1992 Scrivener

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Springfield High School SCRIVENER

Volume 58 1992





"Our World Within" that is what we meaJ1 when we say "A World Within." This book is OUI attempt to give you the past year in a collection of images and words. We want this to be your book -- a yearbook dedicated to your world -- our world -the realm of the Springfield High School student, personally, in and out of the classroom, on and off the field, and constantly motivated to have fun. But the world is not limited to ourselves or to our school. Through the media, we see events on the other side of the globe and elsewhere within our nation. We are a part of that system, and soon will leave school and its protection to face the outside. In many ways, the circumstances that we appear to view from afar are not as distant as we might think. And in a way, our school, with its system of authority, class structure, rewards, and amusements, is a model of the world. Growing up, experiencing life, we have been practicing for the world beyond -- the world beyond hall passes, detentions, A's and F's, structured learning, and the comfort of seeing a few hundred friendly and familiar faces every day. So that is the purpose of this book, the 1992 Scrivener -- to give you a compilation of memories as you pass through our world -- school, your personal world -life as you view it, and the world beyond over the horizon.




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.of the inner world.

rom the outside it is just a building composed of pale brick and mortar, inanimate and devoid of spirit, but we of the inner-world, who coexist in the microcosmic, scale-model of society which our high school represents, know that SHS is far more transcendent in complexity than the stone walls which compose it. One complexity which is indigenous to all societies is the diversity of its citizens. In Springfield High School, diversity exists in myriad forms such as ethnic or cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, political opinions, the music we like, the books we read, the clothes that we wear. The thoughts of no two students will coincide at one time. These traits as individuals move us to unite with others similar to us, and friendships are born because of them. But so hatred is born also. For the same qualities which will unite us will sunder us, split-




ting us into opposing factions, depriving ourselves of what others may have to offer. Those of us who will soon be entering the outer-world have dealt with matters as best we could, and will continue to do so, but perhaps those who are entering the inner-world can do better. Consistency can bring about the downfall of a society, but intolerance can do so also. Despite our vast differences we find ourselves able to coexist with one another on a daily basis, and through experience we benefit from this. Some will make the most of the educational opportunities which abound at Springfield, going from class to class, filling their coffers with knowledge more precious than diamonds or gold. Others of more Epicurean tastes will gain from social opportunities such as dances, sporting events, and other out of school gatherings from which many have spent a

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Sunday morning or two recovering. All of these will give experiences to the participants which they will keep fondly stored in their memory for use in the future as a foundation to build upon in college, or simply to reminisce about times past. And so we stand, those of us who will soon depart the inner-world, with a pocketful of memories and a handful of friendships, gazing back upon all that we gained, and all that we have lost, in our stay at Springfield High School. The future lies before us like a twisting, untravelled path lined with sharp briar thorns, and beautiful, fragrant flowers. We will deal with the outer-world society and try to gain from it what we can, as we have learned to do in the years past. To gain so much from our furure experiences, we can only hope.

Commons is a popular place for seniors to relax and think. This year, the Commons was re-carpeted. Meg Bastable and ).). Lemon share a moment of quiet discussion in the senior wing. Dave Neal loads his backpack for a hectic afternoon of classes. School spirit is apparent on Stefanie Cordaro's back. Springfield tee shirts are a popular way of showing support. Shannon Mulkeen, Chad Lauletta, Steve Snyder, and Sarah Slate relax in the theater. Nicole Slegaitis is caught up in research for a debate, in the LMC. Danielle Misciagna, Annie Burridge, and Tracey Dinh enjoy the fall season from the front steps.

introduction 5

Brian Rubin takes advantage of Senior Commons while Jeff Slostad expresses his individuality. Unique experiences in English classes provide students with life skills. John Menta expresses his love of ballet. Nia Chrisohoou immerses herself in calculus. Many seniors, and some juniors, attempt difficult AP courses. Kevin Mettee, Matt Houser, and Bessie Chou share a reflective moment. Brennan Mease spends a thoughtful moment in silence. Melissa Senior makes a personal statement with her fashionable cafeteria headwear. Nicole Benkert and Bill Zurat experience great wonder at the sight of new freshmen. This year's frosh class was very large in number. During a fascinating, but long class, Steve Harms displays signs of fatigue.




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Doug Mento



You never know when it's going to happen - sometimes you're in class, other times you're at home, and sometimes you don't even know where you are - when you "zone out," becoming completely oblivious to everything and everyone around you. Lost in thought, your mind drifts from the activity around you to more personal matters. Instead of concentrating in class, on the activity you are working on, or on the people your are with, your

little world

brain wanders toward your future, the great time you had over the weekend, fond memories, all the what ifs and why can't it be's, and other such concerns. It always seems that once you get to the good part you are suddenly jolted out of your reverie and forced to confront the events that occurred while you were "gone." Desperately hoping to appease your teacher's "caught you" attitude, you meekly answer "yes" with an innocent smile.

IT CDWtlo1 -tRlwe otT O~l~g wR~

tJOOO to -tRlwe otT SOM.t-tRl~g." -

Shannon Mulkeen

introduction 7

Jason Dewees and Jared McCallum confer on money collection during the class spirit contest, which the Senior class won. Kim Stinger says "chill out" to the Ridley Tennis Team, as Melissa Tiniakos waits to play. The Springfield Varsity Soccer Team in a group moment. Mark Gaudiosi adjusts the world in class. French V created various flags of the world.

introduction 8

Stretching...pulling.. .twisting... with swift manipulation the giant hands of life shape and reshape the earth. Her natural and political boundaries shift forcefully sometimes gently and sometimes harshly. It seems as though recently the hands that mold the world have decided to become a little eccentric. Quickly and with some amusement they are trying new shapes - new ideas - in almost a mad rush to find the perfect world design before the clay (or is it Play-Doh?) dries. Nations are dissolving, forming, revolting, and restructuring. Trash is biodegradable, non-polluting, being recycled and causing a lot of people to start worrying about their future - our future. Communications are pulling the world together, squishing that ball of earth a little tighter together. Science is stretching as far as it can to touch the stars, and then shrinking inward to examine the basis of life through an electron microscope. The Olympics lace up the differing nations of the world and draw them tightly together. And as we watch the future unravel, simLJltaneously becoming part of the past, we strive to have an effect on the world around us. We reach out from the security of our immediate surroundings to actively promote the universal development of our ideals and beliefs. For, one day in the near future, we will be leaving the safety of that society in which we have grown up and will be entering the outside world. Twisting, breaking, stretching, repairing... we all want to have a hand in shaping the Play-Doh.

Madame Polini's French V class admires French IV's colorful zoo. Laura Troland, Deirdre Finnegan, and Jennifer Summerfield sign up to volunteer their services. Many Springfield students try to help the community in various ways. Mr. McRae's T-shirt shows the diversity of American politics. Senior AP English students get a taste of college life during a visit to Swarthmore College. Ken Soo Hoo is having a bad day. He feels as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders.

introduction 9






There are as many facets to student life as there are students. We sit through seven hours of school, five days a week, functioning almost like mechanical dummies. Real student life (that is, what the students live for) begins when the final bell rings at 2:45. Then we rush to get to work, maybe at the mall or volunteering somewhere. Many students have practice, not just sports, but band, chorus, and theater. Some people just head home to their families and the comfort of their rooms. Stereos will get you through another seemingly endless night of studying. A six pack to go at Taco Bell should help, too. The weekend is perhaps the most welcome event we have as students because it is constant. Regardless of how long the week seems, or how mad your parents are at you, or how badly you bombed your science test, you can rely on the weekend being all yours from Friday at 2:45 to Monday around 6:00. So why do we come to school even then? Between dances and games we even spend our time off at SHS. Maybe we don't think this place is that bad afterall ...



I stumbled out of bed this morning late as usual. Even though I w what I wanted to wear. Do I want to take the time to iron my rayon s

12 the student life

sh I still couldn't decide d baggy pants or should I

opt for my favorite old faded jeans and my Penn State sweatshirt? I am definitely sure to fit in either way, dress seems to be pretty casual in our school. I decide to wear my jeans while looking at the clock. Who has time to iron?! I may even have some time for

the student life 13

Between periods, Monty Mukerji stops at the drink machine to try to quench his thirst. McDonald's has always been a popular stop. Scott Jackson found it a welcome break from shopping at the Springfield Mall.

Jennifer Summerfield seems to be in deep thought as she breaks for a snack.



$ ",1 Off

breakfast! Then again maybe I'll have to buy something during my second period study hall, before my stomach growls and interrupts trig class. The school does offer a pretty good selection of grub. We have the various school-made concoctions, of which we are

14 the student life

Not Just A Necessity Everyone knows that the human body needs food to survive. But food has grown from a ,basic ~eed to a pastime. If we only ate for our needs there would be no .. Tastykakes, M & M's, or ice cream. Students seem to be the worst food junkies. They need food that is fast and cheap. That certainly rules out a well-balanced meal at the Country House Inn. Instead, the local targets are McDonalds, Taco Bell, TCBY, and of course the 24 hour favorite, Denny's. The unfamiliar surroundings of Swarthmore College did not keep Chris Belville, Karen Lastowka, BJ Brunner or Jason Kitchen from relaxing and enjoying their lunch. Birthday cake - one of the few things that is legal to light on fire. Janette LeGrand stoops over her 17th birthday cake, hoping her wishes come true. Kelly Lynn chose the alternative to the school lunch platter, an almost tasty pasta salad.

constantly questioning the contents. However, we are offered the standard junk food, ranging from Ding Dongs to potato chips. After contemplating this rough decision for a few minutes, I grabbed a bag of cookies and a pint of milk, and headed to my favorite

the student life 15

Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Sitting in that unbearably boring class of yours, you give the silver clock that dreadful, "[ can't believe there's forty-two minutes left in the period!" look. Absent mindedly, you doodle in your yellow spiral notebook hoping the time will pass quickly. Yet, at precisely 9:27 that night, as you watch the credits flash before your eyes, a shocking realization wakes you from your daydream: "0h no! [ don't have any time to study for that killer test tomorrow!/I Study time! Although it's not the most entertaining part of the day, it's usually the most crucial to students. At Springfield High School, study patterns are as diverse as the people. While most students are sound asleep at 2:30 am on a Wednesday night, a few elect to use that time to squeeze in some studying. Most people, though, designate a time between arriving home from school and going to sleep.

M..AkIj\{G T<U2 GQ..AD2S Ethan Hood is taking a study break in the C.I.S. hall, not always the quietest choice.

The cafeteria is another popular place to study. Steve Ashworth takes advantage of food for thought while cramming for a test. Melissa Croce doesn't even look up from her homework to smile for the camera.


study place. I have a lab due and two tests today. If I only could have stayed awake a little longer, I could have gotten at least my lab finished, but now I am reduced to rushing and cramming to get everything in. There just don't seem to be enough hours in the .

16 the student life

Everyone needs a break from studying sometimes.¡ Dave Savastio chooses to spend that time napping.

Kristine Sannelli, jen Burke, and Becky Cecala gather around Wendy Cadge, in hopes of some group learning. Chris LoPiccolo catches up on world happenings by reading the daily paper. Bessie Chou and Karin McCurdy finish up the last of their homework before the early bell.

day. It is especially hard when you are taking one or more accelerated or advanced placement courses. But those of us who are planning to go to college are just skimming the surface. After all our hard work, we deserve some kind of break, usually in the form of

the student life 17

...... W day

e were up fa


di n perfect er our football , quarterbacked by Brian Romesburg, won big over Radnor. A stadium packed with students, family, friends saw T Nancarrow's del when she w named Homeco ing Queen. "I was really surprised. I remember shaking. The only thing that could have topped it was if Kevin Costner was there." Aside from the band that played wonderfully,

the weekend. The weekend represents free time with friends - at the mall, the movies, or maybe a football game. Of course, the most attended game of the season is the homecoming game. This year's show, with many new events, topped the homecomings of

18 , the student- life

Clockwise from far left corner:

four daring paraters added to the ceremonies. ewseveral red feet above and amazingly enough they all made a perfect landing on our very own football field. After a wonderful day, many people attended the Homecoming dance that same ni 1. Eve one

The football team en route to another touchdown and another win! "This isn't so bad!" says Tina Nancarrow. She was chosen as Springfield's third Homecoming Queen during halftime. Good frie¡nds Steve Stupka, Dave O'Donnell, and Tom Slate are not really smiling at the camera but rather at the Homecoming court that's walking in front of them. Kris Hartley leads yet another cheer. Way to keep up that spirit. From left to right: Hang Nguyen, Tina Nancarrow, Deirdre Finnegan, Sue Emery, Lee Ann Pearce, Melinda Forgione, and Diane Bridegam are all smiles as they patiently wait for halftime. Don't they look beautiful? The fans poured into the stands by the dozens as they watched the football team play at its best!


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the past. The band performed, and a queen was chosen, but that wasn't the end of it this year. The c homecoming game. Their rendition of "America" gave the perfect setting for four parachuters to drop,

the student life. 19

Working at Benetton has helped Bessie Chou improve her sweater folding. Jamie Kelly skillfully rings a product into the register while working at CVS. Tom Slate patiently waits for his order to come up at Chuck E. Cheese's. Jeff Deeney can only dare to dream that one day he'll be mananger of the Springfield Ice Rink. Carl Suppa takes a break from organizing the skates at the rental shop in the Ice Rink.

Granted, going out on the weekends costs money. I better plan on working some overtime to have extra cash. Most of my friends started working for spending money. It helps a lot for gas, trips to Taco Bell, and those great suede boots at the mall (the ones that

20 the student life

Senior Chris Hewes mans the register waiting for the next kitchen utensil shopper in Lechter's. Frank Del Sordo and co-worker pause during the critical time of cutting the pizza at Chuck E. Cheese's.


Clothes, Food, Games, Gas, Movies, Parties, Compact Discs. Unfortunately all of the above cost money, and many of us aren't independently wealthy. We could keep hitting our parents up for money, but it seems they get a little tired of that. The next logical solution is a job. Many students, freshman through seniors, hold part-time jobs. Some teenagers rake leaves or babysit, while others seek employment at the local restaurants, movie theaters, or the malls. Although it may seem challenging to balance school, sports, clubs, family, and a job, many Springfield High School students do it very successfully. Money can be very influential for any student.

Mom refuses to buy). Jobs aren't that bad. They make us learn self discipline and responsibility. Besides, without the extra cash you may be reduced to staying in on the weekends and watching the movie your parents rented, or filling out those college applications.

the student life 21

Those of us not going to college are going to have to find a job. Vo-tech offers students training in many different fields, not just to have experience, but to help them find a program they will enjoy. If you ever wonder why some students only come to school for half a day,

it's not because they are lazy. It's because these students are doing a different kind of learning - a learning that doesn't come purely from textbooks. These students are seeing what they need for the working world, something you cannot learn from a textbook.

TWO OF This is a definite Kodak moment for Benji and Shelby Lawler. Older brother Dan helps Stephanie Dudrick with her homework. Is it Donnie and Marie or is just Michael and Elyse Ostroff? Jason Brennan keeps younger brother Andrew in line. Who has the cuter smile Laura or Danny Troland? "You can always lean on me." Here are Phil Bruno and sister, Shannon.

I once thought it was cute when my little brother would come running to die sch feel that way. Now that he is a freshman in the high school he needs to learn to take care of hims

24 the student life

A KIND "Hey that shirt looks familiar. Wait that couldn't be. . . you jerk that's my shirt!" Does this happen to you? If so, it may be due to a brother or sister taking your clothes without permission. You may not have caught them before because you weren't in the same school, but now that he or she joined you in the high school they had better watch out! It is difficult having to see someone in school and then having to sit across from them at dinner. And to actually have to say "Hi" to them in the halls. Of course the younger of the two doesn't always have it easy. They are always being compared by teachers or called the older sibling's name. It gets really bad when they lose their name completely and just become "Little Brennan, or Little Gaudiosi." Having a family member in the school can have its advantages. You always have someone to talk to on the ride to school, borrow lunch money from, or just to tease.


Terri and Joe Morrissey are so close they both buy Nike. Who is older, Chris or Sarah Belville? Jill and Tracy Schellinger are picture perfect. Mark Gaudiosi has to force brother Dave to be in the family picture. Are Damon and Noelle Zappacosta in a 501 ad?

is used to having his big brother arClUflld year to help out. I won't be in the

learn now because I won't be here next dmissions god) be far away.

the student life .25 .

Settin The Sta

The cast of Charlie Brown: Bill Snyder, Tina Nancarrow, Tammy Filler, Deirdre Finnegan, Sandi Syglowski, Laurie Schlosman, Chris Dappollone, Dan McHenry, Matt Stalker, Mike Ostroff, Terry Mastricolo, Andy Chinici, ).). Lemon, Dan Benzing, and Dixie Sellers. Dan McHenry reviews his lines before going on stage. Dave Neal and Laura Troland meet with Mr. Henry concerning Our Town. Ethan Hood prepares to put on his costume (is it a suit or a dress?).

Standing on the stage, I looked out among the audience, and recognized no one. I knew that my family and friends were there, but everyone was just a pale white face. Suddenly, I snap out of it and realize my lines are coming up. My palms sweat, my legs tingle,

26 the student life

"Five minutes 'till curtain." Nervous, excited, and maybe a little scared, the actors assemble backstage. Some hold hands, whispering words of confidence, while others retreat into private corners of the Green room to "get into character." Through the curtain, the rustling of programs and the murmur of the audience can be heard. This is a magic time for a performer. Anything is possible and the actors plan for greatness. These feelings are not reserved only for headliners on Broadway. Many students in our school have experienced this thanks to our own theater program - Springfield Theater Workshop. This year's productions were based on the theme "Growing Up." We began the year with the musical, Your a Good Man, Charlie Brown. It was a big success and was sold out every night. The next production was the classic, Our Town, by Thornton Wilder. With a cast of over twenty-four, it involved representatives from all facets of the student body. The final production was called What I Did Last Summer. It is the story of a boy's growing up. Over all, it was a great season for a great program.

Mr. Henry explains the merits of talking with your hands. Brian Sherwood, Jen Summerfield, Laurie Schlosman, Courtney Ziff, Laura Troland and Carolyn DeSanto socialize before rehearsal. Tina Nancarrow and Damon Zappacosta relax before going on stage. Anne Marie Scalies, Sandi Syglowski and Chris Dappollone model their new hats.

but the words flow smoothly. Exit, Stage Right. I have three minutes to change out of jeans and a sweater into a complicated wedding dress. Zip, Snap. Ready! Enter, Stage left. Sweat, Shake, Speak. The End. Curtain call. Applause. Lights. Friendly faces.

the student life 27


Tamara Crowe moves to the latest beat at a school dance. Edward Donnelly shows he can be a bit "Extreme" at times. Brad Reeves and Brennan Mease show diverse choices in music.

The music at Springfield High School is extremely varied. Students tastes include new age, funk, rap, dance, heavy metal, classic rock, country, and even classical. Each type of music draws certain cliques of people, yet no one is bounded by the reputation of

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Dan Roberts' t-shirt and flannel show that he is a die-hard metal fan. Monty Mukerji shows his admiration for the Doors. Akira Saito, by using headphones, takes the chance of breaking rule 16, under code 253, section 105 of the official handbook. Mike Tomasetti lets his alter ego emerge, a true Dead Head. Gary Wesley pays "Tribute" to Ozzy by adorning his concert T. Jarod Kitchen shows that teenagers can look to music of the past, instead of just the beat of the day.

their favorite type of music. There are "metal heads" who enjoy rap and classic rock, country fans who own classical and dance CDs, and "punks" who can stand a little metal and pop every once and awhile. Whatever your taste, someone else likes it too.

the student life . 29

The Snow Dance


Mark Gaudiosi and Dan Dudrick assemble the balloon arch. Jason Kitchen, Raja Vaidja, and BJ Brunner enjoy the music. Kim Testa and Larry Micciche smile pretty while waiting to see Santa. Steve Stupka "bust a move" after changing into jeans.

Standing next to the Christmas tree, my date and I smiled for hundreds of pictures. We climbed into my parents' car, and drove off tb meet our friends at the Towne House in Media. When we walked into the room, we were greeted by many familiar faces.

30 the student life

The Night Away

Matt Myers displays infamous Saturday Night Fever moves. Brian Demnicki and Maggie Oldham get into the groove. Kevin Schaefer and Kathy Power pause for this picture before entering the cafeteria. Amy Lord and Jeff Slostad show their joy of being together at the dance. Deb Korenkiewicz and Jason Sherlock have obviously been dancing up a storm.

Appar;~ntly we

were not the only people with that choice of restaurant. From there we moved on to the school, into the cafeteria. Though it was still the old lunch room, it was transformed into a snowy dream land, with fake snow, flashing lights, and Santa Claus.

the student life 31


One walk down the halls of Springfield High School could give a person a glimpse of the many different organizations we offer. It's 2:43, as you pack up, you listen to the soothing voice on the announcements, "There is a World Affairs meeting today at 3:00 in room 216. All students going on the ski trip to Camelback must be at the school by 9:30 tommorrow morning...." The bell rings and you head for your locker. Walking down the hallway, the colorful posters for STARE and SHS catch your eye. Turning left into Commons you pass the Band Front Units perfecting their routines. The tenor behind you is singing, "Brightly shines the starlight on the winter snow...." In front of you, two girls, carrying funny-looking rulers, whine about deadlines. Finally, you reach your brown, slender locker, grab some books, and go to your Debate Club meeting. Organizations are everywhere at Springfield High! Not a day goes by when there isn't some activity happening~ These activities bring students together for a common purpose - either service, knowledge, or pure fun. The diverse organizations at Springfield offer opportunities for students to actively participate in the organizations of their choice.




o s



Below: Leigh Harding and Nicole Benkert work hard behind the desk.

Students Volunteer Many SHS students volunteered their time this year as members of our service club. This club includes the LMC Aides, Kinder Aides, Stage Crew, Cougar Club.

e o

them." Our stage crew set up for every assembly and concert this year. Everything from lighting to microphones was taken care of. Behind the scenes this dedica up did an exce bers

Above: Jen Conrad works on the computer checking out books. Right: 1991-92 Cougar Club left to right: C. O'Neill, D. Misciagna, P. Muller, G. Smith, R. Seminole, C. Wharton, D. Marascio, B. Sherwood. Kinder Aides left to right: N. Slegaitis, C. Sarley, S. Slate, S. Bruno, M. Delaney, K. Allen, T. Pizzollo, T. Rufus. LMC Aides left to right: T. Kim, J. Korn, M. McArdle, C. Calvello, K. Turner, M. Kline, A. Evangelista, M. Shaw, N. Benkert, N. Slegaitis, J. Conrad. Left: Stage Crew left to right: T. Merrell, Mr. Zappacosta, A. Maturo, M. McArdle.

organizations 35

Devoted members of SHS spread some holiday cheer at a nearby hospital.


Danielle Pieri, Christine Djevharian, and Tamara Crowe end a SADD meeting with a smile. Peer Facilitator jason Doyle, worn out by the intense training, decides to nap on a table.

Members of RAD include, bottom to top: K.Testa, D.Sellers, T.Battaglia, K.5annelli, L.Harding, K.Bechtel, N.Martinez, D.Lehman, B.Schrage, V.Kereszi, D.Castafero, C.Sperry, B.Canakis, L.DiPietro, N.McGowan, C.Frederick, E.Hellberg, j.Hug, B.Pumphrey, I.McLoughlin, R.Sangillo, j.Canale, S.Hopton, K.Stinger, B.DeLaney, E.johnson, H.Reid, A.Bechtel, E.Donnelly, A.Burridge, I.Benkert, S.Bruno, S.Hamby, j.Kitchen, N.Benkert, K.Henderson, C.Bassett, j.Henderson, C.Osburn.



Members of School Spirit include, from bottom to top: B.Brunner, D.Zappacosta, T.Staeger, M.Gaudiosi, j.Slostad, A.Harris, K.Harbison, T.Battaglia, K.Sannelli, M.Mullin, j.Power, M.Giacomucci, S.Bruno, E.Morrison, R.Power, M.McCafferty, j.Leonard, C.Opalach, M.Bastable, M.Oldham, L.DiPietro.


• • • Halloween Dance, write-athon, gingerbread houses, red ribbon day, blue and gold day, caroling, lock-in, RAD concert, beach day, and special olympics - what do all these events have in common? Yes, that's right. They are all sponsored by the clubs that make up Students Helping Students. The SHS Leadership Program consists of Amnesty International, School Spirit, RAD, SADD, and ASCE. Each individual club sponsors different activities for SHS. The clubs also jointly plan a big event for the year. The different organizations provide students with the opportunity to work together and create new ideas to influence others.

SHS members Doug Mento, Wendy Cadge, and Dixie Sellers chat with friends before the meeting begins. Dan Dudrick eagerly listens to Clay's great idea for this year's lockin. Christina Doonan and Kris Sannelli relax in their home away from home.

Members of Amnesty International include, from bottom to top: K.Testa, E.Donnelly, K.Spires, L.Lauler, L.Schlosman, B.Cecala, CDjevarian, CBasset, M.5hipley, N.Benkert, M.Bastable, D.Mento, Mrs.Dannaker, D.Pietri, S.Hampy, K.Grubb, and K.Jeffery.

Members of After School Community Education include, from bottom to top: D.Andersen, J.Lemon, E. Horan, T.Vaidya, L.Lawler, L.DiPietro, E.Gallagher, D.Cole, M.Gaudiosi, T.Schellinger, M.Bastable, J.Carper, M.DeLaney, D.Sellers, T.Nancarrow, H.Wright, N.Benkert, A.Harris, M.Giacomucci, K.Harbison, J.Carper, T.Battaglia, S.Bruno, T.Peifer, L.Carroll, C Reuling, M.Carroll, M.Mullin, J.Power.

organizations 37

AND ON....

After a productive SHS meeting, Danielle Andersen is all smiles, but Matt Stalker wants to go to sleep.

JJ Lemon signs up for the Lock-In food committee. Tana Peifer quiets everyone down so she can begin the SADD meeting.

The members of the '91-'92 SADD group.

Peer Facilitators include: K. Sannelli, M. Croce, V. Ari, D. Sellers, J. Croce,

e. Doonan, S. Friedmann, K. Testa, D. Zappacosta, P. Vasconcelos, M. Kass, D. Spaccarelli, A. Avadhani, JJ Lemon, N. Benkert, W. Cadge, N. Seidel, J. Power, and T. Peifer.



EASING THE PRESSURE Both the Community Service Task Force and the Prejudice Awareness Union helped to ease pressures this year. The task force, under the direction of Mrs. Abrutyn, volunteers its time for many organizations. The PAU helped to promote racial harmony through many activities. During Black History Month, the group, led by Mrs. Green and Mrs. Murphy-Kendel, informed the school of Black historians with posters and the homeroom announcements.

Mark Gaudiosi describes.what kind of service he does at an assembly. The Community Service Task Force members. Sara Bonadio signs up for gift-wrapping. Nia Chrisohoou spreads the word that drugs kill. Mr. O'Brien thanks Melissa Croce for speaking at the community service assembly. The members of PAU. Tina Nancarrow asks what she can do to help.

organizations 39

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY SHS's 1991-92 chapter of the National Honor Society is a group consisting of caring, dedicated students. Scholarship, leadership, character, and service are the criteria for becoming a member of this organization. Service to both the school and the community is the organization's main goal. Leading by example, NHS has sponsored fund raisers and volunteer committees that have benefitted many aspects of SHS and its students. Perhaps the most important of all NHS activities this year was the tutoring project. This project matched students who needed help in academic subjects with other students who could provide assistance to them. Led by faculty advisor Mrs. Abrutyn and student officers Damon Zappacosta (president), Hang Nguyen (vice president), Rich Choe (secretary), and B.j. Brunner (treasurer), this year's NHS took many positive steps and became a great asset to Springfield High School and our community.

Kristina Hartley and Mark Gaudiosi exchange smiles. Tracy Schellinger thinks of the role she will playas an NHS member. The NHS officers are: Richard Choe (secretary), Hang Nguyen (vice-president), Damon Zappacosta (president), and B.j. Brunner (treasurer). This year's members of NHS are: first row: Christine Rhoads, Terry Mastricolo, Tina Nancarrow. second row: Jessica Gorman, Courtney Ziff, Laura Mazzei, April Mullock, Hang Nguyen, Danielle Cunningham, Kim Testa, Tracy Schellinger, Emily Shull. third row: Matt Myers, Kevin Ridpath, jason Kitchen, Brian Simpson, Dan Dudrick, Deirdre Finnegan, Damon Zappacosta, Mike Donavan, Rich Choe. fourth row: B.j. Brunner, Melissa Croce, jason Sherlock, Tom Staeger, jeff Morton, Dan McHenry, Mark Gaudiosi, j.j. Lemon. Hang Nguyen lights Danielle Cunningham's candle during the ceremony. Matt Myers, Kevin Ridpath, and Tom Staeger anxiously await the induction to begin.



GIFTED STUDIES In a small, narrow room filled with tables and chairs, four students sit conversing in their usual tones of voice except for one thing - they're speaking in Latin. Welcome to Gifted. Gifted Independent Studies is a program in which students can take their individual interests and develop them on their own. All GIS students are given access to a room and a pass to go there. The gifted room is open to all students who can get there from a study hall, lunch, or free period by school regulations. As for the pass, restrictions are placed upon it to guarantee no one misuses it. Each student in the program works on a project during the course of the year and gets graded every semester. At least every two weeks, each student meets with an advisor, Dr. Taylor or Mr. Bartow, to discuss his or her progress and future intentions. Gifted Independent Studies provides a learning environment to students eager for knowledge.

"Can you explain this concept to me?" Michelle McCafferty offers assistance to Dave Ley. "Excuse me, can't you see I'm busy?" Dave Kabosa phones the White House to ask an urgent question. All the seniors know what Terry Mastricolo's gifted project is. The 1991-1992 members of Gifted Independent Studies.

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Christina Nicolaides waits for the meeting to begin. Meg Bastable shows off her talent at the jumpathon. jason Kitchen concentrates on every jump. Club Med President: Raja Vaidya.

Getting A Head Start Club Med had a strong attendance this year. As they have done in the past, the club ran the bi-annual Red Cross blood drives and participated in the annual American Heart Association Jumpathon. These and other activities were supervised by the club's sponsor Mr. Bartow, president Raja Vaidya, and executive council members Jason Kitchen, David Vanore, Jacqui Hickey, and Kris Sannelli. Club Med is a great organization because it gives anyone who is interested in pursuing a medical career an opportunity to prepare for it while still in high school. Club Med members include: bottom to top, Dawn Rosser, jason Kitchen, Raja Vaidya, Tana Peifer, Bj Brunner, Dave Marascio, Meg Bastable, Tony Kim, Christina Nicolaides, Andrea Knudtson, Matt Shipley, Chris Gallo, Kevin Keenan, and Chuggy Bassett.



Springfield's Scientists Once again the scientists of Springfield High School came together to prepare for the annual regional Science Olympiad. Breaking out the test tubes and the text books, they got ready for the twenty-one different events in the competition. Among these were the Bridge Building contest, the scrambler competition, and "A" for Anatomy. With hours of hard work under their belts and Mr. Bartow by their sides, the team went toregionals to compete against seventy other school teams from eastern Pennsylvania. Ryan Scanlon carefully reads over his data. Anisha Abraham and Dana Erdosy search their folder for missing information.

Members of Science Olympiad include: K. Shaefer, D. Erdosy, I. Lee, D. Savastio, A. Evangelista, R. Vaidya, J. Gorman, A. Abraham, Mr. Bartow, R. Scanlon, J. Kitchen, J. Grillet, M. Scanlon, M. Ostroff.

Marty Heath informs Mr. Bartow of the progress he is making. Abraham Evangelista studies for his science test before a meeting.

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THE NEW BREED Last year's Scott Hi-Q placed third among twentyone teams earning one thousand dollars for Springfield High School. Therefore, the '92 squad had a lot of pressure to earn a place in the HiQ finals. Advisor Mr. Young was very optimistic about the upcoming season. However, the task of repeating would have been very difficult and the talented team fell short of its goal. Bessie Chou, Jason Sherlock, and Damon Zappacosta, the three returning seniors, provided experience for the team. Each member was responsible for certain works of Shakespeare and various other subjects, such as chemistry, mathematics, biology, American and world history, and American government, as well as keeping up with current events. It was a lot of work, but the "new breed" that Mr. Young assembled was ready for action.

Wendy Cadge listens as Ingi Lee debates the answer. These four quickly solve a mathematical equation during a competition. Bessie Chou and jason Sherlock discuss their different answers.

Members of Hi-Q are: Anjali Avadhani, Ingi Lee, jessica Gorman, Bessie Chou, Wendy Cadge, B.j. Brunner, Damon Zappacosta, jason Sherlock, Brian Simpson, jason Kitchen, and advisor Mr. Young. jason Kitchen searches his mind for the answer to Mr. Young's question at a practice session. B.j. Brunner shares some strategies with the rest of the group. The team waits for their meet in the auditorium to begin.

44 organizations


o W

Winter provided great weather for this year's Ski Club. In addition to skiing their usual mountains, some members took advantage of the weekend trip to Sugarbush and Smugglers' Notch in beautiful Vermont. These members braved not only the tough New England trails, but also the weather. One skier described the weekend as "outrageously fun but bitter cold!" Other trips this year included Blue Mountain, Camelback, Montage, and the all night ski party to Great Gorge/Vernon Valley. Tammy Filler takes a minute to adjust her goggles before heading for the slopes. Ted Donnelly and friends thaw out in the warmth of the lodge.



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Anticipating the runs ahead, Philip Liefeld carries his boots off the bus. Ski Club sponsors Mrs. Naismith and Mrs. Driks-Moore organize the trip to Blue Mountain. The massive Springfield High School Ski Club.

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The World Affairs Club began a successful year with its participation in the World Game at Swarthmore College. Participating students were given problems to solve among the many nations. This exercise demonstrated how world problems arise and how they are solved. The next trip was to the United Nations building in New York. There, students attended seminars on the environment, population, and children's rights. Then the participants learned how the UN operates by touring the building. Back at the high school, the club re-

mained active by collecting clothing for Albanian refugees. A speaker from Albania came in to inform the students of his country's problems. The World Affairs club educated students about important current events. It gives young adults the experience of being actively involved in important decisions affecting their world. This year's club was headed by sponsors Mrs. Markle and Mr. McRae, president Mike Scanlon, vice-president Bill Zurat, treasurer Jessica Gorman, and secretary Sara Bonadio.

Secretary Sara Bonadio reviews her old meeting notes. Mr. McRae discusses plans for the Model UN with Tim Merrell. The '91-'92 World Affairs Club. Steve Bocchinfuso, Bill Zurat and Chris Belville listen to the announcement.








Making A Difference STARE provides correct information on animal rights and the environment, so members know the conditions of these subjects, and also how to stop or to prevent harmful situations. The organization provides information on protests and demonstrations and encourages letter writing, as well. Led by president Vani Ari and vice-president Kathy Powers, the club looked into getting recycled polystyrene plates for the cafeteria this year. They also sold environmental and peace t-shirts to raise money for speakers.



L A C E The '91-'92 STARE members. Kori Grubb relaxes while she takes notes at a meeting. Kristin Jeffery models her environmental t-shirt. Vice-president Kathy Powers informs the group of an upcoming demonstration. Just one of several posters hung by STARE members to promote awareness.

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Which is taller, Christine Rhoads or her bass? Senior BJ Brunner toots his own horn. Anjali Avadhani and Ingi Lee lead the first violin section. President of the orchestra, Lorna Ellis, waits for practice to begin. Annie fiddles with her bass. Jessica Gorman and Mike Ostroff look over their music during a rest.



TEMPO This was the school orchestra's secmd year under the direction of con:Juctor Kevin Cooper. This busy group Jerformed at the winter and spring con:erts and for the MRP. Their final and nost emotional performance of the year Nas at commencement. The orchestra met two days a week :Juring fifth period and at night rehearslis before each concert. But all of their Nork was certainly fulfilling.

District Orchestra accepted many exceptional musicians from SHS this year. They are: BJ Brunner, Annie Burridge, Matt Houser, Elyse Ostroff, and Mike Ostroff. Those who attended Districts and also were selected to Regional Orchestra included: Anjali Avadhani, Megan Bastable, Bessie Chou, Craig Frederick, Ingi Lee, and Maggie Oldham.

Violin Section. bottom to top: T.Kim, T.Battaglia, M.DiFilippo, I.Lee, B.Chou, AAvadhani, E.Ostroff, K.Harbison, M.Bastable, L.Ellis, ASyernick, D.Korenkiewicz Viola, Cello, a!1d Bass Section. bottom to top: T.Morrissey, j.Angelos, C.OeSanto, M.Mullin, M.Pollock, I.Gorman, L.McArdle, C.Opalach, AEllis, M.Ostroff, K.5annelli, A.Burridge, T.McGarvey, C.Rhods, C.Frederick. Woodwind¡ Section. bottom to top: W.Cadge, ALord, N.Seidel, K.McCurdy, M.Oldham, j.Hickey, I.Carper, K.Denk, c.Coppock, B.Zappasodi, S.Bonadio, S.Friedmann, O.Pacitti, B.Homony, V.Williams, A.Borrelli Percussion and Brass Section. bottom to top: C.Grelis, J.Gildea, j.Carper, j.Conrad, J.VanOruff, I.McLoughlin, C.Plummer, C.Bassett, B.Brunner, j.Goldstein, T.Keller, M.Houser, j.Bruce, K.5ooHoo.

Secretary of the orchestra, Garry Carper, also finds time to play the trombone.

Percussionist Tom Keller doesn't want to work, he wants to bang on his drums all day.

Seniors Meg Bastable and Bessie Chou practice together in harmony.

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DO RE MI FA As the population of SHS grew, so grew its choir. This year, the choir was over one hundred fifty members strong. This massive group performed at the spring and winter concerts, Celebration of the Arts, senior citizens day, and for the MRP, the school, and commencement. The choir broke down into smaller groups - pop group and selected choir - which performed in many locations and for many events, including Upper Darby High School and Homecoming. These smaller groups provided increased opportunity for those who really enjoy singing. The '91-'92 choir consisted of a variety of people. The personal music tastes of the members included everything from Iron Maiden to the Throwing Muses, to Randy Travis. But they all united, under the direction of Mrs. Susan



Descano, for a common purpose - tc sing. This year Springfield High School sen" six talented choir members to Districi Chorus. They were Christina Dappollone, Cindy Grelis, Heather Reid, Kristine Sannelli, Michael Seaman, and Rajc Vaidya.

Michelle McCafferty listens as Mrs. Descano answers her question. Mark Gaudiosi helps out his fellow basses. This model student follows her music as the tenors sing. Dressed to impress, these guys exchange fashion tips before the mid-winter concert.


These pop group members sing their final note. Altos and tenors harmonize. These hard workers smile at their great performance. Tina Nancarrow, Tanisha Rufus, and Jeanine Johnson spread holiday cheer with "Mr. Santa."

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organizations 51

Banding Together "Oh no! You're not going to play are you? What's a Band-ORama? Wanna buy a pizza?" These questions all concern our very own SHS Band, the biggest support team of our school. With Mr. Kevin Cooper as the director, the band was able to put on its own concert, have many successful fund raisers and lots of fun. The band also received new hats and better equipment to work with. The 1991-92 season was a huge success thanks to the contributions of drum major Wendy Cadge, the support of football game audiences, and the band whose high spirits showed each halftime. The band also supported the community by marching in pa-

Above top to bottom: Amy Clevinstine, Wendy Cadge, Chris SoHoo, Jocelyn Gibson, Tom Keller, Jacob Goldstein, Sue Friedman, and Charles Bassett smile about a great year. Right: Abby Ellis and Maggie Oldham play their bass drums right in time.

52 organizations

rades during the year. The annua Halloween parade was a hUgE success, and the kids unanimously thought of us as, "Perfect great, and awesome!" Concer Band season began and the annual concert showed a differen look as we worked on performin~ musically and saved our marchin~ skills for future Saint Patrick's Da) and Memorial Day parades. A~ the year came to an end, senio Mary Gildea commented "Through my four years of band have made lots of friends am helped others learn new things.' Through it all the band supportec SHS and experienced wonderfu memories that will stay with then forever.

Above: Sections of the 1991-92 Springfield High School Band Above left: Kevin Schaefer, Brian Demnicki, and Ian McLoughlin march with style. Middle left: Brian Zappasodi is ready for the Halloween Parade. Middle right: Karin McCurdy and Edith Ramirez stand and play with perfect form. Left: Trumpet players Ian McLoughlin, Jeremy VanDruff, and Joe Morrissey pump up the football players with a fight song.

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FRONT This year, Band Front has evolved from practicing traditional routines to pursuing new and exciting performances. These attempts started last spring when the 1991-92 captains recruited girls from the present freshman class. The squads doubled in size, causing the necessity for new uniforms. One obvious change this year are the pre-game shows of the Danceline featuring contemporary songs with co-captians Danielle Cunningham and Kim Testa. Cindy Grelis, the Rifle Sargent, faced the challenge of re-teaching basic moves, only with wooden guns instead of fiberglass. Terri Morrissey, captain of the Silks Squad, helped choose the new flags and poles for them. These three separate units form their own special team, the Band Front.

Danceline: K. Testa, D. Cunningham, M. Young, D. Bentevania, j. Power, L. Harding, M. Giacomucci, K. Harris, j. Simmons, K. I Harbison, A. Briddell, H. Reid. Danielle Cunningham leads her dancers on the field during halftime.


Rifles: A. Knudtson, A. Fischere, B. Lawler, B. Cecala, S. Bonadio, C. Grelis, D. Ellis, C. DeSanto.

Rifle Sergant Cindy Grelis, stands at attention proudly.

Silks: K. Spevank, T. Morrissey, A. Wenitsky, L. Bonner, N. Slegaitis, K. Anders, L. Serruta, M. Pollock, R. Anders, K. Power. K. Salerno, M. Mullin.

Silks, Karen Spevack, Terri Morrissey, and Robin Anders wait paitently for the next drill.

ALTER EGOS This year, Mr. Rob Henry's second year of teaching and :Iirecting S.T.W., things really took off. Besides using theater ~ames to help improve basic acting skills, the students learned :he fundamentals of theater production. This included timeJeriod research, set design and building, lighting, costuming md make-up, publicity, and even some directing. As in years past, the theater students took their one-acts to various competitions where they showcased the products of their hard work and talent.

Chad Lauletta watches as Sarah Slate fakes possession onstage. "Bob Marley would let us!" reggae impersonators Guy LoPiccolo and Irwin Benkert assure Matt Stalker as they prepare to throw him.

"Just like a prayer..." Kim Testa sings to Tina Nancarrow. Mr. Henry and his Theater Arts II students strike a pose. Rachel Spigel plays the bad


but will she really frisk Steph Kosta and Kori Grubb?

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Future Orators Well spoken, clear, argumentative - what do all these words describe? If you guessed a debator you were exactly right. These ideal debators are members of Springfield High School's very own debate team. The Debate Team is a club that allows the "creative juices" to flow and allows opinions to be expressed openly. To debate is to be creative, but it is also to be outgoing. Members must be very comfortable with public speaking to succeed in a debate. The team this year had many members which fit this profile. Captain Jessica Gorman, assistant co-captains Anjali Avadhani and Kris Sannelli, and secretary Dave Gaudiosi did an excellent job of leading the group. With the help of Ms. Carter, the group's new coach, all members

Top left: Jessica Gorman and Nicole Benkert review material for an upcoming debate; Above: Co-captain Anjali Avadhani smiles as she prepares to begin a meeting. Above middle: Secretary Dave Gaudiosi carefully takes notes at a meeting. Above right: Reading up on energy, Nicole Slegaitis is deep in thought. Right: 1991-92 Debate team, left to right: Ms. Carter, Jessica Gorman, Nicole Slegaitis, Raja Vaidya, Dave Gaudiosi, Laurie Schlosman, Megan Bastab'e, and Maureen Sieczkowski.

56- organizations

put forth great arguments. Proving to be the orators of tomorrow, members delivered well prepared speeches on topics such as the United States' energy needs. Some members captured the attention of the judges and were awarded prizes for their efforts. Just by joining the club, members got the chance to improve their public speaking skills and to learn the tricks of the trade. Some members of the team participated in the Youth Debates. Being on the debate team teaches creativity but mostly poise and clarity. 'Members learn to be outgoing as well as good public speakers. Being on the debate team has been a positive experience for all those involved.

Editor Jamy Angelos takes notes at a meeting. Heather Reid and Wendy Cadge read over Lit Mag entries.

