pagne, Bruce Gerald ChestAlso, Deanna Dietsch, nutt, Anna Mae Elizabeth Robert J. DiNicola', Christiansen, Janet M. Lawrence Joseph DiPietro, Ciarrocchi, Rm;emary Anne Floyd Raymonrl DissinRer, . Cimino, Clarence H. Clark, Jr., Michele M. DiZebba, , , Jr., Robert Louis Clark, Joseph P. Donaghue, Colleen Ruth Elizabeth Clat- M. Donnelly, Rachell e , terbaugh, Patricia Marie Maria DOrtone, William Clauso, Jane A. Clifford. An- James Dougherty, Dianne Brian Bernados and Patricia Sullivan were honors speakers las drew Stuart Cj;>hen l Beverly Louise Downey, Norbert M. evening (Wednesday), at -Springfield High School Commencement at th. Joyce Coleman, Robert Foy Duerr, Rick J. Duffy, Debra Sun Center in Feltonville. Four hundred and eighty-eight students receive. g~m:~~, J~~;~~¥7;a~~h Lynn Durham, Francis William Easterday, Thalia diplomas from School Board president Joseph W. Gattinella, and scholar, Colgan, Dennis Sean Con- N. Elliott, Lauren Kay Ership announcements were made by Principal Ea'rl R. Knorr. Prizes am nolly, Michael.JohnConwaY, sek, Robert David Esposito, 'd . Jonathan Charles Cook Donna Jean Eustace awar d s were presented b y',Th omas A . G arts. e.. - d b ned· Rolland E r n es t C00 k e, J'r. Richard Paul Evans, Jr.; . The Rev. Walton D. Stanley, Jr. 0 f fered the IDvoeahon, an e Ie·, Craig Alan C9pe, Jonathan Sandra M. Evans, Raymond tion was by the Rev. Robert Jacoby. The presentation of the key was b~ Seth C~rchnoy, Roben; John Edward Ewald, Karen Irene Fagan, Robert J. Falls, John Samuel Arsht, and Richard Gill presented the class gift to the school ~:~~~~~t, ~~ef; ~~~ea;~ Dewey Farrell, Kenneth Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Robert N. Grove presented the eertificatiOi Curlett, John' J. Daley, Charles Ferber, Deborah L. of the class for graduation, prior to remarks to graduates and the audiencl David Pric.e Damon, Kim Ferlita, Susan C. Ferlita, • ..0 ~,h 0,;7 ~ . '" Kell~ DaVIS, Nancy Jean Ralph Armondo Ferragino, by the preSident of the school board. 51 P'/IIJr.,J Hiv;-' r /<.,1?-5..,? DaVIS, Patricia Ann Frederick William Ferrari, Diplomas were presented to: ~i.JIVFi {PI ~'i '7z+ DeAngelis, Nancy J. David Alan Ferrell, Joseph . S M t -- . B .. -- . _.. DeBenedetta, Kenneth M. M. Ferrigno, Joanne Marie DanIel T. Abbot, Arty, usan argare Mane arutl, Versla Hatch, DeChristoforo ' Susan Finnegan, Warren A. Fisher, Catherine Hurl Amwake; Avetta, Carol Anne David Robert .Batton, Bar- Margaret D~Francesco Robert S. Fister, Roy A. Deborah Lynn Anderson, Balchiunas, Francis J. bara Ann BeadliRg, Beth Stephen Joseph Del Grippo' Flegel, Margaret Ann Flynn, Robert Angelozzi, Cecelia Balionis, Alan R. Ball, Ellen Anne Beam, Millard Shupert David Luca DelNegro' Thomas Patrick Ford, Emily Appel, Stephen James Ruth Balsley. Roman Beatty, III, Stephen Francis Richard Joseph Del u '0' Sharon .Joy Forman, BarAppel, Sandra Carol Ardary, Baratiak, Bruce R. Barbour, Belfiglio, Peter William Sandra G Demuth Gail~' bara Jean Forrest. Diane S. Kevin P. Arrell,. Samu?1 Marianne Barbour, M~rk Be~li~, Brian P..Bernados, DeProspe~o, Mark' Anthony Fraim, Mary Susan Francis, Jacob Arsht, Jams Mane Edward Barrett, DenIse WillIam T. BIngaman, DeVito Mark David DiCam. Mary Patricia Frank, Diane Frank Calvm Bi~er, III, plio ' Louise Fredericks. Anthony , Donna Lee Blair, 'Roberta . Louis Freedman, Louise 'Blewitt," Jane Carolyn F. Gabriel, Holly Marilyn Bledgett, John R. Elizabeth Gabriel, Rita Bollinger, Marie A. Booty. Maria Galantino, Michelle Dale D. Borriello, L. Elaine Gale, Sandra Lynn Michelle Bowe, John Gallo, A. Craig Gammarino, Michael Bowen, Ann Marie Bruce Francis Gannett, Bowes, Suzanne K. Boyd: Laszlo .J. Garay, Joseph Elizabeth Ann Bradley. EdGarro, Jr., Terrence Garvey, ward J. Brady, James Braid, Frank Dominic Giardini, Carol Mary Breingan, Robert H. Gibson, Robert L. Timothy G. Brennan. Tracy Gibson, Jr., Thomas E. Ann Brice, Steven L. Gil bert, James .Joseph Briganti, Judith A. Broome, Gilboy, Nelson Craig Donald, Jerry Brown, Jr., Gilfillian, Richard William Nina Ann Bruce, Donna M. G!ll, Kathleen .Jane Gilmore, Bruno, Nancy Dawn' Burke, NIcholas Joseph Guiffre, Janet L., Burns, William John J. Glenn, Lorraine Henry Butler, III, Carol A. Elisa Glenstrup, Lynette Byles, Eva Glenstrup, Laura D. Also, William S. Caffrey, Goldberg, Robert J. Grane, Maria Jeanette, Cairone, John F. Grebb, Cara Joan Theresa Ann Campisi, Greenacre, GI,enn Alan GrifTerese Jo Ann Cardelli, fith Louis Jose()h Grif· Corinne A. Cardillo, Virginia ...,..---:'~-:;-_.-: Lin Cassels, Victoria Ann fonetti. Carol Ann Groome, Hodgson, Harold J'. Castura, Donna Lynn Gayle Alyce Gross, James A. Hoeveler, Jon Eric Hoft'Catona, Thomas Frederick Grosso, Carol P. Gurr, Carol meier, Kathleen Lewis Chambers Gerald J. Cham- Lynn Guthrie, Shelley N. Holcomb, Steven Jeffrey Haimowitz, Clifford N. Hall, Hornick, Mark Arthur FOREST NIGHT Peter James Hall, Kathleen Hubert, Judith' Ann Hup, b Friedrich Schlegel F. Hanrahan, ~arol A':ln Joseph F. Husted, . Y Hardy, Nathamel Hams, Bruce Talbott Harvey, John Holmes Irons, Joyce The rush of wind, God's wings Leland Yorke Hauslein, Dolores Irvin, Elizabeth deep in the cool forest at Anita R. Hawkins, Gerald Anne Isherwood, Joseph like the hero in his horse's sti H. Hazzard, De~n Tunnell Francis Jackson, Wendy , Helm, Jr., PatrIck Joseph Margaret Jacoby, Mary one s thoughts bolt forwa Hendrick, Penny Herrmann, Helene Jay, Jennifer Johns, like the ancient firtrees' rustli Daniel Joseph Herron, Frank Jeffrey Ward Johnston, Lee a tumult is heard of rushi Bradle~ Hillga~n~r, Julie. Alan Johnstonbaugh, Kevin Ann Hlmbert, WIlham John Rodney Jones, Theodore J.
,Jopski, Ira S. Josel, Daniel Mark Joy. Richard N. Joy, Robert Bruce Joy, James Andrew Kadin, Mark Daniel Karpowich, David Katz, Stanley R. Kavanagh, John Allen Keener, Carol Kathleen Kelley, Patrice Josephine Kelly, Paul Kelly, Stephen F. Kelly, Harold Clark Kersteen, Kevin Paul' Killen, Susan Jane Klatt, William Joseph Koppe, Beth Anne Kromer, Mary Katherine Kurtz, Karen Lynne Laguna, Frank A: Lamorgese, Leonard Mark Lang, Jean Marie Lauer, Debra Lynn Lawrence, Richard Michael Lawthers, Michelle Lynn LeBlanc, John Doran Lee, Michele Ann LeFever, Debra Linn Lefferts, Susan Lehman, Carl Frederick Lenthe, David Vernon LeWis, Zoe Ann Lewis, Nancy Edith Lingo, Mary Virginia Lintz, Kim Patricia Littleton, Virginia S. Long, Ruth Ann Longaker, George W. Loper, Anne Marie E. Loro, John Vincent Luciani, Robert .J. Lynch. . Robert Scott MacDowell, Joseph Gennaro Maley, Jere Joseph Mammino, Laurence John Mammirio, Renzo Mangini, Teresa Marie Mantegna, Marcia L. Marano, Anthony J. Mark, BeverlyJ. Martin, John Joseph Massa, Mark E. Matthews, Connie Mauger, Cynthia Anne Mawson, David Joseph Mayer, Caren 'Ann McAllister, Denis Joseph McCaffrey, John Daniel McCarron, Patricia' Ann McCarry, Jeffrey Dennis McCleary, William Joseph McCloskey, Arthur Burnley McCullough, Mary Patrice McCunney, Patricia Anne
McCunney, B. Michael McDaniel, Michael Francis McDevitt, Frederick .James McDowell, Sean Timothy Property of Springfield McGinnis, Darlene A. Heritage Museum McGrath, Robert Burk McKee, Jr., Diane Marie' McLaughlin, Paula Ann .McLean, Marilynn E. McTiernan, Donald W. Meloney, Jr., John S. Menditto, Loretta Menol d, Deborah Jean Meredith, Thomas Reid Metzger, David C. Metzler, Frank Michel, Jr., Dolores Marie Miller, James Philip Miller, Nadine Louise Miller, Marjorie Jeanne Milliken, Richard James Mills, Jr., Robert Sager Milne, Jr., Jeffrey William Mingle, Carl,J. Miserendino, Nancy Ann Misuriello, Dennis R. Mitp~-<>.J.h ~~"o ~~ -'-- _. '~._-'::::-chell, Also, Debra" Jean Payne, Marvin Dwight Rosa, Barbara Joyce Rose, 'Mongelli, Elizabeth .Payne, . Susan Pearson, Christopher John Roselle, Florance Monroe, Jeffrey Donna Ellen Pellock, Lynn Susan Rosenberg, Ann Alan Montague, Joanne :Raymond Jolu'l Pennacchia, Melinda Rothberg, Peter Marie Montgomery, Kevin ;Donna Ellen Peracchia, Hillel Rothman, Thomas Edward Montone, Janice. Dia.n~ Marie Peterso~, Alan Rudolph, Nadia Rufo, Jean Moore, Laurie Beth . LetJ.,tla Ann Petreln, David Robert Ruprecht, Moore, Joan Marie Moran, Deborah Anne Phayre, Gary Linda- Kay Russell, Gaetano Krista Ilene Moran, Linda Robert Pilkington, Kenneth Russo, Jr., David Paul Ruth, Ann Morgan, Linda A. Pohlman, Helena Pokorna, Paul Rutledge, James Morris, Thomas F. Morris, Dale Robert Polhemus, Jan Michael Saeli, Michael M. Gail Lynn Mowbray, John Pollock, Deborah Ruth Pope, Sagan, Devereaux N. Saller, H. Mowry, Kim Ilene- Dorothy' May Postles, Jr., James Francis ScanMowry, Leigh A. Moyer, Virginia Ruth Povey, Wen- lan, Michael Joseph ScanStephen J. Moylan, Jon C. dla Mae Powell, Ann Lynn zaroli, Gregory P. Schoultz, Muller, Michael F. Powers, Elizabeth Ann Gail Patricia Scioscia, JefMullineaux, Stephen J. Mur- Prodoehl, Jill Rhonda Pur- frey R. Scott, Thomas K. phy, Martin W.. Murray, cell, . Scott, Michael P. Seagraves, Michele Lee Muscari' Rocco Also, Paul Andrew Qumn, Carol Ann Sebastian, Dale Thomas. Musciano" Susan: Stephen Douglas Ramey, Ellwood Seeger, Veronica Joan ~, Myer ..:., ',:Charles Susan Lynn Rasmussen, Ruth Shank, James W. Augustus Nagl;,~IiI, Alycee Mark R. Redfern, Nancy Shaw, Elizabeth T. Sheehan, Rosetta Nelson, John A. Kathryn Reed, Patricia Robert Francis Sheehan, Nicholson, David John' Kelley Reed, James W. Rees, Sandra M. Shell, Jeanne Nonemaker, Colette Omans, Grace E. Rego, Theresa Ann Elise Shelton, William RanDavid Alan dall Sherman, Robert E. Peggy A. O'Neill, John Rickard, Albert Opdenaker, Robert H. Riegner,' Lauren Abbie Shields, Sandra Lynn Owens, Gail Marcy Ozer, Rieser, Lisa Alison Roberts, Shockley, Karen Elizabeth Joseph F. Patchell, Kathleen Janice L. Robertson, Charles Shrader, Irene Barbara o rTl Dlt::'(1rr 01 me "pIn. Shubin, James C. Siano, Life giving winds are felt Carol Anne Simcox, Glenn Edward Simpson, W. Gregg John Gregory Townsend, passing through one's soul. Simpson, Caterina Maria Michael Thomas Trio, Sinopoli, Nancy Jane Skean, Robert Bruce Turnbull, Jacqueline Ann Sloan, William J. Turner, III, Mary Judith Small, Ann Judith Laine VanValkenLee Smith, Cheryl Ann burg, Bruce Louis Veseth, Smith, Kevin Brian Smith, Paul A. Vitali, Geri A. Kevin Lee Smith, Jeanne Vitulli, The rush of wind, God's wings, Marie Soltner, Steven Also, Donna Joyce Wadsdeep in the cool forest at night Russell Speer, Cleo Speis, worth, Bruce E. Waldie, when all reins are fallen away, Faith, Ann Stanley, Leslie Maridel Ann Walsh, one's thoughts bolt forward, Ellen Sternberg, Claudia Deborah Hilton Walters, and without fear is heard on the wi Edith Stevenson, Michele Maurice W. Walton, Stewart, Michele Stong, The6dore William Ward, the song of rushing spirits. William David Strickland, Kenneth Ignatius Wareham, Debra Marie Strohofer, Beverly Jane Warwick, Patricia Sullivan, Raymond Dorian Hunter 'Way, Joan G. Supper, Donna Ellen Lorraine Weigelt, Wayne Suszczynski, Kathleen Anne Smith Weisel, Eric Lee WeitSweeney. Nozomi L. zel, Patty Karen Welch, Takashima, Robert Joseph . ,John D. Whit.e, Hp.Ather Tarsia, James Richard Mary Whitwell, Cheryl Ann Tashjian, Barbara Ann Williams, David Lee Taylor, Phyllis 1.. Tennyson, Williams, Laura Lee Kim Arlie Terry, Dennis Williams. Sarah Wendolyn Barton Thomas, Melissa Williams, Cynthia Ann Thomas, LYnn Day Thorpe, Wilson, Gary W. Wise, RanKathleen M. Tidd, Vivian C. dall John Wolters, Catherine Tingley, Patrick Thomas H. Woods, Charles W. Toal, Julie M. Torna, Wright, Cheryl Wyatt, Christina Marie Touhill, Nancy Jean Wyshinski, Wendy Lou Yoh.n, Deborah J. Young, Richard E. Zaffiri, Peter H. Ziebelman and, Rebecca Jill Ziv.
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Here the free spi rit of mankind at length, throws its last fetters off; and who shall place a limit to the giant's unchained strength, or curb his swiftness in the forward race? William Bryant
¡ .. And there are as many freedoms as there are birds in the sky or seeds in the ground. Freedom is anywhere; the earth has no limits, the stars are forever. Do not look for it in volumes of printed word, in the cities or the country, in the dark or in the lig ht. But rather find it in an amber dusk heavy with honeysuckle, in quiet woods of trees solid with the centuries, in the intricacy of a flower, and in the sweeping wheat blown across the field of your soul ...
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"Moon Marketi ng" Let's go to the market in the moon And buy some dreams together. Slip on your little silver shoon, And don your cap and feather. No need of petticoat or stocking. No one up there will think it shocking. Across the dew, Just I and you, With all the world behind us; Away from rules, Away from fools, Where nobody can find us. Let's go to the market in the moon And buy some dreams together. Richard Le Gallienne
... ,
The sea! the sea! the open sea! The blue, the fresh, the ever free! Bryan Waller Procter
I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dewdrop. Kahlil Glbran
Ded ication We would like to dedicate this book to those we feel it most concerns, the student body.
Faculty and Administration These th i ngs shall be, - a loftier race Than e'er the world hath known shall rise With flame of freedom in their souls, And light of knowledge in their eyes. John Addington Symonds
District Administration
Dr. R. Grove, Superintendent Ed.D. Columbia University
R. Simon, Administrative Assistant M.A. University of Pennsylvania
C. Hable, Assistant to Superintendent M.S. University of Pennsylvania
L. Bosko, Food Services Director M.Ed. Temple University
School Board Members-First row: A. McKee, Asst. Sec.; C. Lee; J. Gattinella, Pres.; J. Mannion. Second row: D. Gibbons; R. Simpson; J. Parmiter; D. Apostolu; P. Miller; R. Bullard, Sec.; W. Hushion, V. Pres.; D. Wolstenholme, Treas.
E. Renouf, Elementary Supervisor & Director of Special Education, M.Ed. Temple University
J. Bay, Assistant to Superintendent, MA Bucknell University
F. Pine, Director of Custodians
D. Fry, Mathematics Coordinator, Ed.D. Temple University
J. Trumbower, Language Arts Coordinator, M.S. Wesleyan University
J. Bartley, Science Coordinator, M.A.T. Brown University
J. Wilson, Director of Maintenance
High School Administration
E. Knorr, Principal M.S. Temple and American Universities
Freedom is one of the most difficult problems a high school student confronts. Everyone tells him how important it is. He discovers in English class that "Freedom has a thousand charms." lfet ----------------He has had little or no exposure to freedom in school or at home. Freedom means different things to different teachers. Freedom is something his parents think he probably isn't ready for. His peers frequently abuse their freedom. Freedom has the peculiar facility of never being relevant at those times he most wants to invoke it. Despite all this, he will spend the rest of his life in an environment which requires him to act as a free man. It seems to me that his school has no obligation more important than preparing him for such a life. Earl R. Knorr November 6, 1973 16
R. Dietrich, Assistant Principal MA Villanova University
T. Gartside, Assistant Principal M.S. Temple University
Someone has to hire and fire, organize the system, run the school, so the rest of us can go about our business of learning.
R. Shoemaker, Assistant Principal B.S. West Chester State College
A. Caldwell, Resource Room BA Syracuse University
H. Jamison, Psychologist, M.S. University of Pennsylvania; E. Bien, Asst., Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania; G. Wahl, Asst., M.S. University of Pennsylvania;K. Moss, Asst., M.S. University of Pennsylvania 17
B. Morrison, Switchboard Operator
F. Dunbrack, Mr. Dietrich's Office
E. Petre, Guidance Office
H. Lehman, Sec.'y to Mr. Shoemaker
M. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Dietrich's Office
E. Trucksess, Guidance Office
M. Clark, Sec.'y to Mr. Knorr
M. Roberts, Sec.'y to Mr. Knorr
R. Haenle, Guidance Office
M. Yokum, Division of Instruction
M. Hyne, Division of Instruction
B. Dusack, Division of Instruction
F. Ehrig, Business Office Missing: M. Omler, E. Ricketts
D. McGinnis, District Office
D. Northington, I. Paul, Business Office
D. French, Sec.'y to Dr. Grove
E. Coli, District Office
Behind the Scenes People
Cafe. Staff: S. DeCiarlo, B. Gambol, V. Martin, C. Moore, A. Thomas, C. Mowbray, F. Lutz, W. Burrell, L. Baker, B. Stone, R. Carbonaro, C. Bennett, D. Maker. Missing: S. Dalton.
J. Esposito, Nurse
F. Selleck, Maintenance
Maintenance: J. Gabany, J. Rankin, Bixler, H. Stauffer, A. Stang
Bus Drivers: B. Stravinsky, G. Osborn, C. Fulginiti, L. Prescott, B. Schnepp, A. Martin, L. Haigh, L. Gregg E. Wend Ie, Nurse
Mm, mm good, mm, mm, good. . .
Now, Now - Let's just stick to the innocent handholing ...
Thou wert my guide, phil'osopher, and friend. Alexander Pope
D. Fluke, Director, M.Ed. University of Pittsburg h
W, Campbell, MA California State University
Guidance "What are your plans for the future?" SHOCK " ... huh? who? ..... me?" When your future slaps you in the face, it's good to know you have someplace to start.
J. Way, MA University of Iowa W. Mackrides, M.S. University of Pennsylvania
J. Hirt, BA Eastern Baptist College
Career Resource Center The best education in the world is that got by struggling to get a living . w. Phillips
P. Brown, Southern Illinois University
Learning Materials Center Reading is the best medicine for a sick man, the best music for a sad man, the best counsel for a desperate man, the best comfort for one afflicted. John Florio
M. McConnell, M.S. Drexel University
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. Francis Bacon M. Young, M.S. Indiana University
R. Kramer, B.A. Wilson College
M. Valik, MA University of Pennsylvania
G. Adams, M.S. Villanova University
A. Barrett, BA Connecticutt College
Read ing
Books, the children of the brain.
K. Heilig, M.S. University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan Swift
A. Klineburger Educational Media Secretary
E. Thomas Educational Media Aide
F.Galiagher Ed ucational Media Secretary
A. Peterson, M.Ed. Penn State University
D. Schlesinger, B.A. University of Washington
I. Schmuckler, Dept. Mgr., Ed. M. Temple University
E. Fadden, A.B. Immaculata College
K. Merbreier, M.Ed. Temple University
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is, said Humpty Dumpty, which is to be master - that's all." Lewis Carroll
A. Brazill, B.S. West Chester State College
W, Cook, 8.S. Temple University
G. Ege, 8A Moravian College
K. Wallick, M.Ed. University of Pennsylvania
J. Stone, MA University of Arkansas
D. Eichenberger, M.S.Ed. University of Pennsylvania
C, Palmerio, MA Villanova University
K, Watson, 8A University of Pennsylvania
L. Landau, 8.S. West Chester State College
M. Smith, B.S. John Hopkins University
C. Allison, M.S. Penn State University
R. Filson, Dept. Head, M.Ed. Temple University
J. Stinson, M.A. Villanova University
B. Frattura, MA Seton Hall University
J. Jefferis, M.Ed. Temple University
R. Locker, BA Eastern College
A. Corbin, B.S. Temple University
P. Sanborn, MA West Chester State College
Social Studies The id iot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own. William Schwenck Gilbert
T. Grubb, B.S. Cheyney State College
S. Stefani, B.S. West Chester State College
K. Schaefer, M.S. Temple University
J. Scheuer, Ph.B. Dickinson College
J. Doyle, BA Bloomfield College
J. Hornaday, M.A. Tem pie University
T. Gallagher, A.M. Temple University
J. Zappacosta, MA
American Stud ies It often happens that only from the words of a good story-teller do we realize what we have done and what we have mised, and what we should have done and what we shouldn't have. It is perhaps in these stories, oral and written, that the true history of mankind can be found and that through them one can perhaps sense if not fUlly known the meaning of that history.
Villanova University
Ivo Andric
Neatness Counts!
M. Lamb, A.B. Dickinson College
3'retaking away Mrs. Henshey's Clorox one month ..."
glorious it is-and also how painfUl to be an excep-
n. Alfred de Musset
"Elementary, my dear Watson."
A. Reinsmith, M.A. Villanova University
A. Frye, B.A. University of Northern Colorado
K. Linaugh, B.S. Immaculata College
E. Troiano, B.S. West Chester State College
G. Long, M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania
~ ~ " , _ , F ' " , , ' ,
J. Semeister, M.S. University of Pennsylvania
G. Smith, B.S. West Chester State College
N. McConnell, BA West Chester State College
D. Bartow, M.Ed. West Chester State College G. Wood, Dept. Mgr., MA Villanova University
Science . the wise man looks into space, and does not regard the small as too little, nor the great as too big; for he knows that there is no limit to dimensions. Lao-tse H. Lemmon, B.S. West Chester State College
R. LeDonne, M.S. University of Pennsylvania
R. McClennen, B. S. Drexel University
J. Hipple, B.S. Penn State University
N. Adams, M.Ed. Temple University
libre frei
M. Walther, Spanish, MA Geneva College
N. Nardell, German, A.B. University of Pennsylvania
E. Schnitzer, Spanish, M.S. University De Nacional de Mexico
M. Papazian, French, M.A. Bryn Mawr College
Language Language!-the blood ofthesoul, into which our thoughts run, and out of which they grow .... Every language is a temple in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined. O. W. Holmes
A. Moral, Spanish, M.S.Ed. Temole University
B. Polinj, Spanish, M.S. University of Pennsylvania
L. Balukjian, Dept. Head, Latin, B.S. University of Pennsylvania
I. Harris, German, M.S.Ed. Antioch-Putney
D. Lamon, Spanish, BA Eastern College
L. Taylor, B.A. Am herst College
K. Curley, B.S. U.S. Naval Academy
L. Silvers, M.A. Villanova University
S. Hall, B.S. East Stroudsburgh State College
R. Eley, B.S. Ursinus College
R. Lee, A.B. Engineering, Stanford University
K. O'Brien, M.S. Villanova University
R. Young. BA La Salle College
G. Irvin, B,S. West Chester State College
E. Janczewski, B.S. West Chester State College
Mathematics " .. . the different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision." Lewis Carroll
R. Wentz, Dept. Mgr., M.A. Columbia University
A. Pogue, M.S. Purdue University
J. Brazenor, A.B. Gettysburg College
W. Speakman, MA Villanova University
Distributive Education Business more than any other occupation is a continual dealing with the future: it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight. Hen ry R. Luce
G. Hatten, Ed.M. Temple University
C. Pancoast, B.S. Temple University
P. Connor, BA Villanova University
Business Education The Business Department furnishes the input and society benefits from the output.
H. Beldecos, Dept. Head, M.Ed. Drexel University
E. Creed, B.M. University of Nebraska
G. Gooden, M.A. Villanova University
L. Ciocciola, B.S. Drexel University
Driver Ed ucation "They'll never replace the horse."
J. Peoples, M.A. Michigan State University
J. Cannon, M.Ed. Temple University
E. Smith, M.A. Michigan State University
Practical Arts
W. Morgan, B.S. Cheyney State College
A. Wentz, M.S. Kutztown State College
C. McCoy, B.Ed. Millersville State College
Each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, A book of rules; And each must make, Ere life is flown, A stumbling-block Or a stepping-stone. R. L. Sharpe
A. Scanlan, B.S. Drexel University
C. Tadd, B.S. Penn State University
J. Zwizanski, B.S. Mansfield State College
Special Education Child of the pure, unclouded brow And dreaming eyes of wonder! Though time be fleet and I and thou Are half a life asunder, Thy loving smile will surely hail The love-gift of a fairy-tale. Lewis Carroll
D. Vaughan, Elementary Ed., Villanova University
J. Knox, B.S. West Chester State College
L. Ardao, B.S. West Chester State College
R. Taylor, B.S. West Chester State College
J. Brusch, Dept. Chmn., M.S. West Chester State College
Physical Education Health is the vital principle of bliss, and exercise of health. G. Hart, M.S. West Chester State College
R. Fatscher, B.S. West Chester State College
James Thomson
N. McBrearty, B.S. Temple University
H. Bell, M.A. Temple University
B. Yaeck, M.Ed. University of Pittsburgh
Fine Arts One must stretch forth a courageous hand amidst the chaos of our lives and seize fast hold of art, of great and lasting art, which reaches beyond all things to eternity, which from the uppermost skies holds out its luminous hand, enabling us to soar boldly between heaven and earth, far above the confusion of the abyss. Wackenroder
The creative person is both primitive and more cultivated, more destructive and more constructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person. Dr. F. Barron
Art To draw, you must close your eyes and let your hands sing. Pablo Picasso
S. Kaminsky, Art Ed. M. Buffalo State University
"Oh! It's lovely! Look at that composition. What vivid color!" -and it's only a spilled splotch of paint on the floor-(seeing beauty in anyting is part of being an art teacher.) "By the way, will you clean up that paint?" (an art teacher is also neat.)
A. Hunt, Art Ed. M. Albright Art School
... Life itself is the real and most miraculous miracle of all. If one had never before seen a human hand and were suddenly presentee for the first time with this strange and wonderful thing, what a miracle, what a mysterious thing it would be. In plays I want to look at life as if we had just turned a corner and run into it for the first time. Christopher Fry
J. Pomilo
Music Music and rythm find their way into the secret places of the soul. Plato
L. DelNegro, Instrumental
D. Lauffer, Vocal
Executive and Advisory Councils
Advisory Council- First row: B. Marinari, T. Panczner, P. Morrison, G. Costalas, D. Anderson, F. Arsht, Second row: B. Tarsia, G. Toole, J. Moran, A. Primavera, K. Waterhouse, D. Walters, T. Mantegna, D. Ezzie, C. Amwake, M. Walton.
History proves that dictatorships do not grow out of strong and successful governments, but out of weak and helpless ones. If by democratic methods people get a government strong enough to protect them from fear and starvation, their democracy succeeds; but if they do not, they grow impatient. Therefore, the only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government. F. D. Roosevelt
He that would govern others, first should be master of himself. P. Massinger
First row: S. Arsht, N. Bacher, J. Gilboy, D. Roundtree. Second row: K. Ferber, J. Devine, S. Smith, G. Bellis, E. Mallas, R. Kiscaden.
First row: K. Davis, B. Prodoehl, B. Dawson, G. Toole, D. Ferrell. Second row: T. Stein, J. Fenza, J. Moran, P. Ziebelman, G. Dormer, R. Fenza.
