The official e-newsletter of St. Andrew's Episcopal School Alumni January 2017
In This Issue
Dear Alumni Community,
Alumni News and Events
Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed a peaceful holiday season with family and friends. As you make (or break) those New Year's resolutions, I hope one of them will be to reconnect (or stay connected) with the St. Andrew's community. We're kicking off the New Year planning to help you do just that. In the coming months you'll hear about new events, cherished traditions and chances to give back. We look forward to what 2017 will bring and seeing you in the New Year!
School News
Best, Madeline Wallace O'Brien '05 Director of Alumni Affairs
Alumni News & Events Alumni Spotlights have moved and will now be featured on social media (follow us on Facebook and Twitter). We're able to bring you more stories each month and connect you to fellow alumni. If you have a story to share or want to nominate someone, contact Catch up on previous newsletters and spotlights here.
ORAL HISTORY PROJECT: 20TH ANNIVERSARY Come Back (A Plea from Mr. Whitman): The 20th Annual Oral History Night will be Tuesday, February 28 and we want the more than 1,200 St. Andrew's alums of the project to return and celebrate with us. The primary source you collected and preserved through your junior year history class has led St. Andrew's to be recognized for having the largest pre-collegiate oral history project archive in the United States. Here is your chance to see the evolution of the project and to reminisce about researching for your historical contextualization paper, hours transcribing your interview (it is easier now because of digital recording), or making a late night run to Kinkos to have your final project bound by the deadline (the record is 4 a.m.).
The Roar Recap Stay Connected
Alumni Calendar Oral History Night, 20th Anniversary Celebration February 28 6:00 p.m. Student Center Atlanta Alumni Gathering March 2 Location TBD Speaker Series & Networking Event April 4 7:00 p.m. Student Center Boston Alumni Gathering April 18 Location TBD New York City Alumni Gathering April 20 Location TBD SAES Giving Day* May 15 *Mark your calendars for the first ever giving day, more information
to follow. So join us for an Oral History Project alumni cocktail reception from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. and then attend the 20th Annual Oral History Night where alumni will be sharing their reflections. If you cannot attend, email your written, audio, or video reflections of your experience being a student oral historian while at St. Andrew's to Do you have photos from your project with your subject? We want to see them! Send your photos to us for our archives. RSVP to
REGIONAL EVENTS: ST. ANDREW'S ALONG THE EAST COAST We're coming to you! Save the date for several regional events in your city this spring. Details and invitation to follow. Make sure your address is updated so you receive the event information.
Call for speakers and storytellers We're always looking for ways to connect our current students and families to our alumni community. Are you looking to share your story, experience or expertise? Interested in speaking with students or hosting a visit to your workplace? How about sharing what St. Andrew's provided for you to inspire support? Contact if you're interested to learn more. Thank you for your support!
Featuring special guests Mr. Robert Kosasky, Mr. Glenn Whitman, Mrs. Tracey Goodrich and Dr. Ian Kelleher!
SUBMIT YOUR CLASS NOTE TODAY! Deadline for submissions is February 10. It's that time of year to share your news! Did you move, change jobs, did your family grow, did you take a great trip? Did you connect with classmates, celebrate a milestone or learn a new skill? Even if your news didn't happened in the past year, chances are we have not heard from you in a while. Share what you're up to, your passions or your hobbies with us and your fellow alumni. We look forward to hearing from you! Submit your class note online here or email Pictures are encouraged and can be sent to
The Lion's Fund benefits every facet of the School's operation. Faculty salaries and professional development, financial aid and technology, and the arts, athletic, and music programs all rely on the Lion's Fund. Please consider supporting the Lion's Fund and join our HONOR ROLL of donors who have pledged their support this fiscal year. How does your class stack up? Donate today to increase your class participation! Class of 1983: 14% Class of 1984: 15%
SPEAKER SERIES: Save the date! Tuesday, April 4
Alumni Speaker Series and Networking: Turning your passion into a career All Alumni, parents, students and friends are invited for an evening of presentations and conversations. Panelists from a range of professions will speak about their experience turning their passion into a career. Come hear them share their stories and advice and gain insight into how you can, too. Join us afterwards for light fare and networking with fellow St. Andrew's community members. Presented by the St. Andrew's Alumni Council.
SPRING MAGAZINE: Design Thinking The upcoming Spring Magazine will be focus on Design Thinking and how it impacts the St. Andrew's experience. If you are currently working in a design related field, we'd love to hear about it. Contact
THANK YOU to all of our Lion's Fund donors and volunteers! Thank you to our donors and volunteers during our end of year efforts. Your contributions make a huge difference for our current and future students. View class participation percentages to the right and find your name on the Honor Roll of Support.
