1981 Scrivener

Page 1



Springfield High School's


Anniversary Yearbook

3-'m jleppin' oul, 3-'m moving on, 3-'m gonna jee lhe world, elike a rolling jlone, ...



· .. !).'m fJonna be bomeboJy , Doh, !).'m bleppin' oul Je// elyne

.... R'IZmImI

Ihat ij eaMJ >elJom ellent. Samuel Johnjon


child educated

only at Jchool iJ


uneducated child. george Santayana

:Jickinc; awa'J the momentj that make up a dutt da'J You Iritter and wajte the hourj in an 011 hand wa'J Yickinc; around on a piece 01 c;round in 'Jour home town Waitinc; lor jomeone or jomethinc; to jhOW 'Jou the wa'J

:Jired of l'Jing in fhe junjhine jfa'Jing home fo wafch fhe rain You are 'Joung and life ij long and fhere ij lime fo kill foda'J And fhen one da'J 'Iou find fen 'Jearj have gone behind 'Iou no one fold 'Iou when fo run, 'Iou mijjed fhe jfarfing gun



And 'Iou run and 'Iou run to catch up with the 3un, but it '3 3inhinfj And racinfj around to come up behind 'Iou afjain :lhe 3un i3 the 3ame in a relative wa'J' but 'Jou're older Shorter

0/ breath and one da'J cl03er to death

{;ver'l 'lear ij fjeftinfj jllOrter, never jeem to find the time planj that either come to naufjht 01 hall a pafje 01 jcriUled linej .JJanfjinfj on in quiet dejperation ij the {;nfjlijh wa'l :lhe time ij home the jonfj ij over, thoufjht ..!)'d jomethinfj more to ja'l. pink 510'ld


























R C l A S S M


E N 84-135




• pervisors

R. Pittman

Social Studies Experience is a question of instinct about life. Oscar Wilde

J. Trumbower Language Arts

J. Bartley Science Dr. D. Fry Mathematics

- - -


Special Services

G. Jones Community Relations Specialist

E. Decker Supervisor of Maintenance B. Selisker Video Communications Specialist

J. Brabec Supervisor of Food Services E. Livingston Supervisor of Custodians

J. Rosner Psychologist

J. D'Ambrosia Business and Transportation Specialist

P. McCusker


-he essence of edu:ation is overcoming l difficulty. Alain

E. Carrol

J. Tierno

C. Winters

J. Way

W. Mackrides

P. Rambo

Special Services

R. Galarus K. Lear

R. Shoemaker Athletic Director

S. Hall

I. Swank


You serve without rewards You give without asking Everything is taken in its stride. Alma Roberts

R. Kramer, H. lightcap, M. Clarke

Main Office


Sec. to Athletic Director M. Hynes, M. Yocum, B. Dusak

Division of Instruction

row 1: G. Jones, row 2: E. Coli, G. Stango, D. French.

District Office

B. Powell Maintenance Office

S. Jacobson Attendance Office

E. Petrie, E. Trucksess Guidance Office

D. Northington, I. Paul, M. Omlor, F. Ehrig, E. Foresman

merican Studies

j. Doyle

T. Gallagher

j. Hornaday

j. Zappacosta

l. Ball


Foreign Language He who knows no foreign language knows nothing of his own. Goethe

S. Beam D. Gough


E. Polini

I. Harris

Driver Ed.

C. Batz

J. Cannon


n g I • I



K. Merbreier

A. Peterson

J. Maher He who does not know the force of words cannot know men. Confucius

J. Hirt

J. Scheuer l.landau

G. Ege

L. Balukjian C. Wilkinson

B. Montgomery

s. Goebel

Study has been my sovereign remedy against life's disappointments. I have never known any distress that an hour's reading did not relieve. Montesquieu

G. Bankert Reading

Boy, this I.Q. test sure is hard. After my name I'm lost!

Not now Peg, I just had a choir rehearsal.

Allen, do you want to come up to the Audion and hear me lecture?

You did what with your bobbin? The typical S.H.5. teacher hard at work. 32

What do you mean who won the American Revolution?! I know there's a spare roll of peppermint Life Savers in here somewhere.

Where is that X-rated Canterbury Tales movie playing? It's a bird, it's a plane ...

What do you mean strip poker is immoral?! Connor's Angels

Social Studies

C. Funk T. Grubb

K. Schaefer

R. Locker

R. Filson

J. Jefferis

B. Frattura

J. Stinson

S. Stefani


R. Lee D. Kellogg

L. Taylor


H. Sebold

There is no certainty in science where one of mathematical sciences cannot be applied. Leonardo Da Vinci


R. Eley

G. Werley

D. Casner

s. Kirkpatrick




R. Coombs

F. Chango


A. Reinsmith

G. Long D. Bartow



A. Frye

R. LeDonne

G. Wood H. Lemmon

Fine Arts

After silence that which to comes nearest expressing the Inexpressible is music. Aldous Huxley

A. Brennan

L. DelNegro

A. O'Connell

S. Kaminsky

Art is man's refuge from adversity. Menander

Ie aim of the theer is to penetrate e soul of the Idience. Constantin Stanislavski

J. Dorsey

Practical Arts

J. Di}ulio J. Judge

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land. Peter, Paul and Mary

N. Williams

K. Clearfield

J. Andrews


Physical Education and


B. Yaeck

H. Bell

J. Brusch

E. Ardao


G. Hart R. Taylor

E. Creed

H. Beldecos

• Business

P. Connor

S. Grogg

B. Engler

Learning Materials Center


E. Thomas

l. Belsterling, B. Welsh A. Barrett

• • M. Young


J. McBride Head Custodian

J. Rankin, F. Dixon, B. Thomas, T. Trifoletti. Maintenance

• G. Taylor Director of Bus Drivers

row 1: G. Taylor, B. Pearson, F. Talone, P. McCabe, T. McGowen, row 2: Lawn, W. Baker, J. Kelleher, B. Kline, K. Voglesong, J. Irwin, J. McGee, Watts. Bus Drivers

J. J.

• •

row 1: J. Kilgallen, A. Massaro, B. Gambol, F. Simeone, row 2: F. Greim, S. Bennett, V. Martin, C. Mowbray, D. Fasola, D. Withers, M. Sterling. Cafeteria Workers


D. Miller, S. Scott Activities Editors


W.Skammer Editor-in-chief

croppers . .. where's john? who has a yellow pencil FOOD quadpacks ... whenching pica sheets where's Mr. Eley ... hours spent together in this tiny dark room ... I need my pictures ... General Hospital . .. candids where's Gleeeennnn? ... I hate this room summer supplement - AFTER GRADUATION

S. Mark, C. Kracht Sports Editors

R. Eley Advisor

F. Persky, G. Reganato Underclassmen Editors

L. Hornaday Assistant Editor-in-chief

R. Mark, A. Torna Senior Editors

S. Bupp Art Editor

R.Young Business Advisor A. Gildner, D. Nazzario Typing Editors

Dear Sir or Madam Will you read my book ... J. McFassel, L. Hornaday Faculty Editors

J. Cannon Photography Editor

S. Over, T. Covello Staff

... It took me years to write. Will you take a look? Lennon and McCartney

R. Wilson


.··A dilernnla has to get upprettY·$?rly iti th~ .•. .rnorning tofooltheSpri.. Hian.·· . .adapted from . . Edwin Newmari

I. Covello I:ditorial Assistant

g()W 1:Jfq,rac(;!.M:)3~ma,dQt~g»,2: M.$~SnJc,0.'YQur1g,5;1()rqt.Wk,rp'N

~:. J.Albert , J~tTiger'iM. R<icii<;Q,J. Shields,eN\: Scheef,F.Gfazier, A R:Osenberg,cp: ,.






Did you ever get the feeling someone's watchir you? An editor's work is never done.



egregating m&m's ... green goes first . .. hocolate chip cookie people with pretzel ?gs wandering through short stories . .. l.j. liz reading with feeling ... it's best aid before . .. is it a typo? ... just another lanai thought . .. what's it mean ted? ... en poets and seekers madly struggling to ind reality in the paradoxical labyrinth of a righschoolish life.


Zappacosta Advisor

S. Mark Business Editor

S. Bupp Art Editor

T.Abel Literary Editor

The Genius of Poetry must work out its own salvation in a man. It can not be nurtured by law or precept, but by sensation and that watchfulness in itself which is creative must create itself. john Keats

E. Rohr Editor-In-Chief

A. Chen Typing Editor Screening Staff row 1: E. Voelker, row 2: S. Mark, S. Bupp, F. Persky, row 3: F. Rieser, E. Rohr, A. Chen.



row 1: ). Moore, 1. Covello, M. Tiger, M. McGuckin, E. Toussaint, D. Mariano, row 2: C. Stefani, ). Mariano, L. Serafino, R. Mariano, D. Shea, S. Bupp, L. D'Orazio, row 3: K. McGuckin,). Hamilton, K. Barner, M. Shields, F. Glazier, D. Barrett,). Shields, T. Abel.

Officers Advisor

). Moore, E. Toussaint, D. Mariano

R. Shoemaker


row 1: P. Squadrito, M. Tiger, P. Pontari, P. Donnelly, row 2: S. Westcott, L. Mathew, K. Farrell, D. Miller,). Winkler.

}. Murphy, M. Tiger, S. Sterling, D. Miller, Missing: G. Parker, S. Over, S. Kolb

"If the system is to work, all our people must participate." J. Carter

Sponsor: L. Ball

row 1: }. DelPiano, H. Nguyen, row 2: A. Zufall, G. Miller, T. Maclay, }. Bierekoven, row 3: D. Selbach, D. Dubin, E. Peterson, }. Hunn, M. Hughes.




row 1: C. Kracht, L. Hornaday, R. Freisner, M. Imming, T. Abel, M. Handley, S. Klepper, S. Stocker, D. Aishouse, D. Schmidt, row 2: L. Green, S. Macera, E. Rohr, R. Wilson, A. Smith, R. Penza, D. Mariano, M. Reisenfeld, P. Patrucci, R. Spennato, M. Gelsomini, P. McHugh, D. Nazzario, row 3: W. Skammer, M. Rieder, J. Davis, C. Jopski, S. Conway, T. Minford, S. Stephanou, J. Camaratta, C. Salantino, J. Colaprete, J. Thorud, J. Quagliariello, J. Slack, D. Thorpe, row 4: G. Elias, A. Torna, S. Kolb, L. Matthew, J. Patriarca, E. Voelker, D. Miller, M. Bowlby, S. Scott, D. Burt, 1. Brown, R Mark, L. Bevan. Missing: John Cannon.

R. Shoemaker

Sponsor Officers row 1: C. Weber, R. Freisner, Aishouse, J. Morgan.

row 2: D.


J. Leonard, M. Young, T. Abel, C. Kracht, S. Klepper, B. Tamoff, S. Stocker, J. Thorud.

Advisor: M. Lamb


row 1: A. Dalkilic, L. Green, D. Nazzario, P. Hajinian, row 2: 5 Scott, L. Owens, J. Bupp. M. Young, E. Arch, row 3: K. Stolnis, ~ Barba, M. Scheel, S. Bupp, M. DeSantis, J. Leibig, W. Rombach.


S. DeFrancesco, T. Covello,

J. Knorr, S. Conway

E. Polini


S. Beam


Officers row 1: P. Hajinian, D. Nazzario, L. Green, S. Bupp, row 2: M. DeSantis, J. Leibig, L. Owens.

row 1: E. McHugh, j. Gaines, j. Patchell,). Knorr, P. Squadrito, row 2: I. Guildea, M. Bernardo, G. Gormely, row 3: S. Beam, C. Dursthoff, j. Thorud, K. Alsop, L. Corea, B. Green, L. Dessender, L. Eckland, M. Cavallarie, W. Hallman, C. Conway, D. Perna, K. Cavana, row 4: R. Wilson, G. Onimus, S. Barba, P. Conway, T. McDermott, T. Covello.



row 1: j. Perna, S. Cavanaugh, D. Pearse, row 2: D. Barrett, S. KI2pper.

Try to see it my way, do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on. - Lennon and McCartney

j. Maher



E C D. Devine State DECA Vice-Pres.


S. Grogg Advisor

row 1: S. Clifford, K. Bloomingdale, L. Hanrahan, D. Carter, M. Huczko, row 2: C. Ferrier, B. Arzt, M. Sherlock, T. Dougherty, C. Roe, M. Corea, D. Devine, row 3: M. Misciagna, B. Little, j. Schaffer, S. Martin, j. Thorn, P. Porter, M. Orfanelli.





A. Brennan Advisor

row 1: A. Braybrooks, J. Casadonte, M. Tiger, K. Ginn, J. Patchell, row 2: T. Maclay, P. Squadrito, T. Skammer, M. Scelsa, G. Larish, S. Lightcap, B. Bossert, P. McHugh, L. McHugh.

What we call creative work ought not to be called work at all, because it isn't ... Stephen Leacock


S. Stefani Advisor

Always make friends with people who do you a service. A. N. Whitehead

row l~K. Stainor, C. Fasy, M. Petroski, D. Morroni, M. McGuckin, R. Pp~ ~ ..... (OW 2: L. Davis, R. Biela, J. Quagliariello, D. McCullough, K. Boyle, A '.w·· _vZ, row 3: M. Nave, J. Camaratta, T. Minford, R. Spennato, L. Bitar. 62





A Chorus Line.

K. Clearfield


Why won't anyone listen to me?!

Which way to Lake Placid? Officers J. Perkins, K. McGuckin, "Miss Cheerfield," M. McGuckin, B. Biela


Video Tape Crew Sponsor: B. McConnell

Sponsor: M. Young

M. Scheel, M. Young, B. Tarnoff, D. Bettinger, A. Zufall, D. Snyder

LMC Aides



E row 1: G. Miller, D. Snyder, K. Handley, E. Peterson. row 2: K. Oldersen, K. Paul, L. Shannon, D. Bettinger, A. Zufall, T. Covello, D. Dubin.


AV Aides

Get sick all over my counter, see if I care. row 1: J. Kaiser, D. Snyder, row 2: K. Bolton, D. Micolucci, N. Yi, P. McHugh, rO\l 3: J. Patchell, J. Knorr, H. Larrimore.

C EST To play great music, you must keep your eyes on a distant star. Yehudi Menuhin

L. DelNegro Director

row 1: K. Hughes, K. jurecic, K. Kampmeyer, T. Stolis, C. Petrillo, j. Fry, row 2: C. Halberg, R. Holland, D. Netting, j. Bupp, S. Conway, S. Halberg, D. Byrne, row 3: 5. Macera, j. Adams, K. Hughes, D. Kolb, C. Weber, D. Schmidt, L. Gosnay. I hope Mr. D. didn't catch that mistake.

row 1: B. Engelbrecht, B. Wenzinger, E. Nicholson, K. Ginn, K. Yocum, row 2: R. Stones, C. Thorpe, M. Everett, B. Hick, V. Townsend, row 3: D. Alshouse, R. Freisner, S. Kolb, M. Parson, G. Onimus, j. Everett, M. Reider. Surprise! You're on Candid Camera!!

row 1: A. Chen, K. Brennan, H. Swank, E. Hammons, row 2: D. Gramiak, M. Rieder, ). Golten, S. Moon, M. DeSantis, C. Schilling, row 3: E. Lyons, D. Lyons, L. Hornaday, M. George, W. Rosser, M. Imming.

row 1: N. Grant, A. DeSantis, M. Handley, A. Dalkilie, D. Giachetti, row 2: ). Stango, ). Rieder, 1. Chestnutt, D. Perrier, L. Rohr, D. Souders, row 3: ). Davis, K. Fry, M. Lewis, S. Stocker, L. McHugh.

Officers C. Weber, N. VanValkenburgh, D. Giachetti, A. Dalkiie, Townsend.

State Band



5, 5

TE D. McCullough, D. Schmidt, D. Lyons, V. Townsend, S. Conway

District Orchestra

row 1: N. Grant, C. Petrillo, E. Rohr, V. Townsend, M.lmming, L. Hornaday, C. Schilling, row 2: K. Fry, S. Stocker, S. Macera, M. Rieder, M. Parson.

Regional Orchestra

row 1: C. Petrillo, E. Rohr, V. Townsend, M. Long, row 2: S. Stocker, M. Rieder, S. Kolb, L. Hornaday.

District Band

row 1: C. Petrillo, j. Scheerer, K. Brennan, S. Conway, A. Stolis, row 2: M. Parson, D. Schmidt, R. Stones, V. Townsend, M. Rieder,. row 3: D. Lyons, S. Macera.

Regional Band

row 1: C. Petrillo, ). Scheerer, K. Brennan, A. Stolis, row 2: M. Parson, D. Schmidt, V. Townsend, M. Rieder, row 3: D. Lyons, S. Macera.

• State Orchestra

District Chorus

E. Rohr, L. Hornaday, K. Brennan. S. Stocker, E. Rohr, M. Rieder, L. Hornaday.

Ba d

row 1: M. Rieder, j. Gaines, R. Barr, j. Rieder, D. Netting, e. Linton, M. Lewis, M. Tiger, A. Riviello, E. McHugh. row 2: M. George, D. Bollinger, M. Parson, R. Oliver, j. Patriarca, D. McCullough, j. Everett.

Officers: N. VanValkenburgh, E. Nicholson, S. Kolb, j. Fry,

e. Gaines.

When I hear music I fear no danger, I am invulnerable I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest. Thoreau

e. Thorpe, M. Hanna, B. Wenzinger, j. Stango. row \Ishouse, D. Teszler, M. Bowlby, R. Wilson, F. Gaines, B. Engel-

: j. Bernard,

Director: L. DelNegro

e. Petrillo, A. Teplica, K. jurecic, j. Fry. row 2: D. Pat, K. ;, K. Hughes, H. Dessender. row 3: S. Halberg, D. Netting, K. ,S. Moon.

row 1: E. Galton, N. Hoffert, S. Hick, L. Kloss, j. Bupp, j. Kracht. row 2: P. Bailey, L. Carrick, K. Brennan, T. Bettinger, M. Green, S. Conway. row 3: j. Leibig, e. Halberg, D. Kolb, R. Holland, S. Hemphill, e. Gaines.

row 1: 1. Stolis, K. Corse, L. Pietrangelo, A. Holland, L. Edwards, j. Taber, row 2: K. Arnold, P. Phillips, D. Byrne, C. Weber, j. Scheerer, D. Schmidt, row 3: S. Macera, j. Reynolds, M. Rosser, D. Lyons, P. Conway, S. DiMarco, L. Gosnay.

row 1: M. Everett, E. Nicholson, K. Yocum, row 2: S. Kolb, Wilson, V. Townsend, B. Hick.

What we provide is atmosphere. Meyer Davis T. Roberts, L. Miller


row 1: K. Ginn, J. Bryson, B. Bingham, K. Black, R. Stones, row 2: E. Roberts, N. VanValkenburgh, G. Onimus, E. Lyons, D. Rosser.

FRO TU ITS p-poor ... pregame in rain ... parade chest . .. facelifting ... confetti fights . .. no ticktocks ... watch me swish . .. shut up Alison . .. footbaWs my life square dancing . .. mesh . downers for Meg . .. tacky tape fights can we go? . General Hospital . . . 3 pairs of stockings Dust Bowl . whip it ... can't explain . .. purple . .. Fun Loving Aggressive Girls Society . .. O-O-G-G.

~ Unit

L. Hamilton, M. Cavallari, M. Shields, j. Buck, B. Elias, L. Conchie, j. Udicious, L. james, F. Glazier, S. Burt, A. Graf.

dictators ... knees high ... 1gers straight ... pregames ughs . . . perkins . . . shoe polhand hairspray ... Super Jnday ... guide right ... Hallween masks wet rag ... oft, left, left A.I ... Claire's rxi service Laurie's taxi ?rvice ... waking up Lisa's lmily at 7 ... curling irons . etting to games on time . reaking guns square ance ... let's go it's time for


Rifle Unit row 1: C. Hartzell, M. Imming, row 2: L. McHugh, A. Gildner, S. Mark, F. Persky, row 3: T. Chestnutt, L. Sheely, C. Schilling, S. Bupp, H. Swank.

Ray Wilson Drum Major

pre-game in the rain . .. rah . we're coming out . .. clones . our talks ... family breakfast . lovers lane . .. Burger King " . airy one's . .. bootineer incident · .. Debbie's ends . . , buns . baby we can do it figures . halloween game Pam's flower · .. dancing . .. night practices in the bitter cold. , . Bonnie's boot · .. friendships we've shared ... thanks Nancy.

Cougarettes row 1: B. o,r Jeil, B. Craig, G. Buscaglia, row 2: D. Thomas, S. Over, A. Nair, D. Wallace, row 3: C. Kane, D. Carter, C. Chappie, J. Watts, row 4: P. Stephens, M. Sharkey, D. Angelucci, L. Grassie, row 5: T. Walsh, S. Schwartz, G. Reganald, S. Mcintyre.


Pop Group row 1: M. Handley, L. Heavey, F. Glazier, K. Brennan, M. Cavalari. row 2: M. Woodruff, N. Tarone, M. Sharkey, j. Fowler, K. Cosimano, j. Everett. row 3: T. Abel, S. Shane, L. Gosnay, V. Townsend, L. Hornaday, C. Salatino, B. Hill. row 4: M. Misciagna, S. Lightcap, P. Conway, G. Elias, 1. Covello, L. Miller.

"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Aldous Huxley Director: A. j. Brennan

Boys' Chorus

row 1: ). Goebel, A. Zufall, A. Phillips, S. Lightcap. row 2: M. Misciagna, B. Hill, E. Roberts, G. Elias, D. Bettinger, M. Radico. row 3: R. McNeill, L. Miller. This is such a tough course.

Senior Choir

Director: A. j. Brennan Altos row 1: G. Buscaglia, F. Persky, E. Sinclair, J. Topham, D. Jarrell, S. Morris, C. Starr, S. Over. row 2: 1. Roberts, A. Scalies, S. Hick, W. Skammer, D. Foley, S. Stephanou, L. Hornaday, K. Cosimano, L. Fulginiti. row 3: J. Fowler, S. Rosenberger, L. Heavey, S. Stocker, M. Imming, C. Hartzell, A. Gildner, D. Billingsley, M. DeSantis. row 4: J. Handline, J. Adams, L. Matthew, C. Salatino, B. Mullin, L. Bevan, S. Swan, J. Leibig, V. Townsend.

fficers: K. Cosimano, T. Abel, S. Sterling, G. Elias, B.


Tenors and Basses row 1: M. Misciagna, R. Stones, D. McNulty, B. Hill, D. Longhurst, S. Hemphill, B. Linton, row 2: B. Hanna, j. McFassel, N. VanValkenburg, j. Everett, G. Elias, T. Covello, P. Squadrito. row 3: C. Barner, M. Woodruff, j. Reynolds, S. Lightcap, E. Roberts, M. Resser, B. McDaniel. row 4: W. Sentman, D. Burt, T. Minford, j. Lanyon, P. Krauter, L. Miller, B. Rombach.

Lunch time Mr. Brennan! ... throw the yule log on Uncle AI ... watch out he's loosening that tie ... do you have your dollar? ... it's just a hair flat.

Sopranos row 1: K. Kampmeyer, L. Aronson, L. McConchie, S. Arnold, C. Kane, K. Handley, L. LoMonaco, L. Buchanan, L. Peracchia. row 2: V. Laguna, M. Coppa, M. Hoath, P. Stephans, S. Conway, E. Rohr, L. Grassie, D. Carter, J. Watts. row 3: D. Beaver, N. Tarone, D. Angelucci, M. Sharkey, D. Micolucci, L. Sheely, j. Moore, T. Semanik. row 4: S. Shane, K. Owens, D. Root, G. Reganato, R. Holland, L. Gosnay, S. Mcintyre, A. Ferrari, D. Vogelsong.

Senior Girls' Chorus Officers row 1: N. Tarone, L. Hornaday. row 2: S. Sterling, K. Cosimano, S. Liberace.

Director: A. J. Brennan

row 1: J. Moore, L. Buchanan, C. Kane, L. LoMonaco, L. Russo, L. Peracchia, E. Sinclair, J. Topham, S. Morris. row 2: J. Fowler, V. Laguna, D. Beaver, L. Hornaday, K. Cosimano, L. Grassie, D. Carter, A. Scalies, S. Rosenberger. row 3: N. Tarone, D. Angelucci, M. Sharkey, D. Micolucci, J. Kain, R. Schott, J. Handline, S. Liberace, D. Jarrell. row 4: S. Shane, K. Owens, D. Root, D. Vogelsong, S. Mcintyre, D. Billingsley, L. Bevan, C. Salatino, S. Sterling.

lunch time Mr. Brennan ... take our sopranos - please . .. can you sway without moving your feet adoration of the what? if you girls could sing as well as you talk - AjB

unior Choir

Officers: P. Conway, F. Glazier. Missing: D. Curtis, j. Luttrell.

Altos row 1: B. Bingaman, A. Holland, S. Lord, M. Cavalari, j. Buck, j. Udicious. row 2: M. Gaines, D. Barrett, K. Kirkpatrick, K. Brennan, C. Horn, F. Glazier. row 3: C. Gaines, M. Everett, D. Fredrick, S. Hemphill, B. Hick, L. Huczko. row 4: A. Rosenberg, H. Hirth, C. Hamilton, D. Kolb, D. jackman, S. Moon.

When in doubt, sing loud. Robert Merrill

Tenors and Basses row 1: W. Kim, D. Netting, G. Lord, P. Over, M. Bernardo, D. Houg, K. Engelbrecht. row 2: K. Welsh, j. Gabriel, S. Bossert, D. Lanyon, 1. Vlassopoulos, M. jones, G. Gormley, G. Fletcher. row 3: E. Handline, j. Murphy, j. Burns, T. Skammer, M. Krauter, j. Hamilton, P. Conway, K. Irwin. row 4: D. Owens, A. Shane, j. Casadonte, C. Brunken, D. Curtis, D. Thayer, B. Holloway.