First row: M. Marano, N. Wyshinski, K. Payne, D. Meredith, L. Moore, B. Forrest, L. Isherwood, C. Amwake, N. Davis, S. Briganti, P. Ziebelman, D. Helm Second row: G. Scioscia, K. Fagan, J. Irvin, J. Johns, P. Tennyson, N. Miller, B. Kromer, B. Harvey, C. Groome, F. Stanley, A. Christiansen, S. Arsht, C. Cope, M. Karpowich, P. Hall, R. Shoemaker, Sponsor Third row: N. Skean, D. Fredericks, M. Lintz, M. Bowe. L. Hauslein. P. Vitali. B. Tarsia. S. Forman, L. Morgan, J. Tashjian, M. Muscari, D. Way, C. Wilson, B. Bingamin, H. Gabriel, F. Ferrari
National Honor Society Recognition ... fantastic prod uction an assembly in December ... tutoring, when you can (here's a nickel, keep the change) Some question the value of the society, but it still remains an honor. Officers: R. Gill, Treasurer; P. Sullivan, President; N. Reed, Vice President; B. Prodoehl, Secretary
First row: D. Peterson, C. Appel, N. Takashima, B. Prodoehl, P. Sullivan Second row: C. Williams, L. Roberts, M. Stong, W. Jacoby, M. LeFever, K. Smith, K. Davis, N. Saller, N. Reed, J. Zappacosta, Sponsor Third row; D. Katz, S. Speer, K. McGinnis, C. Clark, D. Ferrell, R. Wolters, B. Grane, D. Metzler, J. Rees, R. Gill
S. Forman, C. Clark, N. Takashima. B. Tarsia, P. Sullivan, K. Pohlman. K. Davis. R. LeDonne. Sponsor
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Scott's Hi-Q To all students from the Scott's Hi-Q team: A function y = f(x) is continuous at x = c if a) f(c) exists b) lim f(x) exists and is finite c) f(c) = lim f(x) d) the Scott's Hi-Q team is departing on a unidirectional hejira terminating in pandemonium.
M. LeFever, Editor-in-Chief
L. Moore, News Editor
G. Long, Feature Editor
Spri-Hian Room 115-Globe Theater-Layouts-Deadlines-Pictures-Staff "Quick Gail, CREATE!"-Resignation Party-Let's play edit! Laurie: "Anybody got some news?"-You know, people don't apprecite this sincere effort-Ferrell, what's with you - get to work! - Where's Miss Hirt? - Mom, I won't be home for dinner - Michele: "Anyone wanta write a letter to the editor? - "Hey, order the pizza, paisano" - Is the printer cracked? - Shine on, shine on harvest moon - another heavy date with the Spir-Hian ... Good-bye, Room 155 .. "A Fool's Paradise" ... "All Hell did Stir Here."
J. Hirt, Advisor M. Rodney, Associate Editor
A. Horne, Assistant Editor
D. Ferrell, Sports Editor
Circulation Managers: M. Muscari, R. McClennan, L. Isherwood, S. Shell
News Staff: First row: L. Moore, A. Horne, J. Johns Second row: L. Papiernik, L. Moore, L. Lenthe, R. Schwartz Third row: C. Stevenson, G. Townshend, J. Schoultz
Sports Staff: First row: W. Bingamin, D. Ferrell, B. Veseth, N. Saller Second row: N. Davis, M. Marano, M. Walsh
Typing Staff: L. Morris, L. Russell, F. Stanley, A. Horne
Feature Staff: First row: K. Smith, L. Isherwood Second row: S. Forman, L. Papiernik, G. Long, H. Whitwell Third row: D. Davis, K. Sweeney, P. Ziebelman, G. Scioscia, D. Peterson, P. DeAngelis
Circulation Staff: First row: P. Flynn, M: Marano, S. Lehman, C. Cardillo, M. Muscari, C. Ventriglia Second row: S. Klatt, M. Lintz, D. Eustace, C. Amwake, L. Isherwood, P. Hoath, B. Beam, R. McClennan
S. Klatt, Copy Editor; M. Lintz, Literary Editor; Paul
A. Peterson, Sponsor
Sitting: S. Klatt, P. Sullivan, A. Reed, K. Smith, D. Davis, S. Hemphill, N. Miller. Standing: F. Wehmeyer, C. Edwards, B. Wyllie, C. Huckaba, O. Goldin, M. Lintz, S. DeFarges, B. Forrest, J. Shea, D. Drevyanko, N. Simon, in tree: D. Wei, L. Thorpe.
Literary Magazine cupcakeslet's hire a tap dancing frog for pUblicity, that should get us some creativity -THE box in the librarynight meetings of poetry and popcornstill more cupcakes sales slips, slipping up the saleszany editors-putting your heart down in wordsin the end, memories, a beautiful masterpiece, and cupcakes.
litali, Art Editor; Nadine Miller, Editor-in-Chief
C. Kelley, Layout Editor
M. Stong, Editor-in-Chief
M. LeFever, Underclassmen Edit,
, h
Scrivener B. Kromer, Copy Editor
N. Takashima, Art and Miscellaneous Editor
Where are the pictures? - Cat Stevens, Dylan - meetings with Mortimer - Drexel Hill special "That would make a good picture!" - Ginny: a BS degree? Doonesbury and Peanuts cropping - senior portraits: how many times can a camera break? - frustration -"Thank God for liquid paper!" - "Noz, draw a freedom!" - Christmas decorations - 51 and dropping - it's hard to type with mittens on! nicknames? - Howard - HELP! - senior collage - "Carol, at least someone around here is neat!" - panic - Jamaica! Michele: underclasspeoples? "I want to know beans" - March 15: FREE! ... Incredible ... 0
S. Speer, Sports Editor
G. Long, Faculty Editor
P. DeAngelis, Activities Editor
G. Ozer, Senior Editor
N. Wyshinsky and C. Amwake, Business Co-Editors
B. Young, Business Sponsor
Business Staff: First row: S. Haimowitz, J. Sihler, M. DiMaio, L. Papiernick, L. Williams, M. McTiernan, L. Morris, T. Rickard, T. Brice. Second row: J. Irvin, B. Forrest, J. Charles, J. Broome, D. Borriello, C. Groome, D. Postals, T. Mantegna, C. Byles, K. Fagan, D. Mongelli. Third row: R. Young, N. Wyshinski, L. Russell, S. Rasmussen, W. Yohn, D. Eustace, R. Longaker, P. Kelly, C. Simcox, D. Fredericks, C. Amwake.
T. Freedman, Photography Editor
Layout Staff: Sitting: B. Forrest, S. Forman, N. Dyson, A. Reed, L. Papiernik, N. Simon. Standing: F. Arsht, S. Jeckel, D. Pedigo, M. Lintz, D. Meredith, K. Payne, L. Russell, C. Stevenson.
J. Zischkau, Photographer
I. Schmuckler, Sponsor
J. Dickinson, Photographer F. Easterday, Asst. Photography Editor
Social Service He gives nothing who does not give of himself. French Proverb
J. Hornaday, Sponsor
First row: L. Talone; D. Martin; D. Wei; W. Yohn; D. Hudson; D. Peracchia; S. Rasmussen; C. Peracchia; O. Goldin Second row: D. Fulford; G. Reinstein; J. Reynolds; N. Colgan; N. Warrick; P. DeAngelis; S. Forman; D. Mewha; C. Huckaba Third row: C. Flogaus; L. Leach; D. Durham, President; K. Durham; S. Rice; M. Lintz; D. Lawrence, Vice-President
T.V. Crew Cap the camera, turn it on INT., Want a candy, little girl? Far out, that's number 12, Neil! Move with the action, don't trip on that ... Boom, Crash, Thud! Turn off the switch, rewind ... Siavo is ... Time flies in that studio.
First row: J. Shea, C. DeHaven, T. Williams, R. Federman Second row: J. Schoultz, A. Sosangelis, N. Saller Third row: C. Zirpoli, D. Hafer, K. Killen, M. Valeck, Sponsor, D. Lynch
Weig htl ifti ng Club Just a bunch of guys who can work out with weights, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, all year round.
Aud io Visual Shut the door, this is not a throughway! deliver the projector ... who pocketed the elevator key? playa record (quietly!) Won't anybody go to the lower school? All right, who broke it? he didn't return it again? "But nobody picked it up!" click ... click ... click First row: R. LaPorta, J. BUZby, D. Clark, R. Henshey Second row: P. Quinn, D. Seeger, K. Fagan, M. Scanzaroli, K. Killen, B. Harvey, C. DeHaven, K. Cottrill, N. Saller, J. Nieder, A. Smith, B. Milne, D. Miller
E. Thomas, Sponsor; P. Quinn, Pres.; K. Fagan, Treas.; A. Smith, Secy.; B. Milne, V.Pres.
S. Stafani, Sponsor
Service Club We are dedicated to the welfare and well-being of our school and show our devotion by moving tables.
Stage Crew
First row: K. Laux, K. Walls, L. Marshall, C. Mowry, M. Keller, D. Clark, C. McFadden, B. Pinnock, D. Walls, C. Winkler. Second row: C. Woj, K. Logan, K. Horn, L. Thorpe, K. Finley, D. D'Egidio, M. Laux, N. Morgan, C. Zirpoli, P. O'Neill. Third row: F. Splane, B. Pohlman, C. DeHaven, D. Linch, M. DiZebba, C. Starr, J. Reid, A. Pinnock, B. Clark, C. Potts, D. Wei, G. Parker, B. Davidson, M. Anastas, J. Hipple, Sponsor
Officers: First row: F. Splane; President, C. Star Stage Manager, M. Anasatas; Vice Presiden Second row: C. Woj; Secretary, P. Minteer; Treasurer
A freaky group of Greeks, Spuds, and Pollacks and miscellaneous led by Sexy Uncle Joe making props moving props propping props Drambuie-take an excursion to Taco Land-Thank y------
Leaders Club
First row: L. Papiernik, E. Krimmel, S. Hilliard. Second row: M. Humpreys, D. Eustace, S. Fanelli, C. Laub, P. Hoath, N. Skean.
Spending extra time in the gym sounds crazy to most people, but not to us. We like to work in athletics and with people, so the few hours a week are worth it. From being a spotter on the unevens, to being a referee for a speeda-way game, we get experience in doing what we like.
Varsity Club A group of girls who have all earned a varsity letter in sports - new member induction-the Faculty Basketball gameselling programs at home basketball games - the Christmas Tea for alumnae - THE week-end trip - provid ing money for refreshments for all girls' teams - at the end of the year, awarding a scholarship to some lucky senior member.
First row: C. Ventriglia, H. Gabriel, C. Appel, B. Beam, N. Davis, L. Morgan. Second row: J. Brusch, N. Miller, D. McGuinness, M. Small, G. Povey, M. Walsh. Third row: J. Watt, Y. Ciarlo, C. Zippi, N. Skean, J. Pollock, C. Petruzzelli, P. Petrie.
D.E.C.A. Distributive Education Clubs of America - students who prepare for careers in marketing and merchandising. Reasons for belonging: Vocational understanding Social intelligence Civic consciousness Leadership development Students compete in such events as advertising, display, billboard and poster drawing, sales demonstration, job interview, pUblic speaking, shadow box display, mathematics for merchandising, marketing terminology, and human relations.
G. Hatten, Sponsor
Clockwise: R. D'Ortone, S. Ferlita, L. Johnstonbaugh, K. Tidd, L. Glenstrup, C. Wyatt, R. DiNicola, B. Warwick, G. Nelson, E. Sheehan.
German Club Starting out as a German class, we evolved into the German Club. We are open to all German students and Germanophiles who wish to absorb the German culture. Scrabble "auf deutsch", postcards from Erika, Bertolt Brecht's "Three Penny Opera", Rodger Broadley, Pennsylvania Dutch country, parties for every occasion, cheese fondue, "Kopferl in Sand", Goethe und Co., Rhine wine, etc. First row: K. Ruch, D. Wilhelm, Kucherinnen K. Davi~ and K. Sweeney, J. Kadin, C. Gammarino, P. Ziebelman, K. Pohlman P. Vitali. Second row: J. Mingle, J. Bollinger, N. Duerr, Fuhrerin Harris, D. Metzler.
Pep Club We've all got the screaming me-me's; those bus rides ... mornings in the fall, nights in the winter. Cheering our heads off-excitement-go, cougars, gohoping we added a little something.
S. Stefani, sponsor
Aviation Club Soaring! Flying above the clouds ... DC-8, B-27, 747 ... future pilots Cmd r. Taylor ... pilot's license flaps ... Co-pilot to crew . Everything is under complete control! Preparing, recruiting ... TAKE-OFF!
Back row: D. Lynch, J. Ford, B. Troutman, B. Milne, B. Lingenfelter, J. Mander, Mr. Taylor, Sponsor. Front row: C. DeHaven, J. Gildner. J. Hazzard
Photography Club Scum in the Dektol Hall how many prints can you make in five seconds? dust on the negatives hilated prints omit army training films in the end a picture of us all.
First row: D. Ruprecht, F. Giardini, J. Zischkau, T. Freedman, F. Easterday. Second row: B. Caffrey, K. Warham
T. Grubb, Sponsor; F. Easterday, President; J. Dickinson, Treasurer; T. Freedman, Vice-President
Chess Club War! A battle to the death dating back to 400 B.C. Spassky-Fischer ... off to Siberia Oh well, try again. Another game? Today the game, tomorrow the world!
First row: J. McMillan; J. McGonigle-Treas., D. Hofer-Sec'y. Second row: J. SemeisterSponsor, T. Chambers; B. Bernados, M. McDaniel
Aides Not because I want to be noticed, just because somebody needs my help.
Library aides: First row: D. Drevyanko, D. Wilhem. A. Gettemuller. V. Berg. K. Lai.Jx, C. Young, S. Bruce, M. Godziebam. M. Donally. Second row; J. Hazzard, R. DeFuria, R. Holden, N. Bruce. L. DiCampli, J. Smith, R. Crowe, L. Anjstadt, R. Schwartz. B. Wylie. Third row: N. Ventrella, B. Stanley, J. Mingle. F. Wehmeyer, S. Johnston, N. Henshey
The discovery that other kids, a little different than us, are even more aware and capable of loving and being a person, an individual, than we are, makes being a special education aide a fabulous privilege.
Special Ed. Aides: N. Wyshinski. L. Russell, M. Lintz, S. Rasmussen, J. Pollock, P. Brunone, W. Yohn, P. Leavitt
S. Forman, Guidance Aide
-----------------------------------------~,.~,~ ".,"~~~"~
P. Ziebelman, Treasurer
K. Davis, President
Y.E.A. Youth Eats Association? no-Youth Education Association, meeting people through: dinners-meetings tutoring-IecturesIt's a learning experience.
From left, standing: G. Scioscia; K. Pohlman; P. Ziebelman; L. Papiernik; L. Isherwood; L. Russell; D. DelNegro; S. Rasmussen; W. Yohn; C. Breingan; C. Cope; J. Moran; P. DeAngelis; K. Davis; S. Forman; V. McDevitt; H. Whitwell From left, sitting: G. Simpson; N. Conant; N. Davis; M. Muscari; K. Smith; S. Lynch; S. Hamowitz; D. Peterson; T. Rickard
G. Scioscia, Vice-President
S. Forman, Secretary
Polish-American Club
I to r: Mikotaj Wzenstawska; Jerzy Jefferenski; Piotr Kobrowska; Stasia Glassberstowska; Jozefa Episitowski; Jadwiga Mongelenski; Marijola Milikenski; Karola Hardinska; B. Maccleninski; Jozef Slomenska; Kasia Kurtzek; Kazimierz Chacosky; Miecistawa Galenski; Juewana Galenski; Antoni Mazonzek; Jan Penzech; Stefan Flacaenszko
Kazimierz Chacosky, Sekretarz
We, the Polacks of the Polish American Club, do hereby unite for the purpose of perplexing others. And, in the event of the coming of the going, on the standpoint of not confusing others, and not being verbose, we intend to destroy the absurd and uphold the dignity of our moral and permeating rights. Ergo, it is our obligation to propagandize and polackiate each disrespectable member of society.
Cenzor-Pan Jerzy Jefferenski
From left: Marijola Milikenski, Prezeska; B. Maccleninski; Juewana Galenski, Ochwat; Miestawa Galenski, Wice-Prezeska
J.E.T.S. Junior Engineering Technical Society looking at the comet a token female? the infamous Christmas party a rock concert in May doing our bit-offering $400 to the commons all year round we did the unusual.
First row: D. Esposito, C. Roselle, K. Killen. Second row: D. Hartshorn, J. Zischkau, C. DeHaven, T. Freedman, Third row: D. Lynch, J. Mingle, L. DiPietro, B. Harvey, S. Ramey, K. Littleton, S. Kuerschner, B. Bernados, J. Doyle, Sponsor.
Student Exchange
Inez Sotro, Argentina
I have been in so many places; I have met wonderful people; and I have learned many things, butthe main reason why I have enjoyed this year so much, is because I found good friends and a family to love - I have to come back to Springfield because it is my second home.
The first time I walked into this school, I could hardly believe it; I wasn't used to the carpets or anything. I saw many schools here, but none were as nice as the new wing of SHS. The kind of teachers here struck me, too. In Italy, they are mostly of the "robot" kind and the only relationship you can have with them is the kind you can have with a book. The kids are OK, too. I think most of them are very nice and friendly. Of course here as in every other place in the world, there are some really rotten people who distinguish themselves; I would really be surprised if I could find a place without this kind of people. Lreally would. Renzo Mangini
Inez Sotro
Renzo Mangini, Italy
Springfield Theatre orkshop
"Men who love humanity have all dreamed of bringing all their fellow men together in a state of carefree happiness. And only the world of the theatre ever really succeeds in doing this. For a minute or two-and this is a long time-the theatre makes man better and happier on this earth. That is why I love theatre."
J. Pomilo, Director
Every now and then, when you're on the stage, you hear the best sound a player can hear. It's a sound you can't get in movies or in television. It is the sound of a wonderful, deep silence that means you've hit them where they live. Shelly Winters
Music We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems. A. Shaugnessy
L. DelNegro, Director of Instrumental Music
D. Lauffer, Director of Choral Music
Orchestra Just as my fingers on these keys make music, so the self-same sounds on my spirit make a music, too. W. Stevens
Brass, first row: D. Larish, A. Miller, S. Lynch. second row: G. Phillips, J. Locker, B. Lingenfelter, D. Parmiter, S. Blumberg, T. Williams, R. Flegel, G. Merkel, K. Lord. third row: M. Imming, D. Gosnay, D. Harrison, D. Metzler, D. Locher, C. Lenthe, D. DelNegro, R. Prescott, N. Duerr, J. Bittner.
Woodwinds, first row: L. Hauslein, R. Jackie, M. Belczyk, W. Weisel, M. Alburger. second row: J. Neubert, D. Roberts, C. Ventriglia, J. Murray, S. Speer, K. Long, J. Hollinshead, P. Mooney, C. Pratt, B. Bernard, S. Belczyk. third row: B. Young, A. Pearlman, L. Moore, P. Thayer, D. Mewha, D. Feld, S. Jeckel, N. Simon, L. Lenthe, M. Compton, T. Baughn, S. Solovey.
L. Manley, L. Moore, Sec.'ys.
Violas and Cellos, first row: J. Blotter, N. Takashima, B. Kromer, M. Brennan, H. Galanos, A. Williams. second row: G. Cardillo, N. Miller, D. Toftsted, M. Takashima, M. Glazer, C. Stevenson, L. Manley, L Thorpe, B. Guregian.
Percussion, first row: B. Elfont, S. Pemberton, S. Laughead, B. Fleming. String Bass, second row: C. Brisbane, N. Yannelli, D. Blair, C. Balchiunas, D. Wei, R. Blewitt, R. Blue, M. Peterson, D. Miller.
Violins, first row: B. Ziv, M. Stolar, C. Scarani, K. McNeill, A. Young, A. Grallnick, D. Wurzer, S. Lehman, S. Hauslein. second row: D. Katz, D. Peterson, G. Long, L. Roberts, P. Kelly, K. Dubendorf, S. Duffy, B. Denison, J. Schoultz, W. DeWoody.
Color Guard "routine, begin!" - hup, hup 3, 4 - guide right knees high - 8 to five - "snap those flags" - night practices - inspection - bucks for band - white heels - COLD - victory parades - "who gets stuck with the banner?" - frostbite at Radnor- Thanksgiving breakfast at Perkin's - corsages - Band concert - color guard, PLumber 3-1919 ... Sergeants: C. Stevenson, M. LeFever
First row: B. Dawson, L. Batch, co-sgt.; N. Conant, S. Shell, D. Chester. Second row: M. LeFever, T. Walski, M. Glazer, D. Peifer, J. Hillgartner, P. Kelly. First row: R. Cooke, D. Pedigo, S. Ardary, A. Dorwart. Second row: C. Kelley, D. Wilson, C. Huckuba, J. Pollock, C. Stevenson. Missing: N. Davis, co-sgt.
ajorettes Well girls, another year is gone with night practices, cold hands, black heels, runners in stockings, sewing-up zippers, Wendy's Corvair, the Pancake House, victory parades, walking off the field, being called "grannies", losing our voices ... and why do we do it? to do it all again.
Feature Twirler: M. McTiernan
Sergeant: W. Powell
W. Powell, P. Leavitt, D. Joyce, K. Glacken, K. Welch, L. Pizzi russo, K. Shunk, E. Finnegan, D. Hudson, P. Hoath, L. Dill
Cougarettes Get those knees higher! -you bunch of Grannies - smile, Anita is watching us - "Are they elephant feet I hear?" - Hey, rah-rah! -white shoe polish - blow drying our pom-poms lost mittens - the battle of the bodysuit ponytails - Anita Esposito Rauch and Chickies!
Co-captains: J. Irvin, J. Broome
First row: P. Reed, J. Broome. J. Irvin. L. Ersek. Second row: C. Groome, M. Booty, K. Shrader. S. Haimowitz, L. Bradley. Third row: S. Klatt, G. Cassels, E. Balsey. C. Simcox, M. Colgan.
Dance Band
First row: M. Brennan. D. Roberts, C. Ventriglia, R. Esposito, conductor; D. Harris, B. Wilson, S. Share. Second row: N. Yannelli, S. Pemberton, L. Hauslein, J. Jones, L. Manley, B. Chestnutt, P. Thayer, B. Gibson, N. Simon. Third row: J. Locher, B. Lingenfelter, J. Bittner, B. Van Patter, D. DelNegro, D. Locher, D. Metzler, D. Harrison, S. Blumberg. R. Esposito, Drum Major
I never heard so musical a discord, such sweet thunder. W. Shakespeare
String basses: N. Yannelli, R. Blewitt, C. Balchiunas, M. Lintz, D. Miller, D. Lawrence, N. Bruce. Horns: B. Smith, R. Prescott, K. Teare, E. Fowler, J. Bollinger.
Clarinets, first row: N. Morgan, L. Conrad, D. Roberts, C. Ventriglia, P. Ege, M. Brennan, J. Murray, M. Carney, D. Wright. Second row: D. Semanik, L. Morris, C. Williams, J. Neubert, J. Oliver, L. Russell, L. Williams, M. SUllivan, M. Gressang, J. Zischkau. Third row: K. Crispin, D. Morris, J. Blodgett, L. Haigh, A. Petrillo, M. Belczyk, L. Hauslein, R. Jackie, E. Jackson, D. Braid.
Trumpets, first row: J. Barasatian, R. Burke, R. Crowe, J. Forrest. Second row: B. Lingenfelter, R. Grane, B. Gibson, S. Blumberg, J. Bittner, B. Stanley. Third row: S. Belfiglio, J. Manders, D. Harrison, D. Metzler, D. Locher, B. Bingamin, D. Parmiter, B. Cole.
Brass, first row: S. Gotwols, S. Shane, A. Baxter, J. Nicholson, K. Lord, A. Miller, D. Larish, S. Lynch. Second row: G. King, J. Locher, N. Duerr, D. DelNegro, K. Guerin, G. Phillips, T. Williams.
Band Highstep! 8 to 5, just Woodwinds, first row: E. Cassidy, S. Speer, D. Riegner, B. Wilson, D. Harris, C. Piatt, B. Bernard. Second row: L. Lenthe, S. Solovey, S. Schweizer, B. Chestnutt, W. Weisel, M. Alburger. Third do what another "even" row: S. Belczyk, K. Long, J. Hollinshead, S. Bernard, W. Garula, P. Mooney. does-good old March America!-the mad rush for white shoe polish before inspectionsfrozen hands-confetti in a trumpet-eat 'em up"take it back to the 45""this is not a social hour"-those unique cadences-victory parades-new routine, learning it in the dark-"EXPAND"-trying to see Espo-"color guard, ho!"practicing the fanfare of Bugler's Dream at least 100 times-districts here!-regionals, states (?)-wearing the wrong pants-finally settling down to concert band-pretending you hate band; staying in for some reason, Flutes, first row: L. Teore, D. Feld, B. Young, S. Jeckel, P. Thayer, A. Pearlman. Second even though your mom said row: M. Horiwitz, J. Johns, C. Breingan, M. Humphreys, N. Simon, M. Herbert. Third row: you could quit. D. Blair, S. Davidson, D. Fredricks, L. Manley, D. Mewha, K. Reigner, K. Allison.
Tubas, first row: S. Hauslein, M. Imming, K. Dubendorf, D. Gosnay, K. King, D. Katz. Second row: C. Brisbane, S. Duffy, B. Van Patter, D. Hudson, R. Blue, K. Rosser.
District and Regional Music
District Orchestra - First row: R. Ziv, N. Takashima, H. Galanos, M. Brennan, D. Katz, C. Stevenson, M. Alburger, S. Pemberton, L. Hauslein. Second row: R. Blewitt, D. Peterson, L. Roberts, D. Locher, C. Lenthe, N. Duerr, M. Takashima, S. Belczyk, J. Bittner.
W. Jacoby, District and Regional Chorus. Regional Orchestra - first row: N. Duerr, S. Belczyk, D. Katz, B. Ziv. second row: M. Brennan, D. Peterson, N. Takashima. N. Miller, District Chorus
District Band - First row: S. Lynch, C. Ventriglia, M. Brennan, N. Simon, A. Pearlman, B. Jackie, S. Pemberton, D. Larish. Second row: N. Yannelli, R. Blewitt, P. Thayer, L. Lenthe, S. Belczyk, W. Weisel, M. Alburger, L. Hauslein. Third row: J. Bittner, C. Williams, G. King, D. Locher, D. DelNegro, N. Duerr, D. Gosnay, G. Phillips.
G. Townsend, District Chorus
Regional Band Gosnay.
S. Belczyk, M. Brennan, D. Locker, C. Lenthe, G. Phillips, L. Hauslein, D.
Junior Choir Hi Babes-Hi Dawk-six demerits. for gum-take it from the edge-solos-let me tell you about Europe-eight parts combining (sometimes) in harmony-"Mr. Lauffer, what's an interval again?"-Finally the concert arrives and quickly goes, but the memory remains.
Officers: A. Catona, Pres.; P. Hoath, Sec.; B. Paradis, V. Pres.; D. Miller, Accomp.
First row: L. Belfiglio, R. Malloy, C. Peracchia, S. Kestler, N. Conant, L. Briganti, R. Donze, A. Grallnick, D. Grane, L. Chestnutt, B. Bowen, C. Conant, A. Williams, M. Carney, T. Tashjian, K. Jannetti, P. Esposito, M. Brennan, K. Mulliniaux, N. Bellis, E. Mallas, D. Flannery, K. McNeil. Second row: K. Crispin, S. DeFarges, N. Cimini, B. Turnbull, D. Morris, D. Prescott, S. Johnston, R. Clatterbaugh, P. Prodoehl, D. Wilson, N. Miller, L. Eustace, M. Glazer, P. Hoath, D. Durzer, M. Jones, J. Gilmore, M. Humphreys, K. Kanakis, C. Ventriglia, J. Bradfield, J. Gilboy, P. Thayer, A. Dorwart, R. Daniels, G. Bellis, A. Butler. Third row: T. Shada, M. DeliaPolla, R. Morgan, J. Davidson, B. Davidson, B. Heavey, B. Potts, D. Allen, T. Wise, T. Oliver, S. Schwiezer, P. Petrillo, R. Holden, B. Cardillo, J. Mackrides, T. Lovell, B. Breingan, L. Gutshall, D. Harris, K. Toney, G. Bareis, J. Porter, B. Paradis, J. Hazard. Fourth row: S. Griffith, D. Bratz, K. Hardcastle, B. MacCartney, R. Fenza, S. Baun, D. Schell, K. Wesner, D. Welsh, E. Jackson, M. Troutman, D. Esposito, B. Van Patter, B. Haslett, K. Smith, R. Clayton, B. McDevitt, N. Spennato, E. Wassem, B. Doemling, M. Pohlman, J. Gildner, J. Waters, D. Hickey, H. VanValkenberg, D. Heberling, D. Pratt. Accompanist: D. Miller.
First row: S. Walker, G. Scannon, J. Nonemaker, C. Conklin, C. Fielding, W. Bacher, C. Craig, H. Galanos, J. Dyson, P. Francia, D. Bartoletti, N. DeCowsky, L. DeCowsky, L. Pizzi russo, S. Handline, M. Wilcox, S. Miller, D. Mattei, B. Jones, K. Pfleiger, J. Kearney. Second row: G. Costalas, J. Sheppman, J. Jones, J. Mauger, J. Hahn, J. Gallagher, N. Rose, D. Glassberg, H. Nelson, L. Lenthe, B. Krynick, L. Lynn, J. Mingle, D. Knowles, H. Criston, S. Forman, K. Snyder, C. Shell, C. Leo, E. DeMarco, N. Bradley. Third row: K. Shockley, L. Millichap, D. Roberts, D. McGuinness, S. Irwin, K. Allison, P. Daley, L. Dill, G. Roderick, E. Waldie, J. Morrow, J. Watson, C. Kirkman, A. Roberts, A. Markiewicz, F. Arsht, J. Langwig, P. Ege, C. Ciampoli, V. Pechter, J. Parker, D. Pedigo, M. Buchanan. Fourth row: K. Thompson, B. Reynolds, M. Myers, J. Smith, S. Buongiorno, D. Thorpe, D. Reimund, B. Walsh, W. Windle, L. Genzel, S. Hagy, J. Stagliano, K. Horn, L. Rickards, M. Donnall, J. Troutman, S. Barrett, A. Gettemuller, M. Ransom, L. Matthews. Accompanists: A. Horne, D. Miller.
Officers: N. Bacher, V. Pres.; G. Costal as, Pres.; J. Parker, Sec.-Treas.; D. Miller, Accomp.; A. Horne, Accomp.
Junior Chorus Music's not something we experience, but rather an idea we can have, the expression of which can never be perfect though we ought - for artistic and moral reasons - to bring it as close to perfection as possible. A. Schoenberg
Glee Club If you think you've hit a false note, sing loud. When in doubt, sing loud! R. Merrill
Officers: (Clockwise) B. Gibson; Accompanist, G. Polischuk; Sec'y Treas., J. Bradfield; Vice President, B. Esposito; President.
First Row: M. McGonigle, M. Keller, S. Rosser, B. Esposito, J. Bradfield, J. Polischuk, B. Gibson, D. McLean. Second Row: P. Missiras, P. Esgro, B. Milne, D. Esposito, K. McTague, M. McGillivray, B. Stanley, J. Buzby, R. Matthews, M. Kloss. Third Row: M. Nelson, J. McCleary, C. Roselle, S. Bramble, M. Foley, J. Shaw, A. Amorosi, R. Hakun, S. Ramey, J. Dickinson, T. Wise. Fourth Row: B. Veseth, K. Simpson, L. Marcu, G. Belk, K. Thompson, B. Jacoby, D. Hartshorn, N. Harris, J. Glaser, G. Townsend.
First row: K. Ruch, B. Forrest. J. McClellan, M. McTiernan. S. Lynch. T. Rickard, J. Reynolds. J. Davison, S. Lehman. C. Oyler. P. DeAngelis. D. Catona. H. Cook. A. Reed, G. Dormer. Second row: P. Tennyson. D. Ferrell. M. Muscari. W. Wolters, D. Sudjian, J. Sihler. D. Mewha, D. Chester. N. Colgan, P. Flynn, M. Marano. C. Kolojeski. G. Cassels. B. Guregian. C. Desiderio. S. Fannelli. Third row: K. Kurtz, M. Milliken, P. Minteer. C. Spishak. L. Marone. J. Hillgartner, J. Pollock, C. Patrucci. M. LeFever, C. Simcox. A. Miller, C. Stevenson, L. Menold, G. Povey. G. Shelling, C. Kauffman. C. DePugh. M. Colgan.
Officers: G. Dormer; Accomp., A. Reed; Accomp .â&#x20AC;˘ M. Muscari; President. S. Shockley; Vice President. B. Coleman; Sec¡y.
Senior Chorus Music is indivisible. The dualism of feeling and thinking must be resolved to a state of unity in which one thinks ,with the heart and feels with the brain. George Szell
First row: M. M uscari, N. Davis, W. Jacoby, B. Kromer, M. Stolar, S. Katz, N. Dyson, G. Dormer, S. Myers, C. Kramer, N. Simon, D. Penn, N. Miller, M. Stong, G. Ozer, C. Petruzzelli, K. Glacken, P. Ebsworth, D. Catona, D. Wei, C. Woods, Y. Ciarlo, H. Gabriel, B. Coleman, C. Kistler. Second row: G. Long, L. Schmidt, B. Prodoehl, P. Tennyson, S. Hemphill, D. Walters, B. Ziv, L. Wasshem, R. Baltzer, J. Devine, L. Morgan, L. Fry, C. Kelley, D. Blair, C. Huckaba, P. Petrie, W. Yohn, L. Isherwood, L. Thorpe, B. Swan, B. Dawson, D. Lefferts, S. Shockley, M. Bowe, D. Pratt, B. Beam, D. Peterson, L. Roberts. Third row: J. Montague, G. Belk, J. Spahr, M. Buongiorno, D. Ferrari, J. Moore, P. Missiras, S. Ramey, O. Goldin, L. Marcu, C. Roselle, N. Saller, B. Waldie, M. McGonigle, S. Kuerschner, B. Turnbull, M. Karpowich, M. Bratz, J. Opdenaker, C. Potts, G. Polischuk, J. Mingle, D. Helm, J. Bradfield. Fourth row: P. Bellis, B. Richards, B. Carter, J. Hollinshead, P. Owen, G. Simpson, J. Desiderio, J. Anderson, R. Baratiak, R. Carter, M. Nelson, B. Veseth, G. Simpson, B. Sherman, N. Harris, B. Forrester, G. Townsend, C. Nagle, W. Phillips, J. Johnston, J. McCleary, D. McLean, R. Esposito. Accompanists (left to right): B. Gibson, N. Takashima, A. Reed.
Officers: A. Reed, accomp.; N. Miller, sec'y.; J. Montague, pres.; N. Takashima, v. pres. and accomp.; B. Gibson, accomp.; G. Townsend, sec'y.
Senior Choir Music is music now if it is not interrupted by ambient sounds just as a painting is a painting now if it is not spoiled by the action of shadows. What is the crux of the matter as far as a listener is concerned? It is this: he has ears; let him use them. J. Cage
Sports To be free is to move; to bend, to twist, to straighten beyond endurance, to hurl oneself into space with arms outstretched, to truly find how far one can reach.
First row: P. Flynn, Co-Captain; S. Shockley, Captain; V. Batch, Co-Captain. Second row: M. Meyer, W. Wolters, G. Dormer, D. Knorr, S. Welch, M. Stolar. Third row: G. Toole, B. Swan, M. O'Reilly, D. Reimund.
Cheerleaders tri-captains fire up! ... holy, new uniforms ... holy, holy cards a lot of tears ... sex objects fights? ... surprise parties! cookies and decorations banquets ... do it, do it, we did it!
Junior High Cheerleaders
Soccer Summer practice and laps · .. Crazy quits B.B.'s ... ties ... Attitudes the gills · .. drop a dime Radnor · .. four wins, two losses, six ties is discouraging, but it was enjoyable.
First row: B. Heavy. R. Wolters, C. Cope, T. Rudolf, Tri-captains; S. Arsht, D. Ferrell, S. Belfiglio, S. Briganti, B. Sheehan, S. McDowell. Second row: E. Russom, J. Zischkau, B. Hartzell, J. Ferringo, D. Williams, R. Clifton, D. Metzler, F. Ferrari, R. Freedman, T. Scott, Coach Speakman.
Varsity Record Springfield Opponent 2 West Chester 1 1 Harriton o 1 Concord 1 o Brandywine o o Penncrest o 1 Ridley 2 1 Haverford 5 Conestoga 1 1 o Upper Darby o o Marple Newtown o 3 Lower Merion o 3 Radnor 2 Won 4; Lost 2; Tied 6
Junior High Soccer Team
First row: J. Shea, R. Thayer, B. Little, R. Hepler, J. Forrest, D. Pratt, D. Myers, J. Scanzaroli, F. Pflieger, D. Scarani. Second row:R. Ferrari, J. Shea, J. Shada, G. Soltner, L. Gutshall, K. Kelly, B. Ruprecht, F. Lewis, R. Fisher, L. Kiscaden, B. Schwartz, B. Whitehead, Coach Irvin.
Football Practices three times a day? Sweat and determination built our 8-2 season. Enthusiasm and great fan support not seen in several years led to a successful season. After two heartbreaking defeats we showed our pride and dedication by coming back to win the final game of the season.
First row: Mgr. D. Abbott, B. Joy, B. Gannett, S. Coleflesh, D. LeVasseur, B. Coleflesh, P. Hall, B. Bingamin, R. Falls, Mgr. B. Veseth, Mgr. J. McCleary. Second row: Coach Bell, R. Dissinger, M. Conway, D. Damon, S. Hornick, D. Helm, M. Walton, Capt. J. Siano, Capt. J. Crescenzi, Capt. J. Muller, B. McCloskey, J. Arty, Coach Landau. Third row: J. McCrossin, G. Bareis. R. Duffy, S. Kelly, B. Mackrides, G. Reimund, B. Moreland, R. Stengel, J. Cook, T. Stein, M. Imming, M. Scioscia, Coach Taylor. Fourth row: Head Coach Mackrides, M. Stellfox, B. Gibson, P. Owen, J. Bradfield, S. Rosser, J. Dibeler, J. Devine, N. Carullo, M. Buggy, A. Berue, Mgr. J. McGonigle, Coach Ege. Fifth row: J. Cummings, J. McCullough, M. Brady, D. Allen, P. Saller, R. Trio, R. Barry, F. Bruner, D. Hickey, M. Bradley, B. Miller, A. Sosangelis, Mgr. R. Cooke. Sixth row: N. Gilfillian, M. Lockley, D. Roundtree, T. Touhill, S. Harriman, G. Reuling, F. Campbell, D. Mazzenga, M. Flynn, D. Brookes, J. Logue. Seventh row: S. Brisbane, D. McTague, L. Schmitt, T. McGinnis, W. Haslett, B. McKay, G. Belk, P. Grant, D. Stieber, Mgr. M. Nelson.
Springfield 21 O.J. Roberts 10 Conestoga 34 Haverford 7 Upper Darby 21 Lower Merion 33 Nether Providence 9 Penncrest o Ridley 14 Radnor 21 Marple Newtown Won 8; Lost 2; Tied 0
Opponent 6
o o 14
o 12 34 13
Junior High Football Team
First row: Coach R. Eley, T. Martin, T. Sosangelis, D. Shields, M. Foley, J. Andrusko, G. Bellos, A. Drevyanko, S. Smith, H. Chin. Second row: Coach H. Lemmon, T. Lovell, J. Wise, B. Lynn, M. Imming, G. Ebsworth, D. Stellfox, C. Engle, Coach J. Peoples. Third row: J. Touhill, R. Ruth, M. Giancaterino, C. Evans, S. Bramble, F. Loeb, B. Evans, J. Walls. Fourth row: G. Joy, N. Burdumy, J. Smith.
Hockey Watermelon fights ... Liz ... underwear detectors, baby powder, coke bottles and showerdoors ... "Sarge" ... late night stampedes ... thin¡ walls Roasted Rabbit foo foo ... crack-amoon who stole the ice? star studded sticks two cross countries Brusch time ... three shots on goal ... "a neat season" ... Undefeated, Untied and Unscored Upon ... WE LOVE IT!
Varsity Hockey Team: First row: L. Morgan, W. Jacoby, B. Beam, N. Davis, J. Pollock, N. Skean, M. Walsh, P. Kelly, C. Appel. Second row: Coach J. Brusch, C. Ventriglia, J. Watt, C. Petruzelli, C. Zippi, P. Petrie. Managers: N. Miller, H. Gabriel.
Co-captains: J. Pollock, N. Skean
Opponent Springfield 2 Upper Darby o 1 Radnor o 5 Lower Merion o 2 Conestoga o 2 Penncrest o 2 Ridley o 2 Haverford o 1 Marple Newtown o Won 8; Lost 0; Tied 0
First row: N. Miller, C. Appel, P. Kelly, N. Davis, B. Beam, J. Pollock, N. Skean, L. Morgan,W. Jacoby, M. Walsh, H. Gabriel. Second row: J. Bradfield, A. Stevenson, L. Batch, J. Watt, C. Zippi, N. Ozer, P. Petrie, C. Petruzelli, S. Fanelli, L. Little. Third row: Coach J. Brusch, G. Costal as, D. Roberts, P. Hoath, M. Humphreys, K. Crossley, K. Long, B. Klatt, B. Walsh, C. Ventriglia, P. Esposito, S. DeFarges, D. Drevyanko, Coach G. Hart.
Junior High Hockey
Junior High HockeyTeam: First row: S. Kestler, B. Bernard, L. Briganti, J. Mackrides, L. Dill, E. Mallas, K. Shockley, L. Belfiglio, J. Smith. Second row: Coach N. McBrearty, M. Sullivan, J. Gilmore, G. Bellis, S. Jeckel, W. Windle, L. Lynn, J. Soltner.
Cross Country A young team looking toward the future. Corpse, Peanut, and Gravedigger with his golden shovel. Shouts of "I love you" as we ran. The Russian wheat fields, Mekong River Delta, and almost getting killed on State Road while running the famed Faliongrad course. A lot of laughs, a lot of tears.
Kneeling: A. Miller, K. Hardcastle, M. Fallon, J. Barasatian, B. Kantner, J. Frattari, J. McKeever, S. Speer, D. Peterson. Standing: Coach P. Sanborn, B. Lingenfelter, S. Thornton, G. Pilkington, M. Semanik, K. Rail, M. McGonigle, L. Mammino, B. Turnbull, G. Kantner, D. Stitler, S. Bernard, J. McHugh, E. Burkhalter, D. McDowell, J. Mander, B. McDaniel, H. VanValkenburgh, B. Veseth.
Springfield 32 Radnor 40 Conestoga 18 Marple Newtown 23 Lower Merion 17 Haverford 18 Penncrest 23 Ridley 36 Upper Darby Wins, 5; Losses, 3
Captain S. Speer
Opponent 25 17 .44 38 .46 .45 37 21
BASKETBALL Springfield Opponent 55 Pottstown 57 .42 46 Ridley 49 Marple Newtown .48 57 Penncrest 62 60 Haverford .45 39 Lower Merion 36 48 Upper Darby .45 58 73 Archmere 55 Ridley 34 78 Conestoga 64 74 Delaware Co. Christian School .44 66 Radnor .48 45 Lower Merion Playoff 52 56 Ridley 55 66 Marple Newtown .41 47 Penncrest 53 53 Haverford .48 56 Lower Merion .47 57 Upper Darby .47 61 Conestoga 51 64 Radnor 62 70 Lower Merion Playoff 51 Wins: 18, Losses: 4, Central League Champs
First Row: T. Gilbert; Mgr., M. Margulies, B. Mackrides, J.lrons, B. Miller, P. Kelly, N. Giuffre; Mgr. Second Row: S. Arsht, Coach Quedenfield, B. Caffrey, D. Batton; capt., P. Bellis; capt., Coach Werley, K. Wareham
It seems this year basketball was more than a sport. It was a way of life. All the long practices, sprained ankles and total dedication paid off to turn a potential championship team into a reality. The big dream finally came true at the "PALESTRA." Float, Worm, Goony, Stud, Moo-Moo, Arab, Homsie, Lips, Birdman, Load, and Nellie "went all the way" and won the Central League Championship. The season was a lot of fun with popcorn, the Troc Play, C.S., G-G-G-Gilbert, and even with Margo. Looking back on the long, winning season it was all worth it.
Ninth Grade Basketball Team
First row: C. Shinn, C. Spruil, G. Ebsworth, R. Kiscaden, B. Wilson, B. Nave, B. Schwartz. Second row: M. Foley, K. Kelly, D. Pratt, S. Bramble, G. Freas, C. Engle, D. Brown.
Basketball Bwanana ... SBBS ... Shirley P. and Duke Reet-dee-deet ... Burro ... soul train "possibly" ... Johnny get your gun sent it on the run ... buns ... can you turn on the fans, please? sharing the gym ... Hey good-looking! no 24 hours before a game ... bellybuttons ... breaking 50, almost 70 ... press! press! ... spirit ...
Varsity first row: G. Povey, D. Eustace, H. Gabriel, C. Appel, capt.; J. Pollock, N. Skean. Second row: D. Walters, mgr.; K. Long, N. Ozer, C. Laub, C. Zippi, P. Petrie, Coach E. Ardao
Springfield 30 Lower Merion Radnor 48 43 Conestoga 48 Penncrest 46 Haverford 40 Ridley 55 Upper Darby 69 Marple Newtown Won: 4; Lost: 4; Tied: 0
Opponent 38 38 47 51 50 17 48 18
Jr. Varsity first row: D. Murray, K. Crossley, C. Ventriglia, D. Roberts, second row: K. Waterhouse, mgr.; Coach K. Linaugh, B. Walsh, B. Klatt, A. Miller, C. Otto, mgr.
Wrestling Wrestling is a sport in a class of its own which few people understand. It is grueling hard work which demands much sweat and sacrifice. This year's team, under the guiding hand of Coach Bob Fatcher, turned the tide of past years of losing seasons to emerge victorious. Although the student body has yet to respond to cougar grappling, more mature audiences have shown great loyalty in following the team this year.
First row: J. Ferrigno, J. Ferrigno, S. Durso, K. Smith. Second row: D. Watrous, K. Smith, P. Ziebelman, C. Cope. Third row: R. Stengel, J. Crescenzi, S. Hornick, D. Helm.
Springfield Opponent 35 Downingtown 17 24 Harriton 25 44 Haverford School............. 9 39 Concord 7 26 Conestoga 17 20 Ridley 23 18 Upper Darby 27 18 Haverford 20 35 Penncrest 14 21 Marple 24 35 Hill School 15 30 Lower Merion 15 Wins: 7; Losses: 5; Ties: O.
Indoor Track The infamous Grinder. Running in bone-chilling sleet and rain, almost blown away by icy gusts of wind. We could hardly move, enveloped in our long underwear, 20 sweatshirts, and the ever present hat. The season started out with about 35-40 budding track stars and quickly atrophied to 20 or so full time runners. Our meets were on the week-ends at the good old West Chester State tunnel ... err, track. We ran against all the area Catholic schools and also against all the city teams. Competition was very stiff. Just as our training was starting to payoff, almost the whole team was wiped out by the flu. However, the indoor season ended on a good note with six of us winning medals at the Novice Meet.
first row: G. Barasatian, G. Kantner, 1::3. Turnbull, J. McKeever, B. Kantner, S. Bernard, K. Hardcastle, J. Frattari. second row: E. Burkhalter, D. Hartshorn, D. Stiteler, N. Centrella, K. Rail, M. Stieber, B. Veseth. third row: J. Mander, M. Fallon, M. McGonigle.
Sitting: D. Eustace, M. Walsh, N. Davis. Standing: C. Appel, J. Pollock, N. Skean.
Lacrosse Running up to Halderman Field for practice ... laps and sprints forever . . . oranges and gatoraide at halftime ... cradling ... shooting ... an integrated group (9-12 graders on the same team) ... Miss Hart, Miss Ardao ... natural boundaries only ... "a running game".
Kneeling: T. Gilbert, B. Hillgartner, M. Berenato, T. Stein. C. Ulrich, M. Barrett. Standing: J. Lacko. A. Drevyanko, D. Polhemus, G. Kobasic.
Golf Golf is getting to be very popular this year, and we're hoping to build up our team. We practice at Rolling Green, under the coaching of Mr. Cannon. We have 1 girl, 1 lefthanded golfer and we're looking for a good season. Fore!
Baseball The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Springfield nine that day; The score stood four to two, with one inning more to play; And so, when Bellis died at first, and Belfiglio did the same, A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game. A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest Clung to the hope which springs eternal in the human breast; They thought, if only Ferrell could but get a whack, at that, They'd put up even money now, with Ferrell at the bat. The sneer is gone from Ferrell's lip, his teeth are clenched in hate, He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate; And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go, And now the air is shattered by the force of Ferrell's blow. Oh! somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright, The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light; And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout, But there is no joy in Springfield-mighty Ferrell has struck out. after Ernest Lawrence Thayer
First row: R. Duffy, R. Pennacchia, B. Joy, S. Rosser, S. Belfiglio, P. Hall, G. Barber, D. Ferrell, D. Levasseur. Second row: D. Branton, S. Kelly, M. Dougherty, R. Lawthers, B. Owens, K. Cottrill, B. Gibson, B. Falls, G. Farmer, T. Brennan, N. Saller, M. Nelson.
Tennis Mr. Yaeck the challenges, the battles on the court everyone trying for one of the four singles positions or the pair of doubles players ... wearing three sweaters and a hat on cold days, wearing shorts on warm days and listening to people make fun of your legs ... sharing the courts with the girls ("every other day I was on the tennis team") ... attempting to play in the rain, trying to hit a soggy ball ... not too many spectators ... lobs and acing it ... striving for first place, a good season.
First row: B. Kohl, A. Petrillo, W. Weisel, S. Sieke, J. Ferrigno, P. Buzby, G. Wise, T. Wise. Second row: M. Pietrangelo, B. Wilson, E. Wasshem, D. Harris, D. Heberling, M. Pepe, M. Dellapolla, J. Ferrigno, M. Karpowich, J. Donell, K. Lindsey, Mr. Yaeck. Third row: R. Grane, N. Duerr, J. Cummins, J. Moore, B. Bernados, P. McLean, R. Baratiak, D. Hudson, B. Gibson, J. Corchnoy, B. Costagliola. Not pictured: D. Katz, B. Bingaman, B. Jackie, J. Zischkau, J. Jackson, B. Hoath.
Girl's Tennis - First row: K. Shunk, A. Miller. Y. Ciarlo. E. Wolf, L. Manley. Second row: M. Small, G. Povey. P. Clauso, D. McGuinness, D. Murray. S. Casey.
Spring Track Spring Track, time to get out the spikes and knock the dirt off them with a couple of 440's. The distance runners are starting to get into form and the sprinters are loosening up their calves and ham strings. The pole vaulters and "high" jumpers will be getting out the bent crossbars and the mildewed jumping pits. The big men, the shotputters, javelin throwers and discus tossers will be climbing up out of the universal gym into the sunlight and fresh air once again. The crack of the starter's pistol and the spectators' cheers will once again echo across the track.
First row: G. Barasatian, G. Kantner, B. Turnbull, J. McKeever, B. Kantner, S. Bernard, K. Hardcastle, J. Frattari. Second row: E. Burkhalter, D. Hartshorn, D. Stiteler, N. Centrella, K. Rail, M. Stieber, B. Veseth, S. Speer. Third row: J. Mander, M. Fallon, M. McGonigle.
Bowling "diz", "twirp", "cricket", "skitch", "fist", sponge" down at the old stoney-creek and gahris lanes . . . coke frames ... "hey, where are the cheerleaders?" ... a good time, but spare me the memories.
First row: C. Wright, S. Sieke, P. Lindsey, W. Phillips, J. Manero, D. Anderson. Second row: J. Kadin, B. Chestnutt, B. Fister, B. Harvey, S. Kaysen, D. McKeown, D. Katz, K. Lindsey.
Springfield 1 Ridley 1 1 2 Haverford
2 4 4
2 0 0
4 3 4 1
Opponent 3 3 3 2
Lower Merion
0 Upper Darby................ 1 0 3 Matches Won: 6; Lost: 4; Tied 2. 2nd place in Suburban League
Third and Fourth Teams Third Hockey Team - First row: D. Pratt, C. Cardillo. Second row: D. Ferrell, P. Ebsworth, B. Forrest, L. Isherwood, S. Lehman, T. Toussaint, C. Ryan, W. DeWoody, J. Braconnier, J. Ellixson. Third row: N. Rufo, D. Walters, J. Andrusko, D. Hagy, L. Schmidt, L. Menold, R. Gronlie, N. Kiscaden, K. Shunk, Y. Ciarlo, J. McClellan, D. Chester, Coach D. Lamon.
Fourth Hockey Team - First row: D. Pedigo, A. Burke. Second row: N. Lifset, K. Walls, K. Waterhouse, D. Nocella, K. Pfleiger, P. MeG lensey, L. Papiernik, L. Toyzer, G. Rosa, P. Prodoehl, J. Schepp man, C. Craig. Third row: Coach Thompson, J. Menan, M. Glazer, L. Jeckel, N. Conant, E. DeMarco, P. McClure, N. Fisher, J. MacBeth, K. Schofield, D. Rivers, D. McGuinness, D. Flannery, M. Mills, Coach D. Lamon
Basketball - First row: K. Walls, D. Hagy, T. Toussaint, D. Mongelli. Second row: I. Shubin, A. Reed, L. Wasshem, L. Manley, D. Chester, E. Barberes, Y. Ciarlo, L. Russell, S. McCloskey, C. Byles. Third row: J. Menan, J. Horn, D. Wilson, D. McGuinness, J. MacBeth, D. LeBlanc, M. Mills.
Basketball - First row: B. Uhler, W. Windle, T. Baughn, N. Miller, N. Harrington, F. Jefferson, D. Paine. Second row: T. Panczner, L. Eustace, C. Martin, S. Walker, C. Conklin, R. Malloy.
"We've got to stop meeting like this!" "Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!"
"Down a little lower ... there, now overto the left ... ah! now you've got it!"
"So when do we make the hit, Godfather?"
Colonel Zapp's Kentucky Fried Chicken $1.38 a box
"Ah, it's just what I've always wanted!"
Mature, responsible seniors involved in meaningful, non-verbal dialogue.
Underclassmen You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm. S. Colette
new school getting lost free periods no commons, study hall "starting your academic career" World Cultures millions of people people ... people .
R. Abt F. Agent V. Alibert K. Allison L. Anderson J. Andrusko
L. Angstadt D. Anzalone F. Arsht K. Asbury M. Aungst J. Barasatian
B. Barbour B. Barbour C. Barker L. Barnett B. Barr J. Bartivic
D. Bartoletti T. Baughn R. Bartolomei S. Baun A. Baxter M. Beitchman
M. Belczyk L. Belfiglio G. Bellis N. Bellis G. Bellos D. Bender
D. Berg B. Bernard A. Berue S. Bitar J. Blotter S. Blumberg
G. Blunt S. Blunt D. Bolesta B. Bortz J. Bowes M. Bradley
N. Bradley S. Bramble V. Branton L. Briganti C. Brisbane D. Brown
R. Capozzoli G. Cardillo K. Carmolingo M. Carney F. Carter E. Cassidy A. Cecchini
S. Bruce P. Brunone S. Brycki D. Bryan J. Bryson J. Bulkley S. Buongiorno
N. Burdumy R. Burke S. Burnley J. Burns H. Burroughs A. Butler J. Buzby J. Cameron
J. Chapis M. Chestnut G. Chism H. Chin C. Ciampoli A. Cicchinelli G. Cicconi
D. Clark R. Clatterbaugh D. Clemson G. Coe C. Conklin P. Conley K. Coonelly
D. Costagliola H. Criston M. Crocco R. Crowe D. Daddario P. Daly B. Davis
K. Davis J. Davison S. Davison L. Deardon R. DeFuria M. DeliaPolia B. Denison J. DiAmbrosio
L. DiAmbrosio R. Dickerson S. Dietz ¡L. Dill D. DiSantis B. Doemling J. Dolhancey
Freshmen J. Fenza R. Ferrari B. Fillippone S. Fink J. Fischere E. Fisher T. Fitzpatrick
C. Engle L. Eustace A. Evans C. Evans S. Faulkner D. Feld
M. Donall S. Donnelly R. Donze A. Drevyanko K. Dubendorf
C. Duffer S. Duffy K. Dyitt G. Ebsworth S. Ellixson
R. Fitzsimmons E. Foley M. Foley F. Forcellini S. Forman J. Forrest E. Fowler
J. Fox S. Fraim P. Francia G. Freas T. Gabriel P. Gallagher T. Gallagher
J. Gelsomini T. Geneva L. Genzel M. Giancatarino J. Giannini E. Gibson R. Giffin
J. Gilmore R. Gladden M. Godzieba T. Golden J. Goldman S. Gotwols K. Greskoff
B. Jacoby
A. Jackman S. Jackson K. Jannetti S. Jeckel F. Jefferson
S. Gronlie K. Groome K. Gualtieri K. Guerin L. Gutshall S. Hagy
R. Hakun S. Hamilton S. Handline J. Hanrahan J. Hanrahan H. Hardcastle
N. Harrington D. Harris M. Hedrick R. Henshey R. Hepler M. Herbert
D. Johnson I. Johnsson B. Jones M. Jones G. Joy C. Kadin
W. Kaley E. Karpiel J. Kearney L. Kehm M. Keller K. Kelly
M. Kelly J. Kenyon S. Kestler R. King C. Kirkman R. Kiscaden
B. Himbert R. Hobdell R. Holden K. Horn C. Hup M.lmming
M. Kloss H. Knudsen B. Krynick J. Kulsik J. Lacko B. LaFountain
A. Lake S. Laughead R. LaPorta J. Larson B. Lauer S. Laury
M. Laux P. Leavitt M. Ledva A. Lee K. Lewis B. Little
M. livingston B. Lobley J. Locher E. Lockhart F. Loeb K. Lord
T. Lovell L. Lucas S. Luty B. Lynn L. Lynn G. MacCartney
M. MacGillivray J. Mackrides E. Mallas R. Malloy K. Manning A. Margulies
B. Marinari A. Markiewicz B. Marshall C. Martin J. Martin T. Martin
B. Matsinger D. Mattei B. Matthews T. Mauro R. Mazzulo R. McAllister
R. McCain T. McCrossin B. McDevitt A. McDonald C. McFadden T. McFeeley M. McGiliin
K. McKee A. McLean P. McManus D. McMillin J. McMillan R. McMillan C. McNamee
K. McNeill M. McParland K. McTague J. Michie A. Miller N. Miller S. Miller
J. Mingle L. Millichap R. Miserendino T. Mitchell N. Modes K. Mooney B. Moreland
R. Morgan D. Morris D. Morrison J. Morrow B. Mozzoni G. Mullin V. Musika
D. Myers K. Nagle L. Napoli J. Nath B. Nave S. Neary
J. Neubert B.Obdyke P. O'Keefe M.Okino J. Oliver H. O'Neill
T. O'Neill M. Orson L. Paci A. Paciocco D. Paine T. Panczner
K. Parsons J. Paul V. Pechter A. Pennacchia M. Peraino
M. Pepe F. Pflieger T. Pietropolo B. Pinnock M. Pohlman
J. Porter D. Pratt D. Prescott A. Primavera R. Rasmussen
B. Reynolds A. Richardson L. Rickards L. Riesenfeld S. Rieve E. Ring D. Rivielia
M. Roberts G. Roderick P. Rolfe M. Roman N. Rose K. Rosser J. Ross
E. Ruch D. Rumbaugh J. Rupert R. Ruprecht R. Ruth
K. Saeli D. Scales G. Scanlon J. Scanzaroli D. Scarani
D.Scheli J. Schneider B. Schwartz S. Schweizer T.Scott
D. Semanik J. Shada S. Shane W. Sharff J. Shaw
J. Shea
J. Shea C. Shell B.Sheehan D. Shields J. Shields C. Shinn
K. Shockley K.Shunk J. Sieke F. Sirkin C. Skammer M. Sloan
C. Smith J. Smith J. Smith J. Smith S. Smith B. Snead
K. Snyder G. Soltner J. Soltner T. Sosangelis N. Spennato C. Spruill
B. Stanley E. Stapleton D. Stellfox L. Sterling L. Stewart G. Stiteler
D. Stoup M. Sullivan T. Sullivan T. Tashjian L. Teore
J. Thayer C. Thiel J. Thiel K. Thompson S. Thornton
J. Toal K. Toney B. Toomey T. Torelli J. Touhill
J. Toussaint M. Traband J. Troutman B. Turnbull D. Turner
J. Turtzo D. Tyson B. Uhler M. Van Raden H. VanValkenburgh
M. Vecchione A. Verruno K. Vogleson L. Wagner J. Wahl
D. Walls E. Waldie S. Walker V. Walton L. Ward
'I' I
.' ,
M. Wareham B. Warner H. Warner E. Wasshem J. Watson
F. Wehmeyer C. Welch C. Whitcomb R. Whitehead J. Wickert
M. Wilcox A. Williams W. Windle C. Winter J. Wise
R. Woolson D. Wright T. Wright S. Wunder D. Wurzer
B. Wyllie A. Young S. Zimmerman R. Zulcewics S. Zurl
Sophomores Driver Ed. candy sale Soph Hop class elections being a sophomore was like being a middle child just in between big and little M. Takashima, Vice President; T. DiPietro, Sec'y.; M. Humphreys, Treasurer
