The official e-newsletter of St. Andrew's Episcopal School Alumni November 2016
In This Issue
Dear Alumni Community,
Alumni News and Events
Thank you to everyone who made last month's Homecoming & Reunion such a success. We were thrilled to welcome back more than 250 alumni, faculty and former faculty on campus to celebrate. To view photos, click here.
School News
During this season of thankfulness, I know you'll share my sentiment of gratitude for the teachers that challenged us, the advisors that supported us, the friends that inspired us and the institution that guided us.
Honor Roll of Support
There are many ways we can give back as a community, and I hope you'll be inspired this holiday season to join us in our mission. I look forward to connecting with many of you throughout the year, and welcoming you back to campus! Best, Madeline Wallace O'Brien '05 Director of Alumni Affairs
Alumni News & Events ALUMNI THANKSGIVING OPEN HOUSE: Nov. 25 Home for the holiday? Avoid the lines at the mall and join us in the Student Center on Friday, November 25! *Tour the 43,000 square-foot facility. *Work off the turkey shooting hoops on Holden Court. *Visit the Athletic Hall of Fame and Dance Studio. *See the CTTL's new home and learn how we're leading the way in research informed teaching and learning. Guests and families welcome, please contact with questions. THE LION'S FUND NEEDS YOU!
Volunteer Opportunities Class Notes and Contact Update Stay Connected
Alumni Calendar Thanksgiving Open House November 25 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Postoak Campus Annual Holiday Party December 15 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Blackfinn (DC) Winter Break School Closed December 21 - January 2 Young Alumni Day January 7 Postoak Campus Call for speakers and storytellers We're always looking for ways to connect our current students and families to our alumni community. Are you looking to share your story, experience or expertise? Interested in speaking with students or hosting a
Please join us in supporting St. Andrew's with a gift to the 2016-17 Lion's Fund today. Without the Lion's Fund, many of the signature St. Andrew's programs that made your experience so impactful would not be possible. Just last year, thanks to the Lion's Fund, St. Andrew's was able to provide financial assistance to 1 in 4 students, allowed our teachers to pursue professional development opportunities, our sports and arts programs to flourish and allowed us to qualify for grants that provide crucial financial support of our programs. Imagine what we can do this year.
OPEN TO ALUMNI - SOUTH AFRICA TRIP 2017 Did you travel to South Africa when you were a student at St. Andrew's? Would you like to return? Did you miss your chance the first time around and have regretted it ever since? The 2017 South Africa trip is now open to the alumni community. We will retrace the steps of early SAES travelers to Cape Town, Bokamoso, Johannesburg and Pilanesberg Natural Reserve, but with some compelling new changes. Come experience the growth of our partner organizations and discover the new relationships forged by the St. Andrew's community in recent years. Witness firsthand the SAES social enterprise grants in action at Bokamoso. Visit with the Bokamoso members you hosted or knew when you were a part of the exchange. For more details about cost and itinerary, contact Stacy Kincaid, South Africa Exchange Coordinator.
SAVE THE DATE - ALUMNI HOLIDAY PARTY: Dec. 15 Join us once again for the Annual Alumni Holiday Party. Reconnect with friends and faculty over appetizers and open bar (beer and wine). Thursday, December 15 Blackfinn 1620 I Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. All alumni and guests welcome.
SUBMIT YOUR CLASS NOTES NOW Moved, changed jobs, had a baby, or just want to let other alumni know what's going
visit to your workplace? How about sharing what St. Andrew's provided for you to inspire support? Contact if you're interested to learn more. Thank you for your support! The Lion's Fund benefits every facet of the School's operation. Faculty salaries and professional development, financial aid and technology, and the arts, athletic, and music programs all rely on the Lion's Fund. Please consider supporting the Lion's Fund and join our HONOR ROLL of donors who have pledged their support this fiscal year. Learn more about the Lion's Fund and click here to make a donation. Where are YOU?! Did you know... that 25% of our Alumni contact information is out of date? Reconnect and stay in touch by simply updating your address and/or email. Help us by forwarding this on to a classmate or family member to update their information, too. We can only connect and serve you if we can reach you! The Roar Recap 'Like' us on Facebook for a weekly #tbt! Every Thursday we'll share a photo from the
on in your life? Click here to update your information here. We'll make sure that your details are current in our alumni database, and get the word out about your latest news in the Spring Magazine. Photos are encouraged and can be sent to
archives - and you'll get a chance to win a prize. Like us on Facebook and then guess who is pictured. We'll send a prize from the Alumni Office to the first correct answer. Who knows - it could be you!