Director: A. j. Brennan Officers D. Shea. 78

row 1: R. Hood, L. Davis. row 2: j. Luttrell, D. Frederick,

Director: A. j. Brennan

Sopranos. row 1: P. Pontari, K. Zufall, L. Conklin, K. Marker, B. Nicholson, D. Wallace, A. Nair, K. Todaro, row 2: M. Micolucci, j. Scheerer, E. Hammond, D. Marone, L. james, B. Elias, C. Chappie, K. Conlin, row 3: C. Stephans, M. Edwards, C. Erdman, P. Donnelly, K. Krauter, D. Shea, H. Hamilton, M. Green, row 4: j. Atchison, T. Chestnutt, F. Blithe, L. Davis, j. Luttrell, j. Priar, D. Weissert, D. Zaffropoulos.

row 1: D. Zane, K. Martino, K. Marker, D. Wallace, E. Nicholson, R. Hood, L. Northwood, N. Hoffert, P. Pontari, row 2: L. Stanley, A. Meriano, j. Scheerer, D. Shea, K. Kirkpatrick, C. Erdman, C. Conlin, C. Conway, E. Kelly, row 3: j. Walsh, C. Stanton, S. Young, F. Blithe, C. Collom, N. Micolucci, M. Cavalari, K. Brennan, j. Buck, F. Glazier, row 4: C. Hilaman, 1. Chestnutt, S. White, C. Klagholtz, D. Marone, B. Casey, C. Stephans, S. Halberg, D. jay, row 5: j. Atchison, H. Hirth, D. Fredrick, M. Moore, C. Patti, L. Davis, S. Moon, L. Hamilton, M. Salatino.



There's the guy we were supposed to shoot at sunrise.

I can't believe you put glue on my seat! Why don't American Government students ever come to our meetings?

A time to

build up.





Are you kidding? I never eat here.

A Gallery of Fools

I don't do those kinds of things.



Quietest: Edith Single, Joe Camaratta

Most likely to Succeed: Ted Able, Anne Torna

Most Artistic: Jim O'Hara, Mary Dolhancey (not pictured)

Most School Spirit: Phyllis May, Bob Spennato

Class Couple: Lisa Serafino, Carl Meyer

Most Talkative: Terry Dian, Tom Minford

Most Theatrical: Tom Covella, Sue Sterling

Most Uninhibited: Harry Speis, Karen Cosimano

Most Athletic: Judy Morgan, Dave Aishouse

Class Clowns: Carol Fasy, Mike McGuckin

Most Musical: Lesa Hornaday, Steve Kolb

Most flirtatious: Dan Morroni, Lisa Russo

Best Dressed: Mike Petroski, Palma P;:ltnlrri

edwin george abel "ted" 444 claremont rd 11/10/63. fav

mem: pgsa, districts, lit. mag. meetings. class officer 2, 4; sprihian 1,2, 3 ed. in chief 4; lit. mag. 3 ed 4; choir 1 officer 2, 3, 4; district chorus 2, 3; exec. council 1, 2, 3, 4; soccer mgr 2, 3, 4; basketball mgr 1, 2; pop group 3, 4; guys and dolls 2; nhs 3, 4; yrbk underclassman ed. 3; pgsa 3. if the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite ... william blake. barbara ann adair "bonnie" 484 indian rock dr 10/27/63. fav

mem: summers, times with friends. prize poss: friends, family, memories. pet peeve: snobs, two-faced people. sec. amb: to have a long, happy life. chorus 1; ski club 2; track 2, 3, 4; class play 4. don't walk in front of me, i might not follow; don't walk behind me, i might not lead. just walk beside me and be my friend ... camus, therese michele albanese "tracy" "banana" 610 highland ave 2

Edwin George Abel

Barbara Ann Adair

Therese Michele Albanese

/23/63. rem for: my laugh, being talkative. fav say: yeah right, huh, do you believe it. fav mem: 12/9/79 yes concert, 11/11/ 78, times down the shore, times with friends. prize poss: family, friends, my banana. pet peeve: cliques, people who are late.

~id charles alshouse "ails" 524 barry dr 5/11/63. fav mem: ~ster game '80, alaska 78, europe 77, my dad. fav say: :ellent. prize poss: my bible, memories of my family all :ether. sec amb: to own a porsche 924. soccer 1, 2, 3,4; bashall 1, 2, 3,4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1, 3,4 service club 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4 class officer 2. i can do all 19S through christ which strengtheneth me ... phil. 4:13.

'en elizabeth apostolu 30 e. scenic rd 12/3/63. rem for: my Ish on frank, always blushing. fav mem: 3/21/80, 7/28/80,8 ~/80 (j.h.), 6/11/80 (mtm), 10/29/79 (f.m.), 9/13/80, 9/21/ prize poss: family, friends, memories. sec. amb: to be happy ever with someone i love. don't walk in front of me, i may : follow, don't walk behind me, i may not lead, walk beside and be my friend ... camus

David Charles Alshouse Karen Elizabeth Apostolu

ah arnold 306 s. rolling rd.

Sarah Arnold

alison arrell "al" "ralph" 418 saxer ave 1/30/63. rem for: ralph,

being loud, animal, stuffed animals, talking about rikki, always babysitting. fav say: oh, how gay, did rikki call. fav mem: 3/7/ 79, cornfield, florida, 6/17/80, yes concert. prize poss: family, rick, yes albums, stereo, rikki's car, cousin billy, friends, memories. pet peeve: light on springfield rd and mcdade blvd, mondays, school food, rahs, disco. chorus 1, 2. barbara arzt "barb" 1021 crozer In 8/4/63. fav mem: times

with friends, sid's party, summer 79, 80, concerts, 8/21/80, 9/ 8,79, trip to europe '80. prize poss: true friends, family, dugo. pet peeve: cliques, people who do not listen. sec. amb: to do the things i want and have a happy family. chorus 1; track 1; 3/ 4 hockey 1; 3/4 basketball 2, 3; social service club 1; spri-hian 4; ski club 4. randall asbury 21 main st.

Allison Arrell

Barbara Arzt

Randall Asbury

carlton g. bagby "cutty" "iceman" 35 walnut st 7114/63. rem for: getting the no. 1 girls, left handed-jumper, running in the halls. fav mem: spring of 77, summer 77, 78, 79 prize poss: my family, friends. pet peeve: monday morning, homework, players. sec amb: to own a rolls royce, go to ucla. weight lifting, basketball 1. tanya anne baldwin 1263 university ave 8111/63. fav mem: summer of 79, 6/28/80, 7118-19/80, summer '80, 8/29-31/ 80, 911/80, 3rd period with I.h., s.r., Lb. (the dog). prize poss: family, friends, life, special memories. pet peeve: getting up early, rahs, nags, phony people. sec amb: to live a long, happy and successful life. in spite of everything i still believe people are really good at heart ... anne frank. douglas barasatian "doug" 512 lawrence dr. fav mem: rafting

trips, summer 79. prize poss: the future. pet peeve: monday mornings. sec amb: find the end of the universe.

sylvie barba rue du plan 30360 veze nobres france 9/20/6

rem for: being french. fav mem: long walk in the cevennes august '80. prize poss: friends. pet peeve: early monday mor ings. sec amb: traveling and discovering people all my life. crc country, track, spanish club, french club.

robert barlow "rob" "robbie" 5111/63. fav mem: jr. pro

with mary, day after prom with mary, 3/15/80,9118/80, nigr at chris's house, colorado, sundays in d-town. prize poss: bas ball glove, car, friends, cez's meetings, chips car, mary g., s.( m.p., g.b., r.c., mary and friends. sec amb: to win centralleagl in baseball in '81, to play pro ball. pet peeve: no. 28, cassid being called bob. baseball 1, 2, 3,4; bowling 4.

Sylvie Barba

Robert Barlow

Charles W. Barner

charles w. bamer "chuck" 546 kennerly rd 3/6/63. rem f( being colorblind. fav mem: 5/4, 9/5/80. prize poss: pagebo friends, michelle. sec amb: to be fleet admiral. band 1, 2, 3, orchestra 1,2,3,4; choir 3, 4; ja 1, 2, 3, 4.

james barr "jimbo" 512 old school house dr 3/3/62. rem for: I'ing after n.w. fav say: road trip, f.a. fav mem: maryland with friends, stag's party, all the weekends. prize poss: Lb., j.b., m.b., c.b., b.b., b.b., b.b., c.b., b.b. pet peeve: waking up, losing. soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 4. mary batchelder 34 congress ave 8/13/63. rem for: always being in trouble, always laughing and smiling. fav mem: partying with maria, summer of '80, working with tony at burger king. prize poss: my family, friends, oil, my best friends maria, toni, laura, jimmy, georga, liz, and my half sister helen. sec. amb: to get ahead in life, live a long life and always be happy. give me five i'm still alive . .. grateful dead. rebecca mary bateman "becky" 340 gibbons rd 10/20/62. fav

mem: summer '80, skiing with sue (flash floods), doubling, 7/9/ 80, 9/13/80, times with friends. prize poss: family, friends, memories. pet peeve: snobs, goodbyes, flat tires, two-faced people, s.b.m.f., ssr, walking home. sec amb: get married, live happy life. don't surround yourself with yourself ... yes. there's no use in quitting when the world is waiting for you ... supertramp.

James Barr

Mary Batchelder

Rebecca Mary Batemar


zanne beadle. fav mem: jr. high w/ gerry mcgettigan, 10th ide w / 79 seniors, partying w / close friends, golfing. prize ISS: my future, integrity. pet peeve: hi sue, that scene, rules it have no purpose, 9th grade. sec amb: to marry once, ain my mental and physical health, make it on my own. golf 2, off. 3,4. big birds flying across the sky throwing shadows our eyes leaving us helpless ... neil young. orgia beam "george", "georgini" 800 campbell la 10/4/63.

for: always laughing, getting embarrassed, liking macho ys. fav mem: summers in W.W., esp. '80, times w/ the muska~rs, meeting p.g., 12/24/78, concerts, parties, h.p. w/ nna, allan, and paul, 6/5/81. prize poss: family, good friends, ~mories. pet peeve: mornings, good-byes, making decisions, ::>bs, the lodge. social service 1; hockey 2; grapperette 2, 3; -tech v.i.e.a. 3; ski club 1, 2,4.


vid beatson 214 claremont rd 6/26/63. fav mem: all the ad times. prize poss: love for family and friends. pet peeve: ~ curb. sec amb: backpack in alaskan yukon. ski club 3, 4; :rosse 2,3,4. you can't always get what you want, but if you , sometimes you just might find you get what you need ... Iling stones.

Deborah Lyne Beaver

Suzanne Beadle

Georgia Beam

David Beatson

deborah Iyne beaver "bomb", "little willie" 492 briarhill rd. 6/

26/63. fav say: 000 baby, baby, really, decent. fav mem: 9/4/ 79, summer 79, '80, proms, camping 77, 78, 6/22/79, year 78-79, g.a., f.e. prize poss: e.z., family, friends, mustang. pet peeve: the clique, two-faced people, good-byes. tennis 2; basketball 2, 3,4; track 2, 3, 4; choir 2, 3,4; chorus 1, 3,4; hockey 3; service club 3, 4; pep club 2; senior play. i really have enjoyed my stay, but i must be moving on ... supertramp. lynn bevan 435 indian rock dr 4110/63. fav mem: 5/23/80,

time spent with friends. prize poss: family, friends, memories. pet peeve: fights, phonies, good-byes, getting up early. sec amb: to have success and enjoyment in life, and to live it to the best of my ability. chorus 1, 2, 3; choir 1, 3, 4; jr. nhs 1; nhs 4. best wishes and good luck to all. robert biela "bob" 467 colonial park dr 11/28/63. rem for:

Lynn Bevan

Robert Biela

being rude sometimes. fav mem: summer 79, '80, good times at the idlewild, 7/8/79. prize poss: my family, doobie wah, friends (I.f., d.b., m.m.). pet peeve: springfield police dept. ski club off.; service club. buy a dog, it's the only love money can buy ... s.s.

rg bierekoven "count", "baron", "jargon 616 e. springfield

9/6/62. rem for: lousy spelling, misused english, wild eyes. v mem: 10th grade, wildwood, trips. pet peeve: ignorant 'ople, rahs. sec amb: to have a flying carpet, be a time trav~r. senior class play. one of these days i'm going to cut you o little pieces ... pink floyd.

,lie ann bitar "pegsley" 458 foster dr 5/27/63. fav mem: 5/

/79,7/79, otts, virginia w/ chery'l, summer 78, sbf 3/10/78, 79, great adventure, times wi squirrel, phat boy, banana, 1., s. and s., ridley creek, the tree. prize poss: family, friendp with my best friend e.s., andy, mdr. pet peeve: saying m.t., 1. fighting, getting lost. sec amb: travel to europe, w.p.b.u.t.m. lacrosse 1; social service 1, 2; spanish club 1, 2; siness staff 2; stw 2, 3; ski club 2, 3,4.


lIiam bossert 5 brookside rd.

Jarg Bierekoven

Leslie Ann Bitar

William Bossert

mark robert bowlby 315 gibbons rd 11/13/63. rem f, beeper, curly hair, fay say: yo mo-mo. prize pass: friends, r faith. pet peeve: senile teachers, busy work. band 1, 2, 3,

arch 1, 2, 3; spri-hian 4; musical 2, 4; weightlifting 2, 3; nhs L am the vine, you are the branches. he who abides in me, an in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do no ing ... john 15:5.

valerie emmanuelle boyer "val" 1009 north ave 7/1/63. n for: being french. fay say: excuse me, i don't understand. 1 mem: summer '80 in america, end of august '80 in france. pn pass: family, friends, rJly dog-bill, my gold chain. basketball 4 is not because you are beautiful that he loves you. it is becau he loves you that you are beautiful.

Mark Robert Bowlby

Valerie Emmanuelle Boyer

arthur boyle 610 saxer ave 4/16/63. fay mem: canoe trip '~ prize pass: tools, car, family and friends. pet peeve: gas bi sec amb: own my own body shop.

Arthur Boyle

kelly ann boyle "kel" 1009 north ave 11/16/63. fav mem: jr. prom, camp 79, summer 79, '80, times with all my friends in s.h., 11/10/79, sea isle 79, '80. prize poss: family, good friends, memories of great times with great friends. pet peeve: goodbyes, end of summer, waking up. sec amb: to be happy and make others happy. boys basketball stats 3; cheerleading 4. remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow ... but live today. kevin boyle "kev" 1009 north ave 11/16/63. fav mem: up the

mountains, down the shore, jr. prom, beating chester, hitchhiking to florida, t.p. prize pass: family, true friends, sneakers and good times. pet peeve: summer rainouts, bumpy roads, putting things off, my alarm clock. sec amb: p.h.i.t.p. basketball 3, 4; spri-hian 3. someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny ... bruce springsteen. Kelly Ann Boyle

william bradley 640 saxer ave.

Kevin Boyle

William Bradley

bernadette branson "bern", "barny bear" 104 longview dr 4, /65. rem for: absence, struggling to learn, mommy's favorit daddy's little girl, loving arthur. fay mem: mud fight 79, 9

grade start, people and things changing through life, or ml prize pass: family, confidence, fascinated mind, friends, wi whom i may think aloud, to be sincere. pet peeve: losing, argument, getting caught, narrow mindedness. god helps tho who help themselves. richard branton "rich", "chiang" 200 wells la 1/4/63. rem fe nicknames, doughman, b.d. fay mem: v.w. action, the idlewil 8/27 /80, t.p., t.w.d. prize pass: family, diana, friends (m.n j.o., r.r.). pet peeve: nicknames, mind games, hatred. servi,

club 1, 2, 3,4; ski club 3, 4; pep club 2, 3, 4; baseball 1. tears al nothing more than a prelude to joy.

Bernadette Branson

Richard Branton

John David Brolley

john david brolley "broil" 442 wheatsheaf rd 8/13/62. re for: crazy and outlandish stunts, hard working. fay say: ye can't win them all, but you can sure try! fay mem: the da\ graduate. prize pass: new car. sec amb: to become a comput repairman and designer. football 1; track 1, 2, 3, 4; vo-tec vica, class rep.

david stephen brown "dave" 258 ballymore rd 10/19/62. fav mem: 11/21/78, 9/20/80-9/21/80, bob seger. prize poss: karen, springsteen, '67 camaro, my dog. pet peeve: rahs, jocks,

monday mornings. and i know that nothing is forgotten nor forgiven, you only got one time around, there's stuff runnin' 'round my heart, i can't live with, or live down ... springsteen tracy lynne brown 653 n. bishop ave 5/11/63. rem for: acting, dancing, being a giggly twin. fav mem: google, butterflies, stw.

k.m.c. birthday, trig. and physics, lax, cast parties, peer pressure, football, m.s. sec amb: my own t.v. show, broadway, hollywood .. , chorus 1, 3, 4; hockey 3, 4; stw 2, 3, 4; advisory council 4; senior class play; musical 4; nhs 4. i took the good times, i'li take the bad times, i'li take you just the way you are ... b.j. )avid Stephen Brown

Tracy Lynne Brown

John Stanley Brycki

john stanley brycki, jr "bird", "brick" 56 providence rd 6/7/ 63. fav say: yo dude. fav mem: all of the concerts. pet peeve:

filling out forms, rahs. i've been dazed and confused for so long, it's not true ... led zeppelin.

Inifer lynn bryson "jenny" 121 barbara dr 12/12/62. fav >m: sailing, avalon, all good times. prize poss: my family, ~nds, and memories. pet peeve: getting up in the morning, titing, and good-byes. sec amb: to live a happy and healthy . gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4; swim team 1,2,3,4. just a dream and ~ wind to carry me and soon i will be free ... christopher )SS I marie buchanan "lis" 26 grunhill rd 11/13/63. rem for: ing short, my hair. fav mem: soph hop, jr. prom, bee gees ncert. prize poss: family, friends. sec amb: to love and be led. chorus; choir. good-bye stranger, it's been nice, hope u find your paradise. tried to see your point of view, hope ur dreams will all come true ... supertramp

~odore buczacki "ted", "theo", "busacks", "bizarcheck" 6 green briar la 8/14/63. rem for: ragging onho, sleeping on ~ job. fav mem: blue oyster cult 10/4/80, sabbath bloody )bath 8/9/80. prize poss: family, friends, stereo. pet peeve: co, rahs. there must be some kind of way out of here, said ~ joker to the thief ... jimi hendrix

Jennifer Lynn Bryson

Lisa Marie Buchanan

Theodore Buczacki

bart buonadonna 707 dutton circle 10/25/63. rem for: great speed, oversleeping. fav say: what's up. fav mem: summers in florida, cez's sessions, 10/25/63. prize poss: family, friends, stereo, money. pet peeve: rain, errors, ssr, sponsors, am. studies. sec amb: to pass a calculus test, to win a million dollar lot-

tery. baseball 1, 2, 3,4. once you're gone you can't come back ... neil young david I. burt "dave" 146 rose la 4/30/63. fav mem: mrs. beef-

head 78, 79, '80, '81 ..., montrose 77, 78, 79, '80, '81 ... prize poss: eternal life, family, karen, camera. orch 1,2; band 2, 3; choir 4; scrivener photographer 2, 3; service club 2, 3,4; nhs 4. the lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall i fear? the lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall i be afraid? ... psalms 27:1 gwen buscaglia "face", "meatball", "mommy rah" 26 plymouth rd 4/8/63. rem for: different jobs, losing keys, diets, solving other people's problems, clone with j.w., talking a lot. fav say: yeah really. fav mem: soph hop, jr. prom, times at O.c., wil-

Bart Buonadonna


David L. Burt

Gwen Buscaglia

liamsburg, great adventure, shaving cream, special times with special people. prize poss: early, family, friends. cougarettes 3, co-capt. 4; track 2; choir 1, 3, 4, time flies when you're having fun.

joseph g. camaratta "joe" 795 bradford terrace 4/13/63. fav say: it's been real. fav mem: beatelmania 1/7/S0, avalon 9/20/ SO, long beach S/26/S0, times w/info, dave, joe, ed, bert, schaffe, moss, michelle, the bomber, fritz. prize poss: family, friends, beatles albums. sec amb: drink from the silver cup. football; track; nhs. we were talking - about the space between us all and the people - who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion ... george harrison -john raymond cannon iii "boom-boom", "j.c." 46S doe run la 4/29/63. rem for: the beast, sweaters, going to concerts. fav mem: rolling green, p.r.p.'s, road trips, the who, bruce, b.o.c., ocean city and wildwood 'SO, philmont '7S, the kinks. prize poss: stereo, guitar, backpack and boots, records. pet peeve: lamb tavern, band, calculus, tickets. service club 1,2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4; scrivener 3, 4; german club 2, 3,4.

Joseph G. Camaratta

John Raymond Cannon

Scott Carrick

scott carrick 497 claremont rd.

joseph carroll "jay" 255 north rolling rd 3/5/63. fav me jackie, summer 'SO, ocean city. prize poss: my camera, car.,:; peeve: chemistry. sec amb: to succeed in my own eyes. v.l crew. do your duty in all things. you can't do more: you shoL never wish to do less ... lee

donna leigh carter 4S4 colonial park dr 3/7/63. fav mem: ju ior prom, new year's eve 79, florida 'SO, S/10/S0, califon 'S1. prize poss: family, my big brother, memories. pet peel cliques, getting up early, arguments. sec amb: t.h.h.w.a.c.b.r; hockey 1; track 1, 2, 3, 4; deca 3, 4. it is better to have lOVE and lost, than not to have loved at all ... t.k.

Joseph Carroll

Donna Leigh Carter

Kerre Caton

kerre caton S/6/62. rem for: working at m's. fav mem: grE times w/my family, wisconsin, great times w/phyllis and fami buttonwood beach, supertramp concert, debbie's pool, alyCl p~rties, .skiing trips, super sunday. prize poss:. family, heall fnendshlp w/p.m., k.m., d.c., m.f., p.f., and r.J. vo-tech 3, vica 3; vica treasurer 4. i know that there's a reason why i neE to be alone, i need to find a silent place that i can call my own, it mine, lord, is it mine? ... supertramp

lizann chaippini "dizzy" fav say: hey buddy, y.s.i.m.p. fav mem: underground, I&v, skiing, cosmic dabree, cud squad, vikings, rr, 9/3/7S, i don't recall. prize poss: f and f, j.d. pet peeve: dive, rahs, drought, crashes. vica 2, 3, 4. send my credentials to the house of detention ... the doors rick ciarrocchi "rocko" 301 avon rd 3/21/63. rem for: wrestling. fav mem: vo-tech. prize poss: family. pet peeve: getting up for school. sec amb: to carry out my trade in bricklaying. wrestling 1,2,3. vilma catherine cicchinelli "ve", "chick" 393 east springfield rd 6/20/63. rem for: playing a kamikazi defense, quiet track meets:lane crossing?, smiling! fav mem: j.p. '7S-79, 5/19/7S, s.d. 79, italy 75, bahamas 79, wildwood 'SO, d.i.r.g.o.w.c., victorious hockey seasons w/mrs. c. prize poss: italian gold, family, true friends, kelly, m.r.w.c., memories w/special people, d.d. sec amb: a camp, p.h.a.t.g., see I.a. in 'S4 and 'SS ... I.h.e.a. chorus 1,2; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1,2,3,4; 3/4 basketball 2, 3,4.

Lizann Chaippini

Rick Ciarrocchi

Vilma Catherine Cicchinelli

chael robert cimeo "mike", "bill" 47 lownes la 1/29/63. fay I: oh no!, bob, guess what time it is? far mem: summer '80. ze poss: tarantula. pet peeve: disco, ssr, gym, kinney's. sec lb: become a physicist.

ltt clifford "cliff", "sam" 532 lehann circle 2/17 /62. rem for: Iwning around. fay say: what's up? prize poss: my van-linIn. pet peeve: getting up early in the morning. sec amb: to be h. basketball 1, 2. michelle cocola "coke" 963 old sproul rd 9/23/64. rem ": always laughing, being early. fay mem: cazz, partying, )re weekends, times with friends, angel. pet peeve: paranoid ople, s.h.s., work, summer school. they tell you not to hang )und and learn what life's about, and grow up just like them, )n't let you work it out ... and you're full of doubt ... !


Michael Robert Cimeo

Scott Clifford

Lisa Michelle Cocola

john edward colaprete "juan", "bulge", "sexy" 152 grandview rd 1113/63. rem for: being w/audrey. fay mem: audrey, 1st anniversary, family. prize poss: audrey, family, 1st anniversary audrey, aud's love, tiger. sec amb: to marry audrey, become successful. tennis; video crew; photographer-scrivener; godspell; decorating committees; german club; spanish club; nhs 4. the two of us, we're quite a pair. these lonely nights we both can share ... styx frank collins 722 barry dr 11/4/63. fay say: e.m. fay mem: the ski trips i went on. prize poss: family and friends, rusty. pet peeve: phonies, giddy girls. sec amb: to be successful. lacrosse 3,4; wrestling 1; tennis 1,2.

