1965 Scrivener

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EXPRESSIONS '65 . . . offering ideas in English class about the symbolism in Moby Dick . . . clapping in assembly when Mr. Morgan has "a few announcements" to make . . . painting posters for Tony's campaigns ... staying up all night writing before a term paper is due . . . pounding the candle when it won't light for the Candlelight Service . . . discussing college plans with the deans . . . griping with friends in the hall about an unfairly difficult test . . . running through the park every day at cross country practice . . . hanging up crepe paper for the Soph Hop . . . tearing off to Scottie's for sixth period lunch . . . rising slowly when called to the stage in an awards assembly . .

We enter the school with our youth, our ideals and aspirations, and our individuality. We all must attend classes, do homework, go to assemblies, write book reports, take exams-but we all do these things differently. Because individuality is our most valuable asset, expressing ourselves as individuals is the most important contribution we can make to the school. If we not only store facts and accumulate knowledge, but als~ learn to express ourselves simply and honestly, whatever training we have recei;ved here will have been successful.

"The hope of society is the individual character." -Channing

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ACTIVITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERCLASSMEN PATRONS

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AFTERWORD . . '.' . '. .

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DEDICATION We, the class of nineteen sixty-five, with deep re~pect and sincere affection, dedicate our Scrivener to Mr. Dale E. Fry. He has become well-known in the nine years he has taught at Springfield for the inspiring influence he creates within his classes and his genuine dedication to teaching mathematics. Mr. Fry comes from New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, where he attended high school. Following his graduation' from West Chester State Teachers' College with a B.A. in mathematics in 1956, Mr. Fry came directly to Springfield. He has taught here since then, except for one year in which he earned his M.A. from Ohio State University on a National Science Foundation Scholarship. The first year he was here, Mr. Fry coached the cross-country team and was assistant track coach. He has since become head track coach and initiated the Girls' Track Club, now in its third year. Mr. Fry feels that activities are important to a person's well-being and that it is unhealthy for a teacher to put all of his time into the classroom. He himself finds satisfaction in coaching sports. In the future he hopes to take a sabbatical leave and work toward his doctorate at one of the educational institutions in the area. May we here convey to him our best wishes and hopes for continued success in his career. We hope Mr. Fry will accept this¡ tribute as a small expression of appreciation for all he has meant to the students of Springfield High School.




It has been my privilege to see most of the 1965 class grow physically and mentally from first graders to seniors. I like what I see and take pride in thinking I have a part in your development. The character of your education will determine your destiny. Courage is essential ~not the heroic type, but the common courage required to be honest, to resist temptation, to speak the truth, to stand up for your convictions and to live honestly within your means. Too many think success consists of having and getting, and of being served by others. In reality, it consists of giving and serving others. Just remember, a great deal of good can be done in the world if we are not too worried about the credit. I shall be watching your future progress from the side lines but with the same sincere interest in your welfare. You have my best wishes for a successful and enjoyable life and may you leave indelible footprints in the sands of time.

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r L. Halderman


1 DR. ]. LEONARD HALDERMAN Superintendent of Schools


SCHOOL BOARD: Standing: William Butler, William Best, Dr. William Geigle. Seated: Elizabeth Pusey, Morton Potter, William Jones, David Wolstenholme.



ADMINISTRATION SPRINGFIELD Give of your best and the best will come back to you. You must believe in yourself.

Elu'ooel S. 11,1iller

ELWOOD S. MILLER Administrative Assistant to the Principal

Graduation for some, no doubt, represents the end of a long straight road that was never wide enough to permit the adventure of youth to supersede the wisdom of experience. The road bends now and meets a many-pronged intersection that invites each to choose his way bearing his tools of knowledge and training. He selects-he must make a choice-and then proceed in earnest, many with yet a guiding hand but each eager to set his own course on this considerably wider artery. Occasionally inspiration may come fr~m a glance back, to view the accomplishments done well enough but not really well enough done. Always ahead there is another, much broader and more complex network of highways each leading to another. The traveler who profits from experience in the past surely enjoys the advantages of the present and anticipates the opportunities of the future.

Brtlce B. l'VIorgc/11

BRUCE B. MORGAN Assistant Principal, Senior High Grades

The members of the class' of '65 will continue their education in college, in industry; or in the Armed Forces, for Springfield High School has provided a soupd foundation for future accomplishment. Yours is a period of great scientific achievement and change that has been developed through the endeavors and research of educated men. The challenge of the future requires that each pupil must develop to his greatest potential to help our nation remain strong and progressive.

George D. Thomas

GEORGE D. THOMAS Assistant Principal, Junior High Grades








The world cares little for what you know, or what your ability is. You are judged on what you do with what you have. The fellow with all the so called "ability" is not always the fellow who makes the most worthwhile contributions. The individuals who read about what others do and think but never do or think for themselves will bring about little, if any, improvements in this world. Don't worry about what God gave you; do something about it.

To the first class with whom we have had the good fortune of working as deans: It is our pleasure to congratulate you and to wish you God speed in your years of further schooling and in lives of service to your fellow men. Alta Petersol/, David J. Burger

Elsie A. Del/ice, Thomas A. Gartside Today's world is ours; tomorrow's world is yours; use your abilities effectively so that you produce a better world. William Mackrides


J. BURGER, ALTA PETERSON Junior High Guidance



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SENIOR HIGH SECRETARIES; Margaret Clark, Margaret Samuels, Marguerite Roberts, Mary Singer




GUIDANCE SECRETARIES: Ruth Haenle, Edythe Petre

JUNIOR HIGH SECRETARIES: Doris Fancher, Charlotte' Hutchenson

DISTRICT SECRETARIES; Dorris Dalton, Helen Walker, Evelyn Ricketts, Diane Meisenhelder, Pauline Pattoh, Florence Ehrig, Doris Northington '




JANE BRUSCH Health, Physical Education





HARRY BELL Health, Physical Education

HELEN BROWN Mathematics

JOSEPH CANNON Driver Education


ELEANOR crvATELLA Social Studies





ANGELA CORBIN Social Studies .

JANICE A. DECKER German, Spanish




IRENE S. DI PAUL Chemistry

GERALD C. DOEMLING General Science





ROBERT FILSON Social Studies






Social Studies

JANET A. GIBSON Special Class













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Social Studies

Health, Physical Education





JAMES F. HORNADAY Social Studies

GEORGE A. IRVIN Mathematics


WINONA D. KNAPP Home Economics

ALBERT M. JONES Social Studies



HARRY LEMMON General Science


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RANDOLPH LEE Mathematics









DAVID M. McCLINTOCK Industrial Arts

GLENN O. LONG Chemistry

MABEL T. MacGREGOR Home Economics

JOAN MATTIA Mathematics

NADA McBREARTY Health, Physical Education

ROBERT McCOACH Industrial Arts

CHARLES L. McCOY Industrial Arts

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NEIL 1. McFADDEN Health, Physical Education·

WILLIAM A. MORGAN Industrial Arts

JOHN 1. McINTIRE French, German


A. WAYNE MOWERY General Science




RALPH]. PATRICK Industrial Arts








JOHN J. PEOPLES Driver Education

FRANK RYBA General Science





JOSEPH J. 1. SEMEISTER Chemistry, Biology \



RENA G. ROBBINS Mathematics


ELVIRA H. SANBE Social Studies

KARL R. SCHAEFER Social Studies

RICHARDSON SHOEMAKER Health, Physical Education




HAROLD E. TAUSSIG Social Studies

RENEE VALENTE English, Spanish


JOHN ]. STINSON Social Studies

JOSEPH J. STUMPF Social Studies

A. RANDALL TEAF General Science

EUGENE A. TROIANO Physical Science


LUCY C. W ALCZUK Russian, French





JAMES W. WEAVER Mathematics

ALBERT J. WENTZ Industrial Arts

ROYR. WENTZ Mathematics

GEORGE F. WERLEY Mathematics

NOTPJCTURED: LEATA KAUTZ RICHARD S. MILLER MURIEL H. SANTMYERS "EI5ITI;I BIGELOW, leave of absence HAZEL NEELY, leave of absence WILBUR SCHOPF, leave of absence ADA PEEL, leave of absence



Watch the knees girls-here comes Elsie.


We're out of N. Y. now, Stan.

We're gonna launch it at 2:00 P.M. Sorry-no money, only stamps.

. The most important thing about learning how to smile is practice, practice, practice. I guess the Thanksgiving c(owd has dropped off a little this year.

I use Kiwi. How about you?

Get him!

That's. not nice to say about Mr. Spennato.



Food for thought? I .

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ATHLETIC DIRECTORS: Albert Jones, William Campbell



LIBRARIANS: Patricia Norman, Margaret Graham, Marie Walter, Alice Klineburger, Florence Gallagher


Evelyn Wend Ie, Margaret Sharer, Nurses

Verne K. Witchey, Dental Hygienist

Whoops! Wrong wall.


CAFETERIA STAFF: D. Maker, H. Ferrante, A. Massaro, A. Manera, ]. Hall, D. Baley, M. Kapp, A. Thomas, F. Lutz, L. Dalton, S. Dalton, V. Martin A. Marinaro

Doris Newman, Director of Cafeteria

BUS DRIVERS: C. Johnson, ]. Gabany, ]. .Paulina, D. Brooks, R. Greenfield, E. Taylor, R. Thornton, ]. Athey James Wilson, Director of Maintenance; Stanley Pasternak, Head Custodian


MAINTENANCE STAFF: J. McLacklan," W. Dracup, A. Richardson, W. Pergolini, W. BeddalI, J. Wilson


¡ .. when you're having mQre than one ...

"Shy One .. ." -which one?


~~.~ Two is company, four is ridiculous!

Will the real Mrs. Werner please step forward?



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OFFICERS: Tony Santa Barbara, President; Sandy Robinson, Vice-President; Sue Robb, Beacher, Treasurer

Secretary; Doug

ADVISORS: Robert Filson, Jane Brusch, Thomas Gartside

After you're done with the pulse, will you check the oil?


Some drinking fountain!

EDWARD JOHN ABEL Eddie Student Council 2; Chess and Checkers Club 4; Gym Club 3. Prize Possessioll: My money. A/ways Seell: In Mr. Morgan's office.

DANIEL RONALD ACCHIONE Dall Football 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Dramatics Club 4; Play Cast 4. Pet Peeve: People with ''£ig Heads". Hobb)': Acting.

RUTH ANN AIKEN Ruthie Student Council 2; Hockey 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Prom Committee 3; Dramatics Club 2; Gym Aide 2, 3, 4; Executive Council 3. Favorite Saying: "Bob-You're so dumb!" A/ways Seen: With Bob.

JOHN CHRISTIAN AISENBREY Johll Tennis 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 3; Hi-Y 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; JETS 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Band 2; Spri-Hian, Editorial Staff 4. Prize Possession: My ignorance.

DENNIS ELLIOT ALDERMAN Dennis Camera Club 2; Debating Club 3; Art Club 4. A/ways Seen: Working at the Car Wash. Secret Ambition: To be a Senator.

HELEN ALDRED He/ Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; F.T.A. 3; F.N.A. Vice-President 4; Spri-Hian Busi. ness Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Library Assistant 2; Expression '65 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Bowling 3, 4. Pet Peeve: Doing proofs at the board. Favorite Saying: "Guess what? I have a few more hundred hours."

THOMAS EDWARD ALLOWAY Tom Bowling 4; Hi-Y 4; Sports Club 2. . Hobby: Swimming. Career: Chemical Engineer.

SUSAN LOU ANDERSON Sue Scriveller Business Manager 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; Intramural Volleyball 3, 4; Varsity Club 4. Sen·e!. Ambitioll: To teach "Understandable Physics f0" the Common Man. Remembered For: Impeccable French.



Operators' Club 4; Dramatics Club 4, Favofite Sayillg: "What say dere, Sport?" Always Seell: At the firehouse.


Band 3, 4; Chess and Checkers Club 4; Marietta High School: Student Council 2; Golf Team 2; Dramatics Club 2; Band 2; German Club 2. Favofite Sayillg: "Take Five." Always Seell: At Chez VOllS.


Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2; Expression '65 2; Indoor Track 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Track 2, 3, 4; World Affairs Club 4. -j'avofite Sayillg: "Over hill, over vale we will folIow Mr. Dale." Pet Peeve: Short people.


Student Council 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 4; Chorus 3; Choir 4. Favofite Sayillg: "You are looking good," Remembered FOf: Always talking to someone.




Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3; SCfivelief Editorial Staff 4; F.T.A. 2, 3,4; Spanish Club 3. Favofite Sayillg: "I get it." Pet Peeve: Mr. DelNegro


Football 3, 4; Cross Country 2; Basketball 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Student Council 2; Dramatics Club 4; Bridge -Club 3. Pet Peeve: Edwina. Favofite Sayillg: "If you're lucky."

HARRY ANTHONY BAKOW HaffY Pfize Possessioll: My rabbit. Cal' eel': Teaching.


Cross Country 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Sports Club 2; Ping Pong Club 4; Wres.tling 2; Gym Team 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3. Favorite Sayillg: "There's always a time and place for everything." Secfet Ambitioll: To win a cross country race.


Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Triple Trio 4; Prom Committee 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2; F.N.A. 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Dramatics Club 4. FatJorite Saying: "Hi, Mr. Semeister-How are you doing?" Secret Ambition: To go to Liverpool.

KAREN ELIZABETH BARNUM Keb ScritJener Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; F.N.A. 2, 4;

Nurses' Aide 3, 4; Expression '65 2. Favorite Saying: "Not too q·uick." A/ways Seen: Blushing.




West Islip H.S., Long Island, N.Y.: Basketball 1. Fallorite Saying: "What's the story?:' Remembered For: Just being a new kid.


Soccer 3; Track 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Sports Club 4. Remembered For: The open House Gang-Jailbird Division. Secret Ambition: To join the P.G.A. Tournament.


Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3 Co-captain, 4; Track 2, 4; Baseball 3; Student Council 3; Service Club 2, 3, 4. Favo1'ite Saying: "You kiddin' me?" A/ways Seen: On the bench.


Class Treasurer 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, Captain 4; World Affairs Club 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Student Council 3; Orchestra 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Cross Cquntry 2; Gym Team 2, 3. Favorite Saying: "Nyeeh, Hello." A/ways Seen: Studying(?).


Soccer 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; Bridge Club 2; Gym Team 2, 3. Prize Possession: A little toy turtle. A/ways Seen: With a blonde, F.B.


Dramatics Club Secretary 4; Student Council 2; Rifle Team 4; Chess and Checkers Club 2. Secret Ambitio'n: To someday pass a physics test. Favorile Saying: "Don't panic."




Baseball 2; Football 2;' Metal Shop Club 4; Sports Club 2. Pet Peeve: Unbelievable trig, tests. Always Seen: Over Carafa's watching him work on his '56 Mercury,

CAROLYN MARIE BIGOTTI Caml Scl'ive/lel' Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 4; Prom Com-

mittee 3; Bridge Club 3; Art Club 4. Pet' Peev~: Gyin days. Always Seen: Driving around with Arlene.


Executive Council 2; Band 3, 4; Gym Team 2, 3; Bowling 3, Treasurer 4; Prom Committee 3; Golf Team 4; Interscholastic Bowling 4; Sports Club 2, 3. Always Seen: With a tall dark-haired Cougarette. Prize Possession: My tiger tail.


Hi-Y 4; Student Council 2, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Golf Team 2, 3, 4; Bowling 4; Expression '65, 2. Hobby: Making our librarians mad. Prize Possession: Physics lab book autographed by Mr. Stephens.


Executive Council 2; Dramatics Club 4; Track 4. Favol'ite Saying: "It's all right." Secret Ambition: To go around the world.


Dental Club 2; Art Club 3; F.TA 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. R.emembel'ed For: Being in a hurry. Pet Peeve: Pokey people.


Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Thespian Treasurer 2; Latin Club 2;' Homecoming Float Committee 2; Band 2; Pep Club 2; Soph Dance Committee 2; Ripon High School: Swimming Club 3; F.N.A. 3; Co-Editor of Newspaper 3; Dramatics Club 3; Homecoming Court 3; Prom Committee 3; Chorus 3. Pet Peeve: People asking me if,I'~ from a foreign country. Career: Public Health nurse.


Dramatics Club 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Expression '65 2, 3; Play Cast 4. R.emembered For: Eating lunch under the tree. Favorite Memory: Winnie-The-Pooh Appreciation Day.


PATRICIA ANNE, BOBLASKY Pat Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Dental Assistant 2, 4; Bowling 2. Prize Possession: My Joan Baez records. Favorite Saying: "Holy Cow!"

VICKI TERESA BOCCELLI Vic Bowling 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Prom Committee 3; F.T.A. 4;' Scrivener Typing Editor 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Quill and Scroll 4. Favorite Memory: First love. Secret Ambition: To go to Spain.

DEBORAH BOILEAU Deb Student Council 2; Lacrosse 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3. P1'he Possession: My teddy bear. Favo1'ite Saying: "Everything is .under control."

MICHEL BOKOBZA Mike Student Council 4; Soccer 4; Track 4; Exchange Student 4. Secret Ambition: To be as great as Mr. Shoemaker. Favorite Saying: "Come on now! You're kidding."

KAREN JANE BOWER Abby Dental Assistant 3; Dental Club 3; F.N,A. 4; Gym Aid 3; Bowling 4. Favorite Saying: "Be good, ... and try." Remembered For: Her notes.

KATHLEEN M. BOWES Kathy F.B.L.A. 2, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivener Bu'siness Staff 4; Secretary, Music Department 4; Office Aide ~. Pet Peeve: Gym. SeC1-et Ambition: To marry a millionaire.

SUSAN BOYD S1Ie Dramatics Club 4; Girls Track 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Rifle Team 4; Prom Committee 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Expression '65 2; Play Cast 4. Favorite Saying: "Nine out of ten cases chickens have legs." Remembered For: Taking the Sharon Hill trolley.

MADELEINE MARY BRADFIELD Mimi Chorus 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Spri-Hian 3, 4; French Club 3, Treasurer 4; Choir 3, 4; District Chorus 3, 4; Regional Chorus 4; Bridge Club 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; F.N.A. 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Triple Trio 3; Senior Play Committee 4. Favorite Saying: "Hi, Guys!" 35 Hobby: Music, what else?



THOMAS DELANO BRADSHAW Tom Soccer 2; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; JETS 2, 4, Vice.president 3; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; World Affairs Club 4; Play Committee 4. Favorite Saying: "Don't worry about it!" Pet Peeve: Work.

CYNTHIA ANNE BRANTON Cindy Student Council 3; Tri·Hi;Y 2; Bowling 3, 4; F.B,L.A. 4; F.N.A., Treasurer 4; Scriveiler Business Staff 4; Spri·Hian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Sayiilg: "You're kidding?" Always Seen: In a blue '57 Plymouth.

ROBERT JAMES BRAYBROOKS Bob Cross Country 2, 3; District Band 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Track 4; Band 2, 3, President 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Student Conductor 4; Brass Choir 3; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; State Band 3, 4; All·Eastern Orchestra 4. Favorite Memory: The year with Mr. Stephens. Secret Ambition:' To sleep in class and get away with it.

MARTHA SUSAN BRESSLER Martha Bowling 2; Band 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 2, '3, 4; Executive Council 4. Favorite Memory: Summer of '64. Sen'et Ambition: (It's a secret!)

PETER JAMES BRIDGINS Pete Football 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 4. Always Seen: With a little blonde. Prize Possession: White levis and desert boots.

KATHLEEN ELIZABETH BROWN Kathy F.T.A. 2; Tri·Hi·Y 2, 4, Chaplain 3; Spri·Hian Business Staff 4; Gym Aide 4; Expression '65 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Library Assistant 4. Favorite Saying: "Really? Don't be sarcastic" P1-ize Possessio/I: People who call me Kathleen.

PAMELA GAY BROWN Pam. Spri:tIian Editorial Staff 2, 3: Junior High Liaison Editor 4; F.T.A. 3; , Bowling 2; Scrive1ler Editorial Staff 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Great Books Club 4. Favorite Saying: "Du Mein Schreck!" Secret Ambition: To marry an Austrian baron.

MARIANNE BRUNING Marianne Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Tri·Hi·Y 2; F.N.A. 3; Dramatics Club 4; Chorus 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri·Hian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Gym Aide 4; Soph Hop Com· mittee 2; Play Cast 4. Secret Ambition: To make the highest grade on a Mr. Fry test. (Above a 67) Pet Peeve: My sophomore gym class in senior year,


Coin Club 2; Sports Club 3; Rocket Club 4. Favorite Saying: "Watch it, big boy!" Remembered For: Looking around for "Curves".


National Honor Society 3, 4; Class Secretary 3; Tri-Hi-Y Secretary 3; F.T.A. 2; Bowling 2, 3; Spri-Hian 2, 3; Operator's Club 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; National Merit Semi-finalist 4; Office Aide 3; Scrivenel' Editorial Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Expression '65 2; Prom Committee 3. Favorite Saying: "Procrastination is a thief of time." Pet Peeve: Wearing shoes.


Student Council 2. Remembered For: The open house of Friday night, Oct. 9. A/ways Seen: Behind bars.


Dramatics Club 3, 4; Vice President 2; Soph Hop Committe~ 2; Prom Committee 3; Cheerleader 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. A/ways Seen: With a brown-haired wrestler. Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party.


F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Student Council 3; Gym Aide 2. Pet Peeve: Cafeteria study halls. Remembered For: Talking about Nick.


Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Cuugarettes 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 3; Dramatics Club 2; Debating Club 3; Great Books Club 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Gym Aide 3. Favorite Saying: "I did it myself and it sure looks it." Remembered For: Being in Cougarettes.


F.T.A. 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball 4; Prom Committee 4. Favorite Sa)'ing: "When is this period over?" P,·ize Possession: My blue Corvair.


Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3; President 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Bowling 3; Prom Committee 3; Office Aide 3; Gym Aide 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "But, I was only being friendly! ..." Remembel'ed Fol': Talking with my hands,

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WILLIAM GRAHAM CALE Bill Bridge Club 2; Hi-Y 4; Tennis 2, 3,4. Remembered For: Cutting up John. Secret Ambition: To ride a Honda to California.

RICHARD WILLIAM CAMPBELL Rich Basketball 3, Co-captain 4; Baseball 3; Track 3, 4. Bonner: Football 2; Basketball 2; Track 2; Student Council 2; Glee Club 2; Rifle Club 2. Secret Ambitioll.: To work at Scotty's.

:!IL CHARLES ALBERT CANTLEY Chuck Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2; 4; Indoor Track 4; Sports chib 2, 3, 4. Favorite Saying: "Hiya, Butcher!" Always Seell: At drive-in movies.

PHILIP DAVID CAPUS Dave Basketball· 2, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Hi·Y 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Remembered For: My GaUopin' Green Plymouth. Always Seen: Headin' Southwest.

JOSEPH VINCENT CARAFA Joe Remembered For: My '56 Mercury. Secret Ambition: To run at Indianapolis.

MARJORIE JUNE ANN CARAS Carrot Prom Committee 4. Upper Darby High School: Dental Assistant 3; Gym Aide 3. Prize Possession: My rings. Pet Peeve: Boys who talk about pool all the time.

ANGELINA ANN MARIA CARBONARO Cookie Student Council 2; Tennis 2; F.B.L.A. 3, 4; Girls' Track 3; Exec· utive Council 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 2. Remembered For: Laughing at my own jokes. Plit Peeve: Cafeteria food and teachers.

JOHN ARTHUR CARLIN King Bowling 4; Interscholastic Bowling 4; Sports Club 2. Pet Peeve: Alloway's explanations for everything. Favorite Saying: "Quail."

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Bridge Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Prize Possession: My brother's car. Pet Peeve: 4th period lunch.

EDWARD CHARLES CASSIDY Ed Gym Team 2; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Sports Club 3, 4. Remembered For: Throwing chairs overboard. Always Seen: At the Family Drive-in.


Soccer 2, 3; Sports Club 2; Dramatics Club 4; Prom Committee 3; Executive Council 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Student Council 2; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2. Favodte Saying: "Ruth, you're so dumb!" Always Seen: With Ruth.



WILLIAM GARY CHANDLER Bill Rifle Team 3, 4; Dramatics Club 4; Biology Club 3; Executive Council 3, 4. Always Seen: Looking for a rabbit. Hobby: Submarine racing.

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Hockey 2; Student Council 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Triple Trio 4; Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Expression '65 2, 3. P,·ize Possession: F.B.D.A. Key. Favorite Memory: Upper Darby-Class of '64 ... Right, Tace?






Metal Club 2, 4. Remembered For: Green Dodge and White Valiant. Always Seen: At Scotty's.





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Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 4; Majorette 2, 3, Sergeilnt 4; F.N.A. 2, 3, 4; Tennis 4. Favorite Saying: "How about that '" Pet Peei'e: Cutting tough steak.


Soccer 2; Rifle Team 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Bowling 4; World Affairs Club 4; Play Cast 4. Remembered For: Hot Tempest. Always Seen: Smiling?



Tri-Hi-Y 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; F.T.A. 3; Prom Committee 3, 4; Bridge Club 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4. Favoriie Saying: "Oh yeah?" Prize Possession: My telephone.


Gym Aide 4; F.T.A. 4; Chorus 2, 3; F.B.L.A. 4; ScriveJIer Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Dramatics Club 3; Prom Committee 3. Always SeeJI: With Steve. Pet Peeve: Motor scooters.


Band 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Dance Band 4; Rifle Club 2; District Band 4. Secret Ambition: To be a bum. Prize Possession: An A-oo·gha horn.


Ping Pong Club 4; Chess and Checkers Club 3, Favorite Saying: Censored. Always SeeJI: At the fire house.


Balld 2,' 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; District Band 3, 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Scrivener Copy Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Debating Club 3; Great Books Club 4. Fatlorite Saying: "But he's nice!" Remembered For: Eating lunch under the tree.


Orchestra 3, 4; Chess Club 4. Ridley Township: Wrestling 2; Student Council 2. Favorite Saying: "Smile!" Prize Possession: '64 Honda "90"


F.B.L.A. 2; Biology Club 3; Tri-Hi·Y 4; Bowling 2, 3. Remembered For: A tree backing into my car. Prize Possession: My Corvair.


F.T.A. Vice-President 3, President 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, News Editor 4; JETS 4; Colorguard '2, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Expression'65 2, 3. !?-emembered For: One clean gymsuit a year. Pet Pee/Ie: Idiots.


SALVATORE ARMEN COLUCCI Sal Always Seen: At the M&M. Favorite Memory: Taking two lunch periods.

MARTIN MICHAEL CONNER Molly Remembered For: Being full of grease with a wrench in my hand. Pl'ize Possession: Noreen's love.

JUDITH ANN CONNOLLY ludy Tri-Hi-Y 2; Dental Club 4; Gym Aide 4; Library Assistant 3. Remembered For: Being moody. Pet Peeve: Over-dramatic people.

JONATHAN PETER CONTOMPASIS Greek Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Expression '65 2; Hi-Y 4; Biology Club 2; Intramural Basketball 2. Remembered For: Taking two baths a yeal'-whether I need them or not. Prize Possession: Twelve gallons of embalming fluid and a pine coffin.


10 F.B.L.A. 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Bowling 4; Secretary, Wood Shop Department 4. Remembered For: Passing notes. Pl'ize Possession: My driver's license.

WILLIAM CORNELIUS CORCORAN Stone Hands Football 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Art Club 2; Sports Club '3, 4. Secret Ambition: To coach at Springfield. Prize Possession: Goal marker from U.M.

