3 add-ons to consider for a sports bike Whether you just drove off your KTM RC 200 from dealer’s cart or riding your old TVS Apache, the fact is- the law demands you to have motor insurance. And, even if you have motorbike insurance, chances are that you still might have to shell out an immense amount of money at the time of utmost need. Wondering why? The answer is simple; your plain vanilla 2 wheeler insurance does not provide highlevel protection to you and your bike in every circumstance. That’s where add-on covers become more important.
In the recent years, motor insurance has undergone an enormous innovation and customization. However, the same cannot be said about customer behavior. We have observed that majority of people tend to remain satisfied with basic third party motorbike insurance policy or at best a comprehensive one. Well, let’s take a hypothetical situation to understand why add-on covers are a must. Sunil is traveling late night with his spouse, and he is traveling on a deserted part of the highway when he is confronted with a bike breakdown. The problem is a mechanical failure; his bike is rendered immobile and cannot be driven even for a short distance to reach a nearby garage. With no motor garage nearby and a poor mobile network, Sunil has no option but to seek a ride from a car driver who agrees to drop them to the nearest hotel. The question here is: could Sunil have done something in advance to ask for help from the insurance company to prevent his spouse from going all through so much trouble?
To ease the mental stress and extend assistance during such mechanical failures, there are some insurance companies who offer 2 wheeler insurance add-on covers, which provide technical aid to the insured/policyholder at the onsite itself as well as offer assistance service in some cases. Now, let’s take a look at the 3 add-ons to consider for a sports bike that could have provided muchneeded assistance to Sunil and his spouse: Zero Depreciation: Just like everything loses its luster after a particular period of time, the same thing applies to your sports bike too. Your bike will lose some of its value during the policy period due to normal wear and tear. For instance, your bike gets damaged in an accident and some of its parts need to be replaced. In that scenario, instead of the current value of your sports bike, you will get the depreciated value. With zero depreciation add on, it provides full claim on the value of the bike parts that have to be replaced after a mechanical breakdown or an accident. Technical/Roadside Assistance: With the facility of technical assistance over the call, the insurance company provides assistance through enabling the bike owner or driver to rectify any minor mechanical error/faults or even non-functioning on the spot. So, if you opt for 2 wheeler insurance you can avoid the situations we mentioned above. There are some insurance companies who arrange an alternative mode of conveyance for you in such scenarios. NCB Protection: it acts like a reward for those if you don’t claim insurance for the entire policy year. Usually most of the time people buy motor insurance yearly and renew it without actually filling for any claim. And, if so, you can get a discount on your renewal premium, known as NCB. But, you will only get this benefit if you do not make a single claim in the entire policy year. So, basically this add-on acts like a guard to no-claim benefits. Hence, the next time, you buy or renew your motor-bike insurance policy, make sure you ask and consider for these add-on covers from your insurer. Hope this information has been helpful!