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Building Camaraderie Sports
Completing the First Down
The 2005 football season proved to be one of hard work, dedication, and improvement. With a new head coach, Chris Bell, the team adjusted with ease and began the ir season early in the summer. During the season, the team never gave up when faced with cold temperatures, extreme heat, rain, and tough competition. One of their biggest achievements was defeating Lower Merion at the Cougars' Homecoming game. Honorable Mention All Delaware County: Jesse James (linebacker), Shane Meighan (defensive line), Tom Doherty (defensive back), and Andre Nelson (all-purpose/specialist).
1. J::h1 Cia;a" eI~ Ante N:B:n Jake Bk:xd~ a"d Kerth RCffi 2.Mike Keena1 3. J::'e Kely 4.Kerth RCffi a"d Ante ~ 5.Ante ~Ea1 a"d JJ:::J1 Kdy 6. J::h1 Cia;a"eI~ JJ:::J1 KeIy, RYal O'~ a"d J::'e Lrk 7.Lee Petro.:ki a"d J:xÂŁe Janes
~ ~S
and Tackling Opposition Football 1. em Kely a1d Pat Devirrey 2. Jin CJalcrdi a1d Tem Vmtatla.£:en 3. SyrhjJcl:j ta::kffi q;p:;rent. 4. Tem LeVaxar a1d Ard"e NeEa'l 5. PatD~imy 6. Ard"e NeEa'l 7. Jesse Janes 8. Mike Keencn Kevin Stl~etts
Yst rON) Jcke Bb1d~ Ard"e f\etcn Jesse JCl'Y'eS, ..M1 KeIy, Mike Keerm rv(yr01 Tayrr, Tem Dcrerty,Kerth :035, Tem Vc:ntai1aEen OTis D'Anjdel (:;ea;rd rON) StBie M.ry;t1y, Kevn Stlvetts, Tem LeVaxar, 9lcre 1:;kjm Pat Devtrey, Sea1 Sayrr, B:b Groscn, Rdl ODcrre! (thrd rON) Drew Kraiter, Coa::h Bel, Sea1 :amy, Coa::h ShJ, RYa1 OShea, Arrttcrv Req:n em Lit, Tem Wei5erba:h, Rwert DelLc2, Da1te Ferg..ecn ttcm Rwbirs, Jay Ska"ia Coa::h IXttta1, Rk:ky D f'~o, Coa::h Foster (farth rON) Erik tv1:x£n;r, em Kdy, Lotn Willians, Lee Petrcek ~ Bily rrra'\, TJ.Smith, Date PaterS01
Building Tearn Spirit The Varsity Cheerleaders have a lot to live up to this season after taking 3rd place in the annual Central League Cheerleading Competition last year. They have the potential to do even better th is year with their hardcore stunts, advanced tumbling, and sharp motions. Both JV and Varsity cheered loud and proud for football and basketball this school year.
1.Jil Lcro, Sa'cI1 SoJIy, Sa'a f-byt, Kerry Ries, Arm SanLcl:;cn, Ccken Fries, d'd T ~ 2.Jil Lcro 3. Ntde Devtto 4. San Gaatrr, E)ee tvla"reI~ d'd Kreten WCJXC%1 5. Sa'cI1 SoJiYs g"Clp 6. Senk::rs Arm OReily, Sta;y MatLsik, Elyse tvla"reIi, NtdeDevtto, d'd Ji~ Lcro
Va'srty (ba:k) T ~, Arm OReilly, Sarcl1 SaJ~, Sta;y MatLsik, Sa'cI1 f-byt, San Aasireki, San Kearry.(mkXle) Cdeen Fries, Casey G..rttbert, KrBtin WCfBXl, Elyse tvla"ird~ San Ga~, Erica Dwcrkin, Kerry Ries, Arm Nea'y. (frent) Da1iere Bran, NtdeDevtto, tvt1~ Ries, Ji~ Lcro, Arm SanLcl:cn
clntr Vcrsity (bat) HaTI:h GrOle, Serch flemirra, hny Smn:n hncn:;la tvtrd~, A/y3sa Peer li'1J~ JcrqLdre Lpka, A:t!::y Smtth (mk:lX) Katlin Perk, A/y3sa Big?ee, fr ta Bu:k, Sa.nta 1v1aibx, Step1 ~ Kat~ Fttzq::rcid, fXittay DB/ito. (went) M1eySmn:n hncn:;la BoNckn, hncn:;la Kdy, Mcry Reily. .1. Serch 5::Jy 2.Nixb DB/ito 3.Jil Lexo, M::;f~ ReB, aU Nixb DB/ito 4. EIy:;e Mcr m~ Sta:y Matusik, Arre OReily, Nixb DB/ito, aU Jii lzro 5. Smine Grap srot 6. Cd Free 7. Arre Neery 8. Serch flemrg 9. Serch SJJy 10. Srx~ Versity Geerba::brs
Kicking It To The Max
Girls! Soccer
(Ih:rt) Kelie tv'h.:rey, Kat~ Fa:h, ~ Meyers (mtiX) 91aTI;n Doyb, Kenzie Meyers, Aieen cress, JJicrm J:ffers, Jamie ~ Mare 01---1at:rl (bed) Sama1tha Lt.cey,M&de CorINay, Dcniee Grcri~, Cecilia Lc:rlmCl1, tvWffi1 Pepaw;:k~ J:ff>ie firta Sam Tajr ial, Jedie EastmCl1, Coa:h Bcoth 1.Katie Fa:h 2.Mrlde 0'Hab1 3.Dcnieb Grcri~ 4. .eeee firia a-d Kelie tv'h.:rey 5.Kenzie Meyers 6. Aieen cress a-d Jjiam J:ffers 7.Jedie Eastmcn
The 2005 Girls' Varsity Soccer team had an excellent season, finishing with an overall record of 6-7-4. Led by their only senior cocaptain, Katie Fash, the girls finished with three Central League victories. Leading scorers Jackie Eastman and Jessie Furia were key components to the team's offense. Freshman goal keeper, Danielle Gronlie, proved to be a strong force in the back. With 10 returning starters, Coach Booth and the girls are looking forward to another successful season.
1. Sa-en Pekoltky 2.Antea CXk:nb 3.Lydia Ka'bem 4. J$ Kern 5. Kyle fu"g:r 6. M:l1y Ri±:r 7.Kate Milrrey 8. Ja::ke Kern M:;iy Ri±:r, a1d..h:sic2 Kcpa:zeVv5ki
The J. V. Girls' Soccer team had an enjoyable 2005 season. With 23 girls on the roster, the team had great enthusiasm throughout the year. Rebecca Hartrum and Molly Rider led the team in the net, while Katie McCunney and Meredith Withelder did a great job on defense. Key offensive players included Kyle Berger, Megan Gallagher and Lydia Karlheim.
frst rON) tvtt' Rk±r, RebCUClI-latrL/11 (~ rON) stWy Lyrrh, Gretdn1 KraJter, Kyle fu"g:r, JcrqLdine mn, tv'ega1 G~, O\3a RcxhtJ..ez (thrd rON) Lydia Ka'bem, 0'eEea DrEcd~ ..h:sia Kcpa:ze Vv5k~ iIf1eredtth Aj~, Antea CXk:nb, JaJyr1 Kern Kate ODcrrd (fcrth rON) Coan Xatn Brrttav E:ta? ..h:sic2 (r'aJter, Amcrd::l fuvckn, KateMilrrey, Sa-en Pekoltky, tv'ega1 Swand, Kdy illJert::cn, Ammda tv1rr
Heading For The Goal Boys' Soccer
The Boys' Soccer team had a very exciting season this past year. An overall record of 9-7-2 qualified them for District playoffs. Not only did they make playoffs, but it was the best season since 1983. Jeff Bratz's senior year was an exciting one as he made First Team All Central, Second Team All Delco and was the team's MVP . Matt Correnti and Matt Urglavitch also did well by making Second Team All Cen tral. Even though the boys t ied Harriton at the ir last game, over 200 f ans came to show support.
1.Pete Weiss 3. Matt Urgatttm 5. Date E:reirlgal 7. [;en Ma11D<
4. 01a::j Pcrcre
6. Drew E:raescrd
Vcrsrty (ba::k) Coan PbrlbhJ, Kevi1 Do4'erty, Rym tvbimcn Qu;k Silo, CJ Sma\, J:tn Pcrr in~ Steve tv1ay1 ~, Jx tvt:tm Coan Duffey (m~) Jas::;n Lyrch. Matt Urga;itd1, Pete Weiss, Matt Carent~ Mike Gtrerlicn ...eremy Lyrch. Mike Wynre. (frmt) Date E:re~ 01a::j Pcrcre, Matt Thrntzn Pat Do4'erty, Jdf E:ratz, tvlark Gmxn Drew E:raescro, Jim BertPl
1.Ou:kSib 2.RYaltvbimcn 01a:l Pmte, Kevn Dof'erty, Mike Wyrre, crd J:h1 PO"rini 3. Jeff Bratz, Mike GLrerlicn Pat DDJterty, Krk D:>an crd fu PO"rini 4.Gra.p f-1...dX 5. Jeff Bratz crd Jx Mcta1 6. Jeff Bratz 7.Mat Gm:tn 8. Matt Ttrrntal 9. Pat DDJterty
..1nkT Vastty (ba:;k) Coail Kyerl±: Bcrmerrta--, Aa"cn f-fu, Kevin CrONe, Janes Smp.:cn e.b"il Philp, Niko LembotesB, I\n::tew r-utes,PaJ Werl<e, Drew Stets, Astf Kana,Mike M::Cb;:;key (midX) Ja:;k PO"ceIlin~ Matt Hazzcro, Pat ~y, Rim tv'tKay, Ben Manix, Abx Ba--ne5, fu ~mer, Bren:b1 WiEcn, Se31 MJkeen, Jay O"etrg, RYal WO"ra (fi"cnt) Krk DY5G1'1
Vastty (ba:k) Coa:tl Ca-Ih Ca-a R~i, Lffiie PenjLke, Sa-en funini, Katty Tirney, Kartney Kceb:;ky, Dede tvtrett, Kierstein Abate, Kaieen MJkern, Katie Lieb, Nrde Sccramuzza, MTissa AJen Coa:tl J:a:ri1 (mkXle) Jmlao, ALbrey Ber~, JcqLdine Pbtt i, Ama'da tv1a1:a'eli, Sa-en Gea-y, Miey BJwers, Cdeer1 Ruteck~ Sa-en Jares (frrnt) Ja:kie CchW . KatyPrtkin, atdRai'd Sa1tda
1. Miey BJwers 2. Sa-en James 3. Ama'da tv1a1:a'elli 4. Kiersten Abate 5. JxqLdre Pbtti 6. Rai'd ScnteIa 7.Dede tvtrett 8. Va-stty girB watdlha an OIertme nnffi
Sticking Together Field Hockey
The 2005 Field Hockey team stuck it out until the very end with a Central League record of seven w ins and only two losses. The girls beat two of their biggest rivals, Radnor and Ridley. By the end of the season, they were number three out of the ten Central League teams and they beat Haverford in the first round of playoffs. They went on to play Horsham, but lost in a heart-breaking game.
JrJicr V3"Stty (ba::k) KC1te Mxk. Anjelk:a CKbff, tvI::n:tY Dierro, Arnie Perrcee, Da18 tvb'thtergre, tvtrffia A1en, NCltaie Giffen:!, Ntde 5:a"cml1ZZCl Coa:J1 Carer (m~) Ste¢1 tvtKecn Kim CiLrlro, TaYa' Br<XXl1e, Gemma DAtwb, Cdeen Ruteck ~ Jj~ GerczeI, (fhn) Liz Rotrera Kerry rtrd::dlh, a'd A1001 Mimrs. 1. Ja::kie Cctlill 2.Katie Lieb 3.Goaie Sarctl Geary a'd Kiersten Abate 4. Everycre IuXIes n frent of tre goa 5. Cara R ~i
6. Kaiben M..lkern 7. Kelty Fitkn a'd Jil lao
Digging For Victory Volleyball
The 2005 Varsity Volleyball team for Springfield High School did exceptionally well. The team was goal-oriented and had great teamwork. Because of this, they made it to the second round of the playoffs. The team was lead by Captain Nicole Duffy and star freshman player, Sam Tulskie. The varsity team dominated even t hough t hey had only two seniors, Steph Oberti and Kaitlyn A rchibald. This was partly because the team consisted of members who also participated in club volleyball. The team ended the season proudly w ith many w ins and a season of which to be proud.
1.fij AOar6, Katy May, cn;j San TLtkie 2. JJ1iCT Vcrsrty (ih::nt) JJia Ccrrenti, Kristie Haires, Kristie Gibsal (mk:He) Mid'de Uti, Stctt1 D'Chcre, Gha Cerrato (bed<) Coati CXga1tin ~ Scrch KeIy, ~ M:Knig-tt, EmilY Arr'e{331, Kristen w irn, OIvia Byrne 3. Katy May cn;j Ntde Duffy 4.Kristie Gibsal cn;j Kristie
Hares 5.San TLtkie, fij AXms, 91am1 tvtGoNm, cn;j Katy May. 6.Ntde Duffy, AJy I\d:rns, San TLtkie, cn;j 91am1 Kane.
-~ .
7.K2tt1yn Ardlibad
8. Katy May a'ld Nkx:Ie ftrb
9. fJy A:lans a'ld Sarl i
10. A q'Clp of JJ1icr Vastty girl?
11.St1arcn tv1:GcM;a1
12.Va'"stty (frent)
Stert1 Oberti, Ntde Duffy, K2tt1yn Ard1ibad (mlXk) Mtrel:; Lrl<. Nkx:Ie ftrb (ba:k) Coail CXga1tn~ fJy Adans, Katy May,Sarl
I Llskie, St1arcn ~OVIcn 91aTIxI Kale a'ld Coail Cda1ta1kJ.
Driving FORE the Green
(bat) Coa:h f-bIer, Oretre GL11tter, 1m Ferg.£Cri, Sta1Sa!<. Ed DdchJ1ty, Mike t'ltrrissey, Steve Sug±:n, Nick GL11tter. (mktJe) Mk:hcd O'Hatn..Hr1 GOIa11 tc~ Demis WiEa1, Ar'd"ew Brq1ly, RYa1 Uttb,51a'e Dufee, Phil Knasicl<. AntIu1y Cievcrell (frent) CqJtairs Reb Leverq::ni ad Ada11 CcrcH
1.51a'e Du1fee 3. Jtn GOIa11a:i 5.Steve Sug±:n
2. Demis Wt:crl 4. Ntk GL11tter
6. Oristire Gt.rrtter
The 2005 Golf team finished the season with a record of 5-12-1. Seven of the twelve games were very close as they lost by five or fewer strokes. Rob Levengood was named MVP and was Honorable Mention All Central. Andrew Brophy was named Most Improved Golfer and John Govannicci received the Ed Johnson Coach 's Award.
Acing the Competition Practice fo r the 2005 season began in mid-August. Senior and junior captains led the team through a competitive season. Kylie Ford and Lindsay Block represented the team in Central League Singles. Doubles teams, Bridget McDonald w ith Elyse Bart lett and Kylie Ford with Joanna Conforto, attended t he Central League Doubles Tournament. Through defeat and victory, the girls fought hard as a team.
Girls' Tennis
1. CcptClirB Kyj~ FCAd, Ra:I'1.:d Kemmey, -.ba-m Ccnfcrto, LirdsCly I3o:k 2. S::niCA5- LirdsCly I3cd<. CClitlin Brke, Lffiie tvtrtin, Lird::ey Brke, Ra:I'1.:d Kemmey, aod Vicki Kreutrner 3. tvAdffiCl tvtritz 4. Kyjie FCAd 5. Ra:I'1.:d Kemmey (bat) wail Kerrey, J::mtfer Fer~z. Sta;i Rte, tvAdissCl tvtritz. ~ DDJterty, Br~ tvtDcrW, <m KIa1ied~ Va BraEScrd, EIy:e Ba-te'tt , wail Fatela (ircnt) CClit!yn Brke, Kyj~ FCAd, Ra:I'1.:d Kemmey, -.ba-m Ccnfcrto, Lh:;:5ClY I3cd<. Lffi~ tv'lrtn, aod Vicki Kretdmer.