ELLA BEA CORSON Spice Soph Hop Committee 2; Expression '65 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Operators Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Gym Aid 4; Intramural Volleyball 2; Proin Committee 3; Rifle Team 4; Spri-Hian Business and Editorial Staffs 2, 3, 4; Play Cast 4. Favorite Saying: "Wonderful! When I can get it started!" Remembered For: Her laugh?

FRANK HARWOOD CORWIN, JR. Steve Metal Shop 4; Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. Always Seen: With Jayne. Prize Possession: My Motor Scooter.






Gym Team 2; Rocket Club 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Regional Band 2. Secret Ambition: To be a phrenologist. Favorite Memory: Roll call in Mr. Stephens' class.

WILLIAM PARK CRAMER Bill Bonner: St. Edmonds Guild 2; Intramural Sports 2, 3. A/ways Seen: At Holy .Cross dances. Prize Possession: My 1945 television.


Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball Sports Club 3, 4. Favorite Saying: "Ya nailed 'em, Jud." Remeinbel'ed For: Great hands fOf punt returns.


3, 4; Service Club 3, 4;


Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Bridge Club 4. Prize Possession: The picture in my locker. Pet Peeve: Seven man sled.


Chorus 2, 3, '4; Dental Club 3; President 4; F.B.l.A~ 2, ness Staff 4; Secretary, Science Department 4. Remembered For: Being the youngest. Pet Peeve: The absence of male-mail.


Spri-Hian Busi-

DONALD ROBERT CUNNINGHAM Don Scl'ivenel' Editorial Staff 4; Bowling 4; World Affairs Club 4. Favorite Saying: "I thought the bell would never ring." Sm.# Ambition: To be a latin scholar.


Bonner: Bowling 2; Sports Club 2. Prize Possession: '59 Ford. Pet Peeve: The Ivy'league fantasies of our school.


Band 2; lacrosse 2; Girls' Track Club 2; Expression '65 2, 3; Intramurals 3, 4 Captain 2; F.T.A. 3; Prom Committee 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Gym Aide 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Great Books Club 4. Favol-ite Saying: "Bugs me to pieces." Secret Ambition; To act my age. 42

MARILYN J. DALRYMPLE Marilyn Student Council 2; Nurses' Aide 3, 4; Home Economics Club 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Bowling 4; F.B.L.A. 3, President 4; Secretary, Physical Education Department 4. Favorite Saying: "What's this action?" Fa'vol'ite Memory: November 28, 1963.

NANCY ADELE DAVIDSON Nancy F.B.L.A. 2, 3. Remembered For: My gray hair.

MYRA LOUISE DAVIS Mi Band Manager 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; F.T.A. 3. Favorite Saying: "You're kidding. Really?" Secret Ambition: To be a flirt.

KENNETH THOMAS DAWS Ken Coin Club 2. Pet Peeve: Short lunch periods. Remembered FOl': Talking like Mr. Merbreier.

GLORIA ANNE DelCOLLIANO Glo Library Assistant 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Bridge Club 3; Art Club 2; F.T.A. 3; French Club 4. Favorite Saying: "I don't believe it!" Career: Advanced Physics teacher.

JEAN OLIVIA DeFOREST Jeanne Chorus 2; F.B.L.A. 2; Spanish Club 3; Secretary, History Department 4. Secret Ambitioil: To be an air stewardess. Prize Possession: My pearl ring.

DIANE ELLEN DEMPSEY Dee Tri·Hi·Y 2,3; Bowling 4; Library Assistant 2. Favorite Saying: "What a fink!" Remembered For: Solving others' problems.

JAMES MARTIN DeROSE Jim Hi-Y 3, Vice-President 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Vertebrate Zoology Club 2. Secret Ambition. To be a coach. Pet Reeve: Our very own dust bowl.


RICHARD THOMAS DETSKAS Rich Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Hi-Y 4; Vertebrate Zoology Club 3; Executive Council 4; Bowling 4. Favorite Saying: ''I'm not kiddin' ya, it hurts! Favorite Memory: My junior year with the low hurdles.

JANET DIAMOND Church Mouse Student Council 3, 4; Executive Council 3; Hockey 2, 3; Tri-Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Pet Peeve: Four-inch walls and ten-year-old boys in closets.

LINDA DiCICCO Cic Cheerleading 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, Vice-President 3, 4; ScriveIJer Business Staff 4. Always SeeIJ: With Michael. Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party.

ANITA DiRENZO Nita Tri-Hi-Y 2; Chorus 4; Gym Aide 2; Spanish Club 3. Remembered For: Doing a split on the balance beam. Secret Ambition: To be a dance'r in "West Side Story."

HENRY THOMAS DiSALVO Hank Soccer 2; Expression '65 3; Track 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Dramatics Club 3, 4; Executive Council 4; Play Cast 4. I1lways Seen: Wearing a red baseball hat. P";ze Possession: My red X-L convertible.

ELLEN KENT DOWNES EJ Basketball 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2;. Prom Committee 3; National Merit Semifinalist 4. Remembered For: Being a charter member of TAA. Favorite Memory: Riding in Ray's yellow Jeep.

SUZANNE MONELL DOYLE Sue Chorus 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Volleyball 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 4; Gym Aide 2. Favorite Saying: "I don't believe it." P";ze Possession: My V.W..

ALLAN EDWARD DREELAND Big Al Baseball 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business and Editorial Staff 4; Choir 4; Band 2, 3; Play Cast 4. Always Seen: With Lin. Prize Possession: L.A.W.



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Rifle Club 4; Nether Providence: Football 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Choir 2, 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Chess Club 3; Meistersingers 3. FavOl'ite Saying: "What's this noise?" Pet Peeve: Girls with heavy make-up.


Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3; World Affairs Club 4; Track 4; Sports Club 2. Remembered For: Being injury-prone in football. Pet Peeve: Constitutionals k.....





Tri-Hi-Y 2; Dental Club 3; Dental Assistant 3; Executive Council 2, 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Bowling 4; Cougarettes 4; Spri-Hian Staff 3, 4. Secret Ambition: To reach 5 feet 8 inches! Remembered For: Being under 5 feet 8 inches!


Indoor Track 2; Quill & Scroll 4; Spri-Hian Assistant Editor 4; Dramatics Club, Treasurer 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; JETS 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4. Favorite Sayillg: "I love you," Secret Ambition: To own a toll bridge.


Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Triple Trio 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Hockey 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; prom Committee 3; Expression '65 2. Remembered For: Wearing a fake hair piece. Always See/I: With Denny.


Tri-Hi-Y 2; Bridge Club 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Bowling 4; Gym Aide 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Expression '65 3; F.B.L.A. 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Secretary, English Department 4. Prize Possession: My Y2 of Flash. Favorite Memory: Weekends at West Point and Annapolis.

JANICE MAE EHLY Kanjas Scrivener Business Staff 4; Chorus 4; Bowling 4; Executive Council 4;

Wichita, Southeast:' Pep Club 2; Class Treasurer 2; Choir 2; Class VicePresident 3. Prize Possession: The F.B.D.A. Key: Favorite Memory: Ratt Fink and the Beatles.


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Football 2, 3; Baseball 2; Chorus 2; Sports Club 2, 3; Chess Club 4; Student Council 2; Executive Council 4. Secret Ambition: To be with Eve in Eden Hobby: Losing friends.





BARBARA LOUISE ESHER Barb Tri-Hi-Y 2; Dental Club 3, 4; FN.A. 4; Gym Aide 4. Remembered For: Having long blonde hair and green eyes. Prize Possessloll: My twenty pairs of pierrpd earrings.

STEPHEN ALLEN EYSTER Steve Sports Club 2,3;' Coin Club 4; Bowling 4; Basketball 3. Favoi'ite Memory: Belmont Hills. Favorite Sayillg: "It's only school."

LINDA ANN EZZIE Ezz Rifle Team 2; Dramatics Club 2, 4; Art Club 3; Library Assistant 2; Bowl· ing 3. Remembered For: Franco and the Beanery. Always Seell: In Marple·Newtown.

CAROLE LYNN FAIRCLOTH Carole Tri-Hi-Y 2, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri.Hian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Bowling 3, 4. Favorite Sayillg: "I don't believe it!" Always Seen: Looking for someone.

ROBERT ALLEN FERRIS Bob Zoology Club 2. 'Pet Peeve: People who drive with their high beams on.

DONNA JEAN FEUQUAY Dotllla' Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball 2; Girls' Track Club 2; Cougar· ettes 2, 3; Executive Council 3; Spri.Hian Editorial Staff 4; Great Books qub 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Scriveller Editorial Staff 4. Favorite Sayillg: ''I'm meditating." Remembered For: Never drinking milk.

ROBERT FRANTZ FISCHER Rob Tennis 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; District Band 2, 4; Regional Band 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Scott's Hi.Q 4. Remembered For: Rigging physics labs. Secret Ambitioll: To seek the great white father.


Bridge Club 2; Dramatics Club 4, Favorite Say;'lg: "Take it slow!" Pet-.Pee/le: Cafeteria food.



Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Secretary 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; World Affairs Club 3; F.T.A. 3; Great Books Club 4; Prom Committee 3. Remembered For: Eating lunch under the tree. Favorite Memory: U.S. Grant's birthday celebration.

CURTIS GEORGE FLIPPIN C/lrt Ben Lomond High School: Rifle Team 2, 3, 4. Remembered For: Interrupting the year. Fa'vo1'ite Memory: All the great kids at S.H.S.

ROBERT AUSTIN FLOHR Stret,h Football 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, Co-captain 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, Secretary 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Chorus Vice-President 2; Choir 3, 4; Student Council Vice-President 4. Remembered For: Being so nice to Judy O'Flynn. Always Seell: At home after football meeting.

DOUGLAS CHARLES FLYNN DO/lg Bowling 3, 4; Gym Team 2, 3; Ping Pong Club 3, 4. Remembered For: Correcting John. Pet Peeve: Bucket seats.

SAMUEL REIDER FOSTER Sam Soccer 3; Wrestling 2, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 3; Student Council 2; Service Club 4. Favorite Saying: "Yes Marie, 1'11 listen." Remembered For: $34.00 fine.

MARIE ELAINE FRALEY Murph Student Council 4; Hockey 2, 3 Captain 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Girls'. Track Club 3, 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "Sam, I have to talk to you." Prize Possession: Membership in V.A.

DEBORAH WILLETS FRAZER Debby Class Vice-President 2; Student Council Secretary 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, President 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Spri-Hian Business and Editorial Staffs 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.T.A. 2, 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; .~ational Honor Society 3, 4; Executive Council 2. Secret- Ambition: To miss sprints. Prize Possession: Membership in V.A.

DIANE LOU FREY Di Basketball 2; Tennis 2, 4; Bowling 3; Chorus 2, 3, 4; .Dental Club 3, 4; Office Aides 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "Sorry about that." Remembered For: Always talking. 47


Remembe.:ed For: '62 Tempest. Secret Ambition: To graduate.

LORRAINE BERYL FUHS Lori Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3; Majorett~ 2; Feature Twirler 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3. Favorite Saying: "Mom, can I have the car tomorrow?" Remembered Fo.·: A hair color no one could agree on.

WILLIAM JOHN GALLAGHER III Gal Indoor Track 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Rocket Club 4.

Favorite Saying: "I didn't do it!" Favorite Memory: Mr. Fry's one-day plan for getting into shape.

PATRICIA DIANE GARDNER Patty Basketball 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Dramatics Club 2; Tri·Hi-Y 3; Bridge Club 4. Pet Peeve: Beatie-haters. Favorite Memo1']: John, Paul, George, and Ringo.

JULIA ANNE GARGIULO JI/dy Student Council 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; F.T.A. 2; Cougarettes 2; Cheerleader 3, Co-captain 4; Executive Council 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party. Pl'ize Possession: A certain Bonner ring (When it is in my possession).

ELAINE MARIE GARZARELLI Elaine Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Gym Aide 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Tri·Hi·Y 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3. Secret Ambition.: To own a pink Jaguar XKE. Pl'ize Possession: My bronze statues of Teddy Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.

JUDITH TERESA GATTINELLA Jf/dy World Affairs Club 3; F.T.A. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Bowling 4; Expression '6~ 2; Intramural Volleyball 3; Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. RemeVlbered For: Polypropylene lunches. Prize Possession: My contact lenses.

JUDITH NAN GEESEY Jf/de Class Secretary 2; Executive Council 2; Hockey 2, 3; Lacrosse 2; SpriHian Business Staff 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Dramatics Club 2; Tri·Hi-Y 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Student Council 2, 4. Remembered For: Changing hair colors to see if brunettes had more fun! Pet P~eve: Brillo Pratzner.


Hi-Y 3; Shop Club 4. Secret Ambition: To win a trophy at the drags. Favorite Memory: Summers at the shore.


Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2; Dramatics Club Treasurer 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 4. Favorite Saying: "Really." Remembered For: Mercury station wagon.


F.B,L.A, 3, 4; Spri.Hian Business Staff 2; Bowling Club 4; Dra· matics Club 4. Pet Peetle: Teachers who don't let you chew gum'. Favorite Saying: "Oh, you are so swell!"


Service Club 3, President 4; Football 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, Co.captain 4; Baseball 2, 3, Co·captain 4; Student Council Parliamentarian 4; Executive Council 2; Sports Club 3. Prize Possession: My mouthguard. Pet Peetle: Summer football practice.

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PHILIP DAVIS GREENWOOD Phil Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; District Chorus 3, 4; Regional Chorus 3; District Chorus 3, 4;Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Dramatics Club 2; Bridge Club 4. Pet Peeve: People who spell my name with two 1's. Remembered For: My flirtatious eyebrow.




Spri.Hian Business Staff 4: Our Lady of Victory Academy: Glee Club 2; Basketball 2. Favorite Saying: "You can't have everything." Pet Peeve: Five sisters and two brothers.


Rifle Team 2, 2, 3; Gym Aide Favorite Saying: A/ways Seen: In

3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4. "Funny thing." a green '55 Plymouth.

Golf 3, 4; Bonner: Track 2. Favorite Saying: "Stand on it." Prize Possession: Mother!


Shop' Club 4; Gym Club 2,3; Gym Team 3. Remembered For: The 401 Wildcat. Hobby: Destruction.


Secretary, Home Economics Department 4; Dramatics Club 2, VicePresident 4; Bridge Club 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3. Favol'ite Sayillg: ''Catch 'ya later, Diane." SeCl'et Ambition: To appear on the Lloyd Thaxton Show.


Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, Vice-President 3; F.N.A. 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favol'ite Saying: "Golly whiz!" Secret Ambitioll: To be a Phillies bat-boy.


Camera Club 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3. Favorite Saying: "You can be replaced" Prize Possessioll: Ennie.


Bowling 2, 3; I.B.A. 2; Sports Club 2. SeCl'et Ambition: To graduate. Favorite Memory: Physics class before Christmas vacation.


F.B.L.A. 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Leather Club 3, 4; Library Assistant 2. Favorite Saying: "Have you seen him?" Remembered For: Being so short.


Dramatics Club 4; Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3; F.B.L.A 3,4. Secret Ambitioll: To get back a certain repossessed G.T.O. Pet Peeve: Being called Blondie.


Debating Club 2, 3; World Affairs Club 4. Favoriie Saying: "That's life." Pet Peeve: No food at sixth period lunch.

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HUGH BROOKS HELLER Bl'ooks Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, '4; National Merit Semi·finalist 4; Bridge Club 4. Relllembel'ed FOI': Scoring goal in Haverford game. FarJol'ite Memol'Y: Physics class.

CHARMION STEWART HELMIG Chm'lII Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2; Choir 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 2; District Band 3, 4; Regional Band 3; F.T.A. 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4. F(II'orite Saying: "Has anybudy seen Pete?" Pet Peetle: Short straws.

STANLEY THOMAS HIBBERD Tom Football 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Sop Hop Committee 2; Prom Com· mittee 3. Always Seen: In forbidden places. Prize Possession: Stolen football jersey.

JAMES HUGH HICKS Jimmy Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; District Band 2, 3, 4; State Band 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 3; State Orchestra 3; Brass Choir 2, 3; State Band Soloist 3. Remembel'ed For: My silver tuba. Secret Ambition: To own Scotty's.

DONALD HARRY HILLEARY Don Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Thespian Society 3, 4; Bowling 4; Play Cast 4.

Remembered For: Hiram in the ninth grade play. Prize Possession: My loud bermudas.

THOMAS HARRY HILT Tom Indoor Track 3, 4; Bridge Club 2, 4.

Favorite Saying: "Makes you tough." Prize Possession: .22 rifle.

GERTRUDE ANN HINCHCLIFFE Trudy Remembel'ed For: Stealing bananas at lunch. Hobby: Oil painting.

DOROTHY RUTH HINE DOllie Library Club President 1; Dental Assistant 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; French Club 3, 4; Prom Committee 3, 1; Soph Hop Com· mittee 2; Expression '(,5 3. Favorite Memol'Y: School starting at 9:30 FI11Jol'ite Saying: "Pichong!"



F.T.A. 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Student Exchange Talent Show 4; Prom Committee 3. Favorite Saying: "You'll never know." Secnt Ambition: To have long hair.


Rocket Club 4; Printing Club 2; Science Club 3; Prom Committee 3. Secret Ambition: To cheer at a pep rally. Favorite Memor)': Eating crackers in Mr. Wood's class.


Lacrosse 2; Bowling 2; Rifle Team 4; Dramatics Club 3; Art Club 2, 4. Career: Hair dresser. P";ze Possession: J.J.R.


Band 2, 3, 4; District Band 3; Brass Choir 3; Orchestra 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; District Chorus 4; Cross Country 2, 3. P"he Possession: Sterling silver baritone horn. Favorhe Say;'lg: "But Mr. DelNegro ..."


Student Council 4; Executive Council 2; Expression '65 2; Soccer 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3. Remembered For: Wearing a tie. Favo1'ite Memory: Mr. McIntyre's German class.


Student Council 2, 3, 4. Remembered For: Being so quiet. Secret Ambition: To be Mr. Atlas.


F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Home Economics Club Secretary 3; Expression '65 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 4. Always Seen: In Swarthmore. Pet Peeve: Nether Providence police.


Dramatics 2; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; F.B.L.A. 4. Secret Ambition: To be an FBI agent. Favorite Memor)': Oreland Baptist Church retreat.




Wrestling 4. Remembered For: Blue and white scooter. Prize Possession: Church ·key.








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Hockey-manager 2, 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; F.T.A. 3, 4; Triple Trio 3; Bridge Club 3. Pet Peeve: Lack of straws by the milk machines in the cafeteria. Remembered For: Running between the music room and the locker room after school.


F.N.A. 2, 3; Girls Track 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Gym Aide 2; Office Aide 4. Secret Ambition: To Have a penthouse in New York. Pet Peeve: Manager at the Family Drive-in.


Chorus 2; 3, Secretary 4; Tri-Hi-Y Treasurer 2; Basketball 2; F.T.A. 3,4; Home Economics Club 3; Gym Aide 2, 3. Favorite Saying: "Really good! ! !?" Favorite Memory: June 18, 1964.


Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Quartet 4; Executive Council 2; Football 2, 3; Hi·Y 4; Debating Club 3; Bowling 4; District Chorus 4. Favorite Saying: "Cool it!" Pt'ize Possession: Autographed picture of Sally Starr.


Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 2, 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; Varsity Club 4. Favorite Saying: "What time is this period over??" Pet Peeve: WIBG.


Hi-Y Secretary-treasurer 3; Bowling 3, 4; Admiral Farragut Academy: Dramatics Club 2, 3; Hop Committee 2, 3; Cotillion Club 2, 3. Always Seen: Trying to better international relations.




LAWRENCE JAMES JOHNSON Luke Student Council 3, Treasmer 4; rootball 2, 3; Service Club 2, 3, -Vice President tl; Soph Hop Committee 2. Pl'ize Pos.reHiol/: My blinding red blazer. P"l'Ol'ile Mell/ol'Y: Imitating Ringo Starr on stage.

THOMAS EDDY JUDD Tom National Hooor Society 3, Treasurer 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, Treasurer 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3; Bridge Club 4. P,.jze Po.r.re.r.riol/: The glorious memories of our action-packed, funfilled cross country practices. Secl'et Ambilion: To learn my (boil' music.

ALFRED HENRY JUECHTER 11/ Football 2, 3; Tennis 2; Executive Council 2; Student Council 2; Service Club 4; Hi-Y 4; Prom Committee 3. Sen'el Ambition: To go to Dave's party. Ftll'Ol'ile Memol'Y: Riot at the Family Drive-in.

CHRISTINE KABAKJIAN Tin(/ Tri-Hi-Y, President 2; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2; Exchange Student 3; Student Council 4; SCl'it'enn Editorial Staff 4; Expression '65 2; Soph Hop Committee 2. P(//Iorite Memory: My year in Germany. All/'ays Seen: Looking for Mr. Long.

DAVID KNOWLTON KALWINSKY Dai'e -World Affairs Club President 4; JETS 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Photographer 4. Always Seen: Wearing a Johnson button. Pet Peelle: Miss Sanbe's homeroom.

NANCY MAE KASSEBOHM Nanc Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Bowling 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee

3, 4. Pet Peel'e: Having 4th period lunch. Fa/lol'ile Memory: The "pep-rally" at the Family. \


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IV AN W ARREN KAYSER 1"1i Football 2, 3; Track 3; Wrestling 4; Executive Council 3; Service Club 2, 3, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Student Council 2; Sports Club 2, 4. Prize Possession: The Tank (my car) C(/I'eel',' Ba Ilet dancer.

KATHRYN LOUISE KAYSER Kathy Spri-Hian Business Staff 4: Scrivener Business Staff 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Bo\vling 4; Gym Aide 4. Remembel'ed For: Weekend trips to Delaware. P,.jze Posse.r.riollS: Certain letters from P.M.C.


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Football 2, 3; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; JETS 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 2. Pet Peeve: Summer football practice. P,·ize Possession: Car keys.



Bonner HighSchool: Football 3; Section Officer 2, 3; Track 2; Wrestling 3; Science Club 3; B.B.C. 2, 3; Intramurals 2, 3. Favorite Saying: "Jump on it." Pet Peeve: Getting haircuts.


Debating Club 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Student Council 3; Spri-Hian 3, 4; lndoor Track 2; Gym Team 2. Favorite Saying: "Take five." Pet Peeve: Pompadour haircuts.


Track 2; Bowling 3, Secretary 4; Coin Club 2. Always Seen: Wandering around Upper Darby High School. P,·ize Possession.' A certain redhead.


F.N.A. 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3; Nurses' Aide 3, 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Gym Aide 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4. Remembered For: Saving lunch bags. Secret' Ambition: To make the cross country team.



Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; F.T.A. 3; Bowling 3, 4; Art Club 2; Rifle Team 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Always 'Seen: With a tall, dark, and handsome graduate. Favorite Memory: The track meet on April 18, 1962.


Bowling 3; Interscholastic Bowling 3, 4. Remembered For: Being allergic to nitromethane fumes. Prize Possession: Picture of Charlie Hill's Wheeling Willys.


KAREN ANN KINDEN Karl!ll Library Assistant 2, 3; Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Gym Aide 2; Expression '65 2; Serit.ener Editorial Staff 4; Bowling 4; School Store Assistant 3; Prom Committee 3; Office Aide 3; F.B.L.A. 4. Pel Pel' I'e: Maroon Corvettes. F(/l'Orite Memory: 2320 Asbury Ave., Ocean City.

ELAINE ADELE KOCH Cookie Band 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; District Band 3, 4; Regional Band 3; Prom Committee 3; F.T.A. 3; National Honor Society

3, 4. Fazlorite Saying: "Hi there-any good jokes?" AIU'(ly.r Seen: Around the band room.

MONICA LOUISE KOONS Monica Executive Council 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Home Economics Club President 3, Vice.president 4. Fa/lorile Saying: "Gravy Train !" Altl'dy.r Seen: With food.

DIANE MARY KOSEK D.D. Red Cross Club 2; Bridge Club 4; Home Economics Club 3. Remembered For: Yelling my head off at the game. Fa/lothe Saying: "Smile! You're on Candid ClInera."

PAUL ALAN KOWALCZYK P.K. Rifle Team 4. Hobby: Canoeing. Fa/'orile Memory: When Mr. Maclntire was hit on the head with a paper airplane.

DOROTHY MAE KRAUSS DOllie Chorus 2; Choir 3. 4; Dramatics Club 3; Triple Trio 4; Libral'ian 2, 3, 4; Bowling 4; Seri/'ell"I' Editorial and Business Staffs 4; Prom Com· mittee 3, 4; District Chorus 4. Pel Pewe: Public Speaking. Fa/lorile Saying: "What's to become of me??"

CAROL ANNE KRUG Carol Tri·Hi·Y 2, 3; Bowling 4; F.T.A. 4. Fallorile Saying: "Has anyone seen Barb?" Prize Po.r.re.r.rion: My guy.

BARBARA-ANN KUHN Bt/I'bal'd Biology Club 3; Chess Club 4; Band Librarian 2, 3, 4; Orchestra Librarian 2, 3, 4; District Band 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 2, 3, 4; State Band 3. Prize Po.r.re.r.rion: My oboe with its rubber bands and paper clips. Remembet'ed For: Typing in the music room .


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JOHN WESLEY KULP John Bowling 4; Intramural Basketball 3, 4; Sports Club 2, 3; Track 2. Secret Ambition: To give all my teachers grades. Prize Possession: My school books!


Football 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Wrestling 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Track 2, 3, Co· captain 4; National Honor Society 3, Vice President 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; JETS 3, 4. Always Seen: In the whirl pool. Secret Ambition: To get a take down in wrestling.

SANDRA JANS LACOCK Sandie Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Executive Council 2; Student Council 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; F.T.A.2; Prom Committee 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Scrit/mer Business Staff 4. Remembered For: My unchangeable shaggy pixie. Prize Possession: My spoon.

JUDITH LYNN LANCHAK Judy Tri-Hi-Y 4; F.T.A. 2; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Bowling 2, 3; Home Economics Club 3; Gym Aide 4. Secret Ambition: To go to California. Remembered Fot·: Bifocals.


KAREN LESLIE LANG Karen Tri-Hi-Y Treasurer 2, President 3, Historian 4; Gym Aide 3; Soph Hop Committee 2~ Prom Committee 3, 4. Always Seen: In a daze. Pet Peel,'e: Aggressive people.

LINDA ROSE LANG Pixie Student Council 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, Vice President 4; Girls' Track Club 2; Leathercraft Club 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4. Secret Ambition: To dunk lay-up shots. Remembered For: My Smile.

CHRISTINE LaPRESTE Chris Spri-Hian Business Staff 3; Art Club 3; F.B.L.A. 4. Fal'orile Saying: "That's a joke." Pet Peet'e: White socks.

CORBIT HOFFMAN LARSON Corbit Hi-Y 4; SC/·it'ener Editorial Staff 4. Remembered For: Being me. Secret Ambition: To cut school and go sailing.


Executive Council 3; Lacrosse 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Great Books Club 4; F.T.A. 2; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "r don't believe it '" Remembered For: Being an idealist.


B.J. Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Expression '65 3; Prom Committee 4. Secret <1mbition: To build a ho"use in Kent Park. Prize Possession: '62 Marple-Newtown class ring.


Band 2, 3. Bonner: Band 2.



Bowling 4; Spotts Club 2. Favorite Saying: "What time is this period over?" Remembered For: Getting kicked out of Hi-Y.


