1972 Scrivener

Page 1






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All across the nation is change and reaction to change. Things are growing, expanding. There are new discoveries, new creative outlets, new fields of study, but more than ever as


grows more complex, more crowded, . there is a greater need to find myself and retain m7ality.

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" .... an d wha are you?"


"1-1 hardly know, sir, just at present-at I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." Lewis Carroll


I stand amongst the masses. Inside of the laughter and confusion, I catch a glimpse of

myself and realize that I am alone but not isolated.


Do I enjoy working here? It's not too bad, after all, I've been in the district for sixteen years. Two of those years I spent at Sabold .... students have changed a lot in those years. The school is going with the times. The kids used to be one big family and now they just don't mingle as much, but I don't get in deep .... The school changes with the years.

dedication It gets bigger and bigger. With each addition there is more and more work. There are several things I look forward to each year. I like to watch the kids prepare for the Soph Hop, they do a really great job decorating. I also enjoy seeing alumni, those I remember from past years, come back to the district to teach. You know that I've watched kids develop and grow all the way through school and return as teachers. I've made many friends at Springfield.

Mr. Stanley Pasternak

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I've had many teachers, not all of them in sc





not all of them older than I and not all of them

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wiser but each one taught me something unforgettable



and new. Each of us teaches something in our livesO\J



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if only about ourselves but there are those who

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choose to make teaching their life.





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"What inspired you to teach?" "What do you hope to accomplish teaching the subject you teach?"

ic academics academics academics academics academi

I've always wanted to work with and help young people. I've been told quite frequently that I can help more young people by working with and assisting teachers to be better teachers; so I decided to work with the

administration. If I can, to some extent, make all teachers good teachers then I will be content. Principal-Mr. E. Knorr

Assistant Principal-Mr. G. Thomas

Assistant Principal-Mr. 1. Gartside

Administrative Assistant-Mr. R. Simon 2

School Board: Standing: J. Mannion, J. Parmiter, J. Windsor, R. Carter, D. Wolstenholme, M. Thomas, D. Gibbons Seated: R. Pemberton, W. Hollibaugh, R. Bullard, A. McKee, J. Gattinella

Superintendent - Dr. R. Grove

Coordinators-D. Fry, J. Trumbower, J. Bartley

Assistant to Superintendent-Mr. C. Hable

Assistant to the Superintendent-Mr. J. Bay


I am convinced, as I enter my second year of high school counseling, that this age group is most in . need of


counselors who really care about students and helping them achieve greater self-understanding. Through this process students learn to face themselves and deal constructively with problems they face rather than resort to non-acceptable behavior. High school counselors have traditionally been schedule makers and information givers or advice givers. It is my hope that I can be more than that to students of this high school. As director of the Career Resource Center I hope to inspire a recognition of the tremendous need for help to young people to develop a career objective and become productive citizens in our society.

Director of Guidance-D. Fluke

M. Smith W. Mackrides

J. Way

K. Wallick

W. Campbell


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The Career Resource Center (above) is equipped with a computer designed to aid the student in his choice of occupation or colleges. Janet Bloch watches as the computer types out her college information. Opposite Page: Peter DeVries (top right) checks the Bulletin of Information to see when Achievement Tests can be taken. Sharon Ersek (below) learns what the qualifications are for becoming a Special Education teacher.




According to economics demand should be greater than supply.

Mr. Jefferis (right) instructs his students on the operation of the voting machine. A tenth grade World Cultures' class (top right) televises a panel discussion on the problems which face Russia in the coming decade. Patty Gibson (right center) shares her report with a class in Behavioral Science. Tom Gentile (above) reports the findings of his committee to the entire class.

I am trying to promote a better understanding among peoples by studying their cultures in hope that future generations may live in harmony and peace. I want to further an understanding and respect for all human beings and their achievements; this is my purpose in teaching

social studies. I want to increase the knowledge and practicality of my subject in everyday life and to help students to reason constructively and think before they act.

C. Allison

S. Stefani

Dept. Manager-R. Filson

A. Corbin

B. Frattura

P. Sanborn

T. Grubb K. Schaefer

J. Jefferis

R. Locker

M. Smith

A. Jones

G. Ege

J. Stinson

J. Scheuer

J. Doyle

J. Stone

J. Hornaday

American Studies Students (center right) display varied reactions to Mr. Trumbower's stimulating lecture on the motifs in To Kill a Mockingbird. American Studies (right) presents to the student an audio visual approach to history and English through a daily morning lecture. Opposite Page: Students (top right) Relax during a history seminar.

M. Lamb

J. Pomilo

T. Gallagher

It must've been that fried chicken I ate. I guess the right wings don't agree with me.



I hope to present a creative and informal approach to America as developed in history and literature. I don't know whether

american studies



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has accomplished my objectives, but an understanding of the present through a knowledge of the past is one of my aims. I hope to finish the year having successfully encountered students on many levels.

I hope to instill in my students a love of literature. I want to inspire an appreciation and understanding of the great literary contributions of the past. I want my students to be able to express themselves with the

english language and to feel comfortable speaking, reading and writing it. Words are one of man's few ways of selfexpression and so many young people never take the time to read anymore.

Dept. Manager-I. Schmuckler

A. Peterson

Mrs. Stone (right) peruses the book room's shelves for something suitable for her eleventh grade English class. Marguarite Strolle and Alison Wilcox (above) critique their original poetry in Creative Writing class. Opposite: A ninth grade student (center left) sits engrossed in his book during English class.

B. Wolf

C. Palmerio

D. Schlesinger

K. Borisch

C. Bourke K. Merbreier

w. Cook

J. Zappacosta

E. Leiter

A. Brazill

E. Fadden

Aw, come on, guys. I'm the teacher! Lemme sit up there.

J. Hirt

I hope to develope a sensitivity toward all

language, diction and cultural aspects of words, as well as the linquistic differences between foreign languages and English. I also hope to inspire a thoughtful appreciation of foreign speaking peoples.

M. Papazian

F. Baker Spanish students, K. Shockley, J. Hornick, B. Grillet, P. Gibson, K. Sullivan, H. Smith and C. Roselle (top right) display enthusiasm en route to the United Nations. Colorful decorations (above) made by Mrs. Moral's Spanish classes added interest to the study of the language. Opposite: Linda Freas, Cheryl Richardson, and Elizabeth Hirst (top left) utilize the facilities of the language lab in German II class. Mr. Mcintire (top right) listens to his class's speaking skills as they reeat the lesson. French student Anne Stengel (bottom right) is amused by one of Moliere's most popular plays.

Dept. Manager-J. Mcintire

E. Schnitzer

N. Nardell

L. Balukjian

B. Polini

Art students displayed their artistic abilities in the murals (above) they have painted. Bob Kauffman (top right) dictates his composition to the students in his music class. Ken Walker (right) sketches in crayon; he is working on an art project. Opposite; Bruce Szewczyk (center right), working in his applied harmony book, is a student of music theory. Martha Fisher, Drew Hilliard and other clarinetists march across the football field at band practice (bottom right). B. Swan, P. Krape, A. Hollibaugh and C. Cohen (top left) sing Selections from Oliver during Choir rehearsal. Art majors S. Michael and D. Brodkin (center left) work individually on art projects.

I always liked music and was influenced by my excellent teachers. I decided to go into teaching and of course chose music.

fine arts gives both the students and me a chance to unleash our supressed creativity and imagination. I think fine arts is one of the few areas that is unstructu red and encourages the students to work independently.

L. DelNegro

S. Kaminsky

A. Hunt

D. Lauffer

I hope to increase the awareness of students in the world around them and the laws that make the world work. I hope to stimulate the students interest in

sCience and to help them discover the orderly and intricate ways of the universe. I also hope to inspire able students to pursue the field of science.

K. Linaugh

S. Marin

G. Smith

R. Shoemaker



B. Lang

J. Hipple

H. Lemmon


Physics students (top left) participate in a "hair-raising" demonstration dealing with the principles of static electricity. Andrea Kowalczyk (left) conducts an experiment; laboratory work is an essential part of the advanced chemistry course. A biology student (above) discovers for the first time the fascinating world beneath the microscope.

R. McClennen

Dept. Manager-G. Wood

R. LeDonne

E. Ardao

S. Hopkins

G. Long


E. Troiano

A. Reinsmith

J. Semeister

Jeff Way (right) utilizes his math skills to compute a physics equation. A student seeks Mr. Wentz's help in solving an algebra problem (below). Frank Woolston (center right) faces another day and another challenge in math class. Mr. Hartman explains a geometry proof to his class. Opposite: Eleventh grade students tackle a trigonometry test.

K. Curley

Dept. Manager-R. Wentz R. Lee

G. Irvin

L. Eisenberg

S. Hall J. Brazenor

S. Werley L. Taylor

E. Janczewski

W. Speakman

D. Kellogg

R. Hartman

R. Eley

I. Ecksel

Since we live in a technological society -everyone should have a working knowledge of

mathematics. It is my aim to have the students learn enough about math that they can more easily interpret the way of life of the people who inhabit the earth today as well as contribute toward a better way of life.

C. Tadd

A. Wentz

W. Morgan

C. McCoy

As one of her Home Economics projects, D. Duffy (left) works on a hooked rug. K. Spahr and K. Harriman redecorate the kitchen to prepare for their unit in cooking. Debby Duffy prepares the ingredients (bottom left) for the meal she will cook in Home Economics class. Opposite Page: T. Rickard skeptically tests a pan of muffins to see if they are ready to serve (bottom right).

I feel that in teaching

practical arts I am giving the students something that they will be able to use the rest of their lives. There must be a careful balance obtained working with the hands and working with the mind.

I hope that the skills learned by my students in

business courses will help give them a sense of accomplishment as well as the knowledge that they have something to contribute to society in the form of a saleable skill. These skills are so sorely needed in this day and age of everyone wanting to be a chief when there are not enough Indians.

Dept. Manager-G. Gooden

P. Conner

H. Beldecos

E. Creed

C. Smith

L. Durham

F. Juliano, L. Stapleton, and M. Cimino (left) read magazines from the Distributive Education library. Opposite Page: Janice Pellegrini (right) practices using the adding machine. Denise McGrath and Valerie France (center left) type a job to improve their typing skills.

I hope that

distributive education enables the student to widen his education by getting a practical view of the world. By working with business he sees a different side of life. This experience is invaluable and will be of use to him in the future.

G. Hatten

I was inspired to teach by my desire to be a part of the process of education. I have found learning to be exciting and assisting in the learning process even more exciting. I teach students to improve their

reading because I have the desire to help make others and myself a little better than we are now.

L. Landau

All people laugh and cry alike; our feelings are the same. I try to help people who feel a need for special help. I predict that someday nearly all students will learn our way- through

individual progress for this form of education is essential to each of us.

L. Phipps

Being a secretary in a large high school encompasses so much more than the title may imply. We not only act as

secretaries, but as counselors, disciplinarians, and errand-runners as well. Every day we listen to the excuses of students who are late to school; we deliver forgotten lunches; we make innumerable phone calls to our sick students. These are only a few of our daily chores, but in all, I think that most of us enjoy working in this busy and chaotic atmosphere. Guidance-R. Haenle, E. Trucksess. E. Petre

Office-M. Clarke. M. Roberts, B. Morrison

CRC-E. Friend

Attendance-F. Dunbrack, P. Brown

The prospect of becoming a nurse has always intrigued me; it has been my ambition to help people since I was very young. Being one of the


J. Esposito

E. Wendle

in our high school has proven to be a different experience than I had bargained for; nonetheless, I have enjoyed the challenge immensely.

E. Ardao

H. Bell

N. McBrearty

J. Brusch, Dept. Head

B. Yaeck

R. Shoemaker

G. Hart

R. Taylor

I was inspired to teach by a high school teacher and I thoroughly enjoyed the physical and scientific aspects of being a physical education teacher. My aim in teaching

physical education is to encourage a joy of participating in the activity enough to carryon after high school and to pass on a knowledge of how to take care of and maintain the human body. I also hope, through health, that each student has a better understanding of himself, how to adjust to his environment and how to handle techniques of coping with life.

Nancy Decker (left) carefully eyes the target before releasing an arrow. A new part of this year's physical education program included football for girls. Quarterback Chris Polischuk (above) clears a pass just in time to avoid the agressive defense. Opposite Page: An eleventh grade gym class engages in an active game of soccer (top right).

Mr. Smith (below) displays anxiety as he prepares to take another new driver out on the open road. Following a film projected in the front of the similator prospective drivers (bottom left) practice reacting to typical situations encountered in driving. Mr. Smith (center right) explains the art of passing to his tenth grade driver education students. Opposite Page: Mrs. Cirbonara (center right) proudly displays her lOO,OOOth hoagie. E. Smith

J. Cannon

The student can immediately put to use what he has learned in

driver education With more and more cars pouring out onto the roads everyday, it becomes vital that everyone knows how to drive safely. It is one of the first serious responsibilities that many students are handed and it is so important that they are taught the right attitudes.

J. Peoples

We are the

bus drivers cafeteria staff maintenance staff We bring you to school; we prepare and serve your lunches; and we keep things running smoothly eight periods a day. . . We enjoy working closely with young people.

And remember! This push broom is not sold in any store! Call for yours today! Out-of-towners, call collect!

Cafeteria Staff-V. Martin, D. Maker, C. Moore, K. Mowbray, R. Cirbonara, S. Bennett, B. Gamble, L. Baker.


new faculty members

J. Wunderlich, Math

"I can't get it out-it's stuck!"


M. Young, LMC

"Now let's see-'Hi, I'm George'-no, that won't work ..

"Jim ... Jim ... would you ... get off my feet?"

"Uh-oh! Did you flush down the cigarettes, Tom?"

ivities activities activities activities activities activities acti

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are many varied reaso s f r . ining an activity but the feeling is all the same





feeling of accomplishment,

togetherness, and most of all the knowledge that in a year or so we'll be learning, helping, mingling out in the world-contributing to our world.

es activities activities activities activities activities activiti

Officers: Treas. Micky McCall, Vice-Pres. Skee Giancaterino, Pres. Rich Coren, Sgt.-at-arms AI Yannelli, ParI. Nancy Ash, Sec'y Robin Shapiro.

Hey, it's getting awfully noisy in here Let's have some parliamentary procedure Dooley Day? Charlie Chaplin and W. C. Fields films ... trying to organize the

student cou nci I. I think that people in the school have to care to run an effective organization, not just a few. Committees, reports, attacks in the fifth column and meetings in the audion ... We are trying to involve the students in our school.

Student Council Representatives: Ninth Grade - L. Batch, J. Bloodwell, E. Burkhalter, B. Carter, D. Curtis, D. Dunn, B. Gibson, G. King, D. McTague, P. Missiras, B. Mowbray, G. Polischuk, C. Ryan, T. Stein, M. Stolar, B. Swan, G. Toole, T. Turner. Tenth Grade - P. Bellis, D. Bruno, B. Coleman, N. Belfiglio, D. Downey, K. Ferber, C. Greenacre, D. Helm, S. Hornick, S. Lehman, J. Maley, M. Marano, L. Morgan, M. Muscari, S. Myers, D. Peterson, J. Purcell, G. Russo, P. Sullivan. Eleventh Grade - E. Bartleson, K. Bartleson, D. Carfagno, K. Crossley, L. D'Angelo, M. Devine, K. Harriman, F. Juliano, L. Kassner, C. Kassner, D. Kirman, D. Knorr, R. Kreh, C. Lacock, C. Polischuk, J. Sims, B. Stolar, N. Streeton, C. Taylor, K. Yanches, A. Zacharias. Twelfth Grade - D. Borodkin, D. Colflesh, N. Criswell, T. Diamond, P. Devine, J. Frassetta, M. French, D. Glassberg, S. Green, J. Harrity, J. Hollinshead, R. Kehm, K. Krissinger, C. McCarron, C. Mowbray, M. Mullaney, B. Reid, E. Semanik, K. Shockley, H. Smith, J. Wheatley, A. Yanelli, P. Zak.

I think it is an honor to have been elected, I really do . . . I was proud to have been elected but I think my parents were more honored than I was . . . I considered it a true honor but I think there is alot we can do to improve the

national honor society like changing the method of selection . . . if you believe it is a farce then you shouldn't accept membership . . . let's put it this way, if I weren't in it I'd be insulted . . . we don't do very much, except tutor, but it's nice being in it.

National Honor Society Officers: Pres. J.lurino, Treas. D. Moore, Sec'y L. Freedman, Vice-Pres. A. Rives. Missing: Sec'y J. Hollinshead.

National Honor Society: First Row: M. Sebastian, N. Criswell, C. Sagan, S. Norrbom, C. Goldin, D. Colflesh, E. Coleman, M. Bacher, J. Kushma, T. Desiderio, N. DeKorte, C. Polk, E. Wei, L. Beers, M. Fisher, K. Garro. Second Row: R. Gartside, N. Fink, J. Pemberton, C. Gastner, D. LeFever, A. Kowalczyk, D. Henley, J. Hollinshead, K. Fisch, J. Lang, R. Shapiro, J. Reifschneider, A. Stengel. Third Row: A. Rives, C. Powers, M. Johnson, K. Hall, R. Michel, T. Fallon, E. Zischkau, C. Watkins, J. Welch, A. Coleman, D. Spegele. Fourth Row: L. Laub, C. Cervi no, C. Harvey, J. Hornick, D. Moore, P. Giancaterino, J. lurino, P. Buongiorno, D. Glassberg, G. Cooper, D. Zischkau, J. Rodney.



It makes you feel really stupid to get up there in front of everyone ... I felt very nervous at first but then I began to enjoy myself ... Bill Custer's jokes probably helped put me at ease ... There are always the super-brains who cram and review last year's notes. I listened to tapes of Hi-Q from previous years and read the plays of Shakespeare to prepare ... We won both meets of

scott's hi-q and even got tissues, paper towels and toilet paper from Scott ... I had fun answering the questions Edith Piaf ... Pope Pius IX . Earl of Knorr ... making moonquakes educated guesses.

Hi-Q Team - First Row: E. Coleman, J. Rodney, L. Freedman, B. Kauffman. Second Row: C. Powers, Sponsor S. Marin, C. Polk, Moderator W. Custer, M. French, J. lurino.

Sue Lehneis, Jane Kushma (below) and Denyse LeFever (right) edit poems at a night screening session. Marguerite Strolle (bottom) comments on a submission to the literary magazine.

Sponsor E. Fadden


Day by day, as the deadline drew close, the submissions for the

literary magazine poured into room 212. I was surprised, sometimes, at the display of imagination and originality. It's so hard to pick what goes-what stays. Finally everything's ready to be typed up and bound into the finished product. Hey, that's me on that page-my words, my thoughts, my dreams.

Clockwise: Susie Lehneis, Ed.·in·Chief, Jane Kushma, Business Mgr., Amy Laub, Art Edi· tor.

First Row: P. Welch, D. Colflesh, J. Bloch, E. Coleman, N. Woodwell, C. Gijalba. Second Row: D. Alston, B. Kromer, S. Mount, M. Kivitz, J. Kushma, C. Polk, J. Beaumont, C. Powers, S. Lehneis, J. Hollinshead, J. Hornick, M. Strolle.

R. Vanleer, Circulation Manager, Mr. McClennen, Advisor, Ted Fallon, Business Manager.

Rosemarie Michel, Copy Editor. (not pictured: Bruce Szewczyk)

Miss Hirt, Advisor

Copy Staff: M. Malloy, E. O'Malley, M. lewis, K. Shockley. Second Row:J. lang, S. Remy, L. Kutis, B. Agnew.

leslie Beers, Sports Editor

Circulation Staff: First Row: K. Welch, E. Pavlou, R. Vanleer, C. Polischuk. Second Row: A. Koppenhaver, A. Kolynych, D. Mallon, B. Brunning, S. Desmond.

Sports Staff: First Row: N. Streeton, N. Fink. Second Row: D. Mannion, D. Moore, M. French.

Is there any social criticism on my editorial? Are there any ideas for a lead story? editor's meetings. Our aim? To put out a paper capable of being read by all the students. I can't detach my thinking, however, from a paper which is aimed at the wants of the students. The

spri-hian strives to be the perfect paper. Paul Buongiorno, Editor-in-Chief

Diane Dawson, News Editor

News Staff-First Row: J. Reifschneider, J. Lang, R. Shapiro. Second Row: S. Hillerson, R. Baltzer, B. Dawson. Third Row: J. Hornick, D. Mallas, A. Koppenhaver, T. Sudjian. Fourth Row: G. Townson, L. Lehrkinder, C. Huckaba.

John lurino, Feature Editor

Feature-Staff-First Row: L. Kassner, J. Greitzer. Second Row: A. Auld, E. Coleman, K. Curnow. Third Row: M. McCall, M. Rodney, C. Polk, J. Hollinshead.

AI Rives, Photographer

I remember excursions on the roof trying to cover up footprints on the wall with posters books, books, books, and trying to clear them out trying to co-ordinate the co-ordinators ... cutting gym classes ... hey, where's the stamp, Mad ... the nine to five day ... forty-eight hour marathons deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. November 16 to March 6.

. photographers' resignations . . what more can you ask for? . hooking rugs at 4:00 am ... dragging photographers around ... the friend ... Mr. DeMaio, would you believe that we're only eight pages short this time? ... alligator pictures ... a trip to Philadelphia ... perched on top of a fire hydrant ... the

sCrivener room has been declared a fire hazard

hey, do you have the key?

ask Mr. Grubb to open the door staffs that didn't exist ... setting high goals and settling for less for "a man's reach should exceed his grasp." - Robert Browning Editor-in-Chief Madeleine Johnson

Senior and Underclassmen Editor Sandy Plattner, Sports Editor Sue Norrbom.

Sponsor Irvin Schmuckler

Photography Staff: A. Rives, B. Boyer, M. Smith, M. Smalley, D. Frick, J. Leonowich, Photo Editor C. Utermohlen.

Scrivener Staff; First Row: D. Stevenson, A. Johnson, A. Kopenhaver, B. Walter. Second Row: P. Clauso, A. Kolynch, C. Roberts, J. Johns, K. Fagan. Third Row: R. Michel, B. Beadling, K. Amwake, K. Fredericks. Top Row: N. Streeton, L. Kassner, D. Usher, F. Stanley. Not Pictured: S. Johnson.

Literary Editor Mary Ann Bacher

Layout Editor Rhonda Miller, Faculty and Activities Editor Cindy Goldin.

Business Staff: First Row: L. Biedlingmaier, B. Stettler, I. Zacharias. Second Row: L. Brennan, M. Malloy, C. Joseph, D. Moore, N. Biedlingmaier, W. Yohn, K. Hall. Business Editor- Barb Stettler

Business Sponsor Pat Conn

Social Service Officers: Bruce O'Brian, Hilary Sternberg

Social Service Club: First Row: J. VanValkenburgh, H. Sternberg, P. Falconer, D. Theno. Second Row: C. Payne, N. Reed, N. Miller, J. Warrick, D. Durham. Third Row: P. Rogers, R. Miller, C. Kingrea, N. Esposito, L. Engel, D. Lawrence, L. Price, K. Davis, S. Pearson, L. DiRico. Fourth Row: E. Gildner, B. O'Brien, L. Sternberg, D. Lefferts, M. LeFever, P. Saiphes, S. Paxton, P. Groadley, C. Strohofer, N. Soule.

Earth, air, water, life. All dependent on each other. Man has tried to destroy the interdependencies. It, therefore, must be man to right these wrongs. The Cuyahoga Ecological Society exists as few other organizations do. Our purpose is to educate ourselves and others, through communication, the ways and means to protect our environment. So that future generations may gain what we have lost.

human interest We are trying to help others and in doing this I have helped myself. As a member of the Social Service Club, I am trying to give someone else something which I am able to give. I am not always successful in teaching the prescribed concepts and ideas but I feel I have shared something within me with another and in return have gained much more.

Cuyahoga Ecological Society: E. Coleman, G. Cooper, J. Bloch, A. Coleman, B. Johnson, R. Perry. Second Row: B. Linaberry, N. Simon, N. Horowitz, D. James.

Cuyahoga Officers: Pres. Charles Cervi no, Vice-Pres. Bruce Livingston, Sec'y Jo Rita Knopf, David Mannion.


Girls ... Valentine's Day Party for others ... selling cupcakes at lunch to help others ... we're a group of dedicated girls, we even threw ourselves a progressive dinner. Tri-Hi-Y. We have a new room in the LMC, you can sometimes hear a record or the radio sounding from the room. There's always something to do if you're an operator ... splice films, change lights, deliver films and projectors and return them to the A.V. room. We have fun providing a

school service. We provide for the school a variety of services but we enjoy doing them. The Service Club sells tickets, we conduct guided tours for Parent's Night, we do jobs and have fun .. earning the right to wear that jacket.

Service Club Officers: S. Johnson, Vice-Pres.; S. Giancaterino, Pres.; Sponsor S. Stefani; D.Grebb, Treas.; R. Hay; F. Whitaker, Sec'y.; D. Kelly.

Service Club: First Row: D. Kelly, J. Schipani. Second Row: R. Hay, J. O'Hara, T. Hall, S. Johnson, J. Chacosky, F. Whitaker, J. McLaughlin, M. Kelly, P. Giancaterino, B. Simpson, R. Walters, Third Row: J. Kenyon, B. Witoski, R. Goodwin, M. McLean, B. Wend Ie, D. Grebb, D. Helm, C. Koppe, C. Miserendino, G. Hartshorn, J. Reese, D. Farrell, P. Hall, S. Arsht, M. Hubert, D. Karpowich, Sponsor S. Stefani.

Library Aides: L. Peterson, D. Mehrhof, M. Barbour, J. Gibson, M. Nelson, A. Carullo, R. Boyle. Second Row: C. Roberts, M. Milliken, N. Bruce, B. Veseth, K. Toney, M. Kelly,

G. Loper. Aides: First Row: N. Biedlingmaier, L. Biedlingmaier. Second Row: S. Ersek, A. Smith,

N. Davis, S. Johnson, B. Johnson.

Tri-Hi-Y: First Row: E. O'Malley, R. Lamour, M. Barlow, L. Kutas. Second Row: S. Johnson, R. Housman, C. Strohofer, Pres. M. Sebastian. Third Row: I. Zacharies, D. Thomas, A. Zacharies.

A.V. Officers: M. Smalley, Vice-Pres.; C. Weisel, Treas.; B. Wistowski, Pres.; F. VanGillune, Sec'y.

A.V. Club: First Row: P. Welsh, C. Biondi, B. Linaberry, C. Weisel, F. VanGillune, B. Witkoski, M. Smalley. Second Row: D. Miller, D. Flegal, A. Smith, R. Milne, D. Seeger, N. Sallir, F. Utermohlen, M. Smith, B. Harvey. Third Row: C. Utermohlen, R. Goodwin, R. Martin, H. Thomas, M. Leslie, B. Turnbull, F. Easterday. 5

Exchange student to France- George Cooper

Being a foreign exchange student to France was an exciting adventure and has proved to have been a very worth-while experience. While I was able to learn a great deal about the French way of life, it was also possible for me to take a look at my native country from the outside. I discovered many interesting delicacies in France such as Ie pain Franscais, Ie Camenbert cheese, and les Filles Franscaises. (Who said that?) Overall, I found the French to be a very warm and cordial people.

It was a unique experience for me to have been chosen as one of the

exchange students. Staying in West Berlin, Germany with a German family give me a first-hand chance to see how another people live. I enjoyed having the opportunity to make new friends, to see different and exciting places (I love the Alps!) and to eat new foods (such as Bratwurst). I found Berlin and her people marvelously exciting and friendly.

George Cooper and Diane Henley spent their junior year in Europe.

Exchange student to Germany- Diane Henley

Final Score: Faculty 10 Seniors 6

donkey basketball game

Mr. Stefani (top left) scores two points for the faculty. John lurino (top right) attempts a steal, while Mr. McClennen (left) gives his mule a pep talk. (Above) Bill Ewell pulls his mule.


JETS: G. Calder, A. Cohen, K. Killen, D. Colflesh, B. Johnson, P. Welch, B. Livingston, J. Bloch, A. George, B. Linaberry, L. Peterson, J. Zishchkau, T. Freedman, R. DiMattia, F. VanGilluve, G. Hartshorn, K. Littleton, N. Jackson, J. Kirschner, J. Hollinshead, B. Witkoski, R. Scales, D. Zishchkau, C. Harvey, E. Zishchkau, J. Fehr, A. Coleman, J. Carras, B. Calder, D. Frick, D. McKuown, M. Nelson.

