Proposed Oceanarium At Mahabalipuram,Chennai.

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Land 30 %

Water 70 %



Need of an Oceanarium

India has a long coastline of 7,517 kms.It has one of the longest coastlines compared to most other countries.India also has many fresh water bodies which house many varities of fresh water fishes.About 80% of the marine fishes come from the west coast and the remaining 20% come from the east coast.Thus the people of the country have very less knowledge of the vast resources that are pooled out from the ocean and the different variety of salt water fishes as well as fresh water fishes that are present here. The awareness of the vast ocean and its potentials is some thing that most of the peo-ple who live in a country with one of the biggest coastline don’t have proper knowledge about.India till date does’nt have a single Oceanarium despite all the resources available. Not even one aquarium has been expanded to a large scale housing marine mammals like shark,sea otter,etc.This being the first and one it’s kind would be beneficial to the people as well the country economically and globally. People should be able to go through a journey through this Oceanarium where they will be able to see marine life in it’s natural habitat and not in just a conventional tank.This oceanarium would not be only for sole purpose of entertainment but also would cater the marine enthusiasts and marine biologist.It would educate people not only about the fishes but also about the amazing flaura and fauna in its natural habitat that survive underwater.

It would teach us how our human habits and pollution and waste materials thrown into the sea affects these creatures.It will teach us how we can live in co ordination without harming them. Students from universities can study the different species from different parts of the world under one roof. Therefore, the importance of an oceanarium lies in the study of of fishes and other marine flora and its related issues.Different seminars and joint programmes can be held in the facility where people from different parts of the countries can come together and discuss the problems in the current situation and can come up solutions to counter the problems arising environmentally.In such a way the Oceanarium is served for both enterntainment and educational purposes also. Educating people in this respect and stressing the urgency of conservation would not be better achieved than through an entertainment facility.Thus proposals like this go a long way in educating people through entertainment to make them realize their responsibili-ties towards other life forms.Man’s dependence on sea and the life it nurtures cannot be ignored. Man therefore needs to contribute to its symbiotic relationship.



Recreational Activities : The oceanarium will be built in such a way that it would attract not only a single visitor but the entire family to the facility.There should be recreaational activity for people from all age groups.The design would also be handicapped friendy so that any handicapped person won’t be deprieved of a not being able to access the facility because of their disability.

Education : The oceanarium will educate people of all ages towards the marine aquatic life, it will educate the visitors towards the importance of aquatic life, it will educate the people towards the endangered spices in water, and how to protect them. Education shall happen in a very informal way with the help of staff and rec-reational activities.Spaces for seminars and summer schools shall be provided. Species and biodiversity conservation : To build a research unit that will focus on conservation of species, experiments should take place on regular basis to improve lifestyle of species, mating of species should take place to help increase the population of the species. A fish hospital is required to check the health of fishes on regular basis.The dangered species can be breeded in this quarinitne.

Tourism : the oceanarium aims to increase the tourism of Mahabalipuram city, it shall aim to change the waytouristandthepeopleinteractwiththeenvironment.Provisionofthelocalsculptorartwould also be encouranged through this facility.Employment will be generated through this facility.


Scope of an Oceanarium

India is one of the largest peninsulas in the world with water surrounding india from 3 sides, the arabian sea to the west, the indian ocean to the south and the bay of bengal to the east .India has a coastline of 7500 km. Apart for this coastline india is well gifted with perennials water bodies. Urbanization, progressive development and pollution have resulted in decline of marine spices in and around india. This has resulted in the decline of tourism and the fishery industry; this has lead to a great fall in the level of income by the government. Indian water is a gold mine for ornamental fish traders with more than 100 varieties of species and same for exotic fishes ,the fauna found is indian water is largely used for keeping healthy water environments in aquariums which leads to longer fish life. The rocks are also widely used for decorating the tanks. With such a large variety of both marine and aquatic spices, india should try and exhibit sum of its marine spices to educate people about the large variety of marine life india poses, it should also educate them about the importance of taking care of the countries marine life. India has very few aquatic centers and as such there is a need to boost the same.The oceanarium has a very good scope in india because it will be the first of its kind in india .It would be able to exhibit the complete diverse collection of marine life in the world with an entertainment package. It would be something new for the people of india because an marine park at a very large scale has never been made in india. It will have a combination of educating and entertaining the masses with its conservation programs. The national aquatic animal of India is “Dolphin”.The Ocenarium will also a dolpin show area knows as “Dolphinarium” where there would be daily 3-4 shows.This shows would change after every 2-3 months so as to keep the people entertained every time they come. Bottlenose dolphins are extremely easy to train and also are very friendly with people. There is not a single dolphinarium in India,this will be the first facility to house a dophinarium with trained dolphins. The economy of the area depends largly on granite sculptors which also can be exibited here thus increasing the economy of the city,also it would provide jobs for the people who can work in the facility.


Architectural Intervention The design proposal,symbolically and functionally seeks to reconnect the history of Mahbalipuram through the spaces inside and thus making a positive contribution in reviving the history of the place which will house the facility.It would seek to communicate a meaningful and relevant narrative to its visitors through the exibits and shows that would be potrayed inside the facility Out of the 18 acres of site 6 acres would be used for construction purpose.The rest of the land would be developed as landscape and other recreational activities which would attract large number of visitors and in turn change the tourism phase of mahabalipuram not only on a national scale but also to an internation scale. This structure being a first of its kind in India would have great expectations as well as enthusiam from all over the country.Oceanariums are not just mere rectangular structures with rectangular tanks placed one after another.They hold much more importance than that.Its about creating a structure with carefull planing so that the visitors are voluntarily in relation with the surroundings and they planning would narrate a story to them instead of just seeing monotonous tank exibits placed in a single line.The oceanarium is not less than a museum but instead of lifeless exibits there are living organisms who have a much earlier existence than us. Architecture is not related only to the interior part.The exterior architecture plays an important part in the design factor because the external architecture of the facility will give an identity to the structure and will be symbolified as ‘Oceanarium’.All the major places in the world get an identity mostly because of the architecture style that has been in the roots of the country over centuries.But with the growth of knowledge of architecture and engineering the advancement in the field of architecture have gone tremendously ahead than just a hut which was believed to be the first shelter ever built.As time has passed the new structures are giving identity to the places that have historical structure or old architecture styles like the Bilbao Museum,Science city in Valencia,Aquatic Centre in london and many such others. Through architectue Oceanarium will be giving identity to the place and the function it serves and will put Mahabalipuram on a global map.As when one searches for Mahabalipuram on the internet it shoes the World heritage sites but the plan is to put the Oceanarium as one among the images that shows up when one searches for it.


Background Study Ocean nearly covers four fifth of the earth’s surface,being such an enormous portion it is very essential to protect it.It is a belief that life on earth, began from the oceans. The oceans are known to have covered the entire space. It took centuries of evolution, to lead to formation of land. Moreover water now covers 2/3 of earth surface and it is to this, that our planet owes its unique position in the universe.The one thing that distinguishes our planet is the existence of life on it. The first form of existence of life is said to have been an aquatic environment in the form of unicellular organisms and lead to the evolution of the most advanced and complicated living being -the “MAN”.Oceans are thus the origin of life.

The oceans have always fascinated man.Sometimes it is a spirit of adventure while sometimes it a pure sense of mystery and imagination to waht more the ocean holds for us. Ocean is a vast pool of not only water but also knowledge. “The real voyage of my life started when i slipped into the watre with my snorkeling gear.I had entered the underwater garden on Eden.Swimming around the flowerbed of corals with fish of every size,shape and unimaginable color.Soon i was floating in the kaleidoscope marine world if elec-tric blues fluorescent yellow silvery whites,rainbow green and starting red.After the ini-tial burst of elation i was stirred by filling of reverential wonder for hear,in this world not designed for man i had stumbled upon the alter of such super creation” Sylvia Earle. Oceanarium is an advanced form of an aquarium often loacted near an ocean and fea-tures outfoor pools and aquatic environments with clear acrylic windows or potholes that visitors to see the marine life from below the water surface.The under water aquarium concept is a revolutionary concept in an entertainment faility along with education which draws power on our national human curiosity of other forms of animal life.The underwater life has always fascinated people of all age groups because of it’s inaccesibility.In the previous times the viewing of marine life has almost been confined to aquarium in which the viewer would circulate around the tanks having view of the tank from single angle to a limited vision.The difference lies in taking the public on a memorable tour with views in all directions,which creates an impression as if the visitor is walking on the sea bed glazing at alluring underwater life making them feel as a part of the marine environment.


Thus the most important and basic element in the environmental approach regardless of the age group is the effort to personally live the visitor in the interpretive event.All the senes sight,sound,smell,touch,touch and taste are viable pathways to involve visitors appreciation and response can be achieved on a complex of this nature which acts as an outdoor classroom in which knowledge is imparted and new world is unfolded in front of man so that recreation blends skillfully with education. This is not the ultimate but it a complex structure,which provide visitor of all age groups with entertainment,enjoyment and education.Each development has a number of support enterntainment facilites and education facilites which transform into much longer outing. Besides the curatorial deparment the other area may be used for education for the visitors who wish to know more about the facility.Today ther is an increasing need to protect and care for our environment and all visitors visiting the Oceanarium will be better equipped with knowledge to help in this issue and can learn the appropriate ways to manage everything in this fragile world. Today the sea contains representives of about all the main groups of animals including mammals.Mostly because it was a cradle for evolution of life.The species of marine animals known to us are about 1,60,000 out of which 24,000 fishes. Many aquariums housed fishses caught locally in the rivers.There were thus tanks loosely related to a single habitat. With the later adventage of air travel, exotic fishes from all over the world became available and with them came the concept of community aquarium. In these, the mixed populations from widely different habitats were introduced together; the only thing these fishes had in common,apart from tolerating the same general conditions of the water, was an easy going and indulgent nature. As with the advancement of technology and new modern mehtods to capture fishes the aquariums now can show an enormous variety of fishses and the different falura and fauna.Differnt varities of species from all parts of the world can be displayed under one single roof which gives the perception of travelling to different parts and oceans around the world without actually having to go anywhere.


Marine Wonders - Evolution The ocean is a home to billions of microscopic creatures.For ages we have used it as a hunting ground and dumping ground just for our own benefits without thinking what lies beneth it.Now it a high time everyone need to needs to realise that beneath the waves lays a vast virgin territory every bit as challenging as outer space. Years ago our planet was very different from what we know now,volcanoes threw out wet dish and lava and clouds of hydrating ammonia and carbon dioxide swirled overhead.As lava cooled it rained and all the depressions on the crust became oceans as the lightning struck chemicals in the sea started to link together.Eventually molecule formed that could reproduce itself however it did’nt produce itself.So a variety of organisms evolved.

