Walk back to a time that will never be forgotten
/ 4
¡ .. A¡time so unique and precious that we shall not fully cherish it until we are gone. 5
Reflect on the way we were and open your eyes to where we are today.
Look into your heart for the dreams of where we shall one day be.
And then walk into tomorrow
The times you chose to share with friends are those you desire again.
i ,/
,I .
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Donald Yost Director of Special Services -".,...--,,",,,.,c--......,,-r
Charles Hable Ass!. Superintendent
School Board Standing: D. Wolstenholme, R. Bullard, T. Williams, N. Thorpe, C. Lee B. Gibbons. Seated: R. Wilson, P.Miller, A. McKee, J. Gattinella, S. Johnson Missing: B. J. Bareis
John Bay Director of Administrative Services
Charles Mclaughlin District Superintendent
Earl Knorr
Richard Castafero
Thomas Gartside
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Charles Garris Social Studies
Dale Fry Mathematics
James Trumbower Language Arts
John Bartley Science
I__ G_U_ID_A_N_CE __I
"" r /
Carl Winters Chairman
/ Janet Way
Patricia Ramoo
Evelyn Carroll
John Tierno
William ¡'vIackrides
Margaret Lamb
George Ege
George Bankert
John Zappacosta Karl Merbreier
Janet Hirt
Carmella Lewis
Joan Dorsey
John Maher Deborah Weiss
Les Landau
Alta Peterson
Braden Montgomery
G. Frank Werley
Sandra Hall
George Irvin
Susan Woodruff
Les Taylor
Janice Brazenor
Helen Sebold
William Speakman
Robert Eley
Dorothy Kellogg
John Stinson
Robert Filson
Barbara Frattura
James Doyle
I Karl Schaefer Jervas Jefferis
Stephan Stefani Richard Locker
James Hornaday Thomas Gallagher
Constance Funk
Thomas Grubb
Nelson Adams Norman McConnell
Ronald LeDonne
Joseph Semeister
Glenn Long
Anne Frye
Yes, my sports fantasy was to be Kate Smith.
I'm sitting in what?
Watch it, Mr. Lee is coming.
I can't believe the centerfold in this notebook.
Yes, I'm free Saturday night, Norman.
I'm guarding the girls room, what does it look like I'm doing?
Boy, I would like to hit that kid!
What did you say?
~ Did you ever feel like your whole world was going to explode, Mr. Hornaday?
Physics is so interesting Mr. Wood.
Come on Mr. Shoemaker, Dance!
Ohhh, my hero. You call this a report???
India Harris
Elizabeth Polini
Aurora Moral
Doris Lamon
Lucille Balukjian
Eula Creed
Helen Beldecos
Patrick Connors
Barbara Engler
Stuart Grogg Distributive Ed.
Jack Peoples
If I stand in here, I won't look so short.
I 1
I. Mary Young
Marie McConnell
Evelyn Thomas
Luca DelNegro
'\ Allen Brennan
1 -
Suzanne Kaminsky
Joy Andrews
-----------------------------,1 11
William Morgan
Kathy Cadden
Nicholas Williams
Charles McCoy
Charles Wilkinson
Harry Bell Jane Brusch
./ .fJ~JjVI!Jjf#
Bruce Yaeck Rick Taylor
Linda Ardao Gladys Hart
Kathy Lear
Rina Galarus
Timothy Boyle
Michelle Richmond
Richard Shoemaker
Emily Baxter
That girl in my small seminar is a real knock out.
You're it.
Oh good, more work!
"Okai ref., I'll give you 10 bucks to let Springfield win Saturday."
"Okay Pete, here's the plan ..."
Kneeling: F. Talone, A. Renaud, L. Prescott. Standing: B. Kline, P. McCabe, j. Lawn,). Irwin, W. Pearson, A. Martin, S. McAdams, D. Maus.
Gene Taylor Director of Bus Drivers
Front row: j. Kilgallen, B. Gambol, V. Martin, F. Brown, A. Massaro, j. Brabec (Director). Back row: D. Fasola, M. McAllister, M. Moore, S. Bennett, C. Mowbray.
lu<,tin D'Ambrosia Di r('elor of Transportat ion
Edwin Livingston Supervisor of Custodians Edward Decker Supervisor of Maintenance
Barbara Powell Maintenance Secretary
E. McCarthy, L. Monk, M. Peterson, J. McBride, R. Bond,). Baird, K. Lithgow
i Main Office: R. Kramer, H. Lightcap, M. Clarke
Guidance Office: E. Trucksess, A. Nelson, E. Petre
District Office: D. French, G. Jones, G. Stango
Sarah Jacobson Attendance Office
Business Office:
M. Omlar, D. Northington, I. Paul, F. Ehrig, E. Ricketts
.~ Mr. Gartside's Office: Helen Lehman
Division of Instruction: M. Yocum, B. Dusak
This yearbook is dedicated to a man who has dedicated twenty four years to Springfield High School, and a lifetime to the profession of education.
Mr. Thomas A. Gartside was born in the city of Chester. After attending elementary and secondary school, he graduated from Chester High School in 1941. Mr. Gartside, the patriot, served in both World War Two and the Korean War. Mr. Gartside the scholar, graduated from West Chester State College with majors in Social Studies and Geography. Being a man of ambition, he earned a Master's Degree from Temple University in 1953 with emphasis in Psychology and Educational Administration. Mr. Gartside the professional began teaching Secondary Social Studies and English in the Chester School District. Mr. Gartside as we know him came to SHS as.a teacher in 1957. He was appointed Dean of Boys in 1959. Mr. Gartside accepted an Assistant Principalship in 1965, a position which he has used to teach the students respect for the rules and ways of SHS. Mr. Gartside the dedicated citizen, served as Recreation Director for the city of Chester and Director of the SHS summer school program for many years. As a teacher of superior knowledge, Mr. Gartside taught graduate courses for Penn State University. Mr. Gartside has served the profession of education for thirty-four years. The school year 1979-80 will be his last year at SHS. We salute you Mr. Gartside for being the kind of person SHS has needed and will never forget. \
What is all knowledge too but recorded experience, and a product of history; of which, therefore, reasoning and belief no less than action and passion, are essential materials. Thomas Carlyle
Mr. Gartside is a part of our school history. As well as being part of school history himself, he has left history at SHS. Through his knowledge and experience, two landmarks were brought to SHS. As a result of his actions as a class sponsor, the cougar that gives our school its source of pride was brought into our lobby. Through his traveling experience in England, he brought our country's history to our school. The replica of the Liberty Bell which is also in our lobby is a symbol of our nation's beliefs and passion. Twenty-four hundred of these bells were made in England, one for each month of independence for our country and its people. It is through the efforts of Mr. Gartside that this piece of history has become a part of our school. It can be said that due to the bell, our school is a landmark to the month of August, 1925, the 1789th month of independence. Bell No. 1789 and the cougar stand as monuments to our country, our school, and most of all, Mr. Thomas A. Gartside. Thank you, Mr. Gartside, for not only teaching us history, but also bringing history to us.
- -
Editors taking their own pictures, Jelly doughnuts, Tim to Tom Terrific, trapped white space, tool lines, late nights, early mornings, losing film, no pictures, no photographers, missing and making deadlines, the always helpful Norm Mc, disgustingly dirty, tiny room, pigging out, headaches, mistakes, dedicated sponsor, satisfaction.
Underclassmen Editors Chuck Klepper, Ted Abel
Editor-in-Chief Li nda Scornajenghi
Typing Editor Beth Brunone
Assistant Editor Tom Mannion
Copy Editor Erika Nelles
Activities Editors Barb Henderson, Susan Maclay
, '-.. Photographers: Dave Burt, Dawn Draves, John Mingle
Faculty Editors
Senior Editors Nancy Dill, Barb Stanley
Staff: Bridget Foley, Shelley Byrne, Caroline Rohr S. J. Warner, Ann Jurecic, Valerie Townsend.
Terry Ruch, Carol Wilson
Literary Magazine
(PE.'thap~ JW pE.HOn
can E.njoy POE.br.y without a C!E.'C-tain
mind. Advisor Mr. Zappacdsta What is the Literary Magazine? It's the last of Ralph's children and M&M's and fireplaces. It's no nukes; long hair, barefeet and knapsacks at Sunday night seances. It's voices - "banal .... bogus ... highschool ish ... sounds forced I know I've seen this before ... let's vote ... yea ... nay." It's memories of Zapp, and thinkin', and Mr. Mudd, and buttons. So what is the Literary Magazine? An excuse to get together and eat.
Editor-in-Chief Barb Henderson
Art Editor Ann Jurecic
Business Editor Sue Maclay 52
Literary EditorCaroline Rohr
....u. Screening Staff - Front: Sue Mark, Francie Rieser, Ted Abel, Renee Kline, Lois Green. Back: Pascal Durand, jocelyn Fowler, john Devine, Ed Voelker, Susan Maclay, Richard Ullman, Barb Henderson, Ann jurecic, Fan Persky.
Art Staff - Front: Lois Green, Francie Rieser, Gail Reganato, Ann Jureclc. Back: Jocelyn Fowler, Missy Handley, Kathie Conlin. Missing: Stephanie Bupp, Caroline Rohr.
Typi;,g editor Karl Bupp
Vol. XLX
Springfield High School
Gallery of Fools and Basically Useless Individuals." Seen on the Scene
Editor-in-Chief Ann Jurecic last seen mumbling "I'll get better."
Assistant Editor Marc Russo dirtywork specialist; resident diplomat.
Features Editor Betsy Rosenberg out for a funfilled day of squirrel watching.
News Editor Carole Woodworth
Business Editor Stephanie DeFrancesco
Sports Editor George Kasnic
Copy Editor Caroline Rohr questions authority.
Page 2
Springfield High Schoo:!
Scandle Rocks SHS Cafeteria
Waiter, what was in the glass? Arsenic, sir Arsenic, I asked you to bring me absinthe. I thought you said arsenic. I beg your pardon sir. Do you realize what you've done, you clumsy fool? I'm dying. I am extremely sorry sir. I DISTINCTLY SAID ABSINTHE! I realize lowe you an apology, sir. I am extremely sorry.
Off the Wall
"It'll get better."
My, isn't this perfunctory.
Don't waste your summer waiting for a savior to rise from these halls.
Abandon every hope all ye who enter here.
"When the battle becomes a farce, the only place of dignity is above it," said the ninth earl, the battle raging farcically beneath him. - TOM STOPPARD
My task which I am trying to achieve is, by the powers of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel - it is, before all, to make you see. - Joseph Conrad Continued on p. 211
Mrs. Gough
Thoughts "Just wait 'till January." "lay-outs and strip ups - this is disgusting J.D. Salinger and Joseph Conrad Schizophrenic writing on the wall. decorating monster squirrel "Marc, have we got a job for you!" "G-d composer',' target practice, "hide the hot pot" "my mug is uglier than your mug!" hroken composer broken camera hroken press no more paper the insult wall- "from Besty with much love"
Standing: G. Furtaw, K. Truell, K. Bupp, D. Preston, E. Nelles, S. Peoples, L. Windle, C. Woodworth, j. Stumpf, L. Scheerer. Sitting: A. Engler, N. Dill, L. Scornajenghi, M. Emas, S. Goebel. In Absentia: B. Henderson, A. jurecic, B. Kracht, S. Maclay, A. Mark, C. Rohr, B. Rosenberg, P.Wood.
Advisor: R. Shoemaker
Officers: Laurie Windle, treasurer, Patty Wood, President, Scott Peoples, Vice-president, Erika Nelles, secretary.
Row 1: S. j. Warner, C. Wilson, ). Mclean, j. Gluck, S. Bambach, B. Selby, D. Ginn. Row 2: ) Brennan, B. Foley, L. Scheppman, S. Byrne, P. Whitman, A. Shell. Row 3: W. Meyer, G. Kasnic B. Inforzato, F. Johns, B. Brunone, G. Warrick, K. Schaaf, D. Patterson, A. Jones, B. Kowalczyk Row 4: C. Reynolds, C. Balchiunas, G. Wilkins, E. Winter, R. Tarone, H. Panczner, D. Wright, ) Fagan, j. Long, D. Taptykoff, P. Kowalczyk
Advisor Mrs. Lamb
front: George Wilkins, Wes Gerstenkorn, Karl Bupp, 2nd: Ann Jurecic, Caroline Rohr, Marc Russo, Betsy Rosenberg missing: Joe DiPietro
"We are to regard the mind, not as a piece of iron
to be laid upon the anvil and hammered into any shape, nor as a block of marble in which we are to find the statue by removing the rubbish, nor as a receptacle into which knowledge may be poured; but as a flame that is to be fed, as an active being that must be strengthened to think and feel- and to dare, to do, and to suffer." - Mark Hopkins, 1836
Executive Council
4th: E. Toussant, D. Mariano, j. Slack, T. Ruch, j. Martin, T. Abel, 3rd: P. Swayze, M. McGuckin, P. Squadrito, L. Dorazio, E. Arch, 2nd: K. McGuckin, F. Glazier, j. Hamilton, ). Shields, 1st: R. Finio, M. Tiger.
officers: Darryl Meade, Nance Fulginetti, Kris Truell, Gloris Warrick, Linda Scornajenghi.
(Advisory Council)
advisor Mr. Shoemaker
3rd: D. Nazzario, L. Furlong, P. Patrucci, T. Covello, E. Woolfall, 2nd: j. Brunson, D. Draves, R. Ruch, M. Furtell, C. Thomas, 1st: K. Bupp, S. Neelan, K. Farrell, L. Gerace
SponsorMr. Young
President Bridget Foley
John Toussaint, Debbie Miller, Patty O'Neill, Sharon Adkins, Charles Martini
Sponsor Mrs. Funk
- -
Club Francais ;
Ou sont les neiges d'antan?
officers: Lois Green, Nancy Marra, Ellen Arch Sponsor: Mrs. Polini
Bakesales Christmas caroling It's About Thyme Pen Friends ... "Wine" and Cheese ... "Bon Appetit."
Front: Ann DeSantis, Alison Graf, Charmaine Corea, Charlie Barner, Lois Green, Ellen Arch 2nd: Nancy Marra, Mary DeSantis, Lisa Owens, Hanet Scheerer, Peggy Kennedy, Debbie Wallace, 3rd: Lisa McHugh, Claire Schilling, Pete Squadrito, Susan Hick, Nancy Long, Renee Kline, Jill Taber, Donna Fala, Sherry Scott, 4th: Tina Roberts, joanne Leibig, Kathie Schaaf, Lisa Scheerer
Deutsch Klub Sponsors: Frau Flickenger, Frau Harris
front: C. Corea, M. Long, A. Hartline, M. Winters, j. Dyson, B. Moss, K. Bupp, A. Aufall, 2nd: M. Scheel, E. Rohr, j. Knorr, C. Barner, R. Ullman, C. Kracht, ). Patchell, K. Ginn, 3rd: P. Squadrito, D. Taptykoff, D. Schmidt, J. Cannon, j. Long, C. Martini, C. Schilling, S. Stephanau, R. Wilson, E. Winter, S. Sanet, G. Onimus missing: j. McFassell, C. Weber, M. Dalkilic, M. Kearney, B. Kracht.
officers: front: Charlie Barner, Elizabeth Rohr back: Ed Winter, Steve Sanet
60 . ._ _
Circulus Classicus
.Latin and ยงuEk a'tE not d~, thEy au immo'ttal. Miss Balukjian
front: Nancy Long, Rich Stones, Jennifer Knorr, Lois Green, S. J. Warner. back: Pete Squadrito, Tom Mannion, Lisa Scheerer, Ted Abel, Sue Rosenberger.
Club de Espanal officers: front: Maura Gillespie, Sue Convayback: Jean Misciagna, Tom Covello
much j,anity may bE madnEH and thE maddHt ofall, to j,EE lifE aj, it ij, and not aj, it j,hould bE. ......~ o1/lan of .La o1/larwha "fJoo
front: Jean Misciagna, Maura Gillespie, Sue Conway, Tom Covella, back: Jean Krimmel, Ray Wilson, Audrey Smith, Jennifer Knorr, Charmaine Corea.
Mrs. Moral
. ._ _ 61
Goodbye Otts ... TackyTacky-Tacky ... 6th grade PT A performance ... Get off my cloud ... Sob session ... Don't break my concentration ... Look real tears! you can't identify my puke ... the couch ... I do, I do, as a matter of fact, "I" ... When will the new theater be done? ... Curtain ...
"I wear my shackles more contentedly for having respired the breath of an imaginary freedom." - Charles Lamb
Springfield Theater Workshop
"front: Nick Smargiassi, Dominic Pirocchi, Dave Garton, Tim Maclay, 2nd: Don McNeill, Karen Ginn, Lisa McHugh, Claire Schilling, Patty Wood, Pat McHugh, back: Gregg Larish, Rich Kindt, Robert Smargiassi, Joy Patchell, Joe Casadonte, Murray Scheel, David Rothberg, Pete Squadrito, Jeff Bernard, Steve Lightcap, Mike Scelsa, missing: Nick Ipri, Adam Macks
Sponsor Mr. Stephani
officers: Mark Emas, Jamie Mallas back: Mike McGuckin, Liz Pat rucci, Freemari Johns
sponsor Mrs. Clearfield
Chess Club Your move Bob ... Question Question Question Total Destruction My mind is my kingdom -
T. Campbell
officers: Bill Rombach, john Cannon, Ed Winter
front: B. Kowalczyk, E. Win-
te'r, T. Maclay, D. Selbach, back: j. Cannon, P. Kowalczyk, j. Brennan, B. Rombach.
The vigor of his arm was never in vain. - Dryden
F T I N G .~-
(11-12) front: P. Ghicondey, K. Deluca, S. Deleo, S. Spatocco, T. Mat-
thews, 2nd: B. Mawson, j. Quagliariello, T. Minford, B. Spennato, C. jopski, back: C. Barner, C. Bagby, B. Eastman
, 't:J'-~-"!. \ ' f,~ /'
J. McElwee, j. lessig, 2nd: B. Rombach, ~ George, H. Dessender, Mr. Yaeck, back: K. Barner, B. Domiteo, [ Parokee, j. Civatella
(9-10) front: A. Hartline,
AIDES officers: Todd Johnson, Mark Patriarca
A. V. Aides
sponsor Mrs. McConnell
j·.i;~ "7', ,.
, "
sponsor Miss Young front: L. Carrick, J. Kaiser, D. Snyder, N. Yi, C. Hausline, K. Ginn, back: B. Rombach, R. Kindt, D. McNeill
Video- Tape Crew
front: M. Handley, C. Dursthoff, S. Rosenberger, back: S. Schwartz, J. Patchell, G. Miller, J. Luttrell, D. Dubin, L. Carrick, S. Sterling, msising: D. Jarrell, E. Peterson, B. McDaniel, T. Covella, J. Hunn, L. Davis, T. Carpenter, P. O'Donnell.
Cafeteria Workers
front: Debbie Mariano, Nancy Long, Dave Snyder, Craig Hausline, 2nd: Christine Flemming, Tanya Baldwin, Doreen Logan, Steve Deruschi, Jim Willis
Locker Problems president Betty McCullough
front: Tina Cecchini, Debbie Verna, back: Sherry Jackson, Jon Stanley, Betty DeCarlo, Betty McCullough
Service Club
sponsor Mr. Stephani
Debate Club sponsor Mr. Maher
front: Steve Klepper, Lois Green, Dave Barrett, Ray Wilson, back: Mr. Maher, Tom Mannion, George Teplica, Joe DiPietro, Charles Martini, Murray Scheel
The lamp, lamp, lamp of the body, body, body is the eye, eye, eye. If your eye, eye, eye, eye ...
is sound, sound, sound, sound, your whole, whole, whole, whole body, body, body will be filled, filled, filled, filled, filled, filled, filled, filled with light, light, light, light.
Music soothed the lunatics and kept them amused.
Sopranos: First row: Lisa Buchanan, janette Walls, Mary Hoath, jill Slack, Lori Perracchia, Kathie Schaaf, Nancy Long, Valerie Laguna, Laurie McConchie, Lisa Russo. Second row: Lisa LaPorta, Doris
Director: AI Brennan
Sinclair, Nancy Gaines, Lisa Lynch, Gloria Warrick, Sara Warner, Tibby Tiberini, Sue Shane, Sue Conway, Debbie Beaver. Third row: Kathy Owens, Sharon Adkins, Charmaine Corea, Nancy Dill, Alicia Engler, Terry Ruch, Audrey jones, Lisa Gosnay. Fourth row: Kris Truell, Aliki Peters, Linda jackman, Donna Richards, Carole Woodworth, Ruth Holland, Sue Mearkle.
Officers: Clockwise: Terry Ruch, Freeman johns, Ted Abel, Russel Atkinson, Carole Woodworth.
Altos: First row: Gwen Buscaglia, Melanie Armstrong, Nancy Marra, Audrey Smith, jill Slack, Barb Belfiglio, Peggy Kennedy. Second row: Caroline Rohr, Lisa Scheerer, Debbie jarrell, Karen Cox, Jamie Mallas, Charlotte Holdsworth, janice Baldwin. Third row: Roseanne DiBello, Sue Stocker, Linda Mathews, Annette Gildner, Chris Hartzell, Lesa Hornaday, Karen Cosimano, Susan Maclay. Fourth row: Wendy Skammer, Karen Zurl, jean Misciagna, Camille Salentino, Lynn Bevan, Maureen Imming,
Barb Henderson, Sue Sterling.
Tenors and Basses: First row: Charlie
Barner, Marty Misciagna, Charles Klepper, Scott Brown, Ted Abel, joe Brennan, Mark Patriarca, Garth Elias, Bruce Linton. Second row: Russel Atkinson, Richard Tarone, Steve Lightcap, jeff Hanna, Marc McClure, Freeman johns, Todd johnston. Third row: Bob Duffy, Andy Mark, jim Layon, Tom Minford, Adam Macks, Chris Woodworth, Skip Tettemer.
H'rum, H'rum ... Uncle AI's place ... German ... Latin Hebrew ... English How do you pronounce that? ... da-da-dda-da (A favorite A. J. expression) ... Thank you for your patience Mr. Brennan.
Row 1: Lisa LaPorta, Audrey jones, Barb Belfiglio, Jeanette Walls, Debbie jarroll, Jean Krimmel, jill Slack, Melanie Armstrong, Karen Cosimano, Lisa Scheerer. Row 2: Lisa Kohl, joyce Gluck, Tibby Tiberini, Debbie Beaver, Leigh Ann Scheppman, Peggy Kennedy, Janice Baldwin, Lesa Hornaday, Camille Salantino, Roberta Tepper. Row 3: Sue Mearkle, Donna Rickards, Lisa Gosnay, Linda Owens, Charmaine Corea Sharon Adkins, Doris Sinclair, Carole Woodworth, Pascale Durand, Lulu Bevin, Sue Sterling.
Director A. J. Brennan
Officers, clockwise: Sharon Adkins, Janice Baldwin, Sue Sterling, Tibby Tiberini, Leigh Ann Scheppman, Lisa LaPorta.
District Chorus: Ted Abel, Rich Tarone, Elizabeth Rohr.
"Why NOT anti-nuclear dirges? All the colleges are doing it!"
Officers; I. Luttrell, D. Barrett, N. Tarone, L. Ferguson
Altos - Row 1: L. Edwards, ). Topham, L. Heavey, S. Hicks, K. Brennan, R. Bingamin, S. Lord, E. Kelly. Row 2: S. Morris, M. Cavallieri, S. Halberg, C. Starr, L. Fulginiti, F. Glazier, j. Udicious,). Davis. Row 3: S. Swan, C. Schilling, ). Fowler, S. Rosenberger, V. Townsend, D. Kolb, M. DeSantis. Row 4: L. Huczko, S. Moon,). Adams, B. Mullin, j. Ferguson, D. Frederick, S. Liberace.
Tenors and basses - Row 1: T. Bradfield, B. Hanna, A. Zufall, G. Fletcher, M. Jones, D. Lanyon, G. Gormley, j. Perna, Row 2: j. Reynolds, C. Esola, D. Barrett, K. Irwin, T. Vlassopoulos, C. Brown, M. Krauter, Row 3: M. Scheel, B. Ruch, S. Bossert, S. Hemphill, B. Hill, P. Conway, J. Casodonte, L. Ferguson. Row 4: N. Bennett, C. Brunken, B. Rombach, P. Krauter, M. Rosser, C. Gerace, K. Mark, T. Scam mer.
Row 1: K. Paul, H. Willis, j. Duca, E. Whitaker, D. Wallace, L. LoMonaca, ). Watts, H. Swank, K. Brennan, P. Ciapanna. Row 2: L. Stanton, D. Maurone, B. Elias, So' King, T. Chestnutt, K. Conlin, D. Carter, C. Kane, J. Luttrell. Row 3: C. Wilson, ). Watson,). Helm, M. Lloyd, M. Sharkey, L. Fulginiti, L. Grassie, M. Cavalieri, S. Liberace. Row 4: C. Calla, D. Byrne, K. Bailey,). Fowler, L. Heavey, T. Hoffman, R. Schott, D. Angelucci, D. Billingsley. Row 5: D. Root, D. Frederick, H. Hirth, S. Mcintyre, D. Vogelsong,]. Kain, L. Davis, K. Peoples, I. Ferguson, L. Hamilton.
The harmony of a concert, to which you listen with delight, must have on certain classes of minute animals the effect of terrible thunder; perhaps it even kills them. - Voltaire
Row 1: D. Wallace, P. Pontari, C. Kane, L. Aronson, J. Scheerer, H. Willis, A. Nazzario, A. Nair. Row 2: J. Watts, L. Carrick, L. Grassie, D. Carter, T. Chestnutt, D. Pearce, D. Marone, B. Elias. Row]: S. Ullman, R. Schott, M. Sharkey, D. Angelucci, M. Lloyd, E. Hammond, C. Chappie, K. Daily, N. Micolucci. Row 4: L. Davis, P. Stephens, G. Reganato, S. Mcintyre, D. Vogelsong, A. Ferrari, D. Root, N. Tarone, M. Shields.
, Sopranos -
Director A.]. Brennan.
I am always moved by that seldom-used treasure, the sweetness with which most girls can sing. - Cat's Cradle (K. Vonnegut)
Officers -
Clockwise: Ellen Whitaker, Debbie Frederick, Maureen Sharkey, Joan Luttrell. .
Pop Group
Row 1: B. Belfiglio, S. Maclay, E. Rohr, C. Corea, B. Hill, B. Henderson. Row 2: N. Gaines, C. Woodworth, L. Heavey, M. Sharkey, K. Cosimano, G. Elias. Row 3: D. Sinclair, K. Schaaf, N. Long, T. johnston, S. Lightcap. Row 4: T. Abel, F. Johns, M. McTiernan, A. Engler, C. Rohr. Row 5: R. Tarone, R. Atkinson, R. Duffy, L. Hornaday. Director: A. j. Brennan
Boys' Chorus
B. Hill, S. Lightcap, G. Elias, T. Covello, A. Zufall, K. Irwin, D. Gatton, D. Barrett, C. Klepper.
Director: A. j. Brennan
Hey Chick, lie down and wake up, Sue's "problems", consecutives, tap tap, fingers straight, white gloves, do we have to wear our hats, you're late, sports events (practices), m&m, t.t, b.b.b.
Rifles - Laurie Sheely, Kelly McDonnell, Stephanie Bupp, Sgt. janette Walls, Sue Liberace, Sgt. Caroline Clark, Claire Schilling, Chris Hartzel, Eileen Downey
Silks 79-80 ... Friday practices ... never agreeing flasher at practice F.O.A.O Bob the flag boy Saturday mornings and broken lights ... Bus to games and love your yellow shirt ... confetti on cougar ... and finally our song.
Silks -
Sgt. joanne Fagan, Nancy Marra, Linda Mathews, Wendy Scammer, Mary Hoath, Alison Graf, Laurie McConchie, Audrey Smith, Sgt. Dana Broome
Ass't. Drum Major Mark Patriarca
Muddy field, again!?! ... shaving cream 17 in a car Perkins "our diet" the clones ... buns on the bus giraffe D's · .. getta tougha confettied head plumes and clothespins · .. how ya doin'? the great hall fight soda tabs! ... Friday munchies · .. our discussions ... K. C. ... and everlasting friendships.
Back Row I-r: Lorraine Miller, Barb Craig, Pam Stephens, Bonnie O'Neil, Marueen Sharkey, Chris Starr, Sharon Mcintyre, Kathie Lord, 2nd row: Miss Cadden, Debbie Thomas, Lisa Serafino, Beth Moss, jean Watts, Gwen Buscaglia, Captains: Nancy Gaines, Karen Keinath, Lisa Lynch.
Row 1: J. Bernard, B. Engelbrecht, j. Stango. Row 2: M. Bowlby (principal), D. Ginn, F. Gaines. Row 3: T. Mannion, D. Alshouse, j. Martin, R. Wilson. Missing: A. Mark (principal baritone) c
Director L. DelNegro
Row 1: D. Schmidt (principal), L. Edwards, K. Tedaro, j. Kuzmack, A. Stolis, j. Scheerer. Row 2: j. Dyson, G. Fala, j. Knarr, D. Longhurst,). Taber, C. Weber. Row 3: N. Fulginiti, G. Ferguson, ). Reynolds, j. Lessig, H. Hirth, S. Moon, ). Downey, L. Gosnay. Row 4: S. Macera, R. Kindt, M. Rosser, P. Conway, P. Barry, D. Lyons, S. DiMarco, j. Cannon.
Row 1: j. Brennan (principal), B. Bingamin, V. Brown, K. Ginn, C. Baxter. Row 2: C. Barner, D. Thayer, R. Stones, K. Lynch, A. Shane, D. Rosser. Row 3: E. Roberts, G. Onimus, P. Kowalczyk, P. Ghicondey, D. Buchy, N. VanValkenburgh, T. McFadden.
Managers: Tina Roberts, Tom Mannion, Lisa McHugh.
Rm', i: V. Townsend (principal), M. Wilson, K. Yocum, D. Preston, B Nicholson. Row 2: j. Grelis, j. Rosse, T. johnston, S. Kolb.
Student director Tom Mannion
Marching in the cold and dark, crowded closet, Bucks for band, Where's my uniform?! disintegrating plumes, uniform fittings, taking apart the giant erector set, the infamous warp, Band sure is a trip!
Row 1: P. Whitman (principal), S. Conway, C. Rohr, j. Bupp, K. Kampmeyer. Row 2: L. Carrick, K. Brennan, S. Hick, T. Bettinger, L. Closs, P. Bailey. Row 3: C. Halberg, K. Lord, J. Leibig, C. Furtaw, D. Kolb, R. Holland, C. Woodworth,
Officers: Nick VanValkenburgh, jeff Fry, Beth Bingamin, joe Brennan (President)
S. Mearkle.
Row 1: M. Rieder (principal), T. Bradfield, D. McNulty, J. Gaines. Row 2: C. Lawrence, j. Patriarca (principal), K. Barner, D. Bollinger, M. Parson, M. Tiger, D. Burt. Row 3: M. George, j. Hoerman, j. Everett, R. Freisner, D. McCullough, R. Oliver, B. Warrick. Missing: S. Arnold, T. McClellan, B. Penn. Row 1: C. Wilson (principal), D. Taptykoff, F. Persky, K. Hughs, C. Petrillo. Row 2: j. Mahoney, H. Dessender, M. Long, j. Adams, S. Halberg, j. Fry (principal). Row 3: F. Macera, P. Whitman, M. Patriarca, D. Netting, j. Long, j. Ferguson, B. Kowalczyk.
Orchestra 6"11.uj.id ij. edifying, f07- from timE. to timE. it thE. 2OU[ in operation. - John CagE. j.dj.
Director: L. DelNegro
Row 1: S. Romano, S. Ullman, E. Rohr, K..5chaaf, K. Handley, B. Moss, N. Gaines. Row 2: K. Walsh, R. DiBello, G. Warrick, T. Chestnutt, J. Fowier, S. Stocker (principal), L. Scheerer, L. McHugh. Row 3: D. Giachetti, N. Grant, A. DiSantis, K. Fry, R. Tarone, j. Stango, j. Brennan. Missing: S. Arnold, j. Davis, S. Stephanou, K. Mcintyre.
Row 1: V. Townsend (principal), E. Nicholson, K. Yocum, D. Preston, C. Baxter. Row 2: j. Rosser, C. Harner, N. VanValkenburgh, S. Kolb, D. Buchy, P. Ghicondey, T. McFadden. Missing: T. johnston, C. Woodworth.
Student Director Joe Brennan 80
Officers: Valerie Townsend, Tim McFadden, Kevin Barner, Steven Kolb, Susan Maclay. Missing: Andy Mark. (President)
Row 1: P. Whitman (principal), K. Kampmeyer, C. Petrillo, D. Taptykoff. Row 2: S. Conway, C. Rohr, S. Halberg, R. Holland, C. Wilson (principal).
Row 1: D. Schmidt (principal), C. Halberg, A. Stolis, D. Netting, K. Hughs, N. Fulginiti. Row 2: S. Macera,). Adams, C. Weber,). Ferguson,). Long
Row 1: S. Maclay (principal), M. Rieder, H. Swank, S. Moon, K. Brennan, M. Imming. Row 2: A. Mark (principal), B. Henderson, S. j. Warner, E. Hammond, M. DeSantis, j. Leonard,). Golton. Row 3: L. Hornaday (principal), T. Mannion, D. Lyons, M. George, M. Long. Missing: C. Schilling.
Row 1: J. Patriarca (principal),). Everett, T. Bradfield, K. Barner, B. Engelbrecht. Row 2: M. Bowlby, (principal), j. Martin, D. Alshouse, D. McCullough, R. Freisner.
5 p a g h Begging for Band
e t t
Managers: Lisa McHugh, Tom Mannion, Claire Schilling 81
DISTRICTS REGIONALS AND STATES State Orchestra-Lesa Hornaday, Valerie Townsend, Steve Kolb, Susan Stocker. Missing: Andrew Mark, Elizabeth Rohr
State Band.- Pam Whitman
Regional Band - Front: Caroline Rohr, Andrew Mark, Pam Whitman, Pete Ghicondey. Back: Sal Macera, Val. Townsend, Chris Weber, Doris Schmidt, Steve Kolb, David Lyons.
