mething Something to talk about. .............................. l
(JpeninA Something to do .. ................ ......................... 2
5tudentZcfe Something to be a part of.......................... 22
~ttllit1t4 Something to cheer about. ......................... 62
5rutf4 Something to inspire ¡ us............................ l 00
7acu!tf} Something to grow from ........ .................. 116
71Mhmtn Something to contribute ........................... 130
5opho1Mtt4 Something to aim for. ............................... 144
}tutitJM Something to be proud of........................ 158
~ W e gave them something to talk about. .. 224
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to talk about
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TO TALK ABOUT Scri ve ner 2001
Springfi eltJ Hi gh School
Volum e 67
Something To Begin With. • • On September 6, 2000, the halls of Springfield High School were once again filled with students and faculty who were excited about the upcoming school year. The faculty welcomed students back from summer and into the new school year with smiling faces and lots of homework. The seniors were enthusiastic for all of the events and privileges that senior year entails. With a sense of maturity, the junior class came back to Springfield High with the new-earned
status of upper classmen . No longer the youngest class in the school, the sophomores were able to calmly enter the school without the fear of getting lost . On the other hand, the freshmen were obviously unaccustomed to the
larger school, which will be their home for the next four years . N ew haircuts, new clothes, summer tans, and new attitudes were prevalent in many of the students on the first day of school. Some students were ready to pick up where they left off last year, while many others anticipated a fresh new start. The first day of the 20002001 school year proved to be successful in all aspects; this was a good indicator of what to expect throughout the year.
StudentS Patrice Hughes, Valerie Nesbitt, Ashley ColantcmiQ; -and Kerin Sweeney all gather in the main lobby, their usuaf meeting place, before the first day of their junior year. These girls are glad to now be upperdassmen of the school. Even though their faces are all smiles, it is an unhappy day for these juniors who were not happy to see their exoung .'~ufl~lm'~r vacation end. Even girls have been up the past two weeks voHeyball, and T~,Jackie
Disney World always is a great summer location for fun in the sun. Sophomore Chris D' Esposito traveled down to Florida. He wishes he could be a super hero just like Buzz Light year.
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People to People is a very popu lar program that students utilize to travel the world. Heather Organtini used People to People as an oppourtunity to travel to Scotland and England. She is pictured at the London tower.
Thirty-five members of the field hockey team decided to go to Penn State's team camp. Pictured is part of the va rsity squad with their coach Deeda. Th ese ladies decided to use their summer to imp,rove their field hockey game.
Senior Kristi Soroka visited Costa Rica th is summer to bru sh up on her Spanish, Kri sti is pictured here with her host fam ily, Carlo s Luiz and Maria Paz.
Ryan and Brett Mooney travel w ith their fami ly to Va il, Colorado for Brett's lacrosse tournament this sum mer. Here th e brothers, and their sister, are pictured at Pike's Peak.
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To keep up with the change that comes along with the passing of time, things are continually changing at SHS . With the filtration of new teachers, programs, and curriculum, things rarely stay the same. The class of 2004 has a new reading program to be completed throughout their four years at SHS that is a graduation requirement. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have more credits to complete than the present seniors. However, to the dismay of many, seniors must have an A average to be exempt from final exams. To the advantage of many, Dr. Kelly made a change in the distribution of gold passes this year: all senior students received a gold pass in the beginning of the school year unlike other years when a student's past record determined eligibility for the pass. To keep with the movement in society, our school must constantly update our programs, therefore, we always have something to get used to.
Dr. Kelly has made many changes for the 2000-2001 school year. One of the various controversial issues the change in the senior exemption from finals. Brian Morrison is studying in the GIS room in hopes that he does well in class, he won't have to take his finals.
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Senior Kurt Eckman is pictured flaunting his gold pass. Now with a schedule full of studY balls, Kurt finally ~as earned his privilege to go home or leave school during those periods.
Senior Jeff Timey needs to get used to the fact that his schedule does not consist of all study halls. Catching a quick nap In Advanced Placement Physics ,probably is not such a good idea.
Mr. Heath is a familiar face in the school, but now there is a new prefix in front of - Coach. He is the new coach for the football team. The players love having him as a coach and it is apparent that he was the perfect choice for this coaching position.
A <::hange
the school day schedule was made which allows a passing time between first period and advisory. BeG.tlse of thiS, students ha\( a hance to stop at the cafeteria to ~ to eat. Sel'lror Dean Kemp needs a cup of coffee to sday. In
Something That Is In
junior Gena Starecky is logging onto her computer. She is trying to get onto the Internet and go to Napster's web page. Downloading songs off of the Internet is one of the new fads. Why buy a cd for seventeen dollars when you can burn the music for free? Even if students do not own a cd burner, they make a library of music from Napster and can access and listen to free music at all times.
joe Hill sports the flame tattoo on his back. joe also has a tiger tattoo on his shou lder. Many people, like joe, decide to begin w ith a black outline and later fill in the tattoo with co lor and additional designs.
One vehicle that is very popular this year is the Jeep Wrangler. Our parking lot at SHS is graced with the presence of multiple Jeeps. The one shown in this picture is owned by senior Jodi McHenry.
Ford Mustangs are a familiar sight in the student parking lot also. Senior Nick Gallo is hanging out at his car during study hall to make sure that nothing happens to his precious Mustang.
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Tattoos and body piercing are in fashion this year. Above is Jennifer Peruto and her fairy tattoo . Below, Lauren Santangelo shows off her back tattoo. Another new craze among teenagers is cell phones. Left, senior Dennis Gorgone is sporting his cell phone.
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For athletes, senior year is the season which they are hopeful to become captain. A captain is someone who shows leadership towards the team on and off the field. The captains of the field hockey team were Jackie Bowers, Diane Aitken, Mariana Orloff, and Shaun Dougherty. Captain of tennis was Carrie O'Connell. Leading girls soccer were Kristi Soroka and Lauren Goane. Guiding the boys team was Mike Petrylak and Jeff Tirney. The golf team captains were Ben Mortenson and Shane Werley. The captain of the volleyball team was Tina McKnight. The football captains were Dave Shell and Mike Levy.
As in years past, Homecoming Saturday was a busy day for all athletes. All sports, excluding football, had their games on their home field in the morning hours of Saturday, September 16, 2000. At 1:00 in the afternoon the football team faced Strath Haven on our home territory. Many of our fall sports teams proved to be successful on Homecoming, which made the day even more exciting. The Homecoming traditions of SHS were a memorable experience for all students, especially the seniors.
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? To the ri ght is the twin duo of Paul Triggiani and Brian Morrison, Th ese two w ill always be remembered for their shining and interesting views. Above is the hockey fa mil y of Sen ior Mel issa Kobasic and brother Pete, Th ese two spend their time on th e ice,
Above is the superstar Mirarch i family, w hich conta ins senior Marshall and freshman Chris,1 Marsha ll loves having a you nger brother. Below is Allison Harding with brother David, Th ese two add a lot of co lor to th e atmosphere of SHS'I
Above is the DelViscio sisters Kate and jaclyn. School is an extra bonding time fo r these two. To the left is Amy Moran-Thomas w ith yo unger sister Karen, The Moran-Thomas family brin gs intelligence to our schooL
Last names are not the onl y thin g that the Englishs share. Sara and yo unger brother Tim are both talented in music.
it is obvio us that Nico le and Megan are sisters. Not onl y do they look alike but are involved in various of the same activities.
Kristen and Li sa Woods share not only a fami ly but the same sense of style. Th ey are both wea rin g matchi shirts and neckl aces.
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Nicole Marcolongo and Erica Wi lliams have no reserves about showing their affection for younger siblings Erica and Wayne.
Matt Diamond and Lindsay Lustig show no mercy to their freshmen sisters jackie and Megan.
Rob Preston and Josh DiGiorgio ca n always count on th eir senior siblings Nate and Missy to lean on.
Clockwise, starting from the top- left: Seniors Tara Markowitz and j anet Bollinger pictured with sisters Kristen and Lisa, respectively. Cousins and seniors Courtney Openshaw and Hugh Wynne w ith M ike Wynne and Ash ley Openshaw. Sen ior Sam Ardary w ith brother Adam. The Hudson/ O ' Leary trio conta ining senior Betsy, Dan, and j en. Seniors Sarah Friel, jen Peruto, and Kristen Hidell with their siblings above them : james, Kelly Stackhouse, and j aime. Sen ior Wes Peterson is pictured with sophomore brother Hayden.
Senior jeff Tirney shows his brother Mike tough love for the ca mera. At SHS, you can find th ese Tirneys on th e soccer field.
Even though Gavi n and Danny may not be thrilled, Lauren Goane and Diane Aiken are excited to see their little brothers and greet them w ith a kiss.
Laura McShane, jen Sang, and Clare Chevalier w ith brothers Mike, Brendan, and john. Though the siblings are not matched, it is not hard to distingu ish w ho belongs to who.
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Jackie McConnell knows that no matter how stressed her senior yea r gets, she ca n always rely on sisters Kelly and Christin e to support her.
Field hockey star Shaun Dougherty and brother Kieran are posing for a quick shot in the cou rtyard. Kieran loves having a popular sister in high schooL
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Many think that these students are twins, but actually Angela Giuliani, Marie Mcintyre, and Kim Wagner are all older. They are pictured here w ith junior Brian Giuliani, junior Bernadette Mcintyre, and sophomore Robert Wagner.
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Senior Chris Guille loves having two siblings in Sprin gfield. Freshman Colleen and junior Andrew are always there fo r him. The Guille family cheers for each other on the athletic fields.
Rich Se nior DeMatteo can not believe that his younger sister Michelle is fina ll y in high school. It seems to him as if she is . too young to be at SHS, but he does enjoy seeing the sm ilin g face of his sister Michelle eve ryday.
Dan Lucey loves having his you nger brother here at Springfield to pick on. Dan and his brother Dave get to have an occasional wrestle or brawl in the hallways. Th ey are firm believers in tough love.
Chri stine Burke absolutely adores older sister Kiera and is happy to fina ll y share a school w ith her again . Both of these sisters have musical and athletic talent, it is obvioLis that it runs in the fami ly. Greg Rivello and brother Eric have more in common than being related by blood . Th ey have the same personalities and they have the same pose.
Th e Brady brothers are one of the funniest d uos ever to wa lk the hallways. Kevin Brady does not mind giving brother Eric a li ft to advisory, since th ey are right next door to each other.
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Seniors Jen Sa ng, Tina D iCroce, and Darcy Borden show th e band how to do one of their impressive dances. These se niors learned th ese dances w hen they we re just freshman, and now are passing them on to the yo unger grades. Th e song th ey are dancing to is one of the ir favorites, "Wipeout" .
Freshman Evan Davey can't find the hole in his hat to put his plume in . Freshma n in the marching band have to adjust to new things du rin g the season. Evan is finding it difficu lt sometimes to get it right.
Senior Bob Tomarelli and freshman Mike Carson are seen together many times during and not du ri ng marching band. Th ese two have fo rmed a friendship th at lasts after the ga me is done w ith.
Freshma n Christine Burke shows the perfect attention position while marching onto the fie ld during half-time. Christine was one of the freshman able to master all the hard marching positions.
Something to be a part of ...
Jractice for the season began in August, before school ;tarted, for the Springfield Marching Band. They worked vigorously for the season in the sweltering heat to pre)are for their half-time show. Their half-time show con;isted of three songs having to deal with space, which Nas the theme of the season. Songs from 2001, Mars,
Apollo 13, and Jupiter were played on the field to the crowd at the football games. The band also participates in several different parades including the ever popular Halloween parade. The band presents a night of letting loose with their Band-O-Rama. This night includes playing all their stand songs for the parents and the community.
J uring the annual Lo ck-In , Rob Wagner, Erin Dwye r, and Jackie Diamond participate n the pi e eating co ntest. Th e Lock-In is a chance fo r th e marchin g band to just rel ax md have a fun tim e. Th ough none of th ese thre e wo n, th ey stil l had a fun time trying :heir best to eat all th e pie.
Junior Va l Turner can' t help but laugh at how senior Jodi McHenry sticks out her ton gue. Th ese two have been fri ends since Va l was a fre shman . When th e band isn' t playing yo u ca n see Val and Jodi fooling around. Sad ly to say, th eir antics w ill be missed .
Being members of th e french horn section, th ese fo ur kn ow how to party. Junior Brian Giulian i knows that coo l people wea r sunglasses. If onl y sophomores Phil Runkel, Chri s D' Esposito, and freshman Eri c Riviello cou ld lea rn .
Drum Majors Janet Bollin ger, Aimee Boldosser, and Kim Wagner take a second to pose for this picture. Being drum majors, they have many responsibilities including preparing for th e season and co ndu cting the band o n th e field :
Brendan Sm ith keeps in time w hile playing his quads at a night foo tball game. Night football games are amon g the favorites of marching band members beca use many students come to cheer on th e footba ll tea m.
Color Guard
Here is the Color Guard marching along in the traditional Halloween parade. This is one of the fun times the Guard has because they are allowed to choose their own costumes. Many guard members dressed as Charlie's Angels and G.t. Janes. This event gives the guard the chance to let loose and have some much needed and deserved fun.
Guard member Michelle Eley shows off her favorite part of the performance. The guard performs all during the year but th eir favorite performance is at Band-O-Rama. Here, the guard gets to just have a fun time and show off all their amazing routines.
This year the Outdoor Color Guard put on a show that was just "Out Of This World!" Their season began in August with the band camp. They also had their own practices to make sure each girl knew the routine. It featured music from the movies "Apollo 13" and "Space Odyssey 2000." The guard had new outfits with shirts that were in a variety of different colors to go along with the space theme. One change that was brought upon the guard was a new instructor, Kelly Hensley, a student at West Chester University. Although the guard was not as big this year, the show was still a great experience. The half-time show featured the basics: flags, rifle s, sabers, and of course, dance. These things combined to add some excitement to the Cougar football season.
Guard members Jill Backall, So Hyun Kim, and Dixie Dunbar are dressed warmly for this end of the seaso n game . These three have enjoyed color guard ever since they were freshman. When the guard is not on th e field performing, they are in the stands dancing along with the great tunes coming from the marching band.
Something to be a part of ...
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ebecca Mi lls and Britt Ori are ready to start practi cing this morning. Since )rchestra is during first block, many students are not as awake as th ey wo uld e later in th e day, but Rebecca and Britt are more prepared thi s morning.
jun ior Patri ce Hughes is enjoying her tim e in Orchestra because she gets to spend tim e w ith her friends and play her favorite tune s. Patri ce has enjoyed her time in O rchestra ever since sh e joined as a freshman.
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nior j aso n Rodgers is passionately playing his ce llo. j ason has become one of e top members of th e ce llo section beca use he spends much of his time ¡acticing to make sure he gets all hi s mu sic right. j ason is a great addi tio n to e group and is a role model for all th e yo unger members of th e orchestra.
This year, the Springfield High School Orchestra worked extra hard to perform th ree successful con certs. The first concert was held in the winter, the second in February, and the third was the spring concert. At the winter concert, Mr. Cooper, the director, conducted the orchestra to the melodious tune "Finlandia," which the orchestra handled wonderfully. Be sides being strong in sound and pitch, the string section blended well with the brass and woodwinds. In January, Springfield hosted the District 12 Orchestra. The school, faculty, and community were very proud and worked hard to make sure the festival ran smoothly. Many of Springfield' s own musicians participated in this fe stival including Jasper Ho, Krista Feliciani, Rob Bell, Chris D'Esposito, Phil Runkel, Brian Giuliani, Kim Wagner, and Gregg Byrne.
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Wind Ensemble
Carrie Stewart and Bernadette Mcintyre are practicing intensely for the upcoming concert at Riddle Retirement Home.
Being the older and more experi enced band, the Wind Ensembl{ still knows how to party_ Thâ&#x201A;Ź band, consisting of mostly junior: and sen iors, plays many piece: that are considered at a high mu sic leveL Some of the more popu lar pieces were Bacchanale anc Variations on 'America_' The bane performs a fall concert and ( spring concert and also travels tc Riddle Retirement Home and pla~ for the elderly_ The band ha: many good times together anc many of its members can be see r in and outside of school together
Sophomore Becky Bogash is pictured pl aying her bassoon. Becky loves band because of the challenges that it brings to her.
Jenna Bratz is diligently working to learn her piece for the concert. Not only do members of band wor hard in class, they often practice at home.
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Something to be a part of ...
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reshmen Joe Morrell, Christine Burke, and sophomore Mike Tirney are members of the clarinet section . Because Mike is a sophomore he oesn't get to spend much time w ith Joe and Christine. During band period he has the chance to catch up with them on how things are going.
To the left, sophomore Brittany Dunbar is playing the bells. Being part of the percussion section gives the players a chance to try different instruments they would not norm ally play.
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To the right, sophomores Meg Th eranger and Kevin Stewart can be see in and out of the band room . Being a part of the band creates friendships that may last all four years at SHS.
What the Symphonic Band may lack in age and experience, it makes up in energy. This younger band consists primarily of freshmen and sophomores that may just be beginning to learn their instruments. The Symphonic band is a gro up that always has a great amount of improvement from the fall to the close of the year. The group's improving talent can be seen at its concerts. It is a great way to meet people when you first arrive at the high school and make everlasting friends.
B a n
Sophomore TJ Urglavitch concentrates very hard in getting out the right notes. Playing an instrument requires a lot of seriousness and dedication.
While hi s peer continues to keep his eye on the musi c, sophomore Dan Fischetti looks for a quick picture. Better get back to playing your sax, Dan!
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The chorus at Springfield may be one of the biggest organizations in the school. This group, composed entirely of students, spends countless hours perfecting music that will be sung at different concerts. The chorus performs a winter and a spring concert which is always enjoyed by the commu-
nity. The chorus consists of four different groups: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. This group also comes in many times for night practices which can be gruelling but get the group prepared, especially for Celebration of the Arts, which this year is in May. Many members of the group also
audition for District Chorus and Springfield is always represented very well at these festivals. The chorus, under the direction of Ms. Descano, is a group that will keep growing and growing at Springfield.
While practicing, the chorus members stand up to get a better breath for singing By standing, the person has a more clear passage to get air, which helps them havE a better quality in their vo ice. These cho ru ~ membe r s a r e g lad that the) can express thei l musical interes t ~ th rough s in g in ~ beca use it's dif. ferent than any¡ thing they have been involvec w i th before Choir is a way fo stude nt s t o ex p lore their per so nal talents.
Sophomore Joe Pizzica is trying to learn his music. Memorizing mu sic is one of the responsibilities cho ru s members have in order to prepare fo r the ir co ncert.
30~ '
Steve Botta is ve ry excited about singing his favorite song, " Hall e, Halle, Halle." This was one of the more popular songs sung by the chorus.
Carmen Tumaian wa its patiently to start singin: again . Many members enjoy the break choru s give them fro m all their academic courses.
Something to be a part of.. . .'
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Springfield Singers is a select group of singers designed to sing more difficult arrangements than those that the chorus performs. Springfield Singers can be seen many times at different games singing the national anthem. They can also be seen at Celebration of the Arts and the many different concerts they perform throughout the year. Springfield Singers is known for their amazing melodies. Britt Ori and A imee Boldosser love to participate in choir. Both girls are heavily invo lved in orchestra, chorus, and theatre. irs. Descano is rehearsing with Springfield Singers for their conce rt. le is excited for the conce rt because she knows that the groups are -epa red and w ill sing we ll.
Seniors Laura Mento, Kristi Soroka, Tara Markowitz, and junior Kim Helme have partcipated in Springfield Singers since freshman year. These four can be seen together in and out of the choir room.
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S Activities
STUDENT COUNCIL They are the organizers, the dictators, and the representatives of the entire student body; they are the Student Council. Each year the council prepares events that not only get us out of class early but also invoke our true school spirit. Spirit Day allows time in the day to devote our attention to Springfield's Blue & Gold. This includes the cheerleaders and other athletic groups. A Pep Rally is held at the end of the day which psyches everyone up for the football team's next big game. An annual bonfire is also an event brought by Student Council. Here everyone gathers around a large lump of burning coals while watching an opposing team's mascot melt at the summit. Other such activities brought to us by Student Council include Homecoming, Blood Drive, the Turkey Fund, Toys for Tots, Father Daughter Dance, badminton tournament, dances, and other events along the way. For everyone's information, the rally didn't bite. In
fact it was a lot of fu n fo r all. So what if the PA system wasn't wo rking. Student Cou ncil President Brian Morrison took the plac e of the machine and acted as a human microphone in orde r to keep the crowd alive. Brian's brother Paul Triggiani helped
by holding up this lovely sign.
Studen t Council Secretary Jen Sang plays an important rol e in the flow of all Student Council meetin gs. She takes attend ance as we ll as notes on topics discussed. Aside from Jen, each member of the Student Council has responsibilities wh ich maintain a productive govern ment.
Th e smell of burning wood and the image of an opponents melting mascot atop a pile of illuminatin g timber is an annual sight to be seen on Sprin gfield's practice football field . Th e Bonfire is a Springfield tradition.
Thou gh there are many members of Student Cou ncil, here are se ni or representatives, M ari ana O rlo and Jamie Thompson. Both Mariana and Jami e are a part of th e Activities committe e which responsible fo r organi zing the eve nts brought to us by Student Council. In addition to weekly meetinl for all memb ers, the Activ ity Committee occasiona lly holds their ow n get-togethers.
Something to be a part of ...
Athletic Advisory hirty-two Student-athletes of all sports are chosen ach year to be part of Athletic Advisory Council. !\iss Caffey and Mr. Werley enthusiastically lead this :roup. Athletic Advisory was assembled to build a Iridge between the student-athletes and administraion. They meet every Tuesday during advisory, and he first Monday of every month to discuss issues. )uring the football and basketball games you will ee them working at the concession stands selling Dod. Throughout the year they take turns reading he morning announcements and they hold various . valk-a-thons-and charity runs . One of the most po)ular events strictly run by the Athletic Advisory is he All Sports Picnic which occurs at the end of the 'ear. All athletes are invited to this picnic. It is a fun ~vent where all athletes can have fun playing games, vithout the pressure of winning!
M arie Carter, Jenny Digian, and Da n Lu cey are ju st a few of th e athl eti c ad viso ry members w ho helped o ut at th e con cess ion stan ds .
)n or off the co urt th e basketball team sticks together. :eon West, Mike Wynne, and Steve Fattori are hang¡ ng out at one of th e adviso ry meetin gs.
Miss Caffey, along w ith Mr. Werl ey, run th e athl etic advisory co uncil. Th ey have been doing it for seve n years, and are happy w ith th e grou p of athl etes th ey chose thi s yea r.
Freshman, Tahra Johnson is so excited th at she gets to rea d th e mornin g anno uncements. Kn owing how important th ey are sh e is trying hard not to laugh.
While the issue of the environment might be global, here in Springfield we have STARE (Students Towards Animal Rights and the Environment). This group of stu dents get the chance to deal with animal rights and the environment. They meet monthly at night to discuss new issues. Mrs. Dannaker, their advisor, along with the officers, plans many events including park clean - ups, fund raisers, and the Write-A-Thon . The Write-A-Thon, which joins Amnesty International and STARE together, gives students the chance to write letters about some issues that they feel strongly about. With all the enthusiasm the students put forth, the rewards that the community and other peers receive makes everything worth it. STARE might be acting locally, but their impact will affect everyone globally.
Sophomore Mike Tro ilo is co ncentrating on w hat he is going to w rite next. Bein g that this is Mike's second yea r in STARE he is used to all the hard work he must do . M ike is hoping he wi ll be able to finish all his duties before the meeting is over. Sen ior officer Kurt Eckman fee ls strongly about th e mistreatment of animals for human benefit. Thou gh he is not qu ite a vegan he is still ca utious of certain products that he purchases.
Taking a break from all their hard wo rk, Alison Shultz, Kurt Eckman, Bob Tomarell i, Eric Riviello, and Gary Rothera sit outside Mrs. Dannaker's room . Kurt and Bob try to show the underclassmen all th e fun they ca n have by being in STARE.
E 34
Something to be a part of ...
• tudent Coalition On Respect And Equality ;CORE) keeps busy recognizing other culJres, learning disabilities, and dealing with le issues of homosexuality with monthly . ight meetings. Students prepare and preent forums on different cultures at their lonthly meetings. SCORE also makes othrs aware of racism, discrimination, and Irejudice. The group held their Halloween )ance, sells candy grams, and holds a proJam for the general public. SCORE takes a Ireak out of their hard work to visit places uch as the Holocaust Museum, Balch InstiJte, and The African American Historical !\u seum. Advisor Mrs. Green, officers eadrea Sudler, Candis Brown, DeShauna ·aylor, Jen Griglione, and the rest of the lub do a fine job of teaching respect and wareness to other students regarding oth'r cultures, races, and ways of life.
Co-president Jen Griglione tallies up the money from the candy gram sale. Just before winte r break SCORE distributed candy ca nes to those w ho were to recieve candy grams from their friends. This is one of the many fundr a isers SCORE sponsors to raise money for their cause.
•hmed Karim gives a power point presentation fo r the grou p and also the 'arents at a monthl y night meeting. His was based on Ramadan, a reli gious ,oliday. They often have food afterwards for everybody to enjoy.
SCORE takes a break from the ir meeting during advisory to pose fo r a picture . During these meetings they discuss what their nightly speeches and guest appearances w ill entail. They also plan the trips they all look forwa rd to.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL The idea of political prisoners in the US is a rare circumstance. However, in many countries around the world political prisoners are the majority of its criminals. Amnesty International is a club here at Springfield that helps students become aware of uninviting situations in foreign countries. Such problems could include political prisoners, child labor, gender abuse, and many others. It is Am nesty' s job to write letters to these countries in hopes to ease the views of stern authorities. Every year at the Amnesty/STARE Write-A-Thon, students take time
Officer Brian Morrison is taking some time out from being an activist and is hanging out in the GIS room researching some new organizations for Amnesty to write to.
to write a lot of these letters. The members hope that their written pleas will either release prisoners or minimize other abuses. Like some other clubs at SHS Amnesty International doesn't only spread an awareness around the halls and classrooms, it acts globally.
Officer jen Sang diligently writes in this years WriteA-Thon. Though she is involved in many other activities, jen finds Amnesty to be one of the most rewarding, since she is unselfishly taking time to write letters in hopes to directly aid others in need .
junior Nahreen Ahmed and Senior Kevin Brady have both been part of the Amnesty/STARE WriteA-Thon for three years . They continue to come back knowing that what they do will help those in need across the globe. This club draws many people who have the strong opinions that Amnesty addresses.
Something to be a part of...
Freshman johnny Sang stops for a minute frofT writing his letter. johnny is writing to a dictator te release all his prisoners of war. johnny is verI excited to be part of such a worthwhile program.
,:; ;'
tlembers of Students Against Destructive )ecisions (SADD) try to help their fellow tudents to make smart choices in their ves. With this in mind, SADD sponsors lany activities throughout the year includ19 Red Ribbon day, the Alternative Bevrage Event, and Prom Promise. Mrs. Barler, the club's advisor, along with the Ifficers, works endlessly to make sure stuients realize the message SADD is trying to end out. SADD is very passionate about its ause and knows itis important for everyIne to be reminded of the effects of detructive decisions.
SADD member Ashley Colantonio is making sure th at she co unts out the ri ght amount of links for the chain of life. As hley has been involved in SADD ever since her freshman yea r and has enjoyed each yea r more than th e last.
miors Tim Hedrick and Dan Crowe put the finishing touches on th eir lin ks. Thi s ear students were asked to sign a lin k for th e SADD chain of life, w hich meant that ou wo uld not partici pa te in destructive decisions over w inter break. Tim and Dan now that thi s is a ve ry important event for SADD and they are making sure that . ve ry thing is done co rrectly.
Junior Kerin Sweeney (Secretary) and Sen ior Carl a D' Olio (President) pose for a quick picture before getting back to wo rk. Th ey bo th wo rk ve ry hard in order to spread SADD's message.
Seniors Clare Chevalier and Jenna Beaver just can't get enough of the gingerbread houses. Though the SHS students are slightl older than most of the kids that attend gingerbread making they still have fun. The program is also rewarding to SHS student because they know they are helping their community.
Junior Shane Werley has an advantage over most of th¡e other members, he is tall enough that he doesn't need a chair to string up the Chain of Life. He is smiling because he knows that SADD would be lost without his vertical talents.
Maureen Hiller and Carla D'Olio are close friends as a resu of their working together in SADD. Though clubs offered , SHS are rewarding because of the people being helped, the also benefit the members in that they make new friends.
Students Helping Students (SHS) has one of the most important jobs in the school. They are responsible for all the needs of the student population. They are in charge of running all the activities in the school that involve the community and the student population directly. This club is interested in finding other people who generally care about and want to help people. Their advisor is Mrs. Dannaker who is heavily involved with many other clubs. The club
acts as a "parent" club to SADD, STARE ASCE, and Amnesty International. Seeinl as they run or oversee the other groups Students Helping Students does not par ticipate in any of their own activities However, you can be sure to see man' SHS members in other activities a Springfield High School. Members of Stu dents Helping Students are never hesi tant to lend a helping hand whether it bE to a club or individual peer.
Something to be a part of ...
vlaureen Hiller, jill Backall, Aurelia Pontarelli, A nn M ari e Regan, Lauren Hutelm ye r, Alicia Corrato, and Anna Zi schkau are all 1aving fun makin g gingerbread houses. Thi s group of fri ends has been doing this fo r th e past co uple years and ho pes to co ntinue n akin g ho uses w ith th e youn ger children next yea r. Thi s group might have gotten messy, but at least th ey had fun doing so.
v\ elissa Ciurlino, Kira Gutter, Mike Levy, Meg Th eranger, jackie All en, and v\ eghan Borbid ge all say goodbye to th eir fri ends that th ey have made from th e ) rogram. Thi s group of students has been to th e activity for both days beca use :hey had so much fun their first tim e.
Being freshmen, this group of fri ends w ill be sure to co me back next yea r. Buil ding gingerbrea d houses al so build s relationships w ith th e children th at th ey w ill not fo rget.
After School Community Education (ASCE) is a program designed for high school students to help and reach out to the community. This year, one of the activities that ASCE participated in was the gingerbread house making, which invited children from all over the community to attend. This activity was one of fun and good times for the child ren and the students. This activity will surely continue through t he years here at SHS.
The Spri-Hian Newspaper has been a long loved tradition at Springfield , High School for many years. This year's editor-in-chief, senior Kym ' Benedict, works for many hours making sure every issue comes out great. The Journalism class meets everyday working hard reporting on many topics such as sport s, entertainment, news, opinions, and other student activities that are happening around school. The class may take place in Ms. Boenhing's room or the students might research articles on the internet in the computer lab. It is open to any students and encourages students to write to get published. Students enjoy receiving the newspaper during advisory. All four grades are represented in the newspaper, which gets many different perspectives on topics.
Freshman Aali Jauid is very excited about the information that he has found. He enjoys goin g to the comp uter lab; it helps him to write successful articles.
Something to be a part of ...
Mrs. Boenhing, the newspaper's advisor, looks over Dave Tourscher's latest article to make any lastminute corrections.
Literary Magazine
Even the ed itors of the Lit Mag get confused sometimes. Senior Laura McShane lo oks ove r the ro ugh draft of the magazine, but is having a little trouble since she is holding it upside-down.
Jme of the meetings are after sc hool in Mr. Zappacosta's classroom . Advisor Ir. Zappacosta, senior Kyndra Needham, and senior Brian Morrison look over le recently subm itted writings. Th ey have to decide w hich ones are the best. his can be a ve ry frustrating event.
The Literary Magazine is a compilation of the best writing at Springfield High. The Literary Magazine is made up of student's poetry, short sto ries, essays, and art. At anytime during the year students can drop their writings in the various bins throughout school. The editors-in-chief are Brian Morrison and Jon Jenkins, screening editor Laura McShane, publications editor Kyndra Needham, and advisor Mr. Zappacosta review the work and decide what will be submitted and published in the magazine. The Lit Mag is an opportunity for many students to get published and recognized for their accomplishments. The magazine is sold at Celebration of the Arts where family, peers, faculty, and other members of the community can see the students creativity.
en ior Kyndra Needham is doing some last minute editing to the recently Jbmitted entry. She is hopin g that she can get all her work finished before her eadline arrives.
enior Jon Jenkins is trying to get hi s favorite poem into the magazine. Sen ior aura McShane is frowning upon Jon's idea. She thinks it cou ld use some more ,diting before publishing.
Each year, the yearbook staff works feverishly to put out the best edition they can. Differer :; :from previous years, two editors were put in charge of each section: activities, senior~ ? underclassmen, sports, and faculty, along with our new art/photography section. The editc ( " for this yearbook was Carrie O'Connell and the assistant was Janet Bollinger. Being editc '.~" and assistant editor, these two had a lot of responsibility placed upon them. They made sur, .~ that everything was done on time and done correctly. Many students may not believe th '- J 0 "' amount of time it takes to put together such a big project on top of all the other activitie , , many of the members participate in. This year's Scrivener will bring many people th , <- () chance to look back and remember all the fun and not so fun times they had in high schoo (
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Dan 'Bowman and Karen Chaing know how t( ;., • < C. • •" : ' <:: i's staying day to help finish his yea rbook ~, ,,;, ')' " ~ " t ' (' P?ges:-jasopl was ?n th~ und e rda ~5 s~ctl~n ~ n'd contributed to a lot-of.the surveys ~ spread j.oy,around the holidays by b~ing tbe sport: editors for' this year. ~..~ 0':: ~ C ~ -: ; ; . ; v §aken. ~ " ")...,, \. :;.~ 1 v I
Something to be a part of ...
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':: _ C ~ Activities editors Gregg Byro e and Mariana Orloff -. are giving each other acbig hug. Theseotwo ,have,:, C be.en friends throu ghout high school. , ' ;
VIs. Longo never ge t~ a br-eak from working on yea r-~ Jook since she , is thS! advisOr. She is al;yays do ing ;o m ~t hi ng and n-eve'r has !ihHf to sit and relax.
Being a new secti6nJhis year, tqj ngs were hgrEl for Nahreen A hrued a nd M1 tt McCray, buf they'"ended w , up ha Qdli~g-::a ll the_new changes' well. ~ - r "':- C ... ) (' <: 0 c .., "";;. ;:, '" . . . .;. '" ~
Being ed itor-in-chiefis'a<lot'Of hard wp rk, but Carrie .o' Co nnell'is read/ tp handle anything that is throw n at her. :
JaQe( B6l1iA'ger wor~ed lo ~ g hours to make ·i ure ,everything ~as r jghffor tbis yea r' s Scrivener. Janete" can: never be seen' sleeping on th e- job, , - : c
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Operation Smile & Bocay Project Operation Smile/Bocay Project is an ever-growing organization that aids those who are truly in need. The club is led by four officers: Mariana Orloff (President), Amanda Gessay (Vice Pres~ ident), Ben Wood (Secretary), and Lindsay Lustig (Treasurer). This is the second year that Operation Smile has been both a fundraising organization for children with facial deformities and a financial aid to those in Nicaragua. In just one fundraiser, Penny Piles Make Big Smiles, this organiza-
tion was able to raise more than $4000. This was a result of the incredible generosity of SHS students and faculty. Once again, Mr. Trout and his homeroom raised the most. This year he was awarded a plaque for his outstanding contributions to the cause. Aside from Penny Piles, Opera- . tion Smile is looking to hold many more fundraising events. This includes frequent bake sales, a second annual Egg Day for elementary school students, and a toy drive among many others . . :~
Here we have the four Operation Smile/Bocay Project Officers . Clockwise starting with top left, Lindsay Lustig (Treasurer), Ben Wood (Secretary), Amanda Gessay (Vice President), and Mariana Orloff (President).
All three of the McConnell sisters, Christine, Kelly, and Jackie take part in fund raising for Operation Smile. Jackie bakes frequently in support of the club's bake sale.
Mr. Heron is the director of Operation Smile and has been for many years. It was his connections that brought the Bocay Project to SHS. Mr. Heron works closely with the officers to plan the events.
Something to be a part of ...
Mr. Trout is the undefeated champ ion when it' comes to the Penny Piles fundraising event. Members of his homeroom from left to ri ght, Christine Correnti, Nathan Clark, Melissa Ciurlino, Chris D'Esposito, Sue Cheung, Mr. Trout, and Cara Calvicchia.
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en iors Beth Hepler and Frank Wilson enjoy being Ms. Finnerty's aides. These two are a teacher's blessing because they are always eager help when needed. Many student aides are students who need an extra credit, but this doesn't matter because many teachers can use le extra help. This option is popular fo r sen iors who don't have enough credits. Beth and Frank use this time together to talk because ~ey don't have any other class together and fortunately, Ms. Finnerty doesn't mind much. J
Sen ior Steve Vescovitch is putting away books in the library. Students can work for the main office and gu idance also. Steve is happy that he is able to be a student aide for the li brary because of his love for books.
u d e n
One of the more popular activities at Springfield is being a student aide. Students can sign up to help their favorite teachers with many different things . Grading papers, running errands, and planning projects are some of the things student aides do.
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I Mrs. Driks-Moore is seen with her aide, Lea Capri, showin g her how to grade papers. Many teachers use their aides to help with the extra things that they don't have enough time to finish themselves.
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Senior Gail Harding is really excited that she is Ms . Longo's student aide. Gail can now work on some of her photography projects that she might have not been able to finish during class. Gail is also glad that she can use the time to talk to Ms. Longo, seein g as they are very close.
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Technology Help Desk
Adam Porsche hands Mrs . Dietrich the disk she need s to fix due to the latest virus on the computers. Mrs. Dietrich teaches the students how to fix many problems that happen to computers freque ntly. The program cou ld not have happened without her support.
Senior Wes Peterson shows his enthusiasm to be working with computers. Wes has been interested in comp uters ever since he can remember and Technology Help Desk gives him the chance to work w ith new programs. Wes is also glad because he can leave school to go learn more about computers than he eve r thought possible. Wes is an add e den j 0 yment to the class.
Evan Panek and Joe McBride take a break from testing out the new software for their computer class. Evan and Joe like to test the new software because it gives them a chance to see the program before anyone else does.
Have you ever wondered how it is that most of the computers throughout our school are constantly up and running without fail? That question can be answered by three words: Technology Help Desk. This course offered at SHS is being conducted as a pilot program in collaboration with the Delaware County Intermediate Unit. Students learn technical material through textbook and hands-on labs. These must be completed to pass the A+ Certification Test. With the passing ¡of this test the students may go on to be a CNA (Certified Network Administrator) or a MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional). The students meet every day all year. During their time together they may be learning new material, repairing computers and such around school, or spending an afternoon at the Delaware County I.U. SHS is very proud of this club.
Something to be a part of. ..
Senior Bill Carroll is trying to find out what the problem is with this computer. Technology Help Desk' s main job is to fix all the computers in the school that are having problems.
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F rs Caitlin Finnegan and Christina Tashjian take a break wh ile at the camp. These two form ed a better friendsh ip then they ady had by going to the camp. The camp gives the chance for people to become closer in order to help other students when ( come back to school.
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t a 'oup of friends stops for a second to get a picture taken . 'en Goane, Kate Curran, jenna Bratz, and Kim Levengood all hyped up to move on to the next cha llenge.
Peer Lindsay Lustig stops to say hi to her friend jackie Marinell i. jackie is glad Lindsay is a peer because it gives her a chance to ta lk to her more.
ing an important group at Springfield sh School, the Peer Facilitators are =d to having a big responsibility put on ~ir shoulders. They are responsible for lintaining the sanity of the students. e Peer Facilitators, advised by Ms.
Ardao, attend a special camp at the beginning of each year. The camp, held in Philhaven, Pennsylvania, is designed to train the peers to help others in the best way possible. If you ever need to talk to a friend, Peer Facilitators are there for you .
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c ess c u What used to be a board game for the intellectual has made itself into a SHS after school organization. This has been the first full year since the Chess Club's birth back at the end of 2000. The founder of this club is Junior Jasper Ho. He came up with the idea his sophomore year when brainstorming for a GIS project. Originally, the club consisted of a couple chess players getting together after school
for a few quick games, however it has drastically expanded. This year the Chess Club held it's first large scale tournament. Currently the title is up in the air; the finals have yet to take place. Seniors Steve Underwood and Nate DiGiorgio are in the champion game. The Chess Club hopes to grow in up coming years and eventually branch out to other schools in the area.
Here is th e bracket of th e SHS fall Chess Tournament. Th is poster showe d th e w hole school w ho had wo n th e previous day. It kept everybody inform ed on w ho was w inning. At thi s tim e, th e w inner is und ecided, bu t be assured, th e game will be a grea t match w ith intellectu al ch ess players.
Nate DiGiorgio is o bviously excited th at he has wo n th e match. W hat Nate doesn't kn ow is that eatin g th e king w on 't w in yo u the game . Nate was the chess champion last yea r, possibly because he ate hi s opponents' pi eces. Thi s yea r so meone sho uld keep an eye and peri odica ll y check under his to ngue.
Something to be a part of ...
Jasper Ho and Greg Riviello ta ke th eir game chess outside to get some much needed fresh a Th ese two are seen thro ugho ut school discussir th e latest strategy they ju st lea rn ed.
Senior Brendan Ka uffman thinks patiently on ~ next move. Brendan is a tou gh player beca use I ca n psych e his oppo nent by giving them a dea stare. Brendan is a great player and takes chess ve se rio usly.
Here, Laura McShane is scolding her Hi-Q members for not studying hard enough . Laura was the motivation fo r the team to keep going, even if they did not feel like it.
enior Steve Underwood is collecting his loughts before the Hi-Q meet that was eld at Springfield this year.
Kimberly Hi-Q is a team of ten junior and senior students selected by Mr. Young based on teacher recommendation and an application by the student. Members are intellectually gifted and study such subjects as math, english, science, history, art, sports, current events, and literature to prepare for competitions against other local high schools. The meets are broken into two halves, so all of the scholars have a chance to compete on stage. Due to the abundance of Hi-Q mem bers this year, two students sat out each meet to make things fair. For the first year in many years SHS's Hi-Q team has made playoff's. Go Cougars!
tanding: Mr. Young, Kurt Eckman, Hugh Wynne, Matt Hindley, Kevin Brady, jon Gorman. Seated: Gregory .iviello, jennifer Sang, Nahreen Ahmed, Laura McShane, Steve Underwood.
One of the hilarious posters hung around the school to advertise the home H i-Q meet was this one with Hugh Wynne .
Nahreen Ahmed and jen Sang quickly pose for a picture before they head off to their Hi-Q practice. Members of Hi-Q take time to study with others so that they can both benefit.
s .III Mr. Henry stops for a moment to pose with his Student Theatre Workshop class. H e has been teaching theatre for eleven years and is very excited about th e play they are perform ing for Celebration and other competitions. This yea rs students have become particularly close because they have been workin g with him for three or four yea rs.
With an abundance of women and one sole male, Springfield High School's Student Theater Workshop definitely has the ability to take on roles, even if they are of the opposite sex. Under the advisement of King Director himself, Mr. Henry, the Student Theater Workshop put on a grand piece called "Feiffer's People." This particular exposition is one that will be remembered by all who attended. It was a bizarre display of multiple escapades with superior character portrayal. There is much blood and sweat shed in preparation for all of STW's presentations. Role playing requires much hard work and dedication. Girls playing men and boys playing women, STW is one big Thespian party.
Here Caro line Kobylarz and Michelle El ey practice a dance that very closely resembles the forbidden dance, The Tango!
Something to be a part of ...
Michelle Eley, Nancy Shirley, Rachael Levitt, A nna Hahn, an( Shaun Dougherty surround Brett Robinson. The play tha these students prepared revolves aro und Brett's character.
As you can see Student Theatre Workshop has many females in the class. Th e girls always like to joke around because Senior Brett Robinson is the only male in the class , besides Mr. Henry. All of these females have become very c l ose friends because of the enormous time they all put into the play. This has made their acting even better. Mr. Henry is ve ry g lad that he has such dedicated actresses to work with because it makes his job much easier.
Sen ior Allison Harding is memorizing her lines for the final production. She is one of the main parts and has been involved in many theatre activities throughout her four years at SHS .
am Ash and Toni Hoffman are running through a scene from the play " Feiffer's People." hey don't mind running through the script because they are excited about getting ready for le big performance. This is both Sam and Toni's first year in Student Theatre Workshop.
J u n i
Michelle Eley is practicing on a monologue for her first ass ignment of the yea r. Monologues help actors improve on their individual sk ill s in front of a n audience. M ichelle has become very good at acting in front of a crowd.
