1979 Scrivener

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ringfield High School Springfield, Delaware County Pennsylvania


1e spiral, for ~nturies an 1portant symbol lund in nature and

¡t. . .

¡ .. a growth dependent upon repetition . . .


"The spiral we travel round life is the means we have to compare ourselves with ourselves and discover how much we have changed . . . 11



¡ changed in tude, understanding, osophy.



School Board Seated: Joseph Gattinella, Annamae McKee, Pres.; Patricia Miller, As Richard Wilson. Standing: Barry Gibbons, Solicitor; Charles Lee, B. Jean Bareis, Thon Iiams, Nancy Thorpe, Ruth Bullard, Sec.; DavId Wolstenholme, Treas.. Not Pictured: I

District Administration

Charles H. Hable; Asst. Superintendent M.Ed. Pennsylvania 5iate University

John Bay Director of Administrative Services M.A. BuCknell University 20


Charles McLaughlin, District Superintendent Ed. D. University of Pittsburgh'

Donald Yost Director of Personnel Services M.Ed. University of Delaware

High School Administration

Faith Waters Assistant Principal M. Ed. Bucknell University

Earl Knorr Principal M.S. Temple and American University

Richard Castafero Assistant Principal M.Ed. University of Pittsburgh

Thomas Gartside Assistant Principal M.Ed. Temple University 21


John Bartley Science Supervisor M.A.T. Brown University

James Trumbower Language Arts Supervisor M.A.L.S. Wesleyan University

Dale Fry Mathematics Supervisor Ed. D. Temple

Charles Garris Social Studies Supervisor Ed. D. Penn State

Edward Decker Supervisor of Maintenance 22

Edwin Livingston Supervisor of Custodians

Pupil Services

Rina Vassalo Learning Disabilities

Kathleen Lear Resource Room

Timothy Boyle Alternative Program

Orphia Chelland Supervisor of Pupil Services Ph.D. Meed University

Not Pictured: Robert Broderick Joy Rosner Psychologist


Guidance Office: Elsye Trucksess, Barbara Powell, Edythe Petre

District Office: Ethel Coli, Doris French, Grace Stango

Division of Instruction: Betty Dusak, Margaret Yacum, Marilyn Hyness

Helen Lehman

Sec. to Faith Waters Main Office: Russell Kramer, Margaret Clarke, Helen Lightcap

Sarah Jacobson

Attendance Office ess Office: Doris Northington, Marie Omlor, Irene Paul, Florence Ehrig, Evelyn Rick-


Special Services

Stanley Pasternak Custodian

Justin D'Ambrosia Director of Transportation

Lee Belsterling Maintenance Secretary

L to R: Jim Rankin, Jake Gabany, Bob Ruza, Tony DeSanctis, Frank Bixler, Tony Trifiletti, Bruce Thomas.


R, Front Row: Betty Stone, Francis Brein, Catherine Moore, Vi Martin, Norma Myer, Manager: Judy Kilgallen. Back Row: lerine Mowbray, Betty Gambol, Marge McAllister, Sarah Dalton, Sis Bennett, Marie Cunrod.

R, Standing: Joanne Irwin, Gail Sapovits, Anne Martin, Bert Kline, Art Renaud, Gene TayJim Lawn. Kneeling: Emma McGee, Lynne Haigh, Joan Popelak, Lorraine Prescott. Not ured: Frances Talone, John Crossan, Bill Stravinsky.

Helen McGroarty Nurse

1_ _N_u_r_se_ _1

Gene Taylor Director of Bus Drivers


Evelyn W. Carroll M. A. Villanova University Janet Way M.A. University of Iowa



c ro



On Sabbatical Leave: William Campbell

William Mackrides M.S. University of Pennsylvania

Carl Winters Chairman M.A. Fairfield University

John Tierno Career Resource Center M.A. Villanova University

Patricia Rambo M.A. Villanova University 28

Margaret Lamb A.B. Dickinson College

James Hornaday M. A. Temple University

American Studies

Linda Ball M.A.T. Brown University

Thomas Gallagher A.M. Temple University

James Doyle B.A. Bloomsfield State College

John Zappacosta M.A. Villanova University 29

Alta Peterson M.Ed. Penn. State University

Carol Palmerio M.A. Villanova University

Shelda Sandler B.A. Penn State U. 30

Sharon Goebel M.A. University of Michigan

Leslie Landau M.A. Villanova University

Constance Funk

M.A. West Chester State College

Karl Schaefer

M.A. Temple University

Stephen Stefani

B.S. West Chester State College

David Freas

M.A. West Chester State College

Robert Filson

M.A. Temple University

Thomas Grubb M.Ed. West Chester State College

I ------Studies

John Stinson M.A. Villanova University

Barbara Frattura M.A. Seton Hall University

Richard Locker M.Ed. Villanova University

Jervas Jefferis M.Ed. Pennsylvania State University

When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen.

Eat my dust!!

And you wonder why they call me Mr. Groc

Teacher of the year.

Blame not my cheeks!

Is it live or is it Memorex?

:an't judge a book by its shirt, even if it is )n and white.


I've got a great deal on a used chair.

Foreign Language

Elizabeth Polini M.S. U. of Pennsylvan'la French

Aurora Moral M.Ed. Temple U. Spanish

Etta S. Smith M.A. Temple U. Spanish Doris Martin B.A. West Chester State German



Not Pictured: Muriel Santmyers On Sabbatical Leave: Lucille Balukjian India Harris


Laurie McBrinn M.A. Villanova U. Latin

Doris Lamon B.A. Eastern College Spanish and English

Learning Materials Center

Alice Barrett Educational Media Associate B.A. Connecticut College

Bettie Welch Educational Media Secretary

Marie McConnell Head Librarian M.S. L.S. Drexel University

Evelyn Thomas Educational Media

Alice Klineburger Educational Media Secretary

Gail Outlaw LMC Specialist M.S. Villanova University

Mary P. Young Audio Visual M.S. Indiana University 37


Richard Shoemaker Athletic Director M.S. West Chester State College

Gladys Smith B.S. West Chester State College

Graydon Wood M.A. Villanova University

Joseph Semeister M.S. University of Pennsylvania 38

Anne Reinsmith M.A. Villanova University

Robert McClennen

B.S. Drexel University

Harry Lemmon

M.A. Pennsylvania State University

Glenn Long

M.S. University of Pennsylvania

Joseph Zumpano

S.M. M.I.T.

Ronald LeDonne

M.S. University of Pennsylvania




Anne Frye

M.Ed. West Chester State College

Norman McConnell

B.A. West Chester State College

Dennis Bartow

M.Ed. West Chester State College

Nelson Adams

M.Ed. Temple University

Barbara Coombs

M.S. Howard University 40

Dorothy Kellogg B.A. Wheaton College

Mathematics Janice Brazenor M.Ed. Villanova University

Helen Sebold B.S. University of Cincinnati F.G. Werley M.A. Temple University




Eileen Janczewski

B.S. West Chester State College Randolf Lee B.S. Stanford University

George Irvin

B.S. West Chester State College Robert Young

M.Ed. Pennsylvania State U. .42

Sandra Hall B.s. East Stroudsburg State College

Leslie TIlylor M.s. U. of Pennsylvania

Susan Woodruff B.S. U. of Pennsylvania

William Speakman M.S. Villanova University

Robert Eley B.S. Ursinus University 43


Patrick Connor

M.A. Villanova University

Stuart Grogg

M.Ed. Temple University Distributive Education

Business Education

Barbara Engler

B.A. Penn. State University

Helen Beldecos

M.S. Drexel University

Eula Creed

University of Nebraska 44

Joseph Cannon

M.S. Temple University

Driver Education

Jack Peoples

M.A. Michigan State University


Rick Taylor B.S. West Chester Stllte College


o Gladys Hart M.S. West Chester State College





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Harry Bell M.A. Temple University


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Jane Brusch B.S. West Chester Stllte University

Bruce Yaeck M.Ed. University of Pittsburgh

Linde Ardeo M.S. West Chester Stllte College

Charles Wilkinson 6rophic Arts B.A. Temple University

Karen Clearfield Home Economics B.A. University of Morylond

William Morgan Power Technology B.S. Cheyney Stote College

Nicholas Williams Mechonicol Drowing B.S. Temple University

Charles McCoy Grophic Arts B.S. Millersville Stote College

Joy Andrews Home Economics B.S. Nosson College

Fi ne Arts

Suzanne Kaminsky

M.Ed. State University of New York at Buffalo


Theater Arts



Arthur Laupus

Ph.D. Wayne State College

Allen Brennan

M.A. University of Pennsylvania



Activities Staff: S. Tettimer, Co-Editors, C. Damon and S. Hales, M. Todaro.

Senior Staff: M. Bateman, Ed. R. Giachetti, C. Hill.

Underclass Ed.: C. Rohr, C. Woodworth.

Typing Staff: B. Schwartz, T. Walter. 2nd Row: L. Schink, Ed. G. Brunken. 52

Faculty Ed.: C. LeFever

Asst. Ed: C. Redfern, Ed-in-Chief: J. Jennings

Sponsor: B. Montgomery

SCRIVENER Sports Ed: S. Hoath

The young boy stretched to touch a group of ripples in the pond as they drifted to the edges and in doing so, created another such cycle.

ographers: R. Petrillo, D. Horan, D. Burt, D. Draves,J. Mingle, Missing: D. 1.

Copy Staff: V. Conklin, L. Ullman, S. Ruch, Missing: J. Mark. 53

It is (to describe it figuratively) as if an author were to make a slip of the pen, and as if this clerical error became conscious of being such. Perhaps this was no error but in a far higher sense was an essential part of the whole exposition. It is, then, as if this clerical error were to revolt against the author, of hatred for him, were to forbid him to correct it, and were to say, "No, I will not be erased, I will stand as a witness against thee, that thou art a very poor writer." - Kierkegaard

News Staff: Ist Row: E. Ruse, Editor J. Forcellini, 2nd Row: C. Damon, E. Peterson, T. M

Sponsor: D. Lamon

Business Editor: G. Brunken

The Rag (more tha n ?) . . . decorati ng the closet .. where's Brett? Seymour (see-more) discussions .. I NEED some sleep Bruce out . . . mountains of garbage (Dorito bags) is that algae in your java? . . . organization and cooperation Bing's lack of a nickle . . . "Joan, would you mind 7" ... "Nothing is forgotten or forgiven, when it's your last time around" Bruce Springsteen.


Feature Staff: Ist Row: F. Rieser, Editor B. Mark, J, Corio 2nd Row: T. Covello, ( cott,


Sports Editor: B. Fallon Editor in Chief: S. Ruch

News Editor: J. Forcellini

Feature Editor: B. Mark

G. Wilkins. Editor B. Fallon, C. Woodworth. G. Kasnik.

Literary Magazine

June Mark, Editor in Chief

What is poetry? Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? Can deep meaning be found in an M&M? Or is it really just too "high schoolish?" (memories of R. C.) How can we correct Carol's typo's? (Give her a nickel!) What's in the new room? Possibly toilet-trained little green men? Oh well T.S. . . . Eliot, that is! Let's vote on it!

John Zappacosta, Sponsor

Art Staff: Niall Mitchell. Dave Chen, Caroline Rohr, Lisa Owens, Carol Hiorth, Scott Alburger.


Carol Hiorth, Typing Editor


Joyce Jennings, Literary Editor

Colette LeFever, Art Editor

Screening Staff: First Row: B. Mark, C. Rohr, K. Bupp, S. Mark, L. Owens, R. Ullman, C. Damon. Second Row: N. Mitchell, D. Chen, E. Peterson, E. Nelles, K. Gonsalves, V. Conklin, C. Hiorth, S. Alburger. Third Row: M. Lord, R. Nacera, J. Kostorus, B. Thorpe.

Lisa Ullman. Business Editor



1st: C. Sentman, L. Bitar, K. Bupp. 2nd: A. Torna, B. Woofall, B. Horne, E. Menseck.

SERVICE CLUB It's the working the working, just the working



Barb Horne, President

S. Stefani, Sponsor


bake sales . . . pot luck supper . . . bake sales . . . meringues . . . more bake sales!!!

C. Le Fever. pres.: K. Bupp. sec.ltreas.: N. Marra. vice pres.

France, 0 belle contree, , terre genereuse, / Que ~s dieux complaisants ormaient pour etre leureuse,! Tune sens point lu Nord les gla~antes lorreurs;/ Le Midi de ses eux t'epargne les fureurs. - Andre Chenier

1st Row: A. Smith, D. Nazzario, M. Hoath, M. Coppa, L. Mathews: 2nd Row: C. Le Fever, M. Young, L. Borko, E. Arch, N. Marra, K. Schaaf. S. Scott: 3rd Row: B. Connery, M. Scheel, J. Coburn, K. Bupp, A. Nitkowski, L. Scheerer.

GERMAN CLUB needing money . . . all our car sales . . . gummy bears . . . no m bake sales allowed. . our trip to german restaurant . . . and our me gras. "Wer Keine Fremdsprache spricht, Kennt seine eigene Sprache nicht."

Mrs. Martin, Sponsor

Officers: A. Weber, E. Winter, J. Long, S. Sanet

I st Row: L. Green, K. Ginn, J. Patchell. R. Schott: 2nd Row: M. Scheel, J. Dyson, N. Taptykoff, E. Rohr, C. Weber. 3rd Row: A. Weber, E. Winter, J. Devine, G. Patchell, S. Sanet, M. Troutman, J. Long.



cers: treasurer, M. Gelsomini: secretary, P. Mariano; vice president, A. Smith; president, S. rancesco.

1st Row: J. Topham, A. Smith, S. Morris, 2nd Row: S. Mcintyre, D. Mariano, S. DeFrancesco, L. Bitar, M. Gelsomini. Sponsor: Mrs. Moral

"Espanol: la lengua del romance, del encanto y del amor . . ."


Ist Row: M. Scheel. C. Woodworth. 2nd Row: J. Kosturos, P. Squadrito, J. McLean, D. Horan, N. Long,

Officers: P. Squadrito, J. McLean, N. Long.

Miss McBrinn, Sponsor


EXECUTIVE COUNCIL "It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. - Thomas Jefferson

Sponsor: R. Shoemaker

Officers: J. Beaver, N. Cohen, H. Panczner, N. Fulginiti.

I st Row: T. Ruch, C. Gallagher, C. Thomas, T. Parker, L. Scornajenghi, D. Serafino, N. Cohen. 2nd Row: J. McNichols, P. Fasy, E. McGettigan, J. Manna, L. Dirazzo, E. Arch, J. Cecala, J. Beaver. 3rd Row: M. Kozin, C. Swayze, S. Spahr, M. McGuckin, D. Horan, J. Martin, T. Abel, N. Fulginiti, H. Panczner.

Ist Row: B. Mark. S. Morgan. K. Kelly. C. LeFever. T. Vitali. K. Rosenberg. C. Redfer Green. 2nd Row: R. Giachetti. R. Petrillo. N. Kromer. R. Macera. J. Forcellini. S. Lenth LeBlanc. 3rd Row: J. Jennings. J. Mark, L. Casadonte, B. Blair. Mr. Shoemaker. Advisor



NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY A leader is best when people barely know he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. worse when they despise him. "Fail to honor people and they fail to honor you". But of a good leader. who talks little. when his work is done. his aim fulfilled. they will say. "we did this ourselves." - Lao-Tse

Treas., J. Mark: V. Pres .. M. Kozin: Pres .. C. LeFever; Sec.. J. Jennings.

I st Row: L. Dermond. G. Petroski. c. Swayze, S. Ruch. S. Hales. 2nd Row: M. Catona, A. Weber. J. McLean. S. Spennato. D. Horan. B. Thorpe. D. Chen. B. Henderson. 3rd Row: J. Brycki, B. Huntzinger, K. Kleinhans. J. Knaff. K. Otto, N. Goldin. J. Husion, B. Fallon. 4th Row: C. Hill. L. Jurecic. B. Horne, K. Walsh. W. Wright. M. Troutman. M. Wittman. A. Holland, S. Sharkey. 5th Row: B. Connery, V. Conklin. E. Donall, G. Marascio, M. Lord.

SCOTT'S HI-Q n.p. jim jones all i want is not to look like a fool madame bovary . tit-tian lives in florence, or is that michael angelo jim jones .. get r.ko in the picture cof. and free-lance actor o dusting books london, liverpool, dover or is it southhampton? . jim jones pierre cardin and yves saint-laurent versus penn state and levi strauss how about a tuxedo? where's our free toilet paper? new york times anyone? jim jones! 0



































R. Marcera, B. Connery, R. Giachetti, C. LeFever, R. Petrillo, K. Bupp, J. ;, E. Fowler.

Mrs. Lamb, Advisor

Mrs. Funk. Advisor

1st Row: J. Frazer, K. Dian. 2nd Row: R. Ullman, C. Rohr.



CHESS CLUB M. Scheel, M. Young, P. Kowalczyk, A. Mullavey, B. Kowalczyk.

• .....I----.;..;.-_I--'----_.. _ -_.. _-_I..-_-Peter Kowalczyk, Pres.




1st Row: J. Bartolomei, A. Holland, R. Costagliola, D. Hall, C. Parsons, A. Luciani, J. I 2nd Row: B. Mowsoon, S. Paxton, B. Little, J. Cuadruario, J. Panczer, P. Nelson, P. Ghicor Row: R. Wolfgang, S. Macera, J. Hushion, J. Triozzi, M. Bowlby, S. Kolb. 4th Row: S. Me Villano, W. Sentmen, G. Green, B. Aird, R. Stones. 5th Row: A. Mazzullo, J. Dyson, T. DiMarco, F. Davison. 6th Row: M. Misciagna, S. O'Hara, J. McFassel.

Mr. Yaeck, Sponsor.



1st Row: B. McCullough. 2nd Row: D. Serafino. B. McCullough. M. Deserio. C. O¡Neill. J. Tenore. H. Panzner.

Co-dictators: B. McCullough and J. Tenore.

co-dictators . . . initiatior.s first day . . . getting beak to do something slov,,<; betty boop . . . fixing the wrong locker where are the masters, ask helen are you in locker problems . . . computer football . . . pretty juniors . . . late to monty's class . . . frogs . . . next year all girl staff, will anything qetdone? good luck next year, you'll need it.


Mr. Semeister, Sponsor.

STAGE CREW stage crew is made up of both guys and girls who are serving their school . . . many long hours spent behind the scenes . . . sr. play . . . musical . . . mr. semeister and his pessimism . . . if you want to know more about murphy's law, ioin us!

1st Row: P. McHugh, M. Selsun, P. Green, D. McNulty. 2nd Row: E. Petersen, M. Schell. D. Little, K. Owens, A. Macks. 3rd Row: R. Smargiassi, G. Larish, S. Lightcap, T. Covello. Not Pictured: S. Fielding, P. Wood.

Videotape Team: Kneeling: J. Cloaprete, A. Macks, Standing: F. Gaines, T. Driscoll, K. Knorr, P. McHugh, J. Gazelli, C. Cavanah, C. Farace. Miss Young, Sponsor

AUDIO VISUAL AIDS Audio Visual Aids: 1st Row: K. Ginn, D. Ginn. 2nd Row: R. Ginn, J. Hanna, R. Kindt. 3rd Row: T. Johnston, M. Patriarca.

Library Aids: 1st Row: D. Jarrell. T. Carpenter, C. Handley, T. Matthews. 2nd Row: T. Cavello, D. McNeill, S. Lightcap, E. Peterson. Educational Media: E. Thomas

Mr. Stefani. Sponsor



Best School Spirited

Officers: Ist Row: D. Bowman, L. Pappa, K. Knaff, J. Slack. 2nd Row: C. Knaff, W. Kaminski: pres .. M. McGuckin. 72


-A nr C


,rs: L. Rosa, J. Mallas, M. Guida, sponsor Mrs. Clearfield, L. :CI.

Springfield High School began the year without a ski club, but the officers were determined. None of the faculty would be bothered with us because of our past reputation, but we found a teacher with faith. It is ironic that the year we were not supposed to have a ski club we had the most successful year ever. We all thank Mrs. Clearfield.




'Anybody going to Marra's?", "Who has the shopping ¡t now?", late nights cause of long lectures, new and beauJI friendships, "Big Duff", knock out by bottle or slap, "I'm ry", outstanding leads and understudies, nicely nicely's d, "It's a seven and a three . . .", an annoying whistle, Mr. ~nnan, Mrs. Meade and Lisa's overwhelming patience, All our appreciation and thanks to everyone who have been so voted.

SENIOR CHOIR choir trips to old folk's home and court house double choir . . . great lighting halleluiah chorus and helig tradition tri ppi ng up the stage steps . . . no more "one way, my way" . . . good times . . . thanks a.i.

Mr. Brennan, Director

1st Row: G. Warrick, D. Sinclair, L. LaPorta, S. Atkins, A. Engler, S. Goeble, E. Menseck, S. Ruch, b. beltlgllo, N. Goldin, T. Vitalli, N. Kromer, C. LeFever, P. Kennedy, M. Armstrong. 2nd Row: C. Woodworth, P. Gettemuller, S. J. Warner, D. Taylor, K. Otto, L. Lynch, B. Moss, N. Gaines, J. Walls, K. Stolar, J, Miscagna, C. R.edfern, R. Dibello, L. Cummins, S. Lenthe, J. Balduin, L. Scheer, V. Conklin. 3rd Row: D. Richards, C. Corea, N. Long, K. Schaaf B. Swan, K. Kelly, K. Rosenburg, C. Fenza, T. Ruch, N. Dill, J. Mallis, C. Holdsworth, M. McTiernan, K. Zurl, C. Rohr, S. McClay, B. Henderson, V. Brunken, B. Horne. 4th Row: K. Knorr, R. Tarone, D. Stackhouse, B. McCafferty, M. Lord, B. Fallon, L. Rosa, R. Atkinson, N. Mitchell, C. Woodworth, L. Casadonte, S, Alburger, F. Johns, S. Hales, S. Hoath. 5th Row: B. McCullough, R. Duffy, G. Schmidt, C. Shell, E. Fowler, B. Blair, R. Rosser, B. Leonowizh, A. Macks, R. Ulmer, T. Johnston, M. Patriaca, D. McNeil, S. Tettimer.

I st Row: Accomp. N. Long, accomp. L. VanPatter, E. Menseck officer, T. litalli officer. 2nd Row: Officers: J, Foley, F. Johns, R. Ulmer. District Chorus: E. Menseck, N. Kromer. B. Horne. T. Vitalli. State Chorus: T. Vitalli.



EN, ~T


Director, AI Brennan

cherished friendships . . . funny jokes . . . are we singing this song . . . never ending conversations . . . variety of teachers . . . lauffer, wolf, davies, subs and now him; a repeat of eighth grade (hopes of great adventure) . . . an understanding director . . . "ready, let's go" . . . combined concert . . . "two small feet to see" . . . whistles.

Row: C. Damon, N. Marra, E. Menseck, L. Green, D. Taylor, S. McClure, L. Shepman, B. Belfiglio, ;oldin, L. Ullman, M. Armstrong. 2nd Row: C. Hill, B. Horne, C. Corea, M. Rickolt, J. Denison, A. ler, S. Adkins: L. Scheer, J. Baldwin, J. Dearden, P. Kennedy, C. Logue. 3rd Row: J. Martin, E. ,all. D. Horan, S. Lincoln, C. Woodworth, B. Both, J. Gluck, L. Cole, K. Shea, K. DeWoody, S. on, V. Mazziol. T. Walter.


Officers: C. Damon, K. Shea, B. Horne, E. Menseck.

Laurie Van Patter, accomp.










o R

Ist Row: R. Stones. B. Linton, L. McHugh, L. Sheeley, L. Aronson, B. Mogavero, M. Hoath, D. Beaver, S. Over, J. Top. ham, S. Morris, C. Star, P. Stephans, J. Moore, J. Watts, D. Goldsborough, D. Dennis. 2nd Row: S. Hemphill, D. Scott, T. Semanik, L. Miller, S. Young, C. Star, S. DeFrancesco, L. Gosnay, R. Holland, M. Imming, P. Koerner, T. Roberts, T. McCarthy, A. Gildner, L. Matthew, M. McGonigle, B. Ruch, R. Hanna. 3rd Row: C. Esola, D. DiCicco, A. Ferrari, S. Swan, G. Reganato, D. Root, D. Connors, J. Fowler, C. Schilling, J. Patchell, B. Mullin, N. Tarone, J. Adams, L. Heavey, K. Cosma no, S. Sterling, D. Edwards, S. Liberace, L. Hornaday, B. Hill. 4th Row: J. McFassel, J. Antonuk, T. Abel, S. Lightcap, E. Petersen, M. Sheel, J. McElwee, G. Zafiropolous, J. Reynolds, J. Lanyon, L. Miller, P. Krauter, C. Mark, M. Rosser. P. Davison, W. Sentman, G. Elias, M. Woodruff, J. Reynolds, S. Ghazikian.

singing with all the stage noises .. squeaking mikes . . . becoming artists by painting numbers on the chairs . . . getting the correct pronunciation for helig from andrea . . . threatening to bury people in the gowns . . . talking as we are walking off the stage.

Mr. Brennan, Director.

Officers: 1st Row: J. Moore, S. DeFrancesco. 2nd Row: T. Abel, M.lmming.

Dist. Chorus: T. Abel


" . . . that thy voices should ri ng like the voices of bells . . . " - AlharIZI

Officers: N. Tarone, D. Root, S. Liberace.

mr. brennan's long speeches . . . comments about his cute stomach in his "dry" look . . . all the times he picked "volunteers" to paint numbers on the chairs . . . wasting half the period talking about guys and dolls . . . and the great surprise present in mr. brennan's folder during the mid-winter concert.

Mr. Brennan, Director

K. Kampmeyer. T. Spatocco. S. Young, D. Goldsborough, L. Grassie, C. Musi, C. Kane, L. LoMonaco, S. Rosenberger, D. Billingsle. 2nd Row: L. Thorpe, A. Siegle, M. Sharkey, D. Carter, K. Cosimano, T. Mancuso, C. Hartzell, A. Gildner, T. Naughton. 3rd Row: C. Hushion, J. Forrester, N. Tarone, B. O'Meara, R. Schott, L. Dessender, L. Hornaday, J. Handline, S. Liberace. 4th Row: K. Dian, D. Root, B. Mullin, R. Holland, L. Gosnay, J. Kain, D. Vogelsong, L. Bevan, H. Larrimore.


BAND marching season marching around the track? front and center? . . . giachetti's infamous half-time exclamation . . . get it again . . . no victory on parades . . . "cold, dark, dusty night practices" (earl of K.) . . . not:;:;: I, we only won I! . . . singing telegram . . . statement? . the last canada generation!

Mr. DelNegro, director.

Colette LeFever, Student Director

Clarinets: Ist Row: T. Kroski, V. Conklin, ,

M. Rosser, A. Stolis, L. Windle. 2nd Row: L L. Schink, L. Fulginiti, P. Barry, K. Kristine, herst, S. Hales, M. Todaro. 3rd Row: S. Dil Cannon, C. Smargiassi, C. Weber, L. G Knorr, D. Schmidt. 4th Row: S. Macera, D. G. Ferguson, N. Fulgietti, J. Reynolds, D. Long, R. Kent.

Trumpets: 1st Row: R. Stones, K. Ginn, B.

Aird, C. Barner, C. Baxter. 2nd Row: J. Brennen, P. Kawolczyk, G. Onimus, D. Buche, P. Ghicondey. 3rd Row: L. Casedante, B. Henderson, N. VanVulkenburg, M. Whitman, J. Stanley, E. Roberts.

Frenchhorns: 1st Row: J. Morgan, J. Rosser, V. Townsend, D. Preston.

2nd Row: C. Woodworth, S. Kolb, T. Johnston, S. Alburger.


Officers: J. Martin, 10th grade rep.: P. Wood, V. Pres.: R. G Pres.

Flutes: Ist Row: K. Kampmeyer. B. Aird. C.

Rohr. S. Conway. C. LeFever. K. Rosenberg. 2nd Row: J. Leibig. A. Jurecic. P. Whitman. K. Lord, K. Zurl. T. Vitali. 3rd Row: S. Hick. R. Holland. S. Merckle. J. Braid. S. Hoath.

ones and Baritones: 1st Row: J .

. D. Ginn, B. Englebrecht. 2nd Row: vlby. R. Wilson. R. Giachetti. A. :. Gaines. 3rd Row: T. Mannion. A. l J. Martin. D. Alshouse.

Saxophones, Bassoons, Oboes, Bass and Alto Clarinets: 1st Row: J. Triozzi. J. Fry.

P. Wood. D. Netting, C. Wilson. 2nd Row: B. Kowalczyk, A. Mullavey, K. Gonsalves, S. Shane, F. Persky, N. Taptykoff. 3rd Row: J. Adams, B. Ginn. J. DiBello. B. Scheerer. 4th Row: K. Knorr. P. Whitman, F. Macera, A. Finio, M. Patriarca.

Managers: J. Patchell, T. Mannion, C. Taylor.

Percussion and Tubas: Ist Row: M. Patriarca. D. McCullough, B. Blair. B.

Penn, D. Burt. M. Tiger. 2nd Row: S. Arnold. C. Lawrence, M. Rieder. C. Apostolu. P. McHugh.


ORCHESTRA Orchestra (or ki stra) n. I. a compa ny of performers on various musical instruments, including esp. stringed, brass and percussion instruments, for playing concert music, as symphonies or operas. - Random House Dictionary

Mr. DelNegro, Director

Cellos, Violas and Basses: I st Row: S. \ M. DeSantis, L. Hornaday, B. Hender Mark, N. Kromer, S. Okino, J. Leonerd. 2r A. Young, K. Kelly, S. Moon, M. Rieder, ' mond, D. Burt, M. Imming, K. Stolar. 3rd Fowler, T. Mannion, D. Lyons, V. Conklin.

French Horns and Trumpets: I st Row: J. Rosser, J. Morgan, D. Preston, C. Baxter, V. Townsend. 2nd Row: Mr. D., S. Kolb, S. Alburger, C. Woodworth. T. Johnston, C. Barner. 3rd Row: N. Van Valkenberg, M. Witman, P. Ghicondey, D. Buchy.

Trombones and Percussion: 1st Row: R. Giachetti, M. Bowlby, R. Fresner, J. Patriarca. 2nd Row: M. Roder, D. Alshouse, B. Blair, J. Martin.

R. Giachetti, Student Director

: 1st Row: D. Dennis, M. J. Coppa, T. Vitali, K. Rosenberg, K. Schaaf, ey, J. Stango, S. Arnold. 2nd Row: J. Fowler, L. McHugh, S. Stephanau, Ives, L. Scheer, N. Gaines, B. Moss, In. 3rd Row: S. Stocker, R. Macera, ), L. Cummins, C. Redfern, B. Swan, J. Davis, R. Tarone, B. Henderson.

Clarinets and Bassoons: 1st Row: C. Weber, N. Fulginiti, L. Jurecic, D. Nett:ng, W. Wright. 2nd Row: D. Schmidt, R. Scheer, C. Halberg, J. Adams, J. Long, S. Macera.

E. K. J. K. J. R. K.

Flutes and Oboes: Ist Row: S. Conway, F. Persky, N. Taptykoff, P. Whitman. 2nd Row: M. Troutman, C. Wilson, R. Holland, J. Jennings, R. Ginn.

Managers: L. Aronson, J. LeBlanc


Dist. Band: Ist Row: D. Ginn, D. Preston, P. Whitman, M. Patriarca. 2nd Row: C. W Weber. D. Schmidt, T. Johnston. 3rd Row: S. Kolb, C. Woodworth, B. Scheerer, chetti. 4th Row: A. Holland, A. Mark, S. Macera, M. Witman, P. Ghicondey. Mi~ Conklin.

State Orch: Ist Row: T. Vitali, K. Rosenberg, N. Kromer. 2nd Row: K. Stolar, A. Young, C. Redfern, E. Fowler.

State Band: P. Whitman, M. Wittman, S. Kolb, V. Townsend.

Dist.Orch: Ist Row: K. Kelly, B. Scheerer, C. Wilson, P. Whitman, N. Kromer, M. Patriarca. 2nd Row: L. Hornaday, A. Mark, M. Reider, K. Stolar, S. Moon, V. Conklin, E. Fowler. 3rd Row: S. Kolb, C. Woodworth, M. Troutman, M. Witman.


Dist. Orch: 1st Row: K. Rosenberg, K. Schaaf. T. Vitali, L. Scheerer, M. Coppa, E. Rohr, J. Brennan. 2nd Row: R. DiBello, S. Stocker, R. Macera, R. Tarone, W. Henderson, J. Davis, B. Swan, C. Redfern.

All Easterns: A. Young, T. Vitali, N. Kromer, E. Fowler.

Reg. Band: Ist Row: P. Whitman, C. LeFever, C. Wilson, J. Patriarca. 2nd Row: D. Schmidt, C. Weber, P. Chicondey. 3rd Row: A. Mark, C. Woodworth, S. Kolb, M. Wittman.

Jrch: Ist Row: T. Vitali, C. Redfern, R. DiBello, S. Stocker, E. Rohr. 2nd Row: E. Fowler, A. Mark, b, L. Hornaday. 87

"Double Date" "Gee, was my breath really that bad?"

"Student Director"

"A face only a mother could love!"

"With this camera I can see into Miss Palmerio's room perfectly."

"We buy our clothes from Krass Brothers Men's Store."

lniy when we are no longer afraid do to live in every experience, painful or o live in gratitude for every to live abundantly."

S. Torna

S. Bitar

R. Ulmer


A. Weber

J. Hingston

M. Gutshall


Coaches: J. Quedenfeld, W. Speakman, D. Locker

Tri-Captains: D. Joy, G. Koerner, J. Hingston

Standing: Coach W. Speakman, G. Schmidt, D. Rosenberg, D. Devine, D. Meade, M. Johnston, J. Barr, D. Ryan, R. Mullineaux, Coach J. Quedenfeld. Kneeling: Mgr. T. Abel. A. Weber, S. Torna, G. Koerner, D. Joy, J. Hingston, S. Bitar, R. Ulmer, M. Gutshall. P. Kowalzyck. Missing: Hai Nguyen.


knew I should have been a cheerleader."

Coach D. Locker, D. Wright, B. Selby, C. Balchuinas, A. Kozin, J. Lanyon, J. Martin, E. Winter, R. Toomey, R. ). Aishouse. Kneeling: J. Krill, J. Gallo, M. Emas, S. Spatocco, M. Riesenfeld, L. Flannery, S. Peoples, B. Kowalzyck, R. Wilson, J. Viassopoulos. Missing: G. Furtaw.



R. Romano

Coaches: L. Landau, R. Taylor, J. Tankell, H. Bell, D. Bean. B. Blair

M. Mazzulo

Tri-Captains: G. Schmidt, H. Phillips, M. Pa D. McFeeley


.L TI'!nnrl'!




~ Sophs.: Standing:

C. Knaff, M. McGuckin, D. DiGiacomo, P. McKnight, F. Toussaint, J. Camaratta, B. Penza, P. Schenk, D. DiGiacomo, M. Petroski, D. . N. Kutafaris, C. McCloskey, D. Hagarty, G. Vanhouten, D. McCullough, C. Jobski, B. Duffy. Kneeling: B. Penn, B. Larkin, R. Inforzato, B. Poole, T. F. Perpilia, J. Toussaint, C. Woodworth, J. Mauro, L. Masstrioni, P. Mancuso. Sitting: J. Davis, G. Kasnic, W. Meyer, B. Burdumy, F. McKnight, G. ;on, J. Stumpf, G. Reuling, M. Carullo.

~AR T. Kulsik


J. Nelson

J. Genzel

E. Hakun


G. Petroski

C. Wunder

C. Stevenson


J. Ward

To the Great Sneeze, Thanks for all the fun times and learning e ences you gave us. Echoes of "go toward the "sprint girls," "no water now" and "when yOL through the storm," will always remain in our r We won together and lost together - but most we were a team. Thank you for giving so mu yourself, from /946 to 1979, as a coach and friend. Love al The Weezes and G


Varsity: Standing: Miss Brusch, B. Foley, J. Morgan, J. Gluck, S. Morgan, N. Cohen. Kneeling: S. Hoath, L. Windle, N. Dill. H. Ashbee, H. DiGilio, S. Spahr. Sitting: S. McClure, K. Shea, N. Kromer, M. McManus, B. Belfiglio. Missing: P. Wood, Mgrs. L. Scornajenghi, S. Bambach.

