Our Life Is A Work Of Art
Let's face it. When the bells' rings on the last '9-ay of sQh001,in June, the last thing we can think about is the SHS bUilding. But it's so obvious why. Sumr:ner is the time we can relax and stop worrying about the Lit paper that's due tomorrow. While we',: , may stop reading from textbooks, summer is the pivotal time for learning in different environments. We are aole to learn selfdiScipline, different social skills, and we can best discover who we truly are. This summer; while some SHS students stayed close to home, several were able to branch out and live in vqried environments. A handful of juniors and seniors were selected to . attend, different Pennsylvania Governor's Schools where they CQuid focus on one subject ,and get hands on ·experience. Mrith the American Seyera[ more' had the~ppoit~ity tb • '" ~ • ~ ' .... .," Ai."' . " . ' '''''~ ~", ' ,.. Music Abroad program cmd, depe.flding on ·thi'er\' ar~a of interest, perforl11 vocally or in.struinent~ly all ·acr6~s~urape,.~· Few others' . ':t' • went to -aifferent" coun~ri~s with ~xs?ange progr~uns; Rising seniors went- .o n the infamous college ·search ... endless hours in . " ." " ..: .. "'" ... ... .:.:: tqe car with your parent frantically driving, while you tFY to "'... ''',, ' , 'discern the information you've just obtained from S¢ven schools in two days. I he rest'dispersed to ' II ~xotic" locations such as the Jersey shore Of- day trips to amusement parks . . However, each ~HS student was able .to le~rn something about themselvt!S during the-summer months. While some administrators would . ~rghle that summer is a time for laz~ess, the.students of SHS ~ ,\ v'9uld'beg .to differ that summer is simply the time for • exploration- a~ti furtI1er looks at individual 'int~rests:", ; "'I. :<t'- .•. .~-~.. "'
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from SHS's music prQgram were, invited to go on a , thrt7,e w~k tri\?, \0, Europe with a group <::alled AfQerican Music '. A.broad. After a 'OH~ ~eek, pr?ctice s.ession at Albright College, students left for JFK " 'airport and-left, for Belgium . . ", . . .. ~ ;". .... .. .., , " . . Other countries- that were' Ian'• Bafl:)ella,. .. Jonaitis, and , ~nior. Karen Chiang was at Millersville E:lniversity for "five weeks this • ""f'.. toured were Germany, Austria, . ,Jordan Ar.i.m~tohad ·e fantastic jouT(iey \ - ,summer to be a pan of ,the Pennsylvania Governor's Schoonor TeaQhing. Switzerland and Franc~. This is the first and only of its kind designed for students who are . to EUFope.with the AmericimMuslc ; Abroad pro9I?m. f hey were able to viSit.. I~ter~sted in teaching as. a career. Karen exami ned different aspects of education, and was able to teach two classes of 20 students for two historical laHdmarks while meeting other iniere~tipg m~~ic students from the weeks. She had-the time-of he~ life with the ne~ frien'ds she made. Here ' sht;! is pictured with two students that she taught while she was there. States..
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~m Palmer had the opportunity of a lifetime when she, travelled to Costa ~ca''for two :menth's- with t11e AFS program, 'ictured above is the Costa Rican family she lived with fo'r the doj.i;lti~n 'of her trtp,". Kim c1ctms 'the; ;inade tOe~'feel . ike a real member of the family. .During.her stay: . Kim .was abl~ . t~ see.many'. ""of.tI}Ef'bea\ltifu) ..... ~ . afi(r~ea~efull~cations .. . hat Costa Rica has to offer. She was also able to improve her Spanish tliat she :has been learning diligently for ·six ,. (ears... This trip gave her a new perspective on life . .She wa~ able' to come baGk Witll some.:fantastic stories 'al;>eut the~., ! .. \ t. " iinerent culture that anyone can appreciate. . . • ,:. • .~ -.. - ' ..
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iahreen Ahmed hag the privelage of attending Govemor's 'School for Intemational Study for' the suinrn~r. While she ;pent many hours taking in lectures, she was able to, get good experience with a subject she will most likely continue with in college next year. Nahreen also made unbelievably .dose fIiends within the few weeks she was in attendance. f you ask Nahreen how her sUmmer went, she wiJl undoubtedly answer, "it was the best time.of my life! ".
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While food shopping with your mom on a weekend, you are likely to see Shannon Bourke. Her friendly face and courteous manners easily landed her a job at Genuardi's. Shannon has been part of the work force and loves the benefits that .a job can give you, got to.memtjon the extra pocket money. " '" Lindsay Kerr is great witl1 children. It's easy t09lJess what her after school activities include, lots of babysittiQg. L!n~s?y regularly works with several families including the [l1ildren of the Smith family (pictured right). Babysit~irig4s a great way to learn how to manage children for fyture<:areers in teaching or day care.
Brian Schaffer can regularly be seen pumping gas at your local Gulf Gas Station. Brian thoroughly enjoys this type of hands on work, especially since he loves cars. This early training will look good on any resume. Brian also has many opportunities to learn and demonstrate the social skills needed to satisfy arty customer.
1\,.fter school hours, you are likely to find an SHS student scooping out ce cream at Baskin Robbins. A.J. Nicollela loves going in to work on a ~ice sunny day . It may be hard work, but he can't help but love the ?erk of free ice cream during his breaks.
Entering the work force while still attending high school is no easy ti:\sk. Jblggliqg school work and extra-curricular activities is hard enough without throwing in an element where you ar~ tested in the real world. Y9lJ can't use the excuse of a big chemistry test to make up for your lack of attendance. You require an abundance of responsibility and social skill in order t~ excel. Coping with bosses and fellow co-workers while creating a manageable work schedule. is harder than it seems. The students who hold jobs while maintaining an acceptable grade point average should be regarded with the utmost respect. The quest for mQney is .a prominent drive in the minds of many studeT}ts, 59 they're willing to make these sacrifices. However, once at work, students can find many benefits that make working a pleasure instead of a pain. The feeling of independence, the friendships made, and the connections that you can make through the office to help you with life careers are all valuable to every high school student. Work experienqe can also been seen as life experience that many Springfield High School students are lucky to have.
Several students of Springfield High School have held jobs at, or currently still hold jobs at Party City. Chris Pearse, Ryan Hodinka, and Rachel Tompson find the best w~y to unwind at the end of a horrific school day is to go to work. They find it impossible to stay stressed working with hundreds of balloons and costumes that will give anybody a smile. This kind of work experience is ideal for these three.
this year s~a.zru::..tE~~esI captured by these four y oung ladies. With everything from glitter to fringe, these ladies don't miss a fashionable beat They can be seen in the mall daily trying their best to keep up with the everchanging world of s~le. OvER THE D ECADES MANY STYLES HAVE COME AND GONE. HOWEVER, ONE THAT HAS REMAINED EVER PRESENT IS THE CLASSIC 50'5CLEAN-CUT-ALL-AMERICAN-PREP L OOK. HERE AT SHS NOTHING S AYS PREP LIKE JACKIE NESBITT, TIM HeDRICK,
These four friends in on a style that is fashion rise. Vintage seems become more and more p in the everyday form of self expression. Although Britt Ori, Jason Rodgers, Caitlin Finnegan, and Mike Malandra have been hitting up the local thrift stores for years, they have no problem sharing their secret to fashion success. From shirts of gas station employees, home repairman, and .to little leaguers across county, these four love the styles of yesterday and making them today's. many styles and
beme invented
, the SHS fashion scene is constantly chall!~. \\'ith an array of new styles becoming popular, these stud~s represent the SHS'
M!mY,.students at Sf:fยง,,:gr~ gifted with artistic talent;. From photpgiaROY t() tl:1e~ter, to dal,t:Jce to " sC!llptur~., RE!inti'l'lg ailct: , . drawing- from playing ah . iA~trunient, t<D ;;iQging. Otl~ c?Jr!h~ a ,., ,.:; "
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lOur Lives Are~ . ~A Work Of Art~ • .~..~~\
Art is all around us. It effects our everyday lives. It gets into our concious and our subconcious ~ somehow influencing us all. One of the many forms of art is family. Art could be the harmony of everyone getting along to the intensity sometimes between siblings.
Seen scattered around this artwork are a few sets of siblings that truly experience family as an art form. The Hillers, the Fratzs', the Hornas, the Kerrs, the JHutlemeyers, and the Regans all try to find harmony 411 with their siblings along with going to school with them and sharing a home. ,
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"Anyone who says thant an artist's field is all answers and no questions has never done any writing or ~ had any dealings with imagery. An artist observes, selects, guesses, and ~ synthesizes. Chekhov
Seen here is "'senior Mike .Malandra. Mike is doing the one thing he likes ~ best - drawing.
Along with drawing Mike has many other talents in the field of art . He is the co-founder and President of SHS's new addition -the photography club. Mike is also in several art classes including Photo Independent study . i n t i ng and Drawing .
Mela is seen doing what she loves best Photography. She has been taking photo classes here at SHS since her freshman year. Marykate has worked her way up to Independent Study Photo and is currently working on a portfolio for
After the tragic events of the world chang should become stro we accepted one if show our strength tn morning wh
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. There has always been one day in the fall that has brought everyone together, Homecoming. Just as it sounds this brings the students, alumni, and faculty together for a fun filled day; this year was no different. Preparation for Homecoming started weeks in advanced starting with the nominations for King and Queen. During the Student Council sponsored Homecoming dance, five ladies and gentlemen were chosen to be a part of the Homecoming Court. September 29,2001 proved to be an exciting day filled with drama, the announcement of King and Queen, and of course sports victories. School spirit was certainly at its best as all the fall sports teams battled their opponents. This was evident with all the cougar paw tattoos and blue and gold seen throughout Springfield. All of the work was well worth it as in the end the field hockey and volleyball teams won. Kevin Brady and Nicole Flasinski were crowned King and Queen and the Hall of Fame inductees were announced during half time. The football team ended the day in style with an incredible come back to win their game. Everyone rejoiced and went home with the satisfaction of not only of winning , but being able to spend a weekend with family, friends, and lots of fun.
Eric Brady and Nicole Flasinski shine above the rest when it comes down to school spirit. These two are exemplary in their displays of Cougar Pride and motivating others to have the same. They are model students that everyone can look up to. For their efforts, they were awarded the sparkling crowns.
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These field hockey players take time out from practice to bond in a different atmosphere. One of the joys of the Homecoming Dance is the opportunity to talk with your teammates and get pumped for the big game the next day. Kim Helmle, Arthur Lo , Tom Mathai, Krista Feliciani, Kim Palmer, Britt Ori, Kar~n Chiang, Jeff Lemon, Joe Fratz, and Brian Guiliani enjoy the excitement of the dance. These friends are anxious for the announcement of Homecoming Court. Greg Avato and Tara Wood wait in anticipation of walking down the track through the cheerleaders and Hall Of Fame Inductees to meet the other members of the Court. Nerves start to settle in as they look into the crowded stands of SHS students, alum, and parents. Kristin Celluci and John Manners gallantly walk onto the track to meet their friends. These two are the model of poise. They 're a perfect selection for the Court. Aimee Boldosser and Greg Gurenlian possess many qualities that any member of royalty should emulate. They 're always kind, loyal, and honest to evelYone they encounter. Sabrina Catrombone and Phil Plank have made many positive contributions to the sports teams at SHS. It's obvious why these two would be chosen for Homecoming Court.
Vocational Technology is a branch of education offered at Springfield High School. Students who wish to pursue an education in fields like the culinary arts, auto mechanics, carpentry , cosmetology, and a variety of other subjects, can receive a specialized education at Vo-Tech. Eric Howard (pictured left) attends Vo-Tech in Folcroft where he is studying to become a custom painter for automobiles. Eric appreCiates his education at Vo-Tech for many reasons, including the many instructors that are employed there. Students can really appreCiate their mentors at Vo-Tech because they are experts.in their fields, helping the students to become the same.
Josh Stumm, a senior at High School, attends Tech as welL He has been enrolled in programs there for three years. He wishes to pursue a career in the Culinary Arts. His favorite aspect of the Vo-Tech program has been the competitions that they attend. He goes with a team from Delaware County and competes ip hands on competitions where money prizes are awarded. He views them as good experiences that will ~ in the future.
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Frank Baehr is enrolled in programs for future auto mechanics. He enjoys the experiepce of the school and hopes to one day work on high performance cars like those shown in the recent movie, The Fast and the Furious.
Tom Hoy (above) is involved in a program that will train him to become an auto mechanic. He has a lot of fun in his classes and believes that his , education will really prepare him for the work force. He says that every day they learn some new skill or technology that takes them closer and closer to becoming experts in their fields. Dujuane Hill (pictured left) balances classes at Springfield High and classes at Yo-Tech. When comparing the two schools, he sees the freedom given to the students at Yo-Tech as an advantage over taking classes at Springfield. In Springfield the deCisions and lesson plans are mostly laid out by the teachers, whereas in VoTech, students get to design their own lesson plans that will help them learn and understand the material to their full capacity.
Mark Di Donato: "Vo-Tech will prepare me more then Springfield High will for what I want to do. I want to become a general contractor because they make mad loot!" Dave Forgacic: "The Building Trades Program is cool. It allows more freedom unlike regular high school. "
Chris Darby: "The experience I gain from Vo-Tech helps me in my current job at the Springfield Country Club."
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fJilltli\(E F.iOOUlllin.@,..you're out of bed,
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sfmter Willes ruJIiIDing out the front door behind yon.n 8ISkin91 you to wait up. This is the way many srudents of SHS wake up In the moming. Several students hav~ fumiiy members in other gmdes. Some mter ftmvDng to ftJi the legaxcy "eft by ~I OIkller sibling. Others lhavce slbifumgs In. ~GlWeT \9ljf~dl~ to whom they f-eel lthe need to guide. WlhQll:e"lGii' the situation, aU til .e seJilioJi'S plctlll.i.~ n(i:r e agi'OO that the high schook~perienre is much more enjoyable with ~ yoamger sibMng ""0 share all your memories with.
Volleyball teammates Marie Carter and Jackie Cifuni meet Alicia and Kim after practice. This group is very close and can often be seen together in the halls of SHS.
Shane Werley can never get enough of his family. He's been able to see his f~th~r everÂĽday sin~e , Freshman year. Now he has the pleas,u re of having his sister Jenna in school with hil'T] as w~L
Greg Battaglia is fortunate to be related to a senior his freshman year. Alexis always finds the time to show Greg the ropes.
, Dan Carfagno has always been able to look up to his big brother, Steve. However, St~ve often brags he finds many ways to look up to Dan.
Sally Thompson looks over the shoulder of older sister senior Rachel Thompson as Rachel smiles for the camera thinking back on her years in high school.
Sometimes it's beneficial to have your younger brother or sister at the same school. While Greg Avato , Genna Starecky, and Greg Gurenlian monkey around, they know they 'll always have Mike, Joey , and Georgie to keep them grounded.
Ross Coates and Dixie Dunbar both enjoy . the company a little sister can provi'de. Caitlin and Britany appreciate the guidance
,Kara ChFisanthon and Patrice Hughes are both extremely h!lcky to spend their senior year with their , younger brothers. Jason and Frank ddn't mind having their big sister's around fr~shman year either. They knew from the first day there \ ' \ wasn 't a pool on;¡the third floor. I
Greene runs into her little sister during rurich. These two appreciate meeting.
It seems that every two years a new Calabrese graces the halls of SHS. Although Lou 's older brother graduated two years ago, he now has Anna to keep him rr'\l"'Y"lIn~r\\'1
Phil and Dan Plank share an abu~.~.!lml2lr¡ of school spirit. They 're always ones to show it on and off the field .
n:ua Stanchek loves her younger bro~ei Eric, and is not afraid to show it in public. Even if Eric is embarrassed, hell appreciate moments like these next year.
Ben Coo~ manages to keep hIS cool 'whfie wiestung his little brother Alex. Ben is notOrious for wearing his sungasses around school. WhIle Alex didn't continue with this trademark, ~ IS confident th~ he will leave '. his own mark when he becomes a senior. ' â&#x20AC;˘
~an and Melanie Stull) spend thIer study hall in the courtyard staling at the numerous trees. These two share many'. . common interests including being nature fanatics. ongtime frien s GeorgE: Azar and Kim Levengood know they can always turn to¡ Will and Brian for support. Tara Hewlett and y:ounger brother Brett appear to have a serious rivalIy . However, even if they seem separated, their relationship would prove otherwise.
Josh and Matt Gansky love joking around with other. Matt can never hear too many "Josh Jokes" and he even helps himj corrie up witb new ones whenâ&#x20AC;˘ he is desperate.
bose frien~s Karen Otiang and Jasper Ho have always felt more like family¡. . Here they are pictured wlth'the other half of the ~y', Kevin and Alex., I
Christy and Carolyn Power have an ' amazin@y dose friendship. The' three years they've spent together at SHSwere' .fllled With -. lausjls, songs, and slumber parties.
G>od friends Kelly McConnell, and~Amanda
Rlderhave always put famlly first. Ouistine McConnell and KrIsten Rlderare~
their older slsters have their prlorltles straI~t.
Jeny Kelly is looking forward to graduating - SHS will miss him, but he leaves behind two fun and intereStlitg students. His sister jrnior Erin Kelly and youger brother Danny will continue to grace the ~alls and dassrooms of school;
The second week of August brings not only the beginning of sports practices, but the beginning of everyone's beloved band camp. The m'arching band uses these few precious weeks to learn and perfect formations. With the hard work and dedication of Mr. Cooper, the drum majors, student marching intructors, section leaders, and the cooperation of the entire band,
this group of musicians puts on a show that brings a smile to everyone's face. They also hold a show in the auditorium called BandO-Rama. This year's theme was "A Night of Fright and Fun." As if that wasn't enough, you'll see this group in the Halloween, St. Pat ricks, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July
parades. This year they had a special parade to march in in Disney World. This trip is held once every four years and is the most anticipated trip to any member. Despite the hard work everyone still wants to join because nothing can replace the experience of being a part of the band.
Over the years band has allowed junior Chris D'Esposito and senior Brian Giuliani to become close friends. Chris is sad that Brian will be leaving him next year.
So who is in that cougar costume? Here the answer is revealed. It is senior Joe Fraatz. He can always be seen at football games cheering on the team.
The Halloween parade is a time for the band to be kids again, but at the same time act like grown ups and lead the Scenic and Sabold kids around Springfield. Winnie the Pooh, I mean, sophomore Ryan Kirby, certainly isn't afraid to get in touch with the kid that is inside of him. Despite their injuries, senior Jen Griglione, junior Becky Bogash, and sophomore Dave Pizzica show their support by attending every practice and game. Becky and Dave are looking forward to next year when their injuries will be gone and they can once again perform.
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DA.. C ...G V.TH 14......1 Color Guard
This year marked the third full season that the Color Guard was combined of flags, rifle, and dance line. Like the marching band, Color Guard's season started in thE second week of August with band camp. This group also met on their own in order to choreograph and practice their routines by themselves before combining therr with the band. As always their presence on the field added excitement and variety. Their hours of practiCing really payed off when the crowd rose to their feet to applaud their performance. As small of a group as they may be, they are a vital part of the halftime show.
Junior Stephanie Foster concentrates hard on getting the routine perfect. It is hard to stay in step with all of the other color guard members as well as the band , but Stephanie does not seem to have any problem keeping the rhythm .
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Color guard members Annie Miller, Stephanie Foster, Ashley Bensinger, and Dixie Dunbar patiently wait for their cue to start their half-time routine. Senior Aurelia Pontarelli shows off her incredible dance moves during the half-time show. It is enthusiasm like hers that is needed to make a good color guard member.
Junior Michelle Tomlinson quickly stops to pose for a picture before their half-time show.
Good friends Ashley BenSinger and Dixie Dunbar smile for the camera.
It is easy to see that Ashley Bensinger works hard perfecting her flag skills as she nails her routine during the half-time football show.
So Hyun Kim practices her rifle tosses during one of the Wednesday night practices. Being a member of color guard takes a lot of time, energy , and practice in order to perfect the skills needed to be good.
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Marie Carter, Heather Organtini, and Mary Filippone love to be silly and
wondering what
you just never know when you have Jason Rodgers as a stand partner.
)atrice Hughes and Caroline Bailey saw Iway at their basses. They are inconvenient o transport, but essential in an orchestra.
)usan Rundbaken and Britt Ori have love )eing stand partners. They always have a J reat time in orchestra.
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Winds are an important part of the orchestra. Here Robert Wagner makes sure he is heard above all of the violins.
Senior Jenna Bratz plays her solo in the New World Symphony by Dvorak. She is very nervous for the concert, but she has been practicing very hard.
String instruments are among some of the hardest instruments to learn. For this reason they start a year earlier in the elementary schools. The result is the harmonious music you hear at the concerts at the high school. The orchestra, however, would not be complete without the wind players. They are the frosting of the cake for the orchestra. Some may not know it, but the number of high school orchestras that exist are minimal. To have an orchestra the size that we have in SHS says a lot for this school and their music department. This group of students have proved themselves to be a group of talented musicians. With their abilities, they have performed pieces such as the "New World Symphony" by Dvorak. With time the orchestra can only become better at what they are best at: making music. SHS and the community will continue to look forward to more good times and great concerts.
IIAnd create a poem. II
A Breath of Fresh Air Symphonic Band
Mary Fernendez plays some holiday tunes as the brass section is asked to play at Alternative Beverage Day. Jackie D'Olio and Jess Davison enjoy being in Symphonic band together. They can't wait until they are ready to be a part of the Wind Ensemble.
A6i6:ty is to stare into the eyes offear,
Friends Mike Carson and Kevin Chiang keep an eye on Mr. Cooper to make sure they don 't get lost in the music. It's always nice to have someone you know in your section.
One place to be with friends and have a good time is Symphonic Band. It is larger than the Wind Ensemble and therefore easy to make friends and feel comfortable. Students that are at intermediate level or just starting out can join this group to begin their musical experience in SHS. This place is where students begin to develop skills needed to be in the higher level group and some even come to realize if they want to be more serious about music. They perform concerts with the Wind Ensemble and they travled with the rest of the department to Florida to play for the crowds there. For those freshman Disney certainly wasn't such a bad way to start their music career at SHS. Don't underestimate this group of musicians because they only get bigger and better with each progressing year. Their overwhlelming sound will blow you away every time.
Freshman Chris Burkhart gets a jump start on playing solo in front of a big audience during the band 's winter concert.
Bassoonist Amanda Noce has made quite a name for herself in the music department. As a sophomore she made all three district and regional festivals. Be sure to look out for her!
Nathan Gray gets ready to come in after several measures .. ofrest. He is a careful perso n and doesn't want to maka mistake.
Got Music? Wind Ensemble
These upper classman clarinets have had to work very hard this year because of the difficult music which meant difficult runs and a lot of practicing and concentration. \nna Zischkau's saxophone playing talents discovered in middle school when she was recognized for a solo she performed. 3he has continued to be an active )articipant in music program throughout ligh school.
\l\eg Theranger is a busy gal , but she always :nakes time to play her trumpet.
Wind Ensemble is a group of musicians composed mainly of juniors and seniors. Students have matured in their musical abilities and have a better understanding for the music they play by the time they have reached this group. It's amazing what can be learned in a The music period of two years. played is considerably harder, but they are always up to the task. The winter and Spring concerts are held in the auditorium to display the product of all that practicing. They were among the groups to perform at Disney and since everyone in the band is a part of the marching band they got a double dose of performing in front the crowds in Disney.
Brian Regan is known to be the nonchalant type. However, playing the cymbals helps wake him up since band is his first class.
Junior Max Kretchmer is a diligent musician . Although he enjoys the music played in Wind Ensemble he seems to enjoy jazz band just as much.
sure he comes in at the right time.
Brian Giuliani is looking good as he practices his solo for upcoming concert.
And come out strof1ger 6ecause of it.
CHORUS Sophomore Kaitlin Keegan , ~ Seniors Marie
Cartee and Jennifer ~~ Mulhern sing together ~ during first period choir.
music one more time during one of the many breaks to fix any notes they were confused about. â&#x20AC;˘"
Kimmy Pitkin and Alexis Abate sing their hearts out as they practice for the upcoming spring concert. The talented voice of Nicole Nester is a new addition this year to the choir.
Jason Orlando, Steve Corato , T.J. Deluca, Dominic Caponi, and Brian Dolani smile for the one of their breaks in rehearsal. Joe Zaccarelli looks very enthusiastic about being in chorus. Either that, or he didn't get enough sleep last night.
Megan Palmer makes her voice heard within the enormous choir.
is to wafk into a room of strm1gers,
Though the choir has lost man~ talented members over the past fev years, there has been a great amoun of enthusiastic voices from th freshman class and those who take i as their music requirement. Th( highlights of the school year includ( both the winter and spring concert~ as well as Celebration of the Art~ and the highly anticipated trip t< Disney World. This year, the choi had a very important new membe for the first semester, Ms. Noll, wh< took over for Mrs. Descano while ShE ¡ was on sabbatical for the first half 0 the year. The combination 0 classical and popular music, of 01< and new, made singing in thE an exciting experience fo all of its' members
Springfield Singers
\ary Beth Penjuke not only screams really rell, but has a voice of an angel.
For those that have an absolute love for singing and being challenged, Springfield Singers is the way to go. Selection for this choir is done through the process of auditioning. The choir has become so large that those more serious about singing are able to make themselves more distinct through this group. Another select group that has just recently form are the Treble Makers. It was a different scene when students went to class and saw Ms. Noll because Mrs. Descano decided to take the semester off. However, with the dedication of officers Jeff Lemon, Britt Ori, Tom Mathai, Mary Beth Penjuke, Robert Wagner, and Joe Pizzica events such as the Choir Lockin continued despite Mrs. Descano' s absence. With their dedication, hand work, and genuine love towards music, they have been able to make the choir program the best it can be.
Katherine Lemon and Amanda Noce have entered the high school and taken it by storm. Both earned a spot in Districts as sophomores.
Aimee Boldosser, Sarah Karlheim, and Kim Helme wait for the teacher to finish working with the altos and basses. 'hese gals are having a great time in ~hearsal as they sing their favorite song 1ey will perform for the concert.
Ms. Noll was greatly missed after Mrs. Descano came back, but she did a fine job and will always be remembered.
Andrea Syglowski, Danielle Lannutti, and Meghan Lustig pose for this picture during their breaks.
And come out with friends. 31
Cream Districts
the Crop
One of the highlights of the year for many SHS musicians is the chance to tryout for one of the District 12 musical groups. For these students, practice starts on the first day they recognize their talent. They spend months diligently practicing their routine in order for it to be perfect on the ever-so-stressful audition day. Based on their performances at these auditions, students are ranked with the others in their category, and the students with the highest scores within each group are invited to partiCipate in the District Band, Choir, or Orchestra festivals.
During this three day experience, students get to live with a host family, while at the same time getting the experience of performing with many other talented young individuals. Students also get the opportunity to audition for Regional groups, from which they can advance to State ensembles. Although the rehearsals are long anc exhausting, students still manage to enjoy themselves while making new friends and learning a great deal about the music they create, sing, love.
Robert Wagner concentrates hard on his singing. His hard work is clearly visible through his district placement.
A6itity is to admit you are wro119'
Karen Chiang is telling everyone that they too can be as good as she is in music and make it to districts. All you need is a little ai:,termination and a lot of practice.
Mr. Cooper is not the only one who gets to conduct. Here, Senior Jeff Lemon focuses on making the right moves as he gets his opportunity to lead the band in a practice run before their concert.
Caitlin Finnegan models for thE camera. Caitlin has one of the best voices in SHS and she is not afraid to show it off.
When you are wr0119¡
¡ :."1.
Jasper Ho Orchestra Krista Feliciani Orchestra
Robert Wagner Choir Jason Stein Band and Orchestra
Brian Seeley Band Dan Beal Choir
'. :
Karen Chiang Band Caitlin Finnegan Choir
Katherine Lemon Choir Amanda Noce Band, Choir, and Orchestra
Jeff Lemon
Band, Choir, and Orchestra
Christine Burke Band Mike Troilo Band
Rob Bell Orchestra Alex Ho Orchestra
BETTER SnfE Ttli-\N SORRY Students Aganist Destructive" , Promise, !1ocktails,- ana the ever-so.:: Decisions~ known as SADD popular ~ose sale for Valentine's day. throughout SHS, okay a primary With the-help of officers Kerin goal; it to support the student body Sweeney, Lindsay Kerr, Maureen Hiller, in making wise decisions throughout Kira Gutter, and Ann }'\arie Regan, as well as the aid of advisor Mrs. Barber, their lives. To make their decision easier, SADD sponsors many this group works continuously duripg activities throughout the duration of the entire school year to make sure the school year. In November they that the message of SADD is heard by held Red Ribbon Day, while everyone. December is reserved for the "Chain of Life" and the Alternative Beverage Event. They also have the
Kira Gutter is seen here displaying a poster showing one of the negative side effects of drinking. Being one of the officers of SADD, Kira knows a lot making the best decisions.
Senior Gina Bongiovanni pauses from serving hot chocolate in order to show her holiday smile for the camera. Gina is glad to see that the crowd of anxious students is starting to -ciie down.
SADD officers Lindsey Kerr (Vice President), Kira Gutter (Treasurer), Kerin Sweeney (preSident), .Ann Marie Regan (Secretary), and Maureen Hiller-(Secretary), are glad to see that the Alternative Beverage E;vent went so smoothly. They put a lot of time and energy into the event. To know that it was a big success makes all of it seem worthwhile.
Lauren Hutlemeyer and Jen Mulhern show Mr. Halloway all important information they are handing out that relates to destructive decisions. Even though they were new to the Alternative Beverage EV;:t4ike<, and po,te" were certainly enjoyed by the ,,"den".
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Kara Somers shows off her festive side with her Sa~ta hat. Kara's job at the Alternative Beverage Event is to supervise the food so that nobody takes more than their alotted amount so that the food -is plentiful.
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A6i6ty is to get 6ack. Up)
just could _ not help herself and decided to
Girls of ail ages just cannot keep their hands off of the rE:~d-headed casanova Chris D'Esposito.
Santa Claus, A.K.A. Robert Wagner is gla<:\ to bring a smile to the kids' faces .
Standing for After School Community Education, ASCE' s focus is on providing elementary school students with the 0PP9rtunity of interacting with high school students. Under the guidance of advisor Mrs. Dannaker and the aid of officers Nahreen Ahmed (President), Ann Marie_ Regan (Vice President), and Kira Gutter (Secretary), the main event held by ASCE is the maki[1g of the gingerbreac! houses. We can all remember, .as elementary school students tthe excitement and anticipation that we felt before attending the annual Gingerbread House Event . . Ndw as high school students, we get tq experience same feelings all ovef again, but this time /from-a different point of view.
Lustig patiently helps her younger buddy get started with his gingerbread house.
Kristen Williams, and Laura Dirico wonder if they can use the
. J_oe Fraatz attmepts to help his this little Junior Meggie Porrinni and Senior Jill Backall help put the finishing touches on !he houses of their new found
hen you faa down. _
sees if her partner needs any help on his gingerbread house.
ect al1b Protec1 STARE
to the Revlon company, protesting their use of animals in the of their
Amanda Taylor takes a break from writing and wonders why people can be so careless about the
Students Towards Rights and the Environment, more commonly known as STARE to the students at is an organization whose goal is to help and protect the environment and it's contents. Through monthly meetings and the Write-A-Thon, the voice of the STARE members is heard. Every year, STARE organizes the recycling that takes place at our school and it also has a highly anticipated and fun trip to the zoo and beach where they go to the Cape May County Zoo to learn rriore about animals. Then they head off to the beach, where they spend the rest of the day cleaning up the pollution that accumulates at the shores. With the help of advisor Mrs. Dannaker and officers Mike Troilo, Meghan Lustig, and Regan, STARE has made an incredible impact on our environment and the animals within it. Suzanna Johnson writes diligently at the annual STARE and Amnesty Write-A-Thon.
Mrs. Dannaker and Vice President Megan Lustig discuss the plans ..!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and itinerary for the zoo and beach trip.
36 .:, '
Junior Chrissy Tajen finds the work of this club very rewarding and interesting. She puts a lot of time into writing for such a good
President Mike Troilo looks over the agenda for today's STARE meeting.
Writing For Rights Amnesty International Junior Ahmed Karim is the Secretary of Amnesty International. As a secretary, he is responsible for keeping track of the attendance at every meeting and handing out reminders to the members of Amnesty notifying them of
Senior Britt Ori sings her heart out while alumni DJ Starr plays the guitar at one of the many Cocoa Houses.
Britton Bongaardt and Nahreen Ahmed discuss the up and coming meeting agenda and what letter they want to write about.
\mnesty is a global promotes and debates current issues )rganization that helps to free and around the world such as the lid person who are imprisoned September 11th Tragedy. This year, mjustly. Through monthly meetings the Amnesty officers, in conjunction md the Write-A-Thon, Amnesty with the Unity Club, held monthly )roduces hundreds of letters a year Cocoa Houses where students would lddressed to country leaders to help come, relax and watch their new and hese people who are put in jail or old SHS students perform, while reated unfairly for reasons as trivial being served with hot chocolate and IS praying to a different God than a variety of snacks. They were held .;omeone else. With the help of in order to raise money for ldvisor Mrs. Dannaker as well as September 11 th funds and Amnesty )fficers Nahreen Ahmed, Britton 30ngaardt, Sam Harms, and Ahmed Organizations throughout the world. Advisor Mrs.l)annaker speaks to the group .\.arim, Amnesty International also
Senior and Amnesty Officer Sam Harms looks up from her paper just long enough to smile for the camera. Sam is a very involved student at SHS, and her face can always be seen at various club
about their letter writing skills. As an English teacher, she know a lot about proper writing and makes letter that goes out is
)enior Tom Mathai writes a letter to the Ambassador )f China demanding the release of citizens who are >eing wrongfully imptidoned.
IIWIÂŤ~n everything seems Cost.
Senior and Nahreen Ahmed speaks to the Amnesty members at the beginning of the meeting about the upcoming Cocoa House and political issues going on around the world.
Jocks'R'Us Athletic Advisory
These crazy seniors may not look upset, but they really are. They are sad that this is their last year in athletic advisory and that they not be able to see Ms. Caffey every week.
Keon West is astonished and upset to know that his football game had been canceled. The athletic advisory group smiles for a picture during one of their weekly Tuesday advisory meetings.
Brett Mooney, Val Turner, and Christine Burke take time away from selling food at the basketball game to take a picture. Many of the members of athletic advisory do not mind selling concessions because it gives them a chance and reason to see iIoiliiioi~'" various sporting event
Senior Jackie Cifuni is happy that she got to get out of her dull advisory in
Athletic Advisory Council is a well-known group here at SHS. Members of this group are the ones who operate the concession stands at SHS home sporting events, handle any sports related complaints made by people and sports teams, and take care of all the morning announcements that we hear every day during advisory. Although Mr. Werley is still an advisor of the club, since his retirement last year Ms. Caffey has taken over most of the responsibility. This club is lead by President Jackie Nesbitt, Vice President Chris D'Esposito, Secretary Kristin Cellucci, and Treasurer Mike Wynne. These officers have extra
Tahra Johnson is not afraid to let everyone know that she is in athletic advisory as she shows her pearly whites for the camera.
responsibilities. They must plan all special events such as the Student/Faculty Basketball game and the All-Sports picnic. This club meets every Tuesday during advisory to discuss any current issues or plan upcoming sports related events. They also have monthly night meetings to determine the concessions and announcement schedules.
l\lO'PA1N 11 &"'N
,;rKeeping Fit ,;r t's alongside the radiators in he cafeteria, the weight Gom is a popular meeting lround for off-season sports )Iayers, jocks, and many other students. Under the :;eadership of Mr. Zumpano, ihe weight room is open to ~veryone after school three 'lays a week until Ipproximately 4:30 p.m. rhe no-cost weight room :onsists of everything from fee weights, the universal nachine, to tread mills; all 'hat focus on increasing both me's strength and !ndurance. This intramural lctivity is an excellent way to ;tay in shape, while at the ;arne time allows you the >pportunity of meeting new >eople and check out nembers of the opposite sex. rhe weight room is not only lsed for this after school , lctivity, but also for the gym
and physical conditioning classes, which teach you how to properly use the weights and tone your body. The students who take advantage of this room frequently and diligently will walk away satisfied with their new body's results, guaranteed!
Weight Room
Steve Ball can always be seen staying after school to work out and build his muscles. In this picture, he is seen doing bicep curls. I=~::::: One of the females who take advantage of intramural weightlifting is Steph Missar. Steph is seen here doing crunches with the ab roller.
As you can see from this picture, this intramural activity is not just restricted to working out in the weight room. Here, Dan Nguyen demonstrates his skills in break dancing.
A6iLlty - a ienior Mike Santella shows off his triceps nd biceps. Since Mike is on the football 2am, he tries his best to stay in shape ,hile in the off season.
simpfe word; with a comp~ meanill9.
Sometimes help is right in front of you where you would least expect it. The peer facilitators are an extremely important organization here at Springfield High School. Their goal is to provide students with someone who they can go and talk to. Someone who will listen to their problems and understand what they are going through. Each year the group has the highly anticipated Peer Camp, their sponsored dance, and special events such as "Meet A Peer Day" for the student body in addition to their regular responsibilities of helping the students. Each member must also give up his or her lunch during the six day cycle in order to provide their services at a time convient to all students. This group is made up of a very wide variety of students to try and help others cope with the diverse issues plaguing them. Ms. Moyer and Mr. Sackett have taken over the position as advisors this year while the usual advisor, Ms. Ardao, is on sabbatical.
Senior Tom Mathai and Junior Mike Stein serve as anchors for others to climb the rope ladder. It is team work like this that they learn ~isplay throughout their stay at camp.
Peer Facilitators
Pictured here are the helping hands of the peer facilitators group. After a fun¡filled and adventurous weekend of team building activities, meeting new people, and learning how to handle others problems, this group gathers together one last time for a picture before heading back home. Seen here are seniors Kim Levengood, Aimee Boldosser, Nahreen Ahmed, Caitlin Finnegan, and sophomore Meghan Lustig. This group of friends takes a break from the happenings at camp to pose for a picture. Peer camp is not only a place to make friends but to bond with the ones that you already have. Senior Jenna Bratz has been in peers since her freshman year. She only wishes that her classmate and friend Caitlin Finnegan would have joined earlier.
For many, a6iCity is neverfou~
The Right Move Chess
Club Jasper Ho Tina Tran ponders whether or not moving his pawn is actually the best move to make. Jasper is only senior in this club , so he is looked up to by the other
what move to make next. Although chess is a mind boggling game for Bonnie it helps her to relax and get away from the pressures of school. Gil Breingham can be seen in many 3-fter school activites. Here he captures his opponents pawn in the beginning of a chess match. --"""'"---""":-., an intense game .-=::;:::=~;:; ; ; of chess. Tino is one of the clubs
This has been the second full year since the Chess Club's birth back in the end of 2000. Founder and Senior Jasper Ho had originally carne up with the idea when he was brainstorming for a GIS project. Since then, the Chess Club has only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'I become more popular, growing But af( is within. vastly in numbers. This year, ~.¡;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;:"l they performed admirably in the Delaware County Optomist Club
Chess Tournament, with Jasper Ho taking first place, sophmore Eric Riviello taking second, and sophmore Tino Tran taking third. The current goal of the group is to win school funding and official recognization from their faculty and peers. Other than that, they are just here to have a good time and play a game they love.
Being a member of the SHS yearbook is a huge responsibility. Making the yearbook takes hours of writing, taking pictures, making layouts, editing, and ollecting . information. Members must stay on top of all of the happenings here at SHS. All of the editors shared one common goal - to creatâ&#x201A;Ź a memorable yearbook that can be shared by the entire school for many years to come. For the past year, the 2002 Yearbook staff has worked feverishly till all hours of the night trying to make their deadline, but nq matter how early you start and how organized you are, somehow time
manages to sneak up on you and suddenly the yearbook has taken over your entire life. Since S~ptember, the yearbook room has become our second home and the staff our second family as we worked our hardest to make this years' edition the best yet. Under the guidance of Mrs. Okcuoglu, Editor-inChief Jason Rodgers, and Editor-inChief Mich~le Eley, the 2002 yearbook promises to be one of creativity and artistry - a treasured momento for the 2002 school year.
Activities editors Karen Chiang, Britton Bongaardt,are . surrounded by Sports editors Kerin Sweeney and Dan Bowman as they stare at Jason Rodgers acting silly in the yearbook room as he often does.
Underclassmen editor Clare McKenna and Faculty editor Michelle Tomlinson relax and act crazy for the camera after meeting their deadline.
Advisor- Mrs. down and takes a break from her hectic job of working on the yearbook to pose for the camera. She has been working on it for the past eight and this will be her last. She will be dearly missed by the up coming staff. Editor-in-Chief Michele Eley can not help but fall asleep on the comfy yearbook room ~UI-!WI~iIII= a long, hard day
Faculty editor Jean Kearney looks forward (and up) to being an editor on next years' yearbook. :-
Underclassmen editor Usa Woods shows the camera her professional modeling walk that she uses on the runways.
Co-Editor Jason Rodgers .glances through pictures to decide which ones he can use for his pages.
Ponteralli try to figure out what belongs in each of the envelopes that are lined out
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A6ifity everyone in the face at one time. or
ltft Clfonof's NATIONAL
Senior Jasper Ho uses the digital camera to take pictures to create a collage for government class. advisor, Mr. Young, listens to a question that one of the members has regarding their hours.
It was a new look for the prestigious National Honor Society this year as Mrs. Barber decided to take a break after her many years of dedication to this organization. The group was without an advisor for quite some time, and was off to a slow start at the beginning of the school year. However, seniors Valerie Turner and Heather Organtini committed themselves to keep NHS running. After the time and effort that was put forth by both of them, after an advisor was selected, and when it came time to elect officers, they were elected President and Vice President. The faculty member to replace Mrs. Barber was the familiar math teacher, Mr. Young . This club is for students who demonstrate outstanding academic behavior as
Jen Mulhern and Patrice Hughes smile for the camera after one of their many meetings.
Officers Heather Organtini ( First Vice President), Jackie Nesbitt (Secretary and Treasurer), and Meg Theranger (Second Vice President) hold up their leader, NHS President, Val Turner. These four girls exemplify the characteristics of an NHS member. Kerin Sweeney helps decorate for the Snow Dance. Kerin volunteered her time to help set up in order to obtain more NHS hours. well as good character, leadership,
and community service. With a new advisor, there came some other changes. Members were greeted with a new charter and the newest and biggest change - the GP A requirement. It rose from a 3.5 to 3.8 minimum. In order to even be nominated, students must also take at least two Advanced Placement or honors courses during the selection year. With these changes, NHS is beginning to become more selective than ever before. It certainly is an honor and privilege to be part of an organization as distinguished as NHS. Members work hard to keep their academics, activities, and lives in order to serve NHS and the community as best as they can.
