4; Senior Play Committee.
JUANITA C. GREENLAND "Juan" Business Always Seen: At the bowling alley Archery Oub 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Taxidermy Club 2, 3.
BARBARA ANN HACKMAN "Bah" Business Pet Peeve: P.A.D. Class Career: Working for Bell Telephone Co.
.FRANK SMITH HAENLE "Frank" College Prep. Prized Possession: My violin (?)
Secret Ambition: Make a mil· lion before I'm twenty. Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Choir 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3; Swinging Strings 2, 3 ; Bridge Club 4; Spri·Hian 4; Operator. Club 2, 3.
CHARLES EDWIN HARPER "Ed" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Doing the "Twist" in P.A.D. class Remembered for: White sneaks Student Council 2; Bowling 2 3' Track 2· Basketball 1· S~ni~r~lay Ca'st 4; Dramatic~ Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President, Vice President; Thespian 4.
DONNA KAREN HALL "Dee" Business Always Seen: Around the music room. Prized Possession: My swimming pool. Executive Council 4; LaCrosse 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 4; Band 1, 2, .3, Secretary, 4 President; Orchestra 1 President, 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 4; District Band 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 4.
RICHARD J. HALL "Humphrey" College Prep. Remembered for: Speaking my mind. Fondest Recollection: The first time I passed German Chef Club 1, President; Wrescling 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Mu Alpha Theta 4.
JOYCE ANN HANSON "Juice" College Prep. Remembered for: Lugging around a gun or a bass fiddle Bowling 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; Band 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra. 4; Region III Orchestra 4; Color Guard 3, 4; Dramatics Gub_
BETTYLOU DIANA HARRIS "Betty" Business Remembered for: Being abo sent Hobby: Dancing Leather Club 3, 4; Gym Club 3; F.N_A_ Club 2.
BONNIE LEE HAUSSMAN "Bon Bon" College Prep. Always Seen: In the middle of a group of boys. Bowling 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, Typing Manager, 4, News Editor; Senior Play Cast 4; Dra· matics Gub 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; Operators Club 3, 4, Secretary; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Na· tional Honor Society 4.
BONNIE LEE HAZEN "Bonnie" College Prep. Career: Teaching Hobby: Tennis Bowling 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; F.N.A. 2, 3; Bridge Club 4; Scrivener Business 4.
MARILYN JEAN HEFFIE "Marilyn" College Prep. Remembered for: Borrowing money Favorite Saying: "That's life." Scrivener Business 4; Orches· tra 1, 2; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; F.N.A. 2, 3; F.T.A. 4; Tri-Hi·Y 4.
CAROLYN HELMIG "Bonnie" College ·Prep. Pet Peeve: Oral questions Prized Possession: My kitchen May Queen Nominee 4; Hock· ey 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain; Ten· nis 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 1; Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Student Coun· cil 1, Secretary, 2, 3; Class Secretary 3; Spri·Hian 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Tri·Hi·Y 2; National Honor Society 4.
JAMES HERMANN "Jim" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Raise the Bismark Hobby: Cutting hedges Basketball 1; Track 1; Foot· ball 1, 2, 3; Spri-Hian 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Orchestra 1, 4; Service Oub 3, 4; Philosophy Oub 4; Executive Council 4; National Honor Society 4.
KARIN HERZOG "Boo Boo" College Prep. Remembered for: W ear i n g green on Thursdays Favorite Saying: "Ya? What's that?" Student Council 4; Hockey 4; Varsity Oub 4; F.T.A. 4; Exchange Student 4.
WILLIAM JAMES HOLT "Will'; College Prep. Hobby: Building bird nests Radio Club 2; Chef's Club 1; Dramatics Oub 3, 4.
RICHARD HOOPMAN "Dick" College Prep. Prized Possession: '56 blue Chevy Remembered for: big brown eyes Student Council 2; Track 1; Wrestling 1; Spri-Hian 4; Band 1, Student Director, 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Operators Club 2, 3; Bowling 4; Hi·Y 4.
." JOYCE KAREN HIGGINS "Goldilocks" College Prep. Hobby: Civil Air Patrol Fondest Recollection: My first flight Executive Council 4; Swimming 2; Basketball 3; Spri. Hian Editorial 1, 2, Typing 4; Scrivener Busine'ss 4; F.N.A. 2, 3, Treasurer, 4, President; F.T.A. 4; Tri-Hi·Y 2; F.B.L.A. 2, 3; Library Assistant 2,' 4; Nurse's Assistant 4.
EDMUND HOLLYWOOD "Bob" College Prep. Prized Possession: My park· ing places Pet Peeve: Our great assem· blies Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain; Track 1, 2, 3, 4, Co·Captain; Service Oub 2, 3, 4; Athletic Council 4.
CHARLES HOOVER "Fred" College Prep. Career: Engineering Fondest Recollection: My only Gennan "100" National Math Dub 4; CrossCountry 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Boys' Chorus 1; Choir 3, 4; District Choir 4; National Honor Society 4.
ELIZABETH HOTCHKIN "Liz" College Prep. Always Seen: Driving to the Idle Hour Tennis Club Career: Foreign Service National Honor Society 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Bowling 2; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.T.A. 3, 4; French Club 4; Varsity Dub 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 1.
JOANNE HUEY "Hoey" Business Always Seen: With the girls Remembered for: Twirling Executive Council 4; May Queen Nominee 4; Scrivener Business 4; Twirling 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Bowling 3, 4; Library Assistant 4; Dramatics Club 2, 3; F.B.L.A. 4; Typing Club 1.
ROBERT HUFFMAN "Garf" General Secret Ambition: Go to Germany Always Seen: With a car full of people after school Student Council 1, 2, 4; CrossCountry 3; Spri-Hian 4; Boys' Cheerleading 4; Hi-Y 2; Bowling 2, 4; Chef's Oub 1.
JAMES STEPHEN HOUSE "Jim" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Republicans Favorite Saying: "That figures."
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Manager; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain; Football 1; Spri·Hian 3,4; Choir 2, 3, 4, President; Boys' Chorus 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; Scott's Hi·Q 3, 4; Bridge Oub 4.
MARGUERITE ANN HULL "Ann" College Prep. Hobby: Jazz Favorite Saying: "I give. up!" Student Council 1; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Bowling 4; Leather Club 2.
ROBERT HOWARD "Bob" College Prep. Hobby: Swimming Remembered for: F a II i n g asleep in English Dass Dramatics Club 4, Vice Presi· dent· Wrestlin a 1· Track 1· Orch~stra 1; B~y/ Chorus 1; Service Club 1.
LINDA CLAIRE JENSEN "Linda" College Prep. Career: Nursing Pet Peeve: Valence quizzes Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Nurse's Assistant 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4, Secretary.
PHYLLIS RUTH JOFFEE "Phyl" College Prep. Hobby: People watching Remembered for: Dentapedology Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, Manager; Bowling 3; Spri-Hian 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2; Swinging Strings 2; F.T.A. 4; Senior Play Cast 4.
MARGUERITE ANN KHELGATIAN "Marguerite" Business Career: Missionary Prized Possession: Gold cross Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Senior Play Committee 4, Stage Director; F.B.L.A. 3; Ceramics 2; Thespians 4.
BRIAN RICHARD JOHNSON "Bee Jay" College Prep. Career: Spanish teacher Pet Peeve: Chemistry '61 Tennis 1, 2, 3.
FRED DAVID KIERSTEAD, JR. "Fritz" College Prep. Always Seen: Ne~r the Cafeteria Hobby: Tropical fish Football 1; Wrestling 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Choir 4; Sports Club 1, 2; Typing Club 4; Music Club 3.
KAREN LOUISE KABAKJIAN "Karen" College Prep. Hobby: Sewing Favorite Saying: "It was really funny!" Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Senior Play Pub· licity Chairman 4; Student Council 2.
ELMORE KAYSER, JR. "Ev" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Making Honor Roll Secret Ambition: H a v e the car for one date. Cross Country 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer.
MARGARET ANN KING "Midge" Business Remembered for: The smallest senior Hobby: Buying clothes Nurse's Aid 1, 2; ·F.N.A. 2; Dental Club 1; Gym Aid 1.
ALLAN CURTIS KIRKMAN "Kirk" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Don't sweat it! " Pet Peeve: Do u b 1 e class period lectures Student Council 4; Service Club 3,4, Treasurer; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4;. Baseball 1 ; Wrestling 1;' National Honor Society 4.
JANE KLINEBURGER "Jane" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To know the answer to a history question. Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; F.N.A. Treasurer 2; Nurse's Assistant 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 3; Tri-Hi-Y President 1.
THOMAS 1. KRAL "Tom" Industrial Arts Remembered for: All 14 of my cars Favorite saying: "Ha! Lover." Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Basketball 1;' Band 1; I.B.A. 1, 2, 3 ; Chess and Checkers Club 4.
NANCY JEAN KROUSE "Nance" College Prep. Remembered for: Being so gullible Always seen: In a black M.G. Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3; Scrivener Lay-Out Editor 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4, Student Director; Choir 1; Girls' Chorus 2, 3, Secretary; Swinging Strings 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Executive Council 4; National Honor Society 4.
MARITA KUHLMANN "R.C.A." College Prep. Pet Peeve: Scrivener deadlines Career: Foreign Service Basketball 1; Bowling 2; Spri-Hian 3; Scrivener Editorin-Chief 4; Girls' Chorus Accompanist 1, 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, President 4; Senior Play Com. mittee 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Choir 3, Accompanist 4; Dramatic Club 2.
CURTIS WILLIAM LAFEY "Lafe" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To paint Marple's lion blue and gold. Football 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 4; Boys' Chorus 1; Hi-Y 4; Archery Club 1, 2, 3; Executive Council 4.
GEORGE H. LAMPE "George;' Industrial Arts Secret Ambition: To lead an invasion force to Cuba. Remembered for: P lay i n g baseball in shop. Executive Council 3; I.B.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3; Dramatic Club 3, 4.
NANCY LAMPE "Nance" Business Secret Ambition: To be an airline hostess Remembered for: My laughter Basketball 1; Bowling 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1; Leather Club 4.
SALLIE LASHE "Kitty" General Career: Certified Public Accountant Secret Ambiiion; To live in Paris and write novels. Girls' Chorus 2,- 3, 4; Tri-Hi· Y 1, 2, 3; F.B.L.A. Vice President 2, President 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Play Committee Chairman 4.
JOHN ROBERT LAWLAR "Jack" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Not too funny." Always Seen: Chewing his pencil Student Council 2; Service Club 3; Executive Council 3; Baseball 1; Football 1, 2; Track 3, 4; Tennis 2; Cross Country 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3; Choir 3, 4.
SAMUEL BAVAIRD LAWLER "Wuzzy" Industrial Arts Hobby: Boating Favorite Say i n g: "When's lunch ?" Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Operators' Oub 3,4.
JUNE CAROL LAWRENCE "June" College Prep. Prized Possession: Her diary Career: Psychologist, Social Worker Scrivener Editorial - Staff 4; Gym Aid 4; Library Assist· ant 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; Senior Play Chairman 4; Thespians 4.
HARVEY T. LEE "Orby" Industrial Arts Hobby: Radio Pet Peeve: Getting report cards I.B.A. 4.
ROBERT LEWIS "Bob" College Prep. Remembered for: His pretty blue eyes Prized Possession: "fartherist" locker from the office. Student Council President 1; Service Oub 1; Camera Oub 2; Archery Club 3, 4; Bowl· ing 4.
JANET PHYLLIS LOCHART "Janet" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: November 5th Career: Airline Stewardess Executive Council 3; May Queen; Lacrosse 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3; Tri-Hi·Y 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4.
RICHARD DAVID LOWRY "Dick" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Oral questioning. Prized Possession: Five dollar bills. Bridge Oub 2, 3.
CAROL ANN LUBY "Kandy" Business Fondest Recollection: 1959 Halloween Party Career: Hairdresser Tri·Hi·Y 2; Secretary Club 1; Leather Oub 3,4.
DOROTHY LUTZ "Lorraine" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Really?!" Prized Possession: Car keys Bowling 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian News Staff 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Color Guard 1; Band 2; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Bridge Club 4.
LINDA KATHLEEN LYONS "Linda" College Prep. Hobby: Civil Air Patrol Fondest Recollection: Junior Prom 1960
JOYCE MacDOWELL "Joyce" College Prep. Career: Elementary teaching Prized Possession: Her stuffed pussy cat. Bowling 3; Spri-Hian Staff 3; Tri-Hi·Y 3, 4; Bridge Club 3.
THEODORE J. MAKOWSKI "Pollock" Industrial Arts Career: Beachcomber Always Seen: Bumming I.B.A. 1; Radio Club 4.
DOLORES ANN MALLOY "Dee" Business Hobby: Working in a gas sta· tion . Remembered for: Driving a red truck. Spri-Hian Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; F.N.A. 1, 3; Nurse's Aid 3, 4; Tri-Hi'Y 2; Dramatics Club 4; F.B.L.A. 3,4.
NEVIN W. MANN "Nev" College Prep. Always Seen: Blowing bubbles Remembered for: My Charlie Weaver hat Track 1; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2, 4; Cheerleading 4; SpriHian Circulation Staff 4; Bridge Club 4.
ANTHONY ALAN MANSELL "Tony" College Prep. Prized Possession: Life Always Seen: Sleeping in class. Bowling 4; Camera Club 2, 4; Bridge Club 3; Chess and Checkers Club 1.
PATRICIA MARCANTUONO "Patti" College Prep. Career: Art Teacher Remembered for: B eat n i k Poetry Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3; Bowling 3; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri.Hian 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4.
MATTHEW G. MARIN "Champ" College Prep. Hobby: Violin Career: Medicine Executive Council 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Baskethall Manager 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Swinging Strings 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; National Honor Society 4.
MERCEDES MARMAR "Merki" General Favo rice Saying: "Be sociable, have a Pepsi!" Fondest recollection: October
JOSEPH MAXWELL "Joe" College Prep. Always Seen: With a cute cheerleader Pet Peeve: Surprise quizzes Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Club 3, 4; Executive Council 4; Sports Gub 4.
THOMAS McDERMOTT "Tom" College Prep. Alwa:ys Seen: Being unseen Prized Possession: Half a car Basketball- 2 ; Football 2 ; Track 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4; Bridge Club 4.
29, 1960 Leathershop 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4, President; Bowling 4; SpriHian 2, 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4.
FRANK MARMELO "Marilo" College Prep. Remembered for: His tousled hair Pet Peeve: Gymnastics Spri-Hian Sports Staff 4; Boys' Chorus 1; Archery Club 2; Hi-Y 3; French Club 4.
MARIA A. MARRONGELLI "Marie" General Pet Peeve: Rainy days Favorite Saying: "Later for that!" Bowling 3, 4; Spri-Hian Advertising Staff 3; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 2; Art Club 1; F.B.L.A. 3.
WALTER McELLROY, JR. "Ed" College Prep. Pet Peeve: People who spell name with one "L." Student Council 2, 3, President 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Spri. Hian 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Orchestra President 4; Band 1, 2, 3; National Honor So· ciety 3, 4.
MARGARET McFAUL "Peggy" General Career: Nursing Always Seen: With Al Executive Council 4; Scriv. ener Business Staff 4; Bowl· ing 3, 4; Library Assistant 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4.
DONALD .McGURK "Tiger" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Si" Prized Possession: His even temper. Baseball 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Sports Club 1; Wrestling 2.
JAMES MEGILL "Jim" Industrial Arts Fondest Recollection: going to New York Career: Merchant Marines Student Council 4; I.B.A. 3, 4.
DIANE MEISENHELDER "Diane" Business Secret Ambition: To be a horse trainer. Favorite Saying: "Are you sure!" Dental Club 4; Basketball 2, 3; Homeroom President 2; Vice President 2; Treasurer 3.
DOROTHY MERK "Dots" Business Hobby: Taking pictures. Favorite Saying: "Oh, no!" Student Council 4; Leather Club 1,2, 3.
CHARLES MESSICK JR. "Rug" Industrial Arts Always Seen: At Fisher's. Remembered for: His red Jeep. I.B.A. 2, 3, Sergeant-at-Arms 4 ; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 4.
S. DAVID MILKOWSKI "Dave" College Prep. Remembered for: His frequent public speeches. Pet Peeve: F.D.R_ and Fidel. Student Council Treasurer 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Spri-Hian 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Service Club 4; Senior Class Play 4; National Mer i t Scholarship Finalist; Senior Executive Council.
JACQUELINE MENARD "Jackie" College Prep. Remembered for: Her attractive appearance. A/ways Seen: Coming in after school for Trig. Tri-Hi-Y Secretary 3; Cheerleader 2, 3; Swimming 1 ; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; May Queen Court 4.
ELIZABETH ANN MILLER "Beth" Business Fondest Recollection: Prom, 1960. Prized Possession: Her charm bracelet. Bowling 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Library 1, 3, .4; F.B.L.A. 3; Gym Aid 3.
CAROLYN ANN MITCHELL "Carolyn" College Prep. Remembered for: Her red hair Always seen: Wearing dog tags
Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Bridge 3.
Bowling 3;
ROBERT M. MURRAY "Bob" Industrial Arts Wrestling 4; Sports Club 1; Camera Club 4.
JOHN EDWARD MORRIS "John" College Prep. Always seen: Rushing to his next class Prized Possession: His German dictionary Wrestling 4; Camera Club 4; Sports Club 1.
ELIZABETH MORRISON "Betty Boop" Business Hobby: Sewing Prized P 0 sse s s ion: Her crowded locker. Bowling 3; F.B.L.A. 3; F.N.A.
FRANCINE K. NARDI "Fran" Business Remembered for: Talking in class Pet Peeve: Public speaking JI'ri-Hi-Y 4; Bowling 3, 4; Shop 3.
CAROLYN MARIE NELLIS "Caggie" College Prep. F a v 0 r i t e Saying: "Good
grief! " Always Seen: In '53 Mercury
Bowling 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; F.T.A. 3; 4; TriHi-Y 2, 3, 4 Vice President; Secretarial Club 1.
NANCY JEAN MURPHY "Murph" Business Hobby: Airplane watching Always seen: With Vince Bowling 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2,.3; Leather 2; F.B.L.A. 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4.
DIANE MARIE NOLAN "Diane" Business Remembered for: Short skirts Fondest Recollection: Lunch with Linda's boyfriend. Bowling 1; Nurse's Aid 2, 3, 4; Nurses Club 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2.
MAUREEN ANNE NOLAN "Maureen" College Prep. Remembered for: Her long blonde hair Favorite Saying: "Sounds great!"