District Orchestra -
Front: Lisa Scheerer, Kathie Schaaf, Gloria Warrick, Roseanne DiBello. Back: jocelyn Fowler, Susan Stocker (1st chair), Elizabeth Rohr, joe Brennan, Richard Tarone. Missing: Sarah Arnold, julie Davis.
~E a trE thE mU1.-Lc imakE7.-1.- and WE a 7.-E I
:thE d 7.-EamE7.-1.- of i
Regional Orchestra - Front: Richard Tarone, Elizabeth Rohr, Joe Brennan. Back: Andrew Mark, Susan Maclay, Lesa Hornaday. Missing: Tom Mannion
District Band - Row 1: John Patriarca, Don Ginn, Jeff Everett, Joe Brennan, Row 2: David Lyons, Mike Rieder, Val Townsend, Pete Ghicondey, Tim McFadden. Row 3: Todd Johnston, Mark Bowlby, Tom Mannion, Dan McCullough, Steve
District Band -Front: Pam Whitman, Caroline Rohr, Sue Conway. Back:. Sal Macera, Doris Schmidt, Chris Weber, Skip Netting.
Caroline: Oh, deep inner meaning! George: Nahhh!
"Out damn spot!"
Raught, raught No. we take Mr. Knorr hostage before bombing the guidance office.
Gee, this is a blast, but I wish I didn't have that corn stuck in my teeth!
The April-fresh smell of Downey
White man's burden
Another hapless victim of Brady Bunch addiction
Editorial comment
Herd of Tubas Americanus
You took the money for what? -"'-
Heh, sure plumes are "in!"
I t Come out of there you!
"He was a fiddler and consequently a rogue" -Swift
Look! /found the pizza!
E1-tw.gon: !J can't go on tifu: thi1-. Q/tadimi't: fJhat'1- what you think. ~amuEt !BECkEtt l'Waititzg 90'l godat
Ros.: Shouldn't we we be doing something constructive? Guil.: What would you suggest? A short, blunt human pyramid? Ros.: We could go. Cui!.: Where? They have us placed now. If we go wandering off we'll be chasing each other around all night. - Tom Stoppard
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
. . . . '.IM:
I meant to tell my daughter before she fell asleep with the radio blaring that it's okay to eat humble pie but she must never accept stale bread. - Maureen Howard Facts of Life
Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward. - Kierkegaard
-,She knew quite well ... that the roads ahead were hidden, that she had as yet no map. You wanted none of the lives you saw about you and at present saw no way to any other. But the thing was to keep your head, to be still and watchful, and walk into no traps. The thing was to have patience, and to build a high fence about the precious distant freehold, your own future ... - Kate O'Brien
There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth and every common sight, To me did seem. Apparelled in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it hath been of yore; Turn whereso'er I may, By night or day, The things that I have seen I now can see no more. -William Wordsworth . Ode: Intimations of Immortality Underclassmen find themselves rocketed into an atmosphere where mutations occur incessantly. In a tug of war between individuality and belonging, underclassmen pave the way toward a better understanding of themselves. They, more than any other group in the school feel the miracles of change.
_ _ _- - L
CLASS OF 1983 FRESHMEN .. Lost in the Hallowed Halls of SHS .. The beginning of a NEW life .. Health Classes ... The JOY of three more years at SHS
S. Arcidiacono
j. Bailer
P. Bailey
K. Barner
D. Barrett
T. Bettinger
W. Bevan
A. Batch
L. Battiste
D. Beaver
j. Bernard
R. Bewley
B. Bingaman
B. Blunt
D. Blythe
D. Bollinger
M. Bolton
C. Borden
S. Bossert
T. Bradfield
A. Bradley
S. Brattini
K. Brennan
M. Briddell
F. Bralley
M. Brown
V. Brawn
C. Brunken
W. Buchanan
j. Buck
R. Buczacki
j. Bupp
B. Burke
C. Burke
C. Calla
D. Byrne
C. Carglena
M. Carmolingo
j. Carozza
S. Carpenter
M. Carroll
j. Casadonte
B. Casey
P. Ciapanna
L. Cicconi
S. Ceiestino
T. Chestnutt
J. Comero
K. Conlin
P. Conway
M. Cress
j. Crisconi
L. Daley
K. Daily
L. Davis
M. Davis
>/ /' "J. f ~ : G. Del fuffo
S. Dennis
M. DiBiase
C. Diehl
S. DeRuschi
A. DeSantis
H. Dessender
R. DiEmidio
N. DiFonzo
A. DiGregorio
D. Dimaio
D. DiMarcelio
S. Donato
S. Doshi
J. Downey
D. Dubin
j. Duca
C. Dursthoff
L. Edwards
B. Elias
C. Fabrizio
j. Farace
K. Farrell
C. Faulkner
]. Ferguson
L. Ferguson
M. Fortel
G. Fichter
C. Fickes
R. Finio
T. Finley
G. Fletcher
D. Frank
R. Fratoni
R. Frazier
D. Fredrick
C. Furtaw
]. Gaines
]. Garrity
D. Garton
M. George
C. Gerace
F. Glazier
S. Gluck
]. Golton
G. Gormley
]. Grant
N. Grarit
M. Greb
P. Green
M. Grosso
E. Guttschall
W. Hagarty
T. Halbach
P. Hajinian
S. Halberg
T. Fredrick
D. Giachetti
R. Gibson
W. Herrera
C. Horn
J. Hill
D. Hoy
P. Hill
j. Hamilton
L. Hamilton
E. Hammond
B. Hancock
J. Hanrahan
R. Hardie
A. Hartline
R. Hausman
A. Hilliard
M. Hines
H. Hirth
M. Hodnett
T. Hoffman
L. Huczko
K. Hughes
K. JaCkson
L. james
G. Kearney
M. Kearney
Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away -Marcus Aurelius Antonius We are in bondage by the law in order that we may be free.
D. jackman
T. Jefferson
N. jennings
M. jones
E. Kapczynski
E. Kelly
H. Kerns
P. Kerns
K. Kiley
S. King
B. Kline
L. Kloss
D. Kohl
D. Kolb
K. Kasparian
K. Krachuk
K. Kutufaris
G. Labutis
D. Lanyon
B. Larkin
R. Larkin
]. Laspina
B. LeBlanc
]. Lessig
E. Levin
V. Lima
). Little
M. Lloyd
M. Long
S. Lord
D. Lousinian
]. Luttrell
]. Mahoney
L. Mallon
M. Martin
S. Maudlin
T. Mayberry
). McCullough
]. McEneaney
B. McFassel
K. McGuckin
K. Mcintyre
P. McKernan
M. McKinley
K. McKnight
S. Mandras
D. McGarvey
N. McGlade
K. McLaurin
C. McNamara
R. Mead
N. Micolucci
A. Mills
L. Minissa
C. Montonaro
_~ ~A
S. Krewson
L. Mozzoni
J. Mollock
B. Murphy
A. Nazarides
A. Nazzario
D. Nazzario
R. Neal
E. Nicholson
L. Nocella
C. Older
S. Parker
M. Parson
D. Parsons
K. Paul
C. Petrillo
D. Phillips
D. Pirocchi
M. Pratzner
R. Price
R. Quagliariello
j~T. Newnam
R. Orcutt
C. Overdevest
D. Pearce
R. Pearse
K. Peoples
R. Pitts
R. Plummer
P. Pontari
D. Pope
C. Porta Ie
M. Quinlan
K. Rice
). Riviello
J. Riviello
T. Rochester
S. Romano¡
D. Rossano
D. Rothberg
T. Rush
R. Russo
D. Santini
T. Schaffer
j. Scheerer
K. Scheppman
S. Schwartz
A. Shane
j. Shea
M. Shields
M. Siedzikowski
j. Skammer
W. Slabaugh
N. Smith
R. Sorenson
j. Spargo
E. Stagliano
N. Stanley
C. Stanton
j. Stephanou
C. Stephans
H. Swank
j. Taber
S. Taylor
D. Thayer
M. Thomas
K. Todaro
C. Tofsted
R. Toppi
J. Trotter
O. Truell
j. Tunnell
j. Udicious
S. Ullman
T. Vlassopoulos
S. Vultcalt
D. Wallace
M. Walsh
B. Warrick
D. Wenitsky
B. Whelan
E. Whitaker
C. Wilson
M. Winter
C. Wright
B. Wright
K. Yocum
S. Young
K. Zebley
j. Seitz
N. Smargiassi
M. Wilson
All that is gold does not glitter, all things that wander are not lost. - J. R. R. Tolkien The Fellowship of the Ring
Enjoying SHS
Soon we will be leaving these hallowed halls ... torever.
CLASS OF 1982 SOPHOMORES .. No longer the youngest in the school. .. Geometry: those fabulous proofs! .. Driver's ed . . . The soph hop.
~ ;~-
President Peter Swayze A Caution to Everybody
Consider the auk Becoming extinct because he forgot how to fly and could only walk. Consider man, who may become extinct because he forgot how to walk and learned how to fly before he thinked. -Ogden Nash
Secretary Angie Scalies
TreasLirer Donna Connors
Sponsor Norman McConnell
Vice President Jenny Moore
Sponsor Robert Eley
j. Adams
D. Adams
S. Alfonsi
L. Aronson
P. Barry
C. Barby
N. Berger
M. Borden
L. Borko
D. Angelucci
/7, .
~~'. '_./'
j. Bartolomei
M. Batchelder
M. Beadle
D. Berue
D. Billingsley
K. Bolton
C. Booty
M. Bottos
D. Bowman
j. Boyle
B. Branson
S. Brown
j. Brown
G. Buonadonna
S. Bupp
R. Butler
D. Caffrey
D. Carter
D. Carullo
J. Casella
M. Casey
C. Clarke
L. Cocola
E. Arch
P. Carney
T. Carpenter
J. Cecala
C. Collova
M. DeSantis
L. Dessender
E. DeWoody
P. Donall
E. Donlan
L. D'Orazio
M. Ervin
R. Ervin
C. Esola
j. Fowler
). Fry
L. Fulginiti
S. Compton
D. Connors
R. Costagliola
R. Crouse
M. Dalkilic
S. Davis
S. Davis
P. Davison
C. Delluso
D. Deluliis
j. DelPiano
A. Deluca
D. Dennis
P. DePietris
j. DiBello
F. DiMaio
L. DiNapoli
K. Dion
I. Disman
P. Dougherty
j. Durham
L. Ecklund
B. Engelbrecht
j. Engle
G. Fala
A. Ferrari
S. Finley
1. Fitzpatrick
M. Gammarino
D. Garcia
G. Gates
M. Geary
R. Corner
S. D'Agosta
A. Graf
L. Grassie
G. Green
C. Hayden
L. Heavey
S. Hemphill
S. Hick
W. Hill
R. Hinkle
t. Hoffman
J. Hood
j. Horvath
J. Hunn
C. jackson
G. Johnston
R. johnston
j. Kain
j. Kaiser
K. Kampmeyer
C. Kane
j. Kane
A. Karvois
C. Kinsey
T. Kirkpatrick
P. Koerner
K. Kozin
P. Krauter
B. Labutis
C. Lahm
j. Leibig
S. Lenker
j. Leonard
S. Liberace
S. Linton
P. Little
P. Livingston
L. Lomonaco
D. Longhurst
B. Lovell
D. Lyons
T. Maclay
C. Maits
F. Gerace
). Handline
W. Hallman
G. Mallon
C. Mancuso
D. Mannino
C. Mark
S. Martin
J. Martielli
A. Matarazzo
T. McFadden
D. McGillan
M. McGon igle
l. McHugh
F. Molitoris
j. Moore
S. Morris
T. Mossman
j. Murphy
C. Musi
J. Myers
R. Neal
D. Netting
T. McCarthy
K. McDonnell
j. McElwee
S. Mcintyre
l. McKale
E. McManus
D. McNulty
M. Meriano
D. Micolucci
l. Miller
R. Mirenda
A. Misciagna
C. Mogavero
R. Mogavero
R. Neu
S. O'Hara
S. O'Meara
S. Over
L. Owens
S. Pappa
G. Parker
). Patchell
). Perkins
D. Perna
M. Perpiglia
F. Persky
E. Peterson
K. Reid
). Reynolds
V. Rice
F. Rieser
G. Romaszka
W. Rombach
D. Root
S. Rosenberger
j. Rosser
M. Rosser
A. Rossiello
P. Porter
G. Potts
W. Preston
). Pugliese
P. Pugliese
). Regan
G. Reganzato
I. Reid
). Ring
M. Ristine
C. Roberts
C. Roe
K. Saraceni
M. Saylor
A. Scalies
C. Scalies
M. Scheel
C. Schilling
R. Schott
S. Schwarz
A. Scornajenghi
D. Scott
D. Selbach
T. Semanik
W. Sentman
L. Shank
L. Shank
M. Sharkey
M. Sherlock
J. Shields
M. Siano
A. Siegel
K. Rudisill
S. Sacco
S. Salerno
S. Sandler
L. Sheely
L. Shell
]. Shell
M. Sherer
T. Spatocco
P. Squadrito
C. Starr
P. Stephens
P. Swayze
P. Wittman
G. Zafiropoulos
N. Tarone
N. Yi
rev~ R. Stones
J. Topham
V. Townsend
). Toyzer
D. Ulmer
W. Villano
P. Vitullo
T. Voelker
D. Vogelsong
T. Wade
T. Walsh
J. Watts
). Whelan
M. Wildason
K. Winkler
L. Thorpe
M. Young
S. Swan
CLASS OF 1981 JUNIORS ... Did you have your ring turned 81 times? ... American studies . . . . The junior prom ... Only 1 more yeC'r at SHS
President John Martin
Get used to thinking that there is nothing nature loves so well as to change existing forms and to make new ones like them . . -Marcus Aurelius Antonius
Treasurer Randy Freisner
Secretary Audrey Smith
Sponsor Stephan Stefani
108 .
Vice-President Sue Sterling
Sponsor Connie Funk
B. Adair
A. Arrell
B. Arzt
C. Barner
D. Barasation
T. Albanese
S. Arnold
R. Asbury
C. Bagby
). Barr
R. Bateman
S. Beadle
G. Beam
C. Bell
L. Bevan
R. Biela
). Bierkoven
M. Bowlby
L. Bitar
K. Apostolu
R. Branton
). Brolley
D. Brown
T. Brown
T. Buczacki
B. Buonadonna
D. Burt
G. Buscaglia
). Camaratta
S. Carrick
). Carroll
D. Carter
K. Caton
L. Chaippini
D. Ball
K. Boyle
B. Bradley
). Bryson
L. Buchanan
F. Ciarrocchi
V. Cicchinelli
S. Clifford
). Colaprete
F. Collins
D. Conrad
S. Conway
M. Coppa
K. Cosimano
]. Costagliola
T. Coveiio
c. Cox
B. Craig
D. Crowell
]. Damiano
M. Davis
S. DeFrancesco
). DelioBuono
L. DeLuca
S. Deserio
D. Devine
E. Devine
D. DiCicco
D. DiGiacomo
D. DiGiacomo
S. DiMarco
T. Dion
M. Dolhancy
R. D'Ortone
T. Driscoll
R. Eastman
A. Ecklund
G. Elias
M. Fabrizio
D. Fala
C. Fasy
C. Ferrier
A. Finio
M. Finnegan
D. Fitzpatrick
L. Flannery
D. Foley
B. Finley
C. Foy
M. Fox
R. Freisner
T. Frederick
L. Furlong
F. Gaines
j. Ganzelli
M. Gelsomini
L. Gerace
s. Ghazikian
A. Gildner
M. Gillespie
D. Goldsborough
L. Gosnay
E. Grant
C. Greb
L. Green
P. Green
M. Greskoff
P. Groome
v. Hagopian
C. Halberg
K. Handley
L. Hanrahan
B. Harrington
L. Harris
C. Hartzell
K. Heberling
j. Holstein
). Hopple
K. Horan
K. Hardie
vi. Hetherington
M. Hoath
M. Hodnett
K. Hoffman -"i>'.
L. Hornaday
w. Howard
M. Huczko
M. Hughes
A. Huntzinger
C. Hushion
D. jarrell
A. Jefferson
C. Jopski
C. Kallinen
C. Knaff
). Knorr
W. Kaminski
S. Kearney
M. Kerns
S. Klagholtz
S. Klepper
L. K.osta
A. Kozin ..
C. Kracht
M. Krausse
J. Krill
N. Kutufaris
V. Laguna
J. Lanyon
G. Larish
M. Larkin
P. Larkin
H. Larrimore
L. Lawthers
C. LeBlanc
S. Lightcap
B. Linton
B. Little
D. Little
B. Lord
F. Macera
S. Macera
D. Mariano
R. Mark
C. Kavanaugh
J. Martin
D. Massimini
S. Mattei
M. McFeeley
L. Matthew
C. McCloskey
L. McConchie
S. McCrossin
D. McCullough
D. McCullough
R. McDaniel
B. McElwee
J. McFassel
P. McKnight
K. McGonigle
C. Meyer
J. McManus
M. Misciagna
). Moore
J. Morgan
D. Morroni
L. Natale
C. Naughton
D. Nazzario
D. Nazzario
M. Nazzario
J. Neelan
J. Newnam
B. O'Brien
). O'Hara
L. Peracchia
K. Owens
C. Paciocco
J. Patriarca
P. Patrucci
s. Paxton
M. Petroski
J. Quagliariello
F. Otto
R. Penza
M. Raneri
J. Reynolds
S. Reynolds
E. Rohr
R. Ristine
R. Rossano
G. Rush
C. Salatino
J. Schaffer
f-C-.- -
R. Ricchi
L. Russo
M. Rieder
M. Schenck
D. Schmidt
P. Schenck
R. Scott
S. Scott
C. Sentman
.• >'+-,,-.
.. '.", \" t;.
\ ·'·iI .~
L. Serafino
S. Shane
K. Sharp
E. Single
j. Slack
A. Smith
C. Smiih
j. Soltner
H. Speis
R. Spennato
J. Stanley
S. Stephanou
S. Sterling
S. Stocker
M. Taylor
R. Tepper
A. Thomas
D. Thomas
K. Thomas
j. Thompson
W. Thornton
D. Thorpe
j. Thorud
G. Thurwanger
M. Tiger
R. Toney
A. Torna
j. Touring
E. Toussaint
M. Tracz
j. Triozzi
R. Ullman
N. VanValkenburgh
j. Vlassopoulos
E. Voelker
j. Wallace
D. Warrington
A. Weatherby
C. Weber
E. Welch
s. Westcott
M. Wilkins
A. Wilkosz
R. Wilson
D. Winkler
R. Wolfgang
M. Woodruff
E. Woolfall
L. Woolston
C. Wright
N. Wright
j. Bartolomei M. Borden G: Buonadonna T. Carpenter j. Casella C. Delloso P. E>ePetris
M. Ervin D.Fo T. G~osso . j. Pugliese S. chwarz
f~~~ 9 ----
G. Bahl K. Frye ). McGarry G. Morrow M. Nave J. Striby L. Waldie T. Warrington P. Wilkes .'
-----~--- ~ - -- -. ---.
GRADE A. Boyle S. Corse R. Devennie M. Finnegan C. Fleming D. Giffin L. Martin A. Micola S. Nath ).Overdevest K. Reimund P. Wilson
C. Bailer ). Belk K. Bloomingdale ). Dillman D. Fox T. Grosso S. Huynh D. Snyder D. Wakumski D. Whitpan
Basketball sure beats this.
A typical SHS student.
// //
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/ /
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/ 123 /
W. Meyer
B. Larkin
R. Poole
Co-Capt. G. Stevenson
Co-Capt. F. McKnight
L to R, Sitting: N. Kutufaris, j. Ramsden, R. Corner, T. Wade, G. Bennett, T. DeWoody, M. McGuckin, C. Meyer, M. Petroski, j. Kane, D. Berue, G. Kasnic, S. Brown, C. Knaff, C. McCloskey, Kneeling: M. Siano, B. Larkin, C. Woodworth, P. Schenk, S. Compton, M. Carullo, D. DiGiacomo, j. Davis, j. Camatatta, T. Sullivan, W. Meyer, B. Penn, 1. O'Neil, F. Perpilia, M. Wilkins, Standing: D. Morroni, Mgr. R. Edwards, Coach D. Bean, Coach L. Landau, R. Duffy, B. Penza, B. Butler, j. Hagarty, R. Poole, G. Reuling, D. Dejuliis, j. Stumpf, Co-capt. F. McKnight, Co-capt. G. Stevenson, j. Mauro, R. Burdumy, L. Mastroianni, E. Toussaint, D. McCullough, P. McKnight, Coach H. Bell, Head Coach W. Mackrides, Mgr. j. Toussaint Missing: Coach L. Taylor
G. Reuling
F. Perpilia
B. Penn
j. Davis
M. Carullo
R. Duffy
C. Woodworth
J. Mauro
J. Stumpf
cones and August heat ... Laps ... double practice sleds ... cougars twice, Are you ready? sprints ... smegma heads . .. the henpecked boys . .. Locker room songs and tunes ... Gott cooler ... Cougar curtain ... "Unless you're afraid" ... long bus rides home Stone"The face, "Oh my, he smiled!" ... Haverford upset next play is the most important one of the game." The banquet, Mr. Shoemaker . .. Walt's falls. The good times . .. the bad times . .. the sad times . .. the joys, the heartaches ... A part of our lives which has influenced us in many ways and will remain with us forever.
L. Mastroianni
G. Kasnic
Cap't. D. Meade
Tri-Cap't. R. Mullineaux
Tri-Cap't. G. Koerner
Bottom I to r: D. Devine, S. Peoples, Cap't. G. Koerner, Cap't. D. Meade, Cap't. R. Mullineaux, B. Selby. 2nd Row l to R: Mgr. T. Abel, D. Ryan, G. Schmidt, L. Flannery, M. johnston, j. Lanyon, G. Furtaw, D. Rosenberger 3rd Row l to R: Coach W. Speak¡ man, D. Ulmer, G. Mallon, j. Barr, T. Kirkpatrick, D. Alshouse, j. Martin, Coach R Locker, Coach G. Quedenfeld
M. johnston
B. Selby
D. Rosenberger
G. Furtaw
S. Peoples
D. Ryan
Undefeated pre-season parties before each Satpracticing in the mud . .. urday game . .. hogwash internals . .. bad weather all season long . .. Marple Game . .. at one time being ranked fifth in the area ... soccer banquet . .. being members of the soccer family in 7979 ... F.E'M. U. N. P.5.
(1st L to R) J. Hood, M. Reisenfield, R. Freisner, M. Krauter, J. Gallo, A. Kozin, C. Barby (2nd L to R) K. Kozin, P. Vattulo, M. Scheerer, J. Perkins, S. Davis, J. Gallo, S. Hemphil, G. Zaphori, I. Disman, M. Woodruff, Coach R. Locker
--Tri-Capt. N.Dill
Tri-Capt. B. Foley
Tri-Capt. L. Windle
L-R Sitting: S. Goebel, Tri-capt. B. Foley, Tri-capt. N. Dill, Tri-capt. L. Windle, A. Shell. Kneeling: j. Gluck, P. Wood, S. Okino, B. Belfiglio, M. Shea. Standing: Coach L. Caracci, S. Rosenberger, D. Foley, H. Digilio, j. Morgan, V. Cicchinelli, D. Schmidt, Mgr. D. Beaver.
j. Gluck
S. Goebel
P. Wood
-A. Shell
B. Belfiglio
M. Shea
Thunder N' Lightening . .. ghostly getaways, Marple Newtown 0. T. ... "there's a bee on ya arm!", brownies . .. great games with the soccer team . .. Quad champs . .. great season . .. We would like to thank all the members of the '79 squad, the parents, the fans, and especially our two coaches for a fantastic season! Congratulations, Central League Champs!
L-R Silting: S. Stevenson, J. Slack, J. Soltner, J. Moore, T. Walsh, V. Townsend. Kneeling: C. Hartzel, N. Tarone, B. Mullin, L. Gosney, 1. Stumpf, P. Koerner. Standing: S. Rosenberger, S. McCrossin, D. Connors, M. Carroll, R. Neal, Mgr. D. Beaver, Coach G. Hart.
C. Woodworth
S. Neelan
L-R First row: C. Halberg, C. Woodworth, M. Imming, S. Neelan. Second row: L. McConchie, S. Halberg
Capt. B. Kracht
A. Barclay
L-R First row: B. Kracht, K. Hardie, G. Wilkins Second row: C. Kracht, clay, K. Kantner.
Krill, A. Bar-
Running ... prizes, hills, dying and riggy ... Beginning with O'Hara, ending with districts . .. speed and LSD (long slow distances) ... Art, Ike, Buggs and everyone else at Bucknell X-C camp . .. Bear and Wolfgang at Rosetree ... B.N., Stani, Jim and hill . .. chew the fat meetings . .. All part of the 7 and 1 Cross-Country season of 1979. .
Coach D. Curran
K. Kantner
T. Matthews
L-R: First row: 1. Matthews, J. Cox, B. Sorenson, J. Laspina, 1. Schaefer Second row: D. Barret, B. Englebrecht, R. Johnston, B. Grant, B. Oliver, B. Bevan Third row: T. Vesapolus, J. Gormley, A. Hartline, R. Stones, B. Fletcher.
G. Wilkins
Varsity: Row 1: J. Deardon, M. Gillespie, S. Bupp, K. McDonnell, T. Bellas. Row 2: K. Horan, S. Stephana, H. Swank, O. D'Orazio, F. Persky, Coach M. Keller.
s Jean Deardon
J.v.: Row 1: M. Hoath, S. Mark, M. Coppa. Row 2: K. Horan, L. Thorpe, T. Voelker, S Conway, Coach M. Keller.
Row 1: J. Stango, T. McFadden, M. Molitoris, G. DeVita. Row 2: Coach M. Hendrixson. Missing: David Hoy, Steve Lenker.
Gerry DeVita
Capt. Tom McNicholas
Cannon, Capt. T. McNicholas,
Matt Hendrixson
Watch out Tom, Mr. Lemmon is on the tee now.
J 33
Capt. C. Thomas
Capt. F. Sudler
N. Pacitti
L. Kohl
D. Preston
w. Smith First row (l-r)N. Pacitti, A. Engler, K. Cox, L. Kohl, W. Smithsecond row (l-r)F. Sudler, D. O'Hara, D. Patterson, P. May, C. Thomasthird row (l-r),D. Preston, J. Neelan, D. Nazzario
A. Engler
Sponsor K. McClean
D. Patterson
Cheering in the rain Mud Fights O.K. Mom Rythmn Yell Get in Line I.H.j.R.... P.P. Cheer ... We're just like sisters ... "Suzy Homemaker" . Nobody Appreciates Us! . Ready? O.K "Rebound that Basketball" $5.00 dinner Bring your date ... "Let's have a tea party." ...
first row (l-r)N. Jennings, J. Luttrell, C. C1arkesecond row (l-r)D. Dennis, K. Knaff, L. Grassie, D. Cafferty, B. Cae
FRESHMEN FALL SPORTS Football - row one (I to r) j. DeAntonio, F. Pajorski, B. Wright, D. Monteath, D. Rosser, T. Degrogrio, C. Fickisi, T. jefferson, T. Baylor, row two (I to r) j. Casadonte, R. Hardy, H. Shane, T. Bradfield, j. Crozza, j. Hammilton, B. Haggerty, M. Fertel, M. Walsh, j. Camero, K. McKnight, B. Frazier, B. Murphy, row three (I to r) S. Mandras, T. Scammeri, M. McGee, j. Minnisa, j. McCullough, G. Truell, C. Stephants, T. Rochester, R. Hausman, L. Ferguson, S. Bartini, L. Daley, M. Parson, Coach j. Peoples. missing: ass't coach B.McCoach.
Hockey - row one (I to r) E. Nicholson, S. Dashi, B. Bingamen, E. Whitaker, D. Beaver row two (I to r) mgr. H. Willis, K. Peoples, T. Bupp, D. Giachetti, L. Mallon, M. Long, mgr. C. Portale, row three (I to r) coach M. Bishenhart, j. Shea, D. Fredrick, B. Hick, S. Hemphill, M. Wilson.
Soccer - row one (I to r) P. Duffy, M. jones, P. Shada, M. Pratzner, C. Ryan, G. Frity, j. Crisconi, row two (I to r) j. Rieder, M. Heinz, P. Conway, M. Davis, B. DelioBueno, D. Lanyon, D. Phillips, S. Dennis, coach G. Irvin.
.THIRD AND FOURTH TEAMS 3rd team hockey row one (I-r) P. Durand, K. Schaaf, N. Long row two (1-4) M. Gelsomini, A. Furlong, T. Semanlik, j. Schell, L. Sheppman, G. Warrick, T. Ruch, D. Rickards, row three (I-r) R. Tepper, A. Pi nnock, S. DeFrancesco, K. Truell, D. Carter, j. Knorr, L. Scheerer, D. Logan
4th team hockey row one (l-r)P. Patrucci, L. Gerace, L. Furlong, D. Mariano row two (l-r)V. Laguna, S. Shane, A. Ferrari, K. Christine, L. Fulginiti row three (I-r) T. Brown, j. Topham, N. Yi, mgr. K. McGonigle
Basketball first row (I-r) V. Cicchinelli, T. Roberts, j. Shell, j. Thorud, N. Yi second row (I-r) j. Moore, M. Gillespie, S. Westcott, S. Rosenberger, S. Hick third row (I-r) P. Durrand, B. Arst, Coach j. Brusch, D. Miller, P. Donall missing: B. Foley, A. Scheerer, C. Fleming, j. Knorr, H. Pancoast
D. McGettigan ~~~~
Capt. D. McGettigan, Capt. D. Irons, Capt. M. johnston
Alhouse's Slams, Barr's Pink Eyes, Poi nt Guard Danny, Butler's bricks, Nate's skunkie showers, Lizzard Lips Boyle, Gigilo Den, "johns't offensives," "What's the Beef," "The Pit," "We want Matty," "On the Blue," Q's saying, Coach Boyle's exercises (machine gun), Dion's Dunk, Pork's Locker, Killer ball, Chester, "Goodbye Pit - Hello Palestra"
M. Hendrixson
M. johnston
Varsity first row (I-r) D. Wright, M. johnston, N. Penn, D. McGettigan, M. Hendrixson second row (I-r) Coach j. Quendenfield D. Irons, K. Boyle, B. Butler, Coach W. Speakman third row (I-r) Mgr. j. Willis, D. Alshouse, T. Minford, j. Barr, Mgr. F. Bojarski
N. Penn
D. Wright
JV first row (I-r) C. Baylor, F. Dimaio, R. Krausse, P. Whitman second row (I-r) J. Strain, D. Wright, D. Ulmer, Coach W. Speakman third row (I-r) 1. Kirpatrick, M. Siano, G. Malon
GIRLS' BASKETBALL N.P. Tournament Champions'Our trophy, nervous, anxious, Beating¡ Ridley 2 x's, going to districts, playing for the championship, Gatoms, trips to Saxer monch, signs, 2nd Half Champs, frustration, 69 points, refs (especially of the opposite sex), spectators, 1st night game at home, getting taped, good times, WINNING!
N. McManus
D. Rumbaugh
Varsity first row (I-r) N. McManus, D. Rumbaugh, K. Faulkner second row (I-r) T. Stumpf, D. Foley, j. Morgan, S. McCrossin, Mgr. D. Beaver, L. Gossnay, Coach L. Ardao
~~ JV first row (I-r) C. Fasy, S. Finley, D. Adams, T. Voelker second row (I-r) B. Mullin, Coach D. Williams, D. Connors
Capt. W. Meyer
). Stumpf
M. Ristine
C. Woodworth
Varsity first row (l-r)T. McClellan, ~. Spatocco, ). Triozzi, S. Alfonsi, C. Meyer second row (I-r) W. Meyer, G. Bennett, R. Ciarocchi, B. Lord, C. Woodworth third row (I-r) D. Mead, S. O'Hara, C. Knaff,). Stumpf, Coach D. Frick
Capt. S. Spatocco
Wrestling ... It takes a special type of person! Hard Work ... Desire ... Determination ... Self Discipline. The feeling of Accomplishment ... WINNING. "Hey, what's for lunch? Who cares !" "Okay, who put cold water in spit's whirlpool?" Chris and Wayne "Hulking Out." The Dancing Bear. Sucking weight ... Vi nyl tops ... The Dreaded SCALE. Get Psyched ... Give it 250% ... Come off the mat with your head up, knowing you did your very best. Wrestling ... It forms a young man's character.
J. Herman, R. Ristine, R. Ruch, R. Koerner, M. Petroski second row (I-r) D. DiGiacomo, E. Voelker, 5. Lenker, M. Ristine, Coach D. Bean
JV first row (I-r)
Joyce Gluck
First Row (l-r)J. Gluck, N. Wright (capt.), K. Mcintyre, T. Little second row (I-r) R. Qu, gliariellio, L. Kloss, C. Furtaw, M. Shields, S. Davis third row (I-r) coach Matthe' Busillo, C. Halberg, J. Bryson, D. McCalucci, B. Hancock, K. McGonigle missing: cap C. Weber, D. Mariano
Geoff Furtaw
Alan Barclay
George Wilkins
Ken Kantner
First Row L-R: S. Davaro, B. Englebrecht, L. McHugh, M. Imming, Second Row L-R: B. Grant, S. Halberg, D. Barrett, A. BarciayThird Row L-R; R. Wilson, G. furtaw, K. Kantner, B. Kracht, Coach D. Curran.
