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Scrivener Vo lume 77
nnone Springfield High School 49 W. Leamy Avenue Srpingfield, PA 19064 (610) 938 - 6100 www.ssdcougars.org
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What will you remember most about your experience at Springfield High School? The first day of freshman year when the school was enormous and the kids were even bigger? Your second block teacher sophomore year who let you get away with everything? The first "rea l" dance that you a ttended? What about the time you and you r best friend laughed at the most inappropriate times? A project you spent on all night and wound up skipping school anyway? A research .. ~~:.:~ paper every single year that always seems impossible, but :ir~~ somehow you manage to meet the requirements? Who will you remember the most? Remember the great times you had at Springfield and the times you will cont inue having. Remember to not sweat the small stuff and enjoy the slow days that last forever. Celebrate each day every day.
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-1..Alex arid Dan Hagendorf, Chris and-Anna . ,' -., . ,Canova . .;;.:. ~ Chris ~hd MeJissa McGill, Chris and Jesse Martin 3•.Caroline and John O'Doherty .4: Laure~ Sperd~to ana Erin Sullivan ~ ;~ 5. Bra~don and Sean Skahill .' : .~ 6. Alex and ,Kimmy ~orrissey . ~~ .7. Gina and Julia Finio ... . >.; 8. Oliv!a and Josh Young ~ --~ 9 . 'Allie and jessica Brown ~~
1o. Jo~h and ~s~l~y Coady .11. Shann~n and, Bridget Butler ~;.~':' 1..2 . Andrew and Michelle Lord -.. . "':,13. Tom and Nick'.Lanciano . '. 1'4. Mark· and Billy Flaherty . _' 15. Alaina and Veronlca Gillespie . -. 16. Brian and Megan Todaro " 17. Brooke and HaleyShea ~
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PassiON for FashioN I am in love
Walking through the halls of school, it becomes evident that our kids very cozy moccasins -Kayla Thomas dress to impress. Keeping up with the constantly changing trends may be difficult, but Springfield students always remain in fashion .
with my fashionable leather jacket and
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Band shirts will never go out of style! -Tom Martin
On October 15th the Cougars defeated the Haverford Fords with an impressive score of 54-17. Past graduates of Springfield High School could be spotted all throughout the bleachers. The dance afterwards was a great time where students were able to play badmitton in addition to dancing the night away.
Vince Guarnere and Amber Berger were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. Other members of the court included: Andi Marra and Matt Markowitz, Shannan Butler and Chuck Ringwalt, Rob Marro and Sierra Council, and Mike D'Olio and Sam Dortone.
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lC lNr Boys Soccer I
The senio r he avy Co ugar soccer t e am bat t led hard in e ve ry co ntest this ye ar. Alth ou gh th e Cougars suffe red a few c lose lo sse s, th ey w er e a b le t o p ullout some g re a t re sults v er sus t e am s like Haverford a nd Garnet V alley. Ne xt ye ar with m ore hard w ork th e t e am will lo ok t o co nt inue t o improve a nd co mpete in th e Cent ra l Le a gu e,
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1. Randy Miller 2. Josh Young and Nick Scarpato 3. The group takes a break 4. Mark Flaherty 5. Andrew Cord Hazzard 6. Terry Korinth and Josh Young ~-" 1 7 .
Tim Bagirov 8. Matt Pearse 9. Andrew Cord Hazzard 10. "Let's mess these punk s up!" 11. Frenc Bare
-, Joseph Acquaye, Tim Bagirov, Frenc Baro, Jesse Barone, Nick Cahill, Chris Canova, Bobbie ....~: .~ Cardie, Kyle Chevalier, Joe Fischetti, Mark Flaherty, Anthony Florio, Nick Fosco, Matt Fuchse l, Zac Furia, Paul Govanicci, Ryan Gower, Mark Gurenlian, Brad Hajjar, Andrew Hazzard, Tyler Heller, Anthony Karalis, Terry Korinth, Luke Krauter, Bruce MacKnight, Dan Macowiak, Andy - McMonagle, Randy Miller, Sam Mola, Eric Moore, Jimmy Novino, Shane O'Donnell, Matt Pearse, Caleb Perri, Jhordan Salinas, Nick Scarpato, Dave Sousa, Jesse Stewart, Collin Wainwright, Emmanuel Weiah, and Josh Young . r -
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Michelle Barry, Anna Canova, Rachel Charmella, Kelsi Chazin, Emily Crockarell, Kelsey Crystle, Jaclyn DiGregorio, Aly Gormley, Rachel Hentnick, Christina Kelly, Lindsay Kern, Rachel Kilker, Maddy Lynch, Emily McCarry, Sarah Neary, Lauren Notorfrancesco, Christina Orlando, Alyssa Paolucci, Emily Paulus, Alex Pavlovitch, Alex Poplaws ki, Stacey Porter, Lexi Psenicsk a, Mary Reardon, Kate Ryan, Lauren Schickling, Katie Scully, Maria Sermania, Haley Shea, Steph Shea, Autumn Spence, Megan Tron co, Angela Tumelty , and Emily Verica.
1. Michelle Barry 2. Maddy Lynch 3. Alex Poplaw ski 4. Kelsi Chazin, Sarah Neary, and Michelle Barry
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5. Lexi Psenicska 6. Autum n Spence 7. Lexi Psenicska and Sarah Neary
The Girls' Soccer team played hard this season. They put many long hours into practicing and it definitely payed off. Although it's always sad to say good-bye to seniors, the rest of the girls are looking forward to next year's season.
Thomas Abbot, Tom Addis, Dontae Allen, Warren Allen, Nick Apostolu, Derrick Boone, Josh Buggy, Jeremy Cavanaugh, Chris Chester, John Ciurlino, DeMarus Clark, Aaron Coyne, Nick Coyne, Matt Craig, Mike Dezzi, Matt Doyle, Cameron Durham, Barry Foster, Sal Fox, Mike Gade, Eric Gibbs, Vince Guarnere, Steve Halko, Brandon Higgins, Dan Ketler, Robert Layden, Evan Lennon, Joe Lockley, Brad Lord, Vince Marra, Jesse Martin, Jay McCarry, Mike McGarvey, Jake Meindl, Eric Moore, Tyler Morrissey, Dillion Murphy, Christian Nduka, Seamus O'Hara, Isaac Petyon, Samuel Phillips, Matt Reichert, Fred Ries, Anthony Roberts, Sean Roberts, Adrian Siletsky, Dan Smyth, Jesse St. Jacques, Matt Staud, Jordan Stephens, Ryan Strain, Mike Strolli, Denzel
This is the first winnning season for Springfield football since 1997 and first playoff appearance ince 1994. It was a very
Thompson, Sam Thompson, Jake Voelker, Dan
successful season with
Von Tanhausen, Steve Whetze l, Pat White, Mitch
more to come.
Williams, John Wise, Zach Young, and Sean Ziv
- Coach Ellis
1. Seniors 2. Jesse Martin 3. John Ciurlino, Vince Marra, Derrick Boone 4.Nick Coyne, Fred Ries, Eric Gibbs 5. Fred Ries, John Wise, Jesse St. Jacques , Joe Lock ley 6. Tom Addis 7. Denzel Thompson 8. Mike Dougherty , John Wise, Jay McCarry, Tyler Morrissey, Dan VonTanhausen, Jesse Martin.