JETS Officers: J. Kirshner, Treas.; J. Bloch, Pres.; J. Hollinshead, Ed.; G. Calder, Sec'y; J. Carras, Sr. Comm. Chrmn.

JETS Executive Board: Kneeling: J. Bloch, G. Calder. Standing: J. Kirschner, J. Fehr, J. Hollinshead, B. Witkoski, D. Frick, G. Hartshorn, J. Carras, B. Calder, A. Coleman, F. VanGiliuve.

T.V. Crew: S. Ramsy, M. Thomas, P. Missiras, F. VanGiliuve, M. Smith, A. Coleman, G. Hartshorn, B. Linaberry, C. Utermohlen, E. Zishkau, G. Vucelich, G. Belk, C. Weisel, B. Witkoski, Sponsor Mrs. Harriman, B. Johnson, R. Goodwin, D. Frick, F. Utermohlen, M. Smalley, B. Turnbull, B. Harvey, D. Miller.

I remember ... the first girl president ... the confusion at meetings ... the sponsor who would have been dropped for non-attendance ... You've gotta sell six dollars worth! ... Janet banging Mr. Mac's paddle and watching the pieces fly! the non-existant meeting. quiet the Rock Contest miss two meetings and you're out Daddy's Gone A-Hunting ... and those strange alumni the search for a sponsor. J.E.T.S. With the expansion of our school we have formed a new

technological crew, the TV Crew. We are learning to use the equipment and assist the teachers and students in using it. It is exciting to be involved with such a new and innovative aspect of learning.

Stage Crew: First Row: G. Hartshorn, D. Frick, B. Linaberry. Second Row: J. Carras, B. Clark, C. Starr, F. Splane, D. Grotyohann, B. McClean.


The Chess Club is a very loosely organized activity. The annual event is the gathering of the intellectual elite for the yearbook group shop ... The Polish-American Club? Sure, it's

cultural enrichment We're discovering and exploring our Polish heritage, We've learned to dance the polka and have established the Franciszek Karpinski Memorial Fund for aspiring Polish-American musicians and poets ... The date is July 4, 1776. The members of the second Continental Congress assemble in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence ... "And you are there." We, the members of Hourglass, have assembled this day, February 10,1972, to relive moments of the past and to record our names and pictures in the annals of time.

Hourglass Society: J. Galeski, P. Virgilio, J. Bloch. Second Row: D. Henley, P. McCunney, L. McCunney.

Polish-American Officers: Sec'y Joann Galeski, Vice-Pres. John Chacosky, Pres. Joyce Chrostowski.

French Club: J. Bartoletti, P. Braconaro, Treas., D. Pellock, K. Kurtz, L. McCunney, P. McCunney, M. Luntz. Not Pictured: A. Koppenhaver, M. Johnson, Pres., K. Fisch, Sec'y.


Chess Club Officers: Pres. J. Fehr, Treas. A. Coleman, VicePres. M. Bradfield, Sec'y O. Goldin.

Polish-American Club: First Row: D. Glasberstowski, J. Chacosky, F. Whitakerski, B. Witkoski. Second Row: J. Chrostowski, M. Galeski, E. Colemanski, B. Johnsoneski, B. Livingstonski, J. Jefferiski, Sponsor. Third Row: G. G. Cooperski, K. Kurtzeski, C. Hardski.

Chess Club: First Row: R. DiMattia, A. Coleman, M. Bradfield, Pres. J. Fehr, B. O'Brian, J. lurino, B. Miller, D. Glassberg. Second Row: W. Kollar, O. Goldin, D. Hillard, C. Hardy, I. Schmuckler, Sponsor.

F.T.A. President Sue Hillerson (right) presents Mrs. Dreeland with a flower on the Annual celebration of Teacher Apprciation Day. At an F.T.A. meeting, (bottom right) a guest speaker relates her experiences in teaching.

FBLA: First Row: M. Morrone, D. McGrath, D. Valenti, L. Friel, B. Torelli, K. Wike. Second Row: C. Carlson, E. Bradley, L. Ersek, M. Lewis, M. Metzger, P. Torna, S. Shankweiler.

FBLA Officers: D. McGrath, Pres., D. Valenti, Vice-Pres., P. Torna, Treas., M. Lewis, Sec'y.

FBLA-Future Business Leaders of America ... It's experience for girls interested in business after high school. Fbla is field trips to business colleges, guest speakers, fund-raising campaigns, fall and spring regionals and contests for skill in typing and shorthand.

career clubs FTA-Future Teachers of America. It's experience with children when I cadette taught at an elementary school. The teacher put me right to work ... It sounded strange to hear a "Miss" before my last name. Fta is a bake sale, raising money for teacher appreciation day, having guest speakers, making flowers and meetings every other Thursday.

FTA: First Row: D. Flood, B. Johnson, G. Champlain, D. Carfagno. Second Row: D. Sotter, J. Bloch, P. Braconaro, S. Bittner, T. Sudjian. Third Row: S. Norrbom, J. Pinnock, V. Correll, N. Biedlingmaier, N. Boshold, P. Virgilio, J. Bartoletti, Sponsor L. Peck.

FTA Officers: Vice-Pres. Joanne Lang, Pres. Sue Hillerson. Missing: Sec'y Diane Dawson, Treas. Karen Fisch.

CLASSIFIED THE NARDELS would like to thank all those who took the time to see the public concert November 27, at Powell Road Park. For information about concerts for your group or party call C. Philipps at 544331; in New Jersey call Bigelow 6-1300. The Nardells: AI Rives, B. O'Brian, J. Rodney

Varsity Officers: Sec'y Diane Sampson, Pres. Nancy Fink, Vice-Pres. Jeanne Pemberton. Not pictured Treas. Terri Niemczewski.

Varsity Club: First row: C. Appel, S. Holland, D. Sampson, E. Wei, M. Johnson. Second row: N. Fink, J. Pemberton, B. Stettler, N. Streeton, K. Bretherick, R. Gartside.

Ski Club

Weightlifting Officers: Vice-Pres. J. Vetrone, Pres. P. Giancaterino, Treas. L. Laub.

Is there a Boy's Varsity Club? ... I have a varsity letter and I was a manager for three years! So what does the Girl's Varsity Club do? We had a Christmas Tea (hey, next year I'll be an alumnus) and we made a scrapbook for this year. I wonder if in ten years we'll look as funny as they did in the 1962 scrapbook?

recreation We almost gave up hope that the Ski Club would get to ski. We thought there might not be any snow to ski on ... yeh, I know they have artificial snow but it's just not the same. Weightlifting Club: First Row: S. Appel, J. Diebeler, M. Redfern, P. Ziebelman, P. Giancaterino, J. Vetrone, R. Hay, M. Kelly, J. Muller, J. Gannet, M. Woolton. Second Row: D. Grebb, J. Schipani, J. Chacosky, D. Kelly, S. Johnson. Third Row: C. LeBlanc, S. DeVito, L. Laub, B. Bingaman, B. Joy, P. Hall, J. Parmiter, H. McLean, R. Swan, E. Patterson. Sponsor J. Mcintire.

Phyllis Broconaro, Co-Capt., Debbie Krajeski, Capt., Robin Shapiro, Co-Capt.

Standing: Margaret MacDowell, Carol Mowbray, Janet Nicholls, Cheryl Richardson, Lydia Brennan, Margaret Sebastian, Liz Hirst, Carol Scheppman. Kneeling: Ruth Christie, Phyllis Broconaro, Debbie Krajeski, Robin Shapiro, Nancy Kilbane. Sitting: Karen Garro, Holly Smith, Marta Guthrie, Bev Reid, Sue Norrbom.

Don Roberts, George Cooper, Dave Wynne, Dave Glassberg, Tom Matys, Jim Hankins, AI Rives, John Phillips, Bill Mayer, Bruce Goldman, Jeff Phillips, Dave Richardson, John Lippard, Bruce Lingenfelter, Bruce Flemming. Pep Band members Dave Mannion and AI Yanelli (center right) loyally support the Soccer team. Opposite Page: At the pre-season pep-rally football captain, Skee Giancaterino, (top left) encourages the crowd to support the team. Cougar and cheerleader, Beth Stolar, (bottom left) muster enthusiasm in the crowd. Cougar consoles Ken Rucci (bottom right) after a discouraging play.


I hear the shrill, piercing trumpets sounding the battle cry of the ever moving Pep Band. The shouts of our c1appin', stompin', Pep Club and the dance steps of the Cougarettes expose and strengthen that tremendous, contagious sensation

school spirit, that pulses from one to the other until the whole crowd moves to the same beat.

Pep Club Officers: Sue Norrbom, Meg O'Brien, Diane Usher, Kathy Geisler. Pep Club

Director of Instrumental Groups - Luca DelNegro

Director of Choral Groups - Dennis Lauffer

Lower Choir Officers: First Row: A. Peterson, N. Takashima, J. Shelton. Second Row: D. Helm, P. Hall, P. Bellis.

Junior Choir-First Row: N. Simon, S. Myers, L. Morgan, W. Jacoby, N. Davis, C. Kramer, M. Stolar, C. Petruzzelli, S. Katz, B. Kromer, B. Ziv, N. Dyson, S. Kennedy, M. Stong, L. Thorpe, S. Shockley, G. Toole, I. Ciarlo, S. Hemphill, G. Ozer, K. Glacken, D. Wei. Second Row: B. Esposito, J. Montague, D. Anderson, S. Rebecca, M. Muscari, N. Miller, L. Fry, B. Prodoehl, D. Walters, G. Long, J. Devine, L. Wasshem, J. Davison, B: Dawson, L. Schmidt, C. Patrucci, B. Swan, L. Isherwood, C. Woods, D. Lefferts, W. Yohn, L. Roberts. Third Row: B. Waldie, R. Milne, P. Missiras, J. Spahr, N. Parris, M. Beatty, J. Anderson, W. Phillips, S. Ramey, N. Saller, G. Belk,

J. Bowen, O. Goldin, B. McKee, G. Simpson, G. Stan, M. Karpowich, G. Simpson, J. Oadenaker, D. Ferrari, D. Waite, S. Kuerschner, J. Moore, P. Bucky, M. Buongiorno, J. Mingle. Fourth Row: M. Criston, R. Gosser, A. Coste, D. Helm, W. Fisher, W. Carter, P. Owen, J. McCleary, C. Lenthe, B. Veseth, P. Hall, P. Bellis, R. Fenza, B. Richards, L. Marcu, C. Nagle, J. Bradfield, A. Watkins, D. McLean, R. Carter, M. Bratz, B. Turnball, G. Townsend. Accomp.: N. Takashima, A. Peterson, J. Shelton.


Pick a little talk a little . . . the anticipation of finally being in the candlelight service . . . I remember being afraid to sing individuallySince my man came death . . . tryouts, tryouts, tryouts . . . taking the test and trying to keep those terms straight . . . cheep, cheep, cheep. Sopranos, you're flat! I'm really glad to be a member of the Junior Choir . . .

junior choral groups Let's have the seconds try-Here is thy footstool one more time You're good enough to be in the fourth grade working toward our performance in the Spring Concert . . . I like being part of the Junior Girls' Chorus 'cause I like to sing. hate to forget my folder and get caught . . .

Girl's Chorus: First Row: D. Knorr, J. Sihler, J. McClellan, C. Oyler, A. Beck, R. Baltzer, P. DeAngelis, B. Forrest, P. Minteer, D. Penn, D. Sudjian, G. Thomas, R. Preston, K. Parnell, D. Ferrel, T. Rickards, D. Dunn, H. Cook, Tracy Brice, D. Catona, M. Marano, M. Alker, K. Ruch, G. Shelling, D. Chester, C. Kauffman, R. Blewitt. Second Row: W. Wolters, L. Schaeffer, M. McTiernan, C. Behrie, C. Kolojeski, C. Spishack, M. Miliken, C. Kelly, C. Stevenson, D. Martin, K. Kurtz, D. Blair, A. Miller, P. Flynn, C. Simcoz, D. Pratt, B. Beam, J. Pollock, G. Pobey, M. LeFever, S. Fanelli, C. Huckaba, C. Kistler, M. Bowe, L. Menold. Accompianist: G. Dormer, A. Reed.


Did you collect for the paper drive yet? ... Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to eat lunch in ten minutes This year was a big year for the

orchestra. Night rehearsals, the P.M.E.A. Convention ... after four years we finally took an over-night trip ... if we went to Pittsburgh in freshmen year where will we be going in senior year? ... The Hilton and those elevators ... the excitement of being with friends in a very new and different place ... time to relax and enjoy. Then the final tuning, a last minute frenzy ... Beethovan's Fifth, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, what happened to Synthesis? The hours of rehearsal ended in one triumphant chord.

Regional Orchestra: First Row: D. Katz, C. Lenthe, Second Row: N. Takashima, J. Reifschneider, J. Bachman.


John Green (left), Student Director

Officers: Vice-Pres. S. Katz, Librarian R. Michel, Pres. B. Szewcyzck, Sec'y L. Manley.

District Orchestra: First Row: L. Beers, B. Ganister, C. Vucelich, D. Katz, B. Kromer, N. Takashima, L. Thorpe. Second Row: R. Linn, A. Peterson, C. Lenthe, L. Hauslein, J. Bachman, L. Roberts, G. Long, D. Peterson, J. Refischneider. Orchestra Members: First Violins - R. Linn, D. Peterson, R. Spegele, D. Katz, L. Roberts, R. Ziv, J. French, L. Beers, S. Mathews, S. Hauslein, E. Zischkau, D. Zischkau, R. Miller, P. Kelley. Second Violins - M. Johnson, V. Long, An. Kowalezyk, D. Stevenson, M. Stolar, C. Searing, M. Stong, E. Bachman, J. Gale, G. Vucelich, A. Auld, S. Lehman, W. DeWoody, L. Bewley, J. Langwig, Violas - J. Bachman, N. Taicashima, L. Thorpe, B. Kromer, L. Manley, N. Miller, D. Matthews, B. Guregian,. M. Milliicen. Cellos - B. York, N. DeKorte, C. Roselle, C. Stevenson, D. Tofsted. String Basses J. Reifschneider, A. Peterson, D. Glassberg, G. Cooper, R. Blue, N. Criswell, W. Ventriglia, N. Yanelli, B. Mayer, R. Blewitt. Flutes - A. Johnson, K. Fisch, N. Simon, J. Pemberton, B. Nicholson, J. Gartside, L. Moore, B. Yong, C. Breingan. Clarinets - C. Vucelich, L. Hausline, R. Jackie, J. Blodgett. Bass Clarinets - P. Virgilio, J. Hollinshead. Bassoon - S. Conn, R. Michel, B. Walter, S. Solovey. Alto Saxophone - D. Riegner. Contra Bass Clarinet - S. Speer. French Horns - B. Ganister, D. Larish, D. Alston, N. Duerr, J. Hodge, G. McBrearty, J. Nicholson, R. DeFarges, S. Lynch, B. Troutman. Trumpets - T. Fallon, D. Harrison, D. Locher, D. Metzler, J. Phillips, D. Richardson. Trombones - D. DelNegro, R. Flegel, J. Green, J. Hankins, C. Lenthe, C. Lewis, G. Merkel, D. Roberts, D. Wynne. Tubas - D. Mannion, D. Gosney. Oboes - W. Weisel, R. Gartside, M. Alburger, C. Piatt, L. Freedman. Tenor Saxophone - B. Szewczyk. Percussion - J. Bloodwell, S. Briganti, L. McCrossin, K. Minteer, S. Pemberton, K. Pohlman, B. Wend Ie, A. Yanelli. Piano - S. Katz, D. Pizzi russo.

We have a very informal atmosphere in

senior chorus. We mess around, tell jokes, and sing. Being an organization of all girls, we can be more free in what we say and do . . . Even though we are number two, we try harder. I remember singing the Wolcom individually, and you know that it finally sounded good.

Officers - Seated: Accomp. - A. Hollibaugh, D. Dawson. Standing: V. Pres. B. Agnew, Sec. H. Smith, Pres. N. Kilbane.

Senior Girls Chorus - First Row: A. Rundbaken, S. Norrbom, L. Perazelli, B. Reid, S. Bittner, D. Welch, L. Beidlingmaier, J. Wolfgang, C. Conant, P. Braconaro, C. Sagan, H. Smith, J. Gale, B. Johnson, P. Cliff, B. Walter, M. Malloy, B. Stettler, D. Thomas, S. Hagy. Second Row: F. Drew, K. Murphy, P. MacGillivray, K. Spahr, K. Yohn, K. Parris, D. Henley, D. Carfagmo, S. Esposito, C. Conely, S. Stagliano, E. Seminik, K. Kapowich, S. Hillerson, K. Curnow, D. Conicella, K. Parris, C. Richardson, S. Langshaw, D. Pizzirusso, D. Kelley, J. Mace, M. Walsh. Third Row: J. Langwig, C. Goldin, B. Agnew, P. Giachetti, N. Decker, L. Kiefner, M. Vogel, J. Zirpoli, A. Johnson, N. Kilbane, G. Roselle, G. Kaye, S. Kelley, M. Metzger, J. Buky, L. Therman, E. Bartleson, N. Beidlingmaier, B. McLean, S. Gorby, V. Correll, L. Engel, C. Joseph, A. Kolynych, J. Knopf.


Hey, where's folder nineteen? ... Janie and Esther are honorary members of the

glee club. Janie even sings a solo! Rand R ... we're all four grades helping each other to create that one glee club sound-loud! Please let's sing Jamaica Farewell ... Glee Club Officers: Seated: Accomp. J. Hollinshead and E. Wei. Standing: Pres. J. Hornick, Sec'y. G. Sulzer, Vice-Pres. J. Way.

Boy's Glee Club- First Row: J. Carras, D. Frick, G. Hartshorn, P. Saipher, M. M. McLean, B. Forester, J. Way, B. Bollinger, M. Klagholz, G. Polischuk, D. Simpson, J. Hahn. Second Row: J. Lippard, G. Sulzer, R. Calder, T. Bruce, M. Rosenburg, W. Smith, J. Sims, J. Hornick, T. Vanella, C. Hardy, C. Roselle, M. Nelson, S. Barkovich, M. Bradfield, J. Dickinson.


Bassoons, Saxaphones, Alto Clarinets and Bass Clarinets-First Row: D. Riegner, S. Bernard, B. Chestnut, W. Gavula. Second Row: P. Virgilio, S. Speer, B. Walter, S. Conn, R. Michel. Third Row: L. Scott, S. Fornwalt, J. Schinck, J. Hollinshead.

Trombones and French HornsFirst Row: N. Duerr, B. Troutman, S. Lynch, D. Larish, B. Ganister, D. Alston. Second Row: J. Hodge, D. Anderson, G. King, D. Wynne, K. McGrath, J. Phillips, 1. Metzger, G. Merkel. Third Row: J. Hankins, C. Lenthe, M. French, G. McBrearty. Fourth Row: G. Cooper, D. DelNegro, D. Roberts, B. DeFarges.

Clarinets- First Row: R. Jackie, J. Zischkau, L. Conicella, C. Merz, L. Williams, L. Russel, M. Sullivan. Second Row: K. Mullavey, S. Katz, C. Vucelich, L. Hauslein, G. Reinstein, L. Morris, D. Michelson, S. Jonson. Third Row: N. Morgan, L. Haigh, J. Blodgett, A. Marcu, J. Murray, M. Fisher, R. Kreh. Fourth Row: D. Braid, F. Balionis, D. Hilliard, F. Michel, C. Williams, A. Rundbaken, P. Krape, S. Lenneis.


Percussion- First Row: S. Pemberton, S. Briganti, R. Pannachia, A. Schweizer, C. Gammarino. Second Row: B. Johnson, K. Pohlman, G. Grant, B. Wendle, K. Minteer. Third Row: J. Bloodwell, R. Fister, S. Smith, J. Grillet, B. Goldman, A. Yanelli.

Another year of

band gone by-marching with the mosquitos watching us practice . . . Don't forget your flashlight . . . Every game was a testproving more to ourselves than others that we were still world champions. The Spectrum was always a challenge with the fantastic announcers . . . Then came concert band . . . not Concertino again Mr. D.! . but always we strived for perfection.

Dance Band- First Row: D. Glassberg,S. Pemberton,A. Yanelli,R. Linn,S. Katz. Second Row: D. Riegner,B. Chestnut,L. Scott,J. Schinck. Third Row: G. Cooper,D. Del Negro,S. Smith. Fourth Row: B. Lingenfelter,J. Lippard,D. Richard-

son,J. Phillips.

Trumpets-First Row: L. D'Angelo,B. Cole,T. Fallon,B. Bingamin,B. Mayer,S. Belfiglio,J. Montague,S. Smith. Second Row: B. Lingenfelter,T. Matys,P. Trio,A. Rives,D. Harrison,J. Phillips,B. Gibson,B. Grane. Third Row: D. Metzler,P. Hall,J. Lippard,D. Richardson,D. Locher.

Officers: Pres. AI Rives, Student Di-

rector Steve Katz, Vice Pres. AI Yanelli, Drum Major Brad Thayer, Sec'y Rose Michel. Flutes and Oboes- First Row: C. Breingan, J. Johns, L. Moore, N. Simon, C. Piatt, B. Young, B. Pohlman, D. Mewha. Second Row: W. Weisel, M. Alburger, B. Hessemer, A. Johnson, B. Nicholson, L. Manley, S. Solovey. Third Row: M. Horwitz, K. Fisch, J. Chrostowski, B. Miller, J. Gartside, D. Blair, D. Fredericks.

Tubas, String Basses, and Row: J. BaritonesFirst

Kushma, N. Yanelli, J. Re'ifschneider, N. Criswell, R. Blewitt. Second Row: R. Blue, J. Bollinger, J. Fehr, R. Linn, K. Teore, D. Glassberg, D. Gosnay. Third Row: K. King, B. Fleming, D. Hudson, S. Hauslein, D. Katz.


Majorettes: B. Zalkind, D. Hazen, R. Jones, A. Johnson, M. McTiernan, G. Claure, W. Powell, D. Hudson, K. Spahr, D. Downey, S. Matthews, J. Davidson: sarg.

Feature Twirler Dick Spegele

Color Guard: First Row: D. Pizzi russo, C. Polk, K. Parris. Second Row: I. Zacharias, A. Kowalczyk, D. Stevenson, A. Zacharias.

Feature Twirler Gail Claure

Colorguard: First Row: E. Pavlou, K. Thomas, B. Butler (sarg.), B. Avila, N. Streeton, D. Dawson. Second Row: K. Curnow, L. Thurman, L. Kutas, L. Wilson, D. LeFever.

I remember that we used to get our uniforms mixed up . . . where are your white gloves? flags tearing and always finding one more spill. wear your hats! When you're a color guard it is sometimes hard to feel like part of the


Regional Band: First Row: W. Weitzel, L. Hauslein, R. Linn; Second Row: C.

Lenthe, A. Yanelli, C. Vucelich, J. Phillips, B. Szewczyk.

Which uniform did you say to wear? How should I wear my hair? Which routine should we use? . . . how 'bout soul step? . . . Don't you think you should shine your boots? Preparing to be a majorette.

District Band: First Row: C. Lenthe, B. Gannister, C. Vucelich, S. Conn, K. Fisch, B. Szewczyk, A. Yanelli. Second Row: B. DeFarge, R. Michel, R. Linn, J. Phillips,

D. Richardson, A. Johnson, J. Gartside, L. Hauslein, S. Katz, W. Weitzel. State Band: C. Vucelich, B. Szewczyk.


Accompanists: J. Hollingshead, E. Wei. First Row: A. Auld, J. Rebuck, A. Stengel, D. Spohn, D. Mallas, K. Vanderveer, S. Holland, M. Bacher, T. Desiderio, K. Giessler, T. Sudjian, M. Janssen, L. Beers, B. York, K. Bald, D. LeFever, D. Fenza, B. Hessemer, K. Thomas, N. Streeton, A. Hollibaugh, S. Mount, B. Avila, D. Dawson, C. Polk, J. Kushma, C. Wyatt, J. Gordon, C. Cohen, P. Gibson, D. Hazen, S. Matthews. Second Row: B. Stolar, C. Gastner, S. Hamilton, M. Strolle, E. Pavlou, N. DeKorte, S. Lehneis, S. Conn, D. Morrison, K. Crossley, J. Glazer, L. Rumpf, I. Zacharias, D. Sampson, L. Wilson, K. Shockley, K. Bretherick, M. Woodward, S. Gordon, K. Karpowich, R. Miller, A. Zacharias, G. Claure, D. Windsor, P. Krape, L. George, P. Parsons, J. Lang, P. Taylor, M. Fisher, R. Shapiro, K. Welsh, M. Milkowski, S. Knowles, K. Hall, B. Swan. Third Row:J. Jacoby, R. Taber, B. Hazen, J. Grietzer, D. Grotyohann, M. Lindsey, B. Simpson, A. Coleman, S. Fritz, G. Hartshorn, J. Carras, M. Rosenberg, B. Thomas, B. Sherman, G. Watson, C. Shoultz, B. Grillet, T. Vanella, J. Leonowich, K. McGrath, J. Phillips, J. Way, G. McBrearty, H. McLean, J. Hankins, D. May, B. Bollinger, R. Adams, D. James, J. Millon, D. Spegele. Fourth Row: G. Sultzer, B. Walter, J. Welsh, E. Helm, S. Pratt, M. McLean, J. Waterhouse, J. Fielding, W. Dutton, E. Gildner, K. Krissinger, B. Ewell, B. Vignola, P. Thayer, D. Potts, J. Hornick, M. Jarone, D. Douse, J. Sims, J. Polmetter, J. Lippard, S. Kolar, T. Kelly, D. Kistler, C. Moninger, B. Mayer, M. Bradfield, J. Kuerschner. Not Pictured: E. Anderson, B. Stettler, D. Moore, L. Roderick, F. Drew, C. Goldin.

We combine our voices and talents and work toward fantastic results. I think I'll always remember the warm glow of a candlelight service, a triumph in Pittsburgh, and our appearance at the Academy of Music. The mellow years of Moonlight in Vermont jump into the now sound of Jesus Christ Superstar. This is the

choir, a learning situation, a close group of friends, a creative experience which will never be forgotten.

Officers: First Row: Vice-Pres. and Accomp. J. Hollinshead, Sec'y N. Dekorte, Pres. J. Greitzer. Second Row: Sec'y L. Beers, Accomp. T. Sudjian and E. Wei.

Kathy Thomas, Diane Dawson and Amy Hessemer (top left) examine the score of Selections from Oliver. Opposite Page: Mary Milkowski and Dotti Morrison check the P.M.E.A. program for upcoming events (center right).

District and Regional Chorus: First Row: Janie Hollinshead, Janet Rebuck. Second Row: Jim Hankins, Sue Conn, Glenn McBrearty


Varsity Cheerleaders: Standing: J. Soltner, C. DiRenzo, D. Kelly, R. Dreer, S. Hamilton, C. Gastner, P. Welch. Kneeling: B. Stolar, C. Polishuk, V. Ambrozates, D. Buchanan, D. Welch.

Cheerleading is an everlasting supply of school spirit. (Even the Haverford game!) It means practice, practice, practice til our bodies ache. We think "Is it worth it?" But when we get to the game and cheer our hardest and the crowd responds, we know the answer is "Yes!" There are times of disagreement, but we learn to get along with each other. Cooperation is a vital part of

cheerleadi ng. We may be called Rah-Rahs, but that's O.K. We cheer because we get satisfaction in taking part in the excitement of the game.

Val Ambrozates, Capt.


Robyn Dreer, Capt.

As the Penncrest Football game draws to a close, mascot Kris Gastner remains optimistic and cheers her team on. Her sister Cindi .and Dottie Kelly (right top) are a little more apprehensive about the situation. Sue Hamilton, Cindi Gastner, and the Cougar (above) lead the fans in a cheer.

J.V. Cheerleaders: G. Dormer, P. Ebsworth, Center: V. Drew, J. Creed, W. Walsh, S. Welch, M. O'Reilly, G. Toole, D. Knorr, D. Ferrell.