Varsity row one (I-r) M. Van Raden, T. Kennedy row two (I-r) A. Kozin, A. Miscagna, J. Mohr, K. Kozin, Coach N. Adams
C. Hauslein
M. VanRaden
R. Kindt
D. McNeil
JV row one (l-r)C. Hauslein, S. Scott, row two (I-r) B. Thornton, D. McNeil
JV row one (I-r) S. Young, T. Carpenter, McDaniel
J. Willis, row two (I-r) R. Kindt, B.
FRESHMAN WINTER SPORTS Boy's Basketball first row (I-r) T. Bradfield, D.Lanyon, M. jones G. Fletcher, B. Frazier, M. Pratzner, M. Fertel, M. Krauter, P. Shada second row (I-r) L. Ferguson, T. Schaefer, C. Brunken, K. McKnight, T. Jefferson, j. McCullough, B. Murphy, C. Stephens, Coach j. Peoples
Girl's Basketball first row (I-r) C. Overduvest, D. Rossiano, B. Bingamen, D. DiMarcello, D. Giachetti second row (I-r) Mgr. P. Pontari, B. Kennedy, j. Shea, L. Mallon, L. McManus, M. Wilson, Coach C. Carocci
Wrestling first row (I-r) O. Truell, j. Little, R. Hardy, B. Dei, M. Heinz, T. Rochester second row (I-r) G. Victor, j. Civettla, S. Gluck, j. Perna, j. Collins, T. Habeck, third row (I-r) M. Brown, j. Crozza, B. Hagerty
BASEBALL / "," / ",-
i,( ~\\ \. , I I 1... 1. I Capt F. Perpilia !
JJJ" \\ \\
F. McKnight
S. Peoples
Va[sity Row 1: B. Barlow, F. McKnight, F. Perpilia, M. Johnston, T. O'Neil, B. Larkin, B. Selby. Row 2: M. Perpilia, S. Peoples, N. Kutafaris, L Lauthers, ). Hana, B. Bounadonna. Row 3: MGR G. Toplies, S. Compton, G. Bennett, D. Aishouse, W. Kaninski, COACH A Bell.
j. Hanna
B. Larkin
T.O' eill
Junior Varsity Row 1: F. DiMaio, J. Kane, I). Scornajenghi, M. Casey, R. Johnston, Row 2: S. Lenker, J. Derby, A. Wilkose, E. Huffman, M. Scherer, Row 3: B. Butler, D. Mewha, D. DeJuliis, J. Schaffer, Row 4: I. Strain, COACH G. Quedenfeld, M. Greskoff.
"'::" -~ -~-
.. ::
Varsity Row 1: D. Ulmer, j. Davis, D. McGettigan, Capt. G. Stevenson, Coach R. Locker, Capt. j. Toussaint, G. Reuling, T. Sullivan, M. McGuckin, C. Maits. Row 2: R. Gorner, G. Koerner, S. Brown, M. Riesenfeld, P. Carney, D. Ryan, M. Emas, S. Howe, B. Toomey, D. Beatson, C. Lawrence, G. Mallon. Row 3: j. Hood, T. Kirkpatrick, E. Toussaint, T. Minford, B. Cox, B.
Duffy, M. Siano.
Seniors Row 1: D. Ryan, S. Brown, ). Toussaint, G. Stevenson, M. Enas, T. Sullivan, G. Reuling. Row 2: j. Davis, D. McGettigan, G. Koerner, B. Cox, B. Duffy, S. Howe, B. Too-
Junior Varsity Row 1: T. McClellan, S. Davis, Hoerman, S. Alfonsi, ). Perkins. Row 2: G. ZaFiropoulos, C. Bailer, j. Belk, M. Wildason, M. Wilkins, P. Swayze, S. Brown, B. Ruch, J. Boyle.
Row 1: L. Windle, B. Foley, J. Mallas, P. Wood. Row 2: J. Mclean, A. Pinnock, J. Gluck, T. Rue-h, D. Rumbaugh. Row 3: D. Foley, J. Sollner, C. Fasy, K. Horan, S. McCrossin, J. Morgan. Row 4: R. Neal, D. O'Conner, H. Digilio, J. Slack, L. Gosnay, G. Rush, . Vi. Row 5: T. Kennedy, J. Shell, T. Semanik, S. Stevenson, T. Walsh, J. Moore; P. Koerner, T. Stumpi. Row 6: K. Knaff, C. Clarke, C. Winkler, T. Little, B. Mullin, Coach B. Walsh, Coach W. Windle.
Seniors: P. Wood, Gluck, A. Pinnock.
Mallas, T.
Foley, L. Windle, D. Rumbaugh, J.
Coaches: j. Hornaday, Missing: L. Taylor
C. Reynolds, T. Johnston, M. Patriarca, Row 2: B. Kowalczyk, E. Winter, P. Kowalczyk.
Seniors: Row 1:
. >' '
( /,
Varsity Row 1: I. Disman, j. Patriarca, R. Freisner, j. Rosser. Row 2: C. Reynolds, T. johnston, M. Patriarca. Row J: R. Spennato, D. Thorpe, P. Kowalczyk.
Junior Varsity Row 1:
zyk, R. Hanna, C. Mark.
Everett, j. Fry,]. Crisconi, D. Pirocchi, D. Selbach, E. Voelker. Row 2: E. Winter, B. Kowalc-
K. Schaaf
L. Scheerer
Row One: T. McCarthy, L. Scheerer, K. Schaaf, M. Kennedy. Row Two: Coach I. Cannon, M. Beadle, Capt. S. Beadle, S. Craig. Missing:" J. Dearden-
S. Craig
Row 1: D. Wright, C. Woodworth, K. Kanter, R. Iniorzato, D. Fisher. Row 2: C. Kinsey, ). Krill, G. Wilkins, B. Englebrecht, R. Stones, A. Barclay. Row 3: B. Kracht, J. Brolley, R. Wilson, I. Camaratta, D. DiGiacomo, J. Mauro, B. Rombach. Row 4: D. Wright, M. Woodruff, M. Corea, S. O'Hara, B. Burdumy, Coach K. Schaefer, T. Peace. Row 5: Coach D. Curran, Mgr. M. Tiger, j. O'Hara, A. Weath('rby, Coach Waldron.
Seniors Row 1: B. Burdumy, D. Fisher, A. Barclay, K. Kantner. Row 2: C. Woodworth, ). Mauro, R. Inforzanto, J. O'Hara. Row 3: D. Wright, G. Wilkins, B. Kracht.
Captains: C. Woodworth, B. Brunono, D. Mariano.
Row 1: S. Byrne, B. Bothe, D. Vogelsong, V. Cicchinelli, D. Carter, B. Coe, D. Perna, C. Delluso, T. Spatocco, D. Nazzario, D. Nazzario. Row 2: D. Mariano, K. Truell, B. Brunone, C. Woodworth, C. Halberg, J. Knorr, C. Tekach, M. Hetherington, M. Imming, L. Deluca, S. Davaro, S. Neelan, M. Gellespie, S. Shane, V. laguna, D. Beaver, S. Mearkle, K. Cox, Coach C. Funk.
Seniors Row 1: C. Tekach, S. Davaro, S. Byrne, B. Brunone. Row 2: C. Woodworth, S.
Neelan, K. Truell, B. Bothe.
FRESHMEN SPRING SPORTS Baseball Row 1: D. Lanyon, D. Weninski, B. Murphy, K. McKnight, A. Shane. Row 2: j. Lessig, M. Fortel, D. Frank, B. Hagarty, C. Gerace. Row 3: j. Hamilton, A. Di Gregorio, j. Grant, G. Morrow. Row 4: C. Brunken, MGR. F. Bajarski, L. Frazier, M. Krauter, B. LeBlanc, COACH H. Lemon.
lacrosse Row 1: K. McGuckin, D. Giachetti, K. Mcintyre, R. Quagliariello, B. Bingaman, I. Shea, P. Ciapanna, Mgr. E. Whitaker. Row 2: K. Overdevest, R. Fratoni, E. Nazzario, T. Rush, L. Mallon, B. Zelinski. Mgr. R. Finio. Row 3: T. Bettinger, M. Cavallari, J. Kuzmack, L. McManus, B. Larkin, E. Kapczynski, D. DiMarcello.
.Girls' Track Row 1: M. Snyder, T. Mahoney, M. Neelan, L. Mixon, C. McNeil, J. Hajinian, J. Gallagher. Row 2: G. Brookes, T. Boyle, B. Voelker. Row 3: B. Rominsky, K. Strain, C. Gaines, K. Collin, K. Kanon, D. Hazelwood. Row 4: C. janesek, B. Hicks, C. Gaines, T. Neu, D. Parsons, S. Brown. Row 5: D. Zafiropoulos, C. Hallman, M. Gaines, L. Davis. Row 6: K. Daily, C. Calla, M. Hodnett, S. Halberg, J. Gaines, j. Bupp. Coaches M. Keller, B. Shiliday.
Boys' Track Row 1: B. Toppil, W. Walker, ). Doyle, M. Kapchiask, W. Penn, C. Burns, D. Netting, R. Guy, P. Rosciallo. Row 2: B. Esgro, T. Klagneir, K. Englebrecht, A. Barlett, J. Bland, P. Plukan, S. Udicious, P. Reese, C. Ryan, M: jones, M. Nave, L. Ferguson, S. Bratinni, J. McCollough, M. Pratzner, F. Arts, j. Tunnell. Row 4: T. Vasopilous, M. Native, B. Holloway, M. Parson, M. Davis, j. Cox, G. Lcklay. Coach M. Bonnerr. Row 5: T. Bailer, D. Bareett, S. Scheerer, B. Sorenson, T. Rodchester, O. Truell, T. jefferson, A. Botch. Coach Irvin. Coach St'inson.
The Incredible???
Yeah, I know I'm sexy.
These JV games are so boring.
You're not pulling my leg, are you ref?
And Mr. Speakman thought I couldn't play.
Maybe if I learn to tie my shoes, Mr. Speakman will let me play!
.. ~ .. "M
7 20 14 0
14 7 7·
I 6
21 7
15 27 24 24 23 15 25 15
Nether Providence Haverford School Chichester Upper Darby Lower Merion ' Conestoga Penncrest Marple Newtown Radnor Haverford ·Ridley
12 12 6 6
27 12 13 7 20 20 33
GIRLS' CROSS COUNTRY Opp. 40 Penncrest 28 Haverford 41 Marple Newtown 31 Conestoga 32 Upper Darby 42 Ridley 30 Lower Merion 40 Radnor
1 2 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 4 1 1 1 2 1
Opp. Neshaminy W. C. Henderson W. C. East O'Hara' North Catholic Swarthmore Concord Penncrest R(idnor. , Upper Darby Ridley Lower Merion Marple Newtown Conestoga Haverford
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 1. 1 2 1 1
15 20 15 37 24 21 25 27
2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 4 0
Opp. Conestoga Radl'lor Penncrest Ridley Haverford Marple Newtown Upper Darby Lower Merion Marple'Newtown Oxford
x", . - - - " _ '
BOYS' CROSS COUNTRY . Opp. 45 Penncrest 38 Haverford 47 Marple Newtown 19 Conestoga 33 Upper Darby 37 Ridley 31 Lower Merion 29 Radnor
~ .)3
12 15 8
8 . 12
6 1 0 1
Ridle'y Upper.Darby Radnor Conestoga Haverford
Penncrest Marple Newtown
3 0
7 '10 7 3 9
Spr. 9
Downingtown W.' C. Henderson ' Radnor O'Hara Penncrest Upper Darby ,Marple Newtown ' Pottstown -' ' Conestoga' Ridley Haverford Sc1900l Sun Valley' Lower Merien' Haverford
'28 50 45 30 45
9 19 8 26 35 38
·INDOOR TRACK Group meets at West
15 '24
'15 7
,21 '22
40 "\.30 41
22 15 11
GIRLS: TRACK , C,pnestoga. f~ Upper Dar9Y',' • Lower. Merion· Haverford, Penncrest Marple Newtovyl'l""'~ Radnor •. Ridl.ey
. , , 'BOYS',TENNIS ' Radnor." Haverford: , :.w. t. Henderson lower Merion ."Con¢stega , Ridl'ey , , . Penncrest . Upper Darby:, 4,Mq.rple Newtown' "
165 /
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S p
o N S
PRESIDENT Chip Gallagher
TREASURER Debbie Patterson
SPONSOR Robert Young
SPONSOR Sandy Hall
MOST STUDIOUS Ann Jurecic, John Devine
CLASS CLOWNS Jamie Mallas, Jeff Hanna
MOST ATHLETIC Mark Johnston, Laurie Windle
BEST DRESSED Sharon Bambach, Joe Kuhls 168
MOST ARTISTIC Bridget Foley, Tim O'Neil
MOST FLI RTATIOUS Robert Duffy, Sally Goebel
Most Musical Andrew Mark, Pam Whitman
;: .'
Class Couple Darryl Meade, Carol Thomas
Friendliest Chip Gallagher, Helen Panczner
=-.. ~.~ Quietest Don Ginn, Lynn Popelak (not pictured)
Typical Senior "Class of 1980"
Most Theatrical Russell Atkinson, Lydia Kistler (not pictured) 169
patricia ann abbot "patty" "hey abbott" 251 pancoast avenue 4/6/62 rem for: being with marianne, pmp, wanting red hair, goofing off; asw: marianne f., beth b., diane d., kathy b.; fav mem: virginia '79, senior week?, ski trips, concerts?; prize poss: family, friends, stereo; sec amb: to have a big family and be successful; pet peeve: people who spell my last name with two "t's", fried clams; fav say: "i can imagine"; track 2; ski club 2, 3, 4; yearbook staff. lisa susan adaman "lisa" 235 worrell dr. 10/25/62 rem for: pinching, my laugh; asw: myra, dana, cos, bud, m. e., b. e.; fav mem: down the shore, concerts, commons 8th with the guys; prize poss: ring, star, money, gum; sec amb: to be able to drive; pet peeve: thieves, liars, park jerks; fav say: oh noooo ... !!; "we were born to be alive, so live and have fun."
~1 Patricia Ann Abbot
Lisa Susan Adaman
myra sharon adaman 235 worrell dr. 10/25/62 rem for: my laugh, hair, "hairy legs" -(frank), my smile, having crushes, clothes; asw: lisa, bud, dana, cos, 8th period commons - j.l., f.s., e.u., k.k., S.S., m.r., j.l., W.g., - j.o.h.; fav mem: cruise, the shore, 8th period commons; prize poss: my hair, smile, eyes and contacts, my broken watch; sec amb: to drive; pet peeve: m. e. p. (s.s.), amer gov't, ssr, closed lunches, diets; fav say: "pass the whipped cream!"; "guess i'li always have to be living in a fantasy. that's the way it's got to be from now on." - supertramp. sharon adkins "shar" 323 avon rd. 5/9/62 rem for: kiss, elves, r.a.; asw: "the family"; fav mem: 5/19/79, spectrum concerts, family trips, 9/7/79; prize poss: my cat, records, stereo, car; sec amb: to become famous; pet peeve: getting up early; fav say: "i don't care"; choir 1,2,3,4; musical 3, chorus 3, 4; gymnastics 1; "love is so hard to find 'cause love is such an easy thing to lose." - p. criss.
, ~
Myra Sharon Adaman
Sharon Adkins
adrian m. aikman IV "buddy" 490 hawarden rd. 11/5/61 rem for: always getting in trouble; asw: helene, john, karen, joe, michele, bov, diane, myra, lisa; fav mem: summer of '79; prize poss: pop's truck, stereo; sec amb: have my own truck "little bud"; pet peeve: ssr, disco, bad drivers; fav say: "what!"; hockey 1,2, 3; track 1, 2, 3; wrestling 2; "the life i live, i live for me." b. o. benjamin alfonsi "ben" 505 kennerly rd. 9121/62 rem for: my hair, green car (sometimes), laughing; asw: m.e., d.e., I.m., bat, e.u., ete. ...; fav mem: summer '79, wildwood, homestead apts., submarines, p.e., weekends, arizona, gigs, "bust in' out"; prize poss: family, friends, brotherhood, amber, memories; sec amb: to dominate life, success; pet peeve: cigs., extremist, marshall's equations, squares, no gas, ssr, s.p.d., am; fav say: "right!", ~'you ghoul", snow king. Adrian M. Aikman IV
Benjamin Alfonsi
marc brian anderson 159 snyder In. 6/10/62 rem for: playing my radio too loud, pa, my car, hair; asw: s.d., I.d., d.m., k.d., f.p., b.g., W.S., j.e.; fav melT): 7/27-29/79, 6/7/79, rock concerts, 12131/78-1/1/79; prize poss: family, close friends, car; pet peeve: 6/19/79, speed limits, radar, ssr, disco, closed lunches; fav say: "what's up"; ice hockey 4; "runnin' with the devil" - van halen.
d Marc 8rian Anaerson
melanie jeanne armstrong "mel" 359 foulke lane 10122/62 rem for: being short, laughing, blushing; asw: "the family", valerie; fav mem: 6/14/79, 9/15/79, beE gees!, times with friends, farrel's '79; prize poss: my family, memories; sec amb be successful; pet peeve: mispronunciations of my first name; fav say: "what'~ up?"; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 3, 4; senior play 4; "time goes so fast, life asks sc much. no wonder friends get out of touch - but in our hearts, deep true unseen, friendship stays forever green."
Melanie Jeanne. Armstrong
vince astolf "astro" "vaz" 915 westfield rd. 9/26/62 rem for: sneaking away, snow storms; asw: sab, gil, nose, moohee, babes; fav mem: sleeping; prize poss: bottle of coke; pet peeve: S.p.o., rahs, shs!; fav say: "benny hill" bowling. russell james atkinson "yombo" "uncle" "russ" "shylock" "russer" 144 w. springfield rd. rem for: three legged dance, end of world; asw: envy; fav mem: sun-up, perkins, 26 march 1977, 10 march 1979; prize poss: er II, mug, methodist hymnal; sec amb: burp on stage at the met; pet peeve: "dark"; fav say: "i don't know.", "bugger off borehorse"; hon italian 1, 2; soccer 1; hon. stage crew 1; pj. game; u.s. 1; hon. band 1; suspensions 1, 2; g and d 1, 3; sen ior class play 4; pop group 1, 2, 3?, 4; glee club stand in 1, 2, 3; "oh dear!" - mrs. a. hunt. (
Vince Astolf
Russell james Atkinson
charles a. balchiunas "chuck" "bals" "belch" 443 glendale cr. 1/25/62 rem for: being tall, friendly cut-ups (usually), helping damsels in distress; asw: selbs, larr, p.n., j.e., g.k., g.t., r.h., e.r.; fav mem: many great times with friends and cousin, esp. getting to know bambie; prize poss: family, friends; sec amb: to live life to my best potential, to be 2 inches taller (than s.a.b.), b.a.s.o.t.t.; pet peeve: liberals, burnouts, jigs, "while you're at it ..."; fav say: "sure", "umm", "really?", "so 'n so's woofing it down ..."; soccer 1,2,3; wrestling 1; weightlifting 1, 2, 3,4. janice marie baldwin "jan" 1263 university ave. 4/28/62 rem for: my smile, always being cold, "our office"; asw: "family" I.t., d.r., a.j.b.; fav mem: 8/10/79,4 /28/79, summer of 79, 4/17/77, 4/28-29/79; prize poss: friendships, memories; sec amb: to be happy; pet peeve: rahs, two-faced people, rags, conceited people, ssr, snobs; fav say: "really", "it's like"; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; girl's chorus 3, 4; 3/4 hockey 2; "i hurry through my life never stopping to see how beautiful it was meant to be" - styx.
;5~~~.-.._J Charles A. Balchiunas
janice Marie Baldwin
sharon annette bambach 333 avon rd. 3/7/62 fav mem: 7/28/79 in w.w. with someone special; prize poss: my family, friends, memories and a dream; sec amb: to live each day to the fullest; pet peeve: hypocrites, 6:30 am; ex. council 1; hockey 1, 2, 3; basketball 1, 2; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; soph hop; dec. comm.; snow queen nom.; "goodbye stranger it's been nice" - supertramp.
Sharon Annette Bambach
alan barclay "ab" 110 kent rd. 7/18/62 rem for: selling slightly used result sheets, 19 to go; asw: b.k., g.W., v.a.; fav mem: winning centrals; prize poss: result sheets, white t-shirts; sec amb: to graduate high school; pet peeve: d.e.'s, secrets, meetings, 19 to go; fav say: "don't get killed"; cross country 1, 2, 3,4; indoor track 1,2, 3,4; outdoor track 1, 2, 3,4.
Alan Barclay
theresa alexandra bartivic 115 netherwood dr. 11/1/62 rem for: curling my hair, always wanting to go shopping; asw: david, someone up the park, getz's; fav mem: times with david, colorado 79, n.j., sr. and jr. week(end), d.a.r.k.'s, park" 1 /19/78, leon concert; prize poss: david, family, friends, memories; sec amb: get married and live ina house that david designs, to have little barts and beavers; pet peeve: good byes, shs, rahs, boomer, 7:55 am; fav say: "uuuuh baby", "love it"; "don't surround yourself with yourself" - yes. joseph batchelder 34 congress ave.
joseph Batchelder
carol rose baxter "dweezle" 245 worrell dr. 3/16/62 rem for: land of the giant grapes, spontaneous wit, puns, jagger impersonation; asw: nance, janice, carol, nick, tarpo the outlaw sedan; fay mem: florida '78, esp. mr. bunny talking to mr. doggie, zappa '78, renaissance '79, grateful dead '79; prize poss: my inner self; sec amb: to go to middle earth; pet peeve: the establishment, stupid people, rahs; fay say: "enough of this gay banter, no pun intended"; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1,2,3, 4; musical orchestra 1, 3, 4; hare krishna 1,2, 3,4; "school spirit is the opiate of the student." - karl marx. barbara jean belfiglio "belfig" 461 collins dr. 9125/62 rem for: my laugh, baby powder; asw: hockey stick, a smile, and friends; fay mem: hockey camp 77, 78, 79; prize poss: my hockey stick (78,79), lacrosse stick, friends, family; sec amb: to. fulfill my dreams; pet peeve: disappointment, splinters, bum knees, jammed fingers; fay say: "really?", "that's a sin!", "get out", "forget it"; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketballl, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2; chorus 1,2,3,4; choir 3, 4; pop group
Carol Rose Baxter
Barbara Jean Belfiglio
tina bellos 605 minshall rd. 10117/62 asw: best of friends; fay mem: 10/13/78, summer of '79; prize poss: family, friends, memories; sec amb: to get the most out of life; pet peeve: goodbyes; hockey 1, 2, 3; tennis 4; lacrosse 1; chorus 1; 3/4 basketball 3, 4; cty 3, 4; track 3, 4; "tomorrow is the first" day of the rest of your life." jerome bettinger 319 lester rd. <.
Tina Bellos
Jerome Bettinger
donna bloomingdale 306 ridgewood rd. barbara edmunds bothe "barb", "brab", "eddie", "face" 528 vernon rd. 1128/62 rem for: being weird, rowdie, rings, my eyes and smile; asw: rob, dave f., mary kate, trace d.; fay mem: 4128/77,7/4/77, w/gef, snow ball '79 with robbi i., 11/3/ 79, 12/31/79, 1/1/80, times with ocbp, summer '79, gabel's, times with sam and phillip brownies, senior prom '79; pet peeve: snobs, '73, bumper, good-byes, 7/ 15/77; fay say: "knock it off", "what are you serious", "go for it"; girl's chorus 1, 2,3,4; ski club 1,2, 3,4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; young life 1, 2,3,4.
Donna Bloomingdale
Barbara Edmunds Bothe
helen elpineky bottos "bottos", "bot", "troy" 415 foulke In. 11/25/61 rem for: always smiling, being greek, being crazy; asw: my other half (mac), gina, eunice, maria, mike, angolo david, I.b., em., t.m., d.v., t.e, others; fay mem: summers of 78,79,4/8/79 with s.b.; prize poss: friends, family, memories; sec amb: to make my husband and kids happy, happiness for maria and steve; pet peeve: disappointments, good byes, being apart; fay say: "bummer", "what a flip", "give me 5 i'm still alive" - grateful dead. eunice inez bradley "chuckie b." 31 pennington ave. 5/3/62 rem for: changing my moods a lot, "singing", "cramps"; asw: everybody; fay mem: summer of '79, and meeting a "Special someone "79", family; sec amb: taken off in a "mercedes benz"; pet peeve: people judging other people by the way theyA60k; fay say: "don't even try it", "well ... like bewitch I got the total - yea right!", "i expect to pass through this world but once ... let me not defer or neglect it, for i shall not pass this way again."
Helen Elpineky Bottos
Eunice Inez Bradley
kathy a. brady "kate" 238 pancoast ave. 12/1/61 rem for: bei ng blunt, taJki ng fast; asw: kenny, john, michael, joe, therese, rick, patty, tracey; fay mem: new year's eve 77, times with kenny; prize poss: kenny, mom, family and close friends; sec amb: to be happy; pet peeve: back-stabbers; cosmetology 2, 3, 4; "so many faces in and out of my life, some will last, some will just be now and then. life is a series of hellos and good byes. i guess my friends it's time to say goodbye and good luck." lori brady 335 lynn rd.
Kathy A. Brady
Lori Brady
joseph allen brennan "joe" 617 cheyney rd. 11/6/79 rem for: messing around in science classes and orch.; asw: vita, lazy bum, b. and p.k., jake, a.m.; fav mem: physics 3, chem 2, florida 2, junior prom, 8th grade washington trip; prize poss: family, friends, musical ears; sec amb: conduct phila. orch.; pet peeve: being late and emotional; fav say: "bonjer-bonjer", "kukamunga", "yuka-chuka", "bum me out"; district orch and band 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 4; tennis 2, 3; chess club 2, 3; "if you like it take it; if you don't break it." - g. wood. dana broome "happy" 146 harned dr. 7/26/61 rem for: being early, vega, shrink; asw: steve, laurie, lisa, myra, cheryl, iva, mike, joanne, gfsam; fam mem: concerts 78,79, shore 79, 9/18/78; prize poss: my family, ring, friends, my closeness to steve; sec amb: to make people happy; pet peeve: people who are late; fav say: "sounds good to me"; 3/4 hockey mgr 1; band 2, 3, 4; explorers 1, 2, 3, 4; golf 2, 3; intramural basketball 1; "life is but a mystery to be lived not a problem to be solved."
Joseph Allen Brennan
Dana Broome
scott brown "b" 134 greenhill rd. 2/26/62 rem for: intellect, world's worst jokes, quad raped; asw: lisa; fred, "family", beat sneakers; fav mem: 3118/77, c1erance and print shop, summer 77, 10/11/77, 12/2/78, 12/9/77; prize pass: fred, my brain, 1, parents, eyes, countries; sec amb: fly, be like simon kenton, send nasty letters to john travolta; pet peeve: flakes, air haads, npda, am. stud. evaluations, mr. rogers, bears; fav say: "cosm ic", "oaugh-wow"; wrestling 1; soccer 1, 2, 3; print shop 1,2,3; lax 3, 4; "remember; when walking through the cow pasture of life, don't put your best foot forward." beth ann crystine brunone 483 thatcher rd. 12/17/62 rem for: squinting; asw: patty, marianne, erika, diane; fav mem: 9/23/79, skiing, mts., times with friends; fav say: "who's that", "i'm not adrienne"; gymnastics 1,2,3; track 1,2;3, co-capt 3,4; ohs; ski club 3, 4; scrivener typing editor 4; "but my dreams they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be." - the who.
Scott Brown
Beth Ann Crystine Brunone
david charles buchy "dave'~ "bush" "bushy" 340 lewis rd. 4/22/62 rem for: being name~ after my name, being rude and cynical; asw: andy, bill, barb, charlie, veets, Joe; fav mem: renaissance 78 and 79, name that tune at bill's; sec amb: to make the blue angels; pet peeve: rahs, stupid people disco lo-fi lateness¡ fav I , say: "h were I s my .. ./"; soccer 1; tennis 3; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch "1, 2, 3, 4; p.m.a.c. 3, 4; d.v.b.c. 1,2,3,4.
b David Charles Buchy
barbara lynn buggy "buggies" 19 congress ave. 9/20/62 rem for: my boots being grounded; asw: t.h., "little chappi", not around this town; fav mem: sum'mer of 77, and. more to come, 3/18/76; sec amb: to be successful, go west; prize pass: my family, weekends; pet peeve: waiting, rags, a certain "spa fanatic"¡ fav say: "i can't wait to get out of this place."; " ... and if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with." - csn.
Barbara Lynn Buggy
karl e. bupp 607 w. springfield rd. 5124/62 asw: w.g., b.k., b.h., a.j.h.; fav mem: florida '78, am. stud. seminars; prize poss: friends, family, memories; sec amb: to be in charge of a large corporation, make a million; pet peeve: people who talk before they think; band 1,2; orch 9th gr. rep., scrivener business staff 3; literary magazine 3, typing editor 4; german club 2, 3, 4; advisory council 4, nhs 3, 4; "nothing ventured, nothing gained." robert james burdumy "rob" "bob" "burd" 701 parker lane 12/10/61 rem for: always having a new car, playing football; asw: frank, arlene, joe m., greg, joe k., and the "spa "spa crew"; fav mem: times with arlene, summer of '78 and '7910/ 14178, a few football games, times with franz; prize poss: family, my "little buddy", my nieces, olympic weights, memories; sec amb: to play professional football; pet peeve: liars, gossip, getting up at 7:00 am; football 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2,3,4; ski club 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3.
Karl E. Bupp
Robert James Burdumy
shelley byrne 634 andrew rd. 5/17/62 rem for: being seen with jeff; asw: jeff, erika, laurie; fav mem: being with jeff, summer of '78; prize poss: my family, jeff, and friends, friends; sec amb: to be a commercial designer; pet peeve: being short; track 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 2; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; literary mag 3, 4; "accept me as i am for only then will we know the true meaning of friendship." stephen w. carey "carey" "canair" 481 briarhill rd. 10/18/61 rem for: having a sick wit; asw: e.w., j.t., max, monte, bros, merv griffin; fav mem: 8/3179, foghat '78, p.d.p.'s h 10th grade english; prize poss: my hounds, my records, my life; sec amb: to build a cabin in canada and hunt for bigfoot; pet peeve: disco clones, d.p., tf.r.'s, al albert's showcase; fav say: "bazaarness", "who cares"; wrestl ing 1, 2,3; weightlifting 2, 4; "i'm stone free to ride, ride on the breeze, stone free to do what i please." - jimi hendrix.
Shelley Byrne
Stephen W. Carey
david carfagno "dave" "tanyo" 533 kennerly rd. 5128/62 rem for: ~miling; asw: b.a., I.m., e.u.; fav mem: summer '79, p.e., s.h.o.r.; prize poss: 442, family; sec amb: to be healthy and successful; fav say: "go get on", "tuck your shirt in!"; soccer 1; golf 2, 3; wrestling 2, 4. charles carroll "chuck" 299 lewis rd. 3123/62 rem for: scoring 3 goals a game, hockey jerseys; asw: j.e., s.d., k.d., I.d., d.m., d.m., d.m., m.a., f.p.; fav mem: elvis costello concert 4179, ride home from gutt's party; prize poss: family, friends, car, condominum; sec amb: to own the flyers; pet peeve: disco, p.m., french chickens; fav say: "this rots", "excellent", "say chicken neck"; ice hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; "i want to spit in the face these badlands" - springsteen.
David Carfagno
Charles Carroll
karen carter "k.e." 484 colonial park 1120179 rem for: dimples, jewelry; asw: michael, jessica, jamie; fav mem: 11/14178 (mc), summer '78, '79, blue rocks '79 (mc, jm, Is); prize poss: michael, family, jessica's friendship, scissors; sec amb: to live in a big old house with a stone fireplace; pet peeve: backstabbers, diets, fights; hockey 1; lax 1, 4; vo-tech 2,3,4; v.i.e.a. 2,3,4. michael carullo "michael c" 242 sedgewood rd. 2115/62 rem for: silver metal plumber, getting caught; asw: k.e., f.m., j.b.; fav mem: blue rocks with k.e., state competition, canoe trip, dances; prize poss: karen, my convertible (car); sec amb: to be a good craftsman; pet peeve: working on sat. nights, summer practice; fav say: "ohh karen"; football 1, 2, 3,4; basketball 1; vo-tech 2, 3; vica 2, 3; snow king nom.
Karen Carter
Michael Carullo
tina maria cecchini "chick" "t" 601 minshall rd. 7/14/62 rem for: my smile, talking, being short; asw: b.d.c., b.m., s.n., d.v.; fav mem: summers, clubbing, 10/16/ 78,12/1/78; prize poss: family, friends, "misty"; sec amb: to be with the one i love; pet peeve: torpedo, good byes; fav say: "are you kidding me"; locker problems 3, 4; "i want a lover and i want some friends and i want to live in the sun and want to do all the things that i never have done." - dan fogelberg. chris cesanek "cez" 723 highland ave. 5/27/62 rem for: cruising, jamming and giggin'; asw: j.c., c.p., s.m., j.b., m.am m.a., bJ., k.e., m.g.m., d.d.; prize poss: car and friends; pet peeve: gennessee, disco, lightweights, cops; fav say: "make a party of it!", "do it up!"; "when all are one and one is all, to be a rock and not to roiL" -led zeppelin.
Tina Marie Cecchini
linda joanne chappie "lin" "chap" 30 server lane 4/7/62 rem for: being thin, being organized; asw: bill mossman, c.a.c., the lisas; fav mem: times with bill, times with b.r.t. and La.k., canoeing, 2/22/78, 12125/78; prize poss: bill, family, relationship with parents, teddy bear; sec amb: to become independently wealthy; pet peeve: people who don't care, growing up; fav say: "really!", "god only knows"; "picture a memory of days in your life, you knew what it meant to be happy and free, with time on your side." - i. robot. joseph louis cicchinelli "chick" 373 springfield rd. 7110/62 rem for: drawing, having a warped sense of humor; asw: chris, chuck, phil, chrissy, belch; fav mem: bahamas '78; prize poss: my ambition, christine; sec amb: have a good marriage; pet peeve: fli rts, people who rag; fav say: "i hate this school"; soccer 1,2; choi r 1; baseball 2; weightlifting 1, 3, 4; ski club 4; "he blew his mind out in a car, he didn't notice that the lights had changed" - beatles.
