1986 Scrivener

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Soaring to the

Stars • ••

SCRIVENER Springfield High School 49 West Leomyflvenue Springfield, Pfl19064

Volume 52

Attaining New Horizons 1986! Springfield celebrated its tricentennial in which the community shared in its rich heritage. Education has played an important role in unifying Springfield as a community. In particular, Springfield High School has seen and shared in many advances and innovations over the years. As students we have seen changes, not only in the world around us, the community, and the high school, but also in ourselves. This year the students of Springfield High School met with new experiences. We had the opportunity to stretch above and beyond our limits. By becoming involved in new

courses or programs, students learned to interact more openly with each other and the world outside. In the history of Springfield High School, the class of 1986 has the unique distinction of being the only graduating class to have witnessed the coming of Halley's Comet! Looking back at our high school career, we can see how we have been shaped by our activities and experiences. We are ready now to step out. We have broadened our horizons and have set our sights upon our goals. Now watch, see how we soared to the stars in 1986!

Seniors Show Their Stuff

Mary Triozzi and Mark Boomazian stepping out!

Chris Hunter eyes Anne Hughes as a potential date for Saturday nig


Chris Hunter finally finds a friend.

ught this was going to be easy," ponders Janice ins.

)iNapoli, "What's the answer for number 7?" Mary Triozzi, "Who cares. What are you doing lay night?"


Reaching Out

The Scrivener Staff tries to recruit Ronald Romano, Elizabeth Alston, Beth Se Maria Bilotti, and Jennifer SooHoo.

In the spotlight Judi Ferrucci mimes for on-lookers Robin Mullins and Melanie Mendez.


nen Chris McMillan, Bill Papale, Chihoon Yang, Peter McGough, Scott Neely, and Mike Hunter take a look at Close Up.

Jeanne Fichter and Debbie Henshey agree that you too will scream when you hit the slopes.

babe, what activity are you selling?" asks Kevin

In .


Curriculum Night

"Mr. Gallagher, it's on the third floor next to the pool," remarks Ellen Stolis.

Linda Hall, Diane Stango, Nancy Kane, and Michele Simons dis Cougar Callers on Curriculum Night.


[rs. Deitrich explains the Computer Applications course to parents.

Conniving Ann Cheng and Ken Hoffert give parents incorrect directions.

Springfield High School faculty and students reach out to parents on September 26,1985.


Shining Like Stars

Above: Erica Milbourne thinks, "Get it together." Top Right: "That face, that face, that fabulous face." Cougarettes Cathy Trefz, Heather Collins, Maggie Papale. Right: "What school spirit!" Below: Cougars digging in on defense.


Top: Debi Ashmore, a show stopper. Left: " Go for the touchdown." Below Left: Damian Finio expresses the agony of defeat. Below: Cheerleaders root on the cougars!


A Piece of the Action

Right: Pat Farrell attempts to pass the ball to Matt Pratzner. Below: Spectators Ann Cheng, Ken Hoffert, Chris Ribecca, Seth Cavallari, Dave McLaughlin, Marc Tashie, and Jennifer Britton enjoy a home soccer game.


Left: Beauty and brawn. Below Left: Mark Pratzner uses his head. Below: "Heeeeres Springfield!" exclaims Danielle Chappie. Bottom: Cougar entertains spectators.



Closer Look

Top Left: "Look Ma, I got him!" Top Right: Michelle Snyder, " What form!" Right: "See no evil." Below Left: Chip Glazier looks at Elizabeth Rieder as she asks, " Can we talk?" Below Center: Heather Hartman flashes a Cougarette smile. Below Right: Brad Rankin, " Going down."


Top: Mr. McClennen's second period Physics class hard at work. Above Left: "Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to!" Above Right: Robin Dalrymple and Jackie Woolfall believe that band makes friends. Left: P.U.T., "Pretty Unusual Typists!"


Table of Contents

* *









Underclassmen 101

.* 16





District Administration

Charles A. McLaughlin Superintendent

Charles H. Hable Assistant Superintendent

Board of School Directors: Row 1: John Bay, Henry Horstman, Richard Wilson, Stanley Johnson, Nancy Thorpe, Stanlis Milkowski, George McKenna. Row 2: Ruth Bullard, Gregory Polischuk, Barry Gibbons, George Holloway, Superintendent Charles McLaughlin.


Donald Yost Director of Personnel Services

High School Administration

Earl R. Knorr, Principal

David M. Bollinger, Assistant Principal

John P. Maher, Assistant Principal



Sharon Kletzien

Linda Ball

Joan Dorsey

Margaret Lamb

Leslie Landau

Sharon Taylor

James Trumbower

English and its importance in our lives have been stressed through the required 4 years of study at S.H.S. Various courses were offered to acquire the necessary credits. The basic English courses were offered to students from freshmen to senior years. In addition, American Studies was offered for juniors and Advanced Placement English for seniors. Our worlds were expanded through these courses and we improved our writing and speaking abilities.


George Ege

Braden Montgomery

Doris Gough

India Harris

"Oh, spare me will you?"

Deborah Weiss


Socia' Studies The study of the United States' history and culture, as well as that of other countries, has been the major focus of the Social Studies department. Through European Cultures, Origins of Major Cultures, and American Studies of U.S. Cultures, we became more aware of our homeland and the world around us. As a graduation requirement, seniors also had to take American Government. Students had the option of taking some of the electives that were offered such as Psychology, Economics, Archeology and Criminal and Civil Law. Also available for seniors with a strong interest in learning the evolution of our society was A.P. American History.

James Doyle

Barbara Frattura

"1 told you that was due on Friday!"

Stephen Stefani


John Stinson

Thomas Gallagher

Thomas Grubb

James Hornaday

Jervas Jefferis

Karl Schaefer

"If I ignore him maybe he'll go away."

King Kougar coaches Andy Shane in the art of looking good.



Peter Kaczmar

Janice Brazenor

Dee Casner

Susan Kirkpatrick

Stephen Mazurek

"Okay, boys and girls, this is a computer."


G. F. Werley

The math courses that are offered at S.H.S. reflect the growing importance of mathematics in today's world. Our varied program allows us to broaden our involvement in mathematics depending on our interests and abilities. Included in the Math department are courses in Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, and A.P. Calculus. The growing need for computer knowledge brought about the addition of a new course, Computer Applications, to the already existing Computer Programming I and II. Robert Eley

George Irvin

Helen Sebold

"Isn't math exciting?" express Jerry Antner and Mrs. Sebold.

Robert Young


Science Many students tried their hands at the variety of science courses that were offered at S.H.S. We worked our way through the "unknowns" in Physical Science, survived the biology dissections, and even managed to pass chemistry without major explosions. Some students ventured on to the more advanced science courses that are offered such as Physics and Advanced Placement Biology and Chemistry. Some Juniors and Seniors opted to take Environmental Science. Even though science is required for only two years, the majority of the Juniors and Seniors realized its many applications in today's society. This realization motivated them to continue applying themselves, to investigate the unknown.

Dennis Bartow

You too can own designer goggles by Kaczmar.

Robert McClennen


Mary Boeni

Joseph Semeister

Barbara Coombs

Anabel Frye

Peter Kaczmar

Paula Kressley

Ronald LeDonne

Harry Lemmon

Joseph Zumpano

Mr. Semeister congratulates Jeanne Fichter and Debbie Henshey for completing an experiment without blowing up his room.



Foreign Longuogf

India Harris

Aurora Moral

Elizabeth Polini

This year was a time to welcome back several friends to the foreign language department. Mrs. Harris returned to Springfield High School from Germany where she spent a year as an exchange teacher. Having taught introductory French and Spanish at the Middle School, Mrs. Preiksat followed her former students to the high school to teach more advanced levels. French IV returned from Strath Haven High School to be taught here at Springfield High School by Mrs. Sarkees. Frances Preiksat

"Another day, another dollar"

Joanne Sarkees


-hysical Education

Erlinda Ardao

Bruce Yaeck

Harry Bell

Susan Purvis

Miss Ardao getting into the action

Driver Education Four years of physical education, one year of health and one year of driver education are among the graduation requirements for S.H.S. In our Freshman health class, we discussed topics ranging from drug and alcohol abuse to suicide. Sophomores looked forward to their weekly driver-ed class and getting behind the wheel. During our high school years, our gym teachers hoped not only to make us physically fit, but to introduce us to activities that we could enjoy throughout our lives. Joseph Cannon

Jack Peoples (Athletic Director)


Fine Arts Music The fine arts gave us a way to express ourselves in different ways. The vocal groups said a sad goodbye to Mr. Brennan last year, but in the fall welcomed Mrs. Ferguson as our new director. Mr. DelNegro's leadership was most evident at night band practices in the fall, which led to rewarding half time performances. Much time and energy were spent by each group in preparation for performances. Susan Ferguson

Luca DelNegro /

Everybody sing!

An artist at work

Art Mrs. Kaminsky and Mrs. Stulting helped their students recognize and display their artistic talents. Students competed in an art show at Cabrini College and many emerged victorious. Art students also prepared artwork for the annual "Celebration of the Arts" in the spring.

Suzanne Kaminsky


Barbara Stulting

IndustriolArts In Industrial Arts and Home Economics we learned many practical skills. Courses such as Graphics, Mechanical Drawing, Industrial Materials, and Power Technology were offered in Industrial Arts. In Home Economics, students could gain knowledge about cooking, fashion, and child development. All these skills could be directly applied to the outside world.

David Ash

Thomas Canning

Wanted: maid

Robert Preston

rome Economics

Susan Lupton

Ruth Snyder

''I'm just testing, honest!"


Business EducotioJ

Helen Beldecos

Patrick Connor

The Business Education courses appealed to various groups of students. For those planning to go directly into the business world, the courses offered at S.H.S. were a necessity. Many students had the opportunity to take typing courses. These courses allowed them to type their own term papers and reports. Courses in the Business department ranged from PUT (Personal Use Typing) to the Business Education Cooperative Work Program.

"J t~ink we'll get the hang of this yet.

"It's as easy as ABC"


Rita Deitrich

"First you have to put the paper in ..."

Barbara Hushion


Alice Barrett

Jeffrey Benton

For most students, the LMC was a great place to work on many assignments. Students could be found in the library at any time working alone or in the company of friends. The LMC personnel could always be counted on to help us gather information from the available resource material. "Sorry Cheryl, I don't write papers too."

Marie McConnell

Bettie Welsh

Candice Zulli



Evelyn Carroll

Patricia Rambo

John Tierno

Janet Way

Many of us made frequent trips to the Guidance Department where we discussed anything from course selections to choosing a college. As our thoughts turned toward the future, our guidance counselors dedicated much time and offered advice to helping us make our decisions. The Career Resource Center provided useful assistance in researching vocational/technical schools, colleges, and occupations.

Mrs. Way gives a little advice to a student.


Workers Behind the Scenes

Numerous people worked behind the scenes to help the school run smoothly. We could always count on friendly and helpful support when we were called to or had to pay a visit to one of the various offices. Marjorie Aronson

Rosaria Giuffre

Sarah Jacobson

Russell Kramer

Pauline Trucksess

Shelia Vint

Grace Stango

"But Mrs. Giuffre, I need guidance now!"


Special Services

Kathleen Lear

Jane Hall

Antoinette Mollichella

Isabel Swank


Grin and bear it!

Helen McGroarty


Cafeteria Workers

Ed Panny. First Row: Mgr. Judy Kilgallen, Baker Elsie Hazzard, Asst. Mgr. Barbara Snyder, Helene Dolente, Adele Peitrangelo, Marge a, Yolanda Monzo. Second Row: Doris Anzalone, Flo Simeone, Mary Sterling, Joanne Howell, Dorothy Withers, Irene Kahrias.

Bus Drivers

Peg McCabe. Second Row: Betty Dorwart, Joanne Irwin, Lynn Ramsay, Kay Vogelsong, Fran Talone, 'uinn. Third Row: Lorraine Prescott, Emma McGee, Roy Akers, Bert Kline, Gene Talone, Bud McGee, Bill kyo





e Faculty at Its Best


Cougar Foot"all in Pursui

Summer practice ... Surprise guest at the party ... Joe and Pat's hair ... Acceleration sprints.. . "football can be dangerous to your health" Psycho of pits gap the week ... Milking injuries sleds Fan scores touchdown at Strath Haven Pre-practice drills ... Jimbo's practicing today? ... Finio's in experienced hurries . .. Good times with friends ...

Varsity Football: Front Row: Shawn Orlena, Lonnie Bagby, Mike Dinapoli, Bryan Strain, Pat Diedrickson, Joe Syemick, Jim McKnight, Chris Patterson, Tracy Thomas, Coach Rick Taylor. Row 2: Hyon Woo Shin, Jim Henshey, Chris Armstrong, Scott Baun, Bob Defina, Bob Woolard, Bill McGillan, Mike Horan, Lou Albanese, Coach Les Landau. Row 3: Dave Manley, Scott Bailer, Paul Kutifaris, Rick Papas, John Dermott, Greg Joachim, Damian Finio, Mike Hagarty, Walter Smith, Coach Martorelli. Row 4: Al Jay, Mike Holstein, Wayne Heminko, Dave McClure, Bart Mahoney, Dan Stumpf, Dave Foad, Coach Joe O'Brien. Row 5: Greg Lohr, Chris Ribecca, Joe Battaglia, Jim Eden, Bill Kraft, P. J. Stefani, Steve Borelli.


The varsity football team began their season with a decisive win over Interboro 33-0. This year's team, led by captains Pat Diedrickson and Joe Syernick, looked exceptionally good in pre-season play. After a loss to Lower Merion, the Cougars bounced back to nip Marple 13-12. The highlight of every football season at Springfield is, of course, playing arch-rival Ridley. The Raiders stopped Springfield even though the defense played a tough game, as usual. The Cougars' young backfield consisted of a sophomore, three juniors, and a senior. Sophomore signal caller Scott Bailer, led the show and was backed up by juniors Hyon Woo Shin, Lonnie Bagby, and Shawn Orlena, and senior back Sean Herninko.

Clutch kick at Chichester.

Suddenly I'm so popular.

Eat my dust!


Aggressive Sticksters Chichester Henderson Great Valley Ridley Lower Merion Marple Newton Strath Haven Connestoga Haverford Penncrest Radnor Upper Darby

3-0 0-1 0-1 0-0 1-2 0-1 0-0 1-3 0-2 1-0 0-0 1-0

Here we Go! ... Hill TV ... Beating warwick ... One lollipop ... two lollipop ... Mrs. C's friendly neighbors ... Hey go team ... The wall ... stopping #67 ... Beat 'urn bust 'urn, that's our custom ...Lois alert ... beating UD ... good times and a great season ...

Varsity: Front Row: Andrea DiMaio, Susan Kane. 2nd Row: Cyndi Ford, Trish Elliot, Kel da Ciapanna, Adrienne Brattini, Cathy Plocinik, Jennifer Ray. 3rd Row: Karen Sal Brown, Janet Brown, Susan Byrne, Mrs. Carocci, Amy Hoerian, Darlene Briddes, Janet Ki Padley.

Take that! What did you say about my mother!


Hong Tough

Let's dance.

'arsity: Front Row: Joanne DeSantis, Lisa Ewald. 2nd Row: Michele Valerie Paollela, Jeanne McNicholas, Tracey Gortian. 3rd Row: Neal, Kristin Buchholtz, Jennifer King, Nancy Kane, Ms. Ciccinelli, valtz, Suscm Behenna, Diane Stango, Cheryl Frederick.

The record of the varsity field hockey team this year does not indicate the team's true talent. Most of the season's hard fought games ended in close scores. The sticksters final record was 3-5-4. Amy Hoerman was the only junior in the central league named to the All-Central First Team. Kim Padley, another junior, was named to the All-Central Second Team. Linda Ciapanna, a senior, was given honorable mention. Captains for the team this year were Andrea Dimaio and Sue Kane. The other senior players included Cyndi Ford, Trish Elliot, Kelly Brown, Carolyn Casey, Adrienne Brattini, Cathy Plocinik, andJen Ray.


Cougar Booters

... And wait until you see Miss October.

Did the coach pass out?

Row 1: Chris Cox, "tri-captains" Brian Swank, Mark Pratzner, and Pat Farrell, and Jason Dickerson. Row 2: asst. coach Bruce Berger, Todd McCarthy, Rob O'Brien, Jim Giordano, Jeff Vitullo, Hyon Chun Shin, John Dougherty, and coach Dave Ulmer. Row 3: Tim Simons, John Costalas, Matt Pratzner, Rob Longo, Hien Nyguyen, and Dave Hoeffner. Missing from the picture is goalie John Singley.


The soccer team conch: their season on a positive J by defeating Ridley by a SCOl 2-1. The team just mi: reaching the playoffs. On] loss to Upper Darby preveJ the Cougars from advancin post-season play. Brian Swank and Mark PI ner both were selected for First Team All Central. Ju Todd McCarthy and Sophon Matt Pratzner made honor mention. Coach Dave Ulmer that the team did well on whole, greatly improving on year's record of 1-7-5.

Finish in Style

Jingle Jangles ... 32s ... 11 on 5 record Marple brawl ... Neshaminy game ... "Keep your shoes on!" "The ball is slip"on the line" ... pery, you catch it" ... "My knee hurts" "buckaroo" ... All star wrestling ... The But Buddies ... Doc's spoon ... Todd's Bazooka ring ... "Rob, what's baked Ziti?" ... Pratzner-Farrell conflict ... Biker Pratzner knocked off ... Where did my partner go?

Anyone care to waltz?


Bump, Set, Spike


With two years of experience as varsity competitors in the Central League, the volleyball team showed playing of much higher quality this year. The several team records that were set this year reflected the diligent and hard-working nature of this year's squad. Senior captains Lisa Briddes and Melissa Csoky led a team that was strengthened by a multitude of seniors. Lisa Nelson, Connie Pellegrino, Nancy Pellegrino, and Kim Marryott were the rest of the Seniors on the '85 Team. The Central League coaches selected Connie Pellegrino for Second Team All-Central, and both Melissa Csoky and Junior Kelly Bossert for Third Team All-Central.

Volleyball: Front Row: Lisa Nelson, Connie Pellegrino, Nancy Pellegrino, MelisSi Csoky. Row 2: Dori Booth, Susan Gaines, Kelly Bossert, Hope Giuffre. Row 3: Coad Sue Purvis, Lisa Briddes, Kim Marryott, Coach Pat Skubish.

The Seniors.


Jam it!

Where do I sign?

Which way are you going - That way ... Kool Beans ... Nice smile ... Bowling ... Say wham · .. Roast beef sandwiches Cheap ... kinky Camp Purvis ... · .. Aaa, daadun dun, ch Farrells ... Princess Pat Let's have a munch · .. Lisa - good miss Big wheels, mu, nam mu, num ... Kelly watch your elbows What do yo want? ... "P" ... V-I-C-T-O-R-Y .

Did you really poison her Twinkies?


fl Hole in One The Cougar golf team ended with a record of 3-3. 'The big wins were over Great Valley, Ridley, and last year's Champions Haverford. Dave Woods and John Gannon captained the varsity team that consisted of Nick Borelli, Mike Forgione, Dave Robbins, and Stan Wheeler. The Junior Varsity members included Evan Lichtenstein, Kevin King, Jeff Ney, Ben Rotker, and Dave Williamson. The Cougars were coached by Mr. Cannon, who was ably assisted by Mr. Lemmon. In their view, this year was a rebuilding year. Junior Dave Robbins made fifth place All-Central.

Row 1: M. Forgione, S. Wheeler, N. Borrelli, stein, J. Ney, D. Woods, K. King.

J. Gannon, D. Robbins. Row 2: :

What grace, what form.


Kingpins Are League Chomps

y Bowling: Left to Right: Evan Lichtenstein, Kurt Schaefer, Mike Green, Mike Forgione, Mark , Missing From Picture Are: Steve Fletcher, Barb Brown, and Janet Brown.

The Bowling Team, coached by Mr. Eley, had an excellent record of 7-3-l. While capturing the league title in both Varsity and J.V. competition, the team also won three individual awards. The team held practice at Ridley Bowl during September, and had their matches at Gehris Lanes in Upper Darby. Varsity captain Mike Green had the high series of 582 and held an average of 165. The highest average on the team was held by Steve Fletcher with a 168. Janet Brown had the highest average for the girls with a 166. Mike Forgione had the league high game with a 246. Mark Clark had the J.V.league high series with a 504. Kurt Schaefer had the J.V. league high game of 223.


Cross Country

Cross Country: Front Row: John McGuigan, Jeff Jackson, Paul Torna, Mike Wynne, Mike Garton, Paul Rice, Dan Fish, Steve Kantner, Mike Perillo. Row 2: Tricia Lord, Amy Schapp, Michelle Aitala, Lora Wescott, Laura Lebonette, Melanie Houser, Megan Gollwitzer, Sian Bastable. Missing: Jan Sieczkowski.

The Cross Country team, with a record of 3 wins and 7 losses, ran extremely well and finished their season with a sense of pride and accomplishment. They looked very impressive, considering the fact that a majority of the runners were young and inexperienced. Their most notable meets were against rivals Penncrest and Haverford, both of whom managed to edge Springfield by very small margins. Lead runners Jeff Jackson and John McGuigan led the boys team, while Laura Lebonette, Amy Schapp, Michelle Aitala, and Jen Sieczowski led the girls team. All in all, the 1985 Cross Country team had a fun, exciting season.

Oh, no - they moved the finish line!



Running for time.

The Big Cheese

Go ahead - Make my day.


Up and Coming

Freshman Soccer: Row 1: Bruce Wynne, Adam Naccarrow, Eric Meth, Jim Kellow, Steve Ciarrocchi, Ray Rodden. Row 2: Mr. Irvin, Brian Srninkey, Brian Elan, Jeff Walmsley, Mike Ridpath, Barry King.

Freshman Field Hockey: Row 1: Michelle DiRocco, Joyce Kemp, Stacy Siener, Laura Lichtens Colleen Donelly, Alena Villari, Sally Staeger, Dawn McGoldrick. Row 2: Sharon Galbraith, SI Young, Meg Fratorola, Barb Salerno, Mary Lyons, Stacy Kasparian, Michelle Waraikus.

Freshman Football: Row 1: Ken Prager, Larry Peabody, Corrado Fischetti, Brian Bean, Jem Richards. Row 2: Bill Paple, Brian Doyle, Lou Durham, Nick Valente, John Miller, Scott Dunn.


IW 1: Captains Patti Hoffman, Marg Lyons. Row 2: Manager Kelly Bossert, Sue Young, Julie Pratt, Chris ZapLlropolus, Laura Lichtenstein, manager Hope Giuffre. Row 3: Coach Pat Skubish, Stacy Kasparian, Hiedi ossman, Tiffany Crowe, Wendy Wright, Meg Fratarola, and Lara Schaffer.

1: Manager Phil Hawkins, Jeff Gehris, Bob Cambell, Scott Dunn, Rob Finkelman, manager Henry Briddel. Row Larry Peabody, Kevin Erdman, Mark Forbes, George Pendergrass, Carl Shank, Chris Lehman, and coach Lou arrison. ClW


Boys' Hoopsters The Cougars continued a winning tradition this year by winning twenty games. This was only the third team in Springfield history to do so. Undefeated at home, they finished third in the league with a 15-3 record. They were 20-4 overall. In his second year back at the helm, Coach Werley did an outstanding job, leading the team into the play-offs. The team was led by Senior starters Jason Dickerson, Jim Hardy, Andy Kirkpatrick, Mark Pratzner, and Brian Swank.

