video installation interim

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BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production FINAL Assessment

Learner’s Name: Sagar Gautam

Date Issued: June 2012

Grading criteria

Unit: 35

Assignment Title: Producing Video Installation Work

Assessor’s Name: P Hodges

Completion Date: January 2013

Submitted: January 2013

Date achieved

Comments/feedback from assessor

Evidence All of work is on: I have also provided individual links to the relevant pages for each Learning Objective


describe the work of video artists with some appropriate use of subject terminology

July 2012

Described the work of video artists using some terminology


originate and develop outline ideas for a video piece for exhibition in a specific location, working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance

July 2012

Generated outline ideas for a video artwork for exhibition in a specific location.


produce a video piece for exhibition in a specific location, working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance

July 2012

Produced a video artwork for exhibition in a specific location.


safely install a video piece for exhibition in the specified location with some assistance

July 2012

See witness statement

Safely installed a video piece for exhibition in the specified location.


explain the work of video artists with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally

January 2013

Detailed illustration provided, with correct use of terminology and good awareness of the use of

correct use of subject terminology

space to create meaning, and, of the artist’s intentions and potential meanings. There is also some good consideration of the techniques and technology used. Clear focus on use of space to create meaning, of the impact of technology and of who the audience is and how this can affect the way they view the art. IT NEEDS SOME TIDYING UP - PARAGRAPH LENGTH AND SOME SPECIFIC DETAILS NEED CORRECTING - also a little more focus on narrative and ‘non-narrative’ elements of the piece. I will have to cut and paste it and share it with you so I can edit it...


originate and develop detailed ideas for a video piece for exhibition in a specific location, showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

July 2012


produce a video piece for exhibition in a specific location to a good technical standard, showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

July 2012

Produced to a good technical standard, with very little assistance, the artwork worked well in the exhibition, and is clearly an imaginative work. Good use of the space and a good awareness of the potential of multiple screens in order to create a narrative/performative piece. Good use of filmed footage mixed with live footage.


safely install a video piece for exhibition in the

July 2012

See witness statement

Safely installed a video piece for exhibition in the

No assistance provided throughout the planning, ideas are developed in a detailed manner – with links to video art and other inspirations. There is a fairly detailed proposal, and some good sketches showing a development of ideas, and video evidence of experimentation. Good storyboarding for the final idea and as a whole the planning shows some imagination. All the relevant paperwork is provided - recce, schedule, call sheets, requirements etcetera.

specified location competently with only occasional assistance.

specified location competently.


comprehensively explain the work of video artists with elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminology correctly

January 2013


originate and develop thoroughly thought-through ideas for a video piece for exhibition in a specific location, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

January 2013


produce a video piece for exhibition in a specific July 2012 location to a technical quality that reflects nearprofessional standards, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

Thorough pre-production paperwork – including a number of concept sketch ideas, experimentation with different techniques and brainstorming/scripting/storyboarding for the final idea. Evidence of a number of ideas all developed well.Extremely detailed planning with video evidence of the of development of ideas. Extremely detailed page of planning with all relevant paperwork and plenty of evidence of research and development, via other artists video artwork. Obviously thoroughly thought-through and very professional.

Worked completely independently resulting in the production of an excellent and near professional quality installation - it is like a professional work of art. There is extensive video evidence, including editing decisions which gives a detailed insight into the process. Technically very strong consisting of good camerawork, soundtrack and editing. An extremely professional, creative, inventive yet deceptively simple piece of work.


safely install a video piece for exhibition in the July 2012 specified location to a technical quality that reflects near-professional standards, working independently to professional expectations.

See witness statement

Independent and near professional, observed all health & safety standards to a high technical quality.

Assessor comments and suggestions for further improvement:

Assessor’s signature and date: Learner comments:

Learner declaration I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work or, in the case of group work, my own contribution to the work of the group in which I worked, and that no part of it has been copied from any source. I understand that if any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of this assignment. Signed:


Internal verifier’s notes

Internal verifier’s signature and date:



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