Linda Joanne Chappie
Joseph Louis Cicchinelli
doreen mary claffey "reen" 257 n. state rd. 1/9/62 rem for: craziness, parties; asw: matt, nanci and the crazy clan; fav mem: 12131-1-1/79, texas, longbeach, our weekend concerts, crazy lazy times with matt, nanci, times with the old gang, sessions; prize poss: matt walsh, mfwn, real friends, family, memories, realizing, my life, my car; sec amb: to climb the ladder of life and always sit on top, to perserve all wildlife from harm, to do it on my own; pet peeve: health, my temper, people who just don't know, springdive; fav say: "yo! what's up?"; votech 3,4; fbla 3, 4; health 1, 2, 3, 4; "let the good times roiL" - the cars. carolyn anne clark "cac" 223 parkview dr. 2/19/62 rem for: shaving cream, my putt-putt, great parties, everlasting yellow lights; asw: lisa, lisa, linda, karen; fav mem: april '78,3/9/79; 3131/79; prize poss: frank, family, friends, life; sec amb: it's a secret!; pet peeve: closed lunches, study halls; fav say: "really!", "bummer!"; lax 1; colorguard 1,2,3, co-sergeant 4; b.k. 2,3; "it is chance that makes us brothers, but hearts that makes us friends."
Dorreen Mary Claffey
Carolyn Anne Clark
karen clarke "twiggy" 907 westfield rd. 10120/62 rem for: being picky, yelling; asw: s.c., k.z., b.s., m.c.; fav mem: 1/16/79, 9/20/79, 9/1/79; prize poss: family, friends; sec amb: to have a house with lots of ground and a horse; pet peeve: liars, snobs, people who think they're cool; fav say: "you're strange". shari coe 408 n. morton ave.
Karen Clarke
valerie jean compton "val", "ziggy" 423 foster dr. 1125/61 asw: tony, nance, bert, sally, k.p. and assorted friends; fav mem: 6/22/79-7/11/79, england w/tony, shore '78, 79, 1/27/78, parties, tull concert 78, camping w/bert, good times in clifton; pri~e poss: family, tony, ri~g from t.z., stereo, bamberger's charge; pet peeve:, getting up for school, turnpike breakdowns, gym, shs, oak's, trig, snobs; there s no way out of here, when you come in you're in for good." - david gilmore. charmaine marie corea "char" "charm in" '~charlie" 301 brock rd. 12/7/62 rem for: my loud laugh; asw: peggy, nancy, charlie, nancy, terry, jean; fav mem: 5/4/ 79, 5~5/79, times with na.n;:y, times with peggy; prize pos.s: family,. friendships, charlie, my car; sec amb: It s a secret!; pet peeve: gym, cynics, mornings; fav say: "i don't know", "are you serious?"; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 3, 4; musical 3; senior class play; french club 4; voice lessons 3, 4; "things are beautiful if you love them." - jeanne anouilh.
Valerie Jean Compton
Charmaine Marie Corea
joseph robert cori 215 gleaves rd. 9/12/62 rem for: being short, complaining, wasting gas; asw: c.c., k.d., I.d., s.d., d.m., f.p., d.e., etc.; fay mem: 9/12/62, discovering springsteen, shs days, scc, elvis costello, asbury jukes, gutt's party, lou's party; prize poss: family, friends, tunes, '69 ltd., t-shirt collection, skates; sec amb: to get out of "this place", 12 m.p.g.'s; pet peeve: disco, empty; fav say: "what do ya think?"; ice hockey 3, 4; spri-hian 3, 4; "i ain't here on business, baby, i'm only here for fun." - bruce springsteen. joe costantini "cos" 600 shipley lane 5/13/62 rem for: skipping school, for work and hunting; asw: waste, lisa, myra, joe; fav mem: down the shore, july '76, summer of '79; prize poss: laura; sec amb: own my own construction company; pet peeve: jocks, rahs, monday mornings, homeroom; fav say: "cuanta se bella"; "wine is good anytime." - cos.
Joseph Robert Cori
robert james cox "bob" "arch" "coxy" 37 west avenue 7/31/62 rem for: backpacking, ttnj, golf, older brother; asw: f.s., b.p., c.b., d.u., p.W., d.h.; fav mem: gd 78,79, fr gr I, II, virginia 1*, styx 79, wknds on Ibi, many others; prize poss: family, friends, car, camera; sec amb: backpack out west, architect; pet peeve: spectrum guards, ssr, class advisor; fav say: "life's tough"; football 1; wrestling 1, 2; golf 2, 3; ski club 3, 4; lacrosse 3, 4; "trouble ahead, trouble behind, and you know that notion just crossed my mind." - grateful dead. suzanne muriel craig "sue" "suz" 557 maplewood ave. 5/19/62 rem for: red hair; asw: k.c., k.z.,s.d., b.c., j.c., f.d., m.d., b.b., s.m.; fav mem: summer '79, homeroom 251 with mr. locker; prize poss: friends, parents; sec amb: travel around the world, to become a success; pet peeve: people who don't act their age, hypocrites, disco; fav say: "sure", "right"; hockey 2; golf 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 1,3.
Suzanne Muriel Craig
sue credden "suez-q" "six" 632 vernon rd. 9/1/62 rem for: my big mouth, blonde hair, blue eyes; asw: S.c., k.c., m.w., t.d., m.n., 1.1., j.m.; fav mem: all the good times with my family, summer '79, senior pro'm '80, j.p. '78, '79, s.p. '79, plan a; prize poss: my family, friends, mindy; sec amb: to graduate, to become an actress and be happy; pet peeve: false people, rahs, shs; fav say: "what's up?", "any doubes", "ya know what i mean?"; courgarettes 1,4; "it's a new life; and a new beginning." susan a. davaro "sue" 395 hemlock In. 4/22/62 rem for: not wearing shoes, laughing; asw: j.k., k.l., pudge, s.c.; fav mem: fritz and rag at toto concert, summer of '79, mr. locker's homeroom, football games w/m.l.; prize poss: my daddy, memories, friends; sec amb: to be successful in everything; pet peeve: buz, snobs, wastes, getting up early, mrs. S.; fav say: "oh my god", "hi ya'II"; track 2, 3, 4; senior play; spri-hian circulation staff 3, 4; "tomorrow is always a new beginning"s.d.
Sue Credden
Susan A. Davaro
jeffrey john davis "jeff" "varsity" 155 no. highland r. 4/16/62 rem for: hands; asw: shelley and my friends; fav mem: good times - with family, friends and shell; prize poss: family and shelley; sec amb: to be successful in whatever i do; pet peeve: 10th grade sports, dropping passes; football 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2; baseball1, 2; lax 3, 4; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 3, 4; "failure is something that can be overcome - if you are willing to try long and hard enough." - jeff davis ('78). regina mary dearden "jean" "jeannie" 139 barbara dr. 7/12/62 rem for: lateness; asw: sandy q., maria b., suzanne b., sue s., h.a., m.l., j.q., j.m., friends; fav mem: quinns, jamming, memorial wknd 77, yes, 7th grade; prize poss: family, true friends, health; sec amb: be a stunt car driver, with no injuries; pet peeve: waiting; chorus 1; lax 1; tennis 2, 3, 4; scrivener business staff 3; ski club 2; props 3; golf 4; g.r.g. 1, 2, 3, 4; "don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got, 'til it's gone." - joni mitchell.
Jeffrey John Davis
Regina Mary Dearden
elizabeth I. decarlo "betty" "bet" 257 welsh dr. 6/24/62 rem for: talking too much, laughing too loud; asw: t.c., b.m., j.d., d.v., S.S.; fav mem: 1/1/78 m.a., private party 78 . s, 8/16/79 m.s., 9/26/79 W.S.; prize poss: brandie, family, friends, a.t.t.w.s. and m.f.l.c.; sec amb: to be with the one i love; pet peeve: people who think they're it r.b., people who misuse their authority, people who hurt; fav say: "let's go", "go bite the dust"; b.k. 3; locker prob 4; "i'd love to stick around but j'm running behind, i don't even know what i'm hoping to find. running into the sun but running behind." - jackson browne. louis anthony delloso "Iou" 1210 providence rd. 12/29/61 rem for: being crazy; asw: d.c., s.d., f.p., S.p., d.m., k.d., d.m., m.a., d.m., j.c., c.c., d.m.; fav mem: avalon 79, new years eve 78, jr. prom, locker h.r.; prize poss: family, friends, "yan"; sec amb: go across the u.s. in my van; pet peeve: brains, b.b., sebold's h.r.; fav say: "what a bum", "no-way!"; ice hockey 3, 4; football 2; "it's a death trap, a suicide rap" - springsteen.
Elizabeth L. DeCarlo
Louis Anthony Delloso
samuel I. deleo "sambati" "frog" 329 summit rd. 5/7/62 rem for: craziness, sessions, surviving my pro-bate; asw: kraz, sab, nazI gonzo, animal, b.k., gill, t.e.d., dms, underground, m-80's; fav mem: any given summer, spectrum, kegs; prize poss: family, taperflex, bass, chickeeta; sec amb: dog hunt with betsy; pet peeve: uninvited guest, drones, seeds; fav say: "yo, what's up" "jerkweed!"; wrestling 1; football 1; weightlifting 2, 3, 4; stw 3, 4; senior play, co-pres underground club 4; "here today gone tomorrow." ronald f. delpiana jr. "del pie" "mr. sparns" 865 east leamy avenue 8/3/62 rem for: having something always to say; asw: d.m., r.k., c.h., j.b., chip, the commander in arms; fav mem: burning of our beloved school; prize poss: the pleasure to be alive; sec amb: to be the absolute ruler of the world; fav say: "that's life" "tough and rough, wanted and unwanted"; wrestling; locker problems; "the good years are here, but i'm just waiting for the ones to come."
Samuel L. Deleo
Ronald F. DelPiana Jr.
mark thomas del vecchio "del vec" 27 fairhill rd. 6/14/62 rem for: my shoes, raising one eye brow; asw: t.k., f.s.; fav mem: homeroom, friday nights with hutch, 6 /21/79; prize poss: my family, friends, contacts; sec amb: retire at 25; pet peeve: almar, putting in my contacts, waiting, haircuts; fav say: "boo", "you're a sick pup"; track 1, 2; "i hurry through my life never stopping to see how beautiful it was meant to be." - styx. stephen robert deruschi "root" "steve" 149 rose lane 7/5/62 rem for: my birthday present, playing my radio loud, best defense; asw: kathy, I.d., j.c., k.d., d.m., c.c., m.a., d.m., e.g., d.m., f.p., d.m.; fav mem: 9/2/78,6/27/79, lockers h.r., jr. prom, yesterday; prize poss: kathy, car, family, friends; pet peeve: people who go slower than speed limit, sebold's h.r., closed lunches; "that's it!! good luck .to all and remember - it's a small world."
Stephen Robert DeRuschi
joe de marco "grease" 124 rambling way 4123/61 rem for: nothing; asw: t.I., V.V., k.h., j.b.; fav mem: first car; prize poss: car, stereo; sec amb: be rich head chef; fav say: "burn out", "d ubes", "bones", "cu ri ng". john a. devine "duke" 211 w. sylvan ave. 2/7/62 asw: a.b., j.l.d.; fav mem: a.c. 78, 79; prize poss: my friends, neighbors, and family; sec amb: to succeed in my journalism career; pet peeve: having nosey people sit near me in class; fav say: "do you know what i mean?"; reporter for spri-hian 4; lit. mag. screening committee 4; german club 1, 2, 3; "gold and silver may tarnish away, but a good education will never decay." - mr. deicter (my 5th grade english teacher).
Joe De Marco
John A. Devine
gerard alfred devita "gerry" "vita" 601 cheyney road 3121/62 rem for: wearing tshirts, being sarcastic; asw: bill, barb, dave b., "lazy bum", c.b.; fav mem: the back corner in chemistry 77-78; prize poss: the monkey with the delightful smirk; sec amb: to own a mazda rx-7; pet peeve: senile teachers, lateness, fixing used cars, rahs; fav say: "bonjer bonjer", "wish i had ...", "where's my ... "; baseball 1; golf 2, 3,4; illegal business 3, 4. roseanne marie dibello "rose" 700 timber trail 7/23/62 rem for: shaky hands; asw: carol, pam, debbie, lisa, gina, jim; fav mem: florida 78; prize poss: people i care for; sec amb: happiness; pet peeve: obnoxious people; fav say: "really?"; puo; school orchestra; choir; "i wondered how far i should turn out faithful to that ideal conception of one's own personality every man sets up for himself secretly." - joseph conrad.
Gerard Alfred DeVita
Roseanne Marie DiBello
keith allen dickerson 222 s. norwinden dr. 3/25/62 rem for: running out of gas; asw: I.d., s.d., j.c., f.p., d.m., m.a., c.c.; fav mem: gas at 50 cents a gallon, locker's homeroom; prize poss: stereo, family, friends; sec amb: to win a mercedes; pet peeve: morning, wifi; fav say: "not even"; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; street hockey 1,2,3, 4; "they say that these are not the best of times, but they're the only times i've ever known." - billy joel. lisa diegidio "lee" 257 n. state rd. 5/3/61 rem for: red, shoes, being crazy; asw: different people; fav mem: summer 79, sundance club, wildwood; prize poss: brother, parents, clothes; sec amb: becoming famous hairstylist and make-up artist; pet peeve: snow (winter), backseats, rattle car windows; fav say: "shame for you", "excuse me", "it's a crime"; track 1, 2; lax 1; "i may only go around life once, but i will make it seem like twice."
Keith Allen Dickerson
Lisa DiEgidio
nancy dill "nance" 15 s. hillcrest rd. 12/28/61 rem for: the barracuda bomb, my laugh; asw: bridget, joyce, ayn, arlene, linda, lee, sharon, etc.; fav mem: summer 78~ 79, camp 79, crazy times w/my friends, memories in o.c., bob's parties, rggc; prIZe poss: my friends and family; sec amb: to be successful and happy in life; pet peeve: lateness, good byes; fav say: "you're ridiculous!", "no way!"; hockey 1,2,.3, tri-capt 4; lax 1, 2, 3; nhs 3, 4; assistant senior editor 4; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; chOir 1, 2, 3, 4. .
Nancy Dill
Kevin S. Dion
kevin s. dion "kevin" 324 lewis rd. 4/15/62 rem for: being tall; asw: j.j. and lou; fa~ mem: 2127(79-3/1/79, summer 79, 8/5/79-8/10/79 bloomington, indiana; prize poss: car, Job; sec amb: to live on pennsylvania ave.; pet peeve: rahs, disco, boring teachers, foreigner; junior achievement 1, 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 1; close-up 3, 4; ski club 1, 2; Ito! wanderers in the shadowed land despair not! for though dark they stand, all woods there be must end at last, and see the open sun go past: the setting, the rising sun, the day's end, or the day begun. for east or west all woods must fail ... j.r.r. tolkien.
joseph lawrence dipietro, jr. "joe" 492 doe run lane 7/11/62 rem for: the neveranswered question; asw: the new york times, a fountain pen and a sweater; fav mem: the whereabouts of my blue tie, 4/26/62; prize poss: my benny goodman records; sec amb: to see what's at the other end; pet peeve: may vary with situation and/or hour; fav say: "so i see"; pres., society of caustic curmudgeons 1,2,3, 4; chess club 2; german club 2, 3; "i hold that the intellect must not be taken as a guide in life, but only as affording pleasant argumentative games and ways of annoying less agile opponents." - bertrand russell. kevin dougherty "doc" 429 parham rd. 3/11/62 asw: j.m., W.Z., j.c., I.d.; fav mem: new years party, all the time with j.m., W.Z., I.d., s.d., e.g., p.c., k.mc., k.n.; prize poss: my memories, friends, family, good times; sec amb: to have more good times, to be rich; pet peeve: sch, the dog, test, rahs, mondays, the pit; fav say: "yo, be cool the man"; "so if you think your life is complete confusion cause you never win the game (cause your neighbors got it made) just remember that it's a grand illusion and deep inside we're all the same." -styx.
oseph Lawrence DiPietro
eileen downey "eve" 300 ballymore rd. 5/31/61 rem for: running to vo-tech bus; asw: mary, chris, jan; fav mem: phila. 4/1/79; prize poss: my friends and memories; sec amb: to become an actress; pet peeve: closed lunches, ssr, rainy days; majorettes 2; color guard (rifles) 3,4; vo-tech 3,4; lax 1; v.i.c.a. 3, 4. dawn denise draves "dawnie" "sunrise" 2 s. state rd. 11/25/62 rem for: my laugh; asw: gina, mare, nat, helen, pam, deb, carol, donna, bih; fav mem: my times with my family, bunky, gina, 3/11/78, 3/7/78, 11125/78; prize poss: bunky's love, my family, gina's friendship; sec amb: to be a doctor; pet peeve: phonies; fav say: "what" "who" "smile - life isn't all bad"; spri-hian 1,2,3; advisory council 2,3, 4; d.c. advisory board 3,4; yearbook photographer 3, editor 4; sr. play; medical explorers pres. 1,2,3,4; "so before we end and then begin we'll drink a toast to how it's been ... a few more times that i can say i loved these days" - billy joel.
Eileen Downey
Dawn Denise Draves
robert s. duffy "duff" 248 saxer ave. 5/4/62 rem for: roach eating, being what i am; asw: sull, steph, d.j., j.t., S.S., t.w., and many other friends; fav mem: on the beach with sull summer 78, 126 and 127 jr. prom; prize poss: all the good people who surround my life; sec amb: to live in utopia with the friends i love; pet peeve: summer practice, trolley #21; fav say: "grab some smegma and hold it." "go for it"; football 1, 2, 3, 4; service club 1, 2, 3,4; play 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; grappling 1; "the road goes ever on." - j.r.r. tolkien. pascale durrand 332 oakdale place
Robert S. Duffy
Pascale Durrand
darryl allen dyitt "peanut" 249 walnut str. 11/16/61 rem for: long army coat, merfy; asw: john, kevin, mills; fav mem: summer of 77; prize poss: my family, hair, and women; sec amb: travel, to succeed in the army; pet peeve: conceited young ladies; fav say: "what's up" "brow" "what's happening" basketball; football; "school was fun until i got done, but now i'm out i feel like sour kraut." james joseph dyson "jim" 309 n. lehigh circle 4/1/62 rem for: being a lifeguard; asw: the staff, "pavillion" people; fav mem: avalon, 5126-27/79, rendezvous 79, S.c.c. parties; sec amb: pass bar exams; pet peeve: mistaken brother, april fool bd., cleaning pool; band 1, 2, 3, 4; german 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3; senior class play; ship #171 1,2,3,4; "we all know it's better, yesterday has passed, now let's start the living for the one that's going to last." - c. stevens.
Darryl Allen Dyitt
James Joseph Dyson
"You want me to do what?"
huh dah ... Hi huh guys
Not now Scott, ... Later Oh Terry, look at him flex.
Come and get us girls!!!
Pretty shady situation
r~ch~rd j. edwards "rich" 255 worrell drive 1/4/62 rem for: making gatorade, singing rod and smith songs; asw: larry, bob, gut, brian; fav mem: rod stewart concert 6/4/79, shore 78-79, winter retreats 78-79; prize poss: family, friends, stereo, hockey skates, beaver; sec amb: to be successful and own a house down the shore; pet peeve: disco, french chicken, people who throw bottles at aerosrl}ith; fav say: "hassle", "rak" "good"; football mgr 3, 4; band 1, 2; "sing with us, sing for today never tomorrow the good lord take you away." - aerosmith.
mark k. emas "emo" "great condor" 459 foulke lane 4/17/62 rem for: getting along with everybody, having money, not associating with the weed; asw: steph, stick,).t. and all the other hoodlums; fav mem: all the times with friends, (skiing, partying), shore; prize poss: my head, friends, family, my condor, the good times; sec amb: to be famous, retire early; pet peeve: sleezy characters, people who think they're cool; fav say: "threes" "keep cool".
.~ Richard J. Edwards
Mark K. Emas
alicia mary engler "Ieesh" 24 thornridge rd. 9/12/62 rem for: becoming a rah; asw: suzanne, sally; fav mem: summers of 78 and 79, jr. prom, snow dance 77, sr. prom 78, "yo-hou-ing" in O.c., parties, all the good times; prize poss: family, friendship; sec amb: to live a long life and enjoy it; pet peeve: "clique", arguments, unhappy endings; fav say: "good job"; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1,2,3,4; band 2, 3; ski club 3; musical 1, 3; class sec. 1, 2; stw 4, nhs 3, 4; cheerleadjng 4; "well, i've been afraid of changing cause i've built my life around you; but time makes you bolder, even children get older, and i'm getting older too." - fleetwood mac. bonnie ann ersek "ron" "ernie" "bonz" "bernie" "boney" 219 parkview dr. 3/16/ 62 rem for: being quiet, my eyes, wearing jeans all the time, smiling, not having commons; asw: m.g., d.c., I.a., h.b., m.m.; fav mem: november 24, 78-november 24, 79; prize poss: mike, friends, family, my stuffed animals, my ring; sec amb: m.m.g., to live a great life, to have all my dreams come true; pet peeve: rahs, burns, getting up for school, ssr, getting caught w/h.b. and m.m., study hall, fighting; fav say: "sure", "you smack" "it's cool"; girls golf 2; "i finally found the person i've been looking for."
Alicia Engler
Bonnie Ann Ersek
linda marie evans 234 welsh dr. 6/19/62 rem for: being quiet, always knowing what time it is; asw: someone from park; fav mem: great adventure 79, bar harbor maine, weekend camping, times with r.d., sr. and jr. ween(end), park, d.a.r.k.'s, proms, concerts, pinball, n.j.; prize poss: family, friends, memories, stereo; sec amb: to be with the one i love; pet peeve: good byes, shs, 7:55 a.m., rags, rahs, people that hurt; fav say: "i can't wait!" "sure, love to"; track 2, 3, 4; "and i will go on shining, shining like brand new, i'll never look behind me, my troubles will be few." - supertramp. ..
â&#x20AC;˘ )
Linda Marie Evans
mary fadden 609 s. chester rd.
Mary Fadden
joanne teresa fagan "jo" "jovan" "ike" "disco queen" 646 newlin rd. 3124/62 rem for: going to 53; asw: mike, dana; fav mem: 10/8/77,1/17/1/17-20/78, bee gees concert, times with mwr; prize poss: family, mwr, comb; sec amb: to love and to be loved, to live in hawaii, to own a trans; pet peeve: fighting with mwr, waiting; fav say: "horrors!"; color guard 2, 3, 4-co. sgt.; senior play, medical exp 3, sec-4; "preserve your memories, they are all that's left you." - sand g. charles donald farace "chuck" 350 pinecrest rd. 1126/61 asw: chick, phil, chris, belch; prize poss: my car, technics, and akat; sec amb: to be a success and like it, too; pet peeve: amer govt, conformists, fords, stop signs; fav say: "don't know?", "chevy's" "a day without sunshine is like night"; t.v. crew 1,2,3,4; b.b. 1; work study 4; "everywhere there's lots of piggies living piggy lives" - beatles; "those who can, do, those who can't buy hustler."
r¡, ........ );,
Joanne Teresa Fagan
Charles Donald Farace
kimberly anne faulkner "kimbie" "stretch" "flopsy" "mopsy" 128 bellevue ave. 5 /12/62 rem for: always having a comb, always combing my hair, always playing basketball, being tall; asw: dianne, tricia, terry, carol, basketball players, the best of friends; fav mem: summer league 78, summer league 79, years at shs, my basketball memories; sec amb: to live a happy and successful life; pet peeve: waiting, certain referees, giving up; basketball 1, 2, 3,4. gina marie ferguson "gern" 570 maddock rd. 5/5/62 rem for: my red vega, robot, my imaginary guitar; asw: dawn, sherry, marybeth, pam, carol, debbie, helen, the guys, liz, b.i.h.; fav mem: the "castle" brigantine, florida 78, s.h. w/h.p., the press, b.j. concert, L wig, parties; prize poss: my family, friends, dawn's friendship, time to myself; sec amb: to own a sailing shop; pet peeve: being misunderstood, decisions; fav say: "yo, chic!"; spri-hian 1, 2; band 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; 3/4 b. ball 2; stw collage 2; senior play; i.l.l.c. pres 2, 3, 4; "all that is now, all that is gone, all that's to come, and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon." - pink floyd.
Kimberly Anne Faulkner
Gina Maria Ferguson
marianne I. ferlita "mari" 211 harwicke rd. 3/14/62 rem for: always seen with patty; asw: patty a., beth b., diane d.; fav mem: summer of 78, 79, 5130179, ski trips; prize poss: my family, friends, memories; sec amb: to travel around the world, be successful, to buy a car; pet peeve: rahs, snobs; fav say: "oh, really"; track 3; ski club 2, 3, 4.
M arianne L. Ferlita
mark filippone 745 dutton circle 9/2/61 rem for: king tooies in vo-tech; fav mem: jamming on the boardwalk; prize poss: guitar; pet peeve: ssr; fav say: "obviously".
Mark Filippone
donna marie finley "don" 321 maple ave. 8124/62 rem for: red hair and green eyes; asw: charmane, jabreem, skeets, bub, ferg; fav mem: my turtle of 11179, all the good times at the high; prize poss: my vw; sec amb: find allah, pass bio II; pet peeve: pretenders, saluting the flag; fav say: "where's that killer"; girls' track: "today tomorrow and forever, now is just a point in time." - salaam. patricia maureen finnegan "patti" 303 ballymore rd. 4123/62 rem for: being part of a triplet; asw: kathy, maureen, kerre, and friends; fav mem: 4/19179 and good times with my friends; prize poss: my dog tiffany, family, friends; sec amb: to succeed in life; pet peeve: getting up in the mornings, rainy weekends; fav say: "really!!!" "don't walk in front of me; i may not follow, don't walk behind; i may not lead, walk beside me; and just be my friend." - camus.
Donna Marie Finley
Patricia Maureen Finnegan
david w. fisher "fish" 365 lewis rd. 10/29/62 rem for: being from philly; asw: barb, boothe, ;'sledge?"; fav mem: the who (front row), Lk. 75, wildwood summer 78; prize poss: guitars; sec amb: to become a computer wizard; pet peeve: rejection, mondays, lunch; track. bridget eileen foley "bridge" "bf" "bri" 706 buttonwood dr. rem for: my hair, drawing, missing babs at g.a.; asw: n.d., I.s., s.b., j.g., j.L, m.e., the best of friends; fav mem: 10/14177,514178, camp 79, summer 78, g.Lw.j.L, jr. prom, h.Lg.Lw.LO., parties at r.g.g.c. and b.b.; prize poss: life, family, friends, reI. w/j.L; sec amb: to be happy, successful, to put these last 12 yrs. to good use; pet peeve: ssr, fights, being on the rag, good byes, no time; fav say: "oh no!" "really?"; hockey 1,2,3, tri-capt 4; basketball 1,2; lax 1,2,3,4; bus staff 2, 3, ed. 4; scriv. art 3, 4; lit mag art 3,4; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; soph hop dec. 2; "best of friends never part, best of fools have love forever from the bottom of their hearts." - bozz scaggs. bye y'all.
David W. Fisher
Bridget Eileen Foley
paul fox 226 harwicke rd. 8/13/61 rem for: rowdying-out with the crew; asw: k.k., c.p., a.mac., j.mac., b.k., and the best of friends; fav mem: calif 77, prom 79, shore 78,79, w/Lc., a.mac. in and behind "bars", glendale park 79, cranking it up, the cliff 78, the cove 77, 78, 79, barones 78, 79 w/a.mac. m.f., rambling raft race 79; prize poss: kris, granot, mics, malsons, lums, guns, and a fifth of the old south; pet peeve: springdive, rahs, being busted; v.i.c.a. 2, 3, 4; s.h.d.a. 1,2,3,4. catherine a. frank "cathy" 243 sedgewood rd. 7/20/62 rem for: always being late for school and leaving early; asw: michael, jane, sharon, gale, mary; fav mem: summers of 77, 78, 79,8/27/79, being with michael; prize poss: michael, family, friends, summer home; sec amb: to always be happy; pet peeve: shs, d.s., rahs, snobs, regs, gym; fav say: "hey dude!" "right".
Paul Fox
Catherine A. Frank
nance fulginiti 257 taylor ave. 3/19/62 rem for: "is that mick jagger?"; asw: dweezle, randy, carol, janice, freeman, nick; fav mem: florida 78, zappa 78, renaissance 79, grateful dead, twr; prize poss: kat, boots, twr; sec amb: katmando, tmr; pet peeve: establishment, people who hurt, rahs; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1, 2,3,4; musical orchestra 1, 3; ex. council 2,3,4, treasurer 3, 4; "you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you might just find, you get what you need." - rolling stones.
Nance Fulginiti
Ayn Furlong
ayn furlong "aynie" 501 maddock rd. 5/31/62 rem for: big eyes, n.y. accent, the bug; asw: lisa, are, joyce, nance, bridg, leigh, g.f., I.p., etc.; fav mem: states 78, summer 79, crazy times with all my friends, junior prom, experiences in O.c., that so at brownie's, b.b.'s parties; prize poss: family, friends, fred and missy; sec amb: to accomplish all of my goals in life, t.o.d.m.t.s.s.; pet peeve: my name spelled wrong, a certain sleeze, good byes; fav say: "how are ya?" "i'm fine"; cheerleading co-capt 2; lax stat 2, 3, 4; basketball stat 3; 3/4 hockey 4; ski club 2, 3,4; senior class play; attendance office 2, 3, 4; "i'm steppin out, i'm movin' on, i'm gonna see the world, i'm gonna be somebody - ooh i'm steppin' out." elo.
geoffrey c. furtaw "geoff" "furt" 116 snyder la. 8/25/62 asw: dan, joe, m.r.; fav mem: 79 soccer, sledding at rolling green, springton lake; prize poss: my mind and all it contains; sec amb: to live my life to the fullest; pet peeve: disco, "1.8", "mummies"; fav say: "i've done that!"; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; serv club 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; "so the days they turn into years, and still no tomorrow appears." - genesis. true or false? nancy ann gaines "nanc" "gainesburger" "nag" "woofie" rem for: being skinny, a loud mouth, wand c, always eating, "our office"; asw: "family" b.m.I.!., cougarettes, a.j.b.; fav mem: summer 79, florida, (almost every day); prize poss: friendships, good memories, "fozzie"; sec amb: be happy always, own a vette; pet peeve: busy signals, band b, snobs, getting in the middle; fav say: "what's up?" "hey yous guys, take it easy."; choir 1, 2, 3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 2, 3, tri-capt 4; musical 3; track 3; "life is just a series of hellos and goodbyes - but i'm afraid it's time for another good bye again - for now."
Geoffrey C. Furtaw
Nancy Ann Gaines
charles gallagher "chip" "trip" "pres" 1832 ashurst rd. 7/24/62 rem for: discreet hits, setting an example; asw: mario, example setters a. to h.; fav mem: backpacking, stw, 24 w/m.l.; prize poss: skis, snoopy, fish; pet peeve: example setting, c.g.; fav say: "what's up?", "umm" "no mr. lee, i don't have a pass."; stw 1, 2, 3; class pres. 2,3,4; ex. coun. 2,3,4; spri-hian 1, 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2; indoor track 1, spring track 1, 2, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; a.v. 1, 2, 3; senior class play; "go to paris" stephane grappelly. arthur anthoney christofer gammarino III "b.k." 243 n. rolling rd. 1/14/63 rem for: this, that, and the other thing, hee-hee; asw: bern naz, paul, frank, andrew, martin, billy, maron, trink, peter,the gill; fav mem: crazy times; prize poss: jaguar, my diamonds, my sanity; sec amb: lawyer, tycoon; pet peeve: shs, on coming cars, too much of anything; fav say: "she's killing me, god"; "don't take for granted today, because what not, may not be there tomorrow." - b.k.
Arthur Anthony Christofer Gammarino III 184
wesley gordon gerstenkorn 540 maplewood rd. 12/5/61 rem for: being a flyers fanatic, partying; asw: k.b., b.k., s.k., d.r., a.h.; fav mem: florida july 79, 9/26179; prize poss: family, friends, car; sec amb: to retire at 30, make a million; pet peeve: chem teachers, closed lunches, townwatch; fav say: "what's up?"; "players only love you when they're playing." - fleetwood mac. peter j. ghicondey "pete" 34 schuyler rd. 9/28/62 asw: cos, gut, most team mates and rink guards; fav mem: 3/24179,6/14179; prize poss: my leather jacket; pet peeve: jocks and rahs, sunday morning practice; fav say: "yo chick let's party!"; ice hockey; band; orchestra; district band, regional state band; "my other world is just a half mile away." - billy joel. thanks to my parents.
