Springfield High School Springfield/ Delaware County Pennsylvania
In the morning when you rlse/ do you open up your eyes/ see what I see?
Do you see the same things ev/ryday?
.. _..
Do you think of a way to start the day getting things in proportion? Spread the news and help the world go /round.
Have you heard of a time that will help us get it together again?
Have you heard of a word . that will stop us? Going time is near and the word you/ll hear when you get things in perspective.
Spread the news and help the world go /round.
There/s a time and the time is now and ies right for us; ies right for us/ and the time is now.
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Dr. C. McLaughlin District Superintendent
Mr. D. Yost Director of Personnel Services and Community Relations
Mr. C. Hable Assistant Superintendent
Mr. J. Bay Director of Administrative Services
Mrs. M. Liipfert Public Relations
School Board: Sitting, L to R: R. Bullard, Secretary; P. Miller, J. Gattinella, N. Thorpe. Standing, L to R: B. Gibbons, Solicitor; B. Farnese, D. Apostolu, President; R. Simpson, D. Wolstenholme, Treasurer. Not Show: W. Hushion, Vice-President; A. McKee, Assistant Secretary; C. Lee.
Dr. O. Chelland Pupil Services and Special Education Coordinator
Dr. D. Fry Mathematics Coordinator
Mr. J. Bartley Science Coordinator
Dr. C. Garris Social Studies Coordinator
Mr. J. Trumbower Language Arts Coordinator
COORDINATORS Who ripped the page out of my favorite Snoo y coloring book?
E. Knorr, Principal
T. Gartside, Assistant Principal
Each complaint becomes more dramatic!
R. Castefero, Assistant Principal
F. Waters, Assistant Principal
No, I'm not going to be nice and suspend you. Instead, you have to eat lunch in the cafeteria for a week!
J. Way, Chairwoman
Now where did I stash that magazine when Mr. Knorr came in? W. Mackrides
I never thought I wanted guidance before but now. . .
E. Wendle
W. Campbell
Main Office: R. Kramer, M. Clarke, M. Roberts.
Guidance Office: E. Trucksess, R. Haenle, E. Petre.
Attendance Office: B. Morrison, H. Lehman. Thru rain or sleet or snow or hail Every darn day I get stuck with the mail!
District Office: D. French, C. Olsen, E. ColI. I can't believe it's a girdle!
Division of Instruction: M. Yocum, B. Dusak, M. Hynes.
Business Office: M. Olmor, I. Paul, E. Ricketts, D. Northington, F. Ehrig.
1. Ball
1. Landau
D. Matarazzo
B. Montgomery
K. Merbreier
Gee, your hair smells terrific ... I wish he'd say that to me sometimes.
C. Palmerio
I. Schmuckler
A. Peterson
J. Hirt
Oh, what a night!
A. Weisholtz
G. Bankert
J. Pomilo
Life can be so interesting at times.
1. Harris
A. Moral
1. Balukjian
N. Nardell
E. Polini
Don't worry - you'll make the team; we have a stretching machine in the locker room.
E. Schnitzer
Playboy bunny of the year!
A. Corbin
Now the bubble gum story comes in hardback.
J. Stinson
M. Smith
K. Schaefer
R. Locker
R. Filson, Dept. Mgr.
Writing obscenities in your book again, I see!
J. Jefferies
S. Stefani
B. Frattura
AMERICAN STUDIES The children of America.
T. Gallagher, Dept. Chairman
J. Scheuer
J. Hornaday
Mr. Gallagher, you sure are a bore . . . I mean blur!
Springfield High's own personal disaster.
No Miss P., I'm not stealing your personal file; just checking some vital statistics. M.Lamb
I know there's candy in there somewhere ...
J. Doyle
R. Wentz, Dept. Mgr.
E. Janczewski
S. Hall
You wanna what? R. Lee
J. Brazenor
1. Taylor
D. Kellogg
G. Irvin
A. Sebold
F. Werley
Well, seeing that you only passed one test . . .
W. Speakman
Colored chalk! How exciting! S. Woodruff
R. Eley
R. Young
G. Wood, Dept. Mgr.
I. Kempf
A. Frye
N. McConnell
G. LaPenta
R. Shoemaker
R. LeDonne
R. McClennen
G. Smith
D. Bartow
McClennen will never miss this!
Centimeters or inches - who cares? A. Reinsmith
P. Buck
J. Semeister
J. Zwizanski
No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
What do you mean, where's the thread? What thread?
A. Wentz, Dept. Chairman
K. Nelson
Hanes makes me feel good all under . . .
L. Ardao
H. Bell
J. Diamond
R. Taylor
G. Hart And you wonder why they call me "Ace."
If it's like this in June, what about December?!
B. Yaeck
H. Beldecos, Dept. Chairwoman
If only she would concentrate on me instead of her typing.
E. Creed
M. Katawczik
1. DelNegro
D. Lauffer
Dubendorf, take the sock out of your tuba ... now!
s. Kaminsky, Dept. Chairwoman
A. Hunt
J. Cannon, Dept. Chairman
I wouldn't mind having her in my driver's seat!
J. Peoples
Where are those ding-a-ling girls?
M. McConnell, Dept. Head
E. Thomas, Educational Media
M. Young, Audio Visual
G. Adams, Librarian
A. ?arrett, E~ucational Media Associate; F. Gallagher and A. Klineburger, Edu-
catIOnal Media Secretaries.
S. Pasternak, Custodian
R. Wurtz
B. Anderson, Nurse
P. Roessner
1. Belsterling, Secretary
L to R: R. DeMaria, H. Selleck, F. Dixon, A. Stang, F. Bixler, Jr., 1. Srnondroski, A. Trifiletti, J. Gabany. Not Pictured: J. Rankin, A. Jay.
L to R: J. Kilgallen, Mgr.; C. Mowbray, V. Martin, C. Moore, 1. Baker, D. Fasola, S. Dalton, B. Stone, M. Cunrod, S. Bennett, B. Gambol, E. Bergmann.
First Row: 1. Miller, B. Kline, J. Popelak. Second Row: W. Baker, J. Lombardi, G. Sapovits, A. Martin, J. Irwin. Missing: G. Taylor, Trans. Super.; E. McGee, J. McGee, 1. Prescott, A. Renaud, R. Robinson, F. Talone, K. Vogelsong, J. Winters, B. Stravinsky, W. Baker, J. Crossan, E. Dorwart, 1. Erikson, M. Friez, T. McGowan, K. Fulginiti, E. Haigh, 1. Haigh, J. Lawn.
J. Wilson, Director of Maintenance; F. Pine, Director of Custodians.
"Mirror, mirror. . "
Dear Santa Claus. . .
What did you say I could do with that test?
I always wanted to shine a moon!
Boy that new girl sure can move those keys ...
No, You may not read Sweet Savage Love for your next assignment.
Teachers need love too!
Spri-Hian's centerfolds are getting better!
I wish the girls would stop giving me their phone numbers - my black book is already full.
D. Walls, Asst. Editor
Picking a theme? .. let's paint the yearbook room ... what's in his pocket? . . Mr. Roto Rooter is coming. . . art nouveau. . . a temperamental artist. . . long walk to the typing room. . . late afternoons before deadlines ... techni-croppers and grease pencils, our best friends. . . poison pens. . beautiful snow dance pictures. . . the light phantom. . . crop this slop . . . encouragement from our cynical Sponsor ... there's a time and the time is now and it's right for us, it's right for us and the time is now.
B. Little, Art Editor
1. Conrad, Typing Editor
1. Ghazikian, Faculty Editor R. Young, Business Sponsor
C. Kirkman, D. Feld, Activities Editors
Monica Sullivan, Ed.-in-Chief
Business Staff: 1st Row, L to R: R. Donze, D. Waters, K. Russel. 2nd Row, L to R: M. Kelly, J. Harding, D. Walls.
E. Ruch, Underclassman Editor
K. Horn, Copy Editor
J. Gilmore, Senior Editor B. Montgomery, Advisor
S. Buongiorno, Business Editor
S. Forman, Layout Editor G. Scanlon, L. Napoli, Sports Editors
News Staff: 1st Row, L to R: M. Godzieba, K. Toney, 1. Harlan. 2nd Row, L to R: B. Denison, C. Kirkman, D. Draves, G. Ferguson, C. Northwood, J. Forcellini, S. Ruch, V. Branton.
Editor-in-chief: C. McFadden
SPRI-HIAN Deadlines - no articles. . . holes, oversets, mistakes - aghhhhh. . . staying till 7 p.m. to finish. . . quick draw a cartoon! ... coffee, anyone? ... What's wrong with the typewriters? .. A 56 space line not a 65!! ... What do you mean, "What picture?" ... I need a thesaurus!! ... Where's my article? Yesterday was the deadline!
News Editor: C. Conklin
Asst. Editor: M. Godzieba
Feature Editor: C. DiMarco
Feature Staff: 1st Row, L to R: J. Goldman, K. Toney, V. Branton. 2nd Row, L to R: C. Larrimore, M. Lord, B. Leonowich, C. Westcott, C. Riviello, C. Draves.
Circulation Staff: 1st Row, L to R: T. Ruch, S. Ruch, 1. Eustace, V. Branton, M. Kelly, N. Miller. 2nd Row, L to R: G. Scanlon, G. Cardillo, D. Daddario, K. Horn, R. Donze, S. Jeckel. Sports Editor: John Smith
Sponsor: A. Weisholtz Sports Staff: 1st Row, L to R: C. Larrimore, K. Toney, C. Riviello. 2nd Row, L to R: C. Mammucair, 1. Eustace, R. Ferrari.
Getting here by 7:30. . . being late. . . no the papers aren't here yet ... I could only sell 3 ... disturbing Bear's homeroom . can you get me out of first period? ... papers today? I completely forgot!
Circulation and Business: 1. Eustace, V. Branton, R. McClennen, Sponsor.
1st Row: C. Conklin, J. Ross, N. Goldin, S. Kestler. 2nd Row: C. LeFever, L. DelVecchio, K. Gonsalves, C. Damon, T. Shunk, R. Melnikoff. 3rd Row: R. Macera, J. Brycki, A. Miller, E. Nelles, B. Bernard. 4th Row: L. Ayella, V. Conklin, J. Jennings, V. Branton. Trish Panczner, Bus. Ed.
someone writes for hallmark cards ... it's obscene . . . here's a gift for you . . . don't throw your pen at me parsons! . . . we need apples . . . actually, we need money ... comments, criticisms, questions queries? .. jeff's vocabulary . . . let's vote . . . cherry squares . . . fighting the establishment for sunday nights . . . where's ralph? . . . can we impeach editors? . . pingies. . . not as serious as ken would like.
Ken Parsons, Literary Ed.
Ralph Cooper, Art Ed.
Mrs. Peterson, Sponsor
Lynne Conrad, Ed.-in-Chief
Fiona Wehmeyer, Typing Ed.
Director: D. Lauffer
SENIOR CHOIR Evening rehearsals . . . good goobies . . . Kevin's comments sour chords and Ave Maria new choir gowns. . . The Courthouse. . . Rochester. . . Detention Parties. . . generosity for collections. . . singing in the commons. . . SUPER GUNK . . . Mr. Lauffer's tales . . . A pretty good time!
1st Row, L to R: P. Mears, M. Shada, J. Mingle, D. Morrison, 1. Belfiglio, S. Reed, 1. Meade, J. Davis, K. Penn, S. Kestler, A. Williams, M. Carney, 1. Briganti, 1. Nicholson, K. McLaughlin, B. Nagorny,\T. Daniels, K. Jannetti, E. Foley, Y. Gildner, T. Shoultz, T. Tashjian, 1. Meade, \L. Gordon, K. McNeill. 2nd Row, L to R: N. Miller, M. Johnston, J. Morrow, S. Lamb, S. Koetzle, M. Bradfield, D. Prescott, C. Ballas, J. Watson, J. Troutman, C. Kirkman, J. Hulme, K. Hemphill, B. Crispin, S. Hagy, S. Poole, T. Woodruff, M. Tekach, B. Schoultz, M. Donall, T. Wakula, J. Sieke, R. Donze, J. Gilmore, G. Bramble, B. Hessemer, T. Freisner, G. Purcell, G. Bellis, 1. Eustace. 3rd Row, L to R: E. Fowler, P. Conley, 1. Gutshall, J. Shada, M. Miller, M. Tofsted, K. Rosser, R. Chambers, B. Berger, G. Singley, C. Fry, B. Potts, 1. Povey, S. Shane, M. DellaPolla, J. Wilson, D. Harris, D. Handley, R. Morgan, B. Johns, M. Keller, S. Todaro, R. Hickey, F. Ciapanna. 4th Row, L to R: M. Belczyk, R. Hakun, D. Schell, S. Baun, J. DeFarges, N. Spennato, G. Saller, K. Hardcastle, M. Beam, B. Stanley, N. Bowe, C. Spatocco, R. Matthews, B. Doemling, K. Toney, E. Wasshem, R. Swan, H. Papiernik.
Officers: E. Foley, Sec'y; R. Matthews, pres.; N. Spennato, vice-pres.; S. Todaro, Sec'y; M. Belczyk, accomp.; K. McLaughlin, accomp.
Director: D. Lauffer
Officers: J. Mingle, pres.; S. Reed, sec'y; S. Barclay, accomp.; G. Bramble, vicepres.; K. Jannetti, sec'y.
SENIOR GIRL/S CHORUS Memories . . . "can't" . . . exams "Mid-Winter" concert. . . night practices. . . new gowns. . . "people who et" . . . 76 word compositions. . . "No gum beyond these doors" . . . nostalgia. . . "Clowns"
1st Row, L to R: S. Buongiorno, 1. Belfiglio, S. Reed, R. D'Ortone, R. Cavallari, S. Kestler, L. Meade, M. Carney, D. Bartoletti, N. Rose, S. Barclay, 1. Meade, K. Jannetti, S. Gibson, C. Conklin, W. Kaley. 2nd Row, L to R: 1. Reid, E. Williams, B. Kelly, J. Mingle, E. Lihota, K. Russell, B. Black, J. Troutman, 1. Gordon, K. Toney, C. Larrimore, D. Hoke, 1. Dill, E. Foley, D. Waters, D. Walls. 3rd Row, L to R: R. Evans, S. Gressang, B. Humphreys, M. Bradfield, D. Prescott, B. Crispin, C. O'Hara, P. McElroy, 1. Holdsworth, H. Wank, D. Morris, S. Forman, D. Hill, 1. Bolby, G. Bramble, B. Hessemer, 1. Genzel. 4th Row, L to R: K. Sacco, P. Mears, B. Krynick, M. Roberts, S. Walker, 1. Millichap, P. Daly, W. Windle, A. Starr, T. Daniels, C. Fisher, K. Tettemer, J. Sieke, 1. Kent, K. Meyer, N. Mawson, D. Prescott, M. Godzieba, J. Toussaint, T. Baughn.
7th period rehearsals hey babes . "from the edge" intervals ... jubilee ... spring concert.
Officers: J. McLean, v. pres.; K. Stolar, sec'y; J. Foley, pres.; T. Slack, sec'y.
D. Lauffer, Director
Accompanists: K. Kelly, 1. Dermond, T. Vitali. 1st Row: N. Long, S. Ruch, K. Rosenberg, 1. VanPatter, S. Adkins, E. Menseck, A. Peters, T. Ruch, A. Shell, K. Shaft, S. Hales, C. Redfern, K. Stolar, 1. LaPorta, N. Dill, B. Moss, J. McLean, B. Rosenberg, N. Goldin, 1. Ayella, 1. Scheerer, S. McClay, R. Coburn, V. Conklin, 1. Cummings, S. Hoath. 2nd Row: N. Gaines, D. Sinclair, C. Woodworth, R. Macera, P. Gettemuller, J. Latham, 1. Lynch, K Otto, B. Buggy, 1. Petrucci, G. Warrick, S. Warner, C. LeFever, B. Swan, C. Francia, M. Courtney, C. Fenza, D. Potter, 1. McCue, J. Michiania, K. Zurl, S. Lenthe, R. DiBello, 1. Tepper, N. Kromer, J. Baldwin. 3rd Row: R. Tarone, S. Brown, N. Mitchell, B. Inforzato, B. Cimino, R. Ulmer, K. Knorr, B. Penn, B. McCafferty, B. Blair, J. Silverman, C. Reynolds, C. Reeps, C. Woodworth, M. Todaro, M. Lord, P. Helmuth, F. Johns, S. Tettemer. 4th Row: R. Duffy, G. Schmidt, B. McCullough, R. Atkinson, T. Rose, B. Leonowich, R. Poole, B. Connery, 1. Krausse, J. Foley, B. Huey, C. Schell, B. Fallon, M. Patriarca, A. Macks, B. Papernick, M. McClure.
1st Row, L to R: S. McClure, 1. Scheppman, K. Carter, S. Byrne, K. Kelly, J. Beaver, S. Scott, D. Draves, N. Matarazzo, J. Walls, 1. Kistler, 1. Kohl, D. Rickards, 1. Ulmin, M. Armstrong, P. O'Neill, B. Belfiglio. 2nd Row: 1. Green, S. Jackson, B. Helmuth, C. Minford, E. Menseck, M. McManus, C. Hill, P. Taylor, K. Stolar, E. Esgro, A. Ruse, 1. Jackman, 1. Dermond, J. Crimal, K. Shea, S. Nazzario, D. Letter, 1. Chappie, B. Foley. 3rd Row: 1. Belk, E. Downey, C. Hoffman, M. Rickolt, J. Denison, V. Mazziol, D. Havan, M. LoMonoco, T. Shunk, A. Jones, D. Gilchrist, B. Horn, M. McTiernan, C. Damon, J. Mallas, S. Spennato, B. Perry, K. DeWoody. 4th Row: B. Bothe, J. Gluck, G. Lihota, J. McLean, E. Engler, 1. Miller, K. Kleinhans, K. Kenith, D. Lerums, E. Donall, J. Martin, C. Truel!, W. Smith, 1. McHugh, T. Potts, D. Potter, P. Gurwicz, J. Walter, B. Brooks, H. Naughton, K. Inforzato, J. Moon, G. Brunken, K. Kleinhans.
JUNIOR GIRLS/ CHORUS getting acquainted with "dawk" anticipation of a great concert
solos. songathon.
E. Menseck, pres.; K. Shea, v. pres.; T. Shunk, J. McLean, sec'y.
D. Lauffer, Director
VOCALISTS R. Atkinson S.Baun G. Bramble M. Carney R. Chambers B. Crispin B. Doemling J. Foley D. Harris B. Hessemer K. Jannetti
F. Johns W. Johns S. Kestler S. Kaetzel B. Leonowich B. Matthews L. Meade J. Mingle E. Menseck K. McLaughlin M. McTiernan
S.Reed K. Rosser
D.Schell N. Spennato S.Shane S. Todaro K. Toney L. VanPatter E. Wassham S. Phillips
POP GROUP Alleluia, again remember Johnstown, again well, at least we're an "official" school function, now . . . even officers . . . and a concert. . . and we love those rehearsals
Officers: J. Mingle, vocal rep.; S. Kestler, pres.; M. Belczyk, vice-pres.; N. Kromer, instrumental rep.; S. Baun, vice-pres.
INSTRUMENTALISTS S. Blumberg L. Casadante
C. Fry D. Truesdale J. Locher D. Oliver K. Lord K. Guerin R. Rudolph B. Blair D. Lintz C. Woodworth A. Young T. Vitali K. Rosenberg E. Fowler C. Redfern B. Dennison R. Macera
L. Rosa M. Bradfield M. Troutman R. Tarone S. Persky C. Le Fever M. Belczyk N. Kromer C. Dubendorf K. Stolar S. Lamb L. Ayella E. Fowler D. Preston P. McElroy A. Young L. Nicholson S. Poole
D. Lauffer
GLEE CLUB Is Glenstrup here? Amazing, he must be sick, he came to school. . . Old Man River. . . Fireman Marty. . . Come on tenor II's, I need more. c'mon Elvis ... good goobies ... make me coffee. . . Had a lot of good moments, was loads of fun.
Officers: L to R: R. Hakun, vice-pres.; J. Shada, pres.; B. Stanley, sec'y.
1st Row, L to R: S. Molitoris, C. Scott, A. Barclay, S. Spatocco, T. Orfanelli. 2nd Row, L to R: D. Muller, D. McNeill, J. Hanna, D. Meade, D. Rosenberg, T. Matthews. 3rd Row, L to R: B. Larkin, D. Hilaman, M. Keller, T. Luciani, H. Papernick, J. Shada. 4th Row, L to R: D. Schell, R. Hakun, H. Carter, B. Stanley, M. Johnston, D. Helm, J. Foley, C. Spatocco.
Director: D. Lauffer
Flutes: 1st Row, L to R: T. Vitali, C. LeFever, S. McLean, C. Rohr, P. Whitman, T. Dougherty, Y. Gildner, K. Rosenberg. 2nd Row, L to R: R. Cavallari, S. Persky, D. Feld, A. Jurecic, K. Lord, K. Stolar, J. McLean. 3rd Row, L to R: S. Jeckel, S. Hoath, M. Herbert, C. Woodworth, L. Teore, J. Jennings.
BAND Morning practices. . . "I need a plume" inspection - WHITE bucks it's raining - again ... thermals an emblem? .. squad leader meetings. . . guarding the bleachers. . . appled at Ridley. . . bucks for band, in uniform. . . band officers. . . spaghetti dinner. . . Districts. . . when are tryouts? . no more bicentennial music!!. . . band jackets - FINALLY!!! . What fun we all have!!!
Tubas, Basses, and Percussion: 1st Row, L to R: R. Blair, B. Penn, K. Bupp, D. Meade, C. Lawrence, R. Rudolph, E. Thomas, R. Petrillo. 2nd Row: S. Koetzle, S. Todaro, M. DelNegro, T. Watson, E. Fowler, W. Windle. 3rd Row: D. Herbert, K. Bupp, K. Dubendorf, K. Rosser, S. Duffy, C. Brisbane.
Officers: R. Cavallari, sec'y; M. DelNegro, vice-pres.; D. Meade, 9th gr. rep.; S. Blumberg, pres.; S. Jeckel, sec'y; T. Vitali, 10th gr. rep.
Fr. Horns and Trumpets: 1st Row, L to R: C. Baxter, D. Preston, T. Johnston, D. Buchy, S. Alburger, C. Fry, C. Woodworth, A. Miller, T. Stroud, J. Brennan. 2nd Row, L to R: A. Baxter, N. Long, D. Truesdale, J. Sheaffer, J. Forrest, S. Gotwols, P. Kowalczyk, J. Barasation, R. Chambers, S. Dubendorf, L. Casadonte, R. Burke, S. Blumberg, B. Stanley, M. Wittman, D. Lintz, L. DiBello.
Director: L. DelNegro
Clarinets: 1st Row, L to R: V. Conklin, B. Belfiglio, L. Windle, L. Jurecic, L. Ayella. 2nd Row, L to R: M. Todaro, J. Dyson, W. Kracht, B. A. Wynne, K. McLaughlin, L. Schink. 3rd Row, L to R: G. Ferguson, D. Semanik, D. Morris, D. Taylor, S. Hales, E. Gowland, N. Fulginiti. 4th Row, L to R: B. Woolfall, D. Wright, M. Belczyk, C. Smargiassi, B. Stolis, C. Rohr, D. Kersteen.
Reeds: 1st Row, L to R: W. Wright, K. Gonsalves, N. Cohen, B. Kowalczyk, M. Patriaca. 2nd Row: J. Oliver, D. Harrison, J. Long, B. Bernard, C. Wilson. 3rd Row, L to R: R. Scheerer, C. Apostolu, D. Burns, M. Troutman, R. Ginn, K. Knorr.
Trombones and Baritones: 1st Row, L to R: L. Goldman, D. Oliver, D. Ginn, B. Straley. 2nd Row, L to R: R. Edwards, G. Schmidt, A. Holland, T. Mannion, A. Marc. 3rd Row, L to R: R. Gosnay, E. Fowler, K. Guerin, P.
Fisher, J. Locher.
Student Director: D. Harris
ORCHESTRA "What stand should I play?" ... no seats for the concert "I need a chair" ... Christmas Tide ... Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus Joy to the Worldtranspose? .. play it over and over ... lights going out too soon in the MidWinter Concert ... orchestra uniforms?? .. suit size? .. 30 kids in district orchestra ... Fiddle Faddle ... Practices during your lunch periods. switching first and second parts.
Director: L. DelNegro
Violas, Cellos, and Basses: 1st Row, L to R: S. J. Warner, P. McElroy, S. Okino, J. Blotter. 2nd Row, L to R: A. Marc, J. Hammond, N. Kromer, B. Henderson, V. Conklin. 3rd Row, L to R: M. Todaro, G. Cardillo, A. Young, K. Stolar, K. Kelly, K. Bupp, S. Goebel. 4th Row, L to R: W. Windle, S. Koetzle, S. Lamb, S. Maday, S. Moon, R. Karvois, C. Brisbane.
Violins: 1st Row, L to R: D. Chen, K. Schaaf, L. Nicholson, G. Warrick, B. Moss, C. Tekach, J. Brennan. 2nd Row, L to R: S. Craig, L. Scheerer, N. Gaines, K. McNeill, L. Gordon, K. Gonsalves, K. Rosenberg, T. Vitali, C. Clayton. 3rd Row, L to R: M. deVries, D. Wurzer, E. Lihota, R. DiBello, N. Dill, K. Otto, S. Poole, B. Henderson. 4th Row, L to R: A. Young, R. Macera, B. Denison, C. Redfern, B. Swan, K. Dubendorf, R. Tarone, S. Duffy. Sec'y: R. Cavallari and S. Jeckel.
Brass: 1st Row, L to R: D. Buchy, T. Jonnston, C. Woodworth, R. Giachetti, 1. Goldman, D. Oliver, D. Preston. 2nd Row, L to R: M. DelNegro, A. Miller, N. Long, M. Alburger, A. Baxter, G. Schmidt. 3rd Row, L to R: R. Gosnay, K. Guerin, M. Wittman, P. Fisher, S. Dubendorf, S. Gotwols, K. Lord, S. Blumberg.
Officers: K. Bupp, 9th gr. rep.; 1. Ayella, 10th gr. rep.; S. Blumberg, Pres.
Woodwinds: 1st Row, L to R: C. Wilson, R. Cavallari, C. LeFever, W. Wright, P. Whitman. 2nd Row, L to R: G. Ramey, 1. Windle, C. Rohr, J. Jennings. 3rd Row, L to R: B. Bernard, D. Feld, 1. Teore, J. Long, B. Wynne, 1. Jurecic, 1. Ayella. 4th Row, L to R: R. Ginn, R. Scheerer, C. Apostolu, M. Belczyk, D. Burns, B. Stolis, M. Troutman, E. Gowland. Student Director: M. Belczyk
COLOR GUARD Basically. . . you turkeys. . . guide left. . . snappy. consecutives ... just once more ... Too fast A.M.... J. T.'s one and a halfs ... do we have to wear our hats .. chins up. . . choo-choo begins. . . nozzles up. . . no bloomers!? .. Haverford game (drenched) ... 6 a.m. breakfast. . . starting all over again with the rookies. . Saturday mornings were full of fun because sometimes all the work wasn't done! But when we ironed our flags, polished our boots and did ,our routines extra snappy, everyone including Mr. D. was pleased and very happy.
Flags: L to R, 1st R: E. Karpiel, G. Chism co-sgt., S. Kestler co-sgt., D. Riviello. 2nd R: 1. Gordon, J. Forcellini, K. Laury, L. Lynn.
Drum Major: Rick Henshey.
Rifles: L to R, 1st R: J. LeBlanc, D. Walls sgt., C. Long, D. Prescott, J. Toussaint co-sgt., B. Helmuth. 2nd R: S. Clark, C. Swayze, K. McNeill, C. Clark, E. Rudolph, S. Lenthe, A. McNicholas, K. Russell.
Feature: Lisa Dill.
Maj.: L to R, 1st R: C. Riviello, A. Peters, M. Kane. 2nd R: J. Boyle, P. McGarrigle, C. Welch sgt., 1. Voglesong, C. Larrimore co-sgt. Missing: M. McTiernan.
"Teel hoe" girls . . . southern belles. . . endless practices. the whitest boots. . . Friday fashions. . . "more legs and cheeks" ... Pull, Puuullll . . . A "graceful" fall . . . What a SWAT . . . and many happy hearts Mrs. Rauch.
MAJORETTES Cathie's cathouse ... gossip sessions ... chugga chugga toot toot. . . vaseline on batons. . . BLAST RIDLEY signs. . . Canada's memories . . . Pooka did it!. . . Gayla practice tonight ... "5 min" breaks . . . Trying to smoke. . . frozen buns. . . Welch's taxi service . . . starched hair. . . "Wrong yard line Cath!" . . . Any extra stockings? . . all in all it was a good year.
Feature: Pam Leavitt.
Coug.: L to R, 1st R: C. Gibson, R McLaughlin, S. Wunder, co-capt., A. Markiewicz co-capt., K. Voglesong, J. Messerschmid. 2nd R: B. Schwartz, T. Pietropolo, E. Foley, E. Lihota. 3rd R: S. Laury.
All-Eastern Band: M. Belczyk, D. Lintz.
Dist. Band: 1st Row, L to R: L. Goldman, R. Rudolph, L. Ayella. 2nd Row, L to R: D. Scheerer, D. Harris, D. Semanik, S. Persky. 3rd Row, L to R: M. DelNegro, C. Fry, M. Troutman, A. Miller, L. DiBello. 4th Row, L to R: R. Gosnay, E. Fowler, S. Blumberg, M. Belczyk, M. Wittman, K. Lingz, K. Lord, K. Dubendorf.
Dist. Orch.: 1st Row, L to R: R. Rudolph, T. Vitali, K. Kelly, J. Blotter, V. Conklin. 2nd Row, L to R: D. Chen, K. Stolar, G. Cardillo, C. Redfern, A. Young, L. Goldman, L. Ayella. 3rd Row, L to R: L. DiBello, M. deVries, S. Koetzle, R. Macera, A. Miller, D. Wurzer, B. Swan, K. Rosenberg. 4th Row, L to R: K. Lord, R. Scheerer, K. Lintz, M. Wittman, M. Belczyk, B. Denison, K. Dubendorf, M. Troutman. Dist. Chorus: E. Wasshem, J. Mingle.
Regional Orch.: 1st Row, L to R: C. Redfern, K. Rosenberg, T. Vitali, N. Kromer. 2nd Row, L toR:E. Fowler, L. DiBello, M. Wittman, M. deVries, D. Wurzer.
Regional Chorus: E. Wasshem.
Regional Band: 1st Row: A. Miller. 2nd Row, L to R: L. Goldman, M. Belczyk, L. Ayella. 3rd Row, L to R: L. DiBello, M. Wittman, D. Lintz, R. Gosnay. 4th Row, L to R: K. Dubendorf, M. DelNegro.
PAJAMA GAME leapin' lizards, pajama game · . . four months of practice · . . and the school burns down for closing night ... and whatever happened to the rocks? . . russell and his brilliant performances at marra's Farrah Fawcett on the wall miss what line? · . . miss what scene? . . rule number one no poofters ... but why didn't Mr. Semeister close the curtains. . . you look so good in make-up ... the cast party, it's over.
Sponsor: J. Hornaday
JUMP!! JUMP!! JUMP!! ... "What! another announcement?". . . GET OUT OF THAT BATHROOM!!! ... Jump! Jump! Jump! ... "Did you turn in your money yet." ... "Are you SURE you don't have any homework?!" . . . jump, jump, jump. . .
1st Row, L to R: E. Donall, N. Mawson, M. Shada, R. Beadle, A. Starr, T. Woodruff, M. Godzieba, N. Rose, D. Harris, T. Shoultz, 1. Ullman, 1. Bolby, J. Parr, J. Jennings, S. Bitar. 2nd Row, L to R: H. Wank, G. Purcell, C. Long, P. McGarrigle, 1. Dill, S. Forman, D. Morris, M. Roberts, B. Crispin, M. Kennedy, N. Ersek, V. Conklin. 3rd Row, L to R: T. Hallman, D. Lloyd, T. Gluck, C. DeLeo, S. Moon, J. Boyle,B. Horn, P. Salerno, I. Sebastian, G. Chism, J. Hornaday, V. Branton, P. Conley, J. Morrow, 1. Kutz, C. Conklin, S. Garcia, S. Coe.
Officers: M. Roberts, pres.; M. Donall, vice-pres.
Car Wash ... Who's bringing a bucket. . . what to do with the money. . . disagreements. . . where are the slides. . . the stem broke. . . the candle ceremony. . Great Adventure, anyone! I want the meeting 3rd period ... We can be active, you know. . . Mr. Shoemaker forgot us again!!
1st Row, L to R: V. Branton, T. Tashjian, J. Mingle, A. Williams, S. Kestler, W. Windle, L. Lynn, C. McFadden, N. Miller. 2nd Row, L to R: J. Toussaint, S. Walker, J. Barasatian, C. Kirkman, N. Spennato, L. Eustace, R. Kiscaden, J. Mackrides, R. Ferrari, A. Markiewicz, M. Donall.
Advisor: R. Shoemaker
1st Row, L to R: M. Giancatarino, D. Bartoletti, S. Miller, L. Teare, F. Arsht, L. Riesenfeld, L. Napoli, J. Soltner, M. DellaPolla. 2nd Row, L to R: J. Shada, J. Bowes, E. Karpiel, C. Conklin, D. Feld, F. Wehmeyer, S. Buongiorno, M. Carney, K. McNeill, T. Panczner. 3rd Row, L to R: S. Hagy, D. Semanik, J. Morrow, S. Forman, L. Briganti, R. Donze, S. Jeckel, L. Dill, G. Scanlon. 4th Row, L to R: F. Forcellini, E. Fowler, J. Gelsomini, E. Wasshem, H. VanValkenburgh, G. Ebsworth, J. McMillan, R. Matthews.
Officers: R. Ferrari, pres.; T. Tashjian, vice-pres.; N. Miller, sec'y; L. Lynn, treas.
Sponsor: R. LeDonne
I knew all the answers perfectly. the other teams! ... Who's the mayor of Chicago? Grab some people to eat this food. . . How close to the microphone? .. Who's got the cliff notes? . . Any volunteers? .. Just guess ... Where are our boxes? . . What am I going to do with all these tissues?!
1st Row, L to R: F. Wehmeyer, L. Conrad, E. Fowler, K. Parsons. 2nd Row, L to R: C. Conklin, L. Lynn, C. Kirkman, M. Belczyk.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Fresh people orientation ... Paint these bathrooms! . . . But they're locked ... Frustration! ... Yes, Roy you have to do the announcements ... untalented talent show ... vending machines . . . we want your blood! conventions ... SHUT UP! The $51 cigarette dilemma . . . I'm chairperson of WHA T committee?!!? .. Mr. Shoemaker: Gerri, Viv, Jack and Carol now reside permanently at Haverford State Mental Institution ... but thanx anyway. "It is a sin to be silent when it is your duty to protest." Abe Lincoln
First Row, L to R: S. Todaro, M. Tekach, E. Menseck, V. Branton, R. Matthews, S. Hoath, K. McTague, J. McMillan, B. Nave, T. Slack, R. Kiscaden, D. Miller, M. Shea, C. Swayze, S. Bambach. Second Row, L to R: M. Miller, G. Scanlon, K. Russell, C. Cellucci, J. Foley, N. Cohen, A. McCullough.
Officers: L to R: J. Gelsomini, Treas.; V. Branton, Co-Chairman; G. Scanlon, Chairman; C. Cellucci, Sec'y.
Bathroom Comm.: L to R: K. Russell, D. Miller, G. Scanlon, G. Roderick, J. Foley, M. Miller, R. Aungst.
