16 minute read
Briefs and Bullet Points
REGISTER for EnvironmentallyResponsible Health Care, next in a series of webinars from the Climate Change and Health and Wilderness Medicine interest groups. Health care providers have a responsibility to protect all our patients, and that means also being aware of and minimizing our pollution. Learn the environmental impacts of health care, their downstream harms to our communities, and the tools that can be used to reduce them.
Reminder: Nominate Your 20212022 Leaders!
Nominations are being accepted through November 16, 2020 for leadership positions for SAEM, RAMS, AACEM, SAEM Academies, and the SAEM Foundation. Leadership positions should be filled by committed individuals who have a wide range of perspectives and possess the relevant skills and experience to effectively lead. If you, or someone you know, fit that description we invite you to submit a nomination in one or more of the categories listed at the nominations webpage.
Accepting Nominations for the 2021 SAEM Awards and RAMS Awards
SAEM and RAMS invite you to nominate your exceptional colleagues for one of several SAEM awards (including the NEW Mentor Award and Fellow Awards)

and RAMS awards. These awards recognize outstanding individuals for their contributions to academic emergency medicine. National award recognition is an excellent boost to your CV and for potential promotion. Nominate yourself or a colleague by December 9, 2020 to be considered for this year’s awards.
Dr. Aaron Kuzel Named Associate Editor of the RAMS Section for SAEM Pulse
Aaron R. Kuzel, DO, MBA is the new associate editor of the SAEM Pulse RAMS Section. Dr. Kuzel is an emergency medicine resident
Aaron R. Kuzel at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and is currently serving as a member-at-large on the SAEM RAMS Board and as co-chair of the SAEM Membership Committee’s Learners Subcommittee. Dr. Kuzel is a graduate of the DO/MBA program at Lincoln Memorial University College of Osteopathic Medicine where he received induction into Sigma Sigma Phi (SSP), the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS), and Omega Beta Iota (OBI) the Osteopathic Health Policy Honor Society. Prior to medical school, Dr. Kuzel was employed as a Forensic Scientist for the United States Department of Justice and continues to explore his interest in forensic emergency medicine, tactical emergency medicine, health policy, rural emergency medicine, and EMS. In his 12-month appointment as a Pulse associate editor, Dr. Kuzel is responsible for ensuring that each issue of the SAEM Pulse RAMS section contains timely and relevant RAMS-focused content.
Accepting Applications and Scholarship Applications for the 2021-2022 AACEM Chair Development Program
The Association of Academic Chairs in Emergency Medicine (AACEM) Chair Development Program (CDP) is a leadership training initiative designed to enhance the capabilities and effectiveness of new and aspiring academic emergency medicine department chairs through skill development, advising, and mentorship. Applications for the 2021–2022 class are being accepted through November 6, 2020. Three CDP scholarships, which cover the full tuition plus a travel stipend are available. Visit the scholarship webpage for details and application links.
SOAR Featured Categories
The newest version of SOAR (SAEM Online Academic Resources) gives you a variety of recorded presentations from three years of SAEM annual meetings, all in an enhanced, easy-to-navigate and share format. Check out this issue's featured categories! • Simulation • RAMS • Critical Care/Resuscitation • Ethics • Health Policy • Neurology/Psychiatry • Pediatrics
Let SAEM’s Expert Consultants Help You With Teaching, Research, and Other EM Practice Issues
SAEM committee and academy members possess expertise in teaching, research and other aspects of academic emergency medicine (EM) practice. Through SAEM Consultation Services, these experts, in consultation with Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM), are available to assist individuals, departments, and institutions with developing, evaluating, and/or improving various services; developing departmental status for EM divisions; subspecialty expertise (research, ultrasound, etc.); and billing, patient safety, etc.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Library, from SAEM and the Academy for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine (ADIEM), is an online resource for emergency physicians to learn more about achieving health equity and eliminating health disparities. The DEI Library is organized by media type and categorized in seven subject areas.
SAEM’s Research Learning Series Offers Valuable, Online Research Content
SAEM’s Research Learning Series (RLS) features valuable education on popular emergency medicine research topics delivered by experts in the field of emergency research. Sign up for these high-yield, interactive educational events for free, or view previous podcasts and lectures, housed online at the RLS webpage.
A Resource from Inflammatix: Challenges in Diagnosing Infection in the ED
Acute infections account for 15 million visits to U.S. emergency departments every year. Inflammatix Inc. has developed a series of educational videos* on subjects related to acute infection and sepsis diagnosis, and how to address them with 3-score testing. Visit the website to learn more and watch the latest episode.
Now on Video!