TRI N. Kromer

S. Morgan

M. McManus

H. Ashbee


S. McClure

S. Hoath



N. Cohen

J.V.: Standing: J. Gluck, C. Hartzel, L. Gosnay, D. Schmidt, Miss Hart. Kneeling: J. Soltner, H. DiGilio, J. Slack, V. Cicchinelli. Sitting: S. Goebel, A. Shell, T. Bellos, S. Okino. Missing: T. Ruch, S. McCrossin, D. Reganato.



L. Casadonte

M. Troutman

R. Scheerer

Boys: Standing: L. Casadonte, W. Kracht, K. Hardie, R. Scheerer, Coach D. Curran. Kneeling: A. Barclay, B. Fallon, K. Kanter.


Boys: Standing: Coach Curran, T. Matthew, M. Troutman, G. Will Fallon. Kneeling: J. Shields, J. Ring, R. Johnston, C. Kracht.

g: Coach D. Curran, S. Neelan, C. Woodworth. Kneeling: C. Hal. Imming, D. Mariano.

"Who wears short shorts?!"



''I'm sorry!"



L Radnor District on Haverford League ubles District bles Is

Varsity: Standing: Coach M. Keller, D. Horan, K. Gonsalves, J. Dearden, L. Martin, L. Belk, Mgr. K. Rudisill. Kneeling: A. Gruerio, E. Esgro, E. Menseck, L. Criston. Missing: L. Dermond, K. Kelly.

Seniors Co-capt. E. Menseck

D. Horan

Co-capt. L. Belk

A. Gruerio

K. Kelly

K. Gonsalves

L. Dermond

E. Esgro

L. Criston

J.V.: Standing: Coach M. Keller, D. Beaver, O. D'Orazio, E. Rohr, S. Stocker, S. Stephanor, D. Garcia, Mgr. K. Rudisill. Kneeling: M. Sharkey, C. Greb, S. Bupp, K. McDonnell, T. Voelker, D. Angelucci.



Capt. K. Downey, Coach

J. Cannon

it Standing: Coach J. Cannon, D. Carfagno, B. Cox, R. Muntone, patrick, K. Downey. Missing: M. Hendrixson.


J. Hanna. Kneeling: G. Devita, T. McNicolas, B. Kirk-



J. Frazier, M. Rickolt, E. Donnell, ,rk, Coach Mrs. Funk. Sitting: B. Gibson, D. Gardner, C. Hill, L. Scheppman, G. Warrick, B. Huntzinger, J. Beaver, A. erby. Sitting: Tri-Captains: J. Braid, G. Brunken, M. Bateman, T. Vitali.

19: Coach Mrs. Lear, A. Apostolu, K. Alshouse, D. Rickards, K. Dewoody, K. Truel!.

Home Opponent I Conestoga 0 o Haverford 0 o Ridley 2 Penncrest I 2 Radnor I I Marple 0 2


o Âť z o


o c


......, I I

on 7\ m


ng: Coach Mrs. Lear, K. Apostolu, B. Artz, E. Woolfall, S. Defrancesco, J. Knorr, K. Truell, K. Horan, T. Dion, A. lerby, Coach Mrs. Funk. Kneeling: S. Conway, J. Forrester, G. Beam, P. Patrucci, M. Gelsomini, M. McFeeley, S. B. Bateman. Sitting: M. Hoath, L. Green, L. Gerace, M. Colon, V. Laguna. 103

Varsity: Bottom Row: B. Jeckel, Co-Capt. K. Walsh, Co-Capt. M. Shea, C. Thomas. 2nd Row: O. Francia, B. Wynne, K. Inforzato, G. Gilmore, B. Swan, G. Lihota. 3rd Row: K. Stolar, N. Pacitti, F. Sudler, M. McTiernan.


J.V.: Bottom Row: K. Cox, Co-Capt. J. Neelan, Co-Capt. K. Thomas, C. Clarke. 2nd Row: D. O'Hara, M. Larkin, B. Coe. 3rd Row: D. McCaffety, D. Dennis, P. May.



Varsity: Back, Coach R. Carper, D. Irons, Coach G. Quendenfeld. Middle: D. Plummer, D. McGettigan, M. Johnston, M. Hendrixson, D. Wright. Front: Mgr. T. Abel, G. Gallagher, P. Fasy, D. Mooney, D. Irons, C. Stevenson, Mgr. B. Hill.


It. D. Mooney

. Gallagher

P. Fasy


:. Stevenson

J.V.¡ Back: D. Butler. T. Minford. N. Penn. R. Asbury. Coach W. Speakman. Middle: D. Alshouse. J. Lanyon. B. Spennato. J. Barr. B. Eastman. J. M. Nicolaus. E. Tousaint. J. Schaeffer. S. Clifford. 107

D. Plummer

Capt. K. Aishouse

Capt. T. Stroud


Varsity: Front: Coach L. Ardao, J. Braid, T. Stroud, K. Alshouse, D. Rumbaugh. Back: Mgr. S. Hoath, J. Morgan, N. McManus, T. Stumpf, L. Windle, Mgr. B. Horne.

J.V.: Front: C. Fasy, D. Foley, S. McCrossin, D. Belfiglio. Back: Mgr. D. Beaver, S. Okino, S. Schmidt, L. Gosnay, K. Faulkner. Missing: Coach D. Williams. 108




K. Bupp

K. Downey

VBarsitY'CStandin g : M. Catona, J. Knaff, G. Petroski, D. McFeeley, K. Wunder, C. Knaff. Kneeiing' S S tt arner. . Myer. D. Meade, S. Bitar. . . pa acoo, J. Triozzi. J.

K. Wunder

B. McCullough

Tri-captains: G. Petroski, J. Knaff, D. McFeeley.

Coaches: D. Frick, D. Bean

B. Thorpe



J.V .. Standing: H. Nyguen, J. McFasal. S. DiMarco, K. Bupp, K. Downey, S. Carey, D. DiJacamo, C. Vanhouthen. Kneeling: M. Petroski, B. Lord, R. Chirocci, E. Vodker, R. Gastner, W. Myers, C. Woodworth, R. Desieng, B. fv1cCullough.


Downington Henderson East


32 8

17 7


Capt.W. Wright

K. Otto

Back: W. Smith, S. Stevenson, T. Little, C. McGonigal. B. Brunone, W. Wright, N. Wright, Mgr. J. Sheean. Front: K. Otto, C. Weber, C. Halberg, L. Wright, J. Gluck, L. Matthew, J. Bryson, Coach M. Busillo. 112




Back: D. Freas. B. Kracht. G. Wilkins, B. Fallon, S. Hardie, K. Kautner. Front: R. Scheerer. J. Krill. S. Neelan, M. Imming. A. Barclay. B. Englebrecht.

Coach D. Freas


Medal Winners Brett Fallon 1120179 Mile Widener Fieldhouse 4:43.9 Ken Hardie 1120179 2 Mile Widener Fieldhouse 10: 14.0

B. Fallon








Coach N. Adams, Capt. M. Kozin.

L to R: M. Kozin, R. Tarone, D. McNeill, C. Hauslein, S. Burger M. Van Raden, Coach N. Adams. Missing Varsity: E. Brophy J. Mohr, A. Kozin, J.V: A. Misciagna, D. Hilaman, R. Kindt, B. Thornton.


-J -J


co ~


~ (J)


co I ~ ~


ou.. o

3rd Team. 1st Row: J. Brycki. L. Belk, N. Cohen, A. Gruerio. 2nd Row: Miss Brusch, coach H. Panczner, M. McManus, B. F DeWoody.

THIRD Opponent Home 12 34 Baldwin 24 26 Penncrest 6 31 A.I.S. 8 15 A. 1.5. 24 24 Mitchell 14 31 Friends' Central 33 17 Penncrest

FOURTH Opponent Home 17 Baldwin 10 I I Penncrest 26 13 Friends' Central 14 25 12 Penncrest 8 16 A.I.S. 8 4 A.I.S.







4th Team. 1st Row: S. McClay. B. Henderson, R. Rosano, L. Hammerhan, D. Nazzario. N. Erseck. L. Woolston. D. Fala. 2nd Ro Brusch coach. V. Chickenelli, B. Bateman. T. Albanese, J. Damiano, J. Knorr, C. Hartzell. 118


Seniors. Back: P. Gibson, L. Krausse, F. Irvin, C. Shell, J. Kilgallon, D. Plummer. Front: B. Creden. R. LaPorta. Capt. G. Schmidt, Capt. G. Gallagher, E. Hakun, D. Mooney.

Jach G. Ege, Mgr. G. Kasnic, G. Bennett, L. Krausse, C. Shell, F. Perpelia, Coach A. Bell. Middle: 3. Muldone, P. Gibson, M. Johnston, F. Irvin, D. Lauthers, J. Kilgallen, D. Plummer. Front: W. I. B. Credden, R. LaPorta, F. McKnight, Capt. G. Schmidt, Capt. G. Gallagher, E. Hakun, D.


GIRLS' LACROSSE Spri ng Schedule

Ridley Conestoga Upper Darby Lower Merion Haverford Penncrest Marple Radnor

Seniors, Top: K. Shea, Capt. N. Cohen. Middle: L. Derrr McLean, T. Stroud. Bottom: J. Braid, G. Brunken, Ci McManus, K. Alshouse.

Back: L. Kosta, C. Fasy, J. Braid, K. Horan, G. Brunken, L. Dermond, J. Soltner, D. Foley, D. Rumbaugh, P. Wood, H. Panzner, T. Ruch, M. Shea, K. Alshc McNamus. Coach D. Cowly. Kneeling: M. Van Raden, T. Stroud, L. Windle, M. McManus, J. McLean, B. Foley, N. Dill, J. Gluck, S. Bambach, L. Gosnay. H. DiGilio. J. McLean, N. Cohen, B. Belfiglio, K. Shea, J. Morgan.


Back: C. Stevenson, B. Stellfox, J. Kaut, C. Wolters, K. D'Ortone, S. Finelli, M. ). Joy, J. Pelligrini. Front: J. Hingston, T. Kulsik, N. Stevenson, J. Cox, R. Ulmer, D. Hall. B. Kirkpatrick, P. Fasy.

Coach D. Locker, Capt. M. Park, R. Ulmer, J. Cox.


Ulmer, R. Koerner, E. Toussaint, J. Hood, G. Mallon, J. Pelligrini. Row 3: D. Beatson, S. Brown, D. Ryan, M. Emas, J. Toussaint, G. ::'tevenson, J. HingMcGettigan. Row 2: B. Stellfox, J. Stumpf, J. Kaut, B. Wolters, K. D'Ortone, S. Finelli, M. Guida, D. Joy. Row I: C. Stevenson, T. Kulsik, N. Stevenson, J. Jlmer, M. Park, D. Hall. B. Kirkpatrick, P. Fasy.

Spring Schedule Haverford Harriton Ridley Moorestown Lower Merion Radnor Upper Darby Henderson Hill School East Conestoga 121




Back: M. Bateman, C. Hill, Coach J. Cannon, M. Beadle, D. Billingsley. N. Yankowski. Sue McClure. Front: D. Broome, M. J. Coppa, A. Smith, S. Hoath, S. Beadle. S. Craig, N. Ersek. Missing: A. Rowen.

Coach J. Cannon, Capt. S. Hoath. 122

Seniors, Back row: M. Bateman, S. Hoath, N. Yankowski. Front row: N. Ersek, C. McClure.


is: M. Kozin. J. Martin, A. Weber, A. Holland, D. Thorpe. A. Mark, Coach B. Yaeck, R. Freisner, S. Hempel. J. :a. M. Patriarca. K. Abernathy, T. Johnston.

Capt. A. Weber, Capt. S. Davis

J.V.: E. Winter, P. Kowalzyck, J. Thorpe, B. Spennato, Coach B. Yaeck, ser. D. Buchy, J. Brennan.

C. Reynolds, I. Disman, J. Ros123

Back: G. Beldecoste, T. Spatacco, R. Holland, B. Adair, K. Smith, Capt. C. Woodworth, D. Beaver, D. Carter, V. Cicchinelli, D. Schmidt, Capt. K. True Artz. G. Saman, M. Bartivic, L. Evans, Coach C. Funk. 4th Row: A. Weatherby, S. Mearkle, S. Smith, K. Keinath, J. Brycki, L. Hornaday, S. Neelar Imming, B. Henderson, C. Rohr, B. Bateman, V. Laguna. 3rd Row: T. Bellos, P. May, N. Gaines, B. Moss, C. Hartzel, B. Bothe, L. Hanrahan, B. HuntsingE Knorr. C. Halberg, Capt. B. Brunone, M. Felita, D. Draves, P. Abbot. 2nd Row: D. Logan, D. Finley, B. Gibson, G. Warrick, D. Preston, K. Lord, J. Neela McConchie, M. Hoath, D. Nazzario, L. Criston. 1st Row: E. Nelles, S. Byrne, S. Shane, K. Cox, C. Minford, J. Longaker, C. Riviello, S. Miller.



Girls' Schedule Ridley Conestoga

U.D. Lower Merion Haverford Penncrest Marple Radnor

Boys' Schedule L.M. & Marple Conestoga & Haverford Rabnor & Ridley Penncrest & U.D.



L to R: Coach: D. Curran, A. Barclay, Capt. C. Hodge, B. Kracht, J. Camerato, R. Wilson, V. Nagopian, D. Fisher, R. Inforazoto, R. Gatsner, D. Wright Urban. R. Burdumy, J. Mauro, C. Woodworth, J. Genzel, Capt. R. Blair, C. Knaff, Coach Waldren, J. Crill, P. Scheerer, M. Woodruff, G. Wilkins, C. Krac D. DiGiacomo, K. Kantner, J. O'Hara, B. Eastman.

SOCCER Kneeling: I. Disman. S. Brown. D. Lanyon. S. Hemphill. J. Fala. C. Maits. M. Micolucci. M. Sherer. P. Shada. J. Perkins. A. Mullavey. Standing: P. Pugliese. K. Kozin. G. Mallon. J. Hood. D. Ulmer. T. Kirkpatrick C. Barbi. G. ZaFiropoulos. J. Murphy J. Gallo. G. Irvin. (Undefeated)


ling: Coach Mrs. Carocci. R. S. Mel ntyer. B. Mullin. V. TownKneeling: M. Torone. P. Koerner. II. K. Winkler. L. Heavey. T. Semvlgr. S. Scarani. Sitting: Mgr. D. T. Stumpf. T. Walsh. J. Moore. B. nen. S. Stevenson. S. Rosenberg. (U ndefeated)



LACROSSE Back: T. Kennedy, R. Neal, D. Connors, K. KnaH, C. Clarke, K. Winkler, Capt. T. Stumpf, J. Shea. D. Wakumski, Coach G. Hart. Front: P. Koerner, L. Heavey, T. Semanik, S. Stevenson. T. Walsh, N. Tarone, Capt. J. Moore, T. Little, B. Bingamen.

TRACK ck: M. Davis, J. Shields, B. ,ch. S. O'Hara, L. Daley, Jach G. Irvin, Coach J. Stinl. Row 4: J. Dorm, T. JeHern. M. Corea, D. Wright, J. Jrphy. S. Bratini, S. Arters, P. Issiello. C. Ryan. Row 3: B. )llaway. B. Hill, A. Mullavey, Englebrecht, B. Bonadin, A. ch. J. Ring, C. Petrillo. Row 2: Englebrecht. A. Pearson, R. Herson. A. Hartlino, J. Cox, Bennet. S. Celestino, B. Blunt, Fritz. Row I: B. Toppy, B. arrick. V. Dallion, M. Jones, D. 'pe. D. Lanyon, M. Pratzner, . Walsh. K. Lynch, M. Parson. issing: L. Ferguson, B. chanan.

BASEBALL Back: J. Strain, J. Casella, F. Gerace, S. D'Agousta, M. Perpelia, B. Butler, B. Villano, M. Siano, Coach H. Lemmon. Front: T. Gildea, F. Dimaio, C. Scalios, J. Kane, S. Lenker, M. Molitoris, M. Sherer, M. Casey.

"I just washed my hair and I can't do a thing with it!"

The incredible hulk


"A sprinkle a day, helps keep odor away. . " 128

"It's good!!"

Typical-:rowd for a S.H.S. football game

_. "Gee Rick, I wish you would use a kleenex instead of your hands; you're making me sick."



Dawn Adams

Joyce Adams

Brian Aird

Michele Albanese

Samuel Alfonsi

Donna Angelucci

Ellen Arch

linda Arc

Clifford Bailer

Charles Barby

Patricio Bllrry

Joseph Bartolomei

Mary Batchelder

Maria Beadle

Jack Belk

Glenn Ber

Norma Berger

Daniel Berue

Deborah Billingsley

Kim Bloomingdale

Kathryn Bolton

Catherine Booty

Matt Borden

Loretta B,

Ma ri a Bottos

Denise Bowman

Bernadette Branson

James Bronson

Steven Brown

Jamie Brunson

Stephanie Bupp

Robert Be

Gu ( Buonadonr-Id

Doroth ( Caffre ..

Dawn CMter

Dolores Carullo

Janine Cecala

Gerri Cimeo

Checvl C1acke

Bernadette Coe

David Conle'y'

Donna Connors

Rosemarie Costagliola

Mar,! Coughlan

Anthonv Daddario

Stephen DAgosta

MeieKnur Dali<ik

Stephen Davis

Paul Davison

Checyl Dell050

John DelPiano

Ann Deluca

Debra Dennis

Philip DePetri5

Mac, DeSanh

Lori Dessender

EdwMd DeWood;

John DiBello

John Dillman

Kimberly Dian

Ira Disman

1 5


P.trici. DOMIl

Eileen Donl.n

Lynd. D'Or.zio

Fronces Dougherty

Trish. Dougherty

Timothy Dunn

J.mes Durh.m

Lynd. Ecklund

Dorothy Edwords

Bruce Engelbrecht

J.mes Engle

Michoel Ervin

Robert Ervin

Ch.rles Esol.

Jeffrey Everett

Geoffrey F.I.

Allison Ferrori

John Filos.

S.ndr. Finley

Timothy Fitzp.trick

Jocelyn Fowler

Jeffrey Fry

Lind. Fulginiti

Scott G.II.gher

John G.llo

Marcy Gammarino

Dora Garcia

Ger.ldine G.tes

Marcia Geary

Mich.el Gilde.

Karen Ginn

Laura Grossie

Gory Green

Scott Grignon

Colle;n Groome

Tracy Grosso

Suson H.g.rty

Wendy H.llmon



Je.nne H


Lee Heavey

Scott Hemphill

Susan Hick

Bill Hill

Jeff Hoerman

Eric Hoffman

Jeremy Hood


John Hunn

Carol Jackson

Greg Johnston

Robert Johnston

Jennifer Kain

Janice Kaiser

Karen Kampmeyer

Cynthia Kane

James Kane

Anita Karvois

Teresa Kennedy


Kimberly Knaff

Pauline Koerner

Craig Kinsey


Kurt Kozin

Paul Krauter

James Kuhn

Chris Lahm

Joann Leibig

Steven Lenker

John Leonard

Susan Liberace

Scott Linton

Patricia Little

Patrisha Livingston

Lisa Lombardo

Lucia Lomonaco

Donald Longhurst

William Lovell

David Lyons


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ----~----

Timothy McClellan


Kelly McDonnell

John McElwee

Timothy McFadden

Timothy Maclay

Christopher Moits

Glenn Mallon

Danielle Mannino

Curtis Mark

Koren Mark

Steve Martin

James Martinelli

Angel Matarazzo

Tracy Mel


Lisa McHugh

Sharon M,

Lori Miller


Dawn McGillon

Christina i'.



Ela:"1e McManus

Dav;d McNoulty

Michael Meriano

Lisa Mensch

Richard Mirenda

Albert M;sc;ogno

Carla Mogavero

Roberto Mogavero

John Mohr

Sean Moir

Mark Molitoris

Philip Mollichello

Jennifer Moore

Susan Morris

Michele Morroni



Michele Micola

Donna Micolucci


lIa vey

Barbaro Mullin

Joseph Murphy

Cindy Musi


Robin Neal

David Netting

Richard Neu


Hiep Nguyen

Sean O'Hara

Suzanne U'Meara

Susan Over

Lisa Owens

Sue Pappa

Gory Porker

Joy Potchell

Jeff Perkins

Debbie Perno

Fan Persky

Frank Pettiiohn

Paul Porter

Guy Potts

Willaim Preston

Jomes Pugliese

Paul Pugliese

Shoron Quinn

Jeanne Regan

Goil Regonoto

lvo Reid

Keith Reid

Jeffrey Richordson

Jeff Reynolds

Francine Rieser

Joseph Ring

Sarita Rivera

Christina Roberts

Christi Roe




William Rombach

Donna Root

Susan Rosenberger

J~mes Rosser

Mark Rosser

Andrea Rossiello

Robert Ruch

Kathy Rudisill

Sean Sacco

Steve Salerno

Steve Sandler

Keith Saraceni

Angeline Scalies

Charles Scalies

Stacy Scara ni

Murray Scheel

Roberta Scherrbaum

Claire Schilling

Rosemary Schott

Steve Schwarz

Daniel Scott

Theresa Semanik

William Sentman

Lester Shank

Maureen Sharkey

Laurie Sheely

Joan Shell

Laura Shell

Marybeth Sherlock

Joseph Shields

Allison Siegel

Emma Sinclair

David Snyder

Teresa $patocco

Peter Squadrito

Anthony Stolis

Richard Stones

Joseph Stango


Christine Starr

Pamela Stephens

II youth is impossible, for even if

"And I asked myself about the present, how wide it was, how deep it was, and how much of it was mine to keep." - Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

ere no other obstacles, introspection lake it impossible." - Franz Kafka, Diaries /I

Trocy Stumpf

Susan Swan

Wolter Swoyze

Brion Tornoff


Lindo Thorpe

Mork Tiger

Joon Tophom

Valerie Townsend

Jon Toyzer

Dovid Ulmer

Williom Villono


Dione Vogelsong

Thomas Wode

Denise Wokumski


.Jeon Wotts

John Whelon

Dovid Whitpon


Kothryn Winkler

Poul Wittmon

Dorren Wright

Nino Yi

Mork Young

Stephonie Young

George Zafiropoulos



Officers and Sponsors: Connie Funk, sponsor; David Alshouse, treasurer; Audrey Smith, secretary; Anthony Finio, Vice-president; Edwin Abel, president; Stephen Stefani, sponsor.

Ted Abel

Kirk Abernethy

Barbera Adair

Therese Albanese

David Alshouse

Jeffrey Antonuk

Keren Apostulu


Alison Arrell

Barbara Arzt

Randall Asbury

Carlton Bagby

Tanya Baldwin

Douglas Barasatian

Charles Berner


Rebecca Bateman

Suzanne Beadle

Georgia Beam

David Beatson

Deborah Beaver

Colin Bell

Lynn Bevan


J org Bierekoven

Leslie Bitar

Bruce Bortz

Mark Bowlby

Arthur Boyle

Richard Branton

Kaye Lynn Brown

Tracy Lyn

John Brycki

Jennifer Bryson

Lisa Buchenan

Theodore Buczacki

Bart Buonedonne

Gwen Buscaglia

James Callanan

Joseph Camaratta

John Canno~

Michael Capone

Scott Carrick

Joseph Carroll

Donna Carter

Kerre Caton

Filip Cerny

Vilma Cicchinelli

Michael Cimeo

Scott Clifford

John Colaprete

Michelle Colon

Dennis Conrad

Susen Conway

Mary Jane Coppa

Sherry Corse

Koren Cosimono

James Costagliola

Karen Cox

Barbara Craig

Joyce Damiano

Julie Davis


John DelloBueno

Lisa Deluca

Staciann Deserio

Desiree Diehl

Domenic DiGiocomo

Helen DiGilio

_ _ _ _......,jl

Michael Davis


v David Devine

Donald DiCicco


Joseph DiGregorio

Steven DiMarco

Terry Dian

Rhonda D'Ortone

Thomas Driscoll

Robert Eastman

Andrew Ecklund

Garth Elias

Donna Fa'a

Caroline Fasy

Cynthia Ferrier

Anthony Finio

Maureen Finnegan

Michael Finnegan

David Fitzpatrick

Diane Foley

Randa1 Friesner

Frederick Gaines

Joseph Gallo

Joseph Ganzelli

Russell Gastner

Mary Gelsomini

Lisa Gerace

Steven G'hazikian

Annette Gildner

Lori Guida

Lisa Gosney

Earl Grant

Karen Handley

Lizonne Hanrahan

Ken Hardie

William Harrington

Lois Green


Thomas Frederick

Joseph Hagarty

Caroline Halberg


Lisa H


Mork Hodnett

SUlonne Hoeveler

Koren Hoffmon

Ruth Hollond

Koren Horon

Leso HorMdoy

Williom Howord

" Huczke

Amy Huntzinger

Christine Hushion

Moureen Imming

Dion Irons

Debbie Jorrell

Anton Jefferson

Chorles Jopski

Goil Juperko

Kristine Kollinen

Welter Kominsh

Chorles KovoMgh

Seon Keorney

Mory Keorns

Stephen Klegholz

Steven Klepper

Christopher Knoff

Jennifer Knorr

Stephen Kolb

Liso Kosto

Adom Kozin

Chris Krecht

MMY Krousse

Jeffrey Krill

Thereso Kroski

Nick Kutuforis

Volerie LoguM

Jim Lonyon

Gregg Lorish

Mortho Lorkin

Holly Lorrimore

Lorry Lowthers

145 . ._


Gregory LeBlanc

Stephen Lightcap

Bruce Linton

Bruce Lord

Felice Macera

Salvatore Macera

Laura tv

Deborah Mariano

Rkhard Mark

John Martin

L;nda M

William Mawson

Phyll;s May

Christopher McCloskey

Laurie McConchie

Susan McCrossin

Daniel McCullough

David McCullough

Robert Iv

Elizabeth McElwee

John McFassel

Maureen McFeeley

Kathieen McGon;gle

M;chael McGuckin

Patrick McHugh

Patrd McKnight

James M

Rodger Menold

W;lIiam Meyer

Deborah Miller

John M;ngle

Martin Misciagna

Jeff Moore

Judith Morgan

Dan Morroni

William Mossman

Lori Natale

Susan Nath




'atria rca

y Reimund

Denise f"-Jozzario

Deanna Nazzario

Joyce Neelan

Anita Nitkowski

Gregory Onimus

Mark Orfanelli

Kathleen Owens

Connie Paciacco

John Panczner

Palma Patrucci

Sandy Paxton

Robert Penza

Michael Petroski

John Piergiovanni

John Quagliariallo

Debbie Rega nnato

Suzanne Reynolds

Robert Ricchi

Mark Riesenfeld

Eric Roberts

Elizabeth Rohr

Robyn Rossand

Hazel Rush

Lisa Russo

Micheal Saylor

Micheal Scelsa

John Schaffer

Mary Schenk

Peter Schenk

Doris Schmidt

Robert Scott

Sherry Scott

Cheryl Sentman

Lisa Serafino

Suzanne Shane


Edith Single

Wendy Skammer

Jill Slack

Audrey Smith

Curtis Smith

Michael Smith

Jaqueline Soltner

Harry Speis

Robert Spennato

Jonathan Stanley

Susan Stephanou

Susan Stocker

Dina Taptykoff

Michael Taylor

Roberta Tepper

Andrea Thomas

Debra Thomas

Karen Thomas

Juanita Thompson

David Thorpe

Gary Thurwonger

Michelle Tiger

Donna Toal

Anne Torno

John Touring

Edward Toussaint

John Triozzi

Arthur Troisi

Richard Ullman

Gregory Viffi Houten

Edward Voelker

Joyce Wallace

Anne Weatherby

Christine Weber

Susan Westcott

Michael Wilkins

Andrew Wilkosz

Ray Wilson

Nick Van Valkenburgh

Eileen Welch

Ron.ld Wolfg.ng

M.rk Woodruff

Ellen Woolf.11

Lois Woolsten

C.rl Wright

Stell. Zebrowski

CLASS 0 F1980

Officers and Sponsors: Patty Wood, vice-president; Debbie Patterson, treasurer; Terry Ruch, secretary; Robert Young; Chip Gallagher, president; Eileen Janczewski, sponsor.

Lisa Adaman

Myra Adaman

Vicent Astolf

Russel Atkinson

Charles Balchiunas

Janice Baldwin

Carol Baxter

Barbara Belfiglio

Tina Bellas

Donna Bloomingdale

Mary Elaine Soree

Joseph Brennan

Dana Broome

Dianne Brown

Scott Brown

Beth Brunone

Brenda Aird

Beniamin Alfonsi

Barbara Bothe

Marc Anderson

Lois f.

Alan Barclay


Helen Bottos


Barbara Buggy


Robert Burdumy

Shelley Byrne

Stephen Carey

David Carfagno

Frank Carmolingo

Michael Carney

Charles Carroll

Tina Cecchini

linda Chappie

Joseph Cicchinelli

Shari Coe

Cnarmaine Corea

Joseph Cori

Joseph Costantini

Rober! Cox

Suzanne Craig

Susan Credden

Lisa Cummins

Susan Davaro

Jeffrey Davis

Jean Dearden

Eliza beth DeCarlo

Samuel Deleo

Louis Oell050

Ronald Del Piano

Mark Del Vecchio

Stephen DeRuschi

John Devine

Gerard DeVita

Roseanne DiBello

Keith Dickerson

Pamela Dietsch

Nancy Dill

Kevin Dion

Joseph DiPietro

Frederick DeCesaris

Kevin Dougherty

Dawn Draves

Robert Duffy






Gjn~ Ferguson

Bridget Foley

Geoffrey ~urt~w




Lind~ Ev~ns

M~rj~nne Ferlit~



Nency Geines


Richord Edwords





Kim Feulkner

Donne Finley

P~tricill Finneglln

Nence Fulginiti

Ayn Furlong

Chip G~lIegher

Peter Ghicondey

Joyce Gluck

Sereh Goebel

Brien Guttschell

Stephen Hehn

Allen Heigh

Williem Hellmen

Richord Hemilton


Metthew Hendrixson

Doneld Hilemen

Mery Jone Hood

Peule Hood

Devid Horne


l Edw~rd


Cr~ig H~uslein


Releigh Grent




Michelle Imming


Todd Johnston

Robert Inforzoto

Nicholos Ipri

Lindo Jockmon

Sherry Jockson

Freemon Johns

Williom Johnson

Ann Jurecic

Mory Kone

Kenneth Kontner

Steven Korvois

George Kosnic

Koren Keinoth

Morgoret Kennedy

Thomos Kennedy

Richord Kindt

Lydio Kistler

Chorles Klepper

Renee Kline

George Koerner

Bruce Kowolczyk

Peter Kowolczyk

Williom Krocht

Liso Kohl

Jeon Krimmel

Joseph Kuhls

Edword Kuhn

Lorroine Kutz

Robert Longwig

Liso LoPorto

Bryon Lorkin

Thomos Loux


Joseph Leo

Doreen Logon

Cynthio Logue

'Audrey Jones







Rond~1I M~its

Stephen M~rin~ri

Joseph M~uro



Austin M~zzulo


M~rc McClure

Nancy Marro

Robert M~rtin


Joseph McElwee


Jessic~ McLeon




Doniel McN~m~r~

J~mes McNichol~s

Thom~s McNichol~s

Michele Mc Tiern~n

Sus~n Me~rkle

John Mensch

John MessiM



D~rryl Me~de





Jo~n Long~ker



Lis~ Lynch

Ad~m M~cks

J~mie M~II~s

Peter Moncuso


Louis Mostoionni


Fronk McKnight




Dennis McGettig~n




Je.n Misci.gno

Doniel Missor

Doniel Mitchell

Stephen Molitoris

Cynthi. Montonoro

Beth Moss

D.vid Mueh.. m

Richoed Mulline.ux

Riccardo Muntone


Cynthi. N.ve

Susan Nozzorio

Suson Neel.n

Erik. Nelles

Thi Nguyen

J.mes O'Hor.

Sondro Okino


Timothy O'Neill

p.trici. O'Neill

James Owens

Anthony Orfonelli

N.t.lie P.citti

K.thleen P.p..

There.. P.P"

Patricio Porker

Chip Poeson

Mark Patriarca

Elizobeth P.trucci

Debbie P.terson

Thomas Peace

Brodley Penn

N.th.n Penn

Scott Peoples

Fronk Perpili.

Elizobeth Perry

Aliki Peters






Lynn Popelok

Robert Poole

Deboroh Preston

Sondro Quinn

Greg Romey

Moryonne Regon

Gregory Reuling

Christopher Reynolds

Michoel Ricchi

Donno Rickords

Tony Rizzo

Coroline Rohr

Dovid Rosenberger

Thereso Ruch

Down Rumbough

Derrick Rumbough

Constonce Rumpf

More Russo

Drew Ryon

John Solmieri

Jonice Somono

Morionne Sondford

Kotherine Schoof

Liso Scheerer

Leigh Ann Scheppmon

Lindo Scornojenghi

Williom Selby

Donno Serofino

Anno Shell

Doris Sincloir

Robert Smorgiossi

Wendy Smith

Steven Spotocco

Dovid Stonton

Gregory Stevenson

Koren Stieber

Terence Sullivon

Joe Stumpf

Fronk Sugo

Richord Torone

Christine Taylor

Robert Taylor


George Teplica

Skip Tettemer

Carol Thomas

Kr;s!;na Truell

Deborah Toal

Mark Todaro

Robert Toomey


John Toussaint

lisa Traband

Kristina Tuell

Edword Urban

Melissa Van Raden

Debra Verna

Karen Vimmerstedt


Dianne Wakumski

Janette Wolls


Gloria Warrick

Pamelo Whitman


Ed Winter

Patricia Wood

Christopher Woodworth

Daniel Wright


Carole Woodworth

Carol Wilson

Annette Young

Karen Zurl



Joseph Botehelder AUTO BODY


Jerome Bettinger

Williom Brodley

Kothy Brody

John Brolley







Frec Cieri MASO~


Denise Crowell

Joseph DeMorco





Mory F-odden

Mark Filippone

Robert F-inley



Martin Fox




Victor Hagopian AUTO MECHANICS





Renee Luttrell GRAPHICS

Poul Lorkin

Denise Letter

Doniel Little

Anthony Lucioni




Lori Martin

Dean Massimin'l MACHINE SHOP

Som Mottei


Hetherington COSMETOLOGY



Donno Griffin


Poul Helmuth

Janice King


Marianne McNamee COSMETOLOGY


Arthur Gammarino






Kenneth Hollond WELDING




Dolores' COMMERC



Michoel ~ CARPE

I'Hara )LOGY

udler CAL "RY

Roberta O'Neill

Robert Peraino



Ken Toney

Theresa Touhill







James Reynolds

Ellen Rudolph

George Schmidt




James Vlassopoulos BASIC ELECTRICITY


David Warrington AUTO MECHANICS



I.. . ._C_L_AS_S_O_F_19_82_......,j1 Joan Brown

Louis Pinapali

Renee Gates

Colleen Hayden

Brenda Labatis

Patrishio Livingston

Curt Mark

Loisanne O'Malley

Joseph Overdevest

Virginia Rice

Armando Scornajenglhi

Mark Sherer

Michael Siono

James Strain

Lisa I

G, Zofer

1_ _C_L_AS_S_O_F_19_81_ _1



Chistine Hartzell


David Burt

Liz Ann Chaippini

Tom Covello

Eileen D,JVine

Dine DiGiacomo

Mary Dolhoney


Karen Heberling

Geraldine McGhettega n

Jim O'Hara

Bonnie O'Neil

Lori Peracchia

Michael Reider


Wiliam Thornton

Nancie Wright




Bonnie Ersek

Joanne Fagan

Wesley Gerstenkorn

Donold Ginn

Chorlotte Holdsworth


Helen Pdnczner

Derrick Rumbough

A!~ine Ruse

Trocey Siock

Robert Smorgidssi


Goil Simon

Philip Nelson

Robert Wolfgong


1......_ _ v_O_T_EC_H_ _

Michoel RodsteinCosmetology

Moureen Shed Cosmetology

Borbaro Stanley Bio-Med Technology

Gregory Wolsh-

Liso Wright-

Photo Technology




Officers and Sponsors of


Vice President Curtis Wunder

Secretary Carolyn Swayze

Sponsor Norman McConnell

Treasurer Elaine Esgro

President Susan Morgan

Sponsor Robert Eley

stp.phen abbot "abs" 251 pancoast ave.: bd: 3/4: rem for: free burgE things: asw: parksey. rabs, mcnick, moon, kill, bill. plum, barn, george, f fay say: "can you go over that, again?": fay mem: tires at the greer prize pass: friends and memories: sec amb: to be fat: pet peeve: glasses french: lax 4: rolling green 2, 3. 4: eye glasses corp. of america 1,2, : weight watchers 2. 3. scott alburger 325 n lehigh cr: bd: 7/15/61: rem for: existentialism, absurd jokes. punctuality, practicing and non-practicing, laughin' in rh, friends. lewie. reach. carol (kehruhl\ fay say: "hello": fay mem: canada, open lunch. picnics. the calm befor" the storm: peize pass: friends, my g instruments: sec amb: to fall in love: pet peeve: mcdonalds, statemen away. long senior summaries: band, arch I. 2, 3,4: track 3. 4: ski club 3 band 2. 4: musical 2. 4: choir 3, 4:'pop group 3. 4: stw 4: lit mag 3,4 senior class play 4: habrc 1.2,3 pseudopres. 4. "let's go. pluto" - m. m

Stephen Abbot

Scott Alburger

karen jill alshouse "stilts "tree' "iill" 524 barry dr: bd: 4/23/61: rem for: being tall' asw: strud Iyn. stumpf: fay mem: deutschland 76, west. europe 77, disney wocld summer leagues 78. 6130/78: prize pass: family. memories. guitar: sec amb: to travel. design my own house, own a sheepdog: pet peeve: decisions. chicken pox at 16' hockey 1.2.3 & 4 4: basketball 1.2.3, capt 4: lacrosse 1,2,3: german club 2¡ nhs 4. therese wanda anderson "terry" 613 n bishop ave: bd: 6/20/60: rem for: strange moods irrational. having the greatest mother: asw: p.s., b.i., c.n., k.k., S.m., m.b., 5.e. I.s.¡ fay say: "eright": fay mem: summer of 77.78 at north ave park. niagra fails wildwood times with bob. t.p.: prize pass: family. friends. father daughter trophy' sec amb: be another picasso: pet peeve: r. who bl., goodbyes, gym. cliques' flirting I 2.3.4: I.p.c. 1.3.4 v. pres. 2. "scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind some too painful to remember. we simply choose to forget. And it's the laughter we will remember. whenever we remember the way we were."