)hn Edward Colaprete

Frank Collins

Dennis Conrad

dennis conrad 508 philmar court apt. d. fay say: what's up? fav mem: saboo's graduation gig, sabbath concert, days off from school, mornings. prize poss: stereo, albums, cash, my life. pet peeve: rahs, school, disco, cops. live for today, tomorrow never comes ... black sabbath

san m. conway 146 5 rolling rd 3/21/63. rem for: being a lbbly, crazy, thoughtful actress. fay mem: godspell '80, 16th -thday. prize poss: my family, o.k. sec amb: to fly like a seaill. band-orchl, 2, 3,4; choir 1, 3,4; musical orch 2; hockey 2; anish club ofi. 2, 3, 4; delco. youth orch 4; district band 3; He band 4; godspell; lit-mag 4; nhs 4. what you would seem be, be really. ary jane coppa "rox", "glimmer" 445 blair rd 1/12/63. rem 'r.¡ my vocab., craziness, distortion wlref. fay say: intrigue, ?e sure', j.p. rules' fay mem: switzerland, the shore, great nes withe other glimmers. prize poss: muffanne, my family. ch 1. 2; district orch 2; band 2; choir 1, 3, 4; girls golf 1, 2; nnis 3. leaves are falling all around, time i was on my way ... :1 zeppelin lerry corse 574 maddock rd 6/11/63. fay mem: pink floyd 0, wildwood '80,5110/80, the cellar and all who dwell within. -ize poss: von and the kites, ring, fern and paul. pet peeve: >eks, mono. sec amb: t.c.t.sw.n.b.a.s. yesterday upon the 3ir, i saw a man who wasn't there, he wasn't there again day, i wish that man would go away.

Susan M. Conway

Mary Jane Coppa

Sherry Corse

karen cosimano "cos" 450 alliston rd 2/22/63. rem for: bE loud and blunt. fav say: gay, i feel sick. fav mem: senior pr 79, junior prom '80, florida 79, times w/helen. prize p<

family, friends, howie and memories of a special person. d 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 3, 4; class officer church is out! ... g.f. werley

james paul costagliola "stag" 500 maddock rd 9/30/63. r for: not doing what i'm supposed to. fav mem: trout lake, C} adventures, snow storms, funny times wI e.t., explosion's. pI poss: my mother, happiness. sec amb: become a weal

tyrant. football 1, 4; wrestling 1, 2; track 1, 4; ski club 2, 3, wish i could change the world, but i don't know what to do the who

Karen Cosimano

James Paul Costagliola

Thomas John Covello

thomas john covello "tomas" 524 wesley rd 10/20/63. r for: talking fast, spanish, laugh, being happy, flowers, disco. mem: godspell, mexico, junior year, flowers. prize poss: the i am lucky to live. sec amb: covello's creations. ad. council 1

spri-hian 1,2,3, ed. 4; scrivener 4; pop group 4; choir 4; cho 1, 3; godspell 3; hello dolly 4; class play 4; Imc aide 1, 2, J spanish club 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; stage crew 1, 2; stw 4. i've lived a that's full ... more than this, i did it my way.

carolyn p. cox 37 west ave 1013/63. rem for: always changing my hair, losing things. fav mem: when eric gave me my ring, times wI marion throughout the years. prize poss: parents, relationship wleric, ring, friendship w/lisa. pet peeve: fighting wI eric, having to give things up, waking up for school. sec amb: to have the biggest wedding there's ever been, successful cosmetician. vo-tech, vica. karen michelle cox 50 snyder la 10/16/63. rem for: always laughing, a burnt sweater. fav mem: times of our lives, one acts,

beloveds, put, google, my birthday, cheerleading, outdoor fun, long talks and crazy times, the ref. prize poss: family, love for life, good friends, people who really care. sec amb: to accomplish all of my goals in life. chorus; choir; track mgr; cheerleading; stw; ski club. make the most of all you still have coming to you ... genesis barbara ann craig "barb" 557 maplewood ave 12/8/63. rem for: screaming and fighting w/s.m. fav mem: soph hop 5/3179, junior prom 4/28/79, summer 78, '80, great times wI s.m., m.d., s.m.c. prize poss: family, friends, animals, r.w.g., and health. pet peeve: nosey people and people who don't keep their mouths shut. sec. amb: to become a nurse, be happy and

Carolyn P. Cox

Karen Michelle Cox

Barbara Ann Craig

healthy. choir 1; band 2, 3, 4; cougarettes 2, 3, co-capt. 4; ski club 3, 4.

denise crowell "dee" 119 bridge st 9/24/62. rem for: dress

nice, collection of frogs, loving the color green, eating cream. fav mem: spring 79, christmas 79, times at ray's hOI in lebanon, times in vo-tech wI denise, dotti, amelia, and ker prize poss: ray, sisters, friendship, cats, rabbit coat, leat! boots. pet peeve: over-eating, waiting, humid weather. 10 rain on me.

joyce damiano "bean", "ref", "glimmer twin" 337 sunnybrc rd 9/28/63. rem for: cracking up, being insane. fav say: fr sure!, you ain't kiddin', intrigue. fav mem: stones concert, p ties, down the shore, fun times w/rox. sec amb: meet mick a keef. leaves are falling all around, time i was on my way ... I

zeppelin julie davis 1042 crozer place 5/26/63. fav mem: montrose 80, proms, summer '80, c.w.t.g., florida 5/78, 8/13/79-81

Denise Crowell

Joyce Damiano

Julie Davis

concerts, hilltop 78. gymnastics 1; orch 1,2, 3,4; district ord 3, 4; nhs 4. take me to the station, and put me on a train, i got no expectations to pass through here again ... mick jagg



michael davis 2S longview dr S/1/63. fav mem: all the summers in ocean city at the beach. prize poss: my friends and my anir:nals. pet peeve: two faced people. sec amb: to own a ranch in california with horses, a siberian tiger, and a dolphin. intramural volleyball. experience is the comb that life gives you after you lose your hair. stephanie defrancesco "room-bob" "steph" 620 hawarden rd 10/26/63. fav say: yo gorgeous hey squirt, yo har. fav mem: france, calif. 'SO, t.w.j.v., 5/3180, yes 79, S/2/S0-8/S/S0, t.w.r.t.a.l.r.a. discovery, t.w.r.p., brigantine summers, august, bert, lynda, bub, pop. prize poss: my friendship with roberta, t.w.l., t.w.d.e., w.p.b. esp. j.v., family and my gold. pet peeve: shs cliques, male chauvinists, 3/7/S0, 1/S0. sec amb: own the first house on another planet. choir 1, 2, 4; chorus 1, 2, 4; lacrosse 1; 3/4 hockey 1, 2, 3; captain 4; spanish club 1, pres. 2, see. 4; spri-hian business ed. 3,4. Michael Davis

Stephanie DeFrancesco

John Delio Buono

john dello buono 216 parkview dr 1/22/62. fav say: what's new, how has it been going. fav mem: soph hop. prize poss: my Z2S camaro, family, friends. pet peeve: getting up early, monday mornings, football. sec amb: to be successful in life.


deluca 420 wayne ave.

Idann deserio "stacy" "space" 350 s. rolling rd 11/14/63. mem: Iynyrd skynyrd, june 77, times with the ghoul, karen


d bern, festive, crazy times in the truck. prize poss: family, sanity, friendship, my camaro. pet peeve: rahs, gym, nost getting caught. for long you live and high you fly and liles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all you touch and all u see is all your life will ever be ... pJ. ~mories,

bert devennie "bob" 647 hawarden rd 2/23/61. fav mem: er's winning the stanley cup. prize poss: stereo. pet peeve: )sed lunches. sec amb: sports athlete. Lisa Deluca

Staciann Deserio


Robert Devennie

david joeseph devine "swine" "benign" 136 n. highland rd 7/ 17/62. fav mem: 2/20/7S-9/13/S0 d.l.e., europe, 6/1S/7S, n.y.e. 79, fla. 6/19/S0. prize poss: my mom, my friends (I.f.), d.I.e., chrisy, s-ball. pet peeve: having enemies, a false face, mind games. sec amb: t.b.a.p.s.p., f.a.s.1. and I.a.f.a. soccer captain 1,2,3,4; baseball 1, 2; d.e.e.a. 3,4; state officer. the foothills were fun ... bring on the mountain ... m.e.

eileen devine "sadie" "Iawdy" "nama" 136 n. highland rd 12/ 13/63. fav mem: S/3/S0, 6/6/S0, 7/2S/S0, summer 'SO. prize pass: max, my mom, memories, artemis. pet peeve: the scene, accusations, two-faced people, double-standards. sec amb: to live happily ever after. to give a love, you have to live a love, to live a love, you got to be a part of, when will i see you again.

donald didceo "don" 495 wesley rd 3/2S/63. rem for: scream-

David Joseph Devine


Eileen Devine

Donald DiCicco

ing jimi and talking about dylan. fav mem: the who concert, great adventure. prize pass: fender strat. pet peeve: disco, conceited teachers. take it easy baby, take it as it comes ... jim morrison.

dine john digiacomo "huggy" 823 sheffield dr 5/7/63. rem for: being late, being bad. fav say: what's up, hey beautiful. fav mem: summer '80, e.h., canada 78, virginia 77, mm, english 78, 1.1. prize poss: my family, friends, my e.h., stereo, sheba, fish sunday mornings. pet peeve: sledge hammers, time, waiting, snobs, long nights. sec amb: to have a cabin in the woods and just stay there forever. domenic digiacomo 823 sheffield dr 5/7/63. rem for: being late, biting my nails. fav say: what's up. fav mem: summer 79, summer '80, mrs. smith's and mr. filson's classes. prize poss: weekends and free time. pet peeve: mondays, tests, summer practice. sec amb: work and be happy. football 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1; drama 2. if you can get away with it, do it. helen digilio "thermo" "gig" 220 school In 3/2/63. fav mem: false alarm at b.k., canoe trip, skiing, la-x sessions, camp, sailing, doobies and springsteen concerts, ortho, hockey, w w.j.p.i.t.s. pet peeve: sea planes, mondays, phoney people, good-byes, school. sec amb: to own a gourmet restaurant and live on my farm in the mountains. hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3; ski club. good friends make good times better.

steven dimarco "d" 279 avon rd. fav say: hey what is I mebogo stuff. fav mem: 5/27/78, 5/4/80. prize poss: stereo, bruce bootlegs. band 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2. ton tonight the strip's just right i wanna blow 'em off in my f heat. cause summer's here and the time is right for racing in I street ... b. springsteen.

theresa ann dion "terry" 324 lewis rd 3/24/63. rem for: bE late, borrowing money, talking, flirting. fav mem: wildwood r.d.k.r., the elite '80, p.p.e.w.m.h.g.b., new year's 79, pro parties tg, disco's, jobs with palma, 9/6/80, 7/19/80, tww prize poss: family, friends, memories, my gold razor blade. peeve: getting grounded, 12:01 pm, 7:55 monday, sec amb have all my dreams come true. football stats. 4; grapplerettl 2, 3,4; ski club 4. -


Steven DiMarco

Theresa Ann Dion

Mary Dolhancey

mary dolhancey "poogie" 457 pinecrest rd 6/20/63. rem J long hair. fav say: that's flipped out. fav mem: O.e. summer '80. prize poss: my guitar and piano. pet peeve: rahs. sec ar to know all there is to know about musie. let it be ... beatles

rhonda ann d'ortone "rhon-dog" 463 maddock rd 4/25/63. rem for: being small, moody. fav mem: fsc with k.r. and I.f., new year's eve 79 and '80, 9th grade with karen t., summer of '80,12/24/79,12/19/79,11/22/78,11/11/784:00 am, n.a.p. prize poss: family, friends. pet peeve: help me rhonda. cheerleading 1; chorus 1; soph hop and jr. prom decorating committee. you can dream but you can never go back the way you came ... j.b. tom driscoll 566 kirk dr 6/15/63. fav say: let's party, what's up, is it tapped. fav mem: wildwood, trips, 10th grade, jams, times with j.b., m.h., t.w., t.1., Lo., f.e., j.e., and everybody else. pet peeve: mondays, rahs, disco, the man, drones. sec amb: traveling the stars in search of a utopia and traveling through time. so welcome to the machine ... pink floyd. and take life as it comes. andrew roy ecklund "andy" 479 pinecrest rd 5/18/63. pet peeve: watching the same films in gym every year. sec amb: to become a multimillionaire by the age of 35.

Rhonda Ann D'Ortone

Tom Driscoll

Andrew Roy Ecklun<

h a. elias 261 butler rd 5/19/63. rem for: orange hats, horri:)uns, crazy antics. fav say: sorry but no, be serious, ba. sec l: grand prix race driver. choir, pop-group, glee club, musi, spri-hian. so on and on i go, the seconds tick the time out, e's so much left to know, and i'm on the road to find out ::at stevens.

hael Co fabrizio "mike" 261 s. norwinden dr 2/4/63. rem

being crazy in gym class, baseball. fav mem: when i met y, open lunches. prize pass: mary, job, family. pet peeve: ;, discos, narks, teacher pets. sec amb: to get married to y, to run a good plumbing busil}ess.

Ina fala 97 s. forest rd 4/4/63. prize pass: my tube of bright

lipstick. sec amb: to play carl malden's nose on broadway. na 2, 3, 4. today the world, tomorrow ... mick jagger.

Garth A. Elias

Michael C. Fabrizio

Donna Fala

caroline denise fasy "carol" "faz" 644 saxer ave 11/29/63. fav

say: gill, yo, he's just a little guy. fav mem: times with my family and friends, 79-'80 basketball states game. prize pass: family, friends, molson my dog. pet peeve: waking up in the morning, phonies, cliques, rahs. sec amb: to be successful, travel. basketball 1,2,3; lacrosse 1, 2, 3. trouble ahead, trouble behind, and you know that notion just crossed my mind ... grateful dead. thanks mom and dad. cynthia j. ferrier "cindy" 144 s. morton ave b-9 6/6/62. fav say: no problem, lovely. prize pass: joey, animals, family. pet peeve: school, rahs. sec amb: to be happy in life. trouble ahead trouble behind and you know that notions just crossed my mind. anthony finio "familiaro" 301 lynn rd 4/27/63. fav say: pbbf.

:aroline Denise Fasy

Cynthia J. Ferrier

Anthony Finio

fav mem: shore of '80 + 5, parties. prize pass: my good friends, mark VI, talks with s.b. sec amb: to stay single. track 1; band 1, 2; vice-president 2; class play 4; service club 1,2,3,4. life is only a moving picture ... the kinks.

ert john finley 6/4/63. rem for: somewhat lengthy hair,

19 straight, hanging out at memorial park. prize pass: each

everyone of my friends, music. pet peeve: people who 't accept my long hair, lousy photographs, 50 a day, low <, fads. vo-tech 2, 3,4. music is your special friend, dance on as it intends, music is your only friend, until the end, until the I ... the doors.

L1reen patricia finnegan "reen" "mar" 303 ballymore rd 4/

62. fav mem: good times with family and friends. prize pass: lily, friends, and tiffany. pet peeve: cliques, rahs, getting up he morning. sec amb: to be happy and achieve success in don't walk in front of me, i may not follow. don't walk lind me, i may not lead. just walk beside me and be my "ld. hael finnegan "finn" 303 ballymore rd. 4/23/62. rem for:

19 a triplet. fav say: what's up. fav mem: summer '80. prize

5: family, laura h. and friends. sec amb: to make a lot of "ley. track 1; springfield va-tech 3, 4.

Robert John Finley

Maureen Patricia Finnegan

Michael Finnegan

david john fitzpatrick "fitz" 974 edwards dr 11/6/62. rem 1 never being at a loss for words. fav say: you got that right. pr poss: friends, family, green bug, holy grail. sec amb: to be pn dent, to seek the grail. do you think i can write a letter on th asked oblomov, tossing the page aside. that's what i've bE using to cover my glass at night, so nothing venomous wo' fall into it ... goncharov.

liam flannery "panda" "leon" "lime" 145 hart In 1/8/63. say: your horse is in danger when you don't even realize it. mem: great times with family and friends, n.c., florida, washi: ton, arkansas, parties, d.d. and m.d., ocean city, future. pr poss: family, stereo. pet peeve: dr. septa, my mistakes, firerr jim, circle 90, n.p.h.s. soccer 1,2, 3,4; baseball 1, 2; lacrossE service club 1,2,3,4.

David John Fitzpatrick

Liam Flannery

Christine Marie Fleming

christine marie fleming "chris" 54 st. davids rd 1/29/64. r, for: being late, c.i.c., getting caught. fav say: ya ghoul, oh I god, ummm, don't cry. fav mem: 10/9/80, special goodbyE the rain, 9/1/80, 9/27/78. pet peeve: tags, limits, debts, ques, hats, homemade skirts. basketball 3; cafeteria emplo) 3, 4; hockey 4. reach out and touch somebody's hand, me this world a better place if you can ... diana ross.

diane foley "di" "fole" 127 wayne ave 12/11/62. fav say: born ready, it's cool. fav mem: junior prom, wildwood '80, drive-ins, camp, the cliff, state b-ball game, graduation day. prize poss: family, friends, penny puppers, florida ticket. choir 1,4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3; lacrosse 1, 2, 3,4. what lies before us and what behind us are tiny matters to what lies within us ... ralph waldo emerson. joanne gail forrester "jo" "jody" 161 s rolling rd 11/18/63. fav say: you don't have any eyes, i'm going to kill david. fav mem: 11/30/79, winter 79, summer '80, good times with dave, parties with sid, ozzy, rossi, good times at the park with m.b.k., a.s., k.s. and others. prize poss: dave, friends, family, my ring. sec amb: april 11, 1985, happiness for m.b.k. and a.s. many too many stood where i stand, many more stand here too ... genesis. martin francis fox 226 harwicke rd 3/14/63. fav say: get a job. fav mem: calif., summer 78, mountains, shore, bars, viking parties 79, '80. prize poss: c.p., family, friends. pet peeve: springdive, rahs. sec amb: to have a house in the rocky mountains. vo-tech 1, 2, 3; vica 1, 2.

Diane Foley

Joanne Gail Forrester

Martin Francis Fox

christine foy 743 w rolling rd 2/7/63. fav mem: summers of ' and '80 in sea isle with drexel hill radicals, new year's eve a day, halloween. prize poss: my health, family, my jone friends, fun money, dog. sec amb: to work in a prison or mer institution, to help a friend. like a true nature's child we WE born, born to be wild we can climb so high. I never want to ( ... steppen wolf.

randal lynn freisner "randy" "freis" "dolph" 204 school In 9/ /63. rem for: a mick jagger deciple. fav mem: twn. j.m. in f rida bathroom, s.b.p., rainy friday nights. prize poss: t.w. dreams, boots, watch, fritz. sec amb: tmn. soccer 1,2,3,4; tE nis 1, 2, 3,4; orchestra 1, 2, 3,4; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; band 2, 3; class treasurer 3; n.h.s. treasurer 3, 4; scrivener 3; spri-h 4. wild horses couldn't drag me away, wildhorses we'll r them someday ... m. jagger.

Christine Foy

Randal Lynn Freishner

Laura Furlong

laura furlong "bird" 501 maddock rd 5/15. rem for: be: skinny, always having an answer. fav say: pull a tight one, pa abies. fav mem: arizona 77, summer '80, rol. gr., n.ave., skii: partying with jack, lis, ron, shari, how, pete etc., f.s.c. hrm. ! peeve: shallow people, last day of summer, cheerleading 1; club 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 4; advisory 3. the time has COl the story is over, thought i'd something more to say ... p floyd.

frederick w. gaines "fred" 264 hemlock In 7/26/63. fav say:

yo. fav mem: last day of physics class with mike h. pet peeve: disco, rahs, new wave, punk rock, springsteen freaks and joel freaks. sec amb: to go to a doors or hendrix concert. band 1, 2, 3, 4; video-tape crew 1, 2, 3; a.v. aide 3, 4. and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be ... pink floyd. sandra lynn gallagher "sandy" "sandra dee" 321 bishop ave 7 I

10/63. fav mem: m.d.n., 2/13/79,5/10180, O.c. '80, tuesdays. prize poss: family, friends, and job. pet peeve: monday mornings, rainy days, stop signs, good-byes. sec amb: to always be happy and successful in the future. if you love something set it free. if it comes back it's yours. if it doesn't it never was. joseph gallo "joe" "galow" 854 w. rolling rd 7/14/63. fav say:

:rederick W. Gaines

Sandra Lynn Gallagher

Joseph Gallo

it be cool, bummin bad. prize poss: friends, family, good times. pet peeve: boxes, confusion, a certain pick-up truck. sec amb: to drive again. football 1; soccer 2, 3, 4; basketball 2; spanish club 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; indoor soccer 3, 4. cash your dreams before they slip away. dying all the time ... lose your dreams and you will lose your mind ain't life unkind? ... rolling stones.

seph ganzelli "joe" "pepe" 937 westdale pi 10/3/63. rem

phila. journal and page 7. fav mem: concerts with friends, 78, mexico 'SO. prize poss: family, friends, car. pet peeve: closed lunches, disco. sec amb: to work for a local televi1 station, vtr crew 2, 3, 4; spanish club. just remember that a grand illusion, and deep inside we're all the same ... styx.


ry teresa gelsomini 238 alliston rd 9/19/63. fav mem: s.b.f.

0/78, s.16th b.p. all the times with my' friends, being with esp. jr. prom and shore, 1/25/so, 3/15/so and times in vningtown. prize poss: my family, my best friend a.t., and all friends, my earrings from r.b., rob. lacrosse 1; 3/4 hockey 2, ki club 1, 2, 3, 4; executive council 2, 3, 4; S.t.w. 2, 3; sr. class ( set committee, n.h.s. 4. marie gerace "gerachi" 212 n. state rd 7/19/63. rem for:

19 small, my laugh, always with palma, being a floozabue, 19 rowdy. fav mem: summer 'SO, new year's eve 79, times

amgems gang, bbd with c.s., stella, f.es., psych talks with a, 4S hb, e's 6:00 so's, sw. sec amb: back packing across ope. advisory council 3, 4; hockey 2,3,4; football stats 1,4; =Iub 1, 2, 3,4; chorus 1; social service 1; grapplerette 2,3.


nette Lorraine Gildner

)oeseph Ganzelli

Mary Teresa Gelsomini

Lisa Marie Gerace

annette lorraine gildner "anna-etta" "netty" 456 prospect rd 4

19/63. rem for: wanting j.b. tacos, my pregnant rollerskate. fav mem: new england, arizona, trap pond, saranac, times with loie, liz, suzy, chris, and family, ocean city, young life, air-raid and avalon with suebert. prize poss: my christianity, family, friends. chorus 1,2; hockey mgr. 1; bowling 3; choir 2, 3,4; colorguard rifles 2, 3,4; track 3; scrivener typing editor 4. maura gillespie 715 dunwoody dr 6/8/63. rem for: living in

spain. fav say: un chiste verde. fav mem: summer of '80, trip to mexico, tennis team bake sales. prize poss: family, friends. tennis varsity captain, m.v.p. award, 314 basketball; track; spanish club president. delores anita goldsborough "d.d.d." "dozzer" "meatball" 106

Maura Gillespie

Delores Anita Goldsborough

baker st 3/27/62. fav mem: 12/25/76,6/5/79, 8/s/80, 6/51 81. prize poss: my son, lance, and the taylors. pet peeve: back stabbers, morton hounds. sec amb: to some day become a nurse or singer. chorus; choir. people always want you to do what they want you to do, but as soon as they find out what you want to do, then they don't want anything to do with you.

lisa anne gosnay "lana" "Ieese" 240 sunnybrook rd 11/5/62.

fay say: that kills me. fay mem: hockey 79 and '80, j.p.w.d.s.e.w., rose tree '80. prize poss: faith, family including lola. pet peeve: bucks for band, flick-offs, chipped teeth. hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1, 2, 3,4; lacrosse 1,2; band 1,2,3, 4; choir 1,2, 3, 4; chorus 2, 3, 4; orchestra 4; n.h.s. 3,4. you cannot win if you do not play ... steve forbert. earl dwayne grant "rique" "deuce" 406 n. morton ave 6/30/ 63. fay say: ooh groovy, know what i mean, mugs, what's up. fay mem: 1/20/77, cutty's face, summer of 79, 5/27/79. pet peeve: people expecting me to pay their way to africa. sec amb: to become rich and famous if i ever get the time. winners never quit, quitters never win ... kleer. christine therese greb "chris" "grimace" "grub" 208 parham rd 8/11/63. fay mem: summer 78, 1/5/80, summer '80, times with dave and my friends. prize pass: dave, my family, my friends. pet peeve: cliques, liars, having no matches, goodbyes. sec amb: t.m.d., t.n.s.a. chorus 1; tennis 2. you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need ... rollin' stones. p.s. good luck a. ywni.

Lisa Anne Gosnay

Earl Dwayne Grant

Christine Therese Grel

lois debra green 504 old schoolhouse dr 6/6/63. rem for: n

long, straight hair, always talking, my handwriting. fay mel times with family, I.m., p.q., d.n., j.d., b.b., b.a., s.r., d., ~. u.s.y., b.b.g., 4/5/80, 4/26/80, 9/25/80, rush. pet peeve: tifT good-byes, making decisions. sec amb: to learn who i am al where i am going. debate team 3, 4; french club 1, 2 secreta treasurer 3, co-president 4; n.h.s. 4. paul green 9/2/63. rem for: doing good in va-tech. fay mem

125-31/78,6/13/80-8/29/80,9/25/77. prize pass: guns, toe family, friends. pet peeve: liars and sore losers. sec amb: to i into business for myself. vo-tech 2, 3,4; stage crew 1.

michael e. greskoff "mike" "gres" 23 fairhill rd 5/9/63. fay s;.