SAEM Webinars
• Climate Change and Health Interest Group and
Wilderness Medicine Interest Group Webinar
Series – The Climate Crisis, COVID-19, and Emergency
Medicine: Parallels, Intersections, and a Health
Recovery – The Power of Nutrition • PEM IG Virtual Presentation of Top Abstracts from
SAEM20 • Virtual Mentoring Hour: Teaching Anti-Racism
Through Simulation • ADIEM Webinar Series: How to Be a Successful
EM Applicant – Fundamentals of the EM Application Process – Making Your ERAS Program List – How to Ace Your EM Rotation – Special Considerations – Clinical Scenarios – Evaluating Which Program is Right for You – The Interview – Mentorship and Personal Advocacy
*SAEM is providing this content as a resource for members, and does not imply endorsement of the products, resources, or information provided.
Let SAEM Help Connect Your Talent With Job Opportunities
Looking for your next emergency medicine job? Check out who’s hiring in the “Now Hiring” section of this issue of SAEM Pulse and on EM Job Link. Your dream job is waiting… let SAEM help you find it! Have a job opening you wish to fill? Contact John Landry, SAEM manager, business development, for details on how we can help: (847) 257-7224.
AEM E&T is Accepting Papers for a Special Issue on Dismantling Racism With the Next Generation of Learners
Medicine is not immune to overt acts of racism and continues to enable the pervasive economic, educational, racial, gender, gender identity, and healthcare inequities that are held up by the infrastructure of our country. How do we reconcile these long-standing issues in our daily practice and in our medical education? What are the solutiondriven methods that will enable us to incorporate advocacy as a separate milestone of emergency medicine beyond system-based practice to hold our training up to the standards that reflect the socially conscious morals we profess to have in our specialty? And, how can we interweave these tenets throughout the continuum of medical education from undergraduate, to graduate, to board certification standards, and to our r esearch agenda and departmental policies? A special edition of Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) Education and Training will be dedicated to this discussion and to the exploration of innovations in medical education to address these issues. Follow the link for details.
Call for Papers: AEM Special Issue on Scientific Inquiry Into the Inequities of Emergency Care
To address a pervasive and wide knowledge gap about the science of inequities in emergency care, Academic
Emergency Medicine (AEM) will publish a special issue in the fall of 2021. A primary focus of this issue will be on the impact of race and ethnicity inequity, with a preference toward original-based research that addresses patient-centered topics as well as inequities that affect clinicians of color in their professional roles. Priority will be given to papers with intervention-based, original data. All papers will undergo peer review. Deadline is February 28, 2021. For details follow the link.
Drs. Lee and Brazil Named to AEM E&T Editorial Board
Victor Lee, MBBS, MHPE and Victoria Brazil, MBBS, MBA have accepted an invitation from Academic Emergency Medicine Education Victor Lee and Training (AEM E&T) Editor-in-Chief Susan Promes to join the AEM E&T Editorial Board as decision editors. Dr. Brazil is a professor of emergency
Victoria Brazil medicine and director of simulation at Gold Coast Health and faculty of health sciences and medicine at Bond University, Queensland, Australia. Her main interests are in connecting education with patient care through healthcare simulation, team development, and listening at conferences. She also serves as a faculty member with the Harvard Macy Institute. Dr. Lee is an associate professor in the Centre for Integrated Critical Care, University of Melbourne and co-director of emergency medicine training, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia. He has a master’s of health professions education and has experience in undergraduate, postgraduate and simulation based education.
AEM Editor-in-Chief Commentaries for September and October
For each issue of Academic Emergency Medicine journal, editor-in-chief Dr. Jeffrey Kline selects one paper as having particular significance and/or importance to the care of patients during times of emergency. He shares his thoughts and observations regarding these studies in regular “EIC Pick of the Month” commentaries. Dr. Kline’s September and October commentaries are below: • Clots in COVID • Getting Serious
AEM E&T October EIC Pick: Empowering Clinician Education With POF
Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (AEM E&T) Editorin-Chief Susan Promes, MD, selected Empowering Clinician Education With Patient-Outcome Feedback by Kenneth V. Iserson MD, MBA as her EIC Pick for the October issue of AEM E&T. She shares her thoughts and observations regarding the study in a recent EIC pick commentary.
The Latest Podcasts from SAEM Journals! September AEM Podcasts
• Diagnostic Performance of Emergency Physician Gestalt for
Predicting Acute Appendicitis in Patients Age 5 to 20 Years • We Didn’t Start the Fire But Can Antacid Monotherapy Stop the Fire?
