transitional homeless housing facility i n t e r i o r
d e s i g n s e n i o r c a p s t o n e s a h a r a w o o l s e y
Table of Contents Introduction Introduction Design Philosophy
Phase 1 | Research Goal and Statement Client Profile Historic Precedent Design Inspiration Meaning of Place Theory Change Theory Goal and Need Assessment Wayfinding Security Interviews A Case Study: Eva's Phoenix
1 3
Phase 2 | Schematic & Design Development Mood Board Bubble Diagrams Adjacency Matrix Blocking Diagrams
5 7 9 13 17 19 21 23 25 27 31
34 37 39 41
Phase 3 | Proposed Solution Code Analysis Spaces and Occupancy Location Analysis Final Floor Plans Dimensioned Floor Plans Furniture Floor Plans Life Safety Plans Reflected Ceiling Plans Latitudinal Section Exterior Elevation Interior Renderings Notable FF&E Selections FF&E Schedule Project Summary Bibliography
43 45 49 51 55 59 63 67 71 73 75 85 89 93 95
“One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient.” Charles M. Blow Homelessness is defined as “someone who does not have a primary residence. He or she may be stay in a shelter, live on the streets, occupy a motel room, sleep in a vehicle, or live in any other unstable or non-permanent situation.” There is a stigma that surrounds the homeless population, and it is especially important to remember that homelessness does not have a distinguishable face as is shown in the images on the left. It can happen to anyone at any time and is often temporary. Many occupants of homeless shelters experience chronic poverty, job loss, a lack of affordable housing, mental illness, addiction, and domestic violence (Homeless Connections, 2019). The proposed renovation is for the Promise House and is run by the nonprofit, non-denominational, volunteer-based organization Family Promise of Lubbock. The Promise House is an existing home located in downtown/central Lubbock. Women and children experiencing homelessness stay at this facility for 60-90 days, and then transition to their own homes (Family Promise of Lubbock, 2019). During their stay at the Promise House, they seek employment and attend miscellaneous life skills classes. Each family has a separate bedroom space for themselves. They share communal spaces such as bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room ("Interview with Doug Morris", 2017). The mission statement of the Family Promise of Lubbock is “to provide homeless families with children the tools necessary to achieve long term financial, parental and personal self-sufficiency through a comprehensive program of temporary housing, case management and supportive services.” Family Promise works with religious congregations, community organizations, and local social service organizations in Lubbock and abroad to achieve their mission (Family Promise of Lubbock, 2019).
Design Philosophy
“The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy.� Meryl Streep
My design philosophy is one based on the concept of empathy. Empathy is defined as " the ability to understand and share the feelings of another" (Oxford Dictionaries | English, 2019). Women and children experiencing homelessness are vulnerable and, as an empathy-driven designer, I aim to foster and continuously develop the relationships with users so I may fully understand their needs. I aim to assist the Family Promise of Lubbock achieve their mission statement and intend to develop cognizant, hopeful, encouraging, and safe spaces that enable occupants to transition back into more stable home environments. To promote the health, safety, and welfare of all occupants, all proposed solutions shall be ADA compliant, universally designed, and code compliant.
Phase 1 | Research
Natural Lighting in Gaga Restaurant, Shanghai, China 4
Goal and Statement
“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.� Wassily Kandinsky
Goal The goal of this project is to design homeless transitional housing that is functional for all users and enables transients to progress to more stable home environments. Statement To successfully develop the design, the designer will base design decisions on the sense of place theory, change theory, and color theory. FF&E will be customizable, reconfigurable, and on casters so transients may establish an identity within their space and so furniture may be easily moved. A blue, harmonious color scheme with yellow highlights and an emphasis on natural lighting will be utilized throughout the facility to calm and encourage the transients. To address security concerns, access in and out of the facility will be carefully controlled and all users will be provided storage with locks. A strong emphasis will be placed on clear, direct pathways on the interior and exterior so new users of the space do not feel disoriented or confused.
Client Profile
"Our greatest asset when we design is human diversity." Tim Allen
Transitional homeless housing facilities serve a wide variety of users. To limit security concerns, this facility will provide accommodations for homeless women and children such as those shown in the image shown on the left. Research indicates women and children of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities may experience homelessness ("Interview with Doug Morris", 2017). The design should accommodate women with babies, school children, handicapped users, the elderly, etc. To narrow the scope of this project, the designer will propose design solutions for all homeless women and children in Lubbock, Texas.
