I have decided that my final idea for my ident is going to be a combination of kinetic typography and live footage. My aim is to capture the theme of Tallis by using all of the logo’s colours embedded in the ident to ultimately keep the identity of Tallis. I will also embed some of the buildings colours, which are rather luminous in order to represent the vitality of the youth and education at Tallis. My ident will meet the brief as I will be using a range of male/female audiences from year 7 up to staff of the school to meet the target audience of the brief being young students up to parents and carers. I will them ask them to describe Thomas Tallis in one word or maybe a sentence, and every time a different actor says a word it will pop up on the screen action in a very creative, unique way. My aim is to keep my actors as diverse as possible from age and colour in order to maintain a mainstream ident that will appeal to everyone. In order to further appeal to my wide range of target audience, I will have to position the typography as professional as possible but at the same time maintain creativity. I will try and animate the text and video of the actor in 3D, making it fly in and out of the screen with a rotating camera so it will constantly engage with the audience as there will be so much to see. I will also try and associate the live footage with the words of the student, for example I will try and advertise what Tallis represents in terms of creativity such as music, art and dance whilst putting on a video of those actual things in order to make it more interesting. As well as this, I will try and keep bias to a minimum and get a wide range of audience to speak their opinions about the school. The use of voice over dialogue will be what I want to divert the audiences attention on, and the visual imagery will also help this, however I would also like to add a non diagetic sound track to keep a positive and inspiring feel to all of the students and teachers opinions. I might also add a few non diagetic sound effect for when important words pop up on the screen, however this is only if the sounds do not clash. And last of all, to finish of the ident, after mentioning a few key words of what Tallis represents, I will get the camera to fully zoom out to make it look like there are thousands of words however these words will not be readable, to imply there is so much more to Tallis. This will then zoom out into the Tallis TV logo, and here I will take the opportunity to represent how to keep in contact with Tallis such as twitter and Facebook pages as well as the website. I will try and keep the ident under 30 seconds, so it is not too long and bore younger target audiences and not too short.