12 shared workspace benefits _ Finding perfect workspace in the UAE

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12 shared workspace benefits | Finding perfect workspace in the UAE

12 shared workspace benefits & Finding perfect workspace in the UAE

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Flexible work areas will create value for your employees and your business, regardless of the size of your organization. What is a workplace collaborative? The bene ts of working areas For the past decade, collaborative workspaces have increased — particularly in the last year. According to the CBRE report, the size of collaborative workspaces in Manhattan in 2018 grew by almost 70%, rising from 9.4 million square feet in 2017 to 13.5 million square feet. But in New York, it’s not just a trend. In cities around the world, versatile spaces are rising. Why the massive ood? Companies of all types take up collaborative spaces—and for good purposes. If you are a solo entrepreneur and a long-term member of the Fortune 500, collaborative areas provide a range of bene ts.

What is a collaborative workspace? Working spaces are workplaces in which workers of multiple rms operate under a common roof. Companies with a shared workplace will come in all dimensions—from rising start-ups to multinational companies. The room typically consists of a mix of private o ces and common areas that allow exibility for employees during their working days. One important fact is that the workers do not actually have to be in a coworking area among many other businesses because of a shared space. Your business will usually have a dedicated o ce—or even multiple oors. However, they will still be able to access beautifully crafted common areas and topof-the-line facilities that can unlock value in your business. The bene ts of collaborative workspaces Look at the value your workers and your bottom line can bring, regardless of the size of your business.

1. Agility to operate at business speed Agility is a must in today’s fast-moving world. In order to move rapidly, the property must live up to your business needs—whether it is opening a moonshot innovation laboratory, set up satellite o ces in developing markets, or buying a wider space for a successfully expanding team. This agility gives you shared workspaces. They allow you to expand your company and the number of workers you employ in a more conventional building without having to pursue in exible rentals. With a shared room, you can adjust the size of your team or even location without much e ort or additional expense.

2. Simple movement and fast configuration




12 shared workspace benefits | Finding perfect workspace in the UAE If you enter a collaborative workplace, you don’t have to undergo a frustrating and costly operation. You don’t have to buy or carry a table or chairs. Wi-Fi is

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fast, printers are lled with tin and the phones are connected and ready for use. By signing up to use a shared space, the organizational tasks needed for weeks in the work of your team have already been solved. You and your team will come in and work straight. Company (https://sagtco.com/) Divisions Products Projects (https://sagt.co/sagtco-instagram)

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3. Office rooms in prime positions Prime property is costly and can be di cult to supply. But companies need their o ces in the central communities near other businesses, transportation, shops, and restaurants to attract and maintain their talent. In addition, the buildings must be luminous, clean, and new. Collaborative workplaces provide a way into more costly, demanding spaces in leading locations that might have been prohibitive if you leased the room yourself. In their respective cities, most collaboration areas are located in nancial hubs or business districts. They give you the opportunity to open an o ce quickly – no supply or expensive construction is needed.

4. Cost-effectiveness Collaborative working spaces will in many cases allow you to minimize costs by just paying for what you need. For example, if you start up a new local head o ce and have just 10 current workers, it would be unnecessary space – and cost – to hire a full- oor o ce. You always o er these workers a dedicated workspace in a private o ce in a collaborative workplace, but only pay for the space they use. Best of all as the team expands, you can easily add rooms.

5. Capacity to quickly scale Regardless of your size, growth is a key goal, and shared spaces will help you to scale. Building a test market team? Do you employ a division that is vital to the success of your company? Opening many new locations in one year around the world? Placing teams in a meeting environment help you to encourage them to work together immediately.

6. All-inclusive programs You have to pay for utilities, o ce supplies, and additional services when you lease your own o ce, plus an o ce manager and support sta . A shared workspace involves services such as water, coal, energy, and Wi-Fi. Other facilities such as co ee and tea, kitchen equipment, printing, and postal services are mostly available.