Lois Debra Green

Paul Green

Michael E. Greskoff

yo what's up, yo how's it going, take it light. fay mem: 111278, 79, summer of '80, wildwood 78, driving to tech. pn pass: family, friends, bonnie, car. pet peeve: rahs, burnou loud gum chewers, american gov't., b.b.s.s. baseball; weightli ing. the summer's here and the time is right for racing the stre ... bruce springsteen.

joseph w. hagarty "hagman" 37 locust ave 2/1/63. fav mem:

summer vacations, football games. prized pass: family, friends, car. pet peeve: summer practice, lamb tavern. sec amb: to be successful and happy. football 1, 2, 3 co-captain 4. victor hagopian "vic" 214 powell rd 7/21/63. rem for: missing vo-tech, car breaking down. fav say: what's up. fav mem: 5/31 /80. pet peeve: people sitting on my car. track 2; chorus 1. caroline hope halberg "carolyn" 335 n. lehigh cir 11/19/63.

rem for: deep voice, breaking two bars. fav mem: 10/6/78, 12 /2/78, new year's 79 and '80, 8/21/80, 9/19-20/80, twbg, e.e., league championship 79. prize pass: good friends, memories. pet peeve: a certain relative, blisters, shin splints, ripped hands, d.t.v.m.e. cross country 2, 3, 4; gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1,2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4; ski club 3, 4; musical 4.

Joeseph W. Hagarty

Victor Hagopian

Caroline Hope Halbeq

en elizabeth handley "missy" 120 s. forest rd 9/5/63. rem : drawing horses, being quiet. fav say: oh brother, well anyy. fav mem: florida, b.b., maine, wyo., O.e., axelis farm, 6/1/ jr. prom, 3/15/77. prize pass: family, friends, down vest, . pet peeve: rude people. orchestra 1,2,3,4; choir 3, 4; Imc 1, 2, 3, 4; y.o. 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; pop .up 4; n.h.s. 3,4; spri-hian 3; yearbook 3.

~abeth ann hanrahan "liz" "Iizanne" "lizard" 447 andrew rd 15/63. rem for: always laughing, e.o.j.a. fav mem: france 79, nmer '80, bruce springsteen '80, crazy times with friends, k-in-the-box with a.g. prize pass: family, friends, memories. : amb: to live a happy and successful life. track 1, 2, 3, 4; ski b 2, 3, 4; d.e.e.a. 3, 4; 3/4 basketball. when the sun goes low :I you're home all alone, think of me and try not to laugh ...

hardie "h" "super natent" 113 gleaves rd 2/18/63. rem : hating paladins. fav mem: space missions, ocean city md., 'at adventure, senior week. pet peeve: incompetent egotists luthority, doritos. cross country 1, 2, 3, 4. it's my life and i'li what i want. it's my mind and i'li think what i want ... aniIs.


Karen Elizabeth Handley Elizabeth Ann Hanrahan

Ken Hardie

william harrington "h.h." 97 s. rolling rd 5/5/62. fav say: hey

boick, narcabus, hey chalie. fav mem: times with lori, 7/21/80, 1/1/80,8/79, terocky every night, d.m. prize pass: my parents, lori, bricklaying, my tools, my life, grandparents, my car. sec amb: design and build my own house, make money, own a business, to have the brains of my parents. football 1, 2; basketball 1; wrestling 3. lisa soraya harris "goldie" 228 harding ave 3/28/63. rem for:

being crazy. fav mem: 2/17/79,7/27780, 10/1/80, 10/5/80. prize poss: johnny r. brown, family, friends. pet peeve: people that think that they know everything but know nothing at all. basketball 1, 2. beautiful things are beautiful, when beautiful thoughts are shared with a beautiful man. p.s. we are sexy, we are fun. we're the class of '81. christine lynn hartzell "chrissy" "hartzell" 441 kerr In 6/18/63.

William Harrington

Lisa Soraya Harris

Christine Lynn Hartzell

rem for: being a y.l. rowdie, boyfriends, flirting, being in band, mcdonalds. fav say: bummer drag. fav mem: saranac 79, kirkwood '80, harvey cedars, florida 78, 10/4/79,9/19/80, young life, campaigners. prize pass: family, friends, my faith, j.r. chorus 1,2; choir 2,3,4; colorguard 1,2,3 co-sergeant 4; hockey 1, 2, 3,4; track 2, 3, 4.

Irion hetherington 858 springhaven rd 9/7/63. rem for: my

Ik. fav mem: d.w.t.e., wildwood, ski trips 79 and '80, n.g's., . ege's class, beachhaven w., raft race 79 and '80, reminiscwith friends. pet peeve: spiders, waiting. sec amb: to see , own funeral. cosmetology 2, 3, 4; v.i.e.a. 2, 3,4; track 3, 4; )tball stats 4; ski club 2.

Iry hoath "crazy mar" 564 w. rolling rd 3/6/63. rem for:

th burn, general bunnyhop, daring phone call, the dual me. , mem: calls from jim, times with mike, calif., france, tennis 19, shore. tennis 3, 4; n.h.s. 3,4; hockey, choir 1, 2, 3,4; col~uard, weightlifting, french club, prop committee. all that is ld does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost ... toln.

irk hodnett 982 greenbriar In 10/6/62.


Marion Hetherington

Mary Hoath

Mark Hodnett

karen g. hoffman "reds", "rusty jones" 371 gleaves rd 6/2

62. rem for: my strawberry blonde hair. fay mem: florida ' and 79, time spent w/my friends, concerts, crazy times' gerri in wildwood. prize poss: family, friends, memories, mu pet peeve: getting out of bed, waiting, crowded halls. sessic 1,2,3,4. come on people now, smile on your brother, eve body get together, try to love one another right now. ruth holland "scum", "rufus" 337 foulke la 3/9/63. rem


complaining, blonde hair, talking, being hyper. fay say: are y serious?, i don't believe it!, i am so beat. fay mem: 9/27/S0, /25/S0, times w/nancy, florida 7S, great adventure 9/: band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; track mgr n.a.b.r.c. 1,2,3,4; musical orch 2,4. to discover who you an the greatest challenge in life. Karen G. Hoffman

Ruth Holland

John Holstein

john holstein 29 waverly ave 7/5/62. fay say: hey mo-n

bumper man. fay mem: 2/80, summer 'SO. prize poss: fire I mugs. pet peeve: rahs, filling out rosters. sec amb: to get out this prison.

karen horan 566 e scenic rd 1/12/63. rem for: different jobs.

fay mem: tennis practice, sailing on the delaware, trips to ortho., lacrosse, rendezvous(s). prize pass: family, good friends. pet peeve: seaplanes, binoculars. sec amb: to speak fluent french. tennis 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3; ski club. lesa ann hornaday "Ies" 4S0 briarhill rd 10/1/63. fay mem: sen-

ior prom 'SO, summer 79 and 'SO, senior week, 3/1/S0. prize poss: relationship w/joe, my bass, my stereo. sec amb: t.p.i.p.o. orch 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3,4; chorus 2,3,4; musical 2, 3, 4; pop group 3, 4; dist orch 2, 3, 4; regional orch 2, 3, 4; allstate orch 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; scrivner ass't ed 4; track 2. they're scared to show a little bit of emotion ... in case a little bit of emotion gives them away ... the kinks. william howard "slick willy from west philly" 103 baker st 5/20

/62. rem for: grog. singing. fay say: bop!, ooh baby, what you all about, say what! fay mem: summer 79 w / patricia, the force, dodge monaco the ghost. prize poss: family, 95 watt stereo, car, d.boyce, friends, p. williams. sec amb: become powerful and rich, marry patricia williams, muscle man. football 1; basketball 1; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; football practice 4.

Karen Horan

Lesa Ann Hornaday

William Howard

michael huczko, jr "huczko" 600 w rolling rd S/ 14/62. fay s

what's up, moe-moe. fay mem: going to the broomall fire d ing school. prize pass: beeper, car, oil truck. pet peeve: comi back to school after a fire. sec amb: becoming chief engine football 1.

michael paul vincent hughes "mike" 100 n norwinden dr 8/ 63. rem for: strange stories, broken glasses, falling asleep, si screens. fay say: stick together, because without us we gonna fall apart! pet peeve: clouds, cigarettes, clogged scree detention. sec amb: to boldly go where no man has go before. spri-hian 3, 4; lit mag 3, 4. i'li see you on the dark side the moon ... pink floyd. amy huntzinger "amelia", "pic" 616 vernon rd 10/11/63.

Michael Huczko

Michael Paul Vincent Hughes

Amy Huntzinger


mem: california 6/80-7/80, 5/26/80, 8/16/80, grm-sumrr 79. prize pass: I.b. button, hall and oates albums, letters fn d.m. pet peeve: es-4, loud-mouths, springdive, waiting. ~ amb: to play major league baseball for the phils. 3/4 baskett 3; service club 3; spanish club 3, 4. you can change, but y can't conceal what's deep inside you, it's your game, it's yc deal ... hall and oates.

Want some candy little girl?

Oh gosh guys!

Howie drinking through his forehead again. Please don't take the picture until I adjust my hairpiece.

Adrian, put that away! How do you spell RELIEF?

I'll get you at recess!

christine hushion "chris" "sid" 437 w. springfield rd 1/9/63. rem for: always laughing, being with ozzy and other crazy people, being sick. fav say: you don't have any eyes, yo ozz. fav mem: summers of 77-'80, concerts, our big getaway, parties, when a certain family moved to springfield, spring 79, pocanos, wildwood. pet peeve: sweather, shs, liars, waiting. maureen mary imming "mo" 838 garrett In apt 1-b 12/28/62. fav mem: florida, seattle, proms, science classes, lunch, cross country '80, medals, trophies. prize poss: my supportive family, friends, memories. pet peeve: decisions, moves, pain. sec amb: to help others, travel, learn. cross-country; track indoor 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1; colorguard 2, 3, co-sergeant 4; orch 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. orch 2, 3, 4; chorus 1; choir 2,3,4; nhs 3, 4.

Christine Hushion

Maureen Mary Imming

Dion Irons

dion irons "yella" 231 walnut st 8/19/63. rem for: playing basketball, quiet, walking slow, the courts. fav mem: 2/25/78 at the palestra, meet sweet. prize poss: my basketball, my family. pet peeve: people expecting too much out of you. sec amb: to slam in dawkins face!, succeed in life. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

)fa lynn jarrell "debbie" "deb" "dej" 277 hemlock In 12/18 I. rem for: smile, driving through g.d's, being late. fav mem: hlehem 79, '80. W.v. '80, neb, ylc; house parties and "eats. prize poss: eternity, family, sister. pet peeve: backstab'S, good-byes, rudeness. chorus 1, 3,4; choir 3, 4; costumes (S and dolls, soph hop decor. don't worry about tomorrow, take care of it's self, for today has enough troubles alone . . . tt 6:34. on marcel jefferson "anthony" "oldman" 212 pennington ~ 4/4/63. rem for: being quiet, not talking. fav say: what's fav mem: summer of 77, 3/17/78 - 7/11/78. prize poss: bike, car and truck books. sec amb: to be a diesel mechanic.

lrles jopski "chuck" "skeeb" "nada" "p. skydiver" 366 ndmoor rd 5/5/63. rem for: bad puns, being bitten by vam~s. fav mem: 5/5/78, 12/8/79, jams, concerts, g.a. prize ;s: herman, freddie, rosie. sec amb: to see deep purple in Kert, jam with e.s.b., k.s. football 1, 2; weightlifting 1, 2, 3; ,4. goin' to the roadhouse, gonna have a real good time. let )11 baby roll, all night long ... jim morrison.


Anton Marcel Jefferson

kristine kallinen "kris" 684 beatty rd 10/16/63. rem for: spilling things, breaking my thumb. fav mem: good times with glenn, 4/ 12/80, that van, vikings 79 and '80, grad 79, '80, '81, diamond beach, maryland, who, zz top concerts, ski trip, brig., barrels, abers, 714. prize poss: my family, friends, pillow, my speaks, memories. pet peeve: h.o.'s, shs, crashing, dehydration, people moving. shawn m. kearney "moe" 933 westfield rd 9/8/62. rem for: chewing in class. fav say: what, where, when, why. fav mem: summer, 4th lunch, before school. prize poss: motorcycle. pet peeve: disco, shs, work.

Kristine Kallinen

Shawn M. Kearney

Marybeth Kerns

marybeth kerns "mare" 239 pancoast ave 8/18/63. rem for: being short, quiet, up the park, accent. fav mem: 10/5/79 - 5 /22/80, christmas vacation 79, winter 79, '80. prize poss: family, friends, calendar, memories. sec amb: 5 ques., j and d 4/11/ 85, all my dreams come true. if you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it's yours, if it doesn't it never was.

stephen s. klagholz "klags" 301 rambling way 1/26/62. fav say: yo what's up, where's the gigs. fav mem: summer of '80, wildwoods, saturday nights, concerts, north ave park 78 mornings, florida 76. prize poss: family, friends, my dog b. sabbath, tunes. pet peeve: disco, rahs, cops waiting. there ain't no cure for the summer time blues ... the who. steven j. klepper "steve" "klep" 311 fairview rd 10/19/63. forensics 3, 4; scott's hi-q 4; a.v. aide 1, 2; nhs 3, 4; scrivener 3. now, i am a true thing, and truly existing; but what kind of thing? ... a thing that thinks. what is that? a thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wills, refuses, and which also imagines and senses ... descartes. christopher scott knaff "rock" "knaffer" 156 rambling way 9/

24/62. rem for: my alligators, always being right. fav say: oh really. fav mem: summers at surf city, ammtwkess, wwksf, summer of 79, fwjats 77, 78, 79, the barn 78, skiing with kim. prize poss: family, kimmarie smith, friends, my house at the shore. football 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3,4; track 1,2; lacrosse 3,4; service club 1,2,3,4; ski club 3, 4.

jennifer colleen knorr "invy" 555 w. rolling rd 10/5/63. r

for: running backwards, go away. fav mem: bh, y.r.m.s.t.f g.w. 1/80, easter '80, d+d, dual telephone calls. pet peeve: c fews, werecamels, vjelen. sec amb: explore space. 3/4 hod 2,3 captain 4; 3/4 basketball 2, 3; track 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; span club 1, 2, 3 treasurer 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4. maya pillar of fire bri gall always ... yoda to tonto. stephen kolb "steve" "kurt" 753 bradford ter 3/8/63. rem


listening, piano. prize poss: niv, hands. band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1, 3, 4;godspell, dist band and orch, regional band and orch, st, band and orch, nhs 4. of making many books there is no el and much study wearies the body. now all has been heard fear god and keep his commandments, for this is the wh duty of man ... solomon. lisa kosta 625 cedar In 11/25/63. fav mem: jamming at quin

Jennifer Colleen Knorr

Stephen Kolb

Lisa Kosta

bad co., sr prom '80, adventures with anita, r.g.g.c. 16. J peeve: establishment. sec amb: find gold at the end of a rc bow. lacrosse 1, 2,3,4. may the longtime sun shine upon y( all love surround you, and the pure light within guide you your way.

adam kozin 501 wesley rd 1/26/63. rem for: creased jeans, t-

shirts. fav mem: stwsrslkc, times with j.o., d.d. etc., vwf. prize poss: car family, condo. pet peeve: accidents. soccer 1, 2, 3; bowling 1,2,3,4. we used to laugh, we used to cry, we used to bow our heads and wonder why, but now you're gone, i guess i'li carryon ... america. christopher a. kracht "chris" "k" 214 Iynbrooke rd 6/14/63.

fav mem: penn state, fall '80, summer '80. prize poss: cowboy hat. pet peeve: hypocrites. sec amb: to enjoy life. choir 1; german club 2, 3; indoor track 1; track 1, 2; cross-country 1, 2, 3; scott's hi-q 4; nhs 3, 4. and even when the song is over, where have i been - was it just a dream? and even though your door is always open, where do i begin - may i please come in? dear? ... supertramp. mary lou krausse "mare" "m.l." "stuart" 247 powell rd 1/31/ 63. fav say: you know what i'm talking about so do i, hey babe-ee. fav mem: 5/5/79,5/27/79,4/9/80,5710/80, florida, summer '80, 9/1/80 m.w. prize poss: family, friends, j.b., mark w., memories, 14 kt. pet peeve: leaving, saying good-bye, waiting, fake people, quiet people. sec amb: tsw bruce springsteen, tllalw mark w., to own a z-28. d.e.c.a. 1; choir 1.

Adam Kozin

Christopher A. Kracht

Mary Lou Krausse

frey thomas krill "jeff" 109 grandview rd 2/20/63. rem for:

vays running, going on diets. fav mem: times w/laura, buck-

II 79, junior prom, 4/1/80. prize poss: laura, family, friends, I car, my skis. pet peeve: 16th place, repairs. track 1, 2, 3, 4; loor track 2, 3, 4; cross country 3, capt 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; vice club 2, 4; soccer 2. even a stopped clock is right twice a y.

:holas s. kutufaris "greek", "kuty" 80 hillcrest rd 3/23/63. n for: nicknames, eating. fav mem: summer '80, 1980 footII team, j.p. and g.a. w/p.m., good times w/friends. prize ISS: family, friends, car. pet peeve: flyer fans, herbies, getting at upon. football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. when this you ~, remember me, and bear me in your mind. let all the world ( what they may, speak of me as you find.

lerie ann laguna "val" 233 taylor rd 4/10/63. fav say: guess u had to be there, huh aim!, so what's new? fav mem: times 'friends, i kicked the wall. prize poss: pepper, missy, pip, lau1, p.g., best friends (amy, suzy, mel). sec amb: to star on genii hospital, to act. chorus 1, 4; choir 3, 4; 3/4 hockey 2, 3; ck 2, 3; stw 3, 4. when joy is what you give away, joy is what :urns each day.

Jeffrey Thomas Krill

Nicholas S. Kutufaris

Valerie Ann Laguna

james michael Ianyon "Ians", "scuns" 128 snyder la 7/24/63. rem for: driving, injuring opponents, being well-rounded, being tall (6'2"). fav say: wait, next year, i'll get it!, and then you wake up! prize poss: sports page, varsity letters, key award, family, friends. pet peeve: referees, hacks, sprints, penncrest, ridley, marple. sec amb: live a successful life, dunk in a game, have a family. soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1. gregg larish 409 kennerly rd 10/12/63. rem for: my hat, being a fireman, my blue lights. fav say: howdy, you what?!?, jez! fav mem: summer '80 down at the shore, 11/10/78, crobins at winding way w/mac. prize poss: my jeep, my eights. pet peeve: people that drive bad, exams, smoking. stage crew 1,2, 3,4.

ames Michael Lanyon

Gregg Larish

Martha Larkin

martha larkin "marty", "mart" 633 laurel rd 12/18/63. fav say: what's new and creative?, good for you!, o.k.-i can handle it!, my life! fav mem: times w/those who mean the most. prize poss: memories, lessons learned, those i love, life, music. pet peeve: rumors, mornings, not heard, cliques, good-byes, not given a chance. stw 3, 4; track 1; cheerleading 2; senior class play. you can dream - but you can never go back the way you came ... j.b.

ul larkin "barney" 545 vernon rd 8/13/63. rem for: great ving skills. fav mem: last day of school. prize poss: the ram~r. sec amb: own my own restaurant.

Illy larrimore "hoi", "hols", "hock", "pizza", "harry" 429 nnerly rd 8/3/63. rem for: writing notes w / crazy cartoons. (say: see ya later, okay, what's up, how's it going. fav mem: rida 78, wildwood 79,11/3/77,4/9/78,10/14/78,1/17/ , junior prom. prize poss: family, friends, memories, sandy. ,t peeve: narcs, snobs. sec amb: to get someone special and . happy. band 1, 2; french club 1; chorus 1,2; lacrosse 2; a.v. ie 1,2,3,4.

Nrence dean lawthers rolling green apts 10/11/63. rem for: nper, practical jokes, animal shirts. fav mem: legion and sesIns, chemistry, lowell drive, lamb tavern, barn, attending 79 xld series, lecture, 17th birthday. pet peeve: class of '81, cidents, cassidy, errors, p.v.c. sec amb: to be as successful as ( brothers and sisters. baseball 1, 2, 3, 4.


Paul Larkin

Holly Larrimore

Lawrence Dean Lawthers

gregory n. leblanc "greg" 150 w springfield rd 1/15/63. n

for: bobos, new wave. faY mem: hr 257, summer '80, lunch' /78. prize pass: family, friends, music, freedom of choice.l peeve: pink floyd, hendpecks. choir 1; locker problems 4. t feeling inside of me sets me free from the past, and someday find a way to make my dreams come true ... badfinger.

susan j. liberace "punk rocker" 343 kent rd 4/12/63. rem t being unique, wearing ties, my dancing, hair style. faY mem: I cosmo years, summer 79, may 5. prize pass: charly, my rir memories. pet peeve: narrow-mindedness, ignorance, disc fat. chorus officer 1, 2; choir officer 1, 2, 4; spri-hian circ band-rifles 2; musical 1; wrestling aide 1. we only wanted to loved ... public image-ltd.

stephen lightcap "steve", "brillo", "fuzz" 66 shelburne rd 12

Gregory N. LeBlanc

Susan J. Liberace

Stephen Lightcap

/62. rem far: having frizzy hair, d.t.a.m. faY mem: maine, go< pell, a.t., winter 79. prize poss: friends, family', stereo, came ice skates. pet peeve: disco, rahs, people w/frizzy hair. sta crew 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 2, 3, 4; pop group 3, nhs 3, 4; Imc 1, 2; musical 3,4. i'd rather wake up in the mid of nowhere than in any city on earth.

bruce linton 71 w sproul rd 1/22/63. prize poss: my motorcy-

cle, stereo. pet peeve: being an identical twin, waking up early, homeroom, study halls. sec amb: to live in vermont and own a ski resort. ski club 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4. daniel wayne little "dan", "rebel" 330 kennerly rd 9/9/63. faY

say: it's due tomorrow?, razz. faY mem: 1977 pawg hc, 9/30/ 80, seen w/votechies. prize poss: family, friends, blazer, tapes. pet peeve: liars, snobs, phonies. stage crew 2, 3,4; vo-tech 2, 3,4. hard times come, hard times go. in between you hope and pray the scars don't show ... styx william little "bill" 85 worrell dr 7/22/62. rem for: always being

tired, being in the commons. faY say: how ya doin', pretty good, pretty good, okay. faY mem: broadkill beach, del, I.b.i., mcconnell's class. prize poss: tools, rabbit, j.b. tapes, family, friends. sec amb: t.m.w.t.a.h.a.l.1.1. track 1; weightlifting 1, 2.

Bruce Linton

Daniel Wayne Little

William Little

bruce lord 326 madison rd 7/29/63. faY mem: summer ':

junior prom, wildwood '80, cousin at ridley game, cruising the mustang. prize pass: car, family, friends, p.h., reservoir. 1 peeve: waking up early, losing weight, skinny blond and co pany, wrestling practice. sec amb: t.b.p.h.b.o., to be rich a happy. wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2. felice macera "hap", "feech" 473 prospect rd 6/4/63. rem


artistic talent, outspokeness. faY mem: new york '80. pr poss: family and friends. sec amb: to be a successful artist. ba 1,2,3; scrivener 3; lit mag 2,3; college 1. but the artist appe to that part of our being which is not dependent on wisdom; that in us which is a gift and not an acquisition and, therefo more permanently enduring ... joseph conrad.

salvatore macera "sal" 473 prospect rd 6/4/63. faY say: the

Bruce Lord

Felice Macera

Salvatore Macera

life, really, tough. fay mem: pgsa 79. prize poss: family, frien knowledge. pet peeve: mass conformity, night rehearsals, Sl centered people. band 1, 2, 3,4; orch 1, 2, 3,4; musical 2, nhs 3, 4; dist band 2, 3,4; regional band 3,4; intramural bask ball; scrivener 4; dist orch 4. destiny is not a thing to be wail for, it is a thing to be achieved ... william jennings bryan.

laura madden 85 duncan la 5/31/63. rem for: always combing hair, screaming from car windows, always on phone, seen wi holly. fav say: y'ou do it, i've got to comb my hair. fav mem: summer 79 w/m.a., r.m., p.k., h.l., ocean city, arrowhead 7 yrs, summer '80 w/c.b., m.f., e.h., jr. prom w/j.b., j.m.j.h. prize pass: family, friends, mike. pet peeve: school, monday's night school, end of summer. track 1. deborah marie mariano "debbie" 311 rambling way 8/29/63. fav mem: all great memories, every summer esp. g.s. '80, g.t.w.f.i.s.i.l.c. '80, 11/16/78, g.t.w/k. smith. prize pass: true friends, all those i love esp. my family, memories. sec amb: be happy, healthy, have all my dreams come true. chorus 1; executive council 1, 2, 3, officer 4; spanish club off 2; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; gymnastics 1, 2, 3; track 1, capt 3, 4; hockey 3, 4; cross country 2, nhs 4.

Laura Madden

Deborah Marie Mariano

Richard Mark

richard mark "rich", "mark" 812 w rolling rd 6/16/63. fav mem: junior year, army-navy game 79, pagina siete. prize pass: family, friendships, memories, knowledge. pet peeve: accidents, frustrations, chains, campaign managers. sec amb: control time, keep reaching. spri-hian 3, 4; scrivener - senior ed 4; volleyball 3, 4; nhs 4. does it feel that your life's become a catastrophe? oh, it has to be for you to grow ... what you might have been, if you had more time.