From piecing together artificial limbs to building solar-powered racecars, design has been a hallmark of St. Andrew's curriculum for nearly a decade. Now, students will have more room to create and access to emerging technology in the D! Lab, a collaborative space to design and make things that shape the habits, minds, skills and creativity of our students. Click here to read more.
View photos from Alumni Events and your class year online anytime Photos are updated frequently and available on the SAES Flickr account. View them here.
Employment Opportunities
We are pleased to announce the release of two books by St. Andrew's faculty. Ginger Cobb, Head of Upper School at St. Andrew's and Kathleen Glynn-Sparrow, Associate Director of College Counseling at Stone Ridge released Sex, Drugs and the S.A.T.: Getting out of High School and Getting in to College. Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education was written by Glenn Whitman, St. Andrew's Dean of Studies and the Director of the Center for Transformative Teaching & Learning (CTTL), and Dr. Ian Kelleher, Head of Research for the CTTL and St. Andrew's science teacher.
STUDENTS SCORE ORIGINAL MUSIC FOR UPPER SCHOOL FALL PLAY The Upper School Fall Play was staged in late October and while the choice of play was traditional Williams Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - the production itself certainly is not. The St. Andrew's Players gave the court of Athens a modern setting, complete with cellphones, press conferences, and GPS. Students also wrote original music for the show. Click here to learn more.
St. Andrew's is hiring! The hallmark of a St. Andrew's education is its exceptional faculty. With enrollment at an all-time high, we're pleased to announce the following openings for new teachers and staff. For more information and details on how to apply, visit our Employment Page. Are you or your company hiring? Share the news with fellow alums and post it in the newsletter. You'll reach hundreds of fellow lions and support the alumni community. Email with job postings. Watch SAES sports and events LIVE! Can't make it to campus? Do you live out of state? You can still cheer on your favorite Lions through our LIONSTREAM, a live stream of several events, games and assemblies. Check it
out here. Last year, St. Andrew's Lower School began to introduce mindfulness into the curriculum with group yoga. This year, it's expanding within the curriculum and entering the classroom. Click here to read more.
ST. ANDREW'S ATHLETIC UPDATES *Junior Luke Armbruster made history by becoming the first St. Andrew's runner since 2003 to win an individual MAC title in cross country. Click here to learn more. *Anthony Duruji '17 and Alex Smith '17 signed National Letters of Intent to play next year at NCAA Division I schools. Anthony will play basketball at Louisiana Tech and Alex will play lacrosse at University of Hartford. *The girls cross country team won its third straight small school state title. *George Muresan '16 made his collegiate debut, playing in Georgetown's win over USC Upstate.
HEARTS FOR HAITI REACHES FUND RAISING MILESTONE Through fundraising the St. Andrew's community has managed to build a permanent school building, buy goats to provide dairy and to breed, dig wells for fresh water, and provide a solar electric system for the school. The food insecurity in the community also spurred some students into action - Hearts for Haiti, a club devoted to raising money for our sister school. They recently reached a milestone in their fundraising efforts. Click here to read more.
DANCE TEACHER EMBARKS ON INTERNATIONAL TOUR Dance teacher Rachel Turner will take the world stage this fall when she performs in Europe and India with the Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh Company. Click here to read more.
Join the Pride: Get Involved Class volunteers play a vital role in
the alumni community. They are instrumental in keeping class members in contact with one another and with the school, and in maintaining a vibrant school community. The Alumni Association is dedicated to serving St. Andrew's alums and giving back to our community. Join us in these efforts and be part of the pride! Fall 2016 Alumni Council Meeting We are looking for Class Agents and Class Correspondents from each class. Click below to learn more about each role. THANK YOU to those alumni who already serve in this capacity. View your class agents and correspondents here. Classes are marked that are in need of volunteers.
St. Andrew's Episcopal School 8804 Postoak Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 | 301-983-5200 |
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