Eventually the mats of blue algae blanketed parts of the sea bed.They gave out oxygen as a waste product slowly enough oxygen was built in the atmosphere to support animal life..Similary crabs,bivalves and horeshor crabs evolved.The evolved lampreys with bony plates round their head.Next were the sharks with their skeleton of soft car bags,this was the main step in the evolution of animals with vertebra the vertabrates.The first verterbrates evolved were the fishes.Then arrived mammals like whales,which rule a major part of the sea because of their size,dolphins and seals also come under the category of mammals. Fishes have truly an ancient lineage, one stretching to more than 400 million years. By way of comparison, whales, the voyagers of the great oceans as they seem to us, have existed for over 55 million years. Yet though there is thisvast history of fishes we know suprisingly very little of them. Their domain the aquatic regions of the world comprising the whole 70% of the earth surface, became available to serious scientific study only about 50 years ago. The breakthrough came along with the innovation of the scuba diving instruments. This gave the aquarists an opportunity to observe relatively uninterrupted,the natural behavior of the many species of fishes. From the past archeological evidences, we are aware that fishes have been supreme food source since prehistoric times to the coastal tribes and the people living near the coastal areas. Shallow swimming fishes were taken with rudimentary spears and clubs deeper swimming was taken with nets. But it was not until Egyptian times that we got toknow of fishes being kept and bred not only as ready source of food but, more importantly from an aquarists point of view, because of their use as an ornament.


Classification of Fishes Fish, the member of the Animalia Kingdom is classified into Phylum Chordata and Verte-brata Subphylum. Fishes poses notochord, tubular nerve chord, paired gills, segmentation of the body parts, post anal tail, ventral heart, and an endoskeleton to be the member of the Chordata. In order to be a vertebrate, it poses backbone. This back bone supports and protects the spinal cord. All the species of the fish found in the world are classified into the following three groups. 1)Agnatha 2)Chrondrichthyes 3)Osteichthyes


Jawless fish Cartilaginous fish Bony fish Ray finned group Lobe finned group

About 50 species of Agnatha fish, 600 species of Chrondrichthyes fish and 30,000 species of Osteichthyes fish are found in the world. Most of the fishes in the bony group belong to the ray finned group. According to the biologist there are about 70 fish orders are found in the world. Sharks and rays; sturgeon and gars; herring-like fishes; trout and salmon; eels, minnows, suckers, and catfish; flying fish and relatives; cod-like fish; flatfish; seahorses and rela-tives; mullets, silversides, and barracuda; and mackerels and tunas are the main group of fishes. 1) Agnathan • •

Phylum: Chordate Subphylum vertebrata

Agnathan are jawless fish and lack paired fins. They also lack the internal skeleton system. They have a circular tooth mouth (cyclostomic) by which they bore the body of their victim and suck their blood. These are classified in to two major types. They are Hagfish and Lampreys.


Characteristic of Agnatha • • • • •

Jaws are absent Paired fins are absent Bony scales and skin plates were present in the ancient species but ar absent in the-living species Gill pouches are present. They have seven or more pouches Stomach is absent in the digestive system

2) Chrondrichthyes Phylum: Chordate Subphylum vertebrata Fearsome predators and harmless mollusc eaters are the members of the Chrondrichthyes. The member of the cartilaginous fish poses true bone and also poses a skeleton made up of cartilage. Only the teeth of this species and rarely the vertebrae are calcified. Sharks, Skates, and Rays make up the group of chrondrichthyes.

2) Osteichthyes Phylum: Chordate Subphylum vertebrata About 30000 species of bony fish are found in this class. Fishes that belong to this species are spindle shaped, oval in section and flattened. Skins are protected by protective scales. Some fishes of this category have actual lungs to breathe and also have sharp eyesight. These bony fishes have a special gas filled chamber called airbladder housed under the skeleton to allow them to remain buoyant. Another adaptation is operculum, a bone on the sides of the fish to protect the chambers that house the gills. Characteristic of Osteichthyes • • • • •

Have more or less bony skeleton and numerous vertebrae Mucous glands and embedded dermal scales are present in the skin Have paired fins aws are present Gill arches support the gills and are protected by the operculum


In this vast variety of fishes the fishse need a suitable water condition to which they are adapted since the begining of time because they were born in the water type conducive to their growth.All the species are ultimately classfied further into two types which are : 1)Freshwater Fish - Salinity less that 0.05 % 2)Saltwater Fish - Salinity more than 0.05 %

While marine waters cover more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface, freshwater covers only 1 percent. Surprisingly however, 40 percent of the 28,000 species of fish dwell in fresh waters. This is a very high proportion of species density given the small area that the bodies of freshwater actually covers. This data indicates that there are approximately 1 species of fish for every 15 cubic kilometers of freshwater and 1 species of fish for every 100,000 cubic kilometers of marine waters. Constantly changing environments and ease of geographical separation of small bodies of water in freshwater habitat have resulted in a high degree of diversification of freshwater fish. The constantly changing environments have also forced freshwater fish to become more adaptive to their environment. In comparison, saltwater fish have been able to enjoy a relatively more stable environment in a larger ocean environment. Therefore, freshwater fish are generally more adaptable and hardier than saltwater fish.

Anatomy and Physiology There are no significant anatomical differences that universally distinguishes freshwater fish and saltwater fish. The difference simply lies in the way that they regulate water and salts in their internal cells. Most freshwater fish and saltwater fish maintain a salt con-centration in their blood of approximately 10 parts per thousand (ppt), or 10 grams of dissolved salt per liter of water. Since freshwater fish swim in water with approximately

0.5 ppt, the chloride cells in their gills are designed to pump sodium, calcium and chloride into the fish. On the other hand, since saltwater fish swim in water with approximately 35 ppt, the chloride cells in their gills are designed to pump salt out of the out of the fish. This process of controlling the flow of water across their body is called osmoregulation.


Freshwater Aquarium vs Saltwater Aquarium When choosing between a freshwater setup and a saltwater setup, it is important to realize the difference in level of difficulty and level of care required. As stated earlier, freshwater fish are hardier in general because of their adaptive nature. They are capable of being in a wider range of water parameters as well. On the other hand, saltwater fish are generally more demanding of specific water parameters and required habitat. While market value of fish can vary depending on the season and distance from the coastal lines, marine fish are much more expensive compared to most freshwater species. Freshwater Setups Just like saltwater fish, there are many colorful and attractive freshwater fish including cardinal tetras, fancy guppies, killifish, bettas, and cichlids, just to name a few.Even within the scope of freshwater aquariums, there is a great variety of tank setups available. Fresh-water tropical community tanks are one of the most popular aquarium setups for both novice and advanced fishkeepers. While it is relatively inexpensive to set up and maintain, one can also appreciate a great variety of fish in a single aquarium. For community tanks however, it is important to understand the requirements of each species in the community in order to ensure compatibility. Since different species have different swimming patterns, combining top level swimmers, middle level swimmers, and bottom dwellers can be an attractive effect in a community tank. Basic components in a freshwater aquarium set-

up includes filtration, lighting, and heating. For freshwater aquariums without a heating mechanism, coldwater fish are most suitable. Coldwater fish includes goldfish and white cloud mountain minnows, among many other small river species.

Saltwater Setups There is a great abundance of colorful marine fish with striking patterns and body formations.One type of marine tank setup is fish-only-with-live-rock (FOWLR) saltwater aquariums. Live rocks, which are pieces of mature coral reefs, allows colonization of a various marine life such as invertebrates and sponges. Since live rocks house an abundance of beneficial bacteria, it aids in filtration and maintaining desirable water parameters. . The most challenging type of aquarium, more so than FOWLR aquariums, are reef aquariums. In reef aquariums, the primary focus is placed on the corals, invertebrates, and anemones.

While fish can be present in a reef aquarium, they are considered as an accessory of the entire setup. Reef aquariums require specific water parameters, lighting conditions, and water flow that must be maintained on a very regular basis.


Dolphins More and more zoos, wildlife parks and aquaria that display aquatic mammals are now using some from of water treatment system to produce a healthier environment for the animals. It has become even more important to understand the fundamental principles of good water quality management for this ever-popular group of animals. There are some norms to house and display dolphins in dolphinariuams as classified by the European association for aquatic mammals (EAAM) These standards include the minimum requirement to house bottlenose dolphins : A) Minimum Pool Dimensions • • •

Total available pool space (including hospital or Pool areas) should be calculated to observe the following minima for up to five (5) animals Water surface area: 275 m2 + 75 m2 per additional animal. An area of at least the minimum surface area should have a minimum depth of 3.5m.

• •

Total water volume: 1000m3 + 200 m3 per additional animal. Any establishment having pools which fulfill the minimum requirements of two of the above criteria, and where the third criterion is no more than 10% lower than the recommended, should be regarded as acceptable.


B) Construction of buildings,installations and fittings. • • •

The design of buildings, which house dolphins, must take into account the biology of these mammals. Personnel housing food preparation rooms, workrooms, filtration rooms / air condi-tioning rooms and heatingrooms should be separated from each other. All pools surface shall be constructed of materials having a non-porous, waterproof finish, which shall facilitate proper cleansing and disinfection, and which shall be maintained in good repair as part of permanent maintenance programmed.

In order to protect the animals from interference by the public, there must either be a sufficient number of personnel on hand or glass screens as a suitable distance from the animals. • There must be facilities, which permit the animals to be handled, when necessary, for medical reasons etc. • Such pools should measure at least 5.5 m x 3.5 m and 2.7 m deep. The water and power supply most be both reliable, adequate, and alternative emergency power supply shall be readily available. That is, to say, it must be sufficient to maintain the conditions necessary for the animal’s wellbeing in all circumstances. • Open air installations: dolphins cannot be kept in open-air installations if air and water temperature fluctuations could result in health or hygiene problem for the animals. Particular attention must be paid to the following : 1. The pools must always be ice –free. 2. The temperature requirements for these animals should be laid down by the biologist and or veterinary advisor. 3. Shaded or covered areas must be provided in order to protect the animals from adverse conditions.

Indoor installation : 1. Water facilities must be controlled to a degree so that the animals do not suffer from adverse weather conditions (heat or could) when taking into account their requirements. 2. Furthermore, indoor installations must have adequate fresh air ventilation andmeasures must be taken to ensure that there are no chlorine (or other) fumes, nor strong odors. Normally, there should be a minimum five (5) meters unobstructed space above water level in the show pool and 2.5 meters above the isolation,quarantine or veterinary areas.The air relatively free of dust particles.


C) Feeding the Dolphins •

Food must be wholesome and of a standard fit for human consumption, it must be given to animals in sufficient quantities and its nutritional value must be sufficient to keep the animals healthy. Any dietary additives must only be given on veterinary advice. Preparation of food: all chemical and bacterial contamination must be avoided when preparing food. Frozen food must kept in a deep freeze below – 28 o C and used within four months for mackerel and seven months for other species. Food distribution: the animals must be fed at least once a day (except on instructions from a veterinary surgeon). The diet of each individual must be in keeping with its par ticular characteristics) age / size / weight / pregnancy etc). Food

must be given to animals, which are fed individually by a trained person who must be sufficiently competent to measure the differences and variations in eating habits of the animals in order to ensure their good health.