Wesley Gordon Gerstenkorn
Peter J. Ghicondey
barbara jean gibson "bucket" "ig" "barb"16 walnut st. 1/2/63 rem for: having a big mouth, rolling my eyes, being evil; asw: leroy wesley, wendy, schoochie, chuckie; fav mem: 1975,6/14176,7/9178 and after; prize poss: my mom and god, leroy, mem's of gram, whitney, pepe, jazz; sec amb: to be what i want to be thanks to me!; pet peeve: so called friends, judgement makers, get-overs; fav say: "you sick pup"; basketball 2; hockey 2, 3, 4; lax 1. donald ginn "don" "wallace" "wal" 469 harwicke rd. 117/63 rem for: academic achievement; asw: band members, a.v. personnel, "gifties", myf types; fav mem: stretched spring incident, iced tea incident; prize poss: black and white, slightly chubby furry cat; sec amb: destroy the world with mr. bartow, mr. mcclennan, and mr. wood; fav say: "the american way"; band; a.v.; chess club; "if you like it, take it, if you don't break it." - g. wood. Barbara Jean Gibson
Donald Ginn
john e. glenstrup 13 pearson ci rcle joyce e. gluck 708 evans rd. 5/25/62 rem for: always being late, gzlg. br., organized; asw:_nancy, lisa, arelene, ayn, bridget, sharon, barb, ... the gang; fav mem: times in O.c., 77, 78, esp summer 79 w/are and lisa, 8/30179, t.a. "c.h.", proms, "t.g.b.b. of 78", b.b. parties; prize poss: good friends, and memories we share, the shore, "special people" in O.c., my gold, cinnamon, all those i love ... esp. my family; sec amb: tr.w.i.h.1. (s.u.s.t.m.) a.h.o.w.i.h.; pet peeve: decisions, good byes, the summer's end, 5/27179, station wagons; fav say: "seriously"; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4; lax 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; business staff 2; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; "when the sun is high and the sea is calm, remember me my friend" - p.S. good luck class of '80. John Glenstrup
Joyce E. Gluck
sarah jane goebel"sally" line rd. #22/4/62 rem for: eating, esp. m&m's and doritoes, laughing and flirting; qSW: tracey, alicia, patty, scott; fav mem: everyday, times with my friends, trips with my family, junior prom with kenny, special times with special people; prize poss: life, family and friends; sec amb: t.b.t.; pet peeve: getting up in the morning, fat, liars, two faced people, h.f.'s; fav say: "i love it" "that's unbelievable" "t.p.m.t.h.o."; hockey 1,2,3,4; ski dub 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; choir 1, vp 2, 3; orch 1,2,3; senior class play 4; "we've only just begun to live, white lace and promises, kiss for luck and we're on our way" - carpenters.
ed gowland 555 evans rd. 2/8/62 rem for: driving everywhere; asw: sab, vince, gil, greek, motto, patty, kathy; fav mem: wildwood, concerts, summer partying; prize poss: car, friends; sec amb: own a street machine; pet peeve: disco, rahs, stop signs, empty tank, the man; fav say: "what's up" i,yo"; sessions 1, 2, 3, 4; band, orch 1, 2; "train kept a rollin' all night long." - aerosmith. Sarah Jane Goebel
Ed Gowland
brian allen guttschall "gut" "gusto" 59 indian rock dr. 3/22/62 rem for: beard certain party, 181f2; asw: m.a., f.p., d.m., c.s., p.g., W.S., d.e., j.s., S.g., b.t.; fav mem~ concerts, t.e.c., wildwood, & O.c., 77,78,79, 3/24/79; prize poss: family, friends, memories, guitars; sec amb: be draft evader; pet peeve: rahs, gran torino, disco; fav say: "ex!"; basketball 1, 2, 4; spa 3, 4; "mountains crumble to the sea - there would still be you and me." -led zeppelin. stephen r. hahn "hahnbers" "chuck" "animal" 304 providence ~d. 3/27/62 rem for: being crazy, hitters in b.r., looking evil; asw: sab, sam, fonz, the greek, whoever else was around; fav mem: wildwood 79, yes, burning of shs; prize poss: my sanity, my friend?; sec amb: to have millions, never grow old & party constantly; pet peeve: beat lighters, cops, people who don't really know me; "a very special thanks to the world of people we met, worked and played for." - Iynyrd skynyrd.
Brian Allen Guttschall
Stephen R. Hahn
allen j. haigh "al" "a. j." "haiger" 311 ashwood rd. 7/5/62 asw: wes, karl, bill; fav mem: 5/19/74, 5/27/75, florida 79; prize poss: 68 firebird, friends; sec amb: to own a trans am; pet peeve: disco, rahs, reconstruction; fav say: "take it easy" "what ya doing" "what's your problem"; "you can make it if you try, you've got to lay it on the line, and everything will be fine, if ya try." - eagles. william c. hallman "bill" 334 madison rd. 10/12/62 rem for: being albanian of the day, riding my bike; asw: a.h., g.t., S.S., g.k., k.b., fav mem: summer 78, 79, prize poss: friends, bike, camera; sec amb: to travel allover the world; pet peeve: deadlines, two-faced people; fav say: "yeah really", "what's your problem."
Allen J. Haigh
richard hamilton "ham" 429 ridge In. 11/15/61 rem for: not going to the board; asw: c.r., g.h., g.t., g.k.; fav mem: summers, phillies playoff game, chem class, iced tea; prize poss: health, money; sec amb: to quit hacking, caddie for j.n.; pet peeve: slashers, midd Ie name; fav say: "whut" "k" basketball 1, 2; "never in the history of mankind have so many owed so much to so few." jeffrey scott hanna "hans" "hannable" 41 mansion rd. 12/7/62 rem for: my walk, jokes; asw: m.m., r.m., k.k.; fav mem: Ivc 79, maine 78; prize poss: family, friends, doonesbury collection; sec amb: to grow a beard; pet peeve: hacking, time schedules; fav say: "oh my!" "toods" "pphh"; baseball 2,3,4; golf 3; choir 1,2,4; ex council 3,4; class officer 4; a.v club 2, 3, 4; senior class play, stw 4; "some men see things as they are and say why. i dream things that never were and say why not." - rfk.
Richard Hamilton
Jeffrey Scott Hanna
craig stephen hauslein "cedar" 456 indian rock dr. 8/5/62 rem for: being called cedar chips and driving my olds; asw: don, rich, snyder, and friends; fav mem: ocean city, going to parties and movies; prize poss: friends, family, car, stereo; sec amb: to open my own automechanic shop; pet peeve: people who think they know everything fav say: "ah man!" "what's up"; bowling 2, 3,4; av 3,4; prop comm. 3; cafe employee 4; "enjoy every day of life you have because life is not forever." . barbara ann henderson "barb" 620 cheyney rd. 9/16/62 rem for: absurdity, cynicism, long-haired-bare-footed-liberalism, wasting time; asw: susan, betsy, caroline, s.j., ann, carole, buchy, andy, vita, etc; fav mem: anti-nuclear march on washington d.c. may 6th; sec amb: to become dull & unquestioning enough to live quite happily as a housewife in suburbia; pet peeve: arrogance, lab bills, calculus tests, bureaucracy, victorianism; fav say: "where's mahh harpoon" ... & others "no nukes!!"; orch 1,2,3,4; dist orch 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; pop group; senior play; musical orch; basketball 2,3,4; track 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; "we live as we dream - alone." - joseph conrad.
Craig Stephen Hauslein
Barbara Ann Henderson
matt hendrixson "mumbles" "mole" "hendie" "reds" 340 summit rd. 1/13/61 rem for: clothes that don't match, short tie, being late; asw: d.mc, g.r., m.j., f.mc, j.mc, and all; fav mem: jr. prom, great adventure, the spalife; prize poss: spa, pink roach, brother's nova; sec amb: t.b.l.s.i.b. and o.s. + I.m.p.; pet peeve: sitting on the bench, long ties; fav say: "say hey" "I.d.w." "face"; basketball 1, 3,4; football 1; golf 3, 4; ice hockey 4; "if you can't kid your friends, who can you kid?" donald ross hilaman, jr. "don" "d. j." 452 granite tr. 1/1/62 rem for: fast driving and working; asw: del, john, friends; fav mem: summers traveling; prize poss: orange V.W., tools, family; sec amb: to race my car at indy and to be the best mechanic; pet peeve: summers end; fav say: "yeah really" "sure" bowling 1, 2, 3; d.e. I, II, pres. Matt Hendrixson
Donald Ross Hilaman Jr.
david hilliard "dave" 949 edwards dr. 12/19/61 rem for: driving to school everyday; fav mem: summers of 77, 78, 79 at ocean city; the night i met c t.; prize poss: my gran tori no sport, and c t.; sec amb: to shoot a trophy buck; pet peeve: stop signs and red lights; fav say: "maybe"; vo-tech 1, 2, 3,4; "always keep a litterbag in your car. it doesn't take up much room, and if it ever gets filled up, you can just throw it out the window." - steve martin.
David Hilliard
suzanne marie hoeveler "hoov" 798 parker In. 4120/63 rem for: always talking; asw: karen, alicia, michael, danny, jamie; fav mem: 9/19/76,6124/77, winter 7879 (rg after b-ball game), 2/15/79, 2/23/79, 3/10/79, 5/5/79, summer 79-strathmere n.j., driving a dpw w/bill while k&r are in the "misty", 8/19/79, 8124/79; prize poss: family, friends, every good memory (w. jt & bm); sec amb: to have a happy and successful life; pet peeve: "cliques", getting hurt, good byes, going somewhere w / someone & they leave w / someone else, 3/21/79, 5/10/79, 8/9/ 79-sb; fav say: "that's smart!!"; track 1; ski club 2, 4; "in your arms i feel so safe and so secure. everyday is such a perfect day to spend alone with you." - genesis.
Suzanne Marie Hoeveler
charlotte I. holdsworth "char" 260 saxer ave. 3/9/62 rem for: complaining, lydia's sister; asw: lydia, cindy, joan, michelle; fav mem: spain, jamaica, wildwood, p.S.U. weekends, lifeguard's ball, skiing; prize poss: family, friends, mandy, big dog, s.b., lydia, irishmen, memories; sec amb: endless summer, marry my special someone and be happy; pet peeve: good byes, getting lost, fakes, fat, 3/3/78; fav say: "scary"; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; prop comm 3; soph hop dec comm 2; "the love in your heart wasn't put there to stay, love isn't love till you give it away." kenneth holland 10 plymouth rd.
Charlotte L. Holdsworth
Kenneth Holland
mary j. hood "mom" 307 ballymore rd. 3/8/61 rem for: cutting, being small; asw: michael, karen, cathy, pat, john, paula; fav mem: april 22, winter of 79; prize poss: family, friends, michael; pet peeve: liars, gym, fakes; "time doesn't fade but only endears true friendships made throughout the years." david jackson horne "dave" "horne" 411 fairview rd. 12/31/62 rem for: always sailing, being dark; asw: anybody; fav mem: k.p., summers, 78 na's, 6/3/77, christmas tournament 78; prize poss: family, friends, trophies; sec amb: to win na's, to finish the house; pet peeve: last plans, sunday morning practices; soccer 1; ice hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; "we're in this ever changing world pursuing the . unknown, never knowing, always going, seeking to free our own." - anonymous. ~/~f
Mary J. Hood
David Jackson Horne
scott howe 339 orchard rd. 10/22/62 rem for: being hungry, mumbling; asw: nobody special; fav mem: summers, 7/4/78, 10/32/78; prize poss: family, backpack; sec amb: to overcome my education; pet peeve: these hallowed hals of learning; fav say: "what's up" "go for it"; soccer; wrestling; service club, ski club; weightlifting lax; "i'm sailing away; set an open course for the virgin sea, for i've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me." - styx. patricia howell 329 avon rd.
Scott Howe
Patricia Howell
robert hunn 408 wayne ave. robert f. inforzato "info" "emfo" "emf" 783 eaton rd. 12/12/62 rem for: absent mindedness, my imagination; asw: barb, joe, dave, joe; fav mem: 5/15/77, w-s-j skiing, shore 79; prize poss: my parents, my bike, bbe; sec amb: to cycle crosscountry; pet peeve: summer practice, burnouts, fav say: "man" "yeah right"; football 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 3, 4; choi r 1.
Robert Hunn
Robert F. Inforzato
nicholas ipri 712 w. rolling rd. linda elizabeth jackman "Iyn" "rag" 269 saxer ave. 11/29/62 rem for: being late when i come; asw: jean, sue, lisa, joyce, and others & a.j.b.; fav mem: o.c summers 76, 77, 78, lu's sun 79; prize poss: dutchess, my family, friends; sec amb: to become a lawyer; pet peeve: snobs, rahs, two-faced people, "the white car"; fav say: "yo rag!"; lax 1; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 2,3,4; music man 3. :l. '<
~~--~-Linda Elizabeth Jackman
sherry Iyn jackson "rookie" "omar" "chef sherry" "jack" 111 longview dr. 9130/ 62 rem for: laughing, being moody; asw: d.v., b.mc, t.c, b.d., I.p. gang; fav mem: 9/15/79,6/10/78,6/9/79, colliers, summers; prize poss: family, friends, house at shore; sec amb: fulfill dreams; pet peeve: oral reports, d.v.'s singing, lockers; fav say: "really" "smiley, will ya" locker problems 3, 4; chorus 1; basketball 1; "fly away my sweetbird over the land, take life for all the freedom you can, and if you should ever need a hand, the offer still stands." freeman a. johns 632 evans rd. 3/2/62 rem for: s.g.i.y.e; asw: s.h., tr., n.f., cw., b.j., alone; fav mem: summer of 78, ss maine 1, 2, 3, 4; prize poss: the great out I doors, m.l.f.s., fenwick, 760, family & friends, my brother's friendship; pet peeve: . "hey dude" and being "cool", me being off key, disco; choir 1,2, 3,4; officer 3,4; ski club 3, 4; pop group 1, 2, ?; musical 1, 3, ?; stw 4; glee club 1, 2, 3. Sherry Lyn Jackson
william keith johnson "foxx" 214 school str. 11/25/61 rem for: being on time no matter what; asw: the crew and force and shelly, liz; fav mem: 9/27/79 with the jeffersons; prize poss. money; fav say: "there's a right, and wrong, if you get along get a fair one going on." mark johnston "stoner" "wolfer" "johns't" 717 evans rd. 2/24/62 rem for: bet car, being late; asw: g.r., d.m., m.h., j.m.; fav mem: shore 7121/79, aug 79, life guard stands, labor day weekend at I.e.v., jr. prom; prize poss: family, friends, baseball glove, vega; sec amb: to play baseball, to be successful; pet peeve: rain outs, inconsiderate people, repeating myself; fav say: "you're so dumb" "f'em u" "n.p.s."; soccer 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; service club 1,2,3, 4; snow king nom. Mark Johnston
todd c. johnston 130 parkview dr. 5/27/62 rem for: giving rides, double jointed fingers; asw: mark, chris, e.o., ever, d.m., giggles, tism; fav mem: all night d & d, europe 78; prize poss: albums, tennis racquet; sec amb: play tennis forever; pet peeve; foreign language; fav say: "oh baby, this is true"; band 1, 2, 3,4; orch 1,2, 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; stage crew 4; musical 3, pop group 2; "i ain't here on business babe, i'm only here for fun." -bruce springsteen. audrey jones 242 maple ave. 3/5/62 rem for: smiling; asw: j.d., g.w., b.b., e.e.; fav mem: august 79, prize poss: family and friends; sec amb: to become v.m.d.; pet peeve: someone who thinks they know everything and doesn't know anything; fav say: "don't even try it!"; chorus; choir; "always and forever." Todd C. Johnston
Audrey Jones
ann jurecic 237 fairview rd. 9128/62 asw: e.r., b.h., s.m., b.r., s.j., eds.; band 1, 2, 3; spri-hian ed-in-chief 4; lit mag 2, 3 art ed 4; nhs 3, 4; fund 2, 3, 4; "the world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning." - i.b.p. mary elizabeth kane "marybeth" "MB" "mare" 263 ballymore rd. 9/26/62 rem for: being the only twirler, my stare; asw: natalie, helen, gina, wendy, maureen, peggy, liz; fav mem: times with frank, times with friends; 7121/79,8/12-16/79, times to come; prize poss: my car, watch, baton, family; sec amb; to become an executive secretary and to be happy; pet peeve: oral reports, phony people, decisions; fav say: "but how?!" "o.kay" "i don't know"; inva basket,baI11; majorettes 1, 2 feature twirler 3, 4. Ann Jurecic
Mary Elizabeth Kane
kenneth kantner "ken" "kenny" "james" "jimbo" "herb" 941 edwards dr. 4/24/ 62 rem for: running, playing cards, squeaking; asw: r.m., j.h., m.m., b.s., m.w., m.r.; fav mem: ocean city 77, 78, bucknell 79, skiing toms river; prize poss: family, friends; sec amb: run in 84 olympics; pet peeve: chem, bad ankles, hackers, sparns, deep-sea fishing; fav say: "how ya doin"; cross country 2, 3, 4; indoor track 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; "years go falling in the fading light. the years run too short and days too fast. there's something back there that you left behind ... time passages." - al stewart. steve karvois "steve" 515 springview In. 5/2/62 rem for: not; asw: k.m., d.s., b.b., k.b., s.h., etc; fav mem: all favorite; prize poss: my junk; sec amb: to become a priest or school administrator; pet peeve: closed lunches, disco; fav say: "get serious"; "welcome to my nightmare." - alice cooper. Kenneth Kantner
Steve Karvois
............... Auto Body •.•........... Interior Finishing
................................................................. Photo Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Sally Ramsey
Wayne Reid
Georg Schmidt
Barbara Stanley
Teresa Touhill
N'rncent Vecchione
Lisa Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ::-:-.. .
Busi ness Data Processi ng
Graphics Arts
Industrial Electronic' Cosmetology:
george n. kasnic "kaz" 713 w. rolling rd. 6/9/62 rem for: colorful sayings, being conservative; asw: ham; klep, tep, tug, pete & bruce, woody, drew; fav mem: lightfoot concert, thursday meetings; prize poss: sports letters; sec amb: to be a professional sports writer; pet peeve: closed lunches; windsprints, line drives; fav say: "oh dear!" "who cares?"; football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball mgr 3, 4; weightlifting 3, 4; spri-hian 2,3, sports ed. 4; "as a man thinks, so is he ..." - richard bach. karen keinath "kar" 323 summit rd. 11/30/62 rem for: smiling, being late, dancing; asw: karen, renee, barb, cindy, janet, jo no, lorraine, krista, cac; fav mem: ducks, cougarettes, canada 74, the wedding, florida 78, 5/6/78. r.g.g.c., hazelton, shaving cream; prize poss: friends, memories, relationship with mom; sec amb: t.b.a.g.; pet peeve: morning, putting hair up for cougarettes, no car; gymnastics 1; track 1, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2; cougarettes 2, tri-capt 3, 4; senior class play; "thanks for everything mom!"
George N. Kasnic
Karen Keinath
, margaret mary kennedy "peggy" "peg" "Maggie" 27 locust rd. 9127/62 rem for: "always talking"; asw: charmaine & charlie, nancy, nancy, terry, laura; fav mem: haunted house, 77, 11/3/78, 11/10/78, christmas 78, winter & spring concerts; prize poss: family, friends; sec amb: be a star, grow in my religion, find mr. right; pet peeve: breaking-up, snobs; fav say: "i know" "are you serious?"; chorus 1,2, 3,4; choir 3, 4; german club 2, 3, 4; french club 4; senior class play; "make every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." thomas philip kennedy "tom" "teak" 706 w. rolling rd. 10126/62 rem for: my hair; asw: m.d., r.m., b.p., m.m., j.h.; fav mem: yes 78, 79, caesors world, my 298 game; prize poss: family, friends, sec amb: to be a millionaire, to bowl a 300 game; pet peeve: waking up in the morning, 3-d, disco; fav say: "bag it"; "where we are coming from or where we go we only know that we go around and round." yes.
Margaret Mary Kennedy
Thomas Philip Kennedy
richard kindt "monkey" "monk" 509 andrew rd. 2125/62 rem for: being early, jumping over ropes in band; asw: d.m., cedar, spaz, rag, the shadow; fav mem: 78 florida trip with band, jr. prom w/ lori; prize poss: friends, family, stereo; sec amb; to go to california; pet peeve; "know it ails", high class snobs; fav say: "shad"; band 1,2,3,4; bowling 1,2,3,4; av 2, 3, 4; "somebody please, please tell me what we've learned." - supertramp. janice king 654 buttonwood dr. 8/14/62 rem for: being late; asw: janice, ginny, marion, billy, martin, glenn, connie, mike (nazz), barb; fav mem: janice's 1/79, ramblin raft race 79, thursday night winter 78 rolling green, st. joes 9122/79, Ivikings 7/79, aug 12/79, jethro tull, grad 79, bad co., 5th lunch 79, the who 12/11/ 79; prize poss: good times with janice, friends, family memories of great parties; sec amb: do anything, anytime, anyplace; pet peeve: shs, rahs, detention; fav say: "ah man""l.s.h. (ginny & marion)", "dips" "wombat"; lax 1; "gotta take care, gotta beware." - golden earring.
Richard Kindt
Janice King
charles klepper "chuck" 311 fairview rd. 8/16/62 rem for: being myself; asw: kaz, tom, all my friends; fav mem: beau creek 79; prize poss: my ambitions and memories, sec amb: to spread the word of God; pet peeve: saying goodbye at the end of summer; fav say: "he who knows others is clever, but he who knows himself is enlightened." ~Iao-tzu; stw 2, 3; sr. class play; intra weightlifting 3,4; sr. choir; scrivener 4; "all your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness. the day is coming when you will wake to find, beyond all hope, that you have attained it, or else, that it was within your reach and you have lost it forever." -C.s. lewis. renee yvonne kline 342 wayne ave. 7/15/62 rem for: being short and saying what i think; asw: cindy, karen, sue, deanna; fav mem: france 79, 1/1/79, august 78, 4/8 /78; prize poss: my books, dandee, my family; sec amb; to travel and to always know that what i am doing is worthwhile and right; pet peeve: prejudice, too little time, math, generalities; lit meg 2, 4; french club 4.
Charles Klepper
george r. koerner "jorge" 53? e. spri~gfield rd. 2/15/79 fav mem: times with fa.mily and friends, long talks with special people, soccer banquet 79, fussball; prIZe poss: a true friend; sec amb: utilize wha.t has be~n given to me; pet peeve: so close but so far' soccer 1 co-capt 2 3, tn-capt 4; Indoor soccer 1,2,3,4 all central' ~II delco ho'norable ~ention; tr~ck 1,2; wrestling 1; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; "nothing'you can...do, but you can learn how to be you in time." -lennon & mccartney.
. lisa anne kohl "lis" 359 fairview rd. 10/3/62 rem for: laughing alot, always smiling, acting crazy; asw: are, joyce, ayn, lisas; fav mem: s~mmers in O.c. esp 79.wI are & joyce that last week, "bb of 78"; prize poss: true fnends, all best memones, the sunshine, time wi s.f., crazy times wi a.p.; pet peeve: good byes, pretend friends, long distance relationships, rumors; sec amb: to have an endless summer eternal friends; fav say: "oh no", "sweet!" "how are ya?"; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; track l' gymnastics l' cheerleading 2,4; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; snow queen nom; "love when you can, cry ~hen you have to, be who you must that's part of the plan await your arrival with simple survival and one day we'll all understand." - dan fogelburg.
. George R. Koerner
Lisa Anne Kohl
bruce kowalczyk 842 rhoads dr. 7/30/62 rem for: getti ng labs done; fav mem: ice tea hair; sec amb: shaving mr. mcclennen's beard; fav say: "pete, shut up"; band 1,2,3,4; soccer 1, 2,3; chess club 1, 2, 3, 4; "the american way: if you like it take it; if you don't break it." - g. wood. peter kowalczyk 842 rhoads dr. 7/30/62 rem for: burning paper towel' fav mem: doing seminar reports; prize poss: beer can collection; sec amb: to b~ 1st trumpet; pet peeve: ass';Jming and gifties; fav say: "what's going on?"; band 1,2,3,4; soccer 1, 2, 3; tennis 3, 4; chess club 1, 2, 3; "ob-Ia-di, ob-Ia-da life goes on."beatles. \"
Bruce Kowalczyk
bill kracht 214 Iynbrooke rd. 2/4/62 rem for: betting; asw: W.g., k.b., g.W., k.k., k.h., a.j.; fav mem: new mexico 77; prize poss: my rocking chair; sec amb: hike appalachian trail from maine to georgia; pet peeve: administrators, complainers, experts who are not; cross country 1, 2, 3, capt 4; indoor track 3, 4; track 3, 4; band 1, 2; german club 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1; " ... and i'll climb that hill in my own way, just wait awhile for the right day, and as i rise above the toll line and clouds, j'lllook down in the sound of the things you said today ..." - pink floyd. jean louis krimmel 313 Iynbrooke rd. 4/3/62 rem for: loves baby soft perfume and opals; asw: jean m., sue d., lind j.; fav mem: summer 75, o. c. 76, 77, 78, 79; prize poss: parents, madchen, 14k, art talent; sec amb: be a successful fashion designer; pet peeve; windshields, losing things, rain, "the white car"; chorus, intra. basketball 1; social service club 2, 79 art work yearbook; german club 2; musical set designer; "eyes are the windows of our souls."
IItnz Bill Kracht
jean Louise Krimmel
joseph c. kuhls "kuhls" 244 waverly ave. 4/18/62 rem for: always playing the guitar; asw: fronz, rob, jess, jamie, arlene, joan; fav mem: labor day 77, summer 79; prize poss: my camera, guitar, good friends; pet peeve: money, feet, cold beds; fav say: "you idiot" "eek" "cuaf a flaggen of mead"; "caught between the longing for love and the struggle for the legal tender." - j.b. lorraine j. kutz "s.m.I." 441 valley view rd. 12/1/62 rem for: not being chasless very often; asw: c.k., I.r., j.m., c.h. & CO., I.t., I.m., a.s., c.t.; fav mem: hair, heart, m.t., who & neil young, w. va 78; prize poss: chas, family, friends; sec amb: be a spanish translator & travel; pet peeve: cold people & places; 11 hr. days; "you lock the door & throwaway the key. there's someone in my head, but it's not me." - pink floyd.
joseph C. Kuhls
Lorrai ne j. Kutz
robert langwig "bob" "rob" 11/61 asw: c.i., m.p., p.k., b.h., a.h., my r.d.; fav mem: concerts; prize poss: my r.d.; sec amb: to drive a t.z. at daytona; pet peeve: disco, people who think they drive race cars; "show the world that love is still alive you must be brave or you children of today are children of the grave." - black sabbath. . lisa ann laporta "I is" 586 rutherford dr. 6/11/62 rem for: bei ng a beatles freak, listening to people's problems, being crazy; asw: "the family" scott, louie; fav mem: toga! 12/9/77, italy 76, avalon 79,12/2/78, annapolia 78,79; prize poss: "b" family, "buddies", memories, 14k; sec amb: to someday return to italy, to ride i~ a vette; pet peeve; good byes, n.p.d.a; fav say: "go for it!" "take it light!" chorus 2, officer 4; choir 1,2,3,4; musical 3; intra. basketball 1, 2; explorers 4; cougar! 4; scrivener 4; piano accomp 2,4; circulation staff 2,3,4; usher 2, 3, 4; "hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly."
Robert Langwig
bryan daniel larkin "bry" "Iarr" "Iarko" 633 lau rei rd. 11/9/62 rem for: bei ng skinny, an ethnic imitation, jamming; asw: 'selbs, bals, rich, gut, guys at a.v.; fav mem: summer 78 at c.t.w., cars concert 79, shore, skiing 78, mts., jr. prom 79; prize poss: family, friends, memories, my lord, duster; sec amb: to get a good job; pet peeve: disco, summer practice, ct's, sant-rag, rags, losing to ridley, little burnouts, b-43; fav say: "yoh smack" "what a hassle" "hey man, what you mean" choi r 1, 2; football 3,4; basketball 1, 2; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 4; "i really have enjoyed my stay but i must be moving on ... goodbye stranger it's been nice."supertramp. tom laux 432 northcroft rd.
Bryan Daniel Larkin
Tom Laux
christopher anthony lawrence "chris" "birdman" "birdman 3" "bird the 3rd" 18 windsor cr. 12/5/62 rem for: standing on head singing, songs i wrote; asw: bob, austin, joe, john, s.d.; prize poss: family, friends, dog, maverick, sec amb: to own a maverick of my very own; pet peeve: neighbors who don't like noise; fav say: "dick miller ..." soccer 1; lax 2, 3; band 1, 2, 3, 4; "the seasons don't fear the reaper ..." joe leo "joey" 37 thornridge rd. 10/8/61 asw: phil, hag, capone, t.a.g.; rem for: always having a comment, strange drawings; fav mem: mike's garage, shore 1,2, 3,4; fav say: "old yes is ex-mex."; sec amb: to live in the twilite zone; pet peeve: open doors, jock, school; prize poss: my bass, my ear, my friends; "the chances of the bread falling butter side down is directly proportioned to the cost of the rug."
~. '>:!
Christopher Anthony Lawrence
denise letter 927 rocklyn rd. 12/17/62 rem for: "d" key chain, gorilla socks, cateyes, long thumb nails; fav mem: summer of 78, the 8th and 11th; prize poss: boo-bear; sec amb: to own a black transam; pet peeve: disco; fav say: "excellent" "yes-huh" "bummer".
b Denise Letter
Cynthia Diane Logue
cynthia diane logue "cindy" 443 burns dr. 5/17/62 rem for: being verbally uninhibited, confusions, s.c.; asw: renee, jan, freak, deb, rich, bill, sue, "the gang"; fav mem: summer 79, paris, "318", ash leigh talks, invisible mosquitoes, good times with good friends S.c.; prize poss: relationships, my mind; sec amb: t.g.b.w.r.c.l.i.w.; pet peeve: wasted time, rahs, rich not shaving, misunderstandings; fav say: "easily amused!!" "you're so ignorant"; "sail on honey, good times never felt so good." "i have lost some time but I have won, and if you make it through, you know you've just begun." - heart.
janice diane long "jan" 447 conard dr. 413/62 rem for: my moons; asw: john, m.t., j.g., d.b., & Iii' d.h., d.p., d.o., cindy, e.b., n.f., g.f., p.p., j.e.; fav mem: 12/5/78 4/3/ 79,4/28/79, penn jam 79; prize poss: zeppelin tunes, kashmire; sec amb: to'meet merlyn; pet peeve: curfews; fav say: "to the max!" band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; musical orch 1,3; german club 1, 2, 3, 4; "it is the summer of my smiles - flee from me keepers of the gloom ... speak to me only with your eyes - it is to you i give this tune." - zeppelin.
janice Diane Long
Nancy Alison Long
nancy alison long "nanc" "nan" "nancy" "short" "sunshine" "amy carter" 84 forest rd. 6117/62 rem for: (playing) piano, smiling; asw: the best of friends' fav mem: 11/10/78, winter & spring concerts 3/1/79 512/79, all e. rehearsals 5/19/ 79,6/8/79,9/8/79, caving 78; prize poss: family; friends, cat prissy, my mer;'lOries; sec amb: to be what he wants me to be; pet peeve: snobs, cruel unfeeling people; fav say: "take care now" "guess what" "i'm sorry"; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; piano ace. :" 4; g~ys & dolls, senior play 78,79; library aide 1, 2; fr. c11, 2; latin 3; hockey 4; trust In the Lord and lean not unto thine own understanding." - Provo 3:5.
joan marie longaker 244 hawthorn rd. 9/8/62 rem for: being on time, always being hungry; asw: char, cindy, jamie, are, b.m.; fav mem: times with bill, calif 77,78, new mexico 77, 78, 79; prize poss: family, friends, my honey, special memories; sec amb: s.a.b.a. in my 450 sl; pet peeve: people who are always late, busts, getting lost, feet, people who think they are always right; track 1,2; gymnastics 1, 2; "the love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. love ain't love until you give it away." lisa victoria longhurst "leese"127 n. highland rd. 1/15/62 rem for: stories with no endings, being a "lisa"; asw: the right people 1.1., b.m., I.k., tf.; fav mem: summers in md. v.d. with s.f., bernanbaum, draggin lisa; prize poss: cat, friends, esp tf., times in annapolis with lisa lynch; sec amb: to be happy and healthy; pet peeve: a car accident, bumming rides, clones a.p.; fav saY:."i don't care""i know, really"; "living is easy with eyes closed misunderstandings well you see, it's get¡ ting hard to be someone but all works out, it doesn't matter much to me."
..... joan Marie Longaker
b Lisa Victoria Longhurst
katherine marieanne jean lord "katie" 323 wayne ave. 9/6/62 rem for: being uncoordinated asw: karen zurl; fav mem: 79 senior prom, 79 church retreat; prize poss: my love for family, bill, and God; sec amb: be an executive secretary; pet peeve: short tempered people; fav say: "are you serious?" "really?" "i wish ..."; cougarettes; "make every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." anthony j. lucianai "tony" 440 indian rock dr. 5/3/62 rem for: work in restaurant, going out, motor{:yle riding, going places; asw: joe demarco, vince vecchioni; fav mem: 79 V.t. prom; prize poss: girlfriend; sec amb: get married; pet peeve: 24 hour day; fav say: "you can have this kitchen now i am done work for today."
Katherine Marieanne jean Lord'
Anthony j. Luciani
renee rosemarie luttrell "little lutt" "gill" 225 yale ave. 12/11/62 rem for: my chin; asw: terry, liz, janice, mary, chris; fav mem: 1/1/79; prize poss: my mombo, my dad, my family, my car; sec amb: to be rich; pet peeve: my brother and homework georgia; fav say: "tomorrow i'm gonna get my act together." gymnastics 2; tennis 2; vo-tech 2, 3; "no one can ever take' your happiness away from you." "you can't always get what you want." lisa jane lynch "Iiza jane" 300 parham rd. 1/9/63 rem for: my laugh, expressing how i feel, always being the youngest, being a lisa; asw: 1.1, b.m., I.k., I.j., e.e.; fav mem: 10/31/78, 1212/78. times with a.b., times with special friends, "beenebaum"; prize poss: my sight, dreams, my family, friendships, "my" book, the letters; sec amb: to follow the yellow brick road to happiness and riches!; fav say: "please be on time!"; pet peeve: waiting, long distance, "clones" false people, not being understood; cougarettes 2, 3, co-capt 4; lax 1; gymnastics 1; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; "i decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadow. if i fail or if i succeed, at least i'lllive as i believe."
Renee Rosemarie Luttrell
Lisa jane Lynch
adam edward macks "ox" "smacks" 421 kennerly rd. 4/10/62 rem for: "shouting" from projection booth; fav mem: 4/10/62, p.j. game, 3/19/77, 1110177; prize
poss: stereo, keyring, alice's restaurant shirt; sec amb: overthrow government; pet peeve: a certain someone's son, modules, reconstruction, fav say: "murphy's law"; stage crew 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 1, 2, 3,4; chess club 2; vtr 1, 2, 3; choir 1, 2,3,4; glee club 3; "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness." - dickens. susan jo maclay "sue" 936 church rd. 6/17/62 rem for: having the car, math answers; asw: barb, s.j., caroline, betsy, ann, carole, (dagmar 79); fav mem: florida 78, ventor, no nuke rally; prize poss: friends; sec amb: achieve success, see the world; pet peeve: split lunch, begging for band; orch 1,2,3,4; district orch 2, 3,4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 4; musical 1; basketball 2,3,4; nhs 3, 4; scrivener activities ed 4; lit mag 3, 4, bus ed. 4; spri-hian 4; fund proprietor 2,3,4; "he has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much."
