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Introducing Your 2023-2024 Leaders!

Elections are over, the results have been tabulated, and SAEM is pleased to announce the results of recent leadership elections for SAEM, SAEM Academies, Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM), SAEM Foundation (SAEMF), and Residents and Medical Students (RAMS). Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and congratulations to this year’s winners. The 2023-2024 leadership will take office at SAEM23 in Austin, Tex.

Regional Meetings

from innovative research to professional development to physician health and wellness. SAEM webinars are a great way to stay current and learn from your colleagues. Here’s what’s coming up:

RLS Webinar: What Your Research Team Wishes You Knew, Mar. 21

Navigating the Financial Transition From MS4 to PGY1, Mar. 23

Beyond Burnout: Achieving Personal and Professional Fulfillment in Academic Emergency Medicine, Apr. 11

Saem Foundation

Attention Academic EM Department Chairs: It’s Almost Time for the Chairs’ Challenge

of the first Vice Chairs’ Challenge donors by pledging or donating a gift of $500$1,000 between February 14 and May 30, 2023. Donors will enjoy:

• Recognition as an Annual Alliance Mentor ($1,000) or Young Professional ($500)

• Your name on the big screen during the AACEM/AAAEM Annual Retreat

• The opportunity to rub shoulders with grantees and leaders at the SAEMF’s Coffee & Networking session at SAEM23

• Your name in lights on the electronic donor wall at SAEM23

New England

NERDS Annual Gathering is April 5

Registration is now open for the 26th Annual SAEM New England Research Directors (NERDS) regional meeting, to be held April 5 at the Hogan Campus Center, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. Sponsored in part by the Brown University Alpert Medical School

Department of Emergency Medicine, the meeting will feature a poster session, lightning orals, plenary orals, and innovations. Dr. Ambrose Wong, research director and fellowship director at the Yale Center for Medical Simulation, will deliver a keynote address, “Patient Agitation, Mental Health Crises, and Workplace Violence in the Emergency Department: A Systems Approach.”

Check Out These Upcoming Webinars!

SAEM offers webinars throughout the year on a variety of EM topics ranging

Each year, the AACEM/AAAEM Annual Retreat in March kicks off this important challenge that raises vital funds to help strengthen the pipeline of emergency medicine (EM) researchers who will advance this specialty in the future. Since 2019, you and generous AACEM members have raised over $410,423 to support your own researchers and educators through SAEMF’s grants. Last year alone, you raised over $133,587! The Challenge has resulted in a vibrant annual funding campaign which has led to SAEMF awarding nearly $850,000 back to your departments. In 2023 we hope to turn the challenge map green by achieving 100% participation from AACEM Chairs in each state. Browse the SAEMF Donor Guide to learn about SAEMF’s impact, our researchers and the work they are doing, and how you can join your colleagues in supporting a bold vision for EM research. Then donate today to be one of our first 2023 Chairs’ Challenge donors! No need to wait until the retreat; donate $1,000 today at www.saem.org/donate or by emailing Julie Wolfe at jwolfe@saem.org to pledge

New This Year: Vice Chairs’ Challenge!

SAEMF’s new Vice Chairs’ Challenge will showcase the generous giving that comes from our vice chairs each year and serve as a rallying call to unite vice chairs in support of more funding for future EM researchers and educators. Become one

Check out the SAEMF Donor Guide to learn about SAEMF’s impact, our researchers and the work they are doing, and how you can join your colleagues in supporting a bold vision for EM research. Become one of the first Vice Chairs’ Challenge donors by donating a gift of $500-$1,000 by May 30, 2023 or email Julie Wolfe at jwolfe@saem.org to pledge.

Note: Gifts and/or pledges from vice chairs who are members of the SAEM Vice Chairs Interest Group and/or who attend the AACEM/AAAEM Retreat in March 2023 will count toward challenge totals.

Saem Rams

Medical Students, Celebrate the Match With SAEM and RAMS!

Match Day is right around the corner and we invite you to join SAEM and RAMS as we celebrate this huge milestone in the lives of medical students. On Friday, March 17 — the big day — be sure to tune into SAEM social media. All day long we’ll be posting congratulatory videos from residency program directors and chairs from around the country who will be sharing their words of wisdom and welcome to all the medical students who matched. Use #RAMSMatch and tag @SAEMonline and @SAEM_RAMS when you share your good news and you’ll automatically be entered into a drawing for a stethoscope or trauma shears. From all of us at SAEM, may all your hopes, wishes, and matches come true!

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