Advisor: R. Shoemaker
Cast of Characters Act I - Visitor From Mamaroneck Karen Nash
\P L A
Barb Lauer Amy Miller Sam Nash Nick Spennato Bob McDevitt Bellhop Hunter VanValkenburgh Waiter Terry Calder Jean McCormack Terry Tashjian . Lisa Lynn Act II - Visitor From Hollywood Waiter Terry Calder (Again) Jesse Kiplinger Bob Schwartz Muriel Tate Gail Roderick Marlisa Wareham Act III - Visitor From Forest Hills Norma Hubley Fran Arsht Lori Riesenfeld Ken "Cheekbone" Parsons Roy Hubley Borden Eisler Mike Giancatarino Mimsey Hubley Mary ''I'm ready now" Roberts Stage Manager Kathi Horn Stage Crew Director Mr. Joseph Semeister Light and Sound Terry Calder (Again) Student Director Monica Sullivan Announcer Nancy Rose
T. Grubb, Director
5 U I T E
SKICLUB early morning bus rides. . . "put my skis on last". . . freshmen unload the bus January weekend in Mass bozo . . . snowball fights in the pool. . . skating at 3:00 a.m. 路 .. "clubbing?" ... sweet 16 birthday wishes to a certain "18" year old. . . singers on the bus. . fiasco at doe. . . learning to parallel 路 . . snowplow. . . "hotdogs". . . when's the next trip? .. when's the money due? .. back of the bus bunch. . . falls. . . spills. . . ice 路 . . powder. . . lift lines. . . good runs. . . rope tows. . . chair lifts 路 . . all helped to make one great season of skiing! R. Eley, Sponsor
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB I need someone to take pictures after school . . . where is mr. mcclennen. . . where is everyone? . . f stops, asa, aperture openings, lighting techniques, depth perception, field of view, lenses, filters, special effects - oh forget it, just squeeze the button . . . darkroom work, 5 by 7's, jungle juice, who exposed the paper?, the watertank just overflowed, again. . . this place is a mess!. . . where is mr. mcclennen?! ... i need a proofsheet - fast! ... take candid shots. . . ready? 1, 2, 3,. . . wait, i forgot the film.
Mr. McClennen, Sponsor
Staff: L to R: D. Semanik, E. Fowler, 1. Eustace, S. Gressang, R. Crowe, B Humphreys.
STAGE CREW Trying to meet the deadlines. . . two weeks till show time. . . working hard, always working . . . pass me the "Italian Micrometer" . . . where's the "Big Frank"? .. who stole my spotlight? .. Stage Crew, a hellava crew!!
J. Semeister, Sponsor
1st Row, L to R: A. Macks, B. Capozzoli, K. Carney. 2nd Row, L to R: D. Wright, R. Crowe, B. Himbert, T. Lovell. 3rd Row, L to R: T. Calder, A. Ozer, J. Harding, B. Lauer, K. Toney.
A.V. AIDES Films! Equipment! Frustrations! Noise. Deliver, Retrieve. . . Wrong room! - 154 not 254. . . Down a floor. . . Elevator stuck? .. carry it then ... Oh-h-h nonot again!
K. Knorr, M. Colgan, LaPorta.
Buzby, G. Mont, S. Thomas, C. Gallagher, R.
Sponsor: E. Thomas
LIBRARY AIDES Books, books and mbre books. . . "You want how many magazines?" The period began 15 min. ago, you can't sign in now! It's yolirturn to shelve! ... Awww.Idid it last week When was this book due? .. Christmas party ... Where did all these library aides come from?
1st Row, L to R: T. Matthews, D. McNeill, C. Jackson, D. Logan. 2nd Row, L to R: C. Klepper, L. Stone, J. Frazier, J. Fagan, C. Conklin.
FRENCH CLUB Tuesday meetings. . . "Mardi Gras" . . . Christmas party . . . Bake sale. . . movies. . . The food must be French!
1st Row, L to R: C. Larrimore, J. LeBlanc, S. Ruch, C. DeLeo, S. Persky, C. LeFever. 2nd Row, L to R: R. Henshey, J. Forcellini, R. Macera, M. Shada, J. Boyle, M. Tekach. 3rd Row, L to R: B. Denison, R. DeFuria, T. Fitzpatrick, F. Forcellini. Not Pictured: M. Santmyers, sponsor.
Attendance Aides: L to R: H. Panczner, C. Clark, 1. Wright.
Officers: L to R: C. Larrimore, pres.; C. DeLeo, sec'y-treas.; S. Persky, vice-pres.
SERVICE CLUB king kougar. . . move out the tables. . . gaysworth ... cafeteria duty . . . jackets ... "the pledge" that nobody took . . . parents' night. . . wrong directions. . . cookies and cider halftime football . be here at 9:30 "s" stefani's club . set up for dances. S. Stefani, Sponsor
1st Row, L to R: B. McCullough, J. McNicholas, C. McNamee, T. Ki,rkpa'trick. R. Gosney. 2nd Row. L to R: J. Shada, B. Doemling, J. Quadliariello, J. Shea, J. Little, B. Bingamin. 3rd Row. L to R: 1. Rosa, E. Hakun, H. Phillips, M. Guida, D. Joy.
Name that Tune!
SPRINGFIELD THEATER WORKSHOP Play: Springfield Theater Workshop Cast: Robbie, Glenda, Carol, Ralph, Helen, Brandon, Kim, Sue, Bob, Bob, Joe, Kevin, Amy, Barb, Nick, Hunter, Mary Lou, and Jim. Scene 9: A Zoo where a soul has gone home. Setting: Some condemned property Time: When butterflies are free Action: A leader and a little prince eating sugar plums Props: One mousetrap Atmosphere: A unique learning (but, Mongos can't learn) experience full of commitment, . dedication, and delirium where one can perceive anything from pinochle to performance.
Springfield's first yoga club.
I think I like this. Now there's a face only a mother could love.
Oh Nick, I never knew you cared! Rip van Winkle in disguise.
GERMAN CLUB "Bier und Wurst" . . . The Flying Cla!-'sroom. . . Christmas cookies . . . caroling that never was. . . candy canes ... Die Salzburg Marionette: The Magic Flute. . . gimmi bears. . . "Will we ever get rid of the chocolate?" more hot dogs and root beer Annual trip to Germany . . . Folk Fair . . . Big night out to dinner. . . Many good times and many happy memories . . . Thanks for it all Mrs. Harris.
1st Row: K. Winter, R. Mertoli, B. Kracht, J. Blotter, J. Dyson, G. Scanlon, N. Goldin, L. Green. 2nd Row: J. Hulme, A. Markiewicz, E. Winter, C. Winter, J. Sieke, C. Riviello, L. Harlan, L. Angstadt, S. Lenthe. 3rd Row: R. Henshey, J. Eisenberg, G. Patchell, A. Richardson, E. Wasshem, K. Lord, C. Apostolu, C. Rohr.
I. Harris, Sponsor
Officers: J. Blotter, treas.; K. Winter, sec'y; J. Sieke, pres.; C. Winter, vicepres.
L. Benjamin, Sponsor
DECA convention . . . trophies . . . leaving school early. . . work, work, work . . . school store . . . winter jackets for sale!
1st Row: J. Beauchamp, K. Carney, D. Lloyd, L. Sterling, S. Laughhead. 2nd Row: G. Cicconi, D. Morrison, L. MiIIichap, J. Kearney, R. Grasso, A. Lockhart, Ms. Benjamin.
HISTORY CLUB a revival of the club . . . afternoons in the american studies office . . . film festival popcorn . . . walking tour of philadelphia . . . jaws thanksgiving . . . ice cream turkey . . . successful bake sale . . . $10 deposit ... they lost the money!? .. new york city . . . walking up the statue of liberty . . . are we still going to williamsburg . . . a great year!
Mr. Doyle. Sponsor
Officers: C. Kirkman, v. pres.; G. Scanlon, pres.; A. Williams, sec'ytreas.
1st Row, L to R: E. Ruch, 1. Rickards, N. Rose, M. Roberts, R. Zultewicz, G. Scanlon. 2nd Row: S. Barclay, S. McClean, A. Williams, 1. Lynn, J. Ross, C. Conklin, 1. Green. 3rd Row: R. Melnikoff, S. Hagy, J. Morrow, K. Winter, F. Wehmeyer, D. Riviello. 4th Row: S. Jones, J. Brycki, K. Green, H. Wank, J. Hulme, C. Kirkman, C. Riviello. Wall: D. Feld, C. Gallagher, K. Vogelsong, H. Joseph, K. Dion, S. Koetzle, S. Lamb.
1st Row, L to R: S. Gibson, L. Belfiglio, J. Soltner, L. Dill, K. Shockley, L. Wagner. 2nd Row, L to R: K. Winter, J. Mingle, L. Lynn, S. Hagy, M. Bradfield, B. Farnese, L. Criston, N. Cohen. 3rd Row, L to R: L. Ardao, sponsor, N. Miller, L. Mullin, W. Windle, S. Jeckel, L. Eustace, N. Harrington.
VARSITY CLUB Meetings, Meetings, Meetings. . . Faculty Game, programs, trips, a sense of accomplishment, too busy, installation, candle ceremony, what varsity club means, a great group, Jocks??? but most of all ... fun!!
Officers: L to R: W. Windle, sec'y; L. Eustace, vice-pres.; N. Miller, pres.; N. Harrington, treas.
Sponsor: B. Yaeck
LOCKER PROBLEMS Is this locker problems? .. Carol will you stop doing my ... Where's all the money? Do you have a key to . . .? FOLEY'S IN CHARGE, OH NO!! RIDE'S TO BURGER KING AND RESERVOIR, GETTING CAUGHT SNEAKING IN THE BUILDING, ... Trying to get Ralph and Kathy to do something. . . competition for who's the shortest one. . . graffitti on the window and all the memories, L.P. gang; good luck next year. Eileen.
H. Carter, E. Foley, A. McCullough, R. Basler, B. McCullough.
(Andrea). . . I can't believe they just called me a rah. . . (Prim) . . . If the saddle shoe fits, wear it! Look, rna, no hands!
I'd rather look at "Charlie's Angels" than read about Becket anyway.
You've got my hat, what more do you want?
Don't strain yourself Jimmy, but get this *@#!$1h riser off of my foot!
That's disgusting, Amy. Put the spit valve back in your French horn. What some people would do to become a star.
Practice makes perfect? Lynne, have you ever tried Head and Shoulders?
Scope once in the morning does it. What did you say they put in hot dogs?
CLASSOF/80 P. Abbot 1. Adaman M.Adaman S. Adkins B. B. M. AndlerS()ll 1 UHJU.;)'
M. Chobert
J. Christian J. Cicchinelli R. Cimino D. Claffey C. Clark K. Clark J. Cobbs R. Coburn S.Coe v. Compton C. Corea J. Cori R. Cox K. Coyle D. Craft S. Craig S. Credden L. Cummins J. Davis R.Deardon E. DeCarlo M. Delaney S. DeLeo
L. Delloso R. Delpiano
M. Ferlita M. Filippone D.Finley P. Finnegan B. Foley P.Fox B. Francis C. Frank N. Fulginiti G. Furtaw N. Gaines C. Gallagher A. Gammarino W. Gerstenkorn B. Gibson D. Ginn J. Glenstrup
D. HiIlia S.Hoath C. Holdsworth S. Holgate M.Hood P.Hood D. Horne S.Howe R.Hunn M.Imming R. Inforzato N. Ipri S. Jackson F. Johns K.Johnson M. Johnston
H. Panczner K. Parker P. Parker L. Parson M. Patriarca E. Patrucci D. Patterson T. Peace S. Pechter B.Penn S. Peoples R. Peraino F. Perpilia E. Perry A. Peters A. Pinnock P. Pirrotta R. Poole L. Popelak D. Preston W.Quimb S. Quin C.Ram S.Ram
M. Shea A. Shell M. Sherlock G. Simon P. Simpson D. Sinclair T. Slack argiassi . Smith atocco tanton venson Stieber . Stumpf F. dler ga ne
ade D. Wakumski J. Walls S. Warner G. Warrick J. Whitehead P. Whitman G. Wilkins C. Wilson 1. Windle E. Winter E. Wood C. Woodworth C. Woodworth D. Wright A. Young K. 2url
Mr. N. McConnell, Sponsor
Susan Morgan, President
A year of firsts. . . A female president!. . . two male sponsors · . . candy sale. . . Soph Hop. . . Class rings ... Technology ... decision-making, etc.... 12 week courses in 9 week marking periods · .. dissecting frogs, cow's brains (and anything else which happens to wander in). . . A Tale of Two Cities · . . Freaks. . . Being out of the "dungeon" ... proofs.
Curtis Wunder, Vice-president
Elaine Esgro, Treasurer
Carolyn Swayze, Secretary
Mr. R. Eley, Sponsor
¡ Goldi
K. Gonsalves
1. Green D. Grignon C. Grivas A. Gruerio M. Gutshall E.Hakun S. Hales D. Hall D. Hall J.Hammond 1. Harlan J. Harrington E. Helmuth W. Henderson J. Hilferty C. Hill
D. J mgs J. Jennings D.Joy 1. Jurecic K. Kaiser 1. Kallinen C.Kane J. Kaut T. Keifer K. Kelly M. Kelly C.Kennedy D. Kersteen J. Kilgallen B. Kirkpatrick K. Kleinhans
¡ Whitcomb L. Whiteside
J. Wiercioch M. Wittman C.
R. rIght W. Wright C. Wunder E. Wynne N. Yankoski M. Zaffiri
Mr. S. Stefani, Sponsor
Steve Todaro, President
Who was the 78th person to turn your ring. . . Suffering through American Studies. . : sno-much fun at the "snowball" . . . crowning the snowflake. . . All Cougar Mixer at the Movies ... Junior Prom at the Valley Forge Hilton ... Operation (?) bahhh!
Annette Finio, Secretary
Marianne Shada, Vice-president
Vince DiBiase, Treasurer
Ms. D. Matarazzo, Sponsor
W. Cervino R. Chaippini R.Chambers M. Chazin M. Chobert J. Christ F. Ciapanna C. Clatterbaugh C. Clayton A. Coe W. Colflesh M. Colgan A. Comero R. Cooper R. Cori M. Courtney W. Cress R. Crispin B. Critchlow J. Daly J. Damiano T. Daniels J. Davis I..xDavis
D. DeBellis
A. Finio
Fisher Fisher Foley S.Ford J. Frank C.Franz L. Frattari T. Freisner C.Fry C. Galanos P. Gambol
P. O'Hare A. Olesen J. O'Malley A.Ozer C. Palmer H. Papiernik J. Parris D. Paul uling yne chI ini nn 'a
S. Poole S.Pope D. Porter L. Povey D. Presco F. Pride J. Prodoe G. Pure A. "<UQo,,a L.
Ricchi A. Rice A. Rice H. Rieser C. L. M.
S. Ko I) bIllS R. I\uueru; C.
..................... Materials Handling ............................ Child Dev. .......................... Graphic Arts .................................... Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosmetology ................. Engine Rebuilding .................... Auto. Meehan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Machine Shop ....... Masonry ................. " Machine Shop S. DiSantis. . . . . . Auto. Mecha S. Dougherty Mas B. Ehle .... . Fo P. Getz and R. Jefferson. . . . . . .B P. Kute . K. Laverty . 1. Lawson . J. Little . M.Loeb . C. McCullough .. . McKeveer ... J. McNicholas .. K. Murphy . V. Musi . R. Payne . D. Peracchia . N. Pi 010 . A. Ric S. Ser
R. Beaver. . . . r. Art F. Benditt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mbing C. Bradley Med.lDent. Asst. Y. Bresset Med.lDent. Asst. ....... Data Proces . .. Basic El ... Foo
Capt. N. Burdumy
Capt. M. Foley
Capt. G. Joy
Capt. S. Smith
Team: L to R, 1st R: Mgr. J. Smith, B. Hoke, J. Tenore, C. Wunder, R. McLaughlin, M. Pepe, B. Ruth, B. Doemling, F. Groome, C. Engle, R. Abbot, R. Swan. 2nd R: Coach G. Ege, D. Schofield, S. Todaro, M. Marone, H. Chin, G. Joy, N. Burdumy, S. Smith, M. Foley, K. McGlensey, M. Imming, D. Stellfox, J. McDowell, R. Iannuzzelli. 3rd R: Coach 1. Landau, Coach R. Taylor, M. Parke, F. Benditt, J. Nelson, J. Cox, J. Carozza, N. Stevenson, J. Burger, F. Brown, P. McGonigle, R. Romano, H. McCartney, M. Ardary, T. Moore, Coach H. Bell, Coach W. Mackrides. 4th R: R. LaPorta, M. Shell, V. DiBiase, R. Hakun, H. Phillips, M. Giancatarino, A. Garcia, J. Pauling, J. Genzel, K. Broome, M. Davis, S. D'Ortone. 5th R: J. D'Antonio, S. Edwards, D. Hall, G. Schmidt, T. Kulsick, E. Hakun, R. Powell, M. Muzzulo, B. Stellfox, R. Blair, M. Ring, H. Papeirnik, W. Lynch, B. McCullough. Not Pictured: Mgr. A. Paciocco, K. Dyitt.
FOOTBALL Three weeks of summer practice. . . grass drills. . . 2040's Quad-captains . . . "say brothaaa" powder fights Wolfie, Fol, Hake ... Smitty's truck 5-5 . . . underdogs. . . NEARLY beating Radnor. . . good season.
Coaches: L to R: 1. Landau, H. Bell, W. Mackrides, R. Taylor, G. Ege.
H. Chin
M. Davis
B. Doemling
M. Giancatarino
C. Engle
R. Hakun
B. Hoke
Burdumy stands better on one hand than on two feet!
R. Iannuzzelli
M. Imming
R. LaPorta
M. Pepe
R. Ruth
D. Stellfox
Who put the lead in my shoe?
Capt. J. Barasatian
Girls' Team: L to R: S. Barclay, 1. Goldman, P. Stieber, C. McFadden, Coach P. Sanborn.
K. McTague
H. Van Valkenburgh Varsity: L to R: Coach P. Sanborn, J. Barasatian, H. Van Valkenburgh, K. McTague, D. Mewha, B. Scheerer, M. Beam, L. Livingston.
C. McFadden
Coach P. Sanborn
Wait guys, lunch isn't for 45 minutes! B. Schwartz
J. Goldman
f. V. Team: L to R: D. Shields, T. Matthews, A. Barclay, B. Kracht. 2nd Row: R. Muzzullo, L. Casadonte, J. Goldman, B. Schwartz, B. Fallon, M. Koerner, P. O'Hare, Coach P. Sanborn.
R. Muzzulo
Summer workouts. . . grinding uphills. . . training long grueling miles. . . anxiety and tension at the starting line ... pouring rain, mud ... thrill of victory at Delco ... EVERY PLACE COUNTS! .. Win. . . Kill. . . Beat Central Connecticut. . . disappointment at districts ... not qualifying for states. . . motivating each other in workouts. knowing you are alive. . .
Capt. D. Pratt
Capt. B. Ruprecht
J. Forrest
S. Gronlie
Coaches J. Quedenfeld, W. Speakman D. Myers
R. Ferrari
F. Pflieger
J. Shea
Varsity Team: L to R, 1st R: S. Kozin, J. Shea, J. Forrest, J. Parris, D. Pratt, B. Ruprecht, S. Gronlie, J. Shea, F. Pflieger, M. Miller, R. Ferrari. 2nd R: Coach J. Quedenfeld, J. Grassie, D. Miller, S. Robbins, D. Helm, M. Courtney, R. Hood, D. Myers, W. Martin, Mgr. M. Kozin, Coach W. Speakman.
J. Shea
"Still the One" Eric Carmen ... the "game" ... "Q" ... "Q's" house duke, Doe, Scout, lrv, D. P., Rup, Refs, the Old Calhoun, Flea. . . Ridley game. . . PMA. . . dinners ... Hit it! ... jackets ... practices ... laps games at Marple Saturday nights ... parties ... bust . . . lectures. . . getting caught.
Keep on truckin'!
Have you got the ball? No, I thought you had it. ..
J. V Team: L to R,
1st R: D. Joy, C. Hodge, S. Torna, J. Hingston, B. Bingaman, S. Arsht, M. Guida, 1. Rosa, S. Bitar, B. Muehsam. 2nd R: J. Foley, J. Harrington, J. Shadle, R. Ulmer, A. Weber, A. Ozer, D. Herbert, G. Singley, M. Thurwanger, M. Grant, Coach D. Locker. Not Pictured: J. Murphy.
If only the cheerleaders could jump like this!
When the games are this exciting, I could watch all day
J. V.: L to R, 1st R: K. Walsh, N. Cohen. 2nd R: K. Alshouse, M. Courtney, A.
Bowen, J. McClean, B. Black, B. Humphreys, S. McClure. 3rd R: Coach G. Hart, N. Kromer, E. Menseck, S. Morgan, S. Spahr, B. Faroese, J. Quinn, H. Ashbee.
And I always wanted to be a sex symbol.
Capt. N. Harrington
Capt. K. Shockley
Coaches G. Hart, J. Diamond L. Belfiglio
S. Jeckel
B. Bernard
J. Soltner
W. Windle
Camp. . . googins, playgirl, grandma, snowwhite and the dribbles ... S. talks ... hawaiian punch breaks. . . Penncrest beauties. . . dudley dorm. . . babblin Susie J Kathi's stares ... the great joker crazy coach . . . harts and the diamonds. . . Buzzie and Space ... funny eyeballs. . . bad breaks. . . had a lot of great times. . Thanks for it all Shemp! . Varsity: L to R, 1st R: S. Jeckel, J. Soltner, K. Shockley, N. Harrington, W. Windle, B. Bernard, L. Belfiglio. 2nd R: Coach J. Diamond, G. Zavawski, M. Bradfield, M. McManus, L. Mullen, C. Cellucci, V. Carslaw, K. Shea, S. Gibson.
GOLF Andy's endless encouragement ... Ricky's wiseness . . . Roy's consistent play and ragging ... Tibb's providing heat and a club throwing exhibition . . . Mr. Cannon's "How to Win a Championship" talks . . . the 1976-77 Golf Team lost the championship to Connestoga for the 3rd straight year. . . winners in their own right.
C. Brisbane
C. Shinn
-=-~~/ .~--
-:",I~ Capt. A. Drevyanko Coach J. Cannon
Team: L to R, 1st R: K. Truitt, R. Thayer, A. Drevyanko, R. Kiscaden, C. Shinn, C. Brisbane. 2nd R: B. Pontari, H. Joseph, Coach J. Cannon, M. Gutshall, J. Dunn, B. Kirkpatrick, J. Hammon. Not Pictured: K. Downey, B. Jarrell.
R. Kiscaden
I've always wanted someone to look up to.
R. Thayer
Capt. B. Matthews
Pete, Bits, Henry G., Henry K, Peasant Hasavaki-Ha, Rat, God-daddy, Shorts, Scrub ... Lester's shirt ... team picture ... Grizzly . . . the pits. . . straws. . . How to smoke a pipe in three easy lessons. . . Brooklyn. . . nickels and dimes. . . Mechanized death and road rallies over La Fountain's Bridge ... Pass around. . . good times, good friends, memories.
B. LaFountain
1. Gutshall
R. Burke
K Toney
J. Davison Coach N. Adams
Team: L to R, 1st R: S. Sharky, D. Hilaman, B. McCaffery, K Toney, W. Kaley, K Toney, R. Hinot, S. Sharkey. 2nd R: Coach N. Adams, R. Tarone, K Toney, R. DeFuria, B. Matthews, F. Forcellini, 1. Gutshall, R. Burke, B. LaFountain, J. Davison, B. Berger, M. Gutshall.
G. Roderick
J. Mackrides
T. Panczner
R. McMillan
G. Bellis
L. Wagner
Coach D. Matarazzo
A. Butler
L. Riesenfeld
CHEERLEADING Had our ups and downs together Friday's decorations, candy corn Double headers lasting forever Polished shoes, blue mittens worn Special "phones," "fan" mail too Getting rowdie, stop talking, let's go! Miss M's support, pep club, Kazoos Crossroads, making change too slow It's allover; time to say, Good times, good friends, good spirit ... Goodbye. . . until another day.
Varsity: L to R, 1st R: T. Panczner, J. Mackrides. 2nd R: G. Bellis, A. Butler, L. Wagner, R. McMillan, G. Roderick, L. Riesenfeld. 3rd R: M. Archidiacono, G. Salla, B. Kelly, B. Shockley, C. Butler, S. Bulkey. Not Pictured: D. Waters.
Hey, who moved my litter box?
If I stand here much longer, he'll have to notice me. . .
We're so happy we could just cry.
J. V.: L to R, 1st R: K. Stolar, M. Shea. 2nd R: B. Jeckel, B. Brooks, D. Soltner, B. Wynne, B. Swan, K. Walsh, C. Francia. Not Pictured: C. Redfern.
J. DiAntonio, C. Stevenson, M. Hendrick. 2nd R: G. Gallagher, S. Arsht, J. McNicholas, D. Plummer, D. Hall, P. Fisher. 3rd R: B. Bincaman, A. Cancelli, D. Mooney, Coach B. Spearman.
]V: L to R., 1st R: P. Fasy, R. Roberts, D. Irons, D. Bradley,
Darn. . . forgot to let go of the ball again!
S. Bramble
K. Kelly
G. Freas
BASKETBALL Scrimmages ... Allentown Ventura Highway. Yacco's Washington Timberwolf, Moby Dick, Kumcuat Timmy cleaning up in Black Jack Cole Field House Mariott Junior Achievement . Taxi rides No sleep Arlington ... Austin breaking chains ... Austin, Beater, Campy, D.P., Gef, Gunner, Hop, Kel, Loverboy, Taxi ... Wha-a-a-t! ... Shindings. . . Buzzer Beaters. . . Dunkin Donuts. . . Great team unity.
R. Kiscaden
D. Pratt Coaches J. Quedenfeld, S. Werley
Varsity: L to R, 1st R: Mgr. J. Shada, R. Kiscaden, S. Bramble, G. Freas, K. Kelly, D. Pratt. Mgr. M. Spennato. 2nd R: Coach S. Werley, B. Clarke,. J. Grassie, R. Engler, S. Kozin, S. Robbins, R. Bradley, Coach J. Quedenfeld.
Capt. N. Miller
N. Harrington
L. Eustace
GIRL/S BASKETBALL A mixed up beginning ... adjustments ... suicides ... third place trophy ... Tea for Two. . . Hello Mudda, {\.Iello Fadda . .IJ. illegal numbers ... lots of good times. friends. . . memories. T.Baughn
W. Windle
F. Jefferson
L. Belfiglio
Varsity: L to R, 1st R: L. Belfiglio, S. Miller. 2nd R: F. Johnson, W. Windle, T. Baughn, N. Harrington. 3rd R: L. Mullin, L. Eustace, N. Miller, M. Johnston. 8
S. Miller
Coaches 1. Lerch, M. Katawczik
]. V.: L to R, 1st R: 1. Belk, K. Shea, D. Rossano. 2nd R: J. McClean, S. Spennato, T. Stroud, J. Atkinson. 3rd R: Mgr. H. Ashbee, M. McManus, J. Brycki, K. Alshouse, J. Brain, Mgr. E. Esgro.
Just because I scored for the other team doesn't mean he can't let me play. . .
Capt. G. Coe
Capt. S. Smith
Self-discipline and dedication losing weight ... practice in an over-heated gym winning and losing but learning lessons and unique experiences ... Christmas, January, 3lb. allowance ... Celebrate winning, make no display of losing. . . Some have wrestled without great skill, none have wrestled without great pride.
B. Ruprecht
Coaches D. Bean, D. Frick K. Thompson
J. Shea
S. Edwards
Varsity: L to R,lst R: D. Meade, G. Coe, F. Pflieger, M. Phayre, J. Sheaffer; G. Petroski. 2nd R: D. McFeeley, J. Shea, B. Ruprecht, B. Ruth, S. Smith, K. Thompson, S. Edwards.
J. v.: L to R, 1st R-; J. Knaff, C. Galanos, S. Bitar, M. Catona, B. Thorpe. 2nd R: K. Downey, E. Fowle,r, M. Grant, H. Carter, A. McCollough.
GYMNASTICS another new coach to break in . . . our great party. . . new uniforms . . . new equipment . . . our great record. . . our "gym class" advanced. . . where's penn ridge? .. success on our dance. . . just a plain good time. . . till next year . . . saturday morning h.o's. Coach M. Busillo
If my friends could see me now!
Tri-Captains: L to R: K. Walsh, 1. Criston, B. Farnese.
Team: 1st Row, Lto R: B. Famese, L C:r:iston, K. Walsh, Coach M. Busillo. 2nd Row: E. Russo, R. Luttrell, T. Carroll, J. Beaver, W. Wright, T. Shunk, A. Bowen, N. Cohen, 1. Kohl, S. Celluci. 3rd Row: S. Adkins, A. Pinnock, J. Sheehan, J. Gluck, A. Lloyd, 1. Wright, K. Otto, B. Brunone, C. Minford, 1. Quinn. 4th Row: P. O'Neill, W. Smith, K. Kleinhans, J. Longaker, K. Keinath, K. Kleinhans, M. Courtney, 1. Antonelli, W. Colflesh, M. Herbert, 1. Davis.
Seniors: 1st Row, L to R: K. McTague, A. Tyler. 2nd Row: S. Baun, J. Wohl, J. Barasatian. Not Pictured: B. McDonald, H. van Valkenburgh, S. Hagy, J. Goldman, C. McFadden.
B. Schwartz,
Coach P. Sanborn
Team: 1st Row, L to R: S. Barclay, B. Kraeden, C. Gallagher, K. Kantor, A. Barclay. 2nd Row: 1. Livingstone, S. Hagy, J. Goldman, K. McTague, J. Barasatian, J. Denison. 3rd Row: M. Beam, J. Wohl, B. McDonald, S. Baun, A. Tyler, B. Muehsam, H. van Valkenburgh, V. Brunken. Not Pictured: B. Schwartz, C. McFadden.
INDOOR TRACK the ice. . . learning the street names of springfield the hard way. . . the wind brushing your face. . . the grinder with love . . . assistant coach mouth . . . four hour meets starting at 0800 hours ... forty-five teams in division two · . . the snow. . . two firsts one day at the circus. . . three months of fun and profit. . . there is a baton missing - who ate it? . . are you really running your seventh graders. . . the warmer the showers, the longer we stay · . . where do you want to run. . . i don't care. . . i know a course ... you guys never want to run with me . there's a reason for that you know ... grind a nine . lsd. . . looking ahead to spring with a 10:42.1 behind us · .. count your laps ... the trip to princeton . . . the beautiful sunset as we turn the corner and head for home.
GIRLS/ TRACK exercises in the commons. five miles . . . TRACK
. my legs hurt . . . we're getting timed today?
.. dress in layers . . . easy workout today-
Coach J. Doyle
Coaches B. Curran, P. Sanborn and C. Schaefer
Sex Symbols of "77"
thf(~ is only one winner and his name is narberth you must run to beat narberth . . . we'll do all-out 5,000's, ten of them, with a 220 interval on the straightaway the legs of chin . . . when passing kestler's point, don't be a bauner! . the blue and gold meet in the breeze . . . the mad armenian and the mouth with the beamer . . . run to k-mart and back with an easy pace, just be back in fifteen minutes . . . the fire and burned equipment . . . now when they say springfield smoked them, theyll really mean it ... o'hare, the hurdle eater . . . will burdumy ever throw the javelin further than he throws the bull? .. "theatre arts in motion;" . . . he shows up once a week to check the track and count the girls . . . 18 events and 55 people . . . beat narberth
GIRLS/GOLF After the snow melts keep your ears open for "fore" on the football field ... keep your head down and swing . . . "but mr. cannon, you always miss my good ones" . . . private talks of mary hartman, r.g.r.'s and king tart cold windy golf matches and raiding chester valley country club kitchen ... captain jan did super at districts one eye on the ball, one on the caddy . . . all our love to mr. c. for showing us the way.
Seniors: L to R: M. Aungst, G. Roderick, Coach J. Cannon, Captain J. Lacko, W. Windle, G. Scanlon. Missing: J. Bowes, 1. Wagner, S. Wunder.
Hark, I see a golf ball!
Coach J. Cannon
Team: 1st Row, L to R: C. Long, Capt. J. Lacko, R. Beadle. 2nd Row: D. Kiscaden, K. Menditto, D. Waters. 3rd Row: M. Johnston, M. Aungst, G. Roderick, Coach J. Cannon, G. Scanlon, W. Windle. Missing: J. Bowes, 1. Wagner, S. Wunder, M. B. Hill, D. Alfonsi.
Co-Capt. R. Hakun
G. Ebsworth
Co-Capt. G. Joy
J. Shea
S. Blumberg
L to R, 1st R: R. Hakun, G. Ebsworth, M. Okino, J. Shea, G. Joy, S. Blumberg, S. D'Ortone. 2nd R: Asst. Coach G. Ege, M. Foley, G. Schmidt, J. Pauling, S. Todaro, J. DeFarge, S. Robbins, Coach Ace Bell, 3rd R: Mgr. B. Papiernik, Mgr. D. Schell, Mgr. J. Smith, J. Grassie, F. Groome, Asst. Coach R. Taylor. 4th R: Mgr. B. Henderson, F. Kuhn.
BASEBALL Rebuilding . . . captains "hawk" and "wolfie" "ebs" . . . "grasshopper" . "robbie" "pizon" "fol" stupid lefthanders "oh my" "oki" "in the major leagues, they do it this way" . with four returning starters, the prospects weren't the best but we made out all right
Coaches: G. Ege, H. Bell. Missing: R. Taylor
The Six Millon Dollar Man in slow motion moves faster than you two.
He's the Bold One!
L to R, 1st R: B. McDevitt, S. Duffy, D. Myers, J. Bryson, A. McDonald, M. Giancatarino, J. Gelsomini, C. Brisbane, J. Shea, 1. Dearden, R. Hepler. 2nd R: B. Alker, M. Miller, B. Abbot, D. Miller, S. Fanelli, M. Gelsomini, N. Stevenson, K. McGlensey, K. Broome, J.Cox, R. Ulmer, B. Lawrence. 3rd R: D. Hall, A. Garcia, S. Torna, M. Marone, S. Kozin, M. Parke, P. Fasy, J. Kaut, M. Courtney, J. Paris, R. Hood, K. D'Ortone, K. Wunder.
Co-Capt. M. Giancatarino, Coach D. Locker, Co-Capt. J. Gelsomini.
Co-Capt. J. Gelsomini
Co-Capt. M. Giancatarino
B. McDevitt
C. Brisbane
BOYS/ LACROSSE 1976 central league champs. . . coach dough preaching victory . . . strategy meetings at the r-way . . . "run the plays". . . navy co-capts. . . harriton tournament. . . burnt "locker" room. . . dustbowl. . . losing balls. . . hustle and skill . . . cutting laps . . . pre-game meetings vs. post-game parties . . . "get in there and get 'em!"
A. McDonald
J. Bryson
1. Deardon
S. Duffy
J. Shea
R. Hepler
S. Jeckel, Capt.
L. Belfiglio
A. Primivara
B. Bernard, Capt.
S. Kestler
Coaches B. Souders, J. Diamond S. Walker
N. Harrington
L to R, 1st R: S. Walker, S. Jeckel, N. Harrington, S. Kestler, B. Bernard, L. Belfiglio. 2nd R: K. Walsh, G. Zavaski, M. Bradfield, V. Carslaw, R. Cavaleir, P. McElroy, S. Poole. 3rd R: E. Gardner, L. Mullin, J. Atkinson, L. Nichoeson, K. Sacco, A. Primivara.
"ladies, this is a running game" ... all the way around. . . hey you guys, slow it down. . . okay lineup. . . only 18 more to go. . . the tiggers and the roos and the great wise owl. . . whooo we gonna beat? .. co-captains sue and beth . . . accutron ... hey-ba manba . . . 25¢ a sip. . . checking out the new coaches. . . a one of a kind season. well, it was different
L to R, 1st R: G. Bronkin, C. Jackson, T. Stroud, N. Cohen, 1. Durmond, E. Esgro. 2nd R: J. Braid, K. Shea, S. McClure, M. McManus, J. McClean. 3rd R: S. Lincoln, K. Alshouse, D. Horan, S. Spennato, H. Ashby, D. Gardner.
Hey girls - MacDonalds is open for breakfast!
Where are your friends when you need them?
Coach B. Yaeck
Seniors: 1st R: S. Shane, M. Della Polla. 2nd R: G. Bellos, N. Spennato, B. Matthews.
Hey Snow King - what's happening to your form, are you melting in the sun?
Team: L. to R.: 1st R. K. Truit, B. Matthews, A. Weber, S. Davis, M. DellaPolla, M. Kozin. 2nd R: M. Patriarcha, S. Shane, DDeagen, B. Burger, T. Johnston, J. Silverman. 3rd R: G. Bellos, A. Holland, S. Carfagno, R. Siti, N. Spennato, M. DeNegro, A. Mark.
I'm ready for the ball this time.
Coach G. Hart Seniors, L to R, 1st R: F. Arsht, 1. Dill. 2nd R: Teore, G. Cardillo.
J. Mackrides, 1.
GIRLS/ TENNIS all 15 of us. . . a new coach. . . drills. . . laps and more laps. . . new locker room - crowded conditions. . . serve in the court, not in my back, dummy. . . i'm sorry . . . crosscourt down the line. who ate all the cookies? . . a smashing season
If I concentrate, I know I can hit it.
1st R: Co-Capts. F. Arsht, 1. Dill. 2nd R: T. Friesner, 1. Teore, J. Mackrides, J. Hulme, B. Black. 3rd R: A. Gruerio, E. Menseck, K. Kelly, G. Cardillo, 1. Belk, M. Courtney, 1. Criston, K. Gonzalves.
