LTGTR 03.10.10

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What? LTGTR, as we like to call it, is an undertaking by a group of energetic, jobless people. It is a fortnightly magazine, dedicated to providing a public forum for people to showcase their fiction, artwork, or any other form of creative expression. In addition, we pride ourselves on being a reliable and consistent source of unbiased content. In addition to providing news and literary content, we also plan to expand our range of activities towards a more social inclination by focusing on various issues that plague society, by forming relations with NGOs and like-minded organizations that strive for the betterment of our society, and eventually by organizing campaigns for improving literacy, health and basic awareness. We plan to inject fresh media like photojournalism and a blend of online and written content into our newsletter, keeping up a consistent reputation for high standards throughout.

Why? Because we want to. Because we feel that everybody should have the right to speak out, and be heard. And in this cause, we want to provide a medium that can give them that freedom of expression, and an audience that will be both receptive and critical. If this sounds too high-winded, or unreal (“an audience that will be both receptive and critical.” we know,) believe us, eventually, this will be the case. We’re hopelessly optimistic, at most times, but have realists among us who are not afraid to point out exactly what is wrong with our plans. Because we want to make a lot of difference Finally, because we’re ambitious. We believe in acquiring a skill-set that will stay with us as experience for the rest of our lives. And working under deadlines, amidst diverse requirements, is what helps us garner them. The struggle to not compromise on quality even under pressure can sometimes bring out the best in a person. Trust us, we know. We create the necessity, and invention will follow. (Clichéd? You tell us.)

Winter is settling hesitantly in Hyderabad because of harakiri of nature for rapid urbanization. And more, the hectic political activities has pervaded the city for ensuing elections. In addition to all these humdrums of life the quest for inner peace still persists in Hyderabad! The quest takes different routes for the people of different communities and tastes. As the case for India, Hyderabad has a very vibrant pluralistic society. It's natural of following the different search paths by them; though it's unfair to admit the occasional skirmishes among these search parties. Still, it's also not unfair to add that the number of such under-dog activities in on downhill track. The smog that blurs the vision is gradually getting cleared. The net result is the intense desire for the inner peace and self-searching. This drives people to different religious places, discourses and prayer halls. The city dwellers have become spiritual! Yes, there are self-cut proofs. Just when you move at snail's pace you may find it's because you are nearing some shrines built almost on road for a quick darshan when one is even on wheels! As if this is not enough as a proof, Hyderabadis don't relent from reminding you the same in different ways at different times else one may get bored of the same proofs. These are seasonal stuffs. Seasons bring festivals. Many thoughts bring different political parties. And there are many events for many people. Each of these are important to some of them. It was so before. But, now each of these must be told to all of you, as I think my stuff is the most important for the humankind. And all must know it else, as if this is the only choice less question paper in the main exam! All of them pour out billboards – small or large with all colours, emotions, poses and postures. A society proves itself on its roads and Hyderabad choses billboards thanks to the advancements of printing technology. They put the personal news like birth, marriage, graduation, fatherhood, motherhood and the final - death on banners and billboards! Interestingly, some of them don't even forget to put their educational degrees – a hard owned one!

Currently, when you scan Hyderabad roadside banners, one prominently finds pictures of Ayappa Swamis. The swamis are in different postures – some pretend to be radiating, some looking eagerly at shooting camera. And some standing at a distance, even can be found giggling at their own pictures on banners hung at several cross roads. A swami community compete with another in raising their banners across traffic squares. So, also political parties vie to each other. The net result is riot of billboards! Do I sound like a critic? I admit, these colourful billboards bring a lot of colors and so life for some. What's the problem? Any commuter must have felt or realized the problem due to distractions these billboards pose, more while driving. Particularly, I face a peculiar problem. Old habits die hard. In my childhood when I used to visit nearby town with little rubbing of English into me I used to read English on billboards . You may say that it's a colonial kickback or a pseudo-superior trait. But I would not like to shy away of my eagerness in learning English. Those days I used to take billboards as my testcases. It's to be noted that in Odisha, those days when very very few even had gone to primary school, there used to be many billboards written in English! I used to read each every posters, banners, mile stones etc. while passing by on a cricky rustic bus. I don't know for that my English has improved or not. But it's certain this habit has put me in trouble in Hyderabad. And also now I feel had I studied my text books so seriously, probably I would have been doing well now. Well, now old habits get on me when I'm on move. As I see a life-size picture of a politician with folded hands greets on a billboard, I can't resist self from not responding – that in early days grand-father taught in his first lesson of life! An impulsive response comes and my hands get off the steering wheel. Fortunately, ever vigilant wife Anjali is always there to pull down and to put me back on the track! Kids giggle of the reminiscences. Thanks to the Riots of Billboards! (Dr. Hrushikesha Mohanty is a professor of Computer Science in Central University of Hyderabad. He takes a deep interest in poetry and is deeply attached to his roots in rural India. You can read more of his works on his blog :

Walkin down a lonely road hands in my pocket... To keep me warm...I pulled close together my jacket...coz it was a chilly night... And I was struggling with my sight... When I came under a shady street light...then I realised... I was walkin behind a group of people merrily talkin... Walkin, talkin, chattin and top of their voices laughin... Suddenly they realised I was behind them you see... Coz they all turned their heads around and all they cud see was me.. And then I recognised the glint in their eyes in that instant... Those f****** judgemental eyes had haunted me all through my life dog..what shit.. Those eyes set on you...instantly putting you under scrutiny... Though they don’t knw you...they try and judge you brutally... The situation is so f**** that I wanna holler back... Hey homie!!! You don’t even know me.. So don’t u dare f***in judge me... To do so you gotta lemme... Show you what I got inside me.... Look at can wonder a lotta things... I may be the king of bling bling...or even a pauper who cant even spell ka-ching!!! I may be a school dropout or a motherf***** genius... Or a moron politician who’s always hideous... Guess I can be rapper too tryin to find a rhyme... Or an escaped convict who’s busted out before his time.. I may a heroine manic... Holy hell!!! What s***...maybe a satanic... Maybe you start wonderin about my religion... Hindu, Muslim, Parsi, Sikh or maybe even Christian... Or maybe you may consider the tag of boy next door... But then you think jeez it can’t be that simple...should be something more... Or even better...I have a brilliant suggestion... Maybe a good lesson.... Just think of me as the guy walking behind you in the dark chilly night... Struggling with his sight.. Whom you spot under a shady street light... Who sees in your eyes tht glint... And then wants to do a stint...of... Giving you f***in hint...of ... What he thinks... What he wants is to scream...and not want to leave as a mere dream.... Hey homie!!!!.... you don’t even know me..