It begins with a gruelling selection process based on everything from grades, to volunteer work, to personality, and it ends with a yellow sash at graduation. In between the beginning and end lies many hours of dedicated time spent providing services for the surrounding community . The National Honor Society is more than a club its an awarded title given to only those who possess the necessary qualities in the four determining categories: scholarship,
leadership, service, and character. Each year, the National Honor Society attempts to tutor more students and raise more money to help with the cost of sponsoring many events including the Data Match. Due to the growing excellence of students here at Springfield High School, last years induction set a record for the most inductees. Having an abundance of members, this year NHS was able to tutor more needy students than ever before. In addition to
tutoring students at Springfield High School, NHS has branched out and opened up tutoring to the whole community. Also, NHS ¡ sponsors many activities during the year including their annual bear making for the young children in the community and the Data Matches for all the SHS students. This year NHS was once again led by the very dedicated Mrs. Barber, who hopes next year will be even more successful and productive. Karen Chiang helps a fellow student w ith some m ath problems during stud y hall. Many NHS m embers are looked up to bec a use students know that they are except ional in su bject areas.
Mrs. Barber takes a minute to look over some of th e data matches surveys. She is laughing because of some of the funny responses that her students have put down. Data Matches give students a chance to be funn y and have a good time. Senior Kiera Burke is seen writ ing down some dates of upcoming NHS events. She is interested in helping out with tutoring because Kiera loves to wo rk w ith children. N H S gives the chance for students to wo rk w ith the community.
Scholarship Leadership 52
Something to be a part of ...
Inior Jenna Bratz signs up to sell Data Matches during her lunch ~ ri od . N HS requires students to active ly participate in as many lents as they can during school hours.
Pat Shea, Kerin Sweeney, and Andrea Syglowski are excited about being inducted into N HS. These three are excellent students at SHS w ho are invo lved in many different things.
Service Character Activities
Science Olympiad The Science Olympiad team is a group of very hard-working students with many interests in the sciences. This team studies many different areas of science to participate in a regional competition of schools. The competition consists of twenty-two events ranging from the Chemistry and Physics Labs to Experimental Design. These tests are meant to test the students scientific knowledge and inventiveness. There is also a portion of competition that requires the school to actually build functional devices; for example, the Tower Building event. Under the direction of Mr. Zumpano, the team meets every Saturday to help test other team members. The team is also led by senior members who led the group through the months before the competition in March. If a team does well at the regional competition, they can advance to the state competition. In the past Springfield High School has done very well at the regional com petition.
Senior jen Sang is astonished that she got the answer right. Many of the events ask difficult questions that are not covered in high school sciences. Kurt Eckman, however, always knew she could get the right answer.
Mr. Zumpano is busy working on the detai ls for the competition. Mr. Zumpano is a big help to the team because he fills out all the paper work but he also helps out by being a science teacher.
Senior Steve Underwood reviews his plans for " Mission Possible," one of the few, but also most comp licated building events that the team needs to compete in.
Senior Matt Hindley is reading up on his studies 01 the stars. Matt has been on Science O lympiad ever since freshman year and his experience and leadership are necessary to the team.
Something to be a part of ... '"
very year a group of politically enthused students :tke a trip to Washington D.C. to get a taste of enuine government. Under the program Close Up, lese students get an up-close look of what really oes on in and around the White House. This year leing particularly exciting with the new elected Pres:lent Mr. George W. Bush and all the controversy lat went along with it, the participants of Close Up v'ere educated about the election process and all its aws. This trip included visits to different embassies. \n interesting aspect about Close Up is that the
lUra McShane and Sam Ash are ready to get goin g to the next attraction. After thi s, ley are going to visit w ith a senator and have a question and answer session. Here, uden ts got to interact and learn more about th e election process.
pro"gram is worldwide. This means that along with the students of SHS, were students from different parts of the U. S. and from different parts of the world. The multicultural attributes of the participants and the information that floods D.C. made for a more than enlightening vacation.
Megan Stanton and Meli ssa O'Meara take a minute to stand with Eleanor Rooseve lt. Close-Up took all th e students through many extensive tours.
o s e
:Iose-Up is not all about touring with your own sc hool but meeting other people from around the wo rld . Adam 1cNichol, Megan Stanton, and Melissa O ' Meara are seen here w ith people from Downingtown High School.
Freshman Steve Ball gets a little help so he can finish his last rep. Spotters are plentiful in SHS's weight room, everyone is always willing to aid a pal in need. Moreover, it is dangerous to lift without a spotter, especially when putting up a lot of weight.
Instead of running outside in the cold, sophomore Sandy Getz avoids the harsh conditions and works her legs inside. Athletes who participate in spring sports, use the weight room to get in better shape.
Freshman Bill Quinn is working out his thighs. Thighs are an important part of the body, because they help you run faster and jump higher.
Senior Marshall "Muscles" Mirachi perfects his favorite workout, the tricep pull-down. Marshall works hard during the winter for his upcoming baseball season.
For those who don't play sports year round and want to keep in shape between seasons, and don't belong to a health club of sorts, they always have the option of working out at our own health maintaining facility, THE WEIGHT ROOM! This group of dedicated young athletes/body builders meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the weight room under the command and supervision of the Weight Room King, Mr. J. Zumpano. Members of the weight room look to Mr. Zumpano for expert lifting advice. Its a good time in the weight room, barbells, weight trees, pulley things, leg presses, and benches . And for mainly the ladi'es, there is a wide selection of treadmills, bicycles, and steppers . Fun for all!
Something to be a part of .. .
·enior Franco Rossi can always be seen staying after school to vork out. Here he can be seen doing arm curls with a massive larbell. Though he doesn't play any sports he still needs to )ok buff and cut for all his lady friends .
Freshman Julien King is glad that he has the chance to come and wo rk out to get in shape . Julien is trying to keep in shape so he can impress all the women of Springfield.
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.1r. Zumpano takes a break from working out. Year after year his presence is assumed at the weight room. He ; the we ight room KING!
Ski & Adventure Club
Seniors Tina M cK night, Maureen Carey, Maria Cipolloni, Michell e Irvin, and Lauren Carfagno take tim e o ut on th e slopes to gath er for a picture . Ski trip s are a popular vacation fo r many SH S students. Skiing and other snow activites are especiall y fun w ith a grou p of friends .
Best friend s and sisters, M arie and Bernadette Mcintyre spend every ski vacat ion together. Th ey ca n always b e seen wit h one another on the slo pes.
Something to be a part of ...
' .'
One of the most popular groups at SHS is the Ski and Adventure Club. This year's group is headed by Mrs. Naismith and Mrs. DriksMoore with Co- President's Clare Chevalier, Carla D'Olio, Bernadette Mcintyre, Marie Mcintyre, and Steve Vescovich. The group took a trip to Great Adventure to start off the year. They then headed to Jack Frost/ Big Boulder, which was one of the most fun trips the Ski and Adventure Club has taken . Their third trip of the year headed them towards Vermont for an overnight stay at Stowe-Sugarbush which gave the club members lots of memories to last them. They are also planning trips to the Philadelphia Z oo, a trip to go whitewater rafting, and a trip to Dorney Park.
m Harms, Adam Dambrink, Kara Christathon, lre Chevalier, Darcy Border, and Britton Bonrdt take a minute from sk iin g to play around.
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Friends Kate DelViscio, Meg Stanton, Amy Welsch, Dan Coleazzi, Sandy Getz, Matt DeAngelis, and Erin Kane get together before they go hit the slopes.
Sandy Getz, Franco Rossi, and Dan Lucey t ry to relax after a tough day. Many members just wanted to take a b reak at night and relax with friends.
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Ben Wood, Brian Seeley, Andrea DiRico, an d Mike Malandra all work hard to perfect their cards. Th ey know that the senior citizens will appreciate their ca rd s because they took the time to make them extra special.
Being the advisors of Comm unity Service is a big job, but Mrs. Descano an Ms. Snyder take all the responsibilities well. These two are great friends an find working together is a great chance to strengthen that fri endship.
The Community Service/Leo Lions Club is obviously one of the most important groups we have here at Springfield High School. Other clubs around school do things to benefit either the immediate school population or causes across the sea, however Community Service club acts to help those needy in our surrounding environment. By aiding those around us it is more likely that the volunteers will witness the positive results of their time invested . Such community activities that took place this year are the annual trips to Harlee Manor for Christmas and Valentine's Day, Adopt-A-Highway, Turkey Drive, Senior Citizens Prom, Cookie Contest, among many others. Community Service had a truly successful year.
Mike Troilo, Aurelia Pontarelli, j en Mulhern, and
A m b e r Mushlit proudly display their Va l e ntin e's Day ca rd s.
Dan Bowman shows MarIan a Orloff when the Sen i 0 r C itizens' Prom is going to be this year.
Something to be a part of ...
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Future Business Leaders of Am.erica he Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is one of the newest addition to the many activities at SHS. ieing a new organization can bring together many different people who normally would not participate in ctivities. The FBLA is a program that includes local, state, and a national organization. FBLA is interested in reating competent and aggressive business leadership skills and strengthen the self-confidence of students nd their work. They also want to create more interest in American business and want to teach the members ~fficient money management. The officers of this year's FBLA were Jeff Lemon (president), Heather )rgantini (vice-president), Aimee Boldosser (secretary), and Sarah Karlheim (treasurer). The club is under le direction of Mrs . Laubach and Ms. Smith and while they do not have a specific time to meet, they do lave occasional meetings to check up on each others progress. The group traveled to the State Leader?hip Vorkshop at Penn State in September of 2000. They then traveled to Upper Darby High School to attend le Regional Leadership Workshop. After that, they attended the Regional Leadership Conference at Ridley 1 S. in February, 2001. Finally, they traveled to Seven Springs to attend the State Leadership Conference.
. im ee Boldosser and Sam Ash are abou t to go off to their seminars at the Regional ;ompetition. Sam is glad that her friend Aimee came along to help her because Sam looks ery much up to Aimee.
Sarah Karlheim, Heath er Organtini, and Mrs. Laubach are very excited about the next few days at the conference. At the State Leadership Conference, the members of FBLA got to meet each other and get involved in many business oriented activities.
Heather O rgan tini, Sarah Karlheim, Jeff Lemon, and Aimee Boldosser take a break to pose w ith the Nittany Li on w hile at the State Leadership Conference at Penn State. Th ese four have become better friends through the many activities FBLA provides.
I Boys' Cross Cou ntry I
~utti_q l~eif& 1Je~t foot r1 fOf&W4f&a r1
Varsity : Coach Curran, T. Tomasura, M. Diamond, P. Sh ea, M. Hindley, B. Bartos, B. Spence. Mis sin g from photo- S. Donovan.
Junior Varsity: Coach Curran, J. Fraatz, T. En gli sh, R. Kin g, K. Eckm an, mana ger C. Donova n.
Something t o cheer about.. .
The Boys' Cross Country tear made many strides toward bE coming a league power this yea ¡ Under the coaching of Dan CUI ran, the boys trained hard in th summer and were ready for an) th ing that came in their way. Th year's team was led by senior ca ~ tain Pat Shea, who was a dom nant force in the Central LeaguE Despite being injured toward th end of the season, he continue . to compete and lead the tearr Other great contributions wer made by senior varsity veteran Sean Donovan, Matt Hindley, an Matt Diamond, who all supporte the team by giving much neede points. Sen iors Ben Bartos, KU I Eckman, and Rich King were a bi part of the team as well. Junior Jo Fraatz was another member of th team who gave everyth ing he ha when he competed. Freshma Bob Spence came out of nowher this season and immediately bE came one of the team's top rur ners . He was this year' s Novic Champion at the annual Dele . Championships. Another fresr man who gave the team a lift wa Tim Tomasura. The boys finishe the season with a 3-6 record in t h league. All of their wins came in quad meet against Marple, Ridle) and Upper Darby. Although th team w ill be losing a large numbE of senio rs this year, next seaso hopes to be as successful as th 2000 season.
Pat Shea has been the leader of this cross country team all throughout hi s high school ca reer. The team w ill sorely miss their MVP next year.
Sean Donovan is starting to pick up his pace the District meet at Leh igh. Since races are such a ng distance in cross count ry, it is essential for .nners to maintain a steady pace throughout the
Senio r Matt Diamond comes down the hom e stretch at a meet in Rose Tree Park, the team's home field.
Freshman Tim Tomasura makes his move past an opponent. Tim was a pleasant addition to the team this year.
-1: 1'lOivi¡Qual ,
'Pat ~~hea
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.Honors " ", ,
,-' Captain "- ,: _.; /' ~ =-"T jeam MVP'0' ~ ,;:''',. -' Pionorable- Mentlon -AIIDelco - Bulldog Invitational Medal Winner
Bdb' ~pence "
"- ' Delco C:hampionships Nuvice Medal Winner-(1 st,t., - ',.'Blilldog ,Invitational Nbvic~ Medal Winner ',J , .â&#x20AC;˘
enior Matt Hindley and Freshman Bob Spence wo rk off of each other to get ahead in the race. The team ou ld always depend on these two to turn in consistent efforts every meet.
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Junior Casey Horna is a runaholic. O n top of being a member of t he Cross Cou ntry team, she also runs for the w inter and sp rin g track teams at sc hoo l.
Se niors Kate Curran and Kiera Burke pose for a qu ick shot before a meet at Rose Tree. Th ese two have been th e leaders of th e 2000 Girls' Cross Country .
Freshm an Laura Glace competed fierce ly at every meet and had a successful roo ki e season .
Something to chee r about..
Junior A nn Marie Regan is crui sin g to yet anothE Lady Cougar victory. Ann was one of th e top pel formers for the team this yea r, and she loo ks fOI wa rd to continuing the program's success next fal
I Girls' Cross Country I
jJ Ahead of the Pack [jJ
'sity: Coach Curran, L. Glace, C. Horna, K. Burke, K. Curran, A. Regan, K. Tomasura. Missing From Ph oto- M. Hill er.
lis year's Girls' Cross Country ason resulted in yet another :ntral League Championship. Ie team ended the season with eir second straight league re,rd of 9-0 because of the team's ',ntinuous hard work and dedica>n throughout the preseason d fall. While most teenagers :re still sleeping on early sum'2 r mornings, the girls were run19 around Springfield and getIg in phenomenal shape. The uad was led by seniors Kiera Irke and Kate Curran, whose )tivation and unconditional supIrt always rallied the team to run 2ir best. Following in their foot-
steps were juniors Maureen Hiller, Casey Horna, and Ann Marie Regan. Freshmen Laura Glace and Katie T omasura were a welcomed addition to the squad as well. The Lady Cougars were coached by Mr. Curran whose guidance and pure love of the sport always encouraged the girls to strive for their goal of achieving back-toback Cent ral League titles . The team's spirit and unity was another factor in their success. Winning the league was a definite team effort that could not have been accomplished without the determination and perseverance of every member.
Freshman Katie Tomasura has plenty of fu el left in her tank to finish the race in full stride. Kati e's stamina and sure w illpower we re a few of th e qualities th at made her such a good runn er.
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I Field Hockey I
8 Sticking With It
Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Uff, Coach DiRo cco, S. Getz, A. Callinan, J. Bratz, A. Jonaitis, S. Dyitt, A. Gessay, A. Loro, C. Power, J. Lukert, E. Ringwalt, Coach Purvis. 2nd row- T. Kissinger, A. Welsh, T. Markowitz, K. Sweeney, N. Armor, K. Simpson, J. Bollinger, T. Buchholz, J. M cH enry. 1st row- D. Aiken, M. Orloff, J. Bowe rs, S. Dougherty.
This was the year of outstanding defense for the Girls' Field Hockey team . Led by senior captains Jackie Bowers and Shaun Dougherty, along with juniors Jenna Bratz, Tamara Buchholz, and Alicia Loro, the team recorded nine shutouts behind senior goalie Janet Bollinger. The tough defense and some timely scoring from seniors Diane Aiken and Amy Welsh, along with sophomore Ashley Callinan, helped vault the Cougars into the playoffs for the sixth consecutive year, only to
Junior Varsity: 3rd row- Coach DiRocco, L. Dombalagian, C. Touhill, M. Stet B. M iller, A. Compton, Coach Purvis, C. McKenna, A. Co nforto, S. Thomas, ( Powe r, D . Gibson, C. Aa ron , L. Bollinger, Coach Uff. 2nd row- K. Markow it M. Armor, B. Piotti, C. Gu ille, J. Gerace, B. Lockley, M . Porrini, K. Pitkin, I Penrose. 1 st row- M. Tomlin son, M. Th eranger.
lose in the first round to Plymouth-Whitemarsh. The key win of the year was a 1-0 nail-biter against archrival Radnor to open up the Central League season. Many ties characterized this season. Three of the nine league games resulted in a tie. The team fought through some key injuries with strong bench play, which helped the ladies finish the year with a record of 8-6-3, the 6th consecutive winning season for Coach Sue Purvis.
Senior captain Diane Aiken attacks the other tean net. Th e girls co ngratulate each other after a close vici ry against Radnor.
Something to cheer about.. . . .. ',,'
The seniors do their famous impersonatio n of Mary Catheri ne Gallagher's superstar dance.
Senior Amy We lsh fights for a loose ball against an opponent. junior jenna Bratz charges up the fie ld wh il e dri bbling the ball.
Senior ca ptain j ackie Bowers wo rks on her sti ckwo rk du ring a practice thi s summer. jackie w ill be attending th e University of Notre Dame next yea r.
Senior captain Shaun Dougherty looks to cl ear the ball out of her defensive end of the fie ld.
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Sen ior Mike Dougherty takes down a Ridley runn in g back. Mike was relent less on defense and was often ass igned to cover the best receivers on the other team. ~
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H eat h shows his d i s sa t i sfaction ove r a b ad ca ll by the refs. H e a n d his s t a ff a 1rea d y h a v e p lans for making next year a big success.
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Co a c h
Two football players pus h the b lockin g s l ed w i t h a ll the i r mi g h t. The sled was just one of the various drills that the players had to do durin g the l o n g practices in August.
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Junior Keon West returns a punt. Keon 's speed and agility enab led the coaches to use him on offense, defense, and spec ial t eams.
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Something to cheer about...
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I Football
The Whole 9 Yards his year's Football team entered le 2000 season young, inexperi nced and excited. There were a ,=w changes in the program com19 into the fall season. Most notaIly, Mr. Heath took over for Mr. aylor as head coach of the team. Vith a fresh new look, all of the Ilayers and coaches were eager } show what they could do . Sen)r captains Mike Levy and Dave hell provided outstanding leaderhip to a team that returned just ve players with varsity experince . The Cougars struggled early s several key players were in 'Jred. Just when they seemed to et everyone back, someone else ot hurt. Never the less, the Couars approached every game with dmirable enthusiasm and played } win. No matter what the scoreloard said, everyone played their
hardest until the final whistle blew. The team's best game arguably was the season finale at Phoenixville, where sophomore quarterback Kevin Mulkern connected on two touchdown passes to junior wider receiver Dan Onofrio. The game was proof that the team had improved since the start of the season, and it left promise for next year. The inexperience and injuries this season were a bit of a blessing in disguise, for many young Cougars got the chance to play. This provided an excellent learning opportunity and experienced bodies for the future. Next year's squad returns 42 players from this year's team, 28 with varsity experience. With a solid off-season the Cougars look to return to the upper echelon of the Central League.
Sophomore quarterback Kevin Mulkern surveys his options down the field. Kevin gained a lot of experience this year and developed his skill s tremendously.
arsity & Junior Va rsity: 5th row- Coach Schmenk, Coach Heath, Coach Malhorn. 4th row- A. O'Neill, M. Sage, M. McBride, M . Taggert, G. Novak, S. Stark, D. arfagno, B. Dougherty, D. Onofrio, J. DiCecco, K. Elliott, T. Anderson, P. Burns, M. Hutton, B. Cooper. 3rd row- P. Ruddy, J. Pizzica" S. Horan, D. Derr, E. Brady, 1. Byrnes, T. Williams, K. Wh iteside, M. Wa lker, G. Marino, T. Mallee, M . Brennan. 2nd row- J. Swann, F. Brinkley, A. Tori, M . Santella, C. Th omas, D. Plank, P. lank, R. Ado lph, J. Hanrahan, K. Mulkern, M. Fordyce, A. Guille, K. West. 1st row- R. Lobb, L. Lang, H. Jefferson, J. Chandler, J. Desiderio, K. DiPaolo, D. Shell, M. 2VY, D. Gorgone, M. Dougherty, A. Kelly, M. Shilladay, C. Guille.
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One! ~
Varsity & junior Varsity: 2nd row- Coach johnson, D. Damiano, A. Tomasello, R. Preston, M. Tashjian, B. Levengood, D . Dockery, C. Milkowski, G. Ralph , E Miller, M. McFadden, T. Henderson, M . Crunkleton, N. Kim, Coach Heller. 1st row- B. Mortenson, S. Werley.
The 2000 golf team's season was nothing short of phenomenal. Just two years ago Springfield's golf team was winless in the league. This year, the Cougars were an amazing 7-2 in the league and 115-1 overall. This sudden turnaround is mostly due to the solid play of junior co-captains Ben Mortenson and Shane Werley, and sophomore sensation Mike McFadden. Freshman A.J. Tomasello and senior Dave Dockery gave the team depth and consistency that kept the Cougars close in every match. Senior T.J. Henderson, junior Eric Miller, and sophomore Matt Crunkleton also contributed to the team's success.
The Cougars proved that they were for real when they defeated league powerhouse Conestoga early in the season. Springfield's only two league losses came to Radnor by 1 stroke and Marple by 6. Their 7-2 record was good enough to finish 3rd in a very competitive Central League. In the post-season, the Cougars received 4th place in the Central League Championships. In this tournament, Ben Mortenson and Mike McFadden qualified for Districts. Senior Ch rissy Milkowski also qualified for the girls division. Wi t h many players ret urning next year, the Cougars are sure to be back at t he top of the league.
Something to cheer about...
junior Eric Miller hits the ball back into the fairway.
' ..
Sophomore Matt Crun kleton addresses the ball. unior co -capta in s Shane Werley and Ben Mortenon are the best of friends. They played together at ,prin gfield Cou ntry Club the entire spring and sumner.
Junior Ben Mortenson sticks out hi s tongue wh ile posing after a shot. Ben was the #1 player on the team. His long dista nce off the tee gave him an advantage over other players.
Sophomore Mike McFadden takes a pro divit on his tee shot on a par 3 hole. M ike has a smooth, consistent swing and a flawless short game.
Ben Morfenson - Co-Captain - Team ' MVP - .~ Honorable Mention AIICentral League >' - . S is trict Championship Repr~sen_tafive
Shan~e Werley ' - Co-~aptain
Mike McFadden ¡ -:::- Honorable Mention, AIICentral League : District Championship' Representative Chrissy Milkowski District 'Championship Represeh_ tative
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Se n ior capt a i n Kri s ti Soroka loo ks for an ope n tea mm ate upfield. Kri sti i s a l so a m e mb e r of th e di v in g and lacrosse tea m. Junior Jackie N esbitt put s p ress ur e o n th e ball and fo r ces t he op po nent to make a move. Jackie was th e leading goal score r for th e team . Sop h omo re Lauren Crandley co ntrols th e ball w hile se ni o r Li z M artin bark s o u t o rd e r s. Bo th Lauren and Liz we re pa rt of an exce ll e nt d efens i ve squ ad. Th ey we re abl e to wo rk together to fru strate th e o th e r t ea m s' fo rwards.
Ju n i
H ea th e r O rga ntini sprints up t h e f i e ld to h e lp out on offe ns e . H ea th e r was a g rea t asset to h av e off h t e bench. Se n i 0 r cap t a in L a ur en Goa n e p r e p a res to cut th e b a ll by h e r d ef en d e r . L a ur e n was th e heart and sou l of th e team. She ke pt s p i r it s high both o n and off the fie ld.
Something to chee r about...
I Girls' Soccer I
Just For Kicks
\fter an exhausting preseason, ~e Lady Cougars' hard work and Hort paid off with an impressive -1-4 start to their season, losing Inly once in their first nine games J a solid Haverford squad. This trong start was made possible by n outstanding defense led by Jnior net minder Ali Mooney and le sound defensive core of Liz I\artin, Erin Kane, Patrice Hughes, nd Amanda Rider. Sophomore ewcomers Lauren Crandley, I\eghan Borbidge, and Jackie AI~n were welcome additions to le defense, valued greatly for leir tough, mature play. Due to he senior leadership of midelder co-captains Kristi Soroka . nd Lauren Goane, the girls playd each game with competitiveess and a fire to be admired . In let, the great midfield was one of le strongest attributes of the ~am, with many star performanes made by the co-captains as lell as Kristin Cellucci, Chrissy )hnson, and Heather Organtini II gifted, hard-nosed athletes. he talented defense and midfield l ere topped off by the outstand19 offense led by junior center)rward Jackie Nesbitt, who pilo~d the front line, tallying ten goals nd supplying the offense with a trong leadership presence. Proiding additional scoring punch nd dazzling play on the wings l ere senior Sam Ardary, juniors :im Levengood and Danielle Aci), as well as sophomore Lauren 'alerio. One of the highlights of le season came toward the end 1 a league game against Radnor, le defending district champions . .iter seeing the inspirational mov~ Remember The Titans, the Lady :ougars refused to be intimidated
and were able to execute their game plan perfectly. Radnor's game winning goal midway through the second half is remem bered by few, whereas Springfield's impressive performance is reflected back on with an intense pride felt by all. On and off the field the Lady Cougars were a class act under the guidance and direction of Head Coach Mike Carlin and Assistant Coaches Vic Otarola and Connie Funk. The returning players and coaching staff look forward to another great season of fine soccer next fall.
Sophomore Lauren Va lerio blows past an opponent. She was a nice addition to the team th is year.
Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Carlin, A Rider, D. Acito, K. Leve ngood, J. Allen, A. Mooney, M. Borbidge, P. Hughes, L. Crand ley, Coach Otorola, Coach McDonnelL 2nd row- C. Johnson, H. Organtini, J. Nesbitt, L. Martin,S. Ardary, E. Kane, K. Cellucci, L. Va lerio. 1st row- L. Goane, K. Soroka.
Junior Varsity: 3rd row - A Somers, A Calabrese, E. Russe ll, L. Miller, B. Broome, E. Gamble, T. Johnson, E. Murphy, C. Driscoll, Coach Funk. 2nd row- C. Burke, J. Digian, M. O'Toole, B. Fogarty, J. Allen, L. King, K. Ryder, K. Keegan , T. Wenke. 1st row- B. Mcintyre, L. Bocella, L. McGi lL
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Boys' Soccer I
Va rsity: 3 rd row- Coach Smith , C. Desposito, J. Furia, J. Ma nn e rs, G . Gure nlia n, B. Pulsfort, C. Sp inosa, D. To ursche r, G . Avato, P. Foste r, D. Crowe, R. Du ffey . 2nd row- M. Lo Pi ccolo, O. Fishe tti, B. Cress, M. Tirn ey, J. Fe rri gno, W . Mid d le to n, M. Parke, D. Bow ma n. 1 st row- P. Co lfles h, J. Tirn ey, M. Pe trylak, M. Crandl ey.
Junior Varsity: 3rd row- T. Ra pp, S. Vescovich, H. Pa ke l, R. W alsh, K. Foste r, T. Urglavich, Coach Booth. 2 nd row- J. Stumm, J. Go rm a n, J. He llm e r, K. Foste r. 1 st row- J. Lynch, M. Digia n.
Something to cheer about.. .
The 2000 Boys' Soccer team hal high hopes of returning to the Dis trict Playoffs this year. The guy had worked hard in the offseasoi and were already in good shap. entering camp in August. Th , team had a strong start to the sea son, winning their annual Labc Day Tournament. The boys als, turned in a gutsy performance in 1-1 tie to West Chester East. Th team's impressive play in the prE season could not carryover i league games, however_ After los ing two heartbreaking one go, games to Haverford and LOWE Merion, the Cougars could nc seem to get back on track. The did show a lot of character whe they destroyed Marple 3-0 an, came from behind twice to ti Ridley. The team ' s success thi year is displayed by the player themselves . Senior captains Mik Petrylak and Jeff Tirney led bye> ample and controlled the mic field. Their knowledge and pa~ sion for the game rubbed off 0 the younger players. Senior Mar Crandley and junior Greg Gurenl an emerged as the team' s mo~ dangerous offensive threats. Jur ior Dan Bowman directed a youn defense that made improvemen1 each game. The sophomores 0 the team matured quickly an played with the poise expecte from a senior. Sophomore goali Chris Spinosa probably made th largest improvements. By the en of the season, Chris was makin spectacular saves and showing n fear. The future looks bright fc the Cougars . Fifteen players wit varsity experience return next sec son_
4 enior co-captain Mike Petrylak receives some ad ice from Coach Duffey. Mike has been on varsity ince he was a fres hman.
Senior Jeff Tirney gives junior Greg Gurenlian a boost, helpin g him to head the ba ll out of their goa l area.
J,oeFc.erri:gno ,'~.~_ ~ e~·. · Horior~ble~Mer)ti6n News ,"'" ,:,:. \, --, r
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:- of~ l3e t'gw.are CO(,j~nti' I . > •.,. '
. -=' i=1onorabl~ - Mention : ;)II~ , ._ CJentEarL-eag~e <~ .--:.:.~ c., <..
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;enior Mark Crand ley sh ields his opponent from th e loose ball. Mark's speed and aggressiveness allowed lim to beat defenders to the ba ll.
~- .
Junior Rebecca Mills positions herself to hit a forehand.
Singles players Sam Harms, Kare n Ch iang, Carrie O'Connel, and Susan Rundbaken take ti me out before i match to pose for this picture. Carrie has been captain of the team since her junior year.
Junior Sam Harms, who' s known for her power, rifles a backhand cross-co urt.
Senior Allison Harding fires a serve to her op ponent' s backhand side. Doub l e players A lii son Hard ing Va lerie Tum er, Rebecc Mil ls, Krist. Feliciani, M i c h ele El ey and Tina Di Croce all be came gOO( friends w itf their part ners. Many 0 t h ese g irl :. we re new t( the vars it ' l adde r bu ¡ showed the' were wort h, of staying. .
Something to cheer about...
'\ "
I Girls' Tennis I -he Girls' Tennis Team looked orward to a good season despite :raduating fourteen players. :oach Randy Carper and Assistant :oach Suzanne Griffen worked lard to improve their team by .haring their knowledge and ex)erience about the game. juniors ;am Harms and Karen Chiang vere both returning singles play~rs with critical varsity experience. -his would be junior Susan ~undbaken' s first year playing sin~Ies, but it didn't seem to be a )roblem as she overwhelmed her )pponents. Senior captain Carrie ;),Connell brought the team to~ether, keeping spirits high and :ontributed to the team with nany wins at fourth singles. Senor Allison Harding along with jun.or, first doubles partner Valerie lurner put together a show that lot only entertained their audi~nce, but brought them victories. uniors Krista Feliciani and Rebec:a Mills played at second doubles, md always gave it their all; showng how practice is accompanied <\lith wins and becoming Athletes 'Jf The Week. Senior Tina DiCro:e and junior Michele Eley were lmong the new faces debuting on larsity at third doubles. Their deermination to win brought results ,0 the team. The jV is not to be lnderestimated. Players like Kim ::>almer and sophomore jen Holencamp plan on working hard ::Juring their off season and return Nith more contributions to t he :eam. The season was highlighted Nith many nail-biting matches . Among them, Susan Rundbaken Non the deciding match at Sun valley. She came through despite :he pressure of her team depen:ling on her for a victory. The team 2nded on a high note with a 6-1 eague win over Upper Darby. The team hopes to continue their vVinning attitude next fall.
Serving Up A Winner
Va rsity: 2nd ro w - Coach Ca rp er, M. El ey, A. H ardin g, T. DiCroce, P. Lopez, H. Rhoads, K. Felician i, R. Mills, S. Harm s. 1st ro w - K. Chiang, C. O'Connell, S. Rundbaken, V. Turn er.
Junior Varsity: 2nd row- Coach Ca rper, C. Conarty, P. Lopez, C. Chevalier, H. Rh oa ds, K. Palmer, M. Falzon e, K. Smalarz, D . Bo rden, E. Yo ng. 1st ro w - J. Hollenca mp, J. Sang, A. Hahn, A. Po ntarelli.
~- .
The Girls' Volleyball team had a very exciting season this fall, ending with a record of 17-5, the best recorded in years. The players started off the season on a high note by defeating a stunned Haverford squad. Springfield was the only team to do so during the season. By the halfway point of the season the Lady Cougars were the team to beat with a record of 9-0. By the end of the season the girls had compiled a record of 16-4, which earned them a high seed in the district playoffs. The Cougars easily beat Sun Valley in the first round and lost to district cham pions Pennsbury in the second round. Junior MVP Ashley Colontonio led the Cougars with her hitting in the front row and defensively in the back row. Senior setter Tina McKnight and junior setter jackie Cifuni were the best setting duo in the Central League. Their ability to set up Springfield's strong hitters was a key to team
success. junior Sarah Dutton provided the team with some height at the net and proved to be a dominating presence as middle hitter. Freshman Kim Cifuni had a stellar first year, especially on offense. juniors Sarah Affonsa and Marie Carter were also key playmakers on the squad. There were several exciting moments this season. Some of the most memorable included beating Lower Merion 15-0, 15-7, going to the semifinals at the Plymouth-Whitemarsh Tournament, and "Tina-day". The most exciting match of the season was the final game against Penncrest. In front of a lively crowd the Cougars battled a tough Penncrest squad and played their best match of the year. The Cougars are looking forward to next season, with all of the players except one returning. They expect to continue their success and be one of the top teams in the Central League.
Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Samyan, L. Lopatin, S. Affonsa, S. Dutton, M. Carter, C. Corenti, Coach Scanlon. 2nd row- J. Cifuni, K. Cifuni, A. Colantonio . 1st row- T. McKnight.
Something to cheer about...
Junior Sarah Affonsa prepares to serve the ball t, th e other team.
Junior Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Samyan, A. Dambrink, C. Corenti, K. Sugden, 2nd row - B. Dougherty, C. Love kin , L. Lopatin, L. Dubil, K. Beale . 1st row- A Boldosser, J. Mulhern, A. Corrato.
:, ..
Junior Jackie Cifuni sets the ball to a teammate. Jackie has incredible touch and accuracy w ith the ball that allows her to direct a pass to anywhere she wants. Senior captain Tina McKn ight gives a perfect bump pass to set up a teammate for a spike. As the lone senior on the squad, Tina was looked up to by the other girls for advice and support. The girls huddle together and exchange high fives after winning a point. The girl s' team spirit and camaraderie was one of the reasons for their success. .
-- -
mior Ash ley Colantonio gets high off the ground nd smashes the ball onto her opponent's side of le court.
..... ~
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Sop h o m ore Jess i e Ur so performs a c h eer with the team before a basketb a ll game, Th e g irls ' chee r s a n d routines bring more excitement to the spo rtin g events, They keep fans cheerin g and s t a y in g i nvo lved in the ga m e, The gam e s wou ldn ' t be the same without them,
Sen ior tri-capta in Maria Cipolloni braces herself before being hoisted into the air.
.~' -:~(-" -~-, '~~ lst'iPI,it'e,Maximum,Cheer:: ..
AII~5t~~ ~,G,o~petitiori ' fVarsity, &d\'} ~, :''',:~, ',,/ ,"::~: -'
Sophomore Kerri Fl ata u puts on a big smile as she lifted by her teammates , Kerri enjoys being on tl. team despite the hard work she has to do,
,1 st-:,Place cT eam Cheer., at , ~,
!JCf <?'hee'fleadi!1g Camp ~: ~
The seniors on th e squad have built strong frien ships with each other, Cheerl ead ing has broug th em memories th at w ill last a lifetime,
- ' 2nd ~Place ,Dance at ,UCA ' ~h~err3adj(1g Camp ~
.,""I'nd'iVidual . Honors <"' \~'.:(\
"Jarriie ~h6mpson ~
: , ~ l\i-Captain,'~ ~, " '"" . " ..... ,.:' .. ... ",...,
Colleen! i(elly ,~ -Jri-C,9ptain
" MaricL G -pollon i .. ('- ,' '1 ri~ Captain,.', . ").~ -." -- All-:-AijJerica:n 1
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The chee rl ead ing sq uad takes th e co urt between quarters to entertain the fans, You' ll always find the girls in high spirits no matter w here th ey are,
Someth ing to cheer about... ,, .
Cheerleadi ng
We've Got Spirit ~ lis year' s Cheerleading squad as a bunch of very busy Lady Dugars. Their season began in ugust when they attended the ne Forest UCA Cheerleading amp. There, the girls perfected eir skills and learned how to ork together as a team . They ,und early success at the camp, lrning many awards for competi)ns such as team cheer and dan~ . The camp was also a perfect )portunity for the team to bond ld become closer with each oth" something that is important in leerleading. The Lady Cougars mtinued their success as they ent on to finish 1st place at the :gional Maximum Cheer All-Star ompetition. Some team mem 2rs received individual recogni) n at the competition, too. Maria ipolloni and Jessica Urso were )th voted onto an All -American luad . As if the competitions werl ' t enough, the girls had many ther activities to keep them ~ Ives busy. The squad attended I the football and boys' basket3.11 games and got the fans in)Ived by starting chants. They 2rformed their routines for the ldience between quarters at asketball games and before lese games, the girls would decrate the players' lockers and give lem candy for good luck. A few f the girls helped coach younger leerleaders in the Springfield outh Club. Under the coaching f Patty Brower and Melissa Wyne and the leadership of senior 3.ptains Jamie Thompson, Col:en Kelly, and Maria Cipolloni, le Lady Cougars had a great year f winning awards and promoting : hool pride .
Va rsity: 3rd row¡ A. Kee nan, M. Tocher, K. Fl atau, J. Urso, K. Somers, C. Gu albe rti, C. McFarland, K. Cuthbert, N. Flasin ski, G. Starecky, j. McG rath . 2nd row- A. Brad ley, C. Kelly, L. Ca rfagno, M. Ervin, j . Th ompson, M. Cipoll oni. 1st row- A. Somers, C. Kutyn, Coach W ynne, Coach Brower, A. Destefano, j . D elviscio.
j u ni o r Va rsity: 3rd row- A. McFarland, F. Fox, K. Breth eri ck, T. Bail ey, C. Fros t, E. G utter, L. Gordo n. 2nd row- B. Reed, J. Woo lso n, L. Sto ner, J. H owe ll, C. MacCroy, J. Re, R. Rika rds. 1 st row- Coac h W ynn e, J. Berry, C. Cull eny, J. H oo lenca mp, R. La ul is, L. Row ntree, Coac h Browe r.
Spo rts
~ ..
I Boys' Basket ball
Above the Rim ~I
Va rsity: 3rd row - Coach Smith, Coach W erl ey, T. H ed ri ck, T. W illiams, M . Byrn es, C. Spino sa, H . Pace, Coach M cCo rmi ck, Coach Duffey. 2nd row - M. W ynne, W. Kalman, K. W est, G. Goane, D . Hill, S. W erl ey. 1st row- M . W allin, S. Fattori , P. Shea.
junior Keo n W est gets a lot of hang tim e to float his shot over th e extended arm of his o pponent. Keon's speed and strength gave a lot of defenders fi ts thi s season.
junior Va rsity: 2nd row- T. Anderso n, T. M cGarrigle, S. M cConaghy, H. Pace, G. Goane, D . Batory, j. Baitze l, Coach Du ffey. 1st row - D. Carfagno, M . Osciak, S. Horan, C. Spinosa, R. W alsh.
What a long strange trip it' s been . though, which included many Anybody who paid attention to outstanding games. It became althe Boys' Basketball team this year most expected that a Springfield would know that the season had game would have an amazing enough peaks and valleys to make comeback attempt or come down you nauseous. The team began to the final shot. The biggest the season w ith one of the tough- games had to be the two huge est non-league schedules in the victories against Ridley. The rich Central League . The Cougars tradition of Springfield Boys' Basplayed well, but suffered many ketball was carried on through thE heartwrenching defeats . Every- teachings of Coach McCormid t hing came together after the holi- and his staff: Coach Werley , day break when the team went on Coach Duffey, and Coach Smith . a five game winning streak. Unfor- Senior captains Steve Fattori, Pal tunately, that success disappeared Shea, and Mike Wallin led thE just as soon as it had come, and a team and allowed everyone te five game slump followed. Staring reach their full potential. Junior~ adversity straight in the eye, the Mark Byrnes, Keon West, MikE boys pulled together and fin ished Wynne, Dujuan Hill, and sopho· the season with a flourish. With a more Gavin Goane were some 0 1 league record of 10-8 and an the main contributors to thE overall record of 12-12, t he Cou- team's success. These young ath· gars earned the 21 st seed in the letes are optimistic about nexl District 1 playoffs. This was as far year. They have learned a lot froIT as the team would go, however, the seniors and coaches this sea· as t hey fell to a powerfu l W il liam son, and they know that with hare Tennent squad. The loss could not work and dedication they can only overshadow a terrific season , get better.
Somet hing to cheer abo ut...
,';' ,
<:. " -
'eshmen: 2nd row- Coach Ke nney, M. Thompson, M. Milliken, D. Ke lly, S. Murphy, S. Cools- Lartigue, B. ~vengood , B. Qu inn. 1st row- S. Botta, J. Piotti, R. Kirby, D . Aiken, M. Moore.
Junior Mark Byrnes leans in fo r an easy basket. Mark had some breakout games this year and displayed a number of post moves to beat the other players.
,. '
I nd'iviclucU'Honors Mark Byrnes ~. - 2nd Tea'm ' News of Delaware County '~
~n ior
captai n Mike Wall in gets good position in Ie post. Senior captain Steve Fattori beats his opponent and penetrates into the lane. Steve was nothing short of amazin g th is year. He h ad the abi lity to take th e ball to the hoop as we ll as pull up for a three-pointer.
Se nior capta in Pat Sh ea towers over the other team and co nverts on the putback. Pat was mainly a defensive speciali st, but he made con tributions on offense in man y games, too.
Steve Fattori ," .' ..,- Tri-G'apiain~, " - Ceritral,'Le~~gue MVP, - Te'am M\{P :, - 1,000 Point GJub- 1st T earn News of Delaware Cou my · , ~. "All-Delco Player: of ',-t he Year ~
Mike Wallin':··,,~ ," ~ Tri,Captair:t ; •
' j.J
Pat Shea ~ - Tri-Captain '.
Sen ior capta in jackie Bowers attempts a three-point shot at a key point in the game. Meanwhile, Coach Caffey and the bench watch in anticipation. jackie's leadership and natural athle tic ability are reasons w hy she is a captain for three sports and is headed to th e University of Notre Dame next yea r.
junior Sabrin a Catrambone cuts to the basket after passing the ball off to a team mate. Sabrina was a force around the basket, w here she co llected most of her points.
Senior capta in Lauren Goane fakes out the other team w ith a no look pass. Lauren made sure everythin g ran smooth ly on the court.
Team Honors Tip-Off Tournament Champions - 1 st Round Dist'rict Playoffs
Individual Honors
Senior Sunday Dyitt stays poised w hile securing a loose ball. Sunday had the unusual responsibi lity of balan cing basketball with cheerleading.
Lauren".Goane - Tri-Captain Jackie Bowers - Tri-Captain Sarah Affonsa - Tri~Captain - New~ of Delaware County_ All Star -¡ . Sabrina Catrambone - Team. MVP - Ne~sof Delaware County All Star 2nd Team AJI-Central League
Freshmen: 3rd row- K. Penrose, L. King, S. Salerno, V. Gamberdella, L. Gamble, D. Dimeglio. 2nd row- K. Sugden, L. Miller, B. Broome, T. j ohnson, K. Pitkin . 1st row- Manager L. Cannon, Manager A. Compton, Manager M. Arm or, C. Gui lle. M issing From Photo- Coach Heller.
Something to cheer about... .:
I Girls' Basketball I
Nothing But Net le Lady Cougars' Basketball am had what can be termed as 1 up and down season this year. fter losing key seniors last year, ,e team was left with a talented 'Oup of underclassmen to pick 'J the slack. The year started off 1 a high note as the Lady CouIrs won the Tip-Off Tournament ith a solid win over a sizeable , nd fundamentally sound nionville team in the championlip game. Unfortunately, the rong start was followed by a ring of heartbreaking losses that as frustrating for all. With the adership of captains Jackie Bow¡s, Lauren Goane, and Sarah Af,nsa, the team was able to pull lemselves out of the slump with )me fine performances. The captins, along with a core consisting f senior Sunday Dyitt and juniors ristin Cellucci, Sabrina Catramone, Marie Carter, and Jackie esbitt, made for a well rounded ld gifted squad boasting versatily and depth. One of the biggest ighlights of the season was the ~am' s victory against a talented trath Haven team, who was in rst place in the Central League at le time. With a tremendous team ffort and defensive intensity, the ady Cougars were able to put trath Haven away. While the ~am was able to turn out some xcellent wins, they suffered a disppointing defeat in the first Jund of the district playoffs to nd their season. The Lady Couars' final record of 8-16 is not an ccurate indicator to judge the ~am by, as it does not illustrate le talent, hard work, and ded:ation exhibited by all players.
Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Otorola, A. Mooney, l. Crandley, M. Carter,S, Dyitt, 5, Catrambone, K, Levengood, Coach Caffey, Coach Francis, 2nd row- V, Turner, j . Cifuni, A, Callinan, K. Cellucci, j. Nesbitt. 1st row- l. Goane, j, Bowers, S. Affonsa.
junior Varsity: 2nd row- Coach Otorola, A. Mooney, l. Crand ley, j. Hou, A. Dugan, S. Hilliard, K. Cifuni, l. Boccella, Coach Francis, 1st row- j, Cifuni, V. Turner, A, Callinan, B, Fogarty, K. Keegan, K. Nelson, B. Lockley,
~- ,
Ice Hockey I
Sla shot ,
Senior ca ptain Ryan Cell sends the pu ck o n net, ho pin g it w ill be defl ected by a team mate.
The Ice Hockey team entered the wall between the pipes, leading all year with more pressure and goalies in the league in goals higher expectations than any oth - against average. The Cougar ofer team in the school. After fin - fensive attack was led by seniors ishing the regular season unde- Nick Gallo and Ryan Cell and junfeated last year and with almost iors Ben Wood and Jack Burke. everyone coming back, t he Cou - Despite facing a number of obstagars were the favorites in the cles throughout the season, the EHSHL Tier III Division coming in- team remained focus and played to the season , even with the excellent hockey. They received toughest schedule in the league. help t he entire season from their They didn't disappoint, fin ishing rowdy, devoted fans, who gave 10-6- 1 and first place in regular the guys a definite home rink ad season play. The Cougars retur- vantage . Some of the team ' s bigned a talented core of fourteen gest wins came against Haverford players from last year' s team . and Roman Catholic. The Cougars The se veterans were accompa- went into the playoffs shorthannied by freshmen Kevin Brawley, ded due to key injuries to Chris Harry Lanciano, and Chuck Mas- Mace and Ben Mortensen . This ciantonio. This loaded lineup was didn' t slow down the Cougars as directed by captains Nick Gallo, they were able to roll over ChiRyan Cell, and Chris Mace. The chester in the first round . The team boasted one of the stingiest mighty Cougars then defeated defenses in the area, led by senior O ' Hara II in a best-of-three series Dan Lucey and junior Chris Mace. to win their division and advance . Senior Joe Hayden was a brick to the Flyers Cup Championships.
Varsity: 3rd row - B. Smith, Coach Demcher, M. Cas sidy, M . Sa lerno, P. Kobasic, B. M o rtense n, A. Porsche, M . Sheeran. 2nd row - D. Lu cey, B. Falzo ne, K. Brawley, B. Simpson, J. Burke, M . DiArenzo, D . Lu cey, B. W ood, Coach Bu rke, M anager M . Kobasic. 1st row- J. Hayden, C. M ace, R. Cell, N . Gallo, C. M asciantonio.
Junior Varsity: 3rd row - S. Getz, Coa ch Munter, M . CaSSidy, C. Recke, B. Ardary, J. Ra nieri, Coach Sa mbucco, J. Mun te r, K. Pickard , A. M cN ichol, D . Harding, K. M atth ews, Coach M cGraw, Coach Acchione. 2nd row- P. Keenan, M. Kell y, D. Acchione, D . Lu cey, D . McGraw, D . Flatau, J. Marker, B. Falzon e, F. Schaffer. 1st row- B. Smith .
Something to cheer about .. . , ,< , â&#x20AC;˘ , r."
nior Matt lerno ap)aches and ts pressure the player the Ith Jck . The )ugar delse used its ¡ee d and ength to its vantage in using turlve r s and 'eventing ori n g opHtunities r other 3ms.
Senior Dan Luce y and juniors Ben Wood, Jack Burke, and Chris Mace congratu late each other after scoring the l eading goal. The team was so successf ul this yea r that th ey rarely did any exuberant celebrating when they scored.
Senior captain Nick Gallo is off to the races for yet another of his many league l eading goa l s. Being much faster than most defenders, N ick was capab le of creat ing scoring chances for both himself and his teammates.
Senior goalie Joe Hayden cuts off the shooter's ang i e while protectin g the Cougar net.
Sen ior Matt Sheeran watches a play develop and prepares to disrupt the oth er team's offensive attack.
~- .
Senior captain Kiera Burke gets an early lead against her opponent. Kiera was extremely committed to improving herself and the team. She was often working hard in the weight room after school when the team didn't have practice.
Senior Carrie O'Connell is excited to finish the tiring race.
Senior Kristi Soroka impresses her diving teamma tes with her excellent form.
Senior captain Jodi McHenry was a specialist at the butterfly events. She earned many points for the tean in this event.
Something to cheer about...
:, .
Girls' Swimming & Diving
Makill9 A SpCash
'oys' & Girls' Varsity: 5th row- j . Burke, M. Digian, G. Allen, W . Williams, M. Cu llen, D. Dunbar, S. Bourke, K. Palmer. 4th row- E. Dwyer, T. Wenke, K. Rider, A. ..bate, C. Clementson, B. Miller, C. Burke, Manager G. Bongiovanni, A. Mushlett, Manager j. Hickey. 3rd row- K. Colaiezzi, L. Handschuh, S. johnson, L. Mock, H. )rgantini, P. Hughes, L. Higgins, B. Dunbar, L. Perry, K. Chrisanthon. 2nd row- V. Sok, E. Wi lliams, C. D' O lio, K. Soroka, C. Milkowski, C. O'Connell, M. Manning, " Rorabaugh. 1st row- Coach Hickey, R. Stulb, T. Walton, S. Donovan, K. Burke, L. Martin, j. McHenry.
t was a tale of two seasons for this 'ear's Girls' Swim team. The Lady =ougars began the year on a treak by winning their first four neets. The best meet of all was he first of the season at Upper )arby. Without any preseason . ,crimmages or meets, the girls ~ave it all they had and were out,tanding. This hot streak did not :ontinue, unfortunately, and the eam soon found themselves fac. ng much steeper competition. Nhile the Lady Cougars swam just is well as they always had, the )ther teams were simply too
much for them . This did not put a damper on a memorable season for the girls, though. They always gave their best in meets, and their spirits were never broken. Coach Tesche and Coach Hickey expected commitment and effort out of their swimmers, and that's exactly what they got. When just about every Springfield student was lying cozily in bed, these girls were in the pool for 6 a.m. practices. With all this gruelling work, every member pushed each other to the limit and thus improved the team . In order to lighten the mood a bit
and generate camaraderie, senior captains Jodi McHenry, Kiera Burke, and Liz Martin continued the ongoing big sister/little sister tradition. They also started some new traditions of their own, such as sleepovers and team breakfasts . This extra bonding time al lowed the veterans to get to know the rookies, and the girls were much closer because of it. The team won't be the same next year after the large number of seniors depart, but the remaining swimmers are optimistic that they will continue to succeed next season.
~. ,
Boys' Swimming & Diving
Riding Waves The Springfield Boys' Swim team had a great season with improving times and performances . The team was led by captains Sean Donovan, Tim Walton, and Ryan Stulb . Even though the boys did not have a winning record, they certainly did improve from past years. As a team, they found success early in the season and there were many individual achievements throughout the year. Senior Sean Donovan qualified for the annual District meet at West Chester University for the second year in a row. At the Central League Championships, the 200 Free Relay team ranked 5th overall amidst steep competition. The
relay members were freshman Wayne Williams, sophomore Greg Allen, junior Ryan Stulb, and senior Sean Donovan . Other team members that earned much need ed points were junior Mark Digian, sophomores Pete and josh Gosselin, senior Tim Walton, and junior Elliot Williams . junior diver jack Burke helped out as the only diver on the team. This will be Coach Pat T esche's last year as head coach for the high school team . He has coached the team for several years and will be greatly missed . As for the rest of the team, most of them will be back next year, and they hope to Improve the program.
Freshman Wayne Williams cheers on his teamm. tes.
Boys' and Girl s' Captains: 2nd row- Rya n Stu lb, Sean Donovan, Tim W alton . 1st row - Jodi M cHenry, Li z M artin, Kiera Burke.
Something to cheer about...
nior ca pta in Rya n Stulb was an intense co mpetito r w ho did whatever it took to becom e a better limm e r.
>p h o m o r e ! n sa t io n 'eg Allen is l v in g n o :) ubl es in i s eve n t. r e g ' s e nusiasm and laxed add ide helped giv e th e ys that exa b oost l e n t im es ~ re toug h . = w ill be 'I e of th e l ny m e m!rs r e turng to th e a m n ext ar.
Junior Jack Burke is gracefull y soarin g in to th e water fo r a high-scorin g dive.
Senior capta in Sea n Donovan is swimming away from his co mpetitio n on th e path to anoth er first place finish.
nior ca ptain Tim Wa lto n has set a positive exa mple fo r th e yo unger swimmers to fo llow.
Spo rts
The Girls' Winter Track and Field team had a very successful season. The team's dedication in practice paid off in the competitions. Senior captain Kate Curran and juniors Ann Marie Regan and Anna Zischkau earned numerous medals in their prospective events. As a relay team in the 4 X 800 meter, freshmen Anna Calabrese and Katie Tomasura, along with Ann Marie Regan and Kate Curran, received a medal and broke Springfield's previous time in the Distance Medley Relay. Senior Lisa Cutrufello came back to the team and continued to improve her performance in the hurdles. New additions to the squad were freshmen Laura Glace and Jessica Siofer, sophomores Megan Palmer, Kathleen Davey and Lauren Valerio and junior Kim Helmle. Supporting the team every step of the way was Coach Curran, Coach Funk, and Coach Halloway, with their expert advice and years of experience. The team showed great perseverance and sportsmanship throughout the long season, improving their times and distances with every meet.
Senior Lisa Cutrufello leaves her opponents in her dust coming around the turn.
Girls' Varsity: 2nd row- Manager A. Giuliani, K. Helmle, A. Regan , L. Cutrufello, K. Curran, J. Siofer, Manager S. English, Coach Curran. 1st row- K. Davey, M. Palmer, K. Tomasura, A. Zischkau, L. Valerio, A. Calabrese, L. Glace.
Something to cheer about...
Senior captain Kate Curran has had a terrific rL ning career at the high school. Freshman Jessica Siofer takes the lead comi down the home stretch.
Winter Track he 2000-2001 Boys' Winter rack and Field season was an enouraging rebuilding year. Coaptains Steve Vescovich and Joe raatz did a great job of leading an xtremely young team, which inluded four freshmen, two sopholores, three juniors, and only one 2nior. The young bunch develped quickly under the mentoring f Coach Curran and Coach Hol)way with occasional help from :oach Funk. The team had quite a 2W key highlights this season. 'he first highlight of the year came v'h en freshmen Kevin Comey, im Tomasura, and Justin Walsh nd sophomore Lou Vastardis 2amed up to finish 3rd place in ne freshmen and sophomore 4 X iOO relay at Lehigh University. 'he team's success continued a 2W weeks later with Steve Ves:ovich taking 4th place in the 60 neter dash. Later in the season Je Fraatz earned 3rd place in )ole vaulting and A.J. Nicolella re:eived 3rd in the high jump. This 'ear's team had a lot of fun both In and off the field, and the guys )ecame good friends. This tight )ond is sure to help fuel the eam's success in the future as nany of the athletes return next 'ear.
Making Strides
Boys' Varsity: 2nd row- Manager S. English, S. Vescovich, A. Nicolella, T. English, J. Fraatz, B. Regan, Manager A. Giuliani, Coach Cu rran . 1st row- K. Comey, L. Vastardis, D. Spector, T. Tomasura.
Senior captain Steve Vescovich runs the 60 meter dash .
:reshman Tim Tomasura is doing his part in the elay.
Junior captain Joe Fraatz sai ls over the bar in a pole vault competition at Lehigh. Lehigh has one of th e o nly indoor pole vau lt facilities in the area.
Going For The Pin
Varsity: 2nd row- Coach Pecunia, M. Levy, A. Garling, F. Brin kley, Coach Mazurek, j. Furia, C. Lau li s, j . Crowding, Coach Ricci. 1st row- M . Davies, M. Tirney, T. Rapp, A. Karim , R. San nelli, N . Clark, B. Seeley, j . Swan.
junior Varsity: 2nd row- Coach Ricci, C. Bailey, K. Foster, Coach Mazurek, B. Thoma s, R. Coates, Coach Pecunia. 1st row- S. Shillady, j . Geary, C. Senkow.
Someth ing to cheer about.. .
The Wrestling team had aver tough season this year, but kep working very hard. New hea( coach Steve Mazurek and his as sistants Coach Ricci and Coad Pecunia asked a lot of the wres tiers this year. They wanted mon discipline, more effort, and mon time devoted to the sport. The students that stayed with the pro gram this year improved im mensely, gained an understandin) of what they have to do to ge better, and realized that true suc cess comes only after hard work The Cougars always did their bes and were led throughout the yea by their senior co-captains Ro~ Sannelli and Mike Levy. They ha< some very good meets and man~ great individual performances juniors Tyler Rapp, Mark Davies and Brian Seeley and sophomore: jim Swan, josh Furia, and MikE Tirney were just a few of the wres tiers who did accel this year. They along with the rest of the team helped to earn some impressivE victories over team s like Cardina O'Hara and Penn Wood. The bes meet of the year, though, had tc be the one against arch enemie~ Ridley. Ridley,' the third rankec team in Delaware County, was ex¡ pected to dominate from start tc finish. The Cougar wrestlers per¡ formed better than anyone anticipated and made the wrestlinE powerhouse sweat out aver) dose victory. Even though thE Cougars didn't win the match, they proved that the Springfielc Wrestling program was on the riSE and will have many victories in thE near future.
¡ :.
, ."
enior captain Mike Levy performs an excellent wrestling move. Mike missed he last part of the season due to injury.
Junior Mark Davies plans his next move. Mark used quickn ess and outstanding fundamenta ls to beat his opponents.
5 en i 0 r capta in Rob Sannelli f li ps his 0 pponent onto the mat w ith authority. Rob was one of the most con sistent w restlers. Junior Tyler Rapp is in fu II contro l of t his mat c h. Tyler was by far the most dependable member of th e team.
~- .
Somethin g To Inspire ¡Us At the time of entrance to elementary school, many students have an idea that teachers do not do the same things as students do. As hard as it may be to believe, teachers are normal! Teachers only goal in life is not to drill their subjects into student's brains, but also to teach students about life. As a student, have you ever noticed that teachers often add a little life lesson into each class period? The faculty here at Springfield High School is of top of the line quality. Every teacher here at SHS has something different to teach us that will enrich our lives
now and later in life. Many teachers do not only work with students in the classroom, but also outside as coaches, activity advisors, and committee members . Even though students may take our SHS faculty for granted, most of the students of SHS are appreciative of all that the teachers and administrators do, inside and out of school. For that, thank you. While students may perceive teachers as only lecturers, creators of impossible tests, reasons for stress, and assigners of homework, teachers are a lot more than that: they are something to inspire us .
Fonda Akins Linda Ardao Bill Atwell
Janet Barber Carolyn Bean Christine Belton
I .
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Jeff Benton G. Bienowski Madeline Boehning
Mary Boeni Joe Bosak Wendy Bratz
Viera Cacali Kim Caffey Ruta Clair
Kevin Cooper Maria Cuozzo Cindy Dannaker ~-
Rita Deitrich Donna DeRose Sue Descano
Holly DiGregorio Christine DiPaolo Kathryn Donahue
;,;,', I ~. ,I.
Bea Donato Michele DriksMoore Rich Duffey
Rich Ehmann Marylou Falls John Fernandez
Amalfi Finnerty Dave Freas Connie Funk
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Barbara Garling
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Roe Giuffre Robi GluckLevine Pat Gorgone
Doris Gough Janine Graff Tom Grubb
William Harley Mike Heath Jim Heller
Sue Heller
",;., '.
Debbie Helmle Rob Henry Regina Hercer
Michael Heron Maryanne Hoyt Bridget Kelly
Sean Kenney Tim Kerry JoAnn Kovatch
Anne Laubach Lisa Liguori Deborah Litchko
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- ---
G. Lombardi
Amy Long Daphne Longo M. Lubking
Kate Madaya Phyllis Maloney Joyce Mastalski
Steve Mazurek Jim McCarthy Frank McKnight
Bill McRae
Carol Meinhardt Joseph Milnes Terri Missar
Beverly Montgomery Braden Montgomery SueAnn Morrone
Barbara Moyer Esther Murphy Vicki Murphy Kendall 110
- -
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Kevin Nadzam Patricia Naismith jeanette Nesbitt
Marge 0' Reilly john Patella jaye Pedante
Lisa Pereira Sandy Perkins Bob Preston
Christa Proschinger Sue Purvis Pat Rambo
Beth Richichi Frederick Robinson Sam Sackett
Denise Smith Ruth Snyder Roseann Squitiere
Sissy Staeger Steve Stefani Natalie Tanner
Rick Taylor Natalie Thompson
Marybeth Tiger - Wesley Phyllis Todd Rosemary Touhill
George Trout Frances Ward Sheri Ward
Debbie Weiss Chris Wells Nancy Woods
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Something To GlLOW From Freshmen Class of 2004 Coming into a new school gave Freshmen many worries. Will I fit in? Will I find my classroom? Will any of my friends be in my lunch? However, once school started they quickly" realized that their worries were unnecessary. This year's Freshmen handled the tran-
Alexis Abate David Acchione Monica Agovino Roselena Agovino Daniel Aiken Kaitlyn Angstadt
jason Anszis Adam Ardary Megan Armor Danielle Avellino Clifford Bailey Steven Ball
Karlejandra Baptiste Karlicia Baptiste Eddie Barbour Daniel Barnett jessica Barrett j ennifer Barrios
Kelly Anne Beal Robert Bell Shawn Bennett Lisa Bollinger Lisa Bongiovanni Steven Botta
joshua Bowen Aubrey Braconnier Kevin Brawley Gil Breingan Kevin Brennan Amanda Broemel
sition from middle school to High School very well. The class of 2004 even held their own formal dance this year. The hardest part about Freshman year for most was balancing their lives. With joining clubs, playing sports, keeping up good grades, having a social life
and spending time with their fami lies, they felt overwhelmed. Afte . learning to balance their schedu les they began to relax and enjo' the experience of being a part 0 the High School. Now the chal lenge of becoming a Sophomon awaits.
Beverly Broome Holly Buckley Christine Burke Mallory Byington Richard Byrne John Byrnes
Anna Calabrese Lauren Cannon Samantha Carfagno Michael Carson Michael Cassidy Marianne Cellini
Regina Cetrone Christopher Chamblee Kevin Chiang
Kimberly Rose Cifuni Alicia Clement Robert Clements
Before going into class th ese three Freshmen Kathryn Cola iezzi, Christopher Mirarchi, and H oll y Moore pose for a picture. Students gather usually gather o utside of classes to make su re they have done the correct homework the night before or simply to see w hat the others are doing over the weekend.
~v in Chiang wai ts outside of the band room for his older sister lren. Having older siblings in the building is often co nven ient w hen )u have lost your way or need the s~oop on a teacher you have.
Corinne Clemetsen Bonnie Clossey Kathryn Colaiezzi Samantha Collom Kevin Comey Alicia Compton
Stephan Cools-Lartique Alexander Cooper jean ine Corliss Lindsey Corotis Ashley Costanzo Zachariah Council
Travis Coyne john Crane Stephen Crane Ashley Crawford Aurora Crew Maura Cullen
jaclyn Danese Christopher Darby Evan Davey Allison DeLizzio Michele DeMatteo Michele DeSanto
Alicia DeStefano Craig DeVakon jacqueline Diamond Ala ina DiBartolomeo Ryan DiCecco Mark DiDonato
Diana DiMeglio
Gary Rothera wa it s patiently to see what he got on hi s test. Gary stud ied reall y hard for this test and he is hopin g t( get a good grade back. Many Freshmen do not rea li ze that the tests are harder now that they are in H igh School.
' ,'" ,
lison Stell and Amanda Broemel get a quick picture taken before they go to advisory. 'ow that advisory starts ten minutes later, students have more time to talk to their iends and grab a quick snack before they have to go to class.
Justin Piotti takes a break from studying for his Biology test to take a picture. Study Halls help Freshmen handle all the homework that they have to do. Justin takes full advantage of all the free time.
Brandon DiZebba Selena Driscoll Erin Dwyer Timothy English Christopher Erickson Shane Evans
joseph Ezzie Gabriel Falgie Brian Falzone Vincent Fecca Amanda Feehery Mary Fernandez
Richard Fetterolf Maryann Filan Laura Finsterbusch Andrew Flatau Brett Ford Brittany Fox
james Friel Lauren Gallagher Victoria Gambardella Elizabeth Gamble Laura Gardner joseph Geary
jessica Gerace Sean Getz Laura Glace Laura Gordon Laura Green Lawrence Greenwich
, -
Johnn y Sa ng sits in math class in front of the tessellation wa ll. Tessellations are repeating figures that some Freshmen learn about during geometry class. Tessellations are o ne of the onl y art projects done in math class.
Matthew Griffey Jesse Gronlie Matthew Grosso Casey Gualberti Nicola Guardavaccaro Colleen Guille
Deepa Gupta Julia Gutica Erica Gutter Christopher Haas Lori Handschuh David Harding
Ryan Harford Ryan Heron Brett Hewlett Jamie Hidell Francis Higgins Nicole Hinkson
Jillian Holmes Michael Hutchinson Loc Patrick Huynh Ian Irrgang Alexander Irvine Khalid Islam
Heather Jacoby Aali-Shan Javid Sondra Jennings Dwight L Johnson Jillian Johnson Suzanna Amy Johnson
Kimberly Pitkin and her friend are taki ng a break from wo rk that they are doing during advisory. Advisory is a great time to catc h up on the homework from the night before or even to get ahead .
; -
' - ',
What are the biggest fears for you as freshmen?
I was scared that the classes would be too hard. Lisa Bollinger
Getting lost. Kath erine Lemon
That the hom ework would be too much to handle. Rob Bell
Tahra Johnson Yiotis Kasapis Kaitlin Keegan Ashley Keenan Jacqueline Kellie Derek L Kelly
Kieran Kelly Michael Kelly Alison Kerr Laura Kimpel Charrose King James King
Julien King Laura King Raquel King Ryan Kirby Justin Kopp Justin Koziol
Jamie Lafferty Harry Lanciano Danielle Lannutti Nicholas Legrand Katherine Lemon Emily Lesutis
Brian Levengood Do Hyung Lim Kevin J Lindsay Shana Litchko Justin Lockley Kristopher L Longaker
Allison Schultz and Caitlin Schlesinger loo k ove r at each oth er wondering if th e oth er knows w here th ey are. Most Freshmen say that th e bi ggest problem w ith going to th e High School is finding their w ay around.
Gwendolyn Lovekin Lauren Lucci David Lucey Megan Lee Lustig Mike Wil son ends his day w ith a smilE before heading home. Stu dents are al¡ ways relieved w hen th e last bell rin gs.
John Lyons Dionn e Lytle Matthew Magrann Jeralyn Marcone Joseph Marker Charles Masciantonio
Steven Massimini Erica Mastricola Kyle Matthews Sean McBride William McCaffery Christine McConnell
Ashley McFarland Patrick McGarrigle Elizabeth McGlinchey Jaclyn McGrath Lee McKee Ross McKee
John McMenamin Ryan Mctague Ashley Mendenhall Brittany Miller Lianna Miller Matthew Milliken
\~ 124
Christopher Mirarchi Kelly Miscannon Elizabeth Mock Rachel Mollichella David Montesano Holly Moore
Matthew Moore Joseph Morrell Patrick Mulkern Erin Murphy Scott Murphy Shannon Murphy
Caitlin Myers Holly Nealon Daniel Nguyen Amanda Noce Jillian O'Brien Crystal O'Connor
Daniel O'Leary Caitlin O'Shea Joseph O'Shea Rafael Oberti Kristin Olivieri Natalia Orloff
Alex Osburn Falon Pattani Katelyn Penrose Michael Perekupka George Phillips Julia Phipps
3tt Moore poses for a picture in the hall. The pen behind Ma tt's r shows that he is very organ ized and has a place for everyng.
During lunch these two freshmen ta lk about many different topics. Their conversation s range from school to boys. The girls are very excited for Freshmen yea r because of all of the Senior hotties!
What are the advantages of being a freshman?
We get away with more because we really don't know what we are doing. Maura Cullen
Being able to write on my hand and get away with it! Beth Regan
We have more freedom then we did in the middle school. John Byrnes
Brittany Piotti justin Piotti Kimberly Pitkin David Pizzica William Quinn Nicholas Raffaele
joseph Ranieri Elizabeth Regan jenna Rickards Kristen Rider Eric Riviello Brian Rose
Turquoise Ross Gary Rothera Laura Rowntree Alexander Rucci Erica Russell Sara Salerno
johnny Sang Francis Schaffer jason Schatz Matthew Scheier Caitlin Schlesinger Allison Schu ltz
Colin Searfass Nicolas Seminoff Christopher Senkow An ita Seth Mansoor Shabon Marie Shertz
~r â&#x20AC;˘
Elbert Sheu Stephen Shillady Andrew Shivetts Felicia Siravo joann Skaria jessica Siofer
Brendan Smith Ashley Somers Robert Spence Kelly Stackhouse Nicholas Stamoulis Eric Stanchak
Alison Stell Meghan Stets Leigh Stolnis Lindsey Stoner Gabrielle Stumm Kristen Sud hop
Kristin Sugden Sean Sullivan jennifer Sykes Michael Tashjian Victoria Taylor Brian Th omas
jeeja Thomas Michael Thompson Soraya Thompson Sally Thomson
rahra Joh nson is smilin g because it is finall y Frid ay. Tahra still has a lot to do, including a ;occer ga me and marching band. .
Falon Pattani takes a break fro m dancing at th e Soccer Dance. Th e Soccer Dance is a grea t way fo r freshman to be introduced into th e high school.
AJ Tomasello Katherine Tomasura Timothy Tomasura Joseph Tracy Tino Lan Tran Scott Trexler
Cheryl Tribuiani Christopher Valentine Stephanie Viggiano Martha Vlioras June Warfield Ashley Wassell
julia Gutica and joann Skaria are anticipating the bell to ring to end lunch. Some students try to stay in lunch as long as possible in order to get as much socializing in as possible. The bell symbolizes the return to class that most students do not look forward to.
Gina Cetrone, julia Phipps, and Caitlin Myers are seen here du rin g their lunch. Lunch is always a great part of the day because it is a time for students to rest their minds and rebuild their energy with food.
Kevin Lindsay raises a question during photography class. Photography is a popu lar elective offered at SHS. Kevin is very lucky to have it on his schedu le during Freshmen year.
Fresh men year is a yea r for making friends and keeping friends. These two friends Brittany Piotti and jenna Rickards are able to strengthen their friend ship s every morning during advisory where they we re alphabetically placed together.
I · · ••
Patrici a Wenke Matth ew Wharton Amanda Wilkerson Jessica Williams Olivia Williams W ayne Willi ams
Michael Wilson Michele Wright Michael Wysocki Michael Young Jennifer Zane
Camera Shy Andrew Dorner Vincent Marino Christopher Oberti
en ds Bill Quin and Nick Raffaele stand together right after saying pled ge of allegiance. Saying the pledge is something that the Jdents at SHS are abl e to do every morning during adviso ry. ~
ave Pi zzica stops filling out his homework to get a pi cture taken . ave forgot to do his homework last night and is trying to get it done ~fo re cl ass starts.
Eri c Riviello and Gil Breingan are seen here in th e cafete ri a after school. Stud ents often hang out after school is over. Once the work is done, they are ready to sociali ze and have fun.
Something To
Sophomore Class of 2003 It is your Sophomore year and you have got the hang of things. You are no longer a little Freshmen. School is not as scarey and getting picked on by the other grades is not a big problem . You find yourself getting more involved with school activities and thinking more and more about your future. At the completion of Sophomore year you come to the halfway point of your High School career. Sophomore year is a fun
Choru s members Brendan McShane, Sarah Karlhe im , Sue Jin Cheung, Becky Bogash, Sean Horan, and Joe Pizzica live for the time whe n th ey can sing th eir hearts out!
Kira Gutter and Tracey Green are ve ry good friends. They are in th e same advisory, that gives them time to hang out during the day. They also have a French teacher for an advisor, that gives them an edge with homework questions!
Courtney Aaron john Adams Robert Addis Ryne Adolph Alyssa Agovino Gregory Allen
jaclyn Allen Michael Amberger Trusten Anderson john Antonucci jordan Arimoto Frank Baehr
<: ',.
year filled with advantages . YOl have the Soph Hop. You do no have to take the S. A. T. YOl have a good amount of time tc experiment with academic pos sibilities . This year's Sopho mores even helped out th{ Freshmen by giving them thei own semi-formal dance. BelievE it or not the next couple year' will go by fast. Soon you will bE graduating. Take it all in an( make the most of your Soph omore year.
Chris Spin osa is tryin g to figure out w hat activity he is supposed to be helping out w i' today. Chris is a very active student and can be seen just about everywhere there someth in g goin g on.
Jonathon Baitzel Kyle Baker John Bannon Ian Barbella Ronald Barone David Batory
Ashley Bensinger Jaqueline Berry Lauren Boccella Rebecca Bogash Jason Bongard Meghan Borbidge
Gina Braun Kerry Brennan Kara Bretherick Ryan Brown Prince Albert Burns Ashley Callinan
Daniel Carfagno Richard Casale Cara Cavicchia Sue Jin Cheung Michael Chevalier
Melissa Ciurlino
Nathan Clark
Amanda Conforto )homore Mike Osciak is cornered by th e camera in th e hallway. Here is Mike saying, " It wasn't me!" H e needs to another quote because rapp er Shaggy already has th at one.
Taking a break from dancing, Kerri Flatau, Ryne Ado lph, and Co lleen McCrory pose for our ca mera. Many students attend these dances th at are sponsored by different activities.
Christina Correnti jessica Craft Lauren Crandley William Cress
Matthew Crunkleton Cindy Culleney james Czuczman Christopher 0' Esposito Michael D'Orazio
Amanda Dambrink David Damiano Kathleen Davey Drew Del Vecchio Bryan Delaney Thomas Delucia
jaclyn DelViscio joseph Dicecco jennifer Digian joshua DiGiorgio Christina Dockery Alexandra Dombalagian
Cory Donovan Bree Dougherty Brian Dougherty Kieran Dougherty Kimberly Dowman Caitlin Driscoll
Shawn McConaghy and Brian Dougherty stop eating to sm il e. Students use their lunch period to ca tch up with fri ends that they don't have classes with.
Here is th e sophomore class show in g som( school sp irit at thi s yea r' s pep rall y in the fa ll The pep rally is a way to have the student support all of the fall sports teams.
Lindsay Dubil Annelie Dugan Jason Dukes Brittany Dunbar Kyle Elliott Kerry Ellis
Joseph Ferrigno Joseph Fink Carmen Finocchiaro Daniel Fischetti Kerri Flatau Patrick Flood
Bridget Fogarty Ben Ford David Forgacic Keith Foster Kevin Foster Stephanie Foster
Adam Fowler Felicia Fox Courtney Frost Joshua Furia Brian Gallagher Matthew Gansky
Richard Gauldin Alexandra Getz Danielle Gibson John Gibson Gavin Goane Joseph Golato
How do you feel about the Freshmen having their own dance? "I didn't like it but since it helped the 'sophomores ... " Jordon Arimoto
"I think it is good because then students will not be as nervous asking people for other dances." Gavin Goane
"We never had a dance so why should they?" Erica Marcolongo
Meghan Goodman Robert Gordon jason Gorman joshua Gosselin Peter Gosselin julia Grace
Mallory Graeve Shannon G rant Tracey Green Ann marie Gross Georgina Gurenlian Kira Gutter
Melissa Hale Thomas Hall justin Hanrahan Meghan Hansen Ashley Harper Heather Hartrum
Kimberly Hartrum Ca rina Hassano Rachel Heath Kristen Heneks Sara Hessenauer jessica Hickey
Ke ith Foster can be seen around the halls w ith his million dollar sm ile. Keith is one of the friendliest people in the sophomore class.
Friends Kevin Mu lkern and Lauren Boccella hang out by the tra iner's office before practi ce after school. A lot of friendships are made through sports because of their common in teres'ts.
M ike Sage and John Marti n are caught posing for their art class a, models . They are helping their classmates with ideas of w hat to draw for their next project.
Shanais Hilliard Edward Hitchins Matthew Hittinger Jennifer Hollencamp Sean Horan Jenny Hou
Sheila-Kate Houser Erik Howard Benjamin Howarth Thomas Hoy Darnell Irons Jehan Jamil
Adam Jamison Marietta Jeffers Andrea Jonaitis Gregory Juliano Christopher Kammerer Ahmed Karim
Sarah Karlheim Jean Kearney Patrick Keenan Sarah Kelley Erin Kelly Susan Kelly
Lindsey Koslosky
During English class, Mike McFadden works on his I-Search paper. Sophomores have to pick a subject to research and write about.
Meaghan Tocher is on her way back from the library. The LMC can be a ve ry useful place for sophomores who are as inquisitive as Meaghan.
n Hollencamp is stopped ¡in the hallway on her way to class. ue to the extended time between ¡first period and advisory, Jdents have time to stop at their lockers.
Sophomore Christina Correnti is studying hard for her math test. Christina is invo lved in man y things and finds it hard to find time to study.
What are the advantages of being a Sophomore?
"You are not a freshmen anymo re!" Brad Stanton
Maxwell Kretchmer joseph Landers Lauren Landolph Ryan Laulis Michael Liccio David Lloyd
Brooke Lockley Michael Logan Lindsay Lopatin j aime Lukert Colleen MacCrory Erica M arcolongo
M arisa Marinelli Kristen M arkowitz james Marks john Martin Khali ah Martin Francisco Martinez
Peter Mattei Robert McAleer Kevin McBride Michael McBride Shawn McConaghy Sean McCusker
Michael McFadden Thom as McGarrigle Kathleen McHale Clare McKenna Brian M cLauglin Kyle McManus 138
" Yo u get more respect from teachers and studen ts." Josh Gosselin
"You ca n get an electi ve over a freshmen." Jason Stein
Jring stud io art clas s, lisa Woods and Kira Gutter pause from their work. They ~ working on a still-li fe flower painting. You ca n see th eir wo rk at Celebration of
e Arts.
Coll een MacCrory rushes to finish her language test before the bell rings. One of the disadvantages of being a sophomore is that the work level becomes progressive ly more difficult.
Brendan McShane Kathleen Megill Philip Mignogna Sandra Monastra Karen Moran-Thomas Kevin Mulhern
Kevin Mulkern Jason Munter Kevin Murphy Kathleen Nelson Grant Novak Joseph O'Keefe
Kathleen O'Reilly Matthew Orlando Michael Osciak Christie Pace Herman Pace Megan Palmer
Michael Parke Mihir Patel Andrew Pellak Mary Beth Penjuke Shannon Penston Leanne Perry
Douglas Perusso Jesse Pefas Jeffrey Peters Hayden Peterson Michael Petrellis Brandi Pflugh ~-
Kara Bretherick wo rks hard as a student aid for her Spa nish teacher. Many students are able to earn credits by working for their favorite teachers.
David Piampiano Kevin Pickard Gregory Pinter Ashley Pinto joseph Pizzica Daniel Plank
Marguerite Porrini jenna Porter Carolyn Power Robert Preston Anthony Rago Gary Ralph
Michael Razzi jenna Re Thomas Rebbert Bridget Reed Kelly Rhoades jason Rhoades
Emily Marie Ringwalt Michael Roberts jennifer Rowntree Alicia Nicole Roy Patrick Ruddy james Rudolph
Phillip Runkel Michael Sage joanna Samohod Colby Sandone Harry Saylor Paul Scott
Michelle Tomlinson and Li sa Woods arrive at school early to have a morning chat. A lot of students gather in the lobby before first period to talk before they have to run off to class.
Daniel Shell Eric Shellhase Daniel Sherwin David Spector Chris Spinosa Michael Spires
Bradley Stanton Sean Stark jason Stein Michael Stein Kevin Stewart james Swan
Brian Sykes Christina Tashjian james Taylor Meg Theranger
Brian Thomas jaclyn Tinney Michael Tirney Meaghan Tocher
Michelle Tomlinson Anthony Tori Cassidy Touhill Ha Tran It Flood stays after school to work on hi s usic for choir. Besides being extremely inlIigen t, Pat is a very talented singer.
I\eghan Borbidge, Lauren Boccella, Ashley Callinan, and Gina Braun hang out in le hallway before advisory. Advisory is their favorite period of the day. They not ,nly get to talk, but th ey get a cha nce to eat breakfast.
Jen ny Hou sits and dreams of th e wo nderful year of basketball she will have. She can't wa it to be able to play for the junior vars ity team this season. ~-
Oanh Tran Michael Troilo Gessica Turano Heather Tweedy
Thomas Urglavitch Jessica Urso Lauren Valerio Louis Vastardis Meggie Porrini flips through a french magazine during some down time in class. She is a very hard working student.,
Brendan McShane and Sandra Monastra converse during English class. They are discussing the controversial book Catcher in the Rye that they had to read sophomore year.
Shannon Grant and Ashley Harper have had a lifelong friendship. They are lucky that their last names are close together alphabetically so they were able to be in the same advisory.
Leanne Perry's hair blows in the wind as she sits outside in the courtyard.
Lauren Valerio loves the outdoors so she convinced her teacher to let them have class outside.
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Melissa Vella Robert Wagner Brian Walsh Gerard Walsh Justin Walsh
Kimberly Windsor Lisa Woods Jennifer Woolson Erin Worrall Joseph Zaccarelli
Camera Shy Jeffrey Cappello William Dalahan Scott Hale Charles Jen se n Gregory Juliano Kevin Kirkpatrick
Brianna Kownacki Dana Krueger Kyle Smith Rebecca Smith Sean Sullivan Matthew Taggart
DiGiorgio ponders about the importance of our co mmons, commons are a great place to be when you do not have s. Josh wi ll soon come to that conclusion.
Chris D'Esposito and Robert Wagner work hard on music they have to learn for the district choir audition. They have to work extra hard to get a jump on the upper-class men w ho are trying out.
lMarie Gross leans over to get help on a q uestion fro m ghan Hansen. ~.
Something To Aim For Junior Class of 2002 It seems like only yesterday that you stepped into SHS for the first day of school your freshman year. Now, as you finish your junior year, you are nearing the end of the inevitable. For everyone, junior year is very significant. Everything you do junior year is reflected on your college transcripts. For many of you, your junior year also welcomed many firsts. Your first prom and Snow Dance, the first time taking PSA1's
N ick Sifda is seen here catching up on some reading. Junior year is often said to be the hardest of all four yea rs. With all his work, Nick needs to constantly be doing things to stay on top of his schedu le.
Valerie Turner, Jackie Nesbitt, and Kim Levengood are seen here on their way to an athletic advisory meeting. Thes es three are so in vo lved that some of the only time they have to talk is during chance meetings in the hallways.
Danielle Acito Ian Adams Sarah Affonsa Nahreen Ahmed Kimberly Asbury Samantha Ash
Gregory Avato Jillian Backall Talifa Bailey Christopher Baith Kyle Ballerino Alexis Battaglia
and SAT's, and the first chane to take an AP course. And don forget about those wonderfl blue passes. You know the onE that you look forward to for tv\years, but then when you actl ally get them, you realize thE are not that useful. There is als the long and gruelling colleg process. As you wrap up yOl junior year at SHS and reflet back at all of the memories, yo will realize that your time at SH is limited and before you kno' it, you will be graduating.
Ch ris Salerno and Bryan Schafer are doing research on the intern et. Both of them a excited to find the information that they we re looking for. An advantage of Springfie High School is the convienant internet access that is offered to the students.
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Nicole Battaglini Jillian Battista Daniel Beal Justin Bernstein Aimee Boldosser Britton Bongaardt
Gina Bongiovanni William Booth Alexandra Borovsky Shannon Bourke Daniel Bowman Channel Bradley
Eric Brady Jenna Bratz Matthew Brennan Floyd Brinkley Richard Buchanan Tamara Buchholz
Christine Bulkley John Burke Mark Byrnes Louis Calabrese Kristen Callahan Stephen Cameron
Eileen Campbell
Nicholas Cantando
Lea Capri 'ing advisory, this group of students take a break to smile for the camera. For Greg Gurenlian, Kim Helmle, Tim Jrick, Eric Brady, Justin Bernstein, and Andrew Guilie, advisory is a time to relax during the day. Greg is reading the Ispaper while Kim is catc hing up on some homework .
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What is the Hardest Part About Junior Year?
The homework level; it makes me so stressed out that I need to buy hair dye at age 16. Christy Power
Balancing everthing: school, wo rk, extra curricu lar activities, family, and my social life. Andrea Syglowski
Steven Carfagno Caitlin Carney-jones Marie Carter
Douglas Cash ell Daniel Castagna Sabrina Catrambone
Kristin Cellucci joseph Cervo Karen Chiang
Kara Chrisanthon jacqueline Cifuni Daniel Clark james Clark Ross Coates Daniel Colaiezzi
Ashley Colantonio Benjamin Cooper julia Corliss Alicia Corrato james Crowding Daniel Crowe
Juggling all the activities, classes, homework, and maintaining a great social life. Ali Mooney
Extremely hard tests and having to stay up until 3 0' clock in the morning. Lindsay Kerr
Amy Cuorato Kristen Cuthbert Michelle 0 ' Aulerio Phillip Damon Mark Davies Emilie Davis
Angela Defeo Thomas Del Vecchio Christina Demarco David Derr Nicole DiDonato Elizabeth Dilenno
Michael DiArenzo Crystal Dimario Lauren Dombalagian Ashlie Dougherty Dixie Dunbar Sarah Dutton
Michelle Eley Robert Ervin Sean Farrell Thomas Federle Krista Feliciani Mary Filippone
Caitlin Finnegan Nicole Flasinski Matthew Fordyce Joseph Fraatz Danielle Friez Lauren Fuiman
Joshua Gansky Adam Garlin Mario Giacomucci Daniel Gibson Sheila Gibson Ryan Gifford
Jeff Lemon is busy taking a math test. This is the first yea r that Honors Math has been offered to the junior class. It may be difficult, but Jeff works well under pressure.
Brian Giuliani Cassandra Greco Jessica Greco Kristie Green
Jennifer Griglione Breann Grubb Andrew Guille Gregory Gurenlian Lisa Hackler Danielle Hamson
Melissa Harding Cynthia Harkins Samantha Harms Sean Hartley Timothy Hedrick Kimberly Helmle
Mark Helmle Jonathan Hennessy Tara Lee Hewlett Laura Ann Higgins Dujuan Hill Maureen Hiller
Jasper Ho Ryan Hodinka Marc Hoffken Casey Horna Jennifer Howell Patrice Hughes
Nicole DiDonato and Crystal DiMario enjoy their advisory periods together. These two are very close friends and en joy the twenty minute period to catch up.
- Many sports teams have traditions of weal ing a specific item on a game day. One da~ the swim team had to wea r th eir goggle: Heather Organtini is modeling them.
Lauren Hutelmyer Michael Hutton William jennings justin jiulianti Christine johnson Christopher johnson
Wesley Kalman Andrew Kaminskas Corinne Kelly. Gerald Kelly jr. jessica Kelly Lindsay Kerr
So Hyun Kim Robert King Peter Kobasic Timothy Kramer Matthew Krohmer Sharon Lanciano
Charles Laulis Nicholas Lehman jeffrey Lemon Kim Levengood Arthur Lo Stephen Logan
Alicia Loro james Lynch Tammy Lynch Christopher Mace Michael Malandra Matthew Malara
sper Ho finally gets a chance to lay back and relax! He takes so much pride in his :hoolwork and his violin playing, he never gets a chance to rest!
Junior year is your first opportunity to take an AP English course. A lot is expected of you, including a lot of reading . Shown here are Karen Chiang and Nahreen Ahmed reading their favorite books of the year. ~.