Front Row: Shawn Orlena, Lonnie Bagby, Jason Dickerson, Brian Swank, Gary Kasmer, Nick Back Row: Dan Stumpf, Greg Joachim, Andy Kirkpatrick, Jim Hardy, Mark Pratzner, Carl Wag:


Jason goes up for his infamous reverse slam. I want you for Cougar Basketball!


Lonnie's loudness ... Nick's Tarheels ... Kaz's big head ... Conestoga halftime speech ... Jefferson's cockiness ... muledeer's grace . Joachim's hacks ... Wag's speed . Joachim vs. Swank ... Dawn's conversations ... Tracy's laugh ... Swank's hackers Andy's attitude ... Jim's jams Jason's grooming . . . Ace's stories . .. Skip's attire ... Steve's Stain ... "Where's Cap? We saw him out in the hall with the girls"




Girls' Basketball: Row 1: Carolyn Casey, Kelly Brown, Lisa Nelson, Missy Murphy. Row 2: Kristie Vilotti, Melissa Laurie Doyle, Suzi Kane. Row 3: Mrs. Ardao, Trish Elliot, Andrea DiMaio.

The girls' varsity basketball team had a tough season despite their hard work and positive attitude. Their work paid off during the second half of the season as they compiled a second half record of 3 wins and 5 losses. Although the teams overall record was 3 wins and 18 losses, the juniors and sophomores gained valuable experience for next year. Throughout the season, the teams' cougar pride showed through to earn them the Central League Sportsmanship Award presented by the Philadelphia Womens' Board of Officials for the second year in a row. Captain Kelly Brown and the other departing seniors wish next years' team good luck for a successful season.


usketboll 1 Bubble - 2 Bubble Romantics "What I Like About You" Dancing busrides ... Fast break drills ... Rolling suicides ... 16's ... Jane Fonda ... Monch.

Carolyn Casey displays tight defense.


38 28 40 37 28 23 41

34 35 41

33 57 24

38 34 34 49 25

OPPONENT Conestoga Strath Haven Radnor Ridley Marple Penncrest Haverford Lower Merion Upper Darby Conestoga Strath Haven Radnor Lower Merion Ridley Marple Upper Darby Penncrest Haverford

53 73 50 48 38 60 57 64 45

65 47 41

53 60 35 22 46


Coach Ardao and Coach Curran.


lee Hockey Keeps Opponen;

Ice Hockey: Row 1: Ron Stone, Pete Padley, Gene Pastornak, Chris Warner, Mark Boornazian, Joe Moglovkin, Matt Hartl 2: Ben Friedman, Steve Schwenk, Steve Mininno, Rob O'Brien, Tom Spacarelli, Anthony Mongeluzi, John Singley, Larry

The Ice-Hockey team emerged as a powerful force surprising many who predicted them to do little. Their twelve game winning streak was an obvious indication of the strength of the squad. They came in second in the league with an impressive 14-2 record that qualified them for the play-offs. They defeated both Haverford and Malvern in two of their finest efforts of the season. Chosen as All-Stars were high scorer Ron Stone, John Singley, Mark Boornazian, Pete Padley, and Steve Mininno.




Lightweights Spark


The 1985-86 grapplers completed the season with an excellent 14-3 record. Guided by coach Jim Richards, they finished tied with Marple for second place in the Central League. Led by their co-captains Ken Hoffert and Joe Syernick, the team racked up 714 team points. Their opponents combined for a total of 359 team points. It was also an outstanding year for the individual team members. Eight qualified for post-season rounds. These included Greg Alfonsi, Ken Hoffert, Dave Hoefner, Dave Holdsworth, Dave Romesburg, Jim Eden, Steve Borrelli, and Joe Syernick.

Row 1: D. Holdsworth, D. Hoefner, M. Tashie, K. Hoffert, G. Alfonsi. Row 2: Coach Jim Rich

Romesburg, H. Shin, J. Richards, White.


J. Syernick, P. Stefani. Missing are J. Eden, Steve Borrellj

Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield

47 39 51 26 50 35 49 47 44 33 24 41 27 40 59 51

Coa Upper Carrol Conestoga Strath Haven Radnor Penncrest Sun Valley W. Chester East Marple ~Pennsbury

Harriton Ridley Lower Merion O'Hara Haverford

8 25 12 36 12 24 12 15 20 32 38 23 35 18 12 12


Wish They All C oKld

Varsity Cheerleading: Row 1: Cathy Papale, Kristen Wallace, Anne Scott, Mary Triozzi, Donna Mazzoni, Kristen Ciarrocchi, Audrey Dc Row 2: Kim Tyler, Natalie Tullie, Bernadette Golden, Shannon Kokoska, Tina Ziff. Row 3: Danielle Chappie, Carol Chambers, Diane Ap Fry, Debra Procopio.

Now considered more of a sport than a sideshow, cheerleading has changed in many important ways. The emphasis of Springfield's squad was on sharp movements, complex pyramids, gymnastics, and dance routines. Although the team's main concerns were always cheering our teams on to victory and boosting school spirit, the eighteen girls and their coach, Pat Romano, made the competition rounds and ended up on top! They won several titles and earned the right to travel to sunny Anaheim, California for the National Cheerleading Championship. That accomplishment was the result of months of hard work beginning in July and continuing throughout the entire year. Three cheers for cheerleading! Supporting the team through their endeavors are Coach Pat Romano, Managers Adrienne Brattini and Anne Hughes, and Bridget "The Cougar" Nevel.


e California fiirls NCA - Give me the OFF ... California - But we beat the score! ... Parking lots, roller rinks, malls, etc. Mary's shoulder Mc5wirley ... I had a dream, kids . Let's eat first ... Audrey's "5" . Positive Mental Attitude The Amy Thing ... Oh MY God! Our 16 Backflips? N-A-T ... Thanx Peeps and Perky We love you Mrs. Romano


Row 1: Jennifer Paoletti, Stacey Smedley, Jennifer LeGrand, Kelly Reed, Jennifer ock, Barbara Fletcher, Melissa McGlade. Row 2: Alexandria Hilt, Lori Armbruster, Barbara

Varsity Cheerleaders: Preparing to fly to Anaheim.




Members of the team include: Row 1: Barb Salerno, Claudia Petolicchio, Missy Thomas. Row 2: Coach - Cindy J Karen Vint, Jancie Bonadio, Darlene Smith. Row 3: Kim Padley, Colleen Donelly, Joanne Riviello, Marcie McClellan, Moat, Jennifer Keating.

Pizza Hut dinners. " Districts just kidding ... our strict practices ... we'll call it no ... Jennifer's love of bars Joanne's confidence Dina's "Conga" ... Karen's elbow ... Collen's bar routine ... Marcie's beam dismount ... Barb's beautiful floor routine ... Janice's last year ... Kim's supportive ankle . . . Claudia's "How can we ever forget Chip" ... Missy's gallant vault effort ... perfect attendance ... C and S

Jennifer Keating wastes valuable practice time while posin picture.





The 1985-86 girls' gymnastics team had a successful season with a final record of 7 wins and 3 losses. The Cougar gymnasts were led by captains Janice Bonadio and Kim Padley. The team practiced every day after school, as well as Saturdays. Their strong effort and determination were rewarded as three girls qualified for the Central League Championships and five girls qualified for the District Championships. Boy - these practices sure are tough.

Co-Captains: Kim Padley and Janice Bonadio.


Tennis: Game, Set, and GIRLS'TENNIS


This year the girls' tennis team was led by captain Michelle Snyder and cocaptain Ingrid Schmidt, the only seniors on the team. The team had a rough season with only one win. This was primarily due to the inexperience of the young team. Springfield was represented by Karen Matalski and Michelle Snyder at the Central League Singles. Matalski, Eve Wider, Tiffany Crowe, and Snyder all competed at the Central League Doubles where they advanced to the second round. On September t~, the team defeated Ridley 5-2, their only win of the season. Coach Marge Keller said, "It was a good year for building ... it was a new team with a great deal of potential."

Row 1: Ladden Jalali, Debbie Lee, Beth Lowe, Jean Cheng, Kelly Glazier, Lisa PressmaI Coach Margaret Keller, Karen Mastalski, captain Michelle Snyder, Tiffany Cro\'Ecklund, Eve Wider, Soni Gruwell, Katina Kosturos, Laura Guelle. Missing is co-capta Schmitt.

Varsity Singles: Michelle Snyder, Karen Mastalski, and Tiffany Crowe.

Captain Michelle Snyder displays her winning forehand agair Conestoga.

B-R-R-R-R-R!/Winter Track

The overall success of Coach Curran's Winter Track Team reflected their enthusiastic spirit. The addition of many new faces was a crucial factor to their triumph. About fifty teams attended each meet, and although placement in the league was not considered, the team members as individuals were very competitive. .nter Track: Row 1: Jenny Sciekowski, Laura Lebinatt, Nancy Pellegrino, Connie Pellegrino, Duffey, Melony Houser. Row 2: Amy Wescott, Jen Jurjikonis, Denise Kell, Trish Lord, Amy Michelle Aitala. Row 3: Mr. Curran, Mary Alberts, Sue Gaines, Donna Wylie, Laura Gruelle, ?pca, Sian Bastaple, Lora Wescott.

Winter Track: Row 1: Dan Fish,-Mike Perillo, Mike Wynne, Kevin Kannon. Row 2: Joe Falone, Lou Durham, Steve Farrel, Brian Crowther. Row 3: Mr. Curran, Tom Savage, Jeff Jackson, John McGuigan, Mike Hor .



The Yeor Round Event:

"Soaring to the Stars ... and Beyond" was the theme of this year's Scrivener. Its goal was to record the 1985-86 school year as one to be remembered for its accomplishment and success. Starting a few weeks before the 1985-86 school year, several students began formulating ideas for the yearbook. With the acquisition of Mr. Braden Montgomery and Mr. Robert Preston as faculty advisors, and subsequent filling of editor's positions, things began to roll. There were copies to be assigned, pictures to be taken, layouts to be done, quadpaks to be completed and deadlines to be met. Subjected to the watchful eyes of their editors-in-chief, Stacy Finkelman and Denise McNulty, all section editors were constantly on the move to meet their respective deadlines. Working with one another, editors were able to shape the Scrivener into its final edition. Section editors spent

long hours working with their staff to ensure the ultimate appearance of each page. The Scrivener staff consisted of a well balanced assortment of students. Some had experience with previous yearbook productions and others did not. Regardless, all students involved with the yearbook were continually learning from an unrelenting supply of challenging situations. It was a very hectic year for all involved. The idea of having to fill 168 pages with print and pictures was thought to be an incredible task at the start of the year. The last page submitted to Taylor Publishing Company was indeed a source of rewarding fulfillment. Sales and distribution of the Scrivener were the responsibilities of Business Advisor, Mr. Robert Young. The cost was $23.00 per yearbook and they were distributed at the end of the school year.

Above Right: Yearbook Advisors Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Preston, Business Advisor Mr. Young. Middle Right: Underclassman Editor Mike Bolton and Typing Editor Cheryl Helstein. Direct Right: Scrivener Staff members.

Opposite Page: Upper Left: Editors-in-Chief Stacy Finkelman and Denise McNulty. Middle Left: Sports Editors Andy Davis and Hyon Chun Shin. Middle Middle: Senior Editor Ann Cheng. MiddleRight: Photography Editors Chris Cox and Craig Lowe. Lower Left: Activities Editor Phil Wider. Lower Middle: Copy Editor Ellen Stolis. Lower Right: Faculty Editor Amy Lester.


fte Scrivener


SHS Debuts This Yeor The SHS Leadership program (STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS) was a first year program in which forty five students were selected. Caring about others and helping others was one purpose of this program. The program's main purpose was to have Springfield High School become the best high school in all of Delaware County, not only in academic excellence, but also in school spirit. All of the activities in the program related to leadership. The topics discussed were communication, decision making skills, problem solving, peer pressure, drug and alcohol abuse, goal planning, and other student related topics. The students were asked what concerned them most, and the topics that were brought up were discussed. The leadership program wanted to

help those who had no one to turn to. Also, the members wanted to help other students solve minor problems before they became major ones. In the long run, this program should increase student involvement and boost school spirit. The entire student body was represented by a well balanced group of students and helped by a caring group of teachers. It is hoped that by choosing students with different interests, the ideas discussed in the program will spread throughout the school. The first activity of the year was a group trip to PEEC. The trip allowed students to become more acquainted with one another and to learn from their interactions. Students further learned from guest speakers and group activities planned by the faculty. Mr. David Ash led the group through th year.

SHS members include: Row 1: Amy Fry, Andrew Davis, Dave Larzelere, Tracie Averill, Colleen Bergin, Denise M Stephanie Arimoto, Anne Skrobanek. Row 2: Mrs. Ruth Snyder, Liz Rieder, Shannon Kokoska, Cathy Papale, Darrer Diane Apa, Adrianne Bahl, Terry Turner, Dian Stango, Donna Wylie. Row 3: Ms. Linda Ardao, Ms. Susan Luptor McMullen, Victor Zulli, John Lovell, Lora Wescott, Paul Toma, Deoi Ashmore, Cathy Trefz, Karen Souders, Craig Lo, David Ash, Mr. John Maher.

Students and teachers discuss important issues for SHS in the future.


itudent Council Improves Atmosphere

len, Heidi Mossman and Sally Staeger enjoy rst Student Council night meeting.

Mike Horan, treasurer, contemplates Student Council's current financial situation.

This year was a very productive one for Student Council. The officers and representatives for the classes of 1986, 1987, and 1988 were elected in the Spring of 1985, and the freshman members were elected in September. Tim Simons was elected President, Carolyn Casey Vice-President, Mike Horan Treasurer, and Linda Hall Secretary. Under the direction of Mr. David Ash, through the first half of the school year, and Mr. David Bollinger, through the second half of the school year, the Council sponsored many activities that were important to the school as well as to the community. These included two Blood Drives, a Turkey Fund, Toys for Tots, a dance, Senior Citizens' Day, student elections, a tutoring program, guides for Parents' Night, and working the school store. Student Council also introduced some new ideas this year including Spirit Day and the sale of newspapers and Cougar Callers in the school store. Besides sponsoring many activities throughout the year, Student Council represented the student body when changes or new activities were discussed at monthly meetings that would affect the school and community. Through their efforts, they provided for a better environment in which they could develop a strong relationshIp between the school and the community.

¡President Carolyn Casey and President Tim Simons

t Council members include Row 1: Nick Gannon, Dave Woods, Amy Fry, Greg Alfonsi, Jeff Fichter, Stephanie Jean Cheng. Row 2: Kris Buchholz, Dave Manley, Stephanie McCarthy, Nancy Kane, Matt Golden, Mike Bob Mohr, Dave Holdsworth. Row 3: Carolyn Casey, Tim Simons, Eric McGlade, Michelle Simons, Diane , Linda Hall, Amy Hoerman, Hyon Chun Shin, Ken Hoffert, Ann Cheng. Row 4: Mr. David Bollinger, Eric Meth, Lyons, Melissa McGlade, Alena Vilari, Colleen Donnelly, Stephan Ciarrocchi, Sally Staeger. Row 5: Jim Is, Heidi Mossman. Missing from picture are Hyo Moo Shin, Sue Byrne, Trevalle Ambrose, Chris Patterson, 1cClure, Scott Dunn. 0,

Alena Villari asks Colleen Donnelly, "a penny for your thoughts?"


Dazzling Sta"

The Student Theater Workshop, STW, shined again this year with its excellent productions. The major shows were performed in the little theater. STW students auditioned for the plays which were cast by Mrs. Joan Dorsey. The fall show was Deathtrap starring Mike Bolton and Chris Lippa. The play deals with an outdated playwright who plans his wife's murder, but runs into some problems. Helga ten Dorp, a Dutch psychic realizes his plans, but is too late to save him, his wife, or his male lover. In the end they all kill each other leaving Helga and the lawyer Porter with an excellent story for a play. Mike Bolton and Anita Golton play scheming husband and innocent wife in STW's production oj The supporting cast included Anita Trap. Golton, Jennifer Karvois, Christopher Santini, and Andrew Hilt. The crew was Nikki Cuccinotta, student director, Michelle Owens, Bill Larkin, Richard Weissert, Robert Staeger and Leiselle Bilapps. I Am A Camera was STW's winter show. The play is about Christopher Isherwood and his relationship with Sally Bowles, a night club singer, and his other friends in this pre-World War II non-musical version of Cabaret. The cast included Jim Carrol, Judy Ferrucci, Linda Christine, Terry Turner, Jacqui Bell, Robert Staeger, and Jeff Thoma. Student director of I Chris Lippa, an upstart playwright, presents his work to Mike Bolton, an experienced and once sue Am A Camera was Mike Bolton. man.





rucd and Jim Carrol impressed audiences with their portrayals of ,wles and Christopher Isherwood in STW's production of I Am A

Terry Turner and Linda Christine split the role of Netalia in I Am A Camera.

Todd McCarthy and Christian Ready split the role of Clive in I Am A Camera.


Character., Leadership • •

The National Honor Society is an organization where students are recognized for scholarship, leadership, character, and services. Twelve members were inducted as juniors and an additional twenty-three were added as seniors. The society held a mum sale in November in order to raise money for the Speakman family. A jump-a-thon was held in April and the benefits were donated to the Heart Fund. Also, a daffodil sale was scheduled to support the American Cancer Society. On January 27, an induction ceremony was held in Audion A with the officers conducting the service for the 23 new members. The four officers were elected by the twelve junior members. Several of their jobs were to organize meetings and plan the fund raisers. Mr. Ash was the advisor for the early part of the year and Mr. Knorr assumed the post for the remainder of the year. Mr. Knorr's role was to encourage the students and lend a helping hand when it was needed.

New members joined the society in late January.

First year members include Row 1: Brad Rankin, Stacy Finkelman, Sue Kane, Kim Marryott. Row 2: Joe Syemic Clapper, Sharon U, Darren Kline, Jennifer Karvois. Row 3: Steve Kantner, Debbie Beale, John Gannon, Chris Bolton, Mike Winterbottom, Nancy Pellegrino, Connie Pellegrino. Missing from picture are Andy Davis, Step marino, Sean Heminko, Eric McGlade, Tim Simons, and Michelle Snyder.

Mr. Knorr, the society's advisor, with officers Ellen Stolis, Secretary, Ken Hoffert, President, Ann Cheng, Vice President, and Philip Wider, Treasurer.

Second year members include Row 1: Kristen Ciarrochi, Denni! Row 2: Paul Torna, Amy Lesher, Denise McNulty, Linda Ciapan ing from picture are Nick Borrelli and Hyon Chun Shin.


Club lJIed Investigates Careers

:imately one third of Club Med members are pictured here. They include Row 1: Elizabeth Alston, ~Ieming, Rachel Dubin. Row 2: Kim Lewis, Joe Donato, Brian Peppel. Row 3: Emily Davis, Mr. Bared Walizada, John Houton, Jeff Thoma, and Chris Cox.

rer John Houton and Sponsor Mr. Bartow are inspired by Club Med's ng Father.

Club Med was a career club involved with the health profession. It covered a broad field of interests from nursing to radiology. The sponsor was Mr. Dennis Bartow and there were over thirty interested students who joined it this year. With the election held in September, the President was Anthony McCurdy, the VicePresident was Fred Walizada, the Secretaries were Tim McHugh and Gihan Abbas, and the Treasurer was John Houton. The two school dances held in November and January provided funds for the organization. During the year, many activities took place. For instance, Dr. Dimitri Centostavlos, the Delaware County medical examiner, presented a slide show on the role of the medical examiner today. In addition, the Metropolitan Hospital held a health fair and several medical video tapes were shown by Mr. Bartow. There were also several local trips and programs on medical technology throughout the year. With its numerous activities, Club Med provided students with an opportunity to explore diverse careers in the medical arts and sciences. A major hope of the club was to encourage students to pursue the search for realistic goals and career ambitions.


Debate: Abundant With Ta'enj The Debate and Forensics Team met together in November to discuss their plans for the year. As the weeks progressed they became acquainted with the National Forensic League's Debate Resolution on the topic of protection of the nation's water quality. After many hours of research and development of a plan, the team was set for the debate season. Throughout their tournaments the affirmative and negative teams varied. Several members also participated in other speech contests. Valley Forge Military Academy was once again the host of the Youth Debate on Energy with this year's topic on the disposal of toxic wastes. Junior Jeff Thoma placed second overall in the tournament. The team also competed at the District Speech Finals held at West

Catholic Girls High School in Philadelphia. Jeff's hard work paid off once again when he placed second in the extemporaneous speaking competition. This year's team was composed of the experienced and the new. For some it was their first year on the squad; for others it was their second or third. The nine member team included seniors Debbie Beale, Colleen Bergin, Dennis Bonsall, Stacy Finkelman, Dawn Kasparian, Kim Sendlinger and Philip Wider, and juniors Andrew Hill and Jeff Thoma. Coach John Leonard, a graduate of Springfield High School and in his senior year at Villanova University, led the team through another smooth and successful season. Coach John Leonard enjoyed this year's s

Dennis Bonsall and Philip Wider debated as Springfield's affirmative team throughout the year.



Dawn Kasparian and Debbie Beale participated in several speech competitions. Not pictured is Collen Bergin who also competed in several speech tournaments.


Stacy Finkelman and Kim Sendlinger enjoyed most t rides to and from the competitions.

Jeff Thoma and Andrew Hilt comprised the nE team.

Students Put Thought in Print I

ling staff often met to discuss possible poems for the magazine. They include Row 1: Jeff Thoma, Anita Golton, Sharon Li, Rob Staeger. Row Hilt, Michelle Aitala, Michael Bolton, Anthony McCurdy, Jacqui Bell, Debbie Monaghan.

Mr. Zappacosta caught in reverie.

Editor in chief Jeff Thoma Literary editor Anita Golton Art editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Serepca Typing editor Kathy Holstein Sponsor Mr. John Zappacosta


editor Anita Golton, Typing editor Kathy Holstein, Chief Jeff Thoma, and Sponsor Mr. John Zappacosta.

Did you ever wonder why there is a locked wooden box in the LMC? Well, it's the "Lit Mag" box into which students put their creativity, imagination, and talent. These are in the form of poems and short stories. Poems and short stories were solicited from the beginning of school until March 7. Art contributions (from the art staff) were accepted during the second semester. The poems (to be in the Literary Magazine in May) were chosen by the Screening Staff. The Staff met at a member's house the first Sunday of each month. The first meeting of the Screening Staff was held in November. In addition to the Screening Staff there was also a Typing and Art Staff. The Literary Magazine was compiled by the Business and Education Department; the printing and production were done by the Graphics Department. Memories ... Are you feeling low?, Green M&M's, Do you have something to share with us about the poem?, Hallmaric poetry, What does it mean?, Let's vote!, How come you can only think of something to say when someone else is talking!, Does this poem have merit?, This poem is so cute.


