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Our Grantees: Even More to Celebrate
2021 EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Research Grantees
The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation (SAEMF) jointly award stipends to encourage medical students (our future emergency medicine researchers and educators) to engage in and to be exposed to emergency medicine research. We applaud this year’s cohort of grantees and wish them all the best as they move forward with their research training.
Kavya Davuluri
University of Michigan Medical School Optimizing the UME to GME Liminal Space: Identification of the Need for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies as Core Entrustable Professional Activities
Grace Amadio
Thomas Jefferson University Exploration of U-Scale Use in Patients with Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome
Andrew Monick
Thomas Jefferson University Framing and Constrained Time - Considering Heuristics in Emergency Clinical Knowledge (FACT-CHECK)
Priya Patel
University of Maryland School of Medicine The Ideal Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacer Pad Study
2021 SAEMF Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) Grantees
SAEMF recognizes the valuable role of emergency medicine medical student interest groups (EMIGs), and awards $500 grants to support the educational activities of these groups. EMIG grant goals are:
• To promote growth of emergency medicine education at the medical student level,
• To identify new educational methodologies advancing undergraduate education in emergency medicine, and
• To support educational endeavors of an EMIG.
Aaron Deng
Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine Effectiveness of Online Workshops for Teaching Introductory Suturing Skills Compared to In-Person Instruction
Caroline Lee
Harvard Medical School Trauma-Informed Care Practices in Acute-Care Settings: Training for Medical Students
Kalani Nakashima
Saint Louis University A Suture Lending Library for Medical Students