(If you're a retard, or you're slightly off the rocker, avoid going to Texas. The 'slow' people as they're called there, get the chair, no questions asked. No seriously they do, no kidding.) Before the retard catchers from Texas arrive at my doorstep, let me clarify. 'THAT IS MAHALAKSHMI' was what this huge poster I saw yesterday read. What was weird was where...on the college main stage. Most people found this stupid, because it was, and annoying, because they'd blocked the winding road through the rocks which people generally took and everybody had to use the longer route. For some unfathomable reason however, I found this incredibly funny and broke into laughter when I first saw this..this..abomination. Pretty similar to how every dark cloud has a silver lining blah blah blah, most occurrences have a funny side. And this isn't just philosophy, it's hard fact. We've always been preaching about how 'taking lite' was the better thing to do, how many times have we 'taken lite' ourselves? (For people who don't know what 'taking lite' is, shame on ye' fellers!) I could give you say..6 reasons why this poster is hilarious. No? Here goes. - Picture this. A film company travels 40 kms to the outskirts of Hyderabad to an engineering college, just to put up a large 10 feet by 10 feet poster which says.....'THAT IS MAHALAKSHMI! ' :D - Try as hard as you might, it's rather hard to think of what context this could be used in a movie. Knowing Tollywood films however, if they had a song sequence where they repeated 'THAT IS MAHALAKSHMI!' over and over while gyrating in front of the poster in question, I for one, wouldn't be surprised. That the locals would love this, is probably even funnier :P - I know, a thought bubble! Like for example, our hero sees his long lost love or something after a long time. How do we know what he's thinking? 'THAT IS MAHALAKSHMI!' - Or it could just be wrong grammar. They probably meant 'THIS IS MAHALAKSHMI!' instead of 'THAT IS MAHALAKSHMI!'. Publicizing the fact that you've no idea how simple English Grammar works on a very large poster is just plain and simple awesome. - Or it could be something that makes sense. Like when the film ends, and the director(probably somebody called Mahalakshmi) expects everyone to be touched or crying or something. (Trust me, doesn't take much to touch people around here :P) And he signs off saying something like, 'See? THAT IS MAHALAKSHMI!' Makes sense, but still funny. Did I say 6 reasons? Everybody lies :P

Redundancy. This word has generally been used to describe my writing, my statements, my work and sometimes even my life. Just kidding, it’s not that bad, yet. Anyways the dictionary meaning of redundancy is “the state of being redundant”. And the dictionary meaning of redundant is “being in excess; exceeding what is usual or natural”. But it is in widespread use to describe things that no longer serve any purpose to people. Now I will digress a little. There are many things that people fear. Some of them are very basic and physical or tangible like the fear of heights, the fear of spiders or even the fear of spiders. But there are some fears which are more deep seated in our minds, which do not directly impact our actions but which guide our principles and actions. We sometimes call them insecurities. Why this little explanation about fear? I have a very good reason for it, of course. One of the greatest insecurities that people suffer from is the fear of becoming redundant, of being of no use to anyone, of being replaced by a superior being. I am going to assume, the very few of you who are reading this are all the same age as me, and are indifferent to such a concept. But if you blessed enough to have your grand-parents still alive go ask them. And their answers will move your soul in ways you cannot imagine by reading this. Of course, some of the elderly might, in order to protect you or themselves, tell you that they are not bothered by such things but the truth really is that they are some of braver ones who have made peace with the fact. You may not have thought about it till now, but I promise you the day it hits you, you’ll be s*** scared. I’ll tell you how your world would be if you became redundant. Anything that you could do would be done in a much better way by someone else. Whenever you want to be a part of something, you’d have the door shut in your face because there would always be vastly superior people. You’ll want to be a part of other people’s lives but you’ll realize soon enough that no one really has the time to spare for you. There will be no meaningful way for you to contribute to the world. No one will give a damn whether you live or die. Actually I’m wrong, people will be concerned that you still live and waste the precious little amount of oxygen we have left. You’ll feel miserable and no one would even console you. Not because they don’t want to, but because there’s nothing honest they could say to make you feel better. And as time goes on, you’ll find that whatever little you were useful for is disappearing by the second, that your bones are rotting and mind decaying. Sad, alone, crushed you’ll be put away in some corner waiting, nah, begging for your death. Begging for an end to your misery, and it too will taunt you and make you wait till everything in your life is destroyed. This is what thousands of elderly in our country suffer every day. Thousands and lakhs of people of the same age as your grand-parents, are forced to seek shelter in old age homes because brilliant people like me and you, who think we know it all, have made them feel redundant. We treat them as misfits in a young country, making path breaking progress every day. We drive them to a mental state where either they have no selfesteem left or either they choose to leave the homes that they built in order to preserve their self-respect. And if you think I’m writing crap, just Google the no. of old age homes in India and, more than that, the rate at which they are sprouting up. Lage Raho Munnabhai isn’t really based on fiction.

Okay so you come from a more traditional background, your grandparents still stay in your house. You meet them once or twice in a day, say hello and then go sit in front of the idiot box, or your computer or start chatting utterly useless s*** with your friends. You have nothing in common with them. Well, you ungrateful prick, do you even know what their interests are or were? They are not just old people who you take care of because they took care of your parents, they are people who have lived a full life and seen and things that you will never have the vision or heart to do because you can’t seem to think beyond yourself. Would it kill you if didn’t go out one day to ogle chicks and called your friends over and sat with your grandparents? It’s not as if they’re really boring or anything, they are more than willing to tell the most amazing of stories of the past. Stories which will have you actually have you ROFL. And if you f***ing say that it’s not cool, I‘ll light a firecracker up your a**. And it’s not just about your or our grandparents. In general, the elderly are fine people to spend time with. They may not help you with all the exams you have to crack, and all the presentation you have to give but they can help and guide you to lead a more meaningful and satisfying life. They can show you the way to attain that peaceful state which you find so elusive. They teach you the meaning of values and responsibility in ways books and lectures never can. The kind of bonding they had with their siblings is not something you will ever be able to achieve. You think you very hard, that you have achieved much more professionally, that you can feed your family better. Talk to them and you’ll understand how narrow a definition of family you have. They are the only ones who can make you realize that “blood is thicker than water”. Everything is not about how much you earn or how many Facebook friends you have. It’s not as if they ask for too much from us. No one really expects you to hold their hands and help them cross the roads anymore. All they want is you treat them with a little dignity and respect and regard that they did achieve something in life. All they want is for you to be sensitive to their health and other problems. All they want is that you respect the values and ideals with which they lived. All they want is for you to not regard their slow moving wheelchairs as inconvenience. And honestly, the problem is deeper here in India than abroad, where they don’t use culture and values as a blanket to cover all the other problems. Ironical, isn’t it. I not going to assume that my writing will have too much of an impact on you. None of you is going to an old age home this weekend. But at least, pick up your phone, call your grandparents and let them know they still mean something to you. This is in tribute to my late grandfather, who taught me a lot of things including caring about other people. If you’re reading this Dada, I wish I had spent more time with you. R.I.P 1st Oct is celebrated as the International Day For The Elderly ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Indian Bands:

