and you have lived along side of them
have tthugged" them
I won a WHAT?
You know you're not allowed to sneak over that line during lunch.
And I thought L.S.D. was easy to make.
I bet you say that to all the girls!
Mr. John Bay, Assistant to the Superintendent
Dr. Robert Grove. Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Ernest Dyson. Curriculium Coordinator
Administration Dr. Grove, Mr. Bay, Dr. Dyson. District Office. In-Service Days and written excuses. Teacher orientation, organization, and supervision.
Board of School Directors. SEATED, Mr. William W. Butler, Mrs. Annamae McKee, Mr. Richard D. Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Pusey. STANDING, Mr. Robert Pemberton. Mr. William C. Hollibaugh. Mr. James Windsor. Absent, Mr. David C. Wolstenholm.
Mr. Richard K. Smith. Principal.
Mr. George D. Thomas Assistant Principal for Lower School
Mr. Elwood Miller Administrative Assistant to the Principal.
Mr. Thomas Gartside. Assistant Principal.
R. K. Smith. T. A. Gartside. Elwood Miller. Upper School Office. Haircuts and National Honor Society and Foreign Exchange Students and proper conduct in assembly. Discipline. Administration. Responsibility. Worry. Pride. Mr. Thomas. Lower School Office. Reprimanding 9th and 10th graders and smiling and seeing them grow.
"To the guidance office, please." always a busy place someone looking at college catalogs or filling out an application or having an interview or a conference. class ranks are in college board scores are in Mrs. Denice, Mr. Fluke, Mrs. Peterson, Mr. Mackrides.
Mr. D. Fluke, Dean of Men for the Upper School.
Mr. W. Mackrides, Dean of Men for the lower School.
Mrs. E. Denice, Dean of Women for the Upper School. Mrs. A. Peterson Dean of Women for the lower School.
Upper School Office, E. Trucksess, M. Singer, M. Roberts, M. Clarke.
Guidance Office; E. Petre. R. Haenle.
lower School Office, Florence Dunbrack.
Mrs. Clarke has been giving the announcements for a long time; somebody noted today when she was absent. The lost and found books are over there on the shelf under the mailboxes. The list of teachers' rosters is right here; you're welcome to them. Mr. Miller will be busy for a few more minutes; just put it on his desk and he'll sign it before this afternoon's announcements. Okay - Thank you. You're welcome. District Office, D. Dalton, E. Ricketts, M. Omlor, F. Ehrig, D. Northington, E. Coli, P. Patton, D. Bessey.
English Department
1<. Merbreier
I. Schmuckler
J. Hirt
T. Walter 27
C. Miller
l. landau
A test on gerunds in the ninth grade and I find myself muttering - What could you study anyway? And gawking at someone's socks for two long months And now I stare at the same faded socks I even want to wonder howe. e. cummings knew a look could "april me." E. Bigelow - Department Head.
B. McClennen
l. Sherman
J. Trumbower
A. Handler A. Kapczynsky
l. Werner
D. Lazaroff
anguage Department F. Peters
J. Mcintire l. Balukjian
C. Barcus
s. Rech
I. Harris
M. Papazian
L. Sewald
foreign posters staring down on the student mocking his early, fumbling attempts at pronunciation, eyeing him with some respect during the constant drilling of grammar dialogs nonmenclatures verbs, and finally giving him a short, congratulatory glance.
H. Gotwols
H. Neely - Department Head.
J. Weaver - Department Head.
R. Dietrich
A. DeMuzio
ath Department
K. Folger
D. Kellogg
G. Werley
R. Wentz
D. Fry
R. Liberi
R. lee
let x equal boards of numbers heads of equations let y equal tired struggling teacher pounding, pounding introducing endless numbers and equations it's nice to know that some problems have definite answers.
P. Greyson
It McCiennen
J. Semeister
J. Hipple
Science Dep¡artment
G. Smith
Department Head - D. Stephens.
w. Dyke
B. Pearce N. Adams
S. Marin
G. Wood
It isn't just the physical thingslab apron, glasses, stinking up the District Office, but more the survey that actually showed something, a ratio that's right, having your paramecium live longer than two days. Catastrophes along the way - dropping the test tube full of the final product to be weighedyour wooden cart when the wheels fell off, learning to use scientific methods even though you're clumsy with glass. C. Foltz
J. Bartley
E. Troiano
T. Gallagher
W. Stetson
Social Studies Department A. Corbin
A. Jones
J. Stinson
L. Colvin
W. Campbell
D. Macek
J. Hornaday
Chincom, Chinaman Vietnick, Vietnam Indian, Tory History could be boring Wall Street Ratios, bear or bull Repetition, battles, 1812, 1817 Bonaparte, Royalist, Jacobin Charge of the Light Brigade Roll of Drum, Roll of drum Society marches on Behavior, Personality Why Dark Ages? Man to Man Man to God, Renaissance Rivers, valleys, peninsulas, straits Oder, Nesse, Rhein, Volga.
F. Cluercetti
K. Schaefer
Department Head -
R. Filson
P. Connor
C. Tomlin
Department Head - G. Gooden.
N. Zuercher
Distributive Education
Business )epartment
E. Creed
D. E. -
a taste of the business world, practice by working, learning by experience, Sit up st raight. If you're going to be in my business course you will sit in your chair properly. G. Hatten
Art Department Just when I think there is nothing more to draw ...
E. Way
K. Klein
Soprano churps Bass bellows Lauffer stamps I hearthe choir, chorus harmony. I play an A All the strings play an A All the horns and reeds play an A I am a part.
L DelNegro
D. Lauffer
Home-Ec Department aroma of cookies in the hall near the cafeteria dishes to wash dresses to make darts, sleeves homemaking.
Industrial Arts Department
W. Morgan
C. Haseltine
C. McCoy
A. Wentz
I remember the feeling of helplessness and the stifling mood in math class when I realized that this wasn't methat my skill wasn't in struggling with formulas but in using my hands. I may have trouble computing logarithms, but give me a goal a material object ... something I can see. And I can draw you a blueprint, follow it, shaping, measuring, molding, creating.
N. McFadden
R. Shoemaker
J. Brusch, Department Head.
Physical Education the smell of the locker room dirty socks that didn't make it home gym suit discomfort But then they were a team; they weren't all good but they went for the ball to send it down the field.
N. McBrearty
H. Bell
Individual Progress Discovering that what I once thought was impossible is possible to learn to create.
F. Wiecz.erzynski
V. Witchey
M. Sharer, E. WendIe
Health. Going down to the nurse For your physical eyes, weight, height. T.B. tests. T.B. tests. Floride treatments. A room with two comfortable beds, blankets, and pillows to rest on when you don't feel well. 46
Driver Education J. Peoples
listen: Seat belt. Mirror. Key. Gear. Brake. Look ... Right ... Left In front ... Back. Watch speed ... Signs Signals ... lights. Think. React.
J. Cannon
E. Smith
J. Scheuer, M. Walter. M. Graham.
F. Gallagher. A. Klineburger.
library - what day is today? Today is Admiral Benbowie DayAt the end of sixth we're going to ... sit in the library with nothing to do in order to get out of study so that we can talk. There is one pass too many here; someone is taking a double lunch period. - - I just couldn't help but think how very like a student is a book on a shelf and how some are important but then some more important than the rest of them each with its numbered pages and a period always at the end of a line.
Cafeteria dear lunch ladies lovely you couldn't be much nicer nor I much hungrier. please serve me some of that dietetically-planned food 'cause if it weren't for you two thirds of all the kids at school would be likely to starve at lunchtime. Thank you for being my mother away from home.
Bus Drivers Director
A. Thomas.
Maintenance if they weren't present, cobwebs would form on the windows and sagebrush would blow down the halls; and if they weren't present, the doors would weirdly squeak and the paint peal from the walls; and if they weren't present, who else would clean up after you? 49
Doesn't Billy ever stop talking?
We, the student council members of Springfield Senior High School, do hereby solemnly pledge to fulfill our delegated duties and to promote the general welfare of our school; proud of our American heritage, recognizing the importance of self-discipline in a democracy, we shall aim to serve as citizens worthy of our responsibility and to work for the greatest good of all the students of Springfield Senior High School. Bill Coren, President
FIRST ROW, B. Elison, J. Brewer, J. Moss, V. Camel, J. Implazo, S. Kestler, C. Wicklund, D. Mainwaring, P. Creed, K. Schwenzer, D. Rios, J. Petrelli. SECOND ROW, C. Nye, A. Hessemer, A. Esposito, D. Contompasis, T. Niles, D. Vicoli, l. Mace, R. Fegan, C. Welch, C. Wicklund, J. Thwaites, A.. Satoris, l. Davis, M. Wilson, D. Purcell, K. Creed, J. Sanders, B. Moran, C. Moran, M. Stroud, D. Flohr, J. Batton. THIRD ROW, G. Steiert, P.leCalsey, J. Diamond, E. Kretschmann, J. Simon, T.lrwin, B. Dodge, J. Blydenstein, J. Esposito, D. Bollinger, B. Freas, l. Gargiulo, D. Marano, J. Marcy, B. Osborn, C. Warth, J. Sieke, D. Kushma.
Student Council Gerry Ouedenfeld, Sgt. at Arms (Council Bouncer)
Officers, Dale Beers, Treas.; Linda Green, Sec.; Doug Williams, V. Pres.
Dave Zacharias, ParI.; and Dale again.
FIRST ROW, F. Fonner. J. Mariano. M. Wilson. P. Gambol. P. Murphy. J. Bradshaw. L. Davis. R. Fegan. L. Barbour. V. Smith. S. Bollinger. R. Black. SECOND ROW, B. Hales. S. Dayton. S. Watkins. R. Gannister. B. Scheuer. S. Gooden. J. Spencer. L. Steuber. K. McCormick. B. Osborne. J. Manon. THIRD ROW, M. Harvey. G. Wood. T. Watson. J. Marcy. B. Coren. C. Creed.l. Bates.l. Morgan. J. Custer.l. Prager. R. Alloway. J. Toof. J. Moore. FOURTH ROW, B. Goldberg. S. Janssen. N. Fisch. D. Hollenbach. D. Beers. D. Daiello. D. Zacharias. D. Wentz, J. McKeown. J. Bradfield. B. McDowell. B. Campbell, J. D¡Angelo. G. Van Gilluwe. Missing, M. Schwartz.
Officers, D. Zacharias. President, D. Beers. Treasurer, D. Daiello. Vice-President.l. Morgan. First Secretary. l. Davis. Second Secretary. .
National Honor Society
Twinkle, twinkle little star.
Names called in clear pronouncement names of kids, students - the students elected to the National Honor Society by teachers and Honor Society members and a rating of intelligence and accomplishments. The kids, students of the names file onto the steps; they walk from seats in the auditorium to stand on the stage among candles in ceremony. It is not a real thing, they walk into a stage of other kids with candies students who are noble in all things, not a true thing; but there is a reality somewhere in the Honor.
Four score and seven years ago ...
IS years old and you can't get dressed by yourselves!
Officers: K. McCormick, Pres., G. Miller, V. Pres., S. Dayton, Sec.-Treas.
Thespians choosing a play, learning lines, wearing make-up, cooperation in the midst of chaos for an audience that can respond, laugh cry appreciate - people are out there, people are out there, people are out there ...
SEATED: R. Ganister, A. Abel, L Hemberger, D. Williams. STANDING: B. Hales, S. Dayton, D. Seeley, D. DeKorte, G. Greenberg, D. Beers, K. McCormick, J. Custer, G. Miller, B. Toole.
Quill And
Scroll quill and scroll - an honoring of those who work on school publications, with their maddening limitations to break the barrier of noncommunication, and unexpected fulfillmentsa written word can be looked at again and again and again. SEATED: B. Scheuer, J. Spencer, L Morgan, L. Barbour, D. Seeley, R. Fegan, L Hemberger. STANDING: V. Smith, R. Ganister, D. Beers, D. Zacharias, N. Fisch, D. Wentz, D. Christiansen, J. Custer, C. Fein.
Service Club unbelievable jobs. good times go with service c1ubevening guided tours - Parent's Night - to where? trying to see friends while delivering library passes ... tired bodies at compulsory meetings, trips to the shore in May. initiation of new members. talks with Mr. Gartside. yellow lettering on a blue jacket.
FIRST ROW, S. Bates, Pres., J. Smedley, V. Pres., R. Rakitis, Sec., J. Parris, S.-at-Arms, P. Kline, Chaplain, J. Sibbald, Treas. SECOND ROW, L. Heller, J. Cotlov, D. Williams, D. Moyer, J. Land, R. Boshold, F. Mustaro. THIRD ROW, J. Ray, B. Stewart, C. Marchioni, L. Gariulo, D. Feld, J. Ferrante, T. Bottomley, S. Graf. FOURTH ROW, W. Culbertson, G. Van Gilleuve, N. Pacitti, L. Davis, S. Roderick, J. Lefever.
FIRST ROW, R. Kaye. R. Shoemaker. J. Betts. G. Smith. D. Feld. S. Graf. T.lehman. B. Cambell. P. Kline. G. Greenberg. R. Stewart. W. Taylor. J. Coia. SECOND ROW, R. Fegan. A. Giancatorino. P. Krape. S. Peterson. M. Stevenson. D. Moyer. D. Bollinger. W. Isherwood. F. Mustaro. J. Carlin. B. Buchanan THIRD ROW, T. Brazil. G. Quedenfeld. W. Compton. D. McBrearty. D. Haney. D. Helwig. S. Falconer. G. Wood. S. Mahood. S. Cope. T. Zuber.
boys "7:30 meeting in room 131." elections. jackets, responsibility of guarding competitorsbasketball, wrestlingfrom spectators. initiation of new members. activities, dances. Mr. Werley. trip to New Jersey, and then the seniors walked awaygirls candlelight induction to Sock Hop and crowded gym to Christmas tea to folding basketball programs and chasing boys down the court to huddling together on the Boardwalk in May to walking away.
President S. Graph. Vice President T. Brazill. Treasurer G. Quendenfeld. Secretary J. Carajuana.
Varsity Clubs
FIRST ROW, S. lobley. A. Abel. K. Mullan. S. Mclean. B Mawson. J. Fagan SECOND ROW, L Morgan. P. Murphy. S. Dayton. M. Wilson. M. McCallister. B. Hall.
Treasurer M. Wilson. Vice President l. Morgan. President P. Murphy. Chaplain B. Hall.
Operators with Mr. McClennen; Mr. McClennen yelling and sparkling, letting films out and taking films back running projectors and sponsoring movies and movie dances and making milk shakes and chocolate milk shakes and handling the lighting and all, all the time, for the stage.
Vice President D. Daiello. Secretary L. Hoch. President T. Keiter. Treasurer R. Osborne.
Jets Vice President J. Manon, President D. Daiello, Treasurer J. D'Angelo, Secretary R. Rundbaken.
Advisor Mr. Hatten, President P. McFadden, Vice President B. McCullough.
SITTING, Treasurer S. Krajeski. Secretary P. Gambol. Seargeant-at-Arms C. Moran; STANDING, President B. Hales; Missing, Vice President M. Wilson.
Reporter E. Arduino. Vice President S. Manley. Treasurer J. Coia. Recording Secretary L Vella. President A. Sotter. Seargeant-at-Arms B. McCullough. Point Keeper D. Krauss. Corresponding Secretary C. Wright. Program Chairman D. Kerry.
F.N.A. Vice President N. Capcovick. President J. Hudson. Secretary-Treasurer K. Fitzpatrick. Advisor Mrs. Sharer.
Vice President S. Grant. President R. Kern. missing: Secretary-Treasurer J. Hutton.
Art Service 62
Dental Assistants
SITTING, Miss Witchy; STANDING, Secretary-Treasurer J. Campis. Vice President J. Whitty. President R. Laurelli.
ibrary Assistants
Treasurer R. laurelli. Vice President J. Whitty. President J. Sciubba. Secretary G. Schwartzlander.
Frenc Club Something about this year has been the spirit. For the football team and other teams and for Christmas. Pep rallies, bonfire, posters, skits, Color Day, decorated lobby. But there was more than just show or yelling.
Secretary J. Sanders. Vice President R. Kurtzhalz. President B. Connelly.
Pep Club
STANDING: J. D'Angelo, J. Spencer, D. Wentz, SEATED: B. Scheuer, L. Steuber.
Hi-Q Music pours over ... competitionThe principal of whatever high school introducing the program, Mr. Johnson telling the principal his introduction was charming and delightful, long, calm instructions and introductions, boredom and nervousness, answers and guesses, wild, wild guesses, and the hilarity of the whole thinghands sweat, fingers tremble, the mind goes back looking for Shakespeare, antiquated current events, physics, Thomas Paine.
Tri- i-V
Vice President L. Best, President E. Glass. Treasurer B. Connelly, Secretary J. DeRose, Chaplain N. Capcovick.
Outdoor Club
I refuse to cut my sideburns!
Secretary R. Rundbaken. Publicity Chairman S. Sinclair. D. Voegli. R. Mars. President S. Mahood. Fund Raising Chairman F. Mentzer.
Geology Club 66
Scrivener Proofreaders-under J.F.M., the king of the proofreaders. rewriting respelling correcting Thank you PROOFREADING STAFF, SEATED, J. Sinclair, L Barbour, C. Handler, D. Dickinson. STAN DING, S. Janssen, P. Evans, F. Mentzer.
BUSINESS STAFF, FIRST ROW, N. Caprovich, J. Grahm, E. Polinski, B. Maxwell, B. Davis, J.laurelli, C. Moran, E. Bonini. SECOND ROW, J. Moist, L Barbour, L Garcia, J. Openshaw, C. Graf, J. Vottima, G. Kaley, K. McGrath, L Andrusko, M. Meats, D. Rue. THIRD ROW, R. Black, G. Toll, W. Kastlebaum, J. Sinclair.
Sell yearbooks $4.50 $5.00 with your name engraved (or anything you want engraved). Sell patrons. Make money. Pay for the book. Supervise senior pictures. each senior's little big dealdrape, cap and gown. Mr. Connor. Scrivener business.
Cheri Fein. Editor-in-Chief
Betsy Scheuer. Literary Editor.
LITERARY STAFF, FIRST ROW, F. Fonner. G. Smith. B. Scheuer. J. Spencer. SECOND ROW, B. Mooch. L. Fink. R. Falconer. B. Northington subbing for H. Rothman. G. Davies.
CO-ORDINATORS, D. Seeley. Seniors; D. Christiansen. Activities; C. Creed. Underclassmen; F. Mentzer. Proofreading; R. Fegan. Faculty and Administration.
"J:indn" "elteri"
Layout Editor linda Hemberger puts staff member in place.
Bob Silberstein, Photographer
"I must take credit. I believe in taking credit where credit is due." "So now we're ready to work ... " linda's hair- Frizzy? "It must have been a Friday afternoon when I passed this layout - 'wonderful, wonderful''' 24 lines of copy on secretaries? "Back to Scrivener" "American Yearbook lost two of your copy blocks, Betsy,the lady told me they never do that." "Good, Cher, I'm glad they never do that." "Who are the officers of ?" "Candids?" "Bob, I need 22 pictures of Sophomores by tomorrow." Oi Vey - Nebish - Schmuckler, Handler, Kathy, Renee, Doris, Dennis, Frank, and the proofreaders, the juniors ... If involvement is life lover's quarrel with the world grown up each of us trying to say something about here now frantic - in a way before we leave.
LAYOUT STAFF: FIRST ROW: l. Hemberger, E. Spruce, G. Davies, J. Whitty, B. Blewitt. SECOND ROW: K. McGrath, K. McCormick, B. Hales, H. Bressler, B. Bacher, C. Moran.
Sponsor Miss A. Handler, Layout Editor l. Hemberger, Editor-in-Chief C. Fein, literary Editor B. Scheuer, Sponsor Mr.!. Schmuckler.
BUSINESS STAFF, FIRST ROW; B. Davis. S. Monsay. D. Bateman. SECOND ROW, A. Kadin. M. Legaz. C. Dell. K. Heffron. C. Handler. E. Griswold. THIRD ROW, B. Conant. J. Hankins. J. Graham. C. Meyers. C. Lukens. L. Kulp. G. Wagner. L. Barbour. FOURTH ROW, B. Maxwell. L. Falk. J. Detskas. L. Langshaw. S. Bollinger, S. Wentz.
FEATURE STAFF, FIRST ROW, D. Chamberlain, S. Gooden. R. Ganister. SECOND ROW,
C. Fein. B. Smith. J. Simon. THIRD ROW, M. Bates, S. Winn. C. Hirsch. K. McCormick, B. Swann. L. Keys. C. Handler, P. Hunt. M. Forrest, F. Huntington. D. Hucckaba, P. Hollingshead, G. Kleiner, K. McGrath.
TYPING STAFF, STANDING, Editor, V. Smith, J. Leonowich. A. Chrostowski, N. Anderson, M. Wilson, L. Scott, L. Gaudioso. R. Laurelli. K. Fisher, J. Whitty. SITTING, R. Black. J. Moist. J. Spencer. N. Capkovic. D. Dickins'on. B. Lewis.
Spri-Hian Typing Editor G. Smith, Advertising Editor L. Barbour, Sports Editor Dale Beers, News Editor J. Custer, Feature Editor R. Ganister, Business Editor D. Wentz, Associate Editor D. Zacharias, Editor-in-Chief L. Morgan.
Some type until 4:30. Some only write words for the newspaper, get caught in Algebra II writing an article that was due yesterday and read their words in print in disbeliefAll the sweaty little struggles are, of course, a part of ita big part, but the part that makes us realize something is that you sometimes can really say exactly what you want to say and it sounds all right. NEWS STAFF, FIRST ROW, D. Pemberton,J.Custer.SECOND ROW, F. Fonner, P. Whiteshall.ST AN DING, J. Spencer, K. McCormick, D. Contompasis, M. Schwartz, S. Campbell, A. Esposito, S. Burnley.
SPORTS STAFF, R. Falconer, D. Cadge, B. Stewart, J. Marcy, B. Northington, Editor D. Beers. SEATED, M. Woods, L. Davis.
Editor-in-Chief, L. Morgan
Editors Janet Spencer, Betsy Scheuer, Neil Fisch.
the literary magazine is a figment of the author's imaginations, a few pieces of paper containing no longer pure thoughts that will change in a day and never be seen again - we gather in nearly perfect circles and talk and retalk but the reason is that something leaps with a nowness and I must.
iterary agazi e
SCREENING STAFF, H. Rothman, C. Fein, editor J. Spencer, editor N. Fisch, S. Winn, J. Bradshaw. B. Langmuir, editor B. Scheuer, F. Fonner, K. Schwartz, D. Baur, G. Smith, L Steuber.
Philosophy Club incense burning, lights flickering withdraw into a corner and for a moment escape something that stifles you: discuss your ideas with others solving nothing perhaps talking, listening, feeling thoughts come freely. 73
Lower Girls' Chorus learning to sing in a school group. keep the note in your head on your tongue in your mind the words let the music fill you let the music go
Officers: V. President D. Burton. President S. Anderson. Secretary l. Blaser.
Mr. Lauffer said "If you don't like it you can leave."