THIRD TEAM sharing fields. . . and kilts. . . not enough players. . . eye exercises toward football field · .. rowdy and school spirited?(?) · . . bus drivers. . . posing for photographers. . . good (?) captains and slave driving coaches . . . ONE TON TOMATO, gracias.
1st Row, L to R: 1. Lynn, S. Walker. 2nd Row: Coach D. Lamon, P. Francia, G. Bramble, B. Nagorny, M. Wareham, J. Beaver, C. Conklin, P. Hill. 3rd Row: D. Gardner, 1. Teore, 1. Nicholson, J. Davis, T. Daniels, P. McElroy; M. Godzieba, T. Tashjian, 1. Adaman, J. Broome. 4th Row: E. Gardner, 1. Briganti, J. Hulme, C. palmer, A. Miller, K. Sacco, D. Semanik, S. Hagy.
1st Row, L to R: E. Belk, C. Waiter. 2nd Row: J. Parr, K. Green, E. Esgro, K. Winter, C. Damon, M. Bateman, K. DeWoody, C. Hill, S. Ruch, E. Helmuth, J. Latham. 3rd Row: Mrs. Lear, G. Lihota, P. Potts, A. Gruerio, G. Marascio, M. Mayberry, R. Huntzinger, 1. Bowlby, N. Mawson, R. Melnikoff, 1. Dunn, T. Vitali, D. Gilchrist, J. Braid. 4th Row: E. Donall, G. Brunken, D. Horan, N. Long, R. Verrechio.
THIRD AND FOURTH BASKETBALL drills. . . get running girls, sprint faster. . . back pedal. . . coordination plus . . . busy schedule. . . big games, large audiences . . . fantastic referees · . . "high scoring" games. good season!
1st Row, L to R. iK. Winter, K. Phillips, S. Walker, J. Toussaint, J. Hulme, 1. Tepper. 2nd Row: S. Smith, A. Gruerio, P. Stieber, S. Long, R. Beadle, K. Sacco. 3rd Row: S. Lincoln, 1. Dunn, C. Ciampoli, D. Draves, D. Gardner. 4th Row: Mgr. E. Gardner, 1. Teore, D. Morris, Coach J. Diamond. Missing: K. Voglesong.
1st Row, L to R: E. Urban,M. Filippone, J. Davis, J. Toussaint, B. Poole, J. Stumph, J. Mauro, B. Duffy, B. Penn. 2nd Row: Coach J. Peoples, A. Mazzulo, D. Rumbaugh, M. McClure, R. Menold, C. Parsons, D. Touring, B. Cox, J. Cobbs, T. Rizzo, G. Stevenson, F. McKnight, M. Carullo, B. Burdumy, B. Harrington, Coach D. Freas, Coach R. Eley.
1st Row, L to R: J. Cicchinelli, C. Lawrence, B. Kowalczyk, C. Scott, D. Carfagno, P. Nelson, R. Mullineaux, S. Spatocco, D. Buchy. 2nd Row: S. Peoples, E. Winter, D. Stanton, W. Selby, D. Ryan, P. Kowalczyk, E. Wade, D. Horne, D. Rosenberger, D. Meade, J. Barr, D. Devine, Coach G. Irvin. 3rd Row: G. Furtaw, R. Atkinson, C. Balchiunas, N. Mitchell, F. Perpilia, G. Koerner, D. Wright, M. Johnston, S. Brown, S. Howe, G. Schmidt.
1st Row, L to R: B. Belfiglio, L. Scheppman, M. Shea, J. Mallas, K. Carter. 2nd Row: B. Foley, N. Dill, A. Shell, S. Bambach, S. Goeble, J. Gluck. 3rd Row: Miss ReIsch, J. Morgan, L. Windle, J. McLean, Coach L. Carocci, S. Hoath, S. Okino, T. Bellos.
1st Row, L to R: F. McKnight, R. Mullineaux, G. Wilkins, D.McGettigan, J. Davis, B. Larkin, D. Dyitt. 2nd Row: Coach J. Peoples, B. Guttschall, M. Carullo, R. Hamilton, M. Johnston, J. McNicholas, D. Irons, D. Wright, C. Reynolds, D. McNeill.
1st Row, L to R: 1. Windle, D. Rumbaugh, B. Panczner, B. Belfiglio, S. Okino. 2nd Row: B. Foley, 1. Scornajenghi, M. Shea, Mgr. T. Bellos, Mgr. D. Patterson. 3rd Row: Mgr. C. Truell, K. Faulkner, S. Bambach, Capt. A. McMannus, Mgr. W. Mark, S. Hoath. Missing: Coach 1. Carocci, C. Nave.
1st Row, L to R: C. Balchiunas, M. Emas, G. Stevenson, D. Missar. 2nd Row: Co-Capt. J. Stumpf, Capt. W. Meyer, S. Howe, Co-Capt. C. Woodworth, S. Carey, B. Kracht.
FRESHMAN TRACK L to R, 1st R: G. Kinsey, G. Blunt, C. Kracht, B. Mawson, S. Alfonsi, A. Barclay, C. Gallagher, S. Champagne, R. Stones. 2nd R: M. Woodruff, C. Jopski, R. Wilson, R. Mullineaux, K. Kantner, S. Paxton, R. Freasner, J. Patriarca, D. DiGiaconon, B. Coe, B. Hill. 3rd R: D. Schmidt, D. McCullough, M. Hodnett, S. Hemphill, B. Pimino, D. Mitchell, P. Nelson, G. Bennett, K. Shelton, B. Nussey. 4th R: R. Gastner, D. Hilaman, B. Inforzato, D. Rosenberger, S. Brown, M. DelVecchio, J. Durham, B. Englebrecht. 5th R: K. DeLuca, J. Mauro, B. Burdumy, B. Penn, C. Knaff, G. Koerner, G. Schmidt.
L to R, 1st R: S. Okino, M. VanRaden, J. Gluch, A. Shell, N. Pacitti, B. Belfiglio, T. Ruch, J. Slack, J. Mallas, T. Bellos. 2nd R: Coach McHeehan, B. Gibson, L. Jackman, B. Foley, L. Windle, N. Dill, L. Wright, C. Thomas, A. Pinnock, L. Lynch, L. Cummins, A. Torna, H. Degilio. 3rd R: M. Shea, J. McClean, J. King, C. Burns, L. McHugh, S. Bambach, W. Mark, L. Gosnay, C; Brason, D. Rambaugh, C. Clark, K. Carter.
L to R, 1st R: J. Hanna, G. Teplica, C. Reynolds, F. Perpilia, D. McGettigan, W. Selby, T. O'Neil, S. Peoples, C. Farace. 2nd R: Coach H. Lemmon, J. Davis, G. DeVita, J. Stumpf, F. McKnight, B. Larkin, G. Stevenson, M. Johnston, J. McNicholas, R. Toomey. Missing: M. McClure.
INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL intramurals . . . competitions. meeting people. . . freaky mcconnell . . . mr. yaeck ... learning new skills. . . lots of fun.
1st Row, L to R: B. LaFountain, S. Ethridge. 2nd Row: H. Panczner, L. Wright, N Pacitti, J. Misciagna, N. Spennato. 3rd Row: J. Shada, D. Gardner, L. Adaman, D Broome, Mr. McConnell, D. Verna, F. Pappa, J. Krimmel, R. Basler, K. Truel!. 4th Row D. McGettigan, M. DellaPolla, C. Montanaro, S. Jackson, M. Kane, M. Hendrick, L Sterling, L. LaPorta.
Standing, L to R: Mr. Yaeck, R. Kindt, C. Spatocco, C. Kleinhans, S. Neelan, R. Siti, A. Mark. Kneeling, L to R: M. Patriarca, T. Johnston, D. Tumold, M. DelNegro, J. Brennan. 158
ICE HOCKEY rick thayer's game suspensions ... try-to-be-a-captain tony matty's hat trick dreams duncan's colorful helmet buckle up mccullough ... fetus with his fabulous moves guy's oxygen tanks toomey's sword fighting george the all-star. . . rick fisher and his many sticks . . . jeff and his tight pants . . . and those early sunday morning practices . . . good luck to tom, chuck, mark, and danny.
1st Row, L to R: R. Fisher, Co-Capt., T. Comero, Co-Capt., J. Ernst, C. Mammacari. 2nd Row: M. Schell, R. Thayer, D. Smith, D. Shields, T. Mitchell. 3rd Row: G. Schmidt, G. Cicconi, M. Gentile, R. Toomey, B. Daniels, C. McCullough, Coach B. Greene.
Did you ever have a day when nothing went right?
Joyce, my underaIls are sagging . . .
BOYS/ Spr.
56 56· 68 64 51 54 52 84 84 54
46 74 95
40 85
61 61 62 63 49 88 60
~LL bpp.
W. Chester East Nether Providence Marple Newtown Penncrest Haverford Lower Merion Bishop Neumann Interboro Darby-Colwyn Ridley Upper Darby Conestoga Great Valley Radnor Ridley Marple Newtown Penncrest Lower Merion Upper Darby Conestoga Haverford Radnor
55 47 55
51 70 55 66 47 68 82 50 56 65 63 63 56 65 77 54
38 48 43
40 32 43
25 6 4 4 5
47 28 38
arple Newtown Penhcrest Haverford Lower Merion Upper Darby Conestoga Radnor Ridley Marple Newtown erion arby C nestoga Radnor Ridley
28 41 22 39
31 59 34
56 54 51 41 36 43 57
GIRLS/GOLF Conestoga Marple Newtown Marple Newtown C stoga tog stog Henderson Conestoga Harriton Upper Darby Lower Merion W. C.East Radnor Penn Charter
f // /
Sponsor - E. Janczewski
President- Joe McMillan
Vice-president-Bart Nave
Secretary - Helen Criston
Treasurer - Anne Markiewicz
Sponsor - R. Young
Flightiest - Eugene Soltner, Gail Roderick
Friendliest-Bob Matthews, Gwen Cardillo
Most Athletic - Greg Joy, NaI Harrington
Most Flirtatious-Mark Foley, Jeannie Gilmore
Class Couple - Nick Spennato, Joy Mingle
Most Uninhibited - Tom Gallagher, Barri Jones
Class Clowns - Bill Potts, Eleni las
Most Conservative - Bill Denison, Fiona Wehmeyer
Most Likely to Succeed - Joe McMillan, Anne Markiewicz
Most Involved - Bart Nave, Gerri Scanlon
fast Literary - Ken Parsons, Amy Miller Most Talkative - Jack Shields, Karen Jannetti
Most Dramatic - Kevin McTague, Sue Kestler
Most Artistic - Bob Little, Alice Williams
Best School Spirit- John Smith, Anna Marie Primavera Most Musical- Mark Belczyk, Donna Wurzer
Most Studious - Bill Weiland, Wendy Windle
Most CynicaI- Gary Ebsworth, Lisa Briganti
Most Apathetic - Matt Gentile, Valerie Alibert Most Individual-Hunter VanValkenburgh, Angie Young
Best Dressed - Jim Shada, Lori Riesenfeld
Leslie Wagner
Gwen Cardillo
Trisha Panczner
Eleni Mallas
Karin Shockley
Snow Queen - Joyce Mackrides
Lisa Napoli
Pat Francia
Nancy Bellis
Donna Wurzer
Gwen Bellis
Mark Foley
Rich Hakun
Greg Joy
Jim Bulkley
Joe Fenza
Dave Pratt
Nelson Burdumy
Andy Drevyanko
Joe McMillan
Snow King - Bob Matthews
Gary Freas
Just in conversation your friends say/ //Remember when.
.// and you do
Richard Abt "Abter" "George" 232 Orchard Rd. a.s.w: carolyn; prize poss: stereo; fav. say: brrr, dah; pet peeve: audrey; fav. mem: 10/16/76, 11/25/76; sec. amb: to open my own business; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; f.f.a. 2, 3, 4; vica 2. Frank Agent "Boe" "Bowie" 424 N. Bishop Rd. rem. for: being burnt; a.s.w: tony; prize poss: 64 chev., "my blue jeannie queen" -zz top; pet peeve: j.b. Valerie Alibert 530 Williamson Lane a.s.w: m.j., d.c., j.l., 1.1., k.m., pJ.; prize poss: memories, friends, family; pet peeve: monday mornings, crimps, hangovers, gym; fav. mem: summer 7/1-30/76 in o.c. with everybody, margate, bars and my house down the shore, springfield weekend 73, 74, 75, constant partying at steiner's, bacardi nights over joanne's; sec. amb: to go to california with the "girls" s.h.d.a. 1, 2, 3, 4. RichardAbt
Frank Agent
Valerie Alibert
John Anthony Andrusko 537 Wayne Ave. prize poss: my '67 lincoln continental; pet peeve: cars that get good gas mileage; fav. mem: my chevy convertible; sec. amb: to buy a harley davison sportster; football 1, 2; parking lot 3, 4. Lori Louise Angstadt "Er" "Lor" "Pork Chop" 441 E. Woodland Ave. rem. for: talking about dave, living in the science and math rooms; a.s.w: fiona, jan, carol, joan, cheryl; prize possession: dave g. harris, 1 corinthians 4-8a; fav. say: "what can i get dave?"; pet peeve: just missing an a, the administration; fav. mem: 4/25/75, 4/25/76; sec. amb: to get a heart shaped diamond from dave h.; german club 3, 4; lit. mag. 4; lmc aide 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club 1; track 2; ski club 2.
John Anthony Andrusko
Lori Louise Angstadt
Doris Anzalone
Doris Anzalone "Dol''' "'h of the Bobsey twins" 932 Stoney Brook Dr. pet peeve: liars, conceited people; rem. for: always having tonsilitis; a.s.w: p.d., t.m., s.b., m.h., d.r.; prize poss: scott, my family and friends; fav. mem: july 25, 1975, august 22, 1976, going down the shore to see the sunrise; sec. amb: to be happy; intr. gymnastics 1; intr. tennis 1; basketball 2; bowling 3; spring track 4.
Joseph Anthony Arndt "Joe" 254 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: playing an 88-string guitar, my sense of humor; prize poss: family, close friends, camille, stereo, and my God-given musical talent; fav. mem: the settlement school, the many people who have helped me along the way, the few times i jammed with angie, the shore, and 2 years of theory; sec. amb: to be happy, healthy and the best musician i can; choir 1,2,3; glee club 3, accomp. Frances Arsht "Fran" "Franny" 611 W. Woodland Ave. rem. for: my wit and sarcasm; prize poss: bobby, kasey and mitsy and true friendships; fav. say: trilogy of friends, desiderata; pet peeve: fat, winter, lies and goodbyes (d.p.'s); fav. mem: quigley, camp, times with a.m.; sec. amb: to own a 450s1, for dreams and wishes to come true; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; intr. hockey 3; chorus 1; adv. board 1, 2, 3; gvc 4; social service 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; spri-hian eire. 3, 4; scrivener 3. Marie Dianne Aungst "Re-Re" "Flea" 339 Crum Creek Lane rem. for: my parties, frogs, babbling; a.s.w: the "girls", danny; prize poss: pouneel', poopsie, harold and co., my pet bird bitch, m.g., cookie monster, and bear; pet peeve: chestel's, cowlicks, home movies; fav. mem: 11/16/73, 1/1/76, 2/ 1-10/76, 4/28/76, bruders hill, bush buddies, partying with the girls, weekend down o.c. with j.s. and k.t., sunday dinners at d.c.'s, sr. prom weekend '76, trips to n.j., jr. prom '75; cheerleading 1, 2; student council 1, 2, 3; golf 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; scrivener 4; tig-ger club 4.
Joseph Anthony Arndt
Frances Arsht
Marie Diane Aungst
cautiously into the halls of shs/ for orientation. Then you went home and
remember . .. when Sept."73 rolled around you gathered your courage and cr
Jeffrey Mark Barasatian "Jeff" 512 Lawrence Rd. rem. for: running all the time; prize poss: my trophies and medals; pet peeve: racing in rain or cold, marching band, 100% humidity; fav. mem: springsteen concert 10/27/76, philadelphia marathon 11/28/76; weightlifting 1, 2; cross-country 1, 2, 3, capt. 4; winter track 1, 2, 3, 4; spring track 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; rolling green golf team 3, 4; nhs 3, 4. Brian Barbour 249 Hemlock Lane rem. for: sleeping in the commons; fav. say: tell me about it; pet peeve: english class;. fav. mem: free periods, accounting II. Robert Barbour 929 Stoneybrook Dr.
Jeffrey Mark Barasatian
Brian Barbour
Robert Barbour
Cheryl Barker "Cher" 328 Ashwood Rd. prize poss: my bible; fav.mem: 3/9/75,4/18/76; i have been crucified with christ; and it is no longer i who lives, but christ lives in me; and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god, who loved me and delivered himself up for me." - galatians 2:20 Bette Ann Barr "Babs" 512 Old School House Dr. fav. mem: june to nov. '76, mountains - summer '75, all the good times with friends and my family; sec. amb: to always be free and to make it with mick jagger; if the sun refuses to shine i'll still be loving you if mountains crumble to the ground there will still be me and you -led zeppelin gymnastics 1; vo-tech 3; s.h.d.a. Jonathan Joseph Bartivic "Jon" 115 Netherwood Dr. a.s.w: r.m., a.c., a.n., m.b., j.d., my truck; prize poss: truck; pet peeve: study halls, rahs, 10/3/76; fav. mem: john's house, summer of '76, d.L, 8/7/76,4/6/76.
Cheryl Barker
Bette Ann Barr
Jonathan Joseph Bartivic
Debra Bartoletti 441 Marris Rd. i'd like to go by climbing a birch tree, and climb black branches up a snow-white trunk toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, but dipped its top and set me down again that would be good both going and coming back. one could be no worse than be a swinger of birches. -r, frost Robert Joseph Bartolomei "Bob" "Bart" "Chico" "Little Be" 135 Powell Rd. rem. for: breaking a record; prize poss: friends and memories; pet peeve: sedgewood, cigarettes, and not knowing c.c.; fav. mem: nova scotia '76 and all those trips that were trips, pff '74, '75, b.t. and me, 9/29/74, 6 /19/76-6/27/76; sec. amb: to make my kind of music; "to the wise, life is a festival" -emerson weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4; the linger on family 2, 3, 4.
N' Debra Bartoletti
Robert Joseph Bartolomei
Theodosia Ann Baughn
Theodosia Ann Baughn "Teddi" "Jade" "Froggie" "Weebles" "Bear" 13 Walnut Street, Morton rem. for: my jabber jaws, popeyes, toothpicks, coconut; a.s.w: ebony, ivory, diamond, net, m.b., brad; prize poss: my telephone, pink elephant, ypoons, "p.m.'s!"; fav. say: boogie boxes, i'm living; pet peeve: leeches, manhunters, know it ails; fav. mem: trip days, powder day, 11/9/76, 11/16/76, the "b.k."; sec. amb: to be an outstanding poet; orchestra 1, 2; band 1, 2; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1; social service 4; chorus 4; guidance aide 3.
anxiously awaited the next day when you would really begin high school.
It was not as glamorous as expected. You were promptly introduced to
Steven Walter Baun "NA" "Steve" 462 Fox Lane rem. for: my car, not getting out, crazy, fast; a.s.w: d.s., s.b., j.w., g.w., prize poss: car, cassettes; fav. say: taaast, beat, decent, serious; pet peeve: short summers, long rehearsals, speed workouts; fav. mem: 48, 52, trees, ladders, n.j. sisters; sec. amb: easy, well-paying job, travel; cross country 3; indoor track 4; pop group 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; burger king 3, 4. Arthur Baxter "Ort" (the original) 245 Worrell Dr. rem. for: reading science fiction; a.s.w: m.b.; prize poss: science fiction book collection; fav. say: "what is all this then?" pet peeve: irwin allen productions, american international films; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 2, 3, 4; musical 2, 4. Mark Beitchman 134 Parkview Dr. rem. for: asking a lot of questions; a.s.w: a.b. and b.d.; prize poss: hockey skates, albums, t.v.; fav. say: impersonation of saying my name is jimmy carter; pet peeve: spanish II; fav. mem: aerosmith, eagles, elton john concerts all in the summer of '76; sec. amb: get into motel/hotel industry; springfield - street hockey; pingpong; tennis.
Steven Walter Baun
Arthur Baxter
Mark Beitchman
Mark Belczyk 510 Wayne Ave. rem. for: bubbles, hat, mole jacket; a.s.w: lou and "the gang", e.r., e.f., r.r., jeff and lumbo; prize poss: clarinets, friends, memories, aqualung; fav. saying: "excellent"; pet peeve: people who say "i know" when they don't, and drones (r.r.)"; fav. mem: everything to do with music and whatever came after 4th period; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1, 2, 3; student director 4; district band 2, 3, 4; district orchestra 3, 4; regional band 3, 4; regional orchestra 3; all-eastern band 4; pop group 3, 4; choir 4; habrc 1, 2, 3; dictator 4; nhs 4; scott hi-q 4; msfc 2, 3, 4; mcca2. Lorraine Marie Belfiglio "Lori" "Mumbles" 461 Collins Dr. rem. for: brownies, loggers club; a.S.w: side kick saint, cripple; prize poss: my headband, "feelings"; fav. say: "modonna mia", "how ya doin' "; pet peeve: spelling, 5'1", mouth guards, the dentist, falling; fav. mem: jr. prom 4/10/ 76, law enf. wkn. 10/8/76, snow dance 12/18/76, apple trail 10116/76, skiing with chimp, boca raton '76, eng. '77; sec. amb: district attorney at law; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3,4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; a.a.s.b. 1, 2, 3, 4; g.v.c. 3, 4; g.s. 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; music major 3,4; gym leader 1, 2, 3, 4; honors gym 3, 4; loggers club 3, pres. 4.
Mark Belczyk
Lorraine Marie Belfiglio
Gweneth Swayne Bellis
Nancy Bellis 115 S. Rolling Rd. a.s.w: n.d., j.f., k.m.; prize poss: nick deprospero; fav. mem: going to florida with karin, labor day weekend, old state road, coming back from the shore with jan, my get-away in naples, 12/19/75-12119/ 76.
Gweneth Swayne Bellis "Gwen" 115 S. Rolling Rd. rem. for: being a twin, being late, pulling muscles; a.s.w: a.b., a.m.p., k.k.; prize poss: my cracked I.e., true friends, family, poems, memories, goodbyes; pet peeve: shallow friends, rumors, the unknown, fair skin, time; fav. mem: 9/22/73, 8/13/74, new year's eve '73, '75, soph hop, summers at 2404 wesley, trips with a.b. and the "trusty" camaro; basketball 1; hockey 1; ex. coun. 1, 2, 3; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; circulation staff 2, 3; cheerleading 3, 4; snow queen nom., photography club 4.
George Anthony Bellos "Thane of Springfield" 605 Minshall Rd. a.s.w: my disciples; prize poss: my eyesight; fav. say: "when the well is dry we know the worth of water"; pet peeve: people who won't listen; fav. mem: queen 2/2/76; football 1; track 1, 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2; lamb tavern red coats 2,3,4; men's life 4. Denise Marie Bender 783 W. Springfield Rd. prize poss: conrad; fav. mem: 12118/76; sec. amb: to buy a silver corvette; when i'm alone i reflect on all the yesterdays the whys and cries and those who never bother to understand and then i think of you and wonder how i ever could have been happy without you -q. kayatta
Nancy Bellis
George Anthony Bellos
Denise Marie Bender
and others. Block schedules (new to us) and books were distributed. You 76
the dungeon and its inhabitants - Mr. Speakman/ Mr. Lemmon/ Mrs. Smit Beth Ann Bernard "Saint" "B.B." "Bethy" "Martha" 25 North Norwinden Dr. rem. for: my mouth, complaints, paranoia, advise, my kI!ees; a.s.w: d.p.'s, Lb., r.c., g.1. and gang; prize poss: gary, bugsy, family, friends and memories; pet peeve: spiders, out of tune tympany, r.g.'s playing, saxes, math, bathrooms, ort, italian sayings; fav. mem: 8/7-11/75 . . . , 12/20/75, tuesday nights, oboe sections, lunches, retreats; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 4; lit. mag. 4; loggers club 3, 4; varsity club 4. Suzanne Bitar "Sue" 458 Foster Drive rem. for: losing my contacts; a.s.w: janet diambroseo, suanne sentman; prize poss: friends; pet peeve: suanne's tree, waiting, "necksus"; fav. mem: flyer's day may '74, g.m., kiss concert. mer, being down the shore with janet; sec. amb: stays a secret; pep club 1; intramurals 2; social service 3, 4; bldw's 1, 2, 3, 4.
Beth Ann Bernard
Suzanne Bitar
Janice Lynn Blotter
Janice Lynn Blotter "Jan" "Blot" "Hungaria" Box 205 rem. for: singing at lunch, dieting, celebrating 2/7 with mr. lemmon; a.s.w: f.w., La., c.b.; prize poss: my cello, "jacqueline"; fav. say: "numbers are our friends"; pet peeve: being told to do something i'm doing; fav. mem: summer '76; sec. amb: get married, hang gliding, be great cellist, learn hungarian; orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 2; Imc 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 2, 4; german club 3, 4, treas. 4; nhs 4; lit. mag. 4; string ensembles 3, 4; dist. orch. 4.
Stephen Blumberg "Lumbo" "Lums" 600 Maplewood Rd. rem. for: my beat chevelle, my nickname; a.s.w: k.j., c.j.q.l.; prize poss: my common sense, my madeira; fav. say: "mawn", "take it easy"; pet peeve: jocks, rahs, morons, 7:552:45 mon.-fri.; fav. mem: canada '76; sec. amb: to have it easy; baseball 1, 2, 4; ice hockey 3; band/orch. 1, 2, 3, pres. 4; pop group 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. band 2, 3, 4; pajama game orch. 4; s.h.a. 1,2,3,4; r.r. club 2, 3, 4; nhs 4; espander's club 1, 2, 3, 4; oils 4. George Howard Blunt "Poe alias Blunt" "The Kid" 230 Walnut St. Jean Marie Bowes 328 Lewis Rd. a.s.w: the "girls"; prize poss: my friends and family, memories; pet peeve: waiting, dull weekends, monday morning, rumors; fav. mem: bonfires, times with the girls, re's parties; spri-hian eire. staff 1, 2, 3, 4; photog. club 3; nhs 4; scrivener layout staff 4; prom comm.3,4. George Howard Blunt
Stephen Blumberg
Jean Marie Bowes
Marcene Adele Bradley "Tiny" 505 W. Morton Ave. rem. for: always smiling and shaking my head and saying huh, huh, huh; a.s.w: g.c., t.b., s.l., f.j., c.p., a.r.; prize poss: alarm clock, snickers bars and potato chips; fav. say: "that's a trip", "hey chile", "that's low"; pet peeve: non-caring people; fav. mem: 8/6-8/76, 11/1/76, 12/10/75; sec. amb: to own a black panther as a pet, to ride through the jungles of africa in a boat. Charles Scott Bramble "Bird" 347 Spring Valley Rd. rem. for: being tall, not caring at all; a.S.w: gef, bunk, kell, roy, oak, ebs, andy d., sean; prize poss: stereo, albums; fav. say: "kumquat", "mr. speakman", "ah", "shoot", "live and let die", "soooo .. ."; pet peeve: practice, wednesday morning, lawns; fav. mem: "club inc. parties", club drive-in movies, "tarz, jane, boy, cheetah"; sec. amb: to make a lot of money; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; football 1; basketball 1, 2, 3, tri-captain 4.
Marcene Adele Bradley
Charles Scott Bramble
Vivian Branton
Vivian Branton "Viv" 200 Wells Ln. rem. for: being tall; pet peeve: weekdays, menial labor, "prudence"; fav. mem: "legal excursions with t.n.t."; ecstacy; band 1, 2; swig 3; social service 3, 4; hockey 3; hist. club 4; spri-hian feature staff 3, 4; spri-hian eire. staff 3, mgr. 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; w.v.c. 2, 3,4; explorers 3, 4; exc. council 3, co-chairperson 4; "the only true law is that which leads to freedom. there is no other." - jonathan livingston seagull p.s. - class of '77 -good luck!
felt alone because none of your friends carried the same schedule.
member walking down the hall not knowing where class was and a friendly Joyce Brennan 848 Springhaven Rd. rem. for: always complaining and never getting caught; a.s.w: k.w., n.l., j.s., a.j .. I.j.; prize poss: lee and my friends; fav. say: "you should have said . . ."; pet peeve: shs, peyton place, rahs; fav. mem: 5/3/74. easton and dickenson, the shore '76 (bikes and jolly rodgers). fly; sec. amb: own a funny car; pep club 1; track 2; basketball 1; prom comm. 2. 3,4; abbs. ann. 1,2,3,4; b.t.s Lisa Kathryn Briganti 9900 Creat Oaks Way, Fairfax, VA 22030 rem. for: sound effects. being perverted, blue convertible; prize poss: nicki. binky-tink, grandpeg's ring. pictures and memories, my "hot stuff", andrew palm; pet peeve: c1ique-needers. dishonesty. ignorant idiots; fav. mem: spain '74. taniment, beach boys wi the girls. 12/11/76, commons xmas caroling, musicals (mhbjf), "daffodil days"; sec. amb: to be remembered; hockey 1, 2. 3, 4; lacrosse 1; musical 2. 4; ski club 3. 4; prom comm. 2. 3, 4; spri-hian 3. 4; scrivener 2. 3, 4; nhs 4; kazoo band 4; bfc 1, 2, 3, 4; "Memory has many hollows . . . let me hide in one." j. w. anglund. Eugene Craig Brisbane "The Cup" "Briz" "Friz" 421 Foulke Lane rem. for: my z. my strut; a.s.w: jim, jack, ted, dave, rup, bp, mark. steve; prize poss: datsun 240z, the zip, lacrosse stick; fav. say: don't need it!. you serious; pet peeve: burn outs, trig; fav. mem: being with the zip; lacrosse 1, 2, 3. 4; golf 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2. 3, 4; ski club 1. 2. 3, 4; musical 2, 4; service club 2, 3, 4; party team 1. 2, 3, 4.
Eugene Craig Brisbane
Joyce Brennan
David Brown 1094 West Avenue Susanne Bruce "Sue" 211 Taylor Rd. rem. for: saying i'm starving or i'm tired; a.s.w: d.m., I.m.; prize poss: karl; pet peeve: girl's rooms, people that don't say how they feel about things; fav. mem: 1110/75; sec. amb: to own a transam or firebird; Imc aid 1; cougarettes 2, 3. Pamela Mary Brunone "Pam" "Shortie" anything pertaining to short 483 Thatcher Rd. rem. for: the gift of gab. being short. being crazy; a.s.w: mary, joanne. lorraine, sue, denise, paul, matt, linda, dee, nancy; prize poss: my friends, good times. my jobs; fav. say: ee-gads. that's insane; pet peeve: w.c. english, shs, rahs; fav. mem: august 21-22 '76, all the votech parties, mary's party; sec. amb: to live my life to the fullest extent; vo-tech 2. 3. 4; space cadettes 2, 3, 4; gymnastics team 2. David Brown
Susanne Bruce
Pamela Mary Brunone
David Christopher Bryan 433 Hawarden Rd. Susan Marie Brycki "Sue" 56 Providence Rd. prize poss: my bankbook; pet peeve: trees that get in my way, 23/40, margate busses; fav. mem: 8-76,11-19; spri-hian 2. 3, 4; scrivener 2,3.4; futuristics 2; vp 3; nhs 4; stw 1, 3; "No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings" - william blake John Bryson 121 Barbara Dr. "Brysonski" a.s.w: lou dearden, tom fitzpatrick; fav. say: "oh nay"; pet peeve: librarians; fav. mem: graduation day; sec. amb: to break 6 ft. mark.
David Christopher Bryan
Susan Marie Brycki
John Bryson
relied on the map in your Hi-way. You became more familiar with the
upperclassman would point you in the wrong direction? From then on you
James Michael Bulkley "Jim" "Buck" 510 Springview Lane rem. for: my elco. my beard; a.s.w: bob. john. stace. jeannie; prize poss: canis. j.g.; fav. say: "shut-up jeannie"; pet peeve: jeannie, mono; fav. mem: 8/30/75, j.d. with j.g., 12/25/75; bonfire V.p. 4; snow king nominee 4. Mary Ellen Bullard 173 Bridge Street fav. say: when one is all and all is one; pet peeve: springfield, m.p.d., shyness, rahs, cliques, people who talk all the time but never say anything; fav. mem: summer of '72, 12/3/75, 12/11/76. friday nights and crevera special; sec. amb: move out of home. travel around the world and live in the country. Stephanie Ann Buongiorno "Stef" "Cherokee" 457 Hawarden Rd. chorus 1. 2, 3, 4; business staff 3; business ed. 4; musical 2; history club 4; nhs 4. James Michael Bulkley
Mary Ellen Bullard
Stephanie Ann Buongiorno
Nelson Charles Burdumy 701 Parker Lane rem. for: showing up late for school: a.s.w: j.m., g.j .. h.c.; prize poss: joyce, heather, friends; pet peeve: waking up at 7:00 a.m., accounting worksheets, no gatorade, gossip; fav. mem: 10/4/75, o.c. with a.d., o.c. with j.d.; service club 2; football 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1,2, 3,4; haven club 4. Richard Wendell Burke Jr. "Rick" "Cob" "Na" "Havasaki Ha" 154 Plymouth Rd. rem. for: straws, my zebra; a.s.w: b.d., l.d., k.m., S.S., n.h., b.l., b.k., b.w., b.j., r.c., c.d.; prize poss: my cross; fav. say: l.b., like all sorts of . . . and . . . "herbin it"; pet peeve: smoking, ". . . forget it"; fav. mem: saranac '75, 10/7/75, 5/6-9/76; sec. amb: to go home and not have to play 20 questions; band 1, 2, 3,4; bowling 3, 4; musical orch. 4; burger king 3, 4. Suzanne Burnley "Sue" "Boozy" "Burntley" "Squeaky" "Stupid" "Air" "Poncho" "Mary" 37 Eagle Rd. rem. for: united shoelaces, losing my voice, falling off lab tables, acting crazy; a.s.w: mary, stephanie, anderea. cara, roe, "da har", "kiddo", and "the strango's"; prize poss: friends, memories, my nicknames, my jumpsuits; fav. say: what's new?, i don't know!; pet peeve: slow orthodontist; fav. mem: mexico '75, europe '77, 8-12/76; sec. amb: to own a brown vette; business staff 4; ski club 4.
Nelson Charles Burdumy
Richard Wendell Burke, Jr.
Suzanne Burnley
James Burns P.O. Box 358, Spfld. Ha~ry J. Burroughs "Bud" 470 Valley View Rd. rem. for: trial rIdIng; a.s.W: crocco, evans; prize poss: falcon; fav. mem: 11 grade. 8 period.
Andrea Ann Butler "A.B.", "Twig" 401 E. Woodland Ave. rem. for: flirting, my laugh; a.s.w: g.b., a.m.p.; prize poss: my ~amily, my truest friends; fav. say: hel-Io; pet peeve: "judgIng a book by its cover," "shallow" friendships, getting rid of. the evidence, dramatic lit; fav. mem: all my excursions :-Vlt~ g.b., summer 74, 75, 76, 771, 5th and 6th period lunch, l¡m. s 11/27/76, 12/4/73, 12/31/73, the beach; sec. amb: to make it to the top with as few hassles as possible; choir 1, 2, 3; cheerleadIng 3, 4; ski clu b 2. 3; eire. staff 2, 3. 4.
James Burns
Harry J. Burroughs
Andrea Ann Butler
surroundings and procedures and were finally able to wade through each dG
with progressively less trouble. You found new freedom with the use of the
Patricia Butler, 83 Hillview Dr. rem. for: moving back to springfield for senior yr. John Buzby "Buzz" 587 Rutherford Dr. pet peeve: m.s. study hall fifth per.; g.m.'s records, disasters, and stunts, r.l.'s eraser machine; fav. mem: yr. of '76 and '77; talent show '77; fav. say: "yo mont!", "how's it go!"; rem. for: doing trig in compo lit. class; a.v. 1, 2, 3, 4; talent show 4; glee club 1. Terrence Michael Calder "Terry" 23 Lownes Lane rem. for: speling, spri hian (band trip); a.s.w: b.c., j.g., b.I., b.h.; prize poss: freedom; pet peeve: continuously optimistic or pessimistic people; fav. mem: jump rope: summer '76; "all men are frauds: the only difference between them is that some admit it. i myself deny it." - h. I. menkin; jets 1; social service 3, 4; volleyball 3, 4; history club 4; spri hian 4; sr. play. Patricia Butler
John Buzby
Terrence Michael Calder
Robert Capozzoli "Cap", "R.C.", "Zzolicap" 24 E. Thomson Ave. rem. for: confusing people, my animal calls, being italian; a.s.w: j.g., t.c., b.I., s.g., dimm-witt, a.c., s.b., c.r.; prize poss: my sideburns, italy shirt; fav. say: aah!; pet peeve: working spotlight, risers, wand f sheets; fav. mem: 12/1/75, projection room '75, '76, '77, kiss and jethro tull concert, a certain dinner; stage crew 3, 4; social service 3, 4; volleyball 3, 4; burger king 3, 4; sloe gin mgr. 4. Gwen Cardillo 347 Oakdale Place a.s.w: t.n.t., r.m.; prize poss: v.a.c., n.l.c., c.a.c., and j.v.c.; pet peeve: fantastic tennis players, impetuous customers, sat. mornings, salads, running in the rain, sore throats, long distance phone calls, prob. and stats tests, my pinky; sec. amb: to live in italy for a summer; cheerleading 1, 2, co-capt. 1; cross country 3; chorus 1, 2 - v.p.; pop group 1, 2; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. orch. 3, 4; spri-hian circ. staff 2,3,4.