Dramatics Club Secretary 2; Tri路Hi-Y 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Spri路Hian Business Staff 3, 4. Favorite Saying: "Bob who?" Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party.

DAVID CHARLES LEE Dave Always Seen: With Walt. Secret Ambition: To pass.


Cheerleader 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri路Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Tri路 Hi-Y 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4. Fallorite Saying: "Did you say wrestling meet?" Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party.


F.N.A. 2, Treasurer 3; Library Assistant 2; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Nurses' Aide 4; Gym Aide Q, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 4; F.T.A. 2; Prom Committee 3; Soph H"op Committee 2. Favorite Sa)'ing: "Unbelievable." Pet Peeve: Shorthand.


NEUWANNA DIANNE LEIGHTLEY Dianne Expression '65 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Intramural Basketball .2; Bowling 3, 4; Rifle Team 4; Track Club 4. FalJorite Saying: "Nine cases out of ten, chickens have legs." Always Seell: Running for the bus.

ROBERT BURTON LEMAN Bud Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 3, 4; Southeastern District Band 3. Prize PossessioI/o' Sailboat. Pet Peeve: Shubies.

ELIZABETH JANE LEVENS Belty Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Thespian Society 3, 4; ScritJerler Editorial Staff 4; Spri.Hian Advertising Staff 3, 4; Spri.Hian Treasurer 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Color Guard 2, 3, Sergeant 4; Tennis Manager 2, 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball 2; Basketball 2; Gym Aide 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4. FalJOrile Saying: "Are you sure?" Remembered For: Putting my big foot in my mouth.

NONIE LEWIN NOllie Chorus 3; Choir 4. Thomas Jefferson High School: Chorus 2; Dramatics Club 3. Pet Peelle: Guys showing off. F'lllo";te Memory: Hollywood.


Dramatics Club 2; Tri路Hi路Y 3; Leather Club 4; F.B.L.A. 4. F,/I/o/'ile Saying: ''I'll send you the bill." Remembered For: Always having a smile.

KAREN LYNN LOVEMAN Karen Tri-Hi路Y 2, 3; Dental Club 4; Gym Aide 2, 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Expression '65 2; Dental Assistant 4; Bowling 3, 4. F'/llorile Saying: "Ask Dottie, she knows." Prize Possessio II: Membership in the "BIG THREE."

CHARLES JOSEPH LUCAS Charlie Wrestling 2; Indoor Track 3, 4; Track 2, 3, Captain 4; Rifle Team 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Com路 mittee 2. Fallorite Sayillg: "Good!!!!!!" Always Seen: With Linda.

RENATE LUEBEN Renate Student Council 4; Exchange Student 4. Pel Peeve: My return ticket to Germany. fa/lorile Memory: I hope it hasn't happened yet.



Iii Art Club 2, 3, 4. Prize Possession: My black bomb. Pet Peeve: Gas stations, especially Americans!!

PETER BECKLEY MacMACKIN Mac Printing Club 3, 4. Secret Ambition: To be Bob Dylan's partner. Hobby: People-watching.

ROBERT CLIFTON MAGEE Magoo Soccer 2, 3; Student Council 2, 3; Sports Club 3. Remembered For: D.S.D.T. Vice-president. Prize Possession: My Ridley Township soccer ball.

PETER JOHN MAIMONE Kiki Bonner: Track 2; Bowling 2. Pet Peeve: Assemblies. Remembered For: A.J.'s shop.

KAE SCOTT MALINOSKI Kae Band, Librarian 2, 3, 4; Orchestra, Librarian 2, 3, 4; Biology Club 2; World Affairs Club 4. Secret Ambition: To visit Liverpool, England. Prize Possession: My Beatie hat.

BARBARA THERESA MAMMUCARI Barb Nurses' Aide 4; Prom Committee 4; Driver Education Department Secretary 2, 3, 4; Guidance Office Assistant 2, 3, 4. Always Seen: Walking and talking with Dave. Prize Possession: A certain pin from someone special.

KENNETH BENJAMIN MANCINI Ken Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 4; Cross Country 3, 4. Favorite Memory: Dance Band's trip to the World's Fair. Always Seen: With John and Ben.

TRUDI ELIZABETH MANN Gertrude Tri-Hi-Y 2; Home Economics Club 3, 4; Bowling 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; F.T.A. 2, 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2; Prom Committee 3. Prize Possession: My size two desert boots. Pet Peeve: Boys who wear size twelve-and-a-half desert boots.



Dan Basketball 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 3, 4; Bridge Club 2; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "Unbelievable." Pet Peeve: Tall girls.


Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Thespian Society 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business and Editorial Staffs 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4, Gym Aide 2, 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball 2; Expression '65 2; Play Cast 4. Favorite Saying: "Hi, Mr. Semeister, how're ya doin?" Alwa·p Seen: With Art and Joe in room 253.


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Student Council 2; Vertebrate Zoology Club 3; Hi-Y, Secretarytreasurer 4; Soccer 2; Soph Hop Committee 2. Prize Possession: My traction-master gym shoes. Secret Ambition: To own the fastest street machine.


Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Octet 4; F.T.A. 3; Dramatics Club 3; Spri. Hian Editorial Staff 4; Play Cast 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; District Chorus 4. Always Seen: Eating lunch under the tree. Favorite Saying: "Good grief!"

MARY JOSEPHINE MASCHER Mary Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; School Store

3, 4; Cheerleader 2; Tri-Hi-Y 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Library. Assistant 2, 4; Bowling 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Secret Ambitioll: To go to Dave's all year 'round party. Prize Possession: "Haines" and my 1/7 of the "7 Ups,"






Coin Club 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Great Books Club 4. Secret Ambition: To go over Niagara Falls in a motorized canoe. Favorite Memory: The TV room.


Dramatics Club 3, President 2, 4; Chorus 2, 3, President 4;' Prom Committee 3; Cheerleader 4; Cougarettes 3; F.T.A. 2; Soph Hop Committee 2. Always Seen: Punching.Terry. Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party.

Executive Council 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; SCfivener Business Staff 4; F.B.L.A. Secretary 4; Bowling 4; Secretary, English Department 4. Prize Possession: My Yz of Flash. Hobby: Upper Darby.

FRED CLAIRE MATTHEWS JR. Freddie Football 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Service Club 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Sports Club 3, 4; Prom Committee 3. Prize Possession: 1930 Model A two door sedan. Fal/orite Memory: The night Judy and I saw a moos~ on Roberts Road.

ROBERT CHARLES MATTHEWS Bob Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Great Books Club 4; Debating Club 2; Stamp Club 3; Bowling 4. Fm/01'ite Saying: "Tu debes creerlo." Favorite Memory: A white whale?

-. WALTER RAYMOND MAXWELL III T/7alt Soccer 3; Tennis Manager 3; Vertebrate Zoology Club 3; Hi-Y 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Remembered For: D.S.D.T.-Supply Manager. Prize Possession: My black beret.

DAVID ALAN MAYER Dave Hobby: Snizzy.

LINDA JEAN McALLISTER Lill Lacrosse 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Tri-Hi路Y 3; F. T. A. 3; Bowling 3, 4; Triple Trio 4. Pet Peeve: The 660 walk-run. Remembered For: Always forgetting my choir music.

SANDRA LEE McCAUSLAND Sandy Tri路Hi-Y 2; F.B.L.A. 4. FalJOrite Saying: "Oh! Boogies!" Favorite Memory: April 3, 1964.

MARIAN ALICE McCONEGHEY Marian Spri路Hian Editorial Staff 2; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society .3, 4; Scrivener Picture Editor 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Quill and Scroll 4. Remembered For: Eating lunch under the tree. Seaet Ambition: To paint Smiley's teeth black.

THOMAS路 ALLEN McCONEGHEY Tom Shop Club 4. Remembered For: Having a hearse. Fm/orite Saying: Censored.


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Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, Chaplain 4; F.T.A. 2; F.N.A. 2, 3; Leather Club 4; Gym Aide 3, 4; Prom Committee 4. Always Seell: Picking on an underclassman. Pet Peeve: Being called Margaret or Marjorie.


Science Club President 2; Camera Club 2; Radio Club 3; Senior Shop Club 4. Favorite Memol'y: Wildwood days. Pet Peeve: Pink slips.


Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Service Club 3, 4; Great Books Club 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Bridge Club 3; Prom Committee 4; Executive Council 4. Always Seen: Crutching around school during football season. Pet Peeve: A four-inch wall.


Basketball 2; Sports Club 4; Coin Club 2. Favorite Saying: "Up the Rebels!" Remembered For: Annapolis trip.








Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Athletic Club 3, 4; Student Council 2. Always Seen: With Neil. Pet Peeve: Spanish.


Student Council 4; Dramatics Club 4. Bonner: Intramurals 2. Pet Peeve: White socks and rah-rahs. Favorite Memory: Ocean City '64-9th Street.


Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; District Chorus 3, 4; Octet 4; Band Manager 4; Triple Trio 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; French Club 4; 'F.T.A. 3, 4; Bridge Club 3; Gym Aide 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3. Remembel'ed Fol': My cheerful disposition? . Hobby:.Music-do I have any choice?


Rocket Club 3, 4; Track 4. Favol'ite Saying: "It just don't make, no never mind." Pl'ize Possession: A borrowed book called Three UpmallShip.



School Store 4; Nurses' Aide 2, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Chorus 2,3,4. Favorite Saying: "Wait for me in the school store, ok, Linda?" Always Seen: Counting the hours until Dick comes home.


Soccer 2, 3; Track 2, 3, Captain 4; Service Club; Hi-Y 4; Indoor Track 2,3,4. Always Seen: With Linda. Favorite Saying: ''I'm eligible this week."


'Band 2, 3, 4; District Band 2, 3; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, Assistant Editor 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; JETS 2, 3; Senior Project Committee Chairman 4; Great Books Club 4. Prize Possession: Can of "Goldwater". Always Seen: At Spri-Hian,


Spri-Hian Business and Editorial Staffs 4; Sports Club 2; Chess Club 4. Remembered For: Being late. Secret Ambition: To be an honor student.

JOHN PATRICK MENOHER JIVichita Football 2, 3; Cross Country 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3; Track 4; Hi-Y 2, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Always Seen: With Jobby. Favorite Memory: Diane Allen and summer of 1964.


Soph Hop Committee 2; Art Club 2; Dramatics Club 4; Spri.Hian Art Director 4. Favorite Saying: "Open mouth; insert foot." Prize Possession: Flea bite scars from Mexican pigs.


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Bowling 3; Ping Pong Club 3; Prom Committee 3; Nurses' Aide 4; Bridge Club 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Social Studies Department Secretary 4. Favorite Saying: "Who's that? I can't see without my glasses." Remembered For: My unusual last name.


F.N.A. 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivenef Business Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Gym Aide 4; Intramural Volleyball 2; Bowling 4. Favorite Memory: Wick and Wirk. Prize Possession: Certain someone.

HELEN ELIZABETH MILLIGAN Hel Library Assistant 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; F.T.A. 3; F.N.A. 3; Nurses' Aide 3; Bowling 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Remembel'ed For: My driving. Secl'et Ambition: To be a professional car driver.

LINDA MARIE MINTZLAFF Linda Dental Assistant 4. Pet Pee/Ie: Waiting in lines. Favorite Memol'Y: Assemblies.

THOMAS PETER MOHR Dudey Golf Team 2, 3, Captain 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Zoology Club 3. Always Seen: Shot down. Secl'et Ambition: To become a golfer.

LOUIS DAVID MONGIELLO Louie Pfize Possession: My drums.

ANN McLENDON MONTAGUE Lenda F.N.A. 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Expression 2; Gym Aide 4; Prom Committee 4. Remembel'ed Fol': Long blonde hair. Favol'ite Memory: September 11, 1964.


ROY LYNWOOD MONTAGUE, III Lyn Executive Council 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Expression '65 2; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2; Chorus Treasurer 2; Choir 3, 4; District Chorus 3; World Affairs Club Vice-president 4; National Honor Society 3,' 4. Secl'et Ambition: To seek the Great White Father. Favol'ite Saying: "Ignorance is rampant."

DIANA LYNN MOORE Di Bowling 3; Gym Aide 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Prom Committee 3, 4. Remembered For: Falling up a down escalator. Prize Possession: Membership in the "BIG THREE"

JOHN TERENCE MOORE Tel'l'Y Tennis 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Executive Council 4; Soph Hop Committee· 2. Favol'ite Saying: "Holt!" Secl'et Ambition: To attend Dave's year 'round party.

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Expression '65 2; Dramatic Club 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; SpriHian' Editorial Staff 3, 4; Art Club 3, 4; Prom Committee 4; Spanish Club 3. . Remembered For: My curly hair. Pet Peeve: Cafeteria food.


Soccer Team 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 3; Ping Pong Club 4. Favorite Saying: "McLaws, get off the ground." Remembered For: Being ineligible.


Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Dramatic Club 2; Spanish Club 3; F.T.A. 3; Prom Committee 3, 4; Bridge Club 4. Secret Ambition: To marry a Spanish duke. Prize Possession: A Thunderbird-in-disguise.


Dramatic Club, President 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, Associate Editor 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; JETS 3, Biology Chairman 4; Scrivener Assistant Business Manager 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; F.T.A. 3; French Club 4; Expression '65 2; Soph. Hop Committee 2; Bridge Club 4; Play Committee 4; Russian Club 4; Quill and Scroll 4, Favorite Memory: School closing because of snow. P,-ize Posses;ion: Two dozen deceased JETS tadpoles.


F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3,.4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y, Treasurer 3, 4; Bowling 3; Scrivener Layout Editor 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Quill and Scroll 4. Favorite Saying: "Pie Face!" Pet Peeve: Mr. Del Negro


Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Service Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Choir 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3. Favorite Saying: "Yes, but a wrestling contest, Mole!" Always Seen: Hitting Joy.


Dental Club 3; Dental Aide 3; Dramatic Club 2; F.T.A. 2, 4; Gym Aide 2, 3; Office Aide 4. Favorite Saying: "Don't worry about a thing." Secret Ambition; To grow to at least 5'1"


Football 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3; Service Club 2, 3, 4. Favo"ite Saying: "Beat it-the cops!" Remembered For: Calling open house parties.


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Bill Hi-Y 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Vertebrate Zoology Club 2; Intramural Basketball 3, 4; Prom Committee 3. FalJorite Saying: "Yeah, I'll give you a ride." Pet Peelle: Language lab.



STEPHEN JAMES NELSON Soccer 2, 3; Indoor Track 3; Interscholastic Bowling 2, 3, 4; Debating Club 3; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Student Council 4; District Chorus 4. Secret Ambition: To sing a solo in "June is Bustin' Out All Over". Prize Possession: Night choir rehearsals.


Chorus 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Bowling 2, 3; F.T.A. Secretarytreasurer 4; Prom Committee 4. Favorite Saying: "Oy vay" Prize Possession: My car keys.


Art Club 2; Bowling 4;F.B.L.A. 4; Rifle Team 2, 4. Favorite Saying: "Oh no, it's Monday." Remembered For: Drawing horses.


Tri-Hi-Y 2; Dramatic Club 3; Home Economics Club 4; Executive Council 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 3. Secret Ambition: To live in New York. Prize Possession: Mike's ring.


Hockey 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3; Chorus 2, 3; Choir 4; Girls' Track Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "Tom, you dumb 01' thing." Favorite Memory: Haverford weekend (June 12th)


Student Council 4; French Club 4; Foreign Student 4; Tennis 4. Fallorite Saying: "Be honest and sincere to myself." Pet Peelie: American History.


Chorus' 2; Choir 3, 4; Soccer 2; Basketball 2; Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Prom Committee 3, 4. . Always Seen: With Wichita. Favorite Memory: The formal dances and 1964 summer.


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Interscholastic Bowling 3, 4; Rifle Team 3, 4; Great Books Club 4. Favorite Sayillg: "Zowieeee-paa" Favorite Memory: When Suiter and I dumped Berenato upside down in the Goodwill box.


Tri-Hi-Y Chaplain 2, 4, President 3; Operator's Club 2, 3, Secret~ry 4; Office Aide 3; Gym Aide 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Nurses' Aide 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; F.T.A. 2; Expression '65 2, 3. Pet Peeve: Having to wear shoes to school. Favorite Sayillg: "I don't believe it!! ... I really don't!"

NATALIE DOLORES OSTLAND Tali Girls' Track C1u'b 3; Tennis 3, 4; Prendergast: Dramatics Club 2; Softball 2; Ping-Pong 2. Secret Ambitioll: To be a gate crasher. Pet Peeve: Demerits for cutting classes that weren't cut.


BRUCE PALMA Little HOllda Prize Possessioll: Cycle. Favorite Memory: $34.00.


Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Intramural Volleyball 2. Sm-et Ambitioll: To appear on the Lloyd Thaxton Show with Dianne. Pet Peeve: KiKi's toothpicks in English.


Dental Club, Secretary 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Bowling 3, 4; Secretary, Mathematics Department 4. Always Seell: With John. Prize Possessioll: My diamond ring.


Band 2, 3, Student Director 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Dance Band· 2, 3', 4; District Band 2, 3, 4; State Band 2, 3; All-Eastern Band 4; JETS 4; Operators Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Track 2; Rifle Team 3, 4. Favorite Sayillg: "Really!" Favorite Memor)': Physics II lab parties. "



SANDRA JEAN PArrON Sandy Hockey 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; National Honor· Society 3, 4; SCfivenef Business Staff Treasurer 4; Expression '65 2; F.T.A. 2; Soph Hop Committee 2. Always Seen: At the police station. Pfize Possession: Membership in V.A.

DONALD MORRIS PAXTON Don Gym Team 2, Co-captain 3; Track 3, 4; Ping Pong Club 4. Remembefed FOf: The poll for the best G.B.P. Secfet Ambition: To meet the winner of the best G.B.P.


ROBERT WAYNE PETERMAN Pete JETS Vice President 2, Pre~ident 3, 4; Scott's Hi-Q 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; National Merit Semi-finalist 4; Class Vice President 3; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus President 2; Choir 3,' 4; Soccer 2, 3;' Dramatics Club 4. Secfet Ambition: To have a meteorite come when on meteor watch. Favofite Saying: "Schicksal!"

DAVID GARY PETERSON Dave Dramatics Club 4; Biology Club 3; Tennis 4. Pfize Possession: Barbara and my 406 Ford. Remembefed Fol': Kissing girls at the prom while under the influence of Coke.

MICHAEL RICHARO PETERSON Mike Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Librarian 4; Dramatics Club 2, 4; Expression '65 3. Always Seen: Wandering. Remembel'ed FOf: Being out of gas.

JODY KATHLEEN PHILLIPS Jody Majorettes 2, 3, Head Majorette 4; Home Economics Club 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; SCfivenef Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Cougarettes 4; Prom Committee 3, 4. Secfet Ambition: To catch my. baton, Pet Peeve: Being called JUDY.

JUDY MARIE PHILLIPS Judy Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Bridge Club 4; Prom Committee 3; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Favofite Saying: "Pues." Pet Peeve: Being mistaken for JODY.




JOHN ERNEST PINDER John Baseball 3; Bowling 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Student Council 2. Alw<I)'s Seen: With Vickie. Prize Pos.ression: Gym suit from seventh grade.

CAROL ANN PISELLI· C.T. Gym Aide 4; So ph Hop Committee 2; Bowling 4; Student Council 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Dramatics Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.B.L.A. 4. p<I/lo/'ite S<I)'ing: "The party's over!" Sec'et Ambition: To go to Dave's all year 'round party.

RICHARD CARL PORCHE Rick Service Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 4; Sports Club 2, 3, 4. Alw<I)'s Seen: With Cathee. Secret Ambition: Go to Dave's all year 'round party.

DAVID ALLEN PRATZNER 8rillo Football 2·, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 4; Track 2, 4; Sports Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 4; Student Council 2. Secret Ambition: To run an all year 'round party. P<lliorite S<I)'ing: "Terrifying." .


Football 3. Secret Ambitioll: To re<llly get an A in Mr. MacIntire's class. Pet Peelle: Eighth period study halls.

CATHERINE ELIZABETH PYNE C<lthee Dental Club 2; Dental Assistant 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Bowling 2, 3; F.T.A. 4; Scrivener Business Staff 2. Secret Ambitioll: To go to Dave's all year 'round party. Hobby: Trying to reform Rick.

JAYNE MARTINDALE QUAIL J<llIey Bowling 4; Dramatics Club 2; Leather Club 3. SeCl'et Ambition: To marry a millionaire. Pet P,.,eve: White socks.

ROBERT LAWRENCE QUINN lAlice Band 2, 3; Dance Band 2, 3; Operators' Club 2, 3, President 4; Dramatics Club 4. Prize Possession: Guitar. Remembered For: Owning the Del-Rays.

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ROBERT EDWARD REESE Bob Class Treasurer 2; Cross Country 2, 3; Indoor Track 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, President 4; Expression '65 2; Math Club 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Service ejub 4., Favorite Saying: "The thing of it is," Secr~t Ambition: To go to Dave's party.

WALTER FRANCIS REEVES Walt Gym Team 3; Library Assistant 2, 3. Secret Ambitiol/: Destroy all Volkswagens. Always Seel/: With Dave and group.

JOHN WALTER REIFFER Walt Science Club 3; Camera Club 2; Metal Club 4. Favorite Sayil/g: "Weld it," Always Seen: At O'Hara.


FRANK RICHMOND REILLY, JR. Frank Cross Country 3; Track 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. Secret Ambition: To have my own island. Pet Peeve: Waiting for someone.




i DIANE KATHERINE REMENTER Chink Tri-Hi-Y 2; Dramatics Club 3; Art Club 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Favorite Sayil/g: "Catch ya' later, Dianne," Always Seen: Anywhere but Springfield.

BARRY EVANS RENNINGER Big Barr Soccer 2,3; Wrestling 2, 3,4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4. Remembered For: D.SD.T. Club. Always Seel/: In white 'socks.

JOHN HOWARD REYNOLDS John Rifle Team 3, 4; Bowling 4; Play Cast 4. Secre; Ambitiol/: To pass senior math. Pet Peeve: Swedish girls.

JAMES JOSEPH RHEIN, JR. Jim Biology Club 2. Favorite Saying: "What's the word?" !l.lwa)'s Seel/: At the M&M.


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RANDOLPH MICHAEL RIBECCA Sid Chess Club 2; Set·ivener Business Staff 4;. Spri-Hian Business Staff 4: Favorite Sa)'ing: "Yeah Ray!"

JACQUELINE BEA RICHARDS Jpckie Cougarettes 4; Bo\vling 3; Student Council 2; F.B.L.A, 4; Tri-Hi·Y 3, 4; Spri.Hian Business Staff' 4; Prom Committ~e 3, 4; Gym Aide 2, 3. 4; Executive Council 4. Favorite Saying: "Hi, Bunch!" Always Seen: Without John.

SUSAN MARY RICHARDS Sue F.T.A. 3, 4; Bowling 4; Girls' Service Club, Vice President 3; ScriFener Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3. Favorite Saying: "No, seriously." Pet Peeve: Being in a sophomore gym class.

CAROL SUE RICHARDSON Carol Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Intramural' Volleyball 2; Bridge Club 3; Art Club 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Gym Aide 2; Prom' Committee

4. Favorite Saying: "Get real." Fatlorite Memory: "Shopping" in Glenside.


Jeff Bowling 4; Interscholastic Bowling 4; Bridge Club 2, 4; Stamp Club 3, 4. Pet Peeve: Crowds. Favorite Saying: "Whatcha gonna do?"

JANE ANN RILEY . Riles Tri·Hi-Y 2; Gym Aide 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Girls' Track Club 3; Prom Committee 3; F.N.A. 4; Bowling 3, 4; Nurses' Aide 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Prize Possession: The F.B.D.A. Key, Citation for Seni;r Poll. Fal10rite Memory: Curly hair and crutches.

BARBARA LOUISE RITTEN Rit Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Tri·Hi·Y 4; Spri-Hian Feature Staff 2, Circulation Editor 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Gym Aide 2; Varsity Club 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Quill and Scroll 4. Always Seen: Giving out life savers. Prize Possession: My collection of locker loops.


SUSAN JANE ROBB Rat Class Secretary 4; Student Council 3; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, Girls' Sports Editor 4; National Honor Society 3, Secretary 4; Scott's Hi-Q 3, 4; National Merit Semi-finalist 4; Play Cast 4. Pet Peeve: Hurrying. Prize Possession: Membership in V.A.


F.N.A. 2, 3; Nurses' Aide 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2; Orchestra 2; Bowling 2; Chorus 2, 3,4; Scrivener Business Staff 4. Prize Possession: My pink plated retainer and braces. Always Seen: With Ronhilde in the Merc Bomb.

JOEL CLYDE ROBINSON Joel Science Club, President 2, 3, 4; Band 4; Orchestra 4; Spri-Hian Photographer 4. Remembered Fol.': Same old sweater! Secret Ambition: To make harpsichords.

MILLARD PEARSON ROBINSON, JR. Mill Class Vice President 4; Service Club 3, Treasurer- 4; Athletic Club 4; Choir 4; Football 2, 3; Baseball'2, 3, 4. Remembered For: "Oh Harry, you butcher F' Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's party.

RICHARD LYNN ROBINSON Rick Rifle Team 4; Metal Shop 4. Favorite Saying: "How is your car running, Harry?" Favorite Memory: Mr. R,yba's science class.

READ ROCAP III Mole Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Sports Club 2; Executive Council 4; Basketball 2. Fatlorite Saying: 'Yes, but a music contest, Murph." Pet Peeve: Schmotts' Driving.


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DAVID GLENN ROGERS Dave Hi-Y 4; Rifle Club 4. Remembered For: His jokes. Pet Peeve: Slobs in general.


NEIL FORTESCUE ROOSEVELT Neil SoC;cer 2; Track 2; Bridge Club 2. Secret Ambition: To ride a 160-foot-high tidal wave. Always Seen: With Joe.

BASIL ANTHONY ROSE Buzz Art Club 3, 4. R.emembered For: loads of school spirit? Always Seen: Screaming at people who don't use turn signals.

ANITA CLAIRE ROTH Neat F.T.A. 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3; French Assistant 4; French Club 4; Expression '65 2, 3. Remembered For: jating lunch under the tree. Favorite Memory: The day I was thrown out of Algebra for carrying a gun.

MARIAN THERESA RUZA Mal' .Secretary, language Department 4; F.B.L.A. 4; Gym Aide 4; Nurses' Aide 4; Shorthand Club 3; leather Club 2; Bowling 2. R.emembered For: Selling 126 boxes of candy in my Sophomore year. .Prize Possession: My class ring.

PATRICIA JOAN SABO Pat library Assistant 2, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Spanish Club 2. Remembered For: The Johnny Callison Fan Club. Always Seen: Smiling.

VIVIAN ERINA SAIPHER Viv Media High School: National Honor Society 2, 3; Yearbook 3; Chorus 3; Prom Queen Court 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4. ' Pet Pee1le: Sister. Career: To work in the diplomatic service.

JOHN STEVEN SAMMARTINO Sam Chess and Checkers Club 2; Student Council 3, President 4; National Honor Society 3" 4; Indoor Track 3; Expression '65 2, 3; Prom Committee 3. Remembered For: "Duck Walk." Secret Ambition: life Guard at a car-wash.

MARGARET ANN SAMUELS Margie Cheerleading 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; F.N.A. Vice President 3, President 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Nurses' Aide 4. Secret Ambition~ To go to Dave's party: Prize Possession: Membership to V.A.; my crooked smile.