FIRST ROW: D. Rios. A. Esposito. C. Kelly. B. Rollison. G. Stewart. W. Hazen.l. McConnel. N. Jackal. D. Burton. K. Flegal.l. Mace. E. Kerr. S. Beck. E. Beck. E. Green. E. Boyle. SECOND ROW: B. Gosse, l. Giachetti, C. Montague, K. Close, J. Ransom, D. Knowles, D. Vogeli, J. Schofield, B. Braden, J. Grimes, H. Adaman, S. Sojan. THIRD ROW: E. Lewis, S. Campbell. J. Karpowich, N. Crispin, S. Bellis, N. Rickards. P. Markiewicz, J. Huntsman, l. Cox, l. Rostron. D. Speer, P. Wolf. FOURTH ROW: M. Hoover, K. Schwentzer, C. Sjostrom, B. Connant, D. Freedman, G. Wagner, l. Streeten, l. Blaser, J. Peck, J. Juechter, M. Vaules. FIFTH ROW: D. Mainwaring, C. Wicklund, G. Grifone, G. Macbeth, B. Roberts, B. McCarthy, l. Fister, C. Kutz, P. Cafferty, J. Mohen, V. Hand. SIXTH ROW: S. Boltzer. C. Walters, C. McCann, J. O'Hara. J. Schloshman, P. Acres, l. Dresco, H. Lennan, D. Zanazanian. SEVENTH ROW: J. Millon, S. Anderson, S. McDowell, C. Bonsignore, J. Bald, N. Douts.
FIRST ROW: W. Fisher, A. Zacharias, S. Miller, M. Redfern, R. Gasner, A. Massey, R. Beadling, J. McDonald, R. Pedigo. SECOND ROW: R. Nonemaker, V. Marcy, J. Crocco, R. Cleary, M. Zizza, T. Demuth, W. White, B. Merz. THIRD ROW: J. Boyce, R. Beaver, D. Pohlman, J. Stokes, C. Hart, E. Christianson, C. Geltz, S. Williams. FOURTH ROW: J. Morse, C. Shelow, P. Hollinshead, D. Escola, A. Ferber, R. Bailey, J. Baratack. FIFTH ROW: C. McNett, G. Greenberg, G. Windsor, A. Guelzo, B. Smith, M. Christopher, K. Kaysen, R. Spruce.
Officers: President P. Hollinshead, V. President G. Greenberg, Sec.-Treas. J. Boyce.
boys to go on to the choir in senior high pronounce distinctly correct mistakes learn to sing with others, music new ideas, new songs
Glee Club You broke my watch crystal- I salute you!
Flohr. THIRD ROW: J.Hulme,J. Petruzzelli; K.Bratz,D. Burkhart, W. Compton, J. Sarkisian, C. McClennan, E. Shubin, J. Adams, T. Lenthe, R. Mousley, D. Holden, N. Tapp, M. DeHaven, S. Howarth, T. Irwin, E. Patchell, D. Rosenberg, J. McBrearty, R. Smith, B. Spohn. FOURTH ROW: A. Raffa, G. Keating, D. Satterthwaite, L. Gildner, W. Guralnick, J. Santella, W. Pollock, R. Taylor, B. Caruso, D. Helwig, S. Patton, L. Gallo, D. Rebuck, J. McKinley, S. Litecky, D. Eastman, S. Mclean, D. Adams, B. Lewis, B. Baker, G. Hatton.
FIRST ROW: S. Harvey, M. Vigotti, J. Graham, V. Hoath, S. Greenacre, P. Pearce, K. McCallister, B. Morrison, S. Jacoby, J. Leonowich, K. Wynne, J. Hess, C. Mullavey, M. Forrest, C. Nye, C. Lewis, C. Small, L. Weigelt, G. Freedman, B. Smolin, D. Rue, D. Goodspeed, S. Bryan, D. Avila, P. Scott, C. Naylor, C. Vanella, J. Krejcar, A. Fallon.SECOND ROW: C. Bachman, C. Barker, J. Omlor, P. Creed, L. Fisher, L. Schollenberger, D. Raymond, B. Schmidt, M. Carter, S. Hollibaugh, G. Watson, N. Shields, B. Dickinson, M. Grochowski, P. Hunt, M. Smith, B. Arndt, A. Gilmore, C. Weldy, M. Taussig, L. Zulick, A. Hessemer, M. Yost, K. Beam, B. Toole, B. Swan, G. Swan, D.
A choir 9th and 10th graders and Mr.lauffer waving his arms demanding voices concerts a song.
An Inch of Pinch, please!
SITTING: Treas. C. Vanella, Sec. L. Zulick.STANDING: V. Pres. W. Compton, Pres. W. Pollack, Accom. D. Goodspeed.
Lower Choir 76
Girls' Chorus Singing alone is beautifula soul coming out of a body Singing together is frustrating agrieving gloriousa soul with other souls. FIRST ROW, Pres. N. Capcovick. V. Pres.c. Moran. SECOND ROW, librarian l. Falk. Sec-Treas. B. Hales, librarian S. Dayton.
FIRST ROW, S. Mclean, B. Hall. C. Moran. J. Gates. J. Bradshaw, E. Preston.c. Merkel.l. Kelly. D. Vicoli, B. Buchy.C. Dell,C. Walker, M. Tench, C. Alfred, C. Korn. C. Kaepplinger, M. Marcantuono, N. Capkovic. J. Sinclair, S. Hackett. SECOND ROW, l. Miller. H. Bressler, K. Fisher. F. Hahn. E. Polinsky, D. Bateman, S. Monsay, J. Balsley. J. Campis, G. lacko, P. Schwandt, P. lewis, C. Carlin.l. Hemberger. B. Davis, M. Ballas, J. Moist,
D Schoultz. E. Bonini, P. Evans. B. Maxwell. K. McCormick. THIRD ROW, l. Beatty. P. Bruning, P. Moore, l. Rogers, G. Smith. F. Fonner, l. Morgan, J. Harmon, It Kern, l. Falk, J. Paxton, N. Williams. J. Dudley, J. luongo, l. Bramble, B. Hales, S. Dayton, A. Crecelius. G. Swartzlander, E. Schofield, l. Rivers, S. Holcomb, C. Tieser. S. Shea, S. Replogle, H. Cook, B. Manning, D. Dickerson.
She's got ... chapped lips!
Choiris accents and demerits and Dupree and night rehearsals and double Fonte's and good goobies that's all for tonight and Gunky with songs.
SEATED, Secretaries M. Joseph, R. Fegan, S. Krajeski. STANDING, Treasurer E. Fisher, Vice-President J. Bradfield, President D. Zacharias.
Upper Choir
FIRST ROW, LBeaver. L lewis. B. Green. V.Smith.!. Barlow. R. Madison. P. Rocap. B. Schwandt. J. Tapp. D. Purcell. R. Fegan. M.legaz. N. Gordon. B. Desiderio. P. Hessemer. C. Wickland. M. Burdant. N. Steele. B. Mullineaux. B. Blewitt. J. Sheaffer,J. Mariano. S. Watkin. R. Kurzholz. M. Murphy. M. Wilson. SECOND ROW, J. Edwards. G. Kaley. J. Spencer. B. Thomas. D. Grimes. R. Kelly. A. McKee. K. Creed. C. Fein. J. McCarthy. E. Brower. C. lengel. P. Muller. K. McFadden. M. Woods. M. McCallister. A. Abel. S. Krajeski. R. Rundbaken.K. Brown. K. Chestnut. A. Schauer. D. Seastrom. L Baton. M. Joseph. THIRD ROW, G. Quedenfeld. D. Hamilton. J. Glaub. D.
Moss. T. Kestler. D. Bollinger. J. Mangano. M. Conley. R. Anderson. R. Moore. J. Fraim. L Judd. R. Auila. J. Boyle. R. Broadley. P.leCalsey. R. Ferrante. W. Heavy. G. Rawding. D. Teti. R. Waterhouse. R. Styker. FOURTH ROW, G. Dickerson. K. Schwartz. S. Magnin. R. Fansler. B.letecky. T.lehman. P. Kline. K. Brown. A. Welsh. G. Mummert. W.lsherwood. D. Fisher. J. Bradfield. D. Beers. D. Williams. W. Simcox. D. Zacharius. J. Smith. D. Haney. R. Rundbaken. S. Janssen. F. Mentze. J. Woodwill.D. DeKorte. D. Cadge. FIFTH ROW, R. levens. L Mahood. M. Hockman. J. Moore. K. Malick. R. Williams. W. Elbert. G. Keach. C. Barbour. K. McGrath.
Gianni Schicchi
Robert Craig Fansler Karl Schwartz Doug Williams Lauretta Ruth Madison Virginia Smith Zita .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Barbara Desiderio Cheryl Fein Rinuccio Stephen Janssen Simone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mark Hochman Mark Conley Marco Robert K. Smith La Ciesca Renee Fegan Gherardo Donald DeKorte Nella Laurel Fisher Gherardino Judie Campis Karen Brown Betto di Signa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. J. Frank Mentzer Spinellocio Mark Conley Armantio di Nocolao Keith Malick Pinellino Karl Schwartz Guccio Mark Conley
FIRST ROW: G. Smith, R. Fegan, B. Desiderio, R. Madison, B. Green, M. Berdan, J. Mariano. SECOND ROW: S. Jansen, K. Brown, M. Joseph,l. Bates, M. McKee, D. DeKorte. THIRD ROW: R.levins, R. Rundbaken, M. Hockman, K. Malick, F. Mentzer.
District Chorus Lower Southeastern District Chorus Springfield hosts Mr. Davis and the District Chorus the best singers for three days of working together non-stop, 7:30 in the morning rehearsals, an assembly, the banquet, and a Saturday night concert.
Maybe if you flick the switch ...
Who took the batteries out of the candles?
Hallelujah Baby!
Band DISTRICT BAND, FIRST ROW, L. Hoch. L. VanValkenburgh, S. Wentz. D. Pemberton. D. McFaul. F. Schoeninger. C. Dutton. M. Cook. SECOND ROW: T. Moore. L. Prager. B. Keating. R. Hand. S. Van Patter.
blue uniforms and white bucks and trumpets and football games and concerts and bucks for band and J. P. Sousa and folders and clarinets and Honsburger, Fred and noise and piano marks and saxaphones and sheets and sheets of music and hang on sloopy and those drummers and away game buses ... FIRST ROW: B. McKee. J. Kern. R. Taylor. G. Jetter. L. Paterson. R. Liebhauser. SECOND ROW: S. Janssen. T. VanValkenburgh. J. Diamond. D. McFaul. J. Scoefield. C. Cook. S. Macho. B. Keating. THRID ROW: D. Meisenhelder. D. Wentz. J. Santella. S. Johnson. D. Burkhart. E. Herr. T. Walker. M. McConnell. K. McGrath. B. Fleming.
FIRST ROW: S. Brown. J. Taylor. J. Strehlau. L. Hoch. D. Carrol. N. Smith. SECOND ROW: E. Utermohlen. M. Spegele. K. McGrath. J. Malinoski. B. Schollen berger. C. Myers. J. Peck. S. Compton. C. Worthington. N. Griffith. C. Dutton. THIRD ROW: P. Blue. S. Dodge. J. Moss. J. DeRose. V. lehrkinder. A. Chrostowski. R. Black. L. Keys. N. Abramchuk. D. Pemberton. D. McElroy. FOURTH ROW, S. Wentz. K. Kyle. S. Sinclair. R. Douse. R. Hamilton.
Rosalie Cohen State Band
Officers, F. Auld, D. McFaul, L. Mathews, D. Carrol. Lib., B. Keating, Vice¡ Pres., L. Prager, Pres., S. Macho, Student Director.
FIRST ROW, R. Cohen, M. Celantans, M. McBride, P. Krape, R. Moore, M. lawley, D. Linn, D. Cox. SECOND ROW, E. Spruce, L. Mathews, F. Auld.
FIRST ROW, S. Barry, M. Ciarlo, M. Cook, G. Miller, A. VanValkenburgh, R. Trucksess, L. VanValkenburgh. SECOND ROW, L. Prager, R. Hand, S. VanPatrer, W. Walsh, R. Kern, G. Howard, M. leevan, R. Hill, T. lenthe, F. Schoeninger. THIRD ROW, C. Braybrookes, D. Bretherick, R. Moore. F. Honsberger. J. Simon. A. Sulzer. J. Macks.
band and orchestra are - music - literal translation of composition. dance band is a freedom. basic pattern to create from. varying from day to day as moods change - "But each time that I play with the Dance Band I am sa!lingsomething. And each time that you listen to the Dance Band you are !tearing something."
Dance Band fiRST ROW: S. Van Patter, T. Moore, E. Johnson, D. Burkhart, l. Prager, R. Hand; SECOND ROW: G. Hamilton, D. l.ehrkinder, H. Keating, l. Mathews, J. Woodwell, l. Cohen, f. Hansberger, J. Kern, S. Macho.
W. Hazen. J. Molen. P. Ford. S. Baun. D. Hicks. R. Baker. V. Hoath.
Head Majorettes B. Thomson and K. Small
Kaleidoscopic Mark time march forward march ... guide right squads halt ... - Routine Ready Begin column left march guns. sequins, fire slam - rifle butt on toe practice. half-time, practice, parade, practice, concert.
Feature Twirler C. Corbin. KNEELING, M. Hoy. J. Hess. l. Streeton. J. Carty; STANDING, D. Seeley. D. Allen. C. Barker. J. Zellner, NOT SHOWN, l. Cooper.l. Rodgers.
Color Guard 87
DISTRICT ORCHESTRA, FIRST ROW, S. Gooden, B. Ziv, M. McKibben, J. Buchy, F. Auld, D. Biela, C. Dell. SECOND ROW, C. Crissey, K. Bachman, L. Mathews, T. Moore, D. Goodspeed, S. Macho, S. Van Patter.
FIRST ROW, D. Goodspeed, C. Dutton, K. McGrath, A. Fallon, B. Schollenberger, M. McClellan, N. Smith. SECOND ROW, N. Griffith, D. Carrol, L. Hoch, J. Taylor, D. Pemberton, N. Abramchuk, J. Moss, L. Keys, S. Wentz. THIRD ROW, T. VanValkenburgh, J. Diamond, M. Meeks, L. Paterson, A. VanValkenburgh, G. Miller, M. Cook, R. Trucksess, L. VanValkenburgh, R. Hand, S. VanPatter. FOURTH ROW, M. McConnell, L. Cohen, D. Wentz, B. Keating, S. Macho, T. Moore, D. Cox, D. Linn, M. Celetano, D. Hubert, J. Macks.
Orchestra Exageration and accentuation of the senses - fingers becomihg ludicrously stiff and awkward and uncontrollable ... eyes straining to distinguish one 64th note from another ... and smelling the smells resin and music and the stage, straining to hear differences in timbre and pitch and quality. 88
FIRST ROW, S. Gooden. M. McKibben. F. Auld. B. Ziv. C. Dell. D. Biela.l. McMillin. SECOND ROW, A. Mummert. S. Bellis.l. Barbour. D. Bauer. M. Yost, M. Carter. R. Kalwinsky. J. Buchy. J. Taylor. THIRD ROW, M. Khelghatian. J. Cohen. D. Sihler. K. Beam. K. Bachman.l. Mathews. E. Kerr. N. Diehl, E. Boyle. G. Freedman. A. Povey. J. Millon. FOURTH ROW, G. Hamilton. E. Spruce. W. DeRose.C. Kelley.C. Weldy. N. Douts.C. Crissey.C. Bachman. D. Zanazanian, N. Capkovic. P. Goldberg. D. Bretherick, R. Cohen, C. Braybrooks.
FIRST ROW, D. Carrol,l. Mathews, F. Auld. librarians. SECOND ROW, l. Van Valkenburgh. President. T. Moore. Vice-President. D. McFaul. Secretary.
FIRST ROW, Co-Captains C. Wickland. D. Mainwaring. SECOND ROW, l. Rizzo. J. Carty. D. Sihler. S. Kestler. B. Luango. C. Naylor. D. Brookin. J. Gates.
Jump Shout to put some spirit into the kids in the stands, into the team, pleading for support even for a team that isn't winning. Getting it sometimes, watching it grow~ Jump Shout out there to cheer at every game.
You went out with WHO last night?
FIRST ROW, C. Small. N. Gordon. F. Stegmerton. C. Welsh. P. Gambol. S. Krajeski. S. Shea.l. Mace. SECON D ROW, Co-captains, P. Hessemer. S. Bruner.
M-M-M-M Good!
Running, sweating under a merciless summer sun so hot he sent Beers in for watera world's first. Freezing can't hold the ball, can't run, can't throwwe're going in? another first. He has a heart after all. We lost and lost, apathy? nonot a screaming team. The spirit is inside the man. We beat each other sometimes to a pulp for nothing? no. 92
o 7 12 26
7 12 19 13
7 wonl
Haverford Upper Darby Lower Merion Harriton Atlantic City Connestoga Radnor Penncrest Marple Newtown lost 6
Opponent 47 19 32 13
40 12 33 13 10 tied 2
FIRST ROW, D. Marano .J. Smedley. G. Greenberg. C. Marchionni. D. Moyer. M. Stevenson. T. Lehman. Capt. B. Campbell. T. DiGiacomo. SECOND ROW, Manager D. Beers. T.lrvine. S. Peterson. E. Bakow. D. Buchanan. G. Rizzo. S. Johnson. J. Cotlov. R. Gimm. R. Boshold. Man"ager R. Kelly. THIRD ROW, Head Coach Mr. Mackrides. Manager A. Shapiro. R. Stewart. S. Douglas. S. Graf. Coach Mr. Landau. FOURTH ROW, Coach Mr. Gotwols. D. Buono. J. Mcilhenny. F. Siembieda. S. Bates. P. McFadden. E. Patterson. R. Prinz. R. Mason. G. Flick. Coach Mr. Bell. FIFTH ROW, T. Brazill. W. Culbertson. G. Kleiner. R. Craig. F. Mclaughlin. J. Frazer. E. Ignarri. A. Davis. N. Fisch. SIXTH ROW, J. Parris. K. Kaysen. N. Pacitti. R. Moore. T.lrwin. D. Flood. T. Anders. R. Dublin. SEVENTH ROW, J. Betts. G. Windsor. B. Bohne. C. Mummert. D. Ardary. P. Malloy.
What shape is your stomach in?
FIRST ROW, T. Fink, B. Stevenson, J. Carlin, S. Shoemaker, D. Bollinger, G. Quedenfeld, D. Ferrel, R. laub, J. Bradfield, B. Rausch. SECOND ROW, B. Compton, D. Haney, S. Cisulli, D. Helwig, D. Feld, T. Bottomley, J. Coia, B.lsherwood, D. McBrearty, J. Sheppard, D. Hamilton. THIRD ROW, Mr. Dietrich, C. Wood, S. Van Patter, B. Kenyon, J. Strehlau, B. Gates, l. Gallo, S. Miller, R. Douse, P. Young, R. Taylor, D. Eastman, D. Stevenson, B. Dodge, Mr. Speakman. FOURTH ROW, J. Gale, R. Belfiglio, W. Fisher, D. Cahoon, D. Steuber, G. Ricketts, M. McClellan, J. Buchy, G. Aischkau, W. Pollock, A. Roderick, N. Watkins, R. SWift, C. Evans.
Soccer Crowd tense, goalie's there, ball kicked, legs flying, ball in air, heads meetingfield goal. Instep kick, ball blocked, conversion, flying. Defense acting, spikes flying. Offense meeting, goalie missing field goal. Is this the way the Rockettes started?
Boogaloo? Funky Broadway? Shing-a-ling?
Varsity Springfield 4 Brandywine 2 Episcopal o Haverford 8 Radnor o Upper Darby I Penncrest o Lower Merion 3 Marple Newtown 2 Harriton o Ridley 4 Conestoga won4
J.V. Opponent
o o
2-0 1-2 2-2 3-0
2 1
o o I 4 lost 6
4- 1 2-2 1-0 tied I
Cross Country "Two and a half miles. ridiculous." "Good, it's raining. Meet's off." "Perfect for the wet-weather course." "Only II ,397 feet to go." "Manon and Falconer are still in the woods." "I think I'll puke." "My God. a 60 0 hilL" "Do I have to run districts?" "What happened to the Harrier's Hop?" "I think we're lost." "Cross-country - great fun."
They're dashing for Dash.
Varsity Opponent Springfield 32 24 Marple Newtown 33 Haverford 23 35 20 Connestoga 23 Upper Darby 32 45 18 Radnor 45 17 Lower Merion 39 21 Penncrest 23 Harriton 32 Lost 1 Won7
J.V. Opp.
32 - 23 47 - 16 29 - 26
33 - 22 15 - 50 20 - 35
15 - 47 15 - 50
FIRST ROW: C. McCall, B. Eshbock, D. Rebuck, S. Balsey, T. VanValkenburg, R. Kaye, T. Heavey. SECOND ROW: L. Prager, S. Falconer, J. Manon, S. Barry, G. Smith, W. Taylor, M. Conley. P. Smith, P. Krape. THIRD ROW: Manager S. George, Manager J. Mulhern. R. Keast, K. Andrien, B. Appel, Coach D. Fry, M. Lawley, C. Barbour, L. Corn, L. Pascinelli, D. Teti. Camera shy: H. Rothman:
Varsity Springfield 6 Penncrest 3 Harriton 5 Marple Newtown 6 Upper Darby 5 Haverford 7 lower Merion 6 Radnor 7 Contestoga undefeated
o o o o o o o o
J.V. Opp. 1- I
4-0 1- 0
5-0 3-0 5-0 1- 0 4-0 unscored upon
FIRST ROW: S. Lobley. B. Mawson. J. Fagan. S. McLean. K. Mullan. M. McCallister. L. Davis. A. Abel. B. Hall. M. Wilson. L. Bates. SECOND ROW: S. Cahoon. S. White. G. Stewart. B. Mullineaux. P. Anderson. D. Pemberton. B. MacGregor. M. McClellan. L. Blaser, D. Walls. S. Hollibaugh. THIRD ROW: Coach J. Brusch. Managers M. Ewell. and J. Dudley. M. Vigliotti. L. Kline, L. Miller. L. Fisher. L. Beattie. J. Cohen. P. Pearce. D. Mason. S. Anderson. Managers R. Liebhauser. S. Dayton. and D. Rue. Coach G. Hart.
The Great White Warrior who made the signs. sent the telegrams. and provided the surprises after practice present at each game encouraging the Braves and Warriors. "One minute. Miss Hart!" "Warriors on the warpath! Go! Go!" "S-C-O-R-E! Score. score!" "let's have a MONCH!" "Peace today. war tomorrow!" "Did everyone get an apple?" Spirit and skill increase. A season of serious practice, hard played games, a desire to win. and the ability to function as a single unitUndefeated. Untied. Unscored upon.
And I thought Green Bay was tough.
FIRST ROW, J. Reid. J.leFever. W. Freas. G. Quedenfeld. A. Cellucci. J. Bradfield. SECOND ROW, G. Werleyâ&#x20AC;¢. Coach. B. Koppe. R. Miller. L Heller. L Garguilo. B. Gimm. G. Ries. D. Power. G. Robbins. J. Gale. Manager. R.liberi. Coach.
Basketball 105
Varsity Springfield 42 Upper Merion 56 Haverford 48 Upper Darby Lower Merion 51 Harriton 44 Devon Prep 49 St. James 53 48 Conestoga Darby-Colwyn 33 26 Radnor Penncrest 37 69 Marple-Newtown Upper Darby 53 50 Haverford 49 Lower Merion Harriton 55 58 Conestoga 40 Radnor 49 Penncrest Marple-Newtown 66 won4
a year of anxiety coach's first season - the name of the game is basketball, the object - to put the ball through the hoop more times than the opponent. Height is the crux of the game, more height, more shots - no height at all, only one shot. "Nice going boys on your first win." "Wait'll next year." Winning isn't everything; Losing isn't everything.