Executive Council 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4 Treasurer; Scrivener Business 4; Spri-Hian 4; Library Assistant 4; Bowling 4; May Queen Nominee 4.
CAROL ANN ORR "Carol" Business Remembered for: Her off-key singing Hobby: Bowling Bowling 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 4; National Honor Society 4.
PHILIP NORDBLOM "Flip" General Always Seen: b Service Club jacket Pet Peeve: Class dues Hi-Y 4, Secretary; Service Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary; Football Manager 2, 3; Bowling 4; Cheerleading 4; Executive Council 4; I.B.A. 4.
KENNETH E. NORMAN "Ken" College Prep. Career: Mechanical Engineer-. ing Always Seen: Half asleep in class Spri-Hian 3; Scott's Hi-Q 3.
KAREN MARY OCKERS "Karen" College Prep. Career: Medical Technology Always Seen: Dropping things. Gym Aid 4; Leather Club 4; Bowling 4.
PAULA ORTLIP "George" Business Remembered jor: Being late Fondest Recollection: When she met Buzz Leather Club 3, 4.
RICHARD ALAN OSMOND "Ozzie" College Prep. Favorite saying: "Let's went!" Always Seen: Standing in doorway of Operators' Club room. Operators' Club 2, 3, 4 President; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; Senior Play Electrical Committee Chairman 4.
DAVID J. PAXTON "Dave" Colleg~ Prep. Career: Electronics Pet Peeve: Physics Wrestling 2; Dramatics 2, 3,4.
ROSEANNE PAYLOR "Ro" Business Career: Secretary Favorite Saying: "Did Dolores beat me to the front seat again ?" Student Council 1; Scrivener Business 4; Drama Club 2; F.B.L.A. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4.
DAVID PICHASKE "Dave" College Prep. Career: Sanitation Engineer Favorite saying: "Yankee, go home!" Baseball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; 'Spri-Hian 1; Choir 3, 4.
WILLIAM PELLEGRINI "Bill" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To stay single Remembered for: Poor pro· nunciation in Spanish class. Bowling 3, 4.
DAVID VICTOR PIERUCa "Dave" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To be the world's first teenage millionaire playboy. Prized Possession: Literature book. Bowling 4; Hi-Y 2, 3, 4.
PAUL JOHN PERRICONE "P. J." College Prep. Fondest Recollection: talent shows Prized Possession: Driver's license Bridge Club 3, 4.
RAYMOND PETOLICCHIO "Ray" Industrial Arts Favorite Saying: "Become a Democrat!" Pet Peeve: Math
RONALD W. PITNEY "Pit" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: study hall with Mrs. Kuhlmann Prized Possession: "Poncho" Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Athletics Club 4; Football 1; Track 1, 3,4.
CHRISTINA PLOUSIS "Tina" Business Career: Secretary' Favorite Saying: "Now don't get excited!" Spri-Hian 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; Bowling 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Drama Club
LYNNE POLI "Lyn" College Prep. Always seen: With Joe Secret Ambition: To get some ambition. Student Council 2; Senior Class Executive Council 4; Bowling 2, 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3; Scrivener Business 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; May Queen Court 4; Dental Assistant 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Thespians 4.
WILLIAM E. RAMSEY "Bill" Industrial Arts Hobby: Trucks Pet Peeve: Math class I. B.A. 2, 3; Chess and Checker Club 4.
WALTER READ "Walt" College Prep. Career: Mathematics Favorite saying: "Lots of luck." Executive Council 4; SpriHian 4; Russian Club 3; Philosophy Club 4; Hi-Q Team 4; National Honor Society 4.
LINDA ANN REESE "Lindy" College Prep. Career: Medical 'technologist Favorite saying: "Really?" Class Secretary 2; Student Council 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; Executive Council 3, 4; May Queen Court 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, Managing Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Bowling 2.
RAYMOND REGANATO "Ray" College Prep. Prized Possession: A blank pass· Career: Designing. Executive Council 4; Bowling 4; Athletics Club 4; Chef's Club 1.
DAVID WILLIAM REGER "Dave" College Prep. Always seen: Blowing bubbles. Favorite saying: "Certainly." Class Treasurer 2, 3; Executive Council 2, 3; Football' 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3; Orchestra 1, 2; Service Club 2,3,4.
WILLIAM EVAN REID, JR. "Evan" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Well, . . ." Prized Possession: Yellow Lark. Bowling 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4.
VICTOR PETER REIFFER "Vic" General Career: Electronics Hobby: Coin collecting. Student Council 2; Bowling 3; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3.
KAY ELLEN RENNARD "Kay" College Prep. Hobby: Horses Remembered for: Her red cheeks. Scrivener J<;ditorial Staff 4; Library Club 1; Nurse's Aid 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 2; Quill and Scroll 4.
SHERRY LYNNE RHODES "Sher" Business Fondest Recollection: Typing I. Pet Peeve: Public speaking. Tennis 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Tri·Hi·Y 1, 2, 3; Archery 2; Bowling 4.
ALICE KAYE RICKARDS "Snowball" General Pet Peeve: Seventh graders. Career: Receptionist Executive Council 1, 2, 3; Hockey 1, 2; Tennis Manager 2; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Orchestra 1; Girls' Chorus 1,4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Dental Club 4; Bowling 4; Gym Aid 4; Leaders 2; National Honor Society 4.
GENE H. RITSERT "Gene" Industrial Arts Prized Possession: His brass pocket piece. Pet Peeve: Eating fifth period. Bowling 4; Track 4; I.B.A. 3,4.
STEVE RAY RIVES "Stephen" College Prep. Career: Engineering Fondest Recollection: Summer football practice. Student Council Vice President 1; Choir 3, Vice President 4; Service Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4.
JAMES ROOSEVELT "Ji~" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To be a beachcomber Pet Peeve: Being called Roosevelt. Vice President 3; Class President 4; Football 1; Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Scott's Hi-Q 3, 4; Service Club 4; Operators' Club 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; National Merit Finalist; National Honor Society 3, 4 President.
CHARLES RISTINE "Chuck" Industrial Arts Favorite saying: "Right, Rod· ney!"
Pet Peeve: History Wrestling 1, 2; 3; Club 1.
MICHELE MARY ROSE "Mike" Business Career: Bill's secretary Prized Possession: Pink teddy bear. Student Council 1; Nurse's Club 3.
.-.._TERRY LEE ROSFELD "Terry" College Prep. Hobby: Baseball Prized Possession: The rebel flag Student Council 2; Cross Country 4; Track 4; Dramatics Club 4; Bowling 3.
JUNE RUTH RUSK "June Bug" Business Remembered for: Being late Hobby: History Executive Council 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Bowling 4; Library Assistant 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2.
ROBIN BERNHARD ROTH "Rob" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Motorcycle racing Prized Possession: Crash helmet Student Council 1; Service Club 1; Baseball 3, 4; SpriHian 3, 4; Scrivener 4; Senior Play Cast 4; Archery Club 2.
RUSSELL RYAN "Russ" College Prep. Remembered for: Accent Career: Journalism Bowling 1, 2; Press Club 4.
ROBERT LEWIS RUBOLIN "Rube" Industrial Arts Hobby: Cars and girls Pet Peeve: Homework and marks LB.A. 3, 4; Camera Club 2, 3, Treasurer; Chess and Checkers 4.
ROBERT SARKISIAN "Bob" College Prep. Career: Law Pet Peeve: Flirtatious girlfriends Class Vice President 4; Baseball 3, 4; Basketball 3; SpriHian Sports Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Service Club 4; Student Council 4; National Honor Society 4.
ROBERT C. RUSHTON, JR. "Bob" Industrial Arts Favorite Saying: "OK" Pet Peeve: English Class
PAULETTE SCALONE "Shorty" Business Hobby: Dancing Always Seen: At dances Student Council 1; Scrivener Business Staff 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Bowling 3, 4; Leather Club 4.
JOSEPHINE SCHAEFER "Jo" College Prep. Remembered jor: My moods Secret Ambition: To stop fighting with Donnie. Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2; F.T.A. 4.
MARGUERITE SCHMITT "Margete" College Prep. Always Seen: Lugging books Prized Possession: Peroxide bottle May Queen Court; Student Council 1; Tri-Hi-Y Chaplain 2; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Spri-Hian Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 3, 4; Bowling 2; Shop Club 1; National Honor Society 4.
MARY ANN SCHREIBER "Mare" Business Secret Ambition: To join the Navy Always Seen: Talking Chorus 1; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.B.L.A.2.
JAMES A. SCHRIVER "Anderson" Industrial Arts Hobby: Cars Pet Peeve: English ~ports Club 4; Chess and Checkers 1; I.B.A. 2, 3, President 4.
GISELA SCHNEIDER "Gis" Business Secret Ambition: Go to Geneva Favorite Saying: "Take it easy."
F.B.L.A. 3; Vice President 4; Bowling 4; Scrivener Business 4; Leather Club 2; National Honor Society 4.
LYNNE SCHROTH "Brom" College Prep. Career: Secretary Fondest Recollection: Summer vacations Cheerleader 2; :?pri-Hian Advertising 2, 3, Spri-Hian Circulation 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Shop Club 1, 2; Dramatic Club 3; Art Club 4; Bowling 4; May Queen Nominee 4.
WILLIAM W. SCHOPF "Walt" Industrial Arts Remembered jor: Being teacher's son. Always Seen: "R-Way" Track 1, 2, 3; Bowling 1, 2; I.B.A. 1.
ROBERT M. SCHUMANN "Rob" General Academic Remembered jor: Being late for school Favorite Saying: "Could be" Orchestra 3, 4.
FREDERICK SCHWARZ "Wart" College Prep. Career: Mechanics Pet Peeve: 5th period lunch Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Wrestling Club 1, 2; I.B.A. 2, 3, 4.
ELAINE RUTH SCOTT "Beau" Business Remembered for: Little blue station wagon that doesn't work Hobby: Dancing Girls' Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 2, 4; F.N.A. 1; Library 2, 3, 4; Senior Play Production Manager 4.
BARRY PAUL SHANE "Barry" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Oops" Prized Possession: My Chern· istry books Student Council 1, 3; Service Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Band 1; Orchestra 1; Bridge Club 2, 4.
MARGARET SHANNON "Peggy" College Prep. Secret Ambition: To marry Tab Hunter Always Seen: Eating Swimming 1; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Lacrosse 1, 2, 4; Bowling 4; Band 1, 2,3,4; Nurses Club 3; Dental Club 4; Leather Club 2, 3; Varsity Club 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3.
JEAN SHOEMAKER "Jeannie" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Summer of 1960 Career: Nursing May Queen Nominee 4; SpriHian 4; Girls Chorus 1 Treas., 2, 3, Pres. 4; Bowling Treas. 4; Bridge Club 2; Leather Club 1.
SALLY SKINNER "Sally" General Academic Pet Peeve: The end of weekends Remembered for: My Pointed eyebrows Basketball 1, 2, 3; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4.
JANET ROBERTA SMITH "Jan" College Prep. Pet Peeve: French Class Career: Teaching Bowling 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; F.T.A. 4; Bridge Club 4.
JOHN B. SMITH "Jack" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Did pass?" Prized Possession: My weights Wrestling 1, 2, 3; Wrestling Club 1, 2; Sports Club 3, 4.
MARTHA LOUISE SMITH "Motts" College Prep. Hobby: Sports Pet Peeve: The long walk to the hockey field. Basketball 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, President 4; Library Assistant 1, 2; Gym Aid 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 4.
RUSSELL H. SMITH "Doc Smith" Industrial Arts Remembered for: Sad dIe shoes . Favorite Saying: "What do you say?" Service Club 1, 2, 3; I.B.A. Sergeant-at-Arms 2, Secretary 3; Chess and Checkers.
JOHN ARTHUR SNYDER "Jack" College Prep. Pet Peeve: Tall girls Secret Ambition: To play center for the Warriors Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Opel" ators Club 3, 4.
BARBARA SORE SEN "Barb" College Prep. Career: Musical comedy singer Secret Ambition: To live in London Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; TriHi-Y 2, 3; Senior Play; Dramatic Club 4; District Chorus 4; Thespians 4.
KAREN MARY SPANGLER "Spanky" General Always Seen: With Sherry, Bernie, and Maureen. Remembered For: Her laugh. Bowling 3; F.B.L.A. 4; Bridge Club 2.
STERLING W. SPEARS JR. "Butch" College Prep. Pet Peeve: All the school dances we don't have. Student Council 2·; Class President 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Service Club 3, 4; Sports Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
WILLIAM F. STEGMERTEN "Stine" Industrial Arts. Career: Draftsman Favorite Saying: "Oh, yeah!" I.B.A. 2, 3, Treasure,r 4; Basketball 1; Chess and Checkers 1, 2, 3; Sports Club 4.
RICHARD STETTLER "Dick" College Prep. Hobby: Girls in general Pet Peeve: Trig. Football Manager 2, 3; Track 2, 4; Cheerleader 4, Captain; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Service Club 3, 4; Hi-Y 3; Bowling 3.
JOHN VINCENT STEWART "John" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Buy the Moon Always Seen: Behind the scenes Science Club President 2, 3; Baseball Manager 2, 3, 4; Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Sports Staff 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Sports Club 1: National Honor Society 4. .
GUERARD ROBERT SWAIN "Gary" College Prep. Remembered for: Sport shirts Career: Pilot in Air Force Track 1; Basketball 1; Archery Club 2, 3; Art Club 4; Sports Club 1; Bowling 2.
RICHARD LEE STITELER "Dick" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Ah, yo!" Remem bered for: Being late
VIRGINIA ANN STRETTON "Gin" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "Crunch!" Prized Possession: My 0 w n pink telephone Student Council 1, 2; Hockey Manager 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Lacrosse 3, 4; Bowling 3; Spri-Hian 4; Majorette 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Varsity Club 4; TriHi-Y Chaplain 2; National Honor Society 4.
RUDOLPH SWEISFURTH "Rudy" Industrial Arts Hobby: Messing around Prized Possession; Identification bracelet Operators' Club 2, 3, Vice President 4; Camera Club 2.
SANDRA SUE TAYLOR "Sandy" Business Career: Beautician Favorite Saying: "Huht" Tri-Hi-Y 1; Leather Club 2, 3.
WILLIAM SUDELL JR. "Scooge" College Prep. Career: Engineering Fondest Recolfection: Beating Marple Student Council 2, 3; Executive Council 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; SpriHian Staff 4; Choir 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 2, 4; Sports Club 1; National Honor Society 4.
GRACE HELEN THOMAS "Grace" College Prep. Career: Linguist Pet Peeve: People who ask me why I'm so quiet. Leather Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Scott's Hi-Q 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4.
ROBERT G. THOMPSON "Bob" Industrial Arts Remembered for: No home· work! Favorite Saying: "That's the breaks." I.B.A. 2, 3. 4.
LYNNE TURNER "Lynnie" College Prep. Favorite Saying: "You're kidding!" Prized Possession: Driver's li· cense. Swimming 1; Chorus 1, 2; Choir 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Drama 2; F.T.A. 4; Bowling 3, 4; Senior Play Prompter 4; Thespians 4.
R. BARBARA THORP "Thumper" Business Secret Ambition: Acting Prized Possession: The $2 given to me by Jasper Deeter Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Senior Play Cast; Drama Club 1, 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 1, 2 Bowling 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4 Library Assistant 2, 3, 4 Thespians 4.
RUTH JEAN VALENTINE "Ruthie" Business Remembered for: Punctuality. Career: To become a secre· tary. Dramatic Club 1; F.N.A. 2; F.B.L.A. 3.
THOMAS THORPE "Tom" Business Remembered for: Rub b e r covered corners Pet Peeve: Monday morning. Archery Club 1, 2; Operators' Club 1,2,3.
JOSEPH F. VIGLOTTI "Joe" College Prep. Prized Possession: Kennedy button. Career: Journalism Student Council Vice President 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Spri-Hian 4; Service Club 3, President 4; National Honor Society 3, 4.
HARRY TRANCHITELLA "Harry" Industrial Arts I.B.A.4.
DON GLENN WALKER "Moe" General Hobby: Racing Favorite Saying: Meet me at the "R" Way. Executive Council 3; Service Club 1; Sports Club 3, 4.
PETER BARCLAY WALKER "Tweet" . College Prep. Remember~d for: Sarcasm Favorite Saying: "Hey, Matt, is that a new shirt?" Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Football Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Bridge Oub 2, 4; Service Club 4; Chef's Club 1.
ROBERT HAROLD WEST "Bob" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: My visits with Mr. Morgan. Favorite Saying: "Get serious."
Basketball 1, 2; Sports Club 3,4.
Secret Ambition: To graduate. Favorite Saying: "Guess what?" Orchestra 3, Librarian 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Swinging Strings 3, 4; Band Manager 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Bowling 4; Dental Club 4; Library 4; F.B.L.A. 3, 4.
CHARLES HARRY WIKETE "Charlie" Industrial Arts Secret Ambition: To sing with Mitch Miller and his gang. Remembered for: The ability to pass gym. Camera Club President 2; I.B.A. 2, 3, Vice President 4; Baseball 1, 3; Chess and Checkers 4; Sports Club 1.
MYRON WARDELL, JR. "Ron" College Prep. Pet Peeve: English Always seen: Well! Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 4.
DENNIS HARRY WARNER "Denny" College Prep. Always Seen: Wearing sneakers. Secret Ambition: To go to college and become a professional man. Hi·Y 4; Chess and Checkers Club 3; Wrestling 3; Choir 4; Senior Play Chairman.
JOSEPH B. WILHELM "Berry" College Prep. Fondest Recollection: Getting through German. Favorite Say i n g: "That's close." Bowling 4; Sports Club 2, 4; Golf 4.
THEODORE WILKS "Ted" College Prep. Secret Ambition: Becoming an astronaut. Hobby: Popular music. Hi·Y 3, President 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3; Operators' Club 3, 4; Track 3, 4.
MARCELLA WOODCOCK "Marcy" College Prep. Hobby: Art Pet Peeve: Lab Art Gub 3, 4.
SUE ANNE WOODWARD "Sue" Business Secret Ambition: Get M.R.S. degree Always Seen: Behind a type· writer Library Club 1; Nurses' Club 2; F.B.L.A. Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; Bridge Gub 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Bowling 3, 4.
ELAINE WOOLSTON "Elaine" College Prep. Prized Possession: Car keys Favorite Saying: "By gum!" Library Assistant 1, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi·Y Secretary 4; Spri·Hian 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Chorus 2, 3.