Adam Edward Macks
Susan Jo Maclay
jim.":"acr:'iven "mac" 229 sedgwood rd. 9/15/61 rem for: smoking out the band, crUISIn~ In the banch; asw: p.f., f.c, a.m.d., gil and wi I, b.i., j.b.; fav mem: lunch 1,
2, 3; prize poss: gun, car, molsons; sec amb: to own a mountain' pet peeve: disco, springdive, cops; fav say: "keep your eyes on the road and' your hands upon the wheel"; votech; vi ca. ~andy mait~,"I},ttle r:nont" ~5 brianhill rd. 8/11/62 rem for: being a car nut, "playIng hockey, coping out; asw: other car nuts, no one in particular' fav mem: winter 78, sat night 1-3:30 a.m.; prize poss: my 4 door load, my chopper, my idiocy; sec amb: to graduate, to learn trig, own saudi arabia; pet peeve: jocks, jockettes, common passes, egg beaters; fav say: "you vegetable" "it's a load'" ski club 2,3, 4; ice hockey 3, 4; " if you find yourself on the road of life doing a buck eighty, slow down, or you'll roll your nova too."
Jim MacNiven
Randy Maits
jamie mallas "j" "mole" 791 parker In. 2124/62 rem for: my mole, short haircuts,
my big mouth; asw: russ and friends; fav mem: greece 79, cali 76, 9th grade, s. v. (thai), 4/28179 "x", 8121178, 4/23178; prize poss: family, friends, memories, r.p., skiing; sec amb: to be successful and happy with my 450 sl and my log house in the country; pet peeve: good byes; fav say: "oh please!" hockey 1,2; lax 1,2; chorus 1, 2, 3; choir 3, 4; senior play; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; snow queen nom; "to give a love, you have to live a love; to live a love, you got to be part of; when will i see you again?" - neil young. peter mancuso "pete" "gus" 148 broadview rd. 6126/62 asw: s.d., d.m., I.d., f.p.,
m.a.; fav mem: summer 79, 5 Ib flounder, prize and vendor at the vet; prize poss: family, friends, sec amb: go to coast guard academy; pet peeve: trig; football 3; ski club 2, 4. Jamie Maiias
Peter Mancuso
thomas nelson mannion "tom" 721 evans rd. 10/19/61 rem for: knee, numerous
injuries, closet, the party; asw: everyone; fav mem: july 77, august 77, 78; prize poss: flag, harvey, family, friends; sec amb: to be a famous lawyer in canada; pet peeve: injuries, contracts, tape, warps, flyers, spirals; fay say: "yo jackson!" "really"; scrivener asst. ed in chief 4; debate team 4; dance band 3,4; musical 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; manager 2, 3, 4; student di rector 4; orch 1,2,3,4; district orch 4; regional orch 4; district band 4; "don't doubt the fact that there's life within you, yesterday's ~ndings will tomorrow's life give you." - yes. Stephen Marinari 507 Sharpless Rd.
Thomas Nelson Mannion
Stephen Marinari
andrew christopher mark "andy" 575 maddock rd. 2/7/62 rem for: practicing and studying too much; asw: barb, bill, sue, caroline, buchy, brennan, ray; fav mem: tanglewood 79, pmea festivals; prize poss: barnard and case, my medals, stereo; sec amb: to replace rostropovich; pet peeve: lateness, stupidity, miserliness, burnouts, sauteille; fav say: "where's my ..." "guttersnipes" "deesgusting" "tutu-ku" band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; sr. choir; dist band 2, 3, 4; dist orch 2, 3,4; reg. band; reg. orch; all state orch. . wendy p. mark "wenl" "queenl" "wendy" "toni" 608 washington ave. 9/30/61 rem for: always smiling, my different moods, my accent, dressing nice; asw: barb g., doreen I., kris t., gloria w.; fav mem: my weekend trips to new york city, "summer of 76"; prize poss: my charm, my looks, memories of times spent with t.m., my love for g.r., sec amb: to travel around the world and to become the best at my profession; pet peeve: good byes, arguments, bad dreams, cold places; fav say: "that's disgusting" "i'm sooo beautiful" basketball 2; hockey 2,3,4; lax 2, 3; "my goal in life is to fulfill my potentials and perform in a competitive society to make the most of my abilities for the sake of myself and that i have to give to myself and the world of the future." w. mark.
Andrew Christopher Mark
Wendy P. Mark
nancy jeanne marra "nan" "nanc" 211 avon rd. 11120/62 rem for: taking a lot of french; asw: char, charlie, peggy, terry; fev mem: paris 78, 16th birthday, 8 unforgettable yrs. with e.e.; prize poss: my dreams, goals, family, friends, cats; sec amb: make people happy, spend several years in france; pet peeve: confusion; fav say: "oh, yeah?" "you guys"; french club 2, V.p. 3, pres 4; chess club sec'ty 2; chorus 3; choir 4; band 4; lit mag 4; spri-hian 4; asst. director sr. play; "fortune, good night; smile once more, turn thy wheeL" - kent, king lear. jerome joseph martinelli "j.j." "jerry" "corky" 110 s. bishop ave. rem for: my hair, clover 79; asw: lou, anyone mellow; fav mem: cal. 78, summer 79, bad company and cars concerts; prize poss: car, tapes; pet peeve: cops, store detectives, ssr; wrestling 1, 2.
jerome joseph Martinelle ~-.---
charles j. martini jr. "chuck" 324 alliston rd. 5/4/62 rem for: always having the answer, speaking quietly; asw: doris; fav mem: giving awa'( class ring; prize poss: computer; sec amb: to be an astronaut; pet peeve: 10 minute phone calls, 8th period physics; fav say: "yo!" "i love you"; senior class play; debate, closeup; "touch me softly, stay with me silently ... and when you need someone to need you, i'll touch you softly and stay by you silently." - miriam ann messerly. louis s. mastmianni "Iou" 800 evans rd. rem for: forgetting; asw: d.e., b. a., e.v.; fav mem: summer 78, 79 "homestead"; prize poss: family, friends, car; sec amb: to become rich and intelligent; pet peeve: summer practice, boring people, waiting; fav say: "my legs hurt"; football 3,4; track 4.
Charles j. Martini jr.
Louis S. Mastroianni
ted matthew "theo" "tj" "disco ted" 404 foster dr. 4/28/61 rem for: being a little crazy; asw: h.p., tr., a.h., b.s., j.e., k.b., s.g.; fav mem: last day of school; prize poss: color tv; sec amb: to take on a cylon base ship; pet peeve: people who make fun of the handicapped people; fav say: "hey man" "yo!" cross country; stage crew; sr. choir; boy's chorus; "i came, i saw, i left". joseph Maum761 bradford tr.
Ted Matthew
joseph Mauro
auston dallas mazzulo "Iii' mazz" "cougar" "skates" 364 s. swarthmore ave. 10/3/ 62 rem for: not remembering, driving like my brother, cutting 18 days in 11th; asw: "colleen", my ring, toyota, hockey equipment: sec amb: t.a.l.g.h., open a '417' cobra; pet peeve: stop signs, audi's, lukas, speed limits; fav say: "i don't get it" ice hockey 1, 2; football 1; "i want to fly like superman" - kinks. marc carter mcclure 749 hilltop rd. 1/7/62 rem for: clever analogues; asw: j.h., k.k., r.m.; fav mem: florida 76, maine 77, 78, french creek 11/78; prize poss: family, close friends; sec amb: visit every state; pet peeve: spiteful people, german III, burnt shoelaces; football '1; wrestling 1, 2; baseball; choir; "here i am waiting for a sign, asking questions, learning all the time, it's always here it's always there, it's just love and miracles out of nowhere."
Auston Dallas Mazzulo
Marc Carter McClure
elizabeth ann mccullough "betty" "bet" "zoobet" "mac" "mick" "boss" "gumbob" 954 old sproul rd. 12/28/60 rem for:drjving, turning red, yelling at lockers; asw: s.j., t.c., b.d.c., m.m., d.v., I.t., p.a., m.L, m.o., I.p. gang; fav mem: partying, 6/ 10/78,6/9/79,8/12/79; prize poss: family, friends, gennie, southern, t.w.m.; sec amb: to be rich instead of good looking; pet peeve: stuck up people, a.m.; fav say: "shut up"; locker problems 2, 3, 4. joseph a. mcelwee "mac" 123 e. springfield rd. 1/12/61 rem for: being nice guy, working in father's store, doing people favors; asw: I.m., k.h., I.k., b.o.'s, m.a., a.s., s.h., fav mem: burning of the school; prize poss: camera; sec amb: marine biologist; pet peeve: raas, phoney people; fav say: "it's friday"; "j'm as free as a bird not!" - Iynyrd skynyrd.
b Elizabeth Ann McCullough
dennis mcgettigan 217 w. woodland ave. 8/23/61 rem for: playing b. ball; asw: hendi, johnst, ruels, pork, frank, other good friends; fav mem: shore times with the gang, basketball connestoga 78, 79, ?, doubling with f.m.; prize poss: family, the trusty honda, unforgettable memories; sec amb: p.c.h., enjoy life to the max, be happy then successful; pet peeve: sitting on the bench, getting in shape, getting caught!; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1; lax 3, 4. kevin mckernan 100 west ave. 9/21/61 asw: s.k., d.s.; fav mem: weekends; prize poss: car; sec amb: to own my own restuarant; pet peeve: closed lunches; vocational technical industrial clubs of america 3, 4.
Dennis McGettigan
Kevin McKernan
francis xavier mcknight "frank" "fronz" "x" 201 orchard rd. 3/27/62 rem for: playing football and baseball; asw: rob, joe m., mike, brian, joe k.; fav mem: junior prom, times with m.b., times with rob, chemistry and double dates with dennis, football camp, stranded in stone harbor; prize poss: family, close friends; sec amb: to raise a beautiful and healthy family; pet peeve: summer practice, burger king; fav say: "what's for dinner, mom?" football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball1; "take your time, think alot, think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not." - cat stevens. david g. mclean "purd" 782 bradford tr. 8/13/62 rem for: red wings 1, 2, 3, 4; asw: I.d., k.d., s.d., d.m., d.m., f.p., j.m.; fav mem: skating; prize poss; hockey equipment, family and friends, m.e.; sec amb: become carpenter; pet peeve; waiting; fav say: "loser" ice hockey 1,2,3,4; "when i get to the bottom, i go back to the top of the slide, where i stop and i go for a ride, 'til i get to the bottom and see you again." - beatles.
Francis Xavier McKnight
David G. Mclean
susan jessica mclean "jess" "spud" 644 evans rd. 10/9/62 rem for: being irish, bei'ng young; asw: karen, jue, larry, jamie, frank, joe, michael, dennis; fav mem: ireland 76, 77, summer withe gang 78, 5/18/79 (I.s.), cape may/blue rocks 79 (k.c., mc,ls) prize poss: karen's friendship, family, my memories w/ k.c. and I.s.; sec amb: to get an apartment with karen; pet peeve: jue's accident, fights, good byes, english; fav say: " ... but, i'li start tomorrow"; hockey 1; lax 1, 2, 3,4; chorus 1,2; adv. coun 3; prop comni 1,3. ann marie mcmanus "nance" 105 school In. 5/5/62 rem for: having one ear pierced, spelling my name with an e; fav mem: last day of summer, 79, b-ball 78, 79,80; summer 77, 78, 79 ... prize poss: my b-ball, my bear, buddies, memories of W.; pet peeve: morals; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; "i don't want to keep on a closet shelf a lot of secrets about myself, and fool myself as i come and go, into thinking that nobody else wi II know." - edgar guest. Susan jessica Mclean
Ann Marie McManus
lawrence mcnamara 319 w. springfield rd. marianne carol mcnamee "mac" "mar" 471 prospect rd. 9/9/61 rem for: stu (my car), being crazy; asw: my other half (bot), g.W., m.b., d.r., b.b., I.p. gang and others; fav mem: 1/5-6/79, 6/11/77, 8/18-20/78, lunchtimes; prize poss: family, friends, memories; sec amb: if it wasn't a secret i'd tell ya; pet peeve: disappointments, good byes, being apart; fav say: "summer" "decent" "excellent" "later"; votech 3; "don't walk in front of me, i may not follow; don't walk behind me, i may not lead; just walk beside me and be my friend." - camus.
Lawrence McNamara
Marianne Carol McNamee
don f. mcneill jr. "oscar" 424 colonial park dr. 9/30/62 rem for: eating too much, talking too fast; asw: anyone i want; fav mem: trip to florida; prize poss: my color enlarging set; sec amb: to get my own business as an auto mechanic; pet peeve: pushy people; fav say: "life's a bummer"; bowling 2,3,4; basketball mgr. 1; Imc aide 1,2,3; a.v. aide 3, 4; stage crew 3, 4; cafe worker 4; choi r 1,2,3. james patrick andrew mcnicholas "mcnick" "jim" "pork" 243 taylor rd. 1110/62 rem for: never believing anyone; asw: g.r., d.m., m.j., and mole; fav mem: n.j. 78, 79, crazy times, summer ball 79; prize poss: family, friends, memories, ambitions; sec amb: replace johnny carson and be in a light beer commercial; pet peeve: no!, getting up, brown nosers, waiting, cans, duke, sleazy people, rags; "fav say: "what's the story" "g.f.i." "Lt.s." "take it easy"; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1. Don F. McNeill jr.
james Patrick Andrew McNicholas
thomas m. mcnicholas "mcnick" 241 parham rd. 7/21/62 rem for: playin the pools, going to the glen!; asw: j.m., d.m., j.m., j.l., g.r., m.h., t.p., p.k., b.n.; fav mem: wildwood 76, 77, 78, 79, feb of 78; prize poss: family, friends, memories; sec amb: to be successful; pet peeve; ssr, losing cyo games, trig, monday mornings; fav say: "what's up?" "how ya doin?" intramurals 1,2,3; golf 3; capt 4. michele anastasia mctiernan 33 west ave. 3/12/62 asw: charlotte, jamie; fav mem: all my time spent with eric, crazy times with gretch and yvonne, mountain weekend with n.c., soph hop, musicals, shore 78; prize poss: my relationship with eric, family, friends; sec amb: t.b.o.b.a.me.; pet peeve: gym, good byes, guitar players who don't listen; chorus; choir; pop group; musicals; stw; majorettes; cheerleading; ski club; "amar omniz vincit." Michele Anastasia McTiernan
d~rryl alan meade "tubs:' ~'tubby" 274 powell rd. 11/9/62 rem for: my hair and
nickname; .asw: c~rol, triCla, moles, peeps, rosey, george k., kim, terry, dianne; fa",: mem: times with carol,. florida 78,. maryland; prize poss: carol, soccer ball, my hair; sec amb: to be a physical therapist; pet peeve: snobs, fav say: "fine" "i don't care"; soccer 1,2,.3, capt 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3; orch 1, 2, 3; choir 2; glee club 1, 2; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; ex. council sec't 4. susan ann meark.le "sam" "merk""sue" 15 lownes lane 12/4/62 rem for: trying to be a non-conformist; asw: lois, jim, d.r., lis, my "sisters", s.c.c.; fav mem: summer 78 at s.c.c:, renaissance 79, sr. prom 79, g's and d's; prize poss: memories, my sisters, rena,?sance albums, my room; sec amb: to be loved in spite of myself; pet peeve: being alone, fav say: "kinky" "dig it"; band 1 2 3 4¡ choir 4¡ chorus 4¡ musical 3; sr. class play; track 2, 3, 4; lit mag 4; scriv. "'s~c~ess is m~asured by who loves you and who you love."
Darryl Alan Meade
~ Susan Ann Mearkle
john messina 412 doe run rem for: never being bummed out; asw: j.d., d.p., j.e., j.f.; fay mer'n: summer of 77, yes, supertramp and zelp concerts; prize poss: my skulls, family; sec amb: to own caylpso; pet peeve: snoopside, disco; fav say: "suck 'em up"; "now some they do and some they don't, with some you just can't tell, with some they will and some they won't and some it's just as well ..." -supertramp. wayne charles meyer "flipper" "tanker" "bopper" 496 maplewood ave. 7/18/62 rem for: red hair and freckles; asw: jodie, terry, duff, c.m., fav mem: summer of 79, all times in chincoteague, taperoom conversations with mr. landau; sec amb: to succeed in life, make it to states; pet peeve: being short; waiting, losing weight, summer practice; fav say: "yo ter! what's up?" football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3,4; nhs 4; "when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'"
john Messina
Wayne Charles Meyer
lorraine carol miller "rainy" 143 schuyler rd. 11/4/62 rem for: talking, b.s.w.k., d's; asw: krista, tina, karen; fav mem: the wedding, 8/25-31/79, castle, rette's t's. w.h; prize poss: family, friends, memories, future; sec amb: to live happily ever after; pet peeve: good byes, long lines, rules; fav say: "sure" "i don't believe you" "i'm so embarrassed"; cougarettes 3, 4; chorus 1,2; "the less of routi ne, the more of life." - a.b.a. \ colleen marie minford "col" 629 evans rd. 2/19/62 rem for: voice, hair, smile, acting crazy sometimes; asw: ruth, terry c. terry w., lisa, myra, linda, chip, kim, jan; lori, laura; fav mem: trip around u.s., down wildwood, walt disney world 10 times; prize poss: family, friends, the shore; sec amb: to be happy and rich; pet peeve: "days are too long and nights are too short"; fav say: "oh, my God"; gymnastics 1; track 2, 3; chorus 1, 2; "i don't mind going to work. it's that long wait to go home that bothers me." ~
Lorraine Carol Miller
Colleen Marie Minford
jean misciagna "jeannie" 318 brock rd. 2125/61 rem for: being tall, flag; asw: jean, charmaine, linda; fav mem: summer 79, color guard; prize poss: my family, friends, miricale d.m.; sec amb: graduate moore, successful artist; pet peeve: mondays, homework, snobs; intramurals 1; german club 1; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; band 3; musical 3; chorus 4; spanish club 4; "God loved the world so much that he gave his only son." - john 3:16. daniel j. missar "gil" 600 rose la. 2/20/62 rem for: t. in teeth; asw: greek, sab, vince, steve g., janice; fav mem: the who concert, california; prize poss: my wallet, pool table; sec amb: have money always, give my mom a trip around the world; pet peeve: cops; fav say: "what do you want to do?" "sabboth bloody sabboth; they're all wasted; long live rock; don't be lazy, go out and get 'em. big gig." ...
jean Misciagna
Daniel j. Missar
daniel e. mitchell "mitch" "smitch" 334 ballymore rd. rem for: vahle's, 'cuda; asw: dawn, perp, lou, perd, raoty, keith, frank, marc, gut, will; fav mem: 1/1179,1 /1/80, avalon summer of 79; prize pass: times with dawn, friends; sec amb: be C\ vet; pet peeve: having to write this summary again; fav say: "i don't know"; street hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 4; "it's been such a long ti me." - boston. stephen molitoris "steve" 61 locust ave. 9/17/62 rem for: car talk asw: s.m., r.m., f.s., b.p., t.k.; fav mem: long bea~h, summer 78 and 79,78 senior prom, rocks, 11/ 23-24178; prize pass: skylark; sec amb: to have no hassles or worries; weightlift~ ing 1,2,3,4; ski club 1,2,3,4; "beforei sink into the big sleep, i want to hear the scream of the butterfly." - doors. '
Daniel Mitchell
cynthia theresa montanaro rem, for: being with dimples!, back seat driver; fav mem: 1122/78,79,80 . .., wildwood 77,78,79, times with mobile, st. mats, linvill orchards, horseback riding, junior prom, skiing, yes 78, 79, state park, pines, alldayers, s.a.r.g.; prize pass: tall dark and handsome! family, pictures, memories; sec amb: be hassle free and travel throughout the world; pet peeve: waiting, the stain, the man, mooch, disco; "in and around the lake mountains come out of the sky and they stand there one mil.e over we'll be there and we'll see you ..." -yes.
Cynthia Theresa Montanaro
Beth Moss
beth moss "bam" 123 harned dr. 6/13/62 rem for: being late; asw: e.e., 1.1., n.g., j.d.; fav mem: 10131179, 11124178, a.e. 77, 78, 79 ?, marane montecarlo, 2/14179, florida, shaving cream; prize poss: my poems, special friends, family, life, dreams, memories; sec amb: e.U.W.e.e., fulfill my dreams; pet peeve: good byes, busy signals, snobs, band b, fights; fav say: "yo" "dig it" cougarettes 3, 4; choir 1, 2,3,4; orch 1,2,3,4; track 3, 4; german club 1, 2, 3, 4; "don't walk in front of me, for i may not follow, don't walk behind me, for i may not lead, just walk beside me and be my friend."
tammi lee mossman "tam" 515 w. springfield rd. 4/10/62 rem for: jokes, hair; asw: e.r., I.e., m.o., e.m.; fav mem: summer of 79, 76; prize poss: car, friends, pet peeve: school, rahs, d.e.; fav say: "for sure" "do it up"; "the things we have not found are things we cannot see, but from here we go, to find what we will be." david allen meuhsam "meeze" "m'uze" 1204 providence rd. 16/1/62 rem for: my coats; asw: I.d., s.d., k.d., d.m., d.m., j.k., j.e., e.e., S.S., j.o.; fav mem: summer 76, e.t. 72-79, tam. e. 77, cars 79; prize poss: my friends, my skates; sec amb: U.t.p.; pet peeve: freshman, disco; fav say: "tis life" "shadey" "let the good times roll" -cars. ~, Tammi Lee Mossman
David Allen Meuhsam
richard mullineaux "mole" 116 wood rd. 4/19/62 rem for: being short but quick; asw: peeps, george, rasey, darryl, duke's boys; fav mem: summer 79 with karen, 8 /18179, 5130 79/ prize poss: karen, my memories and my dreams; sec amb: t.b.a.p.s.p.; pet peeve: waiting, bad drivers; rags, foam; fav say: "yeah!" "f'em unps"; track 1, 2; basketball 1; soccer 1, 2, 3, capt 4; indoor soccer 2, 3, 4; "big things come in small packages." riccardo anthony muntone "ricci" 1305 university ave. 4/4/62 asw: m.m.k.k.j.h.f.s.b.p.m.d.t.k.; fav mem: b-night, times with my friends, grateful dead, the who, yes, jethro tull, canada, shenandoah, times at john wall, the monte; prize poss: family, friends, tunes, memories; sec amb: to satisfy myself; pet peeve; rahs, inconsiderate people, gko:cxd(bc), 6:00 am; golf; lax; a.v.; "i may make you feel, but i can't make you think." - jethro tull.
to? Richard Mullineaux
Riccardo Anthony . Muntone
Carol Thomas
Lisa Kohl
Snow Queen Helen Panczner
Jamie Mallas
Sharon Bambach
Michael Carullo
Snow King Ben Alfonsi
John Toussaint
Grag Stevenson
Mark Johnston
nancy musi "head" "incredible hog" 513 kenn~rly road 2/21/62 rem for: working in attendance offiq~, my hair, eating, my ears, my bottles; asw: chris, val, tony, kathy b. and my good friends oqt of school; fav mem: 9/16/78,8/19178,7130178, supertramp concert, shore 79, new years eve 79; prize pass: opel gt, fox, friendship with chris, family arid friends; sec amb: "it's a secret"; pet peeve: cleaning, getting up early, Pennsylvania turnpike (break downs); fay say: "it's murder" "flower" "yeah right" "yo buck'!; attendance office 1, 2, 3, 4; "gaze at the sky, and picture a memory of days in your life,You knew what it meant to be happy and free, with time on your side." - alan parson. " '. . cynthia c. nave "cindy" "cin" 614 yale ave. rem for: fire engine, red white and blue eyes; asw: charlotte, joan; fay mem: 117176, fla 77, ski trips, 4/3178,7/17179, times with friends; prize poss: family, friends, my dog; sec amb: to live in the country; pet peeve: gym, falling off ski lift; 3/4177, spanish; basketball 1; guidance aid 1, 3; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; prop comm 3; soph hop comm 2; "you can dream but you' can never go back the way you came." - jackson brown.
Nancy Musi
Cynthi q C. Nave
susan nazzario "sue" "suzy-q" "q-z suze" "tush" 550 rutherford dr. 2/5/62 rem smile and laugh my hi's, always having goodies; asw: r.k., I.k., d.n., t.e., for: c.u., j.o.h.; fav mem: gin~'s 78, jr. prom with david, the shed wit~."t", 617178,.12/ 8178, W.e.; sec' amb: to own a vette, t.b.a.m.; pet peeve: wa~tl.ng, hYPocrl~es, clicks; "though the years give way to uncertainty, the fear of living for nothing strangles the will." - jackson p r o w n . ¡ .'
susan neelan"sue" "suzy" 1040 west avenue 5/9/62 rem for: running; asw: I.m., m.i., c.w., k.s., team; fav mem: times with brett, ~imes with krista, 8131179, 9(3179 running, prize poss: family, friends; sec amb: will stay a secret; pet peeve: rigged out, running on my toes, rainy days and mondays; fav say: "you know"; ~ymnas tics 1 2 4' track 1 2 3 4' cross country 3, 4; ski club 3,4; cougarette 3; we can neve; k~o~ about the days to come but we think about them anyway." - e.s.
Susan Nazzario
Susan Neelan
philip allen nelson "phil" 979 edgewood dr. 8/3/62 asw: chris, chuck, chick, belch; rem for: my drawings and cartoons; fav mem: lancaster, miami, fla keys, pensacola; pet peeve: certain teachers and administrators, lunch in the gym closed lunches, insomnia; track 1; soccer 1; weightlifting 1, 2; spri-hian 4' lit mag 4; "if i had wings and i could fly, i know wherej would go, but right no~ i'li just sit here so contentedly and watch the river flow." . erika lynn nelles 478 barker rd. 11/25/62 rem for: promptness; asw: bob blair, I.w., b.b., s.h., p.W., S.p.; fav mem: 11/11178 - f /a/e.; prize poss: bob blair family, friends, and salvation; sec amb: to make my life worthwhile for the bnes i love; lit mag 1, 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 2,3; scrivel'Jer copy ed. 4; ski club 3, 4; nhs sec'ty 3,4; track 1,2,3; "the heart finds so much beauty the eye can never see." -m.f.a;
Philip Allen Nelson
Erika Lynn Nelles
lien-huong thi nguyen "shrimp" "ling" "lee" 229 powell rd. 10/19/62 rem for: being short; asw: friends; fav mem: year 1975; prize poss: family; sec amb: go back to where i came from; fav say; "really"; "it is better to have loved and lost than not to love at all." james mark o'hara "jimbo" 72 nield rd. 10/4/62 rem for: artwork, acting, liking genesis; asw: mike, bud, girls, fav mem: times at the spinaker with m.e., wildwood atlantic city and ocean drive, times down the shore 76-78, 79; prize poss: shore house, family, friends who listen; sec amb: to be happy and successful in life; pet peeve: summer endings, mcclennen's detention; fav say: "yo how ya r doin'?"; track 1,2,3,4; scrivener art staff 3, 4; ski club 3, 4; s.t.w.; senior class play; o "make the most of all you still have coming to you ..." - genesis.
Lien-Huong Thi Nguyen
James Mark O'Hara
sandra joi okino "sandy" "okie" 425 barker rd. 5/3/62 asw: the best of friends; fav mem: california 78, summer 79, rb week 79, jr. prom; prize poss: family, friends, neckchain, star ring, cello; sec amb: to be healthy and successful in the future; pet peeve: splinters, bad moods; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3; lax 1, 2; orch 1,2,3; social service 2. linda olesen 101 s. forest rd. 8/28/62 rem for: locking keys in car, not remembering; asw: lori and other friends; fav mem: europe 77, m.u. 78, yesterday's 79 and o.c. 76, 78, 79; prize poss: family and friends; sec amb: to make my life a success; pet peeve: finding loose frogs, fights; "and if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear, you shout and no one seems to hear, and if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, i'll see you on the dark side of the moon." - pink floyd.
Sandra joi Okino
Li nda Olesen
patricia anne o'neill "pat" "patty" "pitty" "pits" 717 timber trail In. 5127/62 rem for: my hair, the vega, wand c, working at m's, freckles, our "office"; asw: "the family", other good friends and a,j,b,; prize poss: friendships, memories; sec amb: to be happy and successful; pet peeve: rahs, monday mornings, stalling, snobs; fav say: "that's life"; chorus 1, 2; gymnastic 1; spri-hian circulation staff 2; "my friend is one who takes me for what i am." - thoreau. roberta o'neill "bert" 4/5/62 416 indian rock dr. votech 3,4; "i don't know how to tell you all just how crazy this life feels." - j.b.
Patricia Anne O'Neill
Roberta O'Nei II
timothy w. o'neil "tim" 7418 drexel rd. 4/8/62 rem for: being the kid that lives in phillly, losing money on stupid bets; asw: b.p., b.p., f.s., S.S., shs football players, m.b., b.b., shs lacrosse players; prize poss: artwork, friends, family, talents; sec amb: play for penn state, career in art, make millions; pet peeve: summer practice, ssr; fav say: "let's go" "come on"; football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3; lax 4. anthony orphanelli 748 w. springfield rd.
Anthony Orphanelli
james owens 50 lownes lane natalie a. pacitti "nat" 275 lewis rd. 12/24/62 rem for: being short, giving advice; .asw: helen, marybeth, carol w., debbie pr., gina, dawn, others; fav mem: the castle, times with friends, times in phila., my 16th birthday dinner; prize poss: my mother's ring; family, friends; sec amb: to live a happy and hassle-free life; pet ,peeve: shs, being nagged, phony people, waiting, helen's stop sign; fav say: i"don't worry about it"; intra basketball 1; lax 1; % basketball 2; cougarettes 2; cheerleading 3,4.
Natalie A. Pacitti
michael j. palmer "enoc" "enis" "professor" 109 yale square 3/29/63 rem for: being absent, fire; asw: chip, peggy, c.b. family, the base; fav mem: altoona, andy's cruising, the base, year of the radical; prize poss: basketballs, blue tips; sec amb: to make it in life; pet peeve: amateurism, my rude awaking; fav say: "want to get burned"; late night basketball; b.s.p.f.; "i'm a winner i'm a sinner do you want my autograph." - supertramp. helen e. panczner 722 beatty rd. 9/19/62 rem for: wet hair; asw: natalie, marybeth, wendy, gina, dawn, carol, barb, steve; fav mem: the castle, talks with r.u., twsb, sh w/gf; prize pass: family, friends, jaws; sec arale; to live in the mountains; pet peeve: a certain stopsign and sidewalk; basketball 1; % 2, 3,4; cheerleading 2; lax 2, 3; ex. council 1, 2, 3; lit mag 1; snow queen; "if my dream does conquer then neither teardrop will ever faiL" - s.b.
Helen E. Panczner
kathleen marie papas "kathy" 21 schuyler rd. 9/10/62 asw: patti, maureen, V.c.; fav mem: florida 79, wildwood, all the good times at sharon hill; prize poss: my family, friends, holly; sec amb: to succeed in life and to be happy; pet peeve: curly hair. theresa patricia papas "terry" 21 schuyler rd. 10/18/61 rem f~r: being short; asw: a.I., p.k., I.m., d.l.; fav mem: 8/22/78, 5/19/78, 1/21/79, experiences of 78 and 79; prize poss: baptism, my parents, candy; sec amb: sealed in temple; pet peeve: people who don't believe i'm a senior; seminary 3, 4; "all i need is time; if you ~~~,~omethingset it free, if it comes back to you;,s yours, if;, doesn't;' never
11IIII.....- '"',} ~
Kathleen Marie Papas
Theresa Patricia Papas
patricia a. parker "tricia" "pinky" 403 e. springfield rd. 11/6/62 asw: tubbet, tubs, dingleberry, patruch, kim, wacky, friends; fav mem: 4/12/79, 5:28 a.m., good times with friends and family; prize poss: family, true friends; sec amb: to get the .most out of life; pet peeve: p.c.a.p., liars; fav say: "bum my head out" "you're right"; advisory board 3,4; "i'm so glad we've had this time together, seems we just get started and before you know it comes the time we have to say so-long." linwood parson III "chip" "roadrunner" "dr. penetrate" "locker-knocker" 19 alfa terr., 12/28/61 rem for: nasty teeshirts, I.w.g., quick comments, being a flirt; asw: mike p., paul h., buy r., the base, c.b. family; fav mem: summer 76, 77, 78, altoona, tbg, bsf, cruizin', 160 in nd, 5 sec p.n.; prize poss: family, friends, jill (my car), credit card, stereo, connections; sec amb: 64 corvette, 77 trans am; pet peeve: speed limits, rude awakening; fav say: "but seriously go for it".
Patricia A. Parker
Linwood Parson III
mark patriarca "pate" "pope" "pasta" 770 dunwoody dr. 4/18/62 rem for: getting concert tickets, crazy ideas; asw: todd, chris, louie, sarah; fav mem: france-aug 78; prize poss: my friends, family, and sanity; sec amb: to visit italy, keep my sanity; pet peeve: rain, airheads; fav say: "my brain hurts" "hello!"; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; guys and dolls; pop group 4; stage crew 4; a.v. 2,3, 4; "real life sure isn't like school, there's some lessons that just can't be taught." -styx. elizabeth lee patrueci "liz" 674 n. bishop ave. 2/12/62 rem for: talking, my laugh, worrying a lot; asw: c.h.w., donna, trisha, marybeth, ginabird; fav mem: 69,11/12 /78, summer 79, may (23-31), jr. prom; prize poss: chris, memories, my bracelet, my family, quotes; sec amb: to have my dreams come true; pet peeve: rags, waiting, two-faced people, S.g., fights; fav say: "be good"; ski club 1,2,3,4; advisory council 4.