Opponent 53 74 58 84 45 51 70 52 35 37 66 49 80 70 50 43 46 32 68 68 lost 16
FIRST ROW: R. Kay. H. Pommer. S. Scott. S. Shoemaker. S. Douglas. D. Marano. C. Brewer. B. Betts. T. Damon, D. Beers, R. Mason. J. Ray. SECOND ROW: R. Shoemaker. Coach, J. Francis. B. Mclean, J. Marcy, S. Cope, J. Glaub. R. Anderson, E. Nichols, D. Moyer. P. Krape. C. Craig. J. Cliff. J. Holt. THIRD ROW: G. Papazian, S. Szewczyk. C. Barbour. M. McClellan. B. James. S. Stewart, B. Kissler. S. Johnson, B. Isherwood, J. Frazier, E. Bakow. FOURTH ROW: G. Miller, T. VanValkenburgh. R. Maloney. D. Teti. W. Gatanelli. J. Cotlov. W. Kline, B. Craig. G. Ricketts. B. Frankenburger. H. Taylor. FIFTH ROW: D. Alexander. R. Sokony. R. Bateman, K. Kile.
Wrestling 107
What did you say, son?
Mr. Shoemaker, Dale Beers "Beeahs," Saturday morning practices, Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner, Beer's statistics since forever, Marano, Betts, Kaye make districts. Bill Mclean, Jim Francis, and Bill Coren against Interboro, Mr. lambert, Cheerleaders on the bus, sweat, Betts vs. Rador, Cokes in the faculty room.
When nervous tension strikes ...
Wrestling Springfield 21
25 29 28 16
20 43 21
28 43
28 35 50
Hill School Marple-Newtown Upper Darby Ridley Harriton Conestoga Haverford Prep Penncrest Lansdowne-Aldan Haverford Lower Merion Owen J. Roberts Interboro Radnor Won 12
/8 24 17 /4 22 23
/5 13 5 19 14
8 Lost 2
You offend!!
Wi nter Track locker that refuses to lock sWinging locker room doors medals the burns from the showers exercises "not the wet weather course again" 3 880's and 3 600's running in the halls dodging people, especially wrestlers "you ran all the way to the reservoir?" leadership "what spectators" West Chester, Haverford, University of Delaware, a Friday night, a Saturday morning. Hey, he learned to tie his shoelace.
FIRST ROW, T. Brazil, G. Smith. D. Hollenbach, C. Wood, R. Durbano, J. Manon. SECOND ROW, l. Gallo, T. Irwin, K. Barry, D. Rebuck, J. Neil, R. Langshaw, J. Daniels, P. Smith, S. Roderick, J. Greenstein, C. McCall, S. Balsey, K. Adrian.
Come on. baby, come on! You can do it.
FIRST ROW: Manager D. Pemberton. A. Abel. M. McCallister. M. Joseph. Captain L Bates. Captain M. Wilson. L Davis, P. Murphy. L Morgan. Manager L Streeton. SECOND ROW: Manager E. Spruce. S. Anderson. S. Burnly. M. Stroud. C. Barker, K. Schaefer. J. Harmon, L Miller. L Claure. THIRD ROW: Miss Hart. L Blaser. L Kline. S. White. S. Brown. J. luongo. D. Walls. M. Viglotti. M. McClellan. B. Farnese. Miss Brusch.
it's hard to lose only one game, the last game of the season of the last year. V-I-CT-O-R-Y, victory. victory. is our cry, practicing passing drills and shuttle formation, going to away games on the busPut on your old blue sweatshirt with the big golden letter, and tunic with your favorite number, and two pairs of socks. Three cheers for old Springfield High, and Miss Brusch, and Miss Hart, then the busdrivers . then the managers .
I'm coming. Hubert. Don't jump!!
Come on. Marcia. knock all the pins down.
Varsity Springfield 31 38 41 36 46 51 33 26
Harriton Marple-Newton Upper Darby Radnor Lower Merion Conestoga Haverford Penncrest
Opponent 22 35 13 20 29 23 20 48
Sp.-Opp. 32-21 20-12 14-19 39- 26 44- 28 35 -19 35-16 38- 28
lost I
Girls' Basketball
Picked by the bulletin for first place starting workouts in glaring gym light, hitting tennis balls off the batting tee, Marano chasing fly balls. Kline threw hard, baseball Coach "Ace."
FIRST ROW, P. Kline, G. Quedenfeld, S. Celluci, S. Peterson, B. Buchanan, Captain D. Feld, D. Marano, M. Stevenson, D. Ferrell, R. Boshold. SECOND ROW, Man. P. Chaveas, H. Foley, J. McKeown, R. Moore, G. Robbins, D. Beers, A. Giancatarino, R. Falcon, R. Miller, Coach Mr. Bell. THIRD ROW, Man. J. Gale, B. Sotter, B. Koppe, R. Stryker, R. Langshaw, G. Morrison, G. Malick, B. Miller, Coach Mr. Irwin. FOURTH ROW, A. Ardary, M. Bronton, A. Pacitti, F. Mc· Laughlin, D. Scully, A. Clauso, J. Pickaras, R. Rowan.
Bowling Team
That's my boy: .. setting up the pins.
Give me my ball back!
S. Mahood, G. Hillerson, R. Moore, S. Markel, R. Stryker.
Rifle Team
If I hit a duck. I can win a dollie.
FIRST ROW, D. lewis. K. O·Hara. D. lewsi. N. Diehl. J. Brechtel. A. Pizi. B. Green. K. Poulson. P. Fillerup. L Strickland. J. ZeIner. L Rios. L Hoch. K. Feuquay. SECOND ROW, R. Foster. E. Poulson. J.lyons. B. Williams. B. Horn. D. Brower. H. Gooden. M. Hockman. C. Roberts. G. Bower. R. Brien. J. Harrity. H. Wilkins. P. Kinney. B. Murphy. J. O'Keefe. A. Marandola.
Chess Team
Boys' Tennis Sun beats, hot, trickles of sweat pour down dirty. muscles stretch and respond to stimulus - the nerves do work, you know. rackdt sticks to hand, goes through the asphalt rises, does through the soles of sneakers. thud - I could wrench my shoulder, hurt my arm, sprain my thumb ... win or lose
KNEELING: S. Mahood. H. Rothamn. S. Garf. B. Dodge. STANDING: G. Helmeuth. B. Rubin. M. Bueehele. R. Powers. B. Smith. R. Swift. S. Josel. T. Fink. D. Haney. J. Buchy. S. Miller. N. Nedwatkins. R. Adler. J. Weisel.
Girls' Tennis practice at 3:30 "Rough or smooth?" "Rough." "Smooth. My serve." "Not bad - three double faults in a row." "Some day I'll be at Wimldeton." "Net's too high." "Where the hell's Idle Hour?" ''I'll play Mr. Shoemaker." "I said it was out." "What're you playing. blast-ball?" "I can't help it, it's my racket." "No practice Friday: Coach is in Avalon."
D. McElroy. A. Satoris. N. Gordan. K. Mullan. P. Anderson. D. Walls. N. Novak. D. Mason. A. Able. Man. J. Whitty. Man. G. Smith. Coach Miss Lazaroff.
FIRST ROW: G. Schwann, S. Davenport, G. Schollenberger, L. Walker, S. Beck, C. Walker, S. Compton, J. McNett. D. Sihler, C. Graf. SECOND ROW: L. Beattie, P. Pearce, S. Harvey, D. Mainwairing, I.lmplazo, S. Hutton, J. Carty, P. Just, C. Wynne, S. Hollibaugh, G. Watson, J. Cohen, P. Goldberg, C. Kaepplinger, N. Crispin. THIRD ROW: B. DeRose, B. Compton. D. Eastman, W. Pollock, R. Osborn, D. Zacharias, T. Keiter, L. Rickards, W. Benzing. B. Stevenson. J Sheppard, R. Larzelere, D. Bollinger. FOURTH ROW, Coach E. Smith, K. Kotanchik, R. Claure, D. McGarrih, R. Gastner. B. Arnell. K. Dunbar, B. Benzing, M. Rebecca, B. Osborn, D. Flood. N. Tapp, T. Cohen, T. Watson, Coach J. Mcintire.
FIRST ROW, Coach Mr. Schaeffer, J. Moore, T. Zuber, l. Prager, D. Hamilton, T. Brazil. D. Hollenbach, G. Smith, T. DiGiacomo, C. Wood, S. Falconer, J. Manon. Coach Mr. Fry. SECON D ROW, Coach Mr. Loftus, C. Marchianni, D. Moyer, J. Betts, M. Michaelson, S. Cope, M. Lawley, R. Mason, B. Stewart, S. George, C. Niemczewski, K. Barry, R. Durbano, R. Stratton. THIRD ROW, G. Bergman, J. Greenstine, J. Steiert, J. Frazer. S. Mainwaring, S. Barry. T. Irwin, T. Anders, D. Eastman, B. Robb, B. James, C. Brewer. D. Bollinger. FOURTH ROW, T. Kestler, T. Heavy, S. Goodman, C. Menis, P. Malloy, D. Rebuck, S. Roderick, B. Gallagher, T. Keast, C. McCall, K. Andrien, M. Conley. FIFTH ROW, Man. W. Culbertson, J. Daniels. J. Neal, l. Gallo, S. Kucheruk, M. Hughes, P. Smith. B. Ernest, B. Appel. R. Larzelere, Man. B. Conroy.
Track On the track at 3:15 Hollenbach counting off pushups, Hamilton's exercises, four laps of windsprints against the wind ... 440,880, mile, pacing on the track, on the field, up the hill. Rainy Saturdays, the spectators by the white tape.
FIRST ROW: R. Squitieri. J. Cotlov. N. Implazo. P. Mansueto. M. Swartz. S. Markel. M. Swartz. D. Federman. D. Berkheart. T. Senne. S. Gabriel. B. Rausch. SECON D ROW, B. Bansept. R. Klagholz. K. Kotanchik. B. Sanders. D. Cadge. B. Stevenson. J. Reid. L. Daws. J. Nacrelli. B. Sharrar. G. Howard. J. Prestwood. C. Hart. D. Webber. G. Zeigler.
Walking the fairways of Rolling Green, A feeling of loneliness, golf. golfing to avoid sand traps. tees, markers, habitual swing of the club. Accomplishment.
Golf 122
FIRST ROW, Man. R. Laurelli, B. Mawson, B. Hall, S. Watkins, M. McCallister, J. Fogan, J. Sanders, L. Davis, P. Murphy, M. Wilson, L. Bates. SECOND ROW, Coach Miss Hart, J. Harmon, L. Fisher, L. Miller, J. Luongo, J. Dudley, M. McClellan, J. Cohen, J. Juechter, M. Stroud, L. Blaser, B. McGregor, B. Mullineaux, S. White, D. Rue, L. Kline, G. Watson, L. Streeton, S. Anderson, K. Schaffer.
Miss Hart's girls' Spring sportthe running sport in skin tight cut offs, special T shirts and sweatshirts. a wad of tape for the hair. personalized crosse. pile into a senior's car and bomb over to Halderman honking the horn at walking underclassman. hustle. move thy feet. spirit.
lacrosse 123
Class of 1971
N. Abramchuk D. Alexander M.Alone J. Andruska R.Anzalone B. Arrell P. Asparagus P. Atkinson
C. Bachman B. Bailey D. Bailey G. Ball S. Balsley L. Barry P. Barry M. Batch S. Bates J. Batton I. Baxter R. Beadling J. Bellini S. Bellis B. Bender D. Benham P. Biener E. Billingsly P. Blanchette M. Blewitt P.Blue N. Bocceli R.Bohne J. Bold K. Bonsignore D. Booty J. Baratiak M. Borrielo
J. Bowes E. Boyle K. Bratz J. Brazill A. Breingan D. Bretherick
J. Brewer D. Brogan
C. Brown C. Brown B. Bruning S. Bryan M. Burton
R. Butler P. Cafferty V.Campbell M.Capkovic
P.Carlin P. Carlson R. Carpenter S. Carrol
M.Carter R. Carter J. Carty J. Carty
B. Caruso M. Cellentano F.Celluci D. Champagne J. Chandler H.Chazin D. Chestnut E. Christianson M. Christopher D. Christy P.Cimini M.Cippiione W. Clagholts C. Clark R.Claure R.Claure B.Clavin J. Clifton T.Cohen T. Cohen D.Coffman
L. Cole S.Compton N. Connicella B.Conway C.Cook F.Corado K.Coyle P.Creed. C. Crispin D.Cromo C. Culbertson B. Curran P.Curran D. Antenucci R. Davidson C. DeAngelis E. DeFue E. DeGeorgia B. DeGidio T. Delaney M. Delebuno P. Delonis
J. DeMarcatonio T. Demuth M. Depugh L. Dercole P. Desmond T. Diamond
B. Dickinson R. DiPietro R. DiRico S. Dodge
P. Dougherty
s. Downey D. Dunn D. Dunn
M. Duffy T. Eggers K. Englander B. Ellixson
l. Erickson G. Ericson l. Ernst D. Esola J.
A. Fallon l. Feeser M. Fehr A. Ferber D. Figorola A. Fillipone M. Flannery M. Flanner K. Flegal D. Fleisher B. Fleming D. Fohs
C. Ford D. Forrester B. Foster l. Foster J. Foy D. Francia K. Francis
v. Frangelli B. Frank P. Frederick K. Fredericks G. Freedman S. Gabriel J. Galantin J. Gannett R. Gastner J.Geddis C. Geltz D. Gerba B. Getty l. Giachetti J. Giannini W.Gock J. Goodwin B. Gosser C. Grant J. Griffith P. Goodwin G. Griffone J. Grimes S. Greenacre C. Greenstine T. Greto J.Gro
P. Gross A. Guelzo R. Guida G. Guinan W. Gur';;Inick
K. Guthrie D. Hagans M.Hall R. Hamilton R. Hand
V.Hand P. Hansen T. Hanson A. Harmon S. Harvey G. Hatton B. Heavey D. Helwig C. Hepler E. Herr K. Herring C. Hileary J. Hinchdif J.Hine V. Hoath D.Holden S. Holt M. Hoover B. Horn S. Howarth C. Huber S. Hutton B. Iannacone J.lmbesi J.lmplazo T.lrvine K.lslip N. Jackie
L. Jackson L. Jacobs S.Jacoby J. Jamison S.Jay E. Jednacz D. Johnson N. Johnsonte
F. Jones T. Jones W. Jordan J. Karpowich R. Kearney G. Keating J. Kederis Z.Kehm J. Keiter F. Keller H. Kelly M.Kelly N. Kelly
D. Kern S. Kessler M. Khelghatian K. Kindig
S. King E. Kirshner C. Klatt D. Kline
D. Knowles J. Krejcar R. Krynick P. Kushma
C. Kutz C.Lamb R. Lampitella D. Land
G. Larson S. Latini B. Lawly B. Lebon
M. Leevan V. Lehrkinder E. Leicht D. Leisenring
T.Lenthe C. Leonard D. Lilley M.Lilley D.Linn T.Lippman S.Litecky J.Liveszey V. Loro R. Loughead M. Lucas B. Luongo C. Lynch R. Lynch
L Lytle J MacDQnald C. Macho C. Macrides J. Macks C. MacLennan D. Mainwaring J. Malloy A. Mangano P. Mansueto R. Marano M. Marchini J. Marcy ML Martin M. Massey M. Matriciano D. Matthews S. Mawson E. May S. Mayer G. McBeth J. McBrearty K. McCallister E. McCarron B. McCarthy L McConnell M. McConnell P. McDevitt D. McGarra B. McGarity J. McGee P. McGormal B. Mclaughlin D. McLaughlin C. McKnett
l. McMillin J. McNett M. Mease R.Meell D. Meisenhelder B. Merz K. Metrick J. Metzler S.Miller T.Miller K. Millichap J. Miserendino B. Mohn J. Molen M.Molen H. Monroe K. Montague R. Mooney J. Moore T. Moran B. Morrison B. Moss J. Moss R. Mousley D. Moylan M. Moylen J. Mulhern A. Mummert C. Munsell B. Murphy J. Murphy K. Nanamege P. Natalli C. Naylor S. Nicholaid D. Nocella C. O'Brien R.O'Dore J.O'Keiff J.Omlor A. Oppenheim C. Parridy
E. Patchell l. Paterson C. Patista R. Patterson B. Pedigo M. Pereira
D. Peters D. Petre J. Petrelli J. Pet ruzzelli R. Pettijohn
l. Philion C. Phillips D. Piccone J. Pichaske P. Piraino
R. Palamano K. Poulson A. Povey
P Prescott J. Prestwood K. Price
R. Pyle T.Quinn L Raider J. Ransom L Rasmussen
P.Ray D. Raymond N. Ready J. Reger M. Rego
B. Reynolds B. Rice N. Richards D. Ricketts V. Rickolt D. Rios R. Rizzo B. Robbins B.Roberts C. Roberts L Roberts J. Roberts B. Rolison H. Romanski C. Rosa C. Roselle D. Rosenbaum D. Rumbaugh D. Ryman C. Salla
J. Sangiorgio A. Sarkis B. Scanlin J. Scarlata J. Schofield L Schollenberger B.Schmidt B. Schrader C. Schwandt K. Schwenzer D. Sciubba S. Sentman S. Septor B.Shea
J. Sheaffer G. Sheppard LShockley W. Shril\ka T. Shupard J. Sicke D. Sihler
J. Simon B. Sinkinson C. Siple A. Skara B.Skean M. Smirlock C. Smith
S. Smith W.Smith B. Snyder D. Speer T. Spencer
R. Spruce K. Stadler J. Starr K. Steiert D. Stewart
J. Stiteler W. Stratton S. Sudjian G.Swan R.Sweeney
D.Tabor N.Tapp L Taggart R. Tarsia J. Taylor
J. Taylor S. Teiser D. Terranova A. Terreli J. Teti L Thomas D. Thompson P. Thompson R. Thompson J. Thwaites J. Tichnor D.Todd J. Touchton T. Tremper B. Tricomi M. Tronco R. Trucksess P. Vanderveer B. Vessey D. Voegili M. Voles
J. Wallace T. Walsh J. Walsky T. Ward S. Wassler C. Watt C. Webb F. Weiblehouse L Weigelt C. Welcy W. White T. Whitty P. Whitzel C. Wicklund C. Wilbur S. Williams J. Windslow D. Witiger P. Woulf K. Woulfgang C. Worth
C. Worthington R. Wright M. Yost C. Young L. Young
J. Young B. Yung A. Zacherais D. ZanaZanian S. Zehring
G. Ziegler R. Zirpoli S. Zizza J. Zoolalian
A. VanValkenburg
Don't tell me Bill Campbell lost his contact lense. again!
Class of 197
Treasurer G. Steiert, Secretary D. Walls, Vice-President B. Kelly, President A. Giancatorino.
Now ... this is how you get to Reed Road.
Sponsors Miss Campbell and Mr. Hall.
J. Abt T.Abt P. Acers H.Adaman D.Adams R. Adler T. Anders D.Anderson P. Anderson S. Anderson T.Anderson T. Anderson L. Andrusko D. Ardary E. Armstrong B.Arndt D.Aviia R.Bacon R. Baker W. Baker C. Barker G. Barrett J. Batchelder R. Bateman R. Beakly R. Beaver S. Beck C. Behrle
R. Belfiglio D. Bender F. Benditt R. Benzing P. Berry D. Biela S. Biener L. Blaser S.Bonn B.Boone J. Boose J. Booty J.Boyce D. Boyer
L. Bradley J. Brannan L. Branton C. Braybrooks
B. Breaden J. Bridjins G. Brockway M. Brophy
S. Brown B.Bruce J. Buchy D. Bulkley
S. Bultzer J. Burkard D. Burkhard S. Burnley
B. Burns J. Burns J. Burns S. Burns
L. Buzby D.Cahoon S.Cahoon C.Camagna
S.Campbell M. Carter L. Carvell S. Carvell
R. Chestnut A. Chrostowski R. Cicconi B. Clarke
D.Clark R.Clark A.Clauso B. Cleary M.Clipp L. Cohen J.Coia N.Coleman B.Compton B. Conant B. Conroy D. Contampasis J.Cook J. Conley L.Cox B. Craig G.Curry B. Curtis D. Cury C. Daily J. Daniels P. Davidson M.Deal M. Dehaven B. DeRose B. Diamond J. Diamond C. DiCicco G. DiCicco S. Diet D.DiGilio R. Doeblin D. Donnelly B. D'ornellas N. Douts A.Dunn G. Durfor D. Eastman T. Eckman D. Edwards P. Eggart A. Esposito
C. Evans 1<. Fansler B. Farnese D. Federman P. Ferry
G. Fisher 1<. Fisher L Fisher W. Fisher D. Fister
T. Fitzgibbon C. Fleck J. Flecker P. Flippen 1<. Flezar
D. Flohr D. Flood H. Foley J. Fonner K.Ford
S.Ford M. Forrest J. Foster G. Francisco J. Frazer
D. Freedman D. Freeman T. Gabe B. Gallagher R.Galii
LGalio D.Gambol W. Gates W. Gatinella A. Giancaterino L Gildner LGillagan A.Gilmore R.Glien W. Goertman J. Gonsalves S. Goodman D. Goodspeed J. Goodwin A. Gordon R. Gordon L Glaudioso C. Graff J. Graham E. Green G. Greeberg C. Greskoff D. Griest M. Grochowski G. Gurbado B. Hagens C. Handler J. Hankins
L Harring R. Harp C. Harris C. Hartzell W.Hazen D. Heaten D. Heaten J. Heaton R. Hermann J. Hess A. Hessemer T. Hidell B.HiII D.HiII R.HiII A. Hilferty G. Hillerson R. Hirsch W. Hirst E. Holden S. Hollibaugh P. Holinshead G. Howard D. Hubert D. Huckaba K. Humphrey P. Hunt F. Huntington
J. Huntsman F. Husted J. Hutton C.ldler E.lgnarri
M.lmplazzo T.lrwin D. Jenkins LJennings G. Jetter
E.Johnson D.Jones S. Josel J. Juecheter K.Kayson
W. Keast L Keifner M. Keller C. Kelley R.Kelley
M. Kennedy B. Kenyon E. Kerr J. Kirchner J. King
L Kline W.Kline K. Kloss R. Kolar D. Koppenhaver
l. Korn G. Kresge B. Krouse S. Kucheruk G. Kucheruk
K. Kyle K.lacko R.langshaw G.laPorta l.lower Clee J.lehota C leightley R.lengal F.lengal F.leonard J. leonowich B.lewis Clewis S.lewis B.Lighthili S.Lilly F.Lincoln l. Lintz R.lockbaum Clukens M.lumpkin C MacBeth l. Mace B. MacGregor A. MacKay S. Mainwaring B. Malloy P. Malloy l. Mannion J.Marks M. Marra G. Martin M. Martin S. Marting D. McCallister C McCann K. McCarro D. McCull K. McCulley A. McCullough C McCullough V. McCune J. McDaniels B. McDonald R. McDonald
S. McDowell B. McKee M. McKee J. McKinley
F. Mclaughlin G. Mclaughlin S.Mclean B. McTague
H. Meeks
C. Mennan J. Metrick J. Millen
A.Miller G.Milier S. Miller R. Mollovey
K. Monninger J. Montgomery R. Moore J. Morse
M. Morrison M. Morrison C. Mullavey C. Meyers J. Neal
R. Nicholas
L. Niekirk C. Nills B. Noeding B. Nonemaker C. Nye J.O'Hara N. Overstreet J.Owen A. Pacitti N. Pacitti E. Paine L. Paladino
K. Palmer S. Paradis B. Parker S. Patton D. Pauline P. Payne T. Payson D. Pazron
V. Peace J. Peck D. PeDipiango F. Peifer P. Pere R. Perry P. Pierce
S. Piselli D. Pohlman H. Polischuck W. Pollock O. Powell C. Preston M. Pride R. Printz L. Pyle T.Raffa D. Rebuck D. Reed K. Reimund
M. Ribecca B. Rich J. Rickards G. Ricketts R.Riley R. Riley J. Roberts S. Roderick G. Root L Rosenbarm D. Rosenberg L Rostron B. Rowan B. Ruben D. Rue B. Rynan B. Sanders B. Sanford J. Santella J. Sarkisian D. Satterthwaite R. Sarder J. Schlosmann S. Schwartz L Sciosce L Scott P. Scott G.Segan R. Sellers T.Senne N. Septor J.Seamelia C.Shelow
J. Shieb N. Shields D.Shockley J. Shockley S. Shrader E. Shvbin
M.Simon D.Simpson K.Simpson C. Sjostrom S. Slone
C.Small B. Smith J. Smith J. Smith M.Smith
R. Smith B.Smolin A. Solzer K. Spishack W. Spohz
B. Stagbiano E. Stamoulis L Stanton B. Steele G. Steiert
G. Steiert D. Sterber R. Stevenson P. Stier J. Stokes
L Streiton
J. Strehlau L Stricti and G. Strolli M. Stroud
E. Stubbs B.Swan B.Swan E.Sweeney R. Swift
S. Szewczyk D. Taber J. Tankel G. Tarnoff H. Taylor
R. Taylor
J. Thompson G. Ticknor P. Tierney B. Tooli D. Troutman D.Twily P. Twohig E. Utermohlen K. Vahey C. Vanilla G. Van Houten S. VanPatter T. Van Vavulkenberg M. Viglotti J. Vogal A. Wadsworth A. Wagner G. Wagner L Walker D. Walls C. Walters P. Wassler W. Watkins G. Watson B. Watt
J. Wattries D. Webb
J. Weiber N. Weinstein J. Weisel S. Wentz S. White L Wilcox J. Wilhelm G. Windsor D. Withers G. Wolfe B. Woolston
K. Work
A. Wright P. Wright K. Wynne
B. Yarnall G.Yund R. Zaffiri
l. Ziccardi M. Ziebelman H. Zischkau
B. Zollman R. Zoolalian
l. Zulick
J. Zultewicz
President B. Ferrel, Secretary J. Vottima, Treasurer M. Michelson, Not Shown Vice-President S. Dougias.
