How to optimize your car insurance renewals? Car insurance renewal might seem like an ordinary task. Once a year, you have to renew the validity of your insurance policy. This ensures you continue to drive your car legally and with the protection of insurance. This already routine task has become even easier with the introduction of the internet. Now, motorists just go online, pay the renewal amount and that’s that – not much thought goes into the entire process. However, there is a lot you can do to optimize the process of car insurance renewal and guess what? You could even enjoy better coverage and big savings in the process too! Now we’ve got your attention, right? Well, read on to find out how you can make the most of your plan, the next time the renewal date comes around.
1. Review your coverage. Change is the only constant they say. This holds true for your insurance needs as well. For example, you might have married and had kids since you initially purchase the car. You might drive your spouse to work every day. These are changes in your driving habits that prompt additional coverage – experts would suggest getting co-passenger cover to ensure that those who accompany you are also safe from the perils of the road. You could also opt for roadside assistance since older cars have a higher risk of breakdown. There are several other add-ons that you can opt for, so when car insurance renewals are around the corner, give some through to these add-ons as well. 2. Protect your discounts. If you’ve renewed your policy like clockwork and never made a claim against it in years, you should
enjoy a significant amount of discount on the premium through your no claim bonus. However, the moment you make a claim, this NCB will vanish and you’ll be back to paying full premium amounts once again. This can seem a little harsh – you maintain a spotless claims record for years and it is gone in a split second. Well, you can protect yourself from this disappointment by opting for the NCB protector add-on. This will ensure that your NCB remains with you, even if you have to make a claim against your policy. Great isn’t it? 3. Opt for long term plans. You could also opt for a long term plan, if you don’t already have one. You can pay multiple year of protection upfront instead of renewing the plan every year. The best part is that current premium rates will be used to calculate the cost of the plan. This ensures that you stay unaffected by future hikes in motor insurance premiums. When you buy a long term plan, you also enjoy NCB discount on multiple years of protection. This ensures you get the same coverage, for a long amount of time at amazing prices. If ever there was a win-win-win situation, this has to be it! Hope this article has been helpful, good luck and drive safe!