elcome to Summer 2017 at St. Andrew’s where you will find camps for children, ages 2 to Grade 12, at our Potomac Village and Postoak Road campuses in Potomac, Maryland. Students from more than 100 local schools will soon be part of our summer family where going to camp means exploring new worlds, developing new skills, mastering new coursework, and making new friends in a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment. Parents tell us each year that they enroll their children at St. Andrew’s because their children love coming to camp each day. They go home eager to share how they were encouraged to be curious, develop new hobbies, earn academic credit, and enrich their skills. We are the most parent-friendly program in the area and are particularly proud of the fact that each of the more than 200 programs offered is directed by a teacher or professional in the field. The student to staff ratio is 6:1 for our youngest campers and 10:1 for older students. I know there is something for every child in our extensive list of offerings. The hard part will be choosing! Please contact me if I can assist you in any way. I am available via email or phone (see the important information section) or stop by the Summer Programs Office on the Postoak Campus. I love talking about our programs and will be happy to help you! Monique McMillan-Jackson Director of Summer Programs
TABLE OF CONTENTS Program Offerings by Grade.................................. 4 Registration Process............................................... 6 ACADEMICS (Postoak Campus) Academics for Credit (Grades 9-12)..................... 10 Academics for Enrichment (Grades 3-12)............. 15 DAY CAMPS (Potomac Village Campus) Preschool Prep/Cub Camp (Age 2)....................... 17 Specialty Camps (Preschool II-Grade 2)............... 18 SPECIALTY CAMPS/SPORTS/PROGRAMS (Postoak Campus) Technology....................................................... 23-25 Culinary Arts......................................................... 25 Performing Arts.................................................... 26 Athletics................................................................ 27 Community Service............................................... 31 Drivers Education.................................................. 31 Extended Day & Shuttle Bus................................ 32
PROGRAMS BY GRADE PSI (age 2) Cub Camp..........................17 Extended Day....................32
Service Stars.......................20 Show Stoppers...................20 Soccer............................28-29
PSII (age 3) Awesome Art.....................22 Captivating Cooking..........21 Dynamic Dance..................19 Eager Explorers.................20 Extended Day....................32 Kids in Motion....................18 Music Magic.......................22 Sensational Science............20 Spectacular Sports.............19
1st Grade Arts Abound.......................19 Baseball..............................30 Chess..................................23 Culinary Classics.................22 Dauntless Design...............22 Extended Day....................32 Games Galore....................19 Kids in Motion....................18 Lacrosse.............................27 Marvelous Music................21 Service Stars.......................20 Show Stoppers...................20 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25
Pre-K (age 4) Awesome Art.....................22 Captivating Cooking..........21 Dynamic Dance..................19 Eager Explorers.................20 Extended Day....................32 Kids in Motion....................18 Music Magic.......................22 Sensational Science............20 Soccer.................................28 Spectacular Sports.............19 Kindergarten Arts Abound.......................19 Culinary Classics.................22 Dauntless Design...............22 Extended Day....................32 Games Galore....................19 Kids in Motion....................18 Marvelous Music................21
2nd Grade Arts Abound.......................19 Baseball..............................30 Chess..................................23 Culinary Classics.................22 Dauntless Design...............22 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey......................29 Games Galore....................19 Kids in Motion....................18 Lacrosse.............................27 Marvelous Music................21 Service Stars.......................20 Show Stoppers...................20 Soccer............................28-29
Technology (see full list). 23-25 3rd Grade Baseball..............................30 Basketball...........................27 Chess..................................23 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey......................29 Lacrosse.............................27 Math 3-4 Prep....................15 Reading and Writing 3-4 Prep..............................15 Science Enrichment............16 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25 4th Grade Baseball..............................30 Basketball...........................27 Chess..................................23 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey.................29-30 Lacrosse.............................27 Lights, Camera, Action......26 Math 3-4 Prep....................15 Reading and Writing 3-4 Prep...........................15 Science Enrichment............16 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25
5th Grade Baking Kids Love................25 Baseball..............................30 Basketball...........................27 Chess..................................23 Dazzling Desserts...............26 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey.................29-30 Kids In The Kitchen ...........25 Lacrosse.............................27 Lights, Camera, Action......26 Math 5-6 Prep....................14 Reading and Writing 5-6 Prep...........................15 Science Enrichment............16 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25 6th Grade Baking Kids Love................25 Baseball..............................30 Basketball...........................27 Chess..................................23 Dazzling Desserts...............26 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey.................29-30 Kids In The Kitchen ...........25 Lacrosse.............................27 Lights, Camera, Action......26 Math 5-6 Prep....................14 Reading and Writing 5-6 Prep...........................15 Science Enrichment............16 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25