CI ass Of 1969
Sponsors Mr. Speakman and Mrs. Sewald.
... Ouch!
Boing ...
Now. if I can get this last piece together. I'll have built the first TAG. Detector
A. Aisenbrey D. Alexander C. Alfred A. Anastas R. Andrien S. Anthonsen J. Argibay
J. Arty F.Auld R.Avila V. Babiarz B. Bacher K. Bachman V. Ball M. Ballas F. Balz E. Bakow R. Bansept C. Barbour J. Barlow T. Barr D. Barry K. Barry S. Barry D. Batdorf M. Bates N. Bates V. Beam L Beatty L Beaver J. Berry J. Behmke R.Behr F. Behrle J. Bell R. Bent M. Berdar C. Berg G. Bergman J. Bernstein F. Betchhelder J. Betts
B. Blewitt D. Blaustein S. Blumberg B.Bohne D. Bollinger
F. Bariello T. Bottomley G. Bowes J. Boyle L Bramble
C. Brannan J. Brannan J. Brechtel C. Brewer E. Brougher
K. Brown K. Brown B.Buchanan B.Buchy
M. Buechele S. Buggy D. Burkhart G. Burroughs
C. Butler C. Butler D. Cadge S.Campbeli
J.Campis l. Capazzoli P. Carafa B.Carney D.Carrol
G.Carrol D. Chamberlain P.Chaveas T.Cimino J. Clifton A.Clark G. Clatterbaugh L Claure J. Coates J.Cohen H.Cook M.Cook l. Cooper S.Cope C.Corbin M. Corchnoy J. Cotlov D.Cox A. Creceluis P. Cress N.Crispin C. Crissey D. D'Agostino R. D'Agostino D. D'Alexander C. Daly T. Damon S. Davenport G. Davies B. Davies J. DeAngelis A. Deckman B. Deitz D. Dekorte C. Dell B. Desiderio J. Detskas B. Dibeler G. Dickerson D. Dickenson D. Dickson N. Diehl C. DiEnno P. DiGuilo J. Dilello B. Dodge D. Douglas S. Douglas
R. Douse' D. Douts J. Dudley R. Durbano C. Duttan B. Easterday B. Eickenberg B. Ernest B.Eshback M.Eweli D. Falcone R. Falcone C. Fansler B. Fegan J. Ferber R. Ferante P. Filippone B. Ferrel P. Fillerup K. Fillmore T. Fink M. Fisch K. Fisher K. Ford P. Ford R. Foster J. Fraim
B. Frankenburger M. Furman J.Gale l. Gargiulo S. George J. Getty
J. Giaimini LGibson B.Gimm C. Girard E. Glaser P. Goldberg
H. Goodman J. Gordon N. Gordon B. Grannells C. Grant B. Green J. Greenstine V. Gribb D. Grietzer H. Griffity N. Griffith D. Grimes
J. Grisafy K. Grotyaham J. Guthrie S. Hackett M.Hali
C. Hamilton R. Hand D. Haney J. Harmon
R. Harris J. Harrity C. Hart M. Harvey
T. Heavey l. Heller D. HelWig D. Henley
M. Hen D. Hicks G. Hillerson D. Hiorth C. Hirsch J. Hobdell
s. Holcomb J. Holt F. Honesberger M. Hughes R. Humphrey B. Isherwood J. Jackson S. Jackson R.James s. Johnson l. Judd C. Kaepplinger
G. Kaley
B. Kalwinsky D. Kane R.Kaye R. Keast B. Keating K. Kelley A. Kellie B. Kelly L. Kelly R.Kelly C. Kent B.Kenyon R. Kepner J. Kern R. Kern R. Kessler T. Kessler R. Kevis C. Kiscaden B. Kistler J. Klagholz R. Klagholz G. Kliner C. Korn l. Korn V. Lang l. Langshav R. Larzelere R. Laub R. Laurelli M.Lawley P. LeCalsey A. Leftov
S.Lee J. Lehneis D. Lehrkinder C. Lengel M. LePreste
B. Lewis B. Lewis D. Lewis D. Lewis R. Liebhauser
B. Litecky K.Loro M. Lucas J. Luongo J.Magnim
B. Maits K. Malick P. Mallock J. Mangano B. Manning
A. Marandola D. Marano C. Marchionni M. Maroantrono K. Marro G. Martin J. Martin D. Mason R. Mason A. Masson R. Matey¡ D. Matthews L. Matthews
D. McBrearty C.McCall S. McCausland M. McClellan J. McGarity K. McGrath B. McKee M. McKibben J. McKittrick J. Mcilhenny M. McLaughlin J. McNeff S. Medzarentz C. Merkel A. Merkert L. Mershon C. Meserendino M. Michaelson B.Miller L. Miller
P.Miller R.Miller M. Minisce I. Mitchell B. Mooney B. Moore
D.Moore P. Moore R. Moore R. Moore T. Moore B. Moran F. Morrison G. Morrison S. Moss A. Mount D. Mount D. Moyer B. Mullineaux G. Mummert M. Munafo J. Murray P. Myers D. Nath l. Needles G. Nelson M. Nicasiu C. Niemczewsky
B. O'Brien K. O'Hara K.Olsen J.Orlando B.Osborne l. Pacinello G. Pagano
C. Papazian D. Pataky
C. Pavlov B. Peiffer S. Peterson J. Piatt A. Piere
J. Pinto A. Pizzi P. Polilli K. Poulson R. Powers
G. Price D. Purcell B. Rauffenbart G. Rawding M. Ray
R. Reeps G. Reese C. Reilly R. Renninger P. Rensel
S. Replagle D. Rickolt G. Ries l. Rios l. Rivers
W. Robb G. Robbins M. Rodgers D. Roller D. Root
P. Root N. Rose B. Rowlands R. Roth P.Rundbaken T. Russo R. Sadler M.Saipher
C. Sanford H. Sapnas K. Schaefer A. Schauer P.Schink E. Schofield F. Schoeniger W.Schoultz B. Schwandt C. Schwartz M. Schwartz M. Schwartz S. Scott D.Scully J. Segraves D.Seastrom B. Sharran M.Shaw S.Shea T. Sheaffer R. Shefska J. Sheppard R. Shoemaker M. Shoustal S. Shuck R. Silberstein B.Simcox J.Simon J. Sinclair C. Sinkinson T. Sinkinson G.Smith N. Smith R.Smith B. Sotter M.Spegele W. Splane E.Spruce R. Squitiere F. Stegemerten B. Stevenson
M. Stevenson R. Stewart G. Strattan R. ~tryker
J. Styer J. Tapp C. Teiser D. Teti
A. Thomas S. Thomas K. Thorpe
M. Zizza D.Buono
L. Tittelbaum B.l<ennedy
B. Toal
C. Touchton R. Uber
R. Valenti D. Vanaman J. Vanlngen
J. Vessey D. Viccoli W. Vogts
J. Vottima G. Wagner T. Walker
W. Walsh L. Warrington R. Waterhouse A.Wilsh D. Westner
J. Whitty H. Wilkins B. Williams
P. Williams S. Wilson
S.Winn M.Wolf B. Woolson P. Young R. Zaffiri
M. Zalking f. Zambeta R. Zeigler J. Zellner B. Ziv
For a dime you get a ride around the block and a piece of bubble gum.
Hmm ... Cheney State
Ohmy head!
Sports girls or sorority girls?
0000 ...
Can't you see the resemblance?
When you're having more than one.
You have bad breath!
Vice President Joe Esposito
Sponsors G. Werley, J. Brusch, R. Filson
Treasurer Bob Osborn
Officers and Sponsors Secretary Peggy Mruphy President Tony DiGiacomo
ew ark Trip
No, the chair isn't up there; h; threw it in the water!
If there only were enough of these to go around!
Show us your lark Pack.
Adavanced Junior Assembly.
train of buses, clear sky with the sun, kids from all directions "Is that kid in our class?" lincoln Center - massive, carpeted walls gold-plated ceilings, operas, a little orange button with white writing. "We were on Concentration" in Mr. McClennan's room. bus to the U.N. "There's Tiffany's" U.N. many flags, many people - the guide from Holland who discussed world problems. "Jim Smith, Bill Rocap - what are they doing here?" schooldress? Dinner - Patricia Murphy's - 2 dinners for Harvey Rothman. "send a postcard to your grandparents - it's free."
Big Brother is watching you!
T e Rhinoceros
It's a rhinoceros meat hoagie!
I never dreamed Icould feel so much emotion!
It's 2,00 A.M. and Braddie has a cough and can't sleep.
Is this where we catch the bannana boat back?
Don't look now, but the prompter just fell off the catwalk!
We're Sergeant Pepper's lonely Hearts Club Band. We hope you have enjoyed the show!
"Rhinoceros ... is ... mainly an attack on collective hysteria and the epidemics that lurk beneath the surface of reason and ideas." "I believe that what separates us all from one another is simply society itself, or if you like, politics. This is what raises barriers between men, this is what creates misunderstanding." -Ionesco
Miss Kathleen Creed
Miss Carol Direnzo
Miss Patricia Gambol
Miss Susan Krajeski
Miss Merle McCallister
May Queen .
May Queen beautiful girls gowns poise which one? personality. popularity vote Soph Hop, senior year which one? lucky girl, happy girl.
Miss Joanne Sanders
Miss Linda Green
Miss Lee Hazzard
Miss Sheryl Mclean
Miss Peggy Murphy
Miss Joyce Openshaw
Miss Deborah Sanford
Miss Carol Welch
Miss Carin Wickland
Stu ents To stay in America for one year is an exceptional experience, and also an adventure in the country that is the most criticized and the most astonishing. As an exchange student I have met many people, all different and many of them nice! I like Springfield High School because everybody tries to be friendly and makes an effort to understand what I am saying. I have been in the United States forfive months now, and I can't imagine that in seven short months this adventure will be over. I hope to come ~ack as soon as possible, and I am sure America will still be the same. Joel Renard, French Exchange Student.
I'm an exchange student all right. First, you don't realize what it is ... but, when you arrive in New York after a fabulous boat trip, you start to think. All alone in a big world ... When I came I knew nobody, nobody knew me. When school started, everybody knew me - I still knew nobody. Quite an improvement! After a few confusing weeks, everything goes better, you lose your shyness and start criticizing America, Springfield, and S.HS.... Good things - bad things. let's start with what I don't like. I'm glad to say "not much." The most annoying thing is the fact that I'm not allowed to drive (sorry, girls), followed by America's ignorance about Europe (but that's why I'm here), the fact that I get to know the sports and cheers by the time the season is over, the lack of alcohol and hair, chewing gum (national pastime), the Philadelphia Eagles, and moving every two months. Good things: American Studies program, math class (World War III), the school as a whole (easy, easy ... ), hamburgers, meeting different people, and cutting up Americans with foreigners. Job Blydenstein, The Netherlands.
P.S. If you get the impression that I don't like it here, you're wrong.
I feel pretty fine as an exchange student, although I was only third choice, but I don't know if I am doing a good job both as a student and as a German. I dislike TV dinners and hate relish on hamburgers. I didn't know the football cheers until the season was over, but ice cream is nothing new for Germans; neither are girls (who said that?). I learned that Americans are heores (combat!) and that you can tell them stories as you can to the Germans (we do not eat Christmas trees!). I was happy to notice that the students here are as crazy as they are at my school; that made me feel at home. In this great country my memory has also improved (I never forget to go to the barber's), and everything was more directed to things here (how often did I write to my school?). Everybody and everything has shown me a good time - but I just can't get over the relish. Eugene Kretschmann, German Exchange Student
£cadcrship Peggy Murphy Tony DiGiacomo ,Musical Steve Macho Rosalie Cohen
Athletic Merle McCallister Gerry Quedenfeld
lJcpclfdabilitff Renee Fegan Bob Osborn
elass elowlfs Dennis Feld Anne Abel
ScHoof Spirit
Pam Hessemer Steve Pontari
Sue Krajeski Doug Williams
Lee Steuber Jim Smith
Dale Beers Cheri Fein
ANNE ABEl "Annie" secret ambition: to marry Mr. McVeigh, remembered for: my weird animal noises; drama dub I; gymnastics 2; pep dub'4; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,4; tennis 1,2,3,4; varsity dub 2,3, 4, girl's chorus I; president 2, choir 3, librarian 4; gym aid 1,2,3,4; prom committee 2,3,4. VICTORIA ADAMS "Vicky" art dub 2.3.
Anne Grant Abel
Kathlene Elise Alexander
Thomas Alexander
Marion Denise Allen
KATHLENE ALEXANDER "Karla" pet peeve: red heads; prize possession: R.J.; student council I; f.b.La. 3, social service 4; intramurals 1,2; gym aid 3,4; office aid 3; prom committee 2. THOMAS ALEXANDER
MARION ALLEN "Denise" favorite memory: New York City in 1967; prize possession: my three-wheeled scooter; scrivener business staff 4; tri-hi-y 2; gym dub 2; audio visual aids 4; intramurals 2; colorguard 1.2.3. sergeant 4. RICHARD ALLOWAY "Rich" favorite saying: you gitatario; pet peeve: stupid liberals; national honor society 4; hi-y 3; intramurals 2,3,4.
NORA AN DERSEN art club 1,2;intramurals 1,2,3; gym aid I, nurses aid 2,3,4.
Carl Andersen
Nora Irene Anderson
RICHARD ANDERSON "Rich" pet peeve: just one; remembered for: being misunderstood; scrivener photographer 4; jets 3,4; riley high school: tennis 2; yearbook 2; scholastic art award 2; g.Lc., 2. RONALD ANDERSON "Ron" favorite saying: right here! favorite memory: summer of '67; biology club 2; outdoor club 4; wrestling 1,2,3,4; glee club 1,2; choir 3,4; interact 2,3,4.
B. Anderson
Ronald Dehn Anderson
THOMAS ANGSTADT "Ang" secret ambition; that I could think. of one: soccer 2, gymnastics 2. ROBERT APPEL "Bob" always seen: late; prize possession; "shark"; soccer I, cross country 3,4; winter track 3,4; track 4. EDWARD ARDUINO wrestling 1,4; golf club 2; intramural bowling 2, gym aid 3,4, f.b.l.a.4.
Thomas David Angstadt
Robert Franklin Appel
A. Arduino
DONALD ATKINS "Don" favorite saying: Conservatism is the essence toward which the phenomenologyof the world is in continuing approximation; prize possession: Venceremos! hi-y 3; soccer I; wrestling 1,2. JACQUElYN BALSLEY "Jackie" favorite memory: august 13, 1967; remembered for: green eyes; drama 2; f.t.a. 4; intramurals 2; girls' chorus 1,2,3,4; prom committee 3,4; office aide 3,4.
Donald E. Atkins, Jr.
Jacquelyn Hae Balsley
linda Joan Barbour
Marlin leRoy Batdorf
leslie Collins Bates
Stephen Bowers Bates
UN DA BARBO UR favorite memory: studying in i.s.; scrivener business 3,4; national honor society 4; f.t.a. 2; social service club 4; intramurals I; orchestra 1,2,3,4; library assistant 2,3,4; spri-hian business manager 4; quill and scroll 4. MARLIN BATDORF "Skip" always seen; under the clock; prize possession: my gold plated church key; gym club I; shop club 2.
DONNA BATEMAN favorite memory: my trip to Bermuda; scrivener business 4; spri-hian circulation and advertising 4; trihi-y 4; girls' chorus 1,2,3,4; hockey manager I; nurses aide 3,4. LESLIE BATES "Les" spri-hian 4; national honor society 3,4; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; girls' chorus!; choir 2,3,4; district chorus 4. STEPHEN BATES remembered for: bates emergency service; service club 2,3, pres. 4; weight lifting 3,4; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 2,3,4; baseball!; varsity club 4; glee club 1,2.
Donna Jean Bateman
CHRISTINE BATTERSHALL "Chris" favorite memory: bonner fair '66; spri-hian 2; drama club 1,2; social service club 2, pres. 3,4; gym aide 1,2; prom committee 2. DIANE BAUER "din" prize possession: london playboy club napkin; scrivener 4; spri-hian 3,4; literary magazine 4; intramurals 2; orchestra 1,2,3,4. WALTER BEADLING "Walt" remembered for: summer blonde; prize possession: I.j.; operators club 1,2; jets 1,2,3; interact 4.
P. Batters hall
Diane Dina Paula Bauer
H. Beadling
DALE BEERS "Beeaahs" student council 1,3, treas. 4; spri-hian 3, sports editor 4; literary magazine 3,4; national honor society 3, treas. 4; thespian society 3,4; service club 3,4; drama 3; football 2,3,4, manager I; wrestling 1,2,3, co-captain 4; baseball 1,4; choir 1,2,3,4; opera 4; quill and scroll 4. KARLA BENHAM "Kathy" prke possession: b.j.; social service club 4; drama 1,2; intramurals 1,2; gym aide 1,2,4; prom committee 2.
Dale Griffith Beers
Karla Christine Benham
JOHN BENNETT "B" favorite saying; "approach me"; remembered for: rear extension; drama I,2; outdoor club 4; wrestling 2,3; baseball 1,2; prom committee 2,3; intramurals 2,3; affiliation film 4. WILLIAM BENZING "binks" favorite memory: thrills of mr. bartley's energetic chern. class; football I; track 1,2; gymnastics 2,3,4.
John Robert Bennett
T. Benzing
LIN DA BEST "lin" favorite saying: do youthink so?; pet peeve: olives: health careers pres. 2; tri-hi-y vice-pres. 4; pep club 4; intramurals 1,2; prom comm. 2,3,4; office aide 3,4. RUTH BLACK favorite memory: junior english class; prize possession: my duck; scrivener business 4; intramurals 2,3; bowling 3,4; band 1,2,3,4; spri-hian typing 4; tri-hi-y 1,2,4; f.t.a. 4.
linda lee Best
Ruth Anne Black
Job Willem Blydenstein
Susan Frances Bollinger
David Richard Boose
Raymond George Boshold
JOB BLYDENSTEIN "Yob" secret ambition: living forever; remembered for: sleeping during opening excercises; student council 4; affiliation film 4; werplaats, bilthiven: boys hockey; student council. SUSAN BOLLINGER "Sue" favorite saying: or something; pet peeve: being told to talk louder; spri-hian advertising 3,4; literary mag. 4; art club I; f.t.a. 2; n.h.s. 4.
EILEEN BONINI pet peeve: wednesday fifth period lunch; scrivener business 4, spri-hian 1,2,3; f.t.a. 2,4; red cross I; french club 3; intramurals I; prom comm. 2,3,4; senior play comm. 4; gym aid 3. DAVID BOOSE "Dave" favorite memory: ocean city '67; outdoor club 4; athletic club I; wrestling I; winter track 3; track 3,4; interact 2,3,4. RAYMOND BOSHOLD "Ray" prize possession: dumb blonde; student council I; service club 1,2,3,4; gym aide 2,3,4; interact 3; treas. 4.
Eileen Ann Bonini
CHRISTOPHER BOSI "Chris" favorite saying: 29 lives zip zop strip strop; student council I; outdoor club 4; geology club 3; athletic club I; football 1,2; gym aide 2,3; soph. hop decorating committee. JAMES BRADFiElD
"J.B." student coun-
cill; spri-hian sports 4; national honor
society 4; service club 4; j.e.t.s. parI. 4; football 1,4; soccer 2.3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; baseball I; track 4; boys' varsity club 4; glee club vice-pres. 2; choir 3. vice-pres. 4; weight lifting 4; gym aide 1,2.3.
C. Bosi
James Edward Joseph Bradfield
JAN E BRADSHAW secret ambition: to spell my name with a "y"; spri-hian news I, 2,3,4; literary magazine 4; national honor society 3,4; operators club 3,4; tri-hi-y 1,3; girls' chorus 1,2.3,4; lacrosse 2,3,4; prom committee chairman 2. DEREK BRAYBROOKS "Otis" favorite memory: july 8. 1967; remembered for two tone corvair; band I; orchestra I.
Jane Marion Bradshaw
Derek Edward Braybrooks THOMAS BRAZILL "Bam" secret ambition: to retire; favorite memory: working last summer; varsity club pres. 4; science club pres. 2; football 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; wintertrack 3,4; track 1,2,3, captain 4. HARRIET BRESSLER pet peeve: job blydenstein; scrivener layout staff 4; national thespian society 3,4; drama club sec. 1,2; intramurals I; band manager 3; girls chorus 2,3,4; library assistant 1,2.3; prom committee. DONNA BRETH ERICK "Donna" favorite memory: new york trip; prize possession: a grain of sand from the point.
Thomas Jeffrey Brazill
Harriet Mometta Bressler
Donna Jean Bretherick
ALBERT BRINDLEY "AI" favorite saying: i was going to say that; always seen: nowhere; basketball club I. KENNETH BROWN always seen: with meter and soldering gun; prize possession: one certain brunette; operators 2,3,4; j.e.t.s. 3,4; electronics division chairman 4; soccer manager 2; glee club I; choir 2,3,4; opera 4.
Albert Edward Brindley Jr.