Caitlin Finnegan is seen here on her way out of the chorus room. Chorus is one of Caitlin's favorite classes . It is a time where she can sin g her heart out, learn about music, and challenge her voca l ability.
Thomas Mallee Jr. John Manners Brian Marchesani Gary Marino Lauren Marrone Jenni Massimini
Thomas Mathai Christina Matteo Joseph McBride Patrick McCarron Kelly McConnell Tabitha McDaniel
Courtney McFarland Laura McGill Matthew McGill Timothy McGovern Patrick McGrath Daniel McGraw
Bernadette Mcintyre Leonard McNelly Adam McNichol Mary Kate Mela Daniel Meo Brian Messner
Mark Davies, Dawn Wilson , Krista Feliciani, Karen Chiang, Britt Ori, Mike Malan¡ dra, Tom M athai, Jeff Lemon, and Brian Giuli ani have been close for years. The) are fortunate to have their lunch period together. They plan to have a good year
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What is Your Favorite Cafeteria Food?
The Soft Pretzels. I have a certain way to eat them that makes them taste perfect. Sarah Affonsa
The Pita's. I get so excited on Pita Day! Patrice Hughes
Cafeteria cookies rock my world! Tom Williams
Ryan Meyers Warren Middleton Eric Miller Shaunta Miller Rebecca Mills Danielle Milnes
Alison Mooney Brett Mooney Ben Mortensen jennifer Mulhern Amber Mushlit Daniel Nelson
jacqueline Nesbitt Ashley Newnam Adrian Nicolella Daniel Onofrio Ashley Openshaw Heather Organtini
Britt Ori Michele O'Toole Nicholas Pacitti Haydar Pakel Kimberly Palmer Chris Pearse
joanna Pecora Timothy Peebles john Percival Philip Plank Aurelia Pontarelli Christina Power
Alicia Corrato, Tamara Buchholz, Christy Power, and Laura Ann Higins all enjoy music. That is why they all have a great time together in Sprin gfield Singers. Sure, the class might be early, but it's nice to wake up to the harmonies.
Kristin Callahan and Mary Kate Mela give a big smile. They are both excited to hear about their pictures being take n for the yea rbo ok.
Brett Pulsfort Mohammed Radi Tyler Rapp Christopher Recke
Ann Marie Regan Brian Regan_ Lauren Reger Amanda Rider
Jason Rodgers Eric Romanoff Susan Rundbaken Christopher Salerno
Michael Santella Bryan Schafer Brian Seeley Jason Sewell Nichol as Sfida Brian Shertz
Robert Simpson Shante Simpson Amanda Smith Bryan Smith Kara Somers Dara Stanchak
Phil Damon and M ike DiArenzo laugh abou t the events that took place at the SHS hockey game the previous night. Mike, w ho is o n the team, relays the events to Phil.
Genevieve Starecky Carrie Stewart Stephen Stubblefield Ryan Stulb Joshua Stumm Kerin Sweeney
Monica Sweeney Andrea Syglowski Richard Szczurek Alisha Taylor Ashley Thomas Christopher Thomas
Stefanie Thomas Rachael Thomson Ian Thornton Michele Tori Tiffany Tribuiani Carmen Tumaian
Angel Turlington Judith Turner Valerie Turner M elissa Vacchiano Brian Vandergast Anthony Varano
'abitha Wurster is a very strong student. One thing that is ve ry noticeable about 'abitha, is her fashion . She is always wea rin g hip, up to date clothes, and perfectly natching shoes.
Jason Sewell is trying to get o nto the Internet from his classroom. This yea r technology is playing a greater role in th e cu rriculum .
Andrew Waldt Michael Walker Ronald Walsh Gregory Walton Th eresa Weist Shane Werley
Keon West Derek White Kareem Whiteside Elliot Williams
Shown here are Val Turner, Britton Bondgaart, Heather Organtini, jen Mulhern, Susan Rundbaken, Michele Eley, Aurelia Pontarelli, and Ambe r Mushlit. These ladies are all proud members of the yea rbook staff. They worked extremely hard to produce this yea r's yearbook.
During French class Krista Feliciani and Michelle Eley work on the computers . Computers are being used everywhere in SHS. They are helpful to most classes even foreign language classes .
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Angel Turlin gton sm iles big for th e ca mera. Angel ca n always be seen with a smile on her face and a friendly hello .
Keriann Williams Thomas Williams Dawn Wilson Benjamin Wood Tara Wood Jennifer Woodrow
Tabitha Wurster Michael Wynne Tracy Wysocki Jeffery Zane Anna Zischkau
Camera Shy George Azar Jason Chandler Daniel Colagiacomo David Crockett Joan DelaPaz Hellmer Dewey Gosselin
Charisma Jones John Maribito Michael McBride Jamie McMoran Jennifer 0' leary Nicole Whitehead William Whitmore
What Will You Miss the Most About the Seniors? I w ill miss the gang in AP En viromental Science! Jason Rodgers
I will miss my social life! Britt Ori
I will miss saying hello to the coolest senior in the whole school, Hugh Wynne, Mike W ynne
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The bonds that I have made with the girls on my sports teams and the inside jokes that we always laugh about Marie Carter
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Diane Michelle Aiken
Mark Arbutina
" di, diar" rem for: being short. pink. always sm iling. act: field hockey. fav mem: tim es w/ lauren, tara, shana, nico le, shaun, tricia, sam. shore. campouts. rotm. girl nights. 8/11 /99. petty, creed, q-102. co ttage. superstars. fh. madonna . penn st. camp. 3(18/00. times w/bryan. sneaking out. Ii sa lt. new years '00. jk. 7/4/00. kemps. delaware. lauren's house . bbmak. ta lks w/ta ra. hayride. just me and luaren. bbf. sn l. "goodnight tara". eagles w/dad. decorating purv's . whatever. huh. nicole's alarm. talking quiet. lunch b. den den . tyler. w innie the pooh. memories to come ... will: lau ren- my license. mes: mom & dadyou' re the best. i love you. timm y, tricia, danny- goodluck in everything. i miss and love yo u all. girls- this isn 't the end. bryan- you are so specia l to me. i love you.
"ma rky" rem for: the neck thing. act: springfield singers, ultimate frisbee . fav mem: Iyn, bob, bren, the crew. ultimate frisbee. footbal l. 5.5. d.c. advisory. bowl ing. 670-669. skiing. pumpkins. tennis . musicals. jp. rub y's . denny's. volvo . estw. parties. chem . concerts. laps. mk4. movies . new york. bus rides. football games. 10/3. waffles. helgaolga. ice cube game. make me. upper darby. springfield video. h20. hotel california. n.c. bathroom. all nighters. wendy's. love den. proms . pizza incident. mes: mom, dad, nick, grandmathanks for supporting me . i will never be able to thank u enough. Iyn- i love u, it's been a great 4 years. bob- it's been a w ild rid e. thanks for being there for me . i dedicate my high school ca....:,e~ to jeek arbutina.
Tom Albany
"albany, little obis" rem for: ju st not caring what people think and being loud. fav mem: all my memories are good and i can't name them all . will: i have nothing so yo u wi ll get nothing and w hat ever after that to big bi ll and little kev and maybe mag. mes: my dad for dealing with me and pat for all she does and mom for always being there. i love you. you know me . i'm your friend. your main boy thick and thin. i'm you r pusher man.
Carolyn Amelio "carebear" rem for: breaking my leg in the first grade. fav . mem: recesss at sabold with missy. missy, "my pi llow smells like hurl ". ty, " my name chris nelson." ila, without your friendship i could not survive, i love you dawg! elena, i'li save u a booty dance. hanging out at ila's w/ elena, jay, tom, and joe r. and watching "movies" with her. winter of '98 with hemmer. my 13th birthday pool party. chillin w/ rachael at lunch. racheal, keep in touch and remember what we talked about. peace out, dawg! will: to be happy and to succeed in life. to ila, my friendship and love . missy, a wa ll mirror and a new job. mes: mom and dad, thanks for putting up with me these long 12 yea rs. i love u both. mrs. fall s, thank u fo r being th ere w hen i needed a shou lder to cry on. to my chickas, i love yous! jim out!
Samantha Ardary
Frank Wi lson is a dedicated art student. Before he begiqs any project, he sits back and thinks through to the final product. By visualizing his final product, heis able to be more focused¡ on the hand. .
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rem for: 88. fav mem: the switch . uc w / lauren. six flags. vo ltron w j the guys. roxy & sprite sign . 12/ 13/97. summer w/kerin, joe & buck. campoul (tent troubl es). hummer and the prom. jailtime . a's w/pa t. q-102 melon gatorade. times w/fab 5. killer secrets. tape w/a mbuh. times w/vince. pw dance w/jeff. treefort. arguing w/mike. running to nate's. aerosmith. will: girl, of shs- my brother buck. mes: mom & dad- thanks for helping me all throughout school. i know every once in a while i may have broken a rule. i gues, now i'li finally ad mit you guys are actually coo l. i love you. vince- i cou ldn 'l have asked for more in a "best friend".
SOwteifu~g -.
To' E ePJ(oud °u··· ,
Orr 2001
Nicole Hilaine Armor
Michael J. Badolato
rem for: cu rl y hair. being w/matt. staring. act: field hockey. track&field. esc. opera tion smil e. fay memo fresh stud y hal l. 12/23/97. times w/matt. penn's landing . shan a's h o use' 97 . v-d ay. jacuzzi .will: pop-pap-trip to zoo every yea r. meso dad- i'll always be your little girl. mom-th anks for all our ta lk s. yo u're the best friend a girl cou ld ask for . dad&mom- th anks for all th at yo u 'v e don e . i l ove yo u g u ys. megan&steven- i couldn 't ask for a better sister or brother. yo u make me a proud sister. girls- i know i wasn't always there, but th anks for sticking with me. never forget th e memories. mattyo u've made hs quite an experience. i ca n 't even begin to co unt all the memories we've shared. you 'll always hold a special place in my hea rt. thanks for everything.
"m ikey b" rem for: always laughing at everythin g. act: hockey. fay memo jOnt. wee kend mischief. lu cey's parti es wayne' n. tech class. philly drag races w/joe, nick, gary, meng. su mmer job w/adam, west, coll ee n, hanky. championship hockey brawl. benched hockey practices. Getting booted from jv girls so ftball w west. accid ent. penni es w/pat. pump in ga mes. phat rand y. rid es & tales w /adam. w ild wo od w/denni s. mustangs winick & joe. va let parking. sec. ozzfest'99. fl oyd. dave matth ews band. c r ee d ( than x mauree n. ) times at hooters. phone talks w/n ico le. crui sin in th e eddie bau er. "tan line." shady car cruise w/mark, ian, chipper (peer pressured). cubans on beach w/joey & nick. co urney's hou se. meso mom , dad, and jim- thank you for all the help and support- you 're the best!
Tyhronn J. Asbury
Joanna L. Barber
" t. love" fay memo w hen i got my first a+. will: i' m go nna leave me t. love fo lders to my teac hers. my basketball to toni. fignew tons to lori. my gym suit to my sister kim so she can get the t. love power w hen she' s in gym and let justin take over w ith the ladies w hen i retire. meso thanks to god. my mom- i love you. my famil y, th e love of my life eil ee n, toni, and lori - i love ya' ll- my teachers, my 2001 classmates. elli ottyou ca n't bea t me in wrestlin g. and thanks to all th e ladi es for represe nting me. peace .
" jo" rem for: love the beatles. fay mem o mini w heats on the roof. long phone ca ll s w ith jim (homeco ming). chri stmas card . con certs. summer of '00 with th e gangs. proms. florida sca re. library park. d's back yard . advisory. will: jon-everl ast ing converses. ed-my videos. rich-a magical green sweatshirt. dani elle-peace and all my cd's. jim-my freezing room. meso to the friends in my li fe-thank yo u for everythin g. yo u' re all wonderful. my famil y, here and in cO.,-thank you for being there for me. and to jim-than k you for showin g me what love is. "god on ly knows w hat i' d be w ith out you", all my love always. danielle-thanks for being my fri end, luv ya lots.
'od friends Gregg Byrne and Michelle Ervin love to h ave classes together. day, during free time; Gregg tells Michelle all about how he had the f lu over ~ weeke nd. Luckily, he is feeling much better.
N'ow that the library has f un ctional internet connections, Gail Harding, Jen Peruto, and Sarah Friel find more 'Teasons to go to the library and work. They are working o.n their senior papers. Gail is happy because she is almost done.
Jennifer Christine Beaver "jenna, beef". rem for: being a drama queen. fav memo disney world. tiki. manhattan gang. "baston". forma ls. post so ph-hop. costume parties . yodel. districts. ok lahoma. iii abner. music man . home depot. sandwich. driveway ice-skating. manayunk. driving wlclare and car. times withe ga ls. denny's. bsb millennium. frank sinatra. don's dance world. 12.5% lemon jui ce . 69th street. photoshoots. buses. pool parties. will: ca rl a- my height, dawson's tapes. adam- my heart and trust fo rever. leur, darcy, tina, jen, clare, care, ca r, kimmy friendship and love forever. meso bribbit- yo u're hot! leur- you smell like moldy pizza but i love ya! ca re- you're myoid, the one that's gold! clare- follow th e yellow brick road. it will lead you to greatness. fam ily & friends- i love you! thanks for being there.
Kimberly Ann Benedict
Pat Shea is a guy of many talents. He is an excellent runner and basketball player. H e also has many hidden talents. When he really wants to scare someone, he simply ro lls back his pupils. All the girl s think it is so creepy!
"kymmy" rem for: matching, hairstyles. act: editor-in-chief spri-hi an. csc. holy cross cantor. ccd teacher. chess club. sp rin gfield sin ge rs. fav memo four incred ible yea rs w ith adam! 2-2 - 97. four proms. three snow dances. soph hop dinner. marilyn moments. prepa rin g for dances wi angie. shopp ing wi christina. green men. titanic. homeroom. knee ci rcles. halloween parties . monopoly. sweet sixteen. class trips. facials . crunchy ha ir. club shs. rico. dinners. pool parties. glitter. meso friends- thanks for making me laugh! i' ll miss everyone. fami ly- th anks for putting up wi me, even through my tantrums! you made me what i am today. i love you! addy (my first and only love)- "two hearts that beat as one. our lives have just begun." i love you forever and always- i promise.
Benjamin J. Bartos
Maryn Bergen
"fox, triple b, shady b" rem for: making fu nny and sometimes stupid comments. "what eve r". "frea kin ' j eez dude". act: cross-country. track. band. fav memo xc. "olive ga rden ". rico chet. the nest. disney. boston. se nior trip. dances , especial ly junior prom and snow dance. mr. kent. working at rg w ith lobb and bright. penn state. fly fishing. mr. zap's english class. getting eagle scout. sum mers. being outdoors. any time w hen i was having fun. will: am i really expected to die that soon? meso to family and friends- thanks for your support and guidance. i couldn't have gotten here w ithout you. whatever you do, make sure yo u are always happy doing it.
"prin cess, m.p.m.s" rem for: attitude. being cocky. fav memo " i'm nervous, i' m ama nda ". vicki's slee ping bag. tim es w l ian. concerts. shore. orcus. autum. times wlmy gi rl s ama nda, beth , christi e, maureen, chrissy, rissy. kd. th e rock . dre 200 1. dances. videos. rolling w/everyone. einstein crew. turquoise sprinkle cake. my house. hey ride. seance. ch ichi 's. taco bell. farting seats. sa lt. hr. wonderwall. 10/24. trampoline. funny story. scattergories. freshman yr. will: lee- my brain. beth- my li cense. ian- my love. ama ncla- my stash. maureen- advil. meso familythanks for your support. friends- always remember the good times- you are th e best. every street in springfield ... we will succeed. ian- we've had a lot of great times. tha nks for all the memories. i love you.
Elizabeth Howell, Toni Hoffman, Heather Rhoads, Patty Lopez, and Jenna Beaver all have choir together. In fact, some of t hem have had cho ir together for fo years! They wi ll all be sad when this yea r is over and t hey w ill never have choir class again .
ese eight friends never miss .a minute to hang out-together. The\J'have lots of things in common . One of them is orchestra. Here the girls' pose. in front of the ilding of the National Symphony Orchestra. All are excited for the show they are about to see.
Janet Marie Bollinger
Jacqueline Lane Bowers
rem for: gym intensity. shotgun . act: lax. fi eld hockey. band. yea rbook. fay mem: times w/beth, katie, va l, laura, carri e, woods ie, bowers, jodi, etc. laxtim es . room 28 7. b eat ri ce . scavengerhunts. form als. di sney. boston. ewwa. wendy's. steamroller. badminton champs. croutons. tockawagh. grapes. ap ach e. tag. pill ow fi gh ts. satanvill e. doilies. 10/3 1parades . lab2. misstery. bus4. blu e ribbons. danci ng w / aimee . purv' s sleepove rs. amber's parti es. spice pride w / ki era. pretzels. goalin g w/a pp . large marge&j ugs . carchases . spawn. will: val &a imeedonna&the rat s. lisa- hi s broth er. jackie- jar-jar. bowers- state lax titl e. mes: family- yo u've been my inspiration to succeed. i love yo u. beth, katie,&valso me fri ends stay in our lives fo rever, leavin g foo tprints on our hearts.
¡¡bowers" . rem for : smile. hair. ND. act: fi eld hockey. basketball. lacrosse. aas. nhs. peers. orachestra. fay mem: times wj ang , mare , janette, carin, &I KK. new years. ang's pool-" nice out". incidnets. park excursion . boston. hi-d. sis. bff. shore. pm movie. doilies. times wj sup e rstars . " house " . dream stroke . purv ' s . madonna. math wj ang, woods ie, &I wm. beating radnor. room 278. hunt. steamroller. will: lax- beat radnor. mes: mom, dad, kaylen, &I ashley- i refl ect the love you 've shown m e, thank you. i love you, and will miss you . ang and mare- my best fri ends, always there for me, thanks . janet- our duo is forever. KK- you 're incredible .. my sister. carin- my other half. " a good friends is hard to find , hard to lose, and impossible to forget ... "
Darcy Borden " db, stin ger, barky" rem for: always smilin g. big hair. act: tenni s. track. band. limited too. drawing. fay mem: brea kfast w/jen & tina(the club). swing w/do n. dances. " robb y" . " boy-girl-hesh e", crazy guy, ect. " larger th an li fe" . thank yo u i appreciate it! spi ce girl s. hain g o ut w ith th e ga ng. w ipe out. art gro up (fres h). dis ney w orld. ho mero om . was hington tri p. sai lorm oo n. tenni s partners w/a urelia. will: cla remy "ca mra" . tin a- my leopard p rint room. mes: tina-greet the w orld with arm s wide open. erin-you 'll always be my best friend even though we 've drifted apart. jen-we corn dogs need to stick together, i'li neve r fo rge t you! eva n-jocks rul e' colin-someday yo u'll be a star! mom and dad- even tho ugh we sometimes upset each other, i love yo u and appreciate eve ryt hing yo u have done for me.
Megan Borden
" meggs, sparky". rem for: artwork. love of dragons. lots of camplaining. act: young marines. puppy pound, yip,yip. fay mem: chillin with friends. aquatic club. leaving shs. going to the junior prom with koo. mes: thanks to mrs.finnerty, mS.belton, mr. preston , mrs. leer, senora thoraban , &I my family and friends for being there and putting up with me all those years. Grandma lane i love you. kendra &I canmen life does get better! and to everyone eles see yaah. hasra luego, alved erzain , arevadeschi , ciao .... .
Friends Janine Dilu zio and Col ette McLaughlin share a special h~g. Janine has just told Colette that she will be graduating early and sa d, but also very excited for her friend .
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Jacques- Philippe Brissault
Kevin Brady "shaggy. sparkles. nips. punick." rem for: being fabu lous. wea ring a skirt. eating everything. doing stuff for dollars. hanging out with asians . act: yo u name it, i was probably on it. fav memo team fo ur all stars. lab group two. math w/hughie, laura, and c hri ssy. hi q home meet 11 tho mrs. hindl ey's ice crea m sodas. 9 slices o f pi zza and half a ga ll on of tea cooler=pai n. trip on the short bus . advisory hango ut. ray's mom at wendy's . treb. will: eri c- my girls and my spot on hi q. freshmen gis jerks- the ability to cook popco rn . fu ture physics classes- the treb. mes: eri c- you like ki tkats. bring home that 1400. jon- get some sleep . bill- i w in. my friends- we hate each other. everyo ne else- yo u' re cut!
"j-p" rem for: being rud e to everyone. fay mem: trips to the carib bea n. hangin g o ut w/fri end s. driving at high speeds in haiti. mardi gras 00/0 1. sta ying out with junior until morning. summer '99 and '00 w ith didin e. meeting matt, harry, and joan. i can' t forget angel. she has been a great friend. will: i wou ld not leave anything for anyone in this school. i don't li ke most of yo u. mes: i wo uld like to thank my mother for sticking by me. i would like to tell my sisters th ank you for all they have done for me. thanks to my brother for making my laugh at the things he does.
Ryan Bright
Candis Unique Brown
"greek soda" rem for: being se ri ous. fay mem: panther. panthers implos ion. panthers res surecti on . w hitewa rri or. the get up kids. in cubus. creed. mid town. big sinkin . cky2k. op pet. cyclo nes. straightedge. little devil. gary. mitchell. dan. matt. kosta. pik. lobb. besse . nick. eri ca. nicole. sa rah. paul. mega n I. iz. rachel. jess. rollin. tray. julia. advisory crew. co uch. rita. tony. best bu y . gree nb all. doug . con in. haaidunno. thbb b. shore. peter. fallen. unit integrity. will: pik- all 284 cd's. ga ry- bass skills. gus- kidney. eri capennies. sarah- grades. lobb- my singleness. mess: my cd's- thanks for always being there for me. i love you guys. oh yea- my mom and my dad and tamily and fri ends too. i probably co uld have done it without you but it wo uldn ' t have been half as fun. yea sara h- i love yo u. now be qui et.
"cb" rem f or: quiet. roll en hard w/teadra & sunday. act: basketball. cheerleading. S.c.O. r. e. fay mem: channel w ildin out. "that's my boot!" liven w /kira. late night conversa tions . th e break-ups to make-ups w/chevon, " 4 years baby!" sunday- lock dow n 25 to life. teadra's sleepovers. love & b-ball. "sunday, w hat did twee ty say?" ca liforn ia love. powerhouse '00. "get yo ur cousin!" all proms. w / keon. hist ewart. trusten-cheesecakes . blockbuster paycheck. 2001. will: sundaykobe. channel- my job. kira-coogie. kareem&jaqu e- my diploma . chevonpop pop w/dub hubs. teadra- food. mes: wwjd. bon-bon- yo u are my heart, much love . th anks to all of my fami lyyo u have done so mu ch for me and i love yo u for that._
Matt Diamond never hides his school spirit. He doesn' t just weal blu e and gold at the Cpep rallies. He says they are actually hi! . favorite colors! We can all learn from Matt. Of course, thE sLln g~asses just t?P off the entire ensemble. During one~ of;;prin gfi§t~'s .infamous pep rallies: SundaY ,Dy'itt cheerleader, quickly posed for the camera. ASide from beln â&#x201A;Ź incredibly aihleticly inclined', she is also very photogenic. FrolT behind, Co ll ee n . ~elly cheers~ on her tea mmate,
' .
.:. --~~-- :~;;-:-,-. ~ .--
Both Brendan Kaufman and Veronica Sok display the most school spirit. On the days of the pep rallies, Brendan wears anything blue and gold, even his bathrobe! Veronica dresses up as the cougar at all the football games and loves to die her hair blue and gold. Without these two syked, seniors sporting events and pep rallies would never have been the same.
Kiera Burke
Is.1.ongo loves to have students stop by her phot~graphy room anytime. She .,pecially lov~s to see sen iors. Next year she will truly miss them. Betsy udson and Michelle.. Falzone will Doth miss Ms: longo's classes a's, wel l.
Vincenzo Bucci "cucci bucci. buce. vinny. vinn er. my cousin vinny." fav memo wanna say hi to everyone and hope to see ya around . stingray. monotone. victo r (mcnarc's father). gta . the bomb threat (both of them), the turbo crap (coupe) . the "waves". mac-n-craps. 11 minute lunch runs, hiq fight. girl scout cookies. pat eating the poisonous plant. jason doing the "worm". best buy car audio/insta ll. jenkins running around the caf. doin the "truffle shuffle". washington de. new york. leaving study hall every year and never getting caught. god bless jim and dave. meso thanks to all my fellow classmates for all the memories. mom, dad, and tom- thank you for all the support throughout the yea rs. "l ife is to short, so li ve it to the .. full.est you can.'~
"kibu. specia l k. kera. we." rem for: obsession w/tle. act: cross country. swimm ing. lacrosse. student council. orchestra. nhs. fay memo dr '98. psu w/dj. snow dance '99. xc c1c '99 and '00. the hump one. breadsticks. vep. do ili es. double d. lipsmackers and p squared, back of the bus gang. scoop. my spanish group. bob and the yeti. times w /dj, li z, kate, lisa, kristi, amy, erin, tom, and justin. junior prom '00. dances . part . 3 out of 4. shafted w/chrissy. times w/laura, janet, kristen, and bowers. will: kristi- some clothes. meso burke family- thanks for all the support. i love you. try not to miss me to much next year. ch ri stinestay coo l. friends- thanks for the great times. may there be many more to come.
Kristen Burke "snoopy", fay memo summer 00. "she wa lks funny". october shore. asparagus . spacegirls. gumby. li feguard tower w/betsy, shore w/everybody. fa lling. pow. whistle 3. rainy days. three pees. einstein. cartwheels. ferris wheel. jay. getting stranded. halloween. germany. flyingw/aud & casey. butterfli es. 4th of july. cerea l. meat. crackers, stars. plur. squiggs. adam420 . nicole my new sister. nugget. lan caster. making musie. spinning. paul's house. skits . khe. homeroom buddies . p&p w/ed. meso aud- you've always been there fore me, and i can't thank you enough. i'li never forget all the great memories we've had. you're a true friend for life. ed- growing up wou ldn 't have been the same without you . love you. dadthanks for never givin g up. i lo ~e you .
Angela Burrill
Maureen Carey
"a ng" fay memo memories w/a ll my friends, especia lly elissa- shore '99 and '00. piercings. hotel room. lamp ing. rutli dge. jay & brian. ro se tree. creed. korn. dunwoody. egypt. new man. angsnow dance '99. junior prom. air mattress. boybands. youth group s. imagen and innocence. concerts. mu ch more. a ndr ea - school dances w /amy. "sq ueeze my dice". y1 00 concert. getting lost. your broken ca r. egypt. amytimes w/andrea . " i have hoagies". being " happy". bla ck cat. silverchair. wa rped tour '00. fu el. 3 11. co ps. tracks. halloween. being "shady". etc. meso ang- we've been friends forever! don' t ever change. andrea and amyit' ll always be the 3 of us. elissa- yo u' re so fun to be around. i love yo u! my famil y- thanks for all your help along the way.
" heead" act: volleyball. cheerl eading. ski club. fay memo times w/mich, colleen, maria, tina, kaitlyn, jamie, and lauren. sq uiggy swipers. concerts. p2. pOS. memorial/ labor day w eekends . apri l 2000. sttp. dibbs. hurricane floyd. shaft. sr routes . disney. target. spe nt. lot. clan 's . the answering machine. zoo crew. shore w/jaime. will: dan & mattmatches. jeff- a game of truth or dare. meso doc- thanks for saving my life. iani' li look for yo u on stage. matt- keep those lax sticks handy and stop being one of the weirds. thanks for all the ta lks. col, mich, & maria- yo u've been my best fri ends, i luv ya. to all my friend s- i love you and thanks for the memories. mom & dad- thank you so mu ch for everyth ing. love you.
Gregg William Byrne
Lauren Carfagno
"g". fay memo crusin'. c1mb '98-'00. bnl '00. bonfires. snow d an ce '99. 12/31/99. nikki. the bathroom scene. camp @wcu. swin ging. "yo u got to get jiggy with thi s". "som etimes yo u just got to be comfortable". " it's a student marching instru ctor" . bathtub . memori al park bonding. "i' m nancy's dog". dog si tting. junior prom. dairy cottage. running ove r milkshakes. sa tanv ille. cove red brid ge. xa ndo. pw t. steps w/nancy. " i hea r voices in th e cemetery". mad bus driver. lunch table. blond bomber. toe touches. ice crea m. talks w/ li z. car accident. homeroom buddies. will: val- braids. nancy- my used washcloth meso fri ends- thanks for the times. audrey- i ca n't thank you enough. mom and family- if it wasn't for you, i don' t know what i wou ld have done. thank you!
act: cheerlead in g. fay memo c heer camp 2000 with maria. roger waters . pas. snow dance. memorial day w / maria and maureen. dibs. hall 3. talks w ith maria. songs with friend. doris jacket. mind are spicy. body in a bottle . spin the bottle. put it in your mouth . th e stalkings. thunderbird. meso to all my friend s- no matter what happens you all will be th e on ly gi rls i ever w ant to have for friends . to kaitl yn and colleen- we have been through so much and through it all you both are still here. thank you. to mike- you are a boyfriends and bestfriends to me. thank you for all the fun times. love me . to everyone that has helped me- th ank you.
Friends Kristi Somka and Veronica Sok are so glad that they can use their gold passes to come in late to school. Since both girls are in AP Lit., they use all their extra time to work on their papers. Both agree tliat without their study halls being a senior wo uld be a lot harder.
Joe Hill is a very calm guy. He has just been talking about his latest tattoo, tl tlger:'He reccommends that everybodY' Aas one! Admitting that he only hurt i1ttle, he is ve ry glad he got it. Joe loves to talk to anybody about anything. ~ w ill definitely miss the people .Qf SHS ' afte~ he graduates.
Raquel is an exchange student fror:n Brazil. She is very exCited to be here because she always dreamed of being an exchange student. In Brazi t she speaks Portuguese. She has been taking English for many yea-rs . She says some of the first thiOK she noticed about the differences between the two countries was the weather differences . . This experience would not have b'een 'able to happen without the support of her family inBrazil and her new host family here in Springfield, the Duffy's. "Here lean learn so much about different culture~ and more about my own culture too .., Although I mayJihd some difficulties, I am sure that this experience will be very important in my J ife." She says getting to know new friends here has made this experience so wonderful. AU of Springfield agrees that Raquel has definitely been a great asset to the school year 2000-01.
Alexis Carr
Ryan Cell
rem for: loving pink . fav mem: flava was ta's . no ridl ey boys . gettin g ki cked out of the shore. cow co untry. " i' li w anna see sheep". 217 hansel. granny mev. di nner at Iyns. so many boys. so many b rea k-ups. crazzz ! our pro m dresses jac k. many shoppin g trip s. tim es w/regina. ridley snowball. colette's jes us p late. senior prom. hanging out w /kristen. ridl ey parti es. counci l ro ck. ru gby games . gaze bo-cloth es and all. rob thomas ca ll s. '99 grad. will: Iyn- my dress . marl ana- my love always . colette- my free tim e. jackie- my make up ski lls. la- your closest to me. i love yo u guys. mes: mom & dad- thanks for loving me so mu ch . mom you' ll always be my bes t fri end . jeff- th anks fo r everything, teaching me abo ut love . you' ll always be mine and i love yo u. zach- glad i have you!
" be a rgoat" rem for : ice ho c key, we ight li ft in g. fav mem: hanging w/ my fri end s sheera, dego, matty d, ca ptai n, woggs, kate, tri sh, michelle, amy mt, amy w, erin , and vern . parties at captains and luceys . fun in hocke y locker roo m w/goo n, ni c ky, and ha yde n. summ er '00 . being w/lauren. concerts . erin 's tru c k at c reed . " rin g toss". s n ow d ance '99. " mmm b l ah h motherf-er" . new yea rs ' 00. shore ride w/ matty d and tri sh. fl ye rs cup '99. senior week '00 . late night denny tri ps . all night open labs. mes: love all of my fri end s very much and w ish the best for them in th e future. parents- thanks fo r putting up w ith me fo r so long. i love both o f yo u very mu ch. lauren- you w ill always be w ith me.
Bill Carroll
Lori Chaplik
" toke" fav mem: my room. co unty lane w ood s. juni or mobi a. th e lost law n w/johnn y . I's in hamp le's ga rage. tracks. wa lsh pa rk. powell. pleasure ave. w/jen, laura, la uren. my shower. th e first sight in greg's woods. ripp n killa . chandlers porch. soph hop. '98 . early pass out. sooo weekend. stu ffe d I's. roger wa ters. christ mas '99. skOn. bj' s parkin g lot. dara does it turn in to a peacock. times w / mike, jason, kri stin , brandon , pat, dara, josy, johnny, oaf, jen , lauren, as hl ey, ni ck, skip py, begger, kirk, eric, hittenger, oueve, da n, dom, billy. mes: mi ke- yo u got some dirt on your chin . kristin- you are so special. mom & dad- you guys have no idea how mu ch i love ya.
"babe" fav mem: 5/98 got together w/chri s. talks w/chri s. chri s: wa tch out for falling shoes! road trip s. my living ro om. late nights. outfits. ed e. : talks during study hall. ed n.:who ate th e ice po p? ty: you've been a great fri end, thanks fo r be in g th ere. toni: wa lks hom e. " make 'e m say huh (huh)". mas hed potat oes & base ball s. will: ta ke w hat yo u wa nt. chris: my etern al love. mes: chris: i love you w/a ll my heart & soul. yo u' re my babe. these past 4 yea rs w / you have been the best. w e'll have many more to go because forever's a long tim e. thanks for putting up w/me, you've been th e best. we've had o ur good / bad tim es, but they w ere all goo d beca use the y we re w/you . i' lilove you foreve r babe!
Christen Linn Conarty
Clare Elizabeth Chevalier rem lor: being wednesday addams. lav memo times withe gals. the manhatten gang. 12.5% lemon juice. " the machine" . france '99 . charlie's nights. formals. halloweens. wizard of oz & burlap boy. look, it's elvis! don's dance wo rld. steve s. everywhere . bsb mill enn uim! tino bosinski. c l asses w/darce. dante's demease. krapfa. ski trips. the red house. cvs runs. ucr. the beefmobile. bike locks. bigk carousel. camra. shows w /caro lin e. swed ish . photos hoots. tiki. will: mike- charade. my face- oh wa it, yo u al ready have it. leur- my foosba ll skill s. ca rl a- a sca lpel. meso my friends- i love yo u al l. thanks for the memories. mom & dad- thanks fo r all you've given me. i love you. mikey- you' re defin itely a "good kid". th ~n_ks for being_my pa l.
" frack" rem lor: bsb obsession . m-k's aide. working at gh chocolates. act: tennis. band. lav memo "a rching" . band. disney. cathy. 7-4-99 . first bsf. bsf 2000. nCo boston. new york. washington. discovering new/old friend s. 74-00. mike and the red envelope. proms. the freak. camp in g. getting sid et racked. ao l late nights. staying afloat in the ocean of li fe. cheese fries and pepper. cd. as . will: frick- all my bsb stuff and the boys. mom and dad- a clean room, poster free. steve- a plane ti cket. tabitha- more fries and pep and better health. meso frick- you' re th e best friend I could have ever hoped for. mom and dad- thanks for everything. everyone- don ' t do what otheres say because they say it. do it because you want too.
Maria Cipolloni " mariaface" rem for: loving hot pink and n'sync. act: cheerleadi ng. lav memo my pop. times w/my girlfri ends . han gin w/cuz joe. p.o.x. conce rt s. dan's house. floyd . sidekick. dances and formals. april 20:00. disney-p.i. crew. cheercamp '00 w/ lauren . me and jeff's handshake. dibs. " i don' t get it !" mike p.'s present. jammin w/ianface. fun times w/breann & nicole. cm sanwich w/tin a. target. patrickface. dan's jacket. the rink. will: mich, dan- commonsense. meso sunday- beauty don' t happen everyday unless you're us. co l- if i cou ld be .. .moth anks for always being there. gina, georgie, and des- i love you very much. mom & dad- thanks for eve rythin g yo u've done. i love you w/all of my hea rt. my friends- thanks for our great memories. i love you all. "peaceout, yo!"
Micheal Colburn
Advisory pals Gregg Byrne and Kristen Burke love to hang out in the yearbo( room and look through the old yearbooks. Gregg especially enjoys the 80 Kristen loves the 60's. They both agree that times have really changed sinl their parents were in high schooL
Paul Colflesh "slanteye, poolawong, phu phu, bud-t, chino" rem lor: being stud ly. kind . loving. honest. sensitive and occasiona lly foreign. act: soccer. lav memo cruisin in w hip. chi ll spot. zoo crew. jack fro st. big bou lder. paintba ll. duce biggalow. " boxed in" the ghetto cru iser. nd's hou se get-together(s}. walsh . shooter. dougherty d's ski trip. wax. cru scious. jigga. h. t. nd. j-bomb. oe. michelle. fre e grub. heed. colleen. face . goo n. nicky g. bmf. wi lly. cloony. tina e. the masseuse. junior prom. denny's. wendy's . hockey. gladiator. sho re. fishin. flaming bag'o'poop. afr ic an american knockin g. races . dc . new years 2000. tony. sledd in. mento. will: h- asian flavor. wax- stunning robert plant voice. dex- muscles. lucey- roll er hockey skills. meso "don't take li fe seriously, you're not getting out alive."
Pete Foster loves to read. believe!> that reading can take you anywher Leanling how to read has'-definitely help.ed him to succeed . When he has stue hall he loves to go to Mc Donalds with his friends and afterwards grab and goc book and enjoy his food withgpod literature.
,; .
lauren Conaway rem for: being my peppy self. fay mem: ch icken mcfear factory. span ish day. shdebbie. seis. moo. hun. ippybopp in. cat! borders. lesbian omlet. ca rplanebus. frack in. late nights. coche. chi naman . cootlata. 96geck. da nzi ggy goodness. devidien. longo's show. uva. ghetto scrabb le. steam fried vegtables. tucker. the brid ge. mabreeze. massage. the fie ld. puppy. couch. in flames. skinlab. apc. nino tori. times w ith bonnie, chrissy, allyson, shed, joel, chris, sara, and maccario. thanks to longo, fin , be lt on, weiss, doyle . mes: my friends: i cannot express how much all of you helped me throughout my existance. your kindness wi ll be rewarded in this life and the next. to meem, dad: thank you for doing everything in your power to help me be the person i am today. i won't let you down.
Mary Coste
Amy Michele Cook act: newspaper. choir. band. sadd fay mem: the tracks&memorial day w/amy, angela b & andrea. summers '99, ~OO. diane, susan, mandy, becca, angela m, danie lle, bobby, christini, mike s, mike O. new years '98. coley, danielle, mark, boy, old central gang. dances. soph hops. prom w /bob. snow dance. tiffany, cheryl, jenn, ch ristin a. denny's. jim/joey, shannon, kevin d. 126 -00. oct. 25 . "aud" sty l e. sh w/coley. bret. scott. kyle . "soldier". sue's roof. fun scape. times at shore w/ashley will: coley, danielle, tiff-a triplet each ... hehe, jack-wisdom to make good decisions ... don't fo ll ow my path mes: close friends-thanks for being there for me when no one else was. jenn-bff-i wi ll always love you. marie&jack-you are everything i wish to be ... thanks for loving me. mom&dadyou gave me life ... i love you always!
Victoria Cook "viddy" act: choir all four years rem for: being friendly, ca rin g and li sten ing to other peop le's problems fay mem: summer of '00 . go ing to the shore with john and opus. maine w/john's family. four summer at the rock you know who you are. wwf stone cold steve austin w /my sis and lisa. first time trying to ski w /john . our five hour trip to cape may. flord ia w/ mom, dad, and caro lyne. junior prom w/john and amy. i love you baby! denny's at all hours of the night. summer of '99 w/ susan, ash ley and diane. will: to john my love forever. opus $10 for gas and a pac of gsmokes. susan since you love all my clothes you can have them al l. mes: parents- thanks for being here throughout all 19 years. i love you both .
Steve Underwood and Laura McShane are among the most intelligent students in the senior class. Steve, of course, excels in all of his classes and has taken on extra courses to keep himself busy. He enjoys a good challenge. He is a member of the prestigious Hi-q team as well as head of Science Olympiad. He plans on attending Caltech next year and is excited to pursue his future. Laura also works very hard. She has challenged herself this year, taking many courses even though she is a senior.
Ch'rissy Kutyn ," jamie Thompsan, FrancO Rassi, Amy Welsh, and 'Sam Ardary lave to. hiwe AP Statisti.cs class tagether. . These five studiaus students lave math and lave to. hang aut tagether. Sam wau ld reccammend this class to. all ~ underclassmen. She says that is was .one af the best classes af her senior year. Franca adds that yau need to. be prepared to. do. same hard wark, but that Miss ¡Richichi is a great teacher;
. .... -ji""
Michelle Lynn Crowley mo" rem f or: freckles. fay memo gi rli e nights. the tracks. shore trips, kin gs. soda ep isode. yellow cups. keehoe! fran/ jimmy's. vermont. welsh on one ski. vern's rescue, ph ish. page&crows. spot w /erin . coed sleepovers. mt's orchestra. cell's ring toss. proms . #44, fi rehouse nights w /tj. w ings ga mes. heath. sunoco men . " di bs". all the guys. re -enactm ents. shee ran's. me an d chand ler. o ne- twos w / franco, "come here baby". will: my sister katie- hugs, everyone- their stuff back, meso girl s: thanks for always being there and being the greatest friends . i love you lots. franco- i love ya, you w ill always be #1 . mom and dad- thank you so much for always push ing me and having faith in me, i love yo u so much. jim my and ka tie- good luck in everything. n
Carley M. Cuellar
When Steve Fattori isn't o n th e courts playing his favorite sport, basketball, he is just being an all around great g uy, He is always wi lling to lend a helping hand . Shaun Dougherty definitely appreciates this. She can always use and enco uraging li ft. Steve prom ises he w ill try not to drop her li ke he did the last time!
"s horty" rem for: stang. 228. long hair. always on phone. flirting. act: ice hockey, fay memochi llin w/penncrest crew. sa nd bank rd. krazy tim es w /crew. we ird ta lks w/steve&jackie. p- blanket. lost boyz , ducky. ra in fights, wawa. egg@a llmans. amoco football thro w . S-sta r specials. shady drivin g w /girls. ba lloons. st inky "g" sta ng. bell plain s. pre-pa rty&new years@my crib . 17th bday pa rty@my crib. pa rk s w/t.j .&c.j. paol i hou se. fishin g w /guys. hang ups. clubs. partys. races, elwyn bridge . will: jackie- my room &p hone book. jeff- my cd's . meso mom&dad- than x for always bei ng th ere fo r me and for bein g the coo lest parents alive, fam&jackie&jeffi w ill always love yo u guys . thanx for everything.
Mary Kate Curran
Buddies Nick Kim, Matt Dia mond, Brendan Kaufman , and Ray Wang love to hang out after school. These crazy guys are wa iting for the laides but whi le they' re waiting th ey love to discuss ca rs. M att is laughing at Ray because he dri ves a mini van , Ray knows it's th e coo lest ca r in the parking lot.
" .
Mark Crandley
Lisa Marie Cutrufello
"crucious" rem for: hair. chetto crui ser, chin. being co nfused. act: socce r. fay memo deli. luceys . sheeran s, chill spot. races. roge r wa lters. ozz fest. j ummy page . allman bros, petty. steve miller & other concerts. times in ghetto crui ser w /chipp er and rest of crew. times w /wax, doc, scratch, oe, t, jbomb, jigga, slant eye, onofrio, woost, itali an mafia, goo n, h, morton crew, amanda, the women. d.c. mc d' s, notre dame games. phi lly. laun cher. light shows . rock, late nights. virginia beach. 17th street. jersey shore. dance after parties. burnin g poo. waynin g. hitting up wendy'S. 7/ 11 /99. meso parentsth anks for be ing there. i couldn' t have done it w it h out you, a sis- see u in co llege. y sis- enjoy hs w hile it lasts. amanda- i hope it lasts fo rever.
"coach " rem for: sneakers, cockin ess. act: win ter/s pring track. socce r. xc (a lmost) . fay memo roge r waters. dmb. butterfil es are coming. locker room tried and den ied. new years 99. yellow c ups . kee ho e!!! gi rl y ni ghts. r eenactm ents . orch estras. bond ing. bell y button. buckne ll. track expe ri ences, run s/tal ks, districts. pennrelays. hono rr o l l. f ut uretim es, kiera 's party . dorney tri ps . she ll' s ann oun ce ment. kings ., time s w/petey. meanness w/kri sti. will: mt- an orchestra. shellkeehoe!!! and a dark . sara- the title. jack-hoverbooks, krist i-gossip. meso ricky- thank yo u. mom, dad, jaketha nks for giving a supportive shoulder to crya n, you've gotten me through so much. i love you. my girls- thanks for all the awesome tim es, i love yo u guys! sa ra- sisters fo rever, friend s forever.