D) Health Check • •

• •

A program of measures for illness prevention and control must be set up by a veterinary surgeon. Every day a qualified person must be assigned the task of observing the animals and must make a daily report concerning the health of each animal. Any health problems must be reported to the veterinary advisor as soon as possible. Newly arrives dolphins must be kept apart from the other animals until it is sure they are in good health. Ideally, the quarantine pool should have a completely sepa-rate water system. A temporary isolation pool must be set aside in each establishment for animals, which are sick, or in quarantine. Such pools must conform to the standards laid. In addition to the medical log, the establishment must keep a health record for each animal. An autopsy must be carried out in the event of every death. This must be carried out by a veterinary surgeon as soon as is practical after notification. Post-mortem reports must be kept by the administrative service of the establishment, and submitted on request to the government agencies responsible for health checks A program of measures for illness prevention and control must be set up by a veterinary surgeon.


E) General Hygiene •

All waste (food remains faces etc) must be removed from the pool daily in order to prevent contamination. The walls and floor of the pools must be cleaned as frequent-ly as possible to maintain the quality of the animal’s environment.

All utensils used in the preparation and distribution of food must be cleaned after use.

The kitchens and areas for handling food must be washed down daily and treated with cleaning products (e.G. Hot water, detergents, disinfectants, etc). Chemical products used for cleaning must not be stored in areas used for storing food. Those chemical must not be harmful to the animals.

Buildings & walls must be clean and in good condition. Structures must be kept in good repair, pools must not contain any sharp or pointed objects on which the animals could injure themselves and designed so that there are no areas where the water remain.

Regular precautions must be taken against flies and other pests. Pest control prod-ucts must be used under veterinary supervision.

The personnel must have access to washbasins, showers and lavatories to ensure clean liness necessary for the well – being of the animals and themselves.


Sharks A) Securing Sharks •

The manner in which a shark is handled from the time it is secured until the time it is placed in an adequate enclosure is very important, as at each stage, the species is susceptible to injuries and diseases. The sharks sent to the laboratories are usually found in the nets of mullet fisherman along with dozen other fishes. They have to be taken out picking their tail or with a large dip net. The best practice is to get a firm grip on the head as well as the tail before lifting the shark, as even the smaller sharks are exposed to injuries. Certainly, in the larger sharks it is necessary to support as much of the ventral surface as possible. The common way to handle large species in the aquaria around the world is to sup-port them on a stretched and then lift them out water. The most desirable method is not to lift the fish directly but to flock or swim it into the task. Most of the sharks are caught in the gulf of mexico. The method used is a trotline that is several hundred feet long. It is anchored at both ends (with dozen or more sidelines with holes set along the main line.

B) Care of the newly captures Sharks: • •

There appears to be no special medication given to the newly captured sharks, al-though there are few treatments that may be helpful. At the Atlantis Aquarium in Dubai,the sharks are frequently placed in a freshwater bath for a few minutes to clear them.

C) Feeding the Sharks in captivity: •

• •

The time when the captured shark starts feeding varies considerable. A shark in its natural habitat eats as per the availability and one meal lasts for a considerable amount of time. It is not a source concern, when a newly captured shard refuses to eat for a couple of days and sometimes-even weeks. If the sharks are fed properly from time to time then even in the presence of human being in the same tank,it won’t hurt him at all.


E) Maintenance of Sharks : •

A recent survey of the sharks in captivity shows that at least species of sharks have been maintained successfully or experimentally or display purposes in over fifty eight aquaria and laboratories throughout the world. Small sluggish sharks are maintained with the best results although a few streamlined carharhinids have survived for the lemon sharks and other such varieties.

There are certain problems regarding the maintenance of sharks in captivity, which are not commonly involved in the maintenance of smaller fish considerable difficulty is involved in the maintenance of smaller fish. Considerable difficulty is involved in the process of capturing, handling, feeding and providing a sustainable aquarium for large and active sharks.

In the initial work stage, the newly captured sharks are thought to be rather delicate and even clumsy. In fact, the larger sharks seem more so that the smaller varieties of the species. However, it is soon realized that is an attitude seen in the sick animals.

Most of the sharks seen in the public aquaria and galleries are sick to some extent. Once a shark gets adjusted to the captive surroundings and conditions, it recovers from its injuries and begins to evoke respect as well. •

When confirmed, healthy sharks can be even more dangerous than in their wild state. Large nurse sharks, sluggish bottom feeders,etc soon get conditioned to the special situations in captivity or laboratories. A surprising number of these fish are found in more than sixty different aquaria and laboratories across the globe. They range in size from under two feet to adults that are about twelve feet long (in the single case of the whole shark). They also vary from the sluggish bottom sharks to the fast swimming ocean variety. Nine species of sharks have lived in captivity for five or more years.The reasons for the mortality start with the actual catching of the fish by the marines. Only the ones caught by an expert sea diver can be free of scratches and wounds.


Factors Affecting the Design An oceanarium involves more complex site design than that of an aquarium.It is a complex that generated a stimulating envirornment where people can obsereve marine life in its natural habitat with the complete underwater landscape.

Planning A well designed oceanarium must incorporate smooth facilitation of process and smooth circulation of people since there are chances of it being crowded so that spaces have to be well designed and spacious.There are mainly 2 types of area : 1) Public Area - Area with the most circulation consisting of all the exibits and the recreational area 2) Services Area -All the area required for maintaining the display area for the proper functioning of oceanarium.This areas should be usually kept out of sight of the visitors.

Cicrulation Main principle includes convenience,safety and aesthetics.Convenience suggests speed when desired.Easy smooth working of various operations,medical checking guaranteeing to be provided from acoustical and visual nuisance. A well designed Oceanarium must provide enough space for smooth circulation of various process involved in running,adequate things,efficient ventilation and satisfactory sound insulation.Scientifically percieved scheme of setting up the tank in harmony with the surroundings to please the visitor’s eye.

Attention should be given for various necessary operations - such as incoming spe-ciemens their medical checking and quarantining if necessary.

Other important function include imparting knowledge of the specimen displayed through informative themes by grouping the specimens of same type.

It is important that the exit is convenient to public and should not open into an area which would lead to their confusion and also should not open near the services area. It should open into an open area incase of any emergeny.


Aquatic Needs Common Information about fishes : •

Ph value of the water should be checked regularly (ph at 7.2 to 8.5 )

Temperature should not be more than 28 degree c.

Pool should be designed in a way that rapid filling and emptying can take place

Water of the pool should be kept seperate from the waste water of the soil and roof runoffs.

Salinity checks should takes place at timely intervals and should be between 18 to 36 gms. Bacterial content of the pool should be monitored and should be kept low as much as possible it should not exceed 50 per 1000ml.

Total filtration turnover time should not exceed 4 hours.

Feeding Information : •

Food chart should be maintained , where diet of each and every fish is noted down

Every species of fish have different diet and food should be given accordingly ,they should be fed at least once in 3 days.

Food given to small fishes living in large groups should be measured in grams and an account of the amount of food given should be kept.

Food should be of wholesome and of standard quality it should have the nutritional value to keep the fish healthy.

Food should be prepared with care that no bacterial contamination takes place food kept in freezer should be kept at -28 degrees c and should be used at the appropriate time, care should be taken that the food does not expire.

Hygiene Care : •

All the walls and the floors should be cleaned on daily basis, noo food particles should remain at the bottom of the tanks.

Water should be clean for the fishes.

Kitchen area should be washed daily and all the utensils should be cleaned on daily


Health Check ups : • • •

Programs to measure illness prevention and control must be set up regularly. Fishes should be observed ,the way they swim or the change of skin colour or diet may suggest illness. Newly arrived dolphins should be kept apart from others until good health is asured.

• • •

Isolation pools must be set up for ill or sick fishes. A health record for fishes should be kept with all the required data. An autopsy should be carried out by a vet when an animal dies.

Temperataure : • • • • • •

For economic reasons it is desirable to maintain an even temperature throughout the Oceanarium and is best for the health of fish. Most fishes need temperature of 74-78 degree fahrenheit , depending on the season. Temperature of 72f (260c - 280c) is compatible for visitors and will permit automat-ic maintanence of display tanks at same temperature. Avoid mercury thermometer cause it might break and poison the tank . During winters heaters and during summers coolers shall be used. Water cicrculation must be sufficient to diffuse heat evenly.This circulation must be maintained either by aeration or by an adequate number of fishes active enought to ensure this.

Lighting : • •

Lighting is very important for an aquarium and is always neglected having the appropriate light stimulates natural daylight in the tank. Florescent lights the best light in the tank they don’t let the fish go awol ,they are also very easy to install n make feeding n cleaning of the tank very easy. Avoid incandescent lights as they give of too much heat which could stress the fish as well as evaporates more water from the tank.


Water supply System There are 3 types of water supply system 1) Open Water System 2) Semi - Closed Water System 3) Closed Water System

Open Water System In open systems the water flows through the aquarium once and is discarded. This provides water quality comparable to that of the natural environment and there is no buildup of toxic metabolic wastes; however, temperature control and pumping are usually costly and filtration often is necessary. Hence an open system is not preferred.

Semi Closed Water System Semis closed are the same as closed systems except that there is a constant connection to the water supply and the problem of dissolved wastes is controlled by the regular addition of new water; this system is more economical than the open type in terms of temperature control and pumping.


Closed Water System

Water is continuously re-circulated in closed systems and is only renewed periodically. Metabolic wastes must be treated since they are not continuously flushed from the system. An important problem is that ammonia must be rapidly removed or transformed because it is harmful even at very low concentrations. In the aquarium the bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrite reside primarily in the filter material and a slow sand filter with a large surface area is usually provided to ensure their abundance. Plant growth in the aquarium, especially in marine systems are not usually sufficient to utilize the entire nitrate produced by bacteria from nitrite. Although some aquariums have operated many years with a minimum of water renewal, it is normally necessary to replace from 1 to 10 % of the water per month to maintain a low level of nitrates. The use of charcoal in both fresh water and seawater system helps to slow down the accumulation of nitrogenous wastes. Metabolic wastes also cause an increase in the acidity of water. Carbonate compounds are commonly used to maintain an optimal level of acidity, particularly when water renewal is infrequent.