'i martin 290 ballymore rd.

lIiam martin 414 yale ave.

lin lynne martini "rossi", "ros" 329 alliston rd 8/30/63. fav f: you don't have any' eyes, where's my tomass? fav mem: rmany '80, genesis 6180, j. geiles, ocean city '80, times wi n, 12/13/79, sid, ozzy, and jody, parties. prize pass: tom, ::idles, friends, memories. pet peeve: ragging, shs. many too lny have stood where i stand, many more will stand here too , genesis. Lori Martin

William Martin

Robin Lynne Martini

dean massimini "flash" 705 dunwoody dr 12/28/62. rem for: always being wlangel, cazz, tim, steck, lisa, and in jeep. fav mem: g.v. and m.i., summer '80. prize pass: angel, gold, jeep, stereo. pet peeve: fighting wI angel, the jeep breaking down, always wondering where. sec amb: to own my own classic autobody. you better start doing it right ... genesis. angela matarazzo "babe" 6/4/64. rem for: craziness, partying wI dean massamini, lisa, suzi, cazz, michele. prize pass: dean; diamond ring, parents, letting me be me, friends, 5/28/80, 6 16/80, g.v., partying. pet peeve: fighting wi dean, rags. sec amb: someone who likes the way i am. go a little faster now, you might get there on time. if you don't stand up you don't stand a chance ... genesis.

Dean Massimini

Angela Matarazzo

Samuel Mattei

samuel mattei "sam" 439 stanfield rd 12/29/62. fav mem: 5th period lunch wI all my friends. prize pass: my cuda. sec amb: be able to own my own business. vo-tech mech maintenance 2; carpentry 3; work study 4.

linda ellyn matthew 404 foster dr 9/8/63. fav mem: time with

friends and joe, playing my piano, camping out west with the schencks. pet peeve: deaths, fights with friends. nhs 4; gymnastics 1, 2; colorguard 3; choir 1, 2, 3, 4. imagine all the people, sharing all the world. you-you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one, i hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one ... john lennon. william mawson "high speed harry" "casual" 47 n. rolling rd 6/

21/62. rem for: playing fugitive at lou d's famous party, working at the ice rink. fav mem: broadkill and O.c. md. 7/19-26/79, b.l., summer of '80, j.q. prize poss: true friends, b.l., j.q., j.k., b.t., j.p., b.p., I.d., b.t. pet peeve: the k.c., crash. track 1; ski club 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; scrivener photo 4; senior play props, service club 4. i'm older now but still running against the wind ... bob seger. phyllis may "phil" 849 rhoads dr 1/1/64. fav mem: jr. prom

and great adventure, buttonwood '80, 5/30/80, c.p. times with joyce, stomach aches and bad company, times with diane, long talks with j.d., j.k., I.d. prize pass: my family, memories of times with joyce, kerre, diane, jeannie, lisa and debbie. pet peeve: good-byes, waiting, and broken promises. social service club 1; track 2; pep-club 3; cheerleading 2,3 co-captain 4.

Linda Ellyn Matthew

William Mawson

Phyllis May

christopher f. mcdoskey "max" 647 sheffield dr 2/22/63. n

for: my nasty temper. fav mem: may 3, 1980, summer '80. pr pass: my girlfriend, my parents. pet peeve: rahs. sec amb: overthrow the government and become dictator. football 1. 3.

laurie ann mcconchie "Iou" "wench" 582 rutherford dr 1/ ~ 64. fav mem: getting kidnapped, space missions, all-night chemistry, williamsburg, summer 79, '80, trig parties, fran sec amb: to recapture malcolm-newman. cross-country 2 captain 4; track 2,3,4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; colorguard 1, 2, 3, 4. what's good for you or you're not good for anybody ... t joel. susan ann mccrossin "sue" "suebert" "scope" 101 morton

Christopher F. McCloskey Laurie Ann McConchie

Susan Ann McCrossin '

11/18/63. rem for: hanging around on fences, being qUI scoping at camp. prize pass: family, friends, hockey memori my health. pet peeve: splinters, benches, snobs, good-byes. amb: see la in '84, to be happy, healthy, and successful in Ii chorus 1; basketball 1, 2, 3; field hockey 1, 2, 3,4. hold fast dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that c not fly.

daniel r. mccullough "dan" 20 providence rd 10/23/63. rem

for: being thin. fav mem: proms, florida 77, jr. homeroom. prize pass: family, friends, drums. pet peeve: wasted time, giving rides, taking books home, being confused with the other mccullough family. sec amb: to play the drums for a famous rock group and make millions. ski club 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1,2,3; dist band and orch 3; regional band 3; state band 4; weightlifting 3, 4; musical 2, 3. david mCCUllough "moon" 954 old sproul rd 10/14/62. fav

mem: my knee operation from football. fav say: f.y.m.t. prize pass: my family, my barn. pet peeve: ghouls, rahs. sec amb: to drive, t.d.a.k. football 1, 2. robert j. mcdaniel "bob" "mac" 333 kennerly rd 4/30/63. rem

for: being an individual, a non-conformist. prize pass: good friends, family. pet peeve: good-byes, allergies, conformists, backstabbers. choir 1, 3, 4; lit mag 1; bowling 3; tennis 3, 4. won't you sign up your name we'd like to feel you're acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable ... supertramp.

Daniel R. McCullough

David McCullough

Robert j. McDaniel

~th mcelwee "ozzy" "blondie" 123 e. springfield rd 4/2S/63.

rn for: always laughing, always being with sid or pete, loving nesis. fav say: you don't have any eyes, let's go to ridley. fav

2m: meeting pete, 9/9/79, times with pete, genesis, times th sid, rossi, jody, h.b. and S.c., shore 77-'SO, j. geiles 4/26/

'. prize poss: pete, memories, brown dog, friends. follow follow me, follow genesis.


hn mdassel "faz" "flash" 46 west ave 3115/63. fav mem: lilmont. prize poss: raichele colorados. choir 1, 2, 3, 4; wres19 1, 2; nat merit scholarship semi-finalist.

ilureen jean mdeeley "mo" 432 wheatsheaf rd 1114/63. m for: being seen with chris, best of friends. fav mem: 11/16/ , hollywood, 2113/S0, 4113/S0 great adventure, 5/3/S0, 5/ /SO malibu, 6117/so. genesis, 7/3-6/S0. doc, 7/S/S0 ).t.m. prize poss: chris, our engagement, family, my ring, ::ldy bears, memories, colleen's friendship. pet peeve: fights, lod-byes, time. 3/4 hockey 1 captain 2; football stats 1; wres19 aid 1, 2; chorus 1; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; jr. prom decoration mmittee.

Beth McElwee

John McFassel

Maureen Jean McFeeley

kathleen mcgonigle "googles" 266 saxer ave 5/23/63. fav say: you got to get up pretty early in the mornin' to beat you. fav mem: labor day 10/5. prize poss: family, friends and diploma. pet peeve: rahs, exhaust systems. gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4; 3/4 hockey 2, 3, 4. good-bye strangers. it's been nice. hope you find your paradise. tried to see your point of view. hope your dreams will all come true ... supertramp. michael brian mcguckin 476 colonial park dr 9/2/63.rf!m for: being an officer, sailor, clown, speech and always survIving. fav mem: sailing to bermuda, summers spent in O.c. and maryland. prize poss: family, sailboat, skies, large bodies of. h20. pet peeve: long lift lines. sec amb: sail away forever to live by the sea. football 1, 2, 3; lacrosse 1,2, 3,4; exec council 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 1, 2 officer 3, 4; class officer 4; service club 2, 3, 4.

Kathleen McGonigle

Michael Brian McGuckin

Patrick Francis McHugh

patrick francis mchugh "pat" "point dexter" 232 allistun- rd S/ 11/63. rem for: stage crew, musicals, concerts, arguments with mr. grubb. fav mem: stage crew, guys and dolls, capadocea-pillar of fire. pet peeve: passing the buck. stage crew 1, 2, 3, 4; senior play 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 2, 3, 4; a.v. 3,4; vtr 1, 2; band 1, 2; nhs 4. the more ridiculous, stupid and dumb an idea is, the better chance it has of succeeding ... murphey's law #12.

Itrick joseph mcknight "skippy" 201 orchard rd 10/3/63. m for: never driving, shaving my head, being late, being seen ith nick, mike, pete. fav mem: weekend in maryland - sumer of 'SO, hoevey times. prize poss: large family, stereo, ends. pet peeve: bad co. concert, two-faced people. football 2, 3,4; basketball 1; baseball 1, 2; ski club 2, 3, 4. every year getting shorter, never seem to find the time. plans that either lme to naught of half a page of scribbled lines ... "time" pink >yd.

n mcmanus "jimbo" 165 school In 12111/63. fav mem: O.c. lSO. prize poss: my guitar. pet peeve: disco. there is no way.

Idger walter menold "rodg" 27 thornridge rd 9/24/63. rem Ir: my size, hair. fav mem: chemistry class and all the teachers. 'ize poss: my boat, family, friends. pet peeve: my grades, ssr. 'c amb: to cruise the world. football 1.


Patrick Joseph McKnight

Jim McManus

Rodger Walter Menold

dean mewha "me" 517 claremont rd 4/23/63. fav say: bUI mer, you're a fool. fav mem: going ice skating, going to flye games. prize poss: family, friends. pet peeve: sunday drive barney trying to drive. sec amb: to travel to all 50 states. v tech 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. competition will only help you a skill.

william carl meyer "rocky", "simon" 496 maplewood rd 7/1 62. rem for: being wllisa, always driving, my crude remarks. f mem: times wllisa, hershey 'SO, times at chincoteague, grE adventure 79, 1/26/so. prize pass: lisa, family, friends, mem ries w/lisa. pet peeve: airheads, two-faced people, snobs, We ing up. sec amb: to become rich and famous. wrestling 1, 2, 4; football 3, 4.

Dean Mewha

William Carl Meyer

Anthony Meola

anthony micola 142 althea la.

michele micola "missy" 142 althea la. rem for: walking too fast, being dazed. fav mem: s/22/79, 3/14/so, mornings, memorial weekend (shore), summer 79. prize poss: family, pocono home, skies, friends - mark, trisha, jody, 1.1., e.g., a.m., e.r. pet peeve: liars, rahs, disco, waiting. there must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief. there's too much confusion, i can't get no relief ... jimi hendrix. deborah anne miller "deb", "brittzy" 675 baltimore pike 7/91 63. rem for: being highly prone to bodily injury, being wlsherry (the spy), dawnie, and melissa. fav say: life's tough, the future of america. prize poss: my memories of the past and my dreams for the future. scrivener ed 4; spri-hian 2, 3; close up 3, 4; nhs 4. i was so much older then, i'm younger than that now ... b.d. thomas e. minford "tom", "mr. is" 629 evans rd 6/5/62. rem for: smile, going over the edge, being goofy, leaving people at the vet. fav mem: shore, mountains. prize poss: family, friends, car. pet peeve: busy phones, cool dudes, waking up. sec amb: eternal happiness. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 3, 4; advisory council 4; nhs 4. life's a game, and we are the players.

Michele Meola

Deborah Anne Miller

Thomas E. Minford

john mingle 209 claremont rd.

martin mark misciagna 31S brock rd 2/7/62. rem for: beatil the system. prize poss: my less paul, and my sanity. pet pee\ school, mondays, snobs. sr choir 3, 4; pop group 4; deca 3, everyone wants a piece of the action with guaranteed satisf, tion ... sweet.

jeffrey m moore "jeffy" 330 madison rd 4/1S/63. fav s, wrong!, are you done? fav mem: sr week 'SO, resorts, jet skiir prize pass: friends, family, and life. pet peeve: getting up in tl morning, trollies, speed limits. they say it can't be won, the w the game is run, but if you choose to stay, you end up playi anyway ... jackson browne.

John Mingle

Martin Mark Misciagna

Jeffery M. Moore

judith ellen morgan "judy" 332 oakdale place 9/26/63. fav say: but that's okay 'cause hockey's fun!, great! fav mem: summer '80, times w/tracy, camps. prize pass: g.p.m., h.s., #32, m.a.a., tv, friends - t.s., j.m., s.m., I.m.e., n.m.c., s.e.m., r.k.m., m.m. pet peeve: sock tans, head games jay, cavities f.s.p. sec amb: I.a. '84, '88, c.c.h., h.m. band 1, 2; orch 1,2; lacrosse 2, 3, 4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. daniel robert morroni "disco" 29 curtis rd 12/24/62. rem for: great jokes, getting hurt in football, going out wllinda lovelace, #22. fav mem: soph hop, snow dance, jr prom wis. prize pass: family. pet peeve: people who judge others by what what they wear - not who they are, fat! sec amb: f.a.p.g.m.a. football 1, 2,3,4; baseball 2; wrestling 1; locker problems 3.

udith Ellen Morgan


J. Mossman

william j mossman "bill", "moss" 515 w springfield rd 8/8/63. rem for: lifting weights, walking straight, rolling up sleeves. fav say: awesome, ex, awwwl right!!, i reckon so. fav mem: times w/linda, times hunting, friday nights, summers at shore, summer 79. prize pass: linda, my car, my guns, my family, myself. pet peeve: speed limits, stop signs, snobs, algebra, fat. football


natale 72 forest rd 11 I 10/62. rem for: my disappearances. mem: upper darby's senior week '80, partying wIthe drexel gang, concerts esp the who and aerosmith. pet peeve: ~n your plans fall through, driving behind a slow person. sec I: to become a disc jockey on wmmr. i'm just beginning to now i'm on my way. it doesn't matter to be, chasing the Ids away ... moody blues.

In lynne nath "susie" 997 stoneybrook dr 3120. fav mem: wood, sea isle, nc.c, closing, concerts, mornings, times wi c.r., c.l. pet peeve: waking up early, amer gov't, goods, crowded hallways, liars. sec amb: diploma, to have a long led life. if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love one you're with.

5tina marie naughton "tina", "brat" 446 colonial park dr 21 :;3. fav mem: 7/6/79,5/3/80,79-'80 shore wltranquility, Ig trip. prize poss: friends, understanding family, a special ld, my life. pet peeve: rahs, good-byes, waiting. sec amb: I.b.w.m.f.t.m., t.b.a.f.s.a.d., to travel and be someone ::>rtant. chorus, deca, work study, ski club. people so sell say i love you ...

lna Theresa Nazzario

Lori Natale

Susan Lynne Nath

Christina Marie Naughton

deanna theresa nazzario "cami", "denise", "nazz" 1005 edgewood dr 10/28/63. rem for: being a twin, short, my laugh. fav mem: france 79, n.c., n.c., ceopocol, special times w/good friends, discovery, the birds, greg 44, 10/25/80, 11/8/80,79'80 basketball season, running over god. pet peeve: ragitha, time, cliques, alarm clocks. sec amb: fall in love and get married, reach the highest star. track mgr 2, 3, 4; scrivener ed 4; exec council 1, 2, adv bd 3; cheerleader 3; nhs 4. limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns. it calls me on and on, across the universe ... david bowie. denise I nazzario "dee", "nazz", "s.f." 1005 edgewood dr 101 28/63. rem for: being small, a twin, my smile. fav mem: france 79, summer 79 and '80, senior prom 78, d.l.d., times withe girls, notes w/w.j.m., 8111/80, 4118-22/79, crazy times, special times. prize pass: r.a.l., good friends, memories, italian horn, ring, killer whale. pet peeve: good-byes, misunderstandings, rags, curfew, cliques. track 1, 2, 3,4.

Denise L. Nazzario


J. Nazzario

michael j nazzario "nazz", "mike" 550 rutherford dr 4/18/63. rem for: the nazz, five aces, always working, belonging to fire co., disco. fav say: ya right, merr, momo. fav mem: hunting in the mountains 79-'80. prize pass: my tools and family, back seat of car. pet peeve: rahs, dexter. va-tech.

joyce ann neeIan 1040 west ave 8/21/63. rem for: turning red. fav mem: avalon 77, buttonwood 78-'80, tuckerton 78, 9/20

md. w/pete, times w/phil and diane, times w/pete, junior prom, great adventure, c.p. times w/phil. prize pass: family, friends, memories. ski club 2, 4; cheerleading 1, 3, 4, co-capt 2; track 2, 3, 4; pep club 3. good-bye is not an ending, for you'll find along life's way, within your heart you'll always have a part of yesterday. john robert newnam "jack" 924 church rd 5/15/63. rem for: being w/m.s., c.b., m.g., j.b., c.m. fav mem: k.c. 79 and '80, mass. 1/80, ocean city 8/80. prize pass: family, friends. pet peeve: summer practice, people who can't find the grey. sec amb: to get into the clique, own a construction company. foot-

ball 4; ski club. bonnie o'brien "bonnie" 145 s rolling rd 8/8/63. rem for: being short, my eyes, talking. fav mem: times w/paul, 12/31/79, 12/ 10/79,8/8/80, 1/81, summer '80. prize pass: my friends, paul, parents. sec amb: to graduate and then ... if you love some-

Joyce Ann Neelan

John Robert Newnam

Bonnie O'Brien

thing set it free, if it comes back it is yours, if it doesn't it was never meant to be.

diane regina o'hara 72 nield rd 12/21/63. fav say: i'm sorry. f. mem: times w/family and friends esp. (n.w., p.m., j.n., k.c., sJ

b.a., m.r.), basketball season 79-'80, used spaghetti and star ach aches w/p.m., 10:15 w/n.w., p'eep. mart. w/k.c., cheE leading. prize pass: relationship wlfamily, friends who listE and care, memories, long talks w/friends, scissors. pet peev misunderstandings, being hurt and hurting others. va-tech co metology 2,3,4; cheerleading 2, 3, co-capt 4; stage crew 4. m the dust that settles all around me, i must find a new home. genesis.

james (\ o'hara "jim" 4/17/63. rem for: parties, art. fav mer toga, times in O.c., times in my basement. prize pass: my ap thy, led zep and who collection. pet peeve: hatred, divorc the barn. they've given me a long and tough ride for 12 year

now it's time to get out and walk on my own. p.S. i'm free. the who.

Dianne Regina O'Hara

James D. O'Hara

Bonnie O'Neil

bonnie o'neil "disco". "blondie", "bon-bon" 7418 drexel rd ~ 25/63. rem for: talking about john, being from philly, beir disco, singing and dancing. fav say: yo!, ha!ha!ha!ha!, that's tr breaks. fav mem: times w/john, discovery, williamsburg, wiI, wood, sunday football, parties. prize pass: john, family, frienc

cougarettes 2, 3, co-capt 4. sometimes i wonder where i\ been, who i am, do i fit in ... irene cara.

george gregory onimus "greg", "anonymous" 1014 edwards dr 10/25/63. rem for: being me. fav mem: disney world 78, germany '80. pet peeve: tv commercials, dumb blondes. sec amb: become president of general motors. band 1, 2, 3, 4; arch

4; spanish club 4; german club 3, 4. don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today ... ali thompson. mark a. orfanelli "orf" 748 w springfield rd 11/29/63. fav mem: pocket full of ponies, summer 79, '80 sproul, orchard rd,

dannies toot, the fort, all the times in jersey, wildwood, go fast. pet peeve: the man, waiting, pay phones. frederick lewis oUo "fred" 934 springhaven rd 9/14/63. rem for: getting up late, motorcycle, microcomputer. fav say: excellent, yeah, surre. fav mem: times w/family and friends. pet peeve: romper room, people without calculators. sec amb:

design and build my own computer. George Gregory animus

Mark A. Orfanelli

Frederick Lewis Otto


lleen marie owens "kathy" 58 lowes In 5/4/63. fav mem:

s., senior year, jr prom, 6/14/79, 5/4-5/79. prize poss: :t, chris, family, friends, b.f.b., privacy sometimes. pet ve: marshall's springfield. sec amb: to work with and for :Jren, to be happy with people i love most, especially a spesomeone. chorus, choir. teach your children well ... teach n all your dreams ... and know they love ... c.s. and n. cetta padocco "connie" "conchet" 520 beatty rd 5/21/

fav say: what's going on. fav mem: ski trip, wildwood, britine, viking's, crystal beach, 17th birthday, the van, july 4, who, zz top, bongs and barrels, abers. prize poss: family, lds. pet peeve: phonies.

erwin panczner "jack" 722 beatty rd 1/6/64. rem for: my >rful car, baggy pants. fav mem: off-road 78-79, times with and I.k. prize poss: 70 pontiac lemans, family, friends, guin.y. tapes. pet peeve: marshall's, hair cuts, certain anonylS dents. sec amb: to meet neil young, to be a sound engir. ski club 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2,3,4; weight-on program 1, ,4.


Jhn David Patriarca

Kathleen Marie Owens

Concetta Paciocco

John Erwin Panczer

john david patriarca "pate" "j.p." "boss man" "pp" 770 dun-

woody dr 10/17/63. rem for: being a heart fan. fav say: guy, swell. fav mem: france 77, summer '80, t.s.d. in oct. prize poss: music, friends, family. pet peeve: stretching. sec amb: success of f.a.c.e., b.b., play at spectrum. tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; photography 3,4; senior class play; orch 1, 2, 3; band 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 4. came on so fast, when did i last feel this fine ... nacy wilson. palma kara patmcd 674 n. bishop ave 8/21/63. rem for: long

hair, being late, floozing, always with lisa. fav mem: proms, wildwood, splunking, new year's 79, '80, parties, times with friends, casinos, jobs with terry. prize poss: family, special friends, a certain gift, a special someone. sec amb: to work in a casino. chorus 1; lacrosse 1; social service club 1; football stats 1, 4; hockey 2, 3, 4; grapplerette 2, 3; ski club 1, 3, 4, 4; advisory council 3, 4; nhs 4. sandy pa~ton "pax" "sand" 600 barry dr 2/24/63. rem for:

Palma Kara Patrucci

Sandy Paxton

loud red torino, accidents, saying what, being deaf. fav mem: sun ship '80, san juan '80, super sunday 79. prize poss: my car, memories of 1980 summer, my tapes. pet peeve: rahs, disco, ssr. track 1, 2; weightlifting 1, 2, 3,4; work study 4.... cause i must be carrying on now ... Iynyrd skynyrd.

ert a. penza "bob" "bobby" 1034 crozer In 6/1/63. fav n: florida '80, prom out of school, eagles games, tampa, 11S, senior week, wildwood, times with terry, night games. e poss: life, family, friends i can trust, good memories, my k car. pet peeve: car accidents, ski trip 79, cold pizza, ridf.p., 6:45 a.m., updowns, mono. football 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club ; nhs 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; class officer 4; service club

anne elisa peracchia 69 forest rd 9/14/63. rem for: short, 19 disco, my big mouth, my gold. fav mem: florida with russummer of '80, sundance beach parties, bear, 76 cougar. e poss: family, lisa, south philly friends, my gold, m.o.b. pet ve: broken hearts, being short, hard rock. sec amb: to be a ous actress married to a rich, handsome guy. choir 1, 3, 4; rus 1, 3, 4; grapplerette, s.t.w., senior class play.

hael david petroski 712 parker In 5/16/63. rem for: betty,

cing with lori, fav mem: summer of '80, weekend in maryI, parties at r.g., on the beach, sb, good times with my best dy, soph hop road trip, jr prom, great adventure. prize 5: family, close friends, beatty. pet peeve: running out of sec amb: to own a ferrari 308 gtb. football 2, 3,4; wrestling ,3; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Robert A. Penza

Lori Anne Elisa Peracchia

Michael David Petroski

paul porter 555 sheffield dr 11/4/63. prize pass: family, frien life after death, car? pet peeve: disco, shs, narks, rahs, gy insurance.. sec amb: to get out of this dive. i go to parties son times until four, it's hard to leave when you can't find the de '" joe walsh. john thomas quagliariello 300 larchwood rd 3/4/63. fav say. least i think so, watch out you might get hurt. fav mem: hot tL bing in florida 'SO, senior week? pet peeve: rocks, latene stop signs, red lights. sec amb: to be rich enough not to G about money. football 1; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; serv[ce club senior class play prop committee, ski club 3, 4; nhs 4.

Paul Porter

John Thomas Quagliariello

John Ramsden

john ramsden 509 lehann cir 7/23/62. rem for: understandir fav say: bomb squad. prize pass: my friend. pet peeve: tVl faced people. sec amb: to be a good welder. football 3, 4.

michael ranieri "raniereal" "motown momo" 115 w. sylvan S/ 9/63. rem for: being quiet. fav say: hey momo, just don't worry about. prize pass: family, friends, my car. pet peeve: stuck up girls, disco, bus ride to tech. vo-tech, vica, choir 1. i'm as free as a bird now and this bird you'll never change ... Iynyrd skynyrd. jeanne marie regan "little flake" 179 morton rd 12/27/63. rem for: being late, flighty, good excuses. fav say: you gotta live and learn while you can. fav mem: 5/26/S0, summer 'SO, 12-25. prize pass: life and the joys it brings, my family, friends. track 1, 4. well, we fly by night it's like a rocket flight and baby that's just what it's for. yeah, ya fly by night. it makes you feel alright ya keep comin' back for more ... chillawack. kimberly lynn reimund "kim" 40S barker rd 4119/63. rem for: being quiet. fav mem: 7/31/79 m.b., 4119/S0. prize pass: my stereo, my car, family. pet peeve: monday mornings, getting my car fixed. sec amb: to be rich and successful.

Michael Ranieri

Jeanne Marie Regan

Kimberly Lynn Reimunl

james j. reynolds "jim" "jimbo" "j.r." 230 kent rd 1113/6 rem for: driving crazy, always playing springsteen. fav mem:' 22/S0, 5116/S0, 7/9/S0. prize pass: family, friends, memori of h.b., license. sec amb: to own my own construction cor pany. chorus, choir 2. me and the boys got some work to d you wanna come along? it ain't like the old days ... but it'll c ... edmond o'brien. suzanne rey.nolds "sad" "rag" 230 kent rd 1113/63. fav mel 3/23/S0, SI21/S0, honeybrook, concerts, skiing, good timE commons 3rd with becky, times with I.j., summers 79 and'S 10th lunch. prize pass: family, friends, place at m.b., opal, mer ories. pet peeve: good-byes, backstabbers. sec amb: to live full and successful life. chorus 1. and in my memory you always be a good friend to me ... k.r.

