Sage CRM Builder - Reimagine how you use CRM in your business

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Sage CRM Builder

Reimagine how you use CRM in your business


Introduction P3 Why Sage CRM Builder


Creating your new business module

01 02 03 Manage your next company event P5

Organize a training course P13

Track your competitors P20

04 05 06 Manage your products and equipment P27

Oversee key business projects P34

Implement your next business project P41

Conclusion P47 Additional resources P48


Your business is growing. You need new ways of increasing productivity, you want your company to become more efficient and you’re looking for a better way of organizing key business processes. Fortunately, there’s a solution. Sage CRM Builder is one of the most powerful and flexible tools we’ve created. Our customers are using Sage CRM Builder to plan events, organize training courses, track competitors, manage products and equipment, and to oversee and implement key business projects. And Sage CRM Builder is helping them save time

In this eBook, we showcase six business modules built by Sage CRM customers. In each example, we present several challenges our customers faced prior to creating a custom module with Sage CRM Builder. Then, we provide you with a step by step guide to creating these business modules to help you apply their success to your business should you face similar challenges. Finally, we highlight the key benefits of each of these six real-world custom modules so you can decide what to build first. Let’s get started.

and money. We want to share our customers’ experiences of using Sage CRM Builder with you, so you can adapt Sage CRM to fit the needs of your business and experience these benefits for yourself.

Adapt & Extend Sage CRM to manage any area of your business Page 3


Why Sage CRM Builder? No technical skills required – a user friendly, drag and drop interface means anyone in your business can create new modules for their individual requirements.

Anywhere access – you can drive productivity and build what you need wherever, whenever by accessing Sage CRM online.

Affordable - If you’re a Sage CRM Professional Edition customer, you already have access to Sage CRM Builder as part of your monthly subscription.

Fully customizable – The power of Sage CRM Builder means you can personalize everything on your screen so it fits with the way you work.

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Event module

01 Manage your next company event


Events module

Manage your next company event Do you have an upcoming company event, like a

Our customers overcame these problems by

party or conference?

creating an Events module with Sage CRM Builder.

Have past events sometimes run over budget? And is it difficult to manage registrations and track attendees at these events?

In this section, you can find out how to build this type of module and plan your next successful event.

The challenge Most businesses organize several important

If you’re organizing an event, we understand you

events throughout the year. Typical events

also face additional tasks like: budgeting;

include office parties, business meetings,

sourcing suppliers; managing bookings and

workshops, partner meet-ups and even

equipment; organizing entertainment and


hospitality; and keeping track of changes to your

These events involve a number of common


tasks including:

Using multiple tools, like email and spread

• registrations

sheets, can hinder your productivity and cause

• venues • costs

more inaccurate data. For example, if you rely solely on spread sheets, your teams may find it more difficult to collaborate on key information

• speakers

about these events. These tools can also make

• signage

it more difficult for customers to report on an

• accommodation • travel

event and evaluate what worked and didn’t work. Creating an Events module with Sage CRM Builder can help you manage these tasks.

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Events module

The solution Building an Events module with Sage CRM Builder will enable you to manage all tasks for your event from one location. You can use the Events module to track registered attendees, and assist an event planner with organizing the event. Using an Events module in Sage CRM, you can: • view basic information about an event, such as duration, contributor information, event sessions, and event materials

• send information emails to past attendees about the upcoming event • set up a workflow based on the completion of various event management tasks • set up a workflow to automate post-event follow-up and feedback • create groups and reports about attendees, including the number of event sessions they attended, to help with your pricing or reward policies

• view information about the venue at which the event is held

But before you create your new module, it’s crucial to know what information you want it to track and how it’ll interact with other modules in

• track the number of registered attendees to determine the required resources for the event

your system.