Salinity Salinity level is the amount of salt water present in water.It is thr first thing that one should consider while setting up a tank.Unfortunately people tend to forget the importance of salinity once they have their tanks under control.It is straight forward to use hydrometer.There is a scale attatched to each hydrometer.The reading is in the form of 1.0xx which is the specific gravity measurement.The reading should be in the range of 1.021 to 1.023 at 75 Fahrenheit.Since salinity varies with tempertaure,it is quite common for hyrdometers to have a thermometer included. Salinity refers to the amount of dissolved salt per kilogram in water and it has the unit of ppt (part per thousand).For example 30 ppt means 30 g of salts in 1kg of water.The natural seawater has an average salinity of 35 ppt. There are many reasons for the unwanted algaes that grow in a tank.One of theim is a low salinity level in the tank.However the reason for keeping a stable salinity is related to the saltwater fishes osmoregulation.There is usually a difference between the salinity in an aquarium and than in the fish cells.The surrounding water will immedietly start flowing into the cells.Meanwhile the fish tries to release it’s excess salt to the ambient water in order to stabalize the flow.This is called osmoregulatatory behaviour.Osmoregulatory behvaiour refers to the constant adjustments that the fish must undertake in order to maintain a balance betweem two different salinity levels.

Measuring Salinity in tank Although salinity is usually described in the unit of ppt one usually does not get the salinity reading of a tank in ppt directly.Since salinity is a critical element in a tank it is recommended to get accurate reading using electronic instrument.Although a simple hydrometer can measure the salinity level quite easily.The salinity meter has a probe to be submereged in the water and corresponding reading in the ppt value directly will be shown on the monitor.It includes a kit to calibrate the monitor before it is used.The solution of 53ms. With the probe submerged in a bucket containing the solution one can calibrate the monitor so that the reading on the screen match the 53ms.Since salinity is a very important element to indicate the well being of an aquarium tank. 1. Hydrometer 2.Salinity Meter


Filteration and Life support systems In nature tidal fluctuations, current, incorporation by plant and algae life and many other processes help in the removal of animal wastes. A sustainable life support technology must rely upon the principles of water mechanical.

Biological filtration It is the conversion of the nitrogenous wastes such as ammonia (NH3) or nitrate (NO2) into less harmful nitrates or nitrogen gas. This is accomplished through the action of the bacteria living on suitable substrate such as gravel bed or plastic structures called “bio-media�.

Mechanical Filtration It is the removal of the dissolved suspended particles from the water by some type of filter or medium such as sand or floss, a rapid sand. Filter is an example of mechanical filtration as it uses a layer of sand and fine coal to stop particles.

Chemical filtration It is the removal of the dissolved organic compounds. Dissolved organic materials can cause the water to have a yellowish appearance. This is remedied by using ab activated carbon filter, a foam fractional or ozone. Many harmful compounds and medications can be removed through chemical filtration. When it comes to creating a healthy environment for marine fish, mammals & invertebrates biological filtration is by far the most critical consideration. While chemical and mechanical filtration plays important roles they are primarily supplemental to and support-ive of the biological process. The best designs should not only result in the crystal clear water that every visitors and curator wants to see, but also the stable and sustainable water quality that closely parallels a natural aquatic environment. Indicators of a stable environment can be identified, by but are not limited to common water quality criteria, including water temperature. Indicators of a stable environment can be identified by, but are not limited to, common water quality criteria, including water temperatures dissolved oxygen, pH and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). While these are common water quality indicators, the life support engineer knows how the design approach will change when creating a system that must sustain animals as diverse as a delicate moon jellyfish and a 1,500 pound manatee.


Regardless of size or species of animal, biological respiration within their aquatic habitat requires that emphasis se placed upon the biological filtration design. The reason from what occurs at the macroscopic and microscopic level in a mechanical sand filter and on all substrates in a marine aquarium. The science and biochemistry of this process are extremely complex, but there are two microbiological activities that are essential for good aquarium water quality managing them dictates the proper cultivation and management of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria. Autotrophic organisms are important for the biological oxidation of harmful ammonia and nitrites in an aquarium exhibit. Because the output of these substances by these animals in an aquatic exhibit is fairly constant , stable autotrophic populations within mechanical sand filters and biological filters process these substances easily. Heterotrophic bacteria are responsible for a significant portion of the processing of DOC and suspended organic carbon (SOC) from animal waste and food. Carbon will accumulate to harmful levels if a life support design is not effective. Therefore, the uptake and control of carbon is critical in managing the biological oxygen demand.


Mechanical management of Organic compound The management of DOC and SOC is not accomplished solely through effective design. Proper system operation also plays a key role. For example : Mechanical sand filters serve as a primary control of carbon as they trap suspended organic material in the recirculating filtration loop and promote water clarity. In order to manage organic carbon properly, life support system operation requires regularly backwashing of these filters to remove the trapped material. However, the interval between backwashing can often be days apart. During that time the oraganic material trapped in the depths of a sand-filter bed hydrolyses and it is quickly utilized by heterotro-phic bacteria that make up the bio films that every grain of sand in the filter. This process generates additional bio film formation in the filter, thus increasing the biological oxygen demand of the entire habitat. This un turn lower oxygen concentrations and increases carbon dioxide levels. The animals on display through their normal biological respiration compound this process.Depressed dissolved oxygen concentrations and low pH are signature water quality problems for aquatic exhibits that use mechanical sand filters as the primary component. Current design while understanding the importance of mechanical filtration put more emphasis on the role of biological and chemical filtration to manage organic carbon and maintain good water quality.

Using Ozone for Chemical Filter Ozone gas is widely used in Municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities throughout the world and it has become essential in the development of a modern life support design. When ozone gas is generated and applied effectively, it acts as the primary ingredient dictating the performance of the chemical filtration for a life support system and ultimately the effectiveness of the biological filter. There are two integral processes to life support where ozone is treats of vital importance. First, ozone gas is a very strong oxidizer & as any wastewater engineer knows, it has been used for decades to potable water & wastewater. But because ozone is an effective oxidizing agent, it also can be used to disinfect exhibit water in custom designed ozone contact vessels.


The vessels isolated the contact of gas with water on a side stream process from the main filtration loop. Ozone gas is injected into the water at applied doses that can range between 0.3 – 1 .5 mg / liter. Contact times 3-5 minutes will disinfect the water of bacteria and even deactivates the parasitic organism that could be harmful to fishes and aquatic mammals Water treated with these high doses of ozone must be subject to a stripping process to remove any residual ozone formed in the contact chamber. Only then can this treated water be safely returned to the main filtration loop. In addition, these contact vessels will oxidize organic material, breaking them down to substances of lower molecular weight that are more readily biodegradable. At the same time, this powerful oxidizing effect produces water that is extremely low in turbidity, generating water visibility that can exceeds 100 feet. However, while the ozone contact process provides health and aesthetic benefits, the increase in concentration of biodegradable organic carbon that the process generates acts to enhance the growth of bio film in the sand and bio filters. An alternative ozone enhanced process can reverse this negative effect.

Protein Skimming The second use of ozone gas involve foam fraction or protein skimming – the most effective air – floatation process in seawater applications. This is a relatively simple process that relies on the physical and chemical properties of coagulation, micro-flocculation and adsorption. Depending upon the expected biological loading of an aquatic exhibit,30% to 100% of the water to be treated is directed to the skimming chamber or column and exposed to fine bubbles diffusion. Organic substances contain hydrophilic and hydrophobic components that align themselves across the air / water interface across the surface of the micro-pubble. While the process is effective with air alone, ozone gas enhances the them a collection of organic material concentrated into foam that is easily extracted and washed from the system. With applied ozone dose of as little as 0.03mg / liter and retention time in the vessel of 60-90 sec, protein skimmers can effectively remove considerable percentages of organic material.


Removal of organic waste will immediately benefit an exhibit’s water quality because it is no longer subject to biodegradation in the life support system. Protein skimmers can therefore be described as “ perpetually backwashing ” filters. As fractionation will remove suspended and dissolved material, life support systems that are designed with protein skimmers as primary components should see a dramatic impact on the loading of sand filters

Final Step : Biological Filteration In a final step that the life support recirculation loop, all the water that has been proposed by the mechanical sand filtration, heat exchanger, UV unit, protein skimming and ozone contact vessels is processed through an atmospheric biological filter. These large custom-designed vessels must meet the biological requirements of the aquatic habitat, as well as the hydrolic demands that are placed on them to distribute water to the exhibit. Biologically they serve as the final filter to control ammonia & nitrite ions as well as final point of DOC reduction. The specialized media that is contained in the structure of the filter id designed to distribute processed water evenly over its complex surfaces. This serves as a site to balance all the gasses that are critical to animal health. It is in these vessels that dissolved oxygen is brought to the proper levels of saturation specified by the water quality design criteria. The biological filter also serves to discharge undesirable levels of carbon dioxide that have accumulated through the respiration of the aquatic animals as well as the bio films that are growing on all the exhibit and plumbing surfaces, specially contributed by the sand filters. Finally because fish susceptible to an affliction similar to what scuba divers sometimes experiences – the bends nitrogen gas from ambient air that could enter the water and become supersaturated within the pressurized filtration loop must be purged from the water. This process can also be accomplished in the final stage of the bio filtration vessels.


Water Quality An engineer must combine the principles of hydraulic mechanical and plumbing with knowledge of water chemistry and aquatic biology, this is needed by an aquarium to bring together a variety of show and entertainment. The exhibit of the oceanarium will use a mixture of sea water and tap water in the tanks ,the treated sea water will be used for marine animals and the tap water will be treated , it will de chlorinated bought to the required temperature and then be used for fresh water fishes . The water in which invertebrates kept is to be checked and cleaned everyday. Anything suspended or dissolved comes in contact with them first.There is no only one safe rule to follow, the aquarium must use water system made up of chemical inert materials. Modern day machines can treat water and turn them into any temperature and pressure with special requirements.

Aeration Ventilation of the display tanks is important because oxygen is necessary for all respiring organisms.As the concentration of dissolved oxygen in sea water varies between 5 and 7 mg l that is about 30 times less than the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, contin-uous aeration is vital for keeping Animal in good condition. In addition to oxygenation, aeration sets up circulation in the tank breaking Up possible stratification. Accumulated carbon dioxide can also be removed through air bubbles. There are many methods used for aeration. The most common in public aquaria is by using air Diffusers.

This type of aerator is a porous material supplied by low pressure air usually through blower. The efficiency of submerged aerators mainly depends on temperature, salinity, barometric,pressure, bubble size, average dissolved oxygen concentration and saturation values for oxygen Solubility. The air required for every type of aerator, the transfer efficiency and the absorption Efficiency that is the percent oxygen transferred from air to water can be calculated.They must all be oil free and the recommended working pressure ranges between 3 and 5 psi. Among the various types of blowers available in the market, the high flow – low-pressure blowers are recommended for use in public aquaria.




1 - Air Diffuser 2 - Protein Skimmer 3 - Sand Filter 4 - Biological Filter 5 - Active Stone - Bio Filter 3.

4. 5.