Three opponents are hardly enough to stop aggressive Terry Hoath (above). Against strong opposition, Terry Niemczewski (below) fights for possession of the ball. Opposite Page: Emotions soar (top left) after scoring a difficult goal. Tireless halfbacks Jeanne Pemberton and Karen Bretherick (center left) fight to keep the ball on Springfield's end. Inner Leslie Beers (center right) anxiously awaits an opportunity to rush on goal.

Terry Niemczewski, Co-Capt.


Opponent Marple Newtown 1 Upper Darby 0 Haverford 0 1 4 Lower Merion 0 4 Radnor 0 Connestoga 0 o Penncrest 0 1 Ridley 0 3 Won 7 Tied 1 Lost 0 JV. Won 4 Tied 1 Lost 3

7 4

Nancy Fink, Co-Capt.

American Bandstand was the highlight of bus rides to away games ... no cutting corners ... rules that were never heeded when we ran those daily laps. Mr. Knorr came to all of the home games and he even served us Gator-Ade at half-time! We were brought together by a week in the Poconos at

hockey camp. We became friends as well as team mates which helped to strengthen our spirit. We called ourselves the "shiggies" and worked together to become an undefeated team.

First Row: Karen Bretherick, Esther Wei, Leslie Beers, Terri Niemczewski, Nancy Fink, Jeanne Pemberton, Donna Holt, Roberta Gartside. Second Row: Cindy Mauson, Diane Peterson, Holly Gabriel, Nancy Streeton, Terry Hoath, Sue Holland, Sandy Johnson, Anne Johnson, Nancy Skean, Cele Appel. Third Row: Mary Pat Frank, Patty Kelly, Maridel Walsh, Wendy Jacoby, Nancy Davis, Linda Morgan, Beth Anne Beam, Jan Pollock, Peggy Flynne, Corinne Cardillo, Anne Powers. Coaches: G. Hart, J. Brusch.


First Row: J. Jacoby, J. Clifton, P. Carlin, M. Carlin, N. Maxwell, P. DeVries, B. Farnese, J. Fisher, M. Bell. Second Row: F. Wilson, B. Ewell, C. Jay, F. Mark, J. Frasetta, B. Holcomb, S. Moore, D. Ferrell, L. Roderick, G. Watson, Mr. Speakman, Coach.

Mike Carlin, Co-Capt.

I play soccer 'cause I've played since sixth grade. What is

soccer? Sore shins! Soccer's a really great sport. Why? You've got to be fast, coordinated, and smart. Smart? Yeah, write that down. The crux of this season was the Haverford game. If we had won that game we would have won first place in the league.


Neil Maxwell, Co-Capt.


Opponent West Chester o Harriton o 1 Brandywine 1 2 Sun Valley o 2 Radnor 1 2 Penncrest 1 2 Ridley 1 o Haverford 1 1 Connestoga o Upper Darby o 3 1 Marple Newtown o 1 Lower Merion o Won 9 Tied 1 Lost 2 J.V. Won 7 Tied 1 Lost 4

2 1

Pete DeVries (top left)c1ears a perfectly timed kick before his Ridley opponent can intercept it. Springfield team members (center left) display their ecstatic emotions after their important victory over Ridley. Coach Mr. Speakman (above) contemplates the possibility of another goal in the closing moments of a close game. Opposite Page: Agile Bill Ewell will undoubtedly be the victor of this race for the ball.


First Row: J. Vetrone, A. McCullough, D. Hine, D. McDermott, S. Smith, M. Kelly, J. McLaughlin, R. Shea, J. Crescenzi, B. Hudson, T. Hall, W. Ventriglia Second Row: D. Warrick, D. Kelly, E. Anderson, R. Hay, J. Chacosky, T. Vanella, P. Giancaterino, F. Whitaker, S. Johnson, L. Alexander, K. Rucci, W. Stubbs, D. Saunders, Third Row: M. Mackrides, E. Helm, J. Hallowell, S. Flannery, K. McGinnis, C. DeVinney, J. Bilotta, W. Smith, J. Muller, S. Hornick, N. Gilfillian, M. Devine, J. Dunn Fourth Row: G. Ege, L. Landau, and R. Talor, Coaches, D. Helm, R. Dissinger, P. Hall, B. Joy, B. Vignola, D. Damon, S. Colflesh, J. Rees, B. McCloskey, B. Colflesh, M. Walton, W. Mackrides and H. Bell, Coaches Fifth Row: S. McGinnis, A. SantaBarbara, P. lippi, J. Martucci, T. Palmer, P. Cunningham, B. Bingaman, J. Rumbough, D. Abbot, B. Dickerson, R. Cooke, B. Veseth

Opponent Springfield 13 Penncrest 29 o Haverford 27 7 Upper Darby 20 12 13 Lower Merion o /"lether Providence 36 6 Conestoga 12 7 Ridley 27 13 Radnor 20 Marple Newton 30 Lost 8 Won 1 Tied 0 Lost 4 J.V. Won 3 Tied 1



Football is very emotional; you become involved in the action of every play. It's a game of contact and competition. I like the challenge to see who is best. The team was plagued with injuries, but we still played some good

football. The season's highlight was the Connestoga game. Even though we lost, we gained respect by staying so close and playing so hard. Our Cougar Spirit carried us through the tight spots.

Dan Saunders, Co-Capt.

Pat Giancaterino, Co-Capt. At the start of the second down, (top left) Springfield's opponent prepares to hike the ball from the line of scrimmage. Joe Soster (top right) clings to the ball as he is tackled by an opponent from Lower Merion. An unfortunate, but common, sight this season was Coach Wm. Mackrides and Dr. Leman helping a player injured on the field. This time, fortunately, Kevin McGinnis (above) was not seriously hurt. Steve Smith, John Chacosky, and Ron Shea (left) tackle Ridley's ball carrier. Opposite Page: At Lower Merion, (center left) Springfield players cheer for their teammates who have just completed the winning touchdown. Springfield's blockers (bottom) defend quarterback Steve Smith as he awaits an opportunity to throw a pass.


I think a lot while I'm running ...

cross cou ntry is a very individual sport. Some runners appear to be lost deep in thought. To others, it's merely a physical trial. I usually feel alone. . .

Pete Vanlngen, Capt.

A cannon at Valley Forge provides a resting spot for Gary Grant (above). Coach Mr. Sanborn (center right) chats with members of the team prior to the Valley Forge meet. Ted Fallon (right) contemplates the upcoming event. Opposite Page: Kerry Guerin and Dave Wynne (top right) prepare for a meet. Team members return from a meet fatigued, but triumphant (top left). Pete Vaningen, Ted Fallon, and Eric Beam (center left) finish first, second, and third for Springfield.


Springfield Opponent 25 Upper Darby 32 19 Penncrest 34 15 Ridley 50 15 Connestoga 43 23 Marple Newtown 32 20 Radnor 36 31 21 Haverford 45 16 Lower Merion Won 8 Tied 0 Lost 0

Standing: Coach D. Fry, Ernie Brason, AI Byles, Fred Burns, Kerry Guerin, Dan Shipe, Steve Ransom, Don Stewart, Roger Lingo, Carl Miserendino, Tim Lohmann, Bob Costagliola, Clarence Clark, Steve Speer, Tim Scott, Chuck Uttermohlen, Tony Wright, Jim Squadrito. Kneeling: Skip Anderson, Bob DeFarges, Eric Beam, Ted Fallon, Pete Vanlngen, Bill Mayer, Gary Grant, Dave Wynne, Jeff Waterhouse.


Nancy Skean and Terri Hoath (bottom) double team their Conestoga opponent. Opposite Page: Nancy Fink (bottom left) guards the ball while her teammate Nancy Skean breaks for the basket. Nancy Fink (bottom right) loses her opponents and rushes in for a layup.

"Oh, don't be silly. They never throw it to me!"


This year the

girls' basketball team may not have had a good season point-wise but we learned to get along with each other ... We averaged an injury a game ... the poppins and pippins ... Hey, somebody saw the duke smile! We had men officials for the first time this year which was an added attraction! . . . truth sessions . . . ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR

First Row: N.Skean, D.Sampson, J.Laverty, J. Pemberton, N.Fink, R.Gartside, D.Eustace Second Row: Coach K.Linaugh, S.Johsnon, S.McDevitt, N.Davis, N.Streeton, T.Hoath, K.Bretherick, Coach E.Ardao Third Row: N.Decker, C.Appel, G.Povey, B.Beam, H.Gabriel, J.Pollock, P.Sullivan, P.Kelly, L.Morgan.

J. Pemberton, Capt.



44 30 27 36 29 34 36


Upper Darby Lower Merion Radnor Conestoga Penncrest Harriton Haverford Ridley (forfeit) Marple Newtown

29 28

42 45 53 45 39


Won 4 Tied 0 Lost 5 J.V. Won 5 Tied 0 Lost 2


The basketball season was the most successful in five years. The team began its season with four seniors, two of which were returning lettermen. Joe Schipani, Dave Batton, Dick Moore, Steve Smith, and Micky McCall comprised the starting team. Dave is a bright spot for the future, he lead the Central League in scoring. The crowds that came out to support us were phenomenal. This was one of the major reasons that the spirit of the

basketball team remained high during the mid-season slump.

Springfield 77 Upper Merion 69 Radnor 76 Ridley 64 Marple Newtown 73 Penncrest Haverford 74 45 Lower Merion Upper Darby 79 Conestoga 50 Interboro 63 58 Radnor 47 Ridley Marple Newtown 69 54 Penncrest 82 Haverford 64 Lower Merion 60 Upper Darby 75 Conestoga

Opponent 65 65 68 61 61 70 70 59 64 58 61 48 61 61 54 83 54 57

Won 12 Tied 0 Lost 6 J.V. Won 5 Tied 0 Lost 13


M. McCall, Capt.

First Row: J. French, D. Moore, S. Johnson, M. McCall, J. Schipani, M. McLa~g.hlin, M. F~ench. Second Row: D. Soster, L. Roderick, J. Mooney, R. Vignola, D. Batton, W. Ventnglia, S. SmIth, T. Hall, T. Gentile, Coach S. Werley.

Dick Moore, (top right) taps in two points for Springfield. Micky McCall (above) brings the ball onto the court. Opposite Page: Our outstanding Soph, Dave Batton, (top left) tries for a rebound, one of the many he gets in every game. Dick Moore, (top right) o4tmaneuvers some tough opposition. Tom Hall executes a jump shot (bottom left) in an effort to keep Springfield ahead. Dick Moore (bottom right) outshoots his Ridley opponent in the closing moments of the game.


This season was one of learning ... I mean that most of the

wrestling team was made up of underclassmen. They were inexperienced and there was a lot of learning to do ... The toughest competition we met was with Hill School ... I enjoy wrestling because it's an individual sport. It depends on you.

First Row: B. Livingston, J. Ferrigno, K. Smith, D. Michelson, P. Kissler, Coach B. Yaeck. Second Row: D. Ernst, S. Flannery, D. Helm, H. Tingle, S. Arch, S, Hornick, E. Ortals, R. Musciano, B. Fenza. Third Row: J. Scott, P. Zibleman, D. Joy, M. Conway, J. Norrbom, C. Cope, A. Greenstine, D. Ruprecht, K. Logue, A. Biles, S. Silverman.

Springfield 29 Hill School Ridley 23 9 Harriton 32 Penncrest 14 Upper Darby 21 Haverford School 24 Lower Merion 48 Radnor 12 Marple Newtown 9 Haverford 9 Conestoga 21 Downingtown

Opponent 26 26 36 29 29 36 21 11 39 42 36 23

Won 4 Tied 0 Lost 8 J.V. Won 6 Tied 0 Lost 6


J. Ferrigno, Co-capt.

D. Michelson, Co-capt. John Norrbom (top left) and Bill Holcomb (left) work for a pin. Ron Shea (top right) pulls his opponent to the mat. Opposite Page: Dave Grebb wrestles Scott Arch (top) during pre-season practice. Dave Michelson (bottom left) pins his man.


Being out on the grinder after school ... There was lots of illness on the

wi nter track team this year. Five times three-twenty, four times four-forty ... Did you know that we have our meets at colleges? ... LM Getting up at 6:00 on Saturday morning ... trying to show up for races on time.

Ted "Doc" Fallon (above) waits for the start of the mile. 4:34 minutes later he won the gold medal in the event. Bill Mayer (above left) paces steadily around the track, baton in hand, during the 2-mile relay, as manager Tony Wright looks on. AI Rives (right) pulls into third place in the final lap of the 100 yard run. Opposite Page: Kim Yaunches struggles for the lead (top left) in the Low Hurdles.


P. Vanlngen, Capt.

First Row: G. McNamee, A. Rives, K. Guerin, E. Brason, T. Metzger, S. Kolar, B. Mayer, E. Beam, Coach P. Sanborn. Second Row: 1. Wright, T. Scott, J. Parmiter, G. Grant, B. DeFarges, L. M. Fallon, J. Squadrito. Third Row: L. Mammino, D. Ruth, J. Montague, R. Evans, S. Ransom. F. Anderson.


Gymnastics Team: First Row: R. Duffy, P. Vitali, B. Wagner, L. Laub, D. Pieffer, G. Watson, S. Briganti, Coach E. Smith. Second Row: D. Briganti, R. Walters, M. Karpowich, W. Hill, B. Ostland, H. Booty, B. Hazen.

Bob Hazen (top right) concentrates as he prepares to mount the sidehorse, then (above) he demonstrates his skills. Paul Vatali (above left) begins a cartwheel. With determination, Mike Bartolemi (above center) performs on the rings. Opposite Page: Bruce Wagner (top left) executes an L - seat on the rings. A headstand is started (top right) by John Jacoby. Dick Spegel (bottom left) completes an excellent mat routine with a split. Steve Briganti (bottom right) performs his routine on the side horse. 108

It is as much an art as a sport, and it takes discipline of the entire body ...

gymnastics is an individual sport as well as team sport. I'm out there alone with only myself to depend on ... frustration of working on a move or trick without results ... excitement of placing first after a good routine ... a feeling of freedom while flying through air ... stretching and straining and falling and trying again and hurting and pushing to succeed.

Springfield 167 Upper Darby 227 Ridley 136 Penncrest 154 Interboro 295 Marple Newtown 75.3 Radnor Won 3

Tied 0

Opponent 201 289

119 146 270


Lost 3


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Every Thursday we go down to the Marine Base and shoot. Sometimes we have to sit and wait to begin shooting. In the beginning we had to take boring but essential classes which taught us how ... it behooves you to . . . We also had to take a test to show our proficiency. Being a member of the

rifle team is really exciting.

Rifle Team: First Row: C. Wilson, D. Way, S. Norrbom, D. Flood, D. Mehrhof, P. Morris, R. Trago. Second Row: R. Zizza, B. Szewczyk, C. Hahn, D. Usher, M. Davison, A. Christiansen, R. Tarsia, Sponsors T. Grubb, N. Nardel. Third Row: M. Thompson, C. Nagle, M. Burns, J. McClery, J. Gillboy, F. Bixler, D. Reigner.

Back Row: Bob Muir (captain), Joe Snead, Pete Kent, Jesse Pirocchi, Dave Katz, Len Lang, Chuck Fulmer. Middle Row: Bruce Chestnut, John Fielding, Pat Mangione, Bob McGarrah, Mike Lindsey, Gary Kaysen. Bottom Row: Roy Flegal, Scott Kayson, Dean Hagens.

Yeh, we had a really good season. Both the varsity and the junior varsity finished first in the

bowling league. We bowled every Wednesday at Gheris Lanes in Upper Darby. Bob Muir lead our team with the highest average. The highest game he bowled was 233 ... I think there were fifteen members on our team.


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I swim be~ause I'm good at it and because it's great to Win. There's only one meet a year which we can swim in and the practicing is on our own at Suburban Swim Club. We have a team of four and of course Mr. Lemmon. You've gotta practice all the time but half of the fun is dodging practices Hey, Frank, I have choir tonight ... I'll be going to Penn State next week to swim in the finals.

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Swim team: C. McCarron, B. Ewell, J. Way, E. Ortals.


I really want to go out for

tennis this year because I need the exercise! Miss Morgan ... Miss Morgan! ... oh, I mean Mrs. Linaugh ... sorry. We'll be riding on buses again this year It will be hard to beat Conestoga. The team is very informal, we enjoy playing and winning comes second ...

Girls' Tennis: First Row: J. Pinnock, A. Povey, M. Small, K. Decker. Second Row: 1. Hoath, D. Sampson, L. Beers, M. Johnson, M. Milkowski, A. Johnson, Coach K. Linaugh.

Boys' Tennis: First Row: M. Karpowich, B. Bingamin, S. Lawthers, D. Douse, C. Watkins, D. Potts. Second Row: J. Welch, J. Corchnoy, K. Cohen, J. Way, D. Young, R. Adams.

The Cougar Baseball Team will be made up of seniors mostly. . . we have eight returning lettermen. We're coming out of a 12-4

baseball season . . . we came in second last year. I think Marple will be the toughest competition you know, the central league is really tough.

We'll be out on the field to practice by mid-March. It looks like it will be a good season.


Baseball Team: First Row: J. French, A. SantaBarbara, S. Johnson. Second Row: M. French, S. Smith, N. Craig.

We play at Rolling Green when our

golf season starts in April. Mr. Cannon takes us up there in groups of ten to practice. Our outlook is really good for this year, Conestoga will be the big match. Golf is an individual thing. It's really cool to see the ball out there, off the club

Golf Team: First Row: T. Gilbert, J. Rodney, H. Begg, R. Powers, K. Walker. Second Row: Coach J. Peoples, T. Scanlon, S. Flannery, B. Simpson, S. Pratt, R. Barry, J. Leonowich.


First Row: R. Evans, A. Rives, L. Laub, G. McNamee, W. Mayer, W. Holcomb, T. Wright, L. Mammino, Coach P. Sanborn. Second Row: D. Stewart, E. Brason, B. Szewczyk, J. Kirchner, M. Redford, T. Metzger, K. Guerin, J. Lippard, C. Miserendo, D. Briganti, T. O'Hara, J. Mammino. Third Row: R. Baratak, A. Biles, A. Yanelli, J. Hornick, K. Yaunches, J. Montague, S., Ransom. G. Grant. D. McDermot. K. McGrath.

We have the potential to be a good

spring track team if the right people come out ... aspirations for high goals ... We begin practice in the middle of March, working out with weights and doing exercises. I'm looking forward to the Central League Championship in May.


We expect a fine season this year. Our defense will be really good, after all we have five returning defense lettermen ... We begin


First Row: R. Gartside, T. Niemczewski, N. Fink, J. Pemberton. Second Row: Coach E. Ardao, J. Laverty, N. Streeton, K. Bretherick, C. Appel, Coach G. Hart.

practice in the beginning of March ... I'm looking forward to the agonizing sprints, long tromps up to Halderman Field, and beating Penncrest ...


Sue Cook (left) races to receive the ball. On a cold afternoon, halfback Lisa Kiefner (bottom) watches the action at the other end of the field. Opposite Page: During a stimulating practice, (left) Kris Parris struggles to steal the ball from teammate Barb Forrest. Captains Lisa Price, Eileen Semanik, Kim Parris and Diane Sampson (right) practice shooting goals.

Hockey: First Row: L. Engel, J. Vogel, K. Parris, K. Karpowich, D. Wyshinski, S. McDevitt, R. Longacre, V. Correll, A. Kowalczyk, D. Blair, N. Biedlingmaier, L. Biedlingmaier, D. Mallen, L. Kiefner, C. Amwake, B. Beadling, N. Esposito, D. Anderson. Second Row: M. Bowe, L. Menold, D. Spohn, J. Zirpoli, B. Forrest, S. Cook, B. Prodehl, N. Wyshinski, N. Decker. Third Row: L. Price, D. Sampson, K. Parris, E. Semanik.

Lacross: First Row: L. Ersek, S. Norrbom, K. Giessler, K. Fagan, D. Mehrhof, D. Fredericks. Second Row: M. Fisher, N. Kilbane, K. Karpowich, K. Parris, M. Frank. Third Row: L. Biedlingmaier, D. Usher, L. Russell, D. Blair, L. Menold, C. Balchiunas, Coach N. McBrearty, N. Biedlingmaier.


Girl's hockey, lacrosse, and basketball make up the

third and fourth teams. It is interscholastic competition without the seriousness of the varsity and junior varsity sports. It is really fun for those who want to mess around and can't or won't participate in varsity and JV sports ... I think that there is more group spirit, we play the games to play and not necessarily to win. We feel very united and find that there is less competition. We make more noise if we lose than if we win....

Basketball: First Row: C. Cohen, R. Kreh, K. Parris, L. Thurman, M. Vogel, N. Esposito, K. Giessler. Se~o"d Row: 1,.. Biedlingmaier, V. Correll, J. Foley, J. Morgan, R. Vanl,.eer, J. Warrick, N. Biedlingmaier. Thirc;! ~ow: K. Parris, J. Gartside, L. Price, L. Wilson, M. O'Brien, J. Pinnock, D. Wyshinski.


erclassmen underclassmen underclassmen underclassm

erclassmen underclassmen underclassmen underclassm

derclassmen underclassmen underclassmen underclassm

I think there is a big difference from being a "big kid" in junior high to being a freshman in this high school.

I feel bigger than I did in ninth grade but still not exactly "with it".

I have more privileges this year than the last two years. I am looking forward to becoming a senior. I like open lunches.

derclassmen underclassmen underclassmen underclassm

"What are your impressions of being a

freshman. It's better than junior high ... I don't like study halls but I feel that's the way it has be be ... I like the library ... I don't like to be picked on by the "big guys" . . . I hate to be thought of as irresponsible and get blamed for everything ... it's been a good year ... it's ok.

Mark Alburger Marianne Alker Ken Allen Michael Anastas David Anderson James Anderson

John Arty Myra Ball Gregory Barber Ellen Bachman Stephen Barkovich Cathy Barr


freshmen Donna Bartivic Michael Bartolomei Robert Baselich Lisa Batch Alice Beck Frederick Begg

Carol Behrle George Belk Sandra Bennett Valerie Berg Steven Bernard Linda Bewley

Christopher Biondi Harold Blakemore John Bloodwell Richard Blue Dwight Bolick Marie Bortz

Joan Braconnier Joseph Bradfield Kevin Bradley Linda Bradshaw Donald Braid David Branton

Mark Bratz Scott Brisbane Virginia Brown Nancilynn Bruning Katherine Bryan Robert Bulkley

Michael Buongiorno Ed Burkhalter Christie Burrell David Cannatoro Glenn Capri Kathy Carney

Richard Carter Anna Marie Carullo Diane Cassidy Mary Cellucci Ann Cervino Charles Chacosky



Joseph Chaippini Holly Chandler Jane Charles Yvonne Ciarlo Joseph Ciarmella Donna Ciurlino

Robert Clark Steven Clifford Raymond Clifton Deborah Cochrane Brian Cole Lorraine Conicella

Holly Cook Keith Cottrill Michael Criston Jan Cummins Donald Curtis Rosemarie Daddario

Debra Davis July Davison Barbara Dawson Diane D' Egidio Joseph Dehnick Janet Delaney

Carol Deruyh Christina Desiderio Joseph Desiderio Janet Devine Wendy DeWoody John Dibeler

John Dickinson Denise DiGiacomo Mary Ann DiMaio Todd Dissinger Robert Dohoney Joseph Donnell


Grace Dormer Fred D'Ortone Adele Dougherty Francine Douglas Dorthy Drevyanko Deborah Dunn

John Dunn Keron Durham Steven Durson Patricia Ebsworth Gwen Eliason Judith Ellixson

Kathleen Emerick Paul Esgro Donna Ezzie Vincent Falabella John Falzone Suzanne Fanelli

Robert Fenza David Ferrari Diane Ferrell Lisa Fierro William Fink Karen Finley

Eileen Finnegan Linda Fitzgerald Michael Flicker Cynthia Flogaus Gary Ford John Ford

Robert Forrester Earl Foster Pamela Fraim Richard Freas Polly Fritz Linda Fry

Lorraine Fuhs Richard Gabe

Marianne Gallagher David Gannett


LeRoy Gates Walter Gavula Brian Gibson Sheila Gibson Kathy Glacken John Glaser

Owen Goldin Ruth Gronlie Donald Gosnay Richard Gosser Carol Gordon Larry Griffen

Jaques Grillet John Gryn Brenda Guregian Bruce Guthrie Diane Hagy Jonathan Hahn

Kathryn Hahn Linda Haigh Kathleen Handline Joseph Hanrahan John Harford Stephen Harriman

David Harrison Susan Hauslein Marlene Hedrick Sesan Helmuth Thomas Henderson Janice Hillgartner

Larry Hilliard Mark Hoffken Cynthia Hoffner Jeff Hollinshead Walt Honsinger Matthew Horwitz


freshmen Cynthia Hoshauer Carol Huckaba David Hudson

Debra Hudson Diane Hudson Lisa Ipri Ozzie Irons Jeffrey Isaacson Craig Jacobs

Robert¡ Jackie Debbie Jackson Donna Jackson Yvette Jefferson William Johnson James Joy

Thomas Kain Norbert Kane Robert Kantner Nancy Kaplan Joseph Kardacz Susan Katz

Crystal Kauffman Carolyn Kaut Scott Kaysen Pamela Kelly Stephen Kelly Shirley Kennedy

Carol Kenney Michael King Nancy Kiscaden Carol Kistler John¡ Klagholz Donna Knorr

George Kobasic Robert Kollar Cynthia Kolojeski Cynthia Kramer Stephen Kuerschner Kevin Kutys


Lindsay Lach Jeffrey Lang Karen Lapps Keith Lapps Donna Larish Lois Latini

Cynthia Laub Patricia Lauer Conrad LeBlanc Leslie Lehrkinder Dennis LeVasseur Sheryl Levin

Robert Lewis Diann Lihota Patrick Lindsey Bruce Lingenfelter Debbie Little Louise Little

David Locher Myron Lockley Dan Loeb Pam Loeb Karen Logan Mary Loro

Linda Lucas Sarah Lynch Brian Mackrides Debra Mahnle Timothy Malloy John Mander

Lisa Mangione Linda Manley Leonard Marcu Michael Margulies David Marchini Marie Marino


freshmen Mark Marone Susan Marra George Marsden Debora Martin Thomas Masson Greg Matthews

Toni Mauro Elizabeth Mayberry Rita Mazziol Joyce McClellan Margaret McClosky Sandra McCormack

Virginia McCulley Timothy McGee John McHugh Douglass McLean James McLean Paul McLean

Steve McMillan David McNamee Suzanne McNamee Daniel McTague Richard Menseck Eugene Meyle

Kyle Miller Linda Miller William Miller Patricia Minteer Peter Missiras James Mitchell

Beverly Mohr James Moore William Moreland Nancy Morgan Patty Morrison Darlene Morrone

Alan Moss William Mowbray Deborah Moyer Susan Murphy Janine Murray Doris Mewha


Thomas Naughton Mark Nelson Allen Norrbom Debbie Nye Kevin O'Keefe Nancy O'Meara

Marianne O'Reilly Parker Owen Cynthia Oyler Nancy Ozer Catherine Panis Karen Parnell

David Parker Cynthia Patrucci Eric Patterson Karen Payne Debbie Preifer Steven Pemberton

Debra Penn Cynthia Peruto Paula Petrie Cynthia Petruzelli Wade Phillips Carol Piatt

Joan Pinder Alice Pinnock Dianne Plattner Barbara Pohlman Geoffrey Polischuk Alison Pollard

Ray Pope Christopher Potts Cynthia Powell Donna Pratt Robin Preston Susan Rebecca


freshmen Ann Reed Jack Reid James Reid

John Reid Daniel Reimund Gary Reimund Gail Reinstein Larry Rensel Deborah Reuling

June Reynolds James Ricci Christopher Ricci Sarah Rice Robert Richards Curtis Richardson

Robert Rocco Steve Rosser Ernest Russom Carol Ryan Thomas Saeli Gary Samano

Susan Sa net Stephen Santoro Edward Sarkis Kevin Scanlon Anne Scanzaroli Cindy Scarani

Regina Scheib Peter Schilling Lynn Schmidt Alan Schweizer Larry Scott Timothy Scott

Rosemary Sebastian Michael Semanik Gordon Shank Amy Shapiro Robert Shaw Elizabeth Shea


Jeff Shea Bonnie Shefsky Georgette Shelling Kimberly Shunk Stephen Sieke Susan Sigler

Judith Sihler Donna Silimeo Nancy Simon Donald Simpson Ellen Sjostrom Brian Smith

Carol Smith Susan Solovey Jay Spahr Greg Speidel Francis Splane Cheryl Spishack

Joy Stanley Craig Starr Thomas Stein Mark Stellfox Ray Stengel Gary Stewart

Michael Stieber Raymond Stoccardo Michele Stolar John Stroyek Deanne Sudjian Margaret Sullivan

Leiann Suszczynski Betsy Swan Loretta Talone Kenneth Teore Henry Terry Gail Thomas


freshmen Robert Tingle David Tofsted Virginia Toole Donald Torelli Theresa Toussaint Barry Toyzer

Patrick Trio Bruce Troutman Thomas Troutman Jeff Uhler Fred Utermohlen Karen Vendetti

Donna Vogt Donald Waite Nancy Walker Elizabeth Walsh Wendy Walsh Marion Wank

Nancy Warrick Susan Waters Alan Watkins David Watrous Jennifer Watt Deborah Wei

Grant Weitzel John Whitehead Steven Whiteside John Wieder William Wilson Ellen Wolf

Wendy Wolters Paul Woods Nancy Yannelli David Yankoski Beverly Young Cheryl Young

Margaret Zak Charles Zeiger Jonathan Zischkau

Carol Zippi Robert Zizza

I feel a little more established this year. I know the school and don't have trouble finding my classes or adjusting to the high school ... You know, I feel good this year because I feel like we are a class. We have class officers and meetings for the first time ... I guess I like being a

sophomore. I am looking forward to the Soph Hop. Being in tenth grade isn't really any differnt for me, just one year closer to graduation It's nice not to be the youngest and to feel picked on, yeh I guess I do like being a sophomore. Sponsor S. Werely

Officers: Sec. Liz Isherwood, Treas. Rich Gill, Pres. Sam Arsht, Vice-Pres. Art McCullough.