(listen to them at .Junkyard Groove .Demonic Resurrection .Among Symphony . Prosody .Black Strat Blues .Null Friction .Motherjane .Thermal & a Quarter .Colorblind .Avial .Abraxas .Soulmate

I walked in the majestic ruins of the Write’s mansion. Jonathan Write had made his millions and laid them all to waste. His life would have made an intriguing tale had it not been for the legend of Thomas Write his grandfather. Here I am, half a century later, to retell the story of the reaper in his own words. Civil war truly is strange, my country had been raped by her own people. Her own sons snapped at each others throats thirsty for blood. The capital city lay in ruins. Men fought like proud lions for every street. Chaos rained supreme. We had long lost sight of the ideals that had driven us to take up arms against our own people. Now all that was important was to stay alive, little else mattered when the angles from hell descended upon earth. I served in the 23rd infantry division as a sniper. I prowled the ruins alone stalking prey. We snipers are solitary predators, hunting in silence, raining death and misery from the shadows. In this battle, in this city it was the snipers who decided who got to see another sunrise. Common soldiers died like dogs and the war machines were blown to smithereens. The sniper alone prevailed. It was a fine night ……moon less. A thick curtain of rain poured on the city, obscuring the grotesque reality of war for a brief moment. A sense of relief washed over me. Poor visibility meant there was nothing to do, just ponder on the trivial life that we lead. I lit a cigarette, took a luxurious drag and exhaled slowed. I watched the smoke dispel in the darkness. I watched the smoke fade away like the lives of the men I had killed. Its been a day since I have moved a muscle. Its amazing the determination that fear can instill in you. My buddy Mike is dead, he lay cold a few feet away a bullet through his eye. My eyes gazed steadily into the space ahead, searching for any sign of the enemy. I took my chance and scrambled through the ruins , a bullet exploded a few feet from my face. I got up and flew the last few meter sliding into what was left of the presidential palace, as another shot whistled through the space my head had occupied a second ago. I retreated, humbled, hurt……they say a wounded lion is dangerous….how true….how very true…. This wasn’t the first time I had cheated death on the battle field. But something broke within me this time. The thrill of a perfect was replaced by a nausea of guilt. Karma weighed heavy on me. Questions that I should have asked a long time ago tortured me. Why was it that I strived day in day out to best my own country men? What drove me to join this madness? What justified this hideous act of genocide? I have long lost the faculty to understand and answer such questions. What I do know is the war has to end . And for an end we need a victor. A conflict could only end with the utter destruction of one of the sides . Time had come for the angle of retribution to rise. I slipped away into the chemically induced eternal slumber. Today the chain of command would disappear in a puff of smoke, plunging the army into chaos. And then victory would come and with it peace.

From the coast of gold, across the seven seas I'm travellin' on, far and wide But now it seems, I'm just a stranger to myself And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but someone else I close my eyes, and think of home Another city goes by in the night Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it 'til it's gone away And my heart is lying there and will be 'til my dying day So understand Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years Face up... make your stand And realise you're living in the golden years Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind Can't ease this pain, so easily When you can't find the words to say it's hard to make it through another day And it makes me wanna cry and throw my hands up to the sky So understand Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years Face up... make your stand And realise you're living in the golden years

Iron Maiden….what can I say about this band that hasn’t been said already. With 15 studio albums , 2000 live shows and more than a 100 million sold albums, Maiden is one of the most famous heavy metal bands of all time. Over the years, Maiden has developed a large cult following. Almost every metal band since has , at some point or the other, listed Maiden as one of their influences. With their melodious riffs, heart rending lyrics, and energetic live performances, Maiden has set its name in the history books as one of the most enduring bands of all time Wasted Years is arguably, one of Iron Maiden’s greatest songs.Released in 1986 in their album“Somewhere Back In Time”, this one is a must- listen for any fan of hard rock. Wasted Years is a message to the listener to stop searching for the best times of his life. Instead of wasting time searching for greatness elsewhere, one should understand that NOW is the greatest time in one’s life and should focus on living the present to the fullest. Other Must listen songs by Iron Maiden 1- Fear Of The Dark 2- Hallowed Be Thy Name 3- Number Of The Beast 4- Afraid To Shoot Stangers 5- Wicker Man 6- Blood Brothers 7- Dance Of Death