Going the Distance Cross Country
(frrnt) Dmre DfkWo, Scm Ga~, Ja::h~ Gl:re, tvega1 Barr, Kdy Rek;!. Nata~ Baker (mkÂąE) Mike RLIXGm, Kevn Tancara, Matt Sirrot,J:tn Dicrrrn::l Da;~ Smttl'\ J:tn Kemmey (ba;k) l1rrnasBatd1J, J::::e tvtfv1enarlir\ Mike l1rrnas, Steve Vvl1itmcre, OTis S:rr'dO, Rym Fed"'ery, Da;~ Wilicms
The Cross Country team had another fun and successful season. The boys' team finished with a 2-7 reco rd with their most exciting win against Lower Merion. The girls finished the season w ith a record of 1-8. Danielle DiPietro and Sam Gallagher received Delco Honorable Mention for the 2005 Season.
1. Nata~ Baker, Kely Rek;!. Scm G~, Ja;k~ Gl:re, Dmiele DfkWo, tvega1 Barr 2.Nataie Baker 3. U03S Omtry meet at RoseTree 4. Kevin Tancara 5. J:tn Dia'ncn:.i 6.Kdy Re~
7. Matt Sirrot
No Ice Necessary
Roller Bockey
Springfield students participate in one of th ree different roller hockey teams: Springfield jV, Springfield Blue, or Springfield Gold. Mr. Cassidy, coach of Springfield Gold, said it is a great group of kids to work w ith and they all have a lot of fun. The teams play games week ly at Marple Sports A rena . They play against public and parochial school t eams from across the county including Bonner, O'Hara, Upper Da rby , Haverford, and Shanahan.
1. Ch:d Pcrcre 2.Jtn rerer 3. twrk Wertn1a1 ad KBin Ca::sk;ty. 4.lXb Rardtree 5. KBlh Ca::sk;ty ad lXb Rardtree 6. Syl"rqField Bte::J<at~ cut of1te ririe 7.Bil Rlffdl ad lXb tveier (GmJie) 8. Shan M:GOIer~ M1 rvtDrnak:J, Mike Cha1Jt; 9. Ch:d Pcrcre, Kevin Ca::sk;ty, ad twrk Wertn1a1
Springfield Grapplers.
(fret. rON) Steve /vrrrr, ad Gecrg:3 Ta:an: (seard rON) Den D'Q1;ae, eraU::n leAo, ad Sha"e Sp:tnen (thrd rON) Steve &td, 01a"1~ Ble, Pat Lecha1, Seen t'b.ma1, ad TraiB Rq;p (ba:k rON) Jcke Cutrufelo, Sha"e tveijm .Ietn Wilk3l1s, Scott Hayes, Lee Petro3c~ ad Mike GUiali (mffiha frcm rtvro) Mike Thmse Coaches Steve Mazurek, Dave Pecunia, and Brian Romesburg led their team to great success this season. With a record of 20 wins and only 6 losses, the team gave great performances. They also went on to win the Buckskin Duah tournament and beat rival, Upper Darby. Captains Steve Armor and George T ascone helped the team advance to post season. Seniors Shane Meighan, Shane Spellman, Jake Cutrufello, Travis Rapp, Mike Thomas , and Chris Schatz will be greatly missed.
1. O1a"lie Bte 2.Steve HmO'" 3.JClke Oltrufelb 4.Gea"g:3 Ta:an: 5 J.otin Wilicms
Take It To The Mat
1. Sea1 N::t.mm 2.Jake OJtrufeb 3. Shere t0e~ 4. Brcrcb1 Lcro
5.Pat Lem 6. Dm D'Ortcre
(first rON) DmCa1:er, Jat Pcrcellini, J::h1 M:Coch, crd Rym Hayes (bat rON) Ross~, Dcm FEter, N. Kinter, crd OrB Schatz
leading The Way, 1.Den tvtGcrr~ 2. Matt Sclerro 3. Or BPcb::k 4.Vcrsity BoyS Ba:ketb~ Fas 5. Frai: rvtKni&1t 6. Or B VrnTanaeen
7.Mid""reI Keena1
Coa::h Werley, Coa::h Bynes, Den tvtGcrr~ , Or B VrnTai1a£en, LCUB r0eird, Matt Saerro, Ryen Ma:Gi~w ay, Or BPcb:k. Den Gerbt, J:::e TLEkie, Mike Keerm, Seen tvUkeen, Kay (}ester, Frak rvtKnijlt, Coa::h MD:rrnd<. crd Coa::h Mirott.
Calling The Shots Boys' Basketball
9.DalGeriot 1O. eke TtJ.::kie 11.Tearmatee ca1g'"atUate DalGeriot 12.loJis tverd
The '05-'06 Boys' Basketball team called all of the shots this season. Through hard work, determination, and just "smart" basketball, they finished the season with 19 wins and 5 losses ~"~~Qil lll. and the title of Central League Champions. Their record earned them a spot in the PIAA District I playoffs. Dan Geriot, one of the team's shining stars, was able to score over 2,000 points in his high school career, a new scoring record for SHS. Dan received congratulations from his teammates, family, and friends. This year 's team was one of Springfield High School's best basketball teams in recent memory. Can next year's group surpass them? Stay tuned!
Shooting Into Action Girls' Basketball The 2005-2006 Lady Cougar Varsity Basketball team finished with a regular season record of 12wins and I I losses. They were led by senior co-captains Tiffany Lynch and Brittany Sugden. One of the highlights of the season was Tiffany Lynch scoring her 1000th point on Senior night. The JV Lady Cougars finished with an impressive record of 17 wins and 2 losses.
(frQ1t rON) ~y rovers, DcmnqLe furrps::;n, KrBtie Hares, Dalre GrcrJie, Nroe Duffy, Brittav ~ Tiffav Lyry:h Kelie tv\xrey, tv1a:kerrzie tveyers, ~ tveyers, Ja1:ie Eastma1, Kyle Berq:r (ba1: rON) Coa:h Gaater, Coa:h Smith, Coa:h t'htcrrn
1.Kele tv\xrey 2. Br ittav~
3.Nb± Duffy 4. M ie Eastmal
5.Dalieb GrcrJie 6.Emtt F~
7. K2tie tvt:O.J1'ey
1. Dcmhi':{Le 1h:::mp::a1 2.TtffayLyrrll ::ceres rer 1000th fX!i1t. 3. Vc:rsity Tean
4.Ttffa y Lyrrll 5. Miley Bowers 6. KerlZie weyers 7.Kyb B::r~
8. Kristie Hanes
(1rcXlt rON) Dcmi1i':{Le ~ Kyle B::r~ (m ~ rON) Krister wim, Emily Firrega'\ Katie tvbJJrey, Scm TLlskie, r0ega1 SWa1k::k (ba:k rON) Coail r-htc:rina, Qrl::ea DrEcdl, tvelissa Strabe, OIvia Byrre, ~i::a1 DCliis
Going The Distance Captains Steve Gualberti, Ryan Feehery, Steve Maylie and Tom Batcho led the Boys' Winter T rack team to a great season. Senior Andre Nelson achieved state rankings. Ryan Feehery, Jeff Bratz, Tom Batcho, and Steve Maylie broke the 4x800 school record this past season. The 4x4 was also broken by Tim T oal, Andre Nelson, Steve Gualberti, Steve Maylie. Great job boys!
1. Ia1 Ferg£Q1 2. Jtn Gcvankx;~ RYal Feerery, Jeff Bratz. a'd Steve Mcl,Yiie 3. htt'e f\\±cxl 4. Steve GtWerti 5. AsifKa'na 6. Vrre DLlVerrofs
(bat rON) Mike RLE£;Gm, MclbJm Rcbbirs, Tm Toa, Matt SXC2, Tan Batcbo, ..b1 Gea'gia'l, Asif Ka'na, Mike Ardlibw, Mclrty f-b1:;ks, Dale
Smnn Ia1 Ferg.Ea1, Ore AMfs, TJ Smnn a'd Rdy Df'ietro (mkib rON) J:h1 PaTh~ Grfs Sercro, RYdl
FeelTy, Steve Mcl,Yiie, Jtn Gcvankx;~ a'd Steve Guaberti (fralt rON) Vrre DUierrofs, Grfs DAJ1jde~ Tan WeWbail, Mike Wi'X:-ey, a'd
vrrdal Krq
And Going For Speed
1. Kartlyn Archibadrkj1t after breClkirg tre s::h::d rroTd 2. Oi:erl Rutedci 3. Katytv'l8y 4. Stejtla1~ Miler 5. 91arcn M.rP1y 6. San Taj r ial
Winter Track The '05-'06 W inter Track Team worked diligently to have a great season. With forty-five members, it was a challenge for both Coach Funk and Coach Foster to create a demanding workout for such a large group. Ultimately, the workouts paid off as the girls broke eight school records. These included the 50 , 60 , 300, and 600 meter dashes. The long jump and the 4x200, 4x400, and 4x800 relays. The team traveled to several colleges such as Lehigh, Ursinus, Kutztown, and PSU for their High School Invitational.
(fra1t rON) 91arcn M.fP1Y, Kartlyn Archiba?, ad RaTd M::Cay (~ rON) AVby Den:. Natie BcKer, Cdeen Rutedc ~ ~ G~, ..ffÂŁ;e Firia Kattleen DaJtert;y,tv'l8ry ReillY, Stejtla1ie Mih', Dalre DfetrkJ, San G~, ad ~ Baer (thrd rON) Dala Bxh:r, Dalre Dexter, Gretcren KraJt:er, Lirti:l DCr~, 91arcn Kale, Aieen uess, Briana Karnis, San Tajirial, Becca Hartn.m, l.z Hako, aU Br~ ~in (bxk row) rws.Fui, Katy May, 91arcn M.rrXJy, Br~ M:Dcn:t.J, Sarct1 Pekof5ky, Ertel Dwcrkin, ~k:: Pepav.ek~ tv1:'redtth Wrtbe\d:;r, Dba Rahy:~z. Jj~ Gerecl Bessirg NiJ<a, Dalde Felb19, ad rw.S:haeffer.
Cougar Icemen Skate
Vcrstty Ice f-Icckey (frrnt rON) tv1crk Wertma1, Bcv ROM1tree, Matt Green, J::e M:Oo::key, fI.cJcm Aa5irek~ Ven M:rt:b.tergn A1il Eastma1, Jm Kermfy, Pat Haycb1, aid (}rs ~ (ba:;k rON) Coail Brke, Kevn Brel11a1, Matt tvta::ccrio, Mike fu-It"gs, tvTike 9'eit, Brerd:::l1 WtaJ, Pat tvtO.rrey, 01:ld PO"(h::, Sea1 Sweerey, Pete We'es, tvTike Arrae, J::e ~, RYa1 rvtr'kma1, Mke Rqymm;J, Coail Eastma1, Mike ..bia'Ol, aid Coail hrey
1. Matt tvta::ccrb 2. Mike Raymcrd 3.A1il Eastma1, Ven M:rt:b.tergn aid Jim Kermfy 4. fI.cJcm Aas<irski, Mike 9'eiki?, Matt Green, aid Brerd:::l1 WiEal 5.Pat tvtO.rrey 6. Matt Green 7. tv1crk Wertma1
Fiercely Into The Playoffs
Ice Hockey
1. Glad P(rem 2.Ven \Vtn:bIergn 3. Jm Kerm;(y 4.Ryan M:::rKrnan 5. Adar1 fu?h:ki 6. Bren:b1 W1ea1 7. Kevh Brernan The 2005-2006 Ice
JI Ice Hxkey (trrnt rON) Tem Hcq:r, Ert 1'Hf, u aig f-b:t'ick, Aex Farnier, Mike Rqyrnm:J, Wil Fig...eirecb, ad Ryan l.itte (bed:: rON) Coa:J1 WiEa1, Coa:J1 Tarney, DrewStets, Sean M::Gcvern, Jim Dcrd1..e, Mike fu'1i1;:JB, Mike Gestrut, Mike Anxre, DemB WiEa1, Mike Berr, Jm Ha:sao, ad Coa:J1 DerncI'ff
Hockey team wo rked extremely hard to achieve great success. Highlights include beating Penncrest (th e defending state champs) and maintaining an outstanding winning reco rd.
Swim Hard, Swim Fast,
(ba::k rON) Coa:h Wat MTey, Coa:h Derek Kcly, AlW1 Werke, Lydia Kcrbeim, Dalre Yentz,Arnalda Ma'ta'e1i, KcLe tvtCamtk. Tim PaWa:k~ Jane Derby Ja::ke Kern, lui ~icva11~ -..en frlcrcb, Kera Dezz~ Janie Ol--latn a1d Ja::ke CSaliz (mdk rON) Katie CSaliz, Janes Ga\ater, Derek Dcrnto, RYal Berrett, PaJ Werke, Derek Krajek, c.re Batta:3 h~ Dale W~iar6, Mike Ol--latn Tan KeIy, a1d Rae Wber (lh:l1t rON) Matt Srrott, Kim Lrl<. Stq:tJ Cq:.derr 91aTIx1 SeI, Ja::ke HakLn Lh:t:ey Berke, Nata:h:l Haw, Kate Manirg, Ji! Perry, Kely Wberts::n 91aTIx1 Doye, Lh:t:ey Kerm:fy, Chrstire Gt.ntrer, a1d Ale; Matirez
1.Swm Tean e:t"w"rg befa-e
tre meet stats 2.Derek Dcrnto 3 . Arnalda Ma'ta'e1i 4.Janie OHab1 5.Lin::tey Berke 6. Ja::kie CSdiiz
IIFlyll To The Finish The 2005-2006 Springfield High School Swim team has overcome many obstacles with the help of the new freshmen. The freshmen have been great assets to the team this season along with a large group of returning swimmers. With the help of the new assistant coach Walt Morley, head coach Derek Kay returned this year and used his expertise to help the team do their best. The team will sorely miss the five graduating senio rs who have provided leadership and spirit at each meet throughout their careers.
Senirrs: Ji! Perry, Amcn:::J2 Maw el~ Tim P.awbski, Lirttey Btrke, ad Jxk~ CSaliz
1. Nata:ha HGKLn 2.Dalie/e Yentz. OTistire Gt.rrtter, Jxk~ Kern, Sf1a1u1 Se~ ad KmUri< 3. Tim P.awbski 4. Mike G-ia'b1 5.JmPerry 6.Mk::l're 0Hab1
Fresh New Faces Freshman Teams
(ircrt rON) Tim Gihl, Aex R01tera, a'd ChrbsSmal (md::k rON) ch'da1 Khg, Rei? Pi~, E:tar utvich J..rl:;cn f-b11a, Nk:::k Baitzel, a'd Teren::e Winters (ba:k rON) EXi31 Thrnse, KeilR1 Pitkin, EXerda1 M..rP1Y, Mike M:rrisoin, Tem FJa'erty, Pete JareI~ OTG Pier~l~ a'd Coa::t1 tvla11
(-trent rON) ~ie Mb", Ama Parke, a'd DemVerditt i (md::krON) Gha Ra1aI ~ EXittay Burs, Mary Rdy, Vcraia HJtes, Abby Derl<. Cdette SZEbo-Lcrg, Daridie Dexter, a'dTayh" sma (ba:k rON) Rcee tvtBrk:t, ~ie PJadiro, raja Scott, EX~ M:ivb1arlin, 8izabeth Gabie, AJy3sa Mfaten Sf'mr,r] SeI, Dariele FeIb1a, EXittay Ba:dte, Dem Bx\1ar, a'd Coa::t1 DBartemeeo
(frent rON) AexFo.rnier, Frcn tvtCary, Mike Ardlibad, Steve JTes, Jtn 0Jai1~ Brien Bay1i35, Jek:Voker, end Pat Hayden (mk:I:X rON) Coah Pratt ,Pat Lectm Coah ~ frc Grarrnad, Pal JJia"O, Nate
Gibs:::n, J::;e P~ Azrn Wil ians, Kcrl Sp::;ttemer, JaYle5 Gaat'er,Dale Dfrecd1io, Kerrrn Mas::;nHarlmad, OrB Gem Coah M:lzlrek, J::;e ~ end Coah Rk:l1a'd3 (ba::k rON) Pete Feri1a"'dez, veremy M::thIen JaYla Enaid1imb1, Pat Porter, K&cn Carrn J::;e Qalad~ end Philp Greerleaf
(frent rON) OrB Pier~i (mclk rON) Brienlaruzzi, Greg Lieb, Chalie Sma., Steve JTes, Pal Mxrey, end Pal Jjian (ba::k rON) Coah Duffey, Coah Cafa,ro, J::;e Qalad~ Pat Porter, veremy M::thIen Matt Stmk::tt, JaYla Enaid1mb1, frsn M::Cary, Tom Whtte, Ndc Baitzcl Mike Deia'ey, end Pete We'es
Shaping the School Activities
Cougar Marching Band
1. tvtrchil1g Bad in ere of treir mav famattre. 2. 9-6 0Jtd::;a- C:tYGu:rd 3. M'by Kanin::ki 4. ReV Delr:a ad Bi!y Naytr 5. tvtrchil1g Bad aU C:tY Gucrd
6. PeraBSicn Secticn 7. Jm Bratz at tre Habween pcra:::es 8. BaU beil1g ed mto tre fie~ byDn.rn rvtajcr Lffiie PenjLke
9.e.b9s DreES 10. DrU11 rvtajcrs tvtrq::ret CiClicrei~ Amarl.:l tv1.a'ta d~ ~ Bet:ha1Y RLrkeI, ad Lffie PenjLke ~A;tVitffi
Oeals ARoyal Flush Marching Band/Outdoor Color Guard
The Cougar Marching Band's theme this year was "A Royal Flush," which couldn't have been a more appropriate moniker. Accompanied by the energetic color guard, the show this year featured popular songs such as "Hit the Road Jack" and "Dancing Queen," and entertained audiences from Delaware County to Disney World!