JUDITH ANN WYNN "Judy" College Prep. Remembered for: Big eye s and blonde hair Pet Peeve: Gym Tri-Hi·Y 2, Vice' President 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Staff 4; Library Assistant 3, 4; Executive Council 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4, Manager; Na· tional Honor Society 4.
CHRISTIAN YADAVIA "Chris" College Prep. Hobby: Girls Career: Pizza-maker Archery Club 2; Dramatic Club 1; Bridge Gub 3; Math Club 4.
LOIS ELIZABETH YOUNG "Lois" Business Prized Possession: Diploma Remembered for: Nothing in particular
Steve Freeman, who spent his early years in Bloomington, Illinois, moved to Springfield in 1958. He entered Springfield High School as a sophomore where he excelled as a member of the football team and dramatics club. Although he attended our school a short while, he made many friends who will always remember him.
Alma Mater
WHO'S TYPICAL SENIORS Jack Curtis Jenks Gillingham
Charles Flashbarth Grace Thomas
Dick Stettler Linda Reese
MOST FLIRTATIOUS Tom Black Betsy Frazer
WHO QUIETEST John Davies Jo Conforti
Dave Milkowski Merki Marmar
Bill Holt Bonnie Haussman
MOST DEPENDABLE Jim Hermann Blakelyn Dempster
BEST LEADERS Marita Kuhlmann Ed McEllroy
MOST ATHLETIC Bob Hollywood Martha Smith
MOST VERSATILE Steve Rives Bonnie Helmig 64
Jim House Judy Cooper
Bill Bierly Judy Wynn
Nevin Mann Jackie Menard
Joe Viglotti Dodie Greenfield
Dave Reger Patti Egan
.-CUT'EST COUPLE Kitty Kouger Koogie Kouger
.... --"_.-
Senior Sidelights
Three brave seniors lead the way to the Chest X· Ray Survey.
Joyce MacDowell helps add the finishing touches for Nancy Fischer's senior picture. "Now, if you want your head cut off, just circle it."
New blazers are displayed by members of this year's undefeated hockey team.
Cars are the pride. and joy of Charlie Ellis, Bob Lewis, Dick Lowry, Ray Reganato, and Evan Reid.
Senior Sidelights
Do these beauties outshine the fairer sex?
Under the direction of Mrs. Denice, seniors plan their annual New York trip.
Future Einsteins???
Bob Hollywood presents the Kiwanis ball to Mr. Morgan at awards assembly.
Money, money, money!
This time it's for senior name cards.
Ed McEllroy enjoys a fringe benefit of being Editor of the Sprin-Hian.
Thanks to the hard-working cast and committee chairmen, the senior play was a great success. "Sawbuck" Sam inspects Mr. Barry's chest for counterfeit $50's.
THE CAST Bud Mrs_ Taylor Evelyn Taylor Judson Barry Marvin Pritchard Carrie Stanwich "Fifty" Ferris "Sawbuck" Sam Mrs. Griswold Sam Jardon Tom Crosby
Daisy Kenneth Plunkett
Robin Roth Lynne Poli Barbara Thorp Art Blanchette Ed Harper Jody Amwake Barbara Sorensen Bill Bierly Phyllis Joffe Jack Curtis Dave Milkowski Bonnie Haussman Bill Aldred
Class of '61 Presents
KARL D. MERBREIER March 3, 1961 8:30 P.M. Mr. Barry calmly plans his defense before his family and friends.
" . . . and who are you?" . . .
Elaine Scott presents Mr. Merbreier with a gift from the cast.
Pretending to be a reporter, "Sawbuck" Sam gets a quick shot for his article???
After a successful play, prompters take a well-earned rest.
Peggy Deleo and Dodi Greenfield were kept busy applying make up to Dave and Bonnie just before the curtain.
"A SHS May Queen 1961: M iss Janet Lochart
May Queen Nominees try to look relaxed while Ed McEllroy explains the procedure for the election of the Court.
MAY QUEEN Each year 15 lovely senior girls are chosen by classmates to compete for the highly coveted title of May Queen of Springfield High. From these girls, seven are chosen to form the May Queen's court. From these emerges the one lucky girl who wears the jeweled tiara for one year, until replaced by a new queen at the next Soph Hop. Maureen Nolan takes "that long walk" as students, begin their judging of the 15 contestants.
- oJ
Lovelies Set Their Sights on May Queen Title
MAY QUEEN NOMINEES-First Row: Jody Amwake, Jean Shoemaker, Maureen Nolan, Bonnie Helmig, Judy Cooper, Janet Lochart, Judy Wynn, Jackie Menard. Second Row: Patti Egan., Joanne Huey, Linda Reese, Lynn Schroth, Merrie Elwell, Margete Schmitt, Lynn Polio
GriddersNailed Down Suburban II Title
First Row: S. Rives, S. Spears, C. Messick, B. Aiken, A. Kirkman, J. Viglotti, B. Sudell, B. Shane. Second Row: R. Albridge, G. Quinn, R. Messick, D. Reese, H. Ritsert, J. Vaules, B. Casto. Third Row: Mr. Stumpf, B. Neidermeyer, D. Brougher, J. Dascola, D. Reger, J. Starzmann, G. Comptompasis, W. Syble. Fourth Row: Mr. McCoach, P. Walker, V. Hall, B. Jensen, J. Girard, B. Bechtol, D. Nichols.
VARSITY SCORES-1960 SHS 12 Lower Merion 27 Plymouth-Whitemarsh 31 Upper Darby 26 Harriton 31 Upper Merion 6 Haverford 18 Pennerest 14 Ridley TWP 13 Marple-Newtown Won-7
Grass gives way to cleats as John Dussling churns for another Cougar first down. SHS won, 18-14, over a stubborn Penncrest eleven.
Charlie Messick and Mike Kayser converge on an upending tackle while several menacing Cougars stand ready to serve as auxiliary roadblocks.
OPP. 6 6 0 7 0 13 14 14 0 Lost-l
With Thanksgiving Day Victory Over M-N
First Row: B. Hollywood, J. Dayton, J. Dussling, D. Reger, B. Edgar, M. Kayser, J. DiCicco, T. Liveright. Second Row: B. Lorraine, R. Martine, B. Dalrymple, F. Wren,. F. Lebosky, E. Johnson, Dr. Leidecker, Mr. Mackrides. Third Row: E. Frey, D. Bean, G. Landau, S. Hill,. B. Betts, T. Collins, T. Frazer, Mr. Bell. Fourth Row: F. Stenz, M. DiVito, T. Manley, K. Clark, 1. Murphy, R. Spallone, D. MacQueen, G. Plank.
A Penncrest warrior breaks loose while an unknown Cougar tries for the proverbial shoestring tackle.
Bob Hollywood collaborates with Bob Edgar to foil a Penncrest goalward thrust.
Cougars Churned Up 1693 Yards
1961 GRIDDERS The 13 rugged individuals placed in their respective positions on this page will no longer don the blue and gold for Springfield High School. We the class hf '61 wish to pay tribute to those who cut their summer vacations short to spend endless sweaty sessions absorbing both mental and bodily punishment administered by our four demanding coaches. We thank them, above all, for a record which places our class in an envious position in comparison to many classes of the past.
To Her Opponents 87B-Scored 17B Points
The 1960 Football season will be one of the most outstanding memories in our school's history. Under the expert training of Coaches Mackrides, McCoach, Bell, and Stumpf our team came out on top of Section II with a 5-0-1 record. Although the team was said to have lacked depth, we did not come out on the deep end. Captained by Bob Hollywood, and with the support of other Senior stalwarts, the squad championed the League Title. Of course we can't forget the part of energetic managers, Pete Walker, and Bob Neidermyer. Next season a loss of 13 diploma-seekers will draw heavily on the drive of the team.
ASSISTANT COACHES: Mr. Stumpf, Mr. Bell, Mr. McCoach.
Cheerleaders Supply an Essential Ingredient
First Row: G. Scotti, S. Glass, J. Zafis, P. Egan, J. Lochart; L. Reese, L. Poli, D. Greenfield, M. Wicks, S. Ethridge. Second Row: B. Gates, F. Avery, B. Kerr, B. Huffman, N. Mann, P. Nordblom. Third Row: J. Benn, D. Stettler, B. Doman, S. Fischer.
CHEERLEADERS This year the girl cheerleaders have been given a big boost by the addition of the boy cheerleaders. "Fight-fight-rah-fight," is one of the cheers that the squad could be heard cheering at pep rallies. They have added a lot to the spirit and support of the team. The boys can never forget the faithful girls on the varsity squad always on the sidelines cheering the teams to victory. Look what the combined effort has done for our school! The squads were coached by Miss Susan B. Gibble who has given many devoted hours of her time to the "rah-rah-rah" cause.
Captains Linda Reese, Dick Stettler, and Janet Lochart give oui: Penncrest friend'a warm welcome.
At All Athletic Events
Koogie Kouger
Kitty Kouger Let's win, Boys-Win!
Miss Gibble, Advisor
J.V. SQUAD: M. Dougherty, A. Irwin, L. Knapp P. Rocap, D. Greenwood, V. Smith, M. Graff, P. Benn, L. McCallister.
Sticks Click-Springfield Scores
First Row: M. Schmitt, M. Elwell, J. Godmilow, B. Helmig, J. Noyes, J. Sinnamon, B. Duffey. Second Row: Miss Brusch, K. Herzog, M. Smith, B. Frazer, P. Shannon, B. Jones, B. Burt, G. Stretton.
The Varsity hockey team, headed by Bonnie Helmig, finished the 1960 season with an enviable record --- 7-{)-1, with only three letter winners returning to help the cause. Miss Brusch's girls won the championship, scoring 33 goals against 4 for their opponents. Becky Jones was high scorer for the undefeated Cougarettes with 18 goals. Springfield has not seen a championship team since 1952. Since then, only seven games have been lost in nine years, which is a record for rival schools to shoot at. MERRIE ELWELL
BETSY FRAZER VARSITY HOCKEY SHS 10 Upper Merion 1 Penncrest 7 Marple-Newtown 1 Nether Providence 2 Ridley Township 4 Radnor 5 Lansdowne 3 Harriton Won-7
OPP. 0 1 0 0 0 0 .________________________________ 3 0
Miss Brusch, coach; Bonnie Helmig, captain; Miss Hart, coach.
Oranges for energy!
The Junior Varsity hockey team completed its schedule with a record of 5-0-2. This is the third successive year that Miss Hart has been the coach of an undefeated JV team. This year her girls scored 14 goals against their opponents' 2. The prospects for next year look excellent. This year's JV should help to fill out a varsity team with a glorious past and¡ a very promising future.
SHS J.V. HOCKEY 5 Upper Merion Penncrest-rained out Marple-Newtown . Nether Providence Ridley Township Radnor . o Lansdowne 2 Harriton 4 1 1 1
First Row: B. Macaw, B. Fornwalt, D. MacConnelly, L. Peters, J. Lee, J. Ferrante, B. Pearce, B. Jackson. Second Row: L. CoHo, C. Mainwaring, B. Huston, S. Arnett, P. Smith, B. Chestnut, C. Faulkner, F. Hovey, A. Hoover, A. Sprey.
OPP. ._.._ 0 .__..._.___ 0 0 . ._ 1 0 0 1
Harriers Checked rn With an Enviable Record
First Row: Mr. Schopf, B. Aldred, M. Kirkpatrick, J. Aungst, D. Beacher, J. Britt, C. Hoover, J. King, T. McDermott, J. Lawler. Second Row: A. Dell, J. Doyle, B. Sharer, J. Davies, A. Spears, J. Thorp, D. Milkowski, T. Black, T. Rosfeld, B. Buhlman, L. Pennington. Third Row: H. Haller, D. Palewicz, B. Septor, J. Bohl, D. Bruce, T. Crary, F. Hogendobler, S. Fredericks, T. Wiley, A. Blanchette, N. Vance.
SHS OPP. 20 Haverford 39 25 Chester 30 29 26 Harriton 18 Media 40 20 Penncrest 41 32 Marple-Newtown __ 24 18 Ridley Twp. 42 23 Ply-Whitemarsh 36 20 Ridley Park. 41 33 Upper Darby 22 Won-8
SHS 15 Haverford 20 Chester 18 Harriton 15 Media 15 Penncrest 26 Marple-Newtown 15 Ridley Twp 15 Ply-Whitemarsh _. 15 Ridley Park 34 Upper Darby
OPP. 44 43 42 48 :__ 50 31 50 50 50 25
Gov's fast five get a snappy workout under the watchful eye of their coach.
First Row: J. Lawlar, J. King, C. Hoover, D. Beacher, A. Blanchette. Second Row: Gov Schopf.
Cross-Country Our Senior High runners, led by Fred Hoover, piled up the finest record in school history, hanging their sweat suits up with second place in league competition. The Harriers shot down eight out of ten opponents, including Chester. Beaten only by our arch-rivals Marple Newtown and Upper Darby, the "Harriers" spiked into the sod every other opponent. The .Junior varsity also had a successful season turning in nine out of ten games run, beaten only by Upper Darby. The Cats made themselves known at the District meet finishing eighth out of eighteen teams competing. Bill Aldred, who placed first in the meet, led the Junior Varsity to a second place victory.
Coug'ar' Cag'emen Gave Us an Exciting Season
First Row: B. Crecelius, J. Lawlar, 1. Dayton, B. Sudell, B. Hollywood, S. Cole, D. Roger, B. Shane. Second Row: Mr. Bell, head coach; J. Roosevelt, J. House, B. Reeder, T. Crary, H. Messick, M. Marin, P. Walker, Mr. McFadden, assistant coach.
Ted Crary leaps high in the air for tap¡off against Penncrest foe.
BOB HOLLYWOOD, om team captain, led cagers to a highly successful season which was highlighted by a nine game victory streak.
This year's quintet was ably handled by Head Coach Harry Bell, and Assistant Coach Neil McFadden.
Senior Courtmen
We Captured [(iwanis Title by Beating- Haverford, 48-41
J.V. BOYS' BASKETBALL-First Row: G. Landau, P. Brown, J. Featherstone, R. Spallone, J. Murphy, T. Frazer, J. Hedl. Row: W. Kuleck, A. Dell, D. Nussey, M. Prager, J. Watson, B. Tyson, and Mr. W. Hall, H. McKnett.
BASKETBALL The 1960-61 version of Springfield's Senior cagers earned for the school and themselves the coveted Kiwanis title with Dave Reger emerging as high scorer. As the season progressed Mr. Bell's "wonder boys" proceeded to make it a close squeeze down to the wire. It was a matter of nine straight wins until that disappointing rainy night when the Penncrest Lions sank the Cougar title chances 44-37. Next year's crew will be almost entirely new, thanks to senior escapement in June. Congratulations to Pete Walker and Jim Roosevelt who helped keep the gym floor waxed and performed other managerial chores.
VARSITY SCORES Lower Merion Ridley Park Chichester Upper Darby Interboro St. James Haverford Sun Valley Plymouth W'Marsh Harriton Upper Merion Marple-Newtown Ridley Twp. Harriton Upper Merion Marple-Newtown Penncrest Ridley Twp. Penncrest Plymouth-W'Marsh
SHS 48 60 64
52 76
OPP. 46 65 50 43
41 41 35 63
61 64
48 84
71 56
74 41 40 37 65
31 33 44
Won 16-Lost 4 Richie Spallone takes to the air as he tries to avoid Penncrest antagonist in game Cougars dropped.
Springfield Bowlers Strike Again
BOWLING - First Row: L. Lyons, S. Brennan, B. Freas, L. Lutz, J. Hanson, J. Rusk, B. Miller, D. Hall, J. Greenland, S. Skinner. Second Row: R. Axelrod, E. Woolston~ M. Nolan, B. Hackman, J. Curtis, J. Gillingham, J. Shoemaker, K. Richards, J. Amwake, A. Hull. Third Row: P. McFaul, P. Scalone, T. Plousis,' S. Rhodes, S. Woodward, C. Orr, J. Goldsmith, J. Berezney, P. Waller, J. Huey, M. Marmar, M. Fitzgerald. Fourth Row: F. Nardi, D. Osmond, R. Hoopman, S. Fischer, J. Stewart, F. Haenle, D. Milkowski, L. Cowley, J. Wynn. Fifth Row: G. Schneider, N. Fischer, L. Gattey, N. Krouse, B. Haussman, J. Menard, P. DeLeo, C. Butcher, J. Smith, M. Marrongelli, B. Hazen, B. Broomall.
BOWLING-First Row: M. Markel, S. DiBello, D. Gross, J. Dilucia, S. DerAuedisian, D. Wilson, S. Kraatz, C. Wiesenbaugh. S. Embon, C. Greenacre, B. Gordy, A. Hall. Second Row: C. Donoghue, G. Linton, K. Peterman, S. Griffith, P. Coggeshall, C. Mahood, M. Mathews, G. Judd, L. Bamford, D. Lear. Third Row: C. Felts, M. Evans, C. McCullough, C. Cresci, C. Crew, M. McKay, B. Bradley, G. Black, C. Murphy, P. Hite, A. Martin, S. Anders. Fpurth Row: B. Locilento, B. Gillingham, D. Wange, E. Spangler, B. Burritt, M. Eggart, M. Meeks, P. Coal, M. N{ascher, C. Shoustal. Fifth Row: S.. Lyons, C. Schmitt, D. Yoder, G. Gaffga, P. Chaveas, C. McCouch, C. Elser, J. Lochart.
Cougarettes Continued Court Conquests
VARSITY-First Row: C. Mahood, B. Frazer, B. Burt, M. Smith, B. Jones, J. Tittlebaum, E. Hotchkin, B. Helmig, B. Chestnut, J. Noyes, B. Fomwalt. Second Row: B. Dempster.
The J.V. and Varsity Girls' Basketball teams were coached by Miss Hart and Miss Brusch, respectively.
Managers: Ro Torbit, Blakelyn Dempster, Robin Curran.
Varsity Won 6, I.V.'s 7 for Successful Seasons
J.V. SQUAD-First Row: S. Kraatz, B. Duffey, K. Krouse, J. Ferrante, A. Weiss, J. Sinnamon, D. MacConnell, S. McKay. Row: R. Torbit, A. Hoover, F. Hovey, S. Arnet, P. Smith, C. Faulkner, D. Lear, M. Gaunt, B. Huston, R. Curran.<
GIRLS' BASKETBALL RECORDS VARSITY The Girls' Varsity Basketball team proudly sported a 6-1-1 record for the 1961 season. Martha Smith was the captain of our Cougar Kittens, who were under the capable coaching of Miss Brusch. The Junior Varsity also finished a fine season with 7 wins 'and 1 loss. Miss Hart coached this winning team. The equation for success-spirit, plus ability, equals a winning season held to be true again this year.