It has been three days since the time ‘The Hindu’ has not gone unnoticed in R-443… (If you are wondering, that’s my room). In the recent times quite a lot of discussion is taking place in the country. The Commonwealth imbroglio, The Ayodhya Verdict for which the entire political fraternity has been waiting or for that matter take the example of the Nuclear Liability issue, The T-20 Champions league, World Rabies Day (28th September), The MDG’s (Millenium Development Goals) set by UN which India has failed to achieve…….The list never ends!! Then when I finally settled down and thought about it “Has it been only three days since the country has been under such a rollover that every line that I have read makes me realize the dynamism in the world outside BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus” Not really, it has always been the case……. I obviously know that Mr. Abhinay Teja has been elected as the president of the Students Union or for that matter Ragav Krishna is our new Cultural Secretary but did I really know that Mr. Ansar Parvez has been elected as the Chairman of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), that Suresh Kalmadi is the Chairman of the organizing committee of the CWG or B. Karthika Reddy is the Mayor of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. When questions like these are put forward I do not say none of us would answer them, but I can surely say that most of us will face problems. Some of you might say “who cares” if the organization of the CWG is going haywire, or the riots in Kashmir are in no way affecting you as you live 1000 kms away from there. But we must understand in reality all these things do matter in the long run. Why??? Is what one might ask. And I would like to make a cliché statement, “It is the social responsibility of any citizen to know about the scenario in his or her nation and also in the world”. Yes!! It definitely is our responsibility, but that is not all. The point of awareness directly relates to the very basic emotion of every student (or for that matter any human being) – “The WANT” and this want is obviously governed by a “NEED”. Mr. Rahul Gandhi once in an interview said, “Everything that one does is always because of some problem, some cause and in course of finding a solution to that problem we end up doing great work”. Similarly for us to do something we need to identify the WANT and the NEED. This want can best be identified if we are aware about the stuff that goes around us. Tomorrow we BITSians will pass out and we would want our career paths to be defined by us. For this we need to realize where our skill set fits in the bigger picture. To know this awareness will help us. It might be politics, sports, advertising, technology etc. but we will be able to put our skills to the best use only if we are aware about these fields. In short understanding the scenario and situation around us, be it whatever field will give us the problem and working towards such a cause will be in best interest of us and the society. It will definitely lead to satisfaction in the true sense. What I am ultimately pointing out is the importance of awareness in our lives. And this awareness can arrive in no way better than reading the newspapers. A newspaper definitely gives us an insight into the

realities of the outer world. Realizing these facts and their implications add great value to an individual. I think the time has come when we stop neglecting the politics, news and situation of the outer world. We should accept it and develop an opinion about it. Having an opinion about the myriad political scenarios, the sports front, and the film industry, anything and everything around you is what makes you different from others, albeit you might say that you stay neutral or with no opinion but then you need to back it up with a reason (and that itself in the literal meaning means having an opinion). Remember the innumerable times since our school days and even now, the times we have been out rightly neglecting the topics of National Concern………. Do we remember Right to Education Act which is as recent as 10 April 2010, do we still mourn about the Jaipur blast of 2008? Do we remember the plane crash in Mangalore which took place recently in July 2010, Do we even have the slightest of idea about the biggest political shift of our time in the country in May 2004 (From BJP to Congress) and its reason and implications…… we have any bit of information on the recent educational policies put forward by Mr. Kapil Sibbal (that’s our Education Minister actually!!!). Did we witness and understand the gradual change in the film industry market over past few years with movies like Taare Zameen Par, 3 Idiots and Peepli Live gaining maximum attention? Do you know the trend of the oil prices the money you pay for your petrol? Have you started saving electricity? Have you cut down the usage of fuel when the world is facing the biggest oil decline of all times? One can keep on asking! How can we know about all this if daily when we sit for breakfast and a newspaper is in our hands we flip it upside down and start reading the sports page. We take out tabloids like Hyderabad Times or Metro Plus to read about parties, Who ditched whom and other such stuff before reading about whats happening in our locality, our city, our state, our nation and our world. Time has come my friends when we need to ask ourselves, are we really aware? If your answer is a NO then do take 20 mins out of your busy schedule and read through those 15 pages which define your life day by day, discuss them, connect with them, live them. Become an aware student, Become an aware voter, Become an aware citizen and above all BECOME AN AWARE YOU!!!!!

For three sweltering days, in a place practically in the middle of nowhere, takes place a series of tourneys dedicated to sporting excellence. As is custom, our college sent a contingent to the BITS Open Sports Meet, as it customarily called, a trained, handpicked deputation of our sporting best. Along with the traditional badminton, chess carom, table tennis, cricket contingent was a hockey team. Our first, actually. And all in all it was a jolly good show that they put up LTGTR, along with Danish Ahmad Khan, takes this opportunity to study the rise of our hockey team. LTGTR: It must have been hard with barely any facilities or equipment or grounds to start off. What got you going? DAK: It seemed to happen naturally (no bio pun intended). I was walking along the corridor one day when I saw a few people trying to dribble the ball. I asked them if I could try and that’s about when the idea started to form in our heads. Pankaj Chhabra suggested we talk to Gurnam Sir about it. When he approached him, he seemed receptive to the idea (being a hockey player himself). For some time things took a back seat with studies and all our other stuff needing attention. Some of us continued to play whenever we had the time and found space. Initially we used to play on the road in front of the rocks, it being the only flat surface available at that time. Later as more and more people joined in, we shifted to the ground in front of the mess

and eventually to the ground adjacent to the SAC. When we had enough people, we figured we could start a team. LTGTR: How helpful was the admin in your fledgling efforts? DAK: Gurnam Sir was very enthusiastic about our idea right from the start and very supportive throughout. He ensured that we got balls, sticks and shin pads to outfit the entire team. He also got us goalkeeping kits, which are rather expensive. His personal interest was a big factor in our decision to go to BOSM. LTGTR: The team that went to BOSM did not have much prior experience in playing hockey. Majority of the member were freshers. What motivated you go? DAK: The people, who play hockey here, play it not because it’s popular but simply because they love the feel of being on the field and dribbling past opponents. At the start of the third year, many of the seniors dropped out citing studies or injuries, but almost immediately a new crop of players emerged to take over from the old guard. They were regular and very interested, if not masterful. We had a team again. We decided to go because primarily we wanted to learn. Maturity comes with exposure, and the team wouldn’t get the feel of the sport until it played some competitive matches. Secondly a lot of people put in a lot of time and effort for this. It would have been really demoralizing for them not to go. LTGTR: Tell us about BOSM. We know the statistics, but how was the experience? DAK: Pilani was a great learning experience. The referees were very good and gave us a lot of useful tips. The fact that the tournament was not on a knock out basis ensured that we played against the best teams. Everyone put up a really good show. The improvement between successive matches was incredible, especially in team work and understanding. The entire team played really well, the goalkeeper was in particular was exemplary. One of the things I shall remember is holding our own against a team which had a few India-B players. Another is the Irish referee complementing me after the match, “Well done captain! You should be proud of your team.” LTGTR: So what comes next? DAK: We will resume playing soon, and are planning a series of matches in October. As always we encourage people to take up the sport, there is no minimum eligibility. Just put on a pair of shoes and walk over. LTGTR: The journey was not painless for you or for anyone else. Everyone put in their best, made sacrifices, some learnt hockey from scratch other showed a vast improvement. Would you say it was all justified in the end? DAK: We love the sport, and got a chance to play good matches. It was worth it.

