1998 Scrivener

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ilding Strong TISS High School is more than just textbooks and teachers; it is friendships and good times. Some . people graduate with the same friends they went to kind E3rgarten with: while others change friends regularly, but either way, friends are the people who make our high school experience m e m o r a b l e . . ' Some people are friends because they share their deepestdarkest secrets with each other. Others play on the same sports team together. Friends are the crutches ¡that get us through the bad times, and the ones with whom we share the good times. They are the people who.' know our weaknesses, but stand by us anyway. " " When we graduate from Springfield HighSchool,wewmtake different paths.SoJTle friends we will see as regularly as we did in .a school. day, while from others we receive an occasional letter. Vet, either way; we can look back at thetimeswe spent together inhigh school and the fun we had. The memories qfdouble dating toformals,carpoplingtoschool, and stUdying together for a big test will seem as clear as the dayst~y occuri:ed. When the end of a school year approaches, it seems like all that matters is summer vaca~ion. When senior year approaches, it seems like all.that matters is "tKe future," Vet, when we leave the doors..of Springfield HighSchool for the final time, itwillbeoCJr friendships that seem to matter the most, and they will. Friendships will be cherished forever: because over the years, we'll forgetfhename of the teacher who gave¡us fhotbig test or the name of the date we went to the formal with,. but it will be the faces Of08r friends that we'll remember. We will never forget thetimes spent withOUT friends: We wiJInever forget the person that wiped our tears, listened to us whine, Or just gave us,a' shoulder to lean on;, . and we will never forget the people who leanedon 8S."" " ".


Friendships between classmates in different grades is common in high school. B.J. Lucey admits to having a freshman friend, Fran McKeever.

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Introduction ~::::::::a

Friends, Brooke Canale and Jamie Pieri, can't believe that this is their last year at SHS. For seniors, it will be hard to say good-bye to those people they have gone to school with for twelve years.

Friends usually share common interests, and join similar clubs and activities. In the fall these friends, Liz Flamini and Rita Squitiere, can be seen on the football field as part of the Dance Line.

Noel Pattan!, Jill Russell, and Samantha Montone are excited about the year that awaits them. Friends from the class of 1999 will be able to enjoy the Junior Prom and Snow Dance together this year. These activities, and other memories, wi Ii be remembered by the people involved, and are what contribute to making strong friendships.

Isatou Kwarasey hopes friendships can survive long distances. Being an exchange student form Norway, she was glad to make friends with Ashley Lockley and Debbie Turlington, who made her stay in the United States easier.

The Soccer Dance was an activity that brought many friends together. Being the first dance of the year, it was a chance for classmates, like Lauryn Tirney, Dayna Johnson and Korin Davis, to see each other after three months apart.





uilding Our Brains i')~~~iJ" :y)'

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"Studying " and "homework" are two of the most dreaded words in a high schooler's vocabulary . Yet, completing these tasks are what can determine your plans for after high school. Studying , in order to see one of the first four letters of the alphabet on your report card may be tedious and boring, but it is these grades that will make your high school life pleasant or unpleasant. It is these grades that keep students focused on the main goal of high school- receiving an education. Re-reading that chapter of your history book may seem pointless, but when you remember the day the Declaration of Independence was signed it is that extra reading you will have to thank . Studying takes up a different amount of time for each student, yet everyone, at one time or another, has sacrificed at least one of their evenings to studying. It is this bond that holds every student together. College-bound students have discovered that studying will make the difference between getting into the college they really want to go to and the one they could live with. It is a process that no one loves, but one from which everyone could benefit. Studying can help you achieve those dreams that you've held since your elementary school days. You have to stretch your mind and limits before you can proceed forward . Although studying may seem the equivalent to getting your wisdom teeth pulled, it may be the deciding factor in your future endeavors. Putting in that extra time could be the difference between living a life of your choice and just living life .

Joe Petrarca uses his study hall as a time to get his homework done . Those who have a study hall in the GIS room have the extra convenience of using the computers.

Justin Van Druff benefits from the assistance of Dave Krych. in wh ich Dave shows Justin how to solve quadratic equations with the help of his TI-82 graphing calculator. These calculators are a staple for math students at SHS.

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When new information in a class seems impossible to understand, asking a friend for help could prove to be beneficial. Christian Eckman aids Jean-Marie Urglavitch in deciphering her calculus homework .


Dave De la Vergne tries to prove to Lauren Kramp and Andy Lastowka that the disease senioritis actually exists. Andy and Lauren hope that if Dave is right, they don't get hit to soon. In Dave's opinion senioritis is a disease that strikes many twelfth graders as they approach graduation.

Integrating computers into the classroom has been one of Springfield High School's recent accomplishments. Providing computer access to students is another educational tool, besides textbooks and teachers. The use of computers can also support team work, as Lindsay D'Esposito and Lauryn Tirney show us. By having one student type and the other dictate, writing papers on the computer goes much quicker with two than if there were only one person.


Introduction /".----cz'""""-==-:::::::::::::;;;~~ _ ;;;eo

ing a Break

Lauren Manners and Claire Hanes know that hanging out with friends that don't live in Springfield, like NBA star Kobe Bryant, is hard during the week.

"T.G.I.F." These four little letters symbolize the thought that almost every student has on a friday afternoon. The two days that follow- the weekenddon't seem like enough time to make up for the five strenuous ones that have just passed. Friends begin making plans for their Friday nights on the phone the night before, or in the halls that day in school, yelling "What are you doing tonight?", to a friend that is already ten steps behind. Yet, no matter if the weekend entails a trip to the movies, or just renting a movie and hanging at someone's house, no Springfield High School student would give their two day vacation up. Many students find it is a difficult task to find something new to do in Springfield every weekend- the mall, movie theaters, Borders, and meeting friends outside of Wawa can only produce so much enjoyment, before they get old, yet, we make do. Some students choose to leave Springfield and find new places to go with their friends, while others choose just to go out later so there is less time to fill. Yet, whatever the decision, everyone still finds a way to enjoy their Friday and Saturday nights, and keeps their Sundays free for sleep and even some homework. So, while its hard for students to wake up on Monday morning, everyone still finds enough energy to share with their classmates the fun they had over the weekend.

For those students who have enough cash, attending a concert is a popular weekend choice. Dana Garling and Morgan Manners chose to take their friend from Ireland to a Jimmy Buffet concert so that she could experience American teenage culture.

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Nicole Cerone and Marisa MacCrory don't seem upset about having to spend their evening at work. They know that if they want to spend money on the weekends, they have to spend some of their weekends working. Working at Deck the Walls allows these girls to make money and see each other. Jim Beatty, Mike Vescovich, Brent Porche, ian Bongaardt, Chris Rysak, Mike Hepler, Jim Sawyer, Greg Moore, Matt Nesbitt and Vince Pierangeli have found that playing for four years on the same soccer team makes the team dose. Since this is so, these seniors don't mind having the occasional night game because they are already with their friends. Night games are also popular among those students who are looking for a way to spend their evenings. There are always plenty of SHS students in the bleachers of any sporting event.



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" -HOM-ECOMING The Court Homecoming 1997 went through as many changes as Springfield High School did this year. A new procedure for nominating and voting for the homecoming king, queen, and court was designed by student council and turned out to be successful. An open voting for any SHS senior was held first, where any student could vote for one male senior and one female senior. Ms . Ruddock, student council advisor, then tallied the votes, and a list of those senior girls and guys who received the most votes were announced . These students were the ones who were then eligible to be members of the homecoming court . A final vote by all SHS students was then held, and the homecoming court was decided upon . These court members were announced at the semi- formal homecoming dance that was held by student council on the night of September 26th. The next afternoon, on September 27th, 1997, the final homecoming king and queen were announced at the half- time show of the big Springfield, Conestoga football game. Last year's homecoming king and queen crowned Matt Polidoro and Korin Davis as homecoming king and queen for 1997. Homecoming 1997 was the first year another new tradition at Springfield High School was implemented. Along with the past athletes who are honored into the Springfield Hall of Fame annually, one sport team is now going to be recognized at every homecoming, as well as the members of that team. The undefeated, untied and un- scored upon (11-0-0) Girls' Field Hockey team of 1967 was honored and recognized by past and present SHS students at this year's homecoming. This year, seven Springfield alumni were also inducted into Springfield's Sports Hall of Fame . The inductees were Elizabeth Crowley, Beth Farnese Hjartness, Dr. David Labosky, Bud Lowrie, Michael Marrone, Barbara Jones Preucil, and Rick Swift .


The success of our present field hockey team can go back to the success of past teams. The Field Hockey team of 1967 enjoyed an undefeated . untied . and unscored upon season . Several members were present on Saturday. September 27 , as it w as this first year an entire sports team was honored at homecoming .


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Introduction r-

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There were seven new inductees that joined the Springfield High School Sports' Hall of Fame during this year's homecoming celebration . These seven w ere past students of SHS that excelled in the athletics they participated in during their high school years. Old members of the Hall of Fame were present at this year's festivities to support the new inductees .

The homecoming court for 1997 was announced at the student council sponsored Homecoming Dance on Friday September 26, 1997, This pose at the dance was the only time the whole court was together. Four, of the six, homecoming king nominees, Albert Grundy, Scott Lemon, Shaun Duffy and Jon Wallin, were members of the football team and were not able to take part during the halftime festivities the next day, The other two male members of the court, brothers Chris and Matt Polidoro, filled in for the missing court members by escorting three girls each during the court's procession. Court members were (back row, left to right) Albert Grundy, Scott Lemon, Chris Polidoro, Matt Polidoro, Shaun Duffy, Jon Wallin, (front row, left to right) B.J. Lucey, Korin Davis, Jill Harding, Sam Conlan, Colleen Connor and Donna Viso .

The female members of the homecoming court, B.J. Lucey, Colleen Connor, Korin Davis, Jill Harding, Sam Conlan and Donna Viso, await their procession along the track, These six girls are a great representation of Springfield High School, as they are members of many girls' sports teams, musical programs, and involved in many other clubs and activities that SHS has to offer.

Korin Davis and Matt Polidoro were voted this year's homecoming king and queen by their classmates. Matt, still in his drum major uniform, and Korin,a flautist, were cheered on by their fellow band members who were watching from the football field,

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Zach Meyers picks up some valuable yardage in their homecoming game against Conestoga. Springfield came up close, but fell short to the tough Pioneer competion in the end. The final score of the game was close due to the hard work and polished playing of all the Cougar team members.

The girls on Springfield's volleyball team were ready and waiting to face thier competition on homecoming morning. They plg/ed hard and together, as a team, against their opponents, Strath Haven. The win these girls earned on homecoming was just one of the many wins that made their season a successful one.

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The girls' soccer team saw their game on September 27th as important, not only because it was their homecoming game, but because it was against school rivals, Ridley. The girls, carried by the fans in the football stands, faced the Raiders head on and earned another victory.

The boys' soccer team hustle back to their positions after scoring a goal against Penn Wood on homecoming morning. This goal was one of three that helped the boys to earn a win over their competition. For this team, playing on the football field while Halderman was under repairs made homecoming even more memorable.

Homecoming continued to mean more than just a football game for 1997. Saturday, September 27th, was a busy day for spectators and athletes. Many sports teams had a home game at Springfield High School, allowing past players to watch the SHS teams they used to be a part of and cheer for the present players. Since the games were also played at different times during the morning, many athletes could watch and cheer for their friends and classmates who play on a different sports team than their own. The volleyball, girls' soccer, boys' soccer, field hockey and football teams were a good source of entertainment, with each team putting up a good fight. The success of all the teams involved added to the excitement of the day. Mr. Werley is to thank for the fun everyone experienced on homecoming. He put in a lot of planning, time, and hard work to make the day as successful and pleasurable as it was.

On homecoming morning. the field hockey team was a source of excitement for its many spectators, some of whom were past SHS field hockey members. The team members showed their opponents, Garnet Valley. why they were the defending Central League Champions from last year. By winning this match-up the team proved that they were as strong this year as they were last year. and proved that they were on their way to earning the same title for this year.



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The Springfield


Music is one of the foundations of teenage life at Springfield High School. There is no telling what kind of music could be found in any student's walkman (which one would only be using in study hall). Students save up their money to buy CD .s, which could cost around fifteen dollars a piece . Some of the music that is popular these days outrage parents, while other pieces were first written when our parents were young. We circle the dates on our calenders of when the newest CD . by our favorite artist goes on sale. For some, these CD .s are collections of club "dance" mixes; for others it's the CD . of a female solo artist. Alternative bands rally the sales of rap mixes and remixes. Many students don't limit their likes to one type of music or only one artist because it is hard to put a label on all the ways people are making music these days. Music is one of the most influential factors on teenage life and Springfield High School students are no exception .

"My favorite song is 'Untouchable Face' by Ani DiFranco because it makes you think . This is the song that introduced me to Ani." - Sara Tourscher

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SHS Music Preferences' - The Spice Girls - Dave Matthews' Band - Steve Miller Band - Jewel - The Rolling Stones - The Beatles - Sarah McLachlan - Phish - Puff Daddy - L.L. Cool J "I like the song 'How do I Live', by Leigh Ann Rimes. It's one of those songs that you can listen to over and over again. It's a song that is a little bit of country and a little bit of pop . I'm not usually a country fan, but for some reason I like this song anyway ." - Nina Gupta

High School Press Amount of Television SHS students watch a night :

" I like to watch " ER" every Thursday night. It's intense, realistic and stars Noah Wiley." - Lisa McGarvey

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Watching television is a pleasant pastime for most SHS students. Sitting down and relaxing in front of the television set is a way to forget about the hectic day of school and to put off the hours of homework that lay ahead. Some students make time to watch their favorite show, as if they were making time for an activity or a sport. We wat ch our favorite program the same time every week , and then the next day discuss it with those friends that share the same television interests. Some people are so involved with the actions and situations of the their favorite sitcoms and soaps that they feel they are personal friends with the characters . People say that television is addicting. If this is true, then the majority of students at Springfield High School are addicts. Television is a way to learn new things, when we aren 't in a classroom. It allows us to laugh, cry, and even scare ourselves, without leaving home.

"I like to watch "Party of Five" on Wednesday nights at nine o'clock . Bailey Salinger (Scott Wolf) makes it worth watching ." - Barbara Liesenfeld



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"I work at Blockbuster Video and get a chance to see everyone rent their favorite movies, It's hard to recommend movies because I have so many favorites," - Christine Crowe

"I like to rent movies because I can watch them in my own home and don't have to pay as much if I don't like them," - Kurt Eckman

Four-fifty and a student ID are the only things needed to admit you to an evening of romance, action, suspense, or drama. Seeing a movie is a common source of entertainment for Springfield High School students, Springfield may be considered a small town by some people, but one drive past the movie theater on a Friday night will change many people's opinions, The amount of people waiting in line for tickets, or waiting outside for a ride, makes the theater look like an outdoor carnival, with hundreds of people and cars everywhere, The AMC Marple 10 movie theater shows ten movies at one place, a convenience, considering it doesn't take long for most of the newly released movies to sell-out, Some people prefer to avoid the lines all together, and save a couple of dollars by renting older movies and watching them at their own home with a group of friends. Some watch movies based on critics' reviews or friends' appraisal, while others don't care what the movie is about as long as their favorite actor or actress is in it. Recently, many people have been paying to see some of their favorite movies re-released on the big screen. Many books are also being made into movies so that people can put faces to their favorite characters. Yet, whatever the reason, students flock to the movie theaters and movie rental stores every weekend.

"Going to the movies on the weekends is something fun to do with my friends and I get to see a lot of good movies, too," - Maureen Osiack

Blockbuster Favorites \\When Harry Met Sally'l \\Dirty Dancing 'l \\Field of Dreams" \\Big" \\E.T." \\Star Wars Trilogy" \\Forrest Gump \\Men in Black" \\Jurrasic Park" \\My Best Friend/s Wedding" \\Pretty Woman " II


Introduction r-


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"I spend my weekends anticipating Monday night football."Tim O'Leary

"I wish women's field hockey was on television. I would watch it all the time." Chrissy Milkowski

Sports players have become idols in America. Teenagers wish to have the slam dunk of Michael Jordan, the golf swing of Tiger Woods, or the backhand of Pete Sampras. Springfield High School students wear the endorsed apparel of their favorite athletes, and gather around their television sets to watch their sport heros - only if they don't have tickets to see them play, live. No longer can baseball be considered the "American" sport. Basketball has received so much publicity recently, that even those who have never dribbled a ball have at least seen a game on television. Soccer and ice hockey are also growing in popularity; this could be due to the fact that our hometown teams have been quite successful, recently, in these sports. There is a growing sports frenzy in America, and Springfield High School students are perfect examples of this sweeping phenomenon.



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nstructing a Foundation

Va-Tech students are getting a head start on their careers and goals for after high school.


Introduction r-



The popularity of the Vo-Technical program at Springfield High School is growing. This year was the first year that a full day Vo-Tech program was offered to students, in addition to the traditional half day program. The full day program allowed students to take their required courses at the vocational school, instead of splitting the day between Vo-Tech and Springfield High School. This would allow a student to graduate from high school without ever having to set foot in SHS. The Vo-Tech program is designed for dedicated students who already know what they want to do with their future. These students spend half of their day receiving specialized training in the area of their choice. Cosmetology, Auto Mechanics, Food Services and Child Care are just some of the Vo-Tech divisions that Springfield High School students are involved in. What makes the Vo-Tech experience so rewarding is the hands on learning the students take part in. Cosmetology students practice techniques on mannequins before practicing on real individuals. The Food Service students have a fully equipped kitchen at their disposal, while the garage is like a second classroom for the Auto Mechanic students. A child care service is set up for Child Care students to learn from and take part in. These experiences are unlike any other that a student would experience sitting behind a desk all day. The vo-technical schools in Folcroft and Aston are set up to resemble real life, with plenty of room andsupplies available to the students. For the students that attend Vo-Tech, making the transition from high school to the working world will be only a small hop, due to the valuable knowledge they have already received. The vo-technical students are building a solid foundation upon which to build the rest of their lives.


Justin Siavin, a student in the auto- mechanics division of Folcroft's Vo-Technical school, understands that automobile mechanics is more than just working on cars, there is also a lot to learn about the way each car part operates. By studying aspects of different automobiles, like their eleq:trical system, Justin will be able to work on any car, tru~k.or van that he comes in contact with.

Bridget Liate is able to prepare for an occupation in child care under the supervision of professional personnel in child and day care centers. This division of Vo-Tech includes instruction in children's growth, development, nutrition, safety, and relationships. Students also learn the laws, regulations, and policies relating to child care services. By working one on one in a real child care center the students are able to interact with children directly instead of just through a textbook.

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Stephen Fischere gets to work on cars as part of his class work. This is a perk of attending vocational schooi; students aren't stuck behind a desk all day long, they get to work with their hands and put the knowledge they receive to work, immediately. If SHS classes were as exciting as VoTech classes, block scheduling and hour and a half classes wouldn't seem to go by as slowly.

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B.J. Blackburn and Keith Taylor are food preparation students who split their day between SHS in the morning and Vo-Tech school in the afternoon. The kitchen that they are standing in is essential for their lessons. These two not only have to prepare their food, but eat it as well. This causes these two to pay close attention to the ingredients.

\\ The training available at the school is extensive and demanding and provides a graduate with an excellent background."

Michelle Brady stands next to several mannequins, some of which had their hair styled by Michelle. The instruction pupils receive in cosmetology is designed to qualify them for their licensing examination. This instruction includes the care and beautification of the hair, complexion and hands. Students learn how to give shampoos, rinses, and scalp treatments, as well as styling and cutting hair.

A part of attending Vo-Tech is wearing the right uniform. Ari Harris wears his auto mechanic overalls and shirt with pride. Ari must have taken his safety glasses off for this picture because if a student doesn't have his glasses his grade drops.

"Practice makes perfect" is the motto for Kristen George and Jen Mulhern, two cosmetology students. Before students are able to practice the skills they learn on peopie, they must first practice on their "heads." Mannequins are not available for all aspects of cosmetology. Customer relations is a point that is emphasized by cosmetology teachers, and for this a mannequin would not be the easiest tool to practice with; peopie would prove to be more useful tools of study. Other areas that these students stUdy are bacteriology, anatomy, hygiene, sanitization and salon management. All of these lessons will prepare these girls for life after high school and will aid them in someday maybe even owning their own salon.



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ily Bonds Siblings can be seen as a blessing or a curse. At one time or another they can be your best friends, or your worst enemies. Some siblings share common interests and even join the same sports team or participate in the same activities. Other siblings memorize their brother or sister's schedule, so they can avoid each other all day. Adults always say that you'll grow to love your brother or sister. Some Springfield High School seniors have already discovered this wisdom to be true, while others still doubt its creditability, Siblings have a special relationship that will last a lifetime. It is up to the individual to discover the importance of these bonds. Roaming the halls of Springfield High School are many sibling groups, and posing for these pictures may be the only time in their lives that these family members will actually admit that they're related.

Shaun Cullen thinks that because he is a senior he can break the rules and wear his walkman around school. His sister, Meghan, knows better.

Lauren Manners, a photographer for this year's yearbook, was the first in line to get her picture taken with her younger sister, Morgan.

Donna McCabe is happy to be a senior, yet is glad to give her sister, Shaina, some tips on surviving the four years she has ahead. Tip one: there's no pool or third floor.

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Introduction ~


Jeremy Damia and his sister, Jennifer, don't always see eye to eye. It is inevitable that siblings will fight sometimes, but there are aiso times when a brother or sister is your favorite person in the world.

A sister is a good person to tryout a new joke on, in Evan Panek's opinion. His sister, Heidi, always laughs at him, whether the joke is funny or not.

Erin Dougherty will be glad to have one year without her older brother, Bryan, watching over her. These two, though, don't seem to mind sharing the same school. This closeness allows them a noogie every now and then.

Rob Tauscher teaches his sister, Karen, that the most important thing to know about high school is how to relax. They practiced in commons by putting their feet up and reminiscing about their past year.

Nikki DeAngelis and Sara Toursher were not used to having a younger sibling in the same school as themselves, until this year. Joy Pinter offered them some guidance since her sister, Lindsey, is a sophomore. Matt DeAngelis and Dave Toursher were grateful to see a familiar face in the halls during their first few weeks at SHS.

iii Harding and her sister, Gail, get a lift from their taller :Iassmates, Scott Lemon and his brother, Mike. Since both Jill Ind Scott are the middle children in their families, being the enior this year is something they're not use to.

Maureen Osciak never hesitates asking advice of her older sister, Lauren. When Lauren graduates it will not be as easy for Maureen to reach her sister.

,eniors, Kim Wright, Kim Scali and Christen Rucci show their lounger siblings, Doug, Kristen and Ken, that it is okay for hem to lean on each other when they need someone to .upport them. Support is crucial for surviving high schooL Jnd a sibling is a great source of support.

Janet and Kelly Bollinger will miss their older brother, Bob, next year. As the first Bollinger to enter SHS, Bob will only share his school with his sisters for one year. The Wallins, three of SHS's finest athletes, can always be seen in the gym, on the field or near the track after school. Vet, no matter if its in sports, schooL or other activities, the Wallins are a team. And, if the rest of the family were included, they would have enough people to make up their own sport's team.





Sharing interests can make two people close, espicially for sisters like Beth and Chrissy Milkowski.

Being a senior this year, Donna Viso finally feels supiorior over her younger sister, Alexis. Yet, even though Alexis is beneath Donna in this picture, Donna always treats her sister as an equal.

Shilpa Patel may be shorter than her brother, Ajay, but she won't let him forget that she's the older one.

Charlene Hoder gives her younger sister, Andrea, a hug. This is not an uncommon action for the Hoder sisters.

Robert Tomarelli is willing to give his sister, April, a lift anytime, He only hopes that when she has the car she will be as generous.

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Erin Brady doesn't get a chance to see her sister, Michelle, a lot during the school day since Michelle leaves for Vo-Tech in the afternoon. This makes the times they do share even more precious.

Brent Porche and Jim Sawyer have been at SHS long enough to know about the no hat rule. Jim is happy to see his sister, Erin, knows the rules. Brent still has a lot to teach his younger brother, Adam,

Keith and Nakeisha Taylor are only a year apart. This has taught them to value the bonds of family.

Beth and Katie Theranger are not only known for having red hair, but also for being seen in the band front and on the soccer field,

The Cooks: Marie and Amy, Gardeners: Karen and Laura, and Rayers: Laurey and Linda, are sisters that can always count on one another for support, It doesn't matter what step in life they are on, because these sisters are always there for each other.

Katie Keates attempts to feel superior by standing heads above her brother, Bob knows, however, that being a senior makes him far more superior than his sophomore sister,

Although siblings don't agree on everything, Kate and Vince Pierangeli agree that soccer is a great sport, and both play varsity soccer.

Emily and Adam Dambrink met up with Christian and Kurt Eckman after a Wednesday night band rehearsal in order to pose for this picture,

It's obvious who are the brother and sister pairs in this picture, Suzanne and Frank Reali tower over their shorter sibling friends, Kim and Rob Sannelli, This proves that height is a trait that is passed down to all the members of a family,


Introduction .....,


Ten Years ...

"We will be sharing a chateau in Paris," Sarah Kadis and Joy Pinter

\\1'11 be lost in the Bermuda Triangle," - Teadra Sudler

\\1'11 be playing in the WNBA," - Megan Kasmer

"In ten years, I'll be in the Navy. John Hickey II

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Introduction r--



\\In ten years, I'll be married to someone rich." Karishma Patel "I will be the understudy for Steve Urkel or a rodeo clown I haven't decided yet. // - Matt Polidoro

"I will be working as the head artist for an advertising agencYI living in a large house with my husband. Brooke Canale 11


"We will be driving horses in Philadelphia. - Lauryn Tirneyand Sara Joseph


HI will be asleep in my own home.// Jason Wallin

Introduction ~

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Hanging wires, torn out ceilings and a little dust were not enough to dampen the spirits of students on the evening of December 6th. The class of '98 officers and advisory put in a lot of time, work and energy so that the reconstruction of SHS could be forgotten, and a good time could be had by all at this year's Snow Dance. They were successful. Seniors, juniors, and their dates arrived at the main lobby of the high school at 8 o'clock, where they were greeted by fellow students. Some couples chose to mingle: compliment each other, introduce dates, and pose for a quick picture, while others chose to stand in line for their formal picture, so that the rest of their evening would not be interrupted. Before long, couples made their way through the red and gold balloon arch and down the lit hallway that led to the cafeteria. Girls put their flowers aside, guys found a spot for their jackets, a fast song was played and students preceded to the dance floor. The music, provided by Toner Sound, was a mix of new and old tunes that had students working up a sweat. Slower songs provided a few, sparse breaks from the numerous fast ones. Yet, in general the evening seemed to end too soon, it was 11 o'clock before long and couples retreived their belongings and headed back through the lit hallway and balloon arch. The class of '98 provided each attendee with a bag of candy to take with them. These favors weren't the only things that students took with them, each girl and guy took home memories from the evening that will long out last their candy. The 1997 Snow Dance was a definite success.

Carla Miller, trapped between Donna McCabe and Donna Visa, shares with her friends how sad she is that this will be their last Snow dance. The Snow Dance, a fundralser for the senior class, will help to make the rest of their senior activities as successful as this one. RIGHT: The main lobby of SHS was filled with students by 8:30 on the evening of the Snow Dance. Students placed their coats on the tables provided and proceeded to the hall outside of the audions to wait in line for their picture.


Snow Dance r-




Colleen McCallum and Jason Fischetti dance amoung the numerous other couples on the dance floor of the cafeteria, The cafeteria was decorated with streamers, snowflakes and gaint snowmen to create a snowy atmosphere. The frigid tempetures outside added to this wintery feeling, but Colleen stayed warm by dancing with Jason, 'he Snow Dance is unique in that it is held for both the junior and senior classes, This ]llowed friends from both classes, like Lauryn Tirney, Mary Carloni, Sara Magenheimer, ,ara Joseph, Korin Davis and Shaun Cullen to have fun together throughout the night,

Martina Sebova, a Slovakian exchange student this year, is glad that she got to attend her first Snow Dance with Mike Lemon, Martina has made a lot of new friends in Springfield, like Mike, who have helped her adjust to her new surroundings,

Matt Nesbitt roles his eyes at the camera annoyed that he was interrrupted from dancing with his date, Megan Carlin, Megan and Matt, both soccer and lacrosse players, had the endurance to dance to every song that was played,

Snow Dance





The faculty members of Springfield High School treat their students with respect and expect to be treated the same way . To educate another person is a job reserved for this talented group of special people. I

Getting ready to leave school for the day, Mr. Zappacosta says that his retirement plan is to beat Mr. Yaeck in a game of tennis.


Faculty ,......

Imagine having a job where you do not know what you are going to be doing. This job is reality to Mrs. Lewis, who has substituted at Springfield for nineteen years. Mrs. Lewis and her husband travel exclusively. They have been to Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Greece, and Costa Rica. Mrs. Lewis is infamous for her rapping. It started one day when she rapped to a student whom she was having trouble reaching in class. However, she is thinking of changing her image to a "Geriatric Spice Girl." As for teaching, Mrs. Lewis states, "You gotta have a gimmick."



33 i?"

Although many students may nc be aware of the role the Scho< Board plays, the Board and th decisions they make are integr< in shaping student life at SH~ Charged with finding a mediur between students and commun ty wishes, the Springfield Scho< District School Board meets se\! eral times a month to discuss i~ sues such as the athletic fiell lights, the cafeteria food, ani the renovation project. In ordE to understand students interest and educational concerns, tht Board members often atten< sporting events as well as Cele bration of the Arts.

'97-'98 School Board (Top left): Domenic Bentivegna, Morrow Ziff, Stanley L. Johnson, Michael Christopher, Dianne Mongold, Donald Cadge. (Bottom left): William Mooney, Roger A. Place, Jeffrey I. Lehman, and Mark A. Sereni. Missing is Douglas Carney.



In between explaining the homework problems, Mr. Krupa, the girls volleyball coach, talks about what a great season the girls had.

Marilyn Lake-DellAngelo is the new Instructional Systems Supervisor this year.



35 ..".

Seniors Tribute The teachers here at SHS have not only helped me to become a better student, but they have also helped me grow and mature into a young adult. -Chris Rysak

In Mr. Heron's culture class, we gained exposure to different backgrounds and countries. It helped understand ourselves, the world, and the way people interact with one another. _. Chrissy Spicer

WeiLl think that teachers are extremely good motivators. They help give the students selfmotivation and support throughout the years, but also when it comes to making decisions about college. - Dan Cho

36 ":$Iii

Faculty •

Teacher's Teachings The lessons teachers teach not only help inside of the classroom, but they also teach us important morals that help prepare us for the future. - John Thomas

Mr. Preston taught me many valuable skills that can't be taught by school textbooks. I enjoy learning and his class helped break the monotony of normal everyday learning. - John Brasko My father has taught me important lessons through both his teachings and through his words outside the classroom. I have had the same experience with all of my teachers at SHS; they have prepared me for college. - Leigh Ann Eley



37 -=-

Teacher's Creatures


dennis bartow


debbie uff


terri missar


alexis tsiouris

IMAGINARY GORILLA NAMED JIMMY Mr. O'Brien poses with his pet rock Zach. Serving as the Principai of a high school and being the father of two young daughters doesn't leave him time to care for a more traditional pet.




george trout

It has been said that too many chefs can spoil the soup. Here at SHS, however, that is not the case; the cafeteria staff consists of twelve women who enjoy working together to create good food while still being able to interact with a large number of students each day. "I love kids," Tootie Durham says, "That's why I'm here." "The students are very respectful and friendly," Barbara Murphy adds. For the most part, the students seem to enjoy the food, especially the pizza and baked potatoes the favorite menu items and definetely those first to sellout. The cafeteria staff, however, is trying to improve the menu, particularly to create healthier items. Their first bit of advice: "Drink more milk."



39 iii="

Ms. Phillips is just one of the many teachers who is also a coach. She teaches Physics while coaching boys' tennis here at SHS.


Faculty ,....

Here at SHS, there are many teach ers who go beyond their school da' requirement to help make ou sports teams among the best in thE Central League. As a result, each 0 these teachers spend counties hours, both in the classroom and or the playing fields, with SHS students These teachers feel that their timE spent is rewarding since they arE able to develop a better relation ship with the students. Additionally each teacher coaches becausE they love the sport and the stu dents they coach. Whether it': Coach Mazurek with wrestling Coach Duffey with soccer, Coad Uff with lacrosse, Coach Phillips witr tennis, Coach Krupa with volleyball Coach Ash with baseball, or Coad Funk with track - you can be" they're loving it!

Mr. McRae poses for the camera as he heads back to his room after spending a period planning dass project with Mr. Heron.

The '97-'98 Guidance Staff are here to lend a helping hand: Mrs. Squitirre, Mr. Tierno, Mrs. Gough, Mrs. GUiffre, Mrs. Murphy, Dr. Calhoun, Mrs. Rambo, Mrs. DeRose, and Mrs. Wells.



Top Left: Many can see a striking resemblance between social studies teacher Sam Sackett and his one-year-old daughter Zoe, Middle Left: Students have the opportunity to see the entire Vandenberg family at girls' lacrosse games, Here they are, posed in their matching shirts, celebrating the Christmas season together. Bottom Left: Through advising seniors each year with their college decisions, Mr. Tierno is sure to be an expert by the time his two children are ready to begin the college selection process,

Math and science teachers often share a common bond, even involving their husbands. Here are Larry and Morgan Kovatch, Mike and Christy Cuozzo,

While Mrs. Boeni is home grading tests for her biology classes, her daughter often gets her father involved in a nice game of dress-up. Today she has chosen a look from the 1920's.



It must have been an experience having your mother su bstitute at the school you attended. This was the case with Mrs. Lewis and her daughter Jennifer, Springfield High School Graduate of '86. !lark and Kelly Brady, lnd John and John ~arber.

:::indy Dannaker was glad to hear thavthere were no SHS club neetings scheduled for the day of 'her niece's Christening. ;hown here with husband Scott and god daughter Caitlin. Mrs. )annaker is often busy helping with various clubs here at SHS.

Attack of the teenage boys! Shown above are the Sherwins: Dan, Jason, Colleen, Pat Jr., and Pat III.

In order to relate better with her younger students, Doris Gough and her husband Brad decided that it was time to take a trip to rekindle their youth. They traveled to Florida this Christmas, shown here with just one of the many friends they met while on the trip.



Reflecting on her college years, Ms. Reisinger shows Tora Jordan one of the pieces she wrote in her English class while attending the University of Pennsylvania. Other staff members who ore alumni of the University of Pennsylvania ore shown to the left.



pringfield High School can be proud to be one of a few schools in the area to have a program that gives its students first-hand experience in the profession of teaching. This program is Rainbow Junction and was started by Ruth E. Snyder. Students wishing to learn more about the development of children and teaching take Child Development. This course was previously taught in two separate classes, just this year being combined into one year long course that meets every other day. The first semester is devoted toward a complete understanding of all stages of a child's development. A common site nearing the end of the semester is 75 students walking through the halls with bags of flour. The "flour babies" are meant to simulate the responsibility of having an actual child for whom to care. At the commencement of the second semester, instruction starts to center on teaching. Students create their own lesson plans and begin to organize teaching groups. In March, anywhere from 10 to 15 three-to-four-year-olds occupy the room known as Rainbow Junction. Students take the responsibility of planning, teaching, disciplining. Miss Snyder considers one of her career highlights to be "helping to evolve Rainbow Junction into a viable, community desired program." Along with teaching four classes of Child Development, Miss Snyder teaches both Interior Design and Fashion Design and Merchandising. She is also a Community Service Officer with Sue Descano and always is involved with the costume design of SHS musicals and theatre productions. Outside of school, she enjoys travelling, singing, and sewing.


Ms. Synder helps Child Development student Lauren Healy with her mid-term project. For the mid-term, students are required to create a toy that will be used with the nursery school children later in the spring.



ACelebratfon Stthe Arts~ AAstJeodehatSHSc,Mrs,' , proms, staf'echam':Purvis" favorite. memory AC'lwolild have fosay • A~\,eD jhough many piOns.hips, Class :frips,::mu-was wirmFn§ the199D.thehighliQhf of mYf~ach'efs have. dis.tine 1 sieats, 'SHS, sfudenfswill 'Central LeQgueJrr n.ock.:teaching ,cOreer. \NOLlld memories; all the:teach· look back and remember. ey~.and the 19'8 7.Distrid ··hav€' tobeJh.~.i,~lafion- ers at; SHS\~ULagree tha' thes~evenfs 9S highlights" :'J:ollJybalf titl~,HowE7Ve~"sbiRS ] have be~n dbJeto'fea ching,Js '. a;' hlghlig h' of.otheir highschoOLyears, as atedGherherthrifl.co-: . dev~19Pwifh·:rh.ar1y:stu·> 'e.very~ddy; Bei8gasmal Yet,. f~aGhers',haveqlso" :mes'.when sfudenfsbe~' dents'. Sometime~ if you,par.t:o{: $hident excel hdG'memorable tlmes at. Come enthralled: with" dare really JuCky, ajeach::';Ienee .and. dchievemen SpririgfleldHighSchd91.; , ,,' .sport t:he~(havenev~er·.:erdr:rdsfljdent.develbp'q is:bothexdfingandre, 'played b~Tore., 'such'as d~ep::frie,ndship, ~6rG1h wardIng ::for them~ The) ba.dmintQn: ~ archery Of >Kadisisjh,6f tYpe~oi stu,,:: ,have~ ~njoyedmeetin~ ':golf;' Sbe.'is looking for': )·denf,ln'Qurhouse ·586 is . ~an.et :irrfllJencing man) wc:irdto~man'imoresuc-::,CQQ~idered~family,"~x:-


c"essfu' s'$asons~ ClSJO' ~1¢lir:nsMrs/Barber dssheWhile,getf1ngknow thell coach. and ·teather, refledsonher, favoriteds' individuarpe6ple,: 4.: ' m e m o r i e s . : " ,," " :Th~yhe0i:from fo~me .£.Mr, Zumpano had.d sim- sttidents who are 'livine ;H<::lr;rewardirig 'expefienc~ :happy arid, fulfilling 'live~ when 9· form~rstuGent tedcherscan't, help bu vyrote:a Press 9rtj~le ,~n.;; ,smile, Fr:om cdrd~, pic J1tI~d: ::'Mr,~Zumpatlo' Jwres/ kind words, ane 'Wortmy of,ou~ Respect" ~ge[}e(alaUitudes,teach .. . ' e r s feel as though fhe\ ';have tgeenDble to makE () dfffer?r:1~~:in:theJives 0 each. and every .studen .£.Mrs.. ~Nc:iisrhith,greatly \tiDq hGswalked:the:hdll enjoVed,:be~inQ parj"qf o(SpringflelaHigh Schoo fh~ m:usicallast year. ~She" washoppy to oe: gi~en the, opportunity .to.Sfl,OW· . .", .' , .: off her fap dgnCing abil- .AMr',,,Coope.r :r~men:-; itya$ ,she performed in' bers, , the. mcmy tImes: In, Anything Goes·wifhher. 0 rnuslcrehearsal~Qrper-:: . fellovy faculty members, :formance"'{hen .eveTY~ AMs, ::Snyder liked~xper:- one ., has, ?een' really. sn, Imen.tingwifh: fhe;RaiD-: The musIc soors aDd lIfts ," " bow']un9tion program,in " us ,all up;toa. new leveL AMr., Trout enJoys staying, ,..,..,', ~ " ' h' 'h~ Ch' 'Id' r"'\1 ' You can t get much bet- .'., WhLC . er· .I ve~~ op- , .' ',' .. ' " '" . " , " until: all.homs· With many mentstudenJs run. a nUI":c; terthqnth?t,he say~" ~ studeQts.who fighfJo slay AMrs , LeW1S .IS happy: io ' . h' .,1'''' • 'd. sery school, Yet,bn the· I, I'J" . . ~ ~. 'h~ '. k t h'··' 'f" In sC.,oOJ Gn ,.' worJ\, IJ\'e ottier hahd, :Sr1Ei will::al-' ave~ ep .: er ~anl' y ertJzy fo(C~lebrationof, ways· -remember being" throughout the 1B.. years ,t.h ·••·A~t·, 'Af',t" ,h~ 'f,v " " ' ", hh ~ t b't't 't' e r Soc Imes e, In d s set,u~ by d nrevious'seh-, Slle' as spen :slJ sl,lJlng't' tV 'b:' 'h ":j '; :b'; . t~th" , t S' " 'f'I.e;I'd ,',: eM" een, ,...... jO e, a .: aSSle, , " r - ", : : .."r-" ' ~: .',' ~., ' ,"a pr.mg '.:;. . ;", ,u:' "~ e.. ~ lor <:Ioss, to P<JrtlClpate 1[1 ,,'. '. ".' ";' . : .~. ;memorles make :ltgreqL; agOtdne.eating contest in \Nhlle, Ms. Hel"~er ls.gr(Jte~ E' 'h" ',C ,'b';' +' ' : , .r-' .,' :", 'fl' tth 'd,·.qe "year ee ral19 n ." front of theE:mtireschool.:' ',. u: JUs, ~. av~, sy~vl.yehas' the sah16:sense'..of' 'the flu epidemic.of ,1996 'exdtemenffor bim~ . h



Did You Know? r-../* "A teacher afMr. Carter is a new face at SHS this year. In addition to teaching, he enjoys playing chess, writing music, and going fishing; and, ideally, he would like to have the opportunity one day "to take his U.S. dollars. south of the border and open and operate a school for teaching English."As a new teacher, his highlight thus far has been the warm welcome he has received from all at SHS. Having walked the halls of Springfield High School for twenty years, Mrs. Grammiak is a familiar face to practically every student at SHS. As a fulltime substitute, "Grams" feels that she has gained the respect of many kids. She believes that teaching helps her feel young, since she has close interaction with teenagers every day.

fects eternity; no one can tell where his influence stops."

r-../* "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The great teacher demonstrates. The superior teacher inspires." r-../*

"There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly."

Viera Cacalihas plenty of experience with foreign countries. Sheha§ lived in foufcountriesin Europe,· aQd her daughter wos.even c fOfElignexchgnge student inGermany for a yea~. Mfs.CacCJIi loves.to plan.tripstoboth Germany and France; she wants the kidsshe>teochesto .hove.the real "experience" of being in a foreign country. She will be planning a trip to El.lropenextyedr. Mr. Stefani is active. in the. Adbanic:m community. \Alhilehelping to find .AIbanianimmigrants jobs, homesrand education, he assists those immigrants jailed for illegally entering .the. U.S .• He works for Amn(3sty International· to translate to the imprisoned andhelp keep communication. open between the government andthEtAlbanians.

r-../*"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery."