Aimee Boldosser is curious as to why her picture is being taken. As drum major for the band for the past two years, Aimee is quite involved and savors every moment that she gets to sit back and relax.
Dan Bowman intently works at the computer on his homework during his study hall. Since Dan is so involved, he needs his study hall to finish all of his homework.
this picture, junior Chris D'Esposito tutors reshman Mike Avato in geometry. Mike is lappy to have one of his fellow soccer team nembers tutoring him. Tutoring is one of the 'iggest way for NHS members to collect their line hours of community service per semester.
Karen Chiang can not decide what writing utensil to use to do her calculus homework. Although this is not the biggest decision she has to make, Karen seems to be having a lot of trouble.
w hetll.er your abifity is how were you
hoops, After a meeting, this group of NHS members smiles for the camera. Although there are over forty members in NHS, not all of them can make every meeting due to their involvement in other activities.
I"LlfEIS BEEN RECKLESS WITI1 TI1ESE PEOPLE'I "Life's been reckless with these people." Well, according to the cast and crew, life in this play was downright crazy! This is one of the many interesting quotes from the show. Some of the plot and dialogue was such dark comedy, they didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. However, audience members knew exactly what to do, cheer! While the script may be confusing to most, the caliber of the performances left the crowds in amazement during its successful run in mid-January. Reckless, written by Craig Lucas, began rehearsing in November and ran January 10th-13th. It was directed, produced, and designed by faculty member Rob Henry. The production also received help from Ruth Snyder, who designed costumes, and Pat Naismith who ran ticket sales and advertising. This production was also uniquely performed in the round in the blackbox Knorr theatre, which added a fresh effect to the production. The student who assembled the cast would like to thank everyone who made this performance qreat.
When posed the question , "what is 'Reckless' about?", the cast, including Sam Harms, Britt Ori, Mike Chevalier, Robert Wagner, Mary Filippone, Andrea Syglowski, Eileen Campbell, Aimee Boldosser, Caitlin Finnegan, and Doug Cashell, are unanimously confused about the plot of the play.
Mike Chevalier did a fantastic job of playing the kind-hearted Lloyd Boftilofti. Mike learned a lot from working on this play: it was his first experience with theater. He had a challenging time, but was able to get through it successfully with the help of his fellow cast members. Britt Ori had the challenging role of Pooty, the crippled deaf mute. Britt had to learn how to maneuver a wheelchair across the stage, as well as stop fidgeting her legs, and being silent when she laughed at a funny line. Britt was able to overcome these challenges, and handled herself very wello-.::age.
Mary Filippone took on two roles by playing both the cold office worker, Trish, and also a talk show host who closely resembled Sally Jessy Raphael. Many cast members had to take on several minor roles to help add to the absurdity of the play Andrea Syglowsk i had the challenging task of portraying the child-like Rachel. Her performance, that lasted two hours straight on stage, was beautiful to watch.
How weU you friP at dancil19J
During th is scene, Andrea Syglowski , is excited about Christmas until her husband , Robert Wagner, reveals he has a contract out on her life. Robert explains that work on this play "is the most ' d ifficult experience I've ever had in my acting career." Robert matured tremendously as an actor while working on this play.
,'. ,",
ttin on an Act STW
V\ary Filippone is able to keep her cool while the ~ntire cast surrounds her with plans to disrupt her '. )eaceful state. During this sketch, Mary teaches IS a lesson in human spirit.
Before the show, Doug Cashell gives fellow cast member Michele Eley a hug for good luck. This is a ritual the two share before each performance to help calm each other's nerves.
)uring this scene, Missy Weist, Shannon Bourke, rabitha Wurster, Andrea Syglowski, Eric ~omanoff, and Chris Mirarchi assemble ino the )ositions lOvingly referred to by director Rob ienry as "The Blood Drive Poster."
Missy Weist, Caitlin Finnegan, Alisha Taylor, Doug Cashell, and Dixie Dunbar all anxiously await the graduation scene, which also signifies the end of the play where the cast does their crazy "slink" to a jazzed up version of "Pomp and Circumstance".
While many students remain confused about STW, the students who are involved are certain about their role in the Springfield theater community. Springfield Theater Workshop is an organization of students who have had previous lessons and experience that are now on a performance level. These students organize thier own productions and often take them to local competitions in the Spring. Besides acting, these students get a taste of all aspects of working on a production, learning technical skills, set design, and even costume deSign. Students are also encouraged to direct their own productions, lessons, and warm-up exercises. While these students are lucky enough to have thier own class period, much time and effort is devoted outside of school. This year, the STW organization performed the one-act play, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, and took it to competitions at West Chester University and Media Theater. Students also worked on solo pieces through the course of the year. This helped the performers to expand their creativity as well as becoming more comfortable with themselves on stage.
the actors to be as childish and loud as they want, without being scolded by
Kara Somers intently waits for her computer to log her in. Advisor Mr. Zappacosta took over this activity, despite being the adivsor for the Literary Magazine.
The Spri-Hian is a timed honored tradition here at SHS. Since its first publication, this newspaper has been reporting on many topic~ such as entertainment, news, opinions, sports, and other various activities throughout the school. The journalism class, taken over by Mr. Zappacosta this year, meets every day, working hard to produce a newspaper that is read and anticipated by everybody. Students do not necessarily have to do all of their research in class. Instead, much of it takes place on the computers and outside on location. This years' Editor-in- . Chief Jehan Jamil is responsible for making sure every publication goes out without flaw. In order to, earn money for publication, the members of Spri-Hian held a danCE this year. This class and organization is open to any student here at SHS who is looking to get involved and have their work published.
Jehan Jamil and Tara Hewlitt read through the paper and critique their work that just came off the
How smart
you are at schoof. Richard Fetterolf patiently waits for his computer to restar1 after it froze on him.
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--~-~-~ . ! .....'-~-----;:..,...-
o So, where do the great writers at Springfield High School display their works? Where do the future Jack Kerouacs, Maya Angelous, and Michelangelos get a chance to shine? The literary magazine is a compilation of creative pieces, including artwork and literary pieces all by students here at Springfield High School. The members of Uterary magazine work tirelessly all year to put together their annual edition. The editors select student works to feature in their publication each year. The staff has a tough job of choosing
what to include, and what not to, but they can always count on their advisor Mr. Zappacosta when things get rough. The editors in chief, Allison Schultz and Ahmed Karim, along with art editors Arthur Lo and Max Kretchmer, typing editor Mike Troilo, and Uterary editor Sarah Kelly face a lot of difficult decisions while assembling the literary magazine, but in the end their hard work pays off when the magazine is finally published, and students get to see their work recognized.
couple of pieces of artwork. Being the art editor is a hard job because of the art submitted is very good and Arthur doesn't want to leave anyone out.
Literary Magazine
Editors Ahmed Karim, Arthur Lo, Allison Schultz and Mike Troilo smile for a picture with advisor Mr. Zappacosta.
Members of the club meet in a circle at the beginning of the meeting to discuss what has happened since the last time they saw each other. Junior Max Kretchmer ponders over whether the writing piece he is reading is interesting enough for the Literary Magazine.
Junior Mike Troilo Writing Editors Ahmed Karim and Allison Schultz look very enthusiastic about their job.
is puzzled; he can just not pick what poem to publish.
from working in order to give the camera a quick smile.
All Around Brainiacs
All eyes are on you to answer the question at hand. A bead of sweat streams down your face as you try to retrieve the appropriate information from your vast vault of newly acquired knowledge. Hi-Q has been the longest running scholastic competition in Delaware
County. The timeless traditions of this academic gauntlet have enriched the minds of not only the participants but the audience as well. Within thirty nerve racking minutes students are required to answer difficult questions on topics such as
Geography, Literature, Art History and more. Although it was a difficult year for the Hi-Q team, consisting of nine new members, the season ended on a high note as a result of the final match where Springfield gave the top seeded teams a run for their money. Left: Dan Bowman, Nahreen Ahmed and Karen Chiang listen to the question intently and try to recall all the information they have been studying.
Far Left: Nahreen Ahmed gives he! teammate Meg Theranger some helpful hints before the games begin.
As the advisor of the Hi-Q team, Mr. Young makes sure the team studies all the material that is given to them .
Even though Hi-Q is very intense, there is always fun and laughter. Jenny Hou is enjoying a good laugh to shake off some of those butterflies before competition. Left: Meg Theranger, Casey Homa, Arthur Lo, and Somaiah Ahmed are . the first group to go. They make sure the team starts off on the right foot. They have done that very well throughout the season.
Center: Advisor Mr. Young, Arthur Lo, Christina Correnti, Jenny Hou , Ahmed Karim, and Dan Bowman, Meg Theranger, Nahreen Ahmed, Karen Chiang, and Somaiah Ahmed.
For some, a6i6ty is lOst 6y never trying-
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The Inventors of
Tomorrow Science Olympiad
Who wants to spend their Saturdays in school and of all things study science? Well, ask on the Science anyone Olympiad team because that's what they do on their Saturdays. For those that just can't get enough of the sciences, whether it be Chemistry, Physics, Biology, or even Geology, Science Olympiad has events to cover all of those areas. They use the practices to get ready for Captains Somaiah Ahmed, Karen Chiang, and the Regional competition in the second Jasper Ho have been involved in Science week in March. The team had an extra Olympiad since their freshman year. They are glad that they can be a major part of it. competition this year that was held at the University of Delaware. It was the equivalent of a National Competition and was great practice for the team to be in shape for the Regional competition. It came into good use because their competition date came in conflict with District Orchestra and Disney. The man that runs the team is Mr. Zumpano who has been working with the Being an advisor and a teacher Science Olympiad team for many, many years. This year the requires Mr. Zumpano to use his captains that help run the team were Karen Chiang, Jasper Ho, and time wisely. Here he's trying Somaiah Ahmed. They are there to help the team, keep them to get those midterms graded organized, and most importantly help them do well at the competition as he and the team wait for while having fun . It certainly may sound strange to some, but those the award ceremony to begin. Saturdays for others are as enjoyable as watching TV or chatting with friends. It took Gil Breingan all year to perfect "Mission " But it was a rewarding experience for him because he built one of the more complicated projects.
Tim T omasura is working on his latest project called taking apart the VCR. Ahmed Karim is thoroughly amused by the . chairs at the University of Delaware. an extremely busy captain. She did it all from taking attendance, to creating tests, to assigning events, to making schedules.
Jasper Ho spent most of his time working on the building events where he got to use cool tools like this soldering iron.
. Chiang puts some KeVIn lane final touches on the P ff for "Wright Stuff. Jehan Jamil studies for Cell Biology even though it's her specialty.
It's not uncommon to see Dan Bowman, Karen Chiang, Jasper Ho, and Nahreen Ahmed have books open and studying for their events.
Service With a Smile Community Service The Community Service/Leo Lions Club is one of the most popular clubs here at Springfield High School. The club is one of the many at SHS that allows students to help the community they are a part of. They are probably best known as the club that rakes leaves for the elderly, however, there is much more to this club than raking leaves. There are many other popular
activities that are offered to the members such as volunteer at the Tyler Arboretum during the fall, make cards for the senior citizens in Harlee Manor, clean the roads with the program Adopt-a-Highway, and the most popular one of all the senior This year the club citizens prom. was led by senior officers Jen Mulhern, Ben Wood, Casey Horna,
Amber Mushlit, Ann Marie Regan, an< junior Mike Troilo. They were th rights hands to Mrs. Descano and Ms Snyder during the entire year leadin! meetings, making schedules, an< contacting the community to find mon volunteer opportunities. The Community Service Club is a great wa~ ' to give to those around you and to feE good about yourself at the same time.
Susan Rundbaken, Aimee Boldosser, Britton Bongaardt, and Heather Organtini pose with Santa at the "Lunch with Santa" held at Sabold Elementary School. Karen Chiang, Rebecca Mills, Casey Homa, Maureen Hiller, and Sue Jin Cheung break from an afternoon of raking.
Ms. Snyder and Mrs. Descano have been working together to keep the Community Service Club running smoothly and efficiently. They have devoted many hour:: and have dedicated themselves to making thE club better each year.
Pictured here are the officers that keep the Community Service Club in order: Jen Mulhern , Ann Marie Regan, Casey Homa, Mike Troilo , and Ben Wood. Ann Marie Regan and Jen Mulhern discuss plans fo r the next meeting.
Sophomore Christine Burke is helping out a fellow classmate pack the boxes during the Turkey Fund Drive. Thanksgiving is a time of giving and sharing not only money and food, but responsibilities as well.
ItNever tlJ'in9 to bent! ,.
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It's great to work togethel with your friends like Susan Rundbaken and Aimee Boldosser because the time goes by twice a~ fast .
oda~'s Students,
omof'f'o'W s FBLA or Future Business Leaders of A.merica has had a very successful year. · This is only the second year that it has been here at SHS. In November SHS hosted the Regional Leadership Workshop. Students from seven area high schools heard guest speakers address the topic of computers and technology. FBLA is lucky to have Mrs. Laubach and Mrs. Neilson as the advisors. They have put a lot of time and effort into . making this team what it is today. There · also has been a lot of effort put into this organization by the President of FBLA, Nick Sfida. They raise money by selling "Zap A Snack" and donate the money to the National Diabetes Association. In February the students competed in the Regional Leadership Conference held at Interboro High School. There, they competed in various · areas to earn a chance to compete at the state level. This year, eighteen students from SHS went on to compete at states in Silver Springs, PAin April. The school has had an incredible number of people move on •to states these past two years, even more than schools that have been involved longer than SHS. The Future Business Leaders of America have a bright future ahead of them.
eadef's FBLA
Nick Sfida has worked closely with Mrs. Laubach and Mrs. Neilson to get the FBLA team ready for competition. This year they were able to host the Regional Leadership Workshop here at SHS. Christie Pace smiles for the crowd as she receives her award. All that hard work, time, and energy has paid off in the end. It is a satisfying feeling she hopes to she'll gain with her participation in FBLA.
Mike Young is quite the stud as he awaits his tum to receive his certificate.
Jen Hollencamp isn 't sure how to react to Courtney Frost's behavior. It is evident that the two have fun wherever they are, as long as they are together.
Christina Correnti and Amanda Dambrink were so · excited that they were able to receive their awards and move on to states together.
Angel Turlington has been an active member of FBLA since the organization was formed last year.
. 7~bee"
Captain. Kevin Chiang shows the team a sure way of catching and hanging on. to the frisbee. Tino Tran tries to, pass the defender and pass the frisbee to his teammate down field.
These kids get together three times a week to practic~ what they love to.do, p1~y frisbee. Pictured are ~ob ,90rdon,~Gary Rothera, . Jasper Ho, Pat Rood, Kevin Chiang, Chris Burkhart, Will Azar, E"IIan Davey, Alex Ho, Tino Tran, and Suzanna Amy Johnson.
Alex Ho, Kevin Chiang, Jasper Ho take a break and watch the rest of the team play. Sometimes it's good to sit back, watch, and your gal'ne plan.
Tri-captains Kevin Chiang, Gary Rothera, and Evan Qavey keep the team together and in shape so they • are able to compete against other
This is a familiar picture f0r those that have ever watched an ultimate game. These guys are lining up and ready to kick ott. "ULTIMATE!"
II Or never tryilltT to score lii9fier in scli.ooc. II "
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Keenan and Anthony Tori pose for a picture after eating lunch in the lodge. They can't wait to go oui: and hit the slopes ag?in before they- have to go back to th~ hotel.
Elliot"Williams ana George Azar'hold up-Kyle . Ballerino and,Adam McNichol during an exciting . wheel barrel race. Although almost the entire trip was taken up. by activities, these guy? found time to just hang out and have some run.
Although it is hard to tell because of all of their clothing, seniors Heather Organtini, Sue Rundbaken, and Val Turner smile for the camera while on the slopes.
3ritton Bongaardt smiles for .the :amera after unpacking her clothes.
Senior Kerin Sweeney and junior Justin Hanrahan take . a picture while on the slopes.
Warren Middleton walks own the hallway at the hotel to let everyone know that the pizza has just arrived.
sports lie Art of Competitio
Football: 5th row- Coach Pratt, Coach Richards, D. Lanciano, D. Kelly, M. Telvaisa, M. Smith, J. Chrisanthon, B. Jones, D. Meier. 4th row- B. Mannix, B. Smith, D. Weisenbach, A. Karim, B. Stell, M. DeBiase, M. Butler. 3rd row- C. McGuckin, D. Pearse, W. Harrison, S. Heatherby, A. Sherman, M. Thompson. 2nd row- A. Amodo , D. Ferguson, J. Colbum, S. D'Ortone, C. D'Anjolel\, J. Eccles. 1st row- M. Martynowicz, M. Fattori, T. Womack, P. Touchton.
The girls group together to discuss strategy with Coach Organtini before a key league match. Volleyball demands a combination of skill, athleticism, and teamwork. This year's team possessed all three of these ingredients for success.
HE 2001 SHS
Volleyball team had more than a spectacular season, it was flawless. The incredible Lady Cougars went a perfect 18-0 against the stiff Central League, brought home the title for the first time since 1992; and earned a bye in the District Playoffs. What was the key to their success? Many will say the astounding leadership provided by the five returning starting seniors. Jackie Cifuni, Ashley Colantonio, Sarah Dutton, Sarah Affonsa, and Marie Carter were the backbone of this incredible team. When they needed a breather, seniors Alicia Coratto and Jen Mulhern were there to bring the spark off the bench. The underclassmen play was also solid; Kimberley Cifuni, Lindsay Lopatin, Christina Correnti, and Bree Dougherty were absolutely stellar. One game that showed the Lady
Cougars' tenacity and determination the home night match was against Ridley. After splitting the first two games, the Lady Cougars fell behind in the third, but they fought back to bring home an emotional
"I'd like to thank all the fans that cheered for us. We couldn't have done it without them." - Jackie Cifuni victory against one of the top teams in the county. The team had a great year, but the legacy doesn't stop here. The team has a bright future with talented underclassmen and a winning spirit.
Senior captain Jackie Cifuni sets up fellow senior Marie Carter for a thundering spike.
head :, '.
Senior captain Ashley Colantonio has been an integral part of the volleyball Springfield program all four years of her high school career. Her leadership on the court has elevated the :2"!~~~~~~ level of play of all her teammates and helped the program become one of the best in the county. Ashley's accomplishments on the court and in the fi!5• •~~.,~=t:.~i>::; ••.;1classroom have earned
Senior Sarah Affonsa gets down low to bump the ball to one of her Sarah is . teammates. never afraid to sacrifice her body in order to help Her selfless her team. attitude and outstanding . hustle helped to win the championship for the Lady Cougars. Senior Sarah Dutton shows her leaping ability ·as she pounds home ·another point for the team.
1~~~~~~&;~~~~=~!~~~~ltI~~~~:~~~J Philadelphia her a scholarship University. ~
Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Scanlon, L. Lopatin, L. Dubil, C. Correnti, A. Corrato, B. Dougherty, Coach Organtini. 2nd rowJ. Mulhern , S. Dutton, S. Affonsa, M. Carter, K. Cifuni. 1st row- A. Colantonio, J. Cifuni.
Junior Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Scanlon, K. Beal, C. Hanrahan, A. Carter, Coach Organtini. 2nd row- R. Roff, S. Spatocco, C. Kammerer, J. Rickards. 1st row- B. Dougherty, L. Dubil, K. Sugden.
should be on
Sophomore standout Megan Armor anticipates the ball coming her way.
The Lady Cougars and lay down meditate while receiving their pregame talk from Coach Purvis. This is just one of the many ways that the girls grew to become such a close knit group. Senior co-captain Kerin Sweeney fights her opponents for possession of the ball.
Senior captain Jenna Bratz prepares to pass the ball while Colleen Guille is ready and willing to back her up. Senior captain Tamara Buchholz is found displaying her highly effective stick skills all over the field.
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seniors to graduation the \ year before, Coach Sue Purvis' varsity field hockey lad had many spots to fill. The jerclassmen were forced to step and meet the challenge of filling . ~ open positions, which they all did oY successfully. The team, led by lior captains Jenna Bratz and mara Buchholz, and senior co)tains Alicia Loro and Kerin 'eeney, finished a with a strong ord of 8-5-1, earning the seventh 1secutive playoff appearance for .~ field hockey program. The . im ' s scoring leader was sophomore )erstar Colleen Guille, while Bratz . the team in assists. After starting t the season slowly with a few Igh defeats, the Lady Cougars ne together and clicked as a team t when it was important that they lUnt a playoff drive. Once they t the ball in the net the first time, ~re was no stopping them. The hlight of the season was their ¡lson-ending home Victory over hrival Radnor, 1-0, the second lr in a row the two teams played this score. The win catapulted the m into the playoffs, where they ~ntually fell to Unionville, 1-0. The m's iron curtain defense was led Colleen Guille and juniors Jamie
Lukert and Danielle Gibson, along with goalkeeper Emily Ringwalt. The offense was led by sophomore sensations Megan Armor, Kirnmy Pitkin, and Brittany Piotti, while the playmaker links were seniors Jenna Bratz and Tamara Buchholz, along with sophomore Alicia Compton. After yet another successful season, Coach Purvis has much to look forward to in the upcoming years, as the Springfield Field Hockey program is sure to continue its winning tradition.
Varsity: 3rd row- C. Guille, K. Pitkin, K. Penrose, A. Compton, B. Miller, C. Power, D. Gibson , A. Callinan. 2nd row- Coach Purvis, C. Power, M. Armor, J . Lukert, E. Ringwalt, L. Bollinger, M. Tomlinson, M. Stets, B. Piotti, S. Thomas, Coach Uff, Coach DiRocco. 1st row- A. Loro, J. Bratz, T. Buchholz, K. Sweeney.
"Our team will always remember this year as unbelievable. " - Tamara Buchholz & Jenna Bratz
Junior Varsity: Coach Purvis, B. Lockley, A. Conforto, L. Rschetti, S. PeHak, A. Abate, C. O'Shea, J. Siofer, A. Jonaitis, L. Hanshu, J . Werley, B. Ford, M. Porrini, K. Bowers, Coach Uff, Coach DiRocco. 2nd row- F. Pattani, K. Williams, L. Gordon, J. Gerace, A. Weiss, A. Dougherty, C. Aaron, L. Lucci, L. Mock. 1st row- C. McKenna, S. Getz.
"Squeakedy squeak squeakem." - Greg Gurenlian
This year's Senior Day was a . -.... r(.' -'.r, very special occasion, considering that twelve were
squad. girls
priceless experience that helped to keep the team in high spirits and win many games.
captain Hughes dears the ball out of Springfield's defensive area with booming goal Patrice's play at sweeper helped to keep the team close
Senior captain Kristin Cellucci controls the with a perfect touch as she looks ahead for teammate to pass to.
Senior goalkeeper Ali Mooney begins her leap for the ball while defenender Heather Organtini tries to fend off two O'Hara forwards.
Senior captain Jackie Nesbitt splits the opposing defense and charges towards the goal.
ITH A /YEW HEAD coach and many returning players with substantial varsity perience, the Lady Cougars, led by ior captains Kristin Cellucc, trice Hughes, and Jackie Nesbitt, proached the 2001 season with igh hopes for success. nfortunately, they were unable to nvert their talent, dedication, and . ard work into as many wins as they . ad antidpated. Although the ason was not hugely successful ased solely on their record, the dy Cougars battled competitively rough every game, coming up ort by only one goal in most of eir losses and tying four games. hese exdtingly dose games are a reat tribute to the incredible efense, led by senior goalkeeper Ali ooney, who received strong pport from seniors Patrice Hughes d Heather Organtini and junior auren Crandley. One memorable 'ghlight of the season was the Lady
Cougars' resounding 3-1 triumph over Central League nemesis Marple Newtown. The team gained predous momentum with an
"Our final
victory at Haverford marked the end to a great season under Coach Booth." - Jackie Nesbitt immediate goal 43 seconds into the match by junior Lauren Valerio, a consistently strong offensive force who would score again in the second half. Assisting on Valerio's two goals
'VarSity: 3rd row- Coach Booth, L. ValeriO, A. Rider, T. Johnson, . Wilson, A. Mooney, C. Johnson, J. Digian, D. ACito, L. : randley. 2nd row- K. Keegan, L. King, K. Levengood, H. rgantini, M. Borbidge, L. McGill, B. Mcintyre. 1st row- P. .Hughes, J. Nesbitt, K. Cellucci.
Kim were senior midfielders Levengood and Chrissy Johnson who ran the field tirelessly every game supporting both the defense as well as the offense. Taking advantage of the early lead, Springfield successfuHy controlled the play for the remainder of the game with relentless defense and an offense that was able to execute effectively thanks also to sophomore speedster Laura King, who added the insurance goal. With their blazing speed and aggressive instinct, senior forwards Danielle Acito and Jackie Nesbitt led the offense, backed by senior midfielders Kristin Cellucd and Bemadett~ Mcintyre along with junior midfielder Jenny Digian who were all equipped with the tenacity and determination necessary to successfully play their difficult position. As the team looks forward to next year, many agree that the foundation has been laid for a successful future with Coach Booth and his assistant Coach Otorolla.
Junior Varsity: A. Somers, K. Dowman, C. Coates, Coach Bantoe, B. Broome, A. Delucia, C. Callahan, J. Kearney. 2nd row- S. Taylor, A. Calabrese, C. Burke, K. Rider, B. Fogarty, L. Dirico, T. Wenke. 1st row- L. Miller, J. Allen, L. Boccella .
'Ghe hisher I bounce.
CAME steps were taken in the improvemenl of the entire football program witt into the 2001 season outstanding play and super! experienced, excited and coaching. This improvement wai looking to continue the team's return to its status as a most visible in the final game of thE Central League powerhouse. With a season, in which the Cougar: defeated Phoenixville in a 42-(, final record of 4-7, the team made significant strides in doing so. Their landslide. The Cougars dominated c team that had defeated them just ( four wins exceeded the win totals of year before. Even with the succes~ the previous two seasons combined. of this year's team, the future looki For many of the talented members of the team, the 2001 season was a even brighter for the SpringfieIc - Mark Byrnes record setting and certainly football program. Next year will seE successful one. Junior quarterback many of the contributing player! Kevin Mulkern continued his from this season's team returning impressive career by completing 93 along with a number of new talentec passes for 1035 yards in an injuryyoung underclassmen. shortened season. Senior Keon West set a new school record by catching 45 passes from his running back position. The other offensive weapons for the Cougars included seniors Dave Derr, Dan Onofrio, and co-captain Mark Byrnes. DefenSively, the team was led by senior cocaptain and All-Delco Linebacker of the Year, Phil Plank. Also playing solid defense for the Cougars were seniors Mike Walker, Mike Santella, Chris Thomas and Floyd Brinkley, and juniors Ryne Adolph, Justin Head coach Mike Heath tries to dry himself off while saying his congratulations to the team on their 24-0 defeat over Penncrest, the first victory of Heath's early career. Hanrahan and Dan Plank. Giant HE COUGARS
"We really improved a lot this season. All the guys on the team were great and always worked hard."
it -',
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Junior Justin Hanrahan gets one of his many sacks ¡on the season.
enior Keon West zigs and zags, eluding would-be tacklers on is way to the endzone.
Junior quarterback Kevin Mulkern reads the defense and barks out the signals. Meanwhile, junior Joe DiCecco digs in, ready to lay a big block on his man.
=nior Mike Walker gets a quick breather =fore the next play.
arsity & Junior Varsity: 6th row- K. Kelly, M. Stark, D. Plank, D. Johnson, K. Elliott, . O'Shea, J. DiCecco, J. Schatz. 5th row- P. Mulkern, R. Adolph, P. Scanlon, D. eCole, D. Carfagno, B. Dougherty, P. Bums. 4th row- M. Wharton, A. Shivetts, L. eenwich, C. Oberti, C. Owsen, B. Werley, Coach Schmenk. 3rd row- Coach Heath, J. Hanrahan, K. Mulkern, G. Phillips, V. Fecca, J. Piotti, J. Lafferty, M. McBride, oach Benjamin. 2nd row- A. Guille, D. OnofriO, D. Derr, G. Marino, A. O'Neill, K. iteside, C. Thomas, K. West. 1st row- M. Walker, M. Hutton, F. Brinkley, M. ymes, P. Plank, M. Santella, M. Fordyce, B. Cooper.
Freshman Allen King was a welcomed addition to the squad this year. Along with fellow rookie Jason Gibbs, Allen fit right in with the older guys. Freshman Jason Gibbs can't help but sneak a look at the camera as he passes by. Jason gained valuable experience this year and will be an asset to the program for the next three years.
Sophomore Tim Tomasura has enough gas left in the tank to speed by another struggling runner on the final large hill on the course. Senior captain Joe Fraatz paces himself while contemplating when he should make his move and pass his opponents. Joe has done everything a team could ask for in him as both a leader and a competitor.
In .
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arsity: 2nd row- A. King, Coach McCarthy, J. Gibbs, L. Vastardis, T. English, B. Spence, T. omasura, K. Corney. 1st row- J. Fraatz.
cross country team went through what many would call a rebuilding year. Senior captain Joe Fraatz had the responsibility of leading a young, ...._-_.. inexperienced team that consisted of freshmen Allen King and Jason Gibbs, sophomores Tim English, Bob Spence, Tim T omasura and Dave Corney, and junior Lou Vastardis. Fraatz did an outstanding job in bringing the young guys up and allowing them to progress as the season went along. By the end of the year, it was clear that the squad had improved tremendously and The reached their full potential. Cougars surprised the other nine teams at the Central League championships, finishing much higher than had been expected. The team finished with a
final record of 3-6. These victories were a team effort, but sophomore MVP Bob Spence should be commended for leading the rest of the guys to the wins. While the team will miss Fraatz next year as he leaves for college, the future
"I'm proud to have been part of this great group of guys. Good luck next year." - Joe Fraatz looks bright for the program. The returning runners hope to carry the experiences from this year and convert them into many more victories in the next few years to come.
Country t CROSS another ea~ had yet amazm . Their r g season losmg to Rad ecord was in nor, who th 8-1 ' only. the C ey later beat Cham . entralt The League b plonships. y their captain A earn was led whose leadershi nn Marie Regan determination p qualities a d' the team to beenabled n the and pushed __ best that th ey
"1' m very proud of what our team h accompI'IS h ed th'as ear , It'IS r 11 IS Y reflect'Ion of our ea yhard a work,"
Senior . u p In . a Case y Homa recent meet. is JUst getting warmec .
Senior Lauren H during a Iong race. utelmyer paces hersel
- Ann Marie Regan could be. The' team¡ m ost driven and d . IS one of the the Central L edlcated teams . While high school ents were enjoyin their summer break out running , these girls g ,preparin th were a & lantastic . season g h emselves &lor motIvation Th¡ c an d pa. ead. . elr oSItlve atrt d reated suc W. h cess durin Iu e It the confid g their seaso coach Mr M cent guidance of th . c arthy h elr encouraged d ' t e team best an excited to was t' Their ha d work therr og~therness pa.d r work and theIr season into I off as th ey turned year. an unforgettable
ar"'Y' 2nd row-So Thorn . ow _ L. Glace , K . Davey , K .as, A. Regan ,Ho C . rna, L. Hutelmyer, Coach McCarth y. 1st Tomasura.
"hese seven girls understand that cross country is a team sport, and that they oust work as a cohesive unit to come out on top.
Sophomore Laura Glace pulls away from her opponent as they come close to the finish line.
Senior Stefanie Thomas leads the way did this year. Senior Ann Marie Regan pushes it hard as -she sprints across the finish line.
won t
Seniors Krista Feliciani, Kim Palmer, Sam Harms, Val Turner, Michele Eley, Aurelia Pontarelli, Susan Rundbaken and Karen Chiang enjoy being honored during their Senior Day ceremonies. Along with Rebecca Mills, who is missing from this picture, these eight girls have grown into the best of friends from their four years together in tennis. The team will miss them dearly next year.
"Our record does not fully indicate our team's success this year." - Sue Rundbaken
tennis team proved that wins and losses do not always tell the true story of a team. While this team only won two matches, they still had a great deal of fun and managed themselves with constant good sportsmanship. In their two wins, this tight knit group blew the competition away, smashing Ridley 6-0 and Upper Darby 5-2. Their senior co-captains, Sam Harms and Sue Rundbaken, both went to the Central League competitions at the Healthplex, along with seniors Val Turner and Karen Chiang. Sam and Karen competed in singles while Sue and Val competed in doubles. During the season Val led the team by Michele winning 10 matches. Eley, Krista F eliciani, Rebecca Mills, Kim Palmer, and Aurelia Pontarelli were all also part of the varsity squad. The Lady Cougars will be looking to rebuild in a big way after losing all nine of these Senior captain Susan Rundbaken warms up during a long summer practice. seniors. Good luck next season.
Some , .'
Rebecca Mills looks on to see if her opponent can possibly return her hit.
~nior captain Sam Harms returns the ball with determination. Sam's 1mbination of power and quickness made her a difficult opponent for anyone.
Karen Chiang awaits to return her opponent's serve with a backhand shot.
~nior Val Turner turns to her coaches Ir advice before a crucial match.
Varsity & JV: 3rd row- Coach Malehorn, A. Borgia, B. Wright, J. Gerardi, M. McDonald, A. Pontarelli, M. Penjuke, J. Hollencamp, Coach Carper. 2nd row- S. Cheung, M. Roche, K. Feliciani, R Mills, K. Ellis, K. Palmer, M. Eley. 1st row- A. Miller, K. Chiang, S. Rundbaken, V. Turner, S. Harms, S. Foster.
\Von t.
Junior Ryan Laulis smiles for the crowd during the team's routine at a basketball game.
Senior captains Nicole F1asinski and Genna Starecky pose for a quick picture before decorating the boys' locker room for the football team's away game. home The final football game isn't just Senior Day for the players. These seven senior cheerleaders also enjoyed their moment the spotlight at
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CHEERLEADING ver wonder what cheerleaders actually do? Well, sit down because this may take a while. The girls ave two practices a week as well as . 1mbling practice on Sundays for a umber of the acrobatic members on Ie team. The team spends these . ractices working on their routines ¡)r hours, making . sure that every etail is perfect for competitions. then they aren't practicing they can e found at any of the football or oys' basketball games, home or ay. The varsity and JV teams )lit the amount of games they ttend, making sure that everyone , ets a piece of the action. At the ames, the girls get the fans fired up 'ith their cheers and stunts. They .rovide a feeling of school spirit and Kcitement at the sporting events, elping to give our guys that home . ~Id advantage. The cheerleaders Sophomore Alicia Destefano stays steady while performing a difficult stunt. so do a lot of work behind the
arsity: 3rd row- Coach Wynne, L. Stoner, J. McGrath, A. . DeStefano, A. Battaglia, C. McCrory, M. Tocher, A. Somers, oach Brower, Coach Kutyn. 2nd row- K. Angstadt, K. Aatau, A. eenan, L. Harrer, A. McFarland, C. Gualberti, J. Delviscio, E. tter. 1st row- C. McFarland, T. Bailey, N. Aasinski, S. Brower, O. Starecky, K. Somers, K. Cuthbert.
scenes, too. They decorate the locker rooms for the teams on the day of big games and give them candy for good luck. It's hard work being a cheerleader, but these girls enjoy every second of it. Senior
"We managed to overcome many setbacks and grow closer as a team this year." - Genna Starecky & Nicole Flasinski
captains Genna Starecky and Nicole Flasinski have been outstanding leaders, promoting hard work, teamwork, and sportsmanship that has carried the team a long way. The Lady Cougars have done a wonderful job this year and deserve to be congratulated for their efforts.
Junior Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Wynne, C. Monkman, A. Braconnier, T. Warfield, A. Lombardo, Coach Kutyn, S. Thompson, L. Gordon, C. Jennings, J. Barrios, Coach Brower. 2nd row- J. Sy~es, A. Delucia, C. Hoyt, C. Callinan, S. Taylor, M. DeMatteo, A. Feehery, L. Rowntree. 1st row- A. Harper, K. Brethenck, J. Woolson, B. Reed.
"We really came together this year. The fu ture of the program looks bright." - Tom Williams
The girls come together for a team huddle just moments before tipoff. Senior captain Sabrina Catrambone holds her follow through and watches her shot go in the basket.
Senior captain Sarah Affonsa discusses strategy with Coach Caffey during someone's free throws.
Senior Marie Carter and Lauren Crandley teamed up to become a dominant force in the post area this year.
Freshman phenom Alison Weiss grabs the offensive rebound and goes up for the putback.
best , ' , ,'
of each
Girls' Basketball
rollercoaster of a season for the Lady Cougar basketball team this year with no hortage of steep ups and downs. ~he return of several players with ,ignificant varsity experience proved o be an extremely valuable asset to he team, which was equipped with even knowledgeable and skilled ;eniors. Led by senior captains ;arah Affonsa, Kristin Cellucci and ;abrina Catrambone, the Lady :ougars entered the season with ligh expectations for success. After plitting two games at the annual Tip)ff Tournament, the Lady Cougars ;et out on an exciting and emotional Jurney characterized by some hard ought, well-deserved victories and
some disappointing defeats. The Lady Cougars finished their season overall with a respectable 10-14 record and entered the postseason as the 12th seed in the District I Class AAA Playoffs. Springfield was the Cinderella team of the postseason, pulling off a stunning 68-29 upset against 5th seeded Pottsgrove in the first round followed by a 16-point victory over 4th ranked Sun Valley in the quarterfinals. The magical playoff run ended, however, with a loss to top ranked Landsdale Catholic in the semifinals. While many seniors will be departing, Coach Caffey plans to make yet another long playoff run next year as a number of talented players return. As for this year, great job ladies.
arsity: 3rd row- M. Carter, A. Weiss, S. Hilliard, A. Carter, K. ifuni, Coach Caffey. 2nd row- K. Levengood, J. Cifuni, J. sbitt, A. Callinan, L. Crandley. 1st row- S. Affonsa, S. atrarnbone, K. Cellucci.
"Our determination and heart helped us through a trying season that ended in success." - Sarah Affonsa
Junior Varsity: 3rd row- C. Guille, K. Sugden, L. Miller, H. Hanrahan, Coach Caffey. 2nd row- V. Gambardella, T. Johnson, L. King, K. Penrose, L. Gallagher. 1st row- K. Cifuni.
Boys' Swimming & Diving
s T y I N G
into the 2001-2002 season optimistic about improving upon their performance from the year before. The Cougars' great attitude and determination allowed them to achieve their goal and have a successful season. The team was led by their seasoned veteran seniors: Ross Coates, Mark Digian, Elliot Williams, Jack Burke and Ryan Stulb. These five were able to use their experience to help accelerate the progress of juniors Greg Allen and Pete and Josh Gosselin, sophomore Wayne Williams, and freshmen Jack Cook, Joe Hamer and Jason Chrisanthon. The Cougars' only victory of the year came against Upper Darby, but the team was competitive in every meet and came extremely close a number of times, losing by only one point in meets against Penncrest and Lower Merion. Possibly the clearest sign of the team's improvement would have to be the number of members on the squad who
Jack Cook, Jason qualified for districts. Chrisanthon, Ryan Stulb and Wayne William, competed in the medley relay while
"This year was a success. We improved greatly, both over last season and as this season progressed." - Ryan Stulb Chrisanthon and Williams teamed up with Gr Allen and Joe Hammer in the free relay. Jac Cook was the lone individual qualifier for districts. He swam the backstroke and broke a school record in the meantime. Jack Burke also did well this year, ranking 6th in the diving championships. The guys returning hope to continue improving and winning more meets.
Boys' & Girls' Varsity: 5th row- C. Bailey, C. Coates, C. Ryder, M. Cullen, J. Gosselin. 4th row- T. Wenke, C. Clementsen, A. Abate, C. Burke, G. Allen, J. Cook, J. Hamer, W. Williams. 3rd row- Luciana, B. Homa, M. Stulb, P. Gosselin, A. Mushlit, B. Dunbar, J. Chrisanthon. 2nd row- J. D'Olio, E. Williams, D. Dunbar, R. Coates, L. Higgins, E. Dwyer, K. Palmer, S. Johnson. 1st row- Coach Finley, R. Stulb, K. Chrisanthon, M. Digian, H. Organtini, J. Burke, Coach Long.
mBself this,
Freshman Joe Hamer struts his stuff while showing off the latest trend in stylish swimwear.
captain Digian sit back and relax
Junior Greg Allen has no problem finishing strong on his final lap as he glides through the water. Greg will be one of the year's
Coach Long and Coach Finley take a picture with the captains of the boys' and girls' teams, seniors Ryan Stulb, Kara Chrisanthon, Mark Digian and Heather Organtini. With it being her first year as at head coach Springfield, Miss Long gave these four seniors a lot a freedom and responsibility to lead their teammates. Ryan, Mark, Kara and Heather responded to the challenge and did an excellent job of pushing the others while still having fun. Sophomore Alexis Abate is relieved to be coming toward the end of her race in the freestyle event. Swimming involves a great deal of strength and endurance to maintain a quick pace.
Sophomore Corinne Clementsen gets out to an early lead after a solid dive from the platform. Sophomore Maura Cullen remains focused while taking a quick breath during the breaststroke event in a Central League Meet. Maura is just one of the many talented sophomores on the team who will be expected to lead the team in the coming years and continue its success.
Girls' Swimming & Diving
HERE WAS A FEEUNG of energy and excitement around this year's girls' swim team, mainly )ecause of a young new coaching ;taff. Coach Long and Coach Finley Jrought their experience and mowledge of the sport and installed ~ffective workouts at practice that ~llowed the Lady Cougars to reach :heir full potential while having fun in :he meantime. Along with the help )f senior captains Kara Chrisanthon md Heather Organtini, the team )onded tremendously and became )ne cohesive unit. The Lady :::ougars had confidence that they :ould compete with anyone, and :hat's exactly what they did. The
team defeated Sun Valley and Upper Darby and lost by only one point to Penncrest and Lower Merion. The most memorable meet of the year, though, was senior night against Ridley. The team swam amazingly and there were several close finishes. The Lady Cougars also appreciated the large and enthusiastic crowd that attended the meet. The team had four individuals and two relay teams qUalify for districts. However, only sophomores Maura Cullen and Trish Wenke were able to represent Springfield at the meet. As we bid farewell to the seniors and thank them for a wonderful season, we are sure to see this program continue to make progress in the coming years.