DISCLAIMER : The Mechanical Engineering Association is duly accredited with the title, in case they drag me to court for copyright infringement. Frankly, I did not. I really didn’t. I’ve always had an inclination towards Science ever since childhood but I had no idea where that would take me. So my parents gave it a direction instead. Engineering, they said! I know that engineering has now diversified and doesn’t retain its traditional image, but that doesn’t stop me from picturing an engineer as someone supervising movements of cranes or slaving away in front of giant noisy machines. That never appealed to me. I wanted to be a scientist, just like Dexter! But as I grew up, I conformed to my parents’ wishes and enlisted myself in the rat race. I had to be an engineer! Why? Because it was the ‘hottest’ career option and everyone was doing it. I couldn’t crack IIT even after two attempts, but clearly the Fates had something else in mind so I came here to BITS with a dual degree. When I envisioned engineering as a career for myself, it saddened me a little. I would be leaving Chemistry behind, where I had a strong foundation. I had, at the most, perhaps a one year liaison left with the subject. But all that changed when I saw my name in the list for the MSc Chemistry program. I won’t have to say goodbye after all! I was overjoyed and perfectly content but the chase wasn’t over yet. There was still a window of opportunity left for an engineering degree and I wanted to (and so did my parents) make use of that for Computer Science. Not because it was the ‘in’ thing or it fetches you a fat pay packet. Simply because I had true passion for it. And God has been kind to me, I can now proudly say that I’m doing the two things which I love the most and I’m meant to do them. That’s me but what about the others? How many people here truly love the course they are pursuing, irrespective of what market value is put on it? I’m not saying that people here have just mindlessly admitted themselves into their respective streams or engineers aren’t worth a darn, but why is this country so obsessed with this profession? I mean, what sense does it make to churn out scores of engineers and leave the science pipeline empty? You are creating a serious imbalance here. It’s an open secret that most of the dualites here are doing their course, simply in the hope that they will get their shot at engineering in a crooked way, having failed at the straight one. That is completely your call and your choice. But what really ticks me off is how some people here are downright ashamed of admitting that they are in the Science stream. Especially the ones in Biology and Chemistry. Economics is fine because it sounds pretty snazzy and Maths and Physics would probably aid your attempts at trying to look and/or be smart. Maybe they don’t want to spend an extra year studying or they think the science tag is utterly tacky. You’d know best. I’ve heard people saying that they don’t care a fig for their 3rd year CDCs and 4th year is when they’ll start putting their brains to use. Just how degrading can you get? No one ever gives a damn about actually acquiring knowledge anymore!

I understand that in today’s unsure, dynamic environment, engineering is a safety net and being a maverick is not pragmatic, but whatever happened to fighting against all odds to live your dreams? Do you seriously, seriously believe that what you are doing is what you are best at and not because it’ll make you look good in front of people? My parents are very proud of my dual degree but I know that they will always say B.E Computer Science first and then MSc Chemistry. They would want to make sure that people understood that I could lay a claim to that ‘coveted’ status of an engineer as well. Personally I’m doing engineering because, like I said, I genuinely love computers and this is almost like a buy-one-get-one-free offer, otherwise I have no qualms about not bearing the tag. I’m not going to be an engineer with a science degree. I’m going to be a scientist with an engineering degree. Take your goods to the market where you get a good price for them! And I’m certain the latter has the more ‘oooh’ factor. I don’t presume to dictate what your priorities should be, but all I’m saying is that, show a little respect to your Science stream, even if you have no love for it. It’s the foundation on which your precious Engineering lies. The world perhaps remembers its engineers but it never forgets, and duly reveres its scientists.

Great Dreamers' dreams are never fulfilled...they are always transcended.

-some wise person.

We are all aware that institutes like MIT & Stanford, are renowned for making America one of the largest contemporary producers of successful ventures. The philosophy which works here is that people tend to develop a way of entrepreneurial thinking that is still lacking in India. People there have to start earning by 18, as the level of independence in their society is trancendental in nature. They have to either get a scholarship, or do part time jobs. People who don't get scholarships and are too lazy for any part time hardships, seek to make themselves self employed. Some of them, as shown in television series, even manage to have cool relationships, and can showcase that attitude. But in India the latter aspect has been replicated properly & former been neglected. India certainly has seen a lot of development on the entrepreneurial front in recent days. Almost all the colleges have E-cells (Entrepreneurship Cells) active in them. These E-cells are built with a vision & mission to pitch in and enhance entrepreneurial thinking within the community & to provide people with resources with which can they sharpen their entrepreneurial skills. In simple words, if you have skill, don't waste it in working for others, be an entreprenuer and create employment for others. This is what is needed to sustain economic development in India. This not only increases employment rate of the country through enhanced human resourcing but also every new venture and the R&D it brings will contribute to the manufacturing sector in India. The recent competition to the big-wigs like Nokia, LG, Samsung, etc, provided by our very

own Micromax, Spice, etc makes me proud. It's also imperative that we understand that these local brands will need some time for their R&D to reach the benchmarks set by betters. The Indian community needs to support them. India offers a market twice that of America. These mobile companies are going to offer tremendous entrepreneurial opportunity in the future. Companies writing applications for them, ventures manufacturing parts for them, communication research labs working on them, customer services, HR, etc are all examples of the opportunities offered. Now coming back to what I was talking about. The E-cells today are concentrating more on conducting events & other projects, but there is a thing that they miss out on. Entrepreneurship is also a science in itself & practical knowledge is to be supplemented with the theoretical knowledge that is gained through events. In simple words, just participating in events will make a person aware of some skills. But what next? Most people won’t understand the power of such skills, unless they use them. People who dream can dream bigger only when they test it in the real world. E-cells today are recognized by the events they organize or the prize money they give away. But who is considering the number of ventures they have successfully incubated. Many people started off without being part of E-cells, without taking part in such events. What if this number exceeds the former? What's the use of the E-cell then? The E-cells need to concentrate on this very aspect of making the community practically implement their skills. No matter what, each member of the community should START-UP. This would make for the lack in practicality of Entrepreneurship. No matter what, students should start ventures, & try making them sustainable & scalable. It does’t matter whether it fails or succeeds. They after all, are in the protected environment of the campus. It's not compulsory to think of a big idea, participate in a B-plan comp., win it, & contact VCs. You can think small, take a small but meaningful dea, work on it, 'transcend' it. It will give you practicality of Entrepreneurship, it will certainly make you a true leader, and it will make you stand tall in life. If you work on a 100, at least 1 will succeed, it’s better than not to work on even a single venture. You get 99+1 case studies in return! This very aspect needs to be concentrated on by E-cells. Only words won’t create a leader, work is equally important! Don’t just create competitions, also create ventures! Dreams cannot be transcended, unless they are worked upon, if they are worked upon, these dreams would expand to be worked upon again & never can thus be fulfilled, ending nowhere, it’s a loop! But if they aren’t worked upon, how can they be expanded?