"The people who influence you are the people who believe in you."




For a majority of Springfield High School students, school commitments do not end with the last bell of the day. One can see involved SHS students at work after school and long into the evenings. 49

ing Band Pete Stalker is an active member of the band program. He plays baritone sax in Wind Ensemble and also participates in the Jazz Band.

Junior Lindsay D'Esposito can always be seen smiling, even when whe is fixing attention positions as a Band Leader in Training.

Friends Jen Beaver, April Tomarelli, and Ashley Petrylak practice their dance to "Wipe Out," a favorite tune to play in the stands at football games.

The ;-Ialloween Parade has become an ongoing Marching Band tradition that seems to get more elaborate every year. Here the crew from "Gilligan's Island" takes a stop before loading their instruments on the bus for the trip to Sabold and Scenic Elementary schools, as well as Don Guanela.



Percussionists Carrie O'Connell, Katie App, and Ellen Rundbaken practice the new cadence inside on a Wednesday night rehearsal. The percussionists were under the new leadership of Richard Whiteside, a drum corps instructor from Chichester.

Dance Line members Michelle Janetti, Chrissy Bradshaw, and Katie Harbison bundle up at one of the away night football games that they attend. At the end of the season, the girls will give a dance presentation at Band-O-Rama.

Sophomore flautists Katie Dubil and Megan Kasmer show freshman piccolo player Chrissy Milkowski the dances in the stands at the first football game. The three became close friends socializing at football games, and they hope to be the heirs to the 'Hey' signs after the seniors graduate.



51 ;;e

Trumpets and horns - Top row: Geoff DeLizzio, Joe Petrarca, Chris Starr, Matt Hindley, John Hickey, Chris Percy, Matt Cairns, Justin Van Druff, Matt Diamond, Brendan Kaufrnan, Ray Wang, Ben Bartos, Bret Mills. Bottorn row: Jason Hollencarnp, Meghan Cullen, Carla D'Olio, Steph landers, Tara Warner, Sara English.

Rifle squad - Top: Christa Gomeau, lauren Manners, Dana Garling. Middle: Sam Williarns, Somrner Tracey, Michelle Crandley. Bottorn: Maribeth DeSantis, Morgan Manners, Andrea DiRico.

Saxophones - R.J. Yoo, Erin DiRico, Pete Stalker, D.J. Starr, Galen Mooney, Justin Jonaitis, Nate DiGiorgio, Mike Fusco, Jason Fowler, lou Dilello (bottorn).

Clarinets - Top: Adam Darnbrink, Kim Wagner, Kristen Stewart, Rich King, Clare Chevalier, Jenna Beaver, Jen Kobasa. Middle: Amy Cook, Diane Gardner, Kristen Burke, Chrissy Young, Tina Nicolaou. Bottom: Liz Bell, Karen Gardner, Marie Cook, Abigail Montgomery, Dave Krych, April Tornarelli.



Trornbones, Baritones, and Tubas - Top Row: Gregg Byrne, Bob Wharton, Eric Turner, Bryan Dougherty, Matt Rossi, Anthony DeFrancesco, Dan Cho. Bottorn Row: Garrett Novak, Christine Bailey, Michele Nastasi, Steve Underwood, Kurt Eckrnan.

Dance Line - Top row: Mandy Wharton, Danielle DiNicola, Chrissy Bradshaw, Sarah Urso, leigh Ann Eley, Brianne Sullivan, Katie Theranger. Bottom row: Heather Hunter, Liz Flarnini, Katie Harbison, Rita Squitere, Michelle Janetti.

ec Flutes - 1st row: Lindsay D'Esposito, Lauryn Timey, Shaina McGrath, Dana Johnson, Audrey Mettler. 2nd row: Lauren Mento, Megan Donohue, Chrissy Cirucci, Tara Jordan, Grace Wang, Denise Newsom. 3rd row: Lisa Cutrefello, Kim Sannelli, Lauren Osciak, Ashley Petrylak. 4th row: Sheila Percy, Cathy Chao, Christen Conarty, Megan Kasmer, Jim McCullough, Katie Dubil.

)ercussionists - Front row: Erin Dougherty, Laura Clevenstine. Middle row: Amber Rorabaugh, Carrie :)'Connell, Janet Bollinger, Jodi McHenry, Katie App, Kristyn Baker, Ellen Rundbaken, Aimee Drumheller. 3ack row: Brian Morrison, Sean Donovan, Matt Hepler, Christian Eckman, Dan Sullivan, Brent Porsche, Jason Fischetti, Dave de la Vergne, Seth Todd, Mike Maccario, Chris Stolnis.

Silks - 1st row: Emily Dambrink, Jen Ciocci. 2nd row: Catherine Castleberry, Amanda Gessay, Tina Minter, Kate Shaw, Jamie Baith, Tiffiney Petherbridge. 3rd row: Candice Cavicchia, Caitlin Kline, Kim Wehnau, Laura Daransky, Kelly Bollinger. 4th row: Maureen Osciak, Heather Lindman, Colleen Tomlinson, Erin Sawyer, Beth Theranger.



ing band Senior Shaina McGrath gets a free ride thorugh the lunch line at a home football game from friends Andy Lastowka and DJ Starr,

Although many new songs were added to the band's repertoire this year, everyone still enjoys old favorites like "Land of 1000 Dances," It can get quite chilly near the end of the football season, Friends Chrissy Cirucci and Laura Feliciani bundle up to fight the frigid weather,

Standing at rigid attention in a flawless formation, the band patiently waits for the drum major to cue the beginning of the show, The first song is jazz legend Duke Ellington's hit, "It Don't Mean A Thing," In a moment, these frozen living statues will burst out in a sWingin' tune, right: Silk captain Jen Ciocci flourishes her flag during the halftime show, Color guard captains not only have to make sure that their squads look great, but they themselves often occupy the most prominent positions on the field,



¡hese underclass saxaphone and brass players warm up together )efore the Ridley game. Though night games are often cold and dark, he band is always expected to look and sound its best.

Freshmen and sophomores make up the Symphonic Band, but they often play pieces that are more difficult as the material that other high school bands play.

Wearing a white carnation as part of Senior Recognition Day, Dave de la Vergne plays his quads in the Springfield bleachers for the last time.



55 '?'


Lisa McGarvey has been playing the cello at Springfield for four years. She also plays in the Delaware County Vouth Orchestra.

Woodwinds - top to bottom, left to right: RJ Voo, Kristyn Baker, Lindsay D'Esposito, Abigail Montgomery, Andy Lastowka, Tara Warner, Laura Feliciani, Christian Eckrnan, Dave Krych, April Tornarelli, Megan Donohue, Tara Jordan, Tina Nicolaou, Erin Dougherty, Laura Clevenstine. right: Percussion - Jason Fischetti, Dave de la Vergne, Matt Polidoro, Dan Sullivan.

The cellos and violas were kept busy this year playing challenging songs like "Victory at Sea" and "Reformation Symphony." The performers intently watched Mr. Cooper in order to follow the complicated time signatures. Individual sections were tested on the more rigorous parts. Everyone did their part and the concert was an enjoyable success.

Beth and Mike Hepler are just one set of siblings in the music program, Having a brother or sister in band or orchestra is nice, especially for freshman, because there is always a familiar face among ail the upperclassmen. This musical family also inciudes their brother Matt, a percussionist. 1st violins - top: Anne Louie, Lauren Hindley, Julie Waddington, Jean Marie Urglavitch, Erin DiRico, Mary Lisa Porrini. bottom: Vidya Venkataraman, Heidi Panek, Kim Winnemore, Tina Minter.

Members of the orchestra start their school day by playing scales and tuning. The string instruments are continuously told to use the full bow. After doing this ritual every other day, it comes quite natural to them. They want to get it right for the Disney World trip in the spring.

Brass -left to right: Bryan Dougherty, Joe Petrarca, Justin Van Druff, Mike Davey, John Hickey, Matt Cairns, Geoff DeLizzio, Steve Szewczyk, Anthony DeFrancesco, Jason Hollencamp.

2nd violins - standing: Lindsay Pinter and Linda Royer. back: Jessica Craven, Heather Hunter, Mandy Wharton, Sara Lopatin, Kiera Burke, Erin Epright. middle: Jobin Philip, Jackie Bowers, Jen Aitken, Jen Sang, Laura McShane. front: Beth Hepler, Maribeth DeSantis, Andrea DiRico, Caroline Kobylarz,

Violas, Cellos, and Basses - top: John Gorman, Casey Bottomley, Dan Cho, Galen Mooney, Erin Sawyer. middle: Marie Mcintyre, Laura Daransky, Colleen Kirby, Liz Martin, Lisa McGarvey. Front: Jason Wallin, Christine Crowe, Shaina McGrath, Sara English, Jason Stolnis.




gfield Singers

Katie Lynch and Jill Harding are two of Springfield's finest sopranos. Both of these ladies made district choir.

The Springfield Singers perform frequently outside of school. These performances include basketball games, concerts at churches, and other public events.

Though Steve Szewczyk, Mike Davey, Jared Stevenson, and Ashley Petrylak have been friends for years, this is the first year they sang together in choir,

In his two years in Springfield Singers, senior Bryan Dougherty has become a strong leader in the bass section.



Every year the Springfield Singers perform a holiday concert at Covenant United Methodist Church,

azz Band

Senior drummer Dan Sullivan keeps rhythm at one of the jazz band's concerts. Dan aiso drums for a rock band, Napolean in Rags, who can be seen playing shows on the weekends.

Freshman Bob Tomarelli was a strong addition to the rhythm section this year, providing his bluesy solos and tight chords.

Sophomore Mike Fusco takes a solo in "Tiger of San Pedro," one of the band's featured numbers. Mike has won awards for his solos at past jazz competitions.

Erin Dougherty has been playing piano since she was four years old, and she aiso teaches piano in her time away from the jazz band.



Juniors Chrissy Cirucci, Steph Landers, and Kristen Stewart all gather around friend Anthony DeFrancesco on a bus ride out to Upper Darby. Choir is not only a place to sing, but also a place to bond with friends.

Above: Everyone got a little tired during the night rehearsals, which lasted two hours. These rehearsals were a necessary step to perfect the concert music; it is a rare moment when the whole chorus can practice together. Right: Chrissy Cirucci has been a member of chorus for three years, and this year she made Springfield Singers. She is devoted to music and also plays the flute in the Wind Ensemble.




~t the Upper Darby Choral Festival in February, Jon Jenkins and Greg Riviello perform their second con:ert together during their freshman year.

Sophomore soprano Dana Rygwelski practices singing her parts for the upcoming Winter Concert.

Dave Piccirilli waits during the rests before he can sing. The girls and guys would alternate measures, but mostly they sang in unison.



The soprano section of SHS' choir is is perhaps the largest group, but still has a quality sound.

Bryan Dougherty and John Hickey have made a special effort to join the rehearsal today. Both of them are also in the orchestra and have to split their time between the two musical groups.

What the choir's tenor section lacks in numbers, it makes up for in vocal volume and skill. right: Sumy Philip, Tina Vaidya, and Deb Turlington pose for a picture on the overcrowded bus after the Upper Darby Choral Festival. All three love to sing, but enjoyed the break on the ride home,



he strong foundation of the choir's elegant sound comes from the lowerful bass section, The alto section, along with the tenors, make up the middle voices in the choir.

unior Mike Lemon's musical talents have taken him very far, He has ualified for district and regional choir multiple times, and has been Jnked the number one tenor in the entire state,

Aimee Christopher, Erin Gress, Nicole Juliano, Beth Theranger, and Scott Lemon are all on their way home after the Upper Darby Choral Festival. Though the festival was entertaining and educational, it was also very exhausting,



63 jjie

Mike Davey Band, Orchestra

64 '$iii



three-day experiences, students will not only be able to perform with other talented young musicians and a notable conductor, but will live with a host family. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to tryout for Regional groups, from which they can advance to State ensembles. Although the rehearsals last all day and are exhausting, students still manage to enjoy themselves, make new friendships, and put on an excellent concert.

One of the highlights of the year for many SHS musicians is the opportunity to tryout for one of the District 12 select musical groups. Students spend months diligently practicing to prepare for their auditions, so that they can perform well in what is often a highpressure situation. District Band and Orchestra auditions, which were held at Coatesville High School this year, require students to play three scales, perform sections of a prepared solo, and sight read an unfamiliar piece before a blind judging panel. District Chorus

auditions, which took place at Conestoga, make students perform similar tasks: they must sing a practiced solo and a scale, but to do so in a face-to-face situation with the judges. Based on their performance, students are ranked with others on the same instrument or voice part, and the highest finishers in each group are invited to participate in the District Band, Orchestra, or Chorus festivals, which were hosted this year by Penncrest, Garnet Valley, and Conestoga, respectively. During these

Nick Arbutina Choir

Dan Cho Orchestra

Laura Clevenstine Band, Orchestra

Anthony DeFrancesco Band

Geoff DeLizzio Band

Lindsay D'Esposito Band

Bryan Dougherty Choir

Erin Dougherty Band, Orchestra

Jill Harding Choir

John Hickey Band, Orchestra

Dave Krych Band

Andy Lastowka Band, Orchestra

Mike Lemon Choir

Katie Lynch Choir

Marti McHenry Choir

Abigail Montgomery Band, Orchestra

Tina Nicolaou Band

Matt Rossi Band

Steve Szewczyk Band, Orchestra

April Tomarelli Band

Vidya Venkataraman Orchestra

R.J. Yoo Band

Activities ~---




As an active senior, Brooke Canaie had no trouble organizing the senior section. Brooke also used her artistic influences to make sure the yearbook had a fresh look.

above: DJ Starr has been on the yearbook staff for two years. He enjoys the fun atmosphere of the yearbook room. right: Non-editors contributed to the yearbook as well. They wrote and took many photos to capture the year's memories.

Though there were many room changes, the yearbook staff kept tradition by decorating the wails,



Denise Newsom is ¡the yearbook's editor-in-chief this year. She did a great job of both designing the generallayout and supervising each of the other sections. oorts staff member Christine Seeley looks over the scoreboard for varsity nd junior varsity football teams. Christine participates in dozens of SHS ctivities, but she leaves enough room in her schedule to still contribute er writing skills to yearbook.

mior underclass editor Lauryn Tirney puts the finishing touches on her lphomore class layout. Lauryn hopes to move up and be in charge of ,e senior section next year.

ny Liesenfeld is one of the ten !arbook section editors who put many hours after school.

Dan Cho took a lot of responsibility this year in yearbook, working with DJ Starr, as activities editor.



field Theater Workshop

Nicole Cerone has been active in many STW productions, from "Wonderful Town" her freshman year to this year's "Blithe Spirit."

Shoun Duffy is used to the routine of memorizing scripts, since he has been an STW member for three years. "Class Action" will be his sixth and final performance here.

Anthony Timbol and Chrissy Cirucci prepare for their scene together in "Class Action." Last spring they also worked together in "Feiffer's People." Pat McBride looks suggestively into Laurie Royer's eyes, as they rehearse a romance scene in "Class Action."


With Matt Owens gone and Pat Ibbotson focusing on his DJing career, Geoff DeLizzio took over this year on stage crew. Members of "Blithe Spirit" became good friends, and could often be found joking during rehearsals.

"Blithe Spirit" is set in England, and due to STW's authentic recrean of the Condomine's Victorian lifestyle, they were able to display )per manners, accents, and of course, tea time.


Anthony Timbol was the stage manager during the "Blithe Spirit." He was so impressed with the acting, that he decided to join in on the fun in "Class Action."

Activities ~

69 ==-

above: Jean Marie Urglavitch samples a heart-shaped lollipop before they go on sale to the rest of SHS. Student Council tried several different ideas to go with the candygrams this year. left: Student Council representative Michelle Nastasi works after school with the Turkey Fund. Michelle has helped Student Council with the Turkey Fund all three years she has been a representative.

Ajay Patel discusses money factors for Jared's upcoming Studeni Council lock-in. The lock-in was planned as an activity for new Studeni Council members to get to know each other.

Jean Marie Urglavitch and Michele Nastasi count up their profits for th. day at the candy sale booth. The candy sale is just one of the dozen of things that they do to raise money.



tudent Council

Christine Seeley is involved in many organizations through SHS. She takes on the same kind of extensive duties as the vice-president of Student Council. Student Council president Sam Conlan goes through the agenda during a meeting in advisory. She is looking for volunteers to aid in the daffodil sale in the spring.

Student Council organized a bonfire this year, where the sports teams, marching band, and students all raised the school spirit level before the Marple football game.



sty International

Amnesty President Nicole Kissinger carefully sorts through piles of letters which will be hand copied by Amnesty members during a Thursday night meeting, Nicole also helps write the letters for the group's main fund raiser, the Write-A-Thon,

Adam LeGrand writes a letter to China demanding the release of citizens who are being wrongfully imprisoned,

Treasurer Ashley Weinberg gathers the piles of letters she has written and looks for envelopes and international stamps to send out her messages, Freshman Rich King writes his letter to President Clinton requesting US national aid in Mexico, The freshmen are exposed to groups like Amnesty on Activity Day, where they can go around to tables and sign up for clubs,



The library is the center for all of STARE's activities, from meetings to the Write-A-Thon. right: Friends Bethany Scott, Lauren Hindley, and Sara Tourscher bond at a meeting before joining the rest of the group in an icebreaker activity.

Senior Nikki DeAngelis writes a letter to the Gillette company, protesting their use of animals in the testing of their products.

Karen Jeffery writes diligently, eagerly anticipating the pizza at the end of the Write-A-Thon. She is a member of STARE and Amnesty International.

STARE vice-president Matt Polidoro is on his way to the cafeteria to collect aluminum cans. Matt must then take the cans to a recycling center, which is one way STARE earns money.

Vice-president Lauren Hindley takes notes at a Thursday night meeting during an Earth Day Festival discussion.




SADD vice-president Kristen Stewart talks about the success of Red Ribbon Week during one of the SADD meetings.



SADD president Sarah Kadis hands out forms for Ghost Day, a popular event at SHS where students dress in all black and avoid talking to classmates throughout the day to symbolize a death due to drunk driving.


Although ASCE membership consists mostly of girls, president Katie Theranger is glad to have some guys, like Brian Morrison, there to lend a hand.

For people like Jen Aitken, the most rewarding part of After School Community Education is the opportunity to work with young minds that are eager to learn and full of wonder.

Katie Dubii cheerfully distributes graham crackers before the chiidren arrive. With so many people there to help, it did not take long to set up.

ASCE president Nikki DeAngelis demonstrates proper gingerbread house construction technique for the assembled students.

Freshmen Marie Mcintyre, Erica Williams, and Mark Arbutina gather with some elementary students to create gingerbread houses. They all know that the best part is snacking in-between construction.



nts Helping Students

Best of friends Sara Tourscher and Nikki DeAngelis share a laugh before reading the morning announcements in advisory. Both Sara and Nikki are active participants of each of the four SHS clubs.

Sophomore Meghan Maguire sings "Deck the Halls" at Harlee Manor in full holiday costume.

SHS secretary Lauren Hindley finishes up a letter to Mr O'Brien during SHS homeroom with Mrs, Dannaker and Mrs. Barber.



redjudice Awaren

Jared Stevenson is the president of the Predjudice Awareness Union. Jared has been a member ali four years at SHS, and uses this experience to bring original and fun ideas to the group.

Jana Karim tries to untangle herself from Lauren Hindley during an icebreaker activity. PAU is known for using fun activities to draw in a crowd.

Ashley Petrylak and Sumy Philip have been regular attenders of the PAU meetings. They enjoy participating in the games, the ethnic readings, and the other activities that help open their minds to the rest of the world. Ali the members have become friends due to their willingness to appreciate ali ways of life that make our school interesting and diverse. When Jared Stevenson can't attend a meeting, he hands over the responsibility to Jared Lopatin. He conducted an entire meeting on Native Americans, instructing games and presenting information about their culture.



unity Service

Senior friends Sara Tourscher and Donna Viso work together fiiling boxes for the Turkey Fund. The two have worked together in the past on Student Council, and have remained friends since.

Eilen Rundbaken iearns about what bake sale items need to be at each table for the upcoming STW production.

Junior Kristyn Baker takes time out of her Saturday morning to volunteer her services for an elderly person. Kristyn also looks forward to helping older community members at the Senior Citizen's Prom in the spring.



eff Barnes, a junior, was excused eary from his AP American History course o he could help make food baskets or the Turkey Fund.

Shilpa Patel and Lauren Courato are the ruling power in CSC. The two make sure everyone turns in their required hours, and organize all of the various events that CSC sponsors.

Junior Karishma Patel serves as an activity coordinator in Community Service Club.

Juniors Tara Warner and Stephanie Landers bag up debris from a Springfield citizen's back yard. Steph is also one of the officers for the Community Service Club. As treasurer, she makes sure the club has enough money to put on the popular Senior Citizen's Prom and other events.

Sophomore Chris Starr stops into the choir room after school to sign up for the Highway Clean-up in the fall. Chris was eager to stay in the Community Service Club because he likes helping out with the Senior Citizen's prom in the spring.



After a festive weekend of meeting new people and learning how to handle other's problems, the Peers gather together one last time.

Andy Lastowka practices his balance while Sara Magenheimer spots him. The Peers have to perform many tasks which require both physical skiil and teamwork. While they have groups of friends outside of Peers, Sumy Phiiip, Brooke Canale, Megan Kasmer, Jenn Prendiville, Amira Dickerson, and Lindsay D'Esposito got the chance to make new friends.

Beth Milkowski, Rita Squitere, and Marti McHenry draw themselves at Peer Camp, where they decorate their 'body profiles' with traits, hobbies, and goals.

Sara Tourscher and Vince Yanni practice discussing a fictional conflict in front of the rest of the Peers. In this part of camp, the Peers learn how to go about mediating a real-life problem.



eerF I:\t Peer Camp this year, Brooke Canale descends from her tightrope walk 30 feet above the ground.

:riends Lindsay D'Esposito and Shaina McGrath rake a break from their listening activities. Through::Jut the weekend, Peers paired up to put their skills '0 use by listening to others conflicts.

Vince Vanni is led along a tightrope with his eyes closed, while classmate Sara Magenheimer readies the path ahead and passes a rope so he can keep his balance.

Seniors Brooke Canale and Shaina McGrath participate in a tower building competition. Each of the Peers must bring their own icebreaker activity to peer camp to create fun bonding experiences. The senior Peers (clockwise from left): Beth Milkowski, Shaina McGrath, Brooke Canale, Sara Tourscher, Nicole Cerone, Bryan Dougherty, Andy Lastowka, Korin Davis, and Shilpa Patel.



nt Aides

Katie Theranger, a member of the Computer Help Desk, looks up information on how to set up a computer. With all of the new computers at SHS, there is a need for more students helping maintain them.

Library assistance is often needed when students rush in for iast minute projects. It's a good thing helpers like Catherine Chevalier are there to guide the way.


Junior Marti McHenry assists the guidance office in their clerical work. Here she files mail to take the load off of the secretaries.

Junior Sommer Tracy walks with the "caboose" of the line on the way back to .the Kindergarten room, Sommer also helps the Kindergarten teachers prepare activities for the students to do in class,

am Montone can almost always be found helping out in the main office, Sam helps Mrs, teager and Mrs, Mastalski take care of odd jobs like answering the phone, making )hotocopies, and filing paperwork,

above: Freshman Jodi McHenry helps a teacher cut out cards for a classroom game, Jodi is following in her sister's footsteps, who has particiapated as a Student Aide for several years, left: Amanda Lewis helps a young kindergarten girl create a work of art,

-/? Activities ~

83 ::0;>00

ry Magazine

Senior lit mag editor Jana Karim shows her affinity for a particular piece of poetry at a screening meeting.

Laura Feliciani reads over a short story a second time before casting her vote whether or not to publish the piece. Although Brooke Werley and Sara Magenheimer are heavily involved in athletics, their intellectual sides enjoy reading the literary creations of their peers.

Freshman Brian Morrison is active in lots of iocal publications. He was a writer for the former student newspaper SAM.


Jared Stevenson and Nicoie Cerone, two of the three head editors of the lit mag, meet at Jared's house monthly to screen new material.

Editor-in-Chief Chris Gorman browses the Philly Inquirer in hopes of finding new ideas for the Spri-Hian. Over the past few years the school paper has been experimenting with many drastic changes in content and design.

e Spri-Hian's other editor-in-chief Jim wyer assures that only material of the )hest quality is printed. Adam Reger, a serious writer, polishes up his latest article. Adam's name cannot be found in the pages of the SpriHian because he prefers to use a nom de plume,

lien Mooney lends a hand in sorting d compiling the pages of the latest Je because there are so many copies distribute to all the advisories.

In the absence of a journalism room this year, the dedicated Spri-Hian staff holds a meeting in a storage rOOm.


ic Advisory

Senior BJ Lucey checks over yesterday's scores in advisory so she can post them on the builetin board.

Nick Spinosa doses off during announcements. His turn to read the sports announcements will come in just a few weeks.

Senior Dan Ceilucci shares his stories from an away track meet at Lehigh. He's also finishing up some of his homework, considering the track team gets in weil after midnight sometimes.

Erin Hughes and Amira Dickerson meet for a night council meeting, where they plan to discuss the new drug and alcohol policy.

Pete Rivieilo, Corin Heiler, Brian Minott, Vince Yanni and Keily Walker appear to be wide awake contrary to the time of day in advisory. Maybe this is because the students have access to food and beverages from the faculty dining room, where the Athletic Advisory is located.


peration Smile

Operation Smile officers Magy Miller, Colleen Sullivan, and Kim Scali congratulate Tina Vaidya on the amount of money she gathered for the "Penny Piles Make Smile's" campaign.

$lIy Bollinger spends time after school utting up flyers for upcoming Operaon Smile events.

Sophomores Lisa Mattei and Michelle Miller were encouraged to join Operation Smile by their friend Brianne Sullivan, who is the sister of president Colleen Sullivan.


:1m Conlan teaches her advisory exactly what Operation nile does, and how the student's money can help make a ifference in a child's life.

Operation Smile holds an annual bake sale, where the club can make total profit towards their cause.


e Olympiad

Steve Szewczyk test launches a bottle rocket made from a soda bottle and powered by water pressure. It can take many launches to perfect a winning model.

above: Megan Donohue retrieves the results of a less than successful launch. Fortunately, there is plenty of time to improve the design before competition. left: Some team members gather on a Saturday morning to practice for the competition. Their activities range from building cars to classifying insects.

David Krych and Ashley Petrylak study together for Bio Lab. Science Olympiad members often compete in pairs to complement each other's strengths and promote teamwork.


Team captain Anthony DeFrancesco creates a structure out of K'nex. A teammate will attempt to rebuild that structure using only their written instructions in order to test communication skills.

ational Honor Soc

\lational Honor Society president Katie Theranger works with her mentor on sewing bears, one of NHS' JCtivities. Katie takes time out of her busy schedule to meet with her mentoring partner. Mentors are Jssigned students according to shared interests and skills.

3ecretary Chrissy Bradshaw carefully checks over 'he list of NHS members to make sure they handed n their community service hours. Chrissy keeps irack of the totals for each student to make sure ihey reached their required quota.

Many NHS members came to doll night to make dolls for hospitalized children. Those who were not experts at sewing helped by cutting the different materials, attaching buttons, and stuffing the dolls. This year's mentor program began with an evening at Scenic Hills filled with fun activities to let the students and mentors get aquainted with one another.


above: Although Vidya Venkataraman, Jeff Barnes and Anthony DeFrancesco are juniors, they are ali taking calculus, which is helpful for the math questions in the competitions. right: Shaun Culien and Dave Krych ponder a question in their specialty category - art history. Springfield has a long tradition of success in the art and literature questions in Hi-Q.

The 1997-96 Kimberly Clark Hi-Q team: Back Row - Shaun Culien, Christian Eckman, Anthony DeFrancesco, advisor Mr. Robert Young, Dan Cho, Andy Lastowka. Front Row - Megan Donohue, David Krych, Vidya Venkataraman, Jeff Barnes, Ashley Petrylak.

In a constant effort to improve team strategy, Hi-Q advisor Mr. Young shrewdly observes the competition.



Springfield's second half players discuss one of the final questions in their first meet of the season. Their teamwork led to a victory and gave Springfield a leading score in the county.

nowledge Maste Problem Solvers

Although the junior Knowiedge Masters team began with little experience this year, they managed to answer many questions correctly in the December competition. Their score came close to that of the senior team.

Freshmen friends Laura McShane and Brian Morrison work well as a team, an important skill in problem solving.

Freshman Jonathan Gorman takes a break from problem solving to demonstrate his juggiing skills.

A group of freshman Future Problem Solvers meet in the LMC to search for the information that will be the key to formulating their solution proposal.

above: seniors Lauren Kramp and Ellen Crockett utilized their knowledge of trivia to help the Knowledge Master team earn a high score this winter. left: David Krych is a member of both Knowledge Masters and Future Problem Solvers. Both teams are glad to benefit from Dave's academic skill.




Albert Grundy can almost always be spotted In the weightroom many days after school. It is this hard training that allowed Albert to earn First Team AIIDelco and All-Central honors.

Brian Tracey, a senior, spends much of his free time working out. Even when the school weight room is closed, he can be seen at Eastern Athletic Club exercising and lifting weights.

Senior Mike Quinn works hard on building his biceps for basketball season. Mike also participates in the shot put, discus, and javelin, events in spring track as well.


A group of SHS students stops for a group photo before venturing up to the black diamond trail at Jack Frost. Students of all skiing abilities go on the trip, because the mountains offer such a wide variety of difficuities.

Ciare Chevalier looks frightened right before she attempts her first night skiing adventure. Fortunateiy she had hours of practice during the day. Darcy Borden, Jenna Beaver, and Caroiine Kobylarz bundle up together to block out the frigid cold of the Pocono mountaintops in December.

The Springfield High School Ski-Ciub at Camelback 1998.



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SCH() PRI 94

Springfield High School athletes know no limits. Speed, strength, desire and dedication shape every athlete and guarantee success. nc::

The defending Central League Champions came into this season with only three returning starters. For this reason, they weren't sure what to expect. The Lady Cougars were able to overcome their lack of game experience by reaching the halfway point of the season with only one loss, five straight shutouts, and an enormous defeat of arch-rival Ridley. The girls ended the regular season with a convincing 5-0 victory over Upper Darby, which gave them a share of the Central League title. In non-league contests, the Cougars were 6-0 and allowed only one goal. Their overall regular season record of 14-2 led to an eight place seed and a bye in round one of the playoffs. Their first post-season opponent was Wissahickon, a team the Lady Cougars had beaten only eight days earlier by a score of 1-0. With one goal just before the half and another insurance goal in the second half, the Cougars went on to win 2-0. That victory matched Springfield up with undefeated, number one seeded Council Rock. After a very gutsy performance, the Lady Cougars were defeated by a final score of 1-0. The season was still not over with that loss though. The stakes were a spot in the state playoffs as the Cougars took on Hatboro-Horsham. Springfield's one goal lead with eight minutes left did not hold up, and two quick goals by their opponent ended the Cougar's season. The captain of the team this year was B.J. Lucey. The associate captains were Beth Milkowski, Colleen Connor, Korin Davis, and Barb Liesenfeld. There were many individual awards given after the season to go along with the great team success. Beth Milkowski and B.J. Lucey each made first team All-Delco, while Brooke Werley made second team. The Cougars were also well represented on the All-Central team. The first team consisted of Karen Keating, B.J. Lucey and Beth Milkowski. The second team also had three Cougars: Sarah Kadis, Brooke Werley, and Steph Landers.

Brooke Werley, #15, scores a goal against Wissahickon while her teammates stand by to congratulate her. Brooke, a leading goal scorer on the team, made 2nd team All-Central and All-Delco for her efforts.



VARSITY: 1st Row - C. Connor, B. Liesenfeld, B. Lucey, B. Milkowski, K. Davis. 2nd Row - S. Joseph, S. Magenheimer, L. Kramp, C. Bottomley, N. Pattani, S. McGrath, L. D'Esposito, N. Organtini. 3rd Row - Coach Purvis, S. Kadis, C. Spicer, S. Patel, B. Weriey, K. Keating, K. Baker, C. Heller, T. Warner, S. Landers.

JV: 1st Row - C. Wilson, K. Pace, L. Tirney. 2nd Row - W. Rungprakong, G. Mooney, A. Ermilio, N. Jiulianti, H. Fricko, C. McCallum, K. Hoffacker. C. Heffernan. 3rd Row - Coach Uff, J. Stelzer, C. Young, P. Gibbone, K. Walker, K. Dubil, K. App, J. Bowers, S. Catrambone, Coach Angel. 4th Row - Lauren Cooler.

FRESHMEN: 1st Row - T. Kissinger, D. Aiken, A. Welsh, K. Simpson, S. Dougherty, K. Taylor, N. Armor, L. Santangelo. 2nd Row - J. Bollinger, C. Milkowski, K. Falls, L. Mento, T. Markowitz, K. Woods, M. DeSantis, M. Manners, K. DelViscio, C. D'Olio. 3rd Row - A. DiRico, M. Mcintyre, A. Gessay, S. Stankiewicz, C. Openshaw, M. Bergen, J. Firlein, M. Orloff, S. McCabe, C. Kobylarz, Coach Morris.

LEFT: Captain B.J. Lucey demonstrates tenacious defensive skills while she outsticks her opponent from Wissahickon. B.J.'s work on defense, especially her long drives, gave the Lady Cougars' offense great field position and many times excellent scoring opportunities.

Opening her mouth to yell encouraging words to her teammates is senior Sarah Kadis. Sarah realizes there must be effective communication skills to make a winning team stronger.

omecoming Queen Korin Davis puts her crown aside Ind works the ball upfield in a battle against Marple. Korin las just one member of the "Winning Dozen" as a forlard, where she recorded many assists.

LEFT: Colleen Connor turns around after congratulating a teammate on a good play. Colleen and the team dressed with school spirit on game days, where they once wore their slippers around the halls of SHS.


Shfpley Pennerest Radnor Upper Darby Ridley East towefMerion •• f\vilorply . . Garnet \lolley St.r9th Hayen E;.HE(nderson E;oDystoga Haverford Wissahickon Coatesville Cq9ncil·ROCk

.w. :aptain Beth Milkowski maneuvers the ball away from her opponent. vhile she also demonstrates the top-quality performance of a Central eague Championship team. Beth made 1st All-Central and All-Delco eams for her impressive defensive skills.


Sports ~

97 ;;e

This year's Cougar golf team hit the greens on August 19th for the first time. The team was anchored by four seniors, and also consisted of six juniors, two sophomores, and two freshmen, The top performers of the 1997 season turned out to be senior Dave Sim and junior Bill Bellano. Dave recorded an average of 43 (per nine holes) for the season, while Bill turned in a 46 average, Tied with the third best average were junior Bernie Sweeney and sophomore Bill Bohne. These two shared an average of 53 every nine holes played. The three best overall rounds of the season were played by Dave Sim, Dave had two separate rounds of 38, and also a round of 39 this year. Bill Bellano played the next best two rounds, finishing with scores of 40 and 42, Even though Dave will be greatly missed next season, both Bill Bellano and Coach Freas are looking forward to a fresh start in 1998, The Cougar's lone victory this season came in the form of a 30 stroke defeat of Lower Merion. Bill Bellano and Dave Sim turned in scores of 43 and 38 to carry the team to a victory. Although the team was only victorious in one match this year, each player improved on his game tremendously. Dave Sim, the unanimous captain of this year's team, improved enough to make it to the Central League Tournament. He finished high enough in the standings at Wyncote Golf Club to make Honorable Mention Central League for the 1997 season,

Rich Fattori. a junior on this year's squad, is shown here teeing off at Rolling Green Country Club, Rich brought his round down to 45 in the Ridley match where the Cougars fell short by only five strokes,




VARSITY and JV: 1st Row - C. Valerio, K, Gansky. B, Bohne. M, Cairns, 2nd Row - F, McKeever. S, Fattori. M, Medici. M, Perekupka, 3rd RowCoach Freas. B, Sweeney, A, Dougherty. D, Sim. D, Cellucci. B, Bellano. R, Fattori. Coach Johnson,

Steve Fattori. Rich Fattori. Dave Sim, Fran McKeever. Bill Bellano. and Matt Cairns wait around for the start of the match against Lower Merion. where the Cougars won with a total of 241 strokes,

Junior Matt Cairns exhibits the right way to swing a golf club by keeping his left arm straight,

Steve Fattori SWings through the ball while trying to beat his brother's. Rich's, season average, Steve missed his bro by one stroke,

Teammates Matt Cairns and Steve Fattori watch Steve's ball sail down the middle of the fairway. Matt gave Steve some pointers during the season since he had one year with the golf team under his belt and played a pretty consistent game for the Cougars.

::aptain Dave Sim, who received Honorable Mention All-Central this ,eason, warms up his swing before teeing off. He recorded a team low JVerage of 43 (per nine holes) for the season and had his lowest rounds :Juring the Lower Merion and Haverford matches with 38 and 39 respecively. Dave's scores and leadership will be something difficult to replace. Bill Bellano, a junior, finished second on the team in every major category next to captain Dave Sim. Bill's golf average was 46 and he had a low round of 40. Only four out of eleven matches did Bill have a round above 45. After looking at his stats, Bill is definitely expected to be a shining star for the Cougar Golf Team in the 1998 season,




274 253 241 256 265 265 234 231

230 225

271 =reshman Fran McKeever follows through on a tee shot. Fran improved with each match going from a round of 64 to a round of 49 and finished with a season average of 57, good enough to earn him a spot on the varsity team as a freshman.

269 267 264

Garnet Valley Lower Merion Conestoga Penncrest' . Strath Haven' Haverford Ridley W.C, Henderson Radnor Upper Darby Marple


225 235 235 203 226

234 226



99 ;;;;:=

The 1997 edition of the Girls Volleyball team improved vastly from last year to 16-6 overall and 12-6 in the league, The team qualified for the District Playoffs and were seeded 12th, but an eventual lost in the second round to Upper Merion ended their season. Lead by coaches Bridget Scanlon and Donna Samyan, the season was made memorable with an impressive win over rival Penncrest, who had been the league champion for several years. The 2-0 win over Penncrest was lead by Jayne Bowen, Janice Hohenstein, Kate Affonsa, and Beth Kutyn, helping the Lady Cougars secure a third place finish in the league only behind Haverford and Ridley. Captains who lead the team not only on the court, but off the court, were Jayne Bowen, Janice Hohenstein, and Kelly Stewart. The talent and experience these girls had along with the time and effort that they contributed made them "a pleasure to coach." Central League honors went to Jayne Bowen, Kelly Stewart (First Team) and Kate Affonsa (Honorable Mention), These three players were an integral part of the Lady Cougar winning formula this year. Next year the Cougars are returning only four varsity players: Kate Affonsa, Jenn Prendiville, Maria McKnight and Tina McKnight, Their leadership will be needed to continue the success next year.

VARSITY: 1st Row - J. Hohenstein, J, Bowen, K, Stewart. 2nd Row - B. Kutyn, K. Affonsa, J. Prendiville, M. McKnight. 3rd Row - Coach Scanlon, J. Cifuni, J. Pieri, T. McKnight. M. Tinney, Coach Samyan.

JV: 1st Row - J. Buechele, C. Heath, 2nd Row - C. Perry, N, Shirley, C. Kutyn, J, McHenry. 3rd Row - Coach Scanlon, M. Tinney, E. Gress, C. Haiey, M. Ervin, Coach Samyan,

Senior Janice Hohenstein practices her setting skills as teammates Tina McKnight and Jenn Cifuni warm up for a match. Janice and Jenn ended their senior seasons with a trip to districts.

100 Sports

Mickey Tinney prepares to bump the ball before she resumes her position as setter,

Tina McKnight serves the ball with skills superb enough to earn her a spot on varsity as a freshmen.

Junior Jenn Prendiville nails a serve for the Lady Cougars. Jenn was one of the most consistent servers on the team.

Jyne Bowen, a two-year captain and outside hitter, focuses on bumping 1e ball. Jayne is a dedicated member of the team who made 1st team II-Central for her talents on the court. Senior Janice Hohenstein sets the ball to her outside hitters. Thanks to Janice's well placed sets, the Cougar hitters made life unpleasant for opposing defenses.


Kelly Stewart hits a well placed shot over the net for the Lady ougars. Kelly provided strength and size up front at the net this year, Jmething that will not be easily replaced.

Junior Kate Affonsa smashes a spike over the net. Kate had a great season this year because of her outstanding talent and willingness to learn.

Strath Raven Qonest6ga Marple LoWer Merion RidleY Upper Darby Radnor Raverford Pehncrest Sfrath Raven Conestoga Marple Sun Valley LowefMerion Ridley lJpperDdrby Radhor PennWoQd Haverford Penncrest Chelterhqm Upper Meri<.:m



With the graduation of three excellent singles players and numerous doubles players, many people thought that Coach Randy Carper's 1997 girls' tennis team would have a mediocre year at best. However, this was not the case, as former doubles players made the jump to the singles game and players from last year's JV stepped up and gave the Cougars stability to the doubles game. The net result was an 11-4 season, one which certainly dwarfed their supposed "mediocre" season. The season started off strong for the Cougars, as they won three in a row against Kennett, West Chester East, and Sun Valley. The ladies faced a tough middle stretch with the likes of Central League powers Conestoga, Lower Merion, and Radnor, but finished strong with five straight wins, including a nail-biting 4-3 victory over Marple Newtown which secured the Cougars with a spot in the district playoffs for a second straight year. The tri-captains of the 1997 team, Amy Liesenfeld, Lisa McGarvey, and Tara Jordan, provided leadership and experience that was crucial for success this year. Amy and Lisa were the two most consistent players on the team this year; both earned First Team All-Central honors for their play. These two also represented Springfield at district singles and doubles, and reached the semi-finals of the doubles tournament. Tara turned in some key victories for Springfield this year, including match wins over Haverford and Marple Newtown that decided the outcome for the Cougars. In fact, Tara's key three set victory over Marple propelled the Cougars into the playoffs. The doubles players provided the team with key victories as well. Particularly dominant at first doubles was the team of Jaime Thompson and Christa Gomeau, whose record was nearly identical to the team's overall record. The ladies should be congratulated on a season well done. Although graduation will once again strip the Varsity next season, the 1997 Cougars set the example of how to respond to challenges and believe in yourself, especially when no one sets a limit to what you can achieve.