Step 1: Gather your requirements Identify the information you want the module to

Next, identify how the data in your new module

manage. For example, you could:

interacts with data that’s already in Sage CRM. For

• include a detailed description of the event

example, consider how Events relate to a Company,

• display the start and date and time

Person, or Venue*:

• categorize the event type

• an event can have many companies in attendance, and a company can attend many events

• view information about the venue at which the event is being held

• an event can have many people in attendance, and a person can attend many events

• track the progress of event tasks

• an event is held in one venue, but a venue can host many events

• track the number of attendees

• list all companies that will be represented at the event • list all people who will attend the event

For more information about relationships, please read the System Administrator Help. *In this example, Venue is a custom module that you’ve already created using Sage CRM Builder

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Events module

Step 2: Build your new module Once you’ve gathered your requirements, you can

You’ll find it in Administration| Customization |

create the Event module using Sage CRM Builder.

Sage CRM Builder.

Give your module a name, a description, and a new

Then, specify how it interacts with Company,


Person, and Venue.

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Events module


Choose the Sage CRM features that your module will use. For example, you want to include event tasks and follow-up in workflows.

Because you want to include a long description of the event, create a multiline text field. Create a date and time field to record the event start date, and create a multi select field to track the planning tasks.

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Events module


Finally, to display lots of related information about the event in one place, drag all the new fields and tables onto the Events summary screen.

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Events module


When your new module is built, an Events record might look like this‌.

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Events module

The result Creating an Events module with Sage CRM

• manage speakers and sessions

Builder reduces the amount of time and

• create workflows for managing event items

resources it takes to organize an event. You can use your Events module to:

• build reports for evaluating your event If you build an Events module with Sage CRM

• capture contact information

Builder, you are one step closer to organizing

• manage registrations and attendees

your next successful party, workshop or

• log correspondence and record notes


• track timelines and stakeholders

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Training module

02 Organize a training course


Training Course module

Organize a training course Is your business concerned with keeping the skills

In this section you find out how Sage CRM

of its employees up to date?

customers created a Training Course module and

Do you spend time organizing training courses for

kept their courses on track.

people in your company? Would you like a more efficient way of organizing communications, documentation and resources for your training?

The challenge Training courses form an important part of any

Without a tool to keep track of these areas,

business that spends time keeping the skills of

business people organizing training courses can

employees up to date.

become over-burdened by various lists and

Managing a training course means keeping on top of areas like • venues • students • trainers

spread sheets related to these courses. It’s also difficult for team members to collaborate on documentation related to these training courses. Our customers overcame these challenges by creating a Training Course module.

• resources • communications • administration • scheduling

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Training Course module

The solution If you build a Training Couse module using Sage CRM Builder, you can manage courses and information about the venue and students. And you can use the module to manage bookings, track registered attendees, co-ordinate trainers, and to sell future courses. Using a Training Course module in Sage CRM, you can: • view information about the venue at which the course is held • get an overview of registered attendees and see what other courses they’ve already attended, to identify future sales opportunities

• automate the booking and administration of your training courses • run reports to discover your most popular training courses for marketing purposes • set up a basic workflow to monitor different stages of the course, such as Planned, Fully Booked, and Complete • send reminder emails to registered students about start dates But before you create your new module, it’s crucial to know what information you want it to track and how it’ll interact with other modules in your system.

• track your sales of training courses to help determine quotas and forecasts

Step 1: Gather your requirements Identify the information you want the module to

Next, identify how the data in your new module

manage. For example, you could:

interacts with data that’s already in Sage CRM. For

• view a photo of the trainer

example, consider how Training Course relates to

• view details about people from different companies who attend the course • track the number of places on the course and the cost of the course • categorize the type of training provided by the course • include the training course in workflows and reports

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Person and Trainer: • a training course can have many students, and a student can attend many courses • a training course can have one trainer, but a trainer can run many training courses For more information about relationships, please read the System Administrator Help.

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Training Course module

Step 2: Build your new module Once you’ve gathered your requirements, you can

You’ll find it in Administration| Customization |

create the Training Course module using Sage CRM

Sage CRM Builder.


Give your module a name, a description, and a new

Then, specify how it interacts with Person and



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Training Course module


Choose the Sage CRM features that your module will use. For instance, it may be useful to display the training course in personal and team views, and to link files and attachments to the training course.