We are time and again given sermons about how to always be happy, grateful, generous, determined, focused blah blah. We are told and told and told some more, but we are never ‘taught’ how exactly to become that alien person who is always cheerful, full of energy, never ceases to believe in him/herself and is, in short, simply perfect. In all our growing years, there are so many tips, words of wisdom (or whatever you call them) that we learn from so many sources, but it’s just that we become so busy living our lives that we stop thinking about ‘how’ we are living it!

I’ve always thought of myself as a content and well balanced person (in many aspects) but it was not until the YES+ course that I started opening my eyes to all the little things that had the potential to transform my life ( trust me I’m not exaggerating even the tiniest bit)! For those who do not know, YES+ (Youth Empowerment and Skills) is the name of the ‘Art of Living’ course conducted in our campus in August. When we hear of the Art of Living foundation, many of us have the tendency to immediately relate it to people in white kurtas talking about peace and spirituality or we might even think of people performing pujas and other religious practices. In reality, (as I came to know only after getting associated with the foundation) it simply is all about the ‘Art of living’, not just living, but living every moment with the widest and brightest smile! No offence taken if you call me dense and stupid to even suggest something as outlandish as being happy all the time, as though our lives are easy and undemanding! Life is no bed of roses and I know it too, all I’m saying is that it’s all in the perspective. By accepting people as they are, I’ve learned to derive peace of mind through lesser resistance and avoidance. By living in the present moment and enjoying every bit of it, I’ve learned to do what I love and love what I do! It was a four hours a day, seven day course and even after a grueling day of classes, tut tests and other activities, we used to line up outside the hall, excited about another day of fun. Some of you might be shocked that I actually used the word fun, but trust me, that is exactly what it was –fun! We used to have all kinds of fun activities and games, some of them so strange that you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Our teachersVenky and Purnima (we are asked to never refer to them as Maam or Sir) are both corporate professionals who are part time Art of Living teachers, and somehow merely thinking about them puts a smile on my lips! All of us would sit down with expressions of awe and disbelief as Venky and Purnima would tell us straightforward yet often forgotten little things, triggering jolts in certain parts of the brain as a realization suddenly dawns upon us. It was like literally drilling sense into our heads! Have you ever experienced complete and unparalleled bliss, a state wherein you feel so happy and peaceful about yourself and everything around you, that nothing in the world could make you feel low or depressed? Have you ever felt so blessed and grateful for everything you own, every little thing from the clothes you are wearing and the perfectly abled body and mind you own to the loving friends and parents you have? This course has shown us all this and much more. Apart from this, it’s the Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayams and other breathing exercises taught in YES+ which make it so popular. These techniques, to put it mildly, have a zillion benefits and make us feel totally stress free. Now if I start telling you about all the mental and physical health related benefits of Sudarshan Kriya, you would surely think I'm the official spokesperson/publicist of Art of Living! Some things can never be fully understood till you actually experience them, this without doubt is one of those things. There is another YES+ course scheduled for the end of October, I would say- experience the magic yourself! ..........................................................................................................................................................................

We go on with our lives without realizing there are some very common things that are mysteries. Let us The world has only 118 elements…!.Of course some of them are yet to be discovered. Everything in this world is a combination of so can you imagine yourself to be a moving pack of elements combined in a certain proportion? Isn’t it a mystery, that how all the non-living things that we take in (food, air) turn to living as they become the part of our body and the things that were living are turned to non-living after removal from the body. If we are really a bag of elements, how can we have feelings? The joy, sorrow, anger, guilt, love etc. which are neither the physical, or chemical characteristics of any of the elements form an important part of our life. It hurts me a bit that some elements judge the thoughts of us. For example sodium is required for reaction. Excess of it tends to make us over reactive (short temper). Though it is a mechanism for survival, I feel my thoughts are corrupted by these elements. Our body has several amplifiers, sensors, and it has feedback mechanisms and joints which we find hard to design while making robots and a brain which is far more complicated than the computer. It’s not just the biology I am speaking about. It’s far more than biology, psychology and engineering put together. We all know that death is a mystery. We don’t even bother to know what happens to us when we go to sleep. We spend about more than half of our lives in this state and don’t even care about it. You may say that it is a state of rest for both body and mind. But just sitting or lying down will do for body and meditation or something like that can do for mind. Sleep is a state in which we forget ourselves and our senses don’t respond to the stimulus of certain magnitude. We lose all our logic and reasoning when we see those fascinating dreams or terrible nightmares. The most common things have a high probability of going unnoticed. They are the things that are often left unanswered. They are the things that lead us to uncover the truth. Rarely does one discover a fact from a common thing as Newton did. Hundreds of apples would have fallen before he actually noticed his golden apple that led him to discover gravity. I think there are many more such open secrets which need to be discovered. So let’s keep our minds open.

MUSIC: Popular songs, when I like a song I keep listening to it on repeat

CONCEPT OF MASTI: A girl gang going to the movie theatre and hooting and dancing there.

MOVIES: Telugu mass flicks, masala Hindi movies. Substance in movies is a big turn-off. Fav is Pretty Woman

IDOLS: Dr. Tejas. He’s a dentist friend and inspired me to start two social campaigns. One was Save India, which was primarily making people aware about brain drain and asking them to stay in India. The second was MAHIP – My Acceptance to Help In Progress. We organized an eye donation camp and got 330 people to pledge for it. Other than that, my mom and dad, for very different reasons, Mahatma Gandhi

BOOKS: Indian authors, little bit of Sidney Sheldon. Fav are The Wish Club – Stella Cameroon, Freedom At Midnight - Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins INTERESTS: Gossiping, studying people, forming opinions, dance SPORTS: Lawn Tennis, watching cricket with dad. I was a fan of Federer and Safin earlier. Now a Verdasco fan (for being the hottest guy on the circuit). CUISINE: I can’t try new cuisine; I can’t handle the table manners so I stick to Roti & Rice SCHOOL->COLLEGE: Pathetic. It’s taken me a year and half of everything from praying to rudraaksh necklaces to get used to this place and all the freedom that comes with being in college. I still can’t sleep alone and the laptop isn’t really a friend. LIFE @ BPHC: I’ve made some friends now after some bitter experiences. I think the crowd in BPHC is too mature for me to handle.