October AEM Podcast
• Disparities in Care: The Role of Race on the Utilization of
Physical Restraints in the Emergency Setting
October AEM E&T Podcast
• Emergency Medicine Resident Education on Caring for Patients with Disabilities: A Call to Action
Check Out the Latest Additions to the Online COVID-19 Collections for SAEM Journals
To facilitate the rapid dissemination of COVID-19 findings, Academic Emergency Medicine and AEM Education and Training have been fast-tracking submissions related to COVID-19 and making the latest research available in online collections of accepted, citable COVID-19 articles. These collections are being updated constantly, so be sure to check frequently for the latest COVID-19 research from SAEM journals! • AEM Online COVID-19 Collection • AEM E&T Online COVID-19 Collection
Workshop and Didactic Submissions Exceed Expectations!
The SAEM21 Program Committee was thrilled with the number and quality of SAEM21 didactic and Advanced EM Workshop Day submissions received! We are on track toward a stellar virtual annual meeting, May 11–14, 2021! Thank you to everyone who submitted; your contributions enable us to continue to provide the high-level of educational content that make the SAEM Annual Meeting the premier event for academic EM.
SAEM20 Clinical Image Series:
The SAEM Clinical Image Series is a collaborative series with ALiEM (Academic Life in Emergency Medicine) and features the winners of the SAEM Annual Meeting Clinical Images Exhibit competition. Check out the images, read the case notes, and see if you can figure out the diagnosis before you reveal the answer. Images from the SAEM20 virtual meeting are posted below; all images will be highlighted throughout the coming year in SAEM Weekly at the ALiEM website. SAEM Clinical Image Series: Knee Pain by Eric R. Friedman, MD, Garrett A. Cavaliere, DO, and Diane Kuhn, MD, PhD, University of Maryland Medical Center Red, White, and Blue by Andrew D’Alessandro, MD, and Elena James, MD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Man vs Pneumatic Nail Gun by Jillian Merica, MD, University of North Carolina
Hospital Systems Worsening Sore Throat by Victoria Silver, DO, Katherine Braxton, MD, and Stephen Lim, MD, Louisiana State University – New Orleans Distended Abdomen After ROSC by Sheri-Ann Olivia Kaltiso, MD, Emory University Juvenile Snake Bite by Keegan McNally, MD, and Larissa Dub, MD, University of Central Florida College of Medicine An Oropharyngeal Mass by Matthew Sherman, MD, Cassandra Mackey, MD and Stacey Hail, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Mark Your Calendars! Abstracts
Nov. 1, 2020 – Jan. 4, 2021
Nov. 1, 2020 – Jan. 11, 2021
Nov. 1, 2020 – Jan. 11, 2021
Clinical Images Exhibit
Dec. 1, 2020 - Jan. 11, 2021
Medical Student Ambassadors
Applications open Dec. 1, 2020
Dr. Andrew Nugent is Featured in Latest RAMS Ask-a-Chair Podcast
SAEM RAMS has compiled your most pressing questions and posed them directly to some of the top EM department chairs in the country.
Andrew Nugent They discuss their answers in the SAEM RAMS Ask-a-Chair podcasts. The latest RAMS Ask-a-Chair podcast features Andrew S. Nugent, MD, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Dr. Nugent reveals what motivated him to start an EM residency, what it took to achieve this goal, and how the department has changed since then. He offers guidance on making difficult decisions and gives advice on what residents and early career faculty can do to position themselves for senior leadership roles as their careers progress. Ask-a-Chair podcasts are also available on iTunes.
New to RAMS Roadmaps: Geriatric EM Track!
Are you interested in improving emergency care for older adults? The recently-added RAMS Roadmaps Geriatric EM Track provides resources and insider advice to help you succeed in geriatric EM at every training level. RAMS Roadmaps provides guidance to the second-year medical student looking to get into an emergency medicine residency, to individuals looking for timelines and insider advice on advanced training, and even to seasoned attendings transitioning to academia.
Looking for the Perfect Fellowship?
Check out the SAEM-approved fellowships in the Fellowship Directory. All SAEM-approved fellowships have been vetted by experts in administration, disaster medicine, education scholarship, geriatrics, global health, research, and wilderness medicine. They will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel. Under “Fellowship Type,” just click on those marked “SAEMApproved” to see the list of all programs endorsed by SAEM.

Now on Video! RAMS Webinars
• Finding a Home Away
From Home: Challenges of the Match Faced by URM
Applicants and Those Without an Affiliate EM Program • RAMS: The Inside Scoop on
Academic Jobs • RAMS: Matching Into EM,
How We Got Here and Where
Are We Going Webinar
SAEM Foundation Announces Challenge Winners!
Together SAEM committees, academies, and interest groups raised a total of $20,370; SAEM will match that amount with an additional $10,000, for a grand total of $30,370 for EM research and education grants. On behalf of SAEM and SAEM Foundation, thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2020 SAEMF Challenge. If you’d like to know how you can give to the SAEM Foundation, please visit the SAEMF website.