James J. Reynolds

Suzanne Reynolds

Robert Brian Ricchi

robert brian ricchi 411 westfield rd 11111/63. rem for: sleepir in class. fav mem: tom's accident at heidi's house, dark sid grave yard, point bowling, jilly's, ocean city, parties at IT house, 19S1, oops. prize pass: friends, tom, walt, mike, dav my brother mike. pet peeve: jocks, liars. sec amb: to meet SL slaveski, to move down the shore.


michael john rieder "mike" "aminal" "magic" "magoi" 635 andrew rd 2/25/63. rem for: killing hapless pc's, being seen with nick, chuck, garth, laurie, h, di, j.c, sarah, don. fav mem: g.a., who, space missions, florida, jams, 5/5/78, williamsburg, all-night elf, 7/18-20/80. prize poss: mfa, fpb. sec amb: to see guardian live. band 1,2,3,4; orch 1,2, 3,4; wrestling 1, 2; dist. band 3, 4; dist orch 2, 3, 4; state orch 4; nhs 4. kill the wabbit ... e. fudd. mark riesenfeld "mush" 412 burns dr 7/8/64. fav mem: boss 8 /18/78, france (k.s.i.e.), cg.!. '80, times with hope, p.s.v. weekend. prize poss: olive, certain friendships, family, memories, my chain. pet peeve: backstabbers, rahs, not driving, cocky people. sec amb: to do it all and live to tell about it. soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3,4; jr. choir 1; service club 2, 3, 4; nhs 4.

\1ichael John Rieder

Mark Riesenfeld

Ronald Ristine

ronald ristine "styx" "skipole" 266 powell rd 7/19/63. fav say: ooh baby, you drive me crazy, hey're. fav mem: ramp action, o.c '80, radnor wrestling tournament, jtp, front str., volkswagen action. prize poss: car, tbo, memories, good times. pet peeve: s.d., good-byes, rahs, work, donuts. baseball 2; wrestling 3, 4. life is but a stage and we are but the actor just playing our part ... shakespeare.

: roberts "e" 328 wyndmoor rd 9/5/63. rem for: raisins, IS, anti-establishment stratagems. fav say: swine, why. pet ~ve: henpeck, sqrrr. sec amb: to be a shephard. band 1,2,3, :hoir 4; godspell. take' me disappearin' through the smoke :s of my mind, down the foggy ruins of time ... bob dylan.

isti lynn roe "blondie" "hag" 104 waverly ave 12/22/63. mem: mummers, blue grass, john prine, dead concert, 2/22 led b, cimino parties, lynn's inn, crest, jack/lemmon, with ny r. and kids. prize poss: family, best friends, memories. peeve: rahs, disco, good-byes, time. sec amb: to go to calilia, be rich.

abeth ann rohr "liz" 107 rambling way 10/24/63. fav mem: lmers, merrywood, p.g.s.a., fox run. prize poss: my family, friends, I.b., b.h., tysch, arrowhead. pet peeve: irrational ,eralizations. sec amb: to fulfill my hopes. orch, choir, dist ,rus, dist orch, reg. orch, state orch, musical orch, pop up, tennis, deutsch klub, nhs, spri-hian copy editor, literary ~. ed-in-chief. it takes such little effort to reach into another nan being ... h.p.

Eric Roberts

Christi Lynn Roe

Elisabeth Ann Rohr

robyn rossano "rob" "nybs" 218 w. sylvan ave 6/9/63. rem for: always having to go to the bathroom. fav mem: summer of 79 and '80, christmas 79, times in d'matteos. prize pass: family, friends, stereo. pet peeve: snobs, stubborn people. sec amb: to be happy and successful in life. virginia rush "ginny" 111 sloan rd 11/14/63. rem for: munching out, being a buzz brain. fav say: where is crystal beach. fav mem: vikings, 1 and 2, ski trip '80, all concerts, barones, cliff, rambling raft race all gas, abers. prize pass: family, my good friends, bongs and barrels. pet peeve: ghouls, backstabbers, liars, two-faced people, waiting esp. for j.k., 7:55, disco's.

Robyn Rossano

Virginia Rush

Lisa Russo

lisa russo "disco" 611 dutton cir 11/26/63. rem for: being short, liking disco, always being with lori. fav mem: times with michael, discovery with lori and steph. t.w.w.p.b., s.w. prize pass: michael, my 6 yrs. of friendship with lori, my friendship with steph, my family, my friends, and my gold. pet peeve: cliques, two-faced people, hard rock. sec amb: to work in a casino. chorus 1,3,4; choir 1, 3, 4; wrestling aid 2, 3, 4; ski club


camille salatino "cami" 831 adams dr 3/13/63. rem for: being a senior, and not having a locker in the sr. wing, my stare, being my own person, my laugh. fav say: are you serious, really. fav mem: jr. prom, summer of 78, great adventure 5/23/80. prize pass: family, friends, my paintings, purple. pet peeve: chemistry labs, politics, liars. band 1, 2; honor society 1; choir 3, 4; girls' chorus 3, 4; piano accompanist for godspell3; pop group 4; nhs 4; musical 4. michael scelsa "alka" 714 rhoads dr 2.23.63. rem for: being myself, working all the time. fav say: what's up, how ya doin. prize pass: family, friends, driver's license, stereo and my c.b. equipment, hockey skates. pet peeve: getting up in the morning, not having enough money when you need it. sec amb: to be successful and have a healthy life, have my own car. stage crew 1,2,3,4. john j. schaffer "jack" "schaff" 226 w. sylvan ave 11/9/62. rem for: having a beard, getting rowdy. fav say: what's up, we have time. fav mem: the shore in '80 with f.d.c., and the good times. prize pass: my car friends, family. basketball 1, 2; baseball 1, 2,3,4.

mary schenck "vegie" 211 w. springfield rd 10/29/63. rem loving brown and rust. fav say: no nukes, love animals, d eat them. fav mem: the past, 8/6/78, m.w. prize pass: ebony, family, friends, pianos. blow up your tv, throw '\ your paper, go to the country build you a home. plant a I: garden, eat a lot of peaches, go find jesus on your own john denver. peter lemaster schenck "shanker" 211 w. springfield rd 5/ 62. rem for: beard, mr. moody, short hair. fav mem: love j.n., hoevey times, power sailing, maryland. prize pass: ch friendships. sec amb: build cabin on mountain side with . football 1, 2, 3,4; wrestling 1, 2; track 1,2; executive counc ski club 2, 3, 4. why should love come down and suddenly sweep me away i want to fly but there are so many things in way ... hold on hold out ... jackson browne.

Mary Schenck

Peter Lemaster Schenck

Athena Scherer

athena scherer "tina" 628 foster dr 7/2/62. rem for: alw having a smile, fav say: yeah right, weirdo. fav mem: jur prom, summer of '80, great adventure. prize pass: my car. boyfriend. pet peeve: phonie people, rumors. field hockey 1 basketball 1, 2, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4.

doris elizabeth schmidt "dor" "gisela" "flo" 405 maddock rd 3 /24/63. rem for: my clone, walking fast, nicknames, blushing, my driving. fav mem: florida 78, hockey camp 79, j.p.w.l.g., c.w. prize pass: life, family, friends, god, bessie, corkey, contacts. sec amb: t.b.a.o.t.s., travel. hockey 1, 2, 3 co-capt 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; band and orch 1, 2, 3, 4; dist and reg band 1, 3, 4; dist orch 3, 4; state band 4; musical 2, 4; nhs 3, 4. bob scott 45 woorell dr. fav say: quick we got time. fav mem: orchard road, work study. prize pass: car, friends from orchard. pet peeve: loosing commons, the general, detention. sherry ann scott "reds" 929 west ave 8/4/63. rem for: turning red all the time, split personality. prize pass: memories, family, friends. pet peeve: people that judge a book by its cover. bowling 3, 4; scrivener 4; french club 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 4. like a guest who stayed too long now it's finally time to leave yes, it's finally time to leave take it calmly and serene it's the famous final scene ... bob seger.

Doris Elizabeth Schmidt

Bob Scott

Sherry Ann Scott

!ryl lynne sentman "squirrel" 106 harned dr 8/13/63. fav

m: s.b.f. 3/10/78, summer of 78 and '80, virginia with leslie, I.d., o.h.s., concerts, 12/31/78, cepacol, a.w.g.a.r., parts of )pensburg weekend, rog, some cast parties. prize poss: famsincere friends, cousins, coh, memories, best friend. sec b: to figure some people out, new challenges. s.t.w. 2, 3; ski b 1, 2,3,4; social service 1, 2; business staff 2; spanish club 1, ~; chorus 1. marie serafino "lis" 843 garrett In 9/2/63. rem for: the way Ik, being with carl. fav mem: times with carl, january 26, 79, I, '81, states at hershey 79, chincoteague '80, great advene 79, soph hop, junior prom. prize poss: carl, family, bear, S, friends, memories with carl. pet peeve: good-byes, girls 10 flirt with other girls' boyfriends, misunderstandings. sec rb: marry carl and to be happy. executive council 2; track 2; Jgarettes 3; cheerleader 4. I

~anne ellen shane "suzy" 516 kerr Id 2/4/63. rem for: big luth, laughing, general hospital, lifesavers. fav say: i gotta go, call ya, sorry, that's terrible. prize poss: chris, lois, lizanne, nette, valerie, family, faith, memories. sec amb: to be happy vays, t.g.m.a.b.f.a.r. choir 1, 3, 4; chorus 4; pop group 4; nd 1,2,3; musical 2, 4; s.t.w. 3,4; track 2,3; 3/4 hockey 2,3. I so glad we had this time together.

Cheryl Lynne Sentman

Lisa Marie Serafino

Suzanne Ellen Shane

karen I. sharp "sharp" 608 foster dr 4/4/63. rem for: playing

with my hair, expressions, laughing, my car. fav say: wicked, oh no. fav mem: prom '80, mercedes 250 sl, lacrosse games. prize poss: g.k., family, friends. pet peeve: snobs, catty girls, hospitals, being contradicted. lacrosse 1; executive committee 2; yearbook staff 1. edith jean single "edie" "e" "jean" 320 maple ave 8/9/62.

rem for: being a leader, not a follower, being artistic, being natural. fav mem: canada 77, a.c. 79 and '80, n.y. '80, times with j.l. prize poss: j.l., family, friends, dreams. pet peeve: artificial dreams, prejudiced people, flirts, violence. so beautiful are god's creations like trees, plants of nature, for they don't harm like man's creations ... e.s. wendy skammer "when when" 126 e. springfield rd 2/10/63.

Karen L. Sharp

Edith Jean Single

Wendy Skammer

rem for: being responsible for this book, mono. fav mem: 3/15 /80, 6/20/80, 78-79. prize pass: this book, my love for russ. pet peeve: the narrow-mindedness of springfield, droids, a certain front unit. color guard 2, 3 co-sergeant 4; track 2, 3, 4; chorus 2, 4; choir 3, 4; nhs 4. it's a town full of losers, and i'm pulling out of here to win ... bruce springsteen.

slack 49 indian rock dr 2/14/63. rem for: being short, friday ~hts.

fav mem: I.b.i. 79, '80, canoeing, certain new years, nes with h.d. and k.h. prize poss: family, friends, memories. ~t peeve: good-byes, phoneys, waiting, head games, sat's. lckey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1; lacrosse 1,3; choir 1, 3, 4; chorus 4; executive council 2, 3, 4; comm. ed. 3, 4; nhs 4. don't go rough life looking back on yesterday's mistakes. Idrey rose smith "aud" "drokes" "bud" 49 greenhill rd 10/24

,3. fav mem: times with john, 10/29/79, anchorage 78, mex) '80. prize poss: john, family, life, boots and rocky. sec amb: have john, success and happiness together. class secretary, IS, choir, golf, spanish club vice president 2; guidance aide, .Iorguard silks. you changed my life, you made it right ... nbrosia. Instance anne smith "connie" 712 evans rd 4/18/63. rem

Ir: always being late. fav mem: times with friends, summer of 0, comms with d.g., princeton weekends. prize poss: family, ends, my sunbird. pet peeve: two-faced friends, no gas, lobs, putting things off, disco. to achieve all that is possible we ust attempt the impossible, to be as much as we can be we ust dream of being more.


Jill Slack

Audrey Smith

Constance Anne Smith

kimmarie shannon smith "kim", "kimba" 400 colonial park

10/23/63. fav say: what? fav mem: 1/22/79, 80, SH, so hop, junior prom, 6/4, 5/3 and 4, surf city 79, circus, fun tin wi debbie m. prize pass: having a close family and chris kni pet peeve: someone going away for 3 months every year. ~ amb: t.g.m.a.h.t.w.e.k. ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; stw 2, 3; track cheerleading 4; chorus 1,2. jacqueline marie soltner "jackie", "doozer" 116 harwicke r<

/25/63. rem for: always eating, laughing, imitations. being' e.t., always being w/laura, pete, shari, ed, suzanne, best friends. fav mem: O.e. summer 'SO, st. d SI10/S0, camp ': snow dance 79, hoevey's parties, long talks. prize pass: fam sheba, mmemories, true friends esp I.f. and S.W., our deep C( versations. hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; spri-hian, gy nastics 1; spanish club 1, 2; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; jr prom d comm.

Kimmarie Shannon Smith Jacqueline Marie Soltner

Harry Speis

robert j spennato "spennatz", "bigs" 125 barbara dr 7/13/63.

harry speis "the greek" 301 waverly rd 12/24/62. fav s,

what's up, what's happening, this is this. fav mem: summer' wildwood, brigantine. prize pass: gold razor blade, my leath charger. pet peeve: detention, 1st period gym. sec amb: become very rich and to own my own jet. if i leave hE tomorrow, would you still remember me? ... Iynyrd skynyrd

fav mem: france (k.s.i.e.), olympics 76, p.s.u. weekend, junior prom '80, great adventure, springsteen 12/6/80, talks w/helen. prize poss: family, true friends, boat, leather jacket. pet peeve: doctors, waiting, losing engines. sec amb: be an orthodontist or rock n' roll star, own a mercedes 450 sl. basketball 1, 2; tennis 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3, 4; class officer 4; senior class play; choir 1; service club 2, 3, 4; utac 3,4; nhs 4. susan maria stephanou 19 w woodland ave 8/25/63. fav mem:

12/24/78,4/5/79,6/3/79,11/24179, good times w/friends at t.e's. prize poss: family, close friends, memories, tennis racquet. pet peeve: unshoveled sidewalks, losing new tennis balls. sec amb: to be a pediatrician, and to meet the angelic assassin, bjorn. weightlifting; german club 1, 2, 3; orch 1, 2; choir 3, 4; tennis 2, 3, co-capt 4; nhs 4. life is a gift to be used every day ... edgar a guest. suzanne collette yvonne sterling "thumper" 5/18/63. rem for:

being outspoken. fav say: no problem. fav mem: bo-20, fire school '80, doc, sea isle 77-78, pocono's 79-'80, pocono 500 '80. prize poss: moms and pops, snuffleupagus, my free spirit, my guitar, friends. choir 1, 2, 3, officer 4; chorus officer 3, 4; pop group 3, 4; godspell 3; senior class play; class officer 3; exec council council 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; spri-hian 4; close-up 4; Imc aide 2, 3; scw 1, 2; pcs 4; springfield 1-e explorers 1, pres 2, 3. ain't no stoppin' me now!

Robert J. Spennato

Susan Maria Stephanou

Suzanne Collette Yvonl Sterling

susan stocker 326 s rolling rd 6/8/63. fav mem: stone harbl

csehy music camp, governor's school '80. prize pass: fami violin, memories. sec amb: to play tchaikovsky violin concert orch 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1; choir 3,4; spri-hian news ed 4; tennis 4; scott's hi q 4; nhs 3,4; german club 1,2,3; dist orch 2, 3, reg orch 2, 3, 4; state orch 3, 4. in all your ways acknowled him and he will direct your paths ... proverbs 3:6. michael c taylor "me-guel", "mike" 300 n bishop ave 12/9/E

rem for: always being around moss, rolling up sleeves, han cuffs, a-n game. fav say: oh yeah?, well, well? pet peeve: m( ons. sec amb: rank in the federal government. you see, yl can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself ... ri nelson. roberta louise tepper "bert" 163 s norwinden dr 6/13/63. f

Susan Stocker

Michael C. Taylor

Roberta Louise Tepper

say: my life, children, fanny brision. fav mem: summers, wint trips, life w/pop, pop and bud, n ave park, times w/lync marty, bean, steph, tibby, joe, shari, others, talks w/jim, fot w/m.l., e.g., 3110/78. prize pass: memories of bub, pictures pop-a, car, boat, merg, friends, misha, ring/grandma's. s amb: to be proud of myself, and make it on my own, to live n.y. ski club 1, 2, 3; lacrosse 1; color guard 1; stw 3, 4; 3 hockey 3; senior class play.


ldrea Renee Thomas

andrea renee tho~as "andy", "ang" 205 Iynnbr?ke rd 7/301 62. fav mem: n.y. 78, s.b.f. 3110/78, summer 80 wlcheryl,

laughing wi joe, good times at gap esp w/k.s., getting to know susan fisher, 6/26/80, 9/20/80. prize poss: closeness wlfamily and friends, esp my very special and best friend mary. pet peeve: people who don't really listen, the obnoxious laugh, misunderstandings. chorus 1; stw 2,3; lacrosse 1; 3/4 hockey 2,

3. debra ann thomas "debbie" 834 garrett la 1119/63. rem for: my accent, being short, always being wlmichael. fav mem: 91 29/79,2111/80, times spent wlmichael, jr. prom, summer '80, times spent wlfamily, williamsburg '80, texas '79. prize poss: michael, family, friends, michael's family, gifts from michael, secrets wi michael. pet peeve: fights, working t.g.i.t.j.g., backstabbers. a sec amb: to always be wlmichael and live happy. track 2; cougarettes 3, 4; ski club 2, 3,4. karen anne thomas 416 e springfield rd 12/29/63. fav mem: 11

Debra Ann Thomas

Karen Anne Thomas

121/78,79,80, 1110/79,7/22/79, w.w. and o.c.w/dave, 9th grade wi rhonda, bob seger '80, florida '80. prize poss: david brown, shep, elsa, mom and dad, '67 mustang, memories of the great times wi david, bunny rabbit. pet peeve: taking things for granted, broken promises, giving in. sec amb: t.m.b.m. and live in a big house in the country wlmy own horse.

lita elaine thompson "sister", "byrd" 18 pennington ave 61

63. rem for: always being wlwanda, leslie, renee/ stelle. fav . get back, h.s.a., suprise, suprise. fav mem: 1/26.78, 2/181 5718/79,6111/79,8/21/79, christmas - new year's '79,2 80,4/30/80, summer '80. pet peeve: being shy, not being 1e right class. sec amb: to make my parents proud of me, to : the gospel.

id pomeroy thorpe "dave" 400 foulke la 11/6/63. rem for: 19 wlthud, mike, andy, joe, rog, rich, bad jokes, cartoons, nming, the greg-look, a-n game. fav say:yo . .., what's up. mem: flyers' games, summers at brigantine. prize poss: nming awards. wrestling 1; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 4. face piles rials with smiles. it riles them to believe that you perceive the ) they weave - keep on thinking free ... moody blues.

ica beth thorud "jess" 600 beatty rd 5/17/63 fav say: lks, i know i got a b. fav mem: tennis '80, vacations. prize s: mom's good advice, widdle gid, friends. pet peeve: gradon requirements, smoky bathrooms, people who give up. amb: to have the confidence to say what i think. spri-hian ~; tennis 4; 3/4 basketball 3, 4; scott's hi q 4; nhs 4.

'y Joseph Thurwanger

gary joseph thurwanger "thud" 118 sherman rd 3/18/63. rem

for: being tortured. fav say: now, never mind, wait a minute. fav mem: b.h., j.f.k., b.l., g.i.a.s.b., t.a.t.n. prize poss: family and friends. pet peeve: bad drivers. sec amb: t.b.p. some day. michelle m tiger "shelly", "michellie" 628 cedar la 6/12/63.

rem for: first female manager of boys' track team. fav say: later on, that's big of you, would you care for mashed potatoes? fav mem: junior prom w/r.i., xmas party, 12/29/79, being in '80 mummers' parade, 4180, 6122/80, miami, wildwood wlbrian, 10/4/80. prize poss: brian, my bike, friends (anne, joe, ed, sue, wendy, jessica, gary) pet peeve: headaches, cafe food, 6/121 80, mashed potatoes, midnight express. track 2, 3, 4; service club 3,4; spri-hian 4; exec council 4. anne laura torna "annie", "squirrel" 442 foulke la 1/29/64. rem

Michelle M. Tiger

Anne Laura Torna

for: having curly hair. fav mem: wildwood 8/12178 - 24th street, freshman ski trips, junior prom '80, time spent w/j.p. prize poss: my ambition, education, relationship w/john. pet peeve: long distance, good-byes, bad timing. sec amb: to become a doctor, learn to drive. social service 1; guys n' dolls; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; scrivener bus staff 1, 2, senior ed 4; nhs 4.

john edward touring "j.t." 307 madison rd 9/3/63. fav mem:

ice hockey 79, 'SO, 'S1, the boat 9/63 till?, family vacations. prize poss: my secret ambition, long hair. pet peeve: waking up for school, malicious intent. sec amb: living eternal life in heaven. football 1. i am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in me, and i in him, he bears much fruit: for apart from me you can do nothing ... john 15:5. edward william toussaint "ed" 539 maddock rd 1/27/63. fav say: whatever turns you on. fav mem: my relationship w/jackie s, partying w/my friends, summer night escapades w/j.c. (w.s.) prize poss: '64 ford, family, grandparents and friends. pet peeve: cigarettes, burnout little kids, good times that come to an end. sec amb: to become successful, and to live it up! football 1, 2, 3, co-capt 4; exec council 2, 3, c-chair 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, capt 4; basketball 1, 2; ski club 1,2,3,4. john b triozzi 642 vernon rd 2/4/63. rem for: being on a diet,


John Edward Touring

Edward William Toussaint

John B. Triozzi

fav say: phhff ... ! fav mem: j.o. 76, e.d.c.j.h.g. 77 and 7S, I.y.a. 79, section vi 'SO, shore 'SO. prize poss: my '65 mustang, mark vi, t.h.o. pet peeve: losing weight, w.f.m.f., fake and twofaced people. band 1,2; wrestling 2, 3, 4, co-capt 1.

jon carter van valkenburgh 3/29/63. you know we're hav

good days, and we hope they're going to last, our future looks brighter than our past, we feel no need to worry, no r, son to be sad, our memories remind us, maybe road life's r so bad ... rush 75. james d vlassopoulos "sop", "pop scop", "bets" 730 timb

trailla 5/30/63. rem for: running to huczko's car when a f came in. fav say: you momo. fav mem: leaving school for brc mall fire. prize poss: pager. Ret peeve: jocks, burn-outs. ~ amb: stranded on an island withe olympic women's figure sl ters. soccer 1. some things that i say to her, just don't seem bite ... the cars.

Jon Carter Van Valkenburg

James D. Vlassopoulos

Edward F. VoeF:er

edward f voelker, jr "eager", "ed" 463 foulke la 11/14// rem for: smoking my pen. fav say: i think they're commun here-ya-are, we're all going to die. fav mem: times w/ bruce, joe, kathy, michelle, hester, shelly, debbie, a.s.m. pr poss: family, friends, time to myself. pet peeve: large groups girls talking in the middle of the hall, ssr. wrestling 1, 2, 3; tra 1; lit mag 3, 4; spri-hian 4; stage crew 4; debate comm 4; fo ball 1; nhs 4.

david g warrington "crash" 511 w rolling rd 12/13/62. rem for: many accidents. fav say: sue me. fav mem: 2/S/S0, 2/19/S0. prize poss: nanette, t-bird. pet peeve: stuck up girls, rahs. sec amb: to become a millionaire. vo-tech. i'm as free as a bird and this bird you'll never change ... Iynyrd skynyrd. to nanette: together we stand departed we fall ... pink floyd. anne marie weatherby "annie", "hester", "surfy" 404 yale ave 8/4/63. fav mem: t.w.m., soph hop, junior prom, 10/5/79, S/ 21/79 w/j.s., avalon 79, w.w. 'SO, t.w.f., t.l.h.n.b.j. prize pass: god, michael, dreams, my mom's friendship, family, meatloaf.. pet peeve: breakups, fights w / my mom, cliques, snobs. sec amb: t.m.a.m.d.c.t. track 3, 4; service club 2, 3, 4; hockey 2. some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed ... bette midler. christine elizabeth weber "gretel" 312 avon rd 6/26/63. rem

for: talking fast, backward knees, bugs bunny recitations. fav say: and don't think it hasn't been a little slice of heaven'cause it hasn't ... b. bunny. fav mem: m.o.m., germany 76, 7S, 'SO, florida 7S, vermont, j.p.w.l.g.d.s. prize pass: family, pokey, friends, memories. gymnastics 1, 2, capt 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 1,2,3,4; dist and reg band 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, pres 4; hockey 1.

David G. Warrington

Anne Marie Weatherby Christine Elizabeth Wet

ri weisbaum 451 foster dr. en welch "bean" 485 indian rock dr 7/26/63. rem for: ays talking, being short, my memory. fav say: ok ... i can die it. fav mem: pink floyd concert in n.y., summer 79-'80, =s wi friends, long walks and long talks wi marty and tibby. ~e poss: my friend, my music, my family, my life. stw 4; sendass play. all that you touch ... and all that you see ... is all Ir life will ever be ... pink floyd. iln hilary westcott "sue" 119 summit rd 3/20/63. rem for: ays saying the wrong thing, dq, roy's. fav mem: summer '80, lite good times wlfamily, friends, and b.t. prize poss: flamvolkswagen (when it's well), family, memories. pet peeve: ting, ignorance, breakups, shs. 314 basketball 3, 4; ad counlo you got your passion, you got your pride, but don't you

Shari Weisbaum

IW that only fools are satisfied? dream on, but don't imagine y'll all come true ... billy joel.