A Watercolor Study of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater
Historic Precedent
“Organic architecture seeks superior sense of use and a finder sense of comfort, expressed in organic simplicity.” Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater is in Mill Run, Pennsylvania and all design elements are carefully orchestrated to connect the user to the lush surrounding forest. The overall form of Fallingwater is composed of rectangular shapes and forms that are clustered and are on a 4’ grid. The rectangular planes extend into the forest and create a direct connection to the forest. The rectangular form of the homeless shelter should be more simplified, as it is a public commercial space and entrances and pathways should be apparent. The homeless shelter should use a gridded layout structure and incorporate logical pathways on a grid. Fallingwater also uses rectangular prisms to make up both the interior and exterior spaces. Because the homeless shelter is an existing form, the exterior structure will define the interior spaces ("Case Study of Falling Water", 2017). Fallingwater successfully emphasizes nature by utilizing repeated shapes and forms. Wooden beams and vertical wooden slats are repeated and serve to emphasize the unique, organic forms of the exterior. Fallingwater uses asymmetrical rectangular planes on the exterior and incorporates symmetrical balance on the interior. The careful juxtaposition of balance from the exterior to the interior creates interest, and the homeless shelter should use either symmetrical or asymmetrical balance on both the exterior and interior. Because the structure of the homeless shelter exterior is pre-determined, design decisions should provide balance to both the existing interior and exterior. One of the most prevalent design elements in Fallingwater is the use of natural light to emphasize connections to nature as is shown in Sedtawat Harnsiriwattana's watercolor sketch on the left. Frank Lloyd Wright utilizes skylights, open walkways, reflective stone flooring, low profile furniture, and continuous fenestration to permeate the space with natural light. Because there will be a strong emphasis on sustainability in the homeless shelter, natural light must connect the user to the exterior using similar techniques (fenestration, skylights, etc.). The images on the following page demonstrate the various methods in which Frank Lloyd Wright connects the user to the surrounding forest, incorporates natural lighting, and how he uses simplified gridded forms throughout the space ("Case Study of Falling Water", 2017).
First Floor Plan
Design Inspiration
"Wherever nature works, there will be beauty." William Morris
The occupants require calm, cheerful, and encouraging spaces. To provide that environment for occupants, the designer will rely heavily on nature for design inspiration. As the designer space plans, the interior will contain organic traffic flow and circulation. Because there are very few sharp edges that occur naturally, sharp edges will not be utilized in this project. All window and door placement will promote physical and visual connections to sunlight/outdoor spaces, and there will be a water feature in the large communal spaces to calm the residents. All furniture, fixture, and equipment selections will be organic, natural materials. Color selections throughout the space will be harmonious blends of blue to calm and relax the residents. Yellow accents will be utilized throughout and serve to encourage and provide hope to its occupants. Raw, natural finishes (such as wood and stone) shall be specified throughout. Plant-life will be utilized on the interior to further immerse the occupants in nature. This will also give the occupants something to care for and provide them with a sense of purpose.
Meaning of Place
“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.� Ralph Ellison
The meaning of place is an especially important concept for the redesign of the Family Promise of Lubbock overnight facility. Because the occupants of this space were previously homeless, it is especially important to help the occupants fully realize their new identity in this new space. This space can also help occupants become attached to a home and to fully realize the importance and meaning of a home. Moveable furniture will allow for the users to have more control over their spaces and to establish a sense of independence within the home. Tack-able surfaces, bookshelves, and picture frames like those in the images to the left will allow for the occupants to highlight their important items. Ample storage will allow users to retain their belongings. Although these users are attempting to establish a new identity, it is important for the occupants to retain the few items they may have. To ensure the home accommodates the psychological needs of its users, calming colors shall be selected for all finishes, and encouragement quotes shall be utilized in various applications. Natural light is another important consideration. Because the occupants are overcoming difficult obstacles, natural light will promote mental health.
Change Theory
“Often times success doesn't come from strength, but from flexibility and adaptability.� Debasish Mridha
Functionalism is described as the belief in or stress on the practical application of a thing. The underlying belief behind functionalism is that if design solutions are functional, fit the needs of the client, and satisfy the clients, the space shall be intrinsically beautiful. This is a more objective, measurable way to determine the success of proposed design solutions. To ensure the proposed design is functional, FF&E shall be carefully chosen to fulfill the needs of the client. Finish selections shall be calming/cheerful colors, highly durable, and modular to accommodate the transitional nature of the space. To accommodate for rapid changes that occur in technology, economy, consumer preferences, etc. the designer should consider change theory. To consider change theory, the designer shall assess the initial design program and consider the past, present, and future needs of the space. Because different families arrive and leave from the house every 90 days, the function of the Family Promise of Lubbock overnight facility is consistently changing. Furniture is often moved to accommodate different needs. All spaces shall be multi-functional, and all furniture needs casters like those shown in the images shown on the left page. All FF&E shall have a small footprint to allow for the maximum number of occupants. Different families often require various levels of storage needs. Some families arrive to the facility with no belongings, and many families own furniture and require storage. Large amounts of storage will allow for families with a wide variety of storage needs to store their goods within the home. As was previously mentioned, technology is an important consideration. Although many of the families do not have devices when they arrive to the home, ample outlets are needed for evolving technology needs.
Natural Lighting Demonstrated in Gaga Restaurant, Shanghai, China 20
Goal and Need Assessment
“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.� Charles Eames
Maintain integrity of existing design features to cut costs.
Specify customizable FF&E to provide a sense of place for transients.
Specify adaptable FF&E to accommodate evolving needs.
Utilize color theory and natural lighting to calm and encourage users.
Establish quality lighting environment to maintain visual permeability.
Provide secure storage solutions for all users.
Utilize direct pathways with signage to ensure safety.
Specify security controls, such as alarms and locks, to minimize security risk.
Promote the health, safety, and welfare of all users.
“Great design is a multi-layered relationship between human life and its environment.” Naoto Fukasawa
Wayfinding can be defined as “information systems that guide people through a physical environment and enhance their understanding and experience of the space” (, 2019). Effective wayfinding is an especially important consideration in the transitional homeless facility for several reasons. As was previously stated the occupants of this space are transitional. They only remain within this facility for 60-90 days, and then transition to their own homes. There are consistently new users that are unfamiliar with features throughout the space. A lack of appropriate wayfinding methods can disorient and confuse new users. Because users are vulnerable when they arrive at the facility, this further decreases their awareness and can lead to additional confusion and disorientation (, 2019). Appropriate signage is essential on the interior and exterior of the facility. Though research indicates appropriate signage may not be enough for new users. Easily identifiable landmarks, color, lighting, and features of the buildings and environment should promote intuitive movement throughout the space (, 2019). Appropriate wayfinding solutions are essential to ensure safe, efficient passage during emergency conditions. Examples of appropriate wayfinding solutions are depicted in the images on the left.
Security “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." Maya Angelou Security is described as “the state of being free from danger or threat” (Oxford Dictionaries | English, 2019). Many homeless individuals and families have experienced trauma in their pasts, and safety/security is their foremost concern. Safety/ security should be considered from two perspectives: psychological and physical. From a psychological perspective, it is important the proposed design does not stigmatize its occupants. It was found in a study that homeless people were more likely to seek assistance from social services if they believe authorities’ intentions were to help them rather than to act as an authority figure. Physical safety threats in a transitional homeless facility could include theft of personal property or physical violence/abuse. Because of this the occupants require “safe and defensible” spaces. Although occupant bedrooms should not be locked during the day, many homeless women feel the need for locked bedroom doors at night. To help ensure safety throughout the facility, the staff need to be able to monitor residents. There should be no partial walls, dim lighting, dark corners within the space for individuals to hide behind. It is important to remember this facility must feel like a home for its occupants. Homeless transitional facilities feel “institutional” due to the heightened security requirements. The designer must employ security measures in a discrete, non-obstructive manner to empower occupants and enable them to establish a sense of identity and individuality (, 2019). Exterior Considerations Due to the high volume of traffic and high crime rate, the yard requires a fence with lockable gates so children may play outside safely. Exterior pathways require quality lighting and adequate signage to bolster building perimeter security. Security cameras and alarm systems are required on the interior and exterior ("Interview with Doug Morris", 2017). Interior Considerations Exterior doors remain unlocked during the day. There is a strict curfew of 9:00 PM for occupants, and doors are locked at this time. All windows require locks and alarms to ensure occupants adhere to curfew regulations. A reception desk is required at the main entrance and serves to control access in and out of the space. Staff offices should also be located near the front door to help filter incoming and outgoing personnel. All who enter or exit are required to check in and out with the receptionist. Staff offices require lockable filing cabinets to secure personal information. Occupants must keep their bedroom doors ajar during the day. Occupants require lockable storage in their bedrooms to secure valuable personal items, and staff has access to all locked armoire, closet, etc. An example of appropriate lockable storage is demonstrated in the image on the upper left. Staff will conduct periodic searches to ensure occupant safety. Women should have visual connection to all children play areas. Privacy curtains such as those depicted in the lower left image should be utilized in bedroom spaces to provide occupants privacy. This transparency also provides staff visual connection to the occupants ("Interview with Doug Morris", 2017).
Doug Morris, Family Promise of Lubbock Executive Director 26
Interview with Doug Morris
Doug Morris, Family Promise of Lubbock Executive Director
Please describe the types of people you see at these facilities and what activities typically occur here. Who uses each space, and how do they utilize those spaces? There are people of all ages and genders. The renovation shall provide accommodations for senior population, handicap personnel, children, etc. Most of the occupants have lived on the streets for quite some time and have forgotten how to live in a family home and how to fulfill their responsibilities. We can house up to 15 people. These families remain here for 90 days, and they progress to their own homes/jobs after this 90-day period. The communal spaces include a living room, kitchen, dining area, two restrooms, two classrooms, and a laundry room. There are 5-bedroom spaces. One bedroom is reserved for a volunteer who stays overnight at the house to oversee the families. Oher bedrooms are designated for the families. All occupants utilize the communal spaces regularly. There is an outdoor recreation area that has space for children to play. There is also a detached garage that currently serves as storage for the occupants. The families are required to find a job during the day, and children are in school. There are often not many people in the house during the day. The families spend their evenings in the communal spaces watching tv, visiting with other families, cooking dinners, and eating together. They also spend a large majority of their time reading in their bedrooms (“Interview with Doug Morris”, 2017). What would you change about this facility? There are poor storage solutions for this facility. Families have small dressers and limited closet space to store their belongings. There is also limited dining space. The communal spaces are not open concept, and the dining room encroaches on the living room space. It is important for children to have more adequate outdoor space to play. Natural light is an important consideration, as it will help promote mental health (“Interview with Doug Morris”, 2017). What kind of furniture, materials, equipment, would accommodate the function of these spaces? Calming, cheerful finishes shall be selected for the home. Many of the occupants have mental health issues, so it is important to consider the psychology of color. The facility shall incorporate blue and green finishes to promote mental health. The volunteer space should be separated from the occupant bedrooms, and the restroom spaces should be equal distance from the bedrooms. (“Interview with Doug Morris", 2017).
Jackie Keever, Business Owner, Recovered from Homelessness in Transitional Housing 28
Interview with Jackie Keever
Jackie Keever, Business Owner, Recovered from Homelessness in Transitional Housing
Please describe the types of people you see at these facilities and what activities typically occur here. Who uses each space, and how do they utilize those spaces? There are many people that occupy these facilities with drug addictions and mental illnesses- many with children. There is no specific age limit. The home occupants attend life skills classes. Classes cover topics including alcoholics anonymous, parenting skills, and financial planning. The classes occur in large meeting spaces within the home. Features shall include a dining table, several bathrooms, communal living room area, smoking areas, outdoor seating, a computer room, and a laundry room. Not too much time spent at the overnight facility during the day. The program requires the occupants to have jobs. Occupants mostly use communal areas in the mornings or evenings. There was not much to do in the actual rooms; many occupants read in their rooms (“Interview with Jackie Keever”, 2017). What would you change about this facility? “Design/colors should cheerful/peaceful. There needs to be more storage. We only had one dresser, and privacy was an issue. There are several people within one room. Visibility is important at the beginning of the recovery process; but there were few places where occupants could keep to themselves at all (“Interview with Jackie Keever”, 2017).” Are connections to nature an important consideration? What kind of outdoor amenities are necessary? A smoking area is important for many transitioning homeless people, but many occupants value a safe home over outdoor spaces. Some have spent many years outside and can be disenchanted with the outdoors. She did state natural light is important. Homeless shelters can feel depressing without quality lighting (“Interview with Jackie Keever”, 2017). What kind of furniture, materials, equipment, did you see in the facility you stayed in? Shampoo, conditioner, and other consumables are regulated and are locked and handed out to occupants. There should be appropriate storage for these items. Overnight homeless facilities often have corkboards, dry erase boards, etc. so occupants could individualize their spaces. Restrooms shall be directly adjacent from bedrooms, and she saw communal areas on the first floor of the facility. Private spaces should be on the second floor. If there are private spaces on the second floor, the windows must have bars/locks. The facility must be located near a bus route. Many occupants do not have cars and are required to seek employment. The staff have vans, but they are only used to transport the occupants to and from group activities. Otherwise, they must find their own mode of transportation (“Interview with Jackie Keever”, 2017).