Robert Capozzoli
Gwen Cardillo
Kim Carmolingo
Kim Carmolingo "Kim" 100 Cascade Rd. rem. for: always being late; prize poss: my family, friends, d.m.c., mark f. montesano; pet peeve: getting up early in the morning, crashing toll gates; fav. mem: 7/17/75 down the shore with mark 8/17/76, my night out on the town with d.m.c.; sec. amb: to sell my car, buy a van, and travel . . . forever; a.S.w: doris c. (wacker), veronica m., patty f., jim t., mike s., n.c., g.t.
Mary Anne Carney "MA", "Mare" 436 Proppect Rd. prize poss: understanding friends; fav. say: "i don't know what to say"; pet peeve: burnouts, physics, world cultures, sat's; fav. mem: may 22, '76, christmas caroling in the commons, dec. 4, '76; sec. amb: to succeed in my long awaited career; choir 1, 2, 3,4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pop group 4; nhs 4; musical. Andrea R. Cecchini 601 Minshall Rd. rem. for: always wearing pants, always having gum; prize poss: my family, true friendships, the good times, my cutlass; fav. say: "tell me about it!"; pet peeve: mondays, diets, goodbyes, my luck; fav. mem: summer '76 (esp. 7/8/76,8/14-21/76), 10/16/76, 12 /2/76, germany '77. James S. Chapis "Chap" 68 N. Brookside Rd. a.s.w: p.m., b.e., b.p.; prize poss: buck knife, lee cap; pet peeve: ramsey's mobil, drexelbrook, empties, drugs, hitch hikers; fav. mem: summer '73, '74, '75, flyers first stanley cup. Mary Anne Carney
Andrea R. Cecchini
James S. Chapis
) looked likt! they belonged/ casually talking among themselves/ completely
commons during free periods. Remember being awed by all the //big kids//
Joyce Chavous 20 N. Morton Ave. Mary Chestnut "Chessy", "The Nut", Mare" 26 Barbara Dr.; rem. for: my laugh, wine taster; a.s.w: sue burnley, andrea, steffanie; prize poss: horse collection, puss and itski; fav. say: "are you kidding me"; pet peeve: people with short tempers; fav. mem: senior year, summer '76; sec. amb: to become a gym teacher, owning an mg midget; jv basketball 2; varsity basketball 3; lacrosse 1. Harry Chin 822 Coppock La. a.s.w: teri nelson; prize poss: monte carlo, my honey, my restaurant, my rifle; fav. say: . "lay-down", "say brothaar"; pet peeve: fighting with teri, going to school, going to practice; fav. mem: poconos weekend 75-76; sec. amb: be owner of a chain of restaurants; football 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 4; weightlifting 1. Joyce Chavou~
Mary Chestnut
Harry Chin
Glenda Chism "Galinda" 220 Walnut St. Morton rem. for: working in the school store 75, "kickin it out", my eyes, my hair, my height; a.s.w: everybody (mainly sabrina); prize poss: soul gone home, my sister, debbie, my religion; fav. say: "get down" ump. do it!, hmmmmmm ...; pet peeve: bermudians, manhunters, the valley, s.k; fav. mem: my birthday '76, friday nights, the morton club, amvets, sony and p.k, canada '76, bermuda '77, linn, blazer, charles; sec. amb: it's no secret, to get out of morton!; colorguard 3, 4, cocapt. 4; s.t.w. 4; social service 4; d.e.c.a., vice-pres. 3; french club 4; intra. volleyball 2, 3; y.p.d. 1, vice-pres. 2, pres. 3, 4. Carolyne Ciampoli "Carol" 601 E. Springfield Rd. rem. for: gone with the wind and playing pinochle; a.s.w: the other half; pet peeve: jim's wet willies; fav. mem: towanda '76, and other camping trips; chorus 1, 2; explorers 3, 4; basketball 4; ski club 4; s.t.w. 4; pinochle 4. Suzanne Ciaramella "Sue" 1040 Westwood Dr. rem. for: early graduation; a.s.w: donald, brenda; prize poss: that certain utensil, donald, my memories; pet peeve; waiting, no one on the other end of the phone, nothing to do; fav. mem: summer '76, hall and oates concert, 4/30/76; sec. amb: to get where i want to go, to get that certain car; ski club 2, 4.
Glenda Chism
Carolyne Ciampoli
Suzanne Ciaramella
Albert Carmen Cicchinelli "Chick" "Al" 373 E. Springfield Rd. rem. for: saving my weekly income for a pick-up truck and not having any money left over for lunch; a.s.w: j.b., t.j., p.g., km., r.r., m.p.; prize poss: my 18 kt gold italian horn; fav. say: "no, seriously!"; pet peeve: people who talk behind other people's backs; fav. mem: bo bo and i at ridley in 8/76; sec. amb: to succeed in life; vo-tech 3, 4; "patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." Guy Cicconi "Rocket Man" 376 Gleaves Rd. rem. for: being the only italian to pass 9th grade; fav. mem: springhaven motel with r.m., g.d., f.n., r.c., m.s., v.n., s.r. etc.; pet peeve: weird broads, bad backs, driving home; fav. say: "i taught sleepy tripp everything he knows"; a.s.w: my car, my kiss me i'm italian button; sec. amb: to win the million dollar lottery and buy a sprinter; football 1; ice hockey 1, 2, 3, capt. 4. Helen Claffey 257 N. State Rd., Apt. 2E Albert Carmen Cicchinelli
Helen Claffey
lacking in excitement because all that was so new to you was old hat to
them. Before long you were sent back to study halls and the freedom was Douglas Campbell Clark 223 Parkview Dr. rem. for: getting caught; a.s.w: m.t., r.l., s.b., d.s.; fav. say: that's cool; pet peeve: bucket seats; fav. mem: christmas '75, summer '76, 8/ 19/76; a.v. 1, sec'y 2, pres. 3,4; stage crew 1; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; senior play crew 4. Doris M. Clemson "Dar" 412 N. Bishop Ave. rem for: always complaining, my weird laugh; prize poss: d.a.d., my family, my friends, n.m., k.c., h.c., k.c., j.k.; pet peeve: waiting, phonies, getting up early; fav. mem: 6/18/76, cave exploring '76, denver, aug. '76, becoming friends with k.c. '76; sec. amb: to always be happy with myself and to get the most out of my life; spec. ed. aide 1, 2; ere aide 2, 3; deca, sec'y. Gregory D. Coe "Snowflake" "Black Magic" "Mr. Wrestler" 400 N. Morton Ave. rem. for: wrestling after school when season was over, wearing mocassins to school; a.s.w: wrestlers, S.S., m.c., mr. s., k.s.; prize poss: christmas tournament memories '74, '75, '76, my cookbooks and recipes, my black wrestling sneakers; fav. say: "it is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."; pet peeve: cheerleaders who didn't cheer, people who didn't come to wrestling meets; fav. mem: summer wrestling tournaments '74, '75, '76, wrestling seasons '75-'76, '76-'77, n. carolina '74'75; sec. amb: to become a 4 time nat'! champ, to succeed in life and to win the olympics; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; commons comm. 3, 4; sports comm. 4; mr. shoe 1,2,3,4.
Douglas Campbell Clark
Doris M. Clemson
Gregory D. Coe
Lori Colburn "Shorty" 100 N. Norwinden Dr. rem. for: coming in my senior year; prize poss: stephen; fav. say: j.c. and good grief; pet peeve; school and s.h., changing schools; fav. mem: guys at vo-tech, 11/14/75; sec. amb: get out of school; basketball 1, 2, 3; band 2; powder puff football 1; crosscountry 2; vo-tech treas. 4. Carol Beth Conklin "Carol" 91 Duncan Lane rem. for: always busy, physics parties, hating printers; a.s.W: d.b., f.w., j.b., l.a., j.b.; prize poss: opals, friends, life; pet peeve: people who don't do anything, stalls; fav. mem: florida "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2; lacrosse 1, 2; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 2, 3,4; history club 3,4; social service 2, 3, 4; sprihian 2, 3, ed. 4; nhs 4; scott's hi-q 4; german club 4; Imc aide 3,4.
Lori Colburn
Carol Beth Conklin
Paul Robert Conley
Paul Robert Conley "Doodle" 606 E. Leamy Ave. a.s.w.: j.s., j.o., b.n.; prize poss: my s. jacket; fav. say: uh uh, glutton; pet peeve: denis the menace; fav. mem: summer of '76, easter '75; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; social service 3, 4; history club 4; musical 4; lunch bunch 3, 4.
B. Lynne Conrad 962 Rocklynn Rd. rem. for: being "over"looked; a.s.w: technicroppers, bear's den; prize poss: friends, memories; pet peeve: my invisible twin sister barbara, shrews, lab reports; fav. mem: germany '76, hickory run '75, camping in the snow and the rain; sec. amb: to breed throughbred racehorses "farewell to you and the youth i have spent with you ... long were the days of pain i spent within these walls" -k.gibran who's who 4; nhs 3, 4; spri-hian 2, 3, 4; scott's hi-q 4; scrivener ed. 4; lit. mag. 2, ed. 3, ed-in-chief 4; m.s.f.c. 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 1,2; basketball mgr. 1. Kathleen Maria Coonelly "Kathy" "Mouse" 516 Andrew Rd. rem. for: having red hair; a.s.w: j.k., m.k., m.h., e.s.; prize poss: family, friends; fav. say: ya know -; pet peeve: getting up at 6:30, small, medium or large; fav. mem: florida '75; sec. amb: to travel; bowling 2. Diane Costagliola 500 Maddock Rd. rem. for: my hair and lateness; a.s.w: m.j., v.a., d.w., l.p., j.f., b.b., at steinberg's; prize poss: my freedom, friends and family; fav. say: i feel like a penguin in bondage boooing; pet peeve: monday mornings, harlee manor 7-3's, hangovers, empties, goberienes, drones, liars; fav. mem: shore '76, springfield weekends, bluerocks, md., bars an<l parties; sec. amb: to travel cross-country with "the girls", to sky-dive; girls' football 2, 3; s.h.d.a. 1, 2, 3, 4.
B. Lynne Conrad
Kathlenn Maria Coonelly
Diane Costagliola
everything from cigarettes to the facts oflife. During the //energy 2
caged. You sat through three classes ofhealth a week learning about
Helen Criston "Helen" 552 Maplewood Ave. rem. for: being late, my '62 buick, doing what i want; a.s.w: my, other half; prize poss: my friends, my family and "candy" and my future; pet peeve: being called leslie; sec. amb: hop freights 'cross country'; explorers 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, class sec. 4; ski club 4; pinochle 4; s.t.w. 4. Matthew Crocco "Mutt", "Bush" 136 Summit Rd. rem. for: crushes, a.s.w gloria, c.e.t.m., h.b., u.e., prize poss.: gloria, norton, my mustache; fav. say: let's get a case of suds; pet peeve: bud's arco, red c.t.o., t.p.o. fav. mem: easter vacation 1976; that special night, sec. b., to shut her down.
Helen Criston
Matthew Crocco
Richard Lawton Crowe
Richard Lawton Crowel "Junk" 318 Rambling Way rem. for: my fully reclining bucket seats and my plastic window; a.s.w: c.d., b.j., b.w., b.k., t.w., t.s., s.r., g.b., a.b., I.d., r.b., b.d., k.m., s.s., I.c., b.k., and my camera; prize.poss: my c.b. set and my beaver; pet peeve: going out to lunch; fav. mem: canada "76", 11-6-76; sec. amb: to get rid of my datsun; band 1,2,3,4; photography staff 2, 3,4; a.v. 2, 3, 4; stage crew 3, 4; c.b. club 3,4; volleyball 2, 3, 4.
Denise Maria 'Daddario "De-De-Dario", "Denise-Poo", "Morn" 953 Westfield Road rem. for: changing my hair, La.p., "the black bomb"; a.s.w: rose, "the girls"; prize poss: friends, memories, letters, "joey" pet peeve: backseats, stupid pride, not knowing why, hojo nights, bamberger's, s'.s., first period fights, goodbyes, "laydown"; fav. mem: 1-1-76, 6:30, bonfires, r.t.p. sd '76, partying with the girls; sec. amb: to marry someone with black hair and blue eyes, to relive 6:30 again; snow dance comm. 4. Patrice Daly "Pat" "*' of the Bobsey twins" 420 Lynnbrooke Rd. a.S.W: d.a., t.m., j.k., s.b.; prize poss: rich; fav. say: "i ain't going for it!", "i can imagine", "i'm telling you"; pet peeve: g.z. false friends, conceited people; fav. mem: sleeping, go crabbing, wildwood; sec. amb: to sit on top of the rocky mountains; bowling 3; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; intramural basketball 1. ' Blake Richard Davis "Bleke" 140 Scenic Rd. rem. for: young life maps, wednesday morning; a.s.w: r.b., b.i., n.h., S.S., k.m., I.d., b.k., s.r., t.s.; prize poss: my friends from young life, my computer; fav. say: ..., but, zibbie, "i really hate french fries"; pet peeve: cigarettes, smoke, anything but young life on a wednesday night; fav. mem: saranac '74, harvey cedars '75, my senior year; young life 1, 2, 3, 4; campaigners 3, 4; dingle dorf basketball 4; m.h.h.c. 4.
Denise Maria Daddario
Patrice Daly
Blake Richard Davis
Kirk Richard Davis "Roofjack" "Kirk" 155 N. Highland Rd. rem. for: my chevy II; a.s.w: jan; prize poss: my family and friends; fav. say: "suck it up", "sure is something"; pet peeve: people who think they're superior to others; fav. mem: towanda '74 and '76; sec. amb: to become successful and lead a happy, fulfilled life; explorers 1, 2, 3. Matthew R. Davis "The Man" 628 Vernon Rd. rem. for: being a man, big wheel rider, men's life; a.s.w: rip, mac, andy, rock, george, and wimpy; prize poss: car, hockey stick; fav. say: "you're a man now"; pet peeve: sitting in the back of mac's car, listening to announcements in homeroom; fav. mem: 11/6/76, penncrest, saturday nights; sec. amb: to kidnap junior m.a.; football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2; track 4; basketball 1; lacrosse 3.
Kirk Richard Davis
Matthew R. Davis
James Paul Davison
James Paul Davison "Godfather" 300 Avon Rd. rem. for: chevys, sale signin, the post office, hall ways; a.S.w: s.t., j.g., d.s., m.d., r.r.; prize poss: '64 chevy, stereo; fav. saying: "about $2.50"; pet peeve: skate boards, senior homeroom, 99's; fav. mem: 5/9/75, kiss and tull '76, 12/18/76, 4/10/76; sec. amb: to hang my homeroom teacher by the feathers; baseball 1, 2; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; miller alumni 1, 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4.
crisis// you found yourself waking up and going to school in the dark.
You were given shiny/ little reflectors which found their way to books/
Sharon Davison 296 Avon Rd. rem. for: my eyes; prize poss: steve and binky; a.s.w: r.r., c.z., k.s., s.h. and crazy lady; pet peeve: rainy saturdays, sleepy hollow deli!; fav. mem: e.l.o. conGert , beach haven '75, 2/21/76, 4/30/76, 6/11/76, 6/17/ 76, 7/8/76, 10/9/76, haunted house; sec. amb: to go to california; musical 2; s.w.i.g. 3; soph. hop comm. 2; band 1, 2, 3. Louis F. Dearden "Louie" 139 Barbara Dr. prize poss: la crosse stick; fav. say: "sure"; fav. mem: waking up for school; sec. amb: to be a spanish teacher and statistician. Russell deFuria "Rust "D~r,,5~6 Co~!i,:,s D~; rem. ~?r:.~}' nose, the club; a.S.W: doob , fmgers, unc, m.s., wild ; pet peeve: librarians, lep.p., green whales, one yr. physics teachers; fav. mem: counting moles - 136; sec. amb: to plumb my way to fame and fortune; "i have great faith in fools; self confidence my friends call it."
bowling 3, 4; rainbow press 3; mole counters 2; fan club press 2, 3, 4; whale hunters 2, 4; french club 4.
Sharon Davison
Louis F. Dearden
Russell deFuria
Michael Della Polla "Dell" 462 Lynbrook Rd. rem. for: my .driving, striking out, sale signing; a.s.w: great people, nick, bob, jim, scott; prize poss: tennis racket and back seat; fav. say: "how ya doin"; pet peeve: tall girls, homework; fav. mem: mischief night '76, summers; sec. amb: to be 6'2"; musical 2, 4; tennis 2, 3, 4; track 1; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; glee club 3; sandbox 3, 4; road rally 3, 4; burger king 5, 6; seagrams 7. William Denison "Wild Bill" 441 Beatty Rd. rem. for: sleeping in class and getting a's, 50's garb and conservatism;
a.s.w: r.d., "fingers", duby; prize poss: abilities; pet peeve: french, whales, moles, school lunches; fav. mem: johnstown-alleluia 2/20-22/76,160+85 moles -11/14/75 phila. flower shows; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. orch. 4; musical 4; pop group 3, 4; n.h.s. 4; spri-hian 3, 4; indoor track 4; spring track 4; m.s.f.c. 2, 3,4; mole counters 3.
Michael Della Polla
William Denison
Nick DeProspero
Nick DeProspero 262 Gleaves Rd. rem. for: being w-d; a.s.w: n.b., o.a., e.g.; prize poss: nancy bellis; fav. mem: labor day, dec. 19, 1975; fav. say: poh che che poh che po poh; pet peeve: time.
Martha deVries 840 Church Rd. rem. for: emily; a.s.w: g.p. (when home); prize poss: greg, my violin, tiges happiness; fav. say: "indeed"; pet peeve: snobs; fav. mem: 12/23/74, 5/ 31/75,5/28-29/76, 8/16-22/76; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2; chorus 1; choir 2; dist. orch. 2, 3, 4; reg. orch. 2, 3, 4; german club 2; musical orch. 1; h.a.b.r.c. 1, 2, 3, 4. Janet Lois DiAmbrosio 663 Vernon Rd. rem. for: my laugh; a.s.w: s.b., t.t., l.g., e.w., s.s.; prize poss: friends, my family, my car, memories; fav. say: "really?", "what's wrong?"; pet peeve: getting up early, cliques; fav. mem: nov. '76 m.c.r., may '74, flyer's parade, summer '75 and '76 down the shore, g.m., rod st concert '75; sec. amb: to become rich; d.e.c.a. II member 4; adv. council 1, 2; pep club 1, 2; intramurals 1; b.l.d.w.'s 1, 2, 3,4. Lisa Anne Dill 15 S. Hillcrest Rd. rem. for: "!l", my laugh; a.s.w: "the girls"; pet peeve: 4th lunch, backstabbers, rainy days, "lay down"; fav. mem: canada, summer '75, '76, re's parties; sec. amb: to be nationally recognized; lacrosse 1; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 1, capt. 2; musical comm. 2, 4; majorette 1, 2; feature twirler 3, 4; scrivener 4; social service 4; tennis 2, 3, 4; nhs 4; gvc 3, 4; commons comm. 3.
Martha deVries
Janet Lois DiAmbrosio
Lisa Anne Dill
they were supposed to go. During October the major topic of discussion
doors/ desks/ and any other place imaginable except your jacket where
David DiSantis 492 Maplewood Rd. Brandon Doemling 702 S. Five Pts. Rd. rem. for: my car, being weird; a.s.w: karen, joy, bob, nick, hake; prize poss: karen, my relationship with joy, friends; fav. say: i wish i had one; pet peeve: homeroom 255, playing favorites, "i have to tell you something, but i can't", senioritis; fav. mem: times spent at 600 cheyney rd., 2/22/76; sec. amb: i'm not tellin'; football 3, 4; service club 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3,4; glee club 3; musical 2, 4; theater arts 4; pop group 2, 3, 4.
David DiSantis
Brandon Doemling
Marjorie Ruth Donall
Marjorie Ruth Donall "Marge", "Margie", "Lavalier", "Merge" 410 Thatcher Rd. prize poss: h.s.; when you're lonely; i wish you love when you're down; i wish you joy when you're troubled; i wish you peace when things are complicated; i wish you simple beauty when things are chaotic; i wish you inner silence when things look empty; i wish you hope. 3rd and 4th hockey 2, 3; varsity hockey mgr. 1,4; lit. mag. 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3; choir 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; lib. aide 1, 2, 3; soc. servo 3, v.p. 4.
Steven Donnelly "Donza" 271 Powell Rd. a.s.w: t.g., a.d.; pet peeve: monday morning, gym, r.t. Rosemary Donze "Rose" 620 Laurel Rd. rem. for: laughing at anything and everything, my walk, c.l.; prize poss: pebblies, family and friends, diaries, memories, albums, souvenirs, p.f.; pet peeve: feet, ho-jo nights, seeds, crowds, "i don't care" moods, waiting, dentist, phoniness; fav. mem: beach boys 7/1/75, music box summers, singing with tavares, bonfires, hoagie parties at 6:30; sec. amb: to be able to go back in time; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 2, 3, 4; scrivener 2, 3, 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; cheerleading 2; musical 4; nhs 4; b.f.c. 2, 3,4. Stacy Drescher 710 LeHann Circle a.s.w: j.h., j.g., j.b., b.l.; pet peeve: waiting; fav. mem: j.d. and all the good times with john; sec. amb: to make and save a lot of money. Steven Donnelly
Rosemary Donze
Stacy Drescher
Andrew Elias Drevyanko Jr. "Andy D." "D" Rolling Green Golf Club rem. for: glazed eyes, scorching thayer for 10 spots, living on a golf course; a.s.w: a.m., kk, r.d., s.aJ., r.t., b.w., j.g., s.b., and tibbs; prize poss: my wilson 1200's and a certain mistress; fav. say: "Go for it", "Nice"; pet peeve: missed wedges, an empty mug and late harvests; fav. mem: a certain "7" months, "ball '75", t-day, conestoga match '76, sun aqua and ply. mannor o.c. weekends; sec. amb: to jam with the outlaws and dominate the tour: football 1; wrestling 2; basketball 3; snow king nom. 4; adv. board 1, 2; golf 1,2, capt. 3,4; golden ale club 1, 2, capt. 3,4; expander's club 4.
Karl Dubendorf "Duby" "Kaal" "Schoob" "Dubenkraut" 425 E. Scenic Rd. rem. for: tuba, the dorfmobile; a.s.w: carol, little d., russ, fingers; prize poss: durf, pinball machine; fav. say: hough hough, "so's your mother"; pet peeve: drumsticks, french, red headed whales, physics teachers who should be unplugged; fav. mem: my regional air force; sec. amb: to be on time for a prom; harpooners 4; treasurer msfc 2, 3, 4; h.a.b.r.c. 1, 2, 3, 4; mole counters 2; pep band 3; brass ensemble 3, 4; musical orch. 2, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. band 2, 3, 4; dist. orch 2, 3, 4; reg. band 3, 4. Andrew Elias Drevyanko, Jr.
Karl Dubendorf
Sean Francis Duffy
Sean Francis Duffy "Seen'; 248 Saxer Ave. rem. for: having a big mouth, w.p., n.bur.; a.s.w: kr., j.k, f.b., b.s., s.b., g.j., a.b., m.d., j.m.; prize poss: friendship; fav. say: saying nothing, pet peeve: spanish, homeroom; fav. mem: summer of '76; sec. amb: to be a foreign ambassador; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; show orch. 2, 4; intramurals 4; lacrosse 3, 4; water polo 1, 2, 3, 4.
was the turnabout dance. It was a traumatic experience for the girls
to get up enough courage to ask the guys out but they lived through it.
Robert James Dunlap 257 N. State Rd. "Porky" a.s.w: clafÂŁ. fetus, denny, goldie; prize poss: maureen, disco banche; fav. mem: 10/31/75, taxi drivin', summer 76; sec. amb: to graduate; referal society 1, 2, 3, 4; liquid lunch bunch 1, 2, 3, 4; committee to overthrow s.h.s. Gary Ebsworth "Ebs" 114 Althea Ln. rem. for: not being cynical; a.s.w: bagly, ray, hondo; pet peeve: lower merion game "74"; fav. mem: summer '75, new year's eve '75; sec. amb: t.m.a.d.b.; football 1; basketball 1,2; baseball 1, 2,3,4; n.h.s. 4; service club 4; ger. club 3; adv. board 1, 2; "the talent of success is. . . doing what you can do well; and doing well whatever you do .. ," henry wadsworth longfellow. Scott W. Edwards "Ed" 945 Westdale PI. rem. for: working hard and getting out of math class; a.s.w: b.o., j.f., j.w.; prize poss: live; pet peeve: springfielder; fav. mem: live and let live; sec. amb.: to get out of the rat race we're in; wrestling 2, 3, 4; vocational tech school 2, 3, 4; vica club 2, 3, 4; safety steward (vo-tech) 3, 4. Robert James Dunlap
Gary Ebsworth
Scott W. Edwards
Sandra Helen Ellixson "Sand" 117 Althea Lane, Morton rem. for: bess, bumming dd's off of sue, having car trouble; a.s.w: j.h., j.s., food in my mouth; prize poss: jwh and memories, my big blue dog; pet peeve: 6:30 alarms, getting hit in parking lots, gym classes, people who argue over nothing, wording, pickles; fav. mem: 11/29/74, 12/27/74, magic number 9, new year's eve, 1974, weekends down the shore; advisory board 1, 2, 3; hockey 1; explorers 1, 2, 3. Chris Engle "Rip" 286 Butler Rd. a.s.w: mac, the man, andy, wimpy, rock, other, friends, crimson dynamo; fav. saying: yo! hello there!; pet peeve: deer, tanz, summer practice, eggmen; fav. mem: the beach boys concert, wings concert, mac's car, men's life; sec. amb: to find the endless weekend; football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1; men's life 4; brewers 3, 4.
Sandra Helen Ellixson
Chris Engle
Linda Jane Eustace
Linda Jane Eustace "Gill, Goober" 340 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: being easy going, and a space head, my tallness, rubber band arms; a.s.w: mil, other s.b.b.s. members; prize poss: friends, my plants, zza; fav. say: "no problem!"; pet peeve: d.I., false friends; fav. mem: 7/19/76, 7/25/75, when flyers won 1st s.c., summers at the shore; sec. amb: a.w.m.m., to be a professional photographer; basketball 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 2, 3, 4; s.b.b.s. 2, 3, pres. 4; m.h.h.c. 4; circulation staff 1, 2, 3, bus. ed. 4; g.v.c. 3, v. pres. 4; photo club 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; n.h.s. 3, 4; advisory board 2, 3.
Bruce Evans 235 Welsh Dr. Charles Evans "Midget", "Fish" 235 Welsh, Dr. rem. for: being late, red mope, a.s.w.: mut, festus, harold, vince, prize poss.: smokey, mope, nova; fav. say.: bar thataway, brew time; pet peeve: warm brew, being short, t.p.o.; fav. mem.: may 20, 1976, summer of 75, west mawr aps B-41, b.a.b., the dots, sec. amb.: to get away from this place, to get a bike Susan Faulkner "Sue" 128 Bellevue Ave. a.s.w: leslie in the girl's room; prize poss: b.I., j.d., d.c.; fav. say: "what can i day"; pet peeve: ra-ra's, I.g., 99% of the class of "77"; fav. mem: memorial weekend "76"; sec. amb: to become filthy rich; lit. mag. 3; d.c.a. 4.
Bruce Evans
Charles Evans
Susan Faulkner
electives such as archery/ rollerskating or table tennis. Football was big 16
Gym class was the same basic routine with a new twist added. You picked Debra Lynn Feld "Debbie" 117 Longview Dr. rem. for: chewing gum, my nails; a.s.w: technicroppers, lunch bunch; prize poss: dave, my telephone, friends, memories, my skis; fav. say: "i don't know"; pet peeve: being without a car; fav. mem: summer '74, summer '76, 5/28/76, 10/3/76, 10/9/76, skiing at spring mt., concerts; sec. amb: to be a doctor, having hair below my rear end; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 2, 4; scriv. ed. 4; nhs 4; ski club 3, 4; soc. service 3, 4.
Joseph T. Fenza "Joe", "Jaws", "Congo" 454 Foster Dr. rem. for: being the "one with the hair", nova and other banches; a.s.w: d.s. - mole, lock-jaw, e.b., clansey, bert, crutches, and my harmonicas; prize poss: my guns, snow, harmonicas, babes, gold; fav. say: "mawn", "how about a lipper!" "grab"; pet peeve: the new jersey man, k.p., waiting, a.m. tunes, rahs, death express; fav. mem: parties at ben's, frampton at tower, west virginia, springfield weekend; sec. amb: to become a tin woodsman in colorado; f.f.a. 3, 4, pres.; band 1, 2; choir 1, 2, pres.; exec. council 1, 2, 3, jr. f.o.d.s. 1, 2, 3, 4; expanders club 1, 2, 3, 4; snow king nominee 4.
Debra Lynn Feld
Joseph T. Fenza
Ronald Joseph Ferrari
Ronald Joseph Ferrari "Ron" 286 Valley View Rd. rem. for: owning the flame mobile; a.s.w: rup, gronze, flea, d.p., d.m.; prize poss: flame mobile; fav. say: "lay down!"; pet peeve: beat engines, getting taken, missing a good party; fav. mem: beach boys '76, summer soccer '76 and soccer '76; sec. amb: do a 12 second quarter-mile in flame mobile; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3; track 1; service club 1, 2, 3,4; nhs 3, pres. 4; .c:~!,!~P ~:p~~t:Q fl.t~ff
Bettina Fillippone "Tina" 745 Dutton Circle John Fischere 914 Rocklynn Rd. Eric Fisher "Rick" "Fish" "Ick" "Reckless" 608 Kennerly Rd. rem. for: not giving a .... reckless driving, being a millionaire; a.s.w: angelo, matt (chic, starsky); pet peeve: friday the 13ths, rags, underclassmen at parties; fav. mem: 6/16/76, 10/3/75, road rallies after work, w.w. '76; sec. amb: to meet fJ. and r.k.d.; soccer 1, 2; ice hockey 2, 3, co-capt. 4; m.h.h.c. 4; haven club 4; pumpers club 4.
Bettina Fillippone
John Fischere
Eric Fisher
Thomas Fitzpatrick "Tom", "Fitz", "Unc" 974 Edwards Dr. rem. for: the club; a.s.W: r.d., f.f., m.s., j.b., b.w., a.r., the accused; fav. say: "it's people like you that cause unrest"; pet peeve: shrews, chickens, french, le.p.p.; "it's over and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they always say in turkey, when they cut the wrong man's head off." -C. Dickens french club 4; m.s.f.c. - v.p. 2, 3, 4. Roger Fitzsimmons 246 Kent Rd.
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Roger Fitzsimmons
Eileen Foley
Eileen Foley "Fole", "Leeny", "Mole Fale" 127 Wayne Ave. rem. for: my height, my built-in necklace, being espo's better half; a.s.w; trudy, sonnia, harry, J.p. gang, r.d., J.d., J.b.; prize poss: dave esposito, my friends, my 2 families; pet peeve: insecurity, keys, k.w., playing games; fav. mem: 2/13 /74, at 10:15, potter county '75 and '76, "b.b.c.", pajama game, bonfires, 5/31/75, 4/10/76, 5/28/76, 6/29/74, singing in the commons; sec. amb: to get taller; lacrosse 1; cheerleading 1, co-capt. 2; locker problems 2, 3, 4; chorus 2 sec. 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, sec. 4; musical 4; cougarettes 4.
but basketball was tops in //Dave Batton High.// You watched our team go tc
Ie Palestra that year. At the faculty basketball game you cheered for the high
Mark Foley "Fol" "Dense" 127 Wayne Ave. rem. for: flirting, quad captain, shaved legs; a.s.w: S.S., j.s., j.s., c.b., b.p., d.s., b.r., ks.; prize poss: my girl friends; fav. say: "say what?"; pet peeve: summer practices, ridleY' football games, no brew; fav. mem: 65 dodge truck, red malibu, beach boys '76 with ks.; sec. amb: cross country on motorcycle; football 1, 2, 3, capt. 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, stats. 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; road rally 3, 4, capt.; party 1, 2, 3, 4; snow king nom. 4. Frank Forcellini "Fingers" "Moose" 652 Andrew Rd. rem. for: my conservative viewpoint, fowl (foul) poem, saying "what?", being straight, forgetting my nose; a.s.w: russ, karl, unc, tubas; prize poss: family, good friends, good music; fav. say: "atsa matta you?"; pet peeve: constant complainers, overly critical people, getting the "shaft", unreasonable people; fav. mem: playing poker till 5 a.m., july '76, 3/30174, turnabout dance '76; bowling 4; nhs 4; explorers 3, 4; ccvp 2, 3,4; caruso club 1, 2, 3, 4. Sondra Lynne Forman "Sondy" 521 Cheyney Rd. rem. for: not talking until 3rd period; a.s.w: the lunch bunch; prize poss: f.f., my piano; pet peeve: being called sandy or sonia, being rushed; fav. mem: concerts, skiing at spring mtn.; sec. amb: finding the perfect plot; chorus 1, 2, 3,4; ski club 3, 4; soc. servo 3, 4; girl's football 2; lesp. 1, 2, 3, 4; history club 4; scrivener ed. 4; nhs; musical 4.
Mark Foley
Frank Forcellini
Sondra Lynne Forman
James Nelson Forrest "Woods" 511 Sheffield Dr. prize poss: my memories and my dreams; pet peeve: monotony, girl jocks, 6:30 a.m., ridley; fav. mem: canada '76; soccer 1, 2, 3, all-central 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2; canada dry 3, 4; weightlifting 4. Edward Kent Fowler "Ed" 919 Edgewood Dr. a.s.w: mark, the "band", eric; prize poss: my half of the amp; fav. say: "you'll have this"; pet peeve: freshmen, guitar players; fav. mem: summer '76, 5/6/76-5/9/76, 2/21-22/76, activities; sec. amb: to be a mystic; band 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 4.
James Nelson Forrest
Edward Kent Fowler
JanetM. Fox
Janet M. Fox 226 Harwicke Rd. a.s.w: k.m., h.b., m.j., c.m., d.c.; prize poss: m.g., the future, memories, friends, my family, a dream, the past, w/p.b., and an understanding mom; fav. say: "go slowly"; pet peeve: insecurities, misunderstandings and moby's tone; fav. mem: calif. '75, mts. '76, blue rocks '76, 8th grade click, state rd. '74, champs 73-75, bar hopping, km., n.b. and the good times, stieners '76, n.b. jersey '75; s.h.d.a. 1, 2, 3, 4; v.i.c.a. 3,4.
Patricia Anne Francia "PAF" "Pat" "Patti" 610 East Leamy Avenue rem. for: my hair, being short, still going out with al; a.s.w: v.m., kc., t.S., a.c.; prize poss: family, friends, memories of the past, plans for the future; pet peeve: waiting, "do you have any gum?", being late for homeroom, homeroom, the "situation"; fav. mem: 11/2/74, b.s. summers in ventnor, e. ltd., Z., "allergies", getting into mischief with v.m. on 11/ 25/76; sec. amb: to go on a cruise to the virgin islands; adv. coun. 1; pep club 1; soc. servo 2; chorus 1, 2, 3; stw 1; grappIerette 3; hockey 4; photography club 4; snow queen nom. 4.
Gary Eugene Freas "Gef" 346 Holt Lane rem. for: kawasaki 400, helmet, doing crazy things, wearing kawasaki t-shirts, and jeans; a.s.w: rick, dave, bunk, mike, kel, roy, dave, tibbs, horse, scott, ebs: prIze poss: my kawasaki, friends, stereo; fav. say: "are you on-drugs?", "excellent", "no"; pet peeve: being tired, rain, cold hands, tag; fav. mem: summer of '76, senior basketball season; sec. amb: to own a business; basketball 1, 2, 3, capt. 4; baseball 1; servo club 1, 2, 3, 4; adv. board 2: snow king nom. 4. Thomas J. Gallagher "Tom" 1832 Ashurst Rd. Phila. rem. for: long walks on 714th st.; a.s.w; pjm, d.s., m.k; prize poss: my bongos, my board, pjm; fav. say: "fix it"; pet peeve: shs, 3rd period chemistry; fav. mem: spring vacation '75, towanda '76; sec. amb: fly to columbia; varsity partying 1, 2, 3,4; schlitz alumni 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 2, 3; track 3. 4.
