Do you really prefer SSL certificate for website security?
Introduction of SSL Certificate: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificate used to validate the identity of a website and create an encrypted connection between a web browser and web server. So, All your data transmission will be protected against eavesdroppers or data sniffers. When SSL certificate is installed on a website's server, it activates the padlock icon and HTTPS next to the site URL in browser address bar. Even SSL certificate is commonly used to secure sensitive information of online users including Credit/Debit card details, Login/User ID and Password etc.
It means SSL provides secure browsing experience over the networks using HTTPS protocol. SSL certificates used by millions of online businesses to protect their visitor's information and online data transmission remain secure using up to 256-bit encryption. SSL certificate used to authentication, Data integrity, Data encryption, improved search engine ranking, and increased conversion rate.
How Does SSL certificate Work? Once SSL certificate is installed on the site's server, a process of 'SSL handshake' takes place as explained below: Step 1: End-user asks a browser to make a secure (HTTPS) connection to a website (for In this step, browser obtains IP address of a website from a DNS record and request to initiate a secure connection to a website.
Step 2: Web server sends a copy of its SSL certificate with a private key to the browser. Step 3: Browser confirms website has valid or trusted SSL certificate issued by Certificate Authority and SSL certificate is not expired or revoked. Step 4: Browser creates a symmetric session key, which is encrypted using the public key. Step 5: Web server uses a private key to decrypt the symmetric session key. Step 6: Server sends back an acknowledgment "Secure connection is now established" that is encrypted with session key.
How to implement SSL/TLS certificate on Server? First of all, you should obtain and install CA trusted SSL certificate from authorized SSL provider such as SafeCyberSSL, it means certificate you purchase will be trusted by 99.9% internet browsers and mobile devices. There are mainly three types of SSL certificates based on validation level: Domain Validation SSL – It is issued by validating domain name only. Organization Validation SSL – It is issued by validating domain ownership and its associated Organization identity. Extended Validation SSL – It is issued by following strict validation method of domain name and organization details. If you install EV SSL on a server, major browsers show verified company name next to the site URL and IE enables green address bar. You can get an SSL certificate based on a number of domains/subdomains you want to secure: Wildcard SSL certificate, which allows you to secure main domain and its unlimited first-level subdomains. If wildcard SSL issued for * it could secure,, Multi-domain SSL certificate, which allows you to secure multiple unique domains on a single certificate with the help of SAN (Subject Alternative Name) field (SAN is extension to X.509). This certificate also referred to as SAN SSL certificate. To obtain SSL certificate, first, you will require to generate new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and private key using your web server platform, where you need to just fill out the form on relevant fields: Common name, Country, State, Locality, Organization, Organizational Unit, and key size (for e.g. 2048 bit). Once CSR is generated, you need to send this CSR to your Certificate Authority (CA) in order to buy an SSL certificate. Now, CA verifies applicant control on domain mentioned in CSR as well as confirms the legal identity of organization/company and issue a certificate.
Next step is to configure SSL certificate on your server in order to update the website from HTTP to HTTPS. You should follow guidelines for SSL certificate installation according to different server types.
Conclusion: Thus, SSL certificate is recommended in terms of encrypting data during a transition between server and browser. SSL certificate allows website users to get confident for communicating with website securely.