SHS Nether Providence Penncrest Harriton Marple-Newtown Upper Merion Ridley Township Lansdowne Radnor
30 34 42 46 42 50 36 36
Won 6, Lost 1, Tie 1
"Keep it up girls, and we'll be back in the game," Miss Brusch encourages team against Ridley Twp.
31 34 19 15 17 31 54 28
J.V. SHS 25 45 35 38 35 25 29 30
OPP. 24 18 16 26 18 24 34 25
Won 7, Lost 1
Becky Jones launches a successful two pointer against Ridley 89 Township, in a ~ame we won, 50-31.
Cougar Matmen Displayed Usual Courag-e
SENIOR HIGH WRESTLING--First Row: Mr. Shoemaker, G. Kline, D. Beacher, R. Hanlon, J. Cleland, J. Smith, R. Pitney, C. Beers. Second Row: B. Edgar, J. Dussling, S. Rives, J. Viglotti, D. Hall, B. Schwarz, F. Kierstead. Third Row: S. Hill, K. Clark, J. Mallay, B. Betts, B. Jensen, G. Harris, R. Rivell, J. SibbIe, S. Morrison.
WRESTLING Under the direction of Coach Shoemaker and the leadership of Co-Captains Clyde Beers and Bob Edgar, the SHS grunters compiled one of their best records in Suburban II competition. The Cougarmen shared the league title with Harriton, winning eight, losing two and tying once during the season. In addition to a fine record we sent nine varsity members into the Suburban II meet; five grapplers reached the districts; and two, Duane Beacher and John Dussling, competed in the regionals. John Dussling survived all these matches to reach the State finals, becoming the first District I champion in eight years, and the first Cougar matman to go this far in Springfield's history.
Haverford West Chester Octorara Conestoga Upper Darby Lansdowne Harriton Ridley Twp. Penncrest Marple-Newtown Hill School
52 58 47
8 6
9 23 14
45 48 40.
13 27
Won 8, Lost 2, Tied 1
John Dussling, State Champion and Duane Beacher, Regional Champion.
and Skill Ln Compiling- a Winning- Season
The team was co-captained by Clyde Beers and Bob Edgar.
Duane takes his man!
.: . ~ .
Track Team Beg-an the Season With High Hopes
Track Team First Row: B. Aiken, G. Ritsert, R. Bergner, S. Rives, A. Kirkham, B. Hollywood, J. Dayton, D. Hall, J. Cleland, S. Lawler, B. Edgar, C. Messick, T. Rosfeld, E. McEllroy, C. Hoover. Second Row: T. Wilkes, T. Collins, J. Starzmann, B. Klinger, J. Gardner, R. Albridge, D. Matter, B. Kerr, G. Harris, D. Wolstenholme, P. Larson, J. DiCicco, H. Ritsert. Third Row: E. Johnson, T. MeDer¡ mott, B. Miller, J. Merk, B. Pelegrini, R. McClellen, G. Kline, K. Arthur, T. F1occo, D. Bone, F. Hougendobler, E. Stepien, K. Kirkpatrick, Z. Preger, B. Crecelius. Fourth Row: J. Roosevelt, T. Crary, A. Spears, J. Thomas, T. Kelley, R. Urban, P. Messinger, D. Borst, J. Korenko, B. Pennington, R. Megonegal, B. McCulley, J. Mitchell, L. Connolly, M. De Vito, G. Quinn, B. Dornan. Fifth Row: D. Milkowski, J. Lawlar, S. Wright, P. Brown, J. Thorp, D. Reese, B. Septor, J. Girard, D. Duffey, W. Hackman, J. Dascola, P. O'F1ynn, C. Herb, D. Bruce, J. King. Sixth Row: A. Billingsley, N. Vance, J. F1ynn, B. Black, D. Nichols, B. Bechtold, R. Spallone, T. Frazer, B. Betts, D. Reger, D. Frick, W. Young, J. Millekin, E. Tull.
Bob Edgar soars through the air in a successful pole vault.
"On your mark, get set, go!"
Steve Rives clears the hurdle.
Boys display their ability to sprint.
Coaches "Gov" Schopf, George Irvin, and Karl Schaefer get a line on the team's prospects as they time the 100 yd. dash.
Mike DeVito jumps the hurdle be¡ fore the approving eyes of "Gov" Schopf.
TRACK This year's 1961 track season had one of the biggest turnouts ever. Coached by "Gov" Schoff, Mr. Irvin, and Mr. Schaefer, our team was well represented in special meets such as the Penn Relays and the Streamline Meet. In spite of losing many valuable seniors, next year's team will not lack experienced juniors and sophomores. Co¡captains Jim Dayton and Bob Hollywood led the team to an impressive season.
93 . ',',
Cougar Nine Played Heads-Up Ball
BASEBALL-First Row: S. Spears, J. Doyle, J. Maxwell, B. Sudell, B. Sarkisian, D. McGurk, C. Lafey, B. Aldred. Second Row: J. Vaules, R. Reeder, J. Rowan, B. Casto, M. Petrelli, J. Featherstone, G. Marcott, D. Bean, S. Hill. Third Row: D. Pichaske, J. Stewart, C. Wikete, H. Messick, T. Liveright, Mr. Dietrich, Mr. Bell.
BASEBALL Baseball, coached by Mr. Bell and Mr. Dietrich, is one of the upand-coming sports at SHS. The Cougar nine, started practice early in March and practiced to the last game. Under the teamwork of Bob Sarkisian and Bill Sudell, co-captains, our team had a fine record. Although there is not much room for spectators, our stands are always filled, which shows the interest of the Springfield followers.
..... Keep palms up when you catch the ball . . . " Coach Harry Bell advises would¡be team members.
Netters Cradled a Favorable Record
LACROSSE-First "Row: B. Houston, B. Macaw, R. Reese, J. Sinnarnon, B. Duffy, B. Burrit, B. Pierce, F. Hovey, A. Weiss. Second Row: D. McConnell, C. Lutz, N. Gilbert, D. Hall, J. Gillingham, M. Smith, N. Krouse, J. Cooper, G. Stretton, K. Herzog, V. Smith. Third Row: P. Joffe, G. Rhoads, K. Grantham, L. Rhoads, B. Miller, A. Kennedy, K. Krouse, E. Gasser, S. Kraatz, P. Benn, J. Tittlebaum, B. Burt, A. Hoover, P. Smith, C. Elser, D. Guenther, B. Jackson.
In the gym area during the month of March you may see girls carrying fishnets. Actually they're preparing for Lacrosse practice. Lacrosse is a comparatively new sport in SHS and has grown very popular-especially during track practice. With sound coaching by Miss Hart and Mrs. Gramiak, the girls had a fine season.
Coaches Gladys Hart and Judy Gramiak cross crosses.
SENIORS: Phyllis Joffe, Judy Cooper, Jenks Gillingham, Donna Hall, Martha Smith, Nancy Krouse, Ginny Stretton, Karin Herzog.
Divot Dig-gers Delivered Victories for SHS
GOLF TEAM: T. Fitzgerald, T. Lingg, B. Reese, D. Boone, R. Merando, T. Black, B. Gates, J. Oyler, R. Robinson, G. Plank.
GOLF The '61 Duffers represent the second team SHS has furnished for league competition. Although physical strength as such is not needed, practice and experience are important ingredients for shooting a good game.
y /
Seniors Bob Gates and Tom Black surround Captain Bob Merando.
Court Team Proved Worthy Foe to All
First Row: D. Beacher, B. Wapen, B. Buhlmann, J. Snyder, J. Oeland, B. Huffman, D. Warner. Second Row: B. Sharer, F.. Haenle, P. Perri· cone, J. Kapp, D. Osmond, B. Doyle, P. Evans, C. Weeber, T. Butter· worth. Third Row: C. Beers, M. Marin, D. Raymond, A. Urban, D. Reger, J. House, J. Watson.
JIM HOUSE, captain, and MR. RICHARD SHOEMAKER, coach
SENIORS: D. Reger, C. Beers, 1. House, F. Haenle, M. Marin. Second Row: P. Perricone, D. Warner, B. Huffman, 98 B. Buhlman, D. Osborne, 1. Oeland, J. Snyder.
" . . . Ready . . . aim . . . " Frank Haenle gets ready to deliver a "cannonball" to his opponent.
Girls' Tennis Tearn Had a Busy Season
First Row: B. Jones, J. Noyes, S. Neagley, B. Frazer, L. Hotchkin, M. Schmitt, B. Helmig. Second Row: B. Smith, H. Mulleneaux, S. Butler, J. Titterton, D. Murray, oN. Elliot, M. Markel, J. Frazer. Third Row: R. Curran, R. Congar, J. Hougendobler, J. Carr, S. Walls, J. Curtis, P. Hite, M. Coste, S. Evans, C. Faulkner, D. Yodder, S. Rhodes.
Bonnie Helmig returns a fast one.
Purred on
JR. HIGH FOOTBALL-First Row: E. Mason, J. Lacock, B. Satterthwaite, W. Wiggins, D. Pratzner, T. Carbonaro, M. Knapp, J. McFaul, G. Widman, B. Hartman, J. Fraley, B. Baruti, W. Wilson. Second Row: Mr. Shoemaker, Coach; Mr. MacFadden, B. Truman, R. Hanlon, S. Kirkman, J. Lawlar, J. Hollenbach, K. Logan, G. Simano, E. Hagon, B. Doyle, B. Corcoran, T. Fromne, B. Edwards, Mr. Horninger. Third Row: B. Aungst, C. Battips, B. Swift, G. Best, B. Craige, T. Black, D. Marmar, B. Jackson, J. Crecilius, J. Wright, J. Bean, B. Reese, J. Morgan, J. Williams. Fourth Row: 1. Kelly, R. Scott, B. Lyman, A. MacAdams, N. Krouse, T. Seth, J. Carrou, J. Bufix, 1. Kieser, B. Walker, D. Schneider, G. Simon, J. Lobley, J. Nagle.
GIRLS' JR. HIGH BASKETBALL-First Row: B. Mark, B. Betts, T. Thompson, J. Quinn, B. Miller, S. Ray, J. Stettler, R. Congar, N. Weldy. Second Row: B. Schweikle, Mrs. Goodale, coach; S. Walls, S. Stetson, K. Brantham, B. Mahood, C. Rusek, M. Wicks, B. Hollibaugh, A. Kennedy, J. Carlton, C. Isenberg.
JR. HIGH BASKETBALL-First Row: E. Mason, D. Pratzner, G. So 1m a, B. Hotchkin, R. Logan, J. Lohley, D. Babb, C. Churchman. Second Row: Mr. Schaefer, coach; K. Guerin, 1. Miller, B. DeVuono, B. Early, J. Lawler, B. Spahr, H. Bennendijik, manager.
Junior High Teams Promise Help to "Big- Brothers"
JR. HIGH WRESTLING-First Row: W. Olsen, C. Batipps, B. Satterthwaite, P. Coste, R. Schweir, H. Bakow, J. Lacock, B. mott, D. Soule, B. McCoy, D. Hoefner, D. Beacher, L. Lisk. Second Row: N. Krouse, L. Mousley, W. Wilson, B. Hartmann, lenbach, J. Stewart, R. Edwards, B. Jackson, B. Feeser, R. Murray, P. Krape, N. Gruwell, D. Beacher. Third Row: W. Craig, L. D. Labosky, D. Mannar, T. Hibberd, B. Price, D. Haney, B. Longmore, T. Murphy, E. Cassidy, L. Johnson. Fourth Row: J. Mr. McCoach, D. Beers, A. Valz, D. HilI, L. Dikerson, B. Arthur, J. Schmid.
McDerJ. HolKelley, Regan,
JR. HIGH BASEBALL-First Row: A. Geddis, R. Petrelli, G. Simon, R. Hanlon, R. Wylie, R. Logan, R. McCoy, B. Merklee. Second Row: B. Moore, W. Wolsfield, R. Flohr.
103 .
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If a Printer Checked With His Readers Everything June! I thought it would never come! The yearbook is finally finished! It all started last August when Mr. Walter called me and asked me if I would accept the job as Editor-in-chief of the Scrivener. I was deeply honored, but didn't know what I was getting myself into. Most of the staff were very faithful and even stayed until 7 :00 p.m. trying to make some headway. Pictures that never were taken, triplicates we never could find, names that had to be identified, and copy that had to be revised-these are just a few of the problems that we encountered. With the aid of my staff, we have tried to give you a book that will become a cherished memory in years to come.
MARITA KUHLMANN, Editor-in-Chief
NANCY KROUSE Layout Editor
SCRIVENER EDITORIAL STAFF-Front Row: N. Krouse, M. Elwell, J. Curtis, R. Roth, M. Kuhlmann, 1. Borst, A. Blanchette, D. Burnham, J. Lawrence, B. Miller. Second Row: K. Rennard, S. Bloodwell, K. Kabakjian, J. DeForest, D. Stettler, J. Klineburger, J. Gillingham, 1. Gatley, M. Marrongelli, C. Butcher.
to Be Published, Nothing Would Ever Be Printed
First Row: S. Woodward, J. Cooper, L. Lutz, J. Hanson, J. Smith, B. Hazen, J. Berezny, B. Freas, J. Godmilow, S. Skinner, L. Turner. Second .Row: M..Nolan, J. Huey, E. Woolston, S. Brennan, K. Rickards, J. Wynn, J. Rusk, A. Hull, L. Cowley, R. Axelrod. Third Row: J. Higgins, L. Lyons, J. Goldsmith, C. Nellis, D. Campanaro, R. Paylor, N. Murphy, M. Heffie, B. Helmig, B. Dempster, N. Fischer. Fourth Row: P. Fuhs, G. Schneider, P. Scalone, T. Plousis, P. Waller, P. McFaul, D. Malloy, M. Schmitt, L. Poli, J. Menard.
~ JUDY WYNN, Business Manager
Mr. Walter, editorial advisor and Mr. Thomas, business advisor.
The Scrivener Editorial staff worked many hard and long hours planning this year's yearbook. Here, Robin Roth present;; an intricate layout for staff's approval.
These three able assistants, June Rusk, Stephanie Brennan and Kaye Richards helped make. 'ad seIling, order taking, and money collecting look easy.
"I Might Disagree With What You Say .. SPRI-HIAN
~ 5PRI-HIA' "
Under the direction of two faculty advisors, the Spri Hian is the authorized student publication of Springfield High School. It is operated by the students and financed by the Activities Fund Drive. Each year the previous editors and sponsors choose the editor-in-chief and the associate editors on the basis of ability and experience. The newly elected editors select members of their staff from those applying. The Business Staff finances the paper through the support of the AA drive, advertisements, and various activities which are held throughout the year.
ED McELROY, Editor-in-Chief
LINDA REESE, Managing Editor; JACK CURTIS, Photographer.
SPRI-HIAN EDITORIAL-First Row: N. Chibatar, D. Davies, B. Drennon, S. DiBello, E. Haimowitz, G. Scotti, E. Duffy, S. Ethridge, S. McCullough, A. Handler, S. Austin, J. Wynn, C. Mahood. Second Row: E. Hotchkin, J. Roosevelt, C. Beers, B. Haussman, B. Dempster, 1. Reese, E. McEllroy, J. Curtis, B. Sarkisian, J. Stewart, T. Black, 1. Bamford. Third Row: J. House, 1. Lutz, S. Embon, C. Felts, V. Stretton, 1. Johnston, C. Kern, M. Schmitt, B. Jones, V. Judd, M. Schaub, N. Gilbert, B. Jackson, J. Viglotti, D. Milkowski. Fourth Row: F. Haenle, T. Liveright, W. Read, R. Dornan, B. Sudell, B. Aldred, J. Godmillow, J. Cooper, 路P. Joffe, J. Stein, J. Shoemaker, M. Coste, G. Schrumpf, E. Tucker.
but I'll -Defend by Death Your Right to Say It."
SPRI-HIAN BUSINESS-First Row: C. Murphy, B. Bradley, C. Crew, S. Reeps, J. Menard, J. Sinnamon, M. Hirschler, F. Legaz, R. Virgilio, C. Greenacre, S. Bone, B. Nocella, S. McKay. Second Row: S. Skinner, 1. Cowley, E. Woolston, M. Nolan, J.. Amwake, N. Fischer, M. Elwell, J. Berezny, C. Smith, D. Wange, T. Plousis, 1. Lyons. Third Row: D. Tantaros, P. Egan, B. Helmig, J. Lochart, B. Frazer, M. Spangler, 1. Gauey, J. Cooper, B. Jackson, J. Higgins, D. Dercole, G. Schroth, R. Books, S. Fischer, B. Huffrrian. Fourth Row: J. Hammerstone, C. Wickland, C. Schmitt, P. DeLeo, C. Peterman, G. Linton, E. Spangler, N. Way, ·C. Schmid, D. Hall, D. Malloy, 1. Walker, S. Embon, S. Glass, M. Graf, B. Crecelius.
Business Editors: J. Amwake, M. Elwell, J. Berezny, N. Fischer.
Miss Emery and Miss Gibble, advisors
. \,f! ,.' ";
"I don't want these papers given out until MONDAY!"
... so eager seniors knock down the door to get their Spri· f 09 Hians on FRIDAY!
Student Council Led a Busy Life Handling
SR. HIGH STUDENT HIGH COUNCIL-First Row: J. Berezny, S. Cato, L. Liebhauser, L. Peters, D. Yoder, C:' Mainwaring, B. Huston, p. MacConnell, J. Shoemaker. Second Row: B. Huffman, B. Crecelius, W. Cole, K. Herzog, D. Milkowski, E. McEllroy, L. Reese, 1. Viglotti, B. Sarkisian, J. Roosevelt. Third Row: B. Fornwalt, G. Schroth, P. Miller, M. Dougherty, W. Brubaker, D. Merk, L. Lyons, L. Bamford, N. Drew. Fourth Row: P. Brown, M. McCormick, M. Petrelli, M. Kayser, J. DiCicco, 1. King, J. Vaules, J. Girard.
STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council is the governing organism of the entire student body. It consists of one representative and. one alternate elected from each English section. Officers are elected the year prior to taking office by the student body. Activities of the Council range from conducting the athletic association drive in September to sponsoring the Fall Formal, Exchange Student Dance, and Turnabout Dance, as well as working in conjunction with the Sophomore class to present the May Queen and court at the Soph Hop. They also conduct student elections throughout the year.
