1 minute read
from Solar Angels vol. 1
by Saga Bok As
If there is a greater whole to life than what we experience with
our most obvious senses - are we obliged to a greater extent, to fulfill the promises we make? Our promises to ourselves and
others - are we meant to make them, because in their fulfilment, are the keys to unlocking the gates to our greater destiny?
Do we carry with us a responsibility, not only for ourselves, but also for generations passed. What are we, if not a wave flowing through the secret spaces of time. Are we - each and everyone of us - a specific piece in a
greater puzzle that we - in our present state - can not see or fathom. A puzzle that perhaps those who came before – and have now gone on to (the) other world(s) - can see and understand. And that they depend on us to stand up
to the challenge given to us, and complete our mission.
If we are not alone, does that mean also, that the desicions we make are not for us alone. In our lives we
carry the hope, promise and fulfilment for all souls that are a part of this special wave as it flows on its path
through the deepest oceans of the cosmos.
Be true...
– Bard Titlestad
Photo: Reflection Nebula NGC 1999 © NASA/ STScI