Karen Jill Allshouse

Therese Wane Anderson

daniel christian apostolu "chris" "locker room" "wolfman" 30 e scenic r 14/61: rem for: locker room. t-shirts. driving: asw: i. bennett. i. gallac; butt: fay say: ".ya want some locker room?": fay mem: n.y.e. 77. rock winter 77. ir. prom. forgotten lunch periods. summer 78. 12/9/78. "bowling": prize pass: family and friends: sec amb: to live very comfor peeve: no I.r., bowl explosions. accidents. bassoon. night m. band: bane 2.3,4: party 1.2.3. 4.?: shaving O. "when you see somebody who's dow lend a helpin' hand." -Iynyrd skynyrd heather ashbee "ash" 81 chapel hill rd, rosetree media: bd: 11/7/61 being canadian: asw: sue. joe. suzanne. sandy. iean. maria (the gang) j.q. s.q.: fay mem: all my times in canada. flyer's carnival & dinner 78. quinns, gerrys. memorial day weekend 78, 413/75. summer trip of 75. S.c f.p., hikes. all the times with the go"ng: prize pass: family. friends. merr amb: to live a life full of happiness. own a 280z. to get sue to canada: r. I Ith grade gym. a certain person: hockey lacrosse 1.2: ski cl

Daniel Christian Apostolu

Heather Ashbee


maria elena bartivic "re" 115 netherwood dr: bd: 6/21 /60: rem for: being tired, always wanting to drive the van. wanting to have my way: asw: jason, "the girls" or someone from the park: fay mem: 4/ 10/78. times with iason. parties. the station wagon. concerts. blue-route: prize pass: jason. friends. my family, my license. memories: sec amb: to get married and move to colorado: pet peeve: telephone poles 10/17/77. good-byes. waiting. tickets. shs. " these two lanes will take us anywhere ..we g,pJ one last chance to make it real " - bruc.e.?pringsteen jim bartolomei'b~rt' "the incredible hulk" 135 powell rd: bd: 6/22: rem for: lifting weights. looking just like my brothers: asw: mike coo bob f.. t.c., p.c.p., j.m., b.i., r.k.: fay say: "what are you doing this weekend?": fay mem: blue rocks, elk neck state park: prize poss: family. friends. my guitar: sec amb: to make, record, and sell my kind of music: pet peeve: cigarettes. seeds, having braces, disco: lunch I, 2.3.4: weightlifting 1.2,3.4: guitar 3. 4.

Maria Elena Bartivic

Jim Bartolom

ann bateman "marty" 340 gibbons rd: bd: 3/ I /61: rem for: my craziness, "ing at a loss for words: asw: lee ann. sue. cindy. nancy, patti. terry, maria, 'mem:timeswith lee ann (crazy). 12/9/78, shore 78, "za plan": prizeposs: :riends. memories: sec amb: to succeed: pet peeve: monday morning labs, 'ys. good-byes: hockey 2.3. tri capt 4: golf 4: ski club 3,4: scenery paint: scrivener senior staff 4: Ipc 2, 3.4. "the most wasted day of all is that on e have not laughed" - chamfort nn beaver "judy" "beav" 9 waverly ave: bd: 1/13/62: rem for: being inger jello: asw: s.s .. k.a .. s.s .. k.k .. r.b.: fay say: "beaver power": fay mem: )7. 5/6/78. hershey 77, stw, summers at wildwood, tennessee 78: prize "phant. family. friends. big brother: sec amb: broadway: pet peeve: mary spoon river: chorus 1,2.3: track 2. 3: ex council 3, co-chairman 4: stw 3, ,y 2.3.4: gymnastics 1.2.3: nhs 3, 4: shot dropping 2. "life is made up of s of time and each is a gift for us to love and cherish" - j. carie sexton

Itt: Martha Ann Bateman

Judith Ann Beaver

randolph vance beaver "beav" "vert" "cruiser" 9 waverly ave morton: bd: 3/8/ 60: rem for: being crazy, riding my motorcycle in subzero weather, leg pressing 500 Ibs.: asw: I.e .. i.w .. j.r.a.m .. t.l .. f.b.: fay say: "sollee" "i'm hip" "yea verily": fay mem: miss m.·s wedding, mt. top 78, the last four years of high school: prize poss: my honda 750. flies: sec amb: to be an olympic weightlifter: pet peeve: burnouts. never having a car to drive in bad weather: football I: track I, 2: weightlifting·l. 2.3,4: cruising 3, 4: cutting 1.2,3,4: santa claus 3,4. randy behmke "bemp" 224 powell rd: bd: 2/25/61: rem for: 8th grade "slumber" party: asw: s.c .. b.m .. p.g .. IJ .. Lp., I.d .. r.c .. etc.: fay say: "i guess you had to be there": fay mem: senior year, styx, 12/2/78: prize poss: my relationship with s.c .. parents. car: sec amb: to live forever: pet peeve: b.h .. physics: w.l. I, 2, 4: i.a. 2, 3.4. "only the good die young" - billy ioel "i'm o.k .. i've finally found the one that i've been searching for." - styx

olph Vance Beaver

Randy Behmke

tchman "farrah" "ruthie" 134 parkview dr: bd: 3/8/61: rem for: my hair: .. c.m .. n.c .. m.g.: fay say: "oh. my god l ": fay mem: summers down the liscos with lori. colleen and sharon: prize poss: my family and friends: sec be a doctor: pet peeve: preiudice: track 1,3: chorus I: class play I; intra)lleyba II I. ·h lee belk rem for: being anti-mute: asw: nance, nina, t.erry. nancy. ted: n: england. mail station night. a-smears. maroon montecarlos, the balcony ray say: "astute observation" "to the max": prize poss: my illusion - my : amb: to know myself: pet peeve: people's willingness to cause others onguish: expanders "the best is bought only at the price of great in the past it was they who could not under'stand why, now it is i." "love ,to the one still here" "people can be so cold. they'll take your soul if you 1 but don't let them" sweet baby iones.

Ruth Beitchman

Elizabeth Lee Belk

fred benditt "fred" 212 s. bishop ave: bd: 7/19/60: asw:steve, nino, mike, muns: fay say: "how ya doing": fay mem: summer practice, rolling green, parties: prize poss: car: sec amb: open an auto body shop: football. jeffrey bennett "doonesbury" "boone" 136 wood rd: bd: 10/4: rem for: pushing pretzels. late lunches: asw: j. gallagher, c. apostolu, c. richards, b. leonowich: fay say: 'what the ho!" "party!!: fay mem: concerts, night before school started, sept.. "bowli ng": prize pass: clip, friends, family; sec amb: become rich, writing: pet peeve: I.r.'s driving: pretzel man 4: lunch 4,3,2, I: shaving 2, 3.

Fred Benditt

Jeffrey Bennett

diane bewley "bold" "ghoul" 234 e springfield rd: rem for: always get tires, being the instigator: asw: barb b., barb j.. donna, caroline, nanci: fa don't know": fay mem: disney world 78, o.C. 76, 77, 78, 797, skiing up the 77, pacon as race 78, 12131177, iackson browne 78: prize pass: friends anc sec amb: to get out of this school: pet peeve: getting caught, nothing to c bergers, shs: lacrosse I: ski club 2,3,4. frank bierekoven

Diane Bewley

Frank Bierekoven

brian f. bingaman "boogie" "boogie on down" 525 prospect rd: bd: 41 I 161: rem for: my fluffernutters, knowing stats: asw: mcnick, rabs, abs, kill. fase, puddles, steve, mooch, ernie, tacky, bill; fay say: "hey you're boog powell"; fay mem: hershey park with sleze, sixers' games with m.h.: prize pass: my basketball, my stats, family, relatives, socks, sneakers, money: sec amb: to play pro hoops: pet peeve: b.s.a., bill s. and all other coaches: basketball 1,2,3: soccer 1,2,3: baseball 1,2, 4¡ stat club 1,2,3,4: band 1,2: service club 2,3,4.

Brian F. Bingaman

stephen bitar "esteban" 458 foster dr: bd: 3/23/61; rem for: forgetting: asw: ioel potts, gut, cube, "boogs": fay say: "soccer players score with their heads"; fay mem: millersville with g.u.t. and t.e.d., i.s.'s pool. c.t. II, rags with a.w. and g.c,a .. t.h. II: prize pass: guitar and pen, genesis albums, friends who listen: sec amb: to own a harem and a pet camel: pet peeve: omnis, losing important meets: soccer 1,2,3,4: wrestling 2, 3, 4: ski club 2,3,4: s+w 3,4. "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need,'

Stephen Bitar

robert benjamin blair "bob" 138 cedar In: bd: 5/21 161: asw: art, erika: fay mem: I 1/4/78, II I 10178, canada 76, florida 78, o.C. 78, summer 77: prize pass: friends, family, car: sec amb: to travel: football 1,2,3,4: track 1,2,3,4: band & arch. I, 2,3,4: choir 1,2,3,4: pop group 2,3: nhs 3, 4. robert blithe "blob" "blith" I 158 providence rd: bd: 31 I161: asw: i.s .. d.k., a.p., k.g., t.m .. b.b .. r.b., k.c., b.m .. c.m.: fay say: "good" "why" "so what": fay mem: friday, ianuary 13, 1978: prize pass: my car: sec amb: to get what i want out of life and enjoy it: pet peeve: parking lot, lab 2, mustangs: a.V. I: wrestling 1,2,3. "life is full of trials and hardships that we all must overcome if we are to achieve what we want"

Robert BlithE

Robert Benjamin Blair

sheldon blunt cynthia ellen boose "cindy" "char" "booser" 947 stoney brook dr: bd: 2/18/61: rem for: being a chocolate chip cookie freak: asw: char (b.g.s.), carol, ianet, karen, donna, s.n., i.m., pg, n.c., b.h.: fay say: "only kiddin' ": fay mem: summers at o.c .. times at l.k .. s~mmer of 76, can. 76, fla. 78, s.p. 77, talks with i.b .. gossiping with karen, all the fun times: prize pass: family, friends, memories, stuffed animals; sec amb: will remain a secret: pet peeve: getting up early, waiting, alarm clocks, hypocrites, conceit, cafeteria food; intramurals 1,2: intramural b-ball I: explorers I, 2: color guard 2, 3,4: snow dance dec. comm. 4: musical 4. "don't stop, thinking about tomorrow, don't stop, it'll soon be here. it'll be, better than before, yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone." - fleetwood mac

~ Sheldon Blunt

Cynthia Ellen Bo,

a. bothe iii "fred" "phred" "fled" "eefer" "the general" "widdle chu)ertha" 528 vernon rd; bd: 2120/60: rem for: bomb threats, sound iagra falls in rm 1.15: asw: kim, rich, lou, lew, randy, frank, blob; fav say: : for me" "seriously" "your mother will never know!": fav mem: 11/251 prom 78, senior week 78, 79, paris 78, 8/17177: prize poss: kim, family, 1y wit & mind: sec amb: to shave bear's beard: pet peeve: penguins, 2 4 drivers, perdue chaperoning service: french club 3: tack team 1,2,3, . "someone in this class could decide the future of the world. just hope it - f. bothe bottos "ted" "greek" 233 foulke In: bd: 7/1/61: rem for: being greek: p.s .. i.l .. S.g.: favsay: "what's up" "yo": favmem:9/4178 resorts hotel, 9 ,ildwood, 10/16176 rm. 204 hilton, 3/11178 v.f. sheraton: prize poss: lors hat: sec amb: to move to california, open a hoagie shop and make 1illion by 1989: petpeeve:shs, vega, 7:55 a.m.

Frederick A. Bothe

Theodore Bottos

anne marie bowen "annie" "annie aspen" "annie b" 135 s norvinden dr: bd: 617 I

60-61: rem for: wrecking cars, not playing with a full deck, my laugh: fav say: "ort" "goob" "i'm siked" "boo"; fav mem: 77,78,79 times w/c.g., n. mew., r.r" r.t.. 12/9178 w/s.s .. dead concert, august 75: prize poss: all those i love; pet peeve: giving up, good-byes: hockey 1,2: lacrosse 1,2: gymnastics I: musical 4: cheerleading 112 of 3: sr. class play 4. "i'm so glad we had this time together iust to have a laugh and sing a song. seems we just get started and before you know it, comes the ti me you have to say so long." - c. burnett dwayne andre bradley "sir nose" "winky" 505 n morton ave: bd: 8/3/61: rem for:

ne Marie Bowen

always joking, playing basketball: asw: evey neal, debbie coe, the force, few from the crew: fav say: "no apparent reason at all": fav mem: summer of 78 with a.t.. 7th period rap session with t.w" j.b., I.t.. I.s.: prize poss: Jennifer Coleman:sec amb: 10 be a successful man: pet peeve: people who think they're always right; !3asketball Varsity 1,2,3. 4.

Dwayne Andre Bradley

therese brady 238 pancoast ave: bd: 4/25: asw: t.g., e.p., m.k., c.w" w.k" r.b" I.e.;

fav say: "oh, boy": fav mem: 5/6178,7/15178; prize poss: family, friends, rick: sec amb: to become a millionaire. joan michele braid "j.b." "jabe" "crispy critter" 864 springhaven rd: bd: 7 I I 01 61: rem for: the white wildcat, sleeping in class, drinking soda, sports, breakfast, b and r. concerts; asw: the best of friends, loggers, banana bunch, soda, westdale rock climbers: fav mem: summers at stone harbor, summer 77, eileen 103 s.h .. years at shs: prize poss: family, friends, memories; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse I, 2. 3. 4: hockey (3 & 4) 2, 3, tri-capt 4; band 1,2,3,4: banana bunch pres. 1,2,3,4: loggers club 2,3, pres. 4 .

........ Joan Michele Braid

Therese Brady

kathleen branson "kath" I 04 longview dr: bd: 11/26/61; rem for: being back seat driver, never having money, acting weird, never being in class, bumming smogs, being in another world: asw: carolyn, sandy, fred, cindy, frank, dale, gail, nancy: fav say: "watch fred!" "what?": fav mem: 12/10177, times with frank, 5th period parties, jr. prom, boston & aerosmith concerts, 2nd period outings: prize poss: friends, memories, frank: sec amb: to live happily ever after: pet peeve: getting busted, homeroom, misunderstaQdings, rahs, draining: partying 2,3,4: cutting 2, 3,4. yvonne bresset

,thleen Branson

Yvonne Bresset

barb brookes "brookesie" "fugly" "gorpho" "brookesoid" "nookie" 3405 san rafeal et: bd: 3/21/62; rem for: graduating early, my banchie, going out with melbony; asw: tony, d.s .. d.b .. b.j., n.s., cJ.. b.c.; fav say: "you'll have that" "decent" "i don't care" "wrong" "excellent" "sure"; fav mem: 12131/77,6/2/78, poconos w/d.s .. s.p. & t.b .. 10/27/77, jackson browne concert, summer school, shipbottom, o.c. 75,76,77,78, 79?, disney world 10/78 w/d.b., florida 76 w/d.s.: prize pass: tony, friends, family; sec amb: to be happy the rest of my life, to be rich: pet peeve: this dive, time, waiting, two-faced people, people who can't make up their minds. edward brophy

Barb Brookes

Edward Brop

virginia lynn brunken' g,nny nett; rem for: being involve busy, organized; asw: the ni pie; fav say: "are you ki "really"; fav mem: 8th pd. d

joseph w. browne 41 I indian rock dr; bd: 7128/61; rem for: chevelle, not being there: asw: b.i., j.k .. v.v .. t.k.. r.h .. e.b .. j.b.. j.k.; fav say: "bummer": fav mem: 10/1/78 labor day weekend 78,

snow dance lunch, week without parents, florida: prize pass: my chevelle. n.t.e .. car stereo, guitar, drums, music, memories: pet peeve: english; vo-tech 2, 3,4; choir I. adrienne brunone "age" "burn" rem¡ for: sick humor, being late for art -

........ Joseph W. Browne

Virginia Lynn Brunken

I.t. loving neil young, loving the cold; asw: anyone interesting. t.e.d.; fav say: no way dude" "later deke" "for real? "but nooo!"; fav mem: o.c. 77, 78 with melly belly, "neil young 78", mrs. 77, 78, being born with k.j. & c.j.; prize pass: everything & anything; sec amb: kill the one eye, get filthy rich: pet peeve: "I.i." springdive; yellow snow, rahs, "no-Le.d." droughts, disco: track 1,2,3,4; t.e.d. 1,2, 3,4. people who show a lack of mentality and compassion should not be in positions of authority" - liz "later springdive

spring concert 78, a lessor from mr. lemon, times with m my special friendship with david; prize pass: my unde family, memories; pet peeve: mas spirit allowed in school; : 2, 3, tri-capt 4; indoor tr, lacrosse I, 2, 3,4; spri-hian b, 4; scrivener typing ed. 4: n chorus I, 2, 3,4; choir 3, 4; "learn from yesterday, live f hope for tomorrow" janet h. brycki "jan" 56 provi morton; bd: 8128/61; rem fa

d.c. in weird moods (glassE front seat, middle name, hati asw: karen k, donna c, cindy b say: "definitely''': fav mem radnor & central meets 78, 9/: 23/78, 10/25-27/78, good ti kar (d.d.), talks (c.b.), fights (j strange conversations (d.c.); rfriends, love letters (bob!), sec amb: Lg.o.w.m.j.: pe sprained ankles, missing c.c .. Ii 1,2,3,4; stw 4: b-ball 2,3,4: I, 2; nhs 4; scr. bus. staff 4; s explorers 1,2,3; ski club 4.

Adrienne Brunone

Janet H. Brycki

keith alan bupp 607 w springfield rd. donna marie caffrey "d2" "don" 6 fairhill rd, morton; bd: 3128/61; rem for: being thin, always laughing; asw: marc, karen, janet, cindy, becky, r.m .. d.r .. p.g .. n.c.; fav mem: 12/9/78, hershey park 77, 9123/78, summer 78, getting in hysterics with karen, walks to & from school with janet: prize pass: family, friends, good times with a certain special person; sec amb: to be happy, travel, t.b.aJ.m.; pet peeve: liars: color guard 3, 4: track 2; nhs 4; soph hop dec. comm.; snow dance

dec. comm.; ski club 4; pep club 1,2; intramurals 1,2. "i decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow. if i fail; if i succeed, at least i'lllive as i believe." george benson

Keith Alan Bupp

Donna Marie Ca

beth camagna rem for: being small: asw: j.d .. i.c .. I.g .. d.b .. whoever: fav say: "what the": fav mem: 8/76-?, swimming in dec., summer school. summer 77, winter 78, our party, being crazy with julie, the lake, standing up, yes concert, 12124/ 77: prize pass: john, our love: sec amb: to become a famous artist: pet peeve: the dive, rahs, g.h., hypocrites, time, people that hurt, rags, toothpicks. "don't surround yourself with yourself." - yes anthony cancelli "ant" 1076 west ave: bd: 10122/60: rem for: not saying anything: asw: pelli, j.c .. j.k .. s.L larry, rich, al. phil: fav mem: elocin, wildwood, concerts, being a kid: prize pass: hair, family, friends, heal. sanity?, stereo, albums, pool: sec amb: t-b-ar-c-s-a: pet peeve: oral reports, disco, hang-ups, growing older: baseball I, 2: basketball I, 2. "it's the sad-eyed, goodbye, yesterday moments i remember: it's the bleak street, weak-kneed partings i recall: there's all the more reason for laughing and crying: when you're younger and life isn't too hard at all." - roger taylor

Anthony Cancelli

3eth Camagna


ni 80 I springfield rd: bd: 9 rem for: short cake (5' I 0): asw:

janet b., donna c.. j.l .. r.b .. g.: fav say: "oh, shut up": fav /8/78, 1/1/75,11125/78: prize tereo, portfolio, clothes: sec avel around the world, become us designer: pet peeve: people )nounce my name wrong & who 'lys stepping on me.

Ni Carroll

Louis Joseph Casadonte

ndrew catona pugs 1247 uniave: bd: 11/6/61: asw: g.p. c.m .. mr. S.: fav mem: brigan.. 7127/78, states h.p. dorm 3/ 'J: prize pass: my dart, home at re, family, friends: sec amb: to J in life, become a millionaire: eve: exams, summer endings, Nrestlers: wrestling I, 2, 3, 4: :rew I: audio visual I, 2: mr. ,ker 3, 4: intramural basketball 4: nhs 4. "nothing great was :hieved without enthusiasm."

louis joseph casadonte "Iou" "louie 118 gleaves rd: bd: 7/17/61: rem for: working at basco's: asw: s.a .. r.g .. f.b .. runners: fav mem: canada 76, 5/6/78, 5/5/77, bahamas: prize pass: friendships what sanity is left, my family: sec amb: to be successful in life, to live life to its fullest: pet peeve: at&t, ------ s, lateness, d.a.n.: band I - 4, orch 2,3,4: mus. 2, 4: indoor track 1 - 4: track I, 2, 3' cross country I - 4: dan's fan club pres 3, 4. "another year has passed me by still i look at myself and cry, what kind of man have i become? all of the years i've spent in search of myself and i'm still in the dark, cause i can't seem to find the light alone" - styx sp. thanks to my parents susan cellucci sue 400 granite terrace: bd: 10124/61: rem for: sarcasm, criticism, shots: asw: c.l .. a.b .. m.b .. m.c .. the dekested: fav say: "you lose bozo' "yo loui" but nooo:' fav mem: luzerne, courtney parties, concerts, minnesota, graphics, weddings: prize pass: shane, loui and the gang, friends, e-z-w, dreams: sec amb: marry into billions, sing with john anderson, hike through switzerland, a beautiful life for my sister carol: pet peeve: goo rahs, waiting, wedgees, crooked teeth, disco, beatness, last doob, dyke, airheads.

Marc Andrew Catona

Susan Cellucci

julie chapis 68 n. broodside rd: bd: 2/ 12162: asw: b.b,b.c .. all my friends: fav say: yeah!!' "what the -": fav mem: swimming in dec .. booking from people, concerts, parties, summer school. crazy times with beth: prize pass: family, friends, the snowstorms" : sec amb: to get out of shs, prove to cerain people i have my head together: pet peeve: piraino's, rahs, stain, two-faced people, people who think they are better than everyone else, nothing to do, homeroom, crowded hallways, time. "don't surround yourself with yourself." - yes

Julie Chapis

david s_ chen "dave" 485 doe run In: bd: 3130/61: rem for: saying the right thing at the wrong time, saying the wrong thing at the right time: asw: b.t., b.s .. g.p .. r.l. i.k .. m.n .. j.g.: fav say: "what's up!" "what are you talking about?" "ohno": fav mem: bidawee, florida 78, district orchestra, summer 76: prize pass: family, my friends, life: sec amb: to win the nobel prize: pet peeve: getting up in the morning, study halls, burn-outs: lit mag 1,2,3,4: art ed. 3: arch. 1,2,3,4: dist. orch. 2, 3: nhs 4: quill & scroll soc. 3: spri-hian 2, 3. 4: jr. achievement 2: scrivener J, 4: mus. 2, 4: philadelphia electric youth energy debate group 4: war gaming 3, 4: class play 4.

David S. Chen

michael a. ciaramella "ciar" 1040 westwood dr; bd: 11/28/61; rem for: punching brick walls; asw: friends; fay say: "go for it" "excellent"; fay mem: yes concert 78, fridays 2:45; prize poss: tunes, chips; sec amb: to be rich and sit back; pef peeve: term papers, rahs, narcs, disco, morning announcements, the stain; cheerleading I, 2, 3,4; expanders 3, 4, "the sun is the same in a relative way but you're older, and shorter of breath and one day closer to death." - pink floyd sharon kay clark 223 parkview dr; bd: 12/21/60; rem for: putt-putt, shaving cream, my hair; asw: randy, beth, betsy, gina, liz, skating rink gang; fay say: "such is life" "roadtrip" "excellent"; fay mem: canada 76, florida 78, junior prom 5/61 78, styx, dec. 78; prize poss: my friends, family; pef peeve: stop signs, being grounded; color guard I, 2, 3, co-sarg 4; corrupterettes 3, 4; senior class play prop comm. 4; loggers club 4. "dream on, on to the heart of the sunrise." - yes

Michael A. Ciaramella

Sharon Kay Clar

timothy clemson deborah denise coe "d.c." "d.c." "d.c." "coe" "fonz" 408 n morton ave; bd:4/21 /61; rem for: "eyes", cocabeer; asw: I.w., c.b., I.s., e.n., w.b., w.d., s.d., "dave", e.i.; fay say: "huh" "tell the truth"; fav mem: sum 76, 6/21/76; prize poss: family, music, "special people, es"; sec amb: to become successful; pef peeve: jealousy, ignorance, being lied to, 10/19. "what you find now, what you feel now, what you know, it's got to be real!"

Timothy Clemson

nina rose cohen "little one" "nine" 138 n rolling rd; bd:5/12/61; rem for: my parties, always knowing the time, adventures, needing air; asw: sandi, lizabeth, terri, nance, nan, frieods in general; fay mem: g.s. weekends, hobbitland, august 75-3 stooges, dreams & schemes wlsambo, canada 76, wheaties, 4 musketeers, stw wi m.l .. michigan, penncrest game 77, zz top, h.t.'s; prize poss: moon necklace, my mitts, special times; sec amb: to live forever; pef peeve: people who don't try, eyebrows; hockey 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; executive council 2, 3, co-chairman 4; band 1,2; senior class play; stw 2, 3,4; pblc 2. "you can see but your shadow, when you turn your back to the sun." - k. gibran

Deborah Denise (

virginia anne conklin 91 duncan In; bd: 8/12/61; rem for: not playing a piccolo, procrastination; asw: june, lisa, ro, sue; fay mem: canada, humphrey and maude, florida, summers in va.; prize poss: dudley, my purple quilt, my family, my friends; sec amb: to meet sherlock holmes; pef peeve: being called va., term papers; band, orchestra, choir I, 2, 3,4; lit mag I, 2, 3,4; scrivener literary ed. 4; 3rd & 4th hockey 3; district orchestra 2,3,4; district band 4; nhs 4. "the game is afoot!" -a. c. doyle


Nina Rose Cohen

Virginia Anne COl

brian joseph connery "stretch" "power horse" "g.i." "giles" "cubie" , "ethel" "cookie" "numnutz" 218 Iynbrooke rd; bd: 5/8/61; rem for: cc parties, 50 shots per game, cheap goals, my glove; asw: n.o.; fay say: "r fav mem: aug. 77,3/10/78, summer 78; prize poss: rich base and foot; Sl to start world war iii; pef peeve: bears, no ins:.Jrance, administrators; bas football I; plays I; senior play; french club 3, 4; chess club 3; intramurals ; ice hockey 2,3,4; rollerball 2, 3, co-capt 4; bear hunt 3, 4; tack team 3,4. susan lynn cosima no "cos" "douze" 450alliston rd; bd: 12/13/61; rem for: hair, being talkative and rowdy, my eyes, being gullible; asw: sue credder cos", b.c.; fav say: "excellent"; fay mem: summer 77,78, "crazy" weeker s.c.. canada, 1/7/77; prize poss: my family, close friends, esp. "my' bunny"; sec amb: to become, a star; pef peeve: snobs, back-stabbers, "conformists"; band I; chorus I. "we may never pass this way again" crofts

Brian Joseph Connery

Susan Lynn Cosimano

ronald c. costagliola "cos" 227 beechwood rd; bd: 12120/61; rem for: being wild and crazy, asw: bemp, george, lou, gip, steve, will, and many more; fay say: "who cares"; fay mem: the night of the bonfire; prize poss: my car, my friends; sec amb: s.c., get rid of my dents; pet peeve: disco, traffic safety units, radar, old men who hit red mustangs; ice hockey 3, 4; weightlifting 3, 4. "only the good die young." - billy joel megan c. courtney "medge" "smudge" 503 briarhill rd; bd: 7/31/61; rem for: zooting out, being late, reddi whip highs; asw: s.c., m.b.i., I.c.; fay say: "piece of candy go for ride" "hey babaybaby"; fay mem: saratoga I, 2, 3,4; sec amb: to preserve underdog, algongqua; hockey 1,2,3; gymnastics 1,2; tennis 1,2; track I.


C. Costagliola


C. Courtney

james I. cox "jim" "arch" "coxen" 37 west ave; bd: 6/ 18/61; rem for: who knows; asw: pell, waldo, finns, d.r., jimbo, ant, joe, t.d., t.e.d. & whoever's around; fay mem: mts., aug 78, t.d.g. 78, m.b.r. 76-78, elocin spot, many others; prize poss: lax stick; sec amb: 0"Yn a blazer & live in mtns; pet peeve: t-rex, study halls, bear & many more; football I, 2; basketball I; advisory board 4; lacrosse I, 2, 3, captain 4. "i'm the one who's got to die when it's time for me to die - so let me live my life the way i want to." - jimi hendrix fraflcis j. coyle "frank" 216 wayne ave; bd: 11/16/61; rem for: car door, d.j., working at b.k.; asw: j. mcl., j.q., k.j., c.j., m. mcg., k.d., b.r., r.u., c.r., j.g., everybody; fay say: "don't worry about it"; fay mem: weekends; prize poss: rose, leather jacket; sec amb: to be rich, own a nice car; pet peeve: car, shs.

James L. Cox

Fra ncis J. Coyle

william stuart credden "willie" "credden" 632 vernon rd: bd: 8/3/61; rem for: callin' moochie-poochie, standing in the hall with mr. werley, arguing with the general; asw: killer, cozes, bing, plum, abbs, moochie, don, barn; fay say: "what's up" "isn't it" "yeah sure"; fay mem: b.p.'s french class, watching plants in flight, mr. schaffer life story, alias history of sports, name that tune in mr. long's chemistry class; prize poss: family, friends, baseball glove & bat; sec amb: become a pro baseball player; pet peeve: snobs, slobs, people who think they're perfect; baseballi, 2, 3,4; indoor track 2; wrestling I. "he is free . . . who lives as he chooses." leslie allison criston "lei" "elsie" 552 maplewood ave; bd: 3/2/61; rem for: worrying, my vitamins; asw: m.c., m.s., s.s .. n.c., c.t.; fay say: "hellooo this is mrs. criston" "act casual"; fay mem: 3/2/77, summer of 74, wheaties, 4 musketeers, walks at t.a., gd concerts, parker lane gang, times with j.p.; prize poss: candy; sec amb: go to arizona, meet C.C., own a horse; pet peeve: "betty" conversations, no privacy, mainliners, goodbyes; gymnastics I, 2; tennis 2, 3, 4; track 3, 4. "for me there is only the traveling on paths that may have heart. there i travel, looking, looking breathlessly." - don juan

........ m Stuart Credden

Leslie Allison Criston

'owell 119 bridge st., morton; bd: 5/12/60; asw: kathy casella; fay mem: summer 76, 77, 78, 8-75; prize poss: ricky, my elephants, my bike, my c amb: tO,one day have a happy and healthy family; pet'peeve: morning, , crossmen drum and bugle corps. "the sun will come out tomorrow." .Iey "moon" 646 w rolling rd; bd: 9/12/61; asw: john, drew, billy c., nick, say: "you play with fire, you get burned"; fay mem: summer 76,77,78, of 77 - elp, pink floyd, ted nugent; sec amb: to build a street machine; Ie: rahs; jvo-tech basic elec. 2, engine rebuilding 3, 4; day dreaming I, 2, ~o to parties sometimes until four, it's hard to leave when you can't find ." - joe walsh

Donna Crowell

James Daley

cynthia eyre damon "cindy" 155 plymouth rd; bd: 8/ 13/61; asw: tina, sue, debi, sue r., lori; fav mem: aug. 2, 76, 8/78, conversations with c.,t., s.r., & I., running with kim, wildwood with sue, & especially the mud puddle; prize poss: god's love, family, my stuffed bananas, two very special friendships; sec amb: to live by the sea & write; pet peeve: narrow mindedness; hockey 2,3; lit mag 1,2,4; y.l. 1,2,3, 4; chorus I, 2, 3,4: spri-hian staff 3,4; scrivener ed. 4. "and so at this time i greet you. not quite as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and with the prayer that for you now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away." - fra giovinni 1513 a.d. robert a. daniels jr. "rock" "sponge" "jack" 212 wells In; bd: 7/4/61; rem for:

being a short blonde hockey player; asw: me, myself and i; fav say: "you wish"; fav mem: billy joel 78, bermuda 77, bahamas 78, jackson browne 78; prize poss: my skates, my dreams; sec amb: own a jaguar xke by age 18, being tall and wealthy; pet peeve: large, loud people, shs; choir I; ice hockey I, 2, 3, 4. "they say these aren't the best of times, but they're the only times i've ever known" billy joel.