The team's seniors take a break from drills to take a goofy picture. 25
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Alexis Barbieri, Kellie Barnes, Kylie Bongaardt, Victoria Bruno, Elena Bustamante, Kelley Byrne, Devon Carney, Rachel Charamella, Sydney Danelutti, Miranda Davis, Anna DeBenedictis, Julia DePrince, Amanda Dezzi, Amanda Donegan, Bridget Donegan, Sam Dortone, Alexis Ensley-Gregg, Gabrielle Faragasso, April Feesler, Paige Gailey, Nicollette Galarus, Kiera Geiger, Jamie Greer, Sara Hackett, Rachel Hager, Leighanne Hanshaw, Angela Johnson, Gabrielle Juliano, Morgan Kane, Lauren Kennedy, Caroline Leahan, Andi Marra, Tara Matteo, Jenna Matyszczak, Maggie McCloskey, Jacqueline McParland, Kenae Mickens, Shannon Minnis, Sam Murray, Emily Ross, Molly Scully, and Erin Sullivan.
Girls' Volleyball
Rebecca Bennett, Gina Cugini, Kristy Ennis, Brianna Fox, Rose Georgias, Michelle Gildea, Brooke Gilligan, Tori Grossi, Aubrey Gruwell-Keating, Safiyah Hernandez, Micaela Klick, Emily Kugler, Melynda Link, Mia Luciani, Christie Neff, Jessica Pearse, Nicole Raymond, Elaina Shooster, Krissy Silio, Megan Smedley, Christina Smith, Lauren Wise
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The volleyb all team put forth a great effort toward s the 2010 season. The girls were able to finish 5-11 in the league and 5-13 overall. The senior girls will be missed but the underclassmen are looking forward to some new teammates.
·1. Lauren Wise 2. Tori ESrossi, Lauren Wise 3. Rebecca Bennett, Nicole Raymond __ --ILl.Nicole Raymond
, 5. Mia Luciani, Kristy Ennis , 6. Lauren Wise 7. Kristy Ennis, Elaina Shooster, -.
Lauren Wise, Gina Cugini
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Field Hockey played a great season this year. The girls gave it their all and the effort they put in really shined through. The girls cannot wait until next year to play some more .
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1. Morgan Murphy
Alexa Acchione, Jenna Barnard, Kaity Baumann, Anna Berger, Kelsie Blackburn, Tay lor Block, Erin Bunker, Kelly Cahill, Steph Cant, Kelly Casper, Nikki Cassanto, Jaime Cessna, Taylor Debernardi, Meghan Dickinson, Kristen Dolan, Julia Finio, Sarah Gamble, Megan Hayden, Emily Kane, Olivia Kane, Molly Kmetz, Lyndsey Matteo, Carol Matyszczak, Kim Morton, Morgan Murphy, Ashley Park, Teresa Porcellini, Kristy Reid, Amy Remsimer, Amy Rosenzweig, Brooke Shea, Molly Scully, Megan Todaro, Alex Tsekaris, Carly Vahey, Nicole Ward.
2. Kelsie Blackburn 3. Megan Todaro 4. Teresa Porcellini 5. Brooke Shea 6. Nicole Ward
Shannan Butler, Ray Cessna, Shannon Duffy, Mary Galligan, Gil Giancaterino, Alex Krajek, Julie Marro, Rob Marro, Colin McGuckin, Francie McNally, Joel Methven, Sean Miller, Emmie Nguyen, Chuck Ringwalt, Nick Scarpato, Holly Sinnott, Christina Smith, Emily Smith, and Lisa Zhang .
The Cross Country team had a great season this year. Many medals were won by both the boys and the girls. Some key senior players will be lost, but the team has high hopes for next year.
-..-ove Girls' Tennis
Bridget Clawson, Kelsey Colgan, Cathy Cunningham, Alaina Gillespie, Leah Grubb, Holly Heneks, Paige Klaniecki, Christina Neroni; Beth O'Connell, Danielle Peebles, Lindsay Piller, Amrita Ramachaneiran, Lia Ranalli, Kate Rogers, Alex Toland, Cara Toland, Katrina Waywood, and Bridget Yingling.
Conor Doyle, Kyle Hakun, Tim Houtmann, Jason Karian , Michael Kelly, Kenneth Lynch, Ryan McKnight, Pat O'Connell, Andrew Peranteau, Colin Ringwalt, Eric Russo, JR Supper, Brian Todaro, and Brandon Wynne .
Girls· Basketball
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The Varsity Girls' Basketball team had an excellent season this year. At the end of the season they had 15 wins and 8 losses. They finished second in the Central League behind undefeated Lower Merion. The
season ended when they lost in the District Quarter-Finals to Villa Joseph Marie.
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Boys' Basketball
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Matt Achuff, Stephen Baker, David Carpenter, Darmarkus Clark, Joe DePrince, "
Chris Devinney, Zack DeVito, Matt Fox, Zac Furia, Anthony Gaeta, Matt Gallo,
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Luke Krauter, Mike McKale, Pat McKnight, Dan McMenamin, Brendan McNamee, Gavin O'Hara, Matt Pearse, Eric Pollock, Anthony Roberts, Sean Roberts, Dan Rutecki, Dan Swanick, Kevin Swanick, Robert Vent, John Wallace, and Adam Washington .
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Ice Hockey
David Allen, Michael Astrino, John Belfie, Nate Bennett, Nick Biehl, Ryan Brawley, Sean Brawley, Paul Burns, Michael Carr, Bryan Correnti, Tim Donovan, Conor Doyle, James Eden, Dan Hee, Kyle Laughlin, Dave Madonna, Billy McGugan, Sean McGuiness, Jack Mewha, Frankie Panico, Connor Phillips, Shane Reger, Stephen Reger, Mike Rice, Kyle Riddle, Peter Sabato, Andrew Schaffer, and Billy Swahl.
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The Cougars had a very successful season with a record of 9-1-2. The team made it all the way to the Flyers Cup and beat Unionville in a close game of 3-2.
Track meets were held Friday nights at Lehigh University this year. The 4 x 8 made it all the way to states. Several of the girls made it to the meet of champs which was a victory in itself.
Duriel Adams, Tatijana Ambrose, Michelle Barry, Brooke Bayliss, Joe Beal, Katie Bedard, Derrick Boone, Kayla Byrd, Steph Cant, Allison Carullo, Sheraine Cheeks, Sierra Council, Matt Craig, Nicole D'Alonzo, Nicole D'Avella, Liz Deal, Taylor DeBernardi, Tabby Dodson, Shane Draper, Shannon Duffy, Cameron Durham, Alexis Ennisley-Gregg, April Fessler, Barry Foster, Sarah Gamble, Paul Govanicci, Vince Guarnere, Shannon Jackson, Sherin James, Tierra Jay, Imani Johnson, Jiwon Kim, Kyle Klosinski, Riza Lacasandile, Julie Marro, Rob Marro, Kevin Mattox, Symone McDaniel, Andy McMonagle, Frances McNally, Morgan Murphy, Christian Nduka, Danielle O'Rangers, Zana Prendergrass, Eboni Rhodes, Nick Scarpato, Lauren Schickling, Maria Sermania, Christina Smith, Jordan Stephens, James Swanick, Agazit Tekie, Kayla Thomas, Denzel Thompson, Phillip Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Megan Tronco, Matt Van Pett, Emily Verica, and Imyrah Williams.
