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Donor Perspectives: Andrew S. Nugent, MD
Donor Perspectives
Andrew S. Nugent, MD
Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine University of Iowa, Carver School of Medicine SAEMF Sustaining Donor of the Annual Alliance
How has your engagement with SAEM / SAEMF impacted your professional or personal life?
I think SAEM has done a lot to shape my career arc. I began as a strictly clinical doctor doing an academic administrative job. Over the years, the exposure to SAEM and SAEMF has really helped me build an appreciation for academic work and how challenging it can be at times.
What compelled you to support the SAEMF? Why do you feel now is the right time to support more grants for emergency medicine research / education?
To be honest, it is tough to build a research program where one didn't exist before. Having the ability to draw on the help of SAEMF makes all the difference in the world when resources are limited. There is no wrong time to support SAEMF! However, right now makes all the sense in the world because the research power of our specialty is growing, and we can collectively make a difference with our support.
How do you feel SAEMF makes a difference for SAEM members, future practitioners, and patients?
SAEMF supports clinical research, which leads to improved clinical care and education for our residents. Ultimately, the patients benefit from our ability to advance our specialty and improve outcomes.
What impact do you hope your donation will have?
While I will never personally win a Nobel Prize, I hope that my contributions will enable the next generation of EM doctors to pull even (and, maybe ahead!) of the rest of the House of Medicine. A chair can dream!
What was the most important consideration in your decision to make a gift to SAEMF?
Just knowing that my contribution was going to support a specialty to which I have devoted my life’s work. Is there an important moment, person, or special occasion that influenced your decision?
While he was not an EM doctor, my dad was my first and greatest mentor. He was an old-fashioned country surgeon, and that sort of “do-it-all” mentality works equally well in EM. He retired to the countryside, and every day I try to improve the care rural patients receive in emergency departments in his memory.
Do you have any sentiments to share with others who may be considering a gift?
You'd be crazy not to! All of us benefit in many ways through these contributions. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of SAEMF?
Ultimately, why do you choose to support SAEMF's mission?
Not everyone can create the research, but we can all help create the researcher!
We're Grateful to Dr. Nugent and all our Annual Alliance donors. You can join him and the rest of the Annual Alliance, a community of academic emergency medicine leaders, as they connect, network, and influence the future of emergency medicine. It's easy: donate online today or download the pledge form and your gift will help fund future researchers, educators, and leaders.