Cynthia Eyre Damon

Robert A. DaniE

steven davis 204 hemlock In; bd: 3/3/61: rem for: tennis insanity, com

socks, appearances on t.v., always busy, fluorescent red warmup suit, say to everyone in the halls; asw: cherylladd; fav say: "ha ya do'in"; fav me~ class with s.a. & bJ., bench warmers banquets 2, 3, return "a" test papE poss: red car, tennis racquets: sec amb: to be famous (in tennis tours, t.v., nications), a winner; pet peeve: insincerity, long term .assignments, insin teachers; varsity tennis 1,2,3,4; all central team 2, 3, 4; mv.p. 2, 3; nhs 4. or later the man who wins, is the one who thinks he can." lisa ann delvecchio "lis" "del vee" "little lis" 27 fairhill rd; bd: 1/17/61;

Steven Davis

Lisa Ann Delvecchio

always being with frank, injuries, talking too much; asw: frank, "mom bemp, b.h.: fav say: "sure~" "i don't get it": fav mem: 10/15/77 (the dar 21/77, 10129/77, the snow dance, 77, 78, 79 . . . ; prize poss: my rei, with frank, my 2 families, good friends; sec amb: the 21 st of forever, tc hair straight again; pet peeve: orchard rd, my hair, "i guess you had to bE high lockers, "wife". to f.p.: "as time goes on i realize just how much you me" - chicago p.s. good luck class of 79.

judith ann denison "judy" "jude" 441 beatty rd; bd: 5/ 19/61; rem for: the rowdy

lunch bunch, love of cats; asw: v.m., m.r., e.d., g.b., j.m., I.v., fav mem: albright, bermuda, phila. flower shows; prize poss: my family, friends, life; pet peeve: people who don't put their blinkers on, mol, term papers; chorus I, 2, 3, 4; winter track 1,2; spring traCk 1,2; hockey 3, 4; history club 3; guidance aide 3; nurses aide 4. "god gave us our memories so that we might have rpses in december." leslie anne dermond "lei" 357 northcroft rd; bd: 6/6/61; rem for: being verbally

uninhibited, my "munchkin" voice, partying; asw: nina d.; fav mem: times with: I.e.. a.b., d., e.g., mJ., I.g., d., d.m.'s, n.d., g.p., d.p., sop hop 77, weekends, 8th, 10th, 12th, wildwood 78, dances, 6 period lunch, 76-77, summer 76,78; prize poss: family, best friends, favorite memoirs; sec amb: to marry once, and to b.aJ.s.; pet peeve: p.i. game, no privacy, noise, claustrophobia, my p.w.; lacrosse I, 2, 3,4; tennis 4; track 4; musical 2; stw 4; choir I, 2, j piano accompanist 2;' nhs; snow queen nom.

Judith Ann Denison

Leslie Anne Derm<

michael j. deserio "mike" 45 w 'woodland ave; bd: 8124/61; rem for: r

being so small, not getting my permit unti.1 my senior year; asw: j.l., m.c., , c.o.. zooba, j.t., b.o.; fav say: "don't worry about it"; fav mem: partie barn, g.d. concert, new year's party at hugh's house; prize poss: stereo & ski vest, mug, las stick; sec amb: to be a multi-millionaire; pet peeve: s pizza, alpine inn, heritage village; ski club 2,3; I.p. 4; barn 2, 3, 4; lax 4. kimberly Iyn dewoody "kim" "dewood" "woody" 5 s rolling rd; bd: 6/8/

for: talking, my laughs, turning red, my scream, impressions, blue chalk faces, 7th free, als dewood comedy hour; asw: kathy, anita, terry; "remain calm" "ya fool" "hey mrs. k." "i knew that"; fav mem: haunter village porch, chorus concert; pet peeve: public bathrooms, wearing sh hockey 2, 3,4; % basketball 3, 4; g. chorus 1,2, 3,4; french club 4. "whenE meet someone without a smile, give him one of yours."

Michael J. Deserio

Kimberly Lyn DeWoody

michele di nicola "shelly" "dum dum" 562 evans rd; bd: 11/3/61; rem for: pushing cars, not getting caught, being rowdy having gum, squinting; asw: pete s., irene s.. tom s., janet f.. lisa m., fay say: "get a real car" "junk it"; fay mem: 10121 /77-78, 612/78, 5131/79, good times with pete; prize poss: pete, my ring, my family, friends, friendship with irene; sec amb: to get a license, to get married; pet peeve: k.c.'s, taki ng the shuttle, fighting, accidents, racing, rahs, stone face, b.k.; great scot 4; g.b. 3,4; shuttle 4. nina di pietro "d pete", "petie" "ninsk" 492 doe run In; bd: 6/25/61; rem for: Seing at ballet; asw: leslie d.; fay mem: wildwood 78, weekends at pitt, nutcracker 76, years with de, g.d. concert, partying with I.d.; prize poss: family, good friends, memories with r.c., l.d.; sec amb: to live my life my way; pet peeve: my dad's temper, snobby ballet dancers, waking up for church, n.h.a.d., nhsL g.m.a.t.a.d; gymnastics I. "i look at you all see the love there that's sleeping while my guitar gently weeps . . . with every mistake we must surely be learning still my guitar gently weeps." - beatles

:hele DiNicola

Nina DiPietro

Iii donall "ev" "evie" "evipoo" "elevyn" 410 thatcher rd; bd: 6/ 19/61 ; writing upside down; asw: j.d., g.b., m.r., s.h., v.m., d.r.; pet peeve: . . ; chorus 1,2, 3,4; social service 2; 3rd & 4th hockey 2,3,4; Imc aide I. rhe lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. in 'ays acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." - proverbs

nnelly "donza"; rem for: loving beards; asw: d.s., b.j., a.d .. jJ., m.m., C.S., va; favsay: "really!" "later!"; fay mem: 9/12178, va's, second period, lies's apartment; prize poss: diamond chip, stolen sweater; sec amb: be , ten kids; pet peeve: rahs, cops, cliques. "but my dreams, they aren't as , my conscience seems to be! i have hours only lonely, my love is venge>'s never free!" - the who

~ Evelyn Gail Donall

Elaine Donnelly

kenneth j. d'ortone "kenna" 222 lewis rd; bd: 7130/60; rem for: being a wild & crazy guX' ro::,~y; ~~~: j.k.:, ~~f., j.p., j.,~.:, c.w.:, d.m., b.r., ~.p.: p.f., s.t., m.g., (fags); fay say: w.1. t.c. b.a. g.y.d.w. g.b.; fay mem: lunlor prom, hawk mount, woods, wildwood, state champs (day). ski (77-78); prize poss: family, friends, lax stick, lax net, car, music; sec amb: to be successful, to make people laugh, to have eternal friends; pet peeve: s.r., broken down cars, g.g., s.c.; lacrosse I, 2, 3, 4; football 1,2; intramurals; weightlifting. "birds fly why can't i" ramona lisa d'ortone "mona" "monz" 463 maddock rd; bd: 10/6/60; rem for: laughing; asw: lisa, jill, karen, joann, sue, suzanne; fay say: "you yerk"; fay mem: great adventure (10/15178), 195 south, 12/1/78, reading, pa.; prize poss: family, friends; pet peeve: should haves,/gym class; senior play makeup committee 4. "if you don't have time now to do it right when will you have time to do it over".

eth J. D'Ortone

Ramona Lisa D'Ortone

wney 688 w rolling; rem for: loving the environment, kooked ideas, nature; asw: friends, liknessons; fay say: "so it goes"; fay mem: clear ys, margate, a.t., ins and outs, concesto's k.g., tyler, partying together; ;s: spirit, music, gear; sec amb: pipe it with mato topa in wilderness; pet hains on freedom, 6:20; golf; wrestling; lit mag, excursions. "one way or this darkness got to give." - grateful dead "miles from nowhere guess my time to reach there." - cat stevens "get down, watch the fish, e bubbles, in the water, all right." - van morrison

In draves "di" "red" 2 s state rd; rem for: my red hair, my moods, being ;, poems; asw: mJ., b.b., p.a., I.w., h.p., j.b.; fay say: "what?" "later"; fay waii, florida, v.b., o.C., soph hop, 3/ I 1/78, I 1124/78, 1/19/79, summer :Jm, cast parties, going out; prize poss: family, friends, my hair & comb, 8ny, secrets, thoughts, dreams, memories, ring & mug, car; sec amb: to be JI in life; pet peeve: two~faced people, snobs, good byes; track 2,3,4; ski fW 4. "life is for eternity, so never fear your destiny, you can search your if you face reality." - diane

Kevi n Downey

Diane Lynn Draves




karen patricia dunn "dunny" 352 sedgewood rd: bd: 6/7/61: rem fe short, always getting lost; asw: i.q., s.m., r.d., i.o.. I.s .. s.p.; fay say: "i funny": fay mem: parents honeymoon I 1/25/77 to I 1/3/77, florida 7/21 130/78, summer of 78, great adventure, i 95 south, trips to reading: pr family and "true" friends; sec amb: to meet kevin; pet peeve: my car, i.o with my ears: chorus I: tennis intramural I: ski club I, 2, 3,4: class play committee 4. "we've only iust begun . . . to live" "graduation is not the the beginning." - i.d. leslie gayle dunn "Ies" 232 walnut st, morton; bd: 10/21: track 1,2,4: 3

ketball 1,2; 3 & 4 hockey 1,2. "the love in your heart wasn't put there to: isn't love until you give it away."

Karen Patricia Dunn

Leslie Gayle Dunn

laura ehle 503 highland ave; bd: 1/23/61: rem for: being short, accident prone:

asw: randy b.: fay say: "bum me out"; fay mem: snow dance; pet peeve: goodbyes: Yo-tech foods 2, 3,4. susan carolyn eilenberger "sue" 325 harwicke rd; bd: 2/21 /61; rem for: trying to

catch up on the latest gossip, laughing at the wrong times, having chapstick, being a bit sarcastic: asw: martha, patti, terry, cindy, nancy, leeann, gail, maria; fay say: "who?" "when?": fav mem: 8/ 18/77, christmas 77, 8/18/78, 12/9/78, all the days at ridley creek; prize poss: fa mily, friends, bruce, and all the good memories; sec amb: to be successful, happy, and never stop laughing: pet peeve: misunderstandings, cops who ruin the mood, frizzy hair, good-byes. "live for today! for yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision . . ."

Laura Ehle

Susan Carolyn Eilenberger

marie elliott nancy ellen ersek "r" "erkee" 219 parkview dr: bd: 4/16/60: rem for: beir

asw: d.g., a.y .. n.m .. p.k., t.c.: fay say: "what?": fay mem: christmas 75, prize poss: "pinky", family, friends; sec amb: to make my dreams come t peeve: having my name misspelled: social service club 2; 3 & 4 basket!: girls golf 3,4: intramural basketball 3, 4. "i close my eyes, only for a morr the moment's gone; all my dreams, pass before my eyes a curiosity: dw wind, all we are is dust in the wind." kansas

Maria Elliott

Nancy Ellen Ersek

francis x. ervin, ir. "frank" "erv's" "ern" 320 madison rd; bd: 12/24/61; rem for: darksocks, lodge; asw: mooch, moon, abbs, clam, rabs, nick, howie; fav say: "data" "clammy my boy"; fay mem: city of boston 4/24/78, 3/17/78; prize poss: family and friends; sec amb: cpa; pet peeve: statistics, programs; baseball 3, 4; basketball stats 3, 4, intramurals 3, 4. "sit down before i knock you down." - ace , elaine marie esgro 437 saxer ave; bd: 8126/60: rem for: being myself -

happycrazy; asw: s.m .. n,d., m.c.. C.S., C.w.. d.h., and friends; fay say: "i want . . .": fav mem: o.c. weekends at swayzes, spelunking, special talks, s.i.c., my job; prize poss: family, friends, and the telephone: pet peeve: waiting, pressure, 10/ I/76, 4/4/ 78,4/7 /78, smoke; lacrosse I, 2: ski club I, 2, 3: executive council 3, 4; 3 & 4 basketball 3, 4; tennis 3, 4; chorus I, 2, 3,4; class treasurer 2, 3, 4; w.s.b.t. 3, 4, 5, 6 . . . : logger's club.


Francis X. Ervin

Elaine Marie Esgr

n. ethridge "thorny" rem for: being short; asw: frank, bemp, lew, ron, fav say: "dynomite" "oh my"; fay mem: summer 75,76, first day on skis, ec amb: debbie; pet peeve: smoke, being gootzed, speed limits, stop ghtlifting, football. ski club. "i did it my way," - sinatra on "father" 645 sherman rd; bd:9/12/61; rem for: running, getting f the cross country team; asw: s.n., the rest of the team; fav say: "those ,reaks"; fav mem: cross country 77, 10/14/78; prize pass: my life and 'c amb: t. h. a. h. p.o.; pet peeve: dan, layout; cross country 2, 3, capt. track 1,2. 3,4; track 2, 3.4; choir I, 2, 3,4; spri-hian 3, sports editor 4; club 4.

Stephen M. Eth ridge

Brett Fallon

stephen a. fanelli "fin's" "fanell" "nest" 225 west ave; bd: 11/1/61; rem for: sharking. boat's, boat trip to florida, getting ted; asw: lis, jimbo, watt, arch, kena, pell. benz. ant. cunti. bees, annie, barn, I.p" sambo, gut's, mahl, nooner, joey baby: fav say: "ah" "i don't know" "yo barn" "yo": fav mem: lisa, avalon, skiing in vermont, july 25, tuesday; prize pass: lisa kohl, boat, skis, la-x stick; sec amb: cpa. sail around the world, catch a great white; pet peeve: two-faced people, disco. older brother, (t-rexy); lacrosse 2, 3,4; elocin geks 2, 3,4; state champs 3

)hen A. Fanelli

paul fasy "barney" "faze" "uncle barn" 644 saxer ave; bd: 5/2/61; rem for: sweate palms: asw: joanne, lax team, b.b. team, k.d" s.f., g.g" d.m" d.p.; fay say: mesh" "yo plummer son"; fav mem: summer 78, 4/16/78, state championship, junior prom, soph hop; prize pass: joanne, lax net, lax stick, family, friends; sec amb: to play college lax and to be successful; pet peeve: saturday morning practice. trig. smoke filled boy's rooms: football I; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3, 4: executive council 3,4.

Paul Fasy

11ary fenza "chris" "stobes" "fender-bendeer" "nibs" 454 foster dr; bd: ; rem for: knee problems; asw: crutches, joel s" helen n.; fav mem: with I.d" I.g., seashore 76, 77, 78, nina's parties, times with a.i., I.d., I.g., ~etting ted, elocin spot; pet peeve: knee operations, waiting for somes late, rumors, nibs; choir 1,2,3,4; gymnastics I; track 2; advisory board 14. "there is no such thing as best in a world of individuals." - hugh ding 1021 westwood dr; bd: 6/1/61; rem for:phaeton; fay say: "you . me out"; prize pass: my relative insanity; sec amb: to overcome my 1. "we must be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that and stop there. lest we be like the cat who sits down on a hot stove lid, ,ver sit down on a hot stove lid again - and that is well. but also she will ::Iown on a cold one anymore" - mark twain

I!IIIir....... Christine Mary Fenza

Steve Fielding

sharon a. fitzgerald "fitz" "shar" ("edith") 637 cresson In, morton: 10/27/60; rem for: my hair; asw: tommy f., bones, linda, danny, dianne, anty, paula, fred, trudy, jeff; fay mem: 5/31/79,4/24/78, 10/27/78, 10128/78, 7/12177, 12/25/78, 1/1/ 78; prize poss: tommy f.. my leather, muzzy, my family and frie1d, all the good times with tommy, rags, parties; sec amb: to have a family, travel, to have money to buy a house in the country, to own horses; pet peeve: stone face, s.h.s., ra's; p.t., c's, d's. janet lynn foley 162 south highland rd; bd: 9/12161; rem for: always saying "what?", getting caught, being late; asw: b.j., e.d., d.s., a.o., m.m., c.m., I.m., m.d., r.d., c.s., va., s.d.; fav mem: rick's basement, cheese sandwiches at m.I.'s; prize pass: cases and dubes: sec amb: to own a labrador retreiver & a farm: pet peeve: wendy e., rahs, getting caught, stone face, users, cops who think they're god; track 1,2,3,4; expanders 1,2,3,4. "i live my life like there's no tomorrow. least i don't need to beg or borrow. here's how i'm livin' in a place that kills. running with the devil." - van halen


)n A. Fitzgerald

Janet Lynn Foley

joseph m. foley "fol" 127 wayne ave; bd: 2/5/61; rem for: adoring, tL my big mouth; fav say: "you muckracker!" "i love ya" "get outta here" summer 75, johnstown, 12/76-1177 w/l.b., michigan or bust, V.u. 78 wi sterns 78: prize poss: penny puppers, my family, the lesson of that ce mer: sec amb: to reach the top of that star and be as happy as getting peeve:waiting, people who don't listen, unreal-fakeness; soccer 1,2; executive council 1,2,3; advs. bd. 4; pop group 1,2,3; choir 1,2,3, V.I 4: service club 2, 3, 4; musical 2, 4; senior class play.

joan maria forcellini "joanie" "nancy" 652 andrew rd; bd: 9/26/61 being a "rabbit": asw: laurie, sue, june, ro, lisa, sue (when home); fav m, hill "vacations", times with my family, 12/18/76, florida 78, jr. yr., 12/S pass: family, true friends, faith, my room; sec amb: to travel; pet peel home alone, gym, term papers; h.a.b.r.c. 3; I.m.c. aide I; french club 2 3: lit mag 1,2: spri-hian 1,2,3, news ed. 4; color guard 2, co-sarg 3, sar 4. "in every heart there pumps a different beat" - billy joel

Joseph M. Foley

Joan Maria Forcellini

eric k. fowler "wreckless" 919 edgewood dr; bd: 11/14/60; rem for: being absent: fav mem: 6/23143; prize poss: my basses; sec amb: to see the girl from ursinus again: pet peeve: frats, original tunes; band 1,2,3; orch 1,2,3,4; dist orch 2, 3, 4: dist band 3; reg. orch 2,3,4; all state orch 4; all eastern orch 4; wrestling 1.2: executive council 3; "crossroads" 3; stevie 4.

Eric K. Fowler

caroline I. francia "line" "yo line" 610 e leamy ave; bd: 101 I 1/61; rem for: being late. wanting to ski: asw:d.b .. d.s., b.b., b.j .. g.g., t.e.d.; fav say: "yeh, really"; fav mem: O.c. 78. california 78, poconos 77, e.l.o. concert, 5/6/78; prize pass: memories. skis: sec amb: to live a hassle-free life in california; pet peeve: shs, "i don't low'. chevelle (no tunes): ski club 1,2,3,4; cheerleading 1,2,3,4.

Caroline L. Fra

betty lou francis "bet" 39 wayne ave; bd: 5/14/78; rem for: my nerves, smiling; asw: kenny or I.t.. d.v .. t.m., k.h" j.c.: fav say: "i'm young, i'll adjust"; fav mem: summer 76, s.c. may 77, 78, any time spent with kenny; prize pass: kenny: sec amb: to be kenny's wife: pet peeve: fighting with kenny; kenny I, 2, 3, 4. "those who hold on to broken dreams often get cut by their sharp edges" robert william frank "bobby" "frank" 243 sedgewood rd: bd: 5129/61: rem for: driving around at lunch: asw: mike c.. bill c.. bart, fruit: fav say: "let's get small"; fav mem: summer of 77; prize pass: my m.g.: sec amb: to get rich quick: pet peeve: english: vo-tech 3,4.

Betty Lou Francis

Robert William

julia ann frazier "julie" "mop" "top" "frizzy" 86 s hillcrest rd: bd: 1213161: rem for: my driving, my hair, insanity, resann r.: asw: colleen, debbie, judy, marie, I.s .. r.a .. b.i .. b.s .. a.g .. fav say: "i thought i was gonna die" "bonza" "what?" "what is this?"; fav mem: notes wlcolleen, escalators, edinboro, washington, crazy foam, flying in public, michael, hershey park, 10131/77, 5/22/78, 6/8/79; prize pass: family, friends, memories, rainbows, dreams: sec amb: regain what i've lost, hold onto what i have: pet peeve: the tank, cliques, homeroom 4: tennis I; hockey 4. anthony j. galantino "a nth" "tony" 280 s highland rd; bd: 1/29; rem for: always bumming gum, pens, accounting papers, money, etc. from c.k .. being nosey, dropping tests: asw: c.l.k .. f.j.r .. c.j.r.; fav say: "what" "what did you say" "who?" "what a joke" "it drives me nuts" "coffee break": fav mem:winter 77, summer 78, o.c .. accounting 3,4, notes, food prep, 1/29/79,6/8/79; prize pass: friends, family, life, freedom, dreams, memories: sec amb: to fulfill my dreams; pet peeve: dives, crowded places, rags, Ist period, teachers, homeroom 4, rahs; ski club 3, 4; burger king 1,2, 3,4.

Julia Ann Frazier

Anthony J. Gala

allagher "rabbit" "rab" "gal" 101 wyndmoor rd; bd: 5/5/61; rem for: ) only, last minute moves, p.f. nickname; asw: moon, howard, hake, y & eileen, the (k.w.) buck-ett, plumb, fas, bing, abbs, mcnick; fav mem: I season 78, shore iuly, august 78; sec amb: grow a beard; pet peeve: drivront lawns; basketball 1,2,3,4: baseball 1,2,3,4. "making of an athlete: cter; 2) hustle; 3) experience: 4) talent." -george allen

rshing gallagher "doobe" "dude" 228 midland rd: bd:9/29/60; rem for: oming back from lunch, wholes in jeans, commons international airport: Jennett, chris a, betty lou, carol richards, myself: fav say: "oh! my head!": n: night before school started sept.. racing down rolling road in 4 inches of ) m.p.h" beatty road after school, etc., etc.: prize poss: my bike and all my i.b" c.a" etc" especially carol richards, tammy gluck, etc.; sec amb: to be not famous, own a hot rod, stop smoking; pet peeve: no money, debts, :e: lunch 1,2,3,4, gym 1,2, 3,4, d.c., haverford st. 1,2,3. 4.

Glenn Gallagher

John Pershi ng Gallagher

debra marie gardner "debbie" 55 worrell dr; bd: 7/23 /61: rem for: being forgetful, always losing things: asw: t.p" g.h., e.g" n.e., j.f., I.g, s.I., d.k., c.i.: fav say:"what?"; fav mem:florida 78, summer of 78: prize pass: "my car," "frisky," family, friends, memories: sec amb: to get the most out of life: pet peeve: "physics;" lacrosse 1,2,3,4: % hockey 2,3,4: % basketball 1,2,3; intramural tennis: intramural volleyball I: intramural basketball 2: circulation staff 1,2,3; spanish club 2, 3,4.

ra Marie Gardner

lori s. garman "lor" 257 n state rd; bd:4/22: rem for: being a pedestrian, talking; asw:jill, maria, rob, sa boo, joe s., murph, joe n" cazz: fav say: "be cool" "dubes"; fav mem: bowie concerts, soph hop, canoeing 77, i.d" b.'s horn, allegheny 78, ted nugent, good parties at j. and m.'s,: prize pass: my buddies, bets and gretch, summers: sec amb: to get rich quick, t.r.a.b.a.g.a.; pet peeve: rahs, gills, milk-toasts, pinheads, discoqueens, the dive, am, wasting time; anti-dive 1,2,3,4: park - 6th 3, 4',,"for those of us who live with the feeling that what is wanted will happen

Lori S. Garman

james gates "jim" 736 buttonwood dr; bd: 4/16/61 ; rem for: not caring about anything: asw: i.s" r.i., m.n., g.p" b.s" i.k" b.t.. d.c.: fav say: "life's tough": fav mem: spectrum concerts, I 1/23/77, 10130/78, summer of 78, good times with friends, weekends: prize pass: my iacket; sec amb: to be rich and a success: pet peeve: people who are late, people who rag "when all are one and one is all, to be a rock and not to roll." -led zeppelin john r. genzel "genz" "j.r." "j.b." 1001 edwards dr; bd: 2/ II /60; rem for: being tall, playing sports, being with sandy: asw: sandy, chas, ieff, karen: fav say: "fine" "you're not my friend anymore" "forget it"; fav mem: 1/23/76, 5/10/77, summer of 78 in virginia with sandy, junior prom 78: prize pass: bank account toward my car, sandy, family, friends; sec amb: owning my business in carpentry: pet peeve: test, f.b.c" summer practices: football 1,2,3,4; basketball I: track 1,2,3, 4: weightlifting I.

James Gates

John R. Genzel

paige I. gettemuller 200 n rolling rd; bd: 4/8/61; rem for: talking too much, "the wedding", telling my "life story", horses, gruesome tales, m.r.h.w.!!: asw: lisa, sue, pete, karen, donna, ianet, cindy and "the gang"; fav say: "such is life"; fav mem: 8131/78, 3/6/77- 6/27/77, stone harbor summers: prize poss: my friends, family, college acceptance, mandy, scooter; sec amb: to find a career i like, a man i love, and to always have good friends: pet peeve: possessiveness, boredom, being "commodore", staying in one place too long; % hockey 2,3: pep club 1,2; editor eire:. staff 4: musical4; choir 1,2, 3,4.

e L. Gettemuller

Richard Thomas Giachetti

richard thomas giachetti "camel-face" "giachetti" "cf" 954 westfield rd; bd: 4/ 28/61: rem for: being a bi, my camel-face; asw: a borrowed pen: fav mem: good times with my friends: prize poss: my scarf and hat, my friends: sec amb: to travel the world, to learn to fly: pet peeve: being broke, people who don't pay you back: band 1,2, asst. dr. maj. 3. 4, pres. 4: dist band 3. 4: orchestra 1,2,3,4: musical 2, 4: nhs (Cl>Ar) 3, 4: scott's hi-q 4: scrivener senior ed. 4; senior class play: habrc 1,2, 3, dictator 4. "what i must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think." - ralph waldo emerson

cheryl ann gibson "white" 16 walnut st .. morton: bd: 8/ I 1/61: rem for: long fi ngernails: asw: ervin: fav say: "yea" "right": fav mem: summer of 78, bermuda, florida: prize pass: my family, rosco: sec amb: to have a successful career: pet peeve: jealousy!, conceit!: cougarettes 2: cheerleading 3. "how do i say goodbye to what we had, the good times that made us glad outweighed the bad. i thought we'd get to see forever but forever has gone away, it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday." paul nelson gibson "gib" "hoot" 261 powell rd: bd: 2/15/61: rem for: getting tickets; asw: lew, r.s .. plum, abbs, bemp, C.S., Lp.: fav mem: bloomsburg football game, golf course: prize pass: falcons: pet peeve: c.h .. trig: baseball 1,2,3,4.

Paul Nelson Gib:

Cheryl Ann Gibson

scott gibsongib 'zep' 567 w rolling rd, bd: 8/11/61: rem for: my hair. being moody: asw: lisa. tom. bob. peggy. chris. mary. billy, ron. miny, cheryl. charlie, joe: fav say: "wrong again 'yo dude" "what's up": fav mem: summer of 78 at the shore, winters at rolling green: prize pass: bank account. zeppelin albums, family, friends: sec amb: become a lead rock singer: pet peeve: disco, rahs. "and so today my world it smiles: your hand in mine we walk the miles. but thanks to you it will be done' for you to me are the only one.' - led zeppelin

Scott Gibson

Rosemary Joan Gildea

gwen sara gilmore "boss" "gwen bird" bd: once a year!l: rem for: being a turquoise freak, my driving. graduating early: asw: tim, carolick, b.j .. m.b .. t,e.d .. dale. iulie: fav say: "let's do a doobie: fav mem: all the times with tim. g.d. n.y .. r.$.. concerts, hawk mt .. saratoga. m.c.s.c .. skeet shooting with t.e. i. & s. wedding with j.: prize pass: t.e. my turquoise jewelry: sec amb: to live on sugar mt.. to back pack across the world. to be happy with t.c. to meet i.b. & m.j.: pet peeve: air force, mono. deseeding, backstabbers as in c.i., summer school.

rosemary joan gildea "rose" 327 powell rd: bd: 2/7/61: r always being late, never being asw: mkg, itd: fav say: "can tions": fav mem: freshman ye 11/23/78, f.d.: prize pass: my r my friends; see amb: to be i a.b.; pet peeve: deb. "if you se tenderness it isn't hard to find. have the love you need to livE you look for truthfulness you m as well be blind. it always seen so hard to give." - billy joel robert ginn" rob" 469 harwicke 6/13: prize pass: tool kit; pet long tests.

Gwen Sara Gilmore

Robert Ginn

michael vincent giuda 212 parkview dr; bd: 6/5/61: rem for: always being hungry: asw: c.w .. I.r .. g.p .. Lp .. b.r.: fav mem: ski trips, new york, ron's 6th period chemistry class: prize pass: skis, my family; sec amb: to lead a happy and successfullife: pet peeve: snobs, slobs; ski club 1,2,3. 4: track 1,2; soccer 1,2: servicE clubl,2,3,4. eva glenstrup

Michael Vincent Guida

Eva Glenstrup

tammy lynn gluck 708 eva ns rd: bd: I I/2 I/60; rem for: smoki ng in the bathroom:

asw: t.b., e.p., C.W., s.d., h.w., I.e.: fav say: "hey": fav mem: 5/6178,7/11178,612 178: prize poss: my love for "doc", and misty: sec amb: to become somebody who works with children: pet peeve: boys who think they know everything (which

they don't). nancy sue gold in 669 n. bishop ave: bd: 12/1 /61 : rem for: fli pped -out conversa-

tions, being vegetarian: asw: the best!: fav mem: times with eric (the way we were), the youth conservation corps experience, great camping trips: prize pass: photographs and memories, life, terrific friends: sec amb: to live on a mountain in colorado with the right "mr. right": pet peeve: superficiality, disco: choir 1,2,3, 4: chorus 3, 4: color guard 3: musical 2, 4: lit mag 1,2,4: german club 2,3: nhs 4: pop group 3: ycc '78: basco's 4: I.p.c. I, 2, 3,4: ski club 3. "i look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory, some happy, some sad, i think of childstyx hood friends and the dreams they had."

e sue gonsalves "kathy" 268 I: asw: j.j., k.r., I.j., t.v., p.w.: fav lnada, ycc and summer of 78, ith friends, chicago concert Ily the ride home), weekends ,wimming 5:30 in the morning: ): to get lost in the canadian sail around the world: pet late people, Ist period mon¡ing called a jock: band I, 2, 3, stra 1,2,3,4: tennis 1,2,3,4: I, 2, 3. 4: nhs 4. "what lies JS and what lies behind us are tt,ers compared to what lies ;.


...... Nancy Sue Goldin

mmy Lynn Gluck


janice grace "ian

Katherine Sue Gonsalves

Janice Grace

weezle " "lois" "louie" 215 e leamy : 4/12/61: rem for: rushing to ing math, saying dumb things: bbie, sue, c.i., d.k.: fav say: "you know what!" "see ya fav mem: easter 76, germany '78. summer of 78 esp. 6/ 19-25 canada 78, 9/9, II/iS: prize y family, friends, life, my free nature. memories: sec amb: to round the world: pet peeve: ~Iy people, rainy days; girls' ,2,3,4: soc. service 3: history an club 1,2, 3, 4; spri-hian circ. tume committee p.g.: nhs 3, 4.

kimberley green

"tender foot" 335 larchwood rd: bd: 12/15/60: rem for: having blue hair: asw: b,c., t,s" c.b,: fav say: "get a job" "no way" are you crazy or something": fav mem: my vacation: florida 75-76, wildwood, 717 177, 8/27/77, new york 78, 8178, prime cut christmas party, barb's parties, tender foot and all the crazy times: prize pass: my innocence, dave t.: sec amb: to be independently wealthy: pet peeve: monday mornings, cold winters, s.h.s.: vo-tech 3,4, david grignon "grigs" 605 shipley In:

bd: 6124: rem for: drawing unrealistic things in art: asw: d.b., I.t.: fav mem: going out to lunch with friends, summers 76-68: prize pass: friends, memories, my movies: sec amb: to be a famous cartoonist: pet peeve: eating in the cafeteria, monday mornings, english, p.s., i.m.

Louise Kimberley Green

David Grignon

joann grispino "spino" 6534 theodore st, phila., pa. 19142: bd: 2/ 19: rem for: forever late for h.r. and 2nd and 3rd and 4th: asw: c.j., k.j., m.mcg., d.m. 8th, f.c., e.b. in philly: fav say: "we'll go someday": fav mem: times on 213, 10176, hidin' times with j.g., doing -t- with m.p.; prize pass: family, friends; sec amb: hit for millions; pet peeve: being followed, frank's car door, thieves (s.m.)!! anita gruerio "anits", "nit" 563 sheffield dr: bd: 5124/61: rem for: my calcula-

tors. "my dad's mercedes", being a kansas freak, 7th period in the library, pssst!. u-turns, my own language, my cry: asw: strua and dewood: fav say: ':aha!" "jerk!" "i'll kill ya!": fav mem: haunted house, "oh my god they're serious!", junior prom: prize pass: my friends, my kansas tapes, jacques: sec amb: to be successful: pet peeve: bad coaches: tennis 1,2, 3,4: % hockey 2: % basketball 2, 3, 4. "but to each other they will soon return, destiny fulfilled, their words will burn an eternal flame" kansas

oann Grispino

Anita Gruerio

mark gutshall "gut" 308 orchard rd; bd: 11/ II /61; rem for: waiting for the week-

end; asw: s.b .. j.s., a.w., f.w., fins, ken, arch, pelli, toad: fav say: "take it, easy!": fav mem: skiing with fins, k.d. j.c., going to millersville with s.b., fishing with fred w. before school: prize pass. my guns, my rods, outdoors, family: sec amb: swim in a pool filled with molson golden ale; pet peeve: waiting for people, b.s.'ers, giddy girls: soccer 1,2,4: bowling 1,2,3. "soccer players score with their heads" eric george hakun "hake" 2 locust rd, morton: bd: 1/21/62: rem for: my lunches,

my hair: asw: w.l.w.: fav mem: my touchdown, penncrest game, states in 76 with g.s .. all the times with wendy; prize pass: big hake and bert, # IS: sec amb: to design my own house, own a white corvette, be seen on television with john, be as big as rich: pet peeve: striking out, women drivers, lies, good times coming to an end: baseball 1,2,3,4: football 1,2,3,4: service club 1,2,3,4.

Mark Gutshall

Eric George Hab

susan jacqueline hales" sue" "sueha les" 361 ben nett rd; bd: 4/7 / 61 : rem for: hav-

ing a comment for everything: asw: bill, debi, cindy, tina, sandy, marie, ginny, mark, the lunch gang": fav say: "i can't relate": fav mem: 5/7/77, florida trip, I 1/18/78, times with bill and friends: prize poss: my relationship with bill. my friends, my family; pet peeve: gym, labs, walking to school, good-byes; band I, 2, 3.4: choir 1.2,3,4; scrivener co-activities editor 4; nhs 4. "the secret of the life is enjoying the passing of time." - j.t. david james hall "charlie brown" 85 salford rd; bd: 4/27/61 : fav say: "ya-Iude"

Susan Jacqueline Hales

'don't sweat the load" "yo-doe" "stinfin" "pnaaul"; fav mem: mr. schaeffer's sports class: prize poss: the dead rat in my locker, motorcycle, nip-chee crackers: sec amb: to grow up to be big, tall and good-looking like mr. locker; pet peeve: volleyball in gym class, disco dancing: lacrosse 1,2,3.

David James Hi

joseph I. hammond 52 I sherman rd: bd: 12/9/60: rem for: the way i play the cello: asw: b.h., b.s.: fav mem: trip to florida with orchestra: prize pass: acceptance letter from p.c.p.s.: pet peeve: physics class: golf I, 2: orchestra 1,2, 3,4: work study 3, 4. laura ellen harlan "Iorelie" 124 school In: bd: 4/2/61: rem for: constantly talking,

half of the deadly duo, half of double trouble: asw: c.h .. k.w.. c.n .. I.d.: fav say: "don't worry about it!" "some fun huh?": fav mem: germany 76 & 77, canada 76: prize pass: memories, friendships: sec amb: to see the entire world: pet peeve: lateness. hypocrites: lit mag 1,2,3,4: grapplerettes 2,3, pres. 4; german club I, 2,3: prom comm. 2,3.4. "far beyond these castle walls where i thought i heard teiresias say, 'life is never what it seems to be and every man must meet his destiny' "- styx

Joseph L. Hammond

Laura Ellen Harl,

james v. harrington "bo (etc.)" 97 s rolling rd: bd: 1/17/61: asw: j.m., b

inky, bear, c.c.m.g.a.; fav mem: june 79, march 72: prize poss: family, friel peeve: low saggers, rahs. general, bo's, gills, nicknames, chemistry; lacro! cer: abomb: park committee. elizabeth anne helmuth "betsy" 30 n rolling rd: bd: 4/15/61; rem for: nev

ting up; asw: beth, sharon, gina, liz, sec staff: fav say: "he just looked at rr "knock it off": fav mem: canada 76, florida 78, "happy birthday!", jr. pro mers, weekends, 5/18/77, s.p.d. baseball games, staff parties, colorado 7 poss: my poems, photo album, good friends, family: pet peeve: snobs, raj up. ego; 3 & 4 hockey 2; grapplerettes 2, 4: chorus 1,2,3: choir 3: color ( 2. 3. co-sgt. 4: corrupterettes 3. 4. "if you love something, set it free. if i back. it was always yours. if it doesn't, it never was."