Kenneth Jay Brown
Susan Chaplin Bruner
Pattilee Bruning
Richard Burrell
Donald Butterworth
SUSAN BRUNER "Sue" favorite memory: watching alfred hitchcock on june 28; student council 1,4; spri-hian 2,4; drama club I; f.t.a. 4; pep club; operator's 4; cheerleading 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; volleyball I; gymnastics 2,3; prom committees 2; chairman 3; senior play committee 4; gym aide 1.2.3. PATTlLH BRUNING "Patti" favorite memory: new year's eve till 5 a.m.; student council 4; national thespian society 3,4; red cross I; drama club vice-pres. 3; intramurals 1,2; girls' chorus 1,2.3,4; prom committee 2,4; senior play 4.
CONSTANCE BRYAN "Connie" favorite saying: i resemble that;spri-hian news I; bridge club 1.2; philosophy club; intramurals I; senior play 4. RICHARD BURRElL "Opie" favorite saying: i don't know; secret ambition: to pass; golf. DONALD BUTTERWORTH secret ambition: own a harley davidson sportster; favorite memory: after school hunting with tinicum gang; j.e.t.s. 3,4; gym aide 1,2.
Constance Purcell Bryan
WILLIAM CAMPBElL "Cams" student council 2; spri-hian sports 3,4; national h.s. 4; service dub 2,3,4; j.e.t.s 4; football 1,2,3; capt. 4; wrestling 2; baseball 3; track 1,2,3, 4; varsity dub 4; weightlifting 3,4. NANCY CAPKOVIC "Nance" scrivener business staff 4; spri-hian 1,3,4; health careers 2, pres. 4; art service 4; tri-hi-y chaplain 4; band manager 4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; girls chorus 2,3,4; choir 2. CHERYL CARLIN scrivener business staff; f.t.a. 2; intramurals 1,2; girls chorus 2,3,4; gym aide I; senior play committee 4.
William Aloysius Campbell
Nancy Anne Capkovic
Cheryl Ann Carlin DOROTHY CARLIN "Dottie" drama dub 2; tri-hi-y' 2,3; intramurals 2; gym aide I. JOSEPH CARLIN always seen: rigormortis ville; soccer 4; winter track 4; baseball 3,4; bowling 3,4; varsity dub 4; weightlifting 4. KATHLEEN CARPENTER "Kath" favorite saying: you're so stupid; spri-hian business 4; track dub 2; intramurals 1,2; gym aide I, 3; office aid 4.
Kathleen Mary Carpenter
JOHN CARROLL favorite saying: ugly; golf dub 2; ping-pong; Upper Darby: footbaili. JAMES CARYANA "Jim Marijuana" favorite saying: hey baby; secret ambition: genius poet; literary magazine; cross country 1,2; wintertrack 1,2,3,4; varsity dub sec. 4; weightlifiting 3, vice-pres. 4; f.b.l.a.3.
John Carroll
R. Carvana
ANTHONY CElLUCCI "Skip" pet peeve: people who have bad tempers; outdoors club 4; basketball club ,; science club 2; soccer 4; basketball 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4. JOSEPH CHALLY "cat" always seen: with ron "supreme"; outdoor club; basketball club; wrestling 1,2. KATHLEEN CHESTNUT "Kath" favorite saying: i didn't do it" Lt.a. 2,4; drama I, intramurals 1,2; girls chorus I; choir 2,3,4; prom committee 4.
Anthony francis Cellucci
Joseph James Chally
Kathleen Chestnut
Dennis Earl Christiansen
Montie Gene Ciarlo
Sharen Elizabeth Clark
James Vincent Cliff
DENNIS CHRISTIANSEN pet peeve: people who aren't real; scrivener 3; activities co-ordinator 4; philosophy club 3; quill and scroll 4. MONTIE GEN ECARLO always seen: with joan; favorite memory: cafeteria food?; drama 3; band 1,2,3,4; prom committee 2,3,4; fund raising 2,3,4; orchestra I.
SHAREN CLARK prize possession: dan; pet peeve: school; d.e.c.a., sec.3; hockey ,; basketball 2; intramurals I; f.b.l.a. 2, art dub 2. JAMES CUFF "Cliff" secret ambition: to cut school and go sailing; pet peeve: french I, 1-1/2, and 2; golf club 2; chess club I; wrestling 1,2,3,4; gym aide.
ROSALIE COHEN "Rose" always seen: with jim a.w.; prize possession: the razor's edge; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 2,3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; district ba nd 2,3; district orchestra 3; regional band 2,3; regional orchestra 3; all-state band 4.
Rosalie Fern Cohen
JOHN COlA favorite saying: tag - you're it; student council 2,3; interact 2; varsity club 4; football club 2; outdoor club 4; chess and checkers 3; gym aid 3; soccer I, 2,3,4. WAYNE CONGAR "crash conj" remembered for: being absent and U.k.; service club 2,3; interact 2,3,4; athletic club I; wrestling 1,2,3; varsity club 4; intramurals 1,2; gym aide 2,3.
John Anthony Coia
Wayne William Congar
BARBARA CONNOLLY "Booner" favorite saying: do you think so?; student council 2,3; gym club 2; tri-hi-y treas. 4; pep club pres. 4; art club; f.b.l.a. 4; cheerleading 3; intramurals 1,2; prom committee 2,3, 4; senior play committee 4. WILLIAM COREN "Buby"student councill,2, pres. 4; cI ass treas. 2; spri- hia n sports staff 3,4; national honor society 4; service club 3,4; interact; cross country 2, 3; wrestling 2,3,4; track 4; varsity club 4; prom committee 2,3.
Barbara Joan Connolly
William Barry Coren
Charles William Craig
CHARLES CRAIG favorite memory: associate director of underground press: j.e.t.s. 4; operators 4; interact 1,2,3,4; math club 3; wrestling 1,2,3,4; varsity club 4; gym aid 1,2.
KATHLEEN CREED "skinner" pet peeve: sylvester the cat; student council 1,4; scrivener underclassmen co-ordinator 4; national honor society 3,4; tri-hi-y 2; drama club vice pres. I; pep club 4; intramurals I, 2; gymnastics 2,3; girls chorus I; choir 2,3, 4; may queen nominee 4. WARREN CULBERTSON favorite saying: what? prize possession: 51 olds; service club 4; cross country 3; track 2,3,4; prom committee 4.
Kathleen Marie Creed
Warren Lyons Culbertson
Janice Evelyn Custer
David Cosimo Daiello
Jane Elizabeth Daniel
golf I; track I; hi-y 2.
JANICE CUSTER "Cus" pet peeve: naturally curly hair; spri-hian 2,3, news editor 4; national honor society 3,4; national thespian society 3; drama 1,3; band 1,2,3,4; library assistant 2,3,4; prom committee 2, 4; quill and scroll 4. DAVID DAIElLO "kahuna" prize possession: the atlantic ocean; national honor society 3; vice pres. 4; operators club sec. I, 2,3, vice pres. 4; j.e.t.s. vice pres. 1,2, pres. 3,4; choir 2,3.
R. Custer WILLIAM DALUSIO "Will" always seen; driving around; outdoor club 4; golf club I, 2; wrestling 1,2; gym aide 4. JOHN D'ANGElO "D" always seen: nassou street, princeton; j.e.t.s. 1,2, committee chairman 3, treas. 4; national honor society 4; social service club 4; intramurals 1,2,3,4; hi-q 4; national math award 3. JANE DANiEl always seen: with susan; student council I,2; scrivener business staff 4; tri-hi-y 2; f.b.l.a. 4; intramurals 1,2; gym aide 2,3; prom committee 2,3.
William Dominic Dalusio
Philip D'Angelo
BARBARA DAVIS "Barb" pet peeve: left hand turns; scrivener business staff 4; trihi-y 2; intramurals 1,2,3; girl's chorus 4; office aide. LOIS DAVIS "Princess" student council 1,4; spri-hian sports staff 2,3,4; national honor society 3, sec. 4; pep club 4; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3, sec. 4; girl's chorus 1,2, sec. 3; prom committees 2,3.
Barbara Carol Davis
lois Ann Davis
THOMAS DAWS "Tom"alwaysseen: with jeans; remembered for: doing nothing. SUSAN DAYTON "Sue" pet peeve: being barb; spri-hian news staff 2,3; national honor society 4; national thespian society sec. 4; drama club 1,2,3; pep club 4; social service club 3; hockey manager 2,3,4; varsity club 4; girl's chorus 2,3, lib. 4; prom committee 2.
Thomas Walter Daws
Susan Evangeline Dayton JEANNE DEROSE "Jeannie" favorite saying: bye now; tri-hi-y 1,2,3, sec. 4; pep club 4; intramurals 2; band 1,2,3,4; opera committee 4; senior play committee 4. RICHARD DIETZ "Rich" favorite memory: new years eve; remembered for: curly hair; d.e.c.a. 3,4; chess club I; metal shop club. RONALD DIFIORE "Ron Supreme" favorite saying: ron supreme, e"tTery women's dream; always seen: with "cat" chally; student council!; drama club I; nature 2.
Jeanne Ellen DeRose
Richard Dietz
Ronald Pasquel Difiore
MARSHAll DIGIACOMO "Tony" pet peeve: chairs that float: student council I, 2,3,4; class pres. 3,4; drama club I; weightlifting club 3,4; science club 2; football I,3, 4; basketball 2; winter track 3; track 1,2,3,4; varsity club 4; prom committees 2,3,4;¡ gym aid 4.
Marshall Antony DiGiacomo NICHOLAS DIGILIO "Greek" pet peeve: nickiedoo; gymnastics 2,3. CAROL DIRENZO "C.D." secret ambition: to receive my m.r.s. degree; student council 3,4; drama 2; tri-hi-y I; pep club 4; social service club 3,4; intramurals 2; girls chorus 3; gym aide 3; office aide 2,3; prom committees 2,3,4; may queen nominee 4. MARY DUFFY "Franny" student council I; health careers treas. 2; girls chorus 3,4.
Nicholas DiGilio
Carol DiRenzo
Mary frances Duffy
William Elbert
James L Evans
WILLIAM ElBERT "Bill" gleeclub 1,2; choir 3,4; prom committees 2,3,4. JOSEPH ESPOSITO "Espo" pet peeve: springfield girls; student council 2,3,4; class treas. 3, vice pres. 4; prom committee chairman 2,3,4; gym aide 2,3. JAMES EVANS "Pickles" secret ambition: truck driver; prize possession: buick; d.e.c.a. 3,4; chess I.
PAMELAEVANS "Pam"scrivener4; spri-hian 2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1.2; french club 3; j.e.t.s. 3; f.t.a. 4; intramurals 1,2; girls chorus 3,4; prom committees 2. JEAN FAGAN "Bean" student council 3; tri-hi-y sgt. of arms 2; pep club 4; hockey I, 2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; bowling 2; varsity club 3,4; chorus 3; prom committee 2; chairman 3,4. STEVEN FALCONER "Steve" scrivener literary staff 3,4; spri-hian 3,4; drama I; soccer I; cross country 2,3,4; wintertrack 2,3; track 1,2.3,4; varsity club 4; senior play
Pamela Crumley Evans
Jean Marie Fagan
C. Falconer
LINDA FALK "lin" drama 2; tri-hi-y I; cheerleading I; intramurals 1,2; chorus 3; lib. 4; majorette sgt. 2; gym aide 1,2,3; prom committee 2,4; senior play committee 4; scrivener business 4. ROBERT FEESER "Bob" pet peeve: ron difiore; favorite memory: a friend; senior play4.
Linda Ann Falk
J. Feeser
REN EE FEGAN student counciI3,4; scrivener 3; co-ordinator 4; spri-hian 3,4; literary magazine 3,4; national honor society 3,4; debating I; tri-hi-y 3; social service 3,4; tennis .!!Igr. 2,3,4; intramurals 1,2.3; district chorus 4; choir 2,3, sec. 4; opera 4; prom committee 2,3,4; senior play committee 4; quill and scroll 4. CHERYL FEIN "Cheri" prize possession: membership in mr. smith's honor society scriv. 3, ed. in-chief 4; spri-hian 2,3,4; lit. mag. 4; drama I; pres. 3; pep club 4; intramurals 1,2; chorus I; choir 2,3,4; prom comm. 2, chairman 3,4; opera 4; quill and scroll 4.
Renee Joyce Fegan
Cheryl Jeanne Fein
DENNIS FElD "jewish" always seen: walking around halls; prize possession: my betting pool for football games; student council I; golf club I; basketball club 2; soccer 3,4; basketball 1,2,3; baseball 1,2,3, captain 4; varsity club; prom committee 2, 3,4; gym aide 1,2,3,4.
Dennis Michael Feld
JOSEPH FERRANTE "bourbon" favorite memory: foster's feb. 17,1967; service club 2,3,4; golf club I; math club 2; football 1,2,3; baseball 1,2; varsity club; prom committee 2,3,4; gym aide 1,2,3. LINDA FILLERUP remembered for: my last name; red cross I; art 2; tennis 2; intram urals I; gym aide 3; senior play committee; prom committee.
Joseph Charles Ferrante
linda IFillerup
Donald Gregg Fisher
Kathryn Jane Fitzpatrick
NEIL FISCH student council 4; spri-hian 4; literary magazine business manager 4; national thespian society 3,4; drama 2; national honor society 4; quill and scroll 4. DONALD FISHER "Don" always seen: in the a.v. room; operators club 4; j.e.t.s. 4; science cI ub 1,2; soccer I; gymnastics 2; glee club 1,2; choir 3; treas. 4; prom committee 3,4. KATHRYN FITZPATRICK "Kath" pet peeve: english in ; health careers sec. 4; f.t.a. 2; sen/ice 4; intramurals 1,2.
Neil M.
Fisch 186
~ .. ~----------------------
KATHRYN FLECK "kef" spri-hian circulation staff 3,4; f.n.a. 2; intramurals 1.2.3,4; nurses aide 3; senior play committee 4. FRANCES FONNER "Fran" scrivener 4; spri-hian 1.2,3,4; operators 3,4; tri-hi-y 1,2; social service 3; pep dub 4; intramurals 1,2. 3; girls chorus I, acc. 2,3,4; prom committee chairman 2; national honor society 4. DAVID FOSTER "Fat Daddy" student council 1,4; golf dub I; basketball dub 2; wrestling dub I; football I; wrestling 1,2; prom committees 2.3,4; gym aide 1,2,3; glee dub 1,2.
Kathryn Ellen Fleck
Frances Elizabeth Fonner
David William Foster ALICE FRANCIS "AI" always seen: in trouble; prize possession: a certain boy's friendship. JAMISON FRANCIS "Jim" always seen: with wilton and woppman; prize possession: my green tambourine; golf dub I; intramurals 2,3,4; wrestling 2,3,4. WILLIAM FREAS "Frozen" always seen: on the bench; student council 1.2,3,4; scrivener business staff manager 4; footballl,2; basketball 1.2,3,4; track 1,4; prom committee 3,4; service dub 4.
Alice Marie Francis
K. Francis
William Earl Freas
DANIEL GALLAGER "Dan" always seen: with members of the tunicum gang; nature club I; wrestling 2; winter track 2; rifle team 4; gym aide 4. PATRICIA GAMBOL "meatball" student council 3; national honor society 4; f.t.a. secretary 2,4; pep club 4; operators dub 4; tri-hi-y 2; cheerleading 3,4, capt. I; girls chorus 1,2,3; prom committees 2,3; lacrosse I; may queen nominee 4.
Daniel Gallager
Patricia Ann Gambol
RUTH GANISTER student council 4; spri-hian 1.2,3, feature editor 4; national honor society 4; thespian society 2,3,4; drama club 1.2; library assistant 1,2,4; affiliation film 4; prom committee chairman 2; exchange student3; quill and scroll 4. JOYCE GATES scrivener business staff 4; spri-hian typing 4; thespian society 3,4; tri-hi-y 4; f.t.a. 4; drama 1,2; band manager 4; girls chorus 2,3,4. LOIS GEILFUSS "Lo" pet peeve:tests; prize possession: jack; f.t.a. 2; tri-hi-y 4; intramurals 3; senior play publicity committee 4.
Ruth Eileen Ganister
Joyce Elsie Gates
lois Mildred Geilfus
Charles Fredrick Gibson
Ellen Shelley Glass
John Eugene Glaub
Bradley Goldberg
CHARLES GIBSON "Bud" always seen: passing fords in my chevy; d.e.c.a. 3; gUidance aide 3,4; prom committee 2,3,4; rifle team 4. ElLEN GLASS "EI" pet peeve: red heads; student council 1,2; scrivener literary 3, business 4; drama club I; tri-hi-y 3, pres. 4; pep club 4; intramurals 1,3,4; girls' chorus I; prom committees 2,3,4; gym aid 2,3; office aid 4.
JOHN GLAUB "Johnny G" remembered for: punctuality; wrestling 1.2.3,4; varsity club 4; choir 1.2.3,4. BRADLEY GOLDBERG remembered for: my reluctance to argue: n.h.s. 4; thespian society 4; senior class play 4; henderson h.s.: football 1,2; wrestling 1,2; baseball I; student council I; drama club I.
SUSAN GOODEN "Sue" pet peeve: communication barriers; favorite memory: night rehearsals (!); spri-hian feature staff 3,4; n.h.s. 3,4; record club I; drama dub 2; band I, manager 2; orchestra 1,2,3, 4; district orchestra 2, all-state 3,4.
Susan Ann Gooden
outdoor dub 4.
JOHN GORDON favorite saying: i could care; always seen: wheeling; soccer 1,2; gym dub 1,2. RICHARD GRAF "Skip" favorite saying: merry christmas; prize possession: my blue springfield football jerseys; student council I; service dub 1,3,4; football 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3; winter track 4; tennis 1,2,3, 4; varsity club pres. 4; prom committee 2; gym aide 4; office aide 3.
John Gordon
Richard Edmund Graf
LINDA GREEN "Angelica" secret ambition: to beat him at his own game (to whom it may concern); student council 2. sec. 1,4; spri-hian circulation 2; pep club 4; drama club 2; cheerleading 1,2,4; intramurals I; girls' chorus 2,3; prom committees 2,3,4; may queen nominee 4. GARY GREEN BERG "Hank" favorite saying: now coach?; favorite memory: 10 years of german class; varsity dub 4; social service dub 3,4; golf club I; football 1,3, 4; wrestling 2,3; baseball manager I; glee club 2.
linda Carol Green
Gary Stephen Greenburg
Frances Sue Hahn
FRANCES HAHN "Franny" pet peeve: frizz; favorite memory: t.s.y.; drama club I; f.t.a. 2,4; gym aide 1,2,3; guidance aide 2,3, 4; prom committees 3,4; girls' chorus 3,4.
BARBARA HALES "Barb" pet peeve: being sue; scrivener 4; spri-hian 2.3,4; national honor society 4; thespian society 3. 4; drama 1.2.3; pep dub 4; f.La. pres. 4; social service dub 3; intramurals 1.2.3; girls chorus 1.2.3 sec. 4; prom committee 2. BARBARA HALL "Barb" favorite memory: moon over villanova u.; drama I; gymnastics 2; gym aide 1,2; pep dub 4; hockey 1,2.3,4; basketball 2.3; captain I; lacrosse I, 2.3,4; varsity dub 2.3; chaplin 4; girls chorus 2,3,4.
Barbara lynn Hales
Barbara Jeanne Hall
Susan Jane Hallowell
David Russell Hamilton
Charlotte louise Harmon
SUSAN HALLOWElL "Sue" favorite saying: when does the bell ring?; scrivener bus. 4; tri-h-y I; gym aide 1.2,3,4; f.t.a. 2,4; hockey 1.2; intramurals 1,2. DAVID HAMILTON "Jake" favorite memory: watching gordie receive his college board scores; varsity dub 4; soccer I. 2.3,4; winter track 2.3; captain 4; track 1,2, 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4.
JEFF HANSON "Merve" favorite saying: never much good were ya?; always seen: under the dock. CHARLOTTE HARMON "Char" prize possession: gto; student council 2; nursing club 2; vice-pres. 3; scrivener business staff 4; tri-hi-y I; gym aide 4; intramurals I, 2,3; senior play committee 4; prom committee 2.3,4. MARSHALL HARVEY "Biz" remembered for: great jocularity; prize possession: collection of "erik" cigar packs; national honor society 4; chess team 4.
R. Hanson
L Harvey
LEE HAZZARD favorite memory: summer '67; student council I ,4; tri-hi-y 3; office aide 3,4; pep dub 4; intramurals 1,2, 4; prom committee 2,3,4; may queen nominee 4. KATHLEEN HEFFRON "Kath"secret ambition: to grow five inches; spri-hian 3, 4; red cross I; Lt-a. 2,4; social service 4; nurses aide 4; library aide 4; prom committee 2; intramurals 1,2,3.
lee Ruth Hazzard
Kathleen Marie Heffron
LIN DA HEMBERGER "Burger" pet peeve: friZZy hair; scrivener layout staff 3, layout editor 4; national thespian society 2,3,4; tri-hi-y I; drama 2,3; pep dub 4; intramurals 2,3; girls chorus 2,3,4; prom committee 2,3,4; quill and scroll 4. REBECCA HEN DERSON "Becky" remembered for: my jaguar "xke"; scrivener business 4;drama 1,2,3; gym aide 4; intramurals I; senior play 4.
linda Kaye Hemberger
Rebecca Gail Henderson CHRISTOPHER HERMANN secret ambition: to be a carpetbagger; student council sgt. I; service dub 1,2,3,4; football 1,2; tennis I. MARIA HERNADI always seen: with the funny company; favorite memory: when i went to the monkees concert. PAMELA HESSEMER "Bunky" pet peeve: giant ear guards; student council 3; sprihian 2; drama pres. I; pep dub 4; operators 3,4; cheerleading 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; intramurals 1,2; girls chorus I; choir 2,3,4; prom committee 2,3,4.
Christopher Hermann I
Maria Hernadi
Pamela Marie Hessemer
JAYHlllERSON prize possession: cork screw; french club 2,3; football I; basketball2. MARLENE HOCK "leni"; favorite memory: district festivals; scrivener layout staff 3; spri-hian 3; art service 3; operators 2,3. sec. 4; tri-hi-y I; intramurals 1.2; band sec. 1,2, lib. 3,4; district band 2,3,4; orchestra I, 2,3,4; rifle team capt. 3, sec. 4.
Jay Alan Hillerson
Marlene Ruth Hoch
Mark Hockman
Daniel Fredrick Hodgson
MARK HOCKMAN "magic fingers"; favorite saying: i'm a pickle; scrivener photo 3; spri-hian photo 2; literary magazine 4; geology 3, treas. 4; golf 1,2; chess team 3; rifle team 3,4; choir 2,3,4; districts 4. DANiEl HODGSON "Hodge"; secret ambition: open a hamburger stand in india; outdoor club; basketball 1,2,3; baseball 1.2; gym aide.
DALE HOllENBACH prize possession: my9.9's; student council v. pres. 1,2; scrivener business editor 4; national honor society 4; service club 1,2.3,4; gym aide 1.2,3; football 1.2; winter track 1.2.3,4; track 1.2.3, capb. 4; varsity club 3,4. RICHARD HOLSTEIN "Rich"; prize possession: barb; remembered for: my 1959 ford; glee club 1,2. SUSAN HOLSTEIN pet peeve: green mustangs; favorite memory: ocean city '66; drama 1,2; intramurals I; prom committee 3.
