BTEC National Diploma in Creative Media Production Interim Assessment
Learner’s Name: Sagar Gautam
Date Issued:
Grading criteria
Unit: 33
Assignment Title: Stop Motion Animation Production
Assessor’s Name: P Hodges
Completion Date:
Submitted on:
Date achieved
Comments/feedback from assessor
Evidence All of work is on: I have also provided individual links to the relevant pages for each Learning Objective
describe the techniques and development of stop motion animation with some appropriate use of subject terminology
Described the techniques and development of stop motion animation using some terminology
generate outline ideas for a stop motion animation with soundtrack, working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance
Generated outline ideas for a stop motion animation with soundtrack
produce a stop motion animation with soundtrack with some assistance
Produced a stop motion animation with soundtrack
comment on audience responses to own stop motion animation work with some appropriate use of subject terminology.
Commented on audience responses to own stop motion animation work with some appropriate terminology.
explain the techniques and development of stop motion animation with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology
Explained the techniques & development of stop motion animation with detailed examples & generally correct use of terminology – covers a range of techniques showing the development of stop motion animation, with focus on the factors which determine the quality and look of stop motion work.
generate detailed ideas for a stop motion animation with soundtrack, showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance
Pre-production paperwork included some concept sketch ideas, and experimentation with different techniques. Good storyboarding for the final idea. The test footage shot shows some understanding of movement in stop motion animation and the issues therein. Lacks a production log to show the working process.
produce a stop motion animation with soundtrack to a good technical standard with only occasional assistance
A solid stop motion animation demonstrating a clear narrative, with good use of soundtrack to assist the storytelling. The motion on the whole is fluid, but the FPS seems a little slow and jumpy at times. The lighting and animation as a whole is not totally consistent throughout – with some mistakes a little too evident.
explain audience responses to own stop motion animation work with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology.
Detailed evaluation with clear reference to audience responses to animation – focusing on specific parts of the animation such as soundtrack, lighting and the genre of the animation – examples provided throughout.
comprehensively explain the techniques and development of stop motion animation with elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminology correctly
Very detailed and comprehensive explanation with a numerous examples of a variety of stop motion techniques, explicit focus on the development of these techniques and a solid use and understanding of media terminology and specific stop motion terms. Clear understanding of how contextual factors – when the animation was made, technological improvements, budget influence the quality of the stop motion animations produced. FINISH THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ESSAY TO GET THE DISTINCTION
generate thoroughly thought-through ideas for a stop motion animation with soundtrack, showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations
Thorough pre-production paperwork – including a number of concept sketch ideas, experimentation with different techniques and brainstorming/scripting/storyboarding for the final idea. Annotated test footage of the final idea shows a clear understanding of the movement and animation while the detailed production log shows the working process and how the final animation developed.
produce a stop motion animation with soundtrack to a technical quality that reflects near-professional standards, working independently to professional expectations
Worked completely independently resulting in the production of a near professional quality animation. At times the motion is fluid, and the lighting on the whole is consistent. The soundtrack accentuates the narrative really well, the animation and the soundtrack work in sync really well to create the characters personality and to express the emotion they are going through.
critically evaluate audience responses to own stop motion animation work with supporting arguments and elucidated examples, and consistently using subject terminology correctly.
A thorough and detailed evaluation of a variety of aspects of the stop motion animation, from the narrative to the fluency of the motion. Very detailed examples provided from the animation as well as the feedback received, there is also detailed reference & comparison to other animations & films.
Assessor comments and suggestions for further improvement:
Assessor’s signature and date: Learner comments:
Learner declaration I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work or, in the case of group work, my own contribution to the work of the group in which I worked, and that no part of it has been copied from any source. I understand that if any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of
this assignment. Signed:
Internal verifier’s notes
Internal verifier’s signature and date: