3 minute read

Shilton CR Series

Next Generation Tough

by Terry Babich


When it comes to products to review there are very few if any that lie as close to my heart as a Shilton reel. When I originally started flyfishing I was all about basic, functional tackle. This was my only criteria and if it was cheap, even better.

But things went very awry when I won a reel as a prize and, although it was a very expensive name brand, I just couldn’t justify the value versus the functionality of the reel. No names no pack drills. On finding out that it was worth a lot of money I promptly sold it for a song, but here we go, I had already fallen in love with the idea of the Shilton CL reel’s functional, low maintenance, smooth drag system. So I purchased two reels, one for trout and as a general-purpose, all-round reel and the other for catfish. Catfish was going to be a test as I did this type of fishing a lot, ok more than a lot, somewhere around obsessively.

Being the type of angler who fished from dusk to dawn and raced home, my tackle seldom found its way to the reel bag. I probably lost the bag after day one. It wouldn’t be fair to say this reel had it hard; it was downright totally and absolutely abused from dusk to dawn. It is more than any reel should ever have to endure. Cleaning it was something I never had time for, especially as I have a reputation of breaking stuff instead of fixing it.

After more than ten years of abuse and this reel was re-appropriated without permission. I was heartbroken. My favourite reel, more than eight thousand fish on the drag and never cleaned.

I will never forget Tony Fritelli’s (the man behind the reel) face when he saw my reel. He is of course a man who pays more attention to detail than most, resulting in this amazing piece of equipment he has made. He was astounded and looked at it with total disbelief at how someone could disrespect his master piece so badly. But, for sure, this reel had endured.

The reels are a locally manufactured and are of a quality I don’t believe to be superseded by any other its class. The highest grade imported materials are used and features unique drag systems. It has engineering tolerances I am sure the space shuttle would be proud of. This reel proved to be what Tony has aspired to in his initial design. In his words ”the design aspects we focused on were, in order of priority, functionality, durability, consistency, extremely low maintenance, good looks and a quality feel to each model”. This is absolutely what he achieved in those early models and just as much so in the newer models of today.

Lately I have been using the new CR range. I must say that now practicality has gone out the window and its beauty alone is alluring. It just has a look, an appeal that you can’t help but want. The good old faithful closed drag system is still in place, a drag system smoother than any I know of, and there is no feeling of start-up inertia when getting it to move - it’s equal from beginning to end. There are never any wobbles on the reel, coating is durable and extremely even there is actually nothing I can fault at all on these reels. The reel is extremely light and has a large arbor, great for a good line pickup for when you hook that big fish. Lately I have been using this reel to target fast moving grass carp. The large arbour and smoothness of the reel allow me to keep up with these easy to lose fish when they accelerate and this is something I don’t believe you will be able to do as adequately with any other reel.

These reels are for life. I can’t see them lasting for any less than that.

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