1970 Scrivener

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Th is 1970 Scrivener is Dedicated to our Senior Class Sponsor Mr. Walter Hall Just a man Who has dedicated his entire life To you and me. A teacher From whom we learned much more than American History. He taught us That history was made by people And WE were the people who will make the history ... tomorrow. "Mr. Hall, you fought in the Revolutionary War;-Did George Washington really have wooden teeth?" And he laughed ... with us. I remember him always in room 210 Always in the middle of all the bickering and arguing. And if you ever looked into the crowd at any game He was always there. "Thank you" never seems adequate. How do you find the words ...? Someday -- perhaps? But someday is now and today turns into tomorrow too soon and we will all be gone .,. too soon. So, it all must be said now. Just a man ... To you, Mr. Hall, we dedicate this book --This portion of our lives. It still doesn't seem like enough, though. We have nothing else to give ... But tomorrow. But then, that's what this whole thing called life is about. Oh, --and Mr. Hall, Thank you Just thank you.


My girdle is killing me!

Now here's one of my bird calls.

Debbie ... I'd like you to have my class ring!

Are you sure this is how the Cougarettes got started?

And Wayne Fisher still owes $10 worth of dues.


This is like pullin' hairs from a toad.

Any Merle quest ... I mean more questions.

At least I think they were obscenities.

The one in the middle is standing on his toes.


School Board- First Row; R. Pemberton, Pres. W. Hollibaugh, A. McKee,Secr. R. Bullard, J. Windsor. Second Row: R. Carter, Treas. D. Wolstenholm, J. Mannion, N. Thomas, J. Parmiter, W. Gattinella.


Assistant to the Superintendent - Mr. J. Bay

Superintendent - Dr. R. Grove

Director of Maintenance - Mr. J. Wilson


Principal - Mr. R. K. Smith

Perhaps they represent "THE ESTABLISHMENT" Perhaps they don't. But whatever they represent we had to learn to work together, Simply because we needed each other in order to accomplish anything-of value. We learned to argue and to listen and the art of compromise. Because No matter where we go or what we do There will always be an administration that we must work with.

Administrative Assistant - Mr. E. Miller Assistant Principal - Mr. T. Gartside

Assistant Principal - Mr. G. Thomas

Secreta ries Who does all the invisible work for the administration? Who lends us dimes for the phone? Who calls us to the office when we forget our gym suits or lunch money? Who helps us with our college applications? Who does millions of things that we don't even know about? And-Who still can't pronounce Tony Gian ...Gant...Giacont...Gitcar. .. F. Dunbrack and J. Merkel

Sitting: E. Ricketts, D. Bessey, D. Northington. Standing: P. Patton, L. Laffey, M. Omlor, F. Ehrig, E. Coil.

R. Haenle and E. Petre

E. Trucksess and M. Miller

M. Clarke and M. Roberts


B. Mackrides

E. Denise

Guidance Just the name implies its purpose. Sometimes it comes in the form of a gentle nudge in the right direction. Sometimes-a giant shove! It's a room between now and tomorrow. It's a place where the people won't laugh when we tell them what we really want to be. Because they want to see us succeed as much as we do.

R. Dietrich

A. Peterson

D. Fluke, Director


K. Merbreier

J. Hirt

J. Scheuer

L. Werner

I. Schmuckler

J. Zappacosta


English Reading, writing, expressing, interpreting. Discovering yourself in a poem or a character. Finding significance in Shakespeare, Shelley, and Keats. Learning through literature the Struggles of man-past, present, and future. Through words- better communication. Through better communication-better understanding Through better understanding-a better world!

G. Burd

w. Cook P. Ramsey

A. Brazill


Dept. Head - J. Tr\.lmbower


M. Lamb

T. Walter


E. Schnitzer

M. Lane

L. Landau

D. Weiss

N. Sproul



F. Peters

I. Harris

D. Lamon

N. Nardell

The immense gift of communication! L<':drning a new way of speaking and thinking. "'-,nother way to talk to friends we haven't met, yet. Realizing that language is more than words. It is the world and its problems. lalk to your world and listen to it reply in its million tongues. ...And you will hear yourself one million times.

E. Schnitzer

M. Walther

J. Mcintire

L. Sewald


H. Gotwols

M. Papazian


L. Balukjian

C. Barcus

D. Schlessinger



Dept. Head J. Weaver

P. Greyson


R. Eley


Math Endless queries. Important, not because of theorems or equations. But because it teaches us how to think ... And to solve those problems we don't have yet. Reasoning and using our minds for solutions. Observing that some complicated problem can be conquered, If handled as delicately and as carefully as we must learn to live our lives. J. Brazenor

R. Brody

R. Wentz

G. Irvin

s. Hoeffer

G. Werley

K. Curley

R. Lee

M. LaRosa

E. Janczewski



S. Hopkins

Dept. Head D. Stephens

H. Lemmon




A flashing instant when you really do understand The structure of an atom or vectors. A moment when you can forget it's a frog and be fascinated by its intricate beauty A place where you begin to respect all forms of life ...just because they're living. A time when you realize that everything is more than what it appears to be. The hour when you stop accepting and start wondering why. R. McClennen

G. Wood

E. Troiano B. Lang

W. Dyke


G. Long

J. Bartley

S. Marin

J. Semeister

J. Hipple

S. Gregory


Social Studies P. Sanborn

T. Gallagher

A. Jones J. Doyle


Social Studies

F. Quercetti

A. Berger

J. Stinson

R. Locker

w. Campbell

A. Corbin


J. Hornaday

C. Allison


Social Studies K. Schaefer

Reaching out of the windows to touch the entire world The world is our classroom and all its people, are our teachers. How could this be boring or stodgy? It is so relevant! .., so today! .., so now! But, even more, It is you, it is me It is life.

B. Frattura

Dept. Head - R. Filson





P. Connor

L. Ciocciola

E. Creed

Dept. Head - G. Gooden

Business We get the satisfaction of seeing what we learned actually put to use. Sooner than the rest of the kids. We're really on our own in a job sooner than the rest of the kids. We get paid regularly sooner than the rest of the kids. We're regarded as adults in the business world sooner than the rest. We're not "kids" any more. R. Woodruff



s. Kaminsky

B. Way


D. Lauffer

In the crowd, the individual stands out Creative, sensitive, aware. Notice the angle. Listen to the melody. Mix colors, blend voices and instruments. Together ...or alone Uninhibited-To do your own small thing.


L. Del Negro

Physical Education Each person is a mind and a body. Each mind and body is a "team" Working with many other "teams." Just trying to achieve a home run? a bull's eye? a pin? a touchdown? Or maybe just striving for one goal And achieving it Because We did it together.

B. Yaeck

R. Shoemaker Dept. Head -J. Brusch

Physical Education

E. Ardao

H. Bell

N. McBrearty E. Thomas

To see and to actually hear authentic views and sounds of the world-removed from us, Can help us understand better than any book or teacher. There is so much to look for; There is so much to learn about ... we see that now.

Audio -Visual



Home Economics

E. Winger

The amount of effort we put forth now, will mean a lot in the future. Putting zippers in dresses and learning the art of creamed asparagus, seem trivial right now. But one day in the future, hopefully, There is a home, a husband and a family -a life which we will mold with these skills.

C. McCoy

Industrial Arts

M. MacGregor

A feeling like none else. The pride of imagining and then creating something with our own minds and hands. Not some silly trig problem But something we can say "Hey, that's really me!" It's something we can never "un-learn" or forget. It's something no one can take away from uS...ever.

Driver Education The thrill of driving alone for the first time. Learning to get along with othersIn traffic, that is. Today...a short trip to the local bank Tomorrow... Who knows? A drive to satisfy your wildest dreams. A way to see new places And learn more about Life. J. Peoples



Distributive Education

G. Hatten


library Just open your eyes to another dimension. In it, exists all times-side by side. There are no barriers for you to cross. It is a place for you to find yourself Or lose yourself (whatever you wish) It is a place like nowhere else on earth. But within it, there is a place for everyone.

¡A. Barrett, W. Vaules

M. McConnell

Title III Bringing to good ole' S.H.S. The drama of other cultures. The drama of life. Music and art and field trips and film workshops broaden our world. So we can actually touch another's world and it becomes a part of our own.

B. Lubar


Nurses The Nurses' office isn't exactly the most popular place in school. (except during tests!) Usually we don't feel really great when we need to use it. But, we always feel a little bit better after our visit. It must be those aspirins, or maybe it's that there is always Somebody there to care ...if we look. We may live to be a hundred!

M. Sharer

E. Wend Ie

Special Education

The understanding Of the whys and wherefores of a mind, The realization, Of its uniqueness, Or merelya gentle nudge Towards personal pride. The essential encouragement Sallies and retreats in The emancipation of a self. L. Phipps


Bus Drivers, Maintenance, Cafeteria

If it weren't for them, who would give us our daily thrill ride to

S.H.S. If it weren't for them, where would we learn about the soup "du jour." If it weren't for them to clean up After us, our school would be rated "X"


Senior Class Officer

and Sponsors

Senior Officers: Treasurer-W. Fisher, Secretary-K. Vahey, Vice Pres.-G. Greenberg. President-M. Branton.

Sponsors: R. Filson and L. Werner

Sponsor: W. Hall

NOMINEES: Linda DiMattia, Cheryl Nye, Denise Rue, Joanne Hess, Marci Smith, Denise Walls, Mary Ann Brophy, Sue Hollibaugh, Joyce Juechter, Lois Blaser, Rita Nicholas, Cheryl Small, Karen Vahey, Debra Burton.

Christmas Queen-Miss Cheryl Small

Senior Christmas Queen

The Man Who Came To Dinner Cheryl McCann Mrs. ErnestW. Stanley Miss Preen Dianne Goodspeed Richard Stanley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. David Federman June Stanley Ginny Barret John Dan Martyn Sarah Debby Freedman Mrs. Dexter Debbie De Feo Mrs. McCutcheon Connie Vanella Mr. Stanley Randy Clark Maggie Cutler LeslieWilcox Dr. Bradley Peter Hollinshead SheridanW hiteside Glenn Greenberg Harriet Stanley Lori Mace BertJefferson RichK Iinka Professor Metz Convicts

Fred Peifer Carl McCullough, RandyK olar, Charlie Daily Mr. Baker BillJ upin Expressman¡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. John Diamond Expressmen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mike Dehaven, Charlie Daily Joanne Hess Lorraine Sheldon Sandy Tom McCauley Beverly Carlton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chris Harris Westcott K enK yle Radio Technicians BillJ upin, Chad Leightly John Diamond, Charlie Daily Christmas Choir Mike DeHaven, Chris Evans, Pam Just, Gail Wagner, Becky Breadon, ElaineK err Banjo Tom McLendon Deputies Carl McCullough, Charlie Daily Plainclothes Man Fred Peifer

"The Man Who Came to Dinner" "There will be a rehearsal of act III tomorrow at 3:00" (which never started until 3:45) "All lines must be memorized by Thursday"You've had two extra days already!" Mrs. Wolf "Sherry, don't be so pigheaded!" "We need a mummy case by Friday..." Glenn "Blackout longer at that scene change!" "Don't rush-we have exactly 17.3 minutes until curtain time" "Merry Christmas everyone!" Somehow, this school just doesn't seem the same without a speeding wheelchair screeching to a halt or a certain red-head trying to "make time" with a certain nurse "Was that a penguin that just walked by?" "Good luck, everybody!" "AI 1111 II Riiiiiiight!"


MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Herb Zischkau Laurel Fisher

CLASS CLOWN Glenn Greenberg Amy Hessemer FR IENDLIEST Debra Burton John Diamond

INDIVIDUALITY Tom McLendon Nita Weinstein MOST POPULAR Cheryl Small Wayne Polloe MOST INVOLVED Lynne Zulick George Howard

MOST TALKATIVE Judy Hoffmeier Rich Klinka



BEST SCHOOL SPIRIT Bob Smith Diane Polischuk

MOST ATHLETIC Anthony Giancatarino Sally Anderson

MOST MUSICAL Dianne Goodspeed Dave Burkhart

MOST DEPENDABLE Wayne Fisher Nadine Shields

MOST STUD IOUS Joanne Marks George Brockway


After the first day of fighting my way through the crowded halls of the school, it was a wonder that I was still alive. I just wasn't used to it because in Germany the students stay in the rooms and the teachers change classes. What I like most about Springfield High School are the many friendships I have made among the faculty and students. The size of the student body here impressed me above all things because at home there are only 500 students in 7 grades. The school day I enjoy most is Saturday! (In Berlin we must attend school on Saturdays.) My year here has been an interesting, instructive, and sometimes....always funny one, and I always had a good time at Springfield High School, Wolfgang

Wolfgang Neuendorf

Foreign Exchange Students The first thing that everyone said to me was, "You are blonde!! I thought all French girls had brown hair." Then came the traditional "Hello, how are you?" I met a lot of people here, but most of the time they were adults or babies. I would have liked to meet more kids, especially some very nice boys. Also, I would have liked to be able to go walking and shopping safely at night... 1 miss Paris...and to leave school when I wanted to. Aside from that, everything is fine. I like American food, perhaps too much. I am also fond of my American family, my few friends, your funny birthday cards for which I thank you, and my biology and calculus courses.. Who thought I only liked boys and fun? Don't worryI will come back --- dans quelque temps. Fredrique

Fredique Testaniere


Hola amigos. Springfield was a small quaint town where I learned how people in America lived. The school life was different than in Chile because our school days are shorter and we have many more subjects. Life here is almost like Chile - but much easier. Of the cities I visited here, Washington was my favorite - especially the Capital, Washington Monument, and the White House. New York was the fastest city I had ever seen, with the cars and people hurrying everywhere. I would like to thank the family I lived with for helping me in every way, and all of you for making my trip an experience I will never forget. Virginia

Maria Virginia Ceroni


So , what's in a class? You or someone else may ask that

JAMES ABT-232 Orchard Rd. "Jim". THOMAS ABT-232 Orchard Rd. "Tom". PATR ICIA ACERS-112 Plymouth Rd. "Patti" favorite memory: june 7, 1968; prize possession: my brown-eyed blonde; chorus 1,2,3; choir 4; tri-hi-y sec'y 1; scrivener 2,4; cheerleading 1; prom comm. 3.

James Abt

Thomas Abt

Patricia Louise Acers

HARR IETTE ADAMAN-"Harrrr..." favorite saying: oh, wow! you've got to be kidding; always seen: with j.b. and the group; hockey mgr. 1; chorus 1,2,3; tri-hi-y 1,2; pep club 4; fbla 3,4. DAVID ADAMS-281 West Ave. "Yutch" prize possession: my rock colletion; secret ambition: to be able to do everything; soccer 1; glee club 1,4; choir 2,3,4; art 1; oklahoma! 4.

Harriette Rochelle Adaman

David Bruce Adams


Theodore William Anders

ROY AD LER-466 Lynbrooke Rd. prize possession: d.c.w.; pet peeve: incompetent people; tennis 2,3; bowling 2; a.v. 1,2,3, pres. 4; photo. 2,3,4; jets 3,4; stage crew 1,2,3, chief 4; scrivener 3, photo. ed. 4; sprihian 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4. THEODORE ANDERS-152 S. Norwinden Dr. "Ted" remembered for: dropping a shot put down the drain; favorite memory: my four plays i got in at the m.n. football game; football 1 ,2~3,4; winter track 2,3; weightlifting 2,3,4; track 2,3,4; glee club 1,2; photo. 4; a.v. 4; stage crew 4; basketball club 1; scrivener 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4.

L. Adler

Is that all they were to you... just faces - or did you really 62

question. Take a look at the faces on these pages. DONALD ANDERSON-"Andy' always seen: on the teacher's bulletin; pet peeve: coming to school; tennis 1,2,3,4; soccer 1,2; band 1,2; orch. 1. PATRICIA ANDERSON-152 Snyder La. "Patti" favorite memory: ocean citY 68-69; always seen: camping out at family; tennis 1,2,3,4; hockey 1,2; gymnastics 1; varsity club 2,3,4; gym club 1; pep club 2,3,4; cougarettes 4; fta 3; prom comm. 2,3,4; gym aide 1. SALLY ANDERSON-prize possession: otto; favorite memory: grow parties; hockey 1 ,2,3 capt. 4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; band 1,2; chorus sec'y-treas. 2; varsitv club 2,3, pres. 4; pep club 2,3; ski club 3; spri-hian 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; gym aide 3,4.

Donald Brion Anderson

Patricia Carol Anderson

Sally Beth Anderson

LYNN ANDRUSKO-537 Wayne Ave. "S.Y.T." favorite saying: hullo?; favorite memory: fraternity parties; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; art 2; french 3; drama 2, sec'y-treas 1; scrivener 2,3, assoc. ed. 4; exec. council 3,4; prom comm. 2,4, chrmn. 3; nat. hon. soc. 4; lit. mag. 4. DAVID ARDARY-"Moose" favorite memory: june 10, 1969; remembered for: wearing a cast; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,3; baseball 1,2,3,4; varsitY club 2,3,4; service club 2,3,4.

lynn Maria Andrusko

David lynn Ardary

BARBARA ARNDT-254 Ballymore Rd. "Arnie" always seen: camping out at family; pet peeve: fake people; chorus 1,3; choir 2; fta 3; tri-hi-y 1; stud. council 3; exec. council 2,3,4; pep club 2,3,4; cougarettes 4; nurse's side 3; prom comm. 2,3,4. DEBORAH AVILA-164 N. Norwinden Dr. "Debbie" prize possession: judi doll; always seen: with littles; hockey 1; choir 1,2,3,4; fta 3, v.pres. 4; social service 3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; stud. council 3.

Barbara Jean Arndt


M. Avila

appreciate the people behind them? They have changed 63

in the past four years but haven't you also? The four years that

JOHN BACKHUS-325 Harwick Rd. prize possession: fran; pet peeve: school. ROBERT BACON-"Bob" favorite memory: summer '68; always seen: at scotty's; football 1. WI LLiAM BAKE R-"Bill" favorite memory: p.c.a. on saturdays; favorite saying: go on honey!; bowling 1,2; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; nature 1; gym aide 1; ski club 3; senior play comm.; oklahoma! 4; prom comm. 3,4.



Robert Stephen Bacon

William Wilson Baker

SUSAN BALTZER-331 Brock Rd. "Suzie" secret ambition: to go out with tony; favorite saying: have you seen tony?; intramurals 2; chorus 1,2,4; choir 3; tri-hi-y; pep club 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play; gym aide. PATRICIA BAR 1-340 S. Rolling Rd. "Pat" favorite memory: sept. 17, '68; always seen: running to school at 7:54; chorus 1; drama 1,2,4; art 1,2,4; tri-hi-y 4; social service 2,4; film workshop 4; scrivener 4; stud. council 1,2,4; senior play; oklahoma! 4; sound of music 2; prom & dance comm. 4; guid. off. aide 2,4.

Susan Lynn Baltzer

Patricia Louise Bari

DIANE BARKER-favorite saying: oh wow!; favorite memory: dec. 9, '68; art 1,2,3; philosophy 2,3,4; poetry 3,4; film workshop 4; lit. mag. 4. NANCY BARKOVICH-favorite memory: summer of '68; was always seen: with bernie; philadelphia high: fta 1,2.

Diane Carol Barker


Nancy Louise Barkovich

and memories. Maybe if you could just stop for one moment...

we have lived in this place have brought many experiences

VIRGINIA BARRETT-"Gini" always seen: with hughie; sole rival: baseball; intramurals 1,2; drama 1,2,4; a.v. 3,4; ski club 3,4; pep club 3; senior play; oklahoma! 4. JAM ES BATCHELDER-"Batch" favorite saying: hey buddy; favorite memory: sept. 14, 1969; o'hara: baseball 1; football 1; basketball 1; intramurals 1. LYNN BATEMAN-favorite memory: april 25, 1969; prize possession: gene; fta: 3; ski club 3; senior play; gym aide 4; rockville: intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2.

Virginia Anne Barrett

James Michael Batchelder

lynn Carol Bateman R ICHAR D BATEMAN-" Ric" favorite memory: senior year; prize possession: k.o. from m.n.; wrestling 2; weightlifting 3; photography. SUSAN BAUN-favorite saying: oh, you've got to be kidding!; secret ambition: to have a million dollars; majorette 2,3; feature 4; tri-hi-y 1; ski club 3,4; pep club 3,4; senior play; prom comm. 2,3; gym aide 1,2.


M. Bateman Jr.

Susan Ann Baun

RICHARD BEAVER-9 Waverly Ave. Morton "Beav" prize possession: '61 corvair; always seen: in the choir room; glee club 2; choir 3,4; oklahoma! 4. STEPHANIE BECK-624 Laurel Rd. "Neffnee" prize possession: judi doll; favorite memory: mr. mcclennen's sixth period chern class; cheerleading 1; intramurals 2; gymnastics 2,3,4; choir 1,3; chorus 2,4; drama 4; fta 4; gym club 1; a.v. 3,4; pep club 4; scrivener 3; stud. council 4; oklahoma! 4; cougarettes cocapt.4.

Richard Stanley Beaver

Stephanie Patricia Beck

and remember the little everyday things. 65

that were so much a part of your life. Let your mind wander back to

CHRISTINE BEHRLE-"Monroe" pet peeve: the gym bag; always seen: with bohemia and the banished boop; intramurals 3; rifle team 3; tri-hi-y 1; ski club 4; deca 3, sec'y 4. ROBERT BELFIGLlO-461 Collins Dr. "Belfig" always seen: with denise; remembered for: my clarinet; football 1; soccer 3,4; baseball 1 ,2; weightlifting 4; band 1,2,3,4.

Christine Ethel Behrle

Robert Paul Belfiglio

DAVID BENDER-604 Old Schoolhouse Dr. "Beaner" favorite saying: bet you can't eat one; pet peeve: demerit and detention; football 1; cross country 3,4; winter track 3,4; track 3,4; pep club 3,4; spri-hian 4; exec. council 2; nat. hon. soc. 3,4. ROBERT BENZING-"Binks" always seen: with ginny on the weekends; secret ambition: to own a vw bus. PATRICIA BERRY-108 N. Rolling Rd . . "Prince Valiant" favorite memory: october 18, 1968; prize possession: an oak leaf; intramurals 1,2; pep club 3,4; a.v. 3,4; stage crew 4; prom comm. 2; senior play.

David George Bender


Patricia Anne Berry

Dorothy Jean Biela

Stephanie Biener



DOROTHY BIELA-467 Colonial Park Dr. "Dirt" remembered for: polish chivalry; secret ambition: to be a flyswatter in a nudist colony; orch. 1,2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1; fta 4; lit. mag. 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; opera 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4. STEPHANIE BIENER-407 Foster Dr. "Beans" always seen: in my '57 chevy; secret ambition: to have a steady boyfriend; bowling 4; intramurals 1,2; tri-hi-y 1; romeo & juliet 4; prom comm. 2,3,4.

It was terrible because we felt so inferior to the upperclassmen, but 66

ninth grade. Being a freshman was a year of being "out of it-together"

RICHARD BIGGS-"Rick" favorite memory: july 16, 1969, o'hara; always seen: bumming. LOIS BLASER-512 Glenside Cir. "Lo" secret ambition: to stay out of haverford state; favorite memory: december 23, 1969; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, capt. 4; chorus 1,3,4, v.pres. 2; varsity club 3, treas. 4; pep club 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; spri-hian 3,4; exec. council 3,4; oklahoma! 4; xmas queen candidate. JAM ES BOOSE-947 Stoneybrook Dr. "Jimbo" remembered for: my orange "chopper"; a Iways seen: with jan; baseball 1; weightlifting 1,2,3; track 1,2; nature 1.

Richard Charles Biggs

Lois Jane Blaser

James William Boose JOSEPH BOOTY -252 Ballymore Rd. "Boot" prize Possession: the "59"; favorite m emory: summer '69; wrestling 1,2; ping pong; a.v. 3,4; stage crew 3,4. GARY BOWER-86 Hillview Dr. pet peeve: springfield ra's & marianne b.; secret ambition: to get my "goat"; gym team 1; rifle team 2; stage crew 3. JAM ES BOYCE-"Bones" favorite saying: (huh!); favorite memory: first period study hall in mr. mac's german III class; soccer 1; glee club 1,2.

Joseph Watson Booty

Gary Lee Bower

James Henry Boyce

DAVID BOYER-"Dave" always seen: giving out library passes; nat. hon. soc. 4; lib. aide 3,4; biology assis. 1,2,4. LORRAINE BRADLEY-31 Pennington Ave., Morton "Rainey" favorite saying: i ain't fat!; prize possession: finding information on a "special person"; intramurals 3.

David Stanford Boyer

Lorraine Anita Bradley

great, because we could finally say we were "Big High School Kids."


It seemed that everyone had a study hall in room 32 and lockers JOANNE BRANNAN-"Jo" favorite memory: december of 1969; always seen: with har, ruth, sue, karen, & linda; intramurals 1,2,3; fbla 3, treas. 4; pep club 4. LEROY BRANTON-"Smiles" secret ambition: to be a millionaire; favorite memory: . k.v.; basketball 1,2; football 1; baseball 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3,4; service club 2,3,4; weiightlifting 3,4; stud. council 3, sgt. at arms 4; class pres. 4; exec. council 3,4.

Joanne Marie Brannan

Leroy Branton


CO LIN BRAYB ROOKS-remembered for: sociology reports; always seen: writing letters to the editor; band 3,4; orch. 3,4; exec. council 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; scrivener 4. REBECCA BREADEN-584 Sheffield Dr. "Becky" pet peeve: my blotches; favorite saying: ah, forget it!; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; cougarettes 4; drama 1; thespians 2; scrivener 4; exec. council 2,3; senior play; romeo & juliet 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; pep club 3,4; gym aide 4.

Colin Steven Braybrooks

Rebecca Jane Breaden

JOHN BRIDGINS-"C.B." or "Page" favorite saying: you know what mr. goodbar says; always seen: heading for the hang; football 1; basketball 1; lit. mag. 3,4; poetry 3,4; exec. council 2,3. G EO RGE BROCKWAY-199 Overhill Rd. "Georgi" favorite saying: bonjour. c'est domage; pet peeve: gym; nat. hon. soc. 4. MARY BROPHY-649 Dutton Cir. "Brof" favorite memory: marriott (pool); always seen: with two lindas; cougarettes co-capt. 4; tri-hi-y 1; deca 3; pep club 4; stud. council 4; romeo & juliet 4; xmas queen candidate.