S. Hall, sponsor
J. Devine, President
N. Abbott B. Aikman J. Alberici R.Allen
J. Ambrozates A. Amorosi N. Bacher J. Bailey
D. Bair A. Baker S. Balchiunas L. Ball
T. Barasatian G. Bareis L. Barlow S. Barrett
B. Barry S. Belczyk M. Berenato B. Berger
R. Eley, sponsor
A. Berue L. Berue R. Bevan J. Bittner
M. Blair V. Bottos B. Bowen N. Boyle
J. Bradfield J. Bradley M. Brady B. Branconi D. Bratz B. Breingan M. Brennan
D. Brisbane D. Brookes B. Brown M. Brown v. Brown S. Browne G. Bruce
F. Bruner T. Brunken M. Buchanan M. Buggy A. Burke L. Burke M. Burns
G. Burns N. Calder C. Camagna F. Campbell L. Campisi K. Canakis L. Cane
D. Cannataro F. Carfagno P. Carney N. Carullo S. Casey A. Catona J. Chambers
R. Champagne F. Cheng L. Chestnutt B. Ciampoli R. Ciapanna D. Cicchinelli N. Cimini
M. Cioci D. Ciurlino R. Clayton J. Cocola S. Cohen J. Coli P. Comero
M. Compton C. Conant N. Conant K. Connery G. Costalas C. Craig F. Craig
S. DeFarges C. DeHaven D. DeKiney K. Deluca E. DeMarco M. De Moske C. Demuth J. DeVries
J. Creed K. Crispin K. Crossley J. Daniels
R. Daniels B. Davidson B. Davis B. Daws
Sophomores 138
R. Deal F. DeBellis L. DeCowsky N. DeCowsky
K. Diamond l. DiCampli W. Dickerson J. Dietsch B. DiGregorio L. DiNicola T. DiPietro D. Doggendorf
T. Donahue A. Dorwart V. Drew B. Dunleavy B. Dunn J. Dyson R. Edgar C. Edwards
P. Ege C. Ehle B. Elfont D. Esposito P. Esposito C. Evans J. Fagan S. Fallon
B. Fanelli R. Federman C. Fenza l. Ferlita S. Ferragina J. Ferringo C. Fielding R. Fillmore
M. Finio V. Fiorda N. Fisher K. Fitzgerald D. Flannery B. Fleming
M. Flynn R. Fox K. Fraim J. Frank T. Frank J. Frattari
R. Freedman E. Fromberg D. Fulford K. Gabriel H. Galanos B. Gallagher
J. Gallagher G. Gartner J. Gastner R. Gattinella J. Gelsomini A. Gettemuller
A. Giachetti P. Giachetti E. Gibson J. Gilboy J. Gildner C. Gilligan
D. Glassberg S. Glavis M. Glazer S. Grace A. Grallnick D. Grane
P. Grant G. Gray S. Green G. Greim M. Gressang M. Griffin
M. Grotyohann R. Gruerio C. Guelle R. Guinan G. Guthrie D. Hackett
J. Hahn J. Hakun D. Hartshorn B. Hartzell B. Haslett J. Hassis J. Hazzard B. Heavey
D. Heberling C. Hellman D. Hickey A. Hilferty S. Hilliard V. Hilliard G. Hill S. Hingston
D. Hofer N. Hood J. Horn A. Horne G. Hoshauer E. Howard M. Humphreys M.lmming
S. Irwin E.Jackson R.Jacobs L. Jeckel D. Jenkins H.Johnson A. Johnston S. Johnston
J. Jones J. Jones M. Jones P.Jones D. Joyce G. Kantner B. Kaysen J. Kearney
K. Keech V. Kistler J. Kivitz B. Klatt L. Kmetz B. Kohl B. Krajeski E. Krimmel
S. Krissinger E. Laguna C. Langshaw J. Langwig R. LaPorta D. LaPreste R. Larzelere J. Laspina
K. Laux C. Lawthers J. Lazar S. Lazovick L. Leach C. Leavitt
J. Lebano D. LeBlanc B. LeCalsey C. Lee L. Lenthe C. Leo
N. Lifset K. Lindsey J. Logue A. Long K.Long
J. Longaker
B. Malloy
J. Marchionni
D. Lynch J. Lynch J. MacBeth C. Mace
J. Manero
R. Mares L. Mark M. Markiewicz L. Marshall
D. Mannino C. Mannion L. Marascio
M. Marucci B. Matthews L. Matthews J. Mauger P. May
M. Mazzenga C. McCarry A. McClellan P. McClure S. McCoach
Sophomores J. McCrossin J. McCullough P. McCullough J. McCunney B. McDaniel
D. McDowell D. McGarrah T. McGinnis P. McGlensey J. McGonigle
P. McGrath E. McGrogan D. McGuiness B. McKay J. McKeever
G. McKnett B. McLean J. McNicholas J. Menan C. Meredith
M. Meyer D. Miller G. Millichap M. Mills W. Milne B. Minford P. Mohr L. Mongiello
S. Monsay P. Mooney D. Moore J. Morris C. Mowry K. Mullineaux D. Murray J. Nagorny
S. Nell H. Nelson M. Nemitz D. Nocella J. Nonemaker L. Northwood B. O'Donnell T.O'Dore
M. O'Hara B. Oleson T. Oliver D. Omans P. O'Neill C.Otto K. Panczner L. Papiernick
B. Prescott P. Prodoehl L. Quercetti M. Ransom G. Reed L. Reger D. Reimund J. Rendi
B. Paradis J. Parker E. Parsons D. Patchell M. Patterson A. Pearlman
D. Pedigo M. Pellegrini C. Peracchia M. Peterson A. Petrillo K. Pflieger
G. Reuling K. Riegner J. Riensenfeld M. Risser D. Rivers P. Roarty D. Roberts P. Roberts
R. Robertson J. Rogers W. Rolfe D. Romano G. Rosa L. Rose A. Roth D. Roundtree
D. Rufus R. Rumbaugh L. Russo D. Russom P. Sacco P. Saller J. Scheppman P. Shilling
H. Schirg E. Schmid L. Schmitt K. Schofield J. Schoultz R. Schwartz M. Scioscia M. Scully
G. Phillips M. Pietrangelo L. Pizzi russo S. Polinsky H. Postles L. Potter
E. Sentman D. Shadle B. Shankweiler J. Sheehan R.Sheli A. Silverman S. Silverman
L. Simon K. Simpson R. Singley S. Singley G. Small R. Smalley D. Smargiassi
B. B. D. F. K. N.
Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith
A. Sosangelis L. Spyes P. Stapleton
A. Stevenson D. Stiteler J. Stroud
B. Supper D. Sylvester M. Takashima M. Taylor P. Tennyson P. Thayer
G. Theno C. Thomas J. Thomas R. Thomas K. Thompson D. Thorpe
K. Walls B. Walsh K. Waterhouse J. Waters M. Watts A. Wegfahrt
M. Toal T. Touhill L. Toyzer B. Tracz T. Triozzi R. Truitt C. Ulrich
E. Weinerman J. Weitzel D. Welsh K. Wesner M. Whitaker H. White
N. Whiteside B. Wiley D. Wilhelm K. Williams T. Williams B. Wilson
D. Wilson
C. Winkler T. Wise C. Woj T. Wolski M. Worthington
G. Wright K. Wyatt L. Yankanich C. Zavowski K. Ziebelman C. Zirpoli
B. Van Patter C. Ventriglia J. Vignola L. Vought K. Wagner J. Waldie J. Wallace
M. Buongiorno, Pres.
D. Gannett, Vice-pres.
D. Ferrell, Treas.
J. Devine, Sec.
Junior Prom PSAT's ... SAT's American Studies career confusion upper school gym All-Cougar Mixers health mini-courses (legal) open lunches only one more year
L. Ciocciola, S. Stephani, Sponsors
J. Abt M. Alburger M. Alker K. Allen
M. Anastas D. Anderson J. Anderson J. Andrusko
D. Applegate J. Arty E. Bachman M. Ball
R. Baltzer G. Barber E. Barberes S. Barkovick
D. Bartivic B. Baselice L. Batch A. Beck
C. Behrle G. Belk S. Bennett V. Berg
S. Bernard L. Bewley C. Biondi H. Blakemore
J. Bloodwell R. Bfue D. Boone E. Boyd
J. Braconnier J. Bradfield K. Bradley L. Bradshaw D. Braid J. Branconi M. Bratz
S. Brisbane K. Brookes G. Brown N. Bruning K. Bryan B. Bulkley E. Burkhalter
T. Burns C. Burrell P. Buzby D. Cannataro G. Capri K. Carney R. Carpenter
R. Carter W. Carter A. Carullo M. Cellucci N. Centrella A. Cervino C. Chacosky
J. Chaippini J. Charles D. Chester J. Ciaramella Y. Ciarlo B. Clark S. Clifford
R. Clifton A.Coe G. Coe B. Cole N. Colgan L. Conicella H. Cook
R. Cooke K. Cottrill R. Cox M. Criston J. Cummins R. Daddario D. Davis
J. Davison B. Dawson D. D'Egidio J. Dehnick J. Delany C. DePugh C. Desiderio
J. Desiderio J. Devine W. DeWoody J. Dibeler T. Dillman J. DiMenna T. Dissinger
J. Donell T. Donnelly G. Dormer F. D'Ortone A. Dougherty M. Dougherty D. Drevyanko
D. Dunn J. Dunn K. Durham S. Durso N. Dyson P. Ebsworth
G. Eliason
M. Fallon
J. Ellixson
J. Falzone
K. Emerick P. Esgro S. Ewen D. Ezzie
S. Fanelli G. Farmer L. Faulkner R. Fenza
D. Ferrell D. Ferrari S. Ferry L. Fierro K. Finley E. Finnegan
B. Fink L. Fitzgerald M. Flicker R. Flippin C. Flogaus J. Ford
B. Fo rrester E. Foster R. Freas P. Fritz L. Fry
R. Gabe M. Gallagher D. Gannett W. Gavula J. Gerace
B. Gibson S. Gibson K. Glacken J. Glaser O. Goldin
C. D. R. L.
Gordon Gosnay Gosser Griffin J. Grillet
R. Gronlie J. Gryn B. Guthrie B. Guregian D. Hagy J. Hahn K. Hahn L. Haigh
K. Handline
J. Hanrahan J. Harford S. Harriman R. Harris D. Harrison S. Hauslein S. Helmuth
S. Hemphill T. Henderson J. Hillgartner L. Hilliard B. Hoath L. Hoffken M. Hoffken C. Hoffner
J. Hollinshead W. Honsinger M. Horwitz C. Hoshauer J. Howarth C. Huckaba D. Hudson D. Hudson
D. Hudson K. Hunt L.lpri J. Issacson R. Jackie D. Jackson
D. James Y. Jefferson B.Johnson L. Jopski J. Joy T. Kain
N. Kane B. Kantner N. Kaplan J. Kardacz S. Katz C. Kauffman
C. Kaut S. Kaysen T. Kayser P. Kelly S. Kelly S.Kennedy
C. Kenney G. King K. King M. King N. Kiscaden C. Kistler
D. Knorr G. Kobasic B. Kollar C. Kolojeski C. Kramer S. Kreh S. Kuerschner K. Kutys
L. Lach J. Lafey R. Lamorgese J. Lang K. Lapps K. Lapps D. Larish L. Latini
C. Laub P. Lauer D. Le Vasseur S. Levin P. Lewis R. Lewis D. Lihota P. Lindsey
B. Lingenfelter D. Little L. Little D. Locher M. Lockley
D. Loeb P. Loeb K. Logan M. Loro L. Lucas
s. Lynch D. MacDonald B. Mackrides T. Malloy J. Mander
L. Manley D. Marchini L. Marcu M. Marinari L. Marone
S. Marra D. Martin T. Masson G. Matthews T. Mauro L. Mayberry D. Mazzenga
J. McClellan M. McCloskey v. McCully V. McDevitt M. McGonigle J. McHugh
D. McKeown D. McLean J. McLean P. McLean S. McMillan D. McNamee
S. McNamee M. McNicholas D. McTague R. Menseck G. Merkel S. Messina
D. Mewha A. Miller L. Miller W. Miller P. Minteer P. Missiras B. Mohr
L. Molle
J. Moore B. Moreland N. Morgan P. Morrison
D. Morrone M. Morrone S. Murphy J. Murray T. Naughton
M. Negro A. Norrbom D. Nye K. O'Keefe N. O'Meara
M. O'Reilly W. Orson P. Owen C. Oyler N.Ozer
D. Paci D. Parker G. Parker K. Parnell C. Patrucci
K. Payne D. Peifer D. Pellegrini S. Pemberton D. Penn
C. Peruto P. Petrie C. Petruzzelli W. Phillips C. Piatt
B.Shaw J.Shea L. Shea G. Shelling M. Shields
J. Pinder A. Pinnock D. Plattner B. Pohlman G. Polischuk R. Pope C. Powell C. Powers
D. Pratt R. Preston B. Pryor K. Rail S. Rebecca A. Reed J. Reid J. Reid
J. Reid D. Reimund G. Reimund G. Reinstein L. Rensel J. Reynolds J. Ricci R. Rice
S. Rice B. Richards C. Richardson J. Richardson J. Rockwell B. Rocco M. Rodney S. Rosser
K. Ruch M. Ruse E. Russom C. Ryan G. Samano S. Sanet S. Santoro K. Scanlon
K. Shunk S. Sieke S. Sigler J. Sihler D. Silimeo
A. Scanzaroli L. Schmidt A. Schweizer T.Scott R. Sebastian M. Semanik G. Shank A. Shapiro
N. Simon D. Simpson E. Sjostrom B. Smith J. Solovey J. Spahr G. Speidel
C. Spishack F. Splane J. Stanley C. Starr M. Stellfox R. Stengel
P. Stevens G. Stewart M. Stieber R. Stoccardo M. Stolar J. Stroyek
D. Sudjian M. Sullivan L. Suszczynski J. Sutherland B. Swan R. Tabor
L. Talone K. Teore G. Thomas C. Tieser W. Tingley D. Tofsted
K. Toney G. Toole D. Torelli T. Toussaint B. Toyzer R. Trio
B. Troutman T. Troutman D. Turtzo D. Turtzo J. Uhler F. Utermohlen
G. Vahey D. Vogt S. Wadsworth B. Walsh W. Walsh
M. Wank N. Warrick L. Wasshem S. Waters D. Watrous
J. Watson J. Watt D. Wei G. Weitzel
S. Welch
J. Wisniewski
J. Whitehead J. Wieder
E. Wolf W. Wolters P. Woods
B. Wilson
D. Yankoski N. Yannelli B. Young M. Zak
C. Zeiger C. Zippi J. Zischkau B. Zizza
Cherish the little trade which thou hast learned and be content therewith. Marcus Aurelius
Let his hand be skillful to some trade, and why should he stretch out the hand of necessity to anyone? Thy purse of silver and gold may come to an end, but the purse of the artisan will never be empty_ Sadi
Each to his own trade.
J. Florian
Vo-Tech Students Tenth Grade: M. Bohl M. Brady S. Browne J. Chambers R. Champagne M. Cioci P. Comero S. Cook F. Craig R. Deal D. Delaney L DelJo Buono M. De Moske V. Drew R. Edgar C. Ehle L Ferlita S. Ferragina K. Fitzgerald R. Fox K. Fraim D. Genzel M. Grotyohann S. Hilliard G. Hoshauer A. Hufuty D. Joyce F. Kiefner C. Kramer R. LaPorta D. Livingston J. Longaker R. Malloy D. Mason M. Mazzenga J. McCrossin J. McCullough G. Millichap P. McGrath M. Nemitz R. O'Donnell D. Patchell M. Patterson J. Rendi E. Schmid M. Scully G. Small P. Stapleton D. Sylvester D. Taylor L. Vought K. Wagner J. Waldie J. Wallace G. Wright
Eleventh Grade: J. Abt R. Baselice A. Beck D. Boone J. Branconi G. Capri L. Conicella T. Dillman F. D'Ortone V. Falabella R. Fenza S. Ferry L. Fitzgerald J. Gryn J. Howarth D. Jackson J. Joy N. Kane J. Kardacz M. King P. Lewis M. Marinari D. Mazzenga T. McGee J. Reid L. Rensel C. Richardson S. Sigler B. Smith M. Stellfox P. Stevens G. Stewart R. Stoccardo K. Toney T. Turner S. Wadsworth J. Whitehead J. Wisniewski P. Woods R. Zizza
Twelfth Grade: R. Angelozzi K. Arrell D. Baruti S. Colflesh J. Donnelly D. Downey J. Farrell D. Feeley J. Finnegan R. Fister D. Fraim T. Garvey K. Gilmore J. Glenn J. Jackson F. Lamorgese L. Lang D. Lewis R. Lynch D. McCaffrey P. McCarry J. Menditto D. Miller M. Mullineaux S. Murphy G. Russo J. Saeli M. Seagraves J.Shaw R. Shields W. Simpson D. Strohofer B. Taylor D. Thomas P. Toal D. Wadsworth R. Zaffiri
Seniors I set forth ... joyful and free, on a thousand-mile walk ... by the wildest, leafiest, and least trodden way I could find ... John Muir
Studying is a state of mind.
zzzzzzzzzzzz ....
To drink or not to drink that is the question.
See Spot. See Spot run. Run Spot run ... I wish I knew who does her hair ...
Forget these stupid tangents and let me get back to "Endgame."
Knit one, pearl two ...
Senior Class Officers
Sam Arsht, President
Art McCullough, Vice President
Liz Isherwood, Secretary
Rich Gill, Treasurer
S. Werley, Sponsor
161 E. Janczewski, Sponsor
Most Dramatic: B. Coleman, J. Johnston
Most Involved: K. Davis, P. Ziebelman
Best School Spirit: B. Esposito, S. Shockley
Most Athletic: N. Skean
Most Athletic: J. Ferrigno Most Conservative: J. Mingle, A. Christiansen
Senior Celebrities
Most Quiet: A. Powers, R. Baratiak
Most Easy-going: S. Lehman, N. Gilfillian
Class Couple: D. Ferrell, D. Meredith
Most Musical: N. Takashima
Most Cynical: K. Sweeney, K. Pohlman
Most Musical: C. Lenthe
Most Flirtatious: L. Isherwood, A. McCullough
Friendliest: B. Kromer, M. Murray Most Dependable: B. Prodoehl, R. Gill
Best Sense of Humor: B. Coleman, N. Gilfillian
Most Liberated: W. Jacoby
Most Literary: M. LeFever, J. Kadin Most Artistic: G. Long, P. Vitali
Most Liberated: G. Loper
Most Likely to Succeed: P. Sullivan, D. Batton Flightiest: J. Soltner, P. Kelly
Most Extroverted: M. Muscari, M. Walton
Most Individual: L. Thorpe, K. L. Smith Most Apathetic: Class of '74 Most Studious: C. Appel, G. Townsend
K. Kelly Gannett
S. Lehman
L. Isherwood
M. Marano, Snow Queen
J. Blodgett
P. Flynn
D. Way
K. Davis
S. Shockley
P. Ziebelman
J. Muller
P. Bellis
S. Arsht
A. McCullough
N. Gilfillian, Snow King
Mid-Winter Dance R. Duffy
J. Crescenzi
D. Batton
J. Daley
T. Gilbert
M. Walton
daniel t. abbot "beagle spuce-maniac" 251 pancoast ave. fav. mem.: 1/9/74; sec. amb.: not to get caught; pet peeve: goober; football 1, 2, 3, 4. catherine h. amwake "cathy", "poke" 241 ballymore rd. prize possession: my astra and memories; fav. mem.: "to live a love" neil young; always seen with: donna; scrivener 2,3, co-ed itor bus. staff 4; stud. council 3, 4; spri-hian 4; sr. play; snow queen candidate; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; soc. ser. 3; hockey 2; pep club 1,2; omc 1,4; nhs
4. deborah lynn anderson "debbie" 109 wood rd. fav. mem.: easter '72, "i believe in you" neil young; always seen: talking; sec. amb.: to obtain grounds for expulsion from omc; remembered for: leaving my mark; basketball 1; hockey 2; choir 1, 2, 3; stud. council 4; sr. play; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2; omc 1, 3, 4.
Daniel T. Abbot
Catherine H. Amwake
Deborah Lynn Anderson
Cecelia Emily Appel
Stephen James Appel
Sandra Carol Ardary
Samuel Jacob Arsht
Janis Arty
cecelia emily appel "cele" 416 thatcher rd. stud. council 1; gym leaders 3; nhs 3,4; hockey 1,2,3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, capt. 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; varsity club 1, 2, 3, v. pres. 4. stephen james appel "steve" 416 thatcher rd. sec. amb.: to tour america and live in an unpopulated area in wyoming; always seen: signing in at the attendance office; fav. mem.: making quality plans for the summer which never happen; prize possession: assignments; weight-lifting 2, 3, 4. sandra carol ardary "sandy" 465 sherman rd. prize possession: friendships; remembered for: p.m.p.o.b. and my not so great skiing ability; pet peeve: waiting; lacrosse 2; basketball 2; scrivener bus. staff 3; pep club 1, 2; sr. play comm.; colorguard 4.
~";'[¡¡6,;~ 4--1'0-'.>1
kevin arrell 'stokes" 222 parham rd. prize possession: v.d. and '62 chevy; pet peeve: van, shs; fav. mem.: crashing into a wall on my cycle; votech 2, 3, 4. samuel jacob arsht "sam" 611 w. woodland ave. fav. saying: relax; pet peeve: stupid questions and phony people; fav. mem.: 1/32/2001; soccer 1, 2, 3, tri-capt. 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; tennis 3; stud. council 1,2,3,4; nhs4; executive council 4; service club 1,2,3,4; class v. pres. 2; class pres. 3,4. janis arty 527 lehann circle remembered for: making bushes grow; fav. mem.: 1/5/74 and bunch nites; always seen: in a mustang with the bunch; gym aide 1; soc. ser. 1, 2; volleyball 2; bus. staff 4; oceanography 2, 3. Kevin Arrell
susan avetta 433 kennerly rd. carol anne balchiunas 443 glendale circle fav. saying: "Boy!"; pet peeve: being jealous; fav. mem.: aug. 1973; pep club 1,2; band mgr. 3, 4; concert band 3, 4; orch. 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2. francis balionis 525 philamn court.
Susan Avetta
Carol Anne Balchiunas
Francis Balionis
Alan Ball
Ellen Balsley
Roman Baratiak
Marianne Barbour
Mark E. Barrett
Denise Baruti
alan ball 436 wheatsheaf rd. ellen balsley "el" 401 colonial park dr. prize possession: my photographs and memories, my frogs and pooh; fav. mem.: 5/26/73, 6/10/73; alwaxs seen with: rea, peg, and cheryl; fav. saying: cutie, nympy, and pooh; pet peeve: cougarettes and m.c.; sec. amb.: to be a model; basketball 1, 2, 3; cougarettes 4; gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4; prom comm. 3, 4; volleyball 1, 2. roman baratiak 230 franklin ave. pet peeve: pohlman jokes; prize possession: the peugeot; fav. saying: "ort"; soccer mgr. 2, 4; choir 3, 4; spring track 2; glee club 2.
marianne barbour "mare" 929 stoneybrook dr. fav. mem.: my summer vacations; pet peeve: conceited people; prize possession: my friends and my memories; lib. aide 1,2,3; scrivener bus. staff 4; gymnastics 2; guidance aide 2, 3. mark e. barrett "barney", "marcos" 512 kennerly rd. remembered for: drawing caricatures of teachers; sec. amb.: to break par at rolling green; prize possession: my drawing hand; fav. memo meeting duke ellington and arnold palmer; fav. saying: "don't do today what you can do tomorrow because tomorrow never comes"; pet peeve: drawing moving targets; golf 3, 4; scrivener artist 4. denise baruti "dennis" 444 granite terrace prize possession: tommy and a silver nova, candy: fav. mem.: 12/22/72, 4/4/73; pet peeve: liars, vo-tech '74; fav. saying: "you weirdo"; sec. amb.: to fulfill my one and only wish: vo-tech 2,3,4; vica 3, 4; safety steward 3, 4.
versia batch "big brother" 212 walnut street morton prize poss.: "goosey" and joint partner brenda neal; fav. saying: what you got for the head; pet peeve: ignorance; fav. mem: the summer with bol in florida, 8/31, sept, oct. '73, and meeting pablo bonilla; sec. amb: go out with chubby cox and to be a court stenographer; chorus 1, 2; homeroom rep. 1, 2, 3, 4; cheerleading 3, 4; human relations 1. david batton "dave" 29 west ave. pet peeve: people who don't mind their own business, broken bones, and hepatitus; fav. mem: life itself and those special people; sec. amb: to play with the best and win a n.c.a.a. championship; basketball 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; soccer 1, 2; baseball 1, 2; student exec. council 2,3,4; snow king nomination 4. Versia Batch
David Batton
Barbara Ann Beadling
barbara ann beadling "barb" 909 north ave. sec. amb: for d.m. and me to have a "selvage"; pet peeve: car emergency flashers; fav. mem: I.b.i; cheerleading 1; pep club 1; hockey 2; scrivener 2, 3; y.e.a. 4; senior play 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; soc. ser. 3; o.m.c. 1, 2, 3, 4. beth anne beam "bethal" 350 oakdale pI. fav. mem: fenwick, aug. '73, dinner at phillips; prize poss: my shell necklace, kelly, b.b.a, house at shore; remembered for: fenwick shoes, socks; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2; lacrosse 3; tennis 2; stud. council 3; pep club 1; lit. mag. 4; y.e.a. 4; spri-hian 4; boy's basketball stats. treas. 4; choir 1,2,3,4; varsity club 4; o.m.c. 1,2,21/2. millard s. beatty III "mill" 111 s. forest rd. remembered for: gene hart imitation; fav. mem: 4/18/73; sec. amb: to play street hockey at 30 years old; choir 1,2,3; delco hi; american legion baseball.
Beth Anne Beam
Millard S. Beatty III
Stephen Francis Belfiglio
stephen francis belfiglio "belfig" 461 collins drive. fav. saying; "i have to study." always seen: carrying my trumpet; pet peeve: marching; sec. amb: to be a professional stethoscope operator; prize poss: my soccer ball, mommy, and goofy; known for: notetaking; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 capt.; basketball 1,2; baseball 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 3; servo club 3, 4; n.h.s. 4; stUd. council 1, 2; weightlifting 1, 2, 3; band 1, 2, 3, 4.
peter W. bellis "bird" 115 S. rolling rd. always seen with: kopp (Ioeman) and green (deep), and "stud" and the rambler; prize poss: my stereo; sec. amb: be single and buy a new stereo; fav. mem: summer '73, spring of 72; pet peeve: joesiff; choir 1,2,3,4; stud. council 1,2,3,4; ser. club 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, co-caption 4. brian bern ados 471 wheatsheaf rd. remembered for: being from ohio; greatest thrill: taking exams here; fav. mem.: taking 10th grade W. cult. my senior year; rennselear award winner for math and science 3; algebra award 1; geometry award 2; crosscountry 1, 2; basketball 1, 2; track 1; tennis 2; j.e.t.s 4; chess club 4; spanish club 1,2.
Peter W. Bellis
Brian Bernados
William Bingaman
william bingaman "wil", "Willie", "bill" 525 prospect rd. prize poss: my tin can tennis racket, "ridley"; remembered for: being straight; pet peeve: turk (blimp); sec. amb: to catch a pass in a football game; football 1,2,3,4; tennis 1,2,3,4; service club 2, 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 2, 3; nat. honor society 4.
frank c. bixler "bix" 93 powell rd. pet peeve: bozo the clown; prize possession: my opel kadett; sec. amb.: a date with e.c.; fav. saying: "i'll drink to that"; fav. mem.: signing; rifle team 2. donna lee blair 138 cedar ave. morton fav. mem.: 12/22/73; pet peeve: "nibby" people, the perfect set; prize possession: friends, all those fabulous memories; band 1,2,3,4; girls' chorus 2; senior choir 3, 4; orch 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2; hockey 2; scrivener 2; gym aide 1, 2; "south pacific" 3. roberta louise blewitt "robbettyerta", "pretzel" 167 sherman rd. pet peeve: red-headed and blonde trombone players, sight reading; sec. amb'.: to marry alan aida; fav. saying: "flake off"; orch. 1,2,3, 4; girls' chorus 1,2,3; band 2, 3, 4; dance band 3; musical 3; dist. band 4; dist. orch. 4; guidance aide 2, 3.
Frank C. Bixler
Donna Lee Blair
Roberta Louise Blewitt
Jane M. Blodgett
John Bollinger
Marie Booty
Dale D. Borriello
Leigh Michelle Bowe
John Michael Bowen
jane m. blodgett "janie" 619 barry dr. fav. mem.: a kiss from taz in the senior class play; always seen with carol and the rowd ies; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 2; social service3; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; sr. class play; snow queen candidate; drama club 2; o.m.c. 1,2,3,4. john bollinger 626 hey lane prize possession: my natural suede converse all-stars; remembered for: mooching; always seen with jUdi; sec. amb.: to buy a purple corvette; fav. mem.: going with j.s.; soccer 1, 2, 3; band 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club; german society; f.I.Lc. sales head; tackle basketball; rudee kazoodee. marie booty "rea", "fok" 252 ballymore rd. pet peeve: shakers, saddle shoes, being arah; remembered for: being an exhibitionist; sec. amb.: to go to the moon and be in the olympics; always seen with ellen, peg, cher; prize possession: my friends and memories; gymnastics 1, 2,3,4; basketball 2, 3; cougarettes 4; volleyball 1, 2; social service 2; prom comm. 3.
dale d. borriello 232 indian rock dr. fav, mem.: the three of us, my friends and my memories; pet peeve: study halls; fav. saying: "are you kidding?"; scrivener bus. staff 4. leigh michelle bowe "michelle" 31 n. alford rd. prize possession: mar; fav. mem.: 12/31/73 1/1/74 and hershey park '72; fav. sayi ng: "anybody have any good jokes?"; girls' chorus 1, 2,3; choir4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; scrivener staff 2, 3; sr. class play; nhs 4; hockey mgr. 2. john michael bowen 135 s. norwinden dr. prize possessions: beaux (my horse), penlight (my pony), pinto (my car); pet peeve: snobbish people, cliques; sec. amb.: to install an 8-trackstereo system in the barn (it soothes the horses) and to install a four speed transmission and 4:11 rear in the pinto; choir 1,2; glee club :J: '\linter track 1; advisory board 4.
ann marie bowes 328 lewis rd. sec. amb: to own a sheepdog and go to australia; prize poss: my bike; fav. mem: spring '73; pet peeve: ignorant people; spri-hian circulation staff 3, 4. suzanne boyd 563 rutherford dr. elizabeth ann bradley "liz" 9 colonial park drive fav. mem: 6/19/73, 6/26/73; prize poss: love; pet peeve: chickies; remembered for: wanting to get an "a" in band and being called lizard; stud. council 1; fbla 2; cougarettes 4; gym aide 3.
Ann Marie Bowes
Suzanne Boyd
Elizabeth Ann Bradley
edward joseph brady 238 pancoast rd. pet peeve: the hinch and school; fav. mem: summer '72; sec. amb: to wake up; always seen: down at the firehouse; fav. color: maroon; prize poss.: val, my kustom. james braid 864 spring haven rd. remembered for: sleeping in dough's class: pet peeve: bears detention; prize poss: my chevy; fav. mem: springfield weekend '74. carol mary breingan 411 thatcher rd. always seen with: janie and the rowdies; laughing; prize poss: friends; remembered for: short skirts (?) and strawberry perfume; band 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 1, 2; orch 1, 2; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; social service 3; drama club 2; yea4; senior class play; omc 1,2,3, 4. Edward Joseph Brady
James Braid
Carol Mary Breingan
tim brennan 66 snyder la. fav. memory: winabago; fav. saying: just another place to brew; pet peeve: no parties; always seen with: hub, randy, can, dudy, de leaf, wachy; football 1; basketball 1; baseball 1,2,3,4; ski club 1,2; e.s.p. club 1, 2, 3, 4. tracy ann brice 407 collins dr. tracy!, terry? pet peeve: people who crack gum, study halls; sec. amb: to get an "a" in physics; fav. mem: traveling; scrivener 3,4; spri-hian circulation staff 3, 4; lit. mag. 3; pep club 2; senior play 4; girl's chorus 2,3,4.
Tim Brennan
Tracy Ann Brice
Steven Briganti
steven briganti 54 server lane always seen with: zotch, polpeshk, vroom ie, the nag, tsamico, hep, strick; fav. mem: 3/72, 5/73; prize poss: my piece of goal post from the army-navy game; remembered for: my trip to guam, being rowdy at basketball games; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3; soccer 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3; track 4; weightlifting 3, 4; ski club 3, 4; roodee kazoodee band 4; varsity club 3, 4; n.h.s. 4.
judy broome 146 harned dr. prize possession: joe, friends and my memories; fav. mem.: 12/27/71 and down atthe shore; remembered for: b. hilda and "thunderation"; always seen at burger king and down at ridley; basketball 1; scrivener bus. staff 4; cougarettes, co-capt. 4; pep club 1, 2. donald jerry brown "jerry" 101 wayne ave. pet peeve: work of any kind, term papers; fav. mem.: jr. class field trip; sec. amb.: to roll an orange over the rocky mts. with my nose, to strike a match on a marshmallow; always seen in spring valley park; prize possession: right front fender, attendance record.
Judy Broome
Donald Jerry Brown
Nina Bruce
nina bruce "ne" 211 taylor rd. always seen with john; pet peeve: waiting and diets; fav. mem.: 11/16/73; sec. amb.: to travel and see the world; prize possession: my italian horn; remembered for: being nice; lib. aide 2, 3, 4; drama club 3; band 4.
donna marie bruno 920 church rd. fav. mem.: 11/23/71; prize possession: dave, my parems, life; sec. amb.: to be a success in life and get my vette; always seen with janet, rita, janice, jimmers; basketball 1; pep club 1; social service 2; student council 2. nancy dawn burke "rock", "nickle nut" 322 larchwood rd. always seen with: m.m., t.c., s.g., m.b., g.G., j.o.; fav. saying: "don't worry about it"; fav. mem.: the light and crum creek, open windows and 90° weather; pep club1; volleyball 2. janet lynne burns "jan" 347 harwicke rd. fav. mem.: summer '73; prize possession: memories; pet peeve: waiting for people; basketball 2; table tennis 4; special ed. aide 4. Donna Marie Bruno
Nancy Dawn Burke
Janet Lynne Burns
william h. butler III 231 ballymore rd. pet peeve: honors passes, being told what you learn is the most important thing and grades are not but knowing its the other way around; sec. amb.: to become an animal behaviorist or a zoologist and be my own person; fav. mem.: the smoke bombing of new london pizza and the ensuing capture. carol byles "bozo" 180 e. scenic rd. fav. mem.: 7/10/71, midnight, elton john; pet peeve: diets, monday, going to mr. semeister's chemistry class, miss hart saying "class attention!", the time maria smashed my key into my locker; remembered for: perfect attendance, tuna sandwich, an apple; service club 1; volleyball 1,2,3; ski club 3; basketball 4; sr. play; sr. prom comm. 4; scrivener bus. staff 4. William H. Butler III
Carol Byles
William Caffrey
william caffrey "float" 6 fairhill rd. morton fav. saying: "meet me at dirties", "palestra"; fav. mem.: 10/7/73, florida, bridge club, b-ball; sec. amb.: to be rich; pet peeve: no popcorn at dirty movies; football 1; baseball 1; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; photography club 3, 4; pep club 1, 2.
maria jeanette cairone 991 stoney brook dr. sec. amb: to meet the man of my dreams and to own an english tutor; fav. mem: summer '72, '73, 4/14/73, 10/23/73 to come 5/10/74; pet peeve: writing papers; prize poss: my pet "beans" and my clothes; fav. saying: "that ticks me off"; remembered for: having rubber fingers. theresa ann campisi "terry" 639 sherman rd. fav. mem: russia '73, 8/22/73, fighting with r.c. over pnb's at blocks; prize poss: my lansdowne aldan class ring, my stuffed fuzz; pet peeve: losing my contact lenses on a green shag rug. terese cardelli 1034 west ave. fav. mem: 5th period in the I.m.c. reminiscencing with n.b., adventures at night with m.m. and n.b.; fav. days: 7/12/72,7/29/73. Maria Jeanette Cairone
Theresa Ann Campisi
Terese Cardelli
corinne cardillo 347 oakdale place pet peeve: my curls; prize poss: my ski is, c.m., my glasses; fav. saying: forget it; fav. mem: summer '73; remembered for: always getting passes; ski club 2, 3, 4; gymnastics club 2; spri-hian 4; c.c. 3; r.p.c. 1,2,3, 4; social service 3; hockey 1, 2, 4; basketball 1; football 1, 2, 3, 4. arthur carl "traf" 318 lester rd. fav. saying: you eliott! sec. amb: to beat grant at chess; pet peeve: yahwee; prize poss: my fa's; known for: scalping rick; fav. mem: french creek '73; orch. 1, 2; a.v.1, 2. virginia lin cassels "ginger" 67 saxer ave. cougarettes; senior class play; s.t.w.; chorus 4.
Corinne Cardillo
Arthur Carl
Virginia Lin Cassels
victoria a. castura "vicki" 819 w. rolling rd. fav. mem: watching the sunrise with denny on the beach; prize poss: my raggedy ann and andy; denny; pet peeve: an empty bowl; sec. amb: sit on the beach in a snowstorm; always seen: dazed. donna I. catona "arch hen" 1247 university ave. sec. amb: to live on a farm in the country; fav. mem: 1/17/57, trip to spain; pet peeve: being locked in my locker by b.c.; prize poss: c.j.g., my house at the shore, freedom; library aid 2; pep club 3; scrivener 3,4; ski club 3; chorus 1,2,3,4; choir 4; homeroom rep 4; student council 4; polish american club 4; abur club 4.
Victoria A. Castura
Donna L. Catona
Thomas F. Chambers
thomas f. chambers "tom" 294 s. highland rd. "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" - Jesus Christ; chess club.
gerald champagne 622 saxer ave. bruce chestnutt 636 wynne rd. pet peeve: people leaving t's off my name; sec. amb: to break 900 before d.k.; fav. saying: good morning; band 1,2, 3,4; soccer 1; bowling 2, 3, 4; tennis 1, 2, 3; dance band 2, 4; hang around the band room club 1,2, 3,4. anna mae elizabeth christiansen 131 n. rolling rd. "he that hath the son hath life; and he that hath not the son of God hath not life. these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God; that ye may knowthat ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the son of God." I john 5:12, 13.
Gerald Champagne
Bruce Chestnutt
Anna Mae Elizabeth Christiansen
Janet M. Ciarrocchi
Clarence H. Clark, Jr.
Ruth Elizabeth Clatterbaugh
Patricia Marie Clauso
Jane Clifford
Andrew S. Cohen
janet m. ciarrocchi 81 s. alford rd. fav. mem: 12/15/69 and (b.L); pet peeve: small front seats with donna nearby; always seen with: donna b., peru, jimmers, reese cup; remembered for: jumping out of cars on baltimore pike; ambition: to own a volkswagon; fav. saying: you tell em jan; chorus 1. clarence h. clark jr. 356 lynn rd. pet peeve: "douglas leaders" and schitz; prize poss: super course it; always seen with the semeye clan; cross country 1, 2, 3, 4; winter track 1,3; spring track 2; n.h.s. 3, 4; seagram's 7; scott's hi-q; weightlifting 2, 4; semeye club 4. ruth elizabeth clatterbaugh "ruthie" 138 netherwood dr. fav. mem: 6/2/73; fav. saying; "dream on"; pet peeve: physics; prize possession: a certain fireman; pep club 1,2,3,4; prop committee senior class play; business staff 4; prom committee.
patricia marie clauso 10 netherwood dr. prize poss: wilson, the future, summers; always seen with: the rowdies; secret ambition: to go to hawaii, live in calif. and have a lot of palm trees. jane clifford "bird" 5321ehann circle always seen with: darlene and sue; prize poss: my car; fav. mem: our 6th period lunch; secret amb: to own a "camero" andrew s. cohen "andy" 612 wynne rd. prize poss: my stang; sec. amb: to have a million by the time i'm 35; j.e.t.s. 1, 2, 3, 4; u.p. 2, 3; students' rights committee 4; senior play.
beverly coleman "bev", "berel", "bevy", "beverly j." 48 wayne ave. remembered for: "i don't understand" and "stingy bastard"; fav. mem.: 12/31172; pet peeve: r.w. and cliques; sec. amb.: to graduate with honors; always seen with mouth open; prize possession: tom; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 4; musical 3; sr. play; student council 2, 3. bob colflesh 481 barker rd. prize possession: "booie"; football 2, 3, 4; baseball 1; weight training 2, 3. sam colflesh "jeep" 481 barker rd. fav. mem.: the time i got stuck down atthe mall site on 320; prize possession: my jeep; pet peeve: jeep owners who don't go off roading; sec. amb.: to win the baja 1000; fav. saying: "keep on jeeping"; football 2, 3, 4. Beverly Coleman
Bob Colflesh
Sam Colflesh
Marie Elizabeth Colgan
Jonathan C. Cook
Rolland E. Cooke
Craig Alan Cope
Jonathan Corchnoy
Bob Costagliola
marie elizabeth colgan "mary beth" 628 w. roIling rd. pet peeve: my dumb sister and ellen b.; prize possession: my cat and contact lenses; always seen with special friends; sec. amb.: to get out of school for good!; chorus 4; school play usherette 3; cougarettes 4. jonathan c. cook "lonnie" 153 sherman rd. always seen: bothering gor and busting lampposts; pet peeve: police stations, paying fines, drinking whiskey; sec. amb.: to learn how to drive on the ",!eek-ends; fav. mem.: partying with the 2% and getting smashed; remembered for: not remembering and being late; football 1, 4; court room 3, 4; 2% club 1, 2, 3, 4. rolland e. cooke 227 woodland ave. morton prize possession: my guitar and women; fav. saying: "let's boogie"; fav. mem.: getting my license; remembered for: eating and wearing "mean" clothes; sec. amb.: to make it in life; football 1; football mgr. 2, 3, 4.
craig allen cope "crazy" 943 edgewood dr. pet peeve: wrestling and losing weight; fav. mem.: 11/10/73,1.1., the men's room; always seen: chewing gum; sec. amb.: to hijack one schlitz beer truck; prize poss.: j.g.; track 1; wrestling 1,2,3,4; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; stud. council 3, 4; spri-hian 4; y.e.a. 4; sr. play; ser. club 2, 3, 4; pep club 4; nhs 4; varsity club 4. jonathan corchnoy "clov'; "jon" 508 kennerly rd. pet peeve: people spelling my first name johnathan, not jonathan; fav. mem.: 8/18/72; "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players." shakespeare; tennis 2, 4; stw 4; sr. play. bob costagliola "hep", "cos" 500 maddock rd. pet peeve: pumpkins and christmas trees (in large numbers); remembered for: being a sledding superstar; fav. mem.: still waiting ... ; always seen: with all the hangsters; sec. amb.: to annihilate the longhorn ranch; tennis 1,4; cross country 2, 3; f.I.Lc. salesman.
joseph richard crescenzi "stork" 369 lewis rd. pet peeve: klutz; prize poss: b.e.c.; fav. mem: summer '74; football 1, 2, 3, 4-capt.; wrestling 1, 2,4; track 1,2,3, 4; I.l.d.t. 1, 2, 3, 4. christine veronica cromley "chris" 616 shipley la. prize poss: denny (pooh bear) and money; fav. mem: wildwood, memorial weekend '73; pet peeve: coming to school!; scrivener circulation staff. donald curtis 62 S. morton ave. morton.
Joseph Richard Crescenzi
Christine Veronica Cromley
Donald Curtis
dave damon "daffy" 55 plymouth rd. always seen: taking a shower or running from gor.; pet peeve: handcuffs, arrows and pancake houses; fav. sayings: go on ya bother me boy, it's crazy neil; remembered for: falling from trees and instigating; prize poss: my raft, my truck, and my lawyer; secret amb.: to depend on lonnie; football 1, 2, 3, 4; C.C. 3; wrestling 1, 2. kim kelly davis 140 scenic rd. fav. mem: 6/1/73, 7/28/73, and 8/24-26/73; prize poss: henry, chas, liang; sec. amb: to gain control of my temper and my mouth; gymnastics 2; social service club 2; musical 3; scrivener 3; nhs 3,4; y.e.a. (vp-3, pres 4); scott's hi-q 4; senior play 4; prom committee 2, 3, 4; snow queen court 4; b-ball widow 3; fourth reich 4.
David Damon
Kim Kelly Davis
Nancy Jean Davis
nancy jean davis 155 n. highland remembered for: "bakery"; pet peeve: muffin, falling down, fav. mem: senior year; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; ping-pong 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; y.e.a. 4; colorguard 3, co-sgt. 4; boy's basketball stats 2, 3, pres. 4; scrivener 3; sprihian 3,4; stud. council 1,4; leader's club 3; prom. comm. 2, 3, 4; office aide 2, 3; varisity club; n.h.s. james j. deal 444 wayne ave. "jim" fav. mem: feb. 1973; sec. amb: to own a 1969 340 dart; always seen with carol; pet peeve: ladies driving slow in front of me when i am. patricia ann deangelis 472 hawarden rd. "if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. in proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. if you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. now put the foundations under them." henry david thoreau.
James J. Deal
Patricia Ann DeAngelis
Nancy DeBenedetta
nancy debenedetta 631 prospect rd. "many times i've lied many times i've listened many times i've wondered how much there is to know. many dreams come true and some have silver linings i live for my dream and a pocketful of gold secret ambition: to become a famous fashion designer.
susan margaret defrancesco "sue d." 620 hawarden rd. pet peeve: nosey people, bratty kids, ragging sessions; always seen with diane; fav. mem.: 12/31/73; prize possession: friends and family; chorus 1, 2, 3; musical comm. 3; sr. class play. steve del grippo 706 dutton circle remembered for: my driving skills and friday nights, my tequila and gym bag; fav. mem.: 12/23/72; prize possession: chevelle 55 and sue. david luca del negro "little d" r.d. 4 box 2 glen mills fav. mem.: kerkrade world music festival and europe; fav. saying: "hokee"; pet peeve: color guard picture in the band room; band 2, 3, 4; orch. 2,3, 4; dist. band 3, 4; musical orch. 3; dance band 2,3,4; brass ensemble 4; spri-hian 4; hang around the band room club 2, 3, 4.
Susan Margaret DeFrancesco
Steve Del Grippo
David luca Del Negro
Richard Deluca
Sandra Demuth
Gail DeProspero
Deanna Dietsch
Robert DiNicola
lawrence Joseph N. DiPietro
richard deluca 700 w. rolling rd. sandra demuth "sandy" 312 kent rd sec. amb.: to buy a 1935 mercedes benz; fav. mem.: ohio '73; band 1; o.m.c. 1, 2, 3, 4. gail deprospero 262 gleaves rd.
deanna dietsch "dee" 579 rutherford dr. pet peeve: bruises, making soap, people going through glass doors, 4th lunch; sec. amb.: to be a boy; remembered for: taking wierd attacks; always seen with: bev, candy, and carolyn; fav. mem.: springfield week-end, republican party; pep club 1; ski club 2; student COUllcii 3; social service club 4. robert dinicola 562 evans rd. lawrence joseph nicholas dipietro 492 doe run lane pet peeve: british ley land motor co. and a.c.'s phone; fav. mem.: florida, march-april '73; prize possession: steve's vw; sec. amb.: to live in germany; interests: anything with a 5-speed; student council 3, operators club 3, intramurals 3; spri-hian 3, 4; stw 4; german club 4.
floyd raymond dissinger "ray", "pink floyd" 440 ridge lane pet peeve: radicals, colflesh; always seen with the rowdies or the hippies in my van; remembered for: "it's legal", quarts, football '73 with nel and de; prize possession: my van and the good times in it; fav. mpm.: 6/2/73, springfield week-end '73, sat. nights atthe bars, '59 mercury; football 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2. michele dizebba 928 westfield rd. fav. mem.: towanda, new year's eve '73, stw; pet peeve: chris Iihota, cliques; sec. amb.: to be a "fine" actress, to find "him"; always seen with people; prize possession: my horns; remembered for: forgetting; drama club 2, 3, 4; sr. class play; stw; volleyball 1, 2; student council 1; basketball 1; winter dance comm.; prom comm. 4. joseph donaghue 828 sheffield dr. Floyd Raymond Dissinger
Michele DiZebba
Joseph Donaghue
Colleen Mary Donnelly
Jack Donnelly
Rachelle D'Ortone
Bill Dougherty
Dianne Downey
colleen mary don nelly 212 providence rd. morton fav. mem.: summer of '73 and "the wood"; pet peeve: freaks; remembered for: "scuzzies"; sec. amb.: to understand the mind and to graduate; always seen with: g.v., c.k., d.p., a.d., f.d., j.l., k.h.; student council 1; hockey 2, 3; gym aide 1; gymnastics 2, 3. jack donnelly "non-stop" 271 powell rd. pet peeve: school; vo-tech 4. rachelle d'ortone 469 maddock rd. fav. mem.: 4/23/71, new year's eve '73; prize possession: rick, elephants; pet peeve: when people don't mind their own business; always seen with: rick or "samson"; d.e.c.a. 3, 4.
bill dougherty "tex" 134 wyndmoor rd. fav. mem.: dec. 31 and dec. 8 at beach boys' concert; pet peeve: study halls, working on week-ends; sec. amb.: to be an accountant. dianne downey "squeak" 300 ballymore rd. pet peeve: making decisions; fav. mem.: 10/12/72; always seen: with kenny; prize possession: my diamond; student council 1,2,3; pep club 1,2; social service 2; guidance aide 2; intramurals 1; vica 3,4. norbert duerr 468 kerr lane fav. mem.: eighth period; prize possession: my 8d; sec. amb.: to pass english; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3, 4; dist. orch. 3, 4; hang around the bandroom club 1, 2, 3, 4.
Norbert Duerr
patrick james duffy "duff" 356 powell rd. prize possession: liz g.; always seen with: m.w., b.g., j.m., j.s. and on ballymore rd.; football 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1; snow king candidate. debra lynn durham "debbie" 252 maple ave. morton sec. amb.: to be a writer (successful); fav. saying: "you make me sick"; pet peeve: mayonaise and pickle sandwiches; always seen with: nathaniel; social service club 2, 3, 4; basketball 2; volleyball 1, 2. francis easterday "fran" 500 wesley rd. sec. amb.: to work in the motion picture production in photography; always seen with: a camera; a.v. 1, 2, 3, 4; t.v. crew 4; photography club 1, pres. 4; scrivener photographer 4. Patrick James Duffy
Debra Lynn Durham
Francis Easterday
lauren kay ersek "Iori" 219 parkview dr. fav. mem.: aug. of '73; remembered for: walking fast, being nosy, getting lost, always worrying and saying "right?"; prize possession: "rambler"; intra. 1; lacrosse 1; f.b.l.a. 2; cougarettes 4. robert esposito 840 lukens lane. donna jean eustace 340 ballymore rd. prize possession: friendships, freedom, memories, bike, dreams; fav. mem.: summers in c.m.; sec. amb.: to achieve "the purpose of living" - james taylor; always seen with: cath; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; stud. council 4; prom. comm. 3, 4; varisty club 4; sr. play; spri-hian. 3, 4; orch 1, 2.
Lauren Kay Ersek
Robert Esposito
Donna Jean Eustace
richard paull evans jr. "rich" 23 s. welsh dr. pet peeve: warm brew; sec. amb.: to do something worthwhile; fav. mem.: summer '73; prize possession: c.m.c.; spring track 1,2,4; winter track 1,2; e.s.p. club 2, 3, 4; 1.1. club 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2,3,4. sandra mae evans "sandy" 240 harwicke rd. pet peeve: homework and certain types of teachers; fav. mem.: 1/16, 5/27/74; always seen with: debbie and lynn; sec. amb.: to be a certified accountant; prize possession: my fish.
Richard Paull Evans Jr.
Sandra Mae Evans
Raymond Ewald
raymond ewald "gor" 930 west ave. always seen: running after daffy; known for: disappearing at parties and drinking out of pitchers; pet peeve: my '62 studebaker, brutus, and sue fisher's parties; prize possessions: my red and black checked hunting cap and my steel tips; fav. mem.: partying at the castle.
karen irene fagan 646 newlin rd. fav. mem.: junior prom, "stuck in the middle" and flowers; fav. dates: 1/12/73 and 2/28/73; always seen with: paq, als, dlf, and/or ava; prize possessions: paq, my locket, and my friends; pet peeves: "chick", and "dangling" keys; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; av 2; treas. 3, 4; scrivener 2,3,4; nhs 4; prom comm. 2, 3,4. robert falls "bob" 537 cheyney rd. sec. amb.: to become a trashman; pet peeve: football practice; football 3, 4; basketball 3; baseball 3, 4; golf 4.
Karen Irene Fagan
Robert Falls
John D. Farrell
john d. farrell "jack" 121 yale ave., morton pet peeve: coming to mrs. watson's eighth period class; fav. mem.: 11/11/73, my birthday, 12/11/73; the allman brothers concert, the day i leave this dump; prize possessions: my new stereo and record collection; 12/11/73; always seen: in the library; vo-tech. 1, 2, 3; vica 3.
kenneth ferber 600 beatty rd. fav. mem.: splendid times, I.w., and memories; track 2,3,4; wrestling 1; soccer 1,2,3; stud. council 2; exec. council 3, 4; servo club 3, 4; d.c.i.r. 3, 4; nhs 4. deborah lynn ferlita "debby" 211 harwicke rd. pet peeve: dtr, 11/24/72; always seen with: Isfbr; sec. amb.: to go to florida; fav. saying: "i don't care"; remembered for: fights; fav. mem.: 12/21, 11/1/73; prize possession: my coat; gym aide 4; nat. rifle assoc. 2. susan ferlita "sue" 211 harwicke rd. prize possession: f.h., trip to the bahamas; always seen with m.f., d.m., kel; fav. dates: 11/10, 12/31/73; sec. amb.: to get back with f.h.; fav. mem.: all the spectrum concerts with f.h. Kenneth Ferber
Deborah Lynn Ferlita
Susan Ferlita
ralph a ferragino 400 collins dr. inspiration: the body aches, the mind debates, but, the soul awaits the rapture day.; chess club. frederick william ferrari "vroom" 286 valley view rd. always seen: with the nog, chamiko, zotch, kenny, cos, wil', turk, nick, steve, and the rough one (r.t. taz)!; prize possession: 1 a.m.; pet peeve: ken pohlman and his lousy jokes; remembered for: being a wise guy; glee club 1; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 4; pep club 4; f.l.i.c. acting chairman.
Ralph A. Ferragino
Frederick William Ferrari
David Ferrell
david ferrell 1207 providence rd. pet peeve: "charlie"; fav. mem.: "feb. 23 and aug. 21 "; prize possession: "the one with shk"; sec. amb.: "to have smaller feet"; soccer 1, 2, 3, capt. 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; nhs 3,4; service club 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 2, 3; ski club 2, spri-hian sports editor 4.
joseph m. ferrigno "joey" 545 e. scenic rd. pet peeve: wrestling diets; sec. amb.: to pin; fav. mem.: springford; wrestling 1.2,3,4; soccer 3,4; tennis 2, 3, 4; varsity club 2, 3, 4; service club 4. joanne marie finnegan "jo-finn" 303 ballymore rd. pet peeve: people who conveniently forget what they were going to say; fav. mem.: 7/3/72 and the summer of '73; sec. amb.: to own a horse and a dog and to become a vet; prize possessions: stuffed animals; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; intra. basketball 1, 2; intra. volleyball 1; vo-tech vica reporter; gym aide 1. warren fisher "bear" 229 s. highland rd. pet peeve: people who smoke while i'm eating; prize possession: fritz and the tent; fav. mem.: summer '73 with njs, fritz, and catching blues; sec. amb.: to live in the back woods of alaska; soccer 1; track 2, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; rifle team 2; glee club 1; choir 2.
Joseph M. Ferrigno
Joanne Marie Finnegan
Warren Fisher
Robert S. Fister
Roy Flegel
Margaret A. Flynn
Thomas Ford
Sharon Joy Forman
Barbara Forrest
robert s. fister 419 barker rd. prize possessions: my bowling ball and my pinto; sec. amb.: to master the trade of refrigeration and heating and to become a professional bowler; band 1, 2, 3; bowling 3, 4. roy flegel 212 gleaves rd. prize possession: "kumar" card; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; my fair lady 1; south pacific 3. margaret a. flynn "peggy ann" 513 beatty rd. pet peeve: over-sleeping; remembered for: forgetting things and talking fast; prize possession: my pocketbook, skis, b.g.; fav. mem.: june 27 and aug. '73; fav. saying: "oh no!"; hockey 1, 2; ski club 1, 2, 3; stud. council 1, 4; cheerleading 3, co-capt 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; pep cl ub 1, 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 4, snow queen nom.; gymnastics 1,2,3.
thomas ford 263 hemlock lane. sharon joy forman 521 cheyney rd. "if i am not for myself, who will be for me? if i am only for myself, what am i? and if not now, when?" prize possessions: my thoughts, memories and friends; sec. amb.: to find and share peace and happiness; spri-hian 3, 4; scrivener 3,4; yea 3, 4; soc. servo 2, 3,4; guid. aide 2,3,4; sp. ed. aide 3; scott's hi-q 4; pep club 2, 3; n.h.s. 4. barbara forrest 511 sheffield dr. prize poss.: elton john albums; fav. mem.: summer '73, 7/22/73, 8/9/73; pet peeve: being short and being called bernadette; always seen with: the lunch bunch; sec. amb.: to be a medical researcher and cure cancer; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 2,3,4; pep cl ub 1; tennis mgr. 3, 4; stw 4; drama club 3; sr. play; prom comm. 4; band mgr. 4; n.h.s. 4.
diane fraim 219 s. highland rd. 'pet peeve: empties, jail cell, cops, monday mornings, school, getting up early; sec. amb.: to graduate and to travel around the world; fav. mem.: summer '72, '73; friday nights, and nights at the shore; gymnastics 2, 3; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; vica 3. mary susan francis "mares", "bones" 39 wayne ave. prize possession: my '57 t-bird, '65 mustang, mom and fraze; sec. amb.: to become a toP fuel eliminator with my own funny car and a record that can't be beat, have a home in the country; remembered for: my cars, driving, and a red '66 4-wheel drive; fbla 1; volleyball 1; scrivener 4.
Diane Fraim
Mary Susan Francis
Mary Patricia Frank
mary patricia frank "mary pat" 51 worrell dr. prize possession: my foxtail and scrapbook; fav. mem.: 8/15/73; pet peeve: being gullible; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2; basketball mgr. 1; tennis mgr. 3; gym aide 1, 4; yea 4; spri-hian 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4.
diane louise fredericks "fred" 488 indian rock dr. fav. saying: "what?"; pet peeve: waking up; fav. mem.: traveling; remembered for: saying what; lib. aide 1; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; scrivener 2,3,4; sr. play; prom comm. 2, 4; basketball 3; nhs 4. anthony louis freedman "tony" 401 sherman rd. fav. mem.: oxo's '73, summer '73; always seen with: a camera; pet peeve: spri-hian, darkroom schedUles, thin tx negatives, and pentaxes; sec. amb.: to empty a large omit can in one blast and to invent a stop bath that does not die; jets 1,2,3, 4; cinematography club 3; photo. club 3, v. pres. 4; scrivener 3, editor 4.
Diane Louise Fredericks
Anthony Louis Freedman
Carolyn Gabriel
carolyn gabriel 412 penn lane pet peeves: football, hockey, study halls, spiders, slow drivers, cigarette smoke, and women's lib; fav. mem.: 1/8/71, 1/12; prize possessions: m.d. and my questionable sanity; always seen with: deanna; fav. saying: "hey babe"; remembered for: my dedicated time for the entertainment comm.; stud. coun. 2, 3.
holly elizabeth gabriel 154 n. highland rd. "you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way" - jonathan livingston seagull; fav. mem.: summer of '72; prize possession: my surf board; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, pres. 2, 3; choir 3, 4; varsity club 4; basketball stat. 3, v. pres. 4; nhs 4. rita galantino "reesecup" 280 s. highland rd. prize possession: jimmy, my ring, my mom; fav. mem.: 10/30/72, 6/6/73, new york '73, christmas '73; pet peeve: a two-year wait; always seen with: janice, donna, and janet; sec. amb.: to marry jim and have 18 million kids.
Holly Elizabeth Gabriel
Rita Galantino
Michelle Elaine Gale
michelle elaine gale 905 green briar lanew. dzien kiedy my sie rozlaczym na zawsze ...pep club 1, 2; my fair lady 1; pol.-am. club 2, pres. 3, v. pres 4; lib. aide 2; jacks club 2, 3; abur club 4; p.s. club 2, 3; soc. ser. 3.
sandra lynn gallo "sandy" 127 n. highland rd. prize possession: a certain greek; always seen with: the four clams; fav. mem.: 9/14/73; sec. amb.: to grow my hair down to my waist; choir 1; chorus 2; gym aide 1. craig gam marino "gamm" 724 haines lane prize possession: "the bus"; fav. mem.: night "around town" in mike's opel, mark's parties; pet peeve: gas money, concert band; always seen: cutting lawns; sec. amb.: to blow up the world; jets 1, 2, 3,4; band 1,2,3,4; german club 4. bruce francis gannett "loose" 365 hemlock lane fav. saying: don't tell me to shut up!; fav. mem.: fighting kirby at dirty's, zab ... ; prize possession: pegleg; always seen: milling around; pet peeve: people who don't like getting up early to come to school in the dark; lacrosse 3, 4; football 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; stud. council 1, 2; chess club 3, 4; IIdt 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sandra Lynn Gallo
Craig Gammarino
Bruce Francis Gannett
Laszlo J. Garay
Joseph Garro
kim kelly gannet 401 n. rolling rd. laszlo j. garay "hunkie" 257 n. state rd. fav. saying: "i can't relate to that."; known for: best b.s. stories in school; remembered for: friday night parties; seen at: carnival room and nick's around midnight; deep sympathy for: those with malignant tendencies toward clams; skiing, hunting, fishing, wrestling 1, 2, 4; camping in montreal; clam club 4. joseph garro 468 southcroft rd.