James V_ Harrington

Elizabeth Anne Helmuth

william francis henderson jr. "bill" 620 cheyney rd: bd: 5/5/61: rem for: having cat-eyes, baseball t-shirts, rude and witty comments, drawing teachers, ace bell impressions, playing the violin very loudly: asw: vita, debbie, ianine, stolis: fay mem: district orchestra 78/79, musical orchestra 77/79, marching band 78, extreme foolishness with beryl in orchestra: pet peeve: paying for all the books i drew in, baseball tryouts, the cardboard oakland a's shirts: orchestra 1,2,3,4: district orchestra 3, 4; band 4; musical orchestra 2, 4; nhs 4: baseball 2. ' experIence replaces nothing: but nothing replaces experience." joseph hilferty

villiam Francis Henderson

IIiIIIIIII..... :ynthia Ann Hill

Joseph Hilferty

cynthia ann hill "cindy" 924 west ave: bd: 9/27/61: rem for: being so gullible, always laughing; asw: nancy, sue, martha, lee ann, maria, gail, sue, etc.: fay say: "can you believe"; fay mem: summers of 77 & 78, going over jersey, parties, people up camp; prize pass: family, friends, memories; sec amb: to be a doctor: pet peeve: calculus, getting up early, too much at one time; chorus 1,2,3,4; track I, 2, 3,4; hockey 2, 3,4: scrivener staff 4: tutoring 4; nhs 4. "we've only just begun to live. white lace and promises, a kiss for luck and we're on our way." - carpenters john a. hingston "honky" 915 springhaven rd; bd: 3/15/61: rem for: 64 chevy tank; asw: d.j" s.b., d.h" deuce: fay say: "yaa-yahokay!" fay mem: summers at the shore, penncrest under the lights: sec amb: it's a secret; pet peeve: gleeps, people who get into writing this summary: soccer I, 2, 3: co-capt 4: student athletic council 4: indoor soccer 1,2,3,4: chess club 3: all rag team 2, 3; capt 4: wrestling I.

John A. Hjngston

carol jean hiorth 257 sunnybrook rd: bd: 3/21 /61: rem for: making mountains out of molehills; fay say: "not a whole lot" "beats me" fay mem: spring 78, 7/6,7/20, 8/2,9/7, 1219/78: prize pass: phoebe, - my cat, my beatles albums, my good taste: sec amb: to own six houses around the world; pet peeve: social climbers, "listening devices": chorus I; lit mag 3, 4. "and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" -the beatles sandra hoath "sandy" "san" 151 bishop hill ave: bd: 8/28/62: rem for: my laugh, my craziness: asw: laurie, erika, sue, joan, freeman, terry, alicia, mark: fay say: "what a crack" "i can't relate" "joe -"; fay mem: times with laurie and erika, perkins, silly string, dean's halloween party, hockey dance 78, reading 78, florida trip 77, br (ak's going away p"rty); prize poss: my family, sue, laurie and erika's friendship, tootsie: sec amb: to become a successful tax lawyer; pet peeve: certain immature teachers who can't teach, certain teachers in general, kids who try to act cool; hockey I, 2, 4: basketball I, 2, mgr 4; golf 2: districts 4: track I:

'o"coil I. bood I. 2 4,hoic I. pco;


3rol Jean Hiorth

~ Sandra Hoath

hodge "chuck" 354 oakdale place; bd: 6/ 1/61; rem for: hyperactiveness: oever could be found: fay mem: none: sec amb: hike appalachian trail (all 'et peeve: shs: choir I: soccer I, 2: track 1,2, 3. "don't take things seri-

nn hoffman 90 n norwinden dr; bd: 7/5/61: rem for: always being happy day mornings, being one half of "double trouble", my weird knees: asw: ler half', d.d" s.l" e.r., j.e" g.l" k.h., g.r" j.o .. the gang at betty's: fay say: ': fay mem: new york 78, yes concert 78, beach boys 76, summer of 76, ark summer of 77: prize pass: my italian horn, family, friends, life: sec amb: uly free and independently wealthy: pet peeve: bus ride to vo-tech, backs, obnoxious drunks: vo-tech 3,4; musical 2, 4: sr. class play, s.a.c. gang 3, ::jfield ambo corps 3, 4: new london gang I, 2, 3, 4. "floating on the clouds ~r, searching for the rainbow's end, earth's so far below me; i'm here alone In't come down no more." - kansas

Charles Hodge

Cheryl Ann Hoffman

arthur b. holland, jr. "art" "putsie" 337 foulke In; bd: 2121/61; rem for: drum major; asw: d.p., b.b.; fav say: "smack"; fav mem: canada 76, florida 78, summer 78, I 1/1 1178; prize poss: stereo, pool table; sec amb: to see the u.s., to build a house in the side of a mountain; band I, 2, v.p. 3, drum major 3, 4, districts 4; service club 2,3,4; tennis 2,3,4; football I; b-ball stats 3, 4; weightlifting 1,2,3, 4; nhs. "to discover who you are is the greatest challenge in life." denise marie horan "den" "marie" 566 e scenic rd; bd: 5122/61; rem for: messy notebooks and lockers, blushing bright red; asw: e.e., j.h., p.m., I.n.; fav say: "yeppers"; fav mem: times with friends, stw, I.w.j.y., s.e.s. advent~res, shippensburg weekend; prize poss: memories, family, certain friendships; sec amb: to be rich, mjk: pet peeve: endings, ignorance, people who think only of themselves; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; tennis; stw 3, 4; chess club 3; executive council; y.b.p.; nhs 4. "ships in a harbor are safe, but that is not what ships are built for."

Arthur B. Holland

Denise Marie Ho

barbara horne "barb" "babs" "gert" 411 fairview rd; bd: 9/3/61; rem ing; asw: barb, cath, j.b., super great friends!; fav say: "oh my gosh!"; f summer 78, weekends, cruising, buckaroo's, i.p., concerts, friendship wi prize poss: friends, family, memories; sec amb: to find mr. right!; pe being depressed, snobs, goodbyes; choir I, 3, 4; chorus 2, 3 officer 4; & 4; musical 4; g-b-ball manager 3, 4; business ed. 4; soph hop dec. 2; sno, "best of friends never part, best of fools have love forever from the be their heart." - boz scaggs william griffith humphreys "griff" 113 kent rd; bd: 10/16/61; asw: j.s., h.n.; fav mem: vacations, backpacking; prize poss: camera; sec amb: tc cessful, to make n.w., to see all the u.s.a.; wrestling 1,2; tennis 3; soccer club 2,3. "if i'm going nowhere, i'll go there proud." - jim croce

Barbara Horne

William Griffith Humphreys

rebecca ruth huntzinger "becky" "bectoria" "bucky" 616 vernon rd; bd: 12120/ 60; rem for: cutting my hair, being quiet, procrastinating; asw: d.c., j.b., c.h., c.b.; fav mem: 9176-1 /77, 8/19178, 7/12176; prize poss: skitter & co., my tiger bracelet; sec amb: to have a pet boa constrictor; pet peeve: korvettes clerks, people who nag; track 1,2,3, 4; hockey 2,3,4; gymnastics I; ski club 4; nhs 4. "while the future's there for anyone to change, still you know it seems, it would be easier sometimes to change the past." - jackson browne jeffrey j. hushion "jeff" "porky" 437 w springfield rd; bd: 8/ 15/61; rem for: liking yes & genesis, being smart; asw: rich, dan, russ, lisa, my white zephyr; fav say: "yo" "don't worry about it"; fav mem: yes, genesis, kansas concerts, soph hop; prize poss: my stereo & albums; sec amb: it's a secret; pet peeve: disco music, 10th grade english teacher, homework, term papers; weightlifting 3, 4; bowling I, 2,3; nhs 4. "many too many have stood where i stand. many more will stand here roo. but i think what i find strange is the way you built me up. then knocked me :Jown again." - tony banks of genesis

Rebecca Ruth Huntzinger

Jeff J. Hushion

karen e. inforzato "emf" "info" "infee" 783 eaton rd; bd: 4/ 19/61; rem sayings, becoming a rah; asw: cathy, connie, m.b., johnny t, gwen, v.j.d., squad; fav say: "walk much" "drive much" etc., "later dude" "hi ya kittiE fav mem: shore 76, 77, 78, 797, skiing vacation w/vince, hawk mt.; prize} parents' love. v.j.d., my skis, grover, my stuffed football player, time tc secrets; sec amb: to own my own beauty salon; pet peeve: s.g, taking "nc answer, j & b 78-79, being separated; track 1,2; choir 1,2; chorus I, 2, ~ leader 4; rowdie club I, 2, 3, 4; girl's room I, 2, 3, 4. "now i want a lov want some friends and i want to live in the sun and i want to do all the thin never have done." - dan fogelberg david irons "doc" 31 walnut st morton; bd: 7/22/60; rem for: big mou clown; asw: teammates, debbie, soul brothers of morton; fav say: "you kn you can do for me" "won't you shut up"; fav mem: the day i met sue prize poss: my family, girls; sec amb: to one day become a rich man; pe the know it ails that know nothing; basketball.

Karen E. Inforzato

David Irons

estelle marcell irons "aunt poocome" "mom" 31 walnut st, morton; bd: 10/8/61;

rem for: being helpful, temper, trustworthy, loud; asw: iose and the crazy bunch; faY say: "don't even try that"; faY mem: summer of 76, easter of 77, new year's of 76, summer of 78 was mess up; prize pass: my family, myoid man, my baby; sec amb: to always succeed something in life; pet peeve: when people mind my business and talk how much stuff. "the way we are" constance marie.jackson "connie" "action" "miss m. jackson" 275 welsh dr; bd: 3/

14/61; rem for: being a twin, being rowdy; asw: my other half, michele, joanne, adrienne, karen, m.b., claire; faY say: "dude" "digit" "nice"; faY mem: oct. 25, 76, sept. 77 (sc w/c.m.), aug. 78 (nc w/c.m.), all the great times with craig!, ir prom 78, boston 78, "goobers & raisinettes" k.i., the good times with bobbi, ocean city 77 w/m.m., being born with adrienne; prize pass: craig, my jewelry, family, memories w/c.m.; sec amb: just to be happy; pet peeve: "the general," waiting, being apart, cliques; lacrosse 1,2,4; girlsroom 1,2,3,4. "later turkes"

'elle Marcell Irons

Constance Marie Jackson

~n marie jackson "kathy" "action" "kate" 275 welsh dr; bd: 3/14/61; rem ,ing a twin, getting called connie, boycotting the cafe; asw: connie, " joann, m.b., adrienne, karen, and whoever else wants to be seen with me; ': "nice" "later dude"; faY mem: 5/5/76, senior week 78, "goobers & raisi" may 31, 1979, bonfires, new year's in phila. 77, boston 78; prize pass: my :e, my box, my thoughts, my family, true friends; sec amb: to be wealthy e happily ever after; pet peeve: work, breaking up, school, a certain lanteacher, detention, frank's car door, sleeping through new year's 78; track room 1,2,3,4. "good-bye all!"

a jeckel "freckel" "long legs" "jeck" 723 haines In; rem for: being too tall, l supplies; asw: donna s., diane b., barb b.,caroline f.. gwen g., nanci s.,

:rowd, m.k., a.b., m.b., c.j.; fay say: "yo dude" "what's up?"; fay mem: Jes x-mas vac. 77, shore times in o.c., coca-cola 500, 2/9/77, 5/6/78, sum, calif. 77; prize pass: family, friends, rmee; sec amb: to liv in california on 1! pet peeve: spridive, "i don't know"; cheeleading 2, 4; ted I, 2, 3,4; bonski club 3, 4.

Kathleen Marie Jackson

Barbara Jeckel

eric dante jefferson "brother 'j' " "dante" "doctor evil" "turtle" 212 pennington ave, morton; bd: 1/22/62; rem for: my walk, for flirting with girls; asw: "the force", dwayne bradley, william howard, doug jennings, anton jefferson, nate penn, jim nelson, dave irons, dion irons, keith johnson; fay say: "what's up homies" "do you think or what" "totally"; fay mem: august 22 with I.h., december 12 with b.s.: prize pass: my clothes and my woman; sec amb: to become a professional football player; pet peeve: people who don't understand, stuck up and ignorant girls: basketball 3; football 1,3,4; track 2,3,4. douglas tracy jennings "nervous" "jew" "rabbit" 210 walnut st, morton;bd: 12/29

/61; rem for: my jokes, being shy and sneaky, talking" off the wall smack" with my friends; asw: eric, william, jimmy, nate, dwanye; fay say: "huh?!" "what?!"; faY mem: august 10, 1978, october 23, 1978, some very good parties; prize poss: guitar, shotgun, art work; sec amb: to become a recognized artist; pet peeve: some friendlies, conceited people; varsity track 2. .

: Dante Jefferson

Douglas Tracy Jennings

ennings "j.i.w.j.a.l.b." 421 prospect rd; 12116/61; faY mem: dylan 10/6/78, 4/21/78 (with dog collar), summer of 42; stw 4; nhs 3; sec 4; orch I, 2, sec and I, 2, 3; yearbook editor 4; lit mag 2, 3, lit ed 4; scott's hi-q 4. "i am

to get some intimations of immortality by recollecting my early childhood m waiting for the green mornings to come again, youth's dumb green fields :Jack again and i am waiting for some strains of unpremeditated art to ny typewriter and i am waiting to write the great indelible poem" - ferti j

oy "d.j." 254 saxer ave; bd: 3/4/61; rem for: being a brat, mumbling, not l football, winning boxes, b.b.'s, west chester east; asw: m.b., honkey, g.k.,

:., a.w., i.z.: fay say: "nab her!" "i'm sorry" "yeah"; fay mem: birthday, '8, beating pencrest 77; prize pass: m.b., heidi; sec amb: to live in the counh two german shepherds; pet peeve: mustang, frick, football, gill rah's, isa's shadow "the boardwalk"; soccer 1,2,3, capt. 4; track 1,2,3,4; wres3: indoor soccer 1,2,3,4; burger king 1,2,3,4. "get it right the first time he main thing" - billy joel

Joyce Jennings

David Joy

Randy Beaver Fred Benditt Joseph Browne Timothy Clemson James Daley Laura Ehle Robert Frank Janice Grace Cheryl Hoffman Joe Kristekas Bruce Leibig Richard Martin Lisa Opdenaker Jeanette Osborne Claire Paradis Glenn Peake Patricia Salerno Michael Toal Michael Turner John Ward

Aston Folcroft Marple

Commercial Art Auto Body Data Processing Commercial Art Engine Rebuilding Food Management Advanced Carpentry Cosmetology Cosmetology Machine Shop Auto Mechanics Communication Tech Cosmetology Dental Lab. Tech Data Processing Auto Mechanics Child Development Plumbing, Heating Greenhousing Interior Finishing

yahehe' 237 fairview rd: bd: 8131 /61: rem for: purple-duck my weird eyes: asw: j.i., k.g., k.r., t.v., a.i.; faY say: "can i borrow . . .": 1 canada chicago concert and the ride home, sailing, breakfast: prize pas friends, n.o.: sec amb: to see lake bled; pet peeve: berniece, frozen locks gotten keys: band 1,2,3,4: orchestra 1,2,3,4; literary magazine 3, 4: n nhs 4, "what i must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think" lisa jurecic

karen kaiser 252 n norwinden dr: bd: 10/17/60: rem for: doing dumb thil

t.b., t.g., r.v .. I.e .. e.p .. i.k.: faY say: nothing; faY mem: summer of 78, be grubbs class 10th and I Ith grade: prize pass: my dog, my car, my fa friends: sec amb: to get married and have a family of my own: pet peev( who drink (alcohol), people who smoke: girls' chorus 3.

Lisa Jurecic

Karen Kaiser

lisa ann kallinen 684 beatty rd: bd: 2/ I/61: asw: schink (1,2), concetta, piett, i.s ..

my gilbert: fay say: "0 come on now": fay mem: barones, the cliff, parties in the hut, summer of 78, brigantine, 3/5178: prize poss: life and love; sec amb: to pass my driver's test and seek revenge: pet peeve: this pit, creeps, rags, winter, milktoasts and my last brew: delinquency 2, 3,4. "i'm in tatters, my brains been blattered splattered allover . . . " - stones cathy louise kane "cath" 639 kennerly rd: bd: 5/24/61: rem for: always talking,

my curly hair, spelling my name with a c: asw: carol, anthony, barb, barb, mar, fred, colleen, and the gang: faY say: "really!!!" "ohhh!": faY mem: billy joel concert, 5/23/78, florida summer 78,6/9178, cruising, 4/17178,5130/77,613178, accounting I & 2, times with the gang: prize pass: friends, family, memories, my stereo: sec amb: to own a trans am: pet peeve: getting up early, being 4' 11 1/ / ' , cliques: chorus I: musical props 2, 4: business staff 4. "we've only iust begun to live, white lace and promises a kiss for luck and we're on our way." - carpenters

Lisa Ann Kallinen

Cathy Louise Ka

james kaut "iimbo'l.i.' 273 waverly rd, morton: bd: 7/ 10/61: rem for vin, ted: asw: i.p .. s.L k.d .. i.c .. c.w .. a.c .. t.e.d.; fay say: "i.d.g.a.f.f.t.e mem: summer 75, s.w.c .. state gek: prize pass: my car, my mind and all tl gettable memories it holds: sec amb: g.i.c.i.p .. rule the world: pet pee v chicks that rag: expanders 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4: football I, 2.t the same in a relative way but you're older, shorter of breath and one d, to death." - pink floyd

paul kearney "kerns" 933 westfield rd: bd: 12/20/61; rem for: clowning c classes, always trying to get a laugh: asw: rob m.. ioe s.. murph mary c dino d .. sab, etc.: prize pass: 67 buick: pet peeve: sleezes, disco.

James Kaut

Paul Kearney

tom keifer "reefer" 542 valley view rd: 1/26/61: rem for: cutting class: asw: bob,

mary, chris, peg, bill. scott, joe, ron: fay say: i don't have one: fay mem: ocean city summer of 78: prize pass: my guitar; sec amb: to play the spectrum: pet peeve:disco. "can't you see i'll always be a music man." - reo speedwagon jeanne kimberly kelly "kim" 334 hemlock In: bd: 113/62: asw: sue, terry, patti,

beryl. karen, s.l .. i.s .. n.k .. c.d .. s.m.i .. p.o .. sj.w .. m.b.: faY say: "life's hard" "these things happen": fay mem: the magic castle 7178, ocean city 78, genesis 3178, "the plan" "e.l.o.": prize poss: my family, friends, bs ability, a.e.n., april: sec amb: to be a sealion and dolphin trainer, to be rowlf!: pet peeve: my viola; nhs 3, 4: tennis 2, 3, 4: choir I, 2, 3,4: orchestra 1,2, 3,4: district orchestra 2, 3,4: musical 2, 4: I.p.c. 1,2,4, pres. 4.

Tom Keifer

Jeanne Kimberly I

~ kelly "mar" 506 andrew rd; bd: 10/2/60; rem for: always rowdy, get

smoking, never being in school for a full week, always cutting people up ierything; asw: a.b., c.j. at lunch; fav say: "what's up"; faY mem: my jr. afterwards with ernie, the day after the prom, memorial day weekend ernie's boat in maryland; prize pass: ernie stackhouse, my car, ernie's amb: to get out of school. make the best out of life; pet peeve: general I. ,r mr. sealey face, snow queen; girlsroom 1,2,3,4.


:ecilia kennedy "col" 706 w rolling rd; bd: 7/21/61; rem for: drivi ng two my smile, always having gum, being simple; asw: almost everyone; fay I poor baby"; fay mem: 12/9178, 6/1179, 513 1179, 9/9-10178, 7130178, , accounting, food prep; prize pass: friends, family, memories; sec amb: .p.a.; pet peeve: cliques, julie's driving; soph hop and snow dance dec.; sr y. "shadows of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow keep my mind at nd i am concerned with nothing but the reality of today."

b Marianne Kelly

Colleen Cecilia Kennedy

douglas d. kersteen "doug" "rug" "rug less" 30 I n lehigh ci rcle; bd: 1013 I /61 ; rem for: 73.5, my "stones"; asw: s.d .. c.i .. b.m .. b.b .. i.k .. h.n .. g.p .. r.l .. doobers, james; fay say: "bummer!" "life's a bummer!" "semi-excellent" "that's gross"; fay mem: canada 76, florida 78, 10131178; prize pass: heidi, my skies; sec amb: censored; pet peeve: twerps, spazzes, night practice with j.t.. short teachers with beards, my mistaken brother: band I, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 2, 3, 4; lacrosse state champs 3: ski club 2,3,4; msfc 1,2,3,4. jeffrey kilgallen "ieff" "kilroy" "kill" "killer" "roy" 710 saxer ave; bd: 11/29/61; rem for: not tying shoes, sleeping in bathtubs; asw: plum, b.c .. i.g .. abbs, rab, ervs, barney; fay say: "nice"; faY mem: jr prom, snow dance, baseball 78, sessions, times with r.r.; pet peeve: cars that don't start, rain outs, s.a.'s; football I; baseballi, 2, 3,4.

~Ias D. Kersteen

Jeffrey Kjlgallen

kirkpatrick III "kane" 315 sedgewood rd; bd: 4/ 12178; rem for: my nick;w: i.m .. I.h .. shaun, bo, pankey, el bumblair; fay say: "yo bro"; sec amb:

nolson breweries, inc.; pet peeve: bo's, english, sundays; lacrosse 4; ammittee I, 2, 3, 4.

n kleinhans "kak" 4 sharpless In; bd: 5/9/61; rem for: smiling, marigold asw: rich, ianet, donna, cindy, karen, paige; fay say: "hallo!" "oh, i love 1!": fay mem: the fun years with donna, janet, cindy, great times with rtes, times square, wedding, florida 78, odd couple, snow dance, d.d.; ;s: my family and friends; sec amb: t.b.a.s.a.; pet peeve: wearing hair up arettes, losing things; cougarettes 3, 4; stw 4; ski club 4; nhs 4; senior y; snow dance dec.; snow queen nom.: musical 4. "tomorrow, tomorrow, i tomorrow! you're always a day away!" - 'annie'

Robert C. Ki rkpatrick III

Karen Ann Kleinhans

john joseph knaff III "bones" 156 rambling way; bd: 10/17/61; rem for: wrestling and losing weight: asw: g.h .. k.d .. i.s .. r.r .. tubs, pugs; fay say: "bummer": faY mem: backpacking 77, summer 78, phillies games at the vet, states at psu: prize pass: friends and memories: sec amb: to be successful and travel around the world on a cruise: pet peeve: physics. term papers. boring teachers: soccer I: golf 3; wrestling I, 2, 3, 4: mhs 4: ski club 3, 4. "it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - anonymous kevin knorr 555 w rolling rd: bd: 1130/61: rem for: always doing lights, being in the tv studio: fay mem: my summer iob: prize pass: the people i have met, the places i have visited: pet peeve: gym class: a.v. 1,2,3,4: tv crew 2,3,4: stw 2,3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4: senior class play crew 3, 4.

Joseph Knaff III

Kevin Knorr

melanie sue koerner "tree" "lefty" 455 andre rd: bd: 12121/61: rem fc being crazy, my writing, going into the navy: asw: k.m., Lb" k.a .. s,s,: fav have to be crazy if you want to have fun in life": faY mem: living in geor' poss: my sewing machine, my family: sec amb: to become successful in pet peeve: being punished for something someone else did or said. pe try and force their opinion on you: clothworld 3,4. john kosturos "greek" coz "el greco" 379 hemlock In: bd: 7/6/61: rer editorial comments, listening to big band music, poor impersonatior greek: asw: greg, iim, george, bill, dave, brad, ira, rob, mark, doug, st ed: fay say: "howdy" "no way iose" "yasou" "salve" "theta": faY mem war games, road trip, rehoboth 78. h,i, concert 7/78: prize pass: family my car, my sanity: sec amb: to become an m,d.: pet peeve: hypocritE phonies, liars: wrestling 2: choir 1,2,3: lit mag 4: classics 4: debating 4: 1,2,3. "if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs a ing it on you' - r. kipling

Melanie Sue Koerner

John Kosturos

michael j. kovacs ''kovie'' 530 w woodland ave: bd: 12/8/60: rem for: "quiet sneezes"?? fay say: "not bad!": fay mem: four years of wood shop & vacations to california: prize pass: grandfather's clock i made in my sophomore year: sec amb: ta ke over father's busi ness: pet peeve: 11th grade english: stage crew I, 2: a.v. I, 2,3,4: girl watching 1,2,3. 4.

Michael J. Kovacs

mark david kozin "scott" 501 wesley rd: bd: 8/ 18/61 : rem for: goi ng to school. calling donna d 2 : asw: a special girl, andy, a twin, the kid, the teams: faY say: "i love you, too!": fay mem: snow dance with d 2 bar-mitzvah. vacations, hershey park: prize pass: my family (and extensions), my car, companionship: sec amb: perfection: pet peeve: waking up: tennis: bowling (capt, 4): soccer (mgr.): ski club: service club: domestic exchange: advisory council: nhs (v.p.): usy. "nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind," - ralph waldo emerson

Marc David Ko

lewis robert krausse jr. "lew" "Ieshwa" "Iewie" 247 powell rd: bd: 3/24/61: rem for: tacking, giving penguins high blood pressure: asw: soupie, gib: fay say: "awesome" 'oh magoo, you've done it again" "you've been eiected": fay mem: ir. prom. california: prize pass: b.g., summer 78, 5th green: sec amb: pour soap suds into the mall fountains: pet peeve: m.k" penguins: choir 1,2,3: baseball 1,2,3,4: tack team 1,2,3, tri-capt. 4. nancy kromer "krom" "nancy" "pants" lamle "cripple" gimp "bernie" 82 s shelburne rd: bd: 3/19/61: rem for: rides home, donuts, lending patti money, dribbling: asw: vi, the lunch gang, certain drummers: fay say: "vas" "ylbw" 'pssst": faY mem: johnstown bus ride, bonner, a certain snowy walk, hilltop 75: prize pass: my family, dog, super friends, my p.p.: pet peeve: t.r.'s, blazers, "why do they call you bernie?", pitt haters, wet bananas. ellie & ollie: district orch 2,3, 4: regional orch 2, 3,4: state orch 4: district chorus 4: choir 1,2,3,4: eastern orch 4: hockey 1,2.3,4: lacrosse I: musical orch. 2, 4: german club 2, 3: ski club 3: Ipc 1.2, 3,4: loggers & bananas 4. "time flies, rainbows end - but love is forever over all." - anonymous

n Lewis Robert Krausse Jr.


Nancy Krome

timothy j. kulsik 442 northcroft rd: bd: 8/4/61: rem for: my nicknames, having to rewrite this form: asw: rob, murph, tom, sab, ioe s., ioe, t.e.d.: favsay: "ruff": faY mem: ioe's "short" stay at the shore, barking at a certain rah: prize pass: everything - including mom and dad: sec amb: to be rich and satisfied: pet peeve: shs, my knee, rags and rahs, waiting: football 2, 3,4: service club 2,3,4: lacrosse 4. "digging around on a piece of ground in your home town: waiting for someone or something to show you the way." - p.f. maribeth lally "m.b." "beesley" "beez" 498 wheatsheaf rd: bd: 6/5: rem for: my vests, boots, hats, odd behavior: asw: s.c., c.\., d.j" m.c" a.b., c.t., t.e.d.: faY say: "yeah dude!" "bang!" "yo": fay mem: dead n. young, b. joel concerts, march 4 78. oc. with age, saratoga, ontario 78,79: prize pass: my friends, boots, d.i.: sec amb: be happy throughout life, build a log cabin in canada, to speak fluent french: pet peeve: the high school scene, back stabbers, people without a sense of humor, rags, simple gills, dyke!, disco: lunch I, 2, 3, 4: library I, 2, 3, 4: golf 3. "success: i have always observed that to succeed in the world one should appear like a fool but be wise." - montesquieu

Timothy J. Kulsik

Maribeth Lally

p. laporta "mooch-poochie" 637 hawarden rd: bd: 2/13/61: rem for: )eing called "moochie-poochie", arguing with mr. lee in homeroom: asw: ling, tacky, rabs, plum, matt, kill. mcnick: fay say: "yeah - ok" "isn't "you're wrong": fav mem: summer parties, baseball of 77, baseball parJmmer of 78: prize poss: my family, relatives, "my baseball glove", friends, reo": sec amb: to be successful, to have a successful marriage and family: ve: "people who think they're perfect", e-4's: baseball 1,2,3,4. "if at first 't succeed, try try again." ichelle laury "super bee" "mikey" 20 walnut st: bd: 6/5/60: rem for: "the 1ueaky voice: asw: e.n., e.h., I.w., d.g.: fav say: "hey girl" "baby cakes": 1: 1/29178 thanks to c.r.: prize poss: my family, eddie, my cross: sec amb: success in the things that i do: pet peeve: other people downing other when they haven't looked at themselves, p-bumps, needles: track 2, 3: 1,2: band color guard 2,3,4: guys and dolls: distributive education 4. "if l something, let it go. if it comes back it's yours: if it doesn't it never was

Raphael P. Laporta

Karen Michelle Laury

robert lawrence "birdman" "little birdman" 18 windsor cr: bd: 10121/61: rem for: accident: asw: g.p., d.c., b.t., i.s., j.g., b.s., j.k., m.n., (y.b.I.I.p.w.): fav say: "big words little man": fav mem: summers, weekends, holidays: prize pass: my comb: sec amb: to be a guest star on the mr. bill show: pet peeve: bears, elves, and pollution: lacrosse 3, 4. "everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon" - pink floyd janine kim leblanc "j-9" "nine" 150 w springfield rd: bd: 1122/62: rem for: being a (band manager?), always laughing: asw: s.l., t.m., 1.1., b.h" b.i .. k.o., I.d., the band room : fav say: "peeeple": fav mem: summer 77, florida 78, 9/ I3-16178, 11/ 9178, chem. 77-78: prize pass: the closet, my bell: sec amb: to ride across the u.s. on a motorcycle: pet peeve: todd, being mistaken for a band manager, people that say "don't shoot!": h.a.b.r.c. 1,2,3,4: band aid I: color guard 2,3,4: orch manager 4: nhs 3, 4: n.y.t. deliveries 2,3,4: c.w. 2: a.V. 1,2.

obert Lawrence

Janine Kim LeBlanc

colette marie lefever 123 wyndmoor rd: bd: 1130/62: rem for: my cow, my obsessions: asw: carol, (sue p.): fav say: "cool your jets" - r.p., "sneet" - r.c.: fav mem: pgsa 78, 12/12177, 12/15178: prize obsession: g.g., j.o.: sec amb: to haul oates, pet peeve: unrequited infatuations: band, orchestra, choir 1,2,3,4: dist band 3,4: reg band 3: musical 2. 4: nhs 3. pres 4: french club 2, 3, pres 4: lit mag 2,3, art ed 4: scott's hi-q, scrivener faculty ed. "if the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet scented herbs . . . - that is you r success." - thoreau bruce david lei big "turtle" 426 indian rock dr: bd: 7/15/60: rem for: lunch at mcdonald's, my yellow car: asw: j.b., j.k., k.t., s.m., I.m., j.d., d.r., poo bear: fav say: 'brain hurt?" "brain child": faY mem: junior prom, snow dance, labor day 78, florida 78, bOl scags concert with kris: prize pass: yellow 67 plymouth: sec amb: own a car repair shop: pet peeve: english: band 1,2, 3: vo-tech 4: I.i.s.a.

~tte Marie LeFever

Bruce David Leibig

deborah lenker 'debi" 362 wyndmoor rd: rem for: my gold jacket, satin pants, high shoes, being tall: asw: inhales, banana, wetwoad, cindy: faY say: "i'm excited tell me about it" "i'm like . . .": faY mem: 5120178, summer 78,12/9/ 78, airport 77, sergeant pepper's, 221 boas st, looking for burglers, t.w.m.t.k., weird times with the gang: prize pass: gregg, my poetry, my stars, tomorrows dreams: sec amb: t.g.b.w.g.: pet peeve: softball in gym, cheerleaders who can't cheer, things that are trite. ". . . all the way i kept on prayin', i couldn't stop to turn around. well here i am and here i'm stayin'. it's been my longest journey and I've come through the black of night." - the bee gees

............ lIIIIb __ eborah Lenker

Susan Elizabeth Lenthe

susan elizabeth lenthe "sue" "lengthy" 242 gleaves rd: bd:10/18/60: rem for: being the "hojo" girl: asw: j.k.l.. I.u.p., s.e.m .. s.r., j.m ... m.l., s.L r.m ..: fav say: "i quit: fav mem: 8/ 16-18178, 9/ I3-1 7178, I 1/9178: prIZe poss: my friends here & everywhere: sec amb: to travel around the world and see everything: pet peeve: guys from m.b.h.s. (excluding legs): choir I - 4: band I: kazoo band 2: german club 1- 3: nhs 3, 4: n.y. times 4. "you only live twice: once when you are born and once when you look death in the face." - bassho

bruce mark leonowich "nicely-nicely" "brewster" "stooge" 74 s rolling rd: bd: 41 10/61 ; rem for: worki ng at marsha II's, being a "ri ng leader"; asw: I.s., physiconians, s.l., m.I., the "children", 1.1., m.g .. m.a.; fav say: "nooo peeeple" "behavior"; fav mem: 7130178, 11/6178, three days in nov 78; prize poss: my pen's contents; sec amb: to pluck a certain french chicken, to be a successful artist; pet peeve: chicken for dinner, col. sanders, paranoid people; choir I, 2, 3, 4; musical 2, 4; I.p.c. 3, 4; spri-hian 2; burger king 4. denise maria lerums "dennie" "dee" "crazy" 648 evans rd; bd: 2111 162; rem for: being a ballet dancer, graduating early, always acting crazy, being absent a lot; asw: terry papas, nan marra, annette lloyd, alaine russe; fav say: "oh pooh!"; fav mem: soph year lunch, snow for snow dance; prize poss: class ring; sec amb: to be a congresswoman; pet peeve: rumors; ballet & teaching; political work: camping. "butterflies are free to fly, flyaway . . ." - elton john.

Denise Maria LerUi

Bruce Mark Leonowich

greer ann lihota "ger" 326 ballymore rd: bd: 4121 161; rem for: laughing for no reason at all, my moods, my egva; asw: beth, karen, karen; fav say: let's go guys"; fav mem: times at the shore with b.w., 812178?, summer of 76, 77, 78 and all the rest, senior week?, I 1/21 178, 10127178, seeing the prince, m.m. concert, 12/10178: prize poss: family, friends, memories, the shore; sec amb: to be successful and rich at a young age; pet peeve:two-faced people, rumors, waiting, the 7 a.m. alarm; hockey I, 2; cheerleading 3, 4; chorus I, 2. "live for today, not for tomorrow."

Greer Ann Lihota

Susan Gail Lincoln

susan gail lincoln "sue" 410 e th ave: bd: 8123/61; asw: louise, d fav mem: 3 119178-3121178, SL 78, 8/4178, 2178, 12178; priZE friends, family, stereo; sec ar travel: pet peeve: waiting; bas I, 2; lacrosse 2; history club 2; s club 2,3; sr. chorus 4. john f. little "john boy" 85 worr bd: 81 I 7 I 61; rem for: always 10 backgammon, early pumpkin asw: s.s .. t.b .. p.h., p.s., b.s.: fa "sure" "@*?/!" "i don't care mem: summer of 78, jethro tull I "wedding", new year's; prize pc boots, pen; sec amb: to get rich t.f.p.u.t.a.; pet peeve: moody menthol cigarettes; soccer I; tr golf 3; tennis 3.

eric lingo 1017 west ave.