Mark Patriarca
Elizabeth Lee Patrucci
debbie lee patterson "debbie" "deb" 604 shipley lane 11/18/62 rem for: having dimples in my cheeks, driving thru my garage door; asw: wayne; fav mem: 10/16 /76-9/11/79, great adventure with w:m., e.m., I.s., g.e.e. with I.w., chemistry, ex. writing; prize poss: memories of w.e.m., family, rocky and shamus, relationship with j.w.; sec amb: to become a special ed teacher; pet peeve: burn-outs!, being hurt, garage doors; fav say: "right!" "are you sure"; class treasurer 2, 3, 4; cheerleading 4; ex. council 4; b-baI11; cougar 3; iyc expo 4; non-college bound adv. comm. 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2; "if you love something set it free, if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't it never was." thomas c. peace "thomas" 186 s. highland rd. 11/8/61 rem for: being myself-not being burned like most people think; asw: myself, iva; fav mem: summer 78, 3,4 78,10/5/79; prize poss: iva, franko, jorg; sec amb: it i told you what it was then it wouldn't be a secret; pet peeve: getting up in the morning, ghouls, stereotypes, society; fav say: "what da ya mean?" "far-out man!" "oooh nooo it's sluggo!"; weight training; "i gotta admit that i'm a little confused. sometimes it seems to me as if i'm just being used. gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise. if i don't stand my own ground, how can i find my way out of this maze?"
Debbie Lee Patterson
Thomas C. Peace
bradley stephen penn "brad" 22 meetinghouse la. 10/17/61 rem for: seeing deer; asw: f.s., d.a., b.p.; fav mem: french creek 1, 2, 3, -at-1, yes; prize poss: friends; sec amb: to fly, go to college; pet peeve: ssr, detention; fav say: "what's up" "can't complain"; football 1,2,3,4; skiing 2, 3, 4; track 1; "oh, mirror in the sky, what is love, can the child within my heart rise above, can i sail through the changing ocean tides, can i handle the seasons of my life." g. nathan penn jr. "nate" "skate" 1017 mt. holyoak place 4/6/61 rem for: my arguments, harrisburg talking, s.w.i.p., do what i feel; asw: carmen kelly, eric, jefferson, georgie turner; fav mem: 4/6/75, summer 77, 12/25/77; prize poss: God, my mom and dad, e.k.; sec amb: to be successful in anything i try to achieve; pet peeve: jealousy, ignorance; fav say: "what's up home team!?" "what's up homie!?" "understand what i'm saying?!" basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 1, 2; track 1,2,4; "in order to get to the kingdom, you have to know who the king is. he is God and he will always be God ..." - g.n.p. jr.
Bradley Stephen Penn
G. Nathan Penn Jr.
r. scott peoples "peeps" "ron" 43 old state rd. 8/18/62 rem for: my beard, being determined; asw: mole, george, maureen, sally, laurie; fav mem: fla 79 (ft. lauderdale), talks with g.k., times with close friends, 11/15/79; prize poss: my life, family, friends; sec amb: f.a.t.I; pet peeve: phonies; fav say: awesome; soccer 1,2,3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; ser. club 2, 3, 4; nhs V.p. 3, 4; "when life is at its lowest or highest points; a friend will make the bad times easier to stand and the best times better." - r.s.p. robert peraino "bob" 470 claremont rd. 4130/62 rem for: blue jeans and a plaid shirt; asw: nobody in particular; fav mem: my 450 mile bike trip to port jervis; prize poss: my computer and my new bike; sec amb: to trouble-shoot computers for sperry univac; pet peeve: people who are stuck-up; fav say: "don't worry about it"; bowling; tennis; "people always take their time getting to class but when the late bell rings, they rush. everybody's crazy but me! , -?
R. Scott Peoples
Robert Peraino
frank perpiglia "berance; fav say: '11125/62 rem for: being quiet; playing baseball; asw: sue, friends - mitch, lou and dawn, s.d., k.d., g.r., j.e., d.h.; fav mem: times with sue, jr. prom, 3/18/79, legion b.b. and summer 79, new yrs. eve 79; prize poss: sue, family, friends; sec amb: to be successful, play college baseball; pet peeve: summer practice, exams; fav say: "tell me about it" "what?"; soccer 1; football 1, 2,3,4; st. hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3,4; "if it makes you happy, then be what you want to be." - molly hatchet. elizabeth perry "betty jean" 646 maplewood avenue 4/28/62 rem for: working on the composer; asw: sally; fav mem: 11125/78,6/13/79; prize poss:'c1ass ring; sec amb: to fall in love, to be a successful secretary; pet peeve: burger king; fav say: "i'm in complete control" chorus 1; "they say just once in life you find someone that's right. but the world looks so confused i can't tell false from true and love's so hard to find ..." - karla bonoff.
Frank Perpiglia
Elizabeth Perry
Debbie Lee Patterson
aliki peters "alik" "faucet" 138 barbara dr. 9/11/62 rem for: being weird, losing things; asw: michelle, chris, paula, j.m.; fav mem: canada, summer of 79, the g.a., old times with s.q.; prize poss: family, friends, teeth; sec amb: to find out who i am!; pet peeve: phonies, cleaning my room; fav say: "ya know what i mean"; majorettes 1, 2. arlene pinnock "are" "neen" 260 hawthorn rd. 3/7/62 rem for: acting crazy, having big eyes; asw: lisa, bob, joyce, ayn, leigh, bridget, nancy, joan, joe; fav mem: times wi bob, florida 76, 77, sailing, summers in O.e. esp wi lis and joyce; prize poss: close friends esp. I.k., family, my gold, memories of good times; sec amb: to own a mere. 450 sl, have an endless summer; pet peeve: good byes, packing, making decisions; fav say: "how are ya?" bye-bye now" "well, isn't that nice!"; gymnastics 1; cheerleading 2; % hockey 4; lax 1, 2, 3, 4; stw 4; senior class play; "the most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed." - chamfort.
Aliki Peters
Arlene Pinnock
paula pirrotta 620 country rd. 3128/62 rem for: never being on time, never in school in 78; asw: k.v., j.l., j.s., d.d., t.h., ee., j.k.; fav mem:. 5/31/79,6122/79, virginia, 7/16/79; prize poss: dennis delaney, kitten; sec amb: to own the castle; pet peeve: rahs, phonies, nosey people; fav say: "wanna catch a smoke?" robert john poole "bob" 326 larchwood rd. 3127/62 rem for: camping trips, being there; asw: f.s., b.p., b.e., p.W., j.s., g.f.; fav mem: fcsp I II, virginia 1*, styx, yes, ttnj; prize poss: parents, sandy, friends; sec amb: to go west; fav say: "no, but the thing is ..." "oh my"; football 1, 2, 3, 4; service club 1,2,3,4; choir 1, 2; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; "i hurry through my life never stopping to see, how beautiful it was meant to be." - styx.
Paula Pirrotta
Robert John Poole
lynn f. popelak "linoleum" 212 ballymore road 11/13/62 rem for: being quiet, always doing shorthand; asw: janice, joan, m.k.g., mJ., p.q., c.f., b.o.; fav mem: yes concert 79, poconos, being with my friends, summer of 78; prize poss: family, friends, memories; sec amb: to be happy and to achieve my goals; pet peeve: rahs, time, shs; fav say: "nothing"; "if there's a bustle in your hedgerow don't be alarmed now. it's just a spring clean for the may-queen. yes there are two paths you can go by. but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on." -led zeppelin. deborah lynn preston "debbie" "deb" "duck" 467 prospect rd. 2/9/62 ~em for: resembling various animals, being "so tall"; asw: pam, carol, natalie, dawn, gina, b.i.h.; fav mem: summer 78, times in O.e., bliz.s-ar-&79, crazy times with p.w., junior proms (k.b.), times with friends; prize poss: family, friends, pappy, 3 rings; sec amb: to be happy forever; pet peeve: sailing, goodbyes; fav say: "i.l.t.s"; band 1, 2,3,4; dist.; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 1, 2; musical 1, 3; hockey 1; lax 1; track 2, 3, 4; ski club 3, 4; cheerleading 4; nhs 3, 4; "i close my eyes, only for a moment and that moment's gone ..." - kansas. .
~ Lynn F. Popelak
Deborah Lynn Preston
sandra h. quinn "sandy" "san" 257 state rd. 11120/62 rem for: smiling, always listening; asw: jean, maria, suzanne, joe, sue, heather, maria, aliki; fav mem: myoid house, yes concerts 77, 78, 79, memorial day weekend, late days, 9/1/79; prize poss: my life, love, friends, and family; pet peeve: clones, waiting, liars, trying to get jelly out of a jar wi a knife; fav say: "ahh'haa" "don't get wise"; "dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true." - aerosmith. greg ramey 421 maddock rd. asw: s.g. and other people; fav mem: the seconds 01 my existence; "for long you live and high you fly but only if you ride the tide and balanced on the biggest wave you race toward an early grave." - pink floyd.
Sandra H. Quinn
sally dee ramsey 337 ashwood rd. 2/23/62 rem for: smiling, falling asleep in class, flannel shirts; asw: andy, betty, jean, val, bert; fav mem: 10/19/76.8/21/78, our vacation; prize poss: andy, ted e. bear; sec amb: to become a millionaire by age 25; pet peeve: 12/12/78; fay say: "yo dude!" "go for it!" "sigh!"; votech 2, 3,4; f.b.La. 2, 3; "if the sun refused to shine, i would still be loving you; when mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me." -led zeppelin. mary anne regan "rigs" 179 morton rd. 12/18/61 rem for: being late, j.r.'s big sister; asw: j.r., d.L, d.r.; fav mem: tuesday afternoons, florida 79, wildwood 79; prize poss: my family and friends; sec amb: move to colorado; fav say: "knock it off" "i don't know what i'm searching for - i never have opened the door tomorrow may find me at last - turning my back on the past."
Sally Dee Ramsey
Mary Anne Regan
wayne reid "newt" 449 pinecrest rd. 5/25/62 asw: mike, bob, linda, mary, marianne; fav mem: hod net's car; prize poss: car; pet peeve: not being down park; fav say: "newt de hoot de shoot"; softball. gregory reuling "reules" 8/13/62 rem for: getting rowdy, showing up at parties, cheaphits, sleeping in snow; $2.00; asw: den, mole, m.j., pork, arr, brink; fav mem: soph parties 12/27/77, summer 78, 12/30/78, summer of 79 7/11/79, o.c. beach, skiing; prize poss: my friends, family, spa; sec amb: to be rich, together, and happy; pet peeve: mailboxes, losing; fav say: "you're a character" "i'm up" "Iet's go" "you only live once": football 2,3,4; basketball 2; lax 4; "Iet the good times roiL"
Wayne Reid
christopher reynolds "tug" "frank" 111 hillview dr. 12/19/61 rem for: v.p. songs, being a "big mac" fan, hockey and softball games; asw: ve, j.c., g.k., ham, c.f., p.m., tep, belch; fav mem: junior prom 79, phil lies playoff 78, great times with ve; prize poss: my record collection, love for sports; pet peeve: the duke, lousy lunch periods without my friends; baseball 1, 2; tennis 3, (4); weightlifting 1, 2; basketball 1; choi r 1, 2. michael ricchi 911 westfield rd.
Christopher Reynolds
Michael Ricchi
donna ann rickards "big sis" 341 oakdale place 9/19/62 rem for: getting embarrassed; asw: maria, chris, diane, merk, j.b., Lt., scamp; fav mem: summer 78 and '79 at s.c.c., 9/19/78 (63 acres), 8/25/79(r.s.), horseback riding; prize poss: keys, Ifamily, friendships wi certain people, memories; sec amb: v.o.c.a.g.o.w,m.r.; pet peeve: slow drivers, fights wi meat face, and friends, monday mornings; fav say: "ah man!" "i'm sorry"; 3f.I hockey 2, 3 tri-capt 4; choir; chorus.
Imichael ristine 266 powell rd.
Donna Ann Rickards
Michael Ristine
michael william rodstein "mike" 625 prospect rd. 717/60 rem for: personnal touch; asw: joanne, dana; fav mem: 10/8177, times with jovan; prize poss: my four legged brother - snoopy; sec amb: to become the next vidal sassoon; to own a continental; pet peeve: rock!; fav say: "kiss my grits!"; vica 2, 3, 4; dcha 4; sr. play; medical explorers 3, 4; "won't forget, can't regret what i did for love." caroline rohr "carrie" rem for: creative invectives, art work; asw: ann, barb, betsy, carole, s.j., sue, dagmar, friends; fav mem: sweeney todd, jack the ripper, arrowhead, limerick; prize poss: #611904, my mind and its ability to create and expand; sec amb: to replace ian anderson; pet peeve: auditions, being "gifted"; "we are to regard the mind as a flame that is to be fed, as an active being that must be strengthened to think and feel - and to dare, to do, and to suffer." mark hopkins. Michael William Rodstein
Caroline Rohr
paula ann rolfe 2 wildwood ave. 5/16/62 rem for: cutting, being small!!; asw: m.h., r.o., j.d., bac, rum, jay; fav mem: times w/ friends, summer of 78, 79, shore parties, concerts, prize poss: misty, my room, family, friends, love; sec amb: to become happy and rich fast; pet peeve: snobs, rahs, crowded halls, shs, ignorance, liars, cheaters; fav say: "gdb" "what?" "sure!" "right!" "tell me about it!"; "learn to make the most of life, lose no happy days." - dodney. david rosen berger "rosey" 212 cascade rd. 4/4/62 rem for: my hair; asw: mole, peeps, tubs, george, marcia; fav mem: jr. prom, summer 78, s.p.; prize poss: friends, life; sec amb: t.w.s 79 and p.o.f.; pet peeve: getting up for school, disco; fav' say: "that's Iife" "f. em u. n.p.s."; track 1; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; "we have not yet begun to live it up." Paula Ann Rolfe
David Rosenberger
terry ruch "dingleberry" 316 pinecrest rd. 10/23/62 rem for: joking around, laughing; asw: friends i care about, my "sister"; fav mem: "the general's class, ron's chem class, sr. prom 79, s77, 11th and 12th grade, shs; shadow cheers to gladys, hockey bus rides; mail truck wishes with c.t., t.p., k.f., d.w., and all our dreams and schemes; prize poss: family, friends, panda; sec amb: to be happy and make others happy; pet peeve: kktb, good byes, apathetic people!; class secretary 3, 4; ex. council 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3;, officer 4; yrbook editor, hockey 2, 3; lax 1, 2, 3, 4; 3rd hockey 4; basketball stats 3, 4; circul staff 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 3; senior play; "climb every mountain float every stream follow every rainbow 'til yoa find your dream."
Terry Ruch
Ellen S. Rudolph
ellen s. rudolph "rude" 341 kennerly rd. 7/12/62 rem for: my nails asw: d.!., a.j., v.v.; fav mem: 11/3-4179,11/6/77; prize poss: my heart, my ring, kashmere; sec amb: own a mg, live along georgia coast; pet peeve: disco, gym class, liars, sleazy people; colorguard 1, 2; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; "stars over snow, and in the west a planet. swinging below a star - look for a lovely thing and you will find it. it is not far - it will never be far."
derrick james rumbaugh "rums" 370 hemlock In. 11/6/61 rem for: sleeping in class; asw: paul, jim, stec, glen, joyce, lisa, and the corner people; fav mern: summer of 78, 79, all the fishing trips we took; prize poss: my fishing equipment; sec amb: to be a brain surgeon; pet peeve: rahs, the buddy system; fav say: "what's up" "how's it going"; football 1, 2, 3; "what happened to the wonders we once knew so well, did we forget what happened surely we can tell, we must have waited all our lives for this, moment, moment." - yes. patricia dawn rumbaugh "pudge" "rum's" "dwan" "dawnie" 370 hemlock la. 11/ 6/61 rem for: basketball and other sports, number 12, not playing hockey; asw: friends; fav mem: summer league 78, times with m and m.b., prize poss: friends, family, my basketball, number 12, memories; sec amb: go hang gliding, to coach someday; pet peeve: getting picked on, always being corrected, refs, fouling out, t's for something you don't say; fav say: "yeah, really" "what's up"; basketball 1, 2,3,4; lax 1, 2, 3, 4. Derrick James Rumbaugh
Patricia Dawn Rumbaugh
constance rumpf "connie" 11 fairhill rd. 11/12/62 rem for: being moody, watching soap operas; asw: susie, joe, friends; fav mem: mountains, shore, proms, concerts, carol's, smoor; prize poss: joe, my family and friends, great memories; sec amb: to make it out of shs and have more great times; pet peeve: toothaches, disco, hallways at shs; fav say: "do a doob" hockey 2; "it's only teenage wasteland." - the who. marc steven russo "marc" 343 yarnall dr. 6/10/62 rem for: laughs, asw: a.j., c.r., a.m., t.a., b.r., m.d.; fav mem: peec, jeff + penn, rocky horror; prize poss: 75 valiant custom, crazy wit; sec amb: md at jeff u.; pet peeve: mondays, bio-Iabs, senior summaries, ssr, shakespeare; spri-hian editor; "what is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree?" logan pearsall smith. Constance Rumpf
Marc Steven Russo
timothy andrews ryan "drew" "droobers" 151 netherwood dr. 02/07/62 rem for: looking like mark, my soccer balls, my driving?; asw: rmtubsdrrmspsgrkclmn; the hog, a soccer ball; prize poss: family, friends, memories + my life; sec amb: t.w.s. 79; pet peeve: 2 faced people; fav say: "f 'em u.n.p.s."; soccer 1, 2, 3,4; indoor soccer 2, 3, 4; tennis 1; lax 3, 4; service club 2, 3, 4; yearbook photo 3,4; "turn on the light you won't regret it, you got to go the good and get it ... i may be a weakling, may be blind, but even a blindman knows when the sun is shining." - g.d. john salmieri "saboo" 328 rambling way 4/19/62 rem for: partying up with everyone; asw: ed, vinni, mohe, harry the "greek", gil, woody, joe, rob, nooners, tommy, maria, jill, lori, cathy, patty, sam, fonz, dino; fav mem: concerts, wildwood, maryland, graduating from the pit; prize poss: my family, all of my friends; sec amb: to become very wealthy; pet peeve: shs, disco, narcs, no sessions; fav say: "what's happening" "what's up" "what's the score boss"; "you dirty dog it's a free for all." - ted nugent. Timothy Andrews Ryan
John Salmieri
janice samano 213 hemlock In. 8/22/62 asw: janice, ginny, kris, connie, martin, billy, glenn, harry, nazz, paul, cindy, jamie, tommy, our gang; fav mem: good times with janice, 4/29/78, b.1. 9/29/78, 12/31/78, 8/8/79, 1119/78-that thursday night, rolling stones~concerts, barrels, a.c. + andrea, ca. 77,79, fla 77, 79, after school 79-80; prize poss: family, friends, memories, stereo, track shoes; sec amb: to lead own life; pet peeve: disco, rahs, waiting, shs; fav say: "i don't smoke"; track 1, 2, 3, 4. steve sanet 548 cheyney rd.
Janice Samano
Steve Sanet
marianne sanford 266 powell rd. 7/27/62 rem for: my curly hair; asw: bowie, debbie t., sheila i., barb b., slim; fav mem: supertramp 79, virginia beach, mountains, wildwood labor day weekend 77, vo-tech prom, all the trips, kings dominion, top of the line; prize poss: bowie, my ring, my car; sec amb: to drive a tractor-trailer across the country; pet peeve: waiting, no knowing what to do, winter, dobermans; fav say: "oops! i'm gonna get 'em"; "still crazy after all these years!" katherine eleanor schaaf "kathie" 311 larchwood rd. 4/25/62 rem for: being a phillies fanatic; asw: #7, r.w., etc ... fav mem: florida 77 and "bop"; prize poss: family, reddy m., lisa's friendship; sec amb: have all my wishes come true; pet peeve: people who call phillies "bums", slugs bugs; fav say: "tell me about it!"; arch 1,2,3,4; district orch 3; mus orch 1,3; choir 1,2,3,4; french club 3, 4; lit. mag 3; % hockey 4; "very little is needed to make a happy life. it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." - marcus aurdius. Marianne Sanford
Katherine Eleanor Schaaf
The living room of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley in a small town inOhio.
The living room, late afternoon, a week later.
Scene is the same, a week later, late afternoon.
Scene is the same, Christmas morning.
CAST FOR "The Man Who Came to Dinner" Mrs. Ernest W. Stanley. . . . . . . .. . . . .. Michele McTiernan Miss Preen. . . Helen Panczner Richard Stanley ............ . Jim Dyson June Stanley. . . . . . . . .. . . Barb Henderson John. . . Richard Tarone Sarah. . . Charmaine Corea Mrs. Dexter Kathy Lord Mrs. McCutcheon. . Doreen Logan Mr. Stanley Joseph Di Pietro Maggie Cutler. . . . .. ... .. . . . . Karen Keinath Dr. Bradley. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Charles Martini Sheridan Whiteside Russell Atkinson Bert Jefferson John Toussaint .. Charles Gallagher Professor Metz Lorraine Sheldon . Esther Tiberini Sandy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....â&#x20AC;˘.... . . Charles Klepper Beverly Carlton . . Jeff Hanna Banjo __ . . Sam DeLeo Harriet Stanley . . .......... . .. Gina Ferguson Westcott. . . . .............. . . Mr. McConnell Three Convicts . Mr. Zappacosta, Carol Wi Ison, Sara Jane Warner . . Sue eelan, Joe Mauro, Robert Duffy Three Deputies. Plainclothesman Robert Burdumy Young Chorus Girls. . Carol Thomas, Lisa Kohl, Nancy Long, Peggy Kennedy, Tracey Slack, Susan Davaro, Sharon Atkins, Arlene Pinnock, Dawn Draves, Alicia Engler, Sally Geobel, Terry Ruch, Patty Wood Radio Technicians. .Carole Woodworth, Jamie Mallas, Ayn Furlong Director .. . Mr. Grubb Assistant Director. . Nancy Mara
lisa marie scheerer 20 wayfield rd. 10/13/62 rem for: smiling, long hair, grades, music, honesty, friendliness; asw: kathie, "Iunch bunch"; fav mem: hilltop, france, florida, charith, times with kathie; prize poss: salvation, family, friends, sec amb: give my best in all; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1,2,3,4; chorus 3, 4; mus. orch 1, 3; french club 3, 4; dist orch 2, 3, 4; ja 2; nhs 3, 4; lit mag 3; track 4; hockey 4; delco youth orch 2, 3, 4; yf 1,2,3,4; "for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." -phiI2:21. leigh ann scheppman "lee" "I.a." 355 levis In 4/15/62 rem for: my green eyes, getting stuck driving to parties; asw: arlene, ayn, lisa, joyce, nancy, bridget, linda; fav mem: swimming at florida 79; prize poss: family, friends, house, swimsuit; sec amb: swim in the olympics; pet peeve: waiting in line, people asking to drive my rabbit; % hockey 2, 3, tri-capt. 4; chorus 1,2,3,4.
Lisa Marie Scheerer
Leigh Ann Scheppman
georg h. schmidt "schmidty" 405 maddock rd. 12/25/61 asw: bob w., ron W.¡ fav mem: "fishing in canada 77, 78" "summers in new york", "florida 78", "kiss ~on cert 9/7/79"; prize poss: family, stereo, 2002a's, cb, moonrakers, awards, kiss records, german shepherd; sec amb: to succeed in electronics, and to own either a pors~he "911" or "928"; pet peeve: boring teachers, and "disco"; soccer 1, 3; wrestling 1; track 1; band 1,2,3; orch 1; vo-tech 2,3,4; musical 1; work 3,4.
Georg H. Schmidt
linda scorn.ajeng~i. "brickhouse" 524 vernon rd. 1/10/63 rem for: last name, my tan, my smile, writing on hand; asw: frank, peg, nancy, leigh, bridge, "the men"; fav mem: family trips, times with frank, 12/15/79, 12/31/79, snowdance 79 w. f.p., springfield parties, summer of 78, busch gardens, va.; prize poss: family, frank, my ?og, friendship wi peg; pet peeve: backstabbers, getting stuck driving, lateness, lines; fav say: "ex" "oh my"; basketball 1; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; ex. council 3, chairman 4; nhs 3, 4; yr. bk. art staff 3; yr. book bus. staff 2; yearbook ed. in chief 4; lit mag art staff 3; soph hop dec. comm; "babe i'm leaving, i must be on my ~:""";:s:iL.I,- way, i'li be missing you. babe i love you." - styx. Linda Scornajenghi
william edwin selby "bill" "selbs" 426 glendale circle 3/7/62 rem for: always having the car; asw: larr, bals, soccer team; fav mem: ctw-78, spelunking 78, 79; cars concert 79, skiing 78, 79, hogwash 79; prize poss: family, 72 lemans; sec amb: to be happy and suc~essful in life; pet peeve: disco, burnouts, stupid questions; fav say: "yeah right"; soccer 1, 2, 3,4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 4; "photographs and memories; all the love you gave to me; all that i have are these to remember you." - jim croce. donna j. serfino 23 locust rd. 10127/62 rem for: being quiet; asw: liz, leigh ann, dawn, steve; fav mem: jr. prom, all my memories with steve, 10/11/77; prize poss: steve, my family; sec amb: become successful; pet peeve: good byes, fights. with steve; ski club 2, 3, 4; ex council 2,3; locker problems 3; "goodbye stranger it's been nice, hope you find your paradise, tried to see your point of view, hope your dreams will all come true." - supertramp.
Donna J. Serfino
marueen shea "reen" 118 summit rd. 12120/61 asw: kathy, s., marty, sandra s., 3 cosmo girls, ronie p. and others; fav mem: great times with family, friends, and h.g., 12/27/76-?, 10/7/78, florida 79, all proms; prize poss: mom-dad-jim-jackkat-jet-liz-gary-, martin, stephen grins, my scissors, rings, "my dogs?"; sec amb: to continuously lead a happy and fulfilling life, to be successful in my career; pet peeve: when there is time and many miles away from the ones you love!; cosmetology, vo-tech 2,3,4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketbaH 1; lax 1,2,3,4; v.i.c.a. sec 2, 3, 4; p.h.c.a. 79; "time is not measured by the passing of the years, but by what one does, and what one achieves." - jawahrlal hehru. anna elaine shell "ann" 900 providence rd. 11/10/62 rem for: being markis little sister; fav mem: 7127/79,8/4/79; prize poss: my family; sec amb: to be successful in-everything i do; pet peeve: sprints, rahs, being short; fav say: "i am sorry"; hockey 1, 2,3,4; lax 1; choir 1, 2;
Maureen Shea
Anna Elaine Shell
doris mae sinclair "battle creature" "war horse" 149 n. rolling rd. 10/26/62 rem for: always being there, listening; asw: "the sisters", my charles; fav mem: 9/29/ 79, junior year, the "events with sue", guys and dolls; prize poss: ring, family, man upstairs, c.j.m.; sec amb: to see my S.c.c. guard again; pet peeve: being grounded, greeks bearing gifts; fav say: "unbelievable" "oh bother" "i love you"; choi r 1,2,3,4; chorus 4; musical 3. traceyanne stevenson slack 49 indian rock dr. 12/2/61 rem for: talking fast, my knee; asw: michael, sally, kathy, maureen (cuz), jill; fav mem: 8124/77, 2/12/79, almost everyday; prize poss: my little brother, my family, michael, friends, my parent's love and acceptance; pet peeve: liars, losers, self-centered people; fav say: "you've gotta be kidding me!" "what are you crazy?"; ex council 1,2; advisory board 4; lit mag 3; senior class play.
Doris Mae Sinclair
Traceyanne Stevenson Slack
robert james smargiassi "butcher" "bob" 509 sharpless rd. 10/3/62 rem for: working at mcd's; asw: mike, ron; fav mem: florida 74, 75, 77, wildwood 78, 79; prize poss: friends, cb equipment, craftsmen tools; pet peeve: studying, teachers, surprise quizzes; stage crew 3, 4. wendy smith "wendle" "tuesday" "smitty" 348 valley view rd 3126/62 rem for: being a rah, always laughing; asw: chipper, someone from park; fav mem: 3/10/ 79,7120-21-22/79, senior week 79, castle, junior prom, n.j.; prize poss: c.p.s., my friends, family, my jeans!; sec amb: to have alot of little basketball players; pet peeve: speeches, rags; fav say: "suck an egg, sure love to!" gymnastics 1, 2, 3; cougarettes 2; cheerleading 4; chorus 2; "i never cease to wonder at the cruelty of this land, but it seems a time of sadness is a time to understand." - supertramp.
Robert James Smargiassi
Wendy Smith
steven spatocco "spit" "stick" 317 powell rd. 10125/62 rem for: being short, being talkative; asw: g.S., m.e., j.t., r.t., t.s., r.d.; fav mem: wrestling 79, summers; prize poss: my family and friends and bike; sec amb: to have a happy and healthy life; pet peeve: trollies, diets, whrill pools; fav say: "what's up" "getting chubby hey"; soccer 1,3; wrestl ing 1,2,3, capt 4; glee club 1,2; "p.s. be cooL" barbara lynne stanley "barb" 504 lehann circle 11/5/61 rem for: being a beatles nut; asw: mike marucci, janice, terry, lizanne; fav mem: 8/8/78, 5/12/79, 8/8/79, 6/6/80, all the great times mike and i had; prize poss: mike, my family, my friends; sec amb: to live a happy and healthy life; pet peeve: two faced people, disco, stupid fights; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; senior ed. of yearbook 4; vica 2, 3, 4; "one sweet dream came true today ..." - beatles. \
Steven Spatocco
....... " ......i Barbara Lynne Stanley
david robert stanton "dave" 512 maddock rd. 5/11/62 asw: s.k., k.m., s.h., j.s., n.g.; fav mem: great adventure 79, jr. prom, cars concert; prize poss: car stereo; sec amb: to be independently wealthy; pet peeve: disco, closed lunches; fav say: "i don't care" "what's up"; soccer 1; choi r 1,2; ambulance crew 3, 4; service club; "ticking away the moments that make up a dull day." - pink floyd. gregory j. stevenson "steph" "g.j.s." 570 rutherford dr. 7/16/62 rem for: being kool, #32; asw: emo, spit, burd, x, duff, g.j.r., tooms, j.t. and twin's, wop, j.m.; fav mem: water skiing in grass lands, jr. prom, fred's, every summer, small get together's, p.p., running out of gas; prize poss: sea craft, family and friends, good times, blond hair; sec amb: to be known, healthy and wealthy; pet peeve: handcuffs, ssr, back stabbers; fav say: "# 32 from #1 for 6" "smegma head" "what's happenen" "gentilmen, are you ready"; football 1, 2, 3, co-capt 4; baseball 1; lax 2,3, co-capt 4; ski club 1,2,3,4.
:i David Robert Stanton
Gregory J. Stevenson
karen elizabeth stieber "spaazzz" "spunky" 225 s. swarhtmore ave. 413/62 asw: friends outside of school, s.n.; fav mem: 9/25/77, 8/16-23/78; prize poss: my friends, family; pet peeve: phony people, being late; fav say: "well why don't you go drop dead then"; track 1, 2; "for the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Lord jesus Christ." - romans 6:23.
~~'"""!( ~.,
Karen Elizabeth Stieber
joseph john stumpf "dancing bear" "joe" 501 kerr lane 4/7/62 rem for: having a beard, being quiet, not driving; asw: d.w., g.f., m.t., j.m., b.p., f.s.; fav mem: millersville camp, senior football season, cave trip, trip to d.c., going undefeated; prize poss: family, friends, beard, class ring, varsity letters; sec amb: to drive, play for nfl, be happy and successful; pet peeve: summer practices, disco; fav say: "what's up?" "don't aggravate me" "basic problems"; wrestling 1, 4; baseball 1, 2; lax 3, 4; football 1,2,3,4; service club 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4.
joseph john Stumpf
francis e. sudler "freddie" 14 c. north morton 10/1/62 rem for: acting crazy; asw: myself or everybody; fav mem: summer of 78 and 79; prize poss: 3n,d and my stuffed mouse, my family; sec amb: to become a model; pet peeve: u.s. cultures, no car yet; champs; fav say: "get lost" "you're lying" "yeah right"; cheerleading 2,3, capt 4; vo-tech 2,3; fbla 3, 4; "be what you are, not what you're not." francis suga 906 sara dr. 6/27/62 rem for: fast driving, long distance errands; asw: p.w., b.p., b.p., b.c.; fav mem: jersey, 3194, rosen bergs, bad co., kansas and others; prize poss: friends, cutlass, hat; sec amb: become an architect; pet peeve: ssr, closed lunch, disco; skiing 1, 2, 3, 4; service club 2, 3, 4; "don't hang on. nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky it slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy. all we are is dust in the wind." - kansas. . Francis E. Sudler
Francis Suga
terry sullivan "sull" "ter" 209 Iynnbrooke rd. rem for: a 2 yr. absence, going out with terry w., clowning around; asw: duff, wayne, terry w., c.m., b.t., n.t., g.S., S.S.; fav mem: 9/25/78, on the beach with duff, summer 78, chinco with w. and c.m. times with t.w., 11 /12/78-?; prize poss: my ring, my mind and the memories it holds; sec amb: to be at peace with myself, to beat the odds and win at life; pet peeve: writing, summer practice, handcuffs, "no car", misunderstandings; fav say: "yea!!" "in a minute" "what's the matter?"; wrestling 3; football 4; "don't surround yourself with yourself." - yes.
-'., ... / 1
Irnt Terry Sullivan
dina taptykoff 651 vernon rd. 11/4/63 rem for: oboe, delicious desserts, "ochi chorniye", graduating early; asw: d.s., S.S., c.s., e.r., j.k.; fav mem: russia 79, fla 77; prize poss: family, friends, 20/20 vision, old gray sweater; sec amb: to be clairvoyant; pet peeve: substitutes, reed making; fav say: "hmmm ... interesting"; band 1,2,4; orch 1,2,4; dalaika orch! german club 2, 4; "by rowing someone else across the river, you get there yourself."