Writers At Work Hemingway, Steinbeck, Cooper, and Fitzgerald - what do all these names trigger in your mind? You've got it. They are all famous writers. You may be wondering what this has to do with Springfield High School. SHS may produce writers among these ranks someday. Where will you find works by these soon to be great writers and creators now? Nowhere else, but in the Literary Magazine. The Literary Magazine is a magazine devoted entirely to student writings. It is a collection of poems, creative stories, and snappy riddles conjured up by Springfield students. The pieces of work may have the author's name, or they may be anonymous. Lit Mag gives both those with hidden talents and those who want to be known a chance to publish. It

also gives students an opportunity to receive recognition for their talents. The magazine is published annually by students, and can be kept and admired by all. Lit Mag is organized into staffs. The screening staff reads through all the works that are submitted and decides which will be published. Members of the art staff, led by Jennifer Summerfield, design the drawings for the pages. Jamy Angelos headed the club this year, and with the help of faculty advisor Mr. Zappacosta, she did a splendid job of organizing the group. Literary Magazine is a club that allows both creativity and open judgement. It brings both writers and readers together. So, look for future members of the writing world in the Literary Magazine today.

Sandi Syglowski is involved in a poem. Above: Discussing entries are Heather Wright and Kris Sannelli. Left: 1991-92 Literary Magazine members, left to right Jennifer Summerfield, Courtney Ziff, Nicole Benkert, Laura Mazzei, Emily Shull, Jamy Angelos, Heather Reid, Vani Ari, Kate Spires, and Andrea Knudtson.

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p R I

Circulation Editors Theresa Morrissey and April Mullock. Features Editors jessica Gorman and jennifer Leonard Cartoonists Matthew Houser and Dave Perillo. Sports Editors Wendy Cadge and Ingi Lee. Co-Editors Anjali Avadhani and Damon Zappacosta and faculty advisor Mrs. Doris Gough. Production Editor Patrick Cronin and Typesetting Editors janette LeGrand and Lisa Galbraith. Newspaper Staff top to bottom, left to right: N. Chrisohoou, T. Nancarrow, C. Dappallone, K. SannelIi, E. Shull, B. Cecala, H. Nguyen, N. Seidel, M. McCafferty, T. Nealon, and A. Winnemore.

58 organizations


News In The Making A little criticism now and then is a nice thing. Criticism is needed to keep an institution like, A HIGH SCHOOL for example, on its toes, to keep it honest, to force it to pay attention to student opinions. It is a satisfying sight to see an administrator nervously glance over his shoulder as he walks down the hall, looking for a reporter with an open notebook in hand. Where can student opinions and controversial topics be found, you ask? Why, in the school newspaper, the Spri Hian, of course. Besides stating opinions and taking sides on both community and school related issues, this year's Spri Hian staff did an outstanding job of promptly and objectively reporting on the happenings here at SHS and around Springfield. Covering everything from new teachers to spring sports to town activities, the editors and staff members wrote on interesting topics and stories with flair and style. But that is not to say that there was not time for controversy: editorials and letters to the editor often stirred emotions within both the boundaries of SHS and Springfield. A student letter complaining about smoking in the school caused the faculty to be more watchful and caused hesitation among student smokers. An editorial about the lack of things to

do on the weekend in Springfield and the aggressiveness displayed by our police officers caused resentment throughout some parts of the town. The Shadow always chimed in with his (or her) colorful views on the way things were and should be. Senior editor Damon Zappacosta ,!nd junior editor Anjali Avadhani worked diligently all year on writing, proof reading, organizing, laying out, and running the newspaper. Typesetters Janette LeGrand and Lisa Galbraith were always on time and often worked under the pressure of deadlines, usually not being given enough time to get things finished. Yet they always managed to do an outstanding job. Pat Cronin was excellent with the graphics. He accurately put the Spri Hian into final form, often improvising to make everything fit. Mrs. Gough, the faculty advisor, literally held the paper and staff together. She calmly helped the staff and always knew the answers to the various problems they faced. Mrs. Gough's kind and patient expertise and leadership was much appreciated. Oh, one last thing before we go: we thought you might like to know who the Shadow is ... sorry, that's between us and the pages of the

Damon Zappacosta concentrates on a layout in Graphics. Tina Nancarrow brainstorms about an article in Commons. Terri Mastricolo relaxes while writing an article. Who is the infamous Shadow?

Spri Hian.

organizations 59

Photography: ass't ed Becky Cecala and ed Terri Morrissey. April Mullock skillfully crops a picture. Is it in this book? While most people were at the beach, Jessica Gorman, Bessie Chou, Wendy Cadge, and Jen Burke discussed theme and layout design.

~VENER "You! Who are you!? What's your name!? Who's he? Do you recognize this person? You're in my layout. Don't look up! No - look candid! I won't take your picture unless ou look candid!" Have you ever been approached by a stressed and uptight people, demandin sponse to all of the ab ( This is not necessaril people (althoug·· would ever do actually, ev dedication sleepless PEOPLE. "Who took the str;:rhg:e sn..il'"101FiAlrl "I don't know and Where's the grease nonriil7" "Who is he?" "Some underclassmen." "No, I think it might be tomorrow? I'm clueless." "We have a calc test?! But more pages, write my English jo SHS, World Affairs, and bowling p

60 organizations

candids and senior headshots), babysit, take my sister to the store, bake a birthday cake, ... pictures, find someone to write the SHS articl NOWNS, and do the Yearboo room!"

yes, disheveled ery uninhibited os falling out of adlines, are the , ·tors, by pobook. up a significant yes, we like to the New Web""'Olri'-,nr,v may produce a

eOI:tors, but the benefits (and det,a.te through six themes). complishment is great.

Faculty: ed Jen Burke. Underclass: ass't ed Anjali Avadhani and ed Ingi Lee. Organizations: ass't ed Wendy Cadge and ed Emily Shull. Advisor Mr. Montgomery hard at work. Athletics: ass't ed Michelle McCafferty and ed Tammy Filler. Student Life: ass't ed Chris Opalach and ed April Mullock. Editor-in-chief Jessica Gorman and ass't ed Laura Mazzei. Seniors: ass't ed Kris Sanelli and ed Bessie Chou. "This is a quad pak," explains Emily Shull. Yearbook editors discuss deadline disasters.

We would like to express our those not on staff who to the Scrivene .






Weightlifting Club


Why pay for an expensive membership to a public gym when you have everything you need right here at SHS? Many students do take advantage of the after school hours available in the Cougar Gym. The weightlifting club is supervised by Mr. Zumpano and Mr. Yaeck. With their teachers' help these students can work out safely with their friends. Whether the students are getting in shape for sports or just to feel better about themselves, they have one thing in common: sweat.


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Patti Vasconcelos watches as the miles fly, but she does not move anywhere. Is Joe Mangano smiling or wincing from the pain? Andrew Hulten takes a break from his workout.



first row: Matt Friedmann, Colin Osburn, Michelle McCafferty, Danielle Cunningham, Tina Nancarrow, Doug Mento, Dan Geci. second row: James Henderson, Dave Gaudiosi, Dave Vanore, John McGrath, Ken Young, Ken Wilson. third row: Glenn Gardner, Frank McBride, Jeremy Van Druff, Joe Morrissey, Ken SooHoo. fourth row: Mr. Zumpano, Mr. Yaeck, John Adams.

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The World of Sports is a world of its own. A world in which you can't relate unless you're a participant. A world in which, as an athlete, you have the opportunity to release your tensions and to take out your frustration on the court, field, track or mat and this year even in the pool. There is a special bonding in athletics among team members. Even the utmost hatred is forgotten at the time of a game or match. And as they sluggishly drag their bodies home each night, knowing they have about three hours of work before they're able to rest, they feel for one another. The Wonderful World of Sports supplies us with entertainment and recreation. Where would we be without it? -not in the bowling alleys, ski slopes, or playing football on the weekends. What would we do if we couldn't force our bodies to run warm up laps, suicides, perspire in the heat, and sometimes endure great pain and suffering from a sports injury? Besides being un. healthy and out of shape, we'd be bored! Keep participating and supporting the Blue and Gold teams of SHS, because we know how to have a good time. No matter what, Springfield is All Fired Up.




IT'S A Bump, set, spike, win, ahhh fish! These familiar words could be heard coming from the pre-game huddle on the volleyball court. This year the girls team had a very successful season, finishing second in the Central League. The girls lived by their PAKA code as they strived for the top. Many thanks were given to their spectacular fans who religiously attended their games, whether home or away. This year, the team graduated five seniors who will be missed very much. Good luck next year girls!

The team intensely watches the game. Melissa Croce attempts to make a great save. Tamara Crowe successfully spikes the ball.

Top Row: K. Baxter, M. Zulick, P. Tweedy, B. Lyons, L. McCabe, K. Sarley, K. Filler, C. O'Neill, L. Briddes. Middle Row: L. Xander, L. Kerrigan, N. Zappacosta, D. Hunt, L. Morrone. Bottom Row: M. Given, S. Slate, D. Korenkiewicz.

66 athletics

SPIKED WORLD Jnna Samyan serves one of many aces. isty Filler uses those knee pads. .1ristine Opalach warms up her serve during practice.

lp Row: K. Baxter, C. O'Neill, C. Opalach, T. Crowe, K. Myers, L. Briddes. iddle Row: D. Rosser, A. LeFever, N. Tashie, H. Nguyen, I. Lee. lttom Row: T. Nancarrow, D. Samyan, M. Croce.


Top Row: Coach R. Duffy, I. Benkert, G. Carper, S. Ferguson, J. Doyle, T. Keller, R. Hoffman, J. Scelsa, P. Karpinski, D. Hoover, J. Lemon, Coach D. Soroka. Bottom Row: M. Donovan, D. McHenry, J. Smith, K. Ridpath, T. Manning, R. Havens.

Tom Keller

J.J. Lemon

Jason Doyle sWiftly kicks the ball. Tom Manning dribbles the ball to a victory. Joe Scelsa shows his determination.

Tom Manning

JF KICKS Who would have expected the varsity soccer team to have a winning record in the Central this year? After a 2-7 record last year, the team turned around to earn post-season play lr the first time in many years with a 5-4 record. The five wins against Ridley, Conestoga, averford, Marple and Penncrest left us tied for the final District 1 playoff spot. After defeating pper Darby, we were knocked out by Lower Merion. Returning varsity players included rikers joe Scelsa and Garry Carper, midfielders Tom Manning, jeff Smith, and jason Doyle, efensemen Rich Hoffman, Tom Staeger, j.j. Lemon, and Dan McHenry, and goalkeepers evin Ridpath and Tom Keller. Newcomers Mike Donovan, Scott Ferguson, Irwin Benkert, lave Hoover, Paul Karpinski, Chris LoPiccolo and Russ Havens rounded out the team. ~ague

Top Row: Coach Bob, T. Waddington, D. Plank, G. LoPiccolo, M. Simpson, T. Stretton, J. Morrissey, J. Van Druff, S. Filippone, D. Kobasa" K. Testa, Coach B. Berger. Bottom Row: , A. Chinici, A. DeSio, D. Neal, S. Harms, B. Gilmore, B. McCarthy" D. Rhoads, Garry Carper puts all his might into kicking the ball down the field. Mike Donovan has this one licked, no problem.

Dan McHenry

Dave Neal

Kevin Ridpath

A WORLD WHERE YOU CAN Bullet!!! To all who were members of the SHS 1991 hockey team, that familiar call is recognized (considering that corners were a popular thing on the hockey field). Our team consisted of only four seniors and the rest were underclassmen. But even though we were a young team we worked well together in practice and in games. We had some great games and also certain games that we would rather forget. We also had some memories, like our escape to the city to watch a Towson vs. Drexel game. (I think Melinda was lost somewhere in the projects). We can't forget our rat songs and cheese jokes. Jocelyn is still wearing her turtle neck and we still have no idea what Mrs. Markle's husband looks like. Sounds Cheesy!!!!!!!!!!

Patty Vasconcelos steals the ball from her opponent. Melinda Forgione has control of this ball all the way down the field.

Top Row: Mrs. Markle, L. Zulli, A. DiRocco, K. Seavey, L. Morrison, D. Pieri, S. Belville, C. Flick, A. Syernick. Middle Row: K. Connor, A. Lord, E. Horan, j. Hunt, j. Nescio, C. Djevharian. Bottom Row: D. Spaccarelli, P. Vasconcelos, M. Forgione, j. Houton.



Angie Syernick drives the ball to her teammates.

IfAKE A SHOT AT YOUR GOAL I\ngel DiRocco stops yet another goal. Jen Houton is trying to decide how she's going to steal the ball away from her opponent. Debbie Spaccarelli passes the ball to a teammate.

Top Row: L. McArdle, L. DiPietro, R. Spigel, C. Sperry, D. Castafero, L. McCabe, Mrs. Riebel. Middle Row: J. Hickey, D. Lehman, A. Ellis, J. Price, A. Schrage, S. Dudrick, M. Lombardi, K. Hartley, S. Cordaro. Bottom Row: A. Burridge, D. Bentivegna, B. Schrage, v. Kereszi, E. Canakis, T. Vaidya, J. Giuffre, T. Piccirilli.

athletics 71

IN THIS WORLD THE SPIRITS WERE For many, Saturday afternoon is a time to socialize at football games. The football team knows Saturday a bit differently. Saturday is the day that all the hard work pays off. Most people don't understand the dedication needed to be a part of Springfield Football. Surviving four weeks of practice in 90 degree weather, in full gear, determines whether you are capable of playing Springfield Football. Despite a 3-8-0 record, the Cougars accomplished a lot. After a rocky start, the Cougars started playing solid football. The first win came against Radnor in the Homecoming game, 53-0. Then they shut out Haverford with a score of 22-0. By this time, the Cougars had started to come together. At the first night game of the season, Marple Newtown's attempt resulted in a Springfield victory, 49-13. The last game of the season, Ridley, is always a big one. A night game, at Ridley, is the biggest turnout of the year. Springfield shut down the Raider offense in the first half, leaving the score 0-0. On two big plays, Ridley scored two touchdowns. However, Springfield's impressive display of skill was not unnoticed by the crowd. Springfield's players walked off the field with their heads high, after gaining back the respect they deserve.

4th Row: Coach Mr. Richards, L McCloud, S. Lyman, N. Tedesco, S. Henderson, F. May, M. Brown, j. Scali, S. Spinosa, Manager j. Cervo, C. DeWees, S. Plunkett, Coach Mr. Mazurek. 3rd Row: C. Bassett, j. Stabinski, B. Korn, j. DeWees, T. Marshall, j. Dukes, M. DePetris, M. Heath, N. Nelson, S. Given, E. Kramp, B. Pyle, N. Veriabo. 2nd Row: G. Swink, B. Delaney, T. Lemon, K. Weir, A. Campagna, S. Coulson, B. O'Neill. 1st Row: F. McBride, j. McCallum, P. Hopkins, Capt. P. Kane, Capt. K. Keenan, Capt. D. Keith, C. Lakofsky, C. Fox, M. Matsko.

Nick Nardo and joe Mangano seem to have the situation under control. Mike Graff is having a little trouble keeping his feet on the ground.

Cougars successfully block an attempt to score by the opposing team.

HIGH AND THE PRESSURE WAS ON )on't worry, Chris Britton, I don't think he can drag you for much longer. Jrian Romesburg dodges the hit and runs away with the ball. Jan Dudrick has a look of determination with the ball tightly in his grip.

Top Row: Mr. Bell, Mr. Stevenson, T. Merrell, G. Peabody, j. DiDaniels, S. Hyson, S. joachim, M. DiMaio, D. Solomon, M. Seaman, J. D'Alonzo, S. Adolph, C. Crocco, Mr. Carocci, o. Irons, C. Grundy, R. jones, j. Monaghan, C. Priar, o. Collins, S. Simpson, j. Miller, B. Bullard, B. Romesburg, M. Kass, E. Shirley, Mr. Ash, Mr. Taylor. Middle Row: K. Sacks, R. Kresge, P. lyons, S. Snyder, T. Miller, C. Britton, j. Freda, M. Bean, L. Wilson, R. Chin, K. Healy, D. Corey, M. Newnam, D. Gallagher, A. Simeonides Bottom Row: j. Haney, D. Rosser, V. Stiscia, N. Nardo, B. Sminkey, T. Delaney, M. Graff, J. Mangano, B. jones, T. Reuling, M. Kederis, D. Dudrick, M. Myers, R. Ross, D. Spaccarelli.

It's A World Okay, "Game, set, match, - Springfield!" may have been the exception and not the rule this 1991 season, but each of us who played possessed a winning spirit which carried us through until our last match when we crushed the Green Machine, Ridley. Welcoming our new coach Mr. Carper, we quickly learned new drills, got our own locker room, and were thankful that a "warm-up run" to Mr. C was just two laps around the center courts. Mr. C was even brave enough to let us invade his home for our end-of-the-season party. (Give me that pumpkin!) To our surprise, when prac-

tices started in August the team had actually doubled! Together we've faced some tough competitors, we've prayed for rain, we've wanted to learn Jennifer Capriatti's secret, we've prayed for rain Each of us have learned that with hard work and a true love of the game the team will be successful. Well, we may not have had the best record in the Central League, but we all had fun, and when it comes right down to it, that's all that really mattered! Just remember guys, when in doubt, call it out!

Top Row: j. Gorman, M. Devenney, M. Bastable, D. Lawstoka, Mr. Carper. Middle Row: j. Carper, A. Avadhani, K. Stinger, j. Carper. Bottom Row: B. Chou, L. Schlosman The team warms up before the match. Stretch girls stretch.

74 athletics

Lynda Lastowka and Nicole DeHaven relax before the match by twirling their rackets. Megan Bastable wonders how she's going to be able to return the serve. Bessie Chou puts the ball into the other court.

Of Aces!!!

Jessica Gorman rushes to return the ball. The girls unwind before their match; shouldn't they be practicing? Deb Lastowka concentrates before serving an ace. Co-captains Laurie Schloshman and Bessie Chou show their smiles after winning a match.

Top Row: H. Wright, K. Turner, S. Hopton, N. DeHaven, L. Lastowka, K. Harbison, Mr. Carper. Bottom Row: M. Tiniakas, C. Sannelli, M. McCafferty, M. Myers, J. Power, K. Harris, M. Giacommuci, C. SooHoo.

athletics. 75

IN THIS WORLD YOU'RE "I'd like to thank all the little people..." Fresh new faces abounded among the ranks of this year's illustrious cross country team. However, returning senior Jason Kitchen was the backbone of the team. Returning members David Ley, Jarod Kitchen, and Joe Speers were the sophomores of our cross country family. And Matt Friedmann, Ryan Scanlon, Dan Mioski, Ryan Misero (who was sidetracked a little early in the game by an Achilles tendon problem), Dan Curran, John Logan, Dan Troland and Brian Zappasodi made up the Frosh Army. Aki Ukawa, our beloved exchange student from Japan, joined our team this year and competed well. John Logan, Dan Curran, Dan Troland and Brian Zappasodi (finishing 18th) competed in National Competition in Birmingham, Alabama in early December. Among those participating in the District Competition at Lehigh were Brian Zappasodi (finishing 153rd), David Ley (finishing 192nd), Dan Troland (finishing 213th), John Logan (finishing 230th), Joe Speers (finishing 264th), and Ryan Scanlon (finishing 268th). These numbers may not sound impressive, but considering the masses of competitors, the guys did very well. In keeping with tradition, this year's girls cross country team was very small. Returning seniors Susan Friedmann, Lorna Ellis

Back Row: M. Friedmann, A. Ukawa, R. Scanlon, j. Kitchen, j. Kitchen, j. Speers, D. Ley, Coach D. Curran. Bottom Row: j. Logan, D. Curran, R. Misero, M. joseph, D. Troland, B. Zappasodi, D. Mioskie. Brian Zappasodi runs through the woods on his way to victory. jarod Kitchen dusts his opponents without a problem. Dan Mioskie and jason Kitchen are neck to neck in this meet.

76 athletics

(who was forced to cut her season short due to shin splints), Karin McCurdy and returning junior Kate Spires comprised the experienced faction of the group, while Megan Carroll and Courtney Shields were part of the Freshman Revolution. Although small in number the girls team competed well in regular meets and finished fourth out of over thirty teams in the District Competition - an accomplishment for any team. Individually, Megan Carroll received 15th place in Districts, while Kate Spires finished at 22nd place, and Susan Friedmann (despite debilitating stomach pains) received 38th place. All in all, a very good showing for the girls. Junior Matt Joseph returned to the team this year. Despite serious lung problems resulting in extended hospitalization near the beginning of the season, Matt continued his hard work, inspiration, and entertainment of the "troops" throughout. We missed you Matt. Many good memories have come from cross country. To the team: always remember x-c bus sing alongs, Zapp-fu, "Jack and Diane," "Typical Freshman," Megan's movies, Su... san's pains, "Courtney-Karin Run," Cavanaugh's say freztel, and J,C.G.D.K. (Courtney, got a pencil?) Thanks for the mem~ ories!


Lorna Ellis

Susan Friedmann

Jason Kitchen

Joey Speers and David Ley stretch before running. Kate Spires is running to win. Kathy Power quenches her thirst.

Back Row: K. Spires, C. Shields, M. Carroll. Front Row: K. McCurdy, S. Friedmann, L. Ellis. The girls cross country team stops to smile before exhausting themselves.

FORE THIS WORLD YOU The 1991 golf team has completed yet another successful season, much to the surprise of the Central League. Anchored by perhaps the best #1 and #2 players in the league, Steve Ashworth and Rob Seavey, the team had a 6-2 record. Also making valuable contributions were Aaron Wylie, Dave Milkowski, and the seniors, captain Chris Belville and Paul Stevens. The team placed fourth in the Central League. Although no player qualified for Districts by score, for the first time in years, Steve Ashworth went because of his #1 status. The team's repeated success is with the guidance of the two head coaches, Mr. Cannon and Mr. Johnson, who were very supportive and pulled the team together. Their motto is "To the pros it's putts, to us it's the tee shot." Good luck next year!

Aaron Wylie shows how relaxed he is before his match. Ian McLoughlin admires his shot. The crew intensely follows the ball. Ian McLoughlin and Eric Hellberg discover who's better as they look over the score card. Steve Ashworth follows through with his shot, sending the ball far.

78 athletics

NEED A GOOD STROKE :ich Sangillo concentrates on lining up his shot. :ob Seavey puts power behind his swing, driving the ball to its intended ole. teve Ashworth lines up his club to hit a hole in one.

Top Row: Assistant Coach E. johnson, S. jackson, M. Thomas, T. Dutton, B. 0' Brien, Coach j. Cannon. Middle Row: j. Hoffman, E. Hellberg, C. Frederick, B. Demnicki, R. Sangillo, I. McLoughlin. Bottom Row: P. Stevens, C. Belville, R. Seavey, S. Ashworth, D. Milkowski, A. Wylie.

athletics 79


Springfield Penncrest Strath Haven Conestoga Marple Lower Merion Ridley Upper Darby Radnor Haverford Penncrest Strath Haven Conestoga Marple Lower Merion Ridley Upper Darby Radnor Haverford

2 2 2 2 2 2


2 2


Megan Zulick

2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1


6 1 2


a a a

a a

1 2

3 1 2 1

a a


2 1 2

a a 1

a a 2

4 3 1 1 2





a a a 1

a 2

a a 3

a 2 1 Jen Houton

Rich Hoffman

80 athletics

a a a

Sun Valley Henderson W.e. East Strath Haven Pennwood Conestoga Haverford Penncrest Interboro Radnor Upper Darby Shipley Ridley Lower Merion Marple Newtown

Jeremy Miller

Sun Valley O'Hara O'Hara Henderson Avon Grove Ridley Interboro Conestoga Strath Haven Upper Darby Haverford Garnet Valley Lower Merion Marple Penncrest Radnor Upper Darby Lower Merion


1 ':l


1 i f

1 j

, ~



FIELD HOCKEY Springfield






3 3 1 3 1 3 2 1


a 14 26 15 53

a 1



22 49


Opponen Academy Park William Tennent Lower Merion Conestoga Strath Haven Upper Darby Radnor Penncrest Haverford Marple Newtown Ridley

2 6 2 1

Susan Friedmann

Rob Seavey

1~ 2{ 1; 3~' 3~ (

3," {


1¡ ,

[HE RECORD STRAIGHT TENNIS ~ringfield Harriton Henderson Penncrest Sun Valley W.e. East Upper Darby Marple Newtown Radnor Haverford Pennwood Strath Haven Lower Merion Conestoga Ridley

GOLF Opponent 7 7

Springfield 11 11


12 16


7 6 7 7 6

3 9

26 1



Jringfield I )

3 7 7 ~

3 :;

10 24 9

10 4


Tom Marshall


Opponent Lower Merion Conestoga Ridley Marple Upper Darby Strath Haven Haverford Radnor Penncrest

Opponent 9 9 9 9 9

7 7 7



Conestoga Lower Merion Harriton Penncrest Ridley Upper Darby Haverford Marple Radnor Strath Haven


15 26 40 43 40 28 16 29 29

50 50 42 30 41 15

Opponent Upper Darby Strath Haven Haverford Radnor Penncrest Lower Merion

15 15 17 28 18 50

Kevin Ridpath

Paul Stevens

Karin McCurdy

Hang Nguyen

Lisa Zulli

athletics 81

A WORLD OF Picked for the cellar of the Central League, Coach Skip Werley's Cougars did better than expected. Inexperience was the biggest question mark heading into the season. Led by cocaptains Joe Mangano and jeff Morton, the Cougars gained the respect they deserved. The Cougars developed a feel for one another early in the year going 3-1, before hitting hard times. At the halfway mark the Cougars had fallen to 3-6. The 1991 Winter Break saw the Cougars travel to Cedar Crest High to participate in a four team tournament. This trip marked the commencement of careers for freshmen Pat Kane, Dana Keith, and Frank May. After defeating Garden Spot in the first game, the Cougars dropped the championship to host team Cedar Crest. joe Mangano and jeff Morton graciously received all-tournament team honors. Mike Graff missed the trip due to an ear infection. Coordinating the offense this season were seniors jeff Smith and Rich Hoffman. j.j. Lemon was often seen "swishing" three pointers at crucial moments. Tenacious defense was a trademark for all three players. "MGM" proved to be the backbone of the Cougars offense. The combination of Morton-GraffMangano provided Coach Werley with crucial scoring and rebounding throughout the season. Also contributing were sophomores Steve "Rocky" joachim, Ozzie "Breakaway" Irons, and junior Andy "Good Hair" Kutufaris.

Freshmen Cougars. Top Row: K. Blair, j. Saal, j. Scali, j. Ward, N. Nelson, L. McCloud, Coach Kearney. Bottom Row: M. Garrison, D. Mioskie, M. Guille, E. Bastien, D. Kraus, C. Lakofsky.

jeff Smith's face shows his determination in shooting this ball through the hoop.

Steve Joachim has the height to dunk this ball through the hoop.

Varsity Cougars. Top Row: Coach Bell, D. Keith, F. May, A. Kutufaris, M. Graff, R. Hoffman, S. joachim, Coach Werley, Coach Vandenberg. I Bottom Row: j. Smith, j. Lemon, j. Mangano, j. Morton, o. Irons, j. Stagliano.

82 athletics


rop Left: joe Mangano dodges his opponent's block as he aims for the hoop.

Rich Hoffman calls to his teammates to let them know he's open.

V Cougars. Top Row: M. Kass, F. May, D. Keith, D. Vanore, O. Irons, :oach Vandenberg. 30tlom Row: B. Devuono, D. Zappasodi, B. Stephens, S. Spinosa, B. Root.

j.j. Lemon passes the ball to his teammates.

athletics 83

"Whoa Tuff!" That was the battle cry for this year's Lady Cougars. With two returning Varsity starters, the Cougars recruited five sophomores and a lone freshman to complete their roster. Although the team struggled against some of the more talented teams in the Central League, they played evenly with strong schools such as Ridley and Marple. In a nail-biter they lost by two free throws to Conestoga. The Cougars may not have had an outstanding season, but they managed to move up a notch from last year's league rating. The team next year will have to replace four seniors. The play of Christine

"Rhoadsie" Rhoads, Donna "Noodle" Samyan, Karen "Stokes" Lastowka and Melanie "Melba" McKenna will be missed. This season's sophomores will be next year's experienced juniors. Amy Lord, Nicole DeHaven, Resheda Johnson, Kristal Myers and younger sister Linda Lastowka will help pace the Cougars. Lori Carroll will play as a sophomore while Tam Crowe becomes the senior leader. With young talent the Cougars look to improve even more next year, when once again "Tuff it baby, Tuff it," will be heard throughout the blue gym.


Top: Christine Rhoads hustles down court. Above left: Tam Crowe rifles the ball. Above:]V Team, top row, left to right - Mr. Berger, D. Hunt, H. Gottwig, M. Givens,. L. Carroll; Second row - T. Piccirilli, M. Carroll, C. Buscaglia, D. Lehman. Left: Freshmen, top row, left to right - L. McArdle, C. Sperry, L. McCabe, J. Kennedy, L. Xander, D. Castafero, D. Lastowka, N. Zappacosta, Miss Caffey; Second row - J. Angelos, S. Cordaro, J. Carper, L. Kerrigan, J. Carper, A. Clevenstine.

84 athletics


Top: Karen Lastowka receives an incoming pass. Top right: Lori Carroll zooms past her defender. Right: Jill Haney takes control of the ball. Above: Varsity, top row, left to right - Mr. Berger, K. Myers, N. DeHaven, D. Samyan, T. Crowe; Middle row - R. Johnson, A. Lord, M. McKenna, L. Lastowka; Bottom row - C. Rhoads, K. Lastowka. Christine Rhoads

athletics 85

DON'T LET THIS WORLD The 1991-92 grapplers concluded their season with an outstanding record of 8-1 in the Central League and 14-5 over all. With the assistance of Coach Jim Richards, the Cougars finished second place in Central League. Led by their tricaptains Dave Neal, Tom Staeger and Brian Romesburg, the team accumulated 696 team points and 13 songs about Donny. Unlike previous years, the squad was dominated by underclassmen. Seniors Steve Filippone, Michael Kederis, Shawn McFadden, David Neal, and Tom Staegerwere small in quantity, but massive in importance. In the regular season the Cougars wrestled in 19 dual meets and two holiday tournaments. At the close of this season, team leaders were noticed. Brian Romesburg, 24-1, led the team in wins, pins, and team points. Tom Staeger, 16-4, carried on his tradition of being a "takedown artist" collecting over fifty takedowns. Don Solomon, 18-8, earned his title as "the man," by leading the team in reversals. Mike Borrelli, Mike Bean and David Neal also had memorable seasons all with twenty-one wins. The most commendable team leader was Coach Jim Richards who obtained his 150th career win during the last meet of the year. The team was sectional champs. In Districts Tom Staeger placed second, Mike Bean third and Mike Borrelli fourth. Steve Filippone, Dave Neal, and Don Solomon were all qualifiers. Brian Romesburg placed first in Districts, first in Regionals and was a qualifier in States. Congratulations guys!

Top: Don Solomon displays ease while in control. Middle Right: Rob Seavey shows his determination through his stare. ]V Wrestlers. Top Row: Coach Mazurek, R. Tempesta, R. Seminole, j. Cahill, K.

Keenan, P. Dolderer, T. Dilauro, j. Van Druff, K. Weir, S. Given, N. Patel, D. Mento, C. O'Neill(Manager). Middle Row: A. Campagna, j. Clifford, T. Waddington, P. Hopkins, B. Delaney, j. Adams, K. DeSantis. Bottom Row: C. Puliti, S. landers, R. lochetto, A. Desio, D. Curran, F. McBride, S. jackson, B. Sherwood.

86 athletics

Middle Left: Mike Borrelli takes Ridley down by the legs. Bottom: Ryan Misero fought his way to the top.


op: Dave Neal has got the hold on this guy. Iiddle Left: Sam Adolph puts Ridley where they belong - on the bottom! liddle Right: Brian Romesburg leaves his opponent begging for mercy. arsity Wrestlers. Top Row: Coach Richards, B. Romesburg, M. Borrelli, D. Solomon, C. Britton, S. Adolph, S. )'Leary, S. McFadden, Manager N. Tasliie. ottom Row: D. Misero, D_ Troland, D. Neal, S. Filippone, M. Bean, T. Staeger, D. Geci, M. Kederis.

Right: Danielle Cunningham and Missy Tyler take a rest after their event. Below: Swim team, back row - G. LoPiccolo, M. McCafferty, T. Nealon, T. Battaglia,). Nescio, N. Seidel, K. Young; middle row - Mr. Maguire, T. Marshall, L. Heller, K. Ervin, K. Bechtel, M. Zulick, M. Tyler, ). McGrath, C. Nicolaides; front row - N. Marshall, C. Smith, T. Nancarrow, G. Thomas, D. Cunningham, S. Gudkneckt.



Splish! Splash! The newly formed Cougar swim team had a great season. Many people see swimming as a sport that doesn't take a lot of work. Well, they're wrong. The team worked hard every day lifting weights and swimming laps. The team has a lot of memories of their season. Bus rides, meets, the lockerroom, practices, and winning are just some of the fond memories of the team. With a great coach, Jack Maguire, the team learned a lot about the sport of swimming, but also about themselves. We hope, in years to come, that the team will develop and grow. It seems to be an honor to be on the first swim team ever in existence at Springfield. It will be an experience that will stay with us, the swimmers, forever.



Top, center: Nicole Marshall has a close race in the 100m breaststroke. Top Right: Tara Battaglia takes a rest after a long swim. Above, center: Tara Nealon takes a breath during the 500 free. Far left: These swimmers stand at the wall while waiting for their next set. Above left: Michelle McCafferty pulls hard in the breast stroke of the 200 I. M. Left: Ken Young takes a gasping br~ath during the 100m fly. Above: Coach Maguire instructs the swimmers on what to do next.

athletics 89

A WORLD FULL OF If you went to the football or basketball games this year you might not recognize the '91-'92 Springfield Varsity Cheerleaders. This team is very young and energetic. As they cheer for two different sports over two seasons, their year is very long and strenuous. They not only cheer for sport teams at Springfield but also participate in various competitions. The most important is the Central League Competition. The Springfield Varsity has been working all year on their partner stunts, pyramids, cheerleading ability, and gymnastics. They hope their hard work and dedication will lead them to a Central League victory. The only two seniors on this team are Kris Hartley and Janine Sangillo. Kris and Janine are also the team captains. The other members of the squad are juniors: Heather Poake, Sarah Medina, Marisa King, and Colleen Gallagher. Janiel Ruffin is the only sophomore on the team. The four freshmen on the team are Joelle Ballerino, Michele Jeffery, Ellen Gallagher, and Judy Kennedy.

Above: The cheerleaders show that the cougars are here to stay. Varsity Squad. Top Row: j. Ruffin, Coach L. Berry, C. Gallagher, Coach D. Bonnes, M. Petfield. Middle Row: A. Dougherty, M. jeffery, j. Kennedy, E. Gallagher. Bottom Row: H. Poake, K. Brown, K. Hartley, j. Sangillo, S. Medina



Top: joelle Ballerino looks on as janine Sangillo leads off another cheer. Middle: You can tell we're winning by the cheerleaders' smiles. Freshmen Squad. Top Row: Coach j. Brown, A. Printz, j. Gibson, A. Burke, K. Sarley, L. Heron, K. Harbison, Coach G. Procoppio. Bottom Row: j. Power, M. Wynne, L. Gerace, A. Hand, K. jones, D. Erdosy.


¡op Left: Janiel Ruffin again shows that Springfield cheerleaders are on top. 'op Right: Springfield cheerleaders show their might while screaming blue ;old white. -"iddle: J.V. and Varsity come together to show their support during lOmecoming. lottom: You can see the close knit friendship between the cheerleaders by he smiles on Ellen Gallagher, Heather Poake and Michele Jeffery.

Varsity Squad. Top Row: C. Gallagher, M. King, M. Jeffery, Coach D. Bonnes, H. Poake, J. Kennedy, E. Gallagher. Middle Row: S. Medina, J. Ballerina, J. Ruffin. Bottom Row: Co-captains K. Hartley and J. Sangillo

athletics 91


Top left: Kate Spires stretches to the limit for track. Above left: Dave Ley and Ted Donnelly fly through the air as they sprint for the finish line. Top center: Matt Joseph and Coach Dan Curran watch the action at practice. Top right: Kim Dickerson and Tamura Gaston enjoy the cool February air on the new track. Above: Derek Riebel, Mike Matsko, Steve Hartley, Tom Keller, and Garry Carper fearfully flee from the approaching girls team.

Lorna Ellis

Melinda Forgione

Susan Friedmann

A SKIP, HOP, AND A JUMP Jump, stride, push, focus - all these words ,hould signal a single sport to your head. Yes, vinter track was both fun and memorable this rear for both underclassmen and seniors. This year the team was coached by Mr. Dan :::urran and Mr. Roger Kennedy. They comlined their specialties to create a team that vas both outstanding and hardworking. Mr. :::urran headed the distance and could be leard calling out times over the speaker regllarly. Mr. Kennedy headed the sprinters and :heir workouts. He also guided the field ~vents. Both the girls' team and the boys'

team finished wonderfully at meets; however, the coaches theory was that to win wasn't as important as to do one's personal best. In some cases that meant medals and in others it meant to run to the limits of one's ability. One memory will be of long bus trips, but despite them, team members had a great time. They sang songs, shared times, and felt the anxiety of running. The meets were held at Kutztown, West Chester, and Lehigh. Winter track was the sport to watch. Look out next year!

Laura Troland

Jason Sherlock

Girls' Team: Top row - Mr. Curran, T. Gaston, S. Friedmann, D. Rosser, D. Pieri, K. Dickerson, M. Hayden, C. Flick, M. Delaney, Mr. Kennedy; Middle row - M. Forgione, M. Bastable, K. Grubb, C. Djevharian, T. Doonan, L. Troland, K. Sannelli; Front row - K. Spires, C. Shields, K. Testa, K. Denk, L. Ellis, K. McCurdy, E. Horan. Boys' Team: Top row - Mr. Curran, M. Joseph, M. Ostroff, D. Dudrick, J. Kitchen, T. Keller, J. Mongold, G. Carper, J. Menta, J. Sherlock, D. Savastio, R. Scanlon, Mr. Kennedy; Middle row - A. Ukawa, M. Matsko, A. Saito, T. Donnelly, D. Ley, D. Riebel, J. Speers, D. Defina, B. Winterbottom; Front row - I. McCurdy, R. Birchall, D. Rhoads, J. Logan, J. Ranalli, T. Guild, S. Coulson, S. Hartley, M. Friedmann.

Tom Keller

Jason Kitchen

Dawn Rosser

Karin McCurdy

WORLD On Monday and Wednesday from October through December the bowling team traveled down to Ridley Lanes to compete against either Ridley or Upper Darby. The Varsity team's challenges were led by Kevin Schaeffer with a team high average of 170. Senior B.J. Brunner contributed with a game over 200, as did Vinny Screnci, Chris Arken, and Frank Aragona. The varsity team was in contention all season before

being edged out by Upper Darby at the last match. The team had an excellent season over all. Well done! The JV team struggled for a while but improved as the season went on under the senior leadership of Dave Perillo and Dave Savastio. It had imput from freshman Mike Thomas, George Van Houten, Greg Smith, Scott Smith, and Jamie Sheldrake. There is plenty of talent, so next year should be a good one.

Top: Kevin Schaefer looks excited as he takes a shot. Middle: Bowling Team - Frank Aragona, Chris Arnken, Dave Savastio, B.). Brunner, Kevin Schaefer, Mike Giacopetti, and Dave Perillo. Right: Frank Aragona gets ready to bowl.




Top: B.j. Brunner shows great form as he attempts a strike. Above: Frank Aragona swings his bowling ball through the air.

Top: George Swink strikes a pose as he watches his ball roll down the alley. He knew the camera was on him. Above: Chris Arnken untwists, thus releasing his ball.

athletics 95



Jeff Smith

Springfield Opponent 37 47 Tip-off Tip-Off 66 39 62 44 Holy Ghost 34 Ridley 49 Marple 38 53 Penncrest 40 44 58 Garden Spot 48 65 41 Cedar Crest Tour 38 Unionville 50 Haverford 54 63 75 Lower Merion 57 51 Upper Darby 37 52 Conestoga 53 56 Strath Haven 79 Radnor 47 43 62 40 Ridley 52 66 Marple Penncrest 45 55 66 Haverford 58 57 Lower Merion 84 54 Upper Darby 73 Conestoga 49 72 75 48 Strath Haven Radnor 43 57 71 68 Octorara

Springfield Opponent 13 36 Harriton 30 Tip-Off Interboro 46 Tip-Off Oxford 61 52 Chichester 24 60 Pennwood 34 35 Ridley 41 20 53 West Catholic 55 Marple 34 54 Penncrest 26 46 20 Haverford 48 33 Lower Merion 58 50 Upper Darby 27 Conestoga 35 38 Strath Haven 61 17 Radnor 29 48 Ridley 35 55 29 Marple 43 46 Penncrest 59 Haverford 42 35 35 Lower Merion 53 Upper Darby 32 48 Conestoga 37 34 Strath Haven 22 77 50 Radnor 34


Brian Romesburg

• Laurie Carroll

96 athletics

Springfield 69 93 72 75 95 73 40 54

Strath Haven Upper Darby Marple Radnor Lower Merion Penncrest Conestoga Haverford

Nancy Seidel

CH EERLEADI NG 2nd overall in Central League Championship

Opponent 88 90 98 103 85 98 103 100

Dave Rhoads

Kevin Schaefer



jpringfield Opponent 23 SusquejPennsbury 39 17 Neshaminy 50 33 Sun Valley 26 Radnor Tourn Council Rock Tourn 38 Ridley 21 22 Hende~on 35 67 StrathHaven 2 34 SpringfdjMethacton 25 28 Lower Merion 33 31 Unionville 25 40 Radnor 22 27 Penncrest 31 68 Haverford 3 33 East 26 39 Upper Darby 23 32 Marple 27 45 Conestoga 13 31 Wm. Tennent 30 43 O'Hara 21 Sectional Champions

Haverford Col. West Chester Univ. West Chester Univ. Haverford Col. St. Joseph Univ. St. Joseph Univ. Lehigh East Stroudsburg Lehigh Lehigh Novice Lehigh Champions Lehigh States

Heather Poake

GIRLS TRACK Kutztown West Chester Univ. West Chester Univ. Haverford Col. Kutztown Lehigh Kutztown Lehigh Princeton Lehigh Lehigh Lehigh Championship Lehigh States

BOWLING :;pringfield 2

4 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 0

Ridley Upper Darby Ridley Upper Darby Ridley Upper Darby Ridley Upper Darby Ridley Upper Darby Ridley Upper Darby

Frank Aragona

Opponent 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1

Ryan Misero


Courtney Shields

Nicole Marshall

Amy Lord

athletics 97

By sheer habit students get used to their teachers being there all the time, every day, every year, but they never really appreciate the time and effort teachers put in to make sure they are giving their best. Not only do they put up with us in class, they make it seem as if they enjoy it! It's not only teachers though, it's also secretaries, aids, cafeteria staff, maintenance crew, instructors, coaches and other facilitators that make up the world of SHS. If a student ever needs help in anything, they are there. Why else would they have taken the time to form things such as the STAT team, stress control groups, alcohol abuse and information groups, and also sponsor the student-run clubs. They also participate in the continuing process of educating us. Their self confidence, awareness, hard work, and dedication all mean one thing. The faculty at SHS cares about each and every student. One faculty member stated, "lf there is only one student that understands by the time I am through, it will have been worth the effort. There is nothing that gives one a better sense of self worth than helping others, and we commend and thank our faculty for their contributions. " .. .the ultimate experience of a lifetime, the one pride that goes deeper into the hearts of millions of people than anything else, is the joy of enlightening another." II

Leslye Abrutyn Asst. Principal Erlinda Ardao Health/Phys. Ed. Marjorie Aronson Admin. Assistant David Ash Industrial Arts John Bartley Science Supervisor Dennis Bartow Science Carolyn Bean Team Aide Helen Beldecos Business Ed. Harry Bell Health/Phys. Ed. Jeffrey Benton LMC Mary Boeni Science David Bollinger Personnel Dir Edward Bureau Lang Art Dir Kimberly Caffey Health/Phys. Ed. Richard Calhoun Guidance

Real People? Remember when you were little and you were in awe when a teacher told you his or her first name? Your teacher had a first name, just like you did. Teachers weren't real people. They were, well, your teachers. Mr. and Mrs. So and so. You never thought of them having a life out of school. Perhaps you thought that they slept in school - they seemed to live there. By now you probably know that that is not true. Did you ever wonder what teachers do for fun? Do they sit around and make up hard tests or do word problems for a good time? Do they laugh at the incorrect answers on a test? And how do they think of paper topics and test questions? And what happens during an ordinary day at school? Do teachers actually follow their lesson plans? What are lesson plans? And are those "corny" jokes written in their lecture notes? How many excuses for missing homework have teachers actually heard? And, more importantly, will they award you if you come up with a good excuse that they have never heard before? How many times a day does a teacher hear, "Can I go to the bathroom?" And if you cannot "pull the wool over a teachers eye" then can their children do it? Would you like to have your parent for a teacher? Maybe teachers get together to figure out cruel and unusual punishment for their students. And do they get together with the district leaders and invent new tortures like longer days, longer periods, and Snow day papers (What's a snow day?)? More importantly what do teachers do in the summer, if they don't teach summer school? Do they go to the pool, the shore, the mountains, Disney World, or other places (other 100 faculty

planets)? Or do they just stay at home thinking of what tortures they can put next year's students through? Are their minds busy thinking of the torturous activities that they can tryout on their classes? And do they get angry at themselves for not putting last year's class through that same torture? For those of you who live with or near teachers, know that there can be some benefits to the situation. Just think of all the things you could do. You could have a trig study group near Mr. Werley's house, an American Studies party near Mr. Zapp or Mr. Doyle, a Calculus one near Mr. Young, a European Cultures party near "The Grand One," an Algebra I near Mr. Mazurek, a geometry party near Mr. Eley... the possibilities are endless. Or let's say one night you are having a difficult time with a word problem like: "Train A and Train B leave the station and move with a constant velocity in opposite directions. Who is on Train B and what is the square root of the sine of the derivitive of the spellings of their first names in Spanish?" or "Jane is reading 'The Lottery' six times as fast as Mary. What is the combined yearly income of Jane's parents?" There are some drawbacks from living with or near teachers. They can remind you of the report card you "forgot" to show your parents, or tell your parents or you what you did at the dance that you'd really like to forget. But all that aside teachers really aren't so bad. They come up with a good joke every once in a while, and are there for you when you need them. And they really do have lives and first names. Mr. LeDonne, you still have to tell last year's acc. chern class what the "N" stands for!