7th Grade Baking Kids Love................25 Baseball..............................30 Basketball...........................27 Chess..................................23
Dazzling Desserts...............26 English 7 Prep....................13 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey.................29-30 Kids In The Kitchen ...........25 Lacrosse.............................27 Lights, Camera, Action......26 Math 7-8 Prep....................14 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25 8th Grade Algebra I Prep....................14 Baking Kids Love................25 Baseball..............................30 Basketball...........................27 Chess..................................23 Dazzling Desserts...............26 English 8 Prep....................14 Extended Day....................32 Field Hockey.................29-30 Kids In The Kitchen ...........25 Lacrosse.............................27 Lights, Camera, Action......26 Math 7-8 Prep....................14 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25 9th Grade Algebra I Prep....................14 Algebra II Prep...................12 Basketball...........................27 Biology...............................10 Chess..................................23 Community Service............31 English 9 Prep....................11 Field Hockey......................30 Geometry...........................10 Soccer............................28-29 Technology (see full list). 23-25 US History..........................11
10th Grade Algebra II Prep...................12 Biology...............................10 Chess..................................23 Community Service............31 Drivers Education...............31 English 10 Prep..................12 Field Hockey......................30 Geometry...........................10 Soccer.................................28 Technology (see full list). 23-25 US History..........................11 11th Grade Algebra II Prep...................12 Biology...............................10 Chess..................................23 College Essay & App.........12 Community Service............31 Drivers Education...............31 Field Hockey......................30 Geometry...........................10 Soccer.................................28 Technology (see full list). 23-25 US History..........................11 12th Grade Algebra II Prep...................12 Biology...............................10 College Essay & App.........12 Community Service............31 Drivers Education...............31 Field Hockey......................30 Geometry...........................10 Soccer.................................28 Technology (see full list). 23-25 US History..........................11
REGISTRATION PROCESS • Online registration with payment by credit card or check is available at www.saes.org; click on Summer Programs. Paper registration forms may be downloaded and submitted by mail or in person at any time. • A $35 registration fee ($85 after May 1) and a $100 deposit are due at the time of registration. Registration fees are non-refundable. The $100 deposit is applied toward program fees and is refundable if withdrawal takes place before May 1 or if a program is canceled by SAES. • Checks payable to St. Andrew’s Summer must include student’s name in memo. • There are no refunds for partial attendance or withdrawal after May 1. • St. Andrew’s reserves the right to cancel programs for any reason, including low enrollment. Parents will be notified via e-mail when programs are canceled. We will be happy to assist in helping students select another St. Andrew’s program or refund fees promptly.
Academic Classes for Credit High school students who wish to receive academic credit for courses taken at St. Andrew’s must request and receive permission from their academic advisor or home school before registering. Academic grades will be sent to the home school if requested in writing to the Summer Programs Office. Attendance Attendance is checked daily. Please call the school at the appropriate campus when a student is unable to attend. Books Required textbooks will be listed on our website: www.saes.org/summer_programs. Students are to bring the required texts to class the first day. If no text is listed, please bring a notebook and pencil.
Campus & Grade Indicators Most programs have a registration code before the program description. The numbers identify the program and session; the letters identify the campus where the program will take place. PC is the Postoak Campus on Postoak Road (Intermediate, Middle, and Upper Schools). PVC is the Potomac Village Campus on River Road (Lower School). Note that there are programs for ages 4 and older on the Postoak Campus. The Potomac Village Campus does not have any programs for children above Grade 2. Please note that some of our programs require registration on independent websites. Following the program description is a recommended grade or range of grades/ages to help parents make appropriate selections. The grade is that which the student will enter in September 2017. The age is that which the student will be as of the start of the summer program. Please note that the grade indication CUB or PSI is for children age 2 prior
to September 1, 2017. PSII is for age 3, Pre-K is for age 4. For all of our programs, grade levels/ages are suggested. Feel free to call the director to discuss individual age or grade placement requests. Online registration will not permit you to register for a program if your child does not meet the age/grade range listed.