Simplified Life Support System Diagrams


Piping and Valves • •

All piping materials should be non-corrosive and made up of chemically inert materal. The pipes used in aquarium now are unplasticized polyvinyl chloride and acrylenitrille butadiene styrene and it also offers much better impact resistance especially at low tempertaures. Fouling can still occur and precatutions should be taken to prevent this where long runs of inacessible piping are involved for instance in seawater intakes.Precaution may include profiteering the water with chemical treatment and duplication of pipeline allowing one line to be left static. Another characteristic is the high coeffiecient of the thermal expansion of thermo plastic compunded with metals,approximately 10:1 for mild steel.

Valves • • • •

• •

All valves must be lined The common types of valves used in an aquarium are ball,diaphragm,gate,buttery and needle. Ball valves allow full bore flow open but precise control may be difficult to achieve although once set they remain constant. Diaphragm valves make good valves often but again precise control may be difficult to achieve,especially for air and there is a tendency for the set flow to change sligtly,associated with the elasticity of the diaphragm.All vales should only be closed with minimum required for otherwise may stick shut. Needle valve give good control but they are normally available in smaller sizes and they tend to have more resistance to flow when open than other types. Gate or butterfly valves are normally made in coated metal for larger sizes amd give flow control of pumping.They do add considerably to the head looses however of dirty water is being used.They should be incorporated to prevent them from clogging or sticking open The main supply pipes should extend around the aquarium over the display tanks. These sould be minimum 7 ft above the work floor and should have frequent tap valves from which the flexible hose,replacement of water or a continous flow may be fed to the tanks.It is important to have shut off value to avoid accidential flooding. Water circulation is delievered under pressure.First pumped to a height and fed to display tanks by gravity.This piping could be under the floor of the service passafe neatly stored in the drainage gullies with the narrow feed pipe to each tank.The feed pipe should come through the tank bottom so that water enters at the bottom and overflows at the top eliminating layer of dead water


Aquarium Architecture Aquarium design is multidisciplinary in more ways than almost any other field of design because it requires so many boundaries to be crossed so many realms to be included, like any other building an aquarium has to accommodate visitors as well as the people who work there, but these structure need to take great amount of attention to the fish and animals that live on the premises full time We are providing a system that keeps animals alive on much disciplined basis .Water chemistry and marine biology is as much as foundation of work as mathematics and engineering one has to design huge tanks that allow sharks to swim uninterrupted, allow small fishes to hide from the predators, that maintain proper water temperature around the clock, and allow water to be cleansed regularly of waste temperature around the clock, even the large acrylic panels that allow human audience to look into these tanks have required plenty of scientific research. Specially designed acrylic walls are used to take the enormous load laterally the pressure of the water almost 30 feet deep; the acrylic should be at least 14 inches in thickness. In designing an aquarium one has to become familiar with the ecosystem and the fundamental principles to provide animals with the conditions that are close to the wild.One need to study whatever species in a specific tank need to survive, a biologist or a pound ecologist needs to be referred for this .this will also help in keeping the different species with the same habitable conditions together in one tank. The biggest break through,have come in understanding the needs of survive reproduce and to be happy, sharks for example need enough space and depth to alternate between swimming and gliding.Their gliding pattern had suffered due to shallow tanks. Thus aquarium design does not only involve knowing and understanding what the visitors and staff need to coexist, but also requires the basic understanding of the species that would be surviving in the oceanarium.


Types of display tanks A) Touch pool These are shallow pools of water staffed by coordinator where people can make contact with colourful and interesting creatures of the sea like small sharks, rays, sea shellfishes B) Micro aquariums In order to retain educational value of ocenarium, there are individual micro aquariums allowing the visitors to zoom in with adjustable magnifying void camera by the help of joystick . C) Coral reef tank It is a huge tank representing the entire reef environment and housing community of the fishes that live and survive in the coral reef D) Predator tanks These are the most exciting tank in the aquarium and normally house different types of sharks and rays. E) Community aquarium These houses are more than one species of fishes depending upon each other for survival F) Turtle pool These are small ponds housing turtles G) Crocodile moats These house marine as well as fresh water crocodiles separately ,complete with pound like natural environment for crocodiles H) Dolphinarium These are popular among kids where they can see playful dolphin and interact with them I) Fresh water display Here tropical colourful fresh water fishes from the pound and fishes as well as house aquariums are displayed ,these also include artificial pounds and waterfalls J) Aquatic museum It houses a complete collection of marineatr facts from shark teeth’s to bones


Material for construction of tank •

Acrylic is half the weight of glass.It is easier to ship, move and set up.

Acrylic is stronger than glass and will not shatter or leak like glass.

Acrylic distorts much less and is clearer than glass.

If the temperature objects is surrounded by another material that has the same index of refraction will take place ,and the object will appear invisible and without distortion even at increased viewing angles.

Reflections also don’t take place inside an acrylic. Glass in other hand has a slight tint and the refractive index of glass is different than water so distortion happens where in acrylic has the same refractive index as water so the view is much clearer.

The huge clear acrylic used as the viewing window is about 12 inches thick.

Acrylic are also very good because they provide light to penetrate inside which is good for the coral reef system .

Acrylic is also used cause it does not allow water temperature flactuation.

Acrylic is also used because it has a better molecular bond than glass.Any custom made shape can be made out of acrylic sheet.


Tank Dimensions

Tank Length This is the most important factor in a tank,since it is the dimension which will keep fish as far apart as possible and give them enough space to swim around in the tank especially for cruise predators.The tank should have a minimum of 5x adult fish body length (FL) as its long dimension with 20 cm of fish length being the bare minimum.A further 20-50% extra length should be added if the fish is a cruise predator (30%) or of it is extremely aggres-sive (+20%) ; Factors of 1.3,1.2 and 1.5 respectively.If a fish is a poor swimmer then we can get along with just 5x without any additional length despite the aggression factor.

Proper information must me aquired of the species which are going to be exibited in the tank.An extra 10-20% in the L value (Factor 1.1 - 1.2) should be added if more than one specimen of the same species has to be kept in the tank.One should also consider that unlike mammals for instance fishes have indeterminate growth.The fishes growth slows down eventually but it will continue to grow as long as it lives.Therefore a confirmed maximum size may be routinely exceeded in captivity,and this too shall be allowed for in sizing the tank.On the other hand for a reallt mild mannered fish kept in a peacefull community tank one can reduce the 5x factor to 4x but it should be ensured that the fish does’nt become aggressive.One cannot house a predator with its natural prey in the same tank will not save the latter no matter what the tank volume is. Thus for a single specimen,where L Tank Length FL Expected maximum fish length Peaceful fish,peaceful tankmates Aggressive fish,good swimmers Agrgressive fish,poor swimmers Aggressive fish,cruise predators Mild temperament,cruise predators Pair of aggressive fish,cruise predators

: L = FL x 4 : L = FL x 5 x 1.2 : L = FL x 5 : L = FL x 5 x 1.5 : L = FL x 5 x 1.3 : L = FL x 5 x 1.5 x 1.2t


Tank Width The tank should have a minimum of 1.2x adult fish body length as the width.With fish which have a body width over 5cm,the factor should be 1.3x adult fish length while for fish body over 10cm the factor should be 1.4x.For any additional 10 cm in body,the factor should be increased by 0.1.Thus a red tail catfish with a body width of 30+ cms should have a factor of 1.6x (Since the adult fish has a length of 120cm,this becomes a 192 cm width).The resulting values take the volume occupied by common aquascaping into ac-count. Thus for a single speciment,where W FL


Tank width Expected maximum fish length

Fish body width < 5cm 5cm < Fish body width < 10 cm

: W = FL x 1.2

10cm < Fish body width < 20cm

: W = FL x 1.4

Fish body width - 40 cm

: W = FL x 1.7

: W = FL x 1.3

Tank Height For height it is recommended a bare minimum of 20 cms and then to add up 2.5x Fish body height (FH) for a fish body height of less than 5cm and 3.5x for fishes with a body height over 5cms.For a fish that stays at the bottom a factor of 2x Body hright should be used. Thus for a single specimen,where H -Tank Height FH Expected maximum fish height

Fish body height < 5cm Fish body height > 5cm Fish body height < 5cm eg.Catfish or Freshwater Ray Fish body height > 5cm eg. Stingrays

: H = 20cms + (FH x 2.5) : H = 20cms + (FH x 3.5) : H = 20cms + (FH x 2) : H = 20cms + (FH x 2)


Thus for fish over 20-25 cms in adult body length the tank size should be calculated by the formula L x W x H as previously described. L = 70 x 5 x 1.5 = 525 cms W = 98 cms H = 90 cms Result = 4,630 litres Pair = 5,093 litres But a tank for same species which is usually aggressive but no a good swimmer ther formula gives: L = 50 x 5 = 250 cms W = 60 cms H = 60 cms Result = 900 litres For a pair additional 10% should be added which gives a result of 990 litres. If more than one species are to be kept together then calculations should be made seperately for each species and then choose the largest volume as the correct one,provided that the species are compatible.What we get is ofcourse the right tank for the species demnading the most volume.Then add 5-10% water volume for each additional individual. The need of a manual override of the above formulas in the case of a species with a specific,odd or unique requirement when kept in captivity.A good example of this is the elephant nose fish.This species will reach a final length of 35cms and should be housed in a tank with a length of spproximately 80 cm.This kind of tank usually has a capacity of 75-80 litres of water.However this species is a schooling fish and is found in fairly large schools of nature.Keeping less than 6 individuals in a tank will be most probably result in increased intraspecific aggression and territorial behavious.Keeping six or more of them will spread this behaviour equally among them and therefore there will be fewer fights in the tank.Keeping six of those fishes in 80 litres tank is not an option.The fish is carnivorous and six of them will present an enourmous bio load that will challenge any filteration sysytem Therefore some crucial factors for estimating the tank size that will keep some species thriving in captivity for many years.This will help scientist study their behaviour and the patterns they follow furthermore.



A good lighting system duplicates the different lighting specturums in the ocean.A good lighting sytems allows corals to open more frequently and to show their natural color.It also encourages the corals to grow in an aquarium tank.It is reccommended that the lighting sysytem should be powered on for about 10 hours a day.

Temperature and Lighting system It is important to keep a suitable and stable temperature level in a tank.In the case of corals,it is usually seen that the corals lose their colors completely or only left with the white skeleton An abnormally high tempertaure and high UV radiation are closely corelated with the coral bleaching.In order to protect the coral from the excessive UV radiation there is a certain amount of active forms of oxygen molecules in the water that block the harmful UV light.This is really the same idea as having our atmosphere to protect us from the oxygen molecules,there are less active oxygen molecules to protect the corals from the corals in the water appear pale.Losing the pigmentation tissues is the same as to have no protection against the harmful IV radiation and this kilss the corals.As a general rule,the water temperatire should be between 23-27 degree celsius. How is the tempertature related to lighting systems ? To keep an aquarium tank in a suitable temperature range,the amount of heat generated by the lighting systems and the heat loss from the evaporation must be taken into consideration.The main source of heat in salwater aquarium is the lighting system,since almost all the lighting systems are installed directly above the water surface. In the usual setup the lighting system is hanging on top of a tank.Hence,light are source in an aquarium tank.The water temperature should always be maintained in the range of 2327 degree celsius.Corals require lights,but not the heat.In maintaining a roughlt constant water temperature in a tank,a good circulation system that distributes the heat evenly in the tank and adding water to the sump regurarly is required.A circulation system prevents the extreme temperature near the surface.Adding water to the sump is to replace the water that has evaporated due to heating near the surface.