1. ClTret eectrn 2. Br~ ~ in, BrtttalYBurs end rvtry&th Kdett
3. Lara Raffceb 4. tvegcn Baer, -bam Carfcrto, end Da1ielb flcchicre 5. Cda GLla"d 6. Vd<y Kircen end Usa ~ 7. Cda GLla"d members perfcrm rtf1e rOJtire 8. Dale 91iek:ls 9.Bend at haFtime 10. Aeese Philps end Elyse rvtrrdi
Stringing Along • • •
The 2005-2006 Orchestra had a very productive year. They improved the fine art of making music through the numerous concerts and other events. This year was full of excitement and anticipation for their trip to Disney World , which many have been waiting for since picking up instruments in third grade.
1. Chrbtte Mrzreff ad Lara C~ 2.Ght estra 3. ..b1 Pdktm ad Miey BoNers 4. Tre vda eectrn 5 . Tre ba3S ::ecticr1 6. Tre reb eectrn 7. Katy May
8. 91crm1 Bega ad Chr btte Mirzreff 9.Dm Ber~ ad Steve May1~ 10.Miey Ka11h:ki
~ ActVitffi
Singing Along Choir, Springfield Singers, and Treble Makers 1.Laren SeI 2.Treb!:: M8kers 3. J..niCT Ouir 4.SenkY Ouir 5¡W~Srws
6. AJk::ia Stath:t, Ste{t1 tvht'eI ad Sari tv1mÂąr'y 7.A1il Kmsiac. veril A1~p, Jcke Barrs, Bii Dcu;;jrrty, ad Herry Gib::cn
SHS's music department is one of the best around, and this can be seen from the expansive talent found in the choir prog ram. Students interested in singing can jo in one of several groups, includingJunior Choir, Senior Choir, Springfield Singers, and T reble Makers. Mrs. Descano is the bond that keeps all the groups well rehearsed and sounding terrific!
Tooting Their Horns
Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble sounded great this year. They work very hard in and out of class to prepare for their many concerts this year. In addition, the members of both of these groups participate in the Marching Band and local parades.
1.Da1a B:"xh::r, 8ina Saerro cn:i....ll:;l::;cn Hrna 2. Tre Symr;tu1t Bcn:i Trurtet eectrn 3. neSyYr(.ta1t Bcn:i Qriret eectrn 4. Wird Er'Eembe 5.Liz Rottrra 6.S~tBcn:i
7. FIJte cn:i Qri"ets H1 W mEr'Eembe 8. Oretre hrtte 9 .Wm ErE:embe
On the Right Beat
Jazz Band
1. Jazz Bcrd 2.Ma"k B:xhr 3.Bil Drnterty, .ern W o, crd Ji11 Chnents 4. Ji11 Cbrlents 5. Pete I-hr'y 6. Mike GUB1i 7.Ddla B:xhr 8. Abx Rcd'~z 9. Date 9lidds crd JJa11C.l Spataw The SHSJazz Band tuned up for an exciting year. They practice several hours a week to perfect their tone, quality and the art of jazz. Directed by Mr. Thompson, they have a lot of fun in the process.
ktvttffi ~
Animated Characters Anime The Anime Club is one of the new clubs at SHS this year. With Mr. Brophy as the advisor, the club's main purpose is to explore and celebrate the Japanese culture, as well as learn about the art of Japanese animation. Some of the clubs main events included watching Anime movies, learn ing the Japanese language, and creating and sharing their own sketches. It is clear this club has a lot to offer it s members.
.. -.::_ )
1. Bcb 91iekb 2. Bcb 91~kb, Eeen Devey, Nicde M:Oah Kim Kit1Âąr, tvEqa1 P'3a::co, tve~ y OJ, Scrch tvlrray,Devk:;l Gu3t &~ Werili MktfeUn Bcb Erdan ~ Gecry,Bi! Erd<::cn 3. tv'e0a1 Faas::o, Eiben Devey,crdDevk:;l GLBt& i. 4.Kim Ki~ crdScrch tvlrray 5. Bcb Ertk:::a1 6. BmErtk:::cn crdWerili Mkieta1
Smile like You Mean It Operation Smile
Every year Operation Smile raises money for the Operation Smile Foundation. By raising money, the foundation will be able to send mo re doctors and health professionals to unde rdeveloped countries to perform facial surgeries on young children who have been born with facial deformities. This year, Operation Smile held a coin collection in the fall, and a bake sale in the spr ing to help raise more money for the foundation . Together t he members of Operation Smile here at SHS, and all over the world, will be able to create smiles, change lives, and heal humanity.
Operatio @S ile ~ Changing Lives One Smile at a Time
1.Scrch f\eer083"d d'd Eileen Daley 2. LaraC~
3. Eeen Daley, Scrch f\eer083"0- ~et Ciala"di, d'd Nataie Cai~
4. Nataie Cai~
Caring Contributors Community Service Club The Community Service Club focuses on reaching out to the community by volunteering their time to Springfield and Morton residents. They do everything from raking leaves, to making holiday cards, and helping kids from the elementary schools make gingerbread houses. They also help with the Scenic and Sabold holiday breakfasts and fairs, as well as many other events in the community.
1.Brittrey ~i1
2.Ca-nercn Arimato 3.Gha D'Chcre 4. Offw's: Sqtlia tv1att'ews, Ka;~
(ircnt rON) NicOe flcrio, Aly AOm!s, Janie O'Hatn Micrelb 0'Ha1:n crd Scrct1 Gecry (ba::k rON) Ccrirre M::CIah Matt tvb'::a-ry, Sqtlia tv1att'eVvS, Mike GtrerliaJm ~a. Lh:6ay fu:k, Kcd~ tvtCcrmtk. t-Mffia DeWedio, Olga Rcrl'ig.Bz, tv1:f1ac Oa::l:::er, crd Reb Lev~
5.Jane 0'Hat:::n Katie Lieb crdMare Q'Hat; 6. DaleBreirga1 7. t-Mffia DetvWio tvtCcrmtk. t-Mffia DelvWio, crd Lh::6ay Bh;k 8. f'hnScbato
Encouraging SADD/Alternative Alternatives Beverage Day 1. Kaity Tr rey cn::l Kate Lieb 2. Offters: Gha Carate, KatyPitkin, Kristina J1azin, N:::db Rcby, cn::l Mkt'de Ccrter wtth V'rs.Ba'ber 3.Tie Ore On
4.KatyPitkh cn::l JJia1'l2 cHfers 5. Kaity Tirrey, Krist ie Hares cn::l Kelie tvh:rey 6. Pete We'ffi cn::l Aex Ba'res 7. M8tt Thrrtzn Kate Manirq, cn::l Magaie MGrath 8. Ben Mani>< cn::l Sa'cn ~
SADD (St udent s Against Destructive Decisions) is in charge of organizing a number of events t hro ughout the school year. The most popular of these events is Alternative Beverage Day wh ich takes place on the last day before winter break. Du ring first block, students are invited to t he cafeteria for hot chocolate and baked goods.
(fhn rON) Gha Carate, Mt::y Taytr, ty1dissa tvtritz, JJia11a cHfers, KatyPitkin cn::l Mtcr Mrs.Ba'ber (mktk rON) Kate Lieb, Kriste Haires, Kaity Tirrey, Ntde Duffy, Kely Rre, w en Oa"k, cn::l Vcta'ia Mayo (baX rON) St:eP1 Kcrais. [;eth Cq:;pe, Qvia Byrre, Krist m Ch2zin, N:::db Rcby, cn::l MkTeIe Ccrter
Battle of the Brains Delco Hi-Q The SHS Hi-Q team may not be as fanatically watched as the basketball team, but they are just as hard working and dedicated. Putting in long hours of studying and preparation, they compete in the oldest academic competition in America against teams of extremely high caliber, such as Penncrest, Radnor, and Strath Haven.
1. Ccptars Maaa~ tvtGrath .n;l Greg Wiech1a1 with M". Yaf'0 2. Laren Sell 3. Lirdsay[;/cck 4. Date B"eiw1.n;l Lee LOiett 5. Tem Batd'o 6. tv'l8tt tvtCary 7. Steve Simps:::n Hcren Areat, .n;l Maaaie M:Grath 8. w en SeI .n;l Greg Wiech1a1
T1'"e 2005- '06 DeWHf-Q Team (ba:k) AdlEcr M". Ya.re. Steve S~ tv'l8tt tvtCarry, Lee lOIett, Hcren Areat, Date B"e~ Tem Batd'o, .n;l Greg Wiech1m (-Ih m) wen SeLMaaaie M:Grath. .n;l Lrdsay Bh:k
Academic Excellence
National Honor Society The members of the National Honor Society represent the best and brightest of the senior and junior classes. All members have to maintain a 3.8 GPA throughout the year in addition to the 9 hours of community service they w illingly give to the Springfield community each mark ing period. NHS members are available to tutor fellow students throughout the school year. Dr. T is the advisor of this prestigious group.
Ma"g:;ret Cialxeli crd ~ fXatz Drew fXaESx d crd Katk:: Lk::b. Dale fXeh3a1 Dr. TacrOAEki A g"etp of N-6 members. 6. T0'Yl BatchJ 7. M isT Dr.TaxOAEki wtth officers Ma"g:;ret Cialxcl~ .eff fXatz, crd Lirdsay Ba::k. (Mffihj frcm ~en Sd~
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
(ihxrt) Ma"g:;ret Cialxcl~ DE£E tvtrett , crd Katk:: Lk::b (mki!e) Kyiie FCX'd, Natm f-ickLn Arm Dd~b, Dale fXehJ:nLydia Ka"rem, KGlttiyrJ frchibc0, KeEeY Caffery, crd Lh:bay Blxk. (ba::k) Bil D~y, T0'Yl BatchJ, ~ fXatz, Mike Iatzzi Drew fXaESXd, wisT Dr.Ta:r0AEk~ ~k:: tvtGrath. Matt M:Carry, crd Greta WM Crt
8. tvTIke Lnrzzi crd Bi~ D~y.
Getting the Ball Rolling Bowling Club
1. Tre BoMirg Q.b IVembers wtth wEer Mo. :::pircpa.bs. 2. Nkt tv'l:i'vb1a11h ad Kcrl Sp:rreimer 3.KcrlSp:rreimer 4. J:::n Geagias 5. Fchma Kama ad J::n fr~ 6. Officers JEt in Lmp, LJ. Ba:ter, Jt:zsk::a tvt nxX'e, ad Ald Ol Stcrr:ha<.
This was the second year for the Bowling Club. The members of the club gathered at Sproul Lanes on several occasions to sharpen their skills and see who could get the most strikes. Led by Mr. Spiropoulos, this club definitely knows how to strike up a good time!
Kicking It Up aNotch Martial Arts
One of SHS's newest activities, the Martial Arts Club is in its first full year of existence. Led by the experienced eye of Mr. Celona, who is a certified instructor and 3rd degree black belt, the seven members of the Karate Club meet every Tuesday and Thursday to perfect their craft. They practice the Korean Martial Art of Tang 500 Do, and their ranks range from white to green belt. The club has also has several members who train in Aikido, outside of school.
1.Da1 ~ a"d Tan ToJ1il
2. 191 Armed 3.Da1 ~ tvr. Cern:l, 191 Armed, a"d Tan ToJ1i~ 4.Da1~
5.191 Armed 6.TanToJ1il a"d Da1 tvEnÂąrh:;i 7.tvr. Cetrn a"d Tan ToJ1il 8.tvr. Cetrn a"d Tan ToJ1il
Aspiring Authors Creative Exchange/ Literary Magazine Creative Exchange allows students to exchange and critique each others' essays, short stories, poems, and art. Members explore different writing styles and enhance their English skills by writing outside of their current English class. Lit Mag is a compilation of student written poems, stories, and drawings. Anyone can submit a story, whethe r or not you are on the staff.
1. O"eatfie ~ Offi:ers: Ded:: tvtrett , Kattlyn Ardlibad. vesst.a Del.ca crt;l tvAdffia Demedb 2.tvAdffia Demedb crt;l vesst.a Delr:a 3 .Brtttrey tv1:iatJiin
4. Ada11 Ca"c:e~ crt;l RaTd Bama1 5. Brtttrey tvriaWn Sa"n OLertb1fel? cn:J.Arttea R~y
6. tvt. Zqv with Ltt tv1aa Offi:ers Sa"n Ckn::.:b1fel::J., Brtttrey tvria.l31in, crt;l Antea R~y. 7. O"eatfie E.Yc.Ilcn:e cr'a.o ;:;;::;...~ =
- - - - -:s?iii
Break Out Of The Mold Clay Club
Do you like to work with clay? Are you a creative person? If so, you should pay a visit to SHS's Clay Club. This year the Clay Club met every Tuesday after school. This was a time for many students who enjoy working with clay and making ceramic creations to come to Ms. Belton's room and spend some time working on projects. All students are free to join, regardless of whether or not they have taken the ceramics course. Projects the students work on consist of pinch pots, coil bowls, and a slab sculpture. Clay Club also allows kids to work on extra projects for personal pleasure and for gifts for family and friends. 1.Kim Kirckn crd tv1aÂąjie
laJier 2. Amm Berrett 3.Peqay~en
4. Shcrrrn tv'!..rP1y 5. Lavvrerre M.Biit 6. l.eena Raju 7. rvlara Eliott
Watching Out For You PEER Facilitators
1. Jakie Gla:e, h tby Taytr, ad Le9ie PenjL.ke 2. Jak~ Gkre, Le9ie PenjLke, Nhk La:kby, ad M8tt Gibs:::n 3. Nhk Duffy, M::l3aie tvtGrath, ad vbffIXatz Center: Ire PEER Fa:;ilttata'S ~
~ flctVites
4.A PEER rxre:rrtatim 5.Jak PQ"celni 6. Ire Senia' PEERs
As every student knows, high school can be extremely stressful at times. Luckily at SHS, there is a group specially designed to help the student body with whatever troubles t hey may be having. The PEER Facilitators are trained in mediation and counseling at their annual PEER weekend , and are a terrific support system for the school. Advised by Mr. Gildea and Mrs. Jenceleski, PEERs are a tight-knit group who are always watching out for you!