"And we will strive to improve ..." President Ed McEllroy outlines Council plans at student assembly.
". . : We pledge to do our duty . . ." Council officers pledge service to American' flag and to office of their calling.
the Reins of Student Government
JR. HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL-First Row: D. Santillo, G. Valentinsen, L. Osmond, B. Cadge, C. Irey, M. Schopf, D. George, C. Santella, M. Bone, D. Dietsch, A. Binnendisk. Second Row: D. Smith, R. Cato, M. Robinson, J. Bishop, M. Knapp, R. Logan, G. Rivell, P. Coste, R. Gibson, F. Mangiello. Third Row: M. Holleran, J. Lanchak, B. Smith, W. Aungst, R. Schaum, W. Olsen, G. Del Colliano, B. McDermott, T. Murphy, A. Durbano, B. Lawrence, R. Del Bianco, F. Scuibba, Mr. LeFever.
Junior High Student Council Officers R. Gibson, P. Coste, G. Rivell, R. Logan, M. Knapp, conduct weekly meeting in the Senior High Library. Mr. LeFever and Miss Gore keep order in the Junior High Student Council.
Friendly Relations Between West Berlin and
Here is Cindee at home with her German father, Herr Paul Zinn, who helps Monika and Cindee with their homework.
This is the way it looks in a German school during a break in llA class.
",chtu n9J Sie verlassen nach 40m
,. West-Berlin
A little kidding is enjoyed by Cindee's classmates the Rankeschule.
front of
Monika Zinn and Cindee converse with a West Berlin policeman hefore the Brandenhurg 1(ate.
One of the most delightful experiences an American girl can know was enjoyed this year by Cindee McAllister, who was chosen as Springfield's exchange student to Rankeschule in Wedding, West Germany. Latest reports inform us that Cindee is learning to adapt herself to German customs and cultures, and although she is looking forward to her homecoming, she is reluctant to leave her "adopted family."
SHS Were Aided by Exchanging Cindee for ](arin
o o
As if to greet. each new schoolmate at SHS, Karin stands by Student Council's announcement to indicate her support of the Cindee .McAllister Exchange Student Dance held last October. Proceeds were used to aid the exchange student program.
Karin was given an early opportunity to greet her new friends with "Wie Geht's" at the opening assembly.
Karin Herzog, our vivacious exchange student from Wedding, West Berlin, is residing ~ith Ginny Stretton and her family. She is kept on her toes studying English, French III, American history, solid geometry, and trigonometry besides being an active member of the 1961 undefeated varsity hockey team. . After high school, she desires to attend the Free University of Berlin, where she plans to apply her talents in teaching German and English. When Karin returns to Germany in August, she will leave many friends and carry home fond memories.
Seniors Kay Ellen Rennard and Barb Thorp were a few of the many students who helped make Karin's stay here an enjoyable experience.
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Tri-Hi-Y's Multiple Services Make for
SENIOR TRI·HI·Y-First Row: S. Skinner, B. Freas, C. Nellis, E. Woolston, M. Marmar, M. Nolan, M. Heffie, A. Hull. Second Row: S. Brennan, C. Mitchell, N. Fischer, G. Thomas, J. Lochart, J. Schaefer, J. Goldsmith, C. Orr, J. Wynn. Third Row: M. Khelghatian, F. Nardi, N. Murphy, R. Paylor, D. Campanaro, P. McFaul, L. Cowley, J. Huey.
TRI·HI·Y District Council visited SHS in November.
TRI·HI-Y girls aided cafeteria help on Parents' Night last November.
Hat-checking is one of many TRI-HI-Y services.
Mrs.. Neely and her senior officers: M. Marmar, C. Nellis, M. Nolan, E. Woolston, M. Heffie.
a Unique SHS Service Organization
JUNIOR TRI-HI-Y-First Row: K. Whitfield, N. Metz, D. Wange, E. Spangler, G. Scotti, B. Locilento, B. Duffy, G. Linton. . Second Row: C. Crew, M. McKay, C. Donaghue, S. Reid, E. Schmid, S. Innis, R. Books. Third Row: M. Coste, M. Clegg, E. Scotese, K. Ebling, S. Bone, C. Lutz.
TRI-HI·Y The Tri·Hi-Y is a group of high school girls affiliated with the YMCA. High School girls who follow the motto: "To create, maintain, and extend throughout the home, school and community, high standards of Christian character," are qualified for membership. This year the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter assemblies were planned by various committees. The girls act as coat-checkers for all school functions, and hostesses, waitresses, and solicitors as' asked. This year Springfield Tri-Hi-Y groups entertained the YMCA District Council at their fall dinner meeting. As you can see, they live up to their motto.
10TH GRADE TRI-HI-Y-First Row: C. Casaccio, C. Rood, S. Anders, P. Hite, K. Harper, S. Pratt, S. Hindle, B. Pearce. Second Row: J. Meyers, L. Potter, M. Markel, S. McKay, D. Santella, C. Nicklund, L. Richards, R. Reese. Third Row: P. Reas, S. Millard, D. Murray, D. Gross, M. Masher, C. Shoustal, P. Coale, E. Schwarz, S. Williams, N. Lewis. Fourth Row: B. Schwartz, 1. Hamerstone, K. McDowell, L. Johnston, N. Stewart, B. Clark, A. Hall.
High Standards of Christian Character Is
Their Aim
HI-Y OFFICERS: Ted Wilks, Steve Fischer, Phil Nordblom, Bob Buhlmann, Tom Black.
HI-Y The Hi-Y, whose purpose is to create, maintain, and extend throughout the home, school and community, high standards of Christian character, has many activities throughout the year. One of their main activities this year was participating in the State Model Legislature held by the state YM.C.A. This functions as a model of the Pennsyl. vania Legislature. The club is open to any boy in lOth, 11th, 12th grade who takes in his stride principles learned through discussions, movies, speakers, debates, service projects and social events. Mr. Walter Hall is the advisor. MR. WALTER HALL, advisor
HI-Y-First Row: J. Stewart, D. Hoopman, 'T. Black, S. Fischer, T. Wilks, P. Nordblom, J: Murphy, D. McGurk, D. Warner. Second Row: R. Hufford, J. Merk, J. Christy, B. Swift, J. Mitchell, D. Pawlewicz, 'R. Megonegal, C. Lafey, R. Miller, J. Gardner, R. Bergner, D. Pierucci, N. Vance.
Future Teachers Get Early, Practical Experience
ITA-First Row: G. Judd, M. Gaunt, J. Meredith, K. Paris, M. Coste, R. Kabakjian, S. Neagley, B. Drennon, D. Moretti, K. Smith. Second Row: J. Amwake, L. Lyons, B. Helmig, B. Frazer, P. Fuhs, M. Kuhlmann, N. Fischer, B. Dempster, E. Hotchkin, N. Chibatar. Third Row: L. Lutz, J. Godmilow, J. Schaefer, M. Fitzgerald, G. Barbour, Karin Herzog, Mrs. Green, G. Stretton, J. Higgins, S. Deal, M. Nolan, S. Bloodwell, J. Lawrence. Fourth Row: M. Elwell, B. Hazen, J. Smith, M. Schmitt, P. Joffe, C. Nellis, M. Heffie, J. Gillingham, J. Wynn, L. Borst, J. Lochart.
FTA The ITA, whose purpose is to give interested, qualified students an opportunity to decide whether or not they wish to become teachers, is open to all Senior High Students. At regular monthly meetings, speakers, panel discussions, and skits, show different aspects of the teaching fields. Junior and Senior students who wish to gain knowledge in the art of teaching are allowed a teaching privilege under the supervision of a permanent teacher of the Springfield School System. Mrs. Green and Mr. Morgan did much this year to make the program a success. OFFICERS: Janice Zafis, Nancy Fischer, Peggy Fuhs, Marita Kuhlmann.
FTA-First Row: C. Schmitt, S. Lyons, P. Hite, J. Tillotson, C. Shoustal, P. Coale, S. Hindle, A. Irwin, R. Rees, G. Phillips. Second Row: J. Noyes, D. MacConnell, V. Smith, J. Sinnamon, C. Green acre, D. Budka, B. Bradley, G. Black, S. McCullough, M. GraÂŁ. Third Row: J. Bryan, G. Scotti, S. DiBello, S. Ethridge, C. Lutz, N. Gilbert, P. Coggeshall, B. Jones, M. Foy, K. Ebling, S. Embon, K. Krouse, D. Wange. fourth Row: N. Lewis, B. Macaw, J. De Lucia, J. Stein, S. Williams, A. Holgate, F. Hougendobler, B. Jackson. Fifth Row: S. Der Avedisian, D. Santella, G. Pugsley, F. Hovey, K. McDowell, C. Smith, E. Schmid, D. Lear, B. Locilento.
Our Future Business Leaders Gain Experience Here
F.B.L.A. is a national youth organization, and is sponsored by the United States Business Association. This year Springfield hosted the Fall Regional meeting and installed a chapter in a neighboring high school.
President Sallie Lashe calls the first business meeting to order early last fall.
FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS The¡ club promotes interest in business and acquaints its members with different problems and needs of the business world which will later arise in their work. Giving them a chance to see business in operation during the working day helps students learn better business practices. ./
District F.B.L.A. leaders visited our school to participate in a panel discussion on problems of business education.
F.B.L.A.-First Row: C. Donaghue. S. Reid, D. McBowen. M. Gilliand, K. Spangler, M. Dolhancey, P. Waller, E. Scott, J. Rusk. Second Row: M. Spangler, C. Horner, G. Schroth, L. Jensen, G. Schneider, S. Lashe, S. Woodward, D. McGowan, L. Potter, J. Dannaker. Third Row: M. Dougherty, M. Mascher, T. DelMonte, R. Maniscalco, D. McGarvey, S. Chmielewski, J. Edwards, S. Cato, S. B'ucher, K. Kershaw, B. Webb. Fourth Row: J. Wyn~, E. Scotese, P. Scalone, T. Plousis, J. Huey, D. Malloy, L. Bailey, D. Hall, J. Greenland, M. Figarola.
Cuts, Bruises, Cavities ](eep Nurses and Dental Aids Busy
DENTAL CLUB-First Row: R. Axelrod, P. Waller, E. Bixby, D. Meisenhelder, P. Shannon, L. Poli, J. Bell, K. Rickards, J. Bell. Second Row: B. Galantino, R. Virgilio, J. Dannaker, G. Schrumpf, R. Lloyd, D. McGowen, B. Webb, K. Kershaw, J. Conforti, Miss Witchey.
NURSES AND DENTAL CLUBS During the year those students interested in assIstmg the school medical department and those who are preparing for careers in dentistry and nursing are acquainted with the various branches of these fields. Throughout the year speakers, movies, and field trips are planned for those who wish to see the medical profession in action. Leadership of these important organizations is supplied by school nurse Margaret Sharer and dental hygienist, Verne Witchey.
Dr. Samuel Kromash demonstrates his techniques for Peggy Waller.
F.N.A. CLUB-First Row: B. Burt, C. Mahood, S. Woodward, B. Gordy, M. Thwaites, D. Malloy, F. Legaz, B. Lever. Second Row: M. Mathews, C. Greenacre, S. Embon, S. Glass, J. Higgins, N. Harvey, D. Dercole, K. Rennard, J. Klineburger.. Third Row: M. Schaub, G. Buckley, J. Robinson, A. Bubelis, B. DiNatali, K. Pollak, L. Knapp, A. Martin, J. Bryan, C. Feiner, T. DelMonte, B. Bradley, Mr~. Margaret Sharer, R. N.
White-Jacketed Boys Signify Service
SERVICE CLUB-First Row: B. Kerr, J. Maxwell, J. King, D. Reese, J. Snyder, W. Crecelius, B. Shane, W. ~udell, P. Walker, J. Roosevelt, H. Messick. Second Row: D. Milkowski, B. Hollywood, W. Bierly, P. Nordblom, J. Viglotti, S. Rives, A. Kirkman, J. Curtis, J. Cleland, D. Reger, H. Ritsert. Third Row: C. Beers, J. Vaules, B. Niedermyer, G. Plank, J. DiCicco, D. Beacher, W. Casto, T. Frazer, D. Bean, T. Collins, W. Betts, T. Sylvester. Fourth Row: T. Crary, P. Larson, E. Johnson, M. Kayser, G. Gaffga, R. Megonegal, R. Rivell, R. Sarkisian, V. Labosky, J. Starzmann.
SERVICE CLUB The white Service Club jacket represents a boy of our high school who sets standards for the rest of the student body. This year, as in years before, the Service Club has lived up to its name. The members cheerfully bend to the task of always being on the job. The Service Club sponsors many activities throughout the year. The annual Christmas Dance and the trip to Ocean City are the highlights of each year. Looking back on its accomplishments we see that the Service Club lives up to its goal, "Service to sch901, community, and nation."
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Directing VIsItors and parents around the school is a task dutifully undertaken.
Boys register for their annual Ocean City.trip.
VARSITY CLUB-First Row: M. Elwell, P. Egan, J. Lochart, B. Chestnut, B. Helmig, M. Smith, B. Frazer, P. Shannon, L. Polio Second Row: J. Godmilow, L. Reese, K. Herzog, V. Stretton, E. Hotchkin, J. Tittlebaum, N. Krouse, M. Schmitt, J. Menard, Miss Brusch. Third Row: J. Noyes, J. Sinnamon, B. Duffy, S. Glass, B. Burt, E. Jones, K. Krouse.
JUNIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICAL SOCIETY The Junior Engineering Technical Society better known as the "Jets" is a relatively new club in our school. It is a national organization operating under a charter granted by Michigan State University. They further their motto, "Better talent for engineering work, better work for engineering," by conducting group projects and training programs.
The club encourages its members to develop initiative, enthusiasm, and interest in projects related to science and engineering. ...... JETS prepare to "shoot" the moon.
JETS-First Row: L. Quinn, G. Judd, S. Kraatz, B. Gates, C. Weiss, M. Walter, L. Bruno, A. Han, K. Krouse, Mr. Rudy Miller, Advisor. Second Row: J. McMenamin, R. Petermen, A. Durbano, R. Philips, J. Morgan, D. Widder, P. Morton, P. Evans, D. Killen, J. Sperrow, P. Hayes, R. Fantoc, J. Gibson, F. Hampf, D. Smith, T. Bradshaw.
Thespians Presented¡ a Variety of Hits This Year
The Junior Dramatic Club presented a psycho¡chiller called "The Storm." The unusual play was enthusiastically received by the senior high audience. Beth Gillingham and George Plank starred.
Many laughs w.ere afforded in "Mama's Getting Married" presented by the Senior Players. Here Charles Fulford has trouble with "twin" daughters.
COMBINED DRAMATIC CLUBS-First Row: B. Gillingham, D. Malloy, B. Haussman, R. Fry, J. Hanson, B. Dempster, P. Fuhs, S. Friez, T. DelMonte, D. McGarvey, S. Chmielewski. Second Row: G. Lampe, B. Sorensen, M. Smith, C. Fulford, C. Harper, T. Plousis, B. Holt, B. Broomall, B. Howard, D. Nolan. Third Row: K. Smith, S. McCullough, N. Gilbert, J. Rupp, B. Henderson, J. Gilbert, J. Gruwell, A. Holgate, D. Andersen, R. Zellner, A. Irwin. Fourth Row: G. Plank, A. Handler, C. Cresci, M. Graf, M. Melchiorre, E. Lochart, M. Butler, N. Elliott, C. Elser. Fifth Row: S. Wilson, C. Yuravage, M. Quedenfeld, M. Foy, B. Balcone, C. Felts.
Their Motto: Sundaes, 'Shakes, and Service
SENIOR OPERATOR'S CLUB-First Row: N. Fischer, J. Cooper, S. McCullough, C. Lutz, P. Coggeshall, S. Wood, K. Smith, M. DeLeo, P. Fuhs. Second Row: J. Roosevelt, J. Cleland, S. Lawlar, R. Sweisfurth, B. Haussman, L. GaUey, R. Osmond, J. Stewart, R. Bergner, T. Thorpe. Third Row: R. McAllister, F. Hampf, J. BoW, T. Wilks, B. Holstein, J. Snyder, W. Jester, F. Avery, M. Walter, J. Watson, B. Kerr. Fourth Row: Mr. Bay, P. Morton, J. Kapp, J. Sperow, W. Swift, L. Bruno, B. Katanchik, C. Frick, S. Wright, P. Evans.
Mr. Bay, Bill Jester, Dick Osmond are always seen repairing audio¡visual aids equipment.
Club officers are Dick Osmond, Linda Gauey, Bonnie Haus¡ man and Rudy Sweisfurth.
OPERATORS' CLUB The .Operators' Club is open to all students genuinely interested in learning how to use audiovisual aids. New members apply at the beginning of each school year for membership, are approved, and later voted on by previous members. Selling milkshakes and hot fudge sundaes at lunch time and sponsoring two movie dances during the year, furnish money which is used to purchase new equipment to improve the audio-visual department. \ Rudy, Ozzie, by ~he club.
and Dick display fundamental equipment used
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The National Honor Society Inducted New
First Row: Mr. Miller, B. Dempster, J. House, J. Cooper, L. Gattey, J. Roosevelt, B. Frazer, E. McEllroy, M. Kuhlmann. Second Row: C. Beers, E. Hotchkin, S. Rives, G. Thomas, J. Viglotti, J. Berezny.
Members of the National Honor Society listen intently to Mr. Townsley as he speaks to them.
Mothers of previously elected National Honor Society members serve tea after the induction ceremony.
Being elected into the National Honor Society is perhaps the high spot in the life of a student. From the beginning of the freshman year, the ambitious student keeps this goal as his ideal. Members are selected on the basis of four points: character, scholarship, leadership and service. Each year¡ membership is limited to fifteen per cent of the senior class and five per cent of the junior class. To be considered for membership, the student must rank in the upper-one-third of his class scholastically. New members are selected by faculty members and members who were elected in their junior year. This year the National Honor Society has initiated a new goal towards which its members try to strive. A student who has any difficulty in a course is free to receive special tutoring from an assigned National Hono,r Society member. The National Honor Society is the highest honor that can be obtained by any high school student and its ideals are the finest for which an individual can strive.
Members in the Traditional Code of Its Past
First Row: M. Schmitt, J. Wynn, L. Bamford, L. Reese, B. Helmig, M. Elwell, G. Stretton, D. MacConnell, J. Sinnamon, J. Noyes, C. Orr, B. Freas, K. Rickards. Second Row: G. Schneider, P. Fuhs, B. Haussman, N. Krouse, N. Fischer, K. Krouse, M. Gaunt, G. Judd, N. Way, S. Kraatz, B. Jones, N. Mulholland, L. Borst. Third Row: W. Read, C. Hoover, B. Sarkisian, B. Sudell, J. Stewart, A. Kirkman, M. Marin, J. King, C. Weiss, C. Weeber, D. Beacher.