Gliding to the Stars What a great opening of the season, a cool crisp day at Jack Frost. But then, a mid-winter heat wave. Half of January ski season was ruined by the warm winter weather. But club members had a great February. The Ski Club was sponsored by Mr. Ash and Mr. Yaeck. Representing grades nine through twelve, the ski club consisted of both talented skiers and inexperienced skiers alike. Senior officers for the 1986 season were Andrea Dimao and Mike Horan. Junior officers were Jeanne Fichter, Debbie Henshey and Michele Carlin.

Members include Row 1: Michelle Carlin, Jennifer Fichter, Debbie Henshey, Michael Horan, Fischetti, Chip Shreckengrost. Row 2: Michael Yalove, Eric Meth, Ben Rotker, Brian Crowther,. ramoni, Geoffrey Maits. Row 3: Greg Hoffman, Andrew Shane, Bill Larkin, Mark Davis, Greg Lol McClure, Mr. David Ash. Row 4: Kevin King, Victor Sulli, Doug Kohl, Matt Seavey, Joseph Smi1 Testa, Scott Feustel, John Costalas, Bill McVean, Bubble Yum. Row 5: Evan Lichtenstein, Forgione, Leonard Cannon, Dave Greene.

The Real Strength of SHS Weightlifting was a popular activity this year. At any given time, approximately forty to fifty students could be found in the weight room in the Gold Gym. They consisted of both boys and girls of all grades. Under the supervision of Mr. Ya~ck and Ms. Ardao, these students trained for many reasons. While some participated just for fun, others worked to lose weight or prepare for their next sport and build bigger and stronger muscles. Members include Row 1: Michele Duffy, Joanne Riviello, Adrian Ready, Blair Carter, supervi Yaeck. Row 2: Jim Booth, Tom Waltz, John Miller, Dave Yeygan, Dave Larzelere, Greg Davis. Tracy Thomas, Matt Golden, Lou Valente, Edward O'Neill, Shaun Young, Joe Alfonsi, Matt Prat Philli s.

Joe Alfonsi helps Matt Golden stay in shape.


Dave Larzelere finds the facilities in the weight room to be excellent.

(ideo Crew ond LlJfC Aides ~ video crew, under the supervi)f Dr. Jeffrey Benton, held many nsibilities which benefitted the )1. Members of the crew learned LlS skills on running the camera, g up equipment, and conducting ra interviews. ~re were three student organized ams this year which the crew lced, taped, and had broadcasted ble television, channel 16. "High )1 Magazine," modeled after 1ing Magazine," consisted of to five features each issue of 11 and community activities. Lbow Junction Express" was a for preschoolers modeled after ogers. "A Taste of Today" was a

cooking and life styles show in which students from home economics classes conducted cooking lessons and offered tips in fashion and fitness. Open to all grades, the crew was primafily composed of students who showed some interest in video and had been exposed to video production techniques either in school courses or elsewhere. The crew's six members were given the opportunity to de~ide whether video production is something they will want to pursue in the future. Having learned the basics through their work on the crew, many of the students have planned on studying communications after they graduate from high school.

The library aides were a group of seven students in grades nine through twelve who worked in the Learning Materials Center (LMC) doing a variety of tasks. During study halls and lunch periods, they performed a routine of chores consisting of filing cards and papers, shelving books, and locating magazines for students. Working with advisor Mrs. Marie McConnell, the students helped to provide for a better learning environment. While getting acquainted with the actual components of the library, student aides were also able to have personal exhibits in the library.

LMC Aides include: Blaire Carter, Evie Fitzpatrick, Bonnie McGonigle, Karen Liebeskind, Michael Moxley. Crew members include: Allen Lousinian, Debie Ashmore, Rob Kevin Carlin, Dr. Benton, Karen Supper, David Yegyan.


The stage crew contributed to the success of all assemblies and special programs throughout the year. Working backstage, behind the scenes, the crew of five students set up and maintained the stage. Under the guidance of Mr. Zappacosta, the students learned of the practical uses of light and sound. As members of the crew, they were provided good technical and stage experience. Learning the technical aspects of stage production, students were made aware of job opportunities and chances to continue and develop their skills in college.

lvell, Mr. John Zappacosta, and Frank Doyle work behind les.



Oktoberfest Vnd lJfehr

German Club Officers Anthony McCurdy, Jennifer Fry, Laura Guelle, Kristy Rudisill, Sonie Gruwell, and Mrs. Harris.

The German Club featured many high spirited activities in its schedule. The annual Oktoberfest offered German music and foods, and a slide show of Germany put together by sponsor Mrs. Harris. While the Christmas dinner was held after the winter vacation, members were effusive with the holiday spirit. They were afforded yet another opportunity to sample the native food of Germany. Other activities included an Advent Calendar sale, field trips to German museums, and funnel cake and bake sales. With approximately thirty students on the official membership list, the German Club elected a group of officers to lead the club and organize activities. Anthony McCurdy was the club's president, with Kristy Rudisill as vice-president, Laura Guelle as secretary, Sonie Gruwell as treasurer, David Duffy as public relations officer, and Jennifer Fry and Janet Hayes as general officers. Their busy schedule helped club members to enjoy their exposure to German language and culture.


Club members sample German foods at their Christmas Party

Many students attended the annual German club Oktoberfesl

French Enjoy Culture

~st la toilette? These were words 1t1y spoken at the French Club nas Dinner Party on December ~ French Club, under the superof Madame Sarkees, kicked off ~ar in September by electing , Colleen Bergin, Trish Elliot, r Ray, and Paul Torna as ofThe officers were responsible sanizing many activities and gs throughout the school year. Christmas Dinner Party, the ub social event, was held at Elliot's house. Each club ~r prepared a dish for the meal.

The atmosphere of the evening was very romantic as quiche, beef stroganoff, and fine non-alcholic wines were served. Each table was beautifully decorated with red tablecloths, candles, paper plates, and plastic eating utensils. Even some of the Spanish club members attended this merry get together and contributed such delicacies as French fries and French dressing. Other club activities during the year included a Mardi Gras party, several "wine" and cheese parties, and a dance to raise money for the Pepe la Pu Foundation.

rkees with officers Tricia Elliott, Jennifer tl Torna, and Colleen Bergin.

French club members dine with candlelight during their Christmas dinner.

Fiestas Muy Divertidas

Mrs. Moral and Spanish club officers Ellen Stolis and Michael Bolton.

The accomplishments of the Spanish Club revolved around the dedication and hard work of its members and club advisor, Mrs. Aurora Moral. Club officers Mike Bolton and Ellen Stolis planned and directed several activities for the year. Spectacular fiestas and successful fund raisers were the result of their many after school meetings. Approximately forty enthusiastic members constituted the club. The Halloween fiesta shimmered above the other festivities. Many members came dressed in original costumes, and prizes were awarded for the best designed and most original costumes. Refreshments, games and a pinata were enjoyed by everyone. Other activities for the year included a Christmas party and several fund raisers. The club provided its members with occasions to use Spanish outside the classroom and to experience Spanish culture in a jovial and friendly environment.

Club members who attended the Christmas party include Row 1: Mrs. Moral, Nancy Amaya, e Bah!. Row 2: Jean McNicholas, Colleen Donnelly, Greg Joachim, Ellen Stolis, Gladys Ayala, :arlin, Diane Alsop, Michael Bolton, Patti Bolton.


Bond: A Fi'l Moans of some students were heard as they looked at the "band board" and discovered that they were going out into the cold fifth period or there was full uniform on a warm Saturday. But all in all they knew Mr. DelNegro CMr. D.") only had their best interests at heart. In the fall, they were busy performing a half time at every Saturday and one Friday night football game. One half of fifth period (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) was not enough time to practice so they practiced one night a week until the end of football season. They marched in 4 parades this year: The Senic Hills' Halloween on October 30th, the St. Patrick's Day on March 15th, the Lion's Club Annual Convention on May 17th in Allentown, the Memorial Day on May 26th, and they plan to march at Springfield's 300th Birthday on June 21st. Mr. D. did his best to find fund raisers for the band this year. On November 8th they had their annual Spaghetti Dinner. They sold cheese and sausage, bonus books, flashlights, plants, and hoagies. All these were to raise money for the highlight of the year at S.H.S. - The Florida Trip, Apri119th-22nd. The band room was a home to about 200 of them this year. They did a lot there. Sometimes they would go there to talk, or just to hang out.

Woodwinds include Row 1: Lora Wescott, Barb Teszler, Cheryl Fredericks, Amy Fry. ROll bie Monaghan, Sandy Garrison, Steve Schwenk, Joseph Smith, Kara VanZanten, Michae: Row 3: Steve Coppock, John Burk, Jimmy Keller, Jay Yalove, Chris McMillan.

Clarinets include Row 1: Adrianne Bahl, Doug Netting, Bill Oliver. Row 2: Leiselle Bille Shiota, Elizabeth Alston. Row 3: John Gannon, Chris Santini, Stacy Seiner, Kevin Montgon

Band Managers include Row 1: Mike Lewis. Row 2: Amy Sampson, Cheryl Holstein. Row 3: Janet Kayes, Melinda Lord, Sue Harvey.


Flutes include Row 1: Jennifer Debernardi, Jennifer SooHoo, Melanie Row 2: Tracey Gortian, Diane Sorensen, Maria Bilotti, Linda Roberts. ROll dy Sullivan, Karen Mastalski, Jennifer Fry, Beth Serepca.



ISS include Row 1: Gavin Baker, Rob Staeger. Row 2: Pete Flecknoe, lwer, Chris Yocum, Glenn Hartman.

Trumpets include Row 1: Kenny Schaefer, Andy Rosser, Gary Hartzell, John Karnpmeyer. Row 2: John Oliver, Dave Yost, Dave Dessender. Row 3: Andy Rodden, Victor Zulli, Steph~n r.~mm~rino. Paul Shane.

Horns include Row 1: Jennifer Lewis, Kurt Schaefer, Linda Peppel. : Rob Stocker, Eric McGlade, Colleen Clendenin.


Percussion include Row 1: Kevin King, Susan Young, Dana Stein, Mike Tiger. Row 2: Jeff Thoma, Mike Jackson, Susan Gaines, Christy Rudisill.

The band with the front units performs at half time. Major Erica Milbourne conducts the


SHS Front Uni1

Flag members include Row 1: Co-Captains Debbie Beale, Tracy Haiko, Carolyn Primavera, Katie Valvardi. Row 2: Lisa Lasalle, Jeanne Fichter, Debbie Henshey, Donna Wylie, Sue Adams. Row 3: Bridgette Kane, Sue Wright, Michele Carlin, Stephanie Gormley, Stephanie Arimoto.

Rifle members include Row 1: Sgt. Denise McNulty, Sgt. Dawn KasF Row 2: Patti Bolton, Becky Fahnestock, Sharon Regan, Diane Alsop.

Center: Debi Ashmore and Heather Collins, Co-Captains. Left Group: Row 1: Colleen Bergin, Bev Wallace, Jen Hoffman. R Dawn Civetella, Michelle Averill, Marlene Dunis. Row 3: Debbie Winterbottom, Chris Casey, Robin Dalrymple. Center G: Row 1: Dawn Haiko, Kris Rickards, Denise Grosso. Row 2: Sue Garoh, Anne Hughes, Heather Hartman. Row 3: Denise Laurel Wright, Jackie Woolfall. Right Group: Row 1: Maggie Papale, Barbara Primavera, Alice Wenzinger. Row 2: Cyndi Rb Tracey Averill, Kathy Trefz. Row 3: Linda Christine, Donna Sminkey, Sharon Haiko.


.dd a Touch of Closs

The Halloween Parade gave everyone a chance to go a little crazy.

iughes waits for her name to be lced at the last game of the

If you've ever been to a football game, you've undoubtedly noticed the band. Performing along with the band during half-time were the front units: the Rifles, the Silks, and the Cougarettes. With a smaller number of girls than usual in the rifle squad this year, the girls were able to put on a great show. In order for their routines to look as super as they did, each rifle moved at precisely the same time as the others. Much practice and cooperation were needed to achieve this. With the excellent leadership of Sergeants Denise McNulty and Dawn Kasparian, the season ran smoothly and all six members deserved a five star salute. Choosing between the four senior members of the silk unit for the captain position would have been a difficult one. Therefore, Mr. Luca Del Negro, affectionately known as Mr. "D," decided all four would have the honor. They were Debbie Beale, Tracy Haiko, Carolyn Primavera, and Katie

Valvardi. As with the rifle squad, precIsIOn was important for the silk unit also. They not only achieved precision this year, but perfection as well. The Cougarettes were a team of thirty girls who performed in front of the band during half-time. This year's line had the largest number of girls in the history of the Cougarettes which made it especially hard for captains Debi Ashmore and Heather Collins. However, because of the team's willingness to cooperate and work hard the results were better than ever. The Rifles, Silks, and Cougarettes really added a touch of class to the band. The songs which the front units performed to this year included: "Boogie Down", "Bandstand", "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' ", "Rockit", and "Always on My Mind." Other activities which the band participated in this year were various parades, the Spring Band Concert, and a trip to Florida to perform at Epcot.


Orchestra SparklE Representing strings; winds; and percussion; the orchestra was a group of students grades nine through twelve who devoted their skills and time to the harmony of a musical ensemble. While fifth period on Tuesdays and Thursdays was designated for practice sessions; many members of the group had a split lunch. The need for more rehearsal time necessitated intensive practices held on nights prior to concerts. The orchestra played traditional music as well as holiday songs and other familiar tunes. Audiences present at the Mid-Winter Concert and Spring Concert were treated to mellifluous melodies under the coordination of Mr. Del Negro. The orchestra joined the band in a trip to Florida where both groups were adjudicated.

Woodwinds include Row 1: Barb Teszler, Debbie Monaghan, Lisa Shiota, Doug Netting, I McGlade. Row 2: Sandy Garrison, Amy Lesher, Tracey Gortian, Lera Westcott, Eve Wider. Row, Gannon, Kristen Ciarrocchi, Michele Wasserman, Denise Kell, Chris Santini.

Brass and Percussion include Row 1: Linda Peppel, Jennifer Lewis, Kevin King, John Kampmeyer. J Kurt Schaefer, Pete Flecknoe, Colleen Clendenin, Doug Troutman, Gary Hartzell. Row 3: Chris ') Stephan Gammarino, Eric McGlade, Pat Maloit, John Oliver, Kevin Kannon.

Concert Master Erica Milbourne and director Mr. DelNegro.


TithMusic Galore

lclude Row 1: Barbara Primavera, Alice Wenzinger, Alexandra Hilt, Jean Cheng, Alena _ynda Snyder, Beth Serepca. Row 2: Carolyn Primavera, Erica Milbourne, Karen Elizabeth Rieder,Joanne DeSantis, Anne Smargiassi. Row 3: Philip Wider, John Burk, Hilt, Rob Clements, Mark Milbourne, Lisa Serepca. Gavin Baker.

Joanne DeSantis, violin in hand, prepares for a concert.

Orchestra officers include Erica Milbourne, Lora Wescott, Alena Villari, and Stephan Gammarino.

lrtzell takes a break from the busy life of a l.


Behind the String Scene

Alice Wenzinger and Barbara Primevara discuss Beethoven with Mr. "D."

Karen Souders prepares her viola for a concert.

Jennifer Lewis and Barb Teszler relax after a long g ractice.

"Why not red bow ties?"

Beth Serepca and Alena Villari pack away their cellos, exhilarating concert.


~usicians Attain

and members include Row 1: Kurt Schaefer, Lisa Shiota, Colleen Gavin Baker. Row 2: John Oliver, John Burk, John Gannon, Stephan



rchestra members include Row 1: Kurt Schaefer, Beth Serepca, Lisa 2: Colleen Clendenin, Pat Maloit, Erica Milbourne, Lisa Serepca. m Burk, Stephan Gammarino, John Gannon, Gavin Baker.



Regional Band members include Kurt Schaefer, Stephan Gammarino, and Colleen Clendenin.

Springfield was once more well represented at the Pennsylvania Music Educator's Association Festivals. Interested students in band, orchestra, and choir, auditioned and competed against students from other participating high schools. Acceptance and subsequent seating were determined by performance at try outs. All the festivals were open to grades ten through twelve, except for District Orchestra which was also open to ninth graders. District Band was held at Strath Haven High School and Regional Band at Octocara High School. District Orchestra was held at St. Maria Goretti and Regional Orchestra at Central Bucks East High School. District Chorus was held at Owen J. Roberts High School and Regional Chorus at Neshaminy High School. Those judged the best at Regionals went on to States.

)rchestra members include Row 1: Kurt Schaefer, Lisa Shiota. Row 2: lendenin, Erica Milbourne, Lisa Serepca. Row 3: John Burk, Stephan lO, Denise Kell, John Gannon, Gavin Baker.



Choirs Offf The junior and senior choirs were very busy this year. Together, the choirs performed in the Mid-Winter concert on December 15. This concert was performed for the student body before the holiday vacation. In the concert they performed many holiday songs including the traditional "Hallelujah Chorus" from the Messiah which featured some faculty members joining in. A small magical group was featured along with the pop group at the Celebration Of The Arts on May 8. The senior choir had their final concert on May 22. This concert was highlighted by an opening number with a brass quartet and a song performed with a mini chorus of 4th graders from Sabold school. The choir presented a variety of music that made for a wonderful concert. The highlight for the end of this busy year was adjudication followed by a trip to Great Adventure.

Students and faculty sang in the Mid-Winter concert.

Senior Choir Sopranos include Row 1: Karen Hill, Chris Ellis, Kathy Holstein, Michelle Owen Beverly Wallace, Karen Vint, Kim Marryott, Maggie Papale, Carol Ecklund. Row 3: Stacy Seine] DeBernardi, Joanne Miller, Heather Collins, Linda Hall, Patti Bolton. Row 4: Cheryl Holstein, Lord, Katie Valvardi, Laura Guelle, Sue Adams, Sharon Regan, Elisa Veley, Amy Lesher.

Senior Choir Tenors and Basses include Row 1: Doug Hoover, John Kampmeyer, Je Row 2: Joe Grelis, Dave Beaver, Bob Woolard, Michael Bolton. Row 3: John Glar Peppel, Patrick Coleman. Row 4: Michael Winterbottom, Paul Toma, Michael Zi Travel Ambrose.

Senior Choir Officers: Kathy Holstein, Michael Bolton, Michael Winterbottom, and Kelly Glazier.

Senior Choir Altos include Row 1: Linda Hilbert, Amy Sampson, Margie Diane Alsop. Row 2: Denise McNulty, Kelly Glazier, Stephanie Arimoto Aitala, Irish Fish, Missy Calla. Row 3: Anita Golton, Heidi Lev Kasparian, Bridgette Kane, Debbie Carlin. Row 4: Patti Mclntyn McDevitt, Denise Grosso, Sue Harvey, Michelle Wasserman.



Great Variety

Choir Members include: Row 1: Director Mrs. Ferguson, Michelle Wareikis, Emily Davis, Jeff r, Jennifer Hoffman, Adrianne Bahl. Row 2: Anne Skrobanek, Jennifer Paoletti, Michelle Bena, Keith Berry, Jennifer Brennan, Kim Warwick. Row 3: Amy Garton, Patti Lord, Joyce Kemp, Mark LIme, Meg Gollwitzer, Letitia Hill. Row 4.: Sue Adams, Betty Kinder, Laurey Schmidt, Mark Garton, ;uenesso, Dawn McGoldrick, Tiffany Rufus.

Michelle Aitala and Anne Skrobanek discuss the dilemma of smiling while singing.

Girls Chorus Officers: Stephanie Arimoto and Cheryl Holstein. :horus members include Row 1: Chris Ellis, Kathy Holstein, Linda Hilbert, Margie Holstein, ;ampson, Diane Alsop. Row 2: Maggie Papale, Beverly Wallace, Karen Vint, Denise McNulty, Glazier, Stephanie Arimoto, Missy Calla. Row 3: Cheryl Holstein, Patti Bolton, Linda Hall, 'tte Kane, Sue Harvey, Debbie Carlin. Row 4: Melinda Lord, Elisa Veley, Sharon Regan, Amy r, Sue Adams, Michelle Wasserman, Pattie McIntyre, Marcie McDevitt, Denise Grosso.

The Girls Chorus, under the leadership of officers Stephanie Arimoto and Cheryl Holstein, worked very hard for their mid-winter concert, which was held on December 15. They sang many songs, including the traditional Hallelujah Chorus. Even a few teachers participated. Because of the small number of boys that joined, there was no formal boys chorus this year.


Pop Group at School and Awan The Pop Group was fantastic this year. This special group's members, selected by audition, were a group of the finest voices in the school. Only singing the most difficult music, the group performed many times under the direction of Mrs. Ferguson. The Pop Group performed with the choirs and choruses in the Mid-Winter and Spring concerts. They also traveled on special trips to Harrity School and Elwyn Institute. During the winter season, the group traveled to several churches to spread the holiday cheer.

Members include Row 1: Dave Beaver, Michelle Aitala, Cheryl Holstein, Stephanie Arimoto, Glazier, Kathy Holstein, Adrianne Bah!, Patti Bolton, Doug Hoover. Row 2: Michael Bolton, Brian P Denise McNulty, Sharon Regan, Heidi Levin, Anita Golton, Michelle Owens, Laura Guelle, Milbourne, Anne Skrobanek, Keith Berry. Row 3: John Kampmeyer, Joe Grelis, Elisa Veley, Amy L Sue Gaines, Michael Winterbottom, Paul Torna.

Bond and Orchestra Fund Boise' The band and orchestra worked throughout the school year, primarily to raise money for the Florida trip. This trip was very special to both groups. Every four years, the band and orchestra are carefully evaluated. If selected, they are invited to perform at Disney World. During the adjudication, the band was observed by college professors. They then marched around Epcot. This costly trip was paid mostly by the fund raisers. Participation in the fund raisers was optional. Many members paid for the trip solely by the fund raisers. Among the fund raisers were the sale of bonus books, the sale of flashlights, the cheese and sausage sale, the hoagie sale, and the plant sale. Of course, the spaghetti dinner was a highlight of the year. These fund raisers greatly cut the cost of the Florida trip and the ambitious members did a terrific job. Cristine Casey, Mr. Luca DelNegro, Tracie Averill, and Colleen Bergin participate in the annual Spaghetti Dinner.


Eve Wider and Ann Smargiassi set tables f( Spaghetti Dinner.

Scott's Hi-Q Scintillates With Brilliance

1embers include Row 1: Ann Cheng, Dennis Bonsall, Ken Hoffert, Philip Wider. Row 2: Ad1argaret Lamb, Jennifer Karvois, Heidi Levin, Colleen Clendenin, Tim McHugh, Dave rorth, Hyon Chun Shin. .'.

"'"'":"""",. -,.,.,. ...,."".,-

"We've got some goodies today."

The team seeks to absorb information during one of its many meetings.

Team members confer on an answer.

:hun Shin spots the next study lming his way.

Scott Hi-Q was alive and well this year at Springfield High School. The team met once or twice each week in the LMC and also at team members' homes. At meetings, while indulging in the delicacies of junk food, the team reviewed a wide variety of subject areas by firing questions at one another in rapid succession. Estabished in 1948, Scott Hi-Q is the oldest continuing academic quiz program in the United States. Scott Paper Company sponsors the program with hopes of encouraging academic achievement, initiative and good sportsmanship. Questions asked in the meets were drawn from the following twelve categories: Current Events, American Government, World History, American History, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Mathematics, Sports, American Literature, Vocabulary, Art History and Shakespeare. The team competed in three separate meets from which a cumulative score was used to determine qualification for the finals. The team, with Mrs. Lamb at the helm, assumed the proud role of following last year's championship season.