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OWN Wrestling
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Tim Abbot, Tim Bagirov, Vince Barbieri, Kelly Bartivic, Jimmy Bracconier, Brandon Butler, Dylan Canada, Dennis Charamella, Luke Charamella, Justin Cicala, Brent Dunfee, Mike Fenstermacher, James Kimpel, Joe
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Methlie, Jake Nave, Chris Patrikios, Tyler Pickhaver, Ben Sherman, Adrian
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Siletsky, Chris Swan, Jake Vanpelt, and Emmanuel Weiah.
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Congratulations Seniors! ~
Dan Apostolu, Nick Apostolu, Kerry Borbidge, Allie Brown, Abbie Brumback, Phillip Brumback, Vicky Bruno, Jaime Cessna, Brianna Fox, Colette Gallagher, Liam Gallagher, Rose Georgias, Nick Giaquinto, Imani Hall, Rachel Hentnick, Christina Kelly, Mark Kelly, Maura Kelly, Makayla Klick, Molly Kmetz, Alex Krajek, Dusanka Lalic, Milos Lalic, Steven Martorelli, Dougan McGrath, Sam Miller, Dillon Murphy, Greg Murphy, Alexa Naughton, Robert - _ "::~'"
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Notofrancesco, Courtney O'Connell, Kelly O'Hara, Christina Orlando, Natalie
Orlando , Steve Orlando, John Quagliariello, Matthew Quagliariello, Michael Rodgers, Kristin Roberts -O'Brien, Holly Sinnott, Dan Stewart, Ryan Strain,
Sean Swartz, Gary Thurwanger, Katrina Waywood, Erin Yentz, and Sean Ziv. _.~.;j:~ . .:\~~~ "::
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October 29th, 2010
Freshmen were able to enjoy their first form al high school dance alongside their date on October 29th. They danced the night away in SHS's own cafeteria. The night was a success as photos were napped and memories were made!
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Sophomores had a wonderful at the Drexelbrook for their Soph Hop. It w as a beautiful, sunny day for pictures prior to the dance. It w as a ton of fun , and of course students from all grades atte nded.
March 18, 2011
December 4th, 201 0
Although there w as no snow , the seniors and juniors hosted the annual winter formal in the high school cafeteria. Decorations were hung with care and it was a great w ay to start the holiday season.
au caN 1 Turkey Fund Drive
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Turkey Fund Drive was held Thursday,
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December 16 . This is truly an incredible
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community event in wh i~h k~d S and adults ... from the Morton and Sprlnqtielc area come
together to help others. All together 125 boxes were stuffed with canned goods, fr esh produce, and special holiday cards.
i~o.i·~. Upon their delivery to local families, a frozen .~ .~ -
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turkey and a few gifts were also given to these homes. Each year this event is a great success which is why it remains so popul ar.
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eN1N~ Cocoa House
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an impressive show on the first snowfall this school year. A collection of cover
songs and originals were played by the high school star musicians. Whether it was the beautiful perform ances or the hot cocoa, the audience had a more than enjoyable night.
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In the fall , STW performed the play Present Laughter. Present Laughter is show about a womanizer named Garry Essendine (played by Alex Melso) preparing to tour Africa with a theatre troupe. Along the way he has a lot of really stra nge contact s. The play was dire cted by Mari ssa Gibson.
Cast List Elizabeth Gallagher, Annamarie Filipone, Tim Naylor, Monica Fischer, Alex Melso, Molly Drisco ll, James Cella, Brandon Skahill , Sean Skahill, Bridget Yingling, Ericha Grace, Danielle Agan, Christina Neroni, Rob Leinheiser, Paige Klaniecki, Kyle Conway, and Holly Heneks. 58
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1. Santa Claus and Eric Moore 2. James Cella and Bridget Yingling 3. Chris Canova, Dan Hagendorf, and alumni 4. Barb Rowntree, Brian Raczynski, Alyssa Dewan , Alex Brown, and SHS graduates 5. SADD members 6. Mrs. Purvis 7. Jamie Cessna and Katie Talvachio
A very anticipitated event here sponsored by SADD, Alternative Beverage Day reminds students to make smart choices over the winter break. Hot chocolate, baked goods, and old friends? Not too shabby.
Powder Puff r-o~tball On October 13, the annual Powd er Puff Football game was held benefitting Dance Marathon. Although it was a close game, the juniors took the lead and defeated the seniors. Of course it's not who wins or loses, it's for the kids!
1. Christie Rosenzweig, Gina Finio, Leah Murphy, Molly Kmetz , Allie Ranck , Kelly O'Hara, Jennette Haverdink, and Jess Brown 2. Sarah Neary & Steph Smith
5. Andi Marra
3. Emily Stackhouse & Elizabeth Gallagher
6. Christie Rosenzweig
4. Congrats, Juniors!
7. Seniors 8. Juniors
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arathon Pancake Breakfast
On January 15, Dance Marathon hosted a Pancake Breakfast at St. Matt's Church in Springfield. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, and beverages were available with a donation of your choice. This is one of the
2011 Leadership Team
many fundraisers that will
Kelly O'Hara, Sarah D'Orazio, Tom Beal, Julianna Wilson, Matt
ultimately go to the Four Diamonds Fund.
Pearse, Carlye Hewitt, Trisha Stets , Rob Leinheiser, Tay lor Block , Connor Doyle, Melissa Crawford , Sean Danzi, and Mr. Gildea (not pictu red, Jeff Simpson).
From March 3rd until March 6th, the Wizard of Oz was performed at SHS. Of course, the actors had been practicing long before that. It was a phenomenal show full of energy, great dancing, and even better singing. A classic movie turned into real life.
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A looked over part of most productions, stage crew stays behind the scenes and makes the stage come alive. These kids worked incredibly hard before and during the show and deserve to be recognized .
Marching Band
This year the competition band performed at four different competitions, were named first place winners at Conestoga, and even hosted their own home competition. After 12 was the theme of the show performed during their season.
U Color Guard
The outdoor color guard performed beautifully alongside the marching band this year. After this season ends, the indoor color guard begins. They continue through winter performing in a few competitions.
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By far the funkiest club at Springfield, the jazz band is full of great musicians who can not get enough of their instrument. They perform throughout the school year and are always a big hit.
HittlNg High Notes Choir Springfield is full of great singers, but the kids in this room are really something special. These students have a natural talent for singing and all have beautiful voices.
Future Educators of AMerica
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HONor Society
After completing an art class with a grade of a B+ or higher, certain .
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students go through an interview process to join NAHS. They present their art and shortly after may be admitted into this elite group.
The purpose of NHS is to recognize and promote character, scholarship, service and leadership for its members. Members of National Honor Society are expected to keep an outstanding GPA as well as complete community service each month.
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NEHS is for students who exce l particularly in English. A natural love for reading and writing is something that all of these students have in common.