What Homework? "Did you do your homework?" "No, but I can explain. See, I vas in my room doing my homevork when my older brother be~an to blast the radio. Being the ~ood student that I am and be:ause noise distracts me from my ,tudies, I went to ask him to turn he radio off. He beat me up for ~ven asking, and told me to go ;omewhere else. So I went outside n the freezing cold and rain to do ny homework. There was this ;trong gust of wind and it blew my wenty-four page paper into the ;ewer. I decided that I had better ~o in, and I could rewrite my paper )n the computer, because it had ust gotten back from the shop. I lad just finished page twenty-four, md Iwas about to save it when the Jower went out. Since the com~uter would not work without electricity, I went upstairs to the

attic to get the old typewriter. Iwas just about to drag it down the stairs when the telephone rang. I rushed to answer it, because Ithought that it might be my blind, sick grandmother asking me to come help her take her medicine. It was a wrong number, and just when I was about to hang up the phone, a bolt of electricity hit the phone line, and I was zapped. When I awoke, Iwas being admitted to the hospital. I assured them that I was fine, and had to do my homework, but they told me that 4000 volts of electricity had just passed passed through my body via the phone. So they strapped me down and did all these tests to see if I still had a memory. Well, I do, but I got out of the hospital at 7:39 this morning, so I couldn't do my homework. Please don't take 1 thousandth of a point off my next test grade!" "That doesn't sound right to me. Are you sure there weren't aliens involved?" Asks Mr. Freas.

Laura Carter Mathematics Paula Cook Math Super Barbara Coombs Science Kevin Cooper Music Cindy Dannaker English Rita Deitrich Business Ed Donna DeRose Computer Lab Susan Descano Music James Doyle Social Studies M. Driks-Moore Home Ec Robert Eley Mathematics David Freas Social Studies Anabel Frye Science Barbara Garling Computer Lab Rosaria Giuffre Secretary



Hard at Work!


Doris Gough Language Thomas Grubb Social Stu Super Charles Hable Ass't Superintendent Robert Henry English Joseph Hook Ass't Principal Janet Hosker English Barbara Hushion Business Ed Jervas Jefferis Social Studies Suzanne Kaminsky Art Sandy Keller Kindergarten Michael Kintner Mathematics Leslie Landau English Kathleen Lear Special Ed N.Ronald LeDonne Science Richard Locker Social Studies

102 faculty

Left to right, up and down, starting from opposite page. Mr. McRae gives another fascinating lecture. Who's liable? Total understanding of the universe is Mr. McClennen's specialty. Noelle Zappacosta, Marilyn Monroe, Mr. Stefani, and Andrea Knudtson hang out in European Cultures. The 1991-1992 School Board. Dr. Taylor advises Sarah Hopton on all aspects of life including courses and personal matters. "Hey you gu-uys?" Mr. Henry tries to gather his theater class. "Did somebody say fiesta?" asks Mrs. Moral and her Spanish V class. Mr. Zumpano's constant velocity is the square of Mr. Yaeck's on the way to the weight room. Go Zumpy Go!

Laurie Markle Social Studies Joyce Mastalski Office Assistant Stephen Mazurek Mathematics Robert McClennen Social Studies William McRae Social Studies Carol Meinhardt English T. Braden Montgomery English Catherine Moore Nurse Aurora Moral Foreign Language Esther Murphy Clerk Vicki Murphy-Kendall Special Ed Patricia Naismith LMC Joseph O'Brien Principal Jack Peoples Driver Ed Roger Place Superintendent



Elizabeth Polini Foreign Language Robert Preston Industrial Arts Susan Purvis Physical Ed Patricia Rambo Guidance Rehmani Sami Team Aide Helen Sebold Mathematics Joseph Semeister Science Ruth Snyder Home Ec Vera Sprang Foreign Language Agnes Staeger Office Assist Stephen Stefani Social Studies Isabel Swank Special Ed Sharon Taylor English John TIerno Guidance George Trout Industrial Arts

104 faculty

Pauline Trucl<sess Secretary Daniel Vandenberg Science Sheila Vint Secretary Deborah Weiss English Bettie Welch LMC G Frank Werley Mathematics Barbara Wilson Art Susan Leslie Wylie LMC Bruce Yaeck Physical Ed WendyYohn Kindergarten .

Donald Yost Dir Admin Ser Robert Young Mathematics John Zappacosta English Joseph Zumpano Science

Familiar m~~}:~!t~~l~en. . '~ou &emy

"Ergo, henceforth, therefore" Mrs. Boeni. .."Through confusion comes knowledge" Mr. Zumpano...Kori Grubb on Physics: "The more he talks the less I understand. It's an nverse relationship."..."It's not magic, it's Chemistry" Mr. ~eDonne ..."Chunes" Mr. Stefani. .."You with me...Just say (es" Mr. Young..."Trig Camp" Mr. Werley..."Judas Priest!" Dr. Taylor. .."Chiste" Sra. Moral. .."That was great, fantastic" \1r. Doyle..."Get into your groups" Mr. Locker..."How does that make you feel?" Mrs. Dannaker..."Bueller, Bueller, Bueller" The teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off..."2 kids, good kids, Media Bypass. No drinking, no drugs. 'HaVing fun.' Dead." Mr. Peoples... "Julio es un hunk" Mrs. Moral. .. "I touch the future - I teach" Christa McAullif... "To use my corny example - who is buried in Grant's tomb?" Mr. LeDonne..."He gets such a kick out of these things" Mr Zappacosta. .. "Happy as a flea on a hound dog" Mr. Werley..."Here comes the Polish Prince of Darkness" Mr. Eley... "Quick like a rabbit" Mr. Werley..."Leaving early today could cause you 45 minutes tomorr()w" Miss Caffey..."It's an 'optional' paper" Mr. Montgomery... "How vou remember the fact that a horizontal line has zero slope is that they both have a 'z' in them." Mrs. Sebold... "Projectile

cosine, my only cosine" Mr. Werley... "In Essence" Mr. LeDonne... "321, 321, we'll all have fun go to 321." Mr. Stefani. .. "Does this period end at -5?" Mr. McRae... "Settle down." Mrs. Gough... "Let's impress the guys with your football knowledge." Miss Caffey... "Co-ed volleyball next week. Remember to shave your legs." Mrs. Purvis... "People get ready, there's a quiz a comin'. Picking up flunkers from class to class." Mr. Stefani. .. "I'm sorry, I can't talk out of both sides of my mouth." Mrs. Sebold... "Milk and cookies" Mr. Kintner "There is a fifth force 'The Italian Force.'" Mr. Zumpano "Questions, problems, major maladjustments?" Mr. Landau... "ORT" Mr. LeDonne... "Road Kill" Mr. Bartow... "Please rise for the salute to the flag.... I pledge allegiance..." Mrs. Vint. .. "Baseball, which is the only true sport" Mr. Zappacosta... "I need a laugh. Where's that sheet of Dan Quayle sayings?" Dr. Taylor... "Poor teaching" Mr. Kintner... "137 hours and 14 minutes until your next test."... Mr. McClennen "Where's Physics Phylis and what's that on your head, Mr. Zump?" Your Ace Physics Class... "What you step in?" Mr. Werley... "In your seat when the be-ell r-riings." Mr. Stefani. ..



u N

From the time we enter this building as freshmen, until we are forced to leave and pursue other goals, we are living in our separate world. Spr~ngfield High School is "a world within" itself. As freshmen, we are initiated into a new society with a caste system and an entirely different set of rules. Still being young and c1ingin to childhood, it is a di~icult change but one tackled with exuberance. Becoming sophomores adds maturity to our actions. No longer can we be heard screaming down the hallways, and we are able to attend our very own Soph Hop. As juniors, there is still one last year to dream of the future, while enjoying the present. Slowly, we are changing into adults and our days together are not all without stress. However, there is the magic of our first prom, and for the first time in high school we can all go together on a class trip. A new seriousness invades our demeanor and gone is the irresponsibility of youth, as senior year approaches. Students must learn to appreciate these years of high school. Relish the days when a schedule of the day's events is handed to you and nothing is requested of you except time and attention. It will soon become a small and distant portion of the past. You will always want to cherish these memories - some will become the best of your life. This is an era not to be forgotten or wasted.





A DAY OF CHAOS The first day of school was very confusing. You could see lost freshmen walking around like Frankenstein monsters, mumbling, "Where am I? Which way do I go?" If you looked close enough you could see their eyes glazed over with a blank expression on their white faces - a major source of humor to the upperclassmen. In classrooms most freshmen were faced with questions like, "Can I do my homework during first p~riod or will I need to lug it home?" Another problem was discovering teachers' rules. Most rules included, "How many spitballs can I throw?" or "How long can I talk before

110 underclass

I get a detention?" The change from five minutes between classes to three minutes was also a major hassle. If by some chance you got to class early, you could see students diving for their seats just as the bell rang, like baseball players trying to steal second base. Basically, the shift from eighth to ninth grade was pretty tough. There were some good points, though. Students were friendly, teachers were nice and willing to help, and it was great having friends in your classes. The first day of school was confusing and scary, but it was also fun and definitely memorable.



Above: jen Owens and Beth Schrage, two of the many talkative SHS freshmen, gossip near the Gold Gym. Left: Hmm... it looks like nobody's claiming these twinkies! Tony Kim cautiously scopes the hall for the previous owner of that lunch.

112 underclass

Schuyler Erie and Chuggie Bassett struggle to decide which clubs to join on activities day.

Kyle Weir raises his hand to offer some insight in a literary discussion.

Left: After a long game, band members Allison Wenitsky,Carolyn DeSanto, Lesley Serruta, Danielle Bentivegna, and April Fischere relax in the band room. With a mouthful of chocolate, Scott Smith discovers the beauty of cafeteria cuisine.



Friends Allyson Burke and Angela Printz are caught off guard as they grin for the camera. Left: "Can you tell me where that pool on the third floor is again?" asks Lesley Kerrigan as she wanders the halls. Taking a break from his GIS project, Frank May pauses for a picture.

114 underclass

Above: Mark Cameron and Kevin Dorrian show their immense enthusiasm and undivided attention at a freshman class meeting.

Right: So what's the meaning of life? Noelle Zappacosta is in deep thought while Maria Bellano concentrates on her lunch.



Left: Annie Burridge smiles as she displays skills in hockey stick maneuvering. Above: Are you experiencing double vision? No! It's Joyce and Jill Carper!



Nicole Geno gets her first taste of 9th grade English, as she prepares for a How-To demonstration.

A DIFFERENT WORLD We're known not as individuals, but as a unit. We're often ound wandering aimlessly through the hallways of SHS praying or an upperclassman to direct us. We're known as... "The =reshmen." In the summer of 1991 many potential freshmen could be ound hearing horror stories of freshman life. Some of us chose to Jelieve the tales, while others chose to experience for them;elves what the future held. The future, for all freshmen, has Jeen different and adjustment has played a major role in every :reshman's life. The biggest change we've had to adjust to is our social life. In ~ighth grade we had total control of the "little kids" in school. As :reshmen we ARE the "little kids" of school. But don't get me wrong - freshman life isn't as terrible as ;ome may say. Truthfully, being a freshman is kind of exciting. 'Jew friendships and relationships occur about every minute or ;0 within the halls of SHS. Developing relationships with older .<ids is a welcomed change from middle school, helping us feel more at home in a place where nothing is certain.

For many of us, the people we've met as freshmen will be permanent fixtures in our lives, and to thank all of them is impossible. Yet I'm hopeful that they know they've made at least one terrified ninth grader a confident freshman.



THE BUDDY SYSTEM Friendship is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Through our high school years friendships have lived, died, and been rekindled. No matter where we meet our "buddies" - in or out of school, each of these different friendships has affected a part of our lives. They've helped us look at the world from different perspectives while also helping us to find out who we really are. Our friends influence what we like and the ways we dress. That's why friendship is something everyone likes to have. Most students are part of cliques, although these groups don't always stay the same. Different groups are distinguished in different ways; such as by dress, attitude, or

120 underclass

other differences. There are no friendships that are alike. There are some people who are best friends while others are only acquaintances. Friendships could also be considered the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good is the laughter, fun times, and sharing. The bad moments are the fights and anger, while the ugly are the words we say to each other during the bad times. So through our friendships we've found happiness, pain, but above all lots of fun. Even though some friendships have not been taken in the right path, we'll always be ready to take the chance to start new friendships in the future.



Above: Shh. Lucia Morrone is concentrating on a biology lab. Top Middle: Lunch period is the time for Eric Hellberg, Shannon Bruno, Amy Hand, and Mandy Given to gossip about the day's events. Top Right: John Gildea takes us into the twilight zone, uncovering the mysteries of his locker.

Bottom Middle: Brett O'Brien lounges about with a couple of his favorite books.

122 underclass

Scott Hamby is in deep thought about the mandibular glands of fire ants.

Collecting money during lunch periods is student council member Kellie Conner.

Lee Lim, Binh Le, and Sunil Samuel enjoy their lunch in a pleasant cafeteria atmosphere. Bottom Middle: "To be or not to be. That is the question," says Chris LoPiccolo. Where'd you get that funky hat, Colin Osburn?



Top Left: Dave Kobasa, Dave Ley, and Andy Chinici - The future male version of the Supremes showcase their talent. Middle: Sophomore Class Officers Matt D'Ulisse Dixie Sellers Matt Kass, Amy Lord, and Bill Bullard. ' , Tim Sullivan gives his report on Que Hice Durante el Verano.

124 underclass

Top Right: Leigh Harding shows her Cougar spirit in Blue and Gold attire. After a long day, Lynda Lastowka awaits a ride.

Above: Dixie Sellers, Lori Henthorn, and Tina Doonan converse during the Peer Facilitator weekend at Camp Tockwogh.

Far Left: Bill Bullard, Chris Dappollone, and Dave Ley know that Chemistry just wouldn't be the same without nifty goggles and aprons. Left: Sheena Mathai anxiously peeks into her locker and wonders what surprises it holds.



So happy together are Ellen Gallagher and Kent Thoensen. Bob Winterbottom tries to convince the teacher that the dog ate his homework. Uh huh, Bob, sure we believe you.

Jackie Cassidy is always there to friend's problems.




to a

LOCKER T OU......,L.. . . . You turn with your hand to the right, then the left, and again to the right. You open up and stand back. Without warning your social studies book flies out at you and you take a blow to your right eye. When you finally recover your driver's ed book hits you in the stomach, and when you think you're all right, a 3-ring binder nails you once again. Then, an uppercut of odor from wet clothes, molded September lunches, and who knows what else, puts you down for the count. This is what happens to you, a tenth grade student, five to six times a day when you arrive at your locker. You thought this year would be different, easier, because now you can at least reach the top compartment where your books are supposed to go. Posters or magazine cutouts of sports figures, famous swimsuit models, and T.V. heartthrobs adorn the inside of your locker. Once a year you may find balloons and streamers decorating it for your birthday, but besides

that, your locker is pretty drab and dull. Kids break into your locker to steal that valuable Biology book, but you kind of feel sorry for them because they'll die from falling objects before they get to it and... how valuable is that book? Have you opened it yet this year? Well, the bell is about to ring, so you better start that big task... closing your locker.



THE ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD Vocabulary sheets, word problems, proofs, lab write-ups, term papers, seminar reports, Spanish translations... the list is endless. Think about all the paper and ink that are wasted everyday as students needlessly complete these homework assignments. Trees are being cut down and rainforests destroyed to make more paper on which to do more homework. By now you probably know just how much you have to do to get by. You know which teachers check and how to fudge the algebra problems you never get around to doing. But wait, all of this requires paper - think of the waste. Soon, the telephone books which presently occupy the majority of landfill space will be negligible compared to the millions of pounds of paper used every day for homework. Don't forget about pencils and pens,

130 underclass

and the ink and graphite which flow across paper everyday to complete assignments. If you use a computer, you waste electricity as well as the paper and ink used by the printer! So students - turn off your computers. Teachers - listen to us. We are the future of America and we are the ones who will be responsible for saving the environment. Help begin the process now. With sports' practices and club meetings to attend, any extra time should be devoted to thinking of ways to conserve and reduce waste instead of doing homework and adding to waste problem. There is only one solution. We must unite and stop doing homework - for the future of the earth and the well-being of the students.



Above: Paul Dolderer is off to another wonderful day in Chern class.

Above: Vani Ari would rather have all her fingernails pulled out than take this Trig test.

Top Middle: "Please, no more homework," pleads Brian Curran.

Bottom middle: Carly Buscaglia and Tam Pizzollo are in the front lines cheering for the Cougars.

132 underclass

Left: junior class officers Christie O'Neill, Chris Plummer, Sandy Syglowski, and Sarah Medina. Missing is jamy Angelos.

Middle: Dan Mazmanian, Lesley Anderson, and Greg Woodrow relax during study hall.

Bottom left: The halls are safe with joe Freda on patrol.

Below: When Alison LeFever talks, people listen!



Right: Cafeteria food is food for thought for Ozzie Irons and Jeremy Miller.

Left: Smile, Lisa Heron, you're on candid camera!

Middle: James Walsh has got Bill Zurat down for the count.

Below: Scanning the pages of previous yearboooks is Kevin Sacks.

Below: Kris Hines wonders what's going on.

134 underclass

Anjali Avadhani looks as though she's seen a ghost.

Sean Simpson and Andy Kutufaris read - what else? comic books!

Beth Kelly is late for a very important date.



Above: Our photographers caught Chrissy Djevharian fixing her shoe laces. Top right: Nancy Seidel enjoys the independence of having a license (and a car)! Bottom right: Completing his computer program is Ly Sroy Lim.

136 underclass

Middle: Bill Snyder is getting a lift from senior Ethan Hood.

ON THE ROAD It all begins about 60 days before your 16th birthday. You bug your parents to death to take you for your permit test. After reading the boring PA Driver's Manual and digging up your birth certificate and social security number, you trek out to a nearby testing spot. You wait in a long line, all the while, getting nervous. Your stomach churns, your palms sweat, and you begin to wonder if you will be able to pass. After approaching the unfriendly officer at the desk, you press your forehead into the machine to read off a line of letters. You are sent to another machine to answer a series of questions. If you are fortunate enough to pass, you go back to the officer and fill out a form. Then you go get a physical and mail the form to the Harrisburg Department of Transportation. When your birthday comes, you anxiously check the mail every day until the permit comes. Then you bug your family and friends to take you out driving. Days, weeks, (and for some, months and several permit renewals) go by, and finally you are ready to take your driving test. You go back to the testing spot, and once again stand in a long line anxiously awaiting your turn. Another unfriendly and rather intimidating officer comes to your car. He checks your lights and signals, and then enters the car. After you go through the

course scared to death, the moment of truth arrives. Did you pass? You anxiously anticipate the officer's response. When he hands you your signed and stamped permit and says, "Congratulations," you run over to your parents with a big smile and yell, "I passed!" Now you can legally drive alone. No more parents taking you places and no more buses. However, there are a few problems that go along with the glory of driving. Where's 352? Why is it that no one ever obeys the speed limit except the old man in the car ahead of you? Why does the light always turn red when you're in a hurry? Why is that cop there when you break the rules but not when the other guy does? Why is there a stop sign on every street corner in Springfield? But then again, who cares? .. You can drive!




The time has finally come. We are no longer seen as mere underclassmen but as the gods among the acoIytes. For .many years, we have waited anxiously to walk down the aisle and receive the much cherished diploma. For many, a higher education awaits and for some, the real world is ready with its challenges. No matter which path we take, the memories of our years together as a Class, from kindergarten to our last year in high school, will always be treasured. As we leave SHS, we also leave behind our marks upon the school. As we discovered our true selves, we also found our gifts - gifts that made a difference. Many students found that sports was their natural skill and pursued it with much eagerness. Some found that knowledge was their "tree of life" and were recognized with awards. Others discovered their talents in the arts. They were seen performing in concerts or in theater, or displaying their exhibits. Furthermore, some saw their skill with their hands and demonstrated their craftsmanship in the outside world. Still others found their gift by volunteering and rendering their services to the community. As a whole, The Class of 1992 is one that has molded each individual to take his own path. As Robert Frost wrote, "Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."



jesse c.adilms, 'Jess" "dUstJ" "smaffies" 25'7 11. state n£. 7!:!fl974 acttvities: wrestllng. 1'1': Ieat/ia, tapes. rem. for: _os, offensWe9-lI-r sftlrt, JUrt:in9- asw: sfUtwn, dOug, mn, ditve, marie, " miRe Ii, ~ fav mem: defmarj1eU!; iJie walli imcRs; ridi.'s car; shags & j<10's apartment; fiey potts!; primos; ]1UtC-putt; trips to 11)'; motlo/ ""'" '89; nlS. rnei>ifumft; metaffica '88; parties w/ziggy, jfii, doug, marie, ditve, tmlia, ro6, nuu! dOg, inan:in, mrofe, 6aro, cuufanyone ifcnyot- it's not that ifcnyotyou- iran ou:tlll room. goalS in life: to five. fav quote: "i wisliyoucou1ifseetIUs causethere's rwtIWigto see, it's peacqw:ficie cuufit'sfinewWi me." - "coma" - gtms n: roses. message to: to~ is tJie tomorrow you worrie<£ a60ut yestmdio/ - 1l1T. jefferis.

d"aniellf. efiza6etii mufelsen, "dan" "ef1i' "1lWUSe" "d;",i" "darneIr' "sCinu:l''' 505 apfiilinar ct. 3/9j'l4 activities: lacrosse 1; slis 3,4; sadi!3A; amnesly 4; liape4; Slm"e4; =4; cstf3, 4; dioir4;worlif <if.fain; 3,4;yearoook.4.1'!': my Oog (scuffy), pens, cruise tickets, friendS, fami£y, steve. rem. for: 6ems ~, having two-tonei Iioir, my pens. Jav mem: 8/.2/89; slWre. w/lliiirie & 6rennan; sfwrew/mefissa& &istin;times w/steve;jmU:hiv skits w/m6, cz, fe, lin; cfiim.1i:di w/d"aniellf.c, 1Oinae, mattdittton;rusli '89, '91 w/ge, jm, sm; yes '91 w/ge, p6; lit. cfraWing i wjalfiso1t; dioirw/cz; ttadiittg; class w/ nlS_ snyder; ftrw/megfor4y=; steve mUfer, Iimcfi '90-'91. golilS in fife: to 6e iiappy, 1ieaIiJiy, cuufsucces~

Jesse. c. Aaa.ms

Danie.ffe. E. Anaerse.1t

josepli anziano, 'J0o/ et' "spedy" "racer 7<" 373 I<stern!. 12/11/73 1'1': Jriaufs, fami£y, ems - 1972 cutfass, 1980 tmns-am. rem..for: constantCy worliing on my ems, 6um outs in cutfass oftt:r schooL asw: mg, rr, nlS, nnsli,"la, 6artmm posse. fav mem: going to 6lst street; 6artmm ave; entqnise ave in pliiJ[y to race every ftidio/ cuuf s~ niglit; Ooing diiveOjes in tfte o.g.(oriqUuiC g""Sster) wWi ryan cuuf tom; going to open MW:Y w!ryrrn, jeremy, oM diuI to stati flqlUs; times worliing at tJie rink - wilat a jolii!; tJie cutWss, 1l'!l.TIS-<llI1 camaro. goalS in life: to 6e lieaftliy, fUtVe a happy fami[y, 6e t!ie 6est mecfianic, cuuf 6e 1m6eata61e at tJie race1:l1:l&. fay quote: "there's no justice, there's justus." messageto: my faii1lly-"tIianRs for 6eing tFtereforme. i lOveyoualL (you too s &p.)

sfiiney t. 6a6y, 257 rolfinq green apts.rt. staten£. 4/21/74 goalS in life: to 6e apfimmacist. fav quote: "God 6ewWiyoutifCwe meet agam 6Y JUs counselS' 9uitfe to "Pfiori( you."

Sfiiney T. Ba6y

]osepfi Anziano

c.megan 6as1a6fe, "cfare!' "meg" "fru:mpy" "smatfiit" 4211. IiilL:rest n£. 10/24/'74 acttvities: c.c. 2; W.t. 2,3A; scJtIialI 1; s.t. dlstriCts 2,3,4; 6aslictJjalI!; slis 1'7,3,4; sadi! 1,2,3,4; 6cuuf 3,4; ~ 1,2, distriCts 3A; worlif1E;'s'"' 3,.4; ,,-,!.t.f3,s,", 4; asee 3,treas 4; <fI:6~ 3,4; ski.clW cif.fi= ~!3, 4; cWse~-4; s:M0C spm:t 4; o:nutes1y 2,3,4; 1'1': , famiCy, sigmwuf. rem. fo': snee:as, qu1llbility, p = asw: 1in,]1< fe, I<m, ~ ,cr, ]S, ~ dz, eli, lis. fav mem: ee 89; toWu&sleepOvm Wjftang;]T '91; stone ~or'89, '90, '91 w/Com;penn s;1iUJ!swh; adviceftomd"amon; summerplil.y group '91; ~ summer r;;:'91; 11/.30; galS in my room; mintfonce w/Iiarin & Com; fiYing w/fioag; juCy 4tJi '91; 6effs w/nufs & mary; jl4 90. ~oalS in life: success. fay quote: "we alI must aeeept tJiefinite cfis"I'Join±rnent, 6ut we must never Cose mj1nte liape." - martin lUther king, y. message to: mom & dad & Stan - sony for aCw'!}'S taking your cfotIies; message to class: t.


~ fymt 6e!intfie, "~' "..6." "~'. "Ref[,~' 109 coConiaCparii. dr. 10/4/73 ~: s0ft6o!f 1; sadi!3,~; worlif ~A; arrmesty 4; Slm"e 3,4. 1'1': my tamif~, ~liips, my pets, toonces. rem. ~ ~o nwcIi, 6""'9 unmy~ P':'crostinatlng.


asw: /Utren, /ie[y, dcli S., mefitiUe, mmdy, 6rUm; 1'1" 6u, <lS, el: fay mem: pan;ying w/Jriaufs on wee.Wufs; alI tJie IiWirious = in sea isfe, ect., w/ kL& kf; aCways getting into ti'Ou6fe w/ tJiep's; alItJietimes w/ciC 06, k.6; clW 104; fioteCde liaven, #55!;wof<e. & 6ak.<; m:idiligfit 00"" movie; 55 at t!ii Ji:n:ous cr w/kar; roaming swartlinwie w/Iiff; 9ct-togethas at ditve's; "jCying" in li!s 6atfiyard; alItJie d"e'l' cuuf amusi.ng cIiats wj.~;~w/matt&scott& kf; 10/12/91: an4 maytFtere 6emanymore!! goCUs in fife: to five fife with no l!mitations. fav quote: 'i'dratJia faugli w/tJiesiltllm tIian cry w/tJiesaints_ tftesmnm are r=/i, morefun. oito/ tJie gooif <fie. young." - 6ifCy joel: message to: my crosest Jriaufs: tIianRs for alI the great memories! i'm gonna miss yai

C. Megan Basta6fe

KeCfi L. Be.1Uuke

evette 6cll; 'JoW' "ClIlZJ'ii!' ''fato/' "vet:' "e" 118 newelCst. 9/29/73 aclivi:ties: maaor cuuf outdOortratfi1,2,M.1'1': my 11lO11I, sister, Roy chain, tediCy 6ear.;, ciIknlfer 600.. rem.for: aCways wearing aj0tfi4 Rey chain, 6eing happy, wafRing fik.e roo. asw: stae:Y truelL fay mem: 6eing w/spp; ClIlZJ'times w/wayne & dininy; 6ag~ outw/superjiiend's; gam out plii1fy w/stacey; fionqm' out on irice's 6afrony; meeting man; getting ~ out of stmwliriLfges w/Rfu; water 6aT1Donfi9litw/nu£p; mrs. scosciasniiI&t4 Ria; getting 6ustd w/pailt1ier& crew; IiUi fafJin' 6y jolilt's 1iOuse; getting stmiufe<! W/edd'ie & mitt in w. pmuy;ril!fqfo0t6alI,!!ClTne '89; put-on punisliment going to intntriwmC 60wlillg w/Rio.. goalS in fije: to 6e tIie 6est at eveTYtfiinq that i do. fay quote: , to know me is to lOve me." 'wliin cftoosing 6etWeen two evilS, i aCways fik.e to try tIie. one i've nevertrie£6efore." - mae west. message to: mom, tfuntRs for everytliing tMt you & 600 liave done for me. alI your wOTTi<s are now over with (i tIUnk.). lOve yai!


cIi:ristian jameson 6efyi!fe. "squid" "commie" "senor caUtnW" "gunUiy" "the jCy" "stUtrise" "scruffy" 774 6ealo/ view lit. 12/10/73 acttvities, golf 1,2,3, capt4; 1ennis 1,2,3,4; worlif ttf(aJls 4. pp: my lIllJSic, my 1; magatines, poCo sliirts, jriends. rem. for: IUMng wcinC& two-coCored: Iiair, ;t;<~ k.-mmt cruiser. asw: • steve, jofirt; any60dy's cousin, sopfi,.11.d: fav mem: in;ts & sting concert; seasfwre '91; tJie_~e tJie pm1;Y; mosli pits at tii;t: & nodo; denny's 1lt01neltIS; mmmy's poo((tJie slUfe); litk.e parties w/.iiiendS; village porcfi; ln9JalO '91; rorCs fiat; wifffe6afC atsteve's;tlie.rwllo; my 6ed; any fair, anyt1iin9 w/COIJTlluy. goalS in fife: to -ave wfiot fioSn't 6een I1vid; to say wfiot fiosn't"6eensaUL fay quote: "in tJie darn, witIioiit a eWe, i'mjusttlie.sClTne as you." 10,000 1ltlll1ia<s. :Message to: 1l1T. zumpano: y~, fioW dUf your ~ go?


Evett:e. Be[[ 140 seniors

Christian.]. Befviffe

irwin. 6en1<ert, y., "ilv" "6usIi?' "quim" "efwood" "i-ed?' 419 yale acve. 7/25/74 acti:vities: socca 3,4; skiclidi 1,2,3,4. pp: Se>lSe of Iiumor, !kense, fiat. osw: ft.eogmpliua1Jri<>ufs, miU m, jacCyrm. jimnem: 9/1/91IiuntjOTmfFli; so= times w/jack, cIliU; 6et1i,

kclry, cfass of '91; fairntan:s w/ciitron; sliockeTw/litny; mutto's w/cIiris; SlO1J'lime w/CllTITlet1; nortIi sliore w/cfa:Ve n; rooRie d"a:y '91; sooofd:summer'91; 6enelilirotliers w/tom. R;WS Riss. fw quote: ']ear rouses liesitotion, liesitlttion rouses YOllTworstfws to 6 = reality!' ~ 601itfi/point &ret;k

amy 6ennctt, 664 cmmtry en. 6/17/74 pp: 6We rili60ns in.liotsejumping competition, fife, & lOve. rem for. 6ein9 a6s. lISW: ntiRe, stepli, fa, acndtlie !J'o/s.fa.v mem: cruise to carili6ean; vacn IiaIen & yes COllrelt '91; 1ll1ks w/stepli; limo ritfes wjofd: friendS; wifrC niglits w/lietry; fishing wee.Wufs w/stepli & 6ot1i miRes; "nwistllre"; ccunpi11g w/ntiRe, dim, & fee; patties w/atitfre & toasts wjoosoliite; TOTIUlltlic 1lW11WItS w/11'I.iU; Tow tlI1Rs; cfandng Itt l\o~ ilUl; waWn sl10re compo suites Itt tIie ClISino; "dO you. ~ookt:urk&y?";;just:itt:s rofe; Salo/;SCOlIOSW/miRe; mcguirea.f.6. goals in. tlfe: to 6eslltisjW witlimy life. message to: to miRi~ tying 6esilfe you, Iiue in. tIie diiTRr . yOllT Iieartllettt w/mW:" - "open anns" jau.11lo/.to stepfi.- "passionate lOvetS wrestfe acs one for lOr0y cries .fOr lOve acnd none." - nigf1ts in. wliit£ sl1lin. to mom. & d'nt( - for an: yOllT lOve & supplJlt t/i;rougli tliese rougli years, i lOve you. tIie future is ltttCe1tilin. 6ut tfi.e end is afw")'s lIf<ll'.



Irwin. B~ Jr.

Amy Bennett

dOn 6erfingis, 331 powef£ nL 9/30/74 lISW: jllTllie comp6clL fa.v quote: "if you. want respect, you. must 6e resp."


diristian.antfi.ony 6kRel; "6ic" "cIiris" 258 e.sprin£jfiefi! nL 12/3j73 pp: my dievelli., patents &ji1rnio/. remfor. 5t"Jil1g out of trouliCe, getting <tWll}' w /munfer. osw: ike, slUtwn, eric, 6rian, jmnie. i~v mem: times in. 6yetS g""'ge; eknS Iiouse; wornmg niglit sfiift w/1k; my Clievelfe; Iiel¥s tt;<aco; dens me:rced£s; crasliing jim60 s katana; marie.'s Iiottse. goalS in. life: to 6e tIie 6est t:Iiitt i can 6e. fa.v quote: "onCy tIie good dleyoung!' _ 6ifCy joeL

DanieC Berfingis

christian A. BieRer

jessicac o/M 6ifottac, 'jess" 'jUlllliW" (monty) 349 fytWroolie nL 8/28/74 activities: amnesty 4; stare 4. Pl': jinnio/, jiie!ufs, Iitny's efotIies,jiie:nd's1iip wJacfison, my stofenstussy sticIier. remfor.l""I'Ce llps, 6aggy j=, Ii<tir. osw: at, em, eli, nun, cz. fa.v mem: tfi.e prom; sieltfinq irwilts car, 8t1t period COnmt01tS; tofIis w/tom. & iUtTe>l; meetU1g miU edwanjS (jesus jones); tIie cfunUttaits; d. in.",; ny; new jack ciIy w/Iitny; soiitIi.streetw/acfisOl1; times w/my jriaufs, espeaatry aaron & Iitny. goals in. tlfe: to worn. on mtII. jClV quote: "it's ac 6ettertli.ing tlitttwe dO now fcnyeteverytliUt9t1ie wliys acnd1iows. wlien you. reminisce ooouttfi.etliings you. miss you won't 6e reacdy to tass gooQ6ye." - ecIio acnd tIie 6umtymen. message to: tIiank you mom.for afw")'s 6ein9 tIiere - i lOve you so mud!! tIianRs to my f:iitJj, 6rOtIie:r 1j - i lOve you. too. acnd tIianRs to acfison.


cIiristin.e 6Uu:1i, "clitis" 120 futn£ing we. 10/12/74 acti:vities: Itt cIiicIiester - lacrosse, frencIi. cIidi. : d':WnunuC earrings acnd teturls 6mcefet remfor.tmttsj'ming ficiin.my senioryear. osw: my 6"Y.Ji:ientC(geuy jones). goals in. fife: to mise


ac Iiappy f<lllti!y. message to: to ni<ofe m, jenj, Mrie e, acnd Ceifa d; t/iiIi1k you Jor JiuWng me Jeef wefcome.

Jessica. L. Bifotta.

Christine A. Black.

david £1. 6orrclTi, "omar" "omie" "omster" "mefvin." "<ftxve!' 138 TL stttte nL 4/12/74 pp: oUlSnw6ife (diesel), immense auto pulifiattion. collection., n:/10. rem for: 6eing ac motoriieal!, motormoutIi, 6emg 0llUlf. osw: aJ:.qraelier, dave sw<tStio, miU tltlynor. fw mem:jmttimei<frovetosclioo~summer6relms;tclfing "9' 6055 off acndquttting'j06 atriilil's in.10t1iqnu(e; getting:£te6ig numster engi:nein. powertedistarte<f; going to tlieT/Crares at 6iimCCiffe; gi~ ~ acjumpstortin.tliepar/iing lOt. gocil'sin. ~e:to 6 = acn "ct' cfass automotive tecIitcidaM, to get into auto 11lCin9. fw pwte: too niu<Ii is never enoagfi." "can't diivefifty-five(too sCow)!' asarcasm is tfie spice of ~n r(cowa6un9a!!" messt19e. to: ufto// aD you. 6ette:r watdi your rear vie:\.v mimns!n -aJiiy dave savasUo yOllT mustang is ac roaili! ' j

dOn Cmuffey, "Iitny" 31 pennington we. 4/26/74 acsw: ricIiard ross(squirt). fa.v quote: "smife, acndgiveYOllTfaccesometliingtlie00/'


Da.vi£( A. Borreffi

Don. BradIey seniors 141

wiffiamj. &nuffe:y, "6ilfy" "Iio[ywood" "wauwt" 31 pennington ""e. 9/13 /72 asw: my fiat:, witIi my #fMu£ (rasfii). f"" mem: just cfii1lin' w/my 6oyz. goafs in life' w five ""Ye. friV quote: 'Justice evofVes on!y cifttT ugustice is difeatt<L" - pu6fk enemy. 111eSs"!Jew: yo shorty! i'm orto/ le<ivil1g tIie sdWo~ not you, peace! 6tuUCy, get a Mm:ut. i'm cnttta Iiere:



Jason M. Bretutan

anita6ridif&; "llita" "s~eeteT" 240mapG:.""e. 5/23/740t;ti;vtties:stts d"anrefine3,4;$adiel. pp: earrillgs~rem• 6cing quieI;·ana writing notes. asw: Mrie ewaJa; my sister. fav mem: memmiaf <fay '90!-w~ Iiomefrom 6..6"1'5 wi· ; 6iofo9)' crass '89; fi=1io/ l'ri '90; ~ adventures 8/14/91 w/my 6oyfritw! <CaVe, my sister, <uu! lieijiieruf. goOfs in lfe: to get a llice j06 cifte; rollfge. jav ~ 'it's so liard W ~a goo<!6yew yestvifay." 111eSs"!Je to: r d llke to tfulitk every60dyin tIiis seliooCfor MfpinB' me tnroilgk my frigk scliooCy=, me w tIii teacftet:; .llke nus.swatlk, nus. 1lllt1]'ky-.wufaIl; ana esp<cialfy to miss Teart w 1X1ineIia p'o/"'-anakarirtspevak, i kopeyou ve a9""t4y= at~ ikopeyougetgood,gnufes, so ican=uptliereanaseeyou wafR. 00wn tIie aisCe at your griufuation! good fucIi. ~ Q"r£1aren!

RiaJ.6rown,=. "auy" ''yogi'' 20wa&wtst..7/26/74activiti•.".~ 1,,2,3; 1Tack 11. cIioi:r1, 2, 3,.4. pp: 1lUJtfia, •.my~ eamlI9s, , Caf<nda 600.. remfen: 6""'9 crazy, lOud: & fri=l!y, ~. asw: /iim, da.Tfen«nutt), Citrfos. fav mem: timeS spent w carlOs; my 17m w/cmftJs; times w/ywftm posse, a."a. super Jrie!ufs; liim:s 14m 6irtfid"ay; ntT. tefepliolle man $400.00; go~ out w/m.itt, im w/mitt?; SllOW danCe '90; p.w. senior prom; goUt:! to putt-putt w/cmftJs; g~_ out ><;/tlie girfs!; ';"9' times w/e-v&; kim SJ""Ufin9 tIie wea w/Ttt<i 8/25; 9/14; 10/7; 6ear at cI1<erI<ading camp. goafs in ~e: ave afew tIie j1lU<St, ana 6e aOC i can 6e. f"" quote: "k<>Vepatience, tIiings are getti!lg 6=." ntesS"!Jew: i'a: llke to tfiank. my jiuttio/ fiir oIWO)'s 6cing tIiere for me wfien i iluded: tIiem. w ci[ my frWu£s ana 6Oyjiieiul; i am cnttta Iiere.


Anita BrUfcfe[[

Kia. ].Brown

6emarr! 6rtumer, "6.j." "6 ." 3511ioft 61. 1/16/75 activities: 6ana 1,2,3,4-, district 2,3,4-, regimutC 31 ordiestra 1,2,3,4, district 3,4, rrgionaC 3, aOCstate 3;towllng 2,3,4; stts 1,2,3,4-; sadie 1,2,3A; sciem:e o§rmpiad 1,2,3,4;Jiendi. cfu6 2; cfu6 mod 3, 4; scott's m,.q 4; nfts 3,1Teas 4; worfcC affairs 4. P1" fctmiCy, iiietufs, illstntm<nt. rem for: 6cing ~ui<t, . wcll; 6cing musiazL asw: jason, 11!ia. jaU, mm., cfa.ve, shatf. f"" mem:.JIa.1Tip; cfisrict 6ana '91; afE-state Orcft '91; pitysics w nus. 61iu:imim; 6irtfid"ay '91; ll&W yom trip; w 5 isfond; 6en; sciem:e ofympindtrips; 6reaking 6rid!Jes; Iialfoween '91;· -r!dJi:y ame '89; garry's stories in on:fi; times goafs in fife: 6e s=iifu[ ana fiappy. f"" quote: "tIie on!y wlt)' w e W 6e Olle." emetsOll. 111eSS"!Jeto: ntT. 6artow, you WOll't ~""Y more cifmy 6rid9es!lOW. i'msure y<nt[jUu£someone efse'stliougli. 1lO liardfeeGn9s.



pfiifip 1- 6nmo, ''pnU''

"roc9'" 349 e.SJ'1ill.qfi<li!rrL3/28/74l'l': guitar, eatS, ronartt's, eat. remfen: 6ad <6ivi;.'q,f!9fiting. asw: sli, 1llm, 65, eli; 6g, ge, js, cp, eli. fav mem: stmmter'89; wafsfi; meitwriali Uufian rocJi; tIie manll '91; seniorwea 91; steve miller '91; easy edS; COlU:<l'tS at spectrum; at tIie ~; siUpfug out for S1t>lles & van Iiafen; l"""J'& fiunt treIis 00wn tIie 1Tacks; 6arwlllS; <UItnLltt. goafs in ~ mali< a rot ciflllOlleJ'. fav quote: "i WlllUUtsmo~c:i9arett<s, iwlllUUt <frillk Wo llUlCfi, iwlllUUt five it up, 6efore i'm out 'if totu:/i. ' -tommy rollWe[ ana tile. young ntmliCers.


Pfiifip]. Bruno 9"'9 camp6cl1; )" "g.<." "camp6efL" 232 &rock rr!. 7/26/73 activities: foerosse 1,2,3,4. pp: fa", sti&, tattoo. remfen: 1iI,>:, tattoo. asw: 1iI,>:Sti&, tattoo.fav mem:times w/j6, fir, j~ dO, 65, 65,55, fc, ts, gt, li.o.e.s., IU1, IiI,>:team,; Iio.f. w/g!; winllillg r:<JttraC'91-92; winning states '92; Setti!lg tattoo; wafsfii u.r!. w/fe; riJf5; fresfinian year. goafs in fife: mali< 1 miffWn pl!tjring facroSse. f"" ~ "if you tUrret stand' up JClT soin<:tIiing, y<nt[faJfJoT anytliing." 111eSS"!Je W: steve, "gottae rovas /iijJ1i, go 6ctween your e.gs Cow."