7. A concierge group. A team is available in collaborative work to support you with anything you need. You can also contact the group team that works as a dedicated concierge if you have questions about space, technology, facilities, or neighborhood (as the best place to have a business lunch). You can also contact the group team that works as a dedicated concierge if you have questions about space, technology, facilities or neighborhood (as the best place to have a business lunch).

8. Tech-activated workspace IT technology con guration in any o ce is a time-consuming and costly process that involves the work of many teams and suppliers. All equipment, however, is included in the shared workspace: high-speed, secure Wi-Fi; video-conference facilities; security badges for room swiping; electrical outlets where people can charge.

9. Room designed to allow employees to do their best The workplace has been more human-centered in recent years. Instead of asking people to come to an o ce and spend 8 hours a day in a cabinet, businesses provide workers with work-speci c spaces. There are therefore many collaborative spaces for activity-based work people can pop into telephone booths in order to make private calls or tackle a project that needs focus. You may have casual meetings at tables in the café style. Couches and other forms of soft sitting are available for those who prefer to work in a more casual atmosphere. Employees can choose when and where they work can contribute to higher e ciency and greater quality of work.

10. Opportunities for networking https://sagtco.com/12-shared-workspace-benefits-and-finding-perfect-workspace-in-the-uae



12 shared workspace benefits | Finding perfect workspace in the UAE Even if your organization has a private o ce or oor in a collaborative workspace, you will have access to the common areas of the house. This helps them

Contact Us: 055-7538361 | Email: ask2@sagtco.com

to network with people from other businesses including entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote employees. This information and imagination ow can be an important advantage. Many multinational organizations actually bring teams into collaborative spaces to absorb fresh creative  ideas  frompeople  who Company (https://sagtco.com/) Products Projects (https://sagt.co/sagtco-instagram) Catalogs (https://sagtco.com/catalogs) are not normally in their networks. Divisions

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11. An region that represents the culture of your business While a shared workspace has been built deliberately, so that workers can do their best, they have the chance to do things for themselves. The room can be designed in di erent ways according to the size of your o ce so that it represents your business. You can put up your own artwork and carry your own ttings such as candles and lamps. If you have a private oor, you can add branding, a logo, and a corporate color, so the room is yours.

12. Greater employee links to your company Have you ever wondered if the corporate culture would be diluted in a workspace? Strategists at the o ce had it too and they looked into it. A team of researchers from the Stephen M. Ross School of Business of the University of Michigan found that workers have de ned their organizational culture considerably more than a working atmosphere. The study also found that working in a collaborative atmosphere enhanced the understanding of employees of the organization. There are only a few advantages of business shared workspaces. As a result, more businesses create versatile workspaces within their portfolios and use them to develop their business. Do you want to buy o ce workstations and o ce furniture for collaborative workspaces in Dubai, UAE, and Abu Dhabi, UAE?

Finding perfect workspace in the UAE In the UAE there are many o ce furniture companies providing collaborative workspaces. One of the most prominent is SAGTCO o ce furniture Dubai (https://sagtco.com/o ce-furniture-dubai) and O ce Furniture Abu Dhabi. You can reach to us and nd the perfect collaborative o ce furniture for your o ce within your budget. Contact SAGTCO (https://sagtco.com/contact)

Modern O ce Furniture Abu Dhabi (https://sagtco.com/modern-o ce-furniture-abu-dhabi) “SAGTCO IS THE EPITOME OF THE BEST OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY IN THE UAE”

SAGTCO SAGTCO O ce Furniture Dubai & Interactive Systems- We are the leading and most experienced o ce furniture manufacturer and supplier in Dubai. We o er Interior Fitout -Led Screens -Advertising Tech Interactive Systems in Dubai-Abu DhabiSharjah-Doha-Riyadh-Manama UAE Qatar Saudi Arabia Bahrain. International City CBD D3 Building, Ground Floor, O ce Furniture Showroom, Dubai,UAE




12 shared workspace benefits | Finding perfect workspace in the UAE More by SAGTCO 

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