The Lion's Share: SAES School News BOKAMOSO ARRIVES
The long standing tradition of welcoming students from the The Bokamoso Youth Centre in South Africa continues this month. They attend classes, perform at assemblies
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of 1985: 7% of 1986: 37% of 1987: 13% of 1988: 11% of 1989: 8% of 1990: 5% of 1991: 12% of 1992: 7% of 1993: 4% of 1994: 2% of 1995: 16% of 1996: 53% of 1997: 6% of 1998: 15% of 1999: 2% of 2000: 8% of 2001: 14% of 2002: 4% of 2003: 5% of 2004: 9% of 2005: 15% of 2006: 19% of 2007: 7% of 2008: 10% of 2009: 11% of 2010: 9% of 2011: 21% of 2012: 13% of 2013: 10% of 2014: 8% of 2015: 2% of 2016: 3%
Learn more about the Lion's Fund and click here to make a donation.
Where are YOU?! Did you know... that 25% of our Alumni contact information is out of date? Reconnect and stay in touch by simply updating your address and/or email. Help us by forwarding this on to a classmate or family member to update their information, too. We can only connect and serve you if we can reach you!
and chapels, and become immersed in our culture staying with host families and visiting D.C. landmarks for three weeks. The youth also perform at various locations throughout the D.C. area. You can view their schedule online for a chance to attend one of their incredible performances. For more information, visit Don't forget! The 2017 South Africa trip is now open to the alumni community. We will retrace the steps of early SAES travelers to Cape Town, Bokamoso, Johannesburg and Pilanesberg Natural Reserve, but with some compelling new changes. Come experience the growth of our partner organizations and discover the new relationships forged by the St. Andrew's community in recent years. Witness firsthand the SAES social enterprise grants in action at Bokamoso. Visit with the Bokamoso members you hosted or knew when you were a part of the exchange. For more details about cost and itinerary, contact Stacy Kincaid, South Africa Exchange Coordinator at
ANNUAL FUND-A-SCHOLAR GALA The 2017 Fund-A-Scholar Gala will be held on Saturday, March 18. All proceeds from the auction go directly to the St. Andrew's Financial Aid program - which is critical to our mission of inclusion and excellence. In previous years, generous support from the community made the event hugely successful. Do you have an item or experience to donate? Are you interested in attending? Find forms, ways to get involved and more on the Gala website here.
ST. ANDREW'S MAGAZINE HONORED The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) awarded the St. Andrew's Magazine its bronze prize for publications within District II (including independent schools and colleges stretching from the Mid-Atlantic to Maine). Congratulations to our communications department for producing this newly reimagined Magazine, and to Ginger Cobb and Chuck James for contributing content about its service curriculum theme.
The Roar Recap 'Like' us on Facebook for a weekly #tbt! Every Thursday we'll share a photo from the archives - and you'll get a chance to win a prize. Like us on Facebook and then guess who is pictured. We'll send a prize from the Alumni Office to the first correct answer. Who knows it could be you! View photos from Alumni Events and your class year online anytime Photos are updated frequently and available on the SAES Flickr account. View them here. Employment Opportunities St. Andrew's is hiring! The hallmark of a St. Andrew's education is its exceptional faculty. With enrollment at an all-time high, we're pleased to announce the following openings for new teachers and staff. For more information and details on how to apply, visit our Employment Page. Are you or your company hiring? Share the news with fellow alums and post it in the newsletter. You'll reach hundreds of fellow lions and support the alumni community. Email with
to bring Mind, Brain, and Education Science into the classroom, who do you turn to for advice? The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning of course. Former SAES teacher Abner Oakes hosted St. Andrew's Dean of Studies and the Director of the CTTL Glenn Whitman this week on an Alliance for Excellent Education's webinar. You can watch the webinar here.
job postings.
Join the Pride: Get Involved Class volunteers play a vital role in the alumni community. They are instrumental in keeping class members in contact with one another and with the school, and in maintaining a vibrant school community. The Alumni Association is dedicated to serving St. Andrew's alums and giving back to our community. Join us in these efforts and be part of the pride! We are looking for Class Agents and Class Correspondents from each class. Click below to learn more about each role. THANK YOU to those alumni who already serve in this capacity. View your class agents and correspondents here. Classes are marked that are in need of volunteers.
2016-17 Alum ni Council Erin Wright-Gandhi '96, President Larissa Levine '06, Vice President Lane Brenner '05 Catherine Callaway '88 Chanele Clark '96 Hannah Davis '08 Alex Facciobene '10 Alex George '95 Alisa Kaswell '05 Jennifer McZier '92 Danielle Moore '09 Sam Speier '95 Tom Taylor '00
St. Andrew's Episcopal School 8804 Postoak Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 | 301-983-5200 |
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