~lUU1camp6~ "n;tn" "cUu£' 509 evansrr!. 2/16/74pp:fctmiCy,frirn"s'~' golif. remfen: .aCw<;ys6einqw/ml' my attit:tufe. asw: Tlt)', lisa. Janette, /W[y, UfIi, sue Ii., as, sp, gl<., Hf, ea, J6. fav mem; t1meS wlTlt)'; getting 1ll trou6Ie w/fisa g.; 8/23/89; fforUfiI. '89; C<iIifornia '87; wil4wood'90 & '91; ll&W yem's eve '90; jtmiorprom. 91; 678/91; ro~ej,aiT; g~.?; dftmy's;tIle. tifw; 6ilryjoeC amrert; rordlliglits; fate.lliglit Iiockey games; """f'in9; wwfi;~ wfjanette. fav quote: 'iaratfier faUgk witfttIie simtas tIia1i. OJ witIi tIie sailUs, tIie simtas are mudi morefun. Oidj tIie good: dle young." 111eSs"!Je to: 1l101l1>-tIioAAs for afwO)'s 6cing tIi.ere. i rove you Tlt)', oIWlt)'s anaforever.

Greg Camp6efC 142 seniors

MefiruCa, A.Camp6efC

ylllTelt w. carper, "y" "quicR. muff" 177 nunlillng w"y. 9/17/74 llJ:I:ivities: socrer 1,2,3,4; wUtter tro<£ 2, 3,4; spring tro<£ 1,2,3,4; 6£l1lJf1,2,3,4; oidiestrc+ 1, 2,3,4; j= 6attif3,4; dioir 3,4; pop group 3,4. Pl': famiCy, tnendS, God; cfuster!! rem.for: 6emg w/I!ris, si&sense<iffiumor, GnuCvoice, a£w"ys fwrlln!J. asw: lis, tR, jm, jm, d;m,.fC, $.<ft. jR, by, my, and:tJierest. f<w mem: 6eing w/I!ris attJiepocono's, %00 and:eveI)'Wliere; caTlwdgUig; yetting sfwl atw/Oan; 1toJjitlds; rooltie<!aj; IUmtfor~n; greotpump& fiimt; llIl:1TlOTlleltls sfiare4 w/tJie Y""9i.flOrid4 trip '90; new yorli. trip; yOutii 9""'P trips; yoaspell; 6ar WtllS; lUSh. '90, '91; Ii:vinq colina; yes; von fuUen; numta.'s 1iia£1iOuse; dlnntt diW; timUiy trips to jWridii, t£;1:aS, & iI1u£ yoofs in fife: 6ecome ~endento/ weaftlij and:retire =fy. f"" quote: "tliosewIW iinow wflot's 6estjarus mustriseand:s""e us ftOmourse£Ves." -lUSli. ''tiio/ nu;y say, 'those were tJie do;Ys•.' 6ut in "w"y, you. iinow, for us, tIieSe are tJie days." jones adifU:tion. message to: paret1tS -tIianJis jar aEWays 6emg tfiere. i lDve you. message to class: Ii.

Garrett: W. Caryer

RU1tanC Y. CIWe

6essie ja.-y~.~ U6esi' ((6~U U6essafoosfi" U6etsy" ((nina:" Ufrau. ~' ((6essie diou4er:fie:acf' 559 w. wooeffatu[ ave.: 4/4/74 ad:tvtl1es: nfis 3,4; ~ 1,2,3,co-capt4; fa;< 1,2,3,4~ Y:arooo~2,3,s",:",," edA; worU! cif.fims 3,4~ clQss.".f.fl= 2; diW md 1,2,3,4; slis 1; cstf 4; scott fii,.q 3, 4; on:fitstm 1,2,3,4, dlSt:ri<:ts 2,3,4, ~ 3,4. Pl': God; ftlmify, jiiiiufs, 6fack veCvet scrundiit, 6eatfes topes, j=s. rem.for: sefllng my Iiair, relieillng tlie 6ig "1', futVirtg chi&s. asw: j~' filuni m, MteS, nil1 Co jitv mem: times w/ftlnU!y &jiWndS; times spentw/jess & fmmi; tarRs & times w!kaie; summer '91 w Mte; '~fUiing" w/cW.ve; times w/~v; summerretreats w/tIi, cd,ry, alidtJie cIiinese Y""9i SlJmIIlelS '89-92; retreatsw/y ~ 88-92; toronto '88; capenu;v '89; 6i[yjoeCconcertw/jess '89;pss" '89; cJiristmas '89; sopfi.1iof '90; <fepeefi.emoaeconcelt 90;jrprom.& dimreyratR. '91; 4/4/91; soutkstreet '91 w/liwm &~'ess &tJie Y09':.= shaWnee 91; dlstiict orcfi. '92 -"tuttil"; ieglona£orcfi. '91, 92; s:ni";yrom. '92; u2 concert '92. ;loofs in . e: to ave " ju!L fife. f"" quote: "one lDve/one 6wo"/one G:fe/you. got to dO wfi.ot you. should./one fife/with eadi. otfter/sistas/ lone fife! 6lit we're not tJie s=/we yet to carry eadi. otfter/carry <acJi otfter/one/rnre." -uz. 0lllllltil1 cf1risoIWou, "nid' "M' "vromife" 419 dOe TUlt lit. 3/23/-74 activities: year600lt 4; slllfd: 4. Pl': jimUo/, ftiendS. rem.for: 6ei:nggre&,. owtting" pi:=.sliop. asw: _ 6essie, jessiat, jo~, kill. jitv mem: y;JemU:futeCconcertw/tJie Y""9 '91 (4tftrow); jfariiUi '90; new yOrittrip '91; 9'= '88; woriUng w/li:W(M.ftLt); sem1:narre.Ports w Iilum. yoofs in G:fe: to sUa:ee<Cin fjfe and: 6e futppy. f<w quote: "i dOn't regret: "singfe moment; woRing 6ti<R, wlien. i tfi.iiiIt of tJie dlsappoilltntmts, i just litugli.' - yeorge miC1Uuf message to: RiKer, t& o6sessi<m continues, it's " tIiing.


Bessie J. Y. CIWu.

Oumnia. CfirisolWou.

mefiss" anne efi.ffonJ; "misry m.llIl: cfticIt" "missy" 635/iig/iliuu( <tVe. 5/1/74 Pl': fi~' ,jiWndS, fctitli. rem. for: rU£ing lUm;es, 6ei.ng peifect. l15W: fiWtIier, I!risten, COlD'tneJ, step/io:n1e, jessica. jitv mem: seminar reports w court1u':Yi 1991 not:(cJUzmpionsliips; tJie 'dO rags; 12/16/89; tfiesliirting; put 01t jll1l<S oMlctiim; j=-us; mcteague; efi.ocolQte . w/mltS; <fepeefi.e moae '90; diW mtv '89; jr prom; scavenger fwnt; diuu:i par1y slis; Tt1T. ZOf.P'5 feitures. goafs in G:fe: to 6e 115 COOL 115 c&ris fi.ewes. fav quote: ':fititii is 6efievUig wlien common. sense tcllS you. not to." - "mJmCfe 01t 34m street.

Mefissa. A. Cfifjorc!

Fmncis CoCfova.

fynn croce, "micIiq" "ilckq" "shorty" "Iiolf pim" 207 e. woodland: <tVe. 3/7/74 activities: 6115ket6ll1l: 1,2,3; s0ft6an: 1,2,3,4;voIlo/6ll1l:1,2, 3,4; pwJl1c. 4; slllfd: 3,4; slis 3,4; nils 4; rs1f4; 5t0ge CleW 4. Pl': my cmiseti&ets - 6fuev6. rem.for: 6ei.ng sliort,. fiumy. I15W: dO:nielfe., ll1ol11J. ftlv mem: 9/14/91; 6e6ind:tlieroclt;times w/_ ditnielle, mary, _ etc.; soph fi.op; trying to fit 15 peopfe in. " car, camping out; times at sfiore w/ <fanie{fe, ~ 6est JrielUf; tryU1g on. outfits w/liwm 6ac/i. stage; iiepiitg out w/ grease; quakertown.; cfiinese fire dli£fs; misclUef nigfit w/liwm 91; 61J1lJ1er, everything that Md to dO w/volfe:y6iI1li floiid'i w/6aruf; jr prom.; "jjging art's car wf ditnielle a.Jl00fs mCifi: to grow. ftlv quote: "dOn't wisfi. u; away, dOn't wolt at u; Ilk it's ~er." - e&Ori jolin.. message to: ftitwfs- tIianJis Jor everything! mefiss"


patrick wm.. cron.in, "crow" 353 sed9ewood:-rtL 6/16/73 octivities: newspaper 4; ice IWckey; slis. pp: jinniCy, tmuL rem.for: 6ei.ng seen w/tLInO, steepU1g in. clOss. asw: tal1l1 ~eifer. f"" mem: 11/15/90; 12715/91; imler!iar6Olj STIOW diuu:i '90-91E·.; times w/tal1l1dOwn.tJies!Wre, atn1J.>in..9; summer 91; Mckey camp;wimIil1g IWckey cfianq7ionsliip '91; times w/ftiendS & cou=, times w/my famiCy, mom. ,diu!, pop, lJllefe 6i!L yoofs in ate: to have "jiUmEy, 6e successjUl; oiU! ridi. ftlv quote: "6etter t!ia:t never." message to: mom & clad; tIiitn.<s forTllising me. right. tLInO, tIian.ks foillIl: tJie greottimes, lDvepot. Tt1T. preston, tIianJis for an: your lie/i> £lIlJf~fed9e.

Mefisso: L. Croce

Patrick. Wm. Cronin seniors 143

dluUdTe cunningfim;t, n~, "<Cam:' "me:n:eae:s" 117 6artiam <fro y31/?4 act:f~: Y"eartiooit 3; ne:w~paper 3; dimce: line: capt 2,3,.4; /Wpe: 4; ~ 4;.1Ifis 4;.tafe:ntsfWw 1,2,3,4. pp: jiunio/, jiie:>ufs, ~,for: dLmciig, mass";les, ,;,y./itugli, fllrtinq, ahv'!}'S litwinq 2J': 6=gjlQ=i6fe:, afwttys fe:e:£inq W- osw: nUl; dr, fe:. fav me:m: jfori<fa 90; ji= & so. st.:J'oaf; JTFT"!" "W1truii WctL 8/91 w/G; tIie: 6ei01:' afkv; 60;<; cI1e:m tab w/d"a;times w/myftie:nrlS; nyc '91; 6rea.E;;ig & entrnng;1O•• w/triJ£ &; &; fe:n=; odim; mcafe; tallis at limdi; s'Tlt '91 w/fcim; snow dance:; aslWigJor g.p.; 2/ii fiia:ups; taJmtsfWw w/er, & &; e!wmf; cifter grease: w/= f:; roclt cfUn6ing. Jav quote:: "OUT greatest ~fmy consists not mne:verfaffing 6ut rising every 1ime: we: faIL" (ss) message: to: "i dlnit Iinow, marie, what do you. Wtll1t to dO?' terri &; Itim -"concert f!"


ignacio ~s Mcua, "no:i' "1UL'I:io" "iggy" "no£' 'Jufio" "i'0IIdiarell0" 228 Iianf:ing ave.. 10/22/74 pp: my motfie:r, my grasses, myjimmie fiats. rem for: c/Odim'. osw: 66, c!6,11; nut. fav me:m: 1/91 my fittl£. 1oa<ation; Iionie:room; times w/girlZ; '89-91 wlie:n i liM it going on strong! goafs m fife:: to overtlirow tIie gov't. fav quote:: "arrest tfie ~ he's tfie drug deafer." -tfie inte:ffigent lioodlUttt;

Danieffe Cumtingfiam

Ignacio K. Daeua-

jeffrey a. <fw1e:y, 'Jeff" 538 evcms rtf. 1/14/74 Hr;;'nrlCy, jiiaufs, 600ks, mUuf. remjor: afw'o/s Te:O<f:il1g, sense: of fiumor. asw: terry, tammy, greg, I> mischievous grin on my f<>ee.. me:m: summer at limvan! 1991; alI times spent mtIie: company ofgooe! jiiindS, ofwliiifitlie:re are too '""'0/ to list. goaGm to lIUlU I>efiffere:n<e:: fay quote:: "notiiing is atWstsacrec! 6uttfie:fnte:9rity of yOUT own mUuf." - T. W. =011. message:to: <fro tlo/!Or, tIianIt you.for alIy"" have: dOne:. terry, tIianIt y"" for 6eing I> inJe:ftien<L message: to clOss: 6.

cfo:vic! C ~ "ditve?' "cCefitta" 623 !leW1ln rtf. 10~6/72llCliVitie:s: wfuter1:lmlt 1,2,3,4; spring 1:ImIt 1,2,3,4. remfOt: wearing wfii:te: west Wyinict sweat pants. fl>v me:m: ce:ntmf s spring 1:ImIt '90; w . mWi. mat. ;, ii; penn state: we:&e:n4 10/14/88. goidSm!jfe::to getl>gooe!j06TllORinggoo quote:: dOn'tget/iurt, dOn'tgetcaugfttanc! dOn't 1I5e: my 1UIme..' -trout. message: to: trout -i wif[ have: I> gooe! we:e:fte:ru( anc! wif[ not get Iiurt 6ut wif[ gel: magftt anc! 1I5e: yOUT




Jeffrey A. Deeney timotIi:Y Ii. cJefa:uy, "mr. d'e:e:e?Umei' 90 forestrtf. 9/28/73 llClivitie:s: 6ase:6aII 1,2,3,4;fo0t6a1I3,4; 6aslte:t6aII1,3; soccer 1,2,3. pp:fl>mify, e;" timesw/me:fissa. re:in.for: songs <>6outmy1Ul:ll1e:, poo[lt1tS. fo:v me:m:times w/M, rli, mt, eli, js, mc!, ltt, Qi, dZ, co, '" jm, IllI, dlt;' slDtli."; ri."f,a:tfi.'s '90; cliiss of'95; - = ' 9 0 ; ;<-mas '90-91; 10ft; meg 6'5 &me:nta.'slio1lSe; sifver 6u!fe:t(rip); coadi's crass; "tfiestrip '; je:n sic '90; fro "Y 1rip;!leW year's '91; jTprom. '91; snow dimce: '90. fiw quote:: "you. guys 11o:ve: to Iiurt people. to have: jtm.' -diris lie:Wes. "TlU!Y6e: if you. fiac! I> 6e:tter attittufe:you. wouli!get in." -co<>elt v'5 CIiic. message: to: mom, cLad; anc! to6y, tiianRs i IiLv ul message: to cfass: e..



c!e:vemu:r, 427 fiAwcmfe:n rtf.


8/27/74 ~ : ~


3; 6as"":WaII 1,2,~; s0ft6aII 1,2! te:lmis 3,4; 1:ImIt 3,4;

efiee:rfe:<ufin 2; sad41; taJmtsfWw 1,2,3,4.~: f=§', jrie:rufs, car. rem for: Iio:ving reef MUj aLW'o/s fe:e:I:ing 6ac!. osw: c!c, <fro fav times w/c!c, di; asRingfor g.p.; 1OaIIeyforge: w/c!c, &;f=; 6.1i.; i.1i;times wjalImy jiiaufs; tafe:ntsfWw w/tk, er, Itt, hn. goafs m me:m: cIie:ni cWss; Ji= &50. st.; "tfie 6e:ncfi: ; 60;<:; <IUe::Y; ny '91; times w/joe:; j1:prom. wlind; snow dance: '90; sopli /Wp '90, '91;

fife:: to adiie:ve: alItIii gottlS tIiat i l1o:ve:setfor myself. fav quote:: "ye:ste:n!ay is I> memory, tomorrow is I> c!reain, tod<:Y is tIii re:ofuy, maIte: tfie most of it." message: to: "i dOn t care:, diime:lfe:, what dO you. wtll1t to dO?"

Timotfi.y K. DeLaney

Marie Devermey

Ri:m.6afid1ckerson" ((Rim!' ((~1J "fatty" "Rimmy l1 Umissyii ((miss priss" 27 6roac£st. 4/14/74 aet:i:vities: cfiurfead:ing 1,2; wfuter1:rflCk.3,4; sprlng1:rflCk.l, 2,eapt3,4; pltWS 3,4; on:Iie:stml,2; cIioiT 1,2. pp: my snoopy, opus dO!fs, wrings. rem.jor: 6eing skinny, TU!U1ing tm&, ftmny d<iiue:s. osw: lim 6rown. fav me:m: 4/14/89; 4/17/90; stiiInc!ed: attlie: movies; 6.1i. twofors; car accidint;ye:otfon!!; times w/Stlpe:rfiie:n«s; Ite:vin Ii Iiitting me: at limdi; snow dimce: '90; 8/23/90; wfuter1:lmlt '90; i.u-p. we:e:fte:ru(; guymtnicR; penn relays w~90; 6usric!e:s;times w/e:6, tg, sj, ks; west efieste:r,tallis w/dOn6; drlvin' dOwn pfi:iJIy; ifome:y p<Uit -fat6uttR!a; gnmite:nmmalJ; cliicfie:ste:r,p~poo~pocono'sw/kia;mi!fe:ts goafs mfife:: to e.njoywliate:verie:nc! up dOing anc! to maIte: I> lOt of 1ltOTIo/ dOi:lig it! faY quote:: "6efore: you're I> colOr, you;re I> Ii:Unum 6e:ing." - itTs, 60~ dOwn prodiu:tUms. "wliat??!! what fiappe:ned?" message: to: mom, cLad; &jason, ijustwtll1tto s'o/tiianRsfOTafW'o/s 6eingtl1e:re:Jorme:I>nc£ i wtll1t to s'o/ I> spe:cil1C tIianRs to mo,titte: for af[ tMse: gm tallis.



Kim6erfi DicRerson 144 seniors

Ricfia:rc( M.

Z. Doyfe

diutieC ~ lfudiicR, jr., "di"," "pep" 256 powe!! m:. 1/2/74 acttvities: foot6aD: 4; soccer 1,2,3; indOor 1:ra&. 3,eapt 4; spring 1:ra&. 2,capt 3,4; 6aselialr1; 6asWiiiilr1,2; nftS 4; slllf4 4; s/is4. pp: 6aselialt jiit!ay je<ll1S, famiLy & friendS. remJor. siSter"s pooc Tnt. asw:~' tim, en, at, js, d'z, jrn, Tfi, nuL fa.v mem: times w7aEy; new yorhip; rUfpotli's; 91:6. 6--6aff; StafMr's l,orty; CeMnnes' c6em jokes; !; rooliie nay 89; senior prom '91; ~ 0U1< sonipr weeli; IiurtUig peopre w/en. & tim; i'ot6alf 91; TidT:o/ IJame; meadOw6us; 1/28/91; m:r.~s 1.1'.5.trout's tricks; mad: 6.mt6ing '90-91; si£ver 6)Ufet(r.1.1")' IJoafs in fife: to !We It happy, sucresSjUC fife & lOve aEy forever. J,a.v quote: "dO not wishfor sucress; dO wfiatyou- lOve, an<! it wID: come lUItltrilfEy," ~ aa.vmfrost. "iis not magi4 iis chemis1ly. ' -1UWo 1Qs l'llJUlf<! fedOmit. ll1<SS"!Je to: mom an<! dOd; tfumks for everytlUn!J! me5Sl1!Je to cfass: s.

friendS, 111}' mo-fia:w~



Mattfie.w B. Dutton

forna 6. ellis, "10m" "forna 6." "forna dOone?' "Itond' "limy" 518 prospect m:. 8/21/74 activities: orcIiestnt 1,2,3,4; 6cuuf 1; sfis 1,2; fit mag 1; cross-anmtry 2,3,4; winter1:ra&.2,3,4; spring 1:ra&.1,2,3,4. pp: ;<-c ctWanfs, 6afiy 6mrefet, tdd'~6=. asw: km, sf, de, lis, en, irt6, <s. f<tvmem: shorew/meg; '89 cross countrytea:m; jlOrUfa; (c. w/eri:n; wintertradt mws; w . 6.6. w/a6;pitzlt sKitw/sf, km, litifr=hskits w/"'" m6, cz, /Ut; karin's poo~ 1Ul1S w/f.ate; stltiIs W/SIlZ; TUIUlin!Jji'om aUc.; dO fim OTt 6art. 'piU; w~ to/from sCfiooC w/£m; swimming w/1'''''- lJU-ys. IJoafs in 6fe: to 6e fieafthy, happy, t/ii:n. fa.v quote: "cuuf in tfti end; tfti CoVe you- 1like, is "'fU'!C to tfti lOve you- m<iKe." - 6eatfes.


Howan[J. Dyitt

Lorna. B. ErGs

susCUUte (emery, "SUR!' "susie '1" 40 colOniaipfi. ar. 4/22/74 activities: sliiditli 1,2,3,4; worfd" affai1s 2,3,4;voIlo/6aD:1,2; saM 1,2,3,4; sfis 1,2,3,4. pp: jiunify, !J'l"1'fparents, relationship w/sistn; dOg, sliis, stoneroscs tape. rem for: squinting, TlI!JPy's, never Iia.vW!J Ittan, IJoUt!J Iioirie 0a1}Y' asw: cr, pv, w;, lip, tan, pm, kn, jh, mf· Ja.v mem: 12/25/89; sliitrips; utafi '90; iTtts. wjpat; mts. w/mo; alrdiuiUs &~; jreSfi. year; sa;u:rrats; dOnfan.'s fiouse; 6eJilM totris; l' & 1'; tr &jmfaflUtg outlifpv's wimfoW; speciaC reiterfrom jm; pofini's cfass; peu w/<fonn<t m; marylitru! w/IJeoffi 81:6. gnuft. dinii:e wjdOnna,i ill;<s & stevie nU£s '91; Iit6 n:i!J1its; neiglWorhooa regIJae fest & times at 6100m w/6ee:n '91; tfili:nW &taffiS w/pat; '!'fIef; si£ver 6u!fet; Iitte st1IrtS; IWvltCS; vemumt '92; rub it! 6060! 9000 in fife: to 6e fieafthy, !ioppy, cuuf e;<tremeCy ind"eperufmt9.' wealthy. fa.v quote: "yo, wfien YOU-!JUYS IJet arouru! to it, you- can drop me off, fm IJOlUIlt IJO Iioitti, ofil" "tfutnd"ir OTtCy ftappens wfien iis mining, plitYers "'.!fy lOve you- wfien-tfie:y're ffaYinlJ, women, tIio/ will: come cuuf -tfie:y will: IJO, wfien tfti ram. waSht.; you- cfealt you- will: kiwW." -Jlutwooa mac mesSlI!Jeto: 'pat, was he fU!t!?" "mom, dOll, dlanna, 1:fta1W for everytIUn!J cuuf i lOve you!!!!"

IioriesusanewaJa; "puni<m fi£ad" "Mr' "sRui' 916 sam<&-. 6/6/74 acttvities: fU14 hockey 1; 6cuufJront3,4.1P: friendS, {amify, jonjanusziewUz, 6oY.fiie:ru!. rem for. afw'o/s fUwinq gttnt, 6eing in itutomedian.ics. asw: jonjan.usziewil:z, sue holStein, a:ni:tlt &ridifi[(

Ja.v mem: vo-ttch '91-92; menuJria[ ~ weeRenc{'89; 1rips to pliilry; Gsa's 21st 6irth6")'; cllftxm; .:fiiendo/'s; times in upper cCar6y

w/sue ho~ l'Ufsations'91;.fJOrUf<t 89, '90, '91; Coo/U:ngfor soniorweeR.house. IJoafs in fife: to 61:-sucressfu£. fav quote: "IJooa tlUnss come to tfWse who wait. • .dOn.'t Iinow wfiat you've IJot 1Uttif iis IJone." mess"!Je to: mr;. fear, mr.;. swaM, mr.;.111l"J'!i:Y~-tA.an.Iis foralryour Iielp. fOCmiss ya.

Susa:nne L.


Karle S. EwaLf

stepfien a. fiIil'pooe, jr., "s;eve." "fU1," :'aee:' 108 s.herman. m:. 12/5j!3 ~ : soccer 1,2,3,4; wrest£ing 1,:<,3,4; c.o.~a. 1,2,3,4. pp: my car, wrestW1g ctWaidS, friendS &; famiLy. rem for: wreSt:ting, shopping carts, OTCl1l!Je ruffy, tfti 2-pomt COltversWl\. asw: diriS, joJUi, nm, mW:. fa.v mem: """"is moments; jrprom; rU!Ity' 89; pcuiWi,9 foisnow filJlits; sting concert; jo/Ut quotes; times at wUfener, times w/tfti 6<ryZi wrestfing; summer '91; 1tUiIiing jolUi carry !J1"ll- IJoafs in 6fe: to 6e aln can 6e and" 6e ftappv. fa.v quote: "i dOn.'tnwCyou-to wony:f!1rme cause fm afright/idOi1:twantyou-to tel! me iis 1i:meto come Iioirie/i dOn.'t ""'" what yous'!}' "'!)'1ttOl"-, this is 111}' fife/IJo alie<td with your fife Wu{ rea.ve me afooie.." - &iCCy joe( "you- cuuf i will: meet "!Jain i dOn.'t Iiiww wliere i dOn.'t Iinow wfien, 6ti you- an<! i wilt meet "!Jain-" ~ jo/Ut meffenc<tmp.

tommy o/nn fiJfa, "tltm" "sparlo/" "youngin?" "turtft' 467 e. SJ'rinqfiefd: m:. 11/11/74 activities: stud"ent COlmCif 1,2,3; cfass offia:r 3; slii ditIi 1,capt 2 &; 3,4; n.fis 3,4; fieL! hockey 1; voll£y6aD:2;3; s<iftliaD: 1,2,3,4. pp: friendS & famiCy, mike moerman. (Iitture tense). rem for. 6eing short, wearing sliirts &; fiUIS, IJomgfor ofifa !flo/S' 6eing s06er (7!UtIt m.). asw: jon 1" J<ris, jon s, sue, jeff, ter. fa.v mem: cruise to 6ermu<f<t '90; .spring~ (waU ";p!); shore '89, '91- su<, jon & jon (mafOo); senlorprom & times w 6randOlt;jrprom & snow MnceW/miMi 5/18 91; times w/7!UtIt& ae:w; comed"y ditIi;~; hafIOween90; v-6aD:powe.f[ Cooliing foi' (6.; SJettmkers; easter &reaR. '91;' e; jane lOwnes (8-6al1J; '0/; wltrwidi. hotel; slii 1rips. IJoafs in fife: to 6 = It 6rowfcastjoumalist. ja.v quote: "ifyOli can di-e<tmit, it can 6edOne." me5sCllJeto: mom& dOll~foreverytIUn!J alid"i lOveyou. to jon (=-ilt-litw) - waiting fortlie ri9ht man. mean.wliife Iia.ving It gmat 1i:me w/aD: tfti Wl'01l!J 0TtCS. me5s"!Je to cfass: c.


StepliinA. FifippotteJ Jr.

Tammy L.

Fiffer seniors


d'einfre fimte9£U1, "cfeii' "rfeee1" 261 6aJo/more TtL 5/9/74 activities: stw 2,3,4; eliciT 4;.sttulent councif2,3,pres 4. pp: my feet, Jriaufsflip, cait1ln & farmfy, ro6. rem for. dimcitlg, 6awie my fetisft, afways at reliearslll; 6ein9 "" artsy feminist ll6eraC asw: liang, Iiwra, tina, cfuis, meg, and: various muscufitrmen. fav mem: :£/24/90; iimes w/corI, meg""; 9th grade iiIlmt sfiow; art cfass; 6awie '90, '91; thes""9'Jlo Jarmfy; 6ein9 w!tom; sfiows w!faurie; soccer games; "grease' wl6iLl; the intrepid; 6·6im6os; 6/15/91; oft, diwt!; cat!iofie songs; sieepovm; the galS' room at meg's; tea wji1ang; "cfiarUe 6rown" porty at ro6's w/= & tom; 6ein9 pette<! 6y 6ill; matt, aTU!d"amon; ""ytimew/my fione:y. goalS in fife: 6road:way. fiLv quote: "itwas cofd: aTU! itTllUtd, so ife£t £ike "" actor." da.vid: 6owie. mess"9< to: to tom .*?@! mess"ge to cliiss: o.

mefintUt~ "me/m" ''f~'' 827 evfl1tS ~ 8(24/7~ aeti~:.fieIi£ Mckey .1,2,3 capt4! facrosse 1,2,3 .capt4; wintertmck 2,3,4; dieeifeadi:ng 1. pp: jiimily, JiWufs, refi:ttionsflips w!Joe & =1£. remfor. &emg 6fs w/=fe, "":few, 6emg cmzy. asw: nm, jm, an; liT, ftp, RIi; jft, din, se, pv, ltlS. f£tV mem:.fred green; iimes w!Tcicofe; iimes w/joe; 12/16j89;tesfuruinyem; summm; 6eliituCt.om:sj Sa;mj connersj 903 tavern; srWR. '90; mc& ms; WOJ; ridf.ey game. }89j amps; 0ga:Jj' riifpa:t:Rs; sew hunt cfU:tm:ps '91; ~ 6reaR. '89, '91; memoriaLwee/t '90; sfiorew/joe; proms & dimces; jfl1te 1Ownes; sliiin9; pariis; stealUtg a COTW/efm& nm; Utrnpsfio<fe; MIUfayS & fi..weens w/ms & JiWufs; gtiiffiti. '91; wfiot the - ? 6ren. goalS in f!/£: to sucteerf & 6e happy. f£tV 9""!" "midtliese cJiilifrin tfiotYOlLSpit on as tiiq try to clia.iiget!ieiTworfifS, are immune to your consolilticrt, tfiq're qutte. aware 'if wfiot tfiq're going througli. ••" - da.vid: 6owie.


Deimre Fi'l'U1.e9an

Mefind"a. Forgione

SlIS"" elaine. fiieefrrta1U1, "e&no" "SllZie" 132 wayne £tVe. 6/26/74 aetivtties: ;<:-cotmtry 2,3,4; winter tmck 2, 3,4; spring tmck

1,2,3,4; saM 2,3; slis 1,2; Jeer fnc 2,3,co-captain 4; fiope 4; 6aTU! & ordiestm :1,2, 3,4; tIieatre 2,3,4; tafmt sfiow 2,3,4. pp: dOg. rem:E ~ <f<IncU1g.untfer the sea w/Iiim & Iiristine. asw: Will, forna., am, tel7i, kristine, erin, ~ & megan. f£tV mem: ;<:-cotmtry 91; jloridn '90; shelifon rU1gfe 6iLmpfire,Y; pi=. man SRu w/forna., am, & karin; worliing at putt-putt; teni corrtljlting me; staUs w/I"onui; after "grease' wjdiWelfe c;1'''''' Unufing; teni 6~ my sweetvalfey fOgfitwin at snow dame '91. goalS in -f!/£: 6e Iiappy, fieoltfi.y, & =sfuL f£tV quote: wfiik. the yOOTtfiq eat jrum fianef to mOlLtfi. the ricfi. <£rinkfrom the gofifeit cup & it just nuilieS me wcnufer wliy so many lOse & so Jew win/give me sometJiing to 6efieve in." mesS"ge to: Iiiin, forna., Will, & teni - the four ofyOlL have afways 6een tIierefor me fOT as fon:9 as i canremem6er. yOlL Iinow tfiot f tr afways 6e tiiere fOT yOlL & twtIUng wi/[ ever cI1ang< that. i lOVe yOlL gu-ys! thani;!

JiWufs & farmfy,

Eisa marie gafbmitfi., "Eis" 2716atrymore TtL 4/15/74 pp: famify, fiWu(s, roC w/ditve, roC wImam, COT, ginger, !lorn; fittfe teMy 6ear. remfor. efnvtng, my attitude. f£tV mem: 9tfi.qink limch, new yiar"s '89, '90, '91; 12/15/89;iimes wlefiive; hanging w/tfti posse; tafIiS w!ridi; times at my haase; pfiane coIIS; sopfi fiop '90; snow dlmre '90, '91; jrprom '91; STprom '92; racing dOwn pJiitry; penn's Unufing; sOtttli street; t<iffr; sweet 16 party; iimes & tafks w/JiWufs; cruisin; getti11g in trou6fe w/minefy; iimes efoWn tlie sfiore; gmpliiCs clOss; mom's weiUfing; gaffiry?; coU£qe fair; rtp. mesS"ge to: mom - tfian.ityOlL for aJr yOlL have dOne, i lOve you; ditve - i lOve YOlL, afw'ii's & forever; taffy - i Wi!(afways lOve yOlL - miss yOlL lOts; mr preston - yOlL are the 6-e-5-1; 6est! t!ionk yOlL fOT 6ein9 my 'paternaf' fi9wi!

Susan E. Frie£[mann

Lisa M. Gaf6ra.itft.


6rianga£fagfi.er, "galfe.y" "1m' "g" 950 crestfn.1j28/74 aet:!-vities: ice fiooRey 2,3,4. pp: guitm", MoRey. ~ C£s. "9' kli, iii, sw, sft, 6g, d:i, sw, ta, fi9, pi; J'" sli. fav mem: partytng 111. west cfi.ester; =~oRey; out witfi the rink rats; queensrycfi.e '91; gratefuL efeal[ '90; sCOlJ.'ions '91 & just partyi1tg; the stmtrnel:5 in if( & my JiWufs. £tV quote: "wordS & music, conmumication. fet's fatr in lOve witfi rrwsic, the difving force of your livings, the fttnguage, d1vine ,91Ory; tfi.e e;qn-ession, the Iinees 6ow, the ~ confesses, the Ring of Rings." - in memory OJ arufrew wood:. message to: my jriends wfwa!!

0"9' .


galfagfi.er, ","",:' "efaniefson" "Wry" :'Mntheman"



selicof.fn.. 5/30/73 aeti~: cross COlOltry 2; wintertmck2,

rymtg mick 1,2,4; tennIS 3; fo0t6aJr4. pp: farmfy, car. rem for. 6""'!1 a pam 111. the -. asw: J} 61i. f£tV mem: cross cotmtry centraf league efiamys, new years, snow Mnce, jT proms, parties, parties w/jay, trips w/jay. goalS in Gfe: to set a goal: fav quote: "our memories 'if yestenfay wi/[ last a Gfetirne, wetrtake the 6est, fmyet tlie rest aiu! soiitiefoy wetrfiniL tliese are the 6est of iimes." -




DanieLJ. Gaffaglier

mark gmufios~ "nonn!" "marlius" "marlUe" 239 scfioof fn. 8/26/74 activities: 6ase6aJr1,2,3,4; saM 3,4; selicof 5jriri± 3;\lP 4; slis 3,4; co~ eef councif4; nIis 4; senWr cfass video vp 3,vp 4; efioiT 1,2,4; pop group 4;.sttulent councif3,4; efiiSs p4.~: JiWufs, farmfy. rem for. 6ein;} "norm", 6~ a ~o. asw: jf, fin, jm., gc, js, jm, efm., Ill; as, rI, It, ts, ttl, elf, ms, everyone i forgcrt. j£tV mem: ftesli:rrum 6ase6al1; ridle:Y-springfidef 89; 'cfi.em"; summer '89; feMnne's cfass; tafks w/js; gossip w/fiaiiq; cIiUWi finger tafk, tiIfRs w/"rt'; maef60m6m;pftjsics~' sttuI",9TOUf; carWtllS '90; megan's haase; the 6encfi.w/rfc; rocky V; scfloofefames; 6i/Ey jod '90; jvee l1ase6al1; iimes w/dago; . . . jrench- cIOsses w/steve; matt's Muse w/granefmom; M.Y.fiiU!s; pompliin 6ags; taCks a60ut "guns"; snow dlmre "91. goalS in . e: sucress in atr i dO. f£tV quote: "since we are worliing witfiwater, ftrhaveto asil.yOlL to wear your liWomtory aprons." - TtidioIi:tS ronafef reefonne. "fioW dO i s'9' gooef5ye to yestmfay. tfi.e gooef iimes tfiot nuufe us laugli. ftr W£tVe them 6ye." - 60yzlI men. mess"ge to: jofin mongolif: yOlL tfropp.£it on sa;<:er £tVe. mess"ge to cfass: m.

micfioe[[ giacopetti, "ginc" "sliJg" "giaco" 41211. 6is1iol' ave. 3/20/74pp; car, guitm", pasystem&stmo, C£s. asw: ~ efave, paul; joe, JOIin, cfuis, greg. f"" mem: cruise '91; :1989; the 10ft; ma1fs; crw:in 6artram; 1ieaef6<mger's 6atr tour '89; iron nuriefe1t '91; irtotfiv erne '89 & '90; 6aiTer cross '89; winter weekenef '89; guns n' roses '91; 0cefl1t ciIy witfi. ditve;tfi.efllly; ante; pi=. lim; 6ressks; i can't 6elkve its yogurt; t/w dOoli2y &furious. goalS in Gfe: to own a rcigftt clU6. f£tV quote: "tfiinf 6i#ore YOlLSPeak, OT ~erforYourwordS, leamto give respecttfiot otIiei> givetoyou." - antlim;<:. "tfiere's atimeto fiveaTU!tfiere's atimeto dlewfiett frs time to meet your maJ<er. Tl1ae's a time to live 6ut isn't it strange tfiot as soon as yotire 6omyotire efying." - iron maUfe11.

Mark. Gawfiosi 146


MidmeC L. Giacopetti

1lUl1J' 6muufetteqili{ea, "marl' "mm:ries" 327 powetrnC. 6/20/74 activities:softJian:2,3,4;jleJi(1iockf:y 2,3; track 1; sadi( 3,4; rcuC 4; slis 2,3,4; scfiooCspirit 3,4; Iiope 4; 6mu! 1,.2,3,4; on:Iiestni 1,2,3; eIionJs 4. pp: God; fci:miCy, Tlieces~ l1efJiews, jri=fs, softJian: glOve. rem for; afw'o/s tafIimg, snUGng, 6eing foud; wind: chimes. asw: jodj, mefiSsa, 6enji. fa:v mem: 1lorirta '90; ~an: """'1' llI; penn state w/mefissa in '90 & <fana in '91; 6emg "" cwnt jorthe· timf; 1imes w/jod:y; 1imes wlmefissa; s<;ean: memories; playU1g 6ellS w/diristine& megCll1iridlo/ g='90; eagfesf=10J:jj91 w/=y; dOwn.tliesliorew/mefissain 91. goll1S in fife: to have rompfciesua:ess & Iioppiness intUrtIioti dO. ia:v quote: "gtveme one TlWTI'letttintimewfien i'm moretiionitliOugfiti coitfi! 6ewfien an:-of my d'remns are a 1iemtJielli; mu! tIie tl11SWeIS qre an: up to me." - wfUtnf:y Iiouston. mess"ge to: my w01UCeljUC parents - tI1anfs for evel)'lfUng yOlt dO. a1A"o/.

6rimt CI. gionfano, "geo" "9" "dOgo" "g.",.dimJ" 412 foufJ<e In. 4/13/74 cu:tivities: soccer 1,2,3; SllUfatt counciC 1,2,3,4. remfor. 6emg a car geeli, 6emg a ~o. fa:v mem: mann 1I1USiG senior week '91-?; good:year <fimtm; 1TUWi 1989; meeting cif.fi= 'tnllttll1aI1; nigfit llI; joses w ~ & tudieJ; fi; dTo;\: '91; 1imes in the eow; thin( fioor; 17t/i.· ; 1imes; an: JoTriwfs; 11/22/90; ceIttlin 1imes w goll1S in sa:ve the envi:runment, 6e fiIie gwrye tTout. fa:v the servllltt waits wltUe tIie master 6aits." "ef1l" __ d:g. 'yottre evif!" - js. mes5"ge to etass: e.

~v. =-

Mary B. Gififea.




Brian A. Giordano

j=6 golifstein, '~IIRi' "snaU?' :j<lke the snaU?' "snalieman." ' j = _ j~' 13 6eecfi. st. 8/25/74 cu:tivities: ~ss cetmI:Iy 1,2,3; sprmg track 1,2; _track 1,2; 6mu! 1,23,4; ortftestm 1,2, 3,4. PI" stereo, mets Iiot, my eat, g'lt-T afs, fami1y, jrieruls. rem for; 6~ £L mets fan, sense of liurnor, snUfe remarRs, tltU(c!iop). fa:v mem: wcdt d:isney w~~; new yot£ trip; 1imes w/9'o/s; Iioltoween 91; <:entinC ~cfiampionsftips in spring; 6-sp"", 'tm<k. & cross COUlt!ry; ~ vs ridTiy :89; E011com fight; loing to fi5mry wj"iGi'; s . "tfirfulirei" & esatping from "6onfer guarrf'; fmu:Ii V cfriSs, eat fit llI; jMUUls 11/9fl,0; IOsmg llIilUry 0. in wd:w; P 'Ysks & ap client efitsses; llllS. 61imnum; stories w/grr.rry. goll1S in tJiis COUlt!ry revoCves llfOlUti( llWllo/ so nty gocU: is to 6e ridi. fa:v quote: "reme.m6er in tJiis g= we can: ClfetIiot no one siUd: it was fctir." - g-M. "wftllt the /1,.- are you?" - me. mess"ge to: jasOl1, yo itcdlano man! Jafissimo! none verro! fettueb1e, Ilngu.in:i, & rigatoni.

If, ~y

jessiGalllttlegOlllUll1, 'jess" "6essiai' 'Jessique?' "cIiontttf' 300 6tocknC. 9/8/74 cu:tivities: scrivener2, U1Ufen:fass d3,


4; cfe6Ctte.1' ";1't2,3,4; spnman2, feature eil:3,4; wllC2,3,1rnlS 4;tel1ltis 2,3,4; orcIil,2,3,4; 6as!iet6an:l,2; nIis 3,4; Iii-q 4. pp: fami1y, jriettds, fait", everytliing 6elltfes, wliofe's tail; <£en, '92 year60oR.. rem for. sfeepmq cm§r wfien scfu:dUfe permits, enviToluiimtallsm futvUtg /Ugli llSpimtions. asw: filum m, 6essie c, 6rimt £ ni£L c, a camem muqofqtuuf·paRs. fay mem: adventures withjri=fs; 1imes witman; <!riving mu! car tag w/filum& sat. nigfit llI;theacme; efieesejries & 0lIi0n. rings; 0.0. rcuC w/6rian; 6ifCy joeC'89 w/6ess; pgss '91;jlll1ioryt7 s. strertw/ 6ess, lilllm, mu!theYOg£L man; requestofthenigfu; 2/4/91; 2/9/91; 6&w sliokeS;

pingpongw/6ess, 6rian, aluf the 9'o/s jTomptbgli(zeus?!); d:eferious yWtiooltnigfils/ tm1:illildiips/)'ollce;wimtingtfi.in9s with filum (VCl.s. tel1ltis, elc.); minister's 6liIC£ va(; pJiU[y post offke; <fe6Ctte '90 w /fms; romanticism; lUtV"iord: 1L.lL & wOrfi! gov't; jr • snow dilys llI; frtu:m.'s; fr.w sktts w/6c,lm,sr, ~ "stiid:y" group; pliysics (lIUS. 6) & diem; the 'p0rt£L6fi:"; thesnappfe cFtristmoS parties; in unison w/GnU-. goll1S in IJfe: peace, conte>ttntent, mu! to fea:ve the worlLC a fiitfe 6etter tiian it was. fa:v quote: "tIiougfits =1Ufer fiIie a nstfess wind:/ insid:e £L fetter 6o;\: tfJzy/ tumlife 6lJ.nd[y as tfJzy m<lke tlici:rw","/ £LcroSS the 1U1ivelSe. • •n -


the 6elltfes.