VARSITY: 1st Row - N. Gupta, A, Liesenfeld, L. McGarvey, T. Jordan, C Bradshaw. 2nd Row - M. Carney, C. Sullivan, C. Gomeau, J. Thompson L, Cuorato, Coach Carper.

JV: 1st Row - G. Wang, L. Eley, K. Sanneli, L. Manners, C. Haines, fJ. Christopher. 2nd Row - M. Tori, E. Rundbaken, C. O'Connell, K. Con nery, J. Craven, S, Choe, M, Montana, T. Vaidya. 3rd Row - Coacl Tiger, K. Tauscher, E, Pontarelli, M. Cullen, K. Zeilinger, C, Kline, C Bailey, Coach Carper.

Doubles partners Jaime Thompson and Christa Gomeau are playing net in anticipation of a return. These two played very well at the first doublE position and pulled out quite a few key victories for the Cougars.



Senior tri-captain Tara Jordan concentrates on placing a drop shot over the net. Tara provided the Cougars stability at third singles, and came through in many clutch situations, including a victory over Marple which put Springfield in the playoffs.

\Jumber two singles player and tri-captain Lisa McGarvey rifles a serve on ,er Marple opponent. Lisa was one of the hardest workers on the court rhis year. For her efforts, she was rewarded with 1st team All-Central Jccolades.

Senior Christa Gomeau gets down for a backhand. Together with Jaime Thompson, Christa assured the success of the doubles, which was very much in question at the beginning of the season.


Egst SunValle¼ •. Radnor

W ,e.


Haverford StrdfhHaven

Perin Wood Lower Merion eon~stOga'

;enior tri-captain and first singles player Amy Liesenfeld strokes a foreland. Amy provided the Lady Cougars with two years prior experience at hird singles and it paid off this year as Amy was elected to 1st team AII:entral.

Ridley Penncrest UpperDarby Mdrple

Sf. Pius X



The 1997 boyts cross country team t under the supervision of Coach Currant finished their season with a record of 2-7. Despite the ups and downs they experienced along the waYt the guys put out a great effort at each and every meet, The team was led by senior captain Andy Lastowka t who ran well consistently throughout the long season. His efforts and excellent times allowed him to receive All-Delco honorable mention. Andy provided leadership to a team full of youth and inexperiencet and his presence will be missed by the returning team members. The Cougars were an extremely young team this year t consisting of seven freshmen out of the total eleven members of the team. This ensures a promising future for Springfield as the team matures and gains experience, Several young runners t such as Pat Sheat should be eXciting to watch over the upcoming years. An especially eXciting moment in the season was the win over Marple Newtown t when the guys put on a great display of determination and teamwork, Although the outcome of this yea(s season may not have reached everyonets expectations t the Cougars are a team loaded with promise to develop into a league contender.

VARSITY: 1st Row - A. Lastowka. 2nd Row - Coach Curran. G. Startze!. M. Hindley. P. Shea. C. Curran. C. Eckman.

JV: 1st Row - K. Eckman. S. Donovan. 2nd Row - Coach Curran. R. King, A. Dambrink. B. Bartos.

Matt Hindley comes down the home stretch at a tri-meet. trying to secure a top finish for the Cougars. Matt and his older sister Lauren are joined by Cavan and Kate Curran on the cross country team. The four take it literally when it is said that a team is a family. RIGHT: The Cougars take the'lr mark in a tri-meet against Upper Darby and Ridley. Each runner realizes the importance of a good start. and is trying to achieve just that.

104 Sports

Senior captain Andy Lastowka pushes himself in a meet against Upper Darby. Andy, a four year varsity member, was a true leader this year. His leadership was an asset to the team.

Senior runner Christian Eckman completes the three mile course and helps his Cougar teammates by attaining a good finish. Christian is a very dedicated three year member of the team.

Pat Shea, a freshman, sprints out the last leg of the race. Pat is one of the young runners who shows enormous promise for the Cougars, as he placed first in the annual Novice Meet this year.

Junior Cavan Curran concentrates on maintaining a strong pace at the meet against Radnor. Cavan already has a good idea of pace-setting, however, as he gets plenty of coaching from his dad, Coach Curran.




. ",.

The girls ran to an impressive 8-2 league record in the always competitive Central League. In addition to that, the Lady Cougars placed high in many meets. They had third-place finishes at the Kutztown Invitational and at CAL championships, as well as a fourth-place finish at the Delco championships and a sixth place finish at Districts. The team has had many spectacular members who have received high honors. Freshmen Kate Curran and Kiera Burke were chosen for the All-Central First Team and Second Team, respectively. Sophomores Dayna Johnson and Colleen Kirby, as well as Junior Lauren Hindley, were elected to Second Team. In addition to that, Curran, Johnson, Kirby, and Hindley received All-Delco honorable mention. Senior Juli Santangelo and senior captain Sarah Hay were great assets to the team. Sarah has been a varsity member since sophomore year, while Juli began running as a junior. Both girls have shown a lot of improvement and leadership on the team, and are sure to be missed in the future. With top performers returning next year, it is a great time to be a Lady Cougar. The sky is the limit for this young and extremely talented bunch. A Central League Championship could be in the future. The 1997 season was a definite success for all involved.

VARSITY: 1st Row - S. Hay. J. Santangelo. 2nd Row - Coach Curran. K. Curran. D. Johnson. L. Hindley. C. Kirby. K. Burke.

JV: 1st Row - J. Urglavitch. 2nd Row - Coach Curran. E. DiRico. K. Avery. J. Russell. A. Reger.

Sophomore Colleen Kirby prepares for the two mile uphill at Rose Tree. This is the toughest part of the race. but Colleen consistently handled it well. Kiera Burke and Kate Curran smile for the camera as the rest of the team waits for the race. Due to the small number of athletes on the two Cross Country teams. the members are very close to one another and prOVide ample support for their teammates.



Jill Russell, a junior, spends most of her time running, no matter what season of the year. Jill participates on the Cougar Cross Country, Winter Track, and Spring Track teams, which helps her to improve her times and her endurance all year long.

Freshman Kate Curran and sophomore Dayna Johnson are running neck and neck near the front of the pack in a tri-meet against Strath Haven and Upper Darby. A trait among the '97 team was to run together, which resulted In many huge victories.

Sophomore Dayna Johnson sets a pace over the three mile course at Rose Tree Park. Dayna's pace was fast and helped the rest of the team to better times.

Senior Juli Santangelo finishes the last mile of the meet. Juli, a two-year cross-country runner at Springfield, provided valuable leadership and terrific times for the close-knit Lady Cougars this year and will definitely be missed by her teammates next season.

Sports ......,


The beginning of the 1997 season looked promising as the Cougars came off of the best season in recent years. An unprecedented win over the alumni and a strong showing in the Springfield-Marple tournament gave the team confidence. Although a 5-12-1 overall record and a 1-8 league record leaves room for improvement, more was accomplished than the records show. The team has prepared for not only next season, but the graduating seniors prepared for college and even future experiences. Under the coaching of co-coaches Rich Duffy and Hope Pascal, the team showed desire, heart, and composure in every game, even if they were not on the winning end. On the field leadership was left to the captains Ian Bongaardt, Jim Beatty, Matt Nesbitt, and Greg Moore. The Cougars played their best game of the season to eventual District 1 AA champions Christopher Dock. The Cougars scored first, capitalizing off of a penalty shot by Scott Wueschinski. In the second half, the Cougars lost an integral part of their defense when Matt Nesbitt was propelled into a Christopher Dock player's arm, breaking his tooth and taking him out of the game. When the whistle sounded, Springfield had won, 2-1. Earning Central League honors were: Matt Nesbitt: Second Team; Ian Bongaardt, Jim Beatty, and Franco Condo: Honorable Mention. Three of these players are seniors and one a sophomore. Next year the team will be lead by seniors Chuck Pulsfort, Sean Reed, Todd Martin, Scott Wueschinski, and junior Franco Condo. The team is looking to grow both in skill and strength in the off-season to prepare for next year's season.

VARSITY: 1st Row - M. Nesbitt, I. Bongaardt J. Beatty. G. Moore. 2nd Row - J. Fischetti. M. Hepler. S. Reed. C. Pulsfort. C. Rysak, M. Vescovich. F. Condo. 3rd Row - Coach Pascal. S. Wueschinski. M, Petrylak. T. Martin. N, Ranalli. J. Sawyer. C. Starr. G. DeLizzio. G, O'Connor. V. Pierangeli. Coach DUffy.

JV: 1st Row - J. Saunders. N. Stube. B. Shaffer. 2nd Row - J. Hollencamp. B. DiPoalo. B. Waddington. C. Avato. J. Thomas, J. Hickey. M, Thomas. 3rd Row - Coach Sackett. J. Cullen, M. McGlaughlin. J. Karpinski. A. Patel. l. Dilello. M. Danese. A. DeFrancesco. T. O'Neill. A. Calabrese. B. Mills. J. Mathai.

FRESHMEN: 1st Row - J. Tirney, B. Robinson. J. Gorman. H, Wynne. R. DeMatteo. B. Koffman. P. Colflesh. 2nd Row - Coach Francis. D. Tourscher. G. Burns. C. Furia. M. LoPiccolo. M. Wallin. S. Vescovich. M. Crandley. D. lucey, lEFT: Senior striker Chris Rysak steps in front of two Penncrest players to win a head ball, Chris had two goals and two assists this year to help pace the Cougars and he was one of the most consistent players in the air,



Junior midfielder Scott Wueshinski controls the ball in a game against arch-rival Ridley, which the Cougars won by a score of 4-2, Despite injury problems, Scott preformed well this year on the field, as he led Springfield in assists,

Coach Duffy and senior capta'in Jim Beatty discuss strategy as the rest of the Cougars warm up for their first game in the annual Springfield-Marple tournament against Kennett Square, iunior Todd Martin positions himself to take a shot against Penn Wood in the :ougar's homecoming game, Todd consistently played well at his outside halfback Josition and should have an excellent senior season in 1998,

Senior captain Matt Nesbitt hustles downfield, At stopper, Matt played defense, yet he still managed to score some goals, Matt was the team's Most Valuable Player, luring pre-game activities, senior defender Jim Sawyer discusses his role game with Coach Duffy, Jim was one of the hardest workers on and )ff the field and was named Most Improved Player for 1997,

1 the




Gafne{VaU6Y ~pper Darby O'Hara Hayerford LC)WE?T IVlerion¡ ybri~tQphE?r L(pCk <Wissahickon Marple .


reshman midfielder Mike Petrylak takes a shot against Garnet Valley, This 'ear, Mike became the third freshman in the last five years to play on 'arsity, Mike will be a leader for the Cougars in the years to come,

PennWood Radnor East . Ridley CpQest()gq Stratb Haven



Going into the 1997 season, Coach Jeff Lehman was unsure of how his Lady Cougars would fare; after all, they had been hovering around .500 for the last two seasons. With a host of returning players from last year's varsity and a good mix of newcomers, anything was possible. However no one, especially the other teams in the Central League, expected the degree of success that came with Springfield's 11-6-1 season. Early on, the Cougars proved their status as a Central League power by defeating Haverford, a top team, who went on to districts. The second half of the season was tough for Springfield, as they had to match up against four other teams who qualified for district playoffs. One of these games was a nearupset of Conestoga, but the girls barely missed a penalty shot and lost, 1-0. Although the success experienced by the Cougars was a total team effort, many team members played exceptionally well throughout the season. The defense was solidified by Ellen Crockett coupled with Michelle Crandley's outstanding job of goalkeeping. Ellen was honored with Second Team AIICentral as well as Honorable Mention All-Delco awards; Michelle earned both Honorable Mention All-Central and AIIDelco accolades. The midfield was controlled by Lisa Staedt and Megan Kasmer who both made the Honorable Mention All-Central team. Combining for 14 goals was the duo of Karen Onorato and Melissa Kraft, who both found places on Second Team All-Central and Honorable Mention All-Delco. Finally Erin Hughes, the team's MVP, scored six goals and eight assists and was the heart and soul of the Cougars. Erin made First Team All-Central and Honorable Mention All-Delco for her inspirational play. Despite only being in existence for a few years, the Springfield Girl's Soccer team managed to qualify for district playoffs in the incredibly tough Central League. Unfortunately Sun Valley ended their incredible run, but the girls had a great season and should be proud of their accomplishments. This is only the start of the Lady Cougar's dominance as eight starters will return next year. Rest assured that no one will take Springfield for granted in 1998.

VARSITY: 1st Row - M. Carlin, E, Crockett, 2nd Row - K. Pierangeli, E. Hughes, N. Taylor, M. Kraft, L, Staedt, A. Petrylak, S. Murphy. 3rd RowCoach McGrath, K. Theranger, D, Newsom, M. Kasmer, J. Waddington, K. Soroka, M. Crandley, K, McGrath, Coach Lehman.

Junior midfielder Erin Hughes sends a scorching head ball at the Penncrest net. Erin was everywhere for the Lady Cougars this year, a~ she lead the team in scoring. JV: 1st Row - K, Furia, C. Peifer, I. Kwarasey. 2nd Row - L, Martin, B. Theranger, J. Beaver, L. Goane, M. Thomas. 3rd Row - K. Theranger, J. Diluzio, E. Kane, S. Ardary, Coach Cottom.



Freshman Kristi Soroka tries to beat a defender and move downfield. Kristi was the only freshman on varsity and saw a good amount of playing time this year. She also has the best throw-in on the team.

Jnior striker Lisa Staedt turns past her defender and heads toward the oal. Lisa used her attributes of speed, size, and strength to outmaneuver sr opponents on the fieid. She was among the team ieaders in scoring nd wiil again be a dangerous threat next year.

Junior midfieider Karen Onorato goes in for a tackle against a Penncrest opponent. Karen greatiy improved her skills from last season and was a big help in the Lady Cougar's great season.

)phmore Megan Kasmer makes an exceilent move and leaves her dley opponent fiat-footed. it was skills like these that heiped Megan lake varsity as a freshman and also to start as a sophomore. She shouid ~Ip carryon the Lady Cougar's winning ways in 1998.

Coatesville Prendergast .Upper Darby Garnet Valley Haverford Lower Merion Marple Penncrest . . Shipley Radnor Ridley Conestoga . Strath Haven Notre Dame¡ Sun Valley



The '97 Cougar football team started the season under the guidance of captains Phil Gerace, Albert Grundy, Geoff Hutton, and Andy Plank with an intense summer camp and two challenging scrimmages. Going into the season the Cougars realized they had some things to work on, but their main focus was the passing game. Springfield began the season with three quarterbacks: Brandon Lockley, Kyle Sweeney, and Taylor Buchholz. All three could pass, but the Cougars ran the ball most of the time. In the backfield for the Cougars was 1st All-Central and All-Delco team's running back, Albert Grundy. Grundy added 1,799 yards rushing this season to his previous record for a total of 3,359 yards, which placed him 3rd in Delaware County. Helping open the holes for Grundy were the experienced linemen. Most of the line returned for its second year and it showed with their excellent blocks, tackles, and sacks. The line consisted of Chris Adams, Mark Nicolella, Brian Byrnes, Phil Gerace, Pat Ehmann, Andy Plank, and Geoff Hutton. Plank, Nicolella, Hutton, and Adams earned All-Delco honors for their tenacious skills. The backfield and the line were not the only ones spotlighted during the season; Zach Meyers, Brandon Lockley, Kyle Sweeney and Jon Wallin made significant contributions to the team as well. Meyers was the punt returner for the Cougars and returned three punts for touchdowns, two of which were against Lower Merion. Lockley added a twist to the offense with his fake punts, while Sweeney turned many defensive series into great Cougar field positions with his impressive interceptions. Wallin returned for his third year as kicker for Springfield. Wallin had five season field goals, one of which was for 45 yards. Wallin also went 33-38 in extra points and recorded 48 total points this season. In his career, Wallin made 14 field goals, 72 extra points, and kicked for 114 total points. The Cougars improved last year's record of 6-5 overall to 7-4. Highlights from the season included: excellent work by the defense, three shut-outs, and contributions from players on both sides of the ball. Defensively, Plank had 80 tackles, 11 of which were for losses; Hutton, Adams, and Nicolella also ranked high in the number of tackles. The Cougars secondary stepped up a notch towards the end of the season under the leadership skills of three juniors: Sweeney, Lockley, and Meyers. All three made outstanding interceptions and did well on pass coverage. Fourteen members of the Cougar football team were seniors, all of whom will be missed.

Chris Adams lends a helping hand to teammate Mark Nicolella who just made a strong tackle on a Haverford player. Mark played two-way tackle for the Cougars and made 2nd team All-Delco for his massive size and ability.



VARSITY and JV: 1st Row - P. McBride, M, Acri, B, Byrnes, P, Ehmann, A. Plank, G, Hutton, P, Gerace, A. Grundy, S. Duffy, D. Rodgers, S. Lemon, T. O'Leary, J. Wallin. 2nd Row: B. Milkowski, R, Tauscher, M, Heath, R. Gordon, D. Razzano, J, Gibson, S. McKeon, J, Sindoni, M. VonTanhausen, S. Morton, M. Damon, Coach Taylor. 3rd Row - Coach Heath, J. Patella, A. Joachim, J. Gronlie, M. Jenkins, M. McFadden, J. Wallin, V, Jiullanti, M, Hummel, M. Grammond, C. Matthews, B. Cassidy, Coach Odgers, Coach Stevenson. 4th Row - Coach Taylor, N. Spinosa, C, Adams, K, Sweeney, Z. Meyers, J, Rudolph, B. Lockley, D. Preston, M, Nicolella, S. Bonner, T, Buchholz.

FRESHMEN: 1st Row - J, Chandler, D. Shell, C. Thomas, 2nd Row - M. Davies, E, Brady, D. Gibson, K, Whiteside, P, Plank, T, Peebles, B. Seeley, P. Burns, 3rd Row -F. Brinkley, L, Lang, M, Byrnes, J. Desiderio, K. DiPaolo, M. Leavy, 4th Row - M. Colburn, Coach Ash, A. Nlcolella, D. Reger, M, Dougherty, A. Kelley, T, Asbury, D, DiAngelo, M. Hutton, M. Woodrow, J. Morrison, H. Jefferson, R. LObb, Coach Mazurek, Coach Richards.

The senior captains, Geoff Hutton, Aibert Grundy, Phil Gerace, and Andy Plank, make their way onto the field for their last coin toss at home, All four players contributed great physical and mental skills to the '97 football team, which finished with a league record of 5-4,

Albert Grundy tries to evade a Conestoga defender. Albert has been the team's leading rusher for the last two years. His success has made him the object of intense recruiting by many of the top Division I football programs in the country. Where he will go is not yet decided.

30phomore quarterback Taylor Buchholz is caught in a rare moment as ,e goes back for a pass. The '97 Cougars rarely had to pass the ball Nith an offense that picked up most of their yards on the ground.

Junior Chris Adams sacks the Haverford QB and pushes the Fords farther away from goal. Chris was a valuable asset to the team both on offense and defense, where he recorded high numbers in tackles and sacks. rhe '97 Cougar football team gives Jon Wallin a lift before the start of 'he game. The football team used various ways of getting pumped for 'heir games: team dinners, the bonfire, and Jenkins' "truffle-shuffle."

(icker Jon Wallin connects on a 45 fard field goal for three of his 48 Joints he scored this year.

Shaun Duffy sets up to catch one of his two touchdown catches of the year.

O'Hara Upper Ddrby , Lower Merion Conestoga' Strath Haven Penncrest " Radnor, Haverford, 'Marple Ridley Academy



he 1997-98 cheerleading squad began the season at the Universal Cheerleaders Association camp in Greeley, PA, and it was there that they learned proper techniques in stunting, tumbling, jumping, and picked up sideline cheers for football games. While the squad performed with sychronization and excitement, four members of the Varsity team, Brijana Rapp, Jenn Cifuni, Katie Lynch, and Mary Maccario, went to a different level and were chosen as UCA AllStars of the camp. Brijana, Katie, and Mary traveled to London, England, over winter break, in honor of their All-Star abilities, where they cheered in the London New Vear's Day Parade. The cheerleaders regrouped in August to begin a busy schedule of juggling football games and performing new cheers and stunts at practices. In between sports' seasons, some members of the Varsity squad recorded a radio commercial for Comcast Sports Net Classics television show. The girls were recommended by an anonymous per-


son as one of the best squads in the area, therefore getting the chance to record the commercial and earning a spot of the front page of the News of Deleware County newspaper. The girls doubled the pace mid-January with a Central League Cheerleading Championship in mind. The cheerleaders traveled to Upper Darby high school on February 28th to show off an awesome routine, which was choreographed by team member Brijana Rapp, to the professional judges. The cheerleaders received fifth place for their phenomenal spirit and team efforts but individual performances were made by Brijana Rapp, Christine Seeley, Jean-Marie Urglavitch, Lindsey Openshaw, Jenn Cifuni, Tara Kelly, Chrissy Grosso and Katie Lynch, who all performed an all-star dance for the crowd. The positive impact the cheerleaders had on the crowd at Central League Cheerleading Competition rewarded the team because of the hard-work they spent the last month before the competition.

The cheerleaders excite the band members with their ever-popular cheer "Go That Way." The cheer earned the cheerleaders a chance to request their favorite band song - "Louie. Louie."



VARSITY: 1st Row - C. Grosso. B. Rapp, C. Seeley. J. Urglavitch. T. Kelly. J. Cifuni. L. Openshaw. 2nd Row - C. DeMarco. M. Bergen, L. Carfagno. G. Thompson. C. Chinici. K. McLauglin. C. Openshaw. 3rd Row - K. Dunderdale. D. Rygwelski. C. Rickards. M. Maccario. A. Watts. J. Kobasa.

JV: 1st Row - S. Walter. M. Dunderdale. M. Campagna. L. DiStefano. D DeFeo. R. Aloi. S. Lopatin. 2nd Row - S. Johnson. C. Kutyn. K. DelViscio. T McKnight. G. Harding. J. Thompson. 3rd Row - M. Carey. S. Dyitt. C. Kelly K. Taylor. M. Cipolloni. D. Johnson. M. Ervin.

Senior Jenn Cifuni adds the finishing touch to the dance as Michael Jackson sings the background vocals,

Senior Tara Kelly smiles as ShE remembers the fun time ShE had cheering at the Hero Bowl.

The cheerleaders stunt their liberty-hitch pyramid cleanly at Show Night before Central League Cheerleading Competition. Show Night gave the girls a chance to perform their routine for family and friends as a preview for the February 28th competition.

enior Katie Lynch leans on senior Christine Seeley after her knee operation. Christine and atie both injured their anterior cruciate ligaments when they landed their toe-touches lcorrectly. Christine had to miss her junior year of cheering while Katie missed her senior year.

The Cougars team up to lead the crowd in a cheer for the football team. The Cougar was a big part of the cheerleading team this year as it handed out candy to kids and fans, played the drums in the band, and helped the cheerleaders with their dances and cheers.

"nior Brijana Rapp attempts to lift sopholore Gina Thompson in a single-based exmsion. Brijana was the core of the team as co-captain and choreographer.

Senior Lindsey Openshaw cheers for the "Big Blue" at a football game. Lindsey was an intergral member of the team since she main-based many of the stunts.

The cheerleaders finish their competition routine with a Christmas tree pyramid. The girls worked four nights a week for 2 1/2 hours each night to perfect their routine. They began each practice with an hour of stunting and ended with perfecting the dance.




he boys' swimming team, who were lead by captains Mike Socha, Brent Porche, and coach Pat Tesche, had a difficult time in the Central League this year, Although they possessed an outstanding core of swimmers, the lack of a diving team could not be compensated for, Diving was an integral part of meets and without a team the Cougars were not always able to be as competitive, but if you were to strictly calculate swimming event points the boys would have finished at least at an even ,500 mark for the season, Despite the struggle of the team as a whole, there were several outstanding individual performances in the pool this year for the boys. Junior Todd Martin, who was


consistent for the Cougars all year, was able to qualify for the district competition in both the 100-meter fly and the 100-meter backstroke. Not only did co-captain Mike Socha qualify for districts, but placed third in the 50-meter free and fourth in the 100-meter backstroke in districts. The 200-meter free relay team was also able to finish in a respectable sixth place during the districts, N ext yea r, the c a ptainship- will be passed to Juniors Todd Martin and Mike Gifford, who will have a host of young talent behind them, which keeps the coaching staff optimistic about the future. No doubt the team will continue to display the same competitiveness and desire as the 1998 Cougar swimmers.

VARSITY and JV: 1st Row - Coach Tesche, T. Aiken, M. Socha, C. Heath, B. Porsche, J. Cifuni, Coach Hickey. 2nd Row - N. Organtini, J. Urglavitch, R. Johnson, L. Kramp, L. Manners, L. Seminole, C. Crowe, J. Thompson, J. McHenry. 3rd Row - D. Rygwelski, C. O'Connell, M. Manning, M. Manners, S. Williams, E. Allen, T. Martin, L. Martin, A. Rorabaugh, C. Milkowski. 4th Row - E. Williams, C. D'Olio, J. Wueshinski, S. Dougherty, K. Heath, M. Dunkle, M. Dwyer, S. Donovan, M. Gifford, K. Burke, K. Soroka. 5th - T. Walton, I. Magnussen, M. Cullen, C. Bailey, C. Perry, J. Manning, B. Dunkle, T. Gorman, G. Wright, J. Kobalarz.

Todd Martin swims the 100-fly In another attempt for first place. Todc often medaled at all the meets for the Cougars and often placed a' least a few points on the scoreboard at every meet. LEFT: Mike Gifford skims the water as he takes his last breath before plunging to the finish line. Mike was a valuable asset to the tearr because he got a lot of practice over the summer lifeguarding.

116 Sports r

:aptains Brent Porsche and Mike Socha pose for a picture before swimning in one of their relays. Both seniors practice vigorously thoughout the 'ear on club teams to perfect their skills for the Cougar team.

Co-Captain Mike Socha lowers himself into the pool as he sets for the 100 meter backstroke. Mike led the team with his outstanding abilities, and represented them well in the Districts,

In Magnussen, a sophomore, displays good backstroke form as he nears Ie finish line. Ian was a constant contributer in this event during each leet this season.

Sports 117 ~


he 1997-98 season was a year to be proud of in girls' swimming, The success the Lady Cougars experienced, finishing at 7 -5, was largely due to the foundation of a diving team, which has allowed the girls to be competitive and possess their winning record. The divers this year were young, but successful nonetheless, Freshman Kristi Soroka and Jill Wueschinski, along with sophomore Sara Dougherty were able to help this new program become competitive very quickly. The girls' success also came from strong leadership from their senior tricaptains Colleen Heath, Tricia Aiken, and Jen Cifuni. Not only was the team successful as a whole, but many individual Lady


Cougars earned accolades, as well. Junior Jen Manning qualified for the district competition in both the 200-meter free and the 500-meter free. Tri-captain Colleen Heath led an impressive pair of relay teams that tore up the pool in the 200-meter medley and the 200meter free, both of which qualified for districts. Other members of these successful relay teams included sophomore Pam Gibbone, tri-captain Tricia Akien, and Juniors Erica Allen and Jen Manning. The success of the 1998 Lady Cougars' swimming team has set a strong foundation for the future, Several talented underclassmen return, including Manning and Allen. Coach Pat Tesche couldn't be happier with the achievements of his team this season,

Tricia Aiken. a senior tri-captain. dives into the water during a butterfly race, She was a great asset to the team this year, bringing large amounts of leadership and experience.

118 Sports

Jen Manning, a junior, takes a deep breath after her race. Jen looks exhausted, but she put in all of the hard work it took to make it to Districts with unbelievable freestyle times.

Jen Cifuni takes a look at the end of the pool one last time during this 100 meter butterfly race. Jen was a senior tri-captain, and ended her high school career by qualifying for the District meet.

Teammates Jen Cifuni and Jean Marie Urglavitch check out the flowers given to them on Senior Day. The team, parents, and coaches did a wonderful job recognizing the contributions of this year's seniors.

rricia Aiken and Mike Socha pose in the backround, as Colleen Heath )repares for an upcoming race. All three seniors are captains on their espective teams, and really enjoyed themselves all season long. Even though they are freshmen, Morgan Manners and Maureen Manning still proved to be important components of the team. They also made swimming a family atmosphere with senior siblings Lauren and Jen.

unior Erica Allen puts it into high gear during this breaststroke race. Erica )uts in enormous hours both during the season and in the summer to nprove her speed and form.

Grove , Unionville ' ,Garnet Valley Upper Darby Conestoga' Marple Newtown' Hovertown' Strc:lth Haven Penndest • " Ridley", " lower Merion Radnor

Sports 119 ------.


hiS season the Springfield High School Boys' Basketball team did not begin the season with high expectations. Most people did not even expect them to win more than five games the entire season. Through the first six games of the season, the Cougars lived up to these low expectations by starting off with a 1-5 record. Up to this point the team strategy was to play very up tempo basketball and try to use speed and quickness to win games. After starting off slowly, the coaching staff decided to try a completely different game plan. Now the strategy would be to slow the pace of the game down and play solid half court defense. Even though the score would not be extremely high, the Cougars would be able to keep every game close by controlling the tempo. Through their next six games the Cougars won five and lost one, which was the other end of the spectrum from their first six games. Included in those five victories was a thrilling road win over Strath Haven that came down to the wire, and a Christmas Tournament hosted by Dieruff High School in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The Cougars were crowned tournament champions after defeating Parkway in the first round, and then Dieruff in the championship game. That final game went into overtime before




seeing Albert Grundy nail a three pointer with just over two seconds remaining to give Springfield a one point lead. After the regular season ended, the Cougars had a record of 10-8 in the Central League and 12-12 overall. Ending the season with momentum, the team decided to enter the PIAA District I AAAA playoffs. They drew a first round game against sixth ranked Council Rock, and were defeated by the score of 57-43. Even though the Cougars were outmatched in the playoffs, the season was still a positive experience for all those involved. This year's squad consisted of four seniors, six juniors, and one sophomore. Pat McGinty, Colin Murray, Albert Grundy, and Mike Quinn proved to be very important to the team, bringing a tremel')dous amount of senior leadership. They set the standard for constantly contributing underclassmen such as Bryan Minott, Pete Riviello, Jason Zappasodi, Brandon Lockley, Nick Spinosa, and for the determination and hard work of Brian DiPaolo and Jim CrOWley. Each senior not only contributed in the locker room but also in the scoring column. Colin Murray led the team in scoring with over 300 points and was one of the premier three point shooters in Delaware County. Albert Grundy added over 200 points on the season while being a stable inside force all year. Pat McGinty and Mike Quinn both had over 100 points on the season and were great all around players.

VARSITY: 1st Row - A. Grundy, P. McGinty, C. Murray, M. Quinn. 2nd Row - Coach Harley, Coach Miller, P. Riviello, B. Lockley, N. Spinosa, T. Bailey, J. Zappasodi, J. Crowley, B. Minott. B. DiPaolo, Coach McKormick.

JV: 1st Row - R, Gordon, C. Nelson, C. Salerno, E. Napp, T. Bailey, W, McCullough. 2nd Row - Coach Harley, M. Villone, S. Corey, S. McKeon, E. Corliss, J. Wallin, G. O'Connor, M. Von Tanhausen,

FRESHMEN: 1st Row - M. Crandley, M. Petrylak, D. Shell, S, Fattori, F, Shade, 2nd Row - Coach Duffy, M. Tan, J, Kalman, P, Shea, M. Wallin, M. Sharkey, I. Helberg.

Mike Quinn, a senior, leaves his man with nowhere to pass the ball. Mike was one of the team's best defenders this season, and also one of its hardest workers.

Colin Murray shows his first team All-Central League shooting form. Colin, a senior tri-captain, was one of Delaware County's top three-point shooters this season. Opposing teams always had to be aware of where Colin was on the court because of his deadly range. Senior tri-captain Albert Grundy brings "Showtime" to the Springfield gym with this rim-rockin' jam. Albert played big all year for the Cougars, and was rewarded with a third team All-Central League vote.

Pat McGinty, who made honerable mention All-Central League, gets the Cougars into their offense. Pat, being a senior and a tri-captain, was a stable floor leader for the team all year long.

Junior Brandon Lockley takes the ball strong to the rim. Brandon created scoring opportunities all year, which was very important to the team's success.

Junior guard Pete Riviello skies after a rebound. Although under the basket here, Pete spends most of his time on the perimeter with his great shooting tOUCh.

, "UnionviHe¡ Upper DUtlnn , Radnor ',Ridley v ,•. Conestoga " Abington ,',,' StrcthHaven A(chbishopCClffOU ", . Uppt::ir Dartly . Haverford Parkway, Dieruff tower Merion Marple, Ne'J,ftown Penncrest Radnor Ridley Conestoga< Stratl'lHavgh UPP'."r Darby,' HEjVs>ITQrd Lower Metion Marple Newtown Penncrest "Council Rock<


Sports 121


epeat! The Lady Cougars won their second consecutive Central League championship in the 1997-98 season, under the direction of head coach Caffey and coaches Otorola and Francis, with a record of 25-5. The girls have matured during the season and realized that winning is a team concept, and on a team everyone has their part. Returning with the core of the team being seniors and juniors, and adding two sophomores for youth and ambition, the team was ready from the first day of practice. This combination of talent, maturity, patience, and excitement has proved successful for the Lady Cougars early in the season. The team got off to a quick start with the leadership of captains Mandy Joachim and Colleen Dorrian setting the pace for the rest of the season. As the Cougars devastated Central League opponents, as well as the rest of the area, they used their persistent defense and "run


and gun" offence to capture the league title and a spot in the District playoffs. The team swept through the first two rounds of the playoffs. Council Rock was the next challenge for the team in a dramatic game in which the Cougars prevailed in the final seconds. This marvelous win over a solid team placed the ladies in the top four seeds for the state tournament out of District 1 where they would remain for the entrance into the tournament. Their first game was against District 3 runner-up Harrisburg. The Lady Cougars started strong and went to the locker room with a one point lead. Down the stretch the Cougars of Harrisburg proved to be too much for our own Lady Cougars. The expectations for this year were definitely fulfilled with a Tip-Off tournament championship, Dieruff tournament championship, Central League championship, and the Sportsmanship award for the Centralleague.

VARSITY: 1st Row -c. Dorrian. K. Affonsa. M. Joachim. 2nd Row - A. Dickerson. M. Sebova, K, Keating, M. Botta, L. Staedt. 3rd Row - Coach Caffey, K. Pierangeli, S. Conlan, M. Kasmer, Coach Otaroia. Not pictured: N. Taylor.

JV: 1st Row - K. Furia, H. Fricko. 2nd Row - B. Theranger, S. Murphy, N. Shirley, D. Johnson, L. Goane. 3rd Row - Coach Francis, J. Bowers, C. Heller, E. Gress, Coach Otarola. Not pictured: K. Walker.

FRESHMEN: 1st Row - S. Ardary, K. Wagner. 2nd Row - C. Witz, T. Sudler, S, Dyitt. C. Brown, S. Dougherty. 3rd Row - D. Aiken, J. Bollinger, R. Peinjohn, H. Rhoads, P. Lopez, C. Openshaw, E. Epright, Coach Heller. LEFT: Junior Karen Keating is caught in a rare, but impressive, drive to the hoop. Other Central League teams were tormented most by Karen's phenomenai outside shooting.



Michelie Botta takes it up strong, which was one of her trademarks ali season long. She was a powerful inside force for the Lady Cougars', both in scoring and rebounding. Senior captain Mandy Joachim is seen taking her defender to the basket against arch rival Ridley. Mandy was one of the Cougars' leading scorers this season.

Amira Dickerson, an inspirational ieader in the locker room, powers her way through the defense during the opening Tip-Off Tournament in which the team won easily. Amira was always a threat to score from anywhere on the court.

The Lady Cougars' go through their pre-game ritual. This group huddle gets their game faces on.

Junior point guard Kate Affonsa lays it up for two points. Scoring was only one area that Kate excelled in. A defensive presence and a controlled floor leader, Kate determined the tempo of the game from the point guard position.

Colleen Dorrian sizes up a jumpshot against Marpie Newtown. She had the ability to score both in the iane and out on the perimeter, which made it extremely difficult for opposing teams to defend her.





'''', . ",::,




BOys ,and Girlsj'â‚ŹmllS &e~M~?ReqQrij~ he 1997-98 winter track team had a great season, which was good enough to call it one of its best ever. There were many impressive performances for which many people got medals. A large amount of old school records were broken and sometimes the same record was surpassed two or three times. The girls, under the leadership of Sara Magenheimer, Sarah Hay, and Mickey Tinney, had an outstanding season with many people qualifying for the Meet of Champions, Some outstanding performances were put on in the 200 meter, 800 meter, 4x800 meter relay, DMR, mile, and many other events, An especially excellent performance was put on


by Christine Heffernan who placed second at the Meet of Champions in the shot put and also qualified for the State Championship. The boys, lead by captains Dan CellUcci, Matt Polidoro, and Keith Taylor, were a small group with only eighteen members. They also had some unforgetable performances with Steve Vescovich qualifying for the Meet of Champions in the 55 meter dash and long jump, and Keith Taylor medaling in the high jump. There were also school records established in the freshman relays, The winter track team did a great job this year. They should be contendors once again under the guidance of coaches Funk, Reilly, and Schaefer,

GIRLS' VARSITY and JV: 1st Row - B. Liesenfeld. S. Magenheimer, M. Tinney, J. Lynam, C. Gomeau, K. SaneIIi. 2nd Row - S, Dougherty, K. Soroka, M. Kraft, C. DeMarco, K, Simpson, T, Markowitz, J. Russell, R. Levitt, J. Beaver, C. Kirby. 3rd Row - Coach Funk, K. Curran, C. Heffernan, C. Peifer, L. Rayer, C. Kobylarz, K. Stewart. Coach Schaeffer, K, Pace, C. Bottomley, C. Young, V. Sok, A. Metler, A. MoranThomas, Coach Reilly, A. Drumheller.

BOYS' VARSITY and JV: 1st Row - R. Yoo, G. Startze!, M. Polidoro, B. Tracey, S. Vescovich. 2nd Row - Coach Funk, C. Curran, J. Hickey, G, Byrne, C. Avato, C. Percy, A. Dambrink, P. Russell, K. Brady, Coach Reilly.

Adam Dambrink takes off for the last leg of a relay race. He knows how important it is to get a clean hand-off and a good start. LEFT: Junior co-captain Sara Magenheimer clears another hurdle during an afternoon practice. This year, Sara was the only underclassman out of the six team captains, adding a lot of strength and leadership to the team,

124 Sports,.....

Junior Christine Heffernan had a terrific 1997-98 season, breaking the school record as well as improving her distance with each meet. At the end of the season, Christine had thrown the shotput an impressive 38 feet.

Sarah Hay, a senior, eyes up the finish line during this relay race. Sarah was very instrumental to the team's success, contributing at every meet.

Senior captain Keith Taylor cracks a smile as he cruises through the last leg of a relay race. Keith also competed in the high jump for the Cougars, and earned himself plenty of medals.

Mickey Tinney makes her way around a turn during a relay race. Mickey added a tremendous amount of senior leadership to the team, and provided an excellent example for the underclassmen.

Captains Matt Polidoro and Dan Cellucci show their appreciation for the effort the Cougars put out this season.

Sarah Hay and Barb Liesenfeld know the importance of stretching before a big meet.



he Cougar Icemen continued to improve this year in Tier Three, finishing with a respectable 7-8-3 record. This was good enough for third place in the league. Playing consistently all year, the Cougars crushed rival Marple Newtown twice and were also able to walk away with a 2-2 tie with Haverford, one of the top teams in the league, in arguably the Cougars' best performance of the year. This year's team was a balanced mix of senior leadership and underclass contribution, Goalie Brian Dougherty minded the net with expertise this season, with a save percentage of 83%. Greg Moore sparked the offense with 11 total points, putting him among the


team leaders in that area, Jeff Trexler provided leadership and experience to a young, but solid defensive unit. The Cougars played very great throughout the season when they were within one goal of the opposing team, but they struggled with spreads of more than one goal, However, there were two underclassmen who contributed great skills and clutch goals for the team, Two of the offensive leaders for the Cougars were captain Bill Schier and freshman Ryan Cell. Bill was the highscorer of the season with 36 points while Ryan followed behind with 15 points. The Cougar Icemen played well this season and made a commendable improvement from years past,

Bill Schier gets off a wrist shot before the defense can catch up. Bill, a junior, had 36 points this season to lead the team, Those points came off of 24 goals and 12 assists.

126 Sports,......

VARSITY: 1st Row - J. Postus, B. Dougherty, 2nd Row - M. Clement. D. Lucy, B. Schier, G. Moore, R. Rainer, J, Smith, 3rd Row - Coach Hertle, A. Porche, W, Peterson, G. Santella, S. Reed, G. DeSio, B. Albany. Not pictured: B. Sweeney, J. Trexler, M. Sheeran, A. Capello, R. Corey, R. Cell.

JV: 1st Row - M. Salerno, R. Rainer, J. Postus, M. Badolato, S. Cabrey. 2nd Row - Coach Flaim, M. Schaffer, A. Porche, P. Manning, W. Peterson, R. Chestnut. M. Sheldrake, S. Reed, A. Brown, T. Spires, Coach Kaeser. Not pictured: M. Dombrowski, M. Levy, T. Albany.

Junior Sean Reed races back on defense, trying to stop a rush by the opposing team. Sean was part of a Cougar defense that worked as one unit all season long and improved in each and every game.

Greg Moore gets into a minor scuffle after an attempted shot on goal. He is trying to fend off the opposing defense while waiting for the aid of his teammates since he is outnumbered three to one.

,enior goalie Brian Dowgherty can relax for one of the few times ail season since the )uck is at the other end of the ice. Reiaxation time does not present itself very often or Brian because he has to concentrate on stopping every shot on goal.

No.8 Greg Moore gets out of No. 33 Anthony Cappello's way en route to the puck. This year's team showed plenty of hustle and got to a iarge amount of loose pucks all season long.

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Junior Ryan Corey is looking for someone to celebrate with after a :::ougar goal. Ryan had 5 goals and 2 assits this season, and was always Jnxious for a celebration.