Eva's Phoenix Main Corridor 30
A Case Study: Eva's Phoenix
"Eva’s Phoenix is not just a place to stay. It is a place to change your life.” Dean Goodman, a principal and co-founder of LGA Architectural Partners
Olivia’s Success Story at Eva's Phoenix Olivia grew up in a foster home, and she had nowhere to go when it came time for her to live on her own. She felt unsafe living on her own, because she deals with mental health issues. She applied to live at Eva’s Phoenix and soon got a call that a safe space was available for her. She was excited because she knew she needed to learn various life skills, including cooking, budgeting, etc. At Eva's Phoenix she took advantage of the life skills classes and got her first paying job. She learned how to budget and feels ready to handle whatever comes her way. She seeks employment in finance and hopes to one day live on her own. “Even though I’m in a homeless shelter right now, I still find ways to make my life more positive.” Her room is full of color, and she often wears her Japanese fashion to lift her spirits (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019). Background Eva Phoenix, designed by LGA Architectural Partners, is in downtown Toronto and is a collaboration project carefully designed by the Eva's community and the design/construction teams for the kids, the neighborhood, and the city of Toronto. The goal is to provide safe shelter, supportive services, and long-term solutions to youth homelessness. Dean Goodman, a principal and co-founder of LGA, says,” it’s not just about building space to house people, which is often the case with homeless shelters. “Most shelter programs offer a single overnight stay and provide open sleeping arrangements without much privacy. In contrast, the shelter is not just a place to stay, but is a place to change your life” (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019). Exterior Architecture The existing structure was an Art Deco inspired brick warehouse, and the architects drew heavily on inspiration from the existing building to create a strong sense of place. Originally a 1930s waterworks warehouse, the architects sought to design a non-descript, destigmatizing exterior (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019).
A Case Study: Eva's Phoenix Interior Design The warehouse brick structure is shown on the upper left and is a fully-enclosed residential complex. It is designed to be interesting, luminous, homey, and non-institutional. It is organized like a city with a main street (long corridors), "townhouses (bedroom and restrooms), and common “squares” (kitchens, living rooms, etc.). It has white walls, polished concrete pathways and pops of pastel color. The communal spaces are centrally located within the interior, and the private spaces are on the exterior. The facility contains 10 townhouse-style units, and each resident has his or her own bedroom. Communal areas (kitchens and living areas) are shared, and there is also one large shared teaching kitchen. There are counseling/ support offices, life skills classrooms, plenty of study space, a technology training center, and a full-service print shop. Each occupant receives their own bedroom with a key and access to shared spaces. This enables them to develop the required skills to live independently. The use of natural lighting is a careful consideration within the Eva Phoenix design. All townhouse units contain natural light from skylights in the ceiling. All roofing was replaced with sloping windows to permeate light through the interior and eliminate the need for much artificial lighting (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019). A strong emphasis is placed on house-style accommodation versus open bunks so the design could create opportunities for developing critical life skills from cooking to sharing bathrooms. The addition of spaces, such as a demonstration kitchen and a full-service print shop, further enable Eva’s Phoenix to provide residents with education (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019). The layering of public, semi-private, and public spaces depicted on the lower left image enables occupants to choose their level of social integration. Architects designed the space to provide plenty of transparency to foster a safe environment. Their design eliminates closed and blind corners, has balconies to overlook the central corridor, and incorporates large windows throughout to maintain visual permeability. Architects also paid close attention to circulation so that the staff-only, resident-only, and publicly accessible spaces inherently control access (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019). Architects specified FF&E that enables the organization to meet changing needs over time. All FF&E and construction is adaptable and flexible. They also strived to specify durable fixtures and finishes but to employ them in a homey, non-institutional manner (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019).
Upon completion of the project, questionnaires were delivered to three occupants regarding their satisfaction with the design. Occupants responded they are satisfied with the opportunities to learn life skills within the facility- namely in the full-service print studio and the staffs’ willingness to assist them with employment. They also enjoyed how the townhomes allowed them to live independently within the facility. One person responded they enjoyed how bright the facility is. Another disliked the brightness, because she found it difficult to sleep. This could easily be remedied with appropriate window coverings. Another negative response to the facility is that there was not enough storage to meet the needs of all users (Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth, 2019).
Phase 2 | Schematic Design
Bubble Diagrams Legend
First Floor Options
Second Floor Options
Adjacency Matrix Legend
Blocking Diagrams Legend
First Floor Options
Second Floor Options
Phase 3 | Proposed Solution
Code Analysis
"Form follows function—that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union." Frank Lloyd Wright
The renovation of the transitional housing facility must comply with all International Building Codes (IBC) and National Protection Fire Association (NFPA). All proposed designs must also comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The following codes and standards effect this project directly. Additional codes/standards may be viewed at https:// American Disability Act (ADA) standards can be viewed at Section 310.6 Residential Group R-4 Residential Group R-4 occupancy shall include buildings structures or portions thereof for more than five but not more than 16 persons, excluding staff, who reside on a 24-hour basis in a supervised residential environment and receive custodial care. Buildings of Group R-4 shall be classified as one of the occupancy conditions specified in 310.6.2. Section 310.6.2 This occupancy condition shall include buildings in which there are any persons receiving custodial care who require limited verbal or physical assistance while responding to an emergency to complete building evacuation. Section 420.2 Separation Walls Walls separating dwelling units in the same building, walls separating sleeping units from other occupancies contiguous to them in the same building shall be constructed as fire partitions in accordance with Section 708. Section 420.5 Automatic Sprinkler System Group R occupancies shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 907.2.6. Single- or multiple smoke alarms shall be provided in Group R. 1006.3.2 Single Exits A single exit or access to a single exit shall be permitted for R-4 occupancies. 1010. In Group R-4 occupancies, closet doors that latch in the closed position shall be openable from inside the closet, and bathroom doors that latch in the closed position shall be capable of being unlocked from the ingress side.
