portfolio SAGAR YADAV

Well when I started University I started to explore different ideas which can be seen throughout my projects where I test new techniques in modelling, design philosophy, materials and design. To test my abilities I took challenges outside my academic need which led me to learn, travel, interact, teach and design.
I was born in Bengaluru in 1999, I always enjoyed sketching, creating interesting graphics, observing things around and sketching helped me express my thoughts and rationalize ideas. I have always been self motivated and eager to learn new skills as a designer.
Today, I am looking forward to learn and understand real world issues and understand the intricacies of working in the field.

Autodesk Revit Autodesk Autocad VrayTwinmotionLumionAdobeAdobeAdobeGISBlenderGrasshopperSketchupRhinoPhotoshopIndesignIllustraor - - - --- - -- - ---- - -- -- - - -- - --WORKSHOPS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Masonry ARCH and Funicular Structures MUD EDUCATIONPraneetGrasshopperCampusSchoolHelenaLightingHANDSMatterGentiliBelltoCommunityMathur----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -SJRSchoolKengeri Public School Pre University KLE Independent PU College RVUniversityCollege of Architecture CONTEST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dua Lipa Instagram filter design LogoDKNY Unveil contest Bad Boys For Life Poster Design WORK EXPERIENCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Internship Ingenio, Bengaluru 2022 Studio was primarily focused on institutional building, where i got to work on the lobby design, landscape and client presentaion. Freelance 2018-2022 My work experience has primarily been Freelance, where I help create Realistic Visuals for their project, help plan and Commisioneddesign. design for friends and family where i de signed small residence. The proudest one being when I taught someone on fiverr learn Revit Online, from beginner to set- up a parametric model in Revit. 2017-222007-1520152018201920192020 SOFTWARE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -sagaryadavpg@gmail.comContact-+919880538003ELECTIVE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VisualGIS EnvironmentCommunicationResponsive Architecture Architectural Lighting Design Principles of Real Estate
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miura 01STUDIO:V
LOCATION: Eat Coast Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Architectural2019 Design
The key aim of the project was to explore the implementation of biomimicry in Architecture. To test this understanding of implementing biomimiocry in design, we were asked to design Large Exhibition space.

Miura explores HORNBEAM leaf blooming that folds in Herringbone Tessellations pattern. The pattern is also called Miura-ori fold in origami. This pattern forms the core of the design, in terms of structure. The pattern is translated into large span folded plate concrete structure.
Project was an exploration of BIOMIMICRY, where the class was focused on studying strate gies from nature that can be incorporated into Partarchitecture.ofthestructures
group I was equipped with exploration on different structures, that can fold and Unfold.

The form building for the took its own organic process to end up with the final design, which made structural, environmental and aesthetic sense.
self shading surfaces that could create large windows that brought in light and ventilation in the interiors.
The project located in Chennai, right on the coast posed its own challenges regarding cli mate control. The shaped helped in addressing some of these issues where the pattern allowed
The pattern not only acted as structural ele ment, but also worked towards reducing heat gain, which was also a main factor in design.

Folding and unfolding was a key area of study throughout the semester. The programmatic needs for such a place also demanded deployable structure. Site situated right on the ECR(Chennai), was quite a Humid site, the design could not have large obstacles that would obstruct wind flow, and affect the little cooling the site offered. The programmatic needs were clear as to have larger outdoor exhibition area. Deployable structure was the way to go, the design started with a simple tri angle that can fold and unfold. These foldable triangles were joined creating framework of aluminium struts and fabric that could be brought down when needed.

Planning was again derived from the site and its wind direction. The program mainly asks for larger exhibi tion space, Auditorium and a large outdoor exhibi tion area. Building mass divided into two blocks be tween which the transition space could lead to a public plaza. The master plan creates a funnel to accelerate the wind flowing through the site. The shape capitalizes on the Sea breeze maximizing wind flow on the site

The design aims to create experiential journey through the site. Environmental cues suggested that major habitable or exhibition space to be located high up to catch the strong winds, which leads to the elevated plaza that forms the OAT, and also helps create the Auditorium. The main exhibition area is located on an elevated platform as well that helps create the welcoming entrance stairway ramp which adds to the ex perience of the user.

for-lake 02STUDIO:VII Location: Hombalammanapete Lake, Magadi, Karnataka Architectural2021 Design This is a two part program that focuses on the local farming community and provid ing them with new economic opportunities.

950 sqm 2000 sqm forLAKE acts as a prequel to Re-FORT where the larger idea remains the same, where the hope of providing a better op portunity for the local farmers, in terms of pro fession and technology.