Sports ~

127 ~

he 1997-98 wrestling team got off to a slow start early in the season when they found themselves forfeiting some of the weight classes and showing only minimal effort on the mat. Helping pick up the team and lead them into a more positive direction, captains Jim Turner and Andy Plank brought the team through a rough season. Turner and Plank, along with other grapplers, began showing remarkable improvement as the season progressed and the team won some close matches, quickly earning them respect in the Central League. The highlight of the season came when the Cougar wrestlers beat Strath Haven 33-28. It was a match that Springfield went into as the underdog, but wrestled well in all


weight classes to show a strong team effort and capture a once-difficult win. The team effort carried through to the post-season as eight grapplers placed at sections to advance to districts. After districts, six wrestlers placed in the top four and traveled to regionals to enable Springfield to send the most wrestlers in the history of Springfield wrestling to this level of competition. Qualifying for regionals were Vince YannI. Jim Turner, Brian Jacoby, Justin Gronlie, Andy Plank, and Mark Nicolella. Plank was the only wrestler to advance to final rounds placing fourth in the region, while Jacoby and Turner displayed a substantial amount of effort. It was a rewarding way to end the season for the team despite the trouble they encountered earlier in the season.

Erik Fischere. a junior, tries to muscle his opponent into a hold. He was one of the Cougars' best lightweight wrestlers this season.



VARSITY: 1st Row - A. Plank. J. Turner. 2nd Row - V. Yanni. C. Catrambone. E. Fischere. R. Loro. M. Nastasi. 3rd Row - L. Storniolo. B. Waddington. B. Jacoby. L. Madonna. J. Gronlie. M. Nicolella. S. Swan. P. McBride. Coach Richards.

JV: 1st Row - R. Sanelli. K. DahlqUist. S. Fischere. 2nd Row - Coach Mazurek. L. Storniolo. T. McBride. K. McLaughlin. M. Jenkins. M. Levy, K. Rucci. M. Nastasi.

Senior Steve Swan shows the amount of determination necessary to compete in this sport. Steve seems to be locked up, but he is only figuring a way to turn the situation around.

Co-captain Andy Plank shows the proper way to win a match by pinning his opponent from Strath Haven. Andy not only has strength, but also decieving speed and quickness. These two assets were essential in many of his wins this season.

Jim Turner attempts to force his opponent into submission with a very effective arm lold. He was a co-captain this season, and lead many of his teammates by ,xample all year long.

Venturing to reverse a hold, Bryan Jacoby shows his unbelievable wrestling skills. Bryan, a senior, made a statement in his final wrestling season by earning a spot in the Regional Tournament. Jeavyweight Mark Nicolella has his Havorford opponent on the ropes. /lark did extremely well this season, proving himself to be a contendor at he heavyweight level.

East St. Joe's Prep ¡¡Sun Valley ,Radnor . Penncrest O~Hara

unior Vince Yanni inflicts a great deal of pain into his adversary from Newtown. Vince has unbelievable strength for a lightweight Irestler. ~arple

Haverford Henderson Upper Darby Marple Conestoga Ridley Strath Haven . Lower Merion Interboro

Opponent 49 15



40 6 38 30 36 21 36 39 28

23 22 Sports



=reshmen sophomores and juniors make up the argest population of Springfield High School. They ~rawl into the school on Monday mornings and ¡un out on Friday afternoons. For most the day ihey will be leaving for the last time seems like it Nill never come. l



132 -s;;;




Underclass ~

133 ;;e

FRESHMEN CLASS Everybody knows that the freshmen year is the most intimidating, confusing, and horrifying of all the years in high school. The first month or so you don't even know where you are. You spend your day scared of teachers, administraters, seniors, and anybody else who happens to pass you in the hallways. The hall pass is always firmly grasped in your sweaty hand and the school map is in the other. You rush right to where you are supposed to be not even stopping for a drink. During freshman yeaL you learn to love Romeo and Juliet and as time passes you will realize that three more years won't be that bad.

134 '$ji



"Meeting new teachersespecially Mr. Duffy." - Jeannine Stelzer "I get to meet new people." - Farrise Shade

"I like the people." - Jacques Brissault

"Band, because it's fun and I get to meet a lot of new people." - Carla D'Olio



Top Ten Things Found in a Freshman/s School Bag

Kate Curran pulls out her clean gym uniform, which she just purchased from the school store, This comes in handy when Kate forgets her practice clothes for track,


Underclass ,.....

Shaheed Summers clutches her hall pass as she stops for a qUick picture, Due to construction, Shaheed is one of the many students who find themselves wearing their coats all day long,

Matt LoPiccolo, a freshmen, breezes through the questions on his test and discovers that high school tests aren't much different or harder than they were in middle school.

Claire Chevalier, Lynda Rayer, Jenna Beaver, and Caroline Kobylarz, come inside to warm up after a hard day at winter track. Used to the cold from Wednesday night band practices, they discuss an upcoming football game.

Catherine Chao has a hard time staying awake during a 90 minute class. Freshmen had to adjust to classes that were forty-five minutes longer than middle school classes.



137 ~

Jeff Tirney and Shoun Dogherty cornpare hints that their older sibiings have given them for suriviving their first year of high school.

"It gives me more time to understand things." - Laura Mento

"It is much easier than at E.T.R." - Sunday Dyitt



"I like it because the day goes by faster. " - Fran McKeever

"I like it because I have a lot of time to do other things. " - Lauren Goane

Good friends, Michelle Crowley and Amy Welsh, meet in the hallway by the band room after school. Groups of friends often get together at the end of the day in various places around the school before going home.

Chrissy Milkowski learns a little more about health during one of Ms. Caffey's notorious tests. Chrissy will soon find out that health isn't as easy as it was in middle school.




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Amber Rorabaugh takes a break from typing on her computer to help her friend Carrie O'Connell get into her program. The many new computers at school are confusing to many students, as well as teachers.



Darcy Borden is taking notes in one of her classes. When she is not busy taking notes, Darcy can be found in the band playing her flute.

FAR LEFT: Robin Pettijohn, Teadra Sudler, Sunday Dyitt, and Candis Brown are happy that they are able to play on the freshman basketball team together, Sports are a place where students can forget the pressures of school and just have fun,

TOP RIGHT: Nathan DiGiorgio takes a break from piaying his saxophone to tell us how much he loves band, Extracurricular activities are a great way to meet new people,

MIDDLE RIGHT: Joel King stops in the hallway on the way to his cultures class, This year students have to be careful to be on time because of the new lateness policy,

BOTTOM RIGHT: Kim Wagner flashes her biggest smile to the camera, She's so happy because winter track is starting today, Winter track is one of the many activities Kim is involved in,



141 iii='

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Jacquelyn Connell isn't sleeping in school, she is just playing Juliet in Mrs. Dannaker's annual Romeo and Juliet play.



Sean Donovan makes sure that his hands are on "home row" in his keyboarding class. Freshman are required to take this course before they can graduate.

Brian Morrison attempts to read Scope magazine, a reference for freshman health class. Lisa Cutrufello helps him out by pointing out that Brian's holding the magazine upside down,

N.. o_t_P_ic_tu_r_ed ....


Tyhronn Asbury Kelli Crawford Amy Fleming Steven Kemp Kristen Lloyd Sean MacCrory Jessica Matthews

Chrissy Kutyn vents out some frustration as she attempts to learn the difficult skills of keyboarding.


Nicholas Paci Michael Romano Leroy Shelley Peter Shumar Daniel Thach Christopher Zullo

Many teachers try to lighten up their classes by including fun activities. Ki Shim seems like he has heard one too many of Mr. Stefani's "funny" jokes.

Kiera Burke listens to Michelle Ervin recite the part of Mercutio. One of the fun parts about performing a play is dressing in costume.

Underclass ~

143 ...",.

144 "$l





145 -=-

SOPHOMORE YEAR The sophomore year is the year of the Soph-Hop, the candy sale, major cultures, and career tests, No matter how hard you try, memories of sophomore year always seems to get lost. Looking back, high school just wouldn't be the same without it. It's the year of forming new relationships, strentghing the old, and experiencing the feeling of being a high school student. Freshman year was spent being scared and then familiarizing yourself with the rhythms of the school. Your junior year will be spent thinking about colleges. Your senior year will be spent waiting for letters of acceptance, and catching a little bit of senioritis. Sophomore year draws to a close and it's time to jump for joy, you're now half way through your high school years. Scary, isn't it?



"Pasta day and Cocco's pizza." - Brett Waddington

"I like the cheeseburgers.' ,

- Andrew Mabry

"Baked potato day and pasta day." -Kelly Walker

"Egg and cheese breakfast sandwich." -Guy O'Connor


Underclass 147




Kim Dahlquist can be found hanging out by the vending machines after school. This seems to be a popular place where both boys and girls converse after school.




Dance champion, Chris Nelson, challenges any competitors during the dance off at the Soccer Dance. The first dance of the year, the Soccer Dance, begins many new romances at SHS.

Katie Dubil makes sure she doesn't have any pasta stuck in her teeth. She is involved in many activites and needs all of the carbohydrates she can get.

Elliot Lawrence relaxes from his difficult schedule and decides to read a book in the library. The library offers a quiet atmosphere and many different references.

Rachael Alai and Dana Johnson, good friends, take a minute to give us their best cheerleading smiles. Cheerleaders have helped add a great deal of spirit to our school.

Underclass ~

149 .",.

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Brianna Coley and Ali Ermilio hang out before school in the main lobby. In Ali's left hand is a gourmet lollipop which were sold for a fundraiser by the Springfield Singers.


Underclass r-



Ajay Patel checks over his math homework and prepares for the quiz he is about to receive. Ajay, a member of student council, is well known for his math skills.

After a hard Wednesday night band practice, Maureen Osciak laughes at the name tag Chrissy Young forgot she was wearing. At least now everyone will know her name.

Matt Rossi shows us how serious about piaying the tuba he is. Matt can often be found on the top row of the bleachers with the rest of the brass section in band.

, ,



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Andrew Brown, Robert Jamison, and Kostantinos Karagiannis take a break from homework in their study hall. Unlike upperclassmen, sophomores can't leave study halls since they are not eligible to have blue or gold passes.



Heather Lyman decides to find information on her cultures project from an encyclopedia instead of using one of the library's many computers.

FAR LEFT: Alexis Viso and Ashley Weinberg take time from their busy after school schedules to pose for a picture on a rare sunny day this winter.

TOP RiGHT: Nicole Jiulianti is so happy because she just ordered a Joe Corbi's pizza from a member of the Lady Cougars' basketball team. Fundraising was a big part in many activities this year.

MIDDLE RIGHT: In a hurry to go to basketball, Beth Theranger reluctantly stops for a picture. She is involved in many activities and has to be careful to always be on time.

LOWER RIGHT: Dayna Johnson spends as much energy paying attention in class as she does running with the cross country team. All of our athletes learn to balance academics with sports.



153 O?"

"I am afraid something will fallon my head," - Heather Hunter

"It brings a different atmosphere to the school." - Casey Peifer



"I think it's a good idea because it's for a great cause," - Steve Corey

"I like it because of all the cute construction workers," - Carin Heller

Emily Pontarelli and Karen Tauscher agree to take time to have their picture taken before school, in fear of being victim of the new iate to school policy.

Steve Corey and Nick Spinosa work hard on their major cultures' project as Shannon Murphy tells them how successful her soccer season was. The girls soccer team made it to the District playoffs, a big accomplishment for such a young team.

Sean Hegarty and Pam Gibbone refine their computer skills in their required keyboarding class taught by Ms. Beldecos.

Casey Piefer decides not to work on her homework and instead piay an entertaining game on her calculator. Teachers find TI-82 calculators great for math, but have a hard time keeping students from playing games.

Underclass ......




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Class Officers



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Elected by their peers at the end of their freshman year, Nicole JuiliantL Gina Thompson, Brad Flynn, Carin Heller, and Megan Kasmer made many vital decisions concerning this sophomore year. This enthusiastic group helped organize the candy sale and the Soph-Hop. The class officer positions were dominated by the females; Brad Flynn, however, has never admitted to giving in to their opinions.

Jackie Buechele is a good athlete and a good student. In her Spanish class, Jackie works hard to finish her homework so she can go to track practice after school.

Laura Clevenstine, during a break in Wind Ensemble, has her picture taken. Since there are ninety minute periods, teachers often give students a quick break to stretch and get a drink of water.

Not Pictured

Patrick Carr

Cassandra Peifer

Joseph Celona

Jeffrey Petherbridge

Cheryl Colagiacomo

Frank Reali

Michael Gliem

George Reed

Leah Goldberg

Justin Slavin

Michael Heath

Greg Turlington

Katie Johnson

Jesse Winters

Ernest Key

Marisa Yangello

Chris Avato completes his class work in Ms. Ruddock's math class. Many students have the choice of Algebra II or Geometry in their sophomore year.

That's not gum in Justin Jonaitis' mouth, it's just the reed he uses to play his saxophone in jazz band. Jazz band is a volunteer activity that many students enjoy participating in.

Maureen Osciak, Michelle Miller, Sonya Mathews, Marie Montana, and Katie Shaw get ready to leave "AU lunch before going to their thirc period class. Although lunch is a time for students to socialize and get a break from school work, some students choose to do homework.




Underclass .......,



Underclass ,.......

Underclass ~

159 ..",.

Junior Class The junior year is the year of memories, senior friends, the Junior Prom, SATs, the Snow Dance, and college seminars. It's the year of not believing you only have one year left and saying good-bye to close friends. Your mind is riveted to atomic weights, the definition of serendipity, and the equation of a circle. Your weekends are spent looking for the right clothing for proms, and enjoying the freedom of your driver's license. The junior year is bittersweet because you are glad that you'll be a senior next year, but sad as you see your senior friends move on to better things, realizing that next year it will be you.

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"A lot of people disagree with it, but I don't mind." - Nick Ranalli

"I don't like it because what you do on your own time is your business. " - Alisha Kensley

"It doesn't bother me." - Chrissy Wilson

"I think that it is too strict." - Amira Dickerson



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Top Ten Useful Things To Do With Your Blue Pass

Ron Lehman poses with his blue pass in the hallway after signing out of his third period stUdy hall. Many students use this time to go to the library or the cafeteria.


Underclass r--

Michelle Botta tries to snuggle up to Pete Riviello, Pete knows that she is only after his blue pass so she can join her friends in the cafeteria.

Dave Piccirilli looks relieved to get a break from his math class. Students find themselves still adjusting to the long periods.

Adam Gray, as usual, has his way with the ladies as he brings Christina Rockwell, Kerrie Avery, and Katie Bracconier laughter and a fun time.

Casey Bottomley and Kim Pace can be seen together around school. Field Hockey, track and lacrosse are a few of the things they do together.

Underclass ~

163 i?"

Christine Heffernan, DJ Starr, and Karen Keating share an amusing moment in Ms. Philips' physics class. Sara Joseph, however, doesn't seem to share the same feeling. Physics often produces these mixed emotions.


Underclass r-


r-----.. : "

Christine DeMarco finds time to do her homework in the library. Obviously, she didn't do it all at home.

FAR LEFT: Kristyn Baker, "the Skipper", lends some of her limited time towards the students of Sabold and Scenic to show them how much fun the Halloween Parade can be.

TOP RIGHT: Michael Galata has a hard time logging on to the internet in the library, This year new code names were added to the computers

MIDDLE RIGHT: Scott Wueschinski stares blankly into the camera as if he was looking into his Pre-Calcuius book, Scott was also a member of the boys varsity soccer team, and a key ingredient in the girl's basketball management.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Jim Crowley calculates the correct answer during a recent class. TI-82 calculators are a must have for all grades in high school.

Anthony DeFrancesco shows his class exactly how to use the computer. Anthony shows his class that he is as ready as ever for the new "computer age."

Band and orchestra members Lauren Hindley, Grace Wang, Laura Felicianl, and Ashley Petrylak tell Mike Lemon how much fun their Band-O-Rama concert was, All five agree that this will be one of their most missed memories of SHS.


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"Floor hockey, because it's fun." - Colleen Tomlinson

"Badmitton, because I like playing it with Kristyn Baker on my team." - Stephanie Landers



"Softball, because I get to be outside." - Michele Nastasi

"Pickle ball because I beat Miss Caffey." - Noel Pattani

Sean Reed, Jason Fischetti, and Nick Ranalii take a minute to flex their muscles before going up to the weight room. The weight room was a popular place for both boys and girls to pump up and keep in shape.

Karishma Patei is happy that she doesn't have to walk around schooi in a cast iike her friend Lauren Hindley. Lauren, however, does have the opportunity to travei in the school's elevator.






The five chosen ones to lead the class of 1999 through their junior year were Pete Riviello, Kim Pace, Casey Bottomley, Kyle Sweeney, and Chris Adams. Pete, Kim, and Chris showed Kyle and Casey the ropes using the knowledge they gained from past experiences throughout their sophomore year. They helped organize the Snow Dance, class motto, and the Junior Prom.

Matt Grammond shows his physics class the correct way to complete his lab, Matt is not only great at physics, but was also a key factor in the Cougar's winning football season,



Bethany Scott and Alison Reger get a quick picture before heading out to their car, This year, juniors were able to enjoy the priviledge of parking in the school lot,


N_o_t_P_ic_t_u_re_d Terrion Allen Paul Antenucci Neil Barbour Andrea Bradley Shawn Clark Lauren Cooler Brian Fahy


Robert Keenan Anthony McBride Patrick Parkinson Allison Puliti Nicholas Putiri Michael Smith Eric Turner

Class clowns, Brian DiPoalo and Mark Hummel arm wrestle during study hall. Brian is surprised at how strong Mark has become throughout his football season,

Nick Arbutina, Cavan Curran, Lauren Cooler, Kevin Sherwood, and Jason Bowen take a minute out of their TV Production class to show us how the camera works, This class offers students a variety of ways to improve oral reports and projects,

Sara Magenheimer opens her locker as she mentally prepares to win another game with the Central League champion field hockey team,

Moments after Bill Scheier told Erin Hughes that he was going to score a hat trick in the hockey game that night, he graciously allowed her to pose for a picture with him,

Underclass .....,



Four years at Springfield High School have gone by as quickly as the first few months. The class of 1998 will graduate with a head full of knowledge and a heart full of memories. The future and its oppurtunities awaits. 171


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"rod" rem for: laughing, smiling, act: baseball. lacrosse, ski club, pp: the sweet piece of steel, the mach one, friends, my brain & my abilities, fay mem: good times w /the captain, gunner, tomkins, frank, mcbeth, joey, the hick, crazy jon, & everyone else, cruizin' in the basement, truckin', the sunday drive, the leprechaun, the bite, ozzfest, fish bowlin', the van, the key, november. the yankees game, steve miller, fourth period study hall, sublime, low ridin', the trash, the core, don's lawn, great adventure, friendly sessions, dennis' wigness, the pizza, ryder's beatness, the ball. the shore, goal: to find the meaning of life, to succeed and excel in everything i do, will: to my brother- the mach one, to everyone- my ruca, anything else to whoever needs it, mes: "the more you know, the less you understand," -lao tzu,

1Uiclt.~el ~o~e..t


"bum" rem for: being a slacker, liking the canucks, act: football. pp: friends, tv, cd's, fay mam: les landau's class, stumpf's class, the corner crew, jon rncnut, football practice, ozzfest, metallica, southwest w/kramer & trexler, metal militia, junior prom, genuardi's, the bonner crew, gym class freshmen year, goal: to get a good job out of college & eventually marry & have kids, will: to byrnes- my sense of direction! to bill- my monstrous cd collection, to colleen- all my advice on how us men think, mes: to mom & the rest of the family- thanks for all the guidance and support you've given me over the years, all my friends- it's been great, hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did,

ie....y..e 1e~~ !1~~""~

"tim-dog" rem for: my attitude & pretty face, act: basketball. pp: picture keychains, fay mem: the time i met my boyfriend jimai. times w/my sister yohna, i love you girl. the times w/brent- all good ones, the talks w/gina, nika neek, times w/my best friend mimi "big dog," chillin w/my cuz tina, tia, teadra, toni. going clubbing w/yohna, tina, brandi, twins, michele, bashi, mya, every summer was the bomb, the girls' basketball team, times w/my brothers sherrard, ozzie, chris, goal: to succeed, mes: thank god for helping through the years; my mom, dad, & family for their loving support, "life is short, take all you want, give all you can,"

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Ly~~ !1ike~

"shorty" rem for: being short, muscles, act: swimming, fay mem: hanging w/rhema, marisa, katie, jacqui, jill, tara, nicole, linda, erin, anthony, cruise w/marisa, rmsc, b2, getting lost w/rhema, mine & marisa's house, spontaneous nights, coffee stops, christmas dinners, ehhh ehhh, katie- townships, jacqui breaking down, dunkin', shopping & sundays w/linda, soph hop, junior prom, ssc posse. colleen- pUdding. school swimming. goal: fric & frac- twins. will: diane- all my stuff you think is yours, & really is yours. mes: parents- thanks for everything you taught me. marisa- gotta git, gotta gim, gotta give. rhema- you're a great friend, you know this will never be goodbye.

"Finding the bus stop." Ryan Hastings


1. ijtu6etto

rem for: the scout. building mike's stang. act: weightlifting. pp: my g.t.o. (goat). fav mem: working on the mustang. the trip down south. the basement of the socha's w/mike, nick, brent, & jen. my scout. metallica. burn out road. working. summer of '97. the drag strip. the shop w/trout. jen's cheesesteaks. goal: to own a 1970 judge ram air. to become successful in life. will: to mike- my "goat" & the rest of my money. to nick- my box. to brent- anything you need, especially if it pertains a 55 chevy. mes: to my family- thanks. to my sister donna- stay cool, i love ya! to my friends- live life to the fullest, don't let anything stand in your way. mike- thanks bro. peace out commander!



"royale" rem for: being a hard core skater. driving a hatch back. always joking. pp: skateboarding w/george, ed, troy, bill, defy, mike, joey, brl. summer of '97. hanging out on weekends w/gracy, bridget, & george. crazy night w/troy, shaun, & brl. times withe old gang. goal: to become a professional skateboarder (i can always dream). to go to college & then find a career that i can enjoy. will: to george- all my skateboarding stuff. to gracy & ed- my car (please share). to troy- my computer. to bill- my nintendo. mes: to my friends & family- thanks for all the help, love, & support. i will miss you all. "skate for life. when the genuinely creative imitate, they end up making the model a poor imitation of themselves." eric hoffer.

~o6e,.t ~. ijottiu~e,.

"be-oh-bee" rem for: telling stories. talking about cars. act: cross country. winter track. pp: my truck. coffee mug. adidas shoes. fav mem: green house effect. speaking hat. clifford. fall fest. senior week '97. jason's house. covenant. gazebo. jeff's room. allman bros. wawa iced tea. g-nat. cruzin' w/jay, andy, jeff- volvo power. pat's steaks. sneaking out. rory. open labs. juli's bed. the crows. tom jones. denny's. the crows. study hall w/jay, kelly, kevin. vera's w/chris. marinelIi wood. wed. doughnuts. phat beach. victory lap. goal: to be successful in life. will: mr. trout- perfect degree of dryness. matt- a real trUCk. janet- my room. mes: to mother & father- thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

"chrissy b" rem for: small feet. vegetarianism. act: tennis. danceline. nhs. pp: mr. bunny. my bedroom. fav memo c1ip-c1op-clatter-c1atter. downingtown. hedgerow. border's boy. ski trip. egg blowing. towson st. commercial. scalped movie tickets. whippy cream. lola. "same seats." atlanta. france. japanese bridge. heidi. jammin' withe girls. jimbash. stomp. cats. cinderella. beach trips. fiesta wear. twister. camden steps. 1:00 trip. starbuck's mishap. camping. randy. rolling stones. daves. indigo girls. apartment. lit nites. pompon. daily edits. dq. stella. gloria w/laura & sarah. goal: to make a difference. will: katy- my room. nikki- will. lauren- chocolate milk. leigh ann- a tori concert. meso katie- only 3 blizzards/week. tara, laura, sara- where's it at? denise- "you're my inspiration." Iisa- n'oublie jama'ls de francais. mom & daddy- thanks for pushing me; it was worth it. love you lots & forever. grandmom rose. the most amazing woman I know- thanks for always being there. mes amies- never lose sight of the positives. you will be in my heart forever.

1~u '80U~M,.~t

"bongo" rem for: finger. unique style of driVing. act: soccer. pp: snoopy pez dispenser. fav mem: cruisin' in the van. reading phillies game. summer at the shore w/lauren, paul, matt. dana, michelles, dustin, jim, vince, mickey, & john. soccer in europe. movies. times w/shannon, vince, jim, & everybody else. snipers games. taco bell escapades. interesting phone chats w/mickey mouse. cake & napkins after junior prom. you're the man! x-mas caroling. flat tire. villanova skating. hockey games. putting people in trash cans. throw jamie out of car. goal: to live happily ever after w/lots of $. will: chuck, sean, jason, & scott- b-fungus. britton- my soccer skills. mes: mom, dad, shan, britton, & kylie- thanks for everything. i love you.

When opening to the sports sections of Springfield's local newspapers, you could almost always be sure to find the names of star athletes B.J. Lucey and Albert Grundy. B.J. was a three year member and senior year captain of the varsity field hockey team; she earned All-Central League Honorable Mention as a junior and First Team All-Central as a senior. B.J. was a four year varsity lacrosse player, earning First Team All-Central, First Team AIIDelco, Second Team All-Area, and Most Valuable Player her junior year. Albert has played football and basketball, and ran spring track for the cougars. Albert was a first team All-Delco selection in his junior and senior years, as well as an All-Central selection. For his senior year, Albert was chosen as the Offensive Most Valuable Player, as well as setting numerous other records and receiving many other honors for his athletic ability. Springfield High School athletics will greatly miss this pair next year, and we wish them luck in their future athletic endeavors.

Brent Porsche - Ocean City, N.J. Michelle Crandley Disneyworld Jill Harding - New York City Shoun Cullen - Ocean City, N.J. Mark Donofrio - Road Trip Matt Polidoro - Florida Chrissy Bradshaw - Ocean City, N.J. Donna Viso - Cancun, then Wildwood Lauren Manners - Disneyworld Nicole Cerone - New York

1'o~et'1t. Cala~,.e~e

"joe" rem for: joey. gump. forrest. wearing shorts. missing everything. always working. hanging upside-down at memorial. eat pasta 24 hours a day. pp: my hat. fay mem: overbite. rock's crib. cruisin' in the basement. truckin' w/frank macbeth, dugan, mcknett. great adventure. hanging out w /firlein, lou, tom, angel. goal: to own my own restaurant. mes: thanks mom & dad for always being there for me and keeping me on track with my school work.

1Uatt Ca~t'~ell

"fatty" rem for: having only one functional ear. ae!: lacrosse. pp: donna mccabe. fav memo hkb. 336 parham represent. chandler's basement. shnart's. donofrio's stories. stranded at sea isle w/desio. stopage. cypress hill '96. free the rodge. nate's fort. corky cakes. lock out. drop out. sell out. rage/wu '97. ocb w/lawler. randy & the hayride. outback parties. superbowl saturday '97 w/donna. white rock. rosario¡s. pro squad. jane's addiction '97 w/ehmann. the white house. lemon's. feeding the phish w/murray & rudolph. getting beatdowns. parkz of tha field. drive bys w/ehmann. notel. scrumz. eckberg's. free metallica '97. gee moore's. hilarious klllahness. goal: to meditate and appreciate. will: to desio- a twinkie. to donna- a flag. mes: to. springfield headz- never stop representin' this place. no matter how much you hate it, you can never forget it. the saga continues ...

~ttooke 1Ueti~~a Ca~ate

rem for: art, curls, blushing, sentimental. acf: peers, celeb, stw, yrbk, council. pp: kokopelli. pictures, cuz-ring, fav mem: soph bio lab group, yrbk lunches, growing up w/jill. nicole's (blizzards to pumpkin pie), ocnj w/alalna, 5137 w/amy, maybeth/newtons, f/d dance, concerts, art & scary red light w/char, casablanca, pic-a-nics, jtw3, "friends" & pigouts w/shaun, snoit, ainsley, peer camp, stars, diva nights & forks, dancing at mags's, dq hitchhiker w/sam, anything goes, cast parties, eiean-up w/matty p, snow dance prep w/chrissy, sing-alongs, trade-off w/amy i, the list, anna mal. new orleans, jr year, summer '97, loogie guy w/nicoie, formals, martina darling, darkroom dance parties, guy talks w/sarah, b-day scav-hunt from amy, hold on, will: nicole- the fame you deserve, aim- eeyore's tail. matty- reneology, sam- a phone card, denise- giggle noodle soup, mes: nicole & amy- you're the best friends i could ever ask for; you have taught me the most valuable lessons in life, i love you! mom- thanks for being my best friend, i love you, friends- you'll be in my heart forever: "the goodbye makes the journey harder still."-cat stevens,

1>a~iette Ca~ta~ao

"d" rem for: being quiet. getting caught, mood-swings, always eating. act: celebration, amnesty. pp: pictures, license, music. maggie & boo. fay mem: times w/buds: brit, nichole, natalie, juli, the kims, chrissy, annmarie, christen, the "overbite" w/dward, etc, (not gump!). junior prom w/ryan, "p,p. mona handey." my trip on south street. lunch c (nuggets). skinny girl, ocean city '97. toothbrush, o.j. pink hair, nyc w/brit. streaker. girls night out. foods class w/nat, warped tour. diva, spinach, laser floyd. halloween '97. orchard rd, (flaming seed). bubbles (gotcha!). anything i forgot or can't write, will: nick- my bed. popeye- oreo milkshake, mes: to family & friends- thanks for everything, i love you!

1Ue~a~ 1>ia~e Cattti~

"meggo" act: soccer, lacrosse, basketball. winter track. athletic advisory council. fay mem: soccer sleepovers. frog! raspberry! mr, bean, lacrosse trip, water fight, tootsie roll. na-oh, smells like gas. graphics talks, the route. macy's book, freshmen b-ball. sparky, shark watches, soccer dances, junior prom, beep! beep! lunch w/matt, john, rob, & ellen, scavenger hunt w/andy I, ellen, & andrew, dave matthews, trip to maine, the swing, hungry eyes. celluci's steps w/matt. hello-hi! will: to all soccer girls- a membership to the club. mes: mom, dad, & erin- thanks! karen- beware of the judges, ellen & jimmyyou are everything & everything is you. matt- you've been more than I could ever have wished for, i love you,



"mare" rem for: corny jokes. widow's peak. correcting people. fav mem: camping. dorney, ladies night at laura's. steve miller. dallas. carloni value store (cvs, get it?). bayside cheer w/donna. fun with pickles. matt's. gestures w/tim, looking for twins w/janice. fun times w/phil. 6th street w/beth. the white house. vinnie's. anna (hee, heel yea, yea!). meeting dana's mom. gym chess w/geoff. talks w/carla. sunshine. will: to qUillymy pinky. to bill d.- my diving skills. to beanie- my sister's sweaters. mes: donna- you will never beat me in tennis! my family- thanks for everything, i love you.

;JittiaJH. "p. Cattttott "billy" pp: my big pants. my car. fav mem: the green. senior class '96. summer '96 down the shore. korn's house. camping, times w/kristin. all the concerts. laura's house, bach's house. reservoir. times w/bickel. all the times i can't remember, falling w/anthony. chocolate milk. there's too many good memories to write them all. goal: to succeed wherever i end up. mes: my parents- thanks for putting up w/everything, for always being there for me. i wouldn't be here if not for you, kristin- i'li never forget you, i'li always love you, all my friends- what a long strange trip it's been.

Catl~,etti~e lJJH.a~aa Ca~tte~e....'1

"khaki" rem for: being quiet, being southern, always being right, act: silks. "anything goes." sadd. track. celebration, pp: t.b. my family, friends. cats. fay mem: the beach, "badness." washington, "anything goes" rehearsals. passion fruit, "richie boy," adam sandler night. study hall '97, "the cult," summers in georgia, "the wrong way." ceramics. skiing, "beep the horn." seminars, costume shop. "i don't have to take it." food classes, sleepovers, movies, mrs, montgomery & the gang, times w/c1ara, lauren, & laurey. goal: to have a wonderful life & be extremely successful. will: family- my thanks for your support, & my love. friends- my everlasting friendship & my time, mes: "the night time is the right time,"-adam sandler.




"dan" rem for: being friendiy and piaying 7 different sports. act: athletic advisory. football. wrestling. tennis. baseball. winter track. spring track. golf. fav memo the fabulous five. all the crazy pranks. fireworks. bob's trampoline. the stoop. midgetville w/mark. football at rolling green. basebali w/sul, jim, mark, bob, & roc. the ski trips. jim's 16th & the shore. rock climbing. vacations w/matt & todd. paintbali & the magic shot. college fairs. day trips. beating pat in plngpong & tennis. camping w/dan, pat, dave, & psycho terry. the many movies. bull sessions. delaware benchmark w/mike. maxweil's wljon. shooting pool w/pat, dan, & rob. bothering the saras. vaUlting. golfing w/matt. the beautiful moment. wendy's & the plastic woman. backyard basketball games. running withe bulls. dog kennel & the meat. the stones. just hanging out w/my friends. will: kristen- my "superior" athletic ability. goal: to be happy.

'hico€e 1Ua..ie Ce..oe.e act: stw. peers. springfield singers. lit mag. pp: loved ones. mind. passion. chucks. coffee. fav mem: tori amos-abfab haiioween w/jill. dtw w/marisa& linda. friendly's w/marisa. breaking down- "it's the lightning." brooke- lists, blueberry snorms, anna mal & loogle boy. rent w/divas. peer camps (twisty slide). forking w/brooke, beth, & shaina. sister sarah. mischa- admirable hours. matty o's. women lib walk w/butterfly. martina- "ahog maja laska!" summerstage- diners. fairies. shoun, matt, chris, shoun, scott- a spectrum of times. i iove you all. goal: "to be brave & strong & true, & to fill the world with love my whole life through." will: marisa- feather boa. jill- pixie glitter. brooke, my guardian angelstars, blue moons, & "what she had." mes: my family- you inspire me. brooke- "that's what friends are for." my teachers- thank you.

1>ae.ie€ ~. Cl1.o

rem for: staying up late. failing permit test. indifference. act: orchestra. band. science olympiad. yearbook. springfield singers. hi-q. dcyo. knowledge masters. pp: sunny delight. car. fav mem: stUdy halls wleckman, andy, gorman, dave, suI, kramp, shoun, & others. toronto. formals. sciolyd state competition. district orchestra '97. pgss. 2/29. tuba christmas. the chase. delco characters (the puppet, etc). tockwogh (Where de s'mores?!). pit orchestra antics. the plague. chem. tubas '97. the teardrop. black hole. goal: to live as i please without starving or selling out. mes: family- thanks for everything. to 011take care; try to enjoy yourselves. it's been interesting.

1ee.e.ile.. 1Ua..ie Cilue.i "jenn" rem for: aiways being hurt. act: cheerleading. volleyball. swimming. pp: pictures. fav memo 10th grade lab group. bargaining 'In new york w/matt & chris. trampoline wljaime, tim, & lisa. bounce me up. black jeep. drive by's w/lisa. fighting w/brent. pool posse. camp w/katle mcloughlin.lifeguarding w/jaime & brent. breaking into the snack bar. florida w/catie & louis. guy hunting. formals. jayne's antics at volleyball. swimming bus talks. hofties. waterpolo. wendy's. special friend. physics w/michelle. chokingcan't breathe. new year's sleepover. staying up all night gossiping w/christine. walks home w/tim. vanilla pudding wi tricia & colleen. billy joel concert '98. goal: to be happy. will: katieanother year w/fafa. amy & barb- peanut butter sandwiches. jaime- my trampoline. mes: to my family- thanks for being there. i love you. jacqueline- good luck next year. tim, shaina, & christine- wordl

Top 10 -rhings You/II Miss About S.H.S. 10. Frank and Marge. 9. The new "lenient" tardy rules. 8. Carrying flourescent passes to use the bathroom. 7. Bagels, donut day, baked potato bar, the new Wawa drink machines - all the GOOD food. 6. Study halls. 5. The construction workers. 4. Sports, music, and other activities. 3. Easy classes. 2. The privileges of being the oldest. 1. Seeing the friends you grew up with everyday.

1ol1.e. 1o~etJl1. Co€eU1.ae.

J.J. starbuckle" rem for: always having gum. pp: jacket- the black (shady) one.

fav mem: summer '96. chillin' at the underground. hanging at choc's & chillin' withe crew (ciocca, pierce, eckberg & sally). eckberg's 534 (your mom's home). the spot & trying to find my way out. fights w/gina. coming back from king. times at memorial withe crew (pat, geoff, mac, phil). times in the stang & cougar. mac's house. hanging in the shed (Shade-out). louie's garage when he went nuts. hey fields wlhayes, reds, george, ron, & the rest. goal: to be rich & happy. will: someone lucky- the key. meso mom & dadthanks, i love you. p.j.- hope i do as well as you have. mike- thanks for everything; i owe you. crews- good luck, i'm outta here!

C€a..a '8eat..i~


rem for: always making my friends laugh. being from argentina. being there for my friends. act: soccer. track. celebration. swimming. musical. pp: cows. teddy bear. camera. "boo." family. fav memo the beach. x-files. passion fruit. 3rd period study hall. cult. wrong way. beep the horn. go. wedding. pig in jar. skiing. raft night at pool. photography. sleepovers. anything goes rehearsal. work. movies. mrs. m. times w/catherine, lauren, & lar. kindergarten. goal: to become the best kindergarten teacher ever. to be a good photographer. to be famous. will: laurey- all my x-files tapes. meso parents- you were always there for me & never let me down, i love you both. maria- thanks for all your help. franco- follow you dreams & never let anything stand in your way. catherine, laurey & laurenyou are the most wonderful friends a person could ever hope for, don't ever change. thanks for all the good times.

Many students enjoy involving themselves in the various extracurricular opportunities available at Springfield High School, whether it be to meet new people, explore their interests, stay in shape, or provide community service. However, Matt Polidoro and Christine Seeley have been especially noticed by their peers as devoting a great deal of their time to numerous school activities. Matt has been a class officer for two years, a member of the band and orchestra, drum major, a member of the spring track team, winter track captain his senior year, a yearbook staff member, as well as a member of Student Theatre Workshop, the Community Service Club, Amnesty International, vice-president of S.T.A.R.E, and After School Community Education. Matt is also one of our two school board representatives. Christine has also been extremely busy, being a cheerleading captain, vice-president of student council, a member of the Athletic Advisory Council, a member of the yearbook staff, and our school mascot - the cougar! Christine also spends a great deal of time heading the student "lights" committee. Springfield Hi h School thanks Matt and Christine for their man hours of dedication.




"len" rem for: making cocky faces. smiling. act: soccer. lacrosse. basketball. knowledge master. fav memo 4 friends. pullovers- colleens, nikki, lauren. sleepovers? warehouse. rehab. rolling green. lemon era. dave's minus dave. futon rides. stalking. new year's masks. exams at roo's. gas bladders & fish jokes. mis. chi chi's. raspberry. frog. joey's. & then eat it? ramp. george. sparky. maine- jiminieous, meg, matt. spring break streak. zzlili. sacred spot. lauren's. chem bros. oilman bros. ryan's w/nikki. commencement '96. avalon. skycoaster. steve's. whistling. not playing spit w/coll. dance of joy. frankie. pow. b-ball game day w/bj. harveys in the sandtime for a haircut! big k. all the leaves are"" kachinas. gis w/dave, shoun, etc. superheroes. nag. rap chips. times w/dan. will: to ono- a new merp. meso bj- what improvement?

CIt...i~tiije LlJijij C..owe "tine" act: field hockey. softball. swimming. band. nhs. asce. fav memo florida. toronto. stone harbor- surrey line ladies. boston- the fabric of our lives. formals. times w/shaina, lisa, jaime, amy, barb, tim, & jen. taiks w/luke. softball w/lindsay. orchestra w/mark, shaina, & jason. caiifornia. media car trips. hershey park. band w/lindsay, lauryn, d.j" chris, pud, & geoff. shopping w/my mom. eve spottings. the wedding. father/daughter dance. angels w/lindsay, kristyn, & michelle. playing softball for my dad. study hall w/pat & jaime. hey signs. bazooka tuesday. jello club. lucky. conversations w/jen, shaina, & tim. goal: to be happy. will: to d.j.- the lucky ligature. meso lindsay- thanks for being such a great friend & cousin. i'li miss you. familythanks for everything. i love you all very much. shaina- you have been the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. thanks, i don't know where i'd be without you. tim, jen, & shainaword!

l ..iijij~ Lee

CijeEE~ ..

"trin" rem for: being shy. accidents. z-28 convertible. being late. "crash test." act: winter track. pp: clothes. license. friends. ring. fav memo "the group," chris, jay, zach, kristen. fights. everyone at my house. sleepovers. cars. races. shore. kristen's houses. talks. vermont. pennslanding. kobasics mts. golf carts. parks. proms. cruisin w/kelly. parties. guys. white "z." floyd. dave matthews. lazer shows. steve miller. times w/jack, jason, chris. escort beating camara. ice rink. dove's. matchmaker prank. spying w/winnie. shady car w/carley. carjacking, car troubles. late nights. denny's. camping. summers. casey. plans never happening. wintertime. first summer. hanging w/josette. south street. talks w/jay. waterguns. everything i couldn't fit. goal: to achieve all goais i have set for myself. happiness. will: to carley- my phone time. meso to my family & friends, thanks for always being there. i love you.


1Uiclt.aeE CuEEeij

rem for: being obnoxious. sleeping in class. pp: tunes. cynicism. fav mem: johare. "minesweeper." meals at the po Iidoros. weird concerts w/lastowka. delites w/jimmy. magic. the shore w/rysak. jojo '97. lionfish w/ferry & keates. b.o.b. '97. nintendo at gorman's. "steal the d.a.r.e mobile." walking to borders. cast parties. morton news. health project on inhalants. jake. outback wings. a plate of shrimp. the pro squad. gis lunch. physics wid ave & b.j. science olympiad in ninth grade. "oh! get me away from here i'm dying." goal: to always follow in the way of the boognish. will: to maura- my taste in music. to meghan- the courage to do as little as possible. mes: to terri & bob- "god only knows what i'd be without you." to springfield- i've at a sound too bi for this town.