Lighting and Spectrum To understand why a lighting system is so critical,understanding of the “spectrum� is necessary.Visible light consists of different components (Colors).The difference among all these colors is that each color has a unique frequency of electromagnetic (EM) oscillation. The visible light spectrum, from red to purple, is only part of the very big electromagnetic oscillating phenomenon.What is so special about each of the different types of EM oscillation are also identified by saying the frequency of which the oscillation occurs. Since there are a many different types of oscillations and each has a unique frequency associated with it, when all the oscillations are put together on a common axis the common axis becomes the frequency spectrum.(wavelength is the reciprocal of frequency. Hence the longer the wavelength the lower the frequency.) Each EM wave penetrates water differently. Hence depending on the type of corals in the tank, a different lighting requirement is essential for each of them. Energy carried by light. Hence, the penetration of the lights means the amount of energy that can reach different levels of a tank. It simply means how much energy (light) can reach the bottom of the tank? Because of this penetration Issue, it is recommended to have a tank that is not too deep. A deep tank poses a tight requirment on the lighting system is not suitable, nothing can live beyond a certain level of the tank.

UV protection, and Bleaching UV light has wavelength just below the violet radiation. There are 3 types of UV light, UV -A, UV -B and UV -C. UV -C is used in the UV sterilisers to get rid of planktonic fish parasites. Since UV -C kills any living tissues, bacteria and floating micro algae are also billed in the strellizer.t Although it posses less damage on living tissues than UV -C, an excess dose of UV -8 is also harmful. The beneficial UV -light Is UV -A and should be provided by the lightin sys-tem to the corals. It is particularly important to autotrophic organisms.An abnormally high temperature and a high UV -radiation are dosely related with the coral bleaching (occurs due to the position a lighting source being too close to the corals). In order to protect the corals from the excess UV -radiation, there is a certain amount of the active form as pf ox-ygen molecules in the water that block the harmful UV-light. This is really the same idea as having our atmosphere to protect us from the excess UV-radiation from the Sun. High temperature level provides the living condition for some types of hormones that can break down these oxygen molecules.


Lighting and Algae Algae are always present in on aquarium tank; they are plants that live in the water.Same as corals, algae are capable of doing photosynthesis — the light reaction and the dark reaction. Obviously, it is the light reaction that a lighting system plays a role in the whole process. Inside the living cells of the corals, there are different types of pigment. These pigments are capable of absorbing energy at different frequencies.Same as other plants, algae are capable of doing photosynthesis. In fact, it is the most dominating pigment that gives the color of the coral. However, not all algae are welcomed In the tanks. This is particularly true with the green algae. Green algae can usually be found us to the bases of corals. They are bad because they weaken the skeleton of the story corals, and hence, the bases become soft. This eventually destroys the bases and kills the corals. Another reason for which the growth of algae has to be kept under control is that algae are capable of doing photosynthesis and they convert inorganic into organics. The problem comes in the algae decay. The inorganic that were stored inside the algae’ cells will be released upon the death of the algae. For this reason, algae are also known as the ‘nutrient bombs’. When the ‘nutrient bombs’ explode, they release excess amount of nitrogenous into the compound into the tank. Unlike the ocean, there is comparatively much weaker current and a much smaller volume in the tanks.

Moonlight option The moonlight system is designed for the nocturnal corals and inhabitants. It provides the suitable lighting intensity for these nocturnal corals and inhabitants at the times when they are naturally active in the ocean. The nocturnal corals are inhabitants are organism such as zooplankton. When the lights are off, zooplankton, become much more active than in the ‘day’ time. (the ‘day *time is the time when the light are on.)Invertebrates like shrimps and crabs, or corals like sun polyps will be actively looking for these zooplankton after the light are gone. (Plankton is a family of organisms that fifth In the aquarium and sim-ply follows the stream of the current in the tank.)Beside the nocturnal creature, moonlight reduces stress on the creature inside the tank in general. In theory, there should be light 24 hour a day, just to simulate the real ocean. Furthermore, reproduction is strongly related to the available moonlight in the tank. The moonlight kit hour a day, just to simulate the real ocean.The moonlight kit generally consists of a 15 -Watt incandescent light.


Basically when the lights are switched on and off between certain hours a day, a light cycle is being established. However, switching the lights on and off suddenly creates stress and even shock. Therefore, a better cycle is to simulate the real sunrise and sunset instead of switching on and off suddenly. The way to do this tank is to gradually switch on the light in the morning and slowly dim off the lights at night. To do this automatically and accurately requires the use of a timer. Primary light source are: a) Daylight b) Fluorescent lamps c) Incandescent lamps d) High intensity discharge lamps Secondary light sources, include all natural or manufactured objects which modify light waves such as, a) Atmosphere (water vapour, dust and other impurities) b) Landscape elements (e.g.trees, ground cover, nearby structure) c) Baffles, lowers and lenses of primary light sources d) Room surface and furnishings

Daylight Daylight should be provided through to achieve contact with nature and people and to indude feeling of well being and freshness. Variety of light is the dominant daily characteristics of natural light. Yet in the place like an aquarium dealing with large spaces and at time uninterrupted space daylight is not sufficient to high the interiors.This is necessary because the visitors should get involved in the light and shade play of the interiors. This is possible with proper illumination. As such natural lighting must be combined with artificial lighting. In order to operate a lively atmosphere where the visitors actively participate in the tour throughout the aquarium.

Incandescent Lamps The principal advantages being its low cost and instant illumination, unlike lamps. Also it gives a warm natural color, so that we see the real mercury or sodium color of the objects unlike flurescent tubes. Also incandescent lamps are mainly used for focusing such as spot light .But its main drawback is that it is very inefficient. Also, with smaller wattage, its effidency decreases(100 watts- 15%effidency). This is due to the fact that it produces more heat than light.


Types of Lighting Light can be said to be of 2 types: a) General lighting: provides uniform illumination over the entire area of a room the Placement of workstations. Localised general lighting also provides specific arrangement of workstation. b) Local lighting: Provides high illumination on relatively small area. It can be too bright and uncomfortable, unless surrounding surface are also illuminated as shown. Local lighting is called supplementary lighting.

Scallop Lighting A scallop pattern of lighting occurs when a conical beam of light encounters room surface. Room surface ‘slices’ through a cone of light creating ‘scallops’. This distinctive pattern of light can be used to define entrances exits as also highlight paintings ,sculptures or plants.

Fluorescent Lamps It gives a cool white colour and Is used for general lighting. Its efficiency is 20% to 25% and it is cheaper than mercury vapour lamps. But its principal advantages being that a starter has to be used as a switch, which takes time for the light to be emitted. The other disadvantage being it cannot be used for focusing at all. Also it does not give the true colour of the object viewed. The most commonly used size and wattage of fluorescent tubes are: a) 8” length -65 watts b) 8” length -85 watts — optimum wattage c) 8” length -I25watts — used when ceiling is high Florescent tubes provide light with little heat output and low running cost. For marine aquarium they are valuable, as they don’t the growth of brown algae as neutral tight does. In fresh water, plants thrive much better with a little sunshine than electric light. Perfect acquarium should have electric light.


The provision of underwater lighting can increase considerably the attractiveness of a pool help encourage its use after dark. They can be due as general under water lighting or spot lighting. In underwater lighting checks must be made. • The voltage must be non -lethal anything less than 300 is satisfactory but 120 is often adopted. This involves provision of a transformer andspecial wiring. • The whole unit and cable be totally waterproof. • All metal parts must be either stainless steel or ferrous material like bronze. • Care to be taken to ensure that all parts of light fitting do not came in contact with steel reinforcement in the wall, or else galvanic action may be set up result in corrosion of one of the metals. • Halogen light, cone light and spotlight for underwater fixture.

Special Lighting Lighting an exhibit tank with polarised light against a dark field background,semi trans-parent aquatic organisms can be displayed. These fishes real internal structural details. The present dark field illumination consists of a light source, diffuser,fishes with tank and a polariser in crossed position.In operation the crossed polariser reduces the brilliance of the luminous background to a very deep sapphire blue. Fishes in the tank between the polaris-er rotate the plane of polarization diffusion and by the isotropic properties of their tissues.

Thus show internal details of their body brightly glowing against the dark blue background. This is for exhibit that is to an extent transparent. The lighting arrangement of an incandescent light source in a parabolic reflector, a diffusion screen a sheet of polarizing plastic in crossed position. Viewing through polarizes; the light source behind the tank is virtually extinguished. Transparent animals are brillantly visible against a dark field background because of an isotropic property of organic tissues. The other components and commonly used aquarium lighting fixture are: • Flora set M.I.R. • Metal Halide and compactlux • Quartz Halogen • Argentalux • Marine fluorescent tubes (pinkish glow), Osram or Toshiba.These lights also have an active role in the growth of plants used during aquascaping. The simplest things of older days still exist.


Guidelines for Good Light The goal of architectural lighting is to create the visual environment that the visual comfort results when we are to receive the clear visual information that we distinctly on consciously want to know. Some general guidelines for achieving good lighting are presented below. 1) Visual conditions should be comfortable and should conform to acceptable quality of light. Also the light sources must not be a source of discomfort glare. 2) Visual conditions are also better if the visual task can be distinguished from its surroundings by being brighter, more contrasting, more colourful, strongly patterned or a combination of two or more of these factors. 3) Visual conditions are also letter if the visual task is seen an unobtrusive and unconfusing. 4) Sufficient overall light should be provided in rooms, with focal light on the visual tale. Avoid creating conditions where the eyes must adapt too quickly over too a great range of brightness. 5) Dull uniformity should be avoided. For e.g. small point of light from low wattage light source can contribute ‘sparkle’ without glare. ‘Sparkle’ occurs when a pleasant compostition of luminous brilliance is achieved. 6) Plat surfaces should be unevenly lit unless focus is to be placed on art, entries, panels, etc. 7) Enough light must reach ceilings in order to achieve contact with nature and to induce feelings of well being and freshness.Variety of the dominant daily characteristics of natural light.


Dome Of The Sea For decades dome theaters have provided the greatest sense of awe and wonder of all theater experiences. These visually immersive environments transform the entire theater space into a virtual environment in a way no other media can.The dome of the sea would be a dome theater which would house 50 people and will be showing a 20 minute documentry “Mission Blue” by sylvia earle who is marine biologist.The documentry will show the people how exactly are we damaging the aquatic life and how we can try to save it individually just by doing little contribution to the environment.There would be different shows throughout the day which would give people insight on every pats of the ocean.