Sponsor E. Janczewski


Daniel Abbot Debbie Anderson Eileen Anderson Robert Angelozzi Ralph Antes Cecilia Appel

Stephen Appel Sandy Ardary Kevin Arrell Sam Arsht Janis Arty Sue Avetta

Carol Balchiunas Francis Balionis Alan Ball Gregory Ball Ellen Balsley Roman Baratiak


Marianne Barbour Mark Barrett Versia Batch David Batton Barbara Beadling Millard Beatty

Stephen Belfiglio Peter Bellis William Bingaman Frank Bixler Donna Blair Roberta Blewitt

Jane Blodgett John Bollinger Jerry Boltz John Bolz Marie Booty Dale Borriello

Michelle Bowe John Bowen Ann Bowes Liz Bradley Edward Brady James Braid

Carol Breingan Timothy Brennan Tracy Brice Steven Briganti Nina Broch Judy Broome

Jerry Brown Nina Bruce Donna Bruno Nancy Burke Janet Burns William Butler


sophomores Carol Byles William Caffrey Maria Cairone

Terese Cardelli Corinne Cardillo Arthur Carl Victoria Castura Ginger Cassels Donna Catona

Thomas Chambers Jerry Champagne Bruce Chestnut Anna Mae Christiansen Janet Ciarrocchi Rosemary Cimino

Clarence Clark Robert Clark Ruth Clatterbaugh Pat Clauso Andrew Cohen Beverly Coleman

Robert Colflesh Sam Colflesh Dennis Connolly Michael Conway Jonathan Cook Roland Cooke

Craig Cope Jonathan Corchnoy Robert Costagliola Christine Cromley Mark Curlett David Damon

Kim Davis Nancy Davis Patrick DeAngelis James Deal Nancy DeBenedetta Sue DeFrancesco


Stephen DelGrippo Richard Deluca Drew Dermond Mark DeVito Diane Dibeler Mark DiCampli

. Otis Dickerson Deanna Dietsch Robert DiNicola Floyd Dissinger Michele DiZebba William Dolhancey

Joseph Donaghue Colleen Donnelly Rachelle D'Ortone Dianne Downey David Doyle Dolores Drescher

Norbert Duerr Richard Duffy Mark Dulko Debbie Durham Francis Easterday Thalia Elliott

David Ernst lauren Ersek Robert Esposito Donna Eustace Richard Evans Sandy Evans

Karen Fagan Robert Falls John Farrell Kenneth Ferber Debbie Ferlita Susan Ferlita


sophomores Fred Ferrari David Ferrell Joseph Ferrigno Joanne Finnegan Warren Fisher Robert Fister

Roy Flegel Margaret Anne Flynn Thomas Ford Sharon Forman Barbara Forrest Mary Francis

Mary Pat Frank Dianne Fredericks Anthony Freedman Neil Furman Carolyn Gabriel Holly Gabriel

Rita Galantino Michelle Gale Sandy Gallo Craig Gammarino Bruce Gannett Joseph Garro

Terrence Garvey Frank Giardini Robert Gibson Robert Gibson James Gilboy Nelson Gilfillian

Richard Gill Debbie Gitlin Nicholas Giuffre John Glenn Lorraine Glenstrup Lynette Glenstrup

Laura Goldberg William Goodavage Robert Grane John Grebb Cara Greenacre Glenn Griffith


soph<;>mores Louis Griffonetti Linda Groman Carol Groome Gayle Gross

James Grosso Carol Guthrie Shelley Haimowitz Clifford Hall

Peter Hall Cathy Hanrahan Carol Hardy Nathaniel Harris

Bruce Harvey Lee Hauslein Anita Hawkins Jerry Hazzard

Dean Helm Patrick Hendrick Penny Herman Penny Herrmann

Daniel Herron Brad Hillgartner Julie Himbert William Hodgson

Harold Hoeveler Jon Hoffmeier Kathy Holcomb Steven Hornick

Mark Hubert Peter Hughes Judith Hup Joseph Husted John Irons Liz Anne Isherwood

Joseph Jackson Wendy Jacoby Mary Jay Jennifer Johns John Johnson Jeff Johnston

Lee Johnstonbaugh Kevin Jones Ira Josel Daniel Joy Richard Joy Robert Joy

James Kadin David Katz Stan Kavanagh John Keener Carol Kelley Kim Kelly

Patrice Kelly Stephen Kelly Harold Kersteen Kevin Killen Susan Klatt Karen Klineburger

William Koppe Beth Kromer Kathy Kurtz Karen Laguna Frank Lamorgese Leonard Lang

Jeanne Lauer Richard Lawthers Debbie Lawrence Michelle LeBlanc John Lee Michele LeFever

Debbie Lefferts Susan Lehman Carl Lenthe Nancy Lingo Mary Lintz Kim Littleton


Ginny Long Ruth Longaker George Loper Anne Marie Loro Richard Love John Lucianie

Robert Lynch Robert MacDowell Joseph Maley Jere Mammino Lawrence Mammino Daniel Manning

Michael Mangione Terry Mantagna Marcia Marano Christina Marketos Beverly Martin John Massa

Mark Matthews Connie Mauger Cynthia Mawson David Mayer Caren McAllister Denis McCaffrey

Daniel McCarran Pat McCarry Jeff McCleary William McCloskey Art McCullough Pat McCunney

Pat McCunney Sean McGinnis Darlene McGrath Robert McKee Paula McLean Marilynn McTiernan

Lisa Medzarentz Doreen Mehrof Donald Meloney

sophomores Loretta Menold Debbie Meredith Thomas Metzger

David Metzler Susan Michael Frank Michel

Dolores Miller James Miller Nadine Miller Margie Milliken Richard Mills Robert Milne

Jeff Mingle Art Minissa Carl Miserendino Nancy Misuriello Dennis Mitchell Debra Mongelli

Elizabeth Monroe Jeff Montague Joanne Montgomery Kevin Montone Janice Moore Laurie Moore

Joan Morgan Linda Morgan Linda Morris Thomas Morris Gail Mowbray Kim Mowry

John Mowry Leigh Moyer Jon Muller Frank Mullin Michael Mullineaux Steven Murphy

Marty Murray Michele Muscari Rocco Musciano Susan Myers Chip Nagle Brenda Neal




Gail Nelson John Nicholson David Nonemaker

Margaret O'Neill John Opdenaker Robert Owens GailOzer Joseph Patchell Dennese Patrick

Kathy Payne Marvin Payne Susan Pearson Steven Pellegrini Donna Pellock Ray Pennacchia

Anne Peterson Diane Peterson Donna Peracchia Tish Petrelli Robin Pettijohn Debbi Phagre

Gary Pilkington Kenneth Pohlman Dale Polhemus Debbie Pope Ginny Povey Wendy Powell

Ann Lynn Powers Betty Prodoehl Jill Purcell Paul Quinn Stephen Ramey Susan Rasmussen

Ewald Raymond Mark Redfern Nancy Reed Pat Reed James Rees Grace Rego

Michael Richardson Therese Rickard David Riegner Lolly Rieser Lisa Roberts Janice Robertson

Chris Roselle Lynn Rosenberg Anne Rothberg Peter Rothman George Rubino Beth Rucci

Thomas Rudolph Michele Rufus Ann Rumpf David Ruprecht Linda Russell Guy Russo

David Ruth Paul Rutledge Michael Sagan Devereux Saller James Scanlon Michael Scanzaroli

Gregory Schoultz Gail Scioscia Jeff Scott Thomas Scott Michael Seagraves Carol Sebastian

Dale Seeger Veronica Shank James Shaw Liz Shea Liz Sheehan Robert Sheehan

Sandy Shell Jeanne Shelton Robert Shields Sandy Shockley Karen Shrader Irene Shubin


Carol Simcox Glenn Simpson Warren Simpson Cathy Sinopoli Nancy Skean Jackie Sloane

::L,rt); ~


,Mary Small Smith ~ Cheryl Smith ) ----Kevin Smith "-..JY' Kevin Smith James Sobeck "

(j 1.0 J

, 1 ~ , , •...'1.r~'" Ann


~J{;~ ~~~. ~ Jeanne Marie Soltner _ ()~

Daniel Soster Steven Speer Cleo Speis aith Ann Stanley \ ~I""\cO W ....... , ~Claudia Stevenson





Michele Stewart Michele Stong Patty Stormes William Strickland Debbie Strohofer Ray Supper

Mary Sullivan Pat Sullivan Donna Suszczynski Kathy Sweeney Nozomi Takashima Robert Tarsia

James Tashjian Barbara Taylor Kim Terry Dennis Thomas Melissa Thomas Charles Thompson


sophomores Lynn Thorpe Kathy Tidd Patrick Toal Julia Torna Christina Touhill Gregory Townsend

Rita Trago Michael Trio Bruce Turnburll Marvin Turner William Turner Kenneth VanPatter

Judith VanValkenburgh Tish Vendetti Bruce Veseth Paul Vitali Geraldine Vitulli Joseph Wade

Donna Wadsworth Bruce Waldie Maridel Walsh Debbie Walters Maurice Walton Kenneth Wareham

Beverly Warwick Dorian Way Joan Weigelt Wayne Weisel Eric Weitzel Pat Welch

John White Cheryl Williams David Williams Laura Williams Wendy Williams Cynthia Wilson

Randall Wolters Cathy Woods Cheryl Wyatt Nancy Wyshinski Pat Yankanich Wendy Yohn

Richard Zaffiri Peter Ziebelman


It's really great to be an upperclassman, we have so many more privileges ... We can go out to lunch for the first time, we're finally in the new building and I think we are treated in a more mature way ... Being a

Junior is good because you don't feel like you're being looked down on anymore ... I don't think being in eleventh grade is any different, really ... I like American Studies, I think that the course is really good and it has made my junior year really good.

Sponsor S. Hall

O~icers: Sec'y..Elaine ~daman, Vice-Pres. John McLaughlin, Pres. David

Hines, Treas. Tim' GentIle.

Sponsor R. Eley

Juniors Elaine Adaman Richard Adams Barbara Anastasio Carol Anderson Dana Anderson George Anderson

Larry Anderson James Angstadt Scott Arch Susan Armond Aaron Asbury Andrea Auld

Elizabeth Avila John Bachman Karen Bald Steven Ball Alan Barber Barbara Bareis

Marie Barlow George Barrett Richard Barry Ellen Bartleson Keith Bartleson William Bartolomei


Karen Bateman Eric Beam Michael Beck Michael Bell Lois Biedlingmaier Nancy Biedlingmaier

James Bilotta Howard Booty Nancy Boshold Robert Boyd William Boyer Doris Boyle

Stephanie Bradley Lisbeth Brancato Ernest Brason Linda Brennan Karen Bretherick Douglas Briganti

Paige Broadley Deborah Brown Bettijean Bruning Dawn Buchanan David Buggy Fred Burns

Richard Burrill James Caffrey Albert Camagna Donna Carfagno Patrick Carlin Candice Carlson

Joseph Carney Victoria Cassels Marc Cerceo Thomas Chaippini Gail Champlin Arthur Chapis

Jane Chester Gayle Cicconi

juniors Michael Cimino Gail Claure

Richard Clements Patricia Cliff

John Clifton Barbara Cochran Cheryl Cohen Lee Cohen David Compton Cathleen Conat

Carol Conley Diane Connicella Veronica Correll John Coste Dennis Coyle Karen Crossley

Michael Cructhca Paul Cunningham Margaret Curlett Deborah Curley Kathy Curnow Linda Curran

Paul Curtis Diane Davies Marc DeChristoford Kimberly Decker Nancy Decker Robert DeFarges

David DeFrancesco Donald DeFusco David Dellobuono Suzanne Desmond Michael Devine Barry DiCicco

Brad Dickerson James DiGiacomo Sandra DiGiovanni Ralph DiMattia Rosina DiMarcantonio Linda DiRico



Rose Ann D'Ortone Joseph Dougherty David Douse Crystal Dove Brian Doyle Frances Drew

Debra Duffy Kevin Dunleavy Gretchen Ehle Thomas Ellixson Laurie Engel Susan Ersek

Suzanne Esposito John Evans John Evans Timothy Farrell Deborah Fenza Marguerite Ferry

John Fielding Dennis Fink Nancy Fischere Jeffrey Fisher Susan Fisher Glenn Fitzsimmons

Lorraine Flaherty Sean Flannery Bruce Fleming Jeanette Foley Michael Foley Scott Fornwalt

Linda Freas Lisa Friel Steven Fritz Charles Fullmer Marcia Galantino Beth Ganister


Judith Gartside James Gastoris James Gentile Thomas Gentile Linda George Patricia Giachetti

Michael Gitlin Christine Giuliano David Glaub William Glaub Judith Glazer Susan Gliem

William Gock Bruce Goldman Joan Gordon Susan Gordon Denise Grace Franklin Grace

Gary Grant Craig Grantham Alan Greenstine Carol Greskoff Diane Gross Gary Gruerio

Linda Guinan Dean Hagans Susan Hagy Thomas Hall James Hallowell James Hankins

Allison Hardcastle Terry Harmon Kathleen Harriman Donna Hazen Robert Hazen Ebe Helm

Lynne Hepler Barbara Hessemer

Carole Hill Wallace Hill



David Hine Theresa Hoath Barbara Hoch Carol Hoch Fred Hoffken William Holcomb

Susan Holland William Hudson Diane Hughes Laura lanuzelli Deborah Irey Jonathan Jacoby

David James Anne Johnson Audrey Johnson Sandra Johnson Deborah Johnston Christopher Jones

Roberta Jones Carol Joyce Francis Juliano Mary Jupin Cheryl Just Deborah Kain

Frank Karpiel Karen Karpowich Claudia Kassner Laura Kassner Carol Kavanagh Gail Kaye


Suzanne Kelley Timothy Kelley Michael Kelly James Kenyon Allan Kery Joanne Kessler

Paul Kessler Lisa Kiefner Virginia Kingrea Diane Kirman Douglas Kistler Debra Knorr

Sandra Knowles Scott Kolar Ann Kolynych April Koppenhaver Robin Krey Gail Krissinger

Carol Kristekas Gregory Krivan Jeffrey Kuerschner Wilhelm Kuleck Deborah Kumpf Lorraine Kutas

Lawrence Kutys Peter Lach Renee Lamour Joan Langwig Christine Larzelere Amy Laub

Ben Lazar Alan Lazovick Helene Leach John Lebano Charles Lee Stephen Leo

Robert Linaberry Michael Lindsey Ralph Lingo Richard Linn Michael Litecky Robert Livingston

Charles Lockhart Jeffrey Lockwood James Logue Keith Logue Pierce Lohmann Vincent Lyons


Judith Mace Pamela MacGillivray Leslie MacGregor Michael Mackrides Dianna Mallas Donna Mallon

Ephie Manettas Carol Manley Clark Manley Aaron Marcu Margaret Massey Raymond Markiewicz

William Mason Dale Matthews Kevin Matthews Michael Mathews Thomas Matys Damon May

William Mayer Glenn McBrearty Jacquelynn McCann David McCoach David McColley John McCoy

Louis McCrossin Frank McCullough Donald McDermott Susan McDevitt Mark McDonald Robert McGarrah

Kevin McGee Kevin McGinnis Kevin McGrath Thomas McKee Barbara McClean John McLaughlin

Juniors Bruce McNamee Glen McNamee

Andrew McNenamin Regina McTague

Carol Merz David Michelson Mary Milkowski Scott Millar Brad Miller Cheryl Miller

Michael Miller Suzanne Miller James Millon Diane Molle Karl Monniger James Mooney

Harold Morgan Dorothy Morris Dorothy Morrison Dorothy Morrison Kevin Mullavey Kathleen Murphy

Joseph Murray John Muscari Alyce Nelson Arthur Nelson Edward Nespoli Jeffrey Neubert

Barbara Nicholson Nicholas Nicholaides John Norrbom James O'Hara Joseph O'Hara Michele O'Keefe

Mary Ellen O'Malley Thomas O'Malley Edward Ortals William Ostland Kenneth Overstreet Joseph Owens



Gerry Paine Thomas Palmer Constantino Panis Suzanne Pare James Parmiter Kristen Parris

Carol Parsons Patricia Parsons Edward Patrucci Gary Patterson William Patterson Robert Paul

Elaine Pavlou David Paxton Susan Paxton Carl Peifer John Peischl Janice Pellegrini

Lisa Perazelli Jeffrey Phillipps John Phillips Joyce Pinnock Jesse Pirocchi Diane Pizzi russo

Darryl Podgorski Christina Poloshuk Bethan Powell Stephen Pratt Robert Ramsey Stephen Ransom

Joann Rayfield Judith Rayfield Louis Rebecca Janet Rebuck Jeffrey Reid Kenneth Rensel

Juniors David Richardson Carolyn Roberts Donald Roberts John Roberts Luke Roderick William Rodstein

Amy Rose Diane Rowlands John Rumbaugh Ann Rundbaken Nancey Sadler James Saeli

Paul Saipher Karen Sanders Heidi Sapnas Michael Sarsfield Denice Scales Antony Scanlon

Robert Scanzaroli Luanne Schaefer John Schalleur Earl Schofield Carl Schultz Pamela Schultz

Edward Schweizer Martina Scully John Semanchur Veronica Shank Ronald Shea Daniel Shipe

Stanley Silverman Denise Simeone Charles Simon John Sims Michael Sindala Dominic Sinopoli

Martin Smith Mitchell Smith Stephen Smith Stephen Smith Stephen Smith Wayne Smith




Joseph Smyth Joseph Snead

Savas Sosangelis Dorothy Sotter Nancy Soule Diane Spohn James Squadrito Nicholas Stamoulis

Larry Stapleton Donald Stewart Nicholas Staccardo Michael Stokes Beth Stolar Gerita Stormes

Mark Stoup Nancy Streeton Walter Stubbs Christine Sudjian Gary Sulzer Barbara Swan

Ray Taber Mark Tarone Pamela Taylor Virginia Tennis Brad Thayer Donna Theno

Donna Thomas Kathryn Thomas Pamela Thompson Leslie Thurman Henry Tingle Timothy Toal

Michael Toof Henry Tranco Richard Truitt Richard Uhler Frank Valenza Catherine Vanderveer

Frank Vangilluwe Ruth Vanleer Kathleen VanNess Warren Ventriglia Joseph Vetrone Robert Vignola

Mary Vogel Catherine Vucelich Bruce Wagner Marianne Walsoh Bradford Walter Susan Ward

Janet Warrick John Warrington Jeff Waterhouse Gary Watson Donna Welch Karen Welsh

Ellen White Helen White Marcus Whitehead Ralph Wike John Wilhelm Frank Wilson

lynn Wilson Diane Windsor Janet Wolfgang Eric Wood Eleanor Woodburn Anthony Wright

Katherine Wright Charlene Wyatt Debra Wyshinski Kim Yaunches Karen Yohn Barbara York

David Young Audrey Zacharias Irene Zacherias Robert Zeidman Thomas Zeidman Judith Zirpoli












nlors seniors seniors seniors seniors seniors senlo



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enlors seniors seniors senlor.s seniors seniors senl

Did you ever think that we would be






enlc)rs seniors seniors seniors seniors seniors senl

class of '72 orientation-getting lost-tiny tim-u.s.a.-heart transplants-vo-tech-anduril-study halls in 32pep rallies-nixon's the one-turnabout dance-block schedules-the dungeon-word wealth-the language labstrict dress code-the morton merger-pep c1ubdat'sboycott grapes-word problems-great expectations the graduate-revolutionary seniors-the sound of music-the sit-in-biafra-words we forgot to use before -freshman year-woodstock-man on the moondriver edmoretorium-geometry-the greek olive-eourgarettesblack arm bands-buongiorno elected-andurilcandy sale-young Iife-davidon vs williams-nedt's-abbey road-the man who came to dinner-easy rider-first snow queen-applesnatch-my lai-oklahoma-pipelinechicken louie-bridge over troubled water-slave day the maxi-tale of two cities-romeo and julietsimulator-abolished dress code-earth day-"Iost atlantis"-the flyer's game-construction startedkent state-buongiorno re-elected-band prepares to go to holland-marathon dance-senior day?-let it be -sophomore year-modern dance-fire and rainclass rings-cuyahoga ecological society-up the down staircase-seminars-exchange students-love story the scarlet letter-being an upperclassman-pretzels the midi-christmas skit?-ehrist-figures-out for lunch-health-bull market-eonstruction-Iectures all in the family-a new principal-move into the new building-lmc-erc-jcss-nmsqt-psat-sat-all things must pass-no more demerits-abolish study hallsthe right to vote-we've only just begun-another candy sale-frazier vs clay-the commons-the bellhotpants-my fair lady-guidance interview-national honor society-student council¡ elections-imagine having a poem for a wife-buongiorno elected for a third term-ping pong diplomacy-aysc-women's lib junior year- our last year-senior portraitsdisney world-haverford game?-applications-a losing team-archery-macbeth-Iocked bathrooms-free periods-frank rizzo vs thatcher longstreth-auntie mame-turnabout-goooch-eollege-eollege-eollegegirl of the month-the zoo-the nardels-price freeze david's laugh-achievements-the fifth column-Bangia Desh-satellite cafeteria-peking-the christmas skit moonlight in vermont-kim schockley-pittsburghsenior summeries-exams-the olympics-february 29national honor society-young man of the year-no showersIreland-independent study-term papers-hi-qacceptances and rejections-springfield weekendthe prom-baccalaureate-eommencement -senior year.

Beverly Ann Agnew

Lonnie Alexander

Valerie Ambrozates

Frank Edgar Anderson Jr.

Joyce Angelozzi

Anita Marie Arndt

Joanne Teresa Altieri

Juanita Joyce Ambrose

Janet Irene Anderson

Marlene Lenora Anderson

N. Eric Anderson

Merri Ellen Ash

Nancy Carol Ash

Mary Ann Bacher


G. Alston

beverly agnew favorite memory: dec. 18, 1971; pet peeve: people calling me debbie; remembered for: dancing; chorus 1,2,3, vice-pres. 4; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; gym aide 1,2,3; musical 3; spri-hian 4. lonnie alexander favorite memory: oct. 16, 1971; pet peeve: beverly; football 1,2,3,4; human reI. commn. 3,4; track 2; weight-lifting 3,4; black student union 4. deborah alston "stein"; pet peeve: talkative athletes; favorite memory: haelen, '70; band 1,2,3,4; chorus 4, lit. mag. 4; musicals 1,2,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; polish-american club 4; scrivener 4; t.V. crew 4. joanne altieri favorite memory: spring of '71; pet peeve: diets, gossip; remembered for: being the smaller of the b's; fta 4; gym aide 2; intramurals 1; nurse's aide 3; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; student council 2. juanita ambrose always seen: talking about shaft! (alan chambers); favorite memory: 9/18/71; remembered for: my red apple, always doing nothing; intramurals 1; hockey 2; gym aide 1,2; human relations 3; student council 1,2; black student union 3,4; deca. valerie ambrozates "val"; prize possession: memory box; pet peeve: early curfews; cheerleading 3, capt. 4; gymnastics 1,2,4; pep club 1,2,3; scrivener 4; snow queen nom. 4; spri-hian 4; student council 3. eric anderson prize possession: s.j.h.; pet peeve: cheerleading; choir 4; football 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2; track 1,3; varsity club 2,3,4; weight-lifting 3. frank anderson remembered for: the bomb; favorite memory: bessie; cross country 4; soccer 1; track 1,4; winter track 4. janet anderson favorite memory: a funny face; pet peeve: getting up in the morning; remembered for: no money for gas; french club 2; pep club 2; social service 3. marlene anderson prize possession: richard; always seen: sleeping; french club 2; pep club 2; prom comm. 3; soc. service 3; student council 2,3. anita arndt "nina"; secret ambition: to experience that feeling they call peace; prize possession: my love for a certain person; favorite memory: the chief's camping trip-1970; chorus 3; ces 4; fta 4; student council 1. merri ash "bomber"; pet peeve: being called bomber; remembered for: always carrying kleenex; favorite memory: dec. 26, 1969, '70; bowling 1; french club 1,2,3,4; office aide 4; gymnastics 2, mgr. 4; intra-murals 1,2; library aide 1; nurse's aide 1,2; pep club 1,2,3; prom com. 2,3,4; ski club 1,2; soc. service club 1; student council 2. nancy ash remembered for: my parties; pet peeve: my sister; favorite memory: tuesday, 1/4/7 2; bowling 1; french club 1, vice-pres. 2, pres. 3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; human reI. 4; intramurals 1,2; pep club 1,2,3; prom comm. 2,3,4; ski club 1,2; soc. service club 1; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; student council 3,4. maryann bacher "mar" prize possession: sun reflections; favorite memory: midnight; choir 1,2,3,4; library aide 4; literary mag. 4; philosophy club 2; scrivener literary ed. 4; social service 2; musical 2; national honor society. bruce bailey pet peeve: cops, hippies, empties, monday mornings; prize possession: kathy and my can-opener; always seen: drinking with christy, hup, and steiner. joyce bailey favorite memory: obc, summer '71; pet peeve: geometry; library aide 1,2; nurse's aide 3. lawrence ball pet peeve: sport squeeks class: favorite memory: riding in the hubmobile; remembered for: never getting to school on time; basketball 2,3; intra-murals 2,3. joanne bartoletti "munch kin" remembered for: talking now and then; favorite memory: the clique; prize possession: my memories and my scrapbook; fta 3,4; french club 2,3,4; pep club 3,4; prom comm. 4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4. daniel bateman secret ambition: to reduce shs to ashes; favorite memory: summer of '71; prize possession: mw and me; football 1; oceanography 3; stage crew 3; student council 1,2.