Patricia Anne Francia
Gary Eugene Freas
Thomas J. Gallagher
Bart as class officers. You were just getting your toes wet in various school
school teachers for the first time. Later you elected Steve/ Jeannie/ Joe and Christopher Ganci "Chris" 335 Holt Lane rem. for: don't wish to be remembered; a.s.w: missy shada; prize poss: my leather; fav. say: "help me", "smell like a goat", "ort"; pet peeve: rahs; sec. amb: to be the next face on mount rushmore; vo-tech 2, 3, 4. John Vincent Gelsomini "Jack" 'IT.'' "Gels" 238 Alliston Rd. rem. for: playing lacrosse like a robot, being too serious; a.s.w: bob, joe, g, aI, mc, dr. d, stx; prize poss: my friends, my future; pet peeve: grilled gloves, working saturdays, prejudice; fav. mem: l.m. '76, margate, mole's class, rhm's, caddy, boo boo, anaps., hosp., lax camp, summer vac., project doughboy; sec. amb: explore undersea worlds; football 2, 3; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; exec. council treas. 4; nhs 4; stw goer 3, 4; living 1, 2, 3, 4.
Christopher Ganci
John Vincent Gelsomini
Matthew Gentile
Matthew Gentile "Chick" "Tony" "B." "Starsky" "Rago" "Mattydo" 737 W. Rolling Rd. rem. for: not being in school, going out with "big" girls; a.s.w: 1/5 cc., pint s.c., andy d, "the girlies," prize poss: 400 sebring, 1/5 cc., my room, dusters, my sec. trisha; fav. say: "it's cool" "r-a-a-g", "man"; pet peeve: girls getting sick in my car and on my lawn, rags, re's xmas party with a certain spaced out someone; fav. mem: 1/ 1/75, l.w. is lots of fun, going down n.j. with dan, 12/9/76, bob's house, parties in my room, bruders hill, plymouth manor O.C.; sec. amb: very secret, "private"; football 1; baseball 1; ice hockey 1, 2, 3, 4.
Linda Ann Genzel "Lynn" 1001 Edwards Dr. rem. for: cheering on the bus the day before a football game, dying my hair; a.s.w: U., e.w., C.S., l.s.; prize poss: family and friends; fav. say: "you're weird"; pet peeve: g.z., dieting, mondays, term papers; fav. mem: meeting j.t., 9/5/76, 4/2/ 76, dccc baseball; sec. amb: making people happy, own a restaurant; intr. basketball 1; 3rd and 4th hockey 2, 3; 3rd and 4th lacrosse 1; honors gym 3, 4; girl's chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3,4; coached volleyball 3. Lisa Ann Ghazikian "Scooter" "Zeke" "Gadzooks" "Brown Eyes" "French Fry" "Bubble Gum" 125 Grandview Rd., rem. for: being small; a.s.w: "the girls", the j.b.'s, technicroppers, mon, lor, kath, lis, jeannie; prize poss: baby blue marine, my family and friends, frampton poster; fav. say: "oh what a night", "y.a.b.g."; pet peeve: being new in school; fav. mem: snow dance, summers of '75, '76, re's parties, h.r. summers, christmas, bonfires and bush buddies, 6/ 12/76, 7/4/74 Mass '77; gymnastics 1, 2; photography 3, 4; soc. servo 2; scrivener ed. 3, 4; soph hop dec. comm. 2; prom comm. 3. 4; airhead airlines 1, 2, 3, 4; ziggy fan club 2, 3, 4; m.h.h.c.4. Michael Francis Giancatarino "Mike" "G" "Gino" 948 Rocklyn Rd. rem. for: my height, short hair, never wearing dungarees or lab glasses; a.s.w: jack, al, joe, bob, kevin; prize poss: my height, my car?, and friends; pet peeve: top lockers, e.s. II, Ill, IV, people who think they're great, vacuum apparatusses; fav. mem: june 8, 1977; football 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; nhs 4.
Linda Ann Genzel
Lisa Ann Ghazikian
Michael Francis Giancatarino
James Vincent Giannini "Bigg" "G" "Jim" "Jimmy" "Eric" 648 Cheyney Rd. rem. for: laugh, sloe gin, dieting, being rock star, being italian, drunks; a.s.w: cap, terry, carol, bill, barb, jim, scot, mike, hallway gang, steve, dave; prize poss: betsy, sunbird, hands; fav. say: "they're out to get me"; pet peeve: green volkswagens, mornings, big shoes; fav. mem: kiss '76, tull '76, sloe gin, 12/18/76, 5/27/77, 6/7/77; sec. amb: out play clapton; crew 3, 4; s. servo 3, 4; v. ball 3, 4; universall, 2; sloe gin 4, 5, 6 ...; hallway 4; miller alumni 1, 2, 3, 4; linger on 4. Edward G. Gibson "Ed" "Gib" "Head" 567 W. Rolling Rd. rem. for: putting pens, fries, and straws up my nose, my wings, my imitations; a.s.w: a smile, kathy, gronze, flea, dude, leslie; prize poss: kathy, my comb, dolly, mom and dad; fav. say: "yo"; pet peeve: not being with the one i love; fav. mem: 2/4/76,12/8/74,8/16/76, 7th grade; wrestling 1, 2, 3; explorers 1, 2; crazy club 1, 2, 3, 4; "if you love something, set it free. if it comes back, it's yours. if it doesn't, it never was."
James Vincent Giannini
Edward C. Gibson
Thomas Gildea
Thomas Gildea "Gil" 327 Powell Rd. rem. for: always being on time for homeroom; a.s.w: s.d., a.d., C.p., j.t., g.m.; pet peeve: shs, monday mornings; fav. mem: 6/12/76; sec. amb: to graduate from shs.
activities such as executive council/ the Spri-Hian/ etc. .
. but you still pla)
In Jr. High teams. As ninth grade drew to a close you looked forward to next Jeanne Carol Gilmore "Jeannie" 213 Claremont Rd. rem. for: being a mick jagger freak, liking khaki green; a.s.w: monica, jim, john, stacy, bob, tim, or andy d.; prize poss: f.oJ., my pets, my plants, my jade jewelry, my ukranian necklace, poems, monica, that "bearded boy", my sisters and mom; pet peeve: people who can't be original, cb'ers, mechanics, "only kidding"; fav. mem.; west virginia, 8/30/75, j.d. with j.b., clubbing with barri, stones concert, seeing jackson twice, times with monica; sec. amb: to have my own horse farm in w. va., to have someone write a song about me and to have a sugar daddy; hockey 1, 2; lacrosse 1; choir 1, 2, 3,4; s.w.i.g. 2; class sec. 2, 3; spri-hian eirc. staff 2, 3; scrivener 3, ed. 4; m.h.h.c. 4; f.aJ.c. 3, 4; a.r.a. 3, 4; canine court 4; j.bJ.c. 1,2,3,4. Miliza Godzieba 948 Springhaven Rd. pet peeve: poor auditions, guilt, my procrastination; fav. mem: the zoo; n.y.c., cherith '76, cape may, summer wishes, winter dreams; hockey 2, 3, 4; man. 1; spri-hian 2, 3, ed. 4; scrivener bus. staff 3, 4; social service 3, 4; lit. mag. 3,4; chorus 3, 4; reach for the heavens and hope for the future, and all that we can be not what we are. - john denver Jeffrey Goldman "SRecs", "Squirrel", "Goldie", "Dennis", "Uno", "Farmer" 135 Harned Dr. prize poss: my sanity; pet peeve: school spirit, nicknames, small talk, trite people, meaninglessness life, fav. mem.: sleep, the lord of the rings, sec. amb: to be god; wrestling 1, 2, 3; baseball 1, 2; crosscountry 4; winter track 4; spring track 4; spri-hian 3, 4; social service 3, 4.
Jeanne Carol Gilmore
Miliza Godzieba
Jeffrey Goldman
Stephen Gotwols "Steve", "Got" 19 Locust Ave. rem. for: forgetting, the jungle in my room; a.s.w: bob, jim, carol, dave; prize poss: my friends, my g-55; fav. say: "decent"; pet peeve: walking, wand f sheets, les paul customs; fav. mem: saranac village '76; sec. amb: to go back in time; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; habrc 1, 2, 3,4; weightlifting 1, 2. Kathleen Ann Greskoff "Kathy" 23 Fairhill Rd. rem. for: my laugh and asking a lot of questions; a.s.w; eleni and cindy; prize poss: family and friends; fav. say: "what were ya' doin'?"; pet peeve: waiting for people who are late, chronic liars, gym class, bubble gum music; fav. mem: florida '76; sec. amb: to parachute from an airplane and to be skinny again.
Stephen Gotwols
Kathleen Ann Greskoff
Steven Gronlie
Steven Gronlie "Gronze" 200 School Ln. rem. for: always partying and giving my beer away for free, drinking exclusive and expensive beer; a.s.w: flea, rup, gib, ort, lump, my jacket, d.p. and my horse; prize poss: my beer and my soccer jacket; fav. say: "wait till i'm done my cigarette"; pet peeve: being tapped on the shoulder, school, acct. notes; fav. mem: soccer banquet "76" shore at 4:40 in the morning, the bust; sec. amb: to have a never ending pouch of cigarettes and to own my own beer distributor; soccer 1, 4; boy's room 1, 2, co-capt. 3, 4; fa club 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; bowling 2; wrestling mgr. 4.
Vincent J. Grosso 100 Wayne Ave. rem. for: eldorado, motorcycle; a.s.w: m.c., c.e., h.b., t.m.; prize poss: harleydavison motorcycle; pet peeve: people that don't go to votech, smart people, cougars, springfield; fav. mem: 12/4/76; vo-tech 3, 4. Joseph Gryn 42 Wayne Ave. Kent Guerin "Buff" 345 Lewis Rd. rem. for: always being in rm. 127, threatening d.s. and t.!. in physics, never eating in the cafeteria; a.s.w: rox; prize poss: grubby boots, comb; fav. say: "definitely", "decent"; pet peeve: rahs, detentions, bears, english teachers, m.s. and b-e-n-t; suspensions; fav. mem: 5/7-9/76, 1/1/75, 11/26-28/76, summer of '75; sec. amb: to have money; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch 3, 4; pop group 3,4; musical 4; almost dance band 4; h.a.b.r.c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; district band 4. Vincent J. Grosso
Joseph Gryn
Kent Guerin
,ophomore/ had //interesting// new courses like geometry and driver-ed/ and
year when you would no longer be the //runts. // All of a sudden you were a Lester L. Gutshall "Rat" "Ratso" 308 Orchard Rd. rem. for: getting sizzled while playing goal and a certain shirt; a.s.w: "the kid"; prize poss: my stereo; fav. say: "that's the way it goes"; pet peeve: french II; fav. mem: summer of "76", maine, n. mexico, e.s. with grizzly; sec. amb: backpack in the wilderness for a month; soccer 1; bowling 1, 3, 4; ski club 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; servo club 2, 3, 4; spelunking 3, 4; bonfire 4. Sharon Lynn Hagy 705 Sheffield Dr. rem. for: being flighty at times; a.s.w: j.m., a.y., a.w., 1.1., sJ., C.W.; prize poss: my friends and family; fav. say: "what can i say"; pet peeve: shocks from water fountains, the grinder, prejudice people, snobs; fav. mem: one summer on the beach, 4/11; sec. amb: to go to california in a van with friends, to be successful; hockey 1, 4; lacrosse 2; basketball 2; track 2, 3, 4; cross country 3; winter track 4; social service club 2; choir 2, 3, 4; n.h.s. 4; chorus 1; history club 4; g.v.c. 4; le.s.p. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Lester L. Gutshall
Sharon Lynn Hagy
Richard Michael Hakun
Richard Michael Hakun "Hake" "Ricit" 2 Locust Rd. rem. for: elvis impersonation, my nose; a.s.w: kk, b.d., smitty, j.s., mJ., b.m., j.s., b.j., n.b., h.c.; prize poss: family, friends, jeannie, and chfil; fav. say: "how are you?"; pet peeve: steaks that walk, teenage teachers; fav. mem: 12/20175, 4/10 176, 5/28176; sec. amb: to be rich instead of good looking; football 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; ser. club 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 2, 4; glee club 1, 2, 3, vice pres. 4; snow king nominee 4. "... and if i'm goin' nowhere, i'll go there proud." -iim croce
Stephen R. Hamilton "Dexter" 38 Barbara Dr. rem. for: budwiser; a.s.w: barb; prize poss: corvette; fav. say: help him; pet peeve: eng. II and IV; fav. mem: summer; sec. amb: to get out of s.h.s.; vo-tec. auto 3 years. Susanne Handline "Sue" 70 Forest Rd. a.s.w: a.!., p.m., ks.; fav. mem: aug. 27-28 '76, Lsn.c. balanese 1, II, III, c.m.'s thanksgivings '75; gym. 1, 2, 3, 4; hockey 2, 3; ski club 2, 3; lacrosse mgr. 1; soph. hop comm. John J. Hanrahan "Elton" "John-boy" 'lJ." 518 Springview Lane rem. for: singing and my baby blues; a.s.w: stacey, bob, jeannie, jim, and others; prize poss: pictures, letters, mem., s.b. and my two chevys; fav. say: "yeah, i hear ya"; pet peeve: gettin busted, rags, pickin corn, backstabbers; fav. mem: minnesota, john denver, granite run mall; sec. amb: to never have to hurry but never be late. Stephen R. Hamilton
Suzanne Handline
John J. Hanrahan
John W. Hanrahan "Jack" 447 Andrew Rd. rem. for: being late to homerooom; a.s.w: b.j., john; prize poss: my dog, my backpack, and my friends; fav. say.: "really"; fav. mem.: towanda '74, '75, '76, all our camping trips, cruising down jersey in the lincoln; sec. amb.: to own a forest and to stop the population; explorer's 1, 2, 3; soc. ser. club, stage crew. Kelly Hardcastle "Kelly" 268 Valleyview Rd. rem. for: silent observations; fav. say: "too intense"; pet peeve: being caught without "chez"; fav. mem: miles with x.c. team; sec. amb: dictatorship over scrivers of a political catastrophe, running Isp '74, '75, '76. "the dress battle is soon over, you pieces soon to be knocked from the board. only the master remains, drooling over a bloody field, and the observer, silently watching.
John W. Hanrahan
Kelly Hardcastle
Janice F. Harding
Janice F. Harding "Jay" 269 Beechwood Ave. rem. for: always having deodorant in locker room; prize poss: opal necklace; fav. mem: labbell concert 10/9176, and terry's new year's party; pet peeve: washing dishes; swimteam and badminton; girl's high 73, 74, 75; stage crew; scriv. bus. staff '76.
participated in the annual candy sale. At last you began to feel like a part of t
school. You finally graduated to]. V. teams. The seniors were still big and Nancy Jean Harrington "Buzz", "Scuzz", "Fuzz", "Puggles", 97 S. Rolling Rd. rem. for: straws, my laugh, buzz cuts; a.s.w: r.b., b.d., b.I., n.m., I.e., ks., m.f., Lb., I.d., km., s.s., g.z., kw.; prize poss: my straws, friends, good laughs; fav. say: "how ya' doin'?", "i swear ...", "googans!", "like all sorts of ... and ..." "eee yaa!", "sad!", "gag!"; pet peeve: smoking, "can i borrow a french fry?", r.b.; fav. mem: saranac '75, 4/10/76, year of '75-'76; sec. amb: to h.r.b.f.t.r.o.m.l.; hockey 2, 3, co-capt. 4; bask'etball 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 2, 3, 4; varsity club 3, 4 (treas.); pep club 1; m.h.h.c. 4; s.b.b.s. 1, 2, 3, treas. 4. David P. Harris "Dave" 538 Wesley Rd. rem. for: weird!; a.s.w: 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 head with face, l' body and 1 tail; prize poss: life, people; fav. say: "yes", "no"; pet peeve: bad guitar strings; fav. mem: '76 I.u.p., learning up; sec. amb: to own a music store; band 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; social service 3, 4; musical 4; volleyball 3, 4; ping pong 2; polish american club 3; dance band 1, 4; s.e.s. 171 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2; f.o.m. 1, 2; f.a.b.s. 1, 2, 3,4. Milt Hedrick 262 Pancoast Ave. a.s.w: brian, hop, beth; prize poss: my friends; fav. say: "good night", "in the pit"; pet peeve: people that say one thing and do another; fav. mem: summer of '72 with teri; sec. amb: to own a fully equipped thunderbird; canadian club 1, 2, 3, 4; intr. volleyballi, 2, 3; intr. basketball 3, 4.
Nancy Jean Harrington
David P. Harris
Milt Hedrick
Richard Kyle Henshey "Hench", "Hersh" 39 Lownes Ln. rem. for: eating; a.s.w: carolyn, and projectors; prize poss: c.s.l.; fav. say: "that's the way it goes"; pet peeve: being called hershey; fav. mem: oct. 1, 1974, sept. 6, 1975; a.v. 1, 2, 3, 4, pres. 2, sec. 4; band mgr. 2, 3; drum major 4; stage crew 2; pajama game props comm. 4; german club 4; I.m.c. aide 1. Roger Hepler 390 Madison Rd. rem. for: the longest lunch period, zuke-zuke-a-Iuke (the mighty warrior); a.s.w: j.p., d.p., j. (jaws) f., S.S., b.b., restless youths; prize poss: frosted flakes, chocolate milk; fav. say: "henril", "what's up?"; pet peeve: burnt toast, small roaches, sticker bushes; fav. mem: us, "spring valley", foghat/boston, "sinking of titanic", brown '69, turbinized pelican (extinct); sec. amb: get rich and die high; soccer 1, 2; scrivener staff 1, 2; lit. mag. 1, 2.
Richard Kyle Henshey
Roger Hepler
Melody Herbert
Melody Herbert 119 Schyler Rd.
Mary Anne Hilferty 615 Yale Ave. rem. for: always laughing, being short; a.s.w: laura, barb, "linda", beth, judi, barri; prize poss: ring, dog, memories; pet peeve: 6:00 a.m. mondays, time restrictions; fav. mem: 11/25/76-12/5/76. William Anthony Himbert "Bill" 542 Sherman Rd. rem. for: my hair, my ford falcon fairlane torino, looking for new people to meet; a.s.w: jim, terry, lap, barb, carol, linda, carolyn and everyone else; prize poss: friends; fav. say: "good stuff"; pet peeve: mad shifters, million dollar library complexes, finding strange houses at night; fav. mem: jr. and sr. year, hallway crew, commons crew, 7th; sec. amb: to understand Mr. Wood; stage crew 4. Mary Ann Hinchliffe "Mare" 248 Powell Rd. rem. for: gray hairs, always laughing, poems, taking chances; a.s.w: mary lou, janice, stella, cathy, and the ghouls, (kv., m.v.r., m.I.); prize poss: my family, my cats, class ring, friends, memories; fav. say: "you foo!!", "what's your problem?"; pet peeve: stop signs, snobs, rahs, gym, cliques; fav. mem: summer of '76, ice-skating, dances, 7th period, 8th period with kv., kc., 3/20/76, 6/1/76, new year's eve '75; sec. amb: to own a porsche; pep club 1, 3.
Mary Anne Hilferty
William Anthony Himbert
Mary Ann Hinchcliffe
and Mr. Castefero came. Mr. Sanborn entertained you for three days by the
important yet their faces were more familiar. Mr. Dietrich left but Mr. Card1
Brian G. Hoke "Hoky" 620 Shipley Ln. rem. for: being in school; a.s.w: linda, kb., i.p., j.m., kv.; prize poss: linda voglesong, '69 plymouth fury 3; fav. say: "ort"; pet peeve: summer practice, heat, sleds, muffler; fav. mem: ice skating and proms; sec. amb: plumber; football 1, 2, 3, 4; track 4. Kathleen Cecelia Horn "Kathi", "Kath", "Horny" 405 Maplewood Rd. a.s.w: mon, lis, "the girls", technicroppers; prize poss: family, special friendships, my skis, memories; fav. say: "what a brat!", "go for it!", "y.a.b.g."; pet peeve: "crossed wires", "only kidding", losing something that means a lot to you; fav. mem: hawaii '76, new year's eve '76, explorers trips, towanda, beach boys, yes/frampton, hall and oates, ski trips - 1/7-9176, iust 6!; sec. amb: to own a horse; explorers 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1; basketball 2; hockey 4; stage crew 1, 2; chorus 1, 2, 3; scrivener ed. 4; photog. 4; spri-hian circ. staff 2, 3, 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; sr. play 4; b.f.c. 2, 3, 4. Brian G. Hoke
Kathleen Cecelia Horn
Chris Hup 410 Larchwood Rd.
Russell Iannuzzelli "Russ" 648 Buttonwood Dr. a.s.w: g.r.: prize poss: stereo, banjo; pet peeve: warm beer and cold women; fav. mem: "waits concert"; football 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3, 4. Mark Mitchell Imming "Imp" 645 Maplewood Ave. rem. for: being in shoemaker's, and always munching out; a.s.w: i.s., c.f., c.m., d.s.; prize poss: vw, cata-pole, pacer III; fav. say: "yeah right", "sure" "what a hemi"; pet peeve: french class, vaulting box and pits; fav. mem: bad co. concert, beachboys concert, summer '76, s.g. parties, april 19, '75, delco relays, saranac, young life, flyers parade, touring phila. road rallies; sec. amb: to own a porsche; football 1, 2, 3,4; wrestling 1, 2, 3; track 1,2, 3, 4. Stephen Jackson "Steve" 275 Welsh Dr. rem. for: talking about camping and explorers; a.s.w: lisa; prize poss: lisa, friends, my van, my skis; pet peeve: my van and its payments; fav. mem: 4/10176, 7/4176, towanda '74, elk neck in october, a.t.gA.w.I.; sec. amb: buy a large section of land and build my own house a.I.w.I.; tennis 1; stage crew 1, 2; ski club 1, 2, 3,4; explorers 1, 2, 3, 4; i.l.w.I. 3, 4.
Russell Iannuzzelli
Mark Mitchell Imming
Stephen Jackson
G. Bruce Jacoby 100 W. Thompson Ave. a.s.w: lois, i.a., j.h.; prize poss: my art work; fav. say: "why not?"; pet peeve: springfield high; fav. mem: jersey in john's lincoln; sec. amb: take a columbian cruise; band 1, 2, 3; g. club 1, 2; orch; 3; parking lot 3, 4; "come in here dear boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try, they're gonna love you." - pink floyd Karen Joanna Jannetti 905 Rocklynn Rd. rem. for: my laugh, talking, being late, singing "loud"; a.s.w: s.b., t.d., n.m., km., i¡I.; prize poss: my friends, ivory, my brown eyes, ethel; fav. say: e.m., "hi!"; pet peeve: "n", top lockers, one "n"; fav. mem: summers at sic, 317-15175, 10/24176, 11176, 12/18176, 2/14176, 3/14175, 3/10-19177, new year's eve '75 and '76, allegheny '75, '76, 8174; sec. amb: to be 4'4", to meet ethel merman; pep club 1, 2, 3; spri-hian circ. staff 1, 2, 3; ski club 3; music man 2; pajama game 4; pop group 2, 3, sec. 4; chorus 3, sec. -treas. 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4.
Karen Joanna Jannetti
Susan Marie Jeckel
Susan Marie Jeckel "Susie J." 723 Haines Lane rem. for: babbling for days, my pugsley nose; a.s.w: "the girls"; prize poss: dig'ems, sunsets, my scrapbook; fav. say: "poof!"; pet peeve: good-byes, decisions, 2/13176, rm. 18; fav. mem: senior prom weekend '76, west trip, sasafras lodge florida, times in ocean city esp. 8/11176; sec. amb: to teach kk; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, sec. 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4, sec. 3, 4; musicals 2, 4; nhs 4; boy's b-ball stats. 3, 4; big hearts club 1, 2, 3,4; lit. mag. 4; gvc 4.
famed bubble-gum factory story. Earth shoes and pre-washed jeans made
~heir debut.
You danced your tail off to the music of //Pendulum// at the //All
Felicia Jeannine Jefferson "Flea" "Ivory" "Fifi" "Tick" 212 Pennington Ave. Morton rem. for: lunchin', being evil, quiet, my sneakin' and freakin' style; a.s.w: ebony, jade, diamond, net, t.a., !:1.b.;, ",~he wild bunc~"; ,prize poss: ,p1y stereo, p.c., s.p. s.b., mean happenmgs ; fav. say: no go!", "hold up", "bad boy", "bad oscar", "you're out", "you're wild!"; pet peeve: "hounds" nosey people; fav. mem: 9/23/76, 10/4/76, 10/30/76, "weekends", "f.m."; sec. amb: to be happy, do the best i can; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3,4. Barri Melissa Jones "Burke" "Barney" "Buzzwoman" "Fish" 101 Yale Square rem. for: being "different", going to college in '76; a.s.w: food in my mouth; prize poss: r.j.p.; pet peeve: slow taIkers, people who are late, time; fav. mem: times with buck, joyce, clubbing with jeannie, alfred hitchcock, moldy ice cream, july 15, '76, meeting "honey"; sec. amb: to be a star; chorus 1, 2; choir 3. "don't hurry, don't worry . and don't forget to smell the flowers" - t. rice Marianne Jones "Mare" "Jones" "Reds" "Magnum" 500 Kennerly Rd. rem. for: not remembering; a.s.w: fox, costa, aIibert, bellis, wurz, everyone at steinberg's; prize poss: low gear and a beer, watch, numbers, slows, memories, friends; fav. say: "bobby, bobby, bobby"; pet peeve: goobers, crimps, shs' lack of taste for good music, dry summers; fav. mem: 4/24/76, blue rocks '76, chincoteaque '75, springfield weekend '75, '76, '77, new year's '75, '76, '77, parties at steinberg's; sec. amb: to be a bartender; shda 1, 2, 3, 4; girl's football 3; choir 1, 2.
Felicia Jeannine Jefferson
Barri Melissa Jones
Marianne Jones
Greg Joy "Wolfie" 254 Saxer Ave. rem. for: sleeping in commons; a.s.w: j.g., s.d., n.b., a.b., j.k, m.s., b.s.; prize poss: brown beauty, j.g., parents, good friends; pet peeve: 11 points, accounting worksheets; fav. mem: coming in at 2:30 a.m., senior prom '76, rubber band man; sec. amb: owning a restaurant; football 1, 2, 3; capt. 4; baseball 1, 2, 3,4. Wendy Lee KaIey "Wen" 431 Kerr Lane rem. for: being quiet; a.s.w: d.r., c.l., d.k, j.b., prize poss: my gee-tar and school ring; fav. say: "guess what?" I john 4:9; fav. mem: summer '76, feb. 12-14 '74; sec. amb: to be a little girl again; basketball 1; bowling 3, 4; a.v. 3, 4; sr. girl's chorus 3, 4; pep club 1.
Greg Joy
Wendy Lee Kaley
Elaine Karpiel
Elaine Karpiel "Lainee" 467 Pinecrest Rd. "let us become more than we are. . . all that we long to be. . . everything we are capable of being. . . and then let us long to exceed what we have become" - r. cox; fav. mem: 101 zoos, thompson ave. cruise, j.d. concert, 16th surprise! sec. amb: to be a p.t. in j.d. country. .
Joyce Kathrine Kearney "Joycie" "Querney" 308 Foulke Lane rem. for: having red and green hair, always eating, duck feet; a.s.w: teri, annette, barri; prize poss: kb., friends, family, memories, piano, license; fav. say: "oh, my god!"; pet peeve: snobs, always needing money, not getting enough sleep; fav. mem: 4/10/76, friday and sunday nights; sec. amb: to become a famous hair stylist, make a lot of money, own a "77" trans-am, spend as much time as possible with some special person; deca II; chorus 1, 2; explorers club. Lisa Louise Kehm "LieseI" "Fern" "Kehm" 127 Broadview Rd. rem. for: never getting aIong with miss kaminsky and my enormous respect for her!!; a.s.w: stephen; prize poss: friends (including my kosher friends), stephen; pet peeve: j.a.w.g. trying to keep a straight face; fav. mem: 7/3/59,7/4/ 76, my graduation, jr. prom, explorers, all the good times with stephen; sec. amb: to tour the country in a v.w. bus, a.l.w.s., explorers 3; i.l.w.s. 3, 4 ... goodbye all. Martin Keller "Killer Keller" 29 Congress Ave. rem. for: my great contribution to society; a.S.W: richard nixon, gerald ford and jimmy carter; prize poss: my voice; fav. say: shut up kevin; pet peeve: putting out fires; fav. mem: mr. wentz's 7th period aIgebra class; sec. amb: to put kevin mctague on the moon also to be one of doe's boys; glee club 1; visual aid 1; musical 2; tv crew 2, 3, 4.
Joyce Kathrine Kearney
Lisa Louise Kehm
Martin Keller
first time? There was a big parade and everyone skipped school or left soon
Cougar mixers.// Do you remember the day the Flyer/s won the Stanley CUIKenneth W. Kelly "Kel" "Bagly" 420 E. Woodland Ave. Apt. 7-C rem. for: 1 story house, being non-bashful; a.s.w: oak, bergey, beater, worth, digger, moses, g.s.b.; prize poss: "42", my hat; fav. say: "that's pretty big of ya"; pet peeve: accidents (2113/76), rumors; fav. mem: unity trips, digger's concerts, sasafras lodge, colorado trip with timberwolf; sec. amb: lessons from s.j., central league champs; basketball 1, 2, 3, capt. 4; soccer 1, 2, bench with willis 3; lacrosse 4; baseball 1; servo club 1; backyard outings 1, 2, 3. Mary Anne C. Kelly "Mare" 135 Sherman Rd. rem. for: my earthshoes in 10th grade, my italian hat; a.s.w: d.m., e.k., stef; prize poss: my friends, family, stereo; pet peeve: conceited people; fav. mem: 1/12/76, 7/30/76, 11/26/76; sec. amb: to travel around europe; intramural basketball 1; pep club 2, 3; spri-hian 4; scrivener business staff 4; scrivener layout staff 4; history club 4.
Kenneth W. Kelly
Mary Anne C. Kelly
Judith Anne Kenyon
Judith Anne Kenyon "Judy" "Turtle" 540 Andrew Rd. rem. for: D;laking doris mad, ha, ha -leaving school early; a.s.w: k.c., m.k., d.c., e.s.; prize poss: some one special, r.l.z.; fav. say: "oh, poop!"; pet peeve: people yelling, waking up; fav. mem: good times with my friends; sec. amb: to travel, meet other people, get a car; bowling 2; deca II.
Susan Jane Kestler "Sue" "Suzie Q" 496 Wayne Ave. rem. for: my singing, my "bend ability"; a.s.w; an apple, something missing??; prize poss: aug. 24th's, seashore life; fav. say: "guess what?"; pet peeve: ignorance, conformity, lack of time, similiar traits of v.b.; fav. mem: canada '76, hawaii '76,lacrosse camp, fla. '76, stanley '74-'75, jill tanner, gladys; sec. amb: to be flawless and find peace of mind; hockey 1, 2; lacross 1, 2, 3, 4; tennis intra. 2, 3; lit. mag. 2, 3, 4; spri-hian eire. staff 3, 4; pop group 2, 3, pres. 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 3, 4; district choir 3; color guard 3, 4; ski club 1, 2, 3; stats. 2, 3; stw 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; musicals 2, 4; worrying 4. Robert King 557 Andrew Rd. rem. for: asking questions; a.s.w: friends, my eyes; prize poss: stereo, weights; fav. mem: summers of 75-76, first wrestling win; pet peeve: trig; sec. amb: to own a car; wrestling 3; vo-tech 2, 3, 4. Christine Louise Kirkman "Chris" "Wabbit"'287 North Norwinden Dr. chorus 1, 2, 3; choir 4; hockey 2, 3; lacrosse 1, 2; basketball 3; nhs 3, 4; ski club 1, 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; scrivener 3, ed. 4; history club vp 4; scott's hi-q 4; s.w.i.g. 3. "they were my close companions many a year a portion of my mind and life as it were" -w. b. yeats
Susan Jane Kestler
Robert King
Christine Louise Kirkman
Roy David Kiscaden "Ray" "Beater" 634 Hey Lane rem. for: always being cut up, being small; a.s.w: bagly, andy d., orr, oak, ebs, bunk; prize poss: e.l.l; fav. say: "sure?", "guess not"; pet peeve: rumors, conestoga match '76; fav. mem: concerts at digger's and willis', times with e.l.l.; sec. amb: to be a successful person; soccer 1; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; golf 1, 2,3,4; nhs 3, 4; executive council 1, 3, 4; servo club 1, 2, 3, 4. Mark Kloss "Klutz" 333 Parham Rd. rem. for: nothing; a.s.w: d.m., l.m., and the members of the s.f.c.; prize poss: my membership in the s.f.c. and all of my friends; fav. say: "whadaya say mann"; pet peeve: german class; fav. mem: a trip to wildwood with my good friends f.d. and m.p. in summer of '76; sec. amb: to travel to california; bowling 2, 3.
Roy David Kiscaden
Mark Kloss
Donna L. Knowles
Donna L. Knowles 945 Church Rd. rem. Jor: tacos, suzy-q's, being contagious, nutty driving; a.s.w: deb and brenda; prize poss: zelda, mr. coriban, memories; fav. say: "really?" "swine!"; pet peeve: backstabbers, '68 blue chevelle, liars, gas stations, gossip, shs, ignorance, "may i help you?"; fav. mem: year of 1975, beach boys concerts, vo-tech; sec. amb: to burn people back; to drive a funny car; cheerleading 1; chorus 1; vica 3, 4; abs. annon 3, 4.
after they came in! In the spring you again voted for class officers.
This time Joe/ Bart/ Anne/ and Jeannie took the positions. You planned
Howard Knudsen 256 Powell Rd. Barbara Lynn Krynick 654 Barry Drive "Barb" rem. for: being crazy, colored chalk, mr. ed; a.s.w: lunch table gang, e.k., d.b., r.c.; prize poss: family and friends, camera, music; pet peeve: mondays, snobs, phonies; fav. mem: summer of '76; chorus (girls') 1, 2, 3,4; pep club 1; ski club 4. John Kulsik "Sicki" 442 Northcroft Rd. rem. for: "you're busted", the endless stashes; a.s.w: the 3 john's, 2 dan's, jeff, and many others; prize poss: my head, mr. rover, expanders, the mont, lums, blacks, whippets; fav. say: mawn; pet peeve: rahs as in g.e., drones, springdive, broken windows; fav. mem: spelunking with grizzly adams, 1/1/59-76; sec. amb: to get out of here; ice hockey 1, 2; expanders club 1, 2, 3,4; parking lot 3, 4; whippeting 3, 4. Howard Knudsen
Barbar.a Lynn Krynick
John Kulsik
Janice Lacko "Jan-Jan", "Shorty" and "Munchie" 200 Lewis .Rd. rem. for: golfing and skiing; a.s.w: bob, j.s., 1.1., j.h., d.p., m.h., k.d.; prize poss: bob, lighter, my skis, my friends and family; fav. say: "i'll say so"; fav. mem: 11/6/75, vermont '76 and '77, nights at shop, on the beach in bob's truck; sec. amb: ski in switzerland; golf 2, 3, 4, captain 3, 4; ski club 1, 2, 3.
Robert Michael LaFountain "Pete" "Twig" "Peter Puck" "Hockey Puck" 119 Bellevue Ave. rem. for: sleeping in class, being late for accounting, car accidents, prize poss: lisa r., peter mouse, my nova; fav. say: get out of my life, lowlife, takes 2 to fog and 4 to total; pet peeve: late games, early practices, front seats, unnecessary stop signs, alg. II; fav. mem: central penn, parties at scott's, fogging, 4/11/76, 5/12/ 76, 7/8/76, road rallies, spanish II; sec. amb: get a hat trick; a.s.w: stray, t.!., s.c., ugs; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; print shop 2, 3, 4; ice hockey 4; intramural basketball 4.
Janice Lacko
Robert Michael LaFountain
Ronald Bisetti LaPorta
Ronald Bisetti LaPorta "Ron" 586 Ruthford Dr. a.s.w: c.o.b., m.p., r.r., d.w., j.t.; prize poss: the blue eagle, family and friends; pet peeve: summer practice '75, '76; fav. say: "no lie", "that's cool", "no problem"; fav. mem: michelle 4/19/ 75, 4/10/76, 10/16/76, appalachian trail '75, '76, '77; sec. amb: to hike the whole appalachian trail, all "2000" miles; intramurals 1, 2; football 3, 4; a.v. 1, tr.eas. 2, v. pres. 3, 4; weightlifting 4; nhs 4.
