Shot No. 1
Duration: 4 secs
Shot No. 2
Duration: 25 secs
Shot Type: intro
Shot Type: mid shot
Location: -
Location: tallis broadcast studio
Screen Action: opening 3d ident
Camera Movement: pan
Screen Action: sagar and nana introducing the subject like the photo above, what we will explore which will lead into a montage edit of archive footage and more facts Camera Movement: stationary
Lighting: -
Lighting: high key
Sound: knife effects
Sound: soft background music, speech
FX: on screen graphics of what we talk about
Shot No.3
Duration:45 secs
Shot No.4
Duration: 155 secs
Shot Type: montage archive
Shot Type: mid shots
Location: - footage from miami ink and other sources will be listed in bibliography
Location: thomas tallis broadcast footage of interviews arranged by subject
Screen Action: montage of archive footage with voice over of a few clips to illustrate points from before
Screen Action: interviewees speaking about subjects given to them in a montage
Camera Movement: -
Camera Movement: stationary
Lighting: -
Lighting: high key
Sound: voice over
Sound: voice over and speech from interview
FX: soft music background
FX: graphics and soft music background
Shot No.5
Shot No.6
Duration:45 secs
Duration:100 secs
Shot Type: montage archive again
Shot Type: mid shot
Location: - footage from miami ink and other sources will be listed in bibliography
Location: brick lane
Screen Action: montage of archive footage with voice over of a few clips to illustrate points from before leading on to public thoughts Camera Movement: -
Screen Action: on location footage montage of thoughts of tattoos and public
Lighting: -
Lighting: high key natural
Sound: voice over
Sound: public background noise
FX: soft music background
Camera Movement: stationary
Shot No.
Shot No.
Shot Type: mid shot
Shot Type: mid shot
Location: Inchmary road, Cheyenne's house
Location: tallis broadcast studio
Screen Action: interviewing cheyennes mum whilst she tattoos
Screen Action: more opinions from interviewees
Camera Movement: stationary
Camera Movement: stationary
Lighting: -mid key
Lighting: high key
Sound: tattoo gun sounds, and cheyennes mum talking
Sound: subject talking
FX: on screen titles
Shot No.
Shot No.
Shot Type: midshot
Shot Type: end credits
Location: - tallis broadcast studio
Screen Action: closing the documantary, summarising facts/opinions and giving advice
Screen Action: scrolling up end credits
Camera Movement: stationary
Camera Movement:
Lighting: - high key
Sound: me and nana talking
• • • • • • • • •
1. tatts and mods intro 2. personal intro from us 3. montage/archive 4. broadcast raw footage/some topics 5. public thoughts 5. cheyennes house 6.back to broadcast/lukes part Conclusion/advice message us closing End credits