Bruce John Bailey

Joyce Ellen Bailey

Lawrence John Ball

Joanne Mary Bartoletti


B. Bateman


jeanne beaumont prize possession: my cat and my raggedy ann doll; secret ambition: to live in a lighthouse; library aide 3,4; lit. mag. 4; poetry club 3; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4. leslie beers favorite memory: europe '71; band 2,3; basketball 1; choir 1,2,3, sec'y. 4; hockey 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; dist. orchestra 3,4; musicals 1,2,3; prom comm. 3,4; spri-hian 3, sports ed. 4; tennis 3,4; varsity club 3,4; national honor society. harry begg favorite memory: fri., sat., sun., and mono nights in the car; pet peeve: pp; remembered for: parties with dee dee mccloskey; cross country 1; golf 1,2, capt. 3, capt. 4; intramurals 4; photography club 3,4; prom comm. 4; rifle team 2; scrivener 2,3,4; track 3; varsity club 2,3,4; film workshop 4. karen berg prize possession: barry; always seen: in the r-r-rambler; favorite memory: garden city; gym aide 2,4; intramurals 1. sharon bittner favorite memory: dec 18, 1971; prize possession: don; favorite saying: keep smiling; choir 1; chorus 2,3,4; fta 3,4; gym aide 1,2; pep club 3,4. ruth bivens "michele"; prize possession: tony; remembered for: the way i drive; av aide 2; chorus 3. janet bloch remembered for: smiling, giggling, non-stop talking; prize possession: jets jacket and escort; pet peeve: people who are always sure they're right; cuyahoga ec. soc. sec'y. 3,4; fta 4; french club 1; hour glass soc. 4; human reI. 4; jets 2, sec'y. 3, pres. 4; library aide 1,4; lit. mag. 4; pep club 3,4; philos. club 3; poetry club 3; spri-hian 4; stage crew 3,4. george blunt pet peeve: coming to shs; favorite memory: weekends at swarthmore college; remembered for: my many pairs of jeans; human relations comm. 3; black student union 1,2,4. robert bollinger "bobo"; prize possession: sue; favorite memory: dec. 21, 1971; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 1,2,4; library aide 1,2; rifle team 3,4; sr. class play 4; ski club 4; wrestling 1,2.. diane borodkin prize possession: nabe; remembered for: lips; favorite saying: who do you think you are?; cheerleading 1; choir 1,2,3; gym aide 1; pep club 1; ski club 1,2; soc. service club 2; student council 1,4. phyllis braconaro prize possession: c.s.b.; favorite memory: dec. 26, 1970; remembered for: sweetie; chorus 1,2,3,4; cougarettes co-capt. 4; fta 3,4; french club 1,2,3, treas. 4; gym aide 1,4; intramurals 1,2; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 2. michael bradfield favorite memory: little rabbit fumf; remembered for: let's go fly a kite, knock-knock jokes, and as a write-in candidate; pet peeve: soy sauce that squirts too high; chess club 4; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 4; library aide 2,3; soccer 1; wrestling 1. mary bradley favorite memory: may 31, 1969 with keith; remembered for: my blue dungarees; pet peeve: not being able to find a bathroom when you're drunk; christmas dance comm. 4; fbla 1,3,4; gym aide 2,4. linda brennan favorite memory: august '71 in avalon; pet peeve: falling in bathtubs; prize possession: my pants; french club 1,2; gym aide 1,2; pep club 1,2; prom comm. 3; snow queen nom. 4. lydia brennan favorite memory: one beautiful relationship; prize possession: jab; french club 1, treas. 2; oceanography 3; pep club 1,2; prom. commn. 2,3,4; sr. class play 4; student council 3. daniel bruno "dan"; always seen in a maroon chevelle; favorite memory: may 21, 22,1971, dec. 18, 1971; prize possession: my class ring; christmas dance comm. 4; lit. mag. 2; prom comm. 2,4; student council 3. jean buky pet peeve: reminders; favorite memory: spring days and summer evenings; remembered for: oh, but, diane; chorus 2,3,4; drama club 2; french dub 1,2; pep club 1,2; prom comm. 2,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 2; tri-hi-y 2. neil bulkley favorite memory: ncm; ski club 2,3; track 1,2; wrestling 1,2. edward bullard favorite memory: christmas '70; football 1; pph 4; student council 1. paul buongiorno pet peeve: starting a quarrel over nothingness; favorite memory: running thru the school to accomplish something; class president 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3.4; prom comm. 2,3,4; spri-hian assoc. ed. 3, ed.-in-chief 4; stage crew 3,4; student council 2,3,4; wrestling 1,2.

Jeanne Marie Beaumont i70

Leslie Jane Beers

Harry Begg

Karen Elyse Berg

Sharon Ann Bittner

Ruth Michele Bivens

Janet Lynn Bloch

Phyllis Louise Braconaro

Michael Francis Bradfield


Daniel Richard Bruno

Jean Marguerite Mary Buky

H. Neil Bulkley

George Clifton Blunt




Scott Bollinger

Diane Debra Borodkin

Linda Brennan

Lydia Marie Brennan


Paul Anthony Buongiorno

J. Bullard


Diane Lee Burke




Barbara Ann Butler

Geraldine Louise Calder

Kenneth Carey

Michael Joseph Carlin

Tredick Nye Carlson

Denise Patricia Carney

James Carpenter

James Frank Carras

Charles James Cervino

John Chacosky

Eileen Anne Burns

Calder Jr.


J. Carney




diane burke "edie"; favorite memory: a blue '64, oct. 1, 1971, and cougar; prize possession: my bug; favorite saying: but, i don't understand; christmas dance commn. 4; gym aide 1,2; prom comm. 4. eileen burns prize possession: kenneth; favorite memory: january 3, 1971; pet peeve: rahs. michael bury ski club 1,2,3. barbara butler favorite memory: 7/25/70 and 12/10/71; prize possession: my '63 nova bomb; pet peeve: cc and phony people; chorus 1,2,3; color guard 1,2,3, sargt. 4; gym aide 2; ski club 3. geraldine calder favorite memory: summer '71; favorite saying: that's weird; favorite people: jib and gez; gym aide 3; hockey 1; jets 3, sec'y. 4; musicals 3; pep club 2; stage crew 3. robert calder "bob"; favorite person: mrs. thomas; always seen with: nancy; remembered for: doing the impossible; a.v. aide 2,3,4; glee club 4; jets 3,4; musicals 3,4; stage crew 2,3, pres. 4. michael carlin pet peeve: dumb ref's; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 2; soccer 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; stage crew 3; varsity club 2,3,4. denise carney pet peeve: stormy mondays; favorite memory: chief's camping trip '70; remembered for: being me; art club 2; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; pep club 1,2; soc. service club 2; student council 2.3. thomas carney pet peeve: a cougar; favorite memory: orchard and leamy road. james carras remembered as: the greek; favorite memory: summer '71; pet peeve: locked doors; a.v. aide 1,2,3; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 1,3,4; jets 1,2,3,4; photog. club 1,2; stage crew 1,2,3,4; film workshop 2; national honor society. charles cervino favorite memory: 11/12/71 and the phone call from alw; remembered for: knowing the gooch; pet peeve: people who push; cuyahoga ec. soc. pres. 3, pres. 4; national honor society. john chacosky secret ambition: to own a food store; remembered for: eating and for no radio in my car; pet peeve: dull parties; football 1,2,3,4; service club 4; ski club 2,3,4; track 3,4; varsity club 3,4; weight-lifting 2,3,4; polish-american club v. pres. 4. agnes chestnut prize possession: hcg; favorite memory: summer of '70; pet peeve: shs and those seen about; office aide 1,2,3. andrea chinici "andi"; favorite memory: aug. 13, 1971 with tdr; prize possession: a certain air force sgt.; remembered for: being the life of all the parties and dances; christmas dance comm. 4; fbi a treas. 3,4; gym aide 1,2; prom comm. 3,4; scrivener 4. ruth christie remembered for: always arguing; pet peeve: narrow-minded people; loves to talk to and meet different kinds of people; christmas dance comm. 4; cougarettes 4; gymnastics 1,2; human reI. comm. pres. 4; sr. class play 4; student council 4; tennis 2. david chorin a.v. aide 1,2; gymnastics 1; jets 2,3; stage crew 1,2. stephen cristinzio remembered for: keg rolling in the halls; pet peeve: the word "perogative", hippies; always seen: at lou's deli.

Agnes Chestnut

Andrea Carol Chinici

David Lee Chorin

Ruth Anne Christie

Stephen Amato Christinzio


How about the Fall? It's returning to the old halls. Getting back to routine and getting things organized.

fall? Losing games! Oh well, maybe next year. (Hey, but we won't be here.) Fall was play rehearsals and play rehearsals and finally being up on stage. Applications just coming out of my ears! I was busy, busy, busy. What I remember was getting my picture takenthinking how strange it felt to be in cap and gown. Hey, it's only seven months away. Fall!


donald coffman remembered for: red eyeballs; pet peeve: roaches and a '63 falcon; favorite memory: the meadow in 1968. david cook "saggy" pet peeve: the paranoids of joe s; favorite memory: springfield weekend 71 and 12/23/71; remembered for: being the sag; soccer 1; student council 2; track 1; weight-lifting 4; wrestling 1,2,3,4. joyce chrostowski favorite memory: my 4 years at shs; always seen at shs; secret ambition: to be one of them dope-smoking, pill-popping hippies; band 1,2,3,4; bowling 3,4; chorus 3; lacrosse 1,2; poL-am. club pres. 4; tennis 3. elizabeth ciurlino pet peeve: school; favorite memory: toot and max '69; remembered for: perfect attendance. andrew coleman pet peeve: my sister; favorite memory: jib and sh; chess club 4; choir 1,2,3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 3,4; jets 4; musicals 2; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; sr. class play 4; t.v. crew 4. ellen coleman "gooch"; favorite memory: july 7,1971; pet peeve: my brother; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; french club 1,2; library aide 2,3; lit. mag. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; poL-am. club 4; poetry club 3; sr. class play 4; scott's hi-q 4; spri-hian 1,4; t.v. crew 4; film workshop 3. dorothy colflesh pet peeve: conflicts; a.v. aide 4; chorus 1,2,3,4; drama club sec'y. 2; french club 1,2; jets 4; lit. mag. 4; pep club 2; poL-am. club 4; prom comm. 2,4; poetry club 3; sr. class play 4; scrivener 2; student council 4; tri-hi-y 1,2; nation,al honor society. susan conn favorite memory: blue denim septs. at stet's; pet peeve: reinforcements; prize possession: merry-go-round; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2,3,4; reg. band 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; dist. chorus 4; reg. chorus 4; hockey mgr. 4; musicals 1,2,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4. florence conneen "flo"; pet peeve: school and fake people; favorite memory: 1/8/72; prize possession: david; always seen: walking into walls and down at the ds on w; decca 3,4; gym aide 2. susan cook prize possession: cranberry; will always remember: unos, dos, tres, etc.; fta 3,4; gymnastics 1,2; gym aide 3; hockey 3,4; intramurals 1,2; musicals 3; soc. service club 1,2,3. george cooper favorite memory: boum parties; pet peeve: mrs. santmyers saying, "parlez ... "; prize possession: my beat-up king trombone band 1,2,4; dance band 2,4; pep band 2,4; cross country 1; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; for. exch. student 3; french club 4; musicals 2; orchestra 1,2,4; philos. club 4; track 1; national honor society. richard coren remembered for: drinking hats; favorite memories: roscoe's turnabout dance and weniger's bedroom; human reI. comm. 2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; pep club 2,3; prom comm. 4; scrivener 3; ski club 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 2; stage crew 3; student council 1,2,3, pres. 4; wrestling 1. donna craig prize possession: tjh; favorite memory: nov. 28, 1971; remembered for: my laugh; office aide 1; gym aide 4; intramurals 2; pep club 2,3; prom comm. 4. norman craig "the fox"; prize possession: my challenger; always seen: at burger king; baseball 1,2,3,4; class vice-pres. 2,3,4; football 1; library aide 3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; prom comm. 3,4; t.v. crew 4; weight-lifting 2,4. katherine crewdson "katy" remembered for: squeegie; cheerleading 1,2; social service 2; student council 1; band 1,2; gymnastics 2; pep club 1,2; ski club 2,3. stephen critchlow "scull"; pet peeve: that sounds like a fair deal; favorite memory: the ba-ha and lenape; graphic arts club 4. charles crocco "chuck"; pet peeve: paul; favorite memory: december 30; soccer 1,2; wrestling 1.

Joyce Gail Chrostowski


Elizabeth Mary Ciurlino


W. Coffman

Andrew Michael Coleman

Ellen Beth Coleman

Dorothy Ann Colflesh

Susan Anne Conn

Robert Connolly

Florence Maryann Conneen

David Linn Cook

Susan Cook

George Grover Cooper

Richard Allen Coren

Donna May Craig

Norman Joseph Craig

Katherine Hunt Crewdson

Nancy Criswell

Stephen T. Critchlow

Charles David Crocco

James Cunningham


Wesley Curry

John David Curtis

Donald D'Alonzo

Janet Hamilton Davidson

Meri Lynn Davis

Carolyn Davison

Frank Daws

Diane Marie Dawson

Dennis M. D'Egidio

Nancy Jean DeKorte


Donald Rue Demuth

Thelma Desiderio

Patrick Joseph Devine

Charles Michael DeVinney

B. Delany


john curtis always seen: with the same shoes; secret ambition: to build a castle; remembered for: always being right; soccer l. janet davidson "jannie" favorite memory: summer 71; remembered for: ability to remember names; band 2,3,4; basketball 3; chorus 4; gymnastics 1,2; hockey 3; intramurals 1; lib. aide 3; musicals 3,4; majorettes 2,3, sarg. 4; prom comm. 3,4; sr. class play 4. meri davis prize possession: dave; remembered for: my second time at springfield; favorite memory: 6/26. carolyn davidson favorite memory: saturdays; secret ambition: to have more free time; pet peeve: waiting; chorus 3,4; french club 1,2; pep club 2; prom comm. 2,4; spri-hian 2; tri-hi-y 2. diane dawson remembered for: my punctuality; favorite memory: winning at kerkrade 7/25/70; favorite saying: couldn't you just plotz? choir 2,3,4; chorus 1, accom. 4; color guard 3,4; fta 3, sec. 4; french club 1; intramurals 1; musicals 3; pep club 2; prom comm. 2,3,4; scrivener 3; spri-hian 3, news ed. 4; tri-hi-y 1; national honor society. dennis d'egidio "dejit"; favorite memory: '68 international; pet peeve: mr. detrock. nancy dekorte favorite memory: spring and summer '71; favorite saying: i wonder if i got any mail today!; prize possession: my letters; choir 1,2,3, sec'y. 4; dist. chorus 3; fta. 3; french club 1,2; musicals 1,2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; philos. club 1,2,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; social service 2. bruce delany favorite memory: 12/31/70-71; pet peeve: speed racers; favorite saying: go, sport; baseball 4; choir 2; glee club 1; oceanography 4. donald demuth favorite memory: trying to put whipped cream and a cherry on mr. peoples' bald spot; remembered for: being a member of 1st period cut club 1970-71; band 1,2,3; jets 3,4; orch. 1,2,3. thelma desiderio secret ambition: to be deep; remembered for: my big mouth; favorite memory: auntie mame; choir 1,2,3,4; dist. chorus 3; musicals 2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; prom comm. 4; sr. class play 4. patrick devine "pat, gringo, farmer" favorite saying: it's relevant; favorite memory: dying in my last life; secret ambition: to become a radical left-wing outside agitator; cross country 4; hour glass 3,4; jets 4; nat. hon. soc. 4; oceanography 3; photography 2; sr. class play 4; student council 3,4; track 3,4. joseph devinney "joe" favorite memory: mr. zapp's class; baseball 3,4; football 1, wrestling l. peter devries favorite memory: colorado; pet peeve: cj; worst memory: with ar in franklinville, nj; chess club 4; jcl. 3; lit. mag. 4; philosophy club 4; scrivener 4; soccer 1,2,3,4; track 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3; winter track 2,3,4. terrence diamond pet peeve: the 9th graders; favorite memory: lukens; prize possession: a 63; avo aide 1,2; chess club 1; football

l', gym aide 1,2; pep club 2; prom comm. 4; service club 2,3,4; scrivener 2,3; ski club 2,3,4; student council 1,2,4; track 1; varsity club 2,3,4; weight-lifting 2; wrestling 1,2,3,4. jan dibeler human reI. comm. 4; oceanography 3; photog. 1,2,3; sr. class play 4; soc. service club 3,4. john digilio pet peeve: locked boy's rooms; favorite memory: driving to school; remembered for: mr. connor's class.

Joseph Anthony DeVinney

Peter Frederick deVries

Terrence George Diamond

Jan Dibeler

John DiGilio



dianne dillman favorite memory: 12/11/70 and 12/11/71; sr. class play 4; social service 2,3. connie direnzo remembered for: being short; favorite memory: waring workshop and my 16th birthday; cheerleading 1,4; chorus 2,3; office aide 2,3; pep club 1,2; snow queen nom. 4; student council 1,2. diane dooley pet peeve: waiting til graduation; favorite memory: 124 oak street; favorite saying: but, jeanne; fta 4; pep club 2,3; prom comm. 4; sr. class play 4; ski club 2; student council 3. michael d'orazio pet peeve: carolyn; favorite memory: what a joke it was and my grile; remembered for: 6 cars in 1 year; weight-lifting 3. deborah downey "debbie"; favorite memory: 6/13/71 and band trip to europe; favorite saying: sorta-kinda; pet peeve: springfield; intramurals 1,2; majorettes 2,3,4; poetry club 2. robyn dreer favorite memory: # 5, spring, and cheerleading; pet peeve: rumors, bigots, and silver toilet handles; cheerleading 1,2,3, capt. 4; choir 1; chorus 2,3,4; pep club 1,2,3,4; photog. club 4; snow queen nom. 4; student council l. walter dutton prize possession: jesus and my bible; always seen: with potts; pet peeve: dodo bird; choir 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4; track l. harra elfont remembered for: my fantastic excuses; obseSsion: squeegie; favorite memory: the guy with the stars in his eyes; band 1,2; human reI. 4; philos. club 2; scrivener 1,4. william elliott favorite memory: the clunker; philosophy club 1,2; rifle 2,3; wrestling l. sharon ersek remembered for: bad nerves, the ballad and blowing track scores; choir 1; fta 4; gym aide 3,4; hour glass 3,4; intramurals 3; musicals 2; pep club 3. nancy esposito prize possession: a certain ring; pet peeve; forgetting; always seen with; wf; basketball 2,3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; gym aide 3; hockey 1; intramurals 3,4; pep club 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4; skiclub 1,2,3, tres. 4; soc. service 4; stage crew 3,4; tri-hi-y 4. william ewell prize possession: a sweater; secret ambition; to break 900; choir 1,3,4; class officer tres. 2,3,4; glee club tres. 2; prom comm. 3,4; soccer 1,2,3,4; track l. peter falconer always seen: with a 63 oldsmobile on orchard rd.; philos. club 2,3; poetry club 2; sr. class play 4; scrivener 2; soc. service 3,4. theodore fallon "doc" favorite memory: jr. prom; favorite saying: frit; band 1,2,3,4; cross country 2,3,4; gymnastics 1; musicals 2,3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; soccer 1; spri-hian bus. mgr. 4; track 1,2,3,4; national honor society. bruce farnese favorite memory: golf course summers, 8/6/71; pet peeve: being captain of s.s.s.s.; remembered for: my car; baseball 1,2,3,4; soccer 1,2,3,4. sharon fay prize possession: jimmy; remembered for: my yellow corvair; always seen: with shelly, diane, denise; gym aide 2; nurses aide 2; pep club 3.



Dianne Elizabeth Dillman

Connie Louise DiRenzo

Diane Marie Dooley



Michael Albert D'Orazio

Deborah Marie Downey

Harra Dale Elfont

Robyn Joan Dreer

Donna Dunn

Walter Reese Dutton

James Eckman

William Brian Elliott

James Ellis

Joseph Ellis

Sharon Lee Ersek


William Joseph Ewell

Peter Falconer

Bruce Francis Farnese

Sharon Alyce Fay

Theodore James Fallon

Nancy Esposito

James Willis Fehr

Steven Robert Feld XVII

John Michael Ferrigno

Gerald William Fink

Nancy Lincoln Fink


Martha Ann Fisher

William M. Fisher

Deborah Ann Flood

Robert Ford


Cynthia Lee Francis

Joseph Patrick Frassetta

Lynn Patricia Freedman

A. Fisch

Pat B. Fraim


E. France

james fehr prize possession: my boat; favorite memory: europe 70; pet peeve: power boats; band 1,2,3,4; chess club 1,2,3, pres. 4; jets 4; lib. aide 1,2,3,4; philosophy club 4. steven feld 'cruiser" always seen: incognito at burgerville; favorite memory: 1/7; artist's guild founder 4; chess club 1,2; famous composer 3,4; philisophy club 2,3; poetry club 1,3; russian club 2; snow queen nom.; weightlifting 2,3. john ferrigno "arnie" pet peeve: wrestling diets; favorite saying: hit the road; service club 4; wrestling 3, co-capt. 4. gerald fink remembered for: unreliable volks; pet peeve: driving daddy's car. nancy fink "phynguer" favorite memory: the mountains; basketball 1,2,3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; hockey 1,2,3, capt. 4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; spri-hian 4; varsity club 2,3, pres. 4. karen fisch remembered for: my overalls and hiking boots; pet peeve: this school; favorite memory: 1970 summer trip to europe; band 1,2,3,4; pep band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3,4; reg. band 4; fta 3, tres. 4; french club 1,3 sec. 2,4; hockey 1; intramurals 2,3; lit. mag. 3,4; musicals 1,2,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; pol.-amer. club 4; scrivener 4; soc. service 1,2,3,4; tennis 1; national honor society. martha fisher "mar" favorite memory: 7/25/70; pet peeve: monday mornings; band 1,2,3,4; choir 3,4; chorus 2; french club 1,2; lacrosse 1,3,4; musicals 3; nat. ho. soc. 3,4; orch. 3; pep club 1,2; sr. class play 4; scrivener 3; spri-hian 4. william fisher favorite memory: senior year with nancy; stage crew 1,2,4. deborah flood "debbie" favorite memory: summer 71 at o.c. with butch; prize possession: jfp from pitman; chorus 1, fta 4; gymnastics 1; hockey 2; rifle 4; stage crew 3. robert ford "zenth" pet peeve: mr. deroch; prize possession: my olds 442 and gina; football 2. pat fraim favorite memory: 11/15/68/ prize possession: that certain someone; always seen: laughing; office aide 4; intramurals 2; prom comm. 4. valerie france favorite memory: 6/18/69; prize possession: the wizard and my rings; chorus 1,2; fbla sec. 3; intramurals 1; snow queen nom. 4. cynthia francis prize possession: franc(chech); favorite memory: 7/6/71; always seen: down 64th street philly; intramurals 1; orchestra 1; student council 2; vica pres. 3. joseph frassetta "mahoney" pet peeve: mr. science; remembered for: my fast corvair; soccer 1,2,3,4. lynn freedman favorite memory: kallah; band 1,2; basketball 1; hockey 1; lacrosse 1; nat. hon. soc. 3, sec'y 4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; soctt's hi-q 4; social service 3,4. jeffrey french prize possession: my Ib autographs; secret ambition: to return mm's spin serve; pet peeve: french; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 2,3,4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; dist. orch. 2,3; varsity club 3,4. michael french favorite saying: swell; pet peeve: lefties; secret ambition: to get a hit; band 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, asst. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orchestra 1,2; scott's hi-q 4; spri-hian 3,4; student council 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3,4. david frick choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 4; gymnastics 1; jets 3,4; sr. class play 3,4; scrivener 4; stage crew 2,3, tres. 4; t.v. crew 4. joann gale "jo" secret ambition: to find someone greater than myself; remembered for: being humble; art club 2; basketball mgr. 1; chorus 1,2,3,4; hour glass 3, chairm. 4; intramurals 1; musicals 2,3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; polish-american club sec. 4; sr. class play 4.

Jeffrey Stuart French

Michael Bruce French

David Allen Frick

Joann Marie Gale

John Gannett


It's puberty time . . . Gooch. short bell bottoms and penny loafers. spastic drunks.

auntie mame Snickers-bag of peanuts in every bar . . . a little higher, Pat no reference to the diety, please one professional audience, hold the onions Gimme a worklight, Bob-yo, Bob . . . Widdicome, Gutterman, Applewhite, Bibberman and Black . . . dang!!! . . . heeeeeeeeeeeeee

Cast: First Row: J.Hornick, P.Krape, M.Mulianey, S.Green. Second Row: P.Devine, D.Dooley, N.Criswell, T.Desiderio, E.Coleman, J.Greitzer, A.Coleman, W.Dutton, D.Potts, J.Welch. Third Row: D.LeFever, J.Millon, B.Szewcsyk, N.DeKorte, J.Way, J.Hodge, M.Fisher, J.Beaumont, M.Woodward, C.Goldin, E.Gildner, L.Brennan, R.Spegele. Not picutred: S.Mount, J.Harrity, C.Richardson.




karin garro favorite memory: 1/8/71; pet peeve: rainey days; secret ambition: to better the system of education; cougarettes 4; fta 3,4; pep club 3,4; national honor society. roberta gartside "irving" always seen: in am. studies office with bj; remembered for: knowing the gooch; band 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; lib. aide 1,2,3,4; musicals 1,2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3.4. cynthia gastner if i can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; if i can ease one life from aching or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin into his nest again, i shall not live in vain ... e. dickinson. lynne gates pet peeve: playing football in gym; favorite saying: when does the bell ring?; fta 3; office aide 1; intramurals 1,2; pep club 3,4; sr. class play 4; tri-hi-y 1,2. adrian george a.v. aide 3; cross country 2,3,4; jets 4; oceanography 4; photography 2,3; scrivener 2,3,4; ski club 2,3,4; track mgr. 2. david geneva pet peeve: slow race horses; favorite memory: my friends; remembered for my laugh; sr. class play asst. director 4. patrick giancatarino "skee" always seen: with a banana; favorite memory: springfield weekend 71; pet peeve: haircuts; football 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; service club 3, pres. 4; student council vice. pres. 4; track 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; weight-lifting 3, pres. 4; wrestling 1,2; national honor society. patrice gibson "patty" prize possession: my curl, thanks and mis amigos; choir 3,4; chorus 2; musicals 2,3; pep club 1,2,3; prom comm. 2; sr. class play 4; scrivener 3,4; ski club 2,3,4; social service 2,3; student council 1,2. kathryn geissler favorite memory: 12/17/71 in columbus; pet peeve: little put-put's; basketball 3,4; choir 1,2,4; chorus 3; cuy. eco. 4; intramurals 3; lacrosse 3; pep club 1,2,3, tres. 4; scrivener 4; ski club 4; stage crew 4; tri-hi-y 3, sec. 4; jackson h.s. band 1,2; cheerleading 1,2; eisteddfod 1,2; forensic team 1,2; honor assembly 1,2; girl's a.a. sec. 1, vice-pres. 2; orchestra 1,2; scholorship team 1; sweetheart queen court 2; track 1,2. eric gilder prize possession: the rings; favorite memory: the be and kathy; secret ambition: to make it to the shire; choir 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4; social service 4; wrestling 1. david glassberg favorite memory: saxer ave. blues; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 2,3,4; pep band 2,3, dir. 4; dist. band 2; musicals 2,3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; philosophy club 4; student council 4; national honor society. andrew goldenberg favorite memory: mindy zimmerman. cynthia goldin "cindy" pet peeve: being spoonfed nonsense; secret ambition: to be like peter pan; choir 4; chorus 2,3,4; orchestra 1; sr. class play 4; scrivener assoc. ed. 4; student council 3; national honor society. paul goldschmidt football 1; basketball 1,2,3. susan gorby "sue" prize possession: rich; favorite memory: summer 71, 12/22/70 pet peeve: curly hair; chorus 1,2,3,4; guidance aide 2; gym aide 1,2; musicals 2,3; pep club 1,2,3; prom comm. 3,4. michael gorden favorite memory 1/1 /71; secret ambition: to kill all the kangaroos in siberia raised by red headed people; always seen: asleep. beverly grant prize possession: my bible and my friends; favorite memory: 2/71; remembered for: always being early. dave grebb "grub-a-club" remembered for: being mindless and negative; always seen: walking into walls and choking people; favorite saying: true, false; service club tres. 4; weight-lifting 3,4; wrestling 1,2,4. john green favorite memory: first period cut club; always seen: at dunkin donuts; pet peeve: school; band 1,2,3; dance band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2; reg. band 2; musicals 1,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. orch. 2,3,4; reg. orch. 2.