John Bridgins


George Hadley Brockway

Mary Ann Brophy

IIMuscles Schaeffer entertained us in world cultures, across 68

inside of their homerooms. The song of the year was IICherish."

SUSAN BROWN-36 West Ave. "Suzie G" prize possession: the poconos; always seen: with jb, rs, ha, ks, Ig; basketball 1,2; intramurals 1,2; band 1,2,3; fbla 4; pep club 4; off. aide 3,4; gym aide 2. BARBARA BRUCE-211 Taylor Rd. "Barb" always seen: with billy; favorite memory: april 12, 1969; intramurals 1,2,3; bowling 3,4; fbla 1,2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1. JOHN BUCHY-340 Lewis Rd. always seen: in the lobby; pet peeve: hair; soccer 1,2,3,4; tennis 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; glee club 1; nat. hon. soc. 3,4.

Susan Grace Brown

Barbara Ann Bruce

John J. Buchy

DAVID BULKLEY-510 Springview La. favorite saying: i love school; favorite memory: art class. GERALD BURKARD-961 E. Woodland Ave. "Gerry" favorite saying: relax will ya; secret ambition: to own a mopar.

David Lee Bulkley

Gerald Lee Burkard

DA V ID BUR KHART-225 Franklin Ave. "the Wind" favorite memory: poor jud; always seen: in an E.J. league contest; baseball 1; golf 2; soccer 1,2; band 1,2,3,4; stud. dir. 4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; dance band 2,3,4; pep band 3,4; dist. band 3,4; region III state band 3; oklahoma! 4. SHIRLEY BURNLEY-37 Eagle Rd. "Shirl" favorite memory: nov. 5, 1967; always seen: camping out at family; bowling 1; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 2,3,4; varsity club 4; french 2; tri-hi-y pres. 1; fta 3,4; pep club 2,3,4; cougarettes 4; exec. council 2,3; spri-hian 2,3; sound of music 3; gym aide 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4.

David Kellar Burkhart

Shirley Ann Burnley

the hall from Mr. Speakman's IIbang up" algebra class. 69

That was the year we had our first taste of cafeteria food

.BEVERLY BURNS-138 S. Rolling Rd. remembered for: spying with dianne; favorite memory: wildwood 1969; intramurals 1,2; art 1; drama 3; film workshop 4; pep club 2; gym aide 1,4; prom comm. 2. JAMES BURNS-347 Harwicke Rd. "Jim" prize possession: my dog and my two tanks of tropical fish; always seen: in the library.


A. Burns

James Henry Burns

DEBRA BURTON-52 Snyder Lane "Bourbon" pet peeve: dirty old men; favorite saying: gotcha; tennis 1,2,3; chorus 1,3,4, pres. 2; drama 1,2; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 4; dress code comm. chrmn 4; sound of music 3; romeo and juliet 4; xmas queen candidate. LINDA BUZBY-587 Rutherford Dr. favorite memory: sophomore year with scott; fta 4; gym aide 4.

Debra Louise Burton

Linda Jane Buzby

KENNETH CAHOON-"Coon" favorite saying: what is with you?; always seen: with a certain junior; soccer 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1; gym nastics 2; choir 1; glee club 2; prom comm.2. SH ELLEY CAHOON-favorite memory: february 16, 1969; prized possession: my coat; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2; gym aide 3,4; varsity club 3,4; tri-hi-y 1; pep club 2.

Kenneth Davis Cahoon

The voice that read the announcements came booming through 70

Shelley Ann Cahoon

with its red beets and triple decker P.B.&J. sandwiches. CELESTE CAMAGNA-secret ambition: to meet andrew wyeth; favorite memory: atlan~ tic city pop festival. SUSAN CAMPBELL-'Theif-Thief"i favorite memory: o.c. summers and 24th st.; always seen: camping out at family; chorus 2,3; choir 4; exec. council 2,3; spri-hian 1,2,3;,sound of music 3; prom comm. 2,3,4; cougarettes 4; fta 3 sec'y. 4; pep club 2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1; french 2.

Celeste Camagna

Susan Terry Campbell DORINA CARRWOLO-20 Taylor Ave. Morton pet peeve: staying after school for being late to class; favorite saying: "don't be surprised if you are called to the office." LYNN CARVELL-favorite memory: vacation 67-68; pet peeve: having all my clothes taken on our vacation; a.v. 2,3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; drama 1.

Dorina Aurelia Carrwolo

lynn Margaret Carvell

SUSAN CARVELL-favorite saying: who me!; favorite memory: vacation 68,69 and oklahoma; drama 1; a.v. 2,3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; guid. off. aide 2. ROBERT CHESTNUT-"Chess" remembered for: deeeep dish; prize possession: 61 chevy. ANN CHROSTOWSKI-414 Alliston Rd. always seen: with a fabulous lead guitarist; tennis 3,4; intramurals 1,2; band 1,2,3,4; chorus 1; dist. band 3,4; social service 3,4; exec. council 3,4; spri-hian 2; oklahoma! 4; prom comm. 2,3,4.

Susan Alexandra Carvell

Robert Karl Chestnut

Ann lois Chrostowski

everyday like some untouchable deity in a "off limits" area. 71

And indeed there were certain areas that were "off limits.


JAN ET CIARAMELLA-"Mouse" favorite memory: springhaven motel and carrots '68; favorite saying: mein ding dong; stud. council 3,4; senior play; romeo and juliet 4; off. aide 4; guid. off. aide 3,4; fbla 3,4; prom co m m. 4; interboro: intramurals 1; newspaper 1. ROBERT CICCONI-"Bob" prize possession: '61 vette; wrestling 1,2.

Janet Marie Ciaramells

Robert John Cicconi

LEHMAN CLARK-129 S. Rolling Rd. "Archie" remembered for: being president of archie club; pet peeve: physics; wrestling 3; football 4; weightlifting 4; band 3,4; orch. 4; dist. band 4; reg. band 4; ridley: football 1; band 1,2; orch. 1,2; varsity club 1. RANDAL CLARK-253 Powell Rd. "Randy" remembered for: dancing cheek to cheek; secret ambition: to be a dirty word; stud. council 1; exec. council 3; senior play; nat. hon. soc. 4; lib. aide 3; locker problems 1,2.

Lehman Albert Clark

Randal Robert Clark

WILLIAM CLARK-146 Hillview Dr. "Bill" remembered for: staying out of trouble; always seen: in '58 chevy. DEBRA CLARK-"Debbie" favorite saying: f.t.w.; favorite memory: summer '68; basketball1,2;fta 1. ANTHONY CLAUSO-10 Netherwood Dr. favorite saying: fakin' it; baseball 1,2,3; basketball 1; golf 1; scrivener 4.


J. Clark

Debra Lynn Clarke

Anthony Joseph Clauso

Do you remember the times you dragged a Friend through the lobby with 72

especially the lobby and the entire upper school.

MARY CLlPP-"Clipper" prize possession: Ion; favorite memory: september 4, 1968; deca 3,4. LO R RA IN E CO HEN-522 Lawrence Dr. "Sam" pet peeve: cal and bachs; prize possession: schilke; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; stud. dir. 4; dance band 1,2,3,4; pep band 3,4; dist. band 2,3,4; reg. band 2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1; sound of music 3; opera 2; dist. orch. 4.

Mary Anne Clipp

Lorraine Stephanie Cohen

NANCI E CO LEMAN-"Woof-Natz" prize possession: a certain British cowboy who is on an ego trip; secret ambition: to join a convent and be queen for a day. WI LLiAM COMPTON-favorite saying: bort!!; favorite memory: 9th grade thanksgiving game; soccer 1,2,3,4; track 1,4; football 4; gymnastics 2,3,4; exec.>council 2,3; choir 1,2,3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; varsity club 2,3,4; service club 4.

Nancie Lee Coleman

William Sheldon Compton

BETSY CONANT -126 Ashwood Rd. "Bets" favorite memory: the group; prize possession: jmh; chorus 1,2,3,4; tri-hi-y v.pres. 1; fta 3,4; cougarettes 4; exec. council 4; spri-hian 2,3,4; scrivener 2,3; senior play; prom comm. 2. BARBARA CONNER-"Barb" remembered for: my "natural" hair; favorite saying: don't ya hate that?; fbla 3,4; prom comm. 4; upper darby: drama 2. WI LLIAM CONROY-"Sly dog" favorite memory: march 31, 1968; always seen: tieing his shoes; track 2,3.

Betsy Jane Conant

Barbara Conner

William Joseph Conroy

you because you were too petrified to cross that area by you rself? 73

It was a year of adjustment and the year we invaded Harrisburg,

DEB RA CONTOMPASIS-762 Dunwoody Dr. "Debbie" favorite memory: feb. 1, 1968; pet peeve: geometry class; intramurals 3,4; pep club 2; deca 3; scrivener 2; spri-hian 2; exec. council 2; stud. council 1,2; gym aide3. JEFFREY COOK-153 Sherman Rd. "Rug" remembered for: my sideburn- beard growing experiences; pet peeve: stomach condition from d.m.; soccer 1; track 1; weightlifting 4; gym aide 4.

Debra Contompasis

Jeffrey Alan Cook

Lynn Elaine Cox

Benjamin Talmadge Curtis

JOSEPH COONELLY-"Joe" favorite saying: that's cool; pet peeve: soul music. LYNN COX-"Lynno" favorite memory: th e "distant drummer"; remembered for: horns; hockey 1,2; gymnastics 1,2; chorus 2,4; choir 3; tri-hi-y 1; poetry 4; lit. mag. 4; spri-hian 1; exec. council 2,3. BENJAMIN CURTlS-"Benn" favorite saying: that's a hell of a revolution; favorite memory: dave; soccer 1.

Joseph John Coonelly

CHARLES DAILY-621 S. Chester Rd., Swarthmore "Chickie" favorite memory: june 13, 1969; pet peeve: m.g.; bowling 1; fta 1; lib. aide 3; drama 4; stud. council 3; senior play; prom comm_ 2,3. LINDA DALUSIO-509 Wayne Ave. "La La Linda" prize possession: tommy; secret amb ition: to go in the army (buddy system with tommy); gymnastics; fbla 1,2,3; fta 3,4; pep club 3,4; stud. council 1,2,3,4; exec. council 4; romeo & juliet 4; cougarettes 4.

Charles Francis Daily Jr.

Linda Leigh Dalusio

and how we had to find a place to eat lunch on our own? The trip 74

and Gettysburg. Remember how it rained all day

DOUG LAS DALY-pet peeve: things that go bump in the night; secret ambition: to become a college teacher so that when the teachers i have had in the past go back to college for a refresher course, i'li be waiting. JOHN DANIEL-remembered for: being so tall; favorite memory: summer of '69; bowling 1; winter track 2; track 2,3,4.

Douglas Creighton Daly

John Robert Daniel

ALONZO DAVIS-155 N. Highland Rd. "Leottis" remembered for: saying "yes" and my "metro"; pet peeve: fake people; football 1,2,3,4; golf 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; weightlifting 3,4; service club 2,3,4; varsity club 2,3,4; stud. council 1,2. DEBORAH DEFEO-"Diz" pet peeve: debby jones-an immature girl; remembered for: plot that point; hockey 1,2; basketball1; chorus 2; art-masque & mime 1,2,3; prom comm. 2,3; pep club 4; paper 3; yearbook 2,3; drama; senior play.

Peter Richard Davidson

Alonzo Hynes Davis III

Deborah Anne DeFeo

MICHAEL DE HAVEN-"Mike" remembered for: curly hair; secret ambition: hook that certain blonde; wrestling 1; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; oklahoma! 4; jcl 3; senior play. MICHAEL DE LUCA-"Luke" remembered for: the box; always seen: with wayne, frank, steve and myself.

Michael Drew DeHaven

Michael Deluca

concluded with awarding Wayne Hirst the IIRookie of the year" trophy. 75

Sophomore year brought many more hopes for the future and was the

WILLIAM DEROSE-238 Kent Rd. "Seth" pet peeve: having '10 peeves to pet; secret ambition: to acquire a minimum of 40 pair; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; tennis 1; soccer 1; orch. 1,2,3,4; band 1; ping pong 1; opera 2; oklahoma! 4. EDMUND DIAMOND-321 Holt La. "Buddy" always seen: late; favorite saying: leech; cross country 3,4; track 1,3,4; basketball club 1.

William Robert DeRose

Edmund Anthony Diamond

JOHN DIAMOND-317 Lynbrooke Rd. "Ding" favorite memory: april in paris; prize possession: my 100 girls; soccer 1, mgr. 3; wrestling 2; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; service club 3,4; stud. council 2,3, pres. 4; exec. co uncil 2,3,4; senior play; prom comm. 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; oklahoma! 4. DAVE DIGILlO-"Mr. Hurst" favorite saying: 327's are slop; prize possession: 56 chevy.

John Andrew Diamond Jr.

Carl DiCicco

David -DiGilio

Linda Maria DiMattia

Ronald Gray Doeblin

LIN DA D IMATT IA-341 Rambling Way prize possession: my "fox"; favorite memory: summer '69; fta 4; sound of music 3; romeo and juliet 4; xmas queen candidate; cherry hill: gymnastics 1,2; tennis 1; social service 1,2; exec. council 1,2; stud. council 1,2. RONALD DOEBLlN-"Ron" favorite memory: may 22 & 23, '69; favorite saying: under the old oak tree; football 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2; varsity club 4; ski club 3.

We elected our first officers - Antony G., Bob Kelly, Denise 76

beginning of the great reputation that we were to build as a class.

NANCY DOUTS-324 Hemlock La. "Nance" favorite memory: parking lots and junior lunch; pet peeve: a certain blonde; bowling 2,3,4; chorus 1,2; orch. 1,2,3,4; pep club 3,4; oklahoma! 4; gym aide 4. KENNETH DUNBAR-57 N. Hillcrest Rd. "Fang" prize possession: my little red opel; secret ambition: to drive my opel kadette through the halls; gymnastics 2,3,4; golf 1.

Nancy Jane Douts

Kenneth Raymond Dunbar

G LEN N D U R F 0 R-"Durf" always seen: around; intramurals 1; rifle team 4; chess 4. JO H N DYITT-"Ba Bay" favorite saying: what's happening, brother; favorite memory: 1-8-70, morton and media getting it together. SANDRA DYITT-249 Walnut St. Morton "Sandy-Kattawi" favorite memory: january 10, 1970; always seen: with kasha y' swahili; intramurals 1,2; nurse's aide 2,3,4.

Glenn Gordon Durfor

John Robert Dyitt

Sandra Leigh Dyitt

DONALD EASTMAN-493 Maplewood Rd. "Don" prize possession: george and clj; favorite saying: you'll grow out of it; soccer 1,2,3, mgr. 4; gymnastics 1,2,3, capt. 4; track 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; drama 1; a.v. 1,2,3,4; varsity 3,4; service club 2,3,4; pep club 4; spri-hian 4; oklahoma! 4; stage crew 1,2,3,4; exec. council 4; prom comm. 2,4. PATTI EGGART-251 School La. "Pat" favorite memory: wayne; prize possession: my car; intramurals 1,2; prom comm. 2.

Donald Fred Eastman Jr.

Patti Eggart

Walls and Geoff Steiert to blaze our way. Driver Ed. was attended 77

every Thursday morning in the gym or cafeteria, and if you

ANITA ESPOSITO-840 Lukens La. prize possession: an untitled song written by rjr; remembered for: cougarettes; cheerleading 1; cougarettes capt. 4; band 1,2; chorus 2; choir 3,4; tri-hi-y treas. 1; pep club 1,2,3,4; jcl sec'y 3; fta 3, treas. 4; spri-hian 2,3,4; stud. council 1;2,3; exec. council 2,3,4; sound of music 3; gym aide 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play; prom comm. chrmn. 2,3,4. CHRISTOPHER EVANS-"Chris" pet peeve: louise; favorite memory: dunkin' donuts first period; soccer mgr. 1,2,3; track mgr. 1; golf 1; ski club 3,4; senior play; gym aide 1.

Anita Esposito

Christopher Fred Evans

JAMES FANSLER-18 S. Hillcrest Rd. "Keith" pet peeve: gas pumps that stay in cars; favorite memory: north carolina trip and russell; football 1; wrestling 1; lacrosse 2; ski club 3,4; romeo & juliet 4; locker problems 1,2; prom comm. 2. BARBARA FARNESE-"Bonnie" favorite memo ry: June 8, 1968; prize possession: b.j.f. and his "pin"; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 4; pep club 2,3,4; fta 4; varsity 3,4; spri-hian 4; exec. council 3,4; romeo & juliet 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; gym aide 2,3,4.

James Keith Fansler

Barbara Jean Farnese

DAVID FEDERMAN-"Fezz" Pet peeve: arrogant people; secret ambition: to be a millionaire; golf 2,4; social service 3,4; jets 3; project head start 4; bridge club 1; spri¡hian 2,3, mgr. 4; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 4; advisory council 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; senior play. JANET FEELEY-716 Avondale La. Swarthmore favorite memory: summer '69; remembered for: johnny. DEBORAH FERRAIOLO-"Debbie" favorite memory: july 23,1968; prize possession: my car; fbla 2,3; stud. council 4; exec. council 4; gym aide 2,4.

David Charles Federman

Janet Louise Feeley

We were the seniors of the "lower school" and knew our way 78


T. Ferraiolo

were old enough; you even got to drive during a study hall.

PA U L FER RY-353 Garden Rd. favorite saying: precoat, backwash; pet peeve: "dego" at charlies; basketball 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; service club 2,3. JANICE FINK-favorite memory: may 22, 1968; prize possession: charlie brown pillow; cumberland valley high: tri-hi-y 1; choir 2. GARY FISHER-"Afro" pet peeve: everything; always seen: at st. paul's church; basketball mgr. 1,2,3; intramurals 1; social service 3, v.pres. 4; project head start 4; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 1; exec. council 2; interracial council 3; dress code comm. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; nat. merit semifinalist 4; hi-q 4.

Paul Joseph Ferry

Janice Eileen Fink

Gary Paul Fisher

LAUREL FISHER-76 Snyder La. favorite memory: the amalgamated apheteric; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3, sec'y 4; dist. chorus 3,4; reg. chorus 4; exec. council 3,4; scrivener 4; lit. mag. 4; opera 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; thespians 3,4; guid. off. aide 2; prom comm. 2; varsity 3, chap. 4; art 1; orch. 1,2. WAYNE FISHER-229 S. Highland Rd. "Chux" pet peeve: getting caught stealing signs; favorite memory: xmas vacation '69; tennis 1; soccer 1,2; glee club 1,2; choir 3,4; social service 4; class treas. 3,4; stud. council 1; nat. hon. soc. 4.

laurel Ruth Fisher

Wayne lawrence Fisher

WI LLiAM FISH ER-"Fish" favorite saying: don't you think you should put more tuna fish on it; favorite memory: putty company and margie; soccer 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3,4; jets 2,3,4. DONNA FISTER-"Shwarto" favorite saying: i know; remembered for: my walk and blushing; fbla 3,4; prom comm. 4.

William Keith Fisher

Donna louise Fister

around a little better. Now we knew there was a library to go to, 79

where we could fool around in study halls instead of sitting in

CHRISTINE FLECK-"Chris" pet peeve: people who think they know it all; always seen: with donna, cindy, pat, and marilyn; intramurals 1,2,3; fta 1; scrivener 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; guid. off. aide 3,4; nurse's aide 3; lib. aide 1; amer. stud. staff 4. GEOFFREY FLICKER-"Jeff" pet peeve: m r. stevens; prize possession: my physics book; football mgr. 2; lib. aide 3. KENNETH FLlSZAR-550 East Scenic Rd. "Fliz" favorite memory: b.c. practices; favorite saying: yeah - if i put tuna fish on it; jets 3,4.

Christine Susan Fleck

Geoffrey G. Flicker

Kenneth Joseph Fliszar

DEBRA FLOHR-"Debs" always seen: with john; prize possession: my happiness; basketball 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2; chorus 3,4; pep club 4; social service 4; varsity club 4; exec. council 3,4; stud. council 2; gym aide 1,4; prom comm.4. ANDREW FLOOD-364 Lester Rd. "Curt, Drew" favorite saying: way to run water; favorite memory: football banquets; football 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3, capt. 4; baseball 1; service club 3, sgt. at arms 4; varsity club 3, sec'y 4.

Debra Anne Flohr

Andrew Calvin Flood

HUGH FOLEY-"Himer" favorite memory: october 18, 1968; always seen: with ginny; basketball 3,4; baseball 2,3,4; varsity club 4. JAMES FONNER-424 Alliston Rd. "Jim" favorite memory: eating lunch with larry a; prize possession: '69 firebird; soccer 1; cross country 3, capt. 4; winter track 3,4; track 3,4; a.v. 4; stage crew 4.

Hugh Michael Foley

James Robert Fonner

and Miss Campbell's room was filled with it for months. Then came 80

good 01' room 32. We sold candy to help pay our class dues

KAREN FORD-66 S. Rolling Rd. "Weeds, Chevy" pet peeve: the tenth grade biology class i'm in now; favorite memory: july 5, 1969; intramurals 1,2; tri-hi-y 1; basketball club 1. SHARON FORD-66 S. Rolling Rd. "Slim" always seen: with barb, donna, janice, and ruth; pet peeve: being a twin and smoke; intramurals 1,2,3; fbla 4; basketball club 2; stud. council 1; gym aide 4; dance and prom comm.4.

Karen Joan Ford

Sharon Jean Ford

MARGARET FORREST-511 Sheffield Dr. "Marge" favorite memory: reawakening; remembered for: conspiracies; intramurals 1,2; choir 1,2,4; chorus 3; tri-hi-y 1,2; philosophy 4; poetry 3,4; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; lit. mag. 3; sound of music 3. JOAN N E FOSTER-"Jo" favorite saying: you're totally insane; favorite memory: senior week in wildwood; gymnastics 1; philosophy 2; stud. council 1. A L F RED FRAIM-"Alfie" favorite memory: summer '66; remembered for: perfect attendance; football 1; deca 3,4.

Margaret Ann Forrest

Joanne Colvey Foster

Alfred E. Fraim

MARGARET FRANK-51 Worrell Dr. "Margann" prize possessions: my j.f. originals; remembered for: always forgetting; chorus 3,4; a.v. 3,4; cougarettes 4; pep club 4; oklahoma! 4. o EBO RAH FREEDMAN-106 S. Rolling Rd. "Debby" favorite memory: blow up in berlin in 1969; remembered for: oh, mr. whiteside and german exchange student; intramurals 2; chorus 2; choir 3; exchange club pres. 4; drama 1,2,4; thespians 3,4; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 4; advisory council 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; senior play; exchange student 3; prom comm. 2,4.

Margaret Ann Frank

Deborah Tome Freedman

the traditional opportunity to prove ourselves to the rest of the school 81

with the Soph Hop. IILove is Blue" was almost our theme but everyone

DONNA FREEMAN-"Juan" always seen: with don; pet peeve: purple necco wafers; choir 1; tri-hi-y 1; fbla 2; lit. mag. 4; advisory council 3. ROBERT GALLAGHER-"P.J. Bag-OBones" remembered for: mushrooms (giant economy size); pet peeve: a 396 lime; wrestling 1,2,3; winter track 4; track 2,3,4; varsity club 4; advisory council 4. ROBERT GALLI-163 Locust Ave. "Warewolfe" favorite saying: hraaaa ...bags!! give me another can; prize possession: dog skin coat; football 3,4; weightlifting 3,4; o'hara: football 1.

Donna Jean Freeman

Robert George Gallagher

Robert Anthony Galli

Lance Marshall Gallo

Donna Marie Gambol

LANCE GALLO-"Lancer" always seen: in a red '61 chevy, and with a certain girl; remembered for: 5 extra lunch periods; soccer 1,2; winter track 2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4; track 1,2,3,4; choir 2,3; service club 2,3,4; varsity club 4; stud. council 3. DONNA GAMBOL-545 Kent Rd. secret ambition: to understand mr. long; pet peeve: people who can't take criticism; intramurals 1; red cross 1; exec. council 2; stud. council 3; spri-hian 1; scrivener 4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play chrmn.

WI LLIAM GATES-312 Baintee Rd. Rosemont "Gatsu" favorite memory: summer of '69; pet peeve: muscular people; wrestling 1; soccer 1,2,4; harriton: soccer 3; pingpong 3. WAYNE GATTINELLA-"Lightnin' Gatt" favorite saying: 'keep on truckin'; favorite memory: dave; track 1; wrestling 1,2; film workshop 3,4; poetry 3,4; philosophy 3; lit. mag. 3,4.

William John Gates

and no one has topped it since (or ever will!). Cathy 82

Wayne Thomas Gattinella

said our 61Camelot" was the most beautiful dance held in the gym, ANTHONY GIANCATARINO -948 Rocklynn Rd. "Ant" favorite saying: cheese and crackers; pet peeve: refs; football 1,2,3 cocapt. 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3,4; class pres. 2; nat. hon. soc. 3,4. JOHN GIBSON-"Hoot" favorite memory: colorado; pet peeve: america; lacrosse 2,3,4; jets 1,2,3,4.

Anthony Giancatarino

John Barlowe Gibson

LAWRENCE GILDNER-456 Prospect Rd. "Gildnerami" favorite saying: are you any less a man for that; favorite memory: b.c. practices and going to fizz's house; choir 1,2,3,4; dance band 4; jets 3,4; oklahoma! 4. LINDA GILLIGAN-46 Plymouth Rd. "Gill" always seen: with rosemary; remembered for: banging into walls; intramurals 2,3; tri-hi-y 1; pep club 3,4; cougarettes 4; gym aide 3.

Lawrence Edwin Gildner

linda Carol Gilligan

ANN GILMORE-"Liz" pet peeve: playing second fiddle to a car; choir 1,2,3,4; jcl 3,4; spri-hian. WALTER GOETTMAN-"Joe Buck" prize possession: buckskin; favorite saying: whooper-ti-i-oh; soccer 1; scrivener 4; lit. mag. 4.

Ann Elizabeth Gilmore

Richie Gene Gliem

Walter Daniel Goettman

Creed was the May Queen and walked through the drawbridge 83

in the center of the gym. We had representatives on the

STEVEN GOODMAN-519 Sharpless Rd. "Bagel" favorite saying: don't hassel me; always seen: with denise and sleeping; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 3,4; track 1,2; service club 4; varsity club 4. DIANNE GOODSPEED-64 Longview Dr. always seen: in 126 or 127; favorite saying: i have a rehearsal; choir 1 accomp. 2,3,4; chorus accomp. 2,3,4; band mgr. 4; dist. chorus 3,4; dist. orch. 2; reg. chorus 3,4; orch. 1,2; spri-hian 4; scrivener 4; opera 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play; nat. hon. soc. 3 sec'y 4; hi-q capt. 4; assembly organist 2,3,4.