Tim McHugh tries to remember the author of one of this year's novels.


Eve Wider, Linda Roberts, and Dana Stein enjoying their lunch period together.

"I never knew that Charlemagne could interesting!"

"Hi, babe!"


John Aaron Elizabeth Alston William Ashmore Stephanie Barnes Brian Bean Cynthia Bennett

Michelle Bentivenga Keith Berry Maria Bilotti David Brennan Jennifer Brennan Henry Briddell

Sarah Bruinsma Brad Buonadonna Robert Campbell Leonard Cannon Kevin Carlin Blair Carter

David Casey Sajeev Cherian Stephen Ciarrocchi Andrea Cimeo Mark Clark Richard Clark

Michael Coleman David Connors Sharon Creasy Tiii,l11y Crowe Derek Cunningham Joseph D'Alessio

Jennifer DeBernardi Jill Dennis David Dessender Michelle De Rocco Colleen Donnelly Brian Doyle

Suzanne Doyle Scott Dunn Louis Durham Bryan Eagan Kevin Erdman Kenneth Evans


Joseph Falone Allisa Ferguson Sheryl Ferrucci

Erik Fink Robert Finkelman Corrado Fischetti

Daniel Fish Catherine Fleming Cash Foote

"The next Rocky?"

Freshmen were introduced to the many school clubs on Activities Day, October 1, .

Mark Forbes Dawn Foster Megan Frattarola Donald Freda William Friedmann Sharon Galbraith

Amy Garton Jeffrey Gehris Stephen Giampaolo William Giannakarios Megan Gollwitzer David Greene


Zoe Grispino Licia Guenesso Robin Hallinan Alicia Hamilton

Daniel Hanson Philip Hawkins Linda Hilbert Letitia Hill

Lawrence Hillard Sandra Hillard Nick Hinrichsen Gregory Hoffman

Patricia Hoffman Benjamin Hood Melanie Houser Michael Hunter

Club Med members greet students as they come to their dance.


Gregory Jefferson Brian Jones Michelle Joyce Stephen Kapczynski Stacy Kasparian

Jenifer Kass Melissa Kelly Joyce Kemp Michael Kerns Douglas Kohl

Mark Lane Christina Lazorik Christopher Lehman Laura Lichtenstein Karen Liebeskind

Brekk Lombertino Patricia Lord Michael Lynch Margaret Lyons James Marder

Karen Mastalski Angela Maturo Holly McCabe Margaret McCormick James McDaniel

Paul McDermott Brian McDowell Susan McGarvey Melissa McGlade Dawnn McGoldrick

Bernadette McGonigle Theresa McGonigle Peter McGough James McGowan Matthew McKernan


Christopher McMillan Eric Meth Mark Milbourne John Miller Matthew Miller

Davina Moat Michele MollicheIla Krigten Montgomery Heidi Mossman Robin Mullins

Linda Musi Adam Nancarrow Scott Neely Brian Niemiec Charlew Note

class of 1989 began the year anxiously and eagerly awaiting the change Liddle school students to that of High School Students! e were many scholastic changes to which the freshman class had to adealth class, Elizabethan literature with Romeo and Juliet, Algebraic equa~uropean culture and solving an unknown for I.P.S. 3.S also a year of curriculum change. The class of 1989 now had to te with 21 credits: 4 credits of English, 3% credits of social studies, 3 of Math, 2 credits of Art/Humanities class, 5 elective credits, 4 years of , and 1 year of Driver Education. lemics were not the only thing on the minds of the Freshman Class. ;ocial life as high school students was also prevelent. The school's ; clubs and organizations offered the freshman a great way to become cquainted with the school and the student body. Through Activities Day ober I, Freshmen had the chance to join clubs and make friends. 3. night life brought freshmen out in great attendance to the frequent 3.y night dances. They also became culturally enriched as they attended W Theatre productions of Deathtrap, I Am A Camera, and Harvey, and h various choral and instrumental concerts in the Winter and throughout ¡ing. y of the freshmen participated in sports. The Boy's Freshman Football yen defeated Ridley! Let's hope it becomes a tradition! Sports gave the attraction of meeting new people, experiencing through competition, lrning discipline. le time June was upon us, the class was eagerly looking forward to the ~r and the prospects of an even more successful Sophomore year.


Stacy Kasparian and Melissa McGlade having fun in our high school's hallowed halls.

William Papale Lawrence Peabody Michael Perillo Kenneth Prager Julie Pratt Linda Pszoniak

Andrea Puppio Adrian Ready Paul Rice James Richards Michael Ridpath Joanne Riviello

Linda Roberts Raymond Rodden Ronald Romano Nikki Ross Barbra Salerno Michael Salla

Samina Sami Kenneth Schaefer Barbara Scherer Stacy Seiner Beth Serepca Lara Shaffer

Carl Shank Dorothy Slate Ann Smargiassi Stacey Smedley Brian Sminkey Carlita Smith


Freshmen Not Pictured Emily Davis Pamela DeAngelis Joseph Donato Adryan Ferrell James Keller Betty Minder Barry King David McCaffrey Dale McCormick

Melanie Mendez Michael Moxley Meaghan Reed Renee Rodden Jennifer Sieczkowski Michael Spence James Tegethoff Jeffrey Walmsley

Lynda Snyder Meredith Snyder Jennifer SooHoo Constance Spigel SallyStaeger Dana Stein

Karen Tees Melissa Thomas Steven Thorn Michael Tiger Elaine Touhill Wendie Treftz

Daniel Vecchione Erin Veitenheimer Alena Villari Denise Walton Daniel Waltz Michelle Wareikis

Amy Westhead Eve Wider Wendy Wright Bruce Wynne Michael Yalove

Chihoon Yang Susan Young Wendy Zacker Christina Zafiropoulos


Jeff and his computer date!

Class of 1988 Officers: Stephanie Arjmoto, Amy Fry, David Woods, Nick Gannon, and Dave La!

Class Sponsors: Miss Lupton and Mr. Grubb


Michael Abdill Michelle Aitala Miriam Albert

Gina Angelucci Diane Apa Stephanie Arimoto

Lori Armbruster Jeffrey Atchison Tony Babcock

Sarah Bagby Adrianne Bahl John Bailer

Vicki Baldwin Jeffrey Ballas Sian Bastable

The sophomores were now a class. They elected class officers and became more unified with the help of their officers and sponsors. They had many things to look forward to including the Soph-Hop, the purchase of class rings and the candy sale. The candy sale came in time for Halloween. Class members sold candy to friends, family members and neighbors from October 14 through 18. The money earned from the candy sale was used to pay for the class rings. Many rings were turned 88 times for good luck. Academically it was a very difficult year. Algebra and I.P.S. were gone and sophomores had to face geometric proofs and the intricate internal workings of the frog. Also, in the front of some members of the sophomore class were cars. Sophomores took the mandatory Driver Ed class and the simulator instruction throughout the year as they learned how to drive defensively. Many sophomores were elected to participate in the vocational-technical program. The final class event of the year was the Soph-Hop held on April 26, 1986. The first formal dance of the class of 1988 was a great success. Many of the sophomores attended the formal dance held in the cafeteria.

Joseph Battaglia Christopher Baxter Leiselle Billops Stephen Borrelli Dorothea Bothe Michael Bowe

Janene Bowman John Boyle Sherri Brantner Sharon Branton William Brennan Richard Brenton


Christine Brolley Janet Brown Jennifer Buchan Jane Buchanan Kristin Buchholz Stephen Buck

Justin Bussinger Karen Caffarina David Campbell Gary Cane David Caporaletti Sandra Carglena

Patricia Carpenter Brian Cassidy Seth Cavallari Carol Chambers Jean Cheng James Clements

Judge Coe Cheslea Collins Christine Conant Cara Cooly John Costalas Brian Crowther


Kimberly Cundiff Nicole D'Ambrosio Robin Dalrymple Angela Davia Gregg Davis Lynn Davis

Mark Davis Gary Dean Roseann DeMarco Roland Denardo Dawn Dewees Christopher DiMarco

Christopher Dion Francisca Donato

Sheila Donlan Mark Donnelly

Kimberly Drescher Rachel Dubin

"Are you sure that this is edible?"

Michele Duffey David Duffy Jeffrey Erb Daniel Evans Lisa Ewald Antonica Fairbanks

Sharon Farra Stephen Farrell James Ferguson Wayne Ferrier Jeanine Ferro David Feustel


Jeffrey Fichter Carrieann Flaherty Peter Flecknoe Barbara Fletcher David Foad

Barry Foster

Amy Fry

Jennifer Fry

Nicholas Gannon

Joseph Garramore

Hard at work in the LMC!

Karl Geary Gina Giacomucci Catherine Gildea Richard Gildea Joseph Giuffre


Kristina Glancey Kelly Glazier Tracey Gortian

Patricia Gruwell Karen Hagarty Sharon Haiko

Heather Hartman Janet Hayes John Hazzard

Wayne Heminko Barry Hill Alexandra Hilt John Hinrichsen Jennifer Hoffman

Michael Holstein Douglas Hoover Michael Hopkins Allen Houser Matthew Illich

Aaron Jackson Alfred Jay Jennifer Jurciukonis Max Kadis Nancy Kane

Gary Kasmer Michael Kearney Jennifer Keating Christine Kennedy Tyler Kimmey


Jennifer King Kevin King Steven Kinsey Shannon Kokasa Kristen Kotik Jennifer Kovalik

Daniel Krehnbrink Jennifer Kush Karla Kutufaris Stephen Lamarchesino David Larzelere Lisa LaSalle

Laura Lebonette Jennifer LeGrand Andrew Lesher Christopher Lewis Greg Lohr Robert Longo

Gina Maglio Bartholomew Mahoney Geoffrey Maits Lisa Malnati Patrick Maloit Michael Manata

Frank Marino Thomas Marker Tina Martin Cerise Martino Marcie McClellan Jennifer McClintock

David McClure John McKenna Michael McKnight David McLaughlin Jeanmarie McNicholas William McYean

Jennifer Miller Joseph Moglovkin Albert Mohr Andrew Morris


Jeffrey Morrison Christopher Nass Marianne Nazirides Nicole Nazzazio Douglas Netting Brendan Newman

Jeffrey Ney HienNguyen William O'Brien John O'Neill William Oliver Deanna Paciocco

Monica Paglia Jonathan Palmer Louise Panczner Valerie Paolella Jennifer Paoletti Linda Peppel

Claudia Petolicchio Michael Phillips Stephen Pickhaver Adele Pipinos Gregory Polischuk Matthew Pratzner

Lisa Pressman Russell Procopio Kelly Reed Christopher Ribecca Trisha Roe Ivan Roney


Andrew Rosser Benjamin Rotker David Rozzelle Tiffanv Rufus Carla Samyan

Dina Saputelli Elizabeth Savage AmySchapp Laurie Schmidt Matthew Seavey

Robert Sendlinger Gary Serafino Andrew Shane Lisa Shiota Michele Simons

"I just love those physical fitness tests!"


nile, it makes people wonder what you've been up to.

Another perfect paper!

John Sinclair Leigh Anne Skrobanek Darlene Smith Joseph Smith

Shannon Smith Gregory Sommer Diane Sorensen Shannon Speicher

William Stanfield Ronald Stone Daniel Stumpf Cynthia Sullivan

Karen Supper Mary Frances Tangi Marc Tashie Anthony Testa


"Mr. Grubb, if you ever do that to me again I'll ..."

Tara Thompson Kathleen Touhill

Robert Treftz Douglass Troutman

"What did my brother do now?"

Eric Vanzanten Gregory Vlassopoulos Susan Wagman Michael Walton Thomas Waltz Kimberly Warrick

Frank Watson Roy Weaver Amy Westcott William Wheaton Stanley Wheeler

Laura Whitcomb Shawn Whiteside David Williamson David Woods

Sophomores Not Pictured 'awford rnn Ersek aGeno )odwin Ie Morris ellegrino Phillips )we Shon ~ Simeone a Somers a Tajirian

Sophomore Vo-Tech Jeffrey Atchison William Brennan Lisa Crawford Sheila Donlan Daniel Evans Matthew Illich Gina Maglio William O'Brien Deanna Paciocco Robert Treftz Roy Weaver

Jackie Woolfall Donna Wylie Grant Wylie Michael Wynne David Yost

Chin Woo Yum Philip Zane Michael Zimmerman Victor Zulli


I • Class of 1987 Officers: Jon Dermott, Janet Kirkpatrick, Damian Finio, Karen Souders, and Ir' Ambrose.

Class Sponsors: Mrs. Boeni and Mr. Stefar

Gihan Abbas Susan Adams Gregory Alfonsi Trevalle Ambrose Christina Armandi Christopher Arter

Pamela Artz Michelle Averill Lonnie Bagby Monica Bailey Gavin Baker Susan Behenna

Jacqueline Bell Ronette Bell Mark Bilotti Steven Bonatsos Gwen Borko Kelly Bosert

Melissa Brewer Darlene Briddes Jennifer Britton James Brower Barbara Brown Lisa Brown

Anna Marie Bucci Christopher Buchan John Burk Michele Carlin James Carroll Dawn Civitella

Colleen Clendenin Thomas Comer Denise D'Ambrosio Lindamarie DelPiano Andrea Dermond Jonathan Dermott

Joanne DeSantis Joseph Dezzi Linda DiBello William Dimm John Dougherty


Laura Doyle Matthew Duffey Kelli Duffy Marie Dunis Marlene Dunis Carol Ecklund

James Eden Jeffrey Eisenberg Christina Ellis Jessica Epright Patricia Ervin Rebecca Fahnestock

Annamarie Ferguson Harry Ferrier Jeanne Fichter David Finch Damian Finio Patricia Fish

Abbie Fitzpatrick Michael Forgione Cheryl Frederick Susan Gaines Christina Gallagher Jennifer Gallagher

Sandra Garrison Mark Garton James Giordano Hope Giuffre Debra Gluck Bernadette Golden

Anita Golton Stephanie Gormley Michael Green Denise Grosso Melissa Gruhler Sondra Gruwell

Laura Guelle Linda Hall Glenn Hartman Garrett Hartzell Deborah Henshey


Bryan Hewes Karen Hill Andrew Hilt David Hoefner Amy Hoerman David Holdsworth

Margaret Holstein Glenn Hoshauer John Houton Jane Hummel Katherine Hunn Timothy Hunter

Jeffrey Jackson Ladan Jalali Jennifer Jenkins Gregory Joachim John Kampmeyer Kevin Kannon

~ Class of 1987 began their Junior year excited and hesitant as to what was re for them in their third year of high school. they became Juniors, many new and exciting doors were opened. Many of udents received blue passes which gave privileges to those Juniors with a attendance and discipline record. Another program new to the Class of was American Studies. This was a course offered to those who chose to a change from the basic history and English class. American Studies red them for college through lectures and seminars. ~ Junior Prom was the formal dance the class looked forward to. On May le Ramada Inn was filled with Junior's socializing and dancing. As a " they also had the opportunity to go to the Snow Dance. The Snow ~, held on December 14, turned the high school cafeteria into a winter fanA.side from the two formal dances, the Class of 1987 enjoyed the Saturday dance held in the cafeteria to raise money for various clubs and athletic

!n though they had many rewarding and memorable activities, their : year was a lot of hard work and pressure. Some students chose to take !rated courses which took up a great amount of time. Most of the Juniors d thinking about future plans and worried if their academic record would college standards. The P.S.A.T.'s and S.A.T.'s were tests taken by a maof the Juniors. er having a great year, the Class of 1987 anxiously looks forward to their ~ar of high school and a promising future.


I look like WHO?

Denise Kell Robert Kems Michelle Kio Janet Kirkpatrick Rachel Kolb William Kraft

Christopher Krivan Paul Kutufaris William Larkin Deborah Lee Heidi Levin Michael Lewis


If we look like we're enjoying it, do we get an "A"?

Evan Lichtenstein Thomas Liebeskind Alan Little Joanne Little Michael Lombertino Alan Lousinian

Elizabeth Lowe Brendan Lyons Krista Lyn Makin David Manley Richard Marchese Martin Marker

Russell Massey Christopher Mattarazzo Richard Mayer Stephanie McCarthy Todd McCarthy Timothy McCoy

David McDermott Mary McDevitt Patrick McGarry John McGuigan Timothy McHugh Steven McLaughlin

Ronald McLaurin Stacy Mendez Thomas Merrick Joann Miller Debra Monaghan Amy Jo Morrison

Melissa Murphy Heather Neal Sherry Newnam ErikNey HanhNguyen Tracey Lynn Nicholas

Joseph Niemiec William Noble Kathleen Note John Oliver Shawn Orlena


Michelle Owens Kimberly Padley Margaret Papale Richard Papas Toorjaj Parsia Arthur Parsons

Eugene Pasternak Richard Pennestri Brian Peppel Thomas Pflieger Timothy Pflieger Barbara Pietropolo

Richard Plummer Christine Polischuk

Theresa Pride Barbara Primavera

Debra Procopio Christian Ready

Michelle Averill works diligently on the adding machine in the Busine!

Sharon Regan Cynthia Riviello David Robbins David Romesburg Toshya Ross Amy Sampson

Christopher Santini Thomas Savage Christa Scalies Kurt Schaefer Paul Sciubba


Lisa Serepca Paul Shane Erik Sharkey

Hyonwoo Shin John Singley Walter Smith

Karen Souders Thomas Spaccarelli Kathleen Spence

Robert Staeger Diane Stango Philip Stefani Glenn Stone Robert Tangi James Tarquinio

Jeffrey Thoma Catherine Trefz Natalie Tullie Robert Turner Kimberly Tyler

Two typical American Studies seminar students.


Kara Vanzanten Elisa Veley

Mary Verghese Gerald Verrechio

Kristie Vilotti Karen Vint

Jeffrey Vitullo Carl Wagner "You're not serious."

Fred Walizada Beverly Wallace

Michele Waltz Howard Weaver

Richard Weissert Alice Wenzinger


Juniors Not Pictured

da Andrews Iruno 1 Byrne )ryHarvey lmKiley a Kosturos Roe tda Thayer tian Yocum

Junior Va-Tech Christopher Arter Lisa Bruno Hope Giuffre Jennifer Jenkins Michelle Kio Michael Lombertino Richard Mayer Patrick McGarry Ronald McLaurin Howard Weaver

A typical chemistry class: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ...! yu<:k!

Steven Wesley Lora Westcott John Westhead John White David Winter

Deborah Winterbottom Marlene Wolf Paul Wolfe Laurel Wright Suzanne Wright

JayYalove Chiwan Yang David Yegyan Michael Young TinaZiff


Seniors: Closs of 1986

lass officers include Hyon Chun Shin, Ann Cheng, Jason Dickerson, and Stephen Kantner.

Class sponsors Mrs. Barbara Hushion and Mr. Robert Young.

Class officer Andrea DiMaio.


tracey diane abronski "train", "traceballs" 1056 crozer In. 2/9/68. pp: tod, friends, the gatherers, asw: too, audrey, erika, terry, kim. goal: to be happy; w/tod forever and evermore.. to keep in touch w jfriends. faY say: "my boyfriend," when everybody already knows his name. matthew adkins "matt" 323 avon rd. 11/6/68. lacrosse 1, ski dub 3. pp: my car. faY mem: the hooters: everytime. louis albanese "africa" 610 highland ave. 12/23/67. pp: black converse sneakers. fav memo times w/my family and friends. asw: mike, rich, greg, michele, big dave. goal: to be successful in whatever i do. •

Tracey Diane Abronski

Matthew Adkins

Louis Albanese

joseph david alfonsi "joe", "fonz" 505 kennedy rd. 4/16/68. baseball capt 4, basketball 1, 2, weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4, ski dub 1, 2, 3, 4, student 2, spanish dub 2. pp: humor, amber, family, friends. fav memo vilIanov, '85-'86, cruise '84. asw: joe, mike, matt, lou, brian, chris, greg. goal: a cellence and perfection anyway possible. fav say: "riiight, what do i c for: bad jokes, neyer being serious. dawn marie alloway taylor "mouth", "mom" 100 e. glenolden ave. 5/? 1,2. pp: ai, baby eileen, mom, dad 1, 2, grandmom, family. fav mem: n al 9/10/83, 2/2/85, 7/31/85, 2/2/86. asw: aI, jeanette, fred, jean, gir be w/al forever (i love you). fav say: "uh," "what," rem for: making myself at a 10th grade assembly, lehmans little sister. diane bernice alsop "di", "dabs" 3561ynbrooke rd. 8/21/68. chorus 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, rifles 2, 3, 4, scrivener 2, 4, lit. mag. 2, 3, 4, spanish dub 2, 3 dub 2, 3, german dub 3, 4, shs 4, dose-up 3, musical 1, 3. pp: famil: laughter. fav mem: dose-up '85, times w/friends and family. asw: pat morning commons gang. goals: to meet many people and to believe in Fav say: "do what you want to do, but be who you are.", 'Ii don't know:

Joseph David Alfonsi

Dawn Marie Alloway Taylor

Well, it's finally over . __ . four years. As a class, we've shared a lot of good times. In our freshman year, we entered the high school as separate people; and left in our senior year as a class with our own special style. Not only were we a fun and well-rounded


Diane Bernice "::Alsop

class, we were also academically involved. We helped to keep some of the highly rigorous courses alive. As freshmen, we were treated as a disorganized group. In our sophomore and junior years we became

erika alston "page" 68 s. britton rd. 9/5/68. band 1, 2, choir 1, 2, 3, 4, chorus 3, 4, pop group 2, 3, 4, musical 3, scrivener 2, lit mag 3, 4, orchestra mgr. 2, shs 4, spanish club 2, 3. pp: family, friends, music. fay memo times w/kit, the firm '85, pocono trip. asw: audrey, beth, the gatherers. goal: to live in a castle. fay say: "hey, maybe we are!" "upon us all a little rain must fall." -led zeppelin. jerry dean aniner "jerry", "run" 824 w. rolling rd. 8/1/68. lacrosse 2, 3, 4, football 2, scrivener 3. pp: lori. fay mem: convention '83. asw: chris cox. goal: to have an attitude like mr. grubb. fay say: "do me a favor ..." rem for: being a pain in the neck for teachers. christopher d. armstrong "pit", "armpit" 55 indian rock dr. 8/24/67. football 1, 2, 3, 4, track 1, 2, 3, 4, winter track 1, 2, ski club 1, 2, 3, 4, j.a. 1. pp: cliffnotes, car, family. fay memo villanova party, feast, times w/friends. asw: joe, matt, mike, brian, joe. goal: to achieve success to its fullest extent. fay say: "you never lose, you just don't win."