"krate" rem for: always ru nn in g. act: cross cou ntry. win ter and sprin g track, at h l eti c advisory cou n cil. p eer facilitators. fa y memo central league x-c cha mps 99, 00, blondie. repeats. psu trip s. peer camp 99, 00. skulls. sciarrin o's w/rach. matinator, d-twan. charli e strides and the clea rin g. distance bo nding, dining divas. crusaders. nc. secret trips w/liz. 1,2,3'5 and w awa. dlove letter, indo mat th e box. open labs, ce lebration. doili es, lancaster heifers. ziga-zagah. liz's socks. na club meda l of honor. shingles. meso mom and dad you've made me wha t i am today. i hope i've made you proud. i love yo u. dan ny, biz, and cava n you were th ere w hen I neede you most. someday i hope I can return the favor . trout thanks for everything,
ckie Bowers is a crazy girl : She loves. to p.lay sports and can be ' seen on the crosse andhockey fields and the basketball co urts. To relax, she likes to goof f with her 'friends, or by herself. Rere she displays for the camera her favorite lnce move. She says that at the dances, her moves are the craziest of them all!
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Mike PetryJ'ak and Lauren Carfagno spend a lot of time together outside and inside of school. They are glad that their lo c ke~5 are so close to each other. Thi s way th ey are able to talk about their wee kend plans and their homework between classes. They both agree that beingseniors allow them to have many privelages. .
Jennifer Damia
Matthew John DeAngelis
" j enny" rem for: alwa ys bei n g w/melissa . tattoos. fay mem: poconos. "our bathroon". spain trip. mallorca n men. sr. prom 99. rink. gh. jr. prom. rid es w / li z. " in the mood". concerts. n'sync. home show. shore 00 . licin at peop l e. drawi n gs. miss y's " lo ve shack". w restlin g night. karaoke night. bbc, "sorry for later". drive bys. sta lkers . "o ur spot". bladder problem. getting honked at. double date. times w /frank. " the hallway". " tap the rockies". in by da rk. happy dance. " i don't ca re anymore!" will: missy- gas money mes: mom and dad- thanks for doing all yo u did to help me through it all. yo u guys are great. i love you. mi ssy- you are my bestest buddy and wi ll always be "my other half". i wuv you!
"malty d" rem for: air guita r. big pants. bvd. fay mem: rad iers. night of the mash potatoes. sen ior weeks. 2 bags 2 st icks. talks with meg. regiment. stud io sessions. ski pants sca ndal. capta in jimmy c. co ncert s. emotional brea kthroughs. vermont. el cap itans midnight dance. sid vinch . cookie monster. trap live. new years . the coolest group of fri ends ever. times w ith hep, twohundred cl ub, limbo, footba ll formation, w hoa bundy, pisa p will: fran codisc man tj-2 bags, 2 sticks mes: parents: thanks for all the love and inspiration, i love you very much. to anyone else w ho cares: " this is just th e begin nin g 50 live it up, dont go thinking you ca n just witness it another morning"
laura Daransky "squ eaks" rem for: jar-jar. turtle fet ish. act: orchestra. co lor guard. fresh man lax. fay mem: post prom pillow fight. " pinky". french bread. new years '99. internet flings. skatin g w/will sm ith . flordia fruit. bishop ave ri ver. biodome w/day na. cru sin ' in ph ill y . missy's poots. wh iplash w/alicia. boston mull e t s. play sta tion w/dave . sabers w/da ni e ll e. dan 's paper people. " habichuelas". feet. fl yers w/lisa. pit w/a nn e. 9/3/00. stea mers w/dave. 16th b-day. back rub s at scenic. hats. will: alicia-cds. dayna- pants. dave-my heart, sou l, + li fe. mess: mom+d ad than x fo r pushing me to be my best + your support, i luv yo u. alicia-tha nx for being my sister. dave-you are my li fe, my world, i luv yo u w ith all my heart.
Chris DeBiase
Katherine M. DelViscio "kate, peck" act: amn esty internati onal, sta re, sadd, cheerl ead in g (coach) fay memo concerts. dances. dm b '98, ' 00. chri stmas vacation. sleepovers&talks on the hood w /meg. honeys. court diner. captains. shore. pa rk s. new years. times at my house. sfa co ncert w/ann-j. washington. cuttin g. unkie steve's. slee povers w/trisher. han gouts. classes w /mooney. dreamin g. sa t det. bomb scare. 50-yard line. lu cey's. my destruction. parms w/franco. sce. breakfast w / vern. sheerb as h 2000 . deliveries & other w/ryan. nate. tim es w/eve ryo ne. will: jack ie-t he roo m. franco, meg, mooney, etc-you r six inches back. meso pa rents-thank yo u for everything, i couldn ' t have ever wanted more. i love you! jackie and larry-i know you will succeed in w hatever you do, best of luck w ith it. my fri ends, past and present-have fun and g02d luck. i' ll se.e you agai n!
Rich De Matteo rem for: having extreme anxiety, especially in graphics I and II fay memo times w ith all my friends . "cyclones" . villanova jags. the expelling of "bomb boy" . th e bomb threats. hurricane floyd. marple sports arena. summer of 2000 . ppv's at wi ll's . flye rs games . venom and rage roller hockey. the rage mountain trips '99 and '00. and all the times w ith andrea. will: fri ends-my insane dance moves meso mom and dadthanks for everything you've done for me and always supporting me, i love yo u. michel and ben-i' ll always be th ere for yo u. friends-keep in tou ch. andrea-th anks for everything, i w ill a[ways love you .
Maribeth DeSantis
Meng Tan and Mariana Orloff consistently arrive at school dressed to impress. MarIana prides herself in her unique choice of clothes, and is always looking to add more to her immense wardrobe. Shopping is one of her favorite activities. Meng's stylish thread s tend to invoke jealousy from his peers. Sporting the latest in Armani fa shion, Meng is constantIv followed around by a flock of drooling girls.
" mare" act: co mmunity se rvice. orchestra. sadd. ski club. fay memo disney. boston. new york. times with [yn, ang, and jackie. teb.da talk. vf[e. formats. chi. speed police. bear in kennett square? knock it off. hey ladi es . eighties party. parkin g lot incidents. sis . one way. in the da rk. ae bears. crazy choir. park excursion. gym trips w ith kristen. lobster bibs. ice cube wars . hi-d. prom hair. if you knew how hot. .. lost. jimmy buffett. rita's accident. i' m okay. all the times with my friends and times to come. meso friends-we've had a lot of fun . thanks for the memories and the laughs. rebecca-you're th e sister i never had. mom, dad, and chri s-tha nks for everyth in g. you guys are the best. i love yo u.
Joseph A. Desiderio "j oe. des. joe-joe" rem for: being tall, wearing my ae hat act: football fay memo great times w ith jess . renting movi es . shore '00, jess dave jacki . gators hat on the ac exp ressway. my [ebaron pos. swimmin g at ri ck's. paging billy stain s at bord ers. school dances. sata nvill e. stoga game '98. footbal l at disney world '99, ' 00 footba [1. cannon? hango uts at dave & billy's. ta ll person special at the phils ga me. db's batboy. mess: mom and chick-thanks fo r a[ways being there for me. rich and kathit's been fun w ith you both. i love you guys. jess-the times we've spent togeth er have been aweso me, i'll love yo u forever.
Franco Rossi and Matt DeAngelis find their picture invaded by a jea lous Nate DiGiorgio.
.. Kristen Woods and Laura Mento have qeen friends since kindergarten. The are trying to spend more time together before they both leave for co llege. The know that a friendsh ip like theirs doesn't come around ,everyday.
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Kiera Burke and Chrissy Kutyn love to give hugs. They are two of the friendl iest seniors around. Kiera loves to talk about swimming and Chrissy just loves to talk. Th ey ar:.e always ready to have a good -time. One-of their favorite thin gs about school i.s theJime they get to socialize.
Tina DiCroce
¡resa Kissinger and Amanda Gessay are caught in the hall without a pass. , they both smile because they have their gold passes on them. The two girls e just co me back from having -a great lunch together. Fast food is their )rite . Amanda is always ready to pose for a picture as long as her hair looks ,d. Theresa assures her that:it looks perfect. Th at's what frie nds are for.
" tina, tin e, t" rem for: freshm en. act: music. tennis. fav memo dances. pa rties. hockey games . trips. food-fights . so ngs . millenium. shore (b ike locks) . breakfasts . project-days. naming peop le. being mean. denny's/ rub y's. the club. fake bakon hat tr ick. c li fton heights. co nve rs ation s w frob. time w /the ga ls. the w hole gang. erin and sue. being one of the guys. will: lindamy music. lisa- my coolness . jennafirst-cha ir clarinet. mes: darce- "gre et th e worl d" . jen and darcy, you are my best fri end s. i don 't kn ow w hat i would've done w ithout yo u- you mea n everyth in g to me- i w ill love yo u always. rob, thanks for always be in g th ere. you are the greatest. mom and dad- thank you 50 much for everyth ing you've don~ to r me- i !ove ~ou.
Matthew Daniel Diamond
Nathanael Scott DiGiorgio
"d im e" rem fo r: ska band. playing trumpet act: cross country. amnesty. stare . ski club. tennis. ba nd fav mem: battle of the bands 99-00. bres fest. pontiac . indiefest. Ibi . challangers. brigatine w/bren. xc. sv crew . vermont trip. band lock-ins. swed ish fish. apoll o 13. dis ney. boston. fun tim es with mard en. bren 's party . 31. marden recording. jazz band. opsail. hack. Itj. toasters. rbf. moody b lu es . duke o'fluke. football w ith the guys. bomb scare. pu ll ed over for sin ging loud. volleyba ll court. tp launch er. will: jordan and josh -l ouie loui e 5010. marden-th e w ill to keep go ing. mes: mom and dad-i love you both, thanks for supporting me through all these years. jacquelinegood luck in high school. my friendsthanks for the memories. marden- " Iets shall"
" nate, natedawg" rem for: being th e nicest guy around act: music, 5.0 ., stu dent co uncil, tennis, chess, etc. fav mem: t eam -4 -a ll stars. ma rd en sh ows¡'a ngo ut s. yof (treb). c h i ll in w/ kurt+jen. bosto n. disn ey. springbreak98. "S -up-top". dwarf song. azn. botb. lock-ins. th ri ftin action . formals. so ph-hop w/britt. nj. med. craft. diab l o. i cdc. a kh a n a . grap hi cs w/amy+mr.p . good tim es w/a ll my buddies. part yin. kate. crew. jf. science olympia d tri ps. losing 8S lbs. football frid ays. go eagles. " let's shall " will: jos h - my intell ect and charm . ba nd sax-o-fu n mes: to all my fri ends you've made thi s highschool experi ence a very enjoyable one, i' ll never forget you. to my fam ily - yo u've made it all worthwh ile, tha nk you for always being there and keeping me on th e ri ght pat h. i love you.
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Pat Shea, Dan Reger, and Kevin Brady know they are three ofthe' studliest guys in the senior class. Not only do th e pride themselves in their good looks, but also in their intelligence. They are all pondering w hether to go to BurgE Ki~g or McDonald's for breakfeast. Kevin knows, as a senior, this is one ofthe biggest decisions he will have-to mak all day. . .
Kevin DiPoalo "chewy, stud ly, chewdawg, biggens, skinny" rem for: being large and in charge. my tattoos. playing football. eating cheky granola bars. god's gift to longsnapping. act: football. baseba ll. fay mem: times w/friend s. footba llstoga ga me 98. football w/dave, doc, joe joe, levy, and gorgo ne. paging billy sta ins. lenny- w hat exactly? baseballfres hman yea r slu gge r. smash ing the wago n. milk ca uses aids. train- ready fo r y2k. sm ink- cannon w h at? w res tl em ani a 15. the great t im es w/lauren. hurling eggs at rl 's. o' hara's sled pads. will: bil ly- my poo l tab le. mes: mom , dad, and brian- thanks for everything, you're the best, I cou ldn 't have done it w ithout you. i love you. lauren- i w ill never forget you . i love yo u. (tb).
Andrea Marie DiRico
Brendan Kaufman, Michelle Ervin, and Bob Tomarelli love to joke around. Bob has just told the funniest joke the three of them have ever heard. M ichelle and Brendan are laughing so hard they are starting to cry. Bob promises that when he's in co llege he w ill call th em up and tell them more funny jokes to help them through their day. W hat a great guy!
"a ng" fay mem: disney. bosto n. ny. washin gton. teb. jimmy buffet. dc ta lk. y 100. q102. oas is. bear in ken net sq uare? parking lot incidents. eighties party. pa rk excursion. broken down car. hi-d. forma ls. "i'm ok". driving. sq u ee z e my dice . ceda r po in t . "fa lling" . sis. sfa w/kate. lobster bibs. sporkin. hoagies. " if you knew how not .. .. " . vfl c. " uh .... car". orch. chair. cones and ba rri ers. "g". doritos. sunroof. will: laura- yo ur own room. mes: mom and dad- yo u are the best, thanks for the support and th e memories. i love you! erin and luara- than ks for always bein g there, yo u guys are the greatest! i love you! fri end s- thanks for all the memories, i am sure there are ma ny more to come.
Janine M . Diluzio
David Dockery
"nean" fay mem: fre shman yea r withe boys . hall oween 98 w /tom . gett in g beat up by tom in dtudy hall. tim es w /Iex, jackie, lau ren, mar, jeannin e, and co lette. summer 00 w/christie. dmb 99 w / Iau ren and kristen. my halloween party. maryland w/nean. working at jff. i miss yo u guys. parties w/tim, ch ri s, and matt. i' li never forget the times w/rob and everyone. will: nea nmy car. you better keep it clea n. tommy love, my heart, my everythin g. mes: fa mil y- thanks for everything, i love you. tom- i wo uldn 't have done it w ithout you. yo u made me the person i am. i love you. friends- thanks for being there fo r me.
" dave, doc" act: golf team. fay mem: n/a (it's school). will: my broke n locker to another short kid who can't reach the top. mes: you don' t have to do much work to pass. i know!
Carla M. D'Olio "petter, creak, car, bon off" rem for: lovi ng katie holmes. being loud, short, and funny.act: too many. fay mem: hanging out w ith my gi rl s! making manhattan's- it was fun! clare-all of our creakin' trip s and long talks. kim- inst rument s. marie-tanks for second cahnces . amanda- O H BOY! eri cathanks for bein g my neighbor. tinathanks for real! sanka you dead? compose you rself! band trips . noisy hotel rooms. dare. tina . jen! halloween parades! stink and spank! w here's your stem um? 12.5% lemon juice! the fart machine! will: to my friends-all my love. jaclyn-my room. jenna-my legs. clare-my watch. mes: fam ily-thanks for the support, i love you! friends-thanks for the memories, i love you!
Shaun Kathleen Dougherty rem for: curly hair, smiling, dancing, listening. act: field hockey, basketball . fay mem: haning w/ shana, nicole, tara, diane, lauren, sam, trish. soph after party. matts after tp. water on wall. sleepovers. huh. Ii i sa lt. jk. ny. o live garden. rotm. times w/mary n. two seats. psu. fh moments. supe rstars. w iggle john harvards. 8/11/99 white. alarm. nicoles grass. kemps. hayride. n 'sy nc. jokes on everyone. v b w/maureen. yeah jackie. girls nights. dancing and lau ghin w/ girls. tara's house 5:00 mine. the shore . walk w/steve. jp 99' 00' hummer, songs w/ mike. hula. kate'use . 10/16/00 . tumbling. driving. snot bubble. vc w/megan. memorie s i've missed. memories to come. will: andrew- my opion ion. Kieran- my room. rya n- tv time. katie-my shoes. g&b-space.
Sean Donovan " donohue" rem for: being wrongfu lly accused . doing stupid things at stupid times. act: scross co untry. swim ming. track and field. band. orchestra. yea rbook. fay mem: states 98. summer 2000. bahamas. xc dinners. penn state trip 99, 00. districts. wrestlemania xv. an imal ball. freshman initiati on. rickashea . soph hop. snow dance. west of sa nity. operation hootie-mama. springfield invitational w restl ing. algebra ii. rose tree. the crazy times at lun ch. springfield trail. washingto n trip. er band practice 97. olive garden? dance. will: mark- my house. ryan. greg, and wayne- the pride of the shs swim tea m. mes: cory and rya n- the best of luck. mom- thanks for all the support. i love you! dad- i would have never done it w ith out you. everyone else- have a nice life.
Michael D. Dougherty, Jr. " doc" rem for: ch illin ' . " hotboys". being a wa rrior. act: football. fay mem: delly. chi ll spot. page. creed. petty. waters. miller. ozzfest. albros. tim es w /wax, crucious, onofrio, s.eye, t, h, jigga, luce, j-bomb, oe, malach, w ill y, west, d's crew. Jamie and all my girls. 98' stoga. fla. hockey. dougherty and friends. shady. ghetto crui ser. "the nite they saw". zoo crew. w aynin '. 50ydln. 12/31/99. pimpin'. hey bud-t. shore. lucey's. launchers. de. bomd scare. 4/20. walsh. will: lu cey-a leash. reemmy ga me. brian-my great hand s. mes: "what are you doin mark?" mo- "your welcome" mom and dad- " thanks for everythin g, i love yo u" . " my best bro's"-'you know w ho yo u are, thanx i love you, jamie you too. everyone- " i meant it all".
Even though Dan Lu cey is always happy, he is particularly enjoying this day. Last night the hockey team won their game and Dan scored a goal! Now he is in health class relildng the game to his friends that missed it. Even though sometimes the games run late, Dan always manages to have all his work done and be a responsible student.
Steve Fattori pulls up his hood hoping that nobody will be able to see his new haircut. Dave Tourscher has assured Steve that it really isn't that bad, but Steve is really nervous. He knows people are going to stare at it so he figures he will hide it and no one will notice. What Dave doesn't know is that Steve dyed his hair blue and goldl
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Kurt Michael Eckman ·rem fo r: the fro. marden. always being sick. act: xc. track. stare. so.o. band. hiq. nh s. peers. fav memo xc party. hanging w ith jen, nate, dime, bren, bob, di, ray, and everyo ne eles. ma rde n shows . shows w/dad and christ ian. being dropped. no fre nch. dances w/jen. team 4 all-stars . boston. peer camp. "she wanted more". chillin w ith the marden boys ( my brothers). will: jonothe skill s. meso mom and dad- yo u guys have done more than just open doors for me, you've showed me the wo rld. thanks for everything. i love you. christian- over the yea rs you've been so much mo re than a brother to me. thanks. i got yo ur back. jen- nothing can replace all the time that we've spent together. i thank god that i ment you . you w ill always be in my heart. ~.
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Sara Elizabeth English
Kurt Eckman pauses briefly before the watchful eye of one of the many murals that deco rate the wa lls of Sp rin gfield High School.
"zeke" rem for: long hair. act: concert/jazz/ma rch in g band. orchestra . track and field . girl scouts. mean green ca noe ing team. fav memo mountain at cabin w/ton i. times w /steve, ph il. track w/a ngie . white school-bus. snow da nce 98'/99'. prom 00'. junior trip. disney. boston . andy. orchestra conce rt s w/basses . will: t.j. -bass (i t 's yo urs). phillip- trumpet. to ni- padd le and canoe. angie- ye llow notebook. steve- came ra. ch ri sten- compute r. meso to my fam il y, always the best. thank you for being there and supporting me. love you all forever. to all my friends w ho have been the re though eve ryth in g. we have had wonderful times. now as we pa rt and move on, we must rem ember that " home is w here th e hear is". love always.
Christina Marie Duncan "ch ri s" fav mem: tim es with angie, jenn , kym, toni, and all my friends . birthday parties. mall trips. shopping w/kym. denny's tri ps w/ jenn. w hat do you want to dip that in? new year's. movies. parti es. talking gibberi sh. halloween. sw i mm in g at kym's ginge rbread houses . classes especiall y ones w/ fri end s. homeroom. lunch and a ll th e fu n it brought. my littl e "acc id en t ", right toni. will: mom-a cl ean room and a warm hou se. dad - a great big hug. john- all my blankets and a clean ca r. angie- gas money. kym -my bargain hun ting abi lity. jenn -a drivers license. meso mom & dad- thanks for being th ere fo r me and do n' orget i love you. john- I'iated you r help you my favo rite brother. to my fr iends- good luck in wha tever yo u do, i love you guys.
Sunday Jzanee' Dyitt "nae" rem for: calling peop le fat. act: field hockey. cheerl eadi ng. basketball. close up. s.c. homecoming court. fav memo hangin g wn/mom. tea & ca n pregnant lesbians. 55th & cathy old heads . tammy tro u b l e. phone w/caltay. turq-wassap. hanging w/tru sten, boy sessions w/colleen & 'r ia. smut ten'. boy's. hey ma' my cha lu pa. movies w/b ird, ginuw in e. my li fe! will: tam- you can have anythin g you want. trusten- my sneakers & some. tay- a great fr iendsh ip w/a side of ketchup . tea- you r flatiron. turqlaughs. meso mom and dad - you've been through a lot in a years time, yo u never changed, you' re my everyth ing. i love y'a ll , and what! mir- love ya'. michelle my be ll and uncle puddin' thanks, love ya'. mrs. d.- i' ll be home for dinner. maria- beauty doesn't happen everyday un less your us, hater!
Fellow Science O lympiad members Nate DiGiorgio and Step hen Underwood gaze pan derously at the pi le of random items that they have been charged w ith converting into; Rube Goldberg device.
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Erin Epright
Amanda Elizabeth Finocchiaro
fay mem: susan we had so many adventures. s.s. jose and jason. all of our p.h. men or our men period. hating gi rl s. our good friends. c.m.chi llin ' in our hood! p.h. ) roman and ugine. n.e. nick's app. stewa rts. ruff riders. e. junior prom . jay and ray. florida trip chillin' wit darcy. target. going to the " mall " . w ildwood. keither you' re my southern boy. lidz. bad boyz. ludacris!that is all us sue) . sprou l lanes . o'hara bowling. angelo dirito. sen ior promm 2001 to come. so many memories, so many more to come. mes: mom -th ank you for being a friend and not just a mo m. dad-i do appreciate w hat you do for me, thank you. jes, sydney, and sue- i love you all
"brat, nookie" rem for: 1 of th e 3 biggest b's in sprinfield . fay mem: my girls beth, maryn, chri stie, maureen, chirssy, betsy, kri sten, katie, megan . taco bell farting seats. two sea ts. bar sha rkin g w/beth. creed '00. chi chi 's. hay ride s. junior prom thumbs up. rollin' concert s. videos. egging. shake it off. sa lt. time's w/ma rk. ceme tery. migra in es. fres hmen. ei nstein gi rl s. will: bet h- minty lollipops. maryn- peter. ma ureen- migraine medici ne. christieleather jacket. chrissy- 120's. bestypai n killers. mes: family- thank yo u for being there. i love you. friends- you are my strength. our times w ill never be forgotten. mark- you are my first love. i'll never forget yo u.
Michelle Marie Ervin "m ich" rem for: pas . incubu s. lions! act: cheering leadin g. vo lleyba ll. fay mem: pas times. I.o.t.creeking. concerts. roger wa ters. times with th e gi rl s. "s &r". disney. "shafty crafty". barn . all forma ls. dances. sttp. p2. zoo crew. bench. target. tankster. delly. "d ibs". dan's house. hurri ca n floyd. hom eroom days. big. english class. worm . " i don't get it" . dq tim es. summ er 99. halloween 2000. pi crew. times w ith dennis, pat, goon, all the boys! heead. arm s! sv crew! fl d. code names. white convertibl e with tina! spent! will: bobweird child alea rt, love ya! jamie- our house. mes: friends- yo u are the best, thanks for all the times, love ya guys! parents- thanks for everyth ing, love ya ! maureen - 12 years of fun, love ya! danwe are phoebe!
Michelle Lynn Falzone act: csc. lacrosse. te nnis. yea rbook. fay mem: rusty hubcaps . craft nights. concerts. bond. dances/proms. my pool. camo . towel toss . trabampoline. "are yo u two sisters?" wings ga me. dri ving adventures. jena ie. "i'm a tell you what" volley queen. upper-court rejects. leroy. nasty girls. times w/mike, pepe, lu cy, and eth el. the beast. scram ball. meg's crazy cutter. "have you seen my daughter ann ?" blowing bubb les . bearded man. f squared. "come o n over." unrave l &bo un ce . gimme my lea th er. da other guy. "simm er down now" is this a bath ing suit? c1 ubb in. will: patty- the princess . meg- house in springfield. heatherthe#l spot. mes: friends- thanks for the memories. yo u are my sisters. i love you. brian- good luck! mom &dadthanks for always being there. i love yo u!
Jason Chandler and Lauren Goane are definitely two of the funniest kids around. When they aren't joking around with their peers, they are cracking jokes with their teachers and family members. If either one of them is in the class, there is slIre to be a good laugh or two. So when you're looking for a good joke or two, come find Jason or Lauren, chances are they'll have something to say that will always make you want to laugh and laugh .
Stephen Fattori
Jennifer Lynn Firlein
"gun ner" rem for: basketbal l. being a tease/flirt. fay mem: hr w/michlle. chi llen w/wa llin, shea, shark ey, ju stin . freshman lun ch. basketball. coo kies w/sam. deep canvas w/lg. hummer. wing bowl. ugh . got em th ere. welshie/b uttree, rerr. ballin at the park. colleen- i'm not scared at all, bring it on. and finally i can't forget th e family. nothin but love to my broth ers mike and kev and es pecially to my wifey alicia. i love y'a ll to def. h. thank u kristen. will: no one deserves wha t i have. i've worked hard to get w hat i have and there is no way i' m givi n it up now. mes: i love yo u mom and dad. thanks for everything.
"jenn" act: ss . softball. field hockey. sa dd. com munity service. fay mem: tim es withe gang. denny'strips. wha t wo ul d you li ke to dip that in? trip s to the va lley. larry please don't get me kill ed. 8/18/00 . 7/29-8/4. $84.75 . li ttle buddha . psycho chick. dmb and creed concert. jolly rancher game. new yea rs '98. amy do you know your abc's . telethon tim e. will: kare n- a workin g car. amy- my clothes. larry- my love. chris- power of th e buddha. mes: mom and dad- th anks for all you r love and suppo rt. chris- thanks for being there for me. christina, karen, amy, and angie- word s can't express how much you mean to me. i couldn't ask for better friend s. larry- thanks for all th e great memories. love ya.
Stephen Thomas Fischere
"fish" act: wrestling. fav mem o hanging out wjmy friends mike, bill, dan, jason, pat, chris, kramer, greg, mcgill, will, and lou.
Christopher Furia
rem for: being a nut. fay memo getting w/ lori 5/ 20/97 the side of her hou se. being caught at 3 am. crazy w alks to w awa . philly w/dru, jim, ed, jerry, jeff. road trips w/lori. leaving w/ed . late nights. talking to john and all the other sickies. lori 's porch. new years eve 99. leopard stuff. happy fac e's will : lorimy heart, sou l, and eternal love . jimmy scams. meso lori- i love yo u always you're the best thing to eve r happen to me the years have been the best of my li fe i hope there are more the come. thanks mo m, dad, and norm . frankyo u we re the best i mi ss you
Pete Foster " pistol, pitter" rem for: art. cock¡ iness. athletic. act: varsity soccer. basketball. tennis. fav memo basket¡ ball. soccer. tennis. night games. dances. jun ior & senior prom . cali. powell park. sfa. senior week. parties. study hall. biggin. all my boys: shea, sharkey, justin, reger, fattori, wallin, ect..Junior studs. all my girls: kristen, janet, Ig, shaun, diane ... too many to write. will: keith¡ my studly charm. eric- my ath letic ability. ladies- myself. soccer team- talent, to beat ridley. meso thank you friends and family. i couldn't have made it without you, especially you mom. class of 2002don' t change who you are and enjoy your high school years. they go by fast.
Sarah Friel fav memo daily routine wjkaren. lownes. mine andjen's " little secret". 60th wj dana, j.j., and pugz. snow dance '99 . roger waters. gay nights. crazy new years eves. talks wj dams. great countless memories wjmy girls. the gazebo. moming porch episodes wj dana e. great memories wj my other half brian and may more to come. lauren always making me laugh . mesokristin- "if mountains crumbled to the sea there would still be you and me ... " my family- i know i'm a brat but i love you. my 8 best friends- i thank god everyday i found you. i love you. jJ- keep your head up and know you ' ll always have a place in my heart.
Matt Hindley and Ray Wang enjoy a few precious moments of repose on the famed G room couch before proceeding to their first block cla sses.
Joseph D. Fuiman ' joe, joey" rem for: photography. halloween. love for music. act : school photographer. yearbook.journalism. student council. fav memo halloween all of them. times wjall my friends. s ville crew. kols. missed the boat.jammin in the dark room . camp outs. football field. political fights. o.c. mikes views. cousins house. friday. millissa putting tin in microwave. snow dance party. driving. frank faIling over his sandals. homeroom. snow days. johnson' s farm. summer drink. will : i don't care. meso mom and dad and lauren- i love you. live for now. you can't adjust the way the wind blows but you can adjust the sails. living is easy with eyes closed . you can 't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you get what you need. take it easy but take it.
Amy W elsh makes a futile attempt to escape the clutches of Brian Morrison and his t" brother, Paul Triggiani.
Nicholas Gallo " bump""n icky balls" rem for: always laugh ing and being funny. wa iting till last min. act: va rsity ice hockey. fav mem: haning out w ith the crew, joe, mikey b, marshall, meng, gary. times w ith alex. lu cey's house. roger wa ters. page and crows. formals . late nights w it cou rt. cuban's. fa lli ng ice cream. new years. waterba ll launc in g. reve rse donuts. races. macdade run s. the deli. locker room tricks. shore trips w ith th e guys. carious han g out spots . hallway out bu rsts. sta ng crew. jo e, mike, hayde n, homecoming 00'. attending all ca r shows wit jo e. "marshall had a pony tai l". will: joe- weights. ma rshallcreatin e. mes: to all my friends, " it's not all over yet. " my brother- thanx fo r keepi n me on the ri ght track. to mom and dad th an x for being there for everyth ing. i love you .
Diane Gardner rem fo r: cu rl y hai r. fay mem: 9th grade w I ron, mandy, dani elle, bobby, bret, amy, susa n, mike . titanic. 7/13/98. su mmer '99 w/ron, jenn z., pj, jay. bday 2000. 1/2/98.2/14/99. soph hop. j-p rom. snow dance '99 . 5/21/99 . Icf su mmer 2000. times w/ dan, em il y, tara, jeff, dave. glove tips . mu ll ets. swed ish fish. collen brooke-ride home. michae ls. times w/buchy, greg, jen n 0., judy, vicky. will: laura- my clothes yo u already stole. susa n- 'pepsi'. ronmy love. mes: mom & dad- th anks for all your suppo rt and faith in me. i love you ! jenn Z.- i love yo u sweetie. yo u're a wo nderful friend. ron- i love you. thank you for all th e memories. you' re my best friend for life.
Friends Jeff Tirney and Sam Ardary pause to celeb ra te having adeptly dodged oncoming freshmen in one of Springfield,High School's notorious bidirectional stairways.
Amanda Victoria Gessay act: field hockey. track. nhs. operation smi le. csc. colorguard. fa y mem: friendly's fries. "two steps" collarbone buddy. "i have a question" 1010mph. stalkers. disneyworld. boston. france. all forma ls. prom dates. s.h. bet w/tara. b.p. w/kristen&maribeth. red shi rts. "movie nights" ap environmental. open labs. concerts. fights w/fans. kristen's leukemia . talks w Itheresa. break dancing w lamy. 9:01 pm. tan spots . 2-4-5. plaque decorators. " now .. . or late?" annual talk w/ nicole. u-face. chick w/ a cause. superstars. decorating purv's. "it's in the bag!" quality time. ka rachi king. hattie heater. bsrob-gs. oklahoma. "afterschool?" notes wI tara. gi rl y man. puffs plus. mes: parents- i can' t thank you enough for all the support you have given me through the years. i love you! friends - thanks for all th e unforgettable memori es. our friendship means so much . good luck!
Maureen Carey, Megan Sta nton, and Kate DelViscio be nefit from each other's body heat during a fi re dri ll on a particularly bri sk autumn morn ing.
Angela Marie Guiliani
Lauren Elizabeth Goane
"a ngiemg iu " rem fo r: sm ilin g. fay mem: friends . proms . 4/27/98. we t sh irt. surprise. splash. road rage . shopping. fi ghtin g. concerts. skittles. ich sp reche gut deutsch. crunch. hb's. singing. penguin parade. lib rary. steve. lunches . oklahoma. ducks. will: brianeil een. mike- my phone. kym- your bobby pins. jenn- my penguin hat. ch ri s- peace and quiet w hen i drive. toni- a ride &md. brenda- a pair of overalls. sa ra- ye ll ow notebook. mes: m&d- thanks fo r putting up w ith me. b&m- take care of each other. mrs. W .thank you so much for everyth ing .. fri ends- i co uldn't have done it without you guys . through th e good & the bad, we stuck together. i love you guys. steve- you' ll always be my best fri end.
" Ig" rem for: funniness. fay mem: socce r. basketball. lacrosse. "sw it ch" doable. dances. hummer. uc w/sa m. times w/fab 5. 16th b-day. hango ut /mary n s. break-in w/diar. campouts. phantom. w i ng. f lyers games. 9/15-1 6/00. times withe girl s. peers w/a li & linds. shore. new years . roxy/sprite sign w/ce llu ch. sis's apt. ha ll a-party. wedding. was hin gton. jen's. 2/14/00. ql02 wiker. career day. rom. lunch b. y100. will: gavinpierre. jackie&tim- th e need for great friend s li ke yo urselves. mes: fam il y- together we've gotten through a lot. i co uldn't ask for anything more in a fam ily. you've made me what i am . i tha nk and love yo u all. gavi n- you make me very proud. 2 more yrs. i love you. girls- thanks for the great memories.
Dennis Gorgone rem for: "habib" "oh baby" the corsica. being skinny. act: football. fay mem: great adventure w/sa m, chrissy, steven, megan, sa ndy. w ildwood . tim es w/my baby megan . 6/4/00. 7/15/00 . kent rd. football. the blade. thl. the mall w/adam and mi ke . ny. washington. dq. scc pool/work . " lemo ns". dances. va let. spe nt. new years eve '99. chillin g w/a ll my fri ends. florida '99. summ ertime. blue water ice. car show wayning. mes: mom, dad, sam, chrissythank yo u is not enough to tell you how much yo u have don e for me. i wo uldn ' t have been who i am today w ith out yo u guys. i love you so much. mgean- you are the best. my times w/yo u i w ill never forget. yo u w ill always have a specia l place in my heart. i love yo u so much _. .
Bri a n Morr'is o n ; ' Kim. Wagner, Kristi Soroka, Mari ana Orloff, and Lauren Goane love being the sen ior class officers. Their priv ileges. include organizing the senior prom _a¡nd grad.pationaCtiviti¡es. - 'Brian loves being a ~class officer, b,c , ca use he gets to " spend time w ith his four favorite -ladies.
Jonathan Gorman
Gus Goundis
"white-choco late" rem for: (lack-of) w it. act: all of 'em. fay mem: football. sco ring. pgsis. shakila. andy. forma ls. ghetto-dances. swingin @do n's. kevin baco n. keanu reaves . kenney. tenni s. 669-670. charli e's. shore trip. scoobydooby-doo. the mach in e. kik i-theblind-girl. 'baby got back' . hooch iemamas. sh ady/ hom e l ess j acket. marden shows. rbf 2000. fez/feastival. narcolepsy/insomnia . sn l. sim psons. hi-q . ultimate. sackett. doyle. di ligent. gis-time. midda-pibb. 31. n64. boehning. fren ch iv. no pants. imperial. will: j aspe r- swb. mes: hindl ey- we ird kid ... hi! family/friends- my love and respect to the end. everybody/a nybodyaccept w ho yo u' re not.
"kosta" rem for: being gree k and wea ring arm ani. fay mem: w hitewa rrior. panther. getupkids. ca tch22 . best buy. granite run. kop. co nshohocken. hot topic. repo. little devil. cyclo nes. summer 2000. ryan, pik, sa rah, matt, jacques, gary, lobb, andrea, ri ch, jane II, rita, erica, anna, ally, con, ka thy, jen, jimmy. yellow gti. joll ygree k. cousin sa ndy. larry. sleddin g. wawa. races. sou th str ee t. the let down . rol ls. wendy's. sama . prom . operation va lu e city. i. go ld berg. after school props. dubbin . hard core video. the park. will: ryan- house and car keys . pik- 30 Ibs. lob b- cinnab un s. andrea- my bl ack shirt. matt- comp uter. mes: mom, dad, and sandy- thanks for everything. love yo u all. to all my fri ends- thanks for making the years. very am using.
Susan M . Gray ,,5 e. n~-i o. r Nick Kim doesn ' t really like . to get his ' picture taken, but he iigures since thi s is to r the yea rbook that he can pose
r e- a I I Y
S h a u n Dou g h e rt y and Mafia Cippolloni love to' work on the yea rbook w ith . Jeff Tirne y. They think he is a ve ry funny guy. Afte r doing a little dance, Shaun a nd Maria show Je ff how to actually do his work.
~- .
I, "
"s usa na, moo n in" fav mem: eri n- our ade ntures. conce rts. soph hop . jackie's. shore ss. snow dance . dorn ey park. wo rkin g. dubing. j unior prom. 95. fri day 13th. melting new people everywhere. rus sians. bowlin g alley. playin g pool. leba nesers. mall trips. lid s. the two laughs. go in g to mcd. licking. ruff riders. betsy- 123456. gym locker room ... ouch! hawa iian guy. family valu es. horse kick. bug bites. porcelain. korn co nce rt. my head breaking. ceiling of car ... oo ps! fi sh in g in car. bk. mcd trips. h ershey park. lo llipops. freaking out at the mall. shore ' 00. boardwalk joke . amu sement park rid e. ny. mes: 32-1 43 ! erin & betsy- yo u are the greatest friends eve r. parentsthank you for all yo u have done for me. i l ove_~o~.
William E. Haines IV " billy, stains" rem for: being funny. always having something dumb to say. act: baseba ll. fav memo tim es w/chew, dave, mike, joe, herby, bridget, jacki, jenny, jess, and everyone else . o' hara sl ed pad. student aide w/ kova tch. freshman baseball. ud gam e ' 97. egg' s, r.l.'s house. phil li es game. hangouts at dave' s. swimming at ri cks. ca r accidents. chewy' s wago n. joe' s lebaron pos. school dances. will: christianeverything. c1aire- college degree. meso mom & dad- thank you for everything. i w ouldn' t have made it w ith out you guys . i love both of you. c1aire- thanks for path ing the w ay through life for me and making me look 50 good. kristie & christian- good luck w/eve rythin g and thank you. uncle paul- i love you. keep wa tchin g over me.
Se-nior Cory Lewis .. hates walking to school. But today he has a ,- smile on his face: It is such a beau_ tifu l day that he ' \s glad he does~ . n't have a -car: He just hopes that he can still make i! to school .,. on.time.
".~ ~
Chris Guille
Matthew T. Hall
"g ilb ert , antini o montana, johnn y bl aze, dirk digiler" rem for: ind ependent. hav in g fun. fay memo my oid neighborh ood & house. 7&8th grade. hangin w/ my brothers mike &andrew. playing football & basketba ll. my first shagg. all the concert s. new year's. party's w/a ll my fri end s. hangin w/mu ss, acito, mickey, kenny, bone, hill, w ols ki, nut, jessie, lopi colo, hoff, timm y, leon, jason I, and all th e ladies. summer time. meso i wa nt to thank god for everything he has done for me. my mom and dadth anks for all th e love and support. you help make me th e man i am today. i love you. thanks to all of the family. r.i .p- jimmy k., dave t. , adam I., and the rest of my family that passed aw ay. u w ill see me again! "venni, vetti, vicci"
" billy, stains" rem for: being funny. always having something dum b to say. act: baseball. fav memo times w/c hew, dave, mike, joe, herb y, bridget, jacki, jenny, jess, and everyone else. o' hara sled pad . student 'aid e w /kova tch. freshman baseball. ud ga me '97 . egg's, r. 1.'s house. phill ies ga me. hango uts at dave's. swimming at ri cks. ca r accidents. chewy's wagon. joe's lebaron pos. school dances. will: christianeverything. c1aire- college degree. meso mom & dad- thank you for everything. i w ouldn' t have made it without yo u guys. i love both of you. c1aire- thanks for pathing the way throu gh life for me and making me look so good. kristie & christian- good luck w/everythin g and thank you . uncle paul- i love you. keep wa tchin g over me.
Anna T. Hahn meso mom & dad- you gave me the strength, co urage, and support to keep going. i love yo u. mike & emily- never stop tryin g. you ca n be anything you w ant to be. mike- you have given me endless amounts of memories . i love you. keith & megan- you've been my best fri end s in good and bad times . morga n & matt- thanks for keeping us co m pa n y . we' ll find the rin k . fa kebakon- i' li alw ays be your # 1 fan. erica, ni cole, rita, joel, & ally- closeup. caw fee. maste rpl an. mytw ofriend s. dance. piddid le. tape. jock. r1, rb, gus, & pic- it' s always gonna be a battle o f th e sexes. tennis crew- ucrejects. jenice. maggi e- thanks for keeping me sa ne. to everyon e else- thank you for being th ere w ith me, helping me grow.
Seniors Liz Martin and Kri st
enjoy refa x ing in the i r chairs after a' long hard day. Both seniors are extremely active and sit tin g down is a r are pleasure. Sunday Dyitt, . Teadra Sud le r, and Candis Brown ha ve been friends for a long time. They all agree th a t the best part about bein g seniors i s both the gold pass privilege and the oppo rtu n ity to take th e class trip.
Gail Harding
Shana Mc'C?be and jeannine Stelzer have been friends all through high school. This year is very sad because they w ill have leave Sprin gfiel d High School and go on to college.
Lauren Hampel
Brian Hegerty
"hamps, neve" fav mem: craziness w / jenni, amy, & nicki. 2 nights of chaos 9/1-2/00. my littl e secret. shady drop. muscle obsession. 1 st w/dana. santa ngelo. the fest. shore chaos 104. bryan's angels. my abilities. romper. threat. deep co nvo's . sa hdy nights in my room. jimmy page. creed w/my brother. love ya too ash! w ings games. times w/pat. all bashes. late night talks w /bobby & steve. forma ls. legz. albs. brandon's hugs. all times to come ... will: nicki- a better choice of men. mes: mom- you're my heart. jen ni- yo u' re my sou I. nicki - you're my strength. amy- you're my backbone. bryan- you make it all complete. i need you all for survival. i love you.
"queve, redskin". fav mem: time s w /je nn, geo rge, troy, nick, begger, buchy, greg, douglas, boyle, kirk, ch ri s, bessy. rip watson. nick's garage. the park. the crev. the rock. 4th of july. summer before freshm an yea r. the w ho. jimmy page. roger waters. weird places. misspent youth. the many ju ans . model Is. 107 and a ghost. supe rm arket sweep . retartball. ned and ish pep. goi ng out to lun ch. eggs. jen cooked me pot pie. ruckasing. cockroaches saved my life. power out. 4 day weekend. tartcar!. trashcan snowday. ph ilosoph izing w/j imbo. dc trip . halloween 2000. "is there anything interesting in the bag?" the boat. mcdonalds woma ns bathroom .
Allison Michelle Harding act: tennis. springfie ld singers. stw. fav mem: snow dance '98, '99 . prom . oklahoma. caba ret. august '00. showstoppers '00. christmas party '99 . creation '00. culp. zapps class w / bright, fr a nk, & rich. wendy 'S . tim es w /heather. joel- sugarpuss. sarah- my fav asian. anna, nico le, gus, bright, laura and her crew- "stop being so sexa !" limited too w/da rcy & brianne. shore w/heather & brianne. soph hop w/jim . the machin e. will: susan- pebble in a ho le. mes: mom, flanders, dave, & matt- thanx for putting up w/me. i love you all. my friends- thanx for always being there. fu ll erton- yo u are my inspiration. tho thse who have impacted me- thanx for your guidance in amking me who i am and teaching me w hat i know. loren- see ya soon. Friends jackie McConnell and Adam Porsche love to walk to class together. jackie says she fee ls secure when she is in Ada m 's domineerin g presence. Th ey love to disc uss Adam's hockey games. jackie is one of Adam's biggest fans.