Lau..a ~o~e CUOMtO

act: tennis. nhs. community service (pres.). musicals. sadd. choir. fav memo times w/tara, sara,

lisa, chrissy, denise, & nikki. swarthmore & cash donkey. fireworks. epiphany. dave matthews. rolling stones. indigo girls. Iilith limo. the beast. winter break '96. highbooks. casablanca. new years. i will survive. would you rather? borders & shuster. car choir. ginajamming. soph hop. junior prom. senior prom '97. jimbash. washington & lady in red. 1:00 trip. steps in camden. lit night. apartment. musicals. rule of thumb. laughing incidents w/nikki. totem pole. sisters. camping. kitchen chats. summer stage. valley forge. water bottles. swish. pondering w/tara. goal: to remember that happiness is not a destination; it's a form of travel. will: amy- fun at shs. chrissya world without errors. denise- do dip. meso sarayou're the stellar goddess of the western hemisphere. tara- thanks for understanding me; you're better than words. friends- what can i say? it's been great. family- you're the best.

l ..aclJ ~aMIt.

1>'a. azio

"tresemme" rem for: being loud. act: cheerleading. fav memo all formals. walsh park w/elena. talks w/steveo. before school w/mike. lauren's house. late night outings w/carla. my birthday parties. new year's eves. dancing at donna's. jason w/soccer balls. cheerleading w/mo & kym. rolla me over. randy falling. mandy whining. missl & katie. bass mobile. sea isle. sleeping in dennis's truck. lollapalooza. dual shower-heads. paul's 21st party. 8/2/96, all times w/paul. goal: to be wealthy, successful, & independent. to marry a philadelphia flyer. will: my sister- my dance stuff. lauren- my cap & gown. mes: vanessa- you poopa. kym- i knew you'd drop it. michelle- be happy. amanda- you're a true friend. paul- you're forever In my heart. mimi & poppi- you're wonderful. mom & dad- i appreciate everything. love you.


.l-fiRR j)(c,UÂŁS

"the davis" rem for: hair. stupid shoes, going out wl"that guy," being a iadybug, piano, being a chick, finding comfortable balance between geek & goddess, act: tennis, pp: experience, fav mem: aquarius w/jon, nick, joe, janna, femmes, fudd's, times w/dan, schuyler, mike, nesser, karen, chris, abe, evan, dave, jim, airport/driving w/jim, france, playing piano at iincoln center, paloozas w/bri. all times w/karen, times at schuyler's, denny's, media family, goal: to forever & ever be a chick, mes: mom & dad- thanks for everything, you are very cool. to karen- thank you for being there, we made it this far",i love you bunches, "there's a bit of magic in everything, and then some loss to even things out,"-1. reed,



act: asce. tennis. nhs, fav memo stellar times wllisa, denise, laura, tara, sara, chrissy, sarah, char, joy, & brooke, kitchen chats, the sisters, herd, casablanca, lightning bug questions. rita's runs, shore w/lisa. "no more giggling girls." blueberry bagels. wine & cheese, "when i get hot, I sweat," big bob. the equalizer. stride, europe. crazyman, fiona, superchunk, lilith, the beast. blggies, jimbash. j3, trivial pursuit, swed's, the look, endless smiles. disco, wishes, spice night '97. japanese bridge, talks wldan, jukebox johnny, sunset in italy, will: to matt- common sense & a belt, to chrlssy- my iove for math. to stan- a 24 hr, buffet, to will- sugar sandwiches. to danpatience, goal: to defy logic, fall madly in love, & make a difference. meso mom & dad- thank you for believing in me & for your unconditional support & love. lisa- you're my inspiration; I luv yo, - "nobody can eat 50 eggs,"





"dirty frenchman" rem for: spitting water, dressing well. act: band, orchestra, football. pp: copy of mallrats, fav mem: shaking jonathan richman's hand, brodie bruce, team walker. buenos tardes productions, ripping my lip off. g,i.s, crew w/sul, stokes, eckman, lauren, gormy, danny cho, bj, shaun, ellen, all pro, the ciaw, minesweeper, gangbustahs shabazz, "chasing amy" fiasco, jim grammond and the hedgehog, one dollar skull, goal: to honeymoon at the galactic fantasy suite, will: to joey S,- my inherent coolness, to sul- the wrangle. mes: my family- thanks for everything. my comrades- ain't no party like a brodie bruce party 'cause a brodie bruce party don't stop,

~iuft 1>el#t'~ey

rem for: dressing nice, nice nails, loud, fav mem: chillin' w/suzanne, 9-11 w/keenan & mark, may 29, angel having alexis, dancing & singing w/cheryl. fun w/tara at egypt, vegas, shampoo, broncos, n,y, temyre trips to media, 69th street, summer w/north, secane apartments, chester? slightly tan, june 6th w/chamark, "oh no tara," ricans, george "butta love," goal: to be happy, will: to tara- all my clothes & shoes, mes: dominique- sissy loves you & you better keep up the good work, tara- be good & love yo, mom & bob- thanx, frank- i finally did it, alexis- mommy & i love yo, keenan & mark- we had some great times,




"billy" rem for: the big white burban, pp: my bed, stereo, c,d.'s, my family, fav mem: dave matthews 6/7/97, all man brothers 6/24/97, rage & wu-tang 8/16/97, steve miller 8/23/97, snart's parties, pant's house, chocco's, eckberg's, rolling green, walsh park, memorial park, many times hangin' w/chris in the garage. rockin' the blue baby, trips to the shore w/fatty, rudolph, & bean. partying at 39th, talks w/casey. geometry class w/casey, katie, & lindsay, trips to steve's mansion. cruisin' in the burban, times w/colleen c, yo mary & janice watch out dock! and last but not least, hangin' w/my friends. goal: to live a long fulfilling life. will: to jeff barnes- my knowledge, sike! mes: my family- thanks for putting up w/me.

What's Your Biggest Pet Peeve? "When people leave hang-ups on my answering machine." Colleen Sullivan

"People that stop in the middle of the hallway, or that walk really slow." -Dan McFarland

"When people judge others before they even know them." Michelle Helmle

"When the teacher checks your homework the day you forgot to do it." Chris Polidoro

1Uatoh :ÂŁ~Wato~ 1>Ou,oltoiO

"don" rem for: telling unique stories & tales. indian yell. always being comical. act: soccer. wrestling. track. lacrosse. ski club. csc. pp: my eagles hat. "stee!." "thor." fav memo family excursions all around the world. hanging out w/my friends. ski trips. vermont. crazy antics. the heap. fabulous five. st. patty's day. lacrosse seasons. soccer camp. the three legged beast. the rut. telling tales. nicknames. physics class. tv productions. pUblic speaking. the lair. proposition 51. crone squad. the unfortunate times. the machine. bull sessions. chilling out at the stoop. hanging out at wendy¡s. talks in advisory. trip to rider. trash can wars. goal: to become a selfemployed millionaire by age thirty, & to have fun. will: to audrey & michael- my bills. meso mom & dad- thanks for everything. audrey & michael- i appreciate all of your help. my friends- have a prime college experience, bustling with unique stories; i know i will.

1Uefau, !1u,u,e 1>ou,ohu.e rem for: sporadic fits of knotzeesque violence against mike & pumpkinhead. beIng crazy. sneezing. laughing. whooping stick. act: music. hi-q. soccer. pp: stevie. fav mem: 12/11/95. weekend fest. stevie moments. times w/april, mike, justin, jared, anthony, college gang. running over ant. band. golf. pumpkinheads. flabbybottoms. rubberbands & blobs w/april. davey's song. kahunaville. 4 states. bat assaults. mikey d's butt. goal: to be happy & successful. will: viddy- whooping stick. little stevie- reformation. ant- mental assistance. mes: mike- thanks stud. mom, dad, bill, bean- you're great, thanks for believing in me. stevie- cherish the memories. remember you will always have my heart; though distance may separate us true love can never be broken. our love is strong enough to stand the test of time.

CotteeJi ~~tttici~ botttti~Ji

rem for: playing basketball. act: basketball. pp: my family. fav mem: central league champs '97. districts. states. allentown trip. coach bus. december 13th. shore '96 & '97. kim's house, judge's influence. no beef. candy gram. "sometimes you just gotta laugh." tricia's house. "forget the veteran, bring on the free agent." full house. junior prom. october 4th. eagles. notre dame, driving w/trish. florida. b-ball w/chrissy. goal: to be successful. mes: mom & dad- thanks for all your support, you're the best, i love you. dan- don't drink too much gatorade. kevin & kelly- it's my car. meghan- you're the cutest, keep up the good work! caffthanks for everything! odey- 10-4. thanks for your help!

'8ttY~Ji ~. boufjlt,ettty

"doc" rem for: having the same haircut since birth. act: ice hockey. lacrosse. peers. nhs, band. orchestra. csc. pp: mask. the wall. fav mem: midnight hockey at delaware. christmas tournament champs, states '96, '97. sabold lax. nicolella's bag incident. don's unique style of storytelling. peer camps. soph hop. snow dances. proms. phantom's games, navy camp. stones concert. landau's class. times withe crew. toronto. all the other times & people that made these years unforgetable. goal: to find happiness in the simple things of life. will: garrett- my chair. erin- your cd's, mes: cellucci- see you at the top of the hill. familythanks for always being there through thick & thin; you're the greatest.

IJJiJi~~ttie btti~cott

"mojo" rem for: being crazy, my shoes. being the only one to never get arrested. pp: friends. family. memories, free magazine stand. fav mem: concerts. formals. meeting the bonner crew. crazy times withe bonner crew. 5/25/96, 3/15/97. 6/13/97.8/12/97. working at genaurdi's. g crew. ocean city & sea isle w/rucci. my 17th birthday. everyone's parties. Iou's house. folcroft woods. strawbridges parking lot. sabold. gibbons rd. can collection. summer of '97. 5:30 a.m, in glenolden. dutch boy. pp mona handy. valley forge. gumby. b.b. club. shadey woods, monochan, mes: to rucci, miller, the kim's, & the bonner crew- i love you guys; we had the best times together & we will have many more, to lou- mad props!



"duff" rem for: eagles. penn state. being loud. never shutting up. being funny. act: tennis, pau. pp: eagles & penn state stuff, c.d.'s. tennis racquet. guitar. fav mem: spanish class junior year. eagles '95-'97. lower merion match. rob's parties. basketball games w/jim & jack. freshmen year. aerosmith '97. "donk." tennis brawls. dr. maloney's & mr. mcrae's classes. eagles & penn state games. goal: to become a talent scout for the philadelphia eagles. will: to justin & bobby- better academic success than me, to rob- more classics & my oneliners. to jim & jack- my superior basketball skills. mes: to my family- thanks so much for supporting me. i love you all.

~1t,~UJi ~~tttick


"duff" rem for: hair. go-to dimples. iayering up. acl: football. stw. fav mem: dave mattl)ews, washington trip- nikki, colleen, jon, iauren, frimes w/brent, sara, katie. 8/28/95. jen jackson- ~rent. 4/19/97. avalon dock- dave, weekend at penn state, pigging out w/brooke, movies, proms. shore- ed & joe. "you did it," memories w/sara. bus smuggiing- lauren. d.q, w/korin. footballehmann, chris & kyle- "you guys are bears".you got these claws",and you don't know what to do with them," s,t.w, productions- cast, nicole, jill, brooke, thanks barb. celebration w/chris, fun w/meggo & weriey, tv productions- broken nose- thanks campbell. goal: oscar/academy award, own m.c, escher house. to be happy & content with myself & my achievements. will: mom, dad, bob, danielIe, "diane," mom mom, pop pop- all my love; what's ieft you can fight for. mes: brooke- jeezum. "if you shoot for the moon & miss, you're still among the stars." "there are no accidents in art - only the fruits of long labor,"-stanislavski.

If you hear loud cheering at any sports event, it is probable that Katie Lynch and Mike Quinn are around cheering for Springfield's finest athletes, or participating in sports themselves. These two fine examples of school pride have earned the honor of being named Most Spirited. Katie is a varsity cheerleader who is never ashamed to show pride in her blue and gold, and she is also a strong athlete in track and field. She is on the student council, and always puts forth her enthusiatic energy in everything she does. Mike is also an athlete, representing Springfield on the boys' basketball team. He avidly supports his peers in all they do to represent our school; Mike was the assistant sports editor of the Spri-Hian during his junior year and he worked hard to keep students updated on what was going on with all other students. Mike and Katie both deserve recognition for the endless pride that they show for SHS.



Seniors r-


Chris Polidoro


Phil Gerace


Shaina McGrath


Denise Newsom

Sarah Kadis


Luke LeTourneau


Kelly Stewart


Tamima Ahmed

Lauren Manners


Matt Polidoro


Danielle DiCristino


Jacqui King

Lisa Seminole


Jim Sawyer


Leigh Ann Eley


Laura Cuorato

Christine Crowe


Donna Viso


Brooke Canale


J.T. Fal1s

KEY: A-10; 8-4; C-7; D-19; E-13; H; G-16; H-8; 1-23; J-2; K-15; L-18; M-17; N-11; 0-20; P-6; Q-25; R-12; 5-22; T-5; U-21; V-14; W-3; X-24; Y-9,



John Brasko


Chrissy Bradshaw


Brent Ruppert

Dana DiCrecchio


Shilpa Patel Seniors






"jenn" rem for: being accident prone. act: celebration of the arts. pp: family. friends. fav mem: hey you guys. clover. the chase. the dive in rolling green creek. alright. stairway to heaven. times w/ani. old people withe yellow car. price is right. tina's house. chats w/nikki. trip to floyd laser lights. times w/joey. night swim on the beach. weekends at kutztown. bananas. falling at the park. goal: to live my life to its fullest, & succeed in all i do. mes: mom, dad, frannythanks for everything. john, ani- good luck in all you do. putsy, matt- have fun, be good. to my friends- thanks for all the memories. joey- don't ever change, b/fff.


tau,e j)u,ftOu,

"mere" rem for: working at thunderbird & opening my big mouth. fav mem: times w/jamie, dana, abby, anna, sara, sam, kelly, colleen, quilly, & everyone else. my house. dana's house. ab's house. hot tub, mischief nights. rolling green. db's. meeting steve. dave. i-95 (my shoe). horde. sea isle. wildwood. fortune cookies. south street. penn's landing. the van. post-junior prom. bowling alley. high school. lup's house. bobby's house. girls' nights at dana's, concerts. 208. will: to jamie- a license. goal: to be all that i can be & live a long, happy life. mes: to mom and dadyou two are truly the best, I love youl bootser. to matt- you are my best friend, you made me who i am, good or bad! I love ya! thanks!

~yau, $a~ £.ck~e,.~

act: lax. pp: surfboard. snowboard. stereo. "freckles." waterbed. fav mem: chocco's. larry, billy, peters, sal, lannutt/, ritchie, sally. the old school- tarcla, evans, ed, lackus, mornings w/ev, landau's class. the shed. concerts- steve miller band, pantera, agony w/montesano's. chi-chi's. the barbeque. smedley SWimming. ocean city. surfing wig reg & evs. the spot. hancock. snowboarding w/blll, paul, nick. "the tandem" w/greg. the gazebo. hackey sackin' during lunch. jacoby's. fourth of july. lunch. trout's w/dombroskl & choc. maloney's class w/lawler. homeroom w/steenberge & greek greg. driving wiland, monday night football. chandler's house w/desio & the crew. goal: to graduate college with a good degree, own a house, & get a sailboat. will: my slstercutting the lawn. mes: mom & dad- thanx a lot for helping me through the years.

Clt.,.i~tiau, ~ete,.


"screech" rem for: my 'fro. my hanky. my catch phrases. loving wrestling. being a spaz. doing something stupid. curly shuffle. act: cross country, track. band. orchestra. yearbook. hl-q. science olympiad. peers. knowledge masters. pp: oboe. music stuff. t-shirts. ecw tapes. hermit crabs. fav mem: times w/kelly. johare. concerts- esp. ween, dead. junior prom. ecw 9/20/97. times at norm, they call me doc, pit orchestra. getting my eagle. study halls. districts. goal: to be weli off & happy. to fulfili all of my dreams. will: to kurt- the eckman charm. mes: to my familythanks, i love you. to my frlends- thanks for everything, it's been fun. to kellybest friends forever.

Jill Harding & Andy Lastowka are like music to our ears - literally. These two musically inclined individuals have earned the title of Most Musical in the class of '98. Jill has been a member of Springfield Singers since her freshman year, as well as performing in Wonderful Town and having a lead in Anything Goes. She has been a part of district choir for the last three years. Andy is also a strong component of the music department, but his strong point is playing instruments, recently focusing on the bassoon and tuba. He has been in the pit orchestras of the same musicals that Jill performed on stage in, and has also participated in district and regional band & orchestra over the last three years, as well as state band. He has been part of the Delaware County Youth Orchestra (DCYO) for four years. Jill and Andy clearly deserve the title of Most Musical for all their involvement in the music programs.



"shell" rem for: smiling. pp: friends. fav mem: summer '97. quinney's. the bridge, grandstand. footbridge. ups. the 4th at scali's, mona handy. skits. pepper belt. superfreak. flasher. tara's basement. memory book w/jen, it's not tina. spice girls. pushing diane's car. ook. sea Isle w/amy. wildwood. maple & magnolia, sleepovers at stacey's, ro's, & nicole's. shady nights at kara's & diane's. stones, metallica, and n.e. w/denny. 10/12/97. three way w/kara & stacey. chi guys. bump in' system in the cav. my party 8/12/97. busted w/chrissy. santosh's uncle's. haven homecoming w/stacey, candies. jumping at c.v.s, tracks w/jen. goal: have fun & be happy. will: my license to stacey, mes: friends and family- thanks & I love you. kara & jen- you're my b.f,f.'s, thanks for being there.



"ehmann" rem lor: never leaving springfield, being loud, singing. act: football. pp: my c.d.'s. my dog. my room, lav memo springfield. horsemen. parks of springfield, juicen' tree fort. before the olzfest w/hut. snotty's old crib. "the lock out- my bad," franni boys, schnart·s. chandler's, eckberg's b,b.q. 5/17/97. chrissy & lauren, before, after, & during all concerts. sunday trips. drive by with fatty, junior prom w/ashley & after w/krystal. rolling green, the drop out & the sell out, going to the stop. all our fun trips, laser floyd, dave gray. notel. me & desio mavin' campbell in. the good 01' days, all the times i can't remember & the ones i can't write, goal: to become a professional wrestler. will: to pay back the gas money people wasted on me. mes: mom & dad- you've given me everything and made me who i am, thanks. ger- thanks for everything. friends- don't forget me when you all bolt for college. i'll still be here, bodger- my best friend. to be continued"

Leiqlt. ~"" !.lefJ

"eli" rem for: eating slowly. braves fan. act: nhs. yearbook. tennis. csc. springfield singers. danceline. pp: family. friends. memories. fav mem: times w/chrissy, chris (long chats), lauren, harbie, katy, john, meesh, kim. frash lunches. whippy cream. quiz show. egg blowing. ski trip. commercial. formals. border's boy. twister. ny. downingtown. lola, "same seats." washington. 11/19. snow dances. 10:56. nov. rain. tic-tactoe. maguire. 1/1/97. 2/14/97. spoons/eggs. jimbash. chem clique. katy noises. fiestawear. chris's b-day. stella. randy days. hootchie mama. jammin w/girls. steps in camden w/laura. daves. stones. beach. atlanta. headbangin' wiry. goal: to never stop dreaming & to not be ticklish. will: kate- corny tunes. michele- braves stuff. mandy- my sis. harbie- brass ring. meeshfab 4. vidya- chipper jones. chrissy- new year's eves & an easter in paris. mes: family- thanks for the motivation. friends- we went through the best together- i'li never forget you. chris- play great; make me proud.




"vanetta" rem for: always being w/lew. my attitude. pp: jewelry, friends & family. lewie. fav mem: times w/abbe, talks w/kelly, carla, donna & tracy. ballymore w/kym. cheerios, the fight in atlantic city w/lew & the guys. the races w/lew, den & ash. the mountains, no just you. rolla me over. the poopa w/an attitude. the regency. late nights on the beach. sea isle. florida. fourth of july. cape may w/lew & his family. all new year's eves. 12/31/94. 7/26/97. goal: to live a long life w/lew & get whatever i want. will: to regina- everything of yours that i took. to john- my maturity, mes: to mom & dad- thanks for everything. i love you. to kym, kelly, donna & carla- our friendship means a lot to me, it will never die. to lewie- without you i wouldn't be who i am; you complete me. i love yo forever.




"j.t." rem for: going to the stop, act: basketball. baseball. pp: hat. my dog, fav mem: note!. ozzfest. metallica. 336 parham, new year's eve, parks of springfield. scrum, smedley. chocco's. garage. raging waters, summer '97. 203 midland. 436 thompson, 515 sharpless. memorial day weekend. partying w/everyone. 621 rolling, nate's tree fort, goal: to look at my life and never have to ask what if. will: to campbell- a hearing aid, to schnart- contact lenses. mes: to my parents- thanks for pushing me along and keeping me on the right track. i love you both. to my sister- thanks for being my best friend, and stay away from older guys.

2>~" ~er.r.fJ

"fer" pp: espana. coat. fav mem: dylan concert. rain. becky. the band in atlantic city with g. "the weight." wildwood- burning murray's cooler. "jack and jer." monopoly w/sul & mic. "blood on the tracks." getting that humongous ape. the rags- first gig, mickey's garage opening, "ladies & gentlemen, the boxers"- twist & shout. brock block bomb gig. sully's basement. trips w/pops- chiricahuas. keys. trips w/mic. getting out of the prom. ryan's feet. "my favorite instrument is the voice." "warm the engine." mischief nite '96. dina. pointless shore trips w/keates. udelaware. jay. chesepeake. fishing. jul. mes: thanks to my good inspiring teachers- t, her, day, lig, mor.

wou e I ICU or anyone a egln senior at a new school, but for Martina Sebova and Nurseitova, it has been an exceptional challenge. Martina and Gulmira chose to leave their home countries to study in the U,S, for the year. Martina is 18 and her real home is in Slovakia, but she is recently a resident of Springfield, She finds that school is harder for her at Springfield than in Slovakia, mostly because she has had to adjust to speaking English all the time, Her English has improved, however, since her arrival, and she also enjoys studying German and French. Martina, unlike Gulmira, will be graduating as a part of SHS's class of '98. In general, Martina says there is a much stronger bond between students and teachers here; she has grown very fond of Miss Caffey since playing on the varsity girls' basketball team, a major highlight of her stay, Although Martina misses her friends, family, and dog, Dodo, in Slovakia very much, she is lucky enough to have a family here-former SHS graduates, Amy and Wendy Cadge, whom Martina is staying with, have grown to be like her own sisters. Gulmira is 17 and is living in Morton after coming from Kazakhstan, She enjoys school here, especially because her school at home is much more strict: students do not have such a wide choice of classes, nor do they have study halls, She originally expected school here to be more difficult, but it is still hard for her to understand English sometimes, Her favorite class at SHS is ceramics-her first art class-and she enjoys studying languages and singing in the choir, One of the highlights of Gulmira's stay in the U,S, has been her trip to Disney World, and she also loved the Hard Rock Cafe in Atlantic City, as well as ice skating at Penn's Landing, Martina and Gulmira have enjoyed their experiences at SHS and they will be missed by the many friends they made when they return to their home countries after this year.

~oe =to..b'Jce

"fireball" rem for: loving the flyers. red hair. pp: my car. cd's. friends. faY mem: hanging out in my basement. the washington trip. metallica concert 3/8/97. playing hockey. flyers playoff games at my house. films for adam. jesse & steve's german class. "vesty." live concert & the horde festival. films in dr. benton's t.v. production classes. accidentally driving to delaware. trip to ocean city. les landau's class. goal: to be a t.v. or radio broadcaster. will: matt- keep up the good work. mes: mom & dad- thanks for all your help through the years. mr. harley- thank you for all your help in math last year, & go flyers.


L'Jijij ~~..Eiijf

"dane" rem for: laughing. killswitch. speedy g. needing hearing aid. pp: family, friends. memories. fay mem: shore trips. soph hop- rick. tony. & o,j. pool hali bets. times after 11/2/96. springbreak '97. john's music. dustin's expressions. elie's sleepovers. twizzlers, kids, the joker, cops wllar, 429, mike's cheetos, matt¡s obsession w/metaliica & lar. mace. special brownies. healthplex. o.Urachel. junior prom- vinegar. lunch wlian & jim. vincemobile. friendship w/christine, gillan. talks wlmorgs, johnny, & mommy manners. papa john's cooking. badmitton 11. paul's b-b-q. c club. cvs. manhattan. oasis. sixers pepsi w/meesh. goal: to aiways be happy. will: meesh & mick- singing iessons. paula personal squeegier. matt- firebird w/hydrolics. adam- my cordless. mes: mom & dad- thanks. i love you. adam- have fun. no elle, you're the bomb. lar- you're the best. you can always lean on me, my friends- i love you, & i'll always miss you. thanks for all the good times,

Liijb~ ~MtOij "lin" goal: to go to college, to be a veterinarian, & to do other interesting things in life. mes: i would like to give a special thanks to my family & my sister stacy, thanks for being there stacy; i appreciate everything you have done for me & i never will forget it. i would just like to give a shout out to my friends: shamina, ann, teadra, tweety, & dishawna, & especially aaron for being there when i needed him. "be proud of who you are; don't try to be something you're not."

1>~f)ib ~~m~~ ..beEE~ "flounder" rem for: being my own person. pp: my truck. fav mem: the shore. my first fire. working w/my friends at thunderbird. the summer of '97. goal: to become a navy seal. will: to all my friends- my good will & my truck. mes: to my friends- have fun in life & look me up in 20 years. ~~..eij




rem for: curly hair. being nice. act: soccer. tennis. band. pp: my rat nicodemus. my music. fay mem: old times at denny's. times wirick. new orleans. band wlsarah & kerrie. the last drop w/ed. the picnic table. disneyworld w/leslie. summer of '95 at california sam's. toronto. new york. all the times w/alyssa. goal: to be successful & happy. will: to my sister- all the clothes you already stole from me. mes: to mom, dad, glenn, diane, & laura- i love you. to my friends- i'll miss you & good luck. to sarah- thanks for listening.

What Was Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

1MO~ ~owe~

rem for: the garage door. pp: my family. my health. my friends. my car. fav mem: metallica '97 w /dustin, dave, bernie. ozzfest '97 w/dustin, rocco, john. snow dance w/aimee. amc movie theater. goal: to succeed in life. mes: to mom, dad, & fam- thanks for everything and for putting up with me all these years. nice job with your car, bra! Clt.t<i~ti~e ~t<O~~O

"chrissy" rem for: being loud, always smiling, stupid stories, working, act: cheerleading, pp: car, clothes, faY mem: times at the pool hall, hanging w/marple crew, going to broncos w/gina, tara & angel. shampoo w/nikki, jonnell, erin, shark w/jonnell, nikki, mel. holly, gina, tara, gina it's thursday, ne w/jonnell. states '96, ride to pica's w/carlie, colleen, Iynnie, kim, marple '97 w/linz, earlie, katie & early, trick-or-treat, talks w/lisa & mike, camp '97 & '96, widener w/jonnell & sunshine, getting lost in philly, all the parties, monster w/nikki & jonnell. & everything else i forgot! goal: to be rich and happy, mes: to my mom & dad- thanks for everything & i love you! to jonnell- thanks for always being there for me, will: to early, katie & carlie- m cheerin talent,

A-tAet<t ~t<U~~lJ

"juice" rem for: athletic ability, good looks, nice smile & great personality, act: football. basketball. track, pau, pp: my room, my football, bible, fay mem: 373 yards vs, marple '96, 6 td's vs, haverford '97, 1516 jr year rushing, first team 011delco, the shore '95-'96-'97, andy Ca,k,a, coach plank), lower merion game '97, '97 football season, summer '96 w/leslee, goal: go to college, become rich & famous, mes: mom- thanks for everything, 'I will always love you, stay strong, you're the greatest, dad- love yo!! cuzin 01thanks for all the advice, junie Ca,k,a, squirt)- keep the faith, chris- no more kids! big les- much love, mr, & mrs, plankthanks for your support, coach tayloryou're the best, to uncle sonny- right!

The Governor1s Schools

Thousands of Pennsylvania's students apply to the six Governor's Schools of Excellence every year, but only a qualified few are selected to attend the intensive five week summer programs, This past summer Springfield High School was lucky enough to have six of its seniors receive this valuab[e opportunity, Mike Davey, Amy Liesenfeld, and Barbara Liesenfe[d were accepted to the Governor's School for Teaching held at MiI[ersvilie University, There they taught third and fourth graders from the Lancaster area and designed a model school for the future, Shaun Cullen attended the Governor's School of [nternational Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, where he learned various foreign languages and studied foreign policies and cultures from around the wor[d, Dan Cho was accepted to the extremely difficult Governor's School for the Sciences, also in Pittsburgh, Sara Tourscher was selected to attend the Governor's School for the Arts at Mercyhurst Co[lege in Erie for her skills in photography, "Five weeks over your summer?" you ask, "Was it any fun?" A[I "govies" returned with much postitive feedback, Despite the incredible workload, the knowledge, experience, friends, and memories that they gained couldn't be traded for anything, [t was an honor that these six students received scholarships to Governor's School, and they will tell you that it was one of the best learning and growing experiences of their lives,

11i~a ~u"ta

"neen" rem for: going on trips, act: tennis, skiing, softball. pau, pp: my scented candles & picture albums, fay mem: penns landing w/maya & the girls, dance competitions, tina & the mystery of chi. bahamas, penn party w/sapha & karishma, grapefruit, deco, trips to taco bell w/tara, advisory 208, softball w/stephanie, "walks," parties, street hockey, movie fests, sapha-shrunkiman calidran, yo semester julion, posh, chemistry w/chrissy, meditating before tennis, goal: to be successful & happy in whatever it is i plan to do, will: to curry- my parking spot, mes: mom, dad, deepa- thanks for everything. i couldn't have done it without you.


l. #acktet<

"hockey" rem for: curly hair. being there when someone needs me, act: cheerleading, pp: friends, family, heart, tlgger, faY mem: 68th street boy-z, kym, kim, jen, matt, andy, steve, justin, julia, michael, donna, & tom, the club, old central. rolling green, mugs, joey, kyle, tom, sal. nick, dog kennel. 7/4/95, systems, meeting spot, heater, modell's, pool hall. anthony, pillow fight, #9, ruthless nites, jen s, & rest, greg, waterbed, dollar girl. my pool. airport, sleepovers, raceways, ladies nite, april 25, rumors, getty, exxon, hoka, wacky, flags, shore, morgan & rest being born, soco, pinky promise, "wish you were here," mr, bat. joey-d, 4/18/96, oldies, getting caught, sean, COlleen, flying oranges, summer '96 & '97, dosa's house, phantom, honey-bear, knack box, delaware, lackus, pr"'T)s, #24, blue eyed snake. gimp, my room, oed , elf, late nites, happy & free of cleaning cars, maryland, goa.. people's rumors I will: my sister- to survive school. kym- some of my weight, my brother- a softer voice, mes: mom & dad- thank you, you have been the best parents anyone could have. i love you, friendsi love all you guys,

~a ..ah

'U. /lay

"shay" rem for: "grr." my jeans. haircolors. act: track. cross country. band. pp: hope. dreams. friendships. fav mem: runnin' w/my chickies. chick's nites out. strange noises. ciass of '97. all formals. csi. morenito. squeaking. jinxing. good songs"because you ioved me." districts. 5:59. 12: 10. physics crew. espanol- inside jokes. 3rd 95-96- the breakfast ciub. funk & rileyvalleys. football players. trees. discovery '97. toronto. stars. times w/q-tip fishie smiley pudge karen. runnin' in the rain. crazy guy times- '95. changing ... goal: to find my forever. will: lauren h.- my grr, mes: kim- you are strong, chickie. mom, dad, & eric- thanks isn't enough. karenI'm always here- thanks. keep your dreams & don't let reality get in the way.




"homs" rem for: being crazy. just being gritz. being a scraper when it comes to jv basketball. act: baseball. basketball, pp: michigan hat. baseball glove. metallica cd's. fav mem: metallica '97 concert. junior year first period study hall. ping-pong in trout's class. open labs. murray- how he aiways talked me into playing for money. jv basketball. going to breakfast on saturday morning after practice, fiyers games. phantoms game. going to atlanta to see the braves. blue rocks game, lunch! i'li never forget what happened to the weight one day. going to the baseball hall of fame in coopertown, ny. goal: to play college baseball, to graduate college & get a good job. to get married, live a healthy life & always be happy. mes: never stop belieVing in yourself. always push yourself to the max, baseball will always be the number one s ort in america.

~eotlt¡elJ .,4. JI~tto~


"hutt" rem for: long hair. flannels. boots. act: football. baseball. pp: metallica ticket. my boots, fav mem: fun at the no-tell. parks of springfield. the horseman. metallica. pantera. zombie. ozzfest. dave grey. summer going into sophomore year, roiling green, 5/17/97. fun at memorial, late nights. mac's few, bathrooms & crevices. dances. when i was a fugitive. camping. singing withe fellas. phil the werewolf. football. lownes, malvern house. fun times w/sid. just hanging out wlmy boys. goal: to be happy in whatever i do. will: to rny brother mike- jersey number 74 & a great four years. mes: mom & dad- i'm finally done. thank you for putting up wlme & being there when i needed you. i love you both, janice- you are my high school sweetheart.

j)~t 1Mot~o~

"ibby" rem for: getting called out of class, dj-ing all the dances, acl: stage crew. esc. osee. sadd, science olympiad, pp: the van of wonders. fav mem: science olympiad. states. dj-ing the junior prom. building the set w/dan. stage crew/moral support w/matteo, all the proms. band. a.k.a. the flag guy. power tech for 4 years, times in the Imc, getting called out of class, trout fish. dash, times wldan, matt, lesley, courtney, connie, megan, carolyn, nicole- boomerangs, heidi, jen, amy, bobby b" dave, getting lost wldave, dan, & just about everybody in the whole world. don't let people mess you up, if you are going to mess up, do it yourself, or, get called out of class. goal: to make $40,000 a year when i'm 21. mes: if i am on a life support machine, cross the wires please. to dan- thanks for all your help, i never would have gotten through senior year w/out you.

Each individual views "success" in different ways, but most people would agree that success is achieved through hard work, challenging courses, and excellent grades, In the eyes of the class of 1998, Dan Cho and Abigail Montgomery certainly exemplify students who have the potential of finding great success in life, Both Dan and Abigail have managed to maintain their 4,0 grade point averages, while taking an array of accelerated and advanced placement courses, They have managed to juggle school work with activities as well. Dan and Abigail are to be commended for their hard work and achievements, and we wish them the best of luck in all of their future endeavors; we're sure that they'll be extremely successful!

!~..~ Lei~k


act: tennis, band, orchestra, nhs, esc, fav mem: times w/laura, sara, denise, nlkkl. lisa, chrissy, & chris, shore, jimbash, totem pole, toronto, bobsledding, dave concerts, swarthmore & cash donkey, water bottles, apartment, epiphany, highbooks, the beast, dances, shuster, swish, late night chats w/chris, rita's runs, stellar, herd, lady In red, winter break '96, football games w/denlse, borders, lit night, tacos w/nina, camden steps, car choir, enough's enough, would you rather?- ponderlngs w/laura, goal: to put my heart into what i love in order to achieve success & happiness, mes: mom & dad- i can't thank you enough for making me who i am today, sara- i'li always be right beside you reaching for the crimson moon, laura- never stop loving what you love; It's all that really counts, chrls- you'll always be my only brother, & for that i'll never forget you, to everyone- i love you guys,

$~Mk iJM~ I(,~bi~

"kadii" rem for: talking loud, teacher's pet, act: sadd, nhs, field hockey, winter track, lacrosse, choir, pp: john franklyn, tav mem: all times w/joy & char. sweet sixteen, central league '96, '97, liesenfelds, luciano wins siiver, big I, sara's squawk, proms, talks w/brookie, highbook, roiling green, notell. all times w/biju, great adventure, christmas at brooke's, pam pam, shore w/janice, casablanca, 4/19/96, france, appendix, jimbash, on y va, concerts, slug's psychic, elocin & haras, forkfull nights, riverdance, floodlights, sistas, reservoir talk, ozzie, my gloria girls, mr, clementine, goal: to look back on my life & regret nothing, will: joy- key to the nvm, charthe "perfect" ozzie, mes: joy & char- i hold what we have to be the best thing on earth: our friendship, i love you, janet- thanks for making me aunt dee dee, mom & dad- our love is forever. max- you are my hero, friends- "where there Is great love there are always miracles,"

$~k1~k~ I(,~..i~

"jana" rem for: being hard to figure out, act: pau (v-pres), nhs, literary magazine (co-ed,-in-chief), science olympiad, tav mem: times w/friends, lunch periods filled w/dirty jokes, summer '96, pau meetings, ap lit, afternoons in the art rooms after school working on my paintings, junior prom, we shall always remember the ongoing soap opera named chrissy rockwell. goal: to enjoy college as much as i've enjoyed high school. mes: tiff & katie- you guys really are the same person in different sizes, don't ever change, candace- haven't we had a great year? i'm still trying to unravel what that black stuff at the bottom of our locker is .. , abigail- you're the one person who's like me In so many ways, 'I'm so glad we got to be friends, you know, this school is going to lose a big source of carpool once you're gone, tammi- we're never going to have to take sat's again, but i enjoyed the afternoons we spent "studying" for them, thanks to: ms, t, for helping me find my artistic side, dr, m, & mr, doyle for filling out that pile of letters, my teachers for challenging me & getting me to love every course i've taken In the past 2 years,

~oAe ..t



"bk" rem for: goatee, kinda being funny, harmonica, pp: jeep, fav mem: the trail/loft, the field, pretzel man, ricola, sea isle, blizzard '95, the who '95, roc's house, partical man, ski trips, trashcan wars, roiling green, rain festival. the shed, quarry, hood football. hijacked boat. prospect 51, cowboy cop, the oiling, memorial park, the lair/rage, wash dc, bee's, vermont, ph ish '96, ween '96, cellucci's house, sui's basement, dog kennel. fireworks, 3-legged beast, marple house, basement. chicago '97, pop's, grad parties, indian yell. wendy's, dodging the rut, shore day trips, pumpkinhead, plex, beautiful moment, getting lost to soccer games, coffeeshop, bull sessions, will: djgUitar, jim- sanity, sui- bathing suit, jen- 2x laugh, tricia- glasses, mes: "every cop is a criminal and every sinner a saint,"

qice~oicY lGot~oicuithi~

LaUiceu ijeth "icaH1.p

rem for: being greek. never finishing anything. act: vo-tech. basketball. football. pp: family. watches. stereo. fav mem: vacations to greece. working w Ijeff & everyone else at the country club. concerts. crazy times at vo-tech. the v.t.c. tackle football withe boys. hanging once in a while withe crew. jeff I" j.t., stu t., & everyone else. all times I can't remember. goal: to be happy & content w/all decisions I will make in my life. will: nick- i still didn't get what you owe me. lawler- my scarface movie poster. mes: mom & dad- I appreciate everything, love you. brothersyou've been great to me. thanks. friends- good luck in the future. take care.

rem for: car problems. my laugh. act: field hockey. swimming. lacrosse. fav mem: vermont trips. haYflelds w/b.j. new years eves. high school nights. freshman hockey. sleepovers. classes w/matt m. sabold lax. partying at home. rides from chris. lemon era. pullovers. 4 friends. airport with call. beach with c.j. d.q. with karin & shaun. allmans. chem bros. mi's. rolling green. b-b-q's. after exams. billy's car. superheroes. rapchips. study halls. Sprlngbreak streak. fireplace at call's. karin's basement. d.m.b. & the ditch. habhouse w/dave, greg, nikki, ellen & c.j. times w/b.j. & roo. late nights at matt's. goal: to get the most out of life as possible. will: to casey- my spot on the bench. mes: family- I love you. to nlkkL ellen & c.j.- it's not uantit but ualit .


l10ette ~o~tow~hi

"qUIl" rem for: art. moodring always blue. being a mooch. pp: st. christopher metal. my mind & hands. lav mem: laura's house. school lot. dazed & confused night. phishin'. santana. sarah '95, '97. crows '96. zeppelin '95. halloween '95. notell. mousklewitcz. christine's room. celebration. christmas. dates w/dad. hippie picnics. "yeah, homie fila boy." summer '95. trolley tracks w/ash. laugh attack. times w/bickel. north ave. crum creek. swarthmore. shore stop w/tracL ash, christine. ashlie's shore house. times w/ryan & pugsly. rolling green. driving w/dana. vinnie's. bill. 2/14/97. ridley creek. camping. crabbing. drumming. reservoir. goal: marry my soulmate. eternal passion for art. will: meritree- my bells. mary- my pinky. mes: blllloved our times. laura- "you're my girl!" folks- thank yous aren't enough.

~te()eu ~o~tow~hi "koz" rem for: always joking. being friendly. pp: family. friend, guitar. fay mem: camping w/family. hanging out w/john, matt, gina, matt, bit, chris & ryan, mr. kennedy's class. going fishing. votech. swimming. riding bikes, shadow. working for grounds crew at springfield. goal: to be successful & always have a good time. mes: mom, dad, & natthank you for everything, i love you very much.

~",u ~MH1.eic

"cosmo" rem for: not being remembered. act: soccer. pp: my family. my dog. fav mem: '97 surnmer w/pete, eric, shmave, hack, jimmy, mac, tim, & sgt. sam: the man, the myth, the legend. down in wildwood having the time of my life on juniper st. metallica concert withe bum. the infamous monkey island of les laundau's final class. church is out. getting on zapp's nerves in american studies. will: to my parents- my deepest thanks. to pete- the wtrash outfit. to sgt. sam- a new lease. to trexler- the spray. to bum- a new shockers hat. to tim- the white car. to eric- my hockey skills. mes: four years & two schools later, i'm out & i couldn't thank my parents enough.




"boof" rem lor: no outfit twice. act: volleyball. softball. cyo. pp: car. clothes. fav mem: o'hara. rolling green. snow dance. lemon's. korn's. hayride/dog kennel w/kim. hayfields w/missy. so ph hop w/nathan. shore w/mary & nessa. super 7. dana's. junior prom night. tennis. nifty fifty's. washington. skiing w/sam & bean. allman bros. matt m.'s. volleyball parties. camping at bill's w/janice, mary, bickel, geoff, phil. billy's. olive garden. talks w/dana, janice, mary, kim & bickel. times w/sam, bean, gina, kelly b., jamie & abby. goal: great lawyer & loving husband & children. will: to chrissy- rny strength (use it well!). mes: bean- i'li still wait (after college!). paul- thanks for being there watchIng rne. luv ya. dad- stay strong, i'm alwa s around. luv, our "little bit."