The aim was to revitalize such lakes to introduce a new form of revenue the town could gener ate, this was done by leasing these lake for fishing , where it becomes a model for future adoption.
Building on a sensitive site like this, the building structure had to be light and temporary that does not affect the natural flow, surface run off of water.
Magadi as a town has a lot of man made ponds, temple ponds that now sit polluted or unused.
Temporary module that can be assembled on site and repeated elsewhere, using bam boo was a sustainable approach to design.

The project focuses on the lake and tries to create spaces that compliments the spaces, the project is divided into two blocks on either end of the lake. The highway restaurant capitalizes on its strategic location on the highway. Structure is derived from the bamboo modules designed. The three modules work together to form the axis that creates a walkway and cuts through the restaurant giving views of the lake.

The second block located on the far side of the lake aims at creating a business opportunity to the farming community. The project creates a mod el for fisheries in the area that help convert the village ponds. The block is comprised of exhibition to educate the farmers, Commercial space to sell the pro duce, admin housing the service core for the fishery.

LOCATION: Cubbon Park, Bengaluru, Karnataka Architectural2020
A Campus design focuses on making the existing site make it more systematic,more adventurous,more city centric, more organized, with more facilities, so that visitors & the citizenry can part take in a variety of activities that the program & the project is designed for,here everyone gets to play, read, observe, meet, ride the train, spin on the Ferris wheel, study plants, learn at workshops, watch a play….

ThePARASOLumbrella that creates a grand entance to a Histori cally significant site. The structure is derived from the grid iron pattern that surrounds the site. The grid is reduced to 1/1m grid that is deformed to to form the entance. The extreme arch created by cube creates an interest ing pattern on the ground , that stands in contrast with the site and its past.
ThePARASOLumbrella that creates a grand entrance to a Historically significant site. The structure is derived from the grid iron pattern that surrounds the site. The grid is reduced to 1/1m grid that is deformed to form the entrance. The addition to the site consists of three parts, the MOUND ,the JALI and the ThePARASOL.grand entrance leads to the JALI. The transparent jali forms a Pavilion that does not disturb the struc tures around the site that are historically significant.
The addition to the site consists of three parts, the MOUND ,the JALI and the PARASOL. The grand entrance leads to the JALI. The transparent jali forms a Pavillion that does not disturb the structures around the site that are historically significant. The entrance is formed by flip ping the deformed grid in the Z-axis that forms the ARCH.

Jali acts as a pavillion that leads you from the en trance gateway to the mound. The curved jali cre ates contrast between the existing structure. Being in amidst all the his toric structure it inherited the need to be transparent not disturb the site. Hence its made of 1x1m cubes that is derived from the GRID that curves up to become the JALI that does not block the view com pletely and reminds every one the past of the site.
JaliJALIacts as a pavilion that leads you from the entrance gate way to the mound. The curved jali creates contrast between the existing structure. Being in amidst all the historic structure it inherited the need to be transparent not disturb the site.
The MOUND acts as a camouflage that hides the space inside from the site. The roof creates a pub lic plaza that elevate the ground to open up the view of the site. The MOUND gets access from the North-East part of the site, hence separating the HISTORICAL SITE from the
The mound is created by deforming,the grid the deformation is maintained to such that the structure does not shadow the main SUN DIAL of the site.
TheMOUNDmound is created by deforming,the grid the deformation is maintained to such that the structure does not shadow the main SUN DIAL of the site. The MOUND acts as a camouflage that hides the space inside from the site. The roof creates a public plaza that elevate the ground to open up the view of the site.

TheBLOCKentire project is made up of a block that is 1000x1000x500 mm in size. This block is used to form the major enclosure the support sys tem and as a interactive furniture. In places this block is twisted to form the column that supports the Theroof.structure assumes the volume under the major vector this creates a terrace that invites the public into the site. 1000 500

ENCLOSURE The planes are Entangled with the enclo sure created by the BLOCKS PLANES Planes formed under the major vector, creates functional PORTALspaces. Entrance portal again formed by the blocks.


-6550-6550 -6550 7 -6550 -655014

TheWALKWAY:walkway forms the major access to the site. The site being located at Cubbon park has suf ficient traffic entering the site ,this walkway helps bring that traffic in creating a cultural hub in the area. The walkway helps create a sense of adven ture to the pedestrian and the cyclists.