Steven Jay Goodman

Diane Louise Goodspeed

Robert Richard Gordon

Christine Graff

Jane Ellen Graham

Robert James Grebb

JOHN GOODWIN-1029 Crozer Lane "Dense" prize possession: a pencil; favorite saying: who's got a pin. ROBERT GORDON-334 Kennerly Rd. "Bob" secret ambition: to be a gym teacher; always seen: signing out; scrivener 4. CH R ISTI NEG RAF F-111 S. Ivy Lane "Tina" prize possession: a certain gym teacher; PE;lt peeve: color guard guns; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; tennis 3,4; choir 1; color guard 4; drama 1,2; scrivener 2,3,4; oklahoma! 4; off. aide 4; lib. aide 1,2; nurse's aide 2,3,4; prom comm. 2.

John Goodwin

JANE GRAHAM-441 Kent Rd. prize possession: steve; pet peeve: gross-out lunches; basketball 1; tennis 2,3,4; choir 1,2; chorus 3, pres. 4; fta 3,4; tri-hi-y 1; exec. council 4; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; scrivener 2,3; sound of music 3; lib. aide 1,2. ROBERT GREBB-319 Powell Rd. "Bear" pet peeve: basketball cuts; secret ambition: to make a basketball team someday; football 4; weightlifting; o'hara: football 1; intramurals 1,2.

Tony G. and Tony P. earned varsity letters in football 84

cheerleading squad, Cheryl Small and Lori Mace.

ELLEN GREEN-509 Lawrence Dr. "Ethel" secret ambition: to stay out of Haverford state; prize possession: my memory box; chorus 2,3; drama sec'y 2; pep club 2,3; trihi-y 1; french 2; exec. council 2,3,4; scrivener 4; gym aide 3; prom comm. 2,3,4. GLEN GREENBERG-237 Foulke Lane "Greenie-G.G." remembered for: max, sherry and ali; always seen: on stage; class v. pres. 3,4; stud. council 4; exec. council 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; thespians 2,3,4; sound of music 3; senior play; oklahoma! 4; drama 1,3, pres. 2,4; choir 1,3,4; glee club v.pres. 2; basketball mgr. 2.

Ellen Frances Green

Glen David Greenberg

CHARLES GRESKOFF-"Buddy" prize possession: brenda; favorite memory: memorial day week-end, 1969; football 1; rifle team 4. DAVID GRIEST-"Dave" favorite memory: springfield-week-end, 1969; secret ambition: hang with thy lobby boys; intramurals 1; basketball 1. ELAINE GRISWOLD-20 S. Brookside Rd. "Lanie" pet peeve: griz; secret ambition: to write the great american novel; tennis 2,3,4; fta 3,4; drama 4; social service 4; spri-hian 2,3,4; lit. mag. 4; nat. han. soc. 4.

Charles John Greskoff


K. Griest

Elaine Susan Griswold

MARILYN GROCHOWSKI-828 West Av. remembered for: my dog; pet peeve: braces; tennis 3,4; intramurals 1,2,3; chorus 1,3; choir 2,4; social service 4; scrivener 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom comm.2. JOSEPH GROSS 1-"Joe" remembered for: my clothes; prize possession: myoid 1970 gto; weightlifting 4; romeo & juliet 4; o'hara: intramurals 1,2; cross country 1,2. GARY GURBADA-o'hara: cross country 1; track 1; intramurals 1.

Marilyn Jane Grochowski

Joseph Charles Grossi

Gary Louis Gurbada

as did Bill Compton in soccer. The school was beginning 85

to get smaller (or were we getting bigger?). We weren't so afraid of

WI LLiAM HAGANS-"Bill" favorite memory: getting out of sidney smedley; remembered for: my interest in science, electronics, and chemistry; football 1; bowling 1; track 1; film workshop 4; photo 3,4; vica pres. 4. CYNTHIA HANDLER-427 Burns Dr. "Cindra" favorite memory: rooms 18 & 19 and the soph hops; secret ambition: to open up a joint psychiatric practice; chorus 1,2,3,4; drama 2; tri-hi-y 1; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; scrivener 2,3, ed.-in-chief 4; nat.hon. soc. 3,4; senior play chrmn.4; prom comm. 2,4.

William Hagans

Cynthia Joy Handler

JENNIFER HANKINS-310 Valley View Rd. "Jennie" favorite saying: i'm impressed; prize possession: bjc; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; colorguard 3,4; drama 1,4; pep club 4; fta treas. 4; social service 4; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; scrivener 1,2,3; exec. council 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play; nat. hon. soc. 3,4. LINDA HARGROVE-177 Rambling Way prize possession: judi doll; favorite memory: mr. mcclennan's sixth period chemistry class; chorus 3; choir 4; pep club 4; oklahoma! 4; cougarettes 4; upper darby: chorus 1,2; orch. 1; choir 1; newspaper 2.

Jennifer Mary Hankins

Linda Jean Hargrove

LINDA HAR ING-444 Glendale Circle remembered for: believing in the black arts; favorite memory: may 31, 1969; intramurals 2,4; drama 1,3,4; thespians 2; pep club 4; exec. council 2; prom comm. 2,4. CH R ISTOPHER HARRIS-164 E. Scenic Rd. "Limey" favorite saying: you think you're gonna take that honk of teen across the baja?; secret ambition: to do what mr. goodbar told me to do; scrivener 3; senior play; romeo & juliet 4; st. peters: rugby 1.

Linda Elizabeth Haring

Christopher Roy Harris

The year ended with the election of a new set of officers: Geoff 86

the lobby and we began to hear rumors about a certain Mr. Gartside.

C H RISTO PHER HART-"Chris" favorite saying: you going to go to the baja?; always seen: talking to a hippie; philosophy 4; chess 1,2,4; lit. mag. 4; hyde school; wrestling 2,3; class treas. 2. C RA IG HART Z ELL-"Coch ise" favorite memory: colorado '69; remembered for: shaving cream; football 1,2; baseball 1; chess 1; oklahoma! 4.

Christopher Stanwood Hart

Craig Jeffry Hartzell

WENDY HAZEN-228 Powell Rd. "Witch" favorite memory: colorado '68 and young life; prize possession: my santa claus pin; intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; majorettes 1,2,3, sgt.4; pep club 3,4; exec. council 4. scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom and dance comm. 2,3,4. DO NA LD H EATO N-432 Prospect Rd. "Don" always seen: with donna; prize possession: denim bells.

Wendy Laurie Hazen

David Allen Heaton

Donald Arthur Heaton

BRADLEY HEDMAN-286 Lewis Rd. "Brad" favorite saying: psychopath; prize possession: my guitar; chess 3, pres. 4; jets 3,4; central high: band 2; chess 1,2; rocketry 1; chem. club 2. G EO R G E HELM UTH -"Georg" favorite memory: oct. 30, '69; prize possession: fred; soccer 1; tennis 1; lacrosse 2,3,4; stage crew

4. ROBYN HER RMANN-848 Homestead Ave. always seen: with gail; favorite memory: dec. 12, '69; fbla 2,3; reporter 4; sprihian 2, typing co-ord. 3,4; gym aide 1,2.

Bradley Russell Hedman

George B. Helmuth

Robyn Lee Herrmann

Steiert became president, Glen Greenberg took over as vice president. 87

"EI Cheapo" Fisher handled the money, and Nadine Shields

JOANNE HESS-492 Briarhill Rd. "Cup" favorite memory: my senior year; prize possession: us; choir 1,2,3,4; colorguard 2,3, cosgt. 4; drama 1,2,3,4; thespians 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3, sec'y 4; stud. council 3; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play; xmas queen candidate; gym aide 4; prom comm. 2. AMY HESSEMER-257 Avon Rd. "Ame" prize possession: wheels; remembered for: the accident; choir 1,2,3, sec'y 4; dist. chorus 4; reg. chorus 4; pep club 2,3,4; tri-hi-y treas. 1; a.v. 2,3,4; scrivener 3, assoc. ed. 4; stud. council 2,3; exec. council 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; thespians 3,4; cheerleading co-capt. 1; prom comm. 2,3,4.

Joanne Hess

Amy Lee Hessemer

THEODORE HIDELL-980 Stoney Brook Dr. "Ted" favorite saying: how ya doin'; always seen: coming into homeroom late; wrestling 1. DOLORES HILL-"Dee" favorite memory: the class of '69 after prom party; prize possession: a rose; rifle team 3,4; tri-hi-y 1; gym aide 3. RALPH HI LL-957 E. Woodland Ave. favorite memory: rock hall '68; pet peeve: a swollen lip; band 1,2,3,4.

Theodore Charles Hidell

Dorlores Francis Hill

Ralph Arnold Hill

ROBERT HILL-248 Ballymore Rd. "Bob" favorite saying: watch me!; favorite memory: july 28, 1969; bowling 4; intramurals 1,4; rifle club 3; basketball 1. GARY HI LLERSON-"B.J." secret ambition: to shoot the administration heads; pet peeve: plastic people; baseball 1; bowling 1,2,3, capt. 4;' intramurals 1 ,2,3,4~ scrivener 4; lit. mag.


K. Hill

Gary Roy Hillerson

September, 1968 brought many things. Some of our friends were 88

was elected secretary against unbelievable opposition!

KENNETH HIRSCH-52 Worrell Dr. "Ken" favorite memory: room 128; remembered for: '55 mustang. WAYNE HIRST-"Boort" favorite memory: august 23, 1969; secret ambition: to watch bill acquire 40 pairs; wrestling 1,3,4; cross country 4; soccer 1; ski club 3; scrivener 4; skyline high: wrestling 2.

Kenneth Allen Hirsch

David Wayne Hirst

WHARTON HIRST-464 Claremont Rd. prize possession: my driver's license; favorite memory: algebra III class. JUDY HOFFMEIER-557 E. Springfield Rd. "Jude" always seen: never understood; remembered for: my many schools; spri-hian 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play 4; french 3; jcl 3; drama 4; pep club 4; fta 3,4; haddonfield: basketball 1; intramurals 1; pep club 1; mad woman of chaillot 1; french 1; south bend: french 2; lib. aide 2; pep club 2.

Wharton Jesse Hirst

Judy Ann Hoffmeier

Edmund Charles Holden

SUSAN HOLLIBAUGH-133 Summit Rd. "Sue" prize possession: b.c.; favorite memory: colorado '68; hockey 1,2; gymnastics 2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; cheerleading 4; choir 1,2,3,4; stud. council 1; exec. council 2,4; scrivener 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom comm. 2; pep club 2,4. PETER HOLLINSHEAD-319 Spring Valley Rd. "Pete" secret ambition: to be president of the united states; remembered for: "all right!"; glee club 1, pres. 2; choir 3, v.pres. 4; foreign exchange club 4; exec. council 2,3,4; stud. council 3, parlia. 4; spri-hian 2, assoc ed. 3; senior play; oklahoma! 4; gym aide 1; prom & dance comm. 2,3,4; foreign exchange chrmn. 3; assembly comm. 4.

Susan Allen Hollibaugh

Peter Donald Hollinshead

Seniors and were talking about leaving S.H .S. Suddenly 89

being a Senior didn't seem so very far away. The magazine sale was

GEORGE HOWARD-1049 Mt. Holyoke PI. "H owie" prize possession: us; baseball 1; golf 2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 3,4; pep band 3,4; social service 3, v.pres. 4; stud. council 1; nat. hon. soc. 4; advisory council 4. CHAR LES HUCKABA-900 Edwards Dr. "Huckarami" remembered for: washington "trip"; secret ambition: to be a cowboy; band 3,4; pep band 3,4; spri-hian 2; nat. hon. soc. 4; social service 4.

George Stark Howard Jr.

Charles David Huckaba

KATHLEEN HUMPHREY-322 S. Norwinden Dr. "Bohemia" pet peeve: the two gym bags; always seen: with monroe and lee; hockey 1; gymnastics 1,2; rifle team 3; intramurals 3; senior play. PATRICIA HUNT-310 Hawarden Rd. "Pat" favorite memory: memorial park; pet peeve: forgetting what i was going to say; basketball mgr. 1; choir 1,2,3,4; art 1,3,4; drama 2; spri-hian 1,2; nat. hon. soc. 4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play chrmn.; prom comm. 2; lib. aide 2.

Kathleen Mary Humphrey

Patricia Anne Hunt

FRAN K H UNTINGTON-229 Ridgewood Rd. "Collis P." prize possession: my memories and friends; favorite memory: mr. lefever and the project; basketball mgr. 3,4; social service 3, v.pres. 4; a.v. 2; chess 1; spri-hian 1,2; assoc. ed. 3; senior play chrmn; dress code comm. chrmn. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; hi-q 4; nat. merit semifinalist. JOANNE HUNTSMAN-420 E. Woodland Ave. "Jo" remembered for: my big mouth; favorite saying: take it easy; cheerleading 1,4; intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2,3; tri-hi-y 1,2; fbla 3,4; scrivener 4; stud. council 4; romeo & juliet 4; prom comm. 3,4.

Franklin Charles Huntington

Joanne Huntsman

Miss Souders, and the officers run things. Almost everyone took 90

a big joke, and an executive council was formed to help Mr. Hall,

TOM HUSTED-"Podre" favorite memory: making the football team; always seen: with the mom's; football 3,4; weightlifting 4. JOANNE HUTTON-15 Locust Ave. "Joey" secret ambition: to have a big brother; prize possession: my surfboard; art 1; sec-treas. 2; lit. mag. 4; scrivener 3; sound of music 3; senior pfay; prom comm. 2,3. EDWARD IGNARRI-521 Valley View Rd. "Iggie" always seen: where there is food; favorite memory: june 14, 1969; football 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3.


W. Husted

Joanne Holly Hutton


A. Ignarri

MICHAEL IMPLAZO-"Mike" favorite memory: may 9; pet peeve: "well, i don't know ..."; football 1; wrestling 1,2,3; golf 2,3; varsity club 3,4; drama 1; exec. council 2; stud. council 1,2. THOMAS IRWIN-343 Hemlock La. "Tom" favorite saying: real fine; pet peeve: "bounce around" and dawk'o inside jokes; football 1,2,3,4; track 1,2,3,4; winter track 2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 4; drama pres. 1; stud. council 1,2,3,4; exec. council 3,4; sound of music 3.

Michael Edward Implazo

Thomas Frederick Irwin Jr.

JAM ES JACKSON-275 Welsh Dr. "Jim" romeo & juliet 4; o'hara: tennis 1. DONNJENKINS-430 Indian Rock Dr. prize possession: a certain sailor; remembered for: never getting anything right; intramurals 1,2; lib. aide 1. GEORGE JETTER-243 Saxer Ave. "Jets" prize possession: my hairy "t" bar; favorite memory: summer '69; band 1,2; a.v. 4; stage crew 4.

James Matthew Jackson

Donna Louise Jenkins


W. Jetter

Health and we found out that Mr. Gartside was more than a rumor. 91

The American Studies department entertained and at the EDWARD JOHNSON-239 Orchard Rd. "E.J." remembered for: my other nickname; pet peeve: nerves; baseball 1; rifle team 3,4; band 1,2,3, v.pres. 4; dance band 2,3,4; orch. 1,3,4; pep band 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4. D EBO RAH JONES-525 Sherman Rd. "Debbie" remembered for: apparently being naive and how i walk; favorite memory: summer of '69; fbla 3; gym club 1; pep club 4; drama 4; off. aide 2. SID N EY JOSEL-"Yussel" favorite memory: summer of '69; prize possession: my blue '59 rambler; football 1; tennis 2; drama 1.

Edward Leonard Johnson

Deborah Anne Jones

Sidney Philip Josel

JOYCE JUECHTER-437 Collins Dr. favorite memory: elison's glen july 24, 1967; prize possession: my membership to "fad"; lacrosse 1,2; chorus 2,3; tri-hi-y 1; a.v. 2,3; stud. council 2,3,4; exec. council 2,3; scrivener 4; xmas queen candidate; prom comm. 2,3,4; gym aide 4. WILLIAM JUPIN-168 S. Norwinden Dr. "Bill" prize possession: ann and my guitar; pet peeves: baggy pants and narrow minds; track 3,4; weightlifting 3,4; jets 3,4; social service 4; senior play.

Joyce Louise Juechter

William Robert Jupin

PAM E LA JUST-"Pam" prize possession: j.a.h.; always seen: with a cast; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; tennis 1; intramurals 1,2,3; cougarettes 4; pep club 3,4; ski club 3; spri-hian 1,2,4; senior play; prom comm. 2,3,4. KAI KAYSEN-546 Evans Rd. "Kay Kaisen" favorite memory: nov. 22, 1968; prize possession: my thought bottle; football 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 3; chorus 2; choir 3,4; dist. chorus 4; exec. council 3; nat. hon. soc. 4; oklahoma! 4.

Pamela Ann Just

Kai Jeffrey . Kaysen

We discovered that the voice over the P.A. was a nice person and 92

same time taught us about America with a new approach.

WENDY KEAST-145 Rambling Way prize possession: a certain duck; pet peeve: dirty old men and rumors; gymnastics 1,2,3; a.v. 4; pep club 3,4; stage crew 3,4. MARY KELLER-"Mick" always seen: with the little k; prize possession: my ring; vica sec'y 3; vica comm. chrmn. 4; hostess comm. chrmn.4. CH R ISTI NE KELLEY-169 Netherwood Dr. "Kelley" favorite memory: a certain guy from ridley; remembered for: my distinct height; orch. 1,2,3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; art 1; pep club 3,4; a.v. 4; stage crew 3,4; cougarettes 4; senior play; prom comm. 2.

Wendy Elizabeth Keast

Mary Susan Keller


M. Kelley

ROBERT KELLY-500 Barry Dr. "Bob" always seen: rolling; remembered for: the accident; football mgr. 2,3,4; jets 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; service club 3,4; a.v. 1,2,3,4; class v.pres. 2; stud. council 4; nat. hon. soc. 3, treas.4. ALB ERT KENO RO-11 0 Greenhill Rd. "Bert" favorite memory: john bartram h.s.; favorite saying: stone cool; john bartram: choir 1,2.


N. Kelly Jr.

Albert Kendra

ROBERT KENYON-540 Andrew Rd. "Bob" secret ambition: to play in a soccer game; prize possession: my hot 4 cylinder; soccer 1,2,4; tennis 1; jets 3, sec'y 4; prom comm. 2; exec. council 2,3. ELAINE KERR-226 Colonial Park Dr. "Laine" prize possession: a certain stuffed dog; favorite memory: november 22, 1968; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; orch. 1,2; pep club 4; drama 4; red cross v.pres. 1; senior play; cougarettes 4; gym aide 4.

Robert Thomas Kenyon

Elaine Louise Kerr

usually Mrs. Clarke. That was the year we changed to block schedules 93

and Vo-tech really started moving. Remember the "sit in"

DORA KERY-571 W. Woodland Ave. "Dora" favorite memory: dec. 19, 1969; remembered for: loving teachers; intramurals 1,2,3; fbla 2; off. aide 1,2,3; guid. off. aide 3. LINDA KIEFNER-"Kief" favorite memory: dec. 25, 1966; always seen: with Iyn and mare; chorus 2; fbla 1; cougarettes 4; romeo & juliet 4. JAMES KING-242 Ballymore Rd. "Hime" always seen: with sharon; favorite memory: aug. 6, 1968; a.v. 3,4; stage crew 3,4.

Dora Dean Kery

Linda Louise Kiefner

James Dudley King

MARGARET KINNEY-144 S. Morton Ave. Rutledge "Margie" favorite saying: oh that critter; pet peeve: rainy days; hockey 1; ridley: ski club 2,3; upper merion: swim team 2. JO ANNE KIRCHNER-724 Evans Rd. "J oey" prize possession: antique ring; always seen: with debbi; pep club 3,4; fbla 4; nurse's aide 4; usher 3.

Margaret Jean Kinney

JoAnne Lynnwood Kirchner

LO U IS E K LIN E-"Weezer" prize possession: green "c's"; pet peeve: tear gas, j.b. and g.h.; hockey 1,2; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 1,2; band 1,2; tri-hi-y 1; pep club 2; gym aide 1. WAYNE KLINE-182 S. Norwinden Dr. "Alltime" favorite memory: springfield weekend '69; pet peeve: diver dans; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3,4.

Louise Jeanette Kline

Wayne Robert Kline

"Scarborough Fair" was the theme of our Junior Dinner Dance 94

held in the lobby to protest coming to school in the snow?

RICHARD KLiNKA-321 N. Rolling Rd. "Rich" favorite memory: may 23,1969; pet peeve: i.d.s.l.w.;drama 1,4; senior play. KAREN KLOSS-333 Parham Rd. favorite memory: summer '68 and '69; pet peeve: talented musicians; intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2,3,4; stage crew 3. RANDALL KOLAR-506 Cheyney Rd. "Rand" favorite saying: dig it; always seen: by the apple machine; gymnastics 1; senior play; romeo & juliet 4.

D. Richard Klinka

Karen Barbara Kloss

Randall LeRoy Kolar

DAWN KOPPENHAVER-438 Burns Dr. "Cricket" prize possession: my big raider; secret ambition: to live on a deserted island; intramurals 1,2; fta 4; social service 4; tri-hiy 1; scrivener 3,4; spri-hian 4; prom comm.

2. LEWIS KORN-"Korn" favorite memory: mornings outside room 156 with a certain brunette; prize possession: no. 1 my mustang; football 1; cross country 2; winter track 1,2; track 1.

Dawn Sherry Koppenhaver

Lewis John Korn

WILLIAM KRAUSS-109 Ashwood Rd. "Lion" favorite saying: dumb dumb; prize possession: ring from mitzi; chess 1; bowling 1. GAl L KRESGE-327 Ballymore Rd. favorite memory: april 10, 1968; prize possession: a charm bracelet; nat. hon. soc. 4; spri-hian 2, typo coord. 3,4; gym aide 1,2; fbla 2,3, sec'y 4.

William Lee Krauss

Gail Marie Kresge

and we ate turkey for dinner. We took our first boards in March 95

and found out how much we really didn't know. Mr. Shoemaker made

GEORGE KUCHERUK-332 Wyndmoor Rd. "Kuch" pet peeve: hurdles that move; favorite memory: running in districts; cross country 3,4; basketball 1,2; winter track 3,4; track 3,4; varsity club 3,4; weightlifting 4; intramurals 4. STEPH EN KUCHERUK-332 Wyndmoor Rd. "Kuch B" remembered for: being the other half; favorite saying: how much?; cross country 3,4; basketball 1,2; winter track 4; track 2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; weightlifting 4.

George Kucheruk II

Stephen Kucheruk

KENNETH KYLE-217 Franklin Ave. "Scratch" favorite saying: you dingle!; remembered for: making pretzels?; wrestling 1,2,3,4; band 1,2,3, pres. 4; service club 3,4; pep club 4; scrivener 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; exec. council 4; senior play; prom comm. 4; fca 3,4. WI LLIAM LANGSHAW-326 Lester Rd. "Around the Corner Rick" pet peeve: being ca II ed "around the corner rick" and my middle name; favorite memory: november 29,1969; football 1,3,4; basketball 1; indoor track 2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; service club sec'y 4; varsity club 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; gym aide 4.

Kenneth Huey Kyle

Kurt Lacko

William Peddrick Langshaw

Gemma Antoinette LaPorta

Gary Francis Larkin

GEMMA LA PORTA-"GiGi" secret ambition: to live happily ever after; prize possession: "pepe"; fbla 4; gym aide 1; intramurals

2. GARY LARKIN-"Clutch" pet peeve: 5th period lunch; favorite memory: 1st period german III (with mr. mac); stud. council 4; clifton heights: basketball 1; chess 1.

and who could ever forget Laurel Fisher and the beautiful 96

all of the awards assemblies warm memories with his great jokes

LESLIE LAWLER-"Les" prize possession: attendance record; pet peeve: 4th period lunch. CANDIDA LEE-"Candy" always seen: around; pet peeve: the man; poetry 3,4; lit. mag. 3,4.

Leslie Charles Lawler

Candida Lee

CHARLES LEIGHTLEY-149 Barbara Dr. "Chad" prize possession: a blond hair female type companion; pet peeve: people who interfere in personal business; football 3; senior play. RAYMOND LENGEL-"Ray" remembered for: sick jokes; pet peeve: physics iabs.


H. Leightley

Raymond George Lengel

JOYCE LEONOWICH-74 S. Rolling Rd. pet peeve: people who get the wrong idea from a french hello; remembered for: crooked ears and eyes; intramurals 1,2; choir 1,2,4; pep club 2,4; cougarettes 4; exchange club 4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 2; stud. council 4; exec. council 2,4; oklahoma! 4; french exchange student 3; prom comm. 2,4; nat. hon. soc. 4.

Francis l. Leonard

Joyce Ann Leonowich

presentation of "The Sound of Music?" The upper choir sang at the 97

Academy of Music and our class sponsored more functions than

SAMUEL LEVIS-348 Powell Rd. "Lev" favorite saying: good deal; favorite memory: topper; bowling. BYRON LEWIS-"By" favorite memory: wildwood; always seen: with delaware jacket; glee club 1,4; choir 2,3,4; oklahoma! 4. FREDERICK L1NCOLN-"link" pet peeve: being called abe; prize possession: my 56 chevy; bowling 1.

Samuel Rees Levis

Byron John Lewis

Frederick Russell Lincoln

LAURA LINTZ-secret ambition: to sail a sampan to singapore; prize possession: edward and incoherency; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 3; scrivener 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; fta 3; art 1,2,3; ski club 3; social service 3,4. RUTH LOCKBAUM-"Ruthie" remembered for: my stupid laugh (snorting); pet peeve: dirty looks; intramurals 2,3; scrivener 2; stud. council 2; gym aide 2,4; off. aide 3; fbla 2,4; tri-hi-y 1.