Dale Thomas Hollenbach
WILLIAM HORN "tiki tom" favorite saying: pray for sex, anybody can surf; favorite memory: del. co. memorial hospital; f.b.l.a. 3; football 2,3; rifle team 4. LIN DA HOY "Lin" favorite saying: nuthin; favorite memory: january 68; tri-hi-y I; health careers 2; intramurals 1,2; library 3,4; gym aide 3,4; advisory board 4. MARGARET HOY "Margie" favorite memory: mother's day eve in harlem; prize possession: my gold charm bracelet; f.t.a. treas. 2; operators 2,3,4; rifle team 4; colorguard 2,3, sgt. 4.
William Bruce Horn
linda luey Hoy
Margaret Mary Hoy
NICHOLAS H UBIAK "hub" favorite memory: hawk mountain trip (bartley's rangers); outdoor cI ub 4; pingpong 1,2; wintertrack 1,2. JUDITH HUDSON "Judy" favorite sayc ing: gina! what did you do now?; spri-hian news staff 4; health careers club 2, pres. 4; social service club 2,3,4; red cross club I; intramurals 1,2; library aide 3,4; prom committee 2.
Nicholas Hubiak
Judith lynn Hudson
MICHAEL IGNARRI "sergeant garcia"; favorite saying: go to the office; remembered for: carving "z's" in the boys room doors; pingpong; football 1,2; operators 1,2. SHELDON IRVINE "Ted" remembered for: being early; weight lifting; football 4; track 4.
S. Ignarri
Sheldon David Peter Irvine III
STEPHEN JANSSEN "Steve" always seen: with a certain brown-haired junior; favorite memory: pennington 65; scrivener proof reading staff 4; spri-hian 3,4; national honor society 4; drama club I; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 2; choir 1,2,3,4; district chorus 3,4; regionals 4; opera 4; senior class play 4.
Stephen Howard Janssen
SCOTT JEDNACZ "skeet" pet peeve: boring classes; favorite memory: driving to florida for thanksgiving; j.e.t.s. 2,3,4. JOHN JOHNSTON BAUGH "skinny" remembered for: being seen under the clock; prize possession: i.d. bracelet.
Scott Thomas Jednacz
H. Johnstonbaugh
HOWARD JON ES "Howie" favorite memory: outdoor club; prize possession: red beetle; photo I; geology 2; outdoor club 4; intramural bowling 3,4. JAMES JONES "Jonesey" remembered for: my little red truck; prize possession: the road runner; football 2,3,4; wrestling I, 2,3. MARGARET JOSEPH secret ambition: to be a winged giraffe; bridge 1,2; basketball I, . 2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; varsity club 4; choir 1,2,3, sec. 4; district chorus 4; prom committees 2,4.
Margaret Carol Joseph
WAYNE KASSEBOHM pet peeve: rocks; scrivener business staff 4; d.e.c.a.; football 1,2,3; school store manager; prom committee 3,4. ELLEN KATZMIRE "chester" pet peeve: boys; favorite memory: moving to dear old springfield. GREGORY KEECH "Greg" favorite memory: mr. bartley; always seen: in the chem lab; science I; geology 3; outdoor dub 4; choir 1,2,3,4.
Wayne Charles Kassebohm
Ellen Katzmire
Gregory Bruce Keech NATHAN KEHM "Herbert" always seen: with deb; prize possession: my acceptance letterto western maryland; wrestling 1,2; band 1,2; orchestra I; j.e.t.s. 4. THOMAS KEITER "keit" always seen: with I.c; favorite memory: gymnastics practice; operators dub 1,2, sec. 3, pres. 4; gymnastics 2,3,4. CAROL KESSLER favorite memory: surf city '67; tri-hi-y sec. 1.2; intramurals I; prom committee 3.
Nathan Joel Kehm
E. Keiter
Carol Anne Kessler
JANET KESSLER prize possession: tom; favorite memory: the fence; tri-hi-y 2; prom committee 3. LIN DA KESTER "kess" favorite memory: july 5, 1966; remembered for: the crash with cong; tri-hi-y 2,4; pep club 4; gym aide 3; drama I; girls' chorus 2,3; prom committee 2,3.
Janet Elizabeth Kessler
lee Kester
JIM KINGREA prize possession: my surf board; pet peeve: french class; outdoor club 4; soccer 1,2. PETER KINNEY gym club 4; football I; wrestling I; track 1,2; tennis 3. PHilLIP KLINE "Philly" prize possession: varsity football letter; service cI u b 2,3, chaplain 4; varsity cI ub 4; golf cI ub 1,2; j.e.t.s. 4; weight lifting club 4; football 1,2,3; basketball 1,2,3; baseballl,2,3,4;gleedub I, 2; choir 3,4.
James Kingrea
Peter Kinney
Phillip Bennett Kline
Stephen Donald Kopp
Karl Kotanchik
Susan Mary Krajeski
Paul Edward Krape
STEPHEN KOPP "Steve" favorite saying: i'm so tired!; favorite memory: those great times with J. B.; service club 2; science club I; intramurals 4. KARL KOTANCHIK "Smacker" favorite saying: let's get the flock out of here!; favorite memory: gymnastics practice with them; operators club 3,4; gymnastic manager4.
SUSAN KRAJESKI "Sue" pet peeve: the boy who lives across the street; student council 2,3; tri-hi-y pres.I,2; operators club 3,4; Lt.a. treas. 4; pep club 4; prom committee 2,3,4; office aide 4; cheerleading 1,4; girls chorus I, treas. 2; choir 3, sec. 4; may queen nominee 4. PAUL KRAPE "P.K." always seen: with liz; student council I; varsity club 4; cross country 2,3,4; wrestling 2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4.
DIANA KRAUSS "Diane" favorite memory: Locust Point, Md.; always seen: walking in the halls; f.b.l.a. 4; intramurals 1,2; gym aide 2; library assistant 1,2,3,4; office helper 3,4.
Diana Ruth Krauss EUGEN KRETSCH MANN "Eugene" always seen: out partying; prize possession: no driver's license; student council4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; pep dub 4; chess team 4; affiliation film committee. DAVID KRYNICK pet peeve: no slide rules on trig. tests; remembered for: math ability: chess I. UN DA KULP favorite memory: splunking trip in 10th grade; spri-hian staff 3,4; f.t.a. 2,4; tri-hi-y I; social service dub 4; intramurals 1,4; gym aide 3,4; prom committee 2.
Eugen Benno Richard Kretschmann
David L Krynick
linda Kulp RUTH KURTZHALZ "Ruthie" student council I,2 ,3,4; tri-hi-y I; pep club vice. pres. 4; lacrosse 2; intramurals 2,3,4; girls chorus 2; choir 4; senior play cast 4; prom committee 2,3,4. GINA LACKO spri-hian 1,2,3,4; national thespian society 3,4; red cross I; drama 2, 3; social service club 3,4; health club 4; girls chorus 2,3,4; nurse's aide 3,4; senior play committee 4; intramurals 1,2. DALE LAN D "swamp" service club 4; varsity club 4; cross country 3; winter track 3; track 3,4; gym aide 1,2,3,4.
Ruth Elizabeth Kurtzhalz
Gina Lea Lacko
Dale James Land
ROBERT LANGMUIR "Lang" pet peeve: plastic people; student council 2,3; scrivener literary staff 4; literary mag. 4; outdoor club 4; leather club 2; d.e.c.a. vicepres. 3; baseball I; bowling I. MAUREEN LARSON prize possession: brushed gold name necklace; basketball I; tennis I.
ROBERT LAUGHEAD bridge club 3; choir 1,2.
Robert Cole langmuir
Maureen larson
Robert J. laughead
Janet Ann laurelli
Marian Concetta legaz
Timothy Robert lehman
nature club 1,2;
JANET LAUREllI "Jal" pet peeve: phonies; scrivener business staff 4; track club I; intramurals I; senior play 4; prom committee 4; gym aide 1,2,3,4.
JAMES LEFEVER "Leaf" secret ambition: own that vette; service club 1,2,3,4; football; basketball 1,2,3,4; track I; gym aide 1,3. MARIAN LEGAZ "Mar" favorite saying: ah come on; spri-hian circulation 4; f.t.a. 2; french club 4; tri-hi-y 4; intramurals 1.2, 3,4; girls chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; senior play committee 4. TIMOTHY LEHMAN "Lem" service club 4; varsity club 4; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3; track 1,2; choir 1,2,3,4; j.e.t.s. 4; prom committee 2,3; weightlifting club 4; gym aide 3,4; wrestling club 1,2.
lefever 198
TRACY LENNAN "Lemon" pet peeve: blotches; tri-hi-y 1,2; pep club; intramurals 1.2; girls chorus 1,2,3; prom committee 3,4; gym aide 2. RICHARD LEVENS "Rich" remembered for: teaberry gum; student council 4; operators 1,4; soccer 1.2.3; tennis 3,4; bowling treas. 4; glee club 1.2; choir 3,4; district 4; gym aide 4. LYN DA LEWIS favorite memory: summer '67; scrivener business 4; art service 2; intramurals 3; girls chorus 2.3; choir4; gym aide 1,4.
Tracey Lennan
Richard Walter Levens
Lynda Joy Lewis
PAM LEWIS "Joe" favorite saying: you critter; dental club; gym club; intramurals 2; girls chorus 3,4; concert props committee 4; gym aide I. WILLIAM LEWIS "Billy" favorite saying: it's more fun to eat out; always seen: cutting class; athletics club I.
Pam Lewis
William Earle Lewis
JOSEPH LITTLETON "Joe" favorite saying: you gotta be kiddin'; bridge club I; outdoor club 4; nature club 2; football I; rifle team 3,4; interact 2,3; treas. 4; prom committee 2,4. SUSANNE LOBLEY "Sue" pet peeve: people i have to explain my jokes to: scrivener business 4; spri-hian advertising 4; varsity club 4; tri-hi-y 4; f.t.a. 2; hockey 1,2. 3,4; basketball 1,2; intramurals 1,2; senior play committee 4; prom committee 2.
Joseph Sharp littleton
Susanne Jeanne Lobley
ROBERT LOGUE "Craig" prize possession: nfw; remembered for: my hurdling abilities; scrivener layout 4; boys athletics I; ping-pong club 2; soccer I; basketball I; track 1,3,4; prom committee 2; gym aide 4.
Robert Craig logue MICHAEL LUONGO "hummer" always seen: with karen; prize possession: a can of piels real draft; weightlifting 4; football 1,2,3; basketball 1,2; wrestling 1,2; golf L WILLIAM LUTZ "wheeling willy" favorite saying: i will run you in reverse and still beat you!; glee club 1,2; choir 3. RAYMOND LYNCH "Ray" favorite saying: come up to the station about 7, after the boss leavesl; secret ambition: to pump gas the rest of my life; outdoor club 4; soccer 1,2,3,4; senior play 4.
Michael lewis luongo
William lutz
Diane MacDonald
W. lynch
JAMES LYON "chum brown" secret ambition: sell pencils at 7th and arch; prize possession: vair; outdoor club 4; na c ture 2,3; baseball 1,4; bowling 1,2,3,4; rifle team 3,4; choir L DIANE MACDONALD "ralphie" favorite memory: mrs. way's art class; prize possession: my "vegetable"; scrivener business 4; drama 2,3; basketball I; intramurals 1,2. STEVE MACHO "Steve" secret ambition: to own the bazaar; nature I; band 2, vice pres. 3, student director 4; dance band 2,3, 4; orchestra 3,4; district band 3; district orchestra 4.
J. lyon
Stephen Charles Macho
RUTHANN MADISON "Ruthie" favorite memory: ocean city 66, 68; scrivener business 4; spri-hian circulation 4; opera 4; senior play committee. LLOYD MAHOOD "Spence" favorite saying: win some, lose some; geology 3, pres. 4; football I; soccer I; wrestling I; tennis 1,2,3, capt. 4; bowling 3, capt. 4; varsity club 4; glee club 2; choir 3,4.
Ruthann Madison
S. Mahood JEAN MALINOSKI secret ambition: own a yellow vet; prize possession: my money tree; tri-hi-y 1,2,4; band 1,2,3,4; nurses aide 4; guidance office aide 3,4; prom committee 3. . JOSEPH MALLORY "ding-ding" secret ambition: to see mr. miller do a song and dance on stage; pet peeve: chemistry; football 3; band 1,2. ROY MAllORY "mau mau" secret ambition: to lay wheels the full length of the school at 15 m.p.h.; favorite memory: back seat on the junior trip; gym club I; baseball I; bowling 3; glee club 1,2.
Jean Kerr Malinoski
Joseph Jerome Mallory
B. Mallory
DEBORAH MALLOY pet peeve; the 10th grade world cultures class i'm in now; prize possession: letter of acceptance to georgia; St. Pius X High School: french club 2,3; c.s.m.c. 1,2; f.t.a. 3. SUSAN MANLEY always seen: with jane; pet peeve: my II study halls; scrivener business 4; f.b.l.a. v. pres. 4; bridge club I; tri-hi-y 2; intramurals 1,2; gym aide 2; prom committee 2,3; candy sale 2.
Deborah louise Malloy
Susan Burbank Manley
JON MANON pet peeve: "quack"; prize possession: hair; national honor society 4; j.e.t.s.; varsity club 4; cross country 4; winter track 4; track 3,4; orchestra.
Jon Manon
JOHN MARCY "Sed" remembered for: cathy's party; student council 2,4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; literary magazine 4; national honor society 4; football I; wrestling 2,3,4; baseball!. JUDITH MARIANO "Jude" secret ambition: to be an authoress; student council I; national honor society 4; tri-hi-y 2; intramurals I; choir 1,2,3,4; districts 3,4; office aide 2,3; senior play committee 4; gym aide 2,3; opera committee 4; prom committee3.
John Marcy
Judith Ann Mariano
Katherine Mascher
Dorothy Suzanne Matthews
ROBERT MARS "Bob" favorite saying: how's life!; pet peeve: trying to get the car; ping-pong I; geology 4; intramurals 4; chess team 4. KATHERINE MASCHER "Hazel Bishop" secret ambition: to go to blue jay way; favorite memory: summer of '66 and '68; drama I; shop 2; social service 3,4. DOROTHY MATTHEWS "Dottie" pet peeve: mosquitos; prize possession: my big toe; drama 1,2; social service dub 4; intramurals I; prom committees 3; gym aide 2.
Robert William Mars
BARBARA MAWSON "Maws" favorite memory: moon over villanova u.; spri-hian 3,4; varsity club 4; athletics club I; gym dub 2; hockey 1,2.3,4; basketball 1.2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; girls' chorus 1,2; prom committees 2,3,4. BARBARA MAXWElL favorite memory: july, 1967; scrivener business 4; spri-hian 3. 4; tri-hi-y 2,4; intramurals 1,2,3; girls' chorus 2,3,4; prom committees 2,3; senior play committee 4; nurses' aide 4.
Barbara Carol Mawson
Barbara Anne Maxwell MICHAEl McBRIDE "Mike" favorite memory: me to know - you to fi nd out; chess and checkers I; basketball; b"seball 1,2; band 1,3,4; orchestra I. MERLE McCALLISTER "Mike" prize possession: jean nate; tri-hi-y 2; hockey I, 2.3, captain 4; basketball 1,2.3,4; lacrosse I, 2,3,4; girls' chorus 1,]; choir 3,4; prom committee 3,4; pep club 4; varsity club 2,3. 4; may queen nominee 4. JANET McCARTHY "Jan" favorite saying: bye, hon!; drama I; f.t.a. 2,4; pep club 4; hockey I; tennis 4; intramurals 1,2; choir 2.3,4; prom committees 2.3,4; senior play 4; opera committee 4.
Michael McBride Jr.
Merle Meridith McCallister
Janet .lee McCarthy LIN DA McCLEARY "linda Mae" secret ambition: to meet the party on my party line; senior play committee 4; office aide 4; dormont h.s.: pep club 1.2. KATHLEEN McCORMICK "Kathy" scrivener layout staff 4; spri-hian 2,4; national honor society 4; thespian society 2. 3. pres. 4; drama club 1,2; pep club 4; girls' chorus 1,2,4; hockey I; basketball 1,2,4; prom committee 2; german exchange student 3. GEORGE McCOY "wee willy" always seen; sleeping; student council 2; rocket club 3; chess and checkers 1.2; olltdoor club 4; golf I; f.b.l.a. 4.
linda Gail McCleary
Kathleen Jane McCormick
George William McCoy, Jr.
WILLIAM McCULLOUGH "Bill" football I; d.e.c.a. 3, vice-pres. 4; school store manager 3,4; f.b.i.a.; advisory board. ROBERT McDOWELL "Bob" remembered for: water bottles in chemistry; prize possession: 4 year old gym suit; scrivener 4; national honor society 4; operators club; geology club 4; senior play 4. PETER McFADDEN service club 4; weightlifting club 3,4; d.e.c.a. 3; president 4; football 3,4.
A. McCullough
Robert Mark McDowell
Deborah Claire McFaul
Maureen Ellen McGee
Keith James McGrath
Jeanne Joan McGrory
DEBORAH McFAUL "Debbie" favorite memory: september 9,1966; student council 4; scrivener business staff 4; gymnastics club I; f.b.l.a. 4; hockey I; intramurals I; band 1,2,3, secretary 4; orchestra 1,2,3, secretary 4; regional 2; district 2,4; prom committee 2,3,4; senior executive council 4; senior play 4. MAUREEN McGEE prize possession: my teddy bear!; favorite memory: march 17, 1967; scrivener business staff 4; f.b.l.a. 4; intramurals I; prom committee 3,4.
KEITH McGRATH pet peeve: rhinoceroses and bears; spri-hian news staff 4; j.e.t.s. 2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; senior play
4. JEANNE McGRORY "B.L." prize possession: a black and white pearl ring; f.b.l.a. 4; cardinal o'hara high school - class officer 3; lacrosse 3; dance band 3; villa maria high school - hockey 1,2; basketball 2; intramurals 1,2,3.
MARILYN McKEE "Lynn" pet peeve: taking tests; spri-hian 4; drama dub 2; tri-hiy I; health careers 4; intramurals 1,2; girls' chorus I; choir 2,3,4; district chorus 4; library aide 4; prom committee 2; opera committee 4. STEPHEN McKEON "possum" pet peeve: chemistry with the bear; favorite memory: on the jetty with bourbonocean city '66; soccer I; basketball 2; track I.
Marilyn Jean McKee
Stephen Paul McKeon
JAMES McKEOWN "Mc a.B." always seen: at the bowling alley; national honor society 3,4; cross country 3; baseball 1,2; bowling 3,4. DAN McKINNI:Y favorite saying: fat chance at that; d.e.c.a. 3; weightlifting dub; football I; wrestling I; golf 3,4; glee dub 1,2; rifle team 3,4; operators dub 1,2,3.
James Bruce McKeown
J. McKinney SHERYL MclEAN student council 2,3; spri-hian 2,3,4; pep dub 4; varsity dub 4; gym dub 2; tri-hi-y I; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball I; tennis 4; girls chorus 1,3,4; vice pres. 2; operators dub 4; may queen nominee 4. WILLIAM MclEAN "Bill" pet peeve: chemistry; favorite memory: 4 days of '67 summer; science club I; nature club 2; wrestling 1,2,3,4; glee dub 1,2. JOHN McMULLIN "monkey" secret ambition: get married and have II kids; wrestling 2; winter track 2; cardinal o'hara: football I; cross country 1,2.
Sheryl Mae Mclean
William I. Mclean
John Geary McMullin In
ROBERT MElCHIORRE "Huck" favorite memory: summer of '65; rocket club 3; chess and checkers dub 1,2; outdoor dub 4; football 1,2; track I; f.b.l.a. I; senior play
4. JACOB MENTZER "Jake" remembered for: buttons; scrivener proofreading editor 4; geology dub 4; chess club 1,2,3; band 1,2, 3,4; dance band 3,4; choir 3,4; district 3,4; regional 3,4; chess team 2, pres. 3, 4; j.e.t.s. 3,4; senior play 4; opera 4.
Robert John Melchiorre
Jacob Franklin Mentzer
Gail Elizabeth Miller
Nancy Jeanne Mitchell
Sandra Waneata Monsay
John Spaeth Moore Jr.
GAil MillER secret ambition: to have another mother's day eve in harlem; national thespian society 2, pres. 3, vice pres. 4; drama club I; vice pres. 2; operators club 2; band manager 3; prom committee 2,3,4; senior play committee 4; gym aide I, 2,3. NANCY MITCHEll "Nan" pet peeve: mr. werley's "any comments, questions, cuts, criticisams, qUips?"; spri-hian circulation staff; f.n.a. 2; intramurals 1,2,3,4; prom committee 4; senior play 4; office aide 2,3,4; gym aide 4.
JACQUElYN MOIST "Jackie" scrivener business 4; spri-hian 3,4; red cross club pres. I; drama club 2,3; art club 4; health careers 4; tri-hi-y 4; band mgr.; girls' chorus 2,3,4; office aide 4; library aide 4; gym aide I; intramurals 1,2,4. SANDRA MONSAY "Muncie" prize possession: my guy; remembered for: psyche; scrivener business staff 4; spri-hian circulation staff 4; intramurals 1,2,4; girls' chorus 2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1,2,4; f.t.a. 4; gym aide 4. JOHN MOORE favorite memory: august 12,1967; prize possession: a southern belle; operators club 4; track 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4.
Jacquelyn Elizabeth Moist
JOHN MOORE "Jack" favorite saying: "nice ball. ron!" "i know"; pet peeve: cheap teachers; national honor society 4; baseballl.2; bowling 4; intramurals 1,4. STEPHEN MOORE "Steve" chess and checkers I; intramurals 1.2.3,4; track 2; gym aide 2; f.b.l.a. 4; science club 2. CHRISTINE MORAN "Chris"student council 2,4; scrivener 4; business staff 4; s pri- hi an 2,3; f.t.a. sgt. of arms 4; intramurals 1.2.3; lacrosse I; gymnastics 2; girls' chorus 2.3 vice-pres. 4; prom committee 2. 3. chairman 4; pep club 4.
John Warren Moore
Stephen E. Moore
Christine lucille Moran
JOHN MORAN "Jack" pet peeve: gym; favorite memory: february 30. 1966; chess and checkers club I; table tennis 2; cross country 3; intramurals 1.2.3; prom committee 3. LILLIAN MORGAN "UI" spri-hian 3. editor-in-chief 4; national honor society 3. secretary 4; f.t.a. I; bridge 3; hockey 1,2; basketball 1,2,3,4; tennis 1.2,3; girls' varsity club 1,2.3. vice-pres. 4; girls' chorus 2,3,4.
John Joseph Moran. Jr.
Lillian Mary Morgan
ElDRIDGE MOUNT "Elge" pet peeve: mothers; favorite memory: days off; geology club 3; wrestling club I; glee club 1,2. KATHIE MULLAN "Kathie" always seen: with danny; prize possession: membership in mr. smith's honor society; student council 1,2; spri-hian 2.3,4; literary magazine 4; tri-hi-y I; gym club I; hockey 1,2.3.4; basketball I; tennis 1,2.3,4; varsity club 1,2. 3,4; prom committee 2.3,4; pep club 4.
Eldridge Milford Mount III
Kathleen Kerr Mullan
PATRICIA MULLER"Patti" favorite memory: moon over villanova u.; tri-hi-y 1,.2; operators club 4; gymnastics 4; intramurals 1,.2; girls chorus 1,.2; choir 3,4; pep club 4; prom committee .2,3,4; opera production 4; senior play committee 4.
