MOTHERSON SUMI SYSTEMS LIMITED Regd. Office: 2nd Floor, F-7, Block B-1, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, Delhi – 110044 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2013
Income from Operations Net Sales/Income from Operations (net of excise duty) - Within India - Outside India (b) Other Operating Income Total Income From Operations (Net)
1 (a)
2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 3 4 5
Expenses Changes in inventory of Finished Goods, Work in Progress and Stock in Trade Cost of Material Consumed Purchases of stock-in-trade Employees Benefits Expense Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses (Refer Note 5 below) Exchange Differences (net) on: - Long Term Loans - Others Other Expenses Total Expenses Profit from Operations before Other Income, Finance Cost & Exceptional Items (1-2)
Other Income Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptional items (3+4) Finance Costs
Profit after Finance Costs but before Exceptional Items (5-6)
8 9 10
Exceptional Income / (Expenses) (Net) Profit (+)/ Loss (-)from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) Tax expense / (Credit) - Current - Deferred - Fringe Benefit Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (a)
A 1 2
Extraordinary Item (net of tax) Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) for the period before share of profit/(loss) of associates and minority interests (11-12) Share of profit/(loss) of Associates Minority Interests Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) for the period (13+14-15) Equity Share Capital including Share Capital Suspense account (Face Value :- Rs. 1/- per share) (Refer Notes 7 and 10 below) Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of previous accounting year Earnings Per Share before Extraordinary items(EPS) (in Rs.) Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items (Refer Note 10 below) - Basic - Diluted Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items (Refer Note 10 below) - Basic - Diluted PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING Public Shareholding - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shareholding Promoters and promoter group shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares ( as a % of the total share capital of the company) b) Non-encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares ( as a % of the total share capital of the company)
Three months ended 31/12/2012 Unaudited
Three months ended 31/03/2012 Unaudited
Year ended 31/03/2013 Audited
659,961 129,012 530,949 7,623 667,584
654,790 111,839 542,951 11,469 666,259
636,822 124,380 512,442 5,701 642,523
2,522,530 456,720 2,065,810 39,166 2,561,696
(15,214) 436,115 3,306 112,132 18,728
6,235 420,188 1,115 110,266 19,612
9,316 412,582 1,683 99,384 14,287
(30,296) 1,668,599 10,079 428,271 71,451
(2,834) (616) 74,315 625,932 41,652
6,584 (193) 77,509 641,316 24,943
(8,306) (962) 76,812 604,796 37,727
12,791 3,485 290,644 2,455,024 106,672
3,911 1,176 197,274 1,426,366 64,392
1,470,223 382,266 1,087,957 20,535 1,490,758
11,687 933,746 8,909 231,699 37,964
36,327 36,327
19,181 19,181
30,163 250 30,413
83,421 83,421
49,258 (8,092) 41,166
13,599 60 119
8,941 269 148
5,843 1,531 172
38,045 (196) 502
20,180 934 417
22,549 -
9,823 -
22,867 -
45,070 -
19,635 -
22,549 13 2,982 19,580 5,880
9,823 56 (423) 10,302 5,880
22,867 119 3,503 19,483 3,920
45,070 87 703 44,454 5,880
19,635 17 (6,312) 25,964 3,920
3.33 3.33
1.75 1.75
3.30 3.30
7.56 7.56
4.42 4.42
3.33 3.33
1.75 1.75
3.30 3.30
7.56 7.56
4.42 4.42
202,302,036 34.41%
202,302,036 34.41%
134,827,983 34.79%
202,302,036 34.41%
134,827,983 34.79%
Investors complaints received and disposed off during the quarter ended March 31, 2013: Complaints pending at the beginning of the quarter Complaints received during the quarter Disposal of complaints Complaints lying unresolved at the end of the quarter
(Rs. in Lakhs) Year ended 31/03/2012 Audited
Three months ended 31/03/2013 Unaudited
0 27 27 0
MOTHERSON SUMI SYSTEMS LIMITED Regd. Office: 2nd Floor, F-7, Block B-1, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, Delhi – 110044 AUDITED STANDALONE FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2013 Particulars
1 (a)