Dina Taptykoff
richard charles tarone "rich" "rick" "tyrone" "ri-chod" 223 wells In. 10/29/61 rem for: playing violin, guys and dolls; asw: h.a.b.r.c, g.a.d.c.; fav mem: camp allegheny 77, new england 77, florida 78, dist. orch 77-78, guys and dolls 79; prize poss: friends, memories; sec amb: to travel across the u.s. in a van, to be successful; pet peeve: putting things off; fav say: "incredible" "i screwed it up!"; orch 1, 2,3,4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; dist orch 2, 3,.4; chorus 4; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; mus orch 1; musical 3; sr. Class play; pop group 1,4. christine taylor. "bunny" "racoon" 300 n. bishop ave. 10/6/62 rem for: being nuts, flirting, liking a 9th grader; asw: janette, maryanne, eileen, jeff, the band, "morgan ave. gang"; fav mem: times with john, times in band, 7/19/79; prize poss: j.c.i., friendship with lisa; sec amb: to own a corvette; pet peeve; gym, snobs; fav say: "let's spark it up" "you smack"; band 2, 3, 4; "everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun it eclipsed by the moon." - pink floyd
Richard Charles Tarone
Christine Taylor
robert taylor "bob" (bobo) 941 west ave. 12/29/61 rem for: always combing my hair; asw: nancy t.; jenny m., terry w., terry s.; fav mem: 9/15/78, summer 79; prize poss: comb and car; sec amb: to make it in life; pet peeve: fiat and getting caught kissing in the hall; fav say: "i don't smoke"; service club 2, 3, 4. cora denise tekach 1321 kendall road 9/12/62 fav mem: n.y. j.k. g.d. S.t. concerts, n.y., n.j., plays; prize poss: good friends and memories; sec amb: get married and live on a ranch; pet peeve: having nothing to do, not remembering things, head games, being confused and doing things i don't want to do; orch 1,2,3; "though we rush ahead to save our time, we are only what we fee!." - neil young.
Robert Taylor
Cora Denise Tekach
george michael teplica "tep" 232 foulke In. 11/20/62 rem for: impersonations, editorial comments, "the big band sound"; asw: ham, kaz, tug, belch, steve, bill, chuck, and the gang; fav mem: hershey park 9/79, jr. edco, good times with all; prize poss: my family, stereo, glenn miller records; sec amb: to make a lot of money and raise a family; pet peeve: "no nukes"; fav say: "what's all the hubbub, bub?"; baseball 1, 2; spri-hian 2, 4; scrivener 4; debate team 4; national merit commended student; "life is what you make it; and what you make it is up to you." royal franklin tettemer III "skip" 613 prospect rd. 12/6/62 asw: my, b.b., k.o., n.y., n.g., j.d.; fav mem: cleveland 77,79, lehigh, summers 77, 78, 79; supertramp, renaissance, cars, kansas, spring days and nights; prize poss: families, friends, memories, tomorrow: sec amb: backpack to maine; pet peeve: shs, scs, rahs, disco; fav say: "whatever" "intense"; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 1, 3, 4; scrivener 3; "when each word is read, would you know the difference if nothing was said." -kansas.
:=;eorge Michael Teplica
carol a. thomas "rah!" "cat!" 416 springfield rd. 3/4/62 rem for: being silly, smiling; asw: tubs, pinky, wacky, stretch, dingleberry; fav mem: moments with darryl, april 12, 1978 at 5:28 a.m., 10/7/78, quiet moments, rowdie times; prize poss: love that comes from darryl and my family, true friends, my special ring; footies; sec amb: cam2, live ¡Iife with minimum of tears and a maximum of joy!; pet peeve: stupid arguments, spelling tests, eating deer meat; fav say: "say what"; cheerleading 2, 3, co-capt 4; snow queen nom; "9-12-21-22-25-15-21-dam. laura inez thompson "schoochie" 34 harding avenue 1/11 /63 rem for: laughing, cheezin'; asw: jamie, shari, chelle, renee, barbara, foxx, lisa, shoevers around; fav mem: summer of 76, 1/1/78, 4/21/78, 6/6/80; prize poss: my family, dana, jewelry; sec amb: to achieve what i want, to be successful; pet peeve: cramps, people who act new, foxx and dion; fav say: "you dummy" "gracious of life"; "i wish those days could come back once more, why did those days ever have to go, 'cause i love them so ... 1984?"
Carol A. Thomas
Laura Inez Thompson
esther marie tiberini "tibby" 477 sherman rd. 10/1/62 fav mem: times with brian 7/21/79, 7/19/78, 8/3/79, 5/3/79, 12/31/78; prize poss: my relationship with brian, friendship with teri, closeness with sallas; sec amb: to be a famous actress, to be happy forever with someone i love; pet peeve: rumors, liars, arguments; senior play; pop group; chorus officer; choir; "there are many moments in friendship as in love when silence is beyond words." - ouida.
.....__ ....-.-
mark stephen todara 262 lewis rd 6/7 /62 rem for: skating, eyelashes; asw: s.t., j.d., k.o., d.t., n.g., b.b., n.y.; fav mem: lehigh, summer of 77, 78, 79, living in wilmington de!., spring days and nights, supertramp, america, cars, kansas; prize poss: skates, families, friends; sec amb: to do the best i can in skating; back pack to maine; pet peeve: disco, candies; fav say: "joe-" "intense"; orch 1; band 1, 2, 3; musical 1, 3, 4; choir 3,4; scrivener 3; "and a feeling deep inside of me tells me this can't be the place." - csn.
Esther Marie Tiberini
Mark Stephen Todara
robert toomey "rob" "tooms" 534 andrew rd. 11/7/62 rem for: not wearing socks, not tying sneakers, having 2 families; asw: s.c., f.c., j.c., j.t., S.S., m.e., g.s., t.s., r.d., ted; fav mem: times with a certain person and friends; dog kennel, plana, hockey 76-77, 2/10/79, 4128/79, 12/31/79; prize poss: danielle, my families, and friends, #3; sec amb: to succeed in life; pet peeve: back stabbers, giddy girls, coolers; fav say: "oh ok!""bull dinky"; baseball 1, 3, 4; soccer 3; ice hockey 1,2,3, capt 4; rggc 1,2,3, co-capt 4. terry touhill 269 hemlock In. 10/3/62 rem for: losing things, going into different cultures; asw: hogans' heroes I.a.c., c.m.h. and crew; fav mem: bondsi riding, lock haven, underground crowd, lucy and vivian, abers, awaybers, canoeing, mudd and food fights, v-t 3, 4, baseball; prize poss: family, feather pillow, my banchie; sec amb: to uncover all the coverups in springfield; pet peeve: shs, disco, fav say: "au!!pau!!"; "smile on brother! everbody get together and try to love one another right now."
Robert Toomey
Terry Touhill
david e. touring 307 madison rd. 7/25/62 rem for: my V.W., my driving; asw: c.w., naz, c.m., j.t., waldo, dust, monte; fav mem: summer 79, winter with my v.w.; prize poss: me life?; sec amb: find a wife and make little tourings; pet peeve: s.h.s.; fav say: "so, what are you up to?"; football 1; track 1; "kicking around on a piece of ground in my home town, waiting for someone or something to show me the way." - pink floyd.
David E. Touring
John Toussaint
john toussaint "the king of puns" "frenchy" "whoopy" "tous" 539 maddock rd. 12/1/61 rem for: trying to get things up, ski trips, fooling in geom w/ jamie, lax, trying to keep in touch and some personal things; asw: bJ., m.e., g.s., S.S., b.b., f.m., t.s., r.d.; fav mem: lax mem's, b.w.b.f., ski trips, good times with friends, hitting the park, concerts w/ f.s.; prize poss: my love of life, god, family, friends; sec amb: to be loved, successful, to be in government or sales, to have good trustworthy friends; pet peeve: unindividualistic people, being in a bad mood, people who don't really know what i am like, no senior privileges, 2 faced friends; fav say: "to the max!" "stay together", "what's up for the weekend?" lax 3, capt 4; football camp 1, 2, 3, mgr 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; cougar staff 4; yrbook sport staff 4; senior play; s.t.w 4;
lisa ann traband "lis" "tray" 428 kent rd. 9/10/62 rem for: always eating, being half of "the troublesome twosome"; asw: my other half (bet), j.b., d.v., I.k., d.r., I.p. gang; fav mem: good times, spying; prize poss: "true" friendships, memories; sec amb: to enjoy life: pet peeve: prejudice people; fav say: "ah ya mama" "don't get spastic" "really"; "i decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow, if i fail, if i succeed at least i'lIlive as i believe." - g.b. kristine p. truell "twigs" 121 harding ave. 8/10/62 asw: gloris, wendy, and my other fans!; fav mem: the past seventeen years; prize poss: my family and true friends; vice pres 2; ex council 3. co-chairman 4; nhs 3, 4; hockey 2, 3,4; track 1,2, 3,4; co-sports ed 4; "life is people, part good and part bad, and you can't keep score on things like that."
Lisa Ann Traband
Kristina P. Truell
daniel tumolo "toombs" 252 waverly rd. 1/30/62 asw: kirk a., dave h., chuck d., guys at vo-tech; fav mem: going on spelunking trips and going to dances; prize poss: my fujica 35 mm. camera; sec amb: having a lot of money and working in a computer firm; pet peeve: working at the alpine; fav say: "oh god" "how's it going"; vica; intra, tennis; stage crew; "those who believe that they are exclusively in the right, are generally those who achieve something." - perry byssle.
ed urban "urbs" 469 granite terrace 4/10/62 asw: b.a., d.c., I.m., m.a., k.k., f.s., j.l.; fav mem: wildwood 79, 7-7, homestead apt; prize poss: my car, family, friends; sec amb: to own a business and be successful; pet peeve: closed lunches, no gas, homework; football 1; track 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club.
Daniel Tumolo
Ed Urban
melissa vanraden "m.m." 158 hillview dr. 8/14/62 rem for: being me; asw: dawn, other friends; fav mem: hawaii 76,8/14/79; prize poss: friends, family, camera; sec amb: happiness; pet peeve: ssr, closed lunches, teachers, sitting on the bench; lax 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 3, 4. vincent vecchione "vec" "vince" "vinnie" 459 valley view rd,9/19/62 rem for: sleeping in class; asw: tony, jce, couz, tina, denise, ellen, jerry, ken, larry; fav mem: 8/19-26/79; prize poss: 68 malibu, records, memories; sec amb: to enjoy a very happy life with tammy; pet peeve: disco; fav say: "go for it""i don't know"; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; "don't do to someone-else what you would not want done to you."
Melissa Van Raden
Vincent Vecchione
debra anne vern-il"deb" "c1" "ver" 213 west avenue 6/9/62 rem for: talking, eating, jd's; asw: s.j., b.m., t.c., b.d.c., I.t.; fav mem: 9/15/79, 7/26/79, collier, summers; prize poss: jaime, family, friends; sec amb: to go out with jaime; fav say: "indubitably" ; intramurals 1; locker problems 3, 4; "if you ever feel a need for me, let it carry you along. don't be shy and try to hold it down cause what you feel just can't be wrong." karen vimmerstedt 46 wayne ave.
Debra Anne Verna
Karen Vimmerstedt
edward wade 262 franklin ave. 5/5/62 rem for: making distinguished honor roll and being a well rounded student; asw: walt, j.t., d.t., monte, s.c., dust; fav mem: touring's sick driving; prize poss: my girl, tunes, army jacket; sec amb: to get away from springfield; pet peeve: school, cops, court; "i've been dazed and confused for so long it's not true." -led zeppelin. dianne wakumski "wacs" "wacky" 482 hawarden rd: 7123/62 rem for: "falling" in pools, falling off steps; asw: kim, tricia, carol, terry; fav mem: junior prom 79, new years eve, christmas vacation 79, bad company 79; prize poss: family, friends, lasting relationships; pet peeve: "rain" "humidity"; fav say: "bummer" "oh yeah" "what?"; ball girl for soccer team 3, 4; pep club 3; "you fly through the sky, never asking why and you fly all around until someone shoots you down." - bad company.
Edward Wade
Dianne Wakumski
janette walls "jan" 218 s. highland rd. 5/3/61 rem for: being short; asw: t.m., I.m., p.k.; fav mem: jr. prom; prize poss; record collection and car keys; sec amb: f.s.; pet peeve: rainy sat. mornings; fav say: "can i drive?" "what am i going to do?" "pits"; band (rifles); choir; "seek and you shall find." . sara jane warner "s.j." 345 larchwood rd. 10/24/62 rem for: my laugh; asw: sue, barb, betsy, caroline, ann, carole, dagmar, gloria; fav mem: alleghany 77 florida 78; prize poss: my friends; sec amb: to be successful, to hang glide; pet peeve: pessimists, cold mornings; orch 1,2,3,4; choir 1, 2, 3,4; musical 1, 3; lax l' scrivener 4; fund 2, 3,4; "non illigitmus corborandum." '
. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .. _ - - - -
gloria marie warrick 238 harding ave. 12/9/62 rem for: being short and talkative; asw: w.m., k.t., tr., a.j., s.j.w., and friends; fav mem: florida 78 and godspell; prize pass: my family and friends; sec amb: to be successful and travel; pet peeve: people who think they know everything but know nothing; fav say: "are you serious?"; arch 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1,2,3,4; district arch 3,4; ex council 3, co~chair man 4; % hockey 2, 3, 4; track 1,2,3,4; scrivener sports ed 4; godspell 4; "i believe the children are our future teach them well and let them lead the way." regina ann whelan "gina" "g" 628 vernon rd. 12/12/61 rem for: tripping down the audion steps; asw: h.b., m.m., c.m., m.b., t.c., and of course bud; fav mem: 2/ 24/79-blind date; prize pass: butterflies and my pig "babe"; sec amb: to get bud to dance; pet peeve: snobs and wise guys; fav say: "yeah right" "get off of me"; "for me, to love is to commit myself freely and without reservation." . Gloria Marie Warrick
Regina Ann Whelan
pamela anne whitman 200 summit 2/4/62 rem for: laughing, losing shoes, getting lost; asw: frank, debbie, carol, roseanne, gina, dawn, my flute, b.i.h.; fav mem: times with frank, 3194, concerts - especially f.m., dancing, times in o.c. and wildwood, docks and dunes 78-79, jr. prom, k.r.'s party, times with deb and cindy, cast party; prize pass: frank, friends, memories, flute, necklace; sec amb: t.1.i.a.b.h.w.f.; pet peeve: sailing with d.p.; "it's only the beginning." george wilkins "wilkes" "hands" 107 barbara dr. 7/9/62 rem for: running, always working at acme; asw: james, bill, ken h., wes, carl, buzz; fav mem: ocean city 77, 78, bucknell camp 78, 79, c.c.; prize pass: camara, parents, friends; sec amb: to become wealthy via sports, medicine, pet peeve: a.p. english, hunks; fav say: "think about it." "excellent" "hi-men!"; cross country 2,3,4; indoor track 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4; basketball 1; service club 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 3; "you only get as much out of life as you put into it." "i'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea, for i've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me." - styx. Pamela Anne Whitman
George Wilkins
carol wilso~ "c.o.w." "woody" 105 congress ave. asw: nance, tibby, helen, nat, deb, pam, gina, dawn, roseanne, freeman, lauren; rem for: not knowing when to shut up, never being serious; fav mem: castle - jan 79, concerts, jr. prom 78 parties with "the gang"; sec amb: to have straight teeth; band, arch 1, 2, 3, 4; dist band, arch 2, 3; reg. band 4; nhs 4; scrivener 4; stw 4; "i understand about indecision but i don't care if i get behind, people livin' in competition all i want is to have peace of mind." - boston. laurie lee windle 546 maplewood ave. 9/20/62 rem for: always happy and smiling, listening and caring; asw: m.k., e.n., s.h., s.p., p.w.; fav mem: 9126/77, days with m.k., summer 79; prize pass: m.k., family, friends, god; sec amb: to always lend a helping hand to my loved ones and others; pet peeve: dishonesty; fav say: "only kidding" "i'm sorry", hockey 1,2,3, tri-captain 4; lax 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2,3; band 1,2,3; arch 1, 2; nhs treas 3, 4; yearbook 1,4; "life is a gift to be used every day." - edgar a. guest. Carol Wilson
Laurie Lee Windle
edwin t. winter "edgar" 519 w. springfield rd. 7128/62 rem for: speaking german; conan paintings; asw: "the beast", steve, conan, john, gary, full, 2 c.w., chuck; fav mem: german class, kikerikole, "nuclear waste material"; prize pass: family, friends, gu itar with andy scott; pet peeve; oral reports; soccer 1, 2, 3; weightl ifting 1, 2, 3, 4; german club 1, 2, 3, 4; "everbody needs satisfaction guaranteed, everbody wants a piece of the action ..." - sweet. patricia I. wood "woody" 465 harwicke rd. 10/25/61 rem for: crazy morning announcements, smiles; asw: a.o., s.g., I.w., e.n., good people; prize pass: alan, capacity to learn; sec amb: to find satisfaction; pet peeve: being late, waiting; fav say: "fantastic!" "this is true"; hockey 2, 3, 4; lax 3, 4; v.p. class 3; nhs pres 3, 4; band 1,2,3; v.p. of band 3; stage crew 1,2,3,4; class play; "you are a free person. i am so happy because in your freedom you choose me to be your friend." susan polis shultz. Edwin 1. Winter
Patricia L. Wood
carole sue woodworth "carol" with an "e" 93 S. Shelburne Rd. 12/14/62 rem for: being atwin, running, having a late birthday, being involved; asw: the best of friends; fav mem; europe 78, summers 78 and 79, cross country, track, guy's and doll's 78, stw, houston 79, vermont 78, florida 78; prize poss: family, friends, memories; sec amb: to run with the olympic torch; pet peeve: shin splints, "carol woodsworth"; fav say: "really!" "sorry;" cross country 2, 3, capt 4; track 1,2, capt 3,4; choir 1,2,3, officer 4; chorus 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 3; stw 4; spri-hian 2,3, ed. 4; scrivener editor 3; pop group 4; indoor track 4; senior play; fund 2,3,4; "Nothing is ever achieved before it is thoroughly attempted." - sir philip sidney. christopher scott woodworth "chris" "woody" "professor" "man from u.n.c.l.e." 93 S. Shelburne Rd. rem for: being in too many things at the same time, being a twin; asw; sarah, rob, todd, mark, kaz, good friends; fav mem: high school 2, 3,4; europe 78, florida 78, times with sarah; prize poss: sarah, family, friends; fav say: "yo buddy" "ohh boy;" pet peeve: injuries, cliques; sec amb: olympic decathlon, to be successful, t.m.s; football 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3 4; track 1, 2, 3 4; band; orch; choir 1,2,3,4; dist band and orch 3,4; reg band 3; guys and dolls 3; nhs 3,4; "mens sana in corpore sano." - juvenal.
Carol Sue Woodworth
Christopher Scott Woodworth
daniel wright 522 W. Springfield Rd. 1/7/62 asw: team mates, furt, d.b., m.r.; fav mem: chester, ridley game at the pit, bethlehem, "the bridge;" prize poss: my family memories and friends; sec amb: to slam it over dawkins; basketball 1, 2,3, 4; soccer 1,2,3; track 1,2,3,4; nhs; spri-h ian 2, 4. lisa wright 10/16/61 asw: joe m., peg w., bob 1., chris 0., pet peeve: rahs, stuck up people; fav say: "you bigba-toot;" sec amb; to live in one of my father's houses, to own my own salon; prize poss: family, friends, scissors; fav mem: wildwood 79, ocean city 79, vo-tech; rem for: always having the last look; lax 1; track 2; gym nast ics 1, 2, 3. [0:::,
Daniel Wright
Lisa Wright
karen anne zurl 468 Wayne Ave. 3/11/62 rem for: always doing my algebra homework; asw: k.l., I.s., k.c., s.c.; fav mem: florida 78, 79, 9/22/79; prize poss: my stereo and record collection, family, friends; sec amb: to be rich; pet peeve: rahs, eati~g lunch in the gym, first period gym, ssr; fav say: "god's gift to the world;" chOir 1,2,3,4; band 1,2.
michael carney 436 Prospect rd.
Karen Anne Zurl
robert cimino 501 Yale Ave. lydia kistler 473 Southcroft Rd. doreen logan "dor" 239 Walnut St. 1112/62 rem for: being loud and krazy; asw: d.f., S.S., d.i., w.m.; fav mem: 3/75, times with special friends; prize poss: skates, tv-radio, 3 ft. bear, chris, car; sec amb: to be an engineer; pet peeve: snobs, cold places, morton; fav say: "what's up" "move!" "like wow, man!"; track 1, 2, 4; 3/4 basketball 2; 3/4 hockey 4; class play; Imc aide 1, 3;" child is born with a heart of gold, the way of the world makes his heart turn cold. that's the way of the world." e.w.f. michael nazzarides 640 S. Chester Rd. elizabeth esther rosenberg "betsy" 609 Hillborn Ave. "i wish that me room had a floor, i don't care so much for a door, but this walking around, without touching the ground is getting to be such a bore!" - gelett burgess. michael rudella 114 School Lane gary stissi 145 Grandview Rd. corrine white 848 West Avenue robert wolfgang 617 Sproul Rd.
SCRIVENER 1980. To most people this means the annual yearbook filled with pictures and memories. To a special few, the Scrivener means seven months ... 300 hours of hard work. The words deadline, crop, pica, points, quadpack, job number, and contact sheets became everyday words to us. Cropping picturesand laying out pages were new to all of us, but everyone caught on fast. We tried to put together a book thatreflected the past year at SHS. This book is for seniors, a book that will be leafed through for years to come. There are many people to be thanked. Among them is Beth Brunone, who was her own typing staff. She typed all the senior summaries and most of the other sections of the book. A special thanks also goes to the artists, especially to Jim O'Hara who designed the cover. I also want to thank the photographers, especially Dawn, Dave, and John, who helped us all year. Also, thank you Erika, Terry, Carol, Barb, Sue, Ted, Chuck, Gloria, Kris, Barb, and Nancy for putting together a creative and original yearbook. All of these editors and their staffs are also to be thanked for coming in Saturday mornings and staying late after school so we could get the pages in on time. We also thank Rich Crowe for the pictures of the fire that he donated to the yearbook. We aU want to thank Mr. Eley for the constant devotion and help he gave us through the year. He helped us' more than was asked and we appreciate it. I want to thank Tom Mannion for being a great assistant editor. His backing up and pushing the editors made my job easier and made the yearbook a success. Everyone learned a lot and we all h pe you enjoy the Scrivener 1980. linda Scornajenghi Editor-in-Chief
Springfield Bigh School Class of 1980 Cornmencement exercises w~re conducted on June 6 at Sun Center, FeUonvil!e, for the fol!o~jing mernbers of the Class of 1980 from Springfield School District: Patrici.e Ann Abbot Lisa Susan Ad~mf:'n Myra Sharon Adaman Sharon L. Adkins Adrian M. Aikman. IV Benjamin .John Alfonsi. lit Marc Brian Anderson Melanie Jeanne Arm~tfong Russell James Atkinson Charlos A. Ba'chiun3!1 Janke Mllrfe D81dwin Sharon Annette Bamboch
Alan G, Barclay Theresa A'f))(~ndra 8311ivic Jo89ph Mich eta I Bate-holder Carol Rose Baxter Barbara Jean Belfigfio Tina Bellos Jerome F. Bettinger Donna V. Blooming--:f(llte Barbara Edmunds Bothg t-faten Elpino~y Bottos Eunice Inez Bradley Kathleen Ann Brady .k>~aph Allen Brennan Dana Anne Broome Scott Edwe:rd Brown B11:thAnn Crystine Brunone David Charlo§ Buchy Rarb~nl lynn Buggy Kt\rl E. Bupp Robert James Burdumy Sholtoi' Byrne S'~phen WitHam Carey David Carfagno E. Charlos Carroll Keren lynne C8rt~H MichHol p~u' Cerullo T~na Maria C~chini Christian E. CAsa"ek Linda ~oon Ch~ppip. JOfJeph Francis Cicch:nelfi [)oreen Mary Claffey Ctifolyn Anne Clark Kan'~n J(m~ Glat1< Valeflo J{;'tm Compton "~,'ChilrmCtine Marie Coroa
Joseph RohN"t Cori Joseph M. Costf]~tini Rob~rt .'~rnr:<; Cox SuZ'?nne ~t.Jh:r;~d Cr?il"J Susan #".gnB<:> Crt:?1fh;n Su~nn Anne Onvaro .h:Hr8Y John O(l"'C; flegiO:l M. D.p.~rdcn
EJil~:b~th l~ondin;:, n2~ r'H!O
Samnel Louis £X>Lp.o louis Anthony D~lloso non3fd Francis [)$)IPi~no Mark Thomas DelVp.cchio Josnph R. DnMArco Stt'phen Rohert OPRuschi .klhn Anthony Oovi'1v G9rard Alfred DeVit i'l Rose~nne M;·~"ie Di8Gl!o K~ith Allen Dickerson Usn Rr'S(HTI~ri~ OiFoidio Nrmcy t iQd<::1y Dill .. t(pvin Sh~wn Dian .Joseph L.2'wr~nce DiPi:;tro
Knvin M~rk Oougherty Eilr"')n Sh?"o". Downey Da'lm Df)nj~~ Onwes Robf\rt S~An Duffy Pe~cal~ '1e r oniqu9 Durand Darryl Al!en Dyitt JarrIJs Joseph Dyson Richnrd J. Edwards Mark Kevin Emss Alicin M~ry Engl~r Bonnin J\nn frs~k Linrln Mnri~ Fvans F~cd~n
M::lry A.
J03nnq TfH~S(t F~Q~!1 Ch~ih~~ f)()n~!d F~r(LC~. Jr. Kimherlv Ann~ r lJulknor Gin't M~ria Fergust:>n M?ri~nne l.. Ferlita M~~~ S. Filippone [)onn1j M. rinl~y Patdcia M~HHp.en Finnngan D~'{id \~. Fi!her Bridgqt filet'n Fofr-sy C~th~fi~~ A Fn~nk N~mcvl\,n.n M~ri~ Fuloiniti Ayn D~nis~ furfong Gt:;cff~y Ghn'Ip-s Furt~w
N:1nr.y Ann G ~!nf'g Ch;J:fleq A.. Glllt8Qh8r Arthur An~h()ny G;:Hnm~rino. 1II W~q!ey G. Ger~~~n'<nrn ,-'mn~s Ghic:ond~y B~r~~ra .Jf)Fln Gib~on
Oon~Id W~rff~n Ginn
J"hn Clrl G'p,nc;~rur J0yce Ei!t"nn GIIWK S~~rrth ,L~119 G0f>tH'''1 Edw~rd '1-'. Gowl"nrl R~~'fliqh '"V. Gr ~nt, Jr. Stcv~n Mi~~h(lcl Grosso Bri?n Allen G!4Hr.ch?-1I Stephen Randolph Hahn Haigh Chc-r!ps H~ltman Richard E. Hnmi!ton Jp.ffrp'I Sr;ott H;lnna Ahm~d S. H;Hris Cr?ig Stephen H1uslein Ehubara Ann Henderson M~tthnw An~mw Hendrixson Al!(~n Jn~nph
[)r~!1ald nnS3 Hilm~an.
D1'tirl Allrn Hilliard Sl.:-n~nnp r.'!:,r:e HOBvel~r Ch~'Hlot!e Lynn Holdsworth K~r,nf1th
,Jon" Hood Horne P.0nn!d $r,ott HO'Ne r.1tricin E. H(.1well Robeyt ,I. Hunr. Rnb(lrt fU1Jnk In~or7~to Nir~hol"r; Chn r lp'5 'pri Linda EIi!'"?beHl Jackman Sherry Lyn Jackson D~wirJ J;y:~(r,on
Frp.p.m~n Albort Johns Wifli<i1T1 '~cHh .Johncson M'Hk Euevme Johnston Tcr1d C. ·Johnr:·'on At'<1'~y t aVerno -Ionos
l\n n t . .Jur~cic
Mnry Fli.l1beth X (tne Kr:nneih D. K;"Hltner StGv(,n A. ~;UVOi5 G~orq(~ N?ro1eon K ?:mic t<~r~n Keinath ~,:~~rg~rGt Mary Kp.nnedy
Thomas Philip K{'nn~,dv, Jr. Janice King Lydi:l L. KisUer ChAdes Judson KI(1rper Rpnee Yvonne Klin~ George Robert Koerner U~a Ann4J Kohl Bruce Andrew KO':¥31~zyk Pe~er Georg(~ Kowrllczyk \A,'il!i:-tm G'e-n Krocht J~an Louise Krimrrmt J05€oh C. Kuhls Lorl'!~inf.' J. Kutz R('~bert W. l.angwig Lisa l'~f"ln lnPorta Bry~n Oani~'
Thomr:ls Edw3rr1 l.~'!x Chri~topher Anthony Lnwrence Josoph Apthony Le-o Deni'ip. Ann Letter
T~re~ ~ 00ropn tog~n Cynthi1 Oinnp. Loque J~nic{l Oi~ne Long N~ncy .l\!jc,on l.ong
Jo~n M:"ri~ Lonqn~~r
lic;a Vict,~ria Longhurst !\nn Lare! Anthony J.M L,wLlni Rpne~ r~O~{;mrH!e LlIttrell lisa Jmv) L v'!r..h Adam Edwfl~·t1 Mxks Susan .Jo Milday James AI,m MocNiven R~'H~:1!! l ~.lfg!~.> KClthp.rin~
J~mie G~{)rge Mall~s Pp,fer Francis Mancu~o Thomas ~tson Mannion
Stephen Michael Marinari Andrew Chri5t"pher Mar1( W8ndy P. Mark Npncy JelWlna Marra Jerome J. Martinelli CtuHles Joseph Martini, Jr. Louis SAI\l~tore Magtroianni ThN"dore J. Matthew Jo!;\"ph MichROI Mauro Al!~tin Domi~ic Mazlulo M~rc Cartar McClure Eli;v~heth Ann McCullough Josp.ph Andrew McElwee Dennis K. McGettigan K~vin A. McKernan Francis X3vi~r ~Knight David Grant McLesn Susan Jessica PkL~3n Ann Nance McManus Lawrence J. McNamara Don~'d Francis McNeill. Jr. J mnes Patrick Andrew McNichol8S lnom':ts M. M-:Nicholas Mjchele A. McTiernan Dtlrryl AI~n ~ade Susan Ann M~a~le John Girard ~5sina W ~yne C. Moyer Lorraine Carole Miller Co"e~n Mcuie Minford Joan Mario Mj~ci8gna Onniel J. Mls!lar DC1niel E. Mitchell St~phen R. Molitcris Cynthia Th~resa Montanaro Beth Ann Moss David Allen Muehsam Rir-hard 0, Mullineaux. IV nicc~rdo A. Muntone N?ncy Marie Musi Cynthia C. Nave Susan Nazlal"ic Susan Lynn Neelan Erika Morgf'n Nelles Philip Allen Nelson Li~n Huang Thl Nguyen Ja~s Mark O'Hara S<Jncha "oi Okino Lincta Olesen Timothv William O'Neil Pt1tricia Anna O'Neill Rohert<l M. O'Neill J\nthony John Orfanelli. Jr. Jam~s Patrick Owens Natc.lie A. Pacitti Michael J. Palmer Helen Eliz~beth PfJnClner t< <l'h loen Morie Papas Th()resa Pr\tricia Papas p(1tricia A P3rker L inwood Pf\r~on. III rJ~~rk Joseph Patriarca El!labeth Lee Patrucci ~hbie Lee P"Uerson Thom~s C. Peace Brndl~y St~php.n Penn George N~th~H1 Pp.nn. Jr. Ron aid Scott PP-Oples RobArt J. Peraino Frank Josnph Perpiglia Ftilabeth Jean Perry J\liki Peters Arlenf? E. Pinnock Robert John Poole Lynn F. Popelnk £'P.borah Lynn Pro!;ton S~ndra Helen Quinn Greg A. RQm0Y S<llly Dee Ramsoy MRryanne Eltzl1beth Regan \\'ayne Scott Reid Gregory Mich~e' RelJling Christopher W. RflIynotds Michael James Ricchi Donna Ann Rickards Michael W. Ristine Michael William Rodstein Caroline Ann Rohr Paula Ann Rolfe Eli~8beth E. Rosenberg David Staff Rotenhgrger Teresa Eleanor Ruch Michael J. H"dctla Ellen Sue Rudolph Dnrrick J~nles Rumbaugh Pntricia Drlwn Rumbaugh Con~t3nco Ei'~en Rumpf Marc Stevp.n Russo
Pro.••rw of Springfield Heritage MU8eum
Timothy Andrew Ryan John Salvatore Salmieri Janice Lorraine Samano Steven Aaron Sanet K8th8rin9 Ele8fVJr Schsaf Lisa Marie Sc~rer LelghAnn Scheppman George H. Schmjdt Linda Marla Scomajenghi William Edwin Selby Donna Jean serafino Maureen Frances Shea Anna Elaine Shell Doris Mae Sinclair Tracey S. Slack Robert James Smargiassi Wendy Patricia Smith Steven Joseph Spatocco Barbara Lynne Stanley David Robert Stanton Gregory John Stevenson Karen Elizabeth Stieber Gary Stissi
Carol Street Joseph John Stu~f Frances E. Sudler Francis Joseph Suga Terry R. Sullivan Nadine Taptykoff Richard Charles Tarone Christine Taylor Robert L. Taylor Cora Denise Tekach George Michael Teplica Royal Franklin Tettomer, III Carol Ann Thomas laura Inez Tho~son Esther Marie Tiberini Mark Stephen Todaro B. Robert Toomey Teresa Mary Touhill David Emil Touring John Joseph Toussaint Lisa Ann Traband Kristina Pearl Truell Daniel Joseph Tumolo
Edward Urban Melissa Ann VanRadan Vincent B. Vecchione Debra Ann Verna Karan R. Vimmerstedt Edward Wade Dianne Maria Wakumski Janette Marie Walls Sara Jane Warner Gloria Marie Warrick Gina Ann Whelan Corinna White Pamela Anne Whitman George F. Wilkins Carol Emily Wilson laurie Lee Windle Edwin Thomas Winter Patricia L. Wood Carole Sue Woodworth Christopher Scott Woodworth Daniel Thomas Wright Lisa J. Wright Karen Anne Zurl