Jaco6 GofdStein

Jessica. A. Gorman

6eman:CJ 9O'We:n, "6em:" "6emie" "6ernst:ein. lioscarlJ " S faye:r" 213 west ave. 5/20/73 activi:ties: cross country 1,2j wrestfirt:1 1,2,3,4; spring track 1; sprU19ficli!fire. rompCUo/ 2,3,4. pp: jitinify, dOse jri=fs, tattoos, featfier, ed: player. rem for; 6emg ~ wearill9 60ots, tltttoos, spasmg £L wliofe lOt. asw: llUUJ'h, g.man, slittwn megtlllayfier, <£iz,:y, it, jen 6., t0cit; peopfe in' & ""y60d:y wlio i f"'!Jot i'm sony.,fa;' mem: 1imes llI; l!eliniw, the 109; plitteaU; 1mdis; sMwn andTesen.'s birtIu1ay; tUtves s wediiUig;fiUEinq'asteep under 6<Uii s feet; netfielwood; an:outpan;ying wfllttO}'fi; fumging outf.lltlJlISta&theg·man; dimzig '90; an: slayer &~ concerts; ironllUlUfen '86, '88, '91; diftimmovietlie= 9etmlg my jfu;tt£Lt9P3/91; putt.~ snow diwe '89, '90, '91; an: proms; jr grapliics. goll1S in life: suMve the u.s. ""'!Y speci<i!{orces. 1a:v quote: , oliyWi.! wfiafs up 6rotIier, yo llUllL" "in the depths of a mw£ insane, fmttasy & rectfity are the snme." - siltyer. mess"ge to: jasOl1, 9ood: fuck. H



llf(red:o. graclier, "<tf' "6:ttfe<tf' "al6ie" 228 s. 6is1iop a:ve. 8/12/74 pp: my ca,,;. remfor; ca,,; & woriimg onca,,;. asw: dave 6oreai& tUtvesa:v<lStio. fa;v mem: summer of'91; 1imes w/kitdie;i& crew; 1imesw/jen. 90ll1S in to wintheind:y 500. fa:v qtwte: "speed: costs llWlto/' how fClst dO yOlt wllltt to go?" mess"ge to: to an: of my tIionks for the memories & see y£L this



Berna.n:fJ. Gowen





~marie~, "cindj" "ci>1!' "ri' 409 grmtiteter. 10/13/74 cu:tivities: 6mu! 1,2,3,4; rifies 2,3, apt 4; ortftestm2,3,4; cIioiT 1,2,3,ro-pres 4; l'OP group 3,4; <fist eIionJs 4; sadi( 1,2; slis 1,2. pp: faitli. inJesus, jri=fs, my 11U1Sic. j£LV mem: 1/28/89; yC we&end; 1imes w/6~ jUfes, ""'!ii, sacmment, miIte & ltev, rifies; jreSfmUm.l= fundi: '90; the wtUl; f[orUf£L '90; yC duf,s; 3mpd: w/dtnise '91-92; =eing; coffs to te;<as; strert Iiockf:yw /cfmig &tliegu.ys.1"" quote: "6e rompfeteo/ m.m6fe& gintfe; 6epl1tieltt, 6earil19 with one cmot/i.er in lOve." -epftesians 4:2. mess"ge to: 6e, <fe, 6~ we, sli, j6, cd; tIionkS, i lOve y01L.

MidiaeC Gmff

cytttfim M. Grefis seniors


J'onnyam gri!ld; ''jofinny'gee?' -"l'auf' "spallker" 2/10/74 activities: spring tracf 1'2'3,4;Science~f • 2,3; 6aslietJjalf 1; .6owlUlg 1. 1'1': !kense, S1ereO, clOtIU:s. remTor: "Iiefnirt!' asw: mike sctmfrm, stev~e one, cIiris 6ef . mem: summer'90; '91 dOwn tIie sfiore w/ms, c6, sf, sli, & fJi. goofs in fiJe: to 6etlie most success persOllI can 6e, to 6e in ~ ji1\' quote: "riglit Iiere waiting JoT yent' - ricfian! nuu;<. message to: mom, tIicmR youJoT your eneouragement, support. aru! wliatever elSe i nee<fe<f. i Cove you. to "0/ jiit:rufs, you. 9'o/s are tIie greatest.

tnIcey a. 1Uutkins, "ndie!' "tf.:' "tnlCo/-trnre" 325 yace. ave. 8/1/74 pp: parents, dOlIlIa & lise, dOtIies & sfioes. remfor: a!ways 6~ in tIie cot room, getting paw 0lI my dOtIies. asw: dOwn roe & 6et!i lielIy (:I'Osse). fay mem: times w/rf & ~ 12/24/90; 12/31/90; 1/26/91; flJ: 5/10/91; 6/12/91; s=0('91; slitimes; 9/14/91 (big sii&s); times at liing's 9/20/91-9/22/91; 11/15/91-11/17/91; stab6erfigFmniJ w/Re; lIOse & lIlIkfe; times dOwn swp, comer, ett..; times w/ <fawn; cot classes; diiviitg; times w/6etJi; gym; aIg-spit 6alfs; gmpliics; yo post; taRmg pictures w goofs in fiJe: to sfioot f&r tIie mocm, even if i miss, i'f[ 6e amongsttliest=. jav quote: "in annpCeti dOrkness we are alftliesame. ids onfy our knowi£dge & wisdOm tliats9'arates tIS. dOn't fet your eyes deceive you." - jj. message to: i Cove you mom & dOd; tIicmIis j&r everytlimg. dOn & lise, tIicmIis j&r tIie memories, lieie's to tIie future.


JOM P. Grilfet

Tracey A. Hankins

kristina teigli fiartIo/, "/iris" "Iirissy" "1iartoJ(' "fatty" "sliru6" 130 providenre rd: 1/25/73 activilies: efIee:rfealfing 1,2,3,eaptain 4; faaosse 1,2; t:rnek 3; peerfacifitntots 3,4; lIIis 4; slii cfu6 1,2,3,4. pp: fam;[y, clase jiiwfs, l'fione, teMy, 1l1eTl1Ol)' 60;<:. rem for: 6cing a cfieerfead'er, 6a66lmg; 6e1levinq evervt/ii:lul. asw: jell., pat melilI, !lie, dOn, sue, 6ren, kym. fav mem: fresfi. yr; proms aru! tfanCes; specia! times w/ specia! pery,li; daaOs; wfio me?; lIy jru; 6rUlge night; tIie 11Ull1lI; slii trips; s;[ver 6tilk;; wow!; lWvac's; IilmpslUuJi; times w/frd green; gmjjiti '91; 6erf rfivi:ng; s~ mts; scav IUatt diamps '89; quaIiertown-rollmg w/6rmv; spg 6k'91; 1leW years '90 & '91; 903 tav; roc's; = ; camp '90; va 6eadi; times w/posse; /i,.weens; 6ehinrftom's; TI1<; ms; ta!ks wfjen; "it's gir& niglitout!" fav quote: "if we get to see tomorrow i Iiope we canstandtlie pam. it's so JUm( to say goorf6yeto yestellfay." - 60yz II men. message to: mom & dad; tIicmIis f&r 6cing tIiere - i CoveyOU!


"too cooC' 214 wa6tu:tst. 2/28/74 activities: trnekl,2,3,4; dioir 1,2,3, 4;j00t6alfl; tetmis; tIieater, 1'd':t:aiL remJor:taiC& fovilIgpersOlUllttv. asw:~, rom, tosfia, cIiris,jerem.y, 6enji. fav mem: s=<if'91, '90, '89 & 10/7/91; "pg" 9:00 am. goafsin Tife: make tOts <ifmoney & sfiore "0/ rfreams. fav quote: "deep i:nsidetliere is lllI opendO&r, tIie path afiecu{ you. _er wa!ket16if&re." - idlR. ct= message to: to jiit:rufs: i have Olle tIiing to say "always stay coor' a!ways Cove, cIiris. wiltter~

Kristina. L. Hartfey

Cfiristopfrer M. Hastings

w:"Jlam a. havens, ."6ilr' "6ill."y" "wilfy" "emiL" "wro::: 727 cotllItry fit. 7/3/74 activilies: so:= 1,~; tetmis. 2·Pf: famiLy & jiit:rufs. rem for: quu:t, goorf sense <if fuUnor, sfiort. asw: JJ' ag, ts, m, mm. fav mem: 1leW ,m 1Tip; sprinqfiefr(-ruffey 89; UiIiIercfi '89-riefi, cIirls, miU,jeny; summer '89, '90; times attliisfWre'88-'90; p~ soccerW/TUSS "tfie ~1d', miIie, 3; jj's 6aiL<if fire; weekends w/ftiirufS; niglit "jte,.,idfR:y game w/jj, dir, m, js; 1leW years '90. fav quote: "moy6e tliat's 6ecause tIie 6i9 9'0/ up there sfwJffes tIii canfs aru! we just play what we're ifealt." - ja.

. cIiris:"1'lierj. hewes, "~" ~'cR' "hew" "cfiu&' 304TlOlt1i!efUg1i ciTc:Ie. 9/4/74 ~vilies:.worldaffairs cfu6 3,4; 6~~alf1; telIrnS 1,2,3,4. pp: fmnifj, JMufs, 6rmvds hat, 1'_ 6utte:r, s/We. rem for: lIOt dii.vUtg, 6""'9 tough: asw: geograpflica!jiierufs. jitv mem: Iia w/aaron, limy, rfave, & heavy d's; renatos;tenlIis; strip sRmutg;wommg wfjr;times w/jdi sec; IUutiiig peopfe w/dim, tim; ropeswillgs w/zapp;ilstelIingto scott; yeffing atinvin; 6ellevUig carmen; d1:p; 9/7/91 teamvagnmt;!troy! class iif91;j00t6aiL & 6aske±6alfgames; tUiiices; jk ftiitct;mts; 11/8/91; 11/23/91; times w/frp, jb; jr<sFtmllll6aske±6aIf; tetmis 6us trips; times w/jta, m, mrf, js, ml; 2 es Ofnn. goalS in fiJe:to 6ecomea maltseeurily guanf. fav quote: "as sure as you c:mCtsteeratrnin. youc:mCtcliange yourfa/e." - tIWy migfii 6e giants. message to: etass <if '95 - see you in tIiree years. ntessage to etass: s.

Wiffiam A. Ha.vens

C~frer J. Hewes

stephen j. fiija, "steve" 708 avcnulafe. fit. 9/2/73 activities: cfu6 mer! 1. pjl: camaro, toz cfiarm, t-sfiirts. asw: 6C 6g, IT, ja, ta, je, ms, 1jJ, Rg, 6g. fav mem: 61st, 69st, soutlistmces; s='91; p~ inif['90; senior week '90; aerosmitJi'90; timesw/6C 1jJ, ja, 6g, Rg' d±, rr, 7thl'rfC01T1.fllOllS; spri11gfielif-ridTey '89; jrprom; sopfttwp; party tifte:rjrprom '91. fav quote: "weare alf<if.fectedWitfi. tIie psycfiolOgy at the voyuer, lIot in a S1rictCy crimilIaC or cfimaiC sense. 6u:t in our wfiofe pliyslcaC aru! emotUmaC stlllIce 6rfore tIie worUC wlieniver we seek to 6reak tflis spea: of passiviJ:y our actiolIs are crueC awli:wanf, aru! generalfy 06scene. fike all i:n:v<iGrf wfio fios f"'9otten now to wafli.!" - jim monison.

~ kirk. fiojfman, "rieFt?' 243 ~ rd:~~/74 IJdivilies: so:= 1,2,3,4; 6aske±6"!f 1,2,3,4; tetmis 4; 6as~alf_l!2;yeer faci1l:totor 3,4; lIIis 4; stu<fettt COlllICiC4; world llllS cfu6 4; =4; sliicfu61;water 6alfoOlUilgJ 6usterf4. pp: "0/ er, jrie1U!S, & memories. asw: td; d'd; js, jm, eli, iiC mrf, dZ. v mem: staCker's pan;y; 11/17/89;jv 6aske±6aiLtmd'er kevin m.; 9/13/91; COlIeStogasoccer,ame (senioryear); rookie cfo:l.' '89 & '91; mentds 11UUfI1mJse; wawa & "Iiitting tliestrip"; lIeW y= att reu£mg (ij); ~w/sw; liaw/frietufs. goafs inf:lfe:to 6e fiap"ywitliwhatrmdOmg).:av "say whatyou.mean, melllIwhatyou. say. dO what you say, say what you dO. melllI what you dO what you mean." 'tJia< s tIie statUm wagon!" - ric/i. Ii. message to: c/i,.what fioppenerf? my fiea4 liaS turne£C & i misserf it. message to crass: s.




Stephen J. Hija. 148


Ricfianf K. Hoffman

ridian! Ii. Iiofstcln, jr, 364 soutfi.swlllthmore ltVe. 8/1/73.

susan Iiofstcln, "su€' "Gtt/t.IioC' "suzf' 21 soutfi.liilfaest n( 6/24/74 activities: S<ift6alI: 1,2,3,4,; fiefi Iiocke,y 1,3; fiope 4; wrest1lng 1lUl1UI9eT 1,2. yp: flIlllio/, gran<!.fatIieis rU:t!P pictures uf diiff· rem for: /iaiT, 6eing "Iiofstcln, lOvmg <fu.jf. i"v mem: "our pwties"; sliawii tIiomas -6eing 6cmt; diivlng lll"OlllU! Iiove:rtowrt IOollilg farj & m; times w/si£[y string; summer Of '90; jr prom; 9/14/91; g-Tt-TconceJt'91; Tiwtfey crueconceJt'90. go.,[in.fifefto 6e succes# fa.v qu<!te"Jamffiarfa<es, ff1Tllillarsiglits, lOok6a&. & -rn;eT wit1\. alI:your miglit." -van /iakn.

Ricfiare[ H. HolStei~ Jr.

Susan HolStein.

etfUm Iiood; "etft' "e!' "e Iiood" 307 6alI:ymore n!. 8/5/74 activities: crass offi= 3,4,; S111dl:m cotmci£ 3,4; soccer 1; I"aaosse 1,2,3,4,; slis 2,3,4; ""'" int4.yp: d<li6ienuli!y's cow, my iinees. remfor: my knee, w<ITttin:Jto 6e" pi, nerd; 3mfIOar. asw: 6rian, j IieJl; & "tlieposse!'. fa.vmem:iIi&mann;seniDrweeR.'91, '92, '93; 9722/89; liycfroi< '91; 3mflOarpwties; "tliicow";t.li.f.r.o.n.; times wj"tIie posse! ; tnfks w/neen; sopli lion '90; dUct t;'ge rope; times w/meg; "wutIifiJiJ1!";tafks w/6ri; 8 weeks stTlli9!ii; fn=Ii crass; cfore.'s lWuse;ridlo/ game '89;friS6...-t,ClIioIioIiaIioI ; aroe "k"; new year.s eve '90; "c/ieen;"; dinnercfu6:,90CIlS in!ife: to 6e "6i9geTwdgllttfumj fiIf:JltV quote: "if we getto seetomorrowifiopeit's wortiitliepllin, it's so Iion£"te s'o/ go0llbyeto yeSienUty." -6oyz II men. mess"ge to crass: Ii. .

jennifer fymt fioutort, 'jere' "6usIi" 'Ja:tty" "Iiouton" "corIo/" 646 prospect n( 12/6/73 activities: fieI<f Iiockey 1,2,3,apt 4; gyntTUIStics 1,2,3,capt 4; raaosse 1,2,3,4; sadie 3,4,. PP: fan1io/, frie!idS, mom's credtt CllTt!. rem for: crashing car w/_ fiCense, :elitying sports, 110 common SeTtSe. asw: j<lSOTl, Tlte9>&is, ;patti, iConTto, kym, 6ren, sue, mefin, TliaJfe, nutrie, liyson. fetv mem: p-es11man year; mts '89; summer of '89; 6/20/89; 2/16/91; raciy's; times w/tlie f.0sse (fIys, rack, justin, eu.); STlOW dimres; seniDr w.... '91; eli '90, '91; SC£!V IUmt dimTips '89, '90; TTteTlIOifu( day weekend: 90; 1nm1p pram; jp weekeruf; ireIiw£ '91; 12/7/90 w/5ren& c1i; slivre weatlier, joe ski; tafIis w/&is; times wlmeg; piaIics (g of e). goaIS in life: Jar alI:my dreams to rome tTUe. fav quote: "lOve sees wfiat 110 eye sees; lOve Iieal> wfiat 110 ear ItemS." mess"ge"te: TlIOITl & diu!; tiUmR.s far everyt!iing, i lOve



Jennifer L. Houton

miIie. mwer, "Iiovufatot" "Iiov" "Iiover" "r-fer" "Iiovamatic" 635 6any cfr:. lOJ/8/73yp: my Iiramer gtdtoT. remfor:. 6~' fate, 6eing inmu£ 6 & sat 6/r£(0etmti0n). asw: "my, joe, <fan, sings, <fanw & g""9' ftlv mem:times w/famiry; canam; ltV<>IOn; . hing w/oernie 1'= sin:Js 6-racmt; times w/amy; in cIitss w7c1ieese; partying at peTtTl state; pOCOTlOS. fltV quote: "tve erome coln,forta6!y rnmt6:' -pink jfoyr£.

jeTtTtiferfymt 'ClTWS%iewi<z, 'jetITt" 424pinecrestn( 8/17/73 activities: cfancetlne3. :famify,jrientfs, R.orie, 6oyjiienr!.remfor: r£ying asw: R.orie,jett, &tg.ftlvmem:mentoT1oIwecienr£'89; coming 1iomeJ!lle;"<:t7TlOT1Ji't5; Tilfingwj/ior; ritUngw/!JUYs tfiatJen p Ceftmewitli; 1lJlPeraaroy; waf/iingto pm. goCIlS in!ife:"te finr! ,,1nlStWortfty!JUY' 6ericli. jetv ~ 'YOlLam.'tlOvewit1\. your 60i£y & mi:rJr£ tmtiLjOlL open yOlL Iiemt." mess"ge"te: TlIOITl & <fad; tI\nlW far ev~! ps - im TtOt TTtOVing out!



Jennifer L. Janusziewicz

jeren.'Y c. ~ jOMsOTl, "j'o/" 'li" ''jerne' 430 ~lJtltfu:n1tnf. 12/9/74 acti~: cross COUTttly 1,2~ ~tnu£ 1; syring ~ 1,2; tenlUS 3; tee Iiockey 3,4.;pp: sti:Teo, famiEy, jiiciufs, TTlOTIt3'. rem for: 6emg fimny, <!Lw'o/S)ofiing around; 6emg "WISe guy, plitying ice Iiocky. <>Sw: <tg., ds, 6fi, pIC, ep, llC, CmIl. ftlv mem: times wjdim; Slmtma '91; ice fiocke:Y; l'wties w/dim; fe<foTtne's crass j1LT1ioryear; j1LT1ior ~~~ new j<>ci city nwvie; "t<lm 0's pwties; 6rothds gm4iuttiort; wom; =6; 60JUf0 =Iiine; scIiooC sportiT':!J events; alrmy 11 ; 61ilt.& goTr! p<>ss. ~oCIlS in Ilfe= Mve eTtO"9li 11UlTlo/"te <fa wfiateveriwant. fav quote: "yes tIiere are two pciiJis YOlLClITlgO 6y, 6ut in the lim9 TUTt, t!ieT€s stUC time"te clia"£Jetliera<>r!ymire on." ...... fer£zeppeGnrv. message"te: to tIie crass <if 1992, it's 6een four f<>st year.s Of.fun, 6est of everyWmg "te everyOTte. p=




6TUm jOTteS, ''jones'' "raids" 980 milfisOTl <fro 8/11/73 activities: fo0t6alI: 1,2,3,4; wrest1lng 1,2,4,; yp: goGl; slstem, 6eeper, <fawn: rem for: 6k parliing lOt. asw: dilwn, clieese, mgd; st ides. fav mem: so<> isCe; vince's Iiouse; TIllS me:iTtlianfts cfass; TnT 1:'s widawn 1) ~ st ides we&e:rufs; fiUTtting; times w/ rIawn; cruising down soutfi. pfiilTy w/vince & the 60ys pi&ing 1lJ' Ii,(daWTl) w/tliejumping systems; ~prom. goCIlS in life::o gettlie s-6cill:ralRng. fetv quote: "wJiere's the part;y? "rds getliUsy!!" mesS"9e: "tela y" yOlL sliouJi( Iiove BUd me fast year• ...... u:e.-t 0g. •

Jeremy C. L. Jofinson

Brian Jones



ntiRt-1ielferis, "clietse" "cIiusie" "wrnz" "sRuw" "lied?' 206 bro~nL 10/25/73 acIi:viries:f0otlialrZ, 3;wrestfing 1,Z,3,4.l'P' "0/frie;ntfs & famiCy & my stueo racIi. system. remfor: d"ecent fiLIiT eu:ts. asw: TID onefrom tIUs sdiooL fay mem: times at fevasseU?5 store; alr tJie parties over tlit. fast 4 yem:>. goofs in fiF ttl 6e a ClllJ'entiT, own my own 6usiness wuf to 6e ridi. fa:v quote: "for tIiose peopCe WM dOn't take cfionces, tIUiy are missing wliat fiJe:5 o6out." -metaffica. 1t1£Ssage: see ya at tJie reunion people..

jasonke£l; "~' "man" "~' 412 eastspril'9flelifnL 8/Z9/74 activities: liu:rosse1,Z,3, 4; soccer 3; slis 4, treasure:r 3; sadd1,Z,3,4;vidW sports editor 3,4; sliididi 1,Z,3,4. PJ': my mom, Iiitten, la;>:stick, 6e:rt& ernie. remfor: la;>:, Memyweigfi±, 6eing tJie MstW/tJiemost, m<m.to 6e 6anned; tJie guy w/the ofl-mY-n;J;:' asw: 6e, mgd; 6ud; tall, mm, js, en, lin, 6g, er. fa" mem: summer of '89; liytfro;< '91; miLf-tern1S; tJie mann; 5 niilfer '91; cLapton 90; ~ '90; vfl twice; dOOTS premiere; liu:rosse; lefcigli; w & ~ ijtne; swufy; times w/my 5011; Sf Wk. '91 & '9Z; e-z etfs; a1itmimtm provUfas; the ro~ 65; times w/jiiaufs; dittton; 9/22/89;rf!amer didi;fuEar, mcmaEwn; jiestas;4/26/91; cin:fe R; tap 1ime; i1I!Jger,!imdi; lI1ttfutl;< &monkees w/prlre; 6etllingridTey; 6efiUu{tJiemalr w/ 5<10/ 606es. goofs in fiJe: watR. ClI"OUlU! europew/my eat. Ja:v quote: "we five in a worii! of i11iiSion, wliere. everytJiing'5peodies & cream, we afways discover condiJsUms, tIiougJi wespelU! our time in a dTea:m." -steve miller. "same as it ever was." -IT. 1t1£Ssage to: mom & RiDgy, tlin>ms for W:ways 6eing tJiei-e, i lOVe you. meow ""nm ttl! -RiDgy. 1t1£Ssage to cfitss: i

Jason Kef[ tIiomas scott IieIkr, "turtfi' "llIi6ar" "~', 'jak" 145 wood: nL 4/5/74 acIi:viries: 6wuf 1,Z,3,4; orcIiestm 1,2,3,4; jazz 6wuf 3,4; socca 1,3,4; indOor tracli.Z,3,4; tracli.1,Z,3,4; slis 1,Z; fiope 4. pp: drums, jitmify, Jricufs; 6rotIier. rem for: 6eing a st:mi9fit.e<fge, tJie rolt. asw: gany, jofirmy, matt-truIIt, dOog, <fan, 1iim60, Zijfposs, jess, wood:. fay mem: fivmg rolOur; in;<s;tJiesliore w/matt-matt; fie bro' d'a:ve;l':; w/f & g; lligltts outw/6ri, dOog, inatt; asp 91 w/jon mong; cfutpe:roning tJieZiff-poss; a:voidlng CeaIi w/ditn; jrprom wjjess; oc 91 w/jolimty; w-raid:wjgar & ditn; gov't w/pau! & Rim; 6eitc1i 6ros wjibNood:. goWs in Gf,e: to teacIi ~..-& aid: tJie fuwre. faV quote: "SltlUt.ge tfUiigs are afoot attJie cin:fe fi." - 6iIr & tetfs eicelLmt ad:Vertl:ure. 'if yoo can 1001t in tJie mirror & say, 'i fife tIUs pern"", then yoo are as=s." :ifi. 1t1£Ssage: yo, jess, tfiere's afways rocmforjeOO. mom & ditd; tJie rontmet is fi1Ted; i lOve you.

dOnie! jolin~, "ditn" "if' "ilwin" 7 powe!C nL 7/1/74 activities: 6ase6alr1,Z,3,4; 6asliet6alr1; 60wfittg Z,3; nJ\s 4; slis 1,Z; sadd 1; smg Z,3,4. pp: 6ase6alr tropJiies, memories & glOves, card: rollfction, stueo. rem for: afways eating; rn!efinU19 tJie tam littiness, liVing & foWtg sports, ~sttJpUf sports triviAl, never fiavmg 1ltCll1o/' W:ways wearing a fiat. Ja:v mem: 6ase6alr '91, '9Z; ClllJ'entels cup '91; 5/13/91; VJOotlicilI w/tJie 9!'-15; 8th. pd: comnums; alr-aclCo 6""'J.Ud' '91; 1ryU1g to reason w/ke{f; -trymgto t<tfItsports w/Iidli 60wfittg ; steve a:v"')' & mes '91; f:ntre;pid: '91; ay~; taro 6elf; frosli 6ase6alf; 01i1alionia45 - ne6ras1ta 10. fa:v quote: 'jim mCmaIion is tJie greatest quarter6m in fUstory." - j IiclL 'if yoo='eed; then yoo mn. tJie rislt of ftlifure." - d:. quayte. 1t1£Ssage to: matt stafkr - "oKfafionut rufes" message to class: n.

DanieCJ. King

TlWmas S. Keffer

jason mic/iae[ Iiitcfien, 'jas" "ltitdi" "cfinmg room" Z13 w. woodUmd: ave. 6/19/74 acivi±ies: spring tracli.1,Z 3,capt4; willta tracli.Z,eapt 3,4; cross country 3,4; 60wGng Z,3; sadd 1,Z, 3,4; scott fii-q 4; science ol)nnpicuf 1,Z,3,4; nJ\s 3,4; efu6 mod: Z,3,4; Il:tmag 3,4.1'1':jriaufs, .fa:mil:y, eagfes stuff, my dOg "sam'. rem for: 6eing aneagfes f"'" "ficllO!", "van of steer'. asw: snalte, 6eq, "!i, rrUky. Ja:v mem: cei1tra£Ceaguediani~ sprinB=R; ridTe:Y game '89; 11/9/90; ftaflOwem '91; papcomfi9ltts; in oc; 60ston; summer '91 w/jen; times w/tf.e guys (dave culieil; Cd; ntiRt-, snaIte, "Guj", "!i, s~ ant); party at 606'5; TC roeing; tafRs w/dOc; "fafissimo!" goofs in fife: ttliinow i've dOne my 6est in everytliing i dO. fav quote: , anyone can iinow, tJie point is to ~" - al6e:rt einstein. "men wi/[ fie on tIiei,- 6ac1iS taOUng o6out tJie Jalr of m<m., & never maIte an rffart to get up." Iimry ditvid: tIioreau. 1t1£Ssage to: snaIte, "TW1IeVe:rro!"



mariete:resa /illne, """':' "1It&me!' ''jetrtafi' 53Z gfen<fafe ci:rcfe.11/Z8/73 pp: my ret! teMy 6ear, my memories of efais cliam6m. rem for: 6eing a llOl>-ro~ 6emg in iroU6le, "0/ _0. asw: <lit, dll, cf5;} & c w, rd; ja, as, ms, 1:9, cfuis cliam6m. fav mem: 111t1£S w/ d'a:ve, dave, dOUg, cfuis, dana; in poroTIDS; taIiin' out!JT<9'5 <fred: welts; znd: pd: comnums; parties at IievitC 5; road: trips; motfry 12/12/89; new y= 1991; jrprom & the parly oftt;r;Juiiar, rocky IWrrorpicturesfiow. goofs in life: to fiave a goW: in fiJe. fa:v quote: "we are fiWtg in aE niQtdi,.60;< woTfi! so watefL outfor ~ fiouse in tIic miLfd:Ce iif tJie road." - marie iiline.1t1£Ssage: to alr WM ccnufemned:me: 'fi:!;taf£ Ids take itfromtJiestart, stmigfttout. can't dumge wfiat's in my Iieart, TID one can tear my 6elUifs apatt, yooain'tsemanyone fiU meyrevail; regard:fesswliattJie costntigftt6e, powerjIOws insure me, neverfai!s as lOng as i try, refUse to 6e a part of your fies even t tt means i <fie, yoo can't 6Mg me dOwn! - suUU!a£ tendencieS.



Jason M. K:itdien

Marie T.


karenmarierastowlta, "stoltes" "~' "1Usto1tes" 374mad1sonnL 9/Z9j74ac1i:viries: 6asliet6alr1,Z,3,4; liu:rosse3;s0ft6alr1,4. pp: sneaUrs, jeans, 60;<en;, tapes, & my wond:erfuIJlllllify. remfor: pCaYUu! 6-6aU; diJm6 joltes, just 6eing a rastowlia. asw: 1t6, iii; the posse, d:& Cstoltes. faV mem: sea isCe '90 wJliWe & 1J'an; '91 wf(/j" kr& ditn; "wlUtttime is it?"; waite n'6a1te; "afttn"; TlUJd: wee.Wufs; mt wIron; c!U6 104; fiote[ <feIiaven; Sout/ist w j6ri; gCen's fru:t; 6a:cfo/ard:fest' 90; times insw:: cIiosU1jJ m & 6; ss w/1t6; cms~ d'a:ve?s;tJie "1<'; nn55; p's card:nigltts; 'TWVa '91; #44 & #24; tJie wolfe crew. goofs inf:iJe:ttl five liappify everofta· fa:v quote: 'we!Ctfiere's onethfug/ tlUtti'CCneverforyetf it's tJie6eatto/ of ajriaufsJiipjtliat'sTWtoveryet." -tDmllo/ C01tWel!.1t1£Ssage to: alr of "0/ jriaufs: tJie time lias passed: too qUiCltCy. fa: miss yoo 9!'-ys!

6erg"",,, marie Cawfer, "6et9" "6et9i" "6e:ngi" 201 s. swartlimore a:ve. 4/4/74 acivi±ies: cfiLliT1,2,3,4; 6wuf2,3,4; didi med: 1,Z; slis 1,Z; sadd 1,Z,4; tnlCIt 1,Z. remfor: afWays 6eing fate. faV mem: jfori<fa. w/6wuf; ridTeyj spriI'9flelif' 89-'90foot6alr game; sapit fiop '89-'90; STWW dimce w/cfuis; ~prom w/scott; alttJie times attJie iceri>tk; spen<fing time w/taum, steve, scott, jell, julie, ci:Ji((y, joeb;, mary, meg"", nia, 6ecky, <fenise, cfuis, &~sqtuuf; alr tJietimes w/clioir. goalS in f:iJe: speciafiw{m. fay quote: "ttis 6etter to Ge ftatti(for wliat yoo are tIUut lOved:for wliat yoo are not." - andTe. gUfe. 1t1£Ssage to: goo.rfuclt & 6est wisli<s to alr"0/ jriaufs in tJie near fUture! wuf tlin>ms to "0/ parents & flllllify for alr tIiei,- ~ & support.

Karen M. Lastowka. 150 seniors

Ber9afu M. Lawfer

jlllld:te fegnuuf, "nette" 141 west ttVe. 10/7/74 aetivities: Iilcrosse 1,2,3,4. pp: famify, friendS, reli>tionsliip w/rom. rem far: 6eing w/tDrn, my cwfs. asw:tDrn, 2 ;<:jen, 3;<:sue, slierrie, Gsa, mitu!y. fttV mem:times w/tom;jrprom; 9/19/90;tt, tfJ, sd:90;wedif.ing; liallOween l"""i'1Wt; promgOW11; 6a1Jy; som;;<:~ w/g; littew/g; nose lOuqli; nenn:y's furuse; siCfy strin9 n:i9fits; nytrip; n.c.; sfiore '91; df; "y '90; summer '91; eotin9w/sfierrieatpomo's; cliclfo lOve; fa' eeI1; sfiorew/nel1i slier&nen.'s cJiedis & q's walt goafs in fife: for aIr my dreams tD come true! jiw <J.1Wle: "tIie onfy tIiin9 i asli. out of rife. is tD 6e =epte<ffor d"oin9 wliat i befieve, not wliat citIici:s 6efieve isIiouUfM." mess0geto: tD my friendS -tiianlis ]orafwoys ileingtliereforme, ilOveyou! tDtDm- i lOveyouaCwoys and: forever!

~ f1t ((ii.m" flfem" Ucfootfy" 'T' IJ squa:re£' Udiarfiel1 424 e. tfiomson. ave.. 1/8/75 activities: 6ase6a.U:l,Z}3}4; 6asli.et6aIr 1,2,3,4; soccer 2,3,4; stw 3,4; slis 1,2,3,4; sadd: 1,2,3,4; peerfac. 4; nIis 4. pp: tedLo/ 6ear, jiuniCy, friendS, 6ase6aIr glOve, radio. remfar: "cIiarlie 6rown", "pease:',~, sports, sift9in9. asw: d:m, IT!9' 1716, ms, tn, jrn, jrn, lin, jrn, js, rfi, <if, dZ, rc, ts, gc. fttV mem: junior.l""'": '91; srww iUutce '90; ro~ stones; pfci[ coffins; etfimt.'s room; ridlo/' 89; 6ase6aIr'91; t1I9get7 pfiysics time w/matt & sCos; , £jT&a5e:'; compi:ng; pliifosoplii:cing; taCIis Wl~' vand:ymoliife; 6a1Jysittil19; roc/iy v; matt's furuse; iii:tiqridi ~ signs; ~fits; polter. goafs -in life: to 6e Tid1, POW? iuu£ , tD sin9 the nittiona[anthem at 0. nu90r • 6ase6aIr game. JttV <J.1Wle: 'tlie wOlSt prison wotM 6e 0. cfosed: fieart. ' - pope jo paul: ii. rness0ge tD cfoss: i.

jonn jarn.es

Janette LeGmruC

John J. Lenwn

jo.rnes arufrew fewis, 'Jim" 'Jamie" "oscm" 229 indlanrocHr. 7/29/74 omvities: Iilcrosse 1. remfor; 6ridgeni91it, sfeeping, 6eing arreste<f. asw: jason, dave, ss, fe. ge. kr, 6s. fav mem: sky~; 1I1T. cfotu!; the 1lWon; wi£W;-6= '90; new y= '90, '91; cIieerios; ~,jfmtci1Jg; tliesfiore;' pops; 6ridge ni9fit; tones' w/nirofe; 3/15191; widener' '90; the 6001; wafsli; theiTeSsef; fea.; ides; ' ; lUUfoween '91; tliatstupUC ro601; dOt Iiead; the !ian:JOVet3; amosftuu{; lsttime at powelf. goafs in fife: tD rive in mifwauliee. <J.1Wle: "6eware my jrienQs as you pass 6y as you are now so once was 1, as i am now so you must 6e, prepare my friendS tD f0ffcw me." - megad2o.ffi.

Ja.mes A. Lewis

KefCy Lynn

cfonno. pm maUDn, "~" "Mnna" "te!' 220 o.von nf. 3/11/74 rem far: andre, 6eing pi<li.y, 1iavin:J 6"" fu&, I\eart atto.eJis. asw: tnt, If, sn,j6, 61i, 9"" Ja:v mem: 9/25/90; times w/ro6; yarti£s at cfi&nar,jane fowlieS; Cog; rocli.s & netfiawooQ; times w/andre - 6eing fue; times inthe furuse; ocean ci1y w/fre; jr prom; jres/iman yr; 9/7/90; ridlo/ game '90; STWeeli. '91; jo.cli. ni9fits; <fen1Ut9 dave:s ear, 9fond:tlieftauto w/nirole& niefini Iiit&run at 7'11; peecw/sue; going on trips wit£; qmtefaC<fw[ 90-91; jeTIJ garcia '91;yes '91; eartfi<lay '90; "i lOve fits guts!" goafs in rift: tD 6esua:essfUCamf/iap1JY. fttV <J.1Wle: "yo.tDt!megood:6ye, fWwwasitD IOtow you cWf:n.'t mean. good:6ye, yo. memlt pfease cfon't let me go!" - gmttfuL_


josepfijo.rnes numgano, jr., "the 6ig m" "Mogie" "rrumgo" omvities: f00tfJaIr 1,2,3,capt4; 6aslietliaIr1,2,3, capt 4; sttufent counci£ 3. PP:!g.6.r., fa111.ilj, jriemfs, arms, ear, #73. rem fori 6eing EieavvWeiglit, faugfting, playing sports, fuhar. asw: IT!9, 1tlI, nun, 6s, 6s, js, c. jiw mem: 7/23/89; 11/17/89-6e0tin9 ridlo/; cfuistmas 6reaIi. '89; diristnias tournament' 89, '90, '91; spring 6reak '91; la60r weekern!'90, '91;fourtJi ofjufy weekern!'91; going outw/theguys; partyi1tg! goafs in life:tD 6eatcliris fiiwes infig~ 31 infiuntof50,000 peopfi. f~v<J.1Wle: "ilOtow you cfU{ it, 6uti can't prove it. 071e11lO1&SUp 6uddy 60y and:you?lrJeefmy Wrath. ' mess0ge tD: nwrn, "ad: and: famuy - i lOve you aIr and: tIianIis for 6eing tIiere for me.

Dorma. L. Maffon

JosepliJ. Ma:t19lUW) Jr.

tfiomas j.11UUUting, "tom" "mal1s" 540 w. wood:liuuf ttVe. 4/28/74 omvities: soccer 1,2,3,4 pp: myfrietuiS, my car fia, fia! rem

far: cumng! playing soccer, 6eing san:astic, fiaving the 6rown carw/no revet3e. asw: jeff, 6i11; etlUiit, "ffie clitn", rest ofthe 6erys. fttV

mem: the 1UUttstmU1teT '91; ffie strip; ~Iit WeeK< stmiglitso. year, "cin:le ft'; dUCttap< rope; "the room"; times w/smWi; s<iutfi woo§! 600§! '90; soccer jres/iman year, senior weeli. '92 (i fiope); aI:liIiik; comnums '91; the pit and: stDgies '91; pliifosopliicaCtaCIis summer '91~" Gtto"; scenic & the jungle gym w/Iiilli "not myself '91 summer"; t.6.c.s.t.; times wltamam; 6aslietliaIrgo.rnes; jryrom '91; 6 8/91; soccer <£:mce. '90; pliljing 6ali:w/ro6 & jolin; rookie day 91; 6066inq forpfums; tIie 6001i. (coacfi 6etyeJj; p~cfiOCogy or w is it reaU:y?; iafilc tD9s; cIiemistry - the periad:ic cfiart w/ 09 coveredi ".u, you riIi.e m.Y Iiat?"; engGsfi ii(waris iicl1i); casino trip '90; game09o.inst Iiariiton'91 and:the em6riJa; 6eing coc/iy; Md"e; wfiat's the Cilfita£oftliaifaruf?; *9/23/90*; times w/tf£idre; 10tfigrade 6io1Ogy; wafRs tD the ma1li.frendi P09e; wise ~m; trou6le ~ 1,2,3,4. goafs in fife: tD 6ecome 0. psycfiiatiist. fttV <J.1Wle: "it was the 6est of times it was the wOlSt oftimes' ~ cfim{es dUIi.enS. mes50ge tD cfoss: n street summer;

nirole efiuWetfi =fio{l; "nic" 243 fairview nf. 5/30/74 pp: famify, friendS, reli>tionsliip w/.Jantie & mefin. rem far: 6· 6f. w/merin, 6eing fotu(, faugfting, 6fmufiliair. asw: miGn,jo, j _ se, Om; Rp, pv,jli, /iii, as.fttV mem:times w/frdgreen,:J."oSar'-t-w jo; sue and: lawn; 6ri srww <£:mce. '90; jr prom. '91 - jantie; wififwood: '91; Jforid't '90 - 6.t. 6rcit & tea; times w/jamie;taCIis w/rfuve; cfonno.&v.; me!1n& cfonno.steiiCcar. goafs in fife: COlI1ltUl11icat/jOu:rnallsnt- f~v <J.1Wle: "someoftlS spend: 0. lOt of time d'ream:mg ofthe~ neverreaG.ting 0. fittfe.ar,-ives eacfiday." mess0getD: nwrn, diu!, tJi:anI<s Jor evetytliing- i lOve you!!1

Tfwmas J. Man:n.ing

Nicofe E. MarsfiafC



tfu=amastrlcofo, "Wry" "tel' "tfu=i' 350 6rocknC.10/31/74pp:f/}, creativity. =for.vitfeo yem60o~ sarcasm, re<!6oots, "0/ =. asw: a vitfeo camem, diunian, jiff, opril; terri, marJi, sue, !Jl'<5' jan. jaY mem: sea isf<. iⅈ sCeepinq out' 89; 1l1Olft:y crue 1,2; aerosmith; poison; it-mas party '89; tIllit '90; '";¥,ort 1/27/90; sui:s 8790; pstL 6ms; it-mas ~ '90 w/lfamian; jrprom; lialIOween '89,'90,'91; ~ llWSic 11/89 - jc; 6reaRing' out~sli and:jc and: 6liparties; sliawTt's room; times wit6: diris, jason, W004J.1 wili£woocf-sopliand:jrweetiendS; diem; 6io; rico suave; "tIie#~tIie fittfere<!slioes"; "zti!l? ••fioIioJia"; "tIie tels ore in etTect!" goafs in Gfe'in 6etlie_<ifmy d'estmy. fav quote: "cfOit'tYOl<~itso Iiorcfnow and:pfiilse.dOn't~itso 6acf, flI SIiIt' 6e tIiUl&' <if 6a6y, and: tIie times we 11ol" - 9-IH. =age1:o: cftu{ - thoni. yOl< for tIie endfess Iielp, Rnowfed'ge, and:Slll'Port. YOU:""111J strengtfi, Hoveyou. in <fr. tl!J'for-tiionRsforte.ocliin.9- "open up y-o/es, !ife.ispoctry in. motion.. Spreacf yOl< wings and::fEY." message to tile cCass: 9


9""':gettlO:\llidis, "tliegre&:' 420 e. woolfliwCave. 3/15/75 pp: two iropliiesfromwreStGng and:tiiree.fro'nt6as~olI. =for:tIie impressioni1lUllk.wliinicome W= asw: 6rian nWUi.favmem: my.fUstcfay oftlie'90 scliooCyearan£my Cost <if'92. goalS in life: sucteSs. fav quote: "1 testetCtIie 60tmdS <if!ife.to se.ewfiere itwOtJfcffeod: tllat's wliot it was a1Ia6out ••• curioSity." =age1:o: g. trout " the greciort jormufa dOes it again, 9""':9e."

Theresa Mastricofo

George MavricCis


Karin I. McCumy

sfia.wn E. Mc.FaMen.

DanieC R. McHenry 152 seniors

Theresa McCarron


PF: 6oat, fi,./iat. rem 1irrIis; lim. 90; ro

=age 10 dass: Ii

'J0fmny tfogo" 41 colDnia(pamdi-. 6/16/74 activities:_· iTllCk3,4; soccer3;sptil1giTllCk3,4. • IW scfiooCOlI.t1UnSdav. fav me:m: summe:r90; getting stalWli p~s fiondQ; ~ movies; 109~ party; 2 premi<r, cfiots w/marit (g); Lg.6.a.f.; ":S- w/garry. =age 10: "0/ 6rotIier miRe: tiianRs for being there.

Brerman P. Mease.

Jolm K



TllllQfd: lioward: ~ fr.,

"nm!' "6a:rt" "id' "goose:: ')(!18 failfii[£ref. ~ 10/16/73 acti~vo-tet/i.2,3, presitfent 2,3; fac:rosse 1,2,3,4; soccer 1,2; 6asliet6alr 1,2; w"9ht1l:/ti'l9 4. PF: Jamify, friendS, m), dO.9' fa;< s1i&. rem for: maRmg peopfe fau£J1i. asw: lim, dirt, gm, 6u, dS, sc. jt!, di, tin, 6g. jiiV me:m: times spentw/famio/..& jrle.1uls; sum. <if '91; settiorw~ 90; my parties; partying a:t& going ltW'o/' vo-iWi 89·91; p<lli;Ying in clifton, s.w. 1'Iiifo/, coffinidaCe, netlierwood; st. Ufes; goOlfJ 6in1S, 61g d'ad4y ~seagmmsw/stevec. goafin fife: 10 6eridi!!jiiV'J:UO'i'" "ifywdOn'tea:tyounl1ellt, liow amywliave"'!)'ptUUfingi''' pinkfioyli "tiiifuture is afways uncertlIin 6ut t/it; eM is a:Lwt;ys near." - t/it; dOm.