Laura Jane Lintz

Ruth Ann Lockbaum

MARC) LONG-675 Dutton Cir. "Luce" favorite memory: the parking lot and junior lunch; pet peeve: crawling under car seats, right kas?; cheerleading 3,4; senior play; pep club 3,4; penn hills: cheerleading 1; chorus 1. LYNNE LUKENS-367 Bennett Rd. "Carol" favorite memory: hilltop; favorite saying: what?; intramurals 2; scrivener 2,3; spri-hian 2,3; sound of music 3; cougarettes


Marci Beth Long

and pretzels were sold after school. As June neared, we began 98

Lynne Carol Lukens

before. Apple machines were installed around the building JOHN MACBETH-"Satchmo" secret ambition: to guide neurotics back to reality;remembered for: my wheels; football 1; lit. mag. 4. STEWART MACDONALD-"Budd" secret ambition: is to have a secret ambition; always seen: in the hot seat; track 1,3,4; photo. 1,2,3,4; gym aide 1,2,3,4. LORI MACE-300 Southcroft Rd. secret ambition: to finally fall in love; prize possession:: my match collection; cheerleading 1,2,3; chorus 2,3,4; stud. council 1,2,3; exec. council 3,4; scrivener 3, bus. ed. 4; senior play; prom comm. 3,4, chrmn. 2; trihi-y v.pres. 1; pep club 2,3; a.v. 1,2.

John Craig Macbeth

Stewart Leo MacDonald

Lori Louise Mace BONNIE MACGREGOR-121 Locust Ave. "MacGregor" favorite memory: the escapades i had with king arthur; pet peeve: j. brusch; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2; pretzel making 4; stud. council 3,4; scrivener 4; exec. council 2,3; guid. off. aide 1,2,3,4; trihi-y 1,2; photo. 2,3,4; drama 1, v.pres. 2; a.v.3. ANNA MACKAY-435 E. Scenic Rd. "Ann" favorite saying: ya know?; always seen: with ken; senior play; gym aide 3; off. aide 3.

Bonnie Jean MacGregor

Anna Marie Mackay

STEVEN MAINWARING-676 Beatty Rd., "Maynard" pet peeve: getting stuck in coatsville; prize possession: the ball from my rollon deodorant; basketball 1,2; track 1,2,3, capt. 4; winter track 2,3, capt. 4; ski club 3,4; varsity club 2,3,4. PATRICK MALLOY-39 N. Norwinden Dr. "Pat" favorite saying: i didn't know it was loaded!; favorite memory: summer practice; football 1,2,3,4; track 1,2; baseball 4; weightlifting 3,4; gym aide; service club; varsity club.


S. Mainwaring

Patrick James Malloy

to see the Seniors leave and we realized that now the weight 99

of student leadership was placed upon our shoulders. We

WILLIAM MALLOY-"Bill" pet peeve: hot seat; intramurals 1; basketball 1. LINDA MANNION-721 Evans Rd. "the Crippled Dinosaur" secret ambition: to build a plastic bubble over ridley park; favorite saying: hey kid, your mudder dresses ya funny; intramurals 1; bowling 1,3,4; scrivener 2,3,4; senior play; romeo & juliet 4; nurse's aide 2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; jcl 2,3; red cross 1,2.

William Joseph Malloy

linda Mannion

Joanne Elizabeth Marks

Michele Julianne Marra

JOANNE MAR KS-234 Welsh Dr. secret ambition: if i told it wouldn't be a secret; pet peeve: the lobby and it's crowd; hockey mgr. 1; basketball club 1; scrivener 4; lit. mag. bus. ed. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; tri-hi-y 4. MICHELE MARRA-206 N. State Rd. "Shel" prize possession: al; favorite memory: sept. 27,1968; drama.

GALE MARTIN-444 Valley View Rd. prize possession: a certain hippie; remembered for: wearing tape inmy hair to school; bowling 3,4; intramurals 1,2; romeo & juliet 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; art 1,2. MICHAEL MARTIN-456 Maddock Rd. "Moch" remembered for: pulling up my socks; secret ambition: to graduate; gym aide. STEVEN MARTINA-"Mario" always seen: with luke, frank, and gatt at the box; remembered for: blue suede shoes; lit. mag. 4; exec. council 2; nat. hon. soc. 4; philosophy 3,4; poetry 3, pres. 4.

Gale Ruth Martin

Michael Anthony Martin

-Mac Branton and Karen Vahey- in a movement for change. 100

Steven Vincent Martina

elected a cute couple for our class president and secretary DANIEL MARTYN-"Dan" favorite memory: nov. 21 and 22, 1969; pet peeve: gto's with automatic transmissions; senior play; weightlifting 4;bronx: intramurals1 ,2. CHERYL MC CANN-284 N. Rolling Rd. prize possession: a goofy grape; favorite memory: aug. 1, 1969; intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2,3, pres. 4; senior play; prom comm. 2,3; drama 1,2; fta 3,4. KATHLEEN MC CARRON--471 Hawarden Rd. "Kathy" secret ambition: to own a chevy; always seen: with gigi; spri-hian 4; pep club 4; fbla 4.

Daniel Edward Martyn

Cheryl Lynn McCann

KathleEln Mary McCarron

THOMAS MC CAULEY-38 Garrett La. "T 0 m" remembered for: romeo & juliet; prize possession: crosby, ~tills and nash album; soccer 1; glee club 1,2,3; videon choir 1,2; stud. council 1,2,3; plays 1,2,3; senior play; romeo & juliet 4; drama 1,2,3,4; art 1,2,3; prom comm. 2,3; thespians 2; fta 1,2. ANGELA MC COY-601 Shipley La. "Ang" favorite memory: feb. 8 and 9, 1969 and camp buckner; remembered for: ml-al military can-opener; scrivener 4; lit. mag. 4; fta 4; drama 4; st. leonard's: slate 2; art dir. 3; stage crew 1,2,3; plays 1,2,3; art 3; drama v.pres.3.

Thomas Edward McCauley

Angela Beatrice Marie McCoy

KATH LEEN MC CULLEY-169 Sherman Rd. "Kathy" favorite memory: mr. wentz' algebra class and parking lots; pet peeve: marci crawling under car seats; pep club 3,4; gymn(l~tics 1; ski club 3; spri-hian 4; gym aide 4. ANNA MC CULLOUGH-954 Old Sproul Rd. "Ann" favorite memory: summer of 1967 and driver ed; pet peeve: goingto work at 12:00; intramurals 1,2,3; deca sec'y 3, pres. 4; basketball club 1; fbla 1,2.

Kathleen Susan McCulley

Anna Marie McCullough

The Student Council was headed by the "fearless foursome." 101

John Diamond, Wayne Pollock, Skip Roderick, and Lynne Zulick. CARL MC CULLOUGH-"Doc" prize possession: the rambler; pet peeve: being mistaken as bill's brother; soccer 1; senior play; stage crew 4; chess 1; ski club 3; geology 3. o EBO RAH MC CU LLOUGH-240 Hawthorne Rd., Morton "Debbi" prize possession: mutt-mutt; always seen: with joanne; intramurals 1,2; nurse's aide 2,3,4; fbla 3,4; pep club 3,4; ski club 4. JAMES MC DAN I EL-"Jimmy" favorite saying: ay-man; always seen: standing in the hall.

Carl Paul McCullough

Deborah Lynn McCullough

James Irvin McDaniel

KATHARINE MC DEVITT-82 Hillview Dr. "Kate" always seen: at lew's; favorite memory: august 15,1969; spri-hian 4; lib. aide 4; jcl 3,4; lansdowne: glee club 1; lib. aide 1; jcl 1; darby-colwyn: lacrosse 2; basketball 2; chorus 2; lib. aide 2. RICKIE MC DONALD-"Rick"..

Katharine Margaret Anne McDevitt

Rickie Lee McDonald

SHEILA MC DOWELL-535 Claremont Rd. "Sheel" prize possession: a christmas card; biggest letdown: learning the truth about mel c.; basketball mgr. 1; intramurals 1; chorus 2,3,4;fta 4; french 2,3, pres. 4; a.v. 2; drama 2; pep club 2; tri-hi-y sec'y 1; scrivener 2,3, assoc. ed. 4; spri-hian 1; exec. council 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; senior play; off. aide 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,4, chrmn. 3. BARBARA MC KEE-349 Brock Rd. "Barb" favorite memory: a.h.-august 24, 1969; always seen: with letters to or from gitti; intramurals 1,2; band 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 4; exec. council 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; opera 2; lib. aide 1,2,3,4; french 1; pep club 4.

Sheila Eleanor McDowell

Barbara Carol McKee

Everyone always told us how "fantastic" our senior year 102

We closed the year in much anticipation of our IIGreat" senior year. MARTHA MC KEE-112 W. Leamy Ave. "Marti" secret ambition: to relive labor day weekend, 1969; favorite memory: sept. 20, 1969; intramurals 1,2; cheerleading 4; exec. council 2,3,4; spri-hian 1,2; nat. hon. soc. 4; gym aide 4; rifle team 3; tri-hi-y 1; pep club 2,3,4. J 0 H N MC KIN LEY-3707 Pembroke La. Apt. B "Mick" always seen: with steve, mike and el; pet peeve: trees that jump out at black ramblers; choir 1,2,3,4; stage crew 3,4; rifle team 4.

Martha Janet McKee

John David McKinley FRANCIS MC LAUGHLlN-319 Brock Rd. "Fox" secret ambition: call my own football game; pet peeve: getting injured in practice: football 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; service club 2,3,4. STEPH EN MC LEAN-332 Prospect Rd. "Steve" secret ambition: to be a young life leader; favorite memory: before, after and during school in the american studies office; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; stage crew 3,4; pep club 4; nat. hon. soc. 4.

Francis John Mclaughlin

Stephen Mark Mclean

THOMAS MC LENDON-"Pinko" favorite saying: hey, you gon' drive dis honk of teen 'cross de baja? bahaha; prize possession: towel from the baja hilton; tennis 3,4; senior play; poetry 3; hi-q 4; nat. merit semifinalist 4; lakeshore: tennis 1,2; poetry 2; play 2; beta club 1,2; latin 1, pres. 2; drama 2; med. careers treas. 2. GRANT MC LOUGHLlN-408 Major Circle "Wally" prize possession: pati and my monkey arms; favorite saying: nothing goes right wh en your underwear's tight; football 1; wrestling. 1; track 1,4; weightlifting 4; stud. council 1,4; prom comm .. 2; gym aide 4; service club 2,3,4.

Thomas Ray Mclendon

Grant Stuart Mcloughlin

would be, but, none of us were really prepared for what awaited us. 103

The old dress code was abolished and we were allowed to wear almost

BARBARA MC TAGUE'---360 Lynn Rd. "Barb" favorite memory: week of dec. seventh; secret ambition: to go to alaska; jcl 2, treas. 3; drama 2; pep club 4; amer. stud. staff 4; o'hara: glee club 1. ROHN MELONEY-308 Rambling Way "Bubby" always seen: with toastie schwartz; prize possession: my cats eye marble; football 2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3,4; varsity club 4.

Barbara Anne McTague

Rohn William Meloney

CHRISTOPHER MENAN-514 Sharpless Rd. "Harry" prize possession: maude krachner; favorite memory: gal's mushrooms; soccer 2,3,4; track 2,3, co-capt. 4; winter track co-capt. 4; wrestling 1; varsity club 3,4. JOHN METRICK-628 Yale Ave. "Mad Man" favorite saying: why not; remembered for: coke with no ice. .GARY MILLER-"Gear" always seen: with shorter people; secret ambition: to race sailboats professionally; wrestling 1,2; band 1 ,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; opera 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; weightlifting 4.

Christopher Peter Menan

John Joseph Metrick

Gary Stephen Miller

HAROTOUN MI LLER-"Artin" always seen: in the library- helping?; pet peeve: sevs; bowling 3,4; lib. aide 1,2,3,4; geology 3. JOANNE MI LLER-25 Mitchell Ave. "Joe" pet peeve: self-centered people; favorite saying:' how'you ganna act? RONALD MI LLER-328 Hemlock La. "Big Ron" favorite saying: how do?; remembered for: looking down at people; cross country 3,4; winter track 4; track 3,4; intramurals 3,4; central: stud. council 1,2; track 2.

Harotoun Deirmenjain Miller


C. Miller

Ronald Bruce Miller

from which sprang a group of Cougarettes. The band got their hard 104

anything we wanted. Bob Smith organized an unbeatable pep club

STEVEN MILLER-400 Kerr La. "Goose" secret ambition: to go out with sue bell is; pet peeve: people who spell my name s-t-ep-h-e-n; soccer 1,2,3,4; tennis 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2, mgr. 3,4; intramurals 4; exec. council 2,3; stud. council 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; gym aide 1; ping pong 1; pep club 4; varsity club 4. JESSE MILLON-267 Ridgewood R. "Jes" remembered for: my red hair; prize possession: 3 kazoos; rifle team 3,4; intramurals 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; chorus 2,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; gym aide 4; pep club 3,4; tri-hi-y 1.

Steven Craig Miller

Jesse Millon

JOHN MIRZOEFF-492 Indian Rock Or. "Mirz" Prize possession: my body; favorite memory: july 23,1951; dress code comm. 4. KAREN MONNINGER-"Lee" favorite m emory: those biology labs; prize possession: a certain work of art; rifle team 3,4; prom comm. 4; red cross 1; art 4. JANET MONTGOMERY-prize possession: huck; favorite memory: ocean city '68; chorus 1,2,3,4; fta 1; gym club 1.

John Kenneth Mirzoeff

Karen Lee Monninger

Janet Ann Montgomery

RICHARD MOORE-617 Dutton Circle "Rick" favorite memory: springfield weekend '69; prize possession: '55 merc.; stud. council 2,4; deca 3,4. JAMES MORRIS-463 Thatcher Rd. "Jim" pet peeve: 7:55 to 2:45 mono thru fri.; always seen: down woodland; wrestling 1,2,3; choir 1,2,3,4; basketball club 1; stud. coun- cil 1; stage crew 4.

Richard Harry Moore


W. Morris

earned uniforms (finally!) and were then invited to go to Europe. 105

S.H.S. decided to add a badly needed new wing and

MARGARET MORRISON-"Byrd" prize possession: don; remembered for: freaking out; intramurals 2; lit. mag 4; o'hara: intramurals 1. MICHAEL MORRISON-"Mike" pet peeve: trees that jump out at ramblers; prize possession: my motorcycle; football 1; golf 1. CH R ISTIE MULLAVEY-836 Rhoads Dr. "Chrisser" prize possession: old sneaker and a stuffed turkey "b.p."; favorite memory: feb. 28, 1967; intramurals 1,2; choir 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1.

Margaret Loretta Morrison

Michael Joseph Morrison

Christie Ann Mullavey

Marion VerneII Murray

Cheryl Renee Myers

Joseph Albert Neal

Richard Alan Neal

MARION MURRAY-112 Pennington Ave. Morton "Sweetie" favorite memory: april 5, 1969; pet peev,: taking gym; gym aide. CHERYL MYERS-352 Lynn Rd. favorite memory: oct. 19, 1968; favorite saying: it certainly is a nice day, isn't it?; band 1,2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; orch. 4; spri-hian 1,2; nat. hon. soc. 4; senior play; oklahoma! 4; drama 1,2; french 1; ski club 3,4; social service 3,4.

JOSEPH NEAL-3D Walnut St., Morton "George" remembered for: never doing anything; always seen: doing nothing; winter track 2,3; track 2,3. RICHARD NEAL-baseball 1.

(especially the guy with the mustache!) The lobby became 106

many hours were spent in class, watching the w'orkmen.

LYNN NEIKIRK-229 Wayne Ave. pet peeve: what's her teeth??; prize possession: chrisser; intramurals 2,3; spri-hian 1; nat. hon. soc. 4; sound of music 3; fta 4; french 3,4. WOLFGANG NEUENDORF-D-I Berlin 65 "Wolfy" loves: springfield and it's people; always seen: with a dictionary or camera; spri-hian 4; stud. council 4; exchange club 4; berlin: stud. council 1,2.

lynne Hart Neikirk

Wolfgang Jurgen Neuendorf

RITA N ICHOLAS-100 N. Morton Ave., Morton prize possession: tonsils; pet peeve: effete snobs; intramurals 1,2; jcl 1,2; red cross 1; stud. council 4; advisory council 4; guid. off. aide 2,3,4; project head start 4; xmas queen candidate. CHRISTINE NILES-1148 Providence Rd. "Tina" favorite memory: woodstock; heros: lenny bruce and john hammond; gymnastics 1; spri-hian 1,2,3; scrivener 3,4; stud. council 1; exec. council 2,3; interracial council 3; lit. mag. 4; poetry 3,4; drama 2; tri-hi-y pres. 1; french 2.

Rita lynn Nicholas

Christine Marie Niles

BEVERLY NOEDING-1013 Westwood Dr. "Bev" prize possession: my car keys; favorite saying: let me show you a trick!; fta 1,3. LINDA NONEMAKER-316 Harwicke Rd. "Lin" favorite memory: march 22, 1969; prize possession: guitar, certain poems, & my car; intramurals 1,2,3; stage crew 3,4; red cross 1; pep club 4. CHERYL NYE-450 Stanfield Rd. favorite saying: oh wow!; favorite memory: april 2, 1969; cheerleading 1; choir 1,2; chorus 3; stud. council 1,2,3; fta 4; fbla 3; pep club 1,2; xmas queen candidate.

Beverly louise Noeding

linda Joan Nonemaker

Cheryl Jean Nye

our personal property, along with all of the benches. 107

Appl ications were made to colleges and for jobs-and hopes

JOAN O'HARA-469 Wayne Ave. "Hamstring" favorite memory: august '69; remembered for: motor mouth; basketball 1; chorus 2,3; exec. council 2,4; stud. council 3,4; spri-hian 4; cougarettes 4; prom comm. 2,4; pep club 2,3, treas. 4; fta 1. NANCY OVERSTREET-"Bird" remembered for: dating ("mrs. weiss's") brother, jerry; favorite memory: december 19,1967; tri-hiy 1; gym aide 2; guid. off. aide 3; fbla 2.

Joan Marie O'Hara

Nancy Ann Overstreet

JANE OWEN-314 N. Lehigh Circle "Janie" favorite memory: senior year; remembered for: my big mouth and fat cheeks; spri-hian 4; gym aide 4; red cross 1; pep club 4; fta 4. ANTHONY PACITTI-405 E. Woodland Ave. "Antney" favorite memory: the (studey) studabaker; pet peeve: my little brother nick; football 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; winter track 3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3, co-capt. 4; varsity club 2,3, pres. 4; service club 2,3,4.

Jane Lee Owen

Anthony Michael Pacitti

NICHOLAS PACITTI-405 E. Woodland Ave. "Bo Bo" remembered for: being the other "pacitti" twin; prize possession: my tooth picks; football 1,2,3,4; track 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; exec. council 3,4; prom comm. 3,4; service club 2,3, pres. 4; varsity club 4. ELLEN PAINE-336 Brock Rd. "EI" always seen: with john and steve or the gang; secret ambition: to be a fireman; intramurals 3; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; nurse's aide 4; pep club 3,4; rifle team 3,4; art 1. LEONARD PALLADINO-"Lennie" golf 1.

Nicholas William Pacitti

Ellen Louise Paine

was our class play and who will ever forget the scene where 108

Leonard Kirk Palladino

were high for the future. liThe Man Who Came to Dinner"

DENISE PANEBIANCO-346 Harwicke Rd. "D ee dee" favorite memory: march 22, 1969; always seen: with the gang; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 4; pep club 4; jcl sec'y 4. SUSAN PARADIS-644 Saxer Ave. "Sue" favorite memory: december 25, 1966; remembered for: my chinese eyes; senior play; pep club 3. ROBERT PARKER-525 Cheyney Rd. "Bob" favorite memory: summer '69; pet peeve: studying trig.; bowling 1; a.v. 1.

Denise Eleanor Panebianco

Susan Marie Paradis

Robert Eugene Parker

STEVEN PATTON-3707 Pembroke La. Apt. A "Puss" favorite memory: ocean city with a.s.; secret ambition: to keep ahead of john and mike in number of alarms; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; oklahoma! 4; sound of music 3; chess. DIANE PAULlNG-510 Hawarden Rd. "Shrink" prize possession: my buddha; favorite memory: two summers and two christmas vacations; lit. mag. 4; stage crew 3,4; social service 4; poetry 3,4; jct 3; art 2,3,4; villa maria academy: musical gigi 1; intramurals 1; art 1.

Steven Patrick Patton

Diane Marie Pauling

TONI PAXSON-favorite memory: sept. 24, 1966; prize possession: "chip"; spri-hian 1,2,3; prom comm. 2; pep club 3; seniro paly; tri-hi-y I. ROBERT PAYNE-"Dish" prize possession: life; favorite memory: 1 point during basketball season; basketball 2.

Toni Lynn Paxson

Robert Byron Payne Jr.

Tom McClendon carried Dianne Goodspeed onto the stage? 109

On a more serious note, the school participated in the

PATRICIA PEARCE-365 W. Woodland Ave. "Pat" hockey 1,2,3; gymnastics 1,2,3; lacrosse 2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; prom comm. 3.4. JOYCE PECK-330 Parham Rd. favorite memory: past four summers; favorite saying: it's a nice day, isn't it Cheryl?; band 1,2,3,4; chorus 1,2; choir 3; lib 4; spri-hian 2; fta 1; drama 1; french 1; social service 3,4.

Patricia Ann Pearce

Joyce Helen Peck

FREDERICK PEIFER-"Professor" remembered for: always grabbing a snack between . classes; always seen: eating; track 1,2; stud. council 2,3; senior play; geology 3; pep club


Frederick Walter Peifer

Hal Richard Peitzman

Sandra J. Piselli


SANDRA PISELLI-"Sandy" favorite memory: white spiders; always seen: with cindy and cheryl; pep club 4; fta 1; fbla 1. DONALD POHLMAN-428 Kerr La. "Po" always seen: at dunkin' donuts; glee club 1,2; choir 3,4; lit. mag. 4; exec. council 3; prom comm. 2; nat. hon. soc. 4; lacrosse 4; poetry 4.

Richard John Perry

K. Pohlman

Congressman Williams and Professor Davidon. We abolished 110

nation-wide Moratorium by having a special assembly with DIANE POLISCHUK-12D W. Leamy Ave. favorite memory: summer of '69; pet peeve: wrestlers losing weight!!; intramurals 1; trihi-y 1,2; pep club 2,3,4; spri-hian 2,3; stud. council 2,4; exec. council 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; cheerleading 3, co-capt. 4; pretzel comm. 4. WAYNE POLLOCK-712 W. Springfield Rd. "Poke" favorite memory: student council workshop with diver dan; favorite saying: hey martha, can i have a piece of gum?; soccer 1,2,3, capt. 4, all-central, all-district; track 1; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 2,3; weightlifting 4; choir 1,3,4, pres. 2; spri-hian 4; scrivener 4; stud. council v.pres. 4; exec. council 2,3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom comm. 3,4, chrmn. 2; pep club 4; service club 2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; fca 3, pres. 4.

Diane Marie Polischuk

Wayne Millard Pollock KATHLEEN POMMER-"Kathy" pet peeve: people you can't trust; always seen: looking for jerry; intramurals 1,2; fta 1; scrivener 2; exec. council 2. OWEN POWELL-3D6 Hawarden Rd. always seen: at dunkin' donuts; pet peeve: irmas. CLIFFORD PRESTON-"Cliff" pet peeve: school.

Kathleen Theresa Pommer







WILLIAM PRINTZ-3D1 Franklin Ave. "Bananaman" pet peeve: certain football coaches and blonde haired junior class officers; secret ambition: to be just like mr. landau, bald and all; football 1,2. LYNN PYLE-83 Hillview Dr. "Gomer Pyle" secret ambition: to be a nurse on the ship hope; prize possession: my nickname; lib aide 1,2,3,4; fna 2; tri-hi-y pres. 4; philosophy 3.

William Randall Printz

lynn Margaret Pyle

the custom of May Queen and initiated the crowning of the 111

Senior Christmas Queen. Our choice was Cheryl

ANTHONY RAFFA-76 Nield Rd. "Fayt" favorite saying: fssob; always seen: at frank's mobil; glee club 1; choir 2. DAVID REBUCK-445 Kennerly Rd. "Dave" favorite saying: you pecker; favorite memory: going out with motormouth; football 1; baseball 1; cross country 2; winter track 2; track 2; choir 1,2,3,4; stud. council 1; intramurals 4; varsity club 3,4.

Anthony Charles Raffa

David Lewis Rebuck

PATRICIA REED-910 Joseph Place "Pat" favorite saying: telling donna sebastian she a te it; pet peeve: getting up at 6:30 for school; gymnastics 2; gym aide 2. KENNETH REIMUND-408 Barker Rd. "Adolfo" always seen: with janyce; prize possession: mean little vw; football 1; basketball club. WILLIAM REINER-496 Kent Rd. "Bill" always seen: on woodland ave.; favorite memory: any time before dec. 7, 1968; football 1; stage crew 4; a.v. 4; geology 3.

Patricia Ann Reed

Kenneth Michael Reimund

William Noel James Reiner Jr.

MICHAEL RIBECCA-"Baba" favorite saying: ain't no big thing; favorite memory: junior prom; soccer 1; gymnastics 2; stage crew 3,4. BRUCE RICH-260 S. Norwinden Dr. remembered for: maki ng time with miss bigelow; secret ambition: to learn something by the time i leave here; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; nat. merit semifinalist 4; dover: rifle team 1.

Michael Francis Ribecca Jr.

and things began t() take on a different light. 112

Bruce Arland Rich

Small. Suddenly it was the last half of our Senior year

JAM ES R ICKAR DS-344 Parham Rd. " Jim" favorite saying: but that's neither here nor there..."; prize possession: a baseba II au togra ph ed by ace bell; baseball 1,2,3,4; bowling 2; bridge club 1. GEORGE RICKETTS-259 E. Leamy Ave. pet peeve: wrestling diets; remembered for: smiling; soccer 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3,4; service club 3,4; varsity club 4. RICHARD RILEY-753 Parker La. "Rock" favorite saying: hold my books, boy; favorite memory: two years with mr. gotwats; advisory council 4.

James Thomas Rickards

George William Ricketts

Richard Robert Riley

JAM ES R0BERTS-359 Sedgewood Rd. "Jim" remembered for: school spirit; always seen: not in class. ARTHUR RODERICK-121 N. Highland Rd. "Skip" prize possession: my soccer ball; secret ambition: to brake a 1000; soccer 1,2,3,4; football 4; winter track 2,3, co-capt. 4; track 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; wrestling 1; stud. council 1,2, treas. 4; prom comm. 2; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; varsity club 2,3, treas. 4; service club 2,3, treas. 4; golf 1.

James Kitto Roberts

Arthur David Roderick

GEORGE ROOT-655 Dutton Circle favorite saying: that reminds me of a funny joke; favorite memory: summers in wildwood; wrestling 1; basketball club 1_ DAVID ROSENBERG-308 Lewis Rd. "Rasey" favorite memory: slipping on the ice on the way to school; favorite saying: a lot of help you are; choir 1,2,3,4; chess 1.