Students Speaking Out Project RSVP
.8i Sentmal ~.
rvt.rvtRae ad Kevin Ca:sk;jy ). KellyReid ~. Qla;j Pcrebe ad ~ Dru:;terty i. Lee LOiett aid Lydia Ka'reim 3.Offrers: ~il Philp, MisGr rvt.rvtRae, Kevi1 Ca:sk;jy, Qla;j Pcrebe Lee lOIett '. ~il Philp, rvt. rvtRae, Kely Reid. Kevn Ca;skiY, tvEg1a1 Druj"'erty, had Pcrebe, Lydia Ka'reim, Lee lOIett , 8i Sentm~ aid Mike Penstal
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania's graduate school of education, Project RSVP (Raising Student Voices and Participation) is a terrific way for students to make a difference at SHS. RSVP's goal is to include students in decision making of issues that directly affect them, in both the school and community. Through a series of dialogue sessions with the student body, RSVP's leadership team works hard to identify and solve the issues within the school. SHS should be proud to be a part of this nationally- . .. ~ acclaimed program. ktvrtffi ~
Ultimate Fun
Frisbee Team
The Frisbee team meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school at Sabold Elementary School. In addition to these practices, the team also plays against several other frisbee teams in the area. This year's capta ins were Matt Salerno and Griffen Davey. The main purpose of this club is to ensure that all the members have a good time playing casual games of Ultimate Frisbee. It' s a lot of fun for everyone involved.
(n-01t rON) Matt Sckrro ad Stc31 Sak (::ea;rd rON) tvtrk Rcr:zreki ad OTt> Foster (thrd rON) Ryc31 C~ J..stin Smmcxs, ad tvtry Beth Kdett (baX rON) Tem BCltd'o, Ted Kdy aU OTt> Ccx:1Jer (mffiirgfron proto) Grtffen Da;ey, Pete rmy, Mal< M:Grath, OTt> ::Jerrav, Ryc31 Bam Mike fu'tdiro, Mke GUic31~ ad Sa S::a"amuzzm.
1. OTisFoster aU Matt Sal:fm 2.tvtry Beth Kelett 3.Matt Sal:f'ro 4..Ietn Smmcrs 5. OTt> Foster, tvtry Beth Keett , Matt Scffro
6.Tem BCltd'o
Under DiscussionDebate Club The Debate Club is a new addition to the clubs at SHS. Students participate in debate club to develop both public speaking skills and friendships. Members of the debate team meet twice a month to work on the strategies used to form arguments and rebuttals. The club is led by senior presidents Eileen Davey and Sarah Neergaard. The goal for this year is to build a strong team to bring to tournaments for next year. The club attends meets between other schools to observe and learn how a debate takes place. Mrs. Jenceleski accompanies the club on trips and allows the club to use her room after school.
Ben Fetterdf, M's. J:n:eb::k~ h'C!Y tvtGirdy, Eieen Daley, Scrm Neergaa"o. Gr~ Wm-nm, aid AJisGrl WMrla1 (mffiin3 frcm rtmoJVk:ky Kretehr1er, ~ Gecry, aid Nb7e MDah
1. Gr~ WMrla1 aid hissister AJEcn 2.Co-PresWlts Eieen Daley aid Scrm Neergaa"d 3. ~ Gecry aid Nicde MDain 4. Ben Fetterdf 5. M's. J:n:eb::ki
Couga Flava Kicks It Up Dance Team 1. 91arcrl LmurM San Kofroth, Kcryn Bary, Cattlh Nayrr, Drec3 ..brcEn, Amy Lefferts aU AJyss.a B~ee 2. 91arcrl LanarM San Kofroth aU Kcryn Berry 3.Cattli1 Nayrr aU AJy3sa B~ee 4.(bat rON) Amy Lefferts, 91arcrl Lanareux, Kcryn Berry, aU San Kofroth(frc;rrt rON) AJy3sa B~ee aU Cattlh Nayrr 5.Kcryn Bary,Drea ..brcEn, aU AJy3sa B~ee 6.Kcryn Berry 7.Cqn;ains Cattli1 Nayrr aU fJyssa B~ee
This is the second year for the SHS dance team, Couga ' Flava'. This year's captains were Caitlin Naylor and Alyssa Bigbee who led the team's practices as well as helped everyone to improve their skills. The team has participated in several school events. These appearances included dancing at the basketball games and pep rallies, which required some extra special Hava',
Scoring Some Respect SCORE Though it is one of the smaller and lesserknown groups within SHS, SCORE is extremely important. Under the experienced supervision of Ms. Meinhardt and Ms. Akins, SCORE (Stude nt Coalition On Respect and Equality) st rives to promote diversity and multiculturalism. To achieve th is goal, SCORE runs events like the Holocaust Field Trip , the African American Field T rip, the Pajama Dance, and numerous other events intended to ce lebrate cu lture.
Student Coalition
On Restueet and
1. tvB. rYeirhcrdt wrth SCORE members B'ff:sirg N::iIK2, Cc:trtrey Ma:Davvet ad Leena Raju
4. Met LEed fcx cclertirg mcrey fcx tre ctlirren of Ethicpia 5. l.eera Raju ad B'ff:sU'ig NdJ<a
Investing In Your Future Franklin Mint Credit Union The Franklin Mint Credit Union was a new addition to the Springfield High School in 2005. The Credit Union has the same banking capabilities as a regular branch, but with the convenience of being inside the school. Students can start savings or checking accounts to deposit money from after-school jobs and then w ithdraw that money from an ATM located in the main lobby. The branch is staffed complete ly by SHS students and managed by one full-time FMCU employee. This union between the Franklin Mint and SHS allows students to go beyond just le arn ing about banking and gives the student employees actual workplace experience.
1. Ire FraiJin MintFed:rcl O"edrt Ulb1 Staff .:big with staff of 9-6 2. 1m FratJin Mnt Fea:ra O"edrt Ulb1 3. Gina Raffa crd Ryan Rdiy 4. Jx Wrl<h' crd Gm Raffa 5. Mike Tc!laisa 6. Phil Scbate
'Cducation fo r financial & ttCceAd
Breaking The News Spri-Hian All throughout the first semester, the news staff at the Spri-Hian works tirelessly to bring you news of the most recent happenings of SHS. Under the watchful eye of Mr. Zappacosta, this 3rd block journalism class studies copies of professional newspapers in addition to producing their own. Once the class is over, members of the staff continue to produce the paper on their own time , just for you!
1. Syri+1icn Staff 2. Rtk rvtral-Thmse, Ola"btte Mirzceff, Kim Reid, Nicc:b Duffy, Mike Sanchx:J, J::rm Irrga13, a"d Aimee DMicreb 3. Nicde Duffy
4. Ola"btte Mrzceff, tve4181 tv1ajan, Oretra Ca:c~
Mara Hot
5. f-I::;Icbn tvtKirrey, hrl'ew M:Giney, Ama"da MatONrtz
Mad Scientists
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad meets every Saturday morning in Mr. Zurnp's Chem Lab. The team prepares for the District Competition from October up until the day of the competition, March 7. Contraptions that the students build include a trebuchet, Wright flyer, and a remote controlled robot. Team members also compete in physics and chemistry based study events. Science Olympiad is a great environment for students pursuing a career in engineering or the sciences.
(bxk rON) Brl:l1 DClV>ÂŁa\ Lee LOIett, Steve smp:;cn Hren Arcot, DmlreJt;is, Ish Ahrled, aU tvlatt Saern: (mid:X rON) Dale Breirgcn tvlatt Va"~, verilPhilp, Lydia Ka"reim, Kevin TarlCBra, Dale Willixns, aU Dale 91 ie~ (fraTt rON) Laren Sell aU tvlatt DeBernxdi
1. Lee loIett aU Lydia Ka"rem 2. DmlreJt;is aU Dale BreitW'l 3.Tean Ccptair6: Laren Scl, Dale Breil"ga'l, Ha"en Arcot, aU Tim Pa\\lo3:.i 4. ffi Ahrled 5. Hren Arcot 6.tvlatt Va"~ aU tvlatt DeBernxdi
SHS Welcomes Mawi
One Book, Our District, Our Community, Reading Together
1.ErR stu:hTts pa:;k into ite adrt:crtm fcr Mawls [Aesentaticn 2. JJianHLzko, a sD<th g"a::Er, [Aady rods ite barer ~~ that 2,378 p::qje re~ Mawls bed<.
. . .__.. . _--
5.Hig1 s:::h::::d stu:hTts cdert rt1a'ey aseverycre enters tre adrt;criLm fcr EthiqJim d1i~en 6. tvts. DaYk8ker intrcxlres Mawi at tre 3. QmmU1rt;y members ccmmU1rt;y ditrer. speak wrttl Mawi at dirrer. 7.TedKdy 4. rvt. Vcesaa, Mawi 8.Mawi nre tlrcu;;j1 tre adrt;crtm, maki~ his ~a'dtvt. g"a'd entrcrre at 9-6. 9.Mawi speaks to 9-6. rvtKn~ 10. Mike !anJZZi intrcxlres Mawi.
On March I, 2006, Springfield High School and E.T. Richardson welcomed Mawi Asgedom, author of Of Beetles and Angels (a book read by students and community members this past year). While speaking to SHS and ETR students, this Harvard grad shared words of wisdom and advice that helped him survive as a refugee in Africa all the way through his time at Harvard. "If you're proud of you r culture, your heritage, and who you are ... those things can be huge sources of strength for you, " he said. SHS was certainly lucky to hear ~
his inspirational story.
Building ABetter World S.T.A.R.E
Sf ARErrembers (bed<.) Kim E:eaer, Kelie Mxrey, J:m:l ITqa13, laArerce Le1v'l8itre, Rev VEo, lXial K~ Deven Gilftiia1, tvtr@l DCl\AÂŁQ1 fJy9sa DAt1;3eb, Dam Verditt~ Amc.rda E::qLe. (miXE) Gh8 Raffa, tvrs. D.311CKer, LEia Dum:, Dalre DWba, Natclie Bcker, Aexa Palto, ~ Drcper. (trent) RYal GeEf', Steve Kerre4I.
1.Dale Serpentire, Steve Kerre4t,
Rev VEo, ad Deven Gilfti~ 2. tvl:fnbers at tre frst meet~ g:X to IroN cne aoti'rr by rtJYha a ncme gane.
3.SfARE Offrers tvtr@l DCl\AÂŁQ1 J:m:l rrqa13, Gim Raffa, ad Amarl::l EsJtLe 4. tvl:fnbers g:Xtit1;3 to krow cne aoti'rr at first meetirq 5. J:m:l ITqa13, Ra1laeI Kemmey, ad Gim Raffa bri1J feal bed<. to tre Write-A-Tlulto feed tre peqje herd at wcrk.
~ ktVites
You've probably heard of celebrities fighting against animal abuse, but what you may not realize is that we have our own group of activists right here at SHS. STARE, which standsfor Students Towards Animal Rights and the Environment, is committed to the awareness and prevention of abuse against animals and the environment. Advised by Mrs. Dannaker, STARE also co-sponsors the annual Write-AThon with Amnesty International. STARE is truly a terrific group that is dedicated to making sure their community treats the environment '----=~~:O"":"":---!!::..::...._----I and animals with respect.
Striving To Bring Change Amnesty International The Amnesty International club, also run by Mrs. Dannaker, is a group that focuses on t ry ing to free politica l prisoners from around the world. The members of Amnesty try to accomplish t his goal through the annual Write-A-Thon, in which they write letters that will reach political leade rs in other countries. This event was held on December 8, 2005, in the LMC. Amnesty hopes their letters will be able to help in any way possible, and its members are a great example of SHS students striving to make a difference in the world!
1. t0eg1a1 Ma;ra11, Amresty !nternatk::n:J officer, with aVEer M's. Da112ker. 2. Amresty members u5tna Coxia, L5Cl DCra::e, Dmiele Dizebba, Cl'"d t0eg1a1 Ma;ran
3. Amcn:tl Es:1Le 4. ~issCl MAttz 5. CJSma 6. Lavvren:::e Ldvt:lrtre Cl'"d Brim K~
7. Kd~ rvbxey Cl'"d Kh1 Becker
Experiencing The World World Language and Cultures
1.Peq:jY Ng..ryerl 2.Mike Per6ten M". RcbireaJ, crd OrB Foster 3.Wcrld ~ crd OJtLres Qb meetina 4. Tre NatkAia ~ I-brr Sxx~y. (beck rON) Ste}tl Obert~ Ma3aie rvtGrath, Scm Katie Lk:b, crd G.:iJrre Oberti (frent rON) Jcmes KraÂŁe, S1:q:t'en GtWerti, Mike Keena1, B:;n tvt:mix, fumes Aretliba? crd Bm tvtQ:ekey 5. Wcrld ~ crd OJtLres Olio 6 . EIen Trai Gina Th:;mes, crd Jxs 1Wrc:cre
World Language and Cultures club focuses on experiencing and learning about other cultures in the . hopes of building an unde rstanding 0 other ethnic backgrounds. The club consists of members of the National Language Honor Society as well as other students at SHS. The club takes a variety of trips including those to ethnic restaurants . The clut also hosts guest speakers who teach about different types of art and music from around the world. They also develop close re lationships with the school's exchange students.
Pride And Achievement WEB DuBois/ National Art Honor Society Among the many prestigious organizations found in SHS are the WEB luBois and National Art Honor Societies. Run by Ms. Akins, the WEB DuBois lonor Society consists of students w ith at least a 3.0 GPA and who are active iernbers of their commun ity. In addition to thei r academic achievements, VEB members took college visits to historically black campuses, worked with CORE and the World Language and Cultures Club on Un ity Day (on April I st), and sponsored the Martin Luther King O ratorical Contest for Black listory month. The National Art Honor Society was a new addition to SHS his year. Founded by (President) Lindsay Block and advised by Mr. Mann and 1rs. Fellona, the NAHS celebrates excellence in studio art , ceram ics, hotography, and graphic arts. i. i.
1.Rebeka1 Wilicms, Kyra rvtrrB, ad ~irg Nika 2. Nicde Lcckdy ad Kenta Ta)cr 3. l.z Ro1tffa 4. Antea Ridjey 5.(ba:k rON) Terrerce Winters, KentaTa)cr,Amelia Wcehirqtcf1, Kyra rvrrrB, ad Nicde Lcckdy (frent rON) WEB DLfuE> WEa'" tv'6.Akrs ad Rebekct1 Wm icms 6. (frent rON) Antea R~y, IVdffia DeJv1edb, Gil~ S:tt:s~, MiTe\:; 0Ha'tn J<attIeen Dru;terty,Lh:isay BJ.xk. tvEredrth WttreI±:r, Amd'da Berrett, ad Liz Ro1tffa (ba:k rON) More Frayre, Aex Berres, Matt Urgevitd1, LaVvrerce M..£Htt, Mike Reily, ad wms M".Mcm ad M"s. Feb13
Promoting Equality Gay-Straight Alliance 1. (t'alt rON) Nkxk tvtOah Cartrey Kraiza,
iv1a±tY laJ.;er, Km Kird':n .eee Dra=s, Berna±tte Perc:ha6ki, ad rvtr031 Da~ (ba::k rON) Be!? S1ieH:s, Jared O'Neil~ Ja:;k~ OWer6, Kevin Wvtns, tvr. TrOJt, ad Steve ~ 2. .eee Dra=s, Km Kinden ad Ja::k~ OWer6 3. Cdette Sza;O-lD13, Mike Per6tGr!, CFeryi ~er, ad PaJ Jarnrcxx:Mltz 4.Kevn Wvtns, Berna±tte Perc:h:i:k~ ad rvtrga1D~
5. Caitlin (drs ad t'&d at Lk{uid Lww.
The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is responsible for promoting equality throughout our school and community. They remind us to always respect and tolerate each other's differences. Each year, the GSA sponsors the Uquid Lounge in order to raise money fo r charity. Springfield students have come to enjoy the music of local bands who are given the opportunity to share their talents in the Audion or the Commons. Under the supervision of Mr. Trout and Ms. Belton, GSA held .their first lock-in this year. Students played basketball, volleyball, card games, made sundaes, and simply enjoyed the compa ny of good friend s. The lock-in is sure to become an annual extravaganza that supports GSA's goals.
(t'alt rON) ~ Geary, Dalid Guarter ~ Usa Kir12. ad Matt Gr~k;re (ba::k rON) Amy Tct.hil ~Ecn Dalis, Jared ONd, Kevi1 Wvtns, Phil Knasia<, ad Be!? S1~
Going The Extra Mile Second Mile
PctLred rere ere stu:.i::ms {fern Drn GLla"'cla wth members of Secad Mil::.
Springfield students have always made an effort to reach out to everyone in the school and community. The Second Mile club is one group of caring students who work extra hard to achieve their goal of making everyone feel included. Through special trips to the fire house with Don Guanella students, holiday activities, and movie nights, they help everyone to feel included in the community's student population. Led by Ms. Fulton and Ms. Burke , this group is truly one that represents SHS'sfinest values.