"Everybody on the team really got along with each other. We never had as much fun as we did this year. " - Kara Chrisanthon
Sophomore Christine Burke paces herself at the beginning of her freestyle event, making sure not to waste her energy too soon. Christine is one of the most committed swimmers on the team. She swims all year round for a club team and even does some .1IiiII~!:J lifting to . .____________________________________________~________~________________~~ strengthen upper body. her
. . . w1nn1ng
Winter Track
R I D E by
HIS YEAR'S WINTER TRACK were mainly individual events rather than team. team was off and running as early as Although there were no team awards given, late November. Both the boys' and many individuals overcame many challenges girls' teams were comprised of and attained their own personal goals, and a diligent and committed athletes. Every person few of the girls made official accomplishments . as well. The 4 X 800 relay on the team was as dedicated team, run by Ann Marie as the next , and they all Regan and sophomores Anna fought through injuries and Calabrese, Kathy Davey and illness during the course of Laura Glace, broke the school the long and grueling season. Under the direction of Coach record an amazing three times in this event. A new Holloway and Coach Funk, school record was also the team was ready for a recorded in the 4 X 60, which very productive season. The was run by senior Lauren girls were led by senior Hutelmyer, sophomore Katie captains Ann Marie Regan, ~nd T omasura, and freshmen Anna Zischkau and Kim Siena Kane and Amanda Helmle while senior Joe Hutelmyer. Kim Helmle and Fraatz commanded the boys. junior Lauren Lucci won . These four leaders enforced medals in throwing events their disciplined work ethic while Anna Zischkau did very onto everyone else, and that - Kim Helm1e well in the pole vault this is what enabled this team to The team improved¡ year. be as successful as they were. Their main goal in the winter was to prepare immensely throughout the season, and all the for the spring season, which couldn't have boys and the girls on the team look forward to been accomplished without their hard work being a vital part of the track team's success in and dedication. Due to the enormous amount the spring season as they strive for a Central League title. of competitors in the Central League, contests
"1 thought we had a great season. Everyone improved a lot contributed to the team's success. I'm so !proud of th em."
Boys' & Girls' Varsity: 3rd row- Coach Holloway, K. Davey, A. Hutelmyer, M. McDermott, K. Fraatz, L. Lucci, M. Thomas, T. Tomasura, P. Flood. 2nd row- Coach Funk, S. Kane, K. Sudhop, S. Cheung, K. Tomasura, L. Glace, A. Calabrese, L.Vastardis, K. Corney, D. Spector. 1st row- K. Helmle, A. Regan, J. Fraatz, A. Zischkau, L. Hutelmyer.
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¡..=nior Lauren Hutelmyer makes the tum during her leg , the 4 X 60 meter relay.
Sophomores Kathy Davey, Anna Calabrese and Laura Glace are so happy after breaking a school record that they lift senior captain Ann Marie Regan in the air. Junior Lauren Lucci and senior captain Kim Helmle display the medals they won for their efforts ___....I. in the shot put.
=nior captain Joe Fraatz tries a few jumps outside on ie track during a warm winter day.
Freshman Siena Kane gets ready to take off in the long jump.
Giving .
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Ice Hockey
stellar 2000-2001 season, the Springfield hockey team was hopeful for a repeat of last season's run for the state championship. With six returning seniors Jack Burke, Chris Mace, Bob Simpson, Ben Wood, Pete Kobasic and Mike DiArenzo, the Cougars had a core group but needed to have some of the younger players fill in the key positions left by graduation. They have gotten these key players in the names of freshman Jeff Moore and sophomores Chuck Masciantonio and Kevin Brawley. With these additions and many other talented players, the Cougars played well all year and were serious competitors in the newly formed Central League. The team had many highlights from the season, but captains Jack Burke, Chris Mace and Ben Wood felt that the best games played all year were the two aqainst
powerhouse Conestoga. The Cougars were the clear underdogs in both matchups, but the guys came together and played solid team hockey to come away with two ties, 2-2 and 3-3. Overall, the team had a great season with a record of 12-4-3 and finished fourth in league standings. The Cougars also had a number of outstanding individual achievements throughout the year. Jack Burke and Kevin Brawley were the main pOints contributors, racking up many goals and assists. Chuck Masciantonio was superb in net every night. Also, Chris Mace, Ben Wood and Bob Simpson were chosen to play in the Central League All-Star Game that took place in the middle of the season. As sensational as this year has been, the future looks even brighter for the program. The Cougars are sure to be favorites for the Central League title in the next few years to come.
brand . . new
"I thought we had a very gooe season. The team developed quickly and fared well in a competitive league." - Ben Wood
,enior Mike DiArenzo uses his quickness to beat one man and reach out 1d win the puck from another. Mike was one of the main offensive forces n the team.
Senior captain Jack Burke catches a breath during a long, tiring game.
won t
left behind.
faculty The Art of Insp irill9 Others
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Teachers enjoy being with their families and are also actively involved a variety of hobbies. Each faculty member has unique interests that students don't know about. They that the students can learn more them from these next pages. Nevertheless, each teacher dedicates their time to improve the quality of education that each student receives. They guide their students and open many doors along the way. This kind of devotion not only gives students highest capacity for retaining facts, but it also make the experience enjoyable for all involved. The kind of environment the faculty creates allows both teachers and students to learn all sorts of life lessons from each other. The students at Springfield High would like to thank all the staff that contributed all their time and effort to make our school what it is today.
This year, the students of SHS had the great privilege to work with such an esteemed staff. Our faculty devotes so much time to our high school and with little recognition. The staff does not stop working at the 2:30 bell like their students. Their job continues with meetings and after-school study sessions. The majority of our staff take on coaching jobs for various sports or they become club advisors, which keeps them away from their family till the wee hours of the evening. There is . hardly a night at the high school where one or two teachers are not running programs that are beneficial to their students. Despite the late nights, they still manage to come back bright and early at seven the next morning looking more refreshed than their students. Although it may not seem possible, the faculty of SHS do have lives outside the school walls.
Ms. Mary Adamucci Special Education
Mr. David Ash Industrial Arts
Ms. Fonda Akins Special Education
Ms. Marge Barilla Director of Teaching & Learning
Mrs. Carolyn Bean Secretary
Ms. Christine Belton Art
", "
â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ "
Dr. Jeffrey Benton Video Production
Mrs. Wendy Bratz Mathematics
Mr. Joshua Block Social Studies
Mrs. Viera Cacali French/German
Mrs. Mary Boeni Science
Mr. Joseph Bosak Special Education
Mrs. Kimberly Caffey Physical Education
Mr. Richard Calhoun Psychologist
You may know Mr. Tierno as the guidance counselor down the hall, but did you know that he has a law degree also. Mr. Tierno and his wife their own practice. He is involved in the research end of the business, while his wife appears in the courts as the lawyer. When he was in high school, he was the captain of the varsity bowling team. You can still see him on the lanes from time to time. His goal is to get a "turkey," which is three strikes in a row. If you need help in getting ready for college, getting your schedule changed, or even how to get a 7-10 split, go right to Mr. Tierno.
Mr. Kevin Cooper Music
Mrs. Maria Cuozzo Math/English
Mrs. Donna DeRose Guidance
Mrs. Susan Descano Music
Mrs. Holly DiGregorio Administrative Tech.
Mrs. Linda DiRico Support Staff
Mrs. Cindy Dannaker English
Mrs. Janet Delahunty Physical Education
When Mrs. Driksmoore isn't busy cooking up a storm she's taking care of her two girls. But before that she busy biking and bodybuilding. It all started when she seventeen; she started with thirty five pounds and not long after that she could do well over a hundred. She been in many body building competitions at her gym. Once she took third place in a major event. On the weekends, before she had children, she and her used to bike two hundred miles. Doing all of these activities made her feel great and energized. She is very proud of herself. But she said that, "I miss doing all stuff but I wouldn't trade or change anything."
11 Mrs. Michelle Driks-Moore Family & Consumer Tech.
Mr. Richard Duffey Mathematics
Mr. Richard Ehmann Support Staff
Mrs. Marylou Falls Special Education
Mr. John Fernandez Spanish
Mrs. Connie Funk Social Studies
Mrs. Barbara Garling Disciplin,e Office
Mrs. Rosaria Giuffre Guidance
- :-_--"'
New to the school this year is Ms. Noll. She is replacing Mrs. Descano for the first semester of the year.
When outside of school, which is rarely ever, (he hasn't missed a day in sixteen years), Mr Trout spends time restoring his house. His house was built in 1883, which the Springfield Historical Society has made it into a collectable in a series. He also plays on a baseball team and says he can beat anyone in table tennis. While in school,Trout loves spending time eating c1ementines and collecting operation smile money with his advisory.
Mrs. Patricia Gorgone Duty Aide
Mrs. Janine Graff Art
Ms. Gobi Guck Levine French
Mr. Thomas Grubb Vice Principal 105
Ms. Ada-mud fikes to throw different theme parties for herfriends and family. Ms. Dannaker enjoys watc.1iil19 6fue6ircfs. she 6efieves that they are (ike "rt1a9icaf fairies comirtg to visit tier." sFte afso enjoys spendll19 time in nature. Mrs. DiGre:90rio's favorite movie is TFte Cutting
Mrs. Doris Gough Guidance
Mrs. Cuozzo is certified in both Mathematics and English. That is why she teaches the SAT Prep course here at the high school. You might hear Mrs. Cuozzo using some of her SAT vocab around the hallways.
Ms. Meg Henigan Guidance
Mr. William Harley Mathematics
Mr. Michael Heath Physical Education
Mr. James Heller Support Staff
Mrs. Susan Heller
Mrs. Deborah Helmle Support Staff
Mr. Robert Henry English/Theatre
Ms. Regina Hercer Nurse
J'I\r ~ Bosak. begged ar.d pleaded ¡to be lr. thls year's yearbook.~ "VeU~ here t,e ls!
Mr. Michael Heron Social Studies
Mr. Scott Holloway Social Studies
Mrs. Maryanne Hoyt Support Staff
Mrs. Rachel Hunter Social Studies
Ms. Bridget Kelly Principal
Mr. Sean Kenney Special Education
Mr. Block is a new teacher to the school. Many students have already become good friends with him. Before coming here he spent a year studying in Jerusalem. He spent many long hours reading and writing in Hebrew.
Mr. Timothy Kerry Special Education
Mrs. Amanda Kocherspeerger English
Mrs. JoAnn Kovatch Science
Ms. Anne Marie Laubach Administrative Tech.
Mrs. Patricia Leever English
Ms. Usa Uguori English
Ms. Kate Madaya Special Education
Ms. Meredith Lubking Special Education
Dr. Phyllis Maloney Social Studies
Mr . Tom Marchini Support Staff
Ms. Amy Long Science
Besides storing swine and frogs in jars, Mrs. Kovatch has another side that most of us don't know about. Three days a week, Mrs. Kovatch attends an auction and at least once a week she stops off at a yard sale or flee market. Another fun hobby of hers is sewing, she loves making all kinds of creative things for her family. Shown here is two of the dresses that she made for her daughters. Looking at the costumes, we see Mrs. Kovatch's flair for fashion design.
Mrs. Joyce Mastalski Support Staff
Mr. Stephen Mazurek Mathematics
Mrs. Mary Marchini â&#x20AC;˘ Support Staff
Mr. Daniel McAboy Special Education
108 '.:
":': .
Mr. James McCarthy Mathematics
" ','
Mrs. Dawn McDonnell Spanish
Mr. Randy McNally Director of Technology
Mr. Joseph Milnes Special Education
Mrs. Carol Meinhardt English
Mr. Nadzam is an experienced mountain climber. He started taking it more seriously when he moved to Oregon 6 years ago. He finds it relaxing, even though many people like climbing because of the adrenaline rush. It is challenging and fun to do even more mentally than physically. He doesn't mountaineer, that's what you see when people are climbing up Mount Everest. He climbs faces of mountains. He started this hobby at summer camps when he was young. Ms. Terri Missar Nurse
Dr. Braden Montgomery English/Gifted Studies
Mr. Francis McKnight Vice Principal
Mrs. Sue Ann Morrone Administration Technology
Ms. Barbara Moyer Special Education
Mrs. Bev Montgomery Support Staff
Mrs. Vicki Murphy-Kendall Special Education 109
Mr. Kevin Nadzam Administrative Tech.
Mr. look lives in Lancaster with his two children and his wife. One of his favorite things to do is to raise barns with his Amish neighbors. Whenever he hears of a bam raising he gets his hammer and saw and joins the festivities. Helping out the community is one of Mr. look's best talents. He really enjoys spending his time doing traditional activities like trimming his Chia pets and looking at his ping pong trophies. Other activities that Mr. look enjoys are making maple syrup, shoeing horses, carving totem poles and making gum wrapper chains.
Ms. Lori Noll Music
Mrs. Daphne Okcuoglu Art
Ms. Jeanette Nesbitt Support Staff
Mrs. Margaret O'Reilly Support Staff
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when Ms. BeCton is not teadiil19, she is carvil19 stone, kayakin9 or rompil19' Mr. Bosak has worked: in the restaurant Uusiness for the past 20 yea:r:s. And Ms. F a!fs enjoys furniture refinis 1iil19 and 9oin9 to the shore, wfUdi is her "happy pface."
Mr. John Patella Physical Education
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Mrs. Justina Pedante Student Services Supervisor
Mrs. Sandra Perkins LMC
Mr. Robert Preston Graphic Arts
Wind surfing, yoga and biking are some of Mrs. GluckLevine's favorite things to do. Before Mrs. Gluck-Levine came to Springfield, she was in an Algerian Street Band. She would play in Paris, France for the tourists. Her band also played in a club in Atlanta, Georgia. Right now she is leaming yoga and wants to be a certified yoga teacher. Last summer, she participated in a ten day yoga retreat. After a long days work teaching French class, she goes home to her two young girls. Also on her free time, she volunteers as a counselor for "Nursing Mother's Alliance." She provides free telephone counseling and monthly meetings of nursing mothers in the Wayne, Paoli, and King of Prussia area.
Mrs. Susan Purvis Physical Education
Mr. Trey Reynolds Teacher On Assignment Mrs. Tanner and her family are enjoying a weekend at a re-enacts of the French
Mrs. Gerda Robert Art
Mr. Samuel Sackett Social Studies
Mrs. Rehmani Sami Support Staff
Mr. Eric Scheidly Science
Ms. Ruth Snyder Family & Consumer Science
Mrs. Roseann Squitiere Support Staff
Mrs. Agnes Staeger Support Staff
Mr Stephen Stefani Social Studies
IDr. Montgomery was the teacher on assignment last year, which helped the English department develop their curriculum. He is also the facilitator for the English department for the grades 5 through 12. Whenever you see Dr. Montgomery he is always giving someone a happy smile, brightening their day.
Mrs. Natalie Tanner Science
Mrs. Natalie Thompson Duty Aide
Mr. Frederick Taylor Physical Education
A very familiar face around the school is Mr. Stefani. He has been teaching at Springfield High School for over thirty years and has become one of the most beloved teachers here. His cougar spirit has always been uplifting for aU the students, and his funny quips and interesting stories have become an essential part of the school.
Mr. John Tierno Guidance
112 :"" , 1
A new face you may have seen in the school is Mrs.Gerda Roberts. She is on a teacher exchange program from London, England. She said that she is not used to all the rules of the school and the block scheduling. She would also love to have longer lunches.
You may see Mrs. Purvis teaching things such as pickle ball and badminton, however, after school in the fan only one thing is on her mind: field hockey. Mrs. Purvis has been the field hockey coach at Springfield High School for many years. She dedicates hours upon hours of her time after school to lead her team to victory.
Mrs. Marybeth Tiger-Wesley Special Education
Mrs. PhyUis Todd Support Staff
Mrs. Rosemary TouhiU Administration Technolgy
Mr. George Trout Industrial Arts
Mrs. Lisa Tystad Special Education
Mrs. Francis Ward Spanish
Mrs. Deborah Weiss English
Ms. Christine Wens Guidance
Mr. Dan Vandenberg SCience
Mr. Skip Werley Athletic Director
Ms. Meg Wrubel Special Education
Mrs. Susan Wylie
Ms. Danielle Yoka English
Mr. Robert Young Mathematics
Mr. John Zappacosta English
Even teachers have their crazy sides. Pictured here is Mrs. Gluck-Levine on Halloween.
Mrs. Barber and Caitlin Hanrahan are having so much fun in Biology class. Caitlin has become good friends with Mrs. Barber.
Kammerer, and Shawn McConaghy are all great friends. You can see them talking about sporting events before advisory.
... .; .. .
Mr. Douglas Zook Science
Mr. Joseph Zumpano Science
:Ms. ErCinda. Ardao Mrs. Ruta Clair Mrs. Rita Deitrich Mrs. Rosaria Giuffre
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Mrs. Bar6ara Garling Mr. Steve Hopkins
Mrs. Joy
Ted Howett George HUt, Jr. Grf:9ory Lom6ardi William McRae
Kochersperger, Mrs. Tiger-Wesley, and Mrs. DiGergorio have one thing in common: they are expecting additions to family. Everyone wishes them the best of luck with their
McRae was camera-shy for the professional photographers, for the students he was more than happy to have picture Many other teachers were camera shy too.
Mrs. Tanner and her class are working hard on a chemistry project. Many students need help remembering all those ions.
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Fabulous ~m@"1D Freshmen September 6th, 2001 marked a turning point in the lives of hundreds of first year students. They became freshmen and had to adapt to a new world that required changes. Not only did they have to wake up a half hour earlier, they had to learn the hallways of a new building, block scheduling, and adjust to being the youngest group in the
Philomena Aiuto Adam Almore
Anthony Amodo Patrick Atwell Michael Avato Cynthia Ayala William Azar
Carolyn Bailey Christopher Balmer Christopher Barone Lauren Barranco Stephen Barrios
Evan Borden Adrianna Borgia George Boulware Kaylen Bowers Daryl Buck . 118
school. This class is also required to start a graduation project, which is new not just to them, but to the school as well. Although this presented many challenges, these ninth graders proved themselves capable in many ways. They showed the rest of the school that they are a good addition to SHS. We look forward to a strong and enthusiastic class of 2005.
Kristen Williams makes a stop at her locker before her next class. She can always be seen with a friendly smile.
Jessica Buechele Christopher Burkhart
Sean Burrill Michael Byrne Matt Hoffman and Danielle Lovett take a moment from their Spanish work to pose for a picture.
Courtney CaUinan Dominic Caponi Michael Carr Britten Carroll Kathleen Carroll
Alicia Carter Matthew Casasle Rachelle Cavicchia Andrew Chaplik Mendira Chawla
Jason Chrisanthon Brian Christopher Stephanie Ciammaichelli Shanneil Tony Clarke Jason Clement
Caitlin Coates John Conway John Cook Stephen Corrato Rachel Coyle
James Curran Jr. Christopher Louis D'Alonzo Michael D'Aulerio Jaclyn D'Olio Stephen D'Ortone 119
â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘. J;
Cate McKenna has been an Irish dancer since she was in fourth grade. Her father is from Ireland, and he knew of people that were Irish dancers so he introduced her to it. After several classes, Cate become a very skllled dancer. She advanced quickly through the levels of competition. She is now in the second highest level, called preliminary championship. She enjoys Irish dancing because she gets to meet a lot of new people and travel to many different places to compete. She is shown here in a traditional solo costume that she designed herself. The dress depicts a traditional celtic cross and ornate designs. These dresses can take up to a year to complete. Cate has gotten a lot out of Irish dancing and has learned a lot about her background.
I Jenna DIdonato I Jenna has been a cheerleader since the first grade. One of her close friends got her interested in the sport, and she has been participating ever since. She learned in Clifton Hights, with Keystone Cheerleading, and for the past three years has been in the New Jersey Spirit Explosion. Last year Jenna and her team competed in the very competitve National Championship in Florida. Other girls from SHS that cheer along with Jenna on this team are Kristin Labarca, Erika Fasciocco, and Heather Thomas. Even though she loves cheering, Jenna cannot see herself doing this after college. Maybe then Jenna will share her talent with younger girls through coaching. William Harrison Jillian Hash Joelle Hassano Stephen Heatherby Patrick Hegarty
Leonard Heller Kyle Hendrickson Brian Hennessy Colin Hiller Alexander Ho
Tyler Hodinka Matthew Hoffman Brynn Horna Cherylann Hoyt Kathleen Huczko
Francis Hughes Amanda Hutelmyer Stephen Iatesta Brittany Irons Joseph Italiano
Christopher Izzi Colleen Jennings Adam Jensen Shaen Johnson Brian Jones
We know why Frankie Hughes is smiling so much. It's because he's in Mr. Duffey's class. He is always ready and excited for a challenging math class.
Stephanie Jones Carly K.arnmerer
Siena Kane James Karagiannis
Adnan Karim Sajjad Kazmi Shehrezade Kazmi Michael Kelley Daniel Kelly
Laura Kennedy Sarah Kennedy Allen King Christopher Klaniecki Jessica Klaus
Scott Kurzenski Kristin Labarca Ryan Lancello Daniel Lanciano Brian Lefferts
Stephanie Lemaitre Hanim Lim Amanda Lombardo Danielle Lovett Richard Lynch
Gregory MacDonald Jessica MacGillivray Eric Magenheimer Anthony Maiorana Michael Malara
_ .. .
Sarah Mannix Michael Martynowicz
lilt's hard to be the youngest in the school this year when last year we were the oldest-"
-Megan McConaghy
Brittany Mastroddi Matthew Matsko
I'" & ,
,.. .....
'I ~.
Charles Mattioli Francis Matusik Amanda Maus Brian McBride Sean McCarry
Sean McCole Megan McConaghy Heather McCullough Christopher McCusker Margaret-Ellen McDermott
Maureen McDonald Lauren McFadden Jocelyn McGillian Christopher McGuckin Catherine McKenna
Mary Kate McKinlay Elizabeth Miller John Miller Amy Milnes Peter Minnis
Stephanie Missar David Mojica Carmen Molichella Christina Monkman ~eYMOOre
-"'I ",i" ,
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"It's really hard trying to keep all the older women off me."
"There is a lot more work and less time to see your friends."
-Jason Orlando
-Alix Duffy
he was awesome at basketball, so it will be hard to follow in his footsteps." -Mike Fattori
Julie Morton Desiree Murphy Kyle Murray Bridget Musser Casey Nave
Katherine Neary Nichole Nestor Kaylee Nichols Alexander Niklauski 'Jason Orlando
., , " ~.....'!.:
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, ~
Sarah Palmer Edward Park Drew Pearse Stephanie Pellak Joseph Phillips
Monique Helena Phillips Stefanie Phillips Tabitha Pinto Joseph Plunkett, JrAndrew Poiesz
Elizabeth Porcellini Alexa Razzano Sean Reed Edward Regan Sean Reilly
Kyle Rhoads Darlene Missy Robbins Randy Roberts Renee Roff Jaclynn Rudolph 125
Chris Izzi Chris Izzi has a unique talent, quite unlike the rest of his peers. He owns his own landscaping business: Izzi Landscaping Contractors. He meets demands for jobs all year round including cutting lawns, raking leaves, and shoveling snow. Chris' business not only provides a good income, it helps Chris develop a good sense of responsibility. He began his business when he was in grade school cutting lawns at his grandparents' house in the summer. He gradually got more and more lawns each year and built his business from that. Maybe in the future, Chris may use his entreprenurial skills to become a wealthy businessman.
Thomas Wilson Jessica Winkler Noelle Withelder Jeremy Woolson Britany Wright
Sara Zalocha Nicholas Zappo Melissa Zirolli
Long-time friends Laura DiRico, Jenna Werley, and Kristen Williams have a lot of things in common. One of these things is that they have all had older siblings come through SHS. Laura's sister, Andrea, graduated last year. Jenna and Kristen both had sisters in the class of '98, and have brothers, Shane and Tommy, who are seniors this year.
• i
Now, that they've gotten-a b etter feel for .the school, the class of . ready !~ take on their next two years. Although they're not upperclgssl1)eif yei; th~:9" .have become more involved with clubs and acti~i):ies~.'::'J.l)e~€ ~tudetit; f!ayE:::~ade appearances at athletic tryouts, after' sch061club "rneetin-gs; and have the chance to be in National tfonor. society i~r the. ;'first..'. titne.. They also have the opportunity to ,''''' atten.d the S.o ph-Hop;'Vlhicfi is the first dance offered to th€m 'located :,oVtsidl= of the cafeteria. ' This is the first class of SHS that .$as ts> :. , '. ~(:)mplete a graduation project, which is continuous throughout' their " , . foYr ·Years. As you ,c an see, there are a lot of firsts for the ., '-<! sopnomores, bJ.1t there' are still many more new experiences to come. ./
2004~ is
Alexis Abate David Acchione Rose Agovino Daniel Aiken Kaitlyn Angstadt
Jason Anszis Adam Ardary Megan Armor Danielle Avellino Clifford Bailey
Steven Ball Karlejandra Baptiste Eddie Barbour Daniel Barnett Jessica Barrett
Jennifer Barrios Kelly Beal Robert Bell Shawn Bennett Jeffery Bevenour
Lisa Bollinger Lisa Bongiovanni Steven Botta Joshua Bowen ~ Braconnier
Rose Agovino carefully places pictures in her photo journal. I Photography students _spend all year working on thes~ jO,l1rmils for class.
Classmates Amanda F eehrey and Dan McCole use the computer resources to work on a Spanish project. These reso urces are available in every language teacher's class room.
Kevin Brawley Gil Breingan
Kevin Brennan Amanda Broemel
Beverly Broome Holly Buckley Christine Burke Mallory Byington Richard Byrne
John Byrnes Anna Maria Calabrese Luciana Calazans Lauren Cannon Samantha Carfagno
Michael Carson Michael Cassidy Marianne Cellini Regina Cetrone Christopher Chamblee
Kevin Chiang Kimberly Cifuni Alicia Clement Robert Clements Corinne C1emetsen
Bonnie Clossey Katie Colaiezzi Samatha Collom Kevin Corney Alicia comp~
Chris Mirarchi Chris Mirarchi has been professionally acting since the age of 9, when he became a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG). Since then, he has been involved in movies, theatre, and commercials. Chris has had small roles in Twelve Monkeys, Wide Awake, Snake Eyes, The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable. He has preformed in Rags as the main character's son at The Walnut Street Threatre. Chris has preformed several times at Media Theatre and also here at SHS in ~ Bye Birdie. Besides acting, Chris has a passion for singing. He takes voice lessons and is a member of Springfield Singers. Don't be surprised if one day we see his name in lights.
Luciana Calazans Some of the more observant SHS students may have noticed a new face in the crowd this year. This cute smirk belongs to Luciana Calazans, an exchange student with the Ayusa program. Her native country is Brazil, where she lives with her two brothers, mother, and father. At fifteen years old, she left home to come visit the United States. She has been staying here since August of 2001, with her host family, the Missars, who have a daughter here at SHS. Stephanie Missar is a freshman, and loves having a girl close to her age around the house. Coming to a new country can be an overwhelming experience but Luciana says she loves it. She also enjoys the American way of life. She is learning a lot about the English language, and enjoys being able to practice it with people who constantly speak it. Luciana returns to Brazil in February with a lot of new experiences to share.
David Harding Ryan Harford Ryan Heron
Lynsey Anne Hetzner Brett Hewlett Jamie Hidell Francis Higgins Rebecca Nicole Hinkson
Jillian Holmes Michael Hutchinson Loc Patrick Huynh Ian Irrgang Alexander Irvine
/:<.haJid Islam t!eather Jacoby 'AaJi-Shan Javid . Sondra Jennings . t Dwight Johnson
Jillian Johnson Suzanna Amy Johnson T ahra Johnson Yiotis Kasapis . .Kaitlin Keegan
Dave Lucey, Dwight Johnson, Dan Nguyen and Kyle Matthews spend their classtirne working hard in the school's LMC. They are working on their important sophomore project with annoted bibliographies for their English classses.
Ashley Keenan Jacqueline Kellie
Kieran Kelly Michael Kelly
Alison Kerr Laura Kimpel Charrose King James King Julien King
Laura King Raquel King Ryan Kirby Justin Kopp Justin Koziol
Jamie Lafferty Harry Lanciano Danielle Lannutti Nicholas Legrand Katherine Lemon
Emily Lesutis Brian Levengood Kevin Lindsay Shana Litchko Justin Lockley
Kristopher Longaker Gwendolyn Lovekin Lauren Lucci David Lucey Megan Lee Lustig
John Lyons Dionne Lytle Matthew Magrann Mudassar Malik
Soraya Thompson, Lianna Miller, Kristen Sugden, Shane Evans, Matt Moore, and [an [rrgang are all smiles because they have finished their aSSignments for the day.
Matthew Magrann Mudassar Malik
Jeralyn Marcone Vincent Marino Joseph Marker Charles Masciantonio Steven Massimini
Erica Mastricola Kyle Matthews Sean McBride William McCafferty Daniel McCole
Christine McConnell Ashley McFarland Patrick McGarrigle Elizabeth McGlinchey Jaclyn McGrath
Lee McKee John McMenamin Ryan McTague Ashley Mendenhall Brittany Miller
Uanna Miller Matthew Milliken
Lindsay Stoner likes to finish math homework in class so that she has more time to herself in the evenings to talk to her friends.
Christopher Mirarchi Kelly Miscannon Elizabeth Mock Rachel Mollichella David Montesano
Holly Moore Matthew Moore Joseph Morrell Patrick Mulkern 'Erin Murphy
Scott Murphy Shannon Murphy Caitlin Myers Gabriella Napoletano Holly Nealon
Daniel Nguyen Amanda Noce Jillian O'Brien Daniel O'Leary Caitlin O 'Shea
Joseph O'Shea Christopher Oberti Rafael Oberti Kristin Olivieri Natalia Orloff
Alex Osburn Falon Pattani Katelyn Penrose Michael Perekupka George Phillips 139
Anita Seth Anita Seth has been dancing since the age of five, but it is not the kind of dance you would expect. Anita's type of dance is called "Bharathanatay am" . She really found a love for her dance at the age of thirteen, and continues to take classes in Berwyn from Shoba Sharma. She competed in her first competition this past November, but she does not enjoy competing. "This, to me, is almost my form of devotion, just as other people go to church," says Anita. This art form has become as much a part of Anita's life as anything else. She is sure that she will continue to do this in fifteen or twenty years. Maybe Anita will be the first internationally famous Bharathanatyam dancer.
Check out this photo composite done by Matt Scheier with Photoshop software on the computer. He reconstructed
Robert Spence Nicholas Stamoulis Eric Stanchak Alison Stell Meghan Stets
Leigh Stolnis Undsey Stoner Gabrielle Stumm Kristen Sudhop Kristin Sugden
Jennifer Sykes Michael Tashjian Victoria Taylor Brian Thomas Jeeja Thomas
Michael Thompson Soraya Thompson Sally Thomson AJ Tomasello Katherine T omasura
Timothy T omasura Joseph Tracy Tino Lan Tran Cheryl Tribuiani Christopher. Valentine
Stephanie Viggiano Martha Vlioras T amara Warfield Ashley Wassell Patricia Wenke
Brandon Wesley Matthew Wharton Amanda Wilkerson Jessica Williams Olivia Williams 142
', '
Wayne Williams Michael Wilson Michele Wright Michael Wysocki Michael Young
Jennifer Zane
_ l
Jazzy JubHant [jQJ_@~..,,~'-"';-, , y've made it ,through two years and are finally . . The junior class now have new privileges such _ the blue pass, their first snow oan-e.e, their' first prom and . the' first year with a JJ~ense (for most). This is also the first :. year that they 'can give blood' at our school's blood drive in . if::h~ ' fall, This .. seem~(J;Hke a ' sens~ 'of duty and patriotism for . rp9;fYJ~. miors WhC? \ veie eager·:to help our country in a time of ,disis : Junior 'year- Js ~iJsuC!lly the most stressful for SHS ' ents. Grades and activities' weigh heavily with colleges. \ is the y ear that the PSS'A tests have a real impact ·6n .. ·~stlideTilts'. fut~re, determining what type of seal, if any, will go Greg Allen jumps on the of Jon . q~ ~,Meir d~ploma,. Even with all of the pressure to succeed, Baitzei as they enjoy their free study hall ,\ thes~: juni&rs 'still' know how to have fun. in the courtyard. This is one of the many •
<I ...
Courtney Aaron James Adams John Adams Robert Addis Ryne Adolph
Alyssa Agovino Gregory Allen Jadyn Allen Michael Amberger John Antonucci
Jordan Arimoto Frank Baehr Jonathon Baitzel Kyle Baker John Bannon.
Ian Barbelia David Batory Ashley Bensinger Jacqueline Berry Lauren Boccella
Rebecca Bogash Jason Bongard Meghan Borbidge Gina Braun ~er Brennan 146 ~
Good friends Carolyn Power and Clare McKenna sport crazy matching outfits at their field hockey banquet. These two are frequently seen together all over school.
Kara Bretherick Ryan Brown
Prince Burns Ashley Callinan
.Jeffrey Cappello Daniel Carfagno Richard Casale Cara Cavicchia Sue Jin Cheung
Michael Chevalier Amanda Christopher Melissa Ciurlino Nathan Clark Amanda Conforto
Terrance Copes, Jr. Christina Correnti Jessica Craft Lauren Crandley William Cress
Matthew Crunkleton Cindy Culleney James Czuczman Christopher D'Esposito Michael D'Orazio
Amanda Dambrink David Damiano Kathleen Davey Bryan Delaney Thomas Delucia
Mike Roberts Mike Roberts, also known as Fonzarelli, has been rapping since 1998. He can be heard sometimes in school demonstrating his talent for his peers. Those who have had the opportunity to hear him agree that he has a natural talent for rapping. Artists that Mike looks up to and models himself after are Tu-Pac and Eminem. Since he began rapping, Mike has been writing his own material, and loves to perform his pieces. Other students from SHS that rap with Mike are Joe Rago and Shante Simpson. Mike thinks he win continue to rap in the future as a hobby or for his own entertainment, but not as a career. But who knows what the future holds? Maybe one day we will hear "Fonzarelli" on the radio.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘
Robert Wagner Robert Wagner has been singing, dancing and acting for over eleven years. He is part of the St. Francis Players and is a student and a teacher at Miss Barbara Anne's and Miss Carmella's dance studios. He has also been taking voice lessons and has been to the Pennsylvania Govemer's School for the arts. Some of the students that participate in these activities with Robert are Sharon Lanciano, Britt Ori, Jeff Lemon and Jasper Ho. But at SHS, Robert is the only junior drum major in the marching band this year, and can be spotted regularly dancing to "Louie Louie" on the track with the cheerleaders. Robert is a well-rounded student and thespian. We are glad to have him as a part of our school.
Meghan Hansen Ashley Harper Heather Hartrum Kimberly Hartrum Carina Hassano
Rachel Heath Kristen Heneks Sara Hessenauer Shanais Hilliard Edward Hitchins
Matthew Hittinger Jennifer Hollencamp Sean Horan J enny Hou Shelia-Kate Houser
Erik Howard Benjamin Howarth Thomas Hoy J ason Hughes Damell Irons
Vikki Italiano J ehan J amil Adam J amison Marietta J effers Charles J ensen
;'; ' ~t~:~,
Andrea Jonaitis Gregory Juliano
Christopher Kammerer Ahmed Karim Long-time friends Gavin Goane and Dan Plank were caught horsing around in the hallways. These two are a crazy pair! Sarah Karlheim Jean Kearney Patrick Keenan Sarah Kelley Erin Kelly
Susan Kelly Kevin Kirkpatrick Lindsey Koslosky Maxwell Kretchmer Dana Krueger
Joseph Landers Lauren Landolph Ryan Laulis Michael Liccio David Uoyd
Brooke Lockely Michael Logan Lindsay Lopatin Jaime Lukert Colleen MacCrory
~'~ .~.~ ... ~
. '" -
. . . . 1.
â&#x20AC;˘.... ; .
Erica Marcolongo Marisa Marinelli Kristen Markowitz James Marks John Martin
" 151
You may not always see Jean Kearney in the crowd, but you'll certainly always hear her. This little vixen may be small, but her voice is one of the biggest in the school. Shown here with her "mom bag", Jean's smile brightens any hallway.
Khaliah Martin Francisco Martinez
Peter Mattei Robert MacAleer
Michael McBride Shawn McConaghey Sean McCusker Michael McFadden Thomas McGarrigle
Kathleen McHale Clare McKenna Brian McLaughlin Kyle McManus Brendan McShane
Philip Mignogna Sandra Monastra Karen Moran-Thomas Kevin Mulhern Kevin Mulkhern, Jr.
Jason Munter Kevin Murphy Kathleen Nelson Grant Novak Joseph O'Keefe
Kathleen O'Reilly Matthew Orlando
Chris Spinosa and Alyssa Agovino share their thoughts on how to solve an algebra problem. This duo looks stumped!
/Ii: '!"
Lindsay Dubil Springfield Library
Christie Pace Herman Pace Megan Palmer Michael Parke
Andrew Pellak Mary Beth Penjuke Shannon Penston Leanna Perry Douglas Perusso
Jesse Petas Jeffrey Peters Hayden Person Brandi Lee Ptlugh David Piampiano
Kevin Pickard Gregory Pinter Joseph Pizzica Daniel Plank Marguerite Porrini
Jenna Porter Carolyn Power Robert Preston Anthony Rago Gary Ralph
Michael Razzi Jenna Re Thomas Rebbert Bridget Reed Kelly Rhoades
Dave Battory Dave Battory is an artist, but not the kind"of artist that you might expect him to be. Since he was a young boy, Dave has been creating pictures and words using spray paints. Rather than a fine paint brush or colored pencils Dave expresses his talents as a grafitti artist. You may have seen his work on display in the commons or in one of the school's art classes. He is also an excellent cartoonist. He loads up on art classes at school so that he can have more time to practice his talents, and he often attends an art school in the summer. Dave's parents have always encouraged him to fine-tune his talents. Dave purchased himself an airbrush at the young age of eleven to refine more detail in his work. Dave loves to create, but he is not sure if he will make art his career in the future. Whatever he decides to do, we are sure he will be successful.
Louis Vastardis Melissa Vella Robert Wagner Brian Walsh
Gerard Walsh Kimberly Windsor Lisa Woods Jennifer Woolson Erin Worrall
Joseph Zaccarelli
156 _
The Art of
DanieCfe C. Acito RemFor: Always being late Act: Soccer FavMem: Summers in OCBP, HI LOIS, Riding in Nelly, KISS OFF! The Dixies, MELEN-I-VM, FAB G , The Pod, 3 Blondes and an Ang, Spongebob, Carmel? Carmel Nut? Puss and Boots, Cute 2 Boot, 6ers Party, BBQ , Gossip at Acito's, Jill's nightgown and Nancy's Doily , "I'm Every Woman"- Nate (Ang's bf) , canolies, "Brenda's gotta baby" , Matteo's Bakery, AHH SCREAM! Kareoke at Chi Chi's, Modells & Putt Putt, "Hello Shena Baby Hello, JANET, MK&@, Junbugz, CALL ME! 18-whaaat! Mess: Laur, Ang, Fumes, & . Kris love you guys! Thanks Mom & Dad, for everything! Nate & Matt, love ya guys! Nate, you got my car when I'm done with it! Rocky, thanks for your great advice!
Sarah Affonsa "Snips, Fonz" RemFor: tooth Act: Basketball, Volleyball FavMem: Roll out, Every moment w/sup 7&Dan, Ping-Pong w/Tim , CAPS, Rubys, "She's Gone" Keon, Late nights w/Derek , Fear, Demarcos, Erics toot, Formals, Dinners wi Ang&Cif, Broweies loser week, Showers? 2- 16, Oldcrew, OGS, Florida , Creep w/Kareem , Phils room , 307 , Shanes AB, Cuz, Wendys, Tweety , Lovin Justin, Crazy Shaunta, Tfeds, Blaze, 10-31 , Fashow w/Eric& Shane, Shore, Chatsw/Kim; & Christ, Foam , Booboo, 6- 13, Diz & Dog, DanceParty, Tcakes, theDrink, Sprints, Ihop, Will: Cif-My Jugs, Genna-A Winner, Timlunch$ ,Peter-OnionMes:Super 7-We'll alway, be best friends, we know 2 much! Love yas, Fam-Thanks.Jackie-Bestest friend + other half,love you.Krysti-Wish you were here!
N alireen Husna Ahmed
Ian Adams RemFor: Tech Support, White Dragons, Monte, reg and gaf, wings, IV, Victor and his hair Sam and Dom , DC, IRC, AIM, A+, obaby, ACES, ScheidIy , Deiter-meister, the Skipper, Andrew, no speedo,JoeWonderbread.
"Naz, HaHa , Nazareni, Na-Ha-Ha"RemFor: Brownness Act: AI, Hi-Q , SO, YB, A.S.C.E. , Cocoahouse, Volleyball (9-10) FavMem: Borders Hang out, mootown &cookies wi Aim utterly ridiculous, G-School, crack in YB, AP Chern 2001 , cruisin'w/Mike&J-Ro, Kitten Pie Peer Camp Cocoahouse, STD withe Clash, PIIYM , Hi-Q Bus, short bus, insanity/sanity , couch time, culture night , human base, city of love, xmas songs brand spankin' new, Sabold posse, rainbow bunny Goal: To live it up Will: Mike-my sanity, Sue-my estate, Meg-cocoahouse, Maliha-my temper, Tammi-Perpetual wit, Jason-true Asianness Mess: "Parting is such sweet sorrow," but this isn't goodbyejust see you later. Till next time. Mom and DadDhonobad.
·,' J>'
The Beaut of the C ass •
2002 IS something to be gazed upon. Samantha Ash.
"Samia, Som-somy, Kachewy" FavMem: An Asian for life. Quote: My family, my love, my inspiration. Thanks for sticking by me in times good and bad. Sabah, always putting a smile on my face, love ya lots. My friends, thanks for great memories.
Favl\;l.em: Dorney , nights at Missie's, salt, baseB"ali i.J;I the rain, Yea Ben! hello mother, Hurtler, stalking, Avalon, getting married a lot , Susquehanna , guys in dresses, Target , breaking into Missie' s house, beep, Tolly , gimme sheet, 69th street, lost in the snow, welfare cantaloupe, I'll watch, but I is hungry , the other Chris is black, right? Harvey and Jack, pink, honey mustard, ham , peeing on the beach, I'm walkin, how much? Will: Leaa new air conditioner, Ben- an eternally honking hom. Mess: Allea- weird people rock! You broke my birth plates Mommywhat if I'm the normal child? Daddy- now I shall run in the mall No surprises here, you guys know how much I love you. Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
KimberlY Asbury
"Vato" Act: Lacrosse, Soccer RemFor: That eye thing, Being Italian FavMem: G3A. SOyd dash. Presidents day. Mecca. Bang Bang. WINGS. 1009. 1's house. 50 randoms. Trivial Pursuit. Jim's Steaks. Jovi'Ol. Shore w/greg and ben. Shampoo. IZZOs. -1. Friday football. Satanville. Ko's class. Schaf and Logs 4th in Av. OMG. Acct. w/lynch. Last day '00. Denny's. Handshake. 1's GB. Get Some. Will: The Boys- All of my Respect. Genna and Sue- a brother. Chris-skills. Mikestrength. Mess: The Boys-I consider you all my brothers, you have made these the greatest times of my life. George-My Bash Brother, you beat it. Mom and Dad-your love and support has put me where I am now, I love u both. Done and Done .
SomaiaJi K. Afimed
Gregory Avato
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"Friends... Sports .. ." "How close everyone was!" "Coaches and Teachers." "Eric Brady and Adam Garling" "Fun People" "Seeing the same people every day." "The girls." "Mr. Fernandez."