George John Root

David Wayne Rosenberg

January was a pretty "blah" month, while February 113

brought a fine production of "Oklahoma!" that a great

LINDA ROSTRON-437 W. Leamy Ave. "Chester" Pet Peeve: florida guys and vans; prize possession: my dog and my house in Avalon; basketball 1; rifle team 3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; a.v. 2; fta 1,2; scrivener 4; exec. council 2,3,4; proj. head start 4; guid. off. aide 2; gym aide 3. ROBERT ROWAN-"Row'n" always seen in an e.j. league contest; pet peeve: joe pellegrino and harry duke; baseball 1,2; dance band 4; social service 4.

Linda Jo Rostron

Robert Leonard Rowan

BRUCE RUBIN-327 W. Springfield Rd. "the other Bruce" secret ambition: to have a dollar for every friend and acquaintance; pet peeve: not having ten bodies that would live forever; wrestling 1,2,3,4; football 3; tennis 2; baseball 3; spri-hian 2,3,4; scrivener 3; nat. hon. soc. 4; a.v. 1,2,3,4; social service 4; jets 3,4; stage crew 1,2; lib. aide 4; chess 1,2,3,4. DENISE RUE-105 Duncan La. always seen: with steve; favorite memory: springfield weekend '69; hockey mgr. 2,3,4; lacrosse 1; choir 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 4; scrivener 1; exec. council 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; oklahoma! 4; xmas queen candidate; prom comm.2,3,4; pep club 3,4; varsity 4; fta 1.

Bruce Alan Rubin

Denise Renei Rue

FREDERICK RUSSO-11 Myrtle Ave. Morton "Fred" favorite memory: mr. hatten's 3rd period de class and the trip to univac; always seen: with denise terranova. GEN EV I EVE SAGAN-"Gen" favorite memory: running out of gas; secret ambition: to make everyone in the world happy; intramurals 1; sound of music 3; tri-hi-y 1; french 3,4; fta 4; photo. 4; pep club 4. ROBERT SAND ERS-"Sach" favorite saying: i'm sorry; pet peeve: rumors; exec. council 2; service club.

Frederick James Russo


M. Sagan

(and rejections) started¡ to roll in and our futures 114.

Robert Philip Sanders

number of kids worked on. About that time acceptances

JOSEPH SANTELLA-"Bosco" prize possession: thy "key"; secret ambition: to get an ss; track 4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; band 1,2,3; gym aide 1,2; golf 1; pep club 3. GERALD SARKISIAN-531 Sharpless Rd. "Jerry" always seen: walking around the school; favorite memory: jan. 31, 1969; choir 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; oklahoma! 4; art 1.

Joseph Francis Santella

Gerald Allen Sarkisian

DAVID SATTERTHWAITE-"Sats" favorite saying: how ya doin' dude?; favorite memory: aug. 27, 1969; soccer 1; glee club 1; choir 2; stage crew 4; prom comm. 2; golf 1; poetry 4. RALPH SCALES-214 Walnut St. Morton "Carp" remembered for: mr: popular; secret ambition: to be a reknowned black militant.


H. Satterthwaite

Ralph Scales

JOSEPH SCHEIB-"Joe" favorite saying: give me strength; prize possession: a green and white striped towel; track 4; o'hara: cross country 1; track 1; intramurals 1. JEANNE SCHLOSMAN-470 Colonial Park Dr. "Jeannie" prize possession: jimmy; pet peeve: cliques and snobby people; intramurals 1,2; chorus 2,3,4; exec. council 2; spri-hian 2; gym aide 2; stage crew 3,4; fta 4.

Joseph Andre Scheib

Jeanne Ruth Schlosman

became more definite. We started to think about the little things 115

we tended to take for granted-like our "special lunch table," homeroom

STEVEN SCHWARTZ-pet peeve: breathing; remembered for; my frivolous spending; rifle team 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; philosophy 2,3,4; ping pong 1;a.v.1,2,3,4;stagecrew 1. LUCILLE SCIASCI-73 Colonial Park Dr. favorite saying: wow! hi eddy; remembered for: big mouth and messed mind; deca 3,4.

Steven Jule Schwartz

Lucille Margaret Sciasci

Linda Martha Scott

Patricia Ann Scott

LINDA SCOTT-"Little one" secret ambition: to graduate and become a dancer...; remembered for: being so short; intramurals 1; tri-hi-y 1; deca 4; pep club 3; spri-hian 2,3; prom comm. 2,3. PATRICIA SCOTT-650 Prospect Rd. "Pat" prize possession: bob; favorite memory: senior prom (around the pool); choir 1,2,3,4.

DONNA SEBASTIAN-520 N. Morton Ave. Morton prize possession: car keys; secret ambition: to become a secretary to a millionaire; cougarettes 4; fbla 4; pep club 4; middletown: fta 1. ROB IN SELLERS-"Rob" prize possession: r.d.k. and strawberry; favorite memory: katie; stud. council 4; tri-hi-y 1; geology 3. TOO SENNE-1012 Westwood Dr. "Sen" pet peeve: tall girls; secret ambition: to race in the grand prix; baseball 1; golf 2,3,4.

Donna Marie Sebastian

Robin Lee Sellers

Slowly the purpose of many things began to be clear. We 116

Tod Nelson Senne

periods, lounging in the lobby, night rehearsals and friends.

CARL SHELOW-29 Schuyler Rd. fa'vJrite sa ying: when's the period over?-; always seen: in a happy mood; soccer mgr. 4; wrestling mgr. 4; glee club 1,2; choir 3,4. NADINE SHIELDS-641 Evans Rd. "Nardie" pet peeve: boys who cross their legs and people who whistle the s's; prize possession: my special delivery letter; chorus 3; choir 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 1,2,3, ed. board 4; scrivener 3, lit. ed. 4; stud. council 2,4; exec. cou ncil 2,3,4; class sec'y 3; prom comm. chrmn 2,3; nat. hon. soc. 4; sound of music 3; french 1; gym aide 2.

Carl David Shelow

Madine Patricia Shields DENISE SHOCKLEY-543 Weymouth Rd., "Denny" favorite memory: oct. 10, 1969; prize possession: the guards: intramurals 2,3,4; prom comm. 2; fta 1; fbla v. pres. 3, pres. 4; pep club 4; gym aide 3. DOUGLAS SHRADER-pet peeve: work; secret ambition: to become president; gym aide 1; weightlifting 4.

Denise Anne Shockley

Jill Shockley

Douglas Roark Shrader

EDWARD SHUBIN-"Shobs" favorite memory: 1Oth grade world cultures and 11th grade health; secret ambition: to keep my secret ambition a secret; soccer 1, mgr. 3,4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4. MICHAEL SIMON-29 Nield Rd. "Si" favorite memory: shore '69; prize possession: my combat boots.

Edward Scott Shubin


H. Simon

realized that being a Senior is doing things for the last time. 117

It's playing your last game, singing your last note, taking

DAVID SIMPSON-516 Vernon Rd. "Cookie-man" prize possession: impala ss; favorite memory: mr. steven's physics class; weightlifting 4; ridley: football 1; wrestling 1; stud. council 1. CAROL SJOSTROM-favorite memory: septem.ber 13, 1968; prize possession: peter; chorus 1,2,3,4; stage crew 3,4; tri-hi-y 1. BRENDA SLABAUGH-always seen: with buddy; pet peeve: bucket seats and high beams; drama 4; deca 4; taft: chorus 1,2.

David Claude Simpson

Carol Anne Sjostrom

Brenda Faye Slabaugh

Susan Harriet Slone

Cheryl Lee Small

SUSAN SLONE-"Sue" prize possession: driver's license; remembered for: having hair that grows fast; lib. aide 2; off. aide 4; nurse's aide 4; fta 4. CHERYL SMALL-cheerleading 2,3, capt. 4; intramurals 1; chorus 1; choir 2,3,4; french 1; pep club 2,3,4; exec. council 2,3,4; stud. council 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; gym aide 1,2; xmas queen.

BONN I SM ITH-460 Prospect Rd. "Bon" favorite memory: ucla-summer '69; pet peeve: east coast snobs; hockey 1; chorus 1,3,4; exec. council 4; spri-hian 4; gym aide 4; fta 1,4; cougarettes 4; marple newtown: hockey 2, lacrosse 2; stud. council 2. B R U C E SM ITH-favorite memory: having the bus window fall out into the street while coming home from social service; secret am-¡ bition: to become a trappist monk-right van and harry!; glee club 2; spri-hian 1,2; drama 1,2,3,4; thespians 2,3,4; social service 4; scrivener 1.

Bonni Susan Smith

It's a prom at the Bellevue Stratford and a little ceremony called 118

Bruce Thomas Smith

your last exam and getting your last demerit in this place.

JANICE SMITH-"Joe" favorite memory: october 25, 1969; pet peeve: springfield high school; fbla 4; fta treas. 1; gym aide; prom comm.4. JOHN SMITH-"Captain" secret ambition: bom b a house on locust ave.; pet peeve: going to eat out when i couldn't; football 2,3; weightlifting 1,2,3,4; track 1,2,3; MARCIA SMITH-"Marci" rifle team 3; choir 2; chorus 1,3; stud. council 1,2,3; exec. council 3; drama 1,2; xmas queen candidate.

Janice Mary Smith


R. Smith

Marcia D. E. Smith MARY SM ITH-493 Wayne Ave. "Mickie" favorite saying: "but uh"; favorite memory: jay; senior play; pep club 4; ski club 3; fta 3. ROB ERT SM ITH-"Smitty" favorite memory: november 27, 1969; most wanted wish: world peace; soccer 1; wrestling 1; winter track 3; tennis 1,2,3,4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; dist. chorus 3,4; reg. chorus 3,4; sprihian 1,2,3; scrivener 3; exec. council 2,3,4; advisory council 4; opera 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; a.v. 1,2,3; pep club 3, pres. 4.

Mary Agnes Smith

Robert Kinsel Smith Jr.

BETTY SMOLlN-151 Snyder La. prize possession: max-a-dog; pet peeve: mr. hall's extra credit puzzles and cold french fries; chorus 1,4; choir 2,3; tri-hi-y 1,2; cougarettes 4. RUTH SOUDER-"Ruff" remembered for: being funny; always seen with: karen, jo, har, sue, linda; intramurals 1,2,3; chorus 1,2; fbla 3, v.pres. 4; pep club 4.

Betty Ann Smolin

Ruth Ann Souder

Commencement. Being a Senior is the end of a very important part 119

of our life but the beginning of the rest of our lives.

KAR EN SPISHACK-"Spishy" favorite sayin g: oh brother! remembered for: always smiling; gym aide 4; fbla 3,4; pep club 4. WI LLiAM SPOHN-314 Gleaves Rd. "Bill" favorite memory: the second night of the greek olive; prize possession: my clipboard; basketball mgr. 1,2,3,4; tennis mgr. 3; choir 1,2,3, pres. 4; spri-hian 3; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; social service 3, pres. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3, v.pres. 4; chess 1.

Karen Ann Spishack

William Anthony Spohn

Barbara Ann Stagliano

Edna Joan Stamoulis

BARBARA STAGLIANO-109 West Ave. "Stag" favorite memory: atlantic city pop festival & american studies; pet peeve: springfield high school; hockey 1; scrivener 4; lit. mag. 4; exec. council 2,4; gym aide 1,3,4; art 1; tri-hi-y 4. EDNA STAMOULlS-612 Cheyney Rd., "Hare" prize possession: a certain dark-haired guy; favorite record: sunny; tri-hi-y 1; deca 3; fbla 2.

LINDA STANTON-Lord Baltimore Apts., Morton. "Lin" favorite memory: thanksgiving '69; prize possession: car; gym club 1; art 1. ALAN STAPLETON-232 Hillview Dr. "Big AI" rifle team 3; o'hara: football 1,2. RUTH STEELE-"Betz" favorite memory: 12:30 a.m. dec. 10, 1969; always seen: in blue chevy; tri-hi-y 1,2; bowling 1,2,3.

Linda Louise Stanton

Alan James Stapleton

were different for each, making each of us an individual. 120

Ruth Elizabeth Steele

The work and experiences that went into our diplomas

GEOFFREY STEIERT-313 Lynbrooke Rd. "Rock" always seen: on crutches; pet peeve: my toof; football 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; track 1,2,3; baseball 4; stud. council 2,3,4; class treas. 2, pres. 3; oklahoma! 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4. RICHARD STEVENSON-236 N. Rolling Rd. "Fat Sheet" favorite memory: august 1; pet peeve: august 2; football 1; baseball 1; soccer 2,3,4; basketball 1,2; pep club; varsity club 3,4; stud. council 1,2; exec. council 2; romeo & juliet 4.

Geoffrey Leigh Steiert

Richard Lewis Stevenson GAIL STEWART-128 School La. "Stewart" favorite memory: colorado '68; pet peeve: my submarines; hockey 1,2; intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2,3; choir 4; spri-hian 4; scrivener 4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; pep club 2,4; cougarettes

4. JOSEPH STOKES-"Moose" always seen: wearing a coat; pet peeve: rules; glee club 2.

Gail Ann Stewart

Joseph Aloysious Stokes

LAURA STREETON-"Laurie" favorite memory: camelback; prize possession: 4th period lunch, ha, hal; basketball mgr. 1,2; lacrosse 1; chorus 2; choir 3,4; color guard 1,2,3, co-sgt. 4; sound of music 3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4.

Laura Jean Streeton

Whatever we thought or felt for these four years 121

will always remain with us in some small way. Maybe some day we'll

J 0 H N STR EH LAU-"Stray" prize possession: my little pleasure machine; secret ambition: to live in a world without time; soccer 1,2; track 1,2; winter track 3; band 1,2,3,4; orch 1; pep club 4; social service 3,4; jets 3,4. LOIS STRICKLAND-favorite memory: jan. 30, 1969; secret ambition: to make everyone happy & marry ken; intramurals 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; art 3; rifle team 2,3.

John Stewart Strehlau

Lois Jeanne Strickland

MARY ANNE STROUD-"Mannie" favorite memory: the return to denise's party; pet peeve: the triad; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 1,2; spri-hian 1,2,3; lit. mag. 4; stud. council 1,2,4; exec. council 2,3; proj. head start 4; curriculum comm. 4. E DWA R D STU BBS-"Stubbies" favorite memory: being with cheryl; always seen: spreading sunshine; stage crew 3,4.

Mary Anne Theresa Stroud

Edward Ernest Stubbs

ARTHUR SULZER-"Baron 10" prize possession: my iguana; favorite memory: springfield weekend '69; weightlifting 3,4; band 1,2,3,4; exec. council 1,2; jets 2,3,4; jcl 2,3; ski club 3,4. WI LLiAM SUYDAM-"Bill" favorite memory: may 2, 1969; remembered for: '59 ply.

Arthur Henry Sulzer



B. Suydam

regret that we laughed at that kid in the sneakers and short hair, or

BONNIE SWAN-929 Edwards Dr. favorite memory:¡ the amalgamated apheteric; favorite saying: oh wow!; choir 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; lit. mag. 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; oklahoma! 4; social service 4; ski club 3; a.v. 2,3,4; jcl 3,4: WI LLiAM SWAM-"Sudz" prize possession: carol; favorite memory: october 25, 1969.

Bonnie Jane Swan

William Rens Swan

RICHARD SWIFT-"Rick" favorite saying: gotcha'; pet peeve: curly hair; football 1; soccer 2; basketball 1,2; tennis 1,2,3, capt. 4; stud. council 2,3; exec. council 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; varsity club 2,3, v.pres. 4.

Edward Michael Sweeney

Richard Parker Swift

SAMUEL SZEWCZYK-"Sam" cross country 3,4; wrestling 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; varsity club 3,4; nature 1; nat. hon. soc. 3,4. DONALD TABER-"Don" favorite memory: miss bigelow's english class; remembered for: giving gail gum; wrestling 1,4; track 1; golf 1.

Samuel Hideyo Szewczyk

Donald Cleveland Taber III


that we never turned in that English assignment. Each of us

JOSEPH TANKLE-325 Holt La. prize possession: green hornet; pet peeve: sleds; football 3,4; track 1,2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 3, treas. 4; varsity club 4. GALE TARNOFF-secret ambition: to live in israel; favorite memory: summer of 1969; scrivener 4; lit. mag. 4; lib. aide 3; gym aide 4; tri-hi-y 1; fta 3; social service 3.

Joseph Edward Tankle

Gale Ann Tamoff

JOHN TAYLOR-264 Rambling Way "Skinny Sheet" favorite memory: nights spent in a '48 studebaker; pet peeve: pacittis' 22 ham, 15 cheese and 10 cokes. RICHARD TAYLOR-410 Indian Rock Dr. "Eagle" prize possession: pigeon and dead fish; favorite memory: english with wayne and betz; soccer 1,2,3,4; winter track 2,4; wrestling 1; tennis 1; band 1,2,3,4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; lit. mag. 4; ping pong 1; jets 1,2,3, v.pres. 4.

John Hayden Taylor

Richard Jester Taylor

F R EDERIQUE TESTANIERE-somewhere in Paris, 78 France "Fred" favorite saying: hi, boy!; pet peeve: my extra pounds; french club 4; stud. council 4. GARY TICKNOR-442 Briarhill Rd. always seen: at woodland; remembered for: "antique rose" buick; stage crew 4.

Frederique Marie Anne Testaniere

Gary Michael Ticknor

will treasure certain memories of either sitting around the cougar,

PATRICIA TIERNEY-"Pat" favorite memory: the apple machine; always seen: with leslie; gymnastics 3,4; spri-hian 4; oklahoma! 4; senior play; fta 1; nurse's aide 2. DONALD TOAL-401 E. Woodland Ave. "Duck" favorite memory: "the syndicate"; always seen: at springfield del.; stage crew 3,4.

Patricia Eileen Tierney

Donald Aloysious Toal MARY-ELLEN TODD-"Midge" prize possession: dennis; favorite memory; okinawa; kubasaki high school: surkiran pep squad 3; stud. council 3. BARBARA TOOLE-966 Stoney Brook Dr. "B eacher" prize possession: itk fraternity house; always seen: looking for the baja with zapata and gringo; choir 2; chorus 1,3,4; scrivener 2,3; lit. mag. 3, ed. 4; thespians 2,3,4; french 2.

Mary-Ellen Patricia Todd

Barbara Joanne Toole

DAVID TRAUTMANN-pet peeve: sorority and the "bench"; favorite memory: summer '69. RODGER TUCKER-"Rog" favorite memo ry: summer '69; pet peeve: people who don't know what they're talking about; penncrest: track 1,2; choir 1,2.


A. Trautman


C. Tucker


marching at halftime, riding the bus to school, or probably

DENNIS URBAN-945 Green Briar La. "Runt" prize possession: honda 90; pet peeve: english class; o'hara: football mgr. 1; soccer 2; stage crew 1; lib. aide 1. ELAINE UTERMOHLEN-638 Sheffield Dr. favorite saying: oh, my word; remembered for: phone calls till 3 a.m.; tennis 1,2,3,4; intramurals 2,3; band 1,2,3; chorus 4; lit. mag. 2, art ed. 4; spri-hian 4; scrivener 3; lib. aide 1,2; varsity club 3,4; social service 4; fta 4; art 1.

Dennis David Urban

Elaine Ellen Utermohlen

KAREN VAHEY-Amosland Apts. Morton secret ambition: to weigh 100 Ibs.; favorite memory: carrot; pep club 3,4; stud. council 3,4; class sec'y 4; prom comm. 3,4; fbla 3; xmas queen candidate. GEORGE VAN HOUTEN-"Van" prize possession: a cadillac; pet peeve: eating in the cafe; bowling 1 ,2,3,4; lib. aide 1,2,3,4; geology 3.

Karen Helen Vahey

George Jackson Van Houten

SCOTT VAN PATTER-97 Sproul Rd. "Psychedelic" prize possession: mucklucks; favorite saying: do you have a pencil?; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,4; dance band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2,3,4; dist. orch. 2,4; pep band 3, dir. 4; oklahoma! 4. CONSTANCE VAN ELLA-625 Cheyney Rd. "Connie" favorite memory: may 22 and 23, 1969 at the apartment; remembered for: trip to baltimore; gymnastics 3; choir 1,4, treas. 2; chorus 3; exec. council 2,4; senior play; oklahoma! 4; gym aide 2; jcl 2, pres. 3; fta pres. 1; pep club 4.

Scott Arthur VanPatter


Constance Lee Vanella

just being with those special people who were such a vital part

THOMAS VAN VALKENBURGH~49 Forest Rd. "Red One" remembered for: apple snatch; secret ambition: to be a nomad; football 1; cross country 2,4; wrestl ing 1,2; ten n is 1; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; lit. mag. 3,4; scrivener 4; stud. council 4; romeo & juliet 4; philosophy 3,4; poetry 3,4; film workshop 4; jets 2,3,4.

Thomas Lyle VanValkenburgh

John Charles Vella MARY VIGLOTTI-hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2; chorus 3; varsity club 3,4; ski club 3; pep club 2; lit. mag. 4; proj. head start 4; social service 4. JIM VO G E L-"Vogue" favorite memory: chemistry class; remembered for: great skiing abilities; a.v. 4.

Mary Alice Viglotti

James Vogel

CARL VON PLATO-"Charlie" favorite memory: last summer; pet peeve: school; football 1; nature club 1. GAl L WAGNER-611 Newlin Rd. pet peeve: clocks; secret ambition: to live happily ever after; intramurals 1,2; choir 4; spri-hian 2,3, mgr. 4; scrivener 2,3; exec. council 2,3; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; senior play; guid. off. aide 1,2; prom comm. 2,4; fta 3, pres. 4; tri-hi-y 1; drama 4; pep club 3,4; cougarettes 4; chorus 2,3.


M. VonPlato

Gail Elizabeth Wagner


of our high school days. Someday when we'll listen to

MARY WALLS-952 Green Briar La. favorite memory: next christmas; remembered for: a remarkable neck; hockey 1,2,3; basketball 1,2,3; tennis 1,2; spri-hian 1,2,3; class sec'y 2; varsity club 2,3, sec'y 4; tri-hi-y 1,2; xmas queen candidate. DOROTHY WALTERS-318 Spring Valley Rd. "Chris" prize possession: r.i.a.; always seen: with camera in hand; tennis 1,3,4; intramurals 1,2; chorus 1,2,3, sec'y 4; spri-hian 4; exec. council 3; scrivener 3,4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; lib. aide 1; gym aide 4; tri-hi-y 1; fta 1,4; a.v. 4.

Mary Denise Walls

Dorothy Christine Walters

Karen Joyce Warrick

Margaret Ann Wassler

Walter Edmond Watkins Jr.

Jean McClung Watrous

KAREN WARRICK-238 Harding Ave. Morton favorite saying: oo-yeath!; remembered for: my slow walk; intramurals 1,2,4; lib. aide 3; gym aide 3; fbla 2,3,4. MARGARET WASSLER-1045 Westwood Dr. "Peggy" prize possession: a chocolate chip cookie; favorite memory: christmas '69; scrivener 4; exec. council 4.

WALTER WATKINS-67 Mansion Rd. "Ned" favorite memory: colorado 1968; secret ambition: to have scored a touchdown on the football team; football 4; soccer 1,2, mgr. 3; tennis 1,2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; pep club 4; ping pong 1. JEAN WATROUS-884 Church Rd. pet peeve: gym first period monday; secret ambition: to be a pilot and fly a plane; spri-hian 3; sound of music 3; exec. council 2; fta 4; gym aide 1; tennis club 2.


an "Oldie but Goodie," we'll remember these things and wish

GAl L WATSON-1G8 West Ave. favorite memory: colorado '68; seen: sometimes with alltime; hockey 1; lacrosse 1; intramurals 1,2; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; scrivener 4; exec. council 4; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; prom and dance comm. 2,3,4; cougarettes 4. MICHAEL WATSON-494 Hawarden Rd. "Mike" football 3,4; winter track 4; track 3,4.

Gail Patricia Watson

Michael J. Watson

WI LLiAM WATT-"Light bulb" prize possession: my trophy; favorite memory: springfield weekend '69; winter track 3; track 3,4; deca treas. 3, v.pres. 4. DAVID WEBB-518 E. Scenic Rd. "Webber" secret ambition: to own a 6 -cylinder car; favorite saying: i forgot it; intramurals 4; golf 2,3,4.

William John Watt

David Anthony Webb

JAM ES WE ILE R-"Phantom" always seen: in the hang laboratory; favorite saying: do a cortical-thalamic pause; soccer 1; winter track 1; stud. council 1,2; jets 1,2,3,4; a.v. 1. ROBERT WEINERMAN-"Bob" prize possession: keys to my radio shack; secret ambition: to obtain a 1st class radio license.

James William Weiler

Robert Gary Weinerman


that today were yesterday...and we'll never be sorry that

JOHN WEISEL-favorite memory: the time i missed a chemistry test because i forgot to go to class; always seen: in library; tennis mgr. 4; lib. aide 4. STEVEN WENTZ-200 Sunnybrook Rd. "Steve" always seen: in the band room; prize possession: memories of springfield high school; bowling 1,2; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3, pres. 4; dance band 3,4; dist. band 2,3,4; spri-hian 2; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4.


S. Weisel

Steven Frederick Wentz

JAMES WHEATZEY-"Crazy Holiday" favorite saying: that's fun for me; favorite memory: 10 year's after rego; basketball 1,2,3; service club 2,3,4; pep club 3,4. SUSAN WH ITE-17 So. State Rd. "Sue" always seen: staggering; secret ambition: to finish making a dress before i have to wear it; hockey 1,2; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; exec. council 2,3,4; stud. council 1; sound of music 3; oklahoma! 4; dance and prom comm. 2,3,4; varsity club 4; pep club 3,4; gym aide 1,2; cougarettes 4.

James Joseph Wheatley

Susan Jean White

LESLIE WI LCOX-favorite saying: i could hit you really hard on the head, ya know! "right charlie?" remembered as: maggie cutler (in senior play); intramurals 1,2; bowling 4; senior play; drama 1,2,4. JOANNE WILHELM-170 Hillview Dr. favorite saying: what's the difference between a prude and a prune?; remembered for: the lincoln; scrivener 4; lit. mag. 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; fta 3; tri-hi-y 1.