Community Service Credit St. Andrew’s is certified by Montgomery County to provide programs that offer community service credit to Montgomery County Public School students. Our programs have a fee to participate. Students who wish to receive credit must request and receive permission from their home school before registering. Extended Day • Postoak Campus — Open daily 7:30 to 9 a.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. for a fee. Students are supervised at all times. During morning sessions students read or play games. During afternoon sessions students enjoy a rotating schedule of activities including movies, games, puzzles, and free play. For the safety of everyone please note: if preschool, elementary, intermediate or middle school students cannot be picked up or dropped off within 10 minutes of the start or end of their programs, they will be signed in to the extended day program and
parents will be billed the drop-in rate. Parents must come into the extended day location (Postoak Campus Library) to sign out for the day. • Potomac Village Campus— Children attending programs on the Potomac Village Campus may attend extended day AM and PM on the Postoak Campus for a fee. Complimentary shuttle service will be provided upon request with two weeks advance notice. Financial Aid Financial aid is available for existing and incoming St. Andrew’s students for all academic programs for credit or enrichment at the same percentage as the student’s 2017-18 tuition grant. A limited amount of financial aid is offered for non-academic programs. Please contact the Director for availability. Financial aid recipients must complete online or paper registration, and then call or e-mail the Director to inform her that you would like your financial aid
applied. You will receive a statement of account with the appropriate financial aid deducted. The remaining balance is due by May 1. Food • Full-day students at the Postoak Campus should bring a bag lunch, drinks and snack. Refrigerators are available for storage. There are vending machines for purchasing drinks and snacks. • Full-day students at the Potomac Village Campus should bring a bag lunch, drink and snack. Refrigerators are not available nor are vending machines. NOTE: The Potomac Village Campus is “nut-safe” and policy prohibits all foods with nuts or nut products. Campus Shuttle Bus & Directions Please refer to the Campus Shuttle Bus section (page 28) to register for this free service. Directions and details regarding drop-off and pickup for both campuses is available on our website at www.saes.org/ about_st_andrews/directions.
Summer Programs Office Monique McMillan-Jackson, Director (both campuses) 301-983-5200 x 296 mmcmillan-jackson@saes.org St. Andrew’s Episcopal School Postoak Campus (PC) 8804 Postoak Road Potomac, MD 20854 301-983-5200 x 296/397/396 301-983-4710 (fax) www.saes.org summerprograms@saes.org Potomac Village Campus (PVC) 10033 River Road Potomac, MD 20854 301-983-5200 x 500/260/296 www.saes.org summerprograms@saes.org Summer Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. School Year Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dates June 19 to Aug. 4: Opening/Closing PVC June 12 to Aug. 18: Opening/Closing PC May 1: Payment Due in Full May 1: End of No-Penalty Withdrawal July 3 & 4: Holiday, No Programs
ACADEMICS ACADEMICS FOR CREDIT 101PC Biology This introductory course includes studies in cytology, genetics, the five kingdoms, ecology and evolution. Laboratory activities stress the methods of scientific investigation and students learn the use of biological scientific apparatus and techniques. Field trips are scheduled on extended Thursdays. GRADES Rising 9 - 12
DATES June 26 - July 28 (5 weeks) TIME M, Tu, W, F: 8 a.m. to Noon
Thursday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
FEE $2,025
102PC Geometry Study some of the well-known facts about the sizes and shapes of our environment and the basic structure of geometry. Both theory and applications will be studied. Logic skills are developed throughout the course; formal proofs are gradually introduced. Constructions will be integrated
into topics as appropriate. Review of algebra skills is integrated into numerous geometric exercises beginning with points, lines, and planes, the course proceeds to triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Congruence attributes, similarities, postulates, and theorems of these figures will be studied. Other topics include introductory trigonometry, area and volume, and coordinate geometry. Students should bring a notebook and the required texts listed on summer program website. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I and permission of department or home school. GRADES Rising 9 - 12 DATES June 26 - July 28 (5 weeks) TIME M, Tu, W: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Th, F: 9 a.m. - Noon
FEE $2,025
103PC US History Analyze United States History from the first colonial settlements through the fall of the Berlin Wall. Each day will focus on establishing a context for understanding the essential questions in American history and includes extensive primary and secondary source interpretations from various viewpoints. Throughout this intensive study, emphasis will be placed on a student’s ability to develop a point of view through both class discussion and formal written assignments. Instruction will be supplemented by appropriate field trips to local historical sites and/or museums. Students should bring a notebook and the required texts listed on summer program website. GRADES Rising 9 - 12
DATES June 26 - July 28 (5 weeks) TIME M, Tu, W: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
FEE $2,025
ACADEMICS FOR ENRICHMENT High School Success Courses 105PC English 9 Prep Instruction will be focused on intensive practice in analytical reading and essay writing in preparation for ninth grade curriculum. Students will read short selections and assigned summer reading as they employ reading strategies and build critical thinking skills. Practice will also include the various forms of writing assigned in ninth grade English and history courses. Students should bring a notebook and the required texts listed on summer program website. A computer will be provided. GRADES Rising 9 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $725
