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GUIDES Tugele Fly Fishing Company Carl Freese

Tugela Fishing Company
Where, What & When
Natal scalie in the Central and Northern Drakensberg. Smallmouth yellowfish in Sterkfontein Dam, Free State. Offshore pelagic gamefish, KZN North and South Coasts.
Contact Person:
Carl Freese
Contact Number:
+27 (0)83 2260810
Tugela Fishing Company
Additional Services
Accommodation can be arranged on request. We can arrange hunting in season. Transport is limited to no more than three clients.
Other Information
I was previously an agriculturalist. I enjoy any outdoor sport, but water and the bush vexes me. I'm a polite person and have time for everyone except #%$ts. I've been fortunate to meet and be mentored by respectable fishermen in the flyfishing community for which I am forever grateful.