Because you want to view a photo of the trainer, create an image field. You can also add a radio button to record the number of places on the course, a cascading lookup field to choose the type of training, and a currency field to set the price.

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Training Course module

Finally, to display lots of related information about

When your new module is built, a Training Course

the course in one place, drag all the new fields and

record could look like this‌.

tables onto the Training Course summary screen.

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Training Course module

The result Using your new Training Course module, you can view and manage every aspect of your training course. This means your business can:

• improve efficiencies by managing internal and external training resources including venues, trainers, equipment

• save time and reduce errors by storing training documentation in one central location

And, most importantly, you and your team can

• track the costs of your training courses

more time delivering them.

spend less time organizing training courses and

• become more productive by streamlining labour intensive and administrative tasks

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Competitor Tracking module

03 Track your competitors


Competitor Tracking module

Track your competitors Do you spend time evaluating the strengths and

In this section, you can learn how to create a

weaknesses of your business?

Competitor Tracking Module that will help you make

Would you like to be able to build detailed profiles

more informed business decisions.

of your competitors? How much additional revenue could you generate if you knew how your products compared to your competitors’ products?

The challenge Businesses today need tools that help them stay

If you’re encountering these challenges, you can

ahead of their competition. They need an

use Sage CRM Builder to create a Competitor

understanding of their competitors’ strengths

Tracking module and manage key information

and weaknesses and an ability to monitor their

about your competitors from one place.

competitive position in the marketplace. Our customers said competitor tracking can be difficult because their information is sometimes stored in multiple locations. Some of our customers also highlighted keeping this information up to date as a challenge.

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Competitor Tracking module

The solution A Competitor Tracking module built with Sage CRM Builder can help you understand your advantages and disadvantages relative to your competitors. And you can use this module to estimate business opportunities and threats and make more informed business decisions Using a Competitor Tracking module in Sage CRM, you can: • gather profile information about your competitors • build a view of your competitors’ background, key personnel, product offerings, finances, and strategies • conduct a SWOT analysis on each competitor

• use the detailed knowledge of competing products for marketing purposes and to pursue new sales opportunities • run a report to view opportunities that you and your competitors are pursuing • allow your sales team to view opportunities that specific competitors may be pursuing in a particular region • store key strategy information, such as the effectiveness of a competitor’s advertising, distribution strategy and costs, new product strategy, and existing strategic partnerships Before creating your new module, determine what information you want it to track and how it’ll interact with other modules in Sage CRM.

Step 1: Gather your requirements Identify the information you want the module to manage. For example, you could: • record a competitor’s name and address • view the number of employees in a competitor company • calculate a competitor’s annual revenue • gather information about a competitor’s main product • populate SWOT analysis fields including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats • generate a list of sales opportunities that both you and a competitor are pursuing

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• save a competitor’s advertising campaign information, published annual reports, and published strategy documents Next, identify how data in your module interacts with data that’s already in Sage CRM. For example: • a competitor can be associated with one company, but a company can be associated with many competitors • a competitor can have many opportunities, and an opportunity can be pursued by many competitors For more information about relationships, please read the System Administrator Help.

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Competitor Tracking module

Step 2: Build your new module Once you’ve gathered your requirements, you can

You’ll find it in Administration| Customization |

create the Competitor module using the Sage CRM

Sage CRM Builder.


Give your module a name, a description, and a new

Then specify how it interacts with Company and



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Competitor Tracking module


Choose the Sage CRM features that your module will use. For instance, you may want to link files and attachments to Competitor.

Because you want to describe competitor strategies, add multiline text fields for Advertising Effectiveness and Distribution Strategy and Costs.

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Competitor Tracking module

Finally, to display lots of related information about

When your new module is built, a Competitor record

your competitiors in one place, drag all the new

could look like this‌.

fields and tables onto the Competitor summary screen.