Gregory Montone

jeffi'ey cfiarl<s 1ltOTt011, 'Jeff" "gco" "molt" ",rl~rt:r:'Ug" "mo" 650 newfm ref. 7/6/7f activities: 6asM:t6a:U: 1,2,3, capta:i:n. 4; 6iiSe6a:U: 1; tennis 2,3,4; siUli!3,4; slis 3,4; worli! a:J:tetU; 4; scfiooCspirit 3,4; Wllttr 6afi'oons 2,3; 6uste4 4; fecliter's 2,3,4; as<&4; nIis 4. PF:ja:mio/, g=tfriendS, nlis ~ dlp. remfor. 6eing tile root <if a:U:eviIi$i'6as~an; t/it;anq,ma4 601116..-_ calTdin. asw:J.$.u. lint; js, 1119, 'liewts', as, aJ; It 1xl, "Qutt", Qd; rfi, tr, d:zapp, ts. '" me:m: menta:'s nuufhouse 9/7/91; v's metfowlillldS litis; carW!llS 90; jv 6as~alf; new yelllS 91; ri<flo/.!lllltle 89; nuii{ 6 • 91; ~a:n 6'5 we; fe.<foimis cIiem 6usts;t/it; "6encfi."; Duto/1I1OlI9a:no &wawa; STpront92; STWeek;t<ilks w/jase&marli;" ";1' sics stud!Y grou,p; SIWW dimce. 91; smUty's frat; a:mericanstiufies; fackr room tam; 6ensafem. trip; rd SO;l:wfjll$<; scfiooC d'anceS cmR,.yali);il/23/91; spnere /ieist;wa:ter6'affoOlling 2,3; 6uste44. ~oafs in Ufe:lO liavea Iiappj ant! fieaftkyjutUT<, 10 womwitli c.1i. int/it;ntaf( fa:V 'J.IIOIlI' "we are sucfi. stuff as d'rWns are nuufe on. ' - w. slia:Mspeare. "y01l. cm<t 6e; fi4vU1g tftis mucli:fUn in cIiem 146!" - iticIiOGIs 1ll114!i! Ced:onn& =age; 10: mom ant! dQtf: -tIiaMs for everytlUng. i lOve yOlL =age; 10 t/it; dass: ,.


Tfie.resa A. M. Moniss0'

JeJfre.y C. Morton

JUmadiiS. muUtji, "1I101l\Y" "11IlI1I5td' "muR:' "'""'0/" "g-monly" 1139 wesufafe;pface. 4/18/74PF:roMie;t/it;nu:coon, soutfi. offie;avent-sfiirt; P"'l'fe yankees fiat, moo-moo t/it; cow, yolfa dOll: remfor. fau£JfU:ng, ~ ot/iei-peopfe fau£J1i. asw: j6, <It ee, lin, bl1, = twins. fllV me:m: 6. wllldiing w/jessica; 3m period: commons; times at ~ mao; times at dim.'S we; times at mac's we; 6tfi. pence! ~e6m 2 dass; new yom trip; new years eve '89. goafs in '!te;..to,.= my 1dO[ af 6unl!" 10 6e; an. a:etor 0lI. "in fi""!5colOr". fav_~ 'y01l. amnm, 6uty01l. cm<t fiUfe." - pettrstufe. 'idOtrtwa:ntlO grow up, im a toys TIlS Eid:."jJ0'W'o/ t/it; gin!Jje. '~more; tIian. a woman., more; tIian. a woman 10 1118." - 6re gees. =age to: tfi.& dass <if 92 - tiianRs for iaugliitig at "0/ $iupit! jolies!

apriC e!iline ~ "tllrIf' "nu:g" "paula" 628 cIievnev rd: 4/4/74 activities: fa;< 1; slis 1,2,3,4; aL 1,2,3,4; sadie 1,2,3,4; ml! 2,3,4; s~ c6di 2,3,4-; newspop'" 2,3,4, editor, yeal6ooIt'2,3,4, editor, nlis 4. H: ~Iiil' w/6. Tl'IC8" fi!rn;iCy, jrieru!s, dOg, eat, ftarnster, picturts,poems, rem.fim 6eing asmart- - -, 6eing stresse4, 6eing a:ttnche4, "isfuiUU[6egitMg"o/ carSOM'. asw:2tm, &mcg,es, lin, fs,sl1, if, jt!, jii, 6ant!. <iil!.fav me:m: li.w. w/.terri; "&uttm:up";jasen; sum:mer'88; 7/3/89;sopfi. fUJp; stratli liavertseniorprom; jlmiorprotrt; llVaWn _1rips; penns fa:ufing '90, '91; wifl!wood:'90; wasfiington.'91; S.S.c.s. '91; "nilnfiow" '91; slia:wnei'91; /i.a:lfoween '91;jfori4a.'91; 1itiiii!i1lUUlOr,1afkS w/terri;wlioooaw! w/~ p<lUl.statetrips; senioryear. goafsin life: lioppjne;ss, fa""" success (2li.p.c.). frw ~ "right fu:re, rightlWW' tliereis 110 otfi.erplilci i wa:ntlO 6e." -jesus jones. =age 10: dOc - -tIiaMs for tfi.e encouragement, tlionI!s for t/it; stro:n9t!i, tlioAAs for t/it; timd =age 10 dass:



Himadii. S. Muke1ji

ApriC E. MuffocR. seniors 153

Cliristoplier Meym, 3/9/73

1IUlltIie:wjames mym, "TlUltt" "ntatty" "1IUlltIie:w" 117faiMewn!. 8/8/74 activities: wrestfu1g 1; 6ase6alJ:1,2;jOOtlialI1,2,3,4; nIis 4. pp: my 6iri:l; ct! co!fection, faniUy, frie:ru!s, foUi'pops. rentfC1r: IinoWiitg every sOtliJ ever SIllIfJ' watialile "f'.P"Iilt- asw: fi.eIIlloy, sminR, stu1i6s, rid; j&6, od; fewle, p6, mg, simps, js, mgd; tan. fa:v = jitsfmtart 51LrJUTIer (-ffie ell<! of tfie itulo<tJlCe); e-z elfs; 7/14/89; smootliiistllnd; tfieTO~ parUencfieS;times at canreron's;tfietni&s; straw fiat; tfiorogood'; sl&wlllt; wlio; cU!pton; eIlxm; sto1tts; vii; 6onie; acdC;petty sfiows; 51LrJUTIerattfie11Ullttli S11IIIe atTOSe:tree;times w/.fuU/9et& 1ier1Olll:p"l's; mattvs. tfiivofCtutoes; tfie nigfit tfie fight< went out m morton; times at kev'S; tfie <filine; clit6; 8/14/91; wfi;ppe<! cream; 4/26/91; Iioggtn; (p.i.c.; times w/fwty. goafs m Ilfe:to getridi, muf1lUlTlJ' a6eattt!Mgitf. fav quote: "tlUsfeds goolf' - fi.eIIlloy. "i!m~oing oUtSitft.to liaveon ice cotiC6eermtfieslkUfe. i!mg=llsten.to1lo/45's amtitw~to 6ealfvewlien.tfieTOcRrl>-TO[P"!Ys.' - 6ia:yjoeC message to: my fam:iCy - tIianks, i lOveyOlL

Matt:liew J. MJers

Christopher Myers

megon1Io/m, "mym" 681 ditttolt circle. 6/14/73 activitits: vo-tedi4; v.i.c.a. PP:Jami9r, frie:ru!s. rentfC1r: lOng retationsliips. asw: j. smavo, j. petas, j. jlllUJZiewicz:.£:-, '89 6 = sopfiliop tlianksgtvU1g; m.1L; easter '90; sfis snow dance; Sf prom; sopli; 6mmerjrprom; easter1MSS; 91 snow dance;jrprom; goingto WiliCwool!sinu1980. goafs mf;fe:toteacky"""9 cfiiIifrilt, get mlzrriel!mufliaVe cIiiUfren..fa.': quote: ''Jrietufs are MnrtrijUU!muf lianfertri !ieep." message to: i wouG£aReto~ my parents, 110/ sisft;r, nm;. swank, muf my Jritlufs foi' a£woys 6einB iIici'e wlien. i neede4 tiielii.



~vict0ri4~, :'1iiut" "qiTaffe" 7fritF1:t' 141 s~TOCMgn!.1J7/75P.\"fami[y,frie:ru!s, ke:ttllyTOg~tap;. dO»:.!W Ilfe. rem. my licigflt, snUGng. asW: 6iimm s guiJ!es,fooa, frie:ru!s. fav gafs mglit; sfiep ovm at fianS's; verificiltiott rife; 91; nm;. aifLlJion's cWss; dOu6le fiinge; scIioorcfancis; engfiSfi pu6; eng&fi pU6 ~); senWrw<ek '91 & 92;




wlio s mikey?; 6efii1u{tfiesprinqf1eliC mal[ w/jllSOlt 1iea:-!UII1CY drew; mop dO.q;mUli-g0IJ-lstpfacrt water!; 10/19/91; 6/15/91; times w/jiWufs; 6:00 am 6ik.eride. w/dave; "=o/'s;taeo 6eff; 11tT. t's-sirtg-a-1Dng; grease; cfuiiUe 6rown; /iavitig a pink, 1""1'fe, & 6fack cast; s~ trip; tlianksgiving cfoy pamae; 51LrJUTIer'91; tlireesollU- goa[m /l:fe: to meet Wutv TOr m p = fav quote: "any diiU! con tea:you t!iat tfie solepurpose of a mid4fe """'" is so lie con tea: wlien fie?s reaIl:y m trouJ1fe.' message to: my friy: tIianks for everytfiUlg. i fove yout message to 1£


Mega.n Myers

Cristitta. V. Nancarrow

lIic/iolOs f. nartfo, "nic[" 15 west ave. 6/5/74 ae:tMties: f00t6alI 1,4; 6ase6alI 1,2,3,""f'l4in. 4.l'1': 6ase6alI 6at & gfov", 6ase6alI diarm, refationsliip wjfisa. rem. for: 6~ w/fisa, pCoymg 6ase6alI. asw: mg, jm, Rr, 6s, fe, ss, 6~ fisa, sttunpy. ftiv times w/fisa; 6/27/91; 1H/91; 4tfi. of iUfv 91; sCllllltDn toumame1tt '91; 1!W1Ilttains w/fe, ss; WiliCwool! w/stUmpfi & ennis; times w/fam:iCy, JrWufs; ':me aW"; soutn:stTeet w/fe, ss, & <!ice; upper Mr6y 6mwC '91; 51LrJUTIer of '91 (6. (); times w/rfiino.goafs in Gfi: to 6ecome a pro-6ase6alIp"!Ya, 6e Iiappj. fa:v quote: ofini£iifyi, sliUtuy,usnow mjuCy" "~youmake.tlimi.snow6alIs in.tfie su.mmert:i.me?" - eftief g = . message to: mom muf WuC - tIiattIis Jar everytfiUlg.


david: tIio1MS neal; y., "dave." "dilllLtve" 330 greaves n!. 7/24/73 a.d:. activities: wrestfu1g l,2,3,eaptain4; soccer 1,2,3,4; saM 1,2,3,4; worliC rifJiiirs; tneatre pulillcity offiter. pp: 60lUf, fairUCy, jiiDufsliips. rem. fim cows, 6¥J fiait, 6ojgws, 6einB a. figfttweigflt, curfs, juggling. asw: jol!y, jeff, aar, en; <itt, iru., 6iig, is, fiji. fa:v = 1/26/91; 3/24/90; 12:38; ttigfit Oftlie cow; times wfjol!y; 60;<eT 6lliu£iii;; y=e; sting concert; pliotu: to1IS w/jol!y; S1EIpTise party; meg's fOr a weeK; times m tfie cow; gWg-gfug; Iia; sliOre w/aar, jeff, tom, 6ri, j~~ 11e!Jative Olttfiepoint!; 6 am 6ikenae; ~'s; fiaPl'Jr mealS; eating <ifre;rweigfiin's; grwt; ~ 1lJTI:/t. mpcmtf. goafs m i9:e: make. movies, swim wttfi. tfie fisli. fa:v quote: '6ettt:rto 6epoortlion afai ma.n mtfie eye Of a needTe:' sting. "rendt;r me WifJor alI i llW! to Iiear is YOlL" - d:t.n.y. message to: c.1i.: cristo6% cristo6% cfontfe. esta? cIiea me out! message to class: 9 -

Nic.fioCas F. N a:rcfo

Da.vUf T. N~ Jr.

fien-fiang tIii "9'0/"'" "/ituuraang!" "liantrer" "1lU!Ji' "f:ittfe vietna.mese girl?' "Iionq;,,"" get" 229 powe!f n!. 11/13/74 activities: sttufeitt cou:nci! 1,2, 3, Se£. 4; nJ1S 3,4, v 1":-' 4; class officer 2,3; vollo/6arr:2,3,4; 3,4; saM 3,4; scliooC 3,4; dWateteam3,4; ne:wspaper4; yearlioo~4; liope4; Utma.g 2;.cllib men: 1; s0ft6aa: 1; intemationaC clit6 2.1'1" Ilf'" me,jiintiiy, & frie:ru!s. rentfC1r: 6einB "Irietl1a.mese & fou& ciiu! power """9'Y? asw: s = eitlier Iiitting or m.aIiin:J jU1t of mc.fav mem: 11/22j90; sli:epovm w/tfie.9afs; i:mrepU! J91; goo((year dlnner, alI fOTllUllS; engfisfi ~; engGSfi pu6 (preconsmu:tiOlt); TOn;". coaster ride.; 6MUu!tfieinalCw/j Iieff; 60anfwatk&sem.l""1. w/nufs;v-6an:camps &11tT. tsw/fitt/ia (foungesm,m); cmuuCess 6~s w/S1tUldt it & tfie 6utt towef; tea w/ckir, Rmmt wl/iifa.; tiIfeltt sliow &:\,amd"ew/stretdirn::ginif.fe; Iivinq w/megfor4 cfoys; tJi& g<ifs m meg's TOom; 4/13/91 & presents!; gossip & ChicRen finger tafi w/llOTllt (mam, wlio tIioiiqfit up that ingenious name?!); times wjtfiigroup; memories w/tfiet1iteesomc. goarm Llfe:to rescue my Iiame C01Jl1lry.:fTo!'t. Ii£r eamomicti0u6Ies.fa:v quote: "Ilfe




6e1Ongs to tfie ~ muf lie (sfie) wlio lives ltWSt 6e prepilre4for cMnges." - joliatin.woffg'll1!J VOlt goetfi.c. message to: ma, 6a, 6a ngoai(gramm.y), dl./iai, va cae anfivoi cae cm.- i lOVeyout! 11tT• .:app: i wuracwoys 6e bei:tertlion you, otiC man! diristine & tina: WllltfUt 6e. my jiiaufl! message to class: fi

154 seniors

Slep/ianie nienU, "Slepf?' "Slepliie." 260 on:nam: nf. 7/31/74 p: my fife, soul; fiunio/ & ftiendS. rem for. atlllU:I:ing wein£ eopfe. asw: /U, d:muur, 1<' &tIie 9'o/S. fav mem: "yes" '89-91; tIie ¥Jdead" '90; garcilt '91; ~owie '90; ~ '90; wlio '89; s.m.K '90; 6aryslinikov '91; "eviJ:6tui:nits";jr,rrom; w.di. new years '89, '91; yearsw/fre, d:muur, te (pit. afIo/, jane.[ownes, sev., fog, roci ~; jUe; ~...m(Santa1la); 1imes wjlee. &tIie 'Jeafous 9'0/"; llIUfn; ~eing "m 6re<uf' w/dOiina; p.p.: snu's of'86-89; eW ~ 90; faugfiingflts;wli.elll!j1sfiing w/amy & "mmes";jimmonisOl1 is goO!. goaCmfife: to live I1fe to tliejUlfest. fav <pwte: amy"m passion, !Ov.,,; wrestle as one, Gme?' man cri<s foi Cove atU£ Iios none." - moodj ~fues. "flOw am we e;t]'ect tIie 6infs to sing wfieit 1Iicir groves fiave 6un cut dOwn' - fiemy d'avid: tIioreau. message to: 1110lli 01u£ diu! "tIiattK. you, tIiattK. you, tIioIlR.goc!for you, tIie wti1c! 6eneatk my wings." - 6ette TI1i<ffer.

diMc!tIiomas o'dOnnell; "tfrwrt' "sfttmes" 621 cedar lit. 8/18/74 adiviIits: Iilcrosse 1,2,3'''''fl:4.pp: fa;,:sti&. ~ec!, Donafi£Dudi, pen'er. remfor. 6eing stu66om,~6eing miscliievous, 6reaJMg ftandS. osw:j~,j' 55,"IS, mg, ~ 6s, fe, ~ fav mem: 1imes w/ bml11tlI1; w. cCotUli ~e nig w pops; sliyll1ving; sci. e;t]'- w/ffJI; "Wes"; tIie moon; ~ m; s; ~per; 6ecoming a canfina(j 1imes at wafsft; se seasons; tIie tresseI; t/it. cin1e; dOt ftetu(; ftallOwun 91; la6 nig/it; ridS; tIie . ; ~anisftw/~ &6ri; snow diwe'90;jrpronvnewyeais eve '89, '90, '91; amosW goa!mfife:to.fi9ureoutwliow. is. jttV q,uote: "everytfting cftanges, it alf ~s tIie same, everyone quifty, no one to ~liIme. every w'o/ out, 6rings you. 6acito tIie start. -liiotorliead: mess<Jge to: jim & jas: ' cfis is wftat i've 6un ilOin-OI1yourweeks vaeatiolL"


Steplianie Niemi


DavUt T. O'Dotmeff

rtcicftaeC a. ostro.fj) "lIMe" "6os5" "6OSS11UII1." "o6istro6i" 401 C011tII1im'. 10/1/74 aettvities: cIionts 2,3,4; orcftest:m 1,2,3,4; pop 9"I1'i' 3,4; cfistilctdioir 3,4; cfistrietorcftest:m3,4; sad'c!4; slis 4; wimer & spri1!g'lltU:K.4; scienceo§nnpiac!I,2,3,4; stoci~ gall1t: 1,2,3'4'~stweifornuuu:es 4; <feko youlli. orc/iestrlt 1,2,3,4. rem:for. WribCe o/esig!it, never slt)'Ulg a won{ 1UttiC my junior year. asw: a60oli. mem:jrprom; '9111omecoming gCllll<i '91 soccer d'anu; cMrUi6roWnrefteatsafS &sftows; sftow stapp.,,; 2; plionecallSto' ~tlieO!lo/so~pmOn.inamass ofc!nmli.fne;rufs; "cleaning tfrwrts car"; w. mont's ~am~"9s;mass cftaos w/fou. o:nn; new yoriitriF - IiouiS OI1tfti i>ttrepidi gettin9 to "WwW" CllIJ."eu cfistrietdioir.~oa! m fife: to creal&solitetftiltg:fortlie rest of tIie worfc! to "'1:ioy. fav quote; "tftere "'" tliree. IiUufs fe: tftose wlio maK.e' !Wfpen, tftose wlio watm ' s Iioppen, atU£ tftose wlio wo!Ufe:r wftat Iioppenec!." mes5"ge to: you. squic!!! sMut "i' s , nmmI "nus. =s tfii answer to tIiis question?"


Lee A:rme Pearce


Harry K.. 0 fdfiam

MicfiaeC A. Ostroff

Da.vUt periffo

Jennifer Peters

Tana. M. Peifer

c!a.vic!peri1lO, "Iiowie" "sttnf' "ad' 117 gnmc!viewnf. 7/23/74 aettvities: 6owfmg; newspaper. pp: comU:~ooli",!rection, car. rem for. afw'o/S dOoc!fmg, car accid'ems. osw: nU/ie, jim, cftris, caroline. fo.v mem: worRing at. ClllI<i iMJiiiUr nwvies w /jrie:rufs. goa! iii fife: to anhnate tIie simpsons. fav q,uote: "tIiis is t/ie. e:ru£-6ut tfie.llUJTI1e.1tt Iios 6un prepOroCfor." - the dOetor-fogopoCis.

jenniferpetelS, 'Jam?' 521 ~ nf. 7/26/731'l': ~ear' 89, famiiy, frienis. remfOr. wearing liigli Iiair, "~/iiqftscftooC slas"",,'. asw: je:n. j, Iiorie ewaG£, nte9"'" lll1ittI. jttV mem: tlitui/isgiving '89; Sf weeli '89; 1imes w/rfw<k; 1imes w/.; times w/fmry & nte9atlJ 1imes w/diristina.; 1imes w/jen; 1imes w/K.orie; gcing to u.c!.; going to vaflo/ 6rooli; walRingto mow!IY '89 w. 6mtow; miscruq 89; ~'88, '89;1imes w!tony '91. goafmfife: to 6e<:Ol11t:soniet:hilig. fav quote: (we0no/ 6dlevem wftat we su." mess"ge to: tIianIis for a!w'o/s 6eing tftere for lI1t: (Cc!.) 1110111- & diu! - tIianIis Jor ev~ 6ut am i ~01T0W $20.00?


seniors 155

joijr;J.orter, "joa:'''j.p.'' 'J0tfiii" 25mit&eJ[ ewe. 2/22/74 <u:tivUies: jleU£ Iio&ey 1;liu:rossel,2,3,4'J!l':famio/,Jrl=fs.rem for: talIling to0jC1St. 6einq enepuli/U.an. & getting side ~asw: mary,nia, 6"'9i few mem: cfrtss irip to 11.y.c.; courbtey's ptxl'tits; g.oing out w/'""'W fimtft periDdS esp. lltli. groife; g~ to sprinqfieG! vs. ridfey games esp. '90; 1ri4 & "simla" '89-90; goU1g to gov't meeting w/~eItji; going to ~ pam; 6ase6alrk foothallgantes w/"greo.t 11UtUlre p = wlio is going to 6ecome cifanious oase6a1rpliryerwlio IWStotlirowpeo.nu1S DnpeopCe. goa!S~.in'·to 6esu=sjUfanMi"l'l'i. few quote:"so fet.itgrow, ant!dOn'tiry to squimtout ofyourpro61ems.torwlimyourpatienceis 1[y in fitlI6fOom, tlimyemWiJf6e mU!yfor ~ strong in cJiaracter fulL ant! rompl£te." (james 1:4 • message to: mom ant! than(yem for alryour iiep, i lOve you1

jenniferfaitli.porte1fieii(, "jefl" "iP" "pcmw" "fla" 32511. rofllng TJL 2/4/74 J!l': ~ &friendS, Goel; scufie, ,p"e:m600( remfor: 6emg IDutI;"6einq infWenW£6j sue. asw:tam, slier, jen, sue,'-' few mem: oc 88 w/joe&tIie. c1iai1'!Jaag; timesw/ttnfdi Iieaih & 6ilI; .~ yroms; jfmidit w/tIie. fo.mi!y gaag; cIWck e. c:neese di:Ys w/ matt, slier, & miRe; air tfii TI101l1tl1tS w/keitfI; 3/25/91; ~ proms; 3-man; sea. isle '90; UJio.6oc!& aune; matt; tfiiccnndy clU6; spefunRm; spring gukfi. '91; stone fiar60r '91 w/ta:tn; dOu 6ead?; sant!wicfiwfjen;times w/ steve & uc!pals; g-n-rcfuume( 6;jermy ~jen2TuCe; snow<fance '91; Eftoflis w/tfe6;_pronufress?;tIie. ny fenji; "owe mel. goaCin life; to 6e"ridi epa. fo.v quote: ""trueJiietu! is someonewlio dOesn't get in yourwc;y1Utfessyotlre going c!oWn." message to: """'" di:Jd; ant!= - ,((lOveyem9'0/5 forever! to my friendS - gooc!6ye is _an ending, foryotl[fiiu! alimg Cifrs w'o/' witmnyour Iieart, yotl[aCw'o/s f\a.ve "palt Of y~. cfiu;g.

]ocfy R. Porter

]en:nifer F.Porte1ji.efcf

Tliomas Pm!t, 8/23/73

Kim6erCy A. Prager

Tliomas Pratt

neatner anne prlmi "pr;:' 548 weymouth TJL 3/8/74 J!l': midiael; friendS, fa:mi!y, jaimie, guitar, music colTect:ion, tIie. cure pampfienafia. rem for: w~ to go to p51l. asw: jermy, sue, melissa, courbtey, Rristcit, dave, sfOsli. few mem: twm esp. c!ymg you:n;J; o.c. mtL-v, , & s; jens fioUs~~ 7/3/91; $.25 w!s.w.; tIie. cure '89; clU6 mtv '89; tIie. ocean 6liJe '89; c!epWie '90; momsso/ '91; 6;0 CaD !J1U1'P;it;taS; " , ; sRtirips; jrprom; dO rags; iripstoy51l. ••; "marIiy l1lat£- ~ itdOwn"; c!w/c.Ii.; my assein6fyyartner, 9tJigrrufefrencFt. s; trip to "o.p.; tIie. Qay igotaccq>tedtopsu! goaCin life: ,,6eo.trevolUtion. few quote: "tIie. 6lUufuess '!t happiness, Offallhlg dOwn, laugntng, ant! i reafo/ 6e1levec! thai tIiis time was foreVer.• :'- tIie. cure.



"pTiceman" "p" "60&" "dOcJisfi:' 148 s.1101Wilufen dT.l/19/74 J!l': my guittlr, fUlts, ca:s, ant! car. rem

for: greo.tparRjo6r':ffei, fiait. asw: it[ g., 111CTItmte, j. Rea; j. sclie£s", 111. gauc!fosi. frw mem: = ' 8 9 ; workingw/606; 6= pri;rrws/fiSfWone '91; -ltuum:Ii; 61lT warn WrestRng; repo; 6raiic!y; toast; ~ '89; pliiUufePfiitI; posse nigftts out; new yor/i; great Vitfeo f"otl1ge; jofin!s IUW; nwrtkees '86; rmu!y sewage 6ecomes worfcf 1ieo.vvwe:i:J1it diampion. goals in /lfe: to outswim jaws. frw quote: "tftai's wliot we're Iiere to tfo••• iiep iadi. otfier om." -to GlT'o/"- ''fisA on. ' jor co.ring for me aJrtIiese yearn.

Heather A. PriaT

-[ ~oo[ message to: tIianks to

aJr my Jriilufs

Cfiristopfier W.Price

6mc! reeves, "6radrey" "0. 6. (oriqituIf6umouty' 213 Joufke fa. 314/74 J!l':fami!y, friendS, 0= rayer. remJor: fum; 8-6aJr asw: g-6"7.s, g-1TUUt, (em, M, 1lT, j6, 61ij, 8-6cdL few mem: niglit of tIie. fiving chums 1, 4; mo.c! dOg; tfeath 60ut in tfoyfe's au; super 6alli gov t w/UQ:y & nWu!y; senior weelt '90; 8-6alr ana: f-11tOl15teT slWws; j = w/jtf; 9'" ant! /Wodi; times w/iWte; £/WIlT '91; imufJiono/ '91; s. t. '90.

tMmas ll1. reuWtg, "tom" "reu1" "reufs" 400 james fa. 4/6/74 activities: f00t6alr 1,2,3,4; 6as~aJr1; taerosse2,3,4; slii clU6 1,2; swe 3,4. pp: ftll1ci!y, friendS, ant!zeus. asw: Iio, jnt, js, earn, ant! everyone efse.fa" mem: getting nm over 6y cIiry; JisIiUul o.c!veJ1tllre5 w/sCiIsa; = ' 9 1 ; 6irryjoe£con=t; newyorli.cfrtssirip; 6ass ll1tJ5te1;40 s o.tHany o's;van Mlelicon=t;!lew yem'S '91; j-juice; beLttfuB tidlo/ '89. goals in life: to 6e lieaft!iy, wettliy tItu! wise. message to cfrtss: c.

BnufReeves 156 seniors

TIio11UlS M. Reufing

cftri.stine;MadS, "6W" "nufs" ";MadS" 66 rofonia! park W: 9/2/73 activities: scifi6alC 1; voffey6alC2; 6asket6alC 1,2,3,4; sprmg ~ 3,4; 6atU£ 1,2,3,4,' 0Ttfiestm 2,3,4;wcnU! ciffaiTs 3,4; sfls 3; ~e 4; tafeni sfiow 1,2,3,4; suull:nt OOUllCii' 2,4; n/is4. U: famiey, nclGeJ1it;n<fsfiip w/Iiang, tina, susie, atU£janet; 6asket6alL rem . wUu! cnirrtes. asw: ~ tina, susie, janet, the gafs. jtW mem: 1afent sfiow wJfumg, tina, d"anieffe, marie, kim; 6atU£ trip to ' w/mary etc.; tlianJisgivfug panufe w/lianger & ti1la; growing up w/susiP-; our movie fiam.y girf; ski trip w/tilut; IiangUtg withe gafsin meg's room; eatliolle g<iLsongs; 10tJi. groae ~ ptllty; semorprom'91 atU£ fock-in WinCe w/m; jOl1£t/rott1Ige; 1l1f:9.> erin, & i-Iiunf(i women; 9th gnufi 6-6afrsfeepoveti sfeepovm & movie at hang's; sopli /iop '90 w/6riari; snow <fwtCe '91 w/<frit; meg, mary atU£ i-6elfs; cfeirdre, tina, liang - "0Ii!stew6aff'; jUllior prom w/jasott; fol1fl Jutts w/Iiang & ti1la; 10tJi. gnufe WncIi; alCthe memories w/thetfiTeesome; intrepi<L goafs in fife: to 6e 1Wppy. messaye to: i Cove you, mom&dM. tIiank you grmufmomatU£ gnuufp"l' for tf!e. 2nt! IiQme,with alCmy Cove, Cfuistine. message to cfQss: c . . . .•....• ... •••• . • • . .

Uvin ri<£p~ "rUf' ''jirernalf' "w~,,, 300 e. feamy ""e. •7/:J?/74 adivities: socca 1,2!3,rayt~; 6asket6~ 1':~; ,6as;falC 1,2,3,4; skicW61,2,3; suull:nt00UllCii4; nIis 4. pp: w~ve11lllller, ttmes withe 9"'ys. remfur: dirty dancing atpames,.tmSS1l1f/. the garage", 6eing Ca.te. asw: simps,jas"", greg, 6i!I;jiff, fiammer, 6u66fts. f"" menu jwiorprom; altthetimts wljo; the rockttes; alC my SlLlTtme>S in s.1i. atU£ w.w.; p.a.tLiL; wafsfi; 7/4/90; alC lU\W yeJJ!s eves; the isfan4; 5/17/91; 6ridge nigftt w/pops; socca tournaments; m.Y Iiome;m =iltthe IiavfieIi!; qu=; sl'atrmte!S in '90; /ia!Cowem '91; 6mchw1' ani! cIWne; smisTew/giji

""",'tremem6er lle ~!f; the 6faCf. 0lllS 0lllS~;.c.' . awe ..'so arrsuffi:r! goafs in fiti'e:.to .eateIi •••'lroCy·messageto,to ~ w••"".ewith ••', .Jfipp.'•• wcnU! is 11teIltaf.'Iio. ifee! 110 nwCforIJiiy orSJl"i' - y= your w'o/ to Unpre.;s people and: tMe a4vantage your parents goillfl aw'o/!

quote:• •"ev. eryt/iinq.' • in.. the.• tflijrosli_aDn'tgoautof

eT..' • •" "

great. •

cfiristine Rhoads

Kevin RUfpatfi.

d'awrLroe, "clO:wnJ" "d'awrL-dawn." "d'awnd' l04w~verfy ""e.l/28/74pp:my11'lOll1., 6rian, jiiendS &famiey, my ficlU'. remfur: IiltVil1fI fonq ficlU', Col1fI naUs, atU£ afw'o/s 6eing inthe art room. asw: 6riqn jones, trr=y-traee, 6et1i keffy, rolTem~alfaglier, fa.v mem: timts w/6iUm; timts w/ ' timts w/6etf1; jwior prom; pictures w/trow;; summer '91; 4/12 91; 9 19/91; 3/13/89; 5/23/90; artroom; jiTstp::t';syciiofogy w/troay;,,smisle wili!woolC60ruiwlj{w/ :r; 510otClUtVas,' art. sU6;rediltss di'i:vil1fI; gymefusses; /imclita6fe. goafs in Ilfe:the~fo islWtsimJ'§rto e;cist, tosuMve, 6utto movecWad; to go up, atU£to ronquer. f"" quote: "our memories ofy~ wilrlast~ '<time. we'[taJiethe 6est,fOlJ!ettherest atU£s~ we'[j1iu!tliesearetlie6esttimes of our fives." message to: ifoVeyou, mom. tlianJisforev~ Y01mtfie 6est! 6riqn-tIianJis for the memories, lim's to the future, Cove you,. 6U6e. trow; -t!ianRS for 6eing tIiere. '


ricIion! c. rossano, "ronwno" "reesW "wiIi!tmllt" 601 fa:ute! nL 2/26/74 pp: camaro, 6rat, v45_ remfor: ~ sem in lC'ifferent ClUS. asw: nul; nIS, ja, to, sli, atU£the6artrllmposse. favmem: going dOwiI.totRenu:es "" 61st; southstreetinthe' gangsterwag"""; cruisi.tt! i.n. tfi.e ((ride"j 6.k. incitfent. . .. . . ... .... . ...... ...... .. .... .. . ... . ..


R.icJia.n( C. Rossa.no

d'awrL efiza6et1i rosser, "a"rOT~" 30 Sa;l:er ""e. 1/1/74 aeti:vities: cIiwfeadtng 1; 6asket6alC 1,2; foaosse 1; fo0t6alCtnliner 2,3,4; 6oys' 6asket6alC tnliner 3,4; voffey6alC2,3,4;!JYllUUlS1ics 3,4; orcIiestm 1,2,3,4; cIioir 3; saM 3,4; wcnU! '!ffiliTs 4; d'e6ate 3,4. pp: refationsfiip w/ftmi£y, Goe£; my i.magUlation. remfor: my dtmpfts, 6eil1f1 a tnliner, ~vit1g an. ~m<:riron ffaqin front of my Iiouse.jitv mem: asp '90, '91; samnac '91; 6iRe fiilieto 0= cio/ '88-92; wiUlamslitay '89; jforUfa '90; amulpoTis '92; crose up '92; wash. lLc. wj6oys' 6asket6alC'91; nyc '91; ma:frnnan's pliysiis efuss; peec '87; 0= cio/ '87; sm isle '88; 6liJe wtgelS '88, '91; arm:y-lUtV)' fo0i6alC' 84-91 (go lUtV)'!); Sj'artan's cIiwfeadtng (in ~ofis) '84-88; reommg to diive stick in cIiarCeSton, S.c. w/ cvnthUt in dOn's mustang (w/o yermit); 11/17/89; 11/28-30/91; 1/1/88; pfa.yil1fl scIiooC spOltS, ~oafs in fife: to 6e 1Wppy, falC in rove, atU£ five fife to Jidfest' fav lJ1lOte: "cfim6 every lllOlUItai11. • :Ii£[ you. jUufyour <lTcain. •.' "the 6est dare is to ttLrthe tnttfil" -mtuforma. "dOn't go for seioruC best 6a6y• • !' -mtuforma. " •• •my precious cfi1lif; i never ftJt you dUring your time of ttiIlC wfiereyousee on§r onesetoffootprints, i was carrying you." - footprints inthesond'. message to: to the 1992Jo0t6alCteam-you guys Wi[ 6e awesome ne;<t year (atU£ dOn't get ~). i'[ miss y' an: ~2;



6riqn ~ "tnisfif' "~s" "ru5instcin" 327 w. ~ nL 2/6/7? aetiviti£s: ro;nmunity elL, cIiurcIi a4vis"'f staJ;- n>: swOlllS, litci:ves, cfogs, Jrietufs. rem tor. too """t.Y tlUngs: asw: cfo:ve perillO, d marra, JO~ ~. f"" menu J1llUOT prom 91; JUlllOT efuss trip; cIiurcIi retreats; friendS afe cfo:veperilTO, aC~er, gW!!!e mavru£is' julie "'9"'" d marm, ~nt!jo/in.limos. goals in Gfci to 6e ~ Iiistory t=Iier atU£ ~Jfi9fit instructor_ f"" quote: '~ arc jricnds forever, if ford.'s the for« of them. • ," -iicicIioeCw. smitfi, "filetufs". =ageto: 111'0/ the efuss of 1992 never die. in our memories, atU£ iftIie:y cfo, we'[ filUi< you cfown atU£ Iii[ you.


Da.wn E. Rosser

Brian Rubin.

de6m §rnn. nuli!y, "lfe6" '»ni' "6u66s" 284 west ~ve. 12/30/74 aeti:vities: s0ft5~ 1,2,3,4; cougarettes 2; stare 3; nuIi! 4,!'P: famiey, nternories ofpop pop, my cfotfies, myjrU;;rufs. rem fur: 6eing ~ ym, 6eing at elfs, afw'o/s 6uyU1g cfotfies. asw: marie, d:cmieUe, nu:JLmi£, can;;: Rell1, Raiii1, ficl[y. f~v mem: wlio's a&ruimater?"; = ' 9 0 ; times w/rrIef; dUneScrestw/jp, sw, mill; 60"""" snow diuu:e 90; summer '91; 6efore dimc<s; 9/14/91; cncisin; u.iL w /marie; diris' Iiouse 11/8/91; 90210; /W's gig; e-z elfs '91; lLc. alCnigfttl'any;tlianJis9ivfugvacationw/md& cany; times inmee's Cllli getti:ngpuffe4 overin1Ulrliertliw/rnm& <6; 6lack<featJi; lianging w/fiI, fili, J<1i 11/1/91; matt's ~part. w/mlC & dC; ridTey game at iUtve's; 7t1iperiolC= 6cl1i afw~s IiltVil1fI c.o.o.rs.h.; aCwars finding rortiEs; 11/15/91; when Uvin s~ to our sCiiooC fav quote: "you. cfown with o.p.p! - naugftty my 1llItIt1'e. "cant 1nISs ft.' - pu.6Gi enemy. 'you. arc the wint! 6eneatJi my wings," - 6ette mUffer. "miss efeitticI?' - acrounting, 8th. message to: mom & diu! -i Cove you. to alC of my friendS -tJiom: Jor everytliing atU£ Req in toueIi.


cfonnamariesamyan, "sam sam', "cfiip" "6? 60" "slams" 492 prospectnL 7/11/:4 aetiviti£s: vof!':Y6alCl,2, 3,eapt4~ 6asket6~ 1,2,3,4; s0ft6~l; S'I1UfmtOOUllCiil,2,3; sliicW6 4. PI" mopsey, car. remfor: pfa.yil1fl voffey6alL 6emg food; moo"y, weir!!, ~spaz, aCw~ys wciTliil1fl, atU£ <friving ""':Y' asw: Se, jli. 1"" Inn, IiJi, 1tI11, lip, '1;, te. f"" mem: times w/TtiI; reec; seav~er fumts; ntte w/nicofe; 8th!Jnufe diuu:e wise; ~IU:S; neigli6Or's Iiouse; mz lioiJse 90; 3/24/91; cfonfan's; girfs nigftt out; memoriaC ~ wee&.nt!'90; ralpli; scnior wea. '91, '92;frdgreen; alCyroms; spring 6reaR; littestmts; summer '91; fresJ\manyCllli times w/posse; alCtimes w /jiicndS. goafs in fife: go to roffige, get ~j06, liltVe ~jiiini£] atU£ mMe Cots of 1IUJ1U!}'. j"" ~ "wlUit i carry in my Iieart, &rings 115 clOser so far opart, oiICy Cove can mMe Gfi .." -peter g<t6rieL message to: 'yo miss cajft;y' "nWit, yo, wfiatd¥ yous'o/?"

Debra. L.


Donna. M. Samyan seniors


janitlzs""9'/lD, "~' "6ean" 462 co~ dT. Y27/74 ar:ttvtties: fief<! IW~ i; saft6atrl; ~ 2,3,~ 4; saM 1; pUT flU. 1,2; NHS 4; fit mag 1. pp: my jiunio/, jiWufs, car, talent. rem fcrr: 6""'9 a cI1eerteaaer, <framatic, p£ll'llllOi4 m parfis, afways iUmgty, a roao!, afways 6eil1g on top af stUItlS, afways dimdng orpaUtti:tl;l! asw: lTIi<Iiael; ttaey,)'atti, tIie guys atuf qUiS. fav mem:

reliliWnsliip w/ntiRe; 6/2/91; 10/27/91; m.g. me; stttrtmer'91; summer '89; refutionsliip w/trtlg atuf Ifiirdi-e; ttiiRs w/trtlg; atr talentslWws; my ~ 6tuL!ies; dalIOs; camp '90/91; fiayflelifs w/ trtlg; soutii517rel; getrin:JlOstatpeec; memcriaf weilie:ruf w/patti&s6;j1D1iorprom; es Iiouse;ftgfttingw/tlf.fi staprise &.:~jclWuse; trtlg atuf 1ier6tig; snow <fatt<i '90; 6a&yanfw/ntiRe; 60y Ii; ef6ow, ef6ow, wrist, wrist;tfiijOTWailfrolli lialIDWeen '91; stone fiar6or. goafm ~ 6e iiappy, to 6e Cove<!atufto fivemy fife to tfie jUIItst! frxv quote: "sometimts, atr i need: is tfie air tIiat i 6reatIie, atuf to Cove you." =age to: mrs. wilSon, tIianIis for

6efieviitg mme anil teadiing me to 6eGeve mmyself.


dAvid: e. srxvastio "dave" "~rxvas" "s9'PY/I 340 s. ro~ 1Oj3Y~4 ar:ttvtties: indOor tra<:k M;. SJl1ilu! tra<:k M; 60wfUtg 2,3,4; camputercfulj 2,3; sarnceo§nr1pUit!2,3. pp:Jamify,jrit;rufs'faWim GoiL remfcrr:faI1lng asleep m~fi, tfiepo;t:, my car. asw: Iievm schaifer, jason. ~ fav mem: going out w/my frieJufs; tfie dlesef spiIli sum:ntm w/my . ; meeting IUcidi, ~ scFwefer, atuf atr myjrit;rufs; getrin:J amustang atuf 1rying. to fi;< it; atrtfie times m 11II<R; senior 1st semester, spllTJ"illg w/ n9ll; my wlW/& senior y;ar. !lOafs in. Tife: to fiave a f<Uilio/ anil 6usin.ess af my own. frxv quote: "wfiat goes around; comes aioun4./I =age to atr my jrie!tds: tIianIis guys, tfie memories fillve 6een great.

Janifle. Sangiffo

DctvUf E. SctvasUo

11ticfiae! eiwan! sCanfon. Urnes" umid1e." ((td' ((warren" ((chip" 346 wayne ave. 9j2Al74a.ctivities: sde:n.ce o~ 1,2)3}4i worfif affairs cfuIj 2,3,pres 4; 6ase6atr 3,4; sRi cfuIj 1,2,3,4. pp: famiJ?!, ftiendS, foert6aJt canf;. rem fcrr: my .!]Casses, gap lies, top 6utton. 6eil1g Co11<eiteIi asw: squid; jotm, steVe, vicIii; "!lUI1TTI'.)', S1UtIie, ice. fav mem: pliysics iuuC ap dterrtistry eWsses; mrs. 61ackman; ntT. zumpano; tfie year 1991; wlf.fI& 6atr at 3:00 am; Iii;<; 63rd: atuf pfeasure; eftris' 6e<!; tfie lime; chriS atuf C01ll"tno/ everywliere; m.6. 6asfiing; orange mffy; sRi trips; "fiey 6i1r'; tfie lUUll6er 83; Jestir; tfie diun.Wt pofisli genius-ep; my gap fiat; fiat rOlf; tfie vi1Llge pordi; 1991 jv 6ase6iin; IWgtJlis lielUes; 1ItOS1i pits; p.<feo~ J'1U.'TlUIlt. goafs m fife: to 6e tfie 6est - - yuppietfu:re ever was. fav quote: "i'myOUT omy Jriauf i'mnotyOUT ono/ jriend but i'm a fittfe fJlOWmgJriemf butrealry i'm not act:lItJIry yOUT Jriemf but i atrt!' - tIiey miglit 6e giants. =age to; "i saUl: i see no cfoutfs aIieaIi' - 652'5


Midiae! E. ScanCon.