Erika Alston

Jerry Dean Antner

Christopher D. Armstrong

ashmore "debi", "deeb", "deb-i" 421 maplewood ave. 6/8/68. 2,3, co-capt 4, spri-hian 4, yearbook 4, t.V. prod. 4, shs 4, boys basketim 4. pp: cap, telephone, radio. fay memo memorial and labor day '85, . '85, wildwood '83-'85, summer w/ticko, filming basketball games. I locker room interview w/the boys basketball team. rem for: the joke "when we're together laughing time passes much too quickly." -

rick ashton "whoob", "casp", "willie" 115 n. rolling rd. 5/2/68. track p 3, 4. pp: my bass, the whoobie. fay memo i know it was great but i n.ber it. asw: axis. goal: to change my name to biff, and go to harvard. I, no, no, don't bother doing that just ... " rem for: being a axis. •verill "trace" 229lynnbrooke rd. 10/23/68. cougarettes 1, 3, 4, choir .ri-hian 3, 4, scrivener 4, shs 4, basketball mgr. 4. pp: times w/family , my chapstick. fay memo christmas in florida '84, talks w/michelle, ends, summer '85. asw: dawn, colleen, tracy, christine, donna. goal: to nd the world on a pink pogo stick. fay say: "that's so profound!", n for: my laugh, acting crazy once in a while, snuffles.

Debra Ann Ashmore

stronger, more united and by our senior year, we won a battle concerning our senior prom. As we look back at our four years here, our activities, our school work, our friendships, our memories, we

William Patrick Ashton

Tracie Lynn Averill

realize that high school really was fun after alL In retrospect, we know that we are better able to face the future and that our class is truly " Above and Beyond."


stephanie anne baldino "steph", "hollywood" 225 foulke In. ' scissors, hairspray, lipstick. fav mem: time spent w jsomeone special, mons, times at vo-tec. asw: donna, laura, wendy, ed, ralph, emily. hairstylist and own my own salon. fav say: "hi hon, what's up?" rel dyeing my hair a different color each week.

bonnie j. barasatian "boney", "bunny" 512 lawrence dr. 2/19/61 friends, hairspray. faY mem: summers '84-'85, U2'85, 8/84. asw: kel to be happy and successful. rem for: being different. "i get high wit1

from my friends." - j.lennon and p. mccartney. scott r. baun "interior decorating" 462 fox In. 8/17/68. football 1, 2 ball 1, 2, 3, ski dub 3, 4, baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: family, friends. faY '85. asw: bob, bill, tom, ken. goal: to be successful. faY say: "what's Uj

Stephanie Anne Baldino

BonnieJ. Barasatian

ScoUR. Baun deborah lynn beale "debbie", "deb-head" 257 rambling way 11/28/ capt. 4, debate 3, shs 4, field hockey 1, choir 1, spanish dub 3, 4, f spri-hian 3, scrivener 3, 4. pp: family, friends, god. faY mem: a.s.p. times w jspecial friends. asw: the haiko twins, dawn, roscoe. goal: to and help others. fav say: "that's so cute!", "but, anyway." david walter beaver "ox", "dewey", "beav", "goldy ox" 9 "

10/17/67. spri-hian 1, choir 2, 3, 4, boys chorus 4, pop group 2, 3, 4 stw 2, 3, 4. pp: my girlish figure, family, friends, drums. faY memo w asw: the nearest person, harpo, mike, lizard. goal: to live and play say: "aw gee waIIy." "i just want to play." rem for: shaving my head smiling. "if there be any good in this world, let me do it now, for i 5 this way again." - unknown.

colleen bergin "col" 860 north ave. 5/28/68. band 1, 2,3, 4, coui french dub 1, 2, officer 4, debate 3, 4, shs 4. pp: family, teddy bear faY mem: vacations, memorial day '85 and times w jfriends. asw: tracie. goal: to extend my love so it shines even through the darkest cl "come on dawn!", "he's incredible!" rem for: my extra large truck.

Deborah Lynn Beale

David Walter Beaver

Colleen Bergin

michael j. bolton "bj", "hootie", "mike" 785 bradford terr. 9/2/68. spanish club 1, officer 2, 3, 4, german club 3, musical 1, 3, choir 1, 2, 3, officer 4, chorus 1, 2, 3, 4, pop group 2, 3, 4, districts 3, 4, regionals 3, stw 3, 4, lit mag 2, 3, 4, spri hian 4, nhs 1, scrivener I, 2, 3, ed. 4. pp: opera and oratorio albums, my voice and music, handel. faY mem: districts '85, bucks county '85, fiddler asw: patti, jk, aI, mw, pt, theater people. goal: the met and kathleen battle, higha. faY say: "you don't know what pretentious means." rem for: my sense of humor, my deep voice, singing very well, cracking, petting mink, always wearing sweaters.

patricia marie bolton "patti" 785 bradford terr. 9/2/68. 3/4 field hockey 1, spanish club 2, 3, 4, lit mag 2, 3, 4, choir 2, 3, 4, chorus 3, 4, pop group 3, 4, german club 3, 4, rifles 3, 4, musical 3, stw 4. pp: family and friends. faY mem: the king and i, cape may-july '85. asw: diane, debbie, mike, the morning commons gang. goal: to travel to other couotires. faY say: "oh well." rem for: being quiet, be-

inga twin.

janice lee bonadio "jb" 125 snyder In. 12/19/68. choir 1, gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4, stw 2, close-up 3, ski club 4. pp: friendships, jim, family. faY memo rehoboth, oc, new york city, 9/25/85, philly, times w/friends. asw: krista, cyndi, kath, and"ea, jim. goal: to be a great teacher. faY say: "we'll call it."

MichaelJ. Bolton

Patricia Marie Bolton

Janice Lee Bonadio

Dennis Edward Bonsall

Marc Boornazian

JamesM. Booth

dennis edward bonsall "bonza-bonz" 617 n. bishop ave. 10/4/68. tennis 1, 2, 3, 4, ski club 1, 2, debate 2, capt. 3, 4, scott's hi-q 3, capt. 4, nhs 3, 4. pp: my sanity, class ring, my skies. faY mem: summer '83, vermont skiing. asw: the gang. goal: to be world chess champion and to smile forever. faY say: "yo!", "awesome", "bummer!", "the woods are lovely, dark, and deep; but who cares?" - the masked

poet. marc boornazian "boo", "marky b" 443 doe run In. 11/7/68. ice hockey 2, 3,4, weightlifting 4. pp: hockey equipment. faY memo 10th grade hockey season. asw: steve, jon, steve, tony, mike, nica, trish. goal: to own sound odyssey someday. fav

say: "did ja?" "did you watch the transformers?" james m. booth "sam", "spurt", "jimmy", "kerr" 422 e. springfield rd. 6/8/68. lacrosse 1, 2,3, capt. 4, wrest. 1, soccer 1, french dub 1, 2, photo. 4. pp: family and friends. fav mem: times w jdenise, playoff's 84'. asw: chris, pat, craig. goal: state's, nationals, to air jam wjcraig and the pope. fav say: "anarchy at the ymca." rem

for: gonzo friday, crickets.


,s p. borelli "nick" 636 cresson In. 8/16/68.

lOttos "toast", "bottos" 233 foulke In. 6/27/68. pp: family, friends, trish, Id. faY mem: senior week '85.. snow dance '85, times w jtrish, dead shows.

ish, ed, nica, marc, dan. goal: get out of the pizza business. to become suc-

and wealthy. fav say: "i don't get it?", "let's go tubing", "calm down." branson "joannie" 104 longview dr. 2/12/68. pp: john, family. fav memo N/john, 3/29/85. asw: cindy, melissa, denise. goal: to marry john and be forever. faY say: "i don't want to go to work." rem for: going home early.

NicholasP. Borrelli

Mike Bottos

Joanne Branson

Adrienne Alexandria Brattini

Lisa Marie Briddes

Elizabeth Brogan

ne alexandria brattini "age" 239 harwicke rd. 11/12/67. field hockey 1, 2, rack 1, 2, 3, cheerleading 4. pp: special friends and family. fav memo 83, times w /mike, k.w.'s chimney, senior week '85. asw: mike, anne, the 'aders. goal: to be successful and live happily the rest of my life. fav say:


.rie briddes "bridii", "burgermeister" 224 ridgewood rd. 2/7/68. b-ball 1, ,3, co-capt 4, track 1, 2, 3, 4, choir 2, 3, 4. pp: beatles collection, vb, friends. m: 4/28/84, 2/5/84, 2/15-18/85, vb '88, 7/13/85, koof. asw: sc, kf, km, bb. goal: to live, love, and laugh. "there are places i'll remember all my life.

5e places had their moments with lovers and friends i still can recall. some ld and some are living in my life, i've loved them all."- the beatles.

,th brogan "beth", "befers", "befrey" 225 yale ave. 11/26/67. volleyball 4. icorns, family, and friends. fav memo wham, 2/85, kit; up 'till may 22, '85. sa, ery, christy, andrew, bob, jackie. goal: college career. faY say: "that's the point", "t.h. and stuff", "kmb forever!".

kelly jean brown "the wall" 232 summit rd. 5/9/68. field hockey 1, 2, 3, 4, b-ball 1,2,3,4, softball 3, 4. pp: family and friends. fav memo times in the car w/phil c, lionel richie '84, summers '84-'85. asw: joann m, christa s. goal: to run my own business. fav say: "give me a destination", "thanks for the times", "vcv" rem for:

my shadow. gregory c. byers "bearded byers" 224 ballymore rd. 12/7/67. pp: zeppelin hat. fav memo the party of '80-'85. asw: rhodes, africa, big man, pragee, horseshack. goal: to be rich and live easy. faY say: "no way", "bud ponies", "get torched."

christine caffarina "chrissy" 567 evans rd. 10/22/68. pp: family, friends, memories. faY mem: summer of '85, va, times w jfriends. goal: to be successful in

everything i do. fav say: "that's so gay."

Kelly Jean Brown

Gregory C. Byers

Christine Caffarina

melissa calla "missy" 642 sheffield dr. 3/23/68. tennis 1, spanish club 1, 2, 3, 4, french club 1, choir 3, 4, chorus 4, pop group 4, candystriper 1, 2, 3, 4, musical 3, scrivener 4, shs 4. faY mem: saranac '85. rem for: curly hair.

albert d. capoldi "bruce" 1152 providence rd. 1/16/68. pp: my car, my wife. fav mem: party at mansion. !lsw: ed, ralph, aI, dave, steph, donna, laura, michelle. goal: to own my own construction co. and teach kung fu. faY say: "yo dude,

what's up!" james g. carchidi "jim" 388 foulke In. 8/19/68. pp: anything over $50.00. fav mem: disney world '79-'85, hooters '85. asw: someone else. goal: to be a film animator. faY say: "nothing comes easy." rem for: being here.

Melissa Calla

AlbertD. Capoldi

James G. Carchidi


deborah carlin "debbie" 629 andrew rd. 11/6/67. pp: family, friends. fO\ close-up '85, times spent w/family and friends. asw: regina, kim, patti, goal: to be happy and healthy. fav say: "guess what?" matthew d. canoll "matt" 372 w. springfield rd. 10/23/68. tennis 1, 2, family, friends. fav memo wildwood '85. asw: chuck, john, rolly, mike. goa extremely wealthy and able to retire early.

jeanette casella "snob", "jh" 36 mansion rd. 12/2/67. pp: family, fred, I trixie, my gold. asw: fred, dawn, jean, lori, jody. goal: marry fred, be rich, my own shop. faY say: "j'm not a snob!", "freddie!" rem for: going out w Ifr

Deborah Carlin

MatthewD. Carroll

Jeanette Casella

carolyn casey 258 sunnybrook rd. 12/17/68. student council 1, 2, officer 3, 4, student youth forum 2, 3, 4, field hockey 1, 2, 3, 4, b-balll, 2, 3, co-capt 4, softball 2, 3,4. pp: family, friends. fav memo !Wb, summer '85, 7/28/85, 12/14/85. goal: to make it through it all and come out on top! faY say: "it's gonoa be alright." - rs. christine denise casey "chris", "tina" 257 avon rd. 12/23/68. cougarettes 2, 3, 4, choir 1, chorus officer I, winter track 1, scrivener 4. pp: family, friends, relationship w/kerry. fav memo bryan adams '85, senior wk '85 junior yr. asw: dawn, tracie, colleen, tracy, donna. goal: to be successful and happy. faY say: "psych!!" tina marie chaippini "teen", "tee" 205 hemlock In. 10/1/67. chorus 2, choir 2, lacrosse 2, stw 4. pp: family, friends, my dog, my music. faY mem: summer '85, bsc, dn. asw: my friends. goal: to always do my best in everything i do. fav say: "be yourself because nobody else wants to be you!" rem for: my loud laugh and voice.

Carolyn Casey

Christine Denise Casey

Tina Marie Chaippini

danielle chappie 30 server In. 10/25/68. cheerleading 3, 4, cougarettes : med 2.. 3. pp: shasta, future car. faY mem: senior wk '85, sunrise at rehoba jailhouse, n.D.v.b.c. goal: to break 100. fav say: "what are we doing next?!?"

ann cheng 707 buttonwood dr. 3/17/68. class officer 2,3,4, spri-hian 2, e< 4, scrivener 2, 3, editor 4, field hockey 1, 2, 3, nhs officer 3, 4, choir 3, 4, club 2, 3, shs 4, student council 4, hi-q 4, musical 3, track 1, 2. pp: faith, I and special friends. fav memo times w/family and friends, psu '85, tic '85, w/ken. asw: ken, michelle, linda, "the gang". goal: to get through med alive!!!

goerge w. christake "gorg", "crash" 737 w. rolling rd. 4/10/68. pp: my In equipment. faY mem: event in '85 and the party afterwards, missions. as

"fellas." goal: tfed. fav say: "assume." rem for: my accidents.

Oanielle Chappie


Ann Cheng

GeorgeW. Christake

Ie christine "lynne" 420 indian rock dr. 5/4/68. field hockey 1, s 2, 3, 4, close-up 3, choir 1, 3, musical 3, stw 3, 4, scrivener 2, 4. pp: )tos. fav memo o.c. and rehoboth '84, sr wk '85 special times w/bob. :0 to college, get a degree and never work. faY say: "that's so in~ , "i just don't know." rem for: being happy. "i decided long ago never anyone's shadow, if i fail, if i succeed, at least i'lllive as i believe. u lson. mna "lin" 338 powell rd. 11/15/68. field hockey 1, 2, 3, 4, softball 3, 4, rench club 3, 4, shs 4. pp: special memo fav memo the store, tic '85. asw: .1san, ann, michelle. goal: to marry my favorite flyer! faY say: "oh, that's "i love calc."

n ciarrocchi 211 bennett rd. 11/8/68. cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4, orch 2, 3, 2, nhs 3, 4, spri-hian ed. 3, scrivener 4, span. club 3, 4, close-up 3, ski : my photo album. fav memo uva weekend, !mot, rehoboth '84, f.g.t.h. live aid, close-up. goal: to go to uva forever and never have to face the L faY say: "you just don't understand!" rem for: talking too much. "no

s what it's like to have these feelings like 1do, and 1blame you." - the

Linda Diane Christine

Linda Ciapanna

Kristen Ann Ciarrocchi

beverly anne clapper "bev", "veb" 82 indian rock dr. 6/5/68. ski club 4, nhs 4. pp: family, friends, albums. fav memo times w/torry, 6th per, 5/18/84. asw: johanna, torry, jen. goal: peace of mind. "for long you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry." - pink floyd. vikki clark 241 foulke In. 5/6/68. pp: car, albums, family. fav memo live aid, U-2 '85, clapton, who '82. asw: bonnie, diana, phil, steph. goal: to be happy and successful. rem for: being short, making fun of people. "I get high with a little help from my friends." -lennon and mccartney.

robert clements 335 orchard rd. 11/14/67. asw: eyes.

Beverly Anne Clapper


Robert Clements

mes coleman "dok", "p.j." 38 schuyler rd. 8/2/68. soccer 1, musical 1, 3, hoir 2, chorus 2, pop group 2. pp: cats, family, friends. favmem: 1/4/86. and the gatherers and the malboro corp. goal: to own australia. ler: no matter where you go - there you are." yYIlne collins "rhette" 1317 baltimore pike 10/31/68. cougarettes 3, 2, l, choir 2, 3, 4. pp: cOnverse high tops, diary, photo albums. fav memo

's eve w/debi '84, 10th grade. asw: someone new. goal: to live in ny and )Us designer, have amnesia, have a terminal disease and live to tell about ': "today was the worst day of my entire life." rem for: strange clothes.

om 981 old sproul rd 2/26/68.

Patrick Jantes Coleman

Heather Wynne Collins

Deryl Collom


james j. conlin "jim" 47 wayne ave. 1/25/68. football 1, german club; family, friends. faY mem: hooters at the tower, times w /friends. as' friends. goal: to have a fun and successful life. fav say: "real smooth:' michael connell "mike" 682 n. bishop ave. 12/19/68.

steven w. coppock "schloppock" 29 yale sq. 4/10/68. pp: stereo e, records, tapes. faY mem: summer '84. asw: jack, tim, kevin. goal: to esca say: "loudness:'

JamesJ. Conlin

Michael Connell

StevenW. Coppock

christopher robert cox "chris", "dmc" 50 snyderln. 5/29/68. sc 1, closecer 1, 2, 3, 4, baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, scrivener 3, editor 4, nhs 4, club med 4. PI parents, camera, wardrobe. faY mem: front row duran '84, close up '85,] aid, hhi. asw: jerry, ken, eric, mike, nut. goal: to be successful, wealthy, h forever young. fav say: "yeah babe:' rem for: taking pix, hair.

melissa anne csoky "meliss-choke-baby", "meliss" 507 glendale cir. 3/; nis 1, 2, b-ball 1, 2, 3, 4, v-ball 2, 3, co-capt 4, softball 3, shs 4, njhs 1, 2. Iy, friends, volleyball. fav mem: times w /friends, ivc, great times in germ linda sue, ang, michelle. goal: to be successful and happy through out m say: "you know what i'm saying?"

nicola cucinotta "nikki", "monkey" 915 westdale pI. 6/23/68. pp: my f, good looks. fav mem: "bless you; daddy", pocono trip. asw: terry, the ~ theater people. goal: to pass my third year in bio. fav say: "kikkoman", .. look?" rem for: my cheerful disposition.

Christopher Robert Cox


Melissa Anne Csoky

Nicola Cucinotta

kenneth raymond d'agosta "d'agost" 334 parham rd. 1/12/68. football 1. pp: family, friends, music. fay mem: senior wk '85, blitz concerts, summer '85, kris' parties. asw: valent, foot, nut, blitz, a.m.i., b.h. goal: to play j.f.k. roland j. d'ortone "rolly", "rolls" 222 lewis rd. 11/13/68. football 1, lacrosse 1, 2, 3,4. pp: family, friends. fav memo e.s.7, times w/missy. asw: john, rich, matt, jim, missy. goal: to discover a cure for the 8 year cold, double wfroth and john. fav say: "what do i look like, jean dixon?" rem for: sneezing, talking. theodore j. daddario "ted", "guido" 953 westfield rd. 8/4/68. pp: family, friends. fay mem: seaport inn rm 19, summer '85. asw: dave, andy, rich. goal: to be rich,

successful, and happy. fav say: "yo babe." rem for: my job.

<enneth Raymond D'Agosta

RolandJ. D'Ortone

TheodoreJ. Daddario wendy dalrymple 527 maddock rd. 1/6/68. pp: family, friends, my future lamborghini. fay mem: the summer of '85. asw: dave, laura, and the hairdressers. goal: to own a very successful hair salon. fay say: °i can't wait til the last day of

school." rem for: always having a different color hair. andrew scot davis "b.h." 155 n. highland rd. 3/2/68. lacrosse 1, 2, 3, capt. 4, footballI, 2, 3, basketball 1, class officer 2, shs 4, scrivener 4, spri-hian 4, nhs 4. pp: a peace of mind, and my beetle. fav mem: kd's 7/4-8/85, laxplayoffs '84 phil '85. asw: sue, andrea, lax boys. goal: to stay in the middle of the road. rem for: getting concussions. "i know myself - hut that is all" - f. scott fitzgerald. lori ann davis "snob", "buddy" 223 colonial park dr. 2/18/68. pp: truck, horses, vince, family. fay mem: new year's eve at 12:00 when vince showed up. asw: sheila, jeanette, robert. goal: to be happy and to be loved. fav say: "uh-huh.", "oh-well." rem for: going to pulsations, getting a brand new pick-up in 10th grade, vince, vince, vince and more vince.

Wendy Dalrymple

Andrew Scot Davis

Lori Ann Davis


michael joseph deangelis "slimer", "tom petty" 257 n. state rd.I8-d 1/3/69. pp: stereo, album collection. fay mem: wildwood summers '78-'85. asw: all kinds of people. goal: survive senior week, motorcycle mechanic. fay say: "i'll do it later." robert I. defina "bob" 405 e.leamy ave. 3/17/68. football 1, 2, 3, 4, baseball 1, 2, 3. pp: family, friends, mustang. fay mem: weekends.. 10th grade, summer practice

and sleds. goal: to live to see our 25th reunion and to be well into retirment by our 10th. fav say: "what's upr', "noodles, stop saying what." john patrick dennis 316 norwinden dr. 4/2/68. pp: my guitar. fav memo those snowy nights in jan. of '85. asw: axis and our groupies. goal: to be a professional guitarist and be happy. fav say: "what?", "huh?"

Michael Joseph DeAngelis

RobertL. Defina

John Patrick Dennis

david deserio "dave" "d2 " 350 s. rolling rd. 6/14/68. pp: family, friend, mem: rm 19. asw: chrissy, louie, andrew, ted. goal: to be successful in w do. fay say: "yo, what's up man?"

jason lamont dickerson "j.d.", "jas" 27 broad st. 12/24/67. football 1, b¡ 3,4, track 1, lacrosse 3, soccer 2, 3, 4, french club 2, class officer 4. pp: m friends, my family, rob o'brien, my mustache. fav mem: have too many asw: the young ladies. goal: to become successful in all i do and to live 0

wildest dreams. rem for: being a nice guy. patrick s. diedrickson "pat" rolling green apt 13-c 6/20/68. pp: brigette. I times w/brigette, football, junior prom. asw: brigette. goal: to go to col play football. fav say: "we're happy."

David Deserio

Jason Lamont Dickerson

Patrick S. Diedrickson

andrea dimaio "ang" 705 morton ave. 9/16/68. class officer 2,3,4, student councilI, 2, ski club 1, 2, officer 3,4, field hockey 1, 2, 3, co-capt 4, b-baIlI, 2, 4, track 1, softball 2, 3, 4. pp: family, friends, life. fav memo mountains '85, junior prom '85, hockey. asw: drew, susan, melissa, b.h. goal: to learn all songs by phil. fav say: "snuffles." rem for: pasta.

michael j. dinapoli "hoagie" 516 beatty rd. 5/30/68. football 1, 2, 3, 4, track 3. pp: family, ann marie, skies. fay rnem: memorial wk/end, times skiing.. times w /girlfriend. asw: ann maire, bob, mark. goal: to win lotto. fay say: "yo dude."

gina marie dipietro "gene" 949 springhaven rd. 6/20/68. pp: my mom, my waterbed, my bunny. fay mem: prince concert, senior wk '85. asw: tina, kim, cheryl. goal: to be happy and successful. fav say: "hey, what's happenen'?", "what are you, hi?" rem for: having a different boyfriend every wk.