Eric Lingo

John F. Little

annette eileen lloyd "netty" 1049 mt holyoke pi; bd: 2125/62;.rem for: graduating early, being a mormon, being sick; asw: terry papas, denise lerums, nancy marra, david brown (when he's around); fav say: "tell me again" "I want my david"; fav mem: 1213176, 3 113177, 6124/77, 8/12178, all my times with david, youth conferences 76, 77, 78, "saturday's warrior"; prize poss: david alma brown, our love, my family, church, friends, life; sec amb: to marry d.a.b. and be a good mother; pet peeve: people who say "how many wives does your father have", snobs, conformists; chorus 1,2; gymnastics I, seminary 1,2,3,4.


Annette Eileen Lloyd

maria lisa lomonaco 552 cheyney; rem for: being short, being part of the gang, looking, being gullible; asw: sue, ash, s.b.. s.q., i.d., j.m., m.b., j.q., l.g., I.s.; fav mem: excellent times at the shore, esp summer 78, times at quinn's with the gang, b.d., hawaii, calif. & wash. 77, winter 77, yes, times wi julie, times & talks wi noreen; prize poss: friendship with sue, friends, a.s., family, shore, memories; sec amb: have my own clothes store, travel, be happy & get everything i want out of life; pet peeve: waiting, rags, self-centered people, encJ.of summer. "life is short; live each day to the fullest." '

bz Maria Lisa Lomonac

nancy e.long "shortie" "babs" 324 summit rd; rem for: my plantation, preggies; asw: n.m., t.s., n.c., l.b., t.e.d.; fay mem: summer 76, the good times, the shore, 4th lunch, excursions to w.w. park; prize poss: friends, hita, family; pet peeve: canada, uncool people, cliques; ski club 3, 4; band 1,2; orch 1,2,3; stw 4. "forget what life used to be, you are what you chose to be. it's whatever it is you see, that life will become." - i browne


carol loper "lopes" "louie" bd: b.c.; rem for: raging, criticism, sleeping, letting my mind wander, being blunt; asw: a.b., s.c., t.e.d., the family, lunch gang; fay say: "i'm flipping out"; fay mem: 9/6/76, 9/23/78, 11/20/78, I.d., 1/5/79, peters land, the good times, parties, the flipouts, bomb fires, sabold w/a.b., summer 78; prize poss: family, thoughts, my life; sec amb: to make money (columbia, invest farming); pet peeve: waiting, (hippo's); track 3, 4; partying I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . . . "many is a word, that only leaves you guessing. guessing about a thing, you really ought to know: if you're bored let your mind entertain you!" - c.l.

Nancy E. Long

Carol Loper

fans lord 421 starfield; rem for: travelled roads", comments, ripperology, complexes, writhaeton, mattalianoisms, excur3SW: friends, books; fay mem: 'r, b.s.c., villanova, europe, ime; prize poss: black cat, sec amb: to find truth, and eave the theatre; pet peeve: llensionals, limits. "a chairman fang dynasty - and, by which on a philosopher dreamed he ,utterfly, and from that moment never quite sure that he was not ,rfly, dreaming it was a chinese pher. envy him; in his two-fold I." tom stoppard

william lynch

Mark Evans Lord

William Lynch

Rosaria Macera

Robert MacGregor

macera ro rose"" rosie 'cleo" "tweedledum" "cheech" )sped rd; bd: 8/16/61; rem for: J out on chemistry problems; n.; fay mem: pgsa; prize poss: ~rre, family, friends; sec amb: ve my mark on history; pet inconsiderate people; orchesJir I, 2, 3, 4; musical 4; scott's lit mag 2, 3,4; nhs 3, 4. "no, it is ible; it is impossible to convey -sensation of any given epoch of xistence - that which makes its its meaning its subtle and ~ting essence it is impossible. we ; we dream - alone . . ." conrad

robert macgregor" bob" "rob" 509 evans rd; bd: 5/21/61; rem for: being late, sneaking into shs; asw: morph, lip, ioe n., ioe s., sab, kerns, fonz, astro, gil. sam, etc; fay say: "whobs" "what the . . . " "he's a sicki"; fay mem: 1/1/78, new yrs eve, stone ha rbor a nd some slippery rocks, wildwood, aug 78; prize poss: my g.b.'s, my head, my good times, cigarettes; sec amb: to move to the country, get rich; pet peeve: seeds, rahs, shs, disco, the man, mondays; park 2, 3,4; sessions 2, 3,4; late 1,2, 3, co-capt 4. "the time has come the song is over, thought i'd something more to say" - pink floyd

james mallon "jim" 220 avon rd; bd: 8/15/61 ; rem for: always being late, always being in detention, for being rowdy, my laugh (ah-ha); asw: g.b., etc; fay mem: molsonization, 8/12/78; prize poss: II J, g.b., b.c.'s.; sec amb: to have noel as snowqueen, to get out of this pit; pet peeve: shs, rahs, 7:55 a.m., time, n.m., bo's, n.c., a.w., disco; park 6, 7; late I, 2, 3, co-capt 4; detention I, 2, 3, 4. "it's only a teenage wasteland" - the who charles thomas mammucari "chuck" "chas" 373 valley view rd; bd: 3/25/61; rem for: "not being remembered"; asw: t.m.f., r.m., a.m., m.m., c.h., k.r., m.s.; fay say: "censored"; fav mem: "whirl pool's 78", s.b. 78; prize poss: vfsgi, t.c~; sec amb: "to see det. iump his bridge (and walk away)"; pet peeve: black tuesdays, thin ice, 18 yr. old rink owners, sealwalks, i.d.m., t.c. assembly, hitler after homeroom; ice hockey; work study. "this quote was too obscene to print! - sorry charlie" C.m.

James Mallon

Charles Thomas Mammucari

gail m. marascio 107 schoolla: bd: 11/13/61: rem for: always being late, smiling; asw: maria. barb w.. barb h.. cathy, cindy, sue e., sue m., sue s.. nancy, martha; fav say: "i don't care": fav mem: frampton concert, new year's 77, buckaroo club, summer 78. poconos (cwp) '78, times in computers; prize poss: memories, friends, family: pet peeve: goodbyes, cliques, being short: track 1,3; grapplerettes 2, 4; 3rd & 4th hockey 2, 3; soph hop dec. comm. 2: snow dance dec comm 4; nhs 4. 'Iove is the object of time. and time, my love, is the essence of life itself." bing jones mark 812 w rolling rd; bd: 7/15/61; rem for: my poems; asw: doug, spri-hian people. anyone; fav mem: pgsa, 7/9178-8/12178; prize pass: the things that i will write. friends; sec amb: to be born in the future; pet peeve: orange things. n.y.t.. i.s. bach. kansas. t.s.e.; cross country 3; ex. council 3; advisory council 4: lit mag 2. 3. 4. lit ed 3: spri-hian 2.3, features ed. 4; intramural tennis 1,2: nhs 3. 4: u.s.n.a. science seminar summer 78; pgsa summer 78. "in a minute there is time for decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse." - t. s. eliot


Gail M. Marascio

Bing Jones Mark

:¡...le yvonne mark "tweedle dee" "chong" 812 w rolling rd: bd: 6/ 15/62: rem for: Nays saying "hi", being gullible, being short, smiling. late nights: asw: r.m., I.u .. :.. s.r .. s.I., I.v.p .. jJ.: fav say: "really": prize poss: time. fr¡,ends. family, camera: c amb: to discover what life's all about: pet peeve: being called "flake", ;pression; lit mag 1,2, business ed. 3. ed.-in-chief 4: scrivener 4: nhs 3. treas. 4; 'ri-hian 2.3.4; spanish club 2, 4. sec. 3: soc. service club hist. club 3; 3/4 -:>ckey 3. "do not believe, my friend, that to flee the crowd, to avoid the sight of .eautiful things, to shut oneself up in a cloister. is the way to perfection." - saluoti

June Yvonne Mark

uzanne I. marsden mars" 145 locust ave: bd: 7/ 10/61: rem for: being intent: :sw: osi, maria, jill, squat. mona, ted. yank. terri, chuck: fav say: "definitely": fav "'em: fleetwood mac, g.a .. springsteen, full moons. h. street. self dis .. indep. week,nds: prize pass: contacts. my cat: sec amb: to always be happy. to avoid the many hassles in life: pet peeve: ignorant people, springdive: ski club 2. 3. 4. "i walked on the beach in the early morn .. i ran on the sand till i could breathe no more. i stood on a rock looking out at the sea. and believed what i said when i aid i feel free." - steve miller

Suzanne L. Marsd

don martin 414 yale: bd: 8/ II /60: rem for: having best football team around, making it through shs: asw: hilL riz: fav say: "don't get mad. get even"; fav mem: sr. prom, 12/5177.6/23178,8/19178.8/29178.9/18178.1013178,11/25178. all the concerts. 12/26/77. football game: prize poss: blondes. parents, my hands: sec amb: be successful in life, gain some certain goal; pet peeve: rahs, detention, summer school. big mouths. "he that is strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak. and not to please ourselves' "in a matter of a moment, lost till the end of time. it's the evening of another day and the end of mine. some other place. some other time, somewhere." "the party's over" janet lee martin 444 valley view rd: bd: 9/24/61; rem for: sighing: fav mem: may 1st. feb 78, ir. prom, mountains 10/21178,6/11178,7/2178. all the good times i've spent with bobby; prize pass: bobby. opal ring. charms: sec amb: to be happy: pet peeve: being tall. misunderstandings. jealousy, chorus 1.2, 3,4. "there are three things that remain - faith. hope and love and the greatest of these is love."

Janet Lee Martil

Don Martin

anna marie matarazzo .. nancy" 724 hilltop rd; bd: 917 / 61: rem for: being blushing. laughing too much, being lazy, my mustang: asw: fred, cindy, rr sue. lee anne. lisa 0 .. maria, gail: fav say: "be good!!" "i don't care"; fav m /23178. 12/9178. good times with karen (remember??). 6/4/77, snow day~ poss: my friendship with fred, family, memories. friends; sec amb: to tre over: pet peeve: physics. weekends without fred, when people ask "how ( get nancy out of annamarie??": Ipc 2,3,4; chorus 1.2.3. maria ann mayberry 52 n brookside rd: bd: 8/9/60: rem for: being short. "r ries": asw: gail. sue e.. nancy, martha. lee anne, barb w.. barb h.. cindy, cat m.. sue s.. lisa: fav say: "i'm only kidding": fav mem: summer of 78. new yee memorial 78. 10/20176. 6/1 1177, 10/ I 1177, 2/ I 1178, 4/8178, times with stone harbor 78. times in computers, "buckaroos"; prize pass: family, f memories. secrets: sec amb: grow 6 inches: pet peeve: snobs, rahs. apatheti pie. $10.46: hockey 2, 3: grapplerettes 2,4: snow dance comm .. soph hop c<

Annamarie Matarazzo

Maria Ann Mayberry


vilma maria mazziol "vilm" 430 maris rd: bd: 5/20/60: rem for: long hair: asw: j.d., m.r., e.d., c.k., g.b.: fay mem: 7/78: prize pass: family, friends. stanley' pet peeve: people who think they know everything. mornings: chorus history club 3. "life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting. my friend." -lennon and mccartney michael a. mazzulo "mazz" 130 e spri ngfield rd: bd: 5/1 7/61 : rem for: my drivi ng. mycars: asw:someone: favsay:"goforit l ": favmem:5/17/61, 5/17176. getting my license. summer of 78, summer of 78?, senior prom?, senior week?: prize pass: my m.g .. family, friends: sec amb: to own a turbo porsche, to race: pet peeve: radar, speed limits, stop signs: track 2, 4: football 1,2,4: weightlifting 1.2.4.

Maria Mazziol

Michael A. Mazzulo

william patrick mccaffery "bill" "mac" 25 school In: bd: 8/29/61: rem for:scc staff, forgetting people, losing the choir: asw: dave, berger, 34, 36, the scc staff: fay say: "it's always the female's fault": fay mem: the scc office in the summer of 78: prize pass: car, guitar: sec amb: millionaire by 35: pet peeve: bears, crowds, hurrops: choir I, 2, 3,4: bowling I, 2, 3,4: football I. "there is no present or future - only the past, happening over and over and over again - now." eugene o'neill in a moon for the misbegotten

lilliam Patrick McCaffery

donald c. mccain "donnie" 331 rambling way: bd: 8/9/61: rem for: nothing: asw: ed: fay mem: kansas concert 77: prize pass: stereo, albums, boots, leather jacket: sec amb: to own a 426 hemi: pet peeve: rahs, mcclennen's detention: weightlifting 1,2,3: bowling 3: photography I. "i'm in a kind of foolish game, i tried to get rich quick, but i'm going insane." - kansas

Donald C. McCain

susan jayne mcclure "sue" "turtle" 749 hilltop rd: bd: 1/7/61: rem for: being short, being very gullible: asw: pete. paige, cathy, barb w. barb h. maria, gail, lunchroom gang: favsay: "really" "oh come on you guys!" "your b.s.'ing me": fay mem: 3/17/78, junior prom, senior prom 78, senior prom 79, summer 78, fleetwood mac concert. times in computers: prize pass: family, pete, friends. memories: sec amb: to grow 7 inches: pet peeve: goodbyes, snobs, getting up early. being short: hockey 1,2, 3,4: girls chorus I, 2. 3,4: musical make-up 2, 4: lacrosse 1,2: 3/4 b-ball3. 4: snow dance comm.: ski club 1,2,3,4. robed m. mccullough "bob" "zooba" "mac" 954 old sproul rd: bd: 12/28/60: rem for: locker problems: asw: i.t .. c.o .. m.d .. h.p .. d.s .. b.m.: favsay: "what's your locker number?": fay mem: e.l.o. concert 78, chicago 77. barn parties: prize pass: family, barn, being able to put my thoughts down on paper as drawings: sec amb: to be the highest paid commercial artist: pet peeve: trig .. people who break off keys in their locker on purpose (r.s.): football 1,2: wrestling 1,2.4: service club: locker problems: guys and dolls: choir 1,2, 3,4: advisory board 3. "there is no cure for laziness, but a large family helps" - herbert v. prochnow



Robert M. McCullough

Jayne McClure

mcfeeleyfeetus" 432 wheatsheaf rd: bd: 4/ 18/60: rem for: wrestling. :w: g.p .. b.r .. k.d .. j.k .. s.L f.c .. a.g .. m.s .. b.h .. nazz, b.b .. a.m .. fox's: rize lily. friends. memories. wrestling: sec amb: "to get rich": pet peeve: b.s .. tling capt: lacrosse 1,3,4: football 1.4.

ncgee 263 pancoast ave: bd: 3/ II /60: rem for: always dropping the I : nie. kathy. joann. elaine. denise. I.m .. s.d.t.g.: fay say: "forget it" no Ime on": fay mem: 2126/78. the 1st n. "i", s. with "I.m.", senior week 78: s: jewelry. lewey: sec amb: to be a good wife: pet peeve: shs, being over :lartment with the "bad a's": track 1.2.3.

LJaniel M. McFeeley

Michele McGee

lisa mcgillin "lee" 5341ehann cr; bd: 8/ 18/61; rem for: being late; asw: g.t., g.m., i.f., m.d. and anybody else; faY say: "weetles" "that's kool"; faY mem: being with I.g., I.e., g.t.; prize pass: my basketball; soc amb: to be a bartender; pet peeve: rah's, cyclops, detention; track I; cutting I, 2, 3, 4; girls room I, 2, 3,4. "we drown our doubts in dry champagne and sooth our souls with fine cocaine" billy ioel lois mchugh "sue" 36 saxer ave; bd: 4/22/62; rem for: "the gold dust twins"; asw: a.a.m., p.m.k.; fay say: "really?" "because!" "no foolin'!"; faY mem: summer of 76, dances; prize pass: paul kirsch; sec amb: live in new york in high rise apartment; pet peeve: fJ.m., french chicken.

Lisa McGiliin

Lois McHugh

elizabeth faith mclaughlin "beth" "aquawoman" 120 hillview dr; bd: 5 rem for: S.C.C., georgie; asw: john, sharon, betsy, s.c.c. gang; faY say: "is i yet?!"; faY mem: florida, S.C.C., shaving cream, 1/14178, 6/2178, 12/91" 79; prize pass: iohn, family, friends, my aspen; sec amb: to graduate, m.w peeve: room 108, u. of d., iJ., b.s.; cougarettes 2,3,4; corrupterettes 2, : rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints cause sinners are mu fun. only the good die young." - billy ioel

james j. mclaughlin "jimbo" 30 I colonial park dr; bd: 8130; rem for: weir' doing things for no reason; asw: ioe quad (my companion), frank c.; "don't worry about it" "yo" "hi" "chow"; faY mem: e.l.o. concert, senio parties, some weekends; prize pass: my life, motorcycle, friends, family; 5 to go touring on motorcycles with a bunch of guys; pet peeve: food prep kinds of girls, cans; football 3.

Elizabeth Faith McLaughlin

James J. McLaughlin

judith mclean "jue" "iudy" 644 evans rd; bd: 5125/61; rem for: being irish; asw: ash, sue, m.m .., b.w., "the gang", jess; faY say: "i'll start tomorrow"; faY mem: flyers carnival & dinner, hikes with the gang, lunches at rusty scupper, summers in ireland, 713176; prize pass: family, friends; sec amb: to be a doctor without going through med school; pet peeve: II th grade busts, lax c, working on weekends, glasses; hockey 1,2; basketball 2; lacrosse I, capt. 2, 3,4; tennis 3; 3 & 4 basketball 4; band 1,2; choir 1,2; scrivener art staff 4; classics club pres. 4; nhs 4. "here we are with our dreams in the sky, we all have our dreams, it's wonderful to know we're alive at the end" - dennis wilson maureen mcmanus "reen" I05 school In; bd: 5/15/61; asw: myself, t.j., n.mc., j. mcl., n.l., e.m., n.c., t.s., d.h., s.m.; faY say: "how's it goin"; fay mem: bob dylan II /6178, pennerest game, 77 hockey season, t.j.'s tree, lunch at w.w. park, b.k. crowd, cornfields, mrs. i. rides to school; pet peeves: mr e., I.g., shs's "individuals", mary's whinings, a geometric shape, b.a.s.; field hockey 1,2,3,4, tri-capt.; basketball 1,2; % b-baI14; lacrosse 1,2,4; choir I; chorus 2, 3; band 1,2. "to be whatever i can be"

Judith McLean

Maureen McMar

john kevin mcnicholas "mcnick" 241 parham rd; bd: 2/ II /61; rem for: we the alpine, quality work in graphic arts; asw: s.a., b.b., p.t.. g.g., d.m., c m.c., b.o., f.e., d.p., m.p.; fay say: "what's up?" "where you going?" "da mem: summers in wildwood n.i., ir. prom, snow dance, biology class in lOti "cyo championship"; prize pass: family, friends, good health; sec amb: and manage my own business; pet peeve: being tired, monday mornings basketball I, 2; service club I, 2, 3,4; ski club 4; advisory council 4; weig I, 2; cyo 2, 4; e.d.c.o. 3. "you know you have to go through 'hell' tc 'heaven' "

carolyn j. mead "caroloon" "earvalyn" "yomead" "meathead" "pinky" ! In; bd: 917 /61; rem for: talking fast, good luck pink coat; asw: kathy ( sandy, fred, ed, cindy, frank; faY mem: d.g. I 1120176, g.w. 1217178, 10 11128178, s.s.h. 517177, o.i.p. 4122177, o.s.p. 11125/77, s.i.p. 5/6178; pr, family, friends, keys, cigarettes; pet peeve: rahs, empties, marshalls, "ge get down and party" - boston

John Kevin McNicholas

Carolyn J. Mead

eileen menseck [ "mens 'child 421 colonial park dr: bd: 4/1/61: rem for: going out with george. involvement in music: asw: george: fav say: 'i'm sorry": fav mem: ir. prom 78 with kath & don. trips to shore. times with george. Id 75: prize poss: george, family my buddy: sec amb: live happily. have my wish come true: pef peeve: bad coaches. sprints. conceit: hockey 1,2: tennis I 2,3,4: gymnastics I: ex"cutive council 1,2' pop group 2,3: chorus 2.3.4: choir 1,2,3.4: musical 2, (sara) 4: snow queen nominee 4, "some people say it's over now that we spread our wings. but we know better darling. the hollow ring is only last year's echo." - john lennon russ mertoli "rush" 57 server In: bd: 3/5/61: rem for: being fat in 9th grade. always being on time in homeroom: asw: r.r .. j.h .. d.s.: fav say: . it's cool" "stand up for your words and facts': fav mem: 7/29177,8/12/77, 12/19178 with d.s.: prize pass: my family. d.s .. my friends: sec amb: to be second degree black belt, to acquire much wealth: pef peeve: disco music. people who look like mohawks, monkey. "hey! hey! hey! hey! shake! shake! shake! sit on it and rotate' - styx

Eileen Menseck

Russ Mertoli

messerschmid "jojo" 221 west ave: bd: 413/61: rem for: being neat and paul fasy, cougarettes, k.k., b.m .. a.m.: fav say: "be early tomorrow" listen" "cougarettes ho": fav mem:times with paul fasy, soph hop, jr. prom, rettes. bruiser. p.l.c.g .. snow dance, xmas 76, 77, 78, florida, shaving cream, 3r of 78: prize pass: paul, tiger eye ring, cougarette line, my family; sec W.C.s.C .. e.u.w.p.f.. 3 kids, nurse; pef peeve: snubs, b.o .. b.s., s.a.t.'s, boys' rball. rahs; cougarettes 2, co-capt 3, 4. 1


micola 142 althea In; bd: 4/28/61; rem for: walking too fast; asw: suzanne, lisa, jill osi., lori, sa boo, ioe, jerry, rob, hodge, cazz, ioe; fav say: "i can't e it!" "yours are too!"; fav mem: 81 18178-b's concert, 9/8178-alex, 5/251 car: prize pass: my camera, my plants, b's albums, times w/a.v. & semi: sec to own a stock car, "to be raised above these bad lands" (b.s.); pef peeve: g, this pit, rags, misconceptions, springfield police dept. (all egomaniacs). nan does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears 3rent drummer. let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far " - thoreau

Joanne Messerschmid

Maria Micola

sandra I. miller "sandy" . san "mills" 567 w springfield rd: bd: 4/13/60: rem for: blushing easily, being seen with jr: asw: john. c.m .. k.b .. c.m.: fav say: "ya-know": fav mem: 1/23176,5/10/77, soph hop 77. iunior prom 78, summer of 78 in virginia with iohn, all the great times in maryland: prize pass: family. my friendship with john, ring, :;:;: 143: sec amb: to be happy in whatever i do: pef peeve: blushing, people who don't respect others: track 1,2.

b Sandra I. Miller



Iyn millichap "pooh" "millie 1325 baltimore pike: bd: 6/28/61; rem for: insanity: asw: k.a .. m.z .. m.r .. c.k .. s.h.: fav say: "never mind": fav mem: summer any summer; sec amb: to become independently wealthy: pef peeve: g.l" h.a.i.r. "i'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea, for i've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me" - styx

Lyn Millichap

!n mitchell noir 400 ridge In: bd: 6/15/61; fav mem: summer 76, 7th & 8th periods free: Jeeve: dashers, weighing crucibles, filling out forms, calculators that run out lergy.

Steven Mitchell

Tim Moir

kathleen mary mont "applesauce" "wicked peach" 1595 norwinden dr: b 61: rem for: my laugh, wickedness: asw: iune christy, anita o'day, almeida, friends: fav mem: henrietta hen's study with dead bird, having r next to sue II: prize pass: family, friends, life, bongos, my religion, almeida: sec amb: acting, performing in gJ.'s orch. "you can have your strife, i'm gonna get what i can from life, i can't lose, ain't go no blu, there ain't no misery in me." - iune christy

Kathleen Mary Mont

Susan L. Moon

susan I. moon "sue ii" "miss moon" 847 homestead ave: bd: 3/26/61: never being home: asw: s.m" t.a" the lunch gang, s.t.: fav say: "sh! don't body": fav mem: paiama game, 3/26176, ghbo, bananas, y & g, "y", za ~ ing a locker next to applesauce: prize pass: family, good friends: s wouldn't be a secret if i told you: pet peeve: clocks that don't work: arc 2,3,4: chorus 1,2, 3,4: close-up 3: musical 2, 4: Ipc 1,2, vice pres. 3, 4 orch 4. "if you love something set it free, if it comes back to you, it's yc doesn't, it never was."

p. donald mooney "moon" "beam" 15 shelburne rd: bd: 9/2/61: rem for: being quiet: asw: k.m.w" g.g" e.h., h.p" g.s., e.m., s.a., f.e., i.m., b-ball team: fav mem: I /28178, 213178, labor day weekend 78, times at the shore, special parties, fun times with a certain someone, florida, 12/9/78: prize pass: that certain someone, my family and friends: sec amb: to make someone happy and hold on to what i have: pet peeve: stupid fights and dumb statements: service club 1,2,3,4: baseballi, 2, 3,4: basketball 1,2,3,4: susan elisabeth morgan 332 oakdale pi: bd: 11130/61: asw: e.e" sue ii, C.s., c.w., other great friends: fav mem: times with officers, ocean city, c.b.m., "dad": prize pass: true friends, my family: pet peeve: math, apathy: class pres. 2,3,4: hockey 1,2,3,4: choir 1,2,3. 4: nhs 3, 4: musical 2, 4: exec council 2, 3,4. "we can never know about the days to come but we think about them anyway." - (c.s.)

P. Donald Mooney

Susan Elisabeth Mo

william thomas muehsam "bill" "will" "wit" "midnight rambler" 1204 pre rd: bd: 3/6178: rem for: paintings, being a fireman, going to marple: asw i.h" people, i.a.r.: fav mem: 10/14176, t.w.l.i.c., dec 77, r.t.f. concert 7i 78, dec 17, 1978, 12/19178: prize pass: t.w.l.i.c., ierry, bill, harry, ken, mJ.c. crew: pet peeve: rahs, sunday work, early morning runs: soccer 1,2, 1,2,3,4: ch. 201,2,3,4: m.f.c. 3, 4: s.t.c.w. 1,2,3,4.

William Thomas Muehsam

Gerald Murphy

gerald murphy "murph" "bach" 324 yarnall dr: bd:2/ 17/61: rem for: be chuggin the v's, qt's at iody's, keyboards on roundabout: asw: cindy, rob, lippy ghoul. k.p. stengel, sab, astro, dunz, va. jJ., e.d., d.s" etc.: fav say:' way" "sure": fav mem: 1/22178, wildwood 76, 77, 78, sessions at the pc bers before school, yes concert, pittsburgh: prize pass: my mind and the u table memories it holds: sec amb: to cruise the states in my customized' peeve: rahs, disco, a.m. tunes, restricted study halls, getting shot by I.c. around and choose your ground, for long you live and high you fly, an you'll give and tears you'll cry, and all you touch and all you see, is all youl always be." - pink floyd

helen margaret naughton "nausious" "helunie" "b" 452 kent rd: bd: 12/13/60: rem for: being crazy, being paranoid, smiling: asw: chris (fender), sue c., jill o'h, curls: fav say: "mam" "sicky" "decent" "isn't that tender": fav mem: 4/2177 d.d., 5/6178, j.p" 6/2178 s.p" 5/25178 d.d. car, 8/18178 b.s., mts. w.d.d., d.b., t.b" b.b" m.n" 12/9178 s.d., 5131179: prize pass: family, friends, gold chain, life, memories: sec amb: to live happy & fulfilling life with someone who cares: pet peeve: rahs, snobs, shs, waiting, being hurt, two faced people, disciplinarians, itchy sean: chorus 1,2,3: g-room smoking comm. 1,2,3,4: no school spirit 1,2,3, 4. "even though it's over, there's still pain." rachel evelyn neal" evey" "buffy' , 30 walnut st, morton: bd: 4/ I /61: rem for: my thumb operat'lon, "lunching a lot": asw: karen, winkie, lisa, debbie: fav say: "for real?!": fav mem: 613178, summer of 76, florida 76, 78, a.C. iuly 78, virginia, 1217 177, 10/9178: prize pass: my family, nephews & niece, "special people": sec amb: to weigh 108 Ibs .. grow long fingernails, to become successful in my career, always working up to my potential: pet peeve: cramps!, preiudice. "it's not the quantity, but the quality."

Helen Margaret Naughton

Rachel Evelyn Ne

~. nelson "disco jim" "bubba" III broad st, morton; bd:4130/61; rem for:

crazy; asw: force members - dwayne bradley, eric jefferson, doug jennate penn, william howard; fay say: "sure"; fay mem: summer 76, florida 'ze poss: life; sec amb: to be successful; pet peeve: people that don't tell lat's going on; football 1,2, 3,4; winter track 3, 4; track 1,2, 3,4. "you can horse to water but you can't teach him to backstroke,"

James E. Nelson

Haj Nguyen

joseph noone "nooners" 333 franklin ave; bd: 4/6/61; rem for: one year at the dive; asw: murph, trip, t.l .. rob, joe, sab, etc; fay say: "ex" "yo" "wobes"; fay mem: leaving o-dive; slippery rocks, lunch at S.v.; prize poss: my denim; sec amb: to conquer the world; pet peeve: rahs, disco, mondays, tests, phystoons, weebles, a.m., johns, pins, narcs; expanders weekends; s.v.h.'s. "don't cry, don't brace your eyes, it's only teenage wasteland."- the who mark andrew norrbom "nort" "norb" 125 netherwood dr; bd: 3/7/61; rem for: calming the wild ones; asw: b.s., j.g .. r.l., d.r .. the black flag, the bearded terror, b.t.. d.c., jJ.; fay say: "you fruit" "looney-tune" "what's up?"; fay mem: 6/ 11/77, summer 78, rides in the bomb and the mighty mavericks, test pits "a" and "b"; prize pass: friends, family; sec amb: to survive college; pet peeve: greeks in t.a.'s, furious frogs, gorp, disco, bears, rags; wrestling 1,2; chess club 3; j.a. 2, pres 3, 4; "i'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun, and only the good die young." - billy joel

Joseph Noone

Mark Andrew Norrbom

ne e. northwood "chris" "vega" "mom" 926 edwards dr; bd: 2/17/61; rem 9ing compact, crazy, half of the "deadly duo"; asw: peter, I.h., n.y., r.b., a., little lis', a "hatchback"; favsay: "ah, excuse me!" "you're so bad!"; fay 7/9/78; springsteen 78, 10/13/78, summers at o.c., n.j., north ave park; ::>055: peter (although i don't possess him), class ring, family & friends, diasec amb: to succeed in advertising; pet peeve: s-a-c, fakes & backstabbers, ;y; b-ball I; prom comm 2, 3,4; scenery for musical 2; spri-hian 2; chorus I. ¡t of me will always be you . . . " -I. s. chengers pher m. o'keefe "chris" 337 prospect rd; bd: 8/ 15/61; fay mem: summer of :J end of summer 78, rod stewart at the capital 10/15/77; prize pass: my , friends, and knowledge; sec amb: to travel around the u.s. and france; pet : people who don't know what they're talking about, teachers that cannot weightlifting I, 2.

Christine E. Northwood

david oliver steven o'meara

David Oliver

Steven O'Meara

Christopher M. O'Keefe





















charless. o'neill "charleyo" 717 timber trail In: bd:4/19/61: rem far:tur

vega, e.l.p., always laoking blitzed (contacts): asw: m.d., b.m., b.m., h.p., fav say: "been dazed and confused": fav mem: yes, I.p. initiations, 7/13/ parties, huey's parties, I.p., 12131177~ 1/1178; pet peeve: physics 2, kis s.I., c.p., c.g.; baseball I; locker problems 4. "there is a place, a time and no one can trace, that no one can trace." - emerson, lake and palmer lisa marie opdenaker "lis" 315 indian rock dr: bd: 10130/61; rem far: bei white karmanghia, always at work: asw: marian, deb, jo, pam, cyndi, ar and the j.p. crew, nancy m.: fay say: "i'm beat": fay mem: 2/28178, nev 14/78, summer of 77,2/78, senior week (7); prize pass: family, friends, I. mom; sec amb: to be rich, healthy, happy, own a vette: pet peeve: rail ings, arguments, the four e.'s at 321: cosmetology, vo-tech 2, 3,4.

Charles S. O'Neill

Lisa Marie Opdenaker

jeanette marie osborne 620 old school house dr; bd: 5/21 /60: asw: tammy, peter, ann martin, gail trigiana, bill. feeley: fay mem: parties at v.t., parties at lunch; prize pass: diamond ring, my car, my job; sec amb: to be a computer programmer, get married: pet peeve: high school rahs, stuck up people, closed minded teachers, springfield high school. william richard osborne "bill" 620 old schaol house dr; bd: 6123/61; asw: m.c.,

t,r., c.w., b.b.: fay say: "that's life"; fay mem: summer 73, 74,75, 76, 78; prize pass: best friends, harmonicas: sec amb: to accomplish all my dreams and expectations: pet peeve: first and eighth periods: lit. mag. illustrator.

Jeanette Marie Osborne

jill osipowicz "osi" 325 kennerly rd; bd: 5/24/61: asw: suzanne, sue, mona, karen,

William Richard Os

lisa. maria, jill, joanne; fay say: "yo mars": fay mem: full moons, "destiny", the park. colorado, cape cod, weekends at suzanne's, walking on h street, great adventure 78: sec amb: to move to calif.: pet peeve: repeating my last name, springdive: s.j. poems 2, 3. 4. "i don't care what you say anymore: this is my life. go ahead with your own life and leave me alone." - b.j. karen marie otto" k.o." "ka r" 934 spri nghaven rd: bd: 10/ I3/61 : rem far: pa ra naia, my laugh, forgetting; asw: n.g., b.s., c.r., U., d.t., t.g., m.m., physiconians: fay say: "it's horrible" "peeeple": fay mem: wildwood 76, new yrs. 77,5/20178, fla. 78. prom, 9/9/76, 12/10178, "the golden rail", times with friends and family; prize pass: tom: sec amb: to be successful. t,m.t. 6120/84: pet peeve: bambergers, my violin, ted nugent; gymnastics I, 2, 4: choir I, 2, 3, 4; orch. I, 2, 3,4: ski club 3: nhs 4: I.p.c. 1,2,3, pres. 4: "i'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints . . . cause only the good die young." - billy joel

Karen Marie Ot


albert p. panebianco "al" "pachino" "secret" 346 harwicke rd: bd: 5/29: rem far: always washing car; asw: chris, carmen: fay say: "you've got my windows dirty": fay mem: summer 77, marco island 77: prize pass: 69 impala, german shepherd, poodle, family, stereo, c.b., friends: sec amb: to own a worked vette: pet peeve: mg's, traffic safety, cafeteria, dirty car, disco: ch. 20 1,2,3,4: b.k. 3, 4: s.m. 1,2, 3,4:w.I.I,2,3. francis m. pappa "frank" 109 morton rd; bd: 11/16/61; asw: lisa, bemp, ron,

steve, lew, willie, bob, fred, paul: fay say: "who cares": fay mem: 10/15/77 (the da nce), 10/21177, 10129177, the snow da nce ~~~; prize pass: my relationshi p with lisa, my family, all my good friends; sec amb: the 21 st of forever: pet peeve: orchard rd., "guess you had to be there": base,ball 1,2,3,4: ice hockey 2,3,4: intramural basketball 1,2,3. to I.d.: "one by one the stars will all burn out and you and i will simply flyaway." - if, bread

Albert P. Panebianco

Francis M. Papp,

paradis "c1airbo" 644 saxer ave; bd: 2/7/61; rem for: never being seen :Jrning; asw: kathy, connie, frank, jJ., d., I.h.; fay say: "wow" "what a , mem: florida 76, states 4-78, summer 78, labor day weekend 78; prize lily, friends, music, koala bear; pet peeve: boring classes, back stabbers; [[ I; executive council I; vo-tech 2, 3,4; vica 2, 3,4. "death is a covered ading from one light to another light through a brief darkness."