Delco Hi-Q
Delco Hi-Q are some of Springfield's brightest students. These kids study anything and everything you can think of ; literature, history , math, physics, chemistry, and more! After 'studying they compete with neighboring schools.
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Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is a group of students who come together with an interest in science to study, build and experiment to reach their goals. Students each focus on a specific area of science and must complete a project in which they will compete with at Cabrini College in March.
Science Olympiad Team: Kylie Bongart, Marie Breingan, Sean Byrne, Anna Canova, Chris Canova, Tom Carson, Amy Chan, Bryan Dewan, Ban Dunbar, Stephen Edwards, Leah Grubb, Kayla Harris, Carly Hawkins, Sean Kenney, Alana Kurz, Dan Lawrence, Ross Lawrence, Dave Mack, Kellen McCormic, Kelsey Quinn, Christie Rosenzweig, Anthony San Filippo, Phuong Tran, and Josh Young.
aeN Future Business Leaders of America
- - ... .:. . FBLA are experts in specific areas of the business world. There are different events in which certain students are responsib le for. These could include techno logy, public speaking, negotiation, among other business roles. Throughout the year, the
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compete against other schools.
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Game Club is Tuesdays after school at 3:00. Here, students can learn how to play new and different board games. Wii and Xbox video games are also played.
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SADD or Students Agaist Destructive Decisions, is exactly that. This group of students encourages healthy behaviors and decisions amongst the high school population with their most popular event being Alternative Beverage Day.
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Celebrate fvervose REACH
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The purpose of REACH is to promote and celebrate diversity as well as multiculturalism, REACH sponsors a few special fun nights throughout the
course of the school year. . . ."':..-: .':" .-- . tf~
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Amnesty International
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ars PEERS Peer Facilitators (PEERS) are the ears of the student body . If a student is ever feeling troubled, alone, or would just like to talk, PEERS will be there to listen. These kids are friends to everyone and are willing to help with any problem you may have.
W,E,B, Du
HONor Socie1y
W.E.B. DuBois Honor Society is a group made for the school's miniority population. This club promotes students of color to excel academically as well as promote cultural awareness.
Extra, Extra Read All About lt Spri-Hian
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Ski and Adventure Club
This club is full of Springfield's most daring students. Throughout the year they go on different excting field trips. Whether they are riding the coasters at Six Flags or speeding down the slopes at Blue Mountain, these kids are ready for fun.
Yearbook is made up of a small crew of students and work incredibly hard throughout the school year. They are responsible for making and organizing the yearbook . Join in on the fun!
1. Alex Brown and Barb Rowntree 2. Carmella DeCarrio and Sarah Fredrick 3. Kelly Ongsueng 4. Alexa Gallo 5. Beth O'Connell 6. Ryan Geary
Creative Clay Clay Club Clay Club meets Tuesdays after school each week. This is an opportunity for kids to let their hands create beautiful and unique pieces of pottery on their own time. If a student is in need of some extra class time to finish an intense project, they are more than welcome to attend.
AcceptiN~ ayAll Straight Alliance GSA is a safe place for students to talk about issues regarding gays in society. The club is there so students can support each other without any troubles they may be
Community Service Club
"There is total of 114 members with 98 members logging over 20 hours! Busy kids!!" -Mrs. Gurenlian
1. Kelsi Chazin and Brian Raczynsk i
These students go above and beyond for their community. Each week, the group meets in the cafeteria and discusses what they will help with next. Throughout the year they helped with raking leaves in Springfield and Morton, donated 30 teddy bears to Bears for Smiles, and various other activities with the younger children in the school district. 90
2. Marlee Geiger and Dandy Hagendorf 3. Erin Bunker and Alexa Gallo 4. Ryan Rayer and Eboni Rhoades
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1. Sara Brinsfield, Deidre Monte, Alaina Gillespie, and Lysh Bennet t.
2. The club preparing meals to be donat ed 3. Keeping busy in the kitchen
The Family Careers Community Leaders of America participate in many awesome events over the course of the year. Aid for Friends, donated costumes, donations for homeless shelters, visits to restaurant and charity projects are amongst the most popular events. Mrs. Driks-Moore is ery passionate about thi rather new club. 91
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Mike Adams Fonda Akins Mya Alexander Chris Allen Dave Ash Bill Atwell
Janet Barber Carolyn Bean Christine Belton David Berger Scott Blanford Mary Boeni
Mary Boland Joe Bosak Jim Boyce Monica Braconnier Kathleen T . Brattelli Wendy Bratz
Aidan Brett Michael Brophy Bill Brown Lee Brown Leeanne Burkhalte r Melissa Butler
Denice Campbell Hilary Campbell Frank Capone Karen Carty Anna M Carullo Elwin Clark Jr.
Mrs. Squitiere is not only an amazing Activities/Finance Secretary, but she is also extremely helpful to the yearbook committee.
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The most comedic teacher around, Mr. Brown deviously plots his next scheme.
,,', . ' ,'
Megan Clementi Katie Cole Dan Conlin Elizabeth Cook Virginia Crowding Miesja Cubito
Maria Cuozzo Dr. Christopher Davis Patricia Delaney Donna DeRose Sue Descano Sharon DeStefano
Jeanne Dewan Marne DiCamillo Margaret Dickerson Dennis Donegan Helen Dorn Jill Dougherty
To the left: Biology teacher and sophomore advisor, Mrs. Kovatch smiles for the camera. To the right: Mrs. Missar keeps all of Springfield High School's students healthy as the school nurse.
Janet Dowman Michele Driks-Moore Rich Duffey Sandra Dyitt Dan Ellis Argie Fafalios
Debra Falcone Kelly Fatica Beth Fellona Matthew Ferry Connie Funk Barbara Garling
George German Jr Donna Giaquinto John Gildea Cynthia Gill Roe Giuffre Pat Gorgone
Michelle Gray Maureen Hall Bill Harley Walt Hartshorn Debbie Helmle Marian Helmuth
To the left: Mr. Brophy emphasizes the importance of citations in research papers to his 1Oth grade American History class. Far left: Mr. Scroggins takes a break from teaching web design to pose for the camera.
Rob Henry Joe Hepp Mike Heron Tom Hickey Gail Hollenbeck Scott Holloway
Kelly Holton Jessica Houser Maryann Hoyt Marisa Hughes Deanna Jespersen Algladis Johnson
Edmond Jones Janine Jones David Jurkiewicz Paul Kerrigan Marie Koethe Entela Kokono
JoAnn Kovatch Pranuera Laimaj Megan Lanciano Suzanne Le Lan Miroslawa Lech Jason Lewis
John Lombardo Mamie Lorah Stephanie Lucas Anne Madden Glenn Mallon Joann Mallory
Lisa Manicone Michael Mann Licia Marinelli Joyce Mastalski Steve Mazurek Nick McCann
Ms. Fafalios smiles as she works on printing photos
Mr. Schmidt shows off his brain while teaching
Judy McCarry Jim McCarthy Susan McCarthy Dawn McDonnell Frank McKnight Bill McRae
Tom Melbourne Donna Miles Terry Missar Sue Ann Morrone Pat Naismith Diane Neavy
To the left: Mr. Mann smiles after teaching the yearbook photographer how to properly snap a shot. To the right: Mrs. Penrose says "Good Morning," to yet another late student.