Following the induction, E. W. Townsley con¡ gratulates 'the new members in an address to the assembly. Guest speaker E. W. Townsley of Drexel Institute is shown here with Principal Richard K. Smith and National Honor Society advisor Elwood Miller.
They Achieved in Journalism and Dramatics
QUILL AND SCROLL-First Row: M. Elwell, B. -Dempster, 1. Reese, E. McEllroy, M. Kuhlmann, J. Wynn, 1. Borst, A. Blanchette, N. Krouse. Second Row: P. Waller, G. Schneider, J. Berezny, N. Fischer, J. Amwake, D. Burnham, K. Rennard, S. Brennan, S. Bloodwell, B. Haussman, K. Rickards. Third Row: D. Wange, S. Wilson, B. Sarkisian, J. Curtis, R. Roth, J. Rusk, N. Way.
THESPIAN SOCIETY-First Row: Marguerite Khelgatian, Art Blanchette, George Plank, Alan Billingsley, Cheryl Felts, Beth Gillingham, Sue McCullough, John King, Meg Graf.- Second Row: Gail Philip, Lynn Turner, Ruth Fry, Peggy Fuhs, Jody Amwake, June Lawrence, Barbara Thorp, Andrea Holgate. Third Row: Barbara Sorensen, Jack Curtis, Ed Harper, Charles Fulford, Jim Gilbe.t, Carol Elser.
Sharp Wits, Thoughtful Deliberation Are So Necessary Here
HI-Q TEAM: James Roosevelt, Walter Read, Miss Murray, Advisor; Grace Thomas, James House.
Each year four seniors and four alternate juniors are selected by the faculty to compose the Hi-Q Team. Members are chosen on the basis of general knowledge and scholastic achievement attained in Shakespeare, science, mathematics, American and World History, literature, music, and current events. The Hi-Q Team competes with teams of twenty other Delaware County high schools for prizes awarded by the Scott Paper Company of Chester. Each team competes in three meets yearly.
Living up to their motto " . . . it is never right to do any injustice," the members of the Philosophy Club are possessed of a love for free discussion, a desire for truth, and a love of learning. They develop individual philosophies' through analysis of past and contemporary philosophers and events. ThroU1Sh research, discussions, and guest speakers, they try to adapt the theories of the ancient philosophers to their every-day lives.
PHILOSOPHY CLUB-First Row: W. Reed, P. Coggeshall, J. Cooper, D. Snyder. Second Row: R. Garson, J. Brown, P. Christkouski, J. Hermann, Mr. Mackrides, Advisor.
IBA Club Supplies That Needed Lift to Get Things Done 1. B. A.
lBA "Brass" included officers Russ Smith, Jim Shriver, Charley Wikete and Bill Stegemerten (First Row). Back Row includes Charley Messick, Mr. McCoy, and Mr. Thomas, advisors. Mr. Gartside is not shown.
I.B.A. members package old toys and clothes received from a drive for needy children.
Under the capable direction of Mr. Gartside, Mr. McCoy, and Mr. Thomas, the Industrial Boys of America is a club established to promote school spirit jn enabling its members to develop leadership and experience in giving service. To become a member one must gain the approval of two sponsors, three members, and the consent of 75 per cent of the voting members. This year the boys worked especially hard carrying out the aims of the club. Their projects consisted of collecting clothes for needy children and sponsoring an annual dance.
Waiting on tables for parents' night was one of the club's projects.
I.B.A.-First Row: T. Kral, G. Lampe, C. Wikete, 1. Schriver, C. Messick, W. Stegmerten, R. Smith, C. Fulford, W. Scliwarz, H. Ritsert. Second Row: B. Hilbeck, R. Burcin, J. Megill, W. Hackman, B. Thompson, T. Dubolino, W. Smith, K. Dilks, S. Gardner. Third Row: H. Messick, G. Malay, M. Kayser, M. Holland, M. Todak, B. Rucier, G. Romani, B. Holstein, C. King.
Sophomore Boys Combined Singing Talents Into New Chorus
SOPHOMORE BOYS' CHORUS-First Row: G. Vicoli, J. Dascola, T. Flocco, D. Killen, R. Stewart, W. Betts, D. Frick, T. Daiello, A. Abdill. Second Row: Miss Richards, E. Tull, A. Naylor, J. Kapp, P. Morton, J. Watson, W. Kuleck, W. Doyle, J. Jeckel, M. Haller, R. Camhi.
Library Assistants Helped ](eep Books Ln Place
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS-First Row: E. Busch, B. Lange, 1. Johnston, E. Adair, C. Fleisher, P. Waller, C. Bailey, N. Stewart, Chumlewski, C. Casaccio, D. Moretti. Second Row: E. Woolston, S. Deal, 1. Lyons, J. Higgins, B.. Miller, J. Rusk, C. Butcher, Huey, S. Lashe, E. Scott. Third Row: C. Murphy, C. Smith, V. VanOrmer, J. Hougendobler, J. Stein, S. McKay, P. Smith, Urban, L. McCallister, J. Rupp, A. Holgate, J. Lawrence. Fourth Row: D. Guenther, J. Ivins, B. Buck, J. Meredith, M. Sampson, Hudson, J. Carlton, 1. Miller.
S. J. D. C.
Miss Richards Led the Choir to Successful
CHOIR OFFICERS AND ACCOMPANISTS-Seated: V. Fredd, J. Cooper. Standing: M. Kuhlmann, J. House, J. Gillingham, B. Crecelius, S. Rives.
The choir lends its voices to the Christmas spirit at combined Candlelight Services held in our auditorium.
First Row: Miss Richards, 1. Turner, C. Lutz, B. Haussman, S. Austin, D. Greenwood, B. Helmig, J. Cooper, S. Reeps, J. Godmilow, S. Hobbs, D. Wange. Second Row: G. Stretton, D. Burnham, B. Sorensen. S. Evans. K. Whitfield, N. Mulholland, B. Jones, M. Heffie, P. Fuhs, 1. Bamford, N. Chibatar, B. _Frazer. T.hird Row: F. Ha~pf, P. Hays, c.. Hoover, B. Buhlmann, "J. Roosevelt,' C. Weeber, R. Rivell, J. Flynn, A. Billingsley, G. Quinn. Fourth Row: B. Sharer, H. Messick, N. Vance, D. Milkowski, B. Aldred, D. Hoopman, F. Kierstead, B. Reeder, B. Crecelius, D. Pichaske.
Triumphs at Christmastime and Spring Concert
George Gaffga, class of '62, gained the honor of being chosen to the National Chorus this year.
DISTRICT CHORUS-Back Row: G. Gaffga, M. Walter, J. King, C. Hoover, T. Flocco, B. Sorensen, S. Evans, M. Gaunt, D. Greenwood, S. Austin, K. Krouse.
CHOIR-First Row: N. Fischer, D. MacConnell, J. Sinnamon, J. Noyes, B. Locilento, G. Black, C. Mount, S. Kraatz, M. Schmitt, K. Krouse, V. Fredd. Second Row: E. Tucker, P. Joseph, J. Klinâ&#x201A;¬burger, J. Gillingham, B. Dempster, S. Dash, L. Borst, S. Bloodwell, M. Kuhlmann, M. Fitzgerald, B. Fornwalt, M. Gaunt. Third Row: J. House, C. Lafey, F. Haenle, B. Shane, S. Rives, B. Sudell, J. Lawlar, S. Gaffga, B. Bierly, T. FIacco.
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The House-Lights Dim, the Maestro Steps to
ORCHESTRA-First Row: W. Kuleck, N. Krouse, C. Weiss, S. Neagley, L. Peters, P. Freas, M. Sampson. Second Row: N. Felde, M. Marin, A. Dell, P. Waller, C. Rood, J. Myers, R. Virgilio, D. Blisard, J. Mitchell, N. Horrocks, D. Borst. Third Row: D. Budka, D. Kerr, D. Gross, B. Black,
Mr. Harry Mitchell, Orchestra Director
DISTRICT ORCHESTRA: Neil Horrocks, Matthew Marin, Nancy Krouse, Joyce Hanson, Kit Crissey.
the Podium, and Beautiful Music Fills the Air
E. McEllroy, C. Milne, K. Crissey, B. Meranda, D. Matter, Mr. Mitchell, C. Eickenberg, W. Alfano, R. Bergner. Fourth Row: S. Hindle, B. Aiken, J. Hanson, L. Lutz, M: Coste, V. Pugsley.
ORCHESTRA OFFICERS-First Row: N. Krouse, J. Myers, P. Waller, L. Lutz. Second Row: E. McEllroy, B. Black, D. Matter, W. Kuleck.
· >:"
"Seventy-six Trombones Led the Big Parade"
BAND-First Row: N. Horrocks, F. Hampf, C. Milne, K. Crissey, S. Neagley. Second Row: J. Mitchell, S. Wright, R. Virgilio, J. Myers, C. Weiss, S. Eickenberg, A. Wright, R. Wolstenholme, B. Sharer, E. Kayser. Third Row: W. McCulley, M. Eltz""Mr. Mitchell,
DISTRICT BAND MEMBERS-First Row: F. Hampf, D. Hall, N. Horrocks. Crissey.
Second Row: K. Hamilton, J. Mitchell, B. Sharer, H.
-and Our Band Was There Marching, Too
J. Peck, M. Hershock, G. Gaffga, J. Korenko, J. Rowan, B. Merando, D. Matter, D. Hoopman, C. Weeber, W. Alfano, T. Flocco, R. Bergner. Fourth Row: J. Hanson, L. Landis, S. Spangler, M. Coste, P. Shannon, B. Black, R. Baxter.
DIRECTOR-Mr. Harry Mitchell STUDENT DIRECTOR-Roland Bergner
BAND OFFICERS-First Row: M. Meeks. Second Row: D. Hall, M. Coste, E. Kayser, R. Virgilio, R. Bergner, C. Milne, L. Liebhauser.
Brilliant Colors, Flashing Batons Add Color and Spice
SENIOR HIGH COLOR GUARDS-First Row: Barbara Burt, Donna Wange, Barbara Huston. Second Row: Ginny Judd, Joyce Hanson, Maureen Boyle.
SE lOR HIGH DRUM MAJORETTES: Carleen Mahood and Norma Schwarz. These two lead the band and do specialty twirling during halftime at football
MAJORETTES Carleen Mahood, Norma Schwarz, Linda Johnston, Diane Guenther, Ginny Stretton, Marcia Meeks and Joanne Huey strike an unusual pose especially for the '61 SCRIVENER (and Koogie).
Girls' Chorus Adds Lilt to Any Musical Event
GIRLS: CHORUS-First Row: M. Khel'ghatian, S. Millard, W. Brubaker, B. Drennon, G. Deal, D. Quail, G. Meyers, M. Markel, L. Richards, P. Waller. Second Row: S. Williams, M. Mascher, P. Coale, N. Gilbert, S. Henry, C. Crew, K. McDowell, N. Lewis, B. Crosby, D. Murray. Third Row: B. Nocella, S. DerAvedisian, B. Hallowell, F. Hovey, D. Yoder, S. McKay, D. Santella, J. Hougendobler, S. Lyons, M. Butler. Fourth Row: L. Walker, R. Torbit, P. Smith, D. Anderson, L. Knapp, A. Martin, P. Hite, L. Jensen, G. Pugsley, C. Kern.
OFFICERS: Ann Pichaske, Johanna Hougendobler, Donna Yoder, Jean Shoemaker.
GIRLS' CHORUS-First Row: Miss Richards, G. Phillips, M. Marrongelli, K. Rickards, M. Sampson, G. Schrumpf, A. Pichaske, R. Moser, L. Potter, M. Thwaites. Second Row: N. Elliott, D. Davies, C. Feiner, B. Buck, P. Wiercinska, J. Shoemaker, C. Lang, S. Ethridge, A. HandIer, J. Dannaker. Third Row: C. Mecouch, S. Martin, E. Lochart, C. Mainwaring, M. Eggart, V. Smith, A. Erwin, J. Carr, C. Schmitt, B. Whiteman. Fourth Row: M. Quedenfeld, J. Stein, M. Wicks, D. Budko, M. Spangler, S. Lashe, E. Scott, L. Lafey, C. Smith, S. Pratt.
HOMEROOM 101 First Row: D. Camhi, B.. Bradley, D. Zeiger, G. Linton, M. Foy, J. Lockbaum, B. Katz. Second Row: W. Lorraine, S. Frederick, B. Kerr, V. Labosky, J. Davids, D. Detwiler, R. Neidermyer. Third Row: R. Spangler, F. Sarafian, M. Kowalczyk, R. Lloyd. Fourth Row: C. Dalrymple, J. Oyler, J. Girard, H. McKnett, D. Beacher.
HOMEROOM 102 First Row: V. VanOrmer, B. Burritt, D. Lear, B. Layne, M. Quedenfeld, J. Wagenseller, J. Knott. Second Row: D. Winters, S. Wood, G. Buckley, D. Wilson, B. Duffy, C. Wiesenhaugh, T. DelMonte. Third Row: S. Stefani, M. Todak, R. Dykhouse, B. Harvey, B. Hufford, B. Robin· son. Fourth Row: B. Criste, J. Noonan, C. Thomas, G. Davidson, R. Rucier.
HOMEROOM 103 First Row: S. McCullough, S. Innis, J. Ivins, J. Meredith, R. Hellman, S. Reid, R., Books. Second Row: T. Hendricks, M. Bubelis, E. Wyatt, C. Greenacre, R. Curran, M. Hirschler, B. Innis. Third Row: S. Schumann, J. DiCicco, A. Mitter· ling, R. Corson, T. Bortman, O. Rust.
HOMEROOM 151 First Row: B. Whiteman, L Lafey, M. Wicks, M. Spangler, D. Budko, L. Walker, N. Gilbert. Second Row: P. Whipple, C. Feiner, B. Hallowell, D. Quail, B. Buck, M. Eggart, V. Smith, C. Crew. Third Row: G. Schrumpf, B. Drennon, D. Davies, E. Lochart, S. Ethridge, R. Moser, M. Sampson. Fourth Row: D. Blisard, A. Handler, R. Virgilio, A. Dell.
HOMEROOM 153 First Row: M. Meeks, G. Judd, L. Hall, M. Boyle, C. Mahood, M. Coste, L. Liebhauser. Second Row: R. Baxter, R. Merando, F. Avery, S. Richards, G. Gaffga, K. Hamilton, D. Matter. Third Row: F. Hampf, J. Mitchell, H. Crissey; W. Black, S. Wright, N. Felde. Fourth Row: B. Burt, M. Petrelli, C. Eickenberg, C. Weiss, C. Weeber, S. Neagley.
HOMEROOM 155 First Row: D. Moretti, B. Gillingham, C. Mac· Lennan, P. Coggeshall, J. TiuellJaum, M. Dol· hancey. Second Row: B. Haslett, M. Schaub, M. Evans, P. Burns, F. Legaz. Third Row: R. Albridge, E. Stepien, R. Schiller, P. Larson, A. Mennig, J. Bent. Fourth Row: W. Casto, G. Plank, S. Wilson, T. Tretiak.
HOMEROOM 156 First Row: K. Smith, P. Rocap, A. Coburn, K. Parris, .B. Tomlinson. M. Graf, E. Hess. Second Row: H. Jester, G. Rimato, L. Glover, B. Lever, 1. Turner, R. Davidheiser, D. Bruce. Third Row: J. GoeBel, J. Langsford, M. Devito, D. Dietsch, T. Liveright.
HOMEROOM 157 First Row: C. Felts, B. Kevis, S. Glass, L. Filippone, M. Mathews, S. Embon, E. Schmid. Second Row: G. Scotti, M. Bixby, M. McKay, M. Clegg, J .Miller. Third Row: J. Maxwell, F. Hougendobler, R. Ciarrocchi, G. Carnicom, J. Vaules, D. Reese. Fourth Row: J. Gruwell, T. Sullivan, W. Smith, 1. Mutz, 1. Rock.
HOMEROOM 201 First Row: W. Albright, C. Cresci, G. Schroth, C. Horner, K. Peterman, M. Figarola, E. Spangler. Second Row: S. Langley, J. Zafis, G. Todd', H. Ritsert, R. Davidheiser, E. Adair. Third Row: D. Hibbs, E. Johnson, M. Devito, T. Liveright, J. Warner.
HOMEROOM 216 B. Jones, M. Gaunt, S. Dash, E. Tucker, S. Evans, P. Joseph, S. Hobbs. Second Row: C. Lutz, S. Kraatz, D. MacConnell, D. Greenwood, B. .Fornwalt, J. Sinnamon, S. Austin, C. Mount. Third Row: G. Quinn, J. Flynn, J. King, M. Walter, H. Messick, N. Vance, R. Rivell. Fourth Row: S. Wilson, C. Pawlewicz, P. Hays.
Pep rallies like this one made clinching the Suburban Two title a cinch!
SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS-Dan Reger, Treasurer; Donna Yoder, Secretary; Toby Frazer, Vice President; John Murphy, President.
HOMEROOM 100 First Row: S. Martin, C. Faulkner, L. Knapp, P. Hite, C. Guaglianone, C. Kern, D. Yoder. Second Row: B. Crosby, D. Murray, S. Lyons, C. Mainwaring, N. Meisenhelder, G. Phillips. Third Row: W. Doyle, D. Dresser, J. Dubolino, D. Duffey, G. Gardiner, D. De Pietro, T. Collins. Fourth Row: R. Lawler, S. Douros, M. Simpson, A. Naylor, T. Behmke.
HOMEROOM 154 First Row: S. Hindle, D. Andersen, T. Davis, C. Smith, R. Torbit, L. Peters, S. Kerr. Second Row: N. Lewis, D. SanteIJa, A. Pichaske, J. Stein, S. Der Avedisian, M. Markel, J. Dannaker. Third Row: A. Irwin, P. Coale, M. Mascher, M. Butler, W. Brubaker, S. McKay. Fourth Row: R. McClellan, J. Hougendobler, D. Gross, C. Meyers, L. Potter, G. Deal, T. FIocco. Fifth Row: M. Haller, J. Starzmann, D. Borst, W. Kuleck, J. Hall, R. Camhi, N. Horrocks.
