Slide 1: * Pepsi max was debuted in United Kingdom and Italy in 1993. * I have found out that different flavor's attract different target audience through secondary research. * Pepsi has increased its target audience by releasing different flavours, they have festive flavours where they realease a different flavor for summer – for instance pepsi max punch * Also pepsi max cappuccino * Pepsi max was also advertised via a rollercoaster on 28th may 1994. located at Blackpool * the roller coaster is named Pepsi Max Big One steel rollercoaster. At the time, the Pepsi-sponsored attraction was the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster. * and still to this very day it remains as the tallest roller coaster in united kingdom, and one of the tallest and longest in Europe. * I think Pepsi max will be a good product for me to advertise as it is a well trusted brand, it already has targeted mainstreamers and my aim is to increase the target audience for this product through my advert. HOWEVER Slide 2: * COLA WARS – Coke and pepsi have been rivalries since 1980 * Coke contradicts pepsi flavours * For instance there was pepsi vanilla, then there was coke vanilla. There was pepsi max cherry, which was contradicted by coke zero cherry * There is extreme competition between these two brands, so I have decided to do my own primary research to help me choose the right soft drink to advertise to my target audience, which is everyone Slide 3: * On slide – AIMS of primary research * the results i get off this will provoke me into thinking of what drink I will advertise. * TARGET AUDIENCE
* I have used stratified sampling to choose my participants so they represent the majority their type. I have chosen two teenagers one male one female, two middle aged adults one male and one female and one child (female) * Drinks were kept anonymous to keep the test fair. * i handed out 5 cups of DRNK 1 which was coke zero, after the participants had drunk drink 1 they had to rate the drink out of 10 on taste, and how much it makes you burp. Then repeated for drink 2 * MY HYPOTHESIS – pepsi max wins taste, burp is unpredictable Slide 4 results * OVERALL: * I collected my data from my investigation and collected the mean. * my results found out that both male and female's of all genders did actually prefer Pepsi max to coke zero, * Mean results on taste for coke zero was 3.4 out of 10. 1 being the worst 10 being the best, whereas pepsi max obtained a higher result from my investigation scoring 5.8 out of 10. * Average results on the burp for coke zero was 5.6 out of 10, on the other hand pepsi max obtained 6 out of 10 Although pepsi max may have a higher burp rating, these primary research results have showed to me that it is better for me to advertise Pepsi max instead of its rivalry, coke zero. * Other variables of my research has shown that females prefer the drink more to males. * teenagers both genders prefer it the most * the middle aged adults gave the least ratings showing they don't like it as much as teenagers and kids do. Slide 5: * Strengths - under 1 calorie, great for people who are on a diet or want to loose weight as it replaces the normal high sugary version of pepsi * Weaknesses - it is a drink which is widely duplicated by many brands such as own branded cola and diet cola, there are alot of cheap alternatives towards the drink which is a weakness as customers could just go for the cheaper alternative but they
will miss out on the quality of pepsi max! * Also alot of consumption of pepsi max and fizzy drinks in general is not good for teeth, these are one of the weaknesses however pepsi max is ment to be enjoyed rather then drunk excessively - I will make sure I enforce this in my ad. * I was concerned about the burp results, so instead I used the morphological matrix to come up with an idea to try and advertise pepsi max via the persuasive strategy inversion and make burping a good thing! * Opportunities to expand the audience - i found out that pepsi max has twice as much as caffeine then the normal pepsi, this is good as it speeds up the metabolism and increases mental thinking. this widens the target audience as it will attract adults who need caffeine to last the day, and will attract kids and teenagers due to the sweet taste! Slide 6 Before I went and thought of initial ideas for my ad I went on the ASA website and checked their Committe of Advertising Regulations to follow by to make an advertisement for soft drinks aimed at young children. The main ones that applied to me that I nearly reached are: * Public health policy increasingly emphasises good dietary behavior and an active lifestyle as a means of promoting health. Product should not give misleading or confusing information to consumers or set a bad example, especially to children – * Advertisements for collection-based promotions must not seem to urge children or their parents to buy excessive quantities of food. * Advertisements must not encourage children to eat/drink more than they otherwise would. I have ensured I will follow this rule by putting on the ad itself something along the lines off “to be enjoyed eventfully, not consumed regulary.� Since pepsi max is a low calorie sugar free drink it is good for the health policy as it is basicly a better version of normal pepsi. I will also make sure in the ad that the children I use do not advertise a big quantity for pepsi, for example shared cans or really small sized cans to set a good example for the kids, I will also make sure they are running around being active to represent that it should be enjoyed as part of a healthy lifestyle, by doing this it follows these main rules that apply to me, I have read through the rest of the regulations and these are the only rules that apply mainly to me.