Joe Larson 218 Sedgewood Rd. rem. for: motorcycle; a.s.w: barbour, fischere, and my helmet; prize poss: my bike; fav. say: b.s.; pet peeve: schlitz; sec. amb: get a harley. Barbara Frances Michelle Lauer "Boobus" "Freak" "Big Sister" 559 Evans Rd. rem. for: my laugh, my voice, and dancing; a.s.w: bingman, robbie, cap, jim, terry, bill, deb; prize poss: my hun, marvie and zills; fav. say: "Faz-Baz"; pet peeve: people who make me late; fav. mem: placing a rubber chicken in cap's locker; sec. amb: be a monk; gymnastics club 1; s.w.i.g. 3; stage crew 4; kazoo band 4; snow dance dec. comm. 4; the "linger on family" 2, 3, 4; hallway 4; history club 4. Stephen Mickel Laughead "Loggy" 52 Meeting House' Lane rem. for: smoking in boy's rooms; a.s.w: kathy preston; prize poss: stereo; fav. say: catch a burn; pet peeve: a.m. music; sec. amb: getting a job; fav. mem: july 18, 1975; band and orch; deca member; "driving that train, high on cocaine, easy jones you better watch your speed. trouble ahead, trouble behind, and you know that notion just crossed my mind." - grateful dead
Joe Larson
Barbara Frances Michelle Lauer
Stephen Mickel Laughead
the commons into a wonderland with pastel streamers and hand painted
for the big event of your Sophomore year/ your //Soph Hop. // You transforL Sonnia 1. Laury "Ebony" "Twiggy" "Sonya B." "Cole Pepper" "Sony" 20 Walnut St. Morton rem. for: smilen', translating mind, talking on phone; a.s.w: jade, ivory, diamond, nett, eilleen, trudy; prize poss: curtis richie, tiki, kia, "mom" tree, friends; fav. say: "i am going to call my honey" "chile" "no way babes"; pet peeve: "morton hounds" bad habits; fav. mem: c.r. (phila.), 7/4/74, frio 11/4/76, p.k meet ron and bren; sec. amb: "getaway" "singer" "m.c.r."; cougarettes 3, 4; track 3, 4; soc. servo 4. Michelle Denise Laux "Fox" "Lauxie" "Elf" 432 Northcroft Rd. rem. for: playing with sauna's cheerleading pom-poms in homeroom and walking into my 10th grade english class dressed like a chicken; a.s.w: steve murphy, ruth evans, p.d.; prize poss: steve, my dog, my dirt bike; pet peeve: teachers invading girl's rooms; fav. mem: 7/16/76, 12/24/73; sec. amb: to travel; stage crew 1; girl's football 2, 3.
Sonnia L. Laury
Michelle Denise Laux
Pamela Lesley Leavitt
Mary Anna Ledva "Mare" "Goul" "Mal" 509 Prospect Rd. rem. for: my dancing, leaving early, taking off, not knowing words to a song; a.s.w: cr"azy lady, U., e.w., kv., r.l.; prize poss: my friends, my f's p.; pet peeve: snobs, working on the weekend, ignorant people, diets, two fingers, people who bum cigarettes; fav. mem: down the shore with kath, roe, linda, jfk concert, times with my friends; sec. amb: to make it in life, to visit austria; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3; soc. servo club 1, 2; lacrosse 1, 2; basketball 1.
Pamela Lesley Leavitt "Pam" "B.B." "Tusheba" "Tush" 600 W. Woodland Ave. rem. for: my tush, my hair; a.s.w: cathie, ron; prize poss: ron, blue pillow, family; pet peeve: 11th grade, chebby noba's; fav. mem: 8/75, 5/6-9/76, 3/19-21/76, 5/28/76,4/19/75,5/14-19/76,8/26/75,6/22/76, 12/18, 12/16, tip of the hilton, times with friends, 9/28-29/76; sec. amb: one date with a certain someone; gymnastics 1, 2, 3; majorettes 1, 2, feature 3, 4; ara 2, 3, 4; girl's room club 2, 3, pres. 4. "we are free to go where we wish and to be what we are" jonathan livingston seagull
Robert George Little "Bobby" "Herbinstien" "Boy" 85 Worrell Drive rem. for: cattails, bricks, mouseholes, my bonfires, early curfews; a.s.w: jimmy, jeannie, john, stacy, and the clan; prize poss: my system; fav. say: "aah, pick up or deliver" "what a mickey mouse"; pet peeve: warm brew, the anchorage '76, getting carded, rags; fav. mem: canoeing with leslie and karin, loggins and messina concert, conawingo, bob's houses, 12/9/76; sec. amb: to be successful or whatever; soccer 1; art editor rainbow press, 3; scrivener art editor 4; jbl's 1, 2, adv. 3, pres. 4; bonfire pres.; snow dance comm. William Taylor Lobley "Wobil" "Rollerball" "Lobe" 701 Lehann Circle rem. for: my c.b., delaware county beaver patrol; a.s.w: b.d., l.d., r.b., buzz, t.S., c.d., kmc., S.S., r.c., s.r., y.g., b.p.; prize poss: my c.b., horny herman; fav. say: kki4727; pet peeve: rachet jaws; fav. mem: saranac '76, young life, volleyball marathon, blooping with c.d.; 12/21/76; kiss army 3, 4; cb club 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3.
Mary Anna Ledva
Robert George Little
William Taylor Lobley
Jeff Locher "Molelocker" 473 Maplewood Ave. rem. for: buzzing; a.s.w: t.d., mole, lumbo, jaws, dizzie; prize poss: t.d., expanders, the "y", whippets; fav. say: "mawn" "yeort"; pet peeve: drones, rahs, mex, springdive; fav. mem: canada trip, moby's class; sec. amb: to be successful; expanders club 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1; whippeting 3, 4. Kenneth Lord "Sieggy" 323 Wayne Ave. rem. for: always doing homework; prize poss: acetone treated pen; fav. say: "don't know" "whoppee"; pet peeve: loss of satellite; libraries; fav. mem: advanced chern. classes and "bear", especially unauthorized experiments, 126 moles; band 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; youth orch. 3, 4; german club 3, 4; pop group 3,4; nhs 4; mole counters of america 2.
Jeff Locher
Kenneth Lord
Terrence Kevin Lovell
Terrence Kevin Lovell "Terry" "BM" 28 Yale Ave. rem. for: bad knee; a.s.w: twig, stray, ort, fish, rittle, ulit; prize poss: m.m., ger. s.c., friends, mbb; fav. say: "i give up what"; pet peeve: physics, wild bears, big goobers, late games, locker room doors; fav. mem: 11/25/76, road rallies with twig, talks with stray, esp 2 pregame psyches; sec. amb: to be 6 ft. tall; ice hockey 4; print shop 4; stage crew 4; sleeping 1, 2, 3, 4; football 1; shoe tying 4.
murals. Then //Springfield// became the group and //Pendulum// was
iust a memory. //Streaking// became a college fad: some high school students
Nancy Lee Lynch "Skipper" 445 W. Woodland Ave. rem. for: always being late for homeroom, being in the girl's room a lot; a.s.w: miss cludia ruse, kevin nolan; prize poss: cats, dogs, cigarettes, lighter, nolan; fav. say: "around and around i go where i stop no one knows"; fav. mem: summer '74, down the shore with justin guaze '76, all my love to t.w., j.w., j.g., g.t., going to fireside. Brian Lynn 34 Yale Ave. Swarthmore. Elizabeth Anne Lynn "Lisa" 335 Hemlock Ln. rem. for: having red hair; a.s.w: a.m., j.m., s.h., P, v.b.; prize poss: andy, memories, friends; fav. say: "you think i know?" to d.m.; pet peeve: tests, term papers, people being late; fav. mem: summer '73, 8/23/76, 4/10/76, 5/28/76, 5/30/76, l.n. chats; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4, co-capt.; gymnastics 2, 3; lacrosse 1; track 2, 3,4; chorus 1, 2; band 4; choir 3; nhs 3, 4 (treas.); history club 4; g.v.c. 3, 4; scott's hi-q 4; pep club. Nancy Lee Lynch
Brian Lynn
Elizabeth Anne Lynn
George Robert MacCartney "Jorge", "Porgie" 923 Providence Rd. rem. for: having big feet, not combing my hair; a.s.w: e.b., and gang, prize poss: liz, diz, my family; fav. say: "what a day", "what's going on?"; pet peeve: school mornings; fav. mem: 7/29/76; choir 1, 2, 3, 'A of 4; intra. basketball 1,2,3,4. Robert M. MacDonald, "Ronald" 536 Glendale Cir. a.s.w: clothes on; prize poss: stereo, swimming pool; pet peeve: "empty" beer cans, beat kegs, low lifes; fav. mem: summer '75 at doyel's house in cape may, n.j., summer '76 in o.c., n.j.; sec. amb: to be in business, happiness and success; indoor track 4; track 4.
George Robert MacCartney
Robert M. MacDonald
Joyce Ellen Mackrides
Joyce Ellen Mackrides 504 Barry Dr. prize poss: the other banana bookend; fav. mem: d.b.'s, Ls. summers, t.m.'s dance contest, times with nelson, christmas '76; hockey 1; cheerleading 2, 3, co-capt. 4; choir 1, 2; gymnastics 1, 2; ski club 2, 3,4; spri-hian circ. staff 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; snow queen.
Eleni G. Mallas, 791 Parker Lane rem. for: getting everyone in trouble, my big mouth, being short, throwing clay across the room; a.s.w: kathy; prize poss: uhf commercials, waiting, people who never really listen, moby's hands; fav. mem: california '76, long island '75, cruising in the mg, senior year, 8th grade clique; sec. amb: to be 5 ft. tall; hockey 1, 2; choir 1, 2; chorus 3; gymnastics 2; ex. council 1, 2; snow queen nom. Roxann Eunice Malloy "Rox", "Roxy" 267 Lewis Rd. rem. for: my cynicism and spontaneity; a.s.w: kent, sue, tepper; prize poss: friends, family, and a future to look forward to; fav. say: "yo saIl", "this is true", "shall we?", "let's"; pet peeve: roxanne, sand, hypocrites, possessiveness, early arrivals; fav. mem: physics class? with s.m., k.g., d.s., t.l., psych. with c.w. and d.h., summer '75, '76; sec. amb.: to go into p.t.; hockey 3; basketball 1, 2, 3; choir 1, 2, 3; lacrosse 1, 2,3; work-study 4. Andrew R. Margulies "Floyd", "Margo" 434 Burns Dr. rem. for: doing something else, trying to stay out of trouble in school; a.s.w: a."d.", s.s., s.f., the g.L, finell, jaws; prize poss: my thumb; pet peeve: citations, accidents, mick chins, disciplinarians, droans; fav. mem: the sun aqua in o.c. '76, conowingo trip with grizzly, a\ mother's 8/28/76; sec. amb: to move out west and drive m.m.'s car; partying 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1; soccer 1, 2.
IiIIIIIt.....Eleni G. Mallas
Roxann Eunice Malloy
Andrew R. Margulies
President Nixon was under suspicion and finally resigned. Remember the
followed suit. Watergate became a national issue and your //trusted// Brenda Christina Marinari "Bren" 507 Sharpless Rd. rem. for: my laugh, eating junk foods, carrying my curling iron around, "talking about the latest hair styles"; prize poss: # 4, my scissors; fav. say: "oh god!", "grow up"; pet peeve: mcdonald's food, jealousy, gym, people who don't respect others; fav. mem: summer '75, 7th period history class, aston v.t., jan. '76-Aug. '76, kansas concert '76; sec. amb: move to arizona, compete in competition; history club 4; vica 2,3,4. Anne Louise Markiewicz "Annie" 625 Hey Lane rem. for: blushing, my laugh, coreless apples, "baked potatoes"; a.s.w: in room 153, looking for s.w. or h.c.; prize poss: the farm, my hammond, close fam.; pet peeve: cheating, feeding "the monster", v.v.; fav. mem: 5/8/76, 8/26/76, wunderful times, ill., summers with agnes; sec. amb: to be a diplo.; speak spanish and russian fluently; cougarettes 2, 3, cocapt. 4; class treas. 3, 4; nhs; musicals 2, 4; chorus 1; german club 4.
Brenda Christina Marinari
Anne Louise Markiewicz
Carol 1. Martin
Carol 1. Martin "Fee Fee" 444 Valley View Rd. rem. for: having my bottle wherever i go, being tall, extra pickles; a.s.w: trish, linda, laura, barb, marianne; prize poss: my car, my dog, wanamaker charge; fav. say: do you want to go to philly., s.b.'s, let's go to haverford state; pet peeve: j.s., having to get up early, Lw., school; fav. mem: 5/3/74, s.t., 12/31/ 75, 8/3/75; sec. amb: to make enough money to travel around the world, to live in texas and go to colorado, to own a trans am; mhhc 4; basketball 1.
Thomas Harry Martin Jr. "Tom" 414 Yale Ave. rem. for: drinking 24 cartons of milk; prize poss: my white spikes and class ring; fav. say: "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat"; pet peeve: rahs, getting up in the morning, cafeteria food; fav. mem: o'hara's senior week, wildwood '76, the meadows, k and c, log cabin, a certain wreck, football games against ed; vo-tech 2; football 1; ski club 4; weightlifting4. Dina Ann Mattei "Deen" 439 Stanfield Rd. prize poss: my little blue vega; fav. say: "oh my goodness"; pet peeve: overcritical adults; fav. mem: liberty singers and tours; sec. amb: i'll never tell!; chorus 1; library aide 2, 3. Robert Scott Matthews "Bob", "Peasant", "Cream Puff", "P.H.", "Frank" 914 Westdale Place rem. for: my hair; fav. say: "did i ask you for a comment?"; pet peeve: the word "cool"; fav. mem: 11/12/76-11/13/76; prize poss: pam; sec. amb: radio or t.v. communications; bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; tennis 3,4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; pop group 2, 3, 4; service club 2, 3,4; exec. council 3, 4; pep club 2, 3, 4; ski club 3.
Thomas Harry Martin Jr.
Dina Ann Mattei
Robert Scott Matthews
Teri Lynn Mauro 761 Bradfield Terrace rem. for: soap operas with harry; a.s.w: harry, joyce, p.d., m.h., d.a.; prize poss: my skates, rings, harry; fav. say: "that's life and you'll get over it"; pet peeve: people telling who and what is. right for me, fights, 7 months, g.z.; fav. mem: jan. 25-75, june 2275, oct. 2-74, denise's party, all my times with h.c.; sec. amb: to skate in an ice show; deca sec'y 3, 4; explorers 1, 2; girls' track 3, 4; ski club 4; harry fan club 1, 2, 3, 4 - etc. Russel Mazzulo "Russ" 364 S. Swarthmore Ave. rem. for: injuries, always being 'h asleep; a.s.w: d.s., t.I., d.r., c.m., chuck mamaruchi; pet peeve: b.i., j.s., j.e., late Lh. games and early practice the next day, d.p., english 1, 3; french 2; sec. amb: to race cars; ice hockey 4; cross country 4.
Teri Lynn Mauro
Russel Mazzulo
Robert McAllister
Robert McAllister "Mac", "Bob" 447 Valley View Rd. rem. for: spreading wealth and prosperity through the land, cutting off my sleeves; a.s.w: rip, a.p., man, rock, wimp, crimson dynamo; prize poss: no. 27, stereo, brewers shirt; pet peeve: referees, arm wrestling, my hands; fav. mem: 2/28/ 76, 12/21/76; sec. amb: play hockey against being from another planet; lacrosse 1, 2; brewers 3, chairman 4.
long arduous rehearsals for //Music Man// and at last curtain time-
a complete success. After weeks ofindecision you decided on the color
Richard McCain "Rich" 331 Rambling Way rem. for: always being- in woodshop; prize poss: bike, calculator; pet peeve: getting up early, going to the board in trig; fav. mem: summer '74; photography 3; weightlifting 4. Lorraine McCloskey "Craze" 718 W. Springfield Rd. rem. for: never being sober, whenever i'm around it's a crazy night, never shutting up and being rowdy; a.s.w: dot, reenie, inky; prize POBS: family, friends, cleo; fav. say: "what?" "hi there"; pet peeve: ignorant people, 34th sweat box; fav. mem: cleo, 6th street house, virginia beach, that certain person; sec. amb: to graduate, work, get married. Neil J. McCoy 723 Dunwoody Dr.
l1li......Richard McCain
Lorraine McCloskey
Neil J. McCoy
Thomas McCrossin 101 Morton Rd. a.s.w: the best of friends; prize poss: my yam; pet peeve: a fifth of the old south, trig; fav. mem: dec. of '75; sec. amb: to buy the black bench; football 1; wrestling 1, 2; vo-tech 2, 3, 4. ~obert Haley McDevitt "Bob" 520 Rutherford Dr. a.s.w: joe, Jack, g., a~d. al; prize poss: friendship and the future; pet peeve: cymcism; fav. mem: 2/13/59; sec. amb: to go, to see, to c.onquer!; lacrosse 1, 2,3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3,4; nhs 3, 4; stw 4; semor play; basketball 2.
1'\lan Joseph McDonald ':Al" 939 Springhaven Rd. a.s.w: joe, Jack, g., bob, myself; pnze poss: my vest; pet peeve: term papers, arrogant people, rahs; fav. mem: 9/17/49,12/25/75, 6/8/77; sec. amb: be a psychologist, travel the world, own a 1959 mercedes-benz convertible; lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; ice hockey 4. Thomas McCrossin
Alan Joseph McDonald
Colleen McFadden "Col" 121 School Lane rem. for: talking a lot, cracking my knuckles and back; prize poss: jack, my butterfly, the canada letter; pet peeve: being called "jaws", deadlines, whistlers in trig class; fav. mem: 10/1/76, christmas caroling; sec. amb: to find that place where no one's ever been; stage crew 1; lacrosse 1, 2; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; soc. servo 2, 3, 4; av 3, 4; spri-hian 2, asst. ed. 3, ed.-in-chief 4; nhs 3,4; cross country 4; indoor track 4. Frank McFadden 544 E. Springfield Rd. Thomas James McFeeley "Fetus" 432 Wheatsheaf Rd. rem. for: figgering; a.s.w: patti, mutt, race, porky, claff, and denden; prize poss: patti c. and my "750", my citations and my referrals; fav. say: "deakhead what are you doing"; pet peeve: this dump, crooked cops and courts; fav. mem: 3/27/ 76; sec. amb: to somehow straighten out those crooked cops and courts; pubbing 1, 2, 3, 4; cutting 1, 2, 3, 4.
_ • ·..iii;trXi/X. · · · · · · ·r ··...· ·..• Colleen McFadden
Frank McFadden
Thomas James McFeeley
effect and you had to come early in the morning or after school to
and style of your class ring. Unfortunately study halls were still in
Thomas James McGarrigle "Gargle" "T.J." 618 Morton Ave. rem. for: big mouth; a.s.w: chic, pete the beat; prize poss: b.s. ability; fav. say: "hurry up"; pet peeve: springfielders, rahs; fav. mem: a certain sunday; sec. amb: to succeed; votech 3, 4. Karen McKee 112 W. Leamy Ave. rem. for: living so close; a.s.w: colleen, janet, nancy, nick, especially gary, m.j., d.c., v.a.; prize poss: g.d.f. and memories; fav. say: later springfield high. . .; pet peeve: being late, seeds, shs and people who don't appreciate every sunset; fav. mem: 12/12/74, florida '74, '75; sec. amb: to live somehwere in the rockies and to have kids. . . vo-tech 3, 4; s.h.d.a. Colleen McLaughlin 211 S. Swarthmore Ave. Swarthmore a.s.w: karen and janet. Thomas James McGarrigle
Karen McKee
Colleen McLaughlin
Alan G. McLean "AI" 782 Bradford Terrace rem. for: getting out at the end of 4th and engraving the lord's prayer on the head of a pin; prize poss: my "moose" and my special deck of cards; fav. say: "how's the toast?"; fav. mem: 1st in dark tree's cruise, I.b.i. in '75, 4/7/76 - genesis concert; pet peeve: mech. draw.; sec. amb: to do some large mouth bass fishing in canada. Patricia Jane McManus 105 School Lane ... "all these bedraggled wan spectres seemingly so immersed in the pattern of tragic futility were very much engaged in turning accident into memoir. they imagined things about themselves, then forgot the thread of the current romance and disintegrated through the fumes of the night in search of the story of their lives." - z.f. Donald B. McMillin Jr. 343 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: ?; a.s.w: s.c. and a '63; prize poss: s.c. and a '63; fav. say: "easy"; pet peeve: this place, dirty dishes, arby's parking lot, gym; fav. mem: summer of '76.
Alan G. McLean
Patricia Jane McManus
Donald B. McMillin Jr.
Joseph Michael McMillan "Joe" 1825 Vogt St. Burlington, Iowa 52601 rem. for: selling vacuum cleaners - or at least trying to; a.s.w: bob mod., jack, aI, g, kevin, et. al.,; prize pass: friends; pet peeve: vacuum cleaner salesmen; fav. mem: concerts at the tower, towanda, stw escapades, cruising, crazy card games; sec. amb: to raise hogs in iowa, or maybe corn; class vice pres. 2; class pres. 3, 4; stw4; explorers 2, 3,4; exec. council 3,4; lacrosse 2, 3; a.s. club 3. Rosemary A. McMillan 1825 Vogt St. Burlington, Iowa "Rosie" "Lips" "Mom" "Lita"a.s.w: "the girls"; prize pass: friendships, jt's visits, my boots; pet peeve: leaving; fav. mem: adventures with the girls, bruder's hill, bonfires, bush buddies, sr. prom weekend '76 (o.c.), times with e.b., b.h., k and vw, 1/18/75, 12/30/75, and 12/31/75-1/1/76, s.d. '76; gymnastics 1, 2; cheerleading 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; ski club 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; b.h.c. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Joseph Michael McMillan
Rosemary A. McMillan
Craig Stephen McNamee
Craig Stephen McNamee "Mac" "Little Mac" 471 Prospect Rd. rem. for: stuttering; a.s.w: d.s., c.j., k.j., c.p.; prize poss: "betsy" (my car); fav. say: "maybe ... someday" "i try" "decent"; fav. mem: 4/10/76 bad co. wi d.s., m.i., f.c., 71231 76, wildwood w/d.s., 11/13/76 doobie bros. w/c.j., c.p., 12/ 18/76; sec. amb: to visit every state twice and every country once; cross country 2, 3; track 1, 2; servo club 2, 3.
secure a library pass. The school year passed/ summer came and you
awaited your first year as an upperclassman. Sept. '75 came and you were Kathleen Mary McNeill "Dents" "Mic" "Sylvia" 424 Colonial Park Dr. rem. for: saying too much on the way to lunch, accidents, smiling; a.s.w: b.k., my "buddies", 6th period lunch gang; prize poss: "pharoah", b.k.; fav. say: "now!?!" pet peeve: dots, small change, secrets, not enough time; fav. mem: 4/10/76, 10/16/76, 11/24/76; sec. amb: i can't tell 'cause it's a secret! choir 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; girl's chorus 3; band 4; nhs 4; explorers 3, 4. Kevin C. McTague "Kevin" 360 Lynn Rd. rem. for: my cough, nasal voice, and boots; a.s.w: the rest of my body, boots, and flannel shirts; prize poss: my boots; fav. say: "mother"; pet peeve: almost everything; fav. mem: 10/12/ 59, beating up marine drill sergeant for boots; sec. amb: be a lawyer and accept no fees under 1 million dollars; back of the pack club 2; cross country 3, 4; tra'ck 2, 4; stw 2, 3, 4; glee club 1; choir 2,3,4; ex council 4; service club 2, 3, 4. Jill Merrill 844 Forest Glen Rd., Clearwater, Fla. rem. for: always talking about florida; a.s.w: carol ballas; prize poss: my comb and southern accent; fav. say: dream on! pet peeve: people pronouncing my name wrong (robbie chambers); fav. mem: mr. mcclennen's chemistry class, 8/2/75, summer of '76, 8/23/76; sec. amb: to acquire a northern accent; track '74, '75.
Kathleen Mary McNeill
Kevin C. McTague
Jill Merrill
Amy Joy Miller 279 Lewis Rd. prize poss: "fluffy", "the water-pik", my bed; pet peeve: obligations, boredom, ignorance, paranoia, awakening amidst a good dream; fav. mem: youth, fantasy, "the coming of cupid", "here's to the sisters ..." sibling adventures; sec. amb: to control time, "emeralds"; band 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3, 4; dist. 4; musicals 2, 4; lit. mag. 2, 3, 4; scrivener 3, 4; spri-hian 3, 4; hockey 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; stw 4; nhs 4; "reality rarely matches dream, but only dreams, give nobility to purpose." l.b.j. Nancy J. Miller "Mil" "Nance" 233 Hemlock Lane rem. for: being tall, basketball, everything, knowing the "loop-holes" marriage to a millionarie, tea for two, nerves; a.s.w: gil, other s.b.b.s. members; prize poss: friends, accidental acquaintances, a certain record, blonde, blue eyes, zza; pet peeve: "swings in parks", d.l., good byes, moving, endings; fav. mem: 6/5/76 summers of '76, '75, '72; sec. amb: to possess the ability to make everyone happy; intra. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; inter. schl. basketball 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; basketball statistician 3, 4; spri-hian circ. staff 3, 4; varsity club 2, 3; pres 4; nhs 3; sect 4; advisory board 3; guidance aid 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; musical 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; s.b.b.s. 1, 2, 3, 4; vp m.h.h.c. 4.
Amy Joy Miller
Nancy J. Miller
Suzanne Elizabeth Miller
Suzanne Elizabeth Miller "spaz" 313 Lynn Rd. rem. for: spaz attacks, matsu bashu, booth; a.s.w: my cousin, critter, strud, a basketball; prize poss: friends, memories; fav. say: "nail that critter", "a vote, a vote!", "super"; pet peeve: being called little walker, being tickled; fav. mem: summer '76, summer league, biology; sec. amb: dunk a basketball; 3rd 4th basketball 2; jv var. basketball 3, 4; ski club 2; pep club 2; volleyball 2, 4; 3rd 4th hockey 2; intra. basketball 3; chorus 1, 2; kazoo band 4; nhs 4.
Leigh Millichap 1325 Baltimore Pike rem. for: always being with the other half; a.s.w: d.m. - the other half - w.t.w., s.b.; prize poss: w.t.w., d.m., d.w., friends - memories r.s.t.; pet peeve: jumping trees; fav. mem: 2/14/76-6/26/76 c.m.; sec. amb: to be fat; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; gym 2; spri-hian cir. staff; att. aid 3; pep club 2; d.e.c.a. 4; g.c.c. 3,4. Joy D'Ardyonne Mingle "Jingle" "Joyous" 209 Claremont Rd. rem. for: matchmaking; a.s.w: nick, jackie, brandon; prize poss: gum wrapper chain, scrapbook, "cola", "fluffy", jackie's and brandon's friendship and my relationship with nick; pet peeve: senioritous, conceitedness; fav. mem: "jym", tipping the sailboat, beach boy concerts, 3/8/75, 4/ 19/75,4/10/75,6/4/76; sec. amb: to travel to see rome with nick; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; pres. choir 3, 4; pop group 2, 3, 4; voc. rep.; tennis 2, 3, 4; intra. 1, 2; musical 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; scrivener 4; varsity club 3,4. Thomas C. Mitchell "Tom" 334 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: working in a cheese shop; prize poss: t.l.c.; fav. say: "relax"; pet peeve: getting up for hockey practice at 7:00 sunday morning; fav. mem: finding real friends, 8/2/76; sec. amb: to be accepted into law school; ice hockey 1, 2, 3, 4.
Leigh Millichap
Joy D'Ardyonne Mingle
Thomas C. Mitchell
actively in extracurricular activities, maybe even holding a
a junior/ a real upperclassman. You felt important and participated Jacob Julius Mock "Jake" "Dad" 640 Old School House Rd. rem. for: looking like everyone's father, taxi service, my crushes on g.z., k.r., s.p., aI's, my weird sense of humor; a.s.w: kel, bob, bunk, oak, kevin, and the rest of the "boys" bill; pet peeve: harry, trig, a certain teacher, no! fav. mem: doobie brothers concert, mac's party, 7/23/75, summer '76, aI's; sec. amb: jeannie knows; track 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3, 4; football 1; spri-hian 4; aI's 3, 4; karen russell fan club 3, pres. 4. Greg Mont 159 S. Norwinden Dr. rem. for: disasters and the world of jazz; a.s.w: stankenton/woody herman records d.r. and creeps from a.v. priz. poss.: jitterbug contest; fav. saying: cut it out!!! pet peeve: m.s. study 5th tues. and thurs.; fav. mem: swing era lectures, disaster mini, e.s. - 4 springfield follies; sec. amb: composer, arranger, and leader for the big bands; a.v. 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 2, 3; history club 3,4; springfield follies - director producer.
Jacob Julius Mock
Greg Mont
Kevin R. Mooney
Kevin R. Mooney "Moon" "Butter" 15 Shelburne Rd.; prize poss: my memory, swiss army knife, bike; fav. say: it takes a lot of guts to rummage around inside yourself and come out clean; pet peeve: bad trips, flat tyres (tires), avocados; fav. mem: 2/19/75; sec. amb: to get to the top; vo-tech 2, 3; mech. main.
Robert Kirk Morgan "Morgue" "Rob" "Bob" 332 Oakdale Place rem. for: my driving skill; a.s.w: in my van, doing absurd things; pet peeve: rags, big heads; fav. mem: summers at cbm, bowie concert; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; weekday vacation club 4; musical 4; "my friends are few but altogether sufficient" winston churchill Diane Louise Morris 307 Hawarden Rd. rem. for: falling over in chairs, slicing the air; a.s.w: diane, the lunch bunch; priz. poss: my guitar, my junk bags, memories, friends; fav. say: wow. "are you serious?" pet peeve: people with the same name; shriveled apple cores; fav. mem: summer '74, summer '76, 10/31/76; sec. amb: to walk on the moon, to be a senator; band 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 4; soc. service club 2, 3, 4; history club 4; lacrosse 1, 2; basketball 2, 3, 4. Donna Ellen Morrison "Don" 1401 Baltimore Pike rem. for: always being with the other half, dropping my baton in the talent show; a.s.w: l.m. (the other half), b.w., s.b., b.t.; prize poss: friends, memories, a certain someone, my cookie monster, l.m.; pet peeve: 8/29/76, jumping trees, talent shows; fav. mem: california '76, summer of '75 and '76; sec. amb: to own my own store; bowling 2, 3; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; attendance aid 3; spri-hian circ. staff 2; pep club 1, 2; d.e.c.a. 4; g.c.c. 3, 4; talent show 1.
Robert Kirk Morgan
Diane Louise Morris
Donna Ellen Morrison
Jeanie Louise Morrow 120 E. Thomson Rd. rem. for: changing radio stations, having different color eyes; prize poss: my insanity; sec. amb: to find the perfect plot, to have a cause; lit. mag. 1, 2, 4; soc. service 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2; choir 1, 2; nhs4. Robert Stephen Mozzoni 47 W. Ave. rem. for: working at acme; prize poss: my car, my job, no work on fridays; pet peeve: springfield high school, rahs, trig class, 12th grade, the commons, crowds, loud mouths; fav. mem: 12/13/75, 12 /11/76, 11th grade, albert and the frito bandito.
Jeanie-Louise Morrow
Robert Stephen Mozzoni
Veronica Musika
Veronica Musika "Ronnie", "Ronald" 36 Althea Lane rem. for: cutting my hair, being thin; a.s.w: pattie, kim, and a certain tall, dark, handsome, italian, west philly; prize poss: my family, friends, and good times; fav. say: have a nice weekend! pet peeve: monday mornings, waiting, wysp and wmmr, pet peeves; fav. mem: 4/10/76, going out with russell especially to dinner, 10/8/76, getting into mischief with p.f. on 11/25/76; sec. amb: to become an airline stewardess.
position of authority. Those big seniors were no longer awesome
giants/ they were friends. You played on varsity teams and shared in the David Jenkins Myers 106 Summit Rd. "Dave" rem. for: yawning in homeroom; a.s.w: gerri, d.p., w.e.; prize poss: gerri rosa, mustang, my little soccerball; fav. say: "oh, lay down"; pet peeve: snobs, not enough time, p.s.u., nothing to do, l.m.c., g.e., girls whining; fav. mem: end of dec. '74beginning of jan. '75, dec. '74 until now; sec. amb: g.r. -life, she knows, to be a millionaire; soccer 1; varsity 2, 3,.,4; ski club 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 4. Catherine Nagle "S.L." 627 Sheffield Dr. rem. for: being very apathetic; a.s.w: amy, dianne, c.l., U., l.g., m.l.; prize poss: my horse (oscey); fav. say: spot the loony; pet peeve: easy boots, friday and saturday nights, two fingers; fav. mem: leaving dartington '76; sec. amb: to raise fruit flies in africa. Lisa A. Napoli "Lis" "Nap" 342 Wayne Ave. rem. for: giving advice, my laugh; a.s.w: techni-croppers, r.l.; prize poss: ray, "muffy"; family, friends, memories; pet peeve: phony people, 5 pg. reports, fighting for pictures, #2945, saying goodbye, mono; fav. mem: senior prom '75, sea isle 7-75, 2/14/75, 12/24/75, 4/10/76, 12/18/76, w.e. with r.l.; social service 2; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; scrivener layout 3, editor 4; snow queen nom.; national honor soc. 4; mhc 4; ziggy fan club 2.
David Jenkins Myers
Catherine Nagle
Lisa A. Napoli
Joseph W. Nath "Joe" 997 Stoney Brook Dr. a.s.w: d.l., c.m., s.r., S.S.; prize poss: my albums; fav. mem: 4/10/76, 8/13/76, 11/15/75,6/12/76; sec. amb: to make a lot of money. Bartholomew P. Nave Jr. "Bart" "Bert" "Bicentennial Boy" 614 Yale Ave. rem. for: eyes, (bicentennial), car, parties, v.p.; a.s.w: the red machine, everyone; prize poss: the red machine, friends, family, sheba, privacy; fav. say: humungus, suckulant, probably; pet peeve: getting up for school, sunday mornings, basketball 3'>2, S.W.; fav. mem: towanda, tanament, summer '75, 1/1/76, b.b. concert, explorers; sec. amb: get into politics, a house in the mountains; treasurer 2; v.p. 3, 4; executive council 3, 4; advisory council 2; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; class play; basketball 1, 2, 3'>2, track 1, 2, 3, 4; explorers.
i Joseph W. Nath
Bartholomew P. Nave Jr.
Joan Sharon Neubert
Joan Sharon Neubert "Neubs" "Neubie" rem. for: my airness, hair and shoes; prize poss: fluffy, my christmas present from bob, sean, wolfie, jake, mike, steve; pet peeve: 1st period with d.d. and scramble, cuts, trig, snobs, working, old friends; fav. mem: 8/31/76, 9/1/76, 8/27/76, softball; sec. amb: to be rich, join the mafia, live in florida; advisory council 2; girls intra. football 2.
Hung Nguyen 229 Powell Rd. William Obdyke 304 Lewis Rd. rem. for: being thrown out of class first day of school; a.s.w: lisa rutledge, l.c.b. card; pet peeve: all the rah rah's that go to this school, class of '77; fav. mem: getting out of this school; sec. amb: if i told you it wouldn't be a secret now, would it? Pamela O'Keefe "Pam" 337 Prospect Rd. a.s.w: tim; prize poss: my blackstone, my stereo, my family; fav. mem: summer of '76, 6/12/76, 7/10/76; pet peeve: school, people who talk and don't say anything; sec. amb: to live a vacation.