(b) 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (a)
A 1 2
Income from Operations Net Sales/Income from Operations (net of excise duty) - Within India - Outside India Other Operating Income Total Income From Operations (Net) Expenses Changes in inventory of Finished Goods, Work in Progress and Stock in Trade Cost of Material Consumed Purchases of stock-in-trade Employees Benefits Expense Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses (Refer Note 5 below) Exchange Differences on - Long Term Loans - Others Other Expenses Total Expenses Profit from Operations before Other Income, Finance Cost & Exceptional Items (1-2) Other Income Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptional items (3+4) Finance Costs Profit after Finance Costs but before Exceptional Items (5-6) Exceptional Income / (Expenses) (Net) Profit (+)/ Loss (-)from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) Tax expense / (Credit) - Current - Deferred - Fringe Benefit Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) Extraordinary Item (net of tax) Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) for the period before share of profit/(loss) of associates and minority interests (11-12) Share of profit/(loss) of Associates Minority Interests Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) for the period (13+14-15) Equity Share Capital including Share Capital Suspense account (Face Value :- Rs. 1/- per share) (Refer Note 3 and 7 below) Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of previous accounting year Earnings Per Share before Extraordinary items(EPS) (in Rs.) Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items (Refer Note 7 below) - Basic - Diluted Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items (Refer Note 7 below) - Basic - Diluted PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING Public Shareholding - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shareholding Promoters and promoter group shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares ( as a % of the total share capital of the company) b) Non-encumbered - Number of shares - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares ( as a % of the total share capital of the company)
Three months ended 31/03/2013 Unaudited
Three months ended 31/12/2012 Unaudited
Three months ended 31/03/2012 Unaudited
120,821 105,211 15,610 2,386 123,207
104,086 89,591 14,495 2,367 106,453
119,291 100,748 18,543 1,812 121,103
424,134 366,161 57,973 8,036 432,170
352,890 304,087 48,803 5,856 358,746
(479) 67,483 3,295 11,167 4,293
(1,265) 61,157 1,115 11,378 3,579
(299) 68,438 1,683 11,293 4,417
(5,490) 248,382 10,069 43,926 14,533
(1,028) 207,284 8,909 34,538 11,725
(963) (1,102) 14,685 98,379
1,725 (895) 13,919 90,713
(2,530) (1,801) 17,370 98,571
2,903 (935) 55,853 369,241
5,521 (1,208) 51,328 317,069
24,828 1,658
15,740 1,511
22,532 1,751
62,929 7,388
41,677 7,748
26,486 1,277 25,209 25,209
17,251 1,421 15,830 15,830
24,283 1,625 22,658 22,658
70,317 5,347 64,970 64,970
49,425 5,975 43,450 43,450
6,784 507 17,918 -
4,587 (445) 11,688 -
4,271 1,864 16,523 -
18,379 (371) 46,962 -
11,881 (148) 31,717 -
17,918 17,918 5,880
11,688 11,688 5,880
16,523 16,523 3,920
46,962 46,962 5,880
31,717 31,717 3,920
3.05 3.05
1.99 1.99
2.78 2.78
7.99 7.99
5.39 5.39
3.05 3.05
1.99 1.99
2.78 2.78
7.99 7.99
5.39 5.39
202,302,036 34.41%
202,302,036 34.41%
134,827,983 34.79%
202,302,036 34.41%
134,827,983 34.79%
Investors complaints received and disposed off during the quarter ended March 31, 2013: Complaints pending at the beginning of the quarter Complaints received during the quarter Disposal of complaints Complaints lying unresolved at the end of the quarter
(Rs. in Lakhs) Year ended 31/03/2012 Audited
Year ended 31/03/2013 Audited
0 27 27 0
Regd. Office: 2nd Floor, F-7, Block B-1, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi – 110044 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2013 SEGMENT REPORTING (Rs. in Lakhs) Consolidated Three months Three months Three months ended 31/03/2013 ended 31/12/2012 ended 31/03/2012