Class President 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Spri-Hian 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 4; Operators' Club 2; F.T.A. 3; Expression '65 2; Football 2; Student Council 2, 3, 4. Secret Ambition: It's secret. Prize Possession: Green book bag.


Bowling 4; Biology Club 3; Bridge Club 4. Remembered For: Always getting into trouble with a friend. Pet Peeve: The traffic cop in front of the school.


Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Rifle Team 3; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; F.N.A. 4; French Club 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Student Council 2: French Assistant 4. A/ways SWI: With Charlie. Career: Nursing.

RALPH JOSEPH SCHMID Jay Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Rocket Club 2, 4; Track 2. Fa/lorite Saying: :'Doesn't bother me!" Career: Medicine.


Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; French Assistant 3, 4; Play Cast 4. A/ways- Seen: On the phone at lunch time. Remembered For: My undying loyalty to the University of Pennsylvania.


Student Council 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3;- Vice-President 4; Operators' Club 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Prom Committee 3; Expression '65.2; Scri/Jener Editorial Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Remembered For: Solos in choir practice. A/ways Seen: After school.


Cheerleading 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Editori-al Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; School Store 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Art Club 4; Prom Committee 3, 4. Prize Possession: F.B.D.A. Key. Fa/lorite Memor)'.' Upper Darby-Class of '64 .. Yeah Lynda!!!


Ping,Pong Club 3; Student Council 4. Secret Ambition: Lead an invasion on Cuba. Hobby: Studying U.S. Presidents.


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Science Club 3, 4. Always Seen: At C.A.~ Base. Favorite Memo/'y: Shaking hands with President Johnson.


F.B.L.A.4. Prize Possession: Gary's ring. Pet Peeve: Report cards.


Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 2, 3; Math Club Vice President 4. Favorite Saying: "Not particularly."


F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; French Assistant 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Expression '65 2, 3. . Favorite Saying: "You know?" Always Seen: Squinting and blinking.


School Store Manager 4; Bowling 4. Remembered Fot,: Red scooter. Always Seen: In the School Store.


Bridge Club 3; Chess Club 2. Favo/'ite Saying: "Jump on it!" Always Seen: With Sorento Varcovi.


Art Club 2; Leather Club 4. Remembered For: Being called "Simple" Pet Peeve: First period gym.


PAMELA EVELYN SINGLE Pam Art Club 2; Leather Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4. Remembered For: Leaving Home Economics class early. Prize Possession: My baby sister.

HELEN RUTH SINKINSON Chink F.N.A. 2,4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Intramural Volleyball 2; Gym Aide 2, 3; Nurses' Aide 2. Remembered For: Being fickle. Favorite Memory: Mr. Walter's English class.

MARGARET KATHLEEN SMEDLEY Peggy Home Economics Club 3; Gym Aide 4; Friends Select School: Folk Singing Club 2; Chorus 2; Basketball 2; Great Books Club 2. Favorite Saying: "Linda, sometimes you are so dumb!!" Prize Possession: My guitar.

ROBERT EARL SMITH Schmotts Dramatics Club 2, 4; Cross Country 2, 3; Indoor Track 2; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 2, 3; Chorus 2, President 3; Choir 4; F.T.A. 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3, 4; Executive Council 2; Play Cast 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Thespian Society 4. Remembered For: Being forgetful. Secret Ambition: To go to Dave's all year 'round party.

DA VID FREDERICK SOHANEY The Rogue Dramatics Club 3; Archery Club 2. Prize Possession: My two-year-old desert boots. Career: To own' my own fleet of garbage trucks.

FRANK DAVID SOUDER, JR. Frank JETS 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Editorial Staff 4; Debating Club 3; Bridge Club 4. Remembered For: Sabotaging the physics experiments. Secret Ambition: To seek the great white father.

HUBERT A. SPANGLER III Bert Hi-Y 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Track 3; Gym Team 2, 4; Service Club 3, 4; Spri· Hian Editorial Staff 4; Executive Council 4. Remembered For: D.SD.T.-opener. Prize Possession: My wedget.

DAVID JONATHAN SPEYER Dave· Favorite Saying: "Chevys don't run." Always Seen: Under the hood of a car.


Dental Club 2, 3; Vice-president 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3. Remembered For: Saying "Good morning" in the afternoon. Always Seen: In the library.


Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Brass Choir 2, 3. 4. Remembered For: Midnight algebra classes. Prize pOJsession: Pool table.


Bowling 4; Chess and Checkers Club 3. Remembered For: Beautiful blonde hair. Secret Ambitioll: To be like Jen.y Blavat.


Mount Carmel Academy: Dramatics Club 2; Class MusiCal 2; Prom Committee 3. Pet Peeve: Answering questionnaires. Favorite Memory: My first prom.


F.N.A. 2, Secretary 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Nurses Aide 4. Pet Peeve: The lunch line. Secret Ambition: To get a Corvette Sting Ray.

MARIAN KURTZ STEWART MarVell Scriveller Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Expression '65 2; Tri-Hi-Y

2; Home Economics Club 4; Lacrosse 2; Intramurals 2; Spri-Hian Staff 4; Bowling 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Sayillg: "You are terrible!" Favol'ite Memory: Wick and Wirk.


Student Council 2; Cross Country 4; Soccer 2, 3; World Affairs Club 4; Track 2, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Vertebrate Zoology Club 3; Intramural Basketball 3. Favorite Saying: "Are you for real?" Secret Ambitioll: To be campaign manager of the Scranton for President drive in '68.


BGwling 4; Tri-Hi-Y. 3; Girls' Track Club 4; Lacrosse 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Scriveller Business Staff 4; F.B.L.A. Recorder 4; Executive Council 3; Soph Hop Committee 2; Operators Club 2, 3, 4; Nurses' Aide 4; Gym Aide 4; Library Assistant' 3, 4. Favorite Sayillg: "Anything happen?" Pet Peeve: "Being" Carol Congar !

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MARION RENATE REGINA STURM MONse Student Council 4; French Club 4; Exchange Student 4. Pet Peeve: To kiss American boys. Favorite Memory: Drive-in movies.

JOHN WARREN SUITER S"it Golf Team 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Play Cast 4. Always Seen: Passing a physics test. Pet Pee/leo' Intermission at the "Family"


FRED R. SYKES Fred Soccer 4; Golf Club 4; Indoor Track 2; Track 4; Sports Club 3. Favorite Saying: "Money, what's that?" Always Seen: With my head in the clouds.

GENEVIEVE CAROL SYLANSKI Squeak Gym Aide 3, 4; Dental Club 4; Bowling 4; Bridge Club 2, 3; Student Council 2; Prom Committee 3; Soph Hop Committee 2. Favorite Saying: "Big jolt." Secret AI;tbition: Live in Liverpool or Mersey, England.

DONNA TABER Donda Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Library Assistant 3; Home Economics Club 3, 4; Spri-Hian Assistant Typing Editor 3, Typing Editor 4. Favorite Saying: "Who, me?" Always Seen: With John.


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Basketball 2; Cross Country 3, 4; Indoor track 4; Track 3, 4; Hi-Y 3; World Affairs Club 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4; Expression '65 3; Sports Club 2; Tennis 2; Intramural Basketball 3, 4. Favorite Saying: "Yotl lose again, Ron, pay up!" Pet Peeve: Administ~ation tyranny at basketball games.









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Student Council 4; Spri-Hian Sports Editor 4; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 3, 4; Cross Country 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; Gym Team 2 , 3; National Honor Society 3, President 4. Remem bered For: Great cross country record. Favorite Memol)': Erasing the blackboard.


RICHARD MASON TAYLOR II Dick Bowling 2, 4; Interscholastic Bowling 4; Soccer Manager 3; Baseball Manager' 3; Wrestling Manager 3; Spri·Hian 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; District Chorus 3, 4; Offset Printing Club 4. Favorite Saying: "That's really wonderful!" Prize Possessioll: My one, and only one, white belt.

JOHN 1. THOMAS Johll Football 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 3; Shop Club 2, 4. Remembered For: Being a lap pacer. Hobby: Working on cars.

NANCY HELEN TILLOTSON Nance Tri·Hi·Y 2; Soph Hop Committee 2; Intramural Basketball 3; Home Economics Club 3; Spri·Hian 4; F.N.A. 4; Nurses' Aide 4. Favorite Saying: ''I'm hungry." Secret Ambition: To be a gym squad leader.

DOROTHY ANN TITUS Dottie Bowling 2, 3, 4; Nurses' Aide 3; Dental Club 3, 4; Dental Assistant 3, 4; So,ph Hop Committee 2; Gym Aide 4. Favorite Saying: "A. H. Karen-she knows." Prize Possession: Membership in the "Big Three."

MARCELLA PATRICIA TRETIAK Marcia Spri·Hian Treasurer 3; Quill and Scroll 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri·Hian Business Staff 4; Home Economics Club 3, 4; Secretary, Driver Education Department 4. Favoriie Saying: "Really, are you sure?" Remembered For: Always rushing.

LYNN CONSTANCE TROUT Lynll Art Club 3, 4. Remembered For: Always having gum. SeCl'et Ambition: To beat up Bud.

WILLIAM GEORGE TRUMAN Wild Mall Football 2, 3, 4. Pet Peeve: '56 Plymouth. Favorite Memory: 2:35 on Friday.

MARIAN ELIZABETH TUCKER Mariali Chorus 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; National Merit Semi·finalist 4; Spri.Hian Editorial Staff 2, 3, 4; Scrivener Editor·in·chief 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Great BO,oks Club 4; Prom Committee 3; Scott's Hi-Q 4; Russian Club 4. Remembered For: A marked propensity toward procrastination and sloth. Always Seell: Eating lunch under the tree.

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LUCIA ELEANOR VALZ Loosh Tennis 2, 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, Vice president 4; Bowling 2, Secretary 3, President 4; Gym Aide 3, 4; Intramurals 2; So ph Hop Committee 2; Expression '65 2; Prom Committee 3; Spri-Hian 4; Scriflenef 4; Leathercraft Club 2, 3, 4. Remembered For: My ability to shot put. Secret Ambition: Wimbledon, England.

BURTON RUSSEL VISCUSI BlIl't Basketball Manager 3, 4; Bowling 4. Remembered For: Poison ivy. Prize Possession: Bible.




CONSTANCE PHOEBE WALKER Connie F.B.L.A. 2; F.N.A. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; S\Ori-HiaJ1- Art Staff; SCl'imJel Business Staff 4. Fa/lol'ile Saying: "Yeah, but it was funny!" . Farlol'ite Memory: Sneaking into the Beatles' suite.


WENDY KAY WALKER IVe/1 Cougarettes 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Bowling 3; Office Aide 4; Intramural Volleyball ' 2, 3. Remembered For: My low voice. Pet Pee/Ie: Locker keys and lockers.

KAREN KATHLEEN WALLACE Wally Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Expression '65 2; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Triple Trio 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Bridge Club 4; Varsity Club 3, 4. Fa/lol'ite Saying: "Well, the thing is ... " Prize Possession: Membership in V.A.

JAMES· CURTIS WALLS, JR. Walley Baseball 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Bowling 2; Sports Club 2, So ph Hop Committee 2. Remembered For: Wearing a tie. Secret Ambition: To surf.

JAMES THOMAS WALSH Jacqlles Football 3, 4; Service Club 4; Executive Council 3; Track 3, 4; Bowling

3, 4. Favo;·ile Saying: "Oh Alk!" P"ize Possession: The picture in my football helmet.


LINDA ANN WARNER Lhz Hock~y 2, 3, 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Lacrosse 2, 3; Basketball 2; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4. Always Seen: With AI. Prize Possession: A.E.D.

VIRGINIA LOUISE WARNER Ginger Rifle Team 3, 4; ~eaihercraft Club 2, 4; Gym Aide 3, 4. Remembered For: My eraser. Prize Possession: My dog.

GEORGE BENJAMIN WATKIN Bell Football 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Executive Council 3. Favorite Saying: "Oh Alk 1" Secret ./lmbition: To own an XKE.

DENNIS. KEITH WEIR Dell/lie Bowling 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Ping Pong Club 4. Favo";te Saying: "You can't win 'em all." Pet Peeve: Girls who use that greasy kid stuff on their hair.

JANICE GARDiNER WICKS Jan Soph Hop Committee 2; F.T.A. 3, 4; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Favorite Saying: "Do well." Secret Ambition: To be an architect.

BARBARA KAY WILHELM Barb Student Council 3, 4; Bowling 4; Gym Aide 2. Always Seen: With Carol. Favorite Memory: Missing tenth grade final exams.

JOAN FELTON WILLIAMS Joan Class Secretary 2; Student Council Recording Secretary 3; Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, Secretary 4; Expression '65 2; SpriHian Business Staff 4; Prom Committee 3; Executive Council 3. Prize Possession: Membership in V.A. Favorite Memory: Christmas 1963-1964.

WILLIAM JOESPI;I WOLSFIELD Spoolies Service ClUb 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4. Favorite Saying: "Gotta' eat." Always Seen: In the office.


DAVID BLAKE WOODS Dave Chorus 2; Choir 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Hi-Y 4; Basketball 4. FavOl"ite Saying: "Same to you, fella." Pet Peeve: Mr. Fry's tests.

CYNTHIA LEE WRIGLEY Cindy Tri-Hi-Y 2; Secretary 4; Soph Hop Committee 2; Prom Committee 3; Student Council 3; Scrivener Business Staff 4; Spri-Hian Business Staff 4. Pet Peeve: Lockers. Favorite Saying: "Hi there!"

JAMES CARLTON YORK Jim National Honor Society 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 4; Service Club 3, 4; Chorus 2; Operators' Club 2, 3, 4; JETS 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2, 4. Always Seen: Running. Prize Possession: Sorbonne sweat shirt.

PATRICIA ANN ZAFFIRI Patti F.B.L.A. 2, 3; Bowling 4; Art Club 4. Favorite Sa.ying: "Right!" Pet Peeve: White socks!

JOHN WILLIAM ZEHRING JOhil Band 2, 3, 4;· Orchestra 3, 4; Spri-Hian Managing Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Debating Club 2; World Affairs Club 4. Secret Ambitioll: To break another bass drum head. Hobby: Fireman.


HOWELL SHOENER ZULICK III Skip Soccer 2, 3, Co-captain, 4; Indoor Track 4; Hi-¥ 3, President. 4; Vertebrate Zoology Club 2; Intramural Basketball 3; Spri-Hian Editorial Staff 4. Remembered For: D.S.D.T.-Coordinator. P.·he Possession: A blonde Fiat driver.

THOMAS LOUIS ZURLO Tom Gym Team 3; <Art Club 4. Hobby: Cars. Career: High scbool.

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STEPHEN JOHN ZUZULOCK Sieve Biology Club 2; Bowling 4; SpriHian Business Staff 4. Remembered For: Keeping Scotty's in business. Always Seen: With Scali and the boys.

SENIORS NOT PICTURED: Sharon Bolden Michael Garrett Philip Grayson Norman Gruwell Robert Hackett Joseph Klineburger Barbara MacNamara

ALMA MATER Our Springfield High School, thou noble one and true, To thee we sing again, of our gold and blue. Hearts proudly loyal in song here unite To spread abroad the fame of thy great power and 1lJight. May thy sons be faithful to thy dear memory. Hail, our Alma Mater, we' e'er will sing to thee. Time ever flowing now bids us all go; High lot or lowly, weal or woe, Life's duties call us whit e'er befall, Love, honor, praise, and glory, thou wilt hear from all. And ever sweetly ringing the name we hold so dear, Voices shout in mem'ry and echo far and near. When we depart from thy protection 'here, We'll oft look behind us with all affection dear, Boldly we launch out upon life's stormy main And live our bright high school days all over again. How often we will ponder, on scenes of our student life, And we'll smile and murmur the name of Springfield High.



Your name's not here--you can't leave..

"Great Ideas" due Monday and he's reading Candy. But it says here that a carrot is worth more than two pawns and a rook.

Gee, Mrs. Werner, I could look at you all day.

Look busy and stow the cookies~here comes Mr. Walter.


So let's get some normal people running this yearbook!!






BEST LEADERS Debby Frazer, John Sammartino

MOST VERSATILE Bob Flohr, Sue Robb

FRIENDLIEST Fred Ateto, Joan Williams


MaS Bob Petermal




BEST DRESSED Cathee Pyne, Terry Moore

MOST TALKATIVE Jody Phillips, Sam Fostel

BEST PERSONALITY· Bob Reese, Judy GarguilQ


5 E N I



CLASS CLOWNS Ronnie Gillingham, Sam Foster

MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Sue Robb, Tony Santa Barbara


MOST, Dave Laboskyl

MOST DEPENDABLE Linda Lang, John Sammartino -......I. ....






BEST LOOKING Janet Diamond, Bruce McDermott

MOST FLIRTATIOUS Bill Aungst, Jane Riley


QUIETEST Rob Fischer, Anita DiRenzo J_.L...

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MAY QUEEN NOMINEES "John Sammartino will now" . . . "At this time I would like. to announce" ... meeting in room 202 ... "How about carrying one red rose?" . . . "Yeah, Mrs. Gramiak" . : . ushering at the Senior Play ... "you take the tickets, I'll give the programs" ... "but I don't want my picture taken" . . . "I always wear green formals, after all it's Thursday" ... gulp! ... it's a long walk ... "Our next nominee" ... "What if I don't have a date for the Soph Hop?" . . . "It's a good thing they don't judge for talent" ... The 1965 May Queen: Miss Joan Williims!










NOMINEES: First Row: Barb Storm, Janice Ehly, Jane Riley, Dorothy LeCalsey, Joy 'Matthews, Judy Garguilo, Linda Atkins. Second Row: Cathee Pyne, Linda Lang, Joan Williams, Debbie Frazer, Karen Lehman, Janet Diamond, :r.inda Chase.







THE DESK SET The battle for parts . . . a case of mis-casting . . little orange play books ... face the audience . . stay behind the curtains . . . more volume . . "freeze!" . . . cardboard books . . . a staple gun refill . . . "Bob, you've just walked through the wall again!" ...' boop-boop-a-doop ... a cast party ... showcase stars . . . a pussonal ring . . . more' eggnog ... "Hank, stop the jitters-the play's still 3 weeks off" . . . lunch between acts . . . "This is my last pick-up ladies" . . . an industriouS' junior and graduate . . . Hank's afraid of heights .. : Miss Emmy-the smiling computer . . . "A pink slip Dianne, not a slip that is pink" ... two at a time on the second floor. . . stink, Elsa, stink . . . The Watusis Corfu is situated ... On a date I think I need the desks are wrong again ... I'm not legal either . . . wrong phone . . . "Kathy! Wait until the play!" ... "Shall we give John a part?" ... The cracked support ... Peanut butter cookies ... a sex-less vamp ... the trade q1ark ... confusing tapes . . . Tuesday assembly . . . A fine solder job, Miss Bruning-why, that you, Joe?" .. .' open~ ing night . . . missing props . . . "Miss Warriner -make with the tears" ... Walter Lippman . . . unreconstructed old maid . . . "Curfew shall not ring tonight!"

Amalgamated Book Bags-up 41;2.

Linda Lang, Diane Messinger, chairmen; Mr. Merbrier, director, ..,.,..,...,.....~



But a baby shower wasn't in the script.

Now look, 1 told you that shaking hands has been ruled out.

.. ,.,.

Don't you touch me!

And have you heard what else THAT class did?

I'm going to go out and get born ... , er, ahh, celebrate-you know what I mean.

I'm fine--how are you?


Knickers, Joe?

I'll wear them if I want to.



First Row: H. Gotwols, coach; A. Juechter, 1. Kayser, J. Gordon, B. Aungst, F. Matthews, T. Murphy, B. Corcoran, D. Labosky, S. Robinson, T. Craskey, B. Flohr, J. Walsh, C. Battips, D. Pratzner, W. Mach'ides, coach. Second Row: J. Stumpf, coach; B. Truman, D. Mansueto, B. Wolsfield, J. Thomas, J. Heller, R. Dudley, G. Isherwood, B. Watkins, J. Ke1ican, T. Hibberd, R. Detskas, J. Elsaesser, R. Porche, B. Edwards, H. Bell, coach. Tbird Row: T. Coste, J. Bean, J. Petrie, 1. Anthonsen, J. DeRose.

COACHES: Harold Gotwols, William Mackrides, Harry Bell, Joseph Stumpf



T. Black, A. Wallace, 1'. Redfern, ]. McNett, B. Hamilton, G. Mattes, C. Hall, K. Miller, D. Freas. Fourth Row: ]. McGorman, ]. Barry, B. ]uechter, F. Reichert, W. Hess, P. Moyer, S. Haimowitz, B. Mainwairing, A. Carslaw, D. McCulley, A. Douglas, C. Mowbray, D. Laverty. Fifth Row: ]. Aisenbrey, D. Preston, A. Patterson, C. Battips, G. Petrie, R. Polilli, M. McDonald., M. Park, D. Acchione, D. DiGiovanni, ]. McElroy, D. Frick, G. . Faye, ]. Stalker, C. Cantley, P. Bridgins.

FOOTBALL 1964 football squad ... a swell season ... leg lifts during summer practice, especially Ivan's ... crutches and canes . . . pictures adorning the locker room . . . pre-game pep talk~ ... 50 yard foot race-Mr. Mackrides vs. Dave Pratzner-the winner ?-Dave . . . Running in circles around the sled . . . Doc's Birthday Party . . . "Have to play hard nose football, boys" ... constitutionals Mr. Stumpf losing his voice after calling out grass dr.ills captains-Labosky's lectures and Corcoran's brick-hands Mr. Mackrides showing Petrie a pass-it was intercepted running 4-6 in the dark . . . "Don't tell me--show me."

SCORES Springfield 20

26 47 21

32 DAVE LABOSKY, Co-Captain

14 19 20


Upper Darby Upper Merion Harriton Conestoga Plymouth-Whitemarsh Penncrest Ridley Radnor Marple-Newtown Won--6 Lost-3

Opponent 13 6

o 6

o 20

33 14


26 97

MANAGERS: John Stalker, Chuck Cantley, Pete Bridgins ~





Petrie runs for Springfield. .... ....b4...





First Row: M. Samuels, K. Lehman, ]. Gargiulo, F. Burda. Second Row: R. Phillips, 1. DiCicco, ]. Matthews, ]. Marrongelli. Third Row: ]. Shannon, B. Pauliwicz, B. Benn.



First game with Upper Darby . . . summer practice . . . advertisementS painting posters . . . Polka dots . . . indoor pep rallies cheering in the rain on Monday afternoon at Conestoga flapper pep rally . . . "Oh, when we win Suburban II-" Penncrest-a silent bus ride home ... "Mr. DelNegro, please playa song now" ... our Ridley Pep Rally-confetti and "donated" crepe paper . .. the last bus ride from Radnor ... counting money for programs ... decorating for the Football Party . . . "Cougars on the warpath Go!! Go!!" ... A bonfire at last !-Rain ... basketball bus rides . . . Kiwanis Tournament . . . half-time circles . . . hurrying back from Conestoga for the U.D. wrestling meet ... "Springfield High School can't be beat" ... firecrackers in the back of the bus . . . "Upper Merion go home-it's our turn to cheer" ... Seniors' last game.



,Fj '. Mock, mock, mock.



Kill the pig! Slit his throat! Spill his blood!


F,il'st Row: B. Spangler, W. Maxwell, B. Renniger, M. McLaws, B. Heller, R. Bates, B. Cato, S. Zulick, D. Beers, F. Sykes, J. Walls, B. Magee, M. Bokobza. Second Row: J. Zulick, B. Nye, B. Appel, R. Frick, B: McBrearty, J. <;:reed, D. Brown, D. Ferrell, D. Patterson, B. Weniger, P.

Avila, M. Roderick, G, Morton, A. ¡Klineburger,

J. Schoeninger, R. Stevenson, P, Kaepplinger.

SOCCER Pierre . , . The Rink . , , Gleak . . . Wallsy . . . Stubs . . . Hatchet . . . Mutt and Jeff . . , locker room art displays . . . "Blew another field goal" .. , D,S.D.T. . . . cub scout uniforms with baggy pants . . . Brooks missing the heads the ball toward Haverford goal to lose the game 1-0 bus to North Avenue ... running laps, .. hands of a junior U.D. loss . . . tons of spectators . . . cow pasture fields . , . "Keeps me off street corners",.¡, '.. 3 All-Delco players . , . student smoking lounge . . . elbows of a senior . . . "Pass it, Mike" .. , "Mike, please, Mike, pass it!" . . . looking down at the coach . . , the art of dirty playing . '. Mr, Z at the Faculty Game .. , "You've got your work cut out for you" .. , The coach is "so nice"! Springfield 1

o 3 5 8 2 1


o 1

Opponent Great Valley 2 1 Haverford Conestoga o 1 Chester Sun Valley o Penncrest 1 Marple-Newtown 1 'Ridley o Upper Darby 3 Great Valley o Won-6 Lost-3 Tied-1



COACHES: William Speakman, Richard Dietrich Follow the bouncing blur.



Put it away! Here comes Mr. Morgan.

MANAGERS: Greg B'lewitt, Jim Silverman


Fi,.Ji Row:' R. Ricketts, 1. Montague, T .. Judd, G. Tapp, F. Ateto, J. Menoher, R. Reese, H. Taussig, T. Steward, D. MacAdams. Second Row: K. Mancini, H. Hammerstone, R. Pollock, J. York, R. Omlor, J. Contompasis, R. Arthur, R. Balsley, F. Riley, B. Early, K. Prager, M. Pearlman. Thi,.d Row: D. Fry. coach; T. Lodise, M. Polk, T. Myers, J. Christiansen, T. Dilliplane, A. Miller, M. Mullan, B. Kelley, B. Patton, B. Simon, B. Hanks.

CROSS COUNTRY¡ Over hill, over vale, we will follow Mr. Dale . . . beat Haverford ... 3-1-3 ... Memorial Park, Walsh Park, Country Club.. William Tenant High ... "But it hurts!" only one more mile to go ... "Six inches-UH!" . . . beat Haverford . . . "When you get tired, run harder" . . . Berdan's Candy Store Jim York and his atom bomb . . . Mrs. Fry's cider the exclusive club . . . showboat rides again . . . more calisthenics . . . beat Haverford . . , "Fellas, we're gonna have an easy practice" .. eight times around the field, INCLUDING THE TREE . . . "It's a Fryhopper" ... beat Haverford.



20 22 19 20

15 19 20 30


Opponent Nether Providence Upper Darby Chester Lower Merion Radnor Ridley Township Marple Newtown Haverford Penncrest Won-8


43 37 43 43 50 44 35 25 30


MANAGERS: Ken Mancini, Mark Pearlman

Fint Row: M. Eastman, J. Williams, D. Frazer, K. Wall~ce, M. Fraley, S. Patton, J. O'Flynn, S. Robb, M. McCoy, L. Jacoby. Second Row: C. Helmig, D. Cohen, J. Stettler, L. Beattie, P. Huston, G. Krouse, C. Markel, J. Diamond, M. Schaub. Third Row: J. Barbour, L. Cawley, P. Pommer, C. Walker, S. Nelson, J. Cooper, D. Strickland, L. Maits, P. Kilbane, D. McCallister, C. Creed, N. Walker,]. Watt, S. Hunt, S. Anderson.'

HOCKEY Undefeated and untied again! ... high scorers -Captain Marie Fraley and Gretchen Krouse, 6 goals each . . . hurray for those scoring halfbacks · . . laps and sprints . . . apples after practice · . . Coach Brusch,' the Great Rationalizer . . . Tom Craskey and Jim Walsh, honorary team members . . . Janet Diamond's nice headbands · .. Shin splints again, Fink? •.. "Miss Brusch, some of us think we spend too much time at practice:' . . . Tigers vs. Cubs, get those tails moving! . . . Upper Merion game-last 20 seconds . . . Lansdowne game-our best by far . . . Let's have a yea-ray! Weeses and Geeses, and a M-O-N-C-H, gr-r-r . . . "Hey, Baby!" . . monch'em, monch'em, monch'em ! Springfield 5 2 1 2 3 2 3 2

COACHES: Gladys Hart, Jane Brusch


Quick, who's got the Polident?


Conestoga Harriton Upper Merion Penncrest Marple-Newtown Ridley Lansdowne Radnor Won-8 Lost-O

o o o 1

o o o 1


SUE HUNT, Senior Manager

And after you're done sweeping,the flopr, move the desks back.

Deb, are you sti II using that greasy kid stuff?



First Row: D. Pratzner, C. McGowen, R. CampbeU, ]. Gordon,]. Menoher, R. Flohr, R. Brown, D. Wo~ds, M. Fricko, M. Iannicone, R. Corcoran, B. Earley.

J. Petrie. Second Row: ]. HeUer, T. Mohr,

BOYS' BASKETBALL The largest squad ever ... a contest-blue against gold "He's a weak sister" ',' . "We're number one!'; . . . Beat Plymouth "Mac, you're walking like a drunk" . . . Clipboard Jack (Flash Gordon) . . . Stretch Flohr's jumper at the Plymouth-Whitemarsh game' . . . Pratzner's tap-ins fast break drills .:.' . his luc~y red socks . . . "They'll burn you on it" "Whatsiznanie, .Bet out there, too." ... overly enthusiastic school spirit Radnor's stands . . . the basketball at Penncrest . . . laps a favorite . . . basketball pep rally . . . SECTION II CHAMPS!


John Peoples and Harry BeU, Coaches; Jack Gordon and Rich CampbeU, Captains.



MANAGERS: Kurt Buchhalter, Burt Viscusi, Jack Baltzer, Bruce Johnson.






62 55

66 50 63 49

62 72

76 72 50 75 48 63



Opponent Upper Merion Harriton Conestoga Plymouth Whitemarsh Penncrest Ridley Township Radnor Upper Merion Harriton Conestoga Plymouth Whitemarsh Penncrest Ridley Township Radnor Ridley Township Plymouth Whitemarsh Won-12

Darn Gum!

63 47 72 48 41 48 46 59 56 58 73 57

67 56 40 42



Well, it has to come down sometime.


Fit'st Row: M. Anders, S. Darling, H. Paris, C. Hall, J. Baxter, A. Carslaw, G. Petrie, M. Woods, M. Mullan. Second Row: F. Sloan, B. Coyle, S. Kauffer, R.. Walls, D. Bruce, C. Jetter, D. Freas, G. Pilkington.

Let's see-that's five chocolate, four vanilla, and a marinated cranberry.

Nice kick, Ref. _


.ti._ _



Hall, Junior Varsity Coach



First Row: K. Petre, P. Pommer, M. McCoy, J. Williams, D. Frazer, 1. Lang, M .. Fraley, P. Gardner, J. Stettler, K. Woodcock, J. Watt, t. Cowley. Second Row: S. Anderson, M. Adaman, B. Federman, 1. Stein, D. McCallister, C. Walker, 1. Anthonsen, K. Wiedman, P. Kilbane, ]. Doyle, S. MacDowell, M. Schaub, 1. Griffith, K. Doherty, P. McCormick, E. Downes.

GIRLS' BASKETBALL Stettie ... Murph ... Woodchuck ... Joan Bone ... Liz Bow ... The Hatchet . . Little Linda . . . our pep ball . . . allergy to home court . . . Radnor game"Edie" Frazer fouls out "Oh the weeses and the geeses" . . . Rabbits vs. the Bunnies Linda's rabbit food "Monch 'em" ... Miss Brusch's birthday party ... baggy warm up pants . . . loose bloomers and plaid belts . . . "The boys are watching through the gym doors again" . . . pep pills . . . losing to Ridley Township by one basket ... "Do like the Army 1" ... Our loyal fans-Rich, Dan, Luke, Jim, Fred and Sam. SCORES


29 26 45 45 36 63 40 37

Marple Newton Ridley Township Radnor Conestoga Harriton Nether Providence Upper Merion Penncrest




The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

Opponents 17 28 30 33

41 47 29 42



You don't bother me.

Is Rich Campbell in the house? MANAGERS: Ellen Downes, Sue Anderson




First Row: S. Fisher, B. Miller, D. Lisk, B. Snyder, L. Wilks, P. Moyer, B. Lownes, C. Battips, E. Cassidy, B. Shroegenhamer, G. Balis, ]. McKnett, K. Miller, ]. Jones. Second Row: M. Taussig, B. Carlson, D. Beacher, D. Beacher, H. Poulos, H. Taussig, D. Beers, B. Sc:;otti, T. Murphy, B. McDermott, C. Batipps, D. Labosky, ]. Bean, Mr. Shoemaker. Third Row: R. Goldenberg, B. Waterhouse, D. Soule, ]. Schwenzer L. Wange, H. Winslow, R. Simon, P. Rock, Q. McDonald, M.Kowznowsky, ]. Weiner, A. Douglas, T. Dukes, ]. McElroy. Fourth Row: D. 'Shaw, S. Haimowitz, B. Renninger, S. McMackin, H. Huber, N. Gruwell, D. Petino, ]. Rock, C. Weaver, D. Feuquay, P. Rickards, D. McClellen, B. Weniger, D. Shinn, B. Corbin.

WRESTLING Pre-meet reminiscings over the escapades of Renny Hanlon ... Doctor Lobosky's dietary advice . . . the centipede in the closet . . . Mr. Shoemaker's detective jacket . . . Greek food . . . Barsons after the Christmas tourney . . . the walk through Ridley Township . . . Snellenback's cigar . . . Greek etiquette . stereophonic WIBG in the locker room . . . coaching after Collingdale ... Batipp's drug and cow store . . . Mr. Shoemaker's fantastic grandmother.




DAVE LABOSKY, Co-captain


Don't wait to he told; you need Palmolive Gold.

Are you sure this is how Shoemaker started?



115 .J..



TRACK 'But, Mr. Fry, it hurts" ... always a new Vz mile record .. ~ "How many did the three-one¡-three'?" ... bei l1 g covered with sawdust and. blisters the few "For the who must throw at Halderman Field last time will someone get the hurdles off the track?" .. , using the dangerous atom-bomb which sometimes burns the muscle ... large collars ... running in the extremes of weather ... "Don't fall while running unless you want to carry cinders around for the rest of your life ... "Get out of those starting-blocks fast! ". . . six count burpees, coaches Dale, Les, Randy . . . run faster, throw farther, jump higher ... "Come on, McLaws, quit loafing" "You've got five minutes to shower and dress." Mr. Fry's hats ... new events-triple jump and 2-mile ... pace, pace, pace.



Vaulter clears pole in thrill-packed practice.

SENIORS: First Row: W. Morris, C. Batipps, B. Campbell, D. Pratzner, M. McLaws, C. Lucas, D. Labosky, B, Gallagher, B. Omlor, ]. Welsh, R. Detskas, ]. York, F. Atteto. Secolld Row: B. Renninger, B. Spangler, J. DeRose, B. Corcoran, B, Arthur, F. Riley, G. Tapp, C. Cantley, S, Peikin, D, Acclone, M. Bokobza, Dale Fry, Coach,


'DISTANCE MEN: Fit'st Row: M Bokobza, B. Arthur, F. Riley, R. Detskas, C. Cantly, J. Walsh, C. Lucas, B. Omlor, B. Renninger, B. Watkins, J. York, D. Acchione. Second Row: M. Bortman, L. Zellino, J. Christiansen, B. Kelly, B. Pollili, H. McLaughlin, J. Clough, R. Huntsman, B. Pagliaro, S. Peikin. Third Row: B. DiGiovani, D. Hess, B. Frick, B. Hudson, D. Dannaker, B. Hamilton, R. Sellers, B. Walsh, F. Peikin. Fourth Row: M. Polk, P. Moyer, T. Dukes, M. Fricko, B. Mainwaring, F. Harper, E. Vetrone, G. Mattes, T. Myers.

SPRINTERS, HURDLERS, JUMPERS: First Row: F. Ateto, R. Campbell, D. Pratzner, J. Menoher, J. Gordon, G. Tapp. Contompasis, C. Bati:pps, J. Creed, J. Diehl, R. Sellers, B. Reichert, B. Mainwaring, M. Fricko, T. Dukes, B. Hamilton,

B. Spangler, B. Gallagher, W. Morris, M. McLaws, C. Batipps, Second Row: N. Hawley, J. Heller, J. McFaul, B.. Patton, J. Early. Third Row: D. Brown P. Kaepplinger, K. Praber, F. P. Moyer, A. Douglas, J. Truman.

DIUH-EEE WEIGHT MEN: Fit'st Row: Les Landa, Coach; J. Scuibba, J. Schwenzer, B. Scotti, J. DeRose; B. Corcoran, D. Labosky, P. Rock, B. Corbin. Second Row: G. McLaughlin, B. Pride, G. Ballas, S. Haimowitz, J. Carey, A. Klineburger, G. Mattes, R. Lellers. Thit'd Row: A. Miller, B. Laverty, B. Thompson, J. Hudson, C. Mowbrey, B. Hamilton, B. Appel.



[iil'si Uo/(': S. Patton, K. Wallace, S. Robb, M. Fraley, F. Burda, D. Frazer, J. Williams, M. McCoy. Second Roll': C. Clarke, J. Watt, R. Hallowell, R. Phillips, P. Huston, G. Krouse, J. Stettlel', N. Yeager, S. Anderson. Tbird Row:.1. Clark, S. Kirt.,nU, K. Walker, 1. Dabb, P. Kilbane, M. Schaub, L. Maits, C Larzerlere. S. Nelson, S. Silverstein, C. Carly, D. Strickland, B. Renn, B. Ritten.¡

LACROSSE Ah! spring . . . those puddles! . . : indoor practice .. 'round Robin Hood's barn . . . watching the track team when Miss Hart isn't looking . . . Rat . . . our postage stamp ... and ... and ... and pet peeve: sharing the team room with the tennis girls Murph . . . first cutter, second cutter, third cutter Move thy feet, child! ... Swarthmore, the big if!

SUE ROBB, Co-capt,lill

DEBBY FRAZER, Co.clptain


Lacrosse coach points out f... nc....



119 .I

First Row: P. Avila, T. Murphy, T. Craskey, B. Flohr, S. Foster, J. Walls, B. Wolsfield, D. Oyler, T. Chrinka. Second Row: R. Dietrich, Coach; D. Freas, D. Ferrell, G. Acers, P. Frick, J. Bean, J. Petrie, D. Smith, 1. Anthonsen, M. Iannicone, R. Walls; H. Bell, Coach.

BASEBALL Cracky ... Tojo Stretch ... Teeth ... Millll ... Spools ... Tarzan .. McGilla Gorilla Bush Wax ... Dude .. , Duke ... "Molly Potz" . . glove on the ground . . . shredded uniforms . . . duck hats . . . game called because of snow . . . cow pasture fields . . . Penncrest-the sure win · .. Ridley Township fights . . . the "handy" pitching machine . . . "Samget serious" ... every game; to come from behind to win ... bus breaks down · .. locker room thieves . . . three times-team walks home from Harriton game . . . Petrie battles Ridley spectators . . . Gordon's team participation · .. mass of spectators (Dotty, Joy and faithful Mrs. F.) ... Craskey and his team enthusiasm.

BOB FLOHR, Captain




The abominable snowman-at baseball practice?

Keep your head down, legs spread, eye on the ball-and try to play baseball in that position.

Are you sure this is how Nanook of the North got started?


First Row: F. Sciubba, H. Taussig, 1. Milkowski, B. Cale, B. Heller, T. Moore, ]. Aisenbrey, D. Capus. Secolld Row: ]. Zulick, R. Fischer, P. Tadd, M. Mullan, ]. Taylor, A. Valbuena, S. Grady, J. Weldy, T. Judd, R. Shoemaker, Coach.




Wunderkind's fragrant locker . . . Mr. Suave . . . the day, the coach came to practice . . . calisthenics at the Penncrest match ... Mullan's dainty 'feet ... Aisenbrey'~ iron grip ... those horrible days when the coach couldn't come to give us tips. : . Mr. Shoemaker's ping-pong debts . . . "Offensive Tennis" by Jay Taylor . . . Heller's bus to Idle Hour . . . Heller vs. Ai~enbrey -bring an overnight case . . . Mullan vs. Shoemaker-don't blink . . . Milkowski's art gallery . . . Capus' broomstick idea . . . Hal Taussig?? . . . Mullan's secret lock combination. JOHN AISENBREY, Co-captain

Fir,,! ROil': 1. Beattie, 1. Valz, 1. Lang, 1. Jacoby, S. Anderson, ]. Ostland, W. Walker, S." Doyle, D. Davis. Secolld ROll': 1. Morgan, P. Cohanne, P. Kyner, M. Tadd, K. Mullan, A. Abel, 1. Gates, C. Smith, D. Bateman, H. Seeley, 1. Cowie}'. 1\1. Freedman, B. Levens.

GIRLS' TENNIS Docs Springfield High School know there is a girls' tcnnls team? . . . five courts for 17 girls and 15 boys . . . "No tennis practice today."is there ever? "How about Thursdays, coach?"-only her hairdresser knows for sure tranquilizers for Lec . . . hats an'd sweatshirts off to colored shoelaces "Hey, Loosh! Is that you under the hat?" ... "Yes, coach, thc ~une is played with a racket-My, that's a lacrosse ball?" . . . Linda's ventilated tennis shorts . . . "Practice over already?-we've only been here 15 minutes." "If it doesn't stop raining Mrs. Werner will never get her sun tan!" Sue's overhand lob-keep it in the court . . . "Girls, remember, we must look ladylike on the court." BETTY LEVENS, Manager



You sure this is the wa}' Louise Werner got started?

Come on. men-we' II take the bridge.

WINTER TRACK Basketball games in the locker room, especially York's moves ... runners from North Penn . . . "when the girls' don't have it" . . . Greek . . . Nebraska . . . Jobby . . . "To get my picture in the Yearbook" . . . triangle coach . . . no benches Haverford's two-mile relay ... medals not allowed to run in the halls . . . crummy uniforms . . . "What spectators ?"

Fit'St Row: R. Detskas, C. Lucas, B. Omlor, B. Arthur. Secolld Row: F. Matthews, G. Tapp, B. Gallagher, D. Acchione, C. Cantley, R. Bates, ]. Contompasis. Third Row: F. ReiIly, F. Ateto, ]. York, B. Ricketts, W. Hawley, R. Polilli. Fomth Row: 1. Zellino, ]. Christiansen, A. Miller, H. McCloughin, K. Prager.

INTERSCHOLASTIC BOWLING Two returning seniors ... "How about a bowling letter?" . . Mr. Hall at one of the matches . . . missing the ten pin to lose to Lower Merion . . . one victory over Haverford ... Slattery losing the series ... money to Carlin . '.. fighting over a trophy . . . the dream of school financial aid. finishing in tpird place.

First Row: ]. Bishop, S. Nelson, ]. Carlin. Secolld Row: D. Flynn, E. ,LeBon, D. Kevis, B. Kelly, D. Taylor. •

RIFLE TEAM Prone ... kneel ... m~ttress layouts ... flipping from top to bottom . . . coaching the girls . . . Beattierecreation director . . . fight fot the line. . . ten targets, two shots apiece . . . all kinds of shooting . . . interscholastic awards dinner ... no good girls . . . the junior instructor from Ridley . . . stolen by Swarthmore . . . "Who's the captain?" . . . Gunner Sergeant Sosec-"a great guy."

124 -First Row: V. Glaser, S. Boyd, D. Leightley, A. Nixon, B. Hanzel, C. Kepner. Secolld Row: R. Murch, B. Chandler, F. Ciarlo, C. Glaser, V: Warner, 1. Beattie, ]. Kern, P. Kowalczyk, ]. Berezny.

First Row: Slone, D. Grimes, R. Devenny, B. Balsley, D. Shinn, D. Zeigler, R. Naulty. Second Row: J. Cannon, Coach; B. Vucelich, T. Black, R. Mitchell, J. Bishop, T. Mohr, A. Juechter, T. Redfern.

GOLF Uncle Joe Cannon . . . Dudey Rock . . . Grimsey . . . Moby driver-ed station wagon Dudey's in cha.rge of the candy "We have the potential to be s~ction champs-how come we're in last place?" . . . a coach who can't beat any team members the kid with the only hole-in-one is cut from the team a bent club over Suiter's head . . . Francie is a chicken missing spectators . . . "But it's a coed team" "If you lose, you can't listen to WIBG on the way home" "What golf team?"


Fiw Row: SENIORS: R. Balsley, D. Grimes, A. Juechter, T. Mohr. Second Row: T. Black, J. Bishop, R. Vucelich; J. Cannon, Coach.




o c

C E R Firsl Row: D. Haney, J. Hamilton, J. Morris, S. Markel, S. Roderick, B. Smith, B. Tonner, D. McBrearty, A. Marino, F. Shoeninger. B. Rickett. A. Thomas. Second Row: K. \Vebster, B. Kenyan, R. Bowers, B. Douse, R. Avila, J. Murray, D. Cox, B. hadge, M. McClellan, T. Fink, R. Renninger, R. Shoemaker, M. \Vilcox. Third Rotv: A. Teaf, coach; H. Palmer, S. Mainwaring. B. Stefenson. M. Schwartz. B. Rausch, T. Zuber, T. Angsted, J. Kingrea, ·B. Ham, D. Alexander,. R. Rinbacon, G. Lague. J. Quedenfeld, C. Wood, M. Stevenson. D. Helevig, D. Atkins', R. Lynch, B. Schmid, A. Irvin.


o o T B


L L Firsl Ro,v: E. Bakow, J. Jones, D. Moyer. J< Bradfield. S. Bates, P. Kline, J. Moll, C. Herman, J. Parris. Second Row: S. Geaf, D. Magee, T. Lehman, J. Ferrante, D. Beers, B. Campbell, N. Fisch, J. Ray, Mr. Shoemaker. Third Row: P. McFadden, D. Foster, D. \Villiams, J. Smedley, J. Williams, R. Boshald, A. Shapiro, W. Kasselbohm, G. Greenburg, Mr. Peoples. FOflrlh Row: M. McFadden, H. Rothman, J. Hillerson, J .. Littleton, T. Hanson, C. Bosi, M. Ray, B. Osborn, D. Nash.





Firsl Row: S. Menseritz, D .. Pemberton, S. McLean, K. Mullan, D. Rizzo, Mullineaux, M. McClellan, J. Tapp. SecolJd Row: D. Purcell, 1. Morgan, Wallace, M. McCallister, C. Joseph, P. Cohanne, S. Watkin, J. Fegan, D. P. Murphy, D. Mason, K. McCormick, 1. Bates, M. Fich, K. O'Hara, A.

M. \Xlilson, J. Cohen, I.. Kelly, C. Butler, C. Kaepplinger, B. S. Lobley, D. McFaul, L Bramble, R. Liebhauser, C. Heller, B. Hall, B. Bateman. Third How: J. Grubbs. coach; J. Dudley, K. Thorpe, S. Hallowell, Abel, L Miller, B. McCarthy, B. Mawson, 1. Beattie, N. McBrearty, coach .

L Davi,.




T L I·

N G First Row: J. Glub, J. Smedley, M. Stevenson, D. Mayer, W. Conger, J. Cliff, S. Bates, B. Stuart, P. Marano. Secol1d Row: J. Roy, E. Arduino, D. Nash, M. McClellan, S. Shoemaker, S. Cope, B. Isherwood, B. Kirsher, B. James, c. Craig. Third Row: R. Hay, S. Dougla~, S. Johnson, T. Zuber, j. Holt, B. Raffenbart, A. Spina, T. Hanson, B. DiLuzzio.

B B o A y


S' K E T B A


G I R L , S

B. Campbell, G. Rizzo, C. Logue, T. Barr, ~. Graff, J. Fever, captain; B. Freas, G. Quedenfeld, J. Williams, R. Rakitis, J. Bradfield, A. Shapiro.



L L Fh'st Row: P. Cohanne. K. Mullan, M. Woods, S. Lobley, 1. Davis, H. McCallister. Seco,ui Kow: J. Sanders, M. Willson, M. Joseph, D. Bretherick, B. Hall, 1. Bates, A. Able, B. Mawson, 1. Morgan. Third Row: J. Manns, 1. Miller, M. Hett, J. Luongo, R. Leibhauser, K. Brown, J. Edwards, M. Murphy, J. Spencer, Mrs. McBreaty, coach. FOl/rth Row: D. Pemberton, 1. Servies, K. Schaefer, K. Bachman, C. Heller, J. Bernstein, M. McClellan, K. McCormick.




c K J. Moore, J. Betts, J. LeFever, D. Hollenbach, B. Cambell, T. Lehman, G. Smith, T. DiGiovani, Smedley, P. McFadden, R. Powers, O. Nash. Second Rot/): D. Moyer, R. Risley, P. Harper, B. Osbourne, C. Loague, T. Zuber, J. Sheppard, T. Brazol, B. Rocap, R. Mason, B. Benzine, J. McCoy. Third Row: Mr. Irwin, R. Harris, W. Walsh, G. Price, K. Schwartz, R. Durbano, C. Marchionni, D. Morano, B..Robb, M. Michaelson, R. Rikatus, J. Lyon, K. Olsen, Mr. Stintson. FOJl1'th Row:. R. Keast, S. Barry, G. Davies, J. Behmke, B. James, c. Brewer, G. Burgmann, D. Helwig, M. McClellan, F. Borillo, B. Ernest, R. Kaye, S. Cope, D. Hamilton, J. Land, S. Melchiori, M. Lawley, G. DeCowman.

First Rot/): B. Freas,



5 E




Fiw Row: J. Frani, G. Rizzo, R. Boschold, J. Bradfield, D. Beers, J. McKeown. Second Row: G. Ege, Coach; G. Quenfield, P. Kline, D. Feld, B. Northington, J. Marcy, T. Barr. Third Row: T. Hansen, D ..Hodgson, B. Rausch, D. Magee, F. Mustaro, G. Greenberg.

We're off to Perkiomen.

Wait-my Congressional Medal of Honor-I seem to have lost it.


Aah-it's nailed to the ground And she's cheering for ns?

. Tackle the guy, don't try to pin him. So's your old man.

Wait till he sees the pretzel I just put in there.

H ear ken ! I hear the sound of a flute. Wait, I lost one of my contacts.

I'IJ/.v ,., 129

E wrsli


I came too late-my ring's been melted down.

Why dontcha come up and see me sometime?

J_ What have we here?


You get a nickel, I'll.get a dime ...

O.K., gang! Let's hit Scottie s and then bomb down to the Family.

I'll never go to high school. Too many new words to learn. A.


Jeff flunked the physical?

It really doesn't do me justice.

Mona Tucker.

What do I think of Lloyd Thaxton?

Quick, pass the barf bucket. This is a picture of Rick Walls checking library passes with Mr. Stumpf.


I r

[ Spring Concert minus two equals chaos.

--'_ _.-_1 Sorry, no more autographs.


Somebody else did something right!

I'll trade my two Albanian special delivery stamps for your Zambian air mail.


Marian Tucker, Editor-in.chief

A bigger and better yearbook . . . bOllncing the ball for old SHS . . . missing senior information sheets . . . senior celeb ballots . . . "We seem to have lost our theme" hearts and flowers vs. cynics and sarcasm ... a 12-way dedication? it's a status symbol . . . "He is not in the French Club" . . . Yes, in a fish market . . . "No that's Diane's jobno it's typing staff-no, no the editor-in-chief !-oh just give it to a copy staff member" "Of course it isn't Scrivener staff business-we're eating lunch!" "Would you like to pose for a candid?" ... Bartleby's Brownies . . . give the candid a caption . . . "Today you are a person" ...anti-petition petition ... ''I'm certainly not having my picture taken like THAT" . . . But the deadline was last week-end . . . censored captions ... Quill and Scroll "No, Boob is 110t a nickname" ... and don't make any stupid mistakes I QUIT!

Oh Boogies. Theodore Walter, Editorial Advisor; Barbara McCiennen" Business Advisor ___


First Row: J. Eggart, T. Kabakjian, 1. Atkins, F. Souder, M. Bruning, J. Moss, K. Barnum, T. Seifert. Second Row: F. Scuibba, M. Samuels, B. Ritten, 1. Chase, 1. Valz, L. Christiansen, D. McKinley, K. Lehman, B. Curry.

Sue Anderson, Business Manager; Jean Moss, Assistant Business Manager; Sandy Patton, Treasurer EDITORS: Nancy Cliff, Copy; Marian McConeghey, Photography; Vicki Boccelli, Typing; Diane Mullikin, Layout

Fint Row: E. Corson, S. Lacock, C. Lehnis, M. Tretiak, J. Wicks, M. Stewart, S. Miller, J. Lanchak, J. EWy. Second Row:D. Clark, M. Newman, A. Carrol, E. Hoag, J. Masson, B. Ritten, E. Downes, c.' Pyne, 1. DiCicco, J. Reilly, C. Bows, K. Kayser.. Third Row: M. Dalrymple, C. Branton, S. Richards, J. Gattinella, W. Walker, E. Ga~zerelli, B. Storm, C. Wrigley.



EDITORIAL STAFF-Fiw Row: D. Capus, J. Cohane, 1. Atkins, K. Schwartz, L. Valz, D. McKinley, N. Menon, A. Dreeland, C. Tarnoff, C. Bryan. Second Row: J. McIntire, J. Phillips, H. Seeley, R. Hallowell, D. Englander, K. Woodcock,G. 'Wren, B. Faulk, C. Carty, P. Kyner, R. Kohut, J. Sperow, J. Robinson, G. Krauss, B. Smith. Third Row: A. Durbano, 1. Mariano, M. Spegele, K. Smith, R. Berg, B. Thomson, V. Smith, 1. Cooper; G. Lacko, E. Bonini, K. 'lehman, J. Manns, J. Blewitt, 1. Gordon, J. McMenamin. "........------~

SPRI-HIAN Searching for a typist at 4:30 . . . censoring those extreme political articles . . . special sessions with Mrs. Werner . . . Pam's Jabberwocky page . . . not laying out the Boys' Sports page ... putting Mrs. Werner's phone number in a pizza ad ... the day Art went to the printer's and found sixteen inches of copy missing from page four . . . lynching Lynne F'Iowell . . . the lost Senior Spotlight article . . . squabbles with the printer ... Linda-one woman's fight for ad space . . . The View Froin Down Here ... Joe McMenamin-HIf this yearbook is as good as our paper, you'll be reading the best yearbook in the history of the world."



, "

Mrs. Werner, Editorial Advisor; Joe McMenamin, Editor---------~---------~------~""""l in-Chief .

EOlTORS-First Row: Jean Moss, Sue Robb. Second Row; Art Durbano, Lynne Howell, Sue Coggeshall, Hal Taussig..