Most Money Raised Committees
- SAEM Grants Committee — $6,295
Academies and Interest Groups
- Academy for Diversity & Inclusion in
Emergency Medicine (ADIEM)—$16,917
Honorable Mention
- Academy of Women in Academic
Emergency Medicine - Research Directors Interest Group
Most Participation Committees
- SAEM Bylaws Committee
Academies and Interest Groups
- Research Directors IG
Honorable Mention
- Finance Committee
Shop Online at Amazon and a Percentage of your Purchases Will be Donated to the SAEM Foundation
Do your holiday shopping at Amazon Smile and select SAEM Research Foundation as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchases dollars to the SAEM Foundation. It’s an easy way to support your emergency medicine academicians while you do your online holiday shopping!
Renew Your Membership and Keep Your Career Goals On Track
Renew your SAEM membership now to ensure you continue to receive all the
benefits you’ve come to expect including: • SOAR (SAEM Online Academic
Resources), our database for free, open access medical education • SAEM Pulse our member magazine with in-depth articles on the trends, issues, and best practices that affect academic emergency medicine • Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM),
SAEM’s monthly journal, featuring the best in peer-reviewed, cuttingedge original research relevant to the practice, investigation of emergency care, and its quarterly sister journal,
Academic Emergency Medicine
Education and Training (AEM E&T). • SAEM Weekly weekly e-newsletter of current emergency medicine news, trending articles, and “need to know”
SAEM information • Members-only content at SAEM.org • Free membership in SAEM academies and interest groups for those interested in networking, sharing ideas, and learning more about a specific topic or specialty area • Grant opportunities to help fund innovative research and education in the field of emergency medicine • Opportunities to further your professional development, expand your professional network, gain leadership experience, and strengthen your ties within the specialty by serving on one (or more) of the Society’s many committees and in leadership positions in SAEM • Research resources to help you with study design, implementation, evaluation and dissemination • Access to SAEM’s Community Sites — your online space for connectedness, collaboration, and communication • View our SAEM Membership Guide to acquaint yourself with everything that’s available to you as a member of SAEM.
Renewing is easy! Just select one of the options below:
• Log in to an existing account or create an SAEM account • Download and complete a membership form • Make a payment over the phone: (847) 813-9823
Medical Students: Renew Your RAMS Membership for as Little as $20 When You Sign Up With a Group of 50!
RAMS member benefits and opportunities will bolster your resume, guide you in choosing a specialty, broaden your knowledge, connect you with a network of mentors, and provide resources to give you a leg up in your career. The cost for membership is only $25 per student or $20 if you sign up with an institution of 50 or more medical students. View our SAEM Membership Guide to acquaint yourself with everything that’s available to you as a member of SAEM, including automatic membership in RAMS — our exciting home for the next generation of emergency medicine academicians and leaders, where you have the opportunity to serve on committees and in leadership roles developing educational content, annual meeting programming, and mentorship and career opportunities of interest and importance to you and your peers! Contact SAEM at membership@saem.org for more details and renew today!
Midwest Regional
Cleveland Rocked at Midwest Regional SAEM Virtual 2020!
The music was rocking and the cameras were rolling at the Midwest Regional SAEM 2020 Virtual Meeting, September 23. "Thank you" to every one of the 255 registrants who attended, with a great mix of students, residents, and staff physicians. With “Emergency Medicine Inspires Innovation” as the theme, the immediate pivot to a virtual event felt more innovative than ever. Produced by Cleveland-based “Rock The House” (we can’t sing their praises enough), the day was filled with cutting-edge content. The lecture series, highlighted by the plenary “On the Shoulders of Giants” by Dr. Richard Wolfe, featured innovations in education, resuscitation, ultrasound, medical education, and innovative approaches to the opioid epidemic. Our “Meet the Experts” sessions provided guidance for medical students and early-career faculty and residents as they navigate our specialty with the challenges of today. Over 60 quality research presentations provided a much needed opportunity, especially for young investigators, to present their research and get valuable feedback. The CPC competition, won by University Hospitals of Cleveland, will hopefully begin a fun Midwest rivalry for years to come. I guess they get to name the inaugural trophy. Thanks again to “Rock The House” for their excellent production and thanks also to SAEM for the opportunity to host The Midwest Regional SAEM 2020 Virtual Meeting in the Home of Rock and Roll.

The SAEM Pulse Academic Announcements section publishes academic appointments, promotions, retirements, grant awards, research announcements, published papers, etc. Send your content (50-75 words max) to newsletter@saem.org. The next content deadline is December 1, 2020 for the January/February 2021 issue.