Leslie Denise Wilcox


Joanne Marie Wilhelm

yesterday existed. Most of us will smile at these memories and realize

JAM ES WINDSOR-"Winds" favorite saying: yeah right; always seen: with cheryl; football 1,2,3,4; baseball 1; chorus 1,2,4; choir 3,4; stage crew 3,4; varsity club 3,4; biology 1. DAVID WITHERS-262 School La. "Dave" favorite saying: 327's rule; remembered for: being the fastest shifter in del. co.; biology 1.

James Grant Windsor


L. Withers MARYANN WOOD-477 Thatcher Rd. "Hem i-Mouth" remembered for: speed-talking; favorite saying: whatever turns you on; exec. council 3; stud. council 3; tennis 1. WI LLIAM WOOLSTON-136 Snyder La. "Woo1st" favorite memory: the catroom and huff's bandits; secret ambition: to be a pusher; a.v. 1,2,3, v.pres. 4; exec~ council 3; stage crew 1,2,3, v.pres. 4.

Mary Ann Wood

William Francis Woolston

GEORGE WOULFE-527 Valley View Rd. football 1; weightlifting 4; wrestling 1; stud. council 1,2. KRISTA WYNNE-335 Franklin Ave. "Kriss" favorite memory: colorado '68; prize possession: a rock; gymnastics 2; intramurals 1,2; choir 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 1; scrivener assoc. ed. 4; exec. council 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; gym aide 2; pep club 2,3,4; cougarettes 4; tennis club 1; oklahoma! 4.

George James Woulfe

Krista Jane Wynne


"that for one brief, shining moment" there was a

ROBIN ZAFFIRI-526 Yale Ave. favorite memory: august 1; prize possession: a sarcastic person; intramurals; pep club; sprihian; stud. council 1,2; exec. council; romeo & juliet 4. JANET ZAMBRERA-1014 Crazer La. "Jan" favorite saying: hi doll; favorite memory: trip to rome, italy; lib. aide 4; gym aide 3,4; deca 3; ski club 3; bartram: choir 1, brigadoon; assist. to v.principal 1; dance 1; hr. sec'y. 1; lib. aide 1.

Robin Anne Zaffiri

Janet Marie Zamblera

MICHAE L ZIEBELMAN-753 Haines La. "Zebe" remembered for: three hour school day; always seen: never heard; weightlifting 3,4; nat. hon. soc. 4; a.v. 1,2,3, sec'y. 4; jets 1,2, comm. chrmn. 3, pres. 4; pep club 3, v.pres. 4; stage crew 1,2,3,4; jcl treas. 2. HERBERT ZISCHKAU-625 N. Bishop Ave. "Herb" favorite saying: oi vey!; remembered for: trying harder; cross country 3; track 3,4; winter track 3,4; soccer 1,2,4; jets 3, comm. chrmn. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3, pres. 4; hi-q 4; social service 3,4.

Michael Satchmo Ziebelman

Herbert Stuart Zischkau III

MICHAEL ZIZZA-"Ziz" favorite saying: hey, what's new?; secret ambition: to become a drag strip car driver; glee club 1,2; stage crew 3; football 1. STEVEN ZIZZA-420 E. Thompson Ave. "Ziz" prize possession: m.p.m.; secret ambition: to build up a cool racing machine; wrestling 1; track 1; football 1; bowling 4; stage crew 3.

Michael Raymond Zizza


Steven Anthony Zizza

place, and a time that was truly ours and only ours.

ROBERT ZOLLMAN-101 Gleaves Rd. "Bob" remembered for: my brownies; favorite saying: "i pledge allegiance..."; soccer 1; basketball mgr. 1; lit. mag. 3,4; exec. council 2; philosophy 2,3,4; photo. 2. JOHN ZOOLALlAN-453 Foulke La. "Zoo" secret ambition: to outrun paul sanborn; pet peeve: playing basketball; football 1; cross country 3,4; basketball club 1.

Robert Jack Zollman

John Robert Zoolalian LYNNE ZULlCK-1025 Lincoln Ave. always seen: with sal and shell; favorite memory: grow parties; hockey 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; basketball 1; pretzel making 4; choir 1,3,4, sec'y 2; varsity club 3, v.pres. 4; stud. council 3, sec'y 4; nat. hon. soc. 4. JAM ES ZU LTEWICZ-348 Rambling Way "Jim" football 4.

Not Pictured

lynne Zulick

James John Zultewicz

In Memoriam To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die

David Franklin McCallister IV

Dennis Buono Guy Clatterbaugh Phyllis Carlson Neil DeArros George DiCicco Dennis Donnelly Thomas Eckman Patrick Flippin linda Gaudioso John Kelly Veronica lee Robe~t logan Jon Marshall Daniel Mills Patricia Minissa Robert Oyler William Sanford lyn Rosenbaum Kevin Simpson David Steuber Allen Wadsworth Anita Weinstein

David Elvin Hubert


Listen! You leave my wife alone.

"There's Gartside- ready, release."

Wait till you see how it glows when we turn the light on!

The cafeteria is stocking up.


It looks alright from here guys. We had to get the money for new cougar uniform somehow!

Any more pink slips and we'll have to suspend you.


Class of 1971 In from the cold and Nowa part of the Upper School, We can feel ourselves becoming More involved with SHS And SHS more involved with us. Finally rid of the Magazine Sale . The Big AI speechifying for us . The Student Cabinet PSAT'S and Boards... Health Classes and Being proud of being called Juniors The class of '71 It was all part of turning our faces To the future. Treas. H. Kelly, Secr. V. Hoath, V. Pres. B. Mccarthy, Pres. A. Guelzo.

Joyce Andrusko Bob Arrell Ed Artese Bettice Asparagus Phil Atkinson Cheryl Bachman Dan Bailey Bob Baily Jamee Bald Gregory Ball

John Baratiak Linda Barry Marquita Batch Shana Bates Charlene Battista Jackie Batton Eileen Baxter


Rob Beadling Karen Beam Jim Bellini Sue Bellis Beverly Bender Faris Benditt John Benditt Dave Benham Pam Biener Ed Billingsly Dorothy Bilotta John Black Paul Blanchette Maureen Blewitt

Ellen Blodgett Patti Blue Nanette Boccelli Bob Bohne Mark Borriello Faith Bower Jim Bowes Liz Boyle Tim Boyle Keith Brat

Jim Brazill Annette Breingan Don Bretherick Judy Brewer Doug Brogan Carol Brown Bill Bruning Sue Bryan Trish Buggy Sybil Burns Robert Butler Pat Cafferty

Rich Caldwell Vicki Campbell Tom Cannon Mary Lou Capkovic Paul Carlin Bob Carpenter Sue Carroll Marcia Carter Rick Carter June Carty

Bob Caruso Frank Cellucci Ron Cerceo Denise Champagne John Chandler Maureen Charles Harrise Chazin Dave Chestnut Wayne Chrinka Eric Christiansen Mike Christopher Dave Christy Paul Cimini Marie Cipollone


Juniors Kathleen Clark Rick Claure Jean Clifton Debi Coffman Ted Cohen Lisa Cole Drew Colvin Sue Compton Nancy Conicella Barbara Conway Connie Cook Frank Corado Kathy Coyle Tricia Creed

Cheri Crispin Joe Crocco Kathy Culbertson Bill Curran Alec Davidson Bev Davis Joanne Deal Della Dean Chris DeAngelis Rich Deckman Bob D'Egidio Tim Delaney

Ed Del Grippo Gloria Delio Buono Dave Delonis Tom Demuth Marion DePugh Larry Dercole Paul Desmond Jane Diamond

Barb Dickinson Joe DiMarcantonio Rick DiPietro Rick DiRico Sandy Dodge Dennis Dougherty

Sue Downey Mary Duffy Janice Durso Barb Ellixson Keith Englander Lee Erickson

Linda Ernst Dave Esola Don Essaf April Fallon Lorin Feeser Mary Ellen Fehr Andre Ferber Don Figarola Tom Fightmaster AI Filippone Judy Fillmore Maureen Flannery Paula Fleisher Brian Fleming


Dave Fohs Colleen Ford Diane Forrester Barry Foster Laurie Foster Jim Foy Dave Francia Karen Francis Greg Francisco Valerie Frangelli Barb Frank Phil Frederick Kathy Fredericks Gail Freedman

Jerry Gabe Steve Gabriel Joe Galantino Joanne Gannett Rich Gastner John Gavarone Charles Geltz Diana Gerba Liane Giachetti John Giannini Roseanne Giuda Paul Goodman

Joy Goodwin Bev Gosser Ginny Grace Carson Grant

Sandy Greenacre Cheryl Greenstine Tom Greto Joe Gro

Pat Gross Allen Guelzo Gary Guinan Kim Guthrie Dena Hagans Melanie Hall Rich Hamilton Ginny Hand Paul Hansen Terry Hanson AI Harmon Chuck Hart

Sally Harvey Gary Hatton Janet Heaton Barb Heavey Don Helwig Jack Henderson Charles Hepler Ken Herring Lynn Hilferty Janet Hine Vicky Hoath Doug Holden Cindy Holt Margee Hoover


Juniors Beth Horn Steve Hornick Ethan Horwitz Steve Howarth Claudia Huber Jay Hulme Sue Hutton Bill Iannacone Jim Imbesi Jean Implazo

Nancy Jackie Sue Jacoby Selma Jay Ed Jednacz Nancy Johnsonte Fred Jones

Tracy Jones Jill Kadin Mary Kaneda Joan Karpowich John Kederis Zana Kehm Jim Keiter Florence Keller Mary Jean Kellie Hank Kelly Nadine Kelly Bob Kern Sandy Kester Stan Kestler Leslie Keys Miriam Khelghatian Karen Kindig Steve King Ed Kirschner Mary Klagholz Caryl Klatt Dave Kline Debby Knowles Joan Krejar Debby Krotzer Rick Krynick Dave Kushma Cheryl Kutz

Cindy Kutz Cora Lamb Debbie Land Cathy Landauer George Larson Steve Latini

Bob Lawley Bob LeBon Mark Leevan Rick Lefferts Vera Lehrkinder Preston LeisenrinÂŁ Hilarie Lennan Ted Lenthe Carol Leonard Dottie Lilley


Michelle Lilley Dave linn Jan Lippman Sue Ann lochart Vince loro Mary lucas Jim lynch Gail Macbeth John MacDonald Debbie Macgregor

Chip Mackrides Jon Macks Chuck Maclennan Debbie Mainwaring Jackie Malloy Angela Mangano

Peter Mansueto Arthur Marcellus . Mary Marchini Val Marcy Peg Markiewicz Marilyn Martin Alex Massey Marilyn Matriciano Debbie Matthews Sue Mawson Ethan May Bob Mayer Shelly Mayer Jeff McBrearty Kris McCall ister Eileen McCarron Bette McCarthy Craig McClellan Mark McConnell Paul McDevitt Beth McGarity Dan McGarrah Chris McGovern Chuck McKnett Janice McKnett Blake Mclaughlin Dan Mclaughlin lynn McMillin

Karen McTague Mark Mease Dave Meisenhelder Bruce Merz Kathy Metrick John Metzler

Steve Miller Steve Miller Joseph Miserendino Curt Modes Mike Molle Cathy Montague Bob Mooney Janis Moore Tom Moran Bev Morrison


Juniors Jill Moss Stan Moss Rich Mousley Debbie Moylan Mike Moylan Bill Muldoon John Mulhern Arlene Mummert Chris Munsell Bob Murphy John Murray Kevin Murtaugh

AI Muscari CindY Naylor Dottie Nocella Kathy O'Brien Ray O'Dore John O'Keefe Janet Omlor Andy Oppenheim Karen Ortals Chip Paradis Ed Patchell Linda Paterson Bob Patterson Bob Pedigo Lou Penza Mike Pereira Donna Petre John Petruzzell i

Chauncey Phillips Denni Piccone Joanne Pichaske Paul Pieri Ricky Pliscott Rosemary Polomano Kathy Poulson Adell Povey Marcia Prau I John Prestwood Diana Provenzano Robin Pyle Tom Quinn Janet Ransom

Linda Rasmussen Patsy Ray Dianne Raymond Nancy Ready Mike Redfern Bob Redfern Jim Reger Maria Rego Dave Reimund Brian Reynolds Bill Rice Nancy Rickards Diane Ricketts Vicki Rickolt Karen Rieve Diana Rios


Vicky Riviello James Rizzo Barbara Robbins Barb Roberts

Nancy Roberts Barb Robertson Barb Rollison Helen Romanski

Cathy Rosa Dave Rose Connie Roselle Lee Rosenbaum

Dave Rumbaugh Jane Rutledge Curt Salla June Sangiorgio Dorothy Santini Debbie Santoro

Ann Sarkis Bill Scanlon Beverley Schmidt Jean Schofield Linda Schollenberger Bert Schrader

Dave Schwartz Karen Schwenzer Donna Sciubba Sandy Sentman Shelley Septor Bob Shea

Joan Sheaffer Gregg Shepherd Lee Shockley Jim Sieke Debby Sihler Bob Sinkinson Cliff Siple Bruce Skean Fred Slate Bill Smith Nancy Smith Debby Speer Tom Spencer Rich Spruce Mary Stapleton Joanne Starr Ken Steiert Glenn Stephenson Jay Stitel er Wayne Stratton Sona Sudjian Eleanor Summersgill Gail Swan Robert Sweeney Dave Tabor Laura Taggart Neil Tapp Janet Taylor Judy Taylor Denise Terranova


Juniors Jesse Teti Lee Thomas Dave Thompson Debbie Thompson

Pat Thompson Russell Thompson John Thwaites Joseph Ticknor Dottie Tidd Steve Tieser Dennis Todd Anne Marie Torelli Janice Touchton Joe Tracz Ted Tremper Barbara Tricomi

Margie Tronco Bob Trucksess Leonard Turner Marion Utt Paul Vanderveer Anita VanValkenburgh Midge Vaules

Bruce Vessey Steve Vitali Diane Voegeli Lynne Walker Janet Wallace Tom Ward Rick Warrington

Chip Warth Chris Watt Wes Wei Linda Weigelt Carol Weldy Denise Whitaker Wayne White Connie Wicklund Fritz Wiebelhaus Carol Wilbur Guy Williams Steve Williams Jim Windslow Penni Wolf

Carl Wolfgang John Wolski Kathy Worthington Richard Wright Nancy Wurzer John Yankanich Walter Yankoski Marcia Yost Cam Young Linda Young Andy Zacharias Debbie Zanazanian

Glenn Ziegler Rick Zirpoli Jon Ziv Janet Zoolalian


Class of 1972 When you get to be a sophomore Things begin to look up. You only have one more year in the lower school. The novelty of being a "high school kid" Has worn off and you find yourself more involved in things. The year is filled with driver ed., biology, geometry, world cultures and a Soph Hop. Some of your friends play varsity sports And you might even know the president of the student council by his first name. You have a better idea where you're going and how you're going to get there. It's hard to realize that you're y" the way through an important phase of your life.

Sponsor F. Sproul, Treas. B. Ewell, Pres. P. Buongiorno, Sec. C. Polk, V. Pres. N. Craig, Sponsor B. Speakman.

Lorraine Adams Beverly Agnew Lonnie Alexander Valerie Ambrozates Debbie Alston Joanne Altieri Juanita Ambrose Carol Anderson Eric Anderson Janet Anderson Anita Arndt Marlene Anderson Skip Anderson Joyce Angelozzi Merri Ash Nancy Ash Mary Ann Bacher Joanne Bartoletti John Bailey Joyce Bailey Larry Ball


Sophomores Dan Bateman Jeff Battershall Harry Begg Lesl ie Beers Karen Berg

Ronald Berg Sharon Bittner Ruth Bivens Carol Blackburn Lloyd Blake

Janet Bloch Bob Bollinger Diane Borodkin Phyllis Braconaro Mike Bradfield

Mary Bradley Linda Brennan Lydia Brennan Bob Bruckner Dan Bruno Jean Buky

Neil Bulkley Ed Bullard Paul Buongiorno Diane Burke Rosalie Burkins Eileen Burns

Michael Bury Barb Butler Bob Calder Gerri Calder Michael Cannon Ken Carey

Mike Carlin Tred Carlson Denise Carney James Carras Sandy Celestino Charles Cervi no

John Chacosky Mark Chadsey Agnes Chestnut Andrea Chinici Dave Chorin Ruth Anne Christie Steven Christinzio

Joyce Chrostowski Liz Ciurlino Jodell Clarke Donald Coffman Andrew Coleman Ellen Coleman Dorothy Colflesh Sue Conn Florence Conneen Dave Cook Susan Cook George Cooper Richie Coren Peter Cowden


Donna Craig Norm Craig Elizabeth Cremeans Katie Crewdson Nancy Criswell Steve Critchlow Charles Crocco James Cunningham Jim Currie Wes Curry John Curtis Cindy D'Amora Janet Davidson Carolyn Davison Diane Dawson Dennis D'Egidio Barb Dehnick Nancy De Korte Bruce Delany David De Moske Don Demuth

Thelma Desiderio Pat Devine Charles De Vinney Joe De Vinney Peter De Vries Terry Diamond

Jan Dibeler Mark Di Christoforro Rick Di Cicco John Di Gilio Dianne Dillman Connie Di Renzo

Debbie Downey Robyn Dreer Denise Dunn Donna Dunn Walt Dutton Dennis Dyitt

Barb Eastman Jim Eckman Harra Elfont Bill Elliott James Ellis Joe Ellis

Sharon Ersek Nancy Esposito Bill Ewell Peter Falconer Theodore Fallon

Bruce Farnese Sharon Fay James Fehr Steve Feld John Ferrigno

Gerald Fink Nancy Fink Tim Fink Karen Fisch Bill Fisher


SophomoresMartha Fisher William Fisher Debbie Flood Robert Ford

Patricia Fraim Valerie France Cindy Francis Joe Frassetta Lynn Freedman Jeff French

Mike French David Frick Connie Futhey Joann Gale Neal Gallagher Jack Gannett

Karin Garro Roberta Gartside Cynthia Gastner Lynne Gates Dave Geneva Steve Gentile Adrian George Patrick Giancaterino Patricia Gibson Erik Gildner Steve Giordano Wayne Giordano David Glassberg Olga Glenstrup Andy Gock Andy Goldenberg Cindy Goldin Richard Goodwin Susan GorbY Mike Gordon Beverly Grant David Grebb John Green Stan Green John Greitzer Carl Grijalba Bob Grilley Robert Grochowski David Grotyohann Kerry Guerin Marta Gutherie Patty Hales Kathy Hall Susan Hamilton . Don Hanrahan Charles Hardy John Harrity Gerald Hartshorn Lynne Hartzell Craig Harvey

Rich Hay Gail Hemphill Diane Henley Barbara Herri ng


Stephen Hetherington Fred Hilbert Susan Hillerson Drew Hilliard

Cliff Hirsch Elizabeth Hirst John Hodge Sue Hodgson Anne Hollibaugh Janie Hollinshead

Rachel Holstein Donna Holt John Hornick Bob Howard Kathy Hughes Linda Huntzinger

Randall Hyatt Lydia Ipri Cindy Irvine John lurino Nancy Jacl<son Marcia Janssen Cliff Jay Barb Johnson Madeleine Johnson Sharon Johnson Steve Johnson Susie Johnson Connie Joseph Grant Kaepplinger Roy Kallenin Steven Katz Debbie Kauffman Gary Kaysen Robyn Kehm Carol Kelly Dave Kelly Dotty Kelly Margaretha Kelly Peter Kent Nancy Kilbane Don King Stephen Kinsella John Kirchner

Dottie Kiscaden Mike Kivitz Mike Klagholz Nancy Klatt Bob Klinka Jo Rita Knopf Walter Kollar Ellen Kopp Tom Kopp Linda Kovaks Andrea Kowalzyk Debbie Krajeski

Ginny Kramer Penny Krape Kurt Krissinger Maureen Kurka Jane Kushma


Sophomores Joanne Lang Susan Langshaw Joe Lapps Chari ene La Preste Ronald Latini Leonard Laub Joan Laverty Steven Lawthers Denyse Le Fever Suzy Lehneis John Le Hota John Leonowich Craig Lewis Maria Lewis Bill Li naberry John Lippard Bruce Livingston Albert Lockley Barb Longaker Paul Lukens Robert Lynch Margaret Mac Dowell Jeri Mac Niven Michelle Malloy Pat Magione Dave Mannion Steve Marchini Tom Marsden Joe Martucci Robert Matthews Sue Matthews Carolyn Mauger Neil Maxwell Mike Me Call Chuck Me Carron

Bruce Me Clane Ellen Me Closky Lynn Me Connell Kathy Me Crossin Jim Me Cullough Linda Me Cunney Kathie Me Donald Audrey Me Dowell Mike Me Fadden Dan Me Garrity Denise Me Grath Paul Me Grath

David Me Kittrick Haydn Me Lean Mark Me Lean Glenn Me Namee Wayne Megonegal

Barbara Merkel Melinda Metzger Rosemarie Michel Dean Miller Elaine Miller

Lisa Miller Lois Miller Rhonda Miller Timothy Miller


John Millon Ken Minteer Diane Missiras Dick Moore

John Moore Steven Moore Judi Morgan Michelle Morrone Sally Mount

Bill Mowbray Carol Mowbray Eileen Moylan Bob Muir Tom Muldoon

Mike Mullaney Jack Murray Marcia Musciano Canita Musika Mark Naulty Regina Neal

Eugene Negro Thomas Nelson Janet Nicholls Paul Nolan Ken Nonemaker Deborah Norman Sue Norrbom Sharon Novak Rich Nulty Bruce O'Brien Margaret O'Brien Kathleen O'Donnell Denise Pacinelli

Michelle Panebianco Kim Parris Paul Pataky June Pearson Sandra Peitzman Jeanne Pemberton Ronald Perry John Perugini Richard Pilson Sandra Plattner Carol Polinsky Capie Polk Leslie Pollard David Potts

sandra Powell Christopher Powers Rich Powers Lisa Price Janice Quedenfeld Mary Reardon Melody Rego Beverly Reid Bruce Reid Pat Reid Jean Reifschneider Linda Reimund Neil Reinauer Donna Rementer


Sophomores Barbara Rendi Cheryl Richardson Linda Rieve Albert Rives John Roberts John Rodney Robert Root Louis Rose Claire Roselle Mark Rosenberg Ken Rucci Linda Rumpf Christine Sagan Diane Sampson

Barbara Sandford Chris Sandstrom Dan Saunders Luanne Schaefer Carol Scheppman John Scheuer

JackSchink Joseph Schipani Tim Seagraves Margaret Sebastian Peter Semanchuk

Eileen Semanik Howard Shapiro Robin Shapiro Daniel Shaw Kim Shockley

Thomas Shupard Linda Silberstein Robert Simpson John Slate Mary Beth Sloan

Mike Smalley Dave Smith Holly Smith Scott Smith Joseph Soster

Kathy Spahr Dickie Spegele Sue Staglanio Anne Stengel Laura Sterling Hilary Sternberg

Barbara Stettler Diana Stevenson Debra Stone Cindy Strohofer Marguerite Strolle Walter Stubbs Judi Sudler

Kathy Sullivan David Suydam Bruce Szewczyk Pauline Takakjy Judith Tarkoy Gina Terranova Dave Thiel


Ray Thiel Karen Todd Barbara Tonelli Debbie Toogood Margie Trago Andy Trautmann Tara Tremper

Jeff Triestman Mary Uber Diana Usher Wilbur Utermohlen RobertVaites Diane Valenti Barry Valentinsen

Anthony Vanella Peter Van Ingen Pamela Virgilio George Vucelich Martin Wade Vicki Walp

Theresa Walsh Barbara Walter Bob Walton Doug Warrick Chip Watkins

Jeff Way Jeff Webb Esther Wei Marcia Weigelt Mark Weinerman

Charles Weisel John Welch Pam Welch Bud Wendle Douglas Weniger

John Wheatley Frank Whitaker Debbie Whiteside Kathy Wike Alison Wrlcox

Dan Winters Robert Witkoski Sharon Woodburn Marilyn Woodward Nancy Woodwell Frank Woolston

Dave Wynne Donna Yacola Albert Yannelli Margaret Yates Ken Young Lilbet Yuravage Joe Zaccarelli Mike Zaffiri Pat Zak Betsy Zalkind Cathy Zdziarski Philip Zippi Douglas Zischkau Eric Zischkau


Being a freshman is realizing and learning about a lot of things. It's wanting to belong and finding out it takes work\to carve your niche. It's looking at the seniors and not quite believing that in fou r years that'll be you! It's a year of thinking and watching how things are done. It's a year of proving yourself. Being a freshman is sometimes embarrassing for no reason at all. It's knowing that your four years in this place can be great or terrible. And it's finding out that it's all up to you from now on.