Hung Nguyen
William Obdyke
Pamela O'Keefe
king people to turn your ring (saving the last turn for someone special); you
spirit ofit all. Class rings were distributed and you ran around
Michael James Okino "Oak" 425 Barker Rd. rem. for: being cut up, doubling with bob S.; a.s.w: bob s, kel, bart, ebs, tibbs, etc.; prize poss: memories, 11, my car; fav. say: "what can i say"; pet peeve: bad moods; fav. mem: 9/20/75, 9/181 76, sassafras lodge, beach boys concert '75-'76, jr. prom; sec. amb: 2nd straight cl, to be the best i can; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; backyard outings 2, 3. James Michael Oliver 918 Westdale PI. Harry John O'Neill "Harry 0", "Imp" 717 Timber Trail rem. for: rizzo, expos, blues, being short and conservative; a.s.w: my eyes; fav. say: "what are you, high?", "what, you egg!"; pet peeve: zap, no yg, all the status seekers; fav. mem: accounting class with mole, duck, lips, ben, 8/16/76, 6/21/ 76, 8/31/59; cross country 2, 3. Michael James Okino
James Michael Oliver
Harry John O'Neill
Lisa Paci 629 Cedar La., Morton "dreams grown wild friends, forever indian summer's gone by time to fly" - s1. Richard Pacitti "Rich", "Rock" 275 Lewis Rd. a.s.w: rippy, matty, andy, guy, mally; pet peeve: stupid people, wanamakers; fav. mem: summertimes, 2/4/68,5/6/71; ice hockey 3, 4; bookie 1, 2, 3, 4. Andrew Paciocco "Andy", "A&P" 520 Beatty Rd. fav. mem: polishing "ace's" bald head with champagne - '76, rock concerts '74-'77; sec. amb: to be a rock n' roll star!; football 1,2, 3, 4; baseball 2, 3,4; basketball 1; men's life 4; red coats 2,3,4; "one thing, i have learned through these years, is that no man should be stricken with fear. it should be that he walks with no care in the world." - elo. Lisa Paci
Richard Pacitti
Andrew Paciocco
Donna Lynn Paine 853 Sheffield Dr. rem. for: my laugh; a.s.w: g.o., j.s., a.c., b.k., j.s., 1.1.; prize poss: george, my ring, memories, friends, family, my snake; fav. say: "yikkers"; pet peeve: getting up early in the morning, two faced people, account numbers; fav.mem: 3/6/76,4/19/76,5/15/76,6/271 76, beach boys concert, jr. prom, w.w. with g.o.; sec. amb: to go for a sleigh ride; basketball 1, 2. Patricia Louise Panczner "Trish" 722 Beatty Rd. rem. for: having cousins, being new; a.s.w: the "girls", in my datsun; prize poss: family, friends, seagulls, my sunshine, the other banana bookend; pet peeve: long-distance friends, my big heart, butts, driving, people being late; fav. mem: sunrises, lbi times and the clammy hours; basketball 1; cheerleading 2, 3, co-capt. 4; circ. staff 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 3, bus. ed. 4; nhs 4; snow queen nom.
Donna Lynn Paine
Patricia Louise Panczner
Kenneth Alyn Parsons
Kenneth Alyn Parsons "Wolf", "The Other One", "Max" 677 N. Bishop Ave. rem. for: books, the black scarf, broken watches; fav. mem: dead in jersey city, cheech, summer '76, crew, p.aJ.b.; lit. mag. 2, 3, ed. 4; scott's hi-q 4; fods 1, 2, 3, 4; national merit 4; "the bus came by and i got on ..." grateful dead; "never till now met i aught to sympathize with me. 'tis well i rather would consort with spirits" lord byron; "and if he left off dreaming about you. where do you suppose you'd be?" -lewis carroll
took PSA T's and awaited the results. As an upperclassman and legally
permitted out to lunch you trudged to Saxer regardless of how cold
Jerome Paul 658 Vernon Rd. prize poss: 1963 buick special, and stereo; pet peeve: people reversing the order of my name, basketball, salt on winter highways, beer cans; fav. mem: summers at stone harbor, n.j. Charles M. Payes "Chas" 177 S. Highland Rd. rem. for: 'hlb. ripoff, a.s.w: whimple, r.b., bruno, run-by-us, gancie, hharold, shebi, and all the other tools; prize poss: boles, elkabong; fav. say: skibs, brewsters, reeps; pet peeve: genesee cream ale, molsons golden ale; fav. mem: jethro tull concert and blue rocks; sec. amb: to be a lumberjack. Valerie Dawn Pechter "Crazy Lady" Rolling Green Apts. 25-C rem. for: being silk winds "number 1" fan; a.s.w: U., space lady, mal, lynn, ew; prize poss: my guitar, stereo, record connection, and the little brown factory; fav. say: don't hassle me! pet peeve: two-fingers (e.s.); fav. mem: the frampton and yes concert at jfk with alan - 6/12/76, puerto rico; sec. amb: fame; chorus 1. Jerome Paul
Charles M. Payes
Valerie Dawn Pechter
Angelo Anthony Pennacchia "Cisco" 48 Locust Ave. rem. for: my hair and being goofy; a.s.w: my '68, rick, and matt (starsky - chick), and a gas pump; prize poss: my friends; fav. say: be cool, let's do some haven; pet peeve: pumping gas, underclassmen at parties, rags, friday the 13ths; fav. mem: 6/16/76, 10/3/75, road rallies after work, w.w 76; sec. amb: to meet r.k.d. and to be r.s.; golf 2; haven club 4; pumpers club 4; m.h.h.c. 4. Michael James Pepe "Pep" 750 Rhoads Dr. rem. for: yellow V.W.; a.s.w: c.o.b., d.h., g.m., r.l., and with heb cutting lawns; prize poss: yellow V.W.; fav. say: yeal o.k.!, decent; pet peeve: summer practice, sprints; fav. mem: summer "76", appalachian trail, frampton, yes concert; intramural volleyballi, 2; football 3, 4; road rally 3, 4.
Angelo Anthony Pennacchia
Michael James Pepe
Marc Joseph Peraino
Marc Joseph Peraino "Mafia", "Rhino" 470 Claremont Rd. a.s.w: a problem; prize poss: my piano; fav. say: don't worry about it albert; pet peeve: people bother me, so i bother them back, that bothers me; fav. mem: sJ.c., It. d.p., k. shunk, f. debellis, b. smith, j. callanan, m. kloss, d. beatty; vo tech 2, 3, 4; photography 2; a.v. 2.
Frank Russell Pflieger "Flea, Franklin D" 443 West Leamy Ave. rem. for: losing weight and 8th period with fuddy; a.s.w: rup, gronze, gib, ort; prize poss: my parents, my hood and friends; fav. say: "oh geez", "yeah right", "says who"; pet peeve: getting stung by bees; fav. mem: my aunts aug. "76" with rup; sec. amb: if it is a secret why should i tell you; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4. Trudy Rose Pietropolo "Troodles" 450 Doe Run Ln. rem. for: always talking; my giggle; a.s.w: eileen, georgie, sonnia, kathy, and everyone; prize poss: friendships, my rose; fav. say: "cut me a break!"; pet peeve: night practices; being called a rah; fav. mem: 5/6-5/76, 9/76; sec. amb: if i tell it won't be a secret; lacrosse 1, 2; cougarettes 3, 4; grapplerette 4. "... school is growing up, and wishing you were young again." Barbara Jean Pinnock "B. J.", "Barb", "Babs" 260 Hawthorn Rd. rem. for: my car, bicentennial junk, talking quietly, not being #1, denise "be je pa"; a.s.w: patti, s.e.s., and others; prize poss: dolly and c.s. albums, my friends; pet peeve: b.a.s., certain work parties, chemistry, flippancy, shopping d's., b's, running out of gas and flat tires, being misunderstood; fav. mem: sailing, nag's head, 4/76, mystic, o.c. '75.
Frank Russell Pflieger
Trudy Rose Pietropolo
Barbara Jean Pinnock
Burger King. Plans were made for your big social event of the year/ the
the day was/ and when you started driving to school you patronized
Kenneth Poletti "Subinnac" 276 Hemlock La. rem. for: chippers, a.s.w: the real mccoy; prize poss: chest of tricks; fav. say: "g.s?"; pet peeve: ... stain; fav. mem: the cave, sabbath concert '76; sec. amb: head of the mafia; gym 1, 2, 3, 4; "we just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year. running over the same old ground and what have we found? the same old fears wish you were here" - pink floyd. Douglas Popelak, 212 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: showers in gym; prize poss: drums, southern comfort; fav. mem: first car. John Porter "Port" 555 Sheffield Dr. a.s.w: c.r., j.b., d.p., m.t., p.h., p.b., m.k., t.g., d.s., r.h., j.c.; prize poss: connie and all my friends; pet peeve: busy telephones, people who smoke op's; fav. mem: 4/25/76, 7/17/75,6/8/77, spring valley park, the '67, freaky's house; gym 1, 2, 3, 4; "you might appreciate our position, don't laugh at our freakie ways cause you might find yourself tomorrow marching in a freak parade." Kenneth Poletti
Douglas Popelak
John Porter
William D. Potts "Deluxe" 230 Welsh Dr. rem. for: crickets, whistles; a.s.w: jake; prize poss: my lips; fav. say: "get lost turkey!"; pet peeve: being called a burned out; fav. mem: aug. '76, june '76; sec. amb: to whistle with the boston pops; baseball 1; choir 1, 2, 3, 4. Carolyn Powers 257 N. State Rd. David Cartwright Pratt "D.P." 265 School La. rem. for: my great disposition, 30 ft. shot vs. east, going to the movies, singing; a.s.w; wendy eisenberg, the old calhoun; prize poss: my koala, my little sister; fav. say: "what - '''; pet peeve: fights with wendy, nothing to do; fav. mem: 9/4/74, wendy; sec. amb: to be a millionaire by 25, have six children; soccer 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; basketball 1, 2, 4; baseball 1; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; adv. board 1, 2, 3; snow king nom. 4; party team 1, 2, 3,4. William D. Potts
Carolyn Powers
David Cartwright Pratt
Donna Prescott 179 Reese Rd. a.s.w: julie, trudy, mary; prize poss: wally, friends; fav. say: "want a medal or a chest to pin it on"; pet peeve: tardiness; fav. mem: summer '76, thanksgiving weekend '76; sec. amb: be famous; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3; musical 4; chorus 2,3,4; lacrosse 2. Anna Marie Primavera "Prim" 106 Althea La. rem. for: combing hair; a.s.w: tami, sandy, gwen, andrea; prize poss: cougar, l.a. dodger shirt, best friends; fav. say: "how ya doin'?", "grow up", "you're on drugs", "ort"; pet peeve: people who judge people before they know them; fav. mem: summer '75, '76, '77?, 5th and 6th with a.b. and g.b., new year's eve, chicago concert, playing knee football; sec. amb: to go to california; adv. board 1, 2, 3; lacrosse 2, 4; hockey 2,3,4; basketball stat. 4; gym aid 2, 3, 4. Richard Rassmussen West Avenue Donna Prescott
Anna Marie Primavera
Richard Rassmussen
junior prom/ and //Ready for Love// was the chosen theme. Girls searched fa
formal gowns and guys were measured for tuxes. You danced to the
Barbara Reynolds "B~l.rb" 230 Kent Rd. a.s.w: s.h., mustang; prize poss: family, s.h., 'tucky, mustang, memories, my ribbons; pet peeve: school, waiting, questions, hassles; fav. mem: 2/28, 2/15, 3/20; girl's chorus 1, 2. Alan W. Richardson "Guenther" "Big Alski" 324 Hawarden Rd. fav. say: "let's get to work!" "this is a testing situation"; pet peeve: short cuban ladies, lazy german students; fav mem: 8/8/88; german club 3, 4; national merit 4. John Richardson 257 N. State Rd.
Barbara Reynolds
Alan W. Richardson
John Richardson
Lynn Carol Rickards 341 Oakdale Place rem. for: 11/2/75 dance; a.s.w: b.j.p., scamp; prize poss: close friendships, drivers licenses, father's eagle shirt; fav. say: "i don't want to talk about it" "i don't know"; pet peeve: school mornings, "richards", my tips, road rally, delivering b.a.s., questions; fav. mem: rendezvous, florida (p.a.f.b.), 5/29/76, 2/6/76; sec. amb: to sail around the world; girl's football 2; pep club 1, 2; girl's chorus 1, 2; stage crew 3, 4; young life 4; history club 4; s.e.s. 71 2, 3,4. Lori Michelle Riesenfeld 412 Burns Dr. a.s.w: "the girls", esp. monica, lisa, fran and amy, "junior boys"; prize poss: friends and memories, the butterfly; pet peeve: waiting, calc.; fav. mem: h.r. summers, california '75, sweet 16, s.h. dance 2/7/76, a.c. '76, beach boys '76, springsteen, jack frost, snow dance, massachusetts '77; cheerleading 1, 2, 4; gymnastics 2, 3; adv. council 3; 3rd and 4th hockey 3; sprihian eirc. staff 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2; scrivener lay-out 3; ski club 4; soc. servo 4; soph hop and snow dance dec. comm.; sr. play; nhs 4.
Lynn Carol Rickards
Lori Michelle Riesenfeld
Susan Rieve
Susan Rieve "Sue" 319 Hemlock La. rem. for: partying; a.s.w: pam; prize poss: p.o.t., chad; pet peeve: rahs, glass eyes, pee wees, springfield h.s.; pigs!; places that reek; fav. mem: barb's car, the tracks, springvalley; sec. amb: to travel; the "tracks" team.
Edward Ring "Eddy" "Monk" 406 North Bishop Ave. a.s.W: bud, festus, ed, matt, chuck, jack, bev, donna, mike, denise, lori, yvonne, david, kim, linda, jimmy, stilts, and morton parade; prize poss: 1970 dodge super bee: pet peeve: springfield; fav. mem: night at ridley, parties at bud's house and at chuck's house, and the night me and festus raced. Darlene Ann Marie Riviello "Darla" "Darliena" "Dar" 52 South Brookside Rd. rem. for: "purple socks", "d.c.o.'s", diets, being close with cheryl; a.s.w: c.r., c.l., w.k., c.b., j.b., d.k., g.m.; prize poss: my family, moppy, d.c.o.'s, bible, heavenly father, diary; fav. say: "you're soo cute", "cute, real cute"; pet peeve: graduating, getting up early; fav. mem: os concert (8/14/76), fireside (8/15/76), 8/12/77; sec. amb: "help people", "date d.c.o.'s", "travel"; color guard 4; history; german; french club 4; spri-hian 4; a.v. 2, 3, 4; basketball 1. Mary Eleanor Roberts "Nancy" "Bobbsey #2" "Fuddy Dud Mud" 528 Glendale Circle rem. for: being ticklish, great volleyball skill, making faces with nerd; a.s.w: "who else?"; prize poss: family, friendship, communication, memories; pet peeve: english papers, nerds chin, unexpected wind; fav. mem: es - 4, spelunking, irv, pat. aJ.b., sailing, jumprope '76, pocono plateau; soc. servo 2, 3, pres. 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; history club 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; fabs. 2, 3, 4; ses. 171 3, 4; sr. play 4; "it doesn't matter who you love or how you love but that you love" - rod mckuen.
Edward Ring
Darlene Ann Marie Riviello
Mary Eleanor Roberts
one of the many parties held at classmates' houses. You filled out course
music of //Springfield// at the Philadelphia Sheraton. Afterwards you hit Gail Loraine Roderick "Gail Loraine" 121 N. Highland Rd. chorus 1; track 1, 2; golf 3, 4; cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4; lit. mag. 3, 4; eirc. staff 3, 4; gymnastics 2; big heart's club; dec. comm. for dances 2, 3; "there's happiness in little things, there's joy in passing pleasure, but friendships are, from year to year, the best of all life's treasure" - author unknown. Pamela Rolfe 2 Wildwood Ave. Morton rem. for: partying, being sarcastic; a.s.w: sue rieve; prize poss: my lee's, my stereo; fav. say: j.c.; pet peeve: people who walk slowly in the halls, rahs!!!; fav. mem: the tracks, barb's car, spring valley; sec. amb: to own 500 acres in the country; "the tracks" team 2, 3, 4.
Gail Loraine Roderick
Pamela Rolfe
Nancy Carol Rose
Nancy Carol Rose "Mary" "Bobbsey #1" "Nerdie Byrd" 1024 Westwood Dr. rem. for: laughing with mud; a.s.w: "who else?"; prize poss: memories, blue jeans, novice status; pet peeve: english papers, jibing, -rampant mainsheets, "two hands", brothers; fav. mem: buffalo snow, es - 4, patrick aJ.b.; mud-trucking, flipping, n.y., irv; sec. amb: dry flip; soc. servo 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 3, 4; pep club 1,2,3,4; lit. mag. 3, 4; history club 4; f.a.b.s. 2, 3, 4; s.e.s. 171 3, 4; sr. play 4; "ever drifting down the stream -lingering in the golden gleam - life, what is it but a dream" lewis carroll.
Jeanne Marie Ross "Jean Bean" "Green Jeans" 711 N. Morton Ave. rem. for: being quiet, yet rowdy, always knowing everything; a.s.w: an armful of books, Lw.c.c., m.r., n.r.; prize poss: my family; pet peeve: prudish people, trig; fav. mem: 2/15/76, 9110/60; sec. amb: to fly a plane; soc. servo 2, 3; history club 4; lit. mag. 4; "i am not afraid of tomorrow, for i have seen yesterday and i love today" - william allen white. Kenneth James Rosser "Ken" "Little Sewer" 313 Sunnybrook Rd. rem. for: telling the stupidest jokes; a.s.w: s.d., j.k., '65 plymouth, g.j., a.b., g.r.; prize poss: friends; fav. say: "hey, rich"; pet peeve: the guitar and sometimes the tuba; fav. mem: band trip to canada, the year '77; sec. amb: if i told you it wouldn't be a secret; band 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 3, 4; glee club 2, 3; pop group 3, 4; musical 4; water polo 2, 3, 4. Eleanor Ruch "Ellie" "El" "Rookie" 316 Pinecrest Rd. a.s.w: the techni-croppers; prize poss: panda, norman (fish), memories, friends; pet peeve: # 2945; fav. mem: seminara, reports with a.w., 12/5/76, 10th grade; sec. amb: to live in colorado; chorus 1; futuristics 2, 3, pres.; pep club 2, 3, 4; prom comm. 2, 3,4; spri-hian 3, 4; swig 3; girl's football 2, 3; history club 4; scrivener 3, ed. 4; m.h.h.c. 4; "hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly."
__ Jeanne Marie Ross
Kenneth James Rosser
Eleanor Ruch
Richard Douglas Rumbaugh "Doug" 370 Hemlock La. rem. for: being quiet; a.s.w: r.m., d.s., prize poss: chess table; fav. say: "you want to know something?"; pet peeve: trig., baby brother, puff, billy's dreams; fav. mem: running over birch trees; sec. amb: becoming rich; intra. tennis 1; intra. volleyball 1. Joanne E. Rupert 430 W. Leamy Ave. a.s.w: ricky; prize poss: my rings, my family, ricky and my dog; fav. say: "give me strength"; pet peeve: second period class; fav. mem: 11/ 22/74, 11/22/75, 11/22/76, june of '76, florida of '76, december of '76, june of '77; sec. amb: to be happy.
Richard Douglas Rumbaugh
Joanne E. Rupert
Robert Ruprecht
Robert Ruprecht "Rue" "Rup" "Dude" "Rubin" etc. 520 Kennerly Rd. rem. for: keeping the image, laying down; a.s.w: flea, gronze, jim, jack, bugger, won won, etc.; prize poss: soccer ?; fav. say: "lay down", "what?" "hi there", "let's bolt" "t-l-0-b" "indeed"; pet peeve: falling off logs, people calling me some else, air heads, etc.; fav. mem: flea's aunt's house for a week, parties; sec. amb: it's a secret; soccer 1, 2, 3,4; wrestling 1, 4; track 1, 2, 3,4; ski club 3, 4.
selection sheets and once more trooped to the polls to elect Anne; Helen; Ba
dJoe officers for the big year to follow. You watched the seniors walk down
Lisa Rutledge "Miss Secretary" 610 E. Woodland Ave., Apt. F-3 rem. for: always smiling, chewing gum; a.s.w: b.o., l.s., m.r., l.m.; prize poss: bill, friends; fav. say: have a "sit", "dress out"; pet peeve: being too short; fav. mem: 4/19/75, 2 /6/75,4/10/76; sec. amb: to have 12 children. Robert Ruth 572 Sheffield Dr. Kevin Saeli 276 Orchard Rd.
Lisa Rutledge
Robert Ruth
Kevin Saeli
Gerarda Ann Scanlon "Gerri" 477 Harwicke Rd. rem. for: being involved; a.s.w: those that count, technicroppers; prize poss: my '76 fiat, my dog; fav. say: "you know what i mean?"; pet peeve: cliques; fav. mem: france '75, germany '76, history club, being exec. council chairman; sec. amb: to be the first woman president; cheerleading 1, 2, 3; golf 3, 4; gymnastics 1, 2; lacrosse 1; chorus 1, 2; nhs 4; lit. mag. 4; spri-hian 1, 2, 3, 4; scrivener sports ed. 4; exec. council 2, 3, chairman 4; swig 3; history club 3, pres. 4; ski club 1, 2; dramatics 3; german club 3, 4; explorers 3. John Joseph Scanzaroli "Wop" 158 Reese Rd. rem. for: always having a comeback; a.s.w: m. imming, c.m., r.b., e.q.; prize poss: "71" torino, my guns, friends; fav. say: "hit the road", "what a semi-hemi"; pet peeve: gym, cafe; fav. mem: parties, dances, road rallies, touring phila., summer "76", thanksgiving weekend, the beach '76; sec. amb: to own a trans am; soccer 1; track 1; cb club 3, 4; "do unto others, then split."
Gerarda Ann Scanlon
John Joseph Scanzaroli
David Paul Scarani
David Paul Scarani "Dave" "Scran" "Scarangar" "Scun" 201 N. Rolling Rd. rem. for: my hair, my acting, never being serious; a.s.w: kathy, craig, ted, jack, jack, jim, gup, rupe; prize poss: kathy, krista; fav. say: "thank you"; pet peeve: my car, doing nothing; fav. mem: 7/5/76, 8/12176; sec. amb: travel a lot, go to colorado; wrestling 1, 2, 3; soccer 1, 2.
Donald Bruce Schell 405 Major Circled rem. for: my driving, being rowdie at football and basketball games; a.s.w: s.b., s.t., b.l., piglet, wimpy, m.d., m.t.; prize poss: my stereo and my c.b.; fav. say: "you serious?" "no lie."; pet peeve: french class, no oil pressure; fav. mem: 6/12/76, kiss '76; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; c.b. club 3, 4; burger king 3, 4; kiss army 3, 4; glee club 4; pop group 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4. Erik Karl Schmid "Tall One" "Soda Man" "Yogurt Man" 345 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: not being in school; prize poss: mary, my friends and my plants; pet peeve: dieting; fav. mem: 4/26/76, 12110/76, at brandywine club, 10/3/76; sec. amb: to own a plant store in california; volleyball 2, 3. "don't be what you isn't just be what you is for if you is what you isn't then you isn't what you is" -biga. Janet Schneider "Jan" 915 Westdale Place rem. for: always wearing jeans, my eyes; a.s.w: beth, joyce, brim, rock, prize poss: dave, friends, memories; fav. say: "right?" pet peeve: d.k., shs, "peyton place: station place" "arco wherever you go"; fav. mem: 10/2/76, wildwood every summer, high times with beth, crazy deals and set ups with neil, me, lee, joyce; sec. amb: to hitchhike across the u.s., to sky dive without killing myself.
Donald Bruce Schell
Erik Karl Schmid
Janet Schneider
You were constantly trying to sort out your feelings of confusion and plan
the aisles at commencement/ knowing that in just one year that would be y( Robert J. Schwartz Jr. "Bob" 641 Cresson Lane rem. for: not being bashful, doubles with oak and no, drive-ins, bikini; a.s.w: dak, jake, seen, greg, kel, tibbs, bart, kevin; pet peeve: loud girls, waiting, rocks, the rat and a hippocrit, booted, lucy, basketball 3 and 4, typical people; fav. mem: b.b.'s, sassafras lodge, junior prom, soph hop '76, 9/18/76, shore, ruthanne's, 8th commons; basketball 1, 2, 3; track 1, 2, 3, 4; cross country 4; senior play; service club 1, 2, 3,4; soccer 1. Scott Schweizer 19 Rose Lane rem. for: 714, f66; a.s.w: j.f., h.b., j.v., m.f., a.m., m.s., m.j., d.c.; prize poss: my sticks, tunes; pet peeve: rahs, redneck, o.c. storm troopers, strycknine; fav. mem: garcia '74, '75, the eye, big tuesday, 8/11/76, globbing, whippets 12/17/76; band 1, choir 1, 2, 3; ski club 2, 3,4; whippet club 4; expanders club 1, 2, 3, 4.
Robert J. Schwartz
Scott Schweizer
Timothy Breingan Scott
Timothy Breingan Scott "Muel", "Tim" 605 N. Bishop Ave. rem. for: sleeping in the commons, going hunting before school; a.s.w: jeannie, S.W.; prize poss: my gun collection; fav. say: gotta get bookin; pet peeve: getting yelled at, m.o.I.; fav. mem: manitoba wilderness, canoe trip canada "76", snow dance and sal W.; sec. amb: to grow a mustache, get a 12 point buck; soccer 1; wrestling 1; weightlifting 4; track 1, 4; explorers 3, 4.
Diane Linda Semanik 447 Kent Rd. rem. for: being late, carrying lots of books, being busy at church; a.s.w: diane, the lunch bunch; prize poss: my embroidered jeans, my heritage, family, friends, and memories; fav. say; "i wish i had a car"; pet peeve: people with the same name, being depressed;fav.mem:4/10-4/17/76,5/23/75,12/75,7/11/76; sec. amb: to find "it", to be a 'tammy'; band 1, 2, 3, 4; 3rd and 4th hockey 2, 3, 4; 3rd and 4th lacrosse 1, 2; photography club 4; nhs 4; district band 4; musical 4. Michael Serafino 23 Locust Rd. James Michael Shada "Fro" 472 Maplewood Ave. rem. for: bowie, my hair; prize poss: friends, albums; pet peeve: questions about my hair; fav. mem: 3/15/76, 6/12/76, 10/27/76, 12/18/76; sec. amb: date with f.f., a vette, be in a rock group; choir 1, 2, 4; glee club pres. 4; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; soccer 1, 2; basketball manager 3, 4; nhs 4; explorers 4; weightlifting 2,4. "ch - ch - changes pretty soon you're gonna get a little older time may change me but i can't trace time." -bowie
Diane Linda Semanik
Michael Serafino
James Michael Shada
Samuel C. Shane "Sam", "Sam-u-el" 516 Kerr Lane rem. for: straws, driving; a.s.w: kim; prize poss: k.m., calculator; fav. say: "my fellow americans", "wrong", "are you coming or going"; pet peeve: "cigarettes", "windows left open", "no lunch", "haircuts", a.b.n.r.; fav. mem: 7/3/76; sec. amb: t.m.k., make a lot of money; young life 2, 3, 4; choir 3, 4; pop group 4; musical 2, 4; band 1, 2; ski club 2, 3,4; tennis 3, 4; p.n.a. 2, 3, 4. William R. Sharff "Bill" 218 Indian Rock Dr. a.s.w: joe, fred, kurt; prize poss: joy riders, 8 period eng.; fav. mem: good times at j.n., summer '75, summers point with jimmy and bruce; sec. amb: air force; soccer 1, 2; vo-tech 4. Leslie Shaner 2012 Chestnut St. rem. for: art; a.s.w: j.s., I.r., s.f., I.g.; prize possession: a.c. and friends; fav. say: "that's cool"; pet peeve: d.s., being short; fav. mem: 10/11/75, 10/18 /76; sec. amb: own a horse, bike cross country, be a great artist; gymnastic 1, 2; honors gym 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4. Samuel C. Shane
William R. Sharff
Leslie Shaner
for the future. You used CRC to investigate different career choices/ turned
1.r counselors for advice/ looked at college catalogs and became increasingly James William Shea Jr. "Jim", "Zorba", "Nipple" 118 Summit Rd. rem. for: party supplies, being a toad, my white station wagon, being a pervert: a.s.w: gup, boog, jack, rup, fole; prize pass: ring, memories, friends, family; fav. say: "suck an egg", "uncool", j.v. and varsity style; pet peeve: depressive drunks, dieting, studying; fav. mem: snowball fights on 1/1176, junior prom, going down the shore, riding a cycle, nudist school; sec. amb: to make it in life, to make things, to have a great life with fun and excitement; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; party 1, 2, 3, pres. 4; service club 1, 2, 3, 4. John Edward Shea "Jack", "RJ." 118 Summit Rd. rem. for: streaking, supplying parties, turfing, smashing the car at 15 (i really didn't do it); a.s.w: mark, rup, craig, bugger, dave, jimmy, karen; prize pass: the whitewagon, kc., %, 'h, tap; fav. say: "are you on drugs or what?"; pet peeve: big mouthed and big eared people, g.s., drones; fav. mem: 91743175, 9/25176, men. hall (b.s.), soph hop (g.z.), soph hop (s.b.), jr. prom (kh.), snow dance (kc.), sr. prom (?), kc. 4/1/ 76 - ?, alice-obb; sec. amb: to be happy, keep my angle, marry - !!!, make a million; soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; -yearbook 3, 4; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; shoemaker's office 1, 2,3,4. Cynthia Mary Shell "Cindy", "Cookie" 24 Yale Ave., Swarthmore rem. for: being a vegetarian; a.s.w; kathy g., eleni; prize pass: a friend like j.w., music; fav. say: "you're gay", "i couldn't help it"; pet peeve: 6:30 a.m., gym, 1st pd. english, 11th grade, nerves, snobs, gaining weight, am, pd, dd, stairs; fav. mem: gino vannelli (11123176), 12121175, 121 17175; sec. amb: to be thin, to meet g.v., to be happy, to see world peace; chorus 1, 2; choir 3.
James William Shea Jr.
John Edward Shea
Cynthia Mary Shell
Daniel F. Shields "Dan" 261 Waverly Rd. rem. for: unbearable comments, missing breakaways; a.s.w: t.I., s.w., r.m.; prize pass: friends, geese, skates; fav. say: "Lg.u.w.?", "i am a victim of circumstances!", "f.t.s."; pet peeve: being short, b.i., 7:00 practices, 11:45 pm games, fish, the "clique"; fav. mem: dances, parties, road rallies, 10/12176, firebird's games, 7th pd., 7/31/59 ...; cross country 4; ice hockey 4; football 1; intra. 3; sleeping 1, 2, 3, 4; msfc 4. John Shields "Jack", "Aubee", "Cookie" 641 Evans Rd.; a.s.w: I.s., p.c., b.h., s.g., m.c., kt., j.o., b.n.; prize pass: family, friends, '59 dodge; fav. say: "oh, les" - "but i don't know"; pet peeve: shs administration, people who think they're better than everyone else, rahs; fav. mem: miss '75, florida '76, 5/24174; sec. amb: to live in an old farmhouse in the middle of the country.
Daniel F. Shields
John Shields
Charles Thomas Shinn
Charles Thomas Shinn "Tibbs", "Poodle" 213 Indian Rock Dr. rem. for: being cut-up, weird hair (poodle cut); a.s.w: kel, oak, andy d., roy, bunk, bob s., etc.; prize pass: golf clubs, car; fav. say: "you think you're coo, oak"; pet peeve: conestoga 11/1176, 2 ft. putts; fav. mem: 4/13174, b.c.; sec. arnb: to win edco championship; basketball 1, 3; golf 2, 3, 4.
Karin Joan Shockley "Carrie Ann" 543 Weymouth Rd. rem. for: always eating, bothering mattie; prize pass: keys, friends, christmas card; pet peeve: lips leaving, barnyard animals; fav. mem: times with the girls, bruder's hill, golf course, canoeing on ice, bush buddies, bonfires, skiing-1/ 18175, shore 75-76, 5/30176, sr. prom, hockey '76, 6/4176, 3/6 176, 8th pd. with frankie, 11/5176, k.d.'s and re's parties, 10/ 24176, 12111176, x-mas vacation; hockey 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; lacrosse 1, 4; varsity club 4; chorus 1, 2; ski club 2, 3, 4; snow queen nom. Kurtis S. Shunk "Hop-a-Iong" 328 E. Thomson Ave. rem. for: anything incriminating; prize pass: anything worth over fifty cents; fav. say: "who cares"; pet peeve: senior costumes (see above, right, left, and under); fav. mem: day after graduation; sec. amb: to graduate; rollerball 1, 2; basket weaving 3, 4; school 1 - most of 4; apathy club 1, 2, 3,4. Julia Ellen Sieke "Julie" 819 Rhoads Dr. rem. for: being ticklish, a.s.w: rose, donna; prize pass: my family; fav. say: "what, are you jakin' me?"; pet peeve: being tickled; fav. mem: summer '76, music man; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 4; german club 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; varsity club 3,4; tennis 3; musical 2. "the most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed" - chamfort.
Karin Joan Shockley
Kurtis S. Shunk
Julia Ellen Sieke
American studies teachers lecture slowly came to an end. June arrived. -.
confused! The days of sitting in the audion and listening to one of the Mark C. Sloan 313 Kennerly Rd. a.s.w: rude, doug, mark, curt; prize poss: lake carey, guitar, collection of genesis and "yes"; fav. mem: yes concerts, summer '75, '76-8/6/76, the lake, the state park in the truck, and the arboretum; ski club 3,4; existance 1, 2, 3,4; canadian club 1, 2, 3, 4. Carolyn Regina Smith "Spud", "Smitty" 49 Greenhill Rd. a.s.w: r.a., d.b., l.w.; prize poss: my pet clam; fav. say: "brrr"; pet peeve: mustard, n.s., audrey; fav. mem: 11/25/76; sec. amb: to buy a baby grand; intra. 1, 2; hockey 2, 3; pep club 1, 2, 3; futuristics pres. 4; vica 4; vo-tech 4.
Mark C. Sloan
Duncan Smith
Carolyn Regina Smith
Duncan Smith "James" 954 Edwards Dr. rem. for: electric koolaid, good tunes, luney-tunes; a.s.w: some form of frank zappa; prize poss: my mind, french fries - you dumby; fav. say: (has been edited) "arf"; pet peeve: s.d.a.; fav. mem: 4/28 /59-present; sec. amb: to be an apprentice to roger dean; "the clouds are really cheap the way i seen it through the forze, of which there is a half a doz. on the base of my resorts, i never had too many since i never cared for sports, i'm never really lonely in my excentrifugal force" - frank zappa; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4.
John Smith "Wimpy" 432 Wayne Ave. rem. for: managing; a.s.w: mac, rip a and p, matt, and assorted friends; prize poss: stereo, records; fav. mem: firehouse '76, beach boys '76, rolling stones '75, 6/12/76, 5/19/74, 12/21/76; sec. amb: to own a season ticket good for all spectrum events; football 1, 2, 3, 4; baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 2, 3; basketball 1; sprihian 3; sports ed 4; brewers 3, 4; miller alumni 2, 3, 4. Judith Lynne Smith "Air", "Pinnochio" 261 School La. rem. for: my driving, having a reserved seat in g and g's office, looking for shadow; a.s.w: little albert; prize poss: the gem, my nose, memories; fav. say: "i'm starved"; pet peeve: gym, half-lit cigarettes, running out of gas, waiting, traf's, 6:30 am's, drivers who sight-see; fav. mem: florida '76, partying with the girls, munching out, concerts 10/19/76 and 7/1/75, 5/16/76 at 6:30 am, 7/25/76,3/20/76 and on, roses; sec. amb: to own a vette; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2; scrivener 2, 3, 4; spri-hian 2, 3, 4; pep dub 1; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; musical 2; bfc 1, 2, 3, 4; hrpc 3, 4. Steven V. Smith "Smitty" 142 Barbara Dr. rem. for: my driving, no socks or laces; a.s.w: mJ., w.g.h.-e.a.h.; prize poss: my truck, a lot of good friends; fav. say: "come again"; pet peeve: accounting worksheets; fav. mem: 9/28/74-75, the summer with m.j.h. of 74-75, 5/28/76, 3/14/75, backpacking with the humphreys family, new year's eve; sec. amb: to backpack aOi'OSS the u.s.a. and to own my own business; football 1, 2, 3, co-capt 4; wrestling 1, 2, 3, co-capt. 4; exec. council 1, 2; class pres. 2; track 1.
John Smith
Judith Lynne Smith
Steven V. Smith
Karen Snyder 524 Kennerly Rd. rem. for: homemaking, blueberry, crystal wine glasses, restricted social life concerning swimming, cwla, creative letters; prize poss: wine glasses; fav. say: "how do", "yello", "yal"; pet peeve: conservatives, cliques and snobs, lansdowne aldan ordeal; fav. mem: thanksgiving '75, junior year, springs; sec. amb: ride a cycle to maine with p.m., live in the city and drive a foreign sports car; lacrosse 1; chorus 1, 2; swimming 1, 2, 3, 4. Eugene Francis Soltner "Eug-Gene" 116 Harwicke Rd. rem. for: my car accident with my sister; a.s.w: the ridley gang; prize poss: my family and friends, my ltd; pet peeve: friends who argue, people who think they start fads; fav. mem: minnesota '76; sec. amb: to marry in four years; soccer 1, 2; special ed. aid 2; art aid 3; ara 1, 2, 3,4; work study 4.