Joseph Scefsct

josepliscelSa "seftzer" "seft:u!' "fillwr' "clii&enliawr' 714r1WadS dT. 2/11/74 a.ctivities: soa:er 1,2,3,4; faaosse 1,2,3,4; st4re 3,4; saM 4; pp: f~, jrit;rufs, elfs: tapes, ~, computer, m.a.6.6;'- re:n.for: 6eil1g a staffion, saying "y~ guyl/,.peop/&s~ "9' n.ame wrong. asw: riifi, staeger, smitli, 11lOlI1tUI!J' reufs, cp, ton, 0 Ii jrieJidS, every~O<f . frxv mem: tfii ttmes with. au: my jriend5, fami9r, women, concerts; wlW '89; joef'89; coffins '90; yes 4/16/91 & 7/13/91, IU. d"ci vii; sopli!;parties; tfiesfiore; going to pJii[y witliricli; 6&fw/smitii mufricli; Iian!Jin!I witlirlcli; rahor d"ayweekenif at 5; stneger's 6 ' . nuuuting's car, 6arwars w/cp; staeas atuf nuif.fitrout's cfoss; nuif.fi "e;=se meyoudi-oppe<!YOUT•• •"; sayings W/smitIi; eufe oymes; soa:ergames; til;<w/j6 atic! crew;71efi!JJj Met {{mr. sceCw", ufiCy", senior week '92; eagres ga:rrteS} p~ ({ritm6Gn, 6um5fin, Stu:m.6Gn:". 90~ in fife: to fiVe. my fife to tfie iilf{est, for me atuf ttl, js, ts, 6g, ~ to an: nm trout tfirougJi tfie ta6/& saw. frxv quote: "i can.Jeef it coming m tfie air tonight, 0 COn( atuf i've 6een w~ fortliis moment for atr for my fjfe, 0 rom; can. youJeef it comirIg m tfie airtoltiglit." - pM coUliis. "lirxve a goO(( weekend; <font get caught, dOn't use my name.' - george trout. message to my Jamio/ atuf jrieJUfs wlW were afwaystfu:reforme; tIianIis. to my nepliew, tliatliegrows up to 6e Ilke fiiS UllCfe joe. tfie 6estisyetto come. totfiecfoss af'92:tfiese were tfie 6est af times; message to eWss: a.

mattJiew sdieer "scfieemtacfuess" "s~" 480 maplewolld:rIi 7/3/74pp: me, myself mufi. remfor: tfie "cfieatslieet" on my Iimuf - atufgot 6ustetf. asw: eftris price atufjoe seelSa. frxv mem: going to repro reconfs ana: wttldiing WrestMg witIi cfiris Price atuf gang on weeRerufs. goafs m ~ to .'JT'l'fuate. frxv quote: "yeali! yeali! p. yretty neat, yretty neat, yretty gooel; yretty gooli" jim morisson. =age: yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! - i'm 011tI4 here!

tra<y sclieflU'!Jer "=" 126 aftIiea &1.1/5/74 aetivities'jv cheerfeadlltg 1'Cllf!'2; slis 1,3,4; sadif3,4; asee 1,3,4,; a:mc3,4,; nIis 4. pp:famil:y, jrit;rufs, mem., refationsfii!> w/ife6 &ji/L remfcrr: 6eil1g guffilil&, j1mny. asw: efe6, jonme. frxv mem: amc; tfie frog; tcin 11 times mww; times w/efe6; 6efiituftli£.roc.E;refationsliip w/janine; 7tJiperioif commons; 6tJiperiod: al9e6m;j~s Iiouse; jrprom; sopli Iiop; snow diwes, dio/s; star 104.5; 1afks wLi! "Y 1rip; wasli trip; 51 party; 51 prom; 51 we&. goalS m lite: to lead: a iiappy atuf su=ssjUfl'ife. frxv quote: "change is tfie Iitw 'if Ilfe, muftJiose wlW l"ooi< onf)' to tIie pastortfie present are certainto miss tfieJutme." - jfi< message: rn,d;+j' tIianIis for yOUT Cove imir sapport. cfoss af' 92 tftmiJis for tfie mem. de6: "if" fiave 1 trueJriauf" fuive more tJiaiiyOUTslUlre."

Mattfiew Scfieer

Tracy Sefie[[ittger

jeniferrnari£Lscliiavo 'Jen" 'Jerry" "moe!' "aisco""scliirxvi" 42westrxve.l/19/74pp:memories of my aunt, mOln, jJTll11<finort, gofit. remfcrr:yo "myers", yo _ it's Ilkeyo! asw:mrn,jp, 55, tIi, Iifi, de. frxvmem: getrin:JlOstm6j. panf;poritfire'87; 601U1er soplis '89; nti;<ers '88/89; spinners '89/90; jfat1ire 7/91; lWlIOween. '89 w/tIi; "Iiliry's" car, eas1t;T '89; f6i w'd:c 6/89; rxval"on. 5/90;wi1i!wood:'91 room 305; dart at nino's 8/91; jason?s aunt's 8/91; soutiistteet fiiliord"ay '91; "dlscowtt" crew '90/91; putt puf± w/ss; gillinore crew '88/89; "cruism" w/jen 8/91; u<f crew 89-91. goafs m ~ to 6e Iiappy atufsu=ssjUL: fav quote: "keep on "tOlIm" - souCto souL "maRin.iiappy" - c watm. message: i "Cove" you mOln, atuf!J1lll"Cmom. megon myers thanRS for afways 6eil1g tIiere.

faurie fouisescfifoS1lU1n. "51051<' "slUsl<' "tauT' "carrot-fiea4s.Amey" 470 colOniaCy~ ~e. 5/6/74 ar:ttvtties: telUlis 1,2,3, capt 4; til;< 1; anmesty 3,4; nIis 4; st4re3,4; efe6ate4; worfif '!ffoi':< 3,4; Iiopc4; l'l".familY, jrienlfs, my turtfes, sum:ntm attfieslioie. remfcrr: p~tenrtis &POO~ my 1Us1ies, afways c/iewin.q~gurn, notgetrin:J <fiit;jrjoiies, 6eing "dOWli.to eanJi". asw: april; tern, tell; sue, emify, pri. frxv mem: gnrm<ets nuoy por,pin.s; OUT (lUi fill) ;<-mas parties; slWpping w/tzrry, tell; april; sue (fiey, wait ";I'!); #1 6io rah group (y.outorqUe!); ~ ~ w/y;ood:y & jase; lliftys; trtp,;; jtllUOT~';,fia!lOwwt '~1;,:'~ ~e"! 9!28/9~; summers Wfr::rmg; 606'5; Unmts 16t1i; fmirie lias a. •• <felil.yeif 12/21 90; Cet;s 6ounce; Iii 1Lwrie, tIiis 15 sited; 7/4/91; "come on now, terr"; gym.w/pri; tfie fif; I&CdOes (a.; "OUT COlICI<'; os' . fon; "rain.6ow"; amwyin!J woman; and: an: thegreattimesw/aptiJ; tern, sue, teny &marie. goafs ml'ife:to 6earicli6eac1i&u:rn, to fiavea fittfemffietuf ml0)'lS. fav quote: "l"oiieGness is agooa: tIiing to sfiare Wit/i someone" - coiu:lifrom "cfle.ers". message to diu!: "tfian.Es for atr tfie rid:cS to scIWol". to dOc: ucmpe'cfie:n1.!1t .

=n.r ;

Jen.ifer M. Scfiia.vo 158


Laurie L. Sclifosman.

jasonl'atri&sfierlOcIi, "twinKu" "cfijf cUwen" 'Jase" "£OcR:' 1060 westwood: drive. 3/2/74 <ldiviI:ies: 6ase6a££1,2,3,4; stutfent cowu:tr 3, vp 4; sad:cl: vp 3, sec 4; water 6af£o01tin9 2,3,6ustetC 4; 6asliet6a££ 1,2?; p<rerjad,4; till&. 4; slis 3,4; nhs4; scott fii,.q 3,4; ss 3,4. pp: f<llTli§r, #17, tropliits, 66 amfs, 6ot, fiana-eye coonfination. rem for: 6ei1t9 tfie &iggest 6ase6a££fon ever, 1tUllJ'1t: rape wfiistfe. asw: Oz,fin, jm, "'9J nul; dm, m6, in, dO; Tii, i6, to, eli, on<f ""Jane erse i ntissea. ja.V mem: cfieen; i & iii mat! 60m6i.ti9J: 11/17/89; staff<ds paw)'; carwaJ> '90, stmtIi iiaven 66 game; plitvitul attfie vet "" '91; snow d:atu:e '90; 66 85-92; 26-0; winning tIii '91; sJwoCdimces; frosli 66; trip to mciidOwrmulS; 86 afcs.; 4/19/91; in:;a; 90; 1'1iiffies 80; seniorwee& '92; trips w/zopp; IfiF w/rrwrt; getting Cost in i11iw/%<1J?1" romy v, tfie rom goafs in fife: to p~ professionaC 6ase6alL fav quote: "we lUivetwo fives-tfie fifewe feIlrnwitfton<ftfie~we Il.ve <ifter-tfult.Sl9fe:ring fnUtgS1lStowari! finpiriness." - 6ernati!maiilllUtl!. "lie (lfutton) jalik<f!me a taco." - tllWl1. messageu,: mom & diu( tfiaii£you for everytliing. i CoVe you! & 1tlQI1;-is tIiis rea£? message to class; s.


Kristen Sfiapamky


jason P. Sfierfock


emiLy jeon~futfl; "et;lO!Je:: "sMr' 624 ~.n!. 12/30/74l1<ti~:y,emOOo~,e<£itor,~spaper, diorus; ntis; sRi didi; slis; store; fit mag. pp:,tamify; friendS· rem for: taking j1lClla'eS, styiufoam, lW youre not! asw: C2: "" om, &n, tm;>:2, IS. fav mem: tmf« 1/19/90; ociid 89 notIih1g is coon; fr<slimon CI1oms; ep W/mmie on<f wry; am '90; in:;a; '91; so"",," d:atu:e '90; junior prom; girlS'lligftts out; i Cove gym posse; 9/6/90 - <foonnat<1un/i1un.Vnvafue; ~01irUf; 6eing w/ml, 6fcann;wliooooaw intfie 6t11U£.o:i<fe mo6ife w/ctprili 601Utci:ng aWund:syiinsfiefdJ sJiawnee w/fimro, lljl1il, 6essie; rUffex game '89, 91; golfpictures w/ faum; fuUfowem '91; senioryear. fav CJ:tWle' "dTeaiit ojsigftts, oj sfeigliiUfes amfseasonsJ wfimJecilngs not reasons am nume you<fecid'e." - tfie figfitening swfs.

Marie D.


EmiCy j. sfw[[

!irian <!. simpson, "simps" "6ud." "afbino" 531 evans n!. 2/16/74l1<tivities: 6ase6af[1,2,3,4; stutfentcounci£3, officer4; ntis 3,4; sRi didi 1,2,3,4. pp: my car, famify, friendS. rem for: 6~ smmt, 1:lIming red; cmsfUng. asw: 11r, js, j6, ge, fc, bS, mg. few me:m: 1/15/91; 7/4/90; spring6reiilt '90; paddi fuUfge Tcigfit; Ii;s 11lO1lI; times w/Ilso, nirole; sliore '90 '91; rocUttes at ridS; going to etm.a w/srrJjj;v; wafsfi; 10m-in; 6y-pass; liawl<s; tin cons at tfie 1ia:Y.:fieC4, sfammers '91; going to matS. few quote: "p~oma j~ jetnf' - lip. f'i'm ~ to fly, &ut i don't iiave wings." - tom petty.

6a££ymore n!. 11/12/73 activities: ~ 1,2,3, capt 4; pp: ~ s1icIi, j~ rem for: r,fayUtg ~, afways eating, afways witft net. asw: <fod; j6, jG ss, !Je, 11r, 6s, 6s, Fife, jt Jav me:m: wafsfi; tre5seJ; tfie moon; lioIIOWem 91; every new ye=; SlWW donee; junWrprom; 6rUfge Tcigftts w/p...op; tfie ciTcI2; rilfs; IiaY.f1eUIi fia.!'P,Y cfo.u; eating on<f pfaying genesis atJasem Brennan's; pod. meetUtg; 6ud.weiser cups; 9/12/91; ]10; ~ seasons; weeJWUr at 6emie s; od's Iiouse; amoesfiuuf; pepper, 11.c.; of '91; tfie ~muge; ridk:y fo0t6a££ games; tAesfiOre; tfie diutk. goafs in Ilfe: Ihmgijump, liang glUfe, sky aive, own my own ~ store. fav quote: :youoaiy live ona. &utifyou Il.ve it riglit, cmce is e!lDU9h." message: good: w cougar ~ mtfieye= to come(#43).

tom sfate, 269


Bria.n D. Simpson


jeffre.y sliawn sfOstad; "sfas" "stpelSfOs" "N1" "g«ifro&t' 238 fewis n!. 10/7/73 activities: fo0t6a££ 1,2,3; ~ 1,2,3; stare 3; siUfif 3. pp: 6-mo6ife, yd.'m, cfass t-sfiirts, jTwfom. remJor: ttnder-aclUeve:r, getting caugfit. asw: jl<; eli, dinjr, mgd;jj, ms, in, Oz, 6g, nun, jm. J = 3TiC jlOor, siLver6u!ret; <foOlS; -gme; on<fs1iore'90; tIie mann; fo0t6<ia: '89; senior week '92; fOn,Y.Pops 6stop; a&unittum provid£:!s; 12/31/90-1/1/91; ifi:rmer didi; times wJ.fT;endS; Mar, e-z ed's; times in 6-mo6ife; camerons fWuse; toga; springtime; camping w/ifrwe; saying "i 1ISed: to 6e gifted"; uprights; tfie IUmt. goafs in fife: to own a restourant on<f 6ar emtfie 6ay w/my water slUfeparble;n<foor.ja.V quote: "troulifi ciIieod. ana: tioulife 6efimd; on<fyou IOiow tfiatnotiOTt crossed: my mimL" g<!. "Tlie ofd: get ofd:/ tIie y~ get stronger/ 7IUlJ toke a weeki on<f it 7IUlJ toke lOnger/ tfiey've gottfie guns/ &utwe've got tfie numlielS/ gcmnawin/ yecii'weretoking over!" message to: Mr. YOUl1!J "GoteIio!" message to c1'aSs: s.


wilfio:m t. s111inkey, "spinOs" "sminR." 301 6utfer n!. 12/28/73 lI<tivities: fo0t6a££ 1,2,3,4; facrosse 1,2,3,4. pp: friendS, famify, car•••not. rem for:J0tang .reopfe w/co&ra, 6ei1t9 6a&. in two on<f two! asw: jli, 11r, j6, ss, my, jm, d'd; ge, jG nun, ts, nn, je, 6s, js. jacqut;. scien<e ~emnent' w/rkrve; gewn'.cougfit in tfie gmuge:, wafs Ish; 6rid!l~ Tcigfit w/pops; 9i!Jn at rilfs; futntmer's 0' as etc; tri1' to tfie sliore; l' . genesis every day ciftei- sclioo," everytime kev (we£( afmost everytime); pa<ft{ meeting. goafs in life: liang glUIe. off tfie moon. quote: "snow-in july•• •" - cIiitf gemJUUlW.

few me:m:' times w

jeffrey s. Swstae!

WifCiam T. sminkey seniors


jeffro/ nticliaeismitli, "s~" "smWister" "weaseL" 256 pancoast""e. 9/23/74 aetWities: soccer 1,2,3cnpt4; 6aseEalU,2,3,4; 6asRd:6aLr 1,2,3,4; peerJae 1, 2, 3, 4; st:udimt COUlICiC 4. pp: 6aseEaLr carris, cd?5, famUv, friendS, gg6r. remfor: plityinq 3 sports, eatU1g diocol'ate junWrs. asw: tUf; simps, numning, scefs",-littnuner, 6ig m, sminks. fa;, mem: li+lw/ joe 5; Vlllt iiareit; times at rid:patfi:s; zig'JY maTfq; 6aseEaLrdiompionsliips;junWrprom '91; 9/9/91; spring 6reak '91 w/sUn£s; spf!ere ftcist;jfattire; poo[mt; jv 6aseEaU; jresfimai year; cIIem; pGines m commons; graff5; soccer tournaments; aa:ventllres w/1IUI:I1lling; Sell isfe '90 w/ti:m; dU:eman; sniith's gym; rooliie <f<:y; 1'OcRcttes atMs; cIiiluitoWn; dJp. fav ~ "jfwliatyot£dUCyeStmfav stuHooRs liigto you, yot£ fiaven'td"one muclitoM;y." "6eatyour 6estwlien your 6estis neeilelL'" tJUs is 'tIieiimeto remitnlier, tl1esearetliedilysto noli[ on to." - 6ilIy joeL message to: mom + dad, tfionkS f"" everything yOltve dOne fcrr me. i rove you!

jennifer meglllt s11!iW, 'jenny" 436 nortnaoft rd: 8/20/91 pp: famUy, jrie!ufs, refatimtsliip w/cfrris an<! caknd'er 600R. remfor: 6eing lOud; ina.Wlq people faiJBli. & crentivity. asw: sue, f!eatha, jell, janette, sherrie, tammy, cfrris. fav mem: fumqinq mud: w/SuE; mW;rs; tIie golf; fUiw ya cfoin'?; my me parties;:JforUfa: '91 ii/SuE; tj6/f/f; srww <Uu1ce '90; diilt ditys; san<!Wieft w/jen;jett<e2 rufe; sfiore wfjen '90; p - ","0 mU!smitIi-o; dO )'ot£ 6e<Uf?; aLr tlte 14 yn; w/Iieatli; '87 w/MatI1; 60at w/sfier, eeefiIi/i. fiq; sfiore an<! 59 w/tam; _a!; gnr-6ustelf; my 17tJi 6-My 6asli; times w/cfrris; 7/22~91; 8/24/91; go gettum jenny smitli!; sfur, sfiore w/oJ; saw':; nette an<! nemty; sfiore w/TIZttR. '911 fa:v guote: "tIie most 6eauti tJinl9s mtlie worl4 are not seen ortou<fied; tIiey arefeltwitli.tIie Iieart." messageto: mom & dad, tIiailIis jOrafw'o/s 6eingt/iae; eyou! to my friendS: roveyot£an<!will:never



Jeffrey M. Smitli

Je1U1ifer M. Smitfi

d:e6ra """ spaa:arelfi, "lfeJj" "lfeJj6i" "scu:mi" "sfac.W" "6elllt" 127 lOcust ""e. 9/11/74 activities: peer fac 3,4; JieIif nocRe:v 2,3 capt 4; faeiOsse 1,2,3,4; f00t6aLr tminer 4. pp: fa:nilj, eat, refatimtsliil> w/srott, "roCR;y". rem for: iiCw'o/s 6eing ~ alw'o/s 6eing 1Utppy, afw~ 6eing tan. asw: srott, sue, ~ jtlOJ.Ui, jilt lllty~od:y. fav mem: marc/i. 3, 1991 <iluf eve:ryM;y after; times w/srot1:; s"1'li Iiop 91; Jr. prom '91; times w/sue atoc:; mimoiiaC M;y '91; times an<! tafks w/Iieffie; times w/jilratfootbaLr.9;unes; tafks wiJen p; times at OG an<! em wfsrot1:; times an<! tafks w/ j . goafs m fife: to five <l fonq 1Utppy, su=Ssfi,!; wealtJiy ~ f"" quote: 'dO unto otJiels as yot£Wllltt dOne to y=eff." "ourmemories Ofyestenl'<ty will: fust<lllJetime, w.:[taketlie 6est, fcnYettlie rest, an<! s011led"oy we will:fbu£ tliese are tIie 6est ojtimes." message: mom an<! dad, tIillltR.s for everytliing, i roveyOlL srott, tIianIis for~ tJUs y=tIie 6est, i rove yao

tiiomas staeger, "tom?' "staegs" "6anld' 136 sny<fer fane. 7/3/73 aetWities: wrestfing 1,2,3 capt 4; soccer 1,2,3,4; st:udimt COUlICiC 1,2,3,4; class officer 3,4; Glioir 1,2,3,4;1"1' group 4; itfiS 4; tutor 4; sadif 1,3,4; slis 1,3,4. pp: f<l1l1iCy, friendS, times w/ alls"", tIie 6east, wrestCinq snoes, S<11l11l1Y, fo0 nose list. remfor: wrestfing, suckin<r weight, 6onfires, sis & 606. asw: tIie ~­ pru:li, 6east, mog'" wfin[ clUb, tIie posse. f"" mem: tafks w/aC faiiT, trout, ~, an, anljoe; TUSSiIt '91; senior proms; junior prom; s"1'li Iiops; u2 + 6ilIy joe[ concerts; 6onjlil:s; waCRs w/allson; 6llT Wll1S; wfinli cfleers; EfiWs; sfu9in9 w/faui; ntelttll'5 nuuDiouse 917/91; compfaini:t'!J w/Iiatfi; Gll1tIpi:ng out; taco 6e1li tafks w/afe;t:; wrestfing w/ed"; . w/cIiM + Rev; snea.W!g outw/lIfe;>:; ~ w~ _weel<end; dUmiiies parties; wrestIlng meets; missions w/swtt:y; . , onSGOtt wlcliaif; lOadlilg w/Uiu:r an<! moge; s1066in. w/ryrm; pliysics, sttulj !J1UllP. goafs m life: to 6e fiRe trout. f"" quote: "yot£ Glllt pick your jrierufs, yot£ Glllt pick your nose, 6ut yot£ can't pick yourjrierurs nose." message: scfiumer, nta1li:!ii&S, an<!slUts, oli my! message to class: 0.

De6m A. Spaccareffi.


joseplic. ~Gtuw, "stags" stagmeister" 'JOlUiY" "stalJano" 617f0sterdiive.l0/19/73 activities: 6asRtth. aLr3,4~!p: car, 6aseEaLr canlS. jar: mellOwness. f"" tIie endTess It'slit; lia£!Oween; tIie greatJieIif trip; tIiegreat sombrero. goafs in ~ 6e 5UGGe5Sfu£ an<! m.aRe <l1Ot of money. fav quote: "tIiat's terri6le, tliat's fiorri.6re". message: "yOlt,., eviL" - aLrJrietiifs. message to class: f.



mattIiew r. stlllJier, "matt" "lTUlUy" 331 "J'lUfmoorrd: 5/28/74 pp: 6us1i fiat, wi>utibtJie..poon. remfor: 6eing sliort, ~er, actOr. asw: jj, 6i1l; zapp, elf, 5105, jk, eli, 6.'1! 15, rc, ttl, fill, 1llt!, te. faV mem: times w /ii & 5105; 1lfrl9Iits; 3nfflOor; ftrlJ&; ~; ritCCey '89; 6ilIy joel! Steafbtg signs; times w/~ & tina; liappiness in <l tin Glllt; grW::iy; to~'; partying wjqrnntCma; 111111; sfiore '90; po~ w'o/sUfe. motor imt; ridPatfi:s '90; '5uzzing" my tongue; meg's; 5 w/s; 606'5 . 6oy; "gineri£'; "greas':'; jr prom; tIie 11UIlIn; pmoclik; d:innerefu6; d1im.n.'; efiarGe 6rown; vli;psydioticgeniia£ia; camping; Rs; 5 18/92. goafs mfife: wmlllt oscar ortony ClWani fav quote: "•. ·nifltctions m tIie w""es spam '".1' memories, some 1UippJ, some sad"; i t!iinI< of dtirdliootC friendS an<! tIie di-eams we /1atC." - 59';t. message to 6i!li slie IW:s me 6etter! message to efaSS: 1.


Joseph c. Stagfiano

Ma:ttftew R. stafRer

pauL" m. stev~, "paul?' 'J~~" "stevens" 504foster d"ri.ve. 8/15174 ~: golf M! cefe6ration <1 tIie arts 1,2,M; notionaf arts Iionor s0ctdy 4. pp: JamiI:Y' gwen, van, tapes, 1Uuufs. rem for: sfiort IUtir, ge<l1Yetowr1. JacRet. asw: wnoever'5 aroutuC.. f"" mem: s=of'91;wlienimetgwen; goingtotlieartroomtfu-eeiimes <lM;y; ~oftliearts; senior art class; 6tJi, 7tJi, 8tJiperiod: commons; Cea:ving in <l IiurrY to see swen; Jieliftrips; weelietufs w/ gwen; government class. goafs m life: to pwslle lllt art career. message to: ltUS. wilSon, tIiank yot£Jor your IieIp itru! guidiutce. yot£ are tIie 6est. mom an<! d"iuC, i rove you.


Not Available system, 60at. remfor: parties 1990, s;J::stem. asw: p<taC diris, 6ritm, frank. fav mem: ca; pSi pdif; f!/i sli; oJ; ~; nuf; ad"; pJ; cz; dr. d; md: '91; sw '90; sw '91; summer 89; ac e;tpre5swlo/; ~ '88; parties '90;re<1roc:; GS; 60al:; state polke; mi<lTIli; StUt dlelio; psfc:; TIlT. tis; 6t1l1Tam; passyunR; 68tJist; Eat's; sti; 1iIfu; fisliUtg 89; dOns 1lUt '90t soutli pliillj 6iOimfs; vino; kr, j~ j~ mIi; jl1.. goafs m life; 6e tIie 6est i Glllt possWo/ 6e. J"" quote: umUu! over matter/' - icet. message: aont give up!

vince stiscia, "600mer" 27 oCd: state rd: 4/2/73 activities: f00t6aLr 1,2,3,4.l'P: car,

PauC M. Stevens 160


Vince Stiscia.

6rernUm. stitefer, "pees" "6reeuwu{an" "senor ~ee" 9311101t/i a:ve. 4/20/74 activities: Uu:rosse; s~ dU6; weiyfttflfting. pp: pees. asw: j/i, js, p6, eli, eli, etc. fa:v mem: mamt nwsic ce:nta, senior week '91; ~ee cord: ~ costa rica, me;cico; sKtrips; diiviltg witft j9f. 900fs in OJe: to 6e Iioppy. fa:v q= "don't wony 6e Iioppyo" "no time to Iiate.'

"<!osli;; "<!oslii" "s~: "nuufliawaiian" ' JfiPF!'t: <!oslinuut" 81s.lirittonTtl:; 9/16/7~~: so= 1,2,3,4; s~ dU6 2,3,pres 4. pp: iamify, pets, sliiis, 1lU>tOl"o/ete. rem fori~ my 1lU>tOl"o/cIi:, IOns hair. asw: tmI, scott, Jeff. fav mem: cape nu;r-; nuufialC wtter, the strip; rope ~ trip to ocean 00/; 90Uts skii.nq; cape ""0/. w/ 1m, sw, dS. 900fs in'life: to live a Iioppy l!fe' 9et a yamalia v-=fa:v q= 'i foiau! a simpfe!ijt:, ain't so simple" ~ van haten.

tod'asliic.~ "tad"


Brendan sti:tefer

Tadaslii C. Strctl:on

stev:nstoplia, "steve!' "stu6s" ~15 ramlifUts W";Y. Y3/74 ~vities: Uu:rosse 1,2,3,4. pp: ~ stick, 11'0/ ~ my dO!( - nicIiy, TTIUSIC (af s), 11'0/ fiat. rem for. 6""'9 "":Y' pro~, di"essm prqrpy, fiavms zero $ aM zero cents. asw: J6, ;Ie, fc, J.' mm, 1m, dOd; Rr, ts, 6s, Ik fa:v mem:famify; ~seaso" '91; W;s aMs. _trips w/fci TIl\. • o"yaJitliinRl"; wofslitiru! f!aY.jieW;tJie circle; li:wwt '91; Cab niBftts wfj&; j' dOc!; ftappy d'au; tftatstupic! ro6ot; jammin atjfs; slWritrip w/6s; efiem etass '91 ... 'colitm6icm 1ioO!Jies; jliis; van i\afen; Iiour 6aeL • . .!Iet ttl; parties atMS; dOdS; 6rid9er1i:!1!t; afways 60lTlJWinB $; neverp~ $ 6ac1i; afways ettI1:'!J° away wjtJ'cinss; IUutgins out w/every60c!y; jTprom; terrific times w/Ih:. 900fs in life: live a~, =SfuI, am( fieatliIy °te. ja:v q= 'wliatoncewas is no 11tOT<, aM neverwi£[6e tJie same." - tommy C011-weIL "if you dOntstartdiinkin.',(i ""'S01UUl e)." - 9WJEe tfJro90oc!. mesSOSe: no !fTI'9< first you Iieoc! faRe Ilrw, tfim slioot fiisli tIfl'er comer 6e1iirn! your 6adi. 9001k wi£[ never see. it!



'je,," 718 w. sprinqfie{c!rc!. 9/28/73 aeti:vities: lit 11109 3,4; nJis 4; s~ dU6 3,4; amnesty 3. space, my 6rotfter (Iie!s priccless), my TlltISI;Y our6001is. rem for. 11'0/ gregarious rease 011- OJe. my egotistico1; c!ominwins. dewy 6rown o/es, 11'0/ !J11'CefuL ';)'e6rows, aM my tfmrnatk panadie. fav mem: vanessa redgmve 011- &roadway; .swinurtins in su6-zero WJ'011linB TeSeTVoi1s; w<ltcttU1B vafentino movies at 2 in tJie 11WTllUts; dOve 6any's visit to tJie 6onfer's 6001is1iop. !l0ofs in OJe: co!re<tmg seasficllS aM cliIms off tJie coast of Maine. fav quote: "tfanm tJie tenpedOes, jU!f steam afwuf!" - ad:miiiIC j~


Steven Stupka.

Jetutifer Summeifiefd

aanm taffim, "9eeJie!' "om" "S7ll19lWus" "lime" 29 myrtle a:ve. 10/4/73 aeti:vities: temtis 1,2,3,4; anmesty 3,4. pp: fiat. !JTWI. t:urtfenecIi. rem for. !JTWI. turtJenedi, o/e tJ'cins. asw: 9wgrapfiiro!friendS, jessiro, dOve. fa:v mem: WlOtOs; Iio. w/cms, limy, dOve, aMtJie liea:vv J:s; 9/7/91;temtis; steafm:J frwir(s carw!jes; fairman's w/iIwm; seniorweek '91; tJie mamt w/rnorIt; st:inB sliatins w/ olmu:o; tafIiin:J cliinese w/Da:ve; 6reoJi:U1s into sw<iitlimore colTege w!i:s, dit, aM c!k; listenms to carmen.'s stories; 6ioCab; ropeswins. 900fs in OJe:to fio:ve;looc!hair. fa:v quote: "i'veBiven up 11'0/ semm tJietrutiito fUu!mys~ a $ooc!fontasy." - dOc!. "a tnlfy wise man never plays 1ea[>jT09 witft a unicom." =ase to al[ tJie trou6 peopfe in. tJie worfi!: ' dOn t wony everytJ'cins wi£[ tum out air riBlit in the inc!." messase to etass: 9.


liirn6er!y anne testa, "Iiini' "liimso/" "sfiR:' "MdS" "~m60" "miss kim1l'o/" "colOr me 6ac!d" 100 netIielwooc! !fr. 8/8/74 aeti:vities: ~ 1,2; dOnee line eapt.2,3,4; tafen±sliow 1,2,3,4; w. track 3A; s. traek 3,4; so= 4; nJis 4; Iiope 4; peer fac 3A; nU! 4; pp: !JTwt fuzzy 61imket, Ilttfe mennoi£( tape. rem for. 6ein9 Gke sip1tuiuf; 6iits1iins my tutIi 2 mueIi, optimism. asw: SUS"" aM 6U66a. fa:v mem: fro. '90-imo!Jinatio!t; "1Ote:ria"; shefr!on. rinsfe 6tmip1ire:r; stripe<! sow; tJie fro; wn-o aiU! out pram dOS; 6akery w/ dUi5 aM jess (troe, 1i1ifd; ts'91); niferra! 11/8/90; diem w/meJi WClL aMsopli '91 w/DllTIi; fuzzy e=; 69"'" tee!; !JTWI. fros; ST art; irreplacealife times witft tJie 6iir !Jlo/; study w/tom; seopins w j6u66a; TtiBIit i lOst my sonWrero earrUts; pizza 11UI1t w/sue. korirl aM!oma; ~ dOve Iri99Ybaclis; limy + fiiS presents. 90ars in Ilfe: to dO everytfiing aM makeveryone fiaPpy. jitv quote: "C011-CeTtf'(OTwas it "9 '?) - mr. c. "pfease put fitter in its place" - T01iafc!. messase: i lOve you lt11U1e5ty 4; tIiea 3,4; tIiea cost 4o





aiUrjitmkie! susan aM 6U66a- yOU: [ alWays 6e clOsest to my fieart.

Aa.ron Taffon

Kim6erCy A. Testa.

cIQyt<m tIiomas, "ice" "pepe!' "6ircf' "ace!' 102 s. roll:ms rc!. 11/28/73 activities: so= 1,2;tmnis 1,2,3,4; foreig1L fansuose dU6 2; saM 4. asw: mi>mesotatwills fiat. fa:v mem: senior week '91 w/9oose, jim, cap, aM dUff; vafentine's c!onci '90; summer of'90 in ocean 00/, meL; tennis at swartlimore colTege; Iiarulin' witft 606, joe, aM dOn; mr. werf<o/'s ~e6ro ii etass; aM Ii:mi fav q= "wliat a IOns strnrIge trip it's 6"",,' - 9""'Juf c!ealL

tfm nIiu t:ran, 110 on:iUm£ nL 10/27/71

Cra.yton Thomas

TfW. NfW. Tra.n seniors


midiae£ ~ "Uo/IOr" 206 wayne <tV.. 11}23}72 activities: tennis lA,; v.i.e.a. pp: frien4, ftmUfJ'. asw: Wie ewald; jen janusziewia, 6r, ap. goafs in fiie: to 6e su=s~ f<tV quote: "if tIie sun refuself to sliinii i woulif sii[( 6e lOvi!1g you." messCl!Je to: tftanis mom jm- putting up wiiIi. me.

fmmt lOuise trofa.1u(, "fore(' ''jawia'' "ra,.ra" 201 fiemfDc:k Cane. 10/26/74 activities: tIieatTe 2,3, officer 4; wn- track 4: jleftf fiockey 1; fiope4; yea:r6ook4; spring track 4. pp: fmnUy, jri=fs, pU:tw"es, memories, tJiampa. reniJor: liwgfiing aruC'ltl!IUn9 too

mucn, wfiot 6ilrs. sals. asw: d"eiifre, fimtg, mesan, tina, mg, mm, cr, etc. fav mem: tlmes ins'.£; 4/6/91; 6 61m6os w/<fcir & tina;

upstair.; roomatmes s w/tlie gafs; UttrepU!'91; <£riving tftrOugli.li.<tVertown roo~farm&j; tafks w!jofinj; tlmes w;C:s t's &"s; 10/26/90; aressing up w/mdis; JrUfoy's w/jeff; 10/19/91; jr '91; fimtg' s cafcufutor messCl!Jes; 9/14/91; verificnlion life w/tina, jrietufs 'tiCtIie end'; sopli.week '90; ltt07tfy's yoM; 12/22/90; sCeepovas; "wfio's mikey?"; su.m:mer '91; rocky v. f<tV quote: "I li.ave no ned farJrietufsIiip, jri=fsliip causes pam." - (erm), pauf & I11t. messCl!J< to 6if[s. never! messCl!Je to cross: 9.


MidiaeC Traynor

Laura. L. TroGuuf

aliiftiro ukawa, ",w:' 179 reese nf. 3-28-29 iIie6utiuro, tosliima-1Ut tokyo, 171 japtUI. 5/6/73 octivities: cross C01l1llry, wintertra&; slii cfu6. fav mem: alrtlie e;t:perienas atslis. fav quote: "seil:etlie dil:J!'. messCl!Je: tIiank you-very 1!1llCIi.indfe<L I 1i.<tV< (Iiad) a gom time. as an e;<c/i.ange snufeni:

61i.<tVesli./i.. vamyo, "mja" "mj" "mjason" "coadi:' "mr. v" 1064 mt. fiofyoke pC 2/17/74 octivities: dioirl,2,3,pres 4; pop group 2,3,4; d'istrict dioir 3A; reg. Cfioir4; Mmte 6/85-?; cfu6 m<lf 1,2,3,pres 4; scie1U:e ofympiolf 1,2,3,capt4; ddiat<team 1,2,treas 3 &.4; computer cfu6 ~,2,3. a:rt 4; worfd: <if.fim:s 2~ 3A;. csif 3,4;. fit mag 3A; saM 4; slis 4; ~ 4; syn:ng track 1,;Z; cross ~ ;Z,3; Wllltatrack2,3; w<>glitfiftiiUI 1,2,3,4. pp: ftmUfy, jrirnifs, V01£e, JiaiUfs, staff. f<tV mem: times ~ tIie guys Gas"", miRe, 6j, Jake, sevast, sc1ia4 Wcici);tarkS w!jess;tlmes w7jason w. aruCliim; 61iuk6di <amp '90, '91; scie1U:e ofympiadcomp<ti:tions; 6j's WiIidQy lliBft!; i:Iufilut nu:f1o; pocono's overniglit '91; worfd: cli.ampionsliips '90; pssa '90;l'tayuuJ "pfUmtOJn"; ";;y '91; cliristmas 6anquet '90,'91; fioIlOween '91; aistrict ofioir 11, 12. goafs in fife: tmprov<tIie presontartijicfuC fWn{ f<tV quote: , one. "'" 6< <fenidtliegift cf speecli. 6utstill is 6lesselftfie gift of song." - mja. messCl!Jeto: mr. Darrow, tMnJis fartfie rik5 fiome, Iiefp in gis, aruC erasing a dOar on my 6rUfgo, neva ofionge!

ARifiiro Uka.wa

Blia.vesfi K. VaUCya

patricia vasconceros, "patti" "fiair6alr' "6u661es" 606 w. wootffrLnlf <tV.. 10/11/73 jleftf fiockey 2,3, capt4; track2,4; cfteer!£ad"ing 1; IiI;< 1,2,3A; sliicliiJj 1,2,3,4; saM 1,2,3,4; slis 1,2,3, vp 4; poufac2,3, 0fJ'i=4. romfor: wifif /Ulir, a!w'o/s smiiing, <£riving everywfi=, <fressy cCotIies, liwgfi. asw: sue, <fotuto, kris, jen, 6ren, nicoCe, mdlii, kym, s. mCf, goose, edifie m Iiaro, "w<ClSd" fav mem: fresli. yr, va. 6oac1i. '90+91; spri11!J6reak '90; mem. ilOy '90; eafi '90; aug 12-14 me,riro; fIeatIi; girlS' lliBlit out; in 6ack oft's aruC iWvacs; mga; dances; tlmes w/6rioit.; let tfie 6<at Iiit fiim; star 104.5 61s; slioro w<atli.u Ii.a Ii.a 6ev/22; s~ trips '89-92; tfiimu w/sue; gov. sCfioo['91; premattties far6es w/omify;;<nUlS inju§' '90; eli. '91; ny trip; getting Cll1J9f!tfresfi. J!w/rtm. & lid; t&j fa!fing out of my windOW, p= '90; tt1llt! goafs in iife: to Cove, to 6e Covelf aruCto fiv< fUwJ>y. f<tV quote: 'fi.ving fiketlier<'s no tomorrow moans lOvi!1g aU: you- "",to<fay." messCl!Je to: mom, i Cov< you. sue, dUf you- see him? s/W!


"mi;, 500 pfii&nar court. :p./4/73 ~ities: ~ 6aruC1,2. fP: ~ tfie."c:<t ~s". asw: s: .~ooso, edifie m, Iiaro, woasoC f<tV mem: summer 91; camp J.t. - not; 1:ImeS w/ Iiaro, smg, pat, tun, cIiris, Jess"" fiowaJ\, J6, CS,)1, gw; intL mat i+ii w/trottt, c+s+kno3. goafs in iife: <fro wafi£ fay quote: "it matt<rs not fiow lOng we iivo, 6ut fiow." -daify se. wooaaruCwatu. "I came, I saw, aruC ovucame." - fieliry ivp+iiaetiv sc3 (45. mes5Cl!Jeto trout: i'mg=getli:urt, img= get =slit, aruC most of alr I'm g= us< y01lT name. ~y 11.

mcf,. '


Pairicia. VasconcelOs

Timotfiy N. Waf&

SttSan ann< woodS, "sue:' "woodSy" 522 wiffiamson lit. 11/30/73 activities: jleftf fiockry~; . track 1, 2,3; 6asWalr 1; winter track 3. pp: famify, refittionSliip w/ro6. asw: ro6, ddi6i. f<tV mem: 1]"; tlmes w/ro6; s a 14tJi; cape "'0/; oeto6a 18t1i, disney wona; tlii 9ran<! ""'lOll; s<ptbn.6a 18m aruC every <fAy afta; tlmes w/ ddi6i: in OC; .:ving in tfie !"J= w/ro6. messCl!J< to: cfad; mom, dave, ana joe, i m sony a60ut everytJiingJ i Cove you.


"sui' "51le)' q" "St9~" 914rocffJ""'-nf.l/2;5/75 activities:.vo((ey6alr1, s0fi;6"!£1, star< 3,4; r:fs 3; 1i.op<4:yp: 6ear. remfor: 6<mg gu1li6Ce, a!w'o/s gettt:J9 cougli.t. osw: Jenny, net, Ii.eather, )p, tam, sli.cr, !irian, steve, mikey. :t"<tV"'"":"~; <f<fays; w golfw/jenny; sa'90;tt&me; jloridaw/smitl;y;.¥W yadOUuT; <eFr; tj6/f/ft ~6 '8?; seaisCe '9?; '9 tnj'lUencing JP; 3 1IUU1i steve & crew; rcliiN gru; emgs;t6 iU&s; cf; Ce91ess; judds; ww fiote1i slioro 89; 59 ·89, 91 w tam; 1:ImeS w/fiowie; <fA gwrge; tafks wiMp, 6/30/91; sUva 6tUkt; js fiouse parties; 7/3/91; 8-6a!li ny '91; '" ttilks w/sam; c'1ieIlD; <fea<f serio1ls; dim. rest; cowin-in-law; 12/14791; $0.25 w//ip;tfiot's gooa. {<tV quote: "we ~ alrw< tm<fertfiesame.sky, 6ut w< dOn't alr 1i.<tV< tfie sam< Iiorizons." messCl!J< to: mom & cfad; Illv ya. tirif, fit miss yow & Iii!. go get om jenny smitli. S1l.UI;"""~fit,

jtmUfy, jii<>U{s,

Susan A. Wood's 162


Suza.rme. Wrigfit

lUutlOT':tappacosta, "zapp" "zapper" "dame" 494 &riar /i;{( nf. 4/6/74 activities: soca;r 1,2; 6asliet6aff 1, 2,?; 6ase6aff 1,2,3,4; cfilss ~ 2,3,4; newspaper 3, ed 4; year6ooli. 3; ~oruc !if.fai:rs 3,4; p.reT fac 3, 4; rtfis 3, pres 4; lit ""'9 3,4; ~ 3,4; stU<fent councit'l,2,3,4; slis 3,4; siidiC 3,4; pau. 3,4: pp: fantify, jritiufs, memones, 6ase6affgfove, ccrn:p.-, cIiws re:nU1S, fimufs. rem. for. 6eingw d:esigrutte<Cdiiver,6eing LL liberal, sens&oflUrmor, fisterrinqto everyon&'s pro6fems. asw:js, <fm, lii!Cy sn.Y' nul; jm, fio, rc, ms,jR, slOs, rfi, ii' ts, 1:11, elf, fi:n, in6,cr, <lit, eli, at, '91 posse, 6g, ell, efJi, anyotl&IJoryot. jiw me:m: 6ase6aff; scIWoC diWes; lfrugfree.sCliooCzone; ropeswmy;jv 6asliet6aff; sirrq>o/ dUtton; 11/17/89; 16;tim<s w/.fiieMs; ~ out; cfiifUt' w/6ifli ea:maro; legion of dOom; 6/14/91; senior W~'91:92; 7/4/91; 7/18/91; intrepid! summer '91;),uttior prom '91; miniature golf-2nd' place; sti.ng; s= tim<s wJ'91 posse; tafks w/tfoil; lQugiMg w/jase; ritCfo/ footilaff gcm1& 89; renata's; tri£s w/ jase; 1TteTIIds rruuffiouse; ±6'S fioase; cffimerCfu6;t'!i Stafids;~; 60Tlfres; swaitlimore;newye= '88-'92; wstri£; cIiws; lOcW's cfuss. goalS m . ",to contilw&to enj", flfe. jttV quote: "thesejiiencfslUps, thes&dieams, this iDV&of life <UU!thesevery specia£tim<s. i Ii.rtow this is w it's affa6out. tlieJtd=carr. woit ....... fmsUryfug Y011T19"forLLWIiift." ~ tL zapp. message to: momGt diu{, tIionIi.s



fIJI" everyt/ii!1g. messQjJe to cfuss: 2.

Dunwn Zappacosta

M. Courtney


wiCfi4m. Benkert: Stefano Bucci Annette Carey Leifa.Marie Decena;, 6.2 St. Davids St.5/.27/74 Steven. GafanG.

DonaCd Haffeffi;nger Victoria Pasternak. Ricfian!Ross, .249 Wa!iutt St. 3/11/73

cCass O.fflcers: Cristina Nancarrow, Da:num Zappaco5ta:l Mark. GauiGosi, Thomas Staeger, euuC Etfian. Hood: cCass Sponsors: Mr. Ro6ert YOlItI.9 euuCMrs. Bar6araHusfiion.