Future Plans: Take a break of a year after college, teach and then give my civil services. SUBJECTS: Civics. I even taught social sciences in a govt. school in the summer. TEACHERS: Ms. Bernie (English 7th Standard), Ms. Annie (English 10th Standard), My Dad MEMORABLE MOMENTS: My mom is a nutritionist. We were in Vaishno Devi and a group of ladies came up to my mother and said that some problem in their family had been solved thanks to my mom’s advice. On 29th August 2008, on the day back I gave Astha a hug when I saw her, even though we were just for the second time. People thought we were some long lost friends. We hadn’t even talked in between.

EMBARASSING MOMENTS: Every day. Last was when I slipped and fell in McDonalds a few days back and all the people started laughing. I’m happy being the campus goof-up. FIRST CRUSH: It was in 8th standard I think. Most memorable one was a guy in my tennis coaching. We played there for 6 months and I could never muster the courage to speak to him. PEOPLE I RESPECT IN CAMPUS: Abhinay Rao, Astha Sethi, Neha Das, JV Chaitanya, Pratyush Kulkarni, K. Shravya, V. Shilp, Pritesh Parekh MESSAGE TO BPHC: Have fun, loosen up and don’t be judgmental. ONE THING I REALLY WANT TO DO: Start a school where children will be taught to be confident. IDEAL DATE: In some small shanty, it’s raining outside and we’re sipping tea inside. Alternatively we’re going shopping for Kolhapuri chappals. ONE QUESTION YOU’D LIKE TO ASK: Was everything you answered true. FAV CARTOONS: T-Bone and Razor from Swat Kats. ............................................................................................................................................................................

How to get great profile pics: (generally recommended for females.) . Use silhouettes. . Make use of the cheerleader effect. . Shave. . Date a photographer. . Use photoshop.

Must Read:


. The Godfather- Puzo . Animal Farm – Orwell . Catch 22 – Heller . Quiver full of arrows – Archer . Matilda – Dahl . Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank . Swami & Friends – R.K. Narayan

.Rust in Peace – Megadeth .Stupid Dream – Porcupine Tree .Anema – Tool .Damanation – Opeth .No Remorse – Motorhead .Crossroad – Bon Jovi

Albums (International):

Name: Dhawal Moliya (Dhawaliya by friends) ID No. : 2009H1103013H Hometown: Rajkot Zodiac: Aries, 10th April 88 Music: Soft, romantic, AR Rehman Movies: Rarely see any, MI series. Actors: Tom Cruise, Katerina Kaif Books: Technical, Biographies, Jack Welch Interests: Cricket, Music, Painting (childhood), Finance Sports: Cricket, Badminton. Fav is Sachin Tendulkar. ME @ BPHC: I didn’t know we were 1st batch else I would not have taken admission. It has everything to offer. Campus was ok initially but we’ve got facilities now. I’ve made friends and we have a close group. Life@ BPHC: Friends, activities to participate though I hardly did, interacted with lots of people (BE) Cuisine: Gujrati, Punjabi Fashion: Casuals, jeans and T-shirts Concept of masti: Jeetu ki khinchai, chatting with old friends School-> clg-> ME : 1st transition was difficult,

but became better towards the end. Here I got good exposure Why CS : Just like that, didn’t like machinery and all much, wanted to take a white collar stuff. Idols: My dad, Narayan Murthy, Larry Page, Sergey Brin. Subject: Algorithms ,Maths Teachers: Prof. Sachin Sehgal, Placement officer (Nirma University)Prof. C. Hota MEMORABLE MOMENTS : 1st international publication, placement in Morgan Stanley (1st placement from BPHC) About Me: I’m a hard working person, optimist, confident, a day dreamer. He is a very shy person. (by Jeetu bhaiya) When sad : I like to interact with friends. I can’t keep anything within. Message to BPHC: Even if you want to do MBA or don’t want to be in technical field any more then also justify your BE. Future Plans: work for a few years in Morgan

Stanley and then do MBA How was your approach towards Placement: I became thorough with Data Structures and Algo (prepared a lot & studied right from the start), fundamentals of all important courses. Placement: There was a written test. I was last in the list after it, then there was a technical knowledge test. I solved almost all problems & become 2nd in the list and maintained it. There was a group activity (for an hour), we had to make things with straws and pins, we had to think about logo, name etc. for the product after that a presentation & question answer session on that. Then two interviews one on HR & one on technical stuff. HR interview: Who do you think was leader of group and what was his role? If it was a solo activity & time limit of 6 hours what could be the outcome? After 5 years where do you want to see yourself? Idea was to judge whether you can work in a group. Don’t be over smart & show right attitude, don’t lie. Try to give diplomatic answer of last question. First Crush: 3rd standard(dunno where she is now). Ideal date: Candlelight dinner. She should be modest and should understand me. Who would you like to see in a swim suit: Maria Sharapova What I really want to do: Study Finance, be an entrepreneur. ............................................................................................................................................................................

Indian Authors: . The story of my assassins – Tarun Tejpal . White Tiger – Arvind Adiga . The Lost Flamingoes of Bombay – Siddhart Sanghvi . Shadowline – Amitav Ghosh . My Friend Sancho – Amit Verma

FIVE ‘Khopche’s in BPHC:

Bench Marks:

.On (among) The Rocks. .Behind the SAC. .”You know this one”, the lonely road behind the mess. .Work shop ke picchu. .The rock behind Meera Bhavan (remember, angles are important)

.Sleep on the first bench (Monday) . Pick up the phone in a class (Tuesday) . Take Lite (Wednesday) . Make a farting noise (Thursday) . Ask a girl/guy out (Friday) . Stay awake in the last bench (Saturday) . Go **** Yourself (Sunday)

“They aren’t going to see u there”:

Things to do in class.