Unaudited 1 Segment Revenue (a) Automotive (b) Non Automotive (c) Unallocated Total Less: Inter Segment Revenue Net Sales/Income from Operations 2 Segment Results (a) Automotive (b) Non Automotive (c) Unallocated Total Less i) Interest (Net) ii) Other unallocable expenditure (Net of Unallocable Income) (d) Profit/(loss) of Associate Total Profit Before Tax 3 Capital Employed (a) Automotive (b) Non Automotive (c) Others (Including Investments) Total Segment Capital Employed
Year ended 31/03/2013
Year ended 31/03/2012
654,882 12,943 670 668,495 863 667,632
651,447 15,311 957 667,715 1,269 666,446
626,023 17,385 548 643,956 1,730 642,226
2,502,395 61,295 2,627 2,566,317 4,140 2,562,177
1,437,221 55,720 2,443 1,495,384 4,450 1,490,934
36,582 1,099 37,681 5,373
28,859 1,725 30,584 5,948
21,905 2,754 24,659 1,449
114,185 6,784 120,969 23,733
53,429 6,258 59,687 15,310
(4,019) 13 36,340
5,455 56 19,237
(7,203) 119 30,532
13,815 87 83,508
3,211 17 41,183
733,966 25,294 (679) 758,581
752,626 24,197 636 777,459
733,966 25,294 (679) 758,581
659,679 23,729 23,569 706,977
659,679 23,729 23,569 706,977
Notes: 1 The above financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at their meetings held on May 17, 2013. 2
In respect of one of the Company’s joint ventures, the Company during the quarter and the year ended March 31, 2013 has made a provision for an amount of Rs. 1,148 lakhs, towards our share of the balances of cenvat recoverable which are accumulating in view of taxes on purchase of input goods being higher than those recovered on the finished goods. Accordingly, auditors' qualification in respect of the matter in their report for the quarter ended December 31, 2012 has been addressed. The management of the joint venture company is in the process of finalization of business plan, which inter alia covers the utilisation of such balances, the implementation of the same will address the issue.
3 4
The Company operates in two primary business segments, viz Automotive and Non Automotive, determined on the basis of nature of products and services. The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs 2/- per share for the year ended March 31, 2013, subject to approval from shareholders of the Company. The Register of members and share transfer books shall remain closed from August 23, 2013 to August 27, 2013 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Annual General Meeting and Dividend.
Depreciation and amortisation includes Rs. 2,000 Lakhs being provision for impairment loss in respect of certain fixed assets where the management has assessed the value in use/ recoverable value to be lower than the carrying value.
The Consolidated results include results of Samvardhana Motherson B.V. (SMBV) which acquired stake in Peguform GmbH and Peguform Iberica, SL on November 23, 2011, hence the figures of the current year are not strictly comparable with corresponding previous year. The Company and Samvardhana Motherson International Limited (SMIL) hold directly or indirectly 51% and 49% respectively in SMBV. Further, the Company through its subsidiaries has acquired 3.72% stake in Peguform Group (SMP Deutschland GmbH and SMP Automotive Technology Ibèrica S.L ) thereby increasing its stake in the Peguform Group from 80% to 83.72% and in lieu transferred the 50% stake held in Wethje Group to Cross Industries at the cost of acquisition. The summary of SMP Group results included in the Consolidated results is as under: Three months Three months Three months Year ended Year ended ended 31/03/2013 ended 31/12/2012 ended 31/03/2012 31/03/2013 31/03/2012 Particulars Net Sales (Euro in millions) Net Sales Profit Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Exceptional Items* Interest (net) Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses Profit Before Tax & Exceptional Items* Exceptional Items (net) Profit Before Tax after Exceptional ltems* Profit After Tax Concern share *after exchange fluctuation loss/(gain) on long term loans
7 8
Unaudited 449.54
Unaudited 474.39
Unaudited 510.33
321,336 12,351 3,138 8,558 655 655 (1,883) (1,692) (2,233)
333,235 8,030 3,112 8,738 (3,820) (3,820) (5,604) (3,392) 5,181
337,683 10,551 5,353 5,482 (284) (254) (30) 290 (420) (5,058)
Audited 1,826.09 1,278,477 39,127 13,263 32,987 (7,123) (7,123) (15,698) (11,012) 8,922
Audited 676.84 (Rs. in Lakhs) 452,788 8,908 6,540 8,476 (6,108) 7,637 (13,745) (15,940) (7,998) (2,989)