Class of 1973 Larry Anderson Sharon Andrews Jim Angstadt Ralph Antes Scot Arch

Aaron Asbury Jean Aufiery Andrea Auld John Bachman Karen Bald

Steve Ball Alan Barber George Bardsley Barbara Bareis Marie Barlow Mary Barr


Elaine Adaman

Rich Adams Dana Anderson George Anderson

George Barrett Rich Barry Ellen Bartleson Karen Bateman Eric Beam Mike Beck Mike Bell Kevin Best Lois Biedlingmaier Nancy Biedlingmaier Jim Bilotta Howard Booty Nancy Boshold Bob Boyd

Bill Boyer Doris Boyle Stephanie Bradley Liz Brancato Karen Bretherick Doug Briganti Paige Broadley Deborah Brown Betti Jean Bruning Joe Bryan Dawn Buchanan Dave Bugbee

Joe Buggy Fred Burns Rick Burrill AI Camagna Donna Carfagno Pat Carlin Candy Carlson Tom Chaippini

Gail Champlin Jane Chester Gail Cicconi Mike Cimino Don Clatterbaugh Gail Claure Carole Clements Rich Clements Pat Cliff John Clifton Barbara Cochran Cheryl Cohen

Lee Cohen Albert Colangelo Dave Compton Cathy Conant Diane Conicella Carol Conley Veronica Correll John Coste Dennis Coyle Don Craft Karen Crossley Paul Cunningham Kathy Curnow Linda Curran


Freshmen Paul Curtis, Kevin Daly Laura D'Angelo Diane Davies Kim Decker Nancy Decker Bob DeFarges Don DeFusco

David DelloBuono Sue Desmond John Devine Marianne DiAntonio Barry DiCicco Brad Dickerson Jim DiGiacomo Sandy DiGiovanni Rosina DiMarcantonio Ralph DiMattia Linda DiRico Roseann D'Ortone Joe Dougherty David Douse Brian Doyle Fran Drew Debby Duffy Kevin Dunleavy Sharon Dyitt Gretchen Ehle Tom Ellixson

Susan Ersel Sue Esposito John Evans John Evans Tim Farrell Debbie Fenza Marguerite Ferry

John Fielding Kathy Filipone Dennis Fink Nancy Fischere Jeff Fisher Susan Fisher Glenn Fitzsimmons Lorraine Flaherty Sean Flannery Bruce Fleming Jeanette Foley Mike Foley

Sandy Ford Scott Fornwalt Linda Freas Lisa Friel Steve Fritz Charles Fullmer Neil Furman Maria Galantino Beth Ganister Judy Gartside

Jim Gentile Tom Gentile Linda George


Pat Giachetti Christine Giuliano Bill Glaub

Dave Glaub Judy Glazer Bob Glembot Sue Gliem Bruce G.oldman

Joan Gordon Sue Gordon Denise Grace Frank Grace Gary Grant

Alan Greenstine Carol Greskoff Diane Gross Gary Gruerio Linda Guinan Dean Hagans Sue Hagy Tom Hall Jim Hallowell Brian Hamilton Bob Hammond Jim Hankins

Alison Hardcastle Donna Hazen Bob Hazen Mark Hedman Ebe Helm Lynne Hepler Barb Hessemer Carole Hill Wally Hill Dave Hine Terry Hoath Barbara Hoch Carol Hoch Fred Hoffken Bill Holcomb Sue Holland Bill Hudson Diane Hughes Deborah Irey. John Jacoby David James Mike Jetter Anne Johnson Joan Johnson John Johnson Sandy Johnson Ivar Johnsson Debbie Johnston Chris Jones Roberta Jones Carol Joyce Francis Juliano Debbie Jupin Cheryl Just Debby Kain


Freshmen Frank Karpiel Karen Karpowic, Claudia Kassner Laura Kassner Gail Kaye Sue Kelley 'Tim Kelley Michael Kelly Jim Kenyon Alan Kery Paul Kessler Joanna Kestler Marie Kiefner Lars Kietzman

Sally King Virginia Kingrea Diane Kirman Doug Kistler Debbie Knorr Sandy Knowles Scott Kolar Ann Kolynych April Koppenhaver Jim Kosturos

Robin Kreh Gail Krissinger Carol Kristekas Michael Krochka Steven Krouse Jeff Kuerschner Wilhelm Kuleck Steve Kurzenski Lorraine Kutas Peter Lach Charles Lacock Renee Larmour

Terry Larson Chris Larzelere Debbie Laspas Greg Latch Amy Laub Ben Lazar Bruce Lazouick Helene Leach John Lebano Charles Lee

Steve Leo Pam Lewis Debbie Lifset Bob Linaberry Mi ke Li ndsey Ralph Lingo Richard Linn Mike Litecky Robert Livingstor Charles Lochart Jeff Lockwood Jim Logue Keith Logue Tim Lohmann


Judy Mace Gordon MacGillivray Pam MacGillivray Leslie MacGregor Mike Mackrides Mark Magnin Diana Mallas Donna Mallen Mary Malloy Carol Manley Clark Manley Aaron Marcu Ray Markiewicz John Martyn

Margaret Massey Wendy Mathewson Dale Matthews Mike Matthews Tom Matys Damon May Bill Mayer Glenn McBrearty Jacquelynn McCann Dave McCoach

David McColley John McCoy Louis McCrossin Frank McCullough Don McDermott Susan McDevitt Fred McDowell Robert McGarrah Kevin McGee Kevin McGrath Tom McKee John McLaughlin

Barbara McLeana Gina McLendon Andrew McMenamin Bruce McNamee Jean McTague Dennis Mehrhof Carol Merz Ginny Meyle David Michelson Mary Milkowski

Scott Millar Brad Miller Cheryl Miller Jim Millon Diane Molle Karl Monninger Jim Mooney Harry Morgan Dot Morris Dorothy Morrison Kevin Mullavey Mike Mullineaux Kathleen Murphy Joe Murray


Freshmen John Muscari Brenda Neal Alyce Nelson Arthur Nelson

Betti Jayne Nelson Ed Nespoli . John Nessen Jeff Neubert

Nick Nicolaides Barb Nicholson Susan Norman John Norrbom

Jim O'Hara Joe O'Hara Michele O'Keefe Mary O'Malley Tom O'Malley Ed Ortals

Bill Ostland Bob Osuchowski Ken Overstreet Gerry Paine Gus Panis Suzanne Pare

Jim Parmiter Kris Parris Carol Parsons Patricia Parsons Garry Patterson Bill Patterson

Ed Patrucci Robert Paul Elaine Pavlou Dave Paxson Sue Paxton David Peifer Janice Pellegrini Lisa Perazell i John Perschl Jeff Phillips John Phillips Joyce Pinnock Jesse Pirocchi Diane Pizzi russo Darryl Podgorski Gregory Podgorsk Chris Polischuk cathy Powell Steve Pratt Bob Ramsey Steve Ranson JoAnn Rayfield Judy Rayfield Lou Rebecca Janet Rebuck Jeff Reid Ken Rensel Warren Rich David Richardson Carolyn Roberts


Don Roberts Kathy Roberts Mark Roberts Luke Roderick

Chuck Rosa Amy Rose Diane Rowlands Barbara Rubin

Bob Ruble John Rumbaugh Ann Rundbaken Nancy Sadler

Jim Saeli Paul Saipher Karen Sanders Heidi Sapnas Denice Scales Tony Scanlon

Bob Scanzardi John Schalleur Earl Schofield Carl Schoultz Pam Schultz John Semanchuk

Debbie Shary Ron Shea Beth Shilliday Dan Shipe Stanley Silverman Denise Simeone

Charles Simon Daniel Simon John Sims Jim Smith Steve Smith Steve Smith Steve Smith Wayne Smith Joe Smyth Joe Snead Savas Sosangelis Dottie Sotter Nancy Soule Ed Speidel Diane Spohn Jim Squadrito Nick Stamoulis 'John Stanley Larry Stapl~ton Don Stewart Nick Stoccardo Beth Stolar Nancy Streeton Chris Sudjian Cary Sulzer Barbara Swan Ray Taber Lance Taggert Mark Tarone Connie Taylor


Freshmen Pam Taylor Virginia Tennis Brad Thayer Donna Theno Donna Thomas Kathryn Thomas Pam Thompson Tim Toal Mike Toof Mike Trio Despina Tripoulas Henry Tronco Bob Troutman Richard Truitt Frank Valenza Catherine Vanderveer leslie Thurman Frank VanGilluwe Ruth Vanleer Warren Ventriglia Joe Vetrone Bob Vignola Mary Vogel Cathy Vucelich Bruce Wagner Marianne Walsh Brad Walter Sue Ward Janet Warrick John Warrington Jeff Waterhouse Gary Watson Donna Welsh Karen Welsh Ellen White Helen White Kevin White Ricky White

Marc Whitehead Ralph Wike John Wilhelm Frank Wilson lynne Wilson Diane Windsor Janet Wolfgang

Eric Wood Eleanor Woodburn Tony Wright Kathy Wright

Skip Wright Charlene Wyatt Debbie Wyshinski Karen Yohn

Barbara Y orn Barry Young David Young Rochelle Young

Tom Zeidman Audrey Zacarias Irene Zacharias Bob Zeidman Judy Zirpoli


Seer. L. Zulick, Sgt. at Arms M. Branton, Pres. J. Diamond, V. Pres. W. Pollock, ParI. P. Hollinshead, Treas. S. Roderick.

Student Council It was never easy. Working in the Student Council; Nothing worthwhile ever is. The ideas came easily but it was making those ideas into realities. That took skill. "This meeting will be called to order!" and so it went. The dress code, a new cougar uniform, cafeteria food and problems and problems and problems... "Mr. Miller has something to say" We learned that it wasn't easy to govern ourselves. That it takes time and patience to accomplish things, and a lot of work. There were many desperate phone calls between a certain president and a certain editor. But Somehow, it all worked out and Somehow, it all really was worth it.


National Honor Society

Sometimes...some very few times There exists an honor; An honor just for being what you are and for doing Just what you're doing. This honor Makes you feel that All you have tried to do or accomplish was not in vain.

Advisor: E. Miller

First Row: B. Swan, C. Small, E. Griswold, L. Neikirk, K. Wynne, C. Handler, B. Rich, V. Pres. B. Spohn, Seer. D. Goodspeed, Treas. B. Kelly, Seer. J. Hess, Pres. H. Zischkau, N. Weinstein, J. Leonowich, D. Freedman, P. Hunt. Second Row: C. Fleck, J. Wilhelm, L. Lintz, C. Myers, S. Holligaugh, D. Avila, L. Streeton, D. Bender, L. Fisher, J. Hankins, D. Biela, B. McKee, N. Shields, L. Zulick, M. McKee, D. Rue, G. Kresge. Third Row: B. Rubin, S. Schwartz, K. Kaysen, C. Braybrooks, D. Boyer, E. Johnson, N. Watkins, G. Steiert, L. Blaser, A. Hessemer, S. Szewczyk, S. Anderson, J. Marks, D. Pohlman, M. Ziebelman, G. Brockway, D. Federman, L. Andrusko, S. McDowell, R. Adler. Fourth Row: R. Swift, G. Howard, K. Kyle, D. Huckaba, S. McLean, S. Roderick, G. Greenberg, A. Giancaterino, G. Fisher, F. Huntington, J. Buchy, S. Martina, W. Fisher, S. Miller, J. Diamond, R. Langshaw, R. Clark.


Hi-Q There are all sorts of teams in this place Most deal with agile bodies and well learned skills. Their win-loss records are varied and fluctuating. But, there is one team which can never be beat... That of a man and his educated mind.

Team: H. Zischkau, T. McLendon, F. Huntington, D. Goodspeed, G. Fisher.

Sponsor: S. Marin

Social Service

There are a lot of people today Who spend their time Talking about changing the world, Talking about doing things, Talking about giving of themselves. And there are those few who are too busy Doing something-to sit around and talk.

OFFICERS: V. Pres. F. Huntington, Pres. B. Spohn, Sec.-Treas. G. Fisher.


Philosophy Club It's hard to describe really but it's so much. Besides the messing around ... "Can I have another coke?" "You're stepping on my pretzel!" Something unusual happens Which is worth remembering. It's a lot easier to understand yourself While you are analyzing others. Talking comes freely ... It always should- but does not. It's more than just cokes and pretzels. So much more. Sponsor, I. Schmuckler



Literary Magazine Long nights of screening at Nita's and Barb's Poetry, poetry "Who wrote that anyhow?" Short stories that aren't that short "Funny - she can write, but she sure doesn't look like she can!" And finally it's published With the help of all the great Poets and authors of S.H.S.

Editors: N. Weinstein, B. Toole.


Sports Staff- First Row: G. Freedman, C. McCallister, J. Diamond. Second Row: S. Anderson, V. Hoath, A. Fallon, W. White. Third Row: D. Kushma.

Editorial Staff- Sitting: Feature-B. Dickinson, News-S. Jacoby, Advertising-G. Wagner, Senior Ed.-N. Shields. Standing: Sports-H. Kelly, Business-D. Federman. Typist: R. Hermann

Feature Staff- On wall: W. White, E. Patchell, D. Kushma, A. Guelzo, P. Hanson, J. Moss. On steps: E. Coleman, A. Auld, C. Rosa, A. Koppenhaver, M. Khelghatian.


News Staff- D. James, J. Moss, J. Black, C. Greenstein, S. Jacoby, D. Goodspeed, S. Sudjian, L. Keys.

Spri-H ian

Serving the Greater Springfield High School Area. The Spri-Hian. There were always deadlines to meet And issued to plan - and meetings and planning sessions - and ... "1 think Nadine should write the editorial for a change!" "What's an editorial board?" "Roy, I need a picture of..." "Hank, about your column..." "Did Gail or Robin type the article on..." "Are the proofs in yet?" "Someone get the copy from Dave." "1 need more letters!" "How come Susan never oversets her page?" "Hey Barb, that Pro and Con on..." "Did everyone look at Joe's illustrations?" "Miss Hirt, how does this sound?" "Gail, when does the paper come today?" Count the number of lines and multiply by 2/7. Count the number of problems and multiply by 1,000,000. "It always amazes me that this thing comes out every month!" Typist: G. Kresge

Advertising Staff-Sitting: L. Feeser, J. Hankins, W. Hazen, K. McCulley, E. Griswold, S. Bryan, Standing: D. Henley, C. Davidson, G. Stewart, B. McKee, G. Wagner, C. Walters, B. Conant, J. Hoffmeier, S. Greenacre, K. McDevitt.


Layout Staff: First Row- G. Watson, J. Leonowich, S. Hollibaugh, C. Fleck, L. Feeser, C. Leonard. Second Row- W. Hazen, D. Burton, M. Grochowski, D. Raymond, L. Rasmussen, S. Sudjian. Third Row- W. Hirst, K. Kyle, W. Pollock, M. Pereira, D. Gambol. Not Pictured- D. Koopenhaver, J. Karpowich.

Editorial Staff: First Row- S. McDowell, Adv. P. Conner, K. Wynne, Adv. I. Schmuckler, L. Andrusko. Second Row- Bus. Ed. L. Mace, Ed.-in-Chief C. Handler, Lit. Ed. N. Shields, A. Hessemer.

Literary Staff: First Row- M. Carter, J. Touchton, B. Patterson. Second Row- Lit. Ed. N. Shields, C. Leonard, D. Piccone, D. Goodspeed. Third Row- B. Stagliano, J. Marks, D. Daly, J. Moss. 174

Scrivener One 1970 yearbook, Merely 240 pages, Of laughter, weekend sessions, typing, Tedious little jobs, and working together. "No one could ever realize How much work is really involved." Everyone works towards a common goal, Never knowing what will happen When the pages will be arranged in consecutive order. Is the 1970 Scrivener good? Will the students appreciate it? Even if they don't, The staff members willBecause they were a part of it! Adv. I. Schmuckler, Ed.-in-Chief C. Handler

Photography: W. Goettman, T. Anders, Assis. Ed. J. Hartshorn, C. Walters, Ed. R. Adler, J. Carras, J. Leonwich.

Business Staff: T. Creed, J. Huntsman, C. Wicklund, D. Mainwaring, K. Schwenzer, tl. tlreaaen, Bus. Ed. L. Mace, E. Green, P. Wassler, L. Blaser, C. DeAngelis, S. Bryan, E. McCarron. AboveJ. O'Hara, L. Rostron.


Art Club Searching deep within yourself to discover what you can create; Expressing your feelings in colors, lines and mediums; Feeling the satisfaction and pride that comes from helping others.

Poetry Club


F.T.A. Students preparing to be teachers. Things look a bit different from The other side of that desk. It's hard to explain why you want to spend the rest of your life In a classroom. It's hard to describe the feeling you get when you help broaden someone's life just a little. It's hard to explain anything that means a lot to you.

Officers: J. Hankins Treas., G. Wagner Pres., S. Campbell Sec., D. Avila V. Pres.

Drama Club

Mrs. Wolf Sponsor, G. Greenberg Pres., D. Colflesh Sec., P. MacGillivray Treas., V. Lehrkinder V. Pres.



Distributive Education Clubs of America designed for students whose future lies in business. Learning to compete in the business world through contests in advertising, sales demonstration, displays and shadow box, in the hope of becoming the businessman of the year.

Library Aides


Officers: R. Adler Pres., B. Woolston V. Pres., R. Lefferts Treas., M. Ziebelman Sec.

Operators Club "Quick, somebody find Roy!" They are probably the busiest people in the school And the least recognized. Theirs is a world of tapes and films, and movies and slides, and machines, and cameras, and lights, and ... You name itthey can operate it or fix it. "Look, this projector might not run too well, but it has the nicest personality..."

Officers: N. Pacitti, F. McLaughlin, D. Flood, R. Langshaw, S. Roderick.

Service Club


J.E.T.S. A very elite society "Thinking" sessions in Avalon at summer parties. Room 20 is actually a wine cellar equipped with five T.V.'s and a refrigerator. Hosting the annual R.&R. contest And, of course, building rockets. Ziebelman's record of spotting two black meteors in one night. 12AM- 4AM meteor watches. Gangleader Mcintire is the only one who can handle them. (he has the keys to their cages!) Who knows? Maybe the next stop is Florida to watch a total eclipse of the sun. Who knows?




KE:(lyon, Sr. Ch(l:nn.


Zischkau, V. Pres. R. 'TaYlor, Pres. IVI. Zie-

belman, Adv. J. Mcintyre, not shown Treas. B. Fleming.

Seer. G. Kresge, Pres. D. Shockley, not shown Treas. J. Brannon, V. Pres. R. Souder.



French Club

Treas. L. Brennan, Seer. K. Fisch, V. Pres. N. Ash, Pres. S. McDowell, Adv. F. Peters.

Tri- i-V

Welcoming new people to Springfield Helping others to a new and happier life. Giving someone a new chance at tomorrow. Just to make their future a little brighter and a little happier. This is the Tri-Hi-Y.

Officers: Seer. K. Ortals, V. Pres. M. Lucas, Pres. L. Pyle, Treas. A. Povey.


Ski Club "It's snowing- It's really snowing!" "No- it's only flaking." "Flaking!! What kind of a word is that for a skier to use?" "I bet you could ski on a sand dune!" "OK- our next trip will be to the Sahara Desert! That'll go over real big!" "Hey, those pants are kinda tight!" "yeah .... how 'bout that!" "Don't I look like Jean Claud Killey?" "No- but I sure wish you did!"

Weightlifting Club

Co-Capts. J. Tankle, N. Pacitti, A. Pacitti.


Varsity Clubs A common cause under which you have united, You've earned your letter. You paid for it with your time, energy and most important-spirit. There were times when you lost and times when you won. But people soon forget the scores ...and the games. But, that wasn't what was really important anyway.

OFFICERS: V. Pres. R. Swift, Treas. S. Roderick, Sec. D. Flood, Pres. A. Pacitti, Sgt. at Arms A. Giancatarino.

First Row: S. Anderson, L. Zulick, D. Rue, T. Niemczewski, B. Heavy, E. Utermolen, J. Diamond, L. Blaser, D. Walls, L. Fisher, M. Viglotti. Second Row: H. Foley, D. Flood, M. Branton, A. Pacitti, F. McLaughlin, D. Ardary. Third Row: M. Implazo, J. Brazill, S. Mainwaring, G. Kucheruk, S. Kucheruk, A. Giancatarino, L. Davis, W. Pollock. Fourth Row: J. Tankle, D. Barr, J. Gro, D. Reimund, B. Kelly, R. Langshaw, S. Roderick, D. Eastman, S. Szewczyk, R. Swift.

OFFICERS: Treas. L. Blaser, Sec. D. Walls, Pres. S. Anderson, Chap. L. Fisher, V. Pres. L. Zulick.



Romeo and Juliet

They gave me the part. I was a member of the cast now. I was a character and assumed his qualities. I memorized his lines, On the stage after school and at night rehearsals. I was shy at first But I practiced. I became my character. The stage lit up ... 1went on. "Two households, both alike in dignity ..." And then it was all over The audience applauded I felt good. 184




"Congo motion - 38 sweep!" "Line up for taping ...ankles, knees, arms, brains..." "Yo, Geoff, where's your scissors?" "Home jerseys? Who's got the tuff skin?" Anthony and Anthony "There's no more Gatorade - the cheerleaders drank it all!" " ...was that GREEN or THREE?" Conestoga - "It was a good game, Ref, too bad you missed it!" BANANA SPLITS!!! "Girls, don't squeeze the Harmon!" "Tom Husted?? - oh, you mean Padre!" "Okay, who voted for the mile and didn't run it?" "Yep, that's the way the game's played GENTLEMEN!"

first Row: H. Bell, H. Gotwals, Coaches; R. Meloney, R. Langshaw, N. Pacitti, L. Davis, f. McLaughlin, A. Giancaterino, A. Pacitti, M. Vito, P. Malloy, E. Ignarri, G. Windsor. Second Row: f. Taylor, K. Kaisen, D. Reimund, J. Brazill, D. Rumbaugh, T. Irwin, M. Watson, N. Watkins, J. Zanph, J. Growach, D. flood; W. Mackrides, L. Landau, Coaches. Third Row: B. Kelly, A. Harmon, f. Cellucci, R. Doeblin, S. Goodman, G. Steiert, P. Giancaterino, D. Saunders, B. foster, D. Dyitt, R. Hay, D. Bailey. fourth Row: M. Redfern, S. Marchini, J. Young, T. Husted, W. Kline, R. Gross, C. Paradis, L. Clark, P. Desmond, L. Alexander, B. Iannacone, S. Johnson, T. Kopp. fifth Row: J. Ellis, R. Barr, C. Phillips, J. Zultewicz, J. Chacosky, D. Kelly, W. Stubbs, K. Young, J. Soster, B. Brunning, f. Hilpert, C. Mackrides, M. Mcfadden. Sixth Row: T. Vanella, R. Ford, A. Rives, E. Anderson, B. O'Brein, F. Whitaker, T. Anders, D. Colvin, P. Goodman, A. Davidson, P. Pataky, B. D'Egilio, S. Moore.




Coaches: H. Bell, H. Gotwals, W. Mackrides, F. Taylor, L. Landau


Springfield 1 4


Opponent 1 1 1



2 7

o o o o


5 3


Put it in reverse. Steve!

Bill, with grades like this, you're not gonna get into college.


Soccer It all began with summer practice and ninety degree heat and ten munute runs and whistle laps and four hours a day. There were feelings of exhaustion and excitement But there was alwaysgreen gatorade. "Okay, let's cash in now, Blue!" Leg lifts (ugh!) Belfiglio's goal. ..and Menan scoring! They surprised the whole league ...with Pollock's see through pants (at Conestoga) Dick's pep talks...and should Miller be allowed in the guild? It all contributed to a winning season. They had a right to be proud.

First Row: Coach Dietrich, K. Fisher, B. Kenyon, H. Zischkau, Capt. W. Pollock, D. Cahoon, G. Ricketts, S. Roderick. Second Row: B. Belfiglio, J. Buchy, M. Molley, J. McBrearty, C. Menan, T. Jones, D. Stevenson. Third Row: S. Miller, B. Compton, E. May, R. Taylor, M. Carlin.




Cross Country Springfield

34 21 37 17 29 18

50 23

Opponent Haverford Lower Merion Conestoga Penncrest Ridley Marple Newtown Upper Darby Radnor Varsity Won 4 Lost 4 J.V. Won 5 Lost 3

23 36 21 42

26 41 15 37

First Row: G. Kucheruck, B. Diamond, J. Mulherne. Second Row: D. Bender, B. Mayer, D. Coyle, Capt. J. Fonner, P. Van Ingen, S. Gabriel, Coach Sanborn.

First Row: J. Waterhouse, G. Guinan, B. Mayer, M. Pereira, B. Zoolalian, D. Wynne, P. Sanborn, Coach. Second Row: J. MacDougall, S. Szecwzyk, J. Kirshner, A. George, A. Yanelli, L. Anderson. Third Row: J. Hornick, A. Ferber, J. Fay, T. Van Vaulkenburgh, W. Hirst. Fourth Row: S. Green, P. Horowitz, S. Kucheruck, R. Miller, B. Lawley, D. Bender.


The loud bellow of a "foghorn" The wild surge of an "animal" up those hills? across those streams? Watch out for the quicksand! Valley Forge, "Smedley", "Memorial Hill", Belmont Endurance, control "Fight for that place!" "Push, Push--if you collapse, we will get you to the hospital!" Golf Course, Rose Tree, Beatty Road, Kerr Lane Distance, speed, work, and a serious team Injuries, setbacks and a passionate coach. "Cattle car", "Volkswagons" "Green Sausages" "Munchcan Land" all made Cross Country.


Hockey Skills, sprints, scrimmages. Endless practices and bus rides to games. Flying feet down the field. Playing, scoring, winning "Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!" 11 girls + sticks + balls = a team. A good team.

First Row: J. McKnett, J. Diamond, M. Viglotti, B. Farnese, L. Fisher, S. Anderson, L. Zulick, L. Blaser, B. MacGregor, S. Cahoon, B. Frank. Second Row: G. Freedman, B. Heavy, A. Fallon, S. JacobY, B. Davis, C. Kutz, N. Rickards,S. Compton, V. Hoath, M. Batch. Third Row: D. Rue, C. Holt, K. McAllister, R. Gartside, K. Spahr, N. Criswell, N. Fink, M. Johnson, D. Kelly, E. Wei, T. Niemcewski, D. Holt, L. Beers, B. Stettler, P. Krape, J. Pemberton, A. Stengel, S. Mawson, K. Parris. Coaches, G. Hart and J. Brusch.


Coaches G. Hart and J. Brusch


o 2 2

4 4 2 2 1


Opponent Ridley Upper Darby Marple Newtown Haverford Lower Merion Radnor Harriton Conestoga Penncrest Varsity Won 7 Lost 1 Tie 1 J.V. Won 7 Lost 1 Tie 1

2 1 1

o o 2

o o 1

A week at hockey camp can do a lot to a team.


Boys' Basketball

Kneeling: mgr. F. Huntington, H. Kelly, D. Reimund, J. McBrearty, B. Redfern, B. Mooney, A. C:iiancatenno, mgr.::;. Miller. Standing: C. Young, G. Hatton, H. Foley, Coach B. Speakman, co-capt. P. Ferry, co-eapt. F. McLaughlin, Coach S. Werley, T. Boyle, R. Caldwell, D. Esola.


Coach S. Werley

Springfield 63

69 45 49 48

53 51

56 54 67 51

53 59 63 55 55 43

56 64


Opponent Avon Grove Marple Newtown Radnor Ridley Haverford Penncrest Conestoga Upper Darby Marple Newtown Haverford Lower Merion Harriton Ridley Radnor Penncrest Conestoga Lower Merion Upper Darby Beth. Catholic Won 8 Lost 11 J.V. Won 11 Lost 7

78 51 41 66 58

48 40 55

32 82

59 61 71 60

73 50 45

57 66

Boys' Basketball


A building year One plagued with problems Hustle! Being inspired By two co-captains And mixing a crop Of juniors with seniors A will to winPlaying well under pressure Never giving up. Anthony, With the spirit and desire, Huey with the points. Trying to forget The Christmas tourney Great upset over Radnor. All topped with boys Who came out to play ...and did.