)arke "mike" "parksey" I 04 west ave; bd: 12/16; rem for: beard during ; asw: yah, t. abbs, rabbs, chas; fay say: "don't worry about it" a."; fay mem: 7/23-30/77, 7/1-30/78, 8120/78, gable's, lax state rol[ing green; prize poss: yah, friends; sec amb: to have a chauffeur N; pet peeve: summer practice, trig, disco; football I, 2, 3, capt. 4; 1,2,3. capt. 4; rolling green 2, 3,4. "send lawyers, guns, and money."~von

Claire M. Paradis

Michael Parke

eileen parker "shorty" 403 springfield rd; bd: 312/60; rem for: being short, being myself, wanting to go into the air force; asw: c.w., k.m., k.n., t.g., t.b., [.e .. k.k .. k.h .. c.h .. j.c., j.b.; fay say: "sure" "right"; fay mem: being with my friends; prize poss: my ring, friends, family, room; sec amb: if i told you it wouldn't be a secret; pet peeve: child dev., saying good-bye; vo-tech 2, 3. "honesty is hardly ever heard and mostly what i need from you." - bil[y joel


Eileen Parker



joanne k. parr "jo" 518 prospect rd; bd: 10/ I /61; rem for: being short, taking my time, being a rowdy, not having anything to do with shs, going to calif. in dec 78; asw: rose, mar, jamie, teri, [.b., bethyl. mike, ben, kevin, billy; fay say: "smack" "ooh baby!" "yo mar"; fay mem: 9/9/78, hockey games in the middle of the night, boston 10130/78,5/6/78, the loft, acct. I & 2, 5131/79: prize poss: j.s .. memories, family, friends; sec amb: to rip off m.p.'s car w/t.c.; pet peeve: rahs, shs, empty baggies - (right teri?!); hockey 2,3; social service 1,2; partying 1,2, 3,4.

Joanne K. Parr

greg andrew patchell "patch" 2 meetinghouse la; bd: 11/22/61; rem for: beard and moustache, talking about civil war, being "murray the cop": asw: d.c .. j.g .. j.k .. r.[ .. m.n .. i.s .. b.s .. r.s~, b.t.; fay say: "oh my word!" "spare me" "you smack"; fay mem: 1/78; 76'ers games, "f[ooding rm. I 15", 1976, summer of 78; prize poss: 55 dodge, shore house, the lord of the rings, family; sec amb: to explore space; pet peeve: bear, "ba[in [ives," w.[. penquin, stage crew; senior class play; wargaming I, 2, 3, 4. "the thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shal[ be done; and there is no new thing under the sun." - ecclesiastes 1:9 glenn peake "perker's" 349 hemlock In; bd: 11/15/60; rem for: my sick driving; asw: frank, barbara, ju[ey, frick, terry, liz, rut; fay say: i can't say; fay mem: going to the lake with my good friends last summer; prize poss: my car; sec amb: to travel a[1 over the world; driving; working on cars; girls; my friends.

Glenn Peake

Andrew Patchell

les J. Pe[legrini

james j. pellegrini "peW' 1011 edgewood dr; bd: 2/7/61; rem for: not worrying about anything; asw: larry, anth, arch, fins, kena, waldo, tiny tim, m.g., ted, b.a .. m.c., j.p .. d.h .. j.d .. r.h .. s.g .. i.k .. etc.; fay say: c.i.l.y.t.; fay mem: e[ocin spot, c.t. days, t.d.a., queen 77, 78, aerosmith 76, 77, 78, dead 78, etc . . . ; prize pass: mumble, b.n.; sec amb: play drums for the who, travel; pet peeve: disco, w.g.; [ax 3,4; alley 2,3. "did she go? you know what i mean, you know what i mean. nudge nudge." - monty python

Raymond Joseph Petril[o

raymond joseph petrillo 212 e woodland ave: rem for: having many unique apothegms, commenting on society, agbr + light = ag + br2; asw: yearbook personnages, editors & normal individuals: fay mem: matisse 1904, renoir 1874, monet 1885; prize pass: my hp 21, my camera; sec amb: to spend 5 or 6 years in school after high school; pet peeve: the superegotistical. the supercilious, the superficial, the superindividua[istic: band, orchestra 1,2,3,4; french club 3. 4; yearbook photographer 4; scott's hi-q 4; nhs 3,4; lit mag 4. "get thee to a nunnery." - hamlet "don't let people persuade you to exchange your reputation as a man of sense." - moliere

guya. petroski 712 parker In: bd:6/18/61: asw:butch, danny, nelson, rob, noel, frank, mike, pugs: fav mem: 77 christmas tournament and 78 sectionals: prize pass: my family and my rewards: sec amb: to be wealthy and happy: pef peeve: losing weight, studying: wrestling 2, capt. 1,3,4: football 4: nhs 4. "strength and confidence, plus a firsthand knowledge of the rewards of hard work and persistence, can help you attain a new and better life." - arnold schwarzenegger howard harrington phillips 459 kerr In: bd: 5/29/61: rem for: well-groomed hair: asw: george, rab, eileen: fav mem: times spent with my friends: prize pass: my jack purcell's: pef peeve: conformity. ". . . nice, nice, very nice - so many different people in the same device." - kurt vonnegut, jr. "oh yeah?" - john lennon

Howard Harrin~ Phillips

Guy A. Petroski

susan theresa marie pietrangelo "sue" "sues' "suebee" 983 edgewood dr: bd: 2/26/61: rem for: still seeing bob, collecting my thoughts, being blunt: asw: osi, d'ort, seb, karen, bob, & my mouth open: fav say: "jiiilil" "hi cutie" "oh man!": fav mem:times with bob, in depth talks with seb on bus: prize poss: family, friends, life: sec amb: move to arizona: pet peeve: having to spell my name to people, waiting around: "sj" poems 2, 3,4: talking I, 2, 3,4. "we could be heroes, just for one day." bowie

Susan Theresa Maria Pietrangelo

David Mark Plummer

janice lynn popelak Ian "pug" 212 ballymore rd; bd: 6130/61: rem for: always being late: asw: joan, lynn, i.s., m,d .. j.q .. s.p.: fav say: "oh no!": fav mem: all the great times down joe's, rob's, and rick's house, the poconos, and the fun times with joan, lynn, melvin and carla; prize pass: family, friends, memories; sec amb: to fulfill my goals and to be happy: pet peeve: rainy days and mondays, being late, people who make fun of you for things you want to do.


Janice Lynn Popelak

david mark plummer "plum" "puddles" 219 sedgewood rd: 23/61: rem for: my car, my mOl asw: fase, rab, moon, kill, abl b.c., bing, mooch, mc nick, e say: "fasy son!"; fav mem: aue 12/78 yes, 10130/78 boston, ketball, summer baseball sessiol poss: my parents, my dog, m' sec amb: to work on the wat, day; pef peeve: on the bluE games, rainouts, trig: basketba 4: baseball I, 2, 3. 4: football tell there's no more time. left cize, i've seen what i could no nize, everything in my life was me on, but i can be strong." denise ann potter "den' "dinosaur" 408 kent rd: bd: rem for: honda, being skinn kathy, j.b., b.h., s.k., j.s., d.p.: f, vt, summer 78, 2118/78, beae b.p.g.s. 74 & 75, w.S.C., 12, times with friends: prize pass. ries, family, friends, my cross, banana: sec amb: to succe, peeve: cliques, waiting, goo color guard I: hockey mgr. hockey 3: decorati ng 2, 3: props 2: lacrosse I: shc 4: nhs ~ 2, 3; choir I, 2, 3: banana 3, have done it without a touch, y., word, without a sign. you have be being yourself. perhaps tha being a friend means."

Denise Ann Potter

joseph michael quagliariello "joe" "quad" 300 larchwood rd: bd: 7/29/61: rem for: last name, rolled up sleeves: asw: jim (my partner) and friends; fav say: "chow" "yo" "oh my"; fav mem: e.l.o. concert 78, some weekends, senior week?, crazy parties; prize pass: family, health, my wallet: sec amb: if i told you it wouldn't be a secret: pef peeve: "food prep", sunday mornings, certain shs girls, 6:30 a.m.; soccer I: service club 2,3,4; tobacco chewing 1,2,3,4. joanne barbara quinn 531 springview In: 3/ I/61: rem for: forgetting: asw: karen, mona, jill, lisa, heather, sue, janice, irene: fav say: "i can't believe it": fav mem: florida 78, summer 78, wildwood, great adventure 78, trips to reading, i-95 south: prize pass: friends, family, gretchen: sec amb: to become successful and always be happy; pef peeve: being tall. waiting; basketball I; hockey 1,2,3: track 1,2,4.

Joseph Michael Quagliariello

Joanne Barbara ~

carol ann redfern "redfren" 367 harwicke rd: bd: 8/15/61: rem for: making a

short story long: asw: c.m.l .. b.g.s., k.m.o., s.b.p., scrivener people: faY say: "peepie": fay mem: times at ocean city, 4/ 1-10177, hall and oates 78 - tailing blue limo: prize poss: friends, family; pet peeve: prejudice, tryouts; cheerleading 2,3: choir, orch. 1,2,3,4: musical 2, 4; district orch. 2,3,4: regional orch. 2,3; state orch. 4: nhs 4; scrivener ed. 4; "what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - emerson carmine james rego iii "butch" 634 maplewood ave; bd: 2/7 /60: rem for: attack-

)1 Ann Redfern

ing people, clothes, stories, perfect attendance, kissing people, quitting school teams, fights, van, bad reputation: asw: lisa, ray, chip, dan, guy, melson, ray m., matt, ken, mike, frank; faY mem: 217 /60 - present, /1129177, 1/1178, graduation; prize poss: my past, my family, my future, my ambition, my van, my good friends, my girl; sec amb: to be known, rich, famous, built, happily married; pet peeve: people who think they know me, cool people, school sports, people obsessed with authority, 7:55 school; wrestling 1,2,3 capt.: baseball I; track I; football 1,2,3,4; intramural weightlifting 1,2,3,4.

Carmine James Rego III

richards "carol" 649 chey-

f: 5/8/60: rem for: hanging

marie may rickolt "rie" "ski" 337 ben-

dive, stopping fights, bad ¼: c.l.k., c.c.k .. jerry, j.g .. a.g., I¡, j.b .. d.c .. e.k., b.l.: faY say: . face" "i don't know": faY )ut of a station wagon, sumsnow da nee 12/ I 817 6, sen5/27177, florida 78, junior )/78: prize poss: my car, lmily, memories: sec amb: 1 and owning a farm: pet etting up for school, 1st m, teachers, ragging, rahs: 14: Imc aid 2, 3. "love is a ,y and pain: if you give, you ve. if you share, you shall if you take and do not return Iy face pain. alone" - jane

nett rd; bd: 12/15/61; rem for: love of horses, practical jokes: asw: g.b .. j.d., v.m .. s.h .. e.d., d.r .. jJ.. j.m.: faY mem: may 78 in hawaii, summer in nova scotia: prize poss: the horse i'll have someday: sec amb: to win a blue ribbon in the devon horse show; pet peeve: writing up biology labs, burnouts, cadillacs: chorus 1,2,3,4: horseback riding: nurse's aid 4: 3 & 4 hockey 4; ski club 2: history club 3. "he who has the son has the life: he who does not have the son of god does not have the life." I john 5: 12

Carol Jean Rjchards

Marje May Rjckolt

cheryl lynn riviello "cher" "cheri"

"snoopy" 52 brookside rd: bd: 513: rem for: always being late to u.s. cultures class with tammi; asw: tammy, dan, lisa, dana, scott, joe, tom; faY say: "be careful", "give me a ride": faY mem: july 23, 1978, august 7, 1978, october 15, 1978: prize poss: my boyfriend steve, and my family; sec amb: to marry s.j.l. and have a large, close family: pet peeve: making phone calls: musical 1,4; a.v. operator I: majorette I: history club I, 4: spri-hian I: "if there's a will, there's a way."

ring "mat" "the shadow" , n bishop ave: bd: I 1/25/ lyse If, jay, ray, etc: fay say: you say?": faY mem: graduprize poss: short wave radio, sec amb: millionaire: pet rn-outs, j.k.; football 2. "to ist, all doors have handles ;; to the pessimist, all doors and latches." - readers'

Matthew T. Ring

Cheryl Lynn Riviello

michele marie rocco "mish" "mitch" 652 old schoolhouse dr; bd: 8122/61; rem

for: laughing at myself; asw: I.m. and b.s. in library, friends: fay say: "wish me luck, i'li need it!": faY mem: 12/ 10178; and year of 78; prize poss: my dreams and family: sec amb: to write a song, to be the best at what i'm doing, whatever it might be; pet peeve: people who don't understand other people. "dear father, we dream, we dream, we dream, while we may; who are we to need, we need, we need, we need, while we wait." - jonathan livingston seagull (n. diamond) rich romano "hulk" 1029 edwards dr; bd: 9120/61: rem for: how much weight i

could lift. playing the imaginary guitar; asw: jeff, russ, john: fay say: good quality music; fay mem: the day i made varsity as a sophomore: prize poss: gibson s-i, my sony stereo components, family, my yes and styx albums: sec amb: to become another steve howe and another arnold: pet peeve: a certain coach: football 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3,4: weightlifting I, 2, 3,4. "like leaves we touch, we see we will know the story. as autumn calls we'll both remember all those many years ago - turn of the century." yes

Ie Marie Rocco

Rich Romano

louis anthony rose "Iou" 355 rambling way; bd: 4/14/61; rem for: white shoes, disco, not caring what others think; asw: dave, mike, randy, sister; fay say: "right!" "take it easy"; fav mem: little john's, elk neck 78, ski weekends, a new sponsor; prize poss: summer house, life; sec amb: long and healthy life, to get away, to acquire common sense; pet peeve: the bust, my hang-ups; ski club I, 2, officer 3, 4; service club 2, 3,4; choir I, 3,4; soccer 1,2. "go forth and search for different things." - myself 78 thomas rose "tom" 1024 westwood dr; bd: 6/ I 1/61; asw: somebody else's genesis shirt, the gang; fav mem: 78 yes concert, peter gabriel; prize poss: my marantz and pioneer; sec amb: to fly around the world without a plane; pet peeve: vinyl ink. "harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away; only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air. you better watch out, there may be dogs about." - pink floyd

Loujs Anthony Joseph Rosa

Thomas Rose

karen lynne rosenberg "rosie" 931 crestmont rd, bryn mawr; bd: 4/26; rem for: smiling, flirting; fav say: "damn, this traffic jam!" "f.a.d."; fav mem: summer 78, m.!., mt. washington, 8/ I/ 178 - pikes. canada, florida, 6/4/77 - roof, I 1/23/ 78, boston, living across from n.m.; prize poss: friends, family, support from d.l.; pet peeve: burglar alarms; orch., band, choir I, 2, 3, 4; musical orch. 2, 4; distr. orch. 2,3,4; reg. orch, 2, 3; state orch. 4; lit mag 4; nhs 3, 4. "this above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night, the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." - w.S.

Karen Lynne Rosenberg

diane rossano "di" "rig" 218 w sylvan ave; bd: 12/23/61; rem for: always having gum; asw: d.c., c.k., m.r., p.d.r" j.d., e.d., b.h., n.k., and others; fav say: "cute", "woondahboons"; fay mem: summers, 6th pd.; prize poss: my friends, family, mcgee; pet peeve: m.r., snobs, latin, dancing; intramural basketball 1,2; basketba112, 3; social service club 3. "a good acquaintance is a jewel- a good friend is a treasure."


Diane Rossar

randall scott rosser "randy" "rosco" "ros" "basuss" 313 sunnybrook; bd: 513/61; rem for: being quiet; asw: j.s., l.r., s.d., d.h., s.c., k.c., '69 ford; fav say: "how ya doin?"; fav mem: west virginia 77, 78, elk neck 78; prize poss: family, friends, stereo; sec amb: to do all the things that i never have done; pet peeve: dumb drivers, getting up early, working; football I; weightlifting I, 3; choir 3, 4; glee club 3: pop group 3, 4: musical 4; job 1,2,3,4. "everything you seek is waiting patiently within despair and loneliness, you've got to leave them all behind. it's great when life is full of living." - kansas susan patricia ruch 316 pinecrest rd; bd: 7122161; asw: joan, cindy, another sue, karen, my radical friend, g.b., the new intelligentsia; fav say: "i. y." "oh nay"; fav mem: 5/26/78,6/19/78, getting mail, snowy nights, real discussions, "deeetentions": prize poss: family, friends, panda, my mouse: pet peeve: psuedo-intellectuals, trivialities (sec); 3rd & 4th hockey 2,3; choir 1,2,3,4; musical 4; senior play 4; yearbook 4; spri-hian 1,2, asst. ed 3, editor-in-chief 4; b.sJ.d.c. groupie 3, pres 4; "i was not born to live to die." - bruce springsteen

Randall Scott Rosser

Susan Patricia I

fredrick john rush "fred" III sloan rd: bd: 3/ 14/61; rem for: party wag' coming through, being rowdy, being late, coming up with excuses, goo finding a way to get out of class; asw: kathy (mooch), carolyne, carol, murph, and you; fav say: "shut up" "watch what kath": fav mem: 2/27/ 78, falling out of wagon, summer 78, boston and aerosmith concert, 4th 76,77, new year's part 77-78; prize poss: m.L quarterpound, cars: se get rich, live in acapulco; pet peeve: shs. rahs, empty baggies, stop sign: mariann russo "mar" II myrtle ave: bd: 8/ II /61: rem for: being she talking; asw: cathy, barb, barb, jo, michele; fav say: "yo jo!": fav memo II/ II /77, 12/28/77, 11/13/78; prize poss: a special someone: pet pE rahs, two-faced people, cliques, "i wanted to stay forever and feel i because nothing i had ever gave me such inner beauty, such warmth. i fE body had been given a "ray" of life from heaven above."

Fredrick John Rush

Mariann Russo

scott j. ruth 572 sheffield dr; bd: 11/ I /61; rem for: generosity, persistence: asw: t.e.d" toad: fav say: "yo, yo's" "what's up": fav mem: early morning excursions, deer spotting, yes 9/11/78, p.g. 10/27/78; prize poss: halves, my plants: sec amb: to build a cabin and live off the land, to own a greenhouse or two; pet peeve: waiting, rahs, drones, cigarettes, time: library 1,2,3, 4; spelunking 3, 4: expander's club I, 2, 3, 4; "ah, how glorious! the young leaves, the green leaves glittering in the sunshine!" - basho patricia ann salerno "aq" 620 cedar lane morton; bd: 7/28/61: rem for: yal, being crazy, vo-tech; asw: adrienne, sue, carol, renee, paul. pete, billy, martin: fav say: "really" "i'm so upset"; fav mem: summer of 78, 1013/78, 10/6/78; prize poss: family, friends, children; sec amb: to be happy, to run an orphanage: pet peeve: rahs, teachers, seeds; day dreaming 3, 4; vo-tech 3, 4. "when the sun is high and the sea is calm, remember me my friend." - pat salerno

Scott J. Ruth

Patricia Ann Salerno

thomas a. sapnas "sap" 563 valley view rd; bd: 11/9/60: rem for: putting things off; asw: bob, chris, gut, ed, shark; fav mem: memorial day weekend 78; pet peeve: my 69 dodge: glee club I, 2.

,omas A. Sapnas

michael andrew scarani "mike" "trink" 201 n rolling rd; rem for: finding what was needed: asw:b.k" naz, hank, d.t., margo: fav mem: foghat 78; prize poss: toni, krista, my thoughts; sec amb: to build my own house in the mountains, hang glide, get a four-wheel pick-up; pet peeve: disco, drones, bear, work, vietor rodriguez. "ticking away the moments that make up a dull day . . ." floyd

Michael Andrew Scarani

peter scarani "hair" "scran" 20 I n rolling rd; bd: 9/ 18/60; rem for: hair, unusual disguises, always being there at the right time; asw: b.k" trink, t.b" s.s" Lc" naz" t.I.; prize poss: car, my thoughts: pet peeve: broken down cars, drones, t.l.'s car: not getting caught 1,2, 3,4. denise scarpace rem for: being late; asw: e.d" b.i" a.o" m.m" j.f.. c.s" r.d" v.a" s.d.: fav say: "nice" "really"; fav mem: 8124/78,9/12/78 yes; prize pass: my art work; sec amb: to become a famous artist, meet the who; pet peeve: g.h" users, ocean city. "people try to put US down iust because we get around things they do look awful cold hope i die before i get old: talkin' 'bout my generation: this is my generation." - the who

Denise Scarpace

Peter Sca ra ni

mark scheerer "bob" 20 wayfield rd; bd: 1/12/61; rem for: always runInning on and on, never never stopping, determined and expedient personjV say: "i love high school.": fav mem: france, la vida, saranac, haycock, ski >rize pass: college catalogs, brochure and applications; sec amb: pass the ,nd go on to a master's in business administration: pet peeve: what is your :ore 7: band, orchestra I, 2, 3, 4; cross country I, 2, 3, 4: indoor track 4: 2: youth fellowship I, 2, 3,4. "freedom to be what i want, with the hopes )ming what i was intended to be"

:>her schell "chris" "shelby" "c. shell" 405 maior cr: bd: 1/13/61: rem for: my driving, boots, t-shirts: asw: a.p" c.s" r.c" b.w" s.g" I.e" my car, d friends: fav say: "say what" "i'll buy that" "same difference"; fav mem: nt, styxs, concerts, maine, summer 78; prize poss: 70 hornet, tunes, mags, leather, cb, metal comb, b.b. glove: sec amb: to get a car in hot rod mag" s for 19.9/gal: pet peeve: transmission troubles, gas prices, disco, radar: ,2,3,4: printing 3, 4: baseball 1,3, 4: ch. ~20 1,2,3,4: burger king 3,4.

Robert Mark Scheerer

Christopher Schell

linda ann schinkschink 646 barry dr: bd: 10130/61: rem for: acting crazy, getting frustrated: asw: b,i.s., I.k .. b.s.: fav say: "oh my gosh!" "live for the moment''': fav mem: vacations with family, o.c.'s, snowy days, christmases, birthdays arby's: prize pass: my life, family, friends, faith, music, good times, memories dreams of tomorrow: sec amb: to be really great at something: pet peeve: rain waiting, pushy people, conformity, trig, diets, pressures, good-byes, postweekend blues: band 1,2,3,4: basketball mgr. 3: chorus and choir 4: scriv. typing staff 4: loggers 4. "so don't be anxious about tomorrow. god will take care of your tomorrow too. live one day at a time." - mt. 6:34 george w. schmidt "schmidty" 234 worrell dr: bd: 2/6/61: rem for: going out with eileen' asw: eileen, howard, rabbit: fav mem: ir. prom, trips to shore in august, I.d. 75. times with eileen, radnor game: prize poss: eileen, my parents: sec amb: to get a good job & buy a house: pet peeve: summer practice, trig: football 1,2,3. capt. 4: baseball 1,2,3,4: ice hockey 2, 3,4: choir 1,2,3,4: musical 4. "some people say it's over now that we spread our wings. but we know better darling: the hollow ring is only last year's echo." - iohn lennon

Linda Ann Schink

George W. Schm

nanci mary joanne schott "schottskie" 531 w woodland ave; bd: 3/30, for: being quiet, being a ,curbie, my long driveway; asw: d. claffey and tr the crowd: fav say: I don t talk enough to have one; fav mem: germany; 76, elk neck 77, 78, wddwood 78, times at ocean city m.d.: prize pass: m ship with d.c .. memories: sec amb: to find the one and only; pet peeve: sl people, two-faced people. "if you do not understand my silence you understand my words." barbara jean schwartz; "barb" 641 cresson In: bd: 5/30/61: rem for: m taste: asw: I.a.s.: fay say: "live for the moment"; fay mem: s.i.h .. poe. 77, 3, fla. 78, n.d. 12/10/78: prize pass: friends, memories, my music collec amb: to be,a successful singer/songwriter; cougarettes 2, capt. 3, 4: scri loggers .4. but I got an emptiness deep inside and i've tried, but it won go and I m not a man who likes to swear but i never cared for the sound alone." - neil diamond

Nanci Mary Joanne Schott

Barbara Jean Schwartz

joseph r. scott iii "iay' 45 worrell dr: bd: 9/4/61: rem for: going to burger king after 4th period: asw: bob. ai, matt: fav say: "i don't care": prize pass: car: sec amb: become a truck driver: pet peeve: the czar of computers: bowling; weightlifting. susan mary scott "sue" 929 west ave: bd: 9/15/61; rem for: turning red easily, being gullible: asw: iudy, mar, cindy, rose, io, etc.; fay say: "oh my god" "you're kidding me: fav mem: 6120178, florida, 7124175,913178: prize pass: friends, family: pet peeve: getting up for school, slow people, blocked halls: chorus 1,2,3, 4. make the lights shine down on us, show us the road to go, help us survive, make uS arrive, teach us what we need to know." - bee gees

Joseph R. Scott III

Susan Mary Sco

irene sebastian "ireney" "sab" "eileen" 520 morton ave: bd: 4/27; rerr laugh, my soap opera life, being blunt, my beliefs, eating: asw: miche tom. janice, sue, eating: fav say: "shut up!"; fay mem: fred dimeglio ( mountain summers, all the times of my life: prize pass: teddy-bear, bunt ily pussy, barny, my friendship with michele: sec amb: to live happily eve all my lives: pet peeve: being called eileen, broken hearts & promises, t kc's, homeroom rah: great scott, n.i. 4. jeffrey brooks shadle "shades" "bodine" "wal" "i.b." "ieff" 665 n bishop 10/4/60: rem for: nodding yo's: asw: r.r., k.d .. g.h .. r.c.; fay mem: 1131 aissance concert, p.z. trips, e.n.: prize pass: friends, truck, vacations: se, cats and a dog, own a farm: pet peeve: long red lights: soccer 1,2,3: w ing I. "there's nothing you can do, that can't he done." - I & m "you ca with a sick mind." i.w.


br Irene Sebastian

Jeffrey Brooks Shadle

sean joseph sharkey jr. "bohm" "shark" 542 kennerly rd: bd: 4/18/61: rem for: enthusiasm in cryonics: asw: carmen, charley, chris, bob, bret: fay mem: summers at the shore: prize pass: friends, family, house at the shore: sec amb: to become a doctor: pet peeve: "pop quizzes", jealousy, people who give up easily, s.a.t.'s: wrestling I: bowling 1,2,3: service club 2,3,4; nhs 4. "i have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." b. t. washington kathy shea "kathy''' "sunshine" rem for: k.i .. b.a., smiling, being cold, tired: asw:

h.c.; m.s .. m.g .. j.b .. d.p.; fay say: "hello" "keep on smiling" "why?": fay mem: 6/

20178-7, mur times, b.r.. 4/18178, vt. 76-78, sec, f.h. 76,12/16/77. d/h.c .. d.c.m.h .. sum 78, oc Ist, all proms; prize pass: h.s .. h.c.c .. family, s.a.s.: sec amb: t.h.s.u.t.o.b.t.. I.i.s.b.t, t.u.s.j., 6120/83; hockey I . 3, capt 4: b路ball. lax I - 4; loganna 2 -7. "life is like a face; it changes with emotions. so smile and make it easier on yourself and others." k.a.s.

Joseph Sharkey Jr.

Kathy Shea

len shea 619 old school house dr: bd: 5/ 10: rem for: my school spi rit, my

leslie, sandi, beth, the cheerleaders: fay say: "act casual": fay mem: of 78,8/18-9/19,913-9/5, all times in o.c., 4 musketeers: prize pass: my & family, the shore; sec amb: to own a house on the beach & a porsche, to year.round tan: pet peeve: the summer's end: cheerleader 1,2,3, co-capt. . coun. 2, 3: chorus I: snow queen nom. "i want a lover & i want some & i want to live in the sun; & want to do all the things that i never have dan fogleberg lSW:

zabeth sheehan "joan" "jes" "sheb" 265 ballymore rd; bd: I 1/ 10/61; rem

ng "normal", determination: asw: janice, lynn, e.d .. m.d .. i.s .. d.s.; fay say: en real"; fay mem: 10/19/76, good times at joe's, rob's and rick's houses, ga ng", times in ethel. bethel. betsy a nd sa m, tri ps to the shore 78, snow prize pass: my memories, family and friends: sec amb: to be happy and Fe; pet peeve:fake people, "cool"; d.g.s. volunteer; incentive; gymnastics: . "i close my eyes, only for a moment and that moment's gone . . ." -

Mary Ellen Shea

Joan Elizabeth Sheehan

terril phoebe shunk

sorry to disappoint you, honestly i tried. but nothing came to mind. after 4 years (to some /2) what is left to say, good luck good life good路bye terril phoebe shunk joel samuel silverman 508 foster dr; bd: 8/6/61: rem for: genesis, my cars, my

house; asw: esteban, bert, gut, andy; fay say: "it's I :00 and time for lunch" "i kicked the ball and it went in the net"; fay mem: sessions and oil with s.b .. cruises with bert, 666, my parties, world's end: prize pass: my pool room, my outside refrigerator, my family; sec amb: to be a rich iew: pet peeve: foggy lenses; glee club I; ir. choir 2; tennis 2,3,4.

'ril Phoebe Shunk

Joel Samuel Silverman

anthony smargiassi "carmine" 509 sharpless rd: bd: 11/17/60; rem for: J at md's: asw: sean, al. chris, bret: fay say: "are you kidding": fay mem:

74, 75, 77, 78: prize pass: friends, my guitar, color organ, 200 I's; sec amb: 1-101 I: pet peeve: waking up early for band practice on saturdays, boring 'S; band 1,2,3,4: service club 2,3,4: weightlifting 2,3. "man's capacities )Ver been measured: nor are we to judge of what he can do by any preced路 , little has been tried." - h. d. thoreau ann smith 954 edwards dr: bd: 11/7/60: rem for: sleeping in class, being off the wall. romantic novels: asw: terry anderson: fay say: "you lose buck路 ': fav mem: summer of 77 at north ave. summer of 76 in niagara, sshore 78, n: prize pass: my family, friends, and the love they give me; sec amb: to ever; pet peeve: lost friendships, clocks that are set wrong; I.p.c. treas. 4. rain on my parade!" -funny girl (barb s.)

Carmen Anthony Smargiassi

Pattie Ann Smith

susan florence smith "suee" 142 barbara dr: bd: 4130/61: rem for: broken

potentials: asw: j.b .. k.m .. m.k .. j.p .. m.r.: fav say: "don't tell me i'll gue time here pig. pig. pig': fav mem: spring & summer of 78: prize pass: 1 happiness. my memories: sec amb: to live in a perfect world: pet peel american studies lecturer. room 249 & powder face. terminal assignments: . 3. 4: % basketball 2. "i've given everybody so much time. now i need a n that's mine. oh my other world is just half a mile away." - b.j. donna soltner "soltnoid" 116 harwicke rd: rem for: voice. using too muc

.............. Susan Florence Smith

Donna Soltner

pop-tarts. not knowing how to get there: asw: stuart, b.b.. d.b.. c.f., n.s .. t mem: o.c. 75, 76. 77, 78. 797. ocean 17, the trailer, dunes 14th sf.. hotel molsons, zaberers, poconos 77 for week, halloween 78, 4/4/77. 12/22/78 land, the government, jeep, blazer, mts. w/bb .. t.b .. great adventure 77, fI. Ib.b .. jackson browne. wildwood boardwalk 78 wlcid, bakers. senior pr prize poss: bert, friends. family: sec amb: to own a certain company, to liv, top of stowe: pet peeve: liars, shs, bams. "the incident". cheerleading: lacrosse I: cheerleading 2.

stratton sosangelis "strat" 200 foulke In: bd: 7/20/61: rem for: always having the

answer. mother jokes. always winning at backgammon: asw: t.b .. j.l.. S.g .. p.s.: fav say: "does your mother let you smoke in bed?": fav mem: rm. 1301, nights in clubs. winters at rolling green: prize pass: my dice: sec amb: to make an easy million: pet peeve: p.h. and other d.t.'s, t.l.'s maverick: not getting caught 1.2,3. 4. sandra lee spahr "sandi" "sam" 521 wayne ave: rem for: laughing, being impulsive: asw: n.c .. m.m .. I.e., m.h .. m.s .. r.h .. a.b.: fav mem: wheatlies. 4 musketeers, august 75, three stooges, 2/17/76, certain sunset at wildwood, skydiving, g.s. weekends. dreams & schemes w/n.r.c .. zz top!!: prize pass: my family, certain friendships, oliver: sec amb: to be a ballerina: pet peeve: good-byes, cobwebs; hockey 1.2.3,4: lacrosse 1,2: ski club 1,2,4: executive council 1,4: stw 2,3,4: senior class play: snow queen. "i decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow. if i fail. if i succeed at least i'lllive as i believe." - g.b.

Stratton Sosangelis

Sandra Lee Spa~

lee anne spargo "Ion" 1015 lincoln ave: bd: 7/3/61: rem for: aski ng dunr tions, my driving, being absent, having small feet: asw: scott, martha, frie say: "i don't get it": fav mem: summer of 77,2/17/78, elp, boz scaggs, 8 good times with martha: prize pass: anything ever given to me: sec ambo israel: pet peeve: work, o.p .. backstabbers, my back: chorus I: gymnastic vener business staff 4: spri-hian curro staff 4: I.p.c. - sec. 2,3,4 toward the future for i know, that there is nothing for me in the past." susan spennato "sue" 125 barbara dr: bd: 7/26/61: rem for: always talk

Lee Anne Spargo

Susan Spennato

being heard: asw: ash .. suzanne, jean, maria, jue, san, (the gang), m.b .. j.q s.q.: fav mem: summer 78, food fest. 78, olympics 76, quinn's, flyers carr nero p.s.u. wknd. wlsquat, yes - I, memo day wknd. 77,78, sharing my loc special friend, 10130/77, bike hikes, trails, times w/nana. f.p.: prize pass friends, cricket, t.r. friends, memories of jr. h. w/s.b. & j.d.: sec amb: to t: happiness, trip to canada w/ash.: pet peeve: rain, gym, I.g. "move me 01 black square, use me any time you want to, iust remember that the goal. all to capture all we want." - yes

lee anne spargo "Ion" 1015 lincoln ave: bd: 713/61; rem for: asking dumb questions. my driving. being absent, having small feet: asw: scott, martha, friends: fay say: 'i don't get it": fav mem:summer of 77,2/17/78, elp, boz scaggs, 8/23/78, good times with martha: prize pass: anything ever given to me: sec amb: arch in israel: pet peeve: work, O.p., backstabbers, my back: chorus I; gymnastics 3: scrivener business staff 4: spri-hian curro staff 4: I.p.c. 1,2, 3,4, - sec. 2,3,4. "i face toward the future for i know, that there is nothing for me in the past." susan spennato "sue" 125 barbara dr: bd: 7/26/61: rem for: always talking and

being heard: asw: ash .. suzanne, jean, maria, jue, san, (the gang), m.b .. j.q., squat, S.q.: fav mem: summer 78. food fest. 78, olympics 76, quinn's, flyers earn. & dinner, p.s.u. wknd. wlsquat, yes - I, memo day wknd. 77,78, sharing my locker wla special friend, 10130/77, bike hikes, trails, times wlnana, f.p.: prize pass: family, friends. cricket, t.r. friends, memories of jr. h. w/s.b. & j.d.: sec amb: to be a vet, happiness. trip to canada w/ash.: pet peeve: rain. gym, I.g. "move me on to any black square, use me any time you want to, just remember that the goal. is for us all to ca pture all we want." - yes

Lisa Squadrito

Bruce Stellfox

stengel "joe" 210 s norwinden dr; bd: 31 I 0/61; asw: saboo, rob, joe, lippy, arch, tom, jill, maria, lori; fav mem: 8/3/77, 12/16/77, 8/4/78, 9 I 1013178, 10123178, 11120/74; prize poss: life; pet peeve: study halls, 1S, ra hs; football I ; baseball I. h. stevenson "charlie" "chas" "chuck" 570 rutherford dr; bd: 1127/60; r: always cutting someone up; asw: m.p., j.g., j.t., n.s., j.m., s.g., g.g., d.m.,

(say: "go for it" "ex" "dude"; fav mem: summer of 78 in stone harbor, hfb rolling green, locker room powder fights; prize poss: family, friends, ski stereo, cb, car; sec amb: to lead a happy and successful life; pet peeve: r practice; football 1,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; track 1,3; ski club 2, 3,4; club 1,2,3,4; rolling green 2, 3, 4.