Kim Kelly Gannett
terrence garvey "gavin" 116 ashwood rd. pet peeve: c-c-n-b-c-coconuts; fav. mem.: 7/26/73. frank dominic giardini "franco" 31 0 butler rd. pet peeve: turk and the guys from table 3; fav. mem.: 8/4/73,1/13/74; prize possession: the heap of '63; always seen with: the guys from table 3; always saying: "i'm gonna give you a hook!"; homeroom rep. 1, 2, 3, 4; rifle team 2, 3; stud. council 4; stud. sen. 1; aviation club 3; photo. club 3, 4; intra. 1; f.I.Lc. salesman 4. robert h. gibson "gib" 567 w. rolling rd. pet peeve: mr.lee; always seen with: nina; sec. amb.: to pump gas; wrestling 1, 2.
Terrence Garvey
Frank Dominic Giardini
Robert H. Gibson
robert I. gibson "hoot" 261 powell rd. always seen with: slim, bunk, thor, deli, big b., hre-ron, mac, duff; pet peeve: lownes lane and hoops dam; prize possession: green falcon; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 3, 4. thomas ernst gilbert "gibby" 140 locust ave. fav. mem.: north ave. park, wildwood '73, shipbottom, long island, 10/23/73, ridley '73, 7/4/73; pet peeve: study halls; remembered for: uniforms at ridley; prize possession: suds; sec. amb.: golf pro; golf 1, 2, cap. 3, 4; basketball 1, 3, 4; football 3; class v. pres. 3; snow king nom. james gilboy "osmosis" 498 kent rd. pet peeve: physics; fav. mem.: "ski trip to austria"; prize possession: "my vw thing"; sec. amb.: to be a super skier and someday get an "a" on a physics quiz; ski club 1, 2, 3; rifle team 2, 3.
Robert l. Gibson
Thomas Ernst Gilbert
James Gilboy
Nelson Gilfillian
Richard William Gill
Kathleen Gilmore
Nicholas Giuffre
Laura Goldberg
Robert Grane
nelson gilfillian "gold" 16 pennington ave. morton football 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 1,2,3,4; track 2,3,4. richard william gill "rich" 300 lewis rd. fav. mem.: europe '72; prize possession: my triumph; pet peeve: '54 buicks, accidents, and hospitals; soccer 1, 2, 3; s.s.c.c. 4; service club 2, 3, 4; class treas. 2, 3, 4; stud. council 1; nhs 3, treas. 4; ski club1,2. kathleen gilmore 471 briarhill rd.
nicholas giuffre "pasta", "buzzard" 346 ballymore rd. sec. amb.: to be a 6'4" 76ers trainer and manager; fav. saying: "don't look at me", "it's not my fault"; worst mem.: forgetting uniforms at ridley, closed study halls, "10 of 3" in my office; fay. mem.: summer of '73, mid-winter dance; stud. council 2, 4; homeroom rep. 3, 4; basketball mgr. 2, 3. laura goldberg 463 colonial pk. dr. "be a mudshark"; fav. mem.: getting off for george's class; sec. amb.: to go to canada; intra. hockey 1; pep club 1. robert grane 641 wynne rd. pet peeve: marks on movie screens; fondest mem.: 2/8/56; fav. pastime: writing pet peeves and fondest memories; band 1,2,3,4; jets 1; nhs 3,4.
john f. grebb "scrubb" 319 powell rd. most memorable day: 12/22/72; pet peeve: mrs. cook; remembered for: always being on time for homeroom; tennis 1,2; rifle club 2; stud. council
1. cara joan greenacre 657 w. sproul rd. pet peeve: people who never have akind word; fav. mem.: summer of '71 and '73; prize possession: friends, memories; stud. council 2; soc. ser. 2; prom comm. 4; sr. play; scrivener 4. glenn griffith 361 lewis rd.
John F. Grebb
Cara Joan Greenacre
Glenn Griffith
Carol Ann Groome
Gayle Gross
Carl Gurr
Carol Guthrie
louis griffonetti "Iou" 470 valley view rd. pet peeves: rahs, judge, henry, telephone poles; prize possession: my 442; remembered for: "mifflin missiles", springfield weekend '73, 2% club; sec. amb.: to teach hippie how to drive; football 1,2; golf 3; weightlifting 1,2,3; track 2,3; intra. 3. 4; wrestling 1, 2; bowling 2; french club 1. carol ann groome 336 powell rd. fav. mem.: 3/10/73; remembered for: holding a napkin; prize possession: "wittle queep" and my neil young album; volleyball 1. 2. 3. 4; basketball 1,2,3; yea 3, 4; scrivener 4; cougarettes 4; nhs. gayle gross 300 s. church st.. clifton hts. fav. mem.: second period with mr. hatten; known for: never being here, picking up my friends in the morning in my orange vega; stUd. council 3; intra. hockey 2; dist. ed. 4.
Louis Griffonetti
james grosso "groc" 500 old school house dr. fav. mem.: springfield weekends. beach boys '73, blazing trails in gorsload hoopes, castle, parties at danny's land; pet peeve: 4:30 a.m.; always seen with: I.e., r.e., j.d., m.S.â&#x20AC;˘ d.d., b.d.; amb.: just surf. carl gurr 39 server land. carol guthrie 910 stewart ave.
James Grosso
shelly haimowitz "shel" 529 e. senic rd. always seen: with a chickie; fav. mem.: chris and cougarettes; sec. amb.: to be someone's ambition; pet peeve: chocolate covered bananas; prize possessions: good friends and my guitar; soc. ser. 3; scrivener 2, 4; yea 4; cougarettes 4. cliff hall "turkey" 963 old sproul rd. to robin forever and to both my cars, tr-4 and mgb-g4. go foreign cars! dates to remember: 4/19/73, 12/16/73; fav. saying: "next spring"; prize possession: Robin!; wrestling 1, 2; football 1.
Shelly Haimowitz
Cliff Hall
Peter James Hall
peter james hall "pete" 148 summit rd. always seen with: kim; fav. mem.: 8/9/72 when we knew we were meant to last - i could never find another one like you, part of you is deep down inside me.; sec. amb.: ev.1. and s+s; prize possession: my boo; baseball 1,2,3,4; football 1,2, 3,4; basketball 1; ser. club 1,2; choir 1,2; band 1, 2, 3; weightlifting 1, 2; nhs 4.
kathleen hanrahan "kathy" 447 andrew rd. fav. mem.: 8/28/71; fav. date: 2/14/74; pet peeve: coming to school; prize possession: vince. carol ann hardy 860 church rd. fav. mem.: spain; prize possession: my job; always seen with: 3; lib. aide 1; pep cl ub 1, 2; soc. ser. 3; musicals 1; po I.-am. club 2, 3, 4; jack club 2, 3; p.s. club 2, 3. nathaniel harris 38 harding ave. fav. saying: "you fool"; fav. mem.: summer '73; pet peeve: nothing; glee club 1,3,4; choir 2, 3, 4; social service 2,3.
Kathleen Hanrahan
Carol Ann Hardy
Nathaniel Harris
bruce talbott harvey "diz" 709 parker lane remembered for: falling over railing outside theater arts, '74; pet peeve: a radio turned to wifi (ugh!); fav. poss.: a radio tuned to wwdb (yea!); fav. mem: mud with m.!; commonly known as: the weird kid with the fuzzy hair; largest lie: i am a human being!; a.v. 1,2, vice-pres. 3; repair chief 4; bowling team 3, 4; jets 4; senior class play; stw; nhs; tv crew. leland hauslein "lee" 456 indian rock drive fondest mem: 7th period in the bandroom; pet peeve: bad clarinet reeds; sec. amb.: to be featured kazoo soloist with the phila. orch,; orch 1, 2, vice pres. 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 1, 3; nhs; dist. band 2, 3, 4; dist. orch. 2, 3, 4; reg. band 2, 3, 4; reg. orch 3. Bruce Talbott Harvey
Leland Hauslein
Anita Hawkins
anita hawkins 21 broad st. morton "nita" always seen with ronnie in the "green swinger"; prize poss.: my son panther and my man ace wayne; sec. amb.: in whatever i do, always apply myself to the best of my ability, and i might get what i want; fav. dates: 10/20/71,8/23/73; black student union 1, 2, 3; deca 4.
gerry hazzard "ger" 327 n. rolling rd. always seen with: carol; pet peeves: snags and tch; fav. mem.: may5 and a night in jan. 1972; prize possession: g.m. 308 and u.1. rod, t+f+c; soccer 1; stud. council 2,3; bowling 3; weightlifting 3; winter soccer 4. dean helm 100 broadview rd. patrick joseph hendrick "pup", "pat" 362 madison rd. always seen with: worm, float, g, stud, lomen, bird, daniel, shorty, 1.1., j.g.; pet peeve: study halls; fav. mem.: the shore; football 1; basketball 2, 3; track 3, 4; intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; photography club 4.
Gerry Hazzard
Dean Helm
Patrick Joseph Hendrick
penny p. herrmann "doll baby", "squirt", "penbo" pet peeves: jealousy, fighting with someone you love, parents who don't understand, accidents; fav. mem.: day i met d.p., 11/7/70, canada "73",1/24/73; fav. saying: "don't knock it till you've tried it.". daniel joseph herron "dan" 338 ballymore rd. fav. sayings: "t and c give the hand sign I", "ho la wee, i sit corrected, you ignoramus, made in the shade"; always seen with: slim, hoot, bert, joe, bunk, duff, mac, art, patrick, mike, tom, andy, and harry; pet peeve: the bellyrhombus; intramurals 2, 3, 4.
Penny P. Herrmann
Daniel Joseph Herron
F. Bradley Hillgartner
f. bradley hillgartner "brad" 500 vernon rd. sec. amb.: winning a big one; pet peeve: influence peddlers; fav. mem.: s.p.c.c. j.c. 1972; prize possession: "muggins" and the ultras; remembered for: staying cool when the going was tough; stud. council 1; golf 2, 3, 4.
jUlie ann himbert 542 sherman rd. sec. amb.: to surf at waikiki; fav. mem.: joe, new year's party '74, my job; fav. saying: "don't worry about it."; pet peeves: mashed potatoes, hh; volleyball 1, 2,
3. william hodgson "hodge" 925 west ave. pet peeve: school; fav. mem.: 4/25/56; unfavorite mem.: 1/13/74; fav. saying: "what can i say"; sec. amb.: marry raquel welch; always seen: down north ave. on weekends!; remembered for: weekend girl hunting with moose!; intramural basketball 2; intramural volleyball 3.
Julie Ann Himbert
William Hodgson
Harold Hoeveler
harold hoeveler "harry" 798 parker lane fav. mem.: summer of '72,7/4/73; pet peeve: school; sec. amb.: to go to hawaii; always seen with: t.w.; fav saying: "you chump"; basketball 1, 2; indoor track 3; spring track 4; gym 1, 2, 3, 4.
jon hoffmeier "moose" 557 e. springfield rd. fav. mem.: 7/24/55 and wallenpaupaek; pet peeve: my canoes and tomily; always seen with: doc and somebody else most of the time; sec. amb.: to arrest tomily; fav. saying: "rip off" and "oh really"; latin club 1; jets 2; football 3; wrestling 3; senior play. kathy holcomb 300 sedgewood rd. prize possession: bill W.; fav. memories: trip to puerto rico, summer '73, trips to pmc with computer math, sept. 21, '73; sec. amb.: to have my own apartment; pet peeve: sellout concerts and broken car radio; library aide 1, 2; my fair lady 1.
Jon Hoffmeier
Kathy Holcomb
Steven Hornick
steven hornick "hoss" 272 hemlock lane pet peeve: blowing up balloons; fav. saying: "life is helL"; prize possession: rubber sweats; always seen: instigating; sec. amb.: drink myself to death; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; baseball 1, 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; stud. council 1, 2, 3.
mark arthur hubert "hube" 37 duncan lane pet peeve: the shadow, warm brew, earl's 98%; sec. amb.: to take over "ticketron"; always seen: roaming around; remembered for: getting caught; orch. 1; band 1; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; gymnastics 1; soccer 1,2; track 1,2,4; weightlifting 1,2,3,4; 1.1. 3, 4; e.s.p. toke for lunch bunch 2, 3,4. jUdith a. hup "judy" 410 larchwood rd. pet peeve; when people clack their knuckles; remembered for: being quiet; sec. amb.: world traveling; prize possession: my friends; fav. mem.: 5th period lunch with the lunch bunch; gym aide. joseph husted 221 Iynbrooke rd. pet peeve: nancies and cookmas; fav. memories: all. 12-8. Mark Arthur Hubert
Judith A. Hup
Joseph Husted
joyce dolores irvin "chickie", "kid" 734 penna. ave.; prospect park prize possessions: ed, my watch, my rings, my snoopy, my bart dog; fav. mem.: 4/16/72; pet peeve: "traffic" on i-95, 6 month pictures, smokey rooms; volleyball 1, 3, 4; fta 1,2; chorus 1,2; stud. council 1; scrivener 3, 4; prom comm. 3, 4; senior play; cougarettes co-capt. 4; nhs 4. john h. irons "spain" 31 walnut st., morton fav. mem.: when we were socking with meclice at the football game.
Joyce Dolores Irvin
John H. Irons
Elizabeth Anne Isherwood
elizabeth anne isherwood "liz" 590 rutherford drive fav. mem.: the hop "friends", bal. weekend, and new years; remembered for: being a conversationalist; sec. amb.: to do it at college; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; yea 3, 4; musical 3; senior play; ski club 2, 3; r.p.c. 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2, 3, 4; scrivener 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 3, eire. man. 4; snow queen nom; nhs 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; class sec'y 4.
wendy margaret jacoby 369 summit rd. sec. amb.: to go somewhere that no one's ever been before; fav. mem.: being crazy, canada, the penncrest game, europe; prize possession: my rose, prunes; always seen with: nadine; hockey 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3, sec'y 4; lit. mag. 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; gym aide 1; south pacific 3; c.p.'s 3, 4; senior play; nhs 3, 4. mary helene jay "mary joker" 233 pennington ave. "me is me, black beautiful, and free" sec. amb.: to be a fashion designer (that's successful); pet peeve: being in mrs. cook'senglish class and getting up to come here in the morning; volleyball 1, 2, 3; basketball 1; bsu 1, 2; social service 3, 4. jennifer johns 632 evans rd. fav. mem.: canada; pet peeve: spelling and standing behind the person who got the last library, pass; band 1,2,3,4; musicals 1,3; lacrosse 2; library aide 2; scrivener 2; nhs 4; spri-hian 4.
Wendy Margaret Jacoby .
Mary Helene Jay
Jennifer Johns
Jeff Johnston
Lee Alan Johnstonbaugh
Kevin Jones
Theodore J. Jopski
Ira Josel
Daniel Joy
jeff johnston "jeff" 130 parkview drive fav. interests: acting, writing, playing guitar, girlwatching, watching the phillies lose, bugging mrs. scheuer with my handwriting; ambition: to be an actor; stw 4; choir 4; musical 3; senior play. lee alan johnstonbaugh "j.m." 250 Iynbrooke rd. fav. mem.: 12/7/73; prize possession: h.c. and my '66 chevy; remembered for: friday nights; pet peeve: cadillacs; fav. saying: "far out"; basketball 1; football 1, 3; track 1, 2, 3, 4. kevin jones "space cowboy" 242 maple ave., morton fav. mem.: mr. adams' words and facts; pet peeve: good little rich girls; always seen: thumbing on baltimore pike; sec. amb.: to sit on the commons rug.
theodore j.jopski "gumby" 366 wyndmoor rd. sec. amb.: to get to mexico; fav. mem.: p.s.; pet peeve: no matches; always seen: around; stud. council 3. . irajosel112 harned drive prize possession: C.W.; fav. mem.: ocean city '73, 1/28/74; pet peeve: korvettes and color t.v.'s, shoeboxes; always seen: with a new car and a new job; wrestling team 1; deca 4. daniel joy 341 brock rd.
richard neill joy "jew" 254 saxer ave. prize possession: j.c.; fav. mem.: summer of '73 and talking with p.e.; pet peeve: "study" halls with roy wentz, smike, and the click; always seen with: "the men"; sec. amb.: to buy a van and just bum around; remembered for: his weird laugh. bob joy "bb" 254 saxer ave. prize possession: a.m.; best memories: summer '73 and new year's eve '74; pet peeve: get off me!; sec. amb.: to grow 4" until 6 foot and play basketball for ucla!; always seen with: a.m., y.c., n.m., j.m.; gym 1,2,3, 4; football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1; weightlifting 1, 2.
Richard Neill Joy
Bob Joy
James Kadin
james kadin "phreak", "cricket" 19 n. hillcrest rd. pet peeve: nonconformists who conform to the nonconformist's code of nonconformity.; fav. mem.: basketball in gym class; fav. sayings: "who cares?", "don't worry about it.", "that's debatable."; sec. amb.: to know a totally indisputable fact; soccer 1; chess club 3; bowling 3, capt. 4; scott's hi-q; apathetics anonymous.
mark daniel karpowich "chamiko" 12 server land later for ya s.h.s., i got my ticket so i'm checking out from a fine ride. track 1; soccer 1,2, 3; gymnastics 1, 2; ping pong 4; my fair lady 1; south pacific 3; pep club 4; ski club 1, 2, 3; service club 1,2,3; choir 1,2,3,4; flic, pres.; nhs. david katz "wej" 116 locust ave. fav. mem.: pittsburgh - mr. d., mr. m., mr. b., I.m., S.S., and me all in the same elevator (1 :00 a.m.); fav. saying: "i don't believe it!"; remembered for: forgiving 12/31/73; prize possession: a 22 x 16 collage; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1,2, 3, 4; dist. orch. 2, 3, 4; reg. orch. 2, 3, 4; allstate orch 3; musicals 1, 3; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4. john a. keener 477 n. state rd. glee club 1. Mark Daniel Karpowich
David Katz
John A. Keener
carol kathleen kelley 869 spring haven rd. prize possessions: friends, memories, and a seashell; fav. saying: "tant pis!"; "the only reward ofvirtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one." - emerson; chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; musical 3; pep cl ub 2, 3; color guard 4; rbs 4; spri-hian 4; scrivener editor 4. patrice josephine kelly "pat", "kelly" 436 blair rd. "to be yourself, hear your own heartbeat first, then that of others."; chorus 1; basketball 1, 2; gymnastics cl ub 1,2,3,4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; varsity club 4; spri-hian 4.
Carol Kathleen Kelley
Patrice Josephine Kelly
Steve Kelly
steve kelly "kel" 135 sherman rd. pet peeve: homeroom late bell; fondest mem.: free periods, allman brothers concert, out at lunch; sec. amb.: to go to high school; "the trolleyman"; intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; st. francis alumni assoc. 1, 2, 3, 4; gym squad leaders of america 1, 2, 3, 4.
harold clark kersteen "hal" 301 n. lehigh cir. known for: my speed; pet peeve: t-bars; ski club 1,2,3; weightlifting 2, 3; cross country 3; indoor track 3; lacrosse 4. kevin paul killen "ernie", "stats", "bert", "killer" 310 powell rd. fav. mem.: vacation '73, 4/10/73, 1/11/73; fav. sayings; "yo", "why not?"; pet peeve: hatful of rain, apathy; sec. amb.: to own my own radio station; av 3,4; jets 2, 3, pres. 4; t.v. crew 2, 3, 4; tennis 1; soccer 1; stud. council 1; intramur. 1, 2; senior play; I.c.b. 3, 4; ballymore bombers 1, 2, 3, 4. susan klatt 466 valley view rd. fav. mem.: 4/19/70, a dozen roses; prize possessions: a big stuffed dog, a silver locket; pet peeve: my jealousies; most favorite person: lonnie; "maybe someday things will get better. maybe that someday will be our day?"
Harold Clark Kersteen
Kevin Paul Killen
Susan Klatt
William Joseph Koppe
Beth Anne Kromer
Mary Katherine Kurtz
Karen Laguna
Frank Lamargese
Leonard Mark Lang
william joseph koppe "Ioeman" 477 hawarden rd. fav. mem.: end of summer, 1973; sec. amb.: to become an exorcist; pet peeve: getting up at 6:45 a.m.; prize possession: my 8-track, friday and sat. nights; service club 3,4; basketball 2,3,4; stud. council 1, 4; intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. beth anne kromer 82 so. shelburne rd. always seen with: assorted phreaks; pet peeve: people with suicidal tendencies; prize possession: my soho hat; remembered for: climbing telephone poles; "time flies, suns rise, and shadows fall. let time go by, love is forever over aiL" orch. 1,2,3, 4; choir 1,2,3,4; rbs 4; lit mag. 2, 3, 4; musical 3; scrivener editor 4; dist. orch. 2, 3; spri-hian 3; dist. comb 4; nhs 4. mary katherine kurtz "kathy" 239 kent rd. fav. mem.: 3/24/73; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2; french club 2; soc. service 3; pol-am. club 2,3, v. pres. 4; jacks club 2, 3; p.s. club 2, 3; aburclub 4.
karen laguna "t.w.", "magoo" 330 foulke lane pet peeve: people who think i'm crazy; sec, amb.: to relive the summer of "73"; prize possession s.w.h. and my friends; gym aide 1; mid-winter dance comm. 4. frank lamargese 808 markham place. leonard mark lang "snork" 316 yale sq. always seen with: jane, guy, val frank, robin, ed, gail, bruce, Iynnore, george; prize possessions: jane and my car; fav. mem.: 5/14/72, 7/10/72, 4/14/73, 4/28/73, 12/31/73; fav. saying: "soitinly"; bowling 2, 3; vo-tech 3, 4.
jean marie lauer "jeannie" 559 evans rd. prize possession: mike; pet peeve: springfield. snobs, bumming out, and cathy's shoes; fav. mem.: 1/19/72, and taylorville dance; intramurals 1; scrivener 3; mcdonald's cheeseburger club 1,2, 3.4. debra lawrence "deb" 164 morton rd. fav. mem.: 1/30/73.7/31/73. and band; pet peeve: prejudiced and conceited people; fav. saying: "aw ... "; sec. amb.: to live in the rocky mts.; prize possession: my john denver albums and my memories; social service club 2, 3, v. chmn. 4; drama club 3, band
4. richard michaellawthers "rich" 529 prospect rd. pet peeve: brown nosers; always seen: walking fast; sec. amb.: to bat above .211 in baseball and to fly a kite; baseball 3, 4; tennis 1,2; wrestling 1, 2; springfield mario's 1. 2, 3, 4.
Jean Marie Lauer
Debra Lawrence
Richard Michael Lawthers
Michelle LeBlanc
Michele LeFever
Deb ra Lefferts
Sue Lehman
Carl Lenthe
David Lewis
michelle leblanc "chelle", "shelly" 150 w. springfield rd. "what does tomorrow have in store for me. will it bring sadness or will it bring joy. who knows. i guess that's what keeps people going-always knowing that there is a tomorrow. tomorrow-a new day. tomorrow-a day for a fresh new start. a new beginning."; lit. mag. 4. michele ann lefever 123 wyndmoor rd. "simplify! simplify! ... why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed. and in such desperate enterprises? if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away." henry david thoreau debra lefferts "deb" 534 kennerly rd. "the worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity." george bernard shaw
susan lehman "sue" 638 barry drive fav. mem.: tobogganing. parting with claudia; pet peeve: hart, barb blakemore; prize possession: my skis; fav. saying: "you ready, freddie"; orch. 1,2,3,4; chorus 2, 3, 4; stw 4; ski club 1. sec. 2, 3; soc. service 3; hockey 2, 4; spri-hian 4; stud. council 2; snow queen nom.; rpc 1, 2, 3, 4. carllenthe "360°" 242 gleaves rd. known for: my office (127a); hang around the band room cl ub 1, 2,3, pres. 4; band 1,2,v.pres.3,4;orch. 1,2,3,4; choir 2,3; musicals 1,3; dist. band 2, 3. 4; dist. orch 2, 3. 4; reg. band 2, 3. 4; reg. orch 2, 3. 4; state orch. 3; pep band 1.2.3; kumar kadette 4. david lewis prize possession: my beer tap; pet peeve: auto insurance; sec. amb.: win the indianapolis 500.
zoe lewis 320 yale ave. morton always seen with: gail; fav. mem.: summer of '72,12/31/73 with fish filet in brooklyn, woodland ave.; pet peeve; wolfingtons, rat scallions, and various demons; soc. service 1; gymnastics 2, 3, 4; deca 4. nancy lingo adios. mary virginia Iintz 401 larchwood rd. remembered for: la jambe cassee; pet peeve: chadds "peak"; sec. amb.: to play carnegie hall with d.1. hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when peace comes, there is joy and life at last." pep club 1,2; french club 1,2; soc. service 3, 4; senior play; lit. mag. 3, lit. ed. 4; nhs 4; spri-hian 4; band 4; yea 4; h.r. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Zoe Lewis
Nancy Lingo
Mary Virginia Lintz
Kim Littleton
Ginny Long
Ruth Longaker
George Loper
Anne Marie Loro
kim littleton 110 locust ave. prize possessions: wayne and my friends; remembered for: nonstop talking about a certain marine and running home to see if i got a letter; fav. mem.: aug. 2, dec. 24 and 29; always seen with: wayne; jets 2, sec'y 3, 4; prom comm. 3; senior play; stage crew 3; chorus 3. ginny long 324 summit rd. glazed with rain so much depends upon water a red wheel beside the white barrow chickens william carlos williams ruth longaker "rue" 244 hawthorn rd., morton pet peeve: waiting ... , people who always say, "how tall are you?", people who drop in unexpectedly, and dirty greeks; fav. mem.: 10/26/73 and "the day of the hillman ..."; prize possession: dd and the blue chevelle; hockey 1, 2, 3; basketball 1,2,3,4; volleyball 2, 3, 4; s.crivener 4; pep club 1, 2; stud. council 3.
george loper "yogie" 462 thatcher rd. fav. mem.: the whole senior year!; prize possession: 1 p. and all my great friends; sec. amb.: to graduate with good grades; basketball 1, 2; prom comm 3. anne marie loro "annie" 624 andrew rd. prize possession: my ring, my skis, my stuffed animals; fav. mem.: 6/2/73, summer of '73; pet peeve: 7:00 a.m. monday thru friday, being short; sec. amb.: to be rich and to weigh 90 Ibs.; hockey 2; ski club 1, 2, 3; intra. 1; gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4. john luciani "Iouch" 524 hawarden rd. pet peeve: school; prize possession: vicky, '64 comet; remembered for: pizza and restaurant; always seen: with plaid shirt, t-shirt, and dungarees; intra. 3; wrestling 2, 3; weightlifting 2, 3; track 2.
John Luciani
robert lynch 640 evans rd. robert macdowell 455 kent rd. joseph maley 659 vernon rd.
Robert Lynch
Robert MacDowell
Joseph Maley
larry mammino 537 w. springfield rd. fav. teacher: mr. schmuckler; fav. courses: typing, boy's chef; cross country 1,2; indoor track 1,2,3, 4; spring track 1, 2, 3. renzo mangini 741 rhoads dr. interests: figure roller skating, opera, mythology; hopes: to come back to the states; lit. mag. 4. teresa marie mantegna "terry", "tess" 60 providence rd., morton; fav. mem.: 11/3/73; pet peeve: frizzy hair and rain; sec. amb.: to get license, to travel; fav. sayings: "get this", "huh", "ya know"; senior play; stage crew 3,4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; prom comm. 3, 4; stud. council4; yea
Larry Mammino
Renzo Mangini
Teresa Marie Mantegna
marcia marano 235 parkview dr. prize possession: bleeker; fav. mem.: gaie paris '72, fil, skiing, o.c.; fav. saying: "only that day dawns to which we are awake."; nhs 4; chorus 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3, 4; spri-hian 3, 4; stud. council 1, 2; snow queen; ski club 3; wrestling mgr. 3, 4. anthony mark 122 newell st., morton beverly martin "fred" 444 valley view rd. pet peeve: getting up at 6:30; always seen with: c.m., p.m., C.S., r.s.; remembered for: going through glass doors; fav. mem.: june '73; soc. ser. 3.
Marcia Marano
Anthony Mark
Beverly Martin
john massa "mass" 271 colonial pk. dr. pet peeve: study halls and teachers; prize possession: dying 327 to the big 6, a cruisin' car with good music, weekend parties; always seen with: faly, tom, ken, and pete. mark matthews 89 nield rd. constance e. mauger "connie" 333 prospect rd. pet being told whatto do; fav. mem.: ohio; sec. amb.: to travel across country and weigh 100 Ibs; prize possession: michael; chorus 1; soc. ser. 3; senior play.
John Massa
Mark Matthews
Constance E. Mauger
cynthia mawson "cindy" 47 n, rolling rd. sec. amb.: to lose 15 Ibs. and live in chincoteague; prize possession: d.h.; pet peeve: study halls and critical people; fav. mem.: 4/14/73 and summer '71; hockey 1, 2, 4; basketball 1; lacrosse 1, 3; stud. council 3; pep club 1, 2; stage crew 4. caren mcallister "crazy" 447 valley view rd. fav. mem.: march '73; always seen with: p.m., b.m., c.s., and r.s.; remembered for: driving up curbs; soc. service 3. dennis joseph mccaffrey "mccaff", "stretch" 35 fairhill rd., morton basketball 1, 2.
Cynthia Mawson
Caren McAllister
Dennis Joseph McCaffrey
john daniel mccarron "dan" 471 hawarden rd. pet peeve: john, frog, frcls., guessing; sec. amb.: to quit, be late. patricia ann mccarry "patti" 237 ballymore rd. always seen: in a white uniform with debi, joyce, kathy, karen, vo-tech girls; pet peeve: guys that are haunts, mrs. fulford trying to teach me howto crochet, popeye; fav. mem.: surprise party; votech 2, 3, 4. jeffrey dennis mccleary "jumpin' jeff" 472 wheatsheaf rd. fav. mem.: going caroling; sec. amb.: to be the best; Prize possession: my raquel welch poster; fav. saying: "O.k. ace!"; rifle club 2; choir 2, 3, 4; glee club 1, 3, 4; semeye club 3, 4; football mgr. 3, 4; t.v. crew 2. John Daniel McCarron
Patricia Ann McCarry
Jeffrey Dennis McCleary
william j. mccloskey "clump" 647 sheffield dr. pet peeve: craze, bugs, fred; fav. date: 5/4/73; fav. mem.: aug. 15-22 margate '73; always seen with: keeb, feer, larry, tommy, bos, tim my; football 1,2, 3,4; baseball 2; basketball 1,2,3,4; german club
4. arthur burn ley mccullough "art" 954 old sproul rd. prize possession: beard; pet peeve: smoking in the boys room; fav. saying: "what's up?", "have a ball"; fav. mem.: flipped; sec. amb.: to be rich instead of good looking; football 1,2; wrestling 1, 2; weightlifting 1, 2; stud. council 2, 4; class pres. 2, v. pres. 4; prom comm. 3; yea 4; servo club 4; snow king nom. mary mccunney "jade" 460 valley view rd. fav. mem.: 6/27/73; always seen with: c.m., r.S., b.j.m., C.S.; prize possession: C.S.; pet peeve: "haunted houses"; soc. service 3.
