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Delve deeply into an area of personal or professional interest. Designed to be completed in one or two years, Adult Continuing Education noncredit certificates provide you with opportunities to develop a contemporary art and design practice, explore new areas of study, expand your skill set, or prepare a portfolio.

Certificate students take a combination of six Adult Continuing Education noncredit courses unique to each discipline, including electives of their choice. They pay the same tuition for ACE courses as non-certificate students and are charged a one-time application fee. Visit saic.edu/ace and select Certificate Programs for individual program details, policies, and frequently asked questions, or register at continuingstudies.saic.edu. For more information, email cs@saic.edu

Note: We offer courses in Chicago on our campus and online, however, Adult Continuing Education noncredit certificates were not designed to be completed remotely. Coursework requirements may not be scheduled in the student’s preferred instructional mode. Required courses may not be offered every term.

“I believe that having the opportunity to participate in a certificate program encouraged me to enroll in new courses, challenge myself more, and gave me the confidence to continue drawing. It also helped me to pace myself and make art a priority.”

—ACE Student, Drawing Certificate, 2022

Drawing Certificate

Studio courses (4) Four 30-hour courses from those listed under the subject headings Drawing or Painting and Drawing.

Art history course (1) One 30-hour course under the subject heading Art History Elective (1) All 30-hour Adult Continuing Education courses are eligible electives for all certificates.

Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 Drawing Certificate studio courses include Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Figure Drawing, and Digital Drawing + Illustration. Art history courses: Art Survey at the AIC: American Art, Art Survey at the AIC: Modernism and Beyond.

Fashion Certificate

Required course (1) Sewing Techniques: Fundamentals

Studio courses (4) Four 30-hour courses from those listed under the subject heading Fashion

Elective (1) All 30-hour Adult Continuing Education courses are eligible electives for all certificates.

Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 Fashion Certificate studio courses include Fashion Design, Patternmaking and Construction: Below the Belt, Sewing Techniques: Above the Waist, and Sewing Techniques: Fundamentals.

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