BUSINESS STAFF-First Rot.: A. Ball, B. Storm, C. Branton, N. Kasselbohm, M. Spegele, ]. Faulk, C. Carty, K, Brown, L, Osmond, B. Cadge, M. Bressler, C. Wrigley. Secotld Row: M. Dalrymple, C. Bigotti, ]. Masson, S. Lacock, M. Bruning, ]. Phillips, ]. Geesey, D. Boileau, D. LeCalsey, S. Miller, M. Stewart, ]. Riley, ]. Lanchak, S. McHenry, S. Bridgins. Third Rot.: A. Micciantuono, ]. Eggart, R. Ribecca, A. Dreeland, L. Warner, S. Richards, ]. Gattinella, S. Boyd, ]. Haag, D. Kyner, E. Corson, C. Kepner, K. McMenamin, B. Esher, L. Cresta, V. Paradise, G. James, S. Hunt. Fourth Row: D. Paxton, N. Menon, L. Lang, L. Barbour, L. Mariano, ]. Winn, D. Davis, K. Williams, M. Bradfield, M. Eastman, L. McCaHister, B. Levens,' B. Watson, E. Downes, ]. Phillips, ]. Wicks.

Linda Mariano, Advertising Editor; Mrs. Casciato, Business Advisor

EDITORS-First Row: Barbara RiUen, Betty Levens. Second Row: Brian Curry, Diane Messinger, Linda Mariano, Donna Taber, Art Durbano.

Oh, no. Durbano did it again. We have to censor the whole paper.


First Row: K. Carter, A. Horrocks, L. Atkins, J. Evans, M. Adair, K. Malinoski, J. Robinson, J. McMenamin, B. Kuhn. Second Row: C. Schwartz, L~ Gates, M. Fike, J. Phillips, D. Morrison, L. Christensen, A. Hampf, J. Harvey. Third Row: J. Spegle, J. Cooper,L. Clark, V. James, R. Cline, S. Schneider, H. Guralnick, D. Kinnimul, P. Mannon; A. Patterson, .R. Fischer, P. Silverman, -N.- Kliff, R. Berg, B. Burton, K. McMenamin, N. Conn. Fourth Row: R. Lehman, F. Schwartz,

ORCHESTRA Parents' Night, Candlelight Service, Senior Play, Spring Concert ... but the strings get better every year ... "Not so loud, Hicks!" . . . percussion study halls . . . floor length dresses ... "Tune it? No, I've never tuned my instrument. Why should I?" . . . T emptatioll . . . playing _individually for Mr. D. . . . "And if we play louder, you won't be able to hear the choir!" ... a tie tack, a tie clip, or a letter? ... . a ringside' seat in assembly, especially the movies ... every Thursday.

Luca DelNegro, Director


"When I say three, everybody jump up." A



]. Hand, C. Smith, R. Watrous, A. Costanzo, B. Walsh, ]. Taylor, J. Stalker, ]. Kushma, R. Braybrooks, J. Weldy, D. Bracher, K. Mancini, P. Moyer, J. Carey. Fifth Row: M. Fornwalt, G. Drewes, B. Heller, ]. Zearing, B. Watson, V. Glaser, A. Miller, R. Purcell, D. Patterson, J. Hicks:

First Row: B. Braybrooks, student conductor; D. Beacher, vice president; A. Costanzo, president.

Seco1ld Row: C. Smith, secretary-treasurer; V. Glaser, librarian; B. Kuhn, librarian; K. Malinoski, librarian;

J. Evans, librarian.

First Row: J. Spegle, 1. Gates, M. Fike, N. Conn, K. McMenamin. Seco1ld Row: K. Schwartz, A. Miller, R. Braybrooks, J. Hicks.




Fi"t Rot/!: K. Carter, A. Horrocks, L. Aikin, D. Mulligan, K. Krouse, M. Adair, K. Malinoski, ]. Evans, ]. Jl.obinson, B. Kuhn. Secolld Row: R. Alfano, e. Helmig, A. Costanzo, R. Fischer, R. \Vatrous, G. Kielman, L. Rives. P. Sil""rman, N. Clif, ]. McMenamin, A. Hampf, B. Rue, ]. Harvey, R. Lawn, E. Koch. Third Row: ]. Hand, F. Schwartz, R. Lehman, ]. Guthrie, P. Kyner, e. Smith, T. Myers, R. LeFever,]. Schoenniger, B. Patton, A. Miller, G. Hockman. Fourth ROlv: B. Griffiths, T. Bradshaw, ]. Small, S. Kilgore, L. Dodson, T. Richardson, S. Peikin, A. Patterson, P. Houston, P. Mannon, D. DeKorte. P. Pichaske, P. Kae£linger P. Leardi, P. Frick, M. Polk, D. Kalwinsky, D. Beacher, ]. \Veldy, R. Braybrooks. Fifth Row: B. \Vatson, L. Gates, B. Martin, E. Cowley, ). Diehl, D. Alfano, P. Rock, D. Gates, C. Aaronson. \V. Blaser, e. McLaughlin, D. Reifscneider, B. Corbin, B. Watkins, L. Montague, D. Avila, ]. Taylor, ]. Stalker, ]. FIacco, ]. Kushma. Sixth Rot/!: ]. Spegle, L. Hicks M. Bressler, J. Hicks, K.¡ Mancini, R. Purlell, ]. Carey, A. Patterson. Sevellth Rot/!: M. Fornwalt, B. Pagliaro, A. Thomas, G. Drews, ]. Bishop, B. HelIer, ]. Clark, 1<. Kelly, ]. Zehring, V. Glaser, S. Schneider. .

BAND Sweating for the saf~ties at Lenape Park ... fuchsia socks and white bucks . . . "At least we don't have a victory march '" . . . "You mean you never heard of Wagner Wayside Park?" . . . and another solo by Jim Hicks . . . "I can't march on Memorial Day because I want to go to the shore." . . . PMEA, PMEA, PMEA, PMEA . . . bake in May-freeze in November ... marching maggots ... "Yes, that was a formation we just did-couldn't you tell?" . . . dandruff suit' . . . "but I'm a senior and I'm embarrassed at the football games!" . . . Faster, faster, the cheerleaders can't take much more" ... Senator Snort: .. Mr. D-What can you say? . . . "What are we dedicating today?" . . . "Invasion, invasion-no it's just three bands at once on Thanksgiving Day." . . . a Mr. Stouffer special . . . Our band can beat your band!" LUCA DEL NEGRO, Director


Ad-libbing a formation.

OFFICERS: Fint Row: K. Malinoski, librarian; R. Braybrooks, president; R. Patton, student director; R. Alfano, vice president; C. Smith, secretary-treasurer. Second Row: J. Small, librarian; V. Glaser, librarian; B. Kuhn, librarian, J. Evans, librarian.

And all of this started with Mr. Stouffer in fourth grade ...

Say George; do you need some help?

DISTRICT BAND: First Row: R. Lawn, E. Koch, C. Helmig, R. Watrous, A. Costanzo, R. Fischer, C. Smith, B. Kuhn, N. Cliff, A. Hampf. Second Row: J. Tarylor, J. Kushma, J. Weldy, R. Braybrooks, A. Miller, A. Patterson, J. Hicks, J. Clarke, R. Patton.


MAJORETTES Strutting on a 'sprained ankk .. Lori and her hula ... practice held without the Sergeant . . .' wearing the wrong uniforms to the game . . . unlit fire batons . . . Bonnie Falk's laugh . . . catching the lit end of a fire baton Linda's short military skirt.

K. Dougherty, G. Wren, L. Park, M. Fike, L. Christensen, B. Falk, M. Spaegle, ]. Reganado

COLOR GUARD The mud slingers . . . dirty white" boot~, . . . n;~rching in n:ud · .. there s Frank ... best tIme was Rid ley Township the blonde bomb, always late Radnor and heads measured ~ . . an ex-majorette , . . breaching guns · .. Colleen, a dependable sub ... galloping horses pea fights · . . mud, mud, mud . . . "Put down my gun!"

First Row: H. Seeley, P. Megonegal, S, Coggeshall. Seco~14 Row:

142: B, Levens, P. Tindall, R, Hallowell.

Fit'st Row: R. Leman, J. Schroeninger, D. Alfano, A. Hampf, J. Harvey, E. Koch, B. Patton, R. Lawn. Second Row: B. Griffiths, C. Helmig, M. Bressler, M. Polk, K. Mancini, J. Hicks, A. Miller, B. Braybrooks, J. Weldy. Third Row: J. Clark, A. Thomas, J. Taylor, D. Gates, B. Watkin, J. Flocco, J. Stalker, J. Kushma.

DANCE BAND The trophy from the Sun Center Contest, nice job, nice shape . . . the fun in the elevators at the Philadelphia Contest ... .Isn't that our bass the guy from Bishop Kendrick is using? . . . the trip to the World's Fair ... smoke rings blown about the performance . . . Charm and the bass drum . . . Stanley and the charge . . . "Patton, what are you doing with that. red light?"

I can't get any bubbles out either.

Hurry up and finish so we can get back to the bus.

143 "



First Row: C. Bollinger, L. Warner, S. Milne, S. McHenry, C. Helmig, L. Barbour, S: Bellini, L. Gordon, P. Stepien, ]. Marrongelli, S. Bill, D. Feuquay,. S. Hunt, M. Samuels, H. Aldred, S. Fisher, K. Lehman, G. Krouse, C. Santella, H. Hunt. Second Row: B. Griffiths, J. Doyle, N. Lewin, ]. O'Flynn, S. r Robb, L. Schlegel, L. McAllister, C. Martin, S. Cellum, L. Howell, E. Downes, L. Wagner, ]. Robinson, M. Eastman, L. Chase, K. Lawley, M. Bradfield, L. Miller, S. Patton, D. Frazer, J. Williams, S. Harrison, D. Krauss, M. Wicks, P. Francia. Thil'd Row: R. Detskas, W. Patton, R. Rocap, R. Gaul, D. White, R. Choveas, K. Kelley, T. Judd, R. Peterman, A. SantaBarbara, P. Avila, B. Johnson, R. Taylor, P. Greenwood, G. Sherwood, F. Sciubba, ]. Clark, R. Flohr, D. Pratzner, T. Bradshaw, A. Dreeland. Fourth Row: R. Montague, M. Peterson, A. Durbano, P. Tadd, K. 'w,;alters, ]. Berezny, D. Woods, G. Hockman, B.Lutz. R. Omlor, ]. Kern, L. VanOrmer, F. Ciarlo, R. Reese, T. Murphy, R.Matthews, R. Smith, J. Flocco, ]. Schoeninger, J. Sciubba, F. Ateto.

CHOIR Doc . . . "When I want you to bark I'll pull your chain': . . . but red candles! . . . bushhead . . . Be thou exhausted . . . Candlelight service or Here come the elephants again, and again, and again . . . District tryouts . . . Turn off the Christmas tree -the lights buzz ... executive council meeting this afternoon ... That's minus 3, Taylor ... Hey, Fred-Hallehijah ... missing music ... so who would wall! a choir gown! . . . Hi, Margie . . . 6 demerits . . . music to erath for exams by . . . if this bothers you, you're emotionally unstable . . . Hello, Mr. Henkle, this is Harvey Johnston! Fiw Row: Bob Reese, president; Fred Sciubba, vice president; Second Row: Sue Fisher, secretary; Linda Miller, accompanist; Tom Judd, treasurer.


DISTRICT CHORUS: First Row: P. Greenwood, C. Martin, R. Chaveas, 1. Barbour, G. Isherwood, S. McHenry. Second Row: S. Nelson, M. Bradfield, J. Flocco, G. Hockman, H. Hunt


wouldn't walk around like that jf I were you. I can fly! I can fly!

Those socks aren't really pink and black, are they?

I wonder if' I could trade my choir robe in for a band uniform ...


First Row: C. Petrelli, 1. Marte1ock, N. Yeager, R. Berg, K. Kayser, 1. Lang, L. Sherman, C. Congar, 1. Clark, D. Simpson, D. King, ]. Barbor, B. Pawlewicz, Ehly, D. Dukes, L. Naylor, P. Ashton, J. Battershall, A. DiRenzo, V. Hall. Secolld Row: E. Csirseu, M. Shaub, M. Robbins, H. Harrison, L. Stein, S. Silverstein, .c. Creed, S. Nelson, J. Cooper, 1. Macerollo, P. Temple, E. Corson, M. Newman, S. Doyle, M. Brunning, A. Caporal, J. Taussig, ]. Mathews, B. Beaucar. Third Row: M. Roller, M. Crewdson, M. Todd, ]. Millon, N. Conn, N. Abel, D. George, 1. Beatti, L. Innes, C. 'May, ]. Winn, N. Goettman, ]. Babb, C. C1,ark, D. McKenley, R. Kohut, K. Yarnall, L. Cresta, V. Paradise. FOllrth Row: A. Binnendyk, 1. DiCicco, B. Ritten, J. Stettler, M. Flohr, D. Frey. S. Roberts, B. Watson, L. Tapps, S. McDowell, P. Kilbane, B. Kayser.


GIRLS' CHORUS Black skirts and white blouses . . . Not making choir . . . Candlelight Service . . . "Black is the color of" . . . sophomore officers? ... Rudolph the Red-nosed ... red candles . . . "But Mr. Lauffer, I was only 23.. 5 seconds late" ... "Where are we at?" . . . anti-senioritis . . .anti-tradition . . . trios . . . "The chorus and choir are equal" 2:9 ... "But girls, you can wear it on yom letter sweater!" here comes the bride ... "No, but the red would clash with the choir" ... "Mr. Lauffer, there are three songs on the board" . . . the Alma Mater? . . . executive council farces . . . not another Wednesday night . . . Junior High

BOYS' CHORUS assembly?? ... a 35c here and a 35c there . . . "Can it!" . . . try "three blind mite" for size ... ! ! ! ... lu-Iu-Iu-Iu-Iu-Ia ... Douglas to Richards to Creed to -Lauffer? . . . NICE SOCKS! Waiting for choir . ... multi-colored socks . . . giving up lunch period to practice . . . "The Sophomores" and a few others ... faded blue rejected choir robes ... the giant Steve Fisher ... no songs in the Candlelight Service . . . starving during practice ... the octopus ... cafeteria football with a .plastic lemon ... Zulick's dimples . . . "Left foot, left foot, boys, left foot!"

First Row: D. McHenry, R. Frick, D. Simpson, S. Fisher, M. Caruso, B. McKibben, T. Forrest. Secofld Row: ]. Myers, D. De¡ Korte, B. Murphy, J. Manning, D. Weaver, ]. Naulty, P. Delaney, B. Conley.


... .... .A.

OFFICERS: First Row: Linda Lang, vice president; Joy Matthews, president. Secolld Row: Linda Innes, secretary; Judy Taussig, accompanist; Marianne Bruning, treasurer.

The girls' room can't be that crowded.

When you get that fuzzy feeling ...

OFFICERS: Mike Caruso, secretary; Tom Forrest, president; Dale Weaver, vice __ _ -.A. _ president; Bob Frick, treasurer.


First Row: R. Lueben. M. Sturm, J. Gordon, D. Frazer, J. Sammartino, B. Flohr, L. Johnson, T. Murphy, S. O'hora, F. Ateto. M. Bakobza, R. LeFever. Second Row: J. Diamond, M. Fraley, J. Geesey, L. Lang, J. Garguilo. M. Allen, D. Holden, M. Flohr, E. Morris, B. Renniger, T. Seth, P. Tadd, T. Lodeis, D. MacAdams. Third Row: F. Sciubba, J. Doyle, J. Reeps, L. Vottima, K. Creed, L. Cooper, L. Park, S. Bellini, S. DePetro. C. Congan. C. Mattes. J. Branton, P. Francia, H. Taussig. FOl/rth Row: J. Morton, S. Nelson, T. Santa Barbara, M. Hollaran. M. Douglas, R. WaHs, J. Marcasani, J. Heller, C. Lucas. G. Petrie, R. Chaveas, M. Park, B. Polilli, J. Schwenzer.


.Bob Flohr, vice-president; Luke Johnson, treasurer; Debbie Frazer, secretary; John Sammartino, president; Terry Murphy, sergeant-at-arms; Jack Gordon, parliamentarian.

Any questions about the plan to buy the land across Leamy Avenue for an athletic field? 1~8 ~.,

,~ ~

"We the Student Council representatives of Springfield High School-" . . . "Sammartino for President" . . . student democracy and ruling government ... dress' codes ... A.A. drives ... European trip . . . student exchange program . . . the girls from Abington . . . dress club 路 .. "Class presidents ARE council members" 路 .. straw campaign ...Turnabout vs. Sadie Hawkins ... Al leopold . . . Intersch~lastic seminars 路 .. "Is Sam ever in class?" . . . P.A. system council reports ... Booster Club for school spirit 路 . . Talent Show . . . council enthusiasm . . . "let's keep it down in that corner" ... "visitations" . . . a party victory, minus one . . . a BeatIe Campaign. :.-"for the greatest good of all the students of Springfield High School."


Fiw Row: D. Williams, R. Reeps, J. Williams, S. Graf, B. Bradfield, J. Sib,bald. Second Row: S. Anthieson, J. Luong9, C. Wieland, J. Openshaw, P. Rocap, S. Campbell, D. Fay, E. Spruce, D. Pemberton~ C. Crissey. Third Row: P. Murphy, L. Davis, C. McClean, S. Small, F. Duffy, L. G.;een, E. Glass, R. Kurtzhalz, L. Hazzard. Fou;·th Row: R. Lorelli, B. Desiderio, ]. Cohen, p. Edwards, K. Thorpe, ]. Fahmestock, .S. Bruner, D. Allen, ]. Mariano, ]. Daniel.\Fifth Row: A. Anastas, D. Helwig, D. Terrell, B. Stevenson, B. Osborne, P. LeCalsey, G. Rizzo,R. Stewart, D. Beers. Sixth Row: L. Heller, L. Gargiulo, R. Dodge, D. Haney, B. Doise, D. Daiello, T. Keiter, T. Watsom. Sevemh Row: G. Mummer, ]. Simon, R. Boshold, D. Hollenbach, C. Hermann.



First Row: Linda Green, secretary; Doug Williams, president; Dale Hollenbach, vice-president. Second Row: Chris 'Hermann, sergeant-at-arms; Bob Osborne,. treasurer.

Under. the "G"-fifty-six!



First Row: L. Montague, J. York, T. Judd, D. Labosky, H. Taussig, S. Robb, B. Heller, R. Peterman, A. Santa.; Barbara. Second Row: G. Curran, S. Patton, D. Frazer, S. Coggeshall, E. Koch, M. McConeghey, R. Flohr, B. Ritten, J. Moss, C. Helmig, P. Bugbee.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Sitting on the edge of the seat during the April induction ceremony . . . not really believing your name was called . . . burning the girls' hair with the candles . . . the tea after induction . . . finding your parents there-they knew all the time . . . twenty-two members of the class of 1965 inducted . . . actually wearing the membership pins . . . officers Hal, Dave, Sue, and Tom . . . Pete and Charm . . . "Let's not induct any more people this year-there aren't enough robes" ... monthly meetings with Hal at the helm ... "Oh, Mr. Miller, do )'Olt have something to say?" . .'. the February after-game dance with music by Jim York and an Elvis Presley Christmas album ... signing up to tutor ... "We have to have someone to tutor. physics. No, not Sanskrit or elementary apparatus, just ph),sics. No one? O.K., Georgia-looks like you lose." ... scholarship, leadership, citizenship, character, and service . . . and it looks nice on a college application. ELWOOD MILLER, Advisor

150 ... 4

Dave Labosky, vice-president; Sue Robb, secretary; Hal Taussig, president; Tom Judd, treasurer.

Oh come on, Mr. Miller, it's 5:30.

Will somebody please give Brooks a handkerchief!

Swanee-how;.J love ya, how I love ya ...


.... -

First Row: S. Robb, M. Tucker, R. Peterman, R. Fischer. Secolld Row: D. Ferrell, R. Fahnestock, 1. Gordon, M. Pearlman, 1. Rives, B. Hanks, S. McCall.

SCOTT'S HI-Q Springfield's geniuses? . . . all 7 alternates in Barry's Karmann Ghia . . . waiting for Sue .' .. "Tell us some composers, Robbie." .... drinking water and doodling . . . "There are just two subjects about which I am completely ignorant-math and science" . . . Marian's Dance Club sweatshirt . . . "Up on your Rumanian history today? Mr. Johnson's jokes . . . losing practice sessions . . . "I pass" Pete's guess work . "We don't know anything about that; we had Mr. Adams". eighteen rolls of lavender what? ... "No, come on, ),Olt say it 1" SYLVIA MARIN, Advisor

Tell me what your mommy told yOll not to say on the program today



And this is what we get for winning??


And now, for my next witness ...

First Row: F. Burda, D. Messinger, S. Boyd, M. Bruning, B. Bloodwell, L. Mariano, B. Levens, J. Matthews. Secolld Row: L. Quinn, D. Acchione, D. Hilleary, B. Chandler, J. Armstrong, B. Smith, H. DiSalvo, M. Peterson.


Let's crop offhis head!

First Row: L. Atkins, D~ Mullikin, M. Tucker, J. Md.,[enamin, M. Bruning, S. Fisher. Second Row: M. :McConeghey, S. Robb, B. Ritten, N. Cliff, V. Boccelli, J. Moss, A. D'Urbano, S. Anderson, S. Coggeslpll, H. Taussig, B. Levens.


\J Too many dirty words, Nancy-just too mally dirty words. 153


MIKE BOKOBZA Before I was sent over here as an exchange student, I didn't know too much about the people in the United States. Therefore, I couldn't have any opinion on them. But many people see the American tourists, who represel1t a minority and who are not always the best kind of people to know. Some of them give the impression .they are loaded with money and that they get their money without doing anything. They also seem to think that their money speaks for them. Although salesmen like it, many people think that you, as a whole; are arrogant and selfish. Thes~ two impressions seem to be the biggest mistakes, now that I've been here for a while. I've realized that, although the standard of living is very high, the people have to work just as hard as over in France if they want to have a little money. As for the second point, there are no worse words to use about Americans than "arrogant and selfish." I've never seen, in the few countries where I was lucky to go, such friendly and nice people. This could appear as a way of treating the foreign students, but in fact, I think they act and feel the same way among themselves. Naturally, most everybody is wonderful to us in Springfield. I mean that from the people who smile and say, "Hi", to the people who try to help us. I'm thankful to them and also to the various families, clubs, church groups etc., who were very nice to invite me , several times. I really enjoyed every second of this stay and wrll never forget it. Thanks to all of you. 154

Lyc!e de Montgeron

STUDENTS MARIAN STURM When I came to this country, I was impressed with New York City. I tried and. am still trying to observe the American way of life. It is fun to taste new foods; delicious foods that I tried were hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, pop corn, soda, and TV dinners. Visiting Ocean City was an exciting experience. I enjoyed wearing Bermuda shorts and walking the boards in Ocean City. The amu~ement parks were lots of fun. During this year I have caught on to the idea' of cheering at basketball games, and I have enjoyed drive-in-movies. I have been busy going to meetings and parties, and giving speeches for different organizations. I am getting 'used to surprise quizzes, gym suits, speed-a-way, and being small but mighty, but the most important thing I am learning is the American way of education. Coming to America is an experience that I shall never forget. '

NANCY HABERLE I've discovered and learned many new things in Berlin. First of all, I've come to know and love a city that is torn by a wall but is beautiful in spite of this. I expected to always be running' into this barrier but instead I've seen a city with parks and lakes and also busy streets and crowded stores. Secondly I've adjusted to a school s y s t-e m and a language that are incomparable to S.H.S. and English. It's been nice to always stay with one class and get to know them well. It's been fun to speak another language. Thirdly, I've met people. I've heard a lot of different points of view especially abo u t Americans and have learned to gain as much knowledge as possible. Fourthly, I've been taken into a family and have seen a way of life different from the American way but with many good points. Most important, through this year, I've learned to love my own country more and love Germany, too. I'll never forget this opportunity or what I've gained from it.

Nancy and the Richter family

Margarita Richter and Nancy





Renate Lueben, Setsuko Ohara, Fred Ateto.

I guess everybody noticed that I always answer questions about America with, "I love it here!" It is possible that it sounds like a broken record, but I really feel that way. What I love about America is not only the different customs but the spirit of freedom in this country and the friendliness and helpfulness of the people, which makes me feel after such a short time tha~ this country really can be a home for everybody. This is what has impressed me most about America.


FRED ATETO "Seeing is believing." I feel tha.t this proverb is the best expression of my experiences. It is interesting to know how powerful is the message of a movi~ because before I came here I had a preconceived idea of what 1'd find. In movies, I saw cowboys, Indians, horses, cattle, and nothing but wild fighting in the "Wild Western style." It left me with quite a different impression than that which I found upon arrival. This really astonished me. My acceptance in Springfield has been wonderful. The students particularly are so friendly. I have liked being on the" wrestling, soccer, and cross country teams, but track has been my favorite sport. Singing in the English language instead of Swahili which I was used to at home has been quite an experience. I had little trouble getting adjusted to the way of learning here in Springfield High School. Anyway, I love every minute of my time here, and I consider it unforgettable.

SUSIE OHaRA Finally I got the opportunity to go to America. When I found out I was so excited. Everything is new and strange: beautiful green trees and grass, white houses, people with different colored hair. Soon school started; this is my first experience at an American school, and I have learned many things. I have been to many games, which were strange but fun: football games, basketball games and wrestling meets. I enjoyed them very much. Christmas was the most wonderful! Everything was decorated beautifully. There were trees and many bright lights outside. A lot of presents were waiting to" be unwrapped. Department stores were crowded but it was a joy to look for Christmas presents. I will have more fun i'n this country and I am happy to have gone to Springfield High for the first year.


First Row: M. McLaws, R. Walls, J. Heller, H. Poulos, F. Matthews, D. Oyler, J. McNett, 1. Dodson, B. Earley, C. Battipps, R. Corcoran, G. Claridge. Secol1d Row: R. Porche, J. Walsh, D. Labosky, J. Crecilius, I. Kayser,!,. Robinson, B. Flohr, J. Gordon, L. Johnson, B. Corcoran, T. Craskey, C. Cantley. Third Row: W. Wolsfield, R. Reese, S. Foster, B. McDermott, A. Juuchter, M. Iannacone, M. Prager, J. York, B. Spangler, G. Mattes, 1. Anthonsen, J. Bean, T. Murphy. Fourth RoilJ: D. MacAdams, H. Hammerstone, B. Mainwaring, A. Nastasi, T. Dukes, M. Fricko, D. Freas, G. Petrie, R. Weiner.

SERVICE CLUB "The men in the White Coats" . . . Parent's Night guides ... parking cars ... compulsory meeting . . . A black Ford seen riding on the football field . . . Mr. Morgan ... "Don't let it happen again!" ... dues ten cents . . . the sophomores learn the creed ... Dave Freas's fines ... Christmas dance . . . it's after the meet? . . . Cokes at the basketball games ... "No, they're not free" . . . shore trip in May . . . Ocean City will never be the same ... "Where the boys are" ... the water's great, it's 52° ... Mr. Shoemaker, you took a wrong turn . . . "Atound the corner, quick! ... Here come the chaperones." . . . "Now about last night ..."

Sorry, the only seats left are in the balcony.

Sandy Robinson, vice president; Jack Gordon; president; Luke Johnson, treasurer; Bob Flohr, secretary; Ivan Kayser, sergeant-at-arms.