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George Peter Azar Act: Lacrosse, Fresh. Basketball RemFor: That Cancer Thing FavMem:Mem. Day LB: Wildwood, Mr. Stewart, Perce's Retard Cart Sean! , That's Our Bench, Pack of Reds, WYWH ,Mattress Dance, In the comer Roge Waters, Times with Alicia , 35 Shady People, Hit'em up, Breannan'sCeiling, Chillin'at Pip' Bon Fire's, 15 I-Quarters, Eggy , 3Strike's@ Sampson's, Tent Party , IZZOs-l , Getting Clotheslined-Ben and Greg, Smitty 's Post Prom , J's House, theJUMP, Helm's, Jacki you're awesome, Mecca , Bulge, Bon Jovi Chick, Tren's, Avato and Gurenlian you're my Bash-Brothers for life. Mess:I want to say thanks to everyone who prayed and stoo by me while I was sick. W I out your support I'm not sure if I'd be here right now. Just rem ember that high school's short, so live it up!
Jiffian Marie Badian: "Jill", "Patrick" RemFor: dancing, guard FavMem: Hanging out with Rails, Ann, Lauren, Anna , Bern, Jen, Amanda , Mo , Cas. Wildwood, Boston, Sea Isle, Britney Spears country , spongebobsquarepants, getting lost, hanging out with the guys, Lauren and the catholic crew. Bye bye birdie: Ann watch the door, m y pants, Bern's butt on Baltimore Pike. Maternity ward, making cookies. "oh****me" Anna stop at red lights. Stupid fights wi Rails "your mom". Mocktails. Will: Lauren: my boot & delivery room , Rails: My outgoingness with things, Mom: dad and Steve, Mrs. Regan: your kitchen. Mess: Rails: "mother of pearl" , Friends: it's been fun , we better keep in touch, Family: thanks for always believing in me. I love you guys.
Tallja Yvonne Baifey Shaunta Miller, Talifa Bailey, and Chris Thomas have all been good friends for a very long time and know they will miss each oth~r most next year!
"Lea f" Act: Cheerleading RemFo r:Youngest Person to ever GraduateFavMem:Penn State Gallery& Busrides w/Brit& Daniesha , Chillin w/Squad, Florida, Parkers w/Turk , Hey Boo , LunchC , hanging w/Ntown Boys, Phonetap, Shampoo , K .O.C., Chi-Chi-Man, Philly , Ma had a ... w/Liv, RedLobster, Hook-up@ Penncrest , Breath of A. , Fattygirl, Kelly 's w/Brooke, Crashw/Sarah, 6Flags, giveittome getting w/Keon, Istblk, Cars Adv, B-Ball, Marrying Andrew, PreCaic, Joan, lunch w/Dione , Lovin Reem , Roll-out, AfricaWiII:I Common Sense, Brit-benz jeep sitting on I dubs,Felicia-fashion,Brooke-Mac game, Ge~: Tumbling skills, Angel-the menz&happiness, : Tom-success Kareem-Good lovin' , Andrew- < kids Mes: Mom , Dad-Thanks for everything Hang in there because we've only just begun. ' Angel, I love you! You're the best friend ever
Christopher Baith Lauren Dombalagian and Julie Corliss smile because they know they are on their way home with their gold passes.
160 .
Ky fe B afferino "sky Ie" RemFor: Being straight edge. Fav Mem :Darevalley.3strikes at Samson's. Sleeping in the Honda at wildwood carshow wi Steve/Mark + chilling wi Amy/Hampel +running from the towtruck. The April + September wildwood carshows w/John/ Phil Not knowing to sleep. Bonfires at pip's house. The fight at pip's. Helmle's house. Bush ping. Firechicken swim club parking lot backroads. Bob's shore house 7/4/01. Late night tony luke's with Helmlelraces with everyone. Smokingfrog at Mr.tee's. 9/1110 I at wawa . Highschool s-bold carjump. Chilling with Michele and Sharon. Last week of summer with everyone at L.B.I. To all of my friends we had some good times "providence" good luck. Mess: Keith, Joelle, and Mom I love you. Mom thank you for every thing. A~ Ni.cofe Batttl9Ua. "lex" Act: Cheerleading RemFor: vanilla perfume, snorting FavMem: Times w/Scott , all concerts, all dances, high speedchase, snowman, etr, "the woods" , C roll wi courtney , campout , flaming trashcan, jams at hea thsl da rees, hoopty in OC, stealing the minivan, rollin, trips around springfield, jim b. sweetsixteen, ghettoshanti, walking everywhere wi sabby , marks sideporch , latenights, jeremys house, Blues, math w/colleen & dan, talks w/genna , beast, pappous. Mess: bree, thanks for the shoulder! All my girlies-we've been through it all never the goodtimes. Guys-its been fun. Love 'so daree&michele-I couldn't have asked for better bestfriends. Greg&chuck-hangin here it doesn't get any better. Mom &Daddycan't explain how much I appreciate & what you 've done for me. I love you!
Danie(Bea( "Beal,Carlos, Bealayfus"RemFor:Being really loud,weird,late,tired,always in choir room , playing Billy Joel,Act: Springfield Singers, State Choir,Leadin ByeByeBirdieFavMem:VA Beach w/Erika ,Y oWay! ,J.T .l,CursedA.fa lling ROCK,UnUnUnium ,Ext.23 BOWSER, Supertennis,Lester tsc,G3 ,Tool,Yes,90.1DBeal he's thecoolest.BrocciliNight.Locked inhouse with BS.Ext23.W.O.S,BigBootY,tennis w/aj , time spentw/Erika,timeswl ALLmyfriends Op.Hoochiem ama Will:Benito-m iguitar skills.Seel-some unununium .Ajayfus-my racket sport skillz .Regan-tool cd,reeses stick Mess:Mom and dad:I love u guys so much! Sibs.-Good luck w/everything,have fun all 60fu!Len-You' re my best friend man.Friends- thanks for every thing guys/girls Erika:thanks for showing me what happiness&love really are, I love you
Justin Bernstein. Act: Lacrosse Fav mem: Crew times, formals, algebra with Tizzle, Wings, Vandalism , Whipping, 1009, Late night at the crib , Ben's house, Christmas Decorations, Petty, Jovi, Bloody Shirt , fun at Welsh's, Lax trips, wax: KB out the window, GB's with the guys, Crum Creek, Greg talks, Vato's, Blaads, Friends, party at the crib when I wasn't there. Mess: I will never forget any of it. Mom , Dad, Jordan: I love you, I could not be without you. Jord: I know you will make me proud. Tom: You will always be my brother, you're the strongest person I've ever met.
Nicofe Christina Battag6.ni
Aimee Kr.isten Boftfosser
"Cole" RemFor: always smiling and clum sy vMem: all 4 years. Dances & formals. ¡nger printing the yolks. Mts. & skiing. Double up. Mil-en-e-um. Fab-g. Day !lip to SIC. Lost in philly wi rach. Lauren's house after school. Walks home. Observe the smell. Halderman. Advisory talks. Q 102, y 100, petty , bon jovi, bsb , billy. FH. Sleepovers. 12/01. No one got with anyone. Sea Isle wi jenna. George do you remember? Alpine. Foods class. Vera's. Over expectate. Milmount. Juice box ex plosion. Races. Her cars rollin. Locking me out. Clubs. Mark's party. Visits from mike. Good times with everyone! Will: Kristie - take good ca re of the fish tank. Jenna - cell phone and c's. Rachael - drowning hair. Mess: Mom- thanks for EVERYTHING, I love you! Joe - luv ya , and be good! Gran - I will miss you!
"little girl", "amelya" RemFor: friendly Act: NHS, S.S, drum major, PEER FavMem :Super 7, Rollout, Fear, cupolife, pole dance, sleep overs, marcars, Rubys.Bcheck. KCroadtrips. Dances. Rdwed. Loser wk, Dddates w/Nudy Marcar. Hween-sochat. Phone times wi eric. Times w/angs. Rere. Uknow. George.Monkey . Mootown. Billy w/kim . Malls w /jaboom boom . Bbbirdie 10K. LL. Blub. Blindate.T AB. Shored. Fat w/Patty. B/VB. Ezaskpie.Group6. nsync. Will: Caitie-sister act/ rides. Nez-man voice. Robert-fc Mes: SarahK-You want this! Good luck! F riends( esp girls)-I'll never forget the memories. I love u!Shane-you'll always be special to me.Genna-I tum to you. Ed-you'll forever be in my heart.Fam-thanks for aUyour support and love. Mom-I can't thank uenough for your strength, faith and love. I love you.
Jiffian M. Battista "lilly Mama AKA Earth Mother" Rem For: My Hippie ways. Right on! FamMem: My first Phish show. Phish July 4, 2000. Scwhilly times at concerts. Times with Mark. Groovin. The Bam. King Bash. Willow Tree. Ballymore rtment. Daree's house. The Spot. Night ! Swedish fish w/Steven Re. Deer Creek. ouchton. My Vanishing/Roadtrips. â&#x20AC;˘ L'ULlc,"'es wi Nelly . Nikki my love! Old Skool with my girlies. Marley Cat. DrumHemp . Kyndness. Goal: Don't let them nge me or rearrange me. Mess: Life is one road with lots of signs. So when your riding hrough the ruts, don 't you complicate your mind: Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy! bury your thought; put your dream to . Wake up and live, y' all!
Britton Efiza6etfi. BOl19aan(t RemFor: always having wawa peach iced tea . ho boots Act: way too many FavMem : borders hangouts. soph hop. snow dance '99, '00 , '0 I. gis. junior prom . cars adv. school dances. bellissimo. vermont ' 0 I , '02. pj dance ' 01. amc 10. the guys. photo talks. hanging wi sarah. shampoo. cocoa house. talks wi brett. meadow. beach trip. strom. Will: Mrs. P. - a daughter. Mess: Brett - you're the brother I never wanted and the best friend I always needed, thanks for always taking care of me. Ian - thanks for trying to protect me. Ky thanks for the hugs. Daddy - I will always be your little girl. Mom & Dad - thanks for making me who I am . Fam - I love you .
Greg Gurenlian, Phil Plank, Greg Avato are congratulating each other on making the Homecoming Court. John Manners and Eric Brady were also on the Court.
Cliarfes Bowman
"D-Bow" RemFor: helping out , being southern. Act: yep. FavMem: penncrest/ jenkins, britt faceshot , scrubs, gis, cars hr, sa lty duffey , dances, Europe, ny , dq, etown, afa sss, b-day cake, cocoa house, culture, playoffs '99 , mr barley , ridley battles, scheidley cha ts, varsity returns, team movies, haverford '01. Mess: hhh- stupid freshmen. soccer guys- best of luck in the future. duff- thanks for everything. shannon- you always made me try harder, thanks for giving me something to reach for. dad- you're all that a son could ask for in a father and role model, thanks for the tough love. mom- sorry for being such a pain, i'm grateful for all the love and care you've given me, i' ll make you both proud one day .
Gina Nicofe BOl19lovanni "Superstar" RemFor: Does it hurt to be dumb? Act: SADD Community service swimming FavMem: Phillies game with my girls, Cruising with amber and always getting lost , Down the shore Doing HW at the last minute With amber, Always talking on the phone and online with my girls, Biggie. Good times wlLinds, Aurelia , Lisa Bong, Lisa B, Caitdog, Tdog Mess: Mom thanks for alwa ys being there I love you. Amber what can I say? The times have been great and we have so many more to come. Family without you guys I would not be the person I am thanks for always being Mommom a lthough you are not here with me you are my guardian angel, and I know you will always be there for me no matter what!
Cfianne( Bradfey
Eric Brady
Wiffiam Booth
"Err" RemFor: Homecoming King FavMem: Times wi Jackie, Marie, Sarah, Aimee, Genna Kara , Friend, Sand, Alicia , Tommy , Shane, Dyce, Mark, Tim , Mulk, Mike, Loser week, dance ptnr Sue, Pre-senior week, Jackie's Birthday , Happy day, All formals, Truck, Acclaim, GC, Cutest Honda , We're good friends right? Late night talks, Posse, Famous Saturday , Phillies, Peyton to Marvin, Big L, 6 Minutes, Norris-town, Marie's House. Trips wi Sandy. PHE. Piotti, Lil Mu lk. Will: MulkCrown Mess: Dad- Thanks for everything, Thanks, Carter's, Starecky's, Cifuni 's, Williams, Mulkerns.Jackie-Your the best i can : ever ask for . Marie- I love you, Genna- Sixers: win in overtime? Sarah-Thanks for everything Looks do maUer, Kara - stop embarrassing me. Tom-You're always there thanks.
Sfiannon Ann Bourke "Shanny , Canadian" RemFor: being Canadian Act: Swimming, operation sm ile, stw FavMem: Dances, P.D. , blonde baby , butterball, Harry Potter, pizza boy , adams, my boys, I love ya 's! Taco bell, genuardis, cheekstea ks, Chinese food arguments, the posse, vuluptous, times wl rich, samish, leebee, Kath , Lis, Jon, other Jon, Alex , Canadian jokes, movie parties, Halloween parties, mall boy shopping, soap operas, inside jokes. Dilly stuff, commons, beatings. NFG, H20, RCH , Warped 01 , work stories, hair dye. Mess: Family and Friends-I love you all more than anything, thanks for all the good times. Boys, thanks for making my life more interesting. Will: Rich-some food , Jon-some food.
Britt Ori, Michele Eley , and Mary Filippone take a break from eating lunch to get their pictures taken. These girls can often be seen on the stage because they all love to perform and they do an excellent job!
]elUUl Lee Bratz RemFor: Always smiling. My laugh.Act: Field Hockey . Lacrosse. Student Council. NHS. AAC. Band. Orchestra. Peers. FavMem:Times w/Rob. Boston. Capon. Shore. Michigan. New York. Halloween costumes. 10/26/00. Valentine's Day. Spending time w/family. Proms. Disney. RISEN. CatchPhrase wlRob , Tam, Pat. Times w/Kim. Summer '99.56 rolls. Making movies. Purv's sleepovers.Getting lost. Hockey golf. My 'Iil sis Megan . Campout at Tam's. Christmas songs. Scrubs. AP Chern. BR. Connect Four.Will: Jeff- 4 wonderful years at SHS Mess:"Be joyful always; pray continually ; give thanks in all circumstances..." Mom, Dad, Jeff- Thanks for everything. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement! I love you! Rob-Thanks for the most perfect memories! You mean the world to me!
Matthew Bremum. FavMem: Dank and the hot box , Walter Waste, kill bin Laden, fry Mummia , the Brennan tapes, chilling with: Recke, Simpson, Perce, Pip, George, Nick, Elliot , Mark, Kristin, Dara, Joanna , UD chicks. Roasting with spoon coon, ripping B's, new friends at George's, Pantera concert , dangerous car chase, not really having diabetes, Ketchup Caper, Phantom Crapper, Southern Comfort , after school at the pad, 11/16 , driving around aimlessly , Wawa , my cousin: master of come through, thank you to the Russians for bankers, dressing like I'm straight outta Compton, Adam and me: we hit nerds, massive party at B's chilling in Jersey a ll up in the cornfields. Mess: T he average human only uses 5% of their brain, the other 95% is for experimenting.
Ffoyc:f Brinkfey "Hurricane, Amistad" Act: Football, Wrestling, track & field FavMem : Summer of 2000 , Orange cone baseball, Going to Jersey with Coop and the gang, driving backwards on the highway , Wendys, Eggs n' butter, Sting Mask & late nights in Prospect park , Tyler Chase, Races in Philly , the plant heist , Rollin pumpkins, killing Phoenixville.
Eric Brady and D awn Wilson
Eric Brady and Dawn Wilson are two students who make everybody laugh with their silliness, sarcasm, and hilarious one liners. Eric and Dawn are always causing their peers to erupt in laughter. Both students enjoy making people smile with their original senses of humor. SHS is very lucky to have these two to keep everybody in good spirits.
Ridiarc:f F. Buc.fuutan "Reds" RemFor: having the purple sheets and amber cubes Act: Boarding in Vermont FavMem: Big Mike's basement , Cruising with Benny in the Montecarlo , Chillin with Nick , Mike, Benny, Ted, Jason, Joe and Scott , late night trips to Dog Kenel sta ring at the loan leaf, Going to Rodger Waters with the sky and the Dino's, Senior week with Big Mike and the incinerator, Trips with Nick to South Street. Goal: To be successful Mess: Don't let anyone try to tell you who you are-only you can do that.
Friends Heather Organtini and Danielle Acito are showing off their cute smiles as they are walking in the halls between classes.
Ann Marie Regan
Cliristine B uckfey
In the cross-country season this past fall, Ann was among the top ten seniors at the state meet who qualified for regionals. This year regionals were held in Ohio where Regan placed 25 . By completing such a task Regan was the first woman's cross-country runner from Springfield to medal at states. Ann Marie continued her running into the winter track season. In the one mile, running a time of
"chrissy. aunt jenny. bulk. pigeon." Rem. for: working too much. Fav Mem : hanging with carley , jackie, caitlin, kat , gyna , the media crew. la locanda. bad kitty. countryside. times on the hill. cjjc. c basement. races. tissue? sis. parties. rio ride. krazy jackie. senior week. winging it. surf city. vermont. cliffbangers. s.street. k¡ floor shows. ja m on the river. thunder. sailing. canoeing. pottery. jr. prom. tradin: spaces. sixflags. cousins. Will: sis - my clothes. caitlin - my cell phone. Jackiemy money , and thunder carley - the rio. Mess: caitlin - you will always be my sister, love you. jessica - your lucky you look like me, love you. carley - we've had , lots of fun times, lylas. krazy jackie - we'" had some crazy times - lylas.
5: 19, Regan qualifi ed for the Meet of Champs and by placing 1st in the county Ann has won herself a ticket to states and recognition by many area newspapers. The Philadelphia Inquirer honored Ann Marie with the title of Athlete of the Week earlier in the season. Ann was also part of the distance medley relay and the 4X8 relay, which broke the school record this season. Regan is pursuing a college next year where she can continue her competitive running.
Jolin Burke "Sparky" RemFor: Varsity Ice Hockey , Swimming and Diving. FavMem: Flyers Cup, State championship, back of the bus' talks, river people, M r. B, Pool hall friend: Team Tough, S.LA.M., Pulling answers out of my butt in McRae's, Open labs, leap of faith , hawkey , New England street hockey wi Ben, Lauren "Eww", Hang- ing out with Recke, McNichol , + McGraw, Gif's house after the junior prom , sleeping a t Kelly 's shore house, ATMVandle, Prov dence crew, Mustang., Hanging out in pari ing lots ... all the time, Ping Pong in Andy's basement, diving w/Sarah, Christy , Patty, + Christine, hanging out in Ben's basemen! wi Anthony and Floyd, Crabby Dicks. Mess: Tobb Blake, Eddie Shore, old time hockey. Don't forget to put on the foil. By
Tamara BuclifwCz
Mark. ByrltÂŁS
"Tam" Remfor: addicted to chapstick, liking tinkerbelle, pink and soda Act: Field hockey, Lacrosse, Springfield Singers Fav mem: Times w/pat.Hangin' w/Jenna , Sue, Val, Dave, Kim , Heather, Patrice, Dan, Rob and Sarah. Summer cards. Pool hangouts. 1117/99. Scavenger hunts. Scenic six. Car rides wi Alicia&Kerin. Pollyanna's. FQQ.,02. "This big" . BayWatch Beauties, Val's big splash. TAB. Dancin' w/f.h. girls. Whip drill. Millionaire. My one race. Edu. trips w/Pat. My sisters Carin and Alicia. Campout '01. Billy Joel ' 98 , '99&'02. Oscars. Group of five . Snow dances, Soph hop, JrProm ' OO&'OI , Sr.Prom '99 ,'01&'02. Charades. Nice Game. Meteor Shower. Will:Val-TaylorMes: Family-Thank you. Pat- You're the inspiration. I love you all.
"Bergie, Byrnzie"RemFor:Being goofy, talL #44, Beastly Kicker, getting hurt Act: Bast ball , Basketball, Football FavMem: Fresh men bus rides w/Jackie, THM , Loser Wk, Curb Hangouts, Satanville, park bball, Marple '98 , Ridley ' 99 , Penncrest+RadnOl . '0 I. Hey Bert, TipOffTourn, freshmen squad, "Get on the bus" stupid egg, Ugh, Sorry varsity. Latesummer biz. Push it Hunts. The crew-ShaneTomBradyDyce MikeTimboMulkKristinJackie'sSarahLitt egirlMarcar, "I'll admit"Mr.C "Hey Mr B.' "Siiiikkeee" Formals, "Umm Yesss" Dext Beast, Niceguyclub, OGS, "Is it fake" "10 years ago, like next year" egg-isms, Return oftheMackWill:Footballteam-lights Schat My kicking skills. Timbo-my shorts Mes: Thanks mom and dad for putting up with me. Kdawg-best friend what else can I say
Louis cala.6rese "Lou" RemFor: being nice FavMem: Page/Crowes with Jimbo and Will hangin( out with all my friends, working at T-bird pounding dogs, chillin over Pa 1's, Tim's, Walton's + Mehok's, pack of reds, bag of carrots, early morning parties over Kramer's, trolley tracks, ripp-ing flynn's binger, My party ball bash, S2 st. w/smitt: and pebbles, bombthreat day, 4/20 every year, I S I , Halloween, NewY rs, the spot , j, Value runs, forties, etr woods, fermented grapes, tool, incubus, crowes, neil young in the back of steve's car, leshl dlyan, ac/dc, pantera, dmb, petty, snow storm at apc, trey anastatio + Lazer Zeppe-lin. "F you Lou" getting aressted +being grounded, + times w/Beast ice.Mess:My Family:thank for putting up with me for all these years.
Marc Hoffken finishes up his senior english paper in the library. He knows that he has to get it done in order for him to graduate.
164. 'i,. : ,:
Kristin Denise CaCfa.h.a.n "Kristone, Kris-love" RemFor:being myself FavMem:the group, capcupkip, alice's pool table, eyeball, kinkos, 4/ 17/98 , shedonkey , dim , just back up, bonfires, soph hop no no, pzark, apple pie, dubious, sum97 , odd, oplion, hot tubs, 6/9/00, rucereal , mattress dance, shore trips, phoa ,kn's room , times w/sa mpson, KN 's room , providence chicks, helm 's, tren's, flying fan , vanishing vomitter, whistle lung, orange cone, adventures, bite?, truckin, mudflaps, shady -gorge,dubs, sm itty's post prom, bling, crunk, Splitrock, blood honor, AHMDRCF thrice, Bernard, sabold, lovies,who am I?Mess:Mom&DadThank you for every-thing.! love you. Eddie- Have fun , time will fly , don't take it for granted.Friends-Thanks for the laughter memories, I love you now&forever.
Dan Bowman and Arthur Lo are seen here preparing themselves for the Hi-Q match against Upper Darby and Interboro.
Steplien Cameron
Lea Capri
"cameron" Rem. for: looking older. playing guitar. Fav Mem: the counterfeit five . after school at my house. ps. manners house then soon after redavids house. all my kind buds. elson glenn parties. popa hofkins house. stanton studios. hanging out with angels. late night at damons sleep overs. acid bombs in the park. peaking at the peak. peec. mail box etc. warren's house. shooting out the window with phil. popin over trouts house. pantera concert. first time getting served. t.j .'s birthday. the tree fort . late nights with gip. the gas mask. bowling with my pops and uncle paul. Message: james-good luck in life , you're and awesome brother. mom-thanks for always being there, I love you. angelayou 'll always be in my heart.
Fav Mem : This is for them. Taco Bell. Parties at Missie's. Getting Lost. Running in my kitchen. Dorney. Dances. Dinners. Avelinos. Clubs. The Boat. My mom. It's a humanly l Something about mustard. Keith and Leeroy. Phen Fen. Mirror people. Springbreak '0 I . Breaking i11tO Missie's. Dilly Stuff. I wanna be purple. Riding with Rob. Hypotheticals. She probably spit in it. Skippin back in the day with Blondie. Gorilla , Billy , Rinaldi, Neb. GGS. Cleaning the wax. I want a la rge pivva . My sister's wedding. Will: Take back everything you've broken. Kathleen and Joey-my wall. Sam- my air conditioner. Missie- my door. Mess: Grandmomword. Mom- I got yo ur remote. Dad- I'm going to Taco Bell, do you want anyth ing?
Eifeen Regina. Camp6ea RemFor: art, book 0' quotes FavMem : Cotton Girls, WCU competitions, block parties w/Britt, Joe Hat , Madonna w/Mare, pirate snore monkey , Oklahom a, Antigone, charades at Erin's, Jake's Women, study hall '99 , UD hoodlums, senior gym , 10/06 /0 I, Spanish w/ Jeff, Mike & Karen, hot water, Denny's, barrel, UDSS '99-'01 , pa. ales magicos, Gomek, way too many inside jokes w/Cait, mahogany , Flogging Moll y, STW, Border's. Mess: To Caitlin, Mary and Tabitha , the old school gang, I'll love you forever. All I really need to know I learned from you. Mom, lowe you everything. Dad and Matt , I love yo u. All my love to my amazing friends, here's to more great quotes!
NidwCas CantatuCo "Nick Cantando" Remembered for: hanging in the garage. being creative. slim jim . Memories: great times with my friends. da re va lley. reda vid's house. tj 's big busted bash. the wort. country lane. the bam. the garage. rock at the fork in the road. ron's scalp. otis! boxing matches. who throws fish? skateboarding. driving around. passout. 1st timesl wrestling matches. ishnesh. trampolines. punching bag challenge 28 i, minutes. tripped on targets hill. ned. window warriors. ' it clicks." "begs 'n' ackon." "just whew it." "you girls look lost." "were not gonna hurt ya or anything." the timothy's crew. "jim's steaks doesn't just have steaks!" tokeman.
Sam Ash Sam became interested in racing cars because it was something her dad loved to do. He himself had raced go-carts, and was a strong supporter of his daughter. By the time Sam was nine years old, she became an excellent racer for her age. In one season of 25 races, Sam was
able to come away with 23 wins. Sam entered the quarter midgets when she was 10 years old. At the age of 14 she began to race cars as well as fIx them. During tlns time Sam won the TriState Championship. Sam would like to get some more championship titles in the future. Good luck Sam!
Cait6n Carney-jones "Cait, whitegirl."RemFor:cake,small hand, FavMem:Denny's,borders,shampoo,Dylar shows;lunch w/Corinne&Jason , micheals, newyrs:proms,senior wk,puppies, wigging itjudy'spa rties,countryside, adv ,com mons LBI party ,drum circle, sean? I could go for some,Sealsle,the strip, Thousandlslands, photo talks,cliffhangers, jam on the river, pony boy ,caitlinsquared,toilet-sea t covers, Gomek,Linvilla ,right?Probably would have beat you anyway.tissue? Playday Mess:Fam: I love you guys, thanks for always being there,Dad-thanks for the talks and always under-standing,Friendsyou guys mean the world to me, thanks fo making me feel like [ belonged,Christyyou'll always be my sister, love ya, Brianthanks for putting up w/ my raving lunacy
Marie A. Carter "MarCar" FavMem: Super7. Viola Club. Rollout. AAMCO. Dan-Great times, nevel ever change. Blaze What?!. Crunchy Ice. Biologysoulmates. Nicks. Blindate. Petty w/Penrose. Celluchs Sleepovers. Dddates. Soph w/Chris. Oldcrew. Phillygirls-Fudds. Times w/Cavan. Sams. Clash'STD. Vacation- Golfcourse. Guaranteed Goodtime Genna . Neighborhood Hangout. Sister-Jean. Bree-Maybe. Genna & Sue-It' ~ been an experience. Will: Dan & Andrew: Food in Kitchen. Tfed: Apples. Penrose &Colzy: BugCity . Mess: Super7- The best friends I could have ever had, I love you. Eric &Tommy-If we pull this off... SueYou've impacted me in ways you couldn't believe, thank you. Alicia-Your awesome, I love you. Mom&Dad-I love you always.
Doug Cashell and Andrea Syglowski Exhausting rehersals, hundreds oflines to memorize, and exhilarating opening night performances are a way of life for Doug and Andrea. These two aspiring actors have been a part of almost every play and musical and have held many leading as well as supporting roles. Doug and Andrea truly know how to captivate an audience and have been known to bring the house down with their amazing performances.
Steven A. Carj"9no "Stevie Bear, Mr. 2Pac," Act: Carfagno family dungeonFavMem: Team tough, SIAM , all the concerts I went to except Neil Young (ha ha yea Lou), Money Inc. at LT , JS, back ofWaltons, Jam Sandwich, Lumm ix, 3 PBs at Lous, spitting out the window w/ Joe, Susan's back room, Ron 151 , Jims boots at shampoo, BBQ at my house, trips down the shore w/ Will , Crazy Pete, "Thanksl-thanks for the ride.", the tressel , Corbys, chavette, getting gangsta, "Stop spraying me" -Jack Burke, NC w/ friends, entire 4th period senior English class, digit.Will: Dan - The ability to fart at will. Message: To my friends (you know who you are) and family , what can I say? Thanks.
Doug fa.s A~ncfer CasheCC "Dougie"RemFor: Being a nice guy , always having my own opinion, making a fool of myself FavMem: Ozzfest 2001, trip to south street , nights in Devon, POA , guys night sleepovers, soda can battle, shows/practices w/ my boys in Malevolent , AMA trip, Virginia Beach , Senior Prom 2001 , all theater performances, car adventures with Eric, late night dining, Seeley's crazy side Goal: Never stop rocking until I drop Will: Eric-An existence, Stulb- ability to agree with me, Seeley- girl that doesn't exist , A.J.- you're own opinion, Ross- power to say no, Bealability to multi-task, Regan- power to care, Erica- slayer shirt and the torah Mess:lt's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.
Dan Castagna. "Stags, Frosty" Act: Tech desk , computer stuff RemFor: Tail, laptop FavMem : Hanging out with Pflughby , James and Kyndra , Megan; Hanging out in Tech, Adv. Multimedia, LMC; Bolt.com , my laptops, Broadcast Journalism , Ms. Leevers Advisory; Mr. Ash, Dr. Benton's Classes, Law and Developing World. Goal: To learn something everyday Will: Mr. Harley , My techno- litericy ; Ms. Leever, my sense of humor (she was the one who appreciated it) ; Mr. Ash and Dr. Benton, my apologies (drove them crazy for three years).
Sabrina Catrambone
Joespli Cervo
"Sabby, brina, SabbyCat" RemFor: being one of the guys Act: basketball, lacrosse, soccer, peer facilitator FavMem: shore times with Alicia , jm 's house, gibson's basement, wing's games, tripping up hills, skipping town with bre, dare valley , trying to kiss Alicia , mirror talk with Matt, bakon show's, mud-cheese, jillymama, purple hair, memorial park, 101 proof, stp, tool, being a stupid freshmen , playing basketball, " r don't know", gatoriding with Tara , sweetsixteen Mess: I don't care how much I said I ha ted this place, because if it wasn't for the people here I wouldn't be me. Breann & Alicia , love ya both, thanks to , Gibson, for always being there, and the Grubbs for everything, and Mom and Dad, thank you for all your love and support.
"Jose Cuervo. JoDigga ." RemFor: being quiet. FavMem: chillin with the bandits. brother mac and butch pimpin it up. burning some rubber. tpt. hockey games. dances. shampoo. pink. dino rider's. denny ',s. the dungeon. stinky vandeisal. khamiJ. dar's room. car shows. welchies. the shore. playing in the snow. mallrats. the propaganda . bleek, carley and other girl duh duh duh . foot wide balcony . shenanigans. horn bridge. morning after junior prom . strange brew. Ghetto sink. pep boys (heaven). xando's. wendy 's, Will: gif-my fast hands. everybody else can have what they want. Mess: mom and dad thanks for everything. john thanks for being a good older brother. I love you guys. too all the bandits-stay in touch.
Kristin Ce((u.cci
Jason W. C/Uuu!f.er
"celluch. egg."RemFor:eating. no mem.Fav Mem: super7.rollout. poledancing. aamco. piiym nez. Qconcerts. ruby's. tent 151.roxy. danceparties. faah. petty-what? sleepovers. marcars.hottub gav.fonzs.shore rebels. 6/1. midgetville. ABtrips. sprite sign Ig. cougarsam . puppy humps. mk&@. blaze-what! hween sochat. gr6. dmb. sauce. mexdip cif. $11 tim/fonz.skittles.fuds.latenightgraphics. byrnzie clause. daint ur wagon. wishesmb. dog kennell.lax.Will:dad clicker Mes:byrnzie-we're 2 of a kind,always be my bf. matt-co uldn't ask for anyone more amazing-you mean so much to me-good luck, you'll do incredible-I love you. nesbittmy bf&sister-never would have been the same w/out you-we are so funny.i love you fam-u guys are amazing, thanks. love u all.
rat , bighead, chandler, chanolerbong. Rem for: being broke, a mooch, and funny. Activity: football Mem: sittin at droops with zack , kenny , lewis, rob , joachim , phil , everyone else. skunner/combo! walking tracks with b/pat. Saturday sets. Night school with b, vander, jilly, reds, dana e, jennie and the milf jessica. allman 97 . Reds dead in car. Trips up-top w/b , zack and joachim. roger walter's 99 phish december 99 lewis busting lip. Phish july 3-4. Driven in hoopty w/acito , doug, kev c, gilbert. Winless football season. Good times with everyone else. Jim k and dave t rip.Goal: be successful Mess: freshman do your work stay in school don't take the fiveyear plan. Mom and dad thanks for putting up with me. love ya!
"Dress like you are going to school. Not Egypt on the
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Seniors Advice For Freshmen '-' V
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Watch out for the
Karen. Kai- Ling Chiang K-Chiang, Chianger Rem For: Not sleeping, pens/pencils, being Asian Mem: Tennis, MB, YB, Tbonesongs, Boston, GIS, SO , Stuart, Conchita , connect4, BR, cultural night , CaWs advisory, lumps of joy , strobe ping-pong, rice, Palmer? , Manayunk, panales, tarts, formals, districts, band-o-rama , 1127/01 , times w/Mike, PGST , Tockwogh, same score, phone@3AM Will: Mike/Jeff- my ethnicity, Brian- jelly treats, Kevin- my ability to stay awake Mess: Malandra- Thanks for making me have fun! leff- I'll always be here for you. Mike- You swept me off my feet and captured my heart. Jasper- It's amazing how much we've been through. Kevin- Go where your heart leads you. Be unique and yourself. Mom and DadThank you for letting me be different. I couldn't have made it without you. I love you.
Greg Avato, Greg Gurenlian , and Mike Santella do their best to impress the camera!
Kara L. Chrisantfwn Act: swimming, lax FavMem: talks w/carrie. driving skills. homofo. ablmst. biggieburp. "pitp." new years '00. wedgies. rotate. cookies. psu. sweetsixteen. grapes. scavenger hunts. virginia . ymm. slam dates. trucker. pack. hello. eyehook. sears. pline. scabs. traf. yfpitw. keys. lob/bw. cups. sbhttr. railwonk. focus. pickle. sauce. imc. little. 1910. pima. sylb. orange. 717. ae. dadada. 8/25. maine. 8/29. closet. bottles. shower. 3yrs. butterfly. 11124. smile. Will: trout-sleep and contacts. Mess: carrie-our friendship is everything, love you. patty-thanks for all the memories. fam- i'm always here for you. love you. mom-i couldn't do it w/o you. just breathe. love you. troutthanks for everything. love always, three. gregthe wait was well worth it. you've taught me what love is. i love you.
James P. cCark. limbo, BoJim , Slim Slanky, 2 Pack FavMem:' chillin wit everybody , yall know who you are. ' Behind Waltons, Peebles basement , all the concerts, 420's, Halloween 9th grade, tracks, Genaurdi's bench, sabold, kearney carrying , me home, fat lip spring break 2000, chemistry set , digit, schmids, Ron 151, Jack, Evan wishing well, Beast, and all our other good friends. Mess: mom and dad, I would not be nearly as far if you guys didn't push me. Thanks for everything. John, Mo, Kate, you guys are my best friends and I hope for it to stay that way. Everybody else see you around:
Jacquefine Cifu-n.i "Cif" "Cifunism" Rem for: laughing. fav mem: Rollout. All times w/Ryan.1019100. Super7. Formals.sleepovers. Pole dances.uab. Sarah's house. CLChamps. HSquad.Demarcos. Dinners w/drew&sar. Heartbreakers.busrides w/mark. I admit.Blackout night. Loser week . Latenight calls. malls wi Amelia."shes gone" Mexdip w/celluch. Shore w/Eric. 7 days w / matt . Newyears eves. Hey Mr.B! Classes w/Tara. Ghettocruiser. 11110. Creepin w/Diareem.307.Mathbuddies. Talks w/shane. Smelling Tim. Studying w/nezzer. Blindate. #5's. Group6 . Will: Matt-Honda . Herby: a smile.Tommy-more secrets. Mess: Sar-ur more than words i love ya . Er:phonecall away. Ryan-You"ll always have a special place in my heart-ditto.Sis:ur the best thanks. Parents-Your everything I hope to be!
Ross Coates "coatesy hey boy" Last Words: There is too much to say for the past 4 years. To my best friends: Ryan- DON'T BONK!! Doug- how could one person where so much black, I guess' you can pull it off though. Seel- you're a best that 's all there is to say. Regan- amazing, nothing more nothing less. Dixie- Es tut mir leid (you know my memory and spelling isn't good) don't think for a minute that every time you want to get away with something you can give me that look, you know the one I'm talking about. P.S. (rolling around) a definite must! Mess: Live every day to the fullest! Who knows what might happen next.
Dan.ie( Co(aiezzi
Dallie( Cfark
lazy , juice, oj , fuzzy , jt, doc RemFor: having bobblehead Act: lacrosse, ski club FavMem : times with, derr, lynch, mallee, bobbo, avato , greg, ben, justin, azar, pops, gis advisory, slap boxing, getting hit wi chair, geometry class, advisory wi caff, times at "tom's" , playing lax , BK after ridley , times at tj +heps apartment , WINGS GAMES, joanus, dmb concert, bon jovi concerts, s. street adventures, gts, dino fights, freasdiggs, hockey games, put on dateline, DB w/carly + mike hep, GB at 1's, ko 's class, charades at tam's, vermont trips, sunoco, tonto, porchman Will: to kb I leave the neon Mess: mom and dad thanks for everything, tj and kb stay out of trouble
Dave Derr and Ryan Stulb are left In
amazement after a lecture from Mr. Sheidly during AP Physics.
Mrs. Syglowski should have taught Andrea that it is impolite to talk with food in her mouth!
Asfifey Ann Cofantonio Act: volleyball. graphic arts. RemFor: humor FavMem: curb. pee rug. rafting. raking. volleyball champs. SFA. "research?" . Sarah, Sarah, Maggie-December 22nd. Chrissy-handshake, Shark-old navy. parking tickets. sick in third grade. tommy boy . shopping with mom. late night talks with Ali and mom. volleyball talks with dad. stupid eye. Del-felangies. Will: Alison, my older, smaller sister-my height, math skills, rollerblades (everyday right?). I love you more than words can say. Mess: Mr. Preston, you had the greatest impact on me. Sarah, Sarah, Maggie-I love you guys. Chrissy, Kaitlyn-you guys are great-love ya! Giz, Molly , Kristy -love you. Gram-thanks for gas money . Mom , Dadyou don't know how much you do for me, thanks for pushing me further. I love you!
Keon West and Kristin Cellucci Football, soccer, basketball, or lacrosse. Whatever the sport may be, you can be certain that Keon or Kristin their the star of the team. Both Keon and Kristin have enjoyed extremely successful athletic careers and have been standout varsity athletes. They are both valuable assets on every team they've been a part of and their coaches are certainly going to miss them next year.
JuGa CorCiss
Benjamin Adam Cooper Ben. Big Ben. Cooper. COOP. RemFor: being the guy with the sunglasses. Being big. Having long hair. Act: football FavMem : Beating Penncrest. Going to Jersey . Wendys. The zoo. Wanting to see the penguins. Going to the bookstore. Driving around with no place to go. Making fun of Floyd. Putting IiI' Hennessy in the trash .. Giving Zook a hug. Goal: total world domination Will: you people ain't getting nothing. I want to be buried with all my stuff. Mess: But its been a fun trip for every one involved and I hope you all enjoyed it because now its over. So try not to screw up the rest of your life too much. Screw Flanders.
Juls, Bambie, Ref, Homergutt FavMem : Chapman w/Nicole , Alex, Renee, Tara, Amy. New Years 2000 &2 001. Surprise Party w/T.Wood 2000. Shore w/Brett. Johns house. Rides wi Jim , Checo, Brett, Mike. Rooms w/Tara , Matteo , Nicole. Vermont. Advisory. Hanging w/Matteo & Tara. Ed's fish.Talks w/Tara . Comer w/Brett. Dance Nights. Netherwood & Memorial w/soldiers. SW Cleaners. Mess: Mom & Dad I don't know what I'd do w/out you. Thanks for all the support . Jeanine good luck in high school & stay out of trouble. Friends: thanks for making my years fun. Brett: first love & best friend I'll never forget any minute. Thanks for all the great memories & more to come. love you.
Aficia Corm.to "leesh" Act: piano. dance. volleyball. springfield singers. track. softball. operation smile. ski club. FavMem: hanging out w/caitlin during biology. driver's ed w/nahreen. starbucks & exercising w/stefanie. running over my mailbox. springfield singers wi laura. melissa's funny stories. school store w/ashley. shopping w/mom. snow dances. junior prom. senior prom '99. my 17th surprise party. wildwood w/andrew, steve & krista . senior prom '02. Mess: friendsthanks for the memories. andrew- i cherish the time we spend together. you have no idea how happy you make me feel. i love you. mom , dad, stephen & gina- i could not have asked for a more caring, supportive & loving family . i love you.
J ames
Patrick. (Kevin) Crowcfil19 Junior
"Justice, Jay, Seamus, Junior, Crowd man, hellraiser, Crazy James and Psyche" RemFor: saving the JV soccer team during my freshman year, wrestling for the wrestling team, and myself, and around the family Act: Wrestling and Computers Fav mem : is when Mr. Doyle use to be ' around teaching his class's and having fun ' with his homeroom Goals: to continue working on computers, and just might end up going to a computer school Will: is to give all my things to my future kids and my cousins Mess: to everyone is to "Do your Best in or out of School, work, and sports."