Maureen Owston Kelly Pedrotty Patty Penrose Candace Penza Sandy Perkins Adele Pietrangelo
Jason Piombino Bob Preston Sue Purvis Jacquie Ranalli Denise Riddle Fred Robinson
Kim Romasko Jennifer Ruskowski Mani Sami Mark Schmidt Marc Scroggins Adriane Semprevivo
Lisa Shughart Jeff Smith Kim Smith Ruth Snyder Demetrius Spiropoulos Roseann Squitiere
Sarah Staats Jean Stissi Fran Talarowski Natalie Tanner Joseph Taylor Natalie Thompson
John Tierno Cath y Tinney George Trout Mark Vacca ra Dan Vandenberg Roe Vecchione
Francis Ward Sheri Ward Kevin Williams Cynthia Wirth Diane Wolcott Leslie Wylie
Bob Young Christyann e Zlotowski Joe Zumpano Jeff rey J. Zweiback
WheN you're Not teachiNg, what do you do iN your spare tiMe? ."Spend time with my grandchildren and go to the casinos. " - Mrs. Bean
* ** *** *
Alyssa Abbonizio Timothy Abbot Tyler Achuff Danielle Agan Sarah Agostine Christopher Allen Angelo Amato Tatijana Ambrose Nicholas Antenucci Nicholas Apos to lu Annett e Anmellini Gianna Aroc ho Omarr Asbury Ethan Baiocco Kristin Baldwin Nicholas Baratelle John Barber Alexis Barbieri Ketlie Barnes Samantha Bass Kaitlyn Baumann Michael Baxter Kaitlyn Bedard Jason Begley Rebecca Bennett
Daria Bensinger Ryan Bensinger Andrew Bertolino Caroline Black Brianna Blake Adam Blythe Robert Booth John Bova T aquan Brathwaite
Shianne Bratte tli Ryan Braw ley Mary Kate Brennecke Maria Brophy Samantha Brow er Allison Brown
Tamara Brow n Matt hew Bunker Francis Burke Vaughan Burris Elena Bust amante Brandon Butler Kayla Byrd Matth ew Byrne Takwan Cameron Anna Canova Matthew Carey Christopher Carlson John Carlucci Sean Carpenter John Casper Raymond Cessna
Uam Chambers Olivia Chamb lee Dennis Charame lla luke Charame lla Angelica Christ ina Marti na Cianca glini Ju stin Cicala Rebecc a Civatte Benjamin Clawson Mary Clifton Ashley Coady Jamie Coladonato Abdu l Colen Brendan Conway Britt any Corre nti Mark Crawford Matthew Crawford Emily Crocka rell Kelsey Cryst le Shane Cullen Jackl yn Daddona Anna DeBenedictis Taylor DeBernardi Carrnella DeCaria
To the right: These boys are anxiously awaiting the end of the day during D lunch. Far right: During second block, John Barber hopes his Studio Arts project will win a ribbon in Celebration of the Arts.
Domenic DeCesaris Monique Deluca Julia DePrince Ama nda Dezzi Daniel Dick inson Mark DiSalvatore Gina DiVito Bridget Donegan Joseph Dougherty Kelsey Dougherty Za kk Drumm Brendan Duffy Melody Edelschein Usa Edwards Stephen Edwards Alexis Ensley-Gregg Core y Falls Gabrielle Faragasso l aurie Feldkircher John Ferguson Julia Finio William Flaherty Thomas Fogel Jessica Foss Richard Foster Sarah Fredrick John Gable Peter Gagliardi Brandon Gailey Alexis Galantino Sarah Galantino Erin Gallagher
Liam Gallagher Alexis Gavula Kiera Geiger Barbara Georgias Brooke Gilligan Dillan Gilroy Christopher Gluck Ydelis Gomez-Velasquez Orrae Good e Mark Gorma n Alyso n Gorml ey Ryan Graham Michael Granger Christop her Greenwich Aubrey Gruw ell-Keating Emily Ha Sara Hackett Matth ew Hagenbach Leighanne Hanshaw Jessica Harkins Kayla Harris James Hart Lyssa Hawley Rachel Hentnick Andrew Heppard Grace Hershey Radhika Hira Joseph Hoey Jessica Hoff man
Julianna Horne Rada lIieva Shannon Jackson Dominique Jackson-King James Jendrus AimeeJohnson Attil ah Jones Brian Jones Stephanie Jones Ryan Jo yce Sarah Joyc e Gabrielle Juliano Morgan Kane Peter Karalis Nadine Kassem Ashish Kattukandathil Daniel Kelley Christina Kelly Mark Kelly Sean Kenney Lindsay Kern Daniel Kim Peter Kim James Kimpel William Kraft Victo ria Krauter Michael Kwo n
To the left: Students begin to get antsy before winter break. To the right: Jim Jendrus knows all about cancer cells from Mrs. Kovatch' s Biology class.
Jayvee Lacasa ndile Thomas Lanciano Brett Lane Timmy Leaf Angelo Lerro Lori Uberatoscioli Aleksandra Lilic Branka Lilic Gillian Limroth John Lipka Andrew Lord Eric Lord Jeffr ey Lord Michael Lunanuova Kenneth Lynch Daniel Mackowiak
Brianna Madden CorrineMaguire Christopher Mallee Dominic Marascio Robert Mastrod di Maria Matej Tara Malteo Kevin Mattox Amir Mayo Emily McCarry Kevin McClain Maggie McCloske y Kelly McCullough Devin McDaniel Taylor McDermott Daniel McGonigal Colin McGuckin Daniel Mcintosh Bridget McKnight Jacqueline McParland Nicholas Menditto Melissa Militello Samantha Miller Alicia Millspaugh Shannon Minnis Ryan Morrison Kimberly Morrissey Kimberly Morto n Gregory Murph y Leith Murtada Christie Neff Emmie Nguyen Albert Noce April O'Hara Ryan O'Kane Katie Ong William Orangers Natalie Orlando Timothy Owens Jennifer Patt erson
Stephen Patterson Emily Paulus Kayla Pavlovitch
Jessica Pearse Leah Pellegrino Andre w Peranteau Jennifer Perchalski Ath ira Pillai Leah Plasmeier Kierra Powell Julia Prager Justin Prager Joshua Proctor Amanda Purfield Matthew Quagliariello Joseph Rayer Andrew Recchilongo Claire Remy Michael Repace Alexia Rhodes Paul Rice Colin Richers Kyle Riddle Colin Ringwalt Kristin Robert s-O'Br ien Ryan Robinso n Michael Rodge rs Kylene Ronay ne Michelle Ronayne Emily Ross Nicole Royds-Helverson Valeria Rubio Kall yn Ryan Marissa Sacca Sara Sadoff Kemsey Saint Jacques Ant hony Sanfilippo Laur en Scarpa to Lauren Schick ling Carly Scott Molly Scu lly Nicholas Sempre vivo Daniel Sharer Haley Shea Stephanie Shea Mahnam Sheikh Shahbeeza Sheikh Brandan Skahill Megan Smedley Emily Smith William Smith Brian Spacca relli Autumn Spence Daniei Stewa rt Lauren Stief Andrew Storz
Christo pher Straw ley Christopher Sw an Aisw arya Thomas Amani Thompson Philip Thom pson Madeline Thurwanger Brian Todaro Joseph Travagline Christopher Tubbs Angela Tumelty Alyssa Tum olo Kevin Turnbull James Turner Nicole Valente Jacob VanPelt Kyle Vearling
Valerie Vecchione Emily Verica Vincent Vitale Eric Ward Austin Weber Michaela Whitake r John White Torpey White
Tiara Womack Michael Wrig ht Denis Xhori Olivia Young Nicholas Zaffiri
What is the best 1hiNg about high school;:> t
"How different the block scheduling is." -Mary Kate Clifton
"The people here are much better." -Richie Foster
"There is more freedom compared to other schools." -Brittany Correnti 109
Helen Abel Alexa Acchione Michael Agov ino Kevin Agren Warren Allen Michael Astrino Arielle Athanas Anthony Barbuto Jenna Bama rd Kelley Bart ivic Elizabeth Batt ista Joshua Bauman Brooke Bayliss Joseph Beal Kathrine Becker Matt hew Bedard John Belfie Anna Berger Nicholas Biehl Kylie Bongaardt James Braconnier Marie Breingan Amanda Brown Jacob Brown Hailey Bruinsma Phillip Brumback Victoria Bruno Dylan Buchanan Sara Burke Jordan Busby Mary Caggiano Nicholas Cahill
Far left: Girls smile while studying in the LMC. Left: Boys enjoy their lunches.