Andrea DiMaio

MichaelJ. DiNapoli

Gina Marie DiPietro

robert dirocco "rock", "tony crust" 11 west ave. 11/12/68. pp: my drum mem: 4th per. lunch junior yr. goal: to make it big in music, wrestle an a

fav say: "don't bother doing that just ..." michael dolderer "mike" 736 parker In. 2/5/68. audrey d'onofrio "aud aud" 300 memorial park dr. 1/16/68. cheerleadi co-capt 1, 2, student council 1, 2, youth forum 2, 3, 4, orchestra 1. pp: rene's friendship and all our memories. fav memo 11/28/83, 1/28/84 shore excursions, mem wk '85 asw: diet soda, rene's sweaters, wrong ski to send my parents on another month long vacation. fav say: "oh, didn't

the blue skirt??" rem for: being forgetful, bringing marky along.

Robert DiRocco


Michael Dolderer

Audrey D'onofrio

kenneth raymond d'agosta "d'agost" 334 parham rd, 1/12/68. football 1. pp: family, friends, music. fay mem: senior wk '85, blitz concerts, summer '85.. kris' parties. asw: valent, foot, nut, blitz, a.m.i., b.h. goal: to play j.f.k. roland j. d'ortone "roily", "rolls" 222 lewis rd. 11/13/68. football1,lacrosse I, 2, 3,4. pp: family, friends. fay mem: e.s.7, times w jmissy. asw: john, rich, matt, jim, missy. goal: to discover a cure for the 8 year cold, double wfroth and john. fav say: "what do i look like, jean dixon?" rem for: sneezing, talking. theodore j. daddario "ted", "guido" 953 westfield rd. 8/4/68. pp: family, friends. fay mem: seaport inn rm 19, summer '85. asw: dave, andy, rich. goal: to be rich,

successful, and happy. fav say: "yo babe." rem for: my job.

(enneth Raymond D'Agosta

RolandJ. D'Ortone

TheodoreJ. Daddario wendy dalrymple 527 maddock rd. 1/6/68. pp: family, friends, my future lamborghini. fay mem: the summer of '85. asw: dave, laura, and the hairdressers. goal: to own a very successful hair salon. fay say: "i can't wait til the last day of

school." rem for: always having a different color hair.

andrew scot davis "b.h:' 155 n. highland rd. 3/2/68. lacrosse I, 2, 3, capt. 4, footballI, 2, 3, basketball I, class officer 2, shs 4, scrivener 4, spri-hian 4, nhs 4. pp: a peace of mind, and my beetle. fav mem: kd's 7/4-8/85,laxplayoffs '84 phil '85. asw: sue, andrea, lax boys. goal: to stay in the middle of the road. rem for: getting concussions. "i know myself - but that is all" - f. scott fitzgerald. lori ann davis "snob", "buddy" 223 colonial park dr. 2/18/68. pp: truck, horses, vince, family. fay mem: new year's eve at 12:00 when vince showed up. asw: sheila, jeanette, robert. goal: to be happy and to be loved. fav say: "uh-huh:', "oh-well:' rem for: going to pulsations, getting a brand new pick-up in 10th grade, vince, vince, vince and more vince.

Wendy Dalrymple

Andrew Scot Davis

Lori Ann Davis


ne doyle "frankie" 401 major circle 12/10/67. stage crew 1, 2, 3, 4, ski 3,4, golf 2, 3, mpds 4. pp: family, friends, red bulb from spd. fav mem: 8/15/85, summer '85. asw: ing, m.p.d.s. goal: to enjoy myself to the ) having to pay for it. "i ain't here on business baby, i'm only here for

lruce springsteen.

eaton 455 andrew rd. 12/28/68. student council 1, jv football 1, basketball 1, track 1, shs 4. pp: my high school diploma, my family. fav gift discussion in tme. asw: my imaginary friend fred and his friends lrt). goal: to meet opus, person to penquin. faY say: "a house divided .elf cannot stand."


n edwards "moola", "sumo" 19 yale sq. 1/20/68. pp: duncan, family, av mem: 6/25/85, times w/duncan, times w/kim and friends, talks

;w: duncan, kim and friends. goal: to marry duncan, to become rich and l, to do a lot of traveling. faY say: "i'ro stuck!"

Frank Blaine Doyle

DustinC. Eaton

CherylA. Edwards

tricia lynne elliott "trish", trishy", "doc" 93 shelboume rd. 12/17/68. field hockey 1,2,3,4, lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, b-ball1, 2, 3, 4, french club 1, 2, pres. 3, 4, student council 1, scrivener 3, 4, choir 1, 2, 3, 4, musical 1, 3. pp: family, friends, my down quilt, puppy. fav mem: summer '85, mts.'85, live aid, shs sports. asw: jen, carrie, cat, lee, amus, ally. goal: to make u.s. field hockey team, go to grad school at harvard. fav say: "it was the funniest thing ...", "greaaat!" rem for: being preppy and athletic. jill ann erdman "jillawitz", "jillweee" 121 greenhill rd. 6/12/68. cheerleading: 1 capt 2, field hockey 2, student council 2. pp: mom and dad, special relationship w/kenny, friends. fav mem: 2/16/83, times w/special friends, journey '83, morris day '85. asw: b.f., cyndi, jennifer, tricia, kenny. goal: to stay happy and make others happy as well. rem for: being silly and happy. "i'm finally out in the clear, and i'm free, i've got dreams I'm living for." - journey. anthony marc fairbanks "marc" 18 waverly ave. 11/28/68. pp: relationship wjfamily, church, my guitar. faY mem: virginia. goal: to be content in whatever lifestyle i pursue. faY say: "it's not like i could resist or something ..."

Tricia Lynne Elliott

Jill Ann Erdman

Anthony Marc Fairbanks

irby farra "kirbs", "stormin norman" 1024 polk dr. 7/27/68. baseball 1, lanish club 1. faY mem: summer '85 w /donna. asw: mark, barry, brad, 'al: for donna and i to last forever. faY say: °i luv u donna." farrell "pat", "adam" 3131 meetinghouse rd. 2/16/68. soccer 1, 2, 3, club 2, 3, 4, spanish dub 3, 4. pp: car, friends, a special friend. fav mem:

looters at haverford. asw: chris, jim, amy. goal: to reopen and own joe's say: "i hate this class."

,bee "ferb's", "crazy horse" 479 granite terr. 12/23/67. pp: lori, friends, . faY mem: summers '82, '85, bruce at the vet, times wjnonn, lori. asw: ry, ginner, jim h. goal: to be very happy no matter what i do. fav say: what i mean?"

Norman Kirby Farra

PatrickF. Farrell

Mark Ferrebee

judi ferrucci "fruity" 217 s. highland rd. 10/11/68. pp: memories of grandparents, hair, ring, pictures, gold boxing gloves. fav mem: times w/wayne, 6/24/84, auditions in nyc, bill and linda's wedding, new year's eve '84, '85. asw: wayne, kris r. goal: get discovered, be an actress, marry wayne, have 1 boy, 1 girl, be happy together 4-ever. faY say: "aw - i luv you!" stacy pamela fmkelman "stace" 491 doe run In. 6/7/68. spri hian 1,3,4, rifles 2, 3, scrivener 2,3, editor-in-chief 4, debate 3, 4, spanish club I, 3, 4, nhs 4. pp: family and friends. fav mem: times w/family and friends, 4/12/85, 8/18/85, 5/26/81, 8/23/84. asw: denise, monty, kim, evelyn. goal: to be successful in future career and personal accomplishments. faY say: "awesome!!" rem for: driving the yacht. stephen william fletcher "fletch" 707 w. rolling rd. 1/7/67. bowling 1, 2, 3, 4, m.v.p. 3, 4. pp: orange opel manta, car, stereo. faY mem: right tum from the left, times wjsteve, jon, marc, tony. asw: steve schwenk, jon marder. goal: to graduate from penn state university. faY say: "alright."

Judi Ferrucci

Stacy Pamela Finkelman

Stephan William Fletcher


cynthia lynne ford "cyndi" 66 s. rolling rd. 10/1/68. lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, field hockey 2, 3, 4, cheerleading 1, 2, 4. pp: all memories, family, friendship w/jill, friends. fav memo senior wk '83, '84, '85, times w/tony, morris '85, journey '83, 5/28/83, proms. goal: to fulfill my craziest and wildest dreams. fav say: "ya think?", "yeah right." rem for: wearing boots. jeffrey gallo "brian," "devon" 854 w. rolling rd. 11/22/68. soccer 1, 2, 3, lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, weightlifting 2, 3, shs 4. pp: my bush foam rubber can holder. fav memo flying. asw: m.p.d.s. goal: to remember something about senior wk. "ain't no crime, it's good to get it on, to get a load off your mind." - billy joel. stephan george gammarino "jack", "toke", "gamm" 724 haines In. 8/12/68. nhs 4, band 1, 2, 3, 4, orch 1, 2, 3, 4, stage band 3, 4, german club 1, 2, 2nd period band room club 4. pp: my music makers. fav memo summer '85, mts 2/15-18/85 and s. philly. asw: gary, chris, ja~kie, liSa, kim, the band. goal: "to live for today!" fav say: "peace, love, and music." rem for: long hair.

thomas gander "goose" 148 s. bishop ave. 2/1/68. pp: goal: to be a engineer.

Cynthia Lynne Ford

Jeffrey Gallo

Stephan George Gantmarino

Thomas Gander

John E. Gannon

SuzanneM. Garoh

GeorgeA. Geary, Jr.

JohnJ. Glancey

Charles Toub Glazier

t.:ct.r. U1V lllt:ut; :survlVal.

john e. gannon "gannonball" 67 mansion rd. 6/12/68. golf 1, 2, 3, 4, band and arch 1, 2, 3, 4, dist. band and orch 2, 3, 4, reg. band 2, 3, reg. orch 3, 4, state band 3, nhs 4. 2nd period band club 4. pp: my candy wrapper. fav memo jamming w/the band, 4th period lunch, s. philly. asw: ronnie reagan. goal: to tour the world playing sax in a rock band. fav say: "no." suzanne m. garoh "suuuuuuu" 529 evans rd. 7/12/68. choir 1, cougarettes 2, 3, 4. pp: family and friends. fav mem: summer '85, skiing '85. asw: carolyn, debbie, sue. goal: to fulfill my dreams. fav say: "this has really been the worst day." rem for: being thin.

george a. geary, jr. "rambo" 1001 w. ave. 2/20/67. ski club 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: my car, cb. fav memo summer '85, isle royale nat park, s.c.a. asw: cc. goal: to go to trade school for carpentry. fav say: "to be happy being what i am, not what people want me to be." john j. g1ancey "chevy" 654 newlin rd. 9/26/68. choir 3, 4, spanish club 3, 4, track 1, spri-hian 3, 4, ski club 3. pp: my possession. fav memo snow dance '85, wild and crazy times at h.s. asw: my friends and other people. goal: to enjoy my life while making big bucks. fav say: "should i try to be a straight a student?" rem for: looking like chevy chase. "if you are then you think too much" - billy joel. charles toub glazier "chip" 329 foulke In. 4/7/68. baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, soccer 1, 2, 3, b-ball1, weight1ifting 1, 2, spri-hian 1, class officer 2, student council 1. pp: family, friends, baseball glove. fav mem: new year's, baseball, parties, road trips. goal: to be successful and happy. fav say: "my parents are home." rem for: the dart, my parents, baseball.


matthew c. golden "foot" 12 west ave. 5/8/68. football 1, lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, ski club 2, 3, 4, s.c. 3, 4. pp: lacrosse sticks, my car. fay mem: crab feast '85. asw: mike, brian, joe's. goal: to be happy and successful. fav say: "yea - right!" rem for: wearing my lacrosse shirts; especially my green one. joseph s. grelis "ba.a." 409 granite terr. 2/1/69. choir 1, 2, 3, 4, chorus 1, 2, 3, 4, pop group 3, 4, stw 2, 3, musical 1, 3, district chorus 4, french club 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: stereo and record collection. fay mem: summer of '84. asw: the gatherers. goal: to break on through to the other side. fav say: "make my day." "you are living a reality i left years ago. it quite nearly killed me." - csn michael r. grinnan "mike" 222 e.leamy ave. 1/20/69.

MatthewC. Golden

Joseph S. Grelis

MichaelR. Grinnan michael d. hagarty "hags" 37 locust ave. 2/15/68. baseball 1, football 2, 4. pp: my job, family and friends. fav mem: ski trip - 2/85, football '83. asw: adrienne, anne, mall, dean, chuck. goal: to travel the world. fav say: "you can't always get what you want."

dawn andrea haiko "flaiko" 473 granite terr. 4/21/68. band 1, 2, 3, 4, cougarettes 2, 3, 4, lacrosse 1, b-ball man 4, spri-hian 4. pp: god, family, friends. fav mem: growing up with tracy, teresa, sharon, michelle, 6/85, times w/family and friends. asw: colleen, christine, tracie. goal: to find that special someone to spend always and forever with. fay say: "if it was meant to be then it will happen.", "wait a minute col.", "whaaatr' rem for: being an airhead and never understan-

ding anything; asking stupid questions. tracy haiko "trace" 473 granite terr. 4/21/68. silks 2,3, co-capt 4, chorus officer 2, choir 1, 2, 3, basketball 1, scrivener 4. pp: tim, family. fav mem: times w/tim, family, friends, 12/14/84. asw: donna, tracie, christine, colleen, deb. goal: to be rich and happy. fav say: "what the heck!"

MichaelD. Hagarty

Dawn Andrea Haiko

Tracy Haiko

stephen erik halberg 335 n. lehigh circle 8/8/68. choir 1, 2, 3, 4, boys chorus 1, 2, 3, 4, musical 3, pop group 2, 3, 4, track 2. pp: '78 toyota, friends. fav mem: jr. prom, florida '85. asw: tom. goal: own a business; make the most of every mo-

ment. fay say: "not really!" james 1. hardy, jr. "jim", "boner", "bone", "skinny", "hap", "rhythm" 211 pennington ave. 6/29/67. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, football 1, track 1, 2, 3. pp: tricia, family, friends. fav mem: times w/tricia, family, friends. asw: rolly, mark, jason. goal: to become very, very successful in life. fav say: "see what i'm sayin'?" rem for: not slamming in the strath haven game. matthew 1. hartline "highline" 337 'edgewood rd. 11/27/68. pp: family, friends, m.t. fav mem: summer '84. asw: chippers, rich, big man, greg. goal: to have a happy and exciting life. fav say: "come explore the lands of 'munga'."

Stephen Erik Halberg

Jamest. Hardy, Jr.

MatthewL. Hartline


susan harvey "crash" 956 greenbriar In. 8/24/68. basketball 1, 2. baseball mgr. 2, choir 2, 3, 4, chorus 4, band manager 4, scrivener 4. PI ships w/family, friends. fav mem: saranac, times w/friends, 11/2, melinda, katie, kathy, dawn, ann. goal: to be happy in whatever i do. failed that one!", "no, i don't think so!"

james henshey "hench" 3910wnes In. 11/29/67. football 1, 2, 3, 4, tr. pp: family, friends. fav mem: vacations, new year's '85. goal: to live on t sean k. heminko 484 barker rd. 3/8/68. football 1, 2, 3, 4, track 1, 2, 3. 3, winter track 3, spanish dub 1, nhs 4. pp: "dad's", car, computer, mem: ace. bio, chem, physics, amer. studies lecture, accomplishments

goal: finish college, med. school, and live my dreams. "the best things not things:'

Susan Harvey

James Henshey

SeanK. Herninko

kenneth d. hoffert "ken" 268 rambling way 11/22/67. student council 1, 2, 3, 4, nhs officer 3,4, scott's hi-q 3,4, soccer 1, 2, 3, wrestling 1, 2, 3, capt 4. pp: family, friends, wrestling jacket, sk books. fav mem: p.s.u:85, beating ridley '85, shippensberg, times w lann. asw: ann, "the gang" goal: survive m&t and make money. faY say: "yo." "well, darren said ..." rem for: wrestling (losing weight)

hi-q,part. christopher w. hoffman "lizard", "chris" 90 n. norwinden dr. 12/25/67. pp: skate board and my friends. faY mem: the birth of my niece and nephew. asw: alan, ro, mike and my family, dave, john, jack, mike t. goal: to succeed in everything in the

future. fav say: "be yourself and if people will accept you for what you are and not who you are." rem for: being skinny, always eating.

cheryl ann holstein "cher", "chershe" 21 s. hillcrest rd. 2/20/68. spri-hian 1,2 ed 3,4, choir and chorus 1, 2, 3, 4, pop group 2, 3, 4, shs 4, scrivener ed 4, chorus officer 4, spanish club 1, 3, 4, officer 2, volleyball 2, 3, baseball mgr.l, 2, 3, 4. pp: life, wayne, family, friends. faY mem: senior prom '85, snow dance '85, times w /wayne, senior yr, kit. asw: morning commons gang, wayne. goal: to be happy in whatever i do. faY say: "join the club." rem for: my hair, my twin denise. "a true friend is one who takes you in when the rest of the world casts you out." unknown.

KennethD. Hoffert

Christopher W. Hoffman

Cheryl Ann Holstein

kathleen nancy holstein "kath", "leen", "smasher" 22 waverly ave

chorus 1, 2, 3, officer 2, 3, choir 1, 2, 3, officer 4, pop group 2, 3, 4, mu mag typing ed 4. pp: car, friends, family. fav mem: 6/28/85, summer '8~ '83. asw: good friends. goal: to be happy and successful! fav say: "t dumb!" rem for: wearing purple. janice anne hopkins "jannie" 15 locust rd. 9/27/68. school store 1, 2, IT football stats 2, 3, lacrosse stats 2, scrivener 2, 3, 4, club med 3, 4. pp: far tionship w/nick, friends, my cats. fav mem: 4/27/84, wildwood '84 proms wjnick. asw: nick, sue, the gang. goal: to become a "quincy". f. guess ya had to be there!" michael e. horan "mike" 566 e. scenic rd. 6/19/68. football 1, 2, 3, 4, lac: 4, winter track 4, student councjll, 3, officer 4, ski club 1, 2, officer 3, 4.! mustang, lacrosse stick. fav mem: senior week '85, weekends, times '" asw: brian, joe, matt, joe, chris. goal: to rule a small communist nation arne.rica. fav say: "it doesn't get much better than this."

Kathleen Nancy Holstein


Janice Anne Hopkins

MichaelE. Horan

rie hughes "anne" 645 evans rd. 12/27/68. basketball 1, cougarettes 2, 3,

I, 2, 3, 4, cheerleading mgr. 4. pp: memories, friends. faY mem: parties, 'friends. asw: friends. goal: to own a convertible mercedes. faY say: "i'm Tassed!", "i don't understand."

,er m. hunter, "chris", "iggy" 731 dunwoody dr. 6/25/68. lacrosse 2, 3, ian 4, scrivener 3, 4, track 1, spanish club 3, 4. pp: family, friends. fav 124/85, 7/22/85, hooter's at haverford. asw: pat, jim, ricki, jen, trish, y. goal: to be all that i can be, oh yea. faY say: "don't worry about it! she'll


I. inforzato "info" 783 eaton rd. 1/12/68. pp: my talents. fav memo rush times w jfriends. asw: the band, christine. goal: to become rich and faY say: "i can play that!" rem for: my beard, my cars.

Anne Marie Hughes

Christopher M. Hunter

MichaelL. Inforzato

bridgette I. kane 18 amosland rd. 3/12/68. pp: hair, jewelry, parents. asw: the crazy people. goal: to succeed in college and become financially stable. faY say:

"get am" rem for: being loud and my laugh. susan kane "susie" 263 ballymore rd. 7/15/68. track 1, 2, basketball 1, 2, 4, lacrosse 3, 4, hockey 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4, nhs 4. pp: my incredible family. fav memo snow dances, hockey seasons, times w la.d:s. asw: my special friends. goal: to overcome embarrassment. faY say: "andy, you're such a bonehead!" rem for: my

ponytail. stephen kantner "skitz" 941 edwards dr. 10/19/68. cross-country 3, 4, track 2, 3, 4, class officer 4. pp: my health. fav memo 128 k. asw: a grin on my face. goal: major in chemistry. faY say: "preposterous!"

Bridgette L. Kane

Susan Kane

Stephen Kantner

'arvois "jenni", "jen" 515 springview In. 8/7/68. tennis 2, weightJifting ical 3, stw 3, 4, lit mag 4, german club 3, 4. pp: faith, dreams, music. fav ., rockville m.d., asw: theater people, nora. goal: to win the pulitzer. rem 19. "there is no separation fr~m god." - j. d. salinger.

h kasparian "dk", "kasper" 922 westdale pI. 8/9/68.'basketball mgr. 1, , sgt. 4, debate 3, capt. 4, chorus 2, 3, 4, choir 1, 2, 3, 4, scrivener 3, 4. pp: 'riends, memories, god. faY mem: times w jspecial friends, saranac . 3rd at nat champ '79. asw: debbie, barb, y.1. friends. fav say: "don't cha' 'cool out.", "y.g.s.p. -

y.d." rem for: being strange, short, my laugh.

"newt", "neutious", "squiggy" 273 waverly rd. 6/4/68. lacrosse 1, 2, 3, ng 1, 2, 3, 4, ski club 4. pp: my gold and my car, whenever i get it. fav 'morial park, parties down the shore on the beach. asw: j.m.c. goal: to be I and get rich. faY say: "what's up with that", "word!", "yoho yo.", rem


Jennifer Karvois

Dawn Ruth Kasparian

Bob Kaut


'Twas the night of the Snow Dance, and all through SHS, couples arrived, dressed their very best. The evening of December 14th, began at 6:30pm with a buffet dinner catered by the Fireside Restaurant. At 8 o'clock music by R&L Express DJ's began. There was dancing and refreshments in the cafeteria, which had been transformed into a Christmas wonderland. A Christmas tree in the center of the dance floor was decorated with Christmas balls with the couples' names painted on. The couples also had their pictures taken with a mystery Santa Claus. (Mr. Peoples)

Barbara Primavera, Chris Cox, Jim Giordano, and Jeanne Fichter relax after dinner.

"Don't be scared Kristen, it's only the yearbook photographer!!"

Mr. Peoples, please watch your hand!

Ann Cheng and Ken Hoffert pause for a quick snapshot.


carl john kennedy "kahl", "u-2 carl" 706 w. rolling rd. 8/6/67. pp: hawaiian shirts. fav memo summer '85. asw: m.p.d.s. goal: to find and party in east jabip. fav say: "where's that east jabip." rem for: don ho. andrew martain kirkpatrick "cos" 315 sedgewood rd. 4/28/68. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, pp: family, friends, wagon. fav memo big gigs, 11/28/83, 1/28/84 w/ad. asw: "the dudes." goal: graduate a senior. fay say: "swell."

jon b. kletzien "aren't you chris' brother" 133 broadview rd. 4/9/68. bowling 3, 4. fay mem: staying home the night of the madonna concert. asw: a spring in my

step and a song in my heart. goal: hunt down and destroy everyone who put friends and family for pp. fav say: "never play leapfrog with a unicorn."