Danie( Stephen Crowe "Birdman" FavMem :Times w/Tom ,Gary , Adam ,Walk,Renzo .. .t92k-Iced Tea?Comp Apps. Rocky I-V. Times w/Alicia-ED, Latl nite, 161 I week, BCs, All-nighter. w/Despo ; wi 9th grade crew, older crew-parties, matt hep,D ,sheer-great advice. MyBash-Muffin & Com-flake?Woodstock 99. H20 b'n the band w/Checco. Concerts. Making Movies "Cops in Springfield".DeMarco's. Basemen parties.Pinocchio's. SoccerDance 0 I ' Will: Despo-orange Adidas Shorts Mes:Mom& ' Dad-Thanx for always being there when I needed you the most. Tine-U have no idea how much you've helped me over the years. I love you all. Alicia-Everything I've said, was true. Everything I've felt, was real. Don't ever forget that I will always b( there for you, no matter what. I love you.
Amy Cuorato
Laura McGill, Warren Middleton, Joan Hellmer, Ashlie Dougherty, Ross Coates, and Tara Wood.
RemFor: My Stories.FavMem: the shore, having no money , 104, jive, pirate ship, that 's why I, Lauren's house, parties, danc( Jason's riverdance, medow-green, concerts Xulio, Jenni's laugh, glory days, hoe train, Bryan's singing, Baby B, student aide wi matteo, spellman, Chok, kitchen I, BR buddies, Damion, purple, football game, block parties,waiking w/Alex ,big daddy , DC pierce, wings games, John G, morton mar: thon, riding bikes wi Jess, Krissy ,who throw a shoe,water balloons, scavenger hunts, the misfits. WilI:J enni-shoes.J ess-ebonics dictio, ary . Matteo-the world or a funnel cake. Nicki-chapstick.Mes:Mom, Dad,&Laura- , thanks for always being there. I love you. : Bryan-You complete me. Friends-thanks f( all the great times. This is only the Start.
Kristen Noe( Cutfi6ert
Da.vid Cro cliett
"Princess" FavMem: Shore with Michelle and Jenn, Surf Mall Makeovers, losing Dino's car, fantasy show, Highway 83 , lake, Jenn's thong song, crazy card game, pimpette, Mom's advice, pool hall, North Street , Joe sleeping on trampoline, Disneyworld, Now I knows, Club D&W, Edy , Little Rascals, OC 200 I, "It's gone" , Michelle's fantasy life, races, Pat's, Italial Restaurant, Ferris Wheel guy , hoin pimps X-master, Stan, afraid of the dark, dancil . wit Michelle, Egypt, CR, Switch, blind date, dancin in 420 , Wildwood 4th of Jul) face writing, drowning man , Philly , the giant cookie, cards at Michelle's. Mess: Michelle and Jenn thanks for being my best friends and always being there, Mom and Dad I love you forever and a day
Micfieffe Lynn D'Auferio
Angefa Lisa DeFeo
FavMem: Jenn's thong song, riding the ferris wheel at night for free, sun rises in ocean city, Showers, Afraid of the Dark, Surf Mall Makeovers, losing Dino's car, Fantasy Show, Crazy Card Game, Pimpette, (Advice from mom) Screw guys have fun, North St., Club D&W, Edy , Dying Jenn's hair black, It 's gone, The races, The Italian Restaurant , The Xmaster, Singing Stan wlKristen, Philly , Porky and Buckwheat , Vogue, Area :One and Family Values 2001 , SDOA, Jenn screaming my name, Joe's Ho's, Maggie O'Neils, Losing Jenn, Ell Crew, Candy and Roxanne 21 and 12 Mess: Jennifer and Kristen thanks for always being there, I would never have made it through high school without you.
"Ang" RemFor: Being Squeaky, my raps, chewing like a cow FavMem : Times wi the girls. Florida. Jetta. Riding in Nelly. Leslie. Sheena Baby . Sleepovers. Miller, QI02, Creed. SS Psychic. Laur, Lauren, Dan, Kristie, Laura , Nicole, Racheal. Luv U. Cookie. Dads roof. Fuiman's man voice. Watermelon. Mile High. Late nites wi Stevie. 007. OCBP. PS. The Lamb. ET fingers. Pan Pizza wi Mike. Shore wi Lauren. Proms 0 I '.my pool. Mike-wait up! Will: Dan- Sheena. Lauren-m y advice. Mess: Family- Thanks for your love and support (Mom, love U) Lauren-Thanks for never letting me down. Steve- It was a great 3 yrs. Love U , keep in touch. To my friends- Thanks for the good times, good luck. M ike-Thanks for the good times.
phiffip Tyfer Damon "Pip" FavMem: All of the times with my good friends (You know who you are). Way too many memories to fit on this paper. Goal: To be successful Mess: high school has been good to me, I am looking forward to college. To all the underclassmen - Don't take your time here at SHS for granted. It goes so fast!
Mark. Davies "Funkybunch, Papi Chulo, Max Davis" RemFor: Yellow Mustang, not eating for wrestling, taking the corner spot.Act: Wrestling, Science Olympiad. FavMem: summer girls, knoebels, hey lane, gummybear,Gigi, pixels, tahoe, sparkling fruit ,You're part of the problem , install'n stereos, GhettoBeatz, shore, dogshow, bucket o'balls, C&B, fly'n, landscaping, stick,bikes wltyler, wendy's, freightliner, wood always wins, april fresh , mariotennis,T A, bling, Austin Powers, A&W, Simcity , cruis-ing in the yellow mustang, cornerspot, 9, Atco , tuck-a hoe abercrombie,busta, violators Will: Corner spot. Mes: Thanks to my parents for everything, I couldn't have done it without you. Friends-thanks for the good times, I hope you had as good of a time as I did.
Joan C. De fa paz Heffmer "Joansy, Mr. Armani" RemFor: GQ Fashion, The accent, being hispanic. Act: Tennis, Soccer, help after school. FavMem: Hanging out with the boyz! Matt , Brandon, Jacque, Gus, Nick and Lorenzo . Ruin b's lifer twice. Chillin' at the stable. Sixer's parties. Working out wi Matt.Coronas. Spring break '01. Clubbing shampoolegypt. Pre-calc class. Meeting Raquel. Senior week. Meeting cool people. Walking 9345 times to school. Trying to find myself during the 3 years at SHS. Goal: grow as an individual, be successful and happy. Will: Diversity in SHS Mess: When you realize how much time you have spent thinking about what people think about you, It'll be too late, enjoy your life and live it to the max!
Keriann Williams, Kristin Cellucci, Sarah Alfonsa, and Kim Asbury all hang out in the commons during a study hall. Thomas Justin DeeVecchio "T.J." FavMem: Dare valley, freshmen house parties, Everlasting supplys, E.T.R. woods, How did I get home? J.Prom ,Mem. park, Fun times at Joshes West Chester pad, all my friends that have somehow gotten lost along the way , live for freaks or die a geek, LOVE park and F.D.R sessions, Ballymore Rd. Squad. Mess: Close Friendsall I can do is thank you for always being there. Meo it seems like you have been there since the beginning of it all; I extend much love to you and your family. Drew I know that I have done some extremely cruel things to you but I want you to know that I truly love you and I don't know were I would be without you. Mom and Dad, Thank you for being so supportive even in times when I knew I let you down. I love U!
David Wiffiam Derr, Jr. FavMem: frosh hangouts. lax99. trivial persuit. denny's. times w/danny. door is ajar. tricycle forever. charades at tam 's. geno's fl w/football. Lax trips. Forgetting my heart. vermont. cars advisory . QI02 2k. bon jovi w/janet. bowling w/class of 0 1. shore. times w/tahra. gis hangouts/advisory . Fire and ice. weco fb vs. radnor 01. Mess: mom , dad, steph, tracy - I could never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. Thank you for guiding me and looking out for me. I love you guys. Val- I'd still even let you hold the remote control, thanks for everything. Laxers we've got a state championship to win.
Efiza6etfi Ann DiIenno ba , bee, beef. Rem For: Snorting when I laugh. FavMem : formals. after-parties. dances. tom's house. aerosmith. cheerleading times. colleen's parties. m-18/c.m . j.r. j.w. florida. codenames. dave 's house/window. our long talks. j .h. falling down steps. hugging the tree. block party/j .r. m.h. pool parties at g.r. deadly gas/j.w. my house/the chain j.w. knocking of the barS. Mess: to all my girls/the crazy 84ever/kerri, jenna , jessi , jen, cindy, jackie, colleen. You guys took me in when I was new and never let me go. I love you and I will miss you. Mom dad and fam.lyou are my world. I don't know what I would do without you. I appreciate everything you have done. I love you and thank you!
MicfiaeC Antfwny DiArenzo "Renzo" Rem For: Being called Renzo ..Baby!!! Act: Ice Hockey and Ping-Pong FavMem: T imes with Vince Christopher Mace, Adam Scott Garling, Gary Anthony Marino and Thomas Joseph Federle. Sleepovers, Late nite Ping-Pong scoreboard Adam , living at mace's house, shore times, sleding, makin igloos and the hunted snowman, late night hot chocolate, wingbowls, punishman palace, sliders 99 and flyers cup 200 1. Will: Mom and Dad i want to thank you guys for always being there for me and always pointing me in the right direction, love you guys. Brittany you 're my girl.
Wes Kalman, Greg Gurenlian, Brian Juliani, and Matt Fordyce know they can always lean on Adam Garling.
Most Patriotic is a new category this year. Due to the instantaneous patriotism that erupted after the tragic events of September 11 th, we decided that SHS needed to recognize its most patriotic member. Shane Werley won this contest hands down. Shane is often seen around the halls wearing red, white, and blue. He starts U.S.A. chants at dances, keeps American flags flying from his truck, and is often heard sharing inspirational thoughts about our country.
NicoCe C. DiDonato
Beth Ann Di lenno, Mark Digian, Joan De La Paz Hellmer, Ashlie D<:ugherty" and Bob Ervin pl~dge c:llegiance to the flag.
Mark. Di9ia.n "Digian" RemFor: Being loud Act: Varsity Swimming FavMem: The bandits Gif, Josh, Joe, Will and Haydar. Riding in Butch , Mac and Van Diesel. Road trips to the shore, Satanvile, Gifsjunior prom party and the spot. MM , respect BBH, Josh's party , Phillies games, and Walsh park. Joe's party , Welshie's, football after school , "hoser" , cowgirl club , Target , Denny's and Wendy 's. "Punk" and times with Lauren, beverage boy, ghetto sink , and lifting with Gif. Will: Bern- the corner. Will- my curl bar Mess: To the bandits-don't forget. Lauren- We had great time and i loved every minute of it ,you 're are the best i could of asked for. Mom and Dad- Thanks for being there and supporting me for the past 4 years, I love both of you.
Cry star Dimario kiki , skipper Rem For: dancing. always wearing sandals. FavMem: flyers games. hangin wi chrissy at widener. Parties wi friends. Danielle - the pizza guy. "yellow mustangs." food shopping w/judy - jenna. Wawa iced teabreakfast bars. Shopping. Breakfast at mcdonalds w/jen, courtney , and shante. 4th period ceramics with mute. Barbie. Teach and shannon. Gino's and south street with dave. chrissy and judy driving the maro. Physics w/chrissy. Good times w/pete for three years. Mess: tiffany - I love you . mom , your always #1 in my hear - I love you. betty for being my best friend and understanding everything. dave for being my best friend and always being there for me. I am looking forward to more good times with you.
Lauren Ouvia. Dom6a~ia.n La , Laur RemFor: Being Small FavMem: Dare Valley, concerts, room parties, flaming pole, high speed, times w/Ra y, Bre a nd our men, tree fort, Cameron's, meat hairs, Wildwood w/Bre and Sharon, the shore , times w/Greg, Sharon's gig's, mini van, labor day weekend '0 I, dance after parties, T -brawl , Sabrina's houses', scaggin , abf, mustang signals, Eddie's crew, girls night, pretzelin cars, hangin w / all m y friends, memories to come Mess: To all m y girls: no matter where we go we'll always be together, Tracy-1st grade on, Alex and Nina I couldn't have a sked for better little sisters, good luck in everything you do , Mom and Dad thanks for always being there for me, I couldn't have done it without you , I love you. PROUD TO BE AN ".\ERICAI'>.
As fifie Nico Ce Do u9lierty "Doc" Act: field hockey, track, pole vault FavMem: Chill in with the "Sixers Crew"Matt , Gus, Angel, Joan, Rich , and Nick Post Commencement 2001 , the Dematteo's, "THE BEACH!" car ride to the beach with Steph getting lost with Steph. "Raise Up Drive-By" wi Anna, Kim, Danielle, and len, Lax with Warren, "talks" with TREN in science class, lunch in Longo's room , late nite at Netterz, and deC Pat's house. Will: to Jeannette: anything you want! to Jess G: my car, to David: my luck. Mess: Eric: Good-Luck with the rest of high school, and stay out of trouble! Am ber: I hope you have as much fun in school as I did. Mom and GP 's thanks for everything! I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you! I love you!
" 173
Sarah Jane Dutton "Sar" Act: Volleyball RemFor:love for DMB FavMem: Starbucks, rafting, Dietz & Watson, Joe, DMBconcerts, MB20 concerts, bowling, pee rug, tevas, Nagum , oatmeal balls, raking, Dutthole,undefeate. champs, birdboy, code red, Ocean City, Sea Isle, SFA times, "research", the pool, hockey games, FFR, the pictures, points, cheesecake, derd, water bottle, asthma story , little A, the curb, Andy , December 22, ID , Surprise party.WiIl: Sarah-Heath, Ash- 18 more years, Maggie-My basketbal skills Mess: Mom & Dad-thank you isn't enough for everything you've done, I love you! Meredith-I cheese sandwich you! Sarah, Ash, Maggie-"For a moment this good time would never end" I love ya Kell Things are funny when they happen.
Micliefe Lynn Efey Act:yearbook, tennis, S.S., colorguard, stw, nhs FavMem:inverted-zebra-cobramonkey, ucr, hardcore dancing, ham it up danka shoene, wildwood, competitions, john rutter, smoothly, musicals, shows, prancer wi connections, buffy chats, number 13, bio-liver, divas; chern -drink it . welfare commercials; physics-trex , b-day cake, chats, stupid jokes; dances, culture day , yeah moritainia , quotes, the raven, toxic wastey, one on each cheek, a shoe, lunchtable survivor, boston, disney Will: kyle-the bakely legacy , robert-imaginary squirrels, my fellow editor-a 20-ouncer Mess:Thank you to all of my friends, classmates, family members and teachers, for shaping and influencing my high schooi experience.Our lives are truly a work of ar.
Ro6ert Ervin
'o.. o
You can always guarentee a warm smile and kind words from Lou and Aimee. Both Lou and Aimee greet others with a friendly hello, and they are always interested in hearing how your day was. Lou and Aimee are great friends to all the students at SHS.
"Bob, Bobbo" Act: Football FavMem: hanging out with T mal, Lynch, Vato , Lazy , Greg, Ben, Justin, and the rest of the crew. Marsee. Dmb99 , joviOI,pettyOl' AC/DC 0 I , deftones/incubus 00. Hoobastank/incubus with tom and Mich. Skiing with cousins. Climbing with cousim Times at Justin's when he wasn't there. Snowball fight 00. Paintball in walsh park Football Disney trip. Throwing fish at people. Snow dance 0 I, junior prom , soph hop, senior prom. Snow ball fight Ol.me and tom's fros. Shout out to the springfielc crew, you know who you are. St. Franny's dynasty! Will: tom: the bible, treat it weill Lynch: all my games. Mich: a working t.v. in your room. Justin: my Ours CD.
Dixie Lee Dun6ar "Dixie D, Dix , brat" RemFor: Confederate plate, blue flames Act: Swimming, outdoor color guard, indoor color guard, Special Olympics. Mem: Spatula, Denny's shakes, "I didn't do it!" Wildwood '00, Europe '0 I, Boston '00, Jr.Prom '0 I , Snow Dance '00 w/Joey O'D , rink w/Missie, history "notes" w/Carrie/AJ , basement's "cordless" phone, Corvette/Pontiac, "yeah Sue!" , Ba nd-ORamas, head injuries w/Cara , crowtle, SSC staff party , crack-boy , bandages w/Friez, "12" voice, noontime, why? , WCU football games, Andy , Boo! Mess: Thanks to my friends, for making high school fun and exciting. Thank my parents for your love and support.Brittany IHolly IRae-ha ve fun! Ross: Thanks for making my senior year unforgettable & worthwhile. I love you all!
Michelle D'Aulerio, Warren Middleton, and Pete Kobasic
Thomas Joseph Federfe "Fedz, TFed, Scro" RemFor: Laughing at Adam , Mumbling Act: Hockey , Getting Buff, Mackin It FavMem: Times w/Gary , Walker, Garling, Crowe, Guille, Onofrio , Plank, D .P., Rudolph, Checco , Mace,Renz, Mooney, Jules, Alicia C. BasementBashesGabz, Jacky, Desteph, Jeanine. Neverending Apple, NewYears@Manners, Maces Closet, SnowDance, WildwoodNite, Ransack, Summer@Ssnips, Black Thunda , Rocky , Duce, Target, Times w/Rachel, Whammy , Captain Mo , Drive w/Ash, Shore Trips, TSD , JrProm, Crowes Party , KU wi Kromer, Punishmans Palace. Ali. Marcar's Crib. Will: Jen-Basement Mess: Mom&Dad thanks for everything. This da way it is now, this is the way it always be, I'll never change this is always me
NicoCe Ann Flasinski
FavMem: ghetto shanty . chapstick. SIC. trolleystop days. SHA TNABS. Squash the lemon. pi crew. disney . drexeline. checkers. mall trips wiker. run ins w/bre's driving. talks w/carol. new years. cape may house. first kiss at wings. 11118/00 . times w/john . sharon's bashes. advisory crew. BGO 1. helmet squad. death practices. infamous puke fests. Will: Sam-anything you haven't already taken! Mess: Mom&Dad-thank you for all your love and support. Love you always! Adam & Sam-You make me very proud. I love you! John- Words can not express how happy you've made me. I love you! Kerin-It 's been a long time. Thanks for it all! Love you! Girls-Never forget the times. Thanks for all the memories! Love you lots! HEY UGLY!
Krista Lynn Fefi.ciani
Mattfiew John Fordyce
"Special-K, K-baby ,K-spot"RemFor: Being a music nerd Act: DrumMajor, Orchestra, MarchingBand,Tennis, CSC, SADD Fav Mem:Timew/Phil,Becca,Lissa,Jasper,Kare n, Brian,Jeff,Mikey,Naz,Tom ,Kim , Sue, Ro bert,Ian.TennisSongs,Boston,Xm aS,Spri ngBreak, Proms, May , Districts, Regionals, poledancing,Lissa's parties,MovieNights, Starbucks/Halderman,OrangeMoons,Stud y Hall, Hangglidi-ng,BaskinRobbins. Will: Robert -newWhistle.Karen-StressM ints. PhilMusic,my heart+ unconditional happiness. Mess:Mom/Dad-Thanks for you endless support.Sisters-I couldn't have made it w/out your guidance.lissa/becca-you're my girls.! couldn't have better friends.J asperthanks for keeping me in line-flick.phildreams do come true.ours did.! love u all!
"Dyce" RemFor: looking mad. Looking serious Act: Football. Working out. FavMem: advisory power. Penncrest'O 1. Radnor 'OI. Spanish III. Peyton to marvin. Shore times. Wildwood '01 withe boys. Graphics cubicle. Famous Saturday . Rough time at rolling green. Safe driving on sproul. Donnelly's. renzo ' greatness. 4th period wi shano . 7days in a row. J-prom . Park times.Target.Florida w/football boys. Standing on top of vehicles. Wings games. "who me?"Trotterism.High speeds from o.c all times w/anyone I ever hung outw/Goal: success Will: Jim-my bulkiness&speed. Brady-gas money . Jackie-my smarts, u need them.Mess: Mom/Dad-it was rough at times but u got me through it, thanks, I love u. Joe-thanks for everything.
Mary Leigh Filippone FavMem: Oklahoma. Bye Bye Birdie. Reckless. Cotton Girls. Mexican night. OC & SI w/Tab, Bridg & Kara. Georgia . Girls nights.ViolaClub. Real World movie. NYC w/Tab . Boston. VA Beach. 8/2010 I. 9/5/01Pudding Pops. Madonna w/Ei. wcu comps. JHarvards latenight w/GB&the crew. Skewas! Tacky Xmas Lights. "Stalking" w/Bunk. YPTW. Zack Antics. Oliver Scandals. Carla's House. Mike's. Birthday Cake, Evita Everything & Love Songs w/Cait. Tab's Parties. Willia-msburg w/Bridg. Superplan. "Ill put a stop to that!" PAYT Shows.Team Friendly's. Mess: "Some people come into our lives + quickly go. Some stay for a while +leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never the same." Your footprints will always be with me.
Caitfin Finnegan RemFor: dressing crazy, loving GWEN FavMem: NYC w/britt , study buddies; monkey/aimee; milosch, Trinity , Marden shows; Bear Delaware w/sue , RBF, LTJ, toasters w/ang, skagsworth, love w/mare, Premium shows, riverview; fullerton 's house; 7/4; ff5 ; skull fs; summer'OO wi christy ; big ducks; three's company ; girls nights; Rack, motown; my daughters; jogging w/carla , sunrise; the magazine, shore to the trip; 9/5/01; insomniac club; goth nights; muffin lady ; mexican night , caitlin2; 8=3+8 swedish cabin, reckless Will: Christy-lotion and crime; EileenBruce; Jason-my boys,Nikki-cds, Jess/Malcrescent rolls Mess: Ang-I'll always stand by you; Mary-we're getting married; Carlasiamese twins forever! "I'm just a girl..."
Mark Byrnes and Kristin Cellucci are such close friends that they support each other in whatever the other one is doing . Including wearing football jerseys to school.
Joseph Ronald Fraatz
Danidfe Marie Friez
"Nitro" Act: Winter Track, Spring Track, Cross Country , Community Service Club, Cougar, Vaulting, Captain for Winter, Spring, and Cross Country Senior year. FavMem: Time's with Kim , chillin' with Ben. Lehigh landmarks. Soph Hop, Junior Prom . Snow Dances, and the hula dance. Trolly stop fun. Enviro. Vaulting all the time, track loving it up. Coach Curran, Funk, always there. Goa l: r will break all pole vault records before the year is done. Mess: Family , you guys made me who I am . I love all of you and thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Kim: I love the time we spend together. Good luck class of 2002 on all future endea vors!
"Bills g/f, Friez." Acts: Band RemFor: Bein small FavMem: Prom 01. Snowdance 00 . . Prom 02. Wildwood 00. times at the park (: o'clock). Dennys. Dances. Driving around. Trips to wawa. Boston. Night games. Rock runs with cara. Gehetto bridge. gehetto lady. being blind. Make out king and queen. Poke grab. I love ice burg. My 12 kids. Bay watch runs. Will: Cara stereo and rocky song. So nsync stuff. Nicholas my room. Joe my car Mess: Mom and dad r love you! Thanks fOl everything. Nicholas you will always be my little buddy . Bill you have given me so man~ memories. No one will ever replace you. P.s: want your sweat shirt!
Steven Franchi
"Fumes" RemFor: being paranoid, sassy FavMem: Hanging out with the girls, Pod, Nelly, Mil-Len-I-Um , Goalz 2000 , Ang's PO(, sheenababy, mall madness w/dawn, , sleepovers, Hi Lo is, black I 0 I, red lights with ry , Wigs/Gigs, gossip at Acito's, BBQ , FABG 76ers, groper, canolis, Cute 2 Boot , Ang's rar Florida , Ocean City, SS stains/psychic, concerts, formals, nightgown, Mile High Clul hockey games, 8/26/2000 , Watermelon, OCBP, Kareoke, Sunday hangouts w/ry , like peanut. Will: Kristie: monkies, Ang and Reger: heart blanket Mess: Family: Thank~ for never letting me down, I love you. Girls: . Your the best friends a girl could have. Ryan ' The memories we made are unforgettable, I hope we can make so much more. Ang: Thanks for being the best friend ever.
Lauren Fuiman
Joshua Drew Gansk.y "Gansk" RemFor: Wearing shorts, Joke of the Day , Rodney Peete fan Act: Varsity Baseball Fav Memories- BBB (the good guys), Rolling with the bandits, Welshie's Wings, Butch at shore, Phillies games, Sammy Sosa fan, Duck Pond, Jeff at Eagles game, hitting the car, shut up becca , many different Bob's (DG, HG, CH, CM), Beverage Boy, Real World Turkey , Piddle, Gifs jr. prom party, Nacho Cheese joke, Sixer playoffs at Dematteo's, Terrets? , American Legion ball , Mario umpire, Blue vs. Gold doubleheaders, Butch, Mac, Chameleon, Van Diesel, Paintball, miller time-out, hangout at Will's, Tyler, Gifs quotes, connect four. Will: Matt- My vast sources for the joke of the da y. Will- My ability to eat.
Adam. S GarCing "A G Style"Act: Wrestling FavMem: Canadian Incident , Maces Basement, Punishment Palace, Old School Sleepovers at Renzo's, Times wi Gip, Manners, Krohm, Me a nd Fed dropping Ibs. Woodstock, Ping-pong Scoreboard, Shore trips, Advisory Power, Chillin on the boards, Moon D-I, 10th grade PSU games, Feds German Helmet, Renz's Hotties, Mace shaving all, Crowes toes, Gary being hardcore, Walk being rough, times with brit, meg and brit, Brit's on School Nights, Soph Hops Junior/Senior Proms. Will: Everyone, the ability to find anything funny. Mess: Mom , Dad and Dana , I love you guys, thanks for everything. Maces, thanks for support and food Mace, Fed, Renz, Marino and Crowe, you were my brothers. Brittany, I love you, so many great times
Mario Pau( Gia.com.ucci Jr. "Super G , Momacoochie" RemFor:Being really Italian FavMem: Hangin out atTim's, Mike's, +Andrew's. Skating with Matt and the crew. Going to FDR, BAM! Italy, Ocean City, XGames, Dorney Park, Ozzfest , Tool, AAF, Unforgivin, Kinloch. Times with Danielle. Getting lost in NJ, Corey's pool, open labs, hacky-sackin, fuglyface, Indian Rock, Jason and the sign, McBride's hom, Sashquatch shows. Talking music with Brian M, Nucci, Jesse, Mike D , Shellhase, Doug P, O'Keefe. Watching Eagles with Shertz, Fun times with crazy Clark. Advisory in Mr. Zook's with Gif, Josh, and Jewels.Trout's class and C.O.T.A. Mes: Mom and Dad, thanks for the support and getting through the hard times together, I love you both. To all my friends, thanks for being there, I'll never forget you all!
Danie( Patrick. Gibson "Gip, Bison, Gibby , Danny-Gip, Bam-Bam " RemFor: Roundin up the crew, prison rules, My black cloud, TCS; Act: Lax FavMem: Wall ball w/Wes, Justin, Tim , Pat; Times w/Tara, 22 spots, babysit'in, futon; Liftin' w/TJ; Laxin wi Buff, W.C; Concerts, TCS , Treefort; CM, OC, SI, Maine, St. Joes, Smedley, Jetty trip wlKrohm and Manners; Family time; Camerons SpringValley hi-note; Lax vs. Ridley; Keith and Mr. Cottom; Nicks, Warrens, times w/Walk; Krohm, Meos, Alicia, Manners, and my basement; Adam Garling; Advisory Will: Matt-strength , Josh-common sense, My Friends-a brother, Tara-my heart and soul Mess: Mom/Dad-I luv you, thanks for being there. Taramonkey , you gave me the best fe eling in the world, I wish we met sooner. I love yo u!
Ryan Gifford "Gif, GifDaddy, Notorious G.LF." Rem For: Making weekends interesting. Act: v. Baseball & Lifting. FavMem: Chilling wit I the Bandits, Digian, Cervo, Will, Gansk, Dar, Mezz. Walsh Park. Jr. Prom party. Butch. Dances. Hockey Games. Americar Legion Champs 00'. Cervo and Gansk's parties. Strange Brew. Propaganda. Got a Dollar? CGe. Bouncen to Bleek. Drive home from the Phil's. Crack Head Bob. Famous Night in Philly and Delaware. PJ Dance. Satanville. Target. Wendys. Perfe( Night. Soph Girls. Junior Bro's. Sneaking Out. WilI:Will-my bench set. Mes: Mom and Dad thank you for pushing me. Y ou'r both the coolest parents. Nat-Don't do what I do. Mike-Thanks for being my brother and my best friend.! love you guy~
Brian Edward Giu6a.ni "Jewels" Act: Lacrosse, Wrestling, Band, Orchestra FavMem: Districts wlChris, harness, strobe light , blank tape, Jenga Blocks, B.R. wi friends, high five for --- , s, m, I, b, Harley study sessions, , P.C wlMary and Corrine, study hall wi Britt, Mike, Corrine, Caitlin, Christy, Melissa , districts wi everyone, Deuce Biggalo, Boston, Disney , crazy asian jokes, K-spot and Becca-re, Bowling wlPalmer, Chiang, Joe, Lumps of Joy , Right? , Like it's your job, Tom don't mess with this! Will: Phil and Chris-Section leader jobs Mess: Family and friends- thanks for everything you guys, you guys are irreplaceable, Chris and Phil-You guys made everyday a lot of . fun , Christine- Thanks for coming to snow dances wlme, you' re the best
Joan De La paz Helmer and Tabitha Wurster Look no further than Joan and Tabitha for the latest in stylish fashion trends. Joan is always impeccably dressed in the finest designer clothes and shoes. Tabitha enjoys showing off her trendy wardrobe; you can always count on her to be sporting the most original and fashionable ensembles.
Dewey Gossefin
Cassandra Irene Greco "Beta " FavMem: YIOO Fes, Tom Petty , Bon Jovi, and Howie Day Concert. Mess: Good luck Cottrane(Bern, Ray , Carl, Tim) Monica , Michele, Jessica , Michele, Chrissy , Krissy , Amy , Laura , Jenni, Jenn, Lauren, Thanks for alwa ys being there. Ryan good job. I love you Pat (21) I don't know what I would do with out you. Mom and Dad Thanks for always being there for me. I love you Aunt Sharon & Uncle Bernie and the rest of my Family I love you all. Bill a nd Judy, you guys helped me out a lot. Thank you!
Kim Helmle is seen here getting herself in shape. Boys are not the only ones who can flex their musdes.
J a.mes Green "Jimbo, Green" RemFor: Funny guy , gave it my best shoot and succeeded. Act: Community Service, Freshmen Wrestling, and Baseball.FavMem: Junior Lunch, new start at SHS. Getting used to new school. Long summers at the shore.Goal: To succeed in everything I do. Will: To my sisters I give my stereo, room and my car. Mess: Thanks to Mom , Dad, sisters and anyone who has helped me along the way, I could not have done it without you. Life is a journey that is to be experienced by all so make the best of it. Thanks for all the great times.
Kristie Lei..9fi Green "Kris" RemFor: tiny wrists Fav mem: Times in Jetta, 3 blondes and a Ang, 6flags NY , Mel-len-e-ium , FABG, night gown & doyley , wigs & gigs, 007, 6ers party, Hi Lois ocbP, cannoli, walks home, Carmelcnut, S.S. stains & physic, monkeys, Potter skiing, Puss & boots, Kiss off, formals, times spent wi Adam , karaoke, like a peanut, hockey games, ceramics, gossips, Goals 2000, tom petty, q102 , bsb! creed? 120z, Pod.Will: Tray the closet & room! Mess: Mom & Dad thanks for everything, I really do love you! Tray your great, good luck! Girls thanks for all the times cant wait for more! Adam don 't no where Id be without you no one can compare Thanks!
Jennifer Lynn Gri960ne
Joe Fraatz Joe Fraatz was the Springfield Cougar this year. He made it his goal to attend as many sporting events as possible, not just football. However he had to balance his time with his obligations to the track team . This year the cougar recieved a new costume due to the poor quality of the old one. The new cougar is more intimidating to opposing teams, but Joe complains that it often scares away little children. This is a problem for Joe because his favorite part of the job, other than cheering on Springfield sports, is seeing the kid's faces that he poses with and giving them lollipops and plastic footballs. Thanks to Joe's school spirit the fans of games were given an enthusiastic leader.
Jessica. Greco "Milf" Rem For: Being a mother FavMem: Times with Jenni, Amy , Jay , B and Phil. Being with Brandon. Night school, Dinner breaks, " I Hope You Dance", Late night talks with Jenni and B, Proms, Concerts, Violating men, Jay's House, Jay's river dance, The misfits, The blue bomber, York, Wendy's trips, BR buddies, The boyfriends, concert friend, Baby B (12/30100), 153 , Riding bikes, A and J SundaysMess: Mom , Dad, Bill and Judy: Thanks for everything. I would have never made it this far without you . I love you guys. Baby B: I love you, Boo. Amy and Jenni: You guys are like sisters to me. I don't know what I would do without you guys. I love you!
"Grigs" FavMem: MB FEZ, church, Stoga '98, boston, fishing, adv , jr. prom , flower power, TEENY , hoho , FB games, TEY , Region 7, St. Louis, hanging with Mitch, HC, FLY , PP, Baptism Celebration, Seminary Days, Acoustic Manna Concerts, InternsAct: Ambulance Corps, chruch, Score, student trainer, LYO , Synod Council Mes: Good luck to all my friends! To my family , thanks for all your love and support. I couldn't have done it wl o you! I love you! Will: To my church peeps, the YG, have fun!
Brea.nn Gru66 "Braun" FavMem: Ghetto shanty , chapstick, Manners house, Sharons Bashes, Trolley stop, Blackout , Poolside, Wildwood, all concerts, campout, Nicole's mishaps with my driving, Shatnabs, Enlightening talks with Sabrina , times wI Kenny , trashcan, wings games, Nowhere fast , the box with Tracy and Alicia , New Year's 2000. Will: Meo: a five dollar bill. Mess: Sabrina and all my girls: you guys are my world I love you and thanks for all the good times and many more in the future. Mom , Dad, Kori , and Mitch: I couldn't have done it without all of you you've been my support my whole life and I love you thanks for everything. Alexis: You'll always have my shoulder to drool 00.
Lisa KaroUne Hadiler
Andrew Guiffe "Bobby Digital, Guille-T , Nicky Santoro FavMem: Running the Streets wi Diz, Phil, Murda , Fedz, Walk, Sweet Reem , Kyle, Monic, Moon, Kiwi, AG Style, CT. Slowing it down a bit wi Aimee. Also Chillen wi Ssnips, Moondawg, Kristen, Cifunism , Marcar, Jackie, Julie, FB. Wildwood wi Eric, Mike, and Dyce. Sea Isle wi Diz and Phil. The Green Mile wi Monic, Steiner, and Rudy. Ransack at Crowes. Will: To the ladies that I tried to get my # and address for the future. To my two sisters + brothers- the world and everything in it. Kerri- Something to do? Jess- A highschool Boyfriend or College now? Mom- My heart. Dan- My soul. Quote: "Can't Knock The Hustle!" Gr~ory
R. GurenUa.n
"Greg Beast" Act:Lax, soccer,Loudness Rem For:Ridiculously tight shirtsFavMem:G3A, 50yd dash, Love shack, sink, Walla bee rd, BLAADZ, Victory lap, 1009, Booty talks, Marple, Prez day , C.T , Tent night, Shark club ,pickle master,hook up comp, spandex , Perculatof, Mecca, Strudel, Champ camp, IZZOs-l, On the hill, Moe's tavern, Shady nod,J-sleepovers,bang bang, Avalon, Philly B wiT , Wings games, get some. Will: The boyz- my soul; Jen- my heart ; Genna-a brother; family-my apologies, my thanx. Mess: Mom and Dad-thanx so much I'll take your love forever, Georgie-I'm always here for you, Mike-keep your head up, Mark- foosball table. Jen I'm always here. George my bash brotha you did it. Britt It was worth it. I got that. Done and done.
-"\A1'1' -"\CGILL
"Troll" FavMem: Ken: 3yrs I will not forget. Brad: Airforce. Brandon: Blockbuster, Mole. Jessica: Baby B. Monica: Wig. Krissy B: Girlfriend. Michele 0: English, Wawa gas station. Lauren R: Team Yoka. Kristie G: Mr. Harley's. Rachael T: tanning, Juinor Prom , Spring break. Ashley 0: H.O .T girls, pool hall, baby jimmy. Mark H: trans am , chevy . JeffZ: mustang. Ian T: ice cream. Andy: Firebird, 68cougar,Attco. Joshua S: Scoob y Doo. Gabrielle and Courtney: Friends FoUl Ever, Mrs. D's Class. Mess: Mom and Dad: Thank you for putting up with me all these years. My Sister: We have had our ups and downs, but stuck by one another. My Brother: Be All You Can Be In The Army. Andy: I love you forever.
.: . .
Jermifer Hamacfler
Danie((e Maureen Hamson RemFor: Being nice and not being from around here. FavMem: Lunches with Michelle. Walks home with the L crew. (Kelly and Michelle). Mr. Harley's advisory . Advisory spent talking with Melissa and Kim. Times with Chrissy in Environmental Science class. Even though I hardly see you now I luv ya girl. Physics class with Michelle. Computer Apps with Krysten. Winning the pickle ball championship with Kara. Kara we're the greatest. Gym classes spent with Kara , Judy , and Krystal. Judy I luv ya girl. Michelle and Krysten you guys have been great friends and you better keep in touch. Mess: To my mom and dad, I love you guys!
Samantfia. Lynn Harms RemFor: transcendence. loving everything. enthusiasm . everyday enlightenment.Act: tennis. amnesty . unity week. orchestra. theatre. pit. FavMem:laughing wI friends. hilarity with eileen. pit orchestra! no chiang land! laughing tons with ka-chiang. all lunch tables past. senior gym . candy runs with patrice. playing in bands. zumpisms. lit. orchestra. quarters. laughing with mare. Times with mommy and stevie. Conversations with mikey c, andrea , nah, britt, alison, pepe. All the things I remember after I turn this in. rip gis! Will: all: my unconditional love, truly and forever. Message: mom , steve, and dad in the after life: you guys are far beyond words. I love you so much. To everyone: to thine own self be true, lovingly.
MeCfissa Harding
Tim.othy John Hecfrick.
"Lissa" RemFor: Always laughing, Curly hair Act:Orchestra , Operation Smile, Bye Bye Birdie FavMem:Formals, dances, Bday parties, various other parties, Friday fun nights with the Dawner, New Years Eve'OO, kung fu fighting, Bye Bye Birdie, Ocean City , concerts, Boston'OO , Madonna '01 , Target , Booty shakin, movie nights wI Krista and Becca , $2 f1at tire, nights wI Mike, Frank, Joe and Shan, "Yo soy ... ", study halls, "... ,right?" , D lunch,bend&snap wI Mike, summer days, orchestra ,hayrides, Halloween, NYC, talks on deck. Mess: Family-Thanks for the 18 years of unconditionallove and support! Friends- Thanks for filling my high school years with many fond memories. I'll cherish them 4-ever! You guys mean the world to me!
"Meathead"FavMem:times wlwynnie,rudy , brydawg,dyce,tommy ,byrnes,shano ,brady , fonz,nezzer,cifunism ,celluch,m arcar,a imee, ali ogs,variety night ,proms, sf1 , q-1 02 , base ball/ kingS@mike's, dirtball,9-6-99 ,9- 15-00, sneaking in a half,chem istry ,nitro w/bry dawg, madden, shimmer,be the winnah + get ringah 's,tiff1eball,bus rides freshman yr, friday football ,smoke in the eyes touLWill: Tommy,Craig&Mrs. D's baby-my coolness.Sarah-a ping-pong table.Lauren-a smiling face.Mess: Wynne family-my second home, you are great people, thanking you isn't enough , love you guys. Friends-thanks for the 4 fun years. Lauren-the fa iry tale continues. Mom , Thomas, Craig-thanks for being my family , you guys are strong, love you. Dad-I'll see you when I get there.
Kim6edy Ann Hefmfe
Jona.tfia.n T. Hennessy
"Kimmy , Shmim , Kimboley , Hellmann's Digionaise, Muscles, Prancer"RemFor:nice, smiling, friendly , talkative Act: T rack n Field, basketball, Springfield Singers, Operation Smile. FavMem:Times wi Dawn, porch, swings, riding on cars, endless bus rides, the shore, sunburn, NewYrsEve,Reils, mmmpopcorn, Soph Hop both times, Nah, Got Milk, raiseup/shoutouts wi Anna&girls, Eli,You gotconnections,movienights, AMA, chillin wi Haverford crew, hangin wi my girls & guys. Mes: Mom & Dad thanks I couldn't have made it without you, Mark you are my other half without you I would be incomplete, Michelle I look up to you always (your legacy was fun I hope I left one as well) ,my friends -you have given me the best memories of my life I love you.
"Jon, Michick, redneck, arian, albino , barcode, axem , you" RemFor: hicknitude, laziness, ATV's, disco blue, haunted house, flannel shirts, big truck, lifeguard, jeans all year,voicing opinions, being loud, pointless actions, paintball, DCF&S taking things apart , disgruntled scout , Morton homegrown ,and hopefully a good friend. Will: everybody take what you want, just not disco blue FavMem: Sitting at the picnic table .. . all 3 of them , playing hardcore pokie, just chillin in the oblong triangle. Being with all of my friends we've : through it all. Anything else you remember it, so no sense in writing it. Mess: the morton crewlhuh , where would I be wlo you, my parents thanks for pushing so hard, love you all
Mark. David Hefmfe "Bankers"RemFor:JoeEngine, Car guy, Not caring what people think.Act:Working on cars,Racing,Partying,playing guitar Fav Mem:Pips House/Bon Fires,Wildwood Car shows,smoken frog at Mr.T's.Trens house. VanishingVomitter,MemDay ,LBI ,Car sleep HondaAc,GoriIla in face,Starrs TransAm 160mph,Devidien,Spagehetti Alafungus, GravesXXX ,Maccario ,Chicken want wingee Bito's Camaro,Midnight runs,AH KDRCH Adams mustang, 151 Quarters, AlicesHouse Lovies,MeatStack,Viking Feast ,Lisa ,Andy Power steering,CornbeefSpecial,Flying fan , Bones,Bonner an BJ.Poppy, 911 , Fmegan, GrandTheft Smitty ,0 DD,AngiesPortland MN.CheeOnNipChee.My sisters&brother Hampel an Amy wildwood towtruck running.Mess:Huey ,Mom ,Dad Thank you.
Tara Lee Hewfett "Tara Lee, maribou pikachu" RemFor: maribou, shopping, dancing; driving skillz FavMem: ohara times&bonner boys; summer'OO; shore; summer rain; concerts (creed) ; coyote girls; xmas shopping; the piece; hockey games; dances; snowdance; junior prom ; rosetree stage; Contempo chicks; KOP&harrisburg; craft nite; moun- : tains; midnight adventures; best random nite-construction; henry signal; girls nights (concussion?) ; friendly smile;eggs;tomatoes and chalk; all my rooftop visitors Will: Kara- directions to where da party at, Tabitha- change for wendy 's &tweety , Kira-a good morning sunshine, Trayshotgun Mes: All my friends- I couldn't ask for better friends. Thank you so much , for everything you do. Fam-Thanks
Jessica Efiza6etfi Hickey "jess. tisha. pie."RemFor: jumping out the window '01 and being me.Act: swimming '99-'0 I.FavMem:aerosmith'99.wawa ' 98 '99. blink '00. so ph w/wayne. jr. prom '00. snow dance '00. pool hall +laser tag wirick, nat ,sara ,+frannie '00-'0 I. europe '0 I. carib.' bean sum . 'Ol.t. magraw sum '01. put-put wlgweny and sean '0 I.bev's house + III I 01 oI. Will: mom + dad my love. rick my cd's + yours grammy ty 's. gramps your flannel jacket. grampsi a room for you to always stay in.Mess:I'm truly sorry for everything I've done to rebel against you mom + dad. I love you. rick + nat you're the greatest you've helped me through a lot. bev you've been great. Bum its been fun you've been a good friend. razzi thanx for listening to me, good lick skc. I love you.