HOMEROOM 159 First Row: L. Johnston, D. Guenther, B. Huston, C. Rood, S. Anders, L. Landis, L. Peters. Second Row: I'. Freas, P. Miller, E. Schwarz, P. Benn, J. Myers. Third Row: J. Korenko, J. Peck, B. McCulley, B. Tyson, D. Wolstenholme, B. Miller, M. Eltz. Fourth Row: A. Wright, D. Hoffman, 1. Kapp, W. Alfano, B. Pennington.
HOMEROOM 250 First Row: V. Lee, F. Hovey, S. Henry, A. Martin, S. Pratt, K. McDowell, G. Pugsley. Second Row: L. Richards, S. Millard, C. Schmitt, C. Esher, J. Guaglianone, S. Williams, C. Lang. Third Row: R. Stewart, L. Wilks, K. Dilks, D. Nussey, P. Brown, D. Norton, S. Hill. Fourth Row: B. Lever, R. Bone, G. Boon, J. Waters.
HOMEROOM 251 First Row: J. Robinson, B. Jackson, 1. Hamer¡ stone, B. Byers, N. Schwarz, L. McCallister, C. Elser. Second Row: C. Houck, 1. Hett, B. Gordy, A. Hall, B. Pearce, E. Firlein, J. Morrison. Third Row: J. Jeckel, D. Murphy, R. David, R. Franck, R. Esterly, F. Ervin. Fourth Row: K. Nickel, D. Lawrie, W. Linton, G. Irby, M. Kirkpatrick.
HOMEROOM 252 First Row: C. Adams, A. Weiss, D. McGowen, J. Harper, M. Clanahan, R. Zellner, V. D'Alonzo. Second Row: D. Park, V. Milliken, J. Lee, J. Ferrante, R. Shrader, C. Wicklund. Third Row: K. Arthur, W. Young, B. Bechtold, G. Landau, D. Frick, G. Millay, J. Murphy. Fourth Row: J. Dascola, G. Contompasis, J. Weidner, M. Hawk, J. Sperow, T. Gribb: Fifth Row: R. Fanto, R. Garson, D. Bean.
HOMEROOM 254 First Row: N. Lowry, B. Hersker, C. Chandler, D. Matava, L. Rhodes, N. Kline, E. Gosser. Second Row: T. Fitzgerald, R. Megonegal, J. Krauss, J. Bryan, S. DiBello, J. Rupp, T. Sibbald, J. Featherstone. Third Row: D. Raymond, J. Schubert, R. Pellegrini, P. Messinger, H. Chekemian,. G. Marcott. Fourth Row: B. Horne, D. Reger, J. Watson, D. Thomas, R. Klinger.
HOMEROOM 255 First Row: J. Tillotson, P. Simpson, C. Hudson, B. DiNatali, B. Webb, S. Cato, E. Busch'- Second Row: J. Britt, M. Gatto, K. Kershaw, E. Haimo.witz, M. Gilliland, M. Melchiorre, G. Kline, T. Butterworth. Third Row: O. Rust, R. Garzarelli, L. Bruno, W. Frazer, P. Chaveas, P. O'Flynn. Fourth Row: -B. Kotanchik, T. Arrington. W. Corwin, B. Betts.
HOMEROOM 256 First Row: C. Casaccio, S. Chmielewski, S. Smith, S. Arnett, A. Bubelis, B. Henderson, R. Rees. Second Row: E. Johnson, P. Morton, M. Prager, T. Sylvester, G. Burcin, B. Jensen, F. Buchholz. Third Row: R. Geltz, G. Christy, M. McCormick, R. DelBianco, S. Hill, R. Richards. Fourth Row: G. DiLucia, R. Spallone, T. Manley, B. Wapen, G. Gilbert, G. Vicoli, D. Urban.
HOMEROOM 257 First Row: H. Elliott, C. Shoustal, N. Stewart, N. Harvey, A. Hoover, V. Wells, C. Durfor. Second Row: R. Bittner, R. Messick, J. Kederis, R. Burcin, B. Hilbeck, M. Kayser, A. Baker. Third Row: A. Holgate, B. Coates, W. Swift, R. Schweitzer, R. Bond, B. Clark. Fourth Row: B. Barber, C. Kane, R. Wilding, R. McGurk.
. . . _ •• "-.,.,.......~
HOMEROOM 258 First Row: B. Falcone, N. Drew, J. Edwards, S. Bucher, K. Kershaw, B. Macaw, D. McGarvey. Second Row: D. Killen, T. Manley, P. Evans, P. Congdon, G. Harris, P. Chrostowski, John Milliken. Third Row: R. Thompson, M. Holland, P. Parsons, E. Frey, T. Daiello. Fourth Row.: M.' Dougherty, R. Maniscalco, E. Tull, D.. Tantaros.
Oh, what a delightful fragrance!
This is an English class, Mrs. Dardik?
SECTION 9-1 First Row: C. Fleisher, H. Mullineaux, B. Mil¡ ler, 1. Miller, B. Moser, P. Stalker, 1. Joseph. Second Row: W. Walp, D. Soule, D. Yoder, P. Coste, D. Schneider, P. Harvey, G. Kielman. Third Row: N. Federman, R. Miller, B. Williams, R. Hotchkin, R. Sieke, 1. Kelley, F. Braconaro, D. Walker.
JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS: Gary Rivell, president; Peter Coste, vice president; Richard Logan, secretary; Michael Knapp, treasurer; Richard Gibson, sergeant-atarms.
SECTION 9-2 First Row: N. Irving, B. Hollibaugh, J. D'Angelo B. Titus, A. Smith, S. Bennett, N. Weldy. Second Row: F. Berdan, 1. Bernstein, A. Wicks, P. Patton, H. Binnendijk, C. Churchman, P. Krape. Third Row: R. Schaum, N. Krouse, T. Klinka, S. Kirkman, D. Hoffecker, B. Moore, R. Phillips. Fourth Row: R. Spahr, J. Williams.
SECTION 9·3 First Row: K. Grantham, C. Rusek, P. Mullaney, B. Conner, S. Oppenheim, E. Ezekian, J. Metz. Second Row: J. Wright, C. Murphy, C. Niles, L. Della Penna, G. Naulty, J. Sangiorgio, L. Kennedy, C. Berger, J. Weniger, R. Mitterling. Third Row: R. WaIters, G. Rivell, D. Babb, R. Logan, S. Renshaw, H. Applegate, B. Best. Fourth Row: E. Hagen, T. Burton, R. Winters, E. Taylor, B. Eyerly, B. Shannon, W. Hauf, N. Salla.
SECTION 9·4 First Row: N. Johnson, A. Berry, A. Cordes, J. Carlton, E. Carrol, A. Kennedy, K. Hamilton. Second Row: P. VonKummer, P. Pennington, B. DeHaven, P. Walker, P. Wilcox, C. Linsalata, B. Stone. Third Row: C. StilweH, R. Murray, C. Schaub, L. Miller, B. Swift, G. Simpson. Fourth Row: R. Tamoff, D. Smith, B. Moll, K. Guerin, B~ -Doyle, J. Morgan, A. Hall, B. McMaster.
SECTION 9·5 First Row: B. Manood, J. Bornman, N. Hanson, S. Hague, S. Schweitzer, A. Haas, H. Anderson. Second Row: A. Newkirk, D. Dietsch. N. Hill, J. Curtis, K. Molony, M. Brewster, M. Baxter. Third Row: B. Reese, T. Carbonaro, S. Brown, B. Freimuth, G. Simon, T. Barber, K. Buck, B. Rowe. Fourth Row: S. Gale, S. Wehmeyer, J. Geesey, G. Mark, L. Boccelli, P. Smith, N. Wick. Fifth Row: B. Longmore, T. Sullivan, J. Megronigle, R. Scott.
SECTION 9·6 First Row: M. Laycock, N. Siegfried, 1. Lieb..• hauser, L. Ernest, I. Kelly, B. Betts, L. Virgilio. Second Row: T. Fromme, D. Chekemain, B. Craig, G. Samano, J. Bulfin, W. Olsen, J. Hollen· back. Third Row: S. Toon, B. Yeager, T. Tripp, S. Walls, D. Millard, C. Bosi. Fourth Row: S. Hoff, L. Gambol, J. Sacco, K. McLaughlin, S. Butler, B. Bateman. Fifth Row: L. Lisk, J. Miller, D. Haney, B. Price, B. Hartmann, B. Brown, G. Hunt, B. Jackson.
SECTION 9-7 First Row: J. Whitfield, S. Falconer, J. Blyler, A. Bruckner, C. Graham, B. Ewen, C. Donnell~ Second Row: V. Van Scoter, V. Smith, G. Me· Kee, B. Avery, K. Kilbane, J. Elbert, P. Turner. Third Row: J. Lawler, B. Muller, B. Haring, G. DelColliano, B. Alexander, B. Merklee, J. Lacock. Fourth Row: L. Maisel, D. Gamble, D. Boyle, J. May, T. Lingg, 1. Beatty, B. Phreaner. Fifth Row: R. Ward, 1. Nagle, D. Curran, A. Lamb, B. Muir.
SECTION 9·8 First Row: D. Simpson, P. Bone, N. Paine, N. Chandler, C. Roberts, L. Brophy, C. Hackman. Second Row: W. Wilson, J. Horner, T. Eckman, L. Small, E. Hidell, C. Wilkin, N. Bulkowski, R. Knudsen. Third Row: J. McFaul, B. Hess, B. Devano, A. Geddis, L. Mousley, A. Joffe, B. Lutz. Fourth Row: B. Satterthwaite, B. Schweir, R. Sentman, B. Dempsey, J. Stewart, R. Burn· ley.
SECTION 9·9 First Row: B. Howard, V. Teise, S. Williams, J. Butler, D. Felts, T. DeVito, R. Henriques. Second Row: B. Schweikle, C. Isenberg, M.. Servies, J. Barbor, B. Lange, C. Sulek. Third Row: R. Palmer, T. Brougher, R. Schlosser, D. Force, G. Wiedman, A. MacAdams, A. Williams. Fourth Row: A. Reese, S. Siple, R. Gibson,' D~ Hoefner.
SECTION 9·10 First Row: P. Kurlish, T. Thomson, P. Schroeder, L. Gallagher, M. Wicks, S. Stetson, R. Congar. Second Row: B. McCoy, C. Bent, J. Quinn, J. Quail, B. Kirker, C., Richardson, K. Lang, A l?udko. Third Row: E. Pologruto, C. McCoy, R. Wylie, B. Avery, J. Keiser, M. Ezzie. Fourth Row: A. De Marco, B. Earley, B. Hall, B. Petrelli, B. Sheehan, B. Haussman. F~fth Row: R. Custer, B. Crowe, E. Mason, B. Hanlon, J. Lobley, G. Stasen, B. Woolley.
SECTION 9·11 First Row: M. Gaskill, A. Fine, J. Cowperthwait, J.. Bollenbach, P. Stroup, C. Rivers, E. Vucelich. Second Row: D. Hilleary, R. Wilbur, C. Sylanski, S. Hutton, S. Morrison, J. Regan, J. Steele. Third Row: M. Falkenburg, B. Ready, P. Hancock, P. Klein, D. Jamieson, S. Wilkin· son, J. Fraley. Fourth Row: W. Stevens, D. Marple, J. Kurka, 1. Harrison, J. Kinden.
SECTION 9-12 First Row: C. DelMonte, P. Walsh, K. Harkins, C. Jaxheimer, M. Stewart, B. Lynch, C. Mattei. Second Row: T. Stegemerten, W. Towle, B. Baruti, C. Deal, D. Bowman, T. Cleary, M. Samyan.
SECTION 9·13 First Row: J. Fraser, R. Hilbe'ck, S. Wilcox, M. Simpson, J. Walch, G. Tracy, R. Spata. Second Row: A. Sweisfurth, D. Cafferty, N. King, B. Smith, M. Adair, G. Kranich, B. Klagholz. Third Row: W. Lyman, G. Seeley, J. Rushton, D. Brougher.
SECTION 9-14 First Row: V. Davis, E. Gottwig, .B. Woodcock, S. E=e, 1. Weeks. Second Row: J. Carroll, G. Rhodes, S. Ray, K. Cleland, A. Gilmore, J. Damia. Third Row: R. Petolicchio, C. Lindauer, 1. Frick, B. Tavani, J. Carafa.
SECTION 8·1 First Row: C. Colosimo, A. Johnson, R. Dubo.lino, C. Pancari, S. Beisel, A. Horrocks, R. Gillingham. Second Row: R. Khelghatian, S. Mongiello, N. Gruwell, B. Donaghue, W. Morris, B. Leisenring, S. Morris, S. Hartz, D. Speyer, P. Single. Third Row: S. Colucci, G. Harbaugh, B. Aungst, T. Seth, B. Edwards, G. Wyatt, R. Taylor.
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SECTION 8-2 First Row: G. Warner, N. Davidson, C. Boggs, H. Huber, R. Aiken, H. Miller, S. McCausland. Second Row: E. Scott, P. Shields, S. Corwin, F. Sykes, R. Plum, B. Berg~ann, C. Ford, R. Vuce· lich. Third Row: P. Hartig, C. Irey, G. Batipps, T. Seth, M. Holloran, B. Wolsfield, R. Simpson.
Erwin for after
SECTION 8-3 First Row: C. Kabakjian, M. Eastman, E. Do~nes, M. Tucker, M. McConeghey, P. Bro'wn, S. Coggeshall. Second Row: B. Storm, D. Frazer, K. Lehman, J. Moss,.K. Wallace, P. Bugbee, S. Robb. Third Row: D. McCready, H. Heller, A. Juechter, F. Souder, B. Patton, W. Maxwell, D. Capus. Fourth Row: L. Quinn, R. Bates, T. Bradshaw, A. Durbano, B. Peterman, T. Moore, B. Fischer.
SECTION 8-4 First Row: M. Samuels, L. Thornhill, J. Noyes, B. Bindseil, B. Ritten, H. Aldred, G. DelColliano. Second Row: M. Mascher, D. Leightley, S. Patton, K. Lawley, S. Boyd, J. Williams, V. Boccelli, A. Roth. Third Row: L. Rothenberger, E. LeBon, B. Flohr, J. McIlroy, N. Hobdell, R. Robinson, B. Reese. Fourth Row: B. Moore, T. Stewart, S. Nelson, H. Zulick, J. McMenamin, T. Alloway. Fifth Row: B. Cale, T. Ellis, R. Howard, R. Robinson.
SECTION 8-5 First Row: T. Seifert, L. McAllister, B. Bloodwell, J. Wallin, L. Atkins, M. Bruning, J. Craig. Second Row: D. Krauss, N. Cliff, T. Judd, D. Beacher, J. Aisenbrey, D. Mullikin, S. Fisher, J. Phillips. Third Row: C. Larson, B. Neidermyer, J. Gattinella, S. Jump, S. Richards, B. Morrow, B. Arthur, D. Cunningham. Fourth Row: J. Clement, S. Hibberd, D. Woods, J. Contompasis, G. Tapp.
SECTION 8-6 First Row: L. Innes, K. Brown, L. Schlegel, D. Dempsey, J. Clarke, L. Feathers, S. Sauer. Second Row: L. Warner, M. Bressler, L. Jacoby, L. Cresta, P. Morrison, S. Harrison, S. Hunt, S. McHenry, J. Wicks. Third Row: A. Costanzo, R. Taylor, P. Kowalczyk, P. Greenwood, B. McDermott, J. Robinson, D. Bulfin. Fourth Row: F. Ciarlo, R. Dudley, H. Bakow, R. McDonald, D. Labosky.
SECTION 8-7 First Row: T. Kelley, V. Paradise, K. Malinoski, B. Kuhn, L. Chase, L. Fuhs, V. Hendricks. Second Row: A. DiRenzo, M. Jones, D. Hine, B. Lawrence, E. Hoag, C. Martin, E. Koch, L. Barbour. Third Row: J. Schmid, S. Peikin, J. Phillips, C. Helmig, J. O'Flynn, R. Leman, J. Stalker. Fourth Row: G. Isherwood, M. Peterson, G. Knoll, J. Photos, J. Hicks, B. Braybrooks. Fifth Row: R. Matthews, D. Flynn, B. Watkin, J. Pinder.
SECTION 8-8 First Row: J. Matthews, M. Stevens, D. McKinley, D. Titus, L. Mintzlaff, D. Harrison, M. McCoy. Second Row: S. Doherty, C. Bigotti, L. Sharp, C. Loughran, K. Kayser, B. Wilhelm, J. Todd, C. Piselli, T. Bean, J. DeForest. Third Row: R. Detskas, W. Reeves, R. Blevins, B. Cook, B. Omlor, B. Rose, N. Roosevelt. Fourth Row: J. Reynolds, F. Sciubba, K. Mancini, G. Hockman, G. Dash, J. Kulp, J. Clark, D. Beers.
SECTION 8-9 First Row: E. Garzarelli, S. Young, S. Shoe· maker, L. DiCicco, I. Byron, M. Teise, N. Kassebohm. Second Row: J. Blewitt, J. Diamond, C. Kopner, C. Faircloth, H. Sinkinson, B. Cadge, M. Dalrymple. Third Row: J. Rickards, T. Black, F. Reilly, D. Witter, R. Kelly, A. Openshaw, H. Pressell, 1. MacInnes. Fourth Row: D. Clark, R. Coburn, M. Conner, B. Renninger, L. Lang.
SECTION 8-10 First Row: J. Eggart, F. Burda, B. Esher, J. Cooper, L. Ezzie, B. Durham, D. Rementer. Second Row: D. Fisher, 1. Lyman, S. Lacock, S. Miller, J. Masson, J. Simon, M. Splane. Third Row: D. Mayer, G. Best, W. Reiffer, L. Cheek, B. Bean, D. Pratzner, P. Mershon. Fourth Row: B. Miller, L. Johnson, J. McFaul, D. Holtby, I. Kayser, B. Cato. Fifth Row: B. Magee, D. Lee, L. Kutz.
SECTION 8-11 First Row: C. Wrigley, P. Gardner, S. Anderson, W. Walker, L. Valz, A. Fulton, M. Shelow. Second Row: D. LeCalsey, M. Koons, L. Osmond, C. Coughlin, D. Boileau, M. Davis, N. Tillotson, C. Moore, K. Kinden. Third Row: S. Roberts, 1. DeRose, D. Hill, B. Miller, T. Mohr, E. Cassidy, B. Spangler, E. Corson. Fourth Row: D. Holden, 1. Crecelius, R. Porche.