" chipmunk" . rem for: sm ili ng. fav mem: 2/15 /99 . sa uce sister. ca ught at smed ley. sunny lanes. sassy. cha lu pa. zoo. snowdance 98. courtney's. shore. driving. w/dana. on the hood. skitz. wawa. canoe in g. hr w/kri stin. times w/ken. taco bell. dave. proch man. roger waters. dances w /ken. late night runs. br. dock. movie nights. the spot. right. will: karen- i'li buy you a new one! mes: karen- you were right, our friendship is a forever burn ing flame . cou rtney, dana, and rachel- w herever we go, you'll always be in my heart. ken- i thank you for being in my life, through good and bad, yo ur love and support has helped mo ld me into w hat i am today. i will always love you in fin ity and beyond.
Ian Helberg "wax" rem for: giving advice. loving mus ic. fav mem: times w/crew, you know who you are . havoc nights. all mans. petty. waters. page/crowes . ha lloweens. shady times in ghetto car w/chipper & crew. hockey games. ch ill spot. zoo crew. 50 yrd li ne. lu cey's house. 3rd period study. jamming mariaface. talks w/sis, jigga, doc. times w/maryn. 10/24. wonderwa ll. bomb sca re. de. laun cher. 4/ 20. shore. walsh. will: lucey- a leash. maureenmy skinny legs. maryn- all my love. mes: mom&dad- thanks for puttin g up w/me. i' li try not to let you down. maryn- thanks for always being there. i love you. dogs- you means so much to me. thanks for the times. love you all. ' the futures uncertain. theends always near-. j~m_morrison . . Dan Reger is a regu lar stud. W hen he isn't makin g ' plans w ith the lad ies, he on his way to class to learn as m'uch as .he can f rom ' Springfie ld before f g raduates. He plans on pursuing his educatio n i!l' college.
Kristin B. Hidell rem for: being w/neil. fay memo times w/ neil. sara h's we' ll be okay speech. the spot. [ate night drives. ca lifornia w/neil. powell park. alpine. memoria l day weekend. sublime. phi[lies '99 . cutting w/o[d granddads. dxm. scenic hills w/ karen. trampoline wa terfa ll s. trippin eye. seni or prom '98 & '99 at mountains. lady in sky. horror w/ka ren & danie l s. brownies. eckberg's . lau ren's pool. sparkles w/[auren. bf/g f. snow dance '99. homeroom. sa ntella' s bathroom. milk. junior prom cards. camping w I neil. drives w Isarah. g*y nights. rol ling green ap t. talks w/da[e & fami ly. hiding sarah's shoe. meso nei[-i love u the bestest for infin ity. yo u are my love. sara-in spiration is w hat you are to me. inspiration love to see. the clan-a[ways remember. i love u. familyi love you guys.
Joe Hill
ark Arbutina quickly stops to pose for a picture for th e yearbook. H e normally lesn't have time for these type of things since he is a very busy student,¡ but ! wa nts all of his friends to remember him after they leave high school.
hi ll " rem for: bein g loud & obnoxious. fay memo senior week '99, '00. hangin at droopy's. after prom room. b.t. '99. pow eroutage '9 9. hallowe e n '99 w/d iana. vera's bash ing w/acito. partyin in drexel hi[1. snow dance. w inter form al at u.d. junior proms. night at val's house. part yin at granny's. ba sement parties at my house. pea rl jam 2000. wings ga m es . cou rt 's sho re hou se . b loody mess w I hunt. times w/diana. bloody raider. zack's hou se. new yea rs 2000. trolley stop times . roof fi ght. co usin 's parties. m eso a[[ my friends - thanks for all th e good times. my parents- thanks for all yo ur hel p. diana- we had a lot of good times . thanks for keeping me out of trouble. i appreciate it. i' [[ never forget it.
Thomas Henderson " t.j. , t. " rem for: voi ce. polo spo rt co[ogne. in stigatin g. act: ski club . go lf. sleepy hollow . fay memo cliff fa [1. sli pknots. ozzfests. gods mack . creed . upcoming pantera. all others. forma ls: amy, co ll een. dan ces : sa ndwi ch. al. jigga's analogies. fres hman weekends w/j igga, al. first day h.s. oe craziness. driving w/ co [, h, jigga: flo ssi n' . expo part. bloody noses. barn. dell y. to[erance. '98 sprin gb rea k. shore w/doc: attacking kids. padidd[ e crew. lucey's parties . mari etta 4 / 26- 11 / 10. ihe w hole crew: you know w ho you are. tina owing w ork. fl yers : kri sten, co[tee n, jeff, lucey, marietta, doc. will: ha rid e. meso mom & dad- thanks for the support, help, and laughs. i love you. steve- thanks fo r being a broth er i ca n look up too. jigga- you' re w hat a best fri end's all abou t. stay tight.
Elizabeth A. Hepler beth, beth ann" rem for: 1 of 3 biggest b's in sp ringfield. being loud. fay memo th e girls : amanda, maryn, c hri stie, chrissy, maureen (yea h), betsy, audrey, kri sten, katie, megz. taco be[1. chi chi's. hay rid es. n' sync 3am. broken bed . juni o r prom-thumb s up. dances. audrey's 007. spinning w/kri sten. roiling. creed-yeah. co ncerts. tapes . sharking. egging. shake it off. einstei n girl s. k-mart-touch me. sa lt. park park. memories w/dave . fres hm en. megra ines. fin ger magic. monday nights. cemetery. will: amanda-minty lo llip ops. maryn-mood rel axer. maureen-thumbs up. christie-brown hair. chrissy-a w indow. betsy-tap. dave-my love. meso my family-than k u for everything. i love you. my friends-neve r forget our times together, bff. dave-yo u did so mu ch for me, i' li always love you.
Janet Bollinger and Matt 0 i amond are favorite members of the band/orchestra. They both wear smiles on their faces as they play their music. It's no wonder they were named most musical. Janet is an excellent percllssionist as well as one of the drum majors for the marching band. Matt plays the trumpetln the school band and is also a member of "The Unsinkable Mr. Marden," a popular local ska band.
Toni M . Hoffman
Toni Hoffman and Christina Duncan embrace ,before the chaotic backdrop of . D-block lunch.
"josie" rem for: being tall. act: chorus. stw. commu nity service. fay memo my boy prob lems. labor day ' 98, '99, '00 . going to ch inatown . join hare kri shna . jellyfish. 4th of july '00. blink 182 . hanson. jonny lang. ocea n city '99. times w /my ud crew. all the dances. new york. friendly's . make em say uh. will: eli zabet h- my friends hi p forever. tybubble bath. brenda- my dali poster. kym- a cold beverage. angie- gas money. sa ra- my blink stuff. christin abreakfeast. lori- mashed potatoes. meso family- thanks for always be in g there for me. i love you all. fri ends- you guys are so great. yo u w ill always have a place in my heart. don't stop looking at the sta rs.
Matt Hindley limatt, hindog" rem for: broken cornet. runaround sue. act: xc. tennis. band. comm. service. hi-q. fay memo times w /friends. team 4 all stars. football. ultimate. 670-669. 221. fly ing pizza . mark's basement. ray's pool table. geometry. ap ame ri can. 31. ice cream sodas. xc dinners. psu. ricochet! tennis w /bren. good eati n w f ray. rodeos. cha rli e's . church cho ir. s.f. players. trumpet section. fun bus. cornet death. jeopardy. ta lk is cheap. rbf '00 . 4th block stud y hall. 64 parties . other parties. formals . mix tapes. ap language. hi-q nicknames. kevin bacon. disney. boston. dc. sho re tri p. will: jasper- social ski ll s. tim #2- coo rdin ati on. meso mom & dad- my end less thanks. i love you guys. jon- thanks for eve ryth in g. you the man. friends- good times. i love you all'
Steve Hoffacker "hoff" fay memo tb86. pentagon. getting smoked out at th e fire pit. beerbque. trains tation. pe nsdale. te rrance. cru ising in old bess. bri's 17th. minnick on the mat. rp mcmurphy's. tom's cottage. concerts- ph ish. roger waters . sabbeth. camp bisco. tailgating. drive to pittsburgh. board in g w /the msa. poconos. vermont. stinky green trees. tabletop at pensdale. times at chad's. petralaks. kill ion falling off roof. 38th st. going bl ind in alfredo's. 3rd period study . mad shade in dc . w i ll: picklehead- my motor skills. cj- all th e ports you can get. meso joh n & krystalthanks for be ing th ere and making my years fun. you guys are the best. momyo u did a wonderfu l job as mother and good things will come. sit back and enjoy:
Shown displaying her creative handiwork is art student Jenna Beaver.
Elizabeth Anne Howell
A group of seniors poses briefly in the ever-popular Learning Materials Cente r:
"shortie" rem for: be ing sho rt. act: cho ir. theater. fay memo times w/len. 5/3/99, 5/12/99 . dances/proms. mountains. class trips to w illiamsbu rg. new york and wash ington. q-concert 2000. nsync concerts. danny's parties . join hair kri shna. summer '99 and '00. oklahoma. choir. actin g. will: len- my heart. toni- my fr iendsh ip . jenn clothes . c rysta l- ju stin timb erl ake . mom- my love foreve r. meso momthanks for never giving up on me . you are the greatest mom eve r and i love you . dad- i love you. jenn- i know we may not get along, but you are my sister and i do love you. ton i- you're the greatest friend anyone cou ld ever have. thank you for your friendsh ip. len- thanks for sha rin g you r li fe w /me. i love you.
... ~, ,..
s. Hudson
"betsy, bessy" fay mem: fun times w /moon in: the boardwalk. fvt korn. horse kick. food poisoning. chunky c's geometry. locker room. aud and kri: fallin ' . makin' music. space . sunrise.
ocnj. water fights. beth: gotta go fishin'. it's tap. advisory guy stories. pager. amanda: bo! candy. christie: got milk? dog k. rd ., porch man. maryn: yo dog. jen: wow 6 years. toes. seagull. queve: scavenger hunt. our shady times. wt hel caitlin! lunch times w/danielle. wheelchair. shady fun washington trip . miss-miss you're the best einstein times. mes: mom- you're my heart and soul. i love you. all my friends- you're made these years great and i love you all. thanks for everything.
" . .
Matt Diamond and Maria Cipolloni love to go to football games together. They are both a little sad that, this is the -last 'y ear that they will. be able to go to the games. Next y ear;' Matt wants to come back ahd visit them. ' ,.~.
Jonathan D. Jenkins "jenks, johnny guns" rem for: being a party animal. act: amnesty. stare. litmag. choir. nhs. fay mem: summers in chris's basement close up. taco bell. cripsy baseball. ricki market and deli. stop&save. amnesty & stare. red alert 1530! spanish w/ms. regan. having 'fun' second hand @ r.b.f. g.w. bush rallys. dennys . phily live w/ashok! phantom mentace @ midnight owning the car from road trip. satanville. mr. yuck. aimless driving. video camera fun. tony hawk. shopping carts at target asian pride. francis harvey green trips. fruvous. tmbg. offspring concerts. putt-putt. shooting fire. being chased by the crazy redneck. beastie boys. will: family- the taurus . enjoy it while it lasts. evan panek- the 'big fangs'. mes: family- thanks. i love you . friends- good luck ... keep in touch .
Justin Kalman rem for: wearing lots of jerseys. act: basketball. baseball. fay mem: all of the hangouts w / my friends. freshmen bball 14-2. playin ball at powell. all of the times at the pool hall. swimmin in pat's pool. wing bowls at mw's . getting rides for reegs. hanging out at shell's house. dynasty & satanville. the haunted hayride. playing football w / the guys at shs & halderman. going sledding last year- the time dan kicked sharky in the face . junior year study hall- 1:40. jv baseball practicies. varsity baseball- central champs 2k. the time we saw mission to mars- worst movie ever. edco bball. getting buff in the
Ie indescribably s~ave Jacques~e.hillipe Brissault, decked out i,n his finest tire, reflects on his la.test romantic conquest.
weight room. any other cool times i had . mes: have fun and stay true to your family.
Harry Jefferson "h" rem for: hotboys. act: partying. football. track. edco. fay mem: valen tine's dance. creedOO. pagecrows. halloween99. dan's house. disney. dan' s house. sheeran's house. jamie&coll broom scene. dave's house. dc trip . nortic. delly w/jamie. junior prom. new yearsOO. t. jigga. doc. lucey. wax . crucious. jt money. ani off. oe. muscles. meng. (13-0) . bmf. goon. mikey bad. mattd. sheeran . phuphu. jp. bissault. allington. shark. gunner. karreem. keon. warrior2. planks. sants. shsfvOO. brosb4hose. jamie. call. mo. michelle . tina. maria. kaitlyn . lauren . dan's house. will: marshall-the bird. kareem-the sweater&other stolen products. mes: tj-what that girl ain't willing to do, u got 100 more girls more than willing. mom-i love u. erikkathanx for getting me through it jacques&matt-true triends.
The eterrially-pleasant Megan Mirzoeff newly acquired coffee mug. '"
pr~'~are~ to take;' dra tlght from .
Aaron Kelley
Jackie Bowers and Pat Shea were voted the most athletic students in the senior class. Since her freshman year, Jackie has played field hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. Jackie spends her summers attending sports camps of all kinds. She prides herself in getting good grades, and plans to attend the University of Notre Dame. Pat Shea also participates in varsity level sports. He is a key member of the Cross Country, basketball, and spring track teams. His times make him a contender for championship qualifications.
" train, ak" rem for: sta rtin g funn y conversations. being in rid icu lous pep rallies . being me. act: football fay memo florida football trip nov. '99 . new york '99. washington '00. cyo basketba ll & ski trip. school dances. trips to great adventure. crazy ni ghts out. ' 00 football summercamp. hilarious time s w/marsha ll, ian, ti, harry, mascio, mark, doc, levy, shell, chewy, deangeli s, gary, & matt I. anything i forgot. meso familythanks for puttin g up w/ me. mom & dad- thanks for the support. anyo ne else that's rea ding th is- it's been great. cya.
Colleen Elizabeth Kelly "col" act: chee rl eading. athletic advisory. fay memo tim es w/my girl friends. fresh yr/ka te. chee rl eading times. p.f.c. p.i. crew. dib s. shaftyness. another round? the barn. forma ls. co ncerts. kate-w ish you were here. s&r runs. bro-thanks for yo ur ea r. hockeybutt. d. c. dan-thanks for everything. mike dthanks. t. bow l& budggin w/ kaitl yn. shore w/ laur. dans jacke t. doggim. ditcher. heeed. b-roo m w/harry. pu-Iawoooo ng!! maria-if i co uld be... .will: fri end s-ri des anywhere . steve-guts & " romance" meso mom & dad thanks fo r always bein g th ere for me i love you. kieran- you're my best fri end, thanks. joey- we're two peas in a pod. i love you guys. friends- all of you are the greatest. than ks for sti ckin g by me and for all th e memories.
Erin Kane act: soccer. track. fay memo yell ow cups. reenactments. the raid of '99. 3 musketeers. sop hm ore 6. cuell ar'S basement. pole dances. lucky7. petty. ph i sh. summer's end 2000 . th e "catch" . dubbing amy. th e accident. infamous couch. to ga party. "g". laugh ing fits. tried & deni ed. coed sleepovers. sho retrips. dances. ki ssing the 9 fiddle. midni ghtpo etry. reunions. times w/crew. randomites . tv nights w/welsh. fea rso me foursome. "best night ever" will: michell e-specia l moments. mt-great expectati ons. veronica-a sense of di rection. meso welsh-u w ill always be the prettiest. mt-i could never asked for a more fu lfilling chi ldhood, or cheri shed compa nion. w ithout u, no memory is complete. sienamay your stubbornn ess ca rry u in directions i failed to venture. i love u.
Brendan Kaufman " blowtorch, red, firecrotch" rem for: humor. oaf. sarcasms . talkin trash. rbf. feelin the love. act: soccer. tennis . marching band, all th ose other bands. co mmunity serivce. stare. amnesty int., the coo l club. fay memo bywood. halloween parades. all o f '01 peeps fla. w/my boys. boston. all of the sv trips. football games. wawa icet. jr. prom. pogs. soccer. maine w fray. and most importantl y- my friends . will: my friends- all my looks and stunning charisma and the d estr uct ion of my life .. aka ca llanter. my parents- anything you want. i owe it all to you . marykatemy deepest apo logies for all the torture . connor- all th e wishes in the world. meso my family is th e only truth and trust i have. my existence is in them ...
Ian Helberg prid es himse lf on lookin g his very best every day of school. Even though he i a senior, he has yet to experience the full blow of senioritis.
William James Kelly "billy, meats, mazzola." fay mem: chillin with steve, kramer, will, and walton at slacks. slacks van . trip to swp on the trolley with kramer. all our spots. the bum(white fa ng 2). ac/dc concert. road trip to hersey for ph ish with w ill, peebles, jimbo, flynn, jerry, jackamo, and lou "dad". breaking my nose on the tobagon w ith w ill. carring kramer home first nigh t we chi lled. will: steve-wa ll concert tape . wi ll- ph ish glass. kramerdouble shot. mes: mom and dad thanks for all the things you've done for me. mom without you i wo uldn 't be here today. dad w ith out you i wo uld still be living in the ne. th e past 9 yea rs i' ve kn ow you have been the best of my life and i'li never forget what you and mom have done for me.
Dean M. Kemp " malinco" rem for: always being there for others. havin g campass ion to help others. being a firefighter. being a player. act: spr in gfield singers. district choir. mortan firefighter. school musicals. studen t aid for mrs. kova tch. fay mem: playing basketball in hom eroom. the parties . the dances. playing pool at drexel lin e billiards. ch illin with jenn, chris, trish, trudi, alicia, vi nce, karen, carry. the trips to disney world, and just the over all fun times. will: i w ill that everyo ne help one another, and help those who can not help themselves. mes: en joy the best years of yo ur life, for these are them, best of luck to all in what ever you all may do.
Ms. Longo, Jen Perulo, and Christina Duncan. don't mind that they all have the same purse. They think it is cool that they sha re a similar style. This year, leopards prints seem to be an essential to having a 'complete and stylish wardrobe.
Nick Kim
"poopoo bear, nieo, nikorea, nicoboco." act: quality time wit h ellen. soupin' up teh cav 99 . being azn. fay mem: every second w ith ellen. my car. will: to ellen- my love and life. to chris k- magic cards. mes: ell en- you opened up my eyes and my sou l. chrisyou the man bro. got rice?
Joel King rem for: pajama pants. lunch boxes. fay mem: times withe lau ren, chrissy, alIyson, ila, daphane. creation 98-0 1. peer facilitators 98-0 1. after schoo l with ni kki and ca itlin. shpan ish day. auc. borders . denn y's. " pi kin ' it" . ce lebrations . sa ll ymea. shleepover!. "the story". letters. free. brown cow . shdebbie. cookie -b ag . study halls, fashmere. sbp!. cha rli es angles with allison and anna . jewe l. to r i. sarah mclachlan. dixie chicks. my lilith fairies. mes: to all those who inspired, taught and cha llenged me: my boundless gra ititude. yo u mold me. linda, Imc staff, margie, art teachers- i love you guys. mom, dad, and dan- thanks for putting up with me all these years . i love you. heat her and jen -where would i be w ith oug yo~,? you are my best friends .
Homecoming k'ing and queen Lauren Goane and Jeff Tirney were so surp ised that they won. They knew that the court was very competitive but they are happy to represent their class. Jeff just needs to find a way to get his crown to fit on his head. II' s just a li ttle too big!
~- .
Richard Norman King III "rich" rem for: green jacket. mountain dew. playing bass . old computer. act: band . xc. fav mem: checks at cvs. u.s. 8th grade dance. u2's bass player. warped tour. ozz. tmbg. rbf. umm shows. formals. putt-putt. band practices . frensh . disney. all the time with "the group". washington. jon's taurus. peec. simpsons. dew runs. fun times with kerrie, ed, jim, kim, joanna, tony, jon, chris, adam, brett, caitlin, nikki, rossi, dee, kris, and everyone. causing
scenes w /jim. singing in public. band concerts. sublime w /adam. fighting tony. xc dinners. xc stretching. krispe baseball. new years 2000. homeroom b-ball. zook' s class. zapp' s class. asp. basketball. george' s. sleepovers. oldschool denny's. toca bell. will: tony- a good guitar. brett- floor tom. adamt.c.2. parents-whatever i owe you.
, Kiera Burke, Kristi Soroka; and""Amy Moran-Thomas all have governm~nt cJas: ·together. This makes them very ;h'ap'p:y be~ause wh~n they aren't learpiof . about the way the governmeqt isru~ / the'y have a ch~nce to socialize. .
.3·" .
';:--' ,,'
Theresa Marie Kissinger "t" rem for: being small. freckles. act: field hockey. track&fie[d. amnesty international. stare . fav mem: friendly'S french-fries w/amanda. chick w/a cause . thunderbird w/kristen. going out w/ellen & melissa. s[eepovers at purv's house. making great friends at field hockey. will: amy- packs of gum . all my friends- remember me. mes: mom & dad- i want to thank you for all the times you have supported me and there are no better words to show my thanks except i love you. nicho[e & jenthank you for always being there for me and i don't know what i would have done without you. my friends- i couldn't have made it through high school without you. i love you all.
Melissa Kobasic
Ms. Longo, yearbook advisor, and senior Joe Fyiman both enjoy doing photography work in and out of school. Joe exhibited some of his best work at-a local exhibit. Ms. Longo is always very ,proud of her students work because she knows they always do their ve~y best: '.. . . .J
Thomas John Kirk "kirk" rem for: poop. fav mem: woodward 97 &98. jim's shore house w/sauce. "that too, but lets get some ice-cream. " winter 99-00. sledding with fadgen and chris. springfield woodpushers. rip little tiger. k2 fund raising disaster. late night at timothy's w/ chris, lous, and bill bone thugs. 17th b-day at boards and blades . krok scare on junior week. "'can we check the room ... together?" rwf. gary. big pimpin at jackie's. jenny's wood. angst. poop . south street aher goodies. ppv's w/dad or at I.I.'s. hich hikers. magic place. d.c.trip w/quev. halloween 2000. mes: thanks mom, dad, anna, adn the cats. brandon, jim, sauce, fadgen, quev, chris, chandler, springfields wood pushers, lindsey, beth, kim, snady, chrissy, [auralee,steph, timothy's and ridley heads. thanks for being friends with me.
rem for: being w/jenny. act: ice hockey. fav mem: poco nos. "our bathroom". times at the rink. study hall. flower guy. "my wife". athletic training. hockey tournaments . "in the mood" . Ib backstage. all the concerts. nsync home show. shore '00 . pretty boy. deftones singing. jenny's drawings. skydiving. wrestling night. home alone. karaoke night. bbc. amateur golf championship. haven ocear. drive bys. stalkers. 1-21-98. "our spot". poems. eminem. sharing w/pete . happy dance. mes: mom & dad- it wasn't easy but we're better now. i love you. chrisi couldn't have made it w /0 you . jennythanks for sticking by me through all this. i couldn't have asked for a better friends. i hope you'l[ stay w/me forever. i wuv you. v.m.- six years and counting .
·· The _ever-defiant Veronica ' Sok, Marlaiia Orlof( : Jarnie Thompson, Megar .stanton, and Melissa UMeara forsake the pledge of ~llegiance, despite thE , entreaties of their advisor. . .r.: "';':.'.:
Aaron William Kopp
tim~ ~
s~hool~' spo;~;>rhvese
Ie pe'p rall y is a great ' get excited th e athletes, "an Cell, Nick Ca llo/ ',Joe Hill; C 0!:l~tn ey Opensn aw, an'd M att D eAn gelis are pecially excited 'and they 'Year t heir l51ue anc! gold to show their spirit,
rem for: bein g th ere for peo ple w ho needed me, act: nominated for nh s, playing hockey on blades w/ fri ends, fay memo playing basketball during adviso ry. all of my student aid classes. gettin g a rid e w/vin ce to school. getting help w/classes fro m mrs. tiger in th e set office. helping mrs. murph & mrs. kovatch w / their co mputers. gettin g mrs. kovatch coffee at wawa. meso family- thank yo u for everythin g, especia lly my mom, dad, and aunt faye my teachers- th ank you for helping me get th ro ugh my four yea rs at sprin gfield high schoo l, mrs. murph-kendall, mrs. kovatch, & mrs, ti ge r/wesley. thanks to all my oth er teachers that helped me over my schoo l career.
Caroline A. Kobylarz "care" rem for: si nging, long hair. fi shy boots, crazy clothes, act: nh s, marchin g ba nd, orch estra, sprin gfield singe rs, stw, community servi ce , ski club , fi eld hockey, track, fay memo di sney '98 , europe '99 , killin gton 'QQ , boston 'QQ , was hington 'QQ, ca rn egie hall '01, oklahoma! bye bye birdie, antigo ne, dam n yankees, WI abner, mu sic man, distri ct choir, hall owee n pa rades, hssn, summer stage, shootin g stars, hnrs chem w / Iedonne, america n studies, french w/cove r, hnrs engli sh w/ meinhart. formals, d ances , tap c lass, marde n, church choir, the mac hine, will: kri stath e ba rit one groove, meso my friend s (es p, the final fo ur)- thanks fo r your smil es & support. don't eve r forge t our memories, th ey' re pricl ess , my fa mily" merci mill e foi s" i love you, "the sun 'lI come out tomorrow" ,
Tricia A. Koenig "tri sher" act: photography, fay memo times w/a manda, kate, lauren, diane, tara, shaun, shana, nicole, eri c, dan I., ray & anyo ne else sorry, sheeran's end of summer, uncl e steve's , cu ellar' S parti es , lunch b convocs , snot bu bble, da nces, crashi ng rya n's car, summer ' 99 co n ce rt s, str aw b e rri es, "shoppin g", 5/18, english w/den ni s, shore w/diar & tara, shimmi e shimmi e, boardwa lk co upl e, tyler/ mike/ty, day tri ps, stars/sun s/flowers, cc sca ndal. 8/28, noises at kate's, dance fiasco, passing out. snea king out. cutting saturday, 5Q , ti gger/rya n, will: jackie- my stars & be good , meso mom/ dad- i love you and thanks fo r everythin g yo u have given me, sis/bros- thanks for watching out fo r me, i love yo u all. :n Damia and Eri ca Williams both have'm~ ny thin gs in co mmon . O~ e this is le i!- curly hair. Exce pt, in this pi cture you would never kn ow that Je n rea lly 'ha s eautiful lo cks just like Eri ca., Today sh e decided t o wea r' he r hair straight.
---~ -~--=,;;......~-----
Steve H offacke r norm ally stand s in th e hallw_ay b y t h e A udi o n s to he lp direct th e unde rclassman to th e ir classes. H e is a v e ry ca ring stu d ent and he w ants to m ake sure that nobo d y arri ves lat e to t he ir-classes. H e says that be in g o n time is extrem e ly importa nt.
Christine L. Kutyn "chrissy, ca lvin" rem for: being loud. act: cheerleading. track. volleyball. fav memo tim es w/chri sti e, beth, maryn, a man da, ma ur ee n, ka ti e, be t sy , "they' re so hottl " sniffers w/sa rah. voll eyball h a n ds h a k es, " h e nr y" , "s hafted" (k iera, mic hell e). cry in g w / j a mi e. tim es w/ta mm y. c l ose ca ll s&screa ming w/jessica " dust it off!" genna's party. proms, dances . 2-4-5 , kmart. coaching. chi chi 's freshme n. dipndots. wendy's. hayri des. cemetery. tri state. rid es w/j ess ica& ni co le. p i crew. english4. spa ni sh2, talks w/duff, will: bet h-m y li ce nse meso daddythan ks fo r putting up w/me. i love u. mommy-you' re my angel. i w ish u were here. i love u! paul & beth-t hanks for helpin g me w /everyth in g. i love u. Iynn e&cathy-th anks for being th ere. i love u. fri end s-thanks fo r everything. i love vas!
Something To Experience -Together Class Trip To Washington D.C.
' :.~
-.:- - - -
Rachael Jane Levitt
Michael Levy
act: lax. track. csc. stw. nhs. fay mem: dumpster bondin g. dmb '98, '~O. bonfires at brian's. sheep/cloud socks. story of 2 lost girls. doi lies. turkey basiw hatever dates. 12/3 1/99. djs. who's a summer girl? pwt admiring rosetree. who are these people- are they old? beach lax . frisbee w /cavan. did you just say no? phish x2. secret convo. tom petty- understand what this means? bnl. playin. co nversation face. zig-azag-ah. whales gimme hope. remember for me? i don't steal from senior citizens. will: gregg- noodles. nancy- 2 bullets and no blue flow ers . mes: friends- you' re the best. thanks for fabulous times! daddy- i love yo u. you are my best friend. famil y- thanks for everyth ing. i love you. brian- you' re my favo rite. nancy- yo u' re getting me what for christmas?
" Ievs, run-stuffer" rem for: being strong. sharing inbetween periods. act: football capt. wrestlin g cap t. baseball capt. fay mem: baseball central champs '00 . "sta in s". cougar football. "team dinners". "w for life". beating stoga in '98 . "i'm too strong". junior prom . times w/dave, chew, bill, jacki, joe, becki. " legion champs '00". swimming at rick's. taking food from bill's. shell- you never knocked me down . . "train". shell- stop being salty. ca rpenter cup 007. fake spit. will: jacki- my #1 status. bill- my women. ct- run stuffer ability. mes: mom & dad- thanks for everything. i love yo u.
Cory Lewis "lewis" fay mem: getting dp with zach and bean . having phat session in hoopde ride and crusin in dajepp w/matt. hanging out w/ doug fresh. the infamous spit hanging out w/d roop y at the cribe and playing ball. ch illin out w/nico le and michelle bota . taken rid es w ith nick and sean . hanging out w/chand ler. petting zinc. playin fri sbee w/cavan. talking to sandy, amy c. phat times at roger waters 99, tom petty 98, fearther feast 2000. memoria l day weekend 99 w /zack and pooh man. 4/20/99 at sean's house. 7/4/2000 in the boat w/kyle. indi an rock w/sheran. the good times. will: all football cards go to mike daman.
Amy Linehan
Brian Morrison and Kim Wagner are very involved individuals. Kim Wagner is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, Band/Orchestra (drum major), Class Officer, and various other activities around school. She holds many leadership positions and can always be seen with a smile on her face. Brian also serves with Kim on the Student Council and the National Honor Society. He is a student intern for the school board and prides himself on holding a voice for the students.
fay mem: chil lin at michelle'S and heather's house . korn and staindd. offspring. warped tour '99 . 311 and other concerts . egypt. driving around. "what th e". andrea's house. " i have hoa- , gies". wawa runs. ch illin at the park. frank's house w /angela m and gregg. "squeeze my dice". crazy times w/mike and chris. chill in w/angela b. and andrea. the tracks. falling. the cop. craft nights. "ye llo " . great times ¡ w/m iche ll e, heather, megan , patty, amy, angela m, and everyone else. i' li miss you guys! will: sisters- my clothes. mes: mom , dad and sisters- thanks for putting up with me fort 18 years, i love you all. friends- we have so many great I memories, i hope we all stay friends forever.
Ryan Lobb
Devoted_Marching Band members Jodi McHe'nry, Gregg Byrne, and 'Tina DiCroce enjoy a moment of repose in ' the midst a grueling sum mer band ca mp session.
rem for: mustang. being lobbsational. act: football. track. fay mem: 12/ 10/99. 1/27/00. 6/23/00. incubus. shore w/jul. junior prom . i.g. coning. rolls. driving around. couch. ecentre. wa llets. 12/28/00. x-mas eve. fl yers. 7/4/00. rolling green. late talks w/jul. jeep. firehose. o'hara. will: juliamy heart, love , patience. ker mit. fri ends. gus- medical bill. driving ski ll s. bright- cd's . job. erica- pennies. pilmackin ski ll s. mes: thank you family for supporting me. grace's- thakn yo u for the second home. erica- thank you for always being there. julia- thank you for making our time together very specia l. i wi ll never forget any of it. i love you with al of my heart and i wi ll always be th ere for you.
In Memory of Dave Touchton
Under t he hue of fuscia sunrise lies an old hobbit with 'scattered dreams of earth delight. Hell lies as a shadow to his w heel of nirvana, . w hi le the cries of his lonely soul blow in the wind. Someone w ill find his green supreme or a reason for life above t he blue.:-. . - Jill Battista Dave, I miss yd~t man. I hope it's nice up there a1td that everythi1tg is alright. Keep 100ki1zg dow; 011 me and everyone else a1td help its make good decisi01zs. I miss seeillg you at school, T J.'s, Wawa, chilli1t, a1zd hackey-sackhz after school.¡ I 'll stay it, touch through praye,: -' bye - talk to you later. - Dart Gibs011 I go to school everyday, Waiting to see you in the hallway. Then it comes to me, The better DT I won't see. Everyday I see students smile, In every student I feel yo ur presence. For me, it's every stroke of the pen. Late night pain is filled with writing, Haven't fo rgot my first sighting.. Came to 'me in a dream, or was it? My Walden Pond, you appeared~ While I was weak and cou ldn't speak. Showed me the tra il, yo u are right I won't fail. Everyday I remember things you did, You had so much to give. Yo u always made people feel better, You crack a joke, or the famous Dave Qear hug. Showed constant love, and understanding. One in a mill ion, you were really someth ing, And you w ill never be forgotten. -excerpt from Dave Toursher's 'Everyday'
Patricia Lopez
Brendan Yeet- Foon Louie
" patty" . rem for: my sto ries . being me. act: csc. nhs. choi r. tennis. lacrosse . fay mem: the rusty hubca ps. driving adve ntures. the beast. swings. extra large. swea ty m esses. stutte r ing g irl. mi chelle's pool. falling down stairs. lady at arby's . snowboarding. blowing b ubb l es. bad cap pu cc ino. craft s. ca mo. towel toss. scram ball. trampoline hoppin g. bond. " have you seen my daughter ann?". sledding. "come on over". dances. church gang. talks w/jason . mi ssio n trips. mes: friendswe've shared good times and aweso me mem ori es over the years, and there are many more to come. jaso nyou've always been there for me. thank you. gabby, issy- i couldn' t ask for better sisters. i love yo u guys. keep smiling. mom, dad- w hat can i say? th anks. i love you.
rem for: anne's sister. stri ct ways. spazing. act: stage crew. chess club. color guard. asce . choir. fay mem: ren aissa nce dinner. oklahoma. ca ke. bedroom talks. no wawa. disney. jellyfish surpri se parti es. dece mber meetin g with jen. pollyanna. best friend 's shoes. boston. brenann edak. passing the trash w ith britton, jeff jaso n. spec prom date w/m r. t. 7/4/00. museum & rnc. globa l garbage. fighting partners. runnin g red w ith the monument. will: anne- an a.m. phone ca ll. toni-travel expenses, jelly(fish), m.d. angie- a piggy back rid e. sa ra - andy. kym - blue. as h- twizzlers. mes: "pe rhap s life is just tha!.. .. .a dream and a fear"- joseph conrad. ann e- yo ur advice is one-o f-a- kind, thank yo u. mdad &p- th ank you for bending over_backward s.
Matthew LoPiccolo
Daniel M. Lucey
" pic". rem for: maki ng people laugh at me. act: soccer. lacrosse. fay mem: th e pentagon. pennsdale. 12/ 10. 7/3 . 7/4 . pittsburgh w/hoph 7/7. 9/15 (phi sh) . cruisin' 01' bess . minnick. killion. timmy. brio c.j. petrylak. guille. 38th street sea isle. w ildwood. chad and hi s hou se. ad 20's . fungus at pennsdale. morton barrels. nasief. dtown w /scott. roger waters. sabbath . killion s roof incid ent. will: guille- all my magazines. brian- my dip loma . hoph- a fu ll tank of gas. petrylak- some antid epressa nts, 2 potato chips. hill- my tattoo cover up kit. mes: scott, keep in touch no matter w hat. mr. greenjeans thanks for all you have done. fami ly, i know it was tou gh for a w hile, but i made it, thanks and i love you.
" Iuce". rem for: bu ll et. act: hockey. fav mem: snoop. jeff, mark, doc, tj, paul, harry, pupu , dave, pat, pat, d, fra nk, nick, hayden, beargoat, badolato, marshall, bmy, gary, west, meng. li o n w/mich & goo n. lat e n ights w/matt. hea ri ng ian jam & vent. flyers cup. concerts. dances. boathouse. prom w/ tish. she tal ks to angels w/col. stori es w/ ko va tc h. fin land. hockey buddies. tina's bobbypin. spraying kaitIyn. psy-sem. jaimie w hining. len. light shows . zoo crew. p2. rink. dq. deli. will: lauren- my jacket. mari a. mich co mmon sense. connor- my ski ll s. sa mantha- handshake. mom-o ptimism. mes: Dave- Th anks for wa tching my back. Col- Thanks. Matt- Talks were clutch . Dad- You have no idea how much you taught me, yo u'll always be wi th me. Mom & Kathy- Th anks for always being there, I love yo u both very much.
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Maureen S. Manning " mo" rem for: m igraines/laughing. act: swim ming. fav mem: 9/26/99. dis part ies/banquets. flyers. chi-chi's. prom s/da nces. yeah. lasa ll e. "o ur park". taco bell. honking horn. vikki's vb w/shaun. tim es w/shana . 2001 cd. kwp. oj crew. mcflurries. trex. bls. zub ru s in the li brary. super bowls. chester lubecki. concerts. girl on tv. 8/3/00. 123. splas h parties . the adams family. hot lifeguard. rain blow. maryns funy story. dizzip. sa lt truck. urban legends. h20 . 007s. psychopath . sleepa ve rs. rollin w / my ho mmies. aus powers w interfresh. the waterfall. bed bug bites. swim meets bdays. florida . will: katie- the phone, computer, and car. mes: mom/dad- thanx for everyth in g. i lu v you. jen- good luck w/our future! girls- remember all our times. i' li miss yo u guys. kit.
Best Friends Tina DiCroce, Jenna Beaver, and Darcy Borden have been waiting all their years of high school to use their gold passes to go out to lunch during their study halls. On their first trip out, they all agree. on Wendy's w ithout a second thought. Darcy can never get enough of their sod a. She says it tastes so much better than any soda sh e' s had.
Lindsey Lustig " lindsey". rem for: being me. act: soccer. peer facilitators. operation smile. project hope. fav mem: bff stefa nie. lisa. Iou dogg. so. ca l trips. money bags. cindy/ driving. parties w/casey. french rivi era. en skate- kirk, brand on, kevin. 2/98. practice space. hard core partying summer '98. wi ldwood crew . n'sync. '99 soccer. shows. pee r ca mp 10/99, 10/00. 1/ 1/00. diets w/lauren. sess ion s w/ dani ell e. sa nta barbara. bob marley. snuff dawg. nick s. dj k. h ote l parties. laura's lat e ni ght s. ste fa n ie, john a nd angst. ni ck . munterm en. dnielle. tom kirk. laura. lauren. diana. mega n. mom. dad. will: megan- taco lunchabl es . hot chocolate. car. suza nna- nice boys. mani, mi chelle , laura- parti es. fun socce r team . mes: thanks mom, i love you .
Morgan Manners fav mem : times i've lau ghed. tim es i've cri ed. times i've had to say goodbye. times i've lied. things i love. things i hate. freaks & geeks. datin g & dreams. silver shoes. tim e to choose . ri ghts & w ron gs. proms & drt. flowers & dancy. senior curse. putt-putt champ. soccer player. rid ley creek. times w / matt, j., bo. , keith, ell en, ni ck, anna & mike. 5:30. punchbuggy. nerf fights w/ ron. my 18hr. thing. ellen crash test dummies . will : lar- my sho es. mes: matt- i know. i'm not going anywhere. lar and j- words can't ex press how mu ch you guys mean to me. mom- love you mean it. dad- neve r in my wi ldest dreams could i have found a better hero. j- budd ies for life. you love. larlate night chats mea n everything.
During his study halls, Pat Shea likes to ride on the cheap quarter rides outsic the k-mart. Even though he doesn't fit into the helicopter anymore, (his favori" ride) he still remembers when he was little and he would get to ride whenev he was good. Since he is a senior now, he sm iles remembering how small f once was.
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Dana Marchetti
Tara C. Markowitz
"d iggity" rem for: loudness. act: ge nder issues. fay mem: the girls. [ownes and all parks. rr. jh 's good ies. routine w/dana. damons w/my boys. tracks. marle ys. rollin dances. runnin g and crashin g w/sa rah. [aur/ me bf since 2nd grade. bombthreats. rr joke. camping w/je n. times w/phi[, fatty, chris, dirk. poconos w / kristen, roger waters and all co ncerts. bbq 's at dana's my old men '98. rip jimm y and dave. will: sa ray, lau ren, dim ac iho- com mon se nse. hamps and amy- a man . mes: to my parents and sister- thanks for being there for me. i love you. my gi rl s- yo u nkow w h o yo u are. we've been through a lot. i love you guys. " the soul intention was [earn ing to fly cond ition grou nded but determined to try" - pink floyd
"tiara, t-dog" act: field hockey. lacrosse. dance. sprin gfield singers. fay mem: times withe girls. psu. fh. goodnight di. Iii salt. dances. growing up w/a my. shore times. formals. hummer limo. chats w/alicia. ql 02. ss trio. note w ri ti ng w /a m anda. u- face. rotm. sneakin g out. sleepove rs. 8/ 11 /99. talks w /d iar. driving w /s hau n & di. babysitt ing. danci ng w / the gi rl s. emma beba. kemps . ny. de. talks w / phil. whatever. huh. snl. madonna. superstars. demon king. wiggle. creed . jackie's obsess ion . will: kri ste n- phone privileges. jackie- my hand in marriage. mes: mom&dad- than ks for everyth ing. i co uldn 't have done it w/o yo u. dianethanks for making me laugh & yo ur irreplaceable friendsh ip. amy- 10 yrs . and stil[ go in g strong. th anks for the memori es.
Nicole M. Marcolongo " nicke[s" rem for: long hair. always sm iling. fay mem: summe r '98, '99, '00. ava lon w/a ng. ocnj w/e[i ssa. wi ldwood w/ba rb and aileen. winter '99 w / bonner guys " th e crew". bungee jumping. hershey '98, '00. haunted hayride '98, '99, '00 (sp rite). the video camera. the "mater p[an" w/erica, rita, ba rb &anna. scavenger hunt. bermuda crui se. chris. noah. r u seriou s? remember the time ... nope! forgot! soph hops w/da n. snow dances. proms. long talk w / barb. hockey players. eric-bzz! fez '99 & '00. rh cp concert '00. dmb '00 . mandy's parties. "secret. crush" 8-2500 . waiting till 11 th grade. wakin g up. chick cheesesteak. washingto n. surpri se parties. mes: mom, dad- co uldn' t have made it w/o you . erica- yo u' re my sister&one of my best friends. er, barb, aileen- bff. i love u guys.
Angela Nicole Mariani "chipp er" rem for: boy bands. fay mem: times w/jamie, mandy, ni co le, angela, vi nce, amy I., kris, tim, amy c., bret, jim, & alicia. the ba le. ghetto lingo. " keepin it real on the flip ... side" . dunwoody & giant. innocence & imagen. shore w/nicole, ang, & jamie. prom 4/28/00. snow dance 12/1 1/ 99. soph hop. bonner dances. air mattress. wawa run s. frank's house. chi lli n at th e park. "w hat the ... " hul a dance. " ri gh!..." chruch trips. ja mie dropped his tray! de nn y's. vi nce's dads. clubbing. th e hoopty van! co nce rts! "hug the curb!" slopfest. steelo. will : madyju stin timberl ake. nicole- hockey player, ang- my taste in guys. vincemcdonalds. mes: mom, dad, gran, & pop- thank yo u for 17 yea rs of love. you' re the best & i love you.
Since Steve Fattori plays basketball all the time, he catches up on his sleep during study hall. Basicall y he sleeps w herever he can find a place to rest his head . He says that school work always comes before sleep. He saves sleeping for w hen he actually gets to school. Sleeping helps him to get mentally prepared for his games.