Laura. Ann Hi9gins RemFor: my hair Act: Swimming, 4year Springfield Singer, Operation Smile FavMem: Times in Alicia 's basement , soph with Dino , prom with JasonF, Shane's house with Rick, Mike, chillin with the girls AliciaB, AliciaC , Tara , MelissaH , MelissaB, Steph , Mel, Heather, Gina , Amber, Lisa , Crystal, Meg. Hanging with Tom, Tony , Tim , Lou, Matt, and Spencer. Auntie Anne's. Fourth block with Ginaluv you girl! Melissa's parties. Swim Meets. AP Science, Summer in Sea Isle. Mess: Alicia , thank you for being such a great best friend. Sarah, thanks for all the great times. Daddy and Mom , thanks for all your love and support. Frank, Rebecca , and Scout , thank you for putting up with me. I love you all!
DuJuan. Kfiafi! Hill "Juan"RemFor:Bra ids,PunkAct: Varsity Basketball FavMem: 19thbday night Henneyed up.Kyle getting Shakies in the basementJ-5 Ki getting buckey naked.D-Nel Begging to A-moon I'm sorry .Reem crying over some oats.AuntMink&Mom ,Do you know what they did to me.Goal:To become successful in life&"Get$"WiIl:Mother-everythingMes: Mom-the love of my life thank u for your support. To all my young scrappers, see who's going to be driving the theralist car in about 5 yrs.Li Li,Ahn, Niesha ,Tae,& all my lil cousins. Shoutouts Young Turk, Reem , Lee, Teizi, Kile, Kieon, To my Pop &Donna-Iook at ya boy now. Saleem-if he comes to this school before warned my lil bol is a cannon.Newlil brolsis better believe u can holla at ya bro for whatever u need.
Maureen. Hiffer "mo" Act: band, track, sadd, csc, nhs, yearbook Rem for: talking about movies FavMem: distance runs with the girls, xc champs, bye bye birdie, all times down the shore, disney trips, movies wi dad and friends, talks wi jill and casey , "man in parking lot" , concerts, formals, winter track bus trips, advisory wi lauren and patty , spanish videos, sadd wi carla , heath wave, math study sessions, times at band wi friends, year of surprise parties, revelation, getting lost , boston, la Will: col - my dance skills Mess: case - thanks for always being there. friends - thanks for the good times. mom , dad, colin and family - thank you for all of the wonderful memories. i love you all so much.
Dan Nelson knows how to brighten Kristin Callahan's day with a big hug in the middle of the hallway.
Jasper Ho "J-Ho, HO "RemFor:Asianess,vio,prancing Fav Mem :(3am ,problems,mike,insolence everything-Karen)(smiliesAIM,flicking,pmea, ra wr,study halls,m usic-Krista)( coffeehousel booth,chem/phys-N az)( chilling,wa waBriG) (kristastuff, compgeeks, phillyorch-phil)(starbucks, stars, driving,CD's-becca)(Looomen,PGSA,pmea-Jeff)(I'll cut ur fam ily, AP engTom)jerkface,borders,boston,Ho-jokes "goo!"racist tennis,Hershey ,chern ,CaPs Adv "yea asian!''''BAH?!''Will:bro-Do V ,k-chianggreencard, ultimateteam-my gloves, suejin5inchesMess:Friends:I don't know what I'd wl o u.Karen, call me back; I'll always be here. Krista, listen to the music within your heart.Family:I'm grateful for everything you've done 4 me.love u mom, dad& alex; thanks for giving me such a wonderful life.
Ryan. Hodinka FavMem: '98 Shore (Pearse and Salerno) , 2000 New Years, Whiffleball, Sleeping in the Car, '97 Carolina Shore, Lancaster (Salerno and the Psycho), Atlantic City, Phillie's games, Late night woodshop, Chased by the Savior, + leaving Santella , Salerno licking the screen, Sleep-ing in ETR woods, Fighting for keys with Wes, backyard football , Bowling, Jackie: 10/9/00, Secret , Studying for Physics, The dances, Can't wait till I am 32. Mess: ParentsThank you for everything and putting up with me. Tyler - Stay out of trouble (no more getting arrested) . Brett - Try to make it to high school. Jackie - Thanks for being there, I love you. Chris, Chris, and WesBest friends through high school , I'll always remem ber you guys.
Marc Bryan. Hoffken. "Bean, Nut" RemFor:The Bean FavMem:Trip to Virginia, Monday bags, peaking at the peek, papadu's, Memorial days, three day jam , the forts, IIlin at meo's, the spots, E.T.R. nights, Manners, w. Chester, Wings Games, Count erfeit 5's, The Maine spot, all the concerts, gib's base, helicopter pad, the garages, sa bby's bashes, Fern' I'm number one, 3rd pd. at vanders, The bam days, trips around town, sessions at Steve's, the Glenn spot , everyone I chiLl with, and times to come, and those I can't remember... Mess: Mom a nd dad: thanks for it all, yo u are appreciated
Casey D. Horna RemFor: Extraordinary Buffness Act: XC, Track, CSC, NHS, Hi-Q , Band Fav Mem : One-way streets; Orange pants and bagels wi Lauren H.; Man in parking lot; Original running buddies; Singing sprints wi the girls; Reservoir wi Katie; We're havin' a Heath wave; Walking wi Jill ; Halloween parades; Homemade fruit roll-ups; "La Voiture Blanche" wi Caroline; Lunch table '0 1; Boston; Movie nights wi Ann; Adv. talks wi Jeff and Arthur; Amish country wi Anna ; Bye, Bye Birdie; Stuart; South St. ; Penn State wi Kate and Ann; The Brace; Movies wi Hillers; Glascow 800;Aerosmith in rain; Gazelles; Europe- Hofbrauhaus, subways; NC wi family Will: Brynn- My driving skills; Mom- A Map; MaureenPlane tix to Perth; Laura- the perfect eight Message: Friends/Family- Thank you for making me laugh. Love yo~ Swim like fish! . , . ' 183
Jennifer Lynne Howea FavMem: Fantasy Show, QI02 , Fri Night, Clothes on Highway 83 , Lake, Shore, magician man, Michelle's BR, My guys, Karas Parties, Florida guys, s.d.o .a. , dances, Times w/ Mike, 03 / 02/ 00 , ThongSong, Strip Hack, Michelle! JoesHos, CrazyCardGame, Twizzlers, Showers, Gold Fish Fund, Candy 'n'Roxanne, Pimpette, X-Master.Afraid of the dark ,Nol got wi anyone, Don't blow the night, grinder, Jell-O , 07/1510 I, Maggie O'Neils, Nice'n'EasyFreaks, Sunrise-Sunset, Bon Fire, Free Ferris-wheel rides, NiceShoesNice Purse, yeahhbh! Screw Guys-Have Fun. 09 / 28 / 01. Michelle n Kristen-Friends 4eva n thanks 4 keepin my secrets, CourtUr the best, Cole D , Cassandra , Kara , Lisa , Crystal , Mom&Daddy-thank you 4 every thing; I don't know where I'd be wlo you.
Wiffiam J enn~ s "willie beamen"RemFor: being generous and being bb4h FavMem: rolling withe bandits. Cuervo, Gif, Digian, Josh, Turk. Money Inc at the lamb. Walsh park. Dancesl proms. Gifs after party. Pajama dance nite wi Gif. "hanging" wi wes, pearse, hodinka. 3rd period wlsants and ang. Satanville. Times wi rose. Spittin rhymes wi MC Shorty. Hockey wi rich ane brian. Propaganda talks. Bleekin' it. 7:07. "perfect night". Target. Pink at the beach. Crowell park. Ridley night. Bobblehead. Notorious jerk. Club Shampoo? 5 dollar bet. High guy bobby. Jp. Will: rich-my taste in music. Rose-my parking skills. Gif & Digian-frostingMess: mom and dadthanks for all your help and support. Colleen-3 more years. BBB-never forget.
Patrice F. HU9fles "Fatty Patty , Pat Rice" RemFor: My big hair. Act: Soccer, Lax, Diving, Orch., NHS, SADD FavMem: slam dates w/kara . Getting fat w/aimee. Formals & dances. Boston. Trucker ride w/kara. Ddd wl marcar & aimee. Candy runs w/sam. Times w/mike. Philly girls lax. Hockey games. Shore trips. Xmas parties @tam 's. nights wl kristi &the girls. Cuellars. Florida trips w/wog. "I want it now!" pack. Virginia. Ymm Mess: Mom , Dad: I could never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I love you. Erin, Frank: I couldn't have asked for a better sister and brother. I love you guys. Kara , Kristi: Thanks for the great memories. Will: Mom , Kara , Erin: My Big BO's.
Lauren M.Hutefmyer "Hutels" Act: track cross country FavMem: times wi Ann Bern Amanda Jen Jill Aurelia Anna track bus rides Myrtle Beach soda Sea Isle circle hallway talks cookies class wi jen roger hoight Bern's house touching eyes dances driving wi everyone cat calling morraccas Amanda 's house hiccuping country music running at seven Ferris wheel playing games never stop being a punk Bern on Baltimore Will: Jill the boot Bern fleecepants Amanda singing ability Mess: My Family you have always been there for me I couldn't do it without you I Love you Mark: Times wi you are the best you always make me laugh thanks for always being there Friends you guys are the best Love you.
Justin Brian Jiufianti "JJ" FavMem: Card. O'hara Sen. Prom 2000 with Re and Justin. Pool Hall 2001. JayZ with Mary "Izzo" . Eastern with Jay . "Watch the protein Shake" Widener 2000, 200 I. Cabrini 200 I. Satanville 200 I with Jack. , Amanda "We have road flares". "Stop leading me on". "Muscles". AP Env. with Mark. "Gummy Bear!" "Whatever is available" Re's house Summer 2001. "Get his leg!" "Don't look at her, she won't see us!" with Jessie. Snow Dance 2000. Junior Prom 200 I. Ridley Soph. 200 I. Will: Nicole - my car. Jason - my muscles Mess Mom and Dad - thanks for all the help and support , you're the best , I love you.
cliristine M. Jolinson "Chrissy Yohonson" FavMem: Downtown wl Danielle, Invision, Races, Steve Miller, Elisen Glen, 143, Halloween, Brian, LL wi Blonde, Hotel Rooms, I'm in pain again, My girlz, Rachael-Shampoo & Egypt, Red Camaros, times wi Jerry, Ridley Crew, Ben Summer OO' ,Widener, SophHop 99', Shine Michelle, Nicole, Eastern, Gary , Rushton , South Street, Pearl Jam , Te, the shore, talks wl Sandy, ETR, minute man, Dan, bang-bang, andrea-the sleepover, Magoo, Elissa-noise, chester party , 3 wa ys, the IZZO'S, spaz, I'm out..late Mess: Mom , you're my heart and you did your best to raise me, thanks. I love you very much. Chrissy , thanx for everything, your like a sister. Crystal , Rachael , Andrea-I love you guys BFF. Jenni-we've been through a lot.
Micl1.aeC W. Hutton "Hutton, Hutdog" Act: Football FavMem : Football games, Senior Day Vs. Phonexville, Hanging Out with Friends, Movies, Friday Night Football Games, Playing Hockey at Target, Weekends, Hockey games, football practices senior year, almost beating Strath Haven Sophmore year, team dinners night before football games, slacks, Burger King. Goal: To go to College. Will: Football # to my cousin Matt, If he wants. Mess: Thanks Mom and Dad for all your help threw High School. Thanks Geoff for everything as a older brother.
John Hennessy has learned to capitalize on his time spent during Advisory.
." ',>
Christopher Johnson "Chris, CJ, Doh, Mango"Act: I and 2 days year of football FavMem: My entire sophomore year, getting a T.V. shaved in the back of my head. The 5 dollar bet. The times under the tressel. The songs that we sung over Jimbo's house. Will: Did you think I am going to leave something to underclassmen? You thought wrong. I keep everything I came here with and much more. Suckers! Mess: I would like to give individual thanks to everyone that I have met and become friends with in my high school career, but since I have limited space A thank you will have to do. Thank you. All of the teachers that have taught me thank you for putting up with my laziness. All of you made a difference. Once again Thank you.
A familiar face around school , Genna Starecky, can always be seen with a smile on her face.
~ -~
Greg Gurenlian and Sabrina Catrombone
". Greg and Sabrina are two of the most charasmatic and ~'enthusiastic students you will find roaming the halls. These outgoing students are very talkative and friendly and never ~< hesitate to share what is on their mind. They are always ~ excited about something and are there to offer a great ;J smile or funny story to their appreciative friends.
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Nicole Flasinski and Lauren Fuiman try very hard to get Brian Giuliani and Adam Garling to talk about anything but wrestling during advisory.
Mike Walker and Brett Mooney are very excited to have
taken .
Charisma Lo fita Jones
Gerard Kerry
"Spitz AKA Gizm o" FavMem: Bumpin gums @ everything Always @ Sharks early Chester wit Myron in dat "Camaro" Hitten up da 109 Chester via 69th St. Terminal ERS 4 Life/upper dublin Ha! Ha! Roamin Morton wit Smoke shoppin wit Tam-Tam CPw/Nelly & Radio Vikki K.O . dat Woodlyn Chicken in da Sharks Da 63rd nerd Loui-Loui Dances-Broad & Girard Dat Chester mission wit Nelly 4 Tetar Rollin wit Jimbo in da Bronco Goal: Making dat doe Mess: Mom thanks for everything I couldn't of done it without ya, you really looked out- I LOVE YOU for that. To my nephew thanks for all the laughs. For all ya'll Morton hatas yeah I made it, so go ahead-GOSSIP-that's all your good for.
"Gerald P."RemFor:Ty Dye,Grateful Deac FavMem:spots wi AC ,TK,MM ,WW,GW, ML,LC,SC,JF,Jam Sandwich, Mcgill's house, hi orman, bear tanked,whoops,good times w / RD , Ron 151, BB, Kam akize night , Wow thanks mcgill, JT's house, ha , running from the fus, swp wi TK, MM ane that crew, Hess got gas, trips to value,the who, JP&BC, BD&PL, NY,Phish, LS, Pan tera , motorcycle dude wi Kramer &jumpir 2 stories and hearing stuff, GTs in the Probe & Nissan, sober, cressy house &GW on a box spring, New Orieans,Best times of my life w/ Shannon, Heman, I have the power! Will: Kramer-Dead stuff,Shannonlittle blanket ,Will-Hendrix posterMess: Erin&Danny:Have fun but get your stuff done! Mom:I did it , thank you + I love u!
Wesfey KaCman "Beast, Wez, Speedy , Saltman" FavMem: Getting chased by Jesus, the first time it was cool, but the second time(Playing freshman basketball and hanging out with the Saltman(Mr. Duffy) Playing on a real N N basketball team , the best dressed 16 team in the country, and Mr. Harley 's quotes; "Urn, Excuse me .. .Thank You." Taking Will's lunch everyday during advisory ; sorry buddy. "The Penncrest Incident." Being a proud member of "The Boys," and "The Springfield Spoof Group." All of the good times, "Dude, I can't do it all at once, I'll throw up" . "Yo Logan, have another buddy ." Chillen with all of the guys. Goals: I will be the greatest ftlm director of all time.
Jessica. Lee Kerry "Jellyfish" RemFor: Having the silver neon. Being spoiled. FavMem: "e"ing the "d" with Nicole and Jenna. My "cousin" the stripper. Going to vo-tech. Trips to the shore. Hooters with the girls. Weight room with Courtney. Cave and dirty dancing with Corr. Coral Sands, live and on camera! Virginia Beach. Mom 's Christmas Party, Brooke. Belmawr Lake. STUPID GIRLS!! Mess: all friends, you're the best , I love you. Corr, Thank you for everthing you've , ever done for me, you're the best, I love you!! Brooke, you too, I love you. Mom and Peter, you both have been the best ever, I am very thankful! I love you both bunches!! D . 1. L. U.
Andrew Joseph. Karninskas "Kamikazi, Psycho, Kamikas" RemFor: Hating everyone, slacking off in class, never doing homework Act: Hacky sack, skateboarding, ice skating FavMem: Ocean City , 10th grade lunch table, jackass filming, all my classes with friends, skating with Mario , going to movies with Ian Goal: Not to fail in life .... cause that would suck Will: Mario - My hack, Ian - My computer, Brian M. - My taste in music Mess: "... And then the one day you find , ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun. "Time" Pink Floyd
Andrew Keffer
Corinne Kerry "Rin, Rinny" FavMem: Play day , Puppies, I could go for some .. Sean?, Borders, Lunch with Caitlin and Jason, Toilet seat covers, Gomek, Bazooka Joe, Vending machine Sea Isle trips w/Kara, Las Vegas, Bingo , North Carolina , Pigman's, Mermaids, He probably would have beat you anyway, Georgia with Tabitha , Ma ry&Kara, Sass, Bologna , Cabbage patch, Wal-Mart , In the city w/Tara , Dan, Emily&Aurelia , New Years, Museums, Good hustle, Party City w/Brian&Tab, Jamaica , Ireland, White bull, Skanks at the BonJovi concerts, Multicultural family , Strom , Oliver, Jaba and Gloria , 2 U2 concerts, Linvilla Orchards, Not high-fiving, Heather's face bite, Right? Mess: Maggie-You're a great mom , I love you.Tara-Thanks for alwa ys listening.
All the girls in Mr. Robinson's Conversational Spanish class decide to stop class and have a fiesta.
Ro6ert Ki1l9
Josh Gansky asks for Ryan Gifford's approval of this morning's Joke of the Day. Litufsay Jeanne Kerr "Linds" RemFor: being little FavMem: good times with Gina, Lisa Bong, Lisa Boll, Kim and Andy , movie marathons, g's house and family , heritage in slippers, laughs with Kristin, scary movies-guys I can't sleep! Advisory with So, babysitting adventures, church, riding, shopping trips, darkroom and times with Mrs. 0 in photo , summers at Kirkwood-where I began m y faith and summer 0 I-met the love of my life, Ship visits, and long talks. Mess: mom and dad-thanks for teaching and supporting me in everything r do. AI-my opposite, still I love ya. Bub-thanks for your hugs. Gina and Kim-thanks for being there, my bffl Andy-even though you're far away, our love grows stronger every day . Thanks, I Love you guys!
RemFor: Lifted Ford Bronco. Being quiet. Random comments. Act: Varsity Ice Hockey FavMem : 3/ 17/00. Working on my Bronco . T92K. Off-roading down the shore. Working a t the golf course. Ozzfest 200 I. Deftones back to school tour. Study halL Bermuda cruise. Goal: To own an auto body shop and to have lots of cars. Mess: Chris and Melissa thanks for all the help with things. Mom and dad thanks for everything.
So HyunKim
Timotliy Kramer
Peter Joseph. Ko6asic
Even at a young age Susan Rundbaken and Amy. Corrato -"'-J-- hav@ been doin their est to other. Bunny Ears are the age trick to getting back at
Kristen Cellucci had
This is a quick snap shot of Mrs. Schmidt's 4th grade class, who do you know?
Britton Bongaardt and Courtney Mc' Farland were best friends at a young age. They
' ,'
Greg Avato an Greg ' Gurenlian have been friends since the beginning and here's . the picture to prove it. ,~...,~ v¡¡....
\t a young age Jackie ~esbitt vas trying hard ',0 scare )eople, sh@'s lot fG>oling Inyone. In ' ackie's yo ng ears she was ,een rocking. 'h e "oh so" . opula~ mullet ute
urelia )ontarelli narches in the :inGlergarden falloween :prade, she is e little angel t1 the back.
Sharon Lanciano
Most AtistiC,
FavMem: wawa crates, shore trips, peaching: Madonna, B-street w/Brc , Disney , concerts, Shatnabs; scagging it , NYE 00 ,01 ,02, Camp : Sab , Dare Valley , my bashes, 4th then fate , Eddies crew, dancers, formals, 208 , keyword hula man, like a prayer, olive sneeze, blue lights, Dmb wiT, John's house, Dan's house, treefort, endless drive, snowmobile, secret addict , woods, stick it in boy , BNL wi Mo , labor day weekend, minivan, taking over the world, Tara's room , Steve Miller Mess: Family-you've created me, I love you for it! T , La , and girls-would have been nothing wit out you, I love y'all. Carmela and girlsYou've been my family , my haven, my friends, my everything; stay great , I love you Tom- You're my hero, love you!
Charfes A. Laufis "Chas, C." RemFor: Being Loud, Not knowin. when and when not to talk. Act: Wrestling FavMem: Wildwood, LateNight Beach trips Powell, ETRwoods, Bonfires at Pips house, Stoli, Steve Miller 99", The formals, Domers 9-11, Wusabi, Rodger Waters, The purple cu Absolut Sea Isle, Independent, Wings Games Greens, Smedly, The Strip, Bobs house, Denny's, Sabold, To my friends-good luck thanks, for the great times, Clubbing, Car shows, George's house and car, Walsh, Trens Stone Harbor. Will: Run it up while you can, it goes by quick, Ryan one year left make it worthwhile. Mess: T o my mother and fathel even though times have been rough , I thank you so much for putting up with me. I love you.
Nicfiofa.s Marc Lehman
Matt Krohmer and Eileen Campbell Whether it's graphic design, painting, or drawing, Matt and Eileen will be sure to amaze you with their amazing artistic ability. Matt and Eileen are among the most artistically gifted students in the school and have been extremely involved in the art department. Both students have displayed their incredible work at Celebration of the Arts in the past and are working hard on their pieces for this years presentation in May.
Matt Kro hmer FavMem: Cape May Jedi, treefort , Manners shorehouse, sleeping in cougar, Friday 13th Hofken's, Cameron's porch, , ETR woods, ride Long Island, O 'Hara guys, Aronimik Woods, New Years 2001 , 7/18 Manner's house-good times, 38th Street Olym-pics, bloody nose? (Gibson), Mailboxes?Spring Valley , running away, Gibson's house, Pooh sandwich , SJU , All con-certs, All my boys-Meo, Cameron, Hofken, Mooney , Manners, Walsh, Rudy , Checco, TJ, Garling, Walker, Gibson, Mess: KERR(wywh) , Manners Family-,Moml Dad I love you guys-couldn't ask for better parentsthanx for putting up with me, your help, Kristin-couldn't ask for a better girlfriendthanx for being there to help me through everything-love you-good luck at UD , Springfield boys-good luck-keep in touch
"Nick, Squirrel" Fav Mem: plot at Pinno with the boys, jam ~ at Sean's with reds and big Mike, j , Sean and Daree, Aidman brothers, red never made it, nite's at j's, meeting with Shan between classes, white lipstick Mess: Mom and Dad thank you for all you' help and support, Cow you're the best , Ron ' and Dana thank you for everything. I love you all. Shan-I wouldn't of made it without you.
] effrey
Stuart Lemon
"jeff, jeffy" RemFor: being musical , laughing, mom jokes. Act: band, orch, singers, jazz, pmea all-states, fbla , peers, delco, church stuff. mem: boston, va beach w/tony/mike Itom, disney, bi-o-Iogy , chern videos, right si, of the room , chocolate man, malkovich, heron's crazy music, ward's spanish classes, pa>ales, nadz w/brittlm ary/kim , peer weekend, bye bye birdie, ap music, back row tenors, district choir '00. studying w/karen la at night, crazy asian ping-pong bday parties, mike's casa , jason's basement , sarah mclachlan in dawn's basement , mel's casa , putt-puttl denny's w/rossi/tony Inikkil caitlin. Will: jason/bob/rob-the tbone section! caseypaper towels! brian-da cones! msg: kat-keep the lemon legacy alive! my friends-i love you always keep in touch!
',' ,'
Kim EIlza6eth Leve"9oocf RemFor: giggling, being overly competitive and dramatic FavMem: scrubs. freshman health/bio. VAB. group of 5. red sweater. CHA & Suzy Woo. giggle central. late night talks wi Ben. chern. adventures wi cif. Hula Dance. billy/friends quotes. pool parties. ASP. Boston. campout. lobsters. meteor shower. dance. scavenger hunt. STD. mb. wi kaz and aimee. NIE. trivial pursuit. formals. New year's. Will: Dave - a golf ball. Tamara bathing suit top. Sue - cannonballs forever Mess: Family - I would be lost without you. Thank you for all the little things. I love you. Sue and Val - I couldn't have been blessed with more beautiful friendships. I love you. Friends - I am eternally grateful for the times we've shared and I'll treasure them always. Ben - I'm glad I a lways picked up the phone.
Most Musical
Arthur Lo "A. Lo" RemFor:being funny Act: Orchestra, Lit. clubs, Sculpture club, Hi-Q , SCORE, spontaneous writing club FavMem: Fun times with Melissa, Jeff, Dawn, Sharon, Casey and everyone. Stress relieve. KungFufighting.Halloween. Parties. Governor's school. Hira's clay head. International fair wi Tayeba . Snow dance wi Carla . Shore. Celebration of the arts. Miss Finn. "English, huh? " Movie buddies. Juliana. Env. Sc. and Bio. Making snow balls w/Claire. Brian and Brandon. Dinner with Mr. Harley. Creative writing. Dessert w/Ms.Meinhardt. Goals: traveling around world Mess: Dad and mom without your support I wouldn't be able to do this. Teachers and Mrs. Wells: thanks for all the knowledge and support. To friends that laughed with me and pulled me out of loneliness: thanks for everything.
Stephen L09an "Rudy, Loges" RemFor: Loving Notre Dame, AC/ DC Goal: make money , start a family , move to Notre Dame. FavMem: OGS. Logan's Law. Wrestling. Powell park. DX . Times w/Megz. Times w/Dana 1. Springsteen concert. Back of the auditorium. CLC 2000 baseball. Dogsitting-Death. Avalon 2000Beach Ban. Bernstien's before dances. Working at Gulf Pub. Sputnick. New Years 2Kl. Blackthorn, Petty , Jovi. Talks w/ Maura. Baseball at Wynne's. ND w/John & Big Dawg. Mess: Mom/Dad Thanks for all your love and support, you are the best parents God ever created. John you're my best friend, thanks for being a great brother. Melissa thanks for a great example to follow. Bryan I will never have another friend like you. LouPrank Calls WOLF!
Jeff Lemon and Krista Feliciani Jeff and Krista have definitely been given a musical gift. Both musicians are important parts of the band, orchestra, and singing groups and have worked hard to develop their talent outside of school in various community music groups. Jeff and Krista have also attended District, Regional, and State festivals and have proudly represented Springfield High School. Krista and Jeff are both looking forward to continuing their musical careers in college.
Aficia Anne Loro "Aleash, Spalicia " RemFor: Blue eyes, my voice Act: Field Hockey FavMem:Shore times w/Sabrina.Tracy's porch.RogerWaters.Tracy's 17th. Baby-sitting w/Breann and Tracy. Hurtbox. Memorial w/Nicole. Apple pie. Sabrina's house. Steve Miller. Wings games. J.M.parties. O.c.B. Broken deck. Ry's parties. Lovies.Num Nums. Hanginw/Bryan. Pantera. Gas.Friends. Mudcheese. S.M. 8th grade gang. F.H.girls. Times w/George. ScoobieDoobie. Honey . S.S. w/Genna. Group 6. Senic Six. Car Crash. Bonfires. Pizark. Car rides wlTam+ Kerin. Providence gang. S.Park. Tripping up hills. Will: Sabrina-My clothes. Mes: Mom and Dad thank you so much for your help, I Love you. Bryan thanks for the good times, I love you. Jill and Brandon have fun in high school. To my friends: be happy in everything yo u do.
James M. Lynch "jim , Iynchmob , mobster, jimmy jam" RemFor: head injuries Act: soccer FavMem: good tim es wi bob, tom, greg g., greg a., ben, pops, danny, J and the crew; new years '99 , '00; times at justi n's w/o j & w/j ; mountain trips; shore; pj dance'OI; jim steaks; 1050; WINGS; short lax career; petty '0 1, dmb , jovi '0 I, pearl jam '00; s. street advent ures; shampoo; knife fights wi tom /bob; hockey games; midget/satanvilJe; GB at j's; soccer team ; acct. wi vato ; t-bird; susa ns; last day '01 ; sfa times; times at my house; bob's house; parchman Mess: erin- be good in hs. Kthave fun in the real world. Mom and dadthanks for being there.
Taiyyibafi MaCik.
As Mary Kate Mela reflects on her last four years of high school, she remembers all of the good times that she shared with her friends .
"Tayeba Malik" RemFor: wearing scarf on m head because I am proud to be Muslim , and , Pakistani. FavMem: hanging out with friend, in car by the window, on the benches behind the cafeteria, and in the Commons Hall. Mess: Assalam-u-Alikum!!! I moved to Springfield in the end of my junior year, it w, hard but there were a lot of people who helpe' me feel comfortable. Nida and Uzair Qadee special thanx to u guys. Mudassar, even though you are my annoying little bro, I love you, have fun in next 2 years in Springfield. loved it, had fun , and will miss it. P.S. Assalam-u-Alikum means "peace be upc you". Love a nd peace, u all!!!
Cfiristoplier Vincent Mace Jr. "Ma$e" RemFor: Varsity Ice Hockey 4 years, starting trends with Garling, NOT wearing underwear. Act: Ice Hockey 4 years, Baseball for one year. Favorite Memories: 4-29 , hanging w/ Meghan, Garling, Renzo, T Feds, Marino, "The Brittany's", State Championship, O.c. times, New Years eve 2000, Jr. Prom. Goal: to be as successful as my father. Mess: Thanks mom and dad for giving me everything I have needed and more, I love you. Thanks Brittany and Lindsey , you're the best sisters. AG: DON'T BE SKURD! Will: to my parents: everything that I own, because it's yours anyway.
Midia.eC MaCamCra RemFor: being carefree, crizazy, and cartoonish. FavMem: Bi-O-Logy! , Malkovich, Walrus Song, tea cup, Lenny , death kill, BR crew, Va beach, God, shore to the trip, chern video!, wish list , rice, lumps of joy, pa,ales, manayunk, strobe ping pong, Halloween, Shampoo, Linvilla , STD the clash, insanity/sanity , Jeffs party (MK/root) , tarts, Vday din, Conchita , Cafs adv , CocoaHouse, celebration prep, look a castle!, Talks w/ Karen,Naz,Jason,Jeff. DS, Dawn's parties, Boo-Ya! Stuart, Devil, cruisin, Buddafli, luggage, Mulan, Bobby Jacobi, Damien, Zoe ... , S. St, the city, coffee times, NM, exploring the world, Denny's. Will: Xaren- my carelessness. Naz- my insanity. Jason- my car. Jeff- Chern Video Mess: To my fam- Thanks for the great times and thanks for getting me through HS. I love you!
Thomas MaCfee Jr.
Matt MaCara
"Tom Mallee, Tmal" FavMem: "here's me telling my senio r summary"times w/crew, kil ing Santa Cia us, wh ipping, Wings,wa terballoO! 1's late nite parties,victory lap, vandalism , , 1009, Blaadz,Moe's Tavem,war with Meinhart ,times with my senior girls, senior week 01,Petty,11116,C.O.T.A with Shane, Crum Creek Road with fellas, kb out the window, Aunt T's,T 1's apartment ,hitting B's with the usuals,South Street Adventure, getting lost with Justin,lncubus concert with Ervin's,blue bench,mind melts. Mess:Bemsteins-thanks f, taking me in, I love you all. Justin you're m) brother and I couldn't have made it with out you. Mr. Preston-my guiding light, thank yOl for everything. Chalie- thanks for all you've done for me. AmMaMe thanx for coming in my life you are such a special person to me.
John wiffiams Manners
"Manners, J, Johnny Fitness." RemFor: laxin, lifting, parties Act: Lacrosse. FavMem: Gib's basement , woods, parties @ my house, times w/ nicole, CM , OC, Checkers, 1st period pissers w/bigg A, 1% Gib, Colorado, Spring-break w/Cass., DP just hang'n, a.m. rides w/tara, Aftershock, 7-1 I-Doubles, Pong, Scarsdale, Rocko, Dj Feds, New Years @ my house, New vocab. From Gene, Trips to the jeddy w/Krohm. And Gip., Canadian w/Krohm.and Bigg A. Will: Nicole-an endless bank account , Gip-an umbrella , Krohm.-my room to clean. Mess: Mom and Dad-Thanks for everything, I love u guys. Lar and Morg-Thanks for the talks and listening, love ya. Nicole- you're the best, 10yrs? Love you. Gip and Krohm.you're my boys, don't change.
The Governor's School of Excellence is a program for various different topics, like Health Care, Agricultural Sciences, Art, theater/music and International Relations. Over the five-week period students get a chance to learn more about their intended area of study or interest, as well as receive a minicollege experience. Governor's School is usually held on a college campus, like The University of Pittsburgh or Carnegie
Gary Anthony W. Marino "G Murda." RemFor: Being blunt. Act: Football, Baseball. FavMem: That's funny by Agatha (282) . Tommy boy, Crowes porch, Maces Estate, Renzo, Nof, Guille, Reem , Kdog, Rudy , Chec, Phil , MalIee, DP, Krohmer, Manners, Mooney and Traczdogg. Yous are my boys. All my girls. You know who you are. Love ya Gabz you're my baby. Walker you've been my boy forever. The everlasting apple. Manners house. Skoal sessions at the deuce. Wings games and concerts. The festivals 1,2 and 3. Captain and WT. Will: Rudy and Chec I'm leaving you this school. Don't let me down. Mess: Dad you've always been there thanks. Mom I love you and your my #1 girl, thanks for all the years of support. "It's Murda".
Lauren Marrone
Jenni Marie Massimini
Mellon. Six seniors and one junior attended Governor's School this summer. Nahreen Ahmed went for Health Care, Jeff Lemon, Jasper Ho, and Robert Wagner (not pictured) went for arts, Karen Chiang went for Teaching, Arthur Lo for Agriculture, and Ben Wood went for Global Entrepreneurship.
"Massive-weeney" RemFor: laughing, funny , friendly , homeless FavMem: 104, wild wood w/Jay wings wendy's trips. Rides w/B. living w/B, Jay. Morton marathon, ponchos, night school, Zacks house Steve M iller Surprise Bday, nights Jay. Shore with B, Pat. Partying with Katie, Jess & Amy. Dinner breaks w/Jess. baby B bashes at jay's. hanging w/Adam Buono Shannon, Niki Alex chap stick trips w/katie & Bry Blue Bomber rustytirnes W.e. w/phil and buff, Accidents w/B, 6/ 13/01. Seagulls. Will: Jessica-birth control. Amy-taste in men. Jason-money. Bhealth. Mess: Jess you're my everythi ng. You've always been there. I love u. Amy thanks for not giving up. Jason I luv u you're the best family thanks for putting up with my crap.
Thomas Mathai Brian Patrick. Marchesani "M uppet" RemFor: Oxter, Sasquatch , MX , hacky sack. Act: Bands, sleep, band, sleep. FavMem: Ozzfest , Staind, RA TM , Dillinger Escape Plan, Tool, collenbrook shows, Morton, band practices, hacky sack at lunch, hanging out, open labs, Mr. Freeze projects with Mario and Tyler, Kinlock with Mario and Slop, sleep. "Don't look at me!" Will: Dog shoes - my hack, Andrew - my sanity. Mess: Mom and Dad thanks for putting up with me and all the noise that follows.
"Tom, Tommy, T-money" RemFor: Being shady , "your mom", whiteness Act: Springfield Singers, Peers, Baseball FavMem : SHS Basketball games, strobe ligh t, times w/ mike and gang, districts 1999, uncle ai, chern video , april, light switch, josh's jokes, shay had a rebellion? ,ap naptime, shindigs, peer camp 00, 01 , walrus song, tea cake, willy 10 mein, right side rules, lenny , death, kill, john malkovich, chocolate man, whose line?, minus 10 for talking, jello, BR, kind of suspicious, eh?, like it's your job bri, his shadyness, connect four, shut up becca , disoriented, study sessions, look a castle!, big butts, virginia beach, disney Will: Josh-My shadyness, Regan-Stop being deformed, Chiang-China/sleep Mess: "If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak , words will be of no help."--1FK
Christina Diane Matteo "Matteo" Acts: Volunteer Work, Swim Team , Lax . FavMem: Shore '0 1, Amy after junior prom, Roger Waters, Nina a night we'll never forget, Steve Miller, Creed, Tara & Jules "surprise" B-day, are you listening to church music waste? Julie the rugs are breathing. Times with Rachel and Nicole, fat girls, Jenni's dance, times at shakes, snowdance, times at Johns, never ending nights at Wawa, ETR dugout, Wings games, Vera's, Amy don't you wish you were me? Sitting in Tara's room . Will: Danielle my patience. Mess: H&R Block I Love You Thanks for everything, Nina & shake bfrs Thanks for being in my life Love you both, friends & family thanks for everything.
(Above) Kim Helmle, Aurelia Pontarelli, and Jill Backall (Below) Brian Seeley Joseph McBride "Joe Wonderbread" RemFor: Tech Support, FUK, the sundance, sleeping, white dragons, stingray and his papa, reg & fag, movies for Freas, the Hi-Q fight sophmore year, yankee doodle dandy, Victor and his haircut, satan and the D, tim's house, holmes and cobby, Adam and his stories, das heist, Scheidly and the sex exam , the skipper (greatest teacher ever) , Mrs. Deitrich and Kevin doin it , Melvin D., English with Leever.Will: Regan&Tim: Regan's mom. Danielle: You're in here! Everyone else: I forgot , sorry! Mess: Mom and Dad:Thanks for everything, you guys really outdid yourselves this time. Screw Flanders'
Kerry Marie McConnerr
Patrick. McCarron "Mac, Patty Mac" FavMem: Times with Smith, Flynn, Peebles, Joanna , Walton, Whitmore, Lou, Perce, Pacitti, Tren, Kathleen, Kramer, Kerrys Ozzfest 99 ,DMB 7/11/00, Ozzfest 00, Pearl Jam with nick, Laser Floyd Shows, DMB 12/ 17/00, Postponed Pantera, Bahamas with Bob, Pantera 6/ 22/0 I, DMB 6/ 23/ 01 , Peebles Basement, Blue tank, times with Tabitha , My room, Boxing after work with Flynn, 9/11/0 I with Carina, Spencer's with Lindsey , Three! Virginia , Late night sho re ride Will: Bill-the Neon, Flynn- the peewee, Will-my license Mess: Mom and Dad thank you for supporting me through my entire life, I love you. "Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there with open arms and open eyes."-Brandon Boyd
. '.
"Kells, Kelso , Kel, Kellith Maroo" RemFor: Ind. Mat. being short. MB20. Always being @Trout's. FavMem : Engish. Top of the Stairs. Points. "Have yo u ever ' seen a gallbladder?" Code Red. MojoJojo, Bubbles. Best friends. Plaque Decorators. Cheesecake, Dietz/Watson. 9x, Morgan, Hendrix. Concerts. Hands & Feet. Summe 2001. Cha lk, Water Bottle, Superman Belt "That's a lie!" ELL Crew. Jack Handey. N. more a.c. or r.b. JrProm. S.B. Late nights at the lab. Plump. COT A. "Where's the tum signal?" "Cups." "I can hear him pee!"Crazy dancing Hockey Games.Will: Sarah-MB20 CDs. Jackie-my scary belt, Christine-the lint Mess: Fam-I love you, thanks for always being there for me. Trout-Thanks for all the help.
Ta6itfia Christine McDanie( "Nutty , Sugar Bear, Tabs, Tabster, Quiz master Tab" FavMem: Times with Amber Luke, Kevin, Spam , Scarecrow, Dave, Nicki, Carrie, Joe, Jim, Sheila , Brittany, Dixie, Elizabeth, Spiros, Matt , Steve K, Frank. Boston, Boat ride with Jason, sleep overs with Sheila, fantalk, holy hippos, makeovers, the truck, Franklin mills mall, surprise party 's, Jon's green bathroom , late night phone calls, 3 way, the bird, flashlights, 7-26-01 , 11-30-01 , 12 7-0 I. Mess: Russell- I love you and I don't know where I would be with out you. Morr and Dad- thanks for everything. I love you. Shannon, Sean, Jeff, Jon- yo u are the best brothers and sister that anyone could ever have. I love you.
.... '
: '.
Act: Cheerleading, Coaching FavMem: Formals, Cheerleading, pfc,bgo I , Q 102 Disney World, times w/Lisa, Gabby, Crystal, Jenn, Michelle, BethAnn, Jess Nicole, "noone got with anyone," newyears, FloridaGuys, Grinder, don't blow the nite,FridayNite, Mrs.D's room , beast, weight room wi Jess, 12/25/01. Will: Ashley-my clothes. Mess: Mom& Dad- Thank you for putt-ing up wlme & always being there I love you. Ashleyyou're my best friend I love you. DanThanks for everything you're the best I love you. Kerri-I'm a slave 4 you. Jennyou're the best love you. Jen -Thanks 4 everything, love you. Lisa& Gabby-BFF love you guys. Crystal-love you babe. Jay-thanks for everything, I love you.
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Ben Mortenson and Tara Wood
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Ben and Tara have been known to flirt quite a bit these last 4 years. They both know how to strike up a great conversation with a member of the opposite sex and will be sure to charm you with their friendly and outgoing personalities. Not to mention , they both have a flair for romance. Ben and Tara are both fun peop Ie to be around and are always ready to give a smile and a hu~.
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Laura Betli McGill
Mattfiew McGill
"magoo, angel" Act: soccer RemFor: cemetary/organized FavMem: wawa , modell's, $IOcandy , Angela's pool, scavenger hunt , myrtlebeach &shark club wi Michele, groper, 120z, Kevin-thanks for everything, Halloween, good and bad times wlfriends, Coltrane-good luck, shore, summer of 99',00',0 I 'hampel's,bathroom buds, Kit.lRules! , DMB, hangin wlall my friends, honkin at houses w/kristie, junior prom , boys from Galloway , Mike, Mike,Frank: thanks for a great time, cookie, chicken-daddy! , widner, shampoo, my little secret Mes:Mom, Dad, Mat-thanks for everything you've done for me. I love you. Monical Michele- thank you for always being there for me and I love you! Will: Monica-my trashcan Michelechapstick.