William J. McCloskey
Arthur Burnley McCUllough
Mary McCunney
Patricia Anne McCunney
Mike McDaniel
Michael F. McDevitt
Sean Timothy McGinnis
Darlene McGrath
Diane Marie McLaughlin
patricia anne mccunney "pat" 993 green briar lane fav. mem.: 1/6/73; prize possession: w.w.h.; sec. amb.: to learn to whistle; "woman was created from the rib of man, not from above him to lead him nor below him to follow but from his side to stand next to him, and to be near his heart." french club 2, hour glass 2, pol.-am. club 3,4. mike mcdaniel "mike" 333 kennerly rd. chess club 1, 2, 3, 4; forensics 1, 2; biology club 1; tennis 1, 3; bowling 3, 4. michael f. mcdevitt "mike" 334 powell rd. "i have a dream today. i have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plains, and the glory of the lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together ... and will be ableto join hands and sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, 'free at last! free at last!' " martin luther king jr.
sean timothy mcginnis 109 kent rd. pet peeve: high school; fav. mem.: summer of '73; sec. amb.: to get to know better s.k., the one from florida; always seen with: sem-eye, speero, jumpin jeff, clarence, and dave; stud. council 1; class officer 1; track 1, 4; football 1, 2, 3; nhs 3, 4; sem-eye club 4; canadian club 5th. darlene mcgrath 633 hawarden rd. fav. mem.: 12/2/72; always seen with: bird and lena; prize possession: danny; gymnastics cl ub 2, 3. diane marie mclaughlin "di" 336 yarnall dr. prize possession: friends and ollie; always seen with: sue; pet peeve: frizzies and phonies; fav. mem.: dec. 23, weekends and partytime; sec. amb.: to travel; south pacific cost. comm. 3.
paula ann mclean 644 evans rd. pet peeve: lance hairs, 11 :30, huffs; prize possession: j's ears; fav. mem.: 5/6/73, lenape; sec. amb.: to travel abroad with friends; soc. ser. 2; prom comm. 2, 3; senior play; gym aide 4; yea 4. marilynn e. mctiernan 33 west ave. always seen with: linda; prize possession: glenn and all my memories; pet peeve: jealousy, good byes, gym class and all that goes with it; chorus 1, sec'y 2, 3, 4; majorettes 1, 2, 3, feature 4; spri-hian 3, 4; scrivener 3,4; gym aide 2; south pacific; gymnastics 2, 3; prom comm. 2, 3, 4. donald meloney "don" 308 rambling way fav. mem.: barri 1974 and the girls room door; prize possessions: yellow vw and 175 yamaha; fav. saying: "man are you ugly,". Paula Ann McLean
Marilyn E. McTiernan
Donald Meloney
john mend itto 613 e. leamy ave. loretta menold "peg leg" 27 thorn ridge rd. worst mem.: gym '74; sec. amb.: to be skinny; pet peeve: my driving; lacrosse 1,2,3; hockey 1,2,3, 4; chorus 2, 3, 4; gym aide 1, 2. deborah jean meredith 524 kerr lane pet peeve: year round soccer games, telephone call at 9 a.m. on saturdays; prize possession: "capt. sexy"; fav. mem.: feb. 23 and aug. 21 ; gym aide 1, 2,4; chorus 1,2; lacrosse 1,2; cheerleading 1,3, 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; gymnastics 1, 2; nhs 4; senior play.
John Menditto
Loretta Menold
Deborah Jean Meredith
tom metzger "mindy", "buzzy" 612 kennly rd. prize possession: my skates and my car; pet peeve: raras; sec. amb.: to succeed; fav. mem.: the grass is all ehh; band 1, 2, 3; gym 1, 2, 3, 4; track 2; ice hockey 3; canadian club 4. david charles metzler "metz" 220 hillview dr. fav. mem.: the orange delight; hang around the band room club 1,2,3,4; nhs 3, 4; soccer 1,2,3,4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; german club 4, dance band 4. dolores miller 61 s. morton ave., morton
Tom Metzger
David Charles Metzler
Dolores Miller
james p. miller "mill mill" 733 hemlock lane pet peeve: english iv; fav. mem.: period 6 and 8, buddy, b.j.; prize possession: "my dune buggy"; sec. amb.: to smack b.j.'s face; baseball 1,2,3,4; stage crew 1. nadine louise miller "dee dee" 567 w. springfield rd. "teacher, let me swim in a puddle, let me race a cloud in the-sky, let me build a house without walls. but most of all, let me laugh at nothing things." -a. cullum; lit. mag. 3, rej. ed. 4; choir 1, 2,3; sec-treas. 4; dist. chorus 4; musicals 1, 3; orch 1,2,3,4; soc. ser. 2, 3; C.p. 3,4; hockey mgr. 1,2,3,4; varsity club; yea 4; nhs.
James P. Miller
Nadine Louise Miller
Marjorie Jeanne Milliken
marjorie jeanne milliken "marge" 422 kerr lane fav. saying: "go away, howard!"; always seen with: polacks; remembered for: being unique; choir 1; chorus 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2; rifle cl ub 2; pol.-am. club 3, pres. 4; gym aide 1; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; p.s. club 2, 3; jacks club 2, 3.
richard james mills "rich" 336 valley view rd. prize possession: My "pregnant eggshell"; fav. mem.: 27.9 and cruising summer '73 in the "preg. egg"; sec. amb.: to get my hot 59 on the road again; fav. saying: "could 'ja do it today?"; pet peeve: 45.9; a.v. 1; stw 4. robert sager milne "wobby", "boo-boo" 513 valley view rd. fav. mem.: boston '73; always seen with: "the blue flash"; fav. saying: gayla soda; prize possession: my very own 747; sec. amb.: to own an airport; choir 1, 2, 3,4; glee club 3, 4; aviation club 3, 4; jets 1; a.v. 2, 3 v. pres. 4; young life 4.
Richard James Mills
Robert Sager Milne
Jeffrey William Mingle
jeffrey william mingle "jeff" 209 claremont rd. pet peeve: c.n., m.k., g.s., inc., uncooperative boy's chef groups, and upper lockers; fav. mem.: s.p. and s.p.; choir 1,2,3,4; libr. aide 1,2,3,4; jets 2, ed.-libr. 3, 4; musical 3; senior play; snow dance comm.; german club 4.
carl miserendino "carlos," "amigo" 248 hemlock lane pet peeve: mr. bartow's 8th per. bio class; prize possession: bottles of "mate us" ; fav. mem.: new years eve 73-74; always seen: at "nicks"; fav. saying: "ping pong - pronto pronto"; cross country 2, 3, 4; spring track 2,3,4; servo club 2, 3, 4; clam club 4. nancy misuri"ello 616 laurel rd. dennis mitchell "pygmy" 334 ballymore rd. fav. mem.: the day the big one didn't get away; pet peeve: alligators, the big ones that got away; fav. pastime: fishing, sleeping in study halls; fav. saying: "take it easy"; sec. amb.: to make it through my 12th yr. of school without becoming completely brainwashed. Carl Miserendino
Nancy Misuriello
Dennis Mitchell
debra j. mongelli "mongi" 851 west ave. prize possession: brian peterson; fav. date: 2/19/71; fav. mem.: trip to spain, many rock concerts at the spectrum, labor day weekend '73, compo math's trip to widener college; gym aide 2; poL-am. club 4; basketball mgr. 4; sr. play. elizabeth f. monroe "betty" 717 haines lane always seen with: jane, dar, lynette, sue, kim; pet peeve: school at 8:00; always known for: meatball sandwich; gymnastics.
Debra J. Mongelli
Elizabeth F. Monroe
Jeffrey Alan Montague
jeffrey alan montague "jeff" 26 s. britton rd. remembered for: handing out hershey bars on new years eve '74; always seen: wearing blue jeans and goon boots!; sec. amb.: to successfully obtain and live up to my status as a "c.o."; soccer 1, 2; winter track 1,2; spring track 1,2; ski club 1,2; band 1,2,3; glee club 3, 4; choir 1,2,3, pres. 4; musical 3; nhs 4; nswssi 2, 3, 4.
joanne montgomery 438 kennerly rd. kevin montone "monty" 32 plymouth rd. always seen with: chris, dig, tom, bos; fav. location: in the back of vincent's; pet peeve: working at the drugstore. janice moore 960 green briar lane remembered for: blushing; fav. mem.: 1/12/74 and labor day weekend '73; prize possession: j.h.; chorus 1, 2; lacrosse 1, 2; intra. basketball 2; gymnastics 2.
Joanne Montgomery
Kevin Montone
Janice Moore
laurie moore "laur" 432 kerr lane fav. mem.: summer '72; pet peeve: no news; prize possession: "murph"; spri-hian news editor 4; band 1, 2,3,4; orch. 1, sec'y 2, 3, 4; musicals 1,3; ski club 1; nhs 4. joan marie moran 249 lynbrooke rd. pet peeve: boring people; prize possession: my rocks; fav. mem.: 5/19/73 and 9/1/73; fav. saying: "Iez go"; always seen with: braces and the rowdies; lacrosse 1,2,3; hockey 2, 3; pep club 1; sr. play; nhs 4; o.m.C. 1, 2, 3, 4; yea 4; prom comm. 4; stud. council 2, 3, co-chmn. 4.
Laurie Moore
Joan Marie Moran
Linda Ann Morgan
linda ann morgan 332 oakdale pI. fav. mem.: summers at crystal; prize possession: the charmer and a pair of initialed mittens; "cherish yesterday ... dream tomorrow ... live today" hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3; spri-hian 4; lit. mag. 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; stud. council 1, 2; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; office aide 3; varsity club; ping pong; nhs.
linda morris 463 thatcher rd. pet peeve: gym, rings that don't fit; always seen. with: marilynn; prize possession: alan; remembered for: always being in a hurry; band 1,2,3,4; musical 3; basketbal11; spri-hian 3, 4; scrivener 3,4; gym aide 1; gymnastics 2, 3. gail lynn mowbray "dick" 100 school lane fav. date: 10/17/72; always seen with: bert and notnot; fav. word: didn't; fav. mem.: o.f.k. and si. I.y.; life amb.: to have tc. my baby; chorus 1; pep club 1; stage crew 1,2; prom comm. 2; senior play. john mowry "juan" 42 mansion rd. pet peeve: winnie; prize possession: 48 willy's; always seen with: braces; fav. saying: "eerr"; fav. mem.: 1/1/73; hockey 3,4; weightlifting 3, 4; canadian 5 1, 2, 3, 4; track 4.
Linda Morris
Gail Lynn Mowbray
John Mowry
Kim Mowry
Leigh Moyer
Steve Murphy
Martin W. Murray
Michele Lee Muscari
Rocco Thomas Musciano
kim mowry 42 mansion rd. approximately 8:30 every friday morning a trip downstair. flying dots on condensed rooms. concentration on speech and ellimination of food. stationary eyes followed by contentment of mind. f. and w. made me happy and deb creating her poetry. leigh moyer 640 newlin rd. pet peeve: rayday; always seen with: debbie; known for: driving big boats around and monda's rebuilding big blocks for $35; fav. mem.: poconos '73. steve murphy "murph" 329 ballymore rd. sec. amb.: to graduate; prize possession: dms and my truck; pet peeve: "stupid teachers".
martin w. murray "marty" 566 sheffield dr. prize possession: my coat, my friends, b.c.; remembered for: forgetting peoples names; always seen with: girls; sec. amb.: to do something great; pet peeve: being skinny; "slipping away, what can i say ... "; chorus 1; stage crew 1, 2; senior play; scrivener 4. michele lee muscari "chele", "miche" 219 wells lane sec. amb.: to speak french fluently; prize possession: my family, rah rah and cuddles; remembered for: my laugh; fav. mem.: paris '72, summer '73; choir 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 3, pres. 4; scrivener 2,3; gymnastics 1,2,3; stud. council 2; nhs 4; musical 3; sr. play; spri-hian 3, eire. man. 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; yea 4. rocco thomas musciano "rockey" 601 laurel rd. pet peeve: high slapshots; sec. amb.: to get my goals against average' under 10; remembered for: my mouth; fav. saying: "whatever turns you on"; wrestling 2; del. co. ihl 4.
susan joan myers "missi" 106 summit rd. pet peeve: hypocrits, broken carburators, study halls; fondest mem: g.1. suzie and me; prize possessions: mark stellfox; sec. amb.: to be me!; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 2,3; soc. ser. 2; y.e.a. 4. charles augustus nagle "chip" 627 sheffield dr. always seen with: zotch, spfld mafia; sec. amb.: to live forever; prize possession: the delta; remembered for: humming and singing; pet peeve: women drivers; track 1; band mgr. 3, 4; rifle team 2; choir 1,2,3,4; ser. club 3, 4; weightlifting 4; pep club 4; rand t football 4.
Susan Joan Myers
Charles Augustus Nagle
Alycee Rosetta Nelson
alycee rosetta nelson "d izzy" 111 broad st., morton virgo; loyal, honorable, dependable, prize possession: keith; fav. mem.: 5/19/72, d.t.'s prom, miss sepia contest; always seen: at calvin's; remembered for: "yes i am black; sec. amb.: t.m.k.b.r; b.s.u. 1,2,3,4; color guard 2,3; stud. council 1; prom comm. 1; pep club 3; hum. relations 2.
john alan nicholson "nick" 115 overhill rd. prize possession: n.e.d; favorite memory: 11/3/73, 8/3/73; pet peeve: logs on ski slopes and the three hours that never were; soccer 1, 2; cross country 3; indoor track 2; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2; weightlifting 4. david nonemaker 316 harwicke road. colette omans "cocomo" rolling green apts 9-c secret ambition: to be filthy rich; fav. mem.: ship bottom, new jersey 1973; pet peeve: zip top cans, 3rd period study halls; yearbook staff 1, 4; literary magazine 1.
John Alan Nicholson
David Nonemaker
Colette Omans
margaret m. o'neill "peggy" 416 indian rock dr. favorite memory: tawanla, biology, theater arts; pet peeve: working; remembered for: running from trouble; secret ambition: to run an orphanage and own a farm; fav. saying: "take it easy"; basketball 2; gymnastics 2, 3. john opdenaker "big john" 315 indian rock dr. pet peeve: "you are seniors ... "; always seen with: dude, boo boo, big mike; prize possession: h.d. and the toad; remembered for: what a clown; sec. amb.: to be a millionare; fav. saying: "how's it going?"; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; weightlifting 2, 3, 4; b.s. 1, 2, 3, 4. robert owens 58 lownes lane.
Margaret M. O'Neill
John Opdenaker
Robert Owens
gail m. ozer "gozer"', "dumb" 24 server la. "and all the monkies aren't in the zoo, every day you meet quite a few, so you see it's all up to you, you could be better than you are, you could be swinging on a star."; fav. mem.: israel, bbg; prize possession: my kazoo, friends; lacrosse 1; choir 1,2, 3,4; ski club 1,2; scrivener editor 4. joseph patchell "joe" 328 segewood rd. "jesus said 'i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the father but by me they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint."; baseball mgr. 1, 3.
Gail M. Ozer
Joseph Patchell
Kathleen Payne
kathleen payne "kathy" 152 scenic rd. sec. amb.: to goto canada with dan, learn to wink, open a nursery school; fav. mem.: 12/15/72, ridley creek st. park; pet peeve: smbke, 11 :00 W.V.S.; soc. ser. 2; hockey 3; sr. play; stud. council3; scrivener 4; nat. hon. soc. 4.
susan pearson 313 franklin ave. raymond john pennacchia "zotch" 48 locust ave. sec. amb.: to see elton john; pet peeve: taking people home (b.p.); fav. mem.: joan moran's house; always seen with: chip, group and the rOWdies; always seen: selling shoes; prize possession: torqueless wonder; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; ser. cl ub 4; jets 1, 2, 3; rudee kazoodee 4. donna peracchia "groupie" 69 south forest rd. prize possession: my guitar, my albums, jim, and my blue jeans; fav. mem.: 12/4/72-12/4/73; secret ambition: to tour with the who, to become owner of electric factory concerts, to open a record museum, to be a true groupie; gym aide 1; pep club 1, 3; student council 2, 3; social service 4. Susan Pearson
Raymond John Pennacchia
Donna Peracchia
diane marie peterson "pete" 79 S. hillcrest rd. "we will never be together just like this ever again. We shall only hear the haunting melodies played over and over in the mind - retrieving the fondest times dimly seen but deeply felt. always, though, be in your hearts the peace and love of all that was and could have been." p.j.s.; orch. 1, 2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; lit mag 3, 4; spri-hian 3, 4; tennis 2; yea 4; ski club 1,2,3; stud. council 2, 3; nhs 3, 4. letitia petrelli "tisha" 359 holt la. pet peeve: waiting; always seen with: jeannie, cathy, cheryl; stud. council 3.
Diane Marie Peterson
Letitia Petrelli
Deborah A. Phayre
deborah a. phayre "debby" 55 n. norwinden dr. fav. mem.: 6/27/73; pet peeve: homework; always seen with: jimbo; remembered for: laughing; r.p.c. 2, 3, 4; gymnastics 2,3 ski club 3; pep club 2,3.
gary r. pilkington 309 e. springfield rd. always seen: falling asleep with my eyes open; pet peeve: the "locals" and humility; prize possession: my "panthers" and a couple of broken koho's; secret ambition: to play on the same shift as brad park; spring track 3, 4; cross country mgr. 4; cut club 1,2,3,4; canadian club 5th. kenneth j. pohlman 428 kerr lane fav. mem.: blue '61 chevy and its unexpected stops; always seen: in phila.;secret ambition: to backpack the great trails of the world; fav. saying: yo hangster!; band 1,2,3; orch. 1,2,3; sr. play; r.t. football 4; scotts's high q. helena pokorna "helen" 23b apt., 257 north state rd. "he knew that to offer a man friendship when love is in his heart is like giving a loaf of bread to one who is dying of thirst." frank frankford moore.
Gary R. Pilkington
Kenneth J. Pohlman
Helena Pokorna
Dale Robert Polhemus
Jan Pollock
Deborah Ruth Pope
Dorothy May Postles
Viriginia Ruth Povey
Wendla Mae Powell
dale robert polhemus "whale" 647 vernon rd. pet peeve: trig 2nd period; fav. class: doe boy's economics; fav. mem.: getting my car; secret ambition: graduation; fav. pastime: sleeping in school; fav. saying: slow down; prize possession: my car; sleep 3, 4. jan pollock 712 w. springfield rd. prize possession: jim; fav. mem.: 1/19/73, 1/26/73; always seen with: jim, d.d., w.y., s.r., n.s.; fav. saying: "i'm only kidding," "reeet!"; remembered for: dropping my hockey stick in the middle of the marple game!; hockey 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse: 1,2,3,4; varsity club: 2, 3, 4; prom comm. 3, 4; scrivener 1,2; band, color guard 4; chorus: 1, 2, 3, 4; sp. ed.-aide 4. deborah ruth pope "debbie", "brazy" 319 sunnybrook rd. fav. mem.: 12/31/72, ocean city, n.j., pocanos, 5/26/73; prize possessions: I.m., my rings, my memories; pet peeves: cliques, working on cars, being compared to a carburetor; secret ambition: to be famous; chorus 1.
dorothy may postles "dottie" 604 old school house drive; prize possessions: j.e.g., family, friends, and memories; secret ambition: to weigh 110 Ibs.; rem. for: always wearing a dress; likes: movies, the shore, going out, friendly people; class treas. 1, stud. council 1, 2; mat maids 1; girls athletic assn. 1, 2; class pres. 2; sha-hi; hockey 2 (sharon hill); prom comm. 2, 4; sr. play; scrivener 4. viriginia ruth povey "ginny" 1011 stoney brook dr. basketball 1,2,3,4; tennis 1,2,3,4; intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; leaders club 3; varsity club 2, 3, 4; chorus 2, 3, 4. wendla mae powell "wendy" 944 edgewood dr. "yesterday is always a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope." majorette 1,2,3, sarg. 4; sr. play 4; apathetics anonymous 4.
ann powers 124 n. norwinden dr. remembered for: my loud voice; favorite memory: partying with claudia, christmas vacation '73, 12/29/73; pet peeve: waiting for debbie; hockey 1, 2; chorus 1; ski club 1, 2. elizabeth ann prodoehl "betty" 152 hart lane remembered for: my gray hair, the "antique shop", "cold hands"; pet peeve: my braces and rubberbands; fav. mem.: senior year; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; stud. council3, sec'y 4; n.h.s. 3, sec'y 4; scrivener 4; pep clUb 1,2; hockey 1,2,3; basketball mgr. 2, 3; lacrosse 1, 2; sr. play; prom comm. 3, 4; ping pong 4. jill purcell 136 hart lanefav. mem.: 10/17/71; prize possession: b.w.b.; stud. council 1,2. Ann Powers
Elizabeth Ann Prodoehl
Jill Purcell
paul andrew quinn "the mighty quinn" 456 alliston rd. always seen with: k.i.f., bobo, yoge, flipper; and a.v.a.; fav. mem.: "stuck in the middle", 4/14/73; known for: getting it back together and having extra parts; prize possessions: k.i.f., ford; stage crew; a.v. aide 1, 2, 4, treas. 3, v. pres. 3; repair crew chief 3, pres. 4. stephen ramey 421 maddock rd. "ram-it" always seen with: r.k.l., w.g., b.h., m.r., d., j.j., and d.m.; pet peeve: r.m.b.t.c. and billy clubs, 1174; sec. amb.: to be me and to be as lucky as w.g.; prize possession: a.c. van and camera, my bug; baseball 1, 2; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; glee club 3, 4; musical 3.
Paul Andrew Quinn
Stephen Ramey
Susan Lynn Rasmussen
susan lynn rasmussen "sue" 249 west ave. fav. mem.: wendy, haydn, fain, jim, 9/73 retreat; pet peeve: jealousy; remembered for: my attendance record; always seen with: wendy; sec. amb.: to know and love as many people as i can; musical 1; lacrosse 1, mgr. 2; guidance aide 1; spri-hian 3; soc. ser. 4; yea 4; sp. ed. aide 4.
mark robert redfern "fern" 367 harwicke rd. always seen: weekends in north ave. park partyin' with bone, barney, mil-mil, and goober; pet peeve: people who don't show up on time and mrs. cook; track 1, 2, 3, 4; varsity club 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3, 4. nancy kathryn reed 21 s. hillcrest rd. "happiness? it is and illusion to think that more material comfort means more happiness. happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed." prize poss.: my friends. "times change in many ways and we with time but not in ways of friendship." sec. amb.: to one day be the topic of an american studies lecture.
Mark Robert Redfern
Nancy Katherine Reed
Patricia K. Reed
patricia k. reed "pat" 869 church rd. remembered for: being skinny; pet peeve: being mistaken for k.s.; fav. mem.: summer of '72; gymnastics 1, 2, 3; soc. ser. 2, 3; scrivener 2, 3; volleyball 1, 2; cougarettes 4.
______________________________ "
james rees "jim" 489 wheatsheaf rd. pet peeve: tara; favorite memory: may 6,1973; lenepe 1973; june 8, 1973; sec. ambition: to have friday off; football 1, 2; weightlifting 1, 2; soccer 3; S.S.C.C. 4; track: 2; wrestling 1, 2; service club 1,2,3,4; stud. council 3. grace rego "spacey gracie" 634 maple wood ave. always seen with: laura, mother, mudshark, and the rest of the muds harks; favorite pastime: goofing mr. hatton; pet peeve: life in the zoo (s.h.s.); prize possession: harold; fav. memory: dec. 8, 1973; sec. ambit.: to fly (travel); favorite saying: bang! bang!; pep club 1; drama club 2, 3; gymnastics 1, 2.
James Rees
Grace Rego
Therese Ann Rickard
therese ann rickard "teri" 425 garden rd. prize poss.: my memories; pet peeve: saying goodbye and "superior" males; favorite memory: france 1972, new years eve '73; remembered for: betty crocker; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; scrivener 3, 4; y.e.a. 4; basketball 1; ski club 2; pep club: 1, 3; student council alt. 3.
david riegner "giggy", "cakes" 926 stoneybrook dr. pet peeve: fat clowns, dead ends. always seen: the rest of the sem-eyes. prize poss.: sunbeam; favorite memory: free periods. remem. for: many nicknames. band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3; rifle club 2; sem-eye club 4. lisa alison roberts "chingzi" 1223 university ave. morton secret amb.: to do something terribly shocking and/or awe-inspiring and be remembered for it. favorite memory: getting together with stork lookabaugh. choir 1,2,3,4; orch. 1, 2, 3,4; dist. orch. 2, 3, 4; musicals 1,3; lit. mag. 3, 4; senior play 4; theatre workshop 4; n.h.s. 3, 4; apath. anon. 4.
David Riegner
Lisa Alison Roberts
Janice Robertson
janice robertson j.w. and noodle. "71". pet peeve: person". always
301 sunnybrook rd. prize poss. favorite memory: a saturday in being teased and "that certain seen: jim, janet, donna, rita.
barbara joyce rose "joy" 259 powell rd. always seen with: john. favorite pastime: riding in the "comet". favorite memory: 12/2/72, new years '73, summer '73. prize poss.: my cat's eye ring; pet peeve: late bells. christopher john roselle "chris" 660 buttonwood dr. " ... even youths, shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." mcgovern conceding 1972 defeat. lynn susan rosenburg "rosey" 308 lewis rd. pet peeve: the heating system; always seen with: dlrtf; sec. amb.: cut a whole day; fav. saying: "poor baby"; fav. mem.: 1/9/73; gym aide 4. Barbara Joyce Rose
Christopher John Roselle
Lynn Susan Rosenberg
ann rothberg 213 foulke lane pet peeve: Ls.'s gray pants, and being called "poor baby"; fav. saying: "so?"; fav. memory 12/9/73; chorus 1; musicals 1, 3; hockey 3; basketball 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4. pete h. roth man "rothchild" 456 southcroft rd. fav. saying: "touch what?"; sec. ambit.: two flyer playoff tickets and live through it; pet peeve: yahwee (little); prize poss.: seagrams seven bottle; known for: detention for mr. mcclennan; fav. sports: skiing, ice hockey, basketball; bowling 2; tri-county chairman 3; a.v. 1; t.V. crew 2; canadian club 4. mary rucci 228 gibbons rd.
Pete H. Rothman
Mary Rucci
Tom Rudolph
Nadia Rufo
Michele Renee Rufus
David Robert Ruprecht
Linda Kay Russell
Guy Russo
Ann Rothberg
tom rudolph "rude" 341 kennerly rd. fav. mem: thursdays and fridays; pet peeve: no matches; fav. saying: listen to brennan; remembered by: all the teachers who didn't like my attitude; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4. nadia rufo "not not" 610 sheffield dr. pet peeve: roaches; fav. mem.: 10/20/73; sec. amb.: to lose weight; prize poss.: s.j.c. jacket; fav. saying: i'm italian; always seen: in jeans; pep club 2; sr. play comm. 4; basketball 4; hockey 4. michele renee rufus 108 hard ing ave. morton herman and anglea.
david robert ruprecht "dave" "doctor ruppee" and "click-click" 520 kennerly rd. always seen with: moose and fellow clam club members or almost anybody else; prize poss.: my life, a wild imagination; fav. mem.: lake wallen pau-pack and officer tomily, new years eve and the b.m. strut; pet peeve: getting up in the morning, aardvarks, wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 4; scrivener 2, 3, 4; photo. club 3, 4. linda kay russell 417 fairview rd. prize poss.: memories; sec. ambit.: to live on a desert island; remembered for: d.o.t.t.; "for me to live is christ, and to die is gain." philipians 1:21; band 1,2,3,4; basketball 1", 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 2, 3; scrivener staff 2, 3, 4; aide to mrs. phipps 3, 4; y.e.a. 3, 4; sprihian typing staff 4; library aide 2. guy russo "gus" 11 myrtle ave. morton always seen with: larry, lorraine, sue, frank, robin; prize possession: kathy, my mopar, and the chevelle; favorite memories: dec. 10, and april 14, 1973; fav. saying: "do it to it." and "go pound sand."; pet peeve: tenth grade world cultures; sec. ambit.: to get a sportster and travel around the world with larry; bowling 3; v.i.c.a. 3; officer 2,4; stUd. council 2, 4.
david p. ruth "amigo", "cortez", "spic" 572 sheffield dr. remembered for: my conservatism; pet peeve: you name it; always seen with: misc. clams; sec. amb.: to rule the world; soccer 1; cross-country 3,4; winter track 2, 3; spring track 2,3,4; scrivener staff 4; clam club 4; uhh 4. paul rutledge 310 s. rolling rd. fav. mem.: ocean city, summer of '73; prize possession: a seat at the highland; remembered for: my attendance, or the lack of it; pet peeve: the attendance office and all the trouble it caused me; ski club 1, 2. james m. saeli "salle's" 276 orchard rd. fav. mem.: summer '73, labor day weekend and the "dunes"; always seen with: gitlin, dave, and stienen; prize possession: gold yamaha; pet peeve: "springfield", sunday mornings. David P. Ruth
Paul Rutledge
James M. Saeli
Devereux N. Saller Jr.
Michael Scanzaroli
Gregory Schoultz
Gail Patricia Scioscia
Jeff Scott
Tom Scott
devereux n. saller jr. "neil", "red-freak" 206 avon rd. remembered for: my name; fav. mem.: k.b.s., paris; pet peeve: mopeman; always seen with: assorted clams; a.v. 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1,2,3,4; clam club 4; nhs 3,4; photography club 2; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; stud. council 3, 4; tv crew 2, 3, 4. michael scanzardi 158 reese rd . .gregory schoultz 350 harwicke rd.
gail patricia scioscia 36 providence rd. morton most unforgettable character: j.k.; fav. mem.: dunkin donuts at 9:00 a.m. and our cemetery jaunts; remembered for: pushing certs and having the "right guard" in gym; sec. amb.: to be a french barmaid; pet peeve: wendy's lethargy; soc. ser. 3; lit. mag. 3, 4; yea 3; vice-president 4; spri-hian feature staff 4; apathetics anonymous 4; musical 1. jeff scott "jeff" 605 bishop rd. fav. mem.: miss silvers grabbed my wooden bird; pet peeve: lab partner, dr. rupper; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4. tom scott "tom" 650 prospect rd. pet peeve: ramblers; prize possession: cindy; fav. mem.: summer '73, wendy's dream; sec. amb.: to kick a librarian out of the library; soccer 1,2, 3, 4; service club 2, 3, 4.
michael seagraves 121 n. norwinden dr. dale ellwood seager "yogi" 431 colonial dr. fav. mem.: shad landing; fav. date: 10/6/73; fav. saying: "fantastic"; sec. amb.: to be head cook at a.r.a.; prize possessions: sak and my stereo; always seen with: sak, wsw and his harem; a.v. 2, 3, 4; band mgr. 2; printer's aide 4; young life 4. carol sebastian "sam" 520 morton ave., morton fav. mem.: 7/28173; prize possession: b.t.; always seen with: rose, bev, pat, and caren; sec. amb.: to be a policewoman; stud. council 1.