Why Dome Theater? Real life experiences completely envelope our senses. The more closely we invoke natural neural responses, the more real a synthetic environment becomes. The human eye provides a field-of-view of about 200º horizontal x 130º vertical. As an image approaches complete coverage of our retina it appears frameless and lacks the visual cue that our brain uses to identify it as a dimensionless picture. Larger field-of-view images increase the subjective feelings of expanse, naturalness, depth and powerfulness. Domes also present images which are rendered to a view sphere rather than a view plane. Spherical perspecitve was favored by Leonardo da Vinci as “Natural” perspective, as opposed to the flat plane “Artifical”. The immersive feature also allows image understand-ing in ways that are not possible using a flat screen. A flat screen is limited to a visual field of less than 180 degrees. Domes allow wide angle spatial relationships to be visualized which cannot be represented by a flat screen image. This is particularly useful when at-tempting to convey geological or astronomical scales. The percieved presence in a virtual space is enhanced by spatial immersion as well. Cognitive mapping, the mindís ability to visualize and understand oneís presence in three dimensional space, is facilitated by wide field imagery. In addition to the visual fields that domes provide, they have always represented a unique space. The way they are lit with theatrical lighting, the silent environment, and the enveloping feel have all added to the mystique that an audience feels when entering a domed theater chamber. Their expectation is to have a unique experience, and this expectation is often fulfilled. The large fields of view,surrounding audio, and perhaps a motion

base, all provide for memorable and desirable experiences.


Plan of Dome Theatre for 30 people

Side View


Neufert 3rd Edition (Pages 473,474.475









Dubai Mall Aquarium

Location Developer Concept Architect

: : :

Dubai mall,Burj Dubai.UAE. Oceanis Australia Group DP Architects

Background The Dubai Mall, one the world’s largest shopping malls in the world, is part of the 20-bil-liondollar Burj Dubai complex in Dubai. The centrepiece of the mall is the gigantic aquarium tank, with the capacity to hold 10 million litres (2, 64 million gallons) of water. The aquarium has more than 33,000 living animals including over 400 sharks and rays combined. It officially earned the Guinness World Record for the world’s “Largest Acrylic Panel”. The panel measures 8.3 by 32.88 meter (27 by 108 feet) and is 75 centimetres (30 inches) thick beating Japan’s Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.The Mall adopted an Interna-tional Standard of Ethics and Animal Welfare Policy in its development and operation.

Shows and activity 1) Glass boat ride :It is a boat ride above the world largest tank containing 10 million litres of water in it, blow it u can see 33,000 aquatic animals and 70 different types of species.

2) Cage snorkelling experience :Visitors can have a snorkelling experience in the world largest tank see 70 different types of species and 33,000 aquatic animals ,it is the best way of interaction with the aquatic animals. 3) Shark feeding inside the world largest tank there is a cage made where visitors can go inside the cage go diving in the water and feed sharks form being the cage 4) scuba diving : inside the largest tank in the world the persons is taught scuba diving in complete controlled environment . scuba diving and diving can be learnt here in these tank ,they offer a certificate course in it 5) Behind the scene tour :children and parents are taken being the scene and me the back area of the aquarium where they are explained and told about different types of aquatic animals and lands they are taught and shown how theses fishes survive and live in aquatic environments and are also thought how the animals are feed and they can feed the fishes them self.Dubai aquarium also has an ocean school where students have a certified course on adaptation survival tactic and reproduction on aquatic animals are taught to them. Student learns about variety of aquatic environment and interacts with marina animals where filly educated teachers teach children and discuss concepts ideas with them.


Awards The Dubai aquarium has been awarded the certificate of excellence for it outstanding reviews and rating ,it also has won the prestigious international accolade for achieving outstanding visitors reviews of four or higher out of the five from the world’s largest travel site .for its fabulous experience the best ever show and the education offering . it also has the award for the best retailer of the year in the world in 2012.

Technical Achievements 1) Dubai mall has been recorded in the gunnies world book record for the biggest panel used The panel measures 8.3 by 32.88 meter (27 by 108 feet) and is 75 centimetres (30 inches) making it the world’s largest panel used . 2) Dubai aquarium has the largest suspend tank in the world, the tank has a capacity on 10 million litres of water which has more than 140 species on aquatic animals and 33000 species the tank has a dimension of 51 meters x 20 meters x 11 meters of height 3) Tank tunnel: The largest tank has a tunnel which is11 meters below the surface of the water. It is an 11 meters long tunnel that provides the visitors 270 degree view of the surrounding environment.Apart from the largest tank the aquarium has an underwater zoo that has more that 40 display tanks that provide visitors to see spices lion fish, sea horses, eels , crocodiles ,giant spider crabs ,piranah ,otters ,nautilus ,garden eels ,water rats paddlefishes ,cinnamon, penguins. the underwater zoo has been divided ino zones like ecological ,rocky shore , rainforest ,living ocean. Back Area The back area of the Dubai mall offers visitors a tour that shows them how the aquarium is maintained and the visitors can feed the fishes ,the aquarium has its filtration on the top floor it follows an closed circuit method of filtration the entire plant is a complex system where all three forms of filtration like chemical ,biological and mechanical filtration take place. it’s the most modern form of equipments that are used in the world ,30 percent of the 10 million litres of water is added to it ever week which is lost because of evaporation of the underwater lights. the back area also comprises of a kitchen where meal is cooked on daily basis for the fishes to eat ,a food chart is prepared where in all the names of the fishes with its diet schedules is written down. the divers on daily basis dive into the tanks to feed the fishes as well as to clean the tank from inside.


Services The Dubai mall is designed in a way where all the services of the aquarium take place from the top of the aquarium there is a separate level that is given on top of the aquarium for its services purpose the filtration plant is also satiated on the terrace of the mall. The aquarium is not divided in an peripheral and central portion for services.



Schematic Section of the Aquarium


Antalya Aquarium

Location Client Architect Site Area Area

: : : : :

Antalya, Turkey. Antalya Aquarium Company Bahadir Kul Architects 30,000 sq.m 12,000 sq.m

Background The main design decisions of Antalya Aquarium project are determined with desire of vanishing in silhouette and creating harmony with topography. Pulling back of the ground floor, a shaded public area is created to beware from sun and profit from wind. This shaded public area is the point of approach, gather and diffusion of the aquarium project. Also the shell of this area determines the information and fast-food areas, amphitheater and box office with its curves and waves. The ramp in this public area, reaches the public exhibition site with the entrance of aquarium and snow world. The travel path starts with aquarium information and sea fish. The path continues with cave fish, world rivers, jellyfish, Turkey fish, predatory fish, sharks, the main 5 million liters tank and finals with 131 m tunnel which is the longest tunnel. The each stop in this path is designed with its own character.


Entrance Foyer

Night Exterior View Day View









The Blue Planet

Location Client Architect Engineer Project Year Area

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Kajakvej, 2770 Kastrup, Denmarl Den Bla Planet 3XN Architects Moe & Brodsgaard 2013 10,000 sq.m

Background Denmark’s Aquarium in Charlottenlund started construction in 1937 and was opened in 1939. In 1974, this aquarium was expanded to feature five large landscape aquaria and a biological museum with theme-based exhibits and aquariums. In 1990, the facility was further expanded by a new front hall, cafe, improved toilet facilities and a schooler service. In the final years before the closure of the aquarium in Charlottenlund, it had about 1,000,000 litres of water in about 70 aquarium tanks. In the first year of existence, the aquarium received approximately 1.3 million visitors – twice as many as expected. As a consequence of this extra wear, as well as a wish of improving public education, 12.5 million DKK (approx. 2.3 million US$) were used for changes and renovations of the aquarium. The Blue Planet is Europe’s largest and most significant aquarium with an outstanding location on the shores of Oresund, only eight kilometres from the Copenhagen City Hall Square. Moreover, the aquarium in Taarnby Municipality is ideally located with motorways, Copenhagen Airport, the Oresund Bridge, Metro and international trains within few hundred meters.The Blue Planet is one of Denmark’s five most prominent tourist attractions. At the tourism conference “A New Way to Grow” 2012, the Blue Planet was chosen as Denmark’s best lighthouse project within experience economy, because of its potential for growth, influence on regional development, innovation, realization as well as its uniqueness and ‘reason to go’. Denmark’s Aquarium was founded by civil engineer and contractor Knud Hojgaard. It opened for the public in 1939 just four months before the break out of World War II and seven months before the occupation of Denmark. The consequence was closed borders and considerable problems in getting hold of exotic animals to the aquarium.


However, through an impressive effort with Danish and home reared fish the aquarium was kept vopen and active. After the war, the aquarium was in a bad shape, and Knud Hojgaard initiated extensive renovations. During the next decades the building went through several modernizations and enlargements. For more than 73 years the original building in Charlottenlund was the setting for enjoyment and education for all ages. For the last years, however, the establishment was run down and a continuous demand for expansions and high end technologies was the order of the day. Already in the mid-90s, Jesper Horsted, curator of Denmark’s Aquarium, outlined the first ideas on how a totally new and modern aquarium should be designed. The old building needed a total renovation which would be costly without even providing guests with a significant better experience. A much needed enlargement was neither possible at the site nor economically feasible with regard to the overall improvement of the attraction of the aquarium. What was needed was a new location and new framings to give coming generations of visitors new and outstanding adventures. Inspired by visits to the world’s most exciting aquariums and spiced up with ideas of his own, Jesper Horsted formulated his wishes for the design of a totally new Danish Aquarium. Principles which were later to become the fundament for the international competition of The Blue Planet. The Blue Planet is shaped as a great whirlpool.The walls and roofs form a single con-tinous flow and are clas in a way which emphasis the wavy outline of the building.The first and longest of the whirlpool’s arms follows the shape of the landscape and the build-ing,moving into the land.The whirlpool depicts the world beaneath the surface of the sea.

At the entrance foyer when you look up there is a glass ceiling on which there is water that makes you instantly connect with the building as soon as you enter the facility. The round room is the centre for navigation in the aquarium and through this centre visitors can choose which river,lake or ocean to explore.Each exibition has its face towards the round room each with its own entrance starting with a buffer zone.There are 5 main sections 1. The Rainforest 2. The Great African Lakes 3. Evolution and Adaption 4. Cold Water 5. The Warm Ocean


Transformation of Whirpool Concept

Bubble Diagram

Possible Extension



Axonometric View





1 - Restaurant 2 - Mediterrenian Exibit 3 - African Lake Exibit 4 - African Lake Exibit




South Elevation

West Elevation




Dubai Dolphinarium

Location Developer Concept Architect

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Creek Park,Dubai.UAE. Dubai Government Gabriel Architects

Background Dubai Dolphinarium is the first fully air-conditioned indoor dolphinarium in the Middle East, providing habitat to dolphins and seals, allowing the public to watch and interact with them through live shows and photo sessions. It is located in the creek side park at Bur Dubai near the Children’s City. Dubai Dolphinarium was opened on May 21, 2008 by Dubai Municipality, and is sponsored and supported by Dubai government to provide the general public with entertainment and also educate them regarding dolphins, seals and other marine organisms.It was also reflected that interacting with such friendly mammals like dolphins will motivate young generation to protect marine life and the environment. Facility Dubai Dolphinarium is a 5,000-square-meter (54,000 sq.ft) modern marine facility with a seating capacity for 1250 people. The Dolphins have their own private habitat area with 700 cubic metres (6,00,000 litres) of sea water connected to the main arena pool. There is a separate medical pool and seal pool constructed considering well being of these marine mammals. The dolphinarium complex also features kids activities, birthday parties for kids, school field trips, kids corner,restaurant and a mini 5-D cinema theater.