"McGill" FavMem:Times with , Cassidy , Kramer, Walton's, King, Jerry , McGrath, Gritz, HagerNuts, Jenn, Kerry , Gorge (you are the king) , Juggs, Joe, Brian, Noel , Boyle, Carfagno, Lou, S, Michelle (can I see that paper) , S.W. , The Woods, Slack's (Where did that van come from) , The Park, Cassidy's house and back alley, McGraw's House, Troy 's House, Monday Mornings at Kramer's, 4th of July weekend, May 93 ', Dec. 00', June 01' Will: To Cassidy I leave Boris.To Jenn I leave my CD's (Share with Bri)To Kramer I leave my Bills (Thanks to Fisher) Mess: Mom & Dad thanks for believing in me, I love you. Cassidy thank you for being there.
Timothy James McGovern "Oreo , Reuben" Act: Karate, Guitar, Bongos FavMem: When I look back on this in a few years, I'll just want to remember the jokes, so here's some I'll probably want to recall. All acronyms are just to confuse me and save space. "I know exactly where we are ... ", "You sir, are correct!", "smc!", and "ssm". Some other funny things 1 might forget: The Onion, Critic, Family Guy, Dave AtelllChappelle, and Steven Wright. Also , music-wise, T-D, and R. Johnson. RemFor: Salty Doggs, trampoline skills, suave manner. Will: Sell all my things for hard liquor and give it to the homeless. Make some people happy. Mess: Whenever something great happens, write it down someplace. You won't remember it a ll.
Patrick. McGrath Ryan Hodinka takes any chance he can get to get out of Mr. McRae's classroom. With it being the second half of senior year, it starts to get harder and harder to pay attention in class. Like most seniors, he is distracted by even the smallest ' activity in the hall.
John DanicC McGraw
Leonard James McNeUy
"meats"Act: Ice Hockey , Being loud FavMem:Mem.Day weekend@ Tren's house. Saving Helmle's life, Pizza Nostra call, chillin at pip's house,Andy's house, Providence shows, getting lifted all the time, goin to Eddie's House, Freshman yr brawl wi Chichester, Trout's class, Bakin before hockey, pool hall, Diggit! , kamikazes wi krame-dawg,livin my life to the fullest ,havin fun everyday.! can't believe I'm acutally gonna graduate! WilI:m y referral folder to RM. 120, I give my crappy locker to any sap who gets it! Mess: Mr. McRae- we had some good times.!'ll never forget our grea t advisory. Zook- our class ruled! Doc-your coolest teacher 1 had.Marge- you're the greatestAnd to all my homies- we had some great tirnes"Peace out 1m outta here!"-Billy
"Len" RemFor: sleeping in class Act: None Goals: Live a good life and become very . rich. FavMem: Tradition! , Jon's House,B' Garage, Elizabeth,'87Bronco ,drivin arounc aimlessly , Jen's car, Your Faccce! , Foods Class, The McDonald's Posse, Mc-Rae's Homeroom , Holiday Haven, "TheHouse" The Fear Inside, Rio's, Swarthmore College, "The Rock" , Pool Hall, Isuzu Trooper. "Saturday Shirt" ,Vans,Elf Double-Cross, Joe, Jon, Kevin ,Sevada , Jay , Stil-well, Dennis, AI's Crew, Crystal, Kate, Josh, Annie, Johnny Blaze, John, Rusty , Jason. Mes: Live life to the fullest because someday you may find that the voluptuous tra! quility and ambience refracted by the dorr inance of eternal longing was just a beautiful dream. Defy all laws and live the life.
Bernadette Lynn McIntyre "Bernie" FavMem : Times wISean,Lauren, Jen,Anna,AnnMarie,Amanda , Jill, Aurelia , Kim, Mark, Brian, Kelly , Sara. Circle, renta-cop. Jill's pants, Buttshake. New years eveO 1' "Deck incident." Hottub. OGarden !D. Cliffhanger. Longport MB, formals, locker-alone, phillySbreak-down, 1212- V , "Seemed like a good idea @the time!"naNa Soccer &Track. Flyers. Skiing w/Marie & Jen. HighS\SMLB. LaurenDay Will: Mark"The comer." Lauren-MBSS len-Lessons Mess: Friends-I hope we can manage to stay friends when we go away. It's been too much fun to lose! Sean-Thanks for all the great memories! You'll always have a special place in my heart! Mom&DadThanks for all the love & support . 1 couldn't have done it wlo you. 1 love you.
Adam McNichof
MaryKate MeCa "Mare, Mare Bare, Lil' Bit" FavMem: Summer of '97 , dune grass, movies, New Hampshire, Irish pony, formals, gang sleepovers, gorilla slipper, egg nog, McRae 216, shore, "locals", concierge desk, all the parties, "Freshman", Lallipop, sweet child-o-mine, nights at Jobob's, F.F.F. , sleepovers with Brian, Dara's men, Koolstuff, Giggo , crushes, chainsaw men (Dara) , working, Aries, Patches, Meggles, Sabold, gossiping with Megz, the Sams, car dancing, giggo, canoe? , "the sky is red!". Mess: I love the gang! Mom , Dad and Jos-Thank you so much, I love you. Brian-You are a great best friend. My "Special" someone-You helped me open my eyes to a whole new beautiful world. Thank you.
Brian Messner "Mezz, Mezz-Line, Mezz-dawg" Act: Baseball, Freshman Basketball FavMem: Freshman B-Ball, 4 years of baseball, party at Gifs, poundin down the 'cane with my boys, getting into college, camping, poconos, having fun everywhere, shore, making the best out of the worse Goal: Graduate from college and have a successful and happy life. Mess: Mom , Dad, Mary and Stephen- Thanks for everything you guys have always been great. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Mom and Dad-l know I may not be the best kid but I hope to make you guys proud. Thanks for believing in me when nobody else did. You guys were right , I can do it. Thanks.
Ryan Meyers
Ann-Marie Regan, Lauren Hutelmyer, Jill Backell, Anna Zischkau, and Aurelia Pontarelli are all good friends bonding in the halls of SHS.
Bob King knows how to take advantage of his gold pass. He used his study hall to take trips to McDonalds for a well balanced meal.
Warren Christopher Middleton
Sh.aunta NicoLe Miller
"Foreign-Warren"RemFor: acting out , snow boardingFavMem:The bew-wugh in Cameron's basement.The good ol'days at ReDavid's.Cameron's room,Oh, open window! Best buds:Gibson, Meo , Hoffken,T.J., Ron, Nick. My house watching cars go by, PVc. Nick's house,"So warm."Dick's hang.Mem . mornings. McRae's advisory. Green ones & the magic cube. Pip's house,bondfires.Pink Floyd laser lights.T .J.'s house party .Meo's house party.STP, Roger Waters, lost my mind&face.Tom Petty , Phil Lesh&Friends, Area l,Jimmy Page&Black Crows, SteveMiller 99', Ozzfest 99 '- 00', Black Sabbath . Reunion,Counterfeit5 ,F akeBakon,Provide nee. Church shows, always a blast. Mess: Mom , Dad, little brother & sister, I will always love you & keep you in my heart.
"Shani, tay RemFor: being funny, crazy, and loud Act: Basketball, Track, Tennis, S.C.O .R.E. FavMem: Hanging out with Sunday , Sheena , and Turk. Long talks on the phone with Sunday . Birthday Aug 4th 200 I, Tammy is the sun purple? Turk, "Hey Scooch" . Times with, Reem , T and Keon , Turk, Sheena , Derek, And Dujuan. Our great sleepovers! Ihop, Tamm y always making me laugh. Shannon and Camile I luv Ya . Blind da teo Ali, we did almost fight but now look. I tooth (sarah) your cat! Sunday and me spending all our money at Wildwood. Goal: Be successful! Mess: Thank you to m y family , mom and dad thanks for being there. I love u always. Holla at cha girl!
Eric Miller
Re6ecca NicoLe Miffs
"Millertime, The Jungle" RemFor: The Jungle, Teeing it up in the fairway , Act:Golf, baseball, and Ski club FavMem:Waterballons, Golfbus rides, Paintballing at skirmish, lanterns, rides up to Vermont, ski club, Snowboarding, football games with friends, playing golf. Goal: Go to and Finish Colleg Mess: Mom, I don't think I would have made it through high school without your great support and love, I love you. Dad thanks for the golfing days I love you. Shana and Nicole, thanks for the talks. George you didn't let it get the best of you. Ben, we finally graduated can't wait till England. Brian, Adam , and Brendan, will alway5 have the balloons and paintballing.
"becca re, becca-becca" FavMem:boston; va beach; disney ; formals; bye-bye birdie; times with k, jas, phil, lissa ; 3-sec memory; walrus song; john malkovich; pa>ales; getting lost; New Beetles; asia ns; districts; starbucks; halderman; CR; irnax ; Mann; tennis: strathaven, junior year, just jog, chianger, who let the dogs out? ; late nights; cheetos; getting locked out; ap chern: connect-4, disoriented, up all night again? , asian lead, mole day; hair tie; BR Mess:Krista-I won't even try . I know you know exactly what I'm failing to say. Jasper-you make my life livable. Thank you! Phil-it all started in Spanish III :P. Mom&Dad-I never could have done it without your love and support. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. I love u!
,; .
Jason Rodgers, Britton Bongaardt and Nahreen Ahmed are socializing during and enjoying there lot cocoa. This is a time for students to just hang out before they g.o on winter break.
Mary Filippone is not pleased about all the homework she was given for the weekend. One thing she will not miss about high school will be the constant homework assignments.
DanieCfe Lynn Mi&tes
Brett Mooney
Act: Lacrosse, Athletic Training, Field Hockey Fav. Mem: Jr. Prom, raise up drive by, dances with everyone, Mr. Zapps class soph year, smurf girl, Times wi Ash & Kim , pizza guy, Wings games, Times fighting wlmark, Snow Dance "00" &"01", Time wi Jen S. in Nurse's office, Phillies game, Ms. Caffs advisory, Mrs. D's room, obsessing over S.B. and *Nsync, me & crystal running after mark. Will: Amy all my clothes you love to wear. Mess: Amy: Only three more years left. Good luck and have fun. I love you. Mom&Dad: Thanks for all your help these years. You were always there for me. Love you. Friends: I love you all, thanks for all the good times & always being there.
"Buzz, Moon." RemFor: "My uncut face stay bushy like a porcupine." Act: Lacrosse. FavMem: All the fun wi my soildgers. All the time with Julie. The nights at Tara's house. Wings games, all the concerts, tailgating and parties. Late nights on deck down shore. Get togethers at Manners. Talks wi tara. The spot wi ruddy . Laughing wi checco, latenights wi the snackster, Lax, Vail 00' Cruisin in the Aries wi juls ruddy , walk, and checco. Mess: To my soildgers, you guys are the best, thanks for being there. Mom, Dad, Alex and Ryan, thanks for putting up wi my, I love u guys. Julie- you've been there through thick and thin, you mean the world to me, I love u.
Alison L. Mooney
Ben Mortensen
"Ali" RemFor: sneakers, red hair. Act: soccer, lacrosse, basketball. FavMem: super7, hanging out with dan, showin tfed, dances and after parties, parties with kristin and aimee, ql02 melon gatorade, fab5 and roxy, drives to the shore, creepin with sarah and the boys, tara-we had that PC'O 1, soccer wha t's up junebugs, 18whaat, jacki-next years yours, whatsup shaunta, she's gone, marcar my girly, our childish games in hilton head, myrtle beach and nags, talkin with kyle, what's up to morton friends. Mess: jack and kristhanks for being there, kel-Iove ya cousin, gale-through it all you're the best sis, mom and dad-you gave me everything thanks, friends-through it all I love you guys, much more to come!
"Ben, British Banger"Act:Hockey/GolfRem For:being paleFavMem: 11I16,Times wi crew,Whippin,times at avatos, senior week OO',creed, bon jovi,PresidentsDayWeekend 00' 0 I ' ,Talks wlKim,Gregs nair experience water balloons, Wings games, Sink incident, Marple hangouts,Officer J. Rankin,Ursinus wlBrett, Dances Delaware wlSteph, J's late night parties,Victory Lap,Dino fights,Azars back yard tent party,Bang bang gang, vandalism,pops house,fat feasts, AuntTheresa's. Timesw/DocsWill:Eric-length, Kim-14th member.Mess:Friends it's been an unbelievable ride never forget the good times.Kim thanks for everything.Chrissy it was worth it.Mom&Dad thanks for the support and love without you I'd be lost. George, you
fought" ,nd won you
'W'"iI .: ,d"
Jennifer Lea M uOiern
Jacque6ne F. Nes6itt
"Jenayfurher" Act: volleyball, track, csc, nbs, choir, band, musicals, sadd, ski club, yearbook. FavMem: na na , dutthole, Vermont, Boston and our tea , kidney punches, lane 3, molecles, Oklahoma, bye bye birdie, shoutouts, snow dances, soph-hop, jr. prom , times with TJ, Mr. T , percussion buddies, hoight henderson, roger sherman, Anna mornings, my car, band, times with jugs, raking, hockey games Will: Shawn-clicks at half-time, BS wall Brendan-my car radio for you to fix Mess: Mom and Dad-thanks for all your love and support , I love you. Bern-I love you, thanks for being there. Lauren-thanks for aU the great advice, I will be calling on you. To all my friends-you know who you are, thanks for the laughs, all my love.
"Jackie", "Nezzer"RemFor:doing impressions, braces. FavMem: rollout. sup7 Superbowl '98. RubysT.Urabird.P.i.i.y.m wi ceUuch.Marie's meister.Say my name wi tom&byrnzie Dancing w/ fonz . Shore '0 I. blaze what? Wildwood 99-00. Cif's vanshe's gone. AAMCO. Slow dance w/lg. Times w/emmy&sallen. Crazy petty . Daisies&Bunnies.fonz 'scrib.Mk&@.jumpin jumpin&daintyourwagon. Beasts feasts. apples w/lg&gav.you know/check. sauce. tent ISI.Q 102.Halloween'0 lsoccerhat.ryar, 'sbridalshower.Schmoogie. scavenger hunts, The clash-std. Mess: Celluch-you are god'! gift to me. Lg- you 're incredible. Mike-you: are truly wonderful, see ya on the beach. I; love you aU. my Family-I couldn't live wi out you, you are my life, greatest thankx .
Am6er L~fi Musfi6t "Princess" FavMem: Swimteam , Biggie, Hayride, Chester, Food shopping,Starbucks Sugar, Ruby ,Casey's w/Lisa , Phillies game, A Walk to Remember,Senior Prom , HP, Times w/Karen,Dlunch dances, Ceramics wi Aurelia ,Choir, Bye Bye Birdie,Laughing w/ Lawrence,Aol talks,SurvivorMike,Times w/Gina ,Getting lost, Concerts, Ihop, Times @the beach,Timesw/Sean, Ap Enviro Girltalks Will: Lawrence-my room. Mess: Gina-The memories we made have been great I can't wait to make more with you! Lawrence-You're my comedian, my alarm clock and my Brother! You make me laugh don't ever change love you! Mom&Dad-Thanks for everything you have done for me. I'm everything I am because of everything you are. I love you!
"Little Newnam . Newms" RemFor: Lax. Eyes. Having" Jessica" moments. Act: Lacrosse FavMem. : Times wi friends. Lax , stuff. Vail. Warehouse. "House Cup". Penn; State trip wiRy . Talks wi Bill. 4/20100 . Ohio. Sr. Week '01. Mem . Day wknd. '00my house. 7/ 310 I. JM. Smashed lax catches w/Tocher. "Hey Sloppy" . Times w/Kar. Parties. Flip cup champs. Sigma Ki. Keystone Games. "Morning after" drives with Tocher to Sunday lax. Z's house. "Things tha t are true". # I 7. Will: Jack, my GPA & common sense. Meaghan, hidden lax balls Mess: Mom & , Dad, thanks for everything. Jack, thanks i for all the awesome advice, whether I wanted to hear it at the time or not. You' re the best. I love you guys.
AsfiCey Danie(fe Newnam
DanieCJosepfi Neeson
Adrian James Nico Cerra.
"Nelsomose", "Chaper"FavMem: nights at Sabold, Smith sleepovers, movies w/ mare, open labs, Celebration 200 I , Thursday night jitters, times w/percival, wildwood, dune grass, "dump ducks" , patches, golfing at houses w/bryan, Springfield mall tracks, Sknryd concert, "the truth my friend shall set you free",lunches w/everyone, 4 corners, painting w/Percival, Providence, canoe trips, 1-17-00, walking to Clifton w/smitty (girls) , "swedish" , Friday chill w/John, fun times w/ trout , New Hampshire 2000, "Hellooo", Marlboro pack, indescribable times w/ mare. Mess: Mom &Dad thank you so much for everything, I love you. The group, we had so many great times I will never forget. Mare I will always love you, what a gift you are in my life!!
"A.J. Ajayfus, Fro J" RemFor: Curley Red hair. Fav Mem: So ph wi krista . Senior wi Tina. Senior wi Angela . Junior wi Hollie. concerts with Mark. there's buttons on both sides. Cake ate my dog. Are you a fish? No , I'm a stingray. Caution Tape. Times with Hollie. Catching Sully Erna. Bealafus. VA Beach. laser challenge. JT!. Constupato. Ultimate frisbee. FALLING rock. POA. Toothpasting Lennie. Baskins. Staind 2000. PSUwl Phil. Filonius Runk. Jazz band. Marching band. Cyrus. Exit 23. Dave Concerts with Hollie. Beal family reunion. Tennis wi Beal. pepsi can WWII. AP theory. WOS. Will: Mr. Cooper my juggling abilities. Beal my height. Mess: To my family , hollie, and my friends, I love you. Thanks Mr. Cooper
Lauren Hutelmyer helps out Ann Marie Regan in selecting a tasty treat for lunch. Brian Regan takes a moment to think about where his life is heading in the years to come.
West, Mike Wynne, Eric Brady, and Maureen Hiller all aggree that their time spent in Envirornental Science was unforgetable.
Carrie Stewart sits outside reflecting on the past 4 years she has spent at SHS.
Jason Rodgers and Caitlin Finnegan You can always count on Jason and Caitlin to be wearing, saying, and doing the unpredictable. Both students are known for their unique personalities and are always ready to offer an alternative opinion. These two students are incredibly interesting, orginial, and creative. They help make things exciting here at school.
Jennifer O'Leary
Micliefe M. O'Toofe
FavMem:Times with Judy , Caitlin, Brian, McGill, Betsy , Coffee Station Crew, Pisanos Crew, Dylan '00, Petty '0 I, Aerosm ith 'O! , the park, Denny 's, Judy 's house, Early mornings with Bri, Stella , Taco Bell, Burger King mornings with Betsy , cutting class, the woods, break ups, make ups, Mcdonalds crew, I cooked Bri potpie, crev, eutokia Will: To my friendsanything you want, To Betsy- a car that works Mess: Betsy- You are so beautiful, I wish you the best , Danny- only two years left, don't screw up, Brian- You will always be my high school Sweetheart, Dad and Sue- all I can say is thank you, I love you more than anything. "Ya just gotta keep livin man, L.I.V.I.N." -Dazed and Confused
"Timmy"RemFor: Being my self Act: Soccer, Hockey FavMem: Kiss off, Models / putt-putt , Angela's roof, Dave/Tom Petty Concerts, Fonna!'s, St. Kevin 's Dances, Kristin/Kate driving around, MicheleWidner, Acito-Good old days, Shore/April, Poodle-Behind Khols, Whip cream , MagooMrytle Beach, Monica-Twistyslide, Scavenger hunt, Powerhouse "98" , Philly Boys, Shark Club , Squeeze, Dirty, Ballord eating Wendys, Wawa to Park, Soccer sleepovers, Chicken Daddy, Chinese fire drill.WilI: Laura-my fruit snacks Mess: Mom / Dad-Thanks for everything&putting up w/ me I love you. Alissa/ Ryan-will always love you. Mommom /Poppop-Love you always. Lauren S-We will a lways be friends, love ya .
Dallie( Thomas Onofrio "Diz, Nof, AJ" RemFor: Being old school Act: Football and track FavMem: Watching Mernard never whammy wi Gary and Tom . Going to the Duce to rip one wi Phil, Andrew,Gary, Tom, keon and Walker. Growing up in the oldschool neighborhood chilIin wi Andrew and Phil. Down the shore wi Kareem Tom Ali and GuilIe. ChilIin wi Mariethanks for everything. Going to Sarahs house, but she was only tutoring me. At bradys house bongin doritos. Will: andrew my glasses Mess: Mom and Dad thanks for putting up wi me I love u more than it shows sometimes. Paul thanks for never letting me be staisfied wi myself "I always tell the truth, even when I lie"Tony Montana
Aslifey Opensliaw "Ash" RemFor: doing everyone's hair. FavMem: so ph with rach, no flowers! Trolley stop with cc, jw. VICA. Meeting the girls at tech kb , rc, na. Meeting Jim Nov. 3. November 21 , 1999. Ocean city , 00,01. Our famous talks, rt. February 1, 2001 , baby jimmy was born. Junior prom wi jg. Ran out of gas! The HOT girls! LH,AO,RT. Nights at the philIy races. Senior week of 0 1 wi jg,sm. " Nice bathing suit". Blockbuster wi Lh and Bc. Haunted Hayrides. Fat girl running, ca , jg, sm. Advisory, "Feed the Baby". Padded Bra , mo. Mess: Lin & Court, were best friends and sisters 4-ever. Mom and Dad thank you for everything, ur the best. Jim and jimmy, I love u both so much!
Headier Louise Orgalltini
Act: Soccer, Swimming, Softball, Student Gov, NHS FavMem: scrubs. CHAPAN Viola club. B*witched. Moosehat.Firehouse.308 Borders w/ Britton+Naz. DMB,SMB,Q 102, Page&Plant,BNL,Bon Jovi,BSB. Formals. shower time. Dork Van adventures. it's just water. The shady era. Times wlliz, val, sue, tam , kim , naz, jason, dave, tj , ryan, jean. Va lentines date. PS. Viola black market. Cuellars. Catering.Times w / Joe. Sunday mornings. Sue's crib 12/28/00. 4th of July. Camp out. PTP Brown Beauty.New Year's. Family parties wi Wrights. Lobsters Boston Ocean City w/Andrea. Olive garden. Mornings w/Nikki&Dave. Cocksacky.cab1e OklahomaWill: Ryan B-5sfMess: Familythank you for everything Joe-thank you for everything. You are my best friend.
Dan Nelson stares out the window remembering the middle school days when students were allowed time outside for recess.
Briget Marro On
Britton Bongaardt stops in the middle of the hallway to finish an assignment.
"Britt ,Brib bitt, Ga britt ,PIa typus,Britinahia h" RemFor:SodaIncidentFavMem:T AB,grass rolling,movieclub,Cabaret,conferences w/nate,Friday Night,CocaHouses,M usicals,Dramas,F ormals,Boston,VABeach,caroling,summerstage, Zanzibar,Orch/park w/Garrett ,block parties, adv,shore to the trip,girl's night,muffin lady ,Nclub,lights/water w/DJ,StFrancis,Lockins,choir officer song,Wheatus,LTJ,FMolly , RBFx2 , STD,BOTBDashboard,Marden,couch time, coffee talk,guard stand,team friendly ,bomb threat,Ruby's,Zoe lunch'O I ,turkshead, 16thb-day Party . 2nd study.brandspankinew Will:"Carousel"ers -young to eat Meg+Kate-Crayon shirts Mess: Ste+ Vio forever!Christy-u helped me survive.Thanks.Jono-ur the best friend/brother ever.Good luck.4 Parents-I couldn't have made it w/o u &ur constant support . I love u all.
Nidiofas Andrew Lfoyd Pacitti RemFor:Guitar,Providence,being Italian. Fav Mem: times wi ALice,Pantera ,pips'. Roger Waters, bonfires, Steve Miller, Slayer,Pearl Jam Ozzfest, LBI '98-'01 , Devidien, Smitty 5a .m.,QuarterslS 1,4corners,Why!?! 3strikes @samsons,Wildwood,eggy ,wingy ,Tren's, ODD Perce's,Billings' Stumpy Stump, marykate's, prom ceiling,Whistle Lung,WYWH,helmle's, the buldge, PF laser, U.D., satanville, "sean" , tart kart ,skynyrd,spiralice,eww ..sick!, Bankers, Flying Fan, dunga-dinga , geriatric, "soph hop no no", CKY spaghetti alafungas, Maine w/ali, douggy fresh , Risen, "capcup" , S-bold, Speppers Kennans. Mess: mom&dad-thanks for always being there &guiding me through all of these years, I love u. Doug, Richy , Nat-l love u guys. Family-thanks for the support. Alice-I love u, thanx for everything.
Haydar Murat Pakef "Turk, Turkishblend" RemFor: Always being in school Act: Soccer FavMem: Cruisin in Mac, Butch, and Khamil wi Joe, Gif, Will , Digian, and Josh. Mac - the bangin system , Butch - chased by the popos. Khamil- racin down ohara. Oh yea , josh's smelly van. I didn't burn it, it was the lighter. Don't you hate pants! Junior after prom party . The donut. That morning was great. Target football. English with Old. Half-Baked. Ah! Hockey game rumble. Wendy 's Hangouts. The BB Bandits. Chern Nips, yea Joe. I'll walk in 1st then leave 5 mins later. Fast & Furious. Beastly Burnouts. Soccer Camps. All the good times I cant rem now. For real B. Mess: the 4 years of high school go by quick, so enjoy that time.
" 203
Chris Pearse
FavMem:'97 N. C. wi Ryan, ' 98 Shore wi Ryan & Salerno, '99 Shore wi Wes & Salerno , '00 Shore wi Jen, Lancaster, Atlantic City, '00 New Years, car chase (Santella) Junior Prom , Phillies games, bowling, football, hangouts wi friends & Jen, FFL, football at wes's. Mess: Parent~ - Thanks for everything, I couldn't have gone anywhere wlo you both. Bro & Sisgood luck in the future, keep working hard : at what you're doing. Grandmom Thanks for always pushing me in the right direction. Jen - You mean so much to me, you're always there for me, I love you. Ryan Wes and Salerno - We've been friends forever, without you guys high school would have been nothing.
Joanna. Marie Pecora "Jo ... " FavMem : Rucereal, "Pop-Odessey" , that's my clap, Pig, Melrose, Flying Tce Cream, 7, Just Back up, Puffy Combs, PV Shaneout! Crunk, DIM , Rdishfoo , D's chainsaw friends, Thrice, Ding Dom , Narf Thursday's, Apple Pie, Frank, Silver Diner ODD, Powell Gang, Tuckahoe, Eyeball, Kinkos, Phillies Games, Adventures, gfal , , La unch , Track walkers, bonfires, mdance, ~ banana ball, after prom smits, Don't toucl the Bling, Mudflaps, Providence Chicks, Pzark , Dura's Speed limit sign, Picklefest, Blood Donor, Justin's Blue Lagoon, Closinl the Circle, Bite? Will: Mark green tea Mess: Thank you everyone. Mom and Dad I love you, Joseph have fun and good luck. Friends Thanks for always helping me out and making me laugh.
Timothy Dona.Cd Pee6fes
No need to worry about awkward moments of silence when Dan and Breann are around. You should be more concerned with getting a word in edgewise! Dan and Breann are two extremely talkative and friendly students who really know how to start a good conversation nd keep it rolling. Their ability to talk about anything and every thin will certainly help them make lots of new friends next year. "
Kim6erry T. Pafmer "Kim"Act: tennis, band, swimming FavMem: greene, lenny , rosalinda, Boston '00, sleepovers, bowling, minigolf, movie nights wi joe, JFK, 3-17-00, lunch table '0 1, quote book, dance parties, advisory pals + gals, wendy 's, asian food, rice, jelly treats, ping pong, snellville, var, stuart, costa rica, tennis '0 I, premature, connect four, disoriented, robbins escape Will: Chiang- sleep, Brian- bowling shoes, Lindsay- height Mess: Sarah + Lindsaybetter friends + companions do not exist Joe- thank you for all the memories Friends- you have made our journey so memorable. Good luck in the future- you all deserve the best Family- your guidance + love have brought me this far and will allow me to soar
"Peebles, Pebbles"RemFor: Having Peeble'~ days, for being everyone's friend.Act:Basketball , Football FavMem:hula dance. expensive stuff contests wlmy first+best friend Chris. Hanging out withe boys from S.F.A. ChiUin' wlall the S.H.S. peeps.mem: ofCarina ,Johnson,Louie,Carfagno,Jimbo ,F lynn, Kearney, Bill Kelly, Kramer, Smitty , Nate, McGrath, Nick, John, Simpson, Wrench,Walton,Will,Elliot,Jerry,J amie,En in, Azar, Contando, Helmle,Rapp ,McGill , Joanna ,Kristin,Phil,Brett ,McCarron,S,Tar a Will: Carina-MY HEARTMess: Thank ' you MOM&DAD for all that I put you through over the years and for being there for me in times of need. Just remember that I will return the favor. Carina I LOVE YOU- Always & Forever!
Jolin E. Perciva( IV "Perce" RemFor: Providence FavMem: The memorial tradition @ Trens in LBI, Figuring out life w/Sampson. Times wi netty. the detours and the pre sat tradition. The bashes @Trens. Smittys bash, brennen withe ceiling...GRAIN!!! Pips SARANAC! head trough door @ Brennens. Circle of Death. Helmle/McCarrios. 4corners, PROVIDENCE!!! The ride @ 3am LBI. SoCo beach, Face first!" In the suburban @ Pantera 6/01 "Vikingfeast" Swamp Jam, 3Xs @ Sampson's, Pips Attic 151quatrters, WYWH , Donga-Dinga , SHAMBLES! , Mks, tartcart, Porch Pit, Mattress dance. 3am from pebbs. Flying fan. Eww sick! Dont drink and drum! Mess: Mom thanks for being there for me, and working so hard just for me. It truly means a lot. I love you
PliiCip Gwrge prank. "Flip" RemFor: being a jock Act: Football and Lacrosse FavMem: All Football games. Penncrest shutout. Rippin wi Onofrio murrda D.P. walk Guille feds eric some girls rato and everyone else I ripped w/.hangin at my house and everywhere else we chilled. The Desk. Hangen wi football buddies. Times wi Jenna. Phoenixville game. Lacrosse parties. Times wi Tara. The Larchwood crew. All the proms. Everything that I forgot to put in here.Goal: be on TV Saturdays & Sundays Will: D.P. th e CAR! Andy the Oscar Mess: Andrew and Dan hears to all the great times that we had and times to come, stay Ruff and thanks. Andy and Dan thanks for being the best. Mom Dad I can't thank yo u enough for standing by me I love you.
Aurefia. Jennifer Pontareffi. "Rails, EspySchwartz" Act:sadd.yrbk. track. tennis.comserv.FavMem:lockins.Chillin wi Jill Ann Lauren Anna Bern Jen Kim Brian Joe Case Mo&Amanda.ByeByeBirdie.Jills pants.Oklahom a.soyfa .Soph.Snow Dances. Prom s.Bo nJ oviConcerts.Strom Thurm an. M orocca ns. GuardBuddies. Gina. Cera m ic Queens(Amber!)cityw/corinne,em,tara,dan Anna-getting 10st.BritanySpea rsCo untry Style. RunningBuddies."yeah mort aviea!" New Years .TastycakeQ ueen.G-mom .Carasue!Birdsnest.ChoirCrew.StudyHall.divided M ullets4life.Charlie'sAngels. Superrn a rket Fairies.Multicultural family. MichaelFinny Wildwood.Disney.Boston. Will: Jill- 90210 twister. (your mom)Mess: Mom, Dad, EmThank you, 1 love you. Jill-Where would I be wlo you! My Friends- I love you guys!
Kara Chrisanthon gives the best "Come Hither" glance to the camera. Brett Andrew Pufsjort "Pops, Shaggy" RemFor: Soccer, Being Injured Act: yearbook, sports FavMem: Pong Champs, Ursinus, soccer with gregs, being with sarah, basement hang outs, midgetville, after snow dance, soph hop, junior prom, shore with ben, guys nights, FUD, Christmas light fun, bashing stuff, watching BOB, Fat Feasts, 12/6/99, death camp , Creed, DMB, not being injured, partying, dances, wings games, Fun sauce, forgotten nights, Will: Sarah-my dance skilz, my "good" luck , my salt Mess: Sarah- I Love ya, yo u are a lwa ys my light Britton- you will always be my sister T racyI will always be there for ya. Guys-The fun has just begun. Ben-I am always right. Mom , Dad, Chuck-thanks for a ll you did for me, I finally made it , love ya.
Cliristina Noe( Power
Mofiamme.t Naym Radi Omar
"Christy , Rae-Rae, Crispy, Kit" FavMem: RBF, 3EB, DMB, Y-FEZ's, STD, Marden, Premium , Fri. Night Trinity, Mex. Night, Brother Bill, Muffin Lady, The Fri. Night , Grass Rollin, N-Club, PACK, Girls Night, Dawn's Parties, Munter Mansion, Kurt List, Team Friendly, BBB, Oklahoma , Dollar Dog Day , Blue Rocks wlMary , Whip Drill, F.H. "Boat" Rides, Shore to the Trip, G.O.D., Europe, Disney, Va. Beach, Psychic wlAng, Gas Station Boy , Daph's Wedding, Tasty Snack, Bakon Package, Xando, Ming River, Meg chats Will: Carolyn- my boat Mess: Cait- Partner in Crime; J, MA, JB, DD- ball tap; BribbitYou'll be far, but close to my heart; BillyJe t'aime; Parents- Thanks
"Omari Safari, Fez, Playa" RemFor: Ski Cap; Inappropriatel Racial Jokes; Tru Playa ; funny. Act: Basketball; Football; Soccer; Weight Lifting; Hanging with friends; Going to the shore; Going for a drive. FavMem: Got lost in Canada; Close car accidents; Stupid Friends; Chased by an angry dog; Losing things all the time and getting them back from an unknown person; Prank Calls; Partying at Drexel and getting on; HOT CHICKS; FREE FOOD. Goal: Make a lot of money; Retire early so I can party, travel, and chill for the rest of my life. Mess: Life is too shortlso get out there and party like an ANIMAL! HEARD!!!
Tyfer Lam6ert Rapp
Ann Marie R~an
"Ty , Captain Ty" RemFor: personality , muffler, wrestling captain, ghetto beatz/car stereos, lightcovers Act: Wrestling, soccer FavMem: Knoebels, Jr.prom @Kim 's,times in the cavalier, my house, driving circles, 4:00, Wendys, stop signs/redlights, my 17th, crew, seagulls, landscaping, violators, nj shore, atco Connecticut? Running for the car, bling, gigi, studyhall, mario tennis, the wood always wins, freight -liner, Senkow, carpet samples, caution tape, LFOsummer girls, that's funnY,that 's what she said,bikes wlmark, Joe's house, Bridget's house, cars, Pep-boysWill:Have the wisdom to know the difference between things you can change and things you can't Mess: FriendsThanks for always being there, Family: I love you and thank you, for everything.
"Nna" Act: cross-country , winter/spring track FavMem:centralleague champs '99 '00, states, team PA , the hump one, fun runs wi Laura , Anna , Kathy , "Cool Golf Tease" , 'spedometer', "Great Valley" , fun times withe girls, shout outs, and bye bye birdie-Lauren, Jill, Bern, Jen, Amanda, Aurelia , Mo , Case, Bern b-shaking, Jill's pants, shore ' 01 "you smell like that" fruit punch, homemade fruit roll-ups, yellow lights, the hammock, hip checks, kidney punches, hallway talks, dances. Will: Ed, four fun years. Mess: Mom and Dadthese four years flew by I couldn't have done it wlo you, thanks for caring and supporting me, I love you. My friends: we had great times, thanks for the memories I'll never forget them love ya.
Cliristopher Edward Recke "Stifler, Recke" RemFor: Neck brace Act: Ice HockeyFavMem: bonfire's at pip's house, purple pimper, pong at Andy's, North Carolina with Adam, Slayer 01 , Tren's house, Memorial day 01, faceplant, sunrise, driving around Springfield, Garage days, nostra call, brennans house, RT2LBI and wawa, pla ying roller hockey, hanging out with friends, reverse donuts, crown, wawa , s-bold, phoa , "saturns are weird like that" , swim club, shambles, allstate card, feztival 00, providence, quartersl51 Mess: Mom thank you for always being there for me and helping me whenever I needed your help. Melissa listen to mom and be good.
B rian.
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1. Wendy's 2. Burger King 3. McDonalds 4. Taco Bell 5. Nifty Fifties
H' l!
R~ an.
"Regan" RemFor: Persuading girls to switct teams, not caring about anything, spiked hair, the Regan strut , the trees, being lazy. Act:: Track, Band, giving people rides, other stuff FavMem: Not freshman year. Ska is awesome! Stealing Sewell's really nice car. Pretty much all of Junior year. Junior Prom. Everything with me and Danielle. Mommy Regan. My secret. Jamming in my basement. All those crappy bands I was in. Stuff in the track locker room. Almost hitting Paul Scott with my car. Hitting Joe Fink with my car. Jethro Tull is a good band. All those free concerts. Leaving the country and not telling anybody . Will: Jim: My body. Stulb: A new foot. Danielle: Nintendo .
W l!
Tracy Wysocki and Courtney McFarland love smiling for the camera!
Lauren Ann
"Reger, Poodle"FavMem : hanging with my girls, kissoff, riding in Nelly , the pod, Modell's-putt-putt, Jetta , bathroom budiess, Angela's pool, sleepovers, gossip at Acito's, 6ers party , Groper, Angela 's raps, concerts, 12 oz, Ahh scream , 007 , cherries, cookie, being shady, heart blanket , talks with my sisters, late night talks with Andrew, Angela's chewing, girl talks, BBQ , driving around with Rachael, road,formals, times with Andrew, Macdaddy , whipped cream , shore, hockey , football games, $10 in candy Will: sisters- My clothes Mess: Mom, Dad- Thanks for everything. I love you. Angela- Thanks for the advice. I love you. Andrew- Thanks for all the memories and many more to come. Thanks for being there for me. I love you.
These busy seniors, Shaunta Miller and Jackie Cifuni, took time from class to pose for this picture.
Eric J ames Romanoff RemFor: Being myself and not caring what other people think. FavMem: Meeting Caitlin Myers, Hanging with my best friends, Pledge of Allegiance, Hanging out with A.H.C. , Meeting Corey Taylor, The Grinch, Walking in Devon, A.J's Party at Outback, Soldier, Dysfunction, playing in front of people, Sno-core , Getting lost with Doug Goal: To feel like I made something of myself Will: Ca itlin - My Heart and Soul; Doug - Any Cd's I have that he doesn't; Regan - Monkeybone; Danielle - 3 ft ; A.J. - A Drivers Manual; Seeley - A Girlfriend; Stulb - Patience; Beal - Attention Span Mess: Ok I am going to go to sleep , and when I wake up everything is going to be ok and I will be home.
Amatufa. Renee RUfer
Jason Mark. Rodgers
"Manda , A-Man-Duh (haha thanks guys!)" RemFor: Loudness, Poetry , What the Flip Yo! Act: Soccer, Track, Springfield Singers FavMem::Europe 00'01', Spongebob Squarepants, Advisory crew, Matching FlipFlops, Champs, Maranatha , Thanksgiving 99' ,My time with Eric, Points, Philly Five Breakdown, Sour Grapes, Parties (Lauren +Bernie) , Summer 01', One two one two Flip you, Jr + Sr Prom , my b-days, To my friends-Here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears we knew we' d cry, I love all ofyou!Mess: Mom and Dad you've given me so much, thanks for everything! , Molly and Cassie, my little ones I love you! To Kristen, you're my best friend, thanks for always being there, and to Josh I miss you every day , I'll never forget you!
RemFor: being gayAct:YearB EnC FavMem:RBFx2, Denny's, Europe, Labor day '00 mornings in cafe, Friday night, STD , The Clash, photo w/DJL , frank , Shore to the trip, APES, woodies, UD crowd, Weezer, NYU, chern millionaire, F.F.Five, Borders, Threes co. , MardanWill: Cat Fin- Sylvia and Roy Britt-My black glasses Mike-my cameraMess:Andrea You will always be the first to know Fullerton you have been my muse on so many levels 'rents-you said you would prepare me for the world, cross your fingers Siblings, in the end we will all have each other.Quote"You see us how you want to see us, in the simplest terms the most convenient definitions, a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a
. ,:'207
Susan Ann Ruruf6aken
Mi.cft.a.eC Joseph Santeffa.
FavMem:Tricycle4ever, DorkVan, Bioi Soul Buddy-who 's friendship I couldn't do w/out . Grr-DE-Cait, meetingRBF, Vio+Ste ff5 ,Dance ptnr Eric,Trunk Day , JustJog, asp,Camp o.c.,AP Lunch,Zoe,timesw/brad. Group of 5, Casper bud's! Teal Magic,kop, Genuardi's w/Tojo , garth+movies w/Tam , Risen,dates w/Jason,Woo-Dog, CHArule +Susie- Woo,std,sca v .hunt ,forrnals,wendy 's, NewYrs,48hrsw/Sarah.Will:Val-The Mary Kim-EverlastingY outh Aimee-Direction. Greg-a sister, the8-revenge, Ryzbro-age 25 , Naz-base,Paul-my strengthMes:Kim+ Heather-Ur friendships mean the world 2me. Val-we'll always dance away our troubles sidebyside!Ellen-U light my path,but we'll always travel it together.Mom+Dad, lowe all I have to you + couldn't love you more.
"Sants" Act: Football Edco Basketball Rem. For: Always getting caught, "who's throws a shoe honestly" Pajama Dance 01 getting chased by Jesus, bit by his dog, hit by Jesus' wife Fav. Mem : Mr. Young's class, Supergroup, Personal Pans wi Ang, Avato's handshake, beating Ridley 99 ChekmoniksDangerous, playing football w/all my friends. "Hanging out" w/Chris, Ryan , Chris, Wes, and everybody else. Fourth of July 01 Edco Basketball w/Chris and Wes. Watching bad movies wi Ang. Neva! Hoagie! Mess: Mom and Dad thanks for the support throughout the years, especially the bad times. To all my friends-thanks for the good times chiJlin Ang sorry for walking ahead but thanks fo: the memories anyway , it was fun.
Christoplier Midia.eC Safe.rno
"Brydawg" Act: Hockey Rem for: having fun Fav. Mem: Times w/Melissa , 8/20/99 , dorneY ,proms,snow dances,soph hops, shore 00' w/steve, dogsitting, bruce, creed, petty, jovi, new yearsO 1' 7/4/01, blackthorn, baseball at mikes, Gulf, times w/tim , times w/john L, times w/my friends, commish. Mes : mom & dad- you are the greatest parents. I couldn't have done this without you, thank you, I love I you. Melissa-I don't think you know how much you mean to me, everyday w/you makes me a better person, it would take al eternity to repay you. Thank you. I love you. Family-without your support I couldn't have done it. Steve-I can't believe we made it out of here. It was fun. You' n my best friend. Thanks man
Bryan J Schafer Commish Fav Mem: Shore 98' - 01', New Years 00' - 01', Creed, Bon Jovi, Dances, Fantasy Football (Draft Nights, Wings) , "The Game (Bridget)" , Convo's (Jacki) , Phillies Games, Lancaster (Wes, Donk, Pearse), Wiffle Ball and All The Times Hanging Out With My Good Friends.Will: Pearse-The Fantasy Folder. Logan-ND National Champs. Schafer-Flyers Stanley Cup. Joe-My Sense of Direction. Mess: Mom and Dad, thank you for all the advice and everything you have ever done for me. To all my friends, high school would be nothing without you, thanks for the grea test times.