Carl John Kennedy

Andrew Martain Kirkpatrick

JonB. Kletzien darren j. kline 342 wayne ave. 3/24/68. soccer 1, track 1, 2, tennis 3, shs 4. pp: tennis racket, money. fav memo summer '85, 5/29/86. asw: nick, eric, clothing, cathy. goal: to be rich and powerful. fav say: "i know that." karen ann knapp "sissy bug", "sassy", "brat", "knippy" 51 old state rd. 6/8/67. cheerleading (s.y.c.) 2, 3, 4, pp: barry, pictures of barry and i w/our families, elke and tigger, my love of people. fav memo life w/my family, relationship w/barry, j&s prom, snow dance '84, '85, 3/84, 5/11/85, summer of '85, times w/rankin's, friendship w jmarie, times at s.h.s., four loving grandparents, tommy. asw: barry,

marie. goal: to be happy w/my family along w/being happily married to barry. fav say: "oh, i didn't know:', "how cute.", "i love you barry." rem for: being

w/barry, talking about us, affections in halls, class couple, love for mom, dad, family, barry, dad driving me to school every day for 4 yrs, being tiny, eating slow, my eyes. johanna maria leonard "jo" 534 kent rd. 8/11/68. ski club 4. pp: family and friends. fav memo 2/9/85, 6th per, 7/2/85. asw: rob, bev, and a.b. goal: to live life one day at a time. fav say: "at this moment .. :'

DarrenJ. Kline

Karen Ann Knapp

Johanna Maria Leonard

Lesher "aim" 135 bellevue ave. 10/1/68. choir 1, 2, 3, 4, band 1, 2, 3, 4, I, 4, pop group 3, 4, chorus 4, nhs 3, 4, musical 1, 3, scrivener ed. 4. pp: y and friends. fav memo the king and i. asw: mike, paul, sue, tup. goal: to lily ever after. "if you love something set it free; if it comes back to you, ; if it doesn't, it was never meant to be." - unknown.

'ebecca lewis "claws", "jenny" 527 glendale circle 5/13/68. band 1, 2, 3, !, 3, 4, musical orch. 3. pp: family, close friends, john. fav memo 4/8/84,

'barb, being w/john, driving through an unfamiliar backyard w/barb, trip '85. asw: barb, amy, melissa. goal: to live a long, happy, healthy life. 'smile!", "where's barb?" ann lewis "kimber", "kim" 917 church rd. 3/14/68. pp: my dog, amily. fay mem: times living in maryland, france, 1985. asw: tracey, jen,

pal: to become a veterinarian, to be happy and successful. fav say: "oh

AmyLyn Lesher

Jennifer Rebecca Lewis

Kimberly Ann Lewis

Sharon Li

Joseph E. Liberati

Rene Marie Lillicrapp

236 s. norwinden dr. 8/10/70. fav memo the first time i took the sat. become a m.d. or m.s. fay say: "life is a competition, you either win or


, liberati "libs" 129 west ave. 11/1/68. pp: '73 dodge charger. fav memo engine job summer '85, 11th grade vo-tech. asw: michelle, andy, dave. lwn my own repair shop. fay say: "mopar, want to race!"

rie lillicrapp "reen" 114 locust rd. 6/5/68. track 1, band 1, orch. 2, 3, 4. iy, friends, special best friendship w/audrey. fav memo 6/4/83, memorial end '84, '85, senior wk. '85, phillies games, new year's '85-86, smedley . '84, '85. goal: to be successful, own a beautiful home. fav say: "audrey o first."



Most likely to succeed: Ann Cheng and Ken Hoffert.

Most Flirtatious: Andrea DiMaio and Eric McGlade.

Most Athletic: Brian Swank and Carolyn Casey.

Most Talkative: Chris Hunter and Brigette Nevel.


Friendliest: Audrey Donofrio and Craig Lowe.

Most typical: Pat Farrell and Donna Moz,

Most Gullible: Mark Ferrebee and Dawn Haiko.


Class Clowns: Tracie Averill and Joe Alfonsi.

\.1usical: Erica Milbourne and John

Most Artistic: Audrey Mark and Mike Winterbottom.

Class Couple: Karen Knapp and Barry Rankin.


Most Quiet: Jenny Lewis and Sean Herninko.

Best Dressed: Dickerson.

Mary Triozzi and Jason

Most Theatrical: Chris Lippa and Judi Ferucci.


chris lippa "soz" 349 brock st. 2/26/68. musical stage crew 1, spri-hian 2, stw 1, 2,3,4. pp: the stage, cigarettes. fav memo pgsa '85. asw: dok, gatherers. goal: to be an actor, or totalitarian dictator. faY say: "the thinker sits alone, growing older and so bitter."

melinda lord "crash II", "min", "mindy" 323 wayne ave. 6/11/68. band mgr. 3, 4, choir 2, 3, 4, dose-up 3, soccer mgr 4, chorus 4. pp: relationships w/family and dose friends. faY mem: michigan, 11/23/85, caneun, hawaii, word of life '84. asw: denise, cheryl. goal: to do my best in all i do. fay say: "j'm so confused." john thomas lovell "harpo" 28 yale ave. 9/1/67. choir 1, 2, 3, 4, stage crew 3, 4, ski dub 3, 4, shs 4. pp: friends. fav mem: fireworks w/cecil and opie. asw: brian macmullen. goal: to enjoy life without haVing to work for it. fav say: "yes." rem for: looking like harpo marx.

Chris Lippa

Melinda Lord

John Thomas Lovell

Linda Lovell

CraigA. Lowe

Melissa Lynch

Brian Keith MacMullen

ReginaF. Madden

Christine Marchese

linda lovell "linda" 28 yale ave. 9/1/67. track 3, 4. pp: family and friends. fav mem: the summer '85. asw: kerri, cathy, saleicha, scott, b.b.p. goal: to teach early childhood education. faY say: "j'm in love!"

craig a. lowe "nut", "non-rhythm" 441 colonial park dr. 6/2/68. lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, shs 4, german dub 4, wrestling 3, scrivener ed 4. pp: my friends, family, health and camera. faY mem: snow dance '85, high school lacrosse '86, hooters at h.h.s. asw: susan and the rest of my friends, clyde, j.k., d.b., kirby, geek. goal: to get away with projectile motion in bear's class. faY say: "it's nice to be nutz!" melissa lynch 816 grove ave. 9/23/68. pp: my relationship w/mark. fav memo times w /mark, march 17, 1984. asw: m.s., c.m., c.m., d.t., t.p., j.b., w.w. goal: to be

healthy, wealthy, and wise! ''I'd rather laugh with the sinners, then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun. only the good die young." - billy joel.

brian keith macrnullen "cecil" 514 e. scenic rd. 10/5/68. choir 1, 2, 3, 4, officer 1, 2, shs 4. pp: family and friends. fav memo times w/john, journey '82, hooters '85. asw: john lovell. goal: to be successful and wealthy and own a red porsche 928s. fav say: "how's it goin?", "what's up?" rem for: driving a yellow camaro, being a cowboys fan.

regina f. madden 441 e. springfield rd. 7/1/68. pp: my jewelry, my mom. fav mem: diana ross, '84, bruce springsteen, '84. asw: cheryl, debbie, kim, linda. goal: to be healthy, happy and successful. fav say: "you won't believe what just happened to me!"

christine marchese "chris" 986 stoney brook dr. 3/13/68. pp: family, friends, dave, diamond ring. fav mem: times w jdave. asw: dave, best friends. "we shared the years, we shared each day in love together we found a way." - black




Class Clowns: Tracie Averill and Joe Alfonsi.

.1usical: Erica Milbourne and John

Most Artistic: Audrey Mark and Mike Winterbottom.

Class Couple: Karen Knapp and Barry Rankin.

Most Quiet: Jenny Lewis and Sean Herninko.

Best Dressed: Dickerson.


Triozzi and Jason

Most Theatrical: Chris Lippa and Judi Ferucci.


jonathan I. marder "marty" 421 foulke In. 12/2/68. chorus 1, 2, ski club 1, 2, 3. pp: playboy underwear. fav memo shore '85 w/tony d, steve s, marc b. asw: steve s, tony d, marc b. goal: to be the first jewish pope. fav say: "hey babe." audrey arlene mark "s.a.s." 509 kerr In. 12/14/67. musical 1,3, stw 2, 3, 4, choir 1, 2, 3, 4, pop group 2, 3, 4, spanish club 2. pp: family, art, music, go Id pass, memories, pets. fay mem: stw, art fiddler, boat, rots. 1986 weekend. asw: erika

and the gathers. goal: to be and notice all. fav say: " ... it would help me if i thought you might remember me not for what i/ve done but for what j've always

meanttodo ..." -p.w. kimberly susan marryoll "kimmie" 155 broadview rd. 10/9/68. basketball 1,2, field hockey 1, volleybaU2, 3, 4, track 2, 3, 4, nhs 4, choir 1, 2, 3, 4, girls chorus 1, 2,3. pp: family, cat, car, records. fav memo 2/15-18-85, 10/9/84, 84-85 bb, 83 vb. asw: lisa, steve, john, the band. goal: to escape and be happy. fav say: "what are we doing tonight." rem for: being ticklish.

Jonathon 1. Marder

Audrey Arlene , Mark

Kimberly Susan Marryott ricki jean martino "rig" 201 carr circle 10/21/68. field hockey 1, club med 2, v-p 3. pp: family, herbie, friends. fav memo summer '85, times w/barb, 8/16/85. asw: barb, chris, mike john, ingrid, mark. goal: to live my dreams. fay say: "i/m working on it.", "i'm just thinking." rem for: worrying too much, my hair. robert may "opie" 111 providence rd. 11/11/68. football 1, baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: my survival gun. fav memo florida '84. asw: ken, tom, cecil. goal: get rich and be successful. fay say: "yo, what's up dude." john mccormick "j.m.c.," "fresh" 124 west ave. 11/22/68. football 1,3, baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, ski club 3, 4, b-baU 1, 2. pp: camara, family, friends, gold chains. fav mem: making tapes wlrich, times w jrhonda, sea isle '85. asw: rich, shaun, or

some girl. goal: to take dr. ruth on a date. fav say: "gimmi it i'll eat it." rem for: good humor.

RickiJean Martino

Robert May

John McCormick

anthony mccurdy 89 sproul rd. 9/23/68. pp: my guitar. fav memo the cartel. asw: a 12 ft, tall caribou in a dinner jacket. goal: to own n. america. fav say: "no, but seriously ... i'm planning on it." rem for: glasses and loud ties. William mcfadden "jack" 9 plushmill rd. 9/13/68. willlam patrick mcgillan "bill," "cutty" 41 plymouth rd. 6/29/68. football 1, 2, 3, 4, wrestling 2, lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: family, friends, times w/trish. fav memo 9/30/85, new year's eve '85, senior wk '84-'85. asw: trish, bob. goal: to be a successful body guard for the secret service. fay say: "you'll have to count me out, i wanna be with my girlfriend." rem for: always being late.

Anthony McCurdy

William McFadden

William Patrick McGillan


james mcginley "ginner" 421 bums dr. 1/27/68. inter b-ball 1, 2, 3, weightlifting 2, 3. pp: family, friends. faY mem: summer '85. asw: tl goal: to live my life to the fullest. faY say: "man cannot live on bread a

for: keeping a clean record, or is it the opposite?

eric j. mcglade "biggie" 333 yale ave. 5/3/68. student council 2, 3 A, ( 3, band 1, 2, 3, 4, orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4, shs 4, nhs 4, close-up 3. pp: w/darren, nick, kelly, family ... my legg. fav mem: train tracks, clo' nick, darren, cathy. goal: to live life to its fullest. faY say: "you want to

um ... for a little while." rem for: being a flirt.

pattiann mcintyre "patti" 134 hillview dr. 9/26/68. gymnastics mgr. 1, choir 1, chorus 1, 4. pp: family, good friends. fav mem: time w/frienc

'85, times w jfamily. asw: theresa, marcie, stacy. goal: to be rich in hap!

cessful in life; and the best person i can be. fav say: "wake up, smell tI "what a dip."

James McGinley

EricJ. McGlade

PattiAnn McIntyre

james anthony mcknight "jim jim", "jimmers" 201 orchard rd. 12/26/67. football 1,2,3, 4, cheerleading 1, 2. pp: weekends, parents, friends. fav mem: beachboys, senior week '85. asw: bryan, chris, andy, bob, donna, rene. goal: to fly. rem for: being at the wrong place at the wrong time w/my friends. "don't cry, don't brace your eyes, it's only teenage wasteland." - the who. kimberly lynn mclaurin "blondie", "gumby" 200 colonial park dr. 1/25/68. pp: family, friends, my phone, clowns. fav mem: times w/friends, c. talks w/cheryl, shore '85. asw: cheryl. gina, chris, rich, lou, mike, matt, greg. goal: to see how many times i will get married. faY say: °i don't understand." rem for: my face expression.

denise darla mcnulty 247 orchard rd. 12/22/68. scrivener 1, 3, ed. in chief 4, rifles 2,3, sgt. 4, spri-hian 2, 4, ed. 3, pop group 3,4, nhs 3, 4, stw 3, 4, shs 4, choir 1, 2, 3, 4, chorus 1, 3, 4, tutor 3,spanish club 1,2, lit mag 2. pp: my faith, my family. fav mem: new yr's '85, '86, saranac wc '85. asw: stacy, monty, cheryl, mindy, morning commons crew. goal: to serve the lord. faY say: "oh spare me, will you?" rem

for: being polish, my twin cheryl. "for god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." - john 3:16.

James Anthony McKnight

Kimberly Lynn McLaurin

Denise Darla McNulty

amy marie merker "amu", "amus", "ames" 218 fairhill rd. 6/3/68. tr, cross country 2, spanish club 2, 3, 4, field hockey 4, scrivener 4. I friends, life. fav mem: mountains '85, '86, bat fight w/shannon. asw: lisa, trishy, pasta. goal: to travel to japan. fav say: "oh my!" rem for: tucky, c.h. donald m. meyers "don" 231 e. woodland ave. 1/13/68. pp: my car.

senior week '86. asw: friends, my brother. goal: to become a professiom faY say: "salutations!"

erica dawn milboume "mom" 109 yale square ave. 4/20/68. orchestr'

rifles 2, cougarettes 3, drum major 4, spanish club 2, musical 1,3, seni

show. pp: family, friends, my music, my sanity. fav mem: pmea washington '83, boston '84, baltimore '85, summer '85, times w/fri. everyone. goal: to accomplish a little more than i think i can. faY say:

"yo, um, like, what's the deal?!" rem for: always hugging people, musical.

Amy Marie Merker

DonaldM. Meyers

Erica Dawn Milbourne

stephen m. mininno "mino", "neno" 118 morton rd. 3/11/68. baseball 1,4, ice hockey 1, 2 co-capt 3, 4, ski club. pp: my playboy bunny, my ultra's, my gold. fav mem: times at the shore, casino, times w Ij.c. asw: tony, steve, jon, boo. goal: to own my own successful business. faY say: "yea, riiiight!!"

robert bruce mohr 650 vernon rd. 6/21/68. baseball 1, 2, 3, co-capt 4, student council 4. pp: family. fav mem: new yr's eve '84, 1/15/84, 7/24/85. asw: linda, mi~e, mark. goal: to own the first bar on another planet. fav say: "no problem." joann mollichella "jo" 308 summit rd. 3/1/67. band 1, 2, spri-hian 4, gymnastics 3. pp: my cat, family and friends. fav mem: 5/30/84, 8/1/85, 11/14/85. asw: kelly. goal: to write a famous novel. faY say: "i don't know."

StephenM. Mininno


Robert Bruce Mohr

Joann Mollichella

tgomery 275 ballymore rd. 12/23/68. retti "ang" 318 kent rd. 1/14/69. pp: family, friends, my dog. favmem: times w/friends, va. '84. goal: to be a rich and successful designer.


lre you serious?" "if you can imagine it, you can achieve it. if you can au can become it." - unknown.

ie mozzoni 47 west ave. 6/3/68. cheerleading 1, capt 2, 3, capt 4. pp: mds. fav memo sr. wk. '85, kristin's, phlllies games, 12/31/85, the veekends w Irene. asw: the cheerleaders, rene, bryan, chris, andy, jim. happy, healthy and have all my dreams come true. rem for: trolley ride.

Kevin Montgomery

Andrea Moretti

Donna Marie Mozzoni

patricia marie murphy "trish", "murphawitz", "bung," 324 yarnall dr. 1/7/68. pp: family, friends, memories. fav memo 9/30/85, new yr's eve '83, '85, times w/billy, morris day, proms. asw: billy, the awitz's. goal: to live a happy and successfullife w/bllly. rem for: working at hillary's, hair gel. "put some love in your heart, fill the world w/happiness." -lionel richie. ajai nair "caz", "ghandi" 801 rhoads dr. 5/3/68. lacrosse 1, 2, german club 1,2. pp: miss july. fay mem: class gift discussion in the library. asw: playboy's miss july. goal: "to party w/the sorority girls of planet playtex." - bloom county. fav say: "celibacy is not hereditary."

evelyn r. nardo "eve" 15 west ave. 5/10/68. band 3, club med 2, 3, scrivener 2, 4, spri-hian 1, 2. pp: family, friends, job. fav mem: times at work, w/family, w/friends. asw: stacy. goal: to be healthy, wealthy, wise, and happy. fav say: "oh! oh, you know!" "there's a long road ahead of us and the world is ours." warwick

Patricia Marie Murphy



EvelynR. Nardo

.ton "tank" 20 midland rd. 4/28/67. football 1,3,4. pp: chris, family. :/26/85,5/26/85. asw: chris. goal: to be rlch, marry chris, and start a

des "lou", "greek" 640 s. chester rd. 2/26/68. pp: friendship, stereo, mem: boston convention, summer of '85. asw: dave deseria, louie rk mervine. goal: to get a car, a real job, into a 4 year college. fay say:

'hey - i -you", "what's going on?"

,Ian "rich" 1040 west ave. 7/4/68. wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4, lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, club med 3, weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: family, friends. fav :; w jsherry, john, and rolly, sea isle '85, vacation to hawaii. asw: john, er, shaun. goal: to become very rich and live a very exciting life in say: "yo babe take it."

Sean Naughton

Louis Nazirides

Richard Neelan

lisa ann nelson "lis", "lee", "nelse" 148 schuyler rd. 8/24/68. guidance aide 1, basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, volleyba112, 3, 4, softball 2, 3, 4, french club 1, 2, officer 3. pp: family, friends, good times. fav mem: wham! '85, fla. '85,4/19/84, tn '83. asw: amy, cathy, jen, trish, "pasta." goal: to be successful, live well and happy. rem for:

my laugh, my key chains, being short, going up in line. "blessed is he who has a friend, for friendship is one of god's greatest gifts." -


brigette 1. nevel "mouth" 457 granite terr. 1/11/68. cheerleading 2, 3, 4. pp: pat and toffe. fav mem: times w/pat and friends, 12/1/84, 12/24/84, 1/11/86. asw: pat. goal: to be happy and successful w/a family. fav say: "u.t.b." rem for: talking. robert n. o'brien "ob's" 938 edwards dr. 11/24/67. soccer 1,2,3,4, ice hockey 1, 2, 3, 4, lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: family, friends, god given abilities. fav mem: 18th birthday, junior prom '85, high school athletics. asw: jason, brad. goal: to be the best at whatever i go on to do. fay say: "that's awesome." rem for: willingness to

help others.

Lisa Ann Nelson

Brigette L. Nevel

RobertN. O'Brien


edward j. o'neill, jr. "ed" 47 plymouth rd. 1/24/68. football I, weight lifting I, 2, 3, 4, ski club 4. pp: jennifer, parents, friends, car, gold. fav mem: summers o.c., times w/jen, morris day '85, 6/9/84. asw: jen, bill, mike, bob. goal: to be very successful and well off. fav say: "how ya doin'?", "i know what you're talking about." rem for: always being with jennifer and fighting w/her. theresa m. older "teri" 952 lincoln ave. 10/30/68. pp: dog, jacket, mike, family. faY mem: times wjmike, summer of '83, '84. asw: mike, jeanette, jimmy, ken. goal: to be a successful cosmetologist. faY say: "taotIes, lose your dreams and you lose your mind."

kevin orcutt "dr. cot" 104 grandview rd. 4/30/67. pp: family, walkman, lunch. fav mem: grateful dead 4/85, lunches at my house. asw: p.p, s.c, m.b, e.o. goal: to party w jscarface. 'Tm just a soul who's intentions are good, oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood." -

the animals.

EdwardJ. O'Neill, Jr.

TheresaM. Older

Kevin Orcutt

pete padley "buddly" 43 shelburne rd. 10/21/67. ice hockey I, 2, frrebird, cassey jones. fav mem: late nights, hockey '86. asw: kevin o. ty w/gumby. fav say: "got up the other morning like it was just, packed up my belongings, i got to get awaym"

catherine elizabeth papale "cathy" 131 s. norwinden dr. 11/5/68. ch, 2, 3, 4, lacrosse I, close-up 3, ski club 2, 3, french club I, 2, 4, offi scrivener 4. pp: my hot tub. faY mem: i don't remember. asw: darre

carolyn, diane. goal: to be rich and famous and have fun. fav say: "jus'

christopher michael patterson "chris", "noodles" 604 shipley In. 10/ balli, 2, 3, 4, male cheerleader I, 2, student council 3, 4, class officer

4, shs 4. pp: eileen, the pinto, oliver, th whale. fav mem: timE

memorial day wk/end '85, late nite cruises. asw: bryan, mike, anc rene, donna. goal: to make ollie the next garfield, 6/28/94, to go ove: say: "what?"

Pete Padley

Catherine Elizabeth Papale

Christopher Michael Patterson

jennifer eileen peabody "jennawitz", "jen" 233 hemlock In. 9/27/68. pp: relationship wled, ike, family, friends. fav mem: 6/9/84, times wled, morris day '85. asw: ed, trish, cyndi, jill, bill. goal: to be successful in the business world and to build a happy family. fav say: "eddie give me money." rem for: fighting w/ed. constance pellegrino "connie" 207 worrel dr. 10/18/68. field hockey, I, volleyball 2, 3, 4, basketball 1, winter track 3, 4, spring track I, softball 2, 3, 4, nhs 4. pp: friends, family, softball glove. fav mem: v/b party '85, phil's bongo room '85, car trips to v/b camp. asw: nancy, susan, bridii. goal: to appreciate life every moment, and to live it to the fullest. fav say: "you don't know what ya got until it's gone." rem for: being tall and not playing basketball. nancy pellegrino "nance" 207 worrell dr. 10/8/68. basketball I, lacrosse I, volleyball 2, 3, 4, indoor track 2, 3, 4, spring track 2, 3, 4, musical 3, french club 3, 4, nhs 4. pp: family and friends. fav mem: 5/13/83, senior prom '85. asw: connie, lisa, lora, susan. goal: to never let material things become more important than the people who mean the most to me. faY say: "yes, identical!"

Jennifer Eileen Peabody

Constance Pellegrino

Nancy Pellegrino

ocinik "cath", "pebbles" 124 plymouth rd. 4/21/68. field hockey 1, 2, leI 4. pp: special friends and special memories. fay mem: oc '82, ww I, oc and ww '85, poconos '85. asw: amy, trish, jen, and rea, lisa. goal: , successful and have all my dreams come true. fay say: Nuh - i know, soh.s.g. "and now our dreams are

1.", 'Tm so embarrassed!" rem for:

, through the good times and the bad - yeah - i'll be standing there bryan adams. I prager "rich" 341 valley view rd. 10/30/68. pp: my car. fav memo . asw: greg, mike, africa, big man. goal: to live a happy life. fav say: 'penin!" w pratzner "pratz" 552

vernon rd. 3/19/68. lacrosse 1, track 3, capt. 4, 3, capt. 4, basketball 1, 2, 3, capt. 4. pp: anne, memories. fav mem: . '82, bowie concert '83, snow dance '85. asw: anne, mike, bob. goal: to ld successful in whatever i do. to marry a lovely wife.