First Row: J. Armstrong, J. Aisenbrey, B. Patton, 1. Quinn, F. Sciubba, K. Brown, B. Storm, J. Masson. Second Row: K. Walter, J. .Barbor, D.' White, 1. Beattie, A. Binnendijk, J. Stettler, T. Bradshaw, A. Hampf, P. Bugbee. Third Row: 1. Milkowski, T. Coste, D. DeKorte, B. Rodgers, W. Manderfield, D. Reifschneider, A. Miller, J. Kelican.

OPERATORS' CLUB Running visual aids equipment milk shake machine .. stage crew ... "den of iniquity" two demerits for you .. "compulsory meeting today in room 111" ... the seamonster .. secretary wanted? "Have a pretzel-on the club" ... Rocky and his Friends? "Are you giving out free milkshakes?" ... Peyton Place of Springfield High . . . "Why are you limping, Mr. S.?" . . . most-hated job in the world: cleaning machine ... who's a judo expert? ... "What? Ice cream missing? Me?" . . . "Lynda, you didn't mix today." . . . the solution: steel chairs?

$10 on Northern Dancer in the fourth.

John Aisenbrey, secretary; lance Quinn, president; Fred Sciubba, vice president; Bob Pat: ton, treasurer.

Joseph Semeister, advisor.


DENTAL CLUB '64 field trip to Temple, wow! . . . taking notes-in club??? ... anti-gum-chewing campaigns . . . Miss Witchey insisted, she always insisted . . . enthusiasm in class participation . . . election with two candidates . . . trip to the Navy Yard and the untouchable sailors . the bulletin boards everyone wanted to do . take-apart skull . . . yellow teeth and cavities . visits to the clinic ... missing 5 periods of classes . . . "I hate the showcase display."

First Row: B. Esher, L. Cresta, V. Paradise, R. Kaplin, E. Beaner. Secolld Row: P. Boblasky, D. Titus, C. Sylanski, S. Alger, D. Hine, C. Fey. Third Row: L. McGizzi, M. Carney, L. Mintzlaff, M. Splane, K. Loveman.


First Row: B. Storm, M. Dalrymple, A. Micciantuono, P. Nass, S. Harrison, M. Samuels, M. Killen, B. Esher. Secolld Row: ]. Higgenbotham, L. Osmond, C. Lehnis, S. Kelly, D. McKinley, ]. Riley, ]. Cowperth. wait, L. Cresta.,Z. Quackenthurp.

F.N.A. Six aspmn and a boot back to class . . . millions of speakers and movies . . . "Mrs. Sharer?" She's our club advisor?" . . . Navy Yard vs. Future Nurses . . . too many girls, limit it to seniors only . . . making hospital tray favors ... "Why won't they listen to us?" · '.. Future Nurse's keep .. getting lost on the way to Abington . . . Nurses' Rallies at Abington and Haverford . . . folding papers · . . Junior High screenings . . . athletic physicals ... great advisor-Mrs. Wendle ... six hour trips to Abington 25c a month dues?! Where does it all go? showcase doll displays ... little enthusiasm "What am I doing here, I want to be a Klein's check-out girl?" . . . not many guys . . . needy family canned goods ... "Do YOU have your dues?" · .. "My books balanced!" ... hospital open 160 houses.

First Row: L. Christensen, S. Harrison, K. Bower, M. Samuels, C. Branton, S. Anderson, L. Schlegel, S. Williamson. Secolld Row: L. Griffiths, L. Miller, B. Falk, ]. Riley, ]. Cowperthwaite, S. Kelly, A. Ball. Third Row: M. Killen, C. Carty, M. Spegle, K. Lever, M. Davis.








LIBRARY ASSISTANTS Oh no, magazine room again? ... Would anyone like to trade for' desk duty? . . , efficient Service Club aides , , , The Case of the Missing Bulletin Board Volunteers . , . ''No, we don't have Ca/ldy," . , .Is a Mustang required equipment for librarians? . , . No, that's not a rumble-it's people trying to get Great Books . , , candy cane pens. , , plastic covers ... "Is Margie Winter in the library?" . , . I'm sorry, but -you have abused library privileges . . , The line forms at the end for passes! , , , Do you. fealty have to go to the girls' room? , , , voted "Most Popular"-Hot Rod magazines , , , the rewards of being a library assistant -no overdue fines,

First Row: L. Osmond, }. Vesey, M. Mascher, J. Cowperthwait, M. Berdan, S. Bridgins. Second Row: M. Dalrymple, B. Storm, -J. Phillips, M. Bruning, P. Morrison, L. Lapps, S. McCall, P, Bobasky, P. Sabo. Third Row: P. Bugbee, B. Eshel', B. Han7.el, D. Krauss, M. Splane, R. Allen, K. Brown, M. McConeghey, R. Kaplan, L. Sherman.

Dawn, and my Great Ideas paper. sti II isn't done!


VARSITY CLUB "To promote sportsmanship" , , , chaotic monthly meetings , , , business-eatgossip , , , Debby keeping order . , . balancing the books . . . making posters . . . selling candy on Saxer Ave, , , , cheerlead' ing at the Faculty Game . , , blue GVC sweatshirts , , , working on the scrapbook . , . Lucia taking pictures , , , talking to Miss Brusch after meetings , . , singing Christmas carols , .. the unforgettable induction ceremony. , , the annual shore trip , , , Judy O'Flynn and Linda Lang thrown into the ocean . , , initiating the Christmas Alumni Tea, , . sixty girls (including Karen Grantham) at Frazer's .. , Lucia's birthday Pa.rty, . , "The Amazons," FirJI Row: S. Robb. ]. Williams. L C



'V/... II .........





D. Frazer. M. Eastman. II. RiUcn. Secolld R-o.tl': L




Pirst Row: S. Coggeshall, M. Newman, K. Woodcock, G. Wren. Second Row: D. McKinley, E. Downes, K. Pyne, 1. Innes, 1. Byron, 1. Cresta, B. Esher, D. George, 1. Thompson, 1. Sherman. Third Row: S. McHenry, S. Hunt, ]. Barbor, F. Polomano, ]. Riganato, D. King, E. Hoag, B. Nagle, ]. Blewitt, C. Small.

F.Y.A. Future Teachers of America . . . reports . . . speakers . . . convention volunteers . . . displays in the lobby . . . a very quiet president . . . cadet teaching . . . long drives down dark roads . . . a junior vice-president ... tutoring at tne chIldren's Village ... Christmas tea ... "How about a little Sophomore participation?" . . . the missing punch . . . lost mittens . . . student teaching with your own first grade teacher ... after-game dance with no publicity . . . the monthly visits of other club members ... use1ess dues ... F.T.A. vs. Tri-Hi-Y. Now-about getting a boy to come to our next meeting

Pirst Row: Kathy Hoover, librarian; Mrs. Green, advisor; Myra Newman, secretarytreasurer.. Second Row: Kathy Woodcock, vice president; Sue Coggeshall, president.

162 .



• • ------,

First Row: B. Storm, M. Dalrymple, ]. Clarke, ]. Eggart, ]. Masson, J. Cooper, L. McAllister, D. Wright. Second Row: A. Horrocks, D. Hedl, S. McCausland, A. Nixon, K. Bowes, L. Cooper, A. Dick, S. Lehota, N. Murrey. Third Row: ]. Lorraine, C. Carty, E. Force, L. Johannessen, S. Bremmerman, C. Cassidy, S. Wright.

F.B.l.A. Future business leaders? ... the bake sale on the soggy Legion Post lawn . . . monthly after school meetings . . . jackie's speech on punctuality . . . F.B.L.A. spelling bees . . . everybody working together to sell those typing erasers . . . Marilyn never making it to important Tuesday meetings ... $2.00 dues that nobody paid ... planning for the Spring Regional at Springfield . . . our showcase on the skills needed for a business career.

First Row: Doris Wright, vice president; Marilyn Dalrymple, president; Barbara Storm, reporter. Suolld Row: Nicolette Murray, recording secretary; Jackie Masson, corresponding secretary; Joan Cooper, treasurer.

Mrs. Elizabeth Jeska, advisor. IbJ



r----. .

1IliI_ _Ii-r




\ I Dorothy Kellog, Lucille Balukjian, Winona Knapp; Advls'ors. ;

Girls' service club . . . "Girls, please be quiet!" . . . a pounding gavel . . . Catmella sleeping in the back of the room . . . incomplete'minutes . . . the dues disaster . . . Candlelight induction ceremony . . . writing to Fair Acres ... making baby clothes ... "It's really a study hall." ice skating party . . . millions of bake sales showcase display . . . aftergame dance Choi Choon Kel's letters ... African and German dating . . . the falling door knob . . . a school pajama party . . . the radiator on fire ... seniors' trip to Ocean City . . . ''I'm sick and tired of this talking. I've had it!" ... Miss Balukjian's ice skating lessons . . . "You owe a dollar!"

5 E N I'

o R

First Row: K. Kayser, R. Aiken, S. Lacock, 1. Osmond, B. Cadge, W. Walker, C. Wrigley, A. DiRenzo, M. Stewart. Second Row: C. Lehnis, J. Gattinella, E. Garzarelli, K. Brown, B. Ritten, C. Kepner, B. Hanzel, C. Faircloth, A. Carroll, J. Lanchak, K. Kinden. N. Kassebohm, F. Burda.


SENIOR OFFICERS: Barbara Cadge, president; Wendy Walker, vice president; Cindy Wrigley, secretary; Sandie Lacock, treasurer; Linda Osmond, chaplain.

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First Row: C. Wagner, 1. Lennan, J. Stettler, C. Lewis, N. Goettman, K. Doherty, C. Pritzert, M. Mansueto. Second Row: J. Dyle, J. Myers, C. Santella, 1. Franck,. G. Farlan, V. Hall, N. Schoffield, P. McCormick, D. Dreer. Third Row: D. Plank, K. Moran, M. Oyler, F. Flegel, N. Abel.

JUNIOR OFFICERS: Leslie Lennan, president; Cheryl Wagner, vice president; Nancy· Goettman, secretary; Jean Stettler, treasurer; Cheryl Lewis, chaplain.

SOPHOMORE OFFICERS: First Row: Barbara Pawlewicz, sec· retary; Florence Warnock, vice-president. Second Row: Patricia Kilbane, president; Susan Hoffman, treasurer; Virginia Ricketts, chaplain.




o M o R E First Row: S. Hoffman, S. Kline, 1. Berryman, P. Richards, K. Weidman, 1. Anthonsen, P. Kilbane, B. Bonni. Second Row: G. Ricketts, 1. Brophy, F. Warnock, M. Killen, E. Hahn, P. Pritzert, A. Mutz, N. Walker, 1. Stein, J. Spegle. 'Phird Row: K. Yarnall, B. Pawlewicz, C. DeI,e6, C. Larzelere, 1. Eberwein, J. Minisci, N. Bennett, N. Murray, B. Wallace, J. Babb. ~--......




-.-.. - -------_.. ~

First Row: B. Curry, R. Peterman, C. Helmig, A. HampE. Second Row: E. Koch, M. Pearlman, R. Patton, F. Souder, D. Kalwinsky, D. DeKorte, E. Pearson, R. Lawn, B. Fisher. Third Row: T. Bradshaw, ]. York, R. Chaveas, S. Coggeshall, H. Hunt, ]. Moss, J. Stong, T. Hamilton.

J.E.T.S. Mr. Semeister . . . Joe's robot . . . watching for meteors at 2 A.M. whc:n the stars weren't even out ... a trip to Faringdale {n the rain . . . Andy Wright . . . hectic Monday meetings . . . the room, and the thousands of committees formed to clean it up . . . "Alice in Wonderland"-"Kiddies! Come to the ].E.T.S. movie 1" . . . the Junior High . . . Scotties' ovals ... the great purges ... when Brad Fisher fell in the pool and almost drowned ... a nine layer cake . . . Pete and Charm ... the trip to Maine to see an eclipse and the sun didn't even shine ... Carter Weiss, the king himself . . . the ratty biology project, with real rats ... a seven to one boy-girl ratio . . . When you're a JET, you're a JET all the way. OFFICERS: A. HampE, Vice-President; R. Peterman, President; C. Helmig, Secretary; ]. McMenamin, Project Committee Chairman; B. Curry, Treasurer.




it do:,sn't d<:.anything-we ~s~ up EOj

t& pie~re


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..... -


COUGARETTES D. Dukes, J. Phillips, P. Tindall, D. Busch, J. Richards, W. Walker, P. Dougherty

FRENCH CLUB First Row: B. Griffiths, S. McCall,. M. Bradfield, 1. Gordon. Secolld Row: M. Roller, 1. Schlegel, K. Schwartz, J. Winn, E. Csircsu, H. Seeley, 1. Beattie, J. Moss, J. McConeghey. Third Row: R. Berg, M. Bressler, 1. Cowperthwaite, N. Yeager, A. Roth, S. McHenry, K. Ricker, J. Battershall, G. James.

FOREIGN AFFAIRS CLUB Fiw Row: T. Giacoponello, D. J<al· winsky, S. Martin, 1. Montague. Sec·. olld Row: T. Bradshaw, R. Heffner, J. Zehring, D. Cunningham, J. Cohane, F. Ciarlo.




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_ _ _ _ _ _..._ . . . - ---..-11

II1II_ _...





Coed bowling!! ... "The Chaucers are the best" Goof-balls .. Bowlers 6 ... Ladies and Gents ... Beatles us ... Lady Bugs ... Dudley's come on failure. . no time for the. team ... 80~ for a double game ... shoes free! ... poodles ... falling down t.he alley after the ball, Carol Krug . . . Mondays, Mondays, every Monday . . . The Maschers . . . 8-balls . . . an occasional strike "My final score-350 !!" ... "But I don't know how to bowl!"



Lucia Valz, president; Bob Kelly, vice-president, John Bishop, treasurer; Jane Oyal, secretary.

Pirsl Row: D. Plank, Beattie, ]. Gattinella, Howard. Third Row: R. Detskas, ]. Walsh,


R. B. T. G.

Berg, V. Boccelli, K. Kinden, ]. Knapp, ]. Riley, ]. Ehly. D. Dukes, V. Paradise, 1. Valz, 1. Wood, K. Rice. Second ROIP: 1. Ritten, S. Richards, R. Hallowell, 1. Michel, ]. Masson,;. Eggart, C. Branton, B. Storm, M. Oyler, A. Skinner, P. Francia, S. Black, ]. Kulp, D. Flynn, ]. Pinder, B. Kelly, ]. Bishop, . Miller, B. Faircloth, K. Hall, ]. Berzne, R. Murch, D. Cunningham, Isherwood,

Pirsl Row: ]. Dyal, S. Bremmermen, ]. Cooper, L. Crowe, D.Fre.,., K. Kays<t. P. R,obertson, P. Foster. M. Baker, ]. Yoder, S. Cultzal, F. Flegel, S. Bridgins. Second ROIP.¡ 1. Bullock, 1. Naylor. C. Wagner, K. Moran, C. Kepner. E. Corson. B. Wilhelm. C. Krug. A. Nixon, D. Titus, L. Vottima, G. Furlan. Third Row: ]. Moss, L. Frank, A.. Ball, B. ]ohanassen, C. Faircloth, C. Hall, B. Buchannan. B. Nicholas, M. Adaman, D. Krauss. 1. McAllister, 1. Byron, S. Harper, ]. ]ohnstonbough, L. Fuhs, C. Sylanski. POl/rlh Row: S. Lyster, B. Matthews, B. Scali, ]. McGrath, S. Zuzulock.. T. Hilt, B. Viscussi, T. Alloway, E. LeBon, J. Carlin. J. Rickards. D..Hillarv. . _ _ _ _ _ -.. _:.;,m".. -. .....


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. - - - - . _, _ .



o P H

First Row: ]. McConeghey, M. Lehman, S. Cameron, P. Boyce, M. Heffron, A. Lesco. Second Row: M. Roller, D. Strickland, C. May, P. Silverman, K. Schaefer, E. Csircseu. Third Row: B. Benn, J. Taussig, 1. Hicks, B. Lacock, H. Harrison.

o M o

R' E S

First Row: ]. Myers, C. Pritzert, ]. Hudson, B. Patton, J. Berezny, D. Dreer, M. Mansueto. Second Row: L. Howell, B. Tindall, 1. Martelock, D. Cohen, B. McCall, S. Bridgins, D. Plank.






First Row: F. Burda, L. Fuhs, S. Dpyle, ]. Matthews, B. Cato, M. Bruning, R. Rizol, G. Blanchette. Secoild Row: B. Bloodwell, S. Boyd, D. Acchione, B. Chandler, 1. Mariano, S. Durbano, B. Levens, ]. York, R. Smith.


According to the latest reports, we should 169 hnup




"Ynnnp' T.ifp." _tnniQ:ht

Well it keeps them off the streets, I'm cute.

Ripping off passes for old S.H.S.

I'm busy counting lacrosse receipts.

Look, the cheerleaders are having a rumble.

And in this corner . ". .

It doesn't work for me even when it's sharp""n"",-l

We will now turn the assembly over to Mr. :tvlo.nmn. ~ J1L............. -~.<!lI....-






"f.. ihr·---u,, •


. .__






Bush Head

I feel pretty .. ,

But you said I could sing in assembly.

How about a headline like "Tri·Hi-Y exposed as a Communist front organization?"

Future May Queen nominees.

Makes its own gravy!

J' .

is no~ h~.n!

Do not feed the animals.


eM . _...._ _. .


____ -'5

"Picture me upon your knee." Salary's lousy, but the tips are good.


What do you mean you want a May King? Some crowd here tonight.

We're doing our formation on the stands.


It helps to break up the monotony in English.



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I told you those notebook paper machiqes would payoff.

We like bread and butter and butter and butter ...

I'm a little teapot ... . . . and by the time you get --to the physics achieve· ment ...

Sssh ... 007's in the trash can.

Buildings? ~here? All I see is a big blur. But I hold the record---:lmiligg_ ~r 876 ~cu~ve periods. _ _


......- - - - - - - - , -

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o R S Tumefaction caused by' the mordant poinard resulted

ADVISORS: Louise Werner,. Nicholas Spennato



his demise in the abattoir.

OFFICERS: Bruce Hamilton, Vice-President; Don Ferrell, President. .

Did anyone ever tell you that you have a very plain face?

Lois Wagner, Secretary;

First Row: B. Beaucar, J. Marrongelli, K. Doherty, C. Congar, C. Smith, J. Battershall, 1. Stephenson, J. Sperow. Second Row: B. Johannessen, B. Schroenghamer, H. Hunt, R. Hallowell, R. Biela, M. DiLello, R. Sellers. 1. Sciubba. Third Row: J. Miller, 1. Smith, B. Tallmadge, J. Hudson, ]. Kern.

First Row: 1. Gordon, B. Griffiths, S. McCall, ]. Stettler, J. Michel, P. McCormick, 1. Wagner, S. Hill. Second Row: P. Avila, B. Metz, B. Carlson, D. Ferrell, R. Polilli, A. Zallman, 1. Milkowski, R. Fahnestock. Third Row: R. LeFever, 1. Anthonsen, M. Bortman, J. Redfern, K. Prager, T. Coste. FOl/rth Row: M. Pearlman, R. Pichaske, A. Miller.

First Row: V. Hall, 1. Rives, R. Berg, ]. Watt, J. Robinson, P. Kyner; R. Phillips, 1. Lennan. Second Row: B. Curry, R. Corbin, P. Manon, H. Seeley, M. Tadd, N. Goettman, C. Clarke, B. Johnson, K. Dixon, R. Weniger. Third Row: W. Clark, J. Berezny, D. White, ]. Christiansen, ]. Balsley, R. Purcell. FOl/rth Row: T. Dilliplane, P. Tadd, D. Dayton, J. Baltzer.


First Row: P. DiFrancesco, E. Bretherick, P. Nass, D. DiPetro, F. Micalizzi, C. Wilkins, M. Mansueto, D. Wright, A. Fegan. Secolld Row: R. Edwards, R. Iannuzzelli, H. Valentine. R. Taylor, F. Reichert.

First Row: L. Bowen, ]. Myers, K. Rice, L. Bullock, S. Howard, R. Greenberg, 1. Perucci, A. Ball. Secolld Row: A. Arduino, E. Ewell, C. Wagner, C. Bates, K. Moran, P. Foster, M. Oyler, S. Lee, :&. Ezekian. Third Row: K. Coia, B. Feeser, W. Manderfield, ]. Clough, W. Sullivan, ]. Heller. Fot/l'th Row: E. Gottwig, C. Daniel, J. Grannels.

Fint Row: P. Stepien, ]. Shannon, S. Bridgins, L. Sherman, R. Davitt, D. Eng,l;inder, D. George, T. Sheffer. Secolld Row: A. Hamph, A. Binnendijk, N. Scofield, L. Miller, N. Conn, F. Marchonni, L. Beattie, M. Bokobza. Third Row: W. Patton, D. Replogle, R. Chaveas, W. Blaser, B.. Nichols, M. Miller.. Fot/rth Row: D. Reifschneider, G. Claridge, K. ¡Walter, C. Huntsman, P. Frick, J. Phreaner. Fifth Row: D. Laverty, A. Thomas, R. Wilfong.


First Row: G. Krouse, P. Ashton, A. Sinkinson, C. Bulkowski, M. Spegele, P. Huston, D. Davis, S: Cellem. Secolld Row: G. Blewitt, R. Jackson, M. McDowell, P. Francia, K. Petre, M. Wicks, B. Kelly, D. Kowalczyk. Third Row: G. Kelly, S. Conly, 1. Anzalone; J. Cl}ne, C. Mowbray, W: 'Hawley, J. Schoeninger. FOllrth Row: C. McGowen, S. Perrine, B. Brown, J. Miller, J. Bean, B. Hamilton, G. Mattes.

First Row: B. Cotter, K. Williams, C. Arndt, 1. Harmon, B. Thomas, B. Johnson, J. Yoder, R. Kaplan, 1. Park. Se,olld Row: C. Herring, K. Hall, M. McDonald, J. Sagan, D. Alfano, D. Beacher. Third .Row: J. Silverman, J. Cohanne, J. Creed, M. Iannacone, G. Mitchell, M. C1atterbaugh.

First Row: M.. Adair, D. Dreer, S. Duffy, E. Durham, P. Brown, R. Khelghatian, E. Kirshner, B. Burcin, T. Argibay. Se..olld Row: D. Smith, J. Marchesani, C. Ford, J. Murphy, G. Davis, F. Huhn.


First Row: L. Wood, R. Berdan, C. Pugsley, S. Shippard, A. Biener, S. Frimmel, L. Cowperthwait, S. Harper. Second Row: S. Jamison, L. Thompson, J. Kirkman, J. Dyat, A. Skinner, L. Dickes, K. Lever, D. Plank, D. Riley. Third Row: J. Bauy, R. Monis, R. Pollock, J. Price, S. Krissinger, J. Valente. Fourth¡ Row: C. Batipps, J. LeFever, T. Biggs, J. Buggy.

First Row: P. Dougherty, M. Baker, L. DiCicco, S. Bonner, N. Furlan, C. Santella, S. Johnstonbaugh, J. DeForest. Secolld Row: B. Coates, B. Smith, B. Watson, D. Pritzert, A. Capriotti, L. Kutz, J. Doyle, A. Valbuena, D. Shinn. Third Row: S. Mannino, J. Guthrie, R. Trago, H. Valentine, F. Walter, W. McLaughlin. Fourth Row: T. Heslip, B. Walsh, S. Valz, W. Kolynych, L. Dickerson, J. Spangler.

First Row: M. Schopf, S. DiGilio, L. Vottima, L. Koppe, C. Burns, S. Kirschner, S. Stoffrogen, S. Algayer. Second Row: A. Marshall, B. Branyan, J. Mitchell, C. Rudolph, D. Busa, G. Nicolucci.


First Row: ]. Kenyon, S. Haines, S. Taber, S. Smith, C. Markel, S. Kadin, L. Frank, D. Cohen. Second Row: H. Cassaccio, R. Kohut, S. Stewart, M. Allen, N. Abel, S. Martin, T. Kuhlmann. Third Row: G. Drewes, D. Oyler, R. Lambert, P. Lindenmuth, K. Kelley, S. Pontari, D. Brown. FOl/rth Row: R. Murch, ]. Walsh, 1. Van armer, Glaser, A. Klineburger, B. Paine, N. Sloane.


First Row: 1. Martelock, S. Milne, M. Carney, H. Hug, S. Bellini, J. Small, B. Pennington, 1. Fantini. Second Row: D. Patino, R. Elliot, C. Lewis, J. Hershock, ]. Winn, 1. Hiorth, 1. Wilks, R. Weiner. Third Row: J. Flocco, B. Earley, G. Acers, M. Roderick, J. Ruch. FOl/rth Row: T. Richardson, 1. Dodson, B. Corcoran.

First Row: M. Crothers, 1. Gates, S. Williamson, S. Shimp, P. Robertson, S. Smith, B. Godshall, F. ·Flegel. Second Row: R: Faircloth, P. Tindall, K. Woodcock, M. Crewdson, S. Williams, M. Martino, 1. Sapps, R. Rimato. Third Row: E. Sokolowski, R. Balsley, H. Poulos, S. MacMackin, V. Salla. Foufth Row: J. Carey, P. Misuriello, M. Brown, M. Reger, H. Winter, B. Lawns.·



o P H




R ADVISORS: Walter Hall, Judith Gramiak


OFFICERS: Janet Cooper, Secretary; Al Douglas, President; Mike Peterson, Vice-President; Pete Kaepplinger, Treasurer


Please, girls, will you let me out of the corner now?

Miss Sanbe? I don't know, I've never seen her myself.

First Row: R. John, N. Bennett, N. Walker, S. Forrester, C. DeLeo, 1. Eberwein, C. Monatelli, P. Szewczyk. Second Row: B. Snyder, C. Josel, C. Walker, ]. Minisci, 1. Shimp, G. Holler. Third Row: M. Alford, W. Hess, D. Freas.

Fiw Row: M. Killen, C. Esola, 1. McKeown, 1. Shepherd, 1. Pasquella, B. Pawliwicz, K. Richer, D. King. Second Row: R. Hudson, ]. Stong, M. Roller, M. Flohr, P. Richards, S. Nelson, J. McCoheghey, G. Pugh, M. Warden. Third Row: 1. Grotyohamn, S. Richardson, 1. Wange, G. Morton, F. Slone, W. Ech. Fourth Row: W. Joyce, R. Bruce, M. Mullan, S. Denworth, D. Cini, B. Polhemus. Fifth Row: E. Murphy, D. Ziegler.

First Row: D. Freedman, ]. Spegele, 1. Griffith, S. Silverstein, K. Carter, K. Carlin, S. Schneider, A. Lesko. Second Row: J. Weldy, T. Shipe, 1. Zelino, ]. Devenney, D. Trucksess, E. Brogan, A. Douglas, ]. Kushma, T. Giacoponello. Third Row: B. Simon, ]. Harvey, B. Appel, M. Peterson, M. Caruso, G. Kielman, T. Myers. FOllI'th Row: G. Gerba, M. Woods.


First Row: C. Carty, A. Gavula, B. Kenney, B. Benn, P. Von Ness, B. Bonini, D. Puglisi, A. Dick. Second Row: R. Clark, E. Morris, S. Bremmerman, B. Kayser, T. Smith, B. Borgese, B. Bruner, D. Depugh, R. Nye. Thit'd Row: A. Baccuti, R. Fulford, T. Boose, D. Dannaker, B. Damon, D. Osgood. Fourth Row: D. Lisk, M. Anders, K. Slattery.