SECTION 8-12 First Row: D. Taber, J. Hoch, M. Ruza, J. Gargiulo, A. Lopez, D. Messinger, J. Frigstad. Second Row: L. Ayres, S. Doyle, C. LaPreste, C. Walker, M. Fraley, 1. Richards, P. Zaffiri. Third Row: D. Sohaney, T. McConeghey, G. Rupp, T. Hilt, W. Wiggins, B. Chandler, J. Kelican. Fourth Row: T. Murphy, L. Jervis, J. Zehring, J. Carlin, D. Marmar, T. Zellner. Fifth Row: A. Rohner, R. Mattes, N. Menan.
SECTION 8·13 First Row: B. Levens, H. Milligan, C. Hayslip, S. Hudson, A. Micciantuono, C. Lehneis, L. Trout. Second Row: J. Lanchak, M. Stewart, B. Nagle, L. Mariano, M. Tretiak, K. Hoover, C. Pugsley, C. Gorham, B. Viscusi. Third Row: D. Kevis, J. Walls, K. Buchhalter, R. Heffron, T. Rocap, B. Balsley. Fourth Row: G. Blanchette, B. Corcoran, S. Perrine, J. Harden.
SECTION 8-14 First Row: A. Nixon, P. Smedley, D. Moore, D. Keil, T. Mann, C. MacFarland, D. Frey. Sec· and Row: J. Lanchak, J. Burnite, D. Hedl, D. Dukes, B. Hanzel, C. Krug, K. Loveman, K. Eickenberger, R. Nolan. Third Row: B. Palma, J. McCunney, B. Truman, F. Matthews, B. Shoemaker, B. Carreras, B. Scali. Fourth Row: S. Zuzulock, J. Bishop, R. Weidner, D. Harvey, D. Peterson, D. Stephens, D. Paxton.
SECTION 7-1 First Row: S. Bone, B. Houston, C. Baselice, B. Thomas, J. DeForest, C. Santella, K. Celestine. Second Row: J. Battershall, R. Greenberg, G. Strong, J. Mecouch, C. Jeffers, S. Detwiler, S. Shimp. Third Row: T. Richardson, M. Pearlm"an, D. Reifschneider, F. Haas, T. Crary; J. Carnicom, W. Blaser. Fourth Row: J. Christiansen, G. Mitchell, B. Lutz, D. Pugh, J. McKnett, B. Joannessen. Fifth Row: G. Krouse, C. Smith, R. Chaveas, B. Weiner, B. !3eaucar, L. Bullock.
GRADE SECTION 7-2 First Row: C. Bates, P. Allen, L. Gates, P. Tindall, S. Haines, G. Valentinsen, S. Milne. Second Row: L. Micalizzi, C. Bollinger, G. Meyers, N. Abel, T. Kuhlmann, L. Saccomandi, M. Adair, D. Riley, P. Ashton. Third Row: B. Walsh, B. Feeser, B. Koehler, J. Marshall, L. Dodson, J. Clough, J. Miller, R. Coia. Fourth Row: R. D'Amora, D. Petino, C. Kennedy, J. Lobb, G. Drewes, A. Hampf.
SECTION 7-3 First Row: S. Bellini, R. Smith, N. Schofield, H. Seeley, P. Nielsen, M. Crewdson, L. Naylor. Second Row: R. Berdan, F. Flegel, B. Pennington, J. Kenyon, S. Kirshner, P. Kyner, L. Calvin, M. Spegele, L. Betzler, R. Sellers. Third Row: D. Kirk, R. McConnell, J. Sciubba, J. Hartig, P. Robertson, B. Schroenghamer, J. Minatelli, J. Chrinka. Fourth Row: B. Thompson, P. Laiming, B. Hamilton·, J. Bean, C. Daniel, J. Petrie, B. Earley, K. Krissinger.
SECTION 7-4 Front Row: L. Howell, T. Argibay, B. Bretherick, L. Miller, B. Godshall, P. Francia, L. Seastrom. Second Row: A. Sinkinson, A. Ball, M. Baker, J. Marrongelli, M. Martino, L. DiCicco, S. Csicsek, S. Smith, P. Dougherty. Third Row: B. Corcoran, J. Creed, 1. Layne, E. Gottwig, T. Yarbrough, R. Del Bianco, D. Brown, G. Ballas. Fourth· Row: R. Puttbach, R. Gaul, B. Klein, A. Wallace, R. Marshall, C. Batipps, J. Guthrie. Fifth Row: E. Ezekian, D. McConnell, R. Oyler.
SECTION 7-5 First Row: K. Petre, N. Goettman, J. Hershock, A. Binnendijk, R. Kaplan, D. Davis, C. Wagner. Second Row: A. Biener, A. Gladstone, J. Gardner, D. Dreer, K. Moran, S. Williams, L. Bowen. Third Row: F. Walter, J. Pazdalski, W. Boon, T. Kolynch, P. Schumann, G. Johnson, G. Claridge, K. Kelley. Fourth Row: M. Miller, D. Kowalczyk, L. Wilks, P. Brown, C. Wilkins, D. Cohen, M. Roderick, W. Nicholls.
SECTION 7·6 First Row: S. J ohnstonbaugh, A. Skinner, J, Dyal, M. Wicks'- R. Biela, L. Gollnast, J. Doyle. Second Row: S. Pierucci, G. Quinn, L. Vottima, L. Wood, D. Santillo, S. Taber, K. Woodcock. Third Row: R. Reeps, S. Jones, L. Van Ormer, J. LaFever, E. McGowen, J. Silverman, J. Sloane. Fourth Row: R. Pollock, D. Laverty, J. Price, L. Dickerson, R. Murch, T. Lawrie. Fifth Row: C. Markel, E. Sokolowski, R. Smith, J. Domoney, R. Faircloth, L. Franck.
.,f " ,
SECTION 7-7 First Row: R. Tucker, C. Congar, S. Cellem, J. Sperow, G. Goodwin, J. Shannon, J. Winn. Sec· ond Row: G. Blewitt, D. Beacher, K. Hall, B. Lownes, J. Carey, J. Maust, M. McDonald, G. Mattes. Third Row: R. Shortland, M. Urban, P. Jones, S. Martin, L. Stephenson, R. Kohut. Fourth Row: C. Herring, C. Huntsman, A. Kline· burger, R. Brown, A. Valz, J. Phreaner, C. Mowbray.
SECTION 7·8 First Row: L. Martelock, M. Schopf, S. AlgayeI; A. Arduino, J. Hellman, B. Parker, L. FantinL Second Row: W. Balsley, J. Smith, G. Bixby D. Marini, R. Wilfong, H. Poulos.
SECTION 7·9 First Row: L. Thompson, E. Donnell, L. Lapps, J. Kirkman, S. Williamson, C. Irey, D. Plank. Second Row: K. Thompson, D. Wright, B. Wiest. Third Row: P. Ethridge, D. Busa, W. Beach, H. Valentine, B. Morris.
SECTION 7-10 First Row: S. Duffy, M. Oyler: S. DePietro, H. Casaccio, S. Stoffregen, L. Kutz, A. Fegan. Sec· ond Row: E. Symington, W. Manderfield, J. Zizza, E. Kirshner, J. Santangini, H. Valentine, R. Rimato. Third Row: D. Smith, G. Davis.
SECTION 7-11 First Row: B. Duffey, N. Conn, B. Griffiths, B. Watson, I. Michel, C. Clarke, T. Sheffer. Second .Row: L. Cowperthwait, R. Berg, L. Beattie, J. Robinson, P. Stepien, L. Park. Third Row: M. Bortman, P. Tadd, J. Hudson, B. Strayer, B. Paine, J. Flocco, K. Wafter. Fourth Row: K. Dixon, 1. Schoenniger, B. Patton, R. PurcelL M. Lamb, G. Acers, A. Zollman, C. Tarnoff.
SECTION 7-12 First Row: L. Burk, D. George, H. McKay, P. McCormick, R. Borst, J. Hoff, L. Lennan. Second Row: D. Dayton, J. Balsley. P. Frick, T. Dilli· plane, W. Clark, D. White, S. Johnson. Third Row: B. Weniger, D. Replogle, T. Redfern, S. Hill, L. Wagner, P. Pichaske, B. Metz.
SECTION 7-13 First Row: B. Curry, S. McCall, J. Stettler, R. Hallowell, L. Gordon, J. Watt, P. Avila. Second Row: D. Ferrell, H. Hunt, V. Hall, E. Rives, J. Fullmer, D. Erickson, R. Phillips, R. Polilli. Third Row: R. LeFever, B. Johnson, R. Fahnestock, L. Milkowski, K. Prager, L. Anthonsen, T. Coste. Fourth Row: D. Brubaker, J. Berezuy, R. Miller.
S~CTION 7-14 First Row: B. Smith, C. Irey, M. Walsh, S. Flynn, M. Warren, B. Single, F. Mongiello. Second Row: G. Gulezian, A. Evangelist, J. Erace.
The Red and White Trucks Are Always in Your Community SPECIALISTS IN Oil Burner Service Burner and Automatic Heating Installation Vacuum Cleaning
M. PAUL PAYNE CO. FUEL OIL Since 1935 801 Clifton Avenue, Collingdale, Pa. LUdlow 3-5200
MA 6-1300
ALPINE INN 642 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Del. Co., Pa.
For Expert Prescription Service It's
Free Delivery
KI 4-3355
A strange looking image, isn't it? King Nebuchadnezzar thought it was strange too, over twenty-five hundred years ago. And so he sought the meaning of this dream (in which it appeared to him) from the prophet Daniel. The meaning was given and Nebuchadnezzar was told of the overthrow that was soon to remove his prophecy of Daniel with World History. The first five parts of this prophecy have come to pass EXACTLY as they were forewld. Babylon fell to the Medo-Persians; fell to the Greeks; Greece fell to Rome. And with the decline of the Roman Empire, there has never been complete world dominance by one nation. .Turn to your Bibles now and read the final part of this prophecy. Daniel 2:43-44. The first five parts of the prophecy have been completed-only one part remains; ... "the God of Heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed." Will you be there? Read your Bibles! Prepare for this event!
THE CHRISTADELPHIAN BIBLE SOCIETY 3220 Nottingham Drive, Pittsburgh 35, Pa.
Send for free Bible literature. Send any Bible question.
Woodland Avenue and Powell Road SPRINGFIELD, DEL. CO., PA. BILL KOLYNYCH General Manager Klngswood
Springfield Fire Company Teaching Your Chjj-dren Fire Prevention
MORRON I & SONS Expert Workmanship for Over 20 Yrs. Insurance Work "Our Specialty"
Touch Up Work-Refinishing 24-Hr. Towing Service 315 Yale Ave., Morton, Pa. KI 3-9635
Baltimore and Penn Sts. CLIFTON HEIGHTS, PA.
A Friend
MA 3-0200 Agent for Greyhound Van Lines
MADSEN, INC. Plumbing, Heating, Remodeling 7250 Marshall Road UPPER DARBY, PA.
CL 9-3000
S Family Restaurant Pizzeria Complete Take-Out Banquet Facilities 313 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Pa. KI 3-1202
LOREN FLOWER SHOPPE Flowers for All Occasions Ed Needles Phone MA 2-0811
416 North Springfield Rd. Clifton Hgts., Pa.
SPRINGFIELD HARDWARE COMPANY Full Line of Hardware Toys Paints Gifts
II East Woodland Avenue Springfield, Pa.
KI 3-6212
:~f ,.
. /
Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave. . Springfield, Pa. Ir......r--~. "'-.,.
._- .
BILL WAY'S ATLANTIC SERVICE Lubrication, Wash, Simonize Free Pickup and Delivery Service 24-Hour Service
SUnset 9-9965
State Rd. and Township Line Drexel Hill, Pa.
KELLER AND WOLF Paving-Excavating
Dig it!
170 Reese Road Springfield, Pa.
Keller KI 3-1135 Wolf KI 3-2650
J. G. RENTAL CO. N. W. Corner Marshall .Rd. and Plumstead Ave. Lansdowne, Pa. RENT IT MAdison 6-3146 Sanding Machines Power Tools Painters Equipment
CLASS OF 1961 Compliments of Compliments of
'MAJOR DAVID L. FORDE U.S. Marine Corps, Ret'd
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Merchants' Association SPRINGFIELD, PA.
II Timothy 2:15
In Business
for Your Health
Saxer Ave. and Hart Lane SPRINGFIELD, PENNA.
Current Interest Rate on Savings Accounts
Springfield's Oldest Drug Store Free Delivery KI 3-1066
MARGARET G. PINE Realtor KI 4-3656
Ballymore Road at Woodland Avenue SPRINGFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA
"Dependable Quality Always"
14 East Woodland Ave.
35 E. Woodland Avenue KI 3-7078
DON EASTMAN, Prop. KI 3-3500
CURL'S ESSO SERVICE State and Sproul Roads SPRINGFIELD, DEL. CO., PA. KI 3-9640
Western Union Joe KI 3-1454
Free Delivery
SPRINGFIELD MARKET Meat-Groceries-Produce Free Delivery KI 3-1209
440 N. Springfield Road CLIFTON HEIGHTS, PA.
186 Saxer Ave.
Quality Meats
Free Delivery-Phone MA 3-4021
Open Sunday
7:30 to 1:30
Compliments of
Delaware County's Largest Chevrolet Dealer
Towing and Road Service
BOVAN DANIEL J. BOVE, Builder 28 E. Woodland Ave. SPRINGFIELD, PA.
Official State Inspection Providence Rd. and Oak Ave. ALDAN, PA. MA 3-9791
MA 6-8000
KI 3-1763
Best Wishes to the Class of '61
LOWNES FLOWERS 255 E. Woodland Ave. SPRINGFIELD, PA. KI 3-1017
LE 2-2106
Famous for Quality and Service
& GIFTS Baltimore Pike SPRINGFIELD, PA. KI 3-1600
TR 6-5447
KI 3-9520
Clifton Heights MA 3-2442
Springfield, Pa.
33 N. State
815 Edgerrlont
Compliments Best Wishes to the Class of
of A
Penn Pines Shopping Center MA 2-0905
Baltimore Pike
Don't go 'round in circles-patronize our advertisers!
Best Wishes to the Class of
Certified Lubrication
FRANK McGONIGLE DRUGS Garrett and Shadeland State and Township DREXEL HILL
190 Saxer
The peoples' choice-Scrivener advertisers. ALDAN-DREXEL HILL
Alexander Realtor MA 3-4433 CL 9-4400
110 Market St.
Home Styre Candies
Springfield and Bishop Clifton Heights MA 3-9926
Ornamental I ron Works
7239 Saybrook Avenue
KI 4-1484
GOCHENAUR MARINE COMPANY 2446 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia 33, Pa.
CLAUDE H. MARSTON Insurance Western Saving Fund Building Phila. 7, Pa.
WALT'S HOAGIE SHOP Powell and Woodland KI 4-5828
Success to the Class of 1961
KI 3-9616
IRVIN STERN Dress Tuxedos for Hire 108 W. State Street Media, Pa. ME 6-0310
General Insurance
427 McClatchy Building
Furniture and Carpets Morton, Pa.
Home Improvement MA 6-3600
Upper Darby, Pa. GR 6-7474
Realtor-I nsurance
KI 3-9400
Hardware-Housewares Toys-Paint Clifton Heights, Pa. CL 9-9974
Yale Ave., Morton
408 N. Springfield Rd.
361 Baltimore Pike
KI 3-2323
Clifton Heights, Pa.
Springfield, Pa.
Sunoco Service Clifton Heights CL 9-7616
616 Baltimore Pike
KI 3-6299
Estimates and Erections 175
Baltimore Pike and Wilton Road Compliments of Ernie and Staff
l \
Springfield and Brookside Rds. KI 3-9833
ROBERT A. BLACK Adjuster for the Companies 14 E. Woodland Ave. Springfield Congratulations to the Class of '61 From
CITIES SERVICE Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave. KI 3-9874
PROVISIONERS Veal, Beef, Pork Finest Quality
Baltimore Pk. and Chester Road Springfield, Pa. KI 3-9209
Quality Workmanship
182 Saxer Ave. Springfield KI 3-4530
Compliments of
333 Baltimore Pike Springfield KI 3-9877
Compliments to the Graduating Class of 1961 From
Springfield, Pa. KI 4-4976
219 Powell Road
Joe and Nick Sciasci
31 W. State St. Media, Pa. LO 6-3860
FLanders 2-6160
BRIDAL SALON Formals, Graduation, and Prom Dresses Original Designs by Matthew From $28.95 to $45.00
BILL WAY'S ATLANTIC SERVICE Lubrication, Washing Simonizing Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 24-Hour Service
MENARD, Realtors State and Burmont Roads Drexel Hill, Pa. SU 9-6100
GREYHOUND VAN LINES, INC. 4812 Drexel Brook Drive Drexel Hill, Pa. CL 9-3200-0ffice KI 4-01 84-Residence
SUnset 9-9965 State Road and Township Line
DRUGS Garrett Rd. and Shadeland Ave. State Rd. and Township Line Drexel Hill. Pa.
Compliments From
Chosen for Springfield High's Cafeteria
From the
of America
Compliments of
Compliments of
Best Wishes to the Class of '61
Compliments of
WUNDER'S 334 Baltimore Pike KI 3-8192
C & S
Compliments of
Sinclair Service
Yale and Church Morton, Pennsylvania
Greetings the Senior Class of Springfield
RENTAL COMPANY 6 Woodland Ave.
@ J )
Texaco Service Station \. Baltimore Pike and Norwinden. Drive Springfield
29 East Woodland Avenue KI 3-8949 3 Barbers
829 Sproul Road Springfield, Pa. KI 4-5387
Compliments of
2 North Morton Avenue Morton, Pa. KI 3-3313
Real Estate
HAMILTON & KELLEHER 31 East Woodland Ave.
4500 State Road Drexel Hill, Pa. CL 9-3737
KI 4-3610
.... ~: .'
..;: .;:'
KI 3·7820
Compliments of
500 Baltimore Pike Springfield. Pa.
MA 6-1698
Watch Repair
MARELLA'S JEWELRY Religious Articles Appliances-Typewriters
423 N. Springfield Rd. Clifton Heights, Pa.
Est. 1906
AMERICA Congratulations to the Class of '61 From THE SCRIVENER BUSINESS STAFF
A State Certified School Offering Certificate Courses in Operation of Small Offset Presses 1541 Sansom Street Philadelphia 3, Pa.
BA 2-7459
183 ,;. j
.. "
.,';'. , ':',
TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY "rllo World', B..r Yeo,book. A.o l.ylor·"'.d....