Karin Lynn Garro

Roberta Lee Gartside

Cynthia Lynn Gastner

Lynne Carol Gates

David Anthony Geneva

Adrian George

Patrick Joseph Giancatarino

Patrice Elizabeth Gibson

David Harold Glassberg

Andrew Jay Goldenberg

Cynthia Edith Goldin

Susan Lynn Gorby

Michael Gordon

Beverly Ruth Grant

Kathryn Jo Giessler



Eric Sanford Gildner

Robert Goldschmidt


David Alan Grebb

John Paul Green



Stanley Paul Green

John Stephen Greitzer

Charles Snowden Grijalba

Robert John Grillet

Robert John Grochowski

David Scott Grotyohann

Kerry James Guerin

Marta Joyce Guthrie

Patricia Michele Hales

Mary Kathryn Hall

Susan Jean Hamilton

Don Hanrahan

Charles Raymond Hardy

John Michael Harrity

Gerald Gregory Hartshorn

stanley green "steamer"; favorite saying: you're unbelievable; favorite memory: listening to saggies jokes; always seen: talking to robin; a.v. aide 1; cross country 2,3; sr. class play 4; ski club 4; student council 4; track 3; weight-lifting 3,4. john greitzer "ponce" favorite saying: no moves or speed, but he gets the job done; favorite memory: the day the ridley band said right on; remembered for: being a menace to society; choir 1,3, vice. pres.. 2, pres. 4; sr. class play 4; spri-hian 4; national honor society. charles grijalba "carl, bubba" favorite memory: 3/25/69; prize possession: my ability to be witty; secret ambition: to beat kareem abdul-jabbar in basketball; baseball mgr. 3,4; basketball mgr. 1; lit. mag. 4. robert grillet "bob" favorite memory: 12/26/70; always seen: over at joans; choir 2,3,4; glee club l. robert grochowski favorite memory: o.c.n.j. summer 71; pet peeve: rags; always seen: asleep in class. david grotyohann pet peeve: an irresponsible teacher; always seen: backstage; prize possession: bam; choir 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4; stage crew 3,4; wrestling l. kerry guerin pet peeve: pop quizes, esp by mrs.... ; favorite saying: that's alright; remembered for: nothing; cross country 4; intramurals 3; ski club 1,2; track 2,3,4; weight-lifting 4. marta guthrie prize possession: life and the beautiful things that go along with it like love, honesty, trust and sincerity; secret ambition: to find what i'm looking for; remembered for: being sensitive; chorus 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 4; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1; turnabout comm. l. patricia hales "patti" favorite memory: colorado 1/70; fta 3; intramurals 1,2,3; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2; sr. class play 4; ski club 3; soc. service 3; tri-hi-y 1,2. mary hall "kathy" favorite memory: 12/18; prize possession: my teddy bear; pet peeve; freshmen; christmas dance comm. 4; choir 4; chorus 1,3, pres. 2; gym aide 1; intra murals 1; lacrosse 1; pep club 2; prom comm. 2,3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; student council 2,3,4; national honor society. susan hamilton prize possession: n.e.a; pet peeve: mustaches and frizzies; a.v.aide 2; cheerleading 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; pep club 3,4. don hanrahan "hans" pet peeve: scuba diving with mr. hippie; favorite memory: i forgot; secret ambition: die rich and happy; track 1; wrestling 1,2. charles hardy "chip" prize possession: d.m.1. and herbie; favorite memory: 5/7/71; chess club 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3; chorus 2,3,4. john harrity "hap" prize possession: maureen; always seen: in the heavy chevy; gymnastics 1,2; jr. class cabinet 3; sr. class play 4; student council 1,4; weight-lifting 3,4. gerald hartshorn remembered for: my camera; always seen: with my camera; pet peeve: irresponsible people; a.v.aide 1,2,3; choir 4; football 1; glee club 3,4; jets 1,2,3,4; photography club 1,4; prom comm. 2; service club 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener photo ed. 2,3; spri-hian 2; stage crew 2,3,4; t.v. crew 4; wrestling l. craig harvey band 1,2,3,4; jets 2,3,4; national honor society. lynne hartzell favorite memory: summer of '71; pet peeve: school starts so early; remembered for: being curly-haired; basketball 1,2,3; decca 4; lacrosse 1; tennis 2,3. richard hay pet peeve: school in the morning; favorite memory: thanksgiving 71; prize possession: my dune buggie; football 1,2,3,4; philos. club 2,3; poetry club 1,2; service club 4; ski club 4; stage crew 3,4; varsity club 4; weight-lifting 3; wrestling 1,2. gail hempill favorite memory: 1971; remembered for: being forgetful and never being on time; prize possession: my guy; chess club 3; choir 2,3; gym aide 1,2,3; pep club 3; prom comm. 2,4; student council 1; vica 4; vo-tech 4. diane henley pet peeve: pessimist; favorite memory: one night in winter; basketball 1; chorus 1,2,4, berlin 3; exchange student club 2; german exchange student 3; hour glass 4; intramurals 2; philos. club 4; spri-hian 2; national honor society.

Lynne Beth Hartzell

Craig Arthur Harvey

Richard James Hay

Gail Leslie Hemphill

Diane Carol Henley 189

barbara herring secret ambition: to run the s.s. in the powder puff drags; pet peeve: paranoid people; intramurals 2; prom comm. 1,2. alfred hilbert football 1,2. susan hillerson favorite saying: oy vay iz mir; favorite memory: christmas day 1970; secret ambition: to remain six years old forever; chorus 1,2,3,4; fta. 3, pres. 4; prom comm. 2,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; social service 2,3; spri-hian 3,4; tri-hi-y sec'y. 1 and 2. andrew hilliard favorite memory: 12/18/71 and wj; pet peeve: gym and people who call me "andy"; prize possession: my mind and my locker key; band 1,2,3,4; chess-club 3,4; pol.-american club 4. clifford hirsch band 1. katharine hirst "lizard"; favorite memory: paris '69 and summer '71; secret ambition: to come back and haunt mrs. janczewski; cougarettes 4; guid. office aide 3; pep club 2,3,4. john hodge secret ambition: to be deep and to understand people; favorite memory: europe and the sr. class play; pet peeve: writing papers and chemistry; band 1,2,3,4; drama 1; musicals 2,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3; student council 2. susan hodgson "sc" always seen: with bc and dc down clifton diner; prize possession: the clip; pet peeve: tying barbara's shoe. anne hollibaugh favorite memory: 10/22/71, 12/18/71, and flings with jj and a; band 1,2,3; dance band 3; choir 1,2,3,4; chorus accomp. 4; orchestra 1; snow queen nom. 4. janie hollinshead remembered for: otis; choir 1,2,3, accompanist, vice-pres. 4; dist. chorus 4; reg. chorus 4; glee club 2,3, accompanist 4; literary mag. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3, corresponding sec. 4; musical 2,3; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; student council 4. rachel holstein "rach"; secret ambition: to come back and haunt mrs. janczewski; pet peeve: shorthand, and a certain guy from interboro; nurses' aide 2,3. donna holt favorite memory: summer of '71; pet peeve: beaks; remembered for: never being quiet; basketball 1,2; hockey 1,2,3,4; pep club 3,4; sr. class play 4. john hornick secret ambition: to revive the bonvivant line; cross country 2; choir 3,4; glee club pres. 3,4; lit. mag. 4; musicals 1,3; philos. club 2; sr. class play 4; soccer 1; spri-hian 4; stage crew 1; national honor society. lydia ipri favorite memory: hilltop '71; always seen: talking; prize possession: jc; gym aide 1; intramurals 3; nurses' aide 1,2,3; pep club 2; pretzels 2,4; sr. class play 4. john iurino remembered for: having nothing to be remembered for; nat. hon. soc. 3, pres. 4; scott's hi-q 4; spri-hian feature ed. 4; stud. council 4. nancy jackson favorite memory: summer of '71; prize possession: my star sapphire; always seen: with bob; fbla. 3; intramurals 1,2. marcia janssen "cia"; prize possession: my friends; favorite memory: ocean city; choir 1,2,3,4; office aide 2; gym aide 2; intramurals 1; musicals 3; pep club 1,2,3; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; tri-hi~y 2. clifford jay favorite fruit: oranges; baseball 1; black stud. union 3; intramurals 3; soccer 4; track 2,3,4. barbara johnson "bj"; always seen: in the american studies office with irving; remembered for: knowing the gooch; art club 2; chorus 1,2,3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; fta. 3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; gym aide 1,2,3,4; hockey 3,4; hour glass 4; intramurals 1,2,3,4; jets 4; pep club 1,2,3,4; musicals 2,3; pol.-amer. club 4; sr. class play 4; stage crew 4.

Barbara Jean Herring



J. Hilbert

Susan Irene Hillerson

Andrew Morrow Hillard Jr.

Clifford Hirsch

Katharine Elizabeth Hirst

John Edward Hodge

Susan Hodgson

Anne Harvey Hollibaugh

Janie Bett Hollinshead

Rachel Mary Holstein

Donna Jean Holt

Debra Marie Honsinger

John Archie Hornick

Lydia Ann Ipri

John Noble lurino

Nancy Lee Jackson

Marcia Carol Janssen

Clifford H. Jay

Barbara Helen Johnson


.. so they printed 'Welcome' on my back, and here I am."


What is winter? Think 526, where's that snow? Well, we've got a snow queen, anyway.

winter? It's basketball. I think of vacation, the senior skit and oh yes-how could I forget the Christmas Dance. How could you? Winter, the end of semester rush-and exam cram. Decisions. Before I knew it, my final year in high school was half over.



Madeleine Brinton Johnson

Sharon Mayanne Johnson

Steve Johnson

Susie Johnson

Michael Vincent Jones

Constance Lee Joseph

Grant Carfield Kaepplinger

Roy Norman Kallinen

Steve Katz

Gary Kaysen

Paul P. Kazanjian

Gail Robin Kehm

Carol Eileen Kelly

David Mark Kelly

Dorothy Elizabeth Kelly

madeleine johnson secret ambition: to visit pemberley and meet mr. darcy; w.d.m.c. pres. 4; basketball 1,2,3; choir 1,2,3; french club 1,2,3, pres. 4; hockey 1,2,3; orchestra 1,2,4; scrivener 3, ed.-in-chief 4; tennis 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3,4; national honor society. sharon johnson favorite memory: summer of '68; pet peeve: paper mache; fta. 3; att. office aide 2,3,4; guid. office aide 3,4; intramurals 1,2,3; nurses' aide 1,2,3,4; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; ski club 2; social service 3,4; tri-hi-y 1,2,3,4. steve johnson "johns'''; prize possession: robin and her tb; remembered for: the wrong way; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; football 1,2,3,4; service club 3, vice-pres. 4; scrivener 4; varsity club 3,4; weight-lifting 3. michael jones pet peeve: school and some teachers; always seen: sleeping; bowling 1; rifle club 2; weightlifting 3. constance joseph favorite memory: buana don and baba; secret ambition: to grow out of it; basketball 1; chorus 1,2,3,4; gymnastics aide 3; intramurals 3; musicals 2,3; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 3,4; ski club 3. grant kaepplinger favorite saying: if you enjoy yourself ... ; secret ambition: to be brought in on a morals charge in tijuana; prize posession: an ash from the back lot; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2,3; intramurals 1,2,3; musicals 3; philos. club 3; rifle 2,3; soccer 1,2. roy kallinen favorite memory: my license. steve katz favorite memory: sue conn (9th grade), and europe; remembered for: playing piano in the auditorium; band 1,2,3, stud. director 4; dance band 2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2; orchestra 1,2,3,4; tennis 1,4, district band 4. gary kaysen "kase"; favorite memory: junior prom; pet peeve: pontiacs; bowling 2,3,4; intra murals 2,3; track mgr. 1. paul kazanjian pet peeve: hippies, empties, b.p.d.; remembered for: having 17 people in 1 car on 10/31/71; prize possession: my z/28, a six pack of bud and hup. robin kehm favorite memory: summer of '71; secret ambition: to work in a pickle factory; pep club 1,2; ski club 1,2,3,4; stage crew 4; student council 1,4; soph. hop commn. 2. carol kelly favorite memory: 6/4/71 dbt; pet peeve: snobby people, poor listeners, and after-school gym class in eleventh grade; remembered for: my big mouth, being with susie; christmas dance comm. 4; decca 4; gym aide 1; vica 3. david kelly favorite memory: milking a bull; remembered for: getting caught; pet peeve: football team; football 1,2,3,4; service club 3,4; ski club 4; snow queen nom. 4; track 1,2; weightlifting 3,4; wrestling 1. dorothy kelly secret ambition: to be the first woman astronaut to land on the moon; remembered for: my evil eye; cheerleading 1,3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; office aide 2; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; pep club 1,2. nancy kilbane favorite memory: summer of '71; prize possession: my key, g.r.g.; chorus 3, pres. 4; intramurals 1,2; lacrosse 1,3; nurses' aide 1; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,4; cougarettes 4. donald king "kink"; pet peeve: chevy's; always seen: woodland parking lot. john kirchner prize possession: '70 nova; secret ambition: to run pro-stock; remembered for: sleeping in class; a.v. aide 3,4; cross country 2,3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; jets 3, treas. 4; service club 3,4; t.v. crew 4; track 1,2,3,4; winter track 2,3. dorothy kiscaden favorite memory: 8/28/70; secret ambition: to weigh at least 100 Ibs.; fbla 3; office aide 2; gymnastics 1; gym aide 1; intramurals 1.

Peter Kent

Nancy Ruth Kilbane

Donald Alan King

John Edward Kirchner

Dorothy Lynne Kiscaden


michael kivitz pet peeve: sincerity; soccer 1; wrestling l. michael klagholz "klag"; favorite memory: christmas dance; pet peeve: suspended four times in three weeks; a.v. aide 1,2,3; glee club 4; jets 2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; sr. class play 3,4; musical 3; stage crew 2,3, co-pres. 4. nancy klatt prize possession: La. favorite memory: 2/27/71; remembered for: my dog tags; chorus 1,2,3. robert klinka remembered for: being short; pet peeve: people who say i don't look as old as i am; prize possession: drivers license; favorite memory: 2/6/7l. jorita knopf "joseph"; favorite memory: summer '71; secret ambition: to become a rich veterinarian; pet peeve: geometry; chorus 3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. sec'y. 3,4; guid. office aide 2. walter kollar favorite memory: summers of '70 and '71; favorite saying: yo scout; pet peeve: delaware river mud; chess club 2,3,4; jets 1; rifle 2,3. thomas kopp pet peeve: false people; favorite memory: summer of '64; remembered for: fourth lunch; football 1,2,3. linda kovacs favorite memory: summer in calif. '71; pet peeve: deadlines; fbla. 3; gym aide 2,3. andrea kowalczyk favorite memory: band trip to holland; pet peeve: english in tenth grade; color guard 2,3,4; fta. 3; office aide 2; hockey 3,4; lacrosse 3,4; library aide 2; musicals 2,3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; rifle 2; national honor society. debra krajeski "debbie" or "kraj"; favorite memory: 12/18/71; cougarettes capt. 4; cheerleading 1; fta. 2; guid. office aide 1,2; intra murals 1; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; snow queen nom. 4; spri-hian 1; stage crew 1; student council 1,2,3; tri-hi-y 2. virginia kramer "gini"; secret ambition: to live till 103 and never have a cavity; favorite memory: red point; pet peeve: not being able to understand spanish; pep club 1. penny krape "penel, vera"; band 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; hockey 1,2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3; musicals 2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 3,4; ski club 3,4. kurt krissinger prize possession: cindy; favorite memory: 7/28/70; remembered for: flirting; choir 1,3,4; football 1; glee club pres. 2,3; rifle team 2; student council 1,2,3,4; weight-lifting 4. jane kushma "janie, kush, mm"; remembered for: the p.r. and "it's okay, lady, i did the same thing.", favorite memory: summer '70; band 2,3,4; choir 4; chorus 1,2,3; creative apathy 4; french club 1; gym side 1; library aide 1; lit. mag. 4; musicals 3; prom comm. 3; sr. class play 4; spri-hian 4; national honor society. joanne lang prize possession: jc and little people; secret ambition: have fun growing old; choir 3,4; chorus 1,2; fta. 3, vice-pres. 4; prom comm. 2,3; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; tri-hi-y 1, pres. 2; national honor society. susan langshaw prize possession: ecniv orol and my locket: favorite memory: 10/24/70, reynolds mt., 5/21/71; pet peeve: rainy days and mondays; cheerleading alt. 4; chorus 1,2,3,4; guid. office aide 3; nurses' aide 2; pep club 2; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; tri-hi-y l. joseph lapps favorite memory: 10/2; favorite saying: gime mata!; pet peeve: fred swartz; a.v. aide 1; choir 1,2,3; oceanography 4; rifle 2; student council l. charlene lapreste "yarlene" favorite saying: yommy the yell yang; always seen: in the r-r-rambler; prize possession: my beat-up desert boots. ron latini remembered for: ringing the bell; pet peeve: warm beer; prize possession: my prom sneakers; basketball 1; football 1; track 1,2; weight-lifting 1,2,3.

Michael Kivitz


Michael L. Klagholz

Nancy Joyce Klatt

Robert, C. Klinka .

Jo Rita Knopf

Walter Lawrence Kollar Jr.

Ellen . Kopp

Debra Lynn Krajeski

Virginia Russell Kramer

Joanne Lorene Lang

Susan Elizabeth Langshaw


B. Kopp

Linda Michelle Kovacs

Andrea Kowalczyk

Penelope Louise Krape

Kurt Krissinger

Jane Ann Kushma


Charlene Marie LaPreste

Ron Anthony Latini

A. Lapps Jr.


Leonard Norman Laub

Joan Helen Laverty

Steven Lawthers

Mary Denyse LeFever

Susan Caryl Lehneis

John Allen Leonowich

Craig Steven Lewis

Maria Cecilia Lewis

William Linaberry

Jonathan Seth Lippard

Bruce Livingston

Albert William Lockley

M. Barbara Longaker

Thomas Joseph Luciani

Paul Shaffner Lukens

leonard laub favorite memory: summer '71; favorite saying: it's the lord, noah; pet peeve: rain; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; sr. class play 4; ski club 2,3,4; track 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3,4; weight-lifting 3; treas. 4; national honor society. joan laverty prize possession: toad e., my guardian angel and maggie; favorite memory: dayspring and jr. year at shs; always seen: reading psychology today in the library 1st period; basketball 1,2,3,4; hockey mgr. 1; intramurals 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3, mgr. 4; pep club 2,3,4; stage crew 4. steven lawthers "wonder, lamb chop" always seen: on the top row at basketball games; favorite memory: k.c.'s car at crum creek; band 1; basketball 1,2; tennis 1,2,3,4. mary lefever "denyse" favorite memory: summer '70, '71, and english seminars; band 2; choir 3,4; chorus 1,2; color guard 3, co-sgt. 4; fta 3; french club 2; intramurals 3; lit. mag. 4; musicals 3; pep club 2; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; soc. service club 3; national honor society. susan lehenis band 1,2,3,4; choir: 1,2,3,4; gymnastics john leonowich favorite memory: the govenors; pet peeve: grain unlimited; remembered for: my camera; a.v. aide 4; bowling 2; choir 3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; glee club 1,2; intramurals 4; library aide 1,2; photog. club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; scrivener 2,3,4; spri-hian 2,3; stage crew 1,2,3; tv crew 4; film workshop 4. craig lewis


favorite memory: 12/25/70; pet peeve: light bulbs; band 1,2,3; dance band 1,2; orch. 1,2,3,4.

maria lewis secret ambition: to be invisible; pet peeve: games people play; prize possession: my friends; fbla sec'y. 4; gym aide 1,2; pep club 2,3; prom comm. 2,3,4; spri-hian 4. jonathan lippard favorite memory: hockey at 2 a.m.; remembered for: using 7 chords in theory class; pet peeve; jimi hendrix records; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 4; bowling 2; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 1,3,4; musicals 3; service club 3,4. albert lockley "lock" pet peeve: going to shs; favorite memory: running thru mills garage; always seen: fooling around; human reI. comm. 3; track 1,2; black student union 3. barbara longaker pet peeve: big heads and teeny boppers: favorite memory: my locker partners; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 3; sr. class play 4; tri-hi-y 2, treas. 3. paul lukens favorite memory: the day my computer program was turned in as report cards; remembered for: blue and white oldsmophile; pet peeve: physics teachers; avaide 3; intramurals 2; jets 2,3,4; rifle 2,3,4; ski club 2,3,4; tv. crew 3. margaret macdowell prize possession: the demarco kid; always seen: with mouth doing something we shouldn't; favorite memory: rm. 12; basketball 1; chorus 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 4; gym aide 2; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; ski club 1,2,3,4; stage crew 3. jeri macniven prize possession: dmk; favorite memory: 2/26/71; guid. aide 2,3; gym aide 1,2,3; rifle team 2,3,4. p. j. mangione pet peeve: springfield high school; bowling 2,3,4; track 3; Weight-lifting 3. michaelle malloy prize possession: swr; favorite saying: peeh; pet peeve: blushing; chorus 1,2,3,4; musicals 2,3; prom comm. 2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; spri-hian 4; national honor society. james mannion pet peeve: my shadow; remembered for: a lousy sense of humor; favorite memory: europe 1970; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2; pep band 3, pres. 4; chess club vice-pres. 4; cuyahoga ec. soc. vice-pres. 3, treas. 4; intramurals 1,2; oceanography 3; orch. 4; spri-hian 4.

Margaret Anne MacDowell

Jeri Lynne MacNiven

Michaelle Marie Malloy

P. J. Mangione

James David Mannion


Valerie Ambrozates

Linda Brennan

Nancy Criswell

Connie DiRenzo

It was really scary to walk down the aisle, trying to smile just right. Kids were actually trying to trip us on the way down ... the blinding lights ... choosing a candidate ... using the voting machines ... and hearing rumors (Did you know that we actually bought our gowns two weeks iii advance?) ... buying a dress, ushering for the senior play, and preparing for the

christmas dance. Anticipation ... wanting to know

waiting ... being afraid of

falling down the stairs ... flashes a long stemmed rose. C'mon, Paul, tell us who it is! A bouquet of roses ... Kim and Chris leading the first dance.

Snow Queen Kim Shockle,

Cindi Gastner

Anne Hollibaugh

Debbie Krajeski

Sue Norrbom

Snow Queen Cou rt

Robyn Dreer Christmas Skit

Capie Polk

Robin Shapiro

Kathy Spahr

Gina Terranova


stephen marchini pet peeve: the hougars; remembered for: "boy, i hate this ... "; favorite memory: summer '71; football 1,2. joseph martucci remembered for: cheers at basketball games and brandywine raceway; favorite memory: weinerman's new years party; football 4. robert matthews "bear"; always seen: wearing sunglasses; remembered for: telling far-out stories; favorite saying: i got burnt; springfield oceanographic society 3, treasurer 4. susan mathews "sue": favorite memory: the band trip to Europe: remembered for: getting drunk on a rum ice cream cone; pet peeve: snobs; band 2,3,4; sr. class play; choir 4; chorus 1,2,3; christmas dance comm.; jcl 1, sec. 2; majorettes 4; musical 2,3; nurses' aide 1,2,3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; dist. orchestra 3; pep club 1,2,3;. carolyn mauger favorite memory: ohio and 7/4; prize possession: rjh and "friends"; always seen: almost wrecked; chorus 1,2,3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; gymnastics 3,4; intramurals 1,2,3,4; nurses' aide 1,3; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; student council 2,3; tri-hi-y 2,3. john neil maxwell; baseball 1; basketball 2; soccer 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; weight-lifting 3,4. michael mccall favorite memory: freshman year; prize possession: "sarg" jacket; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, capt. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; spri-hian 4; student council treas. 4; varsity club 3,4. charles mccarron pet peeve: jw; favorite memory: 6/31/71; piaa swimming 1,2,3,4; student council 4. bruce mcclane pet peeve: english department; favorite memory: "it's root-hog or die"; social service 4. lynn mcconnell prize possession: a certain longhaired; favorite memory: 9/13/69 and 4/30/70; pet peeve: "freaks"; chorus 1,2; gym aide 1,2,3; intramurals 1,2; prom comm. 4. kathleen mccrossin favorite memory: 3/16/69; prize possession: rick; intramurals 1,2. james mccullough "jim"; soccer 1. linda mccunney; prize possession: contacts; favorite memory: 10/9/71; french club 4; gym aid 2; hour glass 3,4; pep club 2,3; musical 3; scrivener 1. katherine mcdonald prize possession: "feet" and our memories; favorite memory: 6/4/71 and 6/9/71; pet peeve: being second to a "goat"; color guard 1,2,3; gym aide 1; intramurals 1; ski club 1,2,3. melissa mcdougall prize possession: fred fox; gymnastics 1; gym aide 2; oceanography 3, vice-pres. 4; sr. class play 4; stage crew 3; track l. audrey mcdowell french club 1,2,3; office aide 3; gym aide 1,2; hockey 3; prom comm. 2; sr. class play r. michael mcfadden decca 4; football 1,2.

Stephen Thomas Marchini


T. Mark

Thomas Marsden

Joseph Charles Martucci


A. Matthews III

Susan Karen Matthews



Carolyn Joy Mauger

John Neil Maxwell

Michael Leonard McCall

Charles Thomas McCarron

Lynn McConnell

Kathleen Mary McCrossin

James Michael McCullough

Linda Margaret McCunney

Melissa Ann McDougall

Audrey Megan McDowell

Michael Cullen McFadden

Brian Micheal McGinnis


Katherine Ann McDonald



Denise Jean McGrath

Paul Thomas McGrath

Richard McGrory

Haydn James McLean

Mark Wayne McLean

Wayne Alan MeGonegal

Barbara Merkel

Melinda Elizabeth Metzger

Rosemarie Michel

Dean Michael Miller

Elaine Marie Miller

Lisa Anne Miller

Lois June Miller

Rhonda Lori Miller

John Millon

denise mcgrath favorite memory: 10/68 (bob); remembered for my big mouth; pet' peeve: being quiet; fbla 3, pres. 4; gym aide 3; intra murals 2; pep club 2. paul mcgrath favorite memory: st. james '71; remembered for: beggar and 3 speed; weightlifting 3,4. haydn mclean favorite memory: s.l.r.; prize possession: '69 blazer; pet peeve: obligation; audio-visual aide 1; choir 1,2,3,4; musical 3; weight-lifting 4; wrestling l. mark mcclean favorite memory: frik; pet peeve: zoos; secret ambition: to drive a yl bus; baseball mgr. 2; basketball stats. 4; choir 2,3,4; glee club 1,4; lockermen 1,2,3; musicals 3; service club 1,2,3,4; ski club 3,4; stage crew 3; tennis l. wayne megonegal favorite memory: barbara merkel; pet peeve: springfield high school; baseball 1,2; basketball 1,2; soccer 1,2,3; stage crew 3. barbara merkel favorite memory: wayne megonegal; pet peeve: hard butter; choir 1,2,3,4. melinda metzger "mindy"; prize possession: my rug; pet peeve: vegetables; chorus 1,2,3,4; f.b.l.a. 3,4; gym aide 3; hour glass 3. rosemarie michel "rosey"; favorite memory: 7/25/70; pet peeve: "so who asked you, howard?"; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; pep club 4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4, copy editor 4; national honor society. dean miller favorite memory: 12/18/71 and hilltop 11126-28/71; pet peeve; loneliness; most valuable possession: my drums; a.v. aide 2,3,4; polish-american club 4; stage crew 2; t.v. crew 4. elaine miller "Iainie"; known for: eating 3 lunches a day; always seen: in the r-r-rambler; favorite saying: wooooh! gym aide 2; student council 4. lisa miller secret ambition: to be a chess groupie; pet peeve: even numbers: favorite memory: cohen on halloween; chorus 1,2,3,4; nurses' aide 2; pep club 2,3; tri-hi-y l. lois miller "prudence"; pet peeve: rainy days & frizzy hair; favorite memory: 11 th grade & razzle; pep club 2,3. rhonda miller favorite memory: winter of '42; prize possession: the fit family; choir 1,2,3,4; french club 1,2; musical 1,2; orchestra 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3, assoc. ed. 4; ski club 2; social service 2,3,4. john millon pet peeve: getting up in the morning for school; always seen: with my coat on. kenneth minteer "ken"; pet peeve: having my picture taken for the yearbook; favorite memory: kerkrade & jr. prom; band 1,2,3,4; pep band 3,4; orchestra 4; ski club 1,2,3,4; stage crew 3. diane missiras favorite memory: junior year; pet peeve: neckbrace; always seen: with shelly, sharon and denise; lit. mag. 4; pep club 3; ski club 2. marcia montgomery, hourglass 3; scrivener 4. john moore "skip" pet peeve: frio nights at springfield skating rink; remembered for: successfully imitating the bell; favorite memory: 12/29/70/ baseball 1,3,4; prom comm. 4; rifle team 4; scrivener 2,3; soccer 1,4. richard moore, pet peeve: fouls: remembered for: my humor; always seen in a free period; basketball 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; nat. honor soc. 3, treas. 4; spri-hian 4; varsity club 4.