1eFFr.etj Lawter. "jeffrey" act: sports. student council. rem for: sense of humor. knowledge. mem: times w/greg k., steve s., campbell, janice, phil, donna, randy, hutton, mary, ehmann, martin, falls, & anyone else i forgot. scc w/greg & crew. tta class w/donna. rolling green. walsh. memorial. old central. irock. quarry 9-13-96. ocb w/fatty. vtc. concerts. gennetti. 110 words ain't enough you ... will: who's will? goal: to be happy; that's all. mes: mom & dad- you guys are the best & i appreciate your support & love, i love you. mike & nicole- thanks for the memories & support, i love you guys too! friends- you guys are great, keep in touch.




"ken" rem for: sarcasm. laughing. good moods. being loud. act: springfield singers/choir. pp: family. steve. friends. fav mem: english w/linda, cheryl, & mike. advisory w/kim & katie w/spahr. prom w/temyre, brent, steven, anika, terrell, trese, will, tara, & gina. fights w/linda. chemistry class. singers w/debbie & linda. math w/tara & government. goal: to go to west chester. will: steven- i leave my heart. friends- sense of humor. familymy love. mes: to my family & steve- i love you. thanks to friends, fights i would like to end.



"siemon" act: football. springfield singers. choir. stw. fav mem: notel. toronto. dave's. preston's. kyle's. rudy's. parks of springfield. wawa. burger king. rolling green. my house. mags. korn's. denny's. sabold. sev. matty o's. college's w/brothers. tom petty. allman brothers. root santana. the stones. steve miller. anything goes. goal: to not have any regrets about what i've done. will: to mischa- the lemon legacy. mes: to mom & dad- thanks for everything. to all of my siblings- thanks for all the great times. to all of my friends- we have had some great times together & i hope we have a lot more.

Luke Le1.our.lieau "lucas" rem for: playing basketball. my humor. my car. act: baseball. pp: the hoopty & my hat. favmem: les landau. zap's english posse. ecw. tornado at jer's. "the list." crusin' in the hoopty. hoffman's 365 days. trout's open labs- my clock. swisher sweets sherwood. snow dance w/christine. jonny's house- my second home. monty python. times w/shaina. football at stu's. ac/dc. main office w/dernarco. rnac's el camino. & everything else. goal: to be les landau & find the holy grail. will: to scott m.- skillz. to jilllittle surnpin', surnpin'. mes: to my familyyou are my inspiration, i love you. to sommer- who's your daddy? "every man dies, but not every man lives." - william wallace.

Many people say that laughter is the best medicine that there is, and this is why being in the presence of Jeff Lawler and Donna McCabe makes so many members of the class of '98 happy. Anyone who knows Jeff and Donna are aware that they can always be counted on to make a funny face, tell a funny story, or simply crack a joke; their senses of humor are unparallelled. Everyone can use a little comic relief to brighten up their day, and Jeff and Donna could always provide us with this. We wish these two the best of luck, and we know that they will continue to make people laugh, wherever they go.




"the big v" rem for: being the big "v". act: sophomore advisory council. pp: friends. family. spice girls tape. fav memo thomas' house. being friends w/meredith. eating lauren's food. all proms. being in love w/greg. dazed & confused night. the shore sophomore year w/sara. lori & lori my bagel girls. sea isle '97. mountains withe montesano路s. my accounting family. phish. dave. steve miller band. washington trip. being carried by geoff & pat. eating lollipops w/beth. times w/vanessa & tracy at jason's. my famous nickname by kelly. trish my sidekick. times w/ashley, krystal. hillary. toni, ryan. jerry maguire. jeff c .. michelle. jason b .. jeff r.. kristin, & bill in maryland. melissa & bill. and anyone else i forgot, you know who you are & i love you too! goal: to be happy & successful. will: meredithall my clothes. tracy- my spice girls tape. mes: thanks to my grandparents, my brothers & my mommy. i couldn't have done it without you.

fJUf,tj '1alie


rem for: the bush. spazzing. bad driving. act: lax. tennis- capt. yrbk. nhs. s-sing. csc. ath adv. w-track. fav memo dmb. smb. b joel. lisa's shaggin wagon. snow day & all sleepovers (christine's). monopoiy all-night. bobsledding. jaime路s. pUke row. builet of the day. awesome room. warrior burger. enough's enough. dance parties/scenlc. bike hike & campout. mute girls. baltimore tea party. flying egg. v's class. trade-off w/brooke c. class trips. scavenger hunts. formals. toronto. my house- yeah right! ski trips. anything goes. disney. canoeing. perm-lab partners. j-club. town house. noah's ark. va lax trip. 80's rush- college trips. shore. jimbash. ecw? big bob路s. wendy路s. camps. psu w/lisa m. times w/greg. all times w/friends; there could never be enough space! goal: to always have the courage to quest'lon, wino regrets. will: shalna- water buffalo. denise & tim- gas $. dj- a "look." kk- free time. jenn- pb. all friends- eternal gratitude for the good times; words can't express how much i love you guys! meso greg- you're the best! barb- believe it or not. I'll miss you. mom & dad- you've made me who i am; thanks. i love you. :-)

Catlt.efciH.e LtjH.clt. "katie" rem for: being perky. always singing. act: cheerleading. spring track. winter track. springfield singers. student council. pp: cougai. my piano. fav mem: hanging w/jacqui, marisa, trida, tara, jenny. times withe girls. hanging w/scott. london. nationals '94. track times. spontaneous nights. marisa's house. jacqui's jump. trida's house. the weekend. "the list." road trip w/tara. late night. celebration w/linda. christmas dinner. near death experience. yearly goals. shore times. dmb. phish. florida. all the formals. sunday's w/jacqui. 2/25/97. goal: to never die. to always find laughter. will: to jacqui- my pompoms. to mrs. funk- championship relays. mes: friends- you're super. jacquithanx. to my family- you've made me what i am, but i still love al

1Uafci~a :ÂŁtteH. 1UacCfcOfctj

pp: pictures. my cat. fav mem: times w/josette, trida, jacqui, katie, jill, nicole, tara, rhema, erin. working at d.t.w. w/linda & sundays w/nicole. jacqui's jump. happyland. spontaneous nights. x-mas dinner. jacqui's car breaking down. "it must be the lightening." coffee stops. tricia's house. katie's near death experience. chinese restaurant. ehhh-ehhh. saved by the bell. cruise w/tricia. b-2. rsmc. rhema's couch. "well there's always ... " will: to nicole- a ruler. mes: to my family- thank you for everything. mom- you're the best. dad & karen- thanks for your support. to all my friends- thanks for all the memories. to tricia- too bad you missed out on your chance!!1

101t.H. 1UakotJec rem for: wood working. grand national. double sided tape. act: celebration of the arts. vo-tech. pp: car. cabinets. stereo. fav mem: open labs in wood shop. Victory labs. the schrank. class trips to new york & washington. the car ride from folcroft. times w/brian, steve, & the t-dog. the lunch table. plans to take over the world. the mins. goal: to get a good education & open up my own shop. be my own boss. have fun w/life. will: to my dad- my car. brent- my driving skills. mike- my paint. steve- my happy attitude. bob- my wood working skills. mes: dad & mom- thanks for all the help & guidance. to my friendsdon't change.

LaUfceH. 1UaH.H.efc~

"Iar" rem for: always carrying a brush & mirror. being moody, forgetful, & iate. fiXing bangs. bad driving. pooh. loving eric Iindros. taking pictures. pp: family. friends. memories. pictures. memo 2-13-97. soph hop. o.j. tennis crew. john's mustang. pool hall bets. mickey's laugh. beeper. o.t., scotland, louise. b@nnigan's w/matt. 22 & 88. matt's notes. ticket. kids. ian's finger. special brownies. g.s. twizzlers. health plex. shot gun. lost in paris w/gomoo. study hall w/meesh. sleep overs at elle's. "yes or no." adidas. c-ciub. mikes, west side. big red. mace. cvs crew. shady cop w/mick. late chats w/paul. junior prom, vinegar. shore trips. goal: live, love & laugh. will: johnny- my good jUdgement. morgan- reign of the room. matt- my heart. meso family-love you, mean it. dustin- your hair looks fine! friends- you mean the world to me. dana- we'll always have memories.

$1ikki 1Uatteo


I"KO,.ew ",C..,t4,.(;t4KO

"mac" rem for: the camino. the drums. thirty dollar magic. act: soccer. baseball. sadd. celebration of the arts. pp: friends & family. fav mem: all times wi matt, chuck, nick, steph, o'donnells, bridget, bruton, sara, pat, courtney, kieran, ziz, nikki, lisa, laura, sarah, joy, rysak, luke, denise, charlene, & anyone i forgot. rose tree park. soph hop. jr prom. widener. times at chuck's, steph's, o'donnell's, beatty's, danielle's. lori & mike. live. rage. dmb. 311. dre fest. halloween '96. sfa botb '97. will: lisa- the camino. steph- your drums. matt & chuck- my talent. mes: mom, dad, courtney, ashley- thank you, i love you. to my friends- thanks for the great memories. these i'li never forget!




"mcgarv" act: tennis. orchestra. asce. sadd. fav mam: all times w/nikkl. laura, denise, tara, sara, chrissy, & sarah. soph hop. junior prom. snow dance. summer stage. shore w/nikki. "when i get hot, i sweat." auntie anne's. wine & cheese. jimbash. the beast. "the worm." toronto. sarasota. new york. washington. "no more giggiing, girls." randy practice. "god forbid i put a little pace on the ball." all times w/stan- rose tree, bonner, parking lot, 8/23/97. let & psu w/amy. rita's runs. stride & denzel. big bob's. "my inspiration." nikki's curbage. blueberry bagels. pompon. kitchen chats. lilithh fair. fiona. crazyman. casablanca. new year's. lightening bug questions w/nikki, sara, & denise. goal: to be successful in whatever i do in life & to find true love somewhere along the way. mas: nikki- thanks for being the best, best friend ever. stan- let's keep this real & special. mom, dad, & toddyou've always been there for me; thank you, i iove you!


Clt.ff,,.te~ 1Uc~iKt'l

act: athletic advisory. basketball. tennis. ski club. fav mem: wildwood summers. 16th & delaware. french quarter. the beach. gateway 26. smoke bomb cooler. junior year stUdy hall & the driving escapades. skiing & nailing that lady. nir. trips to unknown colleges. great smoky's. poconos. psycho terry. the plex. open conversations w/everyone. snakes & oysters. running withe bulls. plastic woman. laughing a lot. just being w/friends. goal: to keep chewbacca busy. mes: don't let this place change you into someone you're not, "the angel rides w/hunchbacked children, poison oozing from his engine, wieldin' love as a lethal weapon, on his way to hubcap heaven." - bruce, from asbury.




act: field hockey. lacrosse. peers. nhs. fav mem: times w/friends. talks w/christine. florida '96. bazooka tuesday. formals. boston '96, '97. "bass earthquake." lisa's shaggin wagon. peer camps. diva nights. scenic dance parties. bench buddies w/jaime. california '97- psycho sid. talks w/luke. baltimore tea party. bj concert. the wedding. jello club. barbara's warrior burger. eve spottings. meO!a trips. dj's "mad" breeching. kickin' hot.)¡Pirate fights w/geoff. jimbash. mr. crowe's stories. dirty leprechaun. animal's crackers. fatherdaughter dances. will: captain tim- slots & a spot in the zoo. amy- water buffalo w/strange noises in the night. mes: mom, dad, & john- i love you, tliianks for everything. jenn, christine, & ;tim- word! christine- you're my hero. thanks for always making things turn out for the best.


p. -/ffcIGKett

"rasta" rem for: making great leaps & bounds in a short period of my life. pp: my rucca & my jacket. the dao de ching. my friends. fav mem: the alpha. both fest's. congress. the great adventure. missions. cruisin' in the basement. the leprechaun. the yellow submarine & all of the blue meanies. dennis's wiggnes. the fuz. the junior prom. my rucca. fun w/fungus. toad. taking my first conscious step in life. the omega. goal: enlightenment. will: to deserving freshmen (if there is one)- my jacket. to everyone- my rucca. mes: you are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.

l1H.thOH.1J 1UoH.te~t4.H.o

"antwone" rem for: long hair. loving the beatles. pp: my hair. instruments. fav mem: jamming over sindoni's. halloweens since '94. chocolate milk on bill's car. trips around springfield. jiffy-pap-man along withe lollipop kids. high school parking lot. mike's chili cheese dog. watching stars withe people in the trees. battle of the bands. swiss family massacre. 4th of jUly over laura's. junior prom at jimy's. metallicas. stones. matthews. buffet. steve miller. remember that eckberg? long journey to west chester w/soc. krystal's house. "shake down street." nights over sindoni's (won't have a cold for aWhile). goal: to be bigger than the beatles. mes: mom & dad- thanks for everything. "you'll get yours yet."



"nat" pp: family. friends. jeff. my plUto dog. my roses. fay mem: washington d.c. trip. lunch c. foods w/danielle. spring break '97. times w/jeff. march 24, '97. hanging out w/juli, danielle, nichole, & dana. danielle's fall down south street. juli's inflamed ear. burger king. dana's flaming seed. senior week '97 at sea isle. junior & senior proms '97 w/jeff. shower. pennslanding. alphine #270. sabold. 8/15/97. american studies w/juli. metailica. phish. faith no more. algebra w/nichole & juli. mes: to my family- thanks for being so good to me. i love you. jeff- I love you. best buds forever.

lJ-~i~aU Loui~e Ufout~o~e"lJ

"adela" rem for: worrying. quoting the princess bride. naming things. act: band. orchestra. newspaper. litmag. osee. knowledge master. esc. nhs. mentor. pp: faith. family. books. bassoon. imagination. fav mem: the fiasco. sophomore lunch. chemistry. spanish videos. festivals. the hedge. antl-soph hop. toronto. pei 1996. district auditions 1996. formals. musicals. pit orchestra. marching band & football games withe crew, great times w/frlends. the car. dlsneyworld. spanish parties. 011states. gis discussions. ap english & history. all-nighters. goal: earn a ph.d. become a novelist. have a happy family. will: to friends- realization of your wildest dreams. mes: family & frlends- I love you & I'll always cherish the support, memories, & wisdom you've given me.

~..e~o"lJ ~. Ufoo..e

rem for: eating candy. being dumb. act: soccer. hockey. fav mem: oilman bros. memorial day. hockey practices w/pugs, dombrowski, & lombo. palntball. habhouse w/dave, ellen, nikki, colleen, & lauren. cab to soccer w/matt, jim, & chris. fishing w/satan. commencement wid ave & fatty. sunday drive w/rocco. metal militia. study halls & snow dances wilen. flyers games w/don, greg, & dave. middle states w/matt, jim, jim. randy's w/chris, mark, steph, & dave. stumpf's class. "the corner." lumas cup & rlppin' nicolaides w/jeff. goal: to go to "the college." will: to friends- good luck (except jim). mes: to mom, dad, steph, & jeff- thanks for everything. matt- go seminoles. mlke- be nice.

IJ-EeJt Ufo..tou "snoop" pp: my bible & my relationship w/jesus. also, the love that jesus gave me when he freed me from the bandage of sin & death. fav mem: coming home from school & chillin' w/folk every day, brian jacoby's bible study & night out preaching the word of god. goal: to do god's will every day & to fulfill god's plan. i don't care about money because i'd rather have jesus than silver & gold. proverbs 23:5- cast but a glance at riches, & they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings & fly off to the sky like an eagle, mes: to john folkomer- i hope you get out soon but until you do i'li be praying for you. to brian jacoby- thanks for inviting me to the bible study, It has helped a lot & may the lord guide you in whatever you do. to my brother scott- keep up the good grades, & keep reading the word.

IJ-~~e.. j)awu


"ambuler" rem for: saying dude & yeah man. my red hair. act: track. celebration of the arts. pp: my family. my boyfriend. my makeup & hair. fav mem: the shark club. junior prom. riding In the hooptie limo. sue lauro's house. net char. the pool hall. mr. stumpf's class junior year. hangin' over tommy & bob's house. summers In wildwood. sharing memories w/leah about fran. goal: to win the lottery, get married, have kids, & to have a high paying job. will: dana- my einstein hours. leahmore money to get in the shark club. donna repace- my champion sweatshirt. little "nikki"- i give you my height. mes: my mom- thanks for getting me through school!

I(,e..i UfuEke..u "ker-bop" rem for: being quiet. pp: ticket stubs & pictures. fav mem: football games. mcdonald's. the tracks. forsythe's. norwood park. rlcky. interboro-rldley thanksgiving games. concerts, especially phlsh '95, lollapolooza '94, oilman brothers '95, '96, & '97, & the who '97, nicole & bruce's apartment. gamma. camping w/sandy & melissa. times w/nicole, melissa, sandy, jaimalynn, jamie, bruce, kelly, chrissy, karen, marie, michelle, kevin, troy, phil, kate, brooke, natalie, jayne. staff night. ocean city. vacations w/nicole & family. goal: to be happy. graduate from medical school & be a doctor. will: to jena fun junior & senior year wlfIJ'{ car. mes: family- thank you for your support & love, I couldn't have done it without you. I love you. friends- thanks for always being there for me when i needed you.

CoEiu UfUr-MlJ

Like Billy Joel, Tracy D'Orazio and Greg DeSio realize that "only the good die young"; and like the Rolling Stones, their motto probably is, ''I'm free to do what I want any old time." These two are well known for their sneaky and secretive ways, and this is why they were voted by their classmates as the "most michevious" pair of the class of '98. We may not be sure of all that they do in their free time, but we do know that we'd better watch out - Tracy and Greg might have a senior prank or two up their sleeves.

"big dog" rem for: hoops. sense of humor, being tall. being quiet. act: basketball. athletic advisory council. pp: rock. caddy. eastside crew. the beast. fav mem: eastside assaslns. outward bound. pitt project. hangln' out w/lceman. eazye. diesel & the crew. beast nights. smokeouts. bailin' squad. open houses. dances w/erica. shore trips. wild wood benches. southwest. stop runs. pig man. talks w/karen & sarah. bum's house. Ice's backyard. jed's cash. spinach. d, express crew. goal: to live life to the fullest. will: spinosa- my crossover. mes: mom, dad, & cara- It has been a long road, thanks for everything. I love you. matt- don't party too much. bro. eastside crew- we survived the struggle, & the legacy lives on.

ft'unn.e:w ft'K....a'! "murface" rem for: being tall. crispy. my cool car. act: lacrosse. pp: my stick. my caddy. my pouch, fav mem: feeding. semi ok fish w/rudolph & campbell. anna. phish. allman. sabold w/stella, dang-dang, & squared. circles, anna. times w/sid. no-tell. shakedown street. sweetwater road, halloween fun. anna, south street dinners. the recruit. 4th of july, anna. metallica. cruising. the park system, pant's house. klugets. anna. goal: to have fun no matter what. will: rudolph- my caddy & pouch. krystalmy crackers. mes: mom & dad- thank you. anna- i love you.

1Uiclt,~el hel~OK

"nelson" rem for: being mel!! act: soccer. track, pp: my family, my close friends. fav

mem: watching the price is right. the fire calls i made w/my friends. when mrs. kovatch had morgan. goal: to achieve the title "marine." to stay withe fire company. to go to an art college that will assure me a career. will: to all my friends- i leave my love. i will always remember you. to marie- the memory. mes: to miss t.- thank you for all your time & dedication that you gave to me, to mrs, kovatch- thank you for being there & caring so much. to everyone that has affected my life- i hope you choose to write to me while i'm gone!

1U~ttlt,ew 1Uiclt,~el he~Aitt

"matt" rem for: breaking my nose. losing a tooth, playing soccer, wandering floridian. act: soccer. lacrosse. athletic advisory council. ski club, pp: myrtle. gators shlrt/hat, pictures, fav memo conestoga game, christmas tree w/carly, concerts, hungry eyes, maine w/meg swing, jimineous, ellen, middle states w/greg, cellucci, penza, jim, jimineous, mark. summers & skiing w/spencer, matt, paintball w/celluccl crowd, hilton head w/cellucci's, penza's, mooney's. myrtle beach w/cellucci's, women w/dan, sling shot wig reg, mike, mischief at mike's, camping w/singletary's, lax, pro squad, street hockey w/everybody, doc's rink w/medici, preston's, napoletano's, proms w/meg, early. "mrs, gator" w/carly. times at habhouse. seminars w/dan, karin, lauren. hello-hi! goal: a kid or five, an eye on jack. to live oceanfront. will: to greg- three brain cells, to mike- a christian girlfriend, to mega kiss, meso to mom, dad, jack- thank you, i love you, i'li miss you, to meg- "shh, the baby's sleepen,"




"dee" act: lacrosse, soccer, yearbook (editor). nhs. band, esc, asce, ski club pp: this book & its memories, fav mem:all times withe herd. egg in ear, the sisters. bullet of the day. puke row, v's class, wawa biggies, sweds. toronto, gina gams, my idol. the beast. dmb. crazy man, the shadow. shore trips. bench buddies, lillth. formals, class trips. jimbash. putt putt strut. meggo & barb- do you smell gas? big bob's, appreciate the remix, the "awesome" room, permanent lab partners. france '97- search for the bridge. games w/tara. the look, big "k." kitchen chats. town house dinners goal: to make the future, not have it make me, will: to nikki & Iisa- a box of sweds, to tara- compliments. to laura- da dip, to chrissy- a swim hat, to amy & barb- a chauffeur service. to sara- the perfect photograph, to matt- a sixth spice, to dj- full control. meso mom & dad- I iove you guys, thanks for the constant support; this Is just the beginning. friends- we've been together from the beginning & we'll stay that way forever; i love you. "sometimes, the most daring step to success is out the front door."



LtlK O'COKKell

"jenn-y-fer" rem for: having an attitude & being loud. fav mem: times w/alicia, tara, gina, lauren, barb, mike, sue, kim, springfield boy, colleen, catherine, Iynny, & amber, "hey you!" 68th street. mugs. "wear your helmet," pool hall, whip cream, times down the shore w/alicia, 2 years winick. carla's house (spanish project), shark club. shampoo. pulsations. egypt, phil's house, forester's basement. jay's house w/bobby & chris. south street, the ejeep w/jake & joe. dave's house & the honda. goal: to succeed in everything i want to do, will: to alicia- my clothes. to lauren- my attitude, craig- my car. mes: mom, dad, & familythanks for pushing me to do my best. stephanie & elizabeth- i'll miss you, aliciakeep singing & thanks for everything. ste h- where are ou?

li~otlt,tI O'Le~"tI

"tim" rem for: being friendly, a little crazy, a freaky dancer, & a crazy driver. giving massages. acl: football. esc. choir, springfield singers, iax manager. pp: family. friends. moose, fav memo sophomore bio lab group, hanging out w/my friends, the old old marple crew, puke row. senior prom '96, '97, soph hop '96, '97, snow dance '96. scenic dance party, hand gestures w/mary. advisory 208. captain tim pictures. high fives w/meesh-elle, shaggin wagon. bounce me up, jenn's trampoline. got milk. toy chest. ba. box, 64. wedding- j club, goal: to be happy, will: to bj- my car. to shaina & chrlstinecaptain's right hand, to the "wayner's"- your signs, meso to my parents- thanks for always being there, i love you, to shaina, jen, & christine- word! to my friends- thanks for all the great memories, to shaina- put me In the zoo,

Lik~~etJ L~tJke Opek~l1.~w

"Iinz" rem for: being a cheerleader. working at genuardi's. being myself. act: cheerleading. pp: family. my '97 grand am gt. fav mem: states w/cheerleaders (no fear). 1st place great adventure. bonfire '97. football games. cheering w/courtney '98. decorating marple blue & gold w/chrissy, katie, & early's. lafeyette. pine forest. soph hop w/jay. interboro senior prom. snow dances, & proms w/rich. ocean city w/chrissy, erin, & hackler. pool hall. south west w/rich, mary. jay. terri, kev, & gary. the "beast"! times w/rich. 4/4/96. goal: to be happy, healthy. & get through four years of college. will: courtneymy pompoms. ashley- my phone line. meso all my love to mom, dad, court, ash, & family. dadthanks for not only being a great cheering coach. but a great father. aunt lee- thanks for helping me through my difficult times. 8/6/96. rich- thank you for all the memories, i'li never forget them. thanks for always being there. you'll always be my number 1 boyfriend. i love you alii



"nikki" rem for: being w/andrew. act: field hockey. swimming. lacrosse. band. pp: my stuffed eddy bauer dog. tav mem: doorstep. formals. central league champs '96 & '97. driving to tennessee w/colleen. no miles. penn state w/colleen. korn's car. times w/andrew. warehouse. rehab. tennis courts. lernon era. toronto. 5120/95. no-tell. drnb concert & 7 minute itch. down the shore '97. girls night out. high school parking lot. 4 friends. rolling green. fieid hockey party at korin's. dave's & greg's. the old marple crew. parking w/colleen, colleen, lauren, ellen. hayfields. lauren's get togethers. sundays. times withe hockey girls. goal: to be happy no matter what. mes: family- thanks! i love you. colleen, lauren, ellen- you guys are the best.

L~U,.ek 1U~,.ie O~ci~k

rem for: being friendly. gap. stories. my laugh. act: band. shs. track. teacher aide. pp: shoobie & milo. fav mem: toronto '96. prank calls. babycakes. badness. landau. labs. cultures. washington room. anything goes. seminars. sea isle '97. adam. sandler night. passion fruit. the punks. stadium crew. night games. rlchie boy. 3rd period study hall. rap music. cultania. "the night time Is the right time." the wrong way. "beep the horn." "sorry!" goal: to be successfuL to have a house on the beach. will: to laurey- my gap clothes. to maureen- everything you haven't stolen already. mes: dad- thank you for always making me laugh. mom- thank you for always being there when i needed someone; I love you both. catherine, clara, laurey- thanks for the memories & all the laughter.

#ei~i ~eAecc~ ~~kek

"tig" act: orchestra. pp: my guitar. fay mem: hanging out w/friends. long talks w/seth, "cactus smoke." toronto. washington d.c. the shore. iilith fair limo. dre-fest. jewel. 16th birthday party. labor day '97. south street. playing guitar on street corner. denny's. country squire. study halls. parties. graduating! goal: to own a bar & be successful. to finally be happy. mes: to seththanks for being there for me, you're the greatest friend.

,.4My Lyu,u,


"abs" rem for: my van. long tongue. act: swimming. fav mem: times w/dana, jamie, anna, mer, sara, kelly, sam, & beth. dave matthews. mischief nights. dana's house. overnighters in the van. i-95. the window. horde fest. no-tell. bleachers. turkey neck. jamaican dave. econo threats. heartbreakers. maine. bathroom floor. "what do you want me to do guys?" an-see ya at 11. shooting stars w/lisa. hastings. new years. sneaking out w/dana. d.b.'s. lup's house. high school. laura's house. goal: to be happy & live a successful life. will: to casey- bunny. mes: to my friends- you guys are the best. to dad, lisa, & caseythanks for always being there; i love you guys. to mom- you've made me stronger. i'lIlove you always.



"jo" pp: my family. pocohontas blanket. letters from jay, jay. fav mem: happyland in the middle of nowhere. camping at blue rocks. two wheeling in the silver bullet w/jayne. chinese restaurant. jr prom, carriage ride w/jay, undies at sunrise. jewel concert. halloween adventure. pet shopping w/trinna & holly. the green day concert, teddy the bunny. shadow. shoppin' w/jay, trip to the lOon. a kick & a spit under the el. window escapade. no school w/jay. trips to va. driving into the bushes w Itrinna, the first time i kissed jay, 8/21/97. where did it go? all the times i have missed & times to follow. goal: for my family & friends to be happy & healthy. will: to my bra dougie- 4 yrs of high school & my notebooks. you'll need them. keep up the good work, i love yal mes: to mom & dad- thanks for having faith in me, you're the best & i love you. to jay- you are my best friend & i'li always love you. xoxo. nana & pop & grammy- i love you all.

Cher-'1~ L'IuU 'Peter-~

rem for: lauging. sneeZing, talking loud. dancing in class. never wearing my hair down, act: pau. pp: my knowledge. fav mem: lunch w/latrese, temyre, mike, linda, junior class trip w/nika, latrese, kendall. sophomore class trip. dancing w/gina. study hall w/tara. spanish w/julia. advisory w/jaime, tim, linda & 208. arguing w/lisa. english w/linda, mike, kendall. goal: to be successful & achieve all that i wanted to do. to be able to be proud of what I have done. mes: to my parents- i love you & thank you. to my sister- you are my age, i love you. to my grandmom- i couldn't have done it without you. to the rest of my family- i love you all.

li1liue'l lJuu 'Pether-Ar-i~~e

"tiggs" rem for: being slightly excentric. too many nicknames. act: color guard (silks). asce. sadd. track & field. pp: director's cut of leatherface: the texas chalnsaw massacre III. remy & val (my lizards). my entire movie collection, fav mem: tryads. ocean city. toronto w/abs, michelle, & christy. u2 on tmbg concerts. the lock-Ins. the band. the bus, goal: to become the richest person on the face of the earth. to see chrissy marry john linnel!. will: to mlchelle- the magic wand. to the silk squad- the "honkin" toss. mes: to george- "Is It soup yet?" "the darkest region of space".the furthest boundaries of adventure".one starshlp journeys into the unknown, exploring the mysteries that lie beyond the beyond!"

lIiuce 'Pier-f.u~e~i

"Igor" rem for: the van. my sense of humor. act: soccer. pp: family. friends. the van. fav mem: summers. shore. concerts. playing hockey & soccer. marple game, mountains, times w/tina, jen, joe, kevin, phil, ian, jim, shannon, brianna, steve, bill, john, & the gang. winter. snow dances. proms, cruising. trips to ny & de. metal militia, paintball. times in southwest. readIng phillies game. parties. times w/family. turkey bowls. family gatherings. trampoline. hot tUb. freshman year. goal: to be successful & live a long, happy life, will: chrls- the van. kate- my room & soccer skills. mes: famlly- thanks for everything. I love you. kate & chris- good luck w/whatever you do.

1f.fH.ie 'Pier-i "j" rem for: stomping. sighing, slamming things. not driving. act: volleyball. lacrosse. track. pp: pooh pants. shoes. fav mem: good times w/dana, meri, kelly, sara, abby, anna, beth, sam, anthony, super 7. dave matthews. rolling green, i-95, horde fest. wildwood. meri's shoe. dana & meri's house. "isee john lennon," "perfect night" at south street. special friend. bio lab group. boston. death farm. "i like your iron." girl bonding charades. olive garden. west chester. st. joe's. super-soakers. rosetree picnic. denny's. blazer crash. ground round. goal: to be happy & have fun. will: dana- my luck w Inot getting caught, mes: anthony- opposites attract, we're proof of that. thanks for everything; i love you. mom & dad- i couldn't have done It without you; i love you both. frlends- I love you alii

10'1 !~i~f.Aeth 'Piuter-

When the class of '98 thinks style, Shaun Duffy & Colleen Connor are the first ones to come to mind. These trend-setting individuals are always styling and making a statement with not only what they wear but how they wear it. Their confidence and bravery to take fashion risks are well admired and respected by their peers. When passing Shaun or Colleen in the hall their clothes always catch the attention of others, and their classmates will be sure to check out what they are wearing at class reunions in the future.

"pinto" rem for: always being cold. pp: lindsay. fav mem: great times w/sarah, char, seed. europe, bahamas, "ewwl" floodlight nights. reservoir w/biju, "t-shirts, hair braiding." rolling green. no-tell. nj sunrise, monaco accident, janet, john2. i have to kiss my mom good night! s!xflags, hi sunshine, do you see that hair? ny balcony, i'm a butterfly, concerts, chariots a fire. ya good, night in italy, big I. psychic. ozzie. nitty fitty, riverdance, pompons. forkfuil nights. fioodlight talks. webster. flying egg. fences. slug. highbooks. disco. metro. waterfalls. all times w/steve. goal: to never regret anything i do. will: char- ability to climb a fence. sarah- a guarantee for no more accidents. seedstrength to keep going, maybe my french dictionary, mes: mom & dad- you're the light to guide me through the fog; i iove you, sarah, char- you're my soul mates & everything to me, people search a lifetime for a friendship like ours, i love you. "oz didn't give nothin' to the tinmon that he didn't already have." -america.


I~. J~t~Kf'Z

rem for: captain of three sports, being athletic, strong, act: football. wrestling, baseball. pp: my car, clothes, creatine, fay mem: bahamas '96 & '98, disneyworld '97, times w/albert & rhino down the hill, great times w/biz, shore trips w/biz & her friends, trips to psu, football team dinners, weight lifting w/zack & big ai, baseball w/rocky & vic, dawgs, times w/big dawg, senior & junior proms w/biz, all-delco '97, goal: to fulfill all my dreams, will: to philweight lifting, to dani- the bigger room, to all football players- cougar pride, mes: to mom & dad- you guys are my everything, without you i'm nothing; I love you, phil & dan- treasure the time, stay active, thanks for all the support; i love you guys, blz- the times were great, i love you, to all my family- you guys are great, i'll always remember you, i love you,

C4~i~tit.,. ~oâ‚Źi~o~o

"the jackal" rem for: obsession wide niro & the stones, act: class officer, stw, spring track, yearbook, csc, pp: friends, memo monkey island, stones concert, "more scallions please," plastic woman, stumpf's class, school spirit w/sherwood, all formals, matty o's cast parties, times w/amy c, battery pork incident, regurgitating monkey, homecoming, greasy greg, the neighbors, playing at montesano's, 30 minute runs, spiceworld, paintball, bobbi's seafood, acri mural. adorn sandler show, nitty fitty's, ruby tuesday's, hustlin' w/jen, cumquats, wong online, contact w/luke, gettysburg trip w/dan & k,t. "i was just gonna spit on his"," journeys w/duff, goal: to leave plenty of marks after i'm gone, will: to sawyer- a woman, to sara m- mung, to sam, bean, & beth- more great neighbors meso cellucci- the jackal will have his revengel "each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born,"



"matty p," rem for: being me, act: closs officer, bond, orchestra, track, stare, esc, amnesty, stw, yearbook, pp: memories, fav memo the lob group, the monkey that threw up, stones concert, yearbook lunches, chemistry w/mr, ledonne ("don't go to the casinos"), lunch w/suppa, toronto, dancing w/chrissy, bloody english projects, oasis concert, crappy ploy w/danlelle, 101lapalooza '94, corny announcements w/korin, new york bus talent show, florida, megaphone in the blue toyota, crucible clean-ups, matty o's cost parties, niagara falls filtration, reneology, big red wall. fish bars, old man crenshaw & lawrence, donna's boot ("neat, neat fun"), ''i'm telling" in geometry, all formals, goal: to become somebody's hero, will: to keddy- the cowbell. to denise- nickels & dimes, to kaylenscreeners on the weekend, meso kristyn- you do bomb, to my friends- thanks for all the great times; i'll never forget them, to my family- thanks for your love & support, i love you guys,

~~e,.to,. ~yt.,. ~o~c4e

"brent" rem for: blonde hair, my flirting ways (whatever that means), broken nose, act: lacrosse, soccer. baseball. swimming, bond, athletic advisory, pp: my stereo, phone, the boom booms, fav memo pool posse, the shore, times w/katie, shoun, michelle, jim, aimee, summer of '97, 5/4/96, steve's house, jim's hot tub, dove matthews, aerosmlth, 311, metallica, scenic, jim & the low, soccer trips to hooters, lox, clc '96, '97, dyeing hair blond, getting ear pierced, 6/7 197,7/12/97, times w/ibby, toronto, shoun & our women, jen jackson, ursinus, yoinkl times w/kristi & the parents! pro squad, goal: to be successful & live life to its fullest, will: adam- my ability to get girls, meso to adam & chad- I've paved the way for you & the rest is in your hands, to mom & dad- i don't know where i would be without you, you've done a great job, i love you,

If flirting is an art, Colleen Heath & Brent Porche are the Picassos of the flirting world, Their alluring ways have appealed to many members of the opposite sex, winning Colleen & Brent the title of Biggest Flirts of the class of '98, Whether they're giving an over-friendly hello, using their charm and persuasion to get their way, or hugging every person in sight, they are always practicing their art of flirting and have certainly perfected it,

1Ut.~y Li~t. ~O~~i,.i

"mel" rem for: vanilla, hippie clothes, laugh, act: stw, orchestra, springfield singers, pau, cec, creative exchange, literary magazine, swimming, pp: bosco, fav memo lilith limo, labor day, rusted root, "cactus smoke," bad spices, moody blues, marple nights, times w/heidl. kim, nick, seth, brandon, bungo, lauren, meghan, laura, char, john, harry, phil. zoot trip, anything goes, "blithe spirit," junior prom, jargon, shore trips, fleetwood mac, chase, cavllier, baking supplies, boarders, summer '97, kim sleepovers, hot tub, evil eye, hair dye, barbie south park, "she's my friend," "hair," phoebe. art classes, butterflies. camphia, goal: to make it on broadway, will: meggienights wl"the girls," meso mom & dad- thanks for all the encouragement & support, megglelove you, sis. tig & roo- thanks for being great friends. "you may say i'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." -j. lennon.




"quinny" rem for: being loud. playing boll. "diesel." act: basketball. track, pp: shs b-ball hot. dogtag. fav memo hangin' w/mike, geoff, & jim, mcdonald's, trips to w. philly, scranton, king's, shore & florida w/wigo. senior week '97, breaking into gym. landau's class, football games. hangin' w/dino, mur, & ed. eastside assassins. murray at denny's. beast nights. dino's backyard. stop runs, times w/tara. 10/4/96. donees w/tara. six flags road trip. lost on blue route, first date. the rag. goal: never settle for overage, will: to ed corliss- a heart, to bum- skillz. meso to mom & dad- thanks for everything, i really do appreciate it, i love you. to bill- good luck, to dino- someday we'll find the pigman. to eastside assassins- the assassins will live forever, to tara- thank you for everything you have brought me, no matter what happens in the future, always remember that i love you!

Four years later: some of us have been getting used to our full time jobs, some of us have just gotten out of college, and some of us are getting nervous about starting graduate school (the application nightmare had happened again). Maybe we've even gotten married! We have branched off in our separate ways, using the skills that we learned in high school to guide us.

Can anyone say, "over the hill?" Yeah, we thought that this day seemed SO far away; but just like everything in life, turning 50 came before we expected it. We've made strides in our career field - perhaps one of us has directed a movie, another has discovered the cure for AIDS, and another has even become president of the United States: who's to say that this won't happen?

"I'll just be graduating from Penn State University with a degree, and I'll be anticipating settling down soon, and starting a family." - Lisa McGarvey

"I plan to just be settling down in a marriage, and I want to be spending my time learning ballroom dancing. I want to be living here, but speaking to people who only speak French." -Sarah Kadis



2010 Ahh ...some of us may have thought that it would never happen, but it finally has; almost ALL of us are being thrown into the working world, whether we like it or not. We may not have been too fond of the word "responsibility" before, but there's no way of avoiding it now! Not only this, but many of us are also thinking seriously about the word "commitment," if we haven't already. Are those wedding bells I hear? A lot of us may even be parents already - and we are learning the rights and wrongs of parenting. Who thought that our parents had it easy?

''I'll be in a zoo with Shaina McGrath, and we'll have a recording contract that will make us really rich. Yeah Shainaaah!" - Tim O'Leary



"I see myself being a teacher in a school district around Springfield, because I don't want to move far away. Also, I'll have the Camara that I've always wanted." -Lisa Seminole


And so here we are, at our 100 year reunion. Impossible? Not at all. People are living longer and longer all the time - who's to say that at 118 we won't be going through our mid-life crises? But one thing's for sure: when we gather at our 100 year reunion, we're going to able to look back on all of the amazing accomplishments that our class of '98 has achieved. When we continue into our future, we're going to able to employ all of the tremendous talent that has shined already at SHS. As a class, we are bursting with it, whether it be in the classroom, the band, the art room, the playing field, or on the stage. We have made goals for ourselves and set out to achieve them. In 100 years, we'll be able to look back on our time at SHS, and realize that this was really the place where we began to discover the people that we wanted to become.

I will live as a dosembodied brain in a tank of fluid in the basement of the newly founded Dan Cho University." ~Dan Cho

"I will be watching my grandchildren grow up, and I will be a cheerleading coach at Springfield High SchooL" ~ Jenn Cifuni

20 8

2 50 So we've gone to school, raised our kids, flourished in our careers, and seen a lot of what there is to see in this world. We've witnessed tremendous advances in technology, and who can even guess where technology and science have taken us in more than 50 years? Are their people living on other planets? Do we drive through the air like the Jetsons did? Do our grandchildren still use computers, or have even these become obsolete? When we mention old television shows, will our grandchildren ask us, "what was television?" There are so many questions, and it is impossible to predict all of the answers. "I will be retired from a lucrative career as the General Manager for the Flyers, living in Florida with 2.5 kids and lots of money." ~ Vince Pierange Ii

"I will be either a retired professional wrestler or a retired Hollywood actor." ~Pat Ehmann



219 -e



"rodg" rem for: being loony & adventurous. act: football. pp: the hob. house. lucky boxers. my ride. fav mem: back parking lot. no tell. rolling green. parks of springfield. "the beast." cruisin' to the stop. treefort error. laser floyd. oilman bros. steve miller. nypd bust. b.k.- why me. on dock w/duff. all house parties. times to taco bell. memorial weekend '97. late nights. the quarry. the shore. football on the pike. hangin' withe crew. all the people i met along the way. lax game '97. uncle zeb. all i can't remember. laughing silly. grab me one! goal: to survive & be happy in whatever i do. will: to 011- let the good times roll. where there's a will there's a way. mes: to mom, dad, & familythanks for putting up wlme & being there; i love you. remember: always finish what you got. it's been fun, gotta go.