The Company has issued 4,420,360 new equity shares on April 23, 2012 to the shareholders of erstwhile Sumi Motherson Innovative Engineering Limited (SMIEL) (which was merged with the Company w.e.f. April 1, 2011, as part of a scheme on amalgamation) that became effective on March 31, 2012, thereby increasing its equity capital to Rs. 3,919.64 Lakhs. The Consolidated results include results of Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec Group Holdings Limited (SMR) which had acquired all the subsidiaries of Visiocorp Plc.(in administration) on March 06, 2009. The summary of SMR results included in the consolidated results is as under: Three months Three months Three months ended 31/03/2013 ended 31/12/2012 ended 31/03/2012
Unaudited 269.66
Unaudited 262.45
As at 31/03/2013
As at 31/03/2012
Year ended 31/03/2013
Audited 860.04 (Rs. in Lakhs) Net Sales 192,269 184,210 158,298 695,376 566,521 - Within India 8,240 7,346 6,646 29,960 25,453 - Outside India 184,029 176,864 151,652 665,416 541,068 Profit Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Exceptional Items* 15,821 13,296 10,828 44,141 26,690 1,257 1,295 855 5,189 3,372 Interest (net) Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses (Refer Note a below) 4,671 5,800 3,750 18,595 13,583 9,893 6,201 6,223 20,357 9,735 Profit Before Tax & Exceptional items* Exceptional Items (net) 9,893 6,201 6,223 20,357 9,735 Profit Before Tax after Exceptional items* 6,563 3,272 5,128 10,736 3,848 Profit After Tax 3,296 1,532 2,393 5,270 1,783 Concern share *after exchange fluctuation loss/(gain) on long term loans 363 (322) (718) 967 1,379 a) Includes Rs. 1,400 Lakhs being provision for impairment loss in respect of one of the subsidiaries considered in the consolidated financial results for the year ended March 31, 2013 . Net Sales (Euro in millions)
Information pursuant to clause 41(I)(ea) of the listing agreement: CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Particulars
A EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 Shareholders' funds (a) Share capital (b) Reserves & surplus (c) Money received against share warrants Sub-total - Shareholders' funds 2
Minority interest
Non-current liabilities (a) Long term borrowings * (b) Deferred tax liabilities (net) (c) Other long-term liabilities (d) Long term provisions Sub-total - Non-current liabilities Current liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings (b) Trade payables (c) Other current liabilities (d) Short-term provisions Sub-total - Current liabilities
ASSETS Non-current assets (a) Fixed Assets (b) Goodwill on consolidation (b) Non-current investments (c) Deferred tax assets (net) (d) Long term loans and advances (e) Other non-current assets Sub-total - Non-current assets Current Assets (a) Current investments (b) Inventories (c) Trade Receivables (d) Cash & cash equivalents (e) Short term loans and advances (f) Other current assets Sub-total - Current assets TOTAL - ASSETS * Long Term borrowings include debt guaranteed by SMIL taken for the acquisition of Peguform Group
Audited 993.23
(Rs. in Lakhs)
5,879 223,016 228,895 -
Share Capital Suspense account
Unaudited 240.14
Year ended 31/03/2012
3,875 183,246 187,121 44
271,595 14,412 23,881 16,793 326,681
296,108 15,064 16,405 10,995 338,572
135,526 318,080 197,563 35,755 686,924
116,782 309,812 167,898 35,119 629,611
7,162 8,817 15,065 13,543 610,874
9,378 9,038 15,557 13,949 561,705
4 260,361 294,003 59,441 58,047 20 671,876
4 224,964 301,268 45,568 72,094 15 643,913
1,282,750 68,482
1,205,618 64,156
10 Consequent to the approval accorded by the shareholders, the Company has allotted 195,982,080 shares on October 5, 2012 as Bonus Shares in the proportion of 1 share for every 2 shares held. The aforesaid Bonus Shares were admitted to trading by the stock exchanges with effect from October 9, 2012. Accordingly, the basic and diluted earnings per share has been adjusted for all the periods presented. 11
The figures of the last quarter are the balancing figures between the audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published year to date figures up to the third quarter of the current financial year.
12 The figures of previous periods have been re-grouped, wherever necessary, to conform to the current periods classification.