At sharp mid-night on any day, walk through all the corridors of all the floors. The sound you hear most often would be the noise of a roaring mav or the “doush” of an AK among people discussing strategies, the occasional roar of an NFS engine or the cheering of fans on the fifa 10 ground. Long have people asked gamers to get a life. Long have people told taking a break from reality is not the answer. Yet gaming is currently the most preferred form of time pass/waste young adults and teens enjoy. The joy of teasing a friend you just shot down, the chance for a 5ft 120 kg teen to run past the best defenders of the world, the chance for a 300 ft apartment’s tenant to race the fastest cars, the chance.. is what gaming offers. Not too long ago people played with pixilated figures of a short fat plumber (Mario) followed by shooting of big grey 2d pulps in wolf-3D, then came scoring the 16th goal in “the most realistic game of the year” (proper 3d) fifa-1998. for the next 12 years graphics improved at supersonic speeds. With the latest being playing with a character having your face (only requires scanned photo of you, internet and an original DVD). More and more of us embrace gaming as the graphics get increasingly life like. Gaming has been growing at an amazing pace in the past few years with no signs of stopping. The growth continues as the industry gets gamers to have a closer to life experience while gaming. Nintendo Wii was a major step in this direction and with the fast evolving 3D industry providing glasses for viewing TV, the movement and vision departments are covered and so is the sound with improving recording and playback, left is the feeling/sensation department which for sure will be conquered sooner than we think with increasing research about brain and nerves. What we can expect in the next 2-3 decades is impossible to imagine. We are not far from developing something like the plug and play system we saw in the movie “MATRIX”. One too many of us have made gaming a part of our lives just for what might soon be blurred screens and screeching sounds. What would happen when gaming shows its complete form- with the feel sooo similar u can’t distinguish it from real life is something only Nolan would be able to make a movie about. What would happen is not what gaming would want, it would be crushed for it makes man too satisfied/ addicted, so satisfied/addicted he wouldn’t mind giving up from his real life, not much different from why drugs are banned. Its inevitable doom arrives, for it i’ll develop into something beyond man’s control. Mankind will follow the rules of evolution preventing extinction will put its heavy foot on gaming, first it gets taboo, then it would be protested against and finally banned, pushing gaming to the darker markets. So for now plug in the keyboard, buy the smoothest gaming mouse, upgrade the graphic card…. and game. Game till they let you and then there will be some other invention to hunt mankind.

Nabeel Ahmed Even if all the musicians in the world join together to create a melody to make me sleep, they cannot win over my college faculty!!! :) Ashish Piplani Going to take plunge into yet another venture. This time TIME. Classes starting from today, Hoping the LOL story doesn't repeat itself as it usually does everytime. :) Pankaj Chhabra CDC: Complete Drama Curriculum :P Paritosh Katyal Education is a wonderful thing. If you couldn't sign yourname you'd have to pay cash Pradyumna Murhar We Engineers work on the principle of rockets : We dont move till our a** is on fire !! Vineetha Chidambaram Life is pretty simple..screw an exam, get over it till the next one..and screw the next one! Suryatej Borra Everyone in BPHC gets to know something ( like the greatnesss of a company or a subject) only when he is doing a presentation or a report for any course..!! :) Swapnil Rastogi The difference between dream and aim, Dream requires Soundless sleep to see Whereas Aim Requires Sleepless Efforts to Achieve... Prerak Patel Make donalds ane rape music. Su majha nee life che bappa. :) :) Suhas Srivastava ‎"Press any key to continue, where's the any key?" - Homer Tanmay Ze Shah If you come to think of it, aren't we all so full of shit most of the time? Mahesh Kumar damn!!! my mirror using my lappy webcam as a mirror nw.. :P :D ;) Sriram Chepuri i love the taste of chocolate and smell of shaving foam individually...but both them diluted with water( i dont know wat molar concentration :P) sort of stank... thanks to all my dearest friends who made this experiment possible :) Krishit Nallamasa My worst nightmare,my son turns out to be like me!!!!....or even worse he turns out to be like my friends....!!!! Harshit Rastogi Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them. Madhu Garg commonwealth games= COMMON "WEALTH" GAMES IN INDIA Gaurav Singh Santa:-Agar Teri Bivi Ko Bhootni Lipat Jaye, To Tu Kya Karega?Banta:-Mujhe Kya Karna ! Ye Do Behno Ka Aapsi Mamla Hai Soham Pal They name it 'Karate Kid' and they show Kung-Fu. Faisal Ahmad Even Turing Machine will fail to comprehend the "states" i am passing thru. Leeon Passi Kabootar Ja Ja Ja ..... Pehle Pyaar Ki Doosri Chitti Kisi Teesri ko de Aa !!! Apoorv Utsav When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets. Chandan Kumar Sahu Kya Banane aye the kya ban baithe, kahin mandir bana baithe, kahin maszid bana baithe, hum se to jaat achi hai parindo ki, kabhi mandir pe ja baithe toh kabhi maszid pe ja baithe.... Amey Limaye Save Electricity Caption : "How do you feel when some one Turn's you ON and leaves" Nitish Nayak I am too busy at the moment so I can't be bothered to punch you in the face,here's my fist,kindly run towards it as fast as you can.. Ravi Shankar I'll love you forever....Forever is over...


a network security company based in Kolkata came to BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus on 15th September to conduct a basic level Network Security and Ethical Hacking Certification course in collaboration with Computer Science Association of the campus. The team of Nettech comprises of experts who are currently registered with the CID (West Bengal) as their cybercrime investigators. Around 150 students registered for the course which covered topics like network setups, routing tables, IP and subnets, Web Hosting, DNS and DHCP configuration, Samba file sharing, SMTP configuration, disk partitions, quota allocations and ethical hacking(seriously cant elaborate on it).The course extended over a period of 20 days. They way of teaching using live examples was something that students liked the most. As everybody says the course has been awesome and people have learnt a lot from the course. Hope we establish a good relation with more such companies to help students here excel to higher levels.

SpicMacay held a wonderful

program by the Bombay Sisters C.Saroja and C. Lalitha on the 18th of September, 2010. The eminent Carnatic musicians enthralled the audiencestudents, faculty and parents- with a melange of assorted krithis. Their slow and unhurried style was complemented by unconventional accompanying by the supporting artistes. We hope that there will be more such performances at BITS!

La Fin There, there.

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