Nutrition for Resilience Audiobook Free Streaming Iphone

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Nutrition for Resilience Audiobook Free Streaming Iphone

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Nutrition for Resilience Audiobook Free Streaming Iphone 'Nutrition for Resilience' sets out a simple to follow 8-week series of small, simple changes that together will supercharge your energy levels and wellbeing at work. ​ What results you can expect from Nutrition for Resilience? ​ - Less stress and more energy, both inside and outside of work ​ - A better sleep pattern and improved quality of sleep ​ - Greater mental clarity, better problem solving and improved productivity ​ - Enhanced staying power and capability to bounce back from setbacks ​ - A much improved body image, including inch loss and weight loss (if you have these to lose) ​ - A feeling of having turned back your biological clock ​ About The Author ​ I'm Andrew, a UK Chartered Psychologist who specialises in helping business people uncover their natural resilience and wellbeing at work, so that they can become healthily successful and powerful role models for others. ​ I was someone who suffered with work-related stress for many years and this culminated in an episode of severe depression in 2006 during which I spent 5 weeks in a psychiatric hospital. ​ After being placed on high doses of antidepressant medication in hospital, I rapidly gained 50lbs or 22kgs in weight. In the autumn of 2007, I came off medication and then lost the excess weight in 6 months, while working in a

Nutrition for Resilience Audiobook Free Streaming Iphone Written By: Andrew Bridgewater. Narrated By: Andrew Bridgewater Publisher: December 2018 Date: Duration: 1 hours 5 minutes

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