Catherine Plocinik

Richard Paul Prager

Mark Andrew Pratzner

carolyn primavera "curls" 612 foster dr. 6/15/68. silks 1, 2, 3, 4, orch 1, 2, 3, 4, dist. 2, 3, reg. 3, spanish club 1, 2, 3. pp: my friends, my music. fav memo trips to delco '84, '85, pmea festivals, 6/14/85, d.d., myrtle beach 12/31/85. asw: kate, b¥bara, slice, sharon, erica, cathy. goal: to have fun forever. fay say: "how ya

dam'?", "sorry gotta work." rem for: having a lousy memory.

jean puppio "bean" 1245 providence rd. 12/19/66. pp: my black cat. fav memo summer '85, judy, shawn, mellissa, mark and friends. asw: jeanette and dawn. goal: to be happy and successful. tina puppio "chucky", "teen" 970 edwards dr. 12/3/67. pp: my grandmother, family, my relationship w/jimmy. fav memo all my times w/jimmy, weekend ex· cursion, talks w/stacy and michele mornings before school. asw: jimmy, danny, stacey, melissa, chris and the boys and gina. goal: to live a successful, healthy and happy life. fav say: "i don't like that.", "i'm confused."

Carolyn Primavera



,00 w. woodland ave. 3/7/68. pp: life in america. fav memo summer mi. fay say: °i am not what i seem to be. " kin "brad" 1001 polk dr. 5/10/68. pp: karen, family, and friends. fav onship w/karen, j&s prom, snow dance 84 and 85, 3/84, 5/11/85,

>, times w jknapps, robbie. asw: karen, norman, brad, and friends. married to karen and have 2 girls. fay say: "whhaaattT', "i love you

for: being w/karen talking about us, affections in halls, class couple, nent partners, tutoring friends and fellow students, helping out when led.


:in "biff", "barry" 1001 polk dr. 5/10/68. baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, tutor 3,4, lem: junior prom '85, snow dance '85·'86, baseball '85. asw: rob 0., joe barry r., and friends. goal: to reach the unreachable star. fav say: for: assisting students in time of need.

Nora Radu

Barry E. Rankin

BradA. Rankin


jennifer elisabeth ray "jen", "gidge" 61 w. sproul rd. 10/23/68. field hockey 2, 3, 4, track 1, 2, scrivener 4, french club 1, 2, 3, 4, officer 4, stw 4, choir 1. pp: family, close friends, pets, car. fav memo bahamas '85, rehoboth '84, mts.'85, 12/31/85, 6/14/85. asw: Irish, cathy, chris, amy, lisa, "pasta". goal: to have my own sav-acent franchise with my partners matt, jim, and ted. fay say: "uh no thanks!",

"oh,godl", "i got a w----l" rem for: sav-a cent, always laughing, j.p. joseph anthony reynolds "rk", "joey jingum", "hoey higgums" III hilliview dr. 1/14/68. baseball 1,2,3, ski club 1, 2, spri-hian 4, spanish club 1, 2. pp: family, friends, hooter live tape collection. fav memo oc 8/85, t.w.l., all the times w/hooters. asw: friends at springfield and o'hara. goal: to finish "end of my rope." fav say: "see ya!", "the donger need food.", "die." michael rhodes "mike" 25 rose In.

Jennifer Elisabeth Ray

Joseph Anthony Reynolds

Michael Rhodes

Christine Lee Rickards

Elizabeth A. Rieder

Andrew Rodden

christine lee rickards "krls" 227 claremont rd. 5/22/68. cougarelles 3, 4, choir " 3, scrivener 2, 4, stw 2, 3, 4, musical 3, weightlifting 2. pp: f.w.l., photos. fay mem: rehoboth and oc '84, special times w/paul. goal: graduate college, marry, never have to work. fay say: Hi just don't know!", "don't be cioin' that." rem for: being happy. "do not walk behind me, i may not lead. do not walk in front of me, i may not follow. just walk beside me and be my friend." - unknown. elizabeth a. rieder 635 andrew rd. 5/25/68. "and the moment of clarity faded like charity does, sometimes i opened one eye and i put out my hand just to touch your soft hair to make sure in the darkness that you were still there and i have to

admit i was just a little afraid, oh yeah. but then ... i had a little bit of luck you were awake i couldn't take another moment alone," -

roger waters

andrew rodden "andy" 115 greenhill rd. 6/25/68. soccer 1, 2, 3, band 1, 2, 3, 4. fay mem: florida, snow dance '85, hooters at the tower '85. asw: friends. goal: to be successful and have fun doing it. "cool as a moose." - mr. mcclennan


neil roosevelt 31 greenhill rd. 5/29/68. ski dub 1, 2, 3, lacrosse 2, 3, 4. pp: family, special memories, my ego. fav memo sr wk '85, 6/14/85, hawail '85, kw's. asw: steve s.; jon m" chris h. faY say: "who do i look like ... ?" rem for: always singing. christy lee rudisill "chris", "crusty", "crystals", "risty" 36 s. brookside rd. 5/22/68. band 1,2,3,4, track manager 2, 3, 4, musical 3, german dub 2, 3, officer 4, dose-up 4. pp: family, friends, memories. fav memo kit, hilltop '83, '84, '85, night band practices, senior yr. asw: morning commons crew, beth, katie. goal: to be happy, successful. fav say: "smile.", "why be nonmal?", "five bucks says ..." rem for: my socks, being a little crazy, being bored, always being at the library.

kenneth g. russo "ken" 44 waverly ave. 2/3/66. pp: god, family, friends, and life. fav memo 12/17/85, kiss concert, lunch w/friends. asw: friends. goal: to raise a beautiful family, to put a rock band together, to live and die a pacifist. "beam me up scotty there are no intelligen t life forms on this planet." I

Neil Roosevelt

Christy Lee Rudisill

Kenneth G. Russo asim edward sami "ed" 337 bennett rd. 8/13/68. pp: car, friends, family, black belt. faY mem: discovery, 6th pd. commons, summer '85. asw: ralph, laura, donna, steph, wendy, michele. goal: to be successful and happy. fav say: "nice pooper.", "the danger need food." rem for: black belt, karate. chris schapp "d.d. driver" 940 rocklyn rd. 2/14/68. pp: car (when it moves). faY mem: survival. asw: the "semi~in" crowd. goal: to be successful. faY say: "that's a nay." ingrid elsbeth schmidt "ing", "ziggy" 405 maddock rd. 7/25/68. field hockey 1, tennis 2, 3, 4, track I, 2. pp: family, tennis racket. faY mem: summer '85,6/23/84, times w/ricki. asw: frank, jeff. goal: to play in a major tennis tournament. faY say: "life's what you make of it, and what you wish for will come true."

AsimEdward Sami

Chris Schapp

Ingrid Elsbeth Schmidt

steven t. schwenk "schwenkers" 712 timber trail In. 1/30/69. ice h, baseball 1, band 1,2,3,4, band officer 1, 2, weightIifting 3, 4. pp: my faY mem: the shore '85 w /000 and tony. asw: jon m., neil r., steve m. g< a restaurant with my friends. fay say: "ahh, that ain't bad." anna elizabeth scott "anne" 257 n. state rd. 8/20/68. student cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: my ring, special friendships. faY memo sp' shared w/mark, soph hop '84, sr. wk. '85, snow dance. asw: r cheerleaders, rene. goal: to be happily married and have it last forever.

kimberly anne sendlinger "kim" 55 s. morton ave. 10/8/68. silks 3, s spri-hian 4, debate 4. pp: family, friends, car. faY memo times w/my j friends. asw: sJ., r.s., r.m., e.s., d.c., e.n., b.k., goal: to become the pr flyer's lawyer. faY say: "what's the prob?", "what's up?", "thanks mom

Steven T. Schwenk

Anna Elizabeth Scott

Kimberly Anne Sendlinger susan m. shaw "sus" 16 myrtle ave. 10/17/67. tennis 1. pp: my coba vase, mummie. faY mem: times wjjohn. asw: john, wendy. goal: to master of the knights of pythias. faY say: "wee-o:' hyon chun shin "hahnus" 414 conard dr. 1/13/69. football 1, french c: german club 1, 3, 4, club med 1. lacrosse 2, 3, 4, nhs 3, 4, soccer 3,4, sc' spriwhian 4, scrivener ed. 4, class officer 4, student council 4, debate

dividuality. faY memo summer '83. asw: "the gang". goal: to never berel or purpose. "the years forever fashion new dreams when old ones go. one dream man." - goddard. ott shreckengost "chippers" 906 westdale pI. 2/14/68. pp: girlfriend, al faY memo 4th period memorial park, skiing '86. asw: mat, neut, ed, n have a happy life. faY say: "what's happening." rem for: straight arrow,

SusanM. Shaw

HyonChun Shin

Ott Shreckengost

sheila ann siano "sheil", "trouble" 110 harned dr. 6/25/67. pp: my b my #14 jersey, true friends, my friendship w/megan. faY memo times in times at meg's house, bruce concert '84. asw: megan, lori, ann. goal: to afraid to take a chance to be an individual and not someone's little sisteJ "wow.", "you're so queer." rem for: being mike siano's sister.

ann marie sieczkowski "heat miser", "shorty" 498 briarhill rd. 7/2/68. 1, 2, baseball mgr. 2, business co-op program 4. pp: family, good friends, memo managing bb '84, fl '83, ww '85. asw: crash, kathy, trouble, meliI to be successful in my attempts, to be happy. faY say: Noh really now!" timothy d. simons "tim", "timbog", "sven" 101 rambling way 2/14/68. 2, 3, 4, tennis 3, 4, basketball 1, ski club 1, 2, 3, 4, student council 3, 4, pi friends, parents, 1390. faY memo wildwood '85, poconos '85, btrth. asw: a., lou. goal: to come, to see, to do. faY sa'y: "get the ... out of my room.;

being tim.

Sheila Ann Siano


Ann Marie Sieczkowski

TimothyD. Simons

inkey "smink", "don", "d.s." 301 butler rd.4/23/68. cougarettes 2, 3, 4, 4. pp: family and friends. fav memo summer '85. asw: tracy, christine, _1: to be successful in everything i do. fay say: "it's the cutest little thing."

jennifer snyder 464 foulke In. 10/15/68. tennis 1, 2, co-captain 3, capick 1, 2, 3, 4. scrivener 4. stw 3, 4. spanish club 3, 4. pp: family and lV mem: times w jfamily and friends, california '80, my sweet sixteen. melissa, linda, ann. goal: to be happy, successful and for all my dreams ¡ue. favsay: "ya know,"

;pigelll0 sloan rd. 5/2/68. pp: steve, bad co. tapes, c.p.k. favmem: new , '85, 2/23/85, d.p. concert. asw: steve, joe, erika, steph, donna. goal: )Us hotels and a mapar. "dancing days." -led zeppelin.

Donna Sminkey

Michelle Jennifer Snyder

Michelle Spigel

RobertF. Stocker, Jr.

Ellen Stalls

Bryan Strain

Brian Swank

JosephE. Syemick

Jennifer Leigh Taber

;tocker, jr. "worm" 326 s. rolling rd. 10/26/68. tennis 2, 3, 4. band 1, 2, ;alvation, car, stereo, friends. fay mem: trip to yellowstone: summer '85. myself and i. goal: to be successful in occupation and life. fav say: "hey ~'s it gain'?" Us 408 alliston rd. 8/23/68. spri-hian 3, 4 ed. 4. scrivener 3, ed. 4. lub 1, officer 2, pres. 3, 4. german club pres. ~ 4. band 1, 2, 3. musical or,3. nhs officer 3, 4. shs 4. close-up 3. pp: muffm, pictures. fav memo d.w. 85, game g '85. asw: "the gang". goal: to be a flyer. fav say: "to each his m for: bamb's, flyers fan. ain 622 saxer ave. 8/24/68. football 2, 3, 4. lacrosse 1, 2. cheerleading 1, lie, the babies, my family. fav memo times w/julie, memorial day '85, my friends. asw: noods, andy, donna, jim. goal: to be successful and rich. 'grab that case.", "i got stabbed." rem for: being in trouble.

mk "swank" 57 s. forest rd. 10/1/67. soccer 1, 2, 3, 4, co-capt. 4, football e 1, tennis 2, 3, 4, basketball 1,2,3,4, co-capt 4, student councll2, 3. pp: soccer ball. fav memo 10/31/83, 11/29/85. w.f. speakman (3/31/38). asw: grimis, foote, death, afro-man. goal: to be happy being what i am, people want me to be. fav say: "stay gold." - s. wonder. rem for: being

syemick, iii "polock" 629 saxer ave.4/9/68. football 1, 2, 3, capt 4, ; 2, 3, capt 4, baseball 1, 2, 4, student council 1, 2, 3, ski club 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: :h, life. fay mem: villanova, senior week. asw: horan, joe a" swank, lou t. goal: to live in a world of complete happiness and to have an enormous )f money. fay say: "you better watch yourselfl", "you're screwy!" eigh taber "jen" 124 snyder In. 9/5/68. pp: family and friends. fav memo 4, times w/the family and friends, time w/ted. asw: tina, ted, people i . goal: to be happy and successful. fav say: "yo dude! what's up?"


barbara elaine teszler "barb", "bt" 600 hawarden rd. 11/18/67. basketball 2, cocapt 1, field hockey 1, 3. volleyball 2. track 1, 2, 3, 4. band 1, 2, 3, 4. marching band mgr. 1,2,3,4. orchestra 2, 3, 4. musical orchestra 3. span. club 1, 2. pp: family, friends, car. fav mem 4/12/85, mountains with jen, live aid, casinos '85, driving through an unknown backyard with jen, talks w/paul. asw: jen, lisa, paul, dawn. goal: to be healthy and successful. rem for: handwriting, doctor appointments, 1/10/86. tracy thomas "trace", "dick tracy" 5309 hadfield st. phila. 5/16/67. pp: class ring, vcr, pro football team. fav memo high school days, 1983, summer practice. asw: everyone. goal: to become very wealthy. paul michaeltorna "loomis" 442 foulke In.4/24/68. cross country 1, 2, 3, indoor track 2, 3, 4, spring track 1, 2, 3, 4, french club 2, 3, 4, officer 3, 4, nhs 3, 4, sprihian 3, ed. 4, choir 1, 3, 4, pop group 3, 4, shs 4. pp: my imagination, my bedroom slippers. fav memo frozen cats, ace. physics class. asw: mike, amy, bj, "the gang". goal: to keep people honest. rem for: fred the flea. "do what's good for you, or you're not good for anybody." - billy joel.

Barbara Elaine Teszler

Tracy Thomas

Paul Michael Torna

michael a. torone "michael t", "tyrone", "michael anthony" 346 asl1

6/14/68. "fiddler" musical 1, tennis 1, stw 2, 3, choir 4, ski club 4, leg b commons 3, 4, 8. pp: my friends, my "blow away!" stereo system/tape ( fay mem: summer '85, the day i saw "the light". asw: the beav, b.a., kE

mad jack, and ricki! goal: to become a heavy metal singer guitarist ani way to the top of the charts! rem for: having the most bandanas, big smil timistic attitude. "we are the soldiers under god's command, we hold hi:

sword within our hand." - stryper. denise travers "den", "d" 549 rutherford dr. 8/10/68. pp: steve, fri mem: times wjsteve, oc '85, asw: steve, lisa, melissa, cindy. goal: to ecutive secretary, marry steve.

mary m. triozzi "mare" 642 vernon rd. 5/5/68. cheerleading 1, 3, co-cal 4. class officer 3. pp: family, friends, fluff. fav memo soph hops '84 and adventure '85, k.w.'s and c.w.'s, 1/1/86, "oh what a night", senior 1 goal: to finally make it past 5'th". fay say: "ummm, what was i gonna s

for: shoulder problems.

MichaelA. Torone

Denise Travers

MaryM. Triozzi

ralph john tullie "frank", "ralphie" 39 st. davids rd. 9/25/68. musical 2, stw 2, 3. pp: my car, family and friends. fav memo summer of '84, '85 down wildwood, the night on the ferris wheel, commons 6th pd. asw: frank, ed, laura, donna, steph, wendy. goal: to be a successful architect. fay say: "whatever!" teresa 1. turner "terry", "jasmine" 4 saxer ave.12/1/68. band 1,2, orchestra 1, 2, musical 3. fay mem: times with ed, summerof'84, '85, poconos '86. asw: ed, nikki, the gatherers. goal: to live life to its fullest. "when skies are hanged and oceans drowned, the single secret will still be man." - e.e. cummings. 5tw 2, 3,4, choir 3, 4, shs4,

louis thomas valente "lou", "toast" 100 wayne ave. 11/27/68. lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4, football 1, student council 2, 3, weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: my family, kristin, my car. fav memo 8/1/85, summer '84 and '85, senior week '85. asw: kristin, joe a., joe s., the foot, kenboy. fav say: "yea right.", "little bit 0' toast."

Ralph John Tullie


Teresa L. Turner

Louis Thomas Valente

, valvardi "katie" 121 fairview rd. 1/12/68. silks 2, 3, co-capt 4, spanish 2,3. choir 1, 2, 3, 4. basketball mgr. 1, 2. spri-hian 3. scrivener 4. pp: relap with family, close friends. asw: boal, car, sue, mindy, christy, and momnmons. goal: to fulfill all my dreams. fav say: "only kidding.", "the past I memories.. the present is for forming memories the future ..." - phil

\ vanderslice 609 sherman rd. 1/3/69. fav memo all the swell times at shs. ) experience. "wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world; wake ,discover you are the song that the morning brings:' - gd. leigh wallace 60 n. state rd. 4/15/68. cheerleading 2, 3, 4. pp: memories of times with friends and lou. fav memo 8/1/85, senior week '85, c.w:s, lance, chimney. asw: lou, the cheerleaders. goal: to be successful and happy leone special, forever.

Kathryn Valvardi

Carolyn Vanderslice

Kristin Leigh Wallace

michele janine wasserman "chickie", "mick" 237 claremont rd. 12/8/67. chorus 1, 3, 4, officer 3. choir 1, 3, 4. orchestra 4. close-up 4. pp: my dreams, records and stereo. fav memo iron maiden '83 and '85, 9/84 and on wjbeef and cheese. asw: beth, kim, joe. goal: to live my dreams. fav say: "in my dreams that no one knows of, my destiny says that i'm destined to run:' philip michael wider "phil", "philber", "philbert" 359 sprig valley rd. 8/29/68. spri-hian 1, ed, 2, 3, 4, scott's hi-q 3, 4, scrivener 3, ed. 4, forensic 2, 3, 4, nhs officer 3, 4, tennis 2, 3, 4, orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: nonconformity. faY mem: vacations

w/family, Summer '85, hi-q meetings, chem w/zump. asw: "the gang". goal: to achieve, contribute, enjoy, excel, reflect, work, and still find time to sleep. rem for:

breaking curves, procrastinating. wendy wilroy "princess" 25 yale sq. 9/18/68. pp: family, kenny, friends, blue boots. fav memo 10/2/85, 1/12/86, kedron ave. asw: kenny, missy, sue. rem for: needing hairspray. "walk those legs right over here and give me what i'm dying for:' - heart.

Michele Janine Wasserman

Philip Michael Wider

Wendy Wilroy

el daniel winterbottom "alex", "monroe", "biff" 6 longview dr. 12/28/67. I, 2, 3, 4, pop group 2, 3, 4, nhs 4, lacrosse 2. pp: my family, my friends and 'g muffm. faY mem: snow dance '85. asw: amy, paul, joe and the guys, andy

Ie barber. goal: to disown my cousin, ajai. ,faY say: "bora, bora."

william woolard "bob" 442 alliston rd, 9/24/68. baseball 3, 4, football 4, 3, 4, spri hian 4, ski club 3. pp: my red flannel Pi's. fav memo snow dance joey jingum, alex, the stud, and other famous personalities. goal: to be ,st person possible and get rich while doing it. fav say: "i think, therefore i


e. young "rob", "bob" 519 prospect rd. 5/29/67. football 1, bowling 1, 2. mily, friends, bb cars, h.1. pies. fav memo 5/19/74, 5/27/75, 10/21/80, ng h.l., 8/14/85, springsteen, mountains, florida '80. asw: jr, jc, gc. goal: to \e a business tycoon and live in mauL faY say: "what's up?"

Michael Daniel Winterbottom

Robert William Woolard

RobertE. Young


shaun young "mr. t.", "t" 221 s. norwinden dr.5/29/68. baseball 2, 4," ling 1, 2, 3, 4. pp: family, friendship wIron, all sports momentos. faY men '79, bb championship '83, times w jjoanne meo. asw: ron, jrnc, rich. go, successful with whatever i do. faY say: "whatsa matta with u!" r weightlifling. michele zane "whoobs" 987 stoney brook dr. 7/30/68. pp: friends, famil) memories. faY mem: limes w/lisa and friends, limes w/deron, 6/18/85. a: family", deron, friends. goal: to be happy, successful, and wealthy. faY , my goodness."

laura zebley 326 e. leamy ave. 517/68. pp: my new nose, my puppy, h' faY mem: shore '85, discovery, 6th pd. commons. asw: diana, wendy, ralI

na, steph, ed, michele. goal: to get a lamborghini countach. faY say: ' w-~--!"


Michele Zane

Laura Zebley

donna marie zurlo "donna" 323 yale ave. 12/30/67. pp: andy, my family, my brush. faY mem: good times w/andy, 3/20/85, yo-tech, 6th pd. commons. asw: steph, laura, wendy, ralph, ed, michelle, linda. goal: be a very successful hairdresser and make a lot of money. faY say: "so, where we goin'?" rem for: always having a brush in my hand. chris kletzien "klutz" 133 broadview rd. 3/7/69. pp: friends and family. faY mem: spri-hian, 5/30/83. asw: tom, guido. goal: to have fun, always! fay say: "no, john."

Donna Marie Zurlo

Chris Kletzien

Not Pictured Andrew Barnes "Egg Head" "Eggs" 340 Wyndmoor Rd. 4/18/68. pp: Hawaiian shirts. fav mem: Joe's engine. asw: Dave, Ted, Joe, Beth. goal: to own a car. fav say: "that's besides the point, t.h." Anthony John D'Ambrosio "Tony," "Rambo" 743 Timber Trail Ln. 12/18/68. pp: times w/Emily, family, friends. fav mem: shore '85, summer '85. asw: Emiy, Steve M., Steve 5, Jon, Marc. goal: live long, have fun and make money. fav say: "Yo dude, g.a.b.'s?" . Kenneth B. Fichter "Ken" 957 Edwards Dr. 10/30/67. Cynthia Merrick 1016 Westwood Dr. 5/12/67. pp: Dan, friends, money. fav mem: 12/15/84, Mrs. Frattura's 6th pd. asw: Denise, Melissa, Joann, Chris, Dan. goal: to be very rich. fav say: ''I'm serious," "yo." rem for: always lying and kidding around. Juan Warfield 231 Walnut St. 10/20/68. Darnell Whiteside

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