1. Da1re Df'wo 2. rv'B. ft.tt;a1, Lara C~, Mts Btrke, a'd Jxkie Glax. 3.Kerth Mrray a'd AJicia Piaxntiro
Discussing World Issues World Affairs/Model UN
The World Affairs/Model U.N. club is designed for students who are interested in discussing different events that are going on in the world. Terrorism, Global Warming, Nuclearization, and the African Union are popular discussion topics. In addition, this club participates in Model UN. This is where students form teams and research a country, which they will represent in a conference with students from other schools. The club also takes trips to Washington, D.C. and the U.N.
1. tv18x tvtGrath, KevU1 Tcmcara, Zicl J9an crd Oris Foster' 2.Ky1b Fcrd crd Ca"rre M::Qan 3. Ca"rre M::Qan crd Dena Hm 4.Kevh Tonaara crd Zia J9an 5.Ca"irre M:Oain crd Dena Hi! 6. Jx Gicrdao, Oris Foster', crd Ted KellY 7. Oris Foster' crd tv18x MGrath 8. (frQ1t rON) Ky1b Fcrd, Ca"rre M::Qan Dena Hil A/yssa Fcrgicre, (ba::k rON) Oris Foster', Zicl J9an, tv18x MGrath, crd KevU1 Tcmcara
Broadway Comes To Springfield's Stage The Odd Couple Springfield Theater Workshop presented The Odd Couple in November. The cast worked diligently for two months to prepare the many laughs that Neil Simon's play is known for. Dan Bergels, who played the compulsive neat freak, was complimented by Matt Thornton, who played the laid back slob. The actors worked under the wonderful direction of Mr. Gildea and Chris Klaniecki. This play earned rave reviews from local critics.
1. T're CCBt of Tt» Odd Cape. 2. Drew E~m.£sad 3. Steve Smp;::a1, Drew BrQESa o, ad Phi Knasick 4. Steve Smp:::a1 ad mry GibS21 5. Phil Knasiak ad Dm Bcr~ 6. Matt Thrrrzn ad mry GibS21 7. DmBcr~ 8. Ca=ey Fcltna1, Dm Bcr~ Ka;.ey Bxb~, ad Matt Thrntzn ktilttffi
Behind The Scenes Stage Crew The numerous shows that SHS puts on each year could not happen without the hard work and dedication of the stage crew. The stage crew is responsible for building the sets that are used for the school plays. They also take care of all audio and visual aids that are needed for the school plays as well as the different concerts and events that occur throughout the school year.
1.tv'lTy feth Keett 2. Kat~ Sp2teimer em JEtn Simmers 3. Katie Sp2temer 4. Mike Peretcn emGreqxy Rafil 5.JEtin Simmers 6. Mike Peretzn 7. Greqxy Rafil 8.tv'lTyeeth Krett , TedKeIy, Mike Perstm JEth Simm01S, em tv1clx tvtGrath
Thrills, Chills, And Spills Even though Springfield isn 't home to any slopes good enough for skiing, the SHS Ski and Adventure Club has found ways around that. . Each year, they take trips to Vermont, Camelback Mountain and Blue Mountain to perfect their skiing, and snowboarding skills. In addition to skiing, the club also goes to Great Adventure amusement park as well as Fright Fest in October. Run by Mrs. Naismith and Mrs. Driks-Moore , the Ski and Adventure Club is the place to go for some action and excitement.
Ski and Adventure Club
1. Rebecca Hrtnm Katy May, AlY Adans, aU Sa-n Tajirial 2.Pete Weffi aU Ja::a1 Lyrdl 3.rvts. NaEmith with s::n1e Ski a..v members.
4.Kevn cress, Kevin Ca:sit:tt, Qla:e Stewcrt, aU Jm Bee! 5. Ski Qb
wEer rvts.Driks-Mxre with
offters J::h1 Goiam tc~ Mike lanrzzi, Qla:e Stewcrt, Jm Beat, Pal Sxh:p, Lara Scott , aU wEer rvts.NaEmith 6. Lara Scott aU Sterh rvW'd
Organizing Our School Student Council is a vital part of SHS. From planning Homecoming activities to organizing class elections, student council members are always hard at work to ensure a good time for everyone involved. Members are voted by their classmates, which shows the respect they have earned from their peers.
1. J.riicr dass officers: Phil S.abato, NtdeLeckey, Jjicrm Jm'ers, Ja:;kb GIa::e, M's. Berber ad M'. f-la'by 2. Senicrdass o&ers: (fralt rON) ...em Ferrig"o, tv1a"ga-et Clalerel~ Rate! Salte!.a (bat rON).eff Bratz ad 01:;d Pcrche 3.Ed Betts, 9lam1 Doyle, tvt:retY Diierro, Arnie ferrcee ad Matt Kelly 4. Michele OHain Jjicrm Jm'ers, Ntde Ftrb, ad Phil S.abato
Student Council
(first rON) Seaetery K.aty Prtkin, Sc:tro BJerd Interns Dede tvtrett ad Nxle Rwy ad Treaarer O1:rbtte Mrzceff(bat rON) Vice Presicknt Steve tv1rp-v, Presicb1t Mike Iaruzzi, ad Histcridl Matt Urgalttd'1
(fccr) M~ OHab1 (fralt rON) L~ Rotber.a, K.at~ Lw, Mktde 0Hcrtn Jjicrm Jm'ers, NtdeFtrio, Iv1tlac Oa:eer, Ben Trat Mike tvl::Ch'key, ad Bret11:l1 Smcn (midX rON) J:tn GoIa11icc~ Kyr.a tvtrris, Lara C~, Dede tvtrett, K.aty Prtki1, Phn Scbato,Mke Bertdro, Brea12 Kcrnis, Mk:h::d Janes Wyrre, ad Jaxb Berres (bat rON) DcmhqLe KcescJy, Dale Breha=n Steve M.r[tiy, Nxe Rwy, C.ait1i1 Delay, O1:rbtte Mirzceff, Mike Ianzzi Matt Urga;itd1, MicrerB Ccrter, Kevin Fitkn ad Aex Rotber.a
Supporting Sports Athletic Advisory
(ba::k rON) ~y fuvers, J';ff Bratz, Ra:l'1cd Kerrmey,Ra:teI Sa1teI2, SaYI Taj iriCl1, Ccken Fries, Kyb Ber~, Kattlyn Archibad. Kd~ Mxrey, Ja::kie GIa::e, Kr5tieGib5xi, Ja::kie EastmCl1, Den Germ, Matt Sirott, DcrrrnqLe FEber, Reb Lev~ a1d Ryen OSf'ea (frent rON) Steve Mrr;tv a1d Phil Eastmen
In addition to their hectic sports schedules, select Springfield athletes also participate in the highly regarded Athletic Advisory. These dedicated athletes serve as advocates for sports, and they normally meet once a month to inform Mr. Mallon of
1. Ja::k~ Gl2ce a1d Kattlyn Archibcld 2.Ra:teI Kerrmey a1d Ra:teI Sa1teia 3. Steve lv1rPv a1d ~y fuvers 4. Frat tvtKnij1t a1d Den Germ
any sports-related problems. Under the guidance of Mr. Jeff Smith for the first year, the Athletic Advisory worked hard to raise money for "Coaches versus Cancer," manage the concessions at sports events, and organize the annual "All Sports" picnic in May.
Taking Care of Business Future Business Leaders of America
1.Dale Wi!ians
2.CdhButer 3. lV1ah y Smrkey 4.KevinCassicjy 5. --.erenny Lynil cni Ja:a1 Lynil
6. Lydia Ka'rem 7.Mdla::! RL££Cm 8. Phil Sabato 9. Offrers: Matt Urga;itch Phil Sabato, cni Dale Wi!ians
Future Business Leaders of America is a club that is well known around SHS. The club specializes in leadership development as well as business education. Some of the ir major events include a regional leadersh ip conference and workshop, a state leadership conference and workshop, and a computer fair. Run by Ms. Gray, FBLA can teach or improve the business and leadership skills of anyone who is willing to learn.
(first rON) stlam1 Sell L~ Smpa::tl (midX rON) Jed~ Avelro, Seb1a Bmir\3. J:::e Duffy, Stey!lal~ CqUeffi, Rycn Hayes, Ja:a1 Lyrd1, --.erenny Lyrd1, Ph~ Swato, Rycn FedYy,KrBt m Brotzmdl, Mike RL££Cm, Dalid Smrth, (bed rON) Aex Ma'tirez, Matt Urga;itch Lydia Ka'rem, Ola::e Stewa't, Glad Pa e.t'e, Cdn Buter, Reb ROM1tree, Dale Wi!icms cni Matt Sa:::ca
Masters of 0isaster Red Cross Club The Red Cross Club is one of SHS's newest clubs. The club specializes in disaste r relief education. Club members take part in many activities throughout the community, such as r unning the school's two blood drives, educating the elementary schools about disasters, and making and distributing disaster kits throughout the Springfield and Morton communities. The club will return next year with Mrs. Mroz as it s advisor.
1. Lee Petrcai 2. tvbfm R~, M'"s. M'"oz, SqJ1ia tvtatrevvs, ad Cattli1 Naytr 3.Cattlh Naytr ad Dalk:j B"eirga1 4.Kafttyrl Archibad 5. J.stin William 6. Dr. Tacr~i ad Lea AJba1,Y 7. M-s M'"oz, .emLako, Cattln Naytr, Mike GtrerJicn -b1 Pdid::ro, Kattlyn Archib.:t!, ad SqJ1ia tvtatrevvs 8. tvbfm R~, ..Hr1 Galerdi ad M-s. M'"oz 9.N::7e1.:: Rwy, J.sth Wmicms ad Laren Oat
APlace To Stay In Shape Intramural Weight Lifting The weight room is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at SHS. This is where students can go to get in shape, or to stay in shape during their off seasons. Intramural Weight Lifting issupervised by Mr. Zumpano and everyone is always welcome .
1.Rk:h tvtJ<.ay qpots a {herd 2.rvtrk Nil:xa1 3.RYa1 Hayes 4. Gr~ FB"er a'd rvtrk 'Nhtte 5.~Bi::Pee
6. Kattlyn Ard1ibad
7. A1~ EnJEh 8.Ed TLmelty
Spinning to Success Indoor Color Guard 1 . Tra:;y D~
2.Kartrey Syateimer
3. l.aren Pq;pa 4. .eee Dra:s 5.Km Kirden
6. .eee Hakrs 7. 1rdxr GLJa"d fYastbrg rtf'e W<Tk 8.Gt.rrd rxnectirg a fua 5eqLerCe 9.OYistire NM:e 10. Jenele ~0M1
The theme for this year's 2005-2006 Indoor Color Guard eam was Bourne Supremacy. Energetic music and vncronized movements (presented, of course, with an espionage style") characterized the team's routine. This roup of talented and dedicated students practiced several ours a week to perfect their skills. Over the course of the ear they competed in ten competitions, as well as the hampionship in Wildwood. Coached by Ashley Bensinger nd her mother, the team has come together to raise all the 10ney they needed to attend their competitions. ,",,'
(frcnt rON) Kevn MMa1..s, Lisa J::hcreen, Vk::ky Kirder, a1d Kartrey :;;pateimer (::eccrd rON) SLsd] Poam, Gill S1lBsi~, ~ Laver, Lara Raffa±, Krn Kirder, Sam Kamracy,OYistire NM:e, Ha1a Errest, Lisa KU13, a1d Nhk tv'tDan (thrd rON) Kevn GaJgm CJ S11a1, Gha Raffa, Aimee DMdrl::,J::ss Hakr-s, Ste{t1 ~oa:belt, l.arenPq;pa, ~ ~0M1, Tra:;y Dava:;n, J::ss Dra:s, Nhk Antcr1ik. ~Bsa Antcr1 ~ a1d Ard"ew tvtGi'by ?a:k rON) Revert 91icl:6, Matt Repro, Matt Gri;;jkxe, Jcred ON:: i~ a1d Matt H.azzcrd
12. Sentrs: Lisa ~ Vk::ky Kh±n, a1d Kartrey Syatemer
-, "
An Abundance of Rea
1.Kevin Heatberby cn;j Tim Graeve 2.Scbrha Ottalia'o 3. B-en:!al f-Jerd"d<sa1 4.Rebecca H~irB
5. Ar1tIu1Y Cialcrdi 6. JxelYrlStel2:er 7. Rcm~ ~ads, J:zs Ma"cae, cn;j Amcrda Va1Vlattker1 8. JXn I-W cn;j Seal Sweerey 9. Ja;iyrl Greenwictl cn;j Oretra Tccmey 10. Am Ma"ie Ca::;ey cn;j rveli9S2 Tratzn 11. JXn ~, Kevh Grtffey, tvb~ Rana::W, cn;j Rctn Ma"d'etti
World Opportunities
Vo-Tech and Medical Tech While most students are at SHS all day, a select group of students are learning technical skills in the field of thei r choice for half the day. The VoTech program has locations in Folcroft and Aston. The Medical Tech students travel to either Crozer or Taylor Hospital. The Folcroft campus specializes in automotive and body repair, emergency protective services, health care technology, cosmetology and culinary arts. The Aston campus deals with carpentry, masonry, electric, HVAC, and a second culinary program.
1.CJ.BcrteS .n:l veremy We~ 2.Mike Ada'Y1S 3. J::e rvtrrtdl:l 4.OTis -byce 5. Amcn:l2 UrBtqTer 6. Jx6ta Stelzer 7. Kaitlyrl Archibad .n:l Leena Raju 8.RcV18icJ 9.Keeey Caffrey, Tem LeVa:xetr, Kaitlyrl Ard1ibctl.n:l Leena Raju
AStrong Foundation Faculty
Fonda Ak ins Chris Alle n Mic hael A nd e rso n Edith Arringto n Dave Ash Willia m A tw ell
Lauren Babc ock Janet' Barber Robert Barnes Carolyn Bean Christine Belton Jeffrey Benton
Joseph Birney Mary Boeni Joseph Bosak James Boyce Kathleen Brattelli Wend y Bratz
Bonnie Bre ndly Mic ha el Broph y Robert Broussard Lee Brown William Brown Susa n Burke
Lee Burkhalter Jennifer Buschman Melissa Butler Michael Caba n Vie ra Cacali Karen Carty
1. M'. Herby 2.M'. Treut crd RY31 Feerery 3..lm S2teaJ 4.M'.Kerrey 5.M's.MVcrrd crd M'. Rcbi'Eal
Ann a Carullo Geo rge C e lon a Megan C lementi Daniel C ook Kevi n C o o p er Virg inia C row d ing
Maria C uo zzo C ynthi a Dannaker Case y Dan ub io Rita Deitric h Do nna DeRose Susan Descano
Jeanne Dewan Joanne DiCamillo Marne DiCam illo Margaret Dic ke rson Holly DiGregorio Denn is Donegan
Jam e s Doyle Mic hel e Driks-M o o re Rich ard Duffe y San dra Dyitt Richard Ehmann Mary Beth Fellona
Colleen Fle d d erm a n Barry Foste r Nic hole Frangione Da ve Frea s Stephanie Fult on Connie Funk
1. M'.I-h'C11 2. Ms.Ftltcn a'd M'. Guile 3. Ms. r0eirhcrdt 4. M'. Freas a'd Dale Stla"key
Barb ara G arling Joh n Gild ea Roe Giuff re Sara h Glasgo w Ric hie Gliem Pat ric ia G o rgo ne
Ka thy Grae ve Miche lle Gray Mich ael Guille Bill Haines Ma ure e n Hall William Harley
W a lt e r Hartshorn Micha el Hea th James Heller Deb ora h Helm le Ro b ert He nry Reg ina Hercer
Mich a el Heron Tom Hic ke y Stan Hitch ins Den ise Hit e Gail Hollenb e c k Sc ott Hollo wa y
Jessic a Houser Maryanne Hoyt C iar e nce Hutt Amy Jen c e le ski Deana Jesperse n Gla dis Johnson
1.M-s.Wcrd 2. Lean Foster did Dr.T 3. M-.SY033U1s 4.M-s.~
Je a nne tte Joh nsont e Bridget Kelly Se an Ke nney Paul Ke rrig a n Tim Kerry Ja ne Kim
Marie Koe the Jo Ann Kova tch Patric ia Kuhn Mirosla wa Lech Lisa Liguor i Jo hn Lo m b ard o
Anne Madden Joanne Ma llory Mic hael Mann Jo yce Mast alski Gary Matt ei St e p he n Ma zurek
Judy Mc C arry Ja mes McC art hy Rachel McCusk er Da wn McDonnell William Mc Ra e Caro l Me inhard t
Donn a Miles Terri Missar Beverly Mo ntgomery Braden Montg omery Sueann Morrone Denise Mroz
Uv's. TLerk crd tvrs. Mxrcre 2.Geag:; et.nt crd tvrs. Wcrd 3. tvr. M::Ccrthy crd JJiaY1a cHfers 4.tvr.Spirq:ubs
Vic k y.Murphy-Kendall Mark Mykyt iuc h Pat Na ismith Lettie Na ski Diane Neary Jeanette Ne sbitt
Ka t hryn Nicolella Daphn e Okcuoglu John Patella Pat ricia Penros e Cand ace Penza San d ra Perkins
A dele Pie tr a ng elo Ja son Piom b ino Ja c k Power Robert Preston Katie Prible Tim Pry
Susa n Purvis Pat ricia Ra mbo Linda Re nsimer Den ise Ridd le Fred Robinson Kim b e rly Romasko
Pat ric k Samedy Rehm a ni Sami Louis.Sc hiff Marc Scro ggins Da o Sey dou Julie Shaw
Je ff Smit h
1. laM"err:e tvlE:Hit CI"d M". Prestm 2. M's. Ba-ber 3. M's. M"oz 4. M's. Nk:xkIcl CI"d tvt. ~
Rut h Snyd e r Demetrius Spiro p o ulos Roseann Squitiere Sarah St a a ts Virg inia Stephens Jean St issi
Franc is Ta lar o w ski Na t a lie Tanner Na t a lie Thompso n A rch ie Tho m so n C a th y Tinney Mic ha el Tough
Rosemary To uhill George Tro ut Jessica Tuerk Dan iel V a nd e nb e rg Franc ine V asq ue z Roe V e c c ihio ne
Fran ci s W a rd She ri Ward Aiice We ischedel Deborah Weiss Christine W e lls Leslie W ylie
Robert You ng Jo hn Zappa costa Jo seph Zumpa no
Faculty not pictured : Patr icia De laney Jennifer Kinka Bi ll Kent Lindsay Smit h
Mat ernity Leave Best wishes to these teachers and their families. Welcome back Mrs. Nilsen fo r a great second semester.