Joseph Stengel

Charles H. Stevenson

noel e. stevenson 570 rutherford dr; bd: 12131 160; rem for: n.f.s., being late, blond hair, catching z's in physics; asw: j.t., m.r., mc c., b.b., c.s., g.p., c.b., a.d., m.s., g.r., d.m., k.w., sue s. and group, twin, hake; fav say: "yo sport"; fav mem: jr. prom, st. h., moonlit oceans, all for $2.00, rolling green, sneaky escapades, christmas 77, st. lax. champs, dough boy, g.l.b.c.b., condo.; prize poss: family, friends, skis, boat, memories: sec amb: to be happy and successful in life; pet peeve: h.f.b., injuries, r.t., outside interference; football I, 2,4; lacrosse I, 2, 3,4; basketball I; ski club I, 2, 3 officer 4. joseph stoccardo "joe" 100 east oak ave; bd:6/10/61; rem for: t-shirts, being short; asw: cazz, bones, luner, don, tony; fav say: "it's better to love a short guy, than not to love a tall"; fav mem: I I 1178, summer of 78, times over the bridge, cazz's vega; prize poss: t-shirts, summers, my car; sec amb: to make a million before i'm 21 years old; pet peeve: gartside's office on a monday morning, disco, rahs, pinheads; class cutting 1,2,3,4.

lei E. Stevenson

Joseph Stoccardo

olar 600 cheyney rd; bd: 613161 ; asw: karen, greer, beth, the colonel, j.s.; 2/22/76, 2/19 177, c~azy times with s.k., good times with friends, walks ¡tain people; rem for: being confused, evil eyes, my smirk; prize poss: my " memories, asti, special friends, my family (s.j.c.), music; pet peeve: misIe made, mono, long-distance relationships, making decisions, time; sec own a horse, to work it all out; band 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2, 3,4; cheerlead4; nhs 3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. orch, 2, 3,4; reg. orch, 3,4; state orch. 4; een nom. "oh, mirror in the sky what is love? can the child within my heart ,~e? can i sail thru the changing ocean tides? can i handle the season of -f.m. n:

james stolis "bill" "vasilaki" 408 alliston rd; bd: 6/8/61; rem for: my das; asw: debbie, bill, michelle, tony, Iyn, mrs. t.; fay say: "this car feels ,asy bake oven!"; fav mem: labs, lunches, library; prize poss: friends, famvork; sec amb: to live with angie; pet peeve: greeks; band 1,2, 3; district orchestra I, 2, 3; spanish club 2, 3, 4; musical 2. "a very special friend is makes you laugh even when she's not there."

Karen Stolar

William James Stolis

leslie ann stone "t.o.a.d." "Ies" "chico" "stiv i" 52 saxer ave; bd: 11128/61; rem for: being crazy, t-shirts; asw: c.k., b.l., et aI., harpo, the muskrats; fav say: "bummer"; fav mem: 61 I 1/77, 7/16/77, 8177, 6/17178, 7/8/78, 7122/78, 7/30178, 8 178, 9/8/78, 12/1/78; prize poss: my family, my friends, memories, cats, f.m. flag; sec amb: to work on the calypso; pet peeve: rahs, snobs, cliques, immature people, g.j., b.k., I st pd. gym, physics, g.t.w., n.m.q.; I.m.c. aide I, 2; tennis mgr. I; soph hop deco. comm. 2; party 3, 4; "breathe deep the gathering gloom; watch lights fade from every room."

slie Ann Stone

Bradley Scott Straley

bradley scott straley "bra~" 254 schoolla; bd: 9/20/61; rem for: arguing, close calls in car; asw: b.t., g.p., j.g., r.i., d.c., r.s., m.n., j.k., i.s,; fav say: "what for?" fav mem: band trip to canada, driving to lunch in dirty datsun "r.i.p.", the fury and gas stations, trip to toms river; prize poss: friends, ww ii library, dungeon, i.o.u. one favor coupon¡; sec amb: to be successful and own a mercedes; pet peeve: burn outs, subjects you'll never use, penquins, balin; band 1,2; wargaming 2, 3,4.

theresa marie stroud "terry" "strud" "t. strut" 708 parker In; bd: 6/131

for: my "death grip", controlling my temper, rose tree munch-outs; as puddy, anits, dewood, stump; fay say: "wrong" "terrific" "you smack" j.b. - "i hate these shorts!"; fay mem: haunted house, village porch, league 78; prize pass: my b-ball. shu-shu, friends, family, pop's "z"; sec play college basketball, to learn how to cry like anits; pet peeve: suicide ees, english class; basketball I, 2, co-captain 3, 4; lacrosse I, 2, 3, 4; be orch I, 2. randal william supper "randy" "soup" "mel" 785 dunwoody dr; bd:


rem for: impersonations, losing weight; asw: gib, lew; fay say: "awesor magoo you've done it again!"; fay mem: 12/2/78, 12/9/78, 1/1/79 (ho year's party); prize pass: 62 plymouth, friendship with lisa, 5th green; sec replace johnny carson on the tonight show; pet peeve: mother trig., peng m.k.; bowling I; stw I, 2, 3; senior class play 4; tack team I, 2, 3, tri-capt.'

b Theresa Marie Stroud

Randal William Supper

beryl grace swan "char" "breII" "blerbyl" 929 edwards dr; bd: 9/17/61; rem for:

my name; asw: char (c.e.b.), j.m., c.r., k.o., k.k., n.g., d.t., I.t.; fay say: "ort!"; fay mem: times at I.k., summers 76-78, sp 77, fla. 78, hall &oates 78 & the limo!, laughs w/bill, all the good times; prize pass: family, friends, memories, bunny; sec amb: to succeed; pet peeve: 6:30 a.m., waiting, conceited people, jealousy, boredom, cliques; cheerleading 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; district orchestra 2, 3,4; musical 2, 4; I.p.c. 1,2,3, sec. 4. "don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth & sky . . . all we are is dust in the wind." - kansas carolyn ann swayze "sways" 156 snyder In; bd: 5/9/61; rem for: always being in a

hurry!, smilin~; asw: susan, elaine, curt, norm, good friends; fay say: "really?" "great!" "i don't know!"; fay mem: times spent with r.b. and good friends, europe 78, ocean city, 9/16-17/78; prize pass: memories, my family and friends, midi; pet peeve: breaking up, saying goodbye, apathy class secretary 2, 3,4; executive council 2, 3,4; color guard 1,2, 3, quad. sergeant 4; nhs 4; spri-hian cir. 2. "if you love something set it free, if it comes back, it's yours. if it doesn't it never was."

Beryl Grace Swan

Carolyn Ann Swa'

james sylvester deborah ann taylor" debbie" 300 n bishop ave; bd: 6/29/61 ; rem for: m

asw: bill S., bill h., vita., beryl, karen 0., kathy I.; fay say: "that's funny!" mean!" on telephone: "hello-o-o lou here!"; fay mem: summer 78, fla. 7t phi epsilon at u. of p., 10/24/78, I 1/18/78, 10/14/78, 9/8/78, 8/19/78, 6/30/78, 8130/78, rowdy lunches; prize pass: my acceptance letter to je my friends and family; sec amb: to be on the s.a.c.; pet peeve: stuck-up chorus 2,3,4; choir 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; musical 2, 4; spanish club 2,3,4 ers 2,3; nurses aide 3, 4; advisory council I; church choir 3, 4; cyo 2, sec. 4; fhspc 4,5,6 . . . ?; I.p.c. 1,2,3,4 . . .

James Sylvester

Deborah Ann Taylor

jeffrey j. tenore "jeff" 445 penn In; bd: 8/27/61; rem for: hola's, italia!, initiations; asw: b.mc., b.m., d.s., h.p., C.O., m.d., C.S., n.s., f.b., s.g., s.c., b.c.; fay say: "y'know"; fay mem: 12/9/78, rolling green, f-78, 5/6/78, hershey trip; prize pass: my camera; pet peeve: people that kiss "a", health, h.f.b., c.r.-d.t., toasties, s.u.g.; baseball I; football 1,2,3,4; locker problems 3, c.d. 4; ski club 2,3,4. "masquerading as a man with a reason; my charade is the event of the seasons; and if i claim to be a wise man, it surely means that i don't know." - kansas. lynda lee tepper "tep" "lynda-lee" "friz" bd: 4/27/61; rem for: always being late to art class with a.b.; asw: j.b.s, m.k.o., a.b., "r.d.h.", ni, stephie, burt, b.g.s., grace, d.p.; fay say: "yo gorgeous"; fav mem: Y-36/6/78, 7/7/78, 7/25/78, 9/ 9/78, mea 77, brigantine 76/77/78, W.W. 78, our winter trips; prize pass: my mother, father, grandparents, burt, michael, portfolio, family ring, my ferrari jacket; sec amb: to get my datona ferrari, to take b.u.b. to england; pet peeve: "unsuccessful" years of h.p.

Jeffrey J. Tenore

Lynda Lee TeppE

louise thompson "debbie" "the deb" "sunshine" 34 harding ave, morton; 14/61; rem for: big mouth, criticizing, my walk, nose and tissues; asw: " cheryl. les, barb; fav say: "hi-ih" "adios" "mean or what" "mean!"; fav ,II the mean summers; prize pass: my daddy, family, special friendships, friends, thorton; sec amb: to receive everything i set out for in life; pet "typicals" from morton, iealousy; detention I, 2, 3, 4. "happy are those eam dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." -I. nal suenens

, g. thompson jr. "petie" 18 pennington ave; bd: 10/7/60; rem for: being e; asw: curty smith, eugene iohnson, iose batch; fav say: "what's up"; fav une II, /978; prize poss: my father; sec amb: to prove something; pet john, repairing different things. "being nice. being nice - to someone 1e feel nice inside. it feels iust like you have won a lot of money for the rest life."

Debra Louise Thompson

Vincent G. Thompson Jr.

william taylor thorpe "bill" 400 foulke In; bd: 3/20/61; rem for: swimming, wrestling, actually studying; asw: brad, john, greg, dave, mark, iim, ira, robert, mark, martin, bruce, bill, ron; fav say: "what did you get?" "why?"; fav mem: summers, close calls in brad's car, chemistry 101, movies with doug and rob; prize pass: my family, friends, swimming awards, my sanity; pet peeve: 7th period "road trip" turning into 7th period study hall. wrestling 2,3,4; cross country 3; swimming /,2, 3,4; lit mag 4; debating team 4; war gaming 3,4; youth fellowship 1,2,3,4; nhs; rotary student of the month (nov). michael joseph toal

liam Taylor Thorpe

martin topham "marty" "tops" "topcat" 508 w springfield rd; bd: 5/12/61; rem for: being quiet; asw:d.w., g.f., j.s.; fav say: "see ya later" "take care"; fav mem: week in california; prize pass: family, friends, class ring; sec amb: to do something, become famous; bowling /,2. "momma always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun, but momma that's where the fun is." - manfred manns earth band blinded by the light stephen torna "toad" 442 foulke In; bd: I 1/6/61; rem for: love for nature, collecting skulls; asw: nobody special; fav say: "what a flip"; fav mem: backpacking w/k. downy & g. humphrey, camping w/k. d'ortone & b. stellfox, marsh creek wls ruth & m. gutshall; prize poss: my life, love for nature; sec amb: devotion to preservation of wildlife, live in alaska; pet peeve: money, uncle sam; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; soccer 2, 3, 4; wrestling I; service club; taxidermy. "show me the man who asks an overabundant share of life, in love with more, and ill content with less, and i will show you one in love with foolishness."

Martin Topham

Sail Triggiani

Michael Joseph Toal

Stephen Torna

gail triggiani "gailbe" "b" 275 saxer ave; bd: 2/20/6/; asw: g.m .. I.m.g., I.c., I.g., t.t., c.h., r.i., dalebie; fav mem: memorial park, parties, j.s. house with g.m .. I.g., d.s .. I.m.; sec amb: live in canada; pet peeve: no lums, narks, rahs. "live and let die" diane linda trout "dee" 604 highland ave, morton; bd: 12//7/61; rem for: cutting up people; asw: j.c .. S.w., k.k .. I.w., p.d.; fav say: "shazbot" "you're a tart", fav mem: 7/13/77, shore 76,77, /2/18/77, girl nights; prize pass: ring, spacy; sec amb: get married and adopt sandra, own a new firebird; pet peeve: piraino's, i.p .. broken ankles, hospitals, fat larry, i.p. gills.

Diane li nda Trout

joyce trout "ierce" "ioybird" 604 highland ave, morton; bd: 12/ II /60; fav mem: 10/7/77; prize pass: b.p., martha; per peeve: fat lar., black uniforms and white shoes, little p's, i.b., i.p. mark david troutman "bond" "lifeless" "hook" 1032 westwood dr; bd: 8/ 15/61 ; rem for: the kneegrip, auditorium assaults; fav say: "most interesting"; fav mem: killi ngton, elk neck 78; prize pass: fam ily, fa ith, my fli nt; sec amb: to own a tr 7; per peeve: c.o.w.'s constant embarrassment, "sources of irritation", vacuum brained english teachers; band 1,2; arch 1,2,3,4; soc. servo club 3; german club 1,2,3,4; nhs 4; cross country 3, 4; track 3. 4; dist band 2; dist arch 2, 3,4; del co youth arch I, 2, 3, 4. "all things work together for good . . . to them who are called according to his purpose." - paul. rom. 8:28

Mark David Troutr

Joyce Trout

lisa gun ullman 124 summit rd; bd: 9/8 /61; rem for: g & s, "backing" into answers. reason for everything; asw: i.m. i.l" I.v .. s.l .. s.r .. V.C.; fav say: really?"; fav mem: maine, summer 78, stone harbor 76: prize pass: myrtle; sec amb: to travel around the world; per peeve: worrywarts, not being known for me: chorus 1.2.3,4; social service club 2,3.4; close-up 3; lit mag 3, ed 4; nhs 3. 4. "we may choose something like a star to stay our minds on and be staid." - r. frost

Lisa Gun Ullman

Frederick W. Ulmer

frederick w. ulmer "rick" "cub maris rd; bd: 8/19/61; rem for dylan, being in the goal. beir underclassmen; asw: bit, gut, po fav say: "go for it"; fav mem: i I ber them, states 78, molsons & . b.d. concert, ski trips, times wi prize pass: skis, friends, guitar, my gill; sec amb: live in colora, peeve: couples who have sex hallway; soccer I, 2, 3,4; lacros capt 4; ski club I, 2, officer 3, club 2, 3, 4; choir I, 2, 3, ofl "take a short and straighter co the corner of your life." - yes rosemary ann verrechio "rose" woodland ave; bd: 12/7/61; n being loud, being rowdy, not w about anything. always doing H¡ the last minute; asw: frank, io, colleen, fred, reds, sally, sue; f "smack" "party hardy & I: oogie!"; fav mem: 7/22/78.8/ 78, the loft, 6th lunch w/fred, il acting I & 2; prize pass: frank, friends, memories; sec amb: to rally sport camara, to travel arOl world; per peeve: rahs, shs, baggies, colleen's driving, cal car door; hockey 2,3; partying

laurie kathryn vanpatter 97 sproul rd; rem for: playing piano. mabel. singing; asw: iudy. joan. linda. donna, sue, ro, june. lisa: fav mem: 8/12/78, good times with good friends. albright, calgary. wildwood: prize pass: iesus. family. friends. my piano, honey; sec amb: to publish a book; social service 1,2,3; musical 2. 4; pop group 2,3; La.b.s. I, 2: choir I, 2. 3. 4; chorus accomp. 4; nhs 4. "the lord is my strength and my song. and he has become my salvation."


~ Laurie Kathryn Van Patter

Rosemary Ann Verrechio

tina louise vitali "vi" "tuna" 741 rhoads dr; bd: 3/29/62; rem for: shampoo bottles, double middle areas, adam; asw: all sorts of people; fav say: "are you serious?" "pssst!"; fav mem: pgsa summer of 78, canada, times with "krom", new hope, pam's adventures, allegheny 76; prize pass: family, friends, pgsa; sec amb: to be like my brothers; per peeve: shs, auditions, e.a.f.. wet banana, braces; arch. /band/choir 1,2,3,4; gymnastics I; hockey 2,3,4; musical 2, 4; nhs 3, 4; dist., reg., state, all-eastern arch.; dist., reg. chorus. "i'm sailing away; set an open course for the virgin sea. for i've got to be free; free to face the life that's ahead of me." - styx don vought "tacky" 160 wood rd; bd: 1213 1/60; rem for: not paying attention in physics, betting football pools; asw: mooch, bill, plum, friends; fav say: "i see"; fav mem: winter 76-77; prize pass: stereo system; per peeve: study halls, snobs, slobs. "it's alright" - tom petty

Tina Louise Vitali

Don Vought

kathleen marie walsh "kathy" "kate" 1049 westwood dr: bd: 1 I I 17 I 61; asw: don, kim, laura, glen, v.c.; favsay: "that's excellent"; fav mem: 1/28,213-4-, jr. prom, 6 124-6/29,912-9/5. II I 10, times at the shore, htr; prize poss: friendship, happiness. c.i.: sec amb:own a beach house, be successful; pet peeve: when good times

must end: chorus I; cheerleading 2, 3, co-capt. 4; decor. comm. 2. 4; s.h.c.s. 4; nhs 4: snow queen nom. "the time has come for closing books, and long last looks my friends."


christine marie walter "tina" "tin" "joe" 1061 west ave; bd: 12/2/61; rem for: freckles, putting foot in mouth: asw: cindy, hales, debi, sandy, lori, bill: fav say: "that's life!" "i can't relate" "i.p." "wet wood"; fav mem: 812176,4/20178 (d. & v.m.), 6130177, I I 15178, 4/10177; prize poss: ric, friends, summer of 77, t.w.m.l.; sec amb: to grow a beard and be in a pink panther movie; pet peeve: wet roads, arguments wlcindy, endings; hockey 1,2,3; lacrosse I; exec council 3; scrivener 4: spri-hian 2: chorus 1,2,3,4. "if you love someone you give that someone the power to hurt and pain you in a way nothing else can."

.... Christine Marie Walter

leen Marie Walsh

andrew b. weber" pots" 3 12 avon rd: bd: 12/16/61: asw: bit. gut, joel. cube, marc: fav say: "what's up for this weekend": fav mem: 76, 78 germany, ver-

¡d 524 hawarden rd; bd: 10/28

mont. beach haven 78. talks, walks with friends. I.g .. r.s.p., t.a., special dinners, schmoochie. weekends: prize poss: friends, memories: sec amb: it is: pet peeve: losing. bummin: soccer I, 2, 3, 4: tennis I. 2, capt 3, 4: service club 2, 3. 4: nhs 4: ski club I, 2, 3, 4: german club 1.2.3. pres 4: stirrups 4.

say: "go for it'¡: fav mem: of 78; prize poss: my motorcyamb: to be the next face on more: pet peeve: rainy days; 4: va-tech 2. 3,4: cutting 1,2,


pher drew westcott "wes" ,t" "doc strange" 119 summit 313 I 161; rem for: trying not to al: asw: billa., bob w., dave c., m.l.k.: fav say: "yo!" "eeek!": n: segar 78, alice cooper 78, 78: prize poss: family, very uddies, common sense; sec own a 1937 cord; pet peeve: ne track minded conservatives, 3ck 2. 3. 4: football I: weight3: spri-hian 2, 3. 4; skateboard 2, 3, 4. " . . . some think i'm Jt i have a good time, life's ad to me so far!" - joe walsh

:orinne White

John Ward

Andrew B. Weber

Christopher Drew Westcott

Dorothy Dale Whitcomb

dale whitcomb 'dale' "dalebe" "a-ber.lady' 120 e springfield rd; rem for: taking a nice long vacation in 77, making remember notes to myself, my polluted locker. a natural speed, drawing: asw: myself. my jeans. my bob, sometimes j.t.. C.S .. C.r .. g.g .. gailbe, nicky boy, etc . . . ; fav mem: houston, texas 10/29177. 3 day party in the truck, ashly, the shore. (12/12/ 78), the rats, m.s.: prize poss: my family, bob b., my special little jeff. true friends; pet peeve: people who don't listen when you talk, toothaches, all the rah-rahs in this dive, dehydration. dry times: zip zip I, 2,4: detention I, 2, 4: drop out 3.


corinne white lisa anne whiteside "lee" "geese" 314 morton ave, morton; bd: I I I 14/60; rem for: being myself, being happy; asw: e.n., d.c., p.s .. e.i .. s.d .. w.d., j.t., I.t.. e.b .. k.p .. k.l.; favsay: "that's deep" "what's up" "don't even try it"; fav mem: summer of 76, easter of 77, paulastore new jersey, 8/22178, 11124177, 12124/77,7/4/77, 10131/77,9/20178; prize poss: my car impala '75, c.j .. family, my voice; sec amb: to be successful & happy; pet peeve: people talking loud, but saying nothing: %

hockey I. "why must my color black, make me a lesser man? i thought this world was made for everyman. he loves us all." - stevie wonder

Lisa Anne Whiteside

frederick winkler "doc" 818 evans rd: bd: 9/27/60: rem for: being tall, driving falcon, doing crazy things: asw: nancy, mike, russ: fav mem: summer 78, 9/27/60, fishing at ridley with m,g,: prize pass: nancy, mustang: sec amb: pass chemistry; pet peeve: detention: ski club I, 2, 4, "i don't talk round corners, right between the eyes. if you're slow they'll run past you. stand tall, see them falling over. i walk a straight line, right between the eyes. but iust show me the door, show me someone who'll do it better." - genesis mark d. wittman 55 locust ave: bd:3/5: rem for: being quiet, conservative: faY mem: new hampshire 77, french creek 78, snow camping 78: prize pass: the love of god, flyrod, grandfather's model 12 winchester: sec amb: to hike the entire appalachian trail: pet peeve: long-winded people who say nothing, people who think they're experts: band, orch. I, 2, 3, 4: district band, orch. 2, 3,4: region band 2, 3, 4: region orch. 2, 4: state band 3, 4: soccer I: nhs 4. "in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." - proverbs 3:6

Frederick Winkler

Mark D. Wittmc

christopher h. wolters "waldo" "walt" 513 kerr In: bd: 4/4/61: rem for: driving: asw: fins, iimbo, e.l.p., arch, peli, kenna, t,e.d.: fay mem: 5129-31178, elocin: prize pass: car, stereo: pet peeve: deadlines: baseball I: lacrosse 2,3,4: ski club 2,3.

Christopher H. Wolters

barbara sue woolfall "barb" "woof" "mert" 32 forest rd: bd: 9/26/61: rem for: always laughing, changing my hair, being crazy, always driving: asw: barb, cath, maria, cail, i.b., and other great friends: faY say: "i don't know!" "what do you want to do?": faY mem: summer 78, yes concert & others, cruising, weekends, times with barb: prize pass: memories, friends, family: sec amb: to be happy & successful: pet peeve: fakes, my car, good-byes: band 1,2,3: lacrosse I: c. b-ball mgrs. 2,3,4: business staff 4. "where we are coming from or where we go, we only know we go round and round." - yes

Barbara Sue Wac

bob wright 242 worrell dr: bd: 1112/61: rem for: picking football pools: asw: scott, george, nancy, howard, tom, chris: fay say: "no way" "c'mon man" "good enough": faY mem: summer 77, winter parties 77: prize pass: stereo, bank account, family, friends: sec amb: to be successful and satisfied: pet peeve: disco, librarians: ice hockey: choir I. "when i get to the bottom i go back to the top of the slide where i stop and i turn and i go for a ride til i get to the bottom and i see you again." - beatles wendy lynne wright 273 ballymore rd: bd: 10/6/61: asw: eric: fay mem: times with eric, 7/14178: sec amb: to be happy and successful, to grow: pet peeve: sunburns, arguments, fakes, 3178: band 1,2, 3,4: orch. I, 2, 3,4: gymnastics 2, 3, capt. 4: snow queen nom: nhs.

Bob Wright

Wendy Lynne WI

curtis c. wunder 257 s. norwinden dr: bd: 8/21/61: rem for: being vice pr asw: mike, guy, sue, carolyn, elaine: faY say: "how's life": faY mem: times with mike & pete, sat. d, v.p. I - 4: sports: prize pass: family, friends, id, amb: be rich, famous, happy, healty & loved: pet peeve: burns, snobs, sl prompt & impolite people: vice president 1 - 4: football 1 - 4: wrestlin lacrosse 2: ski club 1 - 4. "nothing ventured, nothing gained" "a pin wil "try to see the good in everybody" "everything in moderation" beth anne wynne 335 franklin ave: bd: 5/1/61: asw: greer, iue, mary: f, summers at O.C., fleetwood mac 78, ei 76, 7/3178, labor day weekend i pass: family, friends, the shore, my piano: sec amb: to marry a prince: pe winter, the log cabin, waiting, wrong names: cheerleading 2, 3, 4: musical & orch. 1,2: ski club 2: spri-hian circ. staff 2,3. "and in the end, the love is equal to the love you make." - beatles

Curtis C. Wunder

nancy lynne yankoski nanc yank' 450 indian rock dr.' bd: 7/4/61: rem for: always having my head together never expecting much. enioying sunny days: fav <ay:sure. o.k. "don't worry about it': fav mem: 78 concerts (yes. al stewart). high old times with my friends. hiking through parks' sec amb: build a home in the country & start a shop of my own: pet peeve: misunderstandings dwelling on the past: lacrosse I: chorus I: hockey 3: golf 4: ski club 4. michele andrea zaffiri 526 yale ave: bd: 8;7/61· rem for: always talking: asw: mariann. cathy. barb. irene. nancy. Iyn. karen. melanie: fay say: 'that's comforting'· fay mem: wildwood 78, trip to canada: prize poss: family: sec amb: to make friends all around the world: pet peeve: having my name mispronounced. waiting. memories may be beautiful and yet what's too painful to remember we simply choose to forget. so it's the laughter we will remember, whenever we remember the way we were.

y Lynne Yankoski

Michele Andrea Zaffiri

ured: .tley v. burke, peter crooke, kamran esmailzadeh, francis k. gibson, kevin m. golden, vincent hughes, joe kristekas, curtis loeb, richard martin, regan, james b. snyder hy.bradley "yo burn" 640 saxer ave: bd: 4/ 16/60: rem for: always losing my shoes: asw: j.g., t.s .. s.n.: fay say: "keep smiling" "take it easy': fay '4176, vacations in florida: prize pass: my friends and family: sec amb: to parachute, to be a race car driver: pet peeve: this school. getting my ·aken. sneaky people, cliques. phone calls that never come. toothpicks. gym class: va-tech 2. 3. "don't cross the river if you can't swim the tide.

men casavecchia "cazz" 414 brighton terr: bd: 5124/61: rem for: the "vega dog": asw: bones, luner. ioe, angel, dean. bruce. don. jill. lori. maria' "damaged" "genesis": fay mem: 1/1178. yes. peter gabriel: prize pass: green leather. rigid: sec amb: go to the bottom of the sea: pet peeve: f-hallways: archeology class: hawk mt. "the day of judgement's come and you can bet that i've been resting for this testing digesting every word irtS say." - genesis. Iamb lies down

hleen ann casella "kathy" 36 mansion rd: bd: 10/ II /61: rem for: sleeping past 12:00: asw: karen p .. lydia k.. donna c: fay say: "this place is dead fay mem: colorado 75-77. florida 78. summer of 77. summer of 73. weekends at west chester, "the buick". the station: prize pass: my hat: sec see the world: pet peeve: shs. rahs. braces. saying good-bye, fakes, two-faced people. morning.

,da lee dickerson "mouchie' "the wan" "red bone" "fat face" 640 south ave. secane: bd: 113: rem for: being crazy, big mouth. r.e.·s. g.h .. smile: d. maria. dunn. john. joey, lisa. deb, eunice b .. whoever feels like being bothered: fay say: "all right" "s.m.b." "f" "square" "huzzy": fay mem: 1/ ) 1130178. 1019178, 12/8178. 11125·26178: prize pass: special person. my car, my rings my family: sec amb: to succeed in whatever i may do ome no. I: pet peeve: people minding other people's business: basketball: track.

n essenburg "cone head" 334 powell rd: bd: 213/61: rem for: being so dense: asw: s.e .. I.d .. p.s .. c.t.. r.m .. h.m .. d.w .. c.w .. a.m.: fay say:'nay ras rowdy out: fay mem: canada trip 78: prize pass: car stereo. dirt bike: sec amb: being independently wealthy: pet peeve: s.h .. g.r.: ice 2.3.4.

mas m. little" tom" "meatball" 1224 providence rd: bd: 6130/60: rem for: doi ng burnouts. cuttys, bongiology class: asw: p.s .. t.b .. m.n .. a .g .. a.m .. w.b .. g.f.: fay say:' sure "all right": fay mem: 6/27178 W.s.o.s.r .. 5/11175 f.w.t.g.: prize poss: "my car": sec amb: "to sell car and get a truck": ve: seeds. rahs. beat car". 6/21178. g.d.g.s.: soccer I: ice hockey 3: bongiology 4: frisbee: golf 2.5: m80s.all the while in perfect time his tears 19 on the ground: but if you don't stand up you don't stand a chance" - genesis

tt ma its" monte" 465 bria rhill rd: bd: 2 I 10/61 : rem for: boots: asw: ci ndy Ii hope): fay say: "excellent I : fay mem: after led zeppeli n s movie the nains the same: prize pass: me, a friend and a case of molson's: sec amb: cin: pet peeve: paraquat. disco. shs: ice hockey 1.2.3,4: rails: work ohio'. up!?'" "hey you well healed. ha. ha charade you are." "well look out helter skelter she comin down fast. yes she is, yes she is. comin down fast

,hara 339 e leamy ave: rem for: being late. having parties. laughing: asw: lisa. maria. lori. ioe. murph. rob. sab. sue. jill call. joe·s. helen: fay say: lour eyes are beat!": fay mem: leaving this dive. alex 9/8178. b.s. 8/18178, great times w/lisa. the human sacrifice. sessions w/cazz: prize pass: ip w/lisa. friends. family. b.s. albums. chrissy: sec amb: to get revenge on norman: pet peeve: summer school. n.m .. time. rahs. "so goodbye: at ade the try: if and when i ever try again one thing will be known to me for sure. i'll go the long way or maybe just the wrong way: i'll never know." berg

II paci "paceo" 629 ceda r In: bd: 5/ 17/61 : pet peeve: disco. "ti red of Iyi ng in the sunsh ine stayi ng home to watch the rain. but you a re young and

19 and there is time to kill today. and then one day you find ten years have got behind you: no one told you when to run: you missed the starting

pink floyd

en parker "frizzy" 26 mansion rd: bd: 2126/62: rem for: my hair and being strange: asw: k.c. and I.k.: fay say: "i know" "g.p.s.": fay mem: colo· and 77. florida 78. trips to west chester and the north east: prize pass: my hat and my dogs. my insanity: sec amb: to be a travelling star·psycholo· . peeve: shs. getting locked out of my house.

schreiber "i" "iran" 765 w springfield rd: bd: 8/24/61: rem for: adidas shirts. boots. always needing a haircut: asw: short people. b.b .. rags. head: fay say: "t.s." "b. patrol": fay mem: summer 76, 77. 78. 79. spectrum concerts. winter 77-78. archaeology: prize pass: adidas shirts. boots. Jipment. allanon, dwendel. friends: sec amb: to become a general and conquer the world!: pet peeve: rags. lateness. waking up. people who say ·k. balin dies. w.l .. s.s .. people forgetting. willy wonka: karate: intramural tennis ..•:·there·s still time to change the road you're on." -led zeppelin

'id andrew stackhouse "dave" "alkie" 54 old state rd: 5122/61: rem for: being left at the courthouse. c.f. at christmas concert. 34. 35. 36: asw: cav say: "always the woman's fault" "this is true": fay mem: christmas concert 78: prize pass: stereo. cycle: sec amb: to graduate: pet peeve: marple·newtown. freshmen: football 3. 4: choir 3. 4: glee club 3: pop group 3: burger king 3. 4: party 3. 4: mckinsey's inn 3.4. "there's more ,sses in this world than there are horses." - b. mccaffery

hael turner "wod" 350 wayne ave: bd: 4124/61: rem for: snow ball fights. monty python impressions. many strange happenings: asw: mike. truck. he drones: fay say: "oui" "really": fay mem: the burning of the school. ted nuggent & golden earring concert. 6/12178.9/23178.8/11178: prize 'tunes. money: sec amb: to become financially well off. own a 4 wheel drive truck: pet peeve: rahs. distortion boxes. faculty. droughts: expanders .3.4: vo-tech 3.4. "no time to lose."

Most Literary/Journalistic "If only you'd remember before ever you sit down to write that you've been a reader long before you were ever a writer." - J. D. Salinger

Lisa Ullman

Bing Mark Most Intellectual

"I sometimes wonder if I think. I heard somewhere abo many thoughts go through the brain of a person. But I c remember anything I'd actually thought, for some time."

Susan Ruch


Bing Mark


Most Musical

"Be still, while the music rises about us; the deep encha Towers, like a forest of singing leaves and birds, Built, instant, by the heart's troubled beating, Beyond all po words." -Conrac

Liz Belk

Dave Chen Most Artistic

"Art is a reaching out into the ugliness of the world for vagrant beauty and the imprisoning of it in a tangible dream." - George Jean Nathan

Tina Vitali


Eric Fowler

Most Creative/Imaginative "All ordinary expression may be explained casually, but creative expression which is the absolute contrary of .ordinary expression, will be forever hidden from human knowledge." - Carol Gustav Jung

Terri Shunk

Kevi n Downey

Most Anti-Establishment college student said it this way: 'No matter what I do in ,ce of authority, I end up a child. It happens even when I know authority. Are we forever children to older or more -ful persons?'" - Thomas J. Cattle

Joyce Jennings

Scott Alburger

1-1-----------------------.....' Most Theatrical ery now and then, when you're on stage, you hear the best a player can hear . . . It is the sound of a wonderful, deep , that means you've hit them where they live." - Shelley Winters

Kathy Shea

George Schmidt

Most Athletic

Nina Cohen

Joe Foley

"First comes the sweat, then comes the beauty." - George Balanchine

Most likely to Succeed "Once more, all goes forward with a kind of simple, ser unself-conscious concentration on the task at hand." . - Bernard T

Fred Bothe

Kim DeWoody

Best Sense of Humor "Humor is man's most precious defense, whether against the encroachments of a fearsome world or against the inner horrors of guilt and despair. - Pascal Covici, Jr.

Susan Morgan

Marc Kozin

Joan Braid

Westley Burke

Most Idealistic "It would be like peering through the viewfinder of an expensive camera and moving the focus button so that all of reality's wondrous edges would disappear behind the images soon to be made permanent." - Thomas J. Cattle

Most Independent

"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself the crowded on a velvet cushion." -H. D. Thol

Mary Shea


Kevin Downey

Most Individual "I walk alone." -Zulu

Nancy Ersek

Dave Plummer

Most likely to Surprise You in I0 Years

leg Courtney

Westley Burke

"Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments." -John ~teinbeck

Most Realistic "Shadows of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow keep my mind at peace, and I am concerned with nothing but the reality of today."

eorge Schmidt ileen Menseck Class Couple und of a kiss is not so rhat of a cannon, but its ~s a great deal longer." Oliver Wendell Holmes

Keith Bupp

Susan Hales

Richard Giachetti



"Progress has not followed stra ight ascending line, but I spiral with rhythms of progess and retrogression, of !volution and dissolution." - Goethe I


Every moment makes way for a new individual within each person. Such is change. Such is life. This book - a relic, a jawbone, a piece of a reality otherwise distant, a cenotaph for the person you were and will never again be.


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