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Competitor Tracking module

The result A Competitor Tracking module built with Sage CRM Builder offers several key benefits. You can: • estimate where your business and products stand relative to competitors, and respond accordingly • manage documentation that helps you understand your competitive advantages and disadvantages over competitors

• evaluate whether your sales team are losing out on important deals against your competitors and then make improvements to the sales process Most importantly, a Competitor Tracking module gives you a means of evaluating your competition and making more informed business decisions.

• build out detailed profiles of your competitors using a SWOT analysis

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Equipment module

04 Manage your products and equipment


Equipment module

Manage your products and equipment Are you the type of business that handles, rents or

Our customers solved these business problems

sells valuable products and equipment?

and provided better customer support by creating

Do you provide after sales care and support for this equipment to your customers? Is it sometimes difficult to manage the service

an Equipment module in Sage CRM. In this section, you can find out how to create this type of custom module with Sage CRM Builder.

history and customer support cases for your products and equipment?

The challenge Businesses that manage valuable products and

If you sell products or equipment that require

equipment need access to key information such

support and after sales service, creating an


Equipment module can save you time and make

• serial numbers

your day-to-day business life more efficient.

• service history • customer support cases Businesses without a central resource for managing products and equipment have to spend time verifying serial numbers, crosschecking services histories of their equipment and following up on customer support cases.

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Equipment module

The solution An Equipment module can track serial numbers and details about products such as machinery and small technological components. You can use this module to track equipment service history and link to customer support cases. And because engineers and sales people have access to the same data, you can optimize your support and maintenance offerings, and capitalize on selling equipment add-ons to existing customers. Using an Equipment module you can: • track equipment from the installation date, through maintenance milestones, to get a clear picture of upsell and service contract opportunities

• use all available service history and product information to deal with customer cases in a prompt and effective manner • set up a workflow to automate the management of equipment maintenance processes, so engineers receive relevant notifications • share information between your engineer and sales teams to increase awareness of customer needs and potential solutions Before you create your new module, establish what information you want it to track and how it’ll interact with other modules in Sage CRM.

Step 1: Gather your requirements Identify the information you want the module to manage. For example, you may want to allow engineers and sales people to: • view a photo of the equipment • view contract information • set up reminders to contact customers about replacing or servicing equipment • track equipment installation and service history • link to customer support cases • identify potential up sell opportunities Next, identify how data in your new module interacts with data already in Sage CRM. For example:

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• many customer cases can be logged against each piece of equipment. A case is specific to just one piece of equipment • each piece of equipment is linked to one company, and a company can have many pieces of equipment • there are many opportunities for selling support contracts, maintenance contracts, or add-ons for each piece of equipment • each piece of equipment is linked to one contact person, and each contact person can have lots of equipment For more information about relationships, please read the System Administrator Help.

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Equipment module

Step 2: Build your new module Once you’ve gathered your requirements, you can

You’ll find it in Administration| Customization |

create the Equipment module using Sage CRM

Sage CRM Builder.


Give your module a name, a description, and a new

Then specify how it interacts with Cases, Company,


Opportunity, and Person.

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Equipment module


Choose the Sage CRM features that your module will use. For instance, it may be useful to run reports on equipment service history, to view groups based on equipment, and to upload invoices and other documents related to equipment.

Because you want to view a photo of the equipment, create an image field. You can also create fields to record the contract type, contract expiry date, date of installation, and replacement date.

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Equipment module

Finally, to display key related information about the

When your new module is built, an Equipment

equipment in one place, drag all the new fields and

record could look like this‌.

tables onto the Equipment summary screen.

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Equipment module

The result By building an Equipment module in Sage CRM

No matter what industry you operate in, you can

Builder you can:

use Sage CRM Builder to create a central

• keep track of and share important information about your products and equipment

resource for managing your valuable products and equipment from any location.

• enable your support and maintenance teams to work more closely together on after-sales care • provide better customer service with access to your equipment’s full service history and related support cases

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Project Management module

05 Oversee key business projects


Project Management module

Oversee key business projects Does your business have multiple on-going

In this section, you can find out how to create a


Project module that will help you track project

Have the teams in your business the tools they need

milestones and deliverables.

to collaborate and communicate on these projects? Would you like a better way of gaining an oversight over every on-going project in your business?