First Floor Space and Occupancy
Second Floor Space and Occupancy
Location Analysis
“The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.” Charles Eames
History The proposed location for this project is 2302 13th street, Lubbock, TX. The existing property is an overnight homeless facility run by the non-profit organization Family Promise of Lubbock. The First Baptist Church (located adjacent to the home) owns the home and lends the h ouse to the Family Promise of Lubbock (“Interview with Doug Morris”, 2017). There are three Family Promise of Lubbock facilities located in Lubbock, TX. One is an administrative facility, a day facility, and an overnight facility. The building located at 2302 13th is the overnight facility. These buildings are conveniently located 5-minute from each other in downtown/central Lubbock. It is essential for these locations to be close to each other as staff and transients often commute to and from the other facilities (“Interview with Doug Morris”, 2017). Map Analysis The location is in a residential neighborhood and considered to have a high crime rate. However, there is significantly less crime in this area than the location of the two other Family Promise of Lubbock locations (“Interview with Doug Morris”, 2017). The surrounding sidewalks are in good condition and do not have any cracks/damage, and there are established trees in the neighborhood and surrounding the home. This will help provide shade to both the occupants and the home. However, there are enough paved roads and designated cross walks at Avenue W and 13th street that allow for safe pedestrian passage. There is also an existing large driveway behind the house. Because many of the occupants do not possess vehicles, the existing driveway is appropriate for transient parking. There is also street parking adjacent to the home for overflow parking. Site Relevance This location is relevant for this project as it is near many essential amenities, including First Baptist Church who owns the property. There is also a bus stop on Broadway only one block from the home. This is an important consideration as transients are required to seek employment and find reliable transportation to and from work. Many transients do not have personal vehicles and rely heavily on public transportation. This site is also relevant as it is located close to the Salvation Army, miscellaneous thrift stores, and Good Will. The Family Promise of Lubbock staff has close relationships with these organizations, and transients often find employment at these locations (“Interview with Doug Morris”, 2017).
Final First Floor Plan
Final Second Floor Plan
First Floor Dimensioned Plan
General Notes
Dimensions chosen to display appropri-
work on resumes
ate clearances
Multi-purpose dining area provides
Waiting area and staff offices located
occupants an adaptable, reconfigurable
near main entrance to control access
Classroom and computer lab located
Bar height seating in kitchen provides
adjacent to each other so transients can
seating for teaching demonstrations
Second Floor Dimensioned Plan
General Notes
Dimensions shown to display appropri-
storage opportunities for transients
ate clearances
Volunteer bedroom has bunk beds to
Transient bedrooms located equal distant
provide accomodations for visitors
to restrooms as requested by owner
Open atrium promotes visual permeability
Lockable storage in transient bedrooms
All transient doors shall be specified with
and storage room provide ample
locks to protect transient belongings
First Floor Furniture Plan
Key Notes 1.
Side table with lamp
ADA reception desk counter and waterfall
Buzz-in access to facility
feature wall
Open bookcase
Key card entry to private second floor
Lockable, mobile BBF under work surface
Mobile teacher lectern with work surface
Open and closed built-in shelving
Two printers
Fire place with space above for television/art
Baby changing station
Open and closed built-in shelving
Built-in lockable storage
Bariatric lounge seating
Shelving for food storage
42" counter and stools
Second Floor Furniture Plan
Key Notes 1.
