Factors that could delay your claim settlement process
As a bike-owner, you always hope that you never get into an accident. Even though you have bike insurance, you hope there never comes a time for you to have to make a claim. But in the event that you have to, you would want the process to go as smoothly as possible.
Inaccurate information This cause of delay is not the insurance company’s fault, but a mistake we often make from our end. In many cases, the policyholder does not provide completely accurate details of the accident that occurred when filing the insurance claim. This results in problems for them when the insurance company conducts their investigation. This can easily be avoided by proving as much detail as possible early on.
Delay in filing claim As an insurance holder, you should always file your claims as soon as practically possible after a loss event. This is because a delay could hamper the investigation process. If you delay filing your bike insurance claim, the insurance company may find it difficult to track down the witnesses and verify details of the accident. This causes further delay in the insurance settlement process. A delay in filing a claim can also lead to suspicion on the part of the company conducting the investigation.
Incomplete documentation One of the major obstacles in getting your insurance claims settled on time is submission of incomplete documents. To avoid this from happening you need to ask your insurance company about the documents they require when you file your settlement claim for motorbike insurance. While filing claims online has made life easier, it has also increased the chances of you forgetting to attach a document or two.
These are some of the most common reasons because of which policyholders face complications in getting their claim settled. When you buy your bike insurance online, always make sure you check all these details so that you do not have to face any problem when filing a claim later on.
We hope this article has helped you, all the best!
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For More Details On motorbike insurance
Visit Here: https://www.cocogeneralinsurance.com/two-wheeler-insura nce/
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