Janine Graff 1. tvts. Des:av
Denise Nilsen
Kimberly Smith
2. tvt. Vcrd::rberg
Fcn1ty a1d Staff
From the Ground Up
Ch ristoph er A c e to Robe rt Ad ams James A ld e rfer Nicole Antonik Mic ha el Arc hib a ld W illiam Au rit e Ja cqueline Avellin o
Nickola s Baitz el Natalie Baker Cod y Barker Ja c o b Barn e s Elyse Bartlet t Brit ta ny Baselice Franc ois Ba sung a
Brian Ba yliss A mand a Bec ker C he ryl Becker Sa le na Binnig Dom inic Blanche Ro ss Blue Dana Bodnar
Za c ha ry Bolt er Willia m Brandts Kevi n Bre nna n Eric Bro o ks Krist ina Brotzm an V alerie Bro ussard Britta ny Burns
Colin But ler Oliv ia Byrne Joanna C a lab rett a Tyler Cana da Kie ra n C a nno n Stephan ie Ca poferri Jo seph Cia vare lli
Joshua Ci vatte Jame s C le m e nts Luiggi Cola n
Mic he lle Conw a y Julia C o rre nt i A m a nd a Cosgro ve
Jo hn Cost e Tro y Cott re ll Jo hn Cugini
Cory Czuczman David D'Ortone Drew Dav is
Mich a e l DeBake y Micha el Decena C arl De c ha lus Bridget Delaney Micha e l Delane y C harles Deluca Ab igail De nk
Se a n Desiderio Brittany Devit o Danielle De xte r Joh n Diamond David DiCrec chio Sa m a nt ha Digioia Re b ec c a Dilenno
Michael DiPietro Chri st y Dischert Dere k Donato Mo rgan Do ne g a n Da niel Dortone Kevin Dougherty Megan Draper
Je ssica Dross Jo sep h Duff y Shan e Dunfee Vinc e nt Duvern o is Ch ristopher Eastburn He at he r Ecc les Jamal Enakh im ion
Megan Falasco Eliza b et h Favano Danie lle Fellona Ian Fe rg uso n Pet er Fe rna nd e z Benja mi n Fettero lf Brittni Fie lds
Emily Finnegan Ka ti e Fit zg era ld Thomas Fla he rty
Sarah Flem ing A lfred Foster A le x Fournier
Sa m a nt ha Fo x Donald Fulk e rsin Elizabeth Gable
James Gallagher Megan Gallagher Jonathan Georgias
Marissa Gibbs Ryan Gilf illian Tim othy Gillen C hrist o p he r Glen n Corrin Gomez Eric Grammond Danie lle Gron lie
Hannah Gro ve David Gua ltie ri Nic ho las Guarnere C hristine Gunther Jam es Haga n Thom as Hag er Krist ia n Haile y
Jaque line Hakun Megan Han na Robert Han na Mark Harper Matthew Harpe r Pa t ric k Hayden Ryan Hayes
Cr a ig He drick Martin Hene ks Jud son Homo Sar a Hoyt A nt ho ny Hughes Vic to ria Hughes Brian Iannuzzi
Paullffrig Zia Isla m Peter Ja nne lli St e p he n Jon es Nec ho h Jo y Paul Juliano Pat t y Ka lo g e ro ud is
Fahima Ka m a l Ashle y Kamin ski Sama nt ha Kaminsky Step hanie Kara lis Karen Kelly Sar a h Kelly Lind sey Ke nne d y
Jaclyn Kern Kim b e rly Kind en Jo rd a n King An d rew Kinter Kimberly Kla niec ki Samantha Kofro th C ha d Kopp
Eliza b e t h Koppe Dominique Kossa lly C o urt ney Kraiza Gre tche n Kra ut er Shan non Lamoureu x Mich a e l Lance llo Madelyn Lauver
Thomas La ye r Patr ick Lea han Amy Lefferts Ja mes Le va sse ur Gregory Lieb Kimberly Link Jacqueline Lipka
Brandon Loro She lb y Lync h Ma tthe w Macc ario Erika Martin C le m e ns Ma yer Rose Mc Brid e Fran ci s Mc C arry
Nic ole Mc Cl a in Joh n Mc Coa ch Me lissa Mc Cu llo ug h Kathle e n McC unney Matthew Mc Do na ld Alyssa Mc Fa dden Andrew Mc Ginle y
Me gh an McK nigh t Kevin McL au g hlin Bridget Mc Me na m in Nic holas McMe na min St e p ha nie Mendenhall Je re m y Me th ven Rya n Mewha
Marie l Mid dle t on St e ph a nie Miller W illia m Miller Phillip Mo ntella Pa ul Mo o ney A mand a Morell i Mic ha el Morrison
Brendan Murphy Jeff Murp hy Am an d a Murr Sara h Murra y Matthe w Ne e Eric Neff Kaitl yn Nila n
Erin O' Do nnell Mic ha e l O 'Hanlo n W e ndy Ohrm und t C he lsie Olivie ri Ma xwe ll Opane l A nd rea Orlan d o Je nnife r Orla ndo
Darne ll Pace Derric k Pac e St e ph a nie Palladino Alex a Pa nic o Katli n Park Anna Parke A nd re w Pawlosk i
Alyssa Pearling i Sar ah Pelk o f sky C hristoph e r Pie rang eli Ro b ert Piller Ke vin Pitkin Madison Popla w ski Pat ric k Porter
Krist e n Quinn Laura Raff aele Gre g ory Ralp h Gina Ranalli Mary Reilly Matthew Repin o St a c i Ric e
Curtis Ric hardson Moll y Rider Cait lyn Ridgley Kerry Ries Timothy Ross Ale xander Rothe ra Micha e l Russom
Elina Sale rno Matthew Schmidt Stephanie Sco leri Paula Scott Sarah Sc ully Shannon Sell Ta ylo r Shea
Rose She ikh Eliza b eth Simpson Matthew Sinnott C har les Sma ll Mallory Sminkey A my Smith A shley Smith
David Smith Ta ylo r Spence Karl Sponheimer A lex Stack house Alyssa Stamoulis Jo seph Stengel Samantha Stites
Patrick Sto ll Cole tte Szabo-long Tara Tayan Brian Thom a s Am y To uhill Jenna Tra c z Jac kie Tran
Samantha Tulsk ie Blair Udovic h Stephen V a nvla d ric k e n
Freshmen not p ictured: Anthony Collette Nicholas Dorner Paul Jamrogowicz Al icia Mc Ma ho n Richard Stillings
Michelle V arg he se Dana Vend itti Dan Vu
Robert Vuc e lich Amelia Was hington Gianna W he la n
Tho m as W hit e Te rren c e Winte rs Me lody Yoo
1. OTistire GLrrtter 2.5anarthaFox, EllzabethFa/av, c:rd Dcnide Felb1a
The First Time To Shine Frosh Hop 2005
Freshmen have always looked forward to their 1. J,te BaTes ad Ma'ie1 Mictletal first high school dance, 2.Lh:Eey K~, Jcmie Da--by,Scm TUske, ad Dmieb Grcrlie and this year was no 3.Scm Fox, Ta--a Taym, ad Vttaia exception. Held on 4. AJy.:sa WaXen, Sa--c11 PeIkof:;ky, Gretd'en Krart:er, ad KrstenQjim November 12, 2005, in 5. ~ Faa:co, Lara Raffacl::, Km KIa1kxk~ ~y Kcrnirek ~ our school cafeteria, the adGimR ~i freshmen were 6. WerrJy OTmrttt ad Terrerce Winters welcomed to dance the 7.8y.;e B~t, Dmieb Dexter, Dma iXt;hr, ad ~ Drcper night away. Decorated 8. Brim Baylffi ad Rym Gitfflim by the Student Council, 9. Mr. YCU\2> Mrs. KOIatd1, ad Mrs. Pws t his Frosh dance was 10. ch'da1 KU"g ad Rev Ad:ms made memorable for all. 11.Arncrda ~eii, Gimm Y\!1"eIa1, Arncrda Cosg'"OIe, ad (Jrsty
Branching Out Sophomores
Alyson Ada ms Michael Adams Ray la Adam s C hristop he r Ad d is Marissa A llen Darius Allie Joseph Arre ll
C hristopher Atwe ll Christine A urite Jam es Az ar Lora Ba chm an Ste ve n Back all Da nie l Bailer Kaitlyn Barford
Ryan Barrios Koryn Barry La wrence Basher Jose p h Ba tta glini A manda Bea l Om ar Bela hb ib Joseph Bell
Kyle Berger Jo rda n Bernstein Edward Betts A nt ho ny Blanche Brett Blo od Britt an y Blo od George Blunt
Portia Bon d Lori Bong io vanni Giov a nna Borg ia Aman d a Bow d e n Nicholas Bo yle s Danie lle Braun Taylo r Broome
A nd rew Brophy Eric a Buck Se an Carney Ryan C arson Megan Carullo An nm arie C ase y Eric Chandler
1. Jxk Paceihi 2. M's. Tarer's Lflq Le a'd :tJrited WEcrY.
Kristina C ha zin Ja y C he ung Kim b erly Ci urlino Kevin C lark Marjorie Colan Amanda Colston James Comber
Douglas Conwa y Benjamin Coreano Gina Corrato Nic holas Corrato Matthew Correnti Aile e n C ress Dan ielle C rew
Kevin Crow e Kat harine Csa niz Kelly C ulb e rtson C asey C ut hbert A lyssa D'Angelo Ge m ma D'A ng elo Ada m D'A nnunzio
Melanie Da m o n Jam ie Darb y A llison Davis Rebecca Da viso n Tra c y Dawson Matthew DeBe rnar di And rew Delmar
Robert Deluca lauren DePue Linda DiCroce Ste ve n Diehl Am a nd a Diie nno Stephen Dolceamore Nina Dom b a la g ian
James Donohue Meghan Dou gherty Shannon Do yle Ch e lsea Drisc oll Eric a Dworki n Kirk Dyson Lisa Elliott
1. Oris Atwel ad Ra~ A:tms 2.Kim CiLrliro, ~t.a CXbff, ad fm~ Fercee
Hana Ernest Amanda Esque Brett Feldman Dante Ferguson Rona ld Fields William Figueiredo Jessica Filan
Domonique Fisher Gregory Fisher Samantha Flasinski Emily Fleming Nic ole Florio Peter Force Jenni fer Fosco
Le a nn Foster Jake Frayne Colleen Fries Sean Gabriel Brittany Gallagher Sa m a nt ha Gallagher David Gallo
Me g ha n Geary Ryan Ge ller Julia Genzel Stephanie Gerardi Brian Gibbs Henry Gibson Robert Gibson
Natalie Gifford Nicholas Gildea Devon Gilfillian Ma tth ew Grace Matthew Green Nic ole Gre er Elizabeth Halko
Amanda Hart Rebecca Hartrum
James Hassano Matthe w Hazzard
Aaron Heller Jonathan Hellmer
Brian Hellmig Corey Hepfer
Kristi ana Herrera Jam es Hewitt Barb ara Hionides Britnee y Jac kson C ha rles James Mic ha e l Jannelli James Jo nes
Kyle Kalinowsk y Dee Ka lo g e ro ud is Ro nnie Ka lo g e roud is Meg ha n Ke arn e y Samant ha Kearney Nicole Ke at ing Mary Ke lle tt
Tho mas Kelle y A m a nd a Kelly Thom as Ke lly Matthew Ke lly John Kemmey St e p he n Kenned y Richard Kern
Bre nt Ke rr Ja mes Kilg a lle n Danielle Killinger Dyla n Kna gg s Kev in Koe t he Jessica Ko p ac ze w ski Dere k Krajek
Andrew Krauter Jessic a Kra ut e r W esa m Kud hair C hristo p he r Law ler Lawre nce LeMaitre Niko Lembot esis Alyssa Lindse y
Mic helle Link Porsc he Littlepage
C e c ilia Loc km an Dom inic Lombard o
Justin Longo Sa m a nt ha Luce y
1. Scm Kea-rey m:j .Amdt:tl Kdy Joshua Ma c Do na ld Sau nd ra Ma d dox
Joseph Ma ho n Jessic a Marcone Ryan Marshall Kat ly n May Briana Mazzella Brian McCole Ch ristopher McC ullo ugh
Bridget McDonald Robert McGlinchey Matthew McGrath C hristopher Mc G ug a n Devon McHugh Ric hard McKay Stephanie Mc Keon
Holden McKinney Louis Meindi Ilknur Menekse Matthew Milite llo La ure n Minier Krist e n Missar Katherine Mock
Jesse Mo na st ra Dana Mond eve rg ine Ale xandra Mooney David Mo ore Kyra Mo rris Bryan Morse Sean Mulkeen
Jacquelyn Mullen Kevin Murph y Shannon Murph y Denn is Nardella Billy Naylor Blessing Nd uka Ann Neary
Diane Nguyen Joseph Noce Catherine O'Donnell Ryan O'She a Alissa O'Toole A nje lic a Orloff Laura Palmer
1, M", Cc.qx:r's WEaY d~ays tre lrien::Jalp that ha? been buift OIer tte past t wo yea s.