Slide 7 * After looking at a multiple different pepsi max adverts in the past I found out that most of them use the persuasive strategy humour, conformity and celebrity endorsement to advertise the product. * It is also advertised through sporting events such as major league baseball and major football events. * Here are two still images from the adverts ive analysed, with that is a link to all of the adverts I have looked at. * I will try and use all these persuasive strategies in my ad apart from celebrity endorsement as feasibility wise that’s not possible. Slide 8 * could show a character representing one calorie, hating himself as it is lonely and isolated * could lead on to a mission of this one caloried character go out and find his other remaining isolated friends, he needs to reunite to his pepsi family. * Feasability wise, i do indeed think this advert is out of my limits as it would be incredibly hard creating this one calorie character as i have no idea what a calorie physically looks like and the audience would find it hard to recall what that character is because i dont think anyone in the world knows what a calorie looks like – also animating this would take a long period of time. * I also then found out this idea was similar to another pepsi max banned ad, however my version was not as disturbing. * Another idea was a pepsi chase, a man goes out and gets the last pepsi max in the store and defeats a woman too it, resulting in a huge action packed chasing scene of the two fighting over this pepsi max, when the woman gets the pepsi max a catharsis is achieved to represent how good the drink is * I did think this was possible however I thought it was a bit vague and had a better idea in mind. Slide 9 * Through use of a morphiological matrix, i have come up with a bizzare idea of advertising pepsi max/soft drink through burping * Im going to advertise pepsi max through a use of 'burping' this bizzare idea not only will use the persuasive strategy humour,
it will also use the persuasive strategy of inversion in making a bad thing which is the burp a good thing, * it also advertises pepsi max as a social event which brings all kinds of different people together, maximising the fun in drinking drinking pepsi max. * I will enforce my actors to smile alot and be emotionally and socially really happy this targets the audiences fears and weaknesses of conformity another persuasive strategy* Will also use sexual endorsement – to attract more males – not too much exposure considering this is going to be for all ages * Another good reason for using sexual endorsement for males is that the DEMOGRAPHICS of pepsi max is aimed mainly at women for diety drinks, I will try and turn this around to attract both sexes equally (ALSO MENTION MALES ARE INTO CRUDE HUMOUR SUCH AS BURPING MORE THEN FEMALES, ANOTHER WAY OF ATTRACTING MEN TO THE PRODUCT MORE.) * My aim is to use actors which cover all age ranges. SLIDE 10 Feasibility wise it is all reachable, and it is all in budget. Getting the ad to 1.30 is going to be difficult however it can be done! * I have used stratified sampling and have already gone out and chosen my actors and they have all agreed on the ad: * I have two infants male and female representative of children both sexes * Three teenagers – (2 female 1 male) more females for sexual endorsement to men as my primary research showed women prefer the drink more. Also representative of teenagers both sexes * One elderly – female representative of the elderly * LOCATIONS? - in a play park (infants), an average dining room(elderly + 1 teenager) * And the last two females in a car. SLIDE 11 * Pro's - it can be fun! and humourous, it is doing more then just drinking a drink.
* Targets mainstreamers of all ages, really trusted brand! * Cons - some people may consider it disturbing/however it is a natural process in life so this cannot hold against this idea * I was also thinking about advertising a special flavoured pepsi max to widen the target audience even more just like pepsi themselves have, however feasibility wise it is too hard to find these flavours at this time of the year