Kenneth Richard Minteer

Diane Mary Missiras

Marcia Lynn Montgomery

John H. Moore

Richard Edwin Moore


michele morrone favorite memory 12/18/71; remembered for: being a mother to everybody; always seen: with the group; f.b.l.a. 4. sally mount pet peeve: "i'd rather you didn't"; remembered for: a southern accent and i don't have one; prized possessions: my boxes & lance; choir 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1; lit. mag. 4; senior class play 4. carol mowbray always seen: being heard; prized possessions: my trucking boots & capt. america socks; favorite memory: near death in margaret's v.w.; cougarettes 4; lit. mag. 4; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; stage crew 3; student council 4. eileen moylan favorite memory: 11/24/71; basketball 4; fbla 4; gym aide 4; hockey 3; pep club 1; philos. club 2; prom comm. 3; scrivener 4. robert muir pet peeve: glass doors; prize possession: gym towel; secret ambition: teach physics: baseball 1; bowling 3, capt. 4; bowling intermurals 3,4. michael mullaney "mull,"; favorite saying: do me a favor; favorite memory: les canadiens; secret ambition: sexually satisfy the entire girl's chorus while they are presenting their candlelight service; baseball 1; sr. class play 4; ski club 1,2,3,4; soccer 1; stage crew 3; student council 2,4. jack murray pet peeve: mullaney's mouth, hippies; favorite memory: don's party; remembered for: body work on the hupmobile. maria musciano "re"; prize possession: rick; favorite memory: 5/9/70; secret ambition: to drive in the drags; distributive ed. club 4. canita musika "greta" favorite memory: 10/2/71; pet peeve: thanksgiving vacation; gym aide 2; pep club 2; student council 2. mark naulty always seen: out of class; favorite memory: bel haven resort; remembered for: my big stogies; band 1,2,3; baseball 3,4; gymnastics 1; poetry club 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 4; wrestling 2,3,4. eugene negro always seen: with my shadow; favorite memory: two o'clock tent on environmental science camping trip; pet peeve: bad jokes in economics; oceanography 3.

janet nicholls favorite memory: 10/22/71; pet peeve: rain; remembered for: homemade "grapejuice"; cougarettes 4; office aide 3; pep club 2,3; prom comm. 4. teresa niemczewski gym aide 3; hockey capt. 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 1,2,3; ski club 1,2; varsity club 2,3, treas. 4.

Judith Morgan


Michele Marie Morrone

Sally Kathryn Mount

Carol Ann Mowbray

William J. Mowbray

Eileen Patricia Moylan

Robert Muir

Thomas Muldoon

Michael Steven Mullaney

Jack William Murray

Maria Elizabeth Musciano

Canita Maria Musika

Mark Christopher Naulty

Regina Neal

Eugene Joseph Negro

Thomas Nelson

Janet Louise Nicholls

Teresa Niemczewski

Paul Nolan

Kenneth Nonemaker


Airing out, cleaning out, getting out.

spring? Spring. Spring! The prom, and getting our pictures back, finally. Exchanging, exchanging ... remember me and best of luck always ... Getting term papers in. Waiting for acceptances from colleges. Disappointments, unexpected joys. Counting down the months, weeks, days. Sun Centerhere we come. World here we come. Spring? It's graduation. A new life beginning for the earth, for each of us.



Susan Diane Norrbom

Sharon Ann Novac

Richard Nulty

Bruce Gregory O'Brien

Margaret Mary O'Brien

Kathleen Marie O'Donnell

Barbara Anne O'Neill

Denise Mary Pacinelli

Michele L. Panebianco

Kimberly Elaine Parris

Paul Pataky

June Marie Pearson

Sandra Peitzman

Jeanne Ellen Pemberton

Ronald Alan Perry

susan norrbom prize possession: den; secret ambition: someday; pet peeve: rain and too many sue's; chorus 3,4; cougarettes 4; fta. 4; lacrosse 3,4; pep club 2,3, secy'y. 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; rifle 3,4; scrivener 3, assoc. ed. 4; snow queen nom. 4; national honor society. sharon novak always seen: with gina or jim; favorite memory: 8/6/68; secret ambition: to weigh 101; gym aide 2; office aide 3; stage crew 2,3. bruce o'brien favorite memory: the middle east; pet peeve: gym teachers; basketball co-capt. 1; chess club 1,2,3,4; football 1,2; philos. club 1,2,3,4; soc. service 3, pres. 4; student council 4; national honor society. margaret o'brien "meg"; favorite memory: 11/24 t.p.a., 11/26; prize possession: the horse i don't have; basketball 3,4; jcl. 1, pres. 2; pep club 1,2, sec'y. 3, pres. 4; sr. class play 4; tri-hi-y 4. kathleen o'donnell pet peeve: gym class; favorite memory: my tenth grade geography class; remembered for: being a klut. barbara o'neill "babs"; favorite memory: 6/11/71; pet peeve: ridley. denise pacinelli always seen: chewing gum; pet peeve: being offered candy by a dirty old man; prize possession: my memories; pep club 2; ski club 1. michele panebianco "shelly"; favorite memory: summer of '71; pet peeve: neck brace; always seen: with diane, denise, and sharon; gym aide 2; pep club 2; ski club l. kimberly parris "kim"; favorite memory: unos, dos, tres, etc.; basketball 3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; fta. 4; hockey 2,3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 3; musicals 3. paul pataky prize possession: my boat; favorite memory: o.c. june pearson prize possession: rbw; pet peeve: chern class; always seen: with cheryl; band mgr. 1; pep club 2,3,4; sr. class play 4. jeanne pemberton "king duke"; prize possession: my teddy bear and my frown button; pet peeve: people who spell my name wrong; band 1,2,3, libr. 4; basketball capt. 1,2,3, capt. 4; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; musicals 1,2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3, 4; orch. 1,2,3, libr. 4; pep club 2,3; prom comm. 2,4; spri-hian 1; varsity club: 2,3, vice-pres. 4. ronald perry pet peeve: rick perry; always seen: sketching; favorite memory: american studies lectures; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4. sandra plattner "little (.'1itler, shorty" favorite memory: 12/18/71; remembered for: being an irrepressible flirt; pet peeve: when one boyfriend finds out about another; fta 4; gym aide 1,2; hockey 3; intramurals 3; pep club 1,2; prom comm. 3; scrivener assoc. ed. 4; student council 1; Xmas dance comm. 4. carol polinsky favorite memory: 1971; prize possession: my head, chorus 3. capie polk this is me as i have been ... in the past, for the present and looking to the future; choir 2,3,4; chorus 1; class sec'y. 2,3,4; color guard 2,3,co-srgnt. 4; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; musicals 2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; pep club 1,2; prom comm. 2,3,4; scrivener 2,3,4; scott's hi-q 4; ski club 2,3,4; snow queen nom. 4; spri-hian 3,4.

John Perugini

Richard Pilson

Sandra Lynn Plattner

Carol Louise Polinsky

Capie Allyn Polk


lesley pollard favorite memory: my junior year; prize possession: my guitar; pet peeve: people who mimic my accent. david potts prize possession: wop; always seen: with dutton; pet peeve: little kids always falling down; bowling 2; choir 1,2,3,4; intramurals 1,2; sr. class play 4; tennis 1,2,3,4. sandra powell "sandi"; always seen: partially reeked; remembered for: my laugh and meep, meep; favorite people: my family; film workshop 4; photog. club 4; scrivener 4; t.v. crew 4. christopher powers favorite memory: 12/31/70; favorite saying: would you offer a camel a cigarette?; secret ambition: to own a herd of elephants; chess club treas. 3; drama 1,4; lit. mag. 4; philos. club 2,3; scott's hi-q 4. richard powers favorite memory: 11/26/71; always seen: playing cards; golf 3,4; wrestling 1; national honor society. mary price "lisa"; favorite memory; 11/24 t.p.a., 11/20; prize possession: pinky ring; basketball 2,3,4; hockey 3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 2; pep club 2,3,4; scrivener 2,3; ski club 3,4; soc. service 4; stage crew 3,4. mary reardon prize possession: david; favorite memory: 6/26/69 and a certain blue reflecting car; chorus 1,2; gym aide 3; pep club 1,2; prom comm. 4. melody rego prize possession: my purple star; favorite memory: the past two year's; pet peeve: not being able to drive; gym aide 1,2. beverly reid "peanut"; favorite memory: 9/30/71; prize possession: my memories with Ijs; chorus 1,2,3,4; fta. 3; cougarettes 4; gym aide 1,2,3,4; pep club 1,2,3,4; student council 4; tri-hi-y 3. patrick reid intramurals 1,2; stage crew 3; student council 1,3. jean reifschneider pet peeve: wet granular; remembered for: the bass fiddle; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 1,2; dist. band 2,3; reg. band 2; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. orch. 2,3,4; reg. orch. 2,3,4; scrivener 4; ski club 3,4; spri-hian 4; musicals 1. linda reimund "coz"; pet peeve: losing tale pipe; always seen: with de and be; prize possession: jc. donna rementer "de"; always seen: down the diner with be; favorite saying: try it, you'll like it!; prize possession: bippy and ron; gym aide 2,4. barbara rendi "bazz" or "be"; always seen: hanging down the clifton diner with de; remembered for: always saying "that's really funny"; prize possession: my pictures and peaches. cheryl richardson prize possession: jc; favorite memory: saranac '71; chorus 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 4; fta. 2,3; pep club 1,2,3; prom comm. 2; sr. class play 4; ski club 2; student council 2; tri-hi-y 2; national honor society. linda rieve secret ambition: to get up nerve for jay cee's birthday; pet peeve: not having the nerve to; gym aide 1,2; prom comm. 4; ski club 2. albert rives favorite saying: that's what i said when i first heard it; pet peeve: talking walls; favorite memory: nardel's first free concert; band 1,2,3,4; pep band 4; cross country 3; football 1,2; nat. hon. soc. 3, vice-pres. 4; photog. club 3; spri-hian 3,4; track 1,2,3,4. john rodney prize possession: my staffs; pet peeve: the 8th green; baseball 1; basketball mgr. 2,3,4; decca 3; golf 2,3,4; jets 1,2,3; scott's hi-q capt. 4; school store 2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; national honor society. robert root remembered for: a beautiful 61 thunderbird; pet peeve: being called henpecked; always seen: with melody. claire roselle favorite memory: my summers and christmas of 1969; pet peeve: labor day and snobs; chorus 3,4; fta 3,4; gym aide 4; jcl. 1,2; musicals 2,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; pep club 2,3,4; sr class play 4; scrivener 4.

David Kimball Potts


Sandra Irene Powell


A. Powers

Richard Joseph Powers

Mary Lisa Price

Mary L. Reardon


C. Rego

Beverly Ann Reid

Patrick Joseph Reid

Jean Ann Reifsch neider

Linda Noreen Reimund

Donna Lynn Rementer

Barbara Ann Rendi

Cheryl Lynne Richardson

Linda Ann Rieve

Albert Brownlee Rives

John Charles Rodney


Louis Rose

Claire Angela Roselle

E. Root


Mark Steven Rosenberg

Marie Frances Rosser

Kenneth Rucci

Linda Ann Rumpf

Christine Marie Sagan

Diane Leslie Sampson

Barbara Sandford

Alexander Theodore Santa Barbara

John Sarsfield

Daniel Saunders


Carol Jean Scheppman

Jack William Schink

Joseph Leon Schipani

Tim Seagraves

T. Scalone


mark rosenberg "rosey" or "hook"; always seen: on the top row at basketball games; favorite memory: kid currie's departure; pet peeve: kid currie's arrival; baseball 2,3,4; choir 2,3,4; glee club 1,4. marie rosser favorite memory: burger king, summer of '71, and company policy; pet peeve: monday mornings; band 1,2; office aide 3. kenneth rucci favorite memory: 3/5/71; remembered for: white pants, red heart; prize possession: a golf ball; football 3,4; weight-lifting 4; ridley: choir 1; chorus 1; football 1; intra murals l. linda rumpf prize possession: stan; favorite memory: may 7 and 21-22, 1971; choir 3,4; chorus 1,2; intramurals 2,3; pep club 2,3; musical 3. christine sagan favorite memory: yet to come; pet peeve: telephone poles that jump out behind dark blue galaxy 500's; prize possession: my backwards bp bell; chorus 3,4; french club 1,2; musicals 2,3; pep club 2,3,4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; dance comm. 4; national honor society. diane sampson favorite memory: 11/24 t.p.a.; basketball 1,2,3,4; choir 4; chorus 1, vice-pres. 2,3; hockey 3, co-capt. 4; intramurals 1,2; pep club 1,2,3,4; scrivener 4; ski club 2,3,4; spri-hian 3,4; student council 1,3; tennis 1,2,3,4; tri-hi-y 1; varsity club 3, sec'y. 4; national honor society. barbara sandford remembered for: perfect attendance. alex santabarbara always seen: with debbie; pet peeve: charlie; baseball 1,2,3,4; football 1,4. valerie scalone favorite memory: Dec. 29, 1968; secret ambition: to get my diamond; prize possession: rick. carol scheppman "schep"; pet peeve: homeroom; cougarettes; intramurals 2; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4. jack schink favorite memory: 10/22/71 and flinging; pet peeve: people who say they have to talk to me, then never say anything; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 1,2,3; rifle 2,4. joseph schipani "malcom"; pet peeve: newton pickups; basketball 1,2,3,4; football 1; gym aide 2; service club 4; scrivener 4; varsity club 3,4; weight lifting 3,4. margaret sebastian favorite memories: my friends; pet peeve: indecisive people; remembered for: my lockers; a.v. 4; bio. lab aide 2,3,4; cougarettes; fta 3,4; gym aide 1,2,3; intramurals 3; pep club 2,3,4; philsophy club 4; prom comm. 3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; social service 3,4; tri-hi-y 1,2,3, pres. 4; national honor society. peter semanchuk pet peeve: pabst blue ribbon; remembered for: sleeping in gov. ec.; rifle 1; track l. eileen semanik pet peeve: getting up in the morning, being on time for homeroom; favorite memory: may 21, 22, 1971; always seen: with sue doing what we shouldn't be doing; chorus 1,2,3,4; hockey 3, co-capt 4; intramurals 1,2; jcl 1,2; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; senior xmas dance 4; scrivener 4; stud. council 4. susan shankweiler favorite memory: summer "71" and 9/1 with m.c.; prize possesion: all my fantastic memories; always seen: with bark, kathy and steph; fbla 3,4; prom comm. 4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4. robin shapiro prize possession: stephen and t.b.; remembered for: subtracting half a body and my quiet (?) voice; basketball mgr. 1; choir 1,2,3,4; cougarette co-capt.; fta 3,4; french club 1; hockey mgr. 1; jr. class cabinet 3; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; scrivener 1; snow queen nom.; spri-hian 4; stud. council 1,3, sec. 4; national honor society.

Margaret Mary Cecilia Sebastian

Peter T. Semanchuk

Eileen Marian Semanik

Susan Elaine Shankweiler

Robin Candy Shapiro


Most Literary: Mike Kivitz, Sue Lehneis. Most Verbose: Chip Watkins, Thelma Desiderio.

Flightiest: Hara Elfont. Most Entertaining: Kathy Sullivan.

Most Artistic: Anne Stengel, Ron Perry. Most Musical: Janie Hollinshead, Bob Kauffman. 16

senior celebrities

Most Likely to Succeed: Capie Polk, John Rodney. Most Studious: Ellen Coleman, Paul Buongiorno.

Most Athletic: Pete Vanlngen.

Most Athletic: Jeanne Pemberton. Most Well-Rounded: Leslie Beers, Dick Moore. Flightiest: Mike Bradfield.

Most Flirtatious: Norm Craig, Sandy Plattner.


daniel shaw favorite memory: my comet; choir 1; chorus 2. kim shockley prize possession: cjw; remembered for: being thin; basketball 1,2; choir 4; chorus 1,2,3; gym aide 2; intramurals 1,2; musical 3; pep club 1,2,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; sr. class play; snow queen; spri-hian 4; stud. council 1,4. Iyn silberstein favorite memory: hitching cross country and the experiences in the u-haul van with 30 other hitchers; secret ambition: to help all children in prison; pet peeve: the high level of immaturity of springfield kids. stephanie silimeo always seen: with sue or in library with lizard and co.; favorite memory: liking bilgewater; secret ambition: to have patience and sincerity; fta 4. robert simpson prize possession: my shoes, physics book, and seat at the basketball games; favorite memory: homeroom; remembered for: telling stories; baseball 2,3,4; choir 3,4; glee club 1,2; service club 4; soccer 3; wrestling 1. john slate always seen: at saxer ave.; favorite memory: friday nights; pet peeve: the school. mary sloan "tree"; favorite memory: summer of '68 and 12/6/71; secret ambition: to get my hands on a certain guy; pet peeve: school; fbla 3; gym aide 4. michael smalley "milo"; pet peeve: grain unlimited and bright red lipstick; remembered for: being the only one sober in ocean city on springfield weekend '70; a.v. aide 1,2,3, vice-pres. 4; band 1,2; bowling 1,2; film workshop 2,3; photog. club 2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; t.v. crew 3,4. joseph soster favorite memory: saggies laughing; secret ambition: to grow a beard; remembered for: not remembering; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3,4. kathy smyth chorus 2; office aide 1,2; pep club 1, v. pres. 2. scott smith pet peeve: surprise physics quizzes; secret ambition: to get away with something big; basketball mgr. 1,2,3; stud. council 1. holly smith favorite memory: 12/13/71; pet peeve; rainy mondays; chorus 1,2,3, sec. 4; cougarette; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; student council 2,3,4. david smith secret ambition: to be like rpd. gail speers prize possession: d.d.m.; favorite memory: curty and hilltop reunion; always seen: with dave; hockey 1,2,3; social service 3,4; student council 4; scrivener 4; sr. class play 4. richard spegele favorite saying "see ya later" band 1, feature 2,3,4; choir 4; gymnastics 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orchestra 1,2, vice-pres. 3,4; dist. orchestra 2,3; prom comm. 2; sr. class play 4; spri-hian 4; student council 4; varsity club 2,3,4; musical 2,3. kathie spahr favorite memory: playing house; remembered for: eating bird food and being goofy; band 3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2; gym aide 1,2; hockey 1,2; majorettes 3,4; musical 2,3; oceanography 3; pep club 1,2; sr. class play 4; ski club 1,2,3; snow queen nom. 4. susan stagliano "stag"; always seen: with eileen, with something we shouldn't have; pet peeve: guys who never call or show up; favorite memory: summer of '71; chorus 1,2,3,4; guidance office aide 2; gym aide 1,2; pep club 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; j.c. 1,2, treasurer 3; christmas dance comm. 4 soph-hop comm. 2. gerald steiner always seen: bar hopping with bailey and at lou's during lunch; favorite memory: springfield weekend 71-72, "turfing lawns"; pet peeve: emties, hippies, lob officers and monday mornings; hup club 1,2,3,4; flafic foursome 1,2,3,4. anne stengel prize possession: "mes amis"; favorite memory: conspiring with marilyn; always seen: speaking in french and smiling; choir 1,2,3,4; hockey,,1,2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; spri-hian, art ed. 4. laura lee sterling "squirrel"; favorite memory: 5/21-22/71 and 12/18/71; prize possession: certain ridley graduate and my chicago tapes; remembered for: ripping my sleeve at the christmas dance and driving; gym aide 1,2; intramurals 1; nurse's aide 2; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; social service 2,3; christmas dance comm.


F. Shaw


Kim Susan Shockley

Lyn Silberstein

Stephanie Anne Silimeo

Robert Simpson

John Slate

Mary Beth Sloan

Michael John Smalley

David Robert Smith

Holly Ann Smith


Kathy M. Smyth

Joseph Eric Soster

Kathie Sue Spahr

Gail Ann Speers

Susan Marie Stagliano


Anne Elizabeth Stengel

Laura Lee Mary Sterling

F. Smith

R. Richard Spegele

E. Steiner


Hilary lIeen Sternberg

Barbara Ann Stettler

Diana Jean Stevenson

Debra Marie Stone

Cynthia Marie Elizabeth Strohofer

Marguerite Carmel Strolle

Judith Ann Sudler

Kathleen Mary Sullivan

John David Suydam

Ralph Edward Swan

Bruce Szewczyk


Leslie Jane Taylor

Gina Maria Terranova

David Thiel

A. Tarkoy


hilary sternberg favorite memory: summer 1970 and "no smoking on the bus"; remembered for: counting people on the social service club bus, "1,2,3,4 ... "; pep club 2,3; philosophy club 4; social service 3, pres. r. barbara stettler "stet"; prize possession: o.p.a.l.; favorite saying: "peeh"; basketball 1,2; choir 4; chorus 1,2,3,4; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1; prom comm. 2,3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 3, buss. ed. 4; student council 2,3; varsity club 4; musicals 2,3. diana stevenson favorite memory: summer '70; prize possession: summer memories; pet peeve: evening band practices; color guard 3,4; library aid 1,2; orchestra 1,2,3,4; scrivener 4; band mgr. 2; guidance office aide 2,4; musical 2,3. debra stone "stoner" remembered for: my pink foam dress; always seen: in the r-r-rambler; prize possession: my friends; gym aide 2; pep club 2; ski club 3. cynthia strohofer favorite memory: three and a half years with pat and arnold; pet peeve: people who call me sidney strohiemer; a.v. aide 2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3; gym aide 1,2,3; intramurals 2; french club 2; sr class play 4; scrivener 4; social service 4; student council 4; tri-hi-y vice pres. 4; track 1; lab assist. 2,3,4; latin club 3. marguerite strolle remembered for: looking like i'm never quite there; favorite memory: st. lawrence seaway; choir 1,2,3,4; lit. mag. 4; philosophy club 1,4; musical 1,3; drama club 1; drama workshop 4. judith sudler "judi"; favorite memory: summer of '68 and '69; remembered for: being on the phone in school and talking about twp; decca 3,4; intramurals 1,2,3; gym aide 1. kathleen sullivan "silky, mulla'; prize possession: yentz; always seen: in the r-r-rambler; remembered for: my ibber tibber; basketball 3; hockey 1, co-capt. 3. john suydam pet peeve: algebra teachers and offices: remembered for: '61 dodge; favorite memory: 8/71, st. james and the meadow; stage crew: 3. ralph swan pet peeve: doing nothing; always seen: messing around; ski club 3; wrestling 4. bruce szewczyk favorite memory: europe 1970; prize possession: william f. buckley books; pet peeve: not being taken seriously; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2,3,4; reg. band 2,3,4; chess club 4; orchestra 1,2,3, pres. 4; rifle club 2,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; track 1,3,4; wrestling 1,3,4; all-state band 4; musical 3; national honor society. judy tarkoy prize possession: r.a.l.; favorite memory: nov. 6; favorite saying: "nothing"; office aide 4; intramurals 2, pep club 2,3. leslie tayor favorite memory: walking on the beach at dawn; secret ambition: to become another gloria steinham; prize possession: my pressed flowers; fta 2; french club 2; ridley jr. high newspaper 1; drama club 2. gina terranova favorite memory: 10/22/71 always seen with: sharon; snow queen nominee. bruce thomas favorite memory: summer of 1971; remembered for: 4/14/54 secret ambition: to become a member of the "in group"; choir 1,3,4; glee club 2,4. deborah toogood favorite memory: 9/26/70 prize possession: memories of a certain marine; always seen with: kathy; f.t.a. 3; gym aide 1,2; intramurals 4; pep club 1,2; rifle team 2,3,4; cougarettes 4. barbara torelli remembered for: my long fingernails; favorite memory: 8/8/71; always seen with: kathy and susan; f.b.l.a. 3,4; prom comm. 3,4; sr. class play 4; scrivener 4. patricia torn prize possession: "charles"; favorite memory: augie; secret ambition: to back out of the driveway without hitting anything and to travel around the world; f.b.l.a. 3, treas. 4; ski club 3.

Raymond Thiel

Bruce Allen Thomas

Deborah Marie Toogood

Barbara Joan Torelli

Patricia Ann Torna


marjorie louise trago favorite memory: 4/30/71; prize possession: jimmy; always seen: in a blue zap; chorus 1; office aide 3; gym aide 4. paul andrew trautmann favorite memory: back seat of a '64 chevy; pet peeve: girls who want to be just friends; always seen: back seat of a '64 chevy; intramurals 1; track 1,2. diana usher favorite memory: 8/71, xmas skit, and the 7th; favorite saying: no way; gym aide 1,2; lacrosse 3,4; pep club 1,2,3, vice-pres. 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; rifle team capt. 2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; ski club 3,4; turnabout comm. 1; xmas dance comm. 4. wilbur utermohlen "chuck"; pet peeve: 5x7 grainulars; always seen: with a camera; a.v.aide 3,4; cross country 4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; photography 2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; t.v. crew 4; track 1; film workshop 2,3,4. robert vaites "bob"; pet peeve: cars that whistle & the three stooges; always seen: with the group: favorite memory: 5/21/71; junior cabinate; scrivener 4. diane valenti "di"; favorite memory: 3/25/70; prize possession: don; always seen: in a 56 chevy station wagon; fbla. 3, vice-pres. 4; office aide 3; gym aide 1; intramurals 1,2; pep club 2; student council 3. barry valentinsen favorite memory: doughboy's gov't-econ. class; always there; never seen; pet peeve: my walking gym suit; football 1; interact club 2,3; ski club 1,2,3,4. anthony vanella pet peeve: college boards; favorite memory: Xmas night '71; remembered for: being on crutches; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; choir 1,2,3,4; football 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; glee club 4; weight-lifting 3,4. pete vaningen favorite memory: colorado '71; pet peeve: dj pushing buttons, what else?; favorite saying: who knows?; cross country 1,2,3, capt. 4; track 1,2, capt. 3,4; varsity club 1,2,3; winter track 1,2,3,4. john vanormer remembered for: diving in springton reservoir on 1/1/72; i will to j. bailey-ernie munns and to lou all my pay checks for 72; choir 1; glee club 2,3; gymnastics 1. tony vendetti favorite memory: new year's eve '71; football 3; student council 3. pamela virgilio "virglio"; prize possession: gp and poochie; favorite memory: 9/1/70; favorite saying: who?what?why did cathy throw up on the kitchen floor; remembered for: my deafness, shoulder, and kidneys; band 1,2,3,4; fbla. 4; fta. 3,4; hour glass 3, chairman 4; musical 3; orchestra 3,4; pep club 2,3,4; scrivener 4; christmas dance 4. george wilson vucelich; graphic arts club; musical 3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; photography club 2,3,4; scrivener 4; t.v.crew 3,4; film workshop 2,3,4. robert walker; pet peeve: people downgrading chicago. vicki walp "vix" favorite memory: midnight; pet peeve; jealousy; choir 1,2,3; gymnastics 1,2; hockey 1; lacrosse 1; orch. 1,2; pep club 1. barbara jean walter favorite memory: aug.-sept. 69; prize possession: jag; chorus 1,2,3,4; scrivener 4; tri-hi-y vice-pres. 1. robert joseph walton "bob"; pet peeve: coaches; remembered for: school spirit; favorite memory: walsh park weekends; basketball 2,3; intramurals 2,3. douglas keith warrick basketball 1,2; black student union 4; football 3,4; track 1,2,3.