Everyone on the mats at 3: 15! ...or is it 3:30? Stay away from Brian and bridges. After rotations it's Yaeck's pep talk and Uncle Hipple's naps. Brian's got a fish and Gorgeous George's got a Dabber Dan ... (What's a Dabber Dan;) "And men - Mum's the word!" Then it's drills, "Boy, it's hot!" Up and running in place. "Jeepers, it's time for Coach Yaeck's fabulous pep sprints!" "Let's hear it for Terry the Terror, Masher Marano, Siamin' Sam and ..." Then it's all over and time for cool air, Gatorade (minus cyclamates) and NO FOOD! ! And you role up the mats and, and, prepare for the next meet.

Coaches: J. Hipple and B. Yaeck.


Wrestling Springfield 31

15 19 15 44 16 11 14


46 21 24

Opponent Marple Newtown Hill School Ridley Harriton Penncrest Upper Darby Haverford School Haverford Lansdowne Aldan Radnor Conestoga Lower Merion Won 5 Lost 7

15 26

22 30 5 27 28 34 17 2

22 12

First Row: T. Diamond, R. Marano, Co-capt. S. Szewczyk, B. Skean, G. Ricketts, B. Reynolds, Co-eapt. B. Shea, W. Kline, A. Harmon, S. Goodman, R. Meloney, J. Gro. Second Row: M. Naulty, C. Mackrides, D. McGarra, D. Weniger, V. Loro, C. McKnett, M. Mease, P. Giancatarino, J. Windslow, J. Brazill. Third Row: Coach B. Yaeck, G. Hartshorn, A. Ferber, D. Cook, F. Wiebelhouse, B. Sweeney, B. Carpenter, J. Crocco, D. Grebb, Coach J. Hipple, P. Buongiorno.


Coach P. Sanborn

Winter Track


Becoming a new varsity sport gives new incentive, A new coach with different ideas; An indoor track team that runs outdoors. If it's 10 0 below and four feet of snow, I'll think about running indoors. Callisthenics and a mile warm up. Running on anything, anywhere-football fields, sidewalks, halls, hockey fields, and sometimes... yes, sometimes even on a track!! (If your not very, very careful-you might be trampled to death by a herd of wild track men) Wearing rainbow colored" long johns" and hats and gloves to survive for those Saturday meets.

First Row: P. Van Ingen, S. Gabriel, B. Mayer, R. Langshaw, T. Fallon, C. Menan, S. Mainwaring, S. Roderick, H. Zischkau, J. Kirschner. Second Row: G. Guygman, B. Mayer, B. Caruso, M. Watson, J. Fay, J. Fonner, S. Kestler, B. Lawley, K. Yaunches. Third Row: S. Kucheruk, A. Reeves, J. Mulhurn, G. Kucheruk, P. DeVries, R. Miller, E. Horwitz, Coach P. Sanborn.


The great "Casper" brings spirit... Pull up your zipper! High collared shirts and big crowds at games. Are Miss Ardao and Miss Gregory ninth graders? Get "Bill" to tape your ankle! Where did all the signs go? Circuit every day ...ugh! We're really getting out on time? Get her! There's a girl on the other team that has an outside jumpshot! . Getting in shape by jumping rope. Fighting with the boys for the gym. And learning to play and succeed as a team.

Girls' Basketball

First Row- S. Anderson, B. Farnese, D. Flohr, L. Blaser, S. White, Coach E. Ardao, ,coach S. Gregory. Second Row- L. Giachetti, C. Holt, A. Fallon, N. Rickards, J. Batton, V. Hoath, J. Diamond, B. Davis. Third Row- Mgr. C. Zdiarski, J. Pemberton, N. Criswell, K. Shockley, J. Laverty, D. Holt, M. Johnson, Mgr. N. Jackie. Fourth Row- N. Fink, B. Stettler, E. Wei, C. Strohoffer, R. Gartside, L. Hartzell, Mgr. N. Esposito.


Capt. L. Blaser, Coach E. Ardao



49 34 47

38 54 41 41



Opponent Marple Newtown Upper Darby Lower Merion Radnor Conestoga Harriton Penncrest Haverford Ridley Won 4 Lost 5 J.V. Won 4 Lost 5

39 62 31

37 37 36 61 42 46

Gymnastics There is a special kind of beauty in the human body. "Stretch those muscles!" "Point those toes!" "Watch that form!" Co-ordinating mind and body to work together. Yes, there is a certain kind of beauty when things work together.


Four Steps...walk straight Lower that backswing Get your ball out-follow through. Tap! Split! Pick! Nice cover Working on a four bagger Got wrapped-don't choke in the tenth. Keep your language clean-Charlie's watching. All building up to that STRIKE'.


Sponsor G. McCoy

B. Hill, B. Butler, D. Potts, J. Prestwood, P. Kent.

C. Geltz, G. Van Houten, Capt. G. Hillerson, W. Stratton, T. Hanson.


Rifle and Chess Tearn

Final victory is not all that counts. The.technique is more important. Did you just beat him? Or did you win the game well? You are your own team. Concentration On a little circle Inside of a big one. Discipline towards a small goal in a large future.

Colorguards¡ and Majorettes

Feature Twirler - V. Hoath


Colorguards and Majorettes' "OK you guys, line up!" "Girl watchers...again?" What we wentthrough For just six minutes at half"time. "Mr. D., about our uniforms..." "The spectrum We're performing at the Spectrum!" Smiling lips, Covering chattering teeth. Flaming batons and heavy guns. Routines, practices, Synchronization Perfection sometimes. Marching always marching forward And looking... Always looking. straight ahead.

Feature Twirler - S. Baun

Sgt. L. Streeton, K, McDonald, C. Graff, J. Hankins, P. Curran, Sgt. J. Hess, D. Scribba, B. Butler, K. McTague.

J. Clarke, J. Sheaffer, B. Shilliday, Sgt. W. Hazen, R. Jones, D. Downey, J. Davidson.


J.V. Cheerleaders: P. Welsh, P. Flynn, G. Polischuk, G. McLendon, D. Buchanan, S. Paxton, D. Kirman, K. Amwake, Co-Capt. D. Welch, J. Mace.

Cheerleaders Forcing a smile through a losing streak, Pleading to rouse a spirit. Summer practices, Posters, Megaphones & hopes. Giving and yelling and never asking a favor. Only... Gatorade on a dusty track. Ads to be sold signs to be made Pep rallies to plan. Why does it have to rain on a soccer game? Graciously accepting criticism & continually trying to please and never forgetting the purpose of Bus rides Banana splits and a yellow bonfire "It's my turn for AI's name!" A lot of glory A lot of good times Pre-games and victory parades Hard work and Planning behind the scenes. All for the love of a Cougar.


Pep Club and Pep Band An entire conglommeration of kids. Fat kids, skinny kids, noisy and quiet too. All unique, all different except for one thing -Springfield High School. All united in a common cause to keep the spirit of the Cougar alive. What makes them cheer and yell and beat those drums? Why do they have pride in their school? Maybe it's just a lot of fun. Maybe they just like sports. Or maybe it goes a lot deeper than that.

First Row: B. Conant, L. Balusio, K. Wynne, E. Kerr, P. Just, B. Farnese, A. Esposito, B. Smith, D. Rue, G. Stewart, J. Leonowich, L. Kiefner, M. Brophy. Second Row: M. Frank, L. Hargrove, S. Campbell, S. Beck, B. Breaden, S. White, B. Arndt, G. Watson, J. O'Hara, G. Wagner, S. Burnley. B. Smith - President, Pep Club



First Row: K. Kyle, S. Dodge, S. Katz, S. Wentz, J. Moss, A. Marcu, S. Johnson, B. Belfiglio, D. Demuth. Second Row: C. Merz, M. Capkovic, D. Michelson, K. Mulavey, J. Strehlau, J. Utt, J. Schofield, C. Vuce¡ lich, A. Rundbaken. Third Row: R. Michel, J: Diamond, A. Chrostowski, B. McKee, D. Gerba, V. Lehrkinder, R. Hamilton, J. lurino, D. Hilliard, B. Fisher. Fourth Row: P. Blue, C. Cook, P. Krape, S. Lehneis,M. Fisher, P. Virgilio, R. Kreigh, L. Macgregor, D. Brown.

Band The year of all that we worked for coming true. The year of the new uniforms new drums new drum major. We were the team who occupied the field at half time And the stage during the Spring Concert. Our goal was not to win, but to produce and enjoy. Everyone played a different part, contributing to the whole. Everyone marched the same way--to a single thought ...but in different directions. How great it all sounded when we played our hunks of battered horn together.

First Row: T. Matys, D. Huckaba, V. Marcy, B. Fleming, D. Meisenhelder, A. Rives. Second Row: G. Kaepplinger, W. Wei, M. McConnell, J. lipard, J. Phillips, D. Richardson. Third Row: S. Smith, S. Krauss, T . Fallon, B. Mayer, E. Herr. Fourth Row: E. Johnson, L. Cohen, D. Burkhart, L. D'Angelo.

Left to Right: M. McConnell, Vice President; E. Johnson, Vice President: D. Burkhart, Student Director; K. Kyle, President; S. Van Patter, Pep Band President.


First Row: C. Worthington, A. Johnson, K. Fisch, J. Peck, J. Pemberton, J. Chrostowski, B. MiHer. Second Row: L. Freedman, N. Sadler, S. Compton, B. Hessemer, J. GartSide, H. Elfont, S. Conn, B. Nicholson. Third Row: L. Patterson B ' . Walter, S. Fornwalt, R. Taylor, J. Schink, B. Szewczyk, D. Daly.

First Row: J. Fehr, D. Glassberg, D. Kushma, T. Lenthe, W. Ventriglia. Second Row: B. Defarges, C. Lewis, M. French, J. Hankins, G. Howard. Third Row: B. Kern, D. Roberts, M. Levan, D. Wynne, C. Harvey, S. Van Patter. Fourth Row: A. Van Valkenburg, G. Miller, D. Davies, G. McBrearty, B. Ganister, G. Cooper. Fifth Row: J. Macks, D. Bretherick, D. Mannion, A. Sulzer, R. Linn, B. Fleming.

First Row: L. Clark, B. Wendle, A. Yanelli, R. Claure, K. Minteer, M. Smalley, C. McClellan. Second Row: D. Linn, S. Smatl, B. Goldman, G. Grant, L. McCrossin, R. Spegele. Third Row: N. Criswell, J. Reifschneider, R. Gartside, J. Kushma, A. Hollibaugh, L. Beers.

Dance Band: First Row: J. Reifschnieder, S. Katz, B. Szewczyk, J. Schink, S. Wentz, D. Daly. Second Row: D. Glassberg, D. Kushma, G. Cooper. Third Row: B. Kern, J. Green, C. Lewis, E. Johnson, G. Howard, D. Burkhart. Fourth Row: D. Linn, A. Yanelli, D. Miesenhelder, S. Van Patter, L. Cohen, M. Chadsey, B. Rowan.


Orchestra tryouts, challenges, moving up or down in your section. The "Messiah" and the Spring Concert. And the never-to-be forgotten musical with all of its night rehearsals. Districts, Regionals: hoping for a high position and a chance to perform.

Violins Andrea Auld Leslie Beers Dot Biela Annette Breigan John Buchy Cheryl Cohen April Fallon Gail Freedman Jeff French Joann Gale Madeline Johnson Miriam Khelghatian Andrea Kowalaczyic Richard Linn Susan Matthews Rhonda Miller Richard Spegle Diana Stevenson Janet Taylor George Vucelich Douglas Zischkau Eric Zischkau Violas John Bachman Karen Beam Dale Matthews Jesse Millon Adell Povey Debbie Sihler Lilbert Yuravage Cellos Nancy DeKorte Nancy Douts Christine Kelley Claire Roselle Barbara York Debbie Zanazanian String Basses Don Bretherick George Cooper Nancy Criswell William DeRose David Glassberg William Mayer Jean Reifschneider Warren Ventriglia Flutes Susan Compton Karen Fisch Anne Johnson Cheryl Myers Barbara Nichelson Jeanne Pemberton Oboes Lynn Freedman


Judy Gartside Roberta Gartside Judy Taylor Bassons Susan Conn Rose Marie Michel Brad Walter Clarinet Steven Katz Leslie Keys Jill Moss Cathy Vucelich Steven Wentz Bass Clarinet Don DeMuth John Diamond Alto Saxaphone Douglas Daly Linda Paterson Jack Schinic Tenor Saxaphone Bruce Szewczyk Tom Van Valkenburgh Trumpets Lorraine Cohen Laura D'Angelo David Fleming Edward Johnson David Meisenhelder Jeff Phillips David Richardson French Horns Debbie Alston Robert DeFarges Mike French Beth Gannister John Hodge Glen McBrearty Gary Miller Robert Trucksess Anita Van Valkenburgh Trombone Mark Chadsey John Green Craig Lewis Don Roberts Scott Van Patter Tuba Bruce Fleming John Macks Percussion Lee Clark David Linn Lewis McCrossin Albert Yanelli


Oklahoma! Oh what a beautiful ... Persian Good-bye? Check the office glass for rehearsals ... It seemed they were scheduled for every day except Christmas and New Years. But it was all worth it when the pieces began to fit together. And there was such a thing as a hook on the smokehouse ceiling. Being nervous was expected. And applause put everyone at ease. Poor Jud lost his woman on Saxer Avenue!! A D-Dawk Production.

General Coordinator "Dawk"


Regionals and Districts Rejoice in the Lamb - Three days of music making; Singing or playing to your heart',~ content Hoping to go on to regionals. Meeting new people - associations through the universal language of the arts. From Russian Easter to Third Suite.

District ChorusFirst Row: L. Fisher, D. Goodspeed, S. Jacoby, A. Hessemer. Second Row: M. Christopher, B. Spohn, B. Smith, K. Kaysen.

Regional Band- First Row: D. Kushma, T. Lenthe, B. Trucksess, L. Cohen. Second Row: B. Szewcwyk, S. VanPatter, J. Green, J. Reifschneider.

District Orchestra- First Row: L. Cohen, E. Zischkau, J. Green, D. Spegele, S. Compton, J. Reifschneider. Second Row: J. French, G. Miller, E. Johnson, S. Van Patter, D. Linn, R. Trucksess.

Regional Chorus- A. Hessemer, D. Goodspeed, B. Smith, S. Jacoby, L. Fisher.

District Band- First Row: D. Glassberg, S. Wentz, E. Johnson, B. Szewczyk, J. Green, S. Compton, V. Lehrkinder, J. Moss, B. Trucksess, L. Cohen. Second Row: D. Mannion, G. Miller, D. Burkhart, D. Linn, L. Clark, S. VanPatter, T. Lenthe, D. Kushma, A. Chrostowski, J. Reifschneider.


Nicholas Adams William Baker Robert Bollinger John Clifton Lee Cohen Bruce Delany William Ewell William Fisher Bob Grochowski Robert Hazen Walter Hill David James Timothy Kelley Kurt Krissenger Steven Krouse Jeffrey Kuerschner John Leonowich Byron Lewis Gordon MacGilliray Raymond Markiewicz

Sec. Treas., B. Ewell, V. Pres., B. Delany, Pres., K. Krissenger.

Scott Millar James Millon David Peifer Mike Pereira John Phillips Steven Pratt Paul Saipher Earl Schofield Carl Schoultz Daniel Shaw Robert Simpson John Sims Wayne Smith Raymond Tabor Bruce Thomas Grant Windsor Eric Wood Tony Vanella John Van Ormer

Boys' Glee Club

There is only one glee club sound - LOUD! Boys working together to form an ensemble. Urged on by the desire To earn a seat in choir. Pass the test - but above all Give of yourself.


Seated: Accompanist D. Goodspeed. First Row: B. Heavy, J. Hankins, B. Morrison, D. Knowles, J. Hess, S. Jacoby, M. Forrest, K. Wynne, E. Esposito, M. Carter, J. Krejcar, L. Streeton, C. Mullavey, J. Leonowich, L. Schollenberger, G. Stewart, W. Hazen, L. Zulick, C. Vanella, L. Gilmore, P. Scott, C. Naylor, C. Kutz, S. Campbell, D. Rue, K. Kindig, M. Fehr, C. Weldy, Director D. Lauffer. Second Row: C. Bachman, M. Grochowski, P. Hunt, L. Fisher, S. Greenacre, B. Dickinson, B. Schmidt, M. Vaules, P. Pearce, P. Creed, J. Omlar, N. Shields, G. Swan, L. Andrusko, P. Acers, D. Raymond, S. Hollibaugh, G. Watson, B. Breaden, S. Bryan, A. Hessemer, B. Roberts, B. McCarthy, B. Swan, G. Wagner, J. Bald, C. Montague, S. Bellis, J. Peck, S. Sudjian, E. Paine, L. Hargrove. Third Row: L. Gildner, K. Kaysen, E. Patchell, R. B~aver, K. Nonemaker, N. Tapp, P. Hollinshead, B. Caruso, D. Rosenberg, R. Mousley, E. Christiansen, D. Pohlman, J. Sarkisian, B. Compton, E. Shubin, S. Patton, R. Gastner, J. Crocco, B. Spohn, T. Irwin, T. Lenthe, R. Claure, W. Fisher, D. Holden, B. Pedigo, V. Marcy, J. McBearty, B. Smith. Fourth Row: B. Baker, G. Windsor, R. Caldwell, A. Guelzo, M. Christopher, D. Helwig, D. Burkhart, J. Hulme, D. Esola, J. Santella, C. Hart, G. Greenberg, G. Hatton, W. Pollock, J. Baratack, D. Todd, K. Bratz, R. Taylor, D. Adams, T. DeMuth, B. Baily, D. Eastman, M. DeHaven, D. Rebuck, S. McLean, J. McKinley, B. Lewis.

Now there's going to be a night rehearsal next Wednesday night at 7 :30 And so we trooped into 126 Morning (Small group) Noon (Choir period) And Night (More rehearsals) To sing for Dawk Basses, you're flat again! Gunk it, altos! Glenn, what's the interval between ... a Happy Day! - when you checked Off all of your music Stick a finger in your ear It's eight inches fmm the floor - Wonder! Wonder! Truth is MARching! Truth is MARching! The case in point is ... that we could do it For unto us is given The power to do all we set our minds to And somehow in the mass of voices and parts We did it. And so we sang ...

Upper Choir

OFFICERS- First Row: Accomp. D. Goodspeed, Accomp. C. Weldy. Second Row: Sec.-Treas. L. Fisher, Sec.-Treas. A. Hessemer, Lib. J. Peck. Third Row: Pres. B. Spohn, V. Pres. P. Hollinshead, Quatermaster D. Pohlman. Not Pictured: Lib.-D. Avila.

Upper Girls' Chorus Don't let anyone tell you, you're not good! Creating a mood - learning your part. Good Goobies, people! How far isit from a C to an F? Working towards two goals; Christmas and the Spring Concert. Hey, we get to wear gowns this year! Meanwhile we laughed when Someone spilled the coffee. And somebody said we were actually good! We worked hard for that compliment.

Seated: accompanist D. Goodspeed. First Row: N. Smith, L. Giachetti, D. Lilley, D. Rios, C. Kelley, B. Rolison, D. Burton, D. Voegeli, C. Handler, B. Smith, B. Davis, K. McCallister, J. Montgomery, B. Smolin, E. Boyle, S. Beck, C. Greenstein. Second Row: S. Baltzer, B. Gosser, B. Conant, J. Graham, J. Brewer, C. Sjostrom, P. Wolf, C. Crispin, D. Speer, J. Ransom, N. Rickards, G. Hand, L. Cox, L. Rostron, L. Blaser, L. Mace. Third Row: P. Gafferty, G. Macbeth, K. Kloss, M. Hoover, J. Karpowich, J. Schlossman, C. Walters, C. McCann, P. Frank, J. Millon, R. Pyle, D. Zanzanian, D. Marchini, E. Kilcourse, L. McMillin, S. McDowell, B. Toole, D. Flohr.

Officers: V. Pres. J. Graham, Sec. C. Walters, Pres. C. McCann, Accomp. D. Goodspeed. Director D. Lauffer


Lower Choir I don't care what anyone says, singing is NOT as easy as we make it sound! How can you people sing with your mouths shut? Did you see a comma there? Then why did you take a breath? Sometimes we thought he was conducting a Yoga course complete with breathing exercises. Accent that! Let's take that measures again. And again And again Until we got it right.

Betty Avila Mary Ann Bacher Karen Bald Mary Barr Leslie Beers Diane Borodkin Michael Bradfield Karen Bretherick Jam es Ca rras Cheryl Cohen Andrew Coleman Dave Compton John Coste Diane Dawson Barbara Dehnick Nancy DeKorte Thelma Desiderio David Douse Walter Dutton Debbie Fenza John Fielding David Frick Steve Fritz Cynthia Gastner Linda George

Eric Gildner Sue Gordon John Greitzer Bob Grillet David Grotyohann Sue Hamilton James Hankins Charles Hardy Mark Hedman Ebe Helm Gail Hemphill Anne Hollibaugh Jane Hollinshead Jonathan Jacoby Marcia Janssen Madeleine Johnson Doug Kistler Scott Kolar Penny Krape Joe Lapps Sue Lehneis Mike Lindsey John Lippard Mark Magnin Diana Mallas

Damon May Barbara McLean Haydn McLean Mark McLean Kevin McGrath Gina McLendon Barbara Merkel Mary Milkowski Rhonda Miller Karl Monninger Richard Moore Dotti Morrison Sally Mount Mike Mullineaux John Nessen Debbie Norman Susan Norman Gerry Paine James Parmiter Patricia Parsons Elaine Pavlou Capie Polk David Potts Janet Rebuck Jack Roberts

OFFICERS: V. Pres. J. Greitzer, Pres. T. Vanella, Sec.-Treas. J. Way, Lib. N. DeKorte.

Luke Roderick Mark Rosenberg Robin Shapiro Diane Spohn Anne Stengel Marguerite Strolle Christine Sudjian Gary Sulzer Brad Thayer Catherine Vanderveer Tony Vanella Robert Vignola Vicki Walp Jeff Waterhouse Gary Watson Jeff Way John Welch Karen Welch Lynne Wilson Charlene Wyatt Barbara York Barry Young Audrey Zacharias Irene Zacharias


Lower Girls' Chorus Sit up straight, feet flat on the floor! Singing alone to find the weak spots. Bring your music and a pencil... Rehearsals and demerits Proving it is all worth the time When you hear that first applause.

OFFICERS: Pres. K. Hall, Accomp. E. Wei, Accomp. N. Klatt, V. Pres. D. Sampson, Accomp. J. Buky, Sec. J. Clarke.


Beverly Agnew Ellen Bartleson Lois Biedlingmaier Nancy Biedlingmaier Sharon Bittner Phyllis Braconaro Jean Buky Barbara Buttler Donna Carfagno Jane Chester Jody Clark Gail Claure Dot Colflesh Carol Conley Kathy Curnow Kimberly Decker Marianne DiAntonio Connie DiRenzo Robyn Dreer Barbara Eastman Sue Esposito Nancy Fink Martha Fisher Linda Freas Connie Futhey Joann Gale Judy Glaser Cindy Goldin Sue Gorby Joan Gordon Martha Guthrie Kathy Hall Donna Hazen Diane Henly Barbara Hessemer Susan Hillerson Terry Hoath Sue Holland Audry Johnson Barbara Johnson Debbie Johnston Connie Joseph Karen Karpowich Sue Kelly Dotty Kelly Lisa Kiefner Sally King Kathy Kingrea Nancy Klatt

Sandra Knowles Ann Kolynych Jane Kushma Joanne Lang Susan Langshaw Chris Larzelere Denyse Le Fever Pam Lewis Margret MacDowell Judy Mace Pam MacGillivary Michelle Malloy Sue Matthews Carolyn Mauger Melinda Metzger Lisa Miller Kim Parris Kris Parris Sue Paxton Lisa Perazell i Dianne Pezzirussi Bev Ried Cheryl Richardson Diane Rowlands Linda Rumph Diane Sampson Eileen Semanik Kim Shockly Holly Smith Nancy Soule Kathy Spahr Susan Stagl iano Barb Stettler Nancy Streeton Beth Stolar Barbara Swan Pamela Taylor Donna Thomas Kathy Thomas Pam Thompson Leslie Thurman Mary Vogel Marianne Walsh Barbara Walter Esther Wie Donna Welch Diane Windsor Janet Wolfgang Marilyn Woodward Karen Ann Yohn

You hoo Mr. Dietrich, do I get to play first string? How much longer do I have to hold up this school?

I heard of the new dress code but, this is ridiculous.

"Speak to me!"


I don't know-we poured some hawaiian punch on the 'weenie winks and they started to sprout.

An 8x10 of myself will cost $7.50.

An apple a day, takes your arm away.

Naked electrons sure are exciting.


Perhaps what is most important are the four long



we have spent keeping Springfield High School alive;

For in turn, it has nourished us.


At this time we vow never to rest until 232

all our dreams are transformed into realities. 233

For when that day does come...


And it will come,


Our spirits shall soar

like an eagle in the wind; For we are


eager to greet tomorrow in all of its infiniteness.


HBehold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and¡ nothing that they propose to do, will now be impossible for them."

Genesis 11:6



In Retrospect

So many facets go into the production of one yearbook .... It is made up of many people, with different responsibilities, which when organized form the finished product.. In this space, I would like to take the time to thank these people whose efforts are never realized. First, I would like to thank the Administration, especially Mr. Miller, who listened to my problems and then went out of his way to help me... If there had not been a Nadine Shields with her enthusiasm and dependability, these pages would have lacked personality. Thank you for your confidence and encouragement. Then of course, nothing would have been accomplished without my Associate Editors...Amy Hessemer, Krista Wynne, Lynn Andrusko and Sheila McDowell. Pictures are a necessity in a yearbook. So, a thank you to our photographers and Roy Adler. Also to Charlie of Rembrandt Studios for chasing out here to take some needed photographs. Without Mr. Schmuckler's sense of humor and fortitude, Scrivener would have been dull. Also, .. thank you to Mr. Connor and Lori Mace who made all the money Scrivener spent. What would an organization be like without staff members? .. To each person who helped out on the layout, literary or business staffs, I thank you. A well deserved thank you to the senior homeroom teachers who cooperated with all of Scriveners questionnaires and surveys, especially Mr. Werley. To Mr. Landau, the Scrivener staff wills a beautiful new classroom where he will never again be inconvenienced by our interruptions or be obliged to share such cramped quarters. The biggest "Thank you" goes to Mr. Dante of DeMaio Associates, our yearbook representative, for simply being interested and caring. This has been a memorable experience for me... the opportunity to produce the 1970 Scrivener. Cindy Handler Editor-in-Chief


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