106PC English 10 Prep The focus will be on helping students further develop their literacy skills and completing summer reading requirements in preparation for the 10th grade curriculum. Individual needs of students will be determined in order to support them in utilizing the most effective strategies of critical thinking, advanced reading and writing skills required for success in upper level college prep curriculums. Students should bring a notebook and the required texts listed on summer program website. A computer will be provided for class writing assignments. GRADES Rising 10 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $725 107PC Algebra I Prep This course is designed to reinforce basic Pre-Algebra and Algebra I concepts in preparation for Algebra I. Materials will be provided. GRADES Rising 8 - 9 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $725
108PC Algebra II Prep This program is designed to be a concentrated Algebra I refresher workshop prior to Algebra II. The topics covered will include solutions of linear equations, inequalities, absolute value, graphing, and systems of equations, exponents and polynomials. This class will incorporate technology and other activities in order to make learning Algebra easier and more enjoyable. Students must bring a graphing calculator (any TI 84). GRADES Rising 9 - 12 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $675 109PC The College Essay & Application The word is out that this course is an effective antidote to parent and student stress created by incomplete personal essays! Registered students no longer dread hearing, “When are you going to work on your essays and applications?� Instead, in one focused week, they will have generated ideas, drafted, revised and polished a gleaming college essay before their senior year even begins. They will also learn the ins and outs of thoroughly completing
one application that colleges will admire. Get ahead in the college process long before the busy school year begins! GRADES Rising 11 - 12 DATES July 31 - August 4 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $350 Middle School Success Courses 117PC Reading and Writing 5-6 Prep This lively and fun filled program will cover the reading and writing skills required for students to be successful. Minds are engaged with creative learning techniques as they practice active reading and summary writing. Students will analyze works from the summer reading list and complete the accompanying project. Computers will be provided for writing assignments; students must bring a notebook and the required text listed on summer program website. GRADES Rising 5 - 6 DATES July 10 - July 21 (2 weeks) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $500
121PC Science Enrichment PM Are you ready to learn and engage on a deeper level? Come and be amazed at the action-packed creative process by which you will design meaningful solutions for your environment and perform cool experiments! GRADES Rising 5 - 6 DATES July 17 - July 21 TIME 12:30 p.m.–3 p.m. FEE $300 110PC English 7 Prep Students will fine tune reading and process writing skills. Summer reading assignments will be completed as students focus on practicing active reading skills and develop advanced essay writing skills. Computers will be provided for writing assignments; students must bring a notebook and the required texts listed on website. GRADES Rising 7 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $675
111PC English 8 Prep Students will fine tune reading and process writing skills. Summer reading assignments will be completed as students focus on practicing active reading skills and develop advanced essay writing skills. Computers will be provided for writing assignments; students must bring a notebook and the required texts listed on website. GRADES Rising 8 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $675 119PC Math 5-6 Prep You’ll find equal parts fun and academic rigor in this class! Students will deepen and enrich existing skills and acquire a solid foundation for the school year ahead. GRADES Rising 5 - 6 DATES July 10 - July 14 TIME 12:30 p.m.–3 p.m. FEE $300
113PC Math 7-8 Prep This course is for students who want to build a solid mathematical foundation for the upcoming year. Topics will include: decimals, fractions, basic algebraic equations, positive and negative integers, and numeric properties. This class will have practice examinations in order to track the participant’s progress and will include a variety of activities to keep students actively engaged. GRADES Rising 7 - 8 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 9 a.m.–Noon FEE $725 107PC Algebra I Prep This course is designed to reinforce basic Pre-Algebra and Algebra I concepts in preparation for Algebra I. Materials will be provided. GRADES Rising 8 - 9 DATES July 10 - July 28 (3 weeks) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $725
Intermediate School Success Courses 116PC Reading and Writing 3-4 Prep This lively and fun filled program will cover the reading and writing skills required for students to be successful. Young minds are engaged with creative learning techniques as they practice active reading and summary writing. Students will analyze works from the summer reading list and complete the accompanying project. Computers will be provided for writing assignments. Students must bring a notebook and the required text listed on website. GRADES Rising 3 - 4 DATES July 10 - July 21 (2 weeks) TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $500 117PC Reading and Writing 5-6 Prep This lively and fun filled program will cover the reading and writing skills required for students to be successful. Minds are engaged with creative learning techniques as they practice active reading and summary writing. Students will analyze works from the summer reading list and complete the
accompanying project. Computers will be provided for writing assignments. Students must bring a notebook and the required text listed on website. GRADES Rising 5 - 6 DATES July 10 - July 21 (2 weeks) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $500 118PC Math 3-4 Prep You’ll find equal parts fun and academic rigor in this class! Students will deepen and enrich existing skills and acquire a solid foundation for the school year ahead. GRADES Rising 3 - 4 DATES July 10 - July 14 TIME 9 a.m.–Noon FEE $300
119PC Math 5-6 Prep You’ll find equal parts fun and academic rigor in this class! Students will deepen and enrich existing skills and acquire a solid foundation for the school year ahead.