Marjorie Louise Trago


Paul Andrew Trautmann

Tara Tremper

Diana Marie Usher

Wilbur Charles Utermohlen

Robert John Vaites

Diane Maria Valenti

Barry Scott Valentinsen

Anthony Bernard Vanella

John Gordon VanOrmer

Tony Vendetti

Pamela Jo Virgilio

George Wilson Vucelich


Vicki Anne Walp

Barbara Jean Walter

Robert Joseph Walton

A. Walker

Pete Van Ingen


J. Wade

Douglas Keith Warrick



Chip Watkins

Charles Smith Weisel


F. Wheatley

Mark Alan Weinerman

Jeffry Gardner Way

Esther Wei

John Warren Welch

Pamela Jane Welch

Bud Wendle

Douglas Paul Weniger

Francis Xavier Whitaker

Deborah Denise Whiteside

Kathy Susanna Wike

Alison Gale Wilcox


J. Weigelt

charles watkins "chip"; prize possession: jesus christ; favorite memory: 5/11/69; remembered for: smile!; nat. merit semi-finalist 4; service club 2,3,4; soccer 1,2,3; tennis 1,2,3,4; national honor society. jeffry way remembered for: my colorful red eyes; favorite memory: 12/24/70; favorite saying: dandy, just dandy; choir 1,3,4, sec'y 2; dist. swimming 2; glee club 3, vice-pres. 4; hon. hockey mgr.; sr. class play; soccer 2,3; tennis 4; track 1,3; weight-lifting 4. esther wei "es" favorite memory: 6/26; remembered for: my impatience; prized possession: a patient friend; basketball 3; choir 3, accom. 4; chorus accomp. 2; glee club accomp. 4; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; prom comm. 3; spri-hian 3,4; varsity club 4. marcia weigelt always seen: and not heard; pet peeve: games people play. mark weinerman; pet peeve: being the chauffer; favorite memory: backstage of my fair lady; always seen: in a '64 pontiac; intramurals 1,2; jets 3; stage crew 3. charles smith weisel always seen: working hard after everyone else left in av dept.; prize possession: "myoid gray projector"; favorite memory: soph-hop '70; a.v. aide 2, treas. 3,4; cuyahoga ec. soc. 4; photography club 3; prom comm. 2; service club 3; t.v.crew 4; film workshop 3,4. john warren welch; favorite saying: ho!; favorite memory: the day the ridley band said "right on"; choir 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2; sr. class play; musicals 2,3; tennis 1,2,3, capt. 4; national honor society. pamela welch favorite memory: mccourt's diner; pet peeve: indecisive people and weekends in avalon; remembered for: switching; a.v.aides 4; christmas dance comm.; drama club 2; fta. 2; french club 1,2; human reI. comm. 4; jets 4; latin club 1,2; lit. mag. 4; pep club 2; prom comm. 2,4; poetry club 3; sr. class play; scrivener 2; social service 2; tri-hi-y 1,2. bud wendle prize possession: janet; secret ambition: to be snow king; favorite memory: summer 71 parties; band 1,2,3,4; pep band 2,3,4; dist. band 3; lockermen 1,2,3; musical 3; orchestra 3,4; service club 2,3,4; stage crew 3; weight-lifting 4; wrestling 1,2,3,4. douglas weniger remembered for: not remembering; always seen: on his way out of it; favorite memory: coren's bedroom; service club 4; ski club 2; soccer 1,2; stage crew 3; weight-lifting 2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3. john wheatley; always seen: with someone small; favorite memory: st. james: remembered for: welens blackberry; stage crew 3,4; track 2,3. francis whitaker "golden bear"; secret ambition: to fly to switzerland in an upsidedown airplane; favorite memory: 8/27/71 and 11/27/71; pet peeve: certain people; football 1,2,3,4; service club sec'y 4; track 4; varsity club 3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4. deborah whiteside pet peeve: going to classes; favorite memory: 8/31/70; remembered for: my kind personality; decca 3,4; gym aide 1; nurses' aide 1; student council 1,2; vica 1,2. kathy wike remembered for: being quiet; always seen: with barb and sue; favorite memory: 12/71; fbla. 3,4; nurses aide 3,4; prom comm. 4; sr. class play; scrivener 4. alison wilcox pet peeve: cougars; favorite memory: summer of '71. dan winters "jacket man"; prize possession: 57 chevy; pet peeve: my friend mr. derock. robert witkoski prize possession: my friends, and the p.a.m.; favorite memory: the last two years; always seen: in the a.v. room; a.v. aide 1,2, vice-pres. 3, pres. 4; jets 3,4; polish-american club 4; service club 2,3,4; stage crew 1,2; t.v. crew 4. marilyn woodward "snorky"; prize possession: Ibt; always seen: looking for anne so she can console me; pet peeve: iguanas, bUllfrogs, growths; a.v. aide 3; choir 1,3,4; chorus 2; drama club 1,2; intramurals 1; musicals 1,3; sr. class play.

Dan Winters

Robert Henry Witkoski

Sharon Woodburn

Marilyn Jane Woodward

Nancy Woodwell


frank woolston favorite memory: the family; remembered for: ?; baseball 1; basketball 1; soccer 1,2,3. david wynne favorite memory: kerkrade 70; pet peeve: stop watches; always seen: in the band room; band 1,2,3,4; pep band 4; cross country 2,3,4; orchestra 1; soccer 1; track 3. donna yacola secret ambition: to be a hippie; favorite memory: summer 71; pet peeve: "dum by"; fbla.3. albert yannelli; favorite memory: kerkrade, xmas dance; prize possession: 1938 desoto; remembered for: the nervous tap; band 1,2,3, pres.,4; dance band 1,2,3,4; pep band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3,4; cross country 2; orchestra 1,2,3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; musical 2; ski club 3,4; student council sargent-at-arms 4; wrestling 1. lilbet yuravage pet peeve: people who conveniently forget what they were going to say; lacrosse 1; gymnastics 1,2; orch. 1,2; prom comm. 4. michael zaffiri favorite memory: 5/21 and 5/22; pet peeve: strange people (bt, ss, kw); remembered for: funky chicken; fta. 4; prom comm. 2,4; christmas dance comm. 4; scrivener 4. patricia zak "pat"; favorite memory: 12/31/69; prize possession: amp; fbla. 4; french club 1; gym aide 3; pep club 2,3,4; prom comm. 3,4; student council 4. betsy zalkind "betsy burger king"; remembered for: sleeping at the wrong time; favorite place: yeadon; majorettes 1,2,3,4; school store asst. mgr. 4. catherine zdziarski "cathy"; favorite memory: xmas dance; pet peeve: my all boy chemistry class; basketball mgr. 2; gym aide 2; christmas dance comm.; musical 3; pep club 4; prom comm. 4. philip zippi pet peeve: wasted weekends; favorite memory: springfield weekend; remembered for: no socks; cross country 2; football 4; golf 3,4; ski club 2,3; student council 3,4; track 2; wrestling 1. douglas zischkau favorite memory: chemistry with the bear; gymnastics 4; jets 4; nat. hon. soc. 3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; dist. orchestra 3; soccer 1,2,3; track 1; film workshop 2,3,4. eric zischkau favorite memory: chemistry and mr. mcclennan-the "bear"; gymnastics 4; jets 4; oceanography 3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; dist. orchestra 2; photography club 3; soccer 1,2,3; t.v. crew 4; track 1; film workshop 2,3,4; national honor society.


W. Woolston


David Robert Wynne

Donna Marie Yacola

Pamela Yankanich


A. Yannelli

Lilbet Marie Yuravage

Michael Anthony Andre Zaffiri

Not Pictured James Casey David DeMoske Neal Gallagher Richard Goodwin Stephen Hetherington Robert Kauffman Lesley Pollard John Scheuer Barry Shefsky Joseph Tracz Joe Zaccarelli


Patricia Ann Zak

Betty Zalkind

Catherine Ann Zdziarski

Philip John Zippi

Douglas Daood Zischkau

Eric Eden Zischkau

Well, the donkey basketball game was a big success, we can do all kinds of things with the money, maybe a really fantastic prom or a trip in the spring. We've had trouble organizing because our class is apathetic, they don't think much of the

sen ior class officers. We've tried to organize, plan, arrange and initiate but there are problems ... buses, money and interest. I think we have accomplished something ... the Christmas Dance, everyone said we couldn't get that tree in here but we did it. I think there is hope that we may get everything together ...

Sponsors W. Speakman and L. Eisenberg

Pres. Paul Buongiorono

Sec'y Capie Polk

Vice-Pres. Norman Craig

Treas. Bill Ewell


What are your thoughts on your years in high school? ... despite everything, those four years were fun, I met some really cool people ... let's put it this way, it was about 5 per cent learning and about 95 per cent wasted time and misery ... I wouldn't be able to take it again ... It was a worthwhile experience because I met many new friends ... I would have enjoyed this school more if it weren't for the 2 per cent who kept ruining it ... school has just been a place I've had to come to. I will be really glad to get out of here and get into the world ... school wai3 worthwhile for something, but not what it was supposed to be worthwhile for ... this school doesn't prepare you for anything, it's too academically oriented ... I've found that you've really got to reach out to get something from here ... my experience here was people forget it, I was in no way challenged, motivated, or provided with anything to help me It's been an experience It's supposed to be an educational experience but I find that I can do more at home it has been a fascinating lesson in mod psychology ... I've met many very special friends ... I got what I expected and what I put into it ... I would do parts of it again, but it didn't really prepare me for anything ... I'd rather have gone to a more diverse school, I mean that I would like to go to a school with a more diverse student body ... these four years have been very unhappy with many injuries and disappointments ... I've learned a lot from people, teachers and students ... it was fun but there's gotta be another way ...




r-"1F" r








"To think of time . . . . to think of the retrospection, to think of today . . . . and the ages continued henceforth. Walt Whitman




I stand amongst the masses. Inside of the laughter and confusion, I catch a glimpse of

myself, and realize that I am going someplaceI'm not sure where.

¡ ... and who are you?

society I am me, becoming me, changing toward the future, someday'l may know.



I am waiting for a rebirth of wonder. I am waiting for someone to really discover

amenca. Lawrence Ferlingetti

index Administration American Studies A.V. Club Band Baseball Basketball Bowling Business Cross Country Cheerleading Chess Club Choir Chorus Christmas Dance Color Guard Cougarettes Cuyahogas Dedication Distributive Education Donkey Basketball Game Driver Education English Exchange Students F.B.L.A. Fine Arts Football French Club F.T.A. Glee Club Golf Guidance Gymnastics Hockey Hour Glass Society Individual Progress J.E.T.S. Junior Choir Junior Chorus

12-13 20-21 58-59 84-87 114-115 100-103 110 34 98-99 90-91 64-65 88-89 82 200-201 86-87 72 56-57 9 35 61 40 22-23 60 68-69 26-27 96-97 64 68-69 83 115 14-15 108-109 92-93 64-65 36 62-63 79 78

Junior Officers and Sponsors Lacrosse Language L.M.C. Literary Magazine Majorettes Mathematics Maintenance Nardels N.H.S. Nurses Orchestra Pep Band Pep Club Physical Education Polish-American Club Practica I Arts Reading Rifle Team School Aides Science Secretaries Senior Celebrities Senior Class Play Senior Officers and Sponsors Service Club Scott's Hi-Q Scrivener Ski Club Soccer Social Service Club Social Studies Sophomore Officers Spri-Hian Stage Crew Student Council Swim Team Tennis

148 116 24-25 16-17 50-51 86-87 30-31 41 70 48 37 80-81 72 73 38-39 64-65 32-33 36 110 58 28-29 37 216-217 184-185 228 58-59 49 54-55 70-71 94-95 56-57 18-19 134 52-53 63 46-47 111 112-113

Third and Fourth Teams Track Tri-Hi-Y T.V.Crew Varsity Club Weightlifting Winter Track Wrestling

118-119 117 58-59 62-63 70-71 70-71 106-107 104-105


B.Agnew 52.82.167,168,231 L.Alexander 96,168,175 D.Alston 51,77,81,84,86,87,167,168,230 J.Altieri 72,168 J.Ambrose 39,168 V.Ambrozates 90,168,193,200,201 E.Anderson 96,168 F.Anderson 99,107,168 J.Anderson 67,168 M.Anderson 67,168 J.Angelozzi 168 A.Arndt 168 M.Ash 66,168 N.Ash 46,168

M.Bacher,23,48, 55,88, 168,208,209 B.Bailey 169 J.Bailey 169 L.8all 169 J.Bartoletti 64,69,73,169 D.Bateman 169 J.Beaumont 6,51,66,170,184,185,201,229 L.Beers 48,52,76,81,88,89,90,93,113,170,217 H.Begg 113,170 K.Berg 34,170 S.8ittner 69,82,170 M.Bivens 171 J.Bloch 15,23,51,53,57,62,64,69,171 G.8lunt 171 RBollinger 83,88,171 D.Borodkin 27,47,74,171 P.8raconaro 64,69,72,82,171 M.8radfield 64,65,83,86,87,88,171,217 M.8radley 171,175,201 L.8rennan 171 ,200 L.8rennan 17,55,72,171, 184,209 D.8runo 72,171 J.8uky 82,171 N.Bulkley 171,193 E.8ullard 171 P.8uongiorno 48,53,171,200,217,228 D.Burke 172 E.8urns 172 M.8ury 172 8. 8utler 86,172

G.Calder 62,75,172 RCalder 62,63,83,172 K.Carey 172,192 M.Ca~lin 66,94,95,166,172 T.Carlson 172 D.Carney 172 T.Carney 172 J.Carpenter 172 J.Carras 62,63,83,88,172,229 C.Cervino 48,53,57,172 J.Chacosky 58,64,65,172 AChestnut 173 A.Chinici 173 D.Chorin 173 RChristie 173,184 S.Christinzio 173 J.Chrostowski 64,65,85,176 E.Ciurlino 176 D.Coffman 176 A.Coleman 48,53,62,64,65,88,176,184,185 E.Coleman 48,49,51,53,57.65,74,176,184,185,208,209 D.Colflesh 47,48,50,51,62,66,177 S.Conn 80,84,87,88,89,177 ,208,209 F.Conneen 177 RConnolly 177 D.Cook 177 S.Cook 118.177 G.Cooper 48,53,57,60,65,72,80,81,84,85,87,177 R.Coren 46,72,177 D.Craig 177 N.Craig 47,113,177,201,217,228 K.Crewdson 74,177 N.Criswell 47,48,85,177,184,192,200,231 S.Critchlow 32,67,177 C.Crocco 177 J.Cunningham 166,177 W.Curry 178 J.Curtis 178

D.Dalonzo 178 J.Davidson 66,86,178 M.Davis 166,178 C.Davison 178 F.Daws 178 D.Dawson 48,52,53,82,86,88,89,178 D.Degidio 128,178,230 N.DeKorte 48,81,88,89,178,184,185,229,231 8.Delany 178 D.Demuth 178 T.Desiderio 48,88,166,178,184,185,216 P.Devine 47,75,174,178,184,229 C.DeVinney 178 J.DeVinney 67,179 P.DeVries 14,94,95,166,179 T.Diamond 47,179 J.Dibeler 179 J.Digilio 179 D.Dillman 180

C.DiRenzo 90,180,200,201 D.Dooley 180,184,229 M.Dorazio 180 D.Downey 86,180,231 R.Dreer 90,181,193,201 D.Dunn 181 W.Dutton 88,166,181,184

J.Eckman 181 H.Elfont 181,216 W.Elliot 181 J.Ellis 181 S.Ersek 15,58,66,181 N.Esposito 52,118,119,181,201 W.EweI161,88,94,111,181,228

P.Falconer 52,56,181 T.Falion 18,48,81,85,98,99,181 8.Farnese 94,181 S.Fay 181 J.Fehr 29,62,64,65,85,182 s.Feld 182 J.Ferrigno 182 G.Fink 182 N.Fink 48,52,92,93,100,101,117,174,182 K.Fisch 37,48,80,81,85,87,182,192 M.Fisher 27,48,74,84,88,89,118,182,184 W.Fisher 182,201,229 W.Fisher 182 D.Flood 69,11 0, 182 R.Ford 182,201 P.Fraim 182 V.France 34,182,234 C.Francis 66,182 J.Frassetta 47,182 L.Freedman 48,49,66,80,182 J.French 81,86,103,113,183 M.French 47,49,52,84,87,103,113,183,200 D.Frick 54,62,63,83,183

J.Gale 64,81,82,183 J.Gannett 183 K.Garro 48,72,186 R.Gartside 48,81,93,101,117,186 C.Gastner 48,73,88,90,91,186,200 L.Gates 186 D.Geneva 164,186 A.George 62,67,187 P.Giancaterino 29,46,4 7,48,58, 73,187 P.Gibson 18,24,88,187 .K.Giessler 73,88,89,118,119,187 E.Gildner 66,88,184,187 D.Glassberg 47,48,56.65,72,77,80,85,86,87,187 A.Goldenberg 74,187 C.Goidin 48,55,82,184,187,192,201 P.Goldschmidt ¡187 R.Goldschmidt 187 R.Goodwin 58,59,62 S.Gorby 82,187 M.Gordon 187 B.Grant 66,187 D.Grebb 58,! 87 J.Green 80,81,187,217 S.Green 47,184,188,201 J.Greitzer 53,66,88,89,167,184,188,192,201 C.Grijalba 51,1 88 R.Griliet 24.88.188 R.Grochowski 188 D.Grotyohann 63,67,88,89,188 K.Guerin 98,99,107,116,188,230 M.Guthrie 72,166,188 P.Hales 188 .K.Hall 48,55,88,188 S.Hamilton 88,90,91,188,193 D.Hanrahan 66,188 C.Hardy 18,65,83.188,192 J.Harrity 47,184,185,188,229 G.Hartshorn 58,62,63,83,88,188 L.Hartzell 189 C.Harvey 48,62,189 R.Hay 58,75,96,189 G.Hemphili 189 D.Henley 48,60,64,82,189 8.Herring 190 A.Hilbert 190 S.Hilierson 53,66,68,69,82,190 A.Hiliiard 27,65,84,86,87,190 , C.Hirsch 190 E.Hirst 25,67,72,191 J.Hodge 81,84,87,164,175,184,191,230 S.Hodgson 191 A.Hollibaugh 27,82,88,191,200 t~~rnick 24,48,51,53,83,88,116,175,184,191,229" R.Holstein 66,191 D.Holt 23,93,175,191,229 D.Honsinger 191 J.Hornick 24,48,51,53,83,88,116,175,184,191,229,233 L.lpri 35,66,191,201 J.lurino 48,49,53,61,65,191,201,232,233

N.Jackson 62,191 M.Janssen 88,175,191,229 C.Jay 191 8.Johnson 53,57,58,62,65,69,75,82,191 M.Johnson 48,54,55,64,80,81,113,194,209,240 S.Johnson 50,55,73,194 S.Johnson 58,96,103,112,113,175,192,193,194,201 S.Johnson 194 M.Jones 194 C.Joseph 55,82,194,201

G.Kaepplinger 194 R.Kallinen 194 S.Katz 81,84,85,87,194,201 R.Kauffman 26,49,216 G.Kaysen 110,194 P.Kazanjian 194 RKehm 47,67,194 C.Kelly 194 D.Kelly 58,96,194 D.Kelly 72,73,91,175,194 P.Kent 110,195 N.Kilbane 72,82,118,195 D.King 195 J.Kirchner 62,116,195 D.Kiscaden 195 M.Kivitz 51,196,216 M.Klagholz 75,83; 196,20 1 N.Klatt 196 R.Klinka 196 J.Knopf 53,57,67,82,196 W.Kolla~ 65,197 E.Kopp 197 T.Kopp 197 L.Kovacs 197 A.Kowalczyk 29,48,81,86,118,197 D.Krajeski 72,75,197,200 V.Kramer 197,233 P.Krape 27,66,84,88,184,185,187,197,229 K.Krissinger 47,88,197 J.Kushma 48,50,51,85,87,88,197

J.Lang 48,52,53,69,88,197 S.Langshaw 82,197. J.Lapps 197 C.Lapreste 197 R.Latini 197 L.Laub 48,108,116,184,198,229,231 J.Laverty 101,117,198 S.Lawthers 113,198 D.LeFever 23,48,50,86,88.175,184,185,198 S.Lehneis 1,7,50,51,84,88,198,216 J.Leonowich 54,88,113,198 C.Lewis 80,81,198 M.Lewis 52,68,198,201,208 W.Linaberry 198 J.lippard 72,76,83,85,87,88,116,198,233 8.Livingston 53,57,62,65,198 A.Lockley 198 8.Longaker 198 T.Luciani 198 P.Lukens 198

M.MacDowell 66,72,166 J.MacNiven 199 M.Malloy 52,55,82,199 P.Mangione 11 0, 199,230 D.Mannion 52,53,57,72,81, 199 S.Marchini 202 F.Mark 202 T.Marsden 96,202,231 J.Martucci 96,193,202 R.Mathews 202 S.Mathews 73,74,81,86,88,89,201,203 C.Mauger 66,193,203 N.Maxwell 66,94,166,203 M.McCall 46,4 7,53, 103, 192,200,203 C.McCarron 47,111,203 B.McClane 203 L.McConnell 203,231 K.McCrossin 203 J.McCullough 203 L.McCunney 64,203 K.McDonald 203 M.McDougall 203 A.McDowell 203 M.McFadden 203 8.McGinnis 203 D.McGrath 34,68,204 P.McGrath 204 R.McGrory 204 H.McLean 88,204 M.McLean 58,66,83,88,204 W.Megonegal 66,204 8.Merkel 204 M.Metzger 68,82,166,204 R.M'lchel 48,52,55,56,66,73,80,81,84,85,87,192,204 D.Milier 16,59,62,66,204 E.Milier 204 L.Milier 66,204 L.Milier 204 R.Miller 52,54,66,81,88,192,204 J.Milion 174,204 K.Minteer 72,81,84,205

D.Missiras 205 M.Montgomery 66,184,205 J.Moore 94.205 R.Moore 48,52,55,88,102,103,174,201,205,217 J.Morgan 119,206 M.Morrone 33,68,201,206 S.Mount 51,88,166,206 C.Mowbray 47,72,206 W.Mowbray 206 E.Moylan 207 R.Muir 110,207 T.Muldoon 75,207 M.Mulianey 47,184,185,207 J.Murray 66,207 M.Musciano 207 C.Musika 207

M.Nauity 207,230 R.Neal 207 E.Negro 75,166,201,207 T.Nelson 207 J.Nicholis 72,207 T.Niemczewskl 92,93,117,207 P.Nolan 207 K.Nonemaker 207 S.Norrbom 48,54,55,67,69,72,73,82,110,118,200,210 S.Novak 210 R.Nulty 210

8.0'8rien 52,56,65,210 M.0'8rien 73,74,119,210 K.O'Donnell 210 8.0'Neill 210

D.Pacinelli 210 M.Panebianco 210 K.Parris 82,118,119,210 P.Pataky 67,210 J.Pearson 23,75,210 S.Peitzman 66,210 J.Pemberton 18,48,93,101,117,174,210,217 R.Perry 53,210,216 J.Perugini 211 R.Pilson 211 S.Plattner 54,211,217 C.Polinsky 67,211 C.Polk 48,49,51,86,88,201,211,217,228 D.Potts 88,113,184,185,212,229 S.Powell 212 C.Powers 48,49,51,212 R.Powers 113,208,212 L.Price 118,119,212

M.Reardon 213 M.Rego 213 8.Reid 47,72,82,213 P.Reid 213 J.Reifschneider 48,53,80,81,85,213 L.Reimund 213 N.Reinauer 213 D.Rementer 38,213 8.Rendi 213 C.Richardson 25,66,72,74,82,184,213,229 L.Rieve 213 A.Rives 48,54,72,84,85,86,87,106,107,116,166,213 J.Rodney 18,35,48,49,113,192,213 R.Root 213 L.Rose 213 C.Roselle 24,81,82,213 M.Rosenberg 83,88,214 M.Rosser 214 K.Rucci 73,96,201,214 L.Rumpf 88,174,214

C.Sagan 48,73,82,86,87,214 D.Sampson 88,89,101.113,118,119,214 B.Sandford 214 A.SantaBarbara 73,96,113,201,214 M.Sarfield 214 D.Saunders 96,214 V.Scalone 214 C.Sheppman 72,75,84,214 J.Scheuer 66 J.Schink 84,200,201,214 J.Sch¡,pani 18,58,72,103,201,214 T.Seagraves 214 M.Sebastian 48,59,66,72,215 P.Semanchuk 215 E.Semanik 47,73,82,118,119,215 S.Shankweiler 215 R.Shapiro 46,48,53,88,75,175,201,215 D.Shaw 218 B.Shefsky 218 K.Shockiey 24,4 7,52,73,88,89,200,218 L.Silberstein 218 S.Silimeo 208,209,218 R.Simpson 58,88,113,208,218 J.Slate 219 M.Sloan 219 M.Smalley 32,54,59,62,219

D.Smith 219 H.Smith 24,47,72,B2,219 S.Smith 113,219 K.Smvth 167.219 J.Soster 96,174,219 K.Spahr 82,86,184,201,219 G.Speers 219

~:~fa~1~~04~2~h8~,88,108,109,164, 1 75,184,219 G.Steiner 219 A.Stengel 25,48,88,216,219 L.Sterling 33.175,219 H.Sternberg, 52,53,56,57,66,166,220 B.Stettler 55,82,201,220,229 D.Stevenson 55,86,220 D.Stone56,59,220 C.Strohofer 52,220 M.Strolle 22,50,51,66,88,220 J.Sudler 220 K.Sullivan 24,208,209,216,220 D.Suydam 220 R.Swan 220 B.Szewczyk 27,81,87,110,116,184,185,220,229

J.Tarkoy 174,220,231 L.Taylor 220 G.Terranova 201,220 D.Thiel 23,220 8.Thomas 88,221 D.Toogood 221,229 B.Torelli 68,221 P.Torna 68,221 M.Trago 222 A.Trautmann 86,B7,222 T.Tremper 222

D.Usher 55,73,110,118,222 W.Utermohlen 54,59,62,63,99,222

R.Vaites 66,223 D.Valenti 68.223 8.Valentinsen 223 A.Vanella 83,88,96,223 P.Vanlngen 98,99,107,116,193,217,223 J.VanOrmer 223 A.Vendetti 223 P.Virgilio 64,69,81,84,87,223 G.Vucelich 62,63,81,223

M.Wade 174,223 R.Walker 223 V.Walp 223 B.Walter 55,82,223 R.Walton 223 D.Warrick 96,175,223 R.Warrington 224 C'watkins 48,66,113,216,224 J.Way 30,83,88,111,113,174,184,185,224,229 E'wei,93,167,192,224 M.Weigelt 6,224 M.Weinerman 74,224 C.Weisel 16,47,59.6.2,224,233 J.Welch 48,59,66,88,113,184,224 P.Welch 51,59,62,66,224 B.Wendle 58,81,84,224 D.Weniger 224 J.Wheatley 47,224 F'whitaker 58,65,96,224 D.Whiteside 224 K'wike 68,224 A'wiicox 22,224 D'winters 225 R'witkoski 58,59,62,65,225 S.Woodburn 225 M'woodward 88,89,166,184,185,225 N.Woodwell 50,51,225 F.Wooiston 30,226 D'wynne 72,80,84,99,226

D.Yacola 226 P.Yankanich 226 A.Yannelli,46,4 7,72,80,B 1,84,85,87,116,166,201,226,223 L.Yuravage 227

M.Zaffiri 175,201,227 P.Zak 47,174,227 B.Zalkind 23,35,72,75,86,227 C.Zdiarski 102.227 P.Zippi 227,230 D.Zischkau 48,62,81,166,227 E.Zischkau 48,62,81,227


I have made a few friends and probably even more enemies, but being editor-in-chief of the Scrivener has been an invaluable opportunity for me, for I have learned to live and work with both types of people.

acknowledgements There are a few individuals who deserve special recognition for their assistance in the production of Scrivener 1 A tremendous Editorial Staff - Mary 'Ann Bacher, Cindy G n, Rhonda Miller, Sue Norrbom an ndy Plattner; Advisors - Mr. Schmuckler an . Conn rs; Chuck Utermohlen and the Photography Mr. DeMaio, Mr. Benedetto and Mrs. E. Th



Jeanne Beaumont, Pete DeVries, John Grietzer, and Audr

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