Eileen Welch

Susan Hilary Westcott

michael wilkins "double", "wilkes" 107 barbara dr 7131/63. fav mem: summers 78, 79, '80 in O.e., e.g.s. prize poss: my car, family and friends. pet peeve: summer practices, waking up early, ssr. sec amb: to sail around the world. service club 2, 3, 4;

basketball 1; football 3, 4; lacrosse 3, 4; nhs 4. it's been a hard day's night ... beatles. andrew wilkosz "phatboy" 330 larchwood rd 3/22/63. fav mem: 5/26/79, skiing and great adventure wlleslie, craziness w Ifriends, times up the mountains, gym's 79. prize poss: family, leslie, zeppelin tapes, a certain tree. pet peeve: waiting, unnecessary pain. sec amb: t.l.w.l.b.u.t.m. baseball 1, 3; football 1;

service club; ski club. so anytime somebody needs you, don't let'em down although it grieves you. someday you'll need someone like they do, looking for what you knew ... led zeppelin.

Michael Wilkins

Andrew Wilkosz

Pete Wilson

pete wilson 407 lynnbrooke rd. fav say: howboutya. fav mem: 76 jethro tull, 79 daytona beach, e.b., d.m., p.w. prize poss: my honda. pet peeve: punks, war. you can touch it if your

hands are clean ... jethro tull.

richard wilson "gid", "d.d.m." 919 north ave 2/18/63. rem : my whistles, writing sports, being nuts or gutsy? fav say: i'm 19ry, books!, let's go, puddie. fav mem: times wljessica, nmer '80, cruise, track '80. prize poss: jessica, friends mark, , sue, fred, john, aud, wen, family. track 1, 2, 3, 4; soccer 1, ndoor track 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; spri-hian 3, sports ed 4; band 1, l, 4; drum major 3, 4; debate team; spanish club 3,4. tid j winkler "cobra" 818 evans rd 3/15/63. fav mem: drag

ing at front street, friends in media, rossington collins cont. prize poss: fairlane, Iynyrd skynyrd collection. pet peeve: I lights in my rear view mirror, costly citations. well now they me the breeze, i keep blowin' down the road ... Iynyrd 'nyrd. motel money murder madness, let's change the mood m glad to sadness ... the doors. laid g wolfgang "ron" 617 sproul rd 9/21/63. fav say: i will there. fav mem: judas priest concert 717/80. prize poss: pet mha captain lou. pet peeve: wrestling managers on tv. sec

b: to own an sd-455 trans am. track 1; weightlifting 2.

Ray Richard Wilson

David j. Winkler

Ronald G. Wolfgang

mark david woodruff "woddy". "squats" 3 15 sedgewood c /26/63. fa\' mem. O.c. 78, 79, paris 79, pel peeve: club, h ing mother for teacher. sec amb: be # 1. soccer 1. 2, 3, 4; tr,

1,2,3; choirl, 2, 3, 4; musical 2; pop group 4; service club 2 4. in one gleaming moment i saw beyond the tomb, i stc where no man goes, above the din i rose, life is amusing thot we are losing, drowned in tears of awe ... kansas.

ellen joan woolfall "tell", "ellie" 32 forest rd 8/2/63. rem 1 being quiet, always driving, having candy, being in bad moo always being wlterry, georgia, palma, marion. fav mem: tin w/barb, florida, summer '80, the shore, playpen, syn, the a's the concerts (yes), great adventure 79, '80, pier 6600,11 birthday. prize poss: family, good friends, stoogie, bull( board. pel peeve: applications, busy signals. future times stand and clearly smile ... yes. lois elaine woolston "Ioie" 305 powell rd 8/29/63. rem

Mark David Woodruff

Ellen Joan Woolfall

Lois Elaine Woolston


cowboy, b.f.a.p.g.i.e. fav mem: 12/2/78, saranac, workcrE jamming, beach haven, messiah, west chester and all times \i\ gorgeous, isaiah 40:31, times with annette, trap pond, flori k.e.h.c.o.c.a, 10/26/79, e.r.w.t., suzy, chris, liz, sue, lori, ti cindy, and friends, young life and campaigners. prized pc god's love, my mom and family, my guitars, special friendshi memories. sec amb: young life staff.

carl b wright 273 ballymore rd 9/21/63. prize poss: life, freedom,

family, friends, money. pet peeve: english, ssr, working, mondays, 1st and 6th periods. sec amb: a successful multi-millionaire, president. it's just another brick in the wall ... pink floyd. a renegade who had it made ...styx. anne marie wright "nancie" 540 wayne ave 8/3/63. rem for: singing into anything, crow noises w/maureen, always 33. fav mem: summer 79,5/4/80, long talks, 10:15, times w/good friends (e.e., d.o., t.l., j.e., e.s.) prize poss: family, friends esp carolyn, diane, trisha, the nerd and grace, bobbie banana. pet peeve: changing people, users! gymnastics 1, 2, capt 3, 4. time is ... too slow for those who wait, too short for those who grieve, but for those who love, time is not.

Carl B. Wright

deborah ball 203 woodland ave. michael capone 31 wayfield rd 9/24/63. rem for: always being w/

p.k., S.e., g.f., j.l., m.d., p.e. fav mem: concerts, shore 1, 2, 3,4, summer '80, proms, partying. pet peeve: sand s, shs, disco's, rahs. this is the end, give to a friend ... the end, my only friend ... jim morrison - the doors. michael carney 436 prospect rd. jennifer anne dempler "jennie" 322 Ballymore rd 6/21/63. fav mem:

n.p., ridley, majorettes, concerts, dances, denise - j.t. and j.e. fox!, avalon - mar and mind, karen, beth, amanda - thax, water skiing, maryland, kim - double dates, labyrinth, thanks d.d., take rob cradle much?, parties!, guys, n.p. prom, red truck - memorable summers. prize poss: memories, friends. pet peeve: sisters, disco, non-crazy people. majorette captain 1, 2, 3,4; basketball 1, 2.

Anne Marie Wright

thomas a. frederick "choo-choo man" 462 thatcher rd 8/22/63.

mem: k.f.'s party 10/3/80, being in the e.a.p. prize poss: styx aibul pet peeve: 10th grade. sec amb: to be part of a commando raid iran, to get my pilot's license. and nothing seems to fit, and thil won't go your way, you know you've had enough, you've got right to say, why me ... styx.

catherine lynn o'brien "cathy" 309 kent rd 4/1/63. fav mem: lakE ducks, g.a., sundays at bobby's, h.l.t.n., donna's car, senior week' mornings when i'm eary. prize poss: b.e., family, friends, patton! ) peeve: coh, school, traffic, sec amb: t.g.m. keep your eyes on road and your hands on the wheel ... the doors. michael saylor 200 s church st. michael smith 954 edwards dr. brian tarnoff 1025 harvard ave.

jay epstein 404 kennerly rd. joyce wallace 60 n state rd.


Sylvie Barba


Valerie Boyer


Evelyn Mendoza

£1 Salvador

Ligia Mendoza

Ana Paula Camargo Inke

£1 Salvador



Debra lee Howarth

I shall remember while the light lives yet And in the night time I shall not forget. Algernon Charles Swinburne



). Abronski



E. Aitala



S. Arters

F. Arzt

). Atchison

D. Bagby

T. Bailer

D. Balchiunas

D. Barrett

D. Bellocchio

c. Bent

B. Berger

I am just a new boy A stranger in this town Where are all the good times Who'sgonna show this stranger around? -

Pink Floyd


M. Bennett

M. Bernardo

P. Berridge

A. Besznyak

D. Bettinger

F. Blithe

). Blythe

E. Bolton


M. Borko


R. Branton

A. Braybrooks

H. Brooks

A. Brown

.... ....





)F 1984



R. Celestino


C. Ciaramello


L. Conklin


K. Corcoran

). Corea

L. Corea

K. Corse


C. Cress


D. Curtis

M. D'Ambrosio

). D'Antonio

S. Brown

). Bryson

R. Buggy


S. Burt

R. Buscaglia

P. Caroz;

D. Carroll

L. Carter


). Caton


). Chamberlain


R. Colaprete



M. Defina

R. DelloBuono

G. Dermond


C. Devine

R. DiMarcello


S. Dondici

C. Donlan

P. Donnelly

D. DiPaola



J. Dolderer




D. Draves

R. Duffey


A. Dursthoff


S. Eisenberg

K. Elliott

L. Emas

K. Engelbrecht

C. Erdman



L. Farrell

D. Ferguson

T. Ferguson

J. Ferrier

M. Fertel


G. Fritz

J. Gabriel

C. Gaines


I. Galilea

J. Gallagher


j. Garrison

T. Gerstenkorn


R. Gillespie


j. Golden

E. Golton


L. Green





E. Handline


j. Harford

T. Harkins

D. Hazelwood

E. Heinz




L. Hill

N. Hoffert


F. Horan


K. Hughes


A. Holland



• R.Hood

j. Hushion



C. janiczek

R. jefferson

D. Johnston

K. Juredc




j. Kovacsics

j. Kracht


j. Lee

S. Lehman


C. Lillicrapp

C. Linton

G. Lord

S. Love

E. Lyons





K. Marker

A. Martin

j. Martin




K. Kirkpatrick

L Klaus


P. Krachuk

K. Krauter

C. Kutufaris

J. Laguna

S. Lentz

W. Letter



j. Lord



R. Massey


S. McCarriston






S. McKernan



P. Melbourne

j. Melchiorre


L. Messerschmidt

D. Misciagna





B. Mirenda


j. Murphy

S. Murphy


K. Nelson

D. Netting



L. Noone

L. Northwood

B. Note

j. Novack

j. O'Donovan



P. Over

A. Pearson

G. Pennestri




R. Parker

S. Patterson

C. Patti

j. Perpiglia

G. Peters

A. Phillips

P. Phillips

L. Pietrangelo



M. Portale

R. Pressman

J. Prior

M. Primavera

G. Procopio



B. Rankin


J. Rieder

v. Ristine


M. Robinson

B. Romaszka

A. Rosenberg

w. Rosser

P. Rossiello

G. Rowan


D. Russo

C. Ryan


M. Salatino

B. Sandler

A. Scalies



L. Serafino


D. Shea

A. Shooster

K. Shooster

V. Siedzikowski

K. Sloan


C. Smith


S. Smith

C. Snyder

D. Souders


E. Speis

S. Spigel

L. Stanley

C. Stefani

C. Stephans

). Stokes

K. Stolnis

K. Strain



A. Teplica

D. Teszler

S. Thomas

). Thompson


C. Thorpe

A. Thorud

M. Tiger

B. Vecchione

C. Vicker

T. Villano

P. Vogel

W. Warwick

D. Weissert

K. Welsh

B. Wenzinger

). Wesley

S. White

Y. White

B. Whitman


K. Williams

). Winkler

M. Winterbottom

S. Young

D. Zafiropoulos

K. Zufall


The ultimate 5 o'clock shadow. Boy, this strawberry nail polish tastes good.

The Three Stooges

rhe latest in desinger cafeteria wear from S.H.5.


Ultra Brite got me noticed.

The Springfield Press's centerfolds get better every week.

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

Hey, when you've got it - you've got it!

Debbie, you've been smiling at him for 10 minutes.

Eat your heart out Cheryl Tiegs!


J. Albert

S. Arcidiacono

G. Bahl

J. Bailer

P. Bailey

K. Barner

D. Barrett

A. Batch

L. Battiste

D. Beaver

N. Bennett

J. Bernard

T. Bernardo




B. Blunt

F. Bojarski

D. Bollinger

M. Bolton

C. Borden

S. Bossert

A. Bradley

K. Brennan

A. Briddell

F. Brolley



C. Brunken

J. Buck

R. Buczacki


B. Burke

C. Burke

S. Caporaletti

C. Carglena

M. Carmolingo

J. Carozza

S. Carpenter

L. Carrick

M. Carroll

J. Casadonte

B. Casey


S. Celestino

C. Chappie

T. Chestnutt


J. Christ

P. Ciapanna

L. Cicconi


J. Civitella

K. Coleman


J. Comero

K. Conlin

P. Conway



J. Crisconi

K. Daily

S. Brattini


L. Daley

L. Davis


G. DelTuffo

S. Dennis

S. DeRuschi

A. DeSantis

H. Dessender


C. Diehl

R. DiEmidio

N. DiFonzo

A. DiGregorio


D. DiMarcelio

S. Donato

S. Doshi


D. Dubin


C. Dursthoff

L. Edwards

B. Elias

j. Eller

C. Fabrizio

j. Farace

K. Farrell

C. Faulkner

j. Ferguson

L. Ferguson

G. Fichter


T. Finley

G. Fletcher

D. Frank

R. Fratoni

R. Frazier

D. Frederick

T. Frederick

K. Frye

N. Fullerton

C. Furtaw

j. Gaines


C. Gerace

D. Giachetti

R. Gibson

F. Glazier


j. Golton


j. Grant




P. Green


D. Griffis

W. Hagarty

T. Haibach

P. Hajinian


L. Hamilton


B. Hancock

j. Hanrahan


A. Hartline



W. Herrera


A. Hilliard

H. Hirth

M. Hodnett

T. Hoffman

C. Horn


L. Huczko

K. Hughes



R. jackson

L. james

T. Jefferson



H. Kerns

L. Kosta


K. Kutufaris


J. Laspina

B. LeBlanc

J. Lockley



B. Kapczynski

P. Kerns

K. Krachuk

M. Krauter


J. Lessig

L. Kloss

D. Lanyon

E. Levin

S. Lord

D. Louisinian

M. Kearney

E. Kelly



s. Krewson

J. Kush

E. Larkin

R. Larkin

v. Lima

J. Little

J. Luttrell

K. Lynch


j. Magge


G. Martorana

B. McFassel

j. McGarry

K. Mcintyre

P. McKernan



C. Montanaro



R. Martorell

T. Mayberry





j. Melbourne

D. Morone

L. Mallon


N. Micolucci


E. Martin


j. McCullough



K. Mclaurin



j. Minissa

L. Mozzoni


W. Murphy

R. Myers

A. Nair

M. Nave

A. Nazarides

A. Nazzario

D. Nazzario



E. Nicholson

L. Nocella



C. Older


R. Orcutt

C. Overdevest


S. Parker

M. Parson

P. Parsons

K. Paul

D. Pearce

R. Pearse

j. Perna

C. Petrillo

D. Phillips

D. Pirocchi

R. Pitts


P. Pontari


M. Pratzner

R. Price

R. Quagliariello

K. Rice


T. Rochester

S. Romano

D. Rossano

D. Rosser

D. Rothberg


R. Russo

D. Santini

T. Schaffer

j. Scheerer

K. Scheppman


S. Schwartz

j. Seitz


A. Shane





A. Smith

N. Smith

N. Smargiassi

E. Stagliano

N. Stanley

C. Stanton

If youth is a fault, one soon gets rid of it. - Goethe

B. Sorensen

). Spargo

). Stephanou

C. Stephans

). Striby


). Taber

S. Taylor

D. Tegethoff

S. Tegethoff

D. Thayer

M. Thomas

K. Todaro

C. Tofsted

R. Toppi

). Trotter

O. Truell

). Tunnell

). Udicious

T. Vlassopoulis

D. Wallace

). Walsh

B. Warrick


D. Wenitsky


P. Wilkes


C. Wilson


S. Wilson

M. Winter

C. Wright

W. Wright

K. Yocum

S. Young

K. Zebley

A. Zufall

j. Adams


D. Angelucci

E. Arch

l. Aronson

C. Barby

P. Barry

j. Bartolome



G. Bennett

N. Berger

D. Berue

P. Bethany

D. Billingsley

K. Bloomingdale

C. Booty


l. Borko


j. Boyle

j. Branson


G. Buonodonna

S. Bupp

R. Butler

D. Caffrey

T. Carpenter


D. Carter


j. Casella



F. Cerny

K. Christine

G. Cimeo

C. Clarke



D. Connors

L. Conrads


M. Corea

P. Costagliola

A. Daddario

S. D'Agosta


S. Davis

S. Davis

P. Davison

D. Deluliis

C. Delloso

A. Deluca

j. Del Piano


P. DePetris

j. Derby

M. DeSantis

L. Dessender





L. DiNapoli


M. DiRenza

I. Disman

P. Donall

E. Donlan

L. D'Orazio

P. Dougherty

j. Durham

L. Ecklund

C. Egan

D. Eller

B. Engelbrecht

M. Ervin

R. Ervin

C. Esola


A. Ferrari

S. Finley

L. Firlein

T. Fitzpatrick

). Fowler


). Fry

L. Fulginiti


D. Garcia


F. Gerace



A. Graf

L. Grassie

G. Green

T. Grosso

S. Hagarty


). Handline


C. Hayden

L. Heavey




R. Hinkle

S. Hodge


E. Hoffman






K. Kampmeyer

C. Kane


A. Karvois


C. Kinsey

T. Kirkpatrick

K. Kozin

P. Krauter

J. Kuhn

B. Labutis

J. Leibig

S. Lenker

J. Leonard

P. Livingston

L. LoMonaco

D. Longhurst

W. Lovell

D. Lyons

T. Maclay

C. Maits


C. Mancuso

C. Mark

S. Mark

J. Martinelli


T. McClellan

1. McDermott

J. McElwee

T. McFadden

K. Knaff

P. Koerner

C. Lahm

D. Mannino

T. McCarthy

M. McGonigle

L. McHugh



). Melbourne


L. Miller

R. Mirenda

A. Misciagna

C. Mogavero


M. Molitoris

). Moore

S. Morris





C. Musi

R. Neal



S. O'Hara


S. Osipowicz

S. Over

G. Parker

). Patchell

). Perkins

D. Perna

L. McKale

S. Mcintyre

D. Micolucci

R. Mogavero

). Myers

H. Nguyen

L. Owens

S. Pappa

M. Perpiglia

F. Persky

G. Potts


P. Pugliese

B. Rankin

G. Reganato


F. Rieser


S. Risser

M. Ristine

C. Roberts




S. Rosenberger

j. Rosser

M. Rosser

A. Rossiello


K. Rudisill





C. Scalies



R. Schott


A. Scomalenghi

D. Selbach



L. Shank




L. Shell

M. Sherer


). Shields


E. Sinclair


D. Snyder

T. Spatocco

P. Squadrito

j. Stango

C. Starr

P. Stephens

S. Stevenson

A. Stolis

R. Stones

). Strain

T. Stumpf


N. Tarone

L. Thorpe

M. nger

j. Topham

V. Townsend


D. Ulmer

W. Villano

P. Vitullo

T. Voelker

D. Vogelsong


T. Walsh

j. Watts

M. Wildason


K. Winkler

P. Wittman


D. Wright

N. Yi

G. Zafiropoulo!


, row 1: V. Cicchinelli, D. Schmidt, J. Morgan, H. DiGilio, row 2: B. Bingamen, L. Gosnay, J" C."Hartzell, S. McCrossin, J. Shea, row 3: P. Koerner, T. Stumpf, B. Mullin, J. Moore, T. , coach L. Carocci, missing: J. Slack.

J. Morgan Co-captain

J. Soltner

C. Hartzell

L. Gosnay


hello todd . .. scopes up . .. lavernes and shirley's makin' our dreams come true . .. take the time to he's so good looking . .. locker do it right room tunes 1-1 loss, but that's o.k. cause hockey is fun! thanks marge . . . handy pen ... cones, fences, benches ... flick-offs, flick-offs, flick-offs ... queens at the hill ... super coaches .. . superseasons .. . super friends - congratufutions 1980 central league championship. D. Schmidt Co-captain

S. McCrossin

V. Cicchinelli

J.V. row 1: S. Doshi, D. Mariano, J. Shell, J. Bupp, row 2: D. Beaver, S. Stevenson, L. Mallon, mgr. K. Farrel, row 3: Mgr. S. Rosenberger, D. Frederick, M. Wilson, V. Townsend, coach G. Hart. D.Mariano


Soccer M. Riesenfield

j. Lanyon

j. Gallo

D. Devine Captain

B. Friesner

M. Woodruff

row 1: D. Selbach, j. Hoerman, D. Lanyon, M. jones, S. Davis, M. ~rer, T. Mattews, I. Disman, row 2: coach R. Locker, S. Hemphill, G.

lterana, D. Philips, j. Gallo, P. Carney, G. Zafiropoulos, M. Davis, K. in.

row 1: M. Krauter, R. Friesner, J. Gallo, T. Kirkpatrick, D. Devine, G. Mallen, J. Barr, J. Hood, row 2: asst. coach J. Quedenfeld, mgr. T. Abel, J. Lanyon, D. Ulmer, L. Flannery, M. Woodruff, coach W. Speakman, row 3: D. Gramiak, P. Shada, M. Pratzner, D. Aishouse, J. Perkins, M. Riesenfeld, G. Fritz.

summer practice laps laps laps ... laps ... laps ... laps ... laps . .. 1.8 ... laps laps laps we're jogging laps ... laps ... national sickness day laps squirrels ... laps scunion 1 and jr. scunion¡ laps nick . .. mr. bill . .. mr. pick young man ... laps . .. laps exxxxx ... it was fun, admit it.

J. Barr

L. Flannery

D. Aishouse


M. Wilkins


J. Ramsden

C. Knaff

Football E. Toussaint CO'captain

P. McKnight


row 1: asst. coach L. Landau, P. McKnight, C. Meyer, j. Ramsden, coach W. Mackrides, E. Toussaint, j. Hagarty, B. Penza, M. Petroski, P. Schenck, row 2: asst. coach R. Taylor, G. Bennett, R. Corner, A. Hartline, A. Shane, B. Mossman, j. McElwee, S. Brown, j. Strain, M. Siano, C. McCloskey, row 3: M. Wilkins, j. Newnam, S. Salerno, B. Butler, S. Compton, F. McCarry, D. DiGiacomo, T. DeWoody, asst. coach D. Bean, asst. coach H. Bell, row 4: N. Kutafaris, C. Knaff, B. Murphy, K. McKnight, C. Stephans, T. jefferson, O. Truell, C. Bailer, S. O'Hara, trainer S. Todaro, row 5: T. Frederick, j. Kane, D. Morroni, j. Hamilton, j. Costagliola, M. Gildea, mgr. F. Bojarski, row 6: S. Brarttini, B. Frazier, L. Ferguson, j. Minissa, j. Carozza, M. Parson, R. Hausman, j. McCullough, j. Belk.

D. Morroni

winning season . .. surprising people and prO'. the doubters wrong . .. thumby, rock and tatoo constitutionals . . . night games and afterwards incompetent managers ... the blob ... cutting l ... attitude?? shower follies . .. great times v great friends being able to be a part of the 1~ football team.

D. DiGiacomo

J. Costagliola

M. Petroski

J. Hagarty Co-captain


D. O'Hara Co-captain

P.May Co-captain 'ow 1: P. May, D. O'Hara, row 2: L. LoMonaco, K. Cox, J. Neelan, B. Coe, D. Dennis, row ~: L. Serafinio, K. Knaff, D. Cafferty, A. Ferra, C. Clark, K. Smith, K. Boyle.

K. Smith

ain't no stoppin' us now, the new 1980 cheerleaders ... let's take a vote ... 3 hour practices . . . 1Y2 hour to get in line, 1 hour to decide what we're wearing ... ponytails and freckles ... pyramids . . . rowdy bus rides . .. rowdy fans at last . .. locker rooms . .. we're all one big family . .. thanks mrs. romano L. Serafino

coach Mrs. Romano mgr. V. Brown

K. Boyle

J. V.

G. Pennestri, M. DeBiase, D. Scherer, A. Nazzario, missing: N. Jennings (cocapt.), J. luttrell (co-capt.), D. Shea, S. Romano, J. Prior, M. Winterbottom.

J. Neelan


Girls' Cross Country





) )


ice fights ... the year of the injury ... the dan van ... emergency meetings . .. strolls through the cemetery . " timing short meetings . .. i gotta go to work . .. smile if you like k.s. ... a certain branch at conestoga.

Penncrest Haverford Marple Newtown Conestoga Upper Darby Lower Merion

28 19 28 22 50 29

Oth Del-co. Championship 4th Central League

row 1: M. Gaines, L. McConchie, S. Arnold, S. Halberg, row 2: Barba.

S. Arnold 6

C. Halberg


J. Gaines, C. Halberg, M. Imming, S.

L. McConchie Captain

J. Krill Captain

K. Hardie

J.V. row 1: J. Gormley, B. Bonadio, row 2: J. Laspina, D. Barrett.

Boys' Cross Country SPR 23 43 19 39 38 27

OPP Penncrest Haverford Marple Newtown Conestoga Upper Darby Ridley

33 20 42 22 23 28

11th, Salesianum Invitational 10th, Del. Co. Championship 5th, Central League

Varsity row 1: J. Krill, R. Stone, D. Netting, R. Larkin, R. Sorenson, row 2: K. Hardie, J. Cox, G. Fletcher, B. Oliver, R. Johnston, Coach D. Curran.

Boys' Golf

row 1: J. Stango, S. Lenker, capt. M. Molitoris, T. McFadden, F. DiMaio, row 2: coach P. Green, R. Hanna, D. Hoy, D. Lyons, P. Over.