The challenge A project is a series of activities or tasks geared

Our customers said they need a tool for

towards delivering a new product or service

overseeing key projects in their business. They

within a set time-frame.

also said they wanted a tool that would enable

Many projects run into problems like • unclear communications between teams and stakeholders • lack of appropriate documentation

them to manage these projects from the point of conception to completion. If you have the same requirements, a personalized Project module can help.

• running over budget • missed deadlines • division over agreed project outcomes

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Project Management module

The solution By building a personalized Project module with

For example, if you have a construction firm and

Sage CRM Builder, you can keep track of key

need to keep track of large projects, you can

responsibilities and of dependent tasks and

keep information about key dates, such as when


the tender will be released, by using a Project

Using a Project module in Sage CRM, you can: • track projects’ milestones against sales opportunities, marketing leads, and customer cases

module. Then, when it’s time to start tendering, you can add the relevant companies, opportunities and people to your project record. A project isn’t just confined to the work of a

• track all of the people and companies involved in the project and benefit from any CRM information you may have already entered about them

Construction company. In Sage CRM, a project

• set up a workflow to automate your project evolution process, and monitor how much time a project spends in each stage

building a Project module. You could customize

• support collaboration between your teams by assigning tasks to users and user groups


can be any large piece of work that you want to track and manage. This is a brief overview of what you can get by your module as much as you need using Sage CRM’s screen and workflow customization

Step 1: Gather your requirements Start by identifying the information you want the

Next, identify the relationship between the data in

module to manage. For example, you could allow

your new module and data in existing modules. For

members of the project, product management and


sales teams to: • see the project specs and scope

• the completion of a project can involve many Companies

• see a picture or a proof of concept for the finalized project

• the completion of a project depends on many People

• view contact details for all the people and companies involved in the project completion

• an opportunity can lead to the creation of a project, but a project can also have many opportunities

• monitor the delivery date and project stage • view all the sales opportunities that the project has generated

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For more information about relationships, please see the System Administrator Help.

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Project Management module

Step 2: Build your new module Once you’ve gathered your requirements, you can

You’ll find it in Administration| Customization |

create your Project Management module using

Sage CRM Builder.

Sage CRM Builder.

Give your module a name, a description, and a new

Then specify how it interacts with Company,


Opportunity, and Person.

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Project Management module


Choose the Sage CRM features that your module will use. For instance, it may be useful to run reports on your projects’ status and delivery, to view groups based on a project’s contracting companies, and to upload invoices and other documents related to your projects. When building fields for your Project module, you can create a multiline text field, which is a great way to add not only text, but also hyperlinks and images into the same field. You could use this to write about Project Specifications for example. You can also create fields to record: • the project type • the project manager • the team working on the project • the delivery date • the project stage

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Project Management module


Finally, when your module is built, this is what a Project module could look like:

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Project Management module

The result By building a Projects module in Sage CRM

Sage CRM Builder gives you the tools you need

Builder, you can:

to manage almost any type of project from the

• gain an overview of the scope and requirements of your various projects

point of conception to completion. Next, we

• keep track of your projects’ resources, costs and dependencies

explain how you can implement individual projects using Sage CRM Builder.

• review your projects’ key deliverables, milestone and schedules • ensure you have the required resources, people and budget for your projects

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Project Implementation module

06 Implement your next business project

Project Implementation module


Implement your next business project In the last section, we looked at the benefits of a

With your new Project Implementation module you

Project module and how you can use this type of

can access your customers’ contact details on the

module to see relevant details about your project.

same screen, and link to tasks, opportunities and

In this section, we will look at a different type of Project Module that allows you to gain an overview

customer support cases associated with the implementation of a project.

of important tasks as you implement your project. These include: • project details • the delivery date against the project’s current stage • remaining tasks

Step 1: Gather your requirements Start by identifying the information you want the

Next, identify the relationship between the data in

module to manage. For example, you may want to

your new module and data in existing modules. For

allow members of the project, product

example, how does Project relate to Company,

management, sales, and customer support teams

Person, and Opportunity and Case?