GRADES Rising 5 - 6
DATES July 10 - July 14
TIME 12:30 p.m.–3 p.m. FEE $300
120PC Science Enrichment AM Are you ready to learn and engage on a deeper level? Come and be amazed at the action-packed creative process by which you will design meaningful solutions for your environment and perform cool experiments! GRADES Rising 3 - 4 DATES July 17 - July 21 TIME 9 a.m.–Noon FEE $300 121PC Science Enrichment PM Are you ready to learn and engage on a deeper level? Come and be amazed at the action-packed creative process by which you will design meaningful solutions for your environment and perform cool experiments! GRADES Rising 5 - 6 DATES July 17 - July 21 TIME 12:30 p.m.–3 p.m. FEE $300
DAY CAMPS Cub Camp for 2-Year-Olds 201/214PVC Cub Camp This program is an introduction to the preschool experience for children who will be two yearsold by September 1. The hours will fly by as our cubs learn the fun of exploring a classroom, playground, and outdoors. Children will enjoy music, stories, art and interacting with new friends. GRADES Rising PSI (age 2)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
$525 per week
(Week of July 3 - $315)
$300 per week
MORNING TIME 9 a.m. - Noon
(Week of July 4 - $180)
June 19 - June 23
June 26 - June 30
All day Morning
All day
DATES July 5 - July 7 (No class July 3 & 4) 205PVC: All day 206PVC: Morning
July 10 - July 14
July 17 - July 21
July 24 - July 28
July 31 - August 4
All day Morning
All day Morning
All day Morning
All day Morning
Specialty Camps for Rising PSII - Grade 2
301/307PVC Kids in Motion Camp This afternoon camp will bring excitement each week as the children experience indoor and outdoor sports and games, waterplay, field trips to museums and state parks (rising K-2), service learning, and more! You don’t want to miss this opportunity to have your child experience camp at its best. GRADES Rising PSII - Grade 2 DAYS Monday - Friday 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. $250 per week
(Week of July 3 - $150)
June 19 - June 23
301PVC: Afternoon DATES June 26 - June 30
302PVC: Afternoon
DATES July 5 - July 7
(No class July 3 & 4)
303PVC: Afternoon DATES
July 10 - July 14
July 17 - July 21
July 24 - July 28
July 31 - August 4
304PVC: Afternoon
305PVC: Afternoon
306PVC: Afternoon
307PVC: Afternoon
Morning Camps 308PVC Spectacular Sports This camp will develop balance, coordination, and motor skills through running, skipping, hopping, kicking, catching, rolling and dribbling. Children will have a ball playing soccer, basketball, tee-ball and other exciting games and activities. Children will have fun and get fit at the same time! GRADES Rising PSII - PreK DATES June 19 - June 23 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300 309PVC Arts Abound Campers will have loads of fun creating a variety of artwork in this hands on class! Dress for fun! GRADES Rising K -2 DATES June 19 - June 23 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
310PVC Dynamic Dance This summer camp is designed for kids that like to move! Each day students will have lots of fun as they learn basic dance steps, employ their own interpretation of movement, and utilize their imagination. Camp will culminate with a time of sharing on the last day. GRADES Rising PSII - PreK DATES June 26 - June 30 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300 311PVC Games Galore Are you ready to learn new sports skills and expand what you already know? This camp is for you! Daily schedules will include teaching stations, skill development, games, contests, and more! GRADES Rising K - 2 DATES June 26 - June 30 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
312PVC Sensational Science This exciting camp is an engaging hands-on learning experience. Each camp day is an interactive, age-appropriate exploration of a specific science topic. Children will enjoy demonstrations, perform simple experiments and discover how science can help us better understand the world around us! GRADES Rising PSII - Pre-K DATES July 5 - July 7 (No class July 3 & 4)
TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $180
313PVC Service Stars Children of all ages can meaningfully impact their community and that’s exactly what we’ll do in this camp! Campers will learn about the importance of community service and then actively engage in age appropriate projects that will benefit our local and extended community. GRADES Rising K - 2 DATES July 5 - July 7 (No class July 3 & 4)
TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $180
314PVC Eager Explorers This camp will take you on a journey of on-site indoor and outdoor exploration and discovery! Each day includes fun, hands-on activities, cool demonstrations, and ways to continue the learning and fun at home! GRADES Rising PSII - PreK DATES July 10 - July 14 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300 315PVC Show Stoppers Dance, act, design, and create in this exciting program! Children will turn a storyline into a dazzling performance by utilizing improvisational skills and techniques. Camp will culminate with a time of sharing on the last day. GRADES Rising K - 2 DATES July 10 - July 14 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
316PVC Captivating Cooking Children will have a great time preparing a smorgasbord of delicious treats. Each day will bring a new recipe and a new chance for students to take turns measuring, pouring, and stirring in our classroom kitchen. Camp incorporates age appropriate culinary skills, basic nutrition, table manners and a chance to expand their palette for new foods.