Activities Dubai Dolphinarium is home to five black sea bottlenose dolphins; Senya, Ksyusha, Fekla, Tetka and Jerry and four Northern fur seals; Ghosha, Max, Fila and Lusha. Various activities like kids summer camp and Dubai Summer Surprises are held at the Dubai Dolphinarium every year during summer holidays. Dubai Dolphinarium in association with Dubai Municipality organized an Autism Awareness Day from various autism care centres and training centres for children with special needs on April 28, 2011. This establishment is managed by a staff of 30 including mammal trainers and customer supporting staff. Dubai Dolphinarium had come under criticism from various animal welfare campaigners in the beginning saying, it would lead to suffering and high dolphin mortality. Activists also questioned the source of its black sea bottleneck dolphins, claiming that one of them was not born in captivity but rescued from fishermen’s nets, and therefore should have been re-released. However the management has countered these criticisms stating that the dolphins in Dubai Dolphinarium are third generation dolphins who were born in artificial conditions and

are perfectly happy in their current environment and role, and are healthier all year round than their wild counterparts. They have also asserted that the performance of the dolphins in the shows for such a long period is a clear indication of their welfare since unhappy dolphins will let you know they are unhappy.

Services The life support system of the facility is outside of the main facility which makes it easier to maintain and does not affect the activity area. The facility has a closed water supply system in which the water quality is checked regurarly for the betterment of the dolphins and in this way the dolphins don’t fall sick If a dolphin get’s sick it is immediately transfered to a private pool in which they inspect the dolphin and treat it. Once a a year the complete water of the facility is changed.The floor is painted with epoxy paint because of it’s easy maintanance and high durability.



1 - Plan of the Arena 2 - Arena 3 - Areana





Comparative Case Study


Design Objective The proposed site in mahabalipuram for the Oceanarium would be designed in a modern architecture style of parametric architecture but the interiors of the facility will be related to the history of Mahabalipuram.Mahabalipuram was know for the seven pagodas of the Pallava Dynasty that stood as a mark of excellence of their period on the shores of Mahabalipuram in the 8th Centry AD. As time passed the pagodas started to sink into water one by one and eventually the first 6 were under the water due to rising water level because of the global warming.Today one one pagoda stand still on the shore of Mahabalipuram that is the Shore Temple.The inside of the Oceanarium will potray a replica of the sunken pagodas in each of the main 6 exibits,thus showing the people how the temples might be looking in the current state without actually having to go inside water to see them.The will have the feeling as if they are watching the pagodas standing on the sea bed itself.In this way despite of having a modern architectural structure which would stand out from everything in the surrounding but it would have deeper roots into the history of Mahabalipuram and thus creating a bond between arhchitecture and the great history the place holds. Educating people about the flaura and fauna that is available in India itself which all the other countries in the world use due to the healthy falura and fauna like the corals which are only available in India.But the corals are deteroirating every year due to lack of attention paid to the waste disposal and due to ignorance of public when it comes to dumping waste in seawater.This has a large impact on the marine life under water as the whole natural process gets disturbed which leads to the death of aquatic life. The tanks and exibits will all be kept in a natural environment this helping all the species to have a long life span.With the use of professional aquarist the endangered species will be breeded in the breeding tank and later on when the reach a stage of living on their own these species will be sent back to the sea thus contributing to stop the extinction of certain species.Seminars with students of different institutions can be held along with the aquarist to educate the future of our country of what’s right and how exactly should we conserve it.

Being the first of its kind in India all the major fishes from the different oceans all over the world will be exibited in this structure which would help people learn about all the beautiful creatures that are present in the ocean everywhere.The design would be in a such a way that it would cater not only a single person but people from all parts of the society irespective of their age,sex or nationality.


Architecture is not related only to the interior part.The exterior architecture plays an important part in the design factor because the external architecture of the facility will give an identity to the structure and will be symbolified as ‘Oceanarium’.All the major places in the world get an identity mostly because of the architecture style that has been in the roots of the country over centuries.But with the growth of knowledge of architecture and engineering the advancement in the field of architecture have gone tremendously ahead than just a hut which was believed to be the first shelter ever built.As time has passed the new structures are giving identity to the places that have historical structure or old architecture styles like the Bilbao Museum,Science city in Valencia,Aquatic Centre in london and many such others. Through architectue Oceanarium will be giving identity to the place and the function it serves and will put Mahabalipuram on a global map.As when one searches for Mahabalipuram on the internet it shoes the World heritage sites but the plan is to put the Oceanarium as one among the images that shows up when one searches for it.


Design Brief






About Mahabalipuram Mahabalipuram was the earlier name of Mamallapuram because the demon king Mahabali was killed by Lord Vishnu. The name was changed later by the king of Pallava Narashima Varman who has got the title of Mamalla; the great wrestler. Mahabalipuram lies on the Coromandel Coast which faces the Bay of Bengal. This is an elegant place to watch which a well established sea port was during the 7th and 10th centuries of the Pallava dynasty. This was the second capital of the Pallavas who ruled Kanchipuram. Formerly, mahabalipuram was known and called as Mahabalipuram. The former name of this place ‘Mahabalipuram’ has a history. A very rude cruel king Mahabali reined this place and in a fierce battle king Mahabali was killed by Lord Vishnu and the place was named after the dead, arrogant kind Mahabali. It was during the reign of King Narasimha Varman I, the name Mahabalipuram was changed. It was renamed mahabalipuram which is called till now. There is a story behind.

The name Mamallpuram king Narasimha Varman I was a great and valiant warrior. He was given the title Mamalla which means ‘the great wrestler’ so the name was converted from Mahabalipuram to mahabalipuram considering the great king and his achievements. After the decline of the Gupta Dynasty, the pallavas rose to the pioneer in south India. They ruled over from the 3rd century till the end of the 9th century A.D. The best period of their rule was between 650 and 750 AD and this period was called the Golden Age of the pallavas. The pallavas were very powerful. They were profound thinkers. It was during the rule of the pallavas, great poets, dramatists, artists, artisans, scholars and saints emerged. As one can say that the pallavas are the pioneers and forerunners of new styles both in art and architecture and mahabalipuram is the best place to praise off their skill and talent. New sculptures and unique paintings were innovative and exuberant. This place mahabalipuram itself became their exploring field and they made the best use of the resources. They game a shape and creative energy to what they imagined. It became a dream come true as it witnessed innovations in all styles. The richness in mahabalipuram was not known to many, as these pallavas did not outlet and expose their quality and innovative creations to the outer world for obvious reasons. The aestheticism in mahabalipuram was hidden until the late 185h century. Mamallpuram is referred as an ‘open-air museum’.


Site selection Criteria For designing any structure on a piece of land the following points must be taken into account before carrying out the further work : 1. Site should be a tourist spot or attract a lot of tourist. 2. It should be close to hotels/resorts. 3. It should be close to the sea for availability of uninterrupted water. 4. It should have good infrastructure/connectivity with other areas. 5. Space or future development should be available. 6. Should benefit from the surrounding attractions

Why Mahabalipuram ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It is a proposed site by the Tamilnadu State Government (TSG) Has good connectivity with other states. The footfall is already in good shape because of the heritage sites. Many hotels (5 and 3 star) less than 2 kms away. Because of it’s great connectivity to the east coast road connecting chennai and Pondicherry the site has a good potential number of foreign visitor’s. 6. It is on the sea shore so good availability of water. 7. CRZ clearance is aqquired for the site.




Site Analysis Location District State Area Altitude Population Climate

: : : : : : :

Mahabalipuram Kanchipuram TamilNadu 12 Metres 12,049 (2001) Tropical







- 39.10c Maximum - 21.10c Minimum - 31.50c Maximum - 19.80c Minimum 1219 mm average

Wind Direction Languages Spoken Tourist Season

: : :

North East and Southern Tamil and English Throughout the Year

Accesibility Chennai airport to Mahabalipuram Chengalpattu to Mahabalipuram Pondicherry to Mahabalipuram Banglore to Mahabalipuram Hyderabad to Mahabalipuram Mumbai to Mahabalipuram Kolkata to Mahabalipuram

: : : : : : :

Buses for Mahabalipuram from Chennai 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

S515 2599 2588 2568 Z568C S589 Z599

55 kms 29 kms 100 kms 350 kms 694 kms 1337 kms 2256 kms


Places to visit in Mahabalipuram

1. Mahabalipuram Beach


1.1 Km

2. Shore Temple


1.3 Km

3. Panch Rathas


500 m

4. Arjuna’s Penance


750 m

5. Mahabalipuram Lighthouse


500 m

6. Krishna’s Butter Ball


950 m

7. Mandapa


800 m

8. Sculpture Museum


1 Km

9. Dharmraja Cave


600 m

10. Mahabalipuram Church


2 Km

11. Crocodile Park


5 Km

12. Mumu Surf Shop


1.5 Km

1. Radisson Blu Resort


1.4 Km

2. Grande Bay Resort and Spa


1.8 Km

3. Chariot Beach Resort


750 m

4. Hotel Mamalla Heritage


850 m

5. Green Woods Beach Resort


1.1 Km

6. Indeco Hotels


850 m

7. Hotem Ramakrishna


1.2 Km

8. Hotel Lakshmi Cottages


1.4 Km

9. Hotel Pallava Dynasty


900 m

10. TTDC Hotel


6 Km

11. Mamalla Beach Resort


3.7 Km

Hotel in Mahabalipuram

12. Confluence Banquets and Resorts -

3 Km


Average Temperature and Precipitation

Maximum Temperatures

Wind Speed


Wind Rose


Precipitation Amounts

Cloudy, sunny, and precipitation


Site The dimenstions of site are 303.50 metres in length and 215.90 metres in width and the total area of the site is 65,525 sq.m (16 acres) of which only 11 acres will be used for construction.There is average vegeataion on site of neem,tamrind and palm trees.The major wind are from NNE direction.There are hardly any contours on site.

105 Site Picture

Sahil manoj gore Proposed ocenarium at mahabalipuram Volume 1

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