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Report Overview Summary: Australia's Credit Cards Market Players - Competitive Dynamics; is an exhaustive research report outlaying Credit Cards usage in Australia. The report provides year on year statistics on Cards in Issue, Balance Outstanding, Number of Transactions (including transaction by ATM and Frequency of Use) and Value of Transactions split by Banks and Financial Institutions.
Key Findings We considers Credit Card as a revolving payment card providing consumers with access to a line of credit. Consumers make payments using their card and receive a bill at the end of the billing cycle. The card issuer usually demands a minimum payment against the outstanding balance, but beyond this the customer can choose how much of the bill he wishes to repay, up to and including 100% of the balance outstanding. Any balances that are not repaid within the interest-free period offered by the card incur interest at the rate advertised by the card issuer. A revolving credit card may or may not be linked to a customer's bank account.
Report Overview Synopsis
"Australia's Credit Cards Market Players - Competitive Dynamics" provides the readers with credit cards usage broken down by issuing banks or financial institution for the period 2009 to 2014. In particular, it provides statistics for: - Number of cards issued - Balances outstanding - Number of transactions - Value of transactions
Reasons To Buy • Enhance your knowledge of the credit card usage split down by issuing banks or financial institution in Australia. • Understand how the credit card market in Australia has performed in the historic period including quantitative data for transactions, value of transactions, and cards in use. • Gain knowledge on how each card issuing banks or financial institution have performed in the last 5 years. Read More @:
Table of Content List Of Tables Table 1: Total Cards in Issue (Thousands), 2009 - 2014 Table 2: Cards in Issue by Turnover per Card (US$), 2009 - 2014 Table 3: Total Balances Outstanding (US$ Million), 2009 - 2014 Table 4: Average Balance per Card (US$), 2009 - 2014 Table 5: Total Number of Transactions (Millions), 2009 - 2014 Table 6: Number of Transactions by Frequency of Use (Tx/card/year), 2009 - 2014 Table 7: ATM Number of Transactions (Millions), 2009 - 2014 Table 8: Frequency of Use Number of Transactions (Tx/card/year), 2009 - 2014 Table 9: Number of Transactions by Point of Sale (Millions), 2009 - 2014 Table 10: Number of Transactions by Frequency of Use (Tx/card/year), 2009 - 2014 Table 11: Total Value of Transactions (US$m), 2009 - 2014 Table 12: Average Transaction Value (US$), 2009 - 2014 Table 13: Value of Transactions by ATM (US$ m), 2009 - 2014 Table 14: Average Transaction Value (US$), 2009 - 2014 Table 15: Purchases by Point of Sale (US$m), 2009 - 2014 Table 16: Average Transaction Value (US$), 2009 - 2014 Enquire At: -
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