Rising PSII - PreK July 17 - July 21
TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
317PVC Marvelous Music Children will explore the joyful history of musical instruments from around the world, learn music theory, sing, and play a variety of instruments. The world is truly their stage and we are all ears for the marvelous music they will make! GRADES Rising K - 2 DATES July 17 - July 21 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
319PVC Culinary Classics Our kids love to cook and bake! Join us as we have a great time preparing a variety of sweet and savory treats. GRADES Rising K - 2 DATES July 24 - July 28 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
318PVC Music Magic Who wants to play the drum, maracas, or keyboard? Children will move and sing to these instruments and many more in this fast paced camp that is sure to please! GRADES Rising PSII - PreK DATES July 24 - July 28 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
320PVC Awesome Art This is an art experience class which includes time for letter recognition through painting, block play, and a variety of process oriented activities that will encourage exploration and discovery while exercising fine motor skills. Dress for fun! GRADES Rising PSII - PreK DATES July 31 - August 4 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300 321PVC Dauntless Design Do you like challenges? We do! This camp will encourage critical thinking and complex problem solving skills. GRADES Rising K - 2 DATES July 31 - August 4 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
Specialty Camps/Classes/ Programs (Postoak Campus) Adventures at St. Andrew’s Active Learning Services Chess Camp Introductory through Advanced USA Chess is the largest and premier chess camp organizer for children in the United States. Their staff is comprised of the finest children’s chess instructors in North America. Registration options include mornings, afternoon and all-day sessions. Campers experience chess instruction and play in a fun filled environment designed to improve their skills whether they are interested in casual or competitive chess. Tuition includes trophy, chess set and much more. Please
visit: www.activelearningcamps. com for program details. Registration must take place directly with USA Chess and not through St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. AGES 6 - 16 DATES June 26 - June 30 (session 1) July 24 - July 28 (session 2) ALL-DAY 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $470 early-bird; $495 regular MORNING 9 a.m. - Noon $300 early-bird; $325 regular AFTERNOON 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
$300 early-bird; $325 regular
activelearningcamps.com Session 1 early-bird
deadline is 5/8 DEADLINE
Session 2 early-bird
deadline is 6/5
Active Learning Services Video Game Design Camp Create & program a unique video game at our Active Learning Video Game Creation Camp. Using our custom curricula, children learn Minecraft, GameMaker, Kodu or Scratch as they create their very own video games that they can actually play! For more information please visit: www.activelearningcamps.com or call 888.652.4377. Registration must take place directly with USA Chess and not through St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. AGES 7 - 16 DATES June 26 - June 30
(session 1)
July 24 - July 28 (session 2)
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
$535 early-bird;
$560 regular
9 a.m. - Noon
$340 early-bird;
$365 regular 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
$340 early-bird;
$365 regular Session 1 early-bird 5/8
TO REGISTER Visit: www. activelearningcamps.com *Can combine a half-day of chess with any half-day of a computer camp. $510 for early-bird; $535 regular
Cyberninjaz Technology Camp www.cyberninjazkids.com Cyberninjaz Tech Camp offers a variety of courses. Campers can choose from 2D/3D Game Design, intro to Java, Math Concepts, Video Production, Web Design, Comic/Art, Animation and more! We definitely have something for everyone. Whether you are a video game fanatic, have an entrepreneurial spirit, love to be creative, or need to know how things work...we have a course for you. We have designed all of our camps so that beginners are not lost, but kids that have attended before are still challenged. It’s great to know that every day you can take it to the next level. AGES 7 - 16 (varies by class) DATES June 12 - August 11 TIME Mon - Thur:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.