Patricia leigh Muller MARY MURPHY "Murph" student councill,4; class sec. 3,4; spri-hian 1,.2,3,4; national honor society 3,4; f.t.a. pres . .2; hockey 1,],3,4; basketball 1,.2,3,4; lacrosse I, .2,3,4; varsity club .2,3, pres. 4; girls chorus 1,.2,3; choir 4; prom committee .2,3, chairman 4; may queen nominee 4. FRANCIS MUSTARO "Fran" secret ambition: be the all-american boy; favorite memory: i forget; service club 4; football .2, 3,4; baseball I; varsity club 4. GERALD NACCARElll "Jerry" favorite saying: sapid shot; jets 4; football I; baseballl; golf.2; intramurals 1,.2,4.
Mary Margaret Murphy
francis lawrence Mustaro
Edward Arthur Nicholls
William Eric Nordblom
Robert Sterling Northington
EDWARD NICHOLLS "fast eddie" favorite saying: the cops will never catch me; prize possession: my cycle; science club; table tennis club; gym aide; wrestling 1,.2,3, 4. ROBERT NORTHINGTON "North" favorite memory: hill school 58-perkiomen 46; scrivener proofreading 4; spri-hian 4; literary magazine screening 4; intramurals .2,3; prom comm.3. WILLIAM NORDBLOM "Mouse" secret ambition: to do the best senior pranks and not get caught; outdoor club; f.b.l.a. 4; football 1,.2,3; wrestling I; baseball I.
LAUREN ONOFARO pet peeve: two faced people; scrivener business 4, drama sec. 3; intramurals 2,4, prom committee 2, 3,4; senior play committee 4. JOYCE OPENSHAW "opie joy" student council 1,2; scrivener business 4; tri-hi-y 2; gymnastics 2; prom committee 2,3,4, fYm aide 2; candy sale 2; may queen nominee 4. ROBERT OSBO RN "Ozzie" student council treas. 1,2,4; class treas. 4; national honor society 4, operators club 1,2, treas. 3,4, football I; track 1,2, gymnastics 2,3, cocapt. 4; band 1,2; orchestra 1,2,3, prom committee 2,3,4, stage crew 1,2.
lauren Onofara
Joyce Adele Openshaw
Robert William Osborn BETH OSGOOD prize possession: rob't; pet peeve: "booner", student council 4; trihi-y I; drama 2; intramurals 2; girls chorus 1,2,3; prom committee 2,3,4. WILLIAM PALMER "Pahno" secret ambition: sell pencils on wall street; always seen: with christie, outdoor club 4. GEORGE PARRIS "puppy" favorite saying: "shut up, maryanne." service club 3, sgt. at arms 4, golf 2, football 1,2,3,4; baseball i; varsity club 4; choir 2,3, prom committee 2,3,4.
Beth Osgood
George Jeffrey Parris
EDWARD PATERSON prize possession: my false tooth, favorite memory: march 17, 1967; f.b.l.a. 4; advisory board 4, football 4.
JUDITH PAXTON "Judy" remembered for: blushing; gym dub I; drama 2; f.La. 4; tennis 2,3,4; intramurals 1,2,3; girls chorus 1,2,3,4; prom committees 3,4; gym aide 3.
Judith Ann Paxton
LO RETT A PEARIN G "Lorrie" favorite memory: june 9,1967; f.b.l.a. 3; d.e.c.a. 3; senior play committee 4; ceramics I; gym aide 3; prom committee 4. EILEEN PEDIGO prize possession: my retainer; tn.a. 2; senior play committee 4; prom committee 4; intramurals 2,3,4; guidance office aide 2,3,4.
loretta Geraldine Pearing
Eileen Marie Pedigo
Harry Pommer
Kathleen Ann Pontari
ELLEN POLINSKY "EI" prize possession: wayne; scrivener business staff 4; tri-hi-y 2; athletic dub I; girls chorus 2,3,4; prom committees 3,4; guidance office 2,3,4; gym aide 4. HARRY POMMER "Beast" secret ambition: to grow; wrestling 1,2,3,4; soccer 2; science 2. KATHLEEN PONTARI "Kathy" remembered for: boisterous mouth; d.e.c.a. 3; girls advisory council 4; drama 2; tri-hi-y I; gym aide 1,4; business staff 4; girls chorus 2,3; prom committee 4.
Ellen Ruth Polinsky
STEPH EN PONTARI "Ponto" prize possession: my teeth; pep club 4; chess and checkers; ping pong; weight lifting; wrestling I; advisory board chairman 4. ERIC POULSON "Pole" favorite memory: working at playtown park; nature club I; gym club 2; rifle team 4; boys chorus 1,2. LEE PRAGER national honor society 4; service club 2,3,4; operators club 4; cross country 2,3,4; winter track 2,3,4; track 2,3, 4; gymnastics 3; varsity club 3,4; band 1,2, 3,4; districts 2,3,4; regionals 3,4; dance band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4.
Stephen Arthur Pontari
Alan Prager
DOROTHY QUAIL "Dori" remembered for: my perfect attendance; always seen: with lee; student council I; d.e.c.a. 3,4; leather club 2. GERRY QUEDENFELD "captain crunch" student council 1,2,3, sgt. at arms 4; service club 2; varsity club 2,3,treas. 4; soccer 1,2, all-delco 3, capt. 4; bas ketball 1,2,3, capt. 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; choir 2,3,4; boys' chorus I.
Edward Price
BONNIE RAINES secret ambition: to live at the colosseum; always seen: with sue; scrivener business staff 3; intramurals I; prom committee 3. ROBERT RAKITIS "wildman" pet peeve: february 17,1967; student council 2,3,4; class president 2; service club 3, sec.4; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,:{; track I.
Bonnie Kathryn Raines
E. Rakitis
WILLIAM RAUSCH "Fred" secret ambition: to finish college; varsity club 4; golf I, 2,4; soccer 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2; baseballl, 2,3; gym aide 1,2. JOEL RAY "Pops" secret ambition: to be the girl's gym teacher; service cI ub 3,4; varsity club 4; drama 3; wrestling 1,2,3, cocapt. 4; football 1,2,3. JON REID "Deacon" prize possession: my car; golf 1,2,3,4; outdoor club 4; soccer I; cross country 2; track I; gymnastics 1,2.
William Andrew Rausch
Joel Kent Ray
Jon Thomas Reid
Joseph Michael Reid
Pamela Jean Rementer
Gary Renard
JOSEPH REID audio visual club 3; science seminar 2; latin club I; basketball 1,2, 3,4. PAMELA REMENTER "Lambchops" always seen: with irma; student council I; d.e.c.a. 3,4; tri-hi-y I; gym aide 2,3,4; leatherclub 2.
GARY RENARD favorite saying: i don't think i'll ever see a classroom that appeals to me; remembered for: always talking. JOEL RENARD "JotH" always seen: with everybody; favorite memory: my year in america; french club 4; social service club 4; student council 4.
LARRY RICKARDS favorite saying: feuquay, knock it off!; favorite memory: shamokin; outdoor club 4; gymnastics 1,2,3,4.
larry Albert Rickards RICHARD RISLEY "Rich" always seen: going to newton square; prize possession: my "250" camaro; wrestling 1,2; track 2,4. KAREN RIViElLO pet peeve: chemistry class; favorite memory: april 1,1967; tri-hiy I; Lt.a. 4; intramurals 2,3; senior play committee; prom committee 4. DIAN E RIZZO "Riz" favorite saying: yeah man; pet peeve: being so short; tri-hi-y I; gym aide 1,2; pep club 4; intramurals 1,2; prom committee 2,4; office aide 3.
C. Risley
Karen Elaine Riviella
Diane Jane Rizzo GEORGE RIZZO "Riz" always seen: with barb; remembered for: best parties; student council I; f.t.a. 3; basketball 1,2; outdoor club 4; football 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3, 4; varsity club 4. CHARLES ROBERTS "the chucker" favorite saying: you've got a way with words; secret ambition: to be a jockey; geology club 4; bowling 4; rifle team 3,4. TIMOTHY ROBERTS "othy" favorite saying: go into the bathroom and catch up; favorite memory: paper seagulls; basketball club I; outdoor club 4; football I; basketball 2.
George Rizzo
Charles Evans Roberts Jr.
Timothy Alan Roberts
VIRGINIA ROBERTS "Ginny" Scrivener business staff 3; spri-hian circulation and feature staff; drama club I; tri-hi-y 2; basketball 2; senior play 4. PATRICIA ROCAP "Poodles" always seen: giving away cookies; prize possession: chemistry class; student council I; tri-hi-y vice-pres. 1,2; intramurals 1.2; choir 2,3,4.
Virginia louise Roberts
Patricia Rocap
William lafayette Rocap
WILLIAM ROCAP "Mao" favorite saying: that's funny; prize possession: my waterpipe and a girl; rocket club 2; outdoor club pres. 4; track ,; rifle team 3; prom committee 2,4; gym aide 4. HARVEY ROTHMAN "Sparrow" secret ambition: to knock out the sugar bear; scrivener 4; literary magazine 4; national thespian society 4; drama club 3; football I; cross country 3,4; tennis 1.2,3,4; glee club I; intramurals 2; prom committee 3.
P. Rothman
ROGER RUN DBAKEN j.e.t.s. 3; sec. 4; geology club sec. 4; soccer I; tennis; chess team 3; glee cI ub I; choir 2,3,4; district chorus 4; senior play 4. JOANNE SANDERS favorite memory: june 16; student council 2,4; pep club sec.treas. 4; tri-hi-y I, pres. 2; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 2,3,4; varsity club 4; girls' chorus; prom committee 2,3; may queen nominee 4. DEBORAH SANFORD "Debbie" favorite memory: moon over villanova u.; student council 1,2,3,4; scrivener 4; gymnastics 2,3; prom committees 2,3,4; library aide 2,3,4; may queen nominee 4.
Roger Phillip Rundbaken
Joanne Sanders
Deborah Ann Sanford
NICK SAN GIORGIO "Nanick" favorite saying: ya sure; favorite memory: the day i met kathy. ANNE SATORIS "Annie" favorite memory: the night behind the jewish synagogue; student council 1,3,4; pep club 4; track club 2; hockey I; basketball I; intramurals 2; gymnastics 4; prom committee 1,2,3,4; holy child: glee club I.
J. Sangiorgio
Anne Elizabeth Satoris
BETSY SCHEUER favorite saying: what can i say?; remembered for: patting people on the head; scrivener literary editor 4; spri-hian 2,3; national honor society 3,4; hi-q 4, literary mag. 3, co-editor 4; quill and scroll 4.
Betsy Ann Scheuer
BETH SCHOLLENBERGER "Bethie" favorite saying: blaah; french club 4; tri-hi-y I; library club 2; intramurals 3,4; band 1,2,3, 4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; library 2,3,4; prom committee 2,4; opera orchestra 4. DEBORAH SCHULTZ "Debbie" secret ambition: to get my drivers license; sprihian I;redcross l;frenchclub3;f.t.a.4; intramurals 1,2,3; girls chorus 1,2,3; gym aid 1,3; prom committee 2,3; senior play committee 4.
Beth Ann Schollenburger
Deborah Ann Schultz
KAREN SCHUYLER favorite memory: a certain blonde guy; f.b.l.a. 4; track club 2; intramurals 2; bowling 3,4;gym aide 2; prom committee 4. PEGGY SCHWAN DT "Peg" favorite memory: reverand and mrs. clifford e. lewis; student council 1,2; art club 2; girls chorus 1,2,3,4; prom committee 4; office aide 2,3.
Karen Jane Schuyler
E. Schwandt
MARK SCHWARTZ pet peeve: getting up at 6:30; favorite memory: european sabbatical; spri-hian news staff 4; national honor society 4; french club 4; soccer 1,2; chess team 4; french exchange student 3. HOWARD SCHWARZ "Schworty" secret ambition: to become a cycle maniac; favorite memory: flying off my cycle after being hit by a car; glee cI ub 1.2.
Jeanne Delia Scibba
GORDON SCHWEITZER "Gert" favorite saying: censored; favorite memory: ocean city '67; student council I; golf 4; stage crew 1.2; intramurals 1,2. JEANNE SCIUBBA "Scuba" scrivener business staff 4; spri-hian circulation staff 1.2,3; french club 3, pres. 4; tri-hi-y 1,2,3,4; philosophy club 1,2; tennis 1.2; intramurals 1.2; prom committee 2,4; office aide 3; senior play committee 4.
B. Schweitzer
GLENN SEEGER "beaver" favorite saying: good heavens. DORIS SEElEY pet peeve: being called harriet; scrivener 3, senior co-ordinator 4; national thespian society 2.3.4; drama club 1.2; colorguard 1,3. sgt. 4; girls chorus 2; prom committee 2; quill and scroll 4. STEPHEN SEMANCHUK "Sam" secret ambition: to get killed in vietnam; pet peeve: not being able to draw.
F. Seeger Jr.
Doris Harman Seeley
Stephen Semanchuk
ALAN SHAPIRO "Alan" pet peeve: eating lunch in the cafeteria; prize possession: my 1960 red ford; football I; basketball 1,2,3; gym aide 3. ANDREW SHAPIRO "Andy" secret ambition: to become the jolly green giant; football 2,3,4. JAMES SIBBALD "Lousy Lunar" remembered for: not getting caught feb: 17, 1967; student council 1,2; service club 2,3, treas. 4; varsity club 4; football I; wrestling 1,2,3; baseball 1,2,3,4.
Alan Michael Shapiro
Sibbald BARBARA SIHLER "Lynn" always seen: talking; favorite memory: summer of 66; student council I; shop club I; Ln.a. 2; intramurals 1,2,3,4; nurses aide 3,4; office aide4. JEAN SIMPSON always seen: with giraffe and mule: remembered for: making people laugh; scrivener business staff 4; tri-hi-y 2; f.b.l.a. 4; intramurals I; gym aide 2; prom committee 4. SCOTT SINCLAIR favorite memory: the shenandoah; geology club 3,4; j.e.t.s. 3,4; golf club I; intramurals 3,4; chess team 4; band 1,2,3,4.
Barbara lynn Sihler
Jean Marie Simpson
Scott Mitchell Sinclair
KATHRYN SMALL "Kathy" favorite memory: summer spent at ocean city; scrivener business staff 4; tri-hi-y 1,2; f.b.l.a. 4; majorette 2,3; head maj. 1,4; gym aide 4; prom committee 2.
Kathryn Mary Small
STEPHANIE SMALL "Steph" secret ambition: to live happily ever after; student council I; scrivener business staff 4; sprihian circulation staff 4; f.t.a. 1,2; gym aide 1,4; prom committee 2,3. . JOHN SMEDLEY "Uncle Smeds" pet peeve: fat daddy; student council 1,2; service club 2,3, vice-pres. 4; weight lifting club; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3; tennis 1,2; varsity club 4.
Stephanie Ann Small
John Smedley
Gordon Stuart Smith
James Reeves Smith Jr.
Robert Chadwick Smith
Virginia Gay Smith
GORDON SMITH "Rat" favorite memory: february 29, 1967; operators club 1,2; athletic club 2; m.o.p.s. 4; cross country 2, 3, capt. 4; winter track 2,3, co-capt. 4; varsity club 4; gym aide 1,2,3,4. JAMES SMITH "Jim" prize possession: ennglysaha; outdoor club 4; band 4; dance band 4; choir 4; munster high school: student council 1,2,3; chess club; biology club; weight club; cross country 2,3; winter track 2,3; track 2,3; varsity club; band 1,2 ,3; prom committee chairman 3.
ROBERT SMITH "Smitty" pet peeve: s.h.s.; student council 1,2; scrivener business 3,4; spri-hian sports staff 1,2,3; literary magazine 4; wrestling club; football I, 2; wrestling 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2; tennis 3; glee club 1,2; prom committee 3. VIRGINIA SMITH "Ginny" scrivener literary staff 4; spri-hian 1,2,3, typing editor 4; literary magazine 3,4; national honor society 4; tennis 2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,3; girls' chorus 1,2, 3; choir 4; district 4; opera 4; prom committee 2,3,4; quill and scroll 4.
ANNE SOTTER "Pinky" favorite memory: coming home from ocean city via trenton; tri-hi-y I; f.b.l.a. 3; president 4; intramurals I; gym aide 3,4; prom committee 2, 3,4; guidance office 2. DAVID SOUDER "Turk" pet peeve: 3 years it took me to get into spanish II; operators club 1,2; outdoor club 4; winter track 2,3; track 3,4. JANET SPENCER "Spence" scrivener literary 4; spri-hian 3,4; literary magazine edt. 4; national honor society 3,4; bridge dub 1,2; basketball 1,2,3,4; varsity dub 4; choir 2,3,4; hi-q 4; quill and scroll 4.
Anne Keiser Sotter
David Paul Souder
Janet Miram Spencer ARTHUR SPINA "Wop" favorite memory: february 12, 1968; f.b.l.a. 4; athletic I; operators dub 1.2; outdoor club 4. THOMAS ST AGGERS "Dutch" pet peeve: no assemblies; geology club 4; rocket dub 3; golf dub I; winter track 4; track 4; intramurals 3. SUZANNE STRAYER "Sue" always seen: with bonnie; scrivener business 3; sprihian 2,3; drama 3; operators 1,2; hockey I; intramurals 1.2; gym aide 2.3.
Arthur Dominic Spina
Thomas Herman Staggers
Suzanne Strayer
JACK SUCKOW "Suk" pet peeve: advanced biology; prize possession: gold plated tage; scrivener business 3; spri-hian 3; operators dub 1,2; chess club 3. DENNIS SULLIVAN "Patch" pet peeve: lew's hoagies; f.b.l.a. 4; athletic dub I; operators dub 3.
Jack Franklin Suckow
Dennis Patrick Sullivan
LOUISE TARSIA "1" secret ambition: to cut gale's hair; prize possession: my guy; scrivener business staff 4; gym aide 3,4; prom committee 3,4. ANNE TAYLOR "anie-b" prize possession: g.e.p.; spri-hian 2,4; tn.a. 2; drama I; intramurals 2,3; bowling 2; choir 1,2,3,4; prom committee 2,4. WALTER TAYLOR "Walt" pet peeve: the late bell; spri-hian 2; bridge club 3; cross country 3,4; winter track 3,4; track 3,4; varsity club.
E. Tarsia
Anne Gaston Taylor
Walter J. Taylor
Marcy Ann Tench
lucy Teresa Terrizzi
Valerie lindiana Terrizzi
Arline Nancy Thomas
MARCY TENCH "Marce" always seen: with some art (?) work; scrivener 4; art service club 3,4; bridge I; senior play cast 4; prom committee 2,4. LUCIA TERRllll "Lu" pet peeve: people who cut me up about my new york accent; always seen: at dances; literary magazine 4; drama club 3; pep club 4; intramurals 3, 4; library assistant 4; senior play cast 4; prom committee 4.
VALERIE TERRllll "Val" always seen: at dances; remembered for: singing at the lunch table; literary magazine 4; pep club 4; art club 4; basketball 2; volleyball 4; glee club I; senior play cast 4. ARLINE THOMAS "Ena" favorite memory: bunny bush at longwood gardensw.r.v.; student council I; shop I; f.b.l.a. 3; d.e.c.a. parlimentarian 3,4; gym aid 1,4; office aid 4; guidance office 3,4.
BETTY THOMAS pet peeve: being called "reds"; scrivener 4; spri-hian I; art 1,2,4; girls chorus I; choir 2,3,4; prom committee 2; senior play committee 4; opera committee 4; office aide 2,4.
Betty Jean Thomas BERN ICE THOMSON "Bonnie" pet peeve: butterscotch: prize possession: my alligator; scrivener 4; spri-hian I; art 1,2; majorettes 2; head majorette and sgt. 4; prom committee 4; gym aide 3. JAN ICE THWAITES "Tweeter" favorite memory: moon over villanova u.; student council 4; spri;hian 4; tri-hi-y 2; pep club 4; intramurals 2; girls chorus 2,3,4; prom committees 2,3,4. JOEL TOOF "Joel" national honor society 4; chess I; choir 2; intramurals I.
Bernice Eileen Thomson
Janice Eileen Thwaites
Joel Toof ALBERT TORELLI committee 4.
"AI" f.b.l.a. 4; advisory
GALE TULL "the dumb blonde" favorite saying: "louise, stay away from me with those scissors"; pet peeve: "gums"; scrivener business 4; d.e.c.a. 3, sec. 4; intramurals 2; gym aide 4; art service 2; prom committee 4. KATHLEEN TURN ER "Kathy" secret ambition: take snoopy's place as the flying ace: f.t.a. 4; service club 4; prom committee3;cardinal o'hara: booster club 1,2; service club 1,2,3; dramatics 1,2,3; stage crew 1,2,3; french club 1,2.
Albert Torelli
Gale Graham Tull
Kathleen Turner
GEORGE VAN GILLUWE "George" secret ambition: get an "a" in spanish; remembered for: procrastinating; national honor society 4; service club 1,4; locker problems 1,2,3,4. USA VAN VALKENBURGH "Van-alias va-va" favorite memory: the "caretakers" and hans luther; literary magazine 4; trihi-y I; girls' shop 2; intramurals I; band 1,2. 3,4; district 2.3,4; regional 2.3,4; orchestra 2.3. pres. 4; district 3; regional 3; social service dub 4; j.e.t.s. 3,4.
George Frank VanGilluwe
lisa leigh VanValkenburgh
linda lee Vella
Irene lucille Viscusi
Claudius Christian VonPlato
lynn Wagner
UN DA VELLA "cuddles" favorite saying: ma nuge a deavee or hog-wash; always seen: in the office practice room after school; f.b.l.a. recording sec. 4; cardinal o'hara intramurals I. IRENE VISCUSI "Ivy" secret ambition: travel to europe; pet peeve: chemistry; trihi-y I; track dub 2; intramurals 1.2; gUidance office assistant 2,3,4.
DAVID VOEGELI "Dave" secret ambition: to facet a diamond; prize possession: my sailboat; science club I; nature dub 2; geology dub 4; intramurals 2. CLAUDIUS VON PLATO "Claude" favorite saying: where's baruti?; prize possession: my dominator 99; science club I; chess and checkers dub 2; print club 3. LYNN WAGNER "Linda" favorite memory: richard dietz' party; prize possession: two little black books; football I; basketball I.
David Alfred Voegeli
IRMA WAHL prize possession: lenny; always seen: with pam; leather cI ub 2; f.b.l.a. 3; intramurals 1,2; d.e.c.a.3,4. CHERYl WALKER "walker" favorite memory: soccer games; prize possession: a feather; tri-hi-y 1,2; gymnastics 2,3, capt. 4; girls chorus 1,2,3,4. EliSABETH WAllACE "frizz" always seen: with bob; scrivener business 4; gymnastics 2; tri-hi-y I; hockey 1,2,3;¡ basketball I; choir 1,2,3.
Irma Ann Wahl
Cheryl Anne Walker
Elisabeth Anne Wallace
THOMAS WALSH "ozie" secret ambition: to be on time; science club I; geology club 2. DONNA WARD always seen: with jon; prize possession: jon reid; student council I; f.b.i.a.; bowling 1,2.
Thomas Arthur Walsh
Donna Marie Ward
SUZANNE WATKIN "soonie" favorite memory: class of 65; spri-hian 3,4; n.h.s. 4; gym club 1,2; french club 4; hockey 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; intramurals 2; gymnastics 3; choir 1,2,3,4. THOMAS WATSON "Tom" favorite saying: i'm diggin it; student council I; n.h.s. 4; operators 2,3,4; football I; gymnastics 1,2,3, 4; gym aide 4.