Michael Seagraves
Dale Ellwood Seager
Carol Sebastian
Veronica Shank
Bob Sheehan
Sandra Shell
William Randall Sherman
Robert Shields
Sandra Shockley
veronica shank "ronni", "libra" 30 pennington ave. morton,fav. mem.: feb. 27,1973; always seen with: nita in the green swinger, and on weekends with ronald; sec. amb.: t.a.h.r.i.; choir 1; black stud. union 1, 2, 3; deca; stud. council 2. bob sheehan "mop per" 301 butler rd. pet peeves: j and b, cigarettes smoked by other people; fav. mem.: 3/10173; always seen with:joanne; worst mem.: new year's eve '73; sec. amb.: to bea bass guitar player and have my own van; prize possession: joanne hassis; basketball 1, 2; soccer 1,2,4; wtlift. 1; scuba-diving 1,2,3, capt. 4; capel 3, 4. sandra shell "sandy" 909 providence rd. prize possession: soldier boy; fav. mem.: aug. 1, '71; pet peeve: the army; fav. expression: "oh, shut up!"; pretzel maker 2,3; business mgr. of sprihian 4; spri-hian circulation staff 3; color guard 4.
william randall sherman "bill" 314 foulke la. fav. saying: "that's kind'a hip"; fav. mem.: 6/9/73; remembered for: my beard; pet peeve: study halls; prize possession: ronit; sec. amb.: to play with the alman bros. band; always seen with: my beard; glee club 2; choir 3,4. robert shields 641 evans rd. sandra shockley "sandi" 543 weymouth rd. fav. mem.: 6/25/72; pet peeve: chubbers; prize possession: deub; cheerleading 1,3, capt. 4; chorus 1; vice-pres. 4; choir 2, 3, 4; adv. council alt. 4; snow queen candidate.
karen elizabeth shrader "k.s. & peanut" 679 andrew dr. prize possession: tom; remembered for: looking like p.r.; fav. mem.: cougarettes 4; prom comm. 4; student council alt. 4. irene shubin "renee" 7 s. state rd. sec. amb.: to do good in college; fav. mem.: lunch with the "gang"; remembered for: never being serious; prize poss.: acs; basketball 4; snow dance theme comm.4. james siano "jimbo" 219 w. springfield rd. fav. mem.: 11/3/72; pet peeve: filling out this form; always seen with: debby; football 1, 2, 3,4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; intra. 1, 2; advisory board council 4.
Karen Elizabeth Shrader
Irene Shubin
James Siano
carol simcox "sim" 368 bennett rd. fav. saying: "well!"; pet peeve: getting up for school; prize poss.: samson; fav. mem.: summer of '73; grand teton nat'l park; most remembered for: being a "rah-rah"; chorus 1,2,3,4; senior play; scrivener 4; cougarettes 4. glenn simpson "turk" 957 edwards dr. fav. mem.: spring vacation '73, champagne corks; prize possession: the "duker"; sec. amb.: to dissect dr. b. and see what makes him tick; always seen: cutting up r.a.t.; pet peeve: homeroom, 4th lunch; remembered for; being pet peeves; baseball 1; choir 1,2,3,4; golf 3,4; r.p.c. 1,2,3,4; senior play; yea 4. gregg simpson 645 evans rd. soccer 1; choir 1,2, 3,4. Carol Simcox
Glenn Simpson
Gregg Simpson
caterina maria sinopoli "cathy" 137 orchard rd. fav. mem.: sproul lanes with the gang, 10/23/73; sec. amb.: bUy a van, bowling alley gang reunion; always seen: on saxer with mary, missy, cupcake etc.; remembered for smashing the fury iii; pet peeve: j.p., W.C., tag. nancy jane skean "skean" 417 e. woodland ave. prize possessions: friends, sports, fritz; fav. mem.: summer '71, shore, gvc weekends; remembered for: being a jock, not wearing dresses; pet peeve: wild asparagus, dumb questions; sec. amb.: to live life any way; hockey 1,2, 3, 4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; nhs; girls varsity club 2, 3, 4; trivia team 4.
Caterina Maria Sinopoli
Nancy Jane Skean
Jackeline Sloan
jackeline sloan "jackoe" 223 hawthorn rd. morton fav. mem.: 9/14/73, 11/9/73; prize possessions: john and my diamond; pet peeve: school days; always seen: at vera's and in g.r.; pep club
mary small 30 rose lane fav. mem.: europe '70, ocean city, x-mas '73; sec. amb.: to set up a b&g; intra. volleyball 1; basketball 1,2,3; tennis 1,2,3, 4; ski club 1,2,3; pep club 1,2,3; varsity club 3, 4. ann lee smith 353 foulke In. may i can i, give you time; time to think. relax, be outdoors, learn, be yourself, write (me) a letter. my thanks and friendship to mrs. t., k.f., d.f., m.S., and many others. i take and i leave the wine of freedom, the memories of happy and sad, the hope of tomorrow, i love you, i need you. i'li see you. a.v. 2, 3, 4; a.v. sec'y. 3, 4; spirit club v.p. 3; t.v. crew 2. cheryl smith 400 colonial park dr. pet peeve: white interior; fav. date: 6/5/74; remembered for: locking keys in car; always seen with: ellen, peg, marie, trish; prize possession: my car. Mary Small
Ann Lee Smith
Cheryl Smith
kevin brian smith "raibs" 13 walnut st. morton prize possession: my phone book; fav. date: tanya; fav. saying: i likes to do it; ambition: to be free. kevin lee smith 460 prospect rd. remembered for: my green sweater and moccasins; pet peeve: dehydration; fav. mem.: rainier '73; secret ambition: to live on the river; football 1; wrestling 1,2, 3, 4; service club 2, 3, 4; student council 1, 3; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; yea 4; lit. mag. 4. jeanne marie soltner 116 harwicke rd. remembered for: my parties; pet peeve: getting caught; cheerleaders 1,2; gymnastics 1,2; social service 1,3; ski club 1,2,3, 4; musicals 1,3.
Kevin Brian Smith
Kevin Lee Smith
Jeanne Marie Soltner
steve speer 981 sara dr. fav. mem.: summer '73; pet peeve: the middle of the football field; remembered for: running the brass; cross country 2,3,4; track 2, 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2, 3, 4; tennis 1; n.h.s. 3, 4; sem-eye club 4. cleo speis "kayopi" 301 waverly rd. morton fav. mem.: november 12, '72; prize possession: nicky; pet peeve: gym days, walking; always seen: at vera's and in girl's room; remembered for: being absent; girl's chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1; pep club 1.
Steve Speer
Cleo Speis
Faith Ann Stanley
faith ann stanley 130 powell rd. "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which god hath prepared for them that love him." I Corinthians 2:9; nhs; senior play; choir 1; scrivener 1, 4; yea 3; intra. basketball 1,2; volleyball 1,2; spri-hian 4; tri-hi-y 3.
claudia edith stevenson 717 parker lane "this above all; to thine own self be "true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." shakespeare; lib aide 2; guid. aide 2, 4; band mgr. 2; color guard 3; sgt. 4; musicals 1,3; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. orch. 4; orch. and band sec'y. 3; chorus 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3,4; spri-hian 4. michele stewart "shelly" 301 n. rolling rd. fav. mem.: summer '72 and '73 and 9/1/73; remembered for: being dizzy and long talks in my den; pet peeve: peyton places and always having a deep understanding with certain people; hockey 1, 2; basketball 1; scrivener 4; lacrosse 1.
Claudia Edith Stevenson
Michele Stewart
Michele Stong
michele stong 317 prospect rd. fav. mem: jamaica; christ but they're few all (beyond win or lose) good true beautiful things god how he sings the robin (who '11 be silent in - e. e. cummings a moon or two) william d. strickland "wild bill" 475 briarhill rd. sec. amb.: to catch a 50 lb. fish; pet peeve: fast cars; fav. date: 3/3/73; tennis 1,3; the bullets 1,2, 3,4. debbie marie strohofer "titsh" 626 sheffield dr. prize possession: steve and henry; fav. mem.: 12/30/73; fav. saying: "why not?"; always seen with: s.j.f.m.; pet peeve: not being able to party with the boys; sec. amb.: to get accepted at medical school; gym aide 1; guid. aide 1; vica 2,4.
William D. Strickland
Debbie Marie Strohofer
Mary Louise Sullivan
mary louise sullivan "mary" "weezer" "fidget" "bean picker" 208 ballymore rd. fav. mem: 3/3/73 (if only i could remember); sec. amb.: to find ajob i'm best suited for; always seen: m.a.t., c.d.; cupcake, m.s., s.s. and g.r. on saxer; pet peeve: snobs, a.mcm., new london pizza; prize possession: my 1974 shs mug place; stud. council 1.
patricia sullivan 75 nield rd. to laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give one's self to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded. R. Emerson ray supper "ray the flyer" 785 dunwoody dr. always seen with the basketball mgrs.; fav. mem: the new york trip (not art's).
Patricia Sullivan
Ray Supper
Kathleen Anne Sweeney
kathleen anne sweeney "freeney" 665 cheyney rd. what i must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. this rUle, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. it is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. it is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. R. Emerson
nozomi takashima 263 beechwood ave. robert tarsia "tars" 68 hillview drive fav. mem.: austria '72, flipped, mm's laugh; sec. amb.: to story worrying; pet peeves: cl iques, people who worry, old fords; rem. for: being too grade conscious; fav. saying: "i'm crazy, i swear i am"; ski club 1, 2, 3; rifle club 2; national honor society; scott's hi-q team; student council advisory board. james richard tashjian "taz" 92 forest rd. pet peeve: m.s., turk; fav. mem.: fred's bomb, christmas dance; fav. saying: "do you want a smack?"; rem. for: armenian pizza; prize possession: my truck; sec. amb.: cut bear's beard, disect doctor b; servo club 1,2,3,4; senior play; nhs; pep club; basketball 1; intramural basketball 2, 3, 4.
Nozomi Takashima
Robert Tarsia
James Richard Tashjian
Barbara Taylor
Phyllis Lynn Tennyson
Kim Terry
Dennis Barton Thomas
Melissa A. Thomas
Lynn Thorpe
barbara taylor 353 coleaves rd. phyllis lynn tennyson 912 edgewood drive always seen with: a different book; sec. amb.: to be an astronaut; fav. mem.: christmas vacation '72; library aide 1, 2; girls chorus 2, 3, 4; choir 4; national honor society; band manager 3,4; sr. play 4; south pacific 3. kim terry "kim" 232 harding ave. kim arlie terry; black student union.
dennis barton thomas 243 walnut st., morton nickname: cool jeep; fav. mem.: 6/4/71, c.e.k., 9/9/72; famous words: "don't worry about it"; always seen with: jack farrell and marvin payne in the library. melissa a. thomas "missy or nun" 205 lynbrook rd.; sec. amb.: to join the nunnery and to get t.j.; fav. mem.: summer of '72-'73; pet peeve: greeks, rainy days and shorthand and curls; always seen: down saxer with m.s., C.S., cupcake, etc., and who ever else is around. lynn thorpe "(mon) goose" 932 lincoln ave. fav. mem.: getting together with stork lookabaugh, capers with chingzi and gustav; fav. saying: "i feels like my head wants to buzz open"; always seen: looking for something; prize possession: my cheerleader's outfit; sec. amb.: to cage "el cougar", to see my smilin' face on the cover of the springfield press; choir 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3, 4; dist. orch. 2, 3; musicals 1, 3; sr. class play; inter. basketball 1; lit. mag. 3, 4; stage crew; stw. 4.
kathleen tidd "kathee" 452 kent rd. prize possession: books, sewing machine, scissors, bean bags; fav. dates: 12/27/73, 1/11/74; amb.: to teach a bird to sing and a few stars to shine; pet peeve: coldness of shs; fav. mem.: good times with close friends. julie torna 442 foulke lane prize possession: my guitar; fav. mem.: woodland 72-73; sec. amb.: to get away from it all. christina touhill "tina" 269 hemlock lane fav. date: october 27, 1973; pet peeve: school; prize possession: les; fav. mem.: june 21,1972 with j.s. and p.b.
Kathleen Tidd
Julie Torna
Christina Touhill
Greg Townsend
Michael Thomas Trio
Robert Bruce Turnbull
greg townsend 319 e. leamy avenue pet peeve: being called craig; fav. mem.: 3/24/72; sec. amb.: to understand physics; choir: 1, 2, 3, 4; secretary-treasurer of choir: 4; glee club: 4; musical: 3; sr. play: 4; dist. chorus: 4; spri-hian: 2, 3, 4; Imc assistant: 1, 2, 3; chess club: 3. michael thomas trio "mike" 631 maplewood ave. prize possession: my hockey equipment; fav. mem.: summer of 73 and fifteens; pet peeve: getting up at 5:30 a.m. for hockey practice, daylight savings time, and being called "buffalo bird"; sec. amb.: "to get rich"; track: 1,2; wrestling: 2; weightlifting: 1,2,3,4; ice hockey: 3,4. robert bruce turn bull "freddy flyer" 324 lynn road fav. mem.: c.c. race at lower merion, and the goodtime band; prize possession: gazelles; fav. saying: "not me"; fav. colors: orange and black; rem. for: the ability to get riggor mortise; pet peeve: study halls in audion b and the clown; choir 1,2,3,4; 8mm film workshop 1,2; a.V. 2; t.v. crew 2; spring track 3,4; cross country 4; winter track 4.
judith laine vanvalkenburgh "judy" 49 s. forest rd. known for: talking continuously and the green coat; prize possession: d.s. and my red wig; always seen with: lindsay or chris; fav. mem.: flirting with the ninth grade boys at lunch; pet peeve: writing and being alive; chorus 1; social service club 2, 3; horatio alger club 3, 4; greek olive staff 1, 2, 3, 4; guidance aide 1, 2; stage crew 3. bruce I. veseth "sem-eye" 437 northcroft rd. fav. mem.: getting psyched; pet peeve: fat clowns, dropping batons, false accusations; prize possession: 250 yamaha, my glass bottom mug; always seen with: sean, spero, jumpin jeff, clar' ence, riggy; sec. amb.: to drive in a demolition derby; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; t. v. crew 2; football mgr 2, 3,4; glee club 3, 4; sem-eye club 3, 4 pres.; indoor track 3, 4; spring track 3, 4. paul vitali 741 rhoads dr. amb.: to "bethe dream" whatever that may be; pet peeve: standing still; gymnastics 1, 2; nat. honor soc. 4; art editor lit. mag. 4; theatre workshop 4; german club 4; ski club 3; district fork 4.
Judith Laine VanValkenburgh
Bruce L. Veseth
Paul Vitali
geraldine vitulli "geri" 240 waverly rd. morton fav. mem.: oct. 8, '73; pet peeve: fight with joe, weird people; prize possession: star, diamond; always seen with: c.d., a.d., k.h., d.g., j.d.; sec. amb.: to marry j.d.; hockey 3,4; gymnastics 1. bruce e. waldie "waldo" 621 hawarden rd. fav. saying: drop dead; pet peeve: star trek reruns; sec. amb.: to rule the world; choir 1, 2, 3, 4. maridel ann walsh "mar" 43 locust ave. pet peeve: the guys, " ... nothing"; fav. mem.: summers of '70, '73; sec. amb.: little track team, an unanswered for the day; always seen: on the jogger's course; remembered for: loving to run; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; gym aide 4; spri-hian sports staff 4; nhs 4, girls var. club 3, 4; trivia team. Geraldine Vitulli
Bruce E. Waldie
Maridel Ann Walsh
Deborah Hilton Walters
Maurice Walton
Theodore Ward
Ken Wareham
Beverly Warwick
Dorian Hunter Way
deborah hilton walters "debbie" 318 spring valley rd. fav. mem.: 10/7/72, 1/1/74; prize possession: "float"/"dynamite", pooh, great times; pet peeve: middle name; sec. amb.: playa game; hockey 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 4; choir 1,2, 3, 4; sr. play; stud. council 4; prom com. 2, 3, 4; pep club 1,2; b.b.w. 3, 4; spri-hian 3, 4; scrivener 3, 4. maurice walton "crazy maurice" 963 west ave. schlitz; football; weightlifting; track and field. theodore ward "ted" 101 congress ave.
ken wareham "worm" 308 providence rd., morton always seen with: be, tg, ph, bg, jm, and sometimes I. i., and my "54"; pet peeve: girls who don't react to what you do; remembered for: living in morton; fav. mem.: "dirtys" with bill, bruce, jon, marr; basketball 1,2,3,4; volieybal11 ; deb. soc. 1; intra. 1, 2, 3, 4; photo club 4; weightlifting 2, 3; spirit soc. 4. beverly warwick "bev" 261 north rolling rd. sec. amb.: to get my diamond back, to own a z/28; pet peeve: playing truth or dare with ira, rum, deanna's party; fav. mem.: o.c. '73, deek's van; p.b.'s car, 9/7/72, chap's night clUbs, 10th grade; prize possession: chap, star sapphire; always seen with: candy, deanna; hockey 1; pep club 1; d.e.c.a. 3, 4. dorian hunter way "dor" 475 wheatsheaf rd. always seen with: C.W., p.w.; fav. dates: dec. 1, '72, dec. 22, '73; sec. amb.: to find the cure for cancer; fav. mem.: tobogganing; prize possession: independence, friendship; cheerleading 1; rifle club 2; gymnastics 1,2,3; I.j.c. 3, 4; r.p.c. 4; chorus 1; ushering 3, 4; nhs 4; snow queen cando 4.
joan lorraine weigelt 340 indian rock dr. prize possession: memories, friends; fav. mem.: car, the pike, summer of '72, '73, meadow; pet peeve: car wash, fire engines, a certain pest; always seen: wearing dungarees; stud. council 1; gymnastics 1, 2, 3. patricia welch "patty" 485 indian rock dr. always seen with: d.w., c.w., pet peeve: study halls; cheerleading 1,2,3; wrest. man. 4; sr. play; nhs 4; gymnastics 1, 2, 3. john white 610 andrew rd.
Joan Lorraine Weigelt
Patrica Welch
John White
Heather Whitwell
Cheryl Williams
David Lee Williams
Laura Lee Williams
Sarah Wendolyn Williams
Cynthia Ann Wilson
heather whitwell 164 e. scenic rd. sec. amb.: tou r europe in an mg; fav. mem.: 2/11/72; prize possession: my accent; remembered for: my p.d.c. sweater; very special thanks to: k.d., k.j.p., p.t., p.m., k.p., j.m., n.r., for w/out you i wouldn't have survived; pet peeve: moving; pep club 1; lit. mag. 3; yea 4; spri-hian feature staff 4; adv. council. cheryl williams 601 saxer ave. fav. mem.: trip to spain, d ist. band; pet peeve: gymnastic routines, certain people who always have to buy a new pair of shoes; always seen with: claudia; fav. saying: oh my god!; prize possession: my friends; sec. amb.: to be a world traveler; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3, 4; spri-hian circulation staff 2,3,4; nhs 3, 4, david lee williams "willi" 356 lewis rd. fav. mem.: winnebago, 11th grade free periods, the spot; prize possession: the lights; soccer 1,2,3,4; esp 1,2,3,4.
laura lee williams "laurie" 258 n. rolling rd. prize possession: friendships, memories; pet peeve: jesus freaks; sec. amb.: no more accidents; fav. mem.: shs; band 1, 2, 3, 4; scrivener 3, 4; sprihian 3, 4; musicals 1,3; prom com. 2, 3, 4; sr. play usherette. sarah wendolyn williams "wendy" 455 andrew rd. "but alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way ... lewis carroll; pres. of apathetics anonymous 4. cynthia ann wilson "cindy" 606 laural rd. sec. amb.: own a horse; prize possession: ralph, my car, my "puppy"; pet peeve: "no exceptions" on sr. day; fav. date: 7/7/73; .rem. for: my "hot machine"; cheerleading 1; rif. club 2; pep cl ub 1, 2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; sr. play; nhs 4; I.j.c. 3, 4; r.p.c. 4.
gary w. wise 505 kerr lane tennis 3 randall john wolters "wolt" 513 kerr lane fav. mem.: winnebago hoopes; prize possession: my st; pet peeve: the parking lot in front of my house, tues. night; always seen with: hube, goon cuazy, willi, fig, smooth, and drunkway; sp. soccer 1,2, 3,4; gymnastics 1,2; track 1,2,3,4; stud. council 2; nhs 3, 4; 1.1. 3, 4. catherine woods "cathy" 62 snyder lane fav. mem.: europe and taylorville dance; prize possession: Lj., my opal; pet peeve: certain memories; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; mcdonald's cheeseburger club 1, 2, 3, 4.
Gary W. Wise
Randall John Wolters
Catherine Woods
charles wright "pins" 555 rutherford dr. i have gone through 4 years of high school which most of it has been a pain in the neck. i think my last year of high school will be the most beneficial to me.; bowling 4; glee club 1,2. cheryl wyatt "cheryldine", "tootse" 107 gleaves rd. sec. amb.: to pick my own friends; always seen with: tish, andy, bev ... ; prize possession: my opal necklace; remembered for: making soup on ceiling of super bee; fav. mem.: republican and van parties; fav. date: 9/22/72; chorus 1; deca 2,3.
Charles Wright
Cheryl Wyatt
Nancy Jean Wyshinski
nancy jean wyshinski "nance", "uke" 54 fairhill rd., morton remembered for: myra and "we are liberated, we don't have bosoms."; prize poss.: my friends, memories, rainbows, sunshine, snow, and chocolate-covered bananas; gym aide 1; lib. aide 1; sp. ed. aide 4; pep club 1, 2, 3; basketball 2; volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; sr. play; prom comm. 2, 4; scrivener3, co-editor4; stud. council 4; nhs.
wendy lou yohn 140 west ave. fav. mem.: senior year; remembered for: my laugh; pet peeve: illogical jokes, pizza; sec. amb.: to be as kind, true, and loving as people have been to me this year; always seen with: sue; prize poss.: gi-gi, friendship plaque, bracelet; musical 1; lacrosse 1; guid. aide 2, 3; prom. comm 2, 3, 4; scrivener 2,3, 4; yea 4; sp. ed. aide 4; soc. service 4; choir 1,2,3, 4. deborah j. young "debbie", "felix" 409 maplewood rd. business course; p.p.h. (ltd). richard zaffiri 19 myrtle ave, morton.
Wendy Lou Yohn
Deborah J. Young
Richard Zaffiri
peter h. ziebelman "pete" 753 haines lane fay. mem.: the year of 1973; pet peeve: salads, tall people, the alphabet, tuesday night; sec. amb.: to have a secret ambition; prize poss.: my hat; soccer 1,2,3; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; s.s.c.c. 4; nhs; y.e.a. 3,4; spri-hian ed. 4-4112; snow king cand.; student council 3; exec. council, chairman 4; service club 3, 4. becky ziv 39 n. rolling rd. "parting is such sweet sorrow."
Peter H. Ziebelman
Becky Ziv
John Daley
Thalia Elliott
john daley "j.d." 646 w. rolling rd. fay. mem.: surfing '73, parties, california, sister's "goody bags", and dorian; remembered for: my laugh; always seen with: groc. mike, Ion, daffy, gor, bobber, etc.; pet peeve: being called a surf bum, cold weather, greasers; fay. saying: "don't fight the feeling."; sec. amb.: to find the endless summer; snow king nom.
thalia elliott "sal" always seen with: kya; fay. mem.: jan. 11; fay. date: oct. 2; pet peeve: ignorance; fay. saying: "al--right" deca 1, 2; black student union 1, 2, 3.
Kim DeChristoforo kim dechristoforo 610 dutton circle fay. dates: new years eve '73, easter '73; pet peeve: friday nights; prize possession: barb.
Paul Kelly paul kelly "kel" 141 plymouth rd. always seen: with the top down, playing basketball; remembered for: bober can i driver your car, $100, "i'm getting my car out of the shop next week"; always se"en with: daffy, Ion ie, gor, j.d., crock, bober; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.
John Drew Dermond
Jon Charles Muller
john drew dermond "drew" 357 northcroft rd. pet peeve: english teachers; prize possession: chevelle ss and pat; fay. date: 12/31/72; fay. mem.: johnny winters concert; fay. pastime: cutting; sec. amb.: to grad uate.
jon charles muller "jon" 548 w. rolling rd. pet peeve: dry barrel, suds, moans and groans; fay. saying: "no problem"; fay. mem.: dirty joe's; always seen: out of town; football 1, 2, 3, tri-capt. 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 1,2,3,4; I.l.d.t. 1,2,3, 4; stud. council 1,4; snow king nom. ski club 3.
Mark Devito Donna Wadsworth mark devito 869 north ave. pet peeve: redness; fay. mem.: 3/some saturday night/73, 3/s.s.n./73; always seen with: ann and hercules; sec. amb.: to be an usher at the troc; worst mem.: beach boy's concert; prize possession: ann marie tulskie; basketball 2; football 1; edco 3, 4; math club 1,2, 3,4.
donna wadsworth "reds", "slims" pet peeve: snobs and gym; fay. mem: smedley, "march and oct. '73"; fay. saying: "turkey and i try" prize possession: duck horn and chains; sec. amb.: to go to texas and california; fbla 4; Yo-tech 4; volleyball 1, 2; basketball 1, 2.
Bill F. Dolhancey bill f. dolhancey "squirrel" 457 pinecrest rd. pet peeves: bathroom ceilings, policedogs, slippery trees, job wreckers, and gor's with metal boots; prize possession: paula; always seen with: the 2% or sleeping; remembered for: riding minibikes through basement parties, hanging from tall trees upside down, and doing insane things around water.
Wayne Smith Weisel wayne smith weisel 232 wayne ave. prize possession: dgj, my harem, and my stereo; sec. amb.: to be hugh hefner; fay. mem.: shad landing and meeting dgj; fay. date 10/25/73; always seen with: dgj, harem, des, rsm; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3, 4; dist. band 2, 3, 4; reg. band 2, 3, 4; dist orch. 3; a.v. 4; tennis 1, 3, 4; young life 4.
Not pictured: Robert Angelozzi Rosemary Cimino Dennis Connolly Michael Conway Mark Curlett John Daley Ken DeChristoforo John Dermond Mark Devito Mark DiCampli Otis Dickerson William Dolhancey Dolores Drescher Thalia Elliot William Feeley John Glenn Lorraine Glenstrup Lynette Glenstrup William Goodavage Joseph Jackson
Stanley Kavanagh Paul Kelly John D. Lee David Mayer Frederick McDowell Krista Moran Thomas Morris Stephen Moylan Jon Muller Michael Mullineaux Gail Marie Nelson Marvin Payne Charles Rosa James Scanlon James Shaw Elizabeth Sheehan Patrick Toal William Turner Donna Wadsworth Wayne Weisel Eric Weisel
In Memoriam of Mary Louise Sullivan
If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered? Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance. Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
New York Trip
Soph Hop
FRESHMAN YEAR - orientation, lockers, being at the bottom, study halls, rm. 32, "My Fair Lady", Middle East wars, Vietnam, Mr. Knorr, opening of the commons and LMC, SOPHOMORE YEAR - Driver Ed., candy sale, class officers, World Cultures, Nixon goes to China and Russia, Vietnam, free periods, "Friends", JUNIOR YEAR - open lunches, free periods, Am. Studies, SAT's, health seminars, commons, Dr. Ed. - the car, 50's Day, Nixon (again), Olympics, class rings, New York Trip, end of Vietnam involvement, Watergate, NHS, "Stairway to Heaven", SENIOR YEAR - F.L.I.P.P.E.D., commons controversy, study halls (again), STW, Mid-Winter Dance (Snow King), NHS, Vietnam continues, walking to school in the dark, Vice Pres. Spiro Agnew resigns, senior portraits, summaries, celebrities, impeachment?, streaking, college?, time to be free ...
Alternative Senior Year To decide to take an alternative to your senior year is to do the unusual. Most people assume that for every student it is right to go to high school forfour years; for us it was not. We all had different reasons for making this decision: a need for a more mature and interesting approach to education, a wish to learn what could not be taught at SHS, a search for ourselves to find what could not be found there, or even just a dislike for the whole school system and an urge to move on. But whatever our reasons, we are sure we made the right decision.
B. McKee
J. Shelton
v. Tingley
D. Pellock
M. Sagan J. Mammino
Alternative Senior Year Students: Diane Dibeler Karen Klineburger Jere Mammino, Hahneman Hospital Robert McKee, Delaware County Community College Cynthia McDougall Frank Michel, Drew University Donna Pellock, Delaware County Community College Anne Peterson Lauren Rieser, Hahneman Hospital Michael Sagan, Delaware County Community College Jeanne Shelton, Philadelphia College of the Bible Leslie Sternberg, Hahneman Hospital Donna Suszczynski, Drexel University Vivian Tingley, Temple University
D. Suszczynski
Choose for yourself and use for yourself. John Clarke
D. Dibeler
Good afternoon. We're the representatives from the Polish Embassy.
Is Sanborn gaining on me?
My girdle is killing me!
I think this place is bugged!
"Shine on Harvest moon ..."
What makes you think you're boring?
Onward Christian soldiers!
Next we'll try swan lake!
No, photosynthesis does not occur in Mr. Shoemaker.
TAG. you're it!
It's water, why do you ask?
in Justspring when the world is mud Iuscious the little lame balloon man whistles far and wee and eddieandbill come running from marbles and piracies and it's spring when the world is puddle-wonderful the queer old balloon man whistles far and wee and bettyandisbel come dancing from hop-scotch and jump-rope and it's spring and the goat-footed balloon man whistles far and wee e.e. cummings
freedom is a state of mind . ..
It seems that in past years in the editor's acknowledgements, there are always certain people who are thanked because of their position ortitle, in spite of what they have or have not done for the production of the yearbook. I will thank all of the people who are expected to be thanked, and hope that those who truly do deserve thanks will realize whom they are: Many thanks to our photographers; John Zischkau, Fran Easterday, and especially to our photography editor, Tony Freedman. I thank the business staff who made our job of making the yearbook so much easier. Thanks to Mr. Young, Cathy Amwake, Nancy Wyshinsky, and the entire staff. Also, thanks to Mr. Schmuckler, Howard Liddle, Becky Ziv, Dave Ruth, Bruce Veseth, Neil Saller, Mark Barrett, and to Nozomi Takashima for our cover design. Finally, and most of all, I thank my associate editors; Pat DeAngelis, Ginny Long, Steve Speer, Michele LeFever, Gail Ozer, Beth Kromer, Nozomi Takashima, and Carol Kelley. It's been incredible.
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Michele Stong
FOREST NIGHT by Friedrich Schlegel
The rush of wind, God's wings, deep in the cool forest at nightlike the hero in his horse's stirrup, one's thoughts bolt forward; like the ancient firtrees' rustling, a tumult is heard of rushing spirits!