Built-in desk with task chair
Four ADA compliant commercial washer/
Space above desk to mount television or
dryer units
place on counter
Built-in lockable storage
Four built-in, lockable armoire with drawers
Lounge space contains power, data, and
and mirrors
task lighting
Bunk beds with open shelving, lamps, priva
9. Bench
cy curtains, and overhead storage
Marker board at end of bed to personalize
11. Bench
Open shelving Open shelving
Life Safety First Floor Plan Legend
Exit Door
Fire Extinguisher
Egress Path
Illuminated Exit Sign
Fire Alarm Pull
Life Safety Second Floor Plan Legend
Exit Door
Fire Extinguisher
Egress Path
Illuminated Exit Sign
Fire Alarm Pull
First Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan Legend
Small Pendant Light
Recessed Can Light
HVAC Supply
Smoke Detector
HVAC Register
Large Pendant Light
Security Camera
General Notes
All ceilings 9' AFF in consideration of existing
living room, and kitchen to provide task light
Pendant lighting mounted in reception area,
6" recessed canned lighting specified as ambi
staff offices, waiting area,
ent lighting
Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan Legend
Small Pendant Light
Recessed Can Light
HVAC Supply
Smoke Detector
HVAC Register
Large Pendant Light
Security Camera
General Notes
provide interest
Ceilings 9' AFF in consideration of existing
6" recessed canned lighting specified as ambi
Atrium ceiling raised to 22'6"
ent lighting
Atrium pendant lighting mounted at 22'6" to
Latitudinal Section
General Notes 1.
5' wide windows with blinds specified to
Transient bedrooms contain lockable armoire
enable connection with nature, but to
with mirrors and desks so students may do
provide privacy to transients
Living room furniture shall be Knoll, Rockwell
Built-in living room storage provides addition
Unscripted and shall be specified with in-fur
al storage opportunities and space to display
niture power to enable space to adapt
personal belongings
with evolving power needs
Modular lounge furniture enables occupants
All transient bedrooms contain built-in bunk
to easily modify/reconfigure space
Lockable BBF specified in staff offices for
Bunk beds include overhead storage, marker
secure file storage
boards, tack boards, shelving, lamps, and
Staff office curtain walls enable visual trans
privacy curtains to provide occupants with
parency throughout the space
individualization opportunities, privacy, and
maximum control over their environment
Exterior Elevation
General Notes 1.
5' wide modular windows specified throughout
ing neighborhood
to provide ample natural light throughout space
All windows are fixed and shall be specified with
Windows shall be specified as fixed windows
an alarm system
and include alarm systems
All windows shall be specified with blinds to
Red brick facade to match context of surround
protect transient privacy
Atrium Rendering
General Notes 1.
Atrium and clerestory windows provide natural
space and assists with acoustical control
light and visual permeability to users
A harmonious blue color scheme with pops of
on first and second floor
yellow are inspired by nature and promote a
Staff office and waiting room curtain walls pro
relaxing but hopeful environment
mote visual permeability throughout the space
Large windows provide natural light
Eureka, ceiling suspended pendant lights pro
Window blinds specified to protect transient
vide intrigue and promote a whimsical, hopeful
All windows shall be fixed and equipped with
alarm system
Whimsical, nature-inspired rug defines the
Living Room Rendering
General Notes 1.
Eureka, ceiling suspended pendant lights pro
Whimsical, nature-inspired rug defines the
vide intrigue and promote a whimsical, hopeful
space and assists with acoustical control
A harmonious blue color scheme with pops of
Built-in fireplace provides a hearth within the
yellow are inspired by nature and promote a
home and promotes a sense of place
relaxing but hopeful environment
Space provided above fire place to mount tele
Window blinds specified to protect transient
vision or art
Built-in open shelving provides space for tran
All windows shall be fixed and equipped with
sients to display their personal belongings
alarm system
Built-in closed shelving provides additional
Security camera not modeled, but shall be
storage opportunities
discrete and long-range (see RCP for location)
Knoll, Rockwell Unscripted is easily reconfig
KI, Arissa lounge furniture specified to provide
urable, and modular power shall be mounted to
discrete bariatric seating options for
furniture to provide accommodations
bariatric users
for evolving power and data requirements
Classroom Front Rendering
General Notes 1.
KI, Instruct All Terrain mobile lectern speci
fied with work surface
Casters allow lectern to be easily moved
Ceiling mounted projector, tack boards, and
marker board encourage a wide vari
Steelcase, Verb markerboards wall mounted to
ety of instruction methods
promote active learning environment
Recessed canned lighting to provide ambient
A harmonious blue color scheme with pops of
lighting throughout space
yellow are inspired by nature and promote a
KI, Strive is specified with an upholstered seat,
relaxing but hopeful environment
casters, and tablet arm to allow for maximum
Large windows promote natural lighting
versatility and comfort
Window blinds specified to protect transient
KI, Strive chair tested to 300 lb weight limit and
accommodates a wide variety of users
All windows shall be fixed and equipped with
Chair is small-scale and allows designer to pro
alarm system
vide seating for 19 users
Security camera not modeled, but shall be
Chair casters and weight encourage easy shifts
discrete and long-range (see RCP for location)
between lecture, discussion, and therapeutic Strive chairs easily nest together for efficient
Classroom Back Rendering
General Notes 1.