1Jick ~O~~"KO

rem for: being the voice of reason, & having two eagle talons. pp: both eagle talons. '67 camaro, fav mem: metallica concert juicln'. skating In phila withe morton zoo. times In bayard's backyard & basement, p.e,c,o, shouting out to the whole zoo, too many to list. races w/ruppert. rollen shady on holestein & enterprize. rollen to wawa w/kelly. rick's house in '96. breaking the chair, central park. south street w/melissa. the uncountful times in the socha's basement. chillin' at kevin's w/mike. the "greek connection." goal: to find my purpose in life & be successful. to own an acura nsx, will: to steenberge- my license because the law forbids that, to mikemy nike hat. to ruppert- my motorcycle. anything else i own to anybody that wants it. mes: to my brother- thanks for always being there & helping me, to my parents- i love you both, & max & joe too, good luck withe g.t.o. i'm audi


Cl1.teideK 'JiKCci

"mad dog" rem for: mYlaugh. being crazy. pp: ruffles. family. friends. fav mem: miller band. matthews band concerts. formals, the pit. scali, annmarie, chrissy's houses. Iou's invitationals. kimmi's attic & roof. eric's house. 5/25/96. 7 14/97. 8/12/97. "summa time." gumby. dutch boy. shady woods. muzzy, can pile. 5:30 am. widener walk. gibbons rd, strawbridge's. piano man. flasher. "getting the grit," munchies. 2/15/97. 3:25 am. classes wlkimmy & kim. sticker bushes. down the shore '96 & '97 wlerin, kim, & annmarie. fishes fairfield w/tim. bonner crew. laughs wlerin, bb club. the beach. times wlannmarie, chrissy, kim, kimmy, kim, michele, tim, mike, lou, dante, bakey, tony, eric, mario. mes: mom, dad, kenny, alex, pop & family- i couldn't do it without you. i love you. tim- i love you. lou- mad props.

"'U1.lie..cy If.


"buffy" rem for: being short. crazy. liking butt-chins. pp: friends. family. rugged hat. car. fav mem: times withe kims, chrissy, rucci, mojo, kp, chelle, aaron, & bonner crew. steel field w/murph gang. superfreak. pp mona handy. concerts. colliers. water tower. florida w/kp. 5/25/96. new year's '95, '96. kimmi's attic. pool hall. formals. 7/4/97. shady woods. ghetto ride. cape may. penn state. best w/coll. louie's invitationals. beachbust. nemo. pacos. munchies. popos. sea isle. sneakers. pj's farm. aaron's house. getting the grit. mojo's b-day. corky. dmb. miller band. billy joel. tom jones. sanchos. skits. pepper belt. bb club. personality. can collection. 6/13/97. gibbons rd. the pit. mes: family & friends- thanks for putting up w/me, i love you. lou- mad props.

~~l ~c~Mto~e

"selecha scarbochi" rem for: driVing "arrestme-red" mustang. being late for school. pp: friends. family. mustang gt. home stereo. fav mem: times w/peters & the original mugs. cruising w/mike. ruthless nights. memories from chocco's house. late nights at peters's & lannutti's. memories winick c. sundays nfl gambling at peters's. times in my "stang," g-mans's cougar, peters's jeep. the system in peters's jeep. vo-tech. ocean city tempo wreckage. racing on township line. florida. senior year. landau's class. chi-chi's. goal: to own my own exquisite fine dining restaurant. will: to eckberg- my license. to peters- my home stereo. to nick- cartoon network.

1ft~..ti~~ ~e~Of)~

"my slovakian friend" act: basketball. pp: my dog, dodo. fav mem: bowling & golf w/wendy. nifty fifty's w/amy, nicole z., & brooke. beach. macy's dress w/nicole. movies w/nicole, brooke, & jill. lunches w/leigh ann & katie. friendly's. german class w/adam & jesse. new york trip. hay-ride & haunted house. scavenger hunt. go-karts w/jayne. snow dance. the whole year, '97-'98, has been a wonderful experience for me! goal: to be happy. mes: thanks to my family for helping me to get where i am today. you're the greatest. to my "new" american family- i could not be here w/out you & thanks for all your help. to amy & wendy- you are the sisters i never had. to all my friends & teachers- i miss you already. to mischa- thanks for being here for me. you are my hero. to nicole- cau. to k.k.- a tail from toilet paperdon't forget. i'li never forget my year at shs.


1ft~ ..ie ~eeley

"seel" rem for: cougar. knee. lights. sick mind. act: cheer. student council. lights. athletic advisory. pp: fb-cheer mems. lights. me & nichole's tape. red roses. waddle. fav mem: r-I hand slap. fox's chest. mcdade. mickey's fall. 40 pieces. hummer. baker. feed-bite me. julius caesar. run in buck. knock-knocks. y-go. that's disgusting. not polite to point. mummers. cadence. fat neutz. ballzy. signs. pacing camp. musclewomen. dream date. wildwood. jack's. summer '96. kyle's. cheer. fb games. corruption. times w/nichole. ihop. wrestling mats. stick minds. snl cheers. solong. wood. fishy. physics. busrides. 250 cal. squat on stix. boom. sam's driving. r-u-achin'. 1st period. grab tummy. brijana 79. bubble & waffle. corner. creamy. what do we eat. paint pic. will: hutton- lights. my thug- air freshener. mick- he's yours. brandoncurls. brian- see I. mes: jean, brijana, nichole, mickey, sam, gina, mary, rest- u guys r great, keep up. stick mind cheerleaders- presentation. taylor- yeah win. mr. o'brien & "teachers"thanx 4 everything. family- thanx 4 everything. b/c i know i don't express it too often, i love you.

Li~~ .A~~ ~eU1.i~ole

"lis" rem for: being loud. act: lacrosse. swimming. basketball. ski club. pp: pictures. michael jordan memorabilia. fav mem: freshman basketball & sharking. macy's. monopoly all night. bike hike. camp out. chris's basement- green carpet. shore w/jaime. sleep overs at chris's. dave matthews, steve miller, and billy joel concerts. drive-bys w/jenn. jenn's trampoline. bounce me up. black jeep. lab groups. peanut butter. swimming- water polo. lax- boot camp. signing. bk taste test. shaggin' wagon. formals. wendy's. scavenger hunt. skiing- kickin' hot. the '98. chicago game. dance parties. liesenfeld's '96. all other times w/friends. goal: to be happy. will: jamie- swiss farms chocolate milk. shalna- shaggin' wagon. mes: mom, dad, robbie- thanks for everything. i love you. all my friends- thanks for all the great memories. napoleon in rags- you're awesome.

l(.iU1.~e..lee L~u ..~ ~It,~#e .. "pib" rem for: getting into trouble. being little. act: cheerleading. pp: friends. family. memories. fav mem: rolling green. summer school w/kelly. dog kennel. hackler's pool. tracy's party. blizzard '96. shawn's trash can. the bike w/mo. bathrooms. rusted root ... ? oilman brothers w/bean. metalilca. memorial day weekend '97 w/kelly. senior prom '97 w/erlc. times w/erlc. backroads w/chrissy. being buds w/mandy. all times w/vanessa & kelly. hilarious times w/lannutti. sal's shed. hackler's. vanessa's. greg's. eden's. halloween '97 w/steve, kelly, & brett. steve. taiks at ballymore w/vanessa. 11/22/97. "fade into you." goal: to always be happy & have fun. will: brett- all your cd's. mes: keliy- i'li take it to my grave. to kelly & vanessayou guys are the best. thanks for always being there. love yo. brett- stay out of trouble & good luck. mom & dad- thanks for always being there, i've put you through a lot. love yo. steve- i love you!

There are many friendly personalities in the class of '98, but Donna Viso & Tim O'Leary stand out in our minds when we remember the acts of kindness that they have performed. Donna & Tim can always be seen walking through the halls with smiles on their faces, and they have the magic ability to brighten anyone's day with their kindness. Whether it is just a walk-by "hello" or a friendly conversation, these two give off a certain glow that the class of '98 envies and appreciates, honoring Donna & Tim as the Friendliest of their classmates.




rem for: always smiling. being in the longest relationship w/pat since 7/3/97. fay mem: more! rides to school. talks at lunch w /mike & chrissy. giving advice to gina, julia, & the rest. bad stuff. going up to my dads. party of ninth grade. the hop. shelly. times w/pat. talks w/gina. tara & ralph. mr. zap's english class. white house. on the tanning salon chair. goal: to be rich, happy, & content. mes: to pat- you are my everything. thanks for always being there for me, I love you forever. to my parentsthank you for supporting me & helping me when I needed it.

'laM ~~itlt,

rem for: having curly hair. sneezes. act: choir. pp: pictures of friends. phone. fov mem: southwest w/jen. pool hall '95-'96. adventures w/gina. bronkos delaware ave. new york (ricans). fun times w/keishawn. 10/31/96 (alicia look at the tree), shark club w/fizz '95-'97. 8/13/97. 11/4/97. trolley stop. indian rock park 10/29/97. alexis being born. marple guys. dave & alex's house w/angel. secane apartments. hangin' w/sleepy & june, puff concert w/cheryl & gina, goal: a successful & happy life. will: gina- my clothes & cd's. carla- anything else you want. mes: to my family- i love you, thanks for everything, to gina- thanks for all the laughs, you're the best.




"socha" rem for: red mustang. mach 1. arguing w/joe. act: swimming. pp: mustang. gnolhs. fov mem: chillin in the basement w/o.p.g. cruzin' down the track runnin' 14.5 w/jon blaze. water polo withe team. brent seeing little white thing, nick two can sam. jen knocking out a tooth, new years at uncle jim's. o,p.g. at metallica. wood shop w/trout, the trip down south, chilin' in maryland w/christina, frank, jen. burnout road. morning vo tech, goal: "just keep on livin." will: to joe- the mustang, nick- my goatee, brent- my bed. jen- anything you want or '69 chevelle. mes: to my family- thanks for everything. everyone else- keep on chillin'.

Clt,..isti~a 1U.

~pice ..

"spice" rem for: being loud. pp: friends, family. my bed, fov mem: rolling green, memorial. you cool man ... walks w/my freshmen buds. sabold's roof. indian rock runs. korn's. lemon's. chris's. trip to drexel w/lauren, tripping over lauren & jay. sea isle. avalon. ocean city night 'In venice. times w/pooh, mccabe, carla. "your eggs kicked." union. the crew. all late nights, donna & brandi. steve w/randy. tailgating. concerts. dan's parties, hockey team. sunday thing. rides w/kym, regency, alpine. high school lot. demy's w/bean. delaware. shampoo's, spohhop. nate's fort. will: to lauren- my grades. mes: friendsyou guys rock, i love yo! family- thank you, i love you. alena- i'li miss yo.

f1~~a ~ta~kieuic~

"an" rem for: always working. being sensitive. fov mem: times w/abby, sara, meredith, dana, jamie, colleen, qUill, skank, matt. laura's. high school. alone on the tennis courts. halloween '95. mischief night '96. rolling green- "anna, it's only girls!" ab, be back at 11 :00- your house. your window, maine. ocean city, "everything's green!" no-tell. christmas break. new year's eve. dana's house. dave- i-95. mer's shoe. washington. post-junior prom. mary- "hal" dana- "no sweat." times w/josh. goal: to get into law school, become famous, & open my own coffee shop in nyc. will: susan- my tv. kaitlyn, megan, & alison- susan, mes: momthanks for making me who i am today, i love you. matt- there, have never been enough words. you mean so much to me, i'lIlove you forever,



rem for: snow white. being happy. act: nhs. tennis. grow. operation smile. pp: friends. family. fay mem: valentine's dance. houlihan's. times w/laura, kim, jamie, melodie, jeff, mike, dana, mindy. tennis crew. mcdade & movies. snow dance. rag. u.d. prom. soph hop. springfield proms. trolley. best w/kim. granite farms. conestoga homecoming. all the times w/matt & taming of shrew. hedgerow theatre. snow white. gov't. cruise kathy & katie. pool hall. psychic. tom jones. renaissance fair. fleetwood mac. goal: to be happy, successful, & experience everything in life. mes: mom- thank you for always being there for me. i love you. you truly are my best friend. brlanne- love yo! my frlends- I love you guys!

1>~eiiel $eillitJ~ei

"sui" rem for: the "g" hat. "cameL" act: baseball. ski club. band. orch. pp: drumset. baseball glove. fay mem: wildwood. 16th & delaware. fireworks. napoleon in rags. pelvis. lair. genuardi's chicken. the fumble. ferry's garage. paintball. dodging the rut. wendy's. "i was scared." gyro. rory's class. the shrine. enter rosebud. the plastic lady. battle of the bands. the picture. frazzled. great adventure w/jlm & mark. health plex w/pat & bob. playing w/jay & dan. cellucci's house. trips w/dave. "a story like that has to be true." goal: to die a rich old man. will: to duncemy chops. mes: to jim- don't stop gyrating. to my famlly- thanks for everything.



"sven" act: wrestling. fay mem: physics. superballs. the crazy mobile. to pb affair. junior prom. vesty. wrestling. joe's basement. batman. german films. montana. wolfman. tea cooler. monopoly. metallica concert. 3/8/97. kitten. car chases. tanzen. dogman trout. the couch. awesome. hedge diving. 11/22/97. tampering w/aspirin bottles. cat-in-a-sack. florida. monkey trouble. kegeln. tiger. making weight. accidently going to delaware. will: to joe- a gallon of tea cooler. to jesse- my guitar picks. to adam- a tv show. to bri- the couch & happiness. mes: to my family & friends- thanks for everything. to my classmates- i'li get my revenge on you all.



"pocahontas" rem for: being an airhead. act: wrestling manager. pp: clothes. cd's. shoes. fay mem: georgio's pizza. macdade run. the flash. black hour. pool hall. shady drives. mo-zee inn. alpine (shady steps). teddy's house. chicken boy. delaware. junior prom- the hooptie. hangin' w/keenan. races. the clf. o'hara parking lot. the beets. hanging w/carol, donna, nikki; kim, katie, bickel, meredith, jUls, & everyone else i left out. goal: to be rich & famous! will: to carol- my hair dye. to donna- my brain cells. to nlkki- smokey treats. to juls- all my f's. mes: to all my hoochies- i'll never forget yo. to my parents- thanks for all you have done- i love yas. to my sisters & brother- you didn't think i could do it, so i'li say, "told yo so!" to mom-mom & pop-pop- you guys are the greatest, i love you so much!

$tetJeei 1 $leWCl'lk "stevie" rem for: musicality. act: music & science. pp: my tuba. megan's heart. fay mem: pmea, esp. region band '97. hoss beef. dma '97. football. kamikazie biking. putt-putt. beaver parties. duck, solder, & hot glue. marching band. science olympiad. great times w/wonderful people, esp. meg, mike, & ant. will: ab- scope, mission, mr. cooper. mes: thanks & love to all those, especially my family, that helped me along the way. mlke- thanks for all your helpful insight, Insults, injuries, and Idiosisms. megan- we've come a long way together, & while the winds of change may blow us far & wide, may they never blow us apart, so that i may remain forever yours.

~oAe ..t Uilli~~ !~ei~che..


"robbie t." rem for: not very much unless you remember "barf." there's also this rumor that i'm crazy. where would they get that idea? act: football. pp: magic lantern. flying carpet. & something else but i forget what it is. fay mem: practice field. summer '95. gold gym. summer '96. taco bell. summer '97. goal: sweet revenge. will: i bequeth to the school the second legend of robbie t. & some autographed asbestos flakes. mes: i've got a joke too silly to say.

Emily Zola once said, "The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." Kristin Kozlowski and Jeff Trexler have worked hard to put their artistic gifts to use, earning the label of Most Artistic in the class of '98. \Kristin and Jeff have both been participants in the Celebration ofthe Arts for all of their years at SHS, and their artwork has always b~en admired and praised by the many spectators at Celebration. We wouldn't be surprised if one day their names were widely known in the art world.

"paul V. lutoueto,


"backburner" rem for: being slow. funny faces. always saying, "huh? what? hold up." pp: kristin's ring. my cd's. my pieces & my giass. bayard's pinatce. all that i own. fav memo being withe family. road tour. nevada. morton zoo. bayard, degan, rick, jamie, josh, gonz, wayock, denny, shep, joe, steve, squeek, sped, henry, Iii' mark, sean, jim, matt, sean, john, joey t., nick, nathan, everyone i forgot. joe wright & family. bill's. green card kids. sessions withe zoo. zootrip. boitin' w/adam. blizzard. gas stations. ridley. springfield. all the spots the zoo has hit up. philly. concerts, iate nights. anything i didn't mention. being w/kristen. 420. goal: to move out west. non-stop snowboarding. art school, blow glass. always session. head full of dreads. have a great life & family. will: to kristin- her ring. anyone who really wants my stuff, you can have it, but bury me wlmy music. meso mom & dad- thanx, you have always been there when i needed you. pete- you are do bomb brother. t.jay- what can i say. to all my boys- thanks. kristin- some day. bumbo klatt to you all.



rem for: vanilla lotion. penn state fan. loving tigger. spirit fingers. act: cheerleading. crosscountry. swimming. track. student council. pp: pound puppy. dried roses. fav memo right-ieft hand slap. fox's chest. "note"-book. chem note. running in buck. cnn. pacing room. julius caesar. on the bubble. paint a picture. knockknocks. times w/michaei. 2/21/96. formals. jack's house. hummer. bus rides. vanilla pudding. six fiags. 250 cal. talks w/jason. football beeps. times w/kevin. lucky rubber band. times wltara & mike. windy warm-up iaps. palm trees. barbie girls. "i win." xc bonding. distance family. fld dance. goal: reach all my dreams. live a happy & successful life withe people i love. will: heffernan- secret language. dayna & colleen- barbie tradition. meso my parents- thank you for all your support & love, wlout you i'd be lost. i love you. my brothers- good luck in everything you do, i'm always supporting you. christine- thanks for the great & humorous memories. we'll always be best friends. michael- thanks for always being there for my. you're the best guy a girl could ask for...i love you "faithfully."

'liua /(,. 1Jaiaya "china doll" rem for: talking. act: pau. operation smile. tennis. pp: friends. faY mem: desi parties. new year's eve '96. times w/my jersey girls: ekta, rupal, payal, bigaL rupal. overbrooke '96. summer '97. bhangrah blowout. junior prom. boston. pennslanding w Ipooja & pallavi. study hall. times w/kavita. times w/stootee. hangin' w/shilpa. laughing w/linda. chillin' w/atash. cappuccino w/ekta. talks w/juli. "chi"- nina. it's not shell. talks w/sapna. tennis crew. goal: success. will: linda- all the bagels In the world. mes: rajabhai & pinkyben- i love you guys. mom & dadthanks for everything. i love you so much. kavlta- i couldn't have done it w/out you. shell- cool, right? goodbye to all my friends at shs!

hen e c ass 0 was as e woo elr peers are e mos theatrical, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that it was Nicole Cerone and Shaun Cullen. They have both participated extensively in STW over the years: Nicole has had roles in Wonderful Town, Six by Shakespeare, The Crucible, Rehearsal For Murder, Anything Goes,Blithe Spirit, and Snapshots; in addition, Nicole has performed with the Swarthmore players club, Upper Darby Summer Stage and Mainstage, and she also choreographs musicals for children in the Performing Arts Youth Theatre, Shaun has also performed in Wonderful Town, Six by Shakespeare, The Crucible, Rehearsal For Murder, Anything Goes, and Snapshots with STW. Both Nicole and Shaun are extremely gifted; they never fail to put their adoring audiences in a trance with their superb talents,

Chtoi~to"heto t.


"chris" rem for: being quiet. smiling, working at genuardi's, act: tennis. golf. pp: golf clubs. cd player. telescope. yamaha 4-wheel atv. my family & friends, fay mem: hanging out w/my friends john, dan, bill, steve, kevin, mike, chris, & ryan. vacationing w/my family in florida, goal: earn a college degree, get a good job, possibly in movie production or special effects, travel. live in a warm climate. will: to my sister, lauren- i leave all my prized possessions once they break! mes: to my family- thanks for all your love & support, to my friends- hey, it's your turn to drive!

tutia 1Jau /louteu

"jules" rem for: being loud & hyper. act: celebration. fay mem: hanging withe hoochies. tressels. railroad tracks w/donna, dave & nick. backyard. philly. races. pool hall. the tv crew. it's a ring a ding dinging. monopoly & all the parties. the beats. cheryl's sneezing. clubbin'. junIor prom (hooptle). soph hop. donna getting loud w/kim. carol beating the beast. goal: to be happy & successful. to achieve my goals in life. mes: to mom- I love you. thank you for pushing me to do good. to my bro- thanks for everything. to all the hoochies- thanks a lot for being there for me. love ya all. to everyone elseforget about it.


J). 1'J~EEiij

"ray" rem for: shaved head. being a kicker. dress'n like dean. being late. act: football. track. soccer. basketball. baseball. tennis. pp: red coat. kickoff tee. fav memo anything to do w/football. coach's voice cracking. drinking pepsi at kyle's. sing'n in white lightning. traintracks w/sara. new york. washington. penn relays. edco w/luke & brandon. reservoir. zack's pimpies. meet the artist w/b.j. "good luck" from colleen. ping-pong. ice cream & laughing w/matt, ja, & ellen. stoga '95. ridley '97. academy park '97. goal: have fun playing football in college & have a long & happy life. will: to mary- the moon. meso sara- thanks for talking no matter what time it was. dad- i couldn't put a price on all the time you spent w/me. momthanks for putting notes in my lunch, they made me smile. bros- have fun In high schOOl. the time files & you'll wonder where it went, "maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, & for the rest of your life." -bogart.

1Uick~eE ~. ~~EtOij

"mike" rem for: having a big truck. short hair. being a hard worker. act: SWimming. pp: my truck. my job. my family. michele. fav mem: mr. ash's class. eagle project. swim team '95, '96, '97. the van. snow storm of '96- 5 days off, 31 inches. summer of '96 containers in germantown. my truck. brandywine picnic park. michele. snow dance '96, '97, junior prom radisson. flyers. junior prom prendie. wildwood w/michele. eagle scout. summer of '97. sea isle city- michele. goal: to be successful. will: to anyone who thought i wouldn't make it- my diploma. michelemy heart. mes: to mom & dad- thanks for all your heip & support. to michelle- thanks for always being here, i love you.




"kirk" rem for: penn state. pointless stories. my hair. pp: my birks & my bass. fav mem: toronto. jammin' in the dark room. lunch outside. hanging out at the gazebo w/pa!, becky, evans, adam, bill. james, & the cromars. play'ln' at priar's house wl"james smookin four." summers at priar's. staying w/chris, joe, & the rest of "planet 22" at penn state. the frat w/kyle, acri, & beil. the station w/racheal & sara & chillin' at alicia. lunch w/julie, jeff. colleen, tina, & bob. goal: to live where my ideas are respected & to spread the seed of weir. will: to kyle- the cd's he stole from me. mes: injustice always walks w/ignorance. know your rights & keep the shade.

1>ij~tiij ~eE~k "dusty" rem for: facial expressions. pp: hair. ozzy tapes. fav mem: junior prom w/dana, vinegar. blue lambourghini, shore w/lauren, matt, paul, john, meesh, elle, mickey, aaron. phone chats w/morgan, christa's banana, karate kid. lar's trampoline. south street, skating at ridley creek. ale house. burger king trips. ntb. "what a weirdo." races w/mike. pool hall. satan ville. watching the moon after reading phillies. not milk. "boom." dustbowl. will: dana- a hard punch. goal: to own a blue lambourghini. mes: mom & sara- thanks for always being there. morgan- i love you.


1UickeEe ~eftEetJ

rem for: wearing glitter. short shorts. loving notre dame. dq. act: lacrosse. field hockey. winter track. pp: my lacrosse stick. my family. my friends. fav mem: central league champs. dave matthews. equilibrium w/b.j. & col. k.k. & sara- what kind of dressing do you think? meggo- cook'les? kadii- miss otis regrets. wendy's. south street w/sara. all formals. mike- drive safe. public speaking w/joe & todd. todd's "thoughts." s & c sandwiches. 12 monkeys. sara- take care of you. hitchhiking w/jayne. phish. jewel. smb. the bourse. lax. beep beep. brian's sign. x-mas w/kadii. fonz- tootsee roll. sistas. goal: to live & love- nothing more. will: to jim- a white sailor's suit. to sara joe- glitter. to chris & todd- the advisory table. to shanemy floyd cd, mes: to my family & friends- i love you.

~~ij~tJ ~kite

"sorbate" rem for: my movie intelligence. act: wrestling. pp: my skits & quentin collection. fav mem: rage/wu. rolling green. the log. walsh. indian rock. notel. great adventure. penn st. old central. powell park. late night eats w/matt. ocean city w/donna & mary. jr. year w/alexis. steve w/chrissy. after soph hop at korin's. sean's crib. matt's crib/apartment. chandler's. dave's. musser-skyliner/82. desio- say i promise. times w/ehmann, hutton, lawler, lemon, martin, phil, donna v, lauren, carla, tracy, janice, caroll, blackburn, moore, ashley, hillary, falls, collen, brian, land. goal: to be famous. will: musser- tapes. lauren- rollerblades. ashley- moneybed. mes: life is short, live it to the fullest.

ÂŤ'i~&e"â‚ŹtJ .iJ~~ ;Ji~~e~o..e

"kim winns" rem for: my boyfriends. laugh. mm. preppy. 80's music. always swimming. loving boats. military. act: swimming. pp: u2 cd's. pets. fav mem: camphia. fleetwood. bad spices. Iilith limo. marple nights. "she's my friend." mel sleepovers. hair dye. jargon. chase. cavalier. ani. barbie. u2. summer '97. germany. times w/mel, heidi. 10. "same seats." soph hop. junior prom. labor day. 1056. south park. toronto. mike ikes. washington. frosh lunches. soph ski. psu '97. qUiz show. maguire. n.y. commercial. will: erin- i leave you in charge of the section. mes: amy & mom- love you! rays- thank you! i'll miss you all. love yo. go navy!

/l,i~Ae..ttJ 11~~ ;JOO~"OW

"kimmie" rem for: always being nice & quiet. pp: my rabbit. fav mem: the junior trip to washington w /britani & danielle. driving around w/jen & dan. border's w/britani. times w/clara, catherine, marie, lauren. soph hop. mornings talking to katie & kendall. goal: to be happy & to make all my dreams come true. will: to my brother mike- my footsteps, which will be easy for you to fill. mes: to my familythank you for everything you've done for me. w/out you i don't think things would be possible. to danielle- i don't hate you. to britani- you're my best friend & always will be.

/l,i~Ae..ttJ ~.


"yunkie" rem for: loud. crazy. being tall. fav mem: 2/15/97. water tower '95. july 4th, '96. chesapeake bay. butlafwy, md. summers '96, '97. great adventure. shady woods. garbage. all times w/bob. times wlkimmy, christen, kim s., chrissy, erin, brooke, annmarie, halloweens '95, '96, '97. the pit. kimmy's attic. the murphy gang. kimmy's moods. t.t. club. bonner boys. shore withe k's. purple elephant. formal's. a's b-day, twizzlers, treasure hunts. the green goo. new year's '97, the breakfast club, lunch a & d. shooting star. butterfly kisses. 3/27/96. widener walks, mes: bob- i will always love you. thank you for all our times together and many more, parents- thank you for being there. love you. kimmy- friends for 12 years & hopefulI man more. love a.

Even the stillest silences can be broken by Springfield's Most Talkative. Chrissy Spicer and Randy White are known for their chattering tendencies among the class of '98. Chrissy and Randy have always been the ones to voice their opinions in class when no one else would, or the ones cheering the loudest at the big game ... or the ones getting in trouble for talking too much during the assembly. No matter where they are, Chrissy and Randy will forever be remembered for never ceasing their ability to hold a conversation with anyone and uplift any


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The Scrivener 1997-98 was printed by Taylor Publishing Company. Senior portraits were taken by Rembrant and Ludecke Studios of Upper Darby. Photo-Pro of Springfield handled the development of photographs, and Mr. John Perkins provided much photography assistance. The staff would like to thank yearbook advisors Robert Eley and Robert Young for their time and dedication.

Conclusion ~

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All-Central award winner Taylor Buchholz stares down the pitcher as he waits for the ball, Taylor, still only a sophmore, not only provided the team with hits, but also with his pitching, As his teamates cheer him on, senior Bryan Byrnes scorches an inside pitch down the third base line, The Cougar's teamwork played a big role throughout the 1998 season,

Captain Chris Rysak, one of the two senior pitchers, winds up just before he delivers a strike to the opposing batter. Chris' strong arm was useful in several of the teams wins this season,

Senior Dan Sullivan releases a change-up to end the inning, Dan pitched as both a starter and a closer, making him a valuable asset to the team,

Third baseman Jason Bowen shifts his weight to the right just before he catches a line drive, Jason is glad that he can keep track of the score at every home game because of the new scoreboard they received this season,

Senior captain Andy Plank stands up to stretch after throwing out a runner at third, Andy is not only skilled as a catcher,

Losing six seniors to graduation, many observers were not sure how the softball team would fare. Under the direction of new head coach, Todd Odgers, assistants Kim Caffey and Dave Zitarelli, the team gave the fans another exciting season. Team captains Michelle Crandley, Jen PrendivilIe, and Erin Hughes provided good leadership both on and off the field. Throughout the season, many games were postponed due to the rainy weather, but the team still held strong. The ladies finished their season with 15 wins and 5 losses. They finished in a 2nd place tie in Central League play and competed in the first round of District playoffs. A game to remember was the matchup against League rivals, the Upper Darby Royals. The pitching of Kristen McGrath and the cannon arm from left-fielder Shannon Murphy sealed a victory for the home team in the eighth inning. VARSITY: 1st row- S.Murphy. M.Kasmer. M.Crandley. E.Hughes. J.Prendivilie. Coach Caffey. 2nd row- Coach Odgers. K.McGrath. A.Drumhelier. K.Baker. C.Peifer. L.D'Esposito, Coach Zitareili.

JV: 1st row- J.Marinelli. S.McCabe. L.Kaye. 2nd row- J.Firlein, C.Perry. N.Shirley, B.Hudson. 3rd row- Coach Barr, D.Noble. M.Byrne, G.Repace, D. Johnson, M.Nastasi.


AT RIGHT: Erin Hughes, one of the three team captains, gets ready to receive a change-up from pitcher, Kristen McGrath. Not only did Erin's catching abiiities contribute to the team, but also her batting helped drive in many runs.

Team captain Jenn Prenndiville takes a low-inside pitch. Jenn's great offensive and defensive work helped the team in their many wins.

First baseman and senior captain, Michelle Crandley stretches to make the out at first against a Haverford base runner. Michelle has been seen doing splits at first base to get many opposing runners out. Before every game, the softball team joins to chant one of their good luck cheers. These dedicated girls ended up in second place in the Central League and had a very fulfilling season.

The five redheads of the team, Meghan Kasmer, Michelle Crandley, Kristyn Baker, and Lindsay D'Esposito, were all starting players for the 1998 season. These players take a minute before a game to show how much team spirit they have.

Junior pitcher, Kristen McGrath throws a blazing fastball to the plate. Throughout the season, Kristen pitched many games and helped lead the team to a 15-5 record.

Girls' Lacross

Mandy Joachim (left) puts one of her many moves on two defenders. Quick moves like Mandy's have left her opponents on the ground in bewilderment.

B.J. Lucey gets ready to win another faceoff during a Central League game against Penncrest. These intense faceoffs often decided close games and B.J. gave the Cougars this much-needed advantage.

Brooke Werley iooks on and waits for the pass. Brooke missed most of the season due to an injury but was an essential key to the attack squad when she played.


Megan Carlin awaits a sudden shot from the opposing team. Such shots rarely found the net due to her outstanding goaltending.

Varsity: 1st row: B. Lucey, B. Werley. 2nd row: M. Carlin, L. Staedt, B. Milkowski, C. Connor, M. Joachim, K. Affonsa, N. Jluliantl. 3rd row: M. Carlin (coach), N. Pattani, K. Pierangeli, D. Johnson, T. Warner, B. Lisenfeld, L. Seminole, K. Broome (coach), S. Joseph, S. Patel, A. Liesenfeld, D. Newsom, C. Heller, M. Werley (coach).

The girls lacrosse season was exciting for the players, parents, and fans alike, The team was led by seniors, Megan Carlin, Colleen Connor, B.J. Lucey, Mandy Joachim, Brooke Werley and rising stars Karen Keating and Lisa Staedt. Everyone anticipated a great season when their first two scrimmages were won by the home team. However, the season got off to a bad start as they were winless in four of their first five regular season games. They rebounded with an eleven game unbeaten streak that was capitalized with a eleven to eight victory over Radnor, The streak was ended by Henderson on the last day of the regular season, Their run for a district title started with dreams and goals but ended with thoughts and memories. They opened up district playoffs with a commanding win over Coatesville but sUbsequently lost the next game to Radnor in a nail-biter. As the girls were deuling Radnor, the high school was empty because administrators allowed students to be excused to cheer on their classmates. As they fought bitterly to the end, only to come up in defeat, the students were there to offer their support and congratulations on a great season, Individual awards were plentiful and many team memebers appeared on first teams all around Delaware County. However, this was a team of more than just a bunch of good players. They were unified both on and off the field and that was the main reason for such a great season.

JV: 1st row: S. Landers, N. Pattanl. 2nd row: J. Bollinger, J. Bowers, G. Mooney, K. Pace, C. Bottomley, B. Theranger, K. Scali. 3rd row: K. Soroka, K. Taucher, E. Pontarelli, P. Gibbone, K. Walker, S. Williams, N. Jiulianti, A. Christopher, J. Waddington, C. Heller, M. Carlin (coach).

Lisa Staedt clears the ball out of her team's zone, preventing any chance of pressure from the oppositon. Lisa provided the team with both leadership and great defense, something the girls relied on to drive them to the playoffs.

Colleen Connor passes to a teammate, setting up another goal against their tie against Haverford. Colleen led the team in goals and threatened to score everytime she touched the ball.


, he 1998 Springfield Boys Lacrosse team began the season with high expectations. As state runners-up the year before, the Cougars would settle for nothing less than the chamionship. In their first six games of the season, the Cougars started strong going undefeated. Five out of those six wins came against st ron g non -I e a g u e 0 pponents, before Springfield beat Strath Haven 19-2 to open up Central League competition. From that point on it was a season of ups and downs, with the Cougars never really finding their groove. After those first six victories without a loss, Springfield only managed to stay one game above .500 at seven wins and six losses. Even finishing strong with two convincing Central League wins over Haverford (15-3) and Upper Darby (20-5) was not enough to give the Cougars a spot in the playoffs. Although the team did not enjoy the success that they had hoped for, there was


plenty of great individual play. Seniors John Brasko and Matt Murray showcased their outstanding skills throughout the season, earning themselves many individual honors. Brasko, a two-time all-American, was able to slightly change roles and tally 43 goals to go along with his 35 assists as a midfielder rather than a defenseman. He was the most versatile player on the field for the Cougars and did everything including faceoffs, playing man-up and man-down, and dominating opponents on both offense and defense. Matt Murray played attack for the Cougars and scored a schoolrecord 90 goals this season to finish with more than 200 in his career at Springfield. Murray always found a way to score, despite seeing constant double- and tripleteams. These two seniors and many others will be missed in the future, but there is a large amount of talented underclassmen waiting for their shot at stardom.

VARSITY and JV: 1st Row - K. Cottom, R. Bright. J. Tirney, R. Sanelli. J. Karpinski, M. Clement, 2nd Row - J. RUdolph. M. Donofrio. M. Medici. B. Dougherty. J. Brasko, M, Murray, c: Zumpano, M. Hepler, M. Nesbitt. B. Porche, M. DeAngelis, M. Villone. 3rd Row - R. Rainer, F, Mitchell. M. LoPicolo, B. Cassidy, F. McKeever, J. Newnam. S. Hoffacker, N. Ranalli. T. Colaiezzi, T, Spires, M, Helper, J, Desiderio, 4th Row - B, Robinson, S. Reed, D. Preston, C. Avato, M, Wallin, M, Nicolella, J, Gibson, A. Joachim.

Senior Matt Murray fights for a loose ball. looking for yet another opportunity to score a goal. He now holds the school record for goals in a season with 90,

Goalie Fran McKeever makes a leaping save while his defense clears out the opponent. Only a freshman, Fran will be a huge ingredient in the future success of the team.


Senior Matt Nesbitt. #6, tries to calm his teammate Mark Nicolella down. This year's squad played with a great amount of intensity, which contributed to their success,

John Brasko passes the ball across the field to his teammate, Spectacular handling of the ball propeled the Cougars to a winning season. Above: Junior Chris Zumpano dodges anoncoming defenseman in Springfield's romp over Garnet Valley. Chris worked the midfieid and was a key player in the team's powerful offense.

Right: Fran Mitchell applies pressure to an incoming attacker to keep the ball out of the crease .

. Opponents Scarsdal.e w.e East Unionville 6'Hara~

. Abington . Strath Haven Marple Newton "Downington , 'Ridley . .Uppe.r DUQlln St. Mark's .' Lower,l'v1eri<:m W,C, Henderson ¡¡ConE3stoga . . . Radnor.' Garnet Valley Penncrest Haverford Upper Darby

The 1998 edition of the Cougar boys' track team had a successful season. Due to long hours of coach Heath's rigorous practice, the team proved themselves individually as well as a unit. Though track is often viewed as an individual sport, the team members supported each other and worked for the common goal. The team completed their schedule with a record of 3-6, but hidden by this record is the outstanding individual achievements that were accomplished. Many school records were set this season and a remarkable number of athletes made it to the district round of competition. This season the cougars had many standout athletes: Senior Ashley Lockley tied his own school record in the 100m and beat the previous record in the 200m, and qualified for the district meet. Senior Albert Grundy broke the school record in high jump when he leaped 6'6", and took the momentum to districts. Senior Duane Jay competed in the 4x100 relay and triple jump at districts placing seventh in triple jump. Senior Jeremy Damia capped off his year by finishing as the three time league champion in javelin, winning the district, and making a trip to the state tournament. Other district competitors included Bill Bellano, Matt Grammond, Drew Nelson, Keith Taylor, and Jon Wallin. Congratulations to these athletes on a fine season.

Drew Nelson flies down the track in a 100m sprint race to put him in contention for a medal. Drew was a key sprinter this season for the track team.

1st row- captains Ashley Lockley. Jeremy Damia. Mike QUinn. and Albert Grundy. 2nd rowBen Bartos Anthony Calabrese. Kevin Brady. Steve Vescovich.Tim Gula. Chris Nelson. Bill Bellano. 1<lch King. Harry Jefferson. 3rd row- Coach Kent. Coach Heath. Phillip Russell. Kurt Echman. Ryan Harahan. Matt Grammond. Brian DiPaolo. Cavan Curran. Mike McFadden. Todd Martin. Tony Voo. Drew Nelson. 4th row- Gregg Byrne. Sean Donovan. Rob Chestnut. Pat Shea. Matt Hindley. Mike Heath. Mike Jenkins. Duane Jay. Keith Taylor. Brian Tracey. Matt Polidoro. Greg Startze!.


Jeremy Damia makes the winning throw at districts of 193'4". Jeremy was one of four captains who lead by example on and off the field. Jeremy has diligently worked over his four years to be where he is today.

BELOW: Albert Grundy soars over the bar at 6'6" to set the school record while placing second at the All-Central meet. Albert competed at districts, and proved himself to be one of the top leapers in the league. Albert used his dicipline and leadership to help mold the team for the future by setting a perfect example.

Mike Quinn prepares to release the discus at a league meet. He was one of the captains who sculpted the team into becoming mature athletes, improving their times and distances throughout the season.

Jon Wallin gets off the line qUickly as he starts a 400m in the Delco Champs meet. Jon qualified for districts with a time of 51.2 seconds. Jon was a key contributor to the team this year, and he helped them stay competitive.

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JheY'reGOing Fo(Speed Springfield High School's Girls' Track and Field team ended its 1998 season proudly as second in the highly competitive Central League. This honor was achieved with the help of three knowledgeable coaches: Mrs. Funk, Mr. Reilly (distance coach), and Mr. Shaefer (throw coach) and the efforts of 68 talented young athletes. The 7-2 record made this year was Springfield Girls' Track finest yet, and there was over 13 girls moving onto districts in several events and one of these distinguished athletes qualified for the statewide competition. Not only this, but the girls also brought home several medals from every invitational attended. Since the work on Halderman Field caused most lacrosse games to be played on the football field, the track team lost their access to the track for many practices. Nonetheless these girls persevered through grueling workouts, on and off the track, and the hot sun to lower their times by seconds and reach the finish line before their opponent. The coaches could not be more proud of these girls, knowing they pushed themselves, giving all they had every time the gun went off, signaling the start of a race. There are five graduating seniors, all of which we will miss greatly not only for their athletic talents, but their team spirit, too. Sprinting towards the finish line. Christine DeMarco completes yet another event. She is seen most often running the 400 and 200 in record times, Christine is one of the many Springfield runners to move on to the district wide competition. where she was highly successful.

The 1998 SHS Girls Track and Field team: 1st row- C, Heffernan. S. Hay. M, Tinney. M, Kraft. S, Magenheimer. L. Hindley. J, Lynam, 2nd row- T, Kissinger. J. Baith. K, Sanelli. C, Cirucci, N, Armor. D.Ajtken. N. Taylor. C, DeMarco. S, Dougherty. K, Curran. L. Martin. K, Woods, L. SantangelO, 3rd row- E, Cain. A. Reger. K, Avery. C. Young. K. Stewart. C, Kirby. J. Urglavich. K, Simpson, K, Woods. C. DiOlio. L. Royer. S. Matthews. K, Zeilinger. 4th rowCoach Reily. Coach Funk. J. Sang. K. Furia. A. Gessay. K. Jeffrey. C, Wilson. J, Russell, L. Feliciani, V. Venkateramen. A. Dickerson. M. Donohue. A. Rorabaugh. A. Petrylak. D. Turlington, S, Montone. C. Kutyn. L. Beaver. V. Sok. C, Chevalier, A. Metler, L, Cutrafello. C. Kobylarz. M, Sebova. D, Rygwelski, Coach Schaefer.


Christine Heffernan prepares for one of her famous shot put throws, She has broken many school records and has advanced to state competitions for the past two years.

Sara Dougherty leans forward at the end of a hard race in order to cut tenths of seconds off of her time and come in first place, Not only does Sara compete in the hurdles but she also excells in the high jump, long jump, and triple jump events, This year, the girl's track team gained many talented fresman such as Kate Curran, Here, Kate runs the mile while being cheered on by the other distance runners, During the season, they worked very hard to asssure their success,


The tennis team had a great season. No, the team didn't win many meets, but that didn't stop the team from having a lot of fun, and improving throughout the year. Seniors Pat McGinty and Jim Duffy anchored the one and two positions for most of the year, while Jeff Barnes and Jason Hollencamp played the other two singles positions. New head coach Karen Phillips and JV coach Mike Tiger had very laid-back attitudes, which allowed the Cougars to enjoy themselves at practices. The Cougars had many competitive scrimmages at practice, which strengthened the varsity double players such as sophomores Chris Starr, Ajay Patel and Mike Thomas. The Central League happens to be one of the toughest leagues in the state and Springfield is one of the smaller schools in the league. Still, the Cougars played their hardest and kept matches close. Unfortunately, Ms. Phillips has moved this summer and surely she will be missed both on and off the courts.