Suzanne Therese Watkin
Thomas Watson
DAVID ZACHARIAS "zach" favorite memory: XI theta and brandywine; student council 3, parliamentarian 4; spri hian 1.2.3, associate editor 4; literary magazine 3; national honor society 3, pres. 4; gymnastics 1,2.3. capt. 4; choir 1,2,3, pres. 4. THOMAS ZUBER "zorch" prize possession; my little mobile with a special someone next to me; soccer 1,2,3; track 1,2,3,4; varsity club 4. JOSEPH ZUlTEWICZ d.e.c.a. 3,4.
David Zacharias
Not Pictured Daniel Bloodwell George Bressler Robert Buchan Daniel Hilt Phillip Jensen Stephen Klineberger lawrence Pare Barbara Scarlata William Schmidt lee Steuber
In Memoriam As, leaving some grand waterfall. We, lingering, list its roarSo memory will hallow all We've known but know no more. From MEMORY by Abraham lincoln
Michael Panzl
things happen and time goes by perhlips we'll Neller remember IiNllthiNg;
and I know perhlips this tiNII portiM olollr fives
I was in love with this place; will be liS meliNiNgfess
it was life. liS IiNII other.
and then all of a sudden things go all blurry
and school is just a bunch of kids saying words to each other and shouting occassionally
I walk away because i can't see anything anymore
and I would give a lot for someone with a clear head who could listen in all of this 231
andsoi say ttgoodbye, school,"
that i sometimes try to hold onto on a friday afternoon when school is not petty responsibilities and hassles 233
but a few people I love -
ttif you have loved, you can know that none of your time was wasted." 235
Senior Directory Anne Abel 1 W. Thomson Ave. Patrick Adams 1015 Stoneybrook Dr. Victoria Adams 1015 Stoneybrook Dr. Kathleen Alexander 640 W. Woodland Ave. Thomas Alexander 309 Pine St. Glenolden Denise Allen 485 Kent Rd. Richard Alloway 518 Glendale Circle Carl Andersen 450 Barker Rd. Nora Andersen 450 Barker Rd. Richard Anderson 151 Snyder Lane Ronald Anderson 303 Southcroft Rd. Thomas Angstadt 441 Woodland Ave. Robert Appel 416 Thatcher Rd. Edward Arduino 107 Taylor Rd. Donald Atkins 111 Wayne Ave. Jacquelyn Balsley 53 Snyder Lane Linda Barbour 919 Stoneybrook Rd. Marlin Batdorf 345 Lynn Rd. Donna Bateman 340 Gibbons Rd. Leslie Bates 133 Broadview Rd. Stephen Bates 15 Plymouth Rd. Christine Batters hall 15 Yale Square Morton Diane Bauer 111 Baltimore Pike Walter Beadling 909 North Ave. Dale Beers 1140 Providence Rd. John Bennett 315 Lewis Rd. William Benzing 418 Foster Dr. Linda Best 135 Schuyler Rd. Ruth Black 387 Thornridge Rd. Daniel Bloodwell13 S. State Rd. Job Blydenstein Vermeerlaan 46 Bilthoven The Netherlands Eileen Bonini 331 Northcroft Rd. David Boose 947 Stoneybrook Dr. Raymond Boshold 155 Snyder Lane Christopher Bosi 915 Westfield Rd. James Bradfield 138 Claremont Rd. Jane Bradshaw 67 Duncan Lane Derek Braybrooks 119 Greenhill Rd. George Bressler 147 Sherman Rd. Harriet Bressler 147 Sherman Rd. Donna Bretherick 158 Pancoast Ave. Albert Brindley 565 E. Scenic Rd. Kenneth Brown 411 Kennerly Rd. Susan Bruner 554 E. Scenic Rd. Pattilee Bruning 517 Kerr Lane Constance Bryan 504 W. Springfield Rd. Robert Buchan 16 Windsor Circle Donald Butterworth 49 Barbara Dr. William Campbell 101 Diane Dr. West Chester Nancy Capkovic 511 Williamson Lane Cheryl Carlin 511 Kerr Lane Dorothy Carlin 440 Blair Rd. Joseph Carlin 470 Kent Rd. KathleenCarpenter 451 Prospect Rd. John Carroll 418 N. Bishop Ave. James Carvana 411 Garden Rd. Anthony Cellucci 400 Granite Terrace Joseph Chally 501 Lawrence Dr. Kathleen Chestnut 16 Barbara Dr.
Dennis Christiansen 41 W.Woodland Ave. Montie Ciarlo 710 Saxer Ave. Sharon Clark 153 Powell Rd. James Cliff 305 Valley View Rd. Rosalie Cohen 511 Lawrence Dr. John Coia 957 Westfield Rd. Wayne Congar 18Baltimore Pike William Coren 610 Hawarden Rd. Charles Craig 818 Coppock Lane Kathleen Creed 481 WayneAve. Warren Culbertson 95 Nield Rd. Frederick Custer 304 N. Lehigh Ave. Janice Custer 15 Nether'wood Rd. David Daiello 410 Blair Rd. William Dalusio 509 Wayne Ave. John D'Angelo 937 Stoneybrook Dr. Jane Daniel 511 LeHil'nn Circle Barbara Davis 311 Lester Rd. Lois Davis 155 N. Highland Rd. Thomas Daws 113 Sedgewood Rd. Susan Daytonl65 Summit Rd. Jeanne DeRose 138 Kent Rd. Richard Dietz 100 W. Springfield Rd. Ronald DiFiore 316 Kenn'erly Rd. Marshall Di Giacomo 813 Sheffield Dr.. Nicholas Di Gilio 110 School Lane Carol DiRenzo 937 Providence Rd. Mary Duffy 356 Powell Rd. William Elbert 480 Lynnbrooke Rd. Joseph Esposito 840 Lukens Lane James Evans 115 Rambling Way Pamela Evans 854 Church Rd. Jean Fagan 53 N. Hillcrest Rd. Linda Falk 517 Wayne Ave. Robert Feeser 771 Parker Lane Renee Fegan 30 Schuyler Rd. Cheryl Fein 731 Dunwoody Dr. Dennis Feld 117 Longview Dr. Joseph Ferrante 357 Wyndmoor Dr. Linda Fillerup 1011 Edgewood Dr. Neil Fisch 785 Parker Lane Donald Fisher 76 Snyder Lane Kathryn Fitzpatrick 974 Edward Dr. Kathryn Fleck Beatty Rd. Frances Fonner 414 Alliston Rd. David Foster 137 Harwicke Rd. Alice Francis 39 Wayne Ave. Jamison Francis 977 Stoneybrook Dr. William Freas 185 Avon Rd. Daniel Gallager 150 Netherwood Dr. Patricia Gambol 854 Rhoades Dr. Ruth Ganister 911 Lincoln Ave. Joyce Gates 615 Maplewood Ave. Lois Geilfuss 318 Rambling Way Charles Gibson 111 Parham Rd. Ellen Glass 513 Vernon Rd. John Glaub 51 Plymouth Rd. Bradley Goldberg 158 Orchard Rd.
Susan Gooden 181 Rambling Way John Gordon 118 Alliston Rd. Richard Graf 119 E. Springfield Rd. Linda Green 511 Lawrence Dr. Gary Greenburg 137 Foulke Lane Frances Hahn 415 Schollar Lane Barbara Hales 361 Bennett Rd. Barbara Hall 85 S. Alford Rd. Susan Hallowell 335 Wayne Ave. David Hamilton 605 Sheffield Dr. Jeff Hanson 435 Barker Rd. Charlotte Harmon 664 Old School House Dr. Lee Hazzard 45 Greenhill Rd. Kathleen Heffron 175 Avon Rd. Linda Hemberger 351 Garden Rd. Rebecca Henderson 819 North Ave. Christopher Herman 1175 Providence Rd. Pamela Hessemer 157 Avon Rd. Jay Hillerson 713 LeHann Circle Daniel Hilt 115 Sedgewood Rd. Marlene Hoch 1009 North Ave. Mark Hockman 51 Longview Dr. Dale Hollenback 111 Morton Dr. Richard Holstein 19 Waverly Ave. Morton Susan Holstein 110 Snyder Lane William Horn 150 Kent Rd. Linda Hoy 110 Powell Rd. Margaret Hoy 111 Loucst Ave. Nicholas Hubiak 356 Sedgewood Rd. Judith Hudson 414 E. Thompson Ave. Michaellgnarri 511 Valley View Rd. Sheldon Irvne 111 W. Springfield Dr. Stephen Janssen 919 Lincoln Ave. Scott Jednacz 17 School Lane Philip Hensen 713 Saxer Ave. John Johnstonbaugh 150 Lynbrooke Rd. Howard Jones 16 Curtis Rd. James Jones 141 Maple Ave. Morton Margaret Joseph 141 Harned Dr. Ellen Katzmire 158 Saxer Ave. Nathan Kehm 117 Broadview Rd. Thomas Keiter 411 Lynbrooke Rd. Carol Kessler 443 Briarhill Rd. Janet Kessler 443 Briarhill Dr. Linda Kester 414 Conard Dr. James Kingrea 65 Worrell Dr. Peter Kinney 477 Southcroft Rd. Phillip Kline 44 S. Hillcrest Rd. Stephen Klineburger 109 Sherman Rd. Stephen Kopp 144 Plymouth Rd. Karl Kotanchik 714 Dunwoody Dr. Susan Krajeski 1135 Providence Rd. Paul Krape 714 Parker Lane Diana Krauss 109 Ashwood Rd. Eugene Kretschmann I Berlin 51 Strasse 408 NR 7 West Germany David Krynick 654 Barry Dr. Ruth Kurtzhalz 18 Yale Square Morton
Gina Lacko 200 Lewis Rd. Dale Land 701 Parker Lane Robert Langmuir 516 Old School House Dr. Maureen Larson 218 Sedgewood Rd. Robert Laughead 52 Meeting House Lane Janet Laurelli 364 Sedgewood Rd. James Lefever 205 Claremont Rd. Marian Legaz 721 Beatty Rd. Timothy Lehman 638 Barry Dr. Tracy Lennan 135 Parkview Dr. Richard Levens 81 Meeting House Lane Lynda Lewis 331 Larchwood Rd. Joseph Littleton 110 Locust Ave. Susanne Lobley 701 LeHann Circle Robert Logue 448 Burns Dr. Michael Luongo 931 North Ave. Raymond Lynch 640 Evans Rd. Diane MacDonald 536 Glendale Circle Ruth Madison 300 Lynbrooke Rd. Lloyd Mahood 737 Hilltop Rd. Jean Malinoski 447 Briarhill Rd. Joseph Mallory 34 Myrtle Ave. Morton Roy Mallory 34 Myrtle Ave. Morton Deborah Malloy 505 Kerr Lane Susan Manley 401 Kennerly Rd. Jon Manon 290 Ballymore Rd. John Marcy 909 Edwards Dr. Judith Mariano 447 Southcroft Rd. Dorothy Matthews 122 Fairview Rd. Barbara Mawson 47 N. Rolling Rd. Barbara Maxwell 309 Brock Rd. Michael McBride 666 Buttonwood Dr. Merle McCallister 2 Yale Ave. Swarthmore Janet McCarthy 455 Northcroft Rd. Kathleen McCormick 115 Scenic Rd. George McCoy 209 S. Highland Rd. William McCullough 954 Old Sproul Rd. Robert McDowell 535 Claremont Rd. Peter McFadden 517 Saxer Ave. Deborah McFaul 246 School Lane Maureen McGee 263 Pancoast Ave. Jeanne McGrory 339 Ballymore Rd. Stephen McKeon 118 Barbara Dr. James McKeown 517 Evans Rd. Daniel McKinney 546 Kennerly Rd. Sheryl McLean 124 Gleaves Rd. William Mclean 124 Gleaves Rd. John McMullin 73 Indian Rock Dr. Robert Melchiorre 1010 West Ave. Jacob Mentzer 220 Gibbons Rd. Gail Miller 400 Kerr Lane Nancy Mitchell 501 Collins Dr. Jacquelyn Moist 445 Maplewood Ave. Sandra Monsay 1004 Stoneybrook Dr. John S. Moore 925 Greenbriar Lane John W. Moore 960 Grenbriar Lane Stephen Moore 617 Dutton Circle Christine Moran 249 Lynbrooke Rd. John Moran 832 Westfield Rd. Lillian Morgan 330 Ballymore Rd. Eldridge Mount 124 Summit Rd. Kathleen Mullan 238 Lewis Rd. Patricia Muller 548 W. Rolling Rd. Mary Mruphy 950 Stoneybrooke Dr. Francis Mustaro 221 Welsh Dr.
Gerald Nacearelli 456 Valley View Rd. Edward Nicholls 104 Brookside Rd. William Nordblom 38 Wayfield Rd. Robert Northington 634 Laurel Rd. Lauren Onofaro 300 Gleaves Rd. Joyce Openshaw 61 Saxer Ave. Robert Osborn 132 Snyder Lane Beth Osgood 233 Rambling Way William Palmer 230 Midland Rd. George Parris 200 Larchwood Rd. Lawrence Pare 438 Valley View Rd. Edward Patterson 200 Parham Rd. Judith Paxton 18.5erver Lane Loretta Pearing 380 Lewis Rd. Eileen Pedigo 738 Rhoads Dr. Ellen Polinsky 209 Parkview Dr. Harry Pommer 38 Yale Ave. Swarthmore Kathleen Pontari 524 Beatty Rd. Stephen Pontari 524 Beatty Rd. Eric Poulson 360 Valley View Rd. Lee Prager 132 N. Highland Rd. Dorothy Quail 533 Maplewood Ave. Gerry Quedenfeld 473 Granite Terrace Bonnie Raines 100 Fairview Rd. Robert Rakitis 457 Wheatsheaf Rd. William Rausch 129 Eagle Rd. Joel Ray 300 Pinecrest Rd. Jon Reid 117 Kent Rd. Joseph Reid 182 S. Highland Rd. Pamela Rementer 812 Grove Ave. Gary Renard 646 Vernon Rd. Joel Renard 33 Rue du Poirer. 91 Brunoy. France Larry Rickards 357 Lester Rd. Richard Risley 953 Stoneybrook Dr. Karen Riviello 453 Sherman Rd. Diane Rizzo 5 Waverly Ave. Morton George Rizzo 5 Waverly Ave.• Morton Charles Roberts 359 Sedgewood Rd. Timothy Roberts 521 Williamson Lane Virginia Roberts 1223 University Ave. Patricia Rocap 2 E. Thompson Ave. William Rocap 2 E. Thompson Ave. Harvey Rothman 456 Southcroft Rd. Roger Rundbaken 230 N. Rolling Rd. Joanne Sanders 501 Beatty Rd. Deborah Sanford 314 Colonial Park Dr. Nick Sangiorgio 662 Dutton Circle Anne Satoris 239 Powell Rd. Barbara Scarlata 48 S. Brookside Rd. Betsy Scheuer 172 Scenic Rd. Beth Schollenburger 107 Snyder Lane Deboran Schultz 350 Harwicke Rd. Karen Schuyler 301 Leamy Ave. Peggy Schwandt 454 Briarhill Rd. Mark Schwartz 12 Windsor Circle Howard Schwartz 216 Hillview Dr. Gordon Schweitzer 231 Rolling Rd. Jeanne Sciubba 326 Collins Dr. Glenn Seeger 431 Colonial Park Dr.
Doris Seeley 337 Hawarden Rd. Stephen Semanchuk 547 Maddock Rd. Alan Shapiro 37 Schuyler Rd. Andrew Shapiro 614 Sherman Rd. James Sibbald 364 Garden Rd. Barbara Sihler 324 Orchard Rd. Jean Simpson 300 S. Norwinden Dr. Scott Sinclair 578 Rutherford Dr. Kathryn Small 30 Rose Lane Stephanie Small 711 LeHann Circle Gordon Smith 317 S. Norwinden Dr. James Smith 414 E. Thomson Ave. Robert Smith 420 Hawarden Rd. Virginia Smith 813 Rhoads Dr. Anne Sotter 832 West Ave. David Souder 48 Netherwood Dr. Janet Spencer 461 Maplewood Dr. Arthur Spina 344 Powell Rd. Thomas Staggers 673 Bishop Rd. Suzanne Strayer 300 Summit Rd. Jack Suckow 201 Orchard Rd. Dennis Sullivan 208 Ballymore Rd. Louise Tarsia 68 Hillview Rd. Anne Taylor 264 Rambling Way Walter Taylor 547 Evans Rd. Marcy Tench 1311 Baltimore Pike Lucy Terrizzi 114 E. Springfield Rd. Valerie Terrizzi 114 E. Springfield Rd. Arline Thomas 25 Waverly Ave. Morton Betty Thomas 26 Hillborn Ave.• Swarthmore Bonnie Thomson 537 Hawarden Rd. Janice Thwaites 520 LeHann Circle Joel Toof 985 Green Briar Lane Albert Torelli 837 Gomestead Ave. Kathleen Turner 486 Pinecrest Rd. George Van Gilluwe 320 Lewis Rd. Lisa Van Valkenburgh 49 S. Forest Rd. Linda Vella 430 Bishop Ave. Irene Viscusi 441 Prospect Rd. David Voegeli 512 Barry Dr. Claudius VonPlato 497 Maplewood Ave. Lynn Wagner 15 Forest Rd. Irma Wahl 37 Wayne Ave. Cheryl Walker 32 Wayfield Rd. Thomas Walsh 289 Ballymore Rd. Donna Ward 442 Larchwood Rd. Suzanne Watkin 544 Weymouth Rd. Thomas Watson 108 West Ave. Catherine Weigel 237 Clar.emont Rd. Carol Welch 315 Hawarden Rd. David Wentz 200 Sunnybroke Rd. Carin Wickland 1201 Providence Rd. Nancy Williams 364 Lynn Rd. John Williams 509 Collins Dr. James Williams 56 S. Brookside Rd. Marcia Wilson 459 Prospect Rd. Chip Wood 270 Sunnybrook Rd. Martha Woods 62 Snyder Lane James Woodwell 421 Thatcher Rd. Connie Wright 450 Alliston Rd. David Zacharias 275 Lewis Rd. Thomas Zuber 215 Norwinden Dr. Joseph Zultewicz 348 Rambling Way
Patrons A. &A. Auto Parts and Service Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Acers A. Cougar Fan A Friend Amos Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Andrusko "Barbie and Meanie" Mr. and Mrs. C. Edgar Barbour, Jr. Carole V. Barcus Byron "B.5.A." Barrett Bell-Fast Fire Protection Co. Berger Bits Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Black Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Bochholz Mr. and Mrs. William Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bonini Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brazill Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bruner Marianne Bruning Mr. and Mrs. Bruning Patti Bruning Len Bruno Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burger Mr. Charles Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carpenter Bruce Carroll '64 Charlie's Hamburgers Charlie's Manager Cheri Mr. and Mrs. B. Clough Craig and Nanc Mr. and Mrs. S. A. D'Angelo Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dayton Rich Detskas "Hurdler" '65 Mr. and Mrs. John Devenney Dianne and Marti '70 Dick Barone Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. O. T. DiRenzo
Miss Eleanor V. Downs Drexel Hill Furniture Mr. and Mrs. John B. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Falconer Mrs. Harry Falk Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fein Jack Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fielding Franny Fred and Debbie Frontier lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Barbie-Jean Geno Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graff Mr. and Mrs. James Graham Greenberg Prescriptions Mr. and Mrs. Ned Guildner Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Hamilton Hartnett's Five and Ten Hawkes Flowers "Hey Bark" Hilles Construction, Inc. Hillside Chrysler -Plymouth Joe and Jeanie Hollenbach Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hollenbach, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hollibaugh Joanne and Sue Hutton J.I.c. and K.E.P. Jim and Louise Job Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones Ginny Kaley and Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kassebohm Bob Kelly Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kemble Richard Kimble Lamba Alpha Pie Sorority Marian Legaz "68" W. A. Leibold linda's Layout Staff plus Harvey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lobley Loretta and Ed
â&#x20AC;˘ ..._w
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Mr. and Mrs. S. L. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Manley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Marcy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. leo J. McCarthy Bernard M. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFaul Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Meeks Mike and Karen 1968-69 Nancy Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. W. Mitchell Sandy Monsay Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moran Mother love and the flower children Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mount, Jr. Mrs. Clyde G. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. George L. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Openshaw Clyde Ovyduct Pam and Joe "68" Pat and Smitty Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pearing Penn Charter Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Polischuk Professor Perry Winkle's Pizza Parlor Rayco Auto Services J. Harold Reber Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Reed Mary Revels Ronald J. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Earll. Riegner Romig Pharmacy Mr. H. W. Rue Mrs. H. W. Rue Sam and Marg Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Sciubba Jim Sciubba and Bill Patton Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Seeley Mr. and Mrs. William Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sibbald Mr. and Mrs. E. Sibler Mrs. Mary Singer Sleepy Hollow Deily Christine C. Smith Springfield Beverage Dist. Co. Springfield Delicatessen Springfield Opticians Springfield Press Springfield Swim Club Stoney Creek Bowling lanes Mr. and Mrs. Rens H. Swan Swan Cleaners Taffy Seeley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tarsia Terminix, Inc. The Aces "The Frizzes" The Greatest Yearbook Staff Ever! The lady Be lovely Salon The "love" "The Paraphernalia" The Point Players The We love Cheri Fein Club Mrs. Anna Thomas Ena Thomas lisa VanValkenburgh Victory Cleaners Joyce Vottima Wana and L. G. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wasshem Wayne and EI "Wee Willy" and "The Huckster" Mr. and Mrs. Brant Wheatley Mr. and Mrs. George R. White Jani Whitty "69" Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Wizard ofOz Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worrall Your Friendly Rhinoceros Dealer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zultewicz
Acknowledgements An unbelieveable amount of time and effort goes into the making of a yearbook, and many dedicated people never get sufficient credit for their hard work and cooperation. Since the best is saved for the end, I would like, on this last page, to give acknowledgement to some very fine people. rltllltKs toMr. Smitk Mr. Miller, tlte Adlltiltistrll!iolt, IlltdIllcllft!! for their cooperation and good humor during times of
camera distracted students and disrupted classes. Mr. vllrtsidefor helping arrange and supervise pictures at odd hours that were convenient for Scrive-
ner and inconvenient for everyone else and for his trust and understanding. Ameficlllt Vellrbool< Illtd Mr. Mcvoveflt, the people with the answers, for changing deadlines and visiting on
deadline days. Kembrllltdt Stlldios Illtd eltllrfie who had more than enough patience with impatient students and who I'm
sure I ran ragged taking and delivering pictures. Eob Si/bersttilt, our uncomplaining student photographer, who produced millions of pictures on ex-
tremely short notice. Mr. Adllms, Mr. Smitlt (llltlter 01 vordolt), Kicltllrd Altdersolt, Mllrl< .HocKmlllt, Illtd vlldollS stlldeltts for contribut-
ing pictures. Mr. eoltltorwho made money so that we could have fun spending it and for long discussions. tlte stlllls who faithfully helped with the "dirty work" that is so unavoidable in the production of a year-
book. Special thanks to the industrious juniors. tlte coordiltlltors, Doris Seeley, Renee Fegan, Cathy Creed, and Dennis Christensen for doing a good job
and for putting up with linda's and my nervous tantrums before deadlines. Specillf rltllltKs toMiss .Hllltdler Illtd Mr. ScltmllcK/erfor taking charge of Scrivener in the first place, for having faith, giving
moral support during rough times, and for being good friends. Eets!! Scltellefwho was able to put our thoughts into words and only said "Oi Vey" when copies were misplaced. 8Ktrll-Specillf rltllltKs to J:iltdll.Hembergerwho held the underpaid job of lay-Out Editor and took the burden of work when my
involvement extended past Scrivener. Most of all, though, thanks for friendship.
There is so much more that I would say about this year, about this book, about these peoplebut how? Editor-in-Chief
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