Nature-inspired geode wallpaper provides
Chair casters and lightweight design encourage
intrigue in space
easy shifts between lecture, discussion, and
Ceiling mounted projector, tack boards, and
therapeutic layouts
marker board encourage allows for a
Strive chairs easily nest together for efficient
wide variety of instruction methods
Recessed canned lighting to provide ambient
A harmonious blue color scheme with pops of
lighting throughout space
yellow are inspired by nature and promote a
KI, Strive is specified with an upholstered seat,
relaxing but hopeful environment
casters, and tablet arm to allow maximum
Large windows promote natural lighting
versatility and comfort
Window blinds specified to protect transient
KI, Strive chair tested to 300 lb weight limit and
accommodates a wide variety of users
All windows shall be fixed and equipped with
KI, Strive chair is small-scale and allows designer
alarm system
to provide seating for 19 users
Transient Bedroom Rendering
General Notes 1.
Built-in bunk beds include open shelving,
relaxing but hopeful environment
wall-mounted tack boards, task lamps, privacy
Large windows promote natural lighting
curtains, wall-mounted marker boards,
Window blinds specified to protect transient
and overhead storage bins
Bunk beds enable users to individualize their
All windows shall be fixed and equipped with
space, display personal belongings, and control
alarm system
their level of social integration in an otherwise
Each transient bedroom includes 4 lockable ar
communal space
moire with personal mirrors, 1 personal desk,
All transient bedroom doors specified with
1 task chair, and space to wall mount or place a
locking mechanisms to promote a
personal television
sense of security
5’ turning radius in all bedrooms to accommo
Nature-inspired rug defines the space and
date ADA users
assists with acoustical control in the space
Security cameras not specified in private spaces
A harmonious blue color scheme with yellow
(bedrooms and restrooms)
accents are inspired by nature and promote a
Notable FF&E Selections Davis Furniture, Join Chair
KI, Strive Nesting Chair with Tablet Arm
KI, Arissa Bariatric Lounge Seating
Dining Room Seating
Classroom Seating
Living Room Seating
Steelcase, Series One Task Chair
Steelcase, Akira Flip and Nest Table
Coalesse, Holy Day Table
All Task Seating
Multi-Purpose Dining Area Table
Living Room Occasional Table
Knoll, Rockwell Unscripted Modular Lounge Lounge Seating in Waiting Area, Living Room, and Quiet Area
Notable FF&E Selections
Eureka, Mika
Eureka, Meha
Whimsical ceiling mounted pendant lighting specified
Ceiling mounted pendant lighting specified in living
in staff offices, above reception desk, and above waiting
room and atrium to provide intrigue in space
area furniture to add task lighting/provide interest
Knoll, Modular Power
Steelcase, Mini Port
Modular power unit mounted on all Knoll, Rockwell
Power unit shall be specified on all Akira tables in dining
Unscripted modular lounge furniture in living room,
area to accomodate evolving technology needs
waiting area, and guest area to accomodate evolving technology needs
First Floor FF&E Schedule
Second Floor FF&E Schedule
Project Summary
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they know it themselves." Steve Jobs
All proposed solutions for this project were based on primary and secondary research. The proposed solution includes ample natural lighting and a blue harmonious color scheme with yellow accents throughout. Color theory suggests blue has a calming effect on users, and yellow inspires hope. This color scheme ultimately helps provide a sense of place for users. The proposed solution for this facility is heavily inspired by the case study Eva’s Phoenix. Eva’s Phoenix' design carefully utilizes atriums and skylights to provide natural lighting throughout the space. Eva’s Phoenix' floor plan enables transients to choose their level of social integration. Occupants have the option to spend time in the lower level public spaces or go upstairs to the private rooms to spend time alone. A similar layout is proposed in the Family Promise of Lubbock renovation. The lower level consists of public spaces, and the second floor consists of private spaces. A central aim of this project is to provide privacy and security to the users, and both are carefully addressed in this solution. Privacy curtains, window blinds, locks, security cameras, and alarms are specified throughout the space. All staff has access to all lockable storage and doors to ensure all transients are safe. Atrium and curtains walls provide visual permeability throughout space and enable staff to easily see all transients, and transient bedrooms are oriented so staff may see the transients as the staff walks through the hallways. Buzz-in and key card accessed shall be utilized throughout the space to carefully control access throughout the space. Lastly all FF&E in the transient bedrooms is customizable and enables individualization opportunities. All FF&E is also versatile and specified with power to ensure the solution meets the immediate and future needs of the user.
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