Tfie crass .Of 1992 seniors 163

...... ... Most Lme/y to Succeed: ]essicil. Gorman. muf Brian Simpson. ...... .... Most ~1Scliievous:Jeff Swstad muf Marie Sfi0nfe6e:r ...... .. Most EntliusUJstic: Cfuis Hewes muf Patti. vasconcelOs ... Most FCirtatious: NUlt NardO muf

HangN91o/m .. Most Artistic:]<miJ1e. SangUfo muf Dave


...... ... Most AtliCetic: Mefindit Forgione muf]eff Smith ... ... Most TIieatricaC: DeirdTe Finttegan muf Matt StafRe:r

... crass clOwns: Mon:ty Muke1ji muf]mSmith

164 seniors

.... .. Best FriendS: Terri Morrissey anc! ApriC:MilIlOdi, anc!Mu Graff anc!N'lCk NardO .... ~ Most MusicaC: Megan Basta6fe anc! Tom Keffer

A A ~ Most TaCkative: Mary Gifd"ea. anc! cftris Hewes .. Wittiest: JessiaI. BiCotta, Jeff Deeney, anc! Karin McCurcCy ~ Most ItuG.'VidUaGstic: Kim Testa anc! Dwe-Near

.. .. Most Invofved: Damon. Zappacosta anc! Tammy


.. FrieJuffiest: Tina.Namarrow anc!Ma:ttMyers



SENIOR I, Heatfier Ptiluj wisli to reave aCe of my Petut State parap/iernaGa. to Mr. McCferutett. I, Damon Zltppacosta, wisli to give arms to BifC Snyder.

I, .Kris Hartley, wisli to feave to pauf Dofderer my 6t1i periocf /imdi seat. I, Tana Peifer, wisli to feave to my 6rotfier muC cousins tfie.:fi,m. happiness, muC Stu:ee5S in. tfiei:r ne;tt four years at SHS. I, cli:ristian Befviffe, wisli to reave to Mr. Zumpano anytfiing that nuufe me a squid:(ie. pro;ticfe} sense of styfe, etc....) I, Matt Myers, wisli to give a mUC-wittter 6us1i to Mr. McCferutett. I, ]esseAaams} wisli to reave my G N'R slUrt to Mr. McRae, a pa.ck of smokes to Mr. LandiuI. muC fia.tufcu£fs to Mr. O'Brien.

I, Mme. Scanfo"" wisli to reave aCe of tf1e. cafeteria's spergfietti. that lie can eat to Mr. ZUmpano. I,

NlWfe Mar.s~ wisli to feave to Angef DiRocco Frd Greene, my mtSWering madiin.e.

I} De6 Spacea:reCfi} wisli to pass dOwn. my cooC.fieJiC IiocKey stick. to Liz Monison. I, ]effrey MOTto"" wisli to give my mUC-wittter 6us1i to Mr. McCfermen aruC a set of cruci6fes to Mr.



I} Tammy FiffeJ:, wisli to give Dr. Benton a speci.a.C tfianRs muC recognition for going aDove muC 6eyoruC teadiirtg. I, Ethan Hoo" wisli to reave to tfie .future cfasses

of SHS my American Stwfies notes.

I, Monty MuUlji, wisli to pass dOwn. to Laura. Trofmu( my Star Wars YOM dO[( omy if I cfie! if I five. ••Yocfa stays witli me. I,]cmine Sangif{o, wisli to reave to Mr. Kintner aCe my paintings, especiafCy that one pastef!

I, Marie SIion.fe6er, wisli to give to Brian.Eden tfie a6ifi:ty to get afC IUs work dOne cause lie' 5 smatter than everyone tfWlRs. I} Dorma. Samyo"" wisli to pass dOwn to Tam Crowe my vo!fey6aCe'lU1if0111l. muC ruun6er.

I} Dave Periffo, wisli to pass dOwn. to Matt Houser tfie cartoon. in tfie scnooC newspaper. I, Kym Prager, wisli to feave my e6enezer memories to Mr. Kirttner. I, Patti VasconceWs} wisli to reave my sc:n.mcfiies to Nu:ofe Tasliie muC my pink. spa. to Angie Syer1tick. I} RicIi Doyfe} wisli to feave my 60ttfe of PatcIiouCy peif'ume to Mrs. A6urtyn muC my cuutreIiist cooRfiOOR. to Mr. LeDolUte. I, Steplien FiCippone, wisli to feave SHS my 6rotlier, 11U9' Gocf Iiep t/iem. am!! '4

~~ ~_ ji

"' ....

I, Gany Cmpeti wisli to feave my nickname. to wlioever can earn it in. ways needed". I} Mefanie McKen:na, wisli to give to aCe my.friertdS

feJt 6efiiruC aCe tfie fu&. in. tfie warGi 1'[( 6e tftinRing aDom ya! Havejun!

I} TTllC)' Sclieffirtger, wisli to feave to De66ie &]ifC aCe tfie 'I1l.e11WTies we've sfrard togetlier at SHS. I, Bernie Gowen. wisli to feave to Sfiawn. CostlOw my Deatli meta! music muC fire perger. I, Laurie Sc!ifoS11'UU'l" wisli to feave to Mr. McCfemten. my regufation. Ca6 n.ote600R. so lie can fi;c aCe of my sig. fig. mistakes. I, Karin. McCu:n!y, wisli to reave to FrisR.y Horan a Big Wat19 muC Ul:r6an muC to Steve a. BWK, 6t4' muC 6eans. I} Raja VaicCya, wisli to reave my sture. nUe" ~} muC pyramidS to Mr. Zumpano muC my 6rUfges to Mr. Bartow. I, RicIi Hoffrrum, wisli to feave to Mr. ZUmp whatever is feJt of my samty muC to Mr. Mortt a. $100 6ifCfor every Iiour offree time IUs cfass lias feJt me. UrifOTt1UUlteCy} that means lie gets nothing.

166 seniors

-WILL I, Frank. CoCfOya" wisli W feave w Mr. McCCennen Iiis spliere. I, Jeff smit6. wisli to feave to Mr. McCfennen my Bear's Hat;, A Deeeete11tion" arnC His spliere. I, Terri Monissey, wisli to feave to Mr. Freas lm- IRA-ItuCividuaf Retirement Acrount. I, Kia. Brown., wisli to feave to aU: my ~ I CeJt 6e&ituC SHS arnC.aU: of the gQod: arnC. 6lU! times in it! I, Tracey Hankins, wisli to feave wBetIi KefCy my wa.y cooC gym Sl/.it our ~e6ra. ca.fculatDr, arnC the memories•••nc miss you!

ACison L. to 6e ((Tfie Ptutislier" to figltt the fng, fong-futired:1IWI1St.er.

I, Hcmg Npyen. give consent arnC weapons to Opus


I, Kim Testa, feave w Jen Power my poms arnC lOts

of liugs.

I, Karen LastowM-, fea.ve to Mr. McCfennen my Pu6Cie Enemy T-sfcirt., aU: my NtW, arnC a. sense of fiumor. I, MiRe Gmffi wisli to give to Mr. McCfermen my Bear Trap. I, Teny Mastricofo, wisli to fea.ve to Dr. Tayfor my G1U1S-N-Roses CD. I, Da.nMcHemy, pass £fownmy wituC6reamto ]asonDoyCe, my NHS pin to Jeff Morton" &my negatives to]asonSIierfock. I, Jason Slierfock. wisli to fea.ve my ((Live arnC SCeazy" Viffage Peopce af6um to Mon:ty. I, Brel1.11an Mease, wisli to feave my fisfcing rod: arnC 6ait to Mr. Trout (fisli:man). I, Kim Dickerson" wisli to fea.ve to E6011ie. Kemp my pocKet cfumgefor tfiose fong l!ista.nee calfs. I, Matt Dutton" wisli to feave to Mr. Hook. my 1960's tie colYection. I, Sue Emery, wisli to fea.ve to Da.vicC Rhoads the uftimate twf slioes. I, cliris Hewes, wisli to fea.ve my Brewers cap to Larry MiccicIie arnC aU: of my cficIies to Mr. Zappa.costll. I, Matt stalker:, wisli to pass £fawn my 6us1i Iia:t w aU: seek.ers I, Lama. EfCis, wisli to give Mr. Zapp my um6reffa. - to

of 6usti.

cUifend: himself dUring caterpif.fm- season.

I, Tom R.euIh1g,. wisli to feave to cliris Britton my neck. I, ]Od:Y Porter, wisli to fea.ve to Mrs. Purvis my connect the cfot of pliysica.C fitness test scores. I,


Wriglit, wisli to fea.ve w Sfi.errie Donagliy my troffs.

I, MeCissa. Croce, give my red: d:ictionary to Mr. Hemy so that fie C£U1. spefC the word: Naive arnC my 6litev-6aU: to Tam Crowe. I, MidiaeC Ostroff, wisli to feave my confusion to Mr. Zump a.tuC a. 6ea.n6ag to Mr. Mont. I, Mark. Ga:udlosi, wisli to give .Mr. N"u:Iiofas R. LeDorme a. new fa6 jacket. I, Cristitu+ Nan.carrow, wisli to fea.ve w my sister" Lianna" a. wotuCetfu!four years

of liigli sclioof! Ha.ve fun!

I, Da.wn E. RosseJj feave to Tim MerrefC (& foffowing trainers) the infamous scummy trai:nirtg room. (m: it up!) I, :M:iRe Ked"eris, wisli to fea.ve to lm-y fiuman tIia:t is wortliy to recieve the titfe of Ring

of the fiafCway pass.

I, Anita. BridC!eU; wisli to fea.ve Tameka. Pa.yne arnC KaTen Spevak my friendShip arnC I wisli tfiem the 6est. I, Patrick. Cro~ feave to Mr. Mont. a. quote: ((I'm good: enotl9n. I'm smart enougli arnC £fog gone it peopce lme me." S.S. I, Nia. clirisolioou, wisli to give to Mr. Zapp my autograpli arnC my 6efCy lfancing tips arnC to KiR.i" I fea.ve my gnufes.

seniors 167


Pause for just a minute and try to count the moments as they slip past. It's a relatively incomprehensible task, isn't it? With each of those moments, a million pieces of the present escape into the far, unreachable realms of memory. Time edges us forward, leaving people, places, and events behind unnoticed. At various points we attempt a glance back, but all¡ we can see is a fragment of a world that we once experienced, and can never catch again. Soon all of this will be a memory, too - all of it: bell schedules, cafeteria chocolate chip cookies, Mrs. Vint's announcements, hall passes, Commons, co-ed volleyball, attractive gym suits, snow(?) days, seminar reports, dances, bake sales, pretzel days, failure to sign out of guidance, homeroom meetings, double labs, and film projectors. These are the little things that pervade the atmosphere of SHS and will soon be forgotten individually the things a yearbook tries to keep alive through the ages in a changing world. For the underclassmen, this year represents the development of their world and the outer world, as they try to leave their own impressions on both. And for the seniors, it marks the end of an era. As our world and the one around us have adapted, we have left behind the images of our youth. We must now also bid farewell to the passing of the Class of 1992.






s the Class of 1992 spends its last hours together within the halls of SHS, memories are borne and fears are realized. Each member of the Class is now to face the world alone, separate from the other entities within the single unit it had become. Friends will part, and precious moments will be left behind. Underclassmen will remain to continue the school, unaware of the short years ahead. But, with thoughts of the uncertain future, there exists a past, also. The world has submitted to tremendous pressure since the days when we would line up single file in the halls of elementary school. With each day, and with each year, and with each decade, society has adapted. In our young world, "change" had been usually no more complicated than a surprise platter on the lunch menu or a new toy. Over the years, we became more aware of the world around u~. We noticed what others did - how they dressed, what they said, and to what music they listened. With every moment, the world is expanding (continued on page 172...) Left to right, top to bottom: Lorna Ellis smiles at a French skit. Rich Hoffman looks a bit more interested in gym than his gym-suit-c1ad neighbor.

Anita Briddell signs out of Commons. Lee Ann Pearce and Evette Bell display their bright smiles. Seniors enjoy warm weather in the courtyard. Phun in physics class for seniors. Mr. McRae and jason Kitchen discuss feet. Students enjoy the pleasant weather while awaiting their bus after school. Senior jeff Siostad relaxes in the front lobby. Cellist Chris Opalach attempts the violin during a publications party. Mark Gaudiosi lines up a shot. jeremy johnson creates a structure with toothpicks.





around us, and we leave one "place" for another. Somewhere between the day we got that first two wheeler and now, we grew up. And along the way we left the glorious days of childhood behind. Now, we leave behind a year of high school. For many of us, it is our last. Just as we unconsciously abandoned our youth to the past, now we will also set aside the past four years. Some do so in haste, while others leave the suddenly-realized comforts of SHS unwillingly; however, we all leave the doors eventually. And whenever we finally do leave, whether this year or one thereafter, we will take with us the images of the year of the Class of 1992 those of the world and of the world within. September commenced the year with change. "Change" is actually a very common and overused term, but what else can be used to adequately describe the deluge of differences that greeted students as they returned to school? First, there was the new bell schedule. That wasn't really the inconvenience - the problem was that it accompanied a longer school day. Then there were also a new grading system, a re-carpeted Commons, and renovations like new floor tiles. We even installed a new red track. The high school had definitely "changed." And, of course, this was the year of international developments, and (hopefully) of the rebirth of consciousness for u.S. concerns. We watched the Soviet Union dissolve, (continued on page 174...) Left to right, top to bottom: SpriHian editor Anjali Avadhani conducts an

interview. Senior Jessica Gorman examines displays at Swarthmore College. Mike Seaman catches up on some homework. Steve Repsher is enjoying a French magazine. Chris Belville is assured safety from dangerous chemicals with his hard hat, goggles, and apron. Mike Scanlon takes data. Nicole Benkert demonstrates her secret wish: to join the Addams family. A Springfield snow in February. Senior Shiney Baby experiences simulator. Kevin Ridpath comes to calculus disguised, with the hope of hiding from a quiz. Courtney Ziff is worried, but Laura Mazzei has a good hand, as the two seniors play cards. Sophomore Colin Osburn is lost in thought.




conclusion 173

the after-effects and tensions of the Gulf War, the Olympics, the recession, the presidential election campaigns, and the needs of the American worker in poor economic times. In the courts (and Senate hearings), we followed Thomas and Hill, William Kennedy Smith, Mike Tyson, and Jeffrey Dahmer. In the theaters we saw everything from Beauty and the Beast to jFK. Over the course of the year we formed a swim team, decorated for the holiday season, and held the Snow Dance. Charlie Brown and the other STW shows were a tremendous success, and the talent show once again showcased students' abilities in the performing arts. We cheered for our outstanding lacrosse team as the proms and class trips brought the year to a final close. Yet, some of the most enjoyable memories of the year are of day to day events - the true inner working of the students within their school - and of the people themselves. Sometimes a face, or a situation, or a picture can trigger the recollection of a moment from the past that's buried deep in one's mind. With these 176 pages, we hope to recapture those feelings from one year together, to be held within forever as we traverse our separate worlds. Left to right, top to bottom: Students enjoy the beautiful new outdoor eating area. It was sponsored by student council. A student digs through his locker at the end of the day. On a World Affairs trip to the U.N. in New York City, Heather Priar collects some literature on the world situation. Angela Griffith exuberantly heads to her last class. Chris Rhoads works on a physics lab during breakfast. Karin McCurdy breaks from band during a football game. Phil Bruno adds the last touches to his drawings. Deb Korenkiewicz, Aaron Tallon, Kristen Shapansky, Melissa Clifford, and Brendan Stiteler wait in the front lobby after school. Jen Summerfield studies in the LMC. In Publications homeroom, Michelle McCafferty notices that the latest set of proofs have arrived. Seniors Kim Dickerson, Karen Lastowka, and Kelli Behncke spend Commons' time inthe cafeteria studying.




conclusion 175

editor-in-chief J~i.CD'


assistant editor

~ M(J1tek

the student life editor:



asst. editor:

CWd!1LfI; Op~

organizations editor:


athletics editor:


~tJ asst. editor:



F~ asst. editor:


Fond memories of the year 1991-1992: "The best comes shining through," drink machines, Lacrosse champions, fall of the Soviet Union, Reusable trays in the cafeteria, "HE DID IT - SHE LIED" Lynn Yeakel, Dan Quay{e president?, Romesberg to states 24 and 0, holes in mugs, Winter Olympics, snow (?) day, H. Ross Perot, Anita Hill versus Clarence Thomas, censored shirts, "there's no deficit," JFK, Sam Kinison died, LA Riots, Haitian Refugees, the extended day, "Mike Brady" died, Magic Johnson is HIV positive, Arthur Ashe has AIDS, "Dare to be different, dare to be great," Matt Joseph Run, "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown," the Janitor (the Shadow's cousin), racial trouble in Upper Darby, the new grading system with breakpoints, Murphy Brown with chi Id, new exam schedule, wooden nickels, the Europe trip, Gennifer Flowers, N. Ronald LeDonne on Dance Fever, "Wayne's World," Bush throws up in Japan, Mike Tyson GUILTY, William Kennedy Smith NOT GUILTY, Mrs. Hafer for Mr. Calhoun, Mrs. Purvis has a girl, Mr. Mazurek and Mr. Freas "drag" racing, Commons is redone, a new track, asbestos, "Nothing to do on a Friday night?" the. controversial editorial, U2 concert, Michelangelo, the keg in commons, "Our Town," Ash Wednesday in Physics, Mr. Werley forms Trig Camp in Jackson Hole, Band trip to Annapolis, Close Up trip to Washington D. c., 2nd annual LOCK-In, Blow Pop sale, Towel sale, Yugoslavia, end of the Cold War, Rodney King verdict, the Elvis stamp, female condoms, Ren and Stimpy, Freddy Mercury concert (a concert for life), AI DS awareness week, 90210, Cheers ended, MacGuyver ended,Mrs. Meinhart got married, Chris Smith received his Eagle Scout Award, Parachuters on Homecoming, Tina Nancarrow is Homecom7 ing Queen; a new seminar report is created by Sarah Belville and Kori Grubb.

o s


s c R I p

Steve is quite willing to give Cui a piggyback ride.

T introduction


TAKE ME OUT TO Tim Delaney

Matt Dutton

Mark Gaudiosi

The Cougars had yet another strong season this year as they placed second behind' Upper Darby with a record of 14-4 in the league. Highlights included a 9 game winning streak to start the year, a 3-2 14 inning victory over Conestoga, and a 3-1 playoff win over Academy Park. The 10 returning seniors, led by co-captains jason Sherlock and Nick Nardo, . provided the leadership and sportsmanshi p to make Springfield the most respected team in the Central League. Six players received honors. Making first team AIICentral were Dan King and jason Sherlock. Second team All-Central honors went to Damon Zappacosta, jeff Smith, and Brian Simpson. Nick Nardo was part of the third team. Congratulations to the baseball team on another fine season.

Varsity Team Top row: Coach Ash, Mike Scanlon, Steve Ashworth, Mark Gaudiosi, jason Sherlock, jeff Smith, Tim Delaney, Doug Pacitti, Nick Nardo, Dan King, Coach Hall; Bottom row: Tim Merrell, Phil Liefeld, Brian Simpson, Damon Zappacosta, Matt Dutton, Kevin Ridpath, Mike Bean, Matt joseph

Dan King

j.V. Team Top row: Rick jones, Brian Demnicki, Bill DeVuono, Craig Frederick, Tim Sullivan, Brian Gilmore; Middle row: jason Boyer, Matt Kass, Bill Root, Derek Riebel, Ian McLoughlin, Coach Mazurek; Bottom row: Scott Ferguson, Brian Reuling, Eric Hellburg, Chris Plummer, Bob Modesto

j.j. Lemon

Nick Nardo

Nick Nardo looks determined to throw a strike. jason Sherlock is alert and waiting for the pitch. Kevin Ridpath wants to hit this one out of the park.

Kevin Ridpath

Jason Sherlock

178 baseball

Brian Simpson

Jeff Smltn

Damon Zappacosta

THE BALL GAME After weeks of practice and that first crack of the bat, the girls' softball team began their 1992 season. Being a relatively new team, they are still in the beginning stages of development. However, they are well on their way to becoming a successful program. The Varsity team began with 5 sophomores in the starting line-up. Coach Marantino is optimistic about her team's future and believes that this season, while not outstanding, was important. Something new and different that the girls did was to challenge parents and friends to a game. The 1992 season was the last for four of the seniors. We say goodbye to Tina Nancarrow, Melissa Croce, Debbi Ruddy, and Mary Gildea. And finally, as the umpire called that last, "Out!" the season ended and everyone is looking forward to 1993.

J.v. Team Back row: Coach, Stephanie Kosta, Lisa Heron, Debbie Crowell, Sandi Syglowski, Rachel Spigel, Stacey Jackson, Heather Foulkrod; Bottom row: Jaime Colbourn, Jen Leonard, Danielle Vaughan, Tara Battaglia, Jackie Cassidy, Lori DiStefano, Maggie Oldham. Missing: Amy Winnemore.

Varsity Team Back Row: Coach Marantino, Arlene Wiegner, Alison LeFever, Lauren McCabe, Christine Opalach, Heather Gottwig, Karen Lastowka, Coach Caffey; Middle row: Sandi Syglowski, Jen Guiffre, Dana Lehman, Mary Gildea, Tara Piccirilli, Amy Lord; Bottom row: Debbie Ruddy, Melissa Croce, Tina Nancarrow. Mary Gildea is on the move. Tina Nancarrow is ready to catch the ball. There's no way anyone's going to hit this pitch.



jason Kell waits for the ball. All-American Greg Campbell receives his award. jason Brennan gets past his defenseman. john Mongold runs for the ball. Coach Heisman holds the state trophy. Tom Slate goes after his opponent.,


The boy's lacrosse team won their second consecutive Central League title, and first State title since 1982 with a flawless 24-0 record. Campbell, who broke his own school record for points in a season, earned AIIAmerican honors along with O'Donnell and Slate. Brennan, who tied the school record for goals in a season, was an AllState selection along with Oldham. AIILeague honors were awarded to Stupka, Kell, and Coliova. This season will live in our memories forever.

jason Brennan

Steve Stupka

Greg Campbell

Brandon Stiteler

Rich Choe

Bill Sminkey

Frank Collova

jeff Siostad

Ethan Hood

Tom Slate

Greg Campbell dodges his defenseman. Dave O'Donnell faces off. Steve Stupka, Dave O'Donnell, and Tom Slate take a break. Varsity Team J.V. Team jeremy johnson

180 lacrosse

Jason Kell

Dave O'Donnell

Harry Oldham

Tom Reuling

joe Scelsa

Christy O'Neill goes for the ball. jen Houton heads for the goal. Lisa Zulli is ready. jacqui Hunt goes after her opponent. Tam Crowe runs down the field.

OSSE The girl's lacrosse team had another fun-filled season. However, they had a record that was not reflective of their talent. Many games lost were very close including the one goal loss to the number one team, Haverford. The team was full of high spirits and determination. They were a group of girls who formed many friendships and shared many memories both on the field and off ... "it's just a passing shower" ... Halderman picnic over Spring break ... goddesses ... "nice piece". .. Haverford night game ..." do it in the rain."

Melinda Forgione

Jen Houton

Deb Spaccarelli

Patty Vasconcelos j.v. Team

Varsity Team

lacrosse 181


Angel DiRocco hurls the javelin to great distances. Jason Kitchen warms up before his event. Ready, set, go! Marie Devenney

Lorna Ellis

Laurie Schlosman

Karin McCurdy

Bessie Chou

Megan Bastable

Kim Dickerson

Front row left to right Coach Wayne Herninko, Colleen Gallagher, lorna Ellis, Karin McCurdy, Kim Dickerson, Angel DiRocco, Coach Connie Funk, Coach Lisa Lockley; second row, Bessie Chou, lady Porter, Benji Lawler, Kristine Sannelli, Kim Stinger, Erin Horan, Courtney Shields, Wendy Cadge, Lori Carroll, Becky Cecala, Katrhla

182 track

Denk, Megan Carroll; third row, Allyson Burke, Megan Delaney, Beth Misciagna, Beth Kelly, Tam Pizzollo, Cllrista Flick, Angela Evans, Ellen Gallagher, Dannielle Misciagna, Anna Vickery, Marie Devenney, lisa Gerace, Nancy Seidel, Megan McAndrews, Laura Troland, Laurie Schlosman, Burgandy Shank and Coach Mike Reinke.


Dave Defina

Jason Kitchen

Megan Carroll helps out her team in the relays. The members of the boys track team discuss their strategy before the meet. Ryan Scanlon dashes to another victory in the last competition of the season. Ian McCurdy and Ryan Scanlon show the fun side of track. Dan Dudrick

First row, left to right: Steve Hartley, Dan Curran, john Logan, Craig Patterson, Ian McCurdy, jason Ranalli; second rowl Dave Savastio, Dave Ley, Dave Rhoads, Gary Carper, Tom Keller, Dan Dudrick, jason Kitchen, Mike Matsko; third row, Coach Dan Curran, Kevin Healy, John Grillet, Chris Priar, Steve Spinosa, Liam Fries, Dave Defina, Ted Donnelly, Dave Zappasodi, Andy Brennan, jeremy Miller, Mike Ostroff, Ryan Scanlon, Chris Hastings, john McGrath, Coach Karl Schaefer.

Chris Hastings

Tom Keller

John Grillet

Mike Ostroff

Dave Savastio

track 183

BOY'S TENNIS The boy's tennis team had a pretty good season this year. A new coach with a different style, made for a good season and the team work hard. Their record does not show the effort and the hard work that this young team put into all their matches. Several players had challenging matches throughout the season. Only losing five seniors to graduation, and gaining a large number of freshmen, next year's team is sure to be terrific.

These are the members of the 1992 Tennis team. From top to bottom, left to right: Corey Parsia, Steve Harms, Chris Tallon, Doug Plank, Miss Carter, Eric Baston, Todd McGarvey, jeff Bruce, Mike Donavan, jarred Raffel, Clay Thomas, Bill Benzing, Frank DeFeo, Bihn Le, Coach Tom McCulley, Tim Guild, Tan Nguyen, Paul Dolderer, Chris Hewes, jeff Morton, David Leahy, and Matt D'Ulisse.

Left to right

Mike Donavan concentrates on getting the ball over the net and in bounds. Todd McGarvey works on lifting the ball and keeping it in play. Frank DeFeo, only a freshman, plays and works hard for his teammates and himself.

Chris Hewes

184 tennis

jeff Morton

Tan Nguyen

Aaron Tallon

Clay Thomas

Top to bottom, left to right: The winners of the Key Award are seniors who have earned four or more varsity letters.

Lisa Zulli, Tam Crowe, and Linda Lastowka take time out from their dinner at the PAWS banquet to smile. Michelle McCafferty and Tara Nealon wait for their food at the PAWS Banquet. The 1991-1992 Most Valuable Players. These ladies smile for the camera at the PAWS Banquet



banquets and awards



Center of page: "There's a lot of fish in the sea!" Top: The theater makes their debut at Celebration Above: John Lennon? Noit's Dave Ley with CROSSEYED. Right: "Honey! I shrunk the house!" Far Right: Steve Stupka gets "Good Vibrations" at the Talent Show.


talent show/celebration


Top: Guard captains Missy & Becky pose before their indoor guard show. Above: John Canale thrashes it up with RAUNCH INC. ·Center:Jeanine,Torie & Heather put on their pj's for Mr. Sandman. Far Left: Hang & Matt are "Too Sexy" for this fashion show. Left: Shake that body Janine!

talent show/celebration


top to bottom, left to right Welcome to your Soph Hop! c.j. and Lori smile on the dance floor, ready to dance the night away. Smile Colin, you're on Dance Fever. Shake your booty! Casey, Lisa and Sarah take a break to smile for the camera.

SOPH HOP The class of 1994 had their first taste of a semi-formal this year on April 4th from 8:00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. It was a new and exciting experience for most, along with being a memorable one. No o'ÂĽ will forget "Setting the Night to Music" in the perfectly gorgeous atmosphere of the spectacularly transformed cafeteria. As the couples entered the dance they could hardly believe they were still in the hallowed halls of our Springfield High School. The usual hallway to the cafeteria was magically changed into a moonlit path with sparkling stars all around. When they walked onto the dance floor, they walked into a room filled with the nightime sky complete with a grand piano that put them in awe. Throughout the entire night the sound of kazoos ringing all around really "Set the Night to Music." No one will forget the Soph Hop of 1992. Jen and john can hardly wait to hit the dance floor. jesse and Erin, take off your coats and stay awhile. Friends pause from the fun to say "Cheese!" Dana signs the forms for pictures.

188 soph hop

On April 6, seventeen juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society. These students were recognized for their service, scholarship, character, and leadership during a candle lighting ceremony in the LMC. New inducties were jamy Angelos, Anjali Avadhani, jennifer Burke, Wendy Cadge,

Tamara Crowe, Christine Djevharian, Mathew Houser, jacqueline Hunt, jeffry Kom, Ingi Lee, Danielle Pieri, Akira Saito, Kristine Sannelli, Nancy Seidel, Heather Wright, and Lisa Zulli. Speakers at the induction included Mrs. Abrutyn, Miss Ardao, and the NHS officers.

top to bottom, left to right Now everyone, blowout your candles and make a wish! Wendy smiles though anxious about standing arrangements. Maybe we should have practiced this first? Mrs. Abrutyn presides over the ceremony. Don't ask me - I don't know either. New NHS members smile for a group picture.lr, t-b: Kate, Nancy, jeff, jen, Danielle, Matt, Tam, Lisa, Akira, Wendy, Kris, jamy, Heather, Anjali, Ingi, Chrissy, jacqui


national honor society


Bottom right: junior studs Brian Romesburg and Mike Bean take a break form the action. Bottom: This happy family can't wait for dinner. They are Matt joseph, Stacey jackson, Brian Gilmore, Kara DeRose, jason Doyle, and Dixie Sellers. Below: Hail, hail, the gang's all here. Gang members are Brian Gilmore, john Mongold, Steve Repsher, Bill Snyder, Shawn O'Leary, Doug Mento, and Andy Kutufaris. Below: "I'm too sexy for these girls," exclaims Paul Doulder about Colleen Lynn and Heather Poake.


iunior prom

Right: Good friends Vani Ari, jeanine johnson, and Torie Paoletti tear themselves from the dance floor to get their picture taken. Below right: Angel DiRocco and date Randy Kresge are picture perfect. Below: Ta dahh! It's game show host Anthony Maturo in his prom attire.

pU1t1()r< Pr<()7/t ~~

~~ After what seemed an eternity, the day of May 15 had finally arrived. The school day seemed as if it would never end. Finally, the bell symbolizing the end of school was heard. While the guys picked up their flowers and suited up into their tuxes, the girls were busy styling their hair and slipping into their dresses. Finally the clock reflected 5:00 pm and people throughout the town began the exciting night of picture taking with family and friends. Arriving with only seconds to spare, couples-joined the crowd of Springfield students filling the ballroom at the Airport Marriot Hotel. Breathing a sigh of relief, everyone entered the room and immediately knew the night would be everything they anticipated. Springfield High School's junior class of 1992 celebrated their junior prom with the theme, "Forever Young." As the song closed the night, it was obvious the evening had been a wonderful success. Class officers Christie O'Neill, Jamy Angelos, Sandi Syglowski, Sarah Medina, and Chris Plummer could be proud' of what their work accomplished. Proms are an important and unique part of a student's high school experience. They symbolize youth and are events that people remember throughout their entire lives. This year was no exception and thanks should be extended to all those who helped make the night special.

Far left top: Tam Pizzollo and Chad Lauletta are one of the many happy couples at the prom. Far left middle: Springfield students crowd the dance floor as prom theme, "Forever Young," closes the night. Far left bottom: Someone should tell Mike Borrelli, Don Solomon, and Damon Zappacosta that Star Search is coming to town. Near left: Class officers Sandi Syglowski and Christie O'Neill are thrilled with the results of their hard work. Top: Colleen Lynn, Kris Hines, Stacey Barnes, Lisa Heron, Christa Flick, and Amy Dougherty take a break from their dates.

junior prom


lliIS IS

Top to bottom, left to right, Mark Gaudiosi looks for his date during a slow song. Dave O'Donnell and Tom Slate sample their dessert. Mindy Campbell and Lisa Galbraith smile for yet another picture. Harry Oldham gets into the groove. Terri Morissey and Sue Friedman do not mind yet another picture. Deb Spaccarelliisn't the only one with a camerp' at the prom.


seQior prom


Top tb bottom,leftto right, J.j.Lemon takes a break from dancing to pose for the camera. Tana Peifer, jason Kitchen, and RajaVaidya look happy to be at the prom. Kim Testa gazes off into space while dancing with Bill Snyder. Dave Perillo gets help with his tie. On the way to have their pictures taken are Tina Nancarrow and Damon Zappacosta. Bessie Chou and jessica Gorman are finally caught in front of the camera. l

senior prom


SENIOR The Class of 1992 gathered for the senior party at the Log Cabin on Thursday, June 4th. It was an exciting night

Harry & Melanie share their excitement about graduation.

Nia & jody glance at the yearbook. Tom, jeff, & Chris keep the party going!

Patti & janine show us some great dance moves. Tammy, Laura, j.j., Hang, Tom, & Rich are all smiles. YMCA!


senior party

for all with the anticipation of graduation th e followi ng day. There was dancing with friends, last hugs,

PARTY! and a final chance to sign classmates' yearbooks. All said it was a great time, but very sad. Smiles and tears

were shared between friends as their high school years came to a closing.

Deb & Melissa sharing memorable moments.

Picture perfect are Nick, Dawn, & Kevin. Go Tana!!

The guys get down and dirty at the senior party. Senior friends gather for one last group shot.

senior party






Jade and Jane Duffy Art Award


_ ..........•.._ Dawn Roe Art Department Award...................................................................•.....•.... Janine Sangillo, Paul M. Stevens 1992 Art Award Deirdre Finnegan, Tracey A. Hankins, David A. Perillo Business Education

Commencement Awards

Guy and Rose Harding Business Education Award Melinda A. Campbell LiDns Club of Springfield Business EducatiDn Award Janette T. LeGrand, Himadri S. Mukerji Springfield Business and ProfessiDnal Women's Club Business EducatiDn Award •..•........ Lisa M. Galbraith Berkeley College Business EducatiDn Awards Melinda A. Campbell, Lisa M. Galbraith Ril:ho.rd K. Smith Memorial Business EducatiDn Award Jennifer F. Porterfield

Class of 1992

LiDns Club of Springfield Language Arts Award Jessica A. Gorman English Department Award ..................................••...•........................ Jeffrey A. Deeney, Karin I. McCurdy Ellen Sho.ttuck Simon Journalism Award Damon Zappacosta The HushiDn Achievement Award Melinda A. Campbell


Foreign Language

Springfield Business and ProfessiDnal Women's Club Sarah L. Berry MemoriDl Award French Department Award Spanish Department Award .....................................................................•......._ German Department Award

Lien-Hang T. Nguyen Lien-Hang T. Nguyen Ourania Chrisohoou Karin I. McCurdy

Home Economics

Ruth C. Bullard Home Economil:s Award........................................••...•....•....•................ Tracy 1. Schellinger Indusbial Arts Awards

Mecho.nical Drawing Award ...................................................................................•....• Jeremy c. 1. Johnson IndustriDl MizteriDls Award Daniel M. Dudrick, Jr. Graphil: Arts Award Patrick W. Cronin John J. Conners Memoria! Graphil: Arts Award ..................•.............................................. Pabick W. Cronin Harry G. Stewart MemoriDl IndustriDl TechnolDgy Award Daniel M. Dudrick, Jr. Math

NCSM Certificate of Achievement Jessica A. Gorman, Lien-Hang T. Nguyen AHSME - Highest Score ..................................•..............•..................... Jason P. Sherlock, Brian D. Simpson LiDns Club of Springfield Mizthematil:s Award Himadri S. Mukerji, Brian D. Simpson The Wl1liam Speakman Mizthematil:s Award Bessie Ja-Yee Chou Janil:e Brazenor MemDrial Scholarship Marie Devenney

R. K. Smith Auditorium

Friday, June 5,1992 + 8 p.m.

196 commencement

Music FlDra Auld MemoriDl Music Award Karin I. McCurdy Band and Orchestra Parents Award...........................................................•................. Bernard J. Brunner, Jr. Musil: Department Vocal Award Cynthia M. Grelis, Bhavesh K. Vaidya Woman's Club of Springfield Musil: Award ...................................•................................. Daniel R. McHenry

1992 Organization Awards (Cantinued)

PhysicaJ. Education

Jane E. Brusch Field Hockey Award Wilbur R. ScJwpf Physical Education Awards

.- .-...-

Jennifer L. Houlon Evette M. Bell, Daniel M. Dudriclc, Jr. Science

Bhavesh I<. Vaidya BessieJa-Yee Chou Michael E. Scanlon Jessica A. Gorman

Club Med Scholarship Harry E. Greenberg Memorial Science Award Lwns Club of Springfield Science Award Science Department Award Social Studies

Robert Duignan Memorial Social Studies Award Social Studies Department Award Delaware County Social Studies Council

Brian D. Simpson Tammy L. Filler Damon zappacosta S.E.T.

Janet G. Way CertiJU:ate of Achieoement

Anita L. Briddell, David L. Defina Theatre Arts

Springfield High School Acting Awards Springfield Business and ProfrssWnal Women's Club Helen Warwick Theatre Arts Award



Deirdre Finnegan, Matthew R. Sta1ker

r>eirdre Finnegan


Charles A. McLaughlin Seroice Award •..................................................•................••.•.......... Mark Gaudiosi NAACP - Citizenship Award ................•.....••.......................•.•...................•......•....... Kirnberli A. Dickerson National Italian American Sperls Hall ofFame Cristina V. Nancarrow National Scholar Athlete Award ................•.•.•................. Daniel M. Dudrick, Jr., Cristina V. Nancarrow PAWS - Scholarship Awards Kimberli A. Dickerson, Mary B. Gildea, Christine A. Rhoads Pennsylrxmia Claims Association Scholarship Richard K. Hoffman Phi Bda Kappa Association - Book Award ......................••..........................•..................•.. Jessica A. Gorman Rotary Club of Springfield Student Achievement Award .•..........................................•...•.•••...Tana M. Peifer Rotary Club of Springfield Techniml/Business School Award ...........• I<iaJ. Brown, Melinda A. Campbell Springfield Education AssociatiDn Scholarship ..................•.•.......................••••.•...............•..•.. Tana M. Peifer SHS Home and School Recognitwn Award .••••...•.................••.......•...................••••..•.. Bernard J. Brunner, Jr. Springfield Hospital Award Laura A. Mazzei Student Council Award ..•..........................•.......................................................•................ Deirdre Finnegan

Woman's Club of Springfield Academic Scholarship ................•.............•................••••..................••...•••.•.•...........•....... April E. Mullock Technical/Business School Award •........................•...........................••...................... Patrick W. Cronin Women'sAmerican ORT Award David A. Borrelli

Vocational·Technical Awards

David A. Borrelli Annett Carey

JamirDyitt Steven Galardi

Gregory Montone Megan Myers


Bernard J. Brunner, Jr. Bessie Ja-Yee Chou

Jessica A. Gorman Jason M. Kitchen Jason P. Sherlock

Brian D. Simpson Damon zappacosta

Faculty Service Awards

Danielle E. Andersen William J. Bradley Bernard J. Brunner, Jr. Melinda A. Campbell Melissa L. Croce

Patrick W. Cronin Daniel M. Dudrick,Jr. Janette T. LeGrand Daniel R. McHenry Theresa A. Morrissey

Harry K. Oldham, Jr. Michael E. Scanion Tracy L. Schellinger Akihiro Ukawa Bhavesh K. Vaidya

Organization Awards

American Chemical Society, Excellence in Chemistry The American LegiJJn School Awards Charles B. Berwind Foundstion CarslaTD-<;iuffre-Tosti Memorial Scholarship Diane Ferrell Catlett Memorial Scholarship Class of 1981 Scholarship John McKee Scholarship

Michael E. Scanlon Tammy L. Filler, Brian D. Simpson Richard K. Hoffman John P. S. Grille!, Karin I. McCurdy BessieJ. Y. Chou John J. Lemon John P. S. Grille!

College, University and Technical School Awards

Cornell University, Tradition Fe/luwship Award ...............•••.......................................... Bessie Ja-Yee Chou Drexel University, Presidential Scholarship ............••............................•.....................•..•••••.. Mark Gaudiosi Lebanon Valley College, Leadership Award Jason M. Kitchen Lehigh University, University Scholarship ........•....••........................••.•........•..........•••...... Michael E. Seanion Loyola College, College Scholarship .•.......................•..••........................•...•.................•.. Richard K. Hoffman Neumann College, Academic Scholarship .............................................•.•.....................•.... Cynthia M. Grelis Pennsylrxmia State University, Campus Honors Award ...............•..•.•..................... Danielle Cunningham St. Joseph's UniversUy, University Scholarship ......................•........................•.................. John P. S. Grille! Trenton State College, Alumni Scholarship .......•..............••.•.•..•.....................•••................. Laura L Troland UniversUy ofthe Arts, Talent Scholarship .....................•................................•.................. Deirdre Fmnegan University ofDeZaware, Athletic Scholarship ..............................................•••••..........• Gregory E. Campbell University of Delaware, Music Scholarship ..............................................................•...•.. Michael A. Ostroff University ofScranton, Loyola Scholarship .........•...........................•.•................•.•••.......... Jeffrey c. Morton Ursinus College, Merit Scholars ......................•...........................•.... Jason M. Kitchen, Bhavesh K. Vaidya Villanova University, Villan07Ja Scholar .....•..................•.••...........................•..•............... Jessica A. Gorman West Chester University, Athletic Scholarship Harry I<. Oldham, Jr. West Virginia University, Freshman Scholarship ...............••.....•..................••...............• Michael E. Scanlon Springfield High School Special Scholarships

George A. Pagano Scholarship ............•.....................•.•............................................••.•... Damon Zappacosta Florence D. Scioscia Memorial Scholarship ........•.............................•...•.•.................... Lien-Hang T. Nguyen James W. Braunsdorf Memorial Scholarship ...........•............••.............................•....•.......... Jason M. Kitchen



jen Summerfield listens to jessica Gorman's speech. The start of the commencement procession. Damon and Tina stand for the Star Spangled Banner.


Commencement partners Lisa and Richard, and Pat and Marie.

joe, Tom, and Tan take time to smile for the camera.

jody Porter takes one last look.

Chris Belville gets help putting on his cap_

A CLASS ACT On june 5, 1992 at 8 P.M., commencement ceremonies for the class of 1992 took place at Springfield High School. It was a momentous occasion for all the seniors for they had successfully completed 13 years of schooling. This year's five graduation speakers, Brian D. Simpson, jessica A. Gormon, Lien-Hang Nguyen, Tammy Lynn Filler, and Bessie ja-Yee Chou spoke about the challenges in elementary school to the challenges in the world. A special award went to jason Kitchen who was awarded the coveted james W. Braunsdorf Memorial Scholarship. The graduating class will always cherish their years together. However, with diplomas in hand, they are now ready to go their separate paths and to face a different world that is awaiting them.

Tom Staeger and Ethan Hood are friends till the end. Steve Stupka shows us the commencement attire. Tana Peifer bids a fond farewell to SHS.

Danielle Cunningham and for a picture.


Lemon pose together

The guys are caught up in the excitement of the night.

5 I "

The recession hit, many mall stores closed, Mrs. Braznor's death, The Sacred Cow, problems in Yugoslavia, Warsaw pact dissolved, Boat Trip on the New York Trip, Physics Phyllis can't be found, Marilyn is missing also, NOT!, many new countries join the United Nations, parallel parking added to the driving test,. Kristy Yamagucci, Washington won the Super Bowl, Bulls won the NBA, Minnesota won the World Series, Duke won the Final Four, Senior Citizens Prom, Blue Route opened, jason Priestly and Luke Perry, red ribbons, Ice-T, Septembers and the Airport Marriott, Mr. Eckert retired, and we bid a fond farewell to the class of 1992.


c E


E Top to Bottom, Left to Right


"The Best Comes Shining Through." Steve Galardi, a Va-Tech senior.

Friends smile at the Lock-In.




Staff: jennifer Burke, Wendy Cadge, Rebecca Cecala, Christina Dappollone, Erin Horan; Ingi Lee,' 'Michelle McCafferty, Christine Opalach, Edith Ramirez, Kristine SannelIi, Dixie Sellers, Heather Wright Writers: Anjali Avadhani, Mi~e Donovan, Matt Houser, Andy Kutufaris, jen Leonard, Doug PaCitti, Danielle Pieri, Kate Spires Advisor: Mr. Montgomery A special thank you to Mr. John Perkins for the many pictures that he has contributed throughout the year.

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