Step hanie Cant Davis Caramanico Thomas Carson Allison Carullo Jeremy Cavanaugh Amy Chan Michelle Chan Rachel Charamella Vanya Chavez Paulina Sheraine Cheeks Kyle Chevalier Damarkus Clark Kelsey Colgan Tyler Comber Michael Corrato Melanie Corsi John Costa Aaron Coyne Michael Crouse Alicia Curtin Michael D'Angelo Krist en D'Aversa Chelsea D'Ortone Holly Davia
Students are eager to learn about WW2 in Mr. Brophy's American History class.
Miranda Davis Chartes Day Robert Deluca Tyler Demcher Joseph DePrince Brya n Dewan Jaclyn DiGregorio Tyler DiMatt ec l ouis DiMichele Kathe rine DiSanto Sco tt Dischert Kristen Dolan Christopher Dolceamore Amanda Donegan Katherine Donovan Brian Dough erty Michael Dougherty Robert Doyle Shaw n Dresner Brian Dunbar Broo ke Durb ano Jame s Eden Carl Edw ards Alison Ervin Albert Faust Jenna Federle Hannah Feehery Mo nica Fischer Joseph Fischetti Devin Foley Nicholas Fosco Barry Fost er III Brianna Fox Salvatore Fox Sarah Fox Michael Gade Sarah Gamble Christopher Ganley Nicholas Giaquinto Marquis Gibson Veronica Gillespie
Katerina Giordano Tyler Glenn William Grace Rachel Graham
Jamie Greer l eah Grubb Mark Gurenllan Dominic Gyukit y Alexander Hagendorf Brad ley Hajjar Kyle Hakun Steven Halko Megan Hayden Alexandria Haynes Joseph Heff ernan
Saliy Hem andez Saliya h Hernandez Brandon Higgins Cameron Holmes Durham Timothy Houtm ann Christopher Iaquinto Benjamin Iffrig Rosilyn Issac Tierra Jay Serenity Johns Angela Johnson Katie Jones Sabriyah Jordan Sneha Jose Jessly Joseph Alexandra Judak Emily Kane Olivia Kane Anth ony Karalis Jason Karian Amani Kassem John Kelly. Jr. Lauren Kennedy Daniel Ketler Rachel Kilker Ji Won Kim Phillip Kim Andrea Kinsey Amanda Kinter Paige Klaniecki Micaela Klick Kyle Klosinski Tyler Kneipp Jocelyn Kopac zews ki Caroline Kortan Luke Kraute r Emily Kugler Benjamin Lambert Joseph LaSpina Matthe w Latessa
To the far left: Tyler takes a break during Mr. Schmidt's advisory To the left:. Emily enjoys advisory
Richard Latessa Sean Laughlin Ross Lawrence James Leahan Matthew Lee Michael Lembotesis Evan Lennon Christian Umroth Bradley Lord Maria Luciani Matthe w Lynch Bruce MacKnight Jason Marchetti Vincent Marra Christopher Mart in Tyler Mat heny
Lyndsey Matteo Robert Mattox Carol Matyszczak Glenn McCarry Symone McDaniel Kelly McElrea Shannon McGee Melissa McGill Thomas McGinley Patrick McKnight Andrew McMonagle James Mee Alexander Melso Semih Menekse Kenae Mickens Alexander Milone
Alexander Miscannon Samuei Mola Alison Moll Michael Montanaro Robert Murphy Samantha Murray Alexa Naughton Jacob Nave
Christina Neroni Ian Nestor Lauren Notorfrancesco Robert Notortrancesco Courtney O'Connell John O'Doherty James O'Hara Tyler O'Shea Zachary onco Christina Orlando
Francis Panico Alyssa Paolucci Christopher Patrikios Alexandria Pavlovitch Aziza Payne Edison Paynter Edison Paynter Wray Paynter Danielle Peebies Zana Pendergrass
Zoe Petruzzi Darius Peyton Isaac Peyton Michelle-Thuanh Pham Corey Pierce Justine Pillarella Lindsey Piller Phillip Polanco Quinn Pompi Alexandra Poplawski Stacey Porter Steven Pullia
Brett Quinn Kelsey Quinn Brad Raczynski KarleneRaines Lia Ranalli Nicole Raymond Mary Reardon Stephen Reger Joseph Reilly Jie Ren Anthony Roberts Laurence Rodgers Robert Roman Amy Rosenzweig Steven Russo Daniel Rutecki Peter Sabato Jhordan Salinas Nicholas Santana Nicholas Scarpato Samantha Schaffer Kassandra Schwartz
Jessica Semerjian Maria Sermania
To the left: Marquis Gibson and Corey Pierce use their laptops to study in the LMC.
Michelle Sexton Dasiah Shaw Joseph Sheeran Harwinder Shergill Heather Sinkinson Holly Sinnott Charles Smith Michael Smith Daniel Smyth David Sousa Alexander Soussan Gianna Soussan Joseph Spano Tiffany Spata Annwar Srour Steven Starr Erik Stevens Jesse Stewart Jessica Stewart Michael Strolli WilliamSwahl Daniel Swanick
JamesSwanick Kevin Swanick Sean Swartz Brandon Terry Stanie Thomas Gary Thurwanger Cara Toland Megan Tronco Cache Trowery Matthew VanPelt
Madeline Varsalone Nicholas Vergara Evan Viggiano TriVu Collin Wainwright John Wallace Andrew Walter Nicole Ward Katrina Wayw ood Benjamin Weaver Shawn Webster Luke Wiedman Imyrah Williams Mitchell Williams Alexis Wooden Justin Woolson
Brandon Wynne Megan Yates Zachary Young Elizabeth Zebley Farid Zeineddine
What is your favorite SHS eveNt?