Varsity: Top row- J. Barnes, C. Starr, D. Celluci, J. Hollencamp, A. Patel, Coach Phillips. 2nd row- J. Duffy, A. TimboL M. Thomas, R. Voo. Bottom row- D, Starr, P. McGinty.

JV: Top row- C. Stolnis, D. Sim, J. Vandruff, A. Dambrink, J. Gorman, J. Phillip, Coach Tiger. Bottom row- C. Valerio, V. Vanni, M. Diamond, S. Underwood, N. DiGirgio

Junior Jeff Barnes displays his strong backhand against W. C. Henderson. Jeff had a very good season, and rnade it to the Central League singles competition along with teammate Pat McGinty. The two played very well despite the tough Central League competition.

Sophomore Mike Thomas sets up for a spike against Central League rivals Upper Darby. Mike and his partner, Ajay Patel went on to win their match, and help Springfield to a 7-0 victory. Mike was a very good doubles player for the Cougars despite his small stature, because of his qUick foot work and powerful service.


Senior Anthony Timbol relaxes as he waits for the ball to come to him with the eye of an experienced player. Anthony was also a member of the community service club and choir.

Senior Pat McGinty eyes the court in preparation to smash the ball with his deadly forehand. Pat has been first singles for two years running, and was competitive against some of the best players in the district.

Henderson, O'Hara ,East ," , Abirigton Radnor Haverford Strath Haven Lower Merion Conestoga' 'Ridley. ,Penncrest ' Upper Darby Marpla

Senior Dan Cellucci steps forward to return the ball to his opponent from O'Hara. Dan should be proud of his performance in this game, as he helped Springfield to a 5-1 victory.

Katie Lynch has excelled this year with her singing talents and went to the district and regional choir festivals. She gives her last soprano performance singing "On My Own."

Each year the Celebration of the Arts transforms the school into a museum for artists, a showroom for woodshop students, a concert for musicians, and a restaurant for cooks. However, this years' Celebration had a question looming as the show drew near: How can Celebration be set up with the school in disarray from reconstruction? Due to the popularity of the event, the students, teachers, and faculty chipped in and led the school through another reconstruction; an artistic one. The commons area was rescued from its cluttered, garage-sale state and once again became the home of advanced art students' walls of talent. Students worked hard all year, and almost everyone was involved with the show in one way or another.

It's not hard to guess who the artist is of this self portrait. Kristen Kozlowski's realistic pictures won many awards. She will expand her artistic abilities at college next year.

George Shonleber holds his puppy in his lap as if it were real. George worked hard, and his work payed off when he won an award. Suzanne Mclaughlin, Guy O'Connor, Michelle Botta, and Ms. Tsouris display their wonderfully made tie-dye in painting and drawing class. Tie-dyed sheets help decorate the commons and add a peaceful atmosphere to the school.

John Brasko is working hard in graphics to try and win a ribbon in the competition. When John isn't working on his shop projects, he can be found wandering the halls with his lacrosse stick.


Located under a canvass tent, Jeff Trexler's pastei portrait. "The Dog Soldier" was only one great masterpiece found in his Civil War display.

Mrs. Finnerty is a popular sculpture teacher. Whether she is giVing advice or telling a familiar joke, she is always a friend.

Scott Wueschinski poses by his latest photographic work. He excels in his hobby of photography and was a semi-finalist for Governor's School of the Arts. He shared a wall with his good friend Lindsay D'Esposito.

These two very talented girls, Donna Visa and Vanessa Falcone, display their photography on their own walls. They got to chose from their favorite works of the year and await the judging that would occur that night. Both Donna and Vanessa won awards that night for their photography.

Erin Dougherty is talented in music. She began playing the piano at age 4, when she was taught by her mother at home.

Abby Peifer and Erica Allen are finishing up their last ceramic pieces for celebration. They are in the process of glazing to give their projects color.

Mike Wallin eagerly awaits his first Celebration of the Arts. His furniture was displayed amongst the many other unique designs in the main lobby. Everything was judged and ribbons were on display that night.

Celebrate Good Times ... Come On!

When guests entered SHS, clocks and other woodwork decorated the main hallway. These projects are always the first to catch your eye.

Seniors Andy Lastowka, Beth Milkowski, and Korin Davis admire their friend Shaina McGrath's work. Shaina won various ribbons in AP Art and Graphic Arts. She will be attending Carnegie Mellon University in the fall to expand her talent.


Hundreds of different clocks line up in the front lobby to create one big time warp. But after all the difficult jUdging, Best of Show was rewarded to Matt Blackburn for his grandfather clock. This is only one of the many great projects that Matt has accomplished throughout his four years.

Scott Lemon is in the middle of singing a hit song from the Grease sound track while the rest of the choir sang the background music. Scott is involved in many school activities and can be seen practicing on the football field after school everyday in the fall.

Freshman Jeff Tirney was excited to participate in his first Celebration of the Arts. He plans to replace his old clock that he constructed in 7th grade woodshop.

Best friends Nicole Cerone and Jiil Harding are so close, they're iike sisters. Together they sang a song from the new broadway show, "Side Show", which is about Siamese Twins hoping to find iove. Nicole and Jiil have been active members of Springfieid Singers throughout their high school years.

Sara Magenheimer stands in front of her wail as peopie walk by admiring it, She is hoping that her hard work will earn her an award in the judging later that night.

Micheile Botta and Nakeisha Tayior spice up the night with their special chili. The cafeteria was filled with ail sorts of goodies from chili to wedding cakes.

Juniors Lee Madonna and Mark Hummel sit in the commons during study hall admiring their classmates work, They are hoping that people walking by wiil mistake them for a piece of art.

Pat Manning relaxes after the judging revealed his bed frame as a 1st place winner. Winning as a sophomore opens a very promising future for his next two years at Springfield High School.

On March 27th, Drexelbrook was the place to be. The class of 2000 was one of only two classes to have their Soph Hop outside of the school cafeteria. They were very fortunate to have beautiful weather and not be bothered by the rain. There was not an inch of room on the dance floor due to the entire class dancing. The whole place rocked to the music. Even the chandeliers were dancing! The sophomores were treated to an elegant four course dinner of soup, salad, chicken, and dessert. Drexelbrook may become the new standard location for the Soph Hop. For those who were there, this night will always be remembered as one of the many good times shared with our friends at Springfield HighSchool.

Saro Bedian is excited for the upcoming Soph Hop, but is a little puzzled as to where his date ran off to.

As the sophomores finished eating their dessert. the "Class of 2000" brightly lit up the dance floor. The dance floor was over packed that evening because everybody there was in a dancing mood.

Nick Spinosa was anxiously waiting for his dessert while his girlfriend, Pam Gibbone, can't wait to run out and dance. The music seemed more appealing than the desert.


Julie Waddington and her twin, Brett. are happy to spend some time together. Both are involved in many activities making it hard to see each other outside of their house.

Ian Magnusson just heard his song played by the DJ, so he tries to keep himself from ditching his dinner and running out onto the dance floor.

Kelly Walker and her date Ed Corliss got their picture taken before getting crazy on the dance floor. Being athletes, their built-up stamina gave them energy to dance the whole night.

Nicole Julianti didn't seem to mind her date Fran Mitchell arriving late to the Soph-Hop. After a long day at lacrosse, Fran was happy to have time to relax with his friends. While everyone was beginning to dance, Fran and Nicole just started to eat their dinner.

Dana Johnson and Christy Massimini are seen in a rare place: off of the dance floor.

Even though we rudely interrupted Pat Manning and Tiffany Zhuge from their talk about their excellent dinner, they still found it in their hearts to give us a great big smile.

Kirsten Aaron, Caroline Perry, Meghan Cullen, and Liz Bell, all left their dates so they could spend some time dancing together. You can always find these four friends together both inside and outside of school.

While Erin Gress and Chris Starr wait to digest their food before dancing, they exchange their thoughts on their winning soccer seasons.

On May 8, 1998, the junior class gathered at the Marriott in Conshohoken for their Junior Prom. Even though the weather seemed to look as if it were going to rain, the juniors all arrived in time to keep a little dry. As the couples made their way through the long hallway that led to the ballroom, excitement and magic filled the air. While waiting in the hallway, the class of 1999 talked about upcoming events to bring the school year to a close and complimented their fellow classmates on how lovely they looked. As everyone started to settle their belongings down in the ballroom, dinner was served. It consisted of: chicken, potatoes, and vegetables. Immediately following dinner, was a cheese cake dessert that led many couples to finish their serving before going to the dance floor. Class officer's, Chris Adams, Casey Bottomley, Kim Pace, Pete Riviello, and Kyle Sweeney did a wonderful job organzing the prom and made the night a great success. This prom will always be remembered as "One Moment in Time."

Sommer Tracey models her beautiful prom dress before sitting down at her dinner table. Many people will remember the prom for the long wait to get into the ballroom. Bryan Minott gets ready to retrieve a glass of soda for his date, Debbie Turlington. The prom featured a soda stand where couples could get drinks all night.

Karen Keating and Mike Lemon patiently wait for their dinner to be served and both agreed that their latest AP English assignment was difficult.


Matt Gramond and Karen Onorato are one of the first couples to dance. Many people were finishing their delicious cheese cake desserts before making their way to the dance floor.

Jason Hayes, Kristen Woods, Ryan Corey, and Leslie Kaye practice smiling for the camera as they wait for their picture numbers to be called. Some couples missed their time to get their picture taken because they were too busy dancing.

The prom was a good time for classmates to become reacquainted after being away from one another due to the second year of block scheduling. The prom allowed students to catch up on the latest gossip.

Todd Martin makes sure he gets into the picture with good friends Joe Salerno, Erica Allen, and Galen Mooney. All have been together since ninth grade and are looking forward to their senior year.

Jared Lopatin's friendly face can be seen throughout the halls of SHS. Not only is Jared a good dancer, but he is also a very talented actor and singer.

Good friends Jean-Marie Urglavitch and Christine Seeley give us one of their cheerleader smiles to show they are having a great time.

The Senior Prom is a night for friends and fun. This happy group, consisting of Jim Sawyer, Pat McGinty, Christine Crowe, Lisa Seminole, Dan Sullivan, Shaina McGrath, and Luke LeTourneau take a break from dancing and show us what a great time they're having. Through the years, all of the students have become good friends.

Gulmira Nurseitova, an exchange student from Kazakhstan, and her date, give us sly smiles. Attending this formal is one event she will never forget.

Kim Wright squeezes in next to Chrissy Miller and Phil Kramer. Their elegant dresses are just samples of the beautiful attire of the night. LEFT: Nicole Cerone is glad to flash us one of her memorable smiles while her date Pat McBride makes sure she isn't the only one in the limelight.


Angela Matthews and her date crouch down for a quick snapshot before returning to the dancing.

Meredith Dutton is ecstatic to be surrounded by her friends, Colleen Heath, Mandy Joachim, and Abby Peifer, although it might have been different if she know joksters Matt Medici and David Rodgers were trying to get in the picture.

The Senior Prom was a time to make memories, treasure friendships, and remember the good times. On May 29, 1998, the class of '98 gathered for one last dance at the Marriott Hotel. Girls in exquisite dresses arrived arm in arm with their tuxed dates. Coming out of limos, trolleys, and cars, the smiling couples waited anxiously for the night to begin. The cameras flashed endlessly, the dinner was eaten, and the party finally began. The wonderful DJ played recent hits as well as old-time favorites and everyone danced along. Friends laughed and cried as they held on to every moment. With joyous hearts and open arms, they made it a great dance. At the end of the night, \\1 Will Remember You" was played and indeed, that night will never be forgotten.

Geoff Hutton doesn't seem qUite as pleased as Janice Hohenstein to have their break interrupted. After dinner, these tables and chairs are available to any who are escaping from the hectic dance floor.

Stephen Land and Kimberly Shaffer cuddle together for a perfect picture. They are delighted to be sharing their unforgettable night with each other. This excited group, with Matt Murray, Paui Antenucci, Jeff Lawler, Bill CarrolL Lauren BickeL and Greg Kotsornithis, sit at one of the dinner tables waiting for the night to begin.



The Decades

On May 29th, after an exciting evening of laughter, dancing, and socializing at the 1998 senior prom, students returned to SHS to continue an endless night of celebration. Decorated by devoted senior parents, a 1950s through 1980s theme was presented throughout various parts of the school. The loading dock was transformed into a time machine, while activities, food, and games awaited inside the school. Some activities included a velcro-wall, the human fly-trap, and caricature drawings.


Students also participated in air hockey games, hula-hoop contests, and gladiator battles. Also organized by the parents were prizes, such as gift certificates and even a brand new car, which Brooke Werely was happy to bring home. Tying in with the appropriate prom theme, \\ I Will Remember You, " this occasion of fun, games, and good times gave the seniors some extra memories of Springfield High School.

Mandy Joachim and Phil Gerace challenge Andy Plank to a game of Badminton. Andy shows them why he was chosen as Outstanding Male Athlete 1997-1998. Jill Harding and Shoun Cuilen try to find their baby pictures that many senior parents donated.

Carla Miller and Donna McCabe were given the chance to become sumo wrestlers. They had a tough time fighting each other, considering their wonderful friendship.


Beth Milkowski and Sara Magenheimer are having a great time playing Air Hockey, which was one of the games set up for prom-goers.

Christine Seeley finally gets the chance to show Student Council friend Sam Conlan who is boss for a change.

Friends, Lauren Kramp and B.J. Lucey, are having a great time at the Post Prom Party. They stopped what they were doing to smile for a picture, so they could cherish this night forever.

All who attended the Post Prom Party had a chance to get a caricature done. Sitting for the artist was a way for the attendees to cool down and take a break from the more physical activities.

Seniors Lisa Seminole, Shaina McGrath, Jamie thompson and Barbara Liesenfeld seemed happy to share their good times with underclassmen Todd Martin and DJ Starr.

There were many games set up in the blue and gold gyms where seniors could win money that later made them eligable for door prizers.

Casino games lined the hallway to the gold gym. By playing these games, students tried to multiply the money they were given when they arrived.

On June 11th, with the school year dwindling to an end and comencement looming ahead of them, the class of 1998 gathered for yet another night of dancing, talking, and looking back. The Senior Party, a longtime tradition at SHS, proved to be another success. Held at the elegant and award winning Towne House, the seniors were treated to a fine meal and hours of fun that lasted far into the night. The seniors spent time signing yearbooks, remembering all the times

behind them, and anxiously awaiting the next night when they would officially become Springfield High School graduates. A new chapter in their lives was about to begin and being able to share that with the people they knew best is just what The Senior Party is about. A final farewell, a last bash, and hopefully, a gateway for many things to come is what this year's Senior Party instilled in out students.

Right: BJ Lucey trys to recall as many memories as possible while signing a friend's yearbook, Not only has BJ received many sports awards, but she was also a member of the homecoming court this past fall. BJ will have many more yearbooks to sign as the night goes on and hopes she can get some dancing in.

Colleen Connor, a member of the girls Field Hockey and Lacrosse teams, smiles with her friend JT Falls. They are both anxious for the following night when they will both be able to put on their cap and gown and prOUdly display their diplomas.

Sara Tourscher and Chrissy Bradshaw are as close friends as many people can find, They are in many clubs together and are even copresidents of a few,


Below: Sean Duffy, Korin Davis, and Donna Viso take time out from their dancing to smile for the camera. These three are all involved in many activites, such as choir and community service, and that has helped them to form friendships with each other as weli as many other peopie.

Matt Murray and John Brasko are friends both on and off the lacrosse field. Here, they smile with friend Beth Kutyn and hope that this night will continue to bring memories that they can share later.

Class officers of the class of '98 stop outside for one last group photo. Shawn Cullen, Matt Polidoro, Chris Polidoro, Korin Davis, and Colleen Connor are all leaders and have put in huge amounts of time organizing numerous activities.

Nothing is better than sitting around with friends and talking about all the fun that you had in high school. These seniors are happy to be moving on, but sad to be leaving their friends behind. Martina Sebova spends time with Brooke Canale. Brooke is one of the many American friends that Martina has made since traveling from her homeland in Slovakia. Graduating as a part of the class of 1998 was a special event that she will never forget.

The students of SHS dance every chance they get and this night was no exception. With DJs pumping out hits all night, it was fun to just kick back and dance the night away.

The Student Council of SHS presented the Second Annual Father-Daughter Dance on Saturday, April 18,1998. The dads and daughters made their way through the decorated cafeteria for pictures, dinner, and dancing. The couples had their pictures taken at the beginning of the night as DJ, Paul Toner, started playing some music by such artists as Billy Joel, Elton John, and The Beatles. After dinner, fathers made their way toward the dance floor to show their daughters how well they move. With reddened faces, the daughters decided to join them. At the end of the night, the couples danced to "Daddy's Little Girl" and left the cafeteria with smiling faces, Clearly, the night was enjoyable to all who attended. AT RIGHT: Shaina McGrath, Christine Crowe, Lindsay D'Esposito and their dads shared some great band memories at their table. Everybody enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner as they feasted in the school cafeteria.

The Father-Daughter Dance was a night that friends and families got together to spend a time of fun, food, and dancing.

Erica Allen and her father sing the words to many of the DJ's songs. Wonder if they remember the words to "Daddy's Little Girl?"


Senior, Brooke Canale leads her Dad in a linedance across the dance floor. Brooke has been dancing for many years and enjoys every minute of it. Now we know where she gets her moves.

Sarah Kadis dances to a fast song with her father, Many daughters were seen showing their dads the latest dance moves,

Mr, O'Brien rocks the night away with daughter, Megan, All girls and their fathers enjoyed spending time together,

Brooke Werley and her dad, Athletic Director Skip Werely, take time to pose for the camera, Both of them are happy because of how well the girl's lacrosse team did this season,

Sarah Magenheimer and her dad "swing" to the music of DJ, Paul Toner, One can see that both are having a fun time dancing to many "Oldies,"

The Senior Citizen's Prom is one of the most anticipated events of Springfield High School's Community Service Club. Planning for this dance started months in advance and the students spent hours getting donations, decorations, food, and prizes, The day before the prom, the students, along with the help of Susan Descano and Ruth Snyder turned the cafeteria into a flourish of balloons, streamers, and dozens of flowers to go along with this year's theme which was "Showers of Flowers" On the day of the prom, after the workers put the last touches on everything, the Senior Citizens arrived in full force. They immediately began dancing to the DJ's classic songs and talking to people they hadn't seen for quite a while, As the night went on there was a buffet dinner, door prizes were given out, and a King and Queen were announced, The prom continued on for several more hours until the weary but satisfied attendees ventured out into the rain to go home. Everything was returned to normal and by school the next day, the 1998 Senior Citizen's Prom was just a memory. A good time was had by all and everybody is looking foward to making next year's prom just as great.

Above: Donna Visa smiles as she dances to the Chattanooga Chao Chao,

Chrissy Young pauses from a conversation to have a picture taken, One of the most rewarding parts of the prom is meeting new people, Right: Jeff Delizzio is being taught how to dance to the traditional "big band" music of the past. Left: Kristen Stewart and Katie App work hard on preparing name tags for all the senior citizens. Much preparation is needed every year for this popular event and hours are spent getting ready for the big day.

Matt Polidoro takes a break from serving the senior citizens to have a little fun, Often times the senior citizens will ask the students to dance with them as well as teach line dances,



National Honor Society


Mr. Bartow congratulates Casey Bottomley as she receives her certificate of induction. The certificate is a reminder of this special honor.

During the induction, the lighting of a candle represents the passing of knowledge. Dayna Johnson, Maria Kasapis, and Megan Kasmer focus, knowing the Importance of this tradition. Both sisters and NHS members, Katy and Beth Theranger take time to smile for the camera. Katy was the NHS President for the 97-98 school year. Beth also shows her companionate side as she hugs Katie App.

Friends and fellow scholars, Megan Kasmer and Joe Saunders make it aware that they are very happy to receive this honor.

Every year at the same time dozens of 3 page packets are given to selected sophmores and juniors who have upheld a 3.5 GPA throughout their venue at SHS. Once these sheets of paper are covered in dozens of activities and endless hours of community service, several teachers decide to take on the tedious task of choosing which students will make the final cut and become members of the National Honors Society. This year 23 students were chosen to be inducted into the Springfield Chapter of the National Honors Society. Based upon each student's scholarship, leadership, service, and character these talented individuals are depicted to stand out from other students and be positive role models to their peers. It is considered high honor to be inducted into NHS and the responsibility that comes with it. We all wish the best of luck to these new inductees and that they may carry on the tradition of excelence in education.

Above: 1998 National Honors Society Inductees. 1st row: C. Young, J. Valentine, L. Timey, G. Thompson, B. Theranger, C. Moore, C. CiruccL M. Kasapls, D. Johnson, M. Kasmer. 2nd row: J. Saunders, A. Patel, M. Miller, J. Manning, M. Lemon, J. Bames, D. Bartow, C. Bottomley, G. DeLizzio, L. Hindley, M. JannettL H. Hunter, R. Lehman, A. LeGrand, J. Barber.



With only minutes remaining in their high school career, this excited group of seniors waits patiently to receive their diploma. riday, June 12th, was a day of both excitement and sadness for the class of 1998. It was the last day members of this class would be considered students at Springfield High School, but it also served as a beginning, for as their class motto states, this class has "Only Just Begun." This year's commencement was supposed to be a special one, in order to honor a truly unique class. Mr O'Brien had arranged for this year's closing exercises to be held outdoors on the football field, but Mother Nature planned otherwise. Torrential downpours moved commencement into the SHS auditorium, and although the grass and bleachers were dampened, the spirits of the class of '98 were not. The graduatesto-be had practiced for all weather conditions the day before, and their practice quickly fell into line. The class of '98 climbed the stage two-by-two, as the orchestra played Pomp and Circumstance to guide them. The class members anxiously awaited Mr O'Brien to call their names and oneby-one hand each student their diploma. At the end of the evening, the class of '98 not only had their official diplomas, but more importantly, twelve years of memories that they can carry with them throughout all the future adventures this class encounters.

f 1998

Longtime friends and classmates Pat McGinty and Lisa Seminole stop to congratulate each other before heading off to the post-commencement party.



NHS member Leigh Ann Eley is shown using one of her many talents, singing the Springfield high school alma mater.

Kelly Brown and Donna Viso spend some time together before they take separate routes next year.

Christian Eckman, known for his crazy antics with friends, proved he can also excel in academics. Here he is shown accepting the George Washington University presidential scholarship award.

Good friends Jill Harding and Nicole Cerone harmonize together for one last time at commencement. The two have spent countless years singing in plays and musicals together. Fellow NHS members Andy Lastowka and Amy Liesenfeld congratulate each other with a high five to add some humor to the serious business.


Commencement Awards Class of 1998

Springfield High School Athlectlc Field

Friday, June 12, 1998'

6 p.m.


Lions Club of Springfield Science A_rd Science Department A_rd American Chemical Society, Exallence in Chemistry Social Studies


Art D<partmenl Award .•.••..•••.•.•.•..........•.•..•••.•..................•••.•..••..•.......................•.....•....••• Anna B. Malsbary John V. DeAngefis Art Education Award .........••.••.••............•.......••..•..•..•••.........•...........••.•....•. Clara B. Condo

Robert Duignan Menwrial Social Studies Awdrd Lions Club of Springfield Social Studies A_rd Social Studies D<partm<nt A"""d

Administr.tive Technology

Richard K. Smith Menwrial BusintSs Educa!ion Award Guy and Rose HArding Mnnoriol BusintSs Education Award AdministratiT>< Technology D<partmenl Award

Michelle T. Tinney Vanessa E. Falcone Colleen P. Dorrian

Isab<l L. SWIl7lk Mnlw""l Scholarship

TY Video Production Tara L. Jordan Abigail L. Montgomery and Adam J. Reger Jan!ce L. Hohenstein : Jared E. Stevenson

Fante's Gourmet and IGtch<n Wares Shops, Culinary Art Award CJUJd !Je'O<lopment, Outstanding Student A_rd

Industrial Arts Jeremy R. Dam!a and Lisa A. Seminole Matthew P. IDackbrun Patrick Ibbotson Laura A. Thomas Matthew M. Nesbitt Robert W. Bollinger Shaina C. McGrath


Janie< B7lU<7IOr Mnnorial ScJrDLuship Lions CIJlb of Springfield MJlthe:matics A"""ds The Wil/imn S"..ueman MJlthe:matics AWIlrd

Nicole M. Cerone Christian P. Eckman Barbara J. Liesenfeld


Flora Auld Mnnorial Music A"""d .._ Band and Orchestra Parmts' A"""d Music Departm<nt Vocal Music A_rd Dr.,.,1 Hill Music Club, E=llDJa and Smria A"""d Woman's Club of Springfield Music AWIlrd Albm Desid<rio Menw";"l Scho1Jlrship

Nicole M. Cerone and Shaun P. Duffy

Vocation.l-Technical Awards Joseph T. Blubello Danielle E. DiCristino Charles M. Hall

Aristeidis Harris John Makovec Nicholas V. Rossano

Brent C. Ruppert Michael Socha Keith B. Taylor, Jr.

Kimberly.Qark Found.tion Hi-Q Daniel S. Cho Shaun M. Cullen

Matthew P. Blackburn Christine N. Bradshaw Brooke M. Canale Samantha L. Conlan Laura R. Cuorato Jeremy R. Damia Nikki A. DeAn$elis Colleen P. Doman Bryan P. Dougherty Shaun P. Duffy

Megan A. Donohue F.culty Service Aw.rds Leigh Ann E. Eley Patrick Ibbotson Sarah A. Kadis Steven A. Kozlowski Luke LeTourneau Jill K. Lynam

Eliza~~'Ui~~ki Matthew M. Nesbitt Shilpa H. Patel

Christian P. Eckman Andrew M. Lastowka

Josette Perusso Christian J. Polidoro Matthew A. Polidoro Jull M. Santangelo Martina Sebova Christine M. Seeley Jared E. Stevenson Steven T. Szewczyk


Organization Aw.rd. Michael J. Davey Daniel S. Cho, Emily E. Dambrink Andrew M. Lastowka Nicole M. Cerone and Jill E. Harding Abigail L Montgomery _ Scott L Lemon Steven T. Szewczyk

Physical Education Jane E. Brusch Field Hock<y A_rd Batbara J. Lucey Wilbw R. Schopf Physical Education AWIlrdS Barbara J. Lucey and Andrew R. Plank


Christian J. Polidoro Daniel J. Sullivan

Theatre Arts

Amanda C. Lewis Jean-Marie Urglavitch

Foreign Lango.ge Christine N. Bradshaw and Usa J. McGarvey Shaun M. Cullen and Abigail L. Montgomery Brijana L. Rapp and Steven H. Swan

Computer Aided Design A"""d Industrial Mat<rials AWIlrd Power T<eJmology A"""d Graphic Arts A_rd John J. Conn<rs Mnnorial Graphic Arts A_rd HArry G. Sl<WIlrt M<morialIndustrial T<t:hnology A_rd P<mcOr, Inc. GrapItU: Arts A"""d

Jeffrey &nlon Video Production A"""d Jeffrey &nton Computer Graphics A_rd

Springfield High School Theatre Arts AWIlrd

Family and Consumer Sciences

Fmteh Departm<nt AWIlrd Spanish Department AWIlrd Gmnan Departm<nt A_rd

Tara L. Jordan Christian P. Eckman Patrick C. McGinty S.E.T. Steven A. Kozlowski and Amber D. Muldowney Donna T. Repace

Jand G. Way C<rtificat< of Ac:hievem<nt


Jack Fielding Memorial Language Arts Award, Lions Club English Departm<nt Award The Hushion Achi<oem<nt Award Ellen Shattuck Simon journalism Award

Christian P. Eckman Daniel S. Cho Christian P. Eckman

Army R<s<roe National Scholar/AlhIde A_rd Army ROTC Scholarship

The American Legion School A_rd Greg CDmpbeU Menw";"1 Scho1Jlrship Dian< Ferrell Catldt Menwrial Scho1Jlrship C1Jlss of 1981 Schalarship

Elizabeth L. Milkowski and Christopher J. Rysak Bryan P. Dougherty Shaun M. Cullen MatthewT. Murray 5ara N. Tourscher Ryan M. Hastings

Organization Award. (Continued) Community 5C7Jice/Uo Club Award ......•....••..••••.•.•...•...•••..•..•................•..••.••..........•.••..... Laura R. Cuorato CongressiDnoI District· Scholar Athlete AWllrds Bryan P. Dougherty and Barbara J. Lucey William F. Crowell, sM, Achierlement AWllrd ...•...•••.•.•...•...•.••.• Barbara J. Lucey and Brooke M. Werley Adelaide <md Vincent Fa,.l/i Diversity <md Art AWllrd .•••.••.••....••..•.••••••.••..••...•.•.••••.• Kristin N. Kozlowski


Austin D. MAzzulo Scholarship ••••..••.••...•••..••••..••..•.••••••...•..••.• Rebekah E. Johnson, Ttmothy M. aLeary Patrick C. McGinty Charles A. McLaughlin Snuice AWllrd .•••..•••••..••.••..•••...•••.••.•••.•..•......••..•.••...•.......••• Christine N. Bradshaw Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Scholarship .•••••••..•••.••.•.•••••••..•..•..••••••••••..••••••.•.•••••..••••••. Keith B. Taylor, Jr. Na~onal Ho"'!r Society, ,?"tstanding Snuice ATl>lTd ••.•••...••....•..••:••.••.•••.••.••.•.••..•.••••• Bryan P. Dougherty National Merit Scholarship ..•••••••••.••••••••••••.•••...•••.••.•.••.••••..••••••.•.•• Daniel S. Cho, Christopher G. Gorman Adam J. Reger

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PAU, Prejudi&e AWII= UnWn AWllrd •••••.••••..•••.••••.••.•••••.•.....••••••••.••...••.•••.•••.••..••.•..•Ja.oo E. Stevenson Princip,I!'s Scholarships .••••••••••••••••••••..•.•.••••••.••.•••..••..••••.••••.••..•..•....•• Michael J. Davey, Amy J. Liesenfeld Barbara J. Liesenfeld, Katherine A. Theranger RDtary C1Ilb of Springfield Trade/Tech/Business School Scholarship .•••••.•••.•..••••.••.••••••••• Luke leTourneau John Makovec Peter Dobbs SaUer Memorial AWllrd .••••••...••.•.••••.••..••...•••••.•..••.••.••.••.••..•..••.•••..•••••••••.•••.•..••. Philip R. Gerace Shorter AM.£. Church, Community Education AWllni •.•••.••.••••..•••• Duane E. Jay, Ashley M. A. Lockley Drew E. Nelson

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springfield·Hanby Lodge No. 767, Free and Accepted MJsons of Pennsylvania .•..•••••.•• Charlene V. Hoder sHs Parents' Association for Women's sporls Positir>< Attitude ATl>lTd -_••..•.•••..•••..••••.••• CoDeenJ. Connor, Colleen P. Dorrian, Shilpa H. Patel IGmberly A. Sannelli, Lisa A. Seminole, Michelle T. Tinney sHs soazr Boosters AWllrd ••••••••.••.••••••..•••...••..••••••••.••••.•••..•..•••James T. Beatty and Matthew M. Nesbitt STAT Student Achi<roement A_rd Samantha L. Conlan


Tandy Technology Scholar, Outst<mding Math/Science/Computer Science Student •••••.•••.•••• Daniel S. Cho Tandy Technology Scholars, Academu: ExaRenee••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••.••.••.•• Daniel S. Cho, Shaun M. Cullen Christian P. Eckman, Andrew M. Lastowka, Abigail L Montgomery WPVI TV6, Best of the Class Abigail L Montgomery Woman's Club ofSpringfield

College, University, and Technical School Awards

Albright Colkge Presidential, Academu: Talent Gmnt Nalwnal Honor Soddy Scholarship ••..••.••.••.•..•• Sarah A. Kadis Presidential Dean and N~wnoI Honor Society Scholarship Christine M. Seeley AI1enlown College of 51. Francis de Sales, De Sales Scholarship Colleen M. Sullivan American Unit'<TSity, Dean's Scholarship Sanjana T. Karim Betroer College, College Scholarship .•.•..••.•••••.•••..•••.••..••....•••.•••.•••.••••. Tamima Ahmed and Laurey A. Rayer Boston University Trusta Scholarship •..•.••.•.••.•••••.•...•.•..••..•••..••.••..•..•.••••••••••••••••••..••.•...•..•..••..•...•..••.•••••.• Shaun M. Cullen Merit Scholarship Christian P. Eclanan Cabrini College . Achiel7ement Scholarship .••••.••.••.•••..••...•••••••..•.•••••.••••••••••••••••.•••.•••.•••••.•••••.•.•••••.•••....••.•••••James T. Falls Challenge Grant .••••••••.••••.•......•.••..•••.•.••.•••••.•..•.••..•••••••.•••••••.••••. Joseph A. Lannutti and Jill K. Lynam Cmle~ Mellon University, InstitutwnoI Scholarship Shaina C. McGrath Cathalu: University of Pennsylvania, Alumni Scholarship Jayne E. Bowen Dickinson Colkg<, TFT College Grant : Sara N. Tourscher Drexel University, Anthony J. Drexel Scholarship Jason T. Stolnis, Steven H. Swan James M. Turner Efizabdhtown College PTOTJOSt Scholar Tara L. Jordan and Sara N. Tourscher Presidential Scholarship •.•.••••••••.••..••...••••..•..•••••.••••••..••.• Amy J. Liesenfeld and Barbara J. Liesenfeld Fmnklin <md MarshaU College Presidential Scholarship Tara L.Jordan John MArshall Scholar Amy J. Liesenfeld 3nd BarbaraJ. Liesenfeld PennsylNnia Scholar .••.•..; Sara N. Tourscher Fmnklin Pierce College, sUC<%5S Grant Emily E. Dambrink


Grinnel College, Starr Scholarship Sanjana T. Karim Johns Hopkins UniTJeTsity, Athletic Scholarship ••..•••••••••••.•.•••.••.••••..••••.•.••••••..••..•..••.•...•.•••.••.•. John M. Brasko Johnson and Wales University, Presidential Scholarship Emily E. Dambrink Lehigh University, Dean's Scholarship •••••.••••••••.••.•••.••.•. Christian P. Eckman and Andrew M. Lastowka Loyola University, Academic Scholarship Daniel P. Ferry Lycoming College Nikki A. DeAngelis and James M. Turner MJmhatton College, Leadership AtDaTd Joy E. Pinter Messiah College, Pr"""s!'s Scholarship Rebekah E. Johnson Moore College ofAnand Design, Presidential Scholarship and College Grant ••••••.•••••.••.••..••. Diane DeSanto Mount 1dsJ Callege, Edith Folsom HaIl Scholarship ••.•••••••••••.••••••••••.•••.••.••.•••.••.•••.•••.••.• Emily E. Dambrink Mount St. MAry's College, Merit Gmnt Marie K. Cook N<1l1 York University, Faculty Scholarship , Daniel P. Ferry Nonheastnn University, University Gmnt Daniel P. Ferry Pace University, Incentir>< AWllrd .....................................................•••.•••••.••.••••.••.•.•••••.• JuIi M. Santangelo Pennsylvania State University Acd:mic ExaRence and CaRege of Enginemng Scholarship Christian P. Eckman Freshman Incentro. Grant James T. Falls Philadelphia CoRegeofTexli1es & Science Faculty Grant Gregory W. DeSio and Matthew M. Nesbitt Faculty Scholarship .•..•.••.•••••••••••.••.•.••••.•••.••..•.••.••••••••.•••.•••••••••..•..••.••.••.•••.•••.••.••. Kathryn R Harbison

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CoDeg., Univenity, and Technical School Award. (Continued) Rensselaer Polytechnu: Institute, Mmalist ..•••.•.•.•.••.•••.•..•..•.•.••..•••.••..••.••.••••••.•••.••.••.••.•.• Christian P. Eckman Rikr University, Dean's Scholarship Donna McCabe RDchesIer Institute of Technology Presidential Scholarship •.••••••••.••.••_ Christian P. Eckman Presidential <md Alumni Scholarship .••••••.••.••.•••.•.•••••.••.••••.••••••••••.•••••••.••..••.•••••.•.••• Shaina C. McGrath Rosemont Col/ege Trustee <md Alumni Scholarship .•••••••••.•••••••••.•••.•••••••..••••••.•••••••••••..•.••••••••••....•..•.••••• April R. Tomarelli Founder's Scholarship .•..•••.•••••.••••••••.••••.•••.••.••.•••••.••.••.•.••.•••••••.••.••.•••.••...•..••••••••••••••• Sara N. Tourscher St. Joseph'. UniTJeTsity AcademU: Incentir>< Grant •••••••••••••••••••••..••.••.••..•..••.•..•.••.••.••••.••.•••••.••..•••.•••.•.••••.•..•••••••••••••Joy E. Pinter Ac1Iiemnent Scholarship :.• Loui. J. Haverty and Matthew V. Medici University Scholarship Lauren M. Osciak and Katherine A. Theranger PresidentiaI Scholarship E1izabeth L. Mil!:owski sJ<SIfIIdtanna UniTJeTsity, Dean's Scholarship ••.•••.••••••.•.••.••.••.••.•_•.•, Christine M. Seeley symcuse Uniumity, Dean's ScholArship Shaina C. McGrath Tem,k University, Temple Scholar ATl>lTd _••.•• Colleen M. Sullivan University of the Arls, Promising Arlist AtDaTd .•_ Kristin N. Kozlowski University of De1aTI>ITe, Scholar ATl>lTd •••••.••.•••••••.•••••••• Laura R. Cuorato, Sarah W. Hay, Tara L. Jordan Carla P. Miller, Brijana L. Rapp, Steven H. Swan University ofIUinois, James NervtIm MJl/Ihews Scholarship CHP Scholarship, ECE Outstanding Scholarship .•_ Chrislian P. Eckman University of Maryland, Presidential Scholarship MichaelJ. Davey University ofMiami, George E. Merrick Scholarship •••••••.••••.••.••.•..•.••.••..••.••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Daniel P. Ferry University of Pittsburgh, University Scholarship Katherine A. Theranger University of Scmntlm, Loyola Scholarship ..._••.•••••••••••••••.••.•.•••.•••• Bryan P. Dougherty, Louis J. Haverty Michael M. Quinn Ursinus CoUege steinbright Scholarship Amy J. Liesenfeld and Barbara J. Liesenfeld Ursinus Scholarship James M. Turner Washington College, AcademU: Scholarship •••••••••••••••.•.•_.Katherine A. Theranger and Sara N. Tourscher Washington <md Lee University, George Washington Honor Scholarship ••••••••.•••••• Abigai1 L Montgomery WosIey College, Presidential Scholarship _ Marie K. Cook West C1tester Unir><rsity, EIizabetlt O'Byrne Bon '41 Scholarship _ Brijana L Rapp WesImI Maryland CoRege, Academic Scholarship _ •.•••••.•••.••.•••••••••••••.•••••••••.••••.• Matthew M. Nesbitt Widmer, University, Presidential Scholarship ••.••••••••••••••_••.•..•.••• _Jeremy R. Darnia, Amanda L Joachim Matthew V. Medici York Col/ege, Dean's Scholarship •••••••_ __._ _•••••••.••••••••••••..••.••••••••••••• Andrew L. Shipley

Springfield High School Special Scholarshi~ MJ:G<melZuUi MemoriaI Scholarship Mary Carloni George A. Pag<l1lD Scholarship ••••••.•••••••••.•.••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.••.•••••. Christian P. Eckman Florence D. 5cioscia MemoriaI Scholarship Andrew M. Lastowka James W. BraunsdiJrfMemorial Scholarship Denise M. Newsom


Mike Davey shows how much older he feels now that he has graduated High School. Mike could be seen during marching band season showing off his leadership skilis as a drum major,

Phil Gerace takes a break from sweating it up on the dance floor to cool off with some water ice provided by Pop's,

After the formal commencement business was finished, it was time for everybody to relax and have a good time, The now graduated Class of 1998 headed to the Springfield High School cafeteria to meet with friends, family, and their favorite teachers for one last group party, There were mixed emotions of both joy and sadness as friends are both excited to have graduated, but dismayed to be parting ways with those they have spent their entire lives with. The festivities included some of your favorite mall foods such as Auntie Anne's pretzels and Chic-Fil-A Chicken. Once the number of parents and relatives diminished, the dance party began. The cafeteria was transformed into a wall to wall dance floor packed with energetic graduates and their underclass friends. The crowd danced into the morning when the celebration finally concluded at 1:30 AM. The parents of the graduating class prepared an enjoyable and memorable night for the Class of 1998 to cherish forever,

Luke LeTourneau celebrated his graduation by dancing the night away, while friend and classmate Matt Nesbitt opted for eating and socializing with friends,


lior Barb Liesenfeld gives a few pointers to junior Karen Keating on her lacrosse game. With b moving on to the College of William and Mary, Karen will have to help lead the team to )ther victorious season,

ah Kadis congratulates classmate Shilpa Patel after comncement. The party featured Toner Sound productions, and iverse selection of food ranging from pizza and hot dogs to :j chicken and nachos.

Nikki DeAngelis and Lisa McGarvey are glad to have finally made it through all four years of high school. They are even more excited for the upcoming summer where they plan to go to the beach.

Christine Seeley will miss friend and fellow cheerleader Kristen Dunderdale next year while she is at Dickinson. They party together one last time in school with food and dancing,

SUPPlement Staff: DJ Starr RJ Voo Katie App Megan Kasmer Jeff Tirney Chris Peters Lindsay D'Esposito Lauren Tirney Ron Lehman Scott Wueschinki Colleen Kirby Chuck Pulsfort


Lisa Mattei Michelle Miller Ashley Weinberg Steve Underwood Pete Riviello Grace Wang Christi Bailey Alison Ermilio Gina Thompson Jonothan Gorman Anthony DeFrancesco Kristen Stewart

Katie Dubil Ellen Rundbaken Jon Jenkins Candice Cavicchia Laura Feliciani Lauryn Tirney Vince Vanni Karen Calvello Alexis Viso Michelle Eley Chris Starr Liz Bell

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