ReFort 04STUDIO:VII LOCATION: Kempegowda Fort, Magadi, Karnataka Architectural2021 Design Sequel to the previous project, this one expands the scale and checks other forms of bringing economic reform to the farming community in Magadi.

cold storage. The ruined fort had 3 entrances formed by ruined fort wall. To create a re membrance of the grandeur of the past fort, emphasis on the axis and symmetry take the front seat in design. The oblique shaped fort under ruins lies there without any of its past glo ry. The monumentality of such a such structure
The large project located in the heart of the mostly farming town, aims at catering to their needs and addressing some of their contempo rary issues.
The project houses one stop shop that edu cates with the institution, consults and also solves some of the logistical issues regarding

is usually marked by a prominent axis and sym metry, the design starts my trying to correct the geometry of the internal courtyard. The programmatic spaces are poured between the courtyard and the existing fort wall. The fort wall which spans 200m on each side creating linear and dragged out spaces. Four
corner towers acts as service cores that takes people up to the terrace creating a walkway on top which helps bring public into the site. The space in between is carved out careful ly with help of colonnades, sunken courtyards, and mounds to help improve the experience. Separated walls help create the entrance.

1 Entrance 2 Office 3 Store 4 Reception 5 Library 6 Reception 7 Staff 8 Exhibition space 9 Toilets 10 Service 2 69 10 8 4 7 5 3

Programmatically the four walls serve different functions, the North wall acts a the main entrance to the site. The grand entrance is marked by the bastions that is connected by the walkway on top which is supported by a industrial steel bridge to break away from the monotony of stone and con crete structure. The East wall was also split in two which created the secondary entrance. This wall being close to the civil court housed the consultation branch for the farmers on the Northern end while the Southern end became the Cold storage.

The West wall houses the most functional space of the four, the two storey high structure is limited by the 7M high fort wall. It houses the vocational train ing institute and a public library. The west wall also has its primary entrance for the institution. The thick space is carved out with a sunken courtyard that separated the institution from the Public colonnad ed Thespace.Southwall being the only wall which was com pletely without any openings, it became the evi dence for a rich history of the space and left alone with minor landscaping done at its end.

technical WorkingSite:05STUDIO:V40Mx40M2020Drawing The semester was me experimenting with BIM, The entire project was done with the help of Autodesk Revit. The working drawings for a 40 x 40 office building shows my ability to do technical drawings.

DN C D E F H I 876 2500 6919 6981 4950 6300 1850 29500 2230 2230 2230 2230 3230 4920 1730 6300 0 05 5 0 A1052 STP RAIN WATER WTP 80 mmø 8mmø 150 mmø 150 mmø 125 mmø 5 -5000 -4000-4000 -4000-3400-34000 2 00 INLETRAWTANKWATERSOFT F H 87 30232057 100000003010000 006 5 CheckedScale by Drawn by ProjectDate SAGARnumberYADAV PG 1RW17AT076 As indicated 2012202 Unnamed 0001 IssueCheckerAuthorDate 1 Basement75 Callout 1 1 1 : Basement50 Callout 1 Callout 12 Window Schedule Type Mark Count Family Height Width 27 4 M_Fixed 6000 1500 28 79 M_Fixed 2500 1500 Door Schedule MarkType Count Width Type Height 20 12 915 0915 x 2134mm 2134 30 15 915 0915 x 2032mm 2032 32 1 864 0864 x 2032mm 2032 40 1 915 1100 x 2134mm 2 2134 41 11 2100 2100 x 2000mm 2000 42 27 1200 1200 x 2400mm 2400 43 1 2400 2400 x 2700mm 2700 44 1 1800 1800 x 2100mm 2100 45 1 900 900 x 2400mm 2400 46 5 1800 1800 x 2400mm 2400 47 1 1200 1200 x 2400mm 2400 76total:Grand 76 S SS SS SSSSS SS SS S SS A B C D E F H 87654321 S1S1S1S1S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1S1 S1S1 S1S1 S1S1S1S1S1 S1 36300 01192555 2312850 12850 25 mmømm 25 mmø 25 mmø PlainA.F.F.2900 mm A.F.F. 600 x 600mm Grid 3100 mm SPRINKLER SUPPLY @ FHC 4200 4800 4200 6000 00045 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 03000 37 Ф300 300 00 300 2 00 235.0 L/s 235.0 L/s 235.08 L/s 235.0 L/s 235.0 L/s 235.012 L/s 235.013 L/s 235.015 L/s AHU16 ROOM HVAC SHAFT CheckedScale by Drawn by ProjectDate SAGARnumberYADAV PG 1RW17AT076 1 100 321220 WORKING DRAWING FV2 IssueCheckerAuthorDate1 100 2 Ceiling Mech1 Fire Alarm Device Schedule Family Type Mark Count Level DetectorM_Smoke S 20 Level 2 Sprinkler Schedule SystemName Count FamilyTypeand fromElevationLevel meteDia S1 23 Pendent15M_SprinklePendentHosted:mm 3100 15 F H 76 1000 1000 10 MM TILE DROP 915 2 1 973 912 912 912 1197 SLOPE 125 mmø 125 mmø 0mmø 80 mmø A106 6 Level Level1000121224 2 4 mmmm SUPPLY OF FLUSH WATER FROM OHT SUPPLY TO OHT FROM SUMP 2mmø SOIL PIPE LEDGELEDGE CheckedScale by Drawn by ProjectDate SAGARnumberYADAV PG 1RW17AT076 As indicated 6012202 TOILET DETAIL 0001 IssueCheckerAuthorDate 1 GROUND25 FLOOR Callout 11 1 Section20 3 2 SOIL PIPE