Karen Snyder
Eugene Francis Soltner
. the summer.
Joanne Soltner
Joanne Soltner "Joannie" 116 Harwicke Rd. rem. for: small eyes; a.s.w: "the girls", meredith; prize poss: family and friends, merf jones; pet peeve: home movies, being locked out, bambergers, dishonest people; fav. mem: 3/25/75, virginia, 2/1-10/76, weekend dow O.c. with re and k.t., jr. prom '75, senior prom weekend '76; sec. amb: to own a convertible rolls royce, to have bigger eyes; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; varsity club 3, 4; nhs 4; soph hop comm. 2.
. and you were a senior! You visited colleges/
carefully filled out applications/ and suffered through SAT/so Captains and Theodore A. Sosangelis "Ted" "Greek" 200 Foulke La. rem. for: letting people know what's on my mind, relaxing during class: a.s.w: dave, jack, gup, jim, eleni, and pJ.; prize poss: my pride, ancestors, friends and my hat; pet peeve: all authority, big shot teachers, bull, themes, rolling rock; fav. mem: 4/16/76, 7/3/76, 8/19/76 with xenia, gup's truck, my buddies; sec. amb: to'retire at 40; work 1, 2, 3, 4. Nicholas Robert Spennato "Nick" "Mongo Nick" "Spinozo" 125 Barbara Dr. rem. for: joy's husband, being so quiet, being a great manager; a.s.w: joy,b.d., m.d., b.m.; prize poss: relationship with joy, friends, stereo; fav. say: "ya big dope", "you should be shot", "what are you, on drugs or something"; pet peeve: apathy, girls who can't stay awake after 10:30; fav. mem: "jym", 8/12/76, 3/8/75, 4/19/75, 4/10/ 76,6/4/76; sec. amb: to go to rome with joy; basketball mgr. 2, 3, 4; tennis 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, v.p. 4; kazoo band 4; pep club 1,2, 3, 4; servo club 2, 3,4; nhs 3, 4; pop group 3, 4. Joann Stagliano "Jo" "Stag" 109 West Ave., rem. for: summer partying, showing up for class once in a while; a.s.w: s.e., d.s., m.s.; prize poss: d.s., my family, friends, christian; pep peeve: shs, the navy, being taken advantage of, 8/4/76, 9/3-4-5/76; fav. mem: summer of '75, '76, 7123/76; sec. amb: to go to rome, find a man like my father; chorus 1, 2.
Theodore A. Sosangelis
Nicholas Robert Spennato
Joann Stagliano
Brian D. Stanley "Stan" 130 Powell Rd. a.s.w: joan; pet peeve: people who say to you "i know something that you should know ... but i can't tell you."; print shop 1, 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1; band 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4. Elaine Stapleton 232 Hillview Dr. rem. for: falling off hawk mt.; a.s.w: judy, val, kathy, tt; prize poss: my family, horses; fav. say: "you twit" "whatever"; pet peeve: conceited people who have nothing to be conceited about, m.a.h., bodacious channel 20; fav. mem: all the times in the country; sec. amb: to marry a certain person.
Brian D. Stanley
Elaine Stapleton
David Michael Stellfox
David Michael Stellfox "Criple" "Stell" "Gimpy" 316 Sedgewood Rd. rem. for: sleeping in commons, always being injured, b.s. ing teachers, golden shovel, cutting classes; a.s.w: k.t., uncle b.j., l.b.; prize poss: memories of shs, my referrals, cowboy hat; fav. say: "what's wrong" pet peeve: rahs, bad knees, summer practice, coaches, gettin caught cutting, l.b. on 11/13/76, telephone poles; fav. mem: christmas vacation '75; 10/23/76; sec. amb: go to alaska; football 1, 2, 3, 4; track 3, 4; r.r. 3, 4; weightlifting 2, 3, 4; wrestling 1; advanced cutting 2, 3, 4.
Lawrence Rexford Sterling 34 Waverly Ave. rem. for: classic remarks, (c.l. and al way fights); a.s.w: t.g., k.t.; prize poss: tammy and me-j; fav. say: "forget it" "what"; fav. ~ mem: summer of '76, c.l. and m.j.; sec. amb: own a camp- / ground; track 1; intr. volleyball 1, 2, 3,4; intr. basketball 1, 2, 3,4. Linda Ann Stewart "Bubbles" "Shadow" 127 Morton Rd. rem. for: my big brown eyes, my shortness, my small feet; a.s.w: beth, judi (shadow), carol, marianne, barri; prize poss: memories, friends, h.a.; fav. say: "yup"; pet peeve: fat, diets, rainy days, goodbyes; fav. mem: summer of '73, mexico '75, 10124/75, 6/12/76, 10/23/76; sec. amb: to own a sheep, to return to acapulco; chorus 1; explorers 2, 3; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; spri-hian eire. staff 2, 3, 4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2; scrivener 4; pep club 1, 2; musical 2; h.r.p.c. 2, 3,4. Daniel Stoup "Mole" 652 Evans Rd. rem. for: grabbing the slab, throwing beer-cans, his eyes; a.s.w: bert, clancey, molocher, jaws, bos, george; prize poss: cokebers, death express, 714's, golds, blacks; fav. say: "this town rots"; pet peeve: seeds, drones, droughts, rahs, rednecks, narcs, the crowd; fav. mem: peaking in the painted hallway, whippets; sec. amb: to spread communism, to become a millionaire; ice hockey 2, 3, 4; expanders club 1, 2, 3, 4; whippeting 3, 4.
Lawrence Rexford Sterling
Linda Ann Stewart
Daniel Stoup
Dance and you chose //If You Leave Me Now// for the theme. Courses were
officers were elected and this time they were you! Plans began for the SnOl Monica Ann Sullivan "Mono" "Monicutie" "Mon" "Monsoon" "Nique" "Q" 209 Lynnbrooke Rd. rem. for: my wink, being immune; a.s.w: jeannie, lor, lis, kath, "the girls", prize poss: family, friendships, pearl, sunsets; pet peeve: "only kidding", calc. ridpol, d.q.; fav. mem: jackson browne concerts, 28th, mass. '77, explorers trips, re's parties, s.Lc., towanda, times w/ jeannie, starship concert, late night phone conversations with a special friend, all the "good" times; sec. amb: to build my house in the mts.; explorers 3, 4; hockey 1, 2; photos. 3, 4; scrivener 3, ed.-in-chief 4; nhs 4; airhead airlines, j.bJ.c. 1, 2, 3, 4; "but when you know that you've got a real friend somewhere suddenly all the others are so much easier to bear" - j. browne. Teresa Nevart Tashjian "Terri" "Tish" "Dynomite" 92 Forest Rd. rem. for: my laugh, being armenian, getting out of class, always being heard; a.s.w: g.c., and a special "crony"; prize poss: memories, friends and family, my own line, my initials; fav. say: "it could be worse"; pet peeve: making decisions, goodbyes, yak, d2; fav. mem: summers o.c. and a.c., "legal" excursions with v.b.; cheerleading 2; exec. council 2, 3; hockey 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, v.p. 4; wvc 2, 3,4; "... live for today" - chicago.
........ Monica Ann Sullivan
Teresa Nevart Tashjian
Ronald Tedesco
Ronald Tedesco 629 N. Bishop Ave. rem. for: "fro" "card. o'hara"; prize poss: "my guitars"; pet peeve: english class, volkswagens; fav. mem: july 4, '76, with j.d. in wildwood and wildwood every weekend with ed and trib or mr. d; votech 2, 3, 4.
Lisa Carmella Teore "B.F." 251 Avon Rd. rem. for: always smiling, my long eyelashes; prize poss: good friends; fav. say: la-dee!; pet peeve: phony and conceited people, 7:55 a.m., 5/12/69; fav. mem: c.m. - august '76, sept. 6, 1975; band 1, 2, 3, 4; asst. drum major 4; orch. 4; musical 2, 4; tennis 2, 3, 4; hockey 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 3,4; adv. council 3; history club 4; nhs 4. Richard Thayer "Hondo" "Orr" 966 Edwards Dr. rem. for: winning all points in all golf matches till last one; a.s.w: bunk, roy ... m.kd.; prize poss: r. and m., friends plus 2 junior friends, m.j.; fav. say: "open the ... door" j.s.; pet peeve: r.b. friends, refs, rumors; fav. mem: 12/18/76, j.p., 11/ 15/76, winning money from andy, c.c; sec. amb: m.s.y. finally, beat a.d. in u.s. open by 1 stroke; soccer 1, 2; golf 1, 2, 3,4; hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 (all state 3); adv. board 1, 2, 3. Christine Marie Thiel 653 Andrew Rd. rem. for: being jimmy's little girl; a.s.w: bonnie toomey, jim thiel, mike serafino, kim carmolingo; prize poss: koala bear, sam, family, friends; fav. say: "nice talking to ya"; pet peeve: jealousy, gym class, mondays, people putting others down, onions; fav. in~m: may 7, 1976, cruise to nassau, trip to florida, august 23-30, 1975; sec. amb: to own a beautiful house, have a good marriage, help people with problems, take a trip in a van to colorado; chorus 1; adv. coun. 1, 2; spri-hian 1, 2; crc 3,4.
Lisa Carmella Teore
Richard Thayer
Christine Marie Thiel
James Thiel "Jim" 653 Andrew Rd. a.s.w: mike serafino; fav. mem: cape may '75 summer. Mary Elizabeth Thomas "Mary Beth" "Babes" 698 Dutton Circle rem. for: always smiling, asking questions, being crazy; a.s.w: r.t., kt., p.w., jr., my rifle; prize poss: rick, rabchick, my family, my friends, my memories; fav. say: "Bratface"; pet peeve: math, obnoxious people, know-it-alls, rats; fav. mem: may 11 and 31, june 18 and 26, july 4, may 14, july 1 and 2; sec. amb: to have my wishes come true; history club 4; mr. kehr's rifle squad, miss springfield 1976, r.x.b.t. 3,4. Kenneth W. Thompson 133 W. Thomson Ave. rem. for: my nose; a.s.w; d.s., b.j., t.p., m.p.; prize poss: my gums, memories of hunting and fishing trips; fav. say: Hufa; pet peeve: rahs, rainy saturdays; fav. mem: christmas vacation '75; sec. amb: go to alaska and canada; wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; adv. hunting; fishing 1-18. James Thiel
Mary Elizabeth Thomas
Kenneth W. Thompson
varied and many pressures wer~ bestowed upon you. From ludicrous
assignments to pressure from guidance to meet deadlines set by colleges. John Scott Thorton "Scott" 276 Sunnybrook Rd. rem. for: strange noises, sale sighing; a.s.w: jim, mike, the hallway gang, the band; prize poss: 69 VW, my stereo, drum set; fav. say: oooooou! pet peeve: broken drumsticks, school rules; fav. mem: florida '76, traveling, kiss concert '76; sec. amb: become a rock star, to work with jacque cousteau; sloe gin 4; miller alumni 1, 2, 3, 4; weightlifting 1, 2, 3; service club 1, 2, 3, 4; road rally 3, 4; burger king 4; commons 2, downhill skateboard team 4. Kim Alan Toney 653 Cheyney Rd. pet peeve: mrs. mgee's bus; fav. mem: camp '76; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; vica 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 4; musical 4; bowling 3, 4. Bonnie Frances Toomey 534 Andrew Road rem. for: my patched jeans, listening to problems, caring, being crazy; a.s.w: in the crc, looking for roxanne, chrissy, ruth; prize poss: kipper, jim, my family, friends, and happy memories; fav. say: "to know one another cannot mean to know everything about each other; it means to feel mutual affection and confidence, and to believe in one another." - albert scheitzer; pet peeve: people who purposely hurt others, people who only care for themselves; fav. mem: old ones of bob-jane lownes park, 9-29-74, new ones being made with jim, 6-29-76, theatre arts 1; sec. amb: to work with underprivileged children; crc staff 2, 3, 4; the linger on family 2, 3, 4; girls room 2, 3, 4.
John Scott Thorton
Kim Alan Toney
Bonnie Frances Toomey
Theresa Marie Torelli "Terri" "T.T." 837 Homestead Ave. a.s.w: e.w., c.n., lynn, crazy lady, mal; prize poss; treasure box; pet peeve: getting up for school at 6:00 am, rainy days and mondays; fav. mem: frampton/yes concert 6-12-76, linda's parties, tammy's parties. John Touhill269 Hemlock Lane a.s.w: ash; pet peeve: seeds, coons; fav. mem: july 4th wildwood weekend.
Theresa Marie Torelli
John Touhill
Jacqueline Anne Toussaint
Jacqueline Anne Toussaint "E" 539 Maddock Rd. rem. for: my hair, my laugh, being jumpy; prize poss. my family; fav. say: "you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now. and nothing can stand in your way." - j.l.s. pet peeve: people believing themselves to be superior over others; fav. mem: may 6, 7, 8, 9, 1976, summer of "76"; nhs 3, 4; scriv. bus. staff 3, 4; adv. council 2; color guard 2, 3, cosarg 4; chorus 3, 4; musical 2, 4; hist. club 4; ski club 4; kazoo band sec't 4; pep club 2, 3, 4; 3 and 4 basketball 2, 3, 4; 3 and 4 lacrosse 2; intra. basketball 1, 2; intra. volleyball 1.
Mark A. Traband "Trab" "Contraband" 428 Kent Rd. rem. for: my laugh, my strut; a.s.w: s.t., babe, d.s., d.c., the hallway gang; prize poss: my persian shirt; fav. say: "could be trouble" "dee-cent"; pet peeve: working friday and saturday nights; fav. mem: y.c.c. '75, kiss concert '76; d.s.a. 1, 2, 3, 4; road rally 3, 4; beaver patrol 1, 2, 3, 4; burger king 4; intra. basketball 3; young life 4. Judith Lynn Troutman "Judi" "Jude" "Iduj" 1032 Westwood Dr. rem. for: laughing at anything, leaving things to the last minute; a.s.w: the strangees and other weirdoes; prize poss: extra time, life; fav. say: "life is tough, wonderful, dear. "tell me about it"; pet peeve: special gym classes, labs; fav. mem: time with strangers; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 4; musical 4. Barbara Lynne Turnbull "Sam" "Dizzy" 324 Lynn Rd. rem. for: no school spirit: a.s.w: mike, donna leigh, june: prize poss: mike, my memories, and my friends; fav. say: "i hate school" pet peeve; friday and saturday night fires; fav. mem: june 3, 1976; sec. amb: to succeed; choir 1, 2, 3.
Mark A. Traband
Judith Lynn Troutman
Barbara Lynne Turnbull
for your term paper. It seemed that all you did this year was dish
You plowed through periodicals and encyclopedias in search ofinformatiol
David Turner 350 Wayne Ave. Andre Maurice Tyler "Pele" "Andre" #2 S. State Rd. rem. for: football games at shs, h.s. dances; a.s.w: gary freas; prize poss: ten speed bike, cadet b-ball trophies, family; fav. say: "come on, man!" pet peeve: painting, aptitude tests (sat); fav. mem: 5/74, tlc, camp pecometh 11/76, 6/8/77; sec. amb: becoming a good piano player; vars. tennis I, vars. winter track 4; vars. spring track 4; soc. servo 4; weightlifting 3,4; csc 4. David Tyson "Dave" 716 Evans Rd., rem. for: being the target in the cafeteria; a.s.w: r.h., l.r., j.b.; prize poss: dhbc membership card: fav. say: "love turns a blind eye to every fault" - provo 10:12; pet peeve: calculus teacher who check homework; fav. mem: latin class with b.d.; sec. amb: to quiet the lion; a.v. 2, 3. David Turner
Andre Maurice Tyler
David Tyson
Elizabeth Ann Uhler "Peaches" 34 Barbara Dr. a.s.w: air, linda, maryanne; prize poss: my memories; fav. say: "it's the pits"; pet peeve: a case of mono, tri-county hospital; fav. mem: partying with the girls, blackbird, del- '75, christmas vacation '75; sec. amb: to be rich; basketball 1, 2; soeial service club 2; spri-hian 2, 3. Michelle Van Raden "Goul" 158 Hillview Dr. rem. for: my hair, and leather belt; prize poss: memories, thoughts, plants, scrap box, folder, adler, wild oats, and my peugeot; fav. say: "... we live beyond our means on other people's dreams, and that's succeeding ..." - janis ian; pet peeve: my job; fav. mem: hawaii '76; sec. amb: to get my house and be independent. Hunter Neil VanValkenburgh 49 S. Forest Rd. "i would be up and leavin' this town; headed for the open road. all that you own kinda thrown on the back seat. thinkin' bout where to go maybe new orleans, maybe mexico." - j.j. walker. Elizabeth Ann Uhler
Michelle Marie Van Raden
Hunter Neil VanValkenburgh
Michael Vecchione "Vecch" 459 Valley View Rd. rem. for: snoring in mrs. cook's class, getting hit in the head with a basketball; prize poss: my 11 grade report card because i got honors; pet peeve: no paper to wash hands in bathrooms, being late for history and english class; fav. mem: ocean city, summer of "76"; vica chaplain, V. pres. 3, pres. 4. Katherine Garnet Voglesong "Kathy" 553 West Woodland Ave. rem. for: my height, rowdie moods, talking incorrectly, being late; a.s.w: r.z., d.w., m.l., m.h., the gool; prize poss: memories, friends, scrapbook; fav. say: "yous guys" "yea"; pet peeve: r.l.p., corrections being late, nicknames; fav. mem: summer of 76 (7/4/76, 7/17/76, 7/24/76-8/7/76), cake fights, dances, 5/22/76, 8th period w/m.h., k.c., football games (cougarettes); sec. amb: own a house in the mts., become a fashion editor; cougarettes 2, 3, 4; 3 and 4 basketball 2, 3, 4; scriv. bus. staff 2, 3; layout staff 4; ski club 3; snow dance comm.
Michael Vecchione
Katherine Garnet Voglesong
Leslie E. Wagner
Leslie E. Wagner 611 Newlin Rd. rem. for: being a lousy liar; bothering matty, always loosing my mittens; a.s.w: "the girls" prize poss: memories, friends, lmfb; pet peeve: $25.75 hockey game, my nicknames, 10-29-76, red highlights; fav. mem: sdwmarjdoc, canoeing on ice, bruders hill, 1/18/75, 12/30/75, 4/30/76, golf course, times with the girls, 3/6/76; sec. amb: to ski in colorado; spri-hian eirc. staff 2, 3; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; snow dance comm.; ski club 2, 3,4; cheerleading 2, 3, 4; golf 3, 4; vars. club 4; lit. mag. adv. board 3; snow queen nom.
out money for yearbooks/ portraits/ caps and gowns/ and mugs. You had
the long awaited privilege of using the commons but the threat of losing John G. Wahl 229 Waverly Rd., Morton rem. for: setting up all the football games, buying a paper everyday; a.s.w: d.s., s.b., b.k., s.e.; prize poss: my sports' books; fav: say: "it's long walk home"; pet peeve: getting up in the morning, walking to school; fav. mem: all the football games on Saturday, going to the Phillies playoff game; sec. amb: to become very rich; football 1; indoor track 4; spring track 4. Ellen Louise Waldie "El" 621 Hawarden Rd. prize poss: diary, friends and memories; fav. say: "i'm gonna' quit smoking"; pet peeve: getting up early; fav. mem: junior prom weekend, tommy's parties, lunch, summer '75 and '76, the shore, jfk concert, florida '76; sec. amb: own a white trans am, to have money and to go to california; chorus 1, 2; ski club 3. Sally Fisk Walker 139 Powell Rd. rem. for: wabbits, stooges, laugh; a.s.w: my "cuz"; prize poss: my book, #21; fav. say: "yo, rox!", "you spaz"; pet peeve; hypocrites, "same-difference", airheads; fav. mem: saranac '75, junior year, chemistry, undefeated b-ball season, ice hockey games; sec. amb: to be a judge; hockey 2, 3,4; b-balll, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3,4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; swig 3; bfc 1, 2, 3, 4; loggers club 3, 4; scrivener 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3; ski club 2, 3; nhs 3, 4, explorers 3, pres. 4.
JohnG. Wahl
Ellen Louise Waldie
Sally Fisk Walker
Debora Louise Walls "NBDW" "Debbie", "Deb" 218 S. Highland Rd. rem. for: being paranoid; fav. mem: 1/23/76, 5 /6-.9/76, 4/10/76, ~.~!24/76, ~,2<~5/~6, 10:,2176, 7/15-8/6/75 (mlch.); fav. says: I m sorry, basically; a.s.w: r.l.p., k.v., r.z., h.r.p.; prize poss: my family, friends, r.l.p; spri-hian circ. staff 1, 2, 3; scrivener 2, ed. 3, asst. ed. 4; hockey mgr. 2; stage crew 2; color gd. 2, co-sgt. 3, sgt. 4; pep club 1, 2, 3; kazoo band 4; girls football 3; history club 4; explorers 2, 3, 4; prom comm. 2, 3, 4; chorus 3, 4. Linda Ann Ward "Little Taz", "Lynne", "Cupcake", "Ma" 101 Congress Ave. rem. for: always being late, takin' my time, and foolin' around; a.s.w: joe (da), eddie, carolyn, richie, dietzie; prize poss: joe, my brother, taz, "attila" the hun; fav. say: "so what", "what's this garbage?"; pet peeve: being kissed on the nose, cookamas, telephone poles; fav. mem: dec. 13, 1975, nov. 22, 1976, jenkins; sec. amb: to sail around the world; color guard 3; u.s.t.c. 3, 4; b.r.e.w. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Debora Louise Walls
Linda Ann Ward
Marlisa Marie Wareham
Marlisa Marie Wareham "Worm" "ML" "Willy" 308 Providence Rd. rem. for: liking panda bears, evil eyes; a.s.w: "the girls", "jr." boys, esp. stuart; prize poss: my family, friends, memories, pandas, animals and gretta; pet peeve: frizzy hair, waiting for people who are late, snakes, diets; fav. mem: 8/4/74, maryland, spain '76, beach boys concert, 3w.p's, j.m.p., shore with S.p., "27"th, moss, snow dance '76; sec. amb: to travel, to own a panda bear; pep club 1, 2; soph hop comm. 2; adv. coun. 2, 3; musical comm. 2, 4; hockey 3, 4; ski club 3, 4; spri-hian 4; snow dance comm. 4; senior play.
Elizabeth Jane Warner "Beth" 835 Grove Ave. rem. for: screaming in people's ears, being the only one that could put up with c.b., always trying to help people; a.s.w: j.r., sJ., c.b.; prize poss: my rabbit, my pet ah, my friends and family, the kids of fourth period; fav. say: "can i have my pencil back, duncan?"; pet peeve: people who change their minds, "stupid" teachers; fav. mem: 4/26/75, 5/8/75, 211/76, 2121/ 76, freakies house. Howard Warner "Nowhere Man" 345 Larchwood Rd. rem. for: phillies, moody blues, monty python, mental peace; a.s.w: the drones and kong; prize poss: my stereo; fav. say: "what am i doing here?"; pet peeve: cougars; fav. mem: mr. semeister's class, baseball with the drones; sec. amb.: a cabin in the mountains; weightlifting 1, 2; drone society. Eric Wasshem 341 S. Rolling Rd. rem. for: rescuing g. from vacuum apparatus; prize poss: 321 23rd. st., my boat, the ocean, my tennis racket, bigantine; pet peeve: cartwheels, drifters, doing the polka by myself, illegal laboratory procedure; fav. mem: summers 68-76, 7/15/76,4/10/76, allegheny, 8/17/75, 7/28/75, 12125/73, boardwalk and brigantine castle; sec. amb: to win the america cup; intramurals 1, 2; wrestling 1, 2; tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; german club 3, 4; nhs 4"; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; pop group 2, 3, 4; dist. chorus 3, 4; regional chorus 4; musical 4.
Elizabeth Jane Warner
Howard Warner
Eric Wasshem
watched Joyce and Bob crowned Snow Queen and King. Remember all the
it was constantly dangling over your head. You went to the Snow Dance Joan Marie Watson "J.B", "Shorty", "Pook" 25 Duncan Lane rem. for: matching; a.s.w: brian, prize poss: friends, memories; pet peeve: not enough time; fav. mem: my junior year, 5 /1/76, 6/11/76, times with c. bee, every 23rd, and retreats; chorus 1, 2, 3; choir 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4. Fiona Linette Wehmeyer "Toni Weaver", "Fifi", "Fe", "Charlie" 201 Alliston Rd. rem. for: having chemistry hands, carrying boooks, living at school; a.s.w: lori, carol, jan, jeanne; prize poss: John 3:16,17; fav. say: "quick! hide! here comes the bear!" pet peeve: "the system"; fav. mem: advanced 200, substudy bears; sec. amb: to turn into a koala; german club 4; hi-q 4; history club 3, 4; lit. mag. 1, 2, 3, typed 4; Imc aide 1, 2, 3, 4; nhs 4; spri-hian 3, 4.
Joan Marie Watson
Fiona Linette Wehmeyer
William Joachim Weiland
William Joachim Weiland "Bill" 105 Fairview Rd. rem. for: teaching physics; a.s.w: kp., t.f., r.d., j.b., f.f., a.r. (rather rabelaisian characters); fav. say: "register commies, not guns"; pet peeve: stalls, nra, am, getting-up in, music on; fav. mem: ursa minor; sec. amb: to be a lumberjack; national merit; spri-hian 4; photo. staff 3; msfc 2, 3, 4. "reeling and writhing, of course, to begin with ... and then the different branches of arithmetic - ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision." -lewis carroll.
Catherine M. Welch "Cathie", "Shorts", "Catwoman" 485 Indian Rock Dr. rem. for: being pam's guardian angel, terrible twosome, station wagon; prize poss: my beautiful '66lamont, friends and memories; pet peeve: back seat of a chevy nova, cliques and mono.; fav. mem: my motorcycle rides, times with nick, dinner at the top of the hilton; sec. amb: to understand the male sex; majorettes 1, 2, co-sgt. 3, sgt. 4; welch's taxi service 2,3,4. Cara Joan Whitcomb 120 E. Springfield Rd. a.s.w: r.z., s.b.; prize poss: john s., memories, friends, my ring; fav. mem: 12 /12/75, 2/8/76; pep club 2; hockey 3, 4; lacrosse 1; set design 2.
Melody Wilcox 433 Glendale Circle "days have gone by i shall regret but over them i cannot fret a step ahead i'llioftily tread with firm ground and strong head i leave behind the wasted tears and walk unto the waiting years."
Catherine M. Welch
Cara Joan Whitcomb
Melody Wilcox
Alice Joan Williams 601 Saxer Ave. rem. for: my artwork, my political persuasions, my laugh; a.s.w: j.m., s.h., l.l., e.r., c.k, g.s.; prize poss: family, friends, cleo; fav. say: o.k; pet peeve: balloons, shortness, cracking knuckles; fav. mem: junior yr., am. st. seminars with zapp and doyle (and reports with e.r.), 8/17/76, 9/6/76, good times with j.m., s.h., 1.1., (etc.), 6/9/59? sec. amb: to run a political advertising campaign; choir 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 1, 2, 3; nhs 3, 4; dist. orch. 2; hist. club (sec./treas.) 4; musical orch. 2; scenery 4; snow dance decor. 4. Wendy Leola Windle 546 Maplewood Ave. rem. for: many injuries; a.s.w: k.l.b., C.W., j.m., s.k; prize poss: kl.b., love, my family; pet peeve: dishonesty, always rushing somewhere; fav. mem: 12/31/75, 2/14/76, 4/2/76, summer '76 with kb., 11/29/76, kb.; hockey 1, 2, 3,4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; lacrosse 1, 2, 3; golf 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; orch. 3, 4; band 2, 3, 4; nhs 3, 4; g.v.c. 3, sec'y 4; inst. coor. council 3, 4; commons comm. 3; soph. hop comm. 2; "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Alice Joan Williams
Wendy Leola Windle
Christa Karolina Winter
Christa Karolina Winter 519 W. Springfield Rd. a.s.w: the "gang"; prize poss: my family, my friends and my favorite memories; fav. say: "better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad." - rossetti; pet peeve: cliques; fav. mem: '74 spring track, '74 and '76 trip to w. germany, '74 foosball, welt-meisterschaft and media theater; sec. amb: ich mochte in deutschland oder in der schweiz wohnen. to find the perfect plot; track 1, 2, 3, 4; futuristics club 2, 3; social service 2, 3; american history club 4; german club 2, 3, 4; golf 4.
snowflakes you //borrowed// and how great they looked hanging from the
You voted for senior celebrities and filled out senior summaries. Long
Robert J. Woolson "Bunk" 321 Ballymore Rd. rem. for: always being injured in one way or another; a.s.w: r.L, g.e., m.o., s.b., n.h., b.b., k.k., a.d.; prize poss: dusty, n.h.s.; fav. say: "guess you had to be there"; pet peeve: d.w., operation, the certain person who ratted, r.b.; fav. mem: wildwood, '74, '75, d. marathon that we didn't make, mischief night at a.d.'s with the men; sec. amb: already accomplished; basketball 1, 2,3; football 1, 2; baseball 1, 2; intra. 1, 2, 3,4. David Wright "Dave" 522 W. Springfield Rd. rem. for: being a "dim-wit"; a.s.w: carol, cap, jim, karen, and steve; prize poss: money; fav. say: "duh" "more truth is said in jest"; pet peeve: gym class; fav. mem: 7/28/76; sec. amb: "get rich"; band 1, 2, 3, 4; stage crew 3, 4; soc. service 3; weightlifting intr. 3, 4; track 4. Margaret Anne Wright "Peggy" 540 Wayne Ave. rem. for: my good moods; a.s.w: 1.0., mo'h., c.o'h., l.w., m.L, b.m., l.s., j.s.; prize poss: my guitar, 10:15, friends, family, "flowers"; fav. say: "you rah!"; pet peeve: rahs, r.h., being late, c's, e. call, english IV; fav. mem: o.c. '76, oct. 1975, june 1977; sec. amb: to stand on four states at once.
Robert J. Woolson
David Wright
Margaret Anne Wright
Stacie Wunder 257 S. Norwinden Dr. rem. for: smiling, changing; a.s.w: a.m., j.l., k.d., d.p., a.mJ., p.m.c.; prize poss: my family, my friends, the island, my memories; fav. say: who asked ya! ent; pet peeve: tin foil, jealousy, smoke, apathy; sec. amb: to climb the swiss alps, shoot the rapids in colorado, travel cross country on foot, and ski dive; cougarettes capt. 4; gymnastics 2; golf 4; lit. mag. 3; musical scenery comm. Donna E. Wurzer 255 Ridgewood Rd. rem. for: violin, multicolored hair; pet peeve: a.b., c.t., b.w.; prize poss: m.a.h.; fav. mem: 3/22/74; orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; choir 1, 2, 3; district and regional orch. 2, 3, 4; state orch. 3; snow queen nom.
Stacie Wunder
Donna E. Wurzer
Angela Young
Angela Young "Angie" 213 Parkview Dr. prize poss: charlie (fiddle) and my guitar; freight train, freight train, run so fast freight train, freight train, run so fast please don't tell what route i'm on so they won't know where i've gone - woody guthrie
Rosemary Joan Zultewicz "Ro" 348 Rambling Way rem. for: being too gullible, hurrying, air tips, starting the fights; a.s.w: k.v., C.W., d.w., m.l.; prize poss: memories, friends; fav. say: "come on down .. ."; pet peeve: losing my ring, linda's party; fav. mem: cake fights, crowded car rides, summer of '76, parties, 8/31/76, 5/22/76, 10/9/76; pep club 2, 4; basketball 3; lacrosse 1, 2; hockey 3; history club 4; musical set design 2, 4; explorers law enforcement 4. Steve~ Zurl "Kong" 468 Wayne Ave. rem. for: spending my four years in wood shop; a.s.w: drones; prize poss: pro line, buck; fav. say: go for it; pet peeve: shs, mr. lee's detention; fav. mem: every june for the past 12 years, 3/11/76, 5/21/73; sec. amb: to move.
Rosemary Joan Zultewicz
reeks of anxious waiting ended with the return of senior portrait proofs and
Class history, con't: you chose the best of the bunch. Christmas break came along with lots of snow, but it was over too soon. . . the second half of the year began. Acceptances from colleges arrived and you realized you did have a future after all. Spring brought completion of term papers and sighs of relief. You attended your last annual fifties day and caught a case of senioritis. Portraits arrived and you exchanged them with your friends. Soon it was time for the Senior Prom at the Falcon House and the Senior party. You attended the long commencement ceremony at Sun Center and then the after commencement party. Here you realized this would be the last time you would all be together in one unified group, the class of '77. You had just been through the four best years of your life but had you really appreciated it? As you looked back on the years it dawned on you that all the "monumental" tragedies, misunderstandings and cliques no longer mattered, all that was important was the fact that you made it!
Agnes Lee 77 Forest Rd. a.s.w: patty, sue and karin; prize poss: my guitar; pet peeve: goodbyes; fav. mem: folk festival '75, '76,8/8/75, towanda '75; "many people feel that having a dream is enough. it's not, it never is. breathing life into the dream is what separates the artist from the ordinary man." Gerry W. Mullin 232 Hawthorn Rd. rem. for: long hair; a.s.w: b.l., h.k., e.l., g.c., p.s., j.l.; prize poss: my mustang, good lums and my mug; fav. say: light 'em up; pet peeve: broken cars, getting busted, an empty glass, and getting hair cuts; fav. mem: 11/16/73, 3/2/74, 12/5/74, 4/22/76; sec. amb: to make the street machine/van nationals in minnesota this summer; votech 3. James D. Shaw 16 Myrtle Ave., Morton rem. for: cooking in the cafeteria in springfield; a.s.w: somebody; prize poss: my jeep and girl friend; pet peeve: black leather; fav. mem: july 6; sec. amb: live on a mountain; glee club 1; vo-tech 2, 3, 4; vo-tech emergency medical team; cafe. 1.
Not Pictured: James Bailey John Dolhancy Kathleen Groome Michael McGillin
IN MEMUl<lAM Oh, Death, thou bleach-boned fool, thou wretched thing, Think you I do not know you're hiding there Behind some unseen day, perhaps in spring, Waiting in hopes to catch me unaware? Think you I'm not familiar with your face? Nay, more than once I've felt your presence near And heard your garments rustle in the chase Of one who fled your loveless kiss in fear. Ah, fleshless fool, to think I live in dread Of thy foul stroke, when every day is new And every yesterday already dead. To me as to the host that dwell with you, Come when thou wilt, I have but this to say, Thou shalt not catch me with an unspent day. Mr. Robert G. Simon Director of Personnel
Dr. Leonard Halderman Superintendent of Schools
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In putting together this year's Scrivener, our goal was to give an accurate representation of 1977 at Springfield High School. We tried to depict the people and events which were a part of this school year. Each editor accepted a tremendous :esponsibility and worked for many hours after school, on weekends, and on holidays to produce what we feel is the best Jossible yearbook. They deserve special recognition for their contributions. I would like to thank Gerri Scanlon and Lisa Napoli :or the continuous work throughout the year on the sports section, Sondra Forman for her ideas and interest, Debi Feld and ::hris Kirkman for the enormous amount of headaches and obstacles they suffered through in putting together activities, Lisa :;hazikian, who did a great job on the faculty section, which was the first deadline, Jeannie Gilmore for coping with all the :ietails and problems of the senior section such as collecting senior summaries and counting celebrities, Kathy Horn for her wit md perseverance in writing captions as well as her endless search for copy, Lynne Conrad for her dedication in typing the mtire yearbook even when she was sick at home, Ellie Ruch for a unique underclassman layout and for her patience in waiting for pictures. I would also like to thank Bob Little, our art editor, for illustrating the ideas and for the beautiful cover design and Debbie Walls, assistant editor, who worked on every deadline and contributed her ideas and advice. The Scrivener staff would 3.1so like to express their appreciation to Ray Ritter and Taylor Publishing Company. Also Mr. McClennen and the photography :;taff for their cooperation in taking, developing and printing pictures. I would also like to mention an those who devoted some time to the yearbook in one way or another: Lisa Dill, Lisa Teore, Carolyn Larrimore, Mary Anne Kelly, Glenda Chism, Kathy Vogelsong, Lynn Bowlby, Diane Semanik, Rich Crowe, Sue Gressang, Griff Humphreys, Duncan Smith, Re-Re Aungst and ~specially Rhona Schwartz for her much-appreciated advice. Mr. Young, Stephanie Buongiorno and the Business Staff also :ieserve recognition for their work on senior portraits. Most of all, we would like to express our gratitude to our sponsor, Mr. Montgomery, for his encouragement, guidance and unerring faith in us - without him we couldn't have done it.
Monica Sullivan Editor-in-Chief
Taylor Publishing Company