$600 per week www.cyberninjazkids.com
Arts — Culinary Arts 404PC Baking Kids Love It’s all about the wonderful world of sweet and savory when it comes to baking. Campers are going to have a blast making
everything from simple cookies to sophisticated treats. Every baking day is a great day! GRADES Rising 5 - 8 DATES July 10 - July 14 TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $275 411PC Kids in the Kitchen Camp A fun, educational and hands-on culinary class that will introduce students to the joys of the kitchen basics, reviewing terms and equipment, food safety and prepping dishes with newly acquired knife skills. Learn what it means to sauté, roast, and grill in addition to baking. Students might whip up smoothies, build smores,
or stuff French toast with bananas. They will make and bake dough, whisk sauces and so much more as they prepare and cook food that will focus on good nutrition, cooking basics, food safety and preparation. The only requirement is a willingness to learn as they work individually and together on different recipes each day. Every camper will go home with a keepsake collection of recipes created as well as reinforced skills in sequencing, math and following instructions. GRADES Rising 5 - 8 DATES July 17 - July 21 TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $275 406PC Dazzling Desserts Camp Desserts is stressed spelled backwards! Well there’s no stress in this camp because students will learn all the tricks and secrets to making awesome desserts. How sweet it is! GRADES Rising 5 - 8 DATES July 24 - July 28 TIME 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $275
Performing Arts — Drama 423PC Lights, Camera, Action! Help create and star in a live action video. Together, participants will make up a story, decide on
characters and dream up special effects. Games and exercises will help the actors to hone their acting and improvisational skills and then, after a brainstorming session, the camera starts rolling. Save the earth from aliens, go back in time, solve a mystery, get tangled up in a web of espionage. Who knows? This workshop will emphasize the acting and the writing of the video. Some time will be devoted to how to edit and use the video equipment and each actor will receive a copy of the finished product. Nothing is ever the same with new creative minds developing storylines! GRADES Rising 4 - 8 DATES July 17 - July 21 (423PC) TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $300
ATHLETICS 505/506/507/508PC Basketball Camp for Girls and Boys This camp is led by St. Andrew’s Basketball Head Coach Kevin Jones. Daily schedules will include teaching stations, skill development, guest speakers; including current and former college and professional players, games, and contests. GRADES Rising 2 - 9 DATES June 12 - June 16 (505PC) June 19 - June 23 (506PC) June 26 - June 30 (507PC) July 10 - July 14
TIME 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
FEE $250 per week
500PC Lacrosse Camp for Boys Dane Smith, Varsity Lacrosse Coach at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, will direct this camp. This camp, for rising 1st-8th graders, is perfect for players of any position and skill level. Offensive ball skills and off-ball movement, shooting, facing-off, defensive positioning and play, and even goalkeeper skills will all be taught, appropriate
to the comfort-levels and previous experience of the players. With a player to coach ratio of 6:1, instruction can be individually tailored to each child. Drills, competitions, and games will all be utilized for teaching and enjoyment. Participants must bring their own sticks, cleats, and equipment (helmet, gloves, arm pads, shoulder
pads, mouth guard). Sneakers should be brought for use indoors in case of inclement weather. GRADES Rising 1 - 8 DATES June 26 - June 30 TIME 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $275 per week 501/502PC Evening Lacrosse Camp for Boys St. Andrew’s summer evening camp is a great opportunity to avoid the summer heat and spend the week learning the fundamentals of lacrosse and increasing skill level. Camp staff will include current and former college players, as well as current high school and college coaches. Campers will be exposed to a variety of drills and will have a ton of fun learning about the great game of lacrosse! GRADES Rising 4 - 8 DATES July 10 - July 13 (501PC)
Brit-Am Soccer Academy Our staff is comprised of all fulltime, local, professional and licensed coaches. They love being able to pass on their wealth of knowledge through well-planned and organized practice sessions, which will challenge and inspire your son or daughter to love and improve their game of soccer! Visit our website to learn more. Co-ed Day/Goalkeeper Camp for All Ability Levels Campers will be grouped by age/ ability to enjoy learning and developing their game. AGES 4 - 13 DATES June 19 - June 23 July 24 - July 28 July 31 - August 4 ALL-DAY Available only for ages 9 -13
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. $325 per week
July 24 - July 27 (502PC)
MORNING Available for ages 4 - 13
(no camp on Fridays)
9 a.m. - Noon
TIME 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
FEE $150 per week
$200 per week REGISTER www.brit-am.com
Advanced Goalkeeper Camp GRADES Rising Grades 9-12 DATES July 31 - August 4
TIME 9 a.m. - Noon FEE $200 per week REGISTER www.brit-am.com