Brian Warren Seefey "Seel" Rem. For: Being late, weather boy , being picky , working at Outback Act: Wrestling, Lacrosse, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Springfield Singers, NHS, Comm unity Service, Bye Bye Birdie, LifeTeen Mem.: BealSeel, Rides wi Regan, Bowling, Freefall, BoWSeR, Tuba Dance, Virginia Beach, Disney World,Steubenville, Life Teen,Unununium saga , JTI, Times w/Beal, Stulb, AJ, Regan, Midget , Doug, Eric, Erica ,Becki ... Home made movies, P-girl, Lock-ins, blasting 90.1 , dances, Ozzfest 99,ToolWill: Beal- an organizer, Midgetan extra inch, Christine- my dance moves Mess: To my family: I love you. Thank you for making me who I am. To all my friends: You are the greatest. I'll never forget the times here.Teachers: Thank you!
Jason R. Seweff "Jay , Sewell" Act- M.F .C. Fav Mem: my friends- shertz, mario , tim, dan, mike d, kdog, danielle, "0", joe mac, corey , dave, amanda, lauren, reckster. "2319!" mikes basement, dorney park, conneticut? advisory , talks w/shertz & Danielle, driving to nowhere, "you ever notice?" "EW!" honor roll, "moments" with danielle "I know exactly where we are "... " luging on skateboards, the shore, unforgiven, movies, our cky , "hit me high", "saturday the 30th" Mes- Would like to thank my mom for putting up with me and for always being there. Thanks to friends and family for listening and sticking by my side. Life moves fast, it never hurts to stop and be thankful for who and what you have.
Nicfwfas A. Sji.da "Nick" Rem. For: The kid who always did way too much work. Act: FBLA Fav. Mem .: Getting away with everything possible. Not worrying about school during the summer. Having something somebody wants and not giving it to them. Sixers NBA Final tickets, Game 4. Going to the shore. Hanging out. Goal: To own everything and not to have to worry about it. Will: None. When I am dead, all my money is coming with me. Message: It is all over way too quick.
Brian Cfi.ristopfier Sfiertz "Shertz" Fav. Mem: The car rides, talks w/Jay and Danielle, the basement , watching eagles withe guys, unforgiven, backyard wrestling, shore, Connecticut? Advisory, birthdays Dorney Park, movies, malls, our CKY's Toys R Us South Carolin'a , "Yeah N ooties" , "Hit me High" "Saturday the 30TH", "Cool beans". Hanging w / my good friends, Vinny Chucky , Jay , Danielle, Tim , Pat, Mike, Mario, Corry , K-dogg, Reckster, Amanda , Lauren, Eric, Dan, Dave, Joe F., Joe Mac, Joe 0 , Tyler, Mark, Jeralyn, GessicaMess: I want to thank my family and especially my friends for being there for me. I hope to always be with these people and keep in touch. I love you guys always and thanks for being there when I needed you.
Ro6ert B. Simpson
Dara Stancliafi
"Sampson" Act: Ice Hockey FavMem: Times wlKristin , RT2LEI, Don't litter! (Tren) , Times withe crew (you know who you are), Providence jams, Garage times, Nostra call, Pip's house, Wildwood, LEI sunrise, All concerts, Bill Billings, Jason T., P.H.O.A. , lSI quarters, Rides wIReck's, Figuring out life w/Perce , Speppers, Wrath, KB&JD, Grand m a ma 's, Viking feast, Rippin' wlBrennan, Griveler, Wendy's after slayer, pit on the porch, 6:53 shot , CHI brawl, Hockey trips, being confused with Recke, after school sessions, Watch it go! , all the other times I forgot. Will: Meats-My license Mess: Parents-I couldn't have done it without you. Friends-It's been a blast. Underclassmen-It goes too fast, live it up. Late!
"Rockets" RemFor: being a blonde Memories: DIM, chainsaw chase, voluptuous piece of pond scum , ODD, the UDs, Pitchfork, driftwood, Alices house, just back up! ,bowling, opLion, bonfires, mattress dance, BubbaTank, 6/9/00 , vanishing vomiter, smits ceiling, applepie, cap cup kip, PHOA , shore trips, bite? , pizark, sabold, 4/ 17 / 98, knobles, flying fan, peanut paper, my mudflaps aflappin, Billy, bling & JP, Tuckahoe, powell gang, porch days, naked time, ding dom, adventures, picklefest, providence girls, PTP trips, kadjek, for George, kinkos, gas, floosh Mess: Friends - friendship is a va luable thing. I'm glad I have yours. Love you guys. Fam thank you for letting me do things my way , even if it was the hard way. Bro & Sis- don't grow up too fast. Love always.
Sliante Simpson
Genevieve C. Starecfiy
"Teshan" RemFor: Being the best female rap lyricist Act: Track FavMem : Detrimental Records: J-Rag, keep rhymin' you're next. Omega Red- you know you're lethaL Teshan is gonna get her tum, ya'll know no other female can battIe me. Rap Concerts, Chocolate Delight + Strawberry Sensation, Six Flags, South Philly Crew- much luv. Chevy Camaros, No Mustangs! Shana- see Mt.A, Ph illy on the court.IIoveNewYork. Houston, Texas- stay strong. Chrissy Johnson- U were always black in my heart. Darlene "Missy" Robbins- 143. All my white folk- don't forget about my BLACK 101 classes. Mes: Mom-Thanks for putting up with me, I love you. Missy- You better go to college. Lastly , to all my haters- Keep hatin' on me, I'm still gonna love you shiesty tricks!
"Genna , Vieve" FavMem: Kara's house. Cheerieading times. Old Building GroupJ.D. , M.T. , J.M. Florida. Guaranteed goodtimes wi Marcar. Eddie's talks. Sharon-, 4th then fate. Math Buddies. Talks wi Alexis. Shore. S.S. wi Alicia. Chats wi freshman girls. Kerri & Coll- thanks for listening. Marie & Sue- what an experience. Formals. Times wi friends. Will: Sarah- a winner. Gregs- a sister. Angel- monthly calls. Kieran- smiles. Kara- a book. Tommy- my sweatpants. Mess: Aimee- I tum to you .. Eric- Yes they won, thanks. Gregs- always my brothers, I love you. Pat- you're a stud. Kev- you'll always be my best friend & twin. Joey- you have it all , good luck. Mom & Da< lowe you, thanks for everything. Friendsthanks for the memories.
Bryan Smith "Smitty, smit" RemFor: Being funny + crazy, providence, chillin' FavMem:Grandmama's ARETNAP, bats in the tree near Sampsons, dog s house, the clue house, chillin wi Alicia, late night talks about Dime Bag with Nick, Viking feast , party after Jr. Prom , there it is watch it go wi Joanna , late night crusin', the mall, PANTERA, grainbottle wi hemele, spralisnugget, LBI, sunrise wi Perce, john's toe, Waltons garage parties, Jay Leno, peebs after soph hop, sue's car, jam min', Spark, chillin wi ChapNug, MK's new years- spinin susan, num-num chippy, the shrine Will: Justin- my good looks, Alicia- my heart and love Mess: All my friends ya ll know who you are, have fun in life, mom mom I love you MOMO and kimmy the same to you and your kids-thanks, I mean it!
Kara Lyn Somers "Kawa, Kara Mia" Act: Cheerieading, Dance FavMem: Disney '00 , Sea Isle wi Mary, OC '00 & '01 wi Pat, "Are you calling me fat?" Georgia, Cabbage Patch Hell, AT chats wi Brittany & Meg, Sleepovers at my house, Real World, Dances, Applied Science wi Eric- when we making out?, Tara , where da party at? Mess: Mary, Tab, Bridg, Tara , Genna: Thanks for being there when I needed you , I love you! Ashley: Have fun, I know you'll take that advice. Eric: Your advice is the best , thanks for everything. Don't forget , I always win! Pat: "My whole life has changed since you came in, I knew back then, you were that special one" I love you. Mom & Dad: Thanks for everything, I love you.
Carrie Ann Stewart "Cassie" Acts: Band FavMem: Europe 01 , Boston 00, Halloween parades, Friday night football games, Collegiate Marching Festival 98, Phillies game 00, going fishing, Florida 02 will be fun, band times, Mickey, Harris in our room , kinder, Dinkelsbuehl, neben, band lockins, Marple game with Brittany , pen fight: in math, 9th grade lunches, trips to ww, mc, dd, bk with Friez and So. Mess: Mom and Dad I love you. Friends, we've had so many good times together let's not forget them.
Steve Stu66C4:fie((( "Stubby, Stubbs, Stubbles" Rem. For: Always being late and being good at Moto-Cross Fav. Mem .: 9th grade Power tech, ha nging out at Wa Wa and Phil's house wlmy best friends Ky le, Phil, John, Mark, Bob, a nd Matt . Going snowboarding w/Kyle and Andrew. Going dirt-biking everyday after school behind O'Hara. Going to Wildwood during Irish Weekend, sleeping in Kyle's Accord wlMark and Kyle (not enough room), running from tow trucks, and Loving Krista . Mess: Thank you Mom and Dad for pushing me to do good. I love you Mom and Dad. It has been tough but I made it. I love you Krista AAF and thank you for always being there when I needed you.
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Kerin EGza6etli. Sweeney
Ryan. wilson. Stu(6 "Stulb" RemFor: gray hair and swimming shirts Act: Swimming, Boy Scouts, Springfield Singers, FavMem: hangin out wi the guys. times wi becki. summers at scc and scenic. hero. jammin wi beal seel and regan. philmont. workcamps '98 , '99. jump back. 512 trips. va beach. dvd's at beal's. G3. ozzfest ' 99 . tool. Mess: aj, beal, doug, eric, ross, regan , seeley-the best of luck in whatever you do. becki -thank you for everything. melanie -if you follow your dreams, work hard and keep God first everything will work out ok. mom and dadthank you for your support , love, help, advice, and for always being there for me.
FavMem: shopping w/cole. scenic six .Missions. DisneyO 1' .Times w/justin.Labor dayO 1. Rides w/tam&alicia .Mem wkndO 1.8/24/0 1. Study sessions. APgang.OBX . Pre-seasonO 1.4/16/99. Basement. Diggin02. Watchin the kids. Ltrain. SIC summers. checkers.Talks w/gav, herb,AT , MS &pat. Sleep-overs w/san.nice game. Water ice w/justin. Talks w/mrs.F. Old-days w/ash. manners' . Growing w/celluch &nez. Chats w/JD. latenitesw/ryneWill: Cate-a big sister Mess: Nicole-so many years, so much we've shared. Thanks for being there! Justin-Thanks for being my sunshine after the rain, love you most! Parents-You're my inspiration, love you! Bros-A hero lies in you! Janet-you have no idea the impact you've made. H's-thanks for being my 2nd family. Ry&Gav-thanks! Boys-take care of each other & just have fun!
There are many bands that emerged from SHS and their quality has surpassed a stereotypical "High School Band" level. One of those bands is the very popular band Providence. Providence is made up of 4 seniors; Elliot Williams on bass, John Percival on drums, Bryan Smith on vocals, and Nick Pacitti on guitar. Providence plays heavy metal music for many different venues. They just released their second CD and are very hopeful for the bands future. Another prominent band in SHS, made up of mostly seniors, is The Counterfiet Five. With Ron Walsh on vocals, John Gibson on drums, Steve Cameron on guitar, and Dan Gibson on bass, The Counterfeit Five creates an excellent sound and great entertainment.
" 21
Monica. Sweeney "MonMon" Rem for: Twisty Slide, MGD Fav.Mem.: Times w/all of my friends. Shampoo and Egypt w/Magoo and MooshMoosh. Modell's .Chicken Daddy. College Trip w/Magoo . Meeting the Jersey Boys. Mike H ., Mike J., Aaron, and MaoMoo. Denny's late nite. DMB concert, Tom Petty, Fez "01" Times at York. Coltrane rocks! Krissy B's house. Ruby. Kitchen I rules. Mobile Man. Rusty Cracker. Will: Krissy- My brother Mess: Mom and Dad thanks for putting up w/me. I love you! Aunt and Unc thanks for being there for me. love you! Bern: Good luck with the band. love you! Sean: Have fun in High SchooL love you! Cassandra and Jess I love you both! Laura you are the best , we've been through a lot. love you!
Ridiard Wiffia.m Szczurek "Wrench, Double Z". Rem for: Always being quiet. Act: Wrestled in Sophomore year, lifte weights in the Carfagno family dungeon all during high school, and I worked in the Graphic Arts room for Mr. Preston. Fav Mem: Plenty of great memories, one of the best memories was at Shampoo in the foam room with Tom and Justin. Mess: I want to thank all of my friends for always being then, for me no matter what. I also want to thank Mr. Preston and Mr. Trout for great times and Celebrations, and the final thanks goes tc my family for bringing m e to Springfield for high school to make all of this possible.
Arufrea. Hefene SY9fowski "Ang" Act: stw, springfield singers, student council, nbs Fav mem : freshman year,giris, scrubs, times wi Marie, Aimee Heather, shore, Oklahoma , The Caberet , Antigone, Show stoppers/Greg Bell, RECKLESS! The Heiress. Dances, Being w/Adam , Times wi J and CaitJunior prom ,Borders, Less than Jake, Toasters Fullerton's House, Sleepovers, RBF, Denny's, Dawn's, Rent. Times w/girls: Mary, Britt, Christy, etctjust being goofy . Chrissy J. "the night" Marissa , Mike C. Hedgerow Theater, Romeo and Juliet, U of thearts summer. Will: Jay- all my ex-boy friends, Cait-my glasses Mes: Cait: thanks for always standing by my side and being my best friend. Adam: thanks for making me the person I am today , I'll always love you. Mom, Dad, Sandi: Thanks for always beleiving in me, I love you.
Afisfta Tayfor
Chris Thomas "aka Hector aka HNIC aka CT" FavMem: FB- Camp, 1000lb club , Haven99 , Homecoming 0 I , Fla. trip, nights out withe crew: D, Kyle, Reem, Key . "missions" , times w/Felicia . PROM(s) "chicken" , J5 , nights ove Eb's. Mess:To my mom 4 putting up w/me , LUV-U. mom-mom: u mean so much to m( n I-LUV-U. dad: 4 bringing me up to be a man. Bunk: NO MATTER WHAT UR MY ACE. Aunt Nita : u were always there 4 me and I-LUV-U. Crew: we made it! Brooke/EI luv yall. Foxy always got luv4u. AC: meteoi showerO I-no matter where I end up u will always be in my heart 4ever. Remember: LOVE IS THE ONE GAME U LOSE BY REFUSING TO PLAY!
Mrs. Pulsfort had a tough job in the fall. She had to wheel her son, Brett, around every morning. Brett was very successful this year. He injured both ankles over a very small time period. You can tell how happy he was about it!
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MidieCe Tori
Stephanie Thomas Netanne "Forest Gump" Act: field hockey , cross country , winter and spring track, choir. FavMem: track missions, twigs, the br strategy , o.c., physics class, cake, forks dig in, car trip to avalon, run to wc, marbles, the gym. Mess: Changes are challenges that prove your successes; fight to the end. Wow, Mom and Dad, I love you. Nancy, thank you. Psalms 17 : 17 . Lisa, you're amazing. Provo 3:5-6. Friends and family , may God bless you and keep you well.
Fav. Mem .: woods, darevalley, treefort , concerts, wawa crates, ghetto shanty, late hikes, ding-ding, parties, tattoos w/chad and bre, jesus wounds, sweet 16 , chases, room parties, shermin berm in, drives w/kyle, endless drive, flaming pole, late talks w/steve, stowaways, mailbox , bb gun, piercing w/mare, fugitive, ki 's foot , times w/lex , sale signs, meathairs. Message: Lexthanks for being there. My girls and boys-I love and will miss you all. Bern-you are my strength, thanks for putting up with me. John-thanks for treating me like one of you own. Gina-I've looked up to you more than you'll ever know. Steve-I wish everyone could see the great person you really are. I love you.
RacliaeC Anne Thomson Fav mems : chrissy- widener, nj boyz, hotel room wit nicole, michelle, laura , shampoo , Egypt wi greggy , 3-way ashley- times togetha , da shore 1999, races, partyz at my crib, THE HOT girlz ...michelle- it's ok we're friendz! ..Lisa- spring break, HOT GIRLZ ... nicole- bon jovi, partyz wit providene, races, shore, uh double up, tiff- models, cliflO boyz ... regerblroom buddy ...zippo da lippo .. Upper darby crew party city .. erik ... the IZZO 'S.. Bang bang ... da dancin' crew ...all mah gurlz n boyz .. i love ya .. muah! Mess:mom & dad thanx 4 keeping me on track, chrissy-143 bffL Nicolebest friendz 4eva ...ashley- I love ya n baby J ... beloved sistow- u know u love me ... gre- 1013-01...anyl else I missed 143 ...im out ... oNe!
Ian Scott Thornton Rem. For: Making people laugh Fav. Mem .: Getting license and truck, weekend nights, bonfires, swim club and tight smoky circles, Wendy's and all who came, bikes, wingies, T92K, that Funscape trip , hating curtains, back roads, car shows, underground lot hangouts, working on cars, system building, nights at Memorial Park, the ping-pong table stain, varsity hockey games, Ms. Long's Envi. Sci. , the Pollution Patrol, after school hockey games, the deli, pool hall, homecoming dances, weight room , Chief Zook's class, milk, Spanish 3 w/Thorbahn, Spahr, homeroom , Trout's class, open labs, O 'Hara's back lot , O 'Hara woods, industrial park, kill Osama with acorns, rainy nights, camping, no good times at Wawa, Drivers Ed, leaving. Message: Keep in touch.
Mike Wynne and Heather Organtini It would be difficult to name a sports team, club, musical group,
(Above) Dan Bowman, Nahreen Ahmed, and Karen Chiang, and Ahmed Karim are seen above at this year's home HiQ meet. (Left) Sarah Affonsa shows what it truly means to be a team player after lOSing her tooth during a basketball game.
or other organization here at the high school that Mike and Heather are not a part of Mike and Heather are two extremely involved students who are always busy running off to meetings, practice, or rehersal. They have been important arts of all the they've participated in and have been excellent teachers¡ their various activities.
.I' r
Best Part about being in the Class of 2002:
~""""~1 ~~~tf ~~~tf ~~~\1 ~""~\1 ')""- \1
-"We are all friends." Marie Carter
-"We are the best at sports!"Eric Miller ~
-"We're tight!" George Azar
-"We're graduating!" Mary Filippone - "We're A-Mazing!" Dawn Wilson "We graduate on a palindrome." Kristin Cellucci "Our enthusiasm." Joanna Pecora "Our School Spirit." Ashley N ewnam ~ - "We Rule!" Len McNelly "We're the most patriotic." Eric Brady
_L~~~~',-,"W':,,~~t,-,"Th~~_S~a~~~~l~,,~_ ~-..::~~_ ~ ~~~_ Tiffany Tribuiani
A1lge( Tamica Turlington
"Tiffani" FavMem: All times wI Cheryl (I haphazardly.\) & Jenna (All of our private talks). Lost in SWP w/Rachael, drawings w/RachaeL 6- I. Getting arrested. Times w/Laura. "That's why they wear cologne!" Dirty boy-princess. Sleeping at Laura 's house. Ethiopian. D-n at Laura's, reading book. Summers 1999, 2000 , 2001. Player(many guys. Motorcycle guy at Races. Purple hand. Fester. Being with Tito, arguing w/Tito. Arguing over Tito. Everything. Will: JennaVirtues. Cheryl-A wardrobe. Mom-A dishwasher. Tito-Forever. Mess: Mom & Dad-Thanks for dealing with me. Love you both. Cheryl & Jenna-Best friends forever, I love you's. Jen M-Sisters by choice, best friends forever. Tito-I love you endlessly.
Act: FBLA, PAU, Peer Facilitator FavMem: summer of 200 I, hanging out with Talifa , Britt, FeLicia , livia. Olive garden, my hooptie RA VE w/Shanni, hanging w/Joan. Chillin wINick , school dances w/squad, junior prom w/TaLifa, friendship w/J.B. , the window, the string joke, the football game wllivia , britt, Talifa. Olivia making me Laugh: Hey Boo! FBLA w/Genna , laughing and having fun wI friends. Will: Talifa-m y good fashion, Olivia-my car (don't waste gas), squad-my O.T. cd. Genna-a monthly call. Goal: To be successful in everything I do. To not only make mistakes but learn from them. Mess: Mom and Dad I thank you for putting up with me. I Love both of you.
Carmen Tumian
Jtufy Turner
RemFor: always saying hi to everyone&being a good friend FavMem: SrProm&PostProm 'O I , young marines,band&orchestra,&choir lock in, Boston'OO,Choir&OrchestraConcerts,SchoolDances,SpencersGifts,Strawbridges's hanging out w/friends@the maLL Mess: Mom ,Dad &Jen-I love u guys &thank u for all your help. Mom-I don't know what I would do w/o u. James-I've aLways enjoyed our years together &will cherish those special memories.Dan Catagna-it was great knowing uTabitha we had the best times & we will be best friends till the end. Brandi don't rush anything, u still have a long wait ahead of u. Shelia I'm glad were back together again. Hope we'll still keep in touch. BilL B thank u for always keeping in touch w/me I'll miss u the most. I wish everyone good luck& have lots of fun & spend your time wisely.
"Jutes, Jude" Goal: to earn a successful career in art education FavMem : Hangin'with: Shane (my baby) ; Jenn (BFF); Jess ("poolroom" buddy); Caitlin; Carl; Donny; Brad; Crystal (Cruisin'); Coffee Station Crew; Going to concerts: Steve Miller, 'DyLan, Tom ' Petty , Journey, Stevie Nicks (Luv ya Mom!), AEROSMITH (finally, Jenn!); the park, the "crev"; SLack's; the eutokia; Late-night walks I with Betsy (Bessie); Freshman Year; 4th Blocl ceramics: Shanay-nay , Barbie, Skipper, Mute, Teach; To Lisa : "ehhh?!"; the psychic; Food I Shopping with Crystal and Jenna ; Beach Trips; the 'Summa of '99; South Street; P.F. Shows; Halloween '0 1 with Jenn. Mess: Thank you: to Shane, Mom (my best friend) : I'm so proud of you! My family and friends: for always being there.
Vaferie Jeanine
"Yalbino" RemFor: being tan Act: softbaU, tennis, NHS FavMem: tricycle. the list. scrubs. times wi sue, kim, heather, tam , janet. talks w/dan. just jog. olive garden w/so ftball. helmet squad. europe. london baby. 308. boston. disney. asp. tam's hangouts. formals. camp. o.c. q-I02. madonna. billy joel. b*witched. nie. closet crew. teal magic. cold room. dorkvan adventures. movie nights. snowdays. paging donna. kop. fire & ice. gew. videos. connect four. Will: RyzBro- 5 s.f. Jugsreflectors Mess: Sue- when I fell , you laughed, when I cried, you made me laugh , but most of the time we laughed so hard we cried. Thanks for everything. Dave- we've been through so much, and in 20 years, I hope you're right. Family- Thanks for all of the support and encouragement. I love you.
Mefissa Vaccfiiano RemFor: being quiet. FavMem : hanging out with Brandy , gone to the mall, fun times at my house wi half the neighborhood, UD games with Maureen, riding around with Carolyn, crazy times with Megan, summers at my pool, late nights at my house, manhunt , six flags, Q 102 concert, Atlantic City , Shampoolcrazy night out with Monica and Laura. Will: Brandy-common sense. Mess: Friends-your cool, Mom thanks for everything, I love you
Patrice Hughes is known for her curly hair and bright smile that she is currently demonstrating in this picture. Britt Ori, Jasper Ho, Britton Bongaardt, and Jackie Nesbitt are mesmerized by the talents being performed at the Cocoa House.
M icfiae( J. WafkeT Act: Football FavMem: Gary , Rudolph, Chec, Mooney , Juile, Tracz, AG, Adolph, DP, Phil , Manners, Gibson, Krohmer, Mace, Nof, Guille, K-Dizzy , Tommy Boy and Renzo you guys are my boys and we always had fun , Skoal sessions wi Gary at Duece, Tracz Fest 1, 2, and 3, Rudolph 's Front Steps, Late night wi Tracz, Down the shore wi Planks Pringles, Rides wi Juile, Mooney , Rudolph and Chec Hot Boxin, New Years 2000 and 2001 at Manners, up the mountains wi Rudy , 4th July at Checs, Wings games, Eastern wi Gary and Tracz. Mess: Mom , Dad, KeUy , and Katie- I love you guys. Thanks for always being there forme. Alicia, You're my girl. DP , A-Dog, Chec, and Tracz- Good luck wi football next year, work hard this summer.
Ronald James Wafsfi
Andrew wafdt
"Reeron" FavMem: 10/13/00 , Dare Yalley , Yirginia , Beach , Lax , LatelShady Nights wi Nina, alone time, The Counterfeit Five, Dick's Hangout, Project Mayhem, ETR Woods, Surfing, New Years, PJ, Mannels's, Good Die Young JK DT KK , "Why didn't you page me?", Sabbys, Bonneville, Tree Fort, Brush wi death, Jerry Curl , Gip, Bean, Meo , JonnyG, Piechocki's, Red Fox , Manners, Krome, Yander, derek, Cameron, TJ, Sabby , Bre, Lex , Meesh , Sharon, Everyone at the club, Everyone else, you know who you are Mess: Nina: 120 words couldn't begin to summarize what you mean to me. No one could ever take your place. JC: III give yo u anything you need bro. 1m here for you. Fam: lowe you everything I've earned. Friends: I couldn't ask for better friends.TC5
• CI
Gr~ Walton FavMem :Chillin in the garage, the woods, down the tracks, Troy's room. Troy , Matt, Mary , Jane, Pat, Tim , Lou , Smitty and the rest of the crew. Majin Buu and the Nomad. Late nights and all the parties. The times behind my house. The shrines and the pile. Behind Slack's and at the park. Pool hoppin with McGill, Quev, and Grits. Summer's painting and the work crew. The craziest night ever with Chris, Troy, Cassidy , McGill and Johnny. The leap of faith . S.Bubba and the insane jumps. The fire. First night in my new house. All the runs and sayin, "I'm just tryin to get home, sir". Class with Smitty . McGraw's party . Finally being done with this school.
JMost ]Likelp to
Theresa Bernadette Weist "Missie"FavMem: Honey Mustard, Dorney, Fixx, Shore, Pink, Bike Cops, Clubbing, STW, Rink, HBH, Purple Hand, Hockey Games, Yeah Ben, Done in 60 seconds, walks home with guys, South Street , Blingin , Dinners, Parties at my house, Road Trip, Holes at the Beach, 3/ 4/00 , Word, Monda y Night Wrestling, Common Planes, "I have Spanish!" Riding with Rob, Jen it's a dumpster! Cheese Sandwhichs, Lumps, OPERATION RA1NBOWLAND, Dresses, Screaming & Singing in the boat , parties at Amber's. Will: Emilie: My "skills" Mess: Mom & Matt: Thanks for putting up with me for all these years, I know it was hard. I love you both! Sam: Thanks for always being there for me, you're my SBFF. Everyone Else: Thanks for being there for me I love you all.
sfia.ne McCaffister Werfey
(" r '"
Nahreen Ahmed and Dan Bowman
Dan Bowman and Nahreen are certainly well on their way· to an extremely successful future. Both Dan and Nahreen have worked incredibly hard in high school and have challenged themselves academically by taking and excelling in all the hardest courses that are offerred. Along with being very intelligent, Dan and Nahreen are two extremely involved students who participate in many other activites. Their futures "I.,_ are looking bright. _.
( I'
Senior Steve Cameron is comforting his friend Alexis Battaglia because she's so tired she can hardly keep her eyes open!
"shano , shiz" RemFor: being a proud American. not sleeping for 5 days. my truck. obsession w/musclecars. Act: golf, basketball, athletic advisory FavMem : a.a. hangouts. freshman year. whippin'. T92K. 4th per w/dyce. last round w/eric-some putts just arent straight. wynnes after jr prom. that famous saturday. hey bwady . sarahgoodfriends. sleepover at levs, j.rankin, rounds. at wyncote. THM-end of summer biz. deutsch w/adam "our ex" SUF. times wlbbal! boys. ugh. snowdance w/a imee. "crackers." vet in 6 min. lancaster ave-happenin place. deuce! the cubicle. tommy-guys ... Will: golf team-my jokes, a CL title. reggie-bleach. mr preston-my legend status. jenna-my one liners Mess: . thanks to family , friends, and anyone who helped me out a long the way. i love you all.
Ryan Meyers is trying very hard to stay on task to keep up his grades.
Effiot Lee wiffia.ms
Keon West "Key" RemFor: Being cheap; so don't ask me for nothin' Act: Football, Basketball, Lacrosse FavMem: My boys Reem , Darnell, T , Kyle, Hector, Leon, Dujuan, Derek. Chillin' with Tara . All the life risking trips to philly. Reem 's slip on the way to the Junior prom. The van rides with the super 7. The team dinners with the football team. My boys on my sports teams. The IHOP incident. My fIrst and last game as a senior in every sport. Hector's girl in 9th grade Lanette (aka Latrell) . "It's not JS , it's Keon's car" Goal: Get my college degree Will: I am cheap and I am not given' up nothin' Mess: Enjoy every second of your high school career cause it will be over before you know it.
Derek. Sean W fiite "D, flake , D-reck, light skinned" RemFor: keeping it gangsta in 2G I (did I sock em?) Act: football (twin) , basketball(edco crossed him 3x's) Fav. Mem.: Jr. prom Reem slippin, key j- 5 adventures. Hector reasonable doubt. FL. Trip- M.e.m .p.h.i.s. HIP- HOP R.I.P. kdizzy is u bout it bout it fool? Teeski hold it down I more yr. Where the gizzel? Tam , sarah, turq, dee, lee, tay , dnel, prince, ricky red, gibby , reeron. All my ppl I forgot I didn't for get u. W.e. adventure, wildwood (where did viz come from?) buffalo. "Say goodnite to the bad guy" my 4 years run is over. so Until we meet again holla! Will: my bro's I leave the pimp game. Thanks: God bless me and my family.
"Tren, El"RemFor: Providence, Bass, Girth FavMem: Providence (Smitty , Nick, Perce) , goodtimes w/jackie, bonfire at pips, Mem . weekends,There it is (watch it go) , Moonrise at the nomad, LBI, Windy Wildwood, S-bold , Wawa, RT2LBI, lSI -quarters, Pantera , Sabbathm , Slayer, Ozz-fest 2000, SteveMiller (aJtoids/sunshine) , Roger Walters (WYWH) , Skynyrd(how many hot dogs) , Pantera/Soulfly(backstage),Don't litter (Sampson) , Why! , NBS,Mr. Stumpy, Perce (good friends +bottle of pills) , every thing whisking away , don't just stare at it(eat it) , Sunrise wlmy close friends (you know who was there) , 10vies.Mes:Mom , Dad-thanks for all ur support, T love u more then you'll ever know. Sam-you're the best big sis anyone could ask for, I love you. Thanks to everyone and I'll miss you a ll , love you, late
Keriann L wiffia.ms "Kira-Lu" RemFor: Chillin w/Channel, Candis & Vikki Act: FBLA, FFH FavMem: P-House get your cousin, JR. Prom 0 I' marker & a fade , JR. Prom 00' IHOP-Donell Jones-Got Game, 4117/00-12/11100 never again, sports cav you can do it, shotguns, the cowboys 00', verbal killah spittin for blr, s.boxing, kosher pickles, cc strawberries, Taijah B.I.O , adv. wlTaylor, kidney infection, steaming ports, that's a d-lie. Goal: To do better in college! Will- Candis T leave you my intelligence, you're a great mom! The rest ofyall can kma! Mess: I miss you mom-mom you 're my guardian angel. Mom all 4 kids graduated! House of beauty this is cutie, Aunt Zoe. CKC for life, friends come and go but blood is thicker than water.
Tfiomas Edward wiffia.ms
Kareem Whiteside
"Tommy , T. Will" Act: Basketball, Yearbook , AA FavMem: Freshman sports, 9th grade govt recognition dance, dance parties, white shorts, trips with Brady's, "the boys", Draft nights, Duke vs Unc, Mike's basement, Blackout night , 11-10, THM , endofsummerbusiness, snow dance 00', late night talks, midnight bbq's, blub , 10-20-01, bad movies, heartbreakers, wildwood 0 I , deuce!! , LancasteJ ave., "guysj", "Jerk" , who's who? Reggie, nesbomb advice, loserweek, TRD, Shane's truck, Jackie-our secret Will: Parents my sense of humor, Lauren: the biceps, Eric: my reading skills, Sarah: Vaccines, Jackie-what was in the wallet Mess: Thank you to all my family & friends, I love you a ll it's been a great 4 years. High School Boys-Stay away from Kristen
Wiffia.m Wfiitmore RemFor: Never being in class, lateness, good humor, good times Act:Guitar,Wrestling Fav Mem: Times wi Mccaron, Kramer, Carfagno, Peebles,JerryWalton, Flynn,Martin, Jimbo , Calabalou, S, Smitty,&others. Fun wlJulia, me &phil murphs desk, Peebles basejamming at jamies, hassano house party , mcgills house, Phish,TheWho,JimmyPage&BlackCrowes, BobDylan PhilLesh,Tool, incubus, NeilYoung, TreyAnastasio.Pantera , many different spots. J amSandwitch.NewY rs pebbles's,ShoreTrips peebles,Bill,Carfagno ,&S.Lummix .Gettin lost in OC+ smedly.Fun @Louies.Excelient Summers+crazy Winters.Will:Carfagno-my vast knowledge,Mccaron-my music coliection,BillPhish glass, Jerry my dead posters+beautiful guitars Mess:You can do whatever you want wl your life, don't let people tell you what to do.
Dan Meo and Brian Vandergast are the first to get to their lockers. They are happy to get ready for their weeken~
In Memory of Krysti Dayis We long to know if you are okay How sorry we are you were taken away You brought us laughter, left us in tears We continue to miss you after all these years. Now as we graduate high school and begin to grow A piece of you in each of us will always show And, although yOUI' smiling face we can no longer see We know that forever a friend you will be. - Class of 2002
Remember How She Made Us Laugh Dawn Wifson
Tara Wood
"D-Dub , Chachi" RemFor: saying 'whaddup', randomly yelling, & quoting movies. Act: volunteering, soccer FavMem: Tang. Kungfu fighting. $2 flat tire. Mall Madness wi Lauren. Parties. Trips to Shampoo. BNL. Lilith. Fez ' 99 & '00. Third Eye Blind. Guster. Study hall raid. Snow Dance '00. Benchwarmer. Chicken lady. B-day rebellion. Friday Fun Nights wi Lis. Oy-vey! Block buster boy. Porch talks wi Kim. Halloween '01. Yo, let me get that? Taking pics wi M ike. Groove is in the heart. Advisory buddies. Dracula's Ball. Brian's calls. Carnie folk. Trips to shore wi Chrissy , Lauren, & Lis. Klepto. Full of grace. Yo sOYS Thugs. Mess: The Fam-You guys are A-MAZing! ChrissyYou are my favorite sister. Friends-Thanks for being there for me.
"T ,Rah"FavMem:22places w/Dan,pool ,L-ca t , Lor-dog,Y Town ert-ert, peachen shady In, rides w/John , times at my house/ dansjohns, vermont-juls/ Matteo , ali-we got that PC "0 I", ABF,scagging w/girls,hula man,long talks wi dan,sharon,Kareem ,Keon,Jim m y j uls,brett, Checko,breann,SWCleaners, classes w/Jackie, Laughs/besttimes w/ Lindsay, 12-23-00, Late nite jogs Krystal, gatoride, Musser elsenglen giggles, Laydowntime Mes:Moml Daddyyou've made me the spoiled brat I am thanks love u need u! wes 2, Jimmy/ Shawn lowe u, couldn't of asked for better brothers love u lots franky u 2! Danny- my soulm ate, best friend and love of my life,ur my happiness, thanks for everything Forever ever! U the monkey? US! Sharon- Thanks OliveSneeze Lindsay-c-ya coffeetalk time/never 2 good for boxer races. Dr. Maloney- ur the best!
Benjamin Wood Act: ice hockey , operation smile, community service FavMem : rarely being in advisory. falling out of chairs. finance follies. paperweight zambonis. panicking over opsmile and comm. service. pick-up hockey games. "hello bob?" mastering janitorial arts with Ryan S. mornings on hall comer with everyone. car horn phobias and fights at fastfood restaurants. breakfast shopping with Sam. "Spanish 4th period, right?" laughing, fighting, and just passing the time with Kat, Missie, Sam, Em , and everyone. Mess: Katyou are the best friend anyone could ask for, much love and good luck in your senior year. To my family , I love you all so very much, thanks for a lways being there for me.
Jennifer Woodrow
Ta6itfia Wurster "Tabsters" RemFor: pink, shopping FavMem: Old school crew- Halloweens, sleepovers, summers, dances, Loretta , sweaty Holly , tapes. Wendy's, Border's, cruisin', Carl's parties! Mexican night! Taco night. Birthday sleepovers. West Chester- Contempo night. KOP. Snow Dances, Soph Hops, Junior Proms. Ypeets- Ash, Jenna , Zack, Kenlin, and Hello Joe Branco! Sass. Dippin'Dots. The shore! Frankie and RJ. Irish boys. Girl's night at Kara's- concussion! Georgia- plane ride (ew) , motorcycles, tubing (almost) , car time, Walmarts, construction, Waffle House, Mexicans, and baloney! Mess: Mary , Bridget , Kara Tara- I couldn't ask for any better friends, I love you guys. Mom , Dad, AliciaEverything's for you, I love you.
MicliaeC Cliristopher Wynne "Wynnie" RemFor: Loving North Carolina FavMem: Tiff1eball, basement times, throwing S.1. in woods, phillies games, sneakin in one, raw at Tim 's, naming Jackies shirts, wildwood '0 I, skycoaster w/eric, bunnies&daisies, schmogie, superbowl '98 , satanville crew, carolina duke games, football on Friday , I just won the game, smoke in the eyes tour, OGS, kings/baseball w/buddies, basketball buddies. Will: Jack- my obsession with unc. Tim- All of my video game consoles. Mess: Tim- You'll always be my best friend. Jack- No words can describe how I feel for you and all the times we had, see you on the beach, love you both. Fam- I love all of you and thanks for everything you 've done for me, I'll miss all of you.
Tracy Marie wysocki Mem : 101 with Sabrina , baby-sitting and Alicia , 17th B-day , buggin at the dances, New Years 99 , breaking in w/Michele, dances and proms, Sharon's bashes, concerts, Sabrina's houses, crazy times w/Jason and the spring break 99 , flaming pole, meat times w/ Ryan. Mess: Lauren-first to forever. Brett-thanks for everything. Friendsmatter where next year takes us, you all always have a place in my heart. Familylast four years have been the hardest we've to overcome as a family , but through it your love and support has given me the tha t I needed to succeed I love you Trout-I can't thank you enough for your throughout the last few years.
Not Pictured: Emilie Davis Nicole C. Didonato David W. Fallon Shelia Gibson Nikki Hines Joshua A. Stumm Tammy Lynch John Marabito Timothy Ryan Moran Patrick Sherwin Andrew Teller Ashley Thomas
JEffrey Zane "Zane" RemFor: easy going, fun , always making the best of things. FavMem: Hanging out with the gang, Andy , Mark, Bito , Phil , Adam , Ian, Kyle , and others. Working on the mustang, races, burnouts, donuts, car shows, attco, skiing at okemo killington. Playing roller hockey. Hanging at wawa parking lot. Bonfires at Phils, shore trips, farmers market. Always having fun . Goal: have fun and be successful Mess: High school is one of the best times of your life, enjoy it while it is still there. To my family ; Dad thanks for all the help on the mustang, mom thanks for keeping me on focused
Anna F aitli Zisclikau "Z" Act: band, track (pv) , soccer. FavMem: boston. va beach. disney. europe.feastival. turnpike Sam . lauren- touching eyes, cashiers, my. haJ).ging w/ mrs. regan. ann- hallway talks. jill- oh **** me. bern- lauren day , alone at your locker, deck. jeff- i'm hungry. ashleyraise up. jen- secret boyfriend. beth- you're still my hero. allison- thanks for helping me find my passion. anna- reach for the stars. kimbest friends forever. aurelia-getting lost. winter track team- look there's bob. bus rides. saxophone girl. j-slo- sisters forever. snow dance. stein- shoutouts, songs. Will: k. fra a tzmy pole. Mess: mom , dad, tina- thanks for always loving me for who i am , love you. to all my friends- love you guys.
These last four years have gone by faster than a blink of an eye. No one said it would be easy, but the feeling of accomplishment couldn't be sweeter. Through laughter and tears we grew together. The relationships we made will last a lifetime. When you are on your journey through life never forget the memories and lessons learned. This is the end of something great but the beginning of endless possibilities. Congratulations and Good Luck!
Throughout the course of our seinor year different social barriers have broken down and people have regrouped. One product of this crazy occurance was these 6 friends. Marie Carter, Jackie Nesbitt, Nahreen Ahmed, Mike Wynne, Mike Malandra and Jason Rodgers have really started to bond this year. The friends have gone to see Saves the Day twice along with numerous hang outs after proms and game. The group loves their new found friendships and only regret not starting them earlier.
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Won't you come see about me I'll be alone dancing, you know it will be me Tell me your troubles and doubts Giving me everything inside and out Love's strange, so real in the dark Think of the tender things That we were working on Slow change may pull us apart When the light gets into your heart, baby Don't you forget about me Don't, don't, don't, don't Don't you forget about me Will you stand above me Look my way, never love me Rain keeps falling Rain keeps falling Down, down, down Will you recognize me Call my name Gonna walk on fire Rain keeps falling Rain keeps falling Down, down, down Don't you try and pretend It's my beginning We'll win in the end I won't harm you Or touch your defenses Vanity, insecurity Don't you forget about me I'll be alone dancing, you know it baby Going to take you apart I'll build us back together a heart baby Don't you forget about me Don't, don't, don't, don't Don't you forget about me As you walk on by Will you call my name As you walk on by Will you call my name When you walk away Oh, will you walk away Will you walk away Oh, call my name Will you call my name "Don't you Forget About Me" - Simple Minds
The Breakfast Club
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