Safe Med Spa - Botox Treatment In Lansing and Mt. Pleasant

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Botox Treatment In Lansing and Mt. Pleasant

Reduce Wrinkles with Botox Treatment in Lansing and Mount Pleasant Michigan. Consult Our Dermatologists to Know All About Botox. Restore your youthful appearance, enhance your well-being, and feel confident the way you look. It has become easier than ever to address your cosmetic concerns with advanced treatments offered by our highly experienced and skilled dermatologist. There are probably very few people in Lansing and Mt. Pleasant unfamiliar with Botox. It has become a common and popular procedure for wrinkles around the eye and forehead area, specifically frown lines between the eyes at dermatology offices. Botox cosmetic injections are among the non-surgical treatments. We at Safe Health PC are committed to providing the utmost care and support to our patients. Do you have any queries regarding the Botox procedure? Call us now for a consultation and schedule an appointment!

How Does Botox Work? As you age, the muscles above and between your eyebrows tend to contract repetitively and tighten resulting in wrinkles.

Botox targets the muscle activities that result in frown lines and crow’s feet. Normally, when we make any facial expressions, a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine is produced. Acetylcholine helps in muscle contraction by sending the signal to the nervous system.The botulinum toxin is a poison that works by blocking particular chemical signals from reaching your brain. It deadens the muscle nerves temporarily which relax the features of your face. With age, the muscles of your face cannot contract and the face line softens. As the muscles don’t move so whenever your face changes expression the lines do not form. Botox treatment results can be seen within 7 to 10 days for wrinkles caused due to contraction. However, wrinkles formed due to other reasons and not contraction also begin to soften.

Our Expertise and Approach Towards the Botox Procedure At Safe Med Spa, Lansing, and Mount Pleasant, our expert cosmetic dermatologists headed by Dr. Saif Fatteh recognize the bothersome wrinkles, lines, and facial creases that can impact your looks. Our experienced doctors and aestheticians offer the safest and most popular treatments in the world. Botox procedures at both locations are effectively giving the natural-looking results. Our doctors are trained to inject the precise dosage at the targeted area ensuring safety and results to meet your aesthetic goals.

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