You should set up the following relationships with

• monitor the project’s current stage and planned schedule • get information about the estimated costs for the project • view your customer’s contact details from the project record • view sales opportunities and/or customer support cases associated with the project • see a list of all the tasks necessary for the completion of the project, as well as a Duration and Due Date for each task

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core Sage CRM entities: • the implementation of many Projects can involve many Companies • a Project Implementation can be linked to many Opportunities • many People are involved in many Projects. • a Project can have many Tasks For more information about relationships, please see the System Administrator Help.

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Project Implementation module


Step 2: Build your new module Once you’ve gathered your requirements, you can

You’ll find it in Administration| Customization |

create your Project Implementation module using

Sage CRM Builder.

Sage CRM Builder.

Give your module a name, a description, and a new

Then, specify how it interacts with Company,


Opportunity, Case and Person.

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Project Implementation module


Choose the Sage CRM features that your module will use. For instance, it may be useful to run reports on projects status and delivery, to view groups based on a project’s unfinished tasks, to upload meeting notes and other documents related to the projects, and to set up workflow and notifications to keep everyone on track.

When building fields for your project, you add a start date and end date field for the implementation, currency fields for Estimated Cost versus Actual Cost, a multiselect field for Status, and a text fields for comments and notes. You could also add related entity tables for Tasks, Opportunities, Customer cases, and Customer Details.

Finally, to display lots of related information about the course in one place, drag all the new fields and tables onto the Project Implementation summary screen.

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Project Implementation module


When your module is built, this is what a Project Implementation record could look like:

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Project Implementation module

06 The result

Sage CRM can help you keep track of the

• complete a project for a client

various phases of a project and send your team

• track internal projects within your company

more relevant notifications.

This is a brief overview of what you can achieve

And your module can help you keep track of

by building a Project Implementation module.

sales opportunities and customer support cases

You could customize your module as much as

linked to your project.

you need using Sage CRM’s screen and

Using a Project Implementation module in Sage

workflow customization capabilities.

CRM, you can: • implement a technical project, which involves product installation, delivery of service, training, etc. for customers and partners

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Experience the power of Sage CRM Builder At Sage, we understand every business is different.

And, they are saving time and money.

We created Sage CRM Builder so you can

If you follow the step-by-step guides in this eBook,

customize Sage CRM to fit the unique requirements

you can use Sage CRM Builder to manage any area

of your business. But Sage CRM Builder isn’t just

of your business and seize new opportunities.

about customer relationship management. It’s about becoming a smarter type of business.

Now it’s your turn. What will you build?

In this eBook, we demonstrated six real-world examples of modules our customers created using Sage CRM Builder. Our customers around the world are using Sage CRM Builder to manage events, organize training courses, track competitors, manage products and equipment, and to oversee and implement key business projects.


Sage CRM Builder Page 47

Additional resources

Learn more If you would like to learn more about Sage CRM Builder, you can download any of these free resources, which we’ve created for you: ?

User Help


System Administrator Help Building a Competitor Tracking Module using Sage CRM Builder

Page 48

Additional resources Videos Adapt & Extend Sage CRM to manage any area of your business Sage CRM Builder Uncover the flexibility of Sage CRM Working with a Custom Module Page 49

About Sage CRM Over 15,000 small and medium sized companies across the globe use Sage CRM every day to accelerate sales, drive business productivity and make every customer interaction count. It is used by enterprising, growing companies seeking new ways to interact with customers, leverage the power of social media and take advantage of the latest mobile developments to further grow their business. When combined with Sage ERP, our customers enjoy better business insight, increased efficiencies and productivity, and gain a single, customer-centric view across their entire business. So whether you’re just starting out or have already grown to several hundred employees, Sage CRM can help accelerate your business success. Accelerate your business success with a free 30-day trial at

C Š 2014 Sage Group Plc.

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