TERRACEGROUNDSECONDTHIRDFOURTH A B C D E F H I 31006002900300X600A.F.F.PlainmmA.F.F.x600mmGridmm1773 6300 2350 2500 6919 6981 4950 6300 1773 39845 1 : Section150 1 1
UP UP DN DN 230 TH BRICK WALL LEDGE PARTITIONWALLWALL PAVEMENTLANDSCAPE A B C D E F H I 87654321 -4000 -4000 -3400 -4000 -3400-3400 FROM-3400GROUND TO BASEMENT TWO STP RAINWATER ROOMPUMP RAINWATER HARVESTINGINLETSOFTRAW WATER 40000 1850 6300 2350 2500 6919 6981 4950 6300 1850 081003603216129939235575745555594 96 100 -5000 RAMP GOING DOWN TWO WAY FHC PHE 2500 0155 1850 2230 2230 2230 2230 3230 4920 1730 0 6300 0 1850 2875 00004 -4000 CheckedScale by Drawing SET DESIGN Date 29 05 20 SHEET NUMBER 3 SAGAR YADAV PGBASEMENT1RW17AT076PLAN As indicated WORKING DRAWING 2 Window Schedule Type Mark Count Family Height Width 27 4 M_Fixed 6000 1500 28 78 M_Fixed 2500 1500 Door Schedule MarkType Count Width Type Height 20 12 915 0915 x 2134mm 2134 28 10 762 0762 x 2032mm 2032 30 15 915 0915 x 2032mm 2032 32 1 864 0864 x 2032mm 2032 40 1 915 1100 x 2134mm 2 2134 41 11 2100 2100 x 2000mm 2000 42 27 1200 1200 x 2400mm 2400 43 1 2400 2400 x 2700mm 2700 44 1 1800 1800 x 2100mm 2100 45 1 900 900 x 2400mm 2400 46 6 1800 1800 x 2400mm 2400 47 1 1200 1200 x 2400mm 2400 87total:Grand 87 1 : Basement1501 DN DN DN DN DN DN UP UP UP DN27252321191715 1311 DN A B C D E F H I 87654321 0810036032161299392355757455555 00004 1850 6300 2350 2500 6919 6981 4950 6300 1850 40000 121114 16 17 39 40 51 525354 575859 99 27 27 28 28 0 1000 2550 100010000 1000 A1061 ENTRANCE DISPLAY ROOMELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER YARD 13500X9000 DG 6000YARDX7500 ENTRY SHOWROOM 02120320212032 251660011315545 9269 3045 17001700 912 912 1245 230 TH BRICK WALL LEDGE PARTITIONWALLWALL PAVEMENTLANDSCAPE CheckedScale by Drawing SET DESIGN SHEETDate NUMBER 1 SAGAR YADAV PGGROUND1RW17AT076FLOOR PLAN As indicated WORKING DRAWING 2 Issue Date 1 : GROUND150 FLOOR 1 RAMP TO B1 Window Schedule Type Mark Count Family Height Width 27 4 M_Fixed 6000 1500 28 78 M_Fixed 2500 1500 Door Schedule MarkType Count Width Type Height 20 12 915 0915 x 2134mm 2134 28 5 762 0762 x 2032mm 2032 30 15 915 0915 x 2032mm 2032 32 1 864 0864 x 2032mm 2032 40 1 915 1100 x 2134mm 2 2134 41 11 2100 2100 x 2000mm 2000 42 27 1200 1200 x 2400mm 2400 43 1 2400 2400 x 2700mm 2700 44 1 1800 1800 x 2100mm 2100 45 1 900 900 x 2400mm 2400 46 5 1800 1800 x 2400mm 2400 47 1 1200 1200 x 2400mm 2400 81total:Grand 81
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This is a compilation of my work outside the academic requirement, which looks at my hand in different visual media like freelance work , design contests, render chal lenges, vector works and others. ones include my work on the Fashion Brand that wanted to reveal their new DKNY logo.
pile Graphic06Deigncontests2017-2021Design


sagar yadav This portfolio is solely done for the purpose of application in architectural firms. All works are done by Sagar Yadav PG unless otherwise stated. +91sagaryadavpg@gmail.com9880538003