Gerald Abel Matthew Achuff Joseph Acqua ye Thomas Addis lasia Alexander Stephanie Anton ik Daniel Apest olu David Ard Brian Arrell WilliamAuve Robert Badolato Vincent Barbieri Katelyn Barker Kaitlyn Barrett Adam Baselice Nathalie Basunga John Batc ho Sarah Baumann Thomas Beal Marissa Bell Nathan Bennett Kaitlyn Bevan Michelle Bier Bret Black Taylor Block James Blubello James Blunt Daniel Bowd en Caitlin Boyle sean Braw ley Natalie Brna Nicoie Brooks Joshua Buggy Erin Bunker Susan Burk e Paul Burns Morgan Bustamante Bridget Butler Madeline Byrne Sean Byrne
Brad Carabello Nicole Carpenter Michael Carr Nicolette Casasanto Kelly Casper James Cella George Celona Jaime Cessna Nishma Chauhan Christopher Chester Lauren Chest nut John Chovanes Emily Chow Johnathan Ciurlino Bridget Clawso n Elizabeth Clifton
120 ------------
Pat rick Coffe y Megan Coghlan Zachary Cohen Meghan Collins Thomas Conneen Nicholas Coyne Melissa Cutrufello Sydne y Danelutli Robert Davenport Nicole Daversa
Desiree DeFaria Lindsay Degrave Erika Delaney Alexandra Deluca Daniel Dest efano Christo pher Devinney Nicholas Devito Michael Dezzi Kelsey DiCanzio Alicia Dickerson Megha n Dickinson Michae l Didonato Amanda Digiorgio Anthony Dimemmo
To the right: Amanda Digiorgio and Rachel Kernicky-Jackson show their friendship in Language Arts. Far right: These girls are sure to laugh out loud during C lunch.
Tabitha Dodson Christopher Dougherty Conor Doyle Shane Draper Sarah DUffy Brenton Dunfee Stephanie Eklund Samantha Esque Chyna Fallen Shannen Feldkircher Doug Ferguson April Fessler Annamarie Filippone Kenneth Finley Anthon y Florio Thomas Flynn Lindsey Forb es Kelli Fox Matt hew Fox Steph anie Fox Ydaly Frias Nicholas Friez Robert Fritz Za chary Furia Anthony Gaeta Paige Gailey Elizabeth Gallagher Alexa Gallo Matthew Gallo Marlee Geiger Alex Georgias Gilbert Giancat erino
Michelle Gildea
Paul Govannicci Alyssa Grace
Emilee Grace Ericha Grace Andrew Grajek Victoria Grossi Anthony Gryn Rachel Hager Christian Haines Imani Hall Matthew Hanly Kevin Hanna Carly Hawkins Timothy Hayden Ty ler Heller Holly Heneks Kimberly Heron T imothy Hilden Juliann Huczko Christina Hughes Nicholas Hughes Ryan Hunt Tyler Hunt
James Huston Gabrielle Irons Sherin James
Evan Janusziewicz Edw ard Johnson
Imani Johnson Valerie Johnson Shannon Kaminsky Jennifer Karalis Rabab Kasse m Aks hayk umar Katt uka ndat hil Connor Kaufman Aubrey Keenan Shannon Kelleher Maura Kelly Jacqueline Kenney Raychel Kernicky-Jackson Lindsay Kiker Patricia Kimpel Caprice King Besir Kocak Alana Kurz Milos Lalic Tracy Lane Kyle Laughlin Bobby Layden Lauren Leddy Robert Leinheiser Alicia Lesage Dino Liberatoscioli Maureen Lieb Evan Limroth
Melynda Link Rachel Lipka Simone Lites Joseph Lockley Tyler Log an Gabrielle Long Tyrone Lovett Madeline Lynch Thomas Lyons Sherry MacNamee Jacquelyn Madden David Madonna Alex Mage nheimer Daniel Maher Richard Malach Shelby Mandery Julie Marr o Thomas Martin Sean Masson Jenna Matyszczak Desiree Mazzella Kellen McCormick Michael McGarve y Margaret McGillian Dougan McGrath William McGugan Sean McGuinness John McHugh Vincent Mcintosh Michael Mc Kale Ryan McKnight
Daniel McMenamin Patr ick McMe namin John Meindl Joel Meth ven Jack Mewha Veronika Milewska Sean Miller Joseph Mirante Victoria Mirzoeff T homas Misca nnon Mayookha Mitra-Majumdar
Eric Moore Heather Morriso n Tyler Morr issey Lauren Mulray Dillon Murphy Egecha Nduka Jena Neff Victor ia Nicola-Grossmille James Novino Elizabeth O'Connell Patr ick O'Connell Shane O'Donnell Gavin O'Hara Ryan OToole
To the right: Nicole Carpenter studies for her next test during study hall. Far right: A future canidate for "Most Likely to Fall Asleep During Class"?
Joseph Oliver Kelly Ongsueng Laura Palladino Steven Panczner Ashley Park Marvin Payne Matth ew Pearse Jeffrey Peranteau Caleb Perri William Pettit Tyler Pickhaver Eric Pollock Clemens Pompi Douglas Popplewell Sean Pow ell Alyxa Psenicska Rona Raju Amrita Ramacha ndran Jacqueline Ramsay Ryan Rayer Maryelyse Raymond Matthew Reichert Amy Rensimer Michael Rice Sean Roberts Jennifer Rocriguez Khalil Rocriguez Kathryn Rogers Katelyn Romasko Andrew Schaffe r Britt any Schiavo Kathry n Scully Dominique Semprevivo Francesca Shea Brooke Shinn Adrian Siletsk y Krist en Silio Christina Slavin Caitlyn Smith Tyler Smith Krist opher Smith-Lane Emily Stackhouse Mitchell Staska Ryan Stone Ryan Strain Kelsea Straube Erin Sullivan
Dinara Tarves Agazit Tekie Jayla Terry Sheril Thomas Samuel Thompson Candice Trouo Alexandra T sekar is Jessica Tullie Jaclyn Turchiarolo
Rachel Uhrig Karley Vahey Alyssa Valente Mackenzie Vaughan Robert Vent Ernest Walter Stephen Whetzel Mary Kate White Colleen White Patrick Whit e Nicholas Wiedm an Harry Wilkinson Brian Wilson Juliana Wilson John Wise Meagan Wright
Erin Yentz Bridget Yingling Rachel Young
What are you l()(j(iNg forward to seNior year â&#x20AC;˘~ "I'm stoked for Gold Pass." -Tom Martin
"I'm hoping for a much easier year." -Alexa Gallo
"Getting the cougars out of here!" -Brian Wilson
_____' --:i
SeNior Poll Favorite Cafeteria Food: 1. Pizza Dippers 2. Chicken Balls 3. Cookies
Mark Flaherty and Dom DuVernois in Ms. Ows ton's Honors Language Arts class.
SeNior Poll Who is your favorite SHS teacher? 1. Mr. Brown 2. Mrs. Purvis 3. Mr. Brophy
~. ,
Most Athletic
Sean Skahill stays afte r school rehearsing for the musical, "The Wizard of Oz".
SeNior Poll Favorite Song: 1. No Hands by Waka Flocka Flame 2. Whip My Hair by Willow Smith 3. Bottoms Up by Trey Songz
Cutest Couple
Most Talkative
Most Theatrical
Class ClowN
Most Likely to be FaMous
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Eric Gibbs relaxes afte r finishing a mat h test.
