The official enewsletter of St. Andrew's Episcopal School Alumni August 2016
In This Issue
Dear Alumni Community, As summer comes to an end, I hope each of you has had time to relax, refresh and enjoy time with family and friends. Here on the Postoak Campus we've been busy creating an exciting Fall program ahead for our Alumni Community. As you may have seen, we're unveiling an Athletic Hall of Fame, presenting our first ever Alumni Awards and hosting a BBQ on the Quad for all to attend, just to name a few. Learn more about the expanded Reunion program and register for events here. We've heard your requests and hope that this expanded Reunion celebration will bring you and your family back to campus this fall. Mark your calendars for October 15 and get ready to celebrate!
Alumni Spotlight
Best, Madeline Wallace O'Brien '05 Director of Alumni Affairs
Opening Chapel at The National Cathedral September 9 All are welcome to attend.
Alumni Spotlight Greg Rosenbaum '06 Greg is the Producer of the SXSWedu Conference & Festival and has been working on the event since its inception in 2010. As one of the newest components of the South by Southwest family of conferences and festivals, SXSWedu serves as a convergence event focused on innovations in learning. Greg oversees all aspects of the event from session programming and speaker management, to marketing, logistical production and the facilitation of subsidiary events such as the SXSWedu Launch startup competition. Greg has been named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for education two years in a row and was named to the Austin Monthly 20 in their 20s list.
Alumni News & Events
Alumni Events Contact Update and Class Notes Stay Connected
Alumni Calendar First Day of School September 6
Student Center Blessing September 14 All are welcome to attend; invitation to come. Homecoming and Reunion October 15 More details here. The Mane Marketplace Every month, we feature Alumniowned businesses. If you are interested in being featured, please contact Thank you for your support!
INAUGURAL ALUMNI AWARDS RECIPIENTS St. Andrew's is pleased to announce the recipients of the first ever Alumni Awards. The purpose of the three awards is to recognize individuals and classes for their dedication and service to St. Andrew's and beyond. You are invited to join us to celebrate the award winners at the Alumni Awards Luncheon on Saturday, October 15 during Homecoming & Reunion in the new Student Center. Come back to campus to visit with faculty, classmates and friends. All are welcome; please register in advance here.
The Distinguished Alumni Award: Melissa d'Arabian '86
The Thomas Shaw Award: Erin WrightGandhi '96
The Lion's Pride Award: The Class of 1995
Learn more about our Alumni Award recipients here. ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME
We are pleased to announce the first honorees of the St. Andrew's Athletic Hall of Fame: Steven Bellis '87 Alexandra Castiello (Gandolfo) '93 Vania Cooke (Flowers) '92 Thomas Graves '83 Gabe Hodziewich (former faculty) Patrick Reed '87 Carolyn Springer (Zola Solamente) '90 Please join us on Saturday, October 15 for the unveiling of the Hall of Fame and induction of the first honorees. Family, friends and fellow
Thank you to those who supported the Lion's Fund this past fiscal year. This year, we doubled Lion's Fund participation with your support! As we start this fiscal year, we can we can continue to grow the Lion's Fund with your help and support St. Andrew's mission and growth. Please consider supporting the Lion's Fund and join our HONOR ROLL of donors who have pledged their support this fiscal year. Learn more about the Lion's Fund and click here to make a donation.
Where are YOU?! Did you know... that 25% of our Alumni contact information is out of date? Reconnect and stay in touch by simply updating your address and/or email. Help us by forwarding this on to a classmate or family member to update their information, too. We can only connect and serve you if we can reach you! The Roar Recap 'Like' us on Facebook for a weekly #tbt! Every Thursday we'll share a photo from the archives and you'll get a chance to win a prize. Like us on Facebook and then
alumni are all welcome to join us to honor our athletes. Please RSVP in advance. Stay for the celebration afterwards with a BBQ on the Quad for all alumni and their guests (please register in advance). Childcare available.
REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR HOMECOMING & REUNION View a full list of events and register in advance for feebased and limited space programs and events online today! Attend a workshop to learn about brain research informed education led by Mr. Glenn Whitman, Director of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning and Dean of Studies. Visit the Oral History Booth to share testimonial on the project in its 20th Year. Attend or better participate in either the alumnifaculty soccer game or the alumnistudent volleyball game. Reconnect with friends and faculty at the firstever "BBQ on the Quad." Individual class reunion parties (celebrating the classes ending in 1 and 6) will be held offcampus in various locations Saturday evening following the BBQ.
BECOME A REUNION AMBASSADOR Are you as excited about Homecoming & Reunion as we are? Become a Reunion Ambassador! We're looking for alumni to stir up support and attendance. Roles include volunteer time before, during or after the event. Give back to your alma mater in this meaningful way that brings together our community. Click here to sign up and learn more.
The Lion's Share: SAES School News SAES TEACHERS, WHITMAN AND KELLEHER, RELEASE NEW BOOK ON BRAIN SCIENCE & EDUCATION Glenn Whitman and Ian Kelleher, both St. Andrew's teachers, released their first book, "Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education." They share, "It is our hope, that Neuroteach will help
guess who is pictured. We'll send a prize from the Alumni Office to the first correct answer. Who knows it could be you! View photos from Alumni Events and your class year online anytime Photos are updated frequently and available on the SAES Flickr account. View them here. Employment Opportunities St. Andrew's is hiring! The hallmark of a St. Andrew's education is its exceptional faculty. With enrollment at an all time high, we're pleased to announce the following openings for new teachers and staff. For more information and details on how to apply, visit our Employment Page. Are you or your company hiring? Share the news with fellow alums and post it in the newsletter. You'll reach hundreds of fellow lions and support the alumni community. Email with job postings. Watch SAES sports and events LIVE! Can't make it to campus? Do you live out of state? You can still cheer on your favorite Lions through our LIONSTREAM, a live stream of several
ensure that one day, every student regardless of zip code or school typewill learn and develop with the guidance of a teacher who knows the research behind how his or her brain works and learns". Grant Lichtman (@GrantLichtman), author of "#EdJourney: A Roadmap to the Future of Education", shared, "To my knowledge there is no school in America, and no two educators more completely qualified and effective at translating the remarkable impacts of neuroscience down from the 30,000 foot level to 'what can we do in class tomorrow.'" Get an inside look into their work during the Design Thinking Workshop at Homecoming & Reunion. Sign up to reserve your spot for this fascinating look into Brain Science and how it's used at St. Andrew's.
LOWER SCHOOL TEACHER TO RECEIVE WHITE HOUSE HONOR Congratulations to our Lower School Science Teacher, Mrs. Hilarie Hall. On September 9, she will visit the White House to receive her Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The presidential award is given to elementary and high school science and math teachers from across the country. Read more about Hall's approach to teaching and the award in the Bethesda Magazine article here.
ST. ANDREW'S SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DESIGN PROCESS IS FEATURED IN STANFORD SOCIAL INNOVATION REVIEW Last month we told you about Science Teacher Chuck James' article to be published in the prestigious Stanford Social Innovation Review. In case you missed it, you can read it here. His article is about St. Andrew's International Development and Social Enterprise class which he teaches. You can also read about the class in our own magazine. Congratulations, Mr. James.
events, games and assemblies. Check it out here.
LOWER SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY St. Andrew's seeks a creative, energetic, and skillful educator to become an Elementary Extended Day Teacher in the Lower School (grades K2) for the 201617 school year. This exciting opportunity will require a faculty member who can work collaboratively with fellow teachers and administrators, while also possessing the confidence and knowledge to interact with students and parents in an after school setting. To learn more about the position and how to apply, click here.
Join the Pride: Get Involved Class volunteers play a vital role in the alumni community. They are instrumental in keeping class members in contact with one another and with the school, and in maintaining a vibrant school community. The Alumni Association is dedicated to serving St. Andrew's alums and giving back to our community. Join us in these efforts and be part of the pride! We are looking for Class Agents and Class Correspondents from each class. Click below to learn more about each role. THANK YOU to those alumni who already serve in this capacity. View your class agents and correspondents here. Classes are marked that are in need of volunteers.
St. Andrew's Episcopal School 8804 Postoak Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 | 3019835200 |
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St. Andrew's Episcopal School | 8804 Postoak Rd. | Potomac | MD | 20854