3.De.t.I;3 Caway
C hristo p her Parsia Da vid Pate rson Glori a Pe arse Ann ie Penro se Mike Pen ston Bernadette Perc hal ski C arm e n Persic o
Aleece Phillips A licia Piacentlno Ja ck Po rcellini Me hak Qa d e er Brian Quinn Emily Ranc k Rob ert Re ed
Kelly Reid Olg a Ro d rig ue z G e org e Ro ff Breon Ross Colleen Rutec ki Anna Sa m ue lso n Se an Sa ndone
Se an Saylor Nicole Sc oramuzza John Schaffer Ste ph en Schol Eli Se ntm an St e p ha nie Se rbin David Serp e nt ine
David Shields Ro bert Shield s Lind say Shinn Natalia Silets ky Bre nnan Simon Jam es Simpson Jay Skaria
Nicholas Smy t he Sam a nt ha Spa d e a Jo a nna Sp a tacco Jaso n Spector Ka t he ryne Sponheimer Justin Stamm A lic ia St a nc hak
1.Kely OJbert~ Gemma D',Ar¢;, AiWl ad
Janie Da-by
2. Mf1ck Qadxr 3. rvtatt Gra:e ad rvtatt Hazzc:rd 4.Kevin uONe, B-en::txl WiEcn ad rvtatt Kely
' ,'.:
Kathlyn Stefl Helen a St ein A nd rew St e ts Alex a nd er St ewart Robert Sto ne r Melissa St ra ub e St e phen Sug d e n
Kha dijah Surratt Megan Swan ick Sam antha Tajirian Ashley Ta ylor Jason Taylo r Gina Tho m a s Ste ph e n Thomas
Dom iniq ue Thompso n Kevi n Toma sura A ng e la Toomey Me lissa Trac t o n Elle n Tra n La isa Tura no A m a nda V a nvlad ric k e n
Robert Viso Costas Vlio ras Erin V o elk er Matthew Wall in Deborah W ard Ste f a nie W eisen Tho m a s W eisen b ac h
La ure n W hit e A llison Wiedman Kevin Wilkerso n Rebek a h Williams Bre nd o n Wilso n Denn is Wilso n Devin W ise
Meredith W it hel der Rya n Wo rrall Mic hael Wyn ne
Danielle Ye nt z Christophe r Yo ung Carmen Zirpoli
1. Katreryre ~mer end Em i~ Fbrlirg 2. Katy May, San Tajrim Aieen Cress, Rebeccd Ha'trLm, Cdeen Ruteck~ San Lu::ey, ad 1Xid;yt tvtDcrrtl
Sophomores not p ictured: Thomas Breslin Jessica Bulkley Brian Koppe Angela Ne lson Scott Osborne Samantha Pastalone Matthew Phillips Andrea Scarlata Matthew Tracy
Dancing Their Hearts Out Soph Hop 2006 4.Kyr.a tvtrris 5. fij AXrns a1d Rebecc.a Hrtrun 6. Katie Steft a1d Diae Ng..ven 7.Nin.a Danbaaaial a1d AJffi.a oro::k 8. AsI1ey T.aylx a1d Gin.a Cerrato 9. Am Neary, Scm Ke.arrey, .eee BJkey, AJy3s.a D'~b, a1d Scm F1.asireki
(3I ~(ffi
2(( 8
l.Lsea TLrdO, J:ss KraJter, Lrus.ay 9li11, a1d Liz HaW 2. fr ra Dwcrkin a1d Arg:;!.a Tamey 3. Rebeka1 Wilicms a1d R.ayjeJ AXrns
10. [;rim Gibbs, ween Rutecki, ~ Druterty, Scm G.a~.ater, r0eredith Withd±r, a1d J.ay ~ 11.Scm ~a±.a, Kcly Reid, a1d Laren DePLe 12. Stetil tvtKecn Ab.><3"d".a tvb:rey, a1d Gemm.a D'~ 13.0'eEe.a Drfscd, Lcuis rvErd, Kevin CrONe, Amy Smrttl, rvtrffi.a A/er, a1d Mike W')1Te.
The Soph Hop was held on March 17,2006. This was the first formal these students attended outside of the high school. Their excitement and enthusiasm bubbled inside Drexelbrook as they rocked out t o hip hop happening beats.
Sqi1rtp ~
Reaching New Heights
Kie rste n Ab a t e She ryl A bra ham Danie lle A c c hio ne Ashley A gre n Alyssa A ng e los Ma t t hew Anglim Melissa Antonik
Rache l Arc ha m bo Ste ve n Arm o r A le xa ndra Ave llino Tamarra Bag b y Elizabet h Baile y Karlen e Bap t iste Thomas Bat cho
Julian Ba t es Nico le Battaglia Mega n Bauer Kim b e rly Becker Shannon Begg Ryan Bennett Daniel Bergels
Mic ha el Bert olino Joshua Be van C hrist ina Bier Alyssa Big bee A d a m Biondi Michael Bla ckburn Ch arle s Biue
Ashley Bowers Laure n Braw le y Jamie Brenna n Tim othy Brenna n Ste ph ani e Broa dbelt Jen elle Brown Allie Burkha rt
Michael Burr Laura Cadge Kylie Caffre y Amanda C a p o zzoli Sean C arr Dan iel Carter Mic he lle C a rter
Nicholas C arter Joh n Casey Ko ry Ch est e r Mic hael C hest nut A nt ho ny Ci a vare lli Lauren C lark Ryan Cl y mer
288419716939937510 5
1. Cartrey K~, Kiersten Abate, Ka5scn:te Ki~ ad Kaieen M.1kern 2. tviltt I%gevttch, ...b1 Pdid:ro, ad Md"de UHaTIl 3. Kat~ Lieb 4.Isict1 Jras
Gina Collette Caitlin Collins Jo a nna C o nforto C hristoph er Cooper Peter Cost e Gina D'Ortone Rona ld D'Orto ne
St e p ha nie D'Ortone Griffin Dav ey Mo rga n Da wso n Ed w ar d Delahunty Benjam in DeMatte o Patric k De Vinne y Tho m a s De Vit o
Keira Dezzi Phillip Dic ke rso n Lau ren DiC rec chi o Russell Diehl Danie lle DiPietro Ric hard DiPietro Willia m Don o van
Me g ha n Dorrian Kathle en Dougherty Ste ven Dougherty Nic o le Duf fy Emily Dug an Ginger Dunbar Ja c lyn Eastman
Mic ha e l Ea ve rly Ralph Ella Phillip Eng lish Gregory Fa va no Rya n Feehery Je nnif e r Fernan d e z Sam a nt ha Fit zp at ric k
Carlos Fitzp a t rlc k- Fo w lke Vinc e nt Fla he rty Ke vin Foe rst Kylie Ford A lyssa Forgione C hrist o phe r Fo ste r Jessic a Furia
Vinc e nt Gall o Carlo G a ud iuso Lauren Geary Sarah G eary Jillio n Georgia s Jose ph Giordano Mic ha e l Giulia ni
1. wen Pq:pa 2.Nk:de Duffy 3. ~ Baer ern Liz Rotbef'a 4. .bara Ccnfcrto ern Da1iele Acchk:re
Brieanna Glac e Ja c q ue line Glace Mic ha el Glen n John Go va nnicc i Joseph Grac e Timothy Gra ev e Jac lyn Greenwi c h
Matth e w Griglio ne Jare d Grossm an Nicholas G unth e r Mike G urenlian Krist ie Haines Natasha Hakun Saliha Ha lim
Kerry Hand sc huh Allison Hanna Jessic a Harkins Sco tt Haye s Kevi n Heatherb y Thomas Hedrick Bren d a n Hen d rickson
Peter He nry Blair Heron Rebecca Higgins Dana Hill Melissa Hinkle Jef f rey Hitch ins Bill Horan
Kath ryn Ho yt An d re w Hug he s Isiah Irons Sara h Ja mes Julianna Jeffers Jibin John Derron John son
Andrea Jourden Je p hun Joy
Kiki Ka lo g eroudis Asif Ka m a l
Bill Ka m me re r Shannon Kane
Lydi a Karlheim Breana Karnis
1. frc Pekofsky d'd f'e(-by PdlW 2. Jjia Stein, Al~ Brkha't, ScTm P2h1er, ScrW SteWcrt, vern Wo, d'd Amytvb::re
Aubre y Ke ller Te d Ke lly Chelsea Kim p e l Kassandre King Lisa King Kim b e rly Kirkp atrick Phillip Knasiak
Courtney Koslosky Grego ry Kow na cki Je nnif er Lac ko Jacl yn Lan ci a no Aust in Lauver Bryan Led d y Robert Le ve ng o o d
Ka ti e Lieb Joseph Link Ryan Lit tl e Nicole Loc kle y Mic hael Luc c i Jason Lynch Jeremy Lync h
Ryan Ma c g illivray Sa m a nth a Ma ndery Kath leen Manning Ralph Marc het t i Sean Marley A lex Ma rtine z So ph ia Ma th ews
Kelly Matthews Steph e n Mayli e Vic t o ria Mayo Ma tthew McA nd rews Matthe w Mc C arry Erin McC a rthy Me lissa McC ay
Corinne McC lain Joseph McCloskey
Mic ha e l McC loske y Kac ie Mc C o rm ic k
Megh a n McC ullo ugh Pat ric k Mc C unney
Daniel McGarrigle James McGill
1. N::e~ Rcby a"d KrEit i WrkEr
¡ , ",
Molly Mc Ginley Ma tt he w McGlynn Sha un McGove rn Sha nno n McGowan Magg ie Mc Gra t h Maxwell Mc Gra th Fran c is Mc Knight
Brittney Mc La ugh lin Kev in McMan us Josep h McMe na m in Erik Messner Ma c ke nzie Me ye rs Me g ha n Meye rs W e nd el Mid d le t o n
A llison Minnis Gerr y Mit c he ll Adam Mo jica Ryan Monkman Joseph Mo nt ella Kellie Moone y A my Moore
Me lissa Morit z Mic hael Morrissey Kaile e n Mulk e rn Cortne y Murphy C ait lin Naylor Marius Ndini Sean Neum a n
Peg g y Ngu ye n Kelly Niklau ski Mark Nilsso n Ka t he rine O'Brie n Jamie O 'Ha nlo n Mic he lle O 'Hanlo n Ga b rielle Ob e rti
Sabrina Otta viano Jac lyn Owe ns Kev in Pace A shle y Pa dle y Hic ra n Pake l Sara h Palmer Ashle y Pan ic o
Laure n Pappa Eric Pelk o f sky Lee Pet roski Ryan Pierce Ja c q ueline Piotti Jon a t han Polid or o John Porrini
Samantha Qu edenfeld Mark Rac zynski Anthony Re gan Kimb e rly Reid Ke lly Ric e Ja yme Richards Ashle e Richards on
Jaleesa Richards on Patric k Richer s C a sso nd ra Rider Andrea Ridgley Mo lly Ries Cara Ripoli Malcolm Robb ins
Noe lle Rob y Me g han Ro g e rs Je rro d Romano Me a g a n Romask o Dan iel Rossini Elizabet h Roth e ra Ro bert Ro wn tre e
Philip Sab a to Matthew Sac ca Matthew Salerno Rob e rt Sa nford A nd rew Sa pore tti Stan ley Sa uk Salv atore Sc ar a m uzzino
A m an d a Schepis Gillian Sc hlesinger Ad rienne Schoi La ura Scott Gianna Sc re nc ! Ch ristophe r Serrano C hrist o phe r Sharff
1.Ja::qLdre Pbtt i dd f\Jy3sa ~
2. .be Wir!i;r
David Sharkey Matt hew She ld rak e Taylor Sherm a n Ch ristop he r Sherm e r Mich a e l Shields Kathryn Shov g a n Justin Sim mons
Krist ina Simpson Ste p he n Sim pso n Kara Sisso ns C raig Sma ll Mau rielle Sminkey Anth o ny Smith Londell Smit h
Robert Sm it h Julie Sny der Joh n Spee rs Brand on St ag liano Julia Stein Jessica Stel zer Sa ndra St ewart
Ric hard Sto ll Je nnifer St ro lle C olleen Sullivan Christopher The ure r Ka itlyn Tirney Patrick Trac y Johnny Tran
Ed ward Tume lty Mich a e l Tuzio Matthew Urglav it c h George Vlio ra s Ch rist o p he r Vo nt a nha use n Krist e n Wasso n Je re my We isched el
Peter W eiss Aliso n Wenk e Paui We nke Kelly Wilkinson Ryan Wilkinson David Willia m s Justin Willia ms
Juniors not pictured: Patricia Cunninghan Christopher Stone Kyle Taggert Nadia Tribuiani
John Willia m son Joseph Winkler Kristi Winkler Mic ha el Wise ley Allison Witz
1. M8tt 5ctrro 2.Jas:n Lyrd1, Rym tvtrkmcn crd ...h'emy Lyrd1 3. Jm Hrtd1ir6
ASno-Mantic Night
1.Kartrey Sp:rt'emer, Brittav ~ Mareen Ca:ey, a'd Kayja Bcrtvt 2.Ntck la::;kby 3.Brema1 Sirral a'd Sm:.tY Stewcrt
4. ebana Cctbretta a'd E1wetl1 Baley 5. 01ad PCTere, Drew Brcu:saro. tvtrgaret Cialarcli, Nikki Batt~ia, a'd Lffiie PenjLke
6. Brittrey M:laJj1in a'd .ern La:ko 7. Ja;kie ONers a'd OrB Tharer 8. Peer Fa:;ilitatas are a tig-rt; \far in a'd rut of s:h:d. 9. CJ Small a'd Scm Ouxhlfek:J
10. Kerry Hard.::d1J1 11.hE BrOM1 12.laM'erre tv1£Hit a'd S!laTI::rJ tvtrp1y
. ::
Finishing Touches
1. Aimee DMd'ebad Gina Raffa
2. Lee Lotett 3.Tim PaVvb::ki
4. Lffiie tvla'tin ad Laren Ma:;cio 5. Betha1Y RLiid
; . >,
;· .~·i
::~),:J I"
\ ~
1. Da1ie~ rvla"iro 8"d EJ~ rvla"irelli 2.Erika Dewa1
1. Kate tvtSt1ae 2. Ma>< Ra:;z:yreki a'd L6.a Jt1crE:en
lJrr:h RroYl Lm Players: Pttkh, M:::rett, PCAcre, Th:::rnta1, Armato, lrr~ HT.31 a1d Mirzreff
1.VCl1 tv1n:bIergire, Chrbtte tvrrzceff, Kyle tvtGrath, end Jt11 ~ad:±r1
2.Mike lanza 3.
wen Xl I
I. Rusty Carter and James Krouse 2. Rachael Kemmey and Bob Horan
Favorite TV Show of 2005 I. The O.C. 2. Family Guy 3. Laguna Beach 4. Grey's Anatomy s. South Park
--- --
Bdao,Jim Berg:n BrittCl1Y Gui~, Tem Dchrty, Nb7e DeVito, Jim Bea, Cl'U ilil:;e Stewcrt
... . .. ~.- ~~~
- " _. "
..., ,-.,, - .-..-. ..â&#x20AC;¢
....-._- _..
1.tvtrc Frayre 2.Jm Bea 3.~BeIa'o
---------_._---- --_._--------------------
Favorite High School Sport to Watch I. Bastketball 2. Football 3. Ice Hockey 4. Soccer 5. Lacrosse
Worst Fear As AFreshman I. Getting Lost 2. Scary Seniors 3. Being Picked On 4. Not Meeting Anyone 5. No Friends In Lunch Or Class
--- ------~-~-""~ ._~ .. ..~_ ...._ .~-------------------------------------_. _---------------------:---
Joseph Glenn Nickn om e: JG . Joe Glen n. Rememberfor : Moking pe op le lough olwo ys hoving 0 good t ime . Ac ti vit es: Riding mot ocrossf ootboll hong ing out wi t h friends Fovorite memories: Chem. Clo ss! Doing doughnuts ot Springfe lld swim club ond hoving Porties. Riding oround springfelld chlilin wit h 01 pete n going to West Chester _Asking for direc t io ns ond the n fly ing owo v.Doro the explo rerin the LMC hoho Person01messoge :,Thonks Mom ond Dod f or everytr;n g you hove don e for me ond t ell in g me to keep my goo ls ond never give up ! I hove leomed f rom you ond I go t tvew life trying my be st! Thonks fo r t he Inspi ring w ords t o help me ccheve my gools.