Jackie M. Marinelli "crazy jackie". rem for: cra ziness act: softball fay mem: co nes. flags. signs. 10/2 1/98. meghans closet. open labs. i found jesus. drexeline madness . sa ndybank hill. new yea rs eves. shady drives. balloons. mailbox . c razy missions. mall's green pony. races. grou nd effects. police. john, jorda n,&old lady. denny's. food fight. um cake . sledd in g w/et ienn e. bang door. hang -up s. wawa w / big parrot. b-day parties. one niters. pao li house. death ly drives. mk's woo ds. ant hony'S driveway. marshmallows . pen ncrest crew. parks. riverrink&carlins. gas stat ion . marques' drives. i can't fe el my. will: bobby- xroom. dana- cone. jeff- cake . ch ris sythunder. ca rle y- my pag er. mes: mom&dad- thanks for yo ur support&patience w/everything. carleythanks fo r bein g there for me.
â&#x20AC;˘ Diane Aiken enjoys her study halls because she can spend tim e by herself getting some work done or she go out with her friends. Using her gold pass gives her a little taste of the freedom she w ill get to experience next year when she heads to co llege. Top ay Diane finished h ~ r math homewo rk and then used the extra time to .- , do a little shopping.
Elizabeth Ann Martin "liz, lizzy" act: soccer. swimming. spring track. orchestra. fay memo crusaders 1 ,2,3. secret trips w/kate. toe touch. north carolina/bed 98-00. drive by egging. baby. melody&harmony. ziga-zig-ah. dmb '98/,00. distance bond. stirdes in clearing. close-up. sunoco. snow cone. boston '00 . t-shirt wiping w/erica. symphony&talks w /eoll. dining divas/award. peaches. double d. buddhist bob. cloud sheep socks . immature dinner table. chemistry song. the glove. blackmarket. q1 02 that's my shirt. red plaid pants . na club. d love letter. dances. twk. water ballet w/kiera. driveway backups w/amber. secret convo. will: heatherbaby. meso mom, dad, kristin, toddthank you for everything. i love you more than all the grains of sand on the beach.
Joseph A. Mascio "bmf, joey"- rem for: attitude. obsession for muscle cars. dancing at parties. snowbunny. act: baseball, lifting, car shows, working. fay memo hanging out at philly drag races winick. mike. marshall. meng. gary. johnny. tech class. iu w/mickey. floyd. attending car shows. k&g. wildwood. ridley runs after school. hooters. shore w /nick. courtney's shore house. sea isle. working on the mustangs winick, mike & haydon. stereos. cobra faster than gary's z. new years. bike rack. lucey's house. valet parking. caddying. sister lauren. fun times w / alicia. parties w /mark, ian, oe & gang. competitions at marshall's. punching bags. will: cobra to my dad. meso mom, dad, laurencould not have done it without you, thanks for all the love and support. you're the best. love you . . -,
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Shana McCabe
Laura Mento loves cows. She thinks they are the neatest animals. Tha(is why today she -is wearing black and white. She plans 'to take Mr. Harley' s new light switch so she can put it in h-er r,?om. But, she has to wait until Mr. Harley le~ves.
rem for: being loud. curly hair. act: softball. fay memo 4th 6f july. rom. q 102 .1. eating out (o.g.d.c). trieste. formals. ny. 1st day accident. so. maryn's. titanic. "hubcap" . new year's eve. shore w/mike. talks w/nean. freshmen study hall. long talks w/girls . blaze. freezing w/mo. 'that nut" . 11 / 17/97. kemps . marshall's. d.c. delaware trip. my house, penn's landing. brick wall. cosmetology. virginia. jacuzzi. j.c.d. b.cig. tim's ho. hummer limo. future memories. will: girls- my phone calls to keep in touch! meso sisters- thanks for showing me the way. parents- there aren't enough words to thank you with, you're the best ever! i love you! mikethe fairy tale does eontinue ... thanks for the memories, love ya babe!
Jacqueline McConnell
he -
Senior Sean Donovan gets easily flustered. Today .he's worried about how will manage to finish his homework, go to his swim meet, and still have time to. finish his yea rbook work. Still, he-wearsa ' smile on his face. ..'
" jackie". fay memo times w/west, alexis, lauren , mariana, colette, janine, ch ristie. 9-18-99. prom dress walk w/lex. jv softball. swings w/jamie . gis w/pat s. and dan r. exit. soph hop. snow dance. jr. prom. hew's parties. (d mb}eoncerts. my tara. hockey games. our girl's hockey game. oc w/laur. mar's birthday sleepovers. janine 's halloween party. monster. my spazzes. mmmm. my mc butt. sophomore year w/adam. will: tara- my hand in marriage. kelly and christine- my enormous boobs. meso my family- thanks for always being there for me . i love you . weston- thank you for making all our times together as great as they could possibly be. i love you.
Matthew McCray "b ig blac k". rem lor: my artwork. many stupid and improper com ments. laying dow n some kn owledge on all yo u fools. lav memo cleaning the paint off o f my wa ll w ith Jacq ues . going sledding w/gus and destroying tons of hi s property (b ike, basketball co urt, his first car, etc.). hours of compla ining about mon ey and li fe w/joan. halloween w/ harry. all my peop les in th e graphics room, and many more. meso to all the people that i' ll be graduating w/t his year, and all the poeple w ho i' li be leaving here, you have given me a wea lth of memories good and bad that i w ill never forget and cherish always . so i thank you. carpe diem and much love. peace out.
James M. McCullough " jim". rem lor: being weird. my infinite wo rds of w isdo m. creatin g my own fun . lav memo disney. nights at kim's. cvs. putt-putt. dew. krispy . baseba ll . dragonball z. episode one. yelling from the ca r. tmbg. dorney park. the horse and the bucket. " pod racer". all the dances. new yea r's 2000. schem ing and creating scenes. rooting for 77. will: ri ch- my computer. joanna- a compass . ed- girl repe llent. meso to my family- i love you. th an k you for all yo ur support eve n w hen the go in g got tough. joann a- th ank yo u for everything you've done. you are amazing, never forget that. all my love always. to all my fri end s- you guys are my insp iration . i cou ldn ' t have asked for a better group.
. Seniors Kurt Eckman, jen Sang, and Nate DiGiorgio absolutely despise it when people randomly stop .in the middle of the hallway to chat with the ir fri ends between ,dasses ..Today, they decide to stop and pose fo r a picture.
_ \D.
Christie Anne McGlone "blondie, lee" . rem lor: being blonde, laughing. lav memo freshmen year w /the haven boys . eli ssa and vicki. "we go t bo ys" . tim es w/ my gi rl s m ary n, m aureen , b et h, am anda , chrissy, katie, co lette, audrey and betsy. go in g to taco bell and th e deli . shore. "s leepi ngbag" . v ic's . bro ken b ed. creed. n'sy nc 3 a.m. c hillin w/b ri an and matt. juni or prom. chester lu becky. rid es to wa llingford and our waterfa ll road. chi chi's. hayrid es. trash ca n lids. new year's eve ' 98 . times w/meng. dave's car. " utters" . "frosty tim e". will: kelly- the computer any tim e of the night, phone and ca rs. meso mom and dad- thanks for everything. i love you! brian- thanks for always being there.
Jessie McGoldrick rem lor: havin g sma ll eyes. lav memo times w ith jay. new year's 98,99. shore 99. qbec. last summer. up th e hill. va lentin e's day w/holly. " the logs" . " the t rac k". h o ll y'S hall owee n. myo id hou se. will: jay- my dipolma. jam miemy clothes . natalie- my makeup. meso mom and dad- thank yo u for pushing me to do my best, i needed it. jamm ie and bobbie- thanks for being my big siste rs. to my nat- i love yo u. holl y- i will always be yo ur best friend. jay- i know yo u' re proud. i can't believe how close we are. no matter w hat you w ill always be the on e i love. i co uldn ' t of gone through all this w ith out yo u. thank you, and i love yo u.
Seniors joe Hill and Gail Harding love having student service together in the photography room. joe has take n a photo c'Iass and is a great assistant mixing chemicals and maintaining the lab. Gail is always friendly and dependable.
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Senior Sok loves to in th¡e.hallway. Toda/ she came in late because privileges of being a senior is being able to use your gold pass .
~he had first period studyhall. Now she. is more awake and ready to:go to class!. One of the greate >
Jodi Lane McHenry act: field hockey. lacrosse. swimming. band. orchestra. dcyo. fav mem: dances wjseth. florida '98. veggie game. the playhouse w jkristen. the motorcycle . french projects wjrachael. amo shawn. ups. riding withe boys. tie yo shoe. hot tub at brian's . bonfires withe gang. tockawah . connecticut. cool points at delco. star club. washington. pillow fights. birthday party wjlaura . boston. bowling. band posse . songs w/amber. janet- the gy, psycho. rachael's chemical imbalance. will: jenclicks at half time. christy- my jeep. mes: seth- thank you for always supporting me and for being my high school sweetheart. dad, mom, dan, marti- thank you for encouraging me to do my best. my hard work has paid off. ....... i. loveyou; __ _
lIa Correen McKee "I". rem for: my nice smile. act: peer facilitator. fay mem: summers & peer camps of '98-'01. deshauna. carolyn, "carebear" i love you!. elena "redz" . joel. john curran i'll always love you! lou, tom & jay, u guys r my bro's! to all my friends & people i have been friends with, i love all of u! soph hop. snow dance/joe's party. jr & sen proms . sen week. mes: these past 4 years have been tough & my mother & father have raised me right & entrusted in me the morals to survive through life. i'li make u proud. i love you mommy & daddy! oh, mom, i'li see you one day, one way or another. this will be worth lots when i'm famous! kisses!
Marie Mel ntyre
Fran McKeever
/lrie, maria maria" rem for: my father & my memorial day party. act: ski club. oklahoma . stw . springfield singers. orchestra. bye bye birdie. districts. regionals. fay mem: times with nick, bonoff, my sister-in-law lynda & my brother-in-law mark, danielle, brett & arthur in bio, steve & angi, clare, jenn, dean, tony. ski club with steve and bernadette. rooming with a psycho lady at districts & rooming with a satanic girl at regionals . pre-calculus. will: to bonoff i leave resse peanut butter cups. to bernadette i leave my car. mes: thank you mom for always forcing me to do my best and thank you dad for getting me through math. i love you both.
"fran" rem for: lax. freshmen year. comments. barn. act: lax. fay mem: freshman gigalow . senior girls 98. crows. frosh glax coach. big shirly . yomica for cowgirl hat. the bet. woods change of plans. sour milk. backdoor burns. sophhop . accident matt caused . halfway. dancing/singing girl opps missed chance. vail. jiggles. buss prop. mac night. got balls? wawa/deli/park. must b missing something. tools. little maria. dana bush. go t babe. skunked. n/y's 99 & puddle. ktz's. who's hand's that? wasn't me. tugboat. lockeroom. make $ boy. zucchini. list. cottoms chicks. jack 1 tin king. priv parties. road trips . wings w/ jim. bootlegging d1. d3 b-ball. 4cyc acura. will: malaka-barn. kate-mustang. cottom-diet. jack-sense. mes: goal-forget shs, get away from springfield. lax team-win cup. paul-?
. ':1
Christina Ann M cKnight "tina". act: volleyball. cheerleading . fay memo fu n ti m es wi kaitlyn, michelle, maria, laur en, co ll een, maureen, & all the guys . squeegee sw ip pe rs. dibs. stalkin g. sop h hop. cheese. roger waters. pfc. clagg. boathouse. dances. cm sandwich. li cke r. Ics. disney. p2. junior prom. shore wi jeff. melted gum. clan's pa rtie s. lion . palestra. 3/27/99 & commo niniti es wi im. dq. bobby pi n wi dan. owing tj wo rk. will: jeff-my heart & my love . me so fam ily-thanks for all your love & support. friends-we've had so much fun, i love you guys! jeff-ou r tim es shared together are so specia l to me, thanks for always being there, i love you.
Colette Mclaughlin
Laura Elizabeth Mento
fav memo times wi mar, lex, ch ri stie, lauren, jackie, joe jen, kris & my cousins. summ er '99. dorney park. six flags. my boyfriend jude. do i lokk sexy. 4ion/pookie. my pinata. we're out of the loop laur. 4 t im es. c ircles wi maureen. wedd ings. holdin g hands in the morning. sp id er in my car. th e tracks . swimming. my jes us plate. advisory. am i late. brown hondas rule. sp rin g break '00 . sweet sixteen sleepin at mar's. get in the car guys. tally-ho. will: lex-my make-up. mar-my sexy clothes. jackie-a massage. christie-your obsession. alex- my coolness. meso parents-i wouldn't be who i am today wlo you, than ks for everyt hin g. brothershave fun & know i wou ld do anythin g for you. friends-i'li miss yo u.
rem for : being a "church girl ". act: nhs. sadd. comm unity servi ce club. band. lacrosse. springfield singers. fay memo florid a. grape-eating contests. dressing up with janet. b ri an meeker. all the dances. ss trio . shore w ith katie. sleepavers. makeovers . basketball games . 1/ 1/99. hot dates with pete. apache wi th janet. surp ri se party with jodi. micky d's w ith rya n. new york. washington . pillow fights. tag. back of bus ga ng. will: kristi & tara-my im aginary mi crophone. meso fa mil y-you have made me w ho i am today, thanks fo r the support, i love you guys ' ri ch & doug-littl e lump lump finall y made it! fri ends-th anks for th e memories, good luck & kit. peter-we w ill always have "more than words", i love you more'
ma nda Finocch iaro is simply astonished that it 'h'as been decid ed that sen iors must have A in o rd er to be exempt from their exams. She knows that she 'Will have no problems ming all Ns but she worries about her younger brother who will have to work harder hen he is a se nior in order to earn this privilege of nottaking exams.
Laura M cShane "Ie ur(e), flounder, pixie". act: bu nches. rem for: being ridiculously sho rt. fay memo di sney. manhattens. bte concert. boston. fran ce . afte r th e soph hop. tiki. va ri ous umm shows . dances. hi-q home meets. charlie's & bowling. spice girl s. halloween costumes . sleepovers. the brown hou se. caro lin e surpri ses. wrapping parties. gee kfests . crui sin g aimlessly in jon's & jenna's ca r. the machine. will: jasper-the booth & my violin sk ill s, yo u need th em. nahree n & karen-my slacki ng ski lls. brendan-my gis cubby & my irresistabl e charm. meso friends-you guys are awesome, i don't know what i wou ld have done without you, thanks for everything, keep on ro ckin ' . brendan-YOU're a great brother, i love yo u & keep out of my roo m. Jenna sme lls like cheese.
Sen ior Jon Gorman loves Dr. Montgomery's AP Literature and Co mposition class. In fact, he would recommend that all und erclassma n take this class. He says that it really helps you .' . prepare for a college English class.
Marshall Mirarchi rem for: looking for trouble & always
Seniors Raqu el Seraphim and Katie Simpso n love having lunch together. Katie has gotten to know Raq uel a lot better because t hey have quite a few classes together. Raquel comes from Brazil and is staying in the United States lor a w hile. She will definitely miss her new friend s after sh e leaves.
find ing it. act: varsity base ball. fay mem: sttp. all ma n bros. petty. steve mi ller. roger waters . creed . stu dy hall s w/ian & crand ley. hurrica ne fl oyd . lucy's house. deli. talks w/jen. ya nkees ales. li ftin. 12/25/99. hangin w/lisa. new yea rs at ni cks . christmas wee k w / Ii sa . driv in aro und. shore w / th e guys. my da nce. pretze ls. hangin w / my boys joe, ni ck, mike, meng, & ga ry. will: nick- my leath er jac ket. my bro ther- yo ur shirts back. mes: chri s- do th e exact oppos ite of everyth ing i di d & you' ll be fine. lisa- thanks for always bei ng there. yo u're the best. i love being wi th you. we've got great ti mes ahead of us. mom & dad- you guys are the greatest. thanks fo r all those last chances & for being th ere no matter w hat. i love yo u guys.
Audrey Mettler "or-g, pinky, utters, auga th a, droo py, sun shin e" . act: trac k. so ftb all. project hope . band . fay mem: 10/99 shore. rain y days . mak in' mu sic. 3 peas. 4th07. spacegirls. fa llin . sp in nin007. fingerm agic. seca ne trips. sti nkyb utt. pa ul's house. being stranded. cerea l. summer '00. 17/18 b-days. butter fli es r com ing. the inllatables. i & r. whis tl e 3. plur. meat. mes: kristen-thanks 4 always bei ng by my side & catch ing my happi ness & tears, i luv u. gregg-never 4get th e talks, thanks 4 everythi ng. dmi ss u. casey-speechless tha nks u, luv u always . nick-u o pened my hea rt, love u. chris-w e have a lot together, glad u r a part of my life, love u. aunt karen & uncl e joe-thank u 4 everything. momyo u' re my hea rt & sou l, we got throu gh this, thanks 4 th e li fe u've give n me, luv u always.
Christina Rose Milkowski " mil k" rem for: always playing golf & always working. loving ani ma ls. bein g a trai ner. bei ng the "brave one". act: golf. swimm ing. athl etic advisory. athletic trainin g. special olympics. nhs. fay mem: good tim es w/fri ends . ti mes w/beef. ps u tri ps-charl ie. go lfi ng at rolli ng gre en. all fo rma ls. post snow da nce . na clu b. sw immin g w/ jod i. w ings ga mes . omvh ke nn el, especially jenni & pat. footba ll traini ng w/katy. xa ndo trip s. florida & boston. wi lliamsbu rg go lf ca mps. florida '00. will: jen nimy ea rplugs. aj, shane, ben, & mike- cI champion ship. mes: fam ily- thanks fo r everything. i love yo u. friends- you guys are great, good luck these next few yea rs. thanks fo r the memories. david- thanks fo r all yo ur help. someday it'll happen. lizzy lauren- thanks for always bei ng there fo r me.
Dru m M ajor Janet Boll inger and Cheerl eader Ma ria Ci pilloni joi n together for a histori mid-ga me summit between their respective organizations.
Megan Mirzoeff
A nna Hahn and M ichelle Crowley attended many of th e dances that va ri ous clubs plann ed for the students of SHS. Anna and Michelle are making th e most of their last lew mo nths together at SHS.
" megz, mirz" fav mem: times with e dr exe ll i ne gang. sop h w/ t o m . snowdance w /ma rk . yea do netell o! so ph & junior prom w /bryan. we had fun . times at joa nna's house. times w/a nna. t he guys obsess io n w/my dad. "m irz is indestructible" my xmas party. meeting jackie & the girls. chuck berry. shum part spangle wa ngle dwa rf. ozzlest. nsync. th e runn y babbit. me and mk's sleepovers. " babe, yo u look so disgusting". meetin g dave. bi llothy cressti lu l. & keith. tim es w/ kimm y. will : mre- sleep. bil l- a date w/lee . char- your cd playe r. mes: mom & dadth ank yo u. i co uldn' t have don e it w/o yo u. char & vic- i love you guys. annathanks for being my best bud through it all. to the gang- thanks lo r making some awesome memo ri es lor me. i love yo u guys. i'm out!!
W: II ·'
Gary S. Montesano "arms, gearence" rem for: laughing at joey. making fun of people. act: lifting. laughing. fay mem: "marshall had a ponytail" "4 sticks & a twig" meng's head & my window. lucey's house. 2nd period study hall. jims. tape ball w/biggie wes., races w/bmf, mike, marshall, meng, nick. john's house w /dave/h-dog. floyd. ridley runs . pennies w/oe, mike. having a faster car than mike, nick, & maybe joey. go mike go. mm monster w/joey. new years. rides in the shady car. car chases . will: z to dave m. that's all i have. mes: all my friends- we had fun . mom, dad, chris, nat, dave- thanks a lot. i love you.
Ryan F. Mooney "moondog" rem for: having gum. fay mem: roger waters. pearl jam. dave. creed. dances. lucey's. sheeran's. 12/31/99. dq, o'hara friends. meg & her friends. sabold . 8/8/00. ap environmental. biology. american studies . gis w /kristi, jack, & lisa. will: alex- all of the help & luck that i have had through the years. kate- 6 inches. luceey- an open corner of the net. duff- napkins. mes: mom, dad, brett, & alex- thank all of you for everything that you have done to help me. i wouldn't be here without you. meg- thanks for everything you've done for me. it has meant so much. o'hara crew- keep in touch & come visit whenever you want.
, ·. Justin Kalman is checking into ,the attendance ' office to make ,sure his early disnii.ssal has , ' bee'n approved .. Many seniors t~ke day off,to go visit colleges and universities. • "
Amy Moran-Thomas "mt" fay mem: yellow cups. cookie please. reenactments. vt skis. joe's basement. tj's 4th blocks. sea isle adventures. mismatched socks. infamous couch. our sophmore 6. kitchen w/welsh. shell's love picks. best night ever. 3 musketeers. movies w/kevin . orchestra fears. frankie baby. charming nicknames. er's accident. late hockey games . driving w/vern-which way to go? common sense lapses. springfield buffalo. skating at rink. captain's pole. toga party. hell bound soul. giggle fits. randomites. bubble days. reunion nights. dances&proms. coordination need. waters. petty. ph ish. creed. mes: er- you're my angel, since 1 st grade&until forever. am-even if we're banished,it was worth every laugh . to my family, my roots,&to my friends, my wings-i love you beyond words.
Brian A. Morrison
hrissy Milkowski 'prepares for her unique backstroke start at swim~ing practice. Chrissy njoys the weeks when swim practice is at three in the afternoon, rather than six in the " .... -, lorning. .
"paul" rem for: rock & roll & rare silence. act: student council. amnesty international. fay mem: concerts: mr. greenjeans, green day, tmbg, teb, rbf, nerf, sleater kinney (weird), warped. bren, jon j., john k., matt mcg., all of marden (bob red bank?), josh, adam, caroline. denny's. lIanarch. genuardi's parking lot. sarah. sv trips. ricky m&d. adam's hair. dave, jen, amber, chrissy, michelles, joe; amy, erin, kristen, brian, reeter; anyone smell sam? will: to mikean ability to slack off & still make good . to jeff- a displaced legacy. mes: to you guys, & you know who you are- re member that even though we're all going to be different places, we' re still taking each other along. mom&dad- i owe you more than everything. and no, paul, you're a runt. forever, carry on.
Edward Natale '''eddie, circus peanut, punk, god. rem for: being unique. a liberal. free mumia. vegetarian. punk. plaid pants. fay memo 1/5/99. negative creep. warped '00. gwar. fez '00. pearl jam. aerosmith. soulfly. one man army sandwich. the ice pop incident. comtemporary issues. south street. republican protest. bush rally. arguing w/dave . hanging w/jess, mal, caitlyn, & joel. weird times w/jim. pool w/sara. knee circles. fighting w/emily. hanging w/"the group". will: jess- plaid pants. beth- rubber bracelts. rich- cd's. jimvideo games & comic books. jo- pyramidal bracelet. sara & everyone elsemy friendship forever. kerrie- my eternal love & my eyes. meso thanks to my family, kerrie, & everyone else who has helped me & put up with me through the years.
Dan' Reger is' keeping hif11S~Jf'busy with the weekly production of "Springfieic This Week." SHS students exci.tedly 'awaited Friday advisory period when the~ could turn on the television on view what the cast and crew had 'prepared. Par of the crew, ban was an experienced ,:,ideo photographer.
Most stl!ldents only rel)lember Halloween parades from 'elementary school. But 'for Jenna Beaver and other marching band members, the memories reoccur thrp ughout high school. . " , , ~;"
James Morrison "jj., big whitey, oaf. rem for: best buy. junior mafia. fav memo my baby jackie. baby blue civic. country lane w/johnny, mike, bill, & chris. " christmas". m.C & s.f. you know what i mean. pimpin it over the holidays. skate boarding. dirt jumping. chillin with oe & rollin w /the phillies. getting kick out every week. summers w/johnny, mike, lindsey, kelly, sara, baby d., bonnie. tracks w/kramer, colleen, jerry, & dan. races, fighting john. good times in the bathroom. will: thanks to my mom for all of her patience & to mr. & mrs. phillips for a place to live. meso stay cool kev. where's the crew? watch the potholes.
A dam Dambrink g a z e ,s¡ ponderously out into the Lea m y Avenue
Kyndra Noelle Needham "blondie" rem for: kind. crazy. spontaneous. not perfect. just me. fay memo young marines. meeting new people. mrs. caffey's gym classes. homeroom. mrs. descano & our choir class. megan, carmen, ila. school store. snow dance 2k. german class. everyone & everything. i will miss you all, you know who you are. mom & dad- i love you . meso just be yourself. that's what matters. quiet, reserved, retrospective, trustworthy, muscially loud, aware, compassionate, careful, bright, spontaneous, perpetually crazy, outspoken, thoughtful, neutral, involved, caring, not perfect, clear conscience, sometimes nervous & serious, solemn, cool, calm, confident, collected, but sometimes down. i am me.
I a n 'dscape, c 0 nsumed, no doubt, wit h s 0 m e weighty phi 10 sophical issue.
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Michael J. Nelson
John Robert Newnam III " jack, j.a., j.j." rem for: saying w hat's on my mind . random thoughts. making people laugh. not drivi ng home. playing lacrosse. " hoverb ooks" " i' m doing my hom ewo rk" . act: lac rosse. fay memo times w/derek, mike, jon, keith, bo, moo, lax crew. talks w / Iisa, veronica . "chill spot" at tohekan. triple " j" . airport. tree farm. tra in bri dge. dam. we. be. c/h fun. w ings. hockey. football ga mes. new yea rs '99. ri dley. I.m. gmaes '00. mdw '00. july ' 00 . playing lax. parties. driving around . will: as hley- my ca r wh il e i' m at coll ege. meso my fri end s- than ks for all th e great times . mom, dad, ashley- thank you for putting up w ith me and being there. i love you.
While not the favorite award to win, Keith Cottom and Colleen Kelly take home the biggest flirts. You could argue that it is just because they are incredibly friendly, but whatever it may be, the two seniors enjoy hanging out and talking with the opposite sex.
Carrie O'Connell act: swim ming, tenn is, N HS, yea rbook. fay memo times w / kara, janet, laura, liz, elle n, beth, amber, and app . " look first." ye ll ow po le. bumper. pole . "you're fine." homofo. " i don' t ca re." ab, 1m, st. "pea in th e poo." rota te. muffy. biggieburp . soaprope. bug cereal. tater sa lad. wedgies. drivi ngs hoes . snowday. camp O.e. formals. boston. bandposse. o.r. t im es. N.C. tim es w/todd. 12 . " turn it up. " traveli ng, texas. will: el len-o ur prom ise. karasomeone to check yo u. sue&va l-a new third. meso friends-the memories we've made wi ll forever be in my hea rt. karayo u' ll always be my Iii sister. toddyo u've taught me w hat love is. i love yo u. megan-fate made us sisters, ou r hearts made us fri en ds. mom and dadthank you for always believing in me, i couldn' t have done it w/o you. i love you. :',,,
Courtney Openshaw "cou rt" rem for: lovi ng the co lor blue. fay memo times withe girls: dana, rach, ga il & jamie. dana's shore house . times w/steve 10/16/98. dances. after parti es at the house. new years '99 & '00 . slee povers. w in gs games. co ncerts. cl ubin w /s teve . trolley stop. wawa. summ er '00. hayrid es withe crew. sunday ni ght w restl in g. ta lks w / jordan. tim es at wcu. mountains w/steve, nick & jami e. times wini ck. will: ash- my jobs. lin- my clothes. meso girls- thanks fo r everythin g. i love ya . steve- thanks for all of the great memori es . i' li always love yo u. lin & ash- i love you guys through thick and thin. mom & dadthank you for everything you've done. i love you always.'
A healthco n.scio u s Laura Mento displ ays her great affinity for citrus fruit by co nsumin g this orange : during her C-Bl ock lunch. Alt h oug h the cafeteria cert ainl y does attempt to provide:. SHS students with nutrition alJ"yrich 'm ea l s, Laura recognizes the necessity of augm en tin g that nutrition provided by the schoo l w i th consum aoles of her own selecti on.
Mariana Orloff
West Peterson
"mar" rem for: sporting the latest in fashion act: field hockey. yearbook. op smile. csc. nhs. class officer. student council. fav memo the loop. lex. colette. Iyn. jack. la. yl00 '98, '99, '00. stroke 9. horde '98. oc '99, '00. jeff harrison's. council rock. pennslanding. bonner boys. 12/5/98. haverford frosh. no more ridley boys. gazebo times. ridley parties . snow ball & prom '00. times w /jim. dq. granny mev. flava wastas. ameba. magical sheep. yion. fh superstars . times w fry. my favoritest. 3eb. back of the passport. oddly exciting. will: lex- my heart. colette- blue jeep. meso nick- thanx for keeping me in line. nat, jel, & bella- never be content with anything less than the best. mom & dad- it' s all for you.
'.' big west" rem for: that "crazy" incident. act: hockey, snowboarding. fav memo jOnt. damage on weekends . water balloons 2nd prd. fdg. 9-18-99. jackie's spazs & obsessions. monster. snowboarding. hitting the ref in the back . tech class. old people rule . dan & hew's parties. rides w/oe. mc's butt. summer w/adam, mike, & hanky. junior prom. pumpkin games. phat randy. wayne'n. ozzfest. floyd. bizkit, creeed, dmb, supplying gta. sting rays father. meng & bob stares. squirrels w/adam. tape ball w/gary. benched hockey practices & kicked out of jv girls softball w/mike. "crucious". will: jackie- my shoes. hayden- baseball bat. meso just be like jont, & don't worry about it. thank you mom & dad for all your support. love ya jackie. damn the man . r"i:~
Michael Petrylak "pcock" rem for: living far away from everyone else & always having a job. act: soccer fav memo times w /hoff, pic, brian, cj, worm, & the msa. gooners at motel 81. pentagon. pensdale. chad's house. my mom busting us. drive by w /franco & snake. crum creek rd. my blue piece. buono's moosehead . 3-4th of july. hershey. camp bisco. e-center. lot7. sic. avalon. 9/11/99. 8/4/00. trout. bc's. sweet leaf. kiev. girlfriend. will: i won't ever trust anyone with my stuff. meso to kaitlyn- you can have girlfriend . chad- no more five strips. pic & hoff- don't cut your hair. momthanks for always putting up w /my stupidity. lauren- you've been the best friend i'll ever have & i'll never forget you. thanks.
Robin M. Pettijohn "tweety" rem for: laughing at everything. act: score. yearbook. fav memo hangin w/shauna, sunday, nikki, mia. talks w/rob. movies w/sunday (f.d.) nikki's party. gym w/candis 97/98 . south street. scams @ wendy's w /nikki, nas, mike. sneaking into movies. junior & senior prom. spring break '00 . jackie "chop chop". channel: uncle tucker. sunday "look out". chrissy "kmart". homeroom. will: thank you mom for taking care of me and teaching me right from wrong. evette- thank you for not telling on me summer '00. meso before you tell someone your business make sure they're your real friend. because if they aren't, then they'll stab you in the back.
Evan Panek
"lean & lanky, eavon" fav memo bucci's "turbo crap". gta. beware the penguins. the waves. monotone joe "mcnark". bomb threat. stingray. victon's "flat head". buono's hiq fight. senior trip. shillady lunch runs. simpsons! best buy car audio. new york trip (fokleys). wood shop clock first place. three awesome years of tech support. jenkins truffle shuffle . bright's bob e. pen. one word; foyal! will: i will my height to bucci. meso everyone for a very interesting 12 years. thanks mom & dad for all the support.
. Dana Marchetti and Lauren Santang~lo -cannot ,.contain their joy at findin E themselves in the same study .hall at th'e s~art of the second semester. â&#x20AC;˘ '.
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John Philips "stubbs, johnny blaze" rem for: best bu y. pimp mobil e. ghetto arm. bmw. fav memo th e lost lawn wit bill & jj. nights dow n th e races. country lan e wood s. homie hut. the white topa z. target. jj. mike. bi ll. chris. bonnie. li ndsey. nea n. kelly. baby d. "my roof" . th e abandon ed crib. christmas break. mad do uble deuces . hitting trees in th e w hip. meso thanks to all my fri end s w ho stuck by me w hen i was alw ays getting into troubl e, and the select few w ho didn' t. you know w ho are . thanks mom & dad- i love you very much even though it doesn' t show all the time. you don' t und erstand how much you mea n to me. th ank you very much for your support .
Caroline Kobylarz, All ison Harding, and Anna Hahn' love being seniors.
Matt Pickard
Adam Zachary Porche
"pik. pikl e" rem for: being myself. fav memo the panther's death & re-birth . face 2face . ozzfest. my first chri stian conce rt . " mu sic is better live" . mall girls, sarah, anna, gus, lobb, gary, erica. " th e big e". th e ridl ey gang. julia, tray .... all you guys. bright & the infamous couch. ni ck, ed b., unit integrity. sxe. plans th at never planed out. skateboardin g. the sykes. homeroom. th e skaters. my bro's ... kevin & mikey. everyon e else .. .you ' re not forgotten. will: bright- my skateboard & my ozzy cd's. gus- my ga p hat. lobb- my coolness. ga ry- my guitars. meso i' d like to th ank my family, my mom & dad for th eir support & help. my cd's for keepin g me company & never complain ing. my fri ends for complain ing. you' re all rad.
"goo n" rem for: earl y mornin g lion hunt w/dan & michelle. act: ice hockey (va rsity/phantoms) fav memo roger wa ters. creed. fv '99. target. shore w/mike&dennis . ny. de. mike' s laugh. oe obsceniti es. dan's house. races. cl ose ca ll s w/kr isti e. summ er j o b w / mike, wes t, coll een, hanky! fu n w/ heed &mi chell e. " fd g'''. geo rge's smell. " melvin!" . janet, "your mom" . squirrel ga me. chicks. "woman beater" . sta t group. champions '98 . fl yers cup. ni cky's tricks. will: chad- my hockey skill s & my guns. mike/oe- my ea rs. brent- my ability to get all the ladies . meso mom/ dad- th anks for making me w ho i am toda y. i am nothing without you. i love you. grandma/grandpath anks for everything. i' d be lost w ithout you. chad- the beatdowns made you stronger.
G---'- - -
Melissa Michelle Preston ¡"m is sy". rem for: making people laugh. my art talent. being quiet. act: celebration. spri-hian. fay memo cota. afar. 8 minutes. "can i check the time?". de 00 . industrial materials. 4/11/00. glidin g. drawing dragons. kim banging her head. w indshield wipers. working at einstein's . backstreet boys w/everyone. going on internet at kim' s. will: to my brother rob- my room. meso friends- thanks for being there through everyth ing. mom, dad, rob- thank you very much for giving me everyth ing i need and helping me. i love you so much . uncle geo rgethanks for devoting your time to make my skills in woodcraft even better. best teacher, phillipians 4:13- " i ca n do all things through Christ who gives me stren gth". i hope my message w ill make people see that God lives in me . â&#x20AC;˘- ; ' >
Joseph L. Rago
Lindsay Lustig ponders who she wi ll dance with at the dance this upcoming weeke nd. Even though Lindsay came to SHS during her sophomore yea r, she has been great memories with her new Springfield friends. Lauren Carfagno is taking a break from doing research in the library. The senior paper, a graduation requirement, is one ofthe most stressful projects for seniors . . ,..~
" j-money, playboy, kep". rem for: parties. clubbin. always smellin good . rappin. fay memo chillin wit all my peoples. the girls. especially 2face, iansky, sin, b, van, browny, izzy, bo, lex, and my wifey melissa. luv u. all the club hoppin . hit droppin. party poppin . just livin it up over the yea rs. will: i wa nna leave whatever comes of it, to my family, friends, and my after dark family. Iii z gets the hooks. mwa. meso if you really want someth ing bad enough, you can have it. just never let anyone get in you r way of reaching that goal, and take it. always smile now, cry later.
Lynda Michele Rayer " Iyn, Iynny, lindsey, spank". rem for: freaky toes. act: orchestra. track. ski club. sadd. ok lahoma. community service. dance. ete. fav memo mark, mare, car, the crew, stink and spank. khias. hey ladies. waffles . chi. 10/3. ne. disney. superbowl bathroom. boston . ny. de. ice cube game. skiing. pumpkin s. ruby's. bowling. love den. bubb le bobbie. epsom salt. one way. rita's accident. old nay bugs, pizza incident. zacq. stories in the dark. orch fall. shut up ... make m. croutons. compose yo urself. lost. lobster bibs. hay, sanka you dead. rearview mirror. prom hair. meso fam ily, friends- thanks fo r all of the meories and for always being there for me . i love you and i' li miss you. marki'li love you always an d thanks for 4 great ye,;:s!
Steven Re "steven, stevie, stiggy". rem for: the best cook in springfield high. got a dollar bill ? fay memo all my friends by my side chillin. times partying. name my snake. timothy leary lives on. seeing colors on the beach. all the freakiness in the barn . it's been fun nick, mark, scotty, boris, buno and all the rest of you ya ya's. can't forge t th e red fox & my c's. no worries. i'll see you when the light sh ines on me. rip dave. will: dave- my reptiles. mark- a phish . nickmy gold. red fox- my treats. meso stiggy nuts will ach ieve. i'm the poet & she's my mu se. i' li admit i got a couple of screws in my head loose. jim morrison is god.
Jacquelyn Maria Realdine "chop chop, princess" . rem for: joggin pants, t's, and new kicks. fay memo freshm en yea r at west catholic. west is best! acco unting w ith robin (flead) and erin . lunch w/rob n and coli . cancun w/west ca th oli c. f lorida w/lauren, gin a, sheila, and th e kids. maureen and ou r crazy boys . my girls in southwest. w ildwood every sum mer. sarah, lex, lau ren. so uth philly. hallowen 2000 . amber & missy in graphics. six flags w /Ia la and virginia trip. ryan, gus, and the " beaver" lunch w / rya n and coi l. "would you look at that, it' s bea utiful" . cerami cs cl ass. frehmen dance and soph hop at west. crazy weekends! dave & busters. jaques. will: thank you grand mom, gram, and poppop, mom, dad, joey, maureen, & lauren. meso "wasn't me" .
Carla O'O lio, a member of numerous extracurricular orggnizations at SHS, often finas herself obliged to make phon e calls during ¡the day. .
Daniel Peter Reger " tj pommelhorse. reegs" . rem for: being late. act: baseball. fay memo snow dance 00. drivin g 5 mph after snow da nce. satanvill e, han gin g w / ju stin, sharke y, shea, californ ia, nick, ni ck. pete's dog incident. pool hall. hitting gut in stomach w/ball. rick market & deli incide nt. senior week 00 w /korea n ni ck. lew is rd. chain gang. fps 98 w/pa t. mrs. barn es. junior prom. boogie nights. gis w/pat & jackie. lenny-geo rge. jab theories . band names. ki cking shark ey. hanging withe fam. boys. diabetes. punch ing gi rl s in the fa ce (french). jimmy moo n. will: ni ckmy tapp ing skill s. jk- my forearms. meso mom & dad- thanks for everything. i love yo u. to everyone else- "when you have reached the mountain top, then yo u shall begin to cli mb" .
Heather Lynne Rhoads rem for: bracelets. being fu nny. act: csc. lac rosse . tennis. yearbook . fay memo ru sty hubcaps. c raft ni ght s. bond, dances. crazy dan cin g. tim es at mi chelle's pool/ hou se. cra sh. camo. towel toss. trambampo lin e. scram ball. sweet sassy molassy. driving and dancin g. wi ngs ga me. co nce rts. dubbin'. ga nts. ima tell yo u w hat. jenaie. lero y. gimmy my leath er. nasty gi rl number 2. pol e. are yo u two sisters. kitty. meg's crazy cutters. blowing bubbl es. th e bearded man, licking ankles. come on over. excell ent. unravel and bounce. swin ing. da other guy. tha t' ll do pig. table te nnis champs. wa ht th e. third w/michell e. mario part. cottage. lake george w/bryan . bw ill: michell e- my brothe r, patty- my com mon sense. mega n- my video ga me sk ill s. meso fam ily- i love you. fri ends- yo u get me through each day.
Christian Ridley "chris, ridl ey, rid z, & tha t ridl ey kid". fay memo harassi ng my friends and my o lder broth er. p lay in g w/ my litt le broth er and sister. having sword fights at myoid house. wa tching sports on tv w /my friend s. my cruise last sprin g break. beating my cousi n repeated ly in basketball. co mpletely destroyin g my fri ends in my w restling games. harassing my boss at my job. teas ing my cousin about her boyfriend s and runnin g. will: my arcade, n64, gameboy, my cards, and all my ga mes to my good friends joe. my friends james wo uld get my ste reo and cp playe rs. i leave my co usin shei la my board ga mes and my printer paper. meso "stay out of troubl e" .
Maryn Bergen and Colette McLaughlin prepare t9 leave study hall during third period. Th ird period study hall is th e most popular among .students due to the two hour length. - .
Gregory James Riviello "starbuckl e". rem for: bizarre sense of humor. act: springfield singers. science olympiad. csc. hiq. chess cl ub. fav memo ap ameri can. ricky market and deli. "tu rn the camera off!" ap language. shady science olympiad meetings, in sano chess. "you fools.. .". ap lit. ledonne' s hand stands . wa ndering halls in tv 2. pizza in ap chem. scheidly hanging from cha lkboa rd. asian pride. dc trip. yard st ick duels. will: matt- sh ip and cargo. jon j.- ed iting skills. richcopies of the w heel of tim e. eri c- my hook. meso mom and dad- thank you for you r support for all of these yea rs. i love you. cl assmates- our time together has only been the first step on a long path. good luck to you all! live long and prosper!
Amber Rorabaugh "ambu h" . act: swimming. track. fav memo times w/liz, katie, kara, and mo. lu nch table. lost w/kate. driveway backups. boston. cheerin g for jo. egging. hunting w/shawn. new year's eve. sam's tape. open labs w/keith and adam. band posse songs. raph ics. homeroo m w/lynda. dances. shore 00 . art w/dan. physics w/laura. battin g cages. dinningdivas. work w/ca rri e. denny's withe guys. 5 club w/a my and erin. my stud partner. cerm aics table times w/jen . geomaster. will: shawnmy car. chrissy- phone. dan - art skill s. meso mom and dad- than ks for puttin g up w/me and ca rin g every step of the way. i love yo u both. geoff- the teasin g made me stronger and i love yo u for that. friends- gems may be precio us, but friendship is priceless. i' li never forget the memories.
Members of Mrs. Barber 's Ap En v ironmental Sc i ence c lass (from left to ri gh t , D an ieI Lucey, Jam i e Thompson, and Nicole Armor) take a br eak fro m t heir v i gorous pursu it of e n v i ron- . mental improvement to pose for a picture . .
Bret Robinson
Danielle Rose
"gunne r, gu ns, stinks, stinky". rem for: only guy to break a hand in soccer. act: lacrosse. soccer. stage crew. ski club. antigone. fav memo trying to ge the band to work. ea rl y morn ing breakfast co n ve r sa tion s w ith ja c qu es. the wo nderul preseaso n conditioning for lax. verm ont trip. board in g w ith adam. all forty ni cknames, well four anyway. i can't forget ap bio (ergo hen ce therefo re) . will: a big amp for th e li ttlest bassist. meso hey guys, i'li see you in five years, or sooner.
"rose". rem for: rare ly atte nding & consta ntly complaining. awesome athlete! act: haha. fav memo everything is a blur! good times w/coley, ed, ant, da n, moose & goose, boy & everybody! shady sleepove rs. trampol in es. th e pool ha l!. creves. the wh irlpool of li fe. many years w /jo. ham on my roof (m ini w h ea t s). r o lli ng g r ee n . woods/tracks. lu nch trips w /bessy. christmas w/to ny hawk. river peop le. etc. good times ! will : to my crazy friends- enough senes to stay ali ve 'till 25! kowey- my teapot stashes ! jo- my knife throwing skill & my snoop! boyall your clothes back & swiss family robinson. meso 3 more years boy! love ya! remember jh bh! tha nx mom! bye mrs. finn! love you guys!
Franco Della Rocca Rossi "de go, frankie". rem for: hey yooo. piano. creatively getting what i want (mooching). being italian and loud. fav mem: times w/smasher, huggable, jimmy c, hep, mac g, stol, car, tj, joey boombatz, mcdego, giff, mo, katy, vron, mt , kane, welshy, captain, beargoat, meggles, savano, lucey's crew, hillybilly & them, everyone else. captain's parties- ringtoss. whoa bundy. cochese. new years at jimmy c's. hep's dance parties. senior weeks . my man otis. europe w/siciliano-pisa p. jammin' . trip to nCo vermont trips. volleyball. will: the 6000 to sheeron. 6 inches to peck. cochese is coming w/me, baby. mes: mom, dad, neddy, maira, gina, carla, & lola- i love you all, thank you for everything you have given me. nephews & nieces- i love you guys. crew- we had a blast, didn't we?