First Row: S. Shoemaker, 1. Nichols, C. Hall, B. Carroll, M. Peiffer, B. Falk, S. Comerin. SecOild Row: D. Preston, T. Mutz, ]. Ruza, 1. Harrison, P. Adams, j. Zizza.

First Row: B. Fisher, K. Yarnall, 1. Clarke, D. Strickland, 1. Suckow, C. May, P. Boyce, S. Fisher. Second Row: P. Delany, G. Williams, G. Schwartz, T. Forrest, S. Haimowitz, M. Polk, B. McKibben, B. Burton. Third Row: B. Simcox, ]. Naulty, M. Lehman, A. Peitzman, R. Watrows, G. Brewer.


First Row: F. Macerolla, J. Hoag, N. Yeager, J. Barbour, P. Saipher, B. Federman, M. Adaman, V. James. Second Row: M. Fike, J. Babb, E. Downed, M. Schaub, B. Whiteman, S. Anderson, D. Morrison, J. Cooper, 1. Cowley, B. Lacock. Third Row: P. Moyer, B. Conley, J. Paradise, W. Edwards, R. Stevenson, R. Goldenberg. Fourth Row: D. Weaver, G. Petrie, R. Lawn, M. Fornwalt, J. Tl,lylor, D. Gates.

First Row: D. Damia, D. Cochran, J. Grace, M. Bowes, J. Reeps, 1. Schlossmar, B. Buchanan, E. Thomas. Second Row: J. Valente, D. Mayrick, B. Ruza, M. Zurlo, D. Stegemerten, 1. Meyrick, 1. Ring, M. Slagle, B. Jordan, E.. Kelly.

First Row: D. McCall, K. Mazard, P. Megronigle, P. Pritzert, M. Stephenson, J. Reganato, R. Caporal, J. Evans. Second Row: R. Frick, D. Simpson, C. Creed, K. Shaffer. E. Csircsu, S. Wallace, D. Marks, K. Kelley, J. McElroy, B. McBrearty. Third Row: H. Hammerstone, P. Rack, R. Elliot, D. Rowding. Fourth Row: J. Duhl, S. Kauffman, E. Vetrane, G. McLoughlin, R. Chestnut, S. Hanak.


First Row: S. McCausland, K. Glacken, C. Fey, S. LeHota, L. ]ohanneson, J. Lorraine, E. Force, C. Cassidy Second Row: R. Bassetti, S. Wright, B. Oppenheim, ]. Irby, E. Durham, L. Cooper, D. McCallister, N. Lincoln, A Hartz.

First Row: C. Petrelli, M. Robins, J. Watt, A. Lunn, L. Berryman, P. Kilbane, C. Antonelli. Second Row: T. Wegman, R. Miller, M. "Murphy, B. Scotti, M. Farrel, N. McConnel. Third Row: T. O'Hara, ]. Krajar, W. Palma, M. Parks, C. George.

First Row: G. Ricketts, L. Brophy, A. Mutz, Y. Manganno, D. Letter, C. Hovencamp, J. Branton. Second Row: F. Pekin, S. Hahn, K. Weidman, L. Anthonsen, T. Maits, E. Armstrong, S. Hoffman, T. Wegmann. Third Row: D. Soule, L. Baxter, D. Foalalian, A. Mummert, T. Harper, H. Winslow; B. Rickards. Fourth Row: G. Fay, C. Beam, C. Hall, T. Dukes, B. Mainwaring, B. ]uechter.

186 ..A_ _

First Row: E. Grassa, T. Lodise, E. Hine, D. Slagle, W. Simon, S. Meloney, D. DiGiovanni, A. Paterson. Second Row: H. Parris, K. McMenamin, J. Flizar, N. Murray, N. Glaser, P. Silverman, D. Simpson, F. Warnock, J. Hand. Thit'd Row: J. Coyle, C. Pataky, W. Gosser, K. Hemberger, M. Heffron. .

First Row: P; Ruch, C. McKee, P. Pommer, P. Temple, S. Kilgore, 1. Stein, H. Har.rison, L. Cro~e. Second Row: B. Rue, W. Nath, J. Knapp, C. Larzelere, 1. Booty, S. MacDowell, C. Weidman, R. Boccelli, D. MacAdams. Third Row: 1. Blizard, 1. Rader, R. Politz, B. Martin, T. Hamilton, ]. Todak. Fourth Row: B., Kline, J. McGrath, W. Griest.

First Row: A. Bor, E. Hahn, D. Miller, C. Small, S. Kline, K. Carlin, L. Hicks, ]. Millon. Second Row: D. McClellan, J. Zulick, S. Green, D. Wren, F. Polomano, 1. Bates, G. Rowlands, S. Rowan, J. Moist. Third Row: D. Paterson, ]. Schwenzer, B. Bradfield, J. Hurwitz, ]. Richards, F. Schwartz. Fourth Row: B. Gaskill, D. Feuquay, B. Reiter, D. Alfano, B. Rodgers.



FRESHMEN Row: K. Alexander, N. Anderson, P. Muller, C. Welch, P. Rocap, R. Madi'son, J. DeRose. Second Row: S. Manley, B. Henderson, B. Scholtenberger, 1. Culp, J. Hudson, A. Lukens, 1. Folk, M. McGee. Thi1'd Row: W. Rocap, P. McFadden, J. Moll, P. Kline, T. Brazill, R. Mars. Fot/1'th Row: B. Horn, J. Moore, W. Taylor, G. Keech, H. Jones, J. Kehm. Fifth Row: J. Sibbald, A. Shapiro, D. Foster, B. McLean. Fi1'st

Fi1'st Row: S. Bruner, F. Fonner, 'S. Dayton, 1. Morgan, J. Bradshaw, R. Cohen, P. Cohanne, R. Steward. Secolld Row: H. Rothman, J. Watson, K. McCormick, D. Matthe.ws, 1. Stuber, B. Haler, J. Smith, P. Murphy, D. Zacharias, B. Caren. Thi1'd Row: K. McGrath, D. Wentz, K. Brown, D. Nash, C. Herman, S. Jednacz, D. Hollenbach, J. Marcy.

Fit'st Row: B. Mmvson, 1. Green, E. Glass, J. Moist, J. Manns, K. Mullan, 1. Hazzard, J. Gates. Secolld Row: E. Nicholls, J. Suckow, C. Bryan, P. Evans, C. Kessler, J. Kessler, J. Scuibba, A. Brindley, C. von Plato. Thi1'd Row: B. McCoy, G. Lunn, N.

Digilio, D. Bloodwell, J. Bradfield, A. Shapiro. Fot/1'th Row: J. LeFever, T. Roberts, P. Larson, D. Voegeli, B. Smith.

Fi1'st Row: J. Malinosky, B. Wallace, .c. Wicklund, B. Osgood, J. Otgass, C. Walker, C. Heffron. Second Row: D. Gallagher, E. Mount, S. McKeon, M. Wilson, N. Clarke, C. Weigel, S. Strayer, J. Bennett, D.' Sullivan, M. Wilcox. Thi1'd Row: H. Schwartz, D. Magee, J. Ferrante, D. Braybrooks, M. Batdorf, R. Buchan. Fot/1'th Row: R. Levens, J. Hanson, M. Hockman, E. Stiller, W. Palmer, R. Appel, J. McKeown.



First Row: K. Carpenter, J. Simpson, J. Daniels, V. Adams, 1. Pearing, A. Thomas, D. McFaul, D. Kraus. Second Row: ,S. O'Callaghan, M. Scully, D, Duncan, J. Mariano, K. Small, L. Brannan, P: Schwandt, G. Tull. Third Row: W. Lewis, Jt Jones, G. Korn, R. Kershaw, 1. Jonstonbaugh, R., HoI· stein. Fourth Row: J. Evans, B. McCullough.

Fit'St Row: R. Legan, B. Scheuer, J. Custer; S. Watkin, R. Bannister, B. Servies, N. Coste, J. Spencer. Second Row: J. D'Angelo, M. Schwatz, N. Alloway, D. Daiello, 1. Bates, M. Josephs, D. Williams,' D. Beers, J. Moran, B. Northington. Third Row: J. Manon, J. Toof, J. Woodwell, N. Lisch, J. Moore, M. Harvey.

First Row: S. Lobley, B. Thomas, V. Smith, 1. Barbour, M. Woods, ,D. Bauer, 1. Davis, P. Gambol. Second Row: 1. Richards" C. Kotanchik, K. White, S. Gooden, B. Thomson, C. Schessler, R. Brooks, C. Lein, D. Christiansen, S. Hillerson, Third Row: N. McDowell, D. Fisher, T. Hanson, J. Francis, G. Van Guilluwe, W. Beadling. Fourth Row: T. 'Lehman, R. Rundbaken, W. Freas, S. Janssen.

First Row: B. Shiler, B. Raines, F. Hahn; K. Schulyer, J. Mino, G. Lacko, A. Sotter, D. Butcman. Second Row: H. Palmer, J. Littleton, A, Abel, D. Billingsley, G. Miller, D. Schoultz, D. Bretherick, D. Gibson, B. Loughead. Third Row: B. Roush, T. Staggers, D. Butterworth, W. Kassebohm, R, Boshuld, T. Barr, R, Risley. Fourth Row: B. Elbert, R. Mallory, C. Logue, J. Queenfield, S. Sinclair.



FRESHMEN Fiw Rot/!: 1. Fillerup, C. Harmon, C. Di· Renzo, 1. Kester, D. Rizzo, D. Sanfo/'d, M. Legaz, E. Polinsky. Second Rot/!: N. Mc-. Bride, J. Mallory, C. Menoher, R. Black, L. Geilfuss, B. Davis, K. Riviello, P. Lewis,. R. DeFine, R. Anderson. Third Rot/!: T. Zuber, B. Liste/', B. Feeser, B. Gibson, R. 'Lynch, J. Lyons. Fourth Rot/!: ]. Coia, ]. Smedley, ]. Falconer, D. Hamilton, E. Price. Fifth Rot/!: D. Boose, A. Spina, C. Anderson, ]. Ray.

First Row: 1. Viscusi, M. Hoch, S. Fromme, 1. Hemburger, N. Williams, M. Hoy, B. Scarlata, T. Longstreet. Second Row: M. McKee, ]. Paxton, D. Allen, K. Creed, P. Bruning, S. Kra;eski, E. Pedigo, N. Mitchell. Third Rot/!: K. Webster, S. Kopp, C. Wood, E. Poulson, D. Feld, C. Craig. Fourth Rot/!: B. Bow, C. Bosi, J. Challey, W. Congar. Fifth Rot/!: G. Greenburg, W. Campbell, F. Mustaro, J. Glaub.

J. Laurelli, L. Lewis, J. Openshaw, B. Connolly, 1. Best, K. Mascher, J. Elsaesser, A. Francis. Second Rot/!: B. Raines, D. McKinley, S. Graf, K. Flee, S. Hollowell, ]. Thwaites, B. King, R. Klagholz, J. Brannon, E. Arduino. Third Row: L. Guth, N. Sangeorgio, B. DaLusio, J. Harrity, P. Krape, S. Macho. Fourth Row: G. Smith, D. Krynick, S. Mahood, D. Alexander, E. Norblom. FirJt Rot/!:

First Rot/!: C. Carlin, D. Carlin, S. MacLean, B. Hall, H. Bressler, ]. Balsley, K. Fitzpatrick, S. Small. Second ROIIJ: J. Esposito, B.

Benzing, J. Reid, 1. Lennan, J. McCarthy, D. Seeley, N. Hubiak, J. Cliff, F. Custer. Third Rot/!: B. Hirst, D. Hodgson, J. Williams, D. Souder, I. Angstadt, P. Harper. Fourth Row: ]. Land, S. Bates, C. Roberts, J. Kingrea, W. Culbertson.


EIGHTH GRADE First Row: A. Aisenbrey, 1. Mershon, A. Leftow, A. Hollen, K. Schubert, J. Berry, S. McCausland, V. Gribb. Secolld Row: R. Shefska, R. Eickenberg, S. Lee, C. Butler, D. Moore, J. Vottima, B. Lodise, R. Larzelere, C. Miserendino. Third Row: P. Miller, B. Koppe, R. D'Agostino, R. Smith, H. Goodman, P. Chaveas, D. Silverman. Fourth Row: S. George, J. Guthrie, B. Sotter, B. Stewart, D. Moyer, M. Ray. Fifth Row: D. Pataky, S. Land.

First Row: C. Sinkinson, C. Wiley, C. I1dier, R. Bent, D. Lewis, A. Merkert, S. Campbell, V. Lang. Secolld Row: B. Henderson, C. Rielly, J. Coats, D. Lewis, V. Beam, D. Masson, B. Easterday, C. Kent, B. Kenyon, 1. Pacinelli, J. Bell. Third Row: H. Wilkins, G. Kleiner, M. D'Angelo, J. Hobdell, C. Girard, D. Behrle, 1. Heller.

First Row: M. Ballas, 1. Langshaw, P. Temple, J. Sinclair, C. Brannan, N. Rose, D. Rickolt, P. Fillerup. Second Row: K. Brown, C. Lengel, D. Henley, B. Lewis, K. Fisher, B. Moore, K. Fillmore, J. Dudley, S. Medzarentz. Third Row: E. Schofield, K. Thorpe, P. Fillipon.e, D. Vanaman, J. Martin, M. Ewell, 1. Bramble. Fourth Row: F. Cimino, B. Rauffenbart, N. Paterson, G. Papazian, G. Deckman, B. Fegan. Fifth Row: P. Munsell, D. Buckannan, J. Gordom, A. Anastas.

First Row: M. Monofo, D. Douts, D. Hicks, 1. Kelly, D. Edwards, R. Sellers, J. Sinkenson. Secolld Row: R. Falcone, G. Kery, T. Russo, K. Kelly, B. Phiefer, B. Johnson, W. Clannahan. Third Row: B. Moore, G. Mumert, T. Damon, G. Dickerson, J. Lennes.


Fint Row: 1. McCann, J. Durh.am, M. Ber路 dan, J. Vessey, E. Blewitt, C. Kaepplinger, E. Glaser, J.Cohen. Secolld Row: F. Schon路 iger, G. Rawding, A. Schauer, 1. Servies, .S. Pichaske, G. Smith, K. Brown, N. Smith, J. Edwards, R. Ricker, C. Hart. Third Row: S. Johnson, C. Marchionni, J. Betts, G. Silverstein, G. Nelson, K. Thompson, W. Walsh, G. Price. FOl/rth Row: K. Schwartz, .F. Hansberger, R. Durbano, J. Kerr, J. Gale, G. Robbins, B. Splane.

Fint Row: 1. Aekens, 1. Stegmerton, J. Detskas, M. Menisci, D. Root, S. Wilson, P. Polilli, 1. Warrington. Secolld Row: J. Phelps, M. Harvey, B. Davis, P. Schink, J. Byron, N. Bates, M. Turman, 1. Cooper,. R. James. Third Row: T. Kestler, D. Jones, R. Baer, W. Robb, B. Osborne. FOl/rth Row: E. Bakow, S. Meilstrup, N. Bates, D. Marano.

First Row: H. Ronez, B. Woolsen, S. Jacksen, J. McKittrich, D. Dehnich, R. Zaffiri, C. Kiscaden, J. Getty. Secolld Row: B. Stevenson, R. Miller, G. Martin, B. Manning, K. Marra, R. .Laurelli, N. Crispin, K. Poulson, A. Mount, K. Loveland. Third Row: R. Kevis, R. Jones, D. Hiorth, M. Shoustal, J. Murray, D. McBrearty, D. D'Agostino, D. Cote.

First Row: D. McElroy, J. Tapp, M. McClellan, P. Goldberg, B. Mullineaux, B. Schwandt, A. Clark, C. Merkle. Secolld Row: J. D'Angelis, B. Desiderio, M. Marcantuono, G. Krauss, 1. Miller, P. Moore, 1. Beaver, C. Korn, D. Small. Third Row: J. Fraim,. D. Teti, C. Barbour, R. Renninger, P. Le路 Calsey, D. Lewis, D. Bollinger, 1'. Boyd. FOl/rth Row: J. Pugh, W. Simcox, B. Litecky, J. Moore, D. Cox, D. Blaustein, R. Shoe路 maker, B. Isherwood, S. Barry.


Fint Row: 1. Matthews, K. McGrath, K. Bachman, K. Schaeffer, C. Heller, D. Dick路 inson, D. Pemberton, J. Berstein. Second Row: M. Conley, R. ,Powers, S. Douglas, B. Ferrell, C. Corbin, B. Ziv, M. McClellan, G. DeCowsky, T. Walker, R. Kaye. Third Row: M. Michelson, R. Laub, S. Cope, J. Styer, R. Avila, S. Winn, G. Davies. Fourth Row:, R. Silberstein, M. Trummer, H. Keat路 ing, K. Schrader.

First Row: M. Fisch, B. Cubrilo, D. Carrol, C. Dutton, B. Lewis, R. Kern, 1. Beatty, R. Liebhauser. Second Row: M. Spegele, E.

Spruce, M. Cook, F. Auld, N. Gordon, ]. Whitty, K. Frederick, C. Hirsch, S. Herschner, N. Griffith. Third Row: J. Cot路 lov, G. Pagano, J. Piatt, E. Hansen, M. Schwartz, T. Fink, R. Bacher. Fourth Row:' D. Lehikinder, R. Douse, R. Sadler, M. Wolf, P. Zink, M. Lawley, P. Young.

First Row: J. Behmke, K. O'Hara, S. Septor, Harmon, D. Batdorf, C. Butler, M. Deluca. Second Row: R. Stewart, T. Bottomley, ]. O'Donald, E. Pyne, D. Dornan, A. Hilferty, G. Klagholz, R. Harris.'


First Row: J. Luango, M. Hall, P. Ford, 1. Koin, G. Reese, N. Borguese, P. Rensel, 1. Tittlebaum. Second Row: R. Falcon, R. Zeiger, S. MacAdams, M. Hett, M. LaPresta, A. McCunney, D. Chamberlain, R. Rowlands, K. Olsen, D. Nath. Third Row: R. Keast, D. Alexander, P. Cummings, D. Reinger, J. Holt, G. Morrision. FOl/rth Row: R. 'Bryan, M. Shaw, J. Shepherd, R. George, P. Di路 Guillio, R. Mason. Fifth Row: 1. Gariguilo, S. Peterson, B. Eshbach.


First Row: C. Berg, C. Joseph, c. Alfred, A. Crecilius, R. Kelley, D. Nicoli, D. Purcell, E. Preston. Second Row: B. Bohni, N. Diehl, A. Masson, D. Seastrom, S. Anthonsen, S. Holcomb, G. Kelly, J. Campus, N. Steele, D. Boyle. Thit'd Row: J. Hamilton, 1. Judd, D. Haney, T. Heavy, M. Nicosea, R. Stryker, V. Ball. Fourth Row: P. Chase, T. Kistler, K. Grotyohann, J. Mangano, D. Dickson, R. Kalwinsky. Fifth Row: B. Williams, K. Malick, S. Magnin, A. Welsh.

First Row: S. D'Amora, E. Brougher, P. Rundbaken, B. Green, S. Shuck, B. Greitzer, H. Sapnas, A. Kadin. Second Row: D. DeKorte, R. Broadley, R. Moore, N. Novack, S. Replogle, M. Zalkind, M. Schwartz, C. Brewer, B. Ernest. Third Row: R. Dodge, R. Hand, M; Laskin, K. Andrien, G. Bergman, D. Helwig, F. Boriello.

First Row: B. Buchy, D. Grimes, 1{. Maynard, S. Rios, C. Dell, D. Roller; M. McKibben, B. Clement. Second Row: J. Arty, J. Ferber, C. Touchton, J. Shaeffer, 1. Glover, E. Ingram, J. Zellner, C. Crissey, B. Maits, J. Dana, R. Waterhouse. Third Row: S. Moss, E. King, M. Corehnoy, ~. Pavlov, J. Argibay, A. Thomas. Fourth Row: M. Stevenson, G. Stratton, R. Kepner, H. Griffith, J. Simon.

First Row: P. McGorman, D. Fay, E. Arren, B. Single, P. Walsh, J. Curtis, J. Hoffer. Second Row: G. Galuzian, D. Mann, 1. Am¡ brose, 1. Pettyohn.


PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aarel Mr. and Mrs. John Abramchuk Bill Aldred, Class of '61 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Aldred Mr. Wesley K. Aldred Alex's Barber Shop Allstate Insurance Company Alvin's Flower Shop Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. T. Arty & Family The Bailey Family Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Barbour Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barnum Walter Harlan Beadling III Mr. and Mrs. R. Bennett Beta Tri-Hi-Y The Bevans Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. Blewitt Bob and Barb Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boccelli William S. Bollinger Bon Marche Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowes Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Boyd Mrs. E. T. Braden Mr. and Mrs.William E. Bradfield Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Branton Mr. and Mrs. George Bressler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown George H. Buchanan Co. Mr. and Mts. N. Burda Marion C. Burr Mr. and ·Mrs. Arthur Cadge The Camera Shop Camp Nik-O-Mahs Capitol Records Cappy's Shoe Service Mr. and Mrs. John Capus Mr. and Mrs. James S. Caras Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carlin Carousel Cards-Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll Joseph Owen Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. James Catania Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cellem Mr. and Mrs. Rov B. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chilton Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1. Clark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clark, Jr.

Mr. James Clark Mr. and Mrs. John E. Clarke Nancy Cliff Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Lester 1. Coggeshall Mr. and Mrs. William Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Costanzo Countryside Motors, Inc. Helen Coyle Mrs. Mae Craig Mr. and Mrs. C. Craskey Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crewdson Curl's Esso Station Mrs. Samuel Curlett Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Curley Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curry Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dalrymple Dante's Hair Fashions Mr. and Mrs. John Diamond Guy (Class of '59) and Joe (Class '61) DiCicco Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DiCicco Dickerson Realty Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diehl Jim Diehl, Class of '67 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Domitrovich Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Downes Mr. and Mrs. John Downs Arthur J. D'Urbano Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Eastman George J. Edelmann Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ehly Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Feuquay Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Fisher Mrs. R. G. Ford Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Dave Founds Mrs. Rita Freedman A Friend A Friend Fyr-Fyter Co. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gagliardi Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gargiulo Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Garzarelli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gattinella Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Geesey John J. Gelbach Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getz Girl Scout Troop #239 Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gramiak


PATRONS Mr. Henry Grassa Mrs. B. E. Gress Mr. and Mrs. Lee Haller Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Haller Mr. and Mrs. George Haney Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Joseph c. Hasenmayer Mrs. Ann D. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hershner Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Hershock Mr. Leonard T. Heslop Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Hibberd Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Hess, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hicks Mrs. Hilfretz Mr. and Mrs. S. Cooper Hill Mr. A. Edward Hine Eddie, Janet, David Hine Mrs. Ruth Hine Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Hoag Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Hobdell, Jr. Mrs. Holstein Mr. and Mrs. Earle Horrocks Miss Charlotte Hozey Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Edward Implazo Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Innes Intramural Bowling League-1965 "Jimmy," Class of '65 Mrs. Bobbi Jones Judy and Drew Mr. and Mrs. Elmore E. Kayser Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Kelly K.E.R., Class of '63 George A. Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Charles King Mr. and Mrs. Francis Klagholz Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Krauss, Jr. Pen-Del Diner Mr. and Mrs. George Kutz Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Labosky Bonnie Lacock, Class of '67 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lacock Judy Lanchak Mr. and Mrs. W. Lanchak Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lang Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lang Mrs. Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Marsden Lawley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LeBon Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lehneis, Jr. 196

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lehneis, Sr. Len's Hoagie Shop Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levens Mr. William Lever Cheryl Lewis, Class of '66 L'il Pete Piraino's Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lowry, Jr.· Ludwig Honold Mfg. Co. Hydrofoil Boats Mrs. Bertha S. Lusby A. MacAdams Mr. and Mrs. George MacCellan Mr. and Mrs. James MacNiven Susie MacNiven Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Magee Tamara P. Maker Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maker Mr. and Mrs. John Malinoski Mrs. G. M. Malley Mrs. Nevin J. Mann Dr. and Mrs. Norman T. Mansell Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mariano Marlyn Coffee Shop Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Marmar Mrs. S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Masson Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 1. Masson Robert McClennen Marcus F. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McCoy, Jr. Tom McCrossan Mr. and Mrs. George McElroy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McHenry Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. McKee Elizabeth R. McKenna James J. McKenna and Son Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMenamin Miss Diane Meisenhelder Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William O. Mingle Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Minnich Mr. Fred F. Mintzlaff Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Moss and Jill Mrs. Anna· Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Murphy Mr. and Mrs.R. L. Nass Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nastasi Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Newman Miss Ethel Oehrli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Omlor John O'Neill

PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. G. Alan Osmond Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Paine Nancy Paine, Class of '64 Mr. and Mrs. John Patton Mr. and Mrs. Norman Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phillips Suki Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Virgel E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pilson Margaret G. Pine, Realtor Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Polhemus Dr. and Mrs. S. Polischuk Mrs. Porche Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Pugsley Mrs. A. Pyne Rat Fink and J. Reeves Brothers Texaco Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Renninger Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Replogle Mary Revels Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Riley Mrs. Pauline Ritten Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Ritten Libby Rives, Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Robb Carolyn Anne Roberts, Class of '64 Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong Roberts, Jr. Mrs. H. Armstrong Roberts, Sr. Mrs. Stephen Rosbert The Roth Family Rupert Realty Mr. and Mrs. John Ruza Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sammartino Mr. and Mrs. James Samuels Sandie and Tom Sannino's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Santa Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Schlegel Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Schneider Mrs. Earl H. Scott Scotty's Drive-In Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Seifert W n. J. Shaffer Shea's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shelow Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sihler Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sinkinson Mrs. Smedley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Smith Susan Smith, Class of '63

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Souder Southwest Cleaners Springfield Beverage Dist. Co. Springfield Delicatessen Springfield Rental Co. Mr. and Mrs. George Soule Sproul Lanes Inc. . Mr. Harry A. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart Miss Chris Stilwell Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stilwell Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Storm Stott-Hecht Glass Works Mr. and Mrs. W. Strictland Mrs. Swan Donald C. Taber Mrs. Jesse Tarleton Mrs. Joseph Taylor T. C. Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Tillotson T. M. G. Mr. Theodore Tretiak Maria Todd Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend Township Hai.rstyling Mrs. Willian Tucker U. D. '64-BDA Mr. and Mrs. Ulrick Mr. and Mrs. John Valentinsen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Valz Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van Ness Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Wagner Mrs. Laura Walcome Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walker Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader J. Walker Ruth Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Louis Warnock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Watkin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wegmann Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Parker K. Weir Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh Mrs. Mort Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wicks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wiedman Mr',land Mrs. Williams Mi. and Mrs. L. G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wolstenholme Woolston's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Wrigley


We all entered a high school which offered each of us the very same things. We were taught to express ourselves -whether it was in designing a bookcase or writing a paper or figuring a math problem or making a dress. And we tried to learn to better understand the expressions of others by studying history and languages, gymnastics and art. According to our individual ablities and interests, we have selected and rejected, taking only what we want and leaving the rest behind. Our senior year has ended, our high school careers have ended, and one phase of life is almost complete. Before us lie jobs, trades, college, professions, families-actually four hundred and twenty different paths fashioned by our four hundred twenty different personalities. High school graduation does not mark an end-or a beginning. The individuals we have been in the past are the individuaJs we will be whatever our future circumstances. Springfield High School has helped in shaping our individuality.

lIThe hope of society is the individual character."






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