Bethesda Soccer BSC coaches lead fun and challenging programs that enhance campers technical skills while fostering a love of the game of soccer. We offer these camps at the end of the summer to get players warmed up for the start of their season. These camps are very well attended and a great way to begin the new soccer year. The player/coach ratio is ideal for campers to learn and develop their soccer skills in a competitive but supportive environment. AGES 7 - 13 (boys) DATES August 7 - 11 August 14 - 18 TIME 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. FEE $325 per week REGISTER www.bethesdasoccer.org
Sasho Cirovski’s Maryland Soccer Camp for Boys This unique camp is designed for the younger player as well as the older more advanced player. The focus for the younger players will be on individual technical development. Tactical concepts will be introduced as the week progresses. AGES 6 - 14 DATES June 19 - June 23 ALL-DAY 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. $395 REGISTER www.maryland soccercamp.com
Koa Field Hockey Camp This camp is perfect for young girls or new players who want to learn the basics of the game and for those who seek to advance their existing skills. GRADES Rising K - 8
DATES July 10 - July 14
July 17 - July 21 July 24 - July 28
TIME 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
FEE $350 per week REGISTER www.koasports.org
or 301-229-7529
Koa Baseball Camp Koa Sports is the leader in baseball programs for kids and young adults in the Washington Metropolitan area. Our passionate baseball coaches place an emphasis on fundamentals and team building while keeping it fun for our younger age groups. As players approach high school, expectations rise for increased focus and performance. GRADES Rising 3 - 8
DATES July 10 - July 14
July 14 - July 21 July 24 - July 28 July 31 - August 4
TIME 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
FEE $350 per week
REGISTER www.koasports.org or 301-229-7529
Star Field Hockey Young Players Camp This camp, led by Coach Cay Miller, is perfect for young girls or new players who want to learn the basics of the game for half day. GRADES Rising 4 - 9
DATES June 20 - June 23 (four days)
June 26 - June 30 TIME 9 a.m. - Noon
FEE $200/250 per week
Discounts St. Andrew’s students: 10% off one-week fees! No further discount for siblings
REGISTER www.tennistar.com or 301-530-5472
EMAIL office@tennistar.com
Star Field Hockey Preseason Prep Camp This program develops the complete player getting ready for fall play. We’ll work on stick skills, dribbling, passing, drives, shooting, defense, game strategy, and conditioning. GRADES Rising 8 - 12
DATES June 20 - June 23 (four days)
June 26 - June 30 TIME 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
FEE $200/250 per week
Daily rates available online Discounts St. Andrew’s students: 10% off one-week fees! No further discount for siblings REGISTER www.tennistar.com or 301-530-5472
EMAIL office@tennistar.com
OTHER CAMPS Community Service
Drivers’ Education
602PC Social Justice & Service Learning Daily service trips will allow students to explore issues of social justice while helping others and earning up to 25 hours of community service credit. Students will concentrate on issues of hunger, the environment, poverty and populations with special needs. This community service program will focus on connections with people and the issues surrounding them. Samples of service opportunities may include work at a co-op farm to provide fresh vegetables to families, preparation of meals for a meal program, and working with ability- challenged individuals, etc. Transportation from St. Andrew’s to service sites is included.
Potomac Driving School Licensed by the Motor Vehicle Administration, Potomac Driving School is returning to St. Andrew’s for morning (8:45 a.m. - Noon) and evening (5:45 p.m. - 9 p.m.) twoweek sessions beginning in June and running through August. For further information and registration contact: www.potomacdrivingschool@verizon. net or 301-984-6062. Potomac Driving School’s main office is located at 1750 Rockville Pike, Suite 14, Rockville, MD 20852.
GRADES Rising 9 - 12
DATES July 31 - August 4
TIME 8:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.
FEE $350
EXTENDED DAY & SHUTTLE BUS Postoak Campus 820–827PC AM Extended Day The Postoak library is supervised each morning for students to read or play games.
GRADES Rising PSI - Grade 8
July 10 - July 14 (835PC)
DATES June 19 - June 23 (820PC)
July 17 - July 21 (836PC)
June 26 - June 30 (821PC)
July 24 - July 28 (837PC)
July 5 - July 7 (822PC)
July 31 - August 4 (838PC)
*No Classes on July
GRADES Rising PSI - Grade 8 DATES June 19 - June 23 (832PC)
June 26 - June 30 (833PC) July 5 - July 7 (834PC) *No Classes on July 3 & 4
TIME 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
July 10 - July 14 (823PC)
FEE $130 per week
July 17 - July 21 (824PC)
$30 per day
July 24 - July 28 (825PC)
*80 the week of July 5
July 31 - August 4 (826PC)
TIME 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. FEE $80 per week; $20 per day
*50 the week of July 5
832–839PC PM Extended Day This is a supervised program where students can enjoy a rotating schedule of movies, games and computer use. For everyone’s safety, if a child is not picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal, they will be signed in to the extended day program and parents will be billed the drop-in rate.
Campus Shuttle Bus — PVC & PC This service between campuses is provided free of charge for children who are enrolled in programs on both campuses. Parents must request shuttle service via email to the Director at least 10 days in advance. The bus stops are located at the Upper School circle main entrance of St. Andrew’s on the Postoak Campus and the Glenolden Road entrance on the Potomac Village Campus.