Advice For Underclassmen I. Work Hard and Have Fun 2. Enjoy Every Minute; It Flies By 3. Be Yourself 4. Wait Awhile Until You Slack Off S. Don't Act Like A Senior Until You Are One
Jx/yrl Ca1i~ KGlttlyn Ccnlb, Malay Cqx;ferr~ ad Lird::ey
1. Lffie PenjLke, Erk:a Frost, a"d AJy3sa f3eIa1:J 2.Kevin Ca::sictY a"d Ja:ke Csaliz
M"s. ~ Jares Kraee, ~esa
Da1lffiJt;6, a1d Lee LOiett
Daniel Mendenhall Nic k Nome: Menden, Pots and Pons, and Shogun Don I DanIelson. Remembered for : Kung Fu Forest (1 and2 ), the only Ice cream scooping samurai-and Directing. Activities : Paintball. Aikido , loldo , Martial arts club (Tong sao do ), Vi deo gomes , and Movie maki ng (editi ng) . Favonte Memories: Making mo vies, starting up t he mart ial arts c lub , "Cryst al", pla>,ng and pointin g 40k (Del aw are Is dead. But I Just don 't kno w about go ing bock t o show c ase). All po int boll events the post four years,over three yearsti me of training in martial arts. Will: bu rry me wit h a Kat ona and camero. And someon e needs t o ma ke a Kung Fu Forest 3 "In hen or of my no me: (Mike, t hat w ast he w orst lin e.) Personal: w ell. rrn going to Japan to train fo r a c ou ple of years, and then go t o f ilm scho ol. Look for me in the movies!!
What Will You Miss Most About SHS? I. All Of The Great People 2. Awesome Teachers, Fun Times, Friends 3. Intense High School Gym 4. Dances/Formals S.Lunch
Katherine Perna Nick n ome:Pem o Rem em bere d f or.being c heap Favorite Memories:Con c erts-Pennsl ondin g -Lit , PG, DO,Used, WT, Kea ne, KOL, TOC , Finch, VR, PR, TBS, shovingcreom, solrnon . Net n ng on my butt? o w man , wooos.o ncncc Bloom , frosh, soph,SD, JP, G ill's roof , pe riod song , G wen ivere , Bride&groom, pig costume, peasant, futon , Brys gmoms house, zttnch , stealing George, fungus, driving around, Ben&Dove, unorganized Holio ween , w ild w orld, shore, DP, purp legorgler, Hed w ig , JH, shopp ing cart, ironic , skunk stripe , p oo l. NY, Canada, swi mming in fount a in. interpretive dancing . fe t al posrton. prom ise rin g Wi li:Som-w ote rt>ottle, Bry&Jim- c uriou s George Peo;onol Messog e:There will be b etter da ys
What Song Best Represents Our Class? . I. "I Feel Home" by OAR 2. "Lets Get It Started" by Black Eyed Peas 3. "Photograph" by Nickelback 4. "Stay" by Dave Matthews Band 5. "Here's To The Night" by Eve 6
1. Jay CiClla'di
3. Steve MfPly .:rd Marry
' ;:, , "'
' ,'
1. St1cre tveig1a1 end ..tm waXen 2.Mike fu'li~6 end OTis Ba"te6 3.Vk:;ky KretdYner, fV1dissa KLrzen::k ~ end Erin Lyrdl
1. C.a"Ch~e lyte, Je9sk:a FttZg:ra? ad IVl::jy Ferre 2. KeIy~
3. t'Wra ,AHer
1.Scrch Eccles ad Ntde DeVtto 2. Emit; Ca:h:I
Mike vblCf'OI, Matt Kcre, Dal3 Pal wen la'cicm, ad Jim Kerm:tY
Early Years
1. ..be Dc;uterty, Brim DailvS'XJ, ad /vna Delizzio 2. Dec!e rvtrett ad Cardin Delaney 3. Kim Prre, ,AJy.:sa f;ellano, avt;j /vna Delizzio 4. Brrttav Guib ad tvr. Guib 5. Bcb rtrm ad Kelty Prtkin 6. Laren Argstadt, AmC1"d8 Mrtaelli, KatyPrtkin, JJia Dalis, AJlY Wex:x:ts, Kate M:Sh:;re, Jjiare Calway, Sami Csm~ ad Lindsay Bb:;k
1. Oretra Tcxxney,Rai'd Scrrtdcl, Amcrda Ma1rreli, -.ema lrrgcre, Ma'geret Ciala"eli, ~ Mao'an stlara1 ~ JJiare Ca1Way, Lird?ay Lutz, Saora1thci CSa1iz, a~ Ma'irdi, Lird?ay Bat, Lesie PenjLke, ad ~a Bartrvic 2.Amcrda Ma1rrelli ad Caorerm Arimoto 3. ...effBratz 4. EmilY Ca::rel J::e Deu;Terty, Da1 LesutB, /vna Ddlzzio, Laren ~ta:lt, Katy Pttkit1 KmFrre, Betha1Y Rt.rkel 5. ~Bsa Ktrzereki
6. Aex Ba"res 7.Ma'k Gcretn 8.Rai'd Sa1te~a ad Amcrda Ma1rrdi 9.OrB D'Anjde! 10. Kaitlyrl ad Terr Ardliba'd 11. Tim PavJc;eki
rln Ie Class of e es
I 2006 US
C 00 "
Participating In Disney¡s
From March 8th to the 12th, Springfield's Senior Choir, Marching Band, Color Guard, Orchestra, Springfield Singers, and Treble Makers traveled to Disney World. Each group participated in a workshop. The Band workshop consisted of playing an Aladdin piece, which was then synced with the movie. In the Choir workshop, students sang selections from
The Little Mermaid and danced with Mickey.
The Orchestra worked with a Disney soloist to prepare for their concert. Color guard members practiced a Disney choreographed routine and performed mock auditions in front of Disney staff during their workshop. The Orchestra performed in Tommorrowland, the Choir performed in Downtown Disney, and the Marching Band marched down Main Street in the Spectro Magic parade. In addition to the musical events, everyone enjoyed MGM, Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Anima l Kingdom , and Blizzard Beach.
Magic Music Days Disney World 2006
t0dffia Defv1edb, J:£sta Hrkre, Usa J::ha1sen, Scm ~el?, Eval BottarJey, Laren PctPa, a'd Steve Smpscr1
' :
1. Students 0"035 tre Iag::rn zn tre ferry readil13 fa' ~ic Kirq±;rYl. 2.JmBratz 3.(ba::k rON) B:bmen, Carercn Armato, Katy Pttkin, Ratd Sa1te/a, w btte Mrzreff, ..hna Irrga"g, a'd Jim [;ea (mk::tk rON) Mlby Bowers, LffiiePenjLke, Cattlin De~y, a'd Arm DeLizzb (-!rent rON) M:rgdet CIa/a"e1~
DB± tvtrett, Lara ~
a'd Dale Bref'ga'l 4. Cattlin NaYa' a'd Kate tv'r:91a1:; 5.Pat Rrlrrs, KathWl Dcu;terty, Sa"m ~, a'd Ant'ew PaWoski
6. Katrerre Mxk. Jcmes Ki~en,
Katy rvtay, tvEredtttl Wml±r, Dal
eer@, Steve Mayjie, Steve
S~ Cedia Lcd<rnen, a'd Lh:J.a
DCrcre 7.(ba::k rON) tvt.~ , Nk:k Gt.rrtter, Matt lXga;~ MKtde 0'Hatxi, a'd Pat Dcu;terty (-!rent rON) m e QHai::xl, a'd Uz Roth:ra 8. Lffie PenjLke, Aimee DMki'ee, a'd AWrey eer~.
Cbs~ ~
luck Be Alady Tonight Guys and Dolls Springfield High School put on the musical Guys and Dolls this year, directed by Mr. Paul Kerrigan. The show ran from March 2nd to March 5th. Lead roles were held by Henry Gibson as Sky Masterson, Victoria Mayo asSarah Brown, Dan Bergels as Nathan Detroit, and Amber Staska as Miss Adelaide . The Hot Box Girls and The Gamblers added energy to the performance. The cast devoted many hours in order to make the production a success.
1. rmyGibs:A1 2. Drew BraBScrd ad Steve Simpa:;n 3. Amber Stceka 4. Cast of Gt.M3 srd Dds 5.Tre f-bt B:Jx Grs: (-!rent rON) Kate Leb, wen DfrecchkJ, d'd Scm Ot.ea:nf~ (bed< rON) Brttt31Y BCEelice, Kartrey ~imer, Sh:rm1 Lcmareux, rvBlissCl ivtrttz. Lcaie PenjLke, LeanFoster, AlyssCl Big/ee, d'd Kim Kla1ixki 6. Ad:rn Ccrdel, Dm Ber@ , Steve Si~ Drew BraBScrd, Matt Gra:e, a1d A1il KrasicK 7.wen Sd Aimee DMcree, A1il Dtker::cn ~ FaCECO, Va BraBScrd, a1d Vcta' iCl tvlayo 8. Ptt C%c:restrCl members 9. St~ (fewmembers
Makin It All Happen Yearbook The Yearbook Staff has devoted many hours after school working to produce the l2nd edition of the Scrivener. Yearbook duties include taking photos, designing layouts, writing captions, and making sure all 192 pages meet the required deadline.
1. Actvttk's Edrtrrs: ~ Rop-s a'd ~~ tvtGrath 2. Erxrts Edtta's: AmcrrJ.8 Ma'ta'em, Ra:td Sa1te~ Gabby Oberti, a'd Kdie M:xrey 3. Senicr Edtta's: Ben Manix, Ca:;ey Fdt nm, a'd Stxy M8tLsik 4.Fmlty Edtta's: tvtr~ Daw=a1 a'd Kr5tm Si'rps::r1 5. Dmle9Jt5 6. Amy rvb::re 7.l.h±:rc1a3s Edttcrs: Ja:k~ Ovvers, Scrci1 Parer, a'dJJiclSteh 8. Edtta's-in-01ief. Lirdsay Ba;k. DmLffi.1t5, a'd Amy rvb::re 9.(ba:k rON) DmLffi.1t5, Scrci1 Pamer, Ja:k~ Owers, Ra:td S.anteIa, Sta:y M8tLsik, a'd Ben Mani>< (mk:tle rON) Amy rvb::re, JJicl Steh Kr5thaSirrps:n Ca:;ey Fcltnm, ~ Rop-s, ~ie tvtGrath Lirdsay Ba;k. Kelie M:xrey, a'd AmcrrJ.8 Ma'ta'di (ihAlt rON) Dr. tvb1tg:::mery ~
OJsha ~
In The Name Of Love, THON 'rH:::N 2006 LYe;DaTe: :; Go- rue We Go- Titre To Da-r.eFa" 1h: Kids
WE ARE EfRlNSfIEL.D ; qrirgfihld Hi&1 stcd trre to da'ce
Fn< raNS yai' chrre
. ; Da-cirg to :toN or p-ic:e . Carer catt breac ur stride Da-cirg fa" tre aes ~ cait TIICM' yar h3"ds tp t irre to cha1t We da1:e fa" ~yH-E-R-SHE-Y iPcd3, hats, a1d rels ae c:a;l f'tw .trey b ed in ~ WaNa, Werr:tf-; sre tre pax
Until tl'e ccPs·c;:cm: a1d cha::e Or fwtba l fidd will 5Xt1 be bri&Jt; Spxts tears wm ::cal MY at nigit Last yea- we raised 24K H:;w boJt CO Vvh3t cb ya say? Q-azies sre sa tu::l Yes we're cr~, yes were P-M Qeer tl'e hrre tean as tl'ey MY Win Centra l.ea:3.e tre qrirgfidd Waj (Ovw) F-T-K In the rere of LOiE TJ-OIJ 01 in the rera of LOiE Gi02lidy gi021idy kxk vkds ba:k Fa11ily %' is ba:k Q1 tra:k Anista1 a" J::jie? Yvt1ich tean woJd ycu ratter be? lJgz, riw:d j::a'6, bt.m'xl eye gaxes YeGI1''that; grl' in yar da.::ees Fi1 tre rurrers en: to rire 5..d::ki wil pass tre tim: 0Y:ru3
~a1d OC.
Both ae scripted Wvia..EJy ~ate fa" g:m TV Lost a1d Greys An3tcmy Kirg Kcna is reaJy bcId Hary Potter b:is teo dd 'Nr'Ij is mY I1"Ieatbaf rot etre?
1. Leat:r::hp teem rdd:; Lp
tota arant
raW by 2.PEER Fa:::ilitata"s ar::i GSA p-'B.:'mt a ct'edc at ite pep ra[y. 3. DaTers star::i drrg pep raly awaitha iter chaLe to dare.
Q-a:hirg weddirgs is sa ft..n Hrrcaee etzrm the roast 53::ha Ccren catt ~ g:Xl Mk:teI\:: Kwan is j.Bt teo dd ~ rean art; \\ken ~ nrost ~ ya g::.ma cb with a1 that ca:;n LlVE 8 qrea::l the Wa"d aJ that ca::l1 irsic:e trree ca"B? Ara.n::l the wa1:l rn.oics rea-d Da-r.e al cIa.Y, da1:e al nig,t tvb..r1tairs coJd rot step tare Fa" tre kids, fa" tre fig,t S:l.ten tirres Tar c:e frare "frere's a are that we ca1 see 0Y:ru3 Tex3S beats La:; Victay we p-edct fa" tree Bye bye Trojan etYnasty 0Y:ru3 Tl1is yea- tl'e Eaje:s did rot saaBl..e, g:Xl reres yar chrre Orirt;j caLer d3Te, d3Te, da1:e TO ca1t cb his da1:e ro mre Da-r.e 'ti! yar b<xjys SQ"e
~ Cbsha
On In The Name Of love Steve Stefani/SHS Dance Marathon Springfield's Dance Marathon, in honor of the beloved teacher Mr. Stefani, was held on March 24, 2006. Dancers stayed on their feet for a total of ten hours. The Leadership team included Mr. Gildea, Leslie Penjuke, Julianna Jeffers, Kerry Handschuh, Margaret Ciavarelli, Caitlin Delaney, Anna DeLizzio, Katy Pitkin, Amanda Martorelli, Erica Frost, Mike Iannuzzi and Jim Beal. This team started planning in November. They visited the Hershey Medical Center and Penn State's 48 hour THON in order to get in the spirit for our mini-THON. The THON raised $37, 613.64. All of the money raised is being donated to The Four Diamonds Fund to help find a cure for pediatric cancer. Fundraising events included canning, PEERs' Cougar Idol, the Mr. Bosak duct tape challenge, raffle baskets, and each dancer having to raise $100. Activities during THON included a dodgeball tournament, ping pong, and a performance by SHS grad Chris D'Esposito. Every so often, all the dancers would participate in a line dance, which brought everyone together and reminded them what they were dancing for. FTK- For The Kids, Prevailing for a cure!
1. tvr. GiIXa 2. tvr. Steve Stefa1i 3. tvrs. NWel:J 4-. Oris D'E::p:lsito 5. tvr. B::6ac drrg1te clct tcpe ~
3. 1HJN etreers perfcrm lire Oaw. 7. Tre eaÂąr~r team
Q;s~ ~ :;
SHS Building ALegacy The Legacy Continues With You. Don't Let It Pass You "Bye."
The 72nd edition of Springfield High School's Scrivener was printed by Taylor Publishing Company. The book contains 192 student-designed pages created with Taylor's EliteVision software. Making each spread involves gathering and editing photos, creating magnificent layouts, and writing interesting body and captions. The 2005-2006 yearbook staff, made up of seventeen students, worked many hours after school from October through April to complete the book. The Scrivener staff would like to thank everyone who helped make the yearbook possible. Many photographs were taken by Springfield resident John Perkins and Springfield High School teacher Dr. Talarowski. Both John Perkins and Dr. Talarowski played important roles at every sporting event and school activity. In addition to taking candids, John Perkins took on the overwhelming and time consuming job of organizing team photos. We would also like to thank Mr. Piombino for the use of his scanner and Juan Salcedo and Mrs. Deitrich for their technical expertise. Dr. Braden Montgomery, the best yearbook advisor, supervised and guided us throughout the year. His encouragement helped keep morale high and made sure all deadlines were met. Also, Emmy Kachel, our Taylor Publishing Representative, worked extremely hard to make sure our yearbook was printed successfully. Editors-in-Chief Dan Lesutis and Lindsay Block would like to thank the entire yearbook staff for their reliability, hard work, and desire to make the book look its finest.
Farewell To These Magnificent Seven: Good Luck In The Future
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Dr. J:;ff Berrta1
tvts. Vera Ca::ai
tvrs. Rita Deitrdl
tvt. Card tv1:;it't'1c:rdt
tvrs. Debbie We'es tvr. e.th1 2'q:pa:x:ota