By Order of the Board of Directors For Motherson Sumi Systems Limited
Place : Noida Date: May 17, 2013
-sdV C Sehgal CHAIRMAN
Regd. Office: 2nd Floor, F-7, Block B-1, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi – 110044
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Three months ended 31/03/2013 Unaudited
Three months ended 31/12/2012 Unaudited
Standalone Three months ended 31/03/2012 Unaudited
116,534 6,987 1,928 125,449 863 124,586
98,337 9,224 1,583 109,144 1,269 107,875
111,888 10,705 1,799 124,392 1,730 122,662
402,276 33,081 7,843 443,200 4,140 439,060
330,156 32,332 7,960 370,448 4,450 365,998
21,849 365 22,214 998
15,391 1,018 16,409 1,331
16,673 1,880 18,553 1,432
60,964 2,981 63,945 4,849
41,331 3,949 45,280 5,477
(3,993) 25,209
(752) 15,830
(5,537) 22,658
(5,874) 64,970
(3,647) 43,450
1 Segment Revenue (a) Automotive (b) Non Automotive (c) Unallocated Total Less: Inter Segment Revenue Net Sales/Income from Operations 2 Segment Results (a) Automotive (b) Non Automotive (c) Unallocated Total Less i) Interest (Net) ii) Other unallocable expenditure (Net of Unallocable Income) Profit of Associate Total Profit Before Tax Capital Employed 3 (a) Automotive (b) Non Automotive (c) Others (Including Investments) Total Segment Capital Employed
204,763 13,851 35,571 254,185
201,509 15,532 40,358 257,399
186,196 13,890 39,305 239,391
Year ended 31/03/2013 Audited
Year ended 31/03/2012 Audited
204,763 13,851 35,571 254,185
186,196 13,890 39,305 239,391
Notes: 1 The above financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at their meetings held on May 17, 2013. 2 The Company operates in two primary business segments, viz Automotive and Non Automotive, determined on the basis of nature of products and services. 3 The Company has issued 4,420,360 new equity shares on April 23, 2012 to the shareholders of erstwhile Sumi Motherson Innovative Engineering Limited (SMIEL) (which was merged with the Company w.e.f. April 1, 2011, as part of a scheme on amalgamation) that became effective on March 31, 2012, thereby increasing its equity capital to Rs. 3,919.64 Lakhs. 4 The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs 2/- per share for the year ended March 31, 2013, subject to approval from shareholders of the Company. The Register of members and share transfer books shall remain closed from August 23, 2013 to August 27, 2013 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Annual General Meeting and Dividend. 5 Depreciation and amortisation includes Rs. 600 Lakhs being provision for impairment loss in respect of certain fixed assets where the management has assessed the value in use/ recoverable value to be lower than the carrying value. 6
Information pursuant to clause 41(I)(ea) of the listing agreement: STANDALONE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES
Particulars A EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' funds 1 (a) Share capital (b) Reserves & surplus (c) Money received against share warrants Sub-total - Shareholders' funds
As at 31/03/2013 Audited
5,879 156,516 162,395
3,875 124,635 128,510
Share Capital Suspense account
Non-current liabilities (a) Long term borrowings (b) Deferred tax liabilities (net) (c) Other long-term liabilities (d) Long term provisions Sub-total - Non-current liabilities Current liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings (b) Trade payables (c) Other current liabilities (d) Short-term provisions Sub-total - Current liabilities
50,950 1,771 1,518 1,471 55,710
43,992 2,143 1,557 942 48,634
32,633 47,780 23,408 22,112 125,933
42,731 45,529 21,021 16,229 125,510
B 1
ASSETS Non-current assets (a) Fixed Assets (b) Non-current investments (c) Deferred tax assets (net) (c) Long term loans and advances (d) Other non-current assets Sub-total - Non-current assets
150,571 51,315 8,018 91 209,995
134,322 37,035 8,033 188 179,578
Current Assets (a) Current investments (b) Inventories (c) Trade Receivables (d) Cash & cash equivalents (e) Short term loans and advances (f) Other current assets Sub-total - Current assets
4 54,208 54,638 6,578 18,615 134,043
4 46,515 54,276 2,024 20,301 123,120
(Rs. in Lakhs)
As at 31/03/2012 Audited
7 Consequent to the approval accorded by the shareholders, the Company has allotted 195,982,080 shares on October 5, 2012 as Bonus Shares in the proportion of 1 share for every 2 shares held. The aforesaid Bonus Shares were admitted to trading by the stock exchanges with effect from October 9, 2012. Accordingly, the basic and diluted earnings per share has been adjusted for all the periods presented. 8 The figures of the last quarter are the balancing figures between the audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published year to date figures up to the third quarter of the current financial year. 9 The figures of previous periods have been re-grouped, wherever necessary, to conform to the current periods classification.
Place : Noida Date: May 17, 2013
By Order of the Board of Directors For Motherson Sumi Systems Limited
-sdV C Sehgal CHAIRMAN