Steve Medaglia and Jake Thompson compare notes during Pre-Calc.
SeNior Poll Favorite Movie: 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. Inception 3. Step Brothers
162 ....
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Most Likely to Succeed
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Alex Brown and Barb Rownt ree take a break from wo rking on yearbook to snap a shot with London Heron. (Bryce Heron's dog)
So Nice, We're 1\ FreshMeN Fear 1. Getting Lost ·2. The Upperclassmen 3. Getting Bad Grades
Favorite Subject 1. Gym 2. Art 3. Physics
You KNOW Youre A SeNior Whel\L 1. You Don't Care About Anything 2. Gold Pass 3. You Need To Think About College
Favorite TV Show 1. Glee 2. Jersey Shore 3. 16 and Pregnant / Teen Mom
ass 0
JlV1ber ONe Twice Not Pictured: Frenc Baro Sara Brinsfield Timothy Burke Ryan Bustamante Chimera Dennis * Michael Fenstermacher Amber Fulkersin Shane Fulkersin Cory Hellmig Darragh Hoffmann Rebecca Knorr Nicholas Lanciano
Sean McBride Ty ler Mock Christian Nduka Alexandria Payne Waleed Sabour Jesse Saint-Jacques Divyan Sam Taylar Spata Lindsay Thompson Phuong Tran Dominic Varsalone Marquette Williams Sabrina Wilson --j*
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1. Waleed Sabour
14. Hayden Dahmm
2. Ryan Gower
15. Allie Ranck
3. Lisa Zhang
16. Dylan Quinn
4. Megan Todaro
17. Rich Storz
5. Jill McLaughlin
18. Stevie Thomas
6. Jackie Prestileo
19. Danielle OHangers
7. Eric Gibbs
20. Gina Finio
8. Ricky Pereira
21. Eric Lord
9. Willie Weide
22 . Marissa Gibson
10. Emily Feehery
23. Steve Ramoni
11 . Jessica Brown
24. Asari Duke
12. Gina Savarese
25 . Melissa Crawford
13. Jessy Joseph
26 . Alex Krajek
27. Kristy Ennis
36. Mark Flaherty
45. Caroline leahan
28. Kayla Thomas
37. Ben Sherman
46. Nicole D'Alonzo
29. Caitlyn Clymer
38. Nick lanciano
30. Sarah Neary
39. Jesse lawler
47. Brooke Shea 48 . James Cameron
31. Jess McGonigal
40. Joe Jendrus 41. Rosie Diloreto
49. Bob Capozzoli 50. Danielle lord
42. Nick Horan
51. Jennette Haverdink 52. Dan Hagendorf
32. Kelsey Handschuh 33. Anthony Zito 34. Cathy Cunningham 35. Shane Vochinsky
43. Kris Dell 44. Rich Prager
53. Carlye Hewitt 54. Christina Smith 171
1. Andrew Hazzard 2. Amelia Tystad 3. Amy Toledo
17. Devon Carney
4. Alyssa Dewan
18. Courtney Casale 19. Bryan Correnti
5. Vince Viggiano
20. EJ Minoza
6. Ashley Hart 7. Dan Lawrence
21. Alaina Gillepsie
8. Teresa Porcellini
23. Jenn Defeo
22. Rob Toomey
24. Kayla Howard 9. Paul Xhori 10. Dave Carpenter 25. Barb Rowntree 26. Brett Udovich 11. Kayla Phillips 12. Nikita Chauhan
27. Terry Korinth
13. Laura Brophy 14. Amber Berger
28. Dom DuVernois
15. Keith James 16. Jeff Simpson
29. Alex Brown 30. Shane Wilson 31. Dan Hee
32. Nicolette Galarus 33. Steph Smith 34. Liz Deal
48. Alex Morrissey
35. Michelle Lord
49. Tom Nardella
36. Victoria Gabriel 37. Mike ooso
50. Jess Acchione 51. Shannon Duffy
38. Randy Miller
52. Sarah D'Orazio
39. Kyle Conway
53. Tim Finnegan
40. Leah Murphy
54. Pat Abbot
41 . JR Supper
55. Nicole Melso
42. Marc Wisely
56. Nicole D'Avelia
43. Kelsi Chazin
57 . Mike Kelley
44. Jimmy Joyce
58. Matt Gluck
45. John Quagliariello
59. Lisa Barone
46. Erin Hanna
60. Marissa Gibson
47. Elaina Shooster
61 . Jeremy Gibson
1. Kristy Reid 2. Kelly O'Hara 3. Kelly Cahill 4. Joanna Adamo
17. Andi Marra
5. Jesse Barone
18. Caroline O'Doherty 19. Alycia Bennett
6. Jay McCarry
20. J.T. Butler
7. Frances McNally 8. Kelsie Blackburn
21. Josh Young
9. Derrick Boone
23. Dan VonTanhausen
10. Dave Allen
24. Lauren Wise
22. EboniRhoades
11. Danielle Dampman 25. Molly Kmetz 26. Michelle Barry 12. Chris Canova 13. Brittany Hawkins
27. Bob Methlie
14. Bridget Althouse
28. Mike Basher
29. Molly Driscoll 15. Frankie Perry 16. Courtney Kennedy 30. Bekah Hamson 31. Tim Bachman
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CoUsin SKeeter because tnat sno'Jol 'Jolas nilarioUS\ _\ \rn eacnrnan
yeN S The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl this year. In a close game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Green Bay came out victorious, 31 -25 .
The 2010 FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa. It was held from June 11 until July 11 . Spain was the ultimate winner.
The San Francisco Giants beat the Texas Rangers this year in the World Series.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Black Swan were two huge box office hits this year. N \'IS (~ t. J'oIT
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The iPhone 4 is now available for Verizon customers. The iPhone 5 is expected to be released in the summer.
Apple continues to keep customers excited for more new electronics. The iPad 2 was released in March 2011.
yeN S Charlie Sheen was fired from his show, Two and a Half Men. He was said to be "a self destructive, sick addict, who's deteriorating mentally and physically".
The tenth season of American Idol premiered on January 19, 2011 . Simon and Ellen left the show and had been replaced with Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler.
It's raining birds! In Arkansas thousands of birds fell from the sky with out any explanation. A similar occurance with fish happened 130 miles away.
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Flooding in Austrailia caused great devastation on both the people and the animals. This is said to be the wettest on record.
Facebook organized protes ts in Egypt leads to dictator, Hosni Mubarak, to step down and inspires other protesters to fight for change in their countries.
An earthquake in Japan leads to a tsunami destroying the coast and nuclear reactors.
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The Eastern Cougar has been endangered since 1973. Unfortunately, this feline has officially been declared extinct.
The senior editors would like to thank Mr . Preston and Mrs. Fellona for all of their help throughout the year. Thanks to Emmy Kachel, our Taylor Publishing Representative who has always been available for guidance. Thank you to Mr . Young for dealing with the finances. Also, thanks to Mrs. Tirney, Mrs. Dougherty, and all of our other photographers and everyone else who made the completion of this yearbook a little bit easier. -Alex Brown and Barb Rowntree
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