J. Cannon,

Girls' Tennis

M. Gillespie Co-captain

S. Stephanou Co-captain

j. Thorud

K. Horan row 1: M. Hoath, A. Chen, M. Fertel, K. Rudisill, L. Everett, row 2: L. Thorpe, S. Stephanou, M. Gillespie, R. Massey, row 3: coach M. Keller, C. Furtaw, K. Horan, j. Thorud, S. Stocker, L. D'Orazio.

M. Hoath

slave driver bil ... finally some wins ... 2 matches won, a new record? ... stampede maneuver ... Practices . . . our pet peeve ... drills and unwanted advice . .. guided by our captains through a good season.

S. Stocker

'reshman Soccer

row 1: L. Farrell, R. Duffey, P. Rossiello, H. Nguyen, C. Ryan, J. Rieder, K. Englebrecht, J. Goebel, row 2: P. Vogel, A. Brown, D. Marascio, D. Johnston, D. Sciubba, B. Pressman, A. Besznyak, coach C. Irving.

Freshman Hockey

N 1: J. Mariano, L. Serafino, N. Hoffert, K. Conklin, row L. Noone, D. Souders, H. Hamilton, K. Corse, A. Ouroff, R. Mariano, mgr. A. Sijernick row J: coach M. ~nhart, J. Winkler, B. Hick, S. Hemphill, C. Devine, K. 101d, M. Lewis.

'reshman Football row 1: J. Hoffman, B. Whitman, row 2: C. Mazzulo, C. Kutufaris, J. Lord, J. Chamberlain, A. Hoffman, J. D'Antonio, B. DelloBuono, B. Wright, J. Musika, row J: asst. coach A. Carocci, M. Wilkins, T. Ferguson, F. Mancuso, D. Misciagna, J. Gabriel, B. Warwick, coach J. Peoples, asst. coach B. ¡¡~cCoach, C. Thorpe, row 4: E. Handline, ? Carozza, J. Murphy, R. Jefferson, c. Wilkins, W. Kline, K. Brooks, row 5: C. Cress, D. Tezsler, W. Rosser, 1. Bailey, S. Patterson, P. Melbourne, B. Holloway, D. Conners, D. Crowell.

3rd and 4th HOCKEY

row 1: j. Patchell, N. Vi, S. Krewson, K. Ginn, C. Delloso, D. Micolucci, row 2: E. Bolton, S. DeFrancesco, j. Knorr, C. Fleming, D. Morone, P. Donall, Coach C. Lewis.

3rd and 4th BASKETBAL

3rd and 4th row 1: R. Neal, j. Moore, j. Shell, ). Knorr, S. Rosenberger, row 2: S. McCrossin, j. Thorud, V. Cicchinelli, M. Guillespie, S. Hick, Coach j. Brusch.

5th and 6th row 1: N. Vi, K. Paul, R. Pitts, j. Patchell, row 2: L. Sheely, P. Donall, L. D'Orazio, Coach j. Brusch.


C. Weber Co-Captain

N. Wright Co-Captain

name calling . .. on the roof . .. always singing. .. 15 minute lectures ... lizard faces . . . tweeters noises ... saturday morning practices . .. all right roe could be cool . .. (108.00) ... beaky and birdy plymouth whitemarsh meet . . . freshmen fights . . . no nail polish remover . .. caroline IS broken bar . .. ain't no stoppin ' us now!!!

K. McGonigle


L. Emas, j. Golden, L. McDowell, K. McGonigle, j. Kracht, R. Quagliariello, N. Wright, L. Kloss, L. King, N. Micolucci, S. Davis, K. Mcintyre, C. Weber, j. Bryson, C. Halberg, Coach M. Buscillo.

J. Bryson

C. Halberg

j. Morgan

L. Gosnay


'Ity row 1: Co-capt. T. Stumpf, Co-capt. D. Connors, row 2: j. Morgan, V.

!r, L. Gosnay, Coach L. Ardao, row 3: D. Adams, K. Wood, B. Mullin, M. CarV1gr. D. Beaver.

v. Boyer

JV row 1: B. Bingamen, D. DiMarcello, row 2: M. Wilson, M. Hodnett, D. Giachetti, row 3: B. Kennedy, H. Hirth, Coach D. Williams, D. Lousinian, E. McManus.


B. Lord

R. Ristine

row 1: j. Little, T. McClellan, R. Ristine, S. Alfonsi, j. Triozzi, C. Meyer, row 2: Asst. Coach Bean, G. Bennett, D. DiGiacomo, D. Lord, Coach Frick, S. O'Hara, T. Rochester, C. Knaff, Trainer S. Todaro.



C. Knaff

). Triozzi

D. Little

D. DiGiacomo

C. Meyer Captain

JV row 1: ). Collins, S. Gluck, G. Fichter, ). Hoerman, R. Pearse, E. Martin, roy, R. Ruch, C. Wright,). Gallo, O. Truell, D. Little.


D.lrons Co-captain

D. Alshouse

T. Minford

K. Boyle Co-captain

j. Barr

JV row 1: Mgr. j. Willis, D. DiMaio, D. Lanyon, F. DiMaio, R. Frazier, L. Furgeson, row 2: M. Krauter, M. Nave, D. Wright, j. Boyle, P. Shada, Coach B. Speakman. B

Dion's 1000th . .. black chicks . .. wrong way Minford . .. Tecj what time does that bus leave? Glenn I thought you knew . . . the cookie heist . . . wheatman wheatman ... another coke for Als .. , Siano's slams .,. Central, Boyle's hacks Pete's reChristmas, Morton champs bounder . .. bosha's blasts But's neck need those Bojo and Burgers . .. carbohydrates . .. jimbo's elbows Ted, where's your car? Cuuuuut! Bring on DeMatha!


Varsity row 1: Mgr. F. Bojarski, }. Barr, P. Wittman, K. Boyle, R. Butler, G. Mallon, Mgr B. Burger, row 2: Asst. Coach P. Bellis, T. Minford, D. Irons, M. Siano, T. Kirkpatrick, D. Alshouse, Coach G. Quedenfeld.




L I N G rsity row 1: B. Bennett, R. Barlow, G. Fletcher,. row 2: K. Kozin, I\ohr, A. Kozin.

S. Scott

A. Kozin Co-captain

Ie Don't have a bus . .. who going drive to Gehri's-Do we have to Jp at Barlow's again?? How did jam get elected captain he never )es anything ... We can't lose )w, we have our new shirts ... Ihere's Mr. Adams??? He went to 'p Boys ! How did jV manage to loke in the final week?


R. Barlow

Coach N. Adams

jV row 1: S. Scott, T. Kennedy, row 2: D. Pirocchi, j. Willis, S. Young


R. Wilson Captain

j. Camaratta

E. Grant row 1: R. Oliver, D. Netting, j. Gaines, C. Hilaman, B. Larkin, row 2: E. Grant, B. Englebrecht, R. Wilson, j. Camaratta, L. Swank, row 3: B. Rumbach, j. Lockley, M. Corea.

in the hole ... free meal. . . which way to new york ... billy jokes ... blackboard strategy . .. who shot Ir ... Too sick for speed . .. good times reruns ... pacemaker . .. bob's relay . .. ray, ray, mcteer, momo-ant exterminators . .. yester, yockley and carl


row 1: L. McDowell, C. Devine, M. Primavera, C. Sullivan, S. Hemphill, Lewis, row 2: E. McCarry, M. Winterbottom, M. Fertel, R. Mariano, D. Souders, row 3: L. Serafino, N. Hoffert, J. Mariano, J. Alfonsi, A. Dalkili< McKnight

FRESHMAN BOYS'TRACK 9th graders pictured: R. Jefferson, J. Murphy, D. Misciagna, C. Kutufaris, A. Hoffman, B. Holloway, A. Brown, C. Cress, C. Wilkins, K. Englebrecht, D. Netting, D. Rossiello, C. Thorpe, coaches: G.lrvin, Bohr


9th graders pictured: M. Gaines, D. Hazelwood, 5 Brown, B. Romaszka, C. Gaines, B. Hick, K. Canno Arnold, D. Zafiropoulos, T. Neu, coach: M. Keller

FRESHMAN BASEBALL row 1: G. Fritz, R. Smedley, J. Lord, A. Teplica, D. Sciubba, J. Gabriel, row 2: J. Martin, B. Bennett, J. Rieder, B. Rankin, P. Over, row 3: D. Gramiak, C. Lillicrapp, R. Buggy, R. Buscaglia, row 4: M. Kasnic, coach H. Lamont



}. Soltner

T. Scheerer

K. Boyle

Varsity: L. Kosta, P. Koerner, B. Bingaman, }. Shay, T. Scheerer, S. Stevenson, T. Kennedy, coach B. Walsh, T. Semanik, K. Winkler, D. Connors, T. Walsh, T. Stumpf,}. Soltner,}. Moore.

L. Kosta

J.V.: M. Cavallari, L. Heavey, B. Kanczynski, }. Shields, }. Shell, }. Heln Neal, E. McManus, B. Mullin, S. Pappa, K. Knaff, K. Boyle, C. Connor Kennedy

Joes ... camera shy people ... Shin Splints ... T-Shirt episodes . . . packed cars . . . B.B. burps . . . "pull a tight one" ... we're goin' Reeses everybody ... Gators and Polopities ... grape juice ... a high scoring defenseman . . . exaggerated screams . . . certain .. V .W ' s. .. " scratcha' my b ack b ab y " ... singing . . gauchos ... good friends ... good memories good times


M. Riesenfeld

Central League Champs '" the manikin ... are you ready ... best record in history '" shelanski who? ... cynical ebe ... swayze's bandaid . . . coe boy spasms ... no administrative respect .. , 20 goal game 12 goals for-4 against avg willis' enemas ... a proud tradition of class.

M. Wilkins


row 1: F. Collins, M. Wilkins, E. Toussaint, M. McGuckin, D. Beatson, M. Reisenfeld, mgr. B. Berger. row 2: S. Davis, S. Brown, D. Frank, H. Kerns, P. Swayze, ). Hoffman, T. Ferguson, P. Carozza, ). Boyle, B. Whitman, M. Wilderson, ). Hoerman. row 3: Coach R. Locker, mgr. ). McKernen, ). Perkins, S. Alfonsi, G. Zaffiropoulos, T. Kirkpatrick, G. Mallon, M. Siano,). Belk, D. Ulmer, P. Ulmer, P. Carney, C. Maits, G. Hood, Asst. coach E. Helm.

F. Collins

E. Toussaint captain

D. Beatson

GIRLS' TRACK 1: C. Hillaman, S. Halberg, K. Ginn, D. Mariano, D. Rossano, L. Davis, j. Neelan, E. lolson. row 2: j. Thorpe, 1. Voelker, j. Knorr, N. Berger, j. Gaines, C. Delloso, j. Bupp, lalberg. row 3: Tm. S. Tadaro, H. Hirth, E. McManus, j. Patchell, A. Inke, V. Ciccinelli, ,chmidt, S. Fransesco, M. Gillespie, M. Imming, C. Weber, L. McConchie, coach C.

Irs: row 1: M. Imming, C. Hartzell, S. DeFransesco, j. Knorr, M. pie, D. Schmidt; co-captain. row 2: C. Weber, V. Cicchinelli; lptain, C. Halberg, D. Mariano, A. Inke. row 3: j. Neelan, L. onchie.


row 1: T. Jefferson, B. Englebrecht, R. Stones, S. Brattini, M. Nave, J. Krill, R. Wilson. row 2: R. Oliver, R. Larkin, D. Barrett, J. McElwee, D. Wright, J. Quagliariello, F. McCarry, R. Penza, B. Raumbach.

momo ... gymnastic hurdles ... v seats ... 6 I ... Swordfish ... paula's m&m's ... forgetting e ment ... throwing stones . . . more v seats ... I it ... dan's deli ... weightman running ... one ( shrimplike creature .. ¡

Seniors: R. Wilson; co-captain, R. Penza, J. Krill; co-captain, J. Quagliariello.


B. Barlow co-captain

L. Lawthers co-captain

bennett's reaching back again ... how does mr ege do it ... who's got the pitching machine ... winning season??? ... lazy sophomores ... lessig's playing intermediate rules again . .. 103 temperature ... barlow's black eye.

B. Buonadonna

y: row 1: B. Buonadonna, S. Compton, M. Perpelia, B. Barlow, L. Lawthers, G. Bennett, j. Kane, :: asst. coach G. Ege, D. Aishouse, B. Butler, D. Mehwa, mgr. F. Bojarski, F. DeMaio, coach A. Bell.

D. Aishouse

D. Mehwa

J.V.: row 1: T. McFadden, D. Scornajenghi, E. Hoffman. row 2: B. Haggarty, J. Costella, D. DiMaio, T. Finlry,

J. McNight, coach Hall.

1m: coach ). Cannon, M. Greb, M. Beadle, capt. S. Beadle, T. Mcthy, B. Kennedy


" , . , . - - - - - - - - - - - -







Mike Perpiglia slides into 2nd base, on the fielder's choice during the game against Penncrest.

Jim Kane belts a homerun in a terrific defeat of Penncrest.

row 1: F. DiMaio, M. Perpiglia, Tri-Capt. J. Kane, Tri-Capt. S. Compton, Tri-Capt. G. Bennett, M. Casey. row 2: B. Murphy, M. Krauter, B. LeBlanc, B. Frazier, F. Gerace, M. Gildea. row 3: Coach G. Ege, D. Scuiba, D. Gramiak, B. Butler, J. Lessig, Coach Ace Bell.


An incredible season of victory halted abruptly as the baseball team lost to Plymouth Whitemarsh in the second round of the District I Tournament. This was the first defeat in twelve games for the Central League champions. Third baseman Steve Compton was probably the team's biggest and strongest player. In true form he knocked in 2 runs in a 7-2 win over Radnor. ASpringfield opponent is safe at third as Steve Compton catches a wild throw as Frank DiMaio looks on.

Bill Murphy steals 2nd base as he beats the ball to the plate.

Bob Frazier singles to the left while Doug Gramiak waits on deck.

"Convincing" and "overwhelming" were the words to describe the Lacrosse State Champs. The boys lacrosse team ran, passed, and shot their way to Central League victory and onto a state championship with an 11-4 win over Henderson High School. The squad scored an average of 8 goals per game and allowed the opposition an average of 3.35, while running up a 135-57 bulge in goals scored. Four team members were named All-State and All-Central League members: Jerry Hood, Dave Ulmer, Rob Corner, and Mike Siano.

Number one scorer Dave Ulmer getting ready to shoot another goal against Lower Merion.


Co-Captain Rob Corner, versatile player of all positions, with a fifth goal against Radnor.

1: J. Hoerman, M. Siano, D. Ulmer, R. Corner, J. Hood, C. Maits, S. Davis. row 2: M. Wildason, Co-Capt. S. Brown, Co-Capt. T. Kirkpatrick, P. Carney, J. Belk, G. Mallon, G. Zafiropolous, J. Perkins, J. Boyle. row 3: M. Winter, K. McKnight, B. Whitman, D. Frank, J. Hoffman, A. Hoffman, R. Dortone, K. Hill, K. McGuckin. row 4: P. McKernon, D. Teszlers, C. DeBernardi, H. Kerns, F. Horan, P. Carozza, J. Chamberlain, C. Kutufaris, B. Esgro, Coach R. Locker.

State Champions

Pat Carney makes it 167 saves.

Mike Wildason clearing to the offensive.

. ..

George Zafiropolous eyeing a gl'oulld ball in the game at Haverford.

Lefty Dave Frank, fourth leading Cougar scorer, tooking for a Clltter.

Girls' lacrosse

This year the girls' lacrosse team was coached by Mrs. Caracci. This was her first time coaching the Springfield team. Both the team and coach had a lot to learn from each other. Although their record did not show it, the girls put forth a lot of hard work and determination as they practiced every day after school on Halderman field. Pauline Koerner runs to assist Joan Shell in battle for the ball against Radnor.

Tracy Stumpf prepares to intercept the ball.


1: Tri-Capts. P. Koerner, T. Stumf, K. Knaff. row 2: J. Moore, J. Shell, B. Mullin, L. Heavey, K. Pappa. row 3: T. Semanik, S. Stevenson, T. Walsh, T. Kennedy. row 4: Coach L. Caracci, R. Mariano, M. Cavaleri, L. Mallon, B. Bingaman, M. Lewis.

Barb Mullin anxiously awaits a pass from a teammate.

Jenny Moore awaits a pass from Linda Mallon.

row 1: Tri-Capts. J. Kuzmack, S. Hemphill, K. McGuckin. row 2: S. Krewson, R. Quagliariello, L. Serafino, J. Mariano, E. Nicholson, S. Burt. row 3: Coach W. Bratz, B. Hick, C. Devine, J. Helm, B. Kapczynski, G. Rowan, M. Lewis.

Boys' Tennis

The boys' tennis team was led by Coaches Jim Hornaday and Les Taylor. Top seeded single players were Seniors Jeff Everett, Scott Hemphill, and Ira Disman, and Junior Jim Hanrahan. In the final meet against Radnor, Springfield was defeated to end its season with a 7 - 4 overall record and a 4 - 4 league record. Most Valuable Player: Ira Disman's two-handed forehand keeps the volley going.

Scott Hemphill delivers another service ace.

row 1: C. Wilkins, S. Hemphill, D. Selbach, T. MacCJay. row 2: Coach J.. Hornaday, M. Rosser, C. Ryan, J. Hanrahan, I. Disman, J. Everett, J. Stephanou, Coach L. Taylor.

Girls' Golf

Rolling Green, a premier golf course in the Philadelphia area, hosted the girls' golf team. Teeing off for the Cougarettes and undefeated was Junior Barb Kennedy. Maria Beadle teeing off at the third.

Lining up a pUll, Susan Hemphill.

Team Members: Barb Kennedy, Coach J. Cannon, Maria Beadle, Susan Hemphill.

Kathy Alsop and Mr. Cannon take a break.

Success was the password for the boys' track team. Second in the District Championships, the team had seven members qualify for the District Meet. Tim Jefferson distinguished himself as being the only Cougar to qualify for two District events. He made the semi-finals in the 100 meter dash and placed fourth in the 200 meter dash. The future seems promising as Freshman Mike Stumpf passed the 4:33 standard in the 1600 meter run.

Mike Corea and Jim Strain - "separate but equal."

row 1: M. Kearney, Tri-Capt. R. Stones, S. Brallini, M. Pratzner, M. Nave, J. Bryson, D. Rosser. Manager G. Hill.

Senior Bruce Engelbrecht makes his final allempt at the long jump.

row 2: B. Larkin, Tri-Capl. B. Engelbrecht, D. Lanyon, B. Bonadio, O. Truell, R. Jefferson,

Spring Track The 1982 girls' track season was a successful one. The overall record of 5 wins, 4 losses, and 1 tie was their best record in years. District I Championships found Judy Gaines and Peggy Foley competing in the 300 meter low hurdles, Jenny Bupp in the long and triple jumps, Piffy McGuigan in the 3200 meter run, Cindy Hilaman in the 400 meter dash, and Stacey Flecknoe in the high jump. At the Delco Championship Meet April 30 and May 1, the team finished 3rd in Division II. Jenny Bupp won the long jump with the best overall jump in the county. At the final season meet in May the girls defeated Marple Newtown for the first time in 5 years and tied Lower Merion. This was the first time Lower Merion did not defeat the Springfield girls' track team.

Piffy McGuigan strives to maintain her lead over an Upper Darby opponent.

Stacey Flecknoe hands the baton to Jenny Bupp in the 400 meter relay.

row 1: V. Mossman, M. Snyder, L. Mark, J. O'Brien, M. Neelan. C. O'Neil, S. Flecknoe, E. McGuigan, M. Foley. row 2: K. Hughes, L. Foley, C. Gaines, C. Hillamen, M. Gaines, S. Brown, T. Neu, D. Zafiropolous. row 3: Coach C. Funk, Tri-Capt. J. Gaines, S. Halberg, H. Hirth, N. Berger, P. Parsons, C. Delloso. S. Mendosa, L. Edwards, L. Thorpe, N. Micolucci, Tri-Capt. J. Bupp.


Key Award Winners who earned four or more varsity letters include: row 1: J. Perkins, G. Bennett, T. Walsh, J. Moore, T. Stumpf, K. Knaff, T. Kennedy, L. Thorpe, S. Davis, I. Disman, R. Stones, J. Mohr, C. Maits. row 2: D. Ulmer, M. Siano, T. Kirkpatrick, G. Mallon, S. Brown, R. Corner, B. Mullin, J. Hood, J. Kane, S. Compton. Most Valuable Player Awards G. Bennett, football J. Hood, soccer B. Coe, cheerleader S. Davis, gymnastics R. Stones, boys' cross country P. McGuigan, girls' cross country B. Mullin, field hockey T. Kirkpatrick, boys' basketball T. Stumpf and M. Carroll, girls' basketball S. Alfonsi, wrestling T. Jefferson, indoor track T. Mohr, bowling J. Buff, girls' track J. Strain, boys' track G. Bennett, baseball I. Disman, boys' tennis M. Fertell, girls' tennis B. Kennedy, girls' golf S. Hemphill, boys' golf T. Stumpf, girls' lacrosse J. Hood, boys' lacrosse C. Maits and W. Sentman, ice hockey

The outstanding athlete awards went to Glenn Bennett, Tracy Stumpf, Mike Siano, Ted Kirkpatrick, and Glenn Mallon.

Florida Band Trip

Sergeants Laurie Sheely and Stephanie Bupp oversee rifle routine practice for adjudication.

Rich Stones and Bruce Englebrecht set to "train the Amtrack Way."

Twenty-one hours by train and five organizations of the music department found themselves in Orlando, Florida. Their destination was an adjudication sponsored by the International Music Festivals on May 8. An adjudication is an evaluation and such was given to the band, orchestra, Cougarettes, rifles and silks units. The band brought home a bronze medal and the orchestra a silver.

Kathy Hughes and Jean Walts experience Frontierland at Disney World.

gyW "I'm sorry, Jonathan, but pearls just don't go with this outfit."

The cast of Count Dracula included: E. Arch, C. Borden, V. Harlan, C. Dursthoff, S. Arters, T. Hoffman, G. Miller, C. Esola, L. Miller.

Capacity audiences thrilled to the horror of an evening with the Count from Transylvania as Dracula rounded out the season offerings of STW. The show itself reflected not just the talents of the performers, but it showed the ingenuity of the stage crew as a bat flew, candlesticks moved, fog and mist rolled across the stage, and Dracula drank deep the blood of life.

"I never drink wine."

Count Dracula Luther Miller Dr. Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clay Dursthoff Sybil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Medwid Valarie Harlan Mina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellen Arch Lori Dessender Von Helsing Greg Miller Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Arters Renfield Chris Borden Hennessey Charles Esola Wesley Terry Hoffman

"Tell us, RenfieJd, where is the coffin. "

Junior Prom The biggest event of the year for the eleventh graders was the Junior Prom, held in the school cafeteria on Saturday night, April 17. Couples walked through the extravagantly decorated hallway that the class officers and members created. The focal point of the decorations was a fountain surrounded by many baskets of flowers. Music for the evening was provided by NO FINER SOUND. Highlighting the music was the band's rendition of "Open Arms," the theme song.

Senior Party The final meeting of the Class of '82 was held at L & MCaterers on June 10, from 6:30 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. This was the last event of the year when all seniors could get together to sign yearbooks, reminisce about the last four years, talk about college plans, or just have fun. Seniors enjoyed a buffet dinner and later danced the evening away to the music of SHYTOWN.

genior Prom

On Friday evening, June 4, senior class members and their dates arrived at the Falcon House for the big event of the year. The evening began with dinner and ended with dancing to the music of WHALE. Students were dressed in their finest and many of the boys were wearing top hats and tails. Although a heavy downpour greeted the students, their spirits were not dampened by it.


Since the beginning of school in September, all seniors were looking forward to June 11. This was the date of commencement exercises held at the Sun Center. Prior to the ceremony, seniors were fitted for caps and gowns, picked commencement partners, and attended a special rehearsal. Academic Honor Seniors Joseph Shields, Jean Watts, Karen Ginn, Gail Reganato, Ellen Arch, and Joceyln Fowler presented the main address. Class officer Pete Swayze presented School Board President Thomas Williams with the class banner and the class gift of a tree and floral arrangement for the cafeteria courtyard. Following the presentation of diplomas was the announcement of scholarships and special awards. The highlight was the presentation of the James W. Braunsdorf Memorial Scholarship to Jennifer Moore.

Acknowledgments Last year when we agreed to be the editors of this book, we did not realize the incredible amount of work that was in store for us. We put in a lot of time and effort to create what we felt would be an accurate account of the 1982 school year. Many other people worked with us to help us achieve this goal. We would like to give a special thanks to:

Miss Janet Hirt for the difficult task of picking up in the middle of the year and seeing that we got our job done.

Mr. Robert Young for managing our financial affairs.

Mrs. Sandra Russell from Taylor Publishing Company for her ideas and help at deadlines. Mr. Robert Eley for taking us to the yearbook seminar and getting us started on the right track.

Mario from Rembrant and Luedecke Studios for developing and printing all of our pictures. Mr. Robert McClennen for taking the individual faculty pictures.

Mr. Richard Simon for his help when we were without an advisor. The sports desks at the Springfield Press, Daily Times, and News of Delaware County, Rich Crowe.

Joe MacGregor. Mr. Maits. Mr. Perkins. Mr. Hick. and Mr. Lemmon for contributing sports pictures.

Nancy larone for typing senior summaries. Stephanie Bupp for contributing some pieces of artwork. Last of all we would like to thank the members of the yearbook staff, especially Patty Bailey. Erin Kelly. Jacque Spargo. and Ann DeSantis. We would just like to say that we did this book with all of you in mind and we hope it will hold many memories for you in the years to come. Co-Editors-in-Chief Gail and Fan

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