Matthew S. Salerno "big matt, matty". fay mem: putt-putt. 5:30, that is. penn's landing ice rink (where is it?). great times w/morgan, i love you. times w/kate & keith, anna & mike. hockey. yellow ball morgan. skating w/mario . soccerplayer. ridley creek. will: to morgan & ron- nintendo & tetris. frank and carl- anything you want that i have. morgan- bernard the pig. msg- thank you mrs. nic, mr. nelson & ms. murfdog. a special thanks to mom and ron for all the help. love you both. morgan- love you. anna, kat, and keith- thanks for being such great friends .
Robyn Rygwelski "ro b, flobyn ". rem for: p.j. fav mem: clash of the titans . oxford. jz's w/pj. ash & j. times at j's. pualie walnuts. baby-sitting alex. "rollin with my homies", "can i ask you something .. ". " darockwilder" . the red rockey. lunch w/coll & hackie. after school w/allison. times w/p.j ., ryan & gus w/ the big blue beaver. will: coll- my car. allisonmy phone. p.j.- my heart and your clothes back. j- p.j. mom and jackpeace and quiet. dana- my hair. mes: mom & jack- thanks for everything. i love you. p.j.- hi, i love you babe. collyou're my sister. i love you. j- you're like a brother, i love you. dana- you're still just there.
iY\"a ~ y;; Be r gen . , retu·rns to ':;,: the build- ' ing after an advent u r 0 u. 5_,," study hall · pas.sed in the midst of a particularly h a r s h 21 King pauses for a moment to draw artistjc inspiration from the iayllic SHS ,uriyard. Art students <;an often be found ; durjng study halls or sim·pIY-before Id after school, observing the flora and fauna ~f'!he courtyard.
Erin Kane, Ar:nyWelsh, Michelle Crowley, and Amy Moran-Thomas are dwarfed by a Doric column in Springfield High School's majestic foyer.'
',,~hris "Butch':p~Biase, unlik'e most seniors, actually takes pleasure ih having ' arrive at school 'by 7:30 a, m. /as~ i? evinced_by the,great. enthusiasm, displaYE above,cwlllC~ ¡he. exudes.' while entering,th-eouidling. - .' ._ ¡r ,," ;.;...!! _. ,
Robert Sannelli
"bo". rem for: porn star hair. act: wrestling, lacrosse, lifting. fay memo varsity wrestling all four years. playing lax. trout's class. lumping out of jack' s car. hanging out at keith's. hanging out at the manner's. halloween '99 w/morgs and matt. meso i can't think of one.
Tony Yoo,typically the very image of sartorial reservation finds in the' Senior class' picture, a perfect opportunity to sport the more festiv~ com'ponerits Of his wardrobe. .
Jennifer Yu-Han Sang "jen". act: too many. rem for: spazing. fay memo ankles. field trips. concerts. dances. projects/breakfast days. tennis team. ice w /anna. vancouver. taiwan. times w/tina, darce, erin, sue. girl stuff w/laura, clare, care, car, jenna, kim . being in love w/kurt. nights w/kurt and nate. times withe guys and gals (all my friends) . all that's familiar. will: johnny- you have more than i can give you, so i wish you luck. alex- my sisterly love. meso mom & dad- i love and appreciate you so much. you've been perfect. johnny- thanks for being my perfect bro. i love you. darcy, tina, erin, nate- thanks for the best friendships. kurt- thank you for the most perfect and amazing times. my love for you will always be boundless.
Lauren Cher Santangelo "cher" . rem for: craziness. strong/sweet all at the same time . being with my friends. act: bell plains. quads. dirt bikes. fay memo lownes. hancock. hanging w /the older crew. party hopping w/dana e, dana m, sarah f, jen p, & kristen h. old school w/lauren. gigs at eckberg. shore ridding. cat stevens w/dana. bff. phat bones. stars w /kristen at syndoes . kneenin's place. pool dancing w /jilly. hanging over j's house. chillin late night. bellplains. woodstock '99 w/jenny. all concerts. meso parents & juli- i love you with all my heart. "you have to forget what other people say, when you're supposed to die, or when you're supposed to be loving. you have to go on and be crazy, craziness is like heaven."- jimi hendrix . .... ._ .._,..---, .
-, "
¡ ;:,.J~ .
Michael Joseph Sharkey
"sha rkey, shark, di rk". rem for: always being right. fay mem: wing bowls. that time dan kicked me in the face. voltron. jimmy moon . dave's basement. poo l hall. jk and the fan. powe ll park w /the boys. when that bug flew in steve's eye. making fun of mac. mavies nights. arguing w/sam. never having plans. doing nothing. freshman ball. denny's. will: sam- a new side door. dan and justin- my social skill s. mes: try not to miss me too much.
Matthew Sheeran "sheerdog". rem for: being large. act: hockey. fay meml dawg. dance w/woggy. laugh w/mcg. spanish w /kerker diego. senior weeks. nc. luce's house. sophhop w/matt kane. jovi singing. late nights w/luce, rink, mattfranco, cochese. flyer's cup. cochese's. captian's. boathouseOO. gym w/captain . habbits w/her. ' times w/hickdog, lin dsey, stol, gif, gress, doc, mini luce, crowe, partyOO. hockey buds, gruesome foursome Uk. mes: ryan d franco- its been a blast, lu cethanks for the clutch advice. erinwou ldn 't give you up for the world. reen- you mean so much. mrs. lu ceythanks. susan & steve- it wou ldn't be the same w/o you. mom & dad- words can't explain how much you mean to me. jack- thanks for being the best brother and friend one could ask for, sabi.
To left , 'the vedtab I e S p r i n g~ . field insti,tution that is Joe Fuima'n, attired in his most frightful Halloween costum e , p 0 s e s alongside the myste-rious, u bj q' u i- . tous indi-; vi d u a I k now n solely as "Marge" . H a II owe en, Fuiman's ' favorite holiday,is one of the sO 'l e oc- ' cassions during w h i c h one can find ' him seperated from his camera.
Patrick Joseph Shea
David M. Shell
"liquid". rem for: running. dressin g nice. holding hands. act: cross country. track. basketball. fps . science olympiad. sadd . yearbook. ath letic advisory. nhs. fay mem: times w/tam. chi lling with wa llin , gunne r, shark, jk, dan, and pete . ballin at the parks . voltron. shell's house after the soph hop. snow dances. junior prom . soph hop . xc states. talks at wallin's house. trip to nd w/mark. wing bowl. watch ing football at mark's. education trips w/tam. freshman masketball. chester games. pool hall. boo boo . bip . playstation w/dres. boston. 11/7/99. 12/13/99. mile and one .. will: bpb- my spped. basketball team- my heart. mes: family- i love you all and wish you the best in li fe you al l deserve that. thank you for making me a better pe rson. tamara- you're the inspiration. i love you.
"shelly, line drive hitter". rem for: being a bit of a close talker. always having fun . fay mem: playing baseball and football. footba ll florida trip. marple 99 td. hangouts at billy's. central league champs baseba ll 00. edco basketball 00. philies games. shore 00- joe-jess-j. swimm ing at my rick's. legion champs 98 & 00 . tim es w/levs, bi ll, joe, chew, and everyone e lse. cal lin g people lobbs at edco games. late night tourneys at fosters. paging billy sta in s. ca ll me jeff gord-on. whooaaa. stoga 98. school dances. trout your the man . i knocked mike levy down 10 + times some mentally some physically. life is great. i think life is heaven. mes: nmom and dad- thank you for everything. you guys are the best. i love you both so much.
Jason Shermer
" j". rem for: auditorium . fay mem: my band s. ozzfest w Ithen, howa rd, and sykes. concerts . collinbrook. dh. b&b. w ith immortality. pool hall w/ kyle. new york trip w/ phillips and chandl er. mark and jamie from nj. ed e. so uth w est philly. nelson dressed like a chi ck. best teacher d.1. fred & booth big money hu stl ers. chilli n w/vickey and frank. hacking w/everyone at lun ch. w ildwood withe sykes. bowling w/kristin . matt from o' hara. corey and sea n from d.h. chri ssy's house (the loud house). mes: mom and dad and my w hole fa mily- i love you. dave- we all mi ss yo u.
Patrick Sherwin
Matthew Shillady
" matt". rem for: being big. act: baseball. fo otba ll. fay mem: woody's 2.3 liter mustang. th e waves. catching my volvo on fire. "singray". losing second gea r in satanville. fl oyd's ca r. fun times in ridl ey. the summer of 2000. mes: you don' t have to go above and beyo nd to grad uate, just do enough to get by. t hanks mo m and dad, for encouraging me to go above and beyond.
Jeri Peruto and, Joe F.ui-mant hav e veri little ' in common. One t.hin'g -· is for sure~ tho.ugh , they --:~ bothlove totalk. ] oe.
w ill ta1k":aoo:ut .any-
."!'·.~i.,-. Jhi ng" with ~:ny6'n e. .
KiBaek Shim
~ ••; . mainta'i ning a ve ry ';
friendly atti~ude and . J~n will just talk -and:; talk." If you can't think of what to say next, chances are they will -know j ust w fiat, to say.
" ki w i" . rem for: t irin g of ge ttin g straight a's on report cards. being prom kin g, and retiring because there was no chall enge r. bein g impecca bly dressed. being the best hi gh school student in us hi story. fay mem: tim es wi tom kirk, gail, jackie m, bri an, matt d, lindsey. go in g to upper darby to hang out w/ my best fri ends. w innin g the basketball game due to my shot w ith one second remaining. message- i'm the best and real man. i' m too perfect, becase of that, i get kind of depressed sometimes. high school was too easy, i didn't li ke it that much.
g~eet pj,otogr;p'q~r~Jas'~n
t~e best.w~y~to get ou.! of study hall. since they 'don't havE .
Yong, and Theresa Kissinger Rodgers' w hile deciding w hat is Amber Rorabaug b,Jodi th eir gold passes. They' all love being seniors' beca use.this is the only t hin g th ey have to worryabc:ut. .' .. ,~ . -. .
7~ :;:: '.. , ' . . Senior Ryan Mooney sports his favorite American Eagle,shirt:: He' loves to wear " their clothes. He says that they fithi,m the best. Toaay he has chosen a red shirt "o be.ÂŁause he is getting ready for Valentine's day, :",: ," .' ,
Nancy Elizabeth Shirley act: b-ball. vol leyball. sohball. nhs. csc. stw. fav memo formals. ql02 w/rach and liz. dumpster bonding. phish '00 . bnl '00. nifty fifties aher dmb. purse-ofun . "will you watch my friend?". 2 lost girls. bonfires at brian's. "gettin' jiggy". gregg the doggie- "so metimes you just gotta be comfortable." dog sitting. jr yr lun ch table. secret internet convo. chem song. "playin" . "feelin small". homeroom w/chrissy. "dude those are toll booths they' re trailors". covered bridge &satanville trips. snickerdoodle attempts. djs. will: rach- whales in space . fringe. gregg- rag. my red vest. mom/dad- winning lotto ticket. meso mom- you'll always be my best friend & restaurant buddy. family & friends- you're the best. i love you guys. rach, bri, g- don't let them have bananas!
" ; . . , . . . .
Katie Lynn Simpson " the simp". act: field hockey. track, csc. rem for: nbeing obsessed w/orange. fav memo any and all time w/matt. 1/29/00. 3/29/00. 9/2/00. proms and just times. shore times w/ laura. times w/girls . collarbone . "universal sign for lax.". "katie you can't play". driveway. boston. egg night. superstar. purv's house. psu. times to come. will: matt- the key and babar. meso mom and dad- thanks for guiding me and showing me the right path. you're the best. i love you! sean and lori- thanks for being great role modles. i love you. friends- it's been fun! nicole- thanks for being there. matt- thanks for all the great times and many more to come. you're the only one who holds the ky to my heart. i love you .
Ray ,Wa ng and Bob Tomarellj love to' eat Wendy's food. Since Ray is sud\ a nice guy, he brings food for himself and Bob and for his other friends that can't leave during their study hallsY,et, WendY's isa popular place to venture during study '''; , ' hall. ,
. '-
Kristen Elizabeth Smalarz rem for: listening to country. worrying. tripping over everything. act: tennis. spring track. winter track. fav memo yah boss! after school? punch buggy. thunderbi rd w/theresa. movies w/amanda. ap environmental. ae bears & roses. gym w/maribeth. falling & apologizing. choco late-chipless cookies. times w /anna banana. times w /jax & kate. this is insane. new year's '99 & '00 . garth brooks. dixie chicks . dmb. brittney w/amanda. volley queens. all dances. times w/mark. times w /friends. will: amanda- shaken chocolate milk. meso mom, dad, michaelthanks for everything, i love you. marki go bananas over you! to the best friends anyone could ever ask forthanks for the memories & to many more. "a moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever."
Lauren Snyder "snyder", act: cosmetology, rem for: being the way i used to be and changing my ways . fav memo times w/dan . sloppey. summer at dan's, chillin with chrissy d on thursty thursday, wawa stops . listening to biskit w /haden . science w /kim and kelly, times at my sisters's house, will: i leave my favortie dragon "glomie" to my sister shannon. i also leave my knowledge to the people that don't have any. meso dad, mom, aunt mary- thanks for everything you have put up with, not giving up on me, & li stening to my problems . sistersthanks for being there when i needed you the most. dan- thanks for putting up w /my crap . i love you all.
Veronica Sok "ve rn, vron" . rem for: work w jb reast cancer. act: swimming. track. softba ll. mascot. fav mem: obsessions. ice rink. pink hat. talks w /kate. breakin g into the school. rescuing shelly in vt. buffalo in spfd? dinner at erin 's. driving expe ri ences. red light. sleepovers. reenactments. games w /sheera n. poconos. guy tro ubles. will: the girl s- my bed. she lly- my ab ility to ski blues . erinmy comforte r. shee ran- flyers' tickets. mt- prince charm in g. frank ie- gold bond . we lsh- del ia's. mes: momyou've been here for me th rough every thin g . you' r e my suppo rt throughout life. i love you for all that you have done. jeannie- what else can i say but thank you and i love you? cindy- thanks for everything. you've done more th an you cou ld know. friends- i love you all and wi ll miss you dearly.
Kristi Soroka act: soccer. diving. lacrosse. nhs. aac. ss. lav mem: times w/mark. gi rl 's nights. reenactments. christmas sleepovers. videos w/lauren and the girls. mean weeks w/ lisa. dorney. talks w/jim. ss trio. close up. breakfast in a bag. sneak attacks. liz's poetry. fatty patty's ch ipwiches. sho re trips. erin 's big-butt sweatpants. math games w/ lisa, we lsh, kiera. kera's 3p's. summer '97. erin's pre-game routine. lax back of the bus gang. sin ging w /welsh"thi s is the moment". scoop me. shady erin. my cudd le bunny. the bench. w ill: liz- a snowcone. patrice- mint chocolate ores ice-cream. laura- a microphone. kiera- ami gos . mes: mark- i love yo u so much. you are my best fri end, and i couldn't have done it w ithout you. mom , dad, ca nni e- thanks for everythin g. i love you guys.
Megan Young Stanton "woggs, meggulls". lav mem: shady b's in the back. laugh w/sheeran . sleepove r and hood w /kate. "the boy is mine". junior prom. cue ll ars. se nior week. talks w/col leen. emo ti ona l breakthrou ghs. gn fl. 3 out of 6 lu ck! pathe-tic. eve ryday w /mat!. 2 bags & 2 sticks. will: sa ndy- black socks. tjdrums. kt- ca n of sprite. kate- 6 in ches . mes: patrice- you look like me, what more ca n i say! katie- th ank you fo r putting up w/me, i love you. jimthanks for the constant torture, you have made me a stronger person. mom & dad- i can't even begin to thank you fo r all yo u have done. thanks for always supporting me and for being so much fun. i love you both !
214 ' ~-
Above, Teadra Sud ler displays why she is universally known for her chron ic ',' . sneezing problem.
Teadra Michelle Sudler "t". rem lor: personality and looking good at all t im es. act: score . basketbal l. close up. gui dance rep. lav mem: summer '00. attempting to fight cook . candis walkin g to 2-5. princess . 55th and catherin e. 00 b-day y'a ll know what y'a ll did. tam getting tipsy. jk's rodent. monday ri tual. preg lesb ians. fat girl s rule. shee na. w hat floor are we on? all proms. w. chester. all the times we sha red (eric) . 10/25/96. 12/11/99. ta lks w / r2. md ri des. youth mass 4f4. my porch. holla pinky pink! will: what's mine is min e. mes: mom- you are the
best and i love you a who le lot. dad and nana- luv ya and thanks. everyone who has done someth in g fo r methanks. trust in the lord always.
Jeannine Marie Stelzer
Meng l. Tan
"p rin cess, nean" . rem lor: always being w ith jojo. being spo il ed. lav mem: vo-tech. meeting jojo. th e truck. fis h in. dirtbike. maryland. bonfires. darby. livin w/jo. airport. philly. buttonwood pier. watch ing jo graduate. hayrides. holidays w/my baby. w ind sh ield . incid enty. no more illegal driving (getting my license). late night rides & long talks w/jo. sou thstreet. nean's parties. all her boyz. ce li ca. rides to maryland. 3 ca r accid ents. ta lks w /shana. davevanilla. mes: mommy & daddy- th an kx for never givin g up. babe- u helped me through rough times. i cou ldn 't have done it without u.. i love u muncho' mes: janine- bad girlz, u better not bet a celi ca. jo- 2 years of 4-ever, u r my bestest firend & first true love . u make me me! where wo ul d i b w/out my baby?
"mengame lon, mengus, dimsun, top heavy, azn connecti on, "meng meng", meng king, chin co n" . rem for : dunkin' donuts. ca lves. the stare . cheese in cident at target. top heavy. azn mafia. act: football & basketball. lifting for 2 weeks. fav mem: ch illi n w/nicky "ba llz", bmf, marshall and gary and mikey b and the guys. etr basketball. balloon launche r. 2nd pe ri od w ith woos!, ga ry, marshall, cru cious, jigga, lu ce and oe . jim's steaks. ph illy races. tech class. lu cey's house. dances. supra! target. deli. va let parking. car chases. marshall's trampoline. marshall has a pony tail. nick's run withe teg. ga ry's women from s.h. "take me home". mikey b. can't drive. times w/ch ri sti e. will: i gots nothing. mes: family- thanx fo r the support. mom and dad- yo u' re the best. i love you guys.
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Deshauna Taylor
Jamie Anne Thompson
"shauna, mothergoose". rem for: being myself and good work. act: score. fay mem: staying home. loving garry. 6/5/98. chillin w/nell, ron-ron, and tweet. spring break 00 . bf chantel. white girl neaner. making people laugh. my girl ila. spending time w /keeb and dedder. family days w /mom dad and duck. clubin down ph illy. working. junior, senior proms. um, kay suffuf. nell and omar fighting. braiding b's hair vt w/dia 98. will: thanks to my mommy for making me what i am, luv u lots. ducky and dadthanks for your luv and support too. garry luv u boo, all my family luv y'all. mes: always remember what goes around comes around.
"jaim". rem for: lots of clothes . being happy. sense of direction. jugs. act: cheerleading. coaching. s-ball. gap. S.c. fay mem:creakin. dan's new yearsOO. sheeran's pi crew. haunted hayride. wrestling black eye. kiss on forehead. hane lownes w/girls. summer 99. chunkymonkey. first night out. O.c. w/court & gail. 8/13/00 . deli. times w/mo. piercing. will: mich- my common sense. rachel- license that i don't have. mes: parents- thanks four everything. i luv u. jake- follow in my footsteps. sarah- you're my best friend . thanks i luv u. dave- thanks for being the best big grother i ever had. ianhappy mono duffey- you're the best. paul- i luv the times. friends- never forget the memories. good luck in the future. everyone who helped me along the way- thanks.
_. Kaitlyn Taylor
Jeffrey Stephen Tirney
act: cheerleading. fay mem: songs and conehead w/friend. freshman year. budgin. t-wol w/colleen. 3/27/99 & commoninities w/im. squiggy swipers. dances. melted gum. all formals & afterwards. cheese. stalkings & obsessions. "dibs" . spin-spin sugar. disney. pine forest. the lion & the other ornaments. licker. dan's jacket. girl who fell down stairs . wish i was there . the worm, marple night game. palstra competition . soph-hop . field night. english ii. "check-got it". all the fun times w/lauren, colleen, tina, maria, maureen, michelle, & many others. mes: family- thanks for always being there for me. i love you all so much. friends- i value my times w/you more than anything, thanks for all of the laughs, tears, and memories .
"j-bomb". rem for: being short. fay mem: tina. chilld spot. dan's house. p2. wayning. metallica. concerts. dances. 50-yd line, sttp. sandwich w/amy. hockey games . times w/milachi, bmy, balls, gary, meng, west, mike, goon, d, sheer, deg, cell. will: oe- half-half. luce and family- my strength. tj- ladies' skills. wax- zeppelin tix. crucious- haircut. savano- ruddy. doc- freshman . phuloung- my citizenship. maureenwisdom. michelle- gum wrappers. mariaface- handshake. h- housekey. trout- putty to fill your gap. mes: samwe rule, thanks for the times. tinathanks for the strength, love, friendship. all 0 fmy love. drew, laur, mike, kaity- thanks for being there. i love you guys. dad and mom- it was rough, but we made it. i couldn't have w/out you. lots of love.
)otball player and emblematic male Mike Nelson gets in touch with minine side through Ms. Ardao's~ Gend~r Issues' class.
. The infinitely studious Eilen Yong listens att~ntively to the 'content of a discussion in 'Or. Mo~tgomery's AP Literature and Composition .class.. "
>. "
Robert J. Tomarelli
Paul Joseph Triggiani
"bob, b.t., bobby t, sinner" . rem for: playing guitar. meditating. act: stare. amnesty. mb. choir. so. fps. jazz. winter track. marden. fay mem: crystal method. warped. rpf. toasters. boston. fez. shore trips. 120 bypass. camelot! times wlma rd en crew: pontiac, battles, parctices, turnpike, Ibi, lock-ins. times w!'O l crew. dances. "the note". satanville. "comeback". nir. the park. sce nic. bleachers at ni ght. packets! n w ildwood w/mark. brigantine w/bren. denny's. rub y's . summers of 99, 00. eng4 . " 15 in 15" . estw. tims wla ll my buds: " it's a dpg thang". will: bob gordon- my way withe ladies. mes: "we' re never gon na survive unless we get a little crazy"- seal. " let's shall" . "west side till i die". to my fami ly and all of my~ri~nds- i lov: all of yo u.
" brian" . fay mem: walking or driving down the streets w I nothing to do but kill time. rock and roll. denny's and other eating establ ishments. bowlin g, mini-golf, & other games of the sort. every minute with at same old crowd that brings me down, and every day in this boring town. mes: to all of my friends- the most important thing that my life has brought me is all of you . you've given me some of the best memories that a person cou ld ho pe for. i hold yo u all in a higher regard than life itself, and i' li never forget any of you. my fami ly- i owe everything to you guys. i love yo u.
Being a senior can be-¡very stressf~LI;~Gorman finds that there realiy -aren' enough hours in the night to get -ali his -sleeping .done: .He figloJres that Grej Riviello doesn't mind lending a shoulder.:After all, what are friends for? ..
.. -....
David Joseph T ourscher
Stephen M. Ulmer
"jigga". rem for: pimpology. "i play u and u pay me" . lung. hotboys. heartbreaker. baing a large python . disappearing w/girls. hittin splittin. fay mem: deli. eurpoe. jcs. lu ceys. sheerans. crucious' whip. monday nigh ts. fire hands. launcher. times w/beth. sd t. flossin wit, h, wax, crucious, doc, jbomb, gary, lucey, ch in con, bud-t, notorious, italiano, d, sheerbuff, pisaul. will: h- daily cruise. mes: fami ly- thanks for the fun . nean- vanilla 96-00. t- been my best frie nd , whatever i have is yours . i got your back for life. best- yo u made me. you have love always. touchton- pouring out henney. jamiesis, thanks and i love u. girls- i don't love you. i'm just an admirer. if you' re looking for a hot boy, girl, i got that fire.
"steven, steve". rem for: chillin w/all the girls and hangin with all my friends. fay mem: times w I joe z, tubes, lauren g, katl ynn a, eri ca g, ashley w, joe g, ann marie g, matt w, alicia c, and the others whom i have forgotten. will: i will give my bro all my dirty alundry so he has something to wear. i w ill also give him moeny because i know how much he loves hanson . mes: i would like to thank my mom who got me where i am today. if it weren't for her, i don't know where i would be. i would thank my brother craig d has been more thna a firend to me than ever. i do hope that we wil l pass and be where i am today.
Stephen E. Underwood
Steven E. Vescovich "v, little v" . rem for: going out wiht angie. running . always doing something. act: soccer. track. winter track. ski cluv. chorus. stage crew. fav memo april 27. penn relays. killington. oklahoma. times w jfriends. the ducks. mission trips w jchurch. will: poppop- this diploma is for you . angie- all the dinners and movies i owe you . mes: mom & dad- thank you for everything. philyou are the best friend. thanks for all the great times. marie- thanks for the rides i owe you. angie- the last three years have been terrific. i will always love you and we will always be friends. sara- thanks for all the talks and memories. to the rest of my friends- thank you for everything.
~" S~~ior
Janet Bollinger is head stjHistician the Noi'"'c;nly'does ' \ he keep her;'pencils sharp, but ·s he is als6 ,one of Springfield's finest athletes. Janet WOI) ; the school badl)1inton'. championship thisyear, ' ar~ng with her partner Steve FattorUt)S:' ;. obvious that Janet carried the team . ,·.-c'· ,
Kimberly Ann Wagner "kim". rem for: always smiling. being involved. music. act: band. orchestra. esc. nhs. student council. class officer. drum major. fav memo pmea . glitter wars . dma wjgnp . disney. boston. summer 99. hoby. gallbladder. blushing. new york. dmb 98. homecoming 00. times w jgeoff, ajay, adam, jenna. borders. elvis. times w jthe girls. washington. 56 rols. similar interests. making movies . driving by. cracks in the walls. sea isle w jpete, jenna, chrissy. sports w jthe guys. lemonade. formals. halloween parades. old navy venture. carla's advice . plans wjlaura . will: jenna- a new bus buddy. ice cream snickers. meso mom, dad, robert- i couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement. i love you! friendsthanks for the memories . jenna- i'm going to miss you . you're the greatest!
T hese crazy ' seniors Ryan Cell, Matt DeAngelis, ,and Jeff Tirney -love to goofon intheLMC. They always forgetthat you have to be quiet in .the libr~ry .
Above, _Shaun Doughtery, Chris Gill, Lindsay Lustig, and :;tricia -Ko~nig are all close friel}ds . Tonighuhere is a football .' game and all the ·'girlS ' 'promise ' to go cheer on Chris. • ,." •.~.
Steve Underwood loves being an ed~or of th~ yearbook, but -sometimes he finds the work extremely strenuous. Mike Sharkey and Pat Shea find this very humorous because they don't understand the pressures of being an editor.
Seniors Frank Wilson, Kristin Hidell, and Joe Fuiman' have' many things in common.. One of those is being their love for. photograpl)y. Here they pose for Ms. Longo while waiting to get into an ice hockey game. ;:..
Michael F. Wallin
Ray Wang
"wallin" . rem for: being athletic. my good looks. act: lax. b-ball. soccer. xc. fay memo pat. gun. shark. key. erin. kate. pnut. celluch . b-ball team. powell(revolution). tj w/e rin . talks w/kate. pat's tree fort. rubber chicken., ch illin at guns. wi ng bowls. ugh .. tip-off tourney. x-mas trips. fr ball 14-2 . call s from dad at kate's. ts2. tarzan. aladdin(wake up susie). jackie's advice. nath's house. will: steve- my height. pat- my weights. jordy- my hoop. meso pat- we have gone through so much. thanx for always being there. gun- u my boy. me casa su casa. erin-tj. katethanx for everything. gina- thanx. bro'sthanx for the great memories. i love yo u guys. mom & dad- i don ' t know w hat to say. you have done too muc fo r me. i can never repa y you . i love yo u.
" ra ydawg, r-tra in " . rem for: just being a good kid. act: esc. sadd. stare. amnesty. mb. tennis. fay memo 669-670. team 4 allstars. n64 party. imperial pizza (extra sausage). nick's car. brady arcade. ice cream soda. good eats w/hindog. rodeo's. cornell w/kurt & brendan. "ma int ain the stretch" . maine w/brendan. florida. boston . meometry class . hallway time w/hugh. concerts (rbn. mr. marden. b-day parties. dances. plex w / kristen. football frida y ultimate. wet pizza. sta rcraft. med . will: eric brady- my muscles and looks. jasper & karen- my tennis skill s (o r lack thereof). meso mom , dad, gra ce- i love you al l. thanks for supporting and putting up w/me all these yea rs. you have made me who i am . today. friends- go<?d times.
Timothy S. Walton
Amy Welsh
" ford " . rem for: always bein g in the hall instead of clas. act: swim team. va tech . fay memo eagle scout induction. jr prom. shs club dance w/sara . time spent in the Imc w ith mrs wyli e and mrs hell er. getting up for wim team at 5:30 am. will: i leave the duty aides all my unused hal l passes! meso mom & dadthanks for all your help and support . grand mom & gra ndopo- i love you.
"welsh ie" . rem for: red hair. being shady. act: fie ld hockey. lacrosse . fay mem: the tracks . the raid of 99. reunions. joe's basement. soph 6. kissing we ird o. ye ll ow cups. petty. creed. ph ish . shore times. " hey yo ung ladies". soda episode. formals w / tjs. dances. the sandwich. times w/my best girls. re enactments. girly nights. 3 musketeers. dance parties. the kitchen w/mt. growing up w/tara . captai n's hou se. vermo nt. q1 02 lot. pole dancing. times withe guys. weeknights w/kane. giggling fits. infam ous couch. "goi ng to hell". "best night eve r". superstars. will: mr. preston- i leave you twos! mes: mom and dad- thanks for teaching me how to strive for excellence. i love you! girls- you are the tru e friends i was searching for! thanks for the special memories and many more to come.
.. .. .. I.
Erica Williams rem for: curly hair. act: swimming. fav memo " 539 " . brights basement. tanning w/sa rah. south street. 42c1ick. ra ces w/dan, mitchell, matt, gary. sb check. driving around., rita puddles. oc crevice w/a licia. su mm ers 98-00. cone war. rolls . rhcp co ncert. dmb 00 yippy skippy. sprite. wendy's. ridley crew. sleepove rs. ga rn et dances. mi ghts w/lobb, bright, picka rd. gus, julia(bb), anna, beth, marykate, carl a, v. pennies . night swims, master plan. memori al weekend 99 . john 11-6-00. picnics. tims party. 3am phone ca lls. shore 00 . fez 00 . snow dance. close-up. nickels bzzz. proms gary. meso nicole- bff. ritakeeping me together ff. sarah Iylas. alicia ff. john always! lobb, bright, gus, pik- luv ya dolls. friends- remember the good times. mom, dad, wayne- thank you i love you.
Francis Wilson
"frank" . rem for: randomness . fay memo good times w/all my friends. tims at the shore. kym's many parties. joe's halloween party an d the gatherings. go ing out to eat and having our crazy conversation s. all of the dances. driving around . talking w / joe, mike, and melissa. fun times hanging out in study hall s. photograp hy 3 w/ms longo . meso to all of my fri ends- i love you all. thanks for all of th e great times together. to my mom- i love you. th anks for everything. we got a who le lot of livin to do.
If you go to see a play at school, ther~ is a good ¡chance that either Allison Hardirig ;or,Bret Robinson will be cast as a lead role. Bret played an important role in !'Antigone" as¡ well as other small theater productions. Allison has taken the lead in the musical . scene,. starring in "Oklahoma" and also in "Bye Bye Birdie"; They both agree that drama is a big p~rt of their l,ives.
..~ S.enior Mike Levy is a very athletic guy. He lo~es Springfield and loves to play sports fo r them.Jhis year he gave he very best in wrestling and got injured but he assures everyone that it was well worth it.
lare Chevalier and Darcy Borden have been friends for a very long time. They )th went through scenic together and this year they wi ll both be graduating gether.
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Colleen Witz
Hugh William Wynne
" coli, witz cwackas" rem for: wea rin orange. workin g wawa. fav mem: freshman b-ball. trolley stop. clash o f th e titans. all dances. w alking th e pike w/as h. oxford. maui. jay z' s w/rob. jay. pj . ash. paulie wa lnuts. chi ll in at jay's. " rollin w/ my homi es" my b-day. jay's b-day. " raaa b i need you" can i asky ou a question w/ o you gettin g mad? d o rockwild a . r e d rocket. lun c h w/robyn&jackie. lun ch w/ryan &jackie. talks w/al. "yo" talk w/jj. adv. w/jj. will: allison- my room. mom &dad- my love. robyn- top score. pj- his gift. jayfun on my 18th. mes: mom, dad, & althanx for everything. i love you guys . rob- you ' re my older sis. love ya. pj" y o". y ou ' re m y bro. j ay- "yo" wazzzzzzup, i gotcha! thanx to all my family. love yas.
" hu ghie" rem for: co untin g crows. sarcas m . act: hi-q. sc ience o ly mpi ad. fr esh. soccer. fres h. so ftb all coac h. guid. co mm. fav mem: ocea n city. sea isle. flying pizza. golf outings. bow ling. 669-670. mumbles. nick's ca r. hallway w/ray. ap spani sh. rub y's chimn ey. xa nd o's . counting crows@ tower. ap bio. wet pizza. celebration o f the arts. fly ers game . new amsterdam. stori es@mark' s. kenn el. porchman. craft. jon's sarcasm. pu shing hindley's car. blair w itch. ph syics. will: harley-my c r ows bootl egs. mik e -m y bi o skills &room . mes: dad-i thank u for w hat u taught me. mom-thanks for kee pin g my spirits high. meli ssa& mike-i co uldn ' t ask for better siblin gs . " no big di ffe rences these days . ju st the same old wa lkways, someday i' m going to stay but not today." i am th e rain king.
Mike Woodrow
Ellen Yong
"woody" rem for: my mustang. fav mem: the bomb threat in 11 th grade where w e all got to go home earl y. will: i leave my parkin g spot to w hoeve r ca n get it first. mes: take th e easi est classes yo u can because you are going to graduate anyway w ith or w ithout them .
act: " quality time" . fav mem: every moment spent w ith nick. will: nick- my eve ry thin g . sophi a & michelleunconditional love & patience. mes: nick- yo u fill ed th e emptiness in side of me and made me w hole. sophia- my love may not always be visib le but know i love you. michelle- thank you for always being my old er sister.
Kristen A. Woods
Tony Yoo
"woodsie" rem for: amusing everyone. hair. driving skill s. act: yearboo k. nhs. comm. service. choir. student council. fav mem: b o nfir es. tim es w/ j o di , b oys. se th & th e treehouse& moto rcycl es. bit. tag. all dances. de. bowlin g. races. pl ex w/ ray. throwin pret ze ls. ga tos de b o b & bobos. kind er ca rp ool. times w / kati e, laura, carrie, janet, keira, amber, li z, kara, kristi . danny time. mall rats da nce. math w/bowers, anj. destroying evidence. 1st train w / bowers. eraser. hot tub . other sister-l ove ya . thank u steve. will: katie- the ri ght to play. harleypretzels forever. bri , joy, em- fo reve r fri endship, love yo u! mes: mom &dad- i love u guys even when you think i don't. lisa, alli,&karen- i' m goin g to miss u gu ys. fri ends &fam- you've made me w ho i am. i think that' s a good th ing. proverbs 19:21
II nu dge, asian" rem for: being asian. quoting th e simpso ns. act: stage crew. choir. fav mem: rich's smelly basement. victory. va ndalism w/steve . ben fold s five . weezer. tmbg addiction. denn y's eve ryday. kri spi e ba seball. pray for mojo. adam's crazy drvin g. mes: jeff- you've always been there as a fri end to me . thank you. good lu ck w it h all your hopes & dreams. jon- 12 yea rs we nt by li ke 12 min . maybe we should've stopped & looked around . we've got most of it on tape. ri chdud e, be happy. you don' t give yourse lf enou gh credit. diane- my life is better beca use i know yo u. everyone- i wis h we didn' t have to part. i love yo u all. your fri endship means more to me than you w ill ever know.
"....; ÂŤFisti Soroka and C'arri E O'C o nn e ll are v erI Jiappy. T hey have bot~ been al2cepted to theil â&#x20AC;˘ top choice in wlleges , Kristi will be attendinE Dartmouth in the fal and Carrie will be goinE to Penn State. They wil always remember all o' their high school memo ories, but they are bot~ really ex cit ed abou i what college will hole for them . Even thoug~ _Kristi will be ve'ry ' fal a"Yay from he'r fri end ,. Carri e, they promise te keep - in ' tou ~ h , SinCE .:;: they will both have e: mail, this::'snouldn't bE too har.d. .
Lorenzo Bazan Andrea Bl adley , Stewart CQols: L?rt iq (i"e -:" Cheryl Ann Colagia<::orno '" " Keith Cottom â&#x20AC;¢ A~'am Dambrink
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adorable !9abies ar e :tJle graC!:- :~ uatirig Class " o£ 200) . ~'At~ th~e,~ age of~ one and""tw<?, we did ~ not even know w hat high'" scho"oL:or~' gra:d u'-ati'68 \ 1vas;; • Looking back 'on -:'tb~se days< of todcller-hoodf w e reme~~ . "" ber that life "was 5 imple antJ / fun, OlJr dqy5~ CPIl'siste'd of ~~ naps~ Jeedi ng/6 a,nd· plaY'ing.'r ,'"" Our faVorite tb, y s' w~re Trans- l2.. formers, G.I. J oe, Bar- oies;', . '" ..r." Care Bears, and -Rainbow .~' Brite~ ,6u.J TV'l shqyvs' 0 e; e L' Smurfs~ Today/,s <Specia( ,an d :~ Fraggle' Rock~ "fhe.' fa,.c es; nQises, 'and gameQ' we 'playe_d ~,will for.ever gi\(e :us s6met hiH g '~ to laugh about... ~. ,'> .,
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What a golden year for sports. Michael Johnson won two gold medals in _the 400 meter and 4 x 400 meter relay in the Sydney OlympIcs.
(Must have been the shoes.) Multiple medals also went 0 Mau . and to Marion Jon , took home three gold and two bronze.
She's the first woman to win five medals in one Olympics.
The "Subway Series" made baseball big news.
For the first time in 44 years the New York Yankees and the New York went head t - head the W.orld
New 'tork
came out on tep. (As in Yankees.)
in the
The New Jerse~ Devils took the Stanley Cup back from the Dallas Stars The WI'II,'ams sl'sters after their nail-biting . . double continued to take the tenms world - t - overtime six by st9rm. Rivals on opposite sides of the net, VIC ory In game .
they re unstoppable as partners. -
topped a stellar year with wins at Wimbledon and the U.S. Open. She took the gold at the Sydney Olympics in singles, and paired with Serena to take the gold in doubles as well. -
The Baltimore Ravens extraordinary defense gave them the edge and a
34-7 win
over the
New York Giants in
Super Bowl
Look behind the technology hype and you're sure to find recycled trends.
What goes around comes around.
Oh th . , e Irony.
It's the 70s all over again.
Large tinted lenses make for look-at-me sunglasses and disco-era hairstyles return with "wings" and feathered bangs reminiscent of Farrah Fawcett's famous locks. A new twist is the bright burst of hair color, maybe a leftover from the punk and glam rock resurgence
last year.
Prince William took a "gap year" before college, fol/owing his mother's example of service and humanitarianism. His volunteer and environmental work in Chile shows that the man who win be king IS a true
Rrince of hearts.
For the guys, the
mop top
is back with the
The bed-head hairstyles of Ricky Martin and KeVin of the Backstreet Boys is typical of the macho look many stars like.
leather whatever.
Leather is everywhere. Leather pants. Leather boots.
Everything else sparkles and shines. We heard I~ts of wedding bells. Two Backstreet Boys got hitched, Madonna married her Guy. Catherine Zeta-Jones wed Michael Douglas, and Jennifer anCl Brad tied the knot.
Caution. Heavy traffic ahead. As in new millennium traffic. It seems like the more info there is, the harder it is to be informed. Technology promises a bright new age but it's still hard to communicate.
The Pope journeyed to the Holy Land and prayed for peace, while conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians raged.
Allegedly linked to the unrest,
Some things never change.
the USS Cole was bombed off the coast of Yemen. This year we remember with honors entertainer Steve Allen actors Walter Matthau, Jason Robards, and ' Alec Guiness.
And the nation waited 36 days for the drama of the 43rd presidential election to unfold.
Crash. Technology and went head to head, as 19-year-old Napster co-founder Shawn Fanning battled the musi~ industry over copyright usage of downloaded mUSIc. Firestone tires exploded on highways across the nation forcing one of the largest recalls in history. Hillary Clinton stepped out of t~e White House and into the U.s. Senate, a first. ~: ','
Another first. After court battles and recounts, Florida's 25 electoral votes were finally awarded to Texas governor George W. Bush in the closest presidential race in history. In another dramatic sequence of events, tensions between U.s. and Cuba rose over the custody battle of 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez who was finally reunited with his father and sent back to Cuba amid anti-Castro protests.
Television gives a crash course in life lessons. The nation tuned in to see who would be voted out in this summer's biggest smash "Survivor".
The ultimate survivor, Richard Hatch, beat all In order to outlast his island mates.
"RosweU' and to survive means getting rid of the bad guys. They showed that . we all experience feelings of alienation, but
we are not alone.
In fact, .
puttIng up wIth sIblings, family issues and struggling to "find ourselves" are common denominators for us all.
Inventions topped inventions. This year, we saw cable lines not only enhance television but surfing speed and e-commerce as wel/.
Electronic organizers rock. From the palm of your hand you can check e-mail, invest in futures or buy a present for Mom.
Oh yeah, and get organized. The newest digital cameras have greater picture quality as well as roomier disk space,
while the next generation MP3s are smaller, faster, more portable, and provide better-than-ever sound quality.
was among the future-thinking c;ar companies to introduce
hybrid cars.
Half -electric and half gasoline-powered, these new wheels will eventually be as easy on the pocketbook as they are
the planet.
Playstation 2 and the latest Ni ... ¡r'mrl made the virtual world more entertaining.
Performers like Hoku and Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers emerged from the shadows of their famous parents.
has had a profound effect on the style-music industry. latin's back with a bang with the return of Carlos Santana and the rise of Enrique Inglesias along with , Christina Aguilera's release of a _L~tin-styl~ CD thiS year. And we saw Ricky Martin gOing global with a tour reaching as far as Austral-Asia. On the local scene, many underground performers have been rocketed into the mainstream, as was Moby the one-time New York ' OJ, with the immensely , popular "Play," Image IS everything.
Bfink-182 lets their California style influence their wardrobe and music, which led them to an MTV ' award f " musIC or All the Small Things."
Madonna came alive is new) with her new "Music," reinvigorating her original dance-music roots. Unbelievably, this mother of two has topped charts for some three decades now
performed in a London pub, was one of the most-watched events on the to date.
MTV, VH1, others, the faces of are seen live For pop princesses like Christina Aguilera and I>4.cJllvt1lr , as, well as the ubiquitous boy bands, image IS as big as (maybe bigger than) their music.
Check out their live shows.
Fgr performers like the Backstreet , o ys, LFO, 98 and espeCially *NSYNC
J stye
the substance of pop.
Legendary actor Robert Redford stepped behind the camera to direct the mystical golf movie "The legend of Bagger Vance."
Will Smith
plays Vance, the wise caddie who guides golfer Matt Damon through more than just the perfect golf game.
72n~nnual Academy Awards. Best icture:" American Beauty" Best Actor. " Kevin Spacey, "American Beauty Best Actress: ' C " Hilary swank, "BoYS Don t r'j Best SupparfIng Actor' . ' "The Cider House Rules" Michael Caine, Best Supporting Ac\r,es.s: " Angelina lolie, Girl, Interrupted
Rack up ~nother hit for Jim Ca Irresistible even when he's covered in from head The Whos in Whoville are a must-see in Dr. Suess " How the Grinch
rmination avoided
thanks to the X-Men.
Professor Xa vier . prOVides . world's new a safe haven . st of mutant and most persecuted minority, called the X_Me~.e~etlcally-glfted human beings Government agencies andheir tstruggle against hostile mu ant